#but... at least i am getting to talk to ppl face to face outside of my mother every week i suppose
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dandyshucks Ā· 1 year ago
whyyyy does nobody ever come back to this group fjdkdl they show up once for a first time and then never return !!! its kind of crushing bc some ppl I've been like... excited at the prospect of seeing them again and then they just never show up ever again :')
and I didn't even get to draw anything good while sitting there !!! AUGH
#bleaseeee come back shfkdl im the only person that goes every week !!!#theres one other person who occasionally shows up but fjdkdl otherwise its just me#and then new ppl every time#and i cannot help but feel like im doing smth wrong and making them not want to return fhfkdl#i even get ppl to talk in the latter half once I've figured their vibe out and they seem genuinely happy to engage w convos#i somehow land on a topic we all enjoy and then we have a fun convo#and im very careful to not talk too much or too little djfkdl i am constantly adjusting to make sure I'm matching whats needed#i kind of have conversations irl down to a science dhdksl its ridiculous honestly but. it is what's gotten me thru life lmao#and I've been told countless times how good i am at connecting w ppl and making ppl feel comfortable#so im just like. what am i doing wrong !! how do i make this group enjoyable so ppl will come back !!#i know it's not my job lol im just an attendee and not a leader but i feel like i Have To if i want ppl to return#idk i just. god. there were cool ppl last week and this week it was some other new person who seemed like she did not want to be there#and i doubt I'll ever see those cool ppl last week ever again#i just want to cry a little bit sbdjdkl today was such a waste of time except for the fact i was able to get out of this hell house fhfkdl#i will just keep hoping that someone actually enjoys it enough to return i guess but this is getting a bit crushing to have happen so much#but... at least i am getting to talk to ppl face to face outside of my mother every week i suppose#vent //#dandy.cmd
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growling Ā· 9 months ago
*average self-proclaimed safe space tumblr blog voice* I soooooo support people with schizophrenia that must be so hard to you anyway I just saw some weird looking woman talking to herself right outside my house im fearing for my life should I call the cops. Yeah dude I support all the adhd havers in the chat just try to pay attention when I talk to you it's not that hard it's like the least you could do to show some regard for the other human being in front of you. Like it's fine to have memory problems but why did you forget this one thing in particular that was important to me do you like not care or anything you should try harder. I am one of the only real mental health advocates to still exist in this world I hear your struggles that being said I hope I never get to meet one of those irl sociopaths or people with aspd whatever they call them now they're so freaky and they can blend into society so well you might never know if you're actually face to face with an actual socio i mean person with aspd in the store absolutely one of my biggest fears what if they torture me in their basement. I absolutely empathize with all the people in here suffering from delusions as long as they like, don't actually show it or have one concerning me that'd be highkey uncomfy leave me out of this dude im not talking to you until you get help, anyway my fav character from my anime just presumably died but i still think they actually survived im sooo delulu lol. We should push for more wheelchair accessibility in our cities I agree but like it's so difficult to tell how many people are actually disabled and who are actually faking it, like, ummm why did that "wheelchair" "user" guy stand up just now cover blown lmaooā€¦. Yeah I support people with facial differences but I still have a right to be disgusted you can't control my emotions anyway can you tag your selfies as #body horror this deeply triggering to me. Speaking of triggering can you also pleaseee hide your scars or at least warn us beforehand jesus do you know how many people genuinely do not want to see it. Here is my extremely fast strobing lights and flashing gifset #epilepsy. Yeah I loveee girls with bpd beautiful princess disorder am i right they're so interesting the stigma sucksssss i'd love to get to be one's favourite person as long as they don't actually have any of those weird or violent symptoms or don't go into any of their "episodes" near me like that's a bit dramaticā€¦.. I deeply feel for those who had underwent narcissistic abuse from the hands of an npd I think my shitty ex boyfriend was a narcissist too tbh #surviving narcissism here are 10 signs you are dealing with a narcissist and here's a tutorial on how to trigger a narc crash to epically own them anyway does anyone else think we should start enforcing mandatory castration of all the newly diagnosed narcs like you know what happens when they reproduce right. But I am willing to support them as long as they go to therapy to get that fixed it's just you know. Anyway sometimes hospitalisation is fine if they're genuinely a danger to themselves like what do you want them to go live on the streets or actually get help?? I support all the people dealing with being a professionally diagnosed disordered system and I think it's sooooo terrible how literally 99% of the youth population nowadays is purposefully faking it for attention I did my research (1 minute google search, 2 minute r/fakedisordercringe scrolling session and consulting a single system that agrees with me). It's just not believable to me that there's really that many people with it isn't it supposed to be rareā€¦ Also are we really sure all those alleged people in their heads are really real or just their imagination maybe all of them are actually faking it huh food for thought. I am very uncomfortable with nonverbal high support needs ppl actually having sex like consent is supposed to be explicitly verbal only and, are we really sure they can even consent arent they like basically children. You can't call me ableist I'm literally autistic
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infiniteorangethethird Ā· 2 months ago
Every time I see a description of autistics and their routines, esp ones aimed to make allistics understand better, I feel like my experiences as an actually autistic person are completely misrepresented by it. And it's entirely possible that it's just me always finding posts that weren't meant for me specifically, but I've never found anyone talk abt autistic routines and be like "yep, that's me, that's how routines feel to me".
It sometimes feels like that even the most well-meaning of posts or articles or whatever boil down to the idea that, at the end of the day, an autistic person's routine doesn't serve any "real" purpose. That routines are just what we got used to over time, and as such they bring us familiarity and comfort, but beyond that familiarity and comfort they are senseless and pointless. That you should respect an autistic person's routine (so long as it's not harming anyone) - despite it being obviously nonsense.
And to be clear, I don't think there's anything wrong with routines "just" for the sake of familiarity and comfort, and I do agree that you should respect ppl's boundaries even if they don't make sense to you. This isn't the problem. My issue is that every time I take a look at my own routines, I could take each and every part of it and tell you exactly what specific purpose it serves and why it cannot be removed without serious negative consequences.
For example. I tend to eat at the same times every day, because my body sucks at telling me properly when I'm hungry and sticking to time instead of bodily sensations allows me to ensure I eat properly. I always go through my morning routine the same way because "morning routine" is a lot easier to remember than remembering each and every element of getting ready, individually, every morning. I take the same route to work every time because paying attention to my surroundings is extremely taxing, and walking the familiar path lets me turn off my mind and let my instincts instead of conscious decisions direct me.
And this perspective changes why I might be upset about changes in routine as well. It's not just upsetting because it's unfamiliar and scary, it's upsetting because the consequences can be downright painful. If I don't eat on time I might forget to eat at all and could end up in a too-hungry-to-eat spiral that can take days to escape. If my morning routine is messed with I am almost certain to forget at least one step of it, which, depending on the step, can mess with my entire rest of the day (for instance, forgetting to pack my bottle and not being able to drink as a result).
So much of the advice I see floating around regarding these routines seems to be of the belief that they don't actually stem from anything besides habit, and as such the negative reaction to deviation from these routines is purely emotional (and irrational). Even in the better cases that don't just outright dismiss this emotional reaction as something to be ignored, there's still this undertone that the emotional reaction can be culled and autistic ppl can be taught how to be more adaptable and how to let go of these routines, by showing them how to handle the emotional reaction better.
And while I don't necessarily think this is bad advice (it can be really helpful esp as an autistic person to figure out ways to step outside your already rather small comfort zone, so advice like this is actually greatly appreciated), but I really wish there was more acknowledgement of routines that are based on more physical and practical stuff and can't be changed with determination and patience alone. That sometimes the emotional reaction is completely rational and justified, and that some routines can't really be changed without facing some incredibly negative consequences.
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transmascposi Ā· 9 months ago
I feel really isolated because I hardly see any trans masculine positivity posts,,,, The only posts I see,, that are even shared by my own friends,,, are those that are complaining about trans mascs and how we're evil, ugly, and ruining the trans community,,,, I don't know what I did wrong besides simply exist as a trans masculine person,,, I still face misogyny and now I'm facing transphobia from my own friends,,, I even had to block somebody who said 'I have never found trans males to be sexually attractive' and instead of people telling them that's transphobic everyone was agreeing with them,,, I don't know where to turn anymore because everyone hates trans men so badly,,,, plus it's interesting that ppl will say how much they hate trans men but then fetishize our bodies,,,
I feel you. It's so lonely and difficult sometimes. It can feel like the whole world hates you. But I promise it's not like that. There's a lot of people who love us, really.
I'm sorry this is happening to you. You didn't do anything wrong. And even if you did, it wouldn't justify this treatment. You are valid and amazing and you bring so much beauty to the world and to the queer community. I had to cut off a few internet friends who hated on trans men and I don't regret it one bit. If they hate trans masculine people, I suggest cutting these people off. They are not good friends to you.
My advice is to try to spend less time online. The hate is much more concentrated here, and it's much more openly vicious. We certainly do have bad things happening to us in real life, but from my experience at least, the hate online is on another level. There are encounters that we can't really prevent in real life, but you can control the majority of your interactions online. I suggest avoiding the hate as much as you can, even if it means not spending time on your favorite platform. It can seem like I'm stating the obvious and I probably am, but at the same time, when I struggled a lot with online hate on trans mascs, I would keep spending time in trans masc spaces on tumblr that are full of this hate. I think we have the tendency to dwell in the hate, for whatever reason. To reblog it to argue with it, to keep repeating the same points to people who don't care about the truth, to try to counter the lie that trans mascs have it easy by witnessing the hate as a getcha. I'm not saying that you do this necessarily, but I definitely did it.
My second advice is to go out and meet people who understand and support you. A wonderful way to do that is activism. If you can, join your local trans activist group! You don't have to have inspiring speeches on big podiums and argue with people. You can help with small practical tasks ā€” those people are very much needed and appreciated! Or you can find your local queer events and go there. It can be intimidating at first, especially if you go alone, but there's always someone a little bit lost at these events. People get it. Again, it definitely can be very difficult, but try to talk to some trans people there. Or anyone, really. You will find out that there's a lot of people who support and get us. And people who might not fully understand yet, but they want to try and they want to help. Even these imperfect encounters will warm your heart enough to forget a little about all the hate, even just for a moment. And being in activist circles and hearing people say your exact thoughts out loud ā€” oh man it's SO satisfying. These people don't even have to be your friends. I'm trying to be an activist and there are people who I have fun with and who give me a sense of community ā€” yet I don't meet them outside of activism stuff because I know we aren't a good match to be friends. And yet, their existence in my life brings me a lot of warmth. Building community is the key, really.
I wish you the best of luck and strength and I hope you will feel better soon.
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inchidentally Ā· 10 months ago
x. com/ln4norris/status/1785872795974652036 thoughts on this?
this is one of those instances where so many ppl have this wildly different take on smth and honestly myself and the moots I talk to didn't evenā€¦ realize it could be taken any other way ??
I think part of this is also bc some ppl are pretty new to landoscar so I'll put more effort into replying to this than I normally would bc I genuinely didn't and still don't see this as being some dramatic thing that Lando said!
but for better reference, I've actually compiled the full clips from the person who posted them in their stories originally with two clips of Lando and Carlos separately saying how their F1 buddies are NOT the same as their actual private life friendships bc I think it helps contextualize what Lando is talking about here.
I think the funniest misinterpretation about this is ppl taking these Shared Activities as indicating deep and meaningful friendships and that therefore Lando doesn't have anything deep or meaningful with Oscarā€¦ just bc no padel or golf ?? lasjfgsjla
"we don't do as many things away from the circuit [as Lando does with other drivers like Carlos and Max]"
like. in what world is that him saying anything but ā€¦ that ?? it's not deep ??
esp when it corroborates what Lando said in that clip about how his relationships with the drivers heā€™s friends with depend on shared activities and that theyā€™re not his actual close friends the way Max F and all his buddies in London are (he even says in the video above that his friends are mostly in London not Monaco!) and Carlos corroborated the same thing!
so for one thing, the reason he's fine with saying this is because he doesn't see it as some huge thing that he doesn't happen to have with Oscar ?? bc it's not some deep meaningful thing that he hangs with other drivers sometimes outside of F1! they're buddies sure but they're not his private life friends. that's normal and healthy !!
but the other thing that's honestly funny is ppl deciding to misinterpret this as either Lando being a callous asshole to Oscar or again, taking rpf too seriously and thinking "yaayyy I can pretend Lando is secretly in love with/has a deep bond with/is fucking [insert driver here] and hates Oscar"
and like Carlos, Daniel and Lando literally have identical bromance formats with each other and other drivers which makes the whole rpf competition thing so hilariously dumb?? they all do the common hobbies thing, the playing gay for laughs thing, the posting every interaction to social media for fan engagement thing, the roughhousing physicality thing - all with at least 3-5 other drivers. and when you count up the like rpf ship points that these people use to say which one is "better" then m@xiel shits all the way on dand0 for bonding and being mutually invested and charl0s absolutely dunks on carland0 for gay physicality and mutual affection and norrib0n comes along and reminds ppl that Alex remains a hero to Lando and Lando still gets starry eyes over him in a way he never will for Carlos or Daniel etc etc etcccc
all of which still end up paling in comparison to the actual, deep relationships these guys have with their girlfriends and with their private life friends! the idea that Lando will ever love a male friend the way he does Max F is like going to a rakes lying down park and stamping around to get hit in the face repeatedly like why would you bother to be that stupid bffr
[sidenote that I am SO glad for Lando to say smth like this video if it drives those fans away from landoscar. no joke. we do NOT want them here and we do NOT want them treating Lily the way they treat Heidi and Rebecca and treated Luisa and Isa. please stay in carland0 and dand0 and whatever else with that l@rry stylins0n misogynistic, closeted gay men as a fetish shit]
the reality is that if Lando was just meh about Oscar and disinterested in spending any more time with him than he needed to then why would he even point this out ? why would he bother to point out - with even kind of an exasperated pout in his voice - that Oscar isn't interested in anything they can spend time together doing if heā€¦ doesn't want to spend time with Oscar anyway ??
exactly asfgsajgflagf
and for ppl who are new, literally the reason a lot of us are so Compelled is precisely bc Lando and Oscar don't follow the cookie cutter bromance format and their respect and interest in each other doesn't rely on common activities or playing into fan PR. they're literally the anti-PR partnership not bc they hate each other or have drama but bc every member of their team says how much they've bonded as drivers and that every time we get content of them together they're beaming at each other and seem to have all these cute little in-jokes and softness. but none of it is for show! none of it jumps off the screen or has them knowingly trying to bait fans!
their entire dynamic is for their own benefit alone and both of them have said how happy they are to have their future together settled for so many years. and the whole vibe of landoscar fandom is that we were all fine with the idea of them just being work friends! then Silverstone happened and the Austin filming happened etc etc. and now we're all watching it and writing fic and making gifs and edits bc landoscar is gentle and gradual and sweet and boyish and genuine.
it's been this gradual little dance between two guys who each have a unique preoccupation with each other but they don't do any of the usual blokey things to force a friendship. Lando's fixations on Oscar's name and his hair and how he's taller and bigger than him and the weirdly horny verbal burps that come out aren't something he does with any of his other driver friends. Oscar is so chilled about other drivers and doesn't even do the whole hero worship thing, yet his internet history about Lando is it's own extremely unique thing that has carried over as his teammate in a way he's never been about another driver.
they don't roughhouse or make fun of each other or push each other's buttons for fun and they don't even raise their voices around each other ?? everything is so gentle and not macho at all ! Lando strangely feels awkward and looks right at Oscar to explain why he diverted to visit Daniel with Martin as a spontaneous unplanned thing even though Oscar wasn't even in Australia anymore when that happened and Oscar didn't even feel like it needed to be explained! Oscar learns and adapts to what Lando feels sensitive about and needs some help with and sometimes even keeps an eye out for his physical well being.
and I think something that has kind of been missed entirely is that the context for the latest video was Lando saying how he's always been the youngest or least experienced in a driver friendship dynamic and - as he's said many times before! - he finds the idea of having to be the older experienced leader not at all comfortable!
which leads to smth a lot of us have always found the sweetest part of the 814 dynamic, the fact that Lando realized early on that he doesn't have to Try with Oscar and he can just exist in his feelings with Oscar and Oscar does not push and he does not get annoyed or weird or offended! and that means that Lando is yes, free to be the full range of bratty to sweetheart and everything in between bc Oscar will just smile at him and be patient. but !! it also means that unless Lando uses his words or takes charge, Oscar will remain in that quiet patient position in their dynamic and won't presume to take charge.
so Lando wishes Oscar would be the older one and take the initiative and now he's in a pickle where he's saying they only don't hang out bc Oscar won't share an interest with him and you can see for a second he knows what he's saying isn't true bc they all talked on a fan stage about a padel competition between Williams and McLaren and he remembers inviting Oscar out to golf at the last minute one time and that Oscar only declined bc he doesn't know how to play and didn't want to hold everyone up but ugh !!! like that is SUCH a Lando situation to get himself into and to somehow be mad at Oscar about <3<3
but ever since Oscar arrived with very little fanfare and decided not to draw too much attention to himself until literally recently, when the Alpine drama was finally firmly behind him, he's been so intent on showing his deference to Lando and even as lately as the place swap in Melbourne that he fully understands the driver dynamics within the team and respects it. and the thing is that Oscar genuinely is so happy to wait and see what Lando wants or needs that it would never remotely occur to him to push or insert himself into Lando's social life unless invited!
so yes, being a fan of landoscar is just like this! it'll never be the PR friendly bromance or the l@rry stylins0n conspiracy theory.
and yep weirdly enough for how so many ppl are taking it, this video for us is so sweet bc Lando's publicly muddling around about why won't Oscar do a mutual interest with him but also already having admitted that he's not good at taking the role that he needs to and pulling Oscar along into his social life the way Carlos, Daniel, Max etc have always done with him - all while Oscar is oblivious and doesn't think anything is even wrong ! and oh boy, Oscar being too literal and not being the type to be pushy ends up assuming he's doing the right thing by not trying to invite himself along to anything with Lando!
like, this is how it goes! if you want the whole bromance catering precisely to your ship needs OR you're hunting for huge drama and simmering resentments that turn into huge drama then this is NOT the place for you lasfgalfg
don't get me wrong I eat up the bromances and the doomed drama partnerships too but I just don't find them worth writing all these stupid posts about like I do w landoscar bc those partnerships are what you see is what you get. apparently what gets me going is The Yearning and The Miscommunication.
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five-thousand-loaves-of-bread Ā· 3 months ago
8. What sort of disability representation would you consider ideal for you?
11. What is one question, idea, or talking point about [your] disability that you are so tired of?
8. if speak for self n not for entire community! stuff that not shy away from realistic violent ableism n things that make audience uncomfy. want see accurate nonverval high support needs I/DD representation, not shy away from hard stuff but not tell it from entire life tragedy disability tragedy perspective, nor inspiration porn happy all time or secret little genius, or perfect lil saint angel (sometimes we real assholes). show HSN I/DD ppl happy & be okay with disability even when face with inaccessibility. see us date n in love! have sex! learn! be good at stuff!
n also want see HSN I/DD character just exist! outside disability stories.
EDIT oh n!! HSN people who canā€™t like. do ā€œimpressive thingsā€ but we still around bc take care community take care of vulnerable people still important !!
n also, just like wheelchair user character be played be wheelchair using actor, autistic character be play by autistic actorā€¦ want see nonverbal character be play by nonverbal person, high support needs character play by high support needs actorā€¦ which especially HSN I/DD actor, can be quite unrealistic (inaccessibility of acting & set + often our support needs n disability make acting impossible), so really hope when people celebrate ā€œx character play by x actor,ā€ like ā€œ(HSN) autistic character play by (LrSN) autistic actor,ā€ we not just celebrate autism part but we also at least talk about how support needs difference power dynamic. because even if there no alternative, have someone autistic but not HSN play HSN autistic character, for example, not automatic make feel less mocked.
so many times see people celebrate some film disabled character play by disabled person!!! n it wheelchair user play by wheelchair user, which absolutely great!! but in same film nonverbal AAC user NOT played by AAC user not to even mention nonverbal person n no one bat eye n. just feel betrayed n ignored by all
11. oof manyā€¦ why nonverbal about all the time experience n why shouldnā€™t say go nonverbal or nonverbal episode or sometimes nonverbalā€¦ how some people prefer nonverbal over nonspeaking n how they not always mean different thingā€¦ how disabled ppl will identify in way you not like even if you also disabled, like severity labels (also how not everything is fucking autism)ā€¦ how having more support needs than nondisabled not make you medium or high support needs, how struggle more than non autistic not make you level 2 or 3ā€¦ all ways autistic community awful to people with intellectual disability n also down syndrome cerebral palsy etc many I/DDā€¦ how no you canā€™t ā€œreclaimā€ r word if you not ID how be bullied not same as systemic oppressionā€¦ can go on n on
especially tired of these becauseā€¦ it not like they not important but. there so many other important things like how people without functional communication still not getting AAC, how so many I/DD people not get age appropriate developmental milestone appropriate cognitive intellectual appropriate education, JRC still shocking people, how special education often god awful but also next 4 years US lose many protection that keep it in place n lose what little had in first placeā€¦ n instead of talk about those advocate for those advocate for direct changes, am stuck here talk about these terminology issue over n over n over again.
ask game
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tirfpikachu Ā· 4 months ago
trans activists often forget that it isn't just trans-identified and nonbinary-identified people who can suffer from what they call cissexism or gncphobia. some people who aren't identifying as trans or nonbinary actually may face worse anti-gnc oppression than some people who claim the label, and get talked over by people who have no fucking clue what it's like. they just refuse to stay in their lane.
this is why any label that is nebulous enough for ppl to remain unchanged while identifying as such, and have no specific experience or behavior needed to belong to the group and be able to claim the label, will never be an accurate enough way to decide if someone has been more or less oppressed under the gncphobic/sexist (and of course heavily misogynistic) patriarchy. this is why often non-trans gnc people can be super frustrated by how they're treated by tras as some super privileged group shielded from horrific treatment by gender roles lovers, especially rightwing men. tras can be very out of touch, which doesn't go well with genuine lgbt/feminist activism spaces where we're genuinely trying to make positive change and actually talk through complex issues to find solutions to all the fucked up things the patriarchy has done to marginalized people. especially female/ofab people and people who are actually perceived as female in their day-to-day lives, or people who are visibly very gnc to a degree that pisses off patriarchs. trans/cis are often useless labels outside of denoting people who use different pronouns than their usual sex-assigned pronouns, or people who have dysphoria. otherwise, it gets incredibly vague and often includes people who for all intent and purposes live very gender conforming lives and truly are shielded from gncphobia, misogyny and transphobia/cissexism, as much as they hate to admit it.
the trans activist community claims to be against sexism and against rigid gender roles and all for embracing gnc people, yet gnc people who don't fit neatly in their usual cis/trans dichotomy get told they're either repressed and need the trans label, or they're bigots for saying they do face gncphobia and cissexism, at times more than some trans-identified folks. fighting patriarchal gender roles is more complex than simply identifying out of it. protecting gnc people, whether they identify as trans or not, is more complex than only protecting those who enjoy the label. protecting dysphoric people also means protecting those with reverse dysphoria and advocating for better healthcare in regards to transition, and more support in detransition-related surgeries, laser treatments etc from society. fighting against sexism also includes fighting sexism within your own spaces, and not assuming anyone gnc must hate being in their sex category and aren't female/male coded enough to still align with their sex. it also means discussing how not all trans people actually face cissexism, transphobia, sexism or misogyny irl and they need to learn to be good allies to those who do, whether they identify as trans or not. ofab/female people and transmisogyny-affected people also need to be good allies to one another, and not position one side as inherently less oppressed than the other in every aspect.
y'all also need to learn to respect ALL sexualities, including sexualities that involve the person's sex/"agab" without guilt-tripping or saying conversion therapy rhetoric. trans activists need to be more self-aware and grounded in reality. things are getting really ridiculous and it's why so many tras are peaking and flocking to radblr. it has its glaring issues, ones i am very critical of as are many radfems, but we at least have more tolerance for free speech and nuanced discussions and we absolutely refuse to ignore normalized homophobia against homosexuals (as in the og definition of the term) and blatant anti-female/ofab oppression in tq+ spaces. it can't stay this way forever!!
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eren-dostoevsky Ā· 18 days ago
I love SHINee <3
FOREWARNING FOR ANNOYING INTERNET POLICE: This post is me just using my tumblr page like a diary, yes it's delulu as I am addressing them all individually as If they'd ever see it. So what. I know they wont and I am not pretending to know them personally so don't start with that.
I have nowhere else to put this cause nobody else in real life understands but I just love SHINee so so so much.. I've been a SHAWOL since 2010 and as much as I come to love other groups (MANY other 2nd gen groups, then BTS, EXO, GOT7, Stray Kids, Ateez) none of them can ever compare to how much I love and adore SHINee. I have absolutely been out of the loop of Kpop for a handful of years so I'm not up to date on everything they do but one thing is for sure I will always come back to them and support their careers, solo or together. I love watching them branch out and try new things. Key with his musicals years ago, Onew & Minho in their acting careers, Taemin when he joined SuperM (a bonus to that is having Kai & Baekhyun there too obv), Jonghyun when he hosted Blue Night, and just everything they all do in their solo careers. Music related or not. If anyone was to ever ask me who my ULT group is I wouldn't hesitate and say SHINee. Even if other groups were present, like all the love to other groups but I just love love love SHINee. They are my comfort. My heart.
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Lee Jinki. I love your softer vocals and your big heart. Your smile shines so brightly it reaches me over in America. I just wanna hug you. You've always given teddy bear vibes and I love that about you. Never change. I need to get back into watching Kdramas, and i'll start with the ones you're in. If I was ever your friend I'd be right there supporting you with endeavor. Maybe not screaming my support from the sidelines (unless allowed, then I will), but I'd be there.
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Kim Jonghyun, I know you're watching me write this you goober. And there isn't enough space on here for me to say how much I love you. I love your honestly, how you wore your heart on your sleeve and put your all into your music, family, friends and the other members. You are a literal angel and you were an angel in human form on earth. I hope to meet you in another life and if I do you BETTER be prepared for me to tackle you in a hug. You've got a couple decades to prepare, sir. <3
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Kim Kibum. You sassy mf. I love you but I also wanna scream half the time I see you..doing anything really. We're a little too similar personality wise (as far as I can tell from being a fan, at least) so I think had we been able to be friends you'd be in my phone contacts as "Bitch" with a bunch of heart emoji's. We absolutely would talk shit about ppl while eating expensive chocolates, doing face masks and sipping wine. Id drink it just for you cause otherwise I don't drink. But I love how sassy you are, and that you're unapologetically you. We'd get along so well. Also loving all the 80's synth vibes in your music definitely up my alley.
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Choi Minho. You intimidated me at first not gonna lie, but the more I got to know you the more I grew to love you. Just like Jinki you're a big teddy bear who I just wanna hug and boop you on the nose. You're exceptionally talented in everything I've seen you do so far which is unsurprising. I don't like sports, in fact I avoid them but for you I'd like to play with you just to see you smile and laugh (probably as I fail miserably.)
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Lee Taemin. *sprays with raid* BACK I SAY. BACK SIR. YOU gave me WHIPLASH when you debuted your solo back in 2014. I was so used to the cute lil taeminnie from before and then BAM. SEXY. And every single comeback of yours still manages to throw me through a loop even though you having mature concepts is not new. Ugh. I love you though. Cause outside of your stage presence you're still taeminnie, the cute lil guy who is shy and loves his cat, and stealing from Key. You do weird shit, but while weird it's still endearing to know you're weird just like me. But Ive never ate bugs so you're alone in that, sorry. If I ever became your friend I want you to be prepared for chaos. I fear we would fuel each others unhinged personality. There goes the other members sanity.
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alucarddear Ā· 2 years ago
follow me down a story rabbithole for a sec
alucard inventing sunscreen for his vampire s/o bc all that education has to lead somewhere
in my mind it starts with the reader as a human enjoying their days with lulu basking in the sun but eventually as they age they get turned so they can no longer (yes I was rereading your fic about reader asking to be turned by adrian what about it) and maybe eventually reader and alucard travel some place where the locals use their own form of sun protection (ie real life example: otjize used by Himba ppl of Namibia) like some kind of paste and studies it to find out what about it protects the skin from the sun and making his own paste you can use to finally spend some time in the sun again <3
Alucard creates a sun cream for his vampire lover. šŸ¤ [She/her]
Note: Hello, Iā€™m back. This hits the spot just enough, I hope. Iā€™ll be working on shorter, simpler requests such as this for now since I am busy. Sol is the fic anon is talking about. Check my masterlist for anything you havenā€™t read before.
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It pains Adrian to watch his beloved stand by the window and peer longingly outside.
Despite her kind insistence that she is fine and he is all she needsā€”that she knew what it meant to turnā€”he knows she misses going out in the day. He knows she longs for the things he can still do but their love had taken away from her.
He would pierce the sun and veil it if he couldā€”if it would allow her to be outside where she loved to be. If only.
With single-minded pursuit, Adrian toiled away in his laboratory for months on end to see his darling bask in the sunshine again. She is his sun, after all, the very light of his life. She deserves that much at the very least.
"It does not suit you to be in the shade all day long, my love," he tells her once he has crafted a somewhat effective sun balm.
ā€œThis balm is not going to give you immunity to the sun, Iā€™m afraid,ā€ he patiently explains. ā€œAnd you do need to apply it rather generously.ā€
Adrian slathers a thick layer of the balm across her cheek as if to prove his point. She scrunches her nose in distaste, but nods all the same.
ā€œButā€¦ it should allow you to be outside for even just a couple minutes,ā€ he finally reveals.
At that, her face lit up like the sunlight that she is, squealing with utter joy. She jumps into his arms and peppers him with sweet kisses, smearing the sun balm all over his face in her excitement.
His little concoction stands no chance against prolonged exposure to the sun, no, but it is enough for her to stand out there and feel its warmth for a bit.
The joy that erupted from her fine features as she stepped into the sun for the first time in years was worth every effort, worth all of it and more.
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rebo-chan Ā· 6 months ago
3, 8, 19, and 21 for Reborn
6 and 9 for Tsuna
Hello anon, thank you for sending in an ask!!! you're sweet<333
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
nonnie ^^" why are you choosing violence against the guy who is both my name and my pfp??? don't you think thats a little mean.... UGHH My least favorite canon thing about Reborn... that he didn't convince Amano Akira to make more content. That I don't get to see him live his life outside of the curse. Many such similar cases.. I ACTUALLY... DONT HAVE ANYTHING.. I LOVE HIM?? EVERY ASPECT??? HE NARRATIVELY DID HIS PURPOSE AND WENT AND BEYOND MY EXPECTATIONS IN EVERY CATEGORY I COULD DOCK HIM FOR.. and hes a funny bitch ontop of it??? im so fucking sorry anon there just isnt anything.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
ANOTHER VIOLENCE QUESTION???? NONNIE WHY ARE YOU INCITING VIOLENCE???? I guess I don't prefer when his relationship with Tsuna is diminished within the fandom.. I think it's the pinnacle of the series and they're the face of it for a reason. Acting like they're somehow wrong for each other or that their relationship isn't as close as we act like? You don't have to prefer it, it doesn't have to be your thing, but I think time and time again its shown that Reborn understands Tsuna deeply and Tsuna appreciates that he's here with him. I get why he has ppl who dislike him, slapstick comedy hasn't translated well into modern day fandom, and hes generally a bit of a cocky mf but I think hes loveable and he shines the best around the Vongola kids when he's mentoring them.
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
NONNIE. ?????????? WHY ARE YOU TESTING MEEEEE. UMM. I.. I think I generally like all of Reborn's relationships in canon?? Everyone seems good to me??? I'm so sorry I JUSTT CANT ANSWER THIS QUESTION??? WHO WOULD YOU PICK????? COME OFF ANON AND DM IT LIKE WHO AM I MEANT TO DISLIKE HERE........
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I really like to play with his descriptions (he's got a lot of motifs to his character that are fun to put into writing as a symbol!) and physical comedy humor. He's a funny guy to write, he just does things and you don't have to explain it, he just wouldve. I also love doing character studies on him, where I explore his thoughts about whatever event. It's!! really fun!!! As for what I don't like, mostly my own insecurity coming through here but dialogue... I have tricks I do in my own writing to try and get character voice down, when it comes to actual writing. But, HES JUST SUCH A SPECIFIC GUY.. HE DOES RANDOM SHIT, BUT HE CAN'T **SAY** RANDOM SHIT. I hope you know what I mean nonnie.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
I would!! I think he'd be really nice to mess with and hang out with. We could play video games and shit talk ppl bringing beans for lunch. Plus, his friends are cool too >.> ... added bonus to getting to know him. The 'my friends are coming over' will be always 100% acceptable.
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nectardaddy Ā· 6 months ago
It was hilarious how you corrected the ask about you being a bad teacher lol
I genuinely have a question for ppl though-
Do they not understand that how you act on your social media or outside of your work doesnā€™t mean thatā€™s how you act when youā€™re doing your job???? Like my blog is full of comments abt my fictional men šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“ but do I act like that at work?? No. Do I act like that around kids (namely my little brother bcs heā€™s fr the only kid I interact with) no. So like it doesnā€™t make sense to me
To me thatā€™s similar to the ā€œOh they have dyed hair so theyā€™re incompetent!ā€ Or ā€œThey have piercings and tattoos so they obviously do drugs!ā€ Kinda of people but thatā€™s just my two cents.
You seem like a really fun teacher and I think if I had a teacher like you when I was in school I wouldnā€™t have hated it nearly as much as I did. Youā€™re making the day fun for the kids based off the stories you tell and treat them like humans which is really important and something easily overlooked by some other teachers and parents. Anywaysā€¦that was my ramblings. Have a good day Dodger and I would love to hear more teacher rambles šŸ„°šŸ«¶šŸ»
-sincerely bakery anon šŸŖ <3
I popped off in this I'm sorry lol, I just had A LOT to say about this topic.
I dropped everything to answer this because I love to speak on this topic, despite it being frustrating. But ahhh thank you for enjoying my reply lol!
A lot of people (and I say a lot because it truly is, I have at least 4 parents every year that think similarly to this) think that social media IS REAL. The whole "what you see is what you get" thought process really rings true for a lot of people and it is genuinely concerning. With that though, a lot of people ALSO think how you act OUTSIDE of work describes who you are as a worker as well which is SO STUPID!
I mean, I get it, I am teaching children at the end of the day. I understand there are some things I shouldn't post on a PUBLIC platform with my name attached to it (and I don't) because my students may see it. That being said though, everything I do post that's even a little risquƩ, especially anything thirst related to fictional characters, is under LOCK AND KEY and completely under a different name (see "nectardaddy" with the pseudonym dodger lol).
As for the kinds of people you brought up, you are 100000000% correct. In my four years of teaching, the parents (and I bring up parents a lot bc they are the adults here, children genuinely don't care and are 9/10 beyond kind and accepting) that give me the most grief about MY behavior think like this. I have tattoos (lots of them), I have many piercings, I have a blue mullet for christ sake lol and there is always someone (an adult parent) who COMPLAINS ABOUT IT??? I have had calls to my principle before that a parent SAW ME AT A BAR AFTER SCHOOL. AFTER SCHOOL!!! Apparently I'm not allowed to do that?? Because apparently to them it was "inappropriate to do that because I'm a teacher." Thank god I have a good principle, she laughed right in that woman's face.
I've also had nasty, heinous comments about my preferences (which isn't any of their business #1 and doesn't pertain to school AT ALL #2) and disgusting assumptions made about me, my past, my husband, and who I am as a person BY ADULTS all because I didn't let little timmy talk to his friend while I was trying to teach him math. (But then when he fails math because I let him talk that's my fault too.) I truly think this mindset comes from simple entitlement and need for control, amongst some other things but I'm not one to delve into politics too hard here.
But, it warms my heart to know that a lot of people, including yourself, think I'm a good teacher! At the end of the day though, I do this (teaching) for THEM. I wouldn't want to sit there for 7 seven hours either so we don't! We go outside, move around, work in groups, we talk to our friends, we're loud, WE'RE LEARNING! I think the worst thing a teacher can do is treat students less than, because they are, although small, HUMAN! As well as many other things, it's my job to teach them HOW to human! How to express emotions healthily, show compassion, learn empathy, know one's self worth, and know that failing isn't an end - it's a step forward in the right direction.
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tf2shipswag Ā· 2 years ago
ok so first and foremost i dont agree with ppl being mean and insulting you because thats not how you get people to listen to what you have to say so i am sorry about the prev ppl immediately going to attack you but im not going to sit here and minimize their anger because its not baseless and they are well within their right to feel that way. im coming here to try and at least offer my view as a lesbian, which i doubt will do anything but its worth a shot i guess.
i dont agree with the implication that 'bi/mspec lesbian' labels are not harmful when they are fundamentally lesbophobic, biphobic, and transphobic from the talking points ive seen, and hurt us. implying that lesbians can feel attraction to men is the same rhetoric homophobes push onto us in real life to try and imply our sexuality is a phase and can be cured. "you just need to give men a chance." yk things of that nature. im not going to dive deep into the biphohia of it because i do not live the experience of a bisexual and i dont want to talk over bisexuals but i think it speaks for itself when people are so adverse to the label. you must ask yourself why are you so afraid to identify as bisexual? lesbianism has always included nonbinary, trans, gnc, and intersex people. and if its 'too restrictive' then it does not apply to you. lesbians do not and will not ever be attracted to men, i know its hard to believe but yes! people who arent attracted to men exist! we exist! i feel people are so angry and emotionally charged is because we are tired. tired of facing lesbophobia from outside and within the community. sorry for the long ask i tried to keep it short and concise. all i can say is please listen to actual lesbians.
hi, thank you for not being an ass an providing an actual argument, i very much appreciate that /gen. there genuinely is a horrid amount of lesbophobia, biphobia, and transphobia within the community. i know that there are a lot of arguments that the mspec label contributes to such. i just cannot get over the fact we are having fights like this within a community that is actively being attacked so heavily as a whole, especially right now.
your argument's reminiscent of the idea that the pan label is biphobic. genuinely, some people just identify with one label more than another, and sometimes people feel best defined by a combination of labels. even if the difference between the definition of bi and pan is miniscule to you, it might be big enough of a difference to someone else for it to matter.
it's not about "fear" of identifying as a certain label, sometimes it just doesn't. feel. right. once again! i could identify with bi, pan, omni, whatever label! but it's just not me. this has been said before, but nothing about identity is simple. feeling like we need to separate each other all into our own little boxes is incredibly isolating. the point of having this community to begin with, is so we all know that we're not alone.
everyone's just trying to live their lives. you genuinely seem like you have good intentions and god, i KNOW that this argument's tiring, and i can't imagine what it's like to deal with all the other arguments targeted against lesbians in particular, and i won't act like i'll ever understand the struggle with lesbophobic arguments, since i'm not a lesbian.
but people outside of the community are taking advantage of this argument even existing in order to make life worse for us as a whole, regardless of whatever label you choose to use. whether you're bi, a lesbian, or a bi lesbian, doesn't matter to the people passing bills against our rights and healthcare and protection. any difference to them is equally wrong. i'd rather stand against that idea as a whole than go along with it to suit whatever i'm trying to convey.
i just don't want to cause people to struggle to be themselves and live their lives simultaneously. majority of us have that same goal. even if we don't agree with each other along the way, at the end of the day, we all just want to feel safe and happy.
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pekodayz Ā· 1 year ago
u ever just want to vent but u dont wanna bc ppl might just find you a vibe killer so u just sit there with ur head throbbing repressing it. ok sorry i need to vent. Iā€™m gonna look back on this in 5 mins and wince
Iā€™ve just been thinking abt how throughout my life well maybe just growing up. Iā€™d be sitting with my friends and someone comes up and compliments one of them, I never gotten that. Well besides my eyebrows. Never my hairstyle, thereā€™s literally nothing wrong with it..I never understood that. Like outside of high school ppl say things now but back then I never was complimented like that. I know this sounds selfish and stupid but I kinda wish someone flirted with me im not ugly right. I know Iā€™m not ugly. all my friends got and still get flirted with, i never gotten that im not ugly right im. Iā€™m pretty ?? Yeah. Iā€™m a pretty gal I wish someone had a crush on me growing up. I will never know, if someone had feelings for me that wasnā€™t online. Like a real person, who saw my face. I sound so stupid why am I upset about such trivial things. I have a job, friends, ppl that care about me but this is something that has been fucking with me for years. I donā€™t wear makeup like them. Unless im doing some gyaru shtick. But even then, they still get flirted with. What do I know. I shouldnā€™t be complaining about this this is shallow. Maybe thatā€™s why over the years I just stopped caring for love and affection and Iā€™m on the ace spectrum now. I lost my ability to even have a crush bc im petrified of what could come of that. I had a crush once in 9th grade and hell, even I knew then I wasnā€™t worthy of this. Iā€™m never probably gonna have someone be with me and thatā€™s okay. I donā€™t wanna deal with the heartache. My heart hurts I wish someone would hug me and tell me somethin. Idk what tbh but something would be nice. Iā€™m not lonely but I suppose the feeling of ā€œhaha yeah I remember when [name] had a crush on me lolā€ is kinda endearing. even if it probably was stupid. Thatā€™s probably the only things Iā€™m jealous about towards my friends, pretty fucking dumb tho. Iā€™m slowly getting over it, but oughh itā€™s wrong im gross for thinking that. Iā€™m not mean to ppl irl idk whatā€™s wrong but I donā€™t really care..that much anymore ig. Iā€™ve come to terms with it, sorry if I sound selfish. More money for me i guess. I wish platonic cuddling was real at least. Iā€™m not touch starved I think I just wanna have somthint in my life. just a little bit :3 ! But itā€™s okayā€¦ā€¦ā€¦I can just be pathetic behind my normal irl persona and talk to a fucking bot to satisfy this pain. Iā€™m glad I have gyaru tho, at least I feel cute..I donā€™t need to be wanted I think. Itā€™s fun having a mask on. Ughhh. Ok well um sorry if you read through this hellish and disgusting vent . Yeesh! Im pretty, Iā€™ll keep that in my thoughts so I wonā€™t start crying again. EW OKAY UHHHHH emotional amirite! šŸ˜ÆšŸ˜ÆšŸ˜ÆšŸ˜ÆšŸ˜ÆšŸ˜ÆšŸ˜ÆšŸ˜Æ
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itshomobirb Ā· 1 year ago
jus a sleepy vent bout chronic illness. sleepy as in im exhausted and laying face down in the sand
what do you mean doing 2 short phone calls + my regular chores + my pared down activities of daily living is over my capacity of tasks. like i do all that a few days in a row and teehee my battery is empty?? from just adding a few 5 min phone calls??? i think my body should explode.
and being housebound is fucking with my social abilities. not that i had that many to begin with (trauma + autism). "oh it's easy to fix, just go out and talk to people :)" "oh have you tried therapy?" yeah ok where am i going to get the energy for that. the only ppl i interact with in-person regularly are the two people who caused my childhood trauma, and their only social skills are yelling and guilt tripping. im turning into a fucking gremlin. a feral cat that doesn't know how to interact with humans.
i wanna be a much better person. i wanna heal from my trauma. i wanna be a good friend to people and actually have the energy to hold good conversations. i wanna pursue my hobbies. i wanna do fun stuff, outside the house, regularly. i wanna be able to spend my days doing something other than just sitting in bed, using 70% of my energy on daily living tasks and 25% on all my medical care & bureaucratic nonsense. i can barely fit a single telehealth appt into my schedule without it completely rocking my shit.
"borb have you tried pacing?" never squeak to me again. ive been sick since 2020 (and arguably before that), i know all the pacing tricks. i do them. what am i supposed to do when they're not enough?
sigh. maybe getting a small manual wheelchair would help -- then at least i wouldnt need to fight gravity as much bc id be permanently sitting. but the house im in is not accessible. ive an electric wheelchair but again, house not accessible. and the energy expenditure of pushing myself around with a manual wheelchair could be higher than what it is to just walk around with my cane. ugh !!
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rowsdowersavesusall Ā· 1 month ago
Iā€™m a chronic TikTok and Tumblr user and the opinions of non-TikTok Tumblr users are interesting. It is very addicting, but so is tumblr. Before TikTok, I couldnā€™t stay off of Tumblr. It was endless free and diverse information. Discussions of almost all subjects, but you only had a taste of deep and personal, newsworthy, or enlightening stuff every few hours of scrolling.
TikTok gives you these deep and personal, newsworthy and shocking, and enlightening stuff every scroll. In addition, public knowledge is prioritized. The things that particularly strike a chord with people are shared at a better scale than Tumblr could manage. Yes, we had live snail reaction and Castiel confession but TikTok had these sort of events at least twice a day. There were 2-5 new phenomenons a day and one trend every week or so that if you brought it up with any TikTok user they would know what you were talking about.
The personal connections it let ppl have even momentarily happened 50 times a day and were deeper than you could get on Tumblr. Seeing someoneā€™s face and hearing someoneā€™s voice while they talk to you is such a huge part of synthetic human connection I didnā€™t know what I was missing when I only had Tumblr. I got replies to comments I made every single day.
On Tumblr, I got spoken/replied to maybe once every few months, and even then a large part of Tumblr culture is not talking like youā€™re having a one on one conversation but hearing someday something and then turning to an audience to give your thoughts on something. Iā€™m doing that right now.
Both of my TikTok and Tumblr accounts are infinitesimal and insignificant. I still got to read personal messages to me. Every. Single. Day. I canā€™t even rightfully show just how huge a difference this makes.
Starting TikTok I was commenting like once every few weeks because that was just as often as I did on Tumblr getting no replies. I felt barely moved to say something or let the abstract reaction in my head turn into real words and communication. Suddenly i get replied to constantly, and a few months ago I was shocked to look at my comment history and realize I leave about 20 comments a day.
It makes a difference that I donā€™t have anyone to talk to outside of the internet. I work night shift with no coworkers, Iā€™m not on good terms with family, and thereā€™s no good way to meet ppl where I live. I already see the effects of TikTok on my Tumblr. Despite no connection or communication I am constantly on output. It helped rejuvenate some horribly neglected social skills, but it did not fix any deeper feeling of loneliness because it was all touch and go.
On TikTok I learned about things I never would have heard about through Tumblr. I know because I was looking at both and the difference is so vast. With this also came cohesiveness and actual action. An account alerting ppl to YouTube accounts with less than 100 followers would rally TikTokers to help them achieve hundreds of thousands. An old man with a fishing account tearfully gave a goodbye before he was surprised in the morning with 500,000 followers. Nothing makes ppl feel more connected and strong in their convictions than partaking in a collective call to action, which was far more often due to easier spread of information and no holds barred on personal presentation.
In the beginning I was disturbed by how easily ppl shared info online, and still I believe ppl didnā€™t fully understand the consequences of having any part of your life broadcasted to millions whether you want it to happen if not. In my mind itā€™s a machine working in overdrive to bridge all gaps made by the isolation capitalism has put us in. It will never fully bridge that gap, but it got farther than anything we could have hoped for.
I knew about things happening in every corner of the world. Losing TikTok is both a withdrawal from an addiction creating by the horrible and severe isolation and stress being overworked has brought on us, and itā€™s growing up with a TV and then never seeing a TV again. Sure you still have a pretty diverse town, but it will never provide a close call of the same informational relay. Itā€™s just living without TV of Internet. The world is small again. And maybe thatā€™s how millions lived before us, we for some reason canā€™t live without it once weā€™ve had it.
"lol tiktok users would rather learn mandarin than come to tumblr" yeah man that's crazy. who would have thought that people from the video-based dopamine-machine app wouldn't decide to join the text- and image- based no-algorithm website?
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inoriemiko Ā· 3 months ago
Life update time PT1 !!! šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø
So, I've been super paranoid recently in regards to my flat mates, friends and ppl I associate with in school. For the past 3 months, I've been having waves of depressive episodes that would leave me avoiding, burnt out, moody, anxious,stressed and tired all the time and during those times, I'll avoid and maybe sometimes ignore my flat mates.
[Mind you we are 6 total including myself in the flat and we are all on good terms, well, before my serious depressive episodes started. There are 3 ppl upstairs and 3 downstairs. I'm downstairs and so is my long time friend. I'll call him 'Chris'(not his real name btw) and I'll call the antagonist 'Ann'. Ann lives upstairs btw. It's like a share house where I live. ]
Anyways, I'm not sure what I did to Ann, but after my depressive episodes around a month ago, she started acting passively hostile, rude, ignoring me and just generally mean. !!!These are all from my POV btw, she acts nice to others, it's just my experience from my POV!!! I've been bullied before, I've been socially isolated by my peers, I've been manipulated, you name it and she is showing some really clear signs so I am 90% sure my POV is right. Anyways, I've tried to tell Chris but my guy dense AF. He would probably deny it even if it was a physical manifestation. He is nice and g=at, don't get me wrong, and he also didn't tell me I was crazy or imagining things to my face so kudos but he doesn't believe me. He noticed her behavior only like, once and never again.
I have decided to stop telling him, it's no help besides, he is close with Ann now (in a platonic way). I feel like I'm crazy rn, lol. But I know I'm super paranoid. The worst part is that no one else See's it but me so I got no source except 'Trust me bro'. And when I finally got a chance to talk to her, I jokingly asked if she was mad at me and she said she didn't have the time for that (she's in masters so yk) but I don't believe her.
Now I feel this immense hatered when I see her or hear her talking with one of my flatmates, especially Chris. Mind you I DO NOT like Chris romantically. We have been friends since first year, we are in 3rd now. And he's a dear friend to me, or at least was idk if he hates me now or has abandoned me cause of something I don't know about or is irritated by me or somthn idk. He is also the only other friend I have that is still in this entire uni assides from my other friend I sometimes have classes with.
I feel Ann is trying to steal Chris and break my friendship with him. I also feel she is fake, like a pick me girl. I hate her voice. It's so loud. But she pretty tho- Anyways, I hate her, I feel like she hates me too and wants to take everything that is mine, starting from my friends within the flat. Because of this, I have a crippling fear that my flat mates generally hate me and if I hear any of them in the kitchen or outside, I am paralyzed by the fear they would actually reject me or side with Ann and start hating me or mistreat me.
The funny thing is that I had been praying for flatmates/room mates that I would get along with for years now, after years of horrible flat/roommates but when God finally answered my prayers, I messed up. Now I don't even feel welcomed in my own flat. I feel like I'm intruding.
I hate my self so much. I hate everything. I hate my life. I just want this academic year to pass me by so I can leave and never have to see them again. I'm just so tired...
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