#but yolo ya know
guardian-angle22 · 3 months
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911: Lone Star | Tarlos Head Kisses (S1 -> S4)
↳ for @rmd-writes
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I can't normally share my studies because I'd very much need to get permission from the original creators I'm studying from to post them. But this time since it was a movie I can get away with it >:D Nothing too exciting, I just pulled up a fight sequence from the Cowboy Bebop movie and drew frames that looked interesting. It was fun for shutting my braincell off but still feeling like I was doing something to move forward :)
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plasma-packin-mama · 2 years
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uhh... happy halloween????
to be real with y'all i started this october 30th and it has been sitting in my files since then because it never felt totally finished. But at this point I haven't touched it in so many months i think its time to just set it free. SO. here u go!!! Arcade and Delilah as Frankenstein and the Monster.
this is sort of a spinoff of a silly mad scientist au i have where arcade makes friends with a Very Good Karma courier.... and then they die and he goes a little bananas trying to bring them back because he believes they're the only one who can save the mojave. he holes up in Big MT and does some malpractice in the name of the Greater Good. and maybe its a little homoerotic i dont make the damn rules ok!
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yknow what it's already march 18 for me, have an early birthday gift @cruz-simp
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mr. cruz man tryna get a target for you <3
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spylarman · 3 months
Its hard to wanna do anything when the only thing that appeals to you is wanting to die
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smth that ive thought abt n that i dont think ive ever seen touched upon is how similar bea n lilith should be in terms of life experience. like we know canonically that bea never drank. probs never went to a party, or rave or anything like that. didnt have partners most likely, probs never had her first kiss before ava n stuff. theres a lot of first times that beatrice probably experiences cuz of ava in s2, a lot of just. normal regular first times, things teenagers or young adults do, maybe college students, whatever. the most freedom she had was when she was younger, when she "was stepping out of line" as she said, probs doing child things n being dumb, ofc.
lilith is probably the same, except even worse. because i think she was taught to be the warrior nun as soon as possible. bea was actively repressing herself; lilith doesnt even acknowledge theres anything to repress. shes just the future warrior nun, not a mere 12 year old. shes a sister warrior, not just your average 16 year old. as long as her parents were there to watch, she is nothing but a legacy. and i do think lilith had her rebellious phase, ofc. but i dont think it was while she was living with her parents, or even when she was a minor. she knew to make all those obedient, nice years count and as soon as she left for good, she declared she was a new girl, n she would now do things she wanted to do. except... she cant.
she still has to train to be a warrior nun. sure she read books, non religion books. but the guilt of not upholding her end of the bargain of being born in her family as the next in line warrior nun would soon overcome her, n she would drop it. "i'll read it in the future" "i'll try that when im older n independent" its smth all teens, especially teen girls think. when im older, i'll be free. but lilith is not allowed that at all. she knows she likes things... but can she even allow herself the time to enjoy them?? can she watch movies in peace? can she go out, maybe make friends, go on cafe dates, go to the cinema, go shopping? without thinking abt her destiny? can she??? is she allowed peace???
lilith wanted to be free, cuz she thought it was only her parents holding her down. little did she know, while her parents built her cage, she was painting it finished. with how she was raised, lilith was never thought to feel *her* emotions as lilith, but only as warrior nun. n even if her parents ever allowed her peace, she wouldnt have taken it. shes going to be the warrior nun. she has to be. what else is she, but that?
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Me when twilight was being made: this shit slaps
Me when the movies came out : oh never mind
Me listening to the Edward version of events: wait I was right, this shit slaps.
It’s making me wanna unironically watch the shits lol
All because I saw a TikTok comparing their thoughts during the Seattle date lol
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thegoldencourtyard · 4 months
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tatertotpotdish · 5 months
my breasts hurt and my arms hurt and my hands hurt and my hips hurt and my shins hurt and my feet hurt and my tummy is so upset and i don't know what end it's going to come out of and but this all totally normal period symptoms, right?
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silverwingborn-moved · 7 months
//I want so badly to crumple paper and shoot hoops through Adam’s halo from across the room
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kth1fics · 2 months
Twisted Fate (M) | MYG
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Twisted Fate
⟶ Pairing: Min Yoongi x Female Reader (Y/N) ⟶ Genre: Oneshot, Smut, Rated R | 18+ ⟶ Tropes: Vampire!Yoongi, Strangers to Lovers, Royalty AU, Supernatural AU, Fantasy AU ⟶ WC: 4.7k+ ⟶ Warnings: blood (obviously), some degrading, biting / blood drinking, breast play, choking, sparkling jealousy, unprotected sex, there’s a third party at play, some bondage, fingering, oral (f), threats, reader has a nickname. ⟶ Beta: n/a (no beta just complete yolo - if it doesn't make sense don't worry about it) ⟶ Summary: A slice of vampiric lifestyle here inside the Briarwood Manor walls after you ultimately picked the Lord you wish to serve. ⟶ Author’s Note: I actually feel very bad that most of all my hosted collaborations are incomplete. It happens though, ya know? This Yoongi is a part of the Briarwood Manor Collab, hosted by myself! I never expected to be writing this fic, honestly. But I hope it does well and is good enough! Please leave any feedback or comments on a reblog, post, or even my ask box! ⟶ Song Recommendation: Sweet Sacrifice by Evanescence
Masterlist ◈ Mail Box ◈ AO3 ◈ Ko-Fi
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“Hello, puppet, did you miss me?”
The low mischievous voice whispers a chill in your ear. His cold hand comes to rest on your bare shoulder, stroking your soft skin. If anyone were to see they’d think his touch is sincere and tender, a loving gesture to greet his lover, but they’d be so very wrong. 
A puppet is what you are to him, nothing more. To serve however he sees fit. The nickname is quick out of his mouth the moment you pick him under the shine of a blood moon. You aren’t so sure what drew you to him in the first place. Maybe his aura played a trick on you, taunted you with his beauty and looks. An elegant and stoic composure mixed in one. The most unresponsive to the personal sacrifice (you) during the ritual.
You still remember the lifeless blink of his eyes when he first looked at you. From there you should have known he didn’t see the life inside of you. The vampire whose fangs ghost over your neck and haunt your nights is far from a lover. He’s an obligation. A duty. The choice you were forced to make among the six other princes.
Some nights you question what would have been if you picked someone different. How would the others treat their Church’s generous gift? Would you be more than a puppet?
His hand sends a visible chill through you. The sickly sweet voice of Lord Yoongi that you dread has returned after weeks away. There’s no doubt in your mind that there’s a toothy-grin widening on his face when he inhales your scent. You were just starting to enjoy that temporary freedom from his demanding fangs. Oh, how you wish he was gone just a while longer.
Yoongi had been away visiting a nearby kingdom to the West for business. Both Lord Namjoon and Lord Hoseok accompanied him. You know very little of their endeavors. Council work if anything. Matters that a blood-bag, such as yourself, has no business knowing. You are thankful for the pleasant peace of the manor while you had it.
You remain quiet, but your heart pounds in your chest. Anyone in an earshot can probably hear it pumping through your veins. Yoongi sends a full attack to your nervous system and he hardly touches you.
“Let’s pretend that’s excitement,” he comments as a nimble finger runs along your neck.
“H-How was the trip?” You ignore his first question completely. Faking a soft smile to please him.
“Nonsense,” he mutters as his mouth hovers the crook of your next. Your body already expects the snag of his teeth any second now. “Take off that pathetic excuse of a dress the servants dressed you in. I want you in my quarters. Now,” Yoongi whispers with demand.
You feel that there’s no room for objections, you’ve learned the hard way once or twice before. Disobeying Yoongi only makes things harder for you.
The first step you take halts as you feel his hand tug at the lace to your bodice. It snaps easily, loosening the material for an easier escape. Yoongi trails you, watches you with a burning hunger, as one by one you shed your clothes on your way to his room. 
There’s no shame walking down the corridors of the manor, you’ve gotten used to these trips. Seen many others in the same position. It’s the way of life here.
Yoongi’s room is one of the furthest from the grand room. It requires walking the stairs and passing several other spaces before reaching the crystal knob of his door. On occasion, his impatience forces you into the music room where he lays you on the piano lid and does exactly what one can imagine. 
Although, tonight doesn’t feel like one of those nights.
“You haven’t answered me yet,” his voice hums, “did you miss me?”
You don’t loath the man, but you know what he does to you. How you are easily frail compared to him and fear slipping up. The sharpness in his fangs and in his words and the strength in his grip and demeanor. You do not miss his beastly moods when he sucks your blood savagely and brings you to the brink of tears. To where you fall far too weak to put up a fight.
There are no soft sides to Yoongi, not from what you’ve witnessed anyway. When he’s finished with you, you’re sure he’ll do it with no remorse.
You want to answer truthfully. Saying ‘no’ is on the very tip of your tongue. Maybe his absence did make you feel useless in a way. But you also felt relief by being away from the ruthless need of your body. And for that, you feel a tang of guilt. Making you question how you actually feel.
“Yes, my Lord,” you speak sweet yet flat. “Your presence was greatly missed.”
Finally, you’re met in the center of his room. The still cool air swallows you as you stand there awaiting his next command. The click to the door shutting behind you resounds out loud. It leaves you trapped inside the vampire’s chamber.
“Of course you did,” he smirks to himself as he slowly undos his cufflinks. His eyes continue to scan you, admiring the shape of your body and nudity. “Go on. Sit.”
You see the nod of his head from your peripheral as you stare blankly at the dark silk comforter. A canopy hangs from the ceiling above, draping thick charcoal black curtains. There’s a litter of candles scattered throughout, none of which are lit. You’re granted very little light from the cascading moon from outside the tall paneled windows. It’s darker than usual due to the storm clouds. 
Everyday his chamber is cleaned and dusted even when left unoccupied. Yoongi likes his stuff maintained, presetine if he could. If one thing is out of alignment he will notice it. They have workers for several reasons, many for pure enjoyment and food.
As you take a seat on the side of the bed, Yoongi hovers. He stands close, taking your chin in his hand and tilting your head up to look at him. His grip is menacing, you’re aware of how easily a man with his strength can break your bones.
“Whore,” he comments as he looks down on you.
His voice cuts through you like a knife. Clear and loud. He watches the way your eyes flicker in shock and widen. Heat plasters to your face as his grip tightens.
“Do you think I don’t know?” He huffed a laugh. “Why don’t you tell me what I'm speaking about?”
“Y-Yoongi I –”
He slips a finger into your mouth, pressing down on your tongue to prevent you from forming any more words.
“Take my name out of your dirty mouth or I'll do it for you,” he threatens.
“I’m sorry!,” you attempt to say out of pure reaction. 
Yoongi leans in flashing you a smile, revealing his sharpened canines. His eyes turn a blazing ruby red, popping out of his stark black hair.
“I’ll release your tongue and when the second I do, I expect you to tell me.”
He waits for your acknowledgement before his fingers find their way back to cradling your chin.
“Lord Jimin,” the name falls out of your mouth just as your eyes fall to the ground. “I didn’t know what I was supposed to do,” you fester up.
How could you? With no guidance from the Lord you picked. He left you at the manor with very little discussion. There’s unspoken rules you’re still learning to this day. How are you supposed to know what Lord Yoongi wants when he doesn’t speak the words into existence?
“You’re not his,” Yoongi states. He rests one knee on the edge of the bed beside you. His other hand traces up your arm lightly all the way to the back of your neck. With his position, he brings your head back up to look at him. “I don’t care what he says. You picked me.”
“He would have killed me if I denied his advances,” you mention. Confusion and panic swells deeply in your eyes. “He only just –”
Yoongi snorts, displeased beyond belief. “He wouldn’t unless he wanted a war. He knows you belong to me and took the opportunity to take you when I was gone.”
“–Just bit me!,” you managed to get out.
“Hm?” Yoongi’s eyebrow quirks.
“He only just bit me. I swear there is nothing more!”
You plead with your eyes. You’ve never wanted to upset him in any way. The role you play is one you take seriously. If you were murdered by a fellow ally of your Lord, that would have madden him further, no?
Yoongi’s touch turns featherlight, nothing compared to how he touches you when he lays with you. Rough and demanding. Guiding you exactly how and when he wants it. It’s what you’re expecting from him.
He leans down close, slotting his head next to your neck as he breathes in your scent. “I’ll keep you locked up in my room.” Yoongi’s lips touch against your skin, you can’t help but shiver. “Spread your legs.”
Yoongi’s cool fingers ghost your core, leaving traces as they pass each inch. You feel the threat of his fangs against you, making your body heat up quickly. It is safe to say that you do miss the way he touches you. Feeling his grip all over your body, it brings you to places you’ve never – and will never – admit.
“But I'll have no property of mine” – he continues with his earlier words – “be shared like a whore on the street.”
You politely move your head to the side with his hand as direction, bracing for the impact of his teeth. They lightly drag along your jugular until he finds his desired spot before sinking them into your skin.
The feeling hurts like a razor sharp sting as you release a groan. Yoongi’s hand secures you in place as the other presses against your heated core. His fingers slip between your folds, gliding them across your clit and into your pussy. Drawing out the wetness he searches for.
There’s a trickle of blood that breaks through the seam of Yoongi’s lips, dripping down the front of your chest. He’s sloppy, unusual for him. Probably from the weeks away. You stay stagnant, letting Yoongi do as he pleases.
“Lay back,” Yoongi pushes you down before you feel his lips pressing kisses on your thighs. He continues to press two fingers into you while he reaches for your nipple, swirling around the hardening bud.
You close your eyes as you let out a shuddering breath. Your entire body is warming up, aching silently for more. Maybe he misses you?
“Do you want me to touch you more?” The voice is so low you can barely hear it over the heavy rain outside. When his touch does everything to ignite that burning sensation inside, how can you not want more?
“Yes,” you whimper when another kiss lands on your inner thigh. You feel your pussy tighten from the want, the need.
“Yes?” He questions, as his fingers pinch down hard on your nipple. It sends bolting zaps of pain through you, making you yelp at the action.
You feel his plunging fingers curl up inside you and drag against your walls. Your legs move on their own accord, body only reacting to the joyous sensation.
“Oh God, yes! Please touch me!” You plead.
Once your desperate words leave your mouth, he latches onto your clit, sucking the sweet tender bud eagerly. He pairs it well with the pace of his fingers in your aching core, possessive hand roaming your front as his body slots between your legs.
Your curious eyes travel downward to spy Yoongi’s black hair nuzzled between your thighs and feverishly licking at your leaking arousal. It takes everything in you to not place your hands in his hair, you know he doesn’t like being touched. But it looks so soft, so long and pretty. 
“I don’t want you to ever think about being bitten by anyone else,” he growls. “Your blood is mine and mine only.” You feel your leg being lifted enough for Yoongi’s fangs to pierce the skin on your inner thigh.
His words and actions make you whimper. Yoongi’s tongue laps over the bleeding blood on your skin.
“I won’t,” you affirm as you toss your head to the side. Absentmindedly your fingers thread through his hair, it feels like the finest of silks. “I only want you to bite me, Lord Yoongi.”
Your confession pleases him. He replaces his fingers with his tongue, diving it deep into your leaking hole. A moan slips from your mouth while your fingers fasten a lock in his hair. Lewd noises spill into the air from the vampire sucking and licking at your core, devouring the taste of you.
Doing what he says always grants you intense pleasure. Being good tends to satisfy you, you realized that a long time ago. Once Yoongi draws you agonizingly close to a climax, he withdraws his pursuit. Leaving you in a cloud of haze.
‘Is that it?’ you think to yourself. Why the sudden stop? Did you do something wrong?
Yoongi reluctantly pulls from you, forcing your hands off his hair with a sinister smile. Blood and arousal is smeared across his mouth and chin.
“What’s wrong?” you whisper the question.
You’re left huffing and puffing as you feel your orgasm slipping away from you. His menacing stare down doesn’t ease your mind and you feel your body shriveling up from under his scorching red eyes.
“Time to learn your lesson.”
Yoongi manages to pull your body up the bed to the headboard. Fastening two hard metal cuffs to each of your wrists. You’ve been here once before in a playful gig, but the motivation behind Yoongi’s tone sends a shiver to your spine.
You obey, as you should, while the darkness of the drapes shroud around the bed. You’re left with red glowing eyes staring straight down at you once again. His ethereal features, as beautiful as they are, frighten you to say the least. There's anger swirling inside of him. The angel you view Yoongi at shows how the cut of his eyes are deadly, the shape of his jaw is sharp and the curve of his lips stands against the casted shadows of the dark. You feel the anxious fear bubbling up inside your body, a spike of nerves setting aflame.
He can read you like a book. Heart pinging higher than the normal rate. A confused quirk of your brows. Even the clearing of your throat and desperate breaths have him understanding your senses. Your body language tells him everything he needs to know about your fear.
“Brianne!” Yoongi snaps his fingers together as he calls upon a servant.
On cue, the door to his room opens and closes. She walks as punctually as ever, hands clasped in front of her apron as she curtsy bows to the vampire.
“My Lord,” she smiles. Paying you no mind as you lay naked and latched to Yoongi’s bed. “How may I aid you?”
“My puppet here is in need of a lesson. Care to participate?”
“It would be an honor,” Brianna bows.
Unspokenly, she begins to shed her clothes piece by piece. Yoongi hums to himself as he does the same. You are left strapped there, witnessing the entire event in confusion.
It’s as if this has been done before. You watch with worry as Brianne steps out of her skirt and pulls out the ties of her hair, allowing it to cascade around her shoulders. She steps toward the bed, eyes nearly lifeless, as she glances at you. There’s several, very visible, bite wounds on her body.
Quickly, Yoongi meets Brianne from behind. His hands guide her atop the mattress as she kneels near your feet. You curl up further, drawing your legs into yourself as your mind races with endless possibilities of what’s about to happen.
You flinch, very noticeably, at the bark of your nickname. You hadn’t realized how on edge your nerves are until now.
Yoongi follows behind Brianne, being sure to peer over her shoulder at you with his ruby eyes. Brianne is displayed before you, legs spread apart as she kneels, tits in full view. Yoongi’s crafty and daft hands sliding across her front and touching every piece of her. It’s a taunting scene, mentally riling you up inside.
“I want you to know,” Yoongi begins with a devilish low growl, “How easy it is,” he pushes aside Brianne’s hair to expose her neck, “For us to take a whore.”
Yoongi latches his mouth down on Brianne, forcing a muffled groan out of her throat. He bites, and bites, and bites, until there’s a chain of red leaking down her shoulder and arm. Some meet the mound of her breast, where Yoongi happily is cupping with his own hand while the other is gliding down her front and rubbing circles on her clit.
You watch in shame and fear. Seeing the way Brianne thrives from the mutilating hands and mouth of the Lord. Pleasure crosses her face, pain and ecstasy. She has no embarrassment with the noises that leak out of her. You swear you see her face mocking yours as you turn away.
“Look at me,” you hear the demanding growl of Yoongi.
But the burning heat of anger tingles your face. You fear disobeying him though. It only can make things worse.
“Puppet!” he growls over Brianne’s moans. Yoongi pushes Brianne down on her hands, her head closer to where you curl up against the headboard. “Look at what I am doing!”
You hesitantly glance over, hating the scene you see. Yoongi’s possessive hands scratch Brianne’s back as he lines himself behind her. There’s blood covering his front, smearing down his chest as his mouth gaps open. You squirm uncomfortably. As much as you loathe what’s happening, how your heart is thumping with disbelief and hatred, it bothers you even more that it turns you on.
Yoongi spits down at the junction between Brianna and himself and lathers his cock with his free hand. He slots himself inside her roughly, pulling out a loud moan from Brianne and forcing tears to swell in your eyes.
“Look at me!” He commands again, and this time you stare at his glowing eyes. 
Locked in and afraid to move. Sure you can see Brianne through the edges of your sight, you can see the way Yoongi’s abs flex with each harsh thrust he inflicts on her, the way her audible noises fill the room just like the way Yoongi’s cock fills her pussy.
He keeps his stare with you, eyes threatening. “How do you feel when I choose someone else? To make them feel this good while I feed and fuck them? Do you think you’re so special to go around and give yourself up like Brianne here?” He grunts between breaths, making sure to give Brianne a good ramming as her hips get pulled back into him. 
Yoongi continues to speak to you, “Do you want to end up like this?” He quizzes you again. He forces Brianne to flip over, revealing all those scattered bite marks on her body including his own. He arches her back by holding a hand under her. You can’t help but to flick your eyes down at it.
There’s a burning rage brewing inside of you, watching the way your Lord takes care of another. Bluntly in front of you as well. You don’t think you’re anything special, just a gift from the Church. There’s no doubt in your mind Yoongi has all the freedom to do what he pleases, but you’re mad that you aren’t the option when you were only raised to be such.
You remain silent and fear stricken. There’s upset and anger on your face and he can see that. Pathetically, you are his. You picked this. But desperately you want to only be his.
“No,” you whimper out. There’s a sad tear that rolls down the curve of your cheek.
“‘No’ what?”
There’s thorns forming inside of your throat, digging into it as if your voice doesn’t have freedom.
“No I don’t want this!”
Yoongi continues to thrust into Brianne, but his attention is on you. His hand closes down on her throat, squeezing slowly to prevent airflow.
“Have you learned?” His fingernails begin digging into Brianne and you hear her noticeable gasp. “That a whore is used by many and can be,” – he squeezes firmer, watching Brianne’s hands clasp around his wrist in protest – “killed with no feeling of guilt?”
There’s a gargle replacing the moans in Brianne’s mouth. Her eyes are bloodshot and full of tears. Yoongi pays no attention, he knows what he’s doing. But he keeps his ruby eyes on you, stalking your next actions.
“Yoongi, stop!” You shout with warning, “She’s going to die!”
“So?” His voice is cold.
“Stop!” you plead. “Stop it, stop it, stop it! I get it! I’m sorry! Just stop it!” Each hopeless syllable falling out of your mouth amplifies higher until you shout.
Yoongi finally halts his actions completely, releasing his grip on poor Brianne and pulling out of her. She gasps as her lungs fill with air, hands clutching her throat. Yoongi rolls her over, letting her legs hit the floor beside the bed and commands her to stand.
He analyzes her, wipes away the wet tears from her face before patting the side of her head. “Gather your things,” he beckons. “Please seek Lord Jimin and tell him you are but a gift from me.”
Brianne attempts a hoarse response but her throat is far too fragile to speak. She quickly gathers her belongings and rushes out of the room, holding her throat with a hand the entire time.
As the room falls silent, you can’t help but stare at the naked vampire in front of you. He’s thin, toned, skin milky pale due to his vampiric complexion and lack of sun. Cock stands out, still hardened as a hand runs along its length.
“Never become a whore, puppet. It’ll get you killed.”
Yoongi turns to look back at you, seeing how shriveled up you’ve become. He knows the power he holds and the loyalty you only wish to fulfill. It’s how you are raised. You want to act on your own actions, but Yoongi is the shotcaller. The owner of you.
“I’m only yours,” you state with a nod. 
Like lightning, Yoongi returns to you. Finger’s dipping into your cunt again. He groans with the seeping wet arousal leaking from you, making sure to comment on how you must have been turned on all along. He pushes deep inside your needy walls, stoking and thrusting his fingers at a quick pace almost as if he wants you to cum right then and there. His tongue works on your clit, swirling delicately around the sensitive bundle of nerves.
The pleasure between your legs causes you to tremble, Yoongi’s name falls out of your mouth as you tug on the cuffs chaining you to the bed. You’re beginning to feel the start of your delayed climax from before. Your breaths become shallow pants while you can’t help but ride Yoongi’s mouth desperately.
Your hazy mind takes away your active awareness and forces you to enjoy the senses you hear, feel, smell, taste, and see. Yoongi works his way up past your navel, peppering kisses on his pursuit to your clavicles. His teeth glide over your skin only enough to scratch you as you whimper from the loss of his tongue.
Somehow you end up on your knees and straddling Yoongi’s pelvis. He flipped you quickly to slide himself under you. The chains twist, forcing your wrists together. His hair fans out around his head as he rests on the pillow, eyes lazily looking up at your hanging breasts. You feel the cold hard hands on your hips as he leads you onto his cock, letting you slide against his length and spread your arousal on him.
You use your arm to muffle your moan as he slips his tip inside of you. The promise of his length inside of you makes you eager so you press down. Letting an inch deeper before he pulls you back up to begin the process again.
Yoongi leans up from under you to latch his mouth on one tit, sucking harshly at your nipple before sinking his fangs enough to draw blood. The sting hurts, you whine on the impact as he simultaneously draws your hips down onto him. Stuffing his thick cock inside your tight cunt.
You want to lean on him for support but those blasted chains hold your position high. In reaction, you bite your own arm as you feel the way Yoongi fills you up and feeds on you. The joyous satisfaction you gain from pleasing the Lord is soon to follow.
Yeah, there is no way you wish to be a whore. Yoongi is more than enough.
“You like it. Don’t you, puppet?” Yoongi chuckles. He pulls on your hair sharply, twisting your head to the side to admire his earlier bite mark. “You like being my little puppet and filled up like this, huh?” Yoongi grinds his hips into you, his other hand firmly guiding your body to ride him.
You’re left breathless, painfully in pleasure, but fully enjoying being filled to the brim by his cock. The recklessness of his grip on your hair and bleeding from his beautiful bites. It’s so devilishly good, you could never wish to be anything more than his puppet. 
“Ah, please,” you groan. The sound of skin against skin resonates throughout the darkened room. It’s mingled with your beautiful cries and his low guttural grunts. 
“I love it,” you confess.
You don’t ever want to be used to getting filled so well. You don’t want to be curious about the other princes and how they would treat you. Something about Yoongi is exactly what you need, you just never knew before. Is the lesson supposed to make you have this realization?
Yoongi releases a low groan against your skin, murmuring, “you feel so fucking good. You taste so fucking good.”
Once again, Yoongi sinks his teeth in you. The pain draws you closer to your impending orgasm and you yelp outloud. 
His thrusts become even more determined. Your chest arches into him as you tug on the cuffs that limit your hand movement. The noise from the headboard thuds rhythmically against the wall as your cunt clenches.
“Cum on me,” you hear the words tickle your ears. Yoongi’s hand wraps around your head and leads you into a bloody, searing kiss. He hushes your moans as his tongue dives past your teeth.
Metabolic tasting liquid seeps into your taste buds but you aren’t focused on the flavor. The cradling hand on your cheek and gentle soft strokes of his fingers on your hips are. The deepened kiss, full of lust and passion, sends you to overdrive as you whimper through your crashing orgasm.
Your legs shake against his sides in the same pace of your walls gripping his cock. Your blood trickles down on Yoongi’s chest as you ride out the waves of pleasure. Wet squelching sounds happen at the intersection between you and him as his thumb runs circles against your clit.
You feel your eyes fluttering shut as you groan. Your rolling orgasm kicks your body into realizing how much strain it’s handling. The harsh mixture of pain and pleasure. Your body is beginning to fall limp, the life and energy inside of you finally hitting their max. You want to collapse but Yoongi continues to thrust into you, perhaps chasing his own high.
“Ah,” you breathe as Yoongi’s mouth detaches from yours. His eyes focus on the mess of arousal on his lap, the way your cunt disappears his cock entirely. There’s a vice grip on your hips now, all you can do now  is be a toy for him.
A puppet, so he’d say.
Your head begins to spin as your vision fades into darkness. The last thing you see is the beautiful features of Yoongi, enjoying full on gratification from your body. Blood covered across his smooth poreless skin and black raven hair. 
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moodboard credit: @kth1
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© 2024 All rights reserved under @kth1​ - do not copy, repost, modify, edit, or translate any of my work without my direct consent. This TUMBLR and AO3 are the ONLY places my fics are posted.
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getyourdirtyhandsoffme · 11 months
Hyung line!Straykids x Male reader
Warning: gay, probably bad grammar, Ex being a ugly bitch they is. Lino being a bit s3xual but no smut. Might be cringe?! Swearing. Yolo idk fr.
Theme: Fluff, slight-angst or well idk.
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"I know you are in here; your car is parked! Open the door; I just wanted to  talk."The ex kept on banging on the door, his voice getting more and more aggressive as the [Y/N] annoyingly sighed, as he wanted Chan to show up.
At this point, he thought about grabbing the knife from the kitchen and just threatening his ex to make things quicker, but yet again, he didn't want to go to jail, so he just kept on sitting on his couch, covering his ears as the banging continued until it finally stopped.
The reader slowly uncovers his ears, then looks at the side of the front door. He slowly walks up and out of his ears next to the front door to eavesdrop on what is happening.
"Who the hell are you?"
"I don't think it's any of your concerns, mate."
The reader quickly opens the door to see two of the men glaring at each other.
The reader quickly looks at [Y/N] with a smirk until Chan pushes him away with a loving smile, hugging the reader and giving several kisses on the cheek.
"Hello, love! I hope this man wasn't bothering you! I hope you got the movie date ready." Chan chuckles, grabbing the reader around his waist.
"What..." The ex stood there in shock, watching the two 'couples' give each other lovey-dovey eyes.
"Hey you, are you going to keep gawking or are you finally going to walk away? I'm taken." The reader comments, side-eyeing his ex as he watches him mumble a few curse words as he walks away.
They both walk back inside, shutting the door behind them.
"Thank you, Chris! I love you so much!" The reader hugs Chan, giving him hard pats in the back.
"I love you too, man. Now let's start the movie date because I brought snacks."
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Lee Know stood there confused, rereading the request over and over again, until he heard running footsteps coming towards him with a shout of "Babe" along with it.
Lee looks up to see the boy smiling, almost happy to see him, but his eyes—something about his eyes—show fear.
The boy opened his arms and gave Lee a hug. Lee was hesitant until he gave the boy a hug, then looked up again to see a stranger walking up to the two of them with anger in his face.
"[Y/N]..." The stranger stopped, then stared at the two.
"Can you stop following me, Eric? I told you I have a boyfriend... I'm not getting back with you." The reader angrily snapped at Eric, then gave a quick peck at Lee Know's cheek, making the boy flustered.
"Come on, this guy? He can't be that good." Eric scoffs, looking up and down at him.
Lee Know tsked at the man, rolling his eyes.
"He is actually, he can cook, he takes care of the cats well, which means he can easily take care of our future children, and not only that, he is even GREAT in bed, even better than you, so fuck off."
Lee Know stood there, just nodding away while his ears turned red. Eric rolls his eyes as he walks away, mumbling curse words at the reader.
The boy sighs in relief, crouching down and petting Soonie.
"So, I'm good in bed, huh?"
The reader side-eyes the man as he smacks Lee Know's knee, clearly embarrassed.
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"Yeah, my boyfriend's going to show up and beat ya ass, that's for sure, Shawn." The reader angrily said this to Shawn, his ex, sounding confident.
"I bet your so-called new boyfriend of yours is scrawny; he can't beat me. Look at me!" Shawn flexes his muscles, his muscle meat showing a bit, but it wasn't as big as Changbin.
"Uh huh, you bet on it?"
Shawn nods, taking out his wallet. "I bet your boyfriend isn't even strong enough to beat me up; you're just bluffing. I bet 200 bucks."
The reader nodded, smirking. He looks around to see if Changbin has shown up. He sees a curly black-haired man wearing a black T-shirt, almost fighting for his life through his big muscles.
"BABE! OVER HERE!" The reader shouted, grabbing half of the people's attention, along with Changbin and Shawn, who stood there in shock.
"Hello, babe! So, this is the ex you were talking about." Changbin stared at Shawn, wrapping his arms around the reader's neck.
"Yeah, so, Shawn, about that bet..."
Shawn still stood there, silently staring at Changbin and looking at his buff body.
"What bet are we talking about?" Changbin whispers to the reader. "You beat the sh*t out of him." The reader replies as Changbin stands there in shock.
"Yeah, the bet... here, please don't beat me up, sir." Shawn tosses the 200 bucks to him as he runs away.
The reader grabs the money and smiles, giving Changbin a quick peck in the cheek. "Thank you, babe."
"Uhhh, yeah, sure." Changbin giggles.
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"Alright, Damien, I don't know who told you to have the audacity to sit in front of me; I told you several times that the seat was taken." The reader grumbles, impatiently tapping the table.
"Well, that person isn't here, so technically, it doesn't matter. You know me; I scare people away, so it won't matter, just like I said." Damien smirks, acting cocky.
"Damn, you're still in that damn bad boy phase, just like in high school." The reader sighs, feeling second-hand embarrassment.
"Because I am a bad boy, people love bad boys just like you like me." The reader kept on looking down, tapping aggressively on the table even more, until...
"What this about my love liking bad boys?" The reader quickly looked up, giving Hyunjin a big smile.
Damien looks up to see Hyunjin staring directly down at him. "And not only that, you in my seat, bad boy." Hyunjin side-eyes the man, gripping his shirt.
"Yeah, get your ass off. My boyfriend is here."
Damien scoffs as he gets up and glares at Hyunjin. "Thanks, bad boy." He smirked as he sat himself down.
"I do hope this CREEP wasn't bothering you, love." Hyunjin says it out loud for all the people to hear, leaving Damien feeling embarrassed and having all eyes on him.
Damien walks away, running off.
"No, for real, though, are you into those types of men?" The reader rolls his eyes, chuckling a bit.
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hiro-doodlez · 11 months
LIST OF ENGLISH ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (the random letters that people use sometimes)!! FEEL FREE TO USE AS A REF (reference) SHEET!! In alphabetical too!!
Tone indicators at the bottom!
AFK- away from keyboard
AKA- also known as
ASAP- as soon as possible
ASL- American Sign Language
B4- before
BC- because
BF- boyfriend
BFF- best friends forever
BTW- By the way
BTS- Behind the scenes/back to school / that one band
BRB- be right back
CW: content warning
Cya- see ya
DM- direct message
DW- dont worry
EZPZ- easy peasy
FB- Facebook
FW: flash warning
FAQ- frequently asked questions
FYI- for your information
GF- girl friend
GG- good game
GJ- Good job
GL- good luck
Gnite- good night
GTFO- get the fuck out
GTG- got to go
Gud- good
H8- hate
HBD- happy birthday
Hella- really
HMU- Hit me up
HW- Homework
IDK- I don't know
IDC- I don't care
IG- I guess / instagram
IK- I know
IKR- I know right
K- okay
Lmao- laughing my ass off
Kewl- cool
Kk- okay
Lol- laugh out loud
ILY- I love you
ILYSM- I love you so much
IMO- in my opinion
IRL- in real life
IYKYK- if you know you know
JFC- Jesus fucking chrkst
Jk- just kidding
L8R- later
LMAO- laughing my ass off
LMK-let me know
LOL- laughing out loud
Mkay- mm okay
NE- Any
NE1- anyone
NGL- not gonna lie
NM- Nothing much
NP: no problem
NSFW- not safe for work
NVM- nevermind
NW- no worries
Obv- obviously
OFC- of course
OMW- on my way
OP- original post(er)
OTP- one true pairing
Ova- over
Pic- picture
POV: point of view
Ppl- people
Prolly- probably
QOTD- quote of the day
R- are
RB- reblog
Ref- reference
Rly- really
RN- right now
RP- role play
RPG-role playing game
RT- retweet
Sec- second
SH- self harm
SMH- shaking my head
SMP- survival multiplayer server (Minecraft) / social media platform (?)
S.O- significant other
Sui- suicide
Sus- suspicious
STFU- shut the fuck up
T- testosterone
TBA- to be announced
TBF- to be fair
TBH- to be honest
TF- the fuck
Thnks- thanks
Thx- thanks
TLDR- too long didn't read (usually a summary)
TMRW- tomorrow
TOS- terms of service
TTYL-talk to you later
TW: trigger warning
Vid- video
WTF- what the fuck
WYD- what are you doing?
YOLO- You only live once
YT- YouTube
YW- you're welcome
If the one youre looking for isnt here, either i forgot or its a fandom! Id suggest looking it up if youre confused!
Extra note: if you see 8 in one of the acronyms, then it usually is used as an “ate” sound. So h8= ate, gr8= great ect.
/aff- affectionate
/c- copypasta
/cb- clickbait (?)
/f- fake
/gen- genuine
/genq- genuine question
/half joking
/ij- inside joke
/j- joking
/lyr- lyrics
/lh- light hearted
/lu- little upset
/neg- negative
/nf- not forced
/nm- not mad
/npa- not passive aggresive
/nsrs- not serious
/p- platonic
/pa- passive aggresive
/pos- positive
/q- quote
/r- romantic
/s- sarcastic
/srs- serious
/t- teasing
/th- threat
I HOPE THIS HELPS!! and if i forgot to add one feel free to send an ask ^^
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utterlyhopeful-fics · 2 years
Puppy Love
a/n: HII, I haven’t written in a minute and this came out today. So, enjoy! 
Also, just like the rest of you sluts, I too, am OBSESSED with Pedro Pascal. Glad to be here. 
Joel Miller x Reader
Word Count: 1065
MASTERLIST here if you’re interested! 
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“Ellie, please.”
“Come on, dude. What did you guys used to say…Yo-Yo something. Oh, Oo, YOLO?”
Y/N eyerolled at the mouthy teenager now prodding through her personal life. Granted, it wasn’t Ellie’s fault, she just called it as she saw it. Honest and brutal, even when she didn’t need to be.
“You don’t get it. Not a lick. So kindly shut the fuck up.”
“So, you’re just gonna hold on to this pipe dream…until you croak?”
Her questioning tone almost earned Ellie a slap but Y/N remained calm.
“Wow, kid. Anyone tell ya you got a way with words?”
“Nope. You’re the first. Lucky you.”
Ellie annoyingly enunciated every word loud and clear rifling through Y/N’s chaotic brain. He would never be hers even if they weren’t stuck in this apocalyptic hellhole. Back then Joel had endless opportunities to speak up and half the time he chose to shove her feelings so far under the rug that she couldn’t help when the disheartenment finally sunk in.
“But seriously.”
“Seriously nothing. Zip it, El.”
Her hands waved furiously in the air creating obscenely silly gestures. For once, they were left to simmer in silence, albeit temporary. Y/N stared holes in the ground beneath her hiding the unshed tears she refused to let fall.
“Things are …complex. More than you can understand.”
“Then help me, what’s the problem?”
“Ellie, look around us! You don’t—you don’t even know what it was like back before things went to shit. Joel isn’t the type of guy…”
Warm words swam through her chest, their presence suffocating meeting early death as her lips pursed shut.    
She bit her lip in anticipation hoping for the right words to stumble out Ellie looked on with a hopeful light in her eyes.
“Joel has Tess.”
Had Tess.
“But he’s in love with you.”
Vicious headshakes were all Y/N could muster praying not to slip further into her meddling.
“No, he’s not. And you can’t go around sayin things like that! Jesus.”
Y/N made quick work, eyes bouncing between every corner of the room making sure Joel hadn’t snuck it. Wouldn’t be the first time.
“I see the way you look at him, you know.”
“I know.”
“Then why--?”
Anger getting the better of Y/N, she frivolously snapped back; “You wanna know why, hmm? I’ve loved Joel Miller since I was 27. The idiot dropped a might I mention PIPING HOT americano down my blouse.  The second he smiled I knew I was a goner.”
“So, he knows, known, whatever you wanna call it. He friend zoned me then, same applies to now. I just hang onto him because I’m a lovesick puppy just patiently waiting for her turn. I’m the best friend, Ellie. Joel Miller doesn’t love me, he just loves the way I make him feel important, heard. Then like clockwork, he’s got himself a new girl on his arm to impress and I’m left –” Her lip quivered, it felt different saying it out loud, more real, visceral. No more pretending.
Y/N cleared her throat stiffening her once welcoming features, “It’s called unrequited love, El and I hope you never have to know how shitty it feels.”
“Oh come on, just because the world ended doesn’t mean everything went to shit.”  
Her left eye twitched at the teenager’s choice words lowering her voice to a mere whisper. Y/N reached towards the girl, caressing her cheek in a motherly manner. El leaned in accepting the gesture.
“I love Joel Miller. He doesn’t love me. And that’s okay because I get to throw all my unreiprocated love on to you, and for that I’m forever grateful. Like it or not kid, you’re stuck with me for however long life allows.”
“Oh great, just what I needed. A mother of my very own!”
Y/N playfully slapped her shoulder; “Hey now, your birth mother did a super fucking hard thing AND delivered a healthy baby. Do you think pregnancy is easy? Or how about the horror of delivering the thing that’s been taking up space in your body for the last nine months, huh? Women didn’t have it easy then and we definitely don’t in this joke of a world nowadays. So, to wrap this up; just because she created you doesn’t mean you can’t accept love that feels similar. I can’t take the place of your mom and I am so not old enough- “
Ellie’s eyebrows crinkled together; “Aren’t you like considered geriatric?”
Horror paled over Y/N. Why this little—She breathed deeply hoping to simmer the bitter bitch growing within her. She annunciated her words very clearly; “I am 46, you little brat. The least you could do is respect your elders if you’re gonna talk smack.”
Ellie huffed; “I just don’t get it.”
This piqued her interest; “Get what?”
“Men. Like, are they are all complete psychopaths?”
“Well, that’s a bit harsh but yes, in general they are a nuisance to society…or what’s left of it.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
Ellie’s arms snuck around her waist pulling her close. Y/N welcomed the embrace thankful for the small moments she was still afforded.
“You deserve to be loved no matter what. I’m glad I found you… and the grump.”
“He’s a good man. Don’t ever doubt that.”
“I won’t. I just wish he could see how fucking badass you actually are. I mean I’d date you.”
Y/N’s eyes glazed over momentarily; “Damnit, you’re making me feel things I don’t have the time to feel.”  
“Don’t give up on him, I’ve seen things from a different perspective and as an outsider looking in, this ain’t a closed case little lady.”
“Wow, how southern belle of you. A girl like yourself would do well in the South.”
“The what?”
Exasperated Y/N mustered a reply; “…Ugh, don’t worry bout it.”
Her innocent smile emerged displayed for Ellie’s eyes only.
“I lurve you, Y/N.” Their foreheads bumped lightly causing a giggle to stir between the pair; “Back at ya, kid.”
Little did they know who had been standing on the other side of the door hiding just out of plain sight. Joel gulped hoping for the spit to help his now parched throat. I can’t lose her. I won’t lose her.
His boots smacked heavily against the cement closing the distance between. Y/N yelped surprised by the sudden intrusion. Now or never.
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makanidotdot · 8 months
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Ohhh ok thanks haha. Yeah, I think I would have to disagree too...I guess it's mayyybe possible to have Sylvanas burn the tree *on purpose* and not ruin her character, but it would still have to be WAY different from what all went down in bfa. I still remember being super excited to watch Warbringers, then it comes out, I like watch it at work.. and I just can't focus for the rest of the day, I'm just
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Well the undead killing part would've been an accident. They were just making a super healing salve as far as they knew. But as there's not a ton of undead druids, they don't know this until they've already created some amount. They just eventually discover this property, and yeah, even if the druids themselves were totally super nice and good and were like 'omg! this is dangerous', the rest of the night elves would be like UPUPUP....hold on now, lol. It IS quite good for everyone BUT undead, and they dunno the future... it would be an excellent thing for an Arthas 2.0, or ya know.. if the Horde ever got super out of line. I think that'd be some proper nelf edginess, which still wouldn't justify Sylvanas's taking of the tree. It just gives her a reason, as opposed to Literal-Who Night Elf Said I Can't Kill Hope, Yolo, Also Jailer Made Me Do It.
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Something exactly like this.
Here we start a new series, at last I regained my love for writing n' reading 🥰
I have no idea how to write Hobie's accent, so apologies for that in advance. Any input and advise is well welcomed ☺️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mention of blood, injuries, fighting, cursing, anxiety.
Words: 2022
Chapter one: What else you got?
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"When will you ever grow up?! Going against our path, is going against the family!" My father yelled, speaking about his religion and how I refused to believe in his insanity while punching the table to accentuate his anger.
"Then maybe I was never really a part of this shit family!" A smack on the face, it came from across my step mother that had entered the conversation, "Never come back, insufferable brat" she spit at me.
I had had it with them, so I flipped them off and left with a duffle bag on my shoulder.
As soon as I arrived to the train station and took seat inside the train, my heart broke, tears streamed down my face, like a wild river I tried to hold back when I looked the disappointment in my father's eyes.
Let's start from the beginning, my name is Y/n L/n, and it's been two weeks since I moved to the big city. A friend got me a job on a coffee shop and a small flat near it, without her I would've slept on the streets probably, so I owe her a lot.
Every day is the same! It's going to drive me crazy. I make the minimum for attending crazy fucked up people! Every day is the same compalints, some about the damm prices, the ice cream flavors, the fact that not always we have cash to break a 20, bitch come on, who buys a two dollar coffee with 20 or 100 bucks?? Seriously, people are crazy, and they take it on me just because I'm on the counter almost all the time.
I'm fucking tired.
Then one night, I was doing inventory when Jess, on the subject that I owe her a lot, she practically begged me to accompany her to a very illegal show downtown, on a sketchy bar no less. "I don't know Jess, those shows aren't really my thing, neither is a lot of people on a confined space" you shrugged, "Come on Y/n, my boyfriend is playing the bass, but I don't wanna go alone, maybe I could even present you to a few people, so you have friends, other than me" I looked at her with a stern look, that was the least of my concerns.
"It's just...you look so lonely and sad all the time, maybe you could have some fun, ya' know, to loosen up the stress from work" before she could keep blabbering reasons to go, I caved. "Fine" she yelled a high pitched "Yay" and hugged me.
It's amazing how easy is to get killed in the city nowadays, my first couple of days working I got shocked with how many corpses I encountered as soon as I opened my apartment door, but then I got used to it? I don't throw up as much as before, so that's a start.
But everything is so messy right now, with V.E.N.O.M tasks forces roaming the streets, people instead of being scared, they've become violent. I have no idea how Jess can be so hyped about a show when there's like an 80% chance we'll get killed in the process.
But hey, YOLO right?
Since it was a punk event, she wanted me to "blend in", as to not dress as a total nerd like I always do according to her. So we stopped at her apartment to get ready.
She lend me a plaid mini skirt, mid thigh stockings, a learher jacket that ended mid torso, a dark red shirt with a weird spider logo, a spiky choker and did a very goth or punk-like work on my face.
I didn't recognized myself, but I didn't quite hated it either.
Black boots with chains completed the look according to her, "Ya' look stunnin', honey" she squealed, coming out of the bathroom ready herself, wearing all things similar to mine, with the addition of a oversized denim jacket filled with band related pins and patches.
"Your boyfriend's, I suppose" she turned back to me, blushed slightly, "He gifted this to me, he's so cool and corny, I love him so much".
I am jealous of her. Her boyfriend has stopped by work a few times, he's tough but nice and very likeable. I could tell he would go to hell and back for her.
I was so fucking jealous of that.
The place wasn't really far from my apartment, which would allow me to slip away in case I needed it, oh boy, not even two seconds inside and I already wanted to run away.
It was a mess of all kinds of black dressed people, like the pride parade but goth, punk and violently weird. Jess seemed to be fine around the mess, she was a natural, totally in her element.
There was this feeling climbing up my spine, weakening my knees and my lungs, anxiety making her debut.
"C'mon let's get to the front before they start playin', otherwise we won't be able to see shit!" She pulled me across the sea of leather and spikes, I sensed a lot of stares and wolf whistles, probably not for me, but it felt so alien to me.
The group made its introduction, the crowd wildly started screaming and jumping, shoving us against the fence that kept us away from the stage. The amps to the limit, and the people jumping and shoving, everything begun to spin, in a haze I believed myself to be drunk but totally sober, "Jess! I wanna leave" I tried to scream but she couldn't hear me. Couldn't move either, trapped in between the fence I could only close my eyes in hopes the pain in my ears and my chest would end soon.
A hand took mine, out of a sudden I was on the other side of the fence. Due to the momentum I clashed against a bunch of pins and chains, "Follow me" He said, not ever letting my hand go, he lead me backstage, where the sound of the still going music and cheering was a bit muffled, barely bearable.
"Better?" I looked up to him, he had a wild black mane, piercings on his brows and his lower lip, stunning factions and he was built amazingly. "Yeah, sorry about the trouble" he chuckled at my embarrassment, "S' nothin', stay here all you need" he winked and rushed back to the stage, the screaming intensified as soon as he did.
A while later, Jess got to the backstage by the arm of her boyfriend, "Oh, honey I'm so sorry, are you feeling okay now?" I shook my head, hugging myself in absolute embarrassment. "'m gonna head back, sorry" she held me as soon as I was about to leave, "First, your knight in denim armor, Hobie I can't thank you enough" she thank him.
So that was his name, Hobie.
"No problem, that was a bad edge" his accent was so thick that's all I got to hear him say. "Hobie we need to scram, they are on their way, get the explosives" said none other than Jess's boyfriend, "Another raid? But babe" she whined, not caring about the sudden violence about to be unleashed apparently.
"Jess we need to leave, now!" I tried to take her away, but she resisted and shoved my hand away from hers, "I'm actually gonna stay for this one, Spider-Man might actually appear this time" She excitedly left with her boyfriend.
How could she just left when there was going to be another raid outside?! "Why today, I knew I shouldn't have come to this stupid thing!" Searching routes, but nothing came to mind, the sound of the tasks forces was loud, and the one from the rebellion was even more so.
Everything went down because of Oscorp taking over, then Spider-Man showed up to shake up the masses into a furious rebellion, it bothered me tat the rebels acted as if the destruction, the purchase of weapons from gangsters, and the eternal bustle, would change the fact that V.E.N.O.M had almost completely taken over the streets. The rebellion regained territory in the last assault, but in that hell several young people died, and not even Spider-Man could do anything about it.
Usually I don't get into that shit, because for fun I rather go dancing at the club, though I admit I threw a Molotov at a task forces's car, once the opportunity presented itself.
When I got out, everything was smoke, explosions, people running, crying and shouting with hate. The alley that led to the passage where I would hopefully make it to my apartment was across the fire. I plucked up my courage and ran, a little difficult because of the platforms on my shoes, the damn mini skirt, and because of the shooting that started when I managed to jump over the puddle of burning gasoline.
I fell and hit all the cement on my legs and arms, I got up quickly because the adrenaline was stronger than the bullet that grazed my knee, so I managed to take refuge in the back of the building.
"Where you think you goin' bitch" A cop grabbed my arm, seeing that I resisted him the baton on his other hand hit the back of my knees and then I had no other choice but to fall, the cut on my knee bleeding even more, but I couldn't feel it yet.
He rises the baton to hit me again, but it got swooped off his hand, in about a second that same cop was literally mummified to the wall, all covered in spider webs.
"You okay?" Red and blue suit, spikes on the head of the mask, denim jacket and boots, yeah a hero alright. "Peachy" He just saved me, but the bitterness from my friend bailing on me, the recent anxiety attack, the raid, the pulsing wound that I made the mistake of acknowledge, and the posible bruise from the baton, got to me pretty fast.
"Go save the others, I'm fine" he didn't moved, instead he stretched his hand towards me, "Let me take you some'ere safe first" normally I would've sent him to hell itself, but taking everything into consideration, I ended up agreeing.
As soon as I took his hand, he pulled me up and into his arms. He secured my waist with his arm, "By the green building is alright" he nodded then fired his web, without warning he took flight, taking an even firmer grasp on my waist.
Meanwhile I hid my face on his neck and yelled a bit.
As soon as we landed I shoved myself off of his grasp, clinging to the fire stairs railing for dear life, "Bit nauseous there love?" He joked, "A warning would've been appreciated" I swallowed the bit of puke that threatened the back of my throat, "But thanks, I'll take it form here".
My knees quivered when trying to make a decent step, the pulsing hurt behind my legs, "Ya' sure?" He asked, getting at a safe distance from my pathetic state, "Yeah, now aren't you needed elsewhere?" He slightly laughed at my embarrassment, "That can wait, they were holding it up, a'right" I could hear his smile under that mask.
"Need help there, love?" He offered, making it sound more like a tease, his hand reaching towards me once more, "I'll be careful" He promised. I caved again, after all, I lived in the eighth floor.
"Now we're good, night spiderman" I tried to close the door but he stopped it with his combat boots, "What" he stayed silent for a second, "Not even a kiss?" He joked? I couldn't tell because of the mask, then he just leaned on the doorframe. I genuinely laughed, like I haven't in a while, "Thanks for the laugh, maybe next time you save me, I'll give you that kiss, how's that?" He tilted his head a bit, like thinking, then just nodded.
I think he was about to say something, but an explosion on the raid site got to his attention, "I think you're needed" When I turned my head around he had already left.
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