#but yeah. i have the 3 of them kinda designed then 5 more ideas
faineant-girl · 4 days
bwwuuuuhh i figure if i mayhaps post abt my tptm ocs i will be more inclined to work on the rest of their designs..... i have pretty solid ideas except for one but i just. uhhh dont draw them
anyways if anyone in le community is at all interested in them maybe lemme know...... i dunno :P bleeeh
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mortuarywriting · 5 months
Falling into Place
Ao3 Link - [First] - [Next Chapter ->]
All things considered this isn't what you were expecting to wake up to when you went to bed. One minute you're on your phone, trying to pass out, and the next? You're here. You've had some interesting greetings in your life, but dropping about six feet and having twelve guns leveled at your face? That takes the cake
Reader Insert, Plus-Size Reader, The Author Regrets Everything, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Isekai, canon divergence Look we're gonna dig into the implications of omegasverse changing bits and pieces of history as well as addressing whatever the FUCK is happening as CoD's history. Idk man Godzilla is canon and nobody bats an eye at that fact and you think I'm gonna be normal about that? No
You could be having a worse day, you think, as you stare at the interrogation table you're cuffed to. They could've shot you the second you fell the six feet from the sky into a random army base. That's a very real thing that could've happened.
But no, you just had a dozen guns pointed at you in one moment and a slew of questions you didn't have satisfying answers for.
No, you had no idea how you got there. You'd been in bed tooling around on your phone and then you were falling.
They asked who you worked for, and were not impressed by your mundane answer. You didn't work for some pmc or intelligence organization. You asked them to their faces if they thought you could pass a PT test if you tried. Not that they answered or appreciated your point, mind.
It was only after you gave them whatever identifying information you had that things got… spicy.
"I would love to tell you what this designation of yours is if you tell me what you mean. Is it like a classification of civilian versus enlisted? Is it physical? Is it your horoscope? I don't know what I don't know," you explain again for the Nth time. You didn't wanna play twenty questions but here you fuckin were, captive audience and all.
The man asking you questions had lost his charming good cop look. He was getting more and more annoyed on this one, "your designation," a demand, not a question and sure as shit not an answer.
"Again, would love to tell you! I don't know what you mean! Feels like some kinda Star Wars thing," you grumble the last bit to yourself but the man cocks his head.
His eyes narrow, "what are… Star Wars, you said?"
You blink owlishly, "beg pardon?"
"Star War. Clarify."
It's your turn for your brow to furrow, and furrow it does, "Star Wars? As in the multi-billion dollar franchise created by George Lucas and eventually sold to Disney," your tone is questioning, just shy of asking if the guy lived under a rock but his expression didn't let up and the last thing you needed was bad cop, so you continued, "the story of what happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away? The political space series of movies versus Star Trek's more scientific and discovery based longstanding TV show? Nine major movies and the Clone Wars before Disney sunk their talons in. Like yeah we got more shows and movies that expanded the universe but they also cut out decades of book contributions in their acquisition and that kinda sucked. But yeah, that Star Wars?"
"Nine movies," his tone is disbelieving, and now it's your turn for your eyebrows to raise, "can you name them?"
You nod, "well yeah. Do you want them in episode order or release?"
His brows furrow, "did they not release in order?"
"In a sense? Three trilogies, 4-5-6 back in the late 70s early 80s, then 1-2-3 in the late 90s early 00s, and 7-8-9 through the teens. So order, yes, just… not a cohesive one."
"Release, then," he leaned back and crossed his arms, a position you'd love to mimic if you weren't cuffed to the table for… an indeterminate period of time now, actually.
"A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi-"
"Woah now, empire? What's a jeddy?"
You give him a blank look, trying very hard to mask your disbelief as you look between him and the mirror behind him. You look at your reflection, take a deep breath, and- "sir would it be easier for you to maybe check the internet?"
He seemed to bristle, nose flaring and looking at you expectantly.
You just… kinda sat there. You tapped your fingers together on the desk and kept the eye contact he was intent on. It took a good minute and him getting progressively pissier before you simply ask, "would you like the other movies now?"
You didn't expect an explosion of movement from the man. He downright snarled and slammed his hands on the table as he burst to his feet, the sudden change sending his chair screeching back before falling with a clatter. You leaned as far back as your cuffed hands would allow, eyes wide and a panic rising.
Both of you turned to look at the door when it slammed open with a barked, "Williams!" 
The man who opened it reared back a bit, "Christ, layin' it on a bit thick," he groused, his tone sounding more like someone chastising a teenager for using too much Axe body spray. He smoothed his posture back into something casual as he fanned the air dismissively with a hand, "cap wants you to take a walk."
Your interrogator- Williams, apparently- stares at the man in the door, the two locking eyes before the one in the door straightens from his purposely relaxed posture. You watch the both of them, noting the shoulders tensing as the two just. Staring at each other? Eventually the guy who'd been grilling you looked away and stormed out, the man in the doorway letting him slip out easily enough before turning a charming look back to you.
He took a minute to fan the door a few times to get newer, blissfully cool air in before he entered the room, "sorry 'bout him. He really did a number in here," the new guy tsked before closing the door quietly behind himself.
Your brow furrowed even as you slowly relaxed a bit, had this Williams guy like… farted or something? A nice quirk of ventilation keeping you from smelling something abhorrent? Either way you simply shrug as he walks in and tips the chair back up, sitting and giving another reassuring smile, "how you doing, love?"
You opened and closed your mouth a few times before simply settling on, "I'm a bit… whelmed? This has been," you give as vague a rolling gesture as you can without your cuffs rattling too badly, "a lot? And I have no idea what just set him off either?"
It's the man before you's turn to quirk a brow, "no idea?"
"If I knew the answers to his questions I'd've given 'em by now. I don't, though, and then he just started staring? And hell I just thought it was some kinda macho 'I can stare the truth out of you,'" you pitched your voice lower and pushed your shoulders out for a second to mimic the douchebag behavior before settling, "so I kept eye contact because I'm so out of my depth I have no reason to lie at all and now…" you trail off, gesturing around the room, "all that."
The man nods slowly, "alright love, could you tell me about the last five years?"
Your brows furrow, "oh fuck, 2019 was five years ago wasn't it. God, time is an illusion. Anyway, you want what I was doing leading up to and through the pandemic?"
You think he might've startled for a second but he simply moved to scratch his chin, "mhmm. Just your thoughts on the last five years is all."
So… you ramble. Because he was nice and not prodding or asking weird questions. You talk to him about your job before the pandemic, how people thought covid was just a flu until the death tolls kept climbing, how tons of governments dropped the ball on a local or country-wide level and how that kicked back onto your life, and then the absolute crapshoot of the last election cycle, the shitty 'oh no this is the new normal everything is fine' behavior that has lead to surges and cycles of a fucking plague and so on. He simply nodded, gave some sympathetic hums and winces appropriately at your experiences.
"And did you go back and watch Star Wars through that? Or other things Disney owned?"
And, well, that was a weird way to phrase it but you shrugged, "the mouse is just shy of a monopoly and not one that anybody can take that down so… yeah, I guess? They kept putting shows out and expanding their Star Wars universe so that's been kinda neat to watch but not just them, no. Couple other games and stuff like that to keep me busy, too," you kinda handwave and shut up because panic rambling to MILITARY PERSONNEL is probably not your smartest move in hindsight. Especially when you don't know his name. A+, self.
You tap your fingers against the metal table as he looks at you, "and you said covid has a long term effect of ruining people's senses of smell and taste?"
You nod slowly, "yeah, dude? It's one of the biggest warning signs for most people? Like if everything starts tasting like it was made by a middle class white mom who keeps shoving random letters in her kids names you should swab? That kinda shit?"
What rock has this guy been living under? You were pretty sure the military were supposed to be way more familiar with this shit all things considered, but you've been wrong before.
It was his turn to give you a bit of a wide eyed look before he poorly covers a laugh, "alright, that's fair. I need to go talk with my captain," he hooks a thumb over his shoulder to the window, which didn't surprise you that there had been people back there. He offers a reassuring smile as he stands, humming idly as he pushes the chair back in. He pauses mid-step, "you mentioned that there were cards…?"
You find yourself nodding slowly, "yeah it was important and you couldn't fly or go to certain places if you didn't have one for a while. Should still have a picture of mine buried on my phone," you really didn't wanna get another first-round of covid shots, you REALLY didn't wanna repeat the 24 hours of suck for no reason.
"Cool, thanks," he flashes another charming grin before he slides out of the room.
You lean back in your chair, what an odd guy. Nice though.
"Right," Gaz says as he opens the door to Price and Ghost, "either our mystery guest is off her nut or she's legitimately from somewhere and somewhen else."
Ghost and Price look at each other before turning back to Gaz, this… complicated matters.
Well, it's not like you hadn't given them information to identify yourself. They'd dig up who you were one way or another.
You stare blankly as the nice man from before gives you a sympathetic look, "what do you mean I'm dead?"
Behind him is a guy you're not sure if he's just fuckoff huge or if he's just moderately huge and it's forced perspective.
You don't think it's forced perspective.
You are absolutely trying not to panic spiral.
You are absolutely doing a horrible job at that.
"Well," he opens the file before him and there's a news article, proudly proclaiming "Locals Die in Horrible Freak Accident" like that's not some form of you that was looking like some smear on the pavement, "there's this. Fingerprints match up. Can check for dental if you're really curious."
"Were there even any teeth left after that," you mumble as you take and read the offered article. Seven people were involved, the pictures used are mostly flattering. Hell, you almost don't mind what pic they used for an alternate you but… "that's certainly not the pic I would've wanted. Maybe this me had different tastes?"
You take the time to actually read through the article. It's not helping because for as much as you stare at the page you're not absorbing any information. Some form of detachment, if this was really you? You'd died. A different you but a you nonetheless. You died and you're reading how it happened. There was a lot to unpack in all this and you just needed to put the suitcase away for now. You'd much rather throw it away at this rate.
You were rapidly coming to the understanding that you and Toto were not in Kansas anymore, and there wasn't a convenient yellow brick road to get yourself back home. No easy way to get the hell out of Dodge either. Was it Dodge or the O.K. Corral that was in Kansas? No the O.K. Corral wasn't in Kansas- Dodge was though, that's right. 
This analogy was getting away from you and some part of you figured this was just your brain trying to protect yourself but… wait, wasn't this a metaphor? There wasn't 'like' or 'as' or goddammit not again.
You recognize some names here and there but largely everyone involved were perfect strangers. The article doesn't cover if it would've been slow or quick. You hope for the smear that it was quick. Smears like that don't happen slowly, right? Well, not unless it's like a dramatic slide down a window, but not usually across pavement like that.
Still not sure how you feel about all of it. Bit morbid being confronted with your mortality like that.
Certainly answered a lot of questions about your theoretical passing you never thought about. Like if the obituary for you in what you know to be your own home and world is just as… really kinda just mediocre as this. Have you really done nothing of note for an obituary? Damn.
You kept pouring over the article, each pass bringing new words into focus that help connect the picture a little bit, but… Something repeated in the article made you pause, "two alphas, four betas, and an omega?" 
There was no decent way to ask about that. Any questions invoked from here would border into dangerous territory better kept between yourself and a private browser history. You knew what you were about but there was no fucking way.
"Their designations," the nice man whose name you still hadn't caught explains, "mostly explaining their secondary gender."
You look at him owlishly. You pray to whatever God might be listening that you wake up shortly. Or that the earth below your feet opens up and swallows you. Whichever comes first, the mortification will snipe you otherwise.
"Please tell me this is an elaborate joke at my expense," you are very quiet as you are trying to get really cool with a lot of things really quickly.
"Negative," the big fucker in the back practically growled and you knew that voice would do things to you if you weren't half stepped out of your own body. 
You missed whatever his followup was but your brow furrowed when you checked the date on the article, "I've been dead for months? That…" you let the paper fall from your hands. Everything about this is wild at best and very overwhelming at worst. 
A lot of this qualified as worst.
You look up at the two, missing the odd look they shot at each other as you try to pull yourself back together, "so now what? You've got a not-a-smear of me that fell from the sky onto a secure military base, and where I'm from we didn't have," you paused to gesture between the paper and the two soldiers, "dynamics was it? That was just a fanfiction special."
The way he said it was so carefully neutral you paused, "oh my god without Star Trek to popularize fanfiction and the fan community, how has fandom evolved? Is fanfiction a thing- well, yes, it does fanfics have been a thing since Dante Alighieri wrote the Divine Comedy and even before- well, the question is more if it's still popularized? Are there still the wattpad fics of- I am getting so off track. What exactly is the next step?"
You look from the nice man to the big fucker and back, neither saying anything but looking at you with careful blankness.
You felt like you were being weighed and measured in their eyes.
You hoped to anyone listening that you weren't found wanting at least. Not when you're in the shit situation it looks like you ever so increasingly fell into.
"Considering I'm. Not smear. And very much not from here? Are blanks a thing? Or is that what a beta is I'm," you trail off, brow furrowing, "fuzzy. On the whole thing. The flavor of understanding, dynamics, and population skew tended to be dependant on the author's level of horny."
The did get a bit of a snort from the pretty one before you, the one in the back tilting his head just so as the pretty one spurred you on, "okay please don't take this the wrong way, you have given me nothing to go on but A/B/O and-" a finger was raised in question to that, you quickly explaining, "the fanfic shorthand for the universe without being a mouthful. Anyway- I've seen population numbers being roughly the same across the board, I've seen alphas and omegas at roughly 1% of the population of society on either end, I've seen alphas at about 5% and omegas at 1%- those ones are usually the most horny I swear.
"And it's all over the board, no consistency- sometimes it's betas are infertile, sometimes they're the straightman to the comedy that's an alpha and omega trying to woo each other without being too horny to function. Sometimes it's a sliding scale where being beta just means you're more the more middle-ground regulated hormonally with alphas and omegas being the opposing ends of a spectrum. Can you please say something and give me a fucking break because my panic rambles are probably like. Some kinda prejudiced. I'm still not over the 'I'm supposed to be a smear on the ground we don't even have dental images of to confirm who it is anymore' nugget you dropped on me. I think I'm doing well for this"
You would rather not tell them that as soon as you're out of this box of a room you were gonna be curled up in a ball and unabashedly weeping. That was none of their business.
The pretty one gave you what you're sure was supposed to be a reassuring smile but the quiet stretched just a bit too long. You looked from one to the other before leaning forward, "is this supposed to be soothing in some way? Because it's just a bit of an extended awkward silence and that's uh-"
It was the big one in the back's turn to give an amused snort, the pretty one looking bashful, "right, sorry, we uh-"
You jerk a bit, "wait, was that supposed to be some scent thing," you really didn't wanna say pheromones and potentially dig yourself into a deeper, more awkward hole based on Horny Pseudoscience.
Pretty rubbed the back of his neck, "something like that. You really couldn't smell anything?"
You know the exact Face you're making. It's very much your 'I have told you this and I'm getting tired of having to repeat it' face. You can tell he clocks it but for the record, because to your mortification this has to be recorded, you simply give a succinct, "no, I haven't smelled anything. Not from you, not from him," you jerk your head towards the big fucker, "and not from douchebag from be- Williams! His name was Williams. Nothing. Really had no clue why you were fanning the door when you came in."
You sigh, rubbing the heels of your palms into your eyes, "okay. Assuming I'm not about to be put into past tense a second time. Do we have any idea what popped me out here?"
The sentences are stilted, you know you're getting more rattled the longer you're here but sue you alright it's been the worst six hours of your life here.
They just continue to look at you, pretty keeping a polite almost customer service look as big one just stares unceasingly.
"Right. Okay. Am I going to be reintegrated to society or is this," you gesture around the little room as much as you can, "looking like my home for the foreseeable future."
No change in what you can see of either's expression, and you just sag. Deep breath in, deep breath out, "cool. Alright. Well. I know nothing of how biology is altered here, I'm not sure how that has impacted changes throughout history, and frankly I don't know what your pop culture has done. I'm assuming math and written languages are largely the same but in all fairness I don't know what I don't know."
You just stare quietly at the table for a bit longer before looking back at the two of them, "is there anything else you need because I can feel the freakout creeping up and while I know there's no real privacy, uh…"
The pretty one looked back to the big one, at some point you're sure you'll get some sort of names but for now? Now you watch the big one nod, the pretty one give you a polite smile and some vaguely polite bullshit your brain is swiftly going too far out to hear.
You only hope that whoever is behind the mirror is polite enough to look away as you put your head down on the table and give yourself the opportunity to, just this once, cry. As a treat.
[Next Chapter -> ]
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theogm-art · 1 month
Im going around asking my favorite mech artists "how to get better at drawing mechs", so now i'm coming to you! What is your approach to drawing mechs, what was your path into learning how to draw em? And how could someone get better at drawing mechs? Thank you for your time and attention
Hello ! ^^
For me, I started drawing mechs 4 years ago. I was just starting to draw again after my big depression era (like 4-5 years without drawing anything after artschool) =w= I kinda had to start from scratch. So, to help me, I started drawabox.com .
I did the first lesson, pulling lines and drawing straight, which helped me a lot gaining confidence in my hand. I ended up drawing 250 boxes . It took me something like a month and a half, doing 10 boxes in day, not everyday, but most of the week.
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This was important, especially with mechas, because it teaches you to draw in 3d, to give volume to your shape, and because most mechanical stuff is pretty much boxes piled on top of each others, it's pretty geometric.
At that point, I was already dusting myself of the rust in my drawing muscles, but what really finished it is doing the March of Robots 2020.
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I did like 25 mechs in almost as many days, until I started getting comms. And since then, I haven't stopped. ^^
(also a year later, I got a dm from Tom/Abaddon and got hired to do mechs for LancerRPG x)
Of course, between all that, I did sketches, studies. I tried doing 100 hands but didn't finish it. etc
But for mecha, specifically, I think one of the first things you have to understand is that it is a language of symbols, that is different from organic forms. This obvious difference between mechs and humans, one could say, is that humans are soft volumes and mechs are hard surfaces. But , not only is that not necessary the case (you can draw a mech soft and circular), but it is more about filling in with symbols, shortcuts that bring to mind the idea of the mechanical.
I am not an engineer. Most artists that do mechas and robots and vehicles and hard surface are not engineer and/or do not have that knowledge. (some do but my point is it's not required). Which means that, as an artist you have to fake it by learning those symbols, that bring the IDEA of a mechanical form. This is about using the brain of the spectator/viewer, their knowledge of what mecha looks like, so that you can meet halfway.
You learn those forms by studying. There is no shortcut here. You have to practice, not only your hand, but also your eye, in looking at your favorite piece of mecha media, and replicate them until you can pull them from your brain without reference. (always use refs tho, you don't have use 100% of your brain all the time.)
I am a very DETAIL-oriented artist. It's one of the thing people compliment me on and/or hire me for. It's far from being the only approach in mecha (plenty of great artists doing great concept arts of mecha with few details) . The more details, the clearer you'll have to be, and the more time you'll have to spend on the art. Especially lineart for me. BUT details help a lot convey those symbols and forms and shapes that immediately call MECHA in the brain of the viewer.
Another thing about mecha, is that since it is NOT organic, there is 1) lots of repetition of shapes and symbols, which you are 100% allowed to copy-paste (i do that all the time) , that makes you gain a lot of time.
and 2) SYMMETRY (it's not always the case, you can have an asymmetric design which can be far more interesting) because it's a robot or a mecha or whatever, designed therefore by human hand in-context. Symmetry makes it harder for me, personally, drawing a 3/4 angles or in perspective etc, symmetry is tough. Symmetry of shapes from one shoulder to another, symmetry of details etc. That's probably one of the harder part when you work in 2D. Cause you have to understand perspective and foreshortening and all that.
But yeah, because it's inorganic, hard surface requires a better understanding of perspective, because straight lines are easier to read therefore the viewer will have an easier time at clocking wonky mistakes.
I could go on, about design and function, and aesthetic. but i'll stop there. This is basically how i started plus some other stuff. The rest you'll pick up along the way.
Thank you for asking ! =w=b
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zippidi-dooda · 2 months
Overblot design ratings starting at the bottom
DISCLAIMER: everything is ranked higher than Leona cause his toes
7) Score: 6.5/10
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I think this is self explanatory-put shoes one, cause 1: ew, dirty floor may step on a nail and 2: you got long nails, if you stub a toe, the nail will break or be pushed back into toe and it will hurt, though I will say I like the "tights" or ink covering the legs and ankle bangles. The stitched rags are a cool idea but compared to other designs, it doesn't exude fear or an aura of power. I like the upper half though, it suits you and I like how the fur across the shoulders represents Scar's mane. The hair and makeup is nice, but the makeup is lacking compared to others.
6) Score: 6.8/10
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The makeup is amazing, love the addition of the crown->that plus the shell necklace are a lovely representation of Ursula. I was surprised and happy to see this ob transformation but it's kinda just a darker version of Azul's merform to me so lacking a bit of creativity, still like it though
5) Score: 7/10
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Admittedly this design is very plain compared to even the two before him, but it gains bonus points for changing flame color based on emotion like Hades' hair, the hair here is also styled just like Hades' so if we think about it, someone could have literally blowed his hair out during the battle like happened to Hades, plus I like the mask, similar to the masks that light up when you talk which is fitting for Idia's chatacter
4) Score: 8.3/10
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Shoes are freaking amazing, the snatched waist, the tight fitting ... uh skirt, dress (?), the dangly jewelry, amazing, love baggy-Jammi but Jamil needs to wear more slick clothes like this, black and blood red suit him, makeup is great, inky chin pubes are ehh, turban is a bit over the top but it represents Jafar when he first gets his power which is fitting and the medusa hair is also representative of Jafar's transformation and looking at Jafar's dialogue we now know that deep down Jamil loves puns which is great. Will say that although each character gets a skin tone alteration when the ob, I found Jamil's most apparent and he kinda just looks ashy, but still a great design
3) Score: 9.3/10
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So when I first saw this, I hated his crown, sun, peacock headdress thing but seeing it more and more, it's kind of fitting, Vil is the only one who could rock something so "extra" (I mean that in a nice way, idk the right word for it), and if it represents a peacock it matches with the feathers on his legs, and I guess the claws do too. Honestly, I think this design was more inspired by the Evil Queen in Snow-white and the Huntsman (I may be wrong on that, don't quote me) but again, it is very fitting for Vil as a character. The subtle hints of red are nice, love the crown and the puffed sleeves and the dark veil. All of it is very grandiose and regal very queen, very Vil, but the dirty collar peaking out (and kinda the sleeve style) reminds me of Snow White which can be fitting for both the Queen and Vil because they both hate the one people praise but are always overshadowed by them, no matter what they do people will remember and connect them to the one they hate, even if they had succeeded in getting rid of them. The corset's okay, just shows that the rose has thornes, makeup's okay looks like his dorm crown and makeups nice but not much else
2) Score: 9.8/10
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He is adorable. Should I be scared, yeah probably, but he looks like an edgy cupcake I love it. Has one of the best makeup designs, love that the crown stays but just becomes more deadly, love the choker, love the spiked collar, love the high boots, his heart is displayed for all to see, double belts are always a safe bet, the painted roses represent the queen how things went wrong, the thorny vines wrap around him showing how sharp his words can bite, and the cards hanging from him, dyed in black like him are a lovely addition to the ensemble because it represents how even when gone mad, the Queen's soldiers dutifully followed her orders and came to her defense which, if Ace hadn't done anything, would be exactly the case for all the Heartslabyul students when Riddle overblotted
1) Score: 10/10
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I mean, come on now, look at him. I love the minty skin tone here its representative of Maleficent and really suits him. The cape shifting from purple to thorny green flames is also representative of Maleficent at the end of the film which I love, the crossing cage on his chest and under his skirt reminds me of the gates/windows/doors patterns of the time Sleeping Beauty is based in and we know he love architecture so points there, the style of the shoes/tights also look like the style if the time a little dorky but cute. He wears bangles and ink runs up his shoulders but I think it's interesting his arms and hands are mostly uncovered which is uncommon in almost all of the ob forms. The design of his corset is nice, don't really get the point of the belt tied in front but hey if it come down to it, grab and throw him over your should then sprint away, he'll be thrown off for a second but greatly angered afterward but hey distraction. The hair brushed back really seems to make him look more royal than he normally does which is nice and we can see his scales which are perfectly enhanced by the makeup outlining them. Now, I do like the green glowing between the plates of his tail but seeing the same pattern going on in his horns throws me off since I think I got too used to seeing his normal horns, his horns do look longer here but I'm not entirely sure that's true or if its just an optical illusion cause of the colors. Overall, the true extent of his strength and power are showcased clearly in this form which I think is great, and I see his cape is still dragging on the floor despite his height and the fact that he's floating so I need to see him walk down the stairs and swish his cape around like Mother Gothel
And that's it, what ranking would you give these Overblot forms? Which one would you wear?
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on-leatheredwings · 5 months
i've found your account only a few days ago but ever since then I've been STUCK here rereading your fanfics, especially ones with damian. i wasn't even a dc fan (heard about some stuf, watched some films and cartoons, but that's it) but now im reading comics since im Obsessed and need more batboys in my life (rip my productivity😔)
Anyway, after Sleepover i'm curious what will Bruce (and maybe even Thalia) think of batboys strange behaviour towards reader. He's smart, so he definitely notices it early on, but how he'll react....
I can see him being weirded out (like he was by Jason's anger issues, before his death), but he also can be an enabler, since Robin (literaly any of them) had a hard life, so if those relationships can help him why not pretend that everything is normal? you'll be safer in a Wayne's Manor anyway
All in all, thanks for a new hyperfixation 💞💞
P.s. About games:
1. Boyfriend to death 1&2 - since you're into yanderes you might want to check this game out. I prefer the second game, but the first is also fun. But beware the trigger warnings!!
2. Long live the Queen - more of a raising sim than dating sim but you still can romance some guys and girls.
,3. Hatoful Boyfriend - mostly a comedy, but there is a yandere.
4. The Royal Trap - it's been a long time since i played it, but it used to be one of my favorites so i'll just mention it.
5. Higurashi - once again not really a romance sim, but its an interesting horror mixed with a slice of life
and yes yes get into DC!!! (girl who hasnt even read a full run since like. injustice)
damn now you got me thinking and excited. incoming spiel
i agree entirely about bruce just knowing how Bad things can get, so to make things simpler, he's like "yes, your darling(s) can stay in the manor, boys. 🙄"
mmm yes..... when it comes to bruce noticing the batboys are yandere, i think it's always sinfully delightful to just have him be reluctantly okay with it. 😈 it's also easier narratively ngl but i also like the idea that the batfam is all just corrupted.
bruce's thoughts are that they (his sons) fight for vengeance and justice but this is where they could use some leeway.... we all need our vice... they fight so hard for gotham, they deserve a little treat (getting rid of your human rights)... it's very "Dad who wants his sons to have happiness even if its not healthy" of him. in fics where bruce is a yandere, well, he's the exact same way so he can't judge. although if that's the case, i like the idea of bruce just being like "yes what we do isn't right. let's not talk about it. just don't kill <3"
still wondering what i like more. a yan!bruce who's self aware what he's doing is wrong but he just refuses to think about it. or a yan!bruce that justifies it all because of his paranoia, Tower of Babel style (if you don't know, that's when it's revealed batman has plans to subdue/kill the justice league just in case they go rogue.)
for the batboys depends on their personality... for damian, he's so resolute in things that i prefer when he just believes 100% what he's doing is okay, if not actually righteous. ^_^
hmmm talia.... I'M STILL UNSURE HOW I PREFER THAT AS WELL... i think talia being a you-arent-good-enough-for-my-son mom is a little cliche but also. she kinda would say that. you'd have to prove your worth somehow but idk how tf darling would do that LOL. in the end, i think talia is just relieved/comforted that her son indeed feels desire and wants love and will continue the family legacy (regardless if youre afab/can biologically have children.)
no THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!! AND THANKS FOR RECS!!!! heheh yeah ive checked out btd and im not averse to the warnings its more like im not that most of into the designs ngl. fox guy seems cute? AND LMAO FUNNY BC IM ON A HIGURASHI REWATCH (never played it tho)
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peachie-bumblebee · 1 year
Hey so this might be weird but would you be able to do some Vanessa nsfw Headcanons? If not, I would also like more glamrock chica content
hi love! so at this time i can’t seem to get much inspiration for Vanessa!! it’s not a weird request at all, and I’m currently doing a rewatch of the OG SB content with my partner, so I will put it right there for when I feel more confident in my writing abilities for that character. for now, enjoy some chica content <3
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she’s actually so baby girl
i’m actually so obsessed with her you have no idea. no no idea.
as before mentioned, she’s a toy FREAK
she gets her toys either through discreet delivery (she has a deal with a worker where if they get it to her no questions asked, she’ll let them hide in her room for good chunks of their shift) or adult customers (aspiring groupies) have caught onto the fact that if they give her ones, she’ll take them
she eSPECIALLY loves when they give her something more custom to her design and aesthetic.
her type is anyone she can find cute. seriously. if she can make them blush once, she’s starting to think about the soonest she can get them into a closet
don’t get me wrong, she’s not the type to initiate first- she’s very careful about it. but if the vibe is there and they’re both receptive, then yeah. she wants them on her dick and sucking her clit!!
chica is a FREAK and i’m tired of y’all saying she isn’t. she’s also mostly a top..
i want you to look at her stretch her arms in that gif. really look at it.
she’s got a little heart design on her pussy front hshsshghjss
and her clit is pink
LOVES fingering. she loves fingering her partners, getting fingered, both at the same time-
she likes to have her partners touch themselves for her to watch across the room. literally put on a show for her!!
thinks its cute when they get shy but always shows them how not to be ;)
makes those sharp giggle-gasps during sex hhh
she LOVES quickies. she’ll show up backstage ready for a show and have been in you 5 minutes prior
i’m sorry but she and Roxy have fucked at least once. it’s just to blow off steam and it doesn’t affect their friendship much, but they’re definitely close
once got caught by a security worker sneaking 3 people in 😭😭😭
as mentioned in Animalistic- she’s very willing to help her friends out for anything having to do with their sex lives
if they need her maze, or a toy, or someone to watch and degrade? she’s down !!
she’s pretty passionate about the guitar so her fingers are literally programmed to help her be quick with them. she will use this to your advantage
she LOVES it when someone gets on their knees to eat her out. loves that shit, she leans back and gets comfy
she’s so so cute during aftercare omg. she’s a cuddler.
she would 100% get her partner some cute lil collar or something with her logo that they could wear
her strap giving style is definitely a lot of hip movement and full, quick thrusts
she just gives good dick. she just does.
she’s so good at handjobs stfu. stfu she is. she’s the type to kinda giggle through the whole thing cuz she thinks her partners reactions are adorable
i’m sorry i feel like i might be the only one but LORD she has me giggling and 🤭🤭🤭🤭
i can see her being into giving impact play, but not too hard at all. it’s more of things that lightly to mediumly sting and slap then anything too extreme in that area
if she’s bottoming she’s still a bit of a power bottom
i don’t see her getting all melty and submissive like that
her pussy probably tastes like strawberries
i hoped you enjoyed! be sure to comment, reblog w tags and comments, and requests!! it really makes my day <3 love you all!
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zai-doodles · 2 months
Yeah!! Please rank the spirit dresses!
ok ok ill try to not ramble too much but this will def be long lol
im not perfect by any means and these r just my opinions so idk don't kill me ig, if u disagree u can say that but be polite
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ok put down ur pitch forks and let me talk-
its not a BAD design aesthetically or in concept, I've seen ppl say its kinda leaning into a like, spy vibe or something and I really like the sunglasses and horns!
BUT capricorn never read as a spy to me?? maybe its just me but he always came off as more of a butler parody especially w the tailcoat he gets in this screenshot
i think both capricorn and the stardress suffer from not having a very visually distinct concept so when put together its barely feels like they match at all, its its v clear that putting lucy in a skimpy dress took priority over making a cool design that connected to the story
i dont even love my redesign for this dress anymore bc I feel like I just need to redo Capricorn first to give him a stronger concept then deal w the dress later
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this is blasphemy i know but PLEASE HEAR ME OUT
this one is way more personal preferance so if u disagree that's so chill there's just too many things w this dress that bother me
I hate the hair, i really do like grown women w pigtails is already a pet peeve of mine bc its so male gazy to me but combining that with the bikini top and super short skirt just annoys me
and let me say again THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH LIKING THIS but in the larger context of this being the AQUARIUS dress it just doesn't read like her at all!! Sure she has a bikini but she also has v ling hair!
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where capricorn suffers from too little visual concept aquarius has so much of it!! The gold to me reads v fancy and royalty esque which makes sense for her personality, just changing the hair to something more like what aquarius has would do wonders I feel like
plus i hate the green-
my first redesign ever was this dress bc it annoyed me soooo much
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this fit is fine, just boring
but virgos design is also boring and the one interesting thing, her chains, NOT being part of the star dress or alluded to makes me angry
also pigtails so it loses points
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again its fine but its boring, mainly bc aries' design is also boring so-
idk i wish they went more bo peep with it cuz I feel like that could have been cute
also more fucking pigtails-
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if any fit deserved to have horns its this one TAURUS IS A BULL-
anyway this fits is also fine but damn they could have gone so much harder w the cowgirl thing
i do still stand by my redesign for this stardress bc I think it fits canon without redoing taurus
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she should have a nose ring its just facts-
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love the concept and idea! kinda meh execution
its fine ig but its also like gemini don't look anything like this? which makes this another one were I feel ud have to rework gemini to give them more visual cues u could take
the headdress specfically confuses me since the wiki says its a Kokoshnik but after looking at the wiki for that I found nothing in the history that makes that make sense for this fit?? like concept wise??
its only so high up bc i respect that they did something different and creative with this dress and the way they split the colors on the dress itself is cute, just wish they went more magician or even jester w it
the only pigtails im kinda ok w bc symmetry
(when i say more magician i did it this way:
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its cute, i wish the tail was bigger and I see v little reason for the fit to be skin tight when scorpio himself literally has a half skirt thing going on
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i still like this so here, as u can see I liked the idea with the hair and headband combo I just wish they had pushed it further
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again, cool concept, weird execution?
this one is the only one i feel that THRIVES from not taking any visual cues from the spirit bc honestly his design just sucks I'm sorry ik its supposed to be funny but its just stupid to me idk
however even if i like thaty they did something different AND gave her the bow and arrow, it annoys me still that nothing about the fit reads equestrian or archery? there's SO MANY historical fits they could have used as inspo for this and they just chose not to and that's lazy to me idk
also also i hate that for a while bc of the way the manga was colored it looked like she was fully just wearing underwear bc of the white fabric with nothing on her thighs like that's dumb he's a horse u WANT something there to protect that area when riding
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its cute, it matched loke design AND personality wise, wish there were more lion elements but overall v cute
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i already talked abt my thoughts on this dress here so yeits just good AND the pigtails r ok bc they r meant to mimic cancers silhouette which I really like
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apopcornkernel · 4 months
i dont know if there's even a ppop presence on tumblr but i do also want to promote ALAMAT, a 6-member idol boy group from the Philippines. Its members comprise of Taneo, Mo, Jao, Tomas, R-ji, and Alas. They debuted in 2021, and their creative direction centers on championing the Filipino identity and culture through their music.
sorry that ^ was a copypaste but it's a very useful and concise copypaste LOL but onto my own promo:
(note: also most of these videos have english subs!!)
(extra note bc this issue always pops up whenever locals encounter alamat: mo is always wearing black hairstyes bc he is blasian and not bc he is appropriating from black culture hdfjhdf)
KASMALA, the inverted Tagalog word for "strong" (malakas), is the MV that really did numbers on social media iirc. The video direction focused on the "human zoo" in the St. Louis' World Fair of 1904 (which included Filipinos specifically Igorots), and a general theme of anti-Filipino racism by white people (who are represented as ominous figures literally dressed in all white)
personal opinion: the music video is great but i personally think they have better songs, music-wise. and i'm going to give you an example of that by introducing you to my ALL-TIME FAVORITE ALAMAT SONG!!!
ILY ILY, a transliteration of "Ili-Ili Tulog Anay", incorporates the melody and lyrics of the Ilonggo lullaby it derives its title from. The MV and lyrics both work together to portray the experience of being an OFW/having an OFW parent. OFWs, or overseas Filipino workers, refer to Filipinos who go abroad in search of jobs that have better pay, so that they can remit money back to their families in the Philippines.
personal opinion: this is their best song THIS IS THEIR BEST SONG EVER OF ALL TIME and lyca gairanod is such a perfect singer for this. her ethereal crooning really gave me chills the first time i heard it UGH
DAYANG, the term for the wife of a Datu, is one of their most earworming songs ever. It's a gorgeous love song and what I would recommend to newbies if they want to get into alamat <3
personal opinion: The MV is kinda ass because it's just a super long extended ad for DITO PH (in terms of story and also bc they really missed out on doing a vid that drew more on culture esp bc dayang is a historical noble title and they used tausug words and designs for the graphics an the dance itself already incorporated pangasik dance which is also from the tausug people LIKEEE?? they've always promoted other cultures of the philippines i know they can do it but because of CAPITALISM--). But the song bangs so severely, as a pop enjoyer this is peak pop for me.
DAGUNDONG, a song basically recounting the colonial history of the Philippines from Spain to America, is just so fucking good you should watch/listen to it rn. There's EN subs don't worry you won't miss out on the context. This is colonial rage it's so satisfying I still remember where I was when they dropped this.
personal opinion: FOREVER OBSESSED WITH HOW THEY SAY "dahil puso mandirigma di papakutsa di papapugon" you guys have no idea how much i sing that line to myself sooo satisfying. Instant earworm this song i swear.
OK ONE LAST one last and i'm done. okay.
MAHARANI, a Sanskrit term for the wife of a Maharaja (translated as "great queen"), heavily features singkil, a Maranao dance which uses bamboo poles like tinikling does. The song also uses SEAsian instruments like kanun, gamelan, and gangsa. Also BINI's Jhoanna plays one of the main characters here!!!
personal opinion: this is their most pop-sounding song, which i think is slightly carried by the video i'm sorryyy. it's catchy though!! and i looove the part somewhere halfway where alas starts his verse, singing it in a more spoken-word way
okay 5 songs is. probably enough. this post is already kinda long shdfjskdff but yeah. pls check them out if you can hehe <3
also ppop idols are just really funny. there's no concept of an idol image so they just tweet shit. alamat jao gave out his genshin UID after a fan tweeted about having co-oped with him in genshin, and then after that he started answering questions with the hashtag "#canceljao" making a lot of magiliws (alamat fans) confused, and then he posted a classic iphone notes apology like this 😭
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i'll do a bini version after this my girls deserve more international hype. they occupy a more girlcrush pop genre but they're just as chaotic as alamat if not even more 😭 there are entire THREADS on twitter of them just being hilarious jdhfkshgf i love them so much
thanks for reading <3
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kaledya · 2 months
You deserve everything. You. Not me. Your art is everything, I think everyone can agree !*give a bouquet of flowers* 🌸🌸🌸 _
Its great that you thoughts about Cain and Abel because I haven't think at all ! I think if I talk about them it will be in season 3 or 4 ? But its great another follower of yours is writing about them !
Not the twilight ptsd (I can't ahah)
I didn't see Supernatural (too many episodess), I'm more Vampire Diaries/Originals but...
Wait a minute. So Cain is the father of murder who written so... technically he is in Hell as Sinner ? In SSAU ? Just curious ! Where is he ? _
Very intelligent and nice character.. hum... I found one!! After some reflexion. Sam in Game of Thrones ? Does it works ? He is very intelligent in comparison of others!
Yeah the harem in my head is wild. But its fine. The boys are fine. And Jack is very clever in a... foxy way. I have James Bond too somewhere, I'm sure they get along. And Raphael will have very interesting chat !
Hannibal : Hello. *scylla song epic the musical begin* You : son ! Raphael ! Run(row) for your life ! Raphael : what– Me : don't worry you will regenerate! See you later ! Don't be traumatised please. Thanks.
This is chaos ahah.
The next gifts are sent !🌸 I kinda thinking making Verdelet in maid outfit for 200 kudos achieved ? Good idea ? I don't know. Is it a good gift for everyone ? Its funny !
Fun fact : i draw a first version of Hürrem late at night and when I woke up on the morning I was like "what is THIS ?!" so I draw her again.
Thank you for accepting Hürrem as partner with Giovanni !!
Have a nice day too, as always !
I love your writing and it's seriously one of the things that gives me the most morale during the days I'm having right now! seriously reading your ideas. And see your writing It makes meso happy. Even though when I'm unhappy, I'm become happier because I'm thinking Marquisev will published a new episode soon .Seriously, don't underestimate yourself, you deserve everything too.
Also, you draw beautifully too.If you do not have a tablet, I recommend IbisPaintX. You can take the drawings you have drawn on paper with your phone, convert them into lineart format and use them as digital drawings.You are seriously a very talented person, you really deserve everything.
And I really want to shower you with gifts, but I can't draw many art these days, and I would like to thank you very much for the drawing gifts you gave me. Every time ı see them ıll be like Do I really deserve these?
So in short, you are truly someone who deserves everything and thank you for everything!!!
I don't think much of it, but after the fanfic written by Void-maker, I was inspired and started to think that the two of them would be interesting characters, especially Cain.
Yes, the best idea is to have them at 3 or 4. You already have a lot of characters that need to be processed!
Yes, the fanfic written by Void-maker is really fun to read and I love the dialogue writing!!
Yeah twilight PTSD *crying*Every time I see a half-naked werewolf, I say:
"Put a t-shirt on! your nipples are staring at my soul!!"
Yes, it's long, but technically, if you watch up to 5 or 12, the rest is bad. A seriously entertaining series with lots of creatures, demons and angels. Also, the main characters are interesting types.
I watched the originals but then stopped, I don't remember exactly why?I was thinking of watching Vampire Diaries, do you rec that is it good?
Cain is not a sinner. According to my research, God cursed him with immortality after he committed the first murder.In fact, I think it was mentioned as "the man who wants to die more than anything else and cannot die"He can go to hell if he wants, but he is not a sinner and has been wandering around the world for thousands of years.And I guess that makes him an interesting character because I don't think the human mind is designed to live that long.That's why Cain's experiences and personality are interesting.
Sam can be considered I think ,he was both smart and cinnamon roll.
AND lmao the dialogues you wrote were great, probably dialogues will ne like This if we were there!
Öhm.. I mekan I think that's a very good idea my good Man*with british Accent* I'm quite sure The reader will Love to see him in that maid outfit.
WHAT??? The first version was great but you made her even more awesome!!! SHOW MEEEEEEEE!!!
Of course I will accept it, I really thank you for creating Hürrem!!!
I hope you have a good day, take care of yourself!!🫂🫂🫂
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microfeelings · 5 months
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Yeah I'm sharing them now because if I decide to wait to pass them digitally I will ✨never do it✨
Spiderverse x One Piece AU!
A little something that started as an exercise in character design and then I got a little bit into it lmao
I did design the rest of the East Blue Crew but uh... they were kinda ugly/boring, I put more effort into these two because they're the 💕favs💕
Info, kinda. Honestly I don't have a lot thought out its mostly random ideas that mushed together sort of resemble a well put together au, just like everything I do <3
- Spider-Woman of her universe, while her design isn't exactly original I really liked using her orange and blue colors. She has the spider logo on her back because she hates spiders and hates looking at them lmao
- In her universe, her best friend Usopp died when she failed to save him (kinda her "Gwen Stacy" but he was just a friend)
- Has electricity powers, her spidey senses are also really in tune with the climate for some reason
- She has a staff (not pictured) she fights with, and also uses the environment to her favor, not the biggest fan of fighting hand to hand because (compared to other Spider-people) shes not as physically strong
- Has a few enemies and nemesis that she fights, Arlong being the most important/strong one
- She's actually quite happy to know other Spider-people, tho she was kinda shocked when she saw Usopp... It was awkard for both of them...
- The first Spider-man in his world, there are some things of his design I would change (mainly the sweatband, I would change the colors), but I'm actually quite happy with his design. Where does his nose go with the mask on? The same place Hobbie's hair goes, idk..
- In his universe, his best friend Nami died, Usopp failing to protect her
- Uncanny precision with his webfluids, also figths using the environment
- Unfortunately isn't a well received Spider-man 😔, gets complaints about destruction of property or how he's "pretty coward for a superhero"
- Really would rather focus on saving civilians from natural disasters, as he's also not as physically strong (compared to other Spider-people), but it seems every weirdo on the block decided they really need to beat this teenager up, so he also has some enemies...
- Super excited about meeting other Spider-people and finally being able to share life experiences with them, and then met Nami, or Spider-Woman Nami and it was awkard and uncomfortable (but they became besties, bittersweet moment)
Extra stuff from the rest of the East Blue Crew:
- Luffy's spiderman name is Spider-King and the rest of the Spidermans where like "I can't decide if that's the best or the worst name I've ever heard...". Well Usopp thinks it's kinda cool, and wishes he had chosen a cooler name for himself, might be too late for a new signature 🤔, Nami and Sanji think it's stupid, Zoro is undecided
- Sanji does not have a spider logo, even tho his name is Spider-man because he hates spiders
- Zoro is the second Spider-man from his universe, the first one being Kuina, she died and he took her place
- Sanji has fire inmunity
- Zoro carries like 5 extra pockets of web fluids cause he takes "longer routes" (he gets lost a lot)
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sweet-honey-tears · 1 year
🧸When They’re Dads🧸
Part two —> part one
Characters: Shoto, Izuku, Dabi x GN!Reader
I’m back! This was kinda requested… idk. I went off the rails a bit with this one. Can you tell I love making Dabi save people who have crappy lives? Cause I do…I fucking love the idea…this darker then my past Dad post. SO IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO CERTAIN TOPICS, don’t read Dabis!!! Ideas are always welcomed, I hope you enjoy.!
Warning: Talk/ mention of child abandonment
❄️ Shoto 🔥
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“Hey Hello there Little one.”
“You’re beautiful”
Shoto never really saw himself as someone who would have a family. There was a lot of unaddressed trauma that seemed to make any idea of a family impossible. Yet years later, here he is. Holding his 2nd baby boy, swaddled in a baby blue blanket. And 3 years after, Shotos is holding a baby girl.
Her Small hands grasp mindlessly at long strands of red and white mixed hair.
Funnily enough, all three of your children have different colored hair and refer to your husband in different ways. And it’s honestly adorable.
“Daddy”- youngest who has your hair color and two stripes of a lighter color in the front.
“Dad or Dad-da-da”- middle which has a messy yet beautiful mix of red and white hair.
“Dad” -oldest stark white hair.
Your two boys have found their main priority to be their little sister. After a quirk incident when she was 5- her quirk formed in school- and she started to get bullied. When Shoto was about to step in, his sons did it for him. Quietly and  subtly. Threatening the other children with the fact their father was a hero. And their little sister was just as powerful as him. You both do end up talking to them but still… it was fricken adorable
Shoto smiles the day he sees his two sons holding each of their sister's hands, guiding her through the pickup zone to find him.
Shoto doesn't push his kids into anything- encourage, yes.
Shoto is the kind of dad who doesn’t force his kids into any activities. He will offer the idea of his kids doing something but never force them. He will heavily encourage them when they find their passion. Acting like the proudest dad in the world when his little girl does her first solo in dance or his middle gets into the art show. It’s all a big achievement.
You know that whole middle child disappears minds thing? - yeah not a thing. Each child is even, no one is a favorite and NO ONE IS IGNORED.
You’re children know who Toya is- though they don’t really know who Dabi is. Minus that he and their father have a history. But stuff happened…
It happened slowly, the mention of ‘the man’ a walk with your daughter turned to her her talking about her day happily.
“I talked to a nice man! He has fun piercing and he kinda looked like Daddy”
You tell Shoto. Both extremely fearful.
Your middle child comes home one day with a black ring on his finger, his name- which seems to be carefully burnt into it, is written on the name.
Then your oldest, for his birthday got his ears per coed . And not soon after, a small box was left on your porch. “Sorry, I’m late kid.” A pair of white piercings rested inside.
Time passes, and you both notice how the villain Dabi seems to disappear from the news. And the visited from Touya becomes more stagnant. And a few years later, a polorde of a baby girl finds its way to your house… she wrapped in a dark purple blanket. Small horns poking out from her hair. A happy smile on her face… she’s adorable
There is little to no contact with Shotos farther.
They call Izuku- “Uncle Zoo”
🪴 Izuku 🪴
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“We’re having a baby!” He starts crying- bawling really!
My man doesn’t care about gender or shit- they are getting All Might stuffy, and there are gonna be pro hero p posters in that nursery. The kid will have a room designed for them, and the minute your child says they have a new hobby, Izuku is on it. He’s buying stuff and researching. Watching videos on how to support your little boy in learning this new American sport he found. And later on, he’s sitting down watching hours upon hours of videos on hair for your little girl.
He also keeps his old hero journals, your children love to look through them. Talking as they mostly look at the pictures in the books.
“Un Might!” Your little girl yells
“Uncle All Might!”
Your children referred to All Might as their uncle almost as soon as they were born. Toshi appears at random for parties and school pick-ups whenever he can. And Izuku can’t lie, it’s fucking awesome.
Inko also is always in and out of your house- she lives rather close actually (courtesy of Izuku wanting to make sure his mother is comfortable and never lonely- she’s a god send when you both need a brake!!).
Izuku knows he can’t always be there, especially with being the new 1 one hero- so it’s no surprise for him to video call and talk to you all.
“I miss you all so much.”
“We miss you too Dad.” Oldest
“Miss ew oo!” Your baby girl babbles, her fingers grasping onto the Pro Hero Deku plushies.
Both kids own one. These are special though, there’s a little voice box built with the toys. Every time the kids squeeze the hand a little message comes out.
“I love you”
There’s a small one of him singing. Telling a short story.
Your Lock Screen is of your two kids opening up the present. Your son looks a bit confused holding up the stuffy while your daughter is already squeezing the toy and giggling. Your husband is standing nervously to the side with a hand on his neck. A somewhat worried but hopeful expression on his face. A large but sweet smile there too.
Izuku doesn’t care if his kids have quirks or not, he’ll love them unconditionally. He’s already taught them how they have a place in the world if they do or don’t have a quirk. How they are no different and just as special.
I imagine the two of you fight over your baby’s first words.
“It’s gonna be Mama/Dadda/Preference”
“No, It’s gonna be BaBa or Zoo”
And then you both look over at your baby babbling and go running over and you just hear an “Ight.” Does that count? No- you won’t count it but you look over at Izuku and this man’s eyes are stars.
“Izuku no-“
“First words”
“ZooZoo no.”
“All Might” he whispers out. And you just smile and shake your head. No, it’s not gonna count, but to Izuku it kinda does.
“Uncle Baky!”
“Unky Shoe!”
“Un’ id-E-uh”
“Auntie Ouch!”
Yes, Bakugou is considered their uncle.
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Dabi found your daughter in an abandoned house. Her cries led him to her. She was in the bare minimum for clothes, shivering at the cold air that burst through the broken house. Small arms swung in discomfort at the cold as Dabi approached. Your adopted daughter had small horns at the top of her head. And when her eyes caught Dabi’s, his breath left his chest. Big eyes that were a vibrant blue, almost glowing.
“Holy shit.”
Dabi leaned down and swaddled her in his coat, his quirk activating slightly to try and chase her shivering away. “Shh. Shhh. It’s okay, I got you.” His deep voice rumbled.
He’s the kind of dad that feels like he ain’t really- like it’s supposed to be. He’s like that boyfriend of a single parent- the father figure who’s always there for your kid but isn't the legal father. And when someone brings it up to him, he gets awkward and doesn’t know how to answer. But he’s there at every baseball game and there for the first breakup and graduation.
Dabi doesn’t have much to prepare him for suddenly adopting a child. But he did remember it when the others were little. Watching the adults take care of them all growing up. Watching his mother and sister.
He’s the first to wake up when your daughter starts crying at night. He is already halfway off the bed by the time you open your eyes.
“I got it, Doll.” He rumbles
You sneak into the room, finding him holding your swaddled daughter, her little hands grasping at his sleep shirt. A rumbled voice filled the air.
“The monstersare gone. He’s on the run and your daddy’s here.” His rumbled voice.
Dabi doesn’t say he can sing, he denies he can, but he can. And he only will for your daughter. No. Not even you, just for her. His voice is rough, like really gravely but calming.
He carefully rocks her, the street light illuminating the two of them just perfect to catch both their smiles.
“Beautifull, beautiful, beautiful. Beautiful girl”
He trains his daughter, ensuring she can handle herself in the world. She knows basic ways to defend herself and fight back.
Dabi also take a huge step back from the villain life. The public even takes notices because of the drop.
Dabi doesn’t tell her about her Uncles or Aunts, she finds them one day.
You and your toddler were at the park. You had always had your face covered during attacks. So unlike Dabi, Shig or Toga, you can go into public with no mask or anything. Your sweet daughter was swinging, the evening sky coming to a close. That’s when it happens, you hear someone clear their throat and look up to see Shoto standing there. His eyes are on your daughter.
“Can I help you?” Your tone came off defensive.
“Mama/Pappa/preference, he looks like daddy!” Your toddler happily stated. Oblivious to the tension in the air.
“You must be Da-Toya’s partner.” You pulled your daughter from the swings, pushing behind you, eyes narrowing sharply. “Toya sent a photo a year or two back” Shoto smiles “she’s beautiful” You’re almost confused- you remember when Toya sent the picture, but still. That was years ago. “My youngest made these for you,” he reaches far into one of his pants pockets slowly, and you watch him intensely. Half ready to have your daughter run to the meeting point if this goes south. But Shoto fishes around for a secound more before smiling, apparently finding the object. He pulls out a ziplock bag of string bracelets. They’re slightly knotted together, but otherwise fine. “She made them a few months ago- when Toya dropped off a present for her… I told her I'd pass them to you if I find you.”
And that’s how unofficially-officially play dates between your daughter and Shotos three children started.
And soon, your daughter ‘magically’ met Fuyumi and Natsuo and then Rei. With Toya hidden in the background of course
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confessions-sm · 3 months
im soo bored because my fucking discord account is gone so im dojng a huge analysis on candybatz.
lets start with kevin.
my biggest pet peeve is when people solely make kevin grumpy and always irritated and violent and a kid hater. its so dumb. like , i dont mean to shit on peoples aus or interpretations, but when theres a consistent flow of people thinking that kevin is literally just a grumpy asshole, it gets SUPER frustrating.
literally thinking of the person who said ""characters shouldn't be black and white!!" you guys cant even handle spooky month characters"
its so real man. anyway back to the main topic. we get a good view of who kevin is as a guy in the 5 episodes hes in. i could give a good list of his traits. hes selfless, a quick thinker, protective, and kind. i could give examples. he puts other people first even if they have wronged him or put him in danger (skid n pump in episode 5). he uses his surroundings to protect other people and himself (ep 4 and 5). he gives free candy to skid and pump (who probably havent even paid for years, not to mention the time where he notices theyre visibly upset and he cheers them up with giving them free candy). like he doesnt need to do all of this but he does. hes nice. hes a sweet guy. hes really frustrated and stressed with his job but all he really wants to do is help people. when hes not losing his shit because of the nth disaster, he just really wants to assist people. and thats such a noticeable part in his character. i remember someone saying that the "and why is an old dude hanging around with kids? kinda weird.." can easily be read as him looking out for skid and pump. he just wants them to be safe.
because as much as he dislikes the trouble they bring, he KNOWS tneyre still kids. he doesnt outright scream at them or try to awfully punish them because he KNOWS theyre just little kids who dont know better. they arent adults with logical thinking skills, and kevin understands this. like fuck!!! as soon as he notices a threat, he stops scolding them to PROTECT THEM. kevin doesnt hate kids. he doesnt even hate skid and pump. he just hates how frustrating his job can get with the disasters that skid and pump seem to attract.
hes not an asshole, and people should stop fucking seeing him as that.
oh yeah. kevin also seems to be a very panicky guy. easily freaked out and probably really jumpy. again with the quick thinking. he says whatever to try and slip out of situations. he uses the things around him to fight off threats, even if those things dont work. he still tries, because he has that huge sense of wanting to help and protect. oouuuuh i love kevin i love him i love him i-
moving on because i think i covered most of kevs personality. so streber timeeee woooooo
we dont have a lot of coverage on this guy. we only get 1½ episodes, and a background appearance which doesnt give us, anything besides the fact hes alive. so, lets just work with what we got
in sm5, streber is shown to be an enthusiastic guy. really dedicated to putting on an act, and it gives us the idea that he really enjoys halloween, and most importantly, vampires. now, onto strebers rehearsal. we get more background personality ^_^! he seems to be almost sassy, and again!! dedication!! confi even says "he takes this so seriously". this forms streber even more. hes passionate and creative (and a bit nerdy :3), and from background details, we even get the idea that hes good at engineering and designing, having made the mirror himself. he aswell seems to love acting a lot, using the vampire accent an additional time in the short. another take away is that he loves kids :÷]. hes passionate about putting up a whole haunted house just for kids to experience the joy of halloween, and this is more headcanon based, but perhaps halloween means a lot to streber. perhaps it means a lot to the HH crew aswell. maybe streber is so passionate because he wants kids to feel the same spooky joy he felt when he was a kid, yknow? but thats not exactly confirmed, so thats all up to personal opinion. i imagine streber also has a good friendship with the crew. theres a bit of banter, and it gives me the vibes that theyve known eachother for a while ^_^.. but another thing i wanna mention is that people shouldnt characterize streber as some happy lucky go guy whos oblivious and stupid. hes, honestly pretty sassy. and its like, hes not really.. happy go lucky? hes passionate and creative and thoughtful and smart. yeah, hes sure enthusiastic, but happy go lucky? thats not streber.
idk. im mainly saying that only because of the huge explosion of candybatz being kinda fetishized due to the fact theyre a gay couple, and honestly, i kinda want to say streber got more of the worst of it. but thats not too fair, kev got bad treatment too.
anyway, i think thats all i gotta say about streber i guess. now, when it comes to candybatz? its hard to exactly tell how theyd act with eachother. all you can do is get their personalities and ponder if theyd mesh. really, my view is that theyd be an awesome fuckin couple. i project my personal want of a relationship onto them, so mainly its a lot of "they better eachother" and "they work together to make sure that they stay together". i think they communicate a lot and make eachother feel comfortable to exist and be themselves. theres no need to mask who they are as people, because theyre so in love with each other. they dont want or need to conceal themselves.
also. i have another pet peeve that im gonna say because i can and this post is already really long. i HATE when people call streber and kevin a sun x moon ship, because, 1. this kind of wrecks their personality and leans more into how the 2022 fandom portrayed them, and 2. "sun x moon" ships are SO fucking boring because people dont actually use traditional sun x moon things. when people usually say sun x moon, they mean day x night. @catsockpuppet did a really good analysis himself of the difference on a goldenlavender ask here. go check it out.
i dont know lol. this is really long but i was bored and wanting to delve into their ACTUAL personalities so. hell yeah
have a good day
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pebblemae · 21 days
there is something to be said for candle run burnout for sure, like it now takes so many candles to get things that you want, as well as the pricing for paid items of course. The entire thing just makes me wonder if sky: cotl should follow in the footsteps of animal crossing: pocket camp and just make a paid game with no in-app purchases. I think the team are trying to tackle the CR burnout tho with different mechanics such as revamping daily quests (personally i don't like the revamp as it is now, but it's clearly in its early stages!). There's just...a lot going on and it would be better in my opinion if there was no IAP at all, especially because I've seen players be weird in the past about it, like trying to justify paid items by talking about veteran status (idk how veteran status correlates with being able to pay for IAP). Overall I think there needs to be a revamp of sky as a whole.
Again, this got long. I have thoughts.
Yeah, IAP is a really tricky topic. On one hand, it's kinda how free games make money, so I personally get not cutting it out completely. On the other, it really seems like ALL the good cosmetics are IAP.
I mean, in Days of Sunlight, there are 7 IGC items (50 Tickets, 384C, and 30 H). and 11 IAP items ($200+ USD). What's worse is most people can't even afford all the IGC items so you end up getting 3-5 items out of the total 18. For a game that's a lot about cosmetic collection, that sucks for the average player!
I'm not personally bothered but the 20+ ticket values. If you're more or less collecting, you can get them fairly easily. You can miss almost half the days and still get the two items. (84 tickets over 14 days. 50 tickets for the two cosmetics. you can miss 5, almost 6 days and still have enough) I have more to say on Ticket Cosmetics, but I'll save that for later.
I wouldn't be as bothered by this insane IAP to IGC item split if they were affordable and if IGC items as a whole stood up to the design and demand of the IAP. Apparently, the earrings were GOING to be IGC but were last minute switched with the floaty. There are SO few earrings, so making them IAP really sucks. It feels like the umbrella problem now. (of the 7 umbrellas, only 2 are IGC as TS)
I would love to see the IAP disappear altogether too, but that's just not realistic. From a financial standpoint for the company, as well as just in general. People hate them, but people still buy them. If anything I could maybe see a price reduction in IAP but with that comes the fact that now those who paid the higher price were "scammed" and that could create legal problems.
I have no idea what TGC could do, but for starters, I'd ask to lower IGC item prices and make fewer IAP items. Whether that will happen or not, I'm not optimistic, unfortunately.
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idolomantises · 1 year
Don't know how many questions is allowed to be asked, if i asked to many i apologies:
Any plans on drawing more of the priest moth? I liked the design of her and her mantis friend.
Don't know if i missed it, but do you plan on making an angel character who's a dom? Afterall being physically intimate or sexual isn't a sin (contrary to what some might think) as long as you don't force yourself on others (or commit adultery/cheating, but that's pretty obvious).
Not a question, but so far i think my top 6 favorite designs are the two spider moms, Marigold, Sera, Cherub and Priest Moth.
What's Cherub's relation to Sera and Power and the others?
Is there any franchises you're a fan of that you've created art for? Like Wakfu, Rayman or some other show or franchise or game?
Any plans on opening commissions at some point or would be that to much strain because of your schedule?
Does Sera or Power play video games in their free time? Power kinda strikes me as someone who'd love Minecraft for some reason.
In the universe with Sera & Co. do other supernatural creatures such as fairies, werewolves or eldritch horror/cthullu stuff exist?
Ever tried a role-swap AU with your characters?
Is there any of your characters who play D&D, Pathfinder or World of Darkness?
1. No, I’m going to be using them for my uh. Other account from now on.
2. No. Being physically intimate isn’t a sin but anything sexual before marriage is considered sinful, so I don’t really have any Angel who fits that role. Prince (a character I haven’t introduced yet) is the closest to verging into that “past the physical intimacy” zone.
3. Thanks!
4. Cheri has no personal lore with Sera and Powers. Powers is just attached to her because she’s 1) very motherly and 2) a cute animal
Her history with Junior has more depth to it, but it’s huge spoilers so I can’t say why yet.
5. I made a lot of fanart for Rise of the TMNT, BNHA, warrior cats and Steven Universe not sharing any of it because it’s old and cringe.
6. No because of what you said. Too much extra work, plus I kinda hate doing comms compared to my regular patreon work where I can mostly draw what I want. For some reason a lot of commissioners do not consider my art style when suggesting characters.
7. Neither play video games. Sera actually has nothing in her house because she doesn’t want to involve herself in any indulgences. Well except kissing and hugging.
8. Yeah, eldritch horror is debatable though.
9. No but I thought about it. Maybe for April fools.
10. I have no idea what DnD is like so no answer
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inverswayart · 1 year
On Orlais fashion
So, while i was trying to design an outfit for Julie, I stumbled upon a problem - what the hell was considered fashionable in Orlais during Awakening? I scanned through wiki and concept art and then got an idea for a big cool post about it, but my da high is closing in to an end so I'll just ramble for a bit instead.
It's evolving (and too fast)
So yeah, if we look at the concept art and what have appeared in Inquisition, Orlais fashion seems to change at break-neck speed - on par with modern fast fashion. Why is it a problem? Because modern fashion operates in a world of mass-production, which whole kinda alluded to in Thedas, is allegedly haven't been achieved yet. But still, in DAI we see at least 3 pretty distinct silhouettes of women's clothes that feel like different stages of one evolutionary line. I'm talking those beauties:
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So, as we can see, one more-or-less consistent thing about all of them is waistline - fairly high one, like something out of 16th century Italy or first two decades of 19th century. But everything else is varied - the neckline from completely closed to pretty plunging, sleeve length and form, construction of skirt...
But looking at them in this order they do resemble a solid development line - tho for me it feels like there should be at least one more phase between first and second stages - no way such high and tight wheel ruffles would collapse without a trace of their existence... Otherwise, there's a couple of noticeable trends here - first, slight widening of skirts; second, slow rising of sleeves; descending neckline.
At third image it feels like someone suddenly invented the crinoline straight out of 1850's, completely foregoing farthingale and panniers (here's all of them for comparison, in the same order):
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To be clear, neither panniers or farthingale are prerequisite for crinoline to appear - but considering the alleged time period Dragon Age was inspired by and the fairly 1770's like hairdo's Leliana alludes to in DAO (the "I like your hair" dialogue where she mentions a noblewoman incorporating entire birdcage with living birds into her hair) one would expect them rather then mid-19th century invention.
Still, to line up those dresses is to insert at the very least 5 or so years between them, maybe even 10 or 15 (once again, those high ruffled collars would have not dissapered so smoothly... Imagine orlesians with those huge-ass Elizabethan lacey standing collars, wouldn't that be sick?) But to be honest, at least i can see how Origins noble dress could've evolved into the first one.
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All the prerequisites are there - standing collar ready to get taller and rufflier, kinda puffed up sleeves, little cape-like decoration at shoulders, waist accentuated by fairly wide belt ready to turn even wider and more decorative, fairly narrow skirt to expand... And it would've ecen work with the timeline we have - there's roughly 11 years between DAO and DAI, and the silhouette would've had time to change - but then the Inquisition dress would be the latest fashion, not the fairly outdated one we see.
There are also two distinct outliers - Florianne de Chalons and empress Celine with their dresses more or less out of common trends we saw before:
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And while Celene's dress I can still place in the general climate we got - like yeah, she's the Empress, she can be the most fashion-forward one and outclass everyone around, and her dress does look like evolution of what we saw, it would be at least 5 more tears before crinoline would start to change it's shape (ironically getting closer to panniers) and while I can read her overdress as on of the exposed underdresses in a "I'm above your backroom dealings and behind the stage machinations and so I have nothing to hide" kinda gesture, it feels like a stretch.
Florianne, on the other hand, while being more in tune with others silhouette-wise... Why does she has those pagoda sleeves? Why the train when even the Empress does not have one? Mystery for ages.
A bit unrelated but one cool canon thing about Orlesian fashion is that codex in DAI that says that it's all about hiding the actuall contour of body behind augmented forms - shoulder pads, structured garments and so on. That actually is pretty close to Elizabethan conception of man as something completely separate from nature that found it's reflection in geometrical fashions of the era.
So yeah, in the end, while very pretty, Orlesian fashion is kind of a mess (as is every other fashion in Thedas we have seen. Can't wait for Dreadwolf to throw even more aestetics wrenches in here).
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insane-weasel · 29 days
Me, with the objectively worst opinion: Oh...I liked the idea of a QPR Lila x Five.
I'm only halfway through S4, but I like it over S3. (Victor's son caused me to mentally block out like 90% of S3)
Review so far:
Luther's plot: 3/10. I'd love for him to stop being the butt of the joke.
Diego: 0/10. Horrible. You're going to make him a dad and tell me he is not like a super loving and caring father and show me any of that????? Why???? Is he always treated so bad by the plot. Stop making fun of him ffs. Oh, he's barely even chubby, but make fun of his weight. Oh, he's kind of concerned his wife doesn't love him...when she doesn't....make him seem paranoid and in the wrong when...like??? What? WTF is Diego's character.
Allison: 6/10 Thank you for not sticking with Allison is the bad guy...though why throwing any character progression...uh what's with her and Claire??? Are they gonna expand on the last 6 years??? Why 6 years??? Hello??? Anyway, her plot is passable so far. Not best, but....not S3 which is a win
Victor: Only solid 7/10 because he's really hitting me-core. Only characterization I'm kinda on board with. Actually, yeah, have Victor living a really moderate life at a bar. I think he should take you another instrument that isn't the violim. Though not a fan of how they're depicting his powers. I liked the more ethereal powers. Though no on Victor having failed relationships. He needs an awkward cute romance like Sissy? WTF was with that whole beginning? Like...anyway.
Five: 2/10 I don't hate it. But it is the worst five plot thus far IMO.
Ben: 5/10. Actually, I do think Sparrow Ben would be arrogant enough to be in Crypto. I don't like Sparrow Ben, but his depiction tracks. Still wish we could...have OG Ben........Second thought, hate Sparrow Ben. Though whatever, love interest, okay.
Lila: ...1?/10 I feel like the one person who didn't like Diego x Lila, and didn't think she'd settle down. I like a QPR with her and Five. However--How they're handling this? Awful. Also, her powers????? No more mimic. Boooooooooooo.
Klaus: 2/10 I wanted them to go angst with Klaus' immortality, but...ughh. Compulsive cleanliness and over anxiety about common fears is a legitimate way paranoia can develop...as a person with those kinda issues, but they do not depict them in any. Like I'm going to be honest, when you do have those fears to that level...you aren't sober or if you are...you're not looking well. But forget all that crap, why couldn't we have whatever story was Klaus bonding with Allison and helping raise Claire. Why was that the plot we had to be told about rather than shown????$
Other thoughts:
-Gene and Jean are like...10/10. Solid villains. Love em. Costume, actors, quirks--great.
-OH. My. God. Can Reginald stoooooop being a character.
-Music and set designs are a 10/10, costumes this season and apparel is a 2/10. What are some of these looks????
-Uh...The plot is kinda...feels like a fanfic that the author continues after 6 years, half-assed and wings, and has no love for the source material. Some parts seem so lazy. The stakes feel weak. There's traces of a great story...buried in there.
Overall, my theory for what happened: Umbrella Academy leaned into its comic book elements in the worst way possible. For that to have worked, a cohesive and fully fleshed out plot would need to be in place first then followed by a style of editing, composition and mise-en-scene, and then characters can play into cartoon styles.
The editing and filming have not changed between seasons. There's no style. Actually, they've gotten worse. The camera angles are painfully standard. If you wanted comic book, that camera needs to be at some different angles, but no, 3/4, eye level, always capturing same length. Whoever directed this? For shame. You don't use the foreground. You don't use the background. Everything happens on the same level and has the same amount of presence on screen. It screams "no time for flare, let's just get this done!"
So many of the BTS/production elements feel...rushed. If that wasn't the case, if this didn't have a painfully short filming timeline and they didn't have severe restraints compared to the last seasons...than...no one had any love for the series anymore.
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