#but yeah. it could come off wrongly.
breitzbachbea · 1 year
One day, my Klugscheißer attitude is gonna cost me a friendship.
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moonstruckme · 7 days
apple pie - send a character + a prompt off this list and I’ll write a drabble
hi mae!! congrats on 7k you're amazing! the new pfp is also very pretty. so, can I please get ⁴⁾ red-painted nails with james? thank you very much!
Thanks lovely!
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 450 words
You’ve observed that while your boyfriend has many talents, James is not good at slow-going, punctilious tasks. He can’t sit still. 
“I can too!” he insists when you share this with him. “You can’t sit still.” 
James is sitting with the wrist of your hand grasped in one of his, the other wielding the brush of your nail polish between two fingers. He’s concentrating so hard that his tongue is peeking out from the corner of his mouth, and yet thus far he’s managed to paint most of your fingertip a bright red. 
“It helps if my hand is resting on something steady,” you offer. 
“Are you saying I don’t have a steady grip?” 
“No. Of course not.” You suppress a smile. James tries to start on your next finger, and it naturally dips under the weight of the brush. 
“Angel, could you stay still?” 
“I’m trying!” you laugh. He tries to give you a vexed look, co-opted from his moodier friends (James is not truly prone to vexation), but his lips betray him by twitching. 
“You’re intentionally sabotaging me.” 
“Why would I do that?” 
“So that when you show up to the match tomorrow, you’ll have one nice hand and one shit hand, and everyone will know who did which.” 
You roll your eyes, grinning. You painted the nails on your left hand to show James how it’s done. Admittedly, it does look far neater than the mayhem he’s inflicting upon your right. 
“It’s normal for one hand to look better than the other,” you tell him. “Anyway, it still counts as Gryffindor spirit whether it’s messy or not, doesn’t it?” 
“Yeah,” James mumbles. “You’ll wave at me with this hand, right?” 
“If you want me to.” 
“Good.” He kisses the tip of one of your fingers that’s dried. You wince. You feel like that much polish could be poisonous. “You know, I actually don’t care if people know I did this one. It shows that you trusted me enough to do it, yeah?” 
“Wrongly, it seems.” 
“So sweet.” James pretends as though he hasn’t heard you, pecking you on the lips. “Honestly, if I get it all over your whole hand, that’ll probably be even better luck for the team. More red to cheer us on.” 
You eye his hand holding the brush. “You won’t, though, right? Like, that’s not the goal.” 
“I’ll try not to. But you won’t wipe it off, will you, sweetheart? You’ll leave it the way it is?” 
“I…sometimes when I wash my hands, bits come off…” 
“Then just don’t wash your hands.” At your incredulous look, James clarifies, “Only until after the match. Please?” 
You sigh. “All right.” 
He kisses you again. “Attagirl.” 
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velvetydream · 4 months
꒰ :🥊 [ Rocky ] ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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Summary : Your boyfriend loved to take you to his matches, saying you were his little good luck charm, yet you're always worried to the core watching him fight.
Pairing : Boxer! Mingi x GN! Reader
Word count : 1.7K Words
Genre : Romance , Fluff, Angst
   Warnings ➵ Boxing, Blood, Injuries, talk
about marriage and having
children (still GN! Reader)
a/n : I have no clue of how boxing works, but Rocky goes hard so I had to write a Boxer Mingi story!🤧💕
┌───────────────────────── ·  ·  ·  · ♡
Mingi called you his little good luck charm, while it was an endearing name to be called, you hated it. Because it would end up with him hurt in some way or another. The boxing matches you watched, even when being his lucky charm and he wins, he was hurt. Busted lip, cut eyebrow, sometimes even a black eye. Many bruises all over his body. You hated it and he knew.
"You'll be there Saturday right?" Mingi looks up at you from the table, it was a calm morning so far.. till he had to bring up his next match. Even thinking about his upcoming matches makes your stomach turn, making you nauseous. "I don't know, I might have to work or something." Your back was turned to him as you were flipping the pancakes in front of you. The grip on the handle made your knuckles turn white, until Mingi stood behind you, his hand softly gliding over yours and making you loosen your grip. "You said you're free, you know how important it is for me that you're there." Of course, you knew, you were his little lucky charm, his motivation, the love of his life. Yet it was hard to watch him get hurt over and over again, fearing that someday he would get hurt drastically with irreparable damage to himself.
"Of course, I know that, but you also know I don't like seeing you get hurt! Mingi we've been over this countless times already." Pulling your hand away from his now, you turn the stove off, pushing the pan to a cold place before turning away and walking to the living room, your tall boyfriend following you shortly. "I barely ever get hurt! It's nothing serious!" He was getting irritated with you, just as you were getting annoyed with him. Mingi just won't understand. He won't get it into his thick stubborn head. "Yeah till now! What if one day you get hurt badly?! Paralyzed?! Do you want that? Mingi I'm worried sick every time I watch you!" Tears were building up in your eyes as you finally looked at him. He was visibly taken back by your outburst, he knew you were worried but that it was hurting and bothering you so much? He didn't think about that.
"Hey.. I'm sorry babe, come here.. Please." His hand reaches out to you, softly grabbing your wrist and pulling you against his chest, tears flowing down your cheeks now with soft sobs. Mingi felt torn, he loved boxing, and it was his passion, a way to make money besides his small barely paying job as a waiter. Yet here you were crying in his arms because you were scared to the core for him. The amount of anxiety he must've put you through with each fight he made you watch. Yet you always sat tight, smiled, cheered, and celebrated for and with him. "I should've thought about your feelings earlier, I'm sorry.." Pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, he cradles you against him, your hands balled to fists holding onto the sleeping shirt he was still in.
Mingi was overcome with guilt and also contemplation.. you did have a point. What if someday he took it too far? One wrongly placed hit and it could be over for him and his body. He would never be able to marry you, have children, or grow old with you. Those thoughts made him scared and even question his own choices about boxing. He would definitely have to talk to Yunho about this later at the training. But for now, he had to pamper you, make you smile again, and stop those tears running down your face.
"Pretty, let's watch a movie and cuddle hm? I'll finish the pancakes and you get changed into that sweater of mine you love so much~" Nodding softly, your fist rubbing over your puffy red eyes, before disappearing up the stairs to your and Mingi's shared room, searching for the sweater you loved to steal oh so often. Yet he never gifted it to you, saying it wouldn't feel the same if you owned it and didn't steal it from him anymore. Back in the living room Mingi already prepared two plates with pancakes, arranged just how you like them, some fruits, and just the perfect amount of syrup. "Thanks, Mingi.." Smiling softly at your boyfriend as you take a seat beside him, grabbing your plate while helping him choose a movie. Settling on Spirited Away, and probably also watching Howl Moving Castle immediately afterward.
Mingi later in the day left after making sure you ate dinner, and made his way to the place where he trained at, Yunho already there training one of the new younger guys that joined recently. "Mingi! You're late! What caught you up?" Yunho looked over at him, noticing the frown on his best friend's face, something at home must've happened again. Walking over to Mingi who sat down on the bench, starting to wrap his bandages around his hands, Yunho stood in front of him. "I'll quit after this Saturday. It will be my last match." His eyes did not even meet Yunhos, knowing his friend looked flabbergasted at him now. "What do you mean quit? You're on the best way to become a legend Mingi! You cannot quit now!" His hand was grabbing his shoulder now, shaking him slightly, Mingi swatting his hand away with an annoyed groan. "I don't care, living a long healthy life with Y/N is more important. I never realized through what pain I put them okay.." Mingis hands were clenched, he was visibly distraught.
Of course, he loved boxing, it was his long passion yet he loved you so much more. Enough to give this up to be able to make you not suffer anymore and grow old together.
Getting up now Mingi gets ready to warm up, Yunho following him, the conversation is apparently not over for him yet. "Why all of a sudden?" Voices calmer now, trying to understand his best friend's decision. "I realized what pain I put Y/N through, I want to grow old with them, I want children, want to marry and.. If I someday get injured and can't be saved I would never be able to forgive myself for being so careless with my body." Yunho could understand him, of course, he could. Yunho had been through the same years prior with his wife, yet he never had the potential Mingi had either. "Listen I understand but.. Have you thought this through?" Mingi sends him one last glance, making it known that he is serious.
Leaving the man alone, for now, Yunho goes back to the students he currently has. He can't be mad at Mingi, boxing is dangerous, he knew that, yet it was sad to see a rising star stop mid-air.
"I'm home!" Mingi calls out, noticing the sweet smell of baked goods in the air, making his way to the kitchen. "Mingi! I made some cupcakes! Come on taste them!" Pulling him over, you shove a sweet pastry into his hands, the buttercream decorated with colorful sprinkles. Upon taking a bite, he notices the cream on your face, wiping it away softly with his thump. And now he could see it, this was what he should live for. Your smile, your backed goods, you. Your future children and grandchildren. Growing old together.
Leaning his body down, he presses a kiss to your lips, being able to taste the sweetness of the cupcake he just ate. His hands put the cupcake away to hold your hips softly. "I love you so much, so so much." Pulling you against him, locking your lips again with his own ones. Left hand gliding up to hold the side of your face, his thump caressing your cheek softly.
The rest of the week passes by in a rush, Saturday evening arriving, you're now sitting watching Yunho massage Mingis shoulders talking to him quietly. You were glad that this would be the last time, yet dread filled you knowing you'd have to patch your boyfriend up again after the fight. Soon it started, Yunho walking around the ring, shouting to Mingi who was holding up quite strong. His opponent was not really a big deal for him, Mingi being probably almost double the size of him.
The fight continued, Mingi took in some bad hits but the other one was much worse. Being on the brink of giving up, you could see it on his face. Finally, Mingi got him down, the countdown starting, fans cheering as Mingi threw his fits up into the air. Yunho himself was jumping around screaming happily. Before running over to you and pulling you up, looking confused at Yunho now as he pulls you to the ring Mingi was in, microphone in his hand now.
"I know everyone loves to watch me fight, but despite my joy for it, I never noticed how much I hurt someone dear to me with it. The person who despite being in pain on the inside while watching me, still supported me. The person I want to grow old with." Mingi was talking, reaching out for your hand and pulling you into the ring with Yunho's help, stopping you in the middle. "The person I want children with and I want to marry. So today was my last fight! I will be retiring from fighting, but there is one last thing I have to do in this ring!" Mingi was holding your hand in his, looking into your eyes with so much love and warmth. While you tried to mirror it, you couldn't help the look of confusion.
A gasp now leaving your lips as you watch Mingi get down onto one knee, pulling out a velvet box from his left pocket. Eyes meeting your glassy ones. "You're the love of my life, my motivation.. my lucky charm so will you marry me?" A soft yes was pressed out of your lips, as tears threatened to fall, Mingi put the ring on your finger before standing up, pulling you into his arms and lifting you up. "You just made me the happiest man on earth! I love you so much!" His lips find yours, as the lights of cameras go off around you capturing this memory forever.
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lidiasloca · 1 year
Az with a reader that gets sick super often and so when they first start dating like the reader gets sick they just walk it off?! Like imagine the reader almost faints and has a fever and az gets super worried but the reader is just like I'm used to it?! How would they make the reader take care of themselves and bit take their sickness lightly?? Sorry if this is too long 😭 you can just write about the first part too!
azriel taking care of you when sick
azriel x reader
Dizziness, fainting, spontaneous headaches, prone to get sick. You name it. 
When you were a child, your mother would be the one helping you: sorting your medication, taking care of you when you couldn’t even get out of bed, and more.
But as a teenager, you started to get it all done alone, hardly asking anyone for help. Partly because you hated to be a burden, and also, because, you knew you could perfectly do it yourself. 
Just as you are coping now with a terrible headache. Alone. 
Azriel had asked you this morning if you’d like him to come, but since the headache was already threatening your good mood, you declined, afraid of ruining his day if he spent it with you. 
And now, lying lazily on your bed wearing only a huge ugly shirt, and having got nothing done the whole day, you thank the gods he won’t see you like this. 
As you rise to get yourself something to drink, you feel a wave of acute pain in your temples that makes you groan. 
Once in the kitchen, you lift your mug to your lips, watching from your window the pouring rain. You sigh, your head feeling like a drum, its beating too loud. 
You lift your gaze once again to the landscape, then you see a black spot in the sky, getting closer and closer, and then it isn’t a spot anymore. But wings, a male with with wings. One you know. Azriel.
You run to the door.
The knock on your door makes you speed up, and only once you reach the door, do you let yourself breathe properly. 
“Y/n? Are you okay?” he asks from the other side of the door. “Cassian just told me you have a headache.”
Traitor. You didn't want Azriel to know - you're not sure exactly why.
“Yes, I’m,” When the door is at last open, he just - stares. “I’m fine.”
“Y/n, you’re - you’re very pale,” he says worriedly. 
Well, it may be true you’re feeling a bit dizzy after the run. But you’ve felt dizzy all day, so.
Maybe not this dizzy, you think as your vision blacks out. 
You open your eyes, the light making you squint. 
You’re in your bed again, you realize. He has put you here himself. He-
“Az?” you get out, your mouth feeling dry. 
Light footsteps getting closer make you turn your head, and when that doesn’t work, you try to sit up. 
“No, no. Get down,” Azriel says, coming to kneel to your side, and softly pulling your shoulders down, making you lay again.
You obey silently.  “You fainted, y/n.” You do not miss in the way his eyes shine with concern. It makes you oddly… happy, that he worries for you.
“Yeah, it happens sometimes," you explain nonchalantly.  
He looks up to you swiftly. His eyebrows raised as he asks, “Is this normal for you?”
You hum. “Well - yes, sort of. I get sick very often.”
“Oh,” you see how hard he’s trying not to look shocked. “And fainting? Do you also faint often?”
You nod.
“And who’s,” he says but tries again, differently. “I mean, is there someone to help you when you’re sick?”
You shake your head, not sure what words to choose. 
“That’s - no.” He holds your gaze, sweetly but somehow sternly as well. “There should be someone. Just in case.”
You chuckle, his authoritative demeanor is amusing.
“Y/n, I can help you.” Your brows furrow, your smile fading into confusion. When he senses your doubt, he adds, “Well - at least let me help you now. Please.”
“I’m fine, Az. Really.” You smile kindly. “But thank you.”
“Oh, no, sorry, I phrased it wrongly; I’m not asking.”
You stop smiling again, your brows raised in surprise. “What?” you ask as he stands up. 
But he dismisses your question. “I’m going to make you something to eat. You stay here resting.”
Instead of replying to your complaint, he places the back of his hand on your forehead. “You're very hot,” he whispers.
He moves his hand from your forehead to your cheek in a caress, assessing you. Your breath gets caught in your throat. “Let me, okay?”
You stare at him silently. “Okay,” you whisper eventually, defeated, and most definitely distracted.
A beautiful smile blooms on his face; triumphant. 
“Thank you.”
-Characters by Sarah J. Maas
I know this has nothing to do with the fic but, "I, Carrion (Icarian)" by Hozier is... i literally have no words. It's like one of the best songs ever. omg it's just so good. If you're reading this, pls give it a shot, it's so incredibly good. i mean the whole album is greaaaaat. wow.
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katyaromanoffpetrova · 3 months
2 + 1 = 3
Maya is six and will be placed in foster care soon, much to Katya's fear and pain, but Natasha has other ideas.
• Natasha Romanoff x Fem!OC • Wordcount: 1.4k • Warnings: none •A/N: thank you for this idea @drama2005 ! I can't believe I never wrote this scene before. Masterlist
Do not repost my work as your own or translate my work!!
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Katya crashed into Natasha's body with a sigh, nearly knocking a pan out of her hand in the process. Technically, she didn't have ''shifts'' at the orphanage, but ever since Thanos was defeated and half the world was blipped back, it was chaos. 
In the midst of that chaos, she—and the rest of her staff—was trying to get the orphaned kids back with their blipped-back parents or family as fast as she could, before the government could come up with some law that prevented it, or made it more difficult. 
It meant lots of paperwork, lots of research, and lots of calling around, all while caring for the kids and trying to keep their environment as stable as possible. Most of them were confused, lost, and didn't know what was going on and what was going to happen. Some had trouble eating, others had trouble sleeping. A lot of tears were shed on a daily basis. Katya tried to be there for them as best she could.
''Another four kids were picked up today by family,'' she mumbled as Natasha set the pan down and wrapped her slumped body into a tight hug.
The redhead hummed, slowly caressing her oily, dark hair. The physical affection was getting more frequent and started to feel like the time before Thanos again. It made her incredibly happy. ''Isn't that a good thing?''
Katya sighed again, reluctantly peeling her face from Natasha's shoulder. ''Yeah, but…'' Dark eyebags stuck out from her pale face like blood in snow, her eyelids heavy like they were being pulled down by strings, but funnily enough, Natasha worried less about her now than a month ago. 
''But what?'' She asked softly, her hands on Katya's cheeks, lightly caressing her cheekbones with her thumbs.
''I don't know.'' Katya looked away from her, around the plainfully plain kitchen and the even plainer living room. They'd only moved into their lake house three weeks ago. ''I spent the last five years with them, I'm kind of sad to see them go, even if I'm really happy for them to be back where they belong.''
''What about—''
''She isn't getting picked up, Nat,'' Katya sharply cut her off, the frustration that she felt accidentally slipping out. The hopes she had for a happy ending for her favorite kid were getting more crushed by the day. ''She doesn't have anyone coming back for her. Her parents are dead-dead, not blipped, and the family we tried to contact doesn't want anything to do with her.'' Her jaw tensed. ''Makes me want to track them down, and—''
''Hey, hey.'' This time, Natasha cut her off before she could get angry, gently turning her head back towards her. ''She'll be okay.''
''No, she won't. She's fragile and sensitive, and she's going to end up in foster care, where there's creeps who take advantage of a sweet girl like her—'' Katya caught herself this time, taking a deep breath in and out until the deep crease on her forehead disappeared. She just felt so powerless. Pitifully, she buried her face in Natasha's shoulder again. ''I'm scared and sad for her.''
''I know, I know.'' Natasha rubbed her back, barely hearing what her wife said. Her mind was reeling with thoughts it had before, or maybe it were dreams. Anyhow, they were worthless back then, wrongly timed, but now… She took a deep breath and took the leap. ''Why doesn't she come and live with us?''
Katya didn't react like she thought she would. The brunette didn't move a muscle, mumbling into Natasha's shirt. ''I thought of it, but… I didn't think you'd want that.''
''Honey, it's been the two of us for five years now. This place could use some life.''
Carefully, Katya picked her head up, as if she was scared she was being pranked. ''Really?''
''Yes.'' Natasha smiled carefully, seeing the hope flare up in her wife's eyes. ''We have two empty bedrooms upstairs. One could be hers.''
Katya fully perked up, her mind going crazy with plans and ideas. ''Until we can find a good family for her. It'll give us time to vet check them.''
Ah. That's why she didn't react surprised before. She thought that Natasha meant the girl would only be staying temporarily. She never thought that she would suggest adopting. 
Weird excitement caused Natasha to contain a smile as she prepared to give Katya the biggest shock of her life. ''Actually, I was talking about a permanent stay.''
Katya froze, her eyes widening. It was nearly comical how it took her a few seconds to process. ''Per— You mean adopting her.''
''We've always talked about kids. We know her, she knows us, it feels right.'' Natasha seemingly spoke very casually about it, but her heart raced in her chest. ''Don't tell me you haven't thought about it.''
''Not thoroughly,'' Katya answered slowly, wide-eyed. ''It flashed across my mind, but I didn't think you'd want it this fast. Not after…'' Natasha nudged her chin up when she saw that Katya was mentally drifting to a bad place. The brunette shook her head, breathing out hard. ''Everything is just back on track. We are just starting to come together again.''
''True, but I doubt the adoption process is that fast. We probably still have a month or two to get used to the idea.'' 
She had completely knocked Katya into a state of disorientation and disbelief. The woman was just staring at her, lips slightly parted, as she tried to comprehend the entirety of what she was implying. Usually, Katya was the dreamer, and Natasha the realist. So this was by far the most unexpected thing Katya had ever expected to come out of her wife's mouth.
Natasha nodded, running her hands down Katya's arms until she could hold her hands tightly, giving them a reassuring squeeze. ''I've wanted nothing more than a family with you my whole life. You know my silent dream of being a mom. Maya's—''
''Perfect,'' Katya breathed, starting to get on board with this crazy dream.
Natasha nodded again. Maya was perfect, damaged and all. ''She came onto our path for a reason, Kat.''
''I thought you weren't superstitious,'' Katya teased. Natasha half-heartedly rolled her eyes.
''Well, after the twists and turns our lives have taken, and the place we ended up, how can I not be? I got everything I wanted. Peace, a home, you.'' She let go of one of Katya's hands to pull her closer by her hip. A light blush spread across the brunette's cheeks. ''There's only one thing missing, and I feel like it's her.''
Katya could barely contain her excitement. She wanted to take that leap of happiness with Natasha, but cautiousness slipped into her system after everything that happened. ''Can we even adopt? With our past, it's not exactly the best background to raise a kid.''
''Well, we did save the world… twice. And the universe… once, so who better to raise a kid than that?'' Natasha shrugged with a smirk. ''Besides, if Tony Stark, of all people, can raise a half decent kid like Morgan, then surely we can too.''
Katya snorted, untangling her hand from Natasha's to drape her arms over her shoulders. Their fronts were pressed together, creating an intimate bubble filled with pure bliss. ''It's a big responsibility,'' she muttered, staring deeply into those warm, familiar green eyes.
''And nothing we can't handle together.''
Natasha's confidence was contagious. Katya's heart beat with hope. ''You're serious?''
''Dead serious,'' Natasha promised, pulling her hips closer. Motherhood was the last thing she would ever think lightly about. ''Do you want this too?''
Katya breathed out a disbelieving laugh, shaking her head slowly. ''More than I want to kiss you, and I really want to kiss you right now.''
Natasha smiled joyfully. ''Then I'm in if you're in.''
Her answer came in the form of a lovesick look that meant a thousand words. The love poured out of Katya's eyes as she stared at her wife in excited disbelief. They were doing this. They were finally going to have that family they always dreamed of. 
The road may have been long, and incredibly, incredibly difficult at times, but this was where they were always meant to end up. Together, safely, as a family. Fate had a weird way of working out exactly like it was supposed to.
''I love you,'' Katya whispered, affection dripping from every syllable so heavily that Natasha felt her knees weaken.
''I love you too.''
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whatthebodygraspsnot · 5 months
“I went to the gym, so I will be able to hold you up even longer” 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
“I went to the gym, so I will be able to hold you up even longer” additional tags: (wrongly) assumed infidelity, miscommunication that gets resolved, this must be an au bc mickey would obv never interrupt his own sleep to leave the apartment
Mickey steps carefully into their apartment, taking great care to shut the door without being too loud. He closes it with barely a click. But nothing can prepare him for what happens next.
When Mickey turns, it’s like he’s stepped right into a 90s romantic drama, the single floor lamp clicking on to shine in a perfect spotlight, revealing where his husband is very much awake, and very much waiting for his return.
He’s sitting on the couch. Tucked up in his bathrobe and the most unimpressed frown.
“Who is he?”
Mickey glances from left to right. Behind himself. Looks at Ian again, his heart still pounding in his chest from the startle. “Who’s who?”
“Don’t gimme that.” And now Ian’s standing up, gathering his robe around himself as he prepares to fire off The Chin. “You disappear every night - yes, I noticed,” he states before Mickey can interrupt. “Bring a bag with you… Come home sweaty… I know you think you’re sneaky, but you’re fucking bad at hiding this, Mickey.”
It takes a second for everything to sink in. For the endorphins from the last couple hours to start pumping upward into his brain this time. 
And… Damn.
Ian caught him.
To be perfectly honest, Mickey thought he was getting away with this shit - was being real cagey and everything too - even getting a shower in before sliding back into bed with him.
“Two hours. That enough to meet up with him and do what you gotta do?”
Meet up with who? Yeah right. “You think I can get somebody out at this hour?” Mickey asks, his confusion starting to put him on edge. “Been doing this shit all on my own. Well-... I mean ‘cept for the other handful of guys who show up sometimes…”
And the way Ian’s eyebrows rise is almost as startling as how he stops in his tracks, repeating the words back to him with dragged out intensity. “‘Handful of guys’...?”
It’s got Mickey slugging his bag off his shoulder, the dramatics of it all really killing his high. “Christ, Ian. What’re you bein’ so bitchy for-”
“What am I being bitchy for.” There he goes again, repeating shit. Like he can’t believe what he’s hearing. “Mickey are you fucking serious?”
“Yeah - what - I was doin’ this shit for you, anyway. Thought you’d at least be excited about it.”
Oh. Fuck. Ian does not like that. “Excited?” Off comes the robe, in a flurry of angry movements. He’s running hot, and not in a good way. “Why the fuck would I be excited about my husband cheating on me!”
And it’s-...
Wait a second.
“You thought you could go out every night and meet up with a ‘handful of guys’ and I’d be jumping for joy?” He sure is using air quotes like he’s having a good time with it, but no no no-
“What the-...” Mickey shakes his head, trying to clear the air because holy fuck, “I ain’t fuckin’ cheating on you, Ian - the hell?”
“You just said-” 
“Christ, you think I’m out bangin’ other dudes?”
“Wuh-...! You-...!”
Mickey rubs a hand over his mouth, everything suddenly making a whole lot of sense. The dramatics. The theater of it all. Ian was catching him coming home from the act, but ‘the act’ ended up being two very different things in their respective heads.
“Holy shit,” Mickey breathes out, going for his bag so he can put that thought immediately out of Ian’s head. “Look.”
He tugs the zipper open. Starts dumping out its contents on the floor right between them - his gym shoes - his old-ass iPod - a workout shirt - socks that stink so bad that they’re all he really needed to avoid all this. One whiff would’ve immediately made things clear.
But it’s enough now. Ian is slowly putting all the pieces together, the worry in his brow evening out and his chin returning to normal pointedness. Finally.
“You…” you says, hope returning. “You’ve been…going to the gym…?”
Mickey gestures to the pile of clothes in between them, his tone evening into something honest. “Yeah, man. Thought you wouldn’t notice once you knocked out…”
Ian eyes over everything one more time. Then slowly, his lips pull into a small pout, those eyes flicking away. “I notice every time you’re not in bed.” ‘Bitch.’ He wants to add it so bad. Mickey can practically see it trying to break through.
But he doesn’t. And there’s something so sheepish and honest and vulnerable about it, that Mickey can’t help but smile, peace returning as he stuffs his clothes and shoes back into his bag. “Fuck would I ever cheat on you for, ya dummy?”
A beat passes. Thoughts lingering. “I dunno… I just thought-...” 
“Well stop.” It sure makes a lot of sense, though. Now that he sees it through that lens. Fuck, he’d probably think the same thing if their roles were switched. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to getchya all riled up…”
“S’okay…” Ian watches as Mickey gets himself sorted. Still has a lot of questions trying to get out - he can tell. And it starts with this one. “What do you mean you were doing this for me?”
It’s the correct one - right away. And Mickey’s glad he asked, actually. Because if he must know…
The floorboards creak beneath his shoes as he steps up into Ian’s space, his muscles warmed up and ready enough to finally show off his skills. 
And when he does it - when he wrangles his giant-ass husband in and hauls him up until he's got those thick thighs straddling his waist, Ian’s startle and wide eyes say it all as Mickey slots him up against the wall - all two hundred pounds - keeping him held up in his arms.
“Been goin’ to the gym so I can lift ya,” he preens, impressed with his own strength.
Because he’s been working for this moment. For the look of sheer shock in Ian’s eyes from the rush of it - how it simmers into delight and pride and something much, much steamier the longer he holds him up.
And damn, that little breathy, impressed laugh that huffs out between them. “Fuck, Mick…”
Oh yeah. This is what all that 2am weightlifting has been for.
“You like that, huh?” Mickey grins, the atmosphere shifting familiar and fun - heavy in a good way. “This do it for ya?”
From his arms, Ian nods, his bottom lip caught between his teeth as he takes a second to eat Mickey up with his eyes, those big arms wrapping around the back of his neck. 
He probably thought he was doing a decent job at hiding how hot he gets with this - when Mickey can make him feel small and moveable. 
They’re both absolute dogshit at keeping secrets, it turns out.
[ send me a smutty one-liner ]
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fluentmoviequoter · 3 months
You're Everything You Need
Requested by @elephants-bubbles-brachosauruses! I hope you like it!
Pairing: Jim Street x fem!reader
Summary: You're feeling pressured to look and act a certain way, and when all you want is to enjoy a meal without being watched or judged, your boyfriend Jim Street reminds you that you're everything you need.
Warnings: depictions of insecurity/misplaced identity, angst, fluff and comfort
Word Count: 1.5k+ words
Masterlist Directory | Jim Street Masterlist | Request Info\Fandom List
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“Street, drinks are on Hondo tonight!” Luca calls across the locker room.
“I can't tonight,” Street replies.
“What’s better than free drinks?” Tan asks.
“His beautiful girlfriend,” Deacon, Chris, and Luca answer simultaneously. Chris adds, “She is great, though.”
“Why don’t you bring her out with us more?” Luca inquires. “You know we’d love to have her.”
“Yeah, just…” Street trails off, trying to find the right words to explain what he’s thinking.
“I get it,” Deacon comments. “You’re embarrassed by us.”
“One of you for sure,” Street plays along. “Tan, I’m sorry, bro.”
“Seriously, Street, invite her out with us this week,” Chris encourages.
“I’ll extend the invitation, but she may not be down for it. She’s… I think I know a different version of her than you do.”
Deacon nods while Tan and Luca furrow their brows. Street can’t explain it differently, but the way that he knows you is specific, it’s deep, and he’s seen firsthand that you are most comfortable when you’re on your own. You are the prettiest girl Street has ever seen, he loves you more than he’ll ever be able to say, but sometimes he thinks your identity has been wrongly placed in the surface-level compliments and expectations around you.
As Street leaves the locker room, he decides to drop by your place and surprise you. You don’t have a date planned, and though he could call ahead, the idea doesn’t sound as appealing as finding you in sweatpants, with your hair up and relaxing on the sofa – the perfect, content version of you he’s grown to know and love.
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The door clicks behind you as you enter your home, and your shoulders sag with your sigh. You have a full life, nothing is missing; you work, you play, but no matter what you do, your appearance becomes you. Every compliment is about you being the ‘pretty girl’ or commenting on your appearance. While you can appreciate the kindness in the comments, it has become more of a chain than a privilege. When you’re complimented on one thing, you wonder why something else isn’t good enough, and you’ve unknowingly and unwillingly fallen into a cycle of pressure to look a certain way all of the time. Under that pressure is a borderline irrational fear that you won’t be loved or desired if you don’t live up to the expectations you’ve built for yourself out of what people say and think of you. Deep down, you know that being and looking a certain way all of the time isn’t the most important part of your life, but some days, like today, you just want to exist without being looked at, without feeling the pressure of eyes and judgment on you at all times.
After you change, you sit on your couch and turn on your comfort show. In your favorite pair of sweatpants with your hair pulled back, you sink against the cushions and relax for the first time in too long. You’re harshly pulled from this new and restorative experience by a knock on your door. Looking down at your outfit, you know you can’t answer the door like this. A moment later, however, the lock clicks as it unlocks, then the door opens.
“Street,” you breathe out in relief. “I didn’t know you were coming over.”
Street smiles when he sees you, comfortable and happy. He locks the door behind him, then sits at your side and invites you to recline against his chest. In moments like this, when it’s just you and him, you don’t scroll through your phone or get distracted by things or people around you. No, you’re completely comfortable when you’re on your own.
“How was your day?” you ask.
“It was good. I missed you,” he answers. “We need to spend more time together.”
“That sounds nice.”
“Have I ever told you how great-“ your breath catches as Street begins his compliment – “it is to be loved by you?”
You exhale as he finishes, but a new, tangible pressure builds behind your eyes. Street watches your face as he begins to connect the dots. You haven’t been yourself the last few days, and he wants to help you find the girl you really are, the one he loves. Whatever happened to you, he’d bet that it has nothing to do with you. Someone did this to you, intentional or not, and he’s going to remind you that you are all you need and all he needs, even if it takes until his last breath.
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When Street returns at the end of the week to pick you up for date night, you meet him at the door. The moment it closes, your worries and the pressure you feel push everything over.
“Do I look alright?” you ask quickly.
“Yeah,” Street replies. He takes your hand and assures you, “You always do.”
“Street, I’m sorry, but… I don’t want to go out tonight. I know we’re dressed and ready and everything, but we can just stay here, and I can make us something.”
Street’s hand drops away from yours, but you don’t have time to wonder why before he pulls you closer by your waist. “Honey,” he murmurs kindly. “What’s the matter?”
You exhale, and Street pushes his thumbs against your stomach gently.
“It sounds stupid,” you whisper. “And it’s complicated.”
“But you’ll let me try to understand?”
“I… I feel like there’s been a lot of pressure on me to wake up every day and look amazing.”
Street tilts his head to the side and says, “You’re the prettiest thing in the world.”
“I don’t want to feel the pressure though, Street. I want to be me without feeling like I’m disappointing people. There’s more to me than what I look like but that’s all that matters.”
“Hey listen.” You keep your eyes on Street’s chest, and he repeats, “Listen. We don’t have to go anywhere. We can stay right here as long as you want. But I need you to know that the people closest to you, those of us who are lucky enough to get to love you, we love you just the way you are. So don’t you change or think that you have to look perfect every moment of every day.” He squeezes your waist as he whispers, “Though I think you look beautiful no matter what you do.”
Street isn’t sure who is included in his next thought, but as he thinks look at what we’ve done to the girl he knows that he needs to be part of the solution. You aren’t loveable or desirable because of how you look each day, but because of everything inside of you and the love you give.
“And if people stop caring about me or seeing me?” you question.
“Then there’s more room for me. All that matters is who you wanna be, ‘cause you’re everything you need. You’re everything I need.”
You nod quickly, then wrap your arms around Street’s shoulders. His grip tightens on your waist, and in his arms, you truly hear what he is saying.
“Thank you,” you say against his shoulder. “For loving me for who I am, even if I don’t look amazing all the time.”
“Oh, so now you’re lying,” Street exclaims. “You’re gorgeous, no matter what. And sweatpants are one of your best looks.”
“Shut up,” you murmur. “You know what I want?”
“Probably something that requires a lot of work and ingredients you don’t have.”
“Pasta. All I want is to eat a bunch of pasta without anyone looking at me or caring.”
Street waits for you to lean back and look into his eyes to point out, “You said you’d cook, so…”
You roll your eyes and raise your hands to either side of Street’s face. His dimples appear when he smiles, and you rub your thumbs beside them.
“Your pasta is as great as you,” Street says.
“Now you’re just trying to butter me up,” you accuse.
“Is it working?”
“We’ll see.”
You kiss him, and every bit of pressure you’ve felt disappears. If you’re the prettiest thing in Jim Street’s world, then you have no reason to be worried.
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A week later, you are feeling confident in your own skin again. You wear what you want, treat yourself how you want, and don’t rely on the comments and compliments of others to decide if you did well enough or are enough. Besides, you’ve got Street on your side, and you know he will always tell you the truth.
Tonight, you’re going out with his team. He hasn’t told you where they’re meeting yet, but he encouraged you to dress casually and comfortably. He also made you promise to keep being yourself, the you who loves him. That’s a promise you plan to keep for yourself and him.
“You ready?” Street asks from outside your door.
You open the door, and his bright smile is all the reply you need. “Where are we going?” you ask again.
“To get dinner,” he answers simply.
“At a restaurant.”
“What do they serve?”
You throw a playful punch at Street, but he catches your hand and uses a modified takedown maneuver to pull you against his chest. Street kisses you slowly, and his hands move along your back as you remember that you have made your own way and need to do your own thing. Thanks to Street, you are learning all the good you’ve got, instead of trying to be someone you’re not.
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oleander-nin · 11 months
Horrortober Day 31- Trapped(Yandere Rise Leo x Reader)
A/N, not important: LETS GO! I DID IT! 31 DAYS OF POSTING! I'm probably going to revisit a lot of the ideas I had because the time constraint made it so I couldn't do as much as I wanted, but I'm still very happy with this. Sorry this fic's kinda all over the place, I started having trouble finishing it so I just went for it and now it's really... Off. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Alcohol, being trapped in a vehicle, party, underage drinking, kidnapping, unedited.
Words: 2005
Summary: Leo was the wrong person to call.
The phone in your hand rings a couple more times, your eyes darting back and forth between the lit up house and the dark street. The music was still blaring from inside, speakers pretty much pressed against the windows for mass volume. You could feel the ground vibrate beneath you, the trash and people littered on the lawn making the whole house look like a disaster waiting to happen. You can barely hear your phone’s ringing that signified your call was going through over the loud sound, the lights leaking out the window making you even more nauseous. You could feel the mistakes of the night take a toll on your body, the accidentally consumed alcohol making your mind fuzzy. The bitter taste should have tipped you off, but you wrongly assumed it was just from the carbonation. You hadn’t even fully realized what was in your drink until the third sip, your mind fogging over and making you panic.
The phone buzzes as Leo’s muffled voice finally comes through, breaking you from your stupor. You lift the phone fully to your ear, trying to think of what to say. You blink as you stare forwards, unsure what to do. You had forgotten why you called him, unable to think as you stare out onto the dim street.
“I think I want to go home.” You mumble, picking at the sleeves of your costume. The white button up of your vampire suit was starchy, and you swore you could feel it burning your skin. You wanted it off. You nod, agreeing with your own words as your voice starts to perk up. “Yeah, yeah. I do. Can you come pick me up? Please? My uh… My ride is gone.”
Leo’s quiet for a moment, and your stomach drops as you worry he’s going to leave you here. You look back at the house, not wanting to go talk to anyone there and beg for a ride. The one person you knew here had already left, leaving you behind with a cup of spiked punch while swearing it was clean.
“I’ll be there in a bit. Hang tight.” Leo responds, his voice softer than you usually know it to be. You open your mouth to respond, but your phone turns off, Leo’s contact shining brightly. You stare at the screen, feeling miffed. He hung up so quickly, you hadn’t even told him where you were. You sit down on the grass, the long cape acting as a small buffer between your pants and the ground. You watch the air around you while you goof off on your phone, waiting for a familiar blue portal to open up next to you. You open up his contacts, deciding he just didn’t know where you were, but the loud hum of an engine makes you stop.
Coming down the road was the turtle tank, it’s fortified outside looking daunting as it comes towards you. One of the people on the lawn starts to shout happily at the sight of the tank, a plastic cup full of foul smelling liquid hitting the side. You grimace, knowing Donnie was going to make you scrub it from top to bottom once he notices.
You walk up to the door and let yourself in, Leo’s impatient form sitting at the front of the tank. He pats the seat next to him as the door locks behind you, his eyes glued to the windshield and the road it showed.
“Thank you,” You mumble as you sit down, frowning at his silence. Leo was never this quiet. He always had something to say, especially to you, and his new attitude worried you. You shift awkwardly while he just nods and starts to roll the tank down the road, his free leg bouncing erratically.
“Was it worth it?” He finally asks, after you had driven at least a mile down in silence. You look up at Leo, surprised that was his first question. He doesn’t look at you, his jaw ticked to the side while he concentrates on the road. His body was slumped in the seat, his posture screaming relaxed if not for the erratic bouncing of his leg. 
You chew on your cheek, unsure how to respond. His eyes dart to you, waiting for your answer, but you stay quiet. You know he was asking about the party, but his question was too broad to make it into your buzzed brain. Leo waits a minute more for you to answer before letting out a dramatic sigh, his eyes rolling in their sockets.
“Was going to this stupid party worth blowing us off? Did you have more fun here?”
You stare at Leo, shrinking down. His words made you feel guilty, your hands fiddling with the cuffs of your sleeves once more. 
“I didn’t blow you off. I just made other plans.” You explain, trying to defend your decision to attend the party instead of the gathering the Hamato’s had every year. Leo breathes harshly through his nose, clearly not pleased. He plasters a smile on his face, looking at you cheekily.
“Oh I’m sorry. I must’ve forgotten you didn’t inform us of your plan change until three hours ago.”
You wilt in your seat, smiling weakly at the mutant. Leo turns back to the road, his hands gripping the tank’s steering wheel tighter than needed. Silence settles over you both once more, the tense and awkward atmosphere making you uncomfortable. You didn’t know what to say, trying to think of how to mend it. You felt bad, but in that moment, you really wanted to go to this party.
“You smell awful, by the way.” Leo remarks, glancing over at you. Your face heats as you scowl, no longer feeling guilty. He opens his mouth again, whether to insult you or to apologize, you didn’t care.
“When you go to a party with alcohol, you’re going to end up smelling like it.” You say coldly, no longer caring to try and mend the rift. Leo sighs, tapping his hands on the wheel while he tilts his head to the side.
“Did you drink?”
“Not on purpose.”
Leo looks at you, his brow-line furrowed and concern in his eyes. “Explain.”
“My friend gave me a spiked punch cup. Not sure if it was on purpose or not, but I ended up drinking a couple sips before realizing.” You bring your knees into the seat, curling up. Your eyes were heavy, and your body was starting to protest the late time you were up.
“I don’t like that.” Leo says slowly, his usually jovial attitude gone. You didn’t like how cold he was tonight, even if he seemed to be trying. His annoyance with you was making you more and more upset, your muddled brain taking everything much too dramatically.
“I never asked.” You retort. “And I wanted a ride home, not a lecture. It’s my Halloween, and this is what I wanted to do.”
“So you wanted to drink underage, got it.” Leo says sarcastically, his eyes darkening. You groan, rubbing your face as you try not to snap at him. 
“20 is barely underage, and I wouldn’t have called you if I knew you were going to be such a jerk tonight.”
Leo’s eye twitches as he slams on the brakes to pull into a parking lot, shaking you in your seat and making you grab onto the control panel for support. Leo puts the tank in park before unbuckling his seat belt and turning his chair to look at you, an irritated look on his usually relaxed face. 
You look at him, stunned. Leo wasn’t usually someone to act so huffy, so this whole night was a surprise. You wait for him to speak, to explain, but he doesn’t. Leo just continues to stare at you, his chin in his hands while his eyes look you up and down. You unbuckle your own seatbelt, standing up. You were tired of whatever fit Leo was throwing, and if he wasn’t going to take you home, you’d figure out how to go yourself.
You reach out for the handle that would open the door, grumbling all the way from the annoyance at Leo’s weird attitude. You snatch your hand back as alarms begin to blare and every outside entrance and view is shuttered, Donnie’s recorded voice coming over the speakers to announce the tank’s lockdown. You look over at Leo with wide eyes, his hand still on the button. He slowly slides it back, putting his chin in his hand once more.
“Oops.” He teases, grinning slyly. You stare at Leo, enraged at his actions. The childish behavior made you want to scream, to pull your hair out or to smash everything in vicinity.
“What was that?!” You demand, gesturing wildly to the now shuttered and locked door. Leo shrugs, still grinning like he didn’t care you were both now trapped for 24 hours or until Donnie came and figured out how to undo the lockdown.
“You tried to leave. I still want to talk with you.” He says simply. You stare at him, bewildered. Every word that was coming out of his mouth was making you more and more furious, the anger building threatening to burst.
“I have to get home!” You protest, throwing your hands into the air with frustration.
Leo leans back in his chair, crossing one leg over the other and his arms over his chest. “You weren’t going home, you were going back to that dingy apartment.”
“That is home.” You seethe, trying to not panic.
Leo stares at you, his eyes boring into your own while you slowly back down. His gaze was unnerving, like he was possessed and wasn’t himself. The last time you saw him like this, Raph had to hold him back from what he tried to do. You shudder, stepping back. You didn’t want to poke at his nerves when you were stuck with him for this long.
“I think it’s time I really brought you home.” Leo muses, seemingly thinking aloud rather than trying to tell you something. You look over at him, blinking slowly as you process what he said.
“You locked the tank. You can’t bring me home.”
“I’m not talking about that stupid apartment you insist on staying at.” Leo refutes, grimacing at the thought of your residence. You glare at him, not appreciating his words towards the place you worked so hard to get and maintain. “I’m talking about where you belong.”
“Yeah, in my bed, and not Donnie’s tank.” You grumble, making Leo snort. He stands up, coming up to you and taking your hand. You look at him questioningly, hesitantly turning to meet him. Leo squeezes your hand, smiling softly.
“I’m serious. I’m going to take you home once the lockdown’s over. You’ll be happy, and I’ll keep you safe. No more parties, no more stupid spiked drinks. You’ll be with me, like how it’s supposed to be.”
You furrow your brow, trying to take your hands from Leo, but he holds firm. You nervously laugh while trying to break free from his grip, unease starting to build up. “Ha ha, very funny Leo. Now let go, you’re starting to freak me out.”
Leo shakes his head, straightening up as he looks brightly at you. “I’m serious. I’ve been trying to think of a good time to bring it up, but after your little party stunt, I figured now was better than never. You’re coming home, whether you like it or not.”
You stare at the mutant, fully starting to panic now. Seeing the timer slowly ticking down helped hammer it in, your stomach lurching as your mind starts to shut down. Leo smiles, pulling you into his arms and rubbing your back soothingly, pretending like he wasn’t trying to uproot you from everything you knew. You had 24 hours stuck with him, and 24 hours of him to break you down. You really hoped you could last.
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mumifyy · 7 months
Can I please request a Vox x Angel Female Reader?
Who just took Vox's Heart(Not literally ofcourse) with just a simple smile and wave
A/N: Ooo this is so cute 😭🙏 // also this is not proof-read!
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Originally, you had died giving away your life for your sickly mother and ended up in heaven.
Only months had passed when you were in Heaven until you were wrongly sent to hell cause someone had framed you.
You didn’t loose your halo nor wings so you had to hide them which was hard but you managed
While looking for a job in hell to actually live, you came across Vox walking down the opposite side of you
You didn’t really know who he was all you knew is that he was famous considering all of the paparazzi following him around (he’s enjoying tf outta it)
Vox’s face was stoic so you did your usual smile and wave and walked past him to be on your way
Unlike the paparazzi, Vox noticed your sweet smile and looked shocked, looking down at the paparazzi and shooing them away angrily before looking at your now disappeared figure.
He was bummed of course but brushed it off as a fan girl
Except he thought about you every once in a while
How could anybody IN HELL smile and wave????
He only saw that on earth?
That’s when he started to look for you on the cameras
Everytime he saw you in the cameras he blushed like crazy
Vox wondered why such an angelic person like you ended up in hell
So when you came into his building asking for work he instantly put you as his personal assistant
You barely worked only just getting him coffee and staying by his side
You didn’t mind working like that for a shit ton of cash coming your way
Not like you needed it badly
But you enjoyed it
You soon came to love being around him
You knew he was dangerous but you didn’t care
After a while you guys started going on outings
He paid for everything and was an absolute gentleman for you
But in the inside was gushing over how pretty you looked in your sundress
After a a couple months or so he starting to court you
Giving you flowers and more hugs then usual
And finally after a week of him doing this
He asked you out and you both had a great time
Soon also asking you to be his girlfriend
You said yes ofc (I hope so cause why you reading this if no 🤨)
General head cannons lols
Vox definitely flirts with you behind doors
And in public
Gives you flowers every now and then
Whenever he’s working, you’ll just come in there and give him your cookies you had just baked and give him a kiss and leave
You wouldn’t even be able to cause now your on his lap feeding him the cookies you made
He LOVES making you flustered
Definitely smacks your ass just randomly
Will sometimes just kiss you on the cheeks and gush over you
“Jesus fuck babe I love you I can’t even get enough of you”
LOVES spooning you
Tells you he hates it when you dot on him but loves it secretly and you know it
Definitely sleeps with the ‘V’ logo on his screen like the DVD thingy
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Whenever your on your period he’ll cancel most the stuff he has to do for work and comfort you the best he can
WILL invite you to some podcasts
And will show you off like
“This is my girlfriend, the best girlfriend, the most BEAUTIFUL girlfriend, and I love her.”
“and y’all can’t have her.”
While sometimes bury his face in your chest after a long day
Is an ass man 🙏
He’s prolly both actually Ngl..
More of an ass man though :P
Will do skincare with you (he was forced)
“Babe what’s the point of doing this when my head is a TV???”
“Oh yeah…. I forgot about that”
“I’m gonna change your channel-“
You: *puts on any kind of chapstick or lip product*
Vox: “what’s the flavor?”
Before you can even answer he kisses you
Vox: “mmmm Vanilla”
He loves Vanilla and coffee
Or lavender
If you where any perfume like it he’ll just *SNNNNIIIIIIIFFFFFFF*
“Mm.. you smell” *sniffs your neck* “so good what are you wearing??”
WILL spoil tf outta you
Loves when you make any kind of handmade gift
It’s better than any kind of store bought gift
Like the TikTok’s of the handmade cards of just TONS of reasons why you love him
He would gush and hug you <3
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broken-mandolin0357 · 4 months
BTS and their Indian! S/O
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BTS - 방탄소년단
✣ They happen to have a Indian S/O and so they finally experience some Indian shenanigans || Crack, Headcanons, Fluff|| boyfriend! bts x reader| Fem!Reader|
✣ this is my first post, hope you all enjoy it! This is no insult to anyone in particular, all is in good hearted manner, apologies for any mistakes, tell me if there is anything offensive, I will remove it, but this is not meant to marginalize anyone, just something I wanted to write out. Not to offend anyone or put hate on anyone or anything. Also Hindu! Reader.
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Kim Seokjin - 김석진
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☍ Seokjin with an Indian! S/O is a match made in heaven; you both come from big and divine cultures where you have a lot of amazing food and very pretty people! Seokjin is going to be so happy seeing his Indian! S/O, who is not afraid to show off their culture too other people.
☍ If there is one thing Seokjin loves about India, it's India's food, doesn't matter if it's street food or high class restaurant food, he enjoys street food more often though, enjoying Pani-puri, dahi puri, chaat, dabeli, vada pav, pav bhaji, omelets, etc. Does not care what it is, he is not afraid to try new things!
☍ He wants to see you in all the ethnic dresses of India!!! And now he realizes, how many sarees an Indian woman can have, some of which dates back to eight generations and how expensive they actually are, gets mental break down seeing how many sarees and clothing you have.
☍ Also he no longer does any maths, he asks you to do it and you do in your mind wayyy quickly than anyone else, cause you know Indian's love for maths and anger reach everybody...
☍ He was so shocked to see how less of meat consumption there is in India, literally all the food is vegetarian and so amazing! He packs up bags of foods from family events, weddings, hotels, restaurants and what not to bring to the members so they could try it....
☍ Literally always the victim of aunties bullying how call him, "Gorahae...." and maybe "girlish" always having emotional damage form your family, but all the aunties also fawn over him, feeding him, caring for him oh so gently, while treating you like shit....
☍ He also just I N H A L E S Indian sweets or pani puri, does not matter, he also loves the soda sold on streets, like the tingly feeling on his tongue...He sees how underdeveloped the country is but how caring, traditional, respectful and beautiful it is, nothing like how the Western movies perceive it to be!!!!
☍ Also, you know how women make their husbands pick out of so many beautiful choodees, some made of glass, some of china, some of metal, yeah he wants to buy all, not for you sometimes though, no for himself so he looks pretty just like you!
☍ Oh! He sees how often Indians wear gold, like pure gold is worn by children, who have no sense of money and just put it in their mouths, but every single person he sees has at-least something made of gold on them, might be fake but the amount of gold there is, it's scares him....
☍ Please take him to a mela (Indian amusement parks) he is going to be so happy, it's like seeing a child who has never been to an amusement park, you both will definitely go on the dragon swing ride or something like that.
☍ He will be smug and then you both will be screaming your heads off, because he is scary and when it ends he is rapping about you scaring him and forcing him to go there while his legs are shaking....
☍ Loves to watch romantic Bollywood movies, he claims that he is the embodiment of 'the flirty hero' in the Bollywood movie, so sweet and caring, loves to help you cook and respectful of all the elders and everyone, even if he doesn't know them!!!
☍ He finds the similarities between your cultures to be very nice, how you both are very caring of your elders, the amazing food, and the importance of education, divine cultures and so much more!!!
☍ He is definitely gonna rap at someone for playing Holi wrongly, and then someone will put permanent colour in his face, the silver one which is very hard to get out, so put on oil all over him and if it doesn’t work, well I guess more shower time with you, no?
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Min Yoongi - 민윤기
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✥ Yoongi, first and foremost love your culture, how it is very similar to his, how developed it is in many aspects as compared to many other countries in matter of behavior, culture, mannerism, festivals, relationships and much more.
✥ Yoongi very much loves Hindi songs, he finds them to be very catchy and amazing! He sees so many Indian singers and finds all their voices so unique and pretty.
✥ He also learnt about that one musician whose singing could make it rain or blow off a candle, he also started learning Indian classical music just so he could sing for you and ARMYs better!
✥ He finds Indian movies amazing as well, how musical they are, how many good points they serve and their story lines as of whole, he has watched so many with you.
✥ He has maybe learnt Indian curse words and would often angrily scream them at the boys whenever he gets mad and it scares them because it's like a different language to them and they feel he will curse them in some or the other way...
✥ He loves to see you dressed up in a traditional outfit with some jewelry, he doesn't care if it's a event or not, he loves to see you in in, reminds him of his own roots and reminds him how your country is important in your upbringing.
✥ Yoongi also loves Indian food, might be a tad bit too flavourful for him at times, but still enjoys it very much! He especially the non-vegetarian options of foods, reminds him of home with the spiciness and flavours, also treat him to momos, he's going to be so happy, mainly because you would remind him how his mother called him a boiled dumpling. <33333
✥ Take him to clothing markets of India, they remind him of the similar looking ones in Korea, except the ones in India are way crowded making him a bit scared but it's fine, he enjoys seeing so many clothing shops, food shops, jewellery shops, and you bargaining with the shop owner and buying things for 100 which were originally being sold for 700...
✥ One guilty pleasure of his is sneaking into the kitchen at night and making himself a packet of maggi and eating fridge cold rasgullas, he likes the chewy feeling when they're cold as compared to when they're at room temperature....He doesn't know why...
✥ He likes studying about India's past, he especially loves the superstitions because everything has some logic behind it for people following it, he also developed the habit of flipping flippers if he sees them upside-down.
✥ One more thing is take him to prepare for a wedding in your family, he sees how everyone no matter if you know them or not, if they're relatives, they all visit and help, women in the decorations and getting the bride and groom ready while the men do in the food, photography and others, everyone is needed to help and he has much more than happy to help your family.
✥ He always participates in prayers at Diwali, though gets a bit scared of blowing fircrackers, he refuses to ignite them in the beginning, but after a little bit of convincing, he agrees only if you go with him!
✥ Oh! Your cousins tie him rakhi, btw. Rakhi is a festival celebrated on love between brothers and sisters, does not matter if they're sibling or cousins, its where sisters tie rakhi on their brother's wrist and then brothers give them gifts in return, he gives every-single future sister-in-law and brother-in-law an envelope filled of 2000 ruppees ...Guess it's good being rich...
✥Oh, you know Yoongi will definitely say he is not going to play Holi and then will throw water balloons, use pichkari to spray water on you and put both pink and silver permanent colour on you and your teeth, luckily you’re prepared for his betrayal since the morning, so you lathered yourself in oil, and if you didn’t, well good luck….
✥ Also, he is gonna make so many rang-golis with you and others, he isn’t sure how to pick up the powdered colour and what to do if a colour is finished, but he’s got the most amazing spirit, and please teach him how to colour like he’s a kid, it’s gonna be so fun!!
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Jung Hoseok - 정호석
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♮ One word, he loves to see classical dances of India, there are so many classical dances of India and each require a set of knowledge of music and rhythm which can easily be learnt by anyone, he has tried to learn a dance and convinced boys to try out Kathhak and Bharatnatyam it ends up with them bruising their feet as you and the instructor laugh and have fun watching them.
♮ He also likes to watch South Indian movies with their amazing dance and songs also he is in love with KGF series and Pushpa, also RRR. He really likes songs of Indian movies though, he sees how they're perfect for dancing to and he practices Hindi songs with you.
♮ Also, him giving you the confidence to wear a traditional outfit in front of him or at an event to show how pretty you are... It's one thing because why not, you slay every Indian traditional outfit you wear! People are honestly so sensitive and so when he tries on a outfit, he makes sure you're in the pic with him to show that he's not a rude tourist and that it was your idea and so antis get no thought to hate on him and they go back to insulting how he has a lover....!! He'll save you from hate, no worried.
♮ Also, take him to eat food at chowpatis, especially baraf ka gola (ice stick) basically, shaved ice which is shaped and dipped into flavours and yogurts. I personally think he’d enjoy momos and dahi puri. Also maybe shikanji. He likes the sodas.....find them fun but also scary cause he fast he has to drink after the man places the powder in..
♮ He likes watching Indian movies, he finds them interesting and enjoys the songs in between them, he likes the storyline and the difference between a Korean drama and your movies. He will learn the dance for fun and practice and he will sing the songs too!!
♮ He loves to play Holi, but please put oil on his skin and hair because keep in mind, you will be putting permanent colour on him, also even if it’s not permanent, the colour does stain and he dyes his hair regularly, so it might be better for him to have darker hair.
♮ He likes Anupama btw, he loves to watch Indian serials, where there is drama between the mother-in-law, sister-in-law and female lead! He will then spread this to the boys and then whenever you’re watching the tv, when it’s the time for the show to come on the channel, they’re all pushing you out the frame to watch it and the tea is always hot and spicy to hear out!
♮ Jhope will be loved by your families, he is loved by the aunties, the uncles, the dadas, the dadis, the fufajis, the mausajis, the mausis, the mamas, the mamijis, the buas, basically everyone and you get the point, even the toughest nuts of the family like him!
♮ Your family will be a bit doubtful because well you’re Indian he’s Korean, so what if something goes wrong, they don’t want you to be in pain, but maybe let them chill out with Hobi for a bit and they’ll be asking to ask for a faster wedding date. Also, question by your parents, they asked me to ask you, Ahem! “WHEN ARE YOU GIVING US GRANDKIDS?!” Thank you!
♮ Whenever there is an event and there is music, he’s the first to dance at the event and he makes everyone feel confident enough to go crazy and he invited everyone to dance, teach him the dholak dance between the women of the family, you know the ones where you repeat the same steps while going around in a circle but it’s very fun? Yeah, those ones, he’s very good at them as you’ve seen!
♮ Every single cousin and sibling wants to tie a rakhi to him, especially your sisters are excited because he’s their future jiju after all~~ Okay and he gives everyone a handmade gift with some money, like he makes cards, gets dresses, and makes them a lot of bracelets! He makes the rakhi you tie on your brothers himself as well!
♮ Whenever you take him to a mela, prepare to be tired out because in his opinion, it’s so fun! He goes on E V E R Y  S I N G L E ride, He cannot handle himself and he pays for everyone! He buys every lady in the family the nice cheap jewellery which is sold in the fair, he buys you some as well until you stop him..
♮ He will always go with you and the elder people of the family to check your cousin or siblings or whoevers arranged fiancée or lover it. He wants to make sure your cousins and family is in good hands.
♮ His sister will absolutely be decorated by your family, she’s so fricking pretty and when she wears a lehenga, it may seem a bit too heavy on her, but she feels beautiful and she looks so pretty like her brother as well!!! She’s prettier than you as well!!!
♮ Hobi and the boys will join you for an Indian movie night, he and the boys will sing their hearts out whenever the music comes on and you and Hobi will dance together. And then he and boys will learn the whole choreography and dance it and maybe cope some of them steps for their next music video.
♮ Also, he looks SO HANDSOME in a kurta, please, do not try to convince me otherwise, you and him will wear matching clothes!!! He will also try to match accessories and then the boys will match as well and now you’re all matching!!!!
♮ He will always have fun during Diwali, he will learn about why cow dung is so important and reason behind everything you do during your festivals and then he will join you as well!! All the ladies will also gossip with him!! Some things he finds a bit weird, but pretty open to cultures...
♮ Is shocked how many ARMYs are there in India, and how less he hears from them when SO many things are also done here. He is happy to meet them and promises Indian ARMYs for a concert in India!
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Kim Namjoon - 김남준
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✤ Now, if there is one thing we all know is that Namjoon always loves to learn things. And he is the most invested in your culture! He finds the story so interesting and he is always ready to listen to something you say and he asks ‘What’s the reason behind it?’, even if it didn’t exist in India…
✤ Namjoon is also very much interested in Indian classical music and classical dances, especially KathaKali and Kathak, he is so intrigued to see how a person can produce such facial expression with such a strong eye movements and how it’s so interesting!!  Also how a drama can be shown through dance, he finds it very sweet and amazing!!
✤ Namjoon LOVES Indian curries, now he is surprised at how less of meat consumption there is of meat and even if somebody eats meat, Pork or Beef is off-grounds, mainly cause Pig is considered a impure animal and it’s meat is taboo and cows give us milk and it is our god’s favourite animal and it’s considered a family member and so eating it’s meat is said to be wrong...
✤ Look at me and tell me he won’t look handsome in a kurta…… I DARE YOU. He looks so pretty!!! He looks so pretty and his smile and his body and his thighs and and- Okay, sorry for the break-down, but let’s be honest here! He is looking phenomenal! Of-course your sisters will tease you, but it’s all in good fun, he looks like a prince, not our fault!
✤ Namjoon is always the one whom your family loves a lot, he’s THE standard of the cousin, all your cousins including you are being compared to him, and it only affects your cousins though, because you know GOD IS FAIR. They come to you asking how you got such a boyfriend and you explain how he doesn’t know how to drive or cook and they try to laugh it off but realize how they’re still gonna be compared to him….
✤ Namjoon is always so eager to learn and he will sit down with your grandparents who are watching those mythological shows, and then he will ask you to translate or explain it to him and if you don’t, he will ask your grandparents and then you will translate whatever they explain to him and he’s so excited to bond with them, your grandparents will love him so much!! I just know it deep in my veins!
✤ Namjoon very much likes Indian treats, especially sweets, more specifically rasmalai, or mango-rasmalai, he loves it, so delicate and sweet, and sugary and pillowy!! He is very generous at times, but he definitely doesn’t share it! Maybe after a lot of convincing by either the boys or you, he will give you a few bites…
✤ You know one thing, he is obsessed with Laila-Majnu love story, it is very similar to Romeo and Juliet, and he tries to understand everything, how Laila was a noble and Majnu was a commoner and thus they couldn’t be together and how when one of them was hurt the other would also sustain the injury because of how strong their love was. Also how even after Laila’s marriage and execution of Majnu they managed to be together in after life, he loves it, he cried a bit ngl….
✤ Namjoon is much obsessed with Diwali, he is surprised how easily Indians handle cow dung, he could never…But he finds everything to be very fascinating and fun, he definitely spends time with the kids who can’t handle sitting still while their parents do the rituals...Then you and him will burn crackers for as long as you all can!! Of-course you have to stop him and the kids, cause they don’t realize they’re using crackers meant for the next day and you have to tell them to stop otherwise there won’t be any crackers left to burn the next day
✤ Namjoon likes celebrating Holi as well, finds it to be fun and nice and gets to eat good food and spend time with you and family….Especially when the playful people of the family life his shirt to put permanent colour and find his abs and stop and freeze in the moment….
✤ Ooh, he will watch ‘bhabhiji ghar par hai’ maybe?? Idk…I’m not sure, but I do get the vibes that he will enjoy it, despite it being kind of stupid, but then again he will also enjoy some Hindi literature and devolve himself in it for a while!!
✤ Namjoon also very much enjoys the celebration of a wedding, especially how a family is heavily involved in everything related to the wedding, the designs, the venue, the outfits, the dances, haldi, the theme, the food, the video, the photos and everything else, he is always ready to involve himself and maybe the boys will help around as well, though they may be a bit ignored for they’re foreigners, but they’re happy to help around wherever they can!! But I guess we try to put our differences aside, but Indians have TOO MANY RELATIVES and so no everybody knows them, so introduce the boys as your friends and Namjoon as your fiancée and then get roasted a bit and asked whens your wedding date…
✤ OMG! HE IS SO SURPRISED AT HOW MANY BTS FANS OR K-POP FANS IN GENERAL ARE THERE IN INDIA?! He is always ready to put on concerts for his fans, and after the interview with Sakshma Srivastav, he wanted to meet more fans and he did and he is surprised at how many people are excited to see them, he's happy for such a new found group of people he didn't knew existed, but he likes it either wayyy!!
✤ Oh, please if there's a wedding or something where you're putting on mahendi/henna on your hands, please put some on his hands too!! His hands look very pretty and he likes the time to be spoiled like a the pretty baby he is..He finds the smell to be very 'naturey', you don't know what it means and neither do i...
✤ He will invite your cousins, friends or siblings to his studio so they could ask if he did good on his songs, only you're very favorite people come and yes they all agree with the tunes that they're nice...gorahae boi...
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Park Jimin - 박지민
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✿ Mr. Park Jimin is probably obsessed with rom coms from your country and also the amazing songs and soap dramas, he will sit with you before you go to bed and he will ramble about how tulsi got another husband after just divorcing her ex-husband and how turns out tulsi’s first child belongs to her second husband??? Yeah, no I don’t understand either, but my mom does this…Anyone else? Anyways, yeah, you go to sleep thinking how hot and steaming the spicy gossip tea is…it’s all fictional…
✿ Jimin would always be happy to go out with you and eat at chowpatis, he is always hoping you don’t have to cook and he goes there with the boys often to the point where when he enters the chowpati with you, the shopkeepers greet him saying “Gora ladke, heyyyyy!!!” While waving their hands and some usual customers remember him as well, cause well he's sorta famous and he comes very often, the food is good and cheap…not his fault, nice experience and these things are something he only gets to experience and you get to see his mocha cheeks, win win!!! Of-course be careful about food bacteria..
✿ Jimin is very much in love with colouring rangolis, if you know how to, please make one for him and if you don’t…cry…then try your best to make one, then once you’re back is hurting and you’re tired, he will kiss you sit down like a princess getting ready to be kind and start colouring prettily, you teach him if you know how to, if you don’t...Kind of sad, but it’s fun trying new things out for both of you!!!
✿ Oh don’t ask why, but I think he will like anklets, on himself and on you, cause it is a social construct and yeah, eh will put them on in the house and walk around, his anklets jingling as he moves his feet or when he’s on a dance practice, he anklets jingling, the boys teasing him as he dances and then they all get distracted and now you have seven boys stealing payals from you if you have some, if you don’t they’re gonna order online or ask your parents for some…please restock, they’re gonna break…
✿ You know, I heard some someone that Mochi is Korea’s rasgullas and rasgullas are Indian mochis, and this haven’t left my head, so our mochi boi likes the pearly, pillowy sweet rasgullas as he squeezes the sugar syrup out to make sure nothing drips out and then he will feed some to you, it’s a sweet moments for you both!!
✿ He will dress you up and himself up for Diwali and Navratri and do graba with you, teach him some steps, he will dance and join you and if you go to those huge places where people learn how to dance for days and then one the final days they have colour coded dresses and then winners and all that things are done, he will come with you there and ready to dance and spend a night in ethnic outfits!!
✿ He is very much ready for Holi, he is gonna fight with colours, completely wet, with water balloons, permanent pink and silver colour, with huge water-guns, and buckets filled with colours and water in it, get ready, he is not gonna go down without a fight…
✿ He is ready to fight anyone who says Indian does not have good Ethnic outfits, he’s ready to fight and he will do so while wearing a sari/lahenga/kurti, just to show he a man can look pretty in it as well...It popped in my head, forgive me…
✿ He adores shopping with you, especially for jewellery, he is gonna be beside you while you bargain or someone else whom you brought with you bargains and get the thing for price three times less than it was originally for!! He is gonna try on things and you tell him which looks the prettiest on him, they will surely look good on you as well, you’re a couple after all!! And then once home, you will wear it and send photos and when he comes home, he will wear the jewellery and then you will have a mini photoshoot!
✿ He is gonna dance the kathak, teach some steps or look up on youtube, please, he will find ghungroo online, buy them and wear ghungroo and maybe he will whine because the thread is too tight and it hurts (like I used to..), but you explain it needs to be tight as to make sure it doesn’t open…you know he will fall if it does happen…and he tries to understand but I guess it doesn’t work, he still will tie them a bit loosely, also he gets to learn that Bharatnatyam and Kathak both have different types of ghungroo
✿ When you introduce him to your family, they will poke his cheeks and call him cute and sweet, your cousins will like him, and the ladies are FAN of him, like how could they not be?? Then men are a bit skeptic, but they get over it mainly cause he’s nice and like a fairy roaming around..
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kim taehyung - 김태형
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▨ Okay first, let's get the obvious out of the way, he's just as crazy as a Desi family, he's gonna fit right in, perfect boy! He's already loved by family, more than you or anyone else cause look at his achievements and look at you, reading this! Of-course he's your family's favourite!
▨ He loves to go out in chowpattis to eat, sometimes when he doesn't want to eat rotis, he will idk, go find some random cow or dog and give it to them cause he saw some old lady do it...I used to do that to escape yelling from my parents, but yeah, it's what he does. But he loves your cooking, worry not!!
▨ If you call him a Korean nickname "Jagi", he will call you a Desi nickname "Jaanu", it's no-negotiable, you can't be saying anything, unless you want him to call you something, then he will.
▨ You and him will be watching Indian soap dramas, especially "bhabji ghar pe hai?!", it's his fav genre, comedy and idiocy, if you can put on some subtitles, do that. He would love to watch movies as well, he finds them amazing, kind of upset, he can't understand hindi because when you both watch comedy he sometimes doesn't understand and you have to explain it and it ruins the fun?
▨ He wants his hands done first for henna, because he loves it, and he is obsessed with it as well!! He also helps you around if your feet and hands both have mehendi/henna on it, he will help you around unless he is also occupied, one of the boys will, and if they are occupied, then who knows who will help?
▨ He looks SO GODDAMN HANDSOME IN A KURTA!! I once saw a edited photo of it, and he looked like a goddess!! You both can match in Kurta and lehenga or saree or something and you both can be attractive and steal attention at family event's.
▨ Oh, the parent's wishes on having grand-kids will increase twice-fold cause well he wants kids, your parents show him photos he shows his photos, they fan-girls and now they're constantly thinking what your child will look like..
▨ Loves to dance with you on Indian songs, loves Bollywood films and songs and dances with you and watches a lot of films with you when he gets the time! Sometimes Tannie is also dancing and watching with you, if you have a dog, good and even great if your dog and Yeontan got close, you're a cute family!!
▨ Loves to fire crackers on Diwali, honestly always waiting for the day to end so he can get started on playing crackers at night, one the forth day when he sees and learns the uses of cow dung, he is a teensy bit grossed out, but will stay open-minded, though will stay away from it like I used to, unless they ask him to help and he doesn't want to feel bad and the boys laugh until they also get roped in it then they all wash their hands like three to four times just in case cause in the end it is still poop, no matter how useful, but find it a bit fascinating how useful it actually is.
▨ Will loved by cousins and kids of the family and others in general due to how playful he is, when he gets the time, he will helping cooking and even wake up early and bath so he can help the grandparents in bathing gods, dress them up, put the cool sunglasses on them, etc. I used to do it as a child where I would wake up early to bath so I can help bath god's idol we have, you all have that??
▨ Language barrier, but you're the translator, they don't understand songs or anything, but they're happy for the fame he receives, you and him will definitely go famous for being sch a gorgeous couple, an Indian and a Korean!? DAMN! Anyways, you're all gorgeous, Indian or not!
▨ He is another one who is shocked about the insane amount of ARMYs in India, he never knew there were so many ARMYs in Asian countries other than Korea, Japan, China, etc. But he's happy and is also keen on performing for Indian ARMYs when he can!
▨ Loves to colour in rangolis, finds it a bit hard to stay within the lines, but always happy to colour, make a separate rangoli for him,he will happily colour in it when he can. Also, loves the amazing gifts he gets sometimes from your family members as a honorary future family-in-law member, so he also gets gifts for everyone.
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Jeon Jungkook/Jeongguk - 전정국
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☁ Now, another cutie who loves to go to chowpati. Anyways, it's easy convenient, etc. He enjoys Indian food a lot, it reminds me of the video where they first ate paneer. He has loved to try some dishes made from paneer after that, the sodas sold on streets, the food, maybe his stomach will handle it, maybe not! But, he is definitely happy with all the food
☁ He is also loved by your mama, he's so cute, so respectful and so caring. And he's good at everything and he helps her cook, plays with the little kids (if you have some) in your family, with the help of you being the translator, he sits and watches TV shows or helps fix things or simply sits like a pretty boy on the side.
☁ He will absolutely dance with you on Hindi songs when he can, maybe with Hoseok, the maknae line when he can. It's so fun, making them dance on the most random songs.
☁ He loves to spend time colouring in rangolis, it's fun, he is great it for some reason and after one or two lessons, he's also able to make rangolis, using the dot pattern though. Would love to help you make some if you want, always searching up ideas for you and him to do when he's bored.
☁ Sits with your grandparents with you as a translator to listen to stories from their childhood, he likes it and finds it fascinating and it makes him curious to see what types of stories people of other cultures grew up with, it's pretty fun for you and a good bonding time!
☁ Makes his angry face every time he something good and you get confused if he actually likes it or something for a moment, it's funny, cause it confuses everyone who doesn't know that the angry face means the food i good!
☁ Whenever there is a wedding in your family, he will be the one to help the dancers in the family teach others and you both will absolutely have a dance together, he will be pretty and will capture everyone’s attention and then he will award himself with a good amount of food from the wedding!!
☁ Loves to burst crackers on diwali, and eating the many types of sweets, he doesn't know one culture can have THIS many sweets, absolutely devours them and they finish pretty quickly, sometimes brings some Korean sweets for your family too! He loves some exchange of cultures!!
☁ Oh my god the sight of his tattooed forearms in the rolled sleeves of kurta, my god!! He looks so hot and he eats everyone up at the event! Slaying bitches and Saving bitches, truly, he's made for some hot Indian films!!
☁ Your parents might get him a ring or a pair of earrings of pure-gold and diamonds or maybe his birthstone instead of diamond after he's been welcomed in the family as your unofficial husband and he looks pretty in them, I can imagine.
☁ Called you "jigar ka tukda" once and laughed himself to half-death when you told him it meant or translated somewhat to "piece of your chest" or "piece of your liver", but he calls you "babu" or "jaanu", it's cringe, but he pulls it off as always, so?
☁ APPALLED AT HOW MANY ARMYS ARE IN INDIA and how come he's never met them or gotten into any contact with them, sorta upset, and will demand that there be a few affordable concerts in India, he's trying!!
☁ Would love to go around with you, loves pani-puri, the culture, and jewellery and overall such a loving cutie!! Whenever he visits, he brings gifts for some close family members and the kids, whatever they would like, just remember to tell him not to mention chicken or anything if you're veg.
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© writing belongs to broken-mandolin0357, Aurelia, Moon, Cerine, Kiara. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for ready and if you like this check out my blog!
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50 notes · View notes
rogersideup · 1 year
Nice to be Kneaded
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Chapter eleven
Series masterlist
Previous Part: The Snap Next Part: Homecoming
Word Count: 5,845
Warnings: My blog is 18+ only. All minors or blogs without an age in bio will be blocked. Minors DNI. Mentions of loss, abuse, PTSD, anxiety and depression.
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Steve was enraged.
Even after Thanos dusted away half of all living things, blipping away half of all of his loved ones he still didn't feel quite this angry.
He was pretty sure that if he was an animated character, his skin would be firetruck red with puffs of dark grey smoke blowing out of his ears. There would be squiggly black marks around his feet as they quickly stomped across the compound showing how the force of his steps rattled the ground with every stride, effectively and dramatically carrying him to exactly where he needed to be.
The second Steve opened his mouth, the words in the white speech bubble above his head would be replaced by numbers, punctuation marks and octothorps. He had nothing nice to say, and his voice would only come out at one volume until he got exactly what he wanted. Loud.
This anger all started the second his phone dedicated to you rang and he was met with chaos and clinking gun metal on the other line. He heard the familiar clicks of handcuffs, he heard your cries and the questions you were asking out of fear.
He heard the way you weren't read your Miranda Rights, he could tell they had wrongly used force and pulled weapons on you. He didn't even know who they were at first.
So he enlisted the help of Natasha, one of the only other people living at the compound with him at the moment that was available to help him track you down. It took a few days, and every passing moment made him feel sick to his stomach knowing every minute he didn't know how to help you was a minute you were in the custody of some branch of government that was obviously in some sort of power trip.
On the morning of day three of the search, Nat peeled herself away from the laptop for a little while to take a shower and properly get ready for the day right after Steve did, then she came rushing back into the private sector office area with a spring in her step.
"Rogers, you're never going to believe who I just found." She declared with urgency. Steve's head popped up, eyes wide and hopeful. "Just passed by intake, they were booking her."
"Like... HERE?!" Steve questioned, jumping out of his seat faster than she could even answer the question.
"Yeah, literally downstairs." She followed his fast steps down the corridors.
"You're telling me shield agents were the ones who did that to her?" He asked again, smoke building up in his head.
"Go easy on em' Cap, you know they're just following orders." Nat tried to ease his anger. "You know they had to respond to a report."
"They didn't have to respond with a bigger crime than the one she committed in the first place." He puffed, stomps growing louder, fists wound tightly.
By the time he made it to intake, he slammed the door open with enough force to make everyone in the lobby jump out of their own skin. Natasha was surprised it managed to stay on the hinges.
His voice projected loudly, bouncing off each starkly white wall, booming enough to break the florescent lightbulbs above head.
Nat approached the front desk and tapped her nails against the wood, letting her head rest in her hand while she waited for Steve to be done yelling at everyone around him so she could talk some actual legal sense into these imbeciles.
To her surprise, Steve was actually making really good points, using really big words, and his knowledge on the legal side of what was actually here lined up. Which made her job easier in turn, but she was ready to bargain for you nonetheless.
Fourty five minutes.
That's how long it took for Steve to chew out everyone directly involved in the whole ordeal. Every detail he got out of the circumstance in which you were detained made him progressively more and more angry.
Natasha did eventually take over after those forty five minutes and used every detail she just learned, every broken rule in the sun and threw it right back in their faces. Jobs we're lost, livelihoods we're threatened, and a chain reaction was sure to ensue the moment they got their hands on some help from Rhodey.
He vowed to help start an investigation on the corrupt agents that did that to you.
Once Steve ensured you were free to go with a complete scrubbed criminal record including that one speeding ticket you got for going 35 in a 25 zone, he calmed down to a more reasonable state of being.
The smoke from his ears was now nothing but red in his cheeks with little white diagonal lines emphasizing the crease in his angry brow.
Steve and Nat sat heavy in seats like stone while they continued on further. The government needed to make up for what they did to you, and quite honestly, they owe you one for keeping one of its greatest protectors safe for so long in the first place.
At the hour and a half mark, a deal came into agreement, and Steve was squirming in his seat to go and rescue you from the holding room he knew you were locked up in.
It was so hard for him to know you were just down the hall and not be able to go sweep you off your feet and try to put a bandage over the damage he had inadvertently caused you.
This was his fault. And his own mind made sure to remind him of that over and over and over again.
If it weren't for his lack of control around you, you would've been innocent and happy baking cookies and living a life in which none of this was ever even a possibility for you. The least he could've done was be an advocate for your innocence, and get you home.
What he didn't stop to consider was that you were absolutely terrified. Actually, terrified could only describe the surface level of emotions you were feeling.
It had been three days since any of your needs were met all the while being manipulated by people much more powerful than you, and triggered by the behaviors of the men who had you in custody.
You didn't even know where you were, not the building, not the city, not the state. You hadn't eaten anything the entire time you were in custody, and anytime you even tried to sip on water, you couldn't hold back your sobs long enough to choke it down.
There was a lot of time to process your arrest. It was the first time in your life you had even seen a gun in person, let alone have 6 fully automatic weapons pointed directly at you all at once. Harsh hand prints were bruised onto your shoulders, waist, and all over your arms. Your knees were bruised and scraped, your entire face hurt from crying for so long, your back was thrown out, and you were just exhausted.
Along side not eating or drinking, you also weren't sleeping much. It was taking a physical toll on your body.
You also had time to ponder if your time with Steve was worth all of this, because when it all started you thought you were facing county jail and a fine. Not being abducted by the government and starved. You determined that he was worth every star in the sky, and you'd put up with this for as long as your body would allow it to.
But you couldn't deny that the time and distance apart from him was making you feel as though you were so tiny and insignificant in the world he lived in. And if he was out there somewhere, you doubted that you even took up space in his mind anymore. So much of your life had changed since he left, and every day you feel further and further from that girl he loved once upon a time, and all things considered, you were just you.
He wasn't just him. He was a superhero, a role model, a life saver, a war fighter. If your life had significantly changed for you as an every day civilian, you could only imagine he also felt like a whole different person than the man you loved too. He was on the front line, and you were in the very back line.
It wasn't his fault that you felt so far away from him, honestly, it was probably yours. Pushing yourself further and further away from the truth that losing him in your daily life had led you towards so much pain.
You were quite literally at your lowest, hungry and crying on the floor of a temporary cell you were pretty sure was just supposed to be an interrogation room.
There was a table and a chair in there, but you didn't feel safe enough to even sit in the stainless steel trap. You stayed curled up in the corner, desperately trying to stay awake. Jumping at every sound, flinching at every passing footstep, uncontrollably crying at every agent who came in to talk to you.
Every once in a while there would be hours in between anyone coming to check on your state of being, and you'd convince yourself it was better that way. Anything was better than being transported and man handled again.
No matter how scared you were, at some point your body completely shut down and forced your mind to sleep, only to be woken up hours later by a slam so loud it shook the ground and yelling you could hear loud and clear through the door.
The anger and volume in which the shouting happened caused your whole body to tremble like a chihuahua in one of those sad shelter commercials.
Convincing yourself to just breathe through the fear, you were able to pick up a few phrases that made you stop thinking about everything but those words entirely.
"My criminal record was fully scrubbed, there's no reason for her to be punished for anything she did. It doesn't matter anymore."
"You guys are treating her like she killed people, all she did was treat me kindly"
"Lay your hands on her one more time and I swear on everything that I'll bust her out of there and never come back."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing, and you didn't want to believe what your gut was telling you. And if it was who you thought it was, you never imagined you'd hear him shouting like that.
Not wanting to believe either of those possibilities were true, not wanting to get your hopes up or become even more hurt, you covered your ears with your cuffed hands and hid your face in your injured knees.
When the time came and an agent placed the key to your cuffs into Steve's palm, he started walking towards your holding room faster that he's ever walked before. Natasha stayed behind and decided to wait in the lobby to give the two of you space.
Getting Steve to talk about you was like pulling teeth, and that's exactly how Nat knew the extent of how precious you were to him. If she hadn't previously met you, she didn't know if at this point she would even be aware of your existence.
When you heard steps approaching, and saw shadows of feet under the door, you covered your ears tighter, and sunk your face deeper into your legs.
You hated the sound of the security code being typed into the keypad, and you despised the click of the door unlocking and opening even more.
But when it did, just as always you cried a little harder, and flinched at the approaching footsteps. This time was different though, as you waited for an agent to start yelling at you, it never happened.
Steve's heart broke as he opened the door and saw you curled up in the corner. This wasn't the happy reunion he had dreamed of since the moment he left, but it was even more bitter sweet than saying goodbye to you.
You had been through a lot and all on your own, arguably more than him. You were smack dab in the middle of one of the biggest traumas of your life, all while being triggered by passed events.
He understood that he was probably one of the last people you wanted to see right now, he even understood that you would be terrified of him right off the bat. You had just listened to him rudely yelling at everyone under the sun for a while, one of your biggest triggers and fears was loud, disruptive men.
The second he stepped in he considered turning right around and getting Natasha to come remove your cuffs and bring you up to their private sector. Maybe you'd feel less on edge around a woman, especially one you trusted and had bonded with once before. But he also didn't want you to feel ignored by him, he didn't want you realizing you were in his place of living without seeing his face or being made comfortable by him.
So he did his best to take the most gentle approach he could. He closed the door behind him so softly it wouldn't make a sound, he walked so carefully as to not make a single thud with his food as if he was sneaking up on an enemy in battle.
Every step closer he took, you could still tell someone was in the room with you, so you tried to push yourself deeper into the corner hoping it would swallow you whole and you'd completely disappear.
You physically couldn't get yourself to look up until someone unusual happened. Whoever was in the room with you had cautiously sat on the floor in front of you and settled in.
"Hey, Sunflower" The calm and comforting voice filled your ears.
Your eyes snapped open, full body chills rushed over your skin as you peaked through your eyelashes, still unwilling to lift your head. In front of you sat Steve, you had never felt so much relief in your entire life for a multitude of reasons.
He looked different. A clean shaven face and a shorter hair cut, scar on his forehead, his usual street ware was replaced with jeans and a nice button down flannel. You assumed this version of him was a lot more typical than the version of him you knew, but he was still so handsome this way.
"I'm so sorry this happened" He apologized, his voice even quieter and more comforting than before. "Is it okay if I take your handcuffs off?"
It had been awhile since you spoken a single word, and right now you didn't even know what to say to him.
Although you knew he would never hurt you, and you were relieved to have him with you now, your brain still wanted to push everyone away. It was in flight or fight, and getting it to listen to your heart saying that he was safe to be around was hard.
But he knew that, and that's why he was maintaining a gentle approach. He vividly remembered that night he got a glimpse of the full extent in which men in your life had scarred you. He knew you'd need some time to warm up, you needed your needs met, you needed a few hours to not feel so scared anymore.
You nodded before reluctantly letting go of the sides of your face and holding your wrists out to him. Steve reached out slowly and unlocked the mechanism allowing them to pop open. He gently took them off your wrists and put them on the floor, revealing your irritated red skin beneath where they once clung to your body.
"Gosh, they put those on so tight" He winced looking at your wrists. "Does it hurt?"
You nodded once again, your tears now fell because you forgot what it was like to be around someone who genuinely cared about you.
"Can I?" He asked, sticking his hands out towards yours.
You hesitantly placed your shaky hands in each of his, desperately trying to get your mind to recognize that he wasn't going to hurt you, trying so hard to think of any words you could say to him.
He very delicately moved his hands upwards to your wrist, and carefully massaged where the cuffs once were. It felt so nice, you wanted to melt into a puddle on the floor.
"Does that feel better?" He questioned with a worried expression on his face. When you nodded once more, he continued. "Do you know anything about where you are?"
This time you shook your head.
"You're in New York, upstate." He explained to you. "This is a criminal intake center meant for agent interrogation here at the Avengers Compound. I live in this building but I had no clue you were here until an hour and a half ago."
You slowly lifted your head but kept your eyes fixed on your wrists in his hands. Teeny tiny baby steps, but it made him happy.
"I was looking for you since you called, came down as soon as I heard." He continued. "I got it all squared away for you, okay? You don't have to worry about anything. Your criminal record has been completely scrubbed, and you're free to go."
You finally made eye contact, then your mind went crazy again. You didn't have an ID on you, no money, no cards, not even a phone or access to a computer. Then the words finally came to you in a moment of worry. "I don't know how to get home"
"It's okay" he reassured you. "When you're ready and if you're okay with it, I'll bring you to my place. We'll get you settled and I'll fly you home. Is that alright?"
"Thank you" You cried, the words came out broken.
"I'm so sorry." He apologized again. "I'm disgusted by the way this was handled, this should've never happened."
"Not your fault" You squeezed your eyes shut and shook your head.
"And I'm sorry you had to hear me yelling like that, I know that probably scared you. I know it'll take some time to settle down from all of this, but I'm here for you. Whatever you need, I'll make it happen, okay?"
"It's okay" Your voice still broken.
The more he spoke, the more you calmed down. You felt almost immediately safer and more grounded in his presence, everything you were worried about before had flown out of the window. He was exactly the same, and it started to feel like no time had passed at all.
The more fear that left your body, the more you wanted to hug him, kiss him, just have him in your arms again. But honestly you felt disgusting and definitely didn't look the best.
"Are you alright, did they hurt you?" He asked, feeling genuinely concerned about the way the agents handled you.
You nodded before rolling up the loose sleeve of your hoodie, revealing the marks your body was littered in. A darkness settled in his eyes as he took in the state of your body, then you lifted the hem of show him the small of your waist, also covered in black and blue hand prints.
"If they didn't already lose their jobs, I'd be losing mine right about now." He admitted his anger. "Do you feel like you need some medical help? We have private doctors, they're very nice. I could stay with you the whole time."
Your heart warmed that he remembered another one of your fears, but you still shrugged. "I don't know what I need."
"That's okay" He continued massaging your wrists. "How about we get you out of here and more comfortable at my place then we'll reassess in a bit?"
You nodded in agreement, feeling so thankful that this mess was over and that Steve lived so close. Just as you were about to get up, he slipped in more comforting words.
"I know this is an awful circumstance, but I really am so happy to see you." He admitted.
You slid your wrists out of his hold to grab his hands with yours instead. "I'm happy to see you too" You nodded, more tears falling down your cheeks. "I didn't really even know if you were alive until now."
His eyes softened as he realized he hadn't been seen in the public eye since Thanos snapped, and all his attempts to reach out to you had failed in one way or the other. You didn't even get to know that he did answer the phone when you called.
"I'm so sorry" he cautiously apologized. "You can't get rid of me that easily"
"Thank goodness for that"
Steve stood up and held his hands out for you, you took them once more and he very carefully helped you up. You stumbled upon standing, getting used to being up on your own feet again while feeling so weak from lack of anything in your body, but you caught your balance.
"I've got you" Steve reassured once again. "Everyone is gone by the way, it's just Natasha out there waiting for us."
"What happened to everyone else?" You asked, trying hard not to externally flinch every time Steve moved, his hand cautiously and lightly resided on your lower back. You could tell he was worried that you would fall or else he definitely wouldn't be touching you right now.
"Getting fired" Steve answered honestly, guiding you out of the door.
As you stepped out of the room and turned the corner of the hallway out into the main reception area, you saw Natasha who lit up with a warm smile.
"Sugar cookie, you poor thing" She approached, reaching out to you slowly, squeezing your shoulders before tucking some of your hair behind your ears. "I'm so happy you're okay."
The nickname reminded you of Sam that one night that felt like lifetimes ago, and it pulled your lips upwards into the tiniest smile that prevailed through the tears.
"It's nice to see you again, Nat" You tried to keep up the smile in attempts to be warm to someone who meant a lot to Steve, but it was impossibly hard. "Thanks for the help."
"Of course, anytime." Nat nodded, stepping in front of you to lead you back to their home.
No matter how exciting a grand tour of the fucking Avengers Compound would've been for a small town girl like you, there was an unspoken agreement that now was not the time.
Steve didn't even really find it appropriate to show you around the living space yet before ushering you straight to his room, and getting you set up for the only thing you could actually express want for which was a shower.
After some reassurance that he would be right there waiting for you when you were done, you let hot water calm you before changing into the comfort of Steve's clothes and shyly walking into his room.
It was a lot bigger than you had anticipated, and so much cozier that you thought was possible in a building that felt so cold and mechanical. And just as promised, he was there for you. He sat on his bed, back against the headboard, laptop in front of him and he was talking to someone on the phone.
You listened as you slowly walked over, still feeling like your guard was up and three miles high.
"Yes, we have her." Steve said. "I can confirm she's very much alive and doing okay- relatively unharmed... yes sir.... I'll have her home soon. Yes sir... okay, thank you."
He hung up the phone and put it on his bedside before closing his laptop and doing the same, then all his attention was back on you with a kind grin across his lips.
Unexpectedly to Steve, you walked right up to him. He looked at you with a little concerned pinch in his eyebrows before you got on the bed and wrapped your arms tightly around him.
"Awwwww" Steve audibly cooed, uncontrollably smiling and very cautiously wrapping his arms around your back. "Sweet girl."
"I missed you, baby." You said quietly, hiding your face in the crook of his neck.
"I missed you too, so so much" He rubbed comforting stripes down your spine. "I'm so happy to have you here. Are you starting to feel better?"
"A little" You confirmed.
Just in the very short amount of time you've spent since reuniting, even in your scared, clouded brain you could see the guilt looming over Steve and Natasha's heads. You didn't even know if you should bring up what happened, or how to even begin asking him how life has been treating him since the last time you were together.
"It's gonna take some time." He told you as a reminder to keep being easy on yourself. "I just got off the phone with the chief of police in Greenwood, apparently nobody filled them in on the situation so there's been a search party out for you for two days now."
"Can we just tell everyone I was kidnapped?" You asked, half joking. "That's easier than what actually happened."
"I would 100% count that as an abduction."
"And I was saved by Captain America and Black Widow."
Steve giggled and pressed a kiss into your temple. A comfortable silence fell over the two of you, fully letting each others bodies comfort your minds as the passed few months had been nothing but painful.
But you found the courage to lift your head and look at his face, your heart was beating out of your chest even just by really looking at him.
The fading scar, his big blue eyes, the bare cheeks you weren't used to seeing. It all told a story of what he had been through, and your couldn't even begin to grasp it. You were lying in the arms of a man who had just been hurt by the hands of the titan who destroyed half the universe. He had seen the unimaginable, been hurt by beings you'd never even come close to, fought battles for the sake of the universe with the two hands that were holding you close.
It suddenly felt so stupid to be so emotionally destroyed over the nature of your arrest, especially when he was looking right back at you.
"You look good, honey." You complemented, bringing your hand up to trace the scar on his forehead. "A lot different, but still so beautiful."
"I think you've gotten even prettier" Steve complemented.
"Wow, that's shocking" You genuinely smiled. "All I've been doing for the passed few months is staying inside and eating spicy Doritos."
"They're so much better than the normal ones" Steve commented.
"Right?!" You agreed. "Dare I ask you how you've been?"
Steve sighed, his lips pressed into a straight line. "I'll tell you all about it when you're in a little bit of a better place, but all you need to know about it right now is that after it happened I made sure you were still here the very second I could, then after that we just kept trying and haven't stopped since."
"So you've been busy?" You questioned, once again feeling warmed over his thoughtfulness and genuine care over your well-being.
"Yeah, I've been busy." he nodded. "And for whatever it's worth, I hope you've been okay despite what happened."
"I think we're all just trying our best, and that's all we can do."
Steve nodded, trying to think of words to acknowledge the Avengers failure. He promised they would keep you safe, and although you're right here in front of him, there was a 50% chance you could've been gone. Even after you survived the blip, you still were put in a situation that was unsafe by people who worked under the same wing as him. Not only did the Avengers fail, but he failed you.
Now you were here with him, in a place he never would've imagined you in. Your body covered in bruises and his sweatpants, red eyes and nose, and a sad facial expression that would take a while to dissolve.
He really thought that getting absolved of his crimes from the civil war would wash away the guilt he's always felt since as long as he could remember, but now he had a whole new criteria in front of him. A whole new binder stuffed full of pages written with ways he's fucked up, hurt and lost the people he loved. Each page was laminated and slotted into plastic sheet protectors just to make sure he never forgot what was said and done.
His mind ran away from him, guilt ate him away until he felt your soft lips on his and it pulled him right back. Closed eyes and a sigh of relief, being with you was the first time in a while he felt any sense of control. It was as though he was a helium balloon floating through the air, and you caught him and tied the string around your wrist.
"You tried your best, too." You reminded him, seeing his internal battle. Your lips brushing against his.
"We killed him." Steve blurted out. "We lost, but we killed him."
You sat up slightly, trying to process this information. It was obvious the public wasn't being informed of everything, and although Steve wanted to protect your peace, he just couldn't keep that information in.
"What?" You blinked, cocking your head to the side.
"Thanos." Steve confirmed. "We went to a planet that he was hiding away on and we killed him."
You weren't sure what he wanted you do get out of that information, or where he was going with it, but you tried your hardest to understand.
"I was just so... angry. I was thinking about you, and I lost Sam, Bucky- we thought if we got the stones back we could just snap again and everyone would come back but when we got there, they were destroyed. We missed them by one day." Steve explained. "That was our second and only chance, we failed twice. Thor took his head clean off."
"Steve-" you started, but he cut you off.
"We're not giving up but spirits have been very low, morale around here has never been so drab, and I think that's why those agents took their anger out on you. Everyone is just angry."
"Im not angry." You told him.
"I'm sorry" Steve apologized, shaking his head. "You've been through hell and back recently, and I feel like all of it has been because of me, and I'm sorry for that."
"None of this is your fault" You denied. "And I'd do it a thousand times over for you, Honey. You tried your best, you've always done the best you've could and you've done great things because of it. I'm thankful for you."
"Who did you lose?" He asked.
"It doesn't matter" Just like he felt the need to protect you, you needed to protect him. "Not right now at least."
He nodded, understanding where you were coming from. "What is Greenwood like?"
"Well," you sat up more and grinned. "Everyone was very excited that good ol' Cap was in town so your driveway is full of love letters and flowers just for you."
"Awwwww, did Georgia leave me one too?" He joked.
You audibly laughed out loud, "the only thing Georgia sent you was me."
"No way" His eyes got big, mouth hung open.
"Way" you nodded.
"She reported us?" He questioned, stunned at this information.
"Then watched me get taken away, drinking tea like it was a bucket of popcorn at the movie theater." You explained.
"That little-" Steve started, but stopped himself before puffing out a breath. "Ugh! Why!?"
You giggled at his discipline, "not everyone can handle all of your greatness, baby."
"Yeah, yeah." Steve rolled his eyes. "Should I go knock on her door when I get to Greenwood and tell her about how you were found innocent?"
"I think she would beat you with a fly swatter" You smiled.
"I've been shot a few times, I think it would be worth the beating to see the look on her face." Steve giggled.
"Always up to no good, baby." You shook your head with a playful grin.
"It's what I'm known for" Steve agreed.
"I have a question." You said shyly, hands playing with the fabric of his flannel button up.
"What's up?" He welcomed your curiosity.
"So, you're going to take me home but is there anyway you can stay? Even just for a day or two?" The thought of leaving him so soon after you had just got him back was hurting your heart.
"You know, I actually had a visit to Greenwood planned in a week? It was on the team calendar and everything." He told you.
"Really?" You smiled, just the thought made you happy.
"Yeah, I made myself unavailable for the Avengers for three weeks. I thought some time away from here and time with you would be good for me." He explained. "But I'll talk with the team and see if I can just extend it."
"Even if you can't, I'm more than happy now"
"I was thinking maybe you can stay the night here and I'll take you back tomorrow morning? I know it's been a long few days and you probably just want to go home but, if you think you need a doctor there's one just down the hall." He explained.
"Anything to spend more time with you" You nodded, resting your head on his shoulder.
"Maybe Georgia unknowingly did us a favor. Because know you're completely clean of any crime and we finally get a few more minutes." Steve grinned, kissing the top of your head.
"And when you come back to Greenwood we won't have to hide anymore." You pointed out.
"I'm so happy" Steve couldn't control his smile. "But I'll be even happier once I know you're okay."
"I'm feeling so much better now" You admitted. Hungry? Yes. Exhausted? Absolutely. But, "I always feel so safe when you're around."
"I love you so much" He held you just a little tighter, with more confidence it wasn't going to scare you.
"I love you too" You nuzzled into him.
"Okay, now let me catch you up on everything you need to know before being around the Avengers for a day..."
"Oh no" You settled in for what you assumed would be some interesting pointers as he reached for a throw blanket and put it over the two of you.
"They're an interesting bunch, well, half bunch...and there might be a talking Raccoon that comes around..."
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Next Part: Homecoming
Tag list: @patzammit @bemysugarbean @buckymydarlingangel @happinessinthebeing @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @differenttyphoonwerewolf @themotherof10 @lokislady82 @talesofadragon @spikeluv84 @xxxalicerogersxx @avid-fic-reader @royalwriteroftheuniverse @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @bitchy-bi-trash @crazyunsexycool @openup-yourmind @selella @kattreffic @benedict-squirtle @magnificentsaladllama
Have any thoughts or theories? Head cannons or scenarios you want me to write of nomad Steve and baker reader? Submit them to my inbox! I’ll add them to the more fun stuff masterlist here!
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The Fate Of A Fae - Part 1
Marvel AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader x Steve Rogers
Theme: Soulmates / Monster/Fantasy AU
You know on sight. Friends also know when they meet you if you're a match for one of their friends.
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Summary: Natasha Romanoff is a meddling, pain in the ass Sprite, who you wrongly thought would leave you alone once you introduced her to your best friend, Darcy. News flash, she doesn’t and she won’t. Not when she thinks you’re a perfect match for two of her best friends. Could she be right? Maybe. Just don’t tell her that.
“Never tell Natasha Romanoff she was right” - Clint Barton
Chapter Summary: Someone needs to say sorry but do you have the time or temperament for it?
Another night of tossing and turning. Another night of fruitless sleep.
And now some arsehole was calling you at 6.37am in the morning, your phone vibrating across your bedside table.
'Darcy calling' displayed across the screen.
There was no way this was Darcy calling. You had rules, mostly for your friends safety.
Don’t call before 9am. If you do it better be an emergency. Or to get mimosas.
The buzz stopped and you looked at the screen with one eye open waiting for a text that read 911 or pick up bitch.
It didn’t come but the phone rang again and then you remembered. Darcy was with Natasha and Natasha was like a dog with a bone.
You waited for the ringing to end and sent a text.
Y/N: Natasha give Darcy her phone back.
Natasha: She’s sleeping.
Y/N: Then go the fuck to sleep.
Natasha: Can we talk?
Y/N: No.
Natasha: Please?
You ignored her but another message was quick to come through.
Natasha: Please y/n. I owe you can apology.
Y/N: You already said sorry.
Natasha: Yeah and you told me to shove it up my ass.
Y/N: That instruction still stands by the way.
Natasha: Please.
Y/N: No.
Natasha: Please y/n. Darcy’s pissed at me.
Y/N: That’s because you lied. That’s not my fault.
Natasha: I know and I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. Or Darcy. I just thought it would be easier if you met him.
Y/N: How Natasha? How would it be fucking easier to meet him? To meet one of them? You completely betrayed my trust. I turn up at your place only for him to stroll in minutes later and don’t start with the it was a coincidence bullshit again. He came with flowers. My favourite flowers. You schemed the whole thing. You’ve said sorry. I’d don’t want to talk about it or to you again.
Natasha: Please y/n. If you’re Bucky’s soulmate you know what this means. He won’t let it go.
Y/N: Natasha?
Natasha: Yeah?
Y/N: Go the fuck to sleep.
And with that you turned your phone off.
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Look at this....☠️ https://www.tumblr.com/bohemian-nights/737003196544958464/fuck-rhaenyra-fuck-the-writers-with-this-sapphic?source=share
Fucking hell.
First off: I find it interesting the anon doesn't acknowledge that Laena x Daemon is also incest. Sure, she's not his niece, but she is still related to him. They love projecting their insecurities about their ship onto daemyra.
Second: yeah, HoTD choosing to make the Velaryons black then sidelining them massively is shitty and, sure, could be interpreted as racist. However, how is that Rhaenyra's fault? She didn't make Daemon marry Laena when he couldn't have her neither did she kill Laena. Condal and Hess chose to write out Laena's relevance (which already wasn't much outside of being Daemon's wife and Baela and Rhaena's mother) in order to give Alicent more screen time. But again, that's neith Rhaenyra's nor Emma D'Arcy's fault, stop blaming them (also Emma is good at playing Rhaenyra as she is written, the only issues are the writing, which aren't their fault). Op also chose to ignore the fact that Daemon actually is confirmed by GRRM himself to have loved Rhaenyra the most.
Moving on, once again the Rhaenyra antis are bringing up how Rhaenyra isn't "feminist". Literally no one in F&B is feminist by our modern definition. Visenya and Rhaenys are probably the closest, and even then, they aren't writing feminist manifestos (which apparently Rhaenyra is expected to for some reason). Alysanne, the most proactive queen regent, still enforced arranged marriages on her daughters and granddaughters. Rhaenys didn't advocate for Laena's right of succession in the book and in the show refused to support Rhaenyra long before Laenor's "death". Her antis hold Rhaenyra to unfair and unrealistic standards while making excuses for or ignoring other characters who don't meet them.
In that same vein, I still can't get over how Rhaenyra antis will say that TG aren't the conservative group. They say Rhaenyra isn't a feminist and that TG, the ones who are obsessed with male primogeniture and believe being gay, a sexually liberated woman, a child born out of wedlock, or not adhering to the equivalent of the Catholic Church make someone subhuman are the "progressive" group. It's delusion at its finest. Alicent and the greens are misogynistic and, because of them, women's rights in Westeros ended up more repressed than ever.
The fact that the op says that Visenya and Queen Rhaena are acceptable shows they have no understanding for TG or F&B. First off, TG would never support either woman. Visenya was hated by the Faith and most of the Lord's of Westeros, she was a warrior accused of witchcraft and dared to interfere with the misogynistic customs alongside Rhaenys. Rhaena was gay, something she wasn't allowed to live fully because the Targaryens chose to conform to Westerosi ideals. She was also robbed of her inheritance, even Jaehaerys acknowledged that Rhaena was the rightful heir, just as Aegon acknowledged Rhaenyra was.
As for the racist allegations, those come exclusively from Mushroom, someone who is far from a reliable source. Mushroom invented an entire woman to try to add "spice" to Jacaerys' story: Sara Snow. A woman of whom there is no record of, even though she was raised in Winterfell and supposedly married Jace. If Mushroom is willing to make up a whole ass woman to make the story more dramatic, why should we trust anything he says?
Yes, Rhaenyra ordered Nettles' execution, but that was because of her rumored relationship with Daemon and Rhaenyra's paranoia which had grown massively since Hugh Hammer and Ulf White's betrayal. Was it just? No. Was it racially motivated? According to Mushroom, maybe, but looking at Rhaenyra's character, it doesn't make sense.
Moving on, what exactly does op mean by "she's done too many things to claim she's been wrongly framed by the narrative"? By the time Nettles comes along, Rhaenyra hasn't done much that could be considered reprehensible. Op seems to have an issue with Vaemond's death, which Rhaenyra did order in the book. They seem to think that Vaemond "rightfully called her out" and was wrongfully killed.
She ordered Vaemond's execution after he declared her sons bastards in order to challenge Corlys' decision regarding succession. Keep in mind, Vaemond in the book is Corlys' nephew, not his brother, which moves him even farther down the line of succession. Vaemond not only was putting Rhaenyra and her sons in danger but was also trying to usurp all of Corlys' line, including Baela and Rhaena, who op seems to like a lot.
Yeah Rhaenyra is much harsher in F&B, but that hardly makes her evil and irredeemable. Queens Visenya and Rhaena were both harsh and even cruel sometimes, yet op doesn't think they're irredeemable monsters.
I do agree with op's anger over the sidelining of the Velaryons, as I said earlier, but taking it out on Rhaenyra is completely uncalled for. Rhaenyra wasn't a monster, anyone who believes that has frighteningly little reading comprehension. Rhaenyra's reign would have greatly helped women's standings in Westeros and pushed along gender equality. Ignoring that fact and blatantly saying the greens aren't supporting the repressive patriarchy is delusional and idiotic. The greens' actions were damaging in every way. Vaemond was far from an innocent victim, he was power hungry and misogynistic in both the show and the book. Keep your angry focused on the right people, don't take it out on a woman who had her whole life destroyed by the patriarchy.
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yaemilko · 2 years
🪷 20. what if? (1718 words)
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"i know it's been like what? two months? but i'm glad you two made up" hu tao spoke, glancing at ayato and you.
"yeah, it was a torture to watch, and even worse to be around cranky ayato" added kaeya, "anyway, i'm just glad you stopped being a jerk and properly apologized."
ayato softly laughed before hu tao spoke again "yeah but if you do that to my bestie again i'm gonna be the one both murdering you and organizing your funeral."
"noted" said ayato.
glancing around the room, you took a sip of your soda, preparing yourself for the next topic your friend group would dive into - completely not prepared for lumine to speak.
"oh c'mon tao, it's not like he hasn't apologized a million times already. and it's not like y/n isn't partially at fault for the whole thing."
you furrowed your brows, trying to figure out what your roommate meant by that. you were at fault? how? "excuse me?" you muttered, confused.
hu tao cut in at that moment, speaking over you, "honestly lumine, i love you but like? back off. who are you to say who's at fault and who's not?"
"i just spoke my mind" retorted lumine, "why are you picking a fight with me?"
"well, you spoke wrongly. i'm just saying."
"ALRIGHT. ladies, calm down, it's all in the past now. besides, it's none of our business, it's y/n and ayato's. so, unless they have something to say, i suggest we drop this already." the tension was broken by kaeya, who then looked at both you and ayato as if he was expecting something.
"it is between us and i think none of you should have a say in it, however close we may be." you finally spoke.
"i agree. and i'll apologize as many times as i need. there's no need to get worked up over it, lum. we're good." ayato said, his eyes landing on lumine who was sitting next to him, and she nodded.
the conversation moved on smoothly after that, props to kaeya and hu tao for dispersing the tension and coming up with things to talk about, the latest one being some movie everyone but you seems to have watched.
you excused yourself to the bathroom, and on your way back you just stopped to stand in the doorway. you were looking at your friends, who haven't noticed your presence yet, quietly observing the room and the atmosphere. you couldn't help but notice how close ayato and lumine seemed like this, from afar, sitting next to each other, laughing and talking. at some particular thing ayato said, lumine laughed loudly, gently slapping his arm in the process, he smiled back at her. you couldn't figure out what was so funny.
this wasn't a novelty – for the past two months since you and ayato patched up your friendship, you've started noticing the little things the two of your friends did that made you wonder.. what if? you started noticing how you always felt like an outsider, even if then never tried to make you feel that way. sometimes you just felt like you were intruding on something you shouldn't be. you didn't let yourself go there completely though, but the thought was always there, in the back of your mind. what if they're falling for each other?
you shook your head, trying to get out of your thoughts, and started making your way back when your phone rang, attracting the attention of everyone in the room. suddenly, four pairs of eyes were on you, watching you, as you looked at the phone in your hand and sighing once you saw the caller.
"um. it's scara. i'm just gonna go to the balcony and talk to him for a bit, see what's up. you guys carry on, i won't be long." you said before making your way out and answering.
"hey." you breathed into the phone
"hi, are you free right now?" scaramouche greeted back.
"um, i'm at ayato's with hu tao, lumine and kaeya, but i can talk for a bit. what's up?"
"oh.. sorry for disturbing you then. i was just wondering if we could study for the upcoming exams together." he said
"you're not disturbing, and i'd love to! we're quite a pair when it comes to studying." you laughed.
he chuckled back, "hahahah yeah, alright then. we'll text about the details then?"
you hummed into the phone, "yeah. uh. scara? could i talk to you for a bit?"
"..of course. what's bothering you?"
"i'm just.. hypothetically, what would you do if the person you had feelings for started catching feelings for your friend and you watched it happen. i mean – you're not sure about them catching feelings, but you have a pretty good hunch, you know what i mean?" you said in one breath, breathing in loudly once you were done.
he paused for a moment before answering, "yes i do know what you mean. is this about lumine and ayato?"
"how did you know..?"
it was his turn to sigh, "i'm not blind y/n, i've noticed them hanging out, and about you.. is that necessary to answer? of course i'd notice you had feelings. are you forgetting we've known each other for basically our entire lives?"
"damn. i tried to hide it tho.. was it that noticeable??"
a small laugh escaping him once again, he answered "hahah, to your close friends, yes. what happened for you to ask this?"
you leaned over the railing, softly humming into the phone "hmm.. it's just a thought i've been having for a while now. actually, i've had it ever since they met. nothing in particular happened, you just should've seen them earlier. a big part of me is screaming that it's obvious they caught feelings.. you know she even defended him earlier? i just.. don't know.." you breathe out, "so what would you do?"
silence envelops you both again while he gathers his thoughts, "..shit. i can't tell you that, y/n. it's on you to decide how to act, and even if i told you what to do you wouldn't listen."
"fair enough but like, what are my options? i'm stuck."
he sighed, "well, you could either confront them or ignore it and try to move on... or tell him about your feelings."
"and have him turn me down? nah, i dont think i could handle that."
"what makes you think he'd turn you down?" he said immediately after, no uncertainty in his voice whatsoever.
"have you been listening? i told you i think he's starting to catch feeling for lumine. i can't do that. besides, i already blew our chances of ever getting back together long ago. i just want this to be over. i want to move on." you rambled, exasperated.
"there you go. you should know what's best for you. and y/n?"
"yeah?" you breathed out.
"lumine's your friend. even if she liked him, i doubt she'd get in a relationship with him, knowing your history."
chuckling, you said "hah, i wonder about that.. anyway, thank you. i'm sorry for dumping all of this on you."
"it's alright. i'm always here to listen to you, that's what friends are for, right?"
moment of silence. then, "right. i should go now, i'll text you later, kay?"
"okay. bye, y/n."
"talk to you later, scara."
after hanging up, you decided to remain on the balcony for a bit longer, sorting the whirlwind of thoughts in your head. what was the best thing to do?
you don't know how much time passed with you standing there, staring into nothingness, before your peace was broken by the sound of the balcony door opening, the one person clouding your thoughts walking out and joining you.
"are you alright? you've been gone for quite some time" ayato spoke, breaking the silence
you looked at him briefly, then turned back and stared at the cityscape again. "i'm great. just got lost in thoughts for a bit. it's beautiful up here, isn't it?"
he smiled, "it is." coming out from him before he moved to stand next to you, joining you in staring at nothing ahead.
you knew what you had to do – universe gracefully blessed you with this opportunity. you wanted to know. you had to ask. so you did.
the sound of silence was broken by your sudden question. "hey ayato.. do you like lumine?" and then you turned to look at him, the little voice in the back of your mind hoping he'd say you were wrong.
he looked at you once again, his eyes burning holes right through you. the silence was deafening and you found yourself wishing you'd never asked. you weren't ready for the answer. he searched your eyes for a long moment, his gaze so powerful it hurt, but you didn't dare look away. you wondered what he was looking for, why was it taking him so long to answer.
he opened his mouth, preparing to say something, then closed it again. breaking eye contact, he looked away and sighed like he was defeated.
".. i think i do. why?"
you could feel something inside you breaking. why does it have to be like this? you were prepared to hear that, you knew it for months now, but why does it still hurt like that?
despite the turmoil of emotions in your soul, you smiled. you can get through this, you thought to yourself. don't let him know that hurt. it's your fault for not getting rid of your feelings earlier.
"oh, it's just a thought i had and i wanted to check. thank you for telling me though."
"... yeah."
awkwardness filled the air, you not knowing what to say anymore, and wanting to just jump off that damned balcony or burn the whole apartment complex down with you in it. it'd be easier that way, you thought.
"well, should we get inside now? it's kinda chilly out here." you chuckled again, hurriedly moving towards the balcony door.
"y/n, wait."
you stopped in your tracks and then turned to look at him again.
ayato looked at the ground, then looked at you once more, awkwardly scratching his head.
"do you think i have a chance with her?"
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ONCE MORE 🪷 previous · masterlist · next
ayato x reader social media au
SYNOPSIS what happens when your ex comes back from abroad and you realize you still like him, but as destiny likes to play with us all it just so happens that he starts getting closer with your roommate? what will you do?
a/n – i'm sorry . anyway! see you all on tuesday since i won't be able to update until then! also - have you listened to midnights? if so – come tell me your fav songs <3 thank you for reading and enjoying the story!!
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hotdilfs11 · 1 year
People We Met In Supermarkets pt 2- Damon x Reader
part 1 part 3
✩Jade had some past secrets she's been keeping away from the Salvatores especially Damon. Ever since she met them she only told bits and pieces about herself, and it's so bad that they don't even know that Jades older than them. What secrets are she keeping and will it come out? Who or what is hiding?
✩parings:Girl name Jade x Damon
warnings:mention of stabbing/being casted away
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As I walk into the long, aching halls of school, I see my two best friends, Bonnie and Caroline. However, I wasn’t in the mood to have a long, exhausting conversation with them after what just happened. But I walked up to them anyway, giving them a fake smile and saying, “Hey guys”.
Caroline looked at me with a heartfelt smile on her face. “Hey Jay!”
“Hey care, Bonnie. I need to talk to you; it's urgent,” I said in a monotone voice.
Bonnie nodded in confusion and worry as I grabbed her hand and dragged her into the nearest women's bathroom. Her face frowned up. “What's wrong, Jade?” 
“The Salvatores asked me about the originals, but I reacted wrongly, and now I think they’re going to start asking questions, Bonnie. I’m scared,” I stated anxiously.
Hesitantly “I know you're scared, but I think you should tell them, especially Damon.”
I sighed "Yeah, I know, but I’m just scared.”
“It's been decades; I think they’ll understand." Bonnie says as she tries to reassure me, but it isn't working. I thought I could run away from this, but of course it came back to play after decades of me not thinking about it. I know that the Salvatores are supportive, but I've lied too much about too many things. When the time comes, I’ll tell them, but until then, it's only between me, Bonnie, and Grams.
Bonnie tries to say something else, but I cut her off instantly “I have to go, Bonnie; I’ll see you”. I started rapidly walking away from Bonnie, pushing the door open, revealing the same boring, drowsy hallway. I wanted to run away from my problems, but I’m done with running. Even though I’m still scared out of my mind, I’ll try to deal with it.
1921, New Orleans
“Get off of me, Nicklaus!” I shouted, trying to retrieve my hand from his strong, illuminating grip. I’m terrified of Nicklaus. He’s stronger than me and faster than me, so right now, me trying to yank my hand away is useless because his grip is getting stronger and stronger.
“No, not until you pick between my brother and I!" He screamed with a hefty English accent.
Elijah was behind him, doing jackshit to help me. He’s weak and scared of his own fucking brother, and Klaus, behind all that anger, is still a scared little boy hiding from his bloody father.
"Elijah, do something; you’re just bloody standing there like a fool!” I shrieked as tears started to run quickly down my cheeks.
Elijah looked at me with a cold, piercing stare as he mumbled the words, “You have to pick Jade.”
I scoffed. I’m in shock with these two; they want me to love them both, but I don't want that. I loved Klaus before, and I loved Elijah before, but now that I’m seeing their true colors, I’m not sure I love any of them anymore, especially Nicklaus.
I gave them both a deceiving glare. “I’m not bloody choosing between you guys. I am sick and tired of you two treating me like I’m some kind of fucking doll.” I took a pause, trying to put my words together. “I don’t want any of you, and I don’t FUCKING LOVE ANY OF YOU!"
Klaus' looks at me in disbelief as his grip loosened up, and I had my chance to run back into the club we were in. I know that they wouldn't make a scene in there. I ran through the doors of this nightclub as I made my way through the crowded, dimly lit room. I fought my way through, making my way to the open bar, sitting down. The bartender went up to me and asked, “What can I get for you, ma'am?" I ordered a Bourbon neat, and he brought it to me as I chugged the whole thing in one motion.
The bell rang loudly as I jumped out of my seat, releasing myself from a crushing memory. I raced through the crowded halls desperately wanting to leave this god-forbidden school, wishing I had listened to Stefan about staying home. I made it out, walking down the parking lot, trying to find Bonnie's cute yellow car. However, I got distracted by the roar of Damon's car quickly approaching me. I tried to ignore it, but he stopped right beside me. I stopped in my tracks and bent down to Damon's open window.
I sighed “What are you doing here, Mr. Salvatore?" I said it coyly.
He gave me a quick smile. “I figured you needed a ride home.”
I looked at him for a minute, giving it a thought. "Okay," I said as I got into his car.
The engine roared to life as we sped out of the parking lot and onto the long country highway. I slightly turned my head, looking at Damon's strong, rugged hands gripping the black steering wheel as we raced down the highway. I started to admire his features again, like this morning. I love looking at him, it gives me butterflies. His side profile was perfect, his jawline was sharp and lean, and his hair looked slightly messy, like he didn’t care to do it this morning, but he looked amazing either way.
He turned his head in my direction as I quickly twisted my head, pretending to look out the window. However, I felt his eyes caressing my body, and it made me anxious yet excited for some reason.
Teasingly, he says, “You’re always looking at me, Blue Jay."
I looked at him and smiled. “Whatever do you mean, Damon?”
He smiled, but it faded quickly. He looked a bit bothered, and I had a feeling what it was about too.
I let out a strong exhale. “What is it, Damon?” I said as I looked at him, annoyed.
He looked at me, then looked away, trying to pay attention to the road. “I just… I just want to know why you got all tense this morning about the originals.”
I stayed quiet as I directed my gaze out the window.
“Do you know them? Are you running from them?... I just want to know what the connection is between you guys," he curiously said.
“Please pull over, Damon.”
I demanded "pull over.”
The car started to slow down rapidly while he pulled off to the side of the road. When the car came to a full stop, I grabbed my school bag and hopped out of the car, slamming the door shut. I started to walk back to school, thinking Bonnie would probably be there if I walked; however, the thought flew out the window as Damon ran in front of me. I didn't notice him doing that until I bumped into his firm, hard chest. I looked up at him, making eye contact with him. “Move out of my way, Damon,” I demanded.
I tried to step out of the way, but all he did was block my way. I rolled my eyes at him, knowing he'd keep this up, so I just gave up.
Damon sighed "Look, Jade, I’m sorry I bombarded you with these questions, but I just want to know the truth, okay?” His voice grew soft with me, and his strong, soft hands cupped my cheeks. I felt reassured by him, but I’m still not ready for it. I grabbed his wrists and lowered them slowly.
I looked at the ground and said, “I’m not ready yet."
“It's okay, I understand,” he said softly as his arms wrapped around me like chains, pulling me into him. I took in his sweet-scented cologne and the warmth bouncing off his body as my face rubbed against his soft, cottony black shirt. I feel safe and at home in his arms. I never thought I would feel like this in decades. It brings me back to my own family.
Damon slowly loosened his grip. I looked at him and said “thank you” as we started walking back to his car.
A husky voice beside me blurted, “You must be having a rough night.”
As the bartender gives me my second drink, I slowly turn my head to see a handsome gentleman who looks a bit mysterious but well-known. He had jet black hair, icy blue eyes, and a nice, sweet smile. I noticed there was another man beside him. He looked a little different from the first one yet similar. However, he had brown hair, brown eyes, and a stronger build. I assume they may be brothers or cousins, but he never noticed the other one talking to me.
“You fancy a drink?” I said it with a strong British accent.
He smiled. "Yeah, sure, if you tell me why you’ve been crying.”
I scoffed and let out a soft chuckle. “Boy problems.”
He started to rapidly nod his head up and down, probably understanding what I’ve been going through for the last hour. "Well, a pretty girl like you shouldn’t cry over a skeevy little boy.”
“Yeah? and what makes you so different?” I say being coy.
The mysterious man shrugged his shoulders and said, “Maybe it’ll make a difference one day.”
A flush of warmth crawled on my cheeks as a strong hue of red covered my face. "Uh, well, one day it might; we’ll never know." I looked at him, then trailed off to the guy beside him. “Who is that man beside you? He’s been awfully quiet there, mate.”
He looked behind him and said, “Oh yeah, that's my brother Stefan Salvatore,” then whispered, “He's in quite a mood tonight.”
A new voice appeared in the air as the other man stated, “I am not in a mood, Damon. I just don’t want to bother this beautiful woman, unlike you.
A chuckle released from my lips: “Is that really your brother?"
“Yes, sadly,” Stefan said nonchalantly. He seemed a bit drunk and angry, but he was quite funny. I started to gaze at the other Salvatore brother in curiosity. “Now what's your name, mystery brother?
“My name is Damon Salvatore, and yours?" I stood up from my seat as Damon's eyes followed me, concerned. “Jade Bennent."
I stood between both brothers as they both looked at me with a surprised look. "A Bennent witch?” Stefan was intrigued by what I said.
“A witch and vampire boys.” They looked at each other with confusion. “And you are vampires like me. I knew the minute I sat next to you two, Mr.  Salvatore," I said calmly.
I started to walk away until I heard Damon Salvatore say, "Wait." I looked back at both of them with a smile. “I’ll see you boys later, yeah?”
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basu-shokikita · 1 year
Kloktober 2023 Day 6
Comedy or Tragedy
I'm primarily someone that loves both consuming and writing comedy but I have to say that Metalocalypse, besides being funny, is ripe with angst potential. Because of that, I struggled choosing one for this day. Eventually, I managed to come up with something…and here it is.
Hope you enjoy!
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Toki clung to Skwisgaar, sobbing inconsolably on his shoulder. “No, it can’t ends like dat!” He hiccuped. “It amsn’t fair!”
Skwisgaar, though less emotionally overt, had tears in his eyes. “It ams…like dat…”
“No!” Toki yelled, banging on his own thighs. “No! Please!”
Skwisgaar watched him sadly, fighting off the tears.
“It can’ts…” Toki’s voice got lower. “I can’ts…No…No…”
Wiping his eyes, Skwisgaar patted him awkwardly. “It will be okays…eventuallskies…”
“But hows?” Toki insisted, his eyes red and cheeks wet. “Hows can it evers?” He buried his face in his hands. “Hows…”
Skwisgaar tried to speak, but his voice didn’t come out. He cleared his throat, voice broken when he talked. “You has to believes…One deys…”
“Hows can you be okays when you lost it alls?!!” Toki turned to Skwisgaar and the latter looked at him with so much despair in his eyes. “Oh, Skwisgaar…my hearts broken…” He sniffed.
“I knows…” Skwisgaar nodded slowly. “Never thoughts…dis could happens… toes us…” He rubbed his eyes, in an attempt to regain his composure, instead breaking down in front of Toki.
“Oh, no, Skwisgaar…” Toki cupped Skwisgaar’s face with worry.
“Everythingks ams so frails…” Skwisgaar looked to the side, distraught. “In da blinks of an eyes…it can goes away…”
Wordlessly, Toki wiped the tears off Skwisgaar’s face with his thumb. “Don’t cries…” He whispered, while crying himself. 
Dark blue eyes met icy ones. “Toki…” Skwisgaar pleaded his name, like he was about to break into pieces.
Pickles walked in with a bong and almost dropped it over the sight. “Whu….Whut is goin’ on here?!”
Toki turned to the voice, casually letting go of Skwisgaar. “Oh, Pickle!” He rubbed his nose. “We were watchings um, whats it calls…”
“Da Broker’s Mount Ann…” Skwisgaar sadly, drying his face with his shirt. 
“The Brother’s Mob Plan…” Toki repeatedly wrongly, just as sad.
Pickles’ eyes went from the rolling credits on the TV, to Skwisgaar and Toki, to finally the DVD box on the table. Something seemed to click on his brain, because he sighed and went. “Ye mean…Brokeback Mounteen?”
“Ja, dat’s what we says.” Skwisgaar raised an eyebrow.
“Moidaface says it was a cows boy movies…” Toki explained, looking down pathetically. “We thoughts they would has horses and has gun fights…”
“Fuckingks Moidaface…” Skwisgaar cursed under his breath. “It was so fuckingks depresskings…”
“Ye guys are so fucken stoopid…” Pickles said, to no one in particular. “Who hasn’t heerd of Brokeback Mounteen?”
“He mades us watch a gay movies and cries about it!” Toki ignored him, getting progressively angry instead. “We should…We should kills him!”
“Ja!” Skwisgaar stood up in agreement. “He mades us gays! We amsn’t gays! Lets kill hims!”
“Uh, I think you are pretty ghey…” Pickles commented and took a bong rip before flopping on the couch. “I mean, ye were like-”
“Let’s go, Skwisgaar!” Toki decided, standing up too. “We can burns his dicks while he ams sleepings!”
“We cans drop a huge pianosk on his stupids, uglies dick!” Skwisgaar suggested, with a mischievous smirk. 
“Yeah!” Toki cheered and they left, mumbling and cackling about the possible suffering they could inflict on Murderface. 
Pickles watched them go with disbelief, a cloud of smoke surrounding him. “Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt, or somethin’.”
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