#but you need to be adult enough to figure out WHY they're doing it
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clementimetodie · 2 years ago
not just this, either. you think kids can't hear your condescension? parents will think they're doing so great not yelling at their kids, meanwhile they talk to them like they're idiots. kids are so smart. hell, babies are so smart. the speed at which they can figure things out is amazing. they just don't know a lot yet. and once you start a bad habit it's hard to stop.
Why are so many people convinced that babies are trying to manipulate them? They’re babies. They literally don’t know how to do anything except suck and scream and be confused. They’re not “manipulating” you. They’re experiencing extreme back pain.
Did you know that? That babies get back pain? They can grow over an inch in one day. Their bones are stretching and it hurts a lot and they don’t know why. Give them a break.
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glow-in-the-dark-death · 1 year ago
A Week (He Will Take You)
Danny moved to Gotham for school, while there he noticed that Gotham's ambient ecto was really murky for lack of a better word.
This didn't really affect him too much besides a mild headache every once in a while but that also just might be stress from all his school work so maybe not.
This murky ecto seemed to effect the people who lived there or more importantly the ghosts,
They were visible to the human eye like most ghosts back in Amity but instead of looking very much like a ghost they still looked like humans if a bit off putting.
They all seemed to be continuing their normal lives as if still fully alive, with the people around them none the wiser.
Danny noticed this and began approaching them to figure out what was going on.
Apparently the murky ecto in the city had made it so that they were strong enough to still continue a somewhat normal life but not be able to cross over to the GZ.
In other words they were stuck in Gotham
Danny was the Ghost King so he could easily fix this problem, all he needed to do was give them a bit of pure ecto for around a week to fully stabilize them them then he would just open a portal into the GZ and they could cross over with all their things also transferring into the GZ for their new haunt.
Unfortunately this looked rather worrying to an outsider,
Imagine you're used to your neighbor being very outgoing so you and others see them a lot suddenly this man seems to appear in their life out of nowhere an at exactly one week, your neighbor and all their belongings in their home disappear no trace to be found.
You tell people and they begin saying the same story they knew someone and them a man with black hair and blue eyes appeared in their life, then they and all their things disappear in exactly one week.
Of course the police in Gotham do the bare minimum so they're no help.
But it starts to begin a trend, especially online.
"Oh careful or the blue eyed man will make you disappear in a week"
This of course after time catches the bats attention, Gordon had already given them all the information he had.
"Young adult early twenties, dark hair, blue eyes"
That was it.
The bats look into it and from their point of view Danny is a serial killer.
But they can't find the connection between all of his victims, they range from young children and the elderly from different backgrounds absolutely no connection,
Worrying enough he doesn't just make one person disappear he has taken entire families up to over a dozen, without anyone figuring out how he's doing it or why at all.
The disturbing thing also being that he seems to take everything in their home, leaving it like it has always been empty
Like no one had been living in it.
People have tried to take photos of Danny get some kind of evidence of his existence, but when they try to do it, it either comes out completely corrupted or their devise simply shuts down fully.
Danny of course has no clue what is happening he's just happy that he's able to help so many ghosts, and is trying not to fail his exams.
Danny leaving the house he just helped: "That went easier than I expected!"
Neighbor peeking from the window: "Shit it's that guy! "
Red Hood marching down into the cave: " The fucker took many from my territory without me even realizing it!"
Tim: "I'm pretty sure his kill count is nearing the hundreds and he just started like maybe 4 months ago, this is bad."
Barbara: " I think I got a theory, this matches up with the new school year beginning so maybe their not a Gotham native which narrows down my suspect list."
Bruce: "Hn."
Tim: "Yes thank you B for the insightful commentary"
Danny trying not to fall asleep while on his way to class: "Strange I keep seeing shadows following me, oh well must be the stress!"
Bats who are pretty sure Danny is the killer: "Has he done anything suspicious yet?"
Just an Idea
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inkskinned · 1 year ago
it's just that there's a few more steps you have to take that other people don't have to take, but they don't see the steps, so they think you should be able to hop from moment to moment, a chickadee.
it isn't getting out of bed. it is the weight, the hook in your chest, the anchor. you have to move the anchor first. you have to silence your alarm, but your phone is in your hand, which means now you have to put the phone down, which is too-hard. you get stuck in there for a while, the white screen, mindlessly scrolling. you don't even like this activity, have tried a few other options but - here you are, and time is passing.
you've googled iron deficiency causes depression and if i drink enough water does it help with mental illness and anxiety but no caffiene within the last two weeks, like how you googled am i gay quiz at 17.
it isn't just calling the doctor back, it's the anxiety, it's these little moths in your lung cavities, furious and fluttering. you need to figure out how to capture your fingers from between their nervous bodies. you are an adult, you can say the words yes hi, i'm calling because i need - but you need to practice first. maybe write it down because what if you misspeak, wouldn't that be embarrassing. write it down, but you need to find a pen first. well, actually, your desk is kind of messy. you should get a new pen. you should get a new organizational system. you should try journaling.
your grades in school were always strange. the way teachers would say things like it feels like you're not trying. you could touch stars in the stuff you cared about. well, sometimes. god be willing. homework average zero. oops! your english teacher's wrinkled brow: i know you know this stuff. what the fuck are you doing?
it isn't the showering, it's the mirror before the shower and the soft horrible pull of your naked physique. you have to avoid eye contact completely or else it'll be 93 minutes later and you'll have picked at your skin until every little pore is bleeding. you have to stand up but standing is tiring and also you should have remembered to buy more soap but you never remember anything. maybe get out of the shower and while it's still running and you're still dripping wet, use your phone to take a note. make a note to get your groceries. let the shower run while you stand half-in half-out and get lost in your phone for a moment. come back out when the water runs cold and now you have to sprint to get ready.
your grandmother's frown. you're just being lazy. protestant work ethics in a house that isn't even protestant. she says she just learned different but she means learned better, doesn't she.
it's not that you can't send the email, it's that your hands have been hurting lately and the desk really is messy and also why the fuck would you even care about this thing? doesn't everyone else feel like they're drowning? hi brendon thanks so much for sending! will review and get back to you shortly. but now you're on the internet, close the tab with tumblr on it. go on, close it. feel the little soft vapor of boredom come up and over your eyeteeth and make everything overwhelming and itchy.
literally all you have to do is put on shoes to go outside. you're literally already dressed, that's the hard part of this whole thing. literally just put the shoes on. just... do it! do it! this shit is easy!
it's literally that easy. just stop taking all those stupid invisible steps. stop following your strange made-up rules. times like this, even you're positive you're faking. you just don't want to bother with the cleaning and the cooking and the being-an-adult.
but then - shouldn't you be able to put these stupid shoes on? nobody's even looking. go on kid. life is out there! just take the leap!
get moving.
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delphi-shield · 6 months ago
connection buffering . . . ↺
di!leon x reader - long-distance relationship - part 2
previous part
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you weren't bluffing.
you'd made the sign. wrote his name in big block letters, too confident in how you wrote the first half of his name. the 'EDY' crowds together at the end. 'E' shoves 'D' close to the end, 'Y' drawn paper thin and cocked to the side, threatening to topple off the edge of the paper. leon finds he's not too tired to laugh.
he had the whole goddamn flight to figure out what to say to you, but when he sees you standing there with that sign in your hand, scanning the crowd for a man you expect to be two inches taller, it all flushes out of him to make room for the queasy feeling in his gut. when you finally spot him (thank god; the words had gotten lodged in his throat, your name running around his mind again, again, again, lodged so deep in the crevices that he couldn't pry it free and force it out his mouth) your smile nearly blinds him. he shields his eyes with a hand, watches you bounce on the balls of your feet.
he flicks your sign with a finger. the only words that make it past the lump in his throat are, "messed up the kerning, huh?"
you tip your head, puppy-dog cute. more adorable in person. "the what?"
"kerning." silence. you shake your head a little, blank look in your eye. leon tries to swallow, feels barbs jab into his throat. ten minutes on the ground and he's fucking up already. his gut turns. he tries to blame it on airplane peanuts. "the space between the letters."
he should get back on the plane. if he flashes his badge and declares it official business they have to let him on, right? brass wouldn't be happy with him, but what are they going to do? he's leon fucking kenn--
you laugh and his thoughts screech to a halt, plane crash on the concourse. footsteps pound past him - or maybe that's his heartbeat in his ears. your laugh is prettier in person, too.
"okay, all right." your face lights up, eyes squished to make room for your smile. "why do you know that?"
mentally, he flips through a rolodex of excuses. he moonlighted as a graphic designer (false), he was really into fonts (no strong opinions, really), it's classified (outright lie). he settles for the truth, shrugging.
"late night wikipedia dive."
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you laugh again. his heart is a bird, fluttering in his chest, battering itself against his ribs to get to you. what the hell is wrong with him? he hadn't felt like this in years, thought he wasn't supposed to feel like this anymore. when you were an adult you grew out of this sort of giddiness. he'd choked it down every time he'd checked his phone under the table at an intelligence meeting, dismissed it as heartburn. he's supposed to want. it's supposed to be a blaze that swallows him up. confident and bold and all-consuming. not fidgety and desperate.
he's not anxious. he's a grown man. he's met presidents, plural. he doesn't get nervous meeting people, even if they're stunning, even if his hands twitch to hold theirs.
does he hug you? kiss you? slip his hand into your back pocket and guide you out of the terminal, lead you blindly to a car that isn't his, take you to an apartment he's only ever seen portions of on a 15 inch screen, ask what he can make you for dinner in your own home? that's what he wants. skip over all of this and slide right into familiarity, fly right past all the work it takes to get there. you've done the leg work, right? you know how you feel about each other. he's here. that says enough, doesn't it?
he's eternally grateful that you reach through his thoughts and pull him into a hug. your face stuffs into his shoulder, words muffled. "i'm so glad you're here."
you inhale deeply and he swears his heart does a backflip. jesus, he needs to get a physical. this can't be normal.
it's you who loops your arm with his, you who tugs him into motion. you rattle off questions that he answers as best he can. it feels like drowning, like he can barely keep his head above water. his flight was fine, thanks for asking. no, he didn't get any sleep. he never sleeps on planes. it's a long story. he didn't need a nap, but yeah, he could go for a coffee.
you know this great place, you reassure him. really low-key. he treads water in the parking garage while you dig for your keys. you drop them - twice - and he wonders if you're struggling to stay at the surface, too.
as a last act before sinking into the passenger seat, he rescues your sign from the trash, folding it neatly and tucking it into his pocket.
he looks up from buckling his seat belt, beckoned by the way you call his name. he's still smiling when you cup his cheeks and kiss him.
by day two, he's decided you need a new apartment. he hasn't told you that yet, figures it comes off too pushy, but he would fly back down to help you move if you wanted. (if he thinks it hard enough, won't you ask him to?)
don't misunderstand - he likes what you've done with the place. honest to god, you're a miracle worker with decor. you could really shape his place up.
it's just that your front door is less than secure. your locks are ran through. it would take him less than a minute to break in. he doesn't even want to think about your windows. other than being drafty, they're just another completely unsecured access point.
you'd invited him to sleep in your bed the first night, and he had every intention of doing so. he'd just passed out on the couch before he had the chance. leon had woken with a pillow stuffed under his head, thick, handmade blanket tucked over him. it was sweet. really.
but it wasn't the same as sleeping next to you.
leon has every intention of sleeping in your bed that night. you'd filled the day with a tour of your city, pointing out your favorite and least favorite spots, telling stories that let him imagine the streets as a stage, you as the star, top billing as far as he's concerned. everything had been optional, as you'd feverishly reassured him after every stop. he could change the itinerary with one word. the only mandatory stop had been lunch with your friends. a good sign, he thinks. if you're confident enough to introduce him to the people in your life, then you see this going somewhere, right?
by the time you hit your last stop, it feels like he's emerged from a war zone. leon would know. he's been run ragged on back to back operations before, but this - the pressure of trying to be right for you, to show you who he is, waiting on pins and needles for you to sour on him and push back from the closeness he craves - this is truly exhausting.
you must feel it too, offering to pick up dinner on your way home in lieu of cooking. he waves away apologies, reaches past you to hand the cashier at taco bell his card when you try to pay. the food is gone by the time you pull your car into the parking lot.
both of you have the same idea. you're just as worn out as he is (makes him wonder if you're doing the same thing, all anxious energy, making sure to put your best foot forward, always stumbling and falling into a better impression than the one you set out to make) and bed comes naturally to mind. he slips into the side closest to the door and you stop him immediately, voice teasing.
"uh, that's my side." you poke at his ribs. the awkwardness had melted over the course of the day together. you were playful, eyes bright and laugh loud. touch came easy between you now, both playful and lingering. the comfort that had been stirred up and tossed into disarray by physical proximity had settled back in.
leon's eyes flit to the door over your shoulder. it's not a big deal, he tells himself. the odds of something happening were astronomically low.
but he knows his luck with astronomically low odds. one in a million is too risky. he's got to be closer to the door, won't be able to sleep if he's not. his hands wrap around your waist, urging you on top of him. he doesn't miss the way you stiffen, the momentary hitch of your breath, but you let yourself get swept along all the same, drape yourself over him as he guides you to.
"just sleep like this." leon shifts lower to make more space for you. he presses a kiss to your head.
it takes longer than he expected for you to relax. slowly, when his hands still at your back and his breathing evens out, your limbs loosen. your weight thickens atop him, pressing him further into the mattress. it's all he can do to remind himself that he's tired, that starting something now would lead nowhere fast.
leon stays awake until he's certain you're out cold. the door remains unbreached, your home still safe. he can't bring himself to regret his caution.
when he's finally able to sleep, he sleeps hard. he wakes to your fingers carding through his hair, his cheek cushioned against your chest, completely flipped around during the night. it's the best night he's had in years.
on day three, leon wonders if he should be more obvious.
he's been putting out all the signs, carefully curated his touch to be lingering, to make you burn for more, but each time you settle against him and offer up a contented "this is nice."
does there need to be a neon sign draped around his neck that says "take me for a spin", arrow blinking down toward his crotch? you'd let him press against your back during an afternoon nap, knee wedged between your legs, arm curled around your stomach to keep you next to him. he woke from dreams where he was bolder, where he wasn't afraid of losing you with that lingering confidence, pressed kisses to the back of your neck until that gauzy empowerment lifted.
hell, he'd woken up that morning laying half on top of you, his head nestled in the valley of your chest. you'd pet his hair til he woke from nuzzling your tits in his sleep.
he abandons subtlety during the credit crawl of eight-legged freaks, a 'classic' you had insisted on making him watch. (you'd laughed when he had commented he could keep you safe in the event of giant spiders. he hadn't been joking, but he still hasn't grown tired of hearing you laugh.)
"hey," he asks, hand curling around your thigh. his thumb smooths an arc across your skin, traces the path again and again. "do you wanna..?"
smooth, kennedy.
you look over at him with that same puppy-dog confusion that he's growing familiar with. instead of moving his hand, you draw your legs up and lay them over his lap. how the fuck is he supposed to interpret that?
"do i wanna..?" you parrot back, drawing the words out into the form of a question.
leon hates himself. he wishes he could back out of this. he clears his throat. how the hell do people broach this topic smoothly? he searches for the words, the silence stretching a little too long for comfort. finally, he says the first thing he can.
"like, sex."
real mature, kennedy, he thinks. he wishes he could backpedal, take it all back. he's certain your face warms. before he can issue a take down for his words, (maybe cut out his stupid goddamn vocal cords, if he has the time) you fumble out, "oh. like- right now? uh, i mean, do you want to?"
continuing with the maturity, he turns it back on you.
"i asked you first."
"i don't not want to."
leon shakes his head. his hand cups your ankle. "i really only take 'yeah' or 'hell yeah'."
"i just didn't think giant spiders got you in the mood."
"hey, the more legs the better."
leon knows deflection when he hears it. he's the reigning champ, after all, could play this game with you all day. but he has mercy; he chuckles, lets you get away with it and grabs the remote, declaring it's his turn to pick another movie since your choice was a mood killer.
later that night, curled up in bed with a video playing mindlessly from your tablet, you turn around to face him. he widens his arms to accommodate the movement, circles them tighter once you settle in.
"you're not mad?" you ask, pressing your face into his chest, already hiding from the answer.
"about what?"
"spell it out for me, sweetheart."
he can feel your breath puff against his chest, an exasperated huff. people have done this same thing to him time and time again. he always hated it, being forced to be forthcoming and earnest. (vulnerable, some people call it, but that always made him feel like a wounded bird.) now that he's on the other side, he sort of sees the appeal.
"'cause i don't wanna have sex yet."
there's a 'yet'. that's promising. he saves that little victory for later. his hand rubs slowly, reverently across the planes of your back.
he knows what he's got to say. he knows that he means it. putting the words to it is different. he needs you to understand, has to do this right.
"i didn't come all this way just to hook up."
you hum. "but you still want to."
christ, he's got to man up and say it.
"of course i do." you burrow closer to him, hands fisting against his side. he taps your back firmly. "hey. i'm not finished. i'm attracted to you, okay? like, really attracted to you. it's not- it's not just physical. i want to see if we can make this work. if what we had on the phone was real."
"is it?"
"yeah. i think so."
"sex isn't important to you?"
"it is. it's just not more important to me than you."
you pull your face from his chest, look up at him with big wet eyes. he brushes the backs of his fingers against your cheek tenderly, afraid you'll splinter and those tears will cascade down if he's anything but gentle.
"i think so, too."
you curl back into him, your touch melting from desperate to serene. leon can't help but feel accomplished - as though he's threaded the needle perfectly, cut the right wire just before the clock hit zero. gradually, his breathing falls into step with yours.
"besides," he murmurs, half-asleep. he drops a kiss against the top of your head. "your walls are thin. i don't want you catching a noise complaint."
day four is a glimpse of the life he could have, but it makes him realize what he needs to do to obtain it. the sickly feeling pools in his stomach, leaves him picking at the dinner you made. it's good, he swears. then the lie - just all the travel catching up to him.
he knows by day five that he's got to tell you everything. it's no longer a want - he needs you in his life. he's resolved to come clean.
he nearly does it over breakfast. you set his coffee in front of him, muss his hair before you take your own seat, and it almost comes spilling out onto the table.
i work in national security. i'm a federal agent. there's so much i can't tell you, but it's dangerous. god, it's dangerous. there's so much blood on my hands. it doesn't scrub off but i'm worried it will stain your skin. i think i could love you, if you'll let me. please don't say it back.
"plans today?" he says instead, sipping his coffee.
maybe tomorrow.
day six leaves him melancholy.
you'd insisted that today was for him. whatever he wanted, you would accommodate.
leon worries that his answer is boring. he wants a day in with you. an imitation of what it could be like to come home to this. the idle sounds of you milling about the house could lull him to sleep if it weren't for the words lodged in his throat.
you were doing the laundry. not yours, not his, but the, the definite article that's never felt intimate until that very moment. it silenced him to hear you refer to it that way. he's so tired of reading into every word you say, clinging onto every nuance. he'd forgotten how exhausting this stage of a relationship is. you couldn't send him home with dirty clothes, you explained, and he had no argument against that. his eyes traced after you as you puttered around, busying yourself with tidying. you're so at home. of course you are. it's your apartment. but he wants that. he wants to lift you from this place and into his own home, to watch you make yourself at home and busy yourself with the mundane.
he's got to tell you today. he can't do it over text. it's wrong.
when you finally settle down next to him on the couch, drawing a blanket into your lap, you breach the topic gently, give him a chance to do it himself. leon doesn't realize how obvious he is when he gets that look on his face, all forlorn as if he'd collapsed onto a fainting couch, hand over the back of his forehead. drama queen.
"what's up?" you ask, sitting close - but infuriatingly distant, not quite touching him yet.
"nothing. just looking at you."
bless you for trying to make it easy on him. it's always been like pulling teeth to get him to talk. he's trained to resist torture and coercion, should know better than to melt under a gentle hand or the way your body fits against his side.
you hum softly, disbelieving. so that's it, then. the silence, the 'i'm respecting your distance until you break' tactics. damn, you're good. leon takes a deep breath, chest aching with the weight of what he has to say. now or never.
"look- i'm not who you think i am."
you don't miss a beat. "in what way?"
he has to force the words out. he's acutely aware that this could ruin everything. you could kick him out. block his number, never speak to him again. good. it was safer that way. you deserved a normal life.
"i lied to you. about my work."
"yeah, i know."
"i work in security. national security."
"leon. i know."
his brain reels back a few steps, trying to process your words.
"you know?" he repeats, almost offended. how could you know? was this a set up?
you pull your phone from your pocket, tapping a quick query in. you turn the phone to him. article after article, a few interviews pinned to the top. every link is purple, clicked on and read through. the one that draws his eye is tucked at the bottom of the screen, makes his skin crawl to remember.
"i googled you." you set your phone down on the coffee table.
"and you still let me into your house?" he was serious, but you laugh. leon's brow pinches. "how long?"
you shrug, as if this conversation is about the laundry. "a couple months. ever since you told me your last name."
"months? why didn't you say anything?"
"i was hoping you'd tell me yourself. and you did, sort of."
his mind is still reeling. the drama of it all had his wound up tight. where does he put that energy?
he must look as thrown-off as he feels, because you chuckle, sweep the hair from his eyes and press a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
"i get why you don't tell people upfront. just don't hide stuff like that from me again, okay? seriously. i'll be mad."
it's more grace than he deserves. your acceptance churns his stomach. is there another meaning behind your words, a resentment coiling in the pit of your stomach?
you crack open your book and lean against his side. he settles his arm around you, moving slow, scared to frighten you away. only one chapter in, you pass him your phone, a take-out app order, asking what he wants. if you're mad, you hide it well.
day seven is a funerary procession. you help him scour your apartment for things he may have left behind, packing them neatly in his suitcase-shaped coffin. it's amazing how his things had flooded into your apartment during the short course of his visit. he had spread out, made himself comfortable. part of it had been testing how his belongings felt next to yours, how it all fit - the final test he had constructed in his mind. you'd passed that with flying colors, clearly. he's lost track of a shirt somewhere along the way, but he isn't concerned about it. he'll be back. he can look for it another time.
both of you linger at your front door. excuses are myriad, flowing from both sides. reasons to double back, reasons to keep his hand on your waist, your fingers in his hair, your lips on his.
but eventually the time becomes too urgent, the threat of missing his flight too real. he'd joked in the car that if he didn't turn up for work they might just send a helicopter to pick him up instead, expecting a laugh. you only smile, a wry twist of your lips that fades too quickly. you reach for your sunglasses and shove them on. the air is tense by the time you pull into the parking garage, cherry scented car freshener cloying.
“you gonna cry?” he teases.
you sniffle.
“oh my god.” he is such a jackass. “don't cry. i'm sorry, sweetheart. it's okay. jesus.”
“i just don't want you to go,” you squeak. your hands fist the steering wheel tight, knuckles turning white.
leon leans over the center console, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. he shrugs you closer to him, hushing you gently.
"let's plan another trip, okay?" he murmurs against your head, placing apologetic kisses there over and over. "c'mon. it's not forever. it's okay. i'm gonna call you when i land. we'll text, like we always do. it's my turn to pick the movie, so-"
fuck. his voice cracks. he clears his throat, blinks quickly to keep his composure.
"so, i'll pick a good one. wednesday night, okay? you, me, and a really good movie."
steadily, his promises slow your tears. the pressure of time detaches you from his hold. you're with him as far as you can go, waving him off to his gate. his heart sinks like a stone. he hates flights, never gets comfortable on them, but the way home feels longer than usual.
made it home he texts the second he's through the door. you're probably asleep. he hopes you are, at least. it's late for you, and--
before he can bother telling you to go to bed, another message pushes through. his house felt empty before, but your message only deepens the feeling, hollows out the hallways and leaves his bed feeling too big, too cold.
i miss you already. call me tomorrow if you can.
leon squints at the screen.
"is that my shirt?"
you stop mid-sentence. caught red-handed - or, rather, grey-shirted.
it's your movie night since he made it back home. you're curled up in bed, your popcorn off to the side. he can fill in the gaps of your room now, knows what extends beyond the screen - and he knows that shirt. an old work tee of his that had mysteriously gone missing after you did the laundry. well-worn and soft. his name stamped on the back in big, block letters. possessive pride stirs in his chest to imagine you wearing his name.
sheepish, you promise, "i'll bring it back to you. how about next month?"
leon shakes his head. he pulls open his calendar, skimming through the busy weeks to clear the time for you.
"keep it. wear it to the airport for me so i know who to look for."
"you're not gonna make me a sign?"
"the shirt is the sign, sweetheart."
"are you gonna wear a matching one with my name on it?"
"i might." he opens another tab, googling how to make custom t-shirts. "you'll have to get here and find out."
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connection restored -`��´-
dividers from @/adornedwithlight
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weaselmcdiesel · 11 months ago
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ok so it's not a comic hope thats ok with you but instead it's karkat n nepeta but designed by someone whos madly in love with them both
some more au explanations + transcript beneath the cut
they're maybe around 30-40 yo? This was mostly just an exercise to give both of them adult designs. uh. i'm only calling it an au because I made bs some explanations behind their designs while i was drawing them. so uh, in this universe, sburb never happens + things that happened because of sburb don't happen either, but the alternian society is relatively unchanged. i dont actually know.. what.. karkat does.. like i cant figure out why he wouldnt be culled but it doesnt really matter i just wanted to draw him looking cool! (i am. open to hear about speculation if you have any). also i figured that Kanaya would go to the brooding caverns after her lusus dies, bc the wiki said her lusus would die regardless of the game taking place n whatever, and probaly do something with the matriorb there idk. thats all tho! ill prolly draw them more and maybe develop more lore as i do ^^;
i don’t know what their dynamic is in the canon of this au… but that won’t stop me from making them kiss :]
The Vigilant adult karkat on alternia
new highly developed shoosing skill
honestly has a calmer demeanor because he’s learned what’s worth exploding about… though he probably developped a crazy resting bitch face
pleased (arrow to karkat with a neutral face)
The sash doubles as a sling for when he visits Kanaya in the brooding caverns. He’s also very tranquil around grubs because they don’t cause unmanageable problems. He’ll get mad if someone else bothers one
(yes i’m obsessed with dilfkat that’s why i drew this)
The Predator adult nepeta on alternia
Taller than karkat <3
still a silly goober, but better at getting what she wants
she probably got her title from a history of single-handedly slaying fearsome lusii. she likely takes assassination type of jobs because of her stealth. one of the more easy-going trolls from the group
also! fun fact. i was having trouble designing kk's outfit so i looked in an old antiques catalog book from the internet archive to get inspiration from objects that had the same colors as those that i wanted to use in his design? not sure why i did that. just had a hunch that it would be fun. so this is the object i found that strangely enough inspired kk's fit
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haha.. and i also found one for nepeta, though it was easier to design her fit and i didnt actually need a reference object
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the book was "Antique Trader antiques & collectibles 2009 price guide"
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johannesviii · 5 months ago
Nearly every time I've rewatched Infinity Train Book 3 since I first saw it in February, I saw more parallels and narrative echos, and infodumping my friends about them isn't enough anymore
I figured I should do a post about this one because I don't think I've seen a post about that specific thing yet, and I love this show's writing, and. idk. I just need to praise it I guess
So, the most obvious part first:
Grace became everything she hated about her parents
When Grace mentions her mother in the Debutante Ball Car, it's made pretty clear she's trying to distance herself from her mother as much as possible, and at this point, we realise retrospectively that Grace's room in the Mall Car in episode one was full of sports clothes - it seems she tries to avoid things reminding her of her life before the train. And of her mother. And yet-
She tries to control everyone and everything around her, and makes people do what she doesn't want to do
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And she decides what's cool and what isn't
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She makes people kneel in her presence, like her mother towers over her in her mind's eye
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Obviously she constantly lies to get what she wants, and her dad does that in her tape
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When her younger self looks up, she looks right through adult Grace, and it's actually her parents she's looking at! Her younger self is metaphorically seeing her parents where her adult self is standing!! I still can't get over this shot
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Also I feel the need to mention her mother has the same voice actor as her in her tape and even if it might be to cut corners in the budget, that feels significant (and to be fair, sometimes you can cut corners while making meaningful choices at the same time)
Now you might think I'd have nothing to say about Simon on that matter, since we don't see any flashback of his life before the Train, and we know next to nothing about his parents. But I think it's very telling that the only actual backstory we get for him is his backstory with The Cat.
Simon became everything he hated about The Cat
Ok I never see anyone mentioning this, but hear me out
First, we have no idea if Simon knew The Cat was routinely invading people's privacy through their memory tapes, but he sure has no issue doing the exact same thing
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But that doesn't stop there. He also collects things obsessively
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And makes kids collect things for him as well, by the way
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He thinks he's above others, but he immediately switches to victim mode when it comes back to bite him
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And. Uh. They both dig their heels instead of trying to change, too
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Don't get me wrong, on some level I would have liked to know what Simon's parents were like too. I would have liked that a lot. But there's a good chance it wouldn't change anything, because everything we need to know about his background to understand why he's Like That™ is already in the show
But yeah, Grace and Simon both pretend they found freedom on the Train, and both distance themselves from parental figures who are at the source of their trauma, claiming they're different and better than them - and yet they are both subconsciously repeating patterns that caused at least part of their problems and/or trauma in the first place
And since they decided that making numbers go up was good, as long as they stick to that idea, they are bound to never escape from that self-perpetuating loop of harm and trauma
And I love it
And I hate it
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koolades-world · 8 months ago
Hiii I love your blog
Can you do the brothers reacting to Mc bringing back abandoned baby they found in the ally and they felt bad and want to raise it. And how will they raise the baby too
Sorry if it dosent make sense but take your time❤️❤️❤️
hello! sure thing :)
enjoy <3
Mc finds an abandoned baby and brings it home
he's probably the most shocked haha
after questioning you a little bit, he's on board
he’s a father at heart and it’s probably a nice change of pace taking care of a child rather than his adult brothers haha
always have your camera ready to take cute photos of luci with the newest edition of the family together <3
like you, he has a heart of gold, and of course he's going to accept this child as his own
as soon as possible, he's going to get pictures of the both of you to keep in his wallet <3
he's actually pretty responsible when he wants to be, so he will step up to the plate, since it's you
however, he may start to use the little one in his various schemes and teach them his sticky fingered ways, so he sure to keep an eye on the new dynamic duo haha
this is something right out of one of his favorite animes! that ends with the two main characters falling in love... he shut up the moment he realized what he was saying to you haha
he's nervous with the fact that you're entrusting such a role with little old him
but he's going to make it his goal to do his best! he's actually excited to teach the kid about all his favorite games despite the fact that they're still very young haha
he's not sure how it'll go, but as long as you're by his side, he has nothing to worry about
he's worried about both you and this child you'd just come home with
because why were they in an alley and why were you in an alley?
after he gets past that, he gets to work with purchasing everything you'll both need to take care of the child
what? did you think he'd let you raise them all by yourself?
he's half excited half alarmed haha
excited because that means he gets to decorate a nursery and shop for the cutest little clothes for this baby
alarmed because he knows how time consuming babies can be
but, he's ready to help out because he trusts you and your judgment
he immediately accepts this baby as part of his family now
he's not sure how good of a father figure he might be, but he'd do anything for you
he always makes sure the baby is eating enough
anything you do, he'll do too, because it's you <3
shake him first to make sure he's awake
then just show him the baby and call it your baby
that'll get his attention for sure haha
he'll do anything for you, he just didn't expect that to be raise a child with you haha
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mcflymemes · 2 months ago
PROMPTS FROM DIE HARD *  assorted dialogue from the 1988 christmas movie, adjust as necessary
no fucking shit, lady!
does it sound like i'm ordering a pizza?
come out to the coast. we'll get together, have a few laughs.
i've got a hundred people down here.
who gives a shit about glass?
who the fuck is this?
i am in charge of this situation.
oh, you're in charge? well i've got some bad news for you. from up here it doesn't look like you're in charge of jack shit.
you listen to me, you little asshole...
now you listen to me, jerk-off.
if you're not a part of the solution, you're a part of the problem.
are you still there?
yeah, i'm still here. unless you wanna open the front door for me.
you know my name, but who are you?
do you really think you have a chance against us?
yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker.
now i have a machine gun.
welcome to the party, pal!
you'd have made a pretty good cowboy yourself.
what was it you said to me before?
i thought i told all of you i want radio silence.
i'm very sorry [name]. i didn't get that message.
that's very kind of you.
you are most troublesome.
sorry, wrong guess.
whoa, these are very bad for you.
who are you then?
god. that man looks really pissed.
you want money?
so that's what this is about? a fucking robbery?
put down the gun.
you throw quite a party.
now i know what a tv dinner feels like.
who's driving this car, stevie wonder?
drop it, dickhead.
you won't hurt me.
after all your posturing, all your little speeches, you're nothing but a common thief.
i am an exceptional thief.
hey, how you feeling?
what the fuck?
geronimo, motherfucker!
you motherfucker, i'm gonna kill you!
i have someone who wants to talk to you.
they're giving me a few minutes to try and talk some sense into you.
i know you think you're doing your job, and i can appreciate that, but you're just dragging this thing out.
what have you told them?
i told them we were old friends.
you shouldn't be doing this.
they know people are listening.
didn't you hear me?
shut up! just shut your mouth!
go fuck yourself, [name].
put down the gun.
i'm going to count to three.
what do you think, i'm fucking stupid?
i have a request.
what idiot put you in charge?
i don't enjoy being this close to you.
can't you see what's happening? can't you read between the lines?
you couldn't drag me away.
you don't wanna know.
i had an accident.
the way you drive, i can see why.
drop the fucking gun!
the hell with this.
you are done.
thanks for the advice.
i hope that's not a hostage.
i'm going to count to three. there will not be a four.
what the fuck are you doing?
how the fuck did you get into this shit?
i hope i'm not interrupting anything.
you're amazing. you've figured this all out already.
hey, business is business.
you use a gun, i use a fountain pen.
he could be a fucking bartender for all we know.
the FBI is here.
want a breath mint?
are we on schedule?
what about the body that fell out the window?
i can live with that.
why the fuck didn't you stop them?
oh god, please don't let me die.
i'm on your side, you assholes!
i wanted this to be professional, efficient, adult, cooperative... not a lot to ask.
something's wrong.
you don't like flying, do you?
you didn't bring me along for my charming personality.
we are both professionals.
do you smoke?
right up the ass.
you macho assholes.
i know the type. i think he's got his eye on you.
we may have some problems.
i need backup assistance!
no one is coming to help you.
no one kills him but me.
are you crazy?
good enough?
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jellykyunnie · 2 months ago
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˗ˏˋ Entry : 055 - Big Brother! Sylus x Little Sister! Reader ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡ ˎˊ˗
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚ 𝕊𝕪𝕝𝕦𝕤 ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
‼️[ tw: contains some spoilers for his myth except i dont fully understand but all ik is waw dragon man ayeeee. Child abuse mentioned as well as human trafficking. Murder and body horror. pure fluff ending btw....]‼️
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╰┈➤ ❝ [ Hush Little Bird, Brother is Here to Keep You Safe ] ¡! ❞
Sylus had finally awaken from a long and tiring slumber that felt like he would be asleep for an eternity. But somehow he had awaken... In a body of a child.
His tall and proud body reduced to a bunch of stick and bones. He's wearing an oversized white shirt. He takes a deep sigh and decides to look at his reflection on a puddle.
Surely enough, he still has the bloody crimson eyes and the same silver hair except his masculine body is that of an 12-year old's.
Just great.
He died a miserable death in the arms of his beloved and yet here he is in the body of a child.
How the hell is he supposed to survive in this case?
Sylus takes a deep sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose.
He needs to figure out what the hell to do before setting off to look for his dearest.
He'll figure it out.
He has to.
꒰ .... ꒱
Sylus managed to figure out how the world works through some snooping and watching other mortals go about their days. He figures out that the 'city' he resides in is known as the n109 zone. It's an underground city similar to the slums of his time full of crime and well... Danger.
Not that he's afraid of course.
Sylus had already managed to make a living through street fights and occasionally stealing from oblivious passerbys.
What else can he do for now anyway?
It's demeaning in his honor as a proud dragon who once guarded a cave of luxuries but he needs to live.
This city he's in leaves everyone struggling in it's murky alleys.
It was either he succumbs to it's mercy or he overcomes everything as the topdog.
Survival is his priority if he wants to find that person again. He needs to make a name for himself and secure money in order to live in this brutal world where anything and everything is after his throat.
Cough... Cough....
He hears small sounds coming from behind a slanted signboard abandoned on the side of the alleyway. It sounded like it comes from a little girl.
Against his logic to leave it alone incase it might be a catfish pretending to be a helpless child— Sylus cautiously approaches the sign board and peers underneath it.
And there, he finds a little girl all ruffled up with her hair sticking everywhere, dressed in a makeshift adult shirt covered in grime and dirt.
Sensing his snooping, she lifts her tiny little face and looks up at him with her wide and tired beady eyes.
"...." Sylus stares back at her for a while before reaching behind him and handing her a pack of crackers.
After that, he just gets up and leaves her be.
What good is there to bring deadweight on you? She's a child, she'll be a hindrance to him. Giving her some food should sustain her enough to survive a few more days.
꒰ .... ꒱
Maybe he shouldn't have helped the little girl back then.
It's been three days since she started following him around whenever he's out to pickpocket or get into street fights to make some money.
She's a stubborn one.
But a clever little girl too.
She knows how to utilize her small body well to hide herself from the adults and everyone else. She never once got him into a tricky situation.
Oddly enough, Sylus had a feeling she knew more of the city than he did since she always manages to pop up anywhere he is and disappear just as fast whenever she senses danger.
At least he doesn't have to worry about her getting mixed up into the mess he gets himself into.
... Why is he worried about her anyway?
Sylus just finished one of his matches and secured a hefty sum as well as some food to sustain himself with.
Humans in this age are really fragile bastards. How come they're shitty at even the most basic fight? Their fighting forms are all over the place and it's pure bullshit they call themselves proud fighters!
They mind as well frolic in the arena waving their stupid delusions of being top fighters.
It irritates him to no end that they are no match eve a twelve-year-old's body but atleast he has it easier in building himself a name in this shitty place.
"You're here again, sweetie" Sylus said coolly as he lifted a cardboard box where the little girl was hiding herself in while watching him fight. "Aren't you scared someone might sit down on this wobbly box and crush your cute little body?"
"..." She starts giggling as she shows him a toothy smile with a missing front tooth.
'Does she think I'm playing with her?' Sylus thought as he watched her jump in her steps when she stood up and took his hand with her smaller ones.
The little girl started dragging him by his hand and leading him somewhere.
"You..." Sylus sighs and lets himself be dragged by her.
He followed her through winding alleyways and even went so far as entering a pipe just hanging in the backside of the tall buiding of n109 zone. When they came out of the dripping and dark pipe, they arrives at a makeshift base made in a withered and empty building.
It's lightsource is nothing more than a flickering light bulb and the contents of the little fort held up by sticks is a small blanket serving as a bed and a ruined bunny plush that is covered in dirt and dust.
"!!!!" She rummages on a box she had stashed under the blankets and pulls out a piece of bread then offers it to Sylus with twinkling eyes. "Brother... Eat!!!"
He was quite for a little while, scrunching his nose at her little action.
Regardless, he takes it and takes a small bite out of it before shoving the bread to her little mouth.
"Much appreciated, sweetheart" He said, glancing at her with less hostile crimson orbs. "But I'd rather you eat this."
Sylus made sure she finished the food before laying down on the makeshift bed, crossing his arms behind his bed.
He didn't have shelter yet, and since the little girl was so kind and naive enough to lead him to her hideout— What else should he do but rest? He has a lot to do tomorrow and he cant go around sleeping on the streets like he usually did.
So mind as well, right?
꒰ .... ꒱
In contrary to his previous thoughts, he ended up taking care of the little girl who always followed him around quietly or running behind him calling him "Brother, brother!" with that awfully cute voice of hers.
She's just like a stray kitten that he can't shake off no matter what he did.
Does he push her away? A few days back he would have, but now?
Yeah. No.
Absolutely Not.
It's another day of pickpocketing and petty street fights.
Sylus knew his shenanigans are going to catch up to him, but does it have to be so soon?
"Ack!" Sylus groans as he was hit with a pipe straight to his stomach.
He curls himself on the floor, panting heavily as he tries to school himself.
'These... Bastards!' He curses at them repeatedly in his head.
The fuckers followed him all the way to the back alley and ganged up on him in revenge for humiliating them in the previous fights.
"Fucking little shit" One of the men scowls, inhaling his smoke then stomping it out on the floor after blowing it out while his face is black and blue from being hit by Sylus earlier. "That son of a bitch put up a fight despite already being tired. What the fuck is he anyway? A fucking monster?"
"Shit, that must be it" Another sneers, kicking Sylus's stomach when he was already down. "What should we do with the bitch anyway?"
"Break his fucking legs, maybe even cut off his arms"
They laugh wickedly at that, making Sylus feel more pissed off at them.
"B-brother!" He hears a familiar voice crying out for him.
"What the hell?!" Another one of the group grabs the girl by yanking her back by her hair. "Why is there another rat here?"
"She's young?" The main perpetrator moves forward, ignoring Sylus's hand that grabbed his ankle to try and stop him.
"Don't touch her!" Sylus yells desperately, coughing out blood when his head was slammed down on the pavement.
"Must be his sister?" The one holding his head down laughs.
"Nah, I see no resemblance, this bitch looks like trash" The head man yanks the little girl's face. "She's around 5 or six? Maybe even younger? Either way, she'd fetch a good price at the black market"
"!!!!" She wriggles out of his hand and bites it, causing the fucker to pulls his hand out and hiss at the sharp pain.
"Fucking dipshit! She's just like that brother of hers!"
Sylus's eyes widened when he saw the same hand raise itself— About to hit her.
'Wake up.'
'Wake up.'
An explosion suddenly resounded in the otherwise decrepit alleyway.
The hand that was holding Sylus down exploded, blood splatter painting the walls and falling onto his dirty silver hair.
He stands up, breathing heavily as crimson black wisps covered himfrom head to toe. Blood dribbles from his mouth to his chin, creating a wicked image with his bloodshot eyes.
The men attempt to scatter and call for help, but they only ended up having heads either severed or their limbs exploding.
He raises a hand towards the fucker that tried to hurt his dearest little sister.
"You..." He snarls, his red eyes overflowing with absolute malice. "I don't give a fuck even if you kidnap me to beat the living shit out of me, but involving my little sister who has nothing to do with anything crosses the line."
And with that, the man's head with suddenly explode into nothingness and his body would flop on the floor with a thump.
Blood puddles beneath him as the dead men spill out what they had in them from the injuries he gave them.
Sylus was in great pain.
Regardless, he stumbles towards the little girl he calls his family and tugs her to his chest.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. Oh I'm so sorry" Sylus breathes heavily, stroking her head lovingly and placing kisses on her hair. "Brother is sorry, I should've awakened earlier. I'm so sorry."
"Brother... Wahhh!!..." Her loud sobs pierces at his heart, opting Sylus to hold her even tighther.
"Sshh..." He hushes her lovingly. "Brother is here, baby bird. It's alright"
He can't continue on like this.
He needs to be stronger and better.
Not just for the sake of the beloved he is looking for, but for this little girl who clings onto him so weakly.
This sweet little thing who still calls him her family despite the monster that he is.
He isn't really human even, but this girl loves him as a little sibling would for an older brother.
What can he do but to pamper her and shield her away from everything?
And so, he holds her against him, soothing the sweet little thing he calls his beloved sister.
꒰ .... ꒱
Through the years, Sylus rose in the ranks and soon enough was crowned as the Onychinus leader. He became the rightful leader that he should be with all the wealth and power he can flaunt as much as he pleased.
He raised his little sister along with the struggles he went through.
She didn't have to be involved in the bloody things he does, so it's alright that she herself is just hiding away in his home safe from the dangers of the n109 zone.
He is comforted as long as he knows she is safe and sound.
Sylus made sure no one touches her or even aware of her existence as his family.
So, he managed to live a peaceful life with his little sister who often banters with him for fun.
If there's anyone who can be outright shameless and call him insulting names— It's his baby sister who can do it without fearing for her head to be flying.
"Bastard Santa"
"Old man onychinus"
"Walmart edgelord santa claus"
"If only everyone knew that the leader they all fear is shit at singing"
... Yep, totally shameless.
But does he do anything? Nope.
He just teases her back and pinch her cheek as a form of revenge for each insult she throws out to him.
Right now, he was accompanying his little sister in linkon city for their weekly outings. She was quite sickly and fresh air is a need for someone like her with a weak body.
And what better way to do that than to take her out to Linkon since the air here is much more cleaner?
The colors in the city are also brighter, lifting anyone's mood despite the fact he absolutely detests the sunlight.
"So I managed to pull a new five star in the game yester...day." Her voice drifts off as she passes by a tall man.
She turns her little head to the stranger, glancing back at the tall back wearing a black coat over his broad shoulders. His hair is neat and the ebony black locks made him captivating, underneath those black locks are a pair sharp and charming hazel-green eyes behind rectangular glasses that gave him an air of sophistication and maturity.
His features are sharp and extremely handsome, not as intense as her brother's but still giving off this ethereal air to him. He's beautiful with the small bump on his nose, but not as prominent as Sylus's nose bump.
The stranger's gaze is cold but alluring, almost captivating even.
So captivating that she doesn't realize the fact that she is holding her breath.
Sensing her gaze, the man politely nods at her— Causing her to be a bit flustered and nod back before turning back to Sylus.
"Something catch your eye, sweetheart?" Sylus cocks an eyebrow up as his sister suddenly clung onto his arm.
"No, no!" She shakes her head, bashfully hiding her expression with her hair.
"... Is it a handsome man?" He teases, nudging her gently causing a pout on her lips to form. "What? You always tease your brother when it comes to his girlfriend, why can't I have a bit of fun when my baby sister finds someone attractive?"
"...I'm telling Rei-unnie about this!" She spites at Sylus who always chuckles, amused at her little tantrum and then ruffles her hair up with his free hand up.
"Don't grow up too fast, baby sister. Brother isn't willing to walk you down the aisle and hand you off to someone else" Sylus said affectionately, earning him a soft punch from her.
"Oh don't be so dramatic! If you're so upset about the idea then go and propose to Rei-unnie!"
"Help me pick up a ring then?"
"Buy me plushies after~"
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꒰ 🪼 A/N: //Gasp!!!. Kyunnie posted twice for a day???!!! Omgg!!!!! Hahah jk x3!!! I was hit with inspiration because I've been daydreaming about being Sylus's baby sister for quite a while now!!!~~~ I'm always rambling to my mootie about this idea because I like the idea of being Sysy's baby sis who roasts him everyday heheh!!! I even sneaked in Zaynie//giggles. My hubbyyy~~~~ Should I make a fic where the other three lads men date sysy's lil sis 🤔🤔🤔. Maybe? Heheh٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡. Soon, one day>:3!!! ꒱
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ʚ(੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭ .。✧: ~ —! stories written by kyunnie; translations, reposts, plagiarism are strictly forbidden.
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hotasfahrenheit · 1 month ago
i've had some thoughts rattling around my brain about Keen since episode 9 showed us flashbacks of the boys as kids when they were adopted and then a little older when they started their training for real, and this week's episode just added more fuel to the fire.
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i think one of the saddest things that the last couple episodes have really exposed that a lot of people might miss because of the other bombshells that have been dropped is the fact that Keen was set up possibly even worse than Fadel and Bison were in this life. they were adopted together, told they were going to be a family, and then Lily manipulated them all into becoming who they are as adults. she lucked out that Bison and Fadel liked each other so much and bonded so strongly to each other, and she used that bond to isolate and control Keen in a completely different way.
Keen's desperate to be in the field like the other two and to be sent on missions; he doesn't have the same set of skills that they do and wasn't able to develop his talents in the same way, and it's clear that Lilly took the natural aptitude of Fadel and Bison and turned that into what they are now, but she chose to push Keen into the behind the scenes aspect of the business. she's also made it clear from the start which set of talents she values more as is clear from the way she glares at Keen when he can't shoot his bottle in the flashback.
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Keen isn't given any kind of reassurance or support for missing his shot, or told to try again; Lily answers Bison's questions about why they need to learn to shoot by telling them that they have to learn to protect themselves, then she gives Keen a few more judgey looks, implying it's something she doesn't expect him to be able to do. the next scene in the flashback is her giving Bison and Fadel their first assignment, and by this point Keen has already been relegated to being the paper guy and having an office job.
these kids all lost their parents and are gathered up by Lily at the same time and told they're going to be a family; they look like they're all roughly the same age. we all know how seriously Fadel and Bison take to the brother relationship, but Keen is pushed to the outside of this by Lily and her priorities. i had figured before episode 10 that they had been trained together for a longer period of time and maybe Keen had just not gotten along with them because he was jealous of their talents, but Fadel telling Style that he doesn't really know anything about Keen besides that they were adopted at the same time says to me that Lilly purposefully kept them apart instead of it being their choice.
Fadel saying they don't care about Keen makes me so sad for him. the fact that he only really knows that Keen was adopted at the same time and does other work for Lilly that's not in the field means they don't care because they don't know him at all. they haven't had the chance to bond with him the way that they did with each other. they weren't pushed together with him; they were pushed to each other, and Keen was pushed off on his own to watch them be the favoured children and struggle by himself.
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imagine your parents are murdered in front of you, you're scooped up by this woman who says she's going to take care of you and build a family with you and two other boys your age who have been through the same experience, but then you're not as good as the other two boys at the tasks she sets you, plus the two of them deeply connect to each other and fall into a sibling bond and leave you outside of it. that you're kept so separate from them that despite being a "family" for years, they know basically nothing about you, while your shared mother keeps dangling the things you want right outside of your grasp.
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she's driven a wedge between the boys so deep that Keen resents Fadel and Bison enough to WANT try to kill them himself, while they don't have any idea that he would even be willing or able to. he's been kept so far out of their notice while their successes and talents have been constantly waved in front of him as well as being consistently put down by Lilly for his mistakes and inadequacies. she's pushed Keen into a corner and made him think that it's Fadel and Bison's fault for putting him there instead of it being a way for her to control him and keep him under her thumb.
Fadel and Bison have given the impression from the first episode that it's the two of them against the world; brothers bonded so tightly together that nothing can shake that. they have a Mother, but really they only have each other. it's the two of them and it always will be. but there were three of them. there were three boys when this started. and they don't care about Keen. he's alone.
i'm really hoping that the current situation snaps Keen the rest of the way out of Lilly's control. he should have already figured out what his future looks like if he really wants out of the family business like he's promised Thanon, because if he's known the entire time that Fadel's last boyfriend got murdered instead of just leaving, he should be fully aware that they face the same fate if he tries to leave Lilly. with that knowledge plus finding out that Lilly killed his parents along with Fadel's and Bison's, hopefully he turns on her and helps the others take her down. her lack of hesitation to send him or other hired hitmen after the two favoured sons should be a pretty clear signal to him about her willingness to off him as well at the drop of a hat.
fingers crossed that Keen and Thanon get to have a happy life far away from Lilly and that he finally gets to have an actual family that doesn't involve manipulation, abuse, and murder.
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helluvagirlboss · 6 months ago
Based on a conversation I had with @oversensitiveandoffputting I think that ironically, “Apology Tour” was the episode that fully convinced me that Stolitz was a relationship that could work in the long run.
Hear me out, because I know this is the episode where the state of Stolitz is the worst it’s ever been.
In every romantic relationship, you two will inevitably piss each other off and you might end up in an argument that ends badly. But after you two have said your piece how will you proceed? How will you treat them before you make up? Well “Apology Tour” gave me that answer.
Yes Blitz and Stolas opened the episode having a really brutal argument where the two of them, mainly Blitz, said a lot of hurtful and insensitive shit. But later in the episode at the Anti-Blitzo party, Blitz goes to talk to Stolas still trying to apologize even after Stolas publicly sang a song about how much Blitz hurt him and that he was “a motherfucker” (which honestly, good for Stolas, the bird needed a healthier outlet for his pain).
And when Stolas sees him, despite him being mad at Blitz, despite the fact that he is still clearly hurt by Blitz’s actions and words, and despite the fact that he is surrounded by people that would 100% be on his side if he were to expose Blitz, Stolas still tries to hide Blitz and warns him against exposing himself. Even when he’s mad at him, Stolas tries to protect Blitz.
And on Blitz’s end of things, Stolas is drunk off his ass and extremely vulnerable. Despite the fact that Blitz in that moment has the power to try to make Stolas feel worse about himself, despite the fact that Blitz is also extremely hurt by Stolas’s actions, despite the fact that Blitz could easily have chosen to leave Stolas to drink himself to the point of danger, he still chose to take care of Stolas in his drunken state and bothered to listen to what Stolas had to say and only left when Stolas asked him to.
Even when the two of them are mad at each other, confused as hell about how badly things ended, when they no longer have any obligation to each other, and are too wrapped in their own feelings to understand how the other is hurt, they are still looking after and caring about each other, even if only to the extent of ensuring things don’t go worse for the other person.
I don't know how to articulate how much this means to me because after seeing a lot of couples both fictional and in real life go through a rough patch, maybe even break up, and they proceed to treat each other just awfully because of their hurt, what Stolitz did is almost unheard of to me. They have no more obligation to each other, but they still chose to take care of each other when both of them were at their most vulnerable.
They didn't have to but they still chose to.
Now this in and of itself doesn't mean the two of them are ready to get back together. Blitz needs to unlearn his self-destructive habits born out of debilitating self-hatred, and he needs to learn that his -self-loathing will hurt the people around him because let me tell you, it hurts like hell when someone you love is determined to not accept that you care about them. And Stolas still needs to do a lot self-reflection on why his actions lead Blitz to believe that Stolas could not possibly care about him, because it also doesn't feel good when it feels like someone doesn't respect you enough to treat you like an adult.
However, the fact that the two of them still chose to be kind and attentive to each other in spite of their anger and the messiness of the situation, this tells me that when the time comes for them to have another conflict that frustrates them both, they will work to overcome it together.
They know how to have a good time together, but now they're figuring out how to have a bad time together, and honestly if this is how they treat each other when they are at their worst, I have a lot of hope for how they will handle conflict moving forward.
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6okuto · 6 months ago
Hi dear I have and idea for touch starved ais and vere.
WHAT IF- what if the reader (MC) is like a single parent?????
Mc's like a mild or dilf or something like that?!
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gn!mc | meow. this (doing old reqs) is my parting gift(?)..
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his ear flicks up when mc mentions their kid for the first time. where are they? why are you here? who's the other parent?
not a guy who spends time around kids. probably not a guy who should spend time around kids /hj what swear words and scary stories will he share...
^ tbf he also gives some solid life advice, even if it's a bit blunt, or something the kid doesn't understand just yet
if mc's kid is witty / snarky he finds them amusing (especially if it's at mc) and easier to be around! whether that's good for mc or not is not up to mc Lmao
it varies depending on mc's relationship with their kid but if mc's kid is grown up, vere is more of his usual self. swearing, analyzing them, taunting them, etc.
vere never thought of himself as a possible father-figure. or even like, a fun uncle. but he likes mc, and despite his complaints or denial, has grown a little fond of their child.
^ possible angst if vere's like, do you really want to be with me? am i the role model you want them to have in their life? i'm chained up for god's sake etc
gets soft/quiet when mc talks to him about their kid. he sees the fondness in their expression, and even if he can't really relate, he can still sympathize
would make a couple pilf...? jokes. sorry. it isn't necessary though. he does enough flirting and innuendos that the pilf(?) thing doesn't come up that often
brings up their kid when mc is about to do something dangerous or stupid, when they succeed at said dangerous or stupid thing, or when their kid also tries doing something dangerous and or stupid. "well it's no surprise who you got your confidence from."
vere questioning mc's parenting tactics LOL. mc is like And what do you know about parenting and vere's like. enough to judge yours. they find common ground eventually
really doubles down on his warnings about the seaspring when he finds out they're a parent. he doesn't have to know how old, what their relationship is like, etc—he's already asking how much they're willing to risk and telling them to think about their kid
otherwise he doesn't really treat mc differently—they're a grown and capable adult, and being a parent doesn't change or weaken that
ais would pick his pets over hanging out with a kid, but he doesn't give himself enough credit with how well he can get along with one
if mc's kid is old enough that he can play pranks on mc with them. well. he will. mc looks at the both of them and they both shrug like What? it wasn't us? (the kid is grinning and giggling but ais keeps it together for the both of them.)
if there's an opportunity to introduce them to princess / whoever else, he will! like look at this sweet girl, you don't have to be scared. you wanna try getting her to sit and roll around?
babysits if needed, takes them out for the day (if only to keep them away from the seaspring). they get some food and he comes up with exaggerated stories for each shop the kid points out
mc's kid who's old enough for ais to teach them some self defense after they walk in on him taking care of injuries from a bar fight. mc who walks in on them and goes ?!?!?!
mc vents about their parenting troubles, and ais isn't sure if his leadership advice/experience is totally applicable to taking care of a child, but surely some of it is? he tries to help anyway
i can see their kid opening up to ais about things that worry them tbh. he's got that vibe. depending on what it is, ais might suggest to mc something they should do, or try to help himself
similar to vere, he likes mc and their child but he wants them to think about what's best for them—if that includes him in the picture. like yes he'll do his best, but he can't blame them if things don't work out. honestly he might try to cut things off firstdjdjshd
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cillianmurphysdimples · 30 days ago
A female Y/N / Cillian fanfic (Part Twenty Five)
Absolutely not based on anything real at all, all totally fictional, fanciful and all total bollocks.
Warnings for sexual references and language. Adult themes. Not suitable for under 18s.
We Got Issues
Part Twenty Five: Y/N has been in the UK with Cillian for a few days as he continues the final leg of filming. She's supportive, but her symptoms persist and she's keen to find out why. When Cillian gives her an inch of an attitude, she offers him twice the impact back - and shakes him entirely. [Adult themes]
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@meadowshelby @strangeions @lavender-haze-01 @watermeezer @cherry-cilly @dragonsneversharetheirtreasure @aesthetic0cherryblossom @meister95 @vivianleighwishesshewasme
Four days into your ’tour’ with Cillian in the UK, and you're miserable. Nausea and fatigue follow you daily, and when you do find respite from the constant feeling you might throw up, it is only because you do, in fact, throw up. You don't know what it is that Cillian has said to Steven and Tom Harper, but being invited to actually stay around the set on the first day in Wales feels like you've been allowed to step through the looking glass. While Cillian is almost constantly busy, alongside Packy, you do love that you've been allowed to park up a chair, with a heater, and can watch him from afar whilst listening to Tom and Steven - who flits in and out - as they film. The cool air is soothing enough that your nausea is kept at a minimum, but you've reached your limit in just accepting it. Having to be quiet but needing to occupy yourself, you tap into Google with a laundry list of complaints.
Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, light period, frequent peeing, migraines.
Your heart quickens when you're immediately greeted with multiple options all giving the same answer. Pregnancy. You smirk, then shake your head, then laugh quietly to yourself and swipe the page away. No way. Not a chance. No. Not even possible! Not a single condom has split, and you've not been without one for weeks and weeks. It's impossible - and your previous test had been very clearly negative. You tell yourself to stop stressing the impossible, but it stays firmly there in your mind. Surely it's just women's issues, you consider; fibroids, or PCOS, or perimenopausal symptoms, maybe. You know that can go on for years. But it sits there - in your head and as a pit in your stomach - and you try to work mentally forwards from the occasions around your birthday to figure if there has even been a single slip up in your safety. You hold your phone tightly between both hands and focus ahead, able to see Cillian in his full Tommy get-up, and wonder when they're going to call lunch. Then it dawns on your like a sickening wave - after the Dublin premiere, he'd finished on you and you hadn't exactly moved quickly to clean up. Okay, so he hadn't ejaculated into you, but you aren't so stupid that you don't know how sperm works. Fuck. …could it be? Could you be?!
Right at that moment, a break is called, and you rise from your seat as Cillian, looking very cold, begins walking towards you with Packy a couple of steps behind. You swallow it all down and smile as he grins at you, and you open your arms out as he approaches. When he openly hugs you tightly and gives you a soft kiss, you're actually surprised. He's Tommy right now, but he sees you and that makes you feel important. “Your face is freezing!” You laugh awkwardly as he pushes his cheek against yours whilst hugging you tightly again. “Stand here - Tom gave me a heater.” You pull him back towards the camp chair you'd been perched on. He does as he's told, not that you've stopped dragging him to allow him to protest, and he smiles as the low blower warms his ankles and calves.
“Will we get some lunch?” He says, nodding off into the distance. You can hear a slight edge go his accent, where Tommy still remains, and you both love it and loathe it entirely. You smile past Cillian as Packy comes up beside him and delights in the warmth of the heater.
“Hiya,” you welcome him. “Come on, it's a tad warmer here!” You laugh as he shakes off his cold body before the blower.
“Jeez, it's fucking Baltic.” Packy shakes his head. “Are y'alright, Y/N? Listening in there to Tom, are ya?” He laughs.
You smirk, “I wish! I don't understand half of what he's saying.”
“C'mon,” Cillian jerks his head, “Tea and food,” he insists with a spark of a mood on his face, and you feel bad when you realise he'd asked you a question just as Packy came over, and you'd unintentionally left him ignored.
“Sorry, love,” you apologise quickly, and place your hand onto his chest, over the thick material of his coat. “Yeah, okay.” You smile as you nod, “Coming?” You check with Packy.
“Ah, g'on ahead, I'll see you in a minute.” He says, before walking away from you both and over towards Tom.
“I'm sorry, Cill,” you apologise again, “I didn't mean to not answer. I didn't want to ignore Packy either.” He sort of rolls his eyes, raising his eyebrows at the same time, and he places his arm around your back as you both begin to walk. You're not sure if he's just full of Tommy, or if you've really dented him with your accidental ignorance. Whatever it is, you definitely don't feel like mentioning what Google seems to think is going on with you, nor that it might well be right thanks to his own actions that fatefully tipsy evening - he definitely wouldn't find it amusing right now. But your anxiety can't stick the not knowing with his mood, and your nerves are already shot. You bite, unfortunately. “Cill, don't be arsey with me, please.” You say as he sort of pushes you towards the catering truck.
“I'm not arsey,” he draws back his head and pulls a face at your comment, before glancing around as you both cross a paved section of pathway. “I'm just…it's work, Y/N, alright. I'm just focusing on work. Don't be taking things to fucking heart.” He's snappy and it makes your stomach sink a little, he sounds bothered by your presence even with his arm around you - even though he'd come over to you happily, smiling, and hugged and kissed you openly. He was pissed that you'd ignored him, but you can't work out if it's Cillian that's pissed at you - or fucking Tommy.
“Is there any need to be so sharp?” You challenge, and shrug yourself out of his arm. You come to a stop a couple of feet before the catering truck and the growling sigh he emits behind you makes you feel more annoyed by his reaction. You're edgy already and he's just making it worse. You're aware you're probably feeding this yourself, but it won't go away.
“Is there any fucking need for attitude?” He matches your piqued anger. “I'm fucking working,” he tries to whisper through gritted teeth. “I asked you a question and you didn't answer me, you apologised because it wasn't intentional. So what the fuck is all this about?” He holds his arms out at his sides. Tommy's twang is gone from his voice and replaced, instead, by a slowly thickening Cork accent. “Sure you're the one dragging this into something.”
“Because you're being an arsey prick, Cillian!” You raise your voice higher. It doesn't occur to you that everyone in the truck, through the open door, can hear every word and shift in your tones to one another. All you're focused on is how he's made you feel even worse. Somewhere in your mind you know you're probably making things worse for both of you, but your lid is off and it's not going back on.
“I'm working, Y/N!” He raises his voice so high you actually startle - you're not afraid of him, but you're surprised he's doing this so openly. “And if ye are going to make this fucking difficult, then you're as well going back to the fucking hotel!”
You fold your arms across your chest and stare back at him with your face set in a deep frown. “I apologised, Cillian. I didn't mean to not answer you. You're rolling your eyes and pulling faces like I didn't apologise or like I did it on purpose. I'm fucking sorry, okay? But you're the one being unreasonable here. Okay, I could have just shut up but why? Because Cillian almighty doesn't want me to speak?”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” He snaps loudly again, his accent thick and words singing. “This is my job, Y/N. I'm busy, I've to focus, be fucking professional… I have to focus. I'm sorry if that isn't something you can fucking deal with.” He kicks his foot into the gravel beneath his feet. “Fuck sake, what are we fucking doing this for? It's ridiculous.”
You drop your arms back down at your sides and push your hands into the pockets of your coat. “I'll go,” you say in a falsely calm voice. “Being here was a stupid idea.” You sniff. “And just so you know, I'm going to go and buy a pregnancy test.” you add, loudly. You turn your back and inside you're dying that then words have left your lips at all. Fuck! Fuck! He's going to be fucking fuming. Why did you do it? He's working, you stupid woman!
“Hey! Oi, Y/N what the fuck. Stop, for fucks sake..” You hear his feet on the gravel behind you, quick to catch your storming steps, and his hand grabs your elbow and whips you around to him. “What the fuck?” He doesn't remove his hand, but with his other hand he drags his cap from his head. “This isn't the fucking place,” he hisses.
“Get off,” you warn him.
He glances around quickly, aware you're not alone at all, and raises both eyebrows as he looks back at you. He sounds softer, calmer, maybe even worried when he speaks again. “Y/N…you don't…? How?” he sighs and shakes his head. “Are you being serious?”
You bite your bottom lip momentarily then nod your head as you let it go. “The feeling sick, I'm exhausted, I'm peeing every ten minutes…” you shrug.
“But…” he shakes his head again. He looks terrified.
“If I am,” you say and take a sharp breath, “I think it was after the Small Things premiere, when we got back home.” You shrug your shoulders. “You were three sheets to the wind, and you eat me out. Then you decorated my outers…” you say crudely. “If I am pregnant, then your little swimmers…swam. We didn't exactly rush to ensure they couldn't.”
You watch it dawn on him, slowly but surely, and his face goes pale while he shakes his head slowly. “Fuck!” He whispers. He lets go of your arms and paces on the spot for a moment. “Fuck.” He turns back to you.
“I'm sorry…” you mumble, like it's all your fault, like you did this alone.
“Stay.” He says quietly, and moves to stand directly before you. He cups his right hand against your cheek. “Stay here; we'll get a test on the way home later and…” he sighs. “Whatever happens, remember? I mean …fuck, but-but… Jesus Christ. Y/N, you're not doing it alone.”
You frown slightly, “It's just peeing on a stick, Cill.”
“I don't care.” He shakes his head. He moves his thumb across your cheek. “I'm sorry.” he sighs heavily again. “You really think…?”
Feeling a sudden wave of shock, your eyes begin to feel warm as tears swell. “Yeah, I do.” Your chin quivers. “I'm sorry, I know we…”
He shushes you softly, and his thumb pad swipes the tears that drift down towards his hand on your chin. “No, no,” he whispers. He removes his hand from your face but pulls you close to hold you against him. His arms wrap tightly around you and you burrow into the prop coat. “Don't say sorry.” He continues to whisper. He shushes softly again, his right hand moves up and down your back lovingly.
“Everyone must have heard,” you sniffle against him. You don't know what he thinks of that - you can't see his face - but he continues to whisper his gentle shushing sounds into your ear. There's a relief of some kind that is starting to come over you, but it doesn't outweigh the ever-present anxiety that grows bigger for what comes next. “I'm sorry, I don't know why I kept pecking at you,” you say and lift your head. He slowly loosens his arms and then stands before you, with his right hand resting on your bicep. “I know it matters to you, being a certain person on your jobs, I'm sorry if I've made you look bad.”
He shakes his head, “It's okay. It's fine.”
“None of this is fine, is it?” You scoff. “You don't want this.” you gesture towards your abdomen.
“Y/N, stop.” He cuts you off. “How many times do I have to say it? Whatever happens.”
“Yeah, love, I know. But you didn't mean a baby. I know you didn't. You know you didn't.” You shake your head.
“Stop,” he says firmly. “Please.” He looks like he might cry for a moment. “Y/N, we'll deal with what comes. Okay? I told you before, it isn't that I don't want a baby - it's that I don't want things becoming something else. But if that test is positive then… then we're having a fucking baby.”
“You look petrified.” You say, shaking your head.
“I fucking am!” He smirks, “Jesus Christ, I am fucking scared. But I told you I'd never see you go through what you went through before. Yeah, I'm scared of all the stuff that can change too. I'm so fucking scared.” He moves his hand from your arm to your waist, and slowly moves around to your stomach. “But if there's a wee you and me in there…” he blows a deep breath from puffed cheeks noisily. He shakes his head and you know he doesn't know what he's thinking, or feeling. “Please stay,” he says, dropping his hand. “Come with me now, we'll get a cup of tea and we'll probably have to bow our heads in shame for giving out in front of everyone.” He holds out his hand to you, waiting for you to hold tight and walk with him. You reach out and lace your fingers in his, and walk with him slowly. You know there's so much more to say, but he has to work. He has to focus, he has to do his job. Right now, sadly, you know that you're second in line. It won't be like that soon, but right now it is.
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the-possum-writes · 5 months ago
[Day 1 & 2] Double Penetration
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Character(s): Finn and Fern Tags: NSF/W, Gender neutral pronouns, AFAB reader, use of pet names like "babe", cursing, PIV sex, anal sex, anal fingering, pwp (porn with little plot) Word count: 1766 Synopsis: Finn and Fern are helping you move into a new place as you try to get over your ex, one bottle of liquor later and Fern came up with an interesting idea.
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"Aaand that's the last of them." Finn announces as he places the final box on the countertop of your kitchen, barely finding the space to sort it out between the multitude of boxes scattered around with either decorations or kitchen appliances.
"It's about time! I bet that if we stacked every box in here they'd be as tall as a mountain. Why do you need so much shoes and porcelain figurines anyway?" Fern complains as he carefully lowers the box he's carrying in the living room before plopping down on the singular couch.
 "I don't tell you how to live your life, Fern." You stuck your tongue at the grass man as you walk past him, carrying your own box full of plates and dining utensils as you place them at the kitchen countertop. It's been a month since you broke off with your ex and moved out to a different home, it's kinda dusty and unkempt but you have the two best helpers in all Ooo to make the transition much more smoothly, atleast as smooth as things can go before Fern breaks one of your porcelain figures.
Finn is the next to walk inside the new home, this time carrying two boxes to the living room despite the complaints from Fern. "Take it easy big guy, PB is gonna flip if she sees you straining  that new arm." He's heard more than enough scolding from the princess to care more about it than Finn does.
"So what? Are you gonna tattle?" Finn smiles between crooked teeth.
"I don't have to when she sees you're struggling to put it back on."
"Alright that's enough guys, it's time for a break. We've been carrying boxes all day so let's celebrate my new house with a drink." You announce as you walk in the room with three drinks to share. The rest of the time you three just chat and catch up on day to day life but halfway through your drink you feel your phone vibrate, your face morphs in disgust as you recognize the phone number. "Ugh, it's him again." You said outloud as you put your phone on mute.
"Your ex?" Finn pipes up. "I thought you would've blocked the guy already."
Fern scoffs. "Maybe because they're hoping he’ll apologize and they’ll fall back in his arms." Fern snickers which only upsets Finn even more.
"What the hay man, there's no way I'm going back to a cheater." You defend, almost offended that he considers you'd do such a thing.
"Hard to believe. He's a shark dude after all."
"Yeah, what about it?" Finn asks with a sense of naivety.
"Well you know what they say about shark dudes, they come with two prizes." To emphasize his point he holds up two fingers as if doing a peace sign.
Fern cackles when Finn swallows his drink with a grimace, meanwhile you look away as you drink yours in silence. You now regret bringing them alcohol, the three of you are adults but there's something about adding alcohol to the mix that just make the two of them so much more brash and bold- more than they normally are.
"So what... that doesn't make him special." You grumble under your breath, just enough for Fern to pick up.
 "What was that?"
"I said that doesn't make him special, snakes and other reptile humanoids have two dicks! It's not like I ever managed to enjoy them at the same time-" your eyes went wide at the sudden outburst, the brothers shared your surprised expression but while you were burning with embarrassment Fern had a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Huh, really?" You could feel your face grow hot as Finn eyes you curiously, Fern however leans forward with an indecent proposal.
"Would you like to?"
"Fern!" Finn butted in as he smacked him in the shoulder.
"What? They're single now aren't they?" You can hear them argue between each other under hushed tones, acting as if you're not sitting in the same room as them.
 "I'd like to, but not with him." You said out of the blue, leaving the two adventurers silent as they share a look before directing their attention to you, casually sipping at your beverage as you gather the bravery to make a request from your two closest friends.
The thought itself was enough to warm you up more than the single bottle of alcohol did in a winter day, the moment Fern brought up the idea and you gave then the green light they had their hands on you within seconds. With Fern it was the most obvious, he kisses you and grabs onto your butt and thighs like a starved man as if he was wanting this for a long time. Finn however was cautious at first, caressing you with delicate touches as if he was handling the wings of a butterfly before letting himself rub your shoulders and hips like a rough clay pot. 
"Hey Fern, you wanna take the front or the back?"
Fern hums a bit in thought, rubbing his thumb over the side of your hip as he eventually decides. "I'll go in the back, so I can pop your anal cheery." he whispers that last part before biting the sensitive side of your earlobe.
"Alright, you know how to prepare them?" Finn makes sure before getting comfy on the couch and guiding you on him.
"Yeah, yeah I know the basics."
Fern removes himself from you as he went searching for something in the kitchen, in the meantime you kept yourself busy with Finn, removing his shirt and being careful with his prosthetic arm in general. The gasp that escapes your lips at the sight of his exposed dick had him grinning to himself, when Fern came back with your coconut oil he found you  stroking the now erect cock of his human counterpart which was now dripping with pre.
"What's wrong babe? Does my bro's size scare you a bit?" Fern says with a small laugh. "You know, the face isn't the only thing we share~" he admits with a small laugh.
"Fern, cut it out you're gonna scare them." It's now Finn's turn to laugh.
You take a break from playing with Finn when you feel a pair of fingers rubbing and poking at you from behind, you turn back to meet Fern's eyes and remember what brought you in this mess. This ever growing desire to be filled up by these two adventurers.
They eased you up by using their fingers, with Finn fingering your pussy with his human hand while Fern took the time and patience to get your puckering hole comfortable, in between they joked between each other about how "what good boy I am." Most likely referencing some inside joke they have but honestly you were too busy getting turned on by their hands to care. By the time they got an orgasm out of you, you were already taking three fingers from Fern, good enough but he believed you could do better.
"Glob, I can't hold on any longer. I wanna feel you." Finn exasperates as he drowns himself in your kisses.
"Go ahead, they're almost ready back here." Fern states.
"What do you say babe, you want me yet?" Finn asks tenderly.
"Yes. Oh glob yes, I want you Finn. Both of you." You turn back to give Fern his well deserved attention as well. But in between that kiss Finn slipped himself inside of you as you cry out briefly at the suprise of have something thick and warm inside of you. 
Finn also crys out at the sensation, his grip strengthening around your hips.
"How does it feel Finn?" Fern taunts as he speeds up his own pace.
"Ohhh glob, oh glob! they feel perfect. I feel like I'm gonna come if I move an inch deeper." He moans.
Curiosity and lust seeped in the grass man, by the time you took four fingers without trouble he covered himself in oil and spit, aligning himself behind you as you start trembling. Fern kisses your shoulder as he pushes himself with a bit of resistance, murmuring sweet nothings into the shell of your ear. "Try to relax babe."
By the time you did, they did everything in their power to rock your world. The three of you were a mess of groans, whines and gasps. Swaying back and forth as they took turns thrusting into you, grabbing and rubbing anything that was in their reach, your ass, your thighs and your hair.
"Fuck- you're right Finn they're perfect, look at em taking my cock like they were made for it."
"Told ya, I could die a happy man buried in this puss." Finn sighs like he just drank water after being stranded in a desert, he dwells himself deeper in your cunt until he’s basically bottoming you out and his ballsack makes contact with your lower labia.
You were at a loss for words at the pleasure the two of them were providing you, they always butt heads with eachother during adventuring but when they work as a team they can accomplish many things, like the absolutely mind shattering orgasm that crashed onto you without warning. Both of them groan at the sudden tightness, with Finn rubbing your clit so you could ride it as much as you can.
"That's it… just like that…" Fern speeds up his pace he chases his own high, soon followed by Finn who was growling at the closeness of his own climax.
"Glob dude, I can't hold it any-"
"I want it." You whine, still overstimulated at the two of them using you like a fleshlight. "Fill me up, pleeeease~"
It was the final straw that had both of them coming inside of you until it was gushing from the crevices of your hole when they popped their softening cocks outside of you, grimacing at the sensation and the viscous cum seeping down your thighs. You plop on Finn in an instant, feeling how exhausted the whole thing left you, you can deal with the bruises and the stickiness between your legs later, right now Finn's comforting hug and smell has you shutting your eyes as you say. "Give me five minutes."
"Take all the time you need babe, we'll handle everything right Fern?"
"Speak for yourself." Fern nods as he rubs the sleep away from his eyes. "But yeah, you can count on us babe."
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dyns33 · 5 months ago
Flufftober2024 - 1 Moon Knight
Heeeey ! I did my best (and I'm not done actually) to write a mini story per day until Halloween about my fav characters !
As also, it will be a longer story on Sundays. We are starting with dear Marc, Steven and Jake !
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"No. Steven, I said no. Jake, stay out of it."
Y/N couldn't hear the debate that was going on between Marc and his two alters, but it was obvious that they didn't agree. She first imagined an important, dangerous mission that required a plan.
Until more details were revealed, which forced her to stop herself from snickering.
"We're not kids anymore, there's no way we're finding a disguise, and if I agreed to find a disguise, it wouldn't be a guy from Ancient Egypt."
"Oh, you don't agree on your choice of costume ?" she teased gently.
"There won't be a costume. Steven, no !"
"Let me guess. Mister Marc is an adult, with a soul as black as the coffee he drinks, allergic to fun and therefore refusing to celebrate Halloween. Steven wants to take advantage of the occasion to show his love of Egypt. And Jake doesn't care, but he wants to please Steven and annoy you, so he ganged up on you."
"Why don't you want to celebrate Halloween ? It's fun. And it will be mostly Steven, you can sleep while he struts around."
"I said no, it's no. It's for the kids, we have better things to do. Could you be on my side, please ?"
"Well, I could, but spending time with you, disguised too, is tempting."
"You often see us as Moon Knight, it will be the same."
Really, Y/N didn't understand why Marc was so stubborn about such an innocent subject. He often got angry when Steven, Jake or even her suggested that he change his habits.
Most of the time, Marc ended up giving in, because the requests weren't that bad. He was even happy with some changes, even if he was too proud to admit it. He also wanted to make sure that his alters were okay.
Jake didn't ask for much. Even wilder than Marc, he had lived in hiding for so many years that it seemed strange to him to ask for something, rather than taking it in secret. It annoyed the others a little, but since the protector would never put them in danger, they could trust him.
Steven had a lot of requests. Often adorable, easy to do, like having vegan options in the fridge or vanilla-scented shampoo. His happiness was a priority for the system. Sadly enough, Marc stepped aside to give him as much space as possible.
So for once he was giving his opinion, strictly refusing something, it seemed important. Even if it was about Halloween.
A party for kids, he had said. Kids.
As the argument continued, Marc growling at his reflection, Y/N came closer to hug him. That stopped him dead in his tracks, and probably his alters too.
"We won't celebrate Halloween if you don't want to."
"… Really ?"
"Yes. If you really don't want to. I understand."
As always when he received a little affection, Marc panicked, knowing very well what she meant, and immediately Steven took his place, a bit lost and disappointed that she was depriving him of his Halloween.
Even when Y/N offered to watch the movie he wanted, he continued to sulk.
She didn't know how to make him understand the heart of the problem. Luckily for her, Jake seemed to have caught on, catching Steven's attention, who relaxed a bit as he looked at the mirror.
"Oh. Is that why ? Marc, why didn't you say ? I didn't think it reminded you of… What ? There's no need to be rude, Jake. I may not speak Spanish, but I figured those were bad words."
"Jake, be nice to Steven."
"He said, 'Vale, cariño, pero sólo para ti, porque el pequeño Stevie es realmente estúpido en este momento'. No idea what that mea… Thanks for the translation, Marc."
"Is he feeling better ?"
"I think so, they're laughing at me together now."
"If we watch a horror movie, would that make you all happy ?"
"Hmm. Marc agrees. Jake says 'Stevie se va a asustar, pero me gusta la idea de que estés pegado a nosotros.'… Hey ! I'm not going to be scared of a movie !"
The question of disguise was then forgotten, because it wasn't that important after all. They were going to have a good time together, hugging each other in front of the television while eating chocolate, until Khonshu came to ruin this moment as always.
And then, Moon Knight would put on his ridiculous costume, like Marc had said.
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fandomworld9728 · 4 months ago
Oh! How about a short fic about Radioapple but with Charlie being protective for her dad? :3 lately there isn’t enough about it! Imagine Charlie butts in whenever Luci and Al are doing something together XD like she wants her dad to be happy buuuuuut she needs to test Al if he’s good enough for Luci (via the shovel talk and whatnot)! Like if Al wants to date her dad he’s gotta go through her first!
Oh my gosh! How fun! Buckle up. This is gonna be a long one.
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"Charlie. Stop pacing and come to bed."
"I can't. What if Angel is right? They've been getting really close lately. And that's so great! I'm so happy they're getting along finally but what if they become more than just friends?!"
"Other than it being weird thinking of Alastor being in a relationship with anyone, what's the big deal? I thought you'd be excited about having two dads."
"No no no I am! I totally am! But..." Sighing, Charlie sat down on the edge of their bed. "I'm so happy that he's making a friend. That he's able to have a connection with someone. But when mom left... i-it crushed him! I don't want that to happen to him again."
"Babe. That's super sweet but they are adults. They need to figure this out for himself. Besides, Alastor is a creepy, possessive, obsessed bastard. If him and your dad got together, your dad would be doomed to be stuck with him until his double death."
Vaggie was probably right. There was no way that Alastor would just leave her dad- wait! What if all this was some sort of game to him?! The only reason he decided to help with the hotel was because he was bored. What if getting close to her was also because he was bored?
"Morning duckie." 
"Oh. Morning dad. You look nice today." Charlie couldn't remember the last time she had seen her dad in anything besides his usual kingly attire. Today he was dressed down in some black slacks and a red long sleeve shirt, along with his usual boots. And no top hat. Instead, he was wearing a black flat cap.
"Thank you. I wasn't sure about it, but I wanted to try out something new."
"Does this have anything to do with smiles?" Angel asked over by the bar, hiding his amused smile behind his glass.
What? There was no way her dad's new look could be because of Alastor. Right? Although, he never changed his look while he was with mom. Charlie was waiting for him to deny it. When he never did, she turned to look at him and froze at his reaction.
Her dad, the all mighty King of Hell was nervously biting his lip with golden flushed cheeks. Dread and panic swelled in her chest. Oh no. He liked Alastor! He was going to end up heartbroken again. Well, not if Charlie had anything to say about it! As much as she liked Alastor, he hasn't proven he's good enough for her dad.
Alastor wasn't sure why this started happening, but it was starting to really piss him off. For some reason, Charlie had begun to get between him and Lucifer. Like this morning. Usually, the two would be up before anyone else in the hotel and would spend the time making breakfast and talking about whatever came to mind. When the hotel residents would slowly trickle in, lured by the smell of food and coffee, they would greet them before sitting down with their food. 
However, that morning instead of grabbing her food and joining her partner over at the table to eat, the princess decided to put herself in between the two men. She then began a conversation with her father about ducks of all things. Alastor had lost his company for those last few hours of breakfast before they all had work to do. It was throwing off his schedule and he did not appreciate that.
The next incident of the day came when the king had decided to participate in their redemption activities. Charlie used to force Alastor and Lucifer to sit together when they would both be free to join in the day's activities and was the happiest when they started to get along and choose it continue to sit together. Now though, she had picked everyone's seats for the day and kept them on opposite ends of the room.
When it came time to partner up, she chose the groups and kept them apart again! What was going on? Had Alastor stepped into a parallel universe? He was going to get to them bottom of this. Now… just to find their dear princess.
"Charlie, what's going on?"
Seemed like Lucifer had a similar idea as him. Looks like Alastor would be listening from the shadows.
"What? Nothing is- okay. Dad, I have to know. Do you uh... maybe like Alastor?"
". . .W-W-What?! What gave you that idea?!"
The king's voice got high pitched, and his cheeks flushed such a lovely golden color. Could there be a possibility that he...?
"Dad. You and Alastor spend most of your guys' free time together, always pick each other for our activities, you willingly run errands with him, and you wear different clothes around him- you aren't even wearing your wedding ring anymore! And I've seen how you look at him. It's how you used to look at mom."
"Okay! You caught me. Just don't tell him. I don't want to ruin our friendship. I don't... I don't want him to leave. Like everyone else."
He liked him? Romantically? So, Alastor wasn't the only one. These feelings were so new to him, especially since he always presumed that he liked women. They both had nothing to worry about now.
Alastor was very possessive of the people in his life. He wasn't going anywhere. He could now openly pursue the king without fear of rejection. The only obstacle remaining was Charlie's overprotective nature. That shouldn't be too difficult to get around.
"What did you want to talk about Alastor?"
"I wish to progress my relationship with your father, yet your overprotectiveness is hindering my efforts."
Both demons were shocked by Charlie's outburst. A tense few moments of silence passed between them before she spoke up again.
"I am so sorry. But I can't watch my dad fall apart again If you're p laying with his feelings I swear-"
"Anger suits you, my dear. However, if I were bored enough to toy with someone's emotions, I would go bother Vox. He is so easy to rile up. I assure you that I care about Lucifer and wish to have an actual relationship with him. What can I do to show you that my intentions for once are pure?"
"A deal. A deal with either me or my dad."
Thinking on it, Alastor had to give the young Morningstar props. Perhaps he was rubbing off on her. "That can be arranged."
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