#buuut it was basically almost complete and i did most of he work on his birthday
starryskiesahead · 1 month
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he’s in full bloom!
i love him with all my heart <3 happy birthday coffee jelly boy
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warmsol · 5 months
hi bestie 😚 can we get an lil update on Kai plsssss, like what my man been up to 💕
omg hiiii i’m so happy to see you pop in i hope you’ve been well ;-; as requested here’s your favorite guy’s update ✨
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uhhh i got a lil long winded here, so i stopped myself before i went too overboard!
he’s now working at an elementary school as a part time music teacher! he’s even writing and producing their school musical! crazy, right? over the last year, kai realized there’s so much more he can do with his love of music. (band life has flopped, basically) after becoming a father, he began to notice how much he actually enjoys being around children, and teaching them something he loves has brought a lot of happiness in his life. (is this the same guy who said he never wanted to be a dad and literally rejected it at all costs?) anyway, the other half of the time he still takes on solo gigs in bars, and runs his soundcloud, lmao.
speaking of kai and fatherhood! he’s fallen in love with being arielle’s dad. he can’t imagine life without her. he’s a complete and total softie for his daughter. whatever she wants or needs, he will give. that being said though, he doesn’t want anymore children, mostly because he’s convinced that arielle is the most perfect human to exist so how could he duplicate that twice? 
marriage troubles??? while kai and ashton are very much in love, there have been a few rifts in their relationship. (it can’t be all rainbows and butterflies, sadly. especially if kai is involved.. oh did i say that out loud?) as we know, kai has made amazing progress with his self discovery journey but that doesn’t mean he’s all good all the time. kai has a tendency to get bored, he craves change and chaos. without it he almost feels.. empty? he often self sabotages, and while he’s suppressed those feelings recently, it’s coming to a point. which has led kai and ashton to couple’s counseling. kai has been a little…. flirtatious and carless to say the least. kai and boundaries? yeah that’s something he likes to test. constantly! in his darkest moments, he often questions if he’s capable of long term commitment. and it scares him, because he loves ashton and doesn’t want to ruin it. :/ but don’t worry, they’re dedicated to figuring it out. ashton won’t give up on his boy so easily.. as he's said many times.
kai and elia! they are good friends. they text and facetime now and then, even send each other snapshots of their life. kai has a bit of an attachment to elia, he can’t seem to fully let her go. he wants her in his life in whatever form he can get. (and elia feels the same) they communicate and understand each other as friends much better than they ever did as lovers. buuut there is tension when makoa is brought up, for obvious reasons. he wants her to be happy, but still isn’t convinced it’ll be with him. like, we know he's makoa's number 1 hater through and through. that hasn't changed.
kai and jasmin are closer than ever. jasmin is probably kai’s best friend. there was a time he was cruel to his sister (and the entire world around him) but as they’ve aged they have realized they’re all each other has since they don’t speak to their parents. sadly since jasmin still lives in sulani, they don’t see each other as much as they like but that leads me to my next point!
kai and ashton want to get a summer home in sulani. 🤭 y’know, get away from the city, enjoy the beach.. be near jasmin! oh, and it just so happens his dear friend lives there.. and he wants to see her more often too. (makoa just popped a blood vessel) but anyway, that opens up sooo many possibilities for reconciling, right? beach days with the fam, arielle and elia's twins growing up together.. how could makoa and kai still hate each other after all that future bonding time? (jk they'll find a way)
all in all, kai is doing his best. he's still got some deep rooted issues to work through, and maybe some of it will never go away....... but he IS happy. most the time, anyway.
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depizan · 2 years
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This got long, hence cut.
Oh, Planet of Hats is an interesting one. I think I have stronger opinions about specific "Hats," than I do about the trope overall. Probably because it's one of those kind of building block tropes that would be hard to entirely avoid, particularly in certain kinds of stories, so where you go with it stands out more than the underlying trope itself.
Both Star Wars and Star Trek are very, uh, Hatty, but it mostly works and individual characters from the various species/cultures generally get written as individuals. (Though both series have some examples of Hats that were a little too "let's just borrow this real world stereotype." And how well individuals from various Planets of Hats are written depends quite a bit on the writer.)
However, there's a fantasy series that was just too Hatty for me. The various Hats were really specific and always accurate, and yet handled almost more like stereotypes than information. Every one knew that Group A was Always Evil, Group B was Always Spies, etc, and yet that information never really affected how people interacted with members of those groups. Not in the sense of giving people the benefit of the doubt but...like... "It's Mr. Untrustworthy from the Untrustworthy Clan that we all know is completely untrustworthy. We can't trust him, but let's give him the opportunity to betray us anyway. *five minutes later* How could Mr. Untrustworthy of the Untrustworthies have betrayed us!? This just goes to show that you should never trust them!"
There aren't enough facepalm gifs in any universe to get me through that series.
Basically, Planets of Hats are fine if you don't overdo it and are careful about real world stereotypes. Which is good advice for a lot of things.
Favorite Fic I've Written
Hmm. That's probably still "Conflicts of Interest," even if I did get stuck for something like a year in the middle of writing it. It's a lot more complicated than my other longer fics, with everyone having conflicting goals, and the additional complication of having only antagonists (for the plot itself) who I wanted to keep sympathetic. And, so far as I can tell, I pulled off everything I wanted to successfully.
It also successfully stays fun, despite the potential running through it for things to go very wrong for various characters. Hell, despite Savler nearly forcing it to end in the worst way possible. (Which is why I got stuck for a year.)
Honestly, not only is it the fic (other than some of my ficlets) that really nails "if Star Wars were an 80's adventure TV show", but it's the fic (so far) that best showcases who my main characters are. Savler is the most competent skilled bad ass, the character who always plays to her own strengths and is highly unlikely to be foiled by just messing up. She's also the only one of the three who can fail by succeeding. (And nearly does.) Jezari is very much an ordinary person protagonist. She doesn't have any specialized skills or training -- not for what she's doing here, anyway. And she's the only one who unarguably succeeds at her actual mission. Kyrian is...frankly, the title works for him alone - he's in conflict with who he's supposed to be. He has a mission he doesn't want, specialized skills he doesn't use, and he succeeds (at what he actually wants) by failing his mission.
It's also a really good example of my treatment of the adventure genre and it's tropes. I love adventure fiction. I am not the least bit embarrassed by it. Buuut I also don't feel any pressure to play every trope or plot point exactly the way it's "supposed" to go. This isn't "the Main Character's old best friend shows up to prove themselves an enemy now and nuke what's left of the friendship from orbit." Nor is it "Main Character's new friend is secretly evil after all."
I also kind of downplay some of the tropes I use. Riada fucks up his own rescue and isn't a particularly sympathetic rescuee, but no one treats him like his character type usually gets treated. Vrei clearly has some kind of nasty backstory with the Empire, but we don't find out about it. Jezari chooses her mission over her friend, but that choice is kind of buried under her other concerns. Even Kyrian's preference for diplomacy over violence is just...demonstrated.
Of course, the downside to having nailed things so well is that it's very hard to do a repeat performance. Everything I've written since is tonally different (either lighter or darker) and much less complicated.
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make-me-imagine · 4 years
Red Roses: “I Love You” - Vision Ending
Valentines Special: Day Nine
Day One: Morning Glories  //  Day Two: Blue Salvias Day Three: Sunflowers  //  Day Four: Pink Camellias Day Five: Yellow Tulips   // Day Six: Violets Day Seven: Lisianthus  //  Day Eight: Daffodils (Post with rest of the character endings)
Plot: It’s finally Valentines Day, the day the reader will finally learn who it is that had been leaving them flowers and notes expressing their secret feelings.
Pairing: Gen!Neutral Reader x Vision
Note: Gif made by me on Giphy, not great quality buuut, I couldn’t find any suitable gifs already on here. 
Triggers: None        Words: 1,674
Requested Taglist: @aquariuslavenderhoney​, @thebookbakery​​, @fablesrose​, @kitkatd7​, @thefallenbibliophilequote​, @beksib​, @destynelseclipsa​, @criminaly-supernatural​, @tammythompson-singslikea-muppet, @belloangelus​, @snarky--starky​, @saintbootlegloras​, @wecallhimbrowneyess​, @empath-bunny​, @okkulta​, @katinthemoon,  @ravennight41​, @youcancallme-rae , @radhumandragonclam, @unfortunateidiotinadilemma, @past3l-w1ngs​ ,  @goinggoinggonzo​, @mxxnmocha​, @groovyfluxie​, @gaitwae​, @emilythezeldafan​
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February 14th
You stared off into space as your mind wondered off into a daydream. You couldn’t stop wondering how your admirer would show themselves to you, or even when they would. At the party was your assumption, but they never said so in their notes. Just that it would be today. 
“Y/n! Hellooo?” a voice called out in amusement, breaking you from your thoughts. 
“Huh? What?” you asked before realizing where you were “Oh sorry” you chuckled. 
Natasha smirked at you as you came back to reality, you were sitting at a diner table with her, having gone out to breakfast together. “You sure are distracted today. Got anything to do with a certain mysterious someone?” 
You eyed her before taking a sip of your drink “Maybe.”
“So, you don’t know who it is yet then?” 
“No” you admitted “Why, got something to tell me? Your loving friendship turn into passion?” you joked, you had figured it wasn’t her by now, you were close, but not that close. 
She laughed “You got me figured out then?” 
You began picking at your food “I keep thinking about everyone individually, but I just can’t figure it out.”
“Well, who do you want it to be?”
You met her gaze, no matter how close you were, you had yet to tell her about your feelings for a particular android, what would she think? 
“Oh come on, there isn’t one you want it to be above the others?” 
“There is...”
“So, who?”
You met her eyes again before taking a drink, whispering it out “Vision.” 
She stared at you for a moment “Vision?” 
“Yeah yeah I know” you put your face into your hands.
She smiled “No, Y/n, it’s fine I get it.”
“You get it?” you asked, peeking through your fingers. 
“Yeah come on, I mean, he’s charming, smart, basically human. I mean, he even has a human form, which I must admit is pretty damn cute.” she said with a smile.
You chuckled as you put your hands back down “I don’t even know if he...feels, like that. I mean, he has emotions, but...can he feel, I don’t know, attraction? Love?” 
“I wouldn’t put it past him. Like I said, he is basically human in a lot of ways. He eats, sleeps, laughs, why not love?” 
“And you don’t think it’s weird?” 
She shrugged “Not any more weird than dating an alien.”
You thought about it more, you really did like him, a lot, you even think you loved him, actually you were positive. But you ran from it because of the possible backlash of loving an android. Even though, no matter his appearance, you never saw him as that. Because he was so human. You had grown so close to him that you couldn’t help the feelings that grew for him. He was kind and patient, and held many of the attributes you thought the best people could have. Natasha was right, he was basically human. Maybe he could love you. But, you still didn’t know if it was him. 
“But what if it’s someone else?” you said after some time. 
“Then you’ll do what you feel in the moment.” she said simply. 
- - -
After breakfast with Natasha, you went on a few work calls for Fury, small transport missions that took the rest of the day. So, now, you were finally back in your room, looking through your closet for something to wear to the party. You had completely forgot to pick something out ahead of time, and now the party was going to start in less than 30 minutes. 
Debating whether you should really dress up, or go a bit more casual, you groaned as you sorted through your clothes. “Maybe something in between?” you wondered out loud, finally grabbing a few pieces you thought would be suitable, and a pair of shoes you had recently bought, and quickly finished getting ready. 
It wasn’t until you were in the elevator riding up to the party floor that it finally hit you full on, that this was probably the last moment you’d really have wondering who it was that left the notes and flowers. You would find out once and for all, who it was that apparently felt so stronger towards you. And as the elevator stopped on the floor, you took a deep breath and walked out, trying to convince yourself that you were ready for anything. 
Walking through the crowd, you saw Natasha, Bruce and Sam at the bar and made your way over to them. When Natasha saw you she smiled and nodded at you, a secret confidence boost. “Hey” you said as you sat besides Bruce. He and Sam greeting you with smiles. 
You sat with them for a while, talking and joking, and you had managed to forget about the anxiety of the evening for a while. Up until two voices greeted you from behind. Turning, you were met with Steve and Vision approaching. 
“Hello, Y/n, you look very nice this evening” Vision greeted with a smile. 
“Thanks Vis, you too” you tugged on the dress-shirt he was donning, making him smile, as you tried to ignore the own heavy beating of your heart. 
You all sat and talked for a while longer before parting and mingling with others around the party. Your anxiety fluctuated throughout the night, having had one on ones with most of the avengers at one point in the night, but hearing no confessions yet. You started to wonder if they were going to tell you at all.
As you walked over to a table and sat down, you grimaced as you adjusted your feet, which were now very sore. ‘That’s what I get for wearing new shoes’ you thought to yourself before deciding, if you were going to make it through the end of the night you needed to change shoes.
Rising, you began walking towards the exit, passing by Natasha, Wanda, Vision and Thor. Natasha gave you a quizzical look “You alright?” 
“Yeah, I’m just going to go change my shoes” you said giving a parting smile to the group as you left. 
When you got into the elevator you slipped off your shoes and picked them up, walking to your room and quickly making your way to your closet. After grabbing new shoes you went into the bathroom before you were going to head back to the party. When you exited the bathroom you almost stumbled to a stop when you saw a large vase with red roses sitting on your kitchen counter. 
“Was that there?” you questioned out loud, did you really miss that when you rushed in?
Walking slowly up to the counter, you admired the flowers before looking through them for a note. You felt confusion and a bit disappointed when you found none. 
“Red roses hold the meaning ‘I love you’.” a voice said from behind you, making you spin around quickly. 
Vision was standing at the door to your room, probably having had walked right through it. “Vision” you said quietly. 
He took a few steps into the room “I hope you are not too...disappointed in finding out that it was me who has been leaving you the flowers and the notes” he said while watching you closely, surely for your reaction. ”And I hope, you are not mad at me for lying to you when you asked me before, if I delivered them to your door that day.” 
Getting over the immediate shock, you shook your head, a smile crossing your face “I’m not disappointed Vision, a bit surprised maybe, as I was..unsure if you felt anything like that for me.”
“Or in general?” he asked, as if reading your mind.
You shrugged slightly as you took a few steps closer to him “I must admit it crossed my mind” 
“Yes, I’m sure it did, and I understand why. I myself was quiet..taken back, when one day I finally figured out what it was that I had been feeling.”
You gave him a slight questioning look “Attraction” he said, answering your unspoken question before adding on, while walking the rest of the way up to you  “...Love. But I do feel it, quite strongly.” You looked up at him as he stared into your eyes “But I have been afraid, that, perhaps, you could not be attracted to...something like me.”
“Something like you?” you questioned.
“An android, something that is not human.”
You took a step closer, so that you were nearly touching “Vision” you stared into his eyes “You are closer to being human than some humans I’ve met. Your kind, and smart, you have morals and beliefs. Your are not just ‘something’, whether an android or not, you are a great man, and I don’t see you as anything other than that.” 
He stared at you with a sense of awe as you told him this, his doubts about how he thought you felt fading away to hope as you smiled up at him “And...” he began “Can you see yourself...loving me? As I love you.” 
You smiled at him as you brought your hand to his face “I already do.” 
He smiled as he brought his hand to yours “Then I could wish for nothing else. Except..maybe one thing.”
“What’s that?” 
Moving his hands and bringing them to your face he leaned forward, bringing his lips to your own in a kiss. It lasted only a few moments, but long enough for you to seemingly get lost in it. When the kiss ended, you stared into each others eyes for a few moments before Vision pressed his forehead lightly against your own “Now, I can wish for nothing more but this to last.” 
“Then it will” you said with a gentle smile.
Forgetting to return to the party, you stayed together and made sure that this moment did in fact last for as long as you could allow it too, knowing that after this evening everything would be different, everything would be better. 
xx xx xx xx xx
If you like this ending, please consider reblogging, and checking out the other endings! :)
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queen0fm0nsterz · 3 years
It seems the "legacy" that Six and Mono has do needs each other so they can bonded together just so they'll get the right mindset for them to grow into monstrous adults given Mono becomes the Thin Man after he's betrayed by Six and Six gradually becomes worst with her hunger to where she eats up the Lady after she gets hurt by Mono destroying her trust
Yes, and it saddens me to literally no end.
We get to witness how their friendship grows only to see it ripped apart. Both parties suffering the consequences of their actions.
For some reason this ask got me to think, so... Here's a bunch of mini theories I have about The Square (Thin Man, Lady, Mono and Six) that I wanted to share with you guys but never had the chance to. Be sad with me or else.
1) Pacific Thin Man.
The Thin Man wasn't actively trying to kill either Mono nor Six. He only wanted to separate them, which is why he chased Mono away. I think this is almost universally agreed on.
2) The Thin Man wasn't trying to get to Mono at all and only used him to leave. He wanted Six from the beginning.
I actually think the Thin Man was doing what he's always done, even back when he was still Mono: taking his friend back at all costs and keeping her by his side so that he could protect her. Would explain why he only starts running after Mono when he tries to free her from the TV.
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I mean, he had plenty of other occasions to get a hold of Mono. My boy literally travels through the TVs a bunch of times before getting here, but the Thin Man only shows up when Mono is actively trying to take Six away.
All three times we see him in person are related to Six.
First time: he takes her.
Second time: Mono tries to take her back so he steps in to stop him.
Third and last time: The Thin Man is the only thing standing between Mono and the Signal Tower, in which Six is trapped.
This would also explain the Thin Man's official description. Let's give it a read:
"As the ever-present hum of The Transmission chokes the airwaves, The Thin Man continues his endless journey through this desolate place, haunting the shadows, searching for something. "
The something would of course be his old friend. Although, he may be mistaken without even realizing it, which brings me to my next theories ...
3) Mono is the only one stuck in a loop.
This is mostly based to the meaning behind his name, especially compared to Six's.
We all know that his name means single, one, only, alone. Many people made the connection with the word "monophobia", a.k.a the fear of being alone, and that's an incredibly valid and fitting connection, but I think it may have an addictional hidden meaning just below the surface.
Because, let's be honest. If they wanted to keep the number theme, why not name him "One" instead?
Mono is a... very unique child. He's the only one capable of controlling the transmission, which is why the Eye keeps him around: to use that power as it pleases. I wouldn't be surprised if it messed with the timeline so that Mono was reborn again and again and again.
The number 6 written on the door could symbolize the fact that this Mono we're seeing is the sixth one.
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I tried to check for a 7 on Mono's door at the end of the game, but couldn't see anything.
OOOOR, it could be referring to the Ladies of the Maw, which leads me to...
4) Six and the current Lady are NOT the same person...
The main reasons why I believe this is something that everyone seems to forget.
"And what does that mean?" EVERYTHING MY GUY. LITERALLY EVERYTHING. In a series where characters don't speak, it's up to the visuals and music to tell us the story - which means their role is extremely important.
It seems strange to me that they would use two songs that are so drastically different in melody and pacing if the characters are supposed to be one and the same - especially considering just how personal the songs are to both. For example, when Mono becomes the Thin Man, the latter's theme is prominent in End of The Hall, but when Six eats the Lady it's her own theme song that prevails.
Fortunately, we get a clear listen to both music boxes in the games, so we can hopefully make a comparison.
Here's Six's music box and The Lady's.
5) ... But Six does grow up to become the next Lady.
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This. Just, this entire thing.
You see, for the Maw to keep running, it needs a Lady to lure people in and turn children into Nomes. We can assume that it works in a similar fashion to the Signal Tower.
Which basically means that the two structures only function if there's an Host they can feed off from, otherwise they fall apart, just like the Tower did at the end of LN 2.
Let's put it this way: Six absorbing the Lady's powers is the same as Mono sitting on the chair. They sealed an invisible contract with the Eye from which they can't break free, destined to be it's slave until the next Mono and... a possible Seven take their place.
6) The Lady can't leave the Maw...
I already mentioned this in the previous one, but basically what I mean is: The Lady is the only Host of the Maw. If she leaves, the entire thing crashes down.
7) ... But she's been in the Pale City.
We've got proof of this because a lot of paintings and pictures on the Maw depict various sections of the Pale City and some of their citizens. Both the Hospital and the School get their time to shine in these, especially ones the Bullies (I think it's finally time for me to push my "Teacher & her students on the Maw" agenda) who can be seen around the Residence.
Admittedly, most of these paintings aren't placed in the Lady's quarters, so maybe they just belong to her employees who hang them around to decorate the place a bit like Roger did, BUUUT! There's a very particular set of paintings that can be found in her quarters.
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Well well well, if it isn't our blob bestie 🙃
Based on what we know, the only location we find the Eye blob is the Signal Tower, so... I think it's pretty safe to assume that's where she saw it. Then again, when did she see it? Probably when she was a child, before the got on the Maw for the first time. Talking about the Maw...
8) How much time has Six been on the Maw?
This may be kind of an odd question, but I wanted to answer it because it has always bugged me. Me, the fool, trying to form a cohesive timeline in this extremely vague franchise... Sigh.
Anyway. First of all, let's give the Maw's official description a read:
" The Maw arrives every year. Always at the same time, but never in the same place, it creeps and crawls and buries its claws deep beneath the glistening water. And there it sits in vast silence. Waiting.
Soon after, they start to arrive. The guests. The monstrous, sweating, hungry guests. All seams bursting, bodies bulging, eyes dead with boredom. They shuffle up the gangway and into the mouth of The Maw. And then they are no more.
For none of those that enter have ever returned to tell the tale. At least, not yet... "
So the Maw comes up once a year, stays there for a while and then goes underwater once again. When the Ferryman takes an unwilling Six to the Maw by boat, implying that Maw has risen.
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And the next time we see the outside world in in LN, when Six climbs her way up in that wonderful scene. We can see the guests coming in again, so we can assume it's been at least a year.
The thing about the comics that is really funny to me is that it implies that Six has been wandering around since when she first got on, meaning both Roger and the Chefs are already aware of her presence and are familiar with her. The thought of them being like "Oh no this kid again" when they meet her in the game is so funny I can't.
Also, Mono has been trapped in the tower for at least a year by now :)
9) Mono glitching?
I got to think about this while playing LN 2. You know when Mono starts absorbing the glitching remains? If you don't get too close that he "eats" them but manage to stay close enough, you'll see that Mono himself starts to glitch a bit.
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Huh. Leaves room for thought.
Anyway, this is all I have for now.
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siren-virus · 3 years
Ok, first question about Luckyboy!AU, Rook has a girlfriend? As far as I know in cannon he doesn't even have a love interest? thought that might be my fault since it's been years since I've watched any Ben 10 series (really have to rewatch some eppisodes here :P) Who is she and what is she like? Has Rook ever taken her girlfriend in a date to the coffee shop? How much of a tease is Ben with Rook when he isn't on a date? And how much of a wingman is he when he is in one?
How is Ben's social life outside his Nekomata persona by the way? I imagine he still has some friends since he's a charismatic extrovert, but with how different everything is here compared to the prime timeline, I can't see who he might be friends with besides Julie.
Now, let's make some questions that aren't about Ben :D With the amount of invasions that Earth has had over the years is the general public privy of the existence of aliens as something more than just tourists that one almost never sees, or do they know but only aknowledge it when they see an alien in person? How is the general people view of aliens regardless?
Also, does Gwen 10 have good or bad public relations? Like, does Will Harangue berate her and turn the public against her, or is she lucky enough that he's focused on Nekomata and not her? How do the humans see her, as a hero, a child soldier, a menace, a necessary evil?
Also also, how do the Plumbers play in the whole PR thing? Do they manipulate everything so the humans have the view they think is the healthiest between humans and aliens? Do they only play damage control whenever alien activity is reported to the public? Are they known or are they still an underground organization? How does the public view them as, considering they're basically intergalactic police that aren't the most competent, specially considering that some countries have beef with their own police forces?
Now, to leave all of the political and heavy talk behind, how often does Ben play with Ship and Julie? Like, they're friends, obviously Ben gets petting privilegies and becomes a pet sitter whenever Julie has to go on a tournament and can't take care of them herself. PET SHENANNIGANS MUST ENSUE THERE, AND YOU CAN'T CONVINSE ME OTHERWISE XD
Also, I imagine a scenario where Kevin and Gwen enter the coffee shop unaware that the other is in there and Ben does everything in his power to force them to sit on the same table, reminding both of them that this is a true neutral zone and "Please don't break anything here and remember to play nice, if you manage to get through this without punching eachother I'll give you a discount on your next coffee", which is a very good offer if they think about it. Meanwhile Argit is waiting at the bar watching over the situation "Bet you 10 bucks they'll be shouting over eachother in 5 minutes" "Bet you it takes them 10 minutes"... It takes them 7 and a half minutes exactly and they can't decide who wins the bet. "There's no way they're getting out of this hating eachother any less" "As long as they don't break anything and don't bother the other clients, I count it as a win"
So Rook had an established relationship in Omniverse with Rayonna, she was introduced abit later in the series when Ben and Rook with to Revonnah. It was a very 2D relationship, just put there maybe cause of the whole shipping fiasco between Ben and Rook(?) don't take my word for it ;;
For the Lucky Boy! AU, they're together, but it's been years since Rooks been to Revonnah, crime never takes a break, neither does he. So his relationship with Rayonna is very flakey, they're on the verge of breaking up, buuut due to Revonnahgander traditions, they're together still. (pulling this out of my ass ;; )
Rook ends up mentioning he has a girlfriend at some point, it was just a casual thing, Ben won't bring up the topic because the way Rook talks about Rayonna makes him feel a little bit iffy towards the subject.
Outside of work and the Nekomata persona Ben's a little awkward in the social circumstances. At that point his social battery's almost completely clocked out. So unless he's dragged out by his friends, Julie, his old soccer mates - although it's happening a lot less now, since school finished a while ago and they're moving on with their own lives- (i refuse to call it football), Alan, if they both end up clocking out at the same time. OR, Rook. Sometimes Max if he's around will invite Ben for lunch or an afternoon snack run. (Mr smoothies, with a "healthy" dose of chillie fries. Best way to lure Ben out.)
Hell yeah, let's get down to the world building buisness, my favourite cup of tea.
Humans are very knowledgeable about alien existence, you'd have to be pretty ignorant to not believe in aliens. (I mean, lets face it, in the world we live in today, I bet, that if aliens did show themselves, some group would just say they're government actors, or russian/chinese spies. Comical, but sadly a realistic scenario...)
With the amount of invasions that have happened, and the daily attacks- normally done by humans with access to alien tech- Humans are quite fearful of them. Which has urged the plumbers to keep the aliens that live on earth down underTown.
It's not all humans of course, just most. Media influence has also pushed the feardar way up.
Will Harangue, surprisingly uplifts Gwen 10 to the eyes of the public, he's also much more focused on Nekomata. (bad news= views= good news). In Harangues personal opinion though, he'd prefer no aliens at all. So he does let his badmouthing of Gwen slip sometimes.
They do a lot of damage control, their original goal was to keep alien life hidden from the public until they(the people) were deemed ready, however, not so easy when an invasion happens nearly once a month. At least it's all limited to Bellwood. For now...
The plumbers are known to the public but aren't like your typical police force- you can't just call them. But they're always around on patrol. The police aren't exactly fond of them cause "They're terking our jerbs". But they have a joint thing going on, the police handle the human crimes, unless alien tech is involved, and the plumbers handle the alien crimes.
The public views them as an iffy subject, not exactly hailed as heroes, but more of a neutral, they're here to stay I guess, kinda thing. The focus is on Gwen mostly, as the poster child(adult) of the plumbers. (this is where I really wanna separate reality and fantasy, cause like, the issues with the police at the moment is major sooo, eh, it's a touchy subject matter)
Yes to this one. When Julie's away Ben and Ship play. Ben and Julie don't meet up often, work and the vigilante life make Ben way too busy, buuut when they do meet up Julie will pop by Bens apartment - Ben makes sure nothing incriminating is around if that's the case - , or they'll hang out at the dog park, and watch the dogs go ballistic around Ship.
For the pet scenarios, visualize them to your hearts content. I got some cats laying around for my reference... even though they mostly sleep- lazy bastards.
Yes to this too! Argit and Ben would totally make bets- Ben being an anodite can sense Kevin and Gwens emotions and when they're gonna break out into a fight- So he always wins the bets. Argit has learned to not bet too high when it comes to that- if he actually forks up in the first place- .
In the case Kevin and Gwen had broken out into a fist fight, Kevin obsorbing the marble counter, Gwen turning into fourarms. Ben nearly broke his cover trying to prevent any fights, until a coworker had stepped in and promptly kicked them both out. (maybe I'll design some coworkers)
Now to get me some mint tea, cause my fingers are about to freeze off ;;
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jamestrmtx · 3 years
Fairytale Complex - [Undertale | Sans x Reader]
[Gender Neutral, Frisk's Parent Reader | Slow Burn]
Chapter Twenty One | It's Showtime! (Part 2 of 3 | His POV)
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Alternate Chapter Title(s):
Saint Behind the Glass** (Song Referenced)
The Extra Corny One With A Second Song Title Reference, Part 2½**
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**This basically reveals Part 2 and 3 were meant to be Chapter Twenty-Two at one point (similar to how various chapters from the old version of FaiCom have been merged together here), buuut each chapter has essentially took place on different days in this version, so...
Let's keep that format, shall we?
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Something's wrong.
That single sentence continues to repeat itself over and over as he makes it from Ruins to Hotland with the human, who remains quiet and distant during the entirety of the walk.
They're obligated to take off their jacket and reveal a sweaty tank top midway through, leaving their arms bare, these they try to hide from his line of sight by crossing them and glancing aside. He wonders why they do that at first, until he witnesses how hefty and soft-looking their arms are, a noticeable difference compared to the toned muscles he often saw from those who worked at the Royal Guard. Whether the human felt unconfident of their appearance or vulnerable as a cause of the nightmare he assumed to be related to, Sans wasn't completely sure of. Either way, he's aware it's best not to bring that up currently. The ups and downs to their health and body had shown greatly through these past few months, and though they were recovering little by little, they seemed to be facing some more frequent downs, as of late. Their call from a few days ago and the weak state they were in as they climbed into the back seat of Papyrus's car were just enough to make him fear there's something bigger going on.
"Shoulda worn shorts or somethin'," he comments, noticing they already seem to be affected by the heat. Frisk ventured through a variety of climates with no trouble at all, yet their parent was showing signs of fatigue in their body within a few minutes into their walk through Hotland. The place had grown about twice as hot since he last visited, though he doubts the human will believe him if he were to say that out of nowhere. They could likely take it as him trying to console them for their inability to be stronger than him; or their own child, for that matter -- someone meant to see them as a role model rather than a frail and dependent person. "Wanna borrow some of mine?"
The human stares at him like he's made the most absurd suggestion there is, similar to that of mixing water with cereal or cooking steak in a toaster. "I swear, you test your luck with me a little too hard sometimes."
"I mean it, though."
"...We're not even dating yet."
"Yet," he says, mirth in his tone. "As in, there's still a possibility for us to become official?"
"Oh, stop it." They frown and fumble with the keys hanging from their satchel; he notices their nails are stubby, and bits of dried blood can be seen at the corners of plenty. "I… I don't know when you're being serious with me or not anymore."
"I meant that, too," he states, chuckling. "Would it be late if I told you I got that punch at the bar, 'cuz I had my head way in the clouds -- thinkin' about you?"
Sans receives no comment or reaction other than (Y/N) looking elsewhere and moving aside to walk a bit further from where he's at.
As a consequence, he takes a step closer, catches them with a 'hey', and reaches for their cheek when they look down at him. "...What's the matter? Your face's burnin'."
"We're in Hotland," they retort, rolling their eyes and brushing his hand away. "Ice's frozen. Water's wet. The sun's scorching-"
"-Just like you."
They walk off again, albeit with some struggle now that the heat of Hotland has combined with their embarrassment.
"And I'm not gonna wear your shorts. It would be a waste of time for me to take a break just because of some heat -- I'm not weak."
"Not sayin' you are. Just sayin' I don't want you to die from a heatstroke."
"Either way, I overlooked my situation, and I failed to prepare for it." A solemn look falls on their face, coupled with a firm posture. "I should've kept in mind my health, so it wouldn't be right for you to try redeeming my lack of preparedness. I should've asked Frisk or you more about this." They take in a breath and sigh it out. "...even if you can adapt to it just fine, and even if Frisk didn't have as much trouble to adjust as me."
Hot-headed and fiery might just be the finest ways to describe the human's current attitude, yet he very well knows making another joke about their temper -- combined with their hotness and the place they're currently at -- would be far too much. It wouldn't surprise him if they decided to call off the tour halfway through. Patience wasn't quite their main trait, though they practiced a sufficient amount of tolerance when it came to confronting his constant coquetry for the duration of those two months one of their coworkers mentioned in the chat; he can hardly believe it's been that long, and even less how close he was to kiss them that one time on the couch. More than sixty days of dealing with his presence had to be considered an achievement of some sort, even if their feelings were mutual. The monster's completely aware of how tiring and exasperating he can be on the often occasion, so he finds it best to start rationing how much he can be at once; too much of something's rarely ever good or effective, after all.
"But... Alright. Risking it would only make it worse, either way." Their gaze turns soft and they concede with a quiet huff. "Wouldn't we have to go allll the way back, though?"
"Not exactly," he replies, winking.
Sans proceeds to unzip his jacket and reveal a folded bundle of clothing underneath it.
"I know you can be stubborn sometimes, so I came prepared." He turns it over and adds, "There's a full set of clothes there, in case ya wanna freshen up at Met's old hotel before we keep goin'." His hands brush with theirs as they take the clothing from him. "It's been abandoned for a short while now, but I'm pretty sure the water's still runnin' well, for the most part." His gaze falls on their belongings again, and he gives into a cheekier grin as he continues with, "I've noticed somethin' about you, by the way."
"And what would that be?" they ask, mouth straight and tone wary.
He observes the satchel again -- the more-heavy-than-it-looks bag they almost always seemed to carry along with them, be it for something as typical as their job to something as simple as going out for a walk. What made it odd was knowing what contents could be found inside, these he has a vague recollection from when he had no other choice but to organize their bag after having gone through it when they fainted at the bus. Sans can still remember having rummaged through layers of Frisk's clothing, school supplies, and even a few monster-aimed medicines before setting the first aid kit back to its rightful place. The only things he could recall to be truly theirs were their cellphone, wallet, keys, and eyeglasses case. Going back to that memory makes him wonder -- were their priorities in the format of a list -- what number they would label themself with.
"You usually carry stuff in that bag meant for other people -- not you." He eyes the pocket with a few contents poking out from it. "...Or am I Ied to believe that bright pink Husky hairpin's yours?"
The human looks confused for a moment, until their eyes cast down at their bag and assess the pocket his gaze is most focused on. Then, they come across one of the smaller ones, where the mentioned accessory stays clipped to. "It- It's not! That's just in case Frisk needs it." They take it and hide it away in one of the bigger, emptier pockets. "It's their favourite hairpin, and they use it more often now that their hair's getting longer."
"But they ain't here right now."
"Yes, but what if they need it later -- when I go pick them up?"
He can barely contain the joy their overly defensive expression brings upon his face.
Perhaps it's pure projection or coincidence, but they appear to resemble the same dog he mentioned with the stance they hold, not threatening in the slightest and charming at best, but still ready to attack -- figuratively, of course. Hearty laughter escapes him, though he covers it up with a harrumph. "I'm surprised you don't carry the whole house with you, at this point."
"It doesn't hurt to be prepared."
"If only you applied that thought for you, too."
They swat his skull with their hand and let out a chuckle. "Don't nag me, teddy bear." Nonetheless, a more serious look overcomes them as they sigh. "You're right, though." With how quiet it gets and how long that pause lasts, it appears as if they've become lost in their thoughts. "Not only did the social worker suggest it, but it's not fair for me to keep bothering you or anyone else because of my..." They scratch their throat and grin. "...consistently questionable life choices."
"Is that a promise I'm hearin'?"
"A big and definite one."
• • •
Half-open windows help bring some clear air into the stuffy room, as does the air conditioner set to the coldest temperature possible by lessening the dryness and heat of the wind. It's all paired up with the scents of the fresh cinnabunnies and iced coffee he carries in some paper bags, food he bought at Snowdin while the human showered. Sans sets the meal by the nightstand, covers it up with some aluminum foil, and -- finally -- wipes a layer of dirt away from the mirrored dresser before assembling some toiletries on it. Then, he sits down in bed, closes his eye sockets, and waits. The sounds of his soul beating, the breeze blowing the curtains, and the shower running are the only melodies to take over the quiet of the hotel. Turning on the radio by the nightstand further assists those noises and aids in transforming the room into a more welcoming and cozy spot, overall. The last thing on his mental to-do list is to wait some more by checking his phone and updating himself on any new messages, some few from (Y/N)'s coworkers wishing him luck. A grin's inevitable as he reads through these a second time.
The shower turning off and a door unlocking are the next changes he notices, along with the radio switching from music to news.
Sans feels his breath tremble when the human steps out. They're dressed to the nines despite their attire being composed of the simplest clothing possible: a new pair of his below-the-knee shorts, these fitting slightly above theirs as a result of their taller height; plus one of his baggiest shirts, now almost at belly button length for the same reason as the first piece. What makes such a common attire seem so complex and thought-out is how well they've adjusted it to their figure; it's either that, or he has his head in the clouds again. Regardless, they knew how to fix an outfit, and it wasn't that of much surprise if he compared it to the time they pulled the same trick when borrowing some sleepwear from Toriel's wardrobe.
Or, then again…
He was slowly becoming infatuated with them and couldn't avoid finding them attractive -- no matter the clothing worn.
At the sight of (Y/N) having their back turned to him while they perform their finishing touches by the dresser, he approaches them as quietly as he can, yet he lets himself be seen halfway with the reminder of the nightmare they had and how startled they could likely be if he tried anything extreme. He goes to hug them from behind when they catch him getting closer, though they say and do nothing in response. Still, his expectations of no retaliation are promptly shattered as they turn around, grab his hands, and twirl him once, preventing the hug.
"Nice try, teddy bear," they comment, smiling. "Do try again next time." They wink.
It's a knockout when the radio decides to switch back to music, inspiring in them what he assumes is an urge to take their current hold on him to lead him into an impromptu dance.
"So… You want to get flirty with me again?" they ask, grabbing his hands tight as they sway him left and right at a rhythmic but easy motion. "Then you've got to handle me flirting back." One hand holds his left one up while the other places his right one on their waist. Theirs then falls on his shoulder when he keeps his where they placed it at, this one he has trouble keeping still with how close he is to touch their skin, part of their waist now more exposed with their movements, showing the “love handles” he'd teased them about since he first flirted with them. A subtle but no less playful smile stretches their lips; their eyes soften, though mischief flares in their gaze. "I've made the decision to trust you," they comment, twirling him around once more. "So if you'd like us to be official, we can, but…" Their steps slow down as they trail off in their thoughts.
He treads in with, "You need to wait until the CPS thing's over with, right?"
They nod. "Unfortunately."
Their sorrow stays brief and their playfulness returns, replacing their momentary frown for yet another smile. "My memory might be a bit bad though, as I've never heard you say you like me before." To further increment the effects of their teasing, their lips fall close to his teeth but end up lower, kissing his jaw instead. "...In other words," they add, hands locking firm around his neck and bringing him closer to them. "Speak now, or forever hold your peace."
Sans feels his face turn about as warm as theirs felt, and he can tell they've noticed, based on the way their face lingers close to his -- waiting.
"...I like you," he says, far too quiet to be labeled anything but a murmur; even a thought could be considered louder than his words.
They land another kiss, much closer to his teeth. "Couldn't hear you."
"I like you, puddin'," he repeats, stronger this time. "Can you, uh… do that again, though? It felt nice."
They nod, lean in further, and press yet another kiss to his face. "Gladly."
With that, the human carries on with the dance. They sway him left and right and perform small circles across the hotel room, adding a twirl every few seconds -- sometimes with them taking the lead, and vice versa. "I like you, too, Serif." Despite the meaning and weight of their words, a frown arrives on their face. "But…" They hesitate. "I still have some doubts, and I think that dream I had confirmed that."
"Would you like to talk about it?"
A few seconds of silence remain and the song ends, dropping tension in the room.
"Not now, but… But maybe later?" They let him go. "If possible, I'd like to talk at the Judgment Hall -- where you last worked before leaving the Underground."
Despite his best efforts, the skeleton can't avoid commenting, "Want me to judge how good you look right now?"
The human sighs, loud and long. "...Babe?"
He lets out a resounding, jovial laugh at that.
Their tone's genuinely sad, as so's their expression.
They look a hundred and ten percent done with him, though they still push forward with a, "Be serious for a moment, please. I… I really mean it, and that dream I had…" Demurral returns to their words. "It involved one of my fears about Frisk's safety, and well…" They take a deep, shaky breath. "A- And my own safety when I'm around you."
The severity of their statement dawns on him, and his view distorts itself from an attractive human to a vulnerable one standing in front of him, weak and poorly prepared -- completely alone with him in a large, abandoned, and dilapidated hotel. They were easy prey from the viewpoint of an Underground Sentry. He could easily take them captive with their current state of health and their lack of knowledge in combat. Were he still assigned to that job, had (Y/N) fallen in Frisk's stead, and were finding that seventh soul still a priority, he could just as easily inform every other member of the Royal Guard to bring the human down to the Monster King's bidding. Unlike Frisk, they had little to no determination left in their soul; a quick and direct intervention meant danger for them.
And had he still that same mindset to this day, his agreement with Asgore to serve and protect (Y/N) would be something he could break -- something simple to deal with if he framed the blame on someone else. He could just as likely tolerate some jail time for failing to fulfill his part of that job with no protest. The only real obstacle would be (Y/N)'s child themself, knowing they were likely going to guard and care for their parent unconditionally. But even then, they were still alone with him presently; in other words, he could cover up any potential evidence of him being a culprit with time to spare. Perhaps Frisk was the hero of the story, but (Y/N) was still an NPC -- someone easy to get rid of with the right amount of caution and preparedness.
"You mentioned something about Karma before, and well…" They break the silence and snap him out of those thoughts. "I've made a lot of bad choices and awful mistakes, so that makes me wonder if, m- maybe…" Tears form in their eyes as they breathe in -- once, then twice. "If maybe I don't deserve any of this kindness or forgiveness that I've been getting recently, and… And that maybe I don't belong in this story, y'know? Frisk has done all the work here so far, and they've overcome plenty of obstacles, too. Meanwhile, I- I'm a weak, ill person with a dead-end job -- trying to keep a holey row boat afloat with napkins." They let out a shaky sigh and fail at a smile. "I get that you like me, and I can't deny or ignore my own feelings for you, but I'm… I'm an unworthy, ungrateful person. We've known each other for barely half a year. Th- There's stuff you don't know about me yet -- just as I don't know about you."
Their face shines with tears, these they can't bring themself to stop with how many pour down, and how fast these are. "I've already troubled and hurt Frisk enough as it is, and I've... I've troubled well-meaning family like Brenda just as much with my mistakes." They cover their face as they sit down in bed, trying to contain their sorrow. "...And then I have these awful, intrusive thoughts that seep in whenever I think I'm doing better. I don't want to bring trouble to you or any other monsters, either, but reminding myself of my past worsens these feelings, kn- knowing I might screw up again and again and again."
Feeling the situation's getting too rough not to establish some control over it, Sans sits down with them and grabs their wrists, tugging at these for them to look down at him.
Fear reaches their gaze as they stare at his irises, completely overcoming their bright and cheerful attitude from earlier.
"Breathe," he says, voice low as he loosens his grip on their wrists -- at the feeling of them shaking almost violently under his hold. "We'll go to the Hall in a few. But, first... I'm gonna need you to calm down a lil' more." He lets go.
They nod, close their eyes, and let a few more tears drift down before he dries the rest of these off with the sleeve of his jacket. "...Alright."
When they shudder, sniffle, and recover some sense of tranquility, they look at him again and smile. "And thank you for showing me patience."
He smiles back and brings them in for a hug -- long, tight, and strong. "That I've got plenty of, puddin'."
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wshaeil · 3 years
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*  ◟  ―  🍓cl - clang !! hello , it’s so nice to meet you all - my name is jada , but you can just call me 𝐎𝐇 𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐈𝐋’s mun !! i’m super excited to be here , and hopefully you guys take to me and phoenix’s leader , haeil ! he has a semi - sad vibe , but don’t be fooled, he’s a pretty cool guy ! below you’ll find trivia as well as general connections while i work on te real plots page ! and as always, please like if you’d like to plot alongside me and my boy !! lets go !
i’m going to lightly touch on his backstory here but his bio is already loaded w stuff haha so !! i won’t bore you with too many details !!
came from a family w / high expectations of him, to always be the responsible big brother ... and he did ! always was good at school stuff, took care of stuff at home when needed, etc !
but deep down he was ( and is ) not happy w how he felt his own happiness was always sacrificed for others, despite not wanting to admit it & sounding selfish ? but anyways, it got him acting up, and he had a whooole little rebellious streak that was completely out his character !
though he realllyyy enjoyed the rush, his little adventure ended quick when his parents noticed him skipping class & all that ! so his first year of hs they made him join a school club to find better friends, and that’s where he found dance !
there he learned dance and well ... the rest is history !! loved every minute of it, but got a really bad injury that had him out of dances for a while, and it crushed him, but he came back with a newfound true appreciation for it !
time skip, his friends encouraged him to audition when word came around about yuseong auditions and ... voila ! here we are !!
ok so you’ll have to excuse me as haeil is one of those this . . . and also that characters HAHA, so he’s got opposing personality traits even within himself ! he even is confused by it hee heeeee
also sidenote his younger sister is @wsharin​ !! they’re definitely giving opposites yet crazy type, have quite different personalities, but grwing up in similar environments w each other has kept them very close ! kinda thinks he’s fake youngest out of them, yet fiercely protective of her !
but ! his natural instinct is actually to be pretty wild, outgoing, have fun. he’s the happiest when he can do that, and those closest to him probably know him to be quite the joker when he lets loose.
buuut for years now he’s been conditioned into the responsible leader-type he is now, though it def is his more manufactured side. but nowadays it’s what he reverts to, because he sort of just thinks there’s not enough room in everyone’s life for him to be so chaotic ??
haeil tries his hardest to blend in the background, as he feels it’s what a good leader does and he wants to give the rest of his team the shine. because he hasn’t been dancing as long as most others around him, and had a relatively short training time, he’s still v doubtful of his own worthiness of being in the position he is, therefore he sort of feels like ... he doesn’t deserve attention ?? ( and while this is true to an extent, haeil also needs to work through this constant pessimism within himself and learn to take pride in his achievements !! )
so a lot of times what you’ll see is a man trying to be a leader, with the inner child ( ! ) in him poking through. though he encourages participation from his other members rather than himself, his fans are known for pointing out all the moments he gets jumpy / excited / hyper, and he’s kinda developed this “tsundere” vibe because of it ? it’s not exactly correct but he’ll take it heehee
as a leader, esp on variety, you’ll see him doing little things to make the quieter / less talked to members heard this whole compilation ?? literally him.
if you’re close to him though, you’ll really see he’s not nearly as serious as he seems. he’s extreeemely caring, almost to a fault, w those close to him ? and will take care of literally anything they need. got rent due tomm ? send him your payment info and he’ll send over all he has in his account. but on top of that, he just loves to have fun, and if in an environment that allows, v spontaneous !
def mom friend vibes. doesn't like coffee but loves his morning tea, sweaters, tries to establish a bed time for phoenix, always managing to have remembered that one thing someone else forgot, packing snacks, all the good stuff !
but !! the entertainer in haeil is compleetely different, and largely why he got famous ! a charismatic dancer for sure, enjoys a lot of hip hop as it’s what he’s had most practice in, and whenever he dances he truly has fun !! 
he was so  deep in his own insecurities, and it showed in his dancing, untilll cherry bomb. phew cherry bomb haeil was ... a whole era, and what a lot of people attribute to being his vibe switch that made him 1000x more confident !
despite what many think he loooves aggresive rap. rock & r&b are right up there too. loves music that reminds him he can feel things !!
poor thing ... cannot handle his alcohol. legit tries to avoid drinking altogether bc like one drink and he’s already trying to crawl onto tables. actually loves going out for drinks but avoids it like the plague bc he thinks it ruins his pride lolll
while he claims he's too busy for love - and he genuinely is kinda - he is a hopeless romantic deep down. his mind always drifts to him & his future partner living all suburban w kids who match clothes and having a family dog, all the fixings ... he just wants a cute dad vibe and gets depressed when he thinks of how being an idol is kinda preventing that from coming anytime soon 
this is getting SO LONG WHAT lets move on !!
someone who didn’t actually make it / hasn’t yet debuted in the industry, but who haeil reallly looks up to as a mentor ? whether a rapper / singer or just someone he admires, haeil gets depressed every time he remembers the person who got him where he is hasn't even got their shot of fame yet, and who he feels he owes quite everything to. though he’s got the whole leader thing going on, this person makes him act like a whole little sibling.
english tutor !! he genuinely wants to be so much better than he is, and doubts his skills as a good leader bc of it and would loove someone to help him !! also def down to learn from someone who speaks japanese, since he’s learning that as well ! he just wants to connect w more fans D:
someone who lets him lets loossee !! need i say more ?? haeil needs to have some fun and be himself before he pops a brain vessel, and that seems like it’s becoming more and more of a possibility oijdoidjodjod. alcohol may or may not be included iin the equation but if so prepare for chaos personified !
an ex perhaps ?? he’s bisexual so this could go either way, but someone he was w in high school and for whatever reason, it didn’t work out ?? we could give them awkward or tension w angst where they never got closure, or two people who just worked better as friends and maintained a great connection !
someone who he’s truly just ... whipped over ? something about their energy has him wanting to see them more and more and quite honestly, p out of character. openly a simp and just wilding whenever this person’s in the room hours .. let’s go !!
best friends. but i mean like .... beeest friends. they don't have to necessarily go back, not all best friends do, but what matters is them now ! friends who have an incredibly special connection, the type to just .. basically be talking in their own language of inside jokes and such.
for those who might not be from korea / have the closest relationship w their own family, haeil’s got you ! if your muse has always wanted someone who cooks for them, gives advice, or just listens and provides a shoulder to cry on, mr.haeil is the man for you !!
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b-yeonder · 4 years
Hey are the requests open? If so, can you do a a-z nsfw for Lucifer? If they're not open then please ignore this. Anyways, I love your writing and I'm looking forward to more 😊😊😊
I’ve never done one of these before so I hope it’s okay. Also I struggle to take anything seriously so of course there’s gonna be some dumb shit in here. Anyway, hope you enjoy and thank you so much! 
Warnings: NSFW, mentions of murder
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Lucifer can be rough - he's known to be a sadist after all but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to look after you once he's had his way. Softens his voice, asks if you're okay, if there's anything you need. Will clean you up and praise you for how well you did. If it's him needing the aftercare, he's very quiet, playing over what just happened. Appreciates a drink and gentle caresses to bring him back down to earth
B = Body Part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I think that Lucifer has quite a lot of insecurities - being told you're perfect all the time can make you dwell more on your flaws (or what you deem to be flaws.) But one thing he does like is his eyes. He knows he can make you lose yourself in his eyes with a single look. One look from across the room and he can have you begging for him within moments.On you he loves your hands. He doesn't let many people get close, let alone touch him, but your hands can ease his pains and make him feel loved. Massages, caresses, the way you hold his head against your chest at night, or the way you grip his cock so eagerly once he's riled you up. Also ties into a little somethin' I'll mention below in the D section eh ehhhh. (Oh and your mouth is a close second. (And not just because you called him baby boy once and had him malfunctioning for a whole hour.))
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Lucifer doesn't like the thought of cleaning up, so prefers to cum inside you - it's his main way of showing that you're his. But accidents happen and there have been times he's slipped out at the last minute and coated the skin of your stomach/back and for a moment he found himself admiring it - like a new way of marking you as his. Oh he also likes painting your tongue with his cum too because watching you swallow it makes his pride bl o s s o m.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Dirty to him anyway - he actually likes submitting to you. (Once you two are quite established.) Shock horror! But you're the only one he trusts to completely let loose with, and sometimes when you have this much pressure on you it's nice to let someone else take control. BE HONOURED. OH and the hand thing. He will fucking worship your digits. Kiss 'em, suck 'em, nuzzle 'em. OOF. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's been around for a long time, so it goes without saying he's had plenty of experience. He's well versed in the basics and is quick to pick up on every little thing you like to use against you (in the best way possible).
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Likes being able to see your face, to watch every little sound escape your lips, every little sign of pleasure. Feeds off of it. But is not averse to shoving you face first into the mattress and fucking you senseless until you can barely utter a word. So y'know depends on his mood really. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Serious. But dumb shit can happen during sex and even the Mighty First is not immune to this. Will laugh stuff off and get things quickly back on track by muttering naughty things in that delicious voice of his. If you insist on being jokey he'll insist on making it so you can't do anything but moan ;)
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He's a busy guy, but he makes sure to always be groomed. This does mean that things get on top of him and well...don't blame the overworked tired bean if he gets a little unruly down there sometimes, okay?
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
He's almost always quietly praising/encouraging you - in between the teasing of course. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He's a stressed mess, he needs to release his frustrations somehow. Does it less so since you came along, and honestly didn't masturbate too often before, but when he does it's a scene. He takes his time, making sure to work up to a glorious finish so that he can truly relax afterwards.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Probably has a Sir or Daddy kink. Kinda likes choking you as well. One time your hand slipped from his chest to his throat without you thinking and that's when he realised he kinda likes being choked too oii oiiii.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
His freakin' giant glorious bed because he's old and has back pain. Also bending you over his desk after rather troublesome days works too.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
You teasing him throughout the day. "MC you're eating that corn too sexually I'm going to have to teach you a lesson later." "Did you just call me mum? I don't care if it's an accident, I'm going to have to punish you later." "Did you just breathe? That's it, you asked for it." In all seriousness he rarely shows his want for you on the outside, but inside he'll be raring to ravage you. Depends on the day - one day you could have him popping a boner simply by rubbing your foot against his calf. The next, stripping naked and grinding on his face might not even make him blink. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
"Roleplay as Satan for me, Lucifer." You're probably dead before you even finish speaking those words, sorry I don't make the rules. (Oh wait I kinda do right now oops.)
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Prefers to give as he likes having the power over you to make you come completely undone. Can feel a little vulnerable receiving - maybe he got bitten by a devious ex lover, who knows, but once you get going and his confidence with you grows he likes nothing more than grabbing the back of your head and urging you to take more of him.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He can be both. Fast and rough are his go-to, and when he does go slow, his thrusts are still usually on the harder side.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He loves taking his time with you, as he likes driving you crazy for him but if the mood calls for it he has no issues with bending you over his desk and taking you right then and there. Will probably take extra care of you next time.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Damn straight he's down to experiment. Is curious to see how far both of you can go and what you're willing to do. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Only one round, his back hurts too much. I'm kidding, he can go a few rounds, and can last a long time. There have been a couple occasions he's cum rather fast - either when drunk, or it's been a while since the last time. Gets very embarrassed over it but knows it's natural and happens sometimes. (That’s not the norm though, he promises.)
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He got a bit crazy when you came along. Anything you like the sound of, he has. Already had blindfolds and things to bind you with - rope, ribbons, string cheese, you name it. But now you're here he has a whole collection of toys to tease you with. Even has a favourite vibrator he loves to leave strapped to your thigh so you can't get away from it. Ah, good times.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Biiitch. BIiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch. This monster is the biggest tease. "Hm...I'm not sure you deserve my cock today, MC. Now now, begging will get you nowhere." (It probably will eventually, just saying. ...Maybe.) He'll leave you on read for days but magically turn up just as you're about to pleasure yourself like "nuhuh bitch, not today."
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Fairly quiet - any sounds he does make are low in his throat, deep. Loses control closer to reaching his climax - gets breathier, speaks a little louder and noises are more frequent. Buuut once he did manage to wake up everyone in the house but that was because you'd been teasing him all day, you hadn’t slept together in like a week, and he'd been drinking and-- the list of excuses go on.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Was once convinced to try out women's underwear once after a conversation with Asmo and was pleasantly surprised by how nice his ass looked. Will never EVER tell anyone this though, not even you and shit I shouldn't even be writing this he's probably gonna-- Oh heyyy Lucifer, nothing to see here I was jus--*gurrKH*
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Decent length, decent thickness. Just enough to take a bit of work to fit in but not too much that it's uncomfortable, y'know?
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Not very high, definitely not above average. Can definitely go without, but his mind might wander.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends how tired he is, and how much is on his mind. You'll probably be the one to fall asleep first most of the time, which is great because he's good at giving after-sex cuddles. Plus your steady breathing makes it easier for him to sleep as well so...win win?
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avionvadion · 4 years
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Forest Deep: a fanfic mixing Secret of the Cursed Mask and the actual Inuyasha anime itself. https://archiveofourown.org/works/24115702/chapters/58056064
Summary: Naraku had one goal- to destroy Inuyasha. Now with his new companion he has an idea how to make that happen. Brought to the Feudal Era by an unwanted Summoning, Irene's in search of her older sister and the one who brought them there. With the help of her new friends she might just find them, but it's hard getting through battles- nonetheless the day- with her lung problems. Why is this Naraku so cruel? What does he gain from hurting people? Who is his new friend- and what's underneath that mask she wears? Irene doesn't know. But she'll find out- one way or another. She just wished she had her sister beside her as she did it.
The first drawing is basically the story cover. I drew it back before Irene’s hair had a consistency and I had a better grasp of the art style XD The second image is from the end of chapter 20 and the last one is for chapter 15. 
"I-It's…" Oh gods. "It's a saying where I'm from. Just- Just ignore it. I speak nonsense. Um. Look. You don't want to stay here, right? I don't want to stay here either. I have a sister I gotta make sure ain't dead, some friends to get back- granted… they probably don't want anything to do with me anymore, and an evil half-demon to stop, so~!" I huffed and stood, brushing some dirt off my pale blue jeans. I walked over, holding a shaky hand out to her with a grin. "You can come with or you can stay here and go crazy! Your choice."
Her eyebrows knit together. "For what reason did you desire the Magatama fruit? Most here are… filled with greed. They want its power for themselves. I, too, was selfish and… it brought me here."
"It…" I hesitated. Memories of the villagers falling came to mind. "I… I need the fruit to break a barrier. If the barrier doesn't break then… more people are gonna die. And… I don't want to see that happen."
"That's sounds awful…" Shizuno said, bringing a hand up to her mouth. "A-Are you certain that it's not another lie someone told? You could have fallen into a trap."
"I mean, probably?" I made a face, moving my head to the side and shaking it, shrugging my shoulders. "Buuut I have no reason to distrust him, you know? I-It's weird. Like, yeah he can be pretty shady when he wants to be, but he's helped me out this far and it's because of him I can talk to Shikigami spirits and heal people. So! I think he's nice. He did mention that this would be really dangerous and I was a firm believer I wouldn't survive. Was that a lie? Nope. Here we are! In a magical space surrounded by a bunch of crazy people."
"You are…" She frowned. "...strange. You speak of dire circumstances, yet you smile so brightly. Why do you behave so casually?"
"I just do." I was still so tired. "Life just sucks. That's how it works. No use mopin' about."
Unless of course several people had died. Damn it. I can still hear their screams, the children calling out for their parents as they ran for their lives. The blood splattering onto the ground… and staining Kohaku's kusarigama.
"Anyway! You never answered my question. You comin' with me?" I stretched out my fingers and wiggled them at her, staring at her expectantly. "You know you waaaant tooooo~! Far over the misty mountains cold~ to dungeons deep and caverns old!" My voice cracked and I coughed, hacking into my sleeve. My voice really could not go low. It was so distressing. The woman gave me such a strange look, but she reached out and took my hand. I felt so lightheaded. "Oh? Yay!"
She shook her head at me, folding her hands close to her chest. "We could be trapped here in eternal suffering," Shizuno told me, "yet you sing? Why?"
"Because if we're gonna be suffering eternally," I declared, holding an index finger up wisely, "we might as well have fun with it. Sadly I don't remember all the lyrics, but! It's a good song." I approached the mountain wall, staring up and squinting my eyes as I tried to gauge how far up we would have to climb before we reached the next ledge. My hands were all scraped up. "Okay… calm down. We can do this. You up for the climb?"
"Y-Yes, I suppose… what about you?" She stared at me, frowning. "Your skin is quite pale…"
"I'll be fine." I had to be. "My… My friends are waiting for me."
If they even still thought of me as one.
"And… your sister?"
I didn't answer. I wasn't even sure she was alive. "If I don't get that Magatama fruit… more people are gonna die. I… I don't want her to be one of them." I looked back at Shizuno, forcing another closed-eye grin, ignoring the lump forming in my throat. I had to be strong- for her. She was in pain as well. Her entire village was destroyed. "So we gotta keep going. Up and at 'em!"
I cracked my knuckles and reached up, grabbing onto a root sticking out from one of the rocks. This part of the wall was covered with vines, but there was no telling if they could all hold. Shizuno followed behind me uncertainly, grabbing onto a rock and climbing. "Th-This is very dangerous!"
Well, obviously. But I was convinced that we couldn't quite… die here? I've seen so many people wandering around and not one skeleton. At least there weren't any demons nearby in this spirit realm that could eat us. I don't think I'd taste very good. Ick. My mind flashed back to the mansion and I cringed, temporarily halting in my climb. Don't freak out. I had to stay calm. This is fine.
I'm fine. Always. Always fine.
I may be slowly breaking apart, but I'm fine. It's how I am.
This is just life.
It's my fault those villagers are dead, so I have to avenge them. Don't I?
Suddenly the vines I was climbing broke and I let out a small shriek, falling back towards the ledge below. The wind around me picked up pace and suddenly my descent slowed, causing me to blink. Then once I was close enough to the ground it stopped and I hit my head, crashing hard onto my back. "O-Ow! Frick!" I cringed and curled onto my side, bringing my hands up to the back of my aching skull. It was being put through so much abuse today. "Dude, that hurt!"
"A-Are you alright!?" Shizuno called down. She was at least thirty feet above me, clinging tight to some vines. "The wind just- how on earth-!?"
"Spirits." I hissed, wincing at the bump that was definitely going to be there for a while. The wind helped enough for me not to die, but wasn't completely forgiving to leave me free of injury. "Eugh…" That seriously hurt, but at least it wasn't fatal. This proved that one of my theories were right. Kazumi would have us wander forever in insanity, but she would not have us kill ourselves. "Frick."
I stumbled, wobbling over to the wall and leaning against it for a moment until my vision cleared. The world was trying to spin on me.
"Need to… keep going." I wheezed. This air spirit guardian person was such a sadist. "Have to… save them…"
My fingers gripped weakly at the roots. I wouldn't be able to climb in this state.
"Naraku… must be… stopped…"
I'm so dizzy. My forehead pressed against the rocky mountain side, eyes closing as I waited to catch my breath. That scared the crap out of me- falling like that. I hated it. After a few long minutes I grabbed at the vines again, fingers feeling numb and tingly, and I kicked at the wall with my bare feet. Being weak is one thing, but being stubborn was another. I was determined.
"I will… defeat him…" I wheezed, reaching up and grasping tiredly at a rock jutting out. It crumbled and I had to go for one higher up, stretching my arm painfully. "Barrier… it will break…"
Naraku sent Kohaku and Kanna after me, and why? Because Anastasia wanted my soul for some god awful reason that still wasn't explained. He made them attack the villagers that were helping me, and if Kagome didn't crack the mirror and force the souls to be freed so many more would already be dead. They tried to help me and Naraku forced Kohaku to kill them because of that. He was awful.
He was more of a madman than anyone else in this place.
The air around me seemed to grow gentler, my body becoming lighter and moving a bit faster. It was almost as if it was giving me a boost, but I knew that couldn't be the case. It was so aggressive earlier. After what surely must have been an hour I reached the ledge I fell from, reuniting with Shizuno who watched as I fell onto my front, eyes closed and breath heavy. "You are not the most healthy person, are you?" She asked.
"I wonder what… gave you that idea?" I wheezed, the sarcasm dripping off my tongue. "I told you… sickly human… didn't I?"
She gave a small smile, almost amused by my weird ways. "You did. Will you be able to make it to the top? There is still quite a ways to go."
"Yeah, just… need to… rest a bit first. Is that okay… with you?"
Shizuno nodded. "Yes… we have all of eternity, after all. Time does not seem to pass in this place. I have seen many arrive here, yet… they never aged. It is rather concerning, but there is nothing we can do. I fear many years have already passed since I was first brought here."
Wait, what? Oh no. My eyes widened and I sat up, looking at her in alarm and ignoring the rapid pounding of my heart. "N-No way… no, no, no! We… We have to hurry! I-I can't-!" I can't be trapped here forever. I have to get that fruit as fast as possible. If Maria was still alive then I can't be left behind. "The mountain! W-We have to… to climb…!"
I stumbled over, dazed and desperate, grabbing at the roots and struggling to climb. Shizuno dashed over and caught me when I fell, startled when she felt the heat radiating from my body. "I-Irene! You are feverish!"
"M'fine." I mumbled. "Have to get… to Sango…"
She, Miroku, Shippō, and Kirara are all up there dealing with the air spirit alone.
"Don't wanna see 'em hurt…"
I'm so sleepy. I want to take a nap.
"Gotta beat Naraku… and his dumb barrier thing…"
"Rest first. We have time." She said softly, voice so soothing. Shizuno carefully moved me away from the wall, keeping her arms around my waist, setting me down on the ground beside her. My head fell against her chest and my eyes closed, giving in to the comfort she gave. A hug felt so nice right now… yet her body was so cold. Her fingers ran gently along my hair, fiddling with the short strands. "You are fighting so strongly right now, are you not? It must be hard…"
"S'not… just… hurts."
"Why do you want to fight this Naraku so bad?"
"He hurts… people." I told her quietly, finding myself being lulled to sleep by her gentle touch. "They… helped me a-and he… killed them."
"He did?"
I nodded, making a small noise of confirmation. "He had… Sango's younger brother… attack. H-He's controlled by him, so he can't… fight back. She's always crying when she… has to face him. I don't like it. She's so much better… when she's happy…"
"I see. So Naraku is the one to blame."
Yes. He made Kohaku hurt them. It was all that evil half-demon's fault that the villagers are dead. "Naraku… killed them…"
"If that is so… then you should be able to climb the mountain now."
"...What?" My eyes slowly opened and I blinked, turning my head to look tiredly at Shizuno.
Her features seemed to change as the wind around us blew stronger, her long black hair shifting into something shorter and more white in color. I yanked myself off of her lap, watching as her colorful kimono become a pale blue, a white cloth draped over her shoulders and wrapped around her arms. As I stumbled into an upright stance, standing and backing away slowly, her dark eyes became an icy blue, lips dark and almost purple in color. I hadn't seen her entire appearance before, but I was certain now as to why Shizuno looked so familiar.
"Where did she go!?" Sango demanded, whirling around to try and locate where the air spirit disappeared to. They were just talking when the mist became stronger, the entire area around them being covered in fog. The demon slayer couldn't see five feet in front of her. "Miroku! Shippō!"
"Here!" The fox demon informed, about ten feet back.
"I'm over here!" The monk shouted somewhere from her left side, sweeping at the area around him with his staff. "I'd use my Wind Tunnel to suck in this mess, but I might anger the spirits further if I did and cost Irene her life! Sango, what should we do!?"
"I-I don't know!" For once the demon slayer was at a loss. There was no enemy to fight, no goddess to appease. Only a spirit set on challenging their friend to a test of truth. "I… never realized she felt so guilty for what had happened…" Sango said after a moment, looking down at the hiraikotsu in her hand, closing her eyes with a pained expression. "I was only focused on myself. Miroku, I…" She rested a hand over her face, ashamed. "I'm a terrible friend."
"No, Sango, don't blame yourself." The monk shook his head. "I, too, did not notice. I was believing us to finally be able to close the gap and become proper allies, and yet…"
"She's always blaming herself!" Shippō stated, frowning deeply. He appeared greatly bothered. "Irene has such a guilt-complex for some reason! I don't get it! She's always apologizing for every little thing, no matter how small it is! Inuyasha was always yelling at her for it!"
"I-I thought she was just shy." Sango admitted. "But… I guess there's more to it. What do you think, Miroku?"
"Anything could have caused it." He informed them, something unsettling forming in his stomach. The monk always had been unable to refuse helping a young woman in need and the one in trouble now was a friend. Yet how could they protect her if they didn't even know what was wrong? If they couldn't even reach her where she was now? Why did Irene feel the need to place the blame on herself? "I'm afraid we'll just have to ask and pray she will tell us when she returns."
"I hope so…"
"H-How did you-!?" I pointed at her, dumbfounded, then gestured to where the brunette used to be. "Sh-She was just- hah? Gah! Shapeshifter!"
I took several more steps back. The woman's expression became blank once more, resembling more of the air spirit I had met earlier. "She was nothing more than an illusion. I created her as a guide, just as I have done time-and-again for those who come up this mountain. A rare few have ever been able to accept their truth and continue forth up the mountain. They were always too trapped in their greed, their selfishness… and would never think twice about abandoning someone else if it meant reaching their own goal."
What is she saying? I don't understand. My head hurts so much from this; I was still so dazed.
Kazumi closed her eyes, opening them only when her purple lips tilted upwards into a smile. "You have passed my test, Irene. You have accepted that Naraku was the one to blame for the villagers deaths. The children did not die because of you. I have seen into your mind… I know what you saw. I know how you felt. With this test I was able to attune your heart and I have come to the decision that you are indeed worthy… of a Magatama fruit."
"But… I literally didn't do anything?" I don't get it. I'm too dizzy for all this. "I just climbed a mountain…"
The air spirit looked amused by this and went on to explain. "Though they scared you, you tried to approach those wandering souls and save them. When you saw the apparition I created… you tried to give her the courage to go on. Though… unorthodox in the way it was done… you remained strong for her for as long as you could. But you are only human- and one who is prone to illness cannot keep on for long." She glanced up at the mountain, icy eyes following the path up. "The wind will help you on your climb up the rest of the mountain. You need not fear falling; now that your mind is clear of guilt… the roots and rocks along the cliff will not break."
I'm still so confused, but alright. "Um, thank you…?"
"Do not thank me just yet." She warned. "If you so much as waver in your thoughts you will fall once more down to the bottom, and your soul will wander here for all eternity like the rest." Kazumi waved her arm and then she was gone, replaced by nothing but more fog.
My eyebrows raised and I shook my head incredulously, unable to believe the audacity some spirits could have. Like, seriously? Jeez. Crazy lady. She was so much nicer as Shizuno. At least she was giving me some advice… kind of. Was this all because I blamed myself for what happened with Kohaku?
That's what I'm getting from that conversation anyway. Ugh, I have such a migraine. I want to go home.
I need another hug.
I walked over and grabbed at the roots, hands shaking. They didn't feel as weak and numb as before, but they were bleeding. I had scraped them up quite badly during my climb. That strange feeling appeared again as I tried to move up the mountain, like the wind was giving me a boost. I supposed it actually was doing that, as it was helping me move a lot faster than before. I reached the next ledge in record time.
I tried not to think too much, focusing on the task at hand, determined not to fall below.
My heart wanted to waver, to believe that the children's deaths were my fault, that everyone who died should have blamed me, but… Shizuno's words stuck. They may have been protecting me, but it was by Naraku ordering Kohaku that they were killed. I had no control over the boy's actions. It was not my fault.
It was his.
The fog slowly cleared away the closer I got to the top and the people wandering around had vanished. I huffed and trembled, feet and hands scratched up and blistered, legs and arms sore. If not for the wind pushing me up- as if trying to say hurry up, stupid human like an irritable spirit- I would have collapsed long ago. I dragged myself up to the top ledge where I had been thrown off when I first met the guardian spirit Kazumi, struggling to push myself forward, and wound up clawing at the ground.
My poor fingertips were all bloody.
"I-Irene!?" I recognized that voice. I fell on the ground and rolled onto my back, wheezing and letting out a few coughs. I was so exhausted. "Oh, thank god! Miroku, Shippō, look!"
"Irene is back!"
"She passed the test!"
I could see the group dash over to me, Sango quickly kneeling by my side and helping me sit up. I began to tear up at the sight of her. Wasn't she mad at me? "Irene, you're burning up again! How badly did you stress yourself out!?" She asked, voice almost going into a sisterly scolding tone before relief crossed her face. "I'm so glad you're back…"
She surprised me by leaning down, wrapping her arms around me tightly."I should have paid more attention to your feelings. I'm so sorry."
"I-It's okay." I choked out, awkwardly hugging her with my arms so not to get blood on her armor. I'm such an idiot. They didn't hate me after all. "I-I'm fine. You're the one who was upset, so…"
"But so were you!" She pulled away, gripping my shoulders tightly with her hands. "All this time you've been festering hate and guilt inside of you- and for yourself no less! Ever since I've met you you've been apologizing left-and-right for things you had no control over! Irene, it's okay to be selfish! Not everything is your fault!"
I couldn't speak, too stunned by what was happening. This day was so dizzying. "I-I just… want to help." I finally got out, stuttering on my words. Her eyes were so intense; it felt like they were boring into my soul. "I-I can't do anything useful, so…"
"What do you mean by that?" Miroku demanded, stepping up. Kazumi was still nowhere in sight. "You've helped us countless times; we've told you before. Just who told you that you were useless? That made you believe you could guilt yourself for everything?"
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beyond-the-mirror · 5 years
Nocturnal Encounters - An Incubus! V x Reader story
So now that I’m home once again, I managed to finish this new chapter. It feels nice to go back to writing after being away from my laptop for sooo long!
Anyways, hope you enjoy this new chapter and if you want to be tagged in this fic just let me know.
Warnings: None. There’s a scene with nudity but there’s nothing too detailed or descriptive.
Seventh Night: In The Name
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“Wait WHAT?! Are you serious?!”
I slowly nodded as I tried my best to hide my blush behind my warm cup of coffee.
“Aaaah!” Much to your dismay, she started squealing loudly and making pretty much everyone in the coffee shop direct their gazes at you both. You immediately reached out to try and shush her before you could get any more unwanted attention.
“Could you keep it quiet?! Are you trying to get us kicked out?”
“Sorry sorry!” She giggled joyfully before continuing, now in a lower volume. “But how can I not be happy after what you told me?” My best friend finally has a boyfriend!”
“I-I’m not sure if I should call it my boyfriend yet, I mean we’ve only dated a few times and that’s pretty much it.” Once again you turned to your warm beverage as you were starting to consider inviting your best friend for a nice brunch together a terrible idea.
You and Amelie grew up together in the same town and were basically sisters by now, and much like sisters, there was nothing you wouldn’t do for each other. The reason you invited her was because you needed someone to talk to, and Amelie was the most reliable person you knew, you could trust her with any issue you had.
It had been some time since you started dating V, and even though your relationship has now evolved into something ‘more intimate’, you couldn’t help but wonder about its future. You weren’t exactly sure what you two were exactly, and most importantly, you still didn’t know much about him. He had shared you a few stories about the places he had been to and about incubi in general, but nothing too specific about him except that he loved poetry, particularly the works of William Blake.
Which is why you decided to open up to Amelie, only for you to end with an overly excited best friend and the unwanted attention of a full coffee shop.
“Okay then, no official boyfriend yet, buuut you can’t know for sure if he’s aiming for something serious anytime soon.” After taking a bite of her omelet, she placed down everything and focused her entire attention on you. “Now spill. What’s his name? What does he look like? Is he handsome? What about his profession? Can you imagine how awesome it would be if he were rich?”
“Amy stop! One question at a time.” She quickly ceased her barrage of questions and relaxed on her chair.
“So to answer your first question: His name is V.”
Amelie raised an eyebrow in confusion. “V? That’s an odd name, unless it’s like an alias or something. Anyways, what does he look like?”
You fished your phone out of your purse and showed her a selfie you took with V during your date at the botanical garden.
You watched amused as her jaw dropped. “That’s him?!” The blush on your cheeks and your head nodding confirmed her inquiry. “Woman, you need to tell me where exactly did you acquire that fine piece of a man right now!”
“Amy!” You couldn’t help but laugh at her antics. “… But I agree with you, he really is handsome.” Your blush deepened. It was true that V was a very gorgeous man, then again, he was an incubus after all.
“Alright next question. What about his profession?”
At that you remained silent. Letting out a sigh, you answered “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”
“What is it (Y/N)? Is something wrong?”
“It’s just…” you struggled a little with the right words. “V has always been an amazing person with me. Even though it’s been not too long since I met him, somehow I feel really safe and comfortable when I’m around him. But… the truth is I still don’t know about him other than his name, his travels and a few of his likes, and the fact that ‘V’ surely isn’t his real name doesn’t help at all.”
Amelie looked at you with concern in her eyes, her jolly attitude now gone and replaced with a very serious expression.
“I’ve tried asking him a couple times but he evaded my questions and I really don’t want to pressure him into anything. So to conclude, I don’t know what we exactly are and V still remains a huge mystery to me.” I looked down at my half-empty mug, worry and doubt filling my mind.
“Oh (Y/N)…” She calmly took hold of your hand in a reassuring way. “If you are asking my opinion, I think the reason he’s avoiding telling you is because maybe he’s worried his past will affect you both. Maybe there’s something he deeply regrets or that’s too hard for him to share with someone.”
I looked up to her again and she gave me a warm empathetic smile. “Give him time sweets. I’m sure the time for him to open up to you will arrive sooner than you think.”
Her words brought you the reassurance you needed and you felt as if a burden had been lifted from your shoulders. “Thanks Amy. You’re the best.”
“Anything for my little sis.” She smiled brightly once she saw my relieve. “Now, changing to a better topic, is he good in bed?”
“AMY!” Yes, he is.
Another hard day of work gone, but the soreness of your shoulders stayed. As you let yourself fall back onto your comfortable mattress you let out a long sigh of contentment. Too much work had accumulated at the library and there was so little time to properly rest, the only thing you wanted right now was to take a long bubble bath and simply relax, but you were so exhausted that you couldn’t even stand up from your bed.
As your head turned to your right, you noticed your purse had toppled on the bed, a few of your belongings sliding out of the still open zipper, including the book you had carried with you to read during your commute. Your eyes spotted the black feather that peeked out from between the pages, and before you knew it, you were reaching for it and taking it between your fingers, not caring about losing the page where you left.
Sitting up, you let the tips of your fingers trace along the feather, focusing on it’s softness and it’s texture. It felt… soothing. As if it were giving out a calming aura that engulfed your body and helped it relax. You were so lost in the trance that you almost missed how a pair of thin arms circled your waist, a breath ghosting over the back of your neck and sending delicious shivers all over your body.
“O Rose thou art sick. The invisible worm that flies in the night, in the howling storm, has found out thy bed.” A familiar silken voice entered your ears, making a crimson blush appear on your cheekbones.
“My sweet rose, please forgive me for entering your home unannounced, but I’ve felt tension lingering on your body, and uncertainty staining your heart.”
His hands guided you to turn to him, your eyes now fixed on his mesmerizing green ones. He was wearing only a pair of tight-fitting trousers, leaving his ink covered torso completely exposed to the cold night.
The sight left you speechless.
“Do you need me, little one?” Both his expression and his voice were filled with concern, “Tell me what can I do for you.”
You remembered your talk with Amelie last weekend. “Give him time sweets. I’m sure the time for him to open up to you will arrive sooner than you think.” Her words still lingered in your mind.
She was right. You had to trust V, if he wasn’t telling you anything about his past may be because he doesn’t feel ready yet. It would be unfair to force answers out of him if that was case.
“I’m sorry for making you worry V, but it’s been an intensely busy week at work and I think it’s put a huge strain on me. You didn’t have to come all the way here, I’m sure it will go away once I’ve rested enough.”
V hummed thoughtfully, his eyes staring deeply into yours. At that moment it felt as if he could read your mind, as if he were telling you ‘there’s no escape for you, no place where you can hide your secrets from me.’ For an instant your eyes flicker to side before returning to his, if he hadn’t realized you were hiding something, now he surely did without a doubt.
And yet he simply pulled you towards his warm body, turning you so that you were now sitting on his lap with your back against his torso and your head resting on his chest right beneath his neck. You could feel the way his chest rose and lowered with each intake of air, as well as a faint but steady heartbeat that soothed all your worries away.
“Please don’t apologize my little one, there’s no need for you to. It is only fair I worry for your well-being and take time to make you feel better.” V carefully ran his long fingers through your hair, sometimes stopping to lightly massage your scalp or to place a kiss on the top of your head.
At his ministrations, you couldn’t help but start feeling drowsy. Everything felt almost dreamlike, the soothing heat provided by V’s body, the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest, his delectable earthy scent that reminded you of a rainy forest at night… It truly felt like a peaceful dream.
But you couldn’t fall asleep just yet. First, you needed a bath.
You tilted your head back. Without the need of words, he understood you wanted to tell him something. His eyes turned to yours, giving you his full attention.
“I was thinking about having a bath.” The words came out of your mouth before you knew.
A tender smile grazed his lips. “Anything you want, I shall give to you. I am all yours to do as you please.”
For an unknown reason, undressing in your bathroom right in front of V felt a little awkward considering he had already seen you naked. V had already opened the tap and was now leaning against the tiled wall next to the tub waiting for it to finish filling up with water. Maybe it was the fact that he remained with his pants on, or maybe it was his eyes who stared at your nude figure, as if he were tracing each and every curve with his eyes before committing them to memory.
After noticing the tub was already filled with the right amount of warm water, V turned the tap off and poured a small amount of scented bubble bath soap. He stepped in and gave your lips a chaste kiss before helping you step into the bathtub.
The warm water felt wonderful against your skin as you laid down and gave a long sigh of relief, the light scent of Vanilla and Roses filled your nostrils and the bubbles gave a nice texture for you to relax.
V sat down next to your head and took hold of your shampoo bottle. Pouring a generous amount on his palm, he set to wash your hair, carefully massaging your scalp and taking care of any knot in your hair. For you this seemed quite similar to one of the first dreams he gave you, the one where he took you to a luxurious tub filled with petals and candles decorating the bathroom. At the memory, a soft smile appeared on your face as you closed your eyes and let V do as he pleased.
He was rinsing your hair when you decided to ask him a particular request, something you were wanting to try for quite some time now.
“Join me, please?” V looked at you, his stare intense and full of untold emotions. He flashed you a content smile before standing up and proceeding to take off his pants. The sound of his belt buckle and his zipper enticing you and filling you with excitement. With a slight push, his pants fell swiftly to the floor, leaving him in all of his naked glory before your eyes and blushing expression, a reaction that always pried a smirk out of him.
You scooted forward to grant him some space as he stepped into the bathtub, sitting down right behind you and then pulling your body flush against him and resting your head on his chest. It was an intimate moment, suddenly nobody and nothing else existed besides you two, but unlike other times with him, it wasn’t sexual despite your nude state.
“Something on your mind, little one?” V’s deep voice broke the comfortable silence between you two. You were about to answer that there was nothing, until a question popped in your mind. You hesitated a little before finally voicing it.
“I was wondering… about your real name. I know it’s not V.”
Silence. Perhaps you shouldn’t have asked yet.
V let out a hum before answering. “My real name is in an ancient, long-forgotten language.” He made a short pause, his gaze distant and centered on an unknown point in front of him. “My kin, the incubi and the succubi, is the last and only demon clan that continues speaking it. As our traditions state, after being born we are granted a name in our native language to keep preserving it for generations to come. My real name is very long by human standards, that’s why I’d rather be called V.”
The fact that he actually answered took you by surprise. A fuzzy sensation fluttered in your chest knowing that he trusted you enough to share something more about him.
“Were you born in hell? And if so, how did you cross over to the human world?”
He gave a deep chuckle. “Feeling curious, aren’t we? Such a curious detective.” He booped the tip of your nose and gave another chuckle at the blush that intensified on your face, a rather cute reaction for him.
“Actually, I was born in the human world. Long ago, several members of our species sided with Lord Sparda and fought by his side against Mundus and his army. Since the clan needed the humans to feed and survive, some actually developed something akin to empathy for them. Let’s say they could… ‘understand’ them, in a way or another. They stayed here after Lord Sparda sealed the gate that separated our worlds. I am one of their descendants.”
You listened to his tale with utmost attention. At the same time his hands started rubbing your shoulders, giving you a nice massage and working out all the knots he could find. Little, almost inaudible moans escaped your lips, but you remained focused on his words.
Now that he was being open and honest with you, you pondered if you could try and get more answers from him. “And what about your life here in Red Grave? What do you normally do during the day?”
“Now where are all these sudden questions coming from?” He asked playfully, his plump lips pulled into a smile so bright and charming that made you giggle.
“It’s just that I’ve come to the realization that there is so much more I don’t know about you yet. I sometimes wonder if you live a rather normal and human life just like me, or if there is some daily demonic business you do on the regular, I don’t know.” You finished with a shrug.
“I see. Well to satiate your curiosity,” he moved his hands to your arms and rubbed up and down “my clan did have to adapt to this world and learn to keep  a low profile, which meant adopting a human lifestyle and customs. And in case you are wondering, I do have a job just like anybody else. After all, you need money to survive in this world.”
Your eyes widened and you turned to him “A demon working a full-time job? Well that’s new.” You both laughed at the absurdity of the idea, but it did make sense considering what he revealed to you. “And what is your job exactly?”
At that his expression turned to a more serious one, he seemed to be searching for the right words. You tilted your head at this reaction, was he hiding something rather sensitive?
You were about to clarify that he didn’t have to answer when he lifted his gaze towards you once again. “Let’s just say I’m an ‘consultant’ of sorts. Knowledge is power, so I offer it to whoever needs it for a fee. I have established many business deals that way, and as time passed, I managed to build a fortune for myself. In fewer words, I simply know how to play my cards well.”
He actually gave you an answer surprisingly. A rather vague one, but an answer nonetheless. So you instinctively wrapped your arms around his torso and hugged him, burying your face in his shoulder.
“Thank you.” You whispered against his soft skin.
At first he seemed surprise at your sudden action, but then he returned your hug with a chuckle. “What for exactly?” he whispered into your ear.
“For trusting me… I was scared of intimacy with a complete stranger, worried you didn’t trust me because you wouldn’t tell me anything. So thank you for opening up and granting me your trust, I promise I will treasure it.”
At your declaration, V was actually lost for words. The fact that a human had such great interest in him was an odd occurrence, especially since normally he doesn’t reveal his true nature to his lovers. But you knew he was demon, an incubus, and yet you were still interested in him. Curious.
He kissed the top of your head repetitively. “Sorry for making you worry that way little one. I can’t promise to tell you everything, but I’ll do my best to clear all the doubts in your mind and heart.”
You understood. Amelie was right, it was a matter of time.
His hands then guided you so that your back rested against his torso like before. “Now lay back and relax. I believe a massage is in order right now.”
As you let your eyes close and your lips pull into a gentle smile, you let yourself get carried away.
After finishing your delightful bath, V carried you to your bed and changed you into a comfortable pair of pajamas. You insisted you could do it yourself, but it felt nice to have him take care of since your day had been exceptionally exhausting.
You both climbed onto your mattress, V pulling the covers over you to tuck yourselves in and cuddling you in his arms, your head on his chest listening to his alluring heartbeat. You were already in a drowsy state, so it shouldn’t take too long before finally giving yourself to a deep slumber.
Your eyes fluttered open, finding V’s glistening ones in the dark of your bedroom. “Huh?”
“My real name, first name actually, is Vahlar.”
As you processed his words, you felt your heart skip a beat in your chest and a huge smile form on your face.
“Vahlar…” the way your tongue rolled over his name as if savoring a simple of the most delicious nectar the world had to offer. Your eyes closed softly “What a beautiful name…” And with those words, sleep took over you completely.
The soul entwined in his hands shone so warm and bright, a tiny star that floated full of joy and beauty.
“This is… curious…” V muttered to himself. After all the time you spend together, all the pleasure he gave you, the marks he left on your skin… the nights he defiled your body both in dreams and in reality… and your soul still remained innocent, untainted and pure, it even glowed brighter than ever.
A rather peculiar case, he thought.
What the demon in your bed didn’t understand was that, unlike other people, you didn’t believe sex was a bad thing. Carnal pleasures were considered sinful by many, but for you it was different, and there was no way you weren’t the only one who thought like this. For you it was like establishing a bond, a natural and intimate moment between two people. And because you didn’t consider it bad, your soul remained untainted.
The incubus hummed in fascination, glancing briefly at your sleeping form before returning to the projection of your soul floating by his hand.
His eyes glinted in the darkness, full of wonder and… maybe something more? “Quite curious indeed…”
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toaarcan · 5 years
I think you're putting too much on Fiona's "purpose" being in relation to other characters. A big complaint was that she wasn't really ANYTHING. She was resentful about Sonic and Mighty, and then next time we see her she's part of the FFs with no explanation or role. She was sometimes a medic, and then part of the Brain Trust for no reason (never really showing those skills), and then she was suddenly Sonic's gf...while he was still saying he and Sally were meant to be. Villain = direction.
I mean, there was an explanation for her, but it came almost two years after the fact: Her belief that Sonic was a selfish glory-hound was rattled by his selfless sacrifice to save the world, something that she personally witnessed, and therefore, she tried to make amends. Not only that, but it was a quick moment too, with her even attending Sonic’s “funeral” in Issue 125.
The problem with the story is that it was written by Bollers, and unfortunately that means that Penders completely ignored what happened in it no more than two issues later. 
Bollers’ Fiona: Not interested in Sonic, but trusts him and respects him, though she acknowledges that he isn’t perfect and does have a selfish streak. Made aware of Tails’ feelings for her, and chastises “Sonic” for hitting on her despite that knowledge. 
Penders’ Fiona: Very much interested in Sonic, completely unaware of Tails’ feelings, completely uncaring about the whole debacle.
Her position as a medic is likewise something that was there with Bollers, and then absent once Penders took over. Admittedly, a medic is a somewhat difficult character type to use in a book where characters don’t regularly get injured, so I can see why it could fall by the wayside, but one must keep Penders’ inability to keep anyone consistent in mind. When it comes to Fiona, Penders couldn’t even keep consistent with himself. Look at the very-obviously-preteen Fiona from the Knuckles book vs. the sixteen year old he portrays her as in the main title.
Believe me, I’ve done this song and dance many a time. There’s this perception that the villainous version of Fiona is automatically a better character because Ian did something with major with her, but the fact of the matter is that it’s entirely possible to do something major with her without taking a torch to everything except that one single issue of the Knuckles comic where she was kind of a jerk to Mighty for mostly understandable reasons.
It’s been a long while since I’ve reread any of the comic, and I’ve been immersed in the fandom’s perception of things a whole lot more than that, so I legitimately forgot a lot of  what was there, but one thing that sticks out from seeing the old stuff again on Thanks Ken Penders is how compassionate Fiona is, she’s portrayed as very frequently being the one to voice concern for her comrades’ safety (A fitting trait for a medic character), and it jars so heavily with Ian’s decision that she should be a self-centred, “Survival of the best” character who cares about nobody except herself and her abusive boyfriend.
As I said in my post “Fiona Fox: Depth vs. Prominence”, summing up Fiona’s personality before she was sacrificed on the altar of Sleazy the Recolour takes a whole lot more than summing up her personality afterwards, and even then that relates more to her relationship with Scourge than it does to herself.
Now that’s not to say that Fiona as a villain couldn’t work. In my most recent post on this topic, I even said directly that she could’ve been a really darn good villain, if her status as a traitor actually mattered. A traitor should be an intensely personal antagonist, someone who can get inside the heads of the heroes and damage them emotionally just as much as they can physically. The interactions between her and her former friends should be brutal, knife-twisting, and send them reeling. The fact that Fiona’s villainy is arguably something that Sonic created can only add to that, as she is living proof that sometimes the hero can fail.
Buuut she’s none of that. Sonic is more bothered about her harming Tails than anything she does to him directly, and the second (and final) time they interact, Sonic dismantles her arguments without flinching and leaves her to run off crying. 
Tails’ faith isn’t shaken at all by her, he finishes 172 stating unflinchingly that she’s wrong (And her philosophy never made sense anyway, so Tails is correct there), and within six issues he’s physically attacking Sonic primarily out of envy over the Fiona situation, and outright states that he doesn’t care that she went with Scourge. 
Sally... never liked her in the first place, but gets no vindication from it. She neither gets a moment where she feels explicitly proven right, nor is frustrated that the others went to bat for Fiona and had that trust rejected. Like with Sonic, it seems to be way more about how Fiona treated Tails than it is about how Sally herself was affected. 
Amy actually gets the most out of it, with Fiona’s mockery of her at the start of Issue 172 being used as motivation for her to train to be a better fighter... but... it’s all positive. The idea that the other FF don’t take Amy seriously is barely relevant, and it’s used as motivation for her to improve herself, and then that’s it.
None of the other characters get any word on it, save for Antoine using it as a prompt to skip over all that emotional development and reconciliation after a year apart and immediately propose to Bunnie, because Ian’s got to cram something happy into this set of issues before he blows up Knothole, plays the “Villain could win whenever he wants, he just doesn’t want to” stupidity card, and gives Charmy brain damage to make him more like SEGA’s version.
And that’s it. Fiona exists primarily to be Scourge’s girlfriend. In a way, it’s fitting that Amy is the only character that gets an appropriate “Hero vs. traitor” scene, because like the then-current official depiction of Amy, Fiona’s life is defined entirely by her relationship to her respective Sonic.
Ian’s Fiona is, in every sense of the word, a satellite love interest for Scourge. Even the sole arc she has apart from him is spent building a team to get him back. 
She’s just Scourge’s girlfriend, despite him yelling at her, screaming at her, resoundingly failing to live up to his own promises, undermining her, and, if her reaction to his threats in Issue 190 is anything to go by, physically attacking her as well. 
I won’t deny that Fiona, as a character, had become listless, and needed a strong new direction. She had a lot of substance to her, and a surprisingly uplifting story when stripped down to the basic structure, but she was being painfully underutilised. 
I will, however, strongly oppose the idea that Ian’s decision on that front was the correct one. It was a lateral move at best, a step backwards at worst. He didn’t really fix her as much as make her a different brand of underdone, and that uplifting story was gone. Now all it said was “If you did bad in the past, you’ll always lapse back to it and nobody should trust you”, combined with none-too-subtle abuse (In a ship that Ian made popular with thousands of teenagers, very smooth) and a new design that sexed her up for no good reason. 
Good Fiona had all the ingredients and not enough time in the oven, but villain Fiona was missing half the recipe.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Thirty-One: An Accessory ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura ] [ SasuHina, NaruSaku ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
When it comes to her appearance, Hinata has always stuck to the basics. Never has she been the sort of girl to dress up or look flashy. If anything, she’s more comfortable and content to blend into the background. Whether it’s her no-effort hair (unless she gets a wild hare to put it up in a ponytail), baggy clothes (she’s not keen on being too straightforward given her body shape), or her lack of accessories, she simply keeps herself low-maintenance.
In a way, she envies the other girls her age. Ino has always been so fashion conscious. With hardly any effort, she can put together an ensemble that sweeps people off their feet. Glamor without going overboard. Even her hair is more lustrous than Hinata’s own: the long golden tail is far more eye-catching than Hinata’s plain dark locks. Sakura’s choppy, rosy strands get more attention despite their lack of upkeep, too.
Sometimes, she wishes she could be pretty. Be out there. But between her self-conscious nature, and shyness at being noticed, she’s not sure she could ever actually handle putting any more effort into her appearance. The dual feelings of wanting attention and yet being leery of it can be rather...depressing.
But, in the end, she keeps to her typical habits. She’s been this way all her life, after all. Why change? It’s not like there’s anyone she wants to attract, anyway. Naruto, after all, has always set his gaze elsewhere...and her actions never swayed that. Not enough, at least. Already it’s evident he and his female teammate are romantically involved...even if neither has the heart to tell her.
She remembers the rosette offering the possibility of seeking companionship with her own teammates: Kiba, or maybe Shino. And yet, that idea wrinkled the Hyūga’s nose. For quite some time, the pair have been far more like family...like older brothers that both tease and bolster her, snapping at anyone who gives her trouble. She’s not sure she could ever set that aside and attempt to have something...more with either of them. It just wouldn’t feel right.
Beyond that...she really has no clue.
But Fate has different ideas...and starts placing someone specific in front of her.
It started with the whole of team seven. Sasuke, newly returned for his brother’s reappearance, begrudgingly spent time with them...even if that meant mostly being a third wheel as Naruto and Sakura get a bit involved with one another’s company.
And given her friendship with the pair, that often left Hinata as wheel number four. At first, she thought little of it. Having been made privy to Sasuke’s circumstances due to mutual acquaintances, she already knew much of what had transpired in his past...and how it still affected his present. In the same vein, she was one of the few able to understand...and willing to move on. True, the pair had been relative strangers before he left, but if anything that served in her favor. Sasuke held no ill will against her. They had a fresh slate from which to start.
And then came the alliance with the Hyūga. As Itachi’s future hung in the balance with his prior convictions held over his head, it was the other dōjutsu clan that was called for help. But her bloodline have always been shrewd...and then arranged for an alliance. Sasuke had rebelled against the idea, but eventually acquiesced at Itachi’s urging.
Thus, Hinata and Sasuke seemed almost unable to get away from each other. She served as the liaison between the two clans...mostly because it was she the Uchiha knew (and tolerated) best.
With that, Hinata conceded, and accepted that she and Sasuke were simply apt to bump into each other more often than not.
Like today, for example.
Yet again, Naruto and Sakura have invited them both out for a day of catching up. Naruto has been busy learning under both Tsunade and Kakashi. Sakura has been gearing up to take a leading position in the hospital. Hinata’s work with her clan and the Uchiha has kept her busy, as it has Sasuke. So the four have had little time left over to simply spend together.
So, they’ve taken to wandering an outdoor market. The weather is fine, not too hot yet, and they peruse the goods alongside a small crowd of people. The more boisterous pair are at the front, Sakura openly ogling as Naruto looks sadly to his frog wallet. Behind them, the others aren’t really as interested, mostly just taking in the sights. Sasuke isn’t one much for stuff, and Hinata’s frugal habits mean avoiding most anything not terribly necessary.
“Ooh, Hinata! Look at this!”
Attention caught as Sakura waves her over, Hinata steps up and takes a peek.
“Isn’t it beautiful? It looks just your style!”
An ornate hair clip - silver adorned with white doves - rests atop a small stand, gleaming in the light. Hinata’s eyes go a little wide. It is extremely pretty...and also very expensive. “Oh, well...I-I’ve never really worn hair a clip before…”
“Don’t you have that dove print kimono? You could wear it to the matsuri next month! It would be so perfect, Hinata! Don’t you think?”
“W-well, I…”
“You should get it.”
At once, all three of the others turn to look at Sasuke. Blank-faced, he looks back. “...what?”
“Didn’t think you’d have an opinion about hair clips, Sasuke,” Naruto muses, a brow perking.
“Am I not allowed to?”
“Well, no, but…”
“I-I’m not sure if I should spend the money,” Hinata quickly cuts in, not wanting to spark one of the boys’ many arguments. “It is very pretty, but...I don’t really need it.”
“Aww, boo,” Sakura replies, lips pursing in a pout. “It would go so well with that outfit!”
“Yeah, well...m-maybe next time.”
With that, Sakura shrugs and moves to the next booth, Naruto right on her tail. Hinata can’t help a small sigh of relief.
“...do you like it?”
“Eh?” Turning as Sasuke speaks, Hinata blinks at him. “W...what?”
“The hair clip. Do you like it?”
“Well, I...I guess I do, but -”
“I could get it for you.”
Flustered color quickly blooms in Hinata’s face. “Oh, n-no! Sasuke-kun, please don’t. It’s so expensive, and -”
“But you want it.”
“I...I said I like it, not that...I want it.”
The Uchiha perks a brow. “...what’s the difference?”
“Well...I can like something but not want to get it. I don’t, um...I don’t really wear hair clips, anyway. I wouldn’t use it enough to justify the cost.”
That doesn’t seem to clarify much for him, but Sasuke doesn’t push the issue. “...all right then.” With that said, he keeps walking, Hinata following suit...with just one last little backward glance to the clip.
No, Hinata...you don’t need it. Leave it alone.
By the end of the day, it completely slips her mind. There’s far more important things to worry about, after all. Embroiled back into her work, she forgets about the little exchange entirely, and life goes on.
And then, the matsuri arrives.
As per usual, the four of them agree to go together. By then, it’s long since been accepted (and explained) that Naruto and Sakura are, indeed, an official couple. Though a bit somber about it at first, Hinata quickly finds herself glad for them. Happy that Naruto’s affections are finally returned, and that her friends have someone to rely on.
Though it does make for the typical arrangement of Hinata and Sasuke feeling more like tagalongs than part of a group…
Sighing lightly to herself, Hinata brushes back hair behind her ear as they wait in line at a food stall. Naruto is having difficulty choosing, which is holding up the queue.
“Hm?” Turning, she startles a bit as Sasuke holds out a piece of folded cloth. “...um -?”
Blinking, she accepts, feeling something within the fabric. A few tugs later, she brightens. “...Sasuke-kun, you…?”
“I knew you wanted it, so I got it. Figured I’d just make it a matsuri present.”
Going a bit pink, Hinata carefully retrieves the dove clip. “...you didn’t have to do that…”
“I wanted to.”
Moving to use it, Hinata fumbles for a moment before stilling as he urges it from her hand, able to see what he’s doing. Carefully, he pins back her hair. “...there. It really does match your kimono.”
Still pink, her head bows shyly. “...thank you…”
“...you’re welcome.”
When the other two are finally finished in line, Sakura quickly notices the change. “Oh, you got it?”
“Um, well…actually, I -”
“Looks good,” Sasuke offers, cutting off her explanation.
After a pause, she realizes his intention. “...thanks.”
“You should wear your hair like that more often, Hinata,” Naruto offers, mouth full of food.
A small smile pulls at her lips. “...maybe I will.”
     I won’t lie...this one took some thinking, lol - neither Hinata nor Sasuke really seem the sort to indulge in accessories, but...well, maybe they would if the other gets something for them x3      Sneaky Sasuke, picking up that clip...! Pretty smooth there, guy...even if maybe he doesn’t quite fully realize what he just did, haha!      Buuut yeah, that’ll do it from me tonight! Thanks for reading n_n
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aelinbitch-archive · 6 years
literal YEARS ago an anon asked me to expand on tog characters’ enneagram types and i have no idea why i’m starting with him of all people but here’s why I think chaol is a type six
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(even if you don’t know what the enneagram is you can def still read and understand this if you’re interested in a shady analysis of Chaol’s character)
Ok I’ve been thinking about Chaol (cursed sentence) because I realized that I’ve been 110% sure for so long that he’s a six but that it’s also possible he’s a one. And it’s tough for me to make a final call because I could not be less willing to go back and read his chapters, which means I don’t have anything to work with except what I remember. Buuut I’m pretty sure my initial instinct is right and that he’s a six, so let’s review:
The case for Chaol as a six
Brief overview: “The committed, security-oriented type. Sixes are reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. Excellent "troubleshooters," they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious—running on stress while complaining about it. They can be cautious and indecisive, but also reactive, defiant and rebellious. They typically have problems with self-doubt and suspicion.”
Doesn’t tell us much, but could reasonably be Chaol (but so could the description for type 1). Especially, in my humble onion, the “foreseeing problems” part. Think about his treatment of Celaena/Aelin in both books 1 and 4.
Stress/Growth: In stress, 6 goes to dark 3 (competitive and arrogant). I’m not sure how well those words fit specifically in the context of Chaol, but I do feel like I see glimmers of this concept. Like... insisting to Celaena in the first few books that his view of the world is Correct and Better Than Hers. And in growth, 6 goes to 9, which basically just means they just Chill Out, so, sure.
“We have named personality type Six The Loyalist because, of all the personality types, Sixes are the most loyal to their friends and to their beliefs. They will “go down with the ship” and hang on to relationships of all kinds far longer than most other types. Sixes are also loyal to ideas, systems, and beliefs...” 
Everyone who follows this blog knows I’m not by any stretch a Cha*rian stan but... tell me this isn’t him with Dorian (and Adarlan).
The biggest reason my instinct for Chaol is type 6 is because sixes, especially counterphobic ones, are characterized so much by their over-identification/over-commitment/allegiance to structures that they perceive as providing them with security, and Chaol’s devotion to Adarlan and Dorian (and semi-understandable meltdown when those things get pulled out from under him) really aligns with this. 
“The reason Sixes are so loyal to others is that they do not want to be abandoned and left without support—their Basic Fear.“
I think the reason he was such a little bitch in QoS was because Celaena left (even though... he...... sent her away..............) AND Dorian turned into a Valg AND he lost his job/old life so it was kind of the perfect storm to trigger his fear of being abandoned and without security.
“They also tend to fear making important decisions, although at the same time, they resist having anyone else make decisions for them.”
“If Sixes feel that they have sufficient back up, they can move forward with some degree of confidence. But if that crumbles, they become anxious and self-doubting, reawakening their Basic Fear. (“I’m on my own! What am I going to do now?”)” 
One of the reasons I sometimes doubt Chaol is a six is because sixes are so anxious, and when I recall him in the first few books, he generally seems pretty decisive. But I think that was because 1) he was completely secure in his position and able to be more confident because of that and 2) if he’s a 6 than he definitely has a 5 wing, which makes sixes more serious and steady. 
So then when we look at him in QoS when he lacks any kind of security, I think we definitely see more anxiety and unease.
“Until they can get in touch with their own inner guidance, Sixes are like a ping-pong ball that is constantly shuttling back and forth between whatever influence is hitting the hardest in any given moment. Because of this reactivity, no matter what we say about Sixes, the opposite is often also as true. They are both strong and weak, fearful and courageous, trusting and distrusting, defenders and provokers...”
This is really interesting and kind of shows up in Chaol’s relationships with Dorian and Celaena/Aelin and Nesryn and Yrene. Like for sure a lot of it is also just his natural character development over the story, but I think it’s kind of interesting that when he’s closest with Dorian, he’s Adarlan’s #1 cheerleader, then when he’s dating Celaena, he’s vowing to bring Endovier down with his bare hands or whatever, then when he’s on his own/with Nesryn, everyone needs to get their head out of the clouds and focus on Practical Things except for him when he wants to save Dorian, and Aelin, who once inspired him to think differently, is now unreliable and frivolous and tyrannical. 
“When they learn to face their anxieties, however, Sixes understand that although the world is always changing and is, by nature uncertain, they can be serene and courageous in any circumstance.” 
As much as I don’t care for him, I think he gets there by KoA.
“Levels of Development” is very convincing.
“Level 3: Dedicated to individuals and movements in which they deeply believe. Community builders: responsible, reliable, trustworthy. Hard-working and persevering, sacrificing for others, they create stability and security in their world, bringing a cooperative spirit. Average Levels Level 4: Start investing their time and energy into whatever they believe will be safe and stable. Organizing and structuring, they look to alliances and authorities for security and continuity. Constantly vigilant, anticipating problems. Level 5: To resist having more demands made on them, they react against others passive-aggressively. Become evasive, indecisive, cautious, procrastinating, and ambivalent. Are highly reactive, anxious, and negative, giving contradictory, "mixed signals." Internal confusion makes them react unpredictably. Level 6: To compensate for insecurities, they become sarcastic and belligerent, blaming others for their problems, taking a tough stance toward "outsiders." Highly reactive and defensive, dividing people into friends and enemies, while looking for threats to their own security. Authoritarian while fearful of authority, highly suspicious, yet, conspiratorial, and fear-instilling to silence their own fears. Unhealthy Levels Level 7: Fearing that they have ruined their security, they become panicky, volatile, and self-disparaging with acute inferiority feelings. Seeing themselves as defenseless, they seek out a stronger authority or belief to resolve all problems. Highly divisive, disparaging and berating others
Levels 3 and 4 are very book 1. And I mean, Level 6 (and even 7)? That’s QoS Chaol right there in a nutshell. That’s all of his behavior towards Aelin. And Level 5? His treatment of Nesyrn. The mixed signals, the passive-aggression, the belligerence.
Convincing quotes from the “Growth Suggestions” section: “You tend to get edgy and testy when you are upset or angry, and can even turn on others and blame them for things you have done or brought on yourself. Be aware of your pessimism: it causes you dark moods and negative thought patterns that you tend to project on reality.” and “Sixes tend to overreact when they are under stress and feeling anxious. Learn to identify what makes you overreact. Also realize that almost none of the things you have feared so much has actually come true. Even if things are as bad as you think, your fearful thoughts weaken you and your ability to change things for the better.”
Like... as of KoA.......is Aelin a dictator who burned everyone in Adarlan to a crisp with her monstrous power? Are "normal” humans enslaved by the might of magic wielders? No? Interesting.
There’s also a lot of really convincing stuff in the “Sixes in a Relationship with Eights” (Aelin is an 8 for sure) section
“Sixes tend to look up to the Eights as their hero, while Eights are touched by the Six's devotion and courage.”
“For the most part, [the Eight expecting to be in charge] is also fine with Sixes, except for those times when Sixes feel the need to push back and to prove themselves. They need to show others (including the Eight) that they cannot be pushed around or taken advantage of. Power struggles of all kinds can ensue. This is especially true of "counterphobic" Sixes who can actually react much like Eights, displaying leadership, decisiveness and independence (on the positive side) as well as bluster, aggression, and defiance.”
For me, this mostly recalls QoS, but I also think that Chaol’s decision not to tell Celaena about Nehemia being “questioned” could be an example of Chaol needing to push back and prove himself. This shit did not appear out of nowhere in book 4.
Ok and finally, quotes from the “Type 6 as Compared to Type 1″ section
“What these two types have in common is the tendency to feel guilty when they do something contrary either to their ideals (Ones) or to the commitments to allies, beliefs, and authorities they have made (Sixes)”
This is a really close call, because Chaol has screamed “HONROR LOYALTY DUTY” into the void so many times that it seems like he’s a One - loyal to ideals. But I think, based on textual evidence I am not at all willing to review, his main anxiety is about being a traitor to Dorian, to his position in Adarlan, and to his title. It’s true that he believed these things made him honorable and loyal, and betraying them caused him to lose this, but I think that’s less of a morally-driven cognitive dissonance thing and more just the way he expresses his guilt over leaving Dorian. (And his outrage over having those systems/allies/beliefs that brought him security pulled away).
“Average Sixes are anxious, indecisive, ambivalent, and, above all, reactive. They find it difficult to relate to others with self-confidence as equals, tending either to become too dutiful and dependent or to go to the opposite extreme and become rebellious and defiant. Sometimes they get stuck in the middle and become ambivalent, indecisive, and vacillating.”
Literally? Break this down chunk by chunk for Chaol and you get: Dorian (too dutiful and dependent), Aelin (rebellious and defiant), and “Celaena”/Nesryn (ambivalent, indecisive, and vacillating).
“Righteous anger, irritation, and moral indignation are the principal negative emotions in Ones, whereas fearfulness, suspicion, and anxiety are the principal negative feelings in Sixes.“
This sentence right here is what almost made me doubt myself and type him as a One instead (which for sure could still be a possibility! I could always be wrong). Because Chaol definitely has all the preachyness and moral indignation of a One. 
But! Working with the theory that he’s a Six, couldn’t his moral indignation (mostly towards Celaena/Aelin) also be the result of his job and circumstance - the systems he has attached himself to in order to remain safe? He’s... a cop, basically. So his contempt/superiority complex towards a notorious criminal makes sense. And as a loyal follower of the man he thinks is The Best Prince Ever, his condemnation of the actions of this powerful, seemingly unstable new queen makes sense. It’s not necessarily ACTUAL moral indignation, it’s just... indignation period, expressed using the kind of morally superior language one might expect from an ~honorable~, well-to-do captain of the guard.
My working theory is: it’s not that his ~unwavering principles~ lead him to be truly, genuinely in opposition to Aelin’s actions (he goes back and forth maybe 10 times over the course of the series on whether or not it’s morally acceptable that she kills people), it’s that he deals with his anxiety and fear of Aelin and what she/her power might mean for his future by holding her accountable on the value/moral system he developed while working for Dorian/Adarlan.
Like: “Sixes are uncertain, and rely on reassurance, back-up, familiar procedure, or the sanction of previously tested ideas and philosophies to help them come to decisions.”
It’s a complex issue, but I would view his whole “Honor!!!! Honor Honor Honor!!!!!!! Did I mention Honor?!?!” schtick as a “previously tested philosophy” that helps him come to a decision/judgement rather than an actual One-ish principle. 
“Both are "should" and "must" people: both feel obligated to take care of all duties before relaxing or attending to their own needs. Further down the Levels, both types exhibit a legalistic streak: Sixes at Level 6 are The Authoritarian Rebel and Ones at the same Level are The Judgmental Perfectionist.”
Ones moralize and scold, lecturing others in the name of an ideal about whatever issues are of concern to them. ("Do you have any idea how wasteful it is to use an air conditioner?") Sixes can also give orders, not because of rigid inner standards, but because they are afraid of what they see as the erratic, irresponsible conduct of others potentially disrupting the security and stability they are trying to maintain. They are angered and threatened by others "breaking the rules" and becoming more unpredictable. Sixes identify with certain beliefs or authority figures and internalize the values that they have learned from these sources of guidance. Once they have identified with what they have taken to be trustworthy sources of information about the world, Sixes can be aggressive toward anyone who does not accept the same values as they do. This is especially true when Sixes are more insecure–the more anxious they are, the more they want to cling to whatever positions or allegiances they still believe in.
This, for me, is kind of a slam-dunk in proving Chaol is a Six. If you took that paragraph and replaced “Six/es” with “Chaol” and the vague “others” with “Aelin” and told me it was an analysis of QoS specifically, I would 100% believe it. 
And also, to compare one and six again, just to be sure: does Chaol appear to moralize and scold? Absolutely. Think back to that initial confrontation with Aelin. But when he’s doing it, is he saying “it’s wrong to kill people/use your magic/do whatever because it _____” fill in the blank with an actual ideal of his? No. He doesn’t think she’s in the wrong because she’s going against his ideal of ____ (No Magic? Nope, as Aelin points out, he doesn’t have a problem with Dorian’s power. Power to the People? Nope, hasn’t always been something he worked towards. Nonviolence? Nope, he’s killed as well). He thinks she’s in the wrong because 1) she scares him, 2) she is a contributing factor to his current feelings of insecurity and inferiority, and 3) most unforgivably of all, she’s a threat to Dorian Havilliard, the thing Chaol is still clinging to the most.
Also, I didn’t bring up HoF this whole time (mostly because QoS is such a ripe book for analyzing his character so I tend to overlook the others). But that whole book for him is a prime example of that classic six anxiety that I wondered if he maybe didn’t have enough of to be a six just based on books 1 and 2. He can’t go a second in HoF without worrying about Adarlan and Dorian and the future he thought he had with Celaena and what ~Aelin Galathynius~ means to all of that. 
Also also, while considering whether Chaol might be a one, I was reading about how ones are much more restrained and less prone to outbursts and have more control and how sixes are super reactive. And I was wondering about the scene where Celaena mauls his face and tries to kill him, and thinking hmmm, why doesn’t he freak out and have the guards take her away immediately instead of waiting a few seconds and trying to deal with her on his own? Isn’t that more controlled? And it made me realize an important thing to think about when considering all of this which is that, while he’s dating her, Celaena (and the future he has with her) is one of the “things” Chaol is loyal to. He has an allegiance to her, or at least the version of her he loves/perceives/accepts. Which explains a lot about how differently he treats her before, during, and after he’s involved with her.
Also pt 3, all of this was written using quotes just from the enneagram institute website, which isn’t even that in-depth of a source. If I’d been less lazy I could have whipped out a bible-length book and found passages from there, but that wouldn’t have let me copy and paste, so lol. All I’m saying is don’t assume this website is the entirety of the enneagram, or even like the Official Website for it (it’s not, it’s just a good one). We’re not even getting into subtypes here (maybe I’ll make a follow up post, lol).
So anyway that’s what I think about Chaol! And if you’re curious, this is Aelin.
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wroammin · 6 years
The sides on a trip to Disney World (pt. 2):
Alright, part 2. Be prepared for two hundred metric tons of prinxiety about to be dropped (because these two are such disney nerds).
so virgil is obviously into the dark stuff
He knows all of the accidents that have happened at the park
he loves to annoy roman by mentioning one accident right before the ride they’re on starts (bonus points if it’s about the ride they’re on)
he knows every little secret detail, and he’s really sketchy about the disney secret service and other dark stuff
he knows every single obscure disney theory, and refuses to go hidden mickey hunting with roman for fear of being brainwashed
so the moment virgil heard they were all going to disney, he immediately started planning
And one night he was in his room planning, when roman walks in, and he has a peace offering
virgil hears him out, and it turns out that roman wants to make a plan for the parks together
They compare notes on their extensive research about the parks
they calculate the best hours to go to certain attractions
they then write down an entire plan of when to go to which rides (this is mainly the reason why they dont listen to logan’s itinerary)
“so we have exactly three minutes to get from space mountain to big thunder mountain?”
“roman, they’re on opposite sides of the park, that’s not humanly possi-“
they want to meet as much characters as possible and go to all of the rides in all of the parks
they do all the extra night hours and they wake up early every. single. morning.
when they open the parks, they go barreling through the gates
once roman forgot to go through security in magic kingdom and they had to chase him all the way down main street usa
he yelled at virgil as he got dragged away,
but virgil basically said
and he ran back and waited by roman’s side as they rifled through his bag
they found nothing, and the moment they got an all clear they shot off to their first ride.
even though they did want to go on every ride, they had to make some exceptions
virgil absolutely hated some of the rides (like tower of terror) because hello?? anxiety??
buuut roman does convince him to go on some of them
this ends up with roman trying to lighten up the situation, typically by singing some disney songs and/or doing character impressions
virgil’s favorite ride is the haunted mansion (duh)
when they finally get to haunted mansion on their schedule, virgil is super excited
when they get in their doombuggy (or the ride’s cart, for those who don’t know)
roman and virgil both yell
then they pretty much spend the entire ride laughing and pointing out all the little details
bonus: virgil freaks roman out by knowing exactly what the ghost host says, and he immediately starts saying his lines the moment he says them
also: when on a thrill ride, virgil has a tendency to clutch onto roman’s arm in complete fear
roman lets him, even though his fingers may turn slightly purple
after one particularly jarring ride, virgil went into panic mode
so they stopped and roman comforted him until he calmed down
so what if they missed roman’s favorite thing in the parks
it was worth it
So roman knows everything about everything
he knows where every single hidden mickey is.
he knows the layout of the underground disney tunnels for cast members
he knows the times for all of the shows in hollywood studios
his favorite thing in the parks isnt actually a ride
its the beauty and the beast show in hollywood studios
i mean, how could he not love it??
its like broadway off-broadway
plus disney
but if you did ask him what his favorite ride was, he would most likely change it every five seconds
“100% space mountain”
“no- no, wait- mount everest, for sure”
“or, or maybe just the new frozen one!”
“but maybe-“
Also roman dresses up like prince charming to go to the parks
pretty much what he wears in the videos
virgil does end up wearing the hoodie roman gave him to go to the parks
roman is touched
so anyway roman buys a fake sword after they ride pirates of the caribbean together (they both sing the pirate song at the end of the ride)
and basically he treats it like a real sword
on one occasion, a little kid (dressed like a pirate) comes up to him and he’s really excited
he asks roman if he’s really prince charming because of his costume,
and virgil looks at him like don’t you even dare
but how can roman miss out on this, so he goes
“Why of course!”
and the little kid gasps and challenges him to a sword fight
virgil is brooding on the edge of the circle, wondering why roman has to be That Way ™
literally people stop and start a huddle
so the battle starts, and roman feigns a couple attacks, slow enough so that the kid can dodge them, but fast enough so that it looks like he’s trying
at first the kid is hesitant, then he starts attacking roman
the kid lands a hit, and roman immediately drops to the floor, and the crowd is going wild at this point
roman uses his acting skills ™ and he pretend-dies right then and there
the kids’ parents lift him up and the crowd cheers for him
but the kid is upset, so they put him down on the floor
he runs over to virgil, and he tugs on his hoodie and he asks him if he’s prince charming’s friend
and virgil says “...yeah?” kind of hesitantly because oh my god virgil cannot fight a child
So the kid smiles and says
“You look magical! And I feel really bad about taking away your friend, so can you bring him back to life?”
Virgil is flustered for a moment,
but then he goes over and kind of taps roman on the side with his foot and just goes
“There. Uh, be... alive? Or some other magic thing?”
but before roman can get up, the kid goes
“No!! That’s not magic! Only true love’s kiss can wake him up!!”
so virgil’s really confused, and roman is only slightly sick of being on the floor
then virgil tries to explain that roman’s true love isn’t there right now so that won’t work, but the kid explains that
“You’re his true love!! You said you were his friend, right?? Boyfriend!!”
roman almost chokes but he holds it in, and virgil is uselessly spluttering
the child’s parents pick him up right after and apologize, taking the kid away
roman gets up immediately after, and they both walk in silence for a long time after
@shattereddreamsamongotherthings, @frigglishsprite413 , @midnighteclipse98
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rosyredlipstick · 7 years
Rental Love*(4\?)
(*Read Terms & Conditions)
- Male/22/Long Island N.Y.C. Tired of showing up stag at holiday events? Want your family to stop thinking there’s something wrong with you? Just want some arm candy for a work event? Look no further. Your solution is here! I will attend holiday events with you as your paid date. Accepting all genders as applicants. Email [email protected] if interested. Interview & application will be set up there. - Nico di Angelo has been telling Hazel Levesque about his boyfriend for weeks. The bad part? Nico doesn’t have a boyfriend, the holidays are coming up, and not all of Jason’s ideas are horrible. They’re all a bit surprised about the last one. Read Part One Here Part Two Part Three
“So you won the Gingerbread contest and I totally, completely, fully detest you from now on, buuut -” Hazel threw herself on the couch next to him, apparently taking advantage of Will’s rare vacancy from his side. “I’m still your sister and I still love you lots.”
Nico kept his position sprawled across the couch, but clicked off his phone to give her his attention. “Um. Glad to know?”
Hazel shook her head, her hand coming to rest on his head. “I have a question and I might be overstepping but I worry about you sometimes and I want you to know you can always talk to me about these kinds of things.”
Nico stayed frozen in his position, his mind racing with a few hundred different questions she could have thought up. Whatever it was - should he lie? What if it was about the arrangement - how did she know? Were he and Will really that obvious, after only two and half days?
Hazel was waiting for a response. “Okay.” He slowly said, a good amount of hesitation pressed into the word. He wished Will would return from the upstairs where he went to grab an extra blanket - he probably a pro at deflecting questions.
Hazel took a deep breath, her fingers curling into his hair.
“Did you and Will have a fight?” Hazel asked quickly, her words rushing out. She bit her lip, looking down at him with an unsure gaze.
Nico sat up at that, pulling away from her fingers carefully, and gave her a curious look. “Why do you ask?”
She hesitated. “Um. So last night my phone charger was acting up, and I know you keep like ten extra ones in your bedside table - and I totally knocked and everything! - but I uh, noticed you and Will weren’t sleeping together.” Her eyes went wide, “Not like you should be pressured into anything! You –“
She cut herself off at Nico’s laughter, giving him a confused look.
Nico waved her off, “No, no it’s fine.” He laughed again, this time giving him a moment to think. “Will hogs the blankets and I was tired of it last night and crashed on the couch.” He lied easily, the laugh still bumping its way over his words.
Hazel let out a breath of relief. “Oh, okay.” She smiled at him. “Good. You guys are good together.”
Nico gave her a considering look. “You think so?”
She nodded, not noticing the tone in his voice. “Yeah. You balance each other out, you know?”
Nico thought back to Will, who just minutes before was laughing around a mouthful of gumdrops with Frank. “I...yeah. I know.”
She gave him a wink, her smile turning a bit devilish. “He likes you a lot. It’s really obvious.”
Nico bit his lip, dunking his head. “You think so?”
Hazel nodded, her voice confident. “He’s always looking at you. Like you’re something real special.” She smiled, this time soft and pure. “I’m really glad you found someone like him, Nico. I’m so happy you’re happy.” She nudged him, “And I’m glad you guys aren’t fighting.”
Nico kept his gaze on the floor, his longer hair thankfully keeping the blush on his cheeks hidden from view. He couldn’t deny her, or disagree with her thoughts. Will was just...committed to his job. He was an excellent actor, his portfolio promised so. Will came back in the room at that moment, a blanket overflowing in his arms, Frank grinning and speaking at his side. Nico looked away, hoping his thoughts weren’t too obvious.
“Thanks, Hazel.” He only said, the only thing he could say. He felt her fingers ruffle through his hair, a fond smile probably on her lips, before she stood and pulled on his arm.
“Let’s do something before dinner. Maybe a puzzle?”
“I fucking hate puzzles.” Nico muttered, just in time for Will to brighten and exclaim, “I love puzzles!”
Hazel gave Will a happy look and latched onto his arm instead. “Why, Will Solace, I think I’m going to keep you around.”
Will didn’t even have to fake the pleased look that came over his face at that. But Nico doesn’t have to know that.
“Why the fuck are we making a goddamn snow scene.”
“It’s Christmas.”
“It’s impossible.”
“You’re impossible.”
“Wow. Did someone write that up for you, or did you just think of that witty remark on the fly?”
“I’ll have you know -”
Hazel shot a curious look over to her boyfriend, her eyebrows a bit furrowed. “Did we ever bicker like that?” She asked, honestly curious.
Frank looked up from his process of dividing up the puzzle pieces. Right now, it was a big pile of blue sky pieces, and an even bigger pile of white snowflake pieces. He carefully placed a brown piece in the much, much smaller pile for the log cabin picture in the distance, and her heart warmed at how earnestly he was performing the given task. She was going to marry this boy.
“I don’t think so.” He said after carefully thinking for a long moment, her brother and his boyfriend still bickering in the background. “I was kind of crushing on you from moment one. I don’t think I could have survived passive aggressive remarks. I probably would have cried if you -” He shot a look to where Nico was basically roasting Will at this point. “Yeah. Definitely not.”
She smiled, her cheeks warming a bit at her boyfriend’s words. “I had a crush on you too. Glad it worked out.”
Frank leaned in, giving her a quick peck on the cheek, and that was the action that finally seemed to return the separated couple to reality.
“Gross.” Nico wrinkled his nose, throwing a puzzle piece in their direction, only to conveniently completely miss and hit Will in the forehead. The other boy glared at him, but Nico only smiled.
Hazel totally wasn’t laughing. Totally wasn’t.
Frank didn’t even bother pretending.
Hours after the hellish puzzle from hell, Nico was finally given the opportunity to escape.
He had a long day after all - the Gingerbread contest always took a lot out of him with all the mental stress, and that boring ass puzzle didn’t exactly pump his adrenaline.
He waved his goodnights to Hazel and Frank, Hades and Persephone off somewhere Nico was too tired to bother looking for. Will followed him, of course, and was strangely quiet during the majority of goodnights exchanged.
Despite their bickering throughout the entire puzzle making, Nico was feeling a bit light. Without the addition of the puzzle, that evening might even have been considered fun. Bickering with Will was becoming, oddly, enjoyable. He wondered what the other boy thought of it.
Nico and Will separated as they entered the room, changing quickly and turning through their own bedtime rituals.
Nico returned to the couch, breath now pleasantly minty-fresh, and began to make it up as he had nights before. He’d have to lock the bedroom door tonight, in case of anymore nighttime visitors. Hades probably wouldn’t buy the blanket stealing excuse as easily, as he knew Nico didn’t bother with heavy blankets most night.
He was just beginning to tuck the sheets into the cushions when he noticed Will lingering at the side of the bed, staring at him.
Nico glanced up at him, “Yeah? Need something?”
Will paused for a moment, almost like he was surprised to be caught, and bit his lip. “I heard Hazel earlier. In the living room.”
“Oh.” Nico shrugged, “I’ll just lock the door tonight, it’s fine.”
Will was still staring at him, and looked to be collecting his words. That’s fine. Nico was patient.
He waited for a few moments, and when Will spoke, his voice was slightly soft with nerves.
“You can…we can share the bed tonight.” Will turned away from him, his hands tightly wound together. “I mean, if you want, the couch can’t be that comfortable and the bed is huge. And we don’t want anyone else to notice, you know? And...and a locked door is a fire hazard.”
Nico swallowed, and was surprised at how dry his throat was. He dunked his head, letting his hair fall over his face. Whatever he was expecting, it wasn’t that. Will was still fidgeting, he noticed, at the side of the bed.
“Sure.” He agreed after a moment. “That...makes sense.”
Nico climbed in after him, his limbs stiff as he settled and adjusted on the mattress.
They were both still and awkward for a long moment, with Nico overly aware of every movement his body. He was lying on his bed, on the edge of the bed, a position he knew it would be impossible for him to fall asleep in.
“This is ridiculous.” Will breathed out.
Nico bit his lip in the dark, knowing Will wouldn’t be able to see his unsure expression. He sat up, pulling his pillow up. “I can just go back on the couch it’s –“
Will huffed, cutting him off to swing an arm around Nico’s waist and pull him in close. “C’mon, you’re the little spoon.”
Nico allowed himself to be pulled into Will’s chest, fiercely grateful for the thin fabric separating both of their chests. He was surprised at how warm Will was – his arms, his chest, the breath against the back of his neck – he was surprised at how much he liked it. Nico was always cold, after all.
“We’re boyfriends of four months, remember?” Nico could hear the humor in Will’s voice, “If we’re awkward all night neither of us will get any sleep. Relax.”
Still stiff against Will’s chest, Nico forced his muscles to relax. “I’m fine.” He mumbled, burying his face into his pillow, simply grateful for the dark that hid his harshly red cheeks.
“Go to sleep, Nico.” Will’s voice was soft in his ear. “Have sweet dreams.”
Nico took a breath, closed his eyes, and tried to ignore the curl of enjoyment in his chest that came from the weight of Will’s arm across his waist, and the heat off the other boy’s skin.
“I made you breakfast in bed.”
Nico stood at the front of the bed, the plate clenched behind his back, as Will began to blink himself away. He propped himself up on his elbows, squinting a bit as his mind began to boot up. He was probably surprised to see Nico awake earlier than noon.
Will stared at him for another long moment, his cheeks red with pillow marks and his hair a blond mess. “What?”
Nico cleared his throat, shifting his weight, and repeated himself. “I made you breakfast in bed. I mean, obviously I got out of bed to make it - that’s a weird phrase, isn’t it? - but you’re still in bed. So. Breakfast in bed.”
Will perked up at that, a pleased smile taking place on his face. He sat up a bit more, leaning against the headboard. “You did?”
Nico nodded, a coy look passing as he looked up at the other boy through his eyelashes. “Yeah. Here.”
Finally, Nico pulled out the plate from behind his back, holding it out to Will with wide, innocent eyes.
Will stared at the plate.
Nico took a shocked look, “What? You don’t like it?” He placed the plate on the bed, edging it closer to the other boy. “I got up hours ago to make them!”
Will scowled, pushing off the blankets. “What, you got up hours ago to heat up a pack of fucking pop-tarts?”
“Actually, I didn’t heat them up. Best served cold, I’ve always thought.”
“I fucking hate you.”
Nico grinned devilishly, throwing himself across the bed now that his joke was through. “So I’m taking it you don’t like the meal I’ve made for you?”
Will was still scowling, “I can’t believe you. I can’t believe you got up at seven in the morning - on Christmas Eve - went downstairs, opened a pack of diabetes, put them on a plate, and woke me up an hour early for some joke.”
Nico shrugged, breaking off the edge of one of the pop-tarts to pop it into this mouth. Apparently, Will wasn’t going to be eating them, and Nico wasn’t one for waste. “Committed to the cause, what can I tell you.”
Will made a noise of displeasure, looking close to pushing Nico straight off the mattress.
“You’re not going back to sleep.” Will told him, even as Nico began to curl up in a familiar position. “I won’t be able to fall back asleep and this is all your fault. You’re not falling back asleep.”
Nico snorted, pulling the blanket over his shoulder. “Yeah? And how are you going to stop me?”
There was a beat of silence, a bit too long, and Nico cracked open his eyes just in time to see a wide, evil grin cross Will’s face.
“Oh?” Will only said, and Nico regretted everything already.
Three hours later, answering the siren call of the fragrance of pancakes and chocolate, the pair of boys were finally stumbling down the staircase.
Will had been correct in his declaration of Nico’s continued consciousness. Nico, in a prior declaration - one that had been correct in his fact of Will’s continued annoyance and assholeness - was also correct.
Now, hours later, both boy’s eyes were nearly falling to the temptation of closing, and both had definitely fallen to the conclusion of regret.
“Merry Christmas Eve, love birds.” Hades grinned at them from the stove, eyeing their exhaustion as he flipped a pancake.
They nodded in sleepily greeting, Nico mostly leaning into Will’s side.
For appearances, of course.
He was annoyed at the other boy, after all.
Persephone, half passed out on the counter, smiled as Hades slid a plate of blueberry pancakes her way. “Thanks, love.”
Hades only brushed a kiss onto her temple, his eyes wrinkling in an answering smile.
Will gave him a pointed look at that, almost like that’s what breakfast is suppose to be.
Nico rolled his eyes at him, taking a seat at the counter.
“Have you picked out your movie yet, son?” Hades flipped around few pancakes on a plate, sliding it towards them. Will perked up at the sight, immediately grabbing a few of the strawberry ones. Good. Left more chocolate ones for Nico.
Nico shook his head, assembling a plate through a yawn. He began pouring an amount of syrup over the food that had Will shuddering in the background. “I’ll look over the options.” He shrugged, “Maybe something PIXAR, I haven’t decided.”
Hades nodded in approval. Hades, like Nico, also had no shame when it came to a good animated film, and less shame when it came to the inevitable tears that PIXAR was famous for.
It was a surprise either of them survived Toy Story 3.
They ate quietly, too tired for any form of conversation. Hades and Persephone left after finishing their own meals, probably to ready themselves for whatever activities they had planned for the day. Nico would be finding out soon enough, too lazy to check the family group chat that had been dinging all morning.
He stayed spread out over the counter for a bit longer, shoving the sugary pancakes bites without bothering to sit up. Will gave him a look, clearly stating really? that Nico was content to ignore.
He heard the patter of footsteps hit the hallway, and mentally prepared himself for his sister’s overexcited personality. Maybe the whole ‘wake Will up early for a hilarious joke’ wasn’t a great idea.
Will, rolling his eyes, was apparently having no sympathy for him.
A finger poked him in the back, probably Hazel, with her nose wrinkling over his slumped form over the counter. He could almost imagine the expression of distaste on her face as she did so. He was probably getting syrup in his hair but eh. Sacrifices had to made.
She poked him again. “C’mon, we have to get ready. Hades wants to leave soon.”
“Leave?” Will asked, turning in his seat at the counter. Nico finally looked up, slightly annoyed from lack of sleep.
Hazel huffed out a breath, giving Nico a look. “Do you even bother to update him on the family group chat?”
Nico shrugged, “I forgot.”
“Just add him.” Frank said helpfully, pulling out his own phone from his place at the separate counter. “I’ve been in it forever now.”
Nico opened his mouth to disagree but snapped his jaw close before the words could escape. “Um…”
Will had gone still beside him, his thoughts probably going to the same conclusion: that Will wouldn’t be needed in the family group chat come two weeks.
Hazel gave them a curious look before turning on Will. “Is that alright, Will? We normally just talk about plans for the next day, although Hades will share the occasional incredibly outdated meme.”
Will shot a quick, cautious look towards Nico, who could only shrug.
Will looked back to Hazel. “Uh, sure.” He shook off the awkward emotion that had edged in on the moment. “I mean, yeah! Totally.” He took Hazel’s phone, typing in his number quickly.  
Hazel grinned in triumph, sending a quick experimental text that had all the phones in the room ding with notification.
Will, smiling slightly and still glancing over a bit at Nico in concern, sent off a quick reply Nico didn’t bother to check before tucking his phone away and turning back to their small half-circle.
“So back to the topic at hand -” Will edged closer to Nico’s side, “Where are we going again?”
Hazel smiled brightly, grabbing onto the blond’s arm excitedly. “Have you ever heard of the Christkindlmarket?”  
Will blinked. “I’m from New York.”
This time, both Frank and Hazel beamed at the other boy, Nico, his annoyed sleepiness quickly fading away, almost did as well.
Rows of brightly lit booths were lined up on the street, lights and people dancing around in equal around the extravagant Christmas decorations. They had managed to arrive at the market early enough that the street wasn’t completely packed yet, but there was still a healthy population gathered in the area of cleared snow and decorations. It was the 24th, the last day of the festival, and the crowd expected tonight was a large one.
The signature attraction - the large, looming lusciously emerald Christmas tree towered over them all. Golden ribbons spun over the needles, and shiny red bulbs were gathered in sections with other brightly colored ornaments.
Hazel was already dragging a too-willing Frank along in her wake, probably towards one of the many craft booths she loved. Persephone waved at both of them - he and Will gathered under the entrance as Will took it all in, there hands and sides pressed closely together - as Hades became too interested in the much-too-expensive holiday products. He, Nico could guarantee, would end up spending a small fortune by the end of the night, if by tradition. He and Hazel usually bet on the amount Hades would manage to spend. Nico was betting on at least four digits hitting the older man’s credit card, but Hazel was sure Persephone would talk him out of such a number.
Will shot him a beaming smile, and Nico was a bit pissed at the idea that the other boy could have no idea what that smile did to his heart. Will had a dangerous power in the stretch of his lips, and Nico couldn’t believe the other boy had no idea.
“This place is amazing!” Will was nearly bouncing. “This is - this is so cool!”
Nico grinned, stuffing his other hand into the pocket of his jacket - leather, so of course Will had spent the drive over teasing him - and Will’s hand was pleasantly keeping his exposed fingers on his other hand warm. Despite Nico’s family long disappeared into the crowd, neither boy pulled away.
Nico’s eye caught on one of the closest booths, and tugged the other boy along at the short line.
Will watched him with a curious eye as Nico stepped forward to purchase two heavy glass mugs of steaming, fragrant liquid, smiling slightly at the other boy during the whole exchange.
Nico passed over one of the familiar mugs - a small white boot with Christmas scenery painted on the side - and grinned as Will examined the glass with a confused expression.
“They’re traditional.” Nico explained, thinking back to the rows of mugs Persephone fondly kept in their china cabin, along the literal priceless actual china.
Will took an experimental sniff of the drink, the steam curling up to redden his cheeks. “What is it?”
Nico took a small sip, sighing slightly at the pleasant, once-a-year taste. “Glühwein. Hot spiced wine - it’s amazing.” Nico nodded to him, squeezing at his hand were they were still entwined at their sides. “Try it.” He cocked his head slightly, thinking. “You liked the wine Persephone served at family dinner, right? Then you’ll love this.”
Will gave him a suspicious look before deciding to brave it, lifting the mug to take a slow, hesitant sip. Nico watched him eagerly, grinning, as Will’s eyes widened as he pulled away the mug, staring at the drink in a bit of shock.
“Great, right?” Nico laughed as Will took another, fuller drink.
Will looked up over the edge of his mug, his eyes dancing, and nodded happily. He grinned, a bit of the dark wine staining his lips, his cheeks flushing from the steam and cold in equal, and Nico had to take a deep breath.
“Come on.” Nico had to turn away, look away before he did something stupid. Like closing the increasingly smaller space between them, as Will hung off his arm, and seeing how much better that spiced wine would taste with the addition of Will’s lips.
Nico lead them both over to the lined up booths, smelling like wood chips and cedar and glue, and let the other boy marvel at all the beautifully crafted toys and ornaments and decorations.
Will bought a small set of wooden animal figurines at one of the booths, smiling as he told Nico about his youngest sister’s love of animals, his fingers twirling over the slightly uneven grooves that came with handmade items.
“Marisol, right?” Nico thought back to the personal information packet he had basically memorized at this point.
Will gave him a curious, if slightly pleased, look. “Yeah. Then it’s Selena, Hina, and Kayla. Kayla’s only a few months younger then I.”
Nico nodded, satisfied he had gotten the information correct. Their hands were swinging between them now, Will’s paper bag hanging off the wrist between them, both of their free hands still clenching at their cooling wine.
They continued to walk around the market, pressing together through the crowd, both of their eyes shining from the lights, both of their cheeks flushing from the wine.
“This is beautiful.” Will whispered, his voice taking on a tone of wonder.
Nico swallowed, his gaze steady as it steered at the curl of Will’s golden hair, and the muti-color flashes of light from blinding decorations on his skin. He had to resist the urge to agree, blinking back at the sight of that goddamn smile, and the crinkles in the other boy’s skin that came with the action.
“Yeah.” Nico only said weakly, pulling out his phone for some sort of distraction. He checked the messages there, the family group chat almost exploding with shared photos and texts despite being at the same goddamn event.
Nico smiled a bit at Hazel’s shared photo of her and Frank beaming over a snowman mug of hot chocolate.
“Cute.” Will remarked, smiling, as he peeked over Nico’s shoulder to see the screen. He cocked his head, still grinned. “Want a matching selfie?”
Nico bit his lips, looking up at the other boy through his eyelashes. “I -” Whatever sarcastic remark that usually sat on the tip of his tongue died out. “Um. Sure. Yeah.”
Will pressed himself - almost impossibly - closer, hooking his chin over Nico’s shoulder, letting go of Nico’s hand to wrap his arm around Nico’s waist. Nico’s cheeks burned - fuck his cheeks, what the hell, c’mon man - and he almost frantically swiped open the camera app.
He took the photo quickly, almost forgetting to school his expression into something smooth and somewhat enjoyable looking. Will lingered a few moments, examining the photo as Nico pulled it up, and grinned before pulling away, taking his warmth with him.
Nico felt unsteady for a single moment, with Will’s warmth gone and the photo in his hand, but steadied himself with the deep breath, and quick flutter of his eyelids.
He sent the photo in the group chat, forcing himself not to consider the action, and grabbed back onto Will’s awaiting hand.
They walked around for a bit longer, Nico buying a small out-of-season metal skull, probably left over from some Halloween festival, that looked particularly cool. Will scoffed at the purchase, but couldn’t deny the beauty as he ran his finger over the intricate design carved into the front. Nico could already imagine the place it would take up in his and Jason’s apartment.
Will bought a glass ornament as well - a crystal mermaid wrapped carefully in numerous layers of paper and bubble wrap.
Nico cocked his head to the side. “Marisol again?”
Will grinned, tucking the awkward bundle into his paper bag with the wooden animals. “Hina, actually. She really loves mermaids for some weird reason.”
Nico shrugged, “Hazel was a horse girl. I guess siblings are just weird.”
Will gave him a playfully critical look. “Really? Hazel was the weird sibling?” He shot a significant look toward the bag in Nico’s hand. “You literally just bought a skull. And she’s the weird one?”
Nico shoved him, no real heat behind the action, and stuck out his tongue. “Better than being a nerd. What, were you obsessed with medical textbooks as a kid?”
Will gave him a bashful look, blushing slightly before dunking his head. “...I….used to collect stereoscopes actually.” His flush was at full force now, and this time Nico wasn’t crediting it a bit to the cold or alcohol.
Nico full on grinned, his voice dripping with glee. “Oh my god. Really?” He barked out a laugh, clenching his bag to his chest. “Oh god, Will, you’re such a total nerd, oh my god.”
Will pouted playfully, the blush still climbing up his neck. “I liked them, okay! And my mom was always bringing them home from work and they were such cool colors -”
“No, no, no.” Nico held up a hand, still laughing. “Don’t try and justify your weirdness. You were a nerd.” Nico gasped as if an idea just hit him, “Wait, I bet you were one of those kids that went as a doctor for Halloween and were completely too seriously about it, weren’t you?”
Will dunked his head again, letting his curls fall over his face. “....Every year since I was nine.”
Nico howled with laughter, gathering more than a few annoyed looks, but hung off the other boy as he laughed into his arm. “This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” Nico threw his head back once more, letting out the last of the laughter bumping up his chest.
When he looked back down at the other boy - just barely was their height difference noticable - Will was still staring at him, his lips curled up into a smile despite Nico’s teasing words, and the blush was still a noticeable presence on his cheeks.
Nico was still grinning, and Will was still blushing, and Nico didn’t even think about it that much as he swung his arm over Will’s shoulders and pulled him close. Their steps fell into unison, their smiles nearly matching. “We can start heading back soon - it’s getting too crowded anyways.”
Will shrugged happily, “That’s okay. I had fun. I’ve never been to Chicago - this place is awesome! It’s no New York -” He shot Nico a teasing grin, “But it’s nice. I like it.”
Nico blushed as if Will had been complimenting him, instead of his city. Wow. Fuck his traitor cheeks. “Let’s go. We have to make it back soon - we’ve still got to watch the Christmas Eve movie.”
Will hummed and allowed himself to be pulled along. “Have you picked yet?”
Nico willed the red in his cheeks to fade away. He was going to start melting snowflakes at this rate. “It’s a surprise. You can wait a bit longer.”
They met up with Hades and Persephone - Hades predictably weighted down by numerous bags, and Nico would be collecting the recipes later to count up the amount in which his father had managed to waste this time - and they waited as Hades called up their limo, and Persephone directed Hazel and Frank to their location, her voice light and filled with laughter.
Hazel was infamously horrible with directions, and the phone had probably been passed to Frank by this point out of sheer desperation.
The couple managed to find them eventually, Jules-Albert long arrived, and Nico smirked at his sister’s flustered, slightly embarrassed expression.
Jules-Albert’s presence betrayed nothing as Hades cheerfully informed the man of Will and Nico’s relationship, going into detail about the stories shared the night before during family dinner, smiling happily the entire time.
Nico had said it before, and he’d most definitely say it again, but Jules-Albert was the best.
They arrived at the manor after some time - enough time for Nico to start dozing off on Will’s shoulder, but just enough for Nico to not be completely asleep just in time to flick off Hazel’s cameraphone.
They all went their separate ways and changed into their pajamas - another tradition - before congregating back into the movie room. Hades had insisted on it years ago, saying that his classic movies deserved nothing but the floor to ceiling screen he had had installed, and the plush leather couches were nothing but what his back needed.
Nico had rolled his eyes at the time, but couldn’t deny enjoying the extragence.   
Persephone smiled softly at them all as she carried out bowl after bowl of snacks, Frank - always the helpful presence - helping her carry in the drinks to set out on the table.
Hades was already settled on the couch, his usual cleanly pressed suit traded in for a rare outfit of barely worn soft sweats, along with a too-tight graphic t-shirt Nico was almost positive was his own. It’s not like many other people in the household wore faded Fall Out Boy shirts, but claiming the article of clothing would no doubt start up Will’s teasing. He let his father have this one.
He already had the DVD case at the ready, and began the familiar process of loading up the television and machine.
Nico bend over the DVD player, clicking the disk out of the case and popping in into the machine.
“What movie did you end up picking?” Frank asked, passing over one of the huge popcorn bowls, the snack still steaming salt and butter fragrance.
Nico waited a few moments, clicking the case close before holding it up, one shoulder already raised in nonchalance.
“It’s a Wonderful Life!” Hades beamed, “A classic! I love that movie.”
Hazel frowned, “I mean, if you wanted a love story…”
Nico ignored her, turning to find his seat on the couch instead, pressed closely against the arm of the chair and taking his place at Will’s side.
“That’s….my favorite Christmas movie.” Will remarked softly into his ear, his voice only audible because of their close proximity.
Nico dipped his head and looked away to fiddle with the remote despite the opening commercials still playing on the screen. He cleared his throat and avoided all thought of the few personal information papers he had looked over the night before. “Yeah? Cool. It’s a good movie.”
Will went quiet at his side - a rare occurrence - and the silence from the other boy went on long enough that soon, after only a few moment, Nico glanced over.
Will was staring at him, his head slightly cocked, his mouth open and his eyes steady.
“Do you like this movie?” Will asked after a moment, and Nico didn’t even try to fake ignorance to the question that other boy was really asking.
Did you pick this movie because of me?
Nico shrugged, “It’s okay. A holiday favorite, I guess.”
Yes. Yes I did.
Will seemed to understand, or at least he found some meaning in those words as he glanced away, his cheeks just barely burning with noticeable color.
Will had a good face for a nice blush, Nico was beginning to realize.
“Oh.” Will finally responded, the opening menu finally loading.
Nico clicked the play button, mostly just so he wouldn’t have to answer the obvious question that slipped out with the single word.
What does this mean?
Nico had no idea.
The next night wasn’t nearly as awkward as the one before.
This….this wasn’t just Will’s job, he was beginning to consider. Or was it?
Did Will always watch his other clients so carefully, with such a heavy gaze? Was he always so touchy and tactile, always a lingering fingertip or loose hand trailing across skin?
Nico was dying to ask.
But Jesus did Nico not want to know.
What if Will said yes, yes of course?
But god, what if he said no?
Nico tried to ignore these thoughts as he readied for bed, not waiting for permission as he climbed into the side he had dubbed as his own.
They faced each other, staring at each through the dim darkness. There was a light just outside his window that kept the room from being pitch dark, and while it used to bother Nico when he was younger, he was thankful for it at this moment. Thankful he could just almost count the freckles splashed across Will’s cheeks, and that he could just barely see the exposed tan skin of Will’s chest. Will was sleeping shirtless tonight. Fuck.
They stayed in that position for awhile, and maybe the staring was weird - hell it probably was - but neither broke it.
A high pitched beep interrupted this strange silence, the first to do so in hours, and Nico licked his lips before he spoke, his voice and gaze soft with the moment.
“It’s midnight.” Nico whispered, his voice as soft as the emotion crawling up his chest. “Merry Christmas, Will.”
“Merry Christmas Nico.” He answered back, his golden curls a cascade of frizzy color across the dark pillowcase. Nico resisted the urge to rest his hand there, on that sweep of curls, where he felt his hand would oh-so perfectly fit.
“Goodnight.” Nico shifted, pulling the comforter tightly around his shoulders. He wondered if Will was the sort to hog the blanket. He wanted to find out.
Nico caught a flash of Will’s white teeth as he smiled through the darkness. “Have sweet dreams, Neeks.”
Author Notes: 
christkindlmarket is one of my favorite things ever and i have too many boot mugs they're beautiful i love hazel so much i would fight for her a chapter posted without a month in between the last and current one????? wHAT? ikr. freedom tastes like coffee and fanfiction i tell you. I too detest puzzles nico i understand FEELINGS!!!!!!!!!!! i was listening to the fun home soundtrack while i listened to this i was crying and writing fluff hoOW my showtunes playlist has 429 songs on it lol hmu for show recs shout out to tumblr\AO3 user @awkwardnessisavirtue GOOD LUCK ON YOUR LAST EXAM VIRTUE I BELIEVE IN YOU THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR AMAZING REVIEWS THEY HONESTLY HELP THE WRITING PROCESS SO MUCH JFC THANK YOOUUUU up next: cHRISTMAS !!!
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