#but...i think it looks really nice? surprisingly?
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revelboo · 3 days ago
Hello, I have just found your blog but I am now addicted to the Tarantulas x Reader series💕
May good things come your way and have a nice weekend!!
Tarantulas is a sweetie
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Disappear Pt 9
Tarantulas x Reader
• Harmless curiosity he’d said. Those big hands and those wickedly sharp claws at the end of his servos are surprisingly gentle. Touching hesitantly like he expects you to stop him and can’t believe you’re allowing this. You can’t really believe it either. Just like you have trouble understanding why you didn’t run that night when you’d had the chance. You could have. But you’d thought about leaving him here all alone and hadn’t. Because he seems so lonely sometimes.
• Those eyes are staring up at him as he runs the back of a claw over your cheek and his mandibles shift. Extra limbs fidgeting with his nest, brushing against you like they have a mind of their own. “I could be human for you,” he says, the words escaping him before he even realizes what he’s saying. But he wouldn’t mind. Hiding his true self away here if he could live a life out there where he’s not alone. Not a monster. “The avatar is almost perfect.” That was always the plan, but he wants that life to have you in it now. Even if it’s nothing more than as friends, that would be enough. Just talk with him, smile for him and he’d be happy.
• Palm splayed against his chassis, you almost laugh. Bitterness twisting through you that he’s willing to give up who he really is just to not be alone. To get to live without being hunting or dragged back into his own people’s war. Asking to go with you, for you to not leave him. And thinking that for you to allow him to stay, to put up with him, he has to pretend to be human. “I don’t like the avatar,” you mutter, fingertips chasing his biolights and another of his extra limbs brushes your upper back. He’s not really scary. Not anymore.
• “I can change it. Make it whatever you want,” he says, tension threading through him. Do you still hate him for trapping you here? You must. Must want to go back to your life, to your home. And it’s not fair to keep you here, but he can’t let you go either. Doesn’t want to go back to talking to himself out loud just so he can pretend he’s not so alone. “Just tell me what you need.” Freezing when you catch his wrist and he allows you to pull it away from your face. Aware of you staring at his hand, at his claws that can tear your soft skin so easily. Shouldn’t have touched you. Definitely shouldn’t ask for more from you.
• What you need? Gripping his big hand you study it. A thumb sliding against a curving claw and he flinches. Going tense, but you don’t think it’s your touch. He almost looks panicked at your fingers so close to his claws. Afraid of hurting you? “What is it you want?” Mandibles fidgeting, his visor dims slightly and you think maybe he won’t answer.
• “To live. To be allowed to live.” And you’re just staring at him. Venting with a soft huff, his extra limbs dance restlessly against the webbing of his nest. “I want to learn more, study this world. To not be forced to pick a side, to just be.” And it sounds so silly to him saying it out loud. A sparkling’s naïve wishes. Because Ghost will never stop hunting him. The Decepticons and the Autobots won’t let him go, either. Realizes he’s been lying to himself this whole time. Pretending that they’d all let him be. Leave him alone. That he could be free. Be happy. Stilling when you shift closer, the webbing rocks slightly and then you just lay your head against his chassis. And he’s afraid to move, afraid he might frighten you away somehow. Especially when you slide an arm around him, hugging him. ‘I think we all want that,’ you whisper and cautiously, he drapes an arm around you.
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fou4summer · 3 days ago
Date night
woo seulgi × fem!reader
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Synopsis:Your girlfriend, Seulgi, decides to take you out for a movie night at a theater.
Warnings: none
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 747
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You were walking to your class when you were tapped on the shoulder. You turned around and saw your girlfriend, Seulgi.
"Y/N, there's a new Star Wars movie in the theaters, and I got two tickets. Are you free to go with me?" She held the tickets in front of your face with a smile.
"Of course! When is it?" you asked, smiling at her. She turned the tickets around to check the time and looked up at you.
"It's tomorrow at 7PM. Does that work for you? If not, I can ask for anothe-" You cut her off by giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.
"7PM sounds great!" You walked past her, heading to your class. Seulgi touched her cheek where you kissed her and smiled to herself.
"So, you're seriously gonna go? Come on, Y/N. She should’ve invited you for dinner or something, and she picks...Star Wars?" Your friend Yeri laughed as you walked home together.
"What's wrong with that? I think her liking it is a green flag, atleast shes not out in clubs." You replied while texting Seulgi to see if she finished school.
"I thought Seulgi had more in her, but she's really just a nerd even without all that studying." You playfully hit her arm after she said that.
"Stop it Yeri! You're just being rude now. I mean, she has ten times better grades than you do." You replied, and she gasped before running after you.
You got ready for the date and walked to the cinema. You spotted Seulgi already waiting, petting a cat. You quickly took a picture before walking up to her.
"Hey." You said, making her look up. She got up and looked at your outfit. It was simple, but she stared a bit longer than she should have. You cleared your throat before she replied.
"Oh, s-sorry! Hey!" She said, handing you your ticket. Since you were a bit early, you both played with the cat outside the theater.
Seulgi checked the time on her phone and said you should head in. You both sat in your assigned seats, and there were actually quite a lot of people watching the movie. A lot of kids were there, and your girlfriend, dressed like one today, looked absolutely adorable.
She was so focused on the movie that she didn’t notice when you took her hand. You interlocked your fingers, and she finally turned to look at you. It was really dark, but you bet she was blushing as always.
She awkwardly smiled before turning back to the screen. The movie was long, but it was surprisingly good and entertaining, which you hadn’t expected.
When the movie ended, Seulgi made you wait until the end of the credits because she hoped there would be more after, as she read online. What she got was just a black screen, but she was happy anyway.
As you both exited the theater, you were still holding hands when she slowly slipped her hand away to put it in her pocket and find something.
"Here, this is my gift for coming today." She gave you a keychain with 'I love you' written on it and two cats underneath. You smiled, taking it and looking at it for a moment.
"Thank you, it's so cute!" You gave her a hug, and she stiffened a bit before wrapping her arms around your waist.
You were now taking a walk back home. It was summer, yes, but the night had gotten chilly. Seulgi had on a long-sleeved shirt, and she noticed you were cold, so she took it off and handed it to you.
"Oh, thank you! Aren't you going to be cold, though?" You asked as you put it on, her scent hitting you instantly.
"We're almost home. I can manage." She smiled warmly before taking your hand in hers.
"It was really nice today. I had so much fun, Seulgi. We should do it again sometime!" You told her, resting your head on her shoulder.
"I can find a movie to watch these days!" She replied almost immediately, making you smile.
"I said sometime, not every day, silly." You poked her waist, and she laughed, intertwining her fingers with yours. She followed you home, and you gave her an unexpected peck on the lips that shocked her at first but made her melt into it a second later. You both laughed and joked until your parents called you to come inside since it was getting late.
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kolomo · 1 year ago
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@animangacreators challenge 28: winter 2024 ♡ ↳ yubisaki to renren
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sacrificial-lamb-please · 3 days ago
Is safety on? 4
@honey-floret took the decision!
The only sensible choice is to cooperate now. I have a gigantic indestructible bundle of vines in front of me, that for some reason is nice to me. She could do whatever she wants to me, but she's nice. I need to listen to her.
"What do you think Petal? I promise that you'll wake up in a comfy bed"
I need to do this. I put hands on my rebreather preparing to take it of. She's not lying. She has my best interest in mind. After years in Navy I need to believe that someone does.. Everything is better than the navy
I take the rebreather off and breathe them in
"I trust you"
I'm laying in a gigantic bed filled with colourful pillows and plushies, showing creatures so weird that I never even imagined something like that. I feel warmth and comfort that I haven't felt in years. I feel weirdly rested, but i don't remember how i got here. Room around me is really peculiar. It's simply gigantic. Twenty feet high ceilings with enough foom for eight bunkbeds. Walls look as if they were made out of light, high quality wood. Who has enough money for such luxuries? Maybe I died and that's heaven?
When i try to to sit up I realise, that a leaflike cuff is wrapped around my right upper arm. It seems that it's not heaven. I am in custody of the Affini. Why am I capitalising their name in my head? Let's ignore that for now..
I try to take the cuff off not sure what it even is. It peels surprisingly easily. When I try to identify its purpose i feel a weird genderless voice speak to me.
"Nice to see you wake up little one. You've been so adorable since Rana brought you here! I'm Ave Tera, it/its eleventh bloom. How are you feeling?"
I look at the weird creature. It looks differently than the first one I saw. First one looked like a vaguely connected net of vines, yet this one looks like a ten feet tall humanlike basket made out of sticks. Tera is decorated with big violet flowers, that fall from it on vines looking like garlands
"i... i'm fine... pretty rested..."
That big creature looks at me as I'm trying to find words to say
"Are you confused little one? I hope the plushies brought you some comfort"
I look at it and then at the plushies and then back at it
"I'm pretty confused... i will be honest, i know nothing about your species.. i don't know why do you treat me so well... and thank you for the plushies? I'm not a kid"
"Not being a kid doesn't stop one from enjoying soft and adorable creatures! If it did i would be one. Many species have objects of high importance. Terran ones are the most adorable out of all that I saw. I made those in your bed myself. I like your traditional handcrafting, even though i do more of vine crafting than anything else"
It talks with weird enthusiasm. It seems that it's Ave's subject of interest. It's weird to see one of those gigantic aliens like something like that.
"Coming back to the confusion, I'll give you some basic information. You are under the care of the Affini Compact. You are currently on a small affini ship headed to a terraforming space station, that's preparing another world for little one's like you. At this moment you're in my veterinary clinic"
"Veterinary? You mean a doctor?"
"I take care of all the little ones, not only humans. Translators found that the veterinarian fits better meaning wise."
I think about the fact that I've been downgraded to a simple animal. Then i remembered that I've always been an animal, and that's just the terra conditioning speaking
"okay... So... why are we heading there?"
"I was going there to meet my friends and maybe find some cutie to take care of"
I don't know how but that basket looks sad for a second
"Rana goes there to continue studying humans. You all seem to be her hiperfixation. She's a great affini, but sometimes not so good with schedules"
Ave giggles a little making all of her woven sticks rub, making a pretty wooden sound. It's similar to branches moved by wind. It's been so long since i heard that
"There is also Amarylis. He led the rescue mission on your ship. to be honest he caught all of them but you. I hope you'll get to meet him soon. For now he's busy with less cooperative parts of your crew"
I look at Tera with terror in my eyes after hearing that last part
"what... what is he doing to them?.."
"He's trying to calm them down. Don't worry little one. We do not hurt sophonts. We hurt no one. They just need a little help in the beginning of their wardship. Can I ask you for your pronouns?"
I answer before thinking. The doll like face smiles hearing that, so I feel comfortable enough to continue
"What.. is.. wardship?.."
I ask unsure if I can. I'm still not sure what is allowed here and what is not. I am scared of breaking some taboo or something.
"Glad to finally know your pronouns! They are different from the ones we found on your ship. I will correct this terrible mistake after I stop talking with you."
It calmed me down greatly. They are not as bigoted as I was worried they are
"Wardship is when an Affini takes care of a sophont for some time helping them acclimate to the life in Affini Compact. Thinking about it you still don't have one. You've been really cooperative, so I think it won't be hard to help you get used to new life. You can choose Me, Rana or Amarylis. We are all on the top of the list of volunteers that wanted to take care of you. You can of course choose someone else instead. It's your choice. Would you like to talk more with me, or get to meet the other two a little bit better?"
What should I do? Who should i choose first? Help me decide in the comments
Is safety on?
The sound of vines piercing the armour of TCN PINE is terrifying. Gigantic sheets of almost indestructible alloys peeled off like a synthcube wrapper, followed with the sound of their spores being injected into the hull like some kind of terrifying narcotic. I barely managed to put my rebreather on. I think the only think that saved me from their terrifying spores were the clogged up vents. Now there is the only one thing left. I get my never used handgun out. Looking at it trying to remember the non existing training i went through two years ago. I think its now in the... safe mode? How to call that. Click. Okay. It should work now right? "I can fight." I look around remembering that I'm currently on the toilet. The only place that i can have any privacy. "So now I'll die alone.." What should I do? Hide? Fight? Something else... No one ever managed to even nick one of them. Why would my shitty gun be any different?... "Hello petal~ My scanner tells me that there is sign of life in this room. I know that Terrans are pretty shy with their physiological needs, so I'll give you some time to take care of yourself. Don't make me wait though!" Terrifyingly enthusiastic voice of someone that is DEFINITELY not a part of my crew. Why do they sound like that? Are they happy? Are they mocking me?
What should I do? I look at the gun with many ideas, not knowing which one of them is the right one Please tell me
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moonchild-in-blue · 6 months ago
Oh mother, tell your children Not to do what I have done Spend your lives in sin and misery In the house of The Rising Sun
#okay but can we agree? House of the rising sun? beautiful amazing incredible timeless masterpiece? yeah?#all i want is to put on a cute 70s dress with the bell sleeves and some gogo boots and get my hair all pretty with the flip curls#and go to one of those really cool and dark and lowkey shady bars you see on the movies. with a pool table and a jukebox#hard-looking bartender with an impressive mustache named Mitch or Hank#and go up to the bar and he'd be like “whatya having doll?” “oh. anything sweet please”#and he hands me some soda-gin or whatever with a lemon slice. and the guy next to me notices my drink and is like#“hey Mitch. give the lady something nicer eh? maker a double from the back shelf. extra ice”#“i'm fine with this actually. i don't drink whiskey” “tonight you do sweetheart”#and he's wearing some really nice jeans and boots and a dark shirt and a leather jacket. dark hair but has some freckles. charming smile.#“what is a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this? i think them church youths go bowling next door”#“i am not lost. can't a girl enjoy some music” “does the boyfriend know?” “i answer to no one”#and he takes a long drag of his cigarette and chuckles. Mitch brings my new drink as gives him a look before drafting some beer#“so. the pretty lady likes a little danger eh?” “the lady has a name” .#i take a sip of the whiskey and try real hard not to cough. he thinks it's funny. i think he's a little cute#“does she now? and does the lady dance by any chance” and he's standing up quite tall and offers me a hand “she does”#and we go to the dance floor near the jukebox where quite a lot of people are dancing and eventually this song starts playing#and he kisses me surprisingly gentle and tastes like menthol cigarettes and hard liquors and I'm definitely a bit dizzy from the drink#he probably has a cute name like Daniel (Danny is what everyone calls him)#and maybe he has a bike or a really nice convertible. obviously red. je offers to take me home but we're just driving for a bit instead#“didn't you daddy taught not to get into stranger's cars?” “my daddy also taught me not to kiss pretty boys and yet”#“so you think i'm pretty?” “pretty enough”#and we laugh to the wind and the radio is on and this song starts playing again and it's a perfect moment#anyways. great song great band 👍#darya's mixtape#Spotify
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s2pdoktopus · 2 months ago
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Judgemental kids
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And Petrushka
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miratenebrarum · 3 days ago
Pouting, P let out a quite annoyed sigh.
"You did kill me too, back then. Many times. So we're even.", he commented, surprisingly to him knowingly exaggerating his annoyance on the matter. The others told him he developed quite the sarcastic attitude, after all, more often than not accompanied by a kind of humor some might consider almost macabre.
The thought that he would actually love to fight with Romeo again - without the whole killing eachother part, this time - was quickly pushed aside as he crossed his arms, thinking about those days again.
"I thought you were…" …not lying. A normal puppet can't lie "…manipulating me. Or trying to." A frown. "I don't know. I didn't really think, actually."
A bite inside his cheek came natural, his heart tightening all of a sudden.
"Father told me to kill you, and I did. It made sense."
He shuffled on the spot, his eyes lowered as he tried to push aside that odd sense of melancholy.
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"Those feelings also just made sense. The new ones. They weren't always nice." he remembered the odd joy of anyone but Geppetto praising him for his change accompanied the disappointment of his father's reaction, the sense of guilt at the sight of the mourning puppets, the confusion and angiush of all those new feelings, fatigues and pain at the same time "But they just felt… right."
A blink, two, three as he realized his eyes were getting misty before he quickly wiped them. Those memories still hurt.
"…but even if they aren't real… they're not all bad. Do I like feeling them." a fourth blink, and again he looked up at Romeo "Does that make sense? Or-- do you feel like that, too? You did sound… happy, in a way, when I heard your message, so."
Contrary to initial expectations, Romeo actually let out a chuckle at the honest (and brutal) truth. "C̷a̷n̷'̷t̷ p̷u̷t̷ i̷t̷ a̷n̷y̷ o̷t̷h̷e̷r̷ w̷a̷y̷.̷ Y̷o̷u̷ p̷u̷t̷ u̷p̷ a̷ g̷o̷o̷d̷ f̷i̷g̷h̷t̷ b̷a̷c̷k̷ t̷h̷e̷r̷e̷.̷ E̷s̷p̷e̷c̷i̷a̷l̷l̷y̷ s̷i̷n̷c̷e̷ I̷ n̷e̷v̷e̷r̷ w̷e̷n̷t̷ e̷a̷s̷y̷ o̷n̷ y̷o̷u̷.̷" The King's motivation was to eliminate Geppetto's perfect creation, the one who would go against the puppets or Alchemists. Moreover, their humanity was next to non-existent when they first met.
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He blinked once at a revelation he never knew until this very moment. A few moments of silence passed, indicating that it took a while to process the new information. "R̷e̷a̷l̷l̷y̷?̷ S̷o̷ t̷h̷a̷t̷ m̷e̷a̷n̷s̷.̷.̷.̷ w̷h̷e̷n̷ w̷e̷ f̷i̷r̷s̷t̷ m̷e̷t̷,̷ y̷o̷u̷ d̷i̷d̷n̷'̷t̷ g̷e̷t̷ w̷h̷a̷t̷ I̷ w̷a̷s̷ t̷r̷y̷i̷n̷g̷ t̷o̷ t̷e̷l̷l̷ y̷o̷u̷?̷" For Romeo, this was groundbreaking, making him cup his own chin in contemplation. "R̷e̷g̷a̷r̷d̷l̷e̷s̷s̷ o̷f̷ h̷o̷w̷ i̷t̷ h̷a̷p̷p̷e̷n̷e̷d̷,̷ I̷'̷m̷ g̷l̷a̷d̷ I̷ g̷o̷t̷ t̷h̷r̷o̷u̷g̷h̷ t̷o̷ y̷o̷u̷.̷"
It hadn't dawned on him that P's feelings started to bloom around the time he heard his voice either. When Romeo was put back together again, it was only then did he start to undergo some changes from the inside. P's progress was way quicker, given the kind of organ his creator provided him with.
"H̷o̷w̷ d̷o̷ y̷o̷u̷ k̷n̷o̷w̷ t̷h̷a̷t̷ y̷o̷u̷'̷r̷e̷ f̷e̷e̷l̷i̷n̷g̷ e̷m̷o̷t̷i̷o̷n̷s̷,̷ t̷h̷e̷n̷?̷ I̷ k̷i̷n̷d̷ o̷f̷ r̷e̷m̷e̷m̷b̷e̷r̷ h̷o̷w̷ e̷m̷o̷t̷i̷o̷n̷s̷ '̷f̷e̷e̷l̷'̷;̷ p̷a̷s̷t̷ l̷i̷f̷e̷ a̷n̷d̷ a̷l̷l̷.̷ I̷'̷m̷ s̷u̷r̷e̷ w̷e̷ h̷a̷v̷e̷ d̷i̷f̷f̷e̷r̷e̷n̷t̷ w̷a̷y̷s̷ t̷o̷ p̷r̷o̷c̷e̷s̷s̷.̷ H̷o̷w̷ t̷o̷ t̷h̷i̷n̷k̷,̷ h̷o̷w̷ t̷o̷ f̷e̷e̷l̷.̷.̷.̷ O̷r̷ m̷a̷y̷b̷e̷ I̷'̷m̷ j̷u̷s̷t̷ o̷v̷e̷r̷t̷h̷i̷n̷k̷i̷n̷g̷ a̷n̷d̷ w̷e̷'̷r̷e̷ j̷u̷s̷t̷ t̷h̷e̷ s̷a̷m̷e̷.̷"
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bookshelf-in-progress · 1 year ago
It's so nice to have this tiny little selection of WIPs to prioritize. Really helps me to keep my focus where it should be.
Wait, what's this?
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dootznbootz · 1 year ago
...It's kind of wild when the terf that you got into a fight with and had to write an essay on "Why violence is wrong" back in high school now works at the pharmacy where you get your medication from...
#I'm sorry for the vent I just am mad that she could be in a PHARMACY. I hope she's at least changed her ways.#she should not be working in health if she still thinks this way.#She definitely remembered me too. I don't think she could forget honestly. neither of us was injured btw.#It wasn't a “fight” in the way you think most fights are. she called this sweet trans boy the word rhymes with maggot (that's what she is)#a maggot.#while she was moving around a lot and idk. rage took over and I twisted her arm and she happened to fall and then I cussed her out#I probably over did it but moving her arms around while ranting and then calling him that just pushed me over. I WAS calm at first.#He was a shy and quiet kid and he “didn't want to make a big deal about it” so I tried to follow his request but... you know.#it was in theatre behind the curtains during rehearsal and everyone heard/saw so yea. I got into trouble. no detention surprisingly#it was a long time coming. she would constantly harass him with shit about how “You still look like a girl”. and using wrong pronouns#and teachers were told but they didnt' do shit. She also was just a mean person. This guy wasn't the only person she bullied#I only wrote on why VIOLENCE was wrong. not about what I did. The only thing I feel bad about is that I scared the poor guy I was defending#I don't remember what I said (I was that mad) but apparently I "picked her personality apart like a bunch of lego bricks and then told her#why the “lego brick” is fucked up“ He was just 14-15 and she was 18 btw😒literally harrassing a sweet KID.#was convenient though because all I had to do was give her a look and she would immediately back down. idk what I said when I yelled#at her but it was nice that I could do that whenever she would start shit#Mad rambles#idk y'all I'm scared that she's in HEALTH. if I know anything I'll see if I can report her because while I hope she wouldn't fuck with tran#folks medications idk for sure. she was really cruel back in high school.#vent#rant#I try not to post shit like this but I'm worried you know?
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seilon · 2 years ago
one of my number one pieces of advice for transmascs starting t or who want to start t is WASH YOUR FACE. when you wake up and when you go to bed. get a decent acne-preventing facial cleanser and an oil-free moisturizer or whatever works for you and have a routine– preferably before going on t so you’re already used to it. my doctor was really surprised that I hadnt gotten much acne since starting t (almost 2 years now) and though it’s also partly genetics, I know for a Fact based on how quickly my face gets oily now that it’d be infinitely worse if not for getting used to washing my face more often/thoroughly. remember. yes this is like Puberty 2 BUT you have the fuckin heads up this time and can plan accordingly and that makes a BIG difference
#kibumblabs#transmasc#trans man#advice#hrt#idk why I felt the need to make this PSA but. yeah its important#I also recommend using some tretanoin overnight if need be#I never had a legit skincare routine until starting t and now it’s like. a requirement#I need it to Survive#for reference I use aveeno clear complexion foam face cleanser and Trader Joe’s brand oil-free facial moisturizer#the latter i lowkey stole from my roommate cause she got it as a gift and never used it and probably it forgot it existed#not some specialized brand or anything but it’s surprisingly really nice- and I’m real picky about what I put on my face cause it’s real#easy for moisturizers to make me feel real greasy (and without any moisturizer my skin dries out and gets patchy dry spots)#it’s very light and odorless but it does it’s job and a little goes a long way#this sounds like a sponsored ad now but look. I’m just saying#honestly it’s a fucking miracle I didn’t get terrible breakouts in middle school during Puberty 1 cause man I. I didn’t take my eyeliner off#when I went to bed alot of the time. and I don’t think I really washed my face at all#I have no idea how I lived like that it would drive me fucking insane as an adult#half cause of skin being more sensitive to that sorta thing now but half because I’m just way more of a neatfreak for lack of a better word#now and it’s so easy for me to feel uncomfortable when things aren’t clean and cleaned in a certain way#anyway I’m rambling
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imw atcing this film about an autistic lil boy and his mum just said 'can't u be normal for just one second' and i
im not ok with that actually??? these parents are. not great
overall, NOT what i expected of a film called 'come play' 😔
#the title even looked like there wasn't any space btwn the words#like it LITERALLY looked like it said 'comeplay' and i was very 👀😩😔#but yeah i didn't really expect it to be......idk respectful??#films like this almost never are#surprisingly tho!! horror films generally WILL treat a main character like this with more respect#than one of those feel-good glurge fests#the kind ppl WITHOUT disability or nd watch to jerk off about how NICE and ACCEPTING they are#how THEY would never treat a disabled person that way!!! and laugh at the caricature of ableism like it's not even real#my lad oliver LOVES spongebob tho so i feel a deep connection with him#tho i don't think it especially wise to give him unrestricted??? internet access as he's only 8 yrs of age :P#whatever he's a top lad and he deserves the world#despite the sub par parenting i think the mum and dad DO love him#they're just.....sort of dumb lol#fortunately oliver is very smart so he'll probably be able to fix this lol#as long as they become luddites they should be JUST FINE lol#birb watch#autism#i bet my parents wish i were normal#sometimes i do too#sometimes i wish i'd never been born#bc i know that would have been easier for them ._.#BUT!!!! since when has making things EASY ever been MY concern???#NAY!!! CHAOS FOR ALL SAYS BIRB!!! CHAOS AND FLAMES!!! >:D#nvm lol the monster ate his mum and it was very traumatic. also his dad's in hospital. so i guess oliver's on his own#that's fine. it's fine bc he looked his mum in the face once which is ALLL that matters u lot#eye contact is the only MEANINGFUL connection i guess :'D#well at least oliver's got friends now?? no mother but FRIENDS!!! yay :'D#oh good she can visit him in her ghostly tattered form!! how nice for them both
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wollfling · 2 years ago
4 am and I can't sleep bc my joints are in so much pain 😒
#im so tired too o<-<#miss the days i could draw in bed easily at night. i share my bed now.. but would be worth trying djdndjdb#my puppy sleeps in the bed now too i really like it!#except in the morning if shes up she will dig us out of the blankets.. its cute but ridiculous dhdndh#also omg... this evening i forgot to give her dinner (so much going on w me 😞) and didnt realize until a few hours late#but like. it made me also realize that she doesnt really ask for food. i dont think she knows she can ask...?#i was like omg are you hungy ? and she was like omg yay ☺️#idk why this is a thing w me rn. like she doesnt know she can ask for dinner. babey..... ;_; ...#anyways i think i just came here to complain as usual#nothing new with me other than new art. reading more. think thats abt it..#my partner and i have been reading together before bed. he reads out loud to me#i like it a lot. were really into horror right now and looking for more !#he does voices and the whole bit and i love getting to freak out together mid chapter and stuff.#its different than while watching a tv show or movie idk.#and currently on my own im reading ag/e//ls bef/ore man. maybe 80 pages in or smthn its nice so far#what ive been REALLY wanting to read is medieval horror. surprisingly hard to find.#i asked someone who works at the bookstore and she was so like. baffled by it o<-< she was trying so hard but couldnt think of or#find anything but genuinely trying so hard i felt bad... and i tried to say it was okay but she was dedicated atp 😭#and then at the checkout she came by again like. medieval horror..... thats a tough one. and i just profusely apologized again djsbsusbshsn#so if anyone had some medieval horror they enjoy 🧍‍♂️ id love a recommendation
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offthewall1979 · 4 months ago
i'm judging everyone, especially self proclaimed mj fans, who says the 2nd act Thriller staging was amazing in mj the musical. i was pleasantly surprised that the first act only had a snippet of Thriller within a medley (which btw WBSS was great). that was nice. we all know Thriller, so referencing it almost in passing like that felt like a nice nod and good use of time. well that got completely undone by the 2nd act. which i thought was in horrible taste. why are we dragging this legend's corpse around like this. they thought they did something really significant with the themes there. they thought they came up with some artsy excuse to (over)use Thriller. 1. it was incoherent 2. even if you can justify it, i don't care, i thought it was way too dark (in a serious, unfun way) and disrespectful to michael
#the 'evil' version of the Dangerous album cover. awful#zombie michaels. awful. the role of the father. awful.#i had so many issues with this fuckass show#and another thing#in the act 1 Thriller segment they did some choreo that included some of Thee iconic choreo#i think they added in new choreo and changed things a little and that's fine whatever#people want to see the iconic choreography#especially if you're a fan of mj you wanna see THEE choreography#so it was nice that they did that#the 2nd act thriller didn't do any original choreo as far as i could tell#honestly i was distracted thinking about how bad what i was watching was. but i at least didn't notice any of the iconic stuff in that scene#and i do know the thriller choreo pretty well at this point#just. god. at intermission i had critiques but i was entertained and there was some stuff i liked#the 2nd act was pure nonsense. it was boring and i didn't really like what they did with the songs and dances#like why do Bad at all. if you're gonna do Smooth Criminal for god sakes hit the original choreo just ONCE#and put all the dancers in suits. are you stupid#plus some choreo was chronologically inaccurate. otw michael doing stuff from dangerous/history etc#AND THE J5 CHOREO MADE ME SO MAD. DO NOT INSULT MY BOYS LIKE THAT.#it was surprisingly repetitive simple and stupid looking#that aint right!!!!!#whatever. there were some good performances i mostly just take issue with the writing#also katharine singing I'll Be There to michael. hm. could it be that she's still alive so we're changing the narrative there...#the pills thing was way overdone. no one literally NO ONE gaf about the financial issues or the mtv crew omfg. who cares#it's like they didn't understand why people would go to an mj show. why people love him? it's the dancing and singing. that's it.#agghh i have more thoughts about this.
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vamptastic · 7 months ago
It's kinda hard to tell bc I haven't really been out and about much but I do think I'm now at the point where trying to pass as a cis woman is a bit harder than trying to pass as a man. Which is kind of annoying because passing as man is still not super easy. Now if I want to go to the store I have to put on a binder to avoid being hatecrimed instead of only doing so in situations where I actually care what people think of me. But it's nice seeing that passing as male is more within reach and that in a few years and post-top surgery it won't be quite so insurmountable.
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telephoniii · 2 months ago
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☆彡 in which professor trein judges your relationship with the NRC boys
NRC boys x Reader (minus Ortho)
Word Counter: 3K
Warnings: Reader is Prefect, Trein is your father figure, established relationship, possible OOC
A/N: life’s getting pretty hectic so i’m sorry if my upload schedule slows down. i hope you enjoy :>
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ace trappola
Can’t say he’s surprised, just disappointed. It makes sense; he was one of your first friends. However, that doesn’t make him any less troublesome. Despite being a first-year, Ace is one of the biggest slackers and troublemakers on campus— much to Trein’s dismay. His main worry is that Ace will poorly influence you. He’s already seeing it with the two of you getting a crazy amount of detentions and scoldings for unthinkable reasons. You’ve got it rough already being from another world, you don’t need a devil on your shoulder convincing you to get into all kinds of trouble. It’s a real shame said devil is your boyfriend. He’ll allow the relationship and all will seem swell. Little do you know that he pulled Ace aside and had a long chat.
deuce spade
A fine pick; Trein is neither severely impressed nor disappointed. He doesn’t think Deuce is too bad, but he believes you could do better. Deuce will need to somehow prove himself to Trein. On the outside, Trein looks like he absolutely hates his guts. His eyes are always staring at Deuce with this sharp look and it gets the card soldier real nervous real fast. In reality, it’s just Trein keeping a closer eye on him + his RBF. He’s relatively neutral on the first year, yet Deuce is fully convinced that his professor wants to set him on fire.
cater diamond
Trein is very annoyed with your choice. He doesn’t like Cater’s social media addiction and would much rather have you hit the books than scrolling through Magicam. Not to mention, he feels as though something about Cater’s happy-go-lucky attitude is a facade, and doesn’t trust him around you. Cater finds Trein scary, but he’s not as intimidated as Deuce. As he does with Ace, Trein takes Cater to have a talk, and—surprisingly— his opinions on the third year improve. He doesn’t fully like him, but he’ll tolerate Cater more so than beforehand. Cater also offers to help Trein make a social media account; it’s cute yet chaotic all the same watching them bond.
trey clover
Before Trein can form a solid thought on Trey, the vice housewarden is subtly trying to win his favor. Trey knows how about his father-like connection to you and immediately shapes up. He gifts Trein different pastries and learns which ones he’s partial to. What really wins the professor over is when Trey starts volunteering to help clean his classroom after class. Trein won’t even know the two of you are already together and he’ll make comments around you like, “That Clover boy is real nice…” Needless to say, Trein approves of Trey long before he finds out you both are in a relationship.
riddle rosehearts
Trein immediately scowls when he hears the news of your relationship. You’d think he’d approve due to Riddle’s intellect and dutiful behavior. Admittedly, Trein does like that about Riddle. But he despises the boy’s bursts of anger, finding them childish and unfitting for a future mage. He’s seen the housewarden go berserk on one too many students and doesn’t trust he won’t do the same to you. Trein doesn’t want you walking on eggshells around your own partner. This is another one who’ll have to prove themselves to Trein. Riddle will be upset when he hears of Trein’s low opinion of him, but gets a surge of motivation to convince him otherwise. You’ll find Riddle working even harder on his studies than before you didn’t even think that was possible in hopes of gaining Trein’s favor. He’ll eventually get it. I imagine that Riddle does some small, heroic deed for you that really shows his love, and Trein just so happens to be passing by and sees it. Once your unofficial official father in Twisted Wonderland gets along with Riddle, expect to be nagged about missing assignments and homework a WHOLE LOT.
jack howl
Similar to Trey, he immediately knows about your bond with Trein. Instead of trying to win over the professor, Jack takes a more blunt approach. He goes straight to his desk after class and tells him about your relationship, being upfront about his feelings towards you. Trein respects it. He thinks that Jack has more guts than most on campus and trusts him to protect you. He’s quite supportive of the relationship, acting as a mentor for the both of you. You can catch him watching the two of you with a tiny smile, murmuring something along the lines of, “Young love.” The two of you remind him of his own marriage with his late wife. It makes him sentimental in a way.
ruggie bucchi
A BIG 180 FROM JACK. Trein thinks this guy is sleazy. Ruggie couldn’t care less in the beginning, finding it funny to practically hang off your shoulder while Trein stared daggers into him. Then it started to seep in that it may or may not be important to get Trein’s approval for a long-term relationship with you. That’s when he gets his act together and completely starts sucking up to Trein. He’ll help out with paperwork, errands, cleaning up, etc! All for free! much to his dismay All Ruggie asks for in return is Trein’s support for your relationship. He catches Trein by surprise with how well his work ethic is. The lengths the hyena goes to for you ends up leaving the professor impressed.
leona kingscholar
Professor Trein is both surprised and disappointed. Now how did this happen? He didn't think Kingscholar was capable of being nice to anyone, let alone get into a whole relationship. Well, he bugs you to tell your boyfriend to start showing up to class. He’s not exactly happy with you dating a huge slacker like him, but Trein knows that Leona is a smart boy. Brash and not his first pick, sure, but he wouldn’t play with your heart or rope you into anything stupid. He trusts Kingscholar to protect you. But if he starts seeing you begin to skip class— which is going to happen, Leona’s going to make you do it at least once— he’ll pull YOU aside and give you an earful. Tough love, unfortunately.
floyd leech
Hell no. All the red blaring flags. Now why would you go and do that? Really? Out of EVERYONE? You bet your bottoms Trein is actively speaking out against your relationship every single time he sees you. He doesn't even want to try to talk to Floyd. Trein is convinced you are addicted to getting in trouble and lets out the biggest old man sigh. Is there any way Floyd can win the professor’s favor? Probably not. And if there was a way, would Floyd even do it? Big fat no. Floyd thinks it is hilarious that Professor Trein disapproves, upping his affections around him with that toothy grin of his. And if you guys have a class together that Trein teaches? Chaos. Expect a lot of paper balls to be thrown at you.
jade leech
“Are you okay??” Is the first thing Trein asks when you tell him you and Jade are in a relationship. Doesn't exactly trust the boy, but Jade tends to behave around him. The professor has always seen him being picture-perfect whenever he’s around which is 100% suspicious, but Trein doesn't have any solid reasons to disapprove. Jade, like his brother, finds the whole situation very amusing. He’s always figuring out new ways to appear like the ‘ideal boyfriend’ to Trein. If he ever talks to the professor he’ll slip in a comment like, “I never disappoint, trust me” and it makes Trein distrust him even more.
azul ashengrotto
Now what bet did you lose for this to have happened? At least Ashengrotto is a star student, you need to hang out around more of those in his opinion. After confirming that, “No, no bet was lost,” and “No, he’s not paying for my love,” Trein was pretty alright with it. The Monstro Lounge is a student-ran organization, it's clear from that the young boy is capable and responsible. He just keeps a very, very close eye on you two. The last thing Trein wants is for Azul to take advantage of you since— knowing him— he seems like the type to do so. Expect frequent questions of “How’s your relationship going?” and “He’s treating you right, right?” Azul is going to get asked to stay after class to talk. Trein then proceeds to threaten lecture him on how to properly treat your lover. He just wants to make sure you don't get wrapped up in one of those contracts he’s heard about. Azul has quite the track record.
kalim al asim
Automatically assumes you’re dating him for the money and begins to ramble about how you should marry for love. Tells you about his late wife and how much he loved her— it is so sweet I'm actually crying. That's the kind of love he wants you to have. You’ve got to reassure him that, “Yes, my certified father figure, I do love him very much and I’m not just in it for the money.” After that talk, he finds the relationship sweet but kind of concerning. Kalim is a nice boy but severely naive and, frankly, incompetent. Trein starts to go a little harder on Kalim in class, not that he was going easy anyway. He scrutinizes the essays he turns in and chastises him for missing an assignment. As he watches you kiss Kalim on the cheek after getting an A, Trein can only sigh and think, “He’s lucky he’s rich.”
jamil viper
Trein’s pretty okay with him. He’s a level-headed guy with passable grades and the title of a vice housewarden. However, the professor did hear about his Overblot and does think that there's more beneath the surface. He doesn't judge him for his Overblot, no. But Trein does keep a closer eye on him to make sure he isn't scheming anything involving you. The professor also tries to push him to do better academically. He’s heard from you about how smart Jamil truly is and can see his potential, so he tries to get him to stop holding back. Jamil is a little appreciative of it and respects Trein as your father figure, but still isn't a fan of sticking out. Nor does he plan on giving into Trein’s attempts.
epel felmier
Is fine with the relationship at first. He was polite, soft-spoken, and a part of Pomfiore. Most students belonging to that dorm are pompous, but respectful nonetheless. Then Epel’s true nature comes out and Trein is constantly reprimanding him for horseplay. It's kinda funny how surprised Trein is by Epel’s country toughness. The professor definitely had his suspicions— nobody at NRC is innocent, he’s learned every student here has some sort of dark side— but he definitely wouldn't have expected this. A part of Trein actually prefers him like this. You are dating someone with a backbone who will defend you. He encourages Epel to be himself around him, promising a judgment-free area. They get along pretty well surprisingly, with Trein being a sort of mentor to him. Overall, very sweet and Trein approves.
rook hunt
In the most blunt way possible, Trein tells you, “Your boyfriend weirds me out.” He thinks Rook is an oddball for sure. No way around it. Is half convinced Rook is stalking him. Because he is. When you explained to your boyfriend about the bond you had with Professor Trein, he got way too intrigued and ended up ‘watching’ Trein like he does to Leona. It's not until the professor makes a passing comment about being paranoid that he’s being watched that you realized, “Oh shit my boyfriends stalking you.” You don't say that to him— you don't want Rook getting in trouble. So you settle on having a really long talk with Rook about it who reassures you he’d never disturb your father figure or the absolutely beautiful bond between the two of you. He still worries you sometimes when he goes missing and randomly reappears by walking out of Trein’s classroom.
vil schoenheit
Trein worries that Vil won’t make the time for you. He’s aware that Schoenheit is a busy boy as he’s missed his class plentiful in the past. He’ll make Vil stay after class for a little to talk to him about it, giving him a fatherly warning about being ready to fully commit to a relationship and the time it takes to manage one. Vil is, admittedly, insulted that Trein doubts his ability to wholeheartedly love you but takes it in stride. He sees this as a sign to up his game in the romance department and properly does so, dedicating more time to pampering you. The professor expresses his concerns to his coworker, Crewel, who talks his ear off about how much of a “good pup” Vil is and that he won't disappoint. Trein can’t help but agree when he spots you walking into class looking more freshened with slight makeup on and a new hair-do that Vil definitely did for you.
idia shroud
Once you break the news to Trein, he immediately asks to meet with Idia one-on-one. The blue-haired student rarely shows up to class! And that iPad isn't going to cut it forever! He needs to be able to size him up in person. Idia, naturally, is scared to death. At first, he immediately declines, insisting that they don't really need to meet up, the whole idea is stupid, and it’ll be fine if he stays right there in his room. Then you sit down with him and tell him how important Trein is to you and… sigh You landed a natural 20 on the dice of persuasion. Idia can’t believe he's doing this. You’re beside him the whole time as he stutters in front of Trein. Is Trein impressed? No, not at all. Yet your confidence in the Shroud and constant praise is reassuring. The professor’s going to make you force Idia into showing up in person in class. His attendance rivals Leona's.
sebek zigvolt
Doesn't really care for Sebek despite the first year's desperate attempts at trying to impress him. Sebek lost him after he started talking about Malleus when Trein asked about you. Ever since then, it’s just been him trying to win him back to no prevail. Kinda sad to watch. He’ll be the biggest gentleman ever: rushing to doors to open them for Trein, scrubbing his whole classroom for him from top to bottom, and yelling at other students to be quiet— though he was pretty much doing that before you two even got together. But every time Sebek gets close to winning the professor’s favor, he ends up going on a tangent about how amazing his liege is, and we're back at square one. You’ve got to rub him on the back and kiss him on the cheek while telling him, “Trein will come around one day!” Even if that day never comes.
Not a fan. He’s witnessed Silver fall asleep in his class one too many times and thinks it's disrespectful. Once you tell Silver, he’s upset as it's not exactly something he can change, but will put in extra effort not only in Trein’s class but in all his classes. He studies with you beside him so you can prevent him from falling asleep when you see him get all drowsy-eyed. Trein immediately takes note of Silver’s hard work and grit as the boy passes his class with flying colors while asking if there’s anything he could do to help him after hours. It's only when he hears from his fellow teachers that Silver has been doing exceptionally well is he actually impressed. Afterwards, Trein will start being more understanding of Silver’s constant sleeping. He won't be any less strict, but he won’t lay into him for it as hard as before since learning it's out of Silver’s control. Trein thinks rather positively of your relationship, comparing it to the ones in the fairytales.
lilia vanrouge
A bit disturbed, to say the least. Lilia is older than him after all. Trein tried to keep a close eye on the two of you, but Lilia always caught him and pursued a staring match. Trein was always the first to look away. Lilia finds it entertaining. He tries to play tiny tricks on the professor, but you stop him at the very last minute. You sit down and try to explain that you deeply care about Trein and, by extension, what Trein thinks of him. Lilia proceeded to suggest that he brings Trein some cookies to win him over to which you immediately say no. Honestly, I don’t see Trein really ever warming up to Lilia. He just pretends the old bat doesn't exist and isn't your boyfriend. Lilia finds that incredibly funny while you're dying inside.
malleus draconia
The fact you were able to get close to the Draconia is an impressive feat to Trein. However, future ruler of Briar Valley or not, he intends to make sure that Malleus treats you right. Right when you tell Malleus that Trein is basically your father, the fae goes straight to the professor, confesses to him about your relationship, and swears to take good care of you with this ominous tone. Trein isn’t very fond of Malleus at first, struggling to decipher whether or not that introduction was genuine. It isn't until you go to him after class, gushing about the late-night walk you went on with Malleus yesterday and shoving cute little polaroid photos in his face does Trein begin to trust the fae. He makes sure to scold you for not being asleep at that time, yes, but he stares at one of the photographs for way too long, imagining you and Malleus as him and his late wife for a moment. A small smile appears on his face. However, he can’t help but think that the two of you are down a similar path; the happiest marriage ever, kids, and one lover outliving the other. A tragedy, but he’ll let you enjoy it while it lasts just like he did. As long as you’re happy.
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euthymiya · 4 months ago
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Sukuna who was never close to his twin brother and never cared about the pipsqueak runt of a kid who’s his nephew.
He doesn’t care and doesn’t want to be associated with that bullshit. His brother doesn’t take the hint ever and invites him to everything. “My sons’s birthday party” this and “my son’s kindergarten graduation” that. What sort of graduation is meant for a kindergartener anyway? That’s a load of nonsense. But Jin is as annoying as ever with insisting on keeping contact and trying to get Sukuna involved and he hates it until by some tragedy out of nowhere, his brother and sister and law are dead. Yuuji’s left an orphan and no one can care for that kid because there’s no one left.
No one except Sukuna.
They ask him, too. The social workers. They turn to him and say some pitiful script about being “the only family left to take custody of him.” He knows pretty well what’s going to happen to the pipsqueak if he doesn’t agree. The foster care system and the possible horrors such a bright (even if annoying) kid could face makes him question saying no for a second. He’s surprisingly conflicted.
And it’s out of sheer impulsiveness alone does he end up as a single, grumpy, begrudging uncle who’s got custody of a child he never really cared to know in the first place.
And then he meets you.
Sweet, bubbly, warm, and so weirdly happy. Dictionary definition of what an elementary school teacher should be. Yuuji’s absolute favorite person on the planet as he waves hello at you enthusiastically every time that Sukuna drops him off and goodbye every time that Sukuna picks him up.
“I heard his new guardian would be his uncle. It’s nice to meet you,” you murmur to him the first day he picks up Yuuji after school, a look of pure melancholy on your face as you stare at him with an unearthly amount of compassion and sympathy. “Yuuji’s parents were wonderful people. I’m really sorry for your loss.”
“Wasn’t that close with either of them,” he grunts out. You look over at where Yuuji’s gleefully playing on the slide of the playground. Too young and innocent to realize that’s been ripped away from him. Too naive to understand what it means to grieve. Too hopeful about the world around him to realize just how cruel it can really be.
“Oh,” you murmur, nodding slowly.
He thinks that your unnaturally kind demeanor will finally be broken for a split second of judgement. What sort of heartless bastard doesn’t feel an ounce of grief for his own brother’s death? Instead, however, you seem to look at him with some weird sense of wonder.
“You’re a good uncle for stepping up regardless,” you say softly, “it’s more than what most would do in your shoes.”
“Yeah, whatever,” he clicks his teeth, unbearably uncomfortable with how weirdly sentimental this all is. “He’s just a five year old. How much trouble could he be?”
You raise a brow in amusement, eyeing him like he’s got one hell of a surprise waiting for him. He doesn’t like the vague way you hum, “Yeah. How could such a little human cause trouble, right?”
“I’ve got it under control,” he grumbles, a little annoyed that you seem to think that out of all things, a simple child would be enough to cause Sukuna any issues.
“Let me know if you need anything,” you smile.
Yuuji calls to you from the distance, squealing look what I can do! before he does a rather clumsy spin. Sukuna raises an unimpressed brow. You clap and praise him with an exaggerated gasp of approval.
It’s oddly endearing, he thinks to himself—you, not the kid. The kid’s barely tolerable.
“C’mon, you brat,” Sukuna calls. And then he looks at you and gruffly adds, “And I don’t need help.”
“Okay,” you grin brightly. It almost feels like you’re saying that a little sarcastically. “I’m sure you’ve got this parent thing down.”
Before he can even correct you that he’s an uncle, not parent, Yuuji comes running over on clumsy, short little legs and grabs onto Sukuna’s hand.
“C’mon, Uncle ‘Kuna!”
Sukuna doesn’t miss the way your eyes soften. Weirdly enough, he feels this odd sort of squeeze in his chest that doesn’t make any sense. Maybe he’s just getting old—that has to be it.
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