#butter cosplay
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butterfilledpockets · 2 years ago
It is not 100% done, still gotta trademark it with geniustech and add the little details
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featuring creative cencorship
did I make the cloak far longer than it is canonically?
sewing nerd info dump↓
I spent all day making this :D
it is made of a bed sheet,
I used a neat sewing technique for the shoudlers I learnt from the sewing bee! It is fully lined and SO COMFY!!!
I made the pattern myself, I made a few mockups before I got to the main fabric. I will be sharing an aproximate pattern (i dont know how to make a printout one) at some point!
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puddii-ng · 3 months ago
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as cute as can be! 🎀
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cosmica-candy · 7 months ago
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Someone make this into a looping gif lmao
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littlemissgloomexe · 4 months ago
What?? Cosplaying my own OC?? I’d never…
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Bonus picturez ft @appledorkie :3
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I might redraw theze w Mel but I have sm on my need to draw/animate list
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ded-inside-anonymous · 3 months ago
I'm mad at Amaryllis 'flowers'
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So naturally I Google to see if the stalk is edible because look at the crunchy, water filled stalk THAT IS 100% JUST CELERY COSPLAYING AS A LILY
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Unfortunately I have no proof this is not written by scientists so I now have to debate risking death to find out what the forbidden celery tastes like
I'm very conflicted, my friends
Very conflicted
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everythingwasnormalhere · 4 months ago
man i love comic cons
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tiecladartist · 1 year ago
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Did a costest for Astarion! Deeeefinitely need to stain the fangs and paint the ears a little 😅
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leadendeath · 7 months ago
saw a delorean in person recently, didnt get a pic </3
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number1yisuchongfan · 2 years ago
Pootis is watching the Cmedic Cosplay’s helmet first coat of base paint dry like the good little Robin he is (he will be paid with cookies and sandwiches for his hard work)
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butterfilledpockets · 1 year ago
butter butter butter do you have any tips for working with foam to make props like materials to use n stuff? Perhaps?
benny benny benny hi hi :)
From my extensive six hours of fiddling-
first off, those kiddy foam pad thingies?
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Absolutely usable!! and more cost friendly :D they are what I used for the mask.
For glue, I used shoe repair glue but contact cement is pretty widely available. Best tip for the glue, apply it, wait for it get tacky (like 10 minutes) and then press it to stick. At least with the stuff I used
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Foam bends quite easily, I’ve not tried into using a heat gun/ hairdryer to shape it. But I mainly used notches and cuts to add dimension and stuff as it was what I was used to working with from my sewing/cardboard background from previous projects. And for the notches you’re going to want to cut indents, like, cut at an angle so the joints align somewhat perfectly
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I actually used sewing pins to sew the foam in place whilst the glue dried to hold it firm and still, but idk that’s just my weird process
I’ll keep updating on my work, but next step is I’m going to smooth things over with foam clay, seal and paint it, but I am going to using kid foam clay I grabbed from a back to school playlist, not sure how it’ll work but we shall see.
AND WATCH YOUR FINGIES I almost cut mind off thrice because exacto-blade sharp (though that may have also been cause I sometimes gave up using tiny blade and used my hunting knife to make bigger cuts) I did sometimes cheat and use scissors but got mixed results
Feel free to ask for any help/advice/tips any time! I hope I get time to make Casey’s saw-hockey stick so that’ll give me a better idea for props :D
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bonzo2024 · 10 months ago
my ennard cosplay
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Second time I’ve cosplayed as ennard!!!!
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sketchesfromthemoon · 2 years ago
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the buttercups! absolutely love the idea of 60's fashion with them
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cosmica-candy · 8 months ago
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kussstarni4ek · 2 years ago
yuppie! chaos professor at your service, hehe! (AT THE FESTIVAL, UTTD'S MIDORI SAID HE WOULD BE MY FATHER)
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davidmariottecomics · 2 years ago
Butter Sales
Today's update is kind of a journey, but it's all leading to a super important update, so just stick with me. No real better way to get into it than to get into it, so... let's! 
Butter Base
Okay, so you know my friend, Ricky, right? Ricky? He's like... yay tall? Face like a meerkat? Yeah, him. Rrrrricky. Rickeeee. That's my boy. 
If you somehow don't know my friend Ricky, here's what you need to know. He's always coming up with these crazy schemes. Like, one time, Ricky... put flowers in a pot. Not like he y'know, planted a plant and flowers grew out of some beautifully sculpted terracotta. Nah, my boy Ricky, he bought some flowers for his mom but forgot to give them to her, so they were just like wilting in his house, so he put them in his big pasta pot. It was wild, but maybe you had to be there. 
Oh, that's the other thing you need to know. He has this big pasta pot because his mom, the one he bought flowers for, she's really good at making pasta. So she bought him a big pot so he could be good at making pasta, but I've tasted both of their pastas and Ricky's mom's pasta is where it's at and Ricky's pasta isn't very good at all. I guess there's more to pasta than a big pot. 
Ricky's New Gig
Alright, so one time, Ricky went to the store and they had a lot of butter. Like, how he first told it, it sounded like the store only had butter. But I asked and he said they had other stuff too, so, don't imagine quite as much butter as I did. Anyway, so he's at the store and they've just got all this butter. Ricky said it was like 50 times as much butter as a store should have. Just shelves of the stuff. And Ricky, you know him, he sees something like that and he starts cooking up these wacky ideas. So Ricky bought some butter. 
Now my boy is a butter salesman. He just goes around selling butter. And it seems like he's making bank. I know because he showed me this fat wad of cash he was carrying. He said he had to carry it around because his bank's really lame and wouldn't trade him non-buttery bills for buttery ones. 
He told me a trade secret, that I'm going to pass on to you. The sweet spot is the third house. The first two, the butter's like nice and cool and firm in your pocket, but it means you gotta find a knife to cut a pat off so people can taste test. But some people treat you really weird when you come up to their door and say that you need to borrow their knife so that you can sell them butter. The third house though, the butter's started to soften up, so you can just sort of scoop some out and let them lick it off your finger. People really like that. But for houses four and more, that gets a little tricky because the butter starts picking up like lint or money or whatever else you have in your pocket. 
My New Gig 
Ricky offered to get me a job working as a butter salesman, like him, and I took it. That's my big announcement. I'm leaving comics to go sell butter. Sorry! 
Don't tell Ricky this, but I also think I figured out a way to make even more in butter sales. I'm going to keep my butter pocket, my lint pocket, and my cash pocket separate. Like, duh. 
So next time you see me, tell me where your house is so I can come sell you some butter. 
Much love, David Butter Salesman 
What I enjoyed this week: Blank Check (Podcast), Honkai Impact (Video game), Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (Anime), The Circle (Trash TV), When Harry Met Sally (Movie), Logan Lucky (Movie), my friend Chloe Brailsford gave me a sneak peek of something they've been working on and it's very good. Keep an eye out for more from her! I haven't played it yet, but I'm very excited for The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. You may've seen that Min Ho Kim, one of our artists over at IDW, worked on the character art! It's clearly a labor of love by everyone involved and that's really cool. WonderCon was nice. Glad I got to see some folks I haven't seen in a while. I did catch con crud (and tested and came back negative for Covid, it's just a head cold), so if I missed you or we only had a pretty quick, limited interaction, maybe it's for the best! Speaking of both friends giving me comics and WonderCon, Matthew Palacios gave me an ashcan of his book Metal Skin and it was a lot of fun! I've also been playing a bunch of pranks over on my Twitter (2 whole pranks)! So, no, I still haven't seen ALF and I did not expect other people to send me pictures of my cat. Those were goofs. Lastly, yesterday was Transgender Day of Visibility. I posted a couple times about a fundraising effort that was going for Point of Pride and saw they ultimately ended up making twice their initial goal, $2 Million, to help out thousands of trans folks with gender-affirming care. There are also a ton of cool people who were sharing themselves yesterday in a time when that's a very scary thing to do. 
New Releases this week (3/29/2023): Nothing from me, sorry! 
New Releases next week (4/5/2023):  Sonic the Hedgehog #1 5th Anniversary Edition (Editor--A new version of the first IDW Sonic comic, with a bunch of bonus content including a new comic short!)
Final Order Cutoff - Let your shops know to order these books by Monday (4/3/2023):  Sonic the Hedgehog #60 (Editor) Godzilla Rivals: Biollante vs. Destoroyah (Editor)
At the moment, I don't have any new appearances until San Diego Comic-Con! But, that's subject to change! And I may have other announcements coming to this space soon, so keep an eye out! 
Oh, just because, uhh... I know we're all convinced Twitter's just going to collapse any day now. I've tried various other social medias and a lot of them don't really work for me. The best ways to keep up are obviously my website, my Tumblr, my newsletter, or my Instagram. I am still on a few other things, but don't really use them. If you're on Tumblr or Insta, please do follow me there so I can follow you back and make sure we're staying in touch! 
I will plug in my usual Becca corner, their website's up and should all be working. There was a bug with shipping, but that should be fixed! Maybe buy yourself or someone in your life something nice! And I believe they're still on for streaming tonight at 7 PST on Twitch, assuming voices are still holding up as we get over the last of this con crud! 
Pic of the Week: Major shoutout to KEM Cosplay! We met at WaifuExpo at the beginning of last month (you can see a picture of her in a previous blog as Dr. Eggman) and ran into each other again at WonderCon over the weekend where she was wearing her BIG THE CAT COSPLAY! 
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thecurioustale · 5 months ago
Laddies and gentlemates, I give you: THE FUTURE! =D
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Hermacea, Designed by Jan Kerr, Paraparumu, NZ
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