#but yeah sorry and thanks for letting me fangirl over a group i don’t get to much on this blog hahaha
smolwritingchick · 19 days
Hi! How’s your week going? I hope you’re doing okay. I was wondering, hypothetically, if Jennie had been diagnosed with a terminal illness, like cancer, how would the BTS members and her idol friends support her? I hope my question did not make you feel uncomfortable. If it did, I’m so sorry. That was not my intention at all. You don’t have to answer my question if you don’t want to.
Hey!! Busy week so far but getting by!! 😁❤️ also fangirling over this otome game like usual. Hoping to write more today as well! And gotta answer the rest of these asks!
No need to apologize! I like questions like this! You didn’t make me feel uncomfortable at all! So far everything I’ve been asked hasn’t made me feel creeped out or uncomfortable. You are totally fine!! I like this question so thank you for bringing this up to me, Anon 💜💜💜
I think it’s cool people are curious about what if my characters were in certain situations. It makes the characters more real tbh. And it makes me happy because I’m like wow I made a likable character, this makes me feel pretty good.
And it’s a very real thing too cause a lot of our favs are probably dealing with something especially in private. This actually reminds me of one of my favorite wrestlers who is wrestling with leukemia. It’s amazing how he’s still going strong while dealing with that.
Ok Angst for this answer so warning now 💔
Yeah so let’s say she’s dealing with cancer. Scary af for sure. She will keep silent about the illness besides of course telling Big Hit. She’d have a silent battle with it for a bit before the members and especially Jungkook start to notice her in pain and she’d finally admit it after having a sit down with the boys. I see the group spending the whole time crying. And Jen having one final wish to just continue like normal for her sanity.
I see it hitting Jungkook the hardest since he planned to spend the rest of his life with her and have kids and now this illness is taking over. Him and her will have a long conversation about everything and she’ll tell him that after she’s gone, to please love again after he takes time to heal. And that she will always be there with him
Definitely see the members taking turns attending the doctor appointments with her for support as well. And her friends too while doing things for comfort her like smarties and gift baskets. Her friends and family would go through old memories with her to boost her mood and reminisce on the good times too
Fans will notice a shift in Bangtan and how Jen’s body began to look different. Like her losing weight and looking smaller than usual as the illness slowly took over. I don’t want Jen to reveal the illness to fans. She’d want to do everything she can to remain happy and make fans happy on stage and behind the scenes. But she will leave a final letter to her friends, family and fans respectfully as a final goodbye when she is on her deathbed. Perhaps a final song too.
Jen will not want everyone to worry or look at her sadly or with pity. She’d be frustrated with whatever illness she has but would want to try to stay positive. Angry and frustrated at first, she will slowly begin accepting that she’s not going to have much time left and make a bucket list of things she always wanted to do. And best believe her loved ones will make it happen. And honestly, she’d want to avoid the topic of her being sick and want to just act normal, like business as usual. Although it’ll be hard with her family, the members and friends.
She’d spend her final moments with her friends and family in the hospital. And at one point when it’s just her and Jungkook, she’d pass peacefully with her holding his hand.
Smol brainstorm but hope this answers your curiosity for now!
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From Cider to Sweetheart
Day 3 of 2019's 31 Days of Ficmas @doctorroseprompts Prompt: cider Rating: T (mild) Pairing: 12xRose (AU) Summary: Rose hopes that bartending on Christmas Eve for a party will make the future she dreams of possible. The brooding silver fox in the corner may be more than she bargained for. 2019 31 Days of Ficmas masterlist AO3
Still tying her hair back, Rose slipped behind the bar just as the staff meeting started.
“Right,” Dave sent her a warning look, “thank you all for being here.  I know it’s Christmas Eve and a bit shitty for us all to be working, but the bonuses are worth it, and will be cash in hand once the last guest leaves.  There’s been some speculation about the who of our guests tonight, and it’s the music label Gallifrey.  And yes, their stars will be here as well.”
Rose whistled softly as murmuring broke out.  Gallifrey Records was the largest in the UK, and their various artists occupied eight of the top ten spots in any given week.
“So- we will be polite, we will scrape and simper, and we will not harass or fangirl over the talent,” the manager continued firmly, looking around the room.  “How much of a bonus we all get depends on how happy the stars are.  So, serve fast, be invisible, go home rich – or at least richer than you started the day off.  Tips will be pooled.  You know your jobs – get to work.  They’ll start arriving in an hour.”
With that the group disbursed as everyone hurried to their positions, doing final prep for the event.
“This ought to be interesting.” Mickey started unloading the dishwasher and racking the glasses.  “Who’re you hoping to see?  I wouldn’t mind a few minutes in the alley with Karen Silvers.”  He eyed Rose as she leaned over to check her ice inventory.  “Nice top.”
“Shut up.”  She glanced down self-consciously at the lowcut neckline.  “Pooled tips, remember?”  Jackie had laughed herself silly when she saw Rose in the Wonderbra and lacy top, but a good-enough tip night would allow Rose to finally register for some uni courses and, eventually, get her out of the bar.
“Yeah, well, if you get anyone to sign your chest, let me take a picture, yeah?”
She elbowed him sharply on her way past, fixing him with a glare.  “Cut me a dozen more limes, will you?  I expect there’s going to be a lot of tequila shots tonight.  And keep your eyes on my back, barback, instead of my front.”
“Love you, babe,” he called after her.
Not letting him see her smile, she just threw a rude gesture behind her.
It was going to be a long night.
After three years as a bartender, Rose was fairly confident that she had a good idea of what any customer was going to order at a glance.  She wasn’t always right, but when she wasn’t, she was still in the right ballpark.
An hour into the party a man settled onto a stool near the corner, unique in that no one else was sitting; everyone else at the bar was there just long enough to order their drinks and return to their social circles.  This man, though, appears to be alone but for his thoughts, based on his brooding expression.  Easily a decade older than Rose, his hair was more salt than pepper and his attire gave off a magician/rocker appearance.
“Should I know him?” Rose muttered to Amy, one of the waitresses, jerking her head in the man’s direction.
“Don’t think so,” the redhead shrugged.  “I don’t know who he is, at least.  Probably a manager or something.”
Nodding in thanks Rose moved towards him, serving those who came before until it was his turn.  Whiskey, on the rocks, she predicted.  But what brand?
“What can I get you?”
“What ciders do you have?”
She blinked at him.  “Sorry?”
“What ciders do you have?” he repeated, in a Scottish burr that sent shivers down her spine.  “Anything Scottish will do, really.”
“Hang on.”  Rose checked her stock, then came back with a bottle a moment later.  “I’ve got this – Thistly Cross?”
“I’ll take it.”
Popping off the cap she passed it over with one hand, ringing it in with the other.  “First cider of the night,” she said.  “Got a few more flavors of the same, and a couple other brands if you want something else.  Just let me know.”
“Ta,” he toasted her, and she was momentarily captivated by his throat as he took a drink.
A whistle from the other end of the bar broke her spell, and she turned to the next bloke (they were all men – and tipping well, so the shirt was working) and pasted on a smile.  “Hi!  What can I get you?”
It took a good thirty minutes to cycle back to him, and she leaned towards him just as he drained the bottle.
“How was it?”
“Very good.  Got any other flavors?”
“A few.”
“How long does this party go?”
He checked his watch, then grimaced.  “Let’s try them all, then.  What’s next?”
“How’s ‘Scottish Fruits’?”
She passed it over, then hesitated.  “I thought you’d be a Scotch man.”
He took sip.  “Normally, but… it’s Christmas.  That seemed a little too depressing for a party.  Or at least, I get a little too depressed for a party with it.”
“Why cider, then?”
He just shrugged, then tilted his head.  “I think you’re needed elsewhere.”
“Right.  Sorry.”
Cursing herself for getting too personal she moved along, though her thoughts stayed with the man, who remained on his stool.
Who shows up to a work party on Christmas Eve, then sits in the corner drinking cider?  What’s his story?
“‘Elderflower’ or ‘whisky cask’?”
She pulled the bottle, then hesitated before handing it over.  “The cider, or actual whisky?”
The man smirked.  “The cider.  And a water, I suppose – my sister would tell me to pace myself.”  His smiled faded, eyes going distant in a look she knew too well.
“How long?”
He looked up at her, startled from his reverie, sucked on his teeth for a moment, then said, “Four months.  Accident.  She was crossing the street, truck came out of nowhere.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Thanks.  How’d you know?”
Rose glanced down the rest of the bar, but for the moment it was blessedly quiet; Clara, her fellow bartender, was holding court down the other end, and Mickey was busy with restocks.  “Mum gets the same look in her eye this time of year about Dad.”
“Sorry.  How long?”
“I was a baby.”
He exhaled.  “That’s awful.”
“Yeah.  The holidays can be difficult.”  She shook her head then.  “Sorry, totally inappropriate.”
“Not at all,” the man said gently.  “Grief is enduring, and rears its head at this time of year.  Thank you for sharing.”
“And you.  Let me know if I can do anything else for you.”
He shook his head.  “I’m good for the moment.  And- I’m Ian.”
He held out his hand and she offered hers, but rather than shaking it, he kissed her knuckles, making her flush.  “Good to meet you.”
“And you.”
Rose looked him over, biting her lip.  He’s fit.
A customer walked up then, and she turned.  Don’t shag the guests, don’t shag the guests, Dave will definitely fire you if you shag a guest.
“So, do you get a break tonight, or is it a marathon?”
Handing over another cider bottle – strawberry, this time – Rose shook her head.  “Just the downtime between customers, if any.  Can I ask what you do?”
“Looking to see how deep my pockets are?” he joked.  “You’ll be terribly disappointed.  No, I’m a recording sound engineer.  I’m responsible for taking the raw product and turning it into something, well, palatable to the ear.”
Rose laughed, leaning on the bar.  “Come on, is it that bad?”
“Some are,” he grinned.  “I use a lot more autotune now than I did when I started.  You’ve no idea.”
“I’ll bet.  Tell me more.”
“What, about the time I had to tell Adele she was a bit pitchy?”
She shook her head, smiling, tongue caught between her teeth.  “Nah, I’m not so big on the fan worship.  The technical details interest me, though.  Always have.”
“Dreams of being an artist yourself?”
“Nope.  Had a boyfriend as a teenager who thought he’d make it big.  Never did.  Spend a lot backstage at dive bars with him, and one memorable afternoon in a studio.”
“I know the type,” Ian said dryly.  “Lots of attitude, little talent.”
“Oh, so you’ve met!”
They shared a laugh.
“I have to say,” he leaned forward, gaze on his cider bottle, “this evening hasn’t been as terrible as I expected.”
“You haven’t talked to anyone but me,” Rose pointed out.
“Exactly.”  He looked up, his eye blue eyes meeting hers with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine.
She was saved from answering by another customer, wondering all the while whether it would be inappropriate to give him her number.
As the night wore on the bar got slower, many of the groups scattered throughout the pub moving to bottle service leaving Rose with more time.
While Mickey took care of the restocking and cleaning Rose spent more time with Ian, chatting and joking.  He kept the topics light and she followed his lead, laughing and trading work stories.  Between the content and his accent his tales were fascinating to listen to, and she rather thought he liked showing off, though with the very infrequent name drop.  In return she told her more lighthearted stories from behind the bar, including that of Amy the waitress and Rory the second-shift nurse at the nearby hospital, how they’d fallen in love over darts and cheap beer.
Eventually the night drew to a close, though, the bells of a nearby church tolling midnight.
“Happy Christmas,” Ian murmured, as the few remaining guests started stumbling to the door.
“Happy Christmas,” she repeated softly, eyes searching his.  Will I ever see you again?
He stood with a groan, finishing his bottle before fishing out his wallet.
“You don’t-”
Shaking his head, Ian pulled out three crisp hundred pound notes and added them to the tip jar.  “Thank you for an enjoyable evening.”
“I had a good time.  I really liked talking to you.”
Wallet still out he hesitated, then extracted a card.  “Here’s my contact information.  If you’re serious about sound engineering, use my office phone.”  He held it out to her, but when she went to take it, he didn’t let go.  “Also…” he took it back, grabbing a pen off the bar and scribbling something on the back.  “My mobile, if… fuck, I don’t know.  Here.”
He left the card and the pen on the bar top, turned on his heel, and stalked out of the pub.
“You’re gonna call him, right?”
Rose shrieked as Clara appeared at her elbow.  “What?”
“Cause if not, give it to me – I bet he’s a good ride.”
“What happened to Ash?” she demanded, clutching at her chest.  “And don’t sneak up on a person like that!”
“We broke up,” Clara shrugged.  “So?”
Rose bit her lip.  “You don’t think-”
“He was watching you the whole night,” Mickey piped up, reaching around them to clear some of the glasses starting to be returned to the bar.  “And he only looked at your cleavage when you weren’t close by.”
“Doesn’t that mean he’s not interested?”
“Or that he likes you for more than your body.  Call him,” Clara ordered.  “Now, now, now!”
Rose groaned, giving into the peer pressure – which was telling her the same thing her heart was.  Or at least the heart in her pants.  “Fine, fine.”  First taking a picture of the card just in case, she carefully started the message, going through several drafts before settling on This is Rose.
I honestly didn’t expect to hear from you came back only seconds later, making Clara coo.
“I bet he was waiting for your message!”
Rose swatted her away, catching her bottom lip between her teeth as she typed.  I really enjoyed talking with you.  I’d be open to seeing you again.
She waited with baited breath, Clara and Mickey hovering over her shoulder, but nothing came back.
After a good two minutes she locked the screen and set it down firmly.  “Let’s get back to work so we can get out of here.”
They hurried in their cleanup process, everyone wanting to get home, and she studiously ignored her mobile, even when it beeped ten minutes later.  Harder to ignore were the looks she was getting, but it wasn’t until she clocked out and settled her purse on her shoulder that she gave in to check the message.
“So?”  Like a bad penny Clara turned up at her elbow.  “What did he say?”
“I didn’t read it yet!”
She clicked the message open.  Would dinner be to forward?
Not at all.
Boxing Day?  What kind of food do you like?
How about a chippy and a walk along the river?
“Rose,” Clara complained.  “Let him wine and dine you!”
The tips were distributed then, and Rose didn’t even bother to count it before shoving into her pocket, her mobile dinging again.
That doesn’t give us the opportunity to linger over dessert.
Waving good night to her friends Rose headed for the tube, waiting until she was on the train to respond, fingers hesitating before typing out, dessert depends on how well the rest of the date goes.  I’m very flexible.
She second-guessed it the moment she sent it, worrying it was too risqué, but it only took a minute to hear back.
I like flexible.  Worst case scenario, I’ve got a few pints of ice cream in the freezer.  What’s your opinion on mint chocolate chip?
It’s perfect.
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
alrighty, this fucking sucks to type because I hate having to address anything like this on here when this blog was made to dump my fangirl thoughts and fics into and talk to others with the same interest in it as me, not nearly anything serious. i thought it was me being and acting like an adult, and I’m sure im gonna regret this (not for the reason one would think, but because I’m aware a large majority of tumblr users are—for lack of better words and a more commonly known term—perpetually online) but it appears more so like we have a heavy bystander effect going on, and yes, I can unfortunately admit I was a part of that. look the other way, right?
why the heck are so many people deleting their accounts, and why are so many other people afraid to talk about it? I get it, maybe one person deleting isn’t concerning, maybe they needed a break. but two, three, all in the span of like two days and somehow everyone is afraid and anxious to talk about why?
that’s not normal my friends, that is like the Voldemort effect, don’t speak of it or bad things will happen. what’s going on? this fandom is starting to seem more and more unfriendly and policed, which is completely ridiculous given how acceptance, friendship and differences are the heart of the show.
I’m not gonna lie and say I haven’t seen or heard things because whether anyone likes it or not, shit shows up on other people’s dashes even if it isn’t tagged, depending on who interacts with it. I’m not gonna say anything further on that, people hate context here and I’m not about to be attacked by anons who developed Main Character syndrome, all I’m simply going to ask is can we all just stop and go back to posting content, reblogging it, liking it, IGNORING IT IF WE DO NOT LIKE IT, and letting others live? talk to the people you like, make friends, I’m so happy for you if you can but if you can’t and you come across someone you don’t like, simply leave them alone. don’t encourage hate, definitely discourage it if you can, but standing around and saying/doing nothing is making this place unbearable. I am too fucking old for this. feels like I’m in high school all over again and every freaking clique is fighting and i’m tryna address it without having my high school peers rip me to shreds in their group chats.
it’s easy for people to leave at the drop of a hat because I promise you it’s probably been on there minds for a while now. and they’ve reached a snapping point, which is so unfortunate. It’s not the fics I care about losing (yes, I appreciated them and loved them), it’s the people who wrote them I care about more. so whatever this is, let’s stop it, yeah?
this isn’t a call-out post (and if you feel called out, sorry, but also why do you feel that way???) this is a please let’s just put a fucking end to this post. it’s ridiculous. we write fucking fanfiction about people who don’t exist. there’s no reason to be making people who do exist feel like they can’t do so in this space.
thanks for reading!
🩷 vivi
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forlix · 8 months
👉🏻👈🏻 bestie I love hearing about the writer’s process, so fun facts and such are so welcome. give me info for my lil gremlin brain, please! I did enjoy the tidbit :) very much so, and I love that clip as well so it’s very cool that you got to use it for inspo.
LOL OMG 'Penetration Was Occurring’ SENT ME! I know some fic writers lately have been using ‘p in v’ but I think ‘Penetration Occurs’ has potential, for sure.
and ty for loving my music taste 🫶🏻 and enjoying all my recs. I’m so honoured ;w; hozier is so good and such an inspiration for so many of my fics. his ‘unreal unearth’ album destroyed me when it released, I love him and his songs so dearly 💔
pleeease fangirl over me, this degree has to be validated in some way I am in DEBT. lol jk but yeah, getting to talk lit was something I really loved about completing my degree, and I don’t really have any friends that enjoy it now. my coworkers all read a lot so I get to chat with them, but I decline to mention the copious amounts of smutty fanfic I consume lol but booo to that professor, I’m so sorry they ruined it for you 😔 I’m sure the same would’ve happened to me if my prof for my introductory course wasn’t cool. I would be soo happy if you read my fics, but also hella embarrassed 🙈
I def will reach out because I want friends so badly but idk what to say to people 🥹 but I love our essays 🫶🏻 also I’m SORRY!! IDK ANYTHING ABOUT EXO!! ;w; song recs are welcome, idk. I tend to gravitate to kpop groups with members around my age though (00 liner life) but idk, anything can happen!! I’m scarily open to indoctrination��
but thank you for being so sweet and loving my ramblings!! and I’m happy to keep supporting your works ^^ (your new theme is very cute btw, so aesthetically pleasing omgg) I adore you too, take care! kisses, mwah mwah uwu
-🪷 anonniiie
pls if your brain is a gremlin brain what does that make mine. perhaps that of a troll. an imp. a hobgoblin, even. we are in this together my baby lotus nonnie (also i SEE YOUR VISION. "Penetration Will Occur" will be making a comeback in the near future just you wait)
and YOU'RE honored that i enjoyed your music taste? have you seen your music taste? have you read back on your last ask and Processed what you did there? you literally carved my fic down to its very essence and transcribed the amorphous core into some of the most beautiful music i've ever heard. the honor is all mine, and i am NAWT arguing with you about this one, the fight is won, pack your bags.
and ABSOLUTELY YOU GOT IT, i am your biggest fan, you are so cool and your degree is so cool and never ever forget it. please come talk to me about literature whenever you want, i don't read as much as i used to but whenever i do i can ramble about it for as long as you'll let me lol. so just know you have another lit nerd in me. and i meant what i said about reading your fics! and i am very excited for it my star
by now you have reached out to me and i have continued to enjoy our conversations so incredibly much, so i would disagree with your self-evaluation that you never know what to say to people! i can feel your kindness and warmth through my screen and can confidently say you're my favorite type of person :') i also want to say once again how grateful i am that you trusted me with your identity. i love and appreciate you lots!!
thank you for the kind words as always, and for the support and for this ask and for liking my new theme!! absorbing and reflecting your kisses + thousands more in three...two...
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aurirorii · 9 months
my carat journey ♡︎
sypnosis: (im sure the title makes this self-explanatory but) in which i tell you all about my first impressions and journeys as a carat. (i like summed it all up so its super short)
a/n: i havent been a carat for tooooo long but nonetheless it makes me feel pretty happy to see ive come as a carat as well as how the group themselves have grown over the years c:
Tumblr media
how did it start.. oh right. when i first came around seventeen or seen something about them it was actually back in may of 2021 from a clip i saw on youtube i saw of them on knowing brothers. this clip was when the mcs of the show were trying to guess all of the members’ names and it was the8’s turn.
i remember watching minghao doing that flip or wtv (sorry i dont remember what its called lol) n after he was all cool and stuff. and lowk i was like ‘oooooo.. hes kinda cute’ hehe. and honestly that was kinda it.
you see, it was in 2018 i was actually a k-pop stan yk during the prime era of kpop. obviously over the next 2-4 years i had lost focus. but, when i came back, that video was one of the many i had watched on youtube about kpop. and when i came back, i became a skz fan. i remember felix was my ult bias and that was that.
but that was until i came across an episode of going seventeen. pretty infamous right? god, i remember watching that episode when they were planting rice (ver-paddy) and i was hooked. i had never laughed so much, it was like my spark had come back. i say that because when i re-entered the kpop fandom, i wasn’t at the highest point of my life. so laughing that much over one video on youtube made me so happy. that was when i knew that i needed to find out who this group was and where i can watch more episodes.
that was when i realized that the group i was watching was seventeen: the group with that one cute guy with gray hair and glasses (the8)! also when i realized that vernon was in seventeen (i knew and recognized vernon bc if his cover with jeongyeon, do i need to keep explaining? i didn’t think so).
although, when i started looking into the members, one caught my eye and it was safe to say it was not the8. it was LA boy hong joshua. idk what it was really but i thought he looked so idk— beautiful. so thats what it was for me. i started stanning the group and having joshua as my new ult bias in june 2022. sadly, over time, my interest in skz started to decline. it wasn’t that skz wasn’t great, they are, y’know how it is right?
that was how my journey started. i started listening to their music, getting into going seventeen, binge-watching like all the seventeen related videos i could find on youtube, and most importantly: going through hell trying to learn all of the members.
oh. my. god. hey, you know, it took some time, but i got there! (i always messed up woozi and hoshi) um.. anyways. as time went on, obviously i was able to experience the feeling of waiting to watch their new comebacks and such. and honestly, i don’t mean to be one of those people, but seventeen genuinely brought my spark back. i had, and still, never been so interested in something until them.
around 5-6 months later, it was in novemeber 2022 when i was pretty settled into the group when my thoughts and views started to change. i was starting to focus on new members. i honestly don’t remember at all how this started but jeonghan caught my eye. and i was hooked.
idk.. hes js so.. im sure u know what i mean!!! i mean who wouldn’t? like, have you seen jeonghan? oh lordy lord. he was so beautiful yet fine yet cute yet literally all of the above. i sound like one of those crazy fans. PLEASE GUYS I PROMISE IM NOT LIKE THAY JUST HEAR ME OUT A TINY BIT. let a girl be delulu PLS. ok now im gonna continue being delulu for a sec thanks.
i do admit i still fangirl a bit over him, just a teensy bit!!!!! (i fucking watch edits on tiktok HELP ME I HAVE A SAVED COLLECTION IN MY FAVORITES ermmmm i js want to be organized!!!! …..) please guys im just a girl.
uh. yeah! but in all seriousness, i’m so happy that i was able to come across such an amazing group. time has passed so much and it’s crazy for me to understand that i’ve been already been a carat for almost 2 years. (pls help me ive watched like every gose episode and inside seventeen episode like 50 million times each, but honestly i’ll never get tired of it).
i’m so proud of seventeen after everything they’ve gone through. watching them win their first daesang made me feel so happy for them, they absolutely deserve it. from practicing together in a small, green walled room to selling out almost all of their shows and stages they perform on, seventeen has grown so much as not just a group but individually.
i just know that if seventeen’s predebut self saw their lives now their joy would just be through the roof. as one of the most looked-upon sunbaenims in their industry, i’m sure most people can agree seventeen tops their line of style when making music.
and i’m also so glad i decided to be a carat. i love the fandom, like i can be on tiktok for hours just laughing watching carats post the funniest memes and compilations as well as making the stupidest tweets. i can very much vouch carats are one of the most funniest, supportive fandoms out there.
so yeah, that’s about it!
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goldenhypen · 2 years
OMGG YOU'RE SEEING SEVENTEEN?? this is the same anon that complained about no groups coming to canada LOL im planning on seeing them on the other side :O WHOS YOUR BIAS?? also can i ask what you're taking in your bag/what size it is ? 😭😭 JSHSJS OTHER THAN THAT STAY SAFE LOVE AND HAVE TONS OF FUN 😍🤞
AHAHA HI AGAIN ANONNIE !! YES IM SEEING SVT T O D A Y AHHHSJSJSJJS IM FREAKING OUT svt is my ult ult group, while enha is like my ult/fav group atm ???? idk if that makes sense but hopefully you get what i mean 😭 so you can probably imagine just how excited and hyped i am. my heart is pounding and i’m feeling all giddy eeksjjdjd
but omggg you’re gonna be seeing them too !?? THATS AMAZING OMG YAS i didn’t know there were so many carats on my blog that’s actually so cool and makes me so happy for some reason 😭 i hope you have a good time seeing them whenever you do !! it’s gonna be awesome !!
my bias ?? hehehe it’s dokyeom 🥰 ugh ever since i first tried to choose a bias (i actually chose it v randomly, i didn’t know their names, faces, personality or anything jsjsjdjsj) i chose dk. it’s funny, i was trying to learn the don’t wanna cry choreo, and i was following dk so i just chose him to be my bias skdjsjdj super weird ik sksjdjdj but then i got to know him, and he stuck as my bias ever since ^_^ ugh i love him sm just everything about him, his vocals, personality, visuals, everything ,,,,, sorry 😭 i could go on and on about him, imagine how i’d be talking about svt as a whole 😭 but yeah they’re my ults, i love them sm 🥺 sorry i’m getting way too excited rn cuz it’s concert day skdjdjd
but to answer your question about the bag, for my arena specifically, we’re not allowed to bring bags over a certain size (it was like 14” x 14” x smth else djdjdjd) so i’m just bringing a small purse with things like my keys, hand sanitizer, my phone ofc, chapstick and lipstick, a pen that i always keep in my bag skdjd, an extra mask, tissues, oh yEAH AND MY WALLET SJDJDJ ,, and yk just the basics and essentials. no outside food or drinks are allowed in our arena so i’m just gonna be bringing a plastic water bottle so i don’t get dehydrated since i’m going early and i could just recycle it before i get in. but your arena/venue or whatever could have different rules, so i recommend looking it up before concert day. hope this helps !! ^_^
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absolutelyfizzing · 3 years
angels and demons
warren worthington x reader fluff
@shuckfaced-fangirl Hi! can I request a warren worthington x female mutant reader where her powers are shadow summoning? So I guess everyone in the school kind of views her as some sort of demon? With a lot of fluff? Thank you!!
Description - Y/N is a shadow summoner and is isolated from her peers. Warren helps her see that not everyone fears her and that she is worthy of affection.
warnings - its so fluffy. fem pronouns. some angsty stuff (isolation, depression, sadness), one innuendo, devastating fluff, warren being an angel. i tried to make it POC inclusive, please let me know if it feels restricting or excluding and i will edit it.
word count - 3700, i got carried away
A/N - im so sorry this took so long, i took a break from writing while i am working on moving to college. i will still be spotty for the next few weeks but hopefully, i will post a few more things in that time and then get back on a normal schedule. also, thanks so much for this request, i had a lot of fun writing it and i hope it is something you enjoy reading!
You walked through the halls with a lowered head. You knew that you made others uncomfortable and so you chose to try to make yourself as small and unthreatening as possible. You had been 'gifted' powers with which you could manipulate and create darkness. You were a shadow summoner. That wasn't a name that many found reassuring or comforting.
There were a few who could see past it and who was close to being what you might call friends but those people were few and far between. There were overwhelmingly more people who believed that you must have been a scary and mean person, that you were some sort of demon. This couldn't have been further from the truth if one were to look past appearances. Your shadow was larger and darker than that of your peers and it trailed behind you with a mind of its own, moving and growing without you even meaning for it to happen. Your hands were constantly covered in something darker and dustier than the rest of your skin, a deep and pure black. It trailed from the tips of your fingers and faded on your forearm so it looked as though you had just dipped your arms into a chimney or that shadows were crawling up your arms.
When you first got them, you thought they were sort of cool. They made you look sort of goth and that was fun. That feeling quickly faded when you saw how others, even your family, reacted. They said it was a curse from hell. You were barely convinced otherwise.
You sat away from others at the school during free periods. During lunch you sat alone and in the sun when you could, you hoped it might make others be less scared of you as it might make you look brighter but your shadow, dark and ominous, maintained a spot near you. You wore clothes that made you look more approachable to try to maintain that you weren't scary. Your brightly colored outfit didn't ever seem to work though, no matter how hard you tried.
You looked down at the food in your hands, the sandwich only half-eaten, and you noted your hands. They were so normal looking, your nails were well kept and you thought they were a good size. That they might even be a good size for someone to hold. The only thing was the unnaturally colored dust that seemed to cover them. It was a cool black, it glistened and sparkled in the sun when your fingers moved. It never moved or transferred to anything else, always stuck securely to your skin. You were distracted by the way your fingers seemed to shine when a shadow came near yours, wings outlined in it. You looked up to see a tall blond boy above you with curly hair and bags under his eyes. He nodded to a spot on the grass near you.
"Do you mind if I sit here?"
You shook your head and even scooted away from the spot to give him more space despite the fact that you were in a large field.
"Do you want me to move?" You asked gently, wondering if maybe he wanted this particular spot and you took it from him unknowingly.
"I mean, I think that would sort of take away the whole point of me trying to sit with you." He smirked and you felt blood rush to your cheeks. "I like your hands" He hummed and you looked at him in shock. When his eyes met yours you tilted your head a bit.
"They don't bother you?" You tried to speak softly.
"No, I think they're awesome. They make you look punk." He smiled and you felt the corners of your mouth tug up a bit too.
"I like your wings." You almost mumbled as you allowed your gaze to move to the large feathery wings behind him. They moved in the wind and you found yourself wanting to run your fingers through them. "They make you look like an angel." You smiled and he groaned dramatically.
"I'm trying to look grunge." He pouted and you giggled a bit. At the sound, he looked up at you and blushed a bit. "Maybe we should trade."
"If I could trade you I would. Everyone is scared of how I look." You gazed back at the grass.
"I'm not." His simple statement made butterflies erupt in your stomach and you smiled a bit. You looked back at him and made eye contact for a moment.
"What's your name?" You asked and he maintained his gaze into your eyes. It was the most contact or conversation with someone else you'd had in a long time.
"I'm Warren." He smiled a bit and stuck a hand out to you to shake. You looked at his hand in shock. Nobody ever voluntarily touched your hands. Most of them worried that whatever was on them would spread. You hesitantly brought your hand to his, purposefully giving him plenty of time to remove his hand if he felt uncomfortable. But he didn't. Instead, your hand reached his and he shook it before letting go as if it was no big deal.
"I'm Y/N." You smiled a bit more and you felt a giggle come out of you from the joy of realizing this wasn't a dream, that someone was trying to talk to you and they weren't afraid.
"Is my name that funny?" He teased.
"No, I just-" you paused to think, "it's been so long since anyone has done this with me."
"Talked to you?" He questioned, obviously expecting you to say no and explain what you meant. Instead, you just nodded and his heart clenched for a moment. "Well, you can stick with me then."
"I don't know if you want your reputation to take a hit like that."
"My reputation is 'the angry and damaged kid', I'm sure it can handle the breaking news of me talking to a nice and pretty girl." He reassured before he even realized what he was saying. You could have cried at the feeling that rose up in your chest.
After that day, you stuck to his side like glue and he took no issue with it. The more you got to know him the more you appreciated the fact that he had taken you in. With his help, over the coming months, he helped you develop a stable friend group. That group included people like Ororo and Jane who had heard rumors about you and never bothered to check and see if they were real. They apologized profusely, especially Jean as she felt like she could have easily found out that you were kinder than she thought with her abilities but just had never done so, and you gladly accepted, just happy to be within a group.
You and Warren had developed a reputation. He was overly protective and gruff while you were overly nice and empathetic. You balanced each other well and if you were honest, you were in love with him. That always felt weird to say, you'd never been in love with anyone before but every second you spent with him made you more and more sure of your feelings.  
When you and Warren were together, you would daydream about what it would be like to be in a relationship with him. Being held by him and wrapped in his wings. Getting to play with his unkempt hair. Holding his hand.
Sometimes he would try to encourage you to hold his hand. He would hold it out to you when he was helping you jump down from somewhere high. He would ask you to hand him things and then make decisive contact as he took it from you. He knew that it meant a lot to you, you practically gasped and blushed every time he did it. He had never met anyone so touch starved. He wanted to give you all the affection that you craved.
Unfortunately, Warren was rather oblivious, especially towards things like feelings and emotions. He had no clue that you had any interest in him, even though he hoped you did every day. If he wasn't so attached to your friendship, he might ask you out. Instead, he tried to maintain a friendly distance so he didn't cross any lines while also being as affectionate with you as he could be. You followed a similar path.
The person caught in the middle of this was poor Jean Gray. she had watched you pine over each other since you met and had heard every thought that went through both of your heads. She knew you would never complain or ask for help about anything so she liked to keep tabs on your thoughts every once in a while to make sure you were okay. Still, she tried her best to not listen very often or when you were thinking about anything very personal, she honestly did. But she was a romantic. All she wanted was for you two idiots to get together but you were both oblivious. She decided, probably 3 months into you becoming friends, that she had to do something about it.
She was sitting on your bed while you sat across your bedroom on your small couch. She fiddled with her thumbs while she tried to ignore your constant thoughts about Warren, his hands, his wings, his smile. She was exhausted. she took a small breath while she planned how she would try to say this to you.
"Do you want to know what I heard today?" She called and you looked up at her from the book you were pretending to read.
"Do you mean heard or 'heard'?" You laughed and she rolled her eyes.
"Either." Then she tilted her head. "Both."
"Yeah, I wanna know! What's it about?" You asked while leaning forward in your seat. Jean always had the best gossip to tell because she could literally hear it.
"Warren." She stated simply and watched your reaction. You flushed and stopped breathing for a moment.
"Wha-" you stuttered, "what about him?"
"That he has a thing for you." she winked and you flushed even more.
"You're lying." You assured, a questioning look on your face.
"I'm not and I'm tired of watching you two longing after one another while the rest of the school watches." She smiled and your heart picked up.
"I thought I told you not to look in my head!" You scolded but you weren't actually all that upset. You knew that it was very hard for her to control.
"I cant help it! Both of you think so loud. And I wouldn't have to anyway, Ororo mentioned it to me the other day and she definitely cants read minds." She giggled and you smiled a bit.
"Does he actually like me?" You almost whispered in disbelief.
"Yes! He's been obsessed with you since you started talking."
"But like he would want to actually go-"
"Y/N, I swear to god. If you don't go and talk to him right now I'm going to have a fit." She laughed and you glared at her.
"Okay okay fine, I'm going," you grumbled as you stood and walked toward your door. "If you are wrong I'm gonna be so upset with you."
She just laughed again and you started to walk down the hallway. You thought he might be in his room or outside. You decided to check his room first.
You knocked on his door but you were met with silence. You tried the handle and it moved.
"Warren?" you paused, "I'm coming in," you warned and pushed the door open. When you looked inside, he wasn't there. You took a moment to gaze around his room, it wasn't the first time you had been in there but every time was a bit exciting as you got to see all of the things he had that represented him. He had a boombox and a CD collection on his dresser. Some of his clothes were thrown around his room haphazardly and some of his drawers were open. You looked at the wall next to you where he kept photos that you took. You would carry around a camera or take pictures on your phone of everyone around campus. He always asked for them and then printed them out so he could hang them up. He had even managed to get a couple of you. You smiled a bit before heading back into the hallway, closing the door behind you.
You instead moved towards the door to get out onto the lawn where you thought he would probably be. He often sat under the big oak trees or on the roof if he wanted to get away from people. When you made it outside, you looked around for him.
"Y/N!" you heard him shout. You turned to look for him and saw his silhouette flying from the roof. You paused to admire him and his wings. He always looked so angelic to you. So powerful. You thought about how your power emanated darkness. That you would never appear angelic to someone and would more likely look like a demon. You looked down at your hands for a second, a habit you had when you were thinking about your powers. They sparkled a bit in the sun but it did little to quell the distaste in your mouth.
Suddenly there was a shadow in front of you that was not part of the darkness that surrounded you.
"Y/N?" he asked gently. "Are you okay?" he tried not to startle you. Being empathetic wasn't something that came naturally to him, but he tried extra hard around you. he noticed the way you were staring at your hands. The growth of your shadow as you thought about your powers more. He moved to touch one of your hands but you flinched back a bit. He brought his hand back and looked at you with concern. "Whats wrong, angel?" He asked lightly and you looked up at the pet name. He had started calling you that soon after you became friends. You thought it was out of irony but he really was convinced that you were some sort of angel. He also loved the way that your eyes would light up when he said it. You stared at him for a moment in silence.
"Do I scare you?" You asked quietly and your voice shook. He looked surprised by your question and you were surprised too. You didn't know why you were suddenly getting emotional. Why this was now all you could think about. Why it had to come up now when you were trying to express your feelings for him. Instead of responding he reached out to your hand, holding onto it when you let him, despite flinching away slightly. He started to walk, leading you toward the same tree you had met under. Once you both reached it he sat down and looked up at you, waiting for you to sit down too. You did, maybe a bit farther away from him than you needed to be.
"Do you think you scare me?" he asked genuinely and you took a second to think, looking back down at your hands which were now pulled back into your lap.
"I scare me," you stated simply and paused.
"That's not what I asked."
"I don't know." You mumbled. "I think I freak everyone out. Including you I guess." Your voice was quieter than you meant it to be. you really hadn't thought about it in a little while. It had been on your mind plenty when you first started talking to him. You were extra conscious of not pushing him to be around you or near your shadow. You knew that he would move away if he needed to but you also had so many memories of everyone around you fearing you, running from you, telling you that you were a curse. Instead of responding he held his hand out in between the two of you, palm up. You knew that he was inviting you to take it but that he wouldn't push you to. Instead of taking it, you placed your hand near his on the ground and he left his next to yours, not trying to take it if you didn't want him to.
"You don't." He let out, sounding sure of himself and slightly pained. "You don't scare me." You looked at each other. He had tears in his eyes. He was never one to get emotional so you were surprised. "Do I scare you?" he questioned, already knowing your answer but trying to prove a point.
"Of course not." You sighed.
"You have a lot more reason to be afraid of me than I have to be afraid of you." he looked at your hand again. "I'm the one who has a rough history, I'm the one who is angry and has a reputation of being aggressive."
"But, Warren, your mutation is-"
"Mutation has nothing to do with it, Y/N." he sighed. "You have control over your abilities, I have control over mine. The only difference between us is our personalities and I have never had any reason to fear you or dislike you. You're the kindest person I know and everyone in your life who has let you think that there was something wrong with you was terrible. And that was on them."
Your hand reached for his and you laced your fingers together. He squeezed your hand and ran his thumb over the back of it.
"I love you." The words came out of your mouth faster than you could think and you sucked in a breath, almost hoping he didn't hear you. When you glanced up at him he had a gentle smile on his face. He brought the back of your hand up to his face and kissed it before placing it against his cheek.
"I love you too, Y/N" He reached out for your waist and pulled you toward his lap, giving you plenty of time to give him a sign that you were uncomfortable. Instead, you put your leg over his waist so you were straddling his thighs. You held one of his hands in between you and fiddled with his fingers, admiring how your hands contrasted with his. Somehow, him holding your hand made it seem less out of place. You almost felt pride.
You were suddenly surrounded by warmth and shadow, the sounds of the quad around you becoming muted. You looked up around you and his wings were wrapped around the two of you, closing you off into your own little world. You felt the urge to reach out to them but you had never asked. You had never seen him let anyone touch them and you didn't want to make him uncomfortable.
"Go ahead." your eyes snapped to his in shock.
"Warren, you never let any-"
"I want you to," he admitted and it was true. He had thought many times about asking you to run your fingers through his wings. He would never complain about it but they were a little high maintenance and also sensitive. He never let anyone touch them because most people weren't gentle or he didn't trust them. He knew though that you were the gentlest person on Earth and that he could count on you to be careful.
At his reassurance, you smiled a bit. You reached a hand out to the part of his wing next to his shoulder. You both gasped a bit when your fingers made contact. Warren was a bit surprised at how sensitive they were to your touch and it had been a long time since anyone but himself had touched them. You were entranced by how soft they were. The feathers were delicate and there were so many. You were very careful in how you moved your hand along his wing, looking at him often to see if he was uncomfortable. As you were carding your fingers through his feathers, one came out. You gasped slightly horrified that you had hurt him.
"Hey, it's okay!" he rushed out as he saw your panic. "They just sort of... shed sometimes." He almost seemed embarrassed. Feathers would come off occasionally and he would often have to brush through them himself to release all of the loose feathers, sort of like brushing your hair. He reached to pick up the feather and held it in front of you for you to take. You gladly did and you twirled it in your fingers. "Maybe sometime, if you wouldn't mind, of course, you could help me brush through them?" he asked quietly and you smiled.
"Yeah of course. They seem like they might be a lot of work." you were touched that he trusted you to do that and you thought about how hard it must be to take care of them by himself when they were so big and most of his wings were behind him.
"You should see what it's like to shower with them," he grumbled and then his eyes widened at what he had said. He hadn't meant it to be an innuendo but now he was worried he offended you. Instead, he looked into your eyes and you fell into a fit of giggles.
"I might have to take you up on that offer." Your gentle gaze made him blush. He had never felt this comfortable with anyone. This safe. He decided right then that he would do anything you ever asked of him.
After that day, you and Warren became the cutest couple at the school. You were opposites in multiple ways and your relationship was more wholesome than any of your friends could handle. You got more confident in yourself and your abilities and he allowed himself to be more vulnerable. everyone agreed that you were a match made in heaven.
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ohworm-writes · 3 years
hello! :) so u know how kuon has a crush on sniper right ? can i get an imagine where reader is jealous bc of kuon, cuz u know, her crush on sniper etc etc (sorry i'm just vv lazy at typing), and how sniper reacts to it ?? can u make it like they're still friends but have mutual feelings for each other as they hang out as a unit, and they get together in the end bc sum confessions happened !! sorry if u don't get it i'm rlly bad at explaining but thank u in advance if u do this !! <33
High-Rise Invasion/Tenkuu Shinpan: Sniper Mask Boyfriend Imagine
high-rise invasion/tenkuu shinpan masterlist
‼ Jealous Reader (over Kuon) + Make up + Confession ‼
Featuring: Sniper Mask, Yuri Honjo, Mayuko Nise (implied), Kuon Shinzaki (implied)
Warnings: frustrated Y/n, crushes, jealousy
a/n - good GODS this has been in my inbox for a while and i’m so so so sorry for not posting it way sooner! hopefully you see this anon, and i hope you enjoy!
content below the cut!
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you had developed a crush on the man in the mask ever since you first joined Yuri's little group
you couldn't really tell what it was the drew you to him
he was silent, dismissive, and he was a Mask for goodness sake!
but none of that deterred you from the attraction you garnered for him
you always found yourself trying to interact with him
whether it was offering your help with something that he was doing, or simply keeping him company
most times he brushed you off, walking away and not giving you an answer
other times he silently accepted your offer
those times the two of you would sit in comfortable silence, just enjoying one another's presence
you cherish moments like these for a very specific reason
now you had nothing against the girl!
... at first
she seemed nice enough, always eager to help, and full of ignorant innocence
but then you realized her (very obvious) crush on the masked man
the way she got flustered around him so easily
the way she clung to him like a lost child
at first, you thought maybe she saw him as a parental figure, seeing how young she was
but that thought was (very) quickly thrown to the wind when you saw her wrapped up in his jacket, blushing like the schoolgirl she was and giggling to herself
so what she liked him? you liked him too, maybe the two of you could bond over that!
that's what you told yourself
of course, you never acted on it
it was simple, you were too jealous to do so
you noticed how Sniper Mask welcomed all her little instances without a care in the world
not giving a damn when she clung to him
or batting an eye at her obvious fangirling
it pissed you off
naturally, you began to avoid Kuon
and Sniper Mask simultaneously
you avoided the two of them whenever you could
when you saw them walking towards you, you kept to the opposite side of the wall and walked quickly past them
when you all usually ate together, you picked up your food and ate outside
you were simply, undeniably jealous
you didn't think Sniper Mask cared about it, not that you could tell under his mask
but in actuality, he was confused as to why you avoided him all of the sudden
so, he opted to ask you one day
You shut the door to the dining room rather aggressively as you exited, but you couldn't care less. You let your body slump against the adjacent wall, your plate of food resting on your lap.
Today had been... exhausting, to say the least. Kuon was on her usual actions of pining over 'Mr. Mask', crossing your way a few more times than you would have liked. During your meeting earlier with her and Yuri, your fellow mouthless masked allies, she had the gall to talk on and on about how much she adored him.
You hated it.
You looked down at your food, a scowl finding its place on your features. You glared at it, pushing the pieces around with your fork, not noticing a door open and close right in front of you.
"Jesus, if that food was alive, it would be 6 feet under with the glare you're giving it." You hear a gruff voice call from in front of you. A voice you would rather not be hearing right now.
You continue to move around the food, staying silent as the man awkwardly stands in front of you, unsure of what to do with himself in this situation. "Is it, uh, okay if I sit here?" He asks, which finally makes you look up.
He had a plate of food between his own hands, his jacket gone and sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His mask covered his face, per usual, but it seemed much more lopsided than usual.
You give him a shrug in response, looking back down at your food again. He stands there for a moment, before taking a seat right next to you, your knees almost touching. "You don't mind if I eat with you, right?"
His question makes your eye twitch. Was he seriously trying to be all buddy-buddy with you now? You shrugged again, not giving him as much as a single word.
You heard him sigh, setting his food to the side before he speaks again. "Alright, what's going on?" He asks, making your body tense up. "Nothing." You shoot back, scowling.
"What happened to the Y/n that stayed up and talked about their life for hours? What happened to the Y/n that told me horrible jokes to try and get a reaction out of me? Huh? What happened to them?"
That broke you.
You were angry, furious even. Was he trying to blame this on you? You didn't do anything wrong! If it wasn't for Kuon, maybe you would still be that person! If it wasn't for her, you could still be friends with him! You could be-
"What?" You hear him say softly, much softer than his previous tone. Shit, did you say that out loud? "Yeah, you did." He says again, looking at you with a concerned expression on his face, not that you could tell.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lash out. I just- I’ve been-" You stutter, trying to find the right words. He laughs at that, actually laughs at it.
His laugh is hearty, warm, almost inviting you to laugh along with him. You don't, but he quickly composes himself, making your head turn towards him.
"Why on Earth were you jealous of Kuon?" He asks honestly, watching at how the invisible gears turn in your head, searching for an answer. You sigh heavily, running a hand across your face as you shake your hands while you speak.
"I just- she’s always there with you. She's latched onto you 24/7! I can't get 5 minutes alone with you before she comes barging in." You rant, frustration evident in your shaky voice.
"I just wanted to be your friend, be close with you. I can never do that because she's-she's there." You groan, hugging yourself with your arms. "I sound like a selfish idiot now, huh?"
You laugh dryly, frowning. He sighs, but a smile plays at his lips. "Y/n." He begins, his hand resting you your forearm. "You know she would never purposefully do that. She just, she has an infatuation with me I guess."
He sighs dramatically, earning a chuckle from you. "But." He tells you, watching your eyes as he speaks. "That doesn't mean I didn't miss you."
Your heart skips a beat at his comment, face flushing softly. "Kuon also misses you. You might not have caught onto it, but she looks up to you." He explains, smiling at how your expression softens, mumbling a soft 'she does?' to him.
He nods, laughing once more. "Come on, have dinner with the rest of us. We can't have you sitting alone out here anymore." You roll your eyes, but take him up on his word. He leads you back to the other, Kuon frantically waving over to the two of you the second you pass through the door.
"Y/n! Come sit with me!" She yells excitedly. Maybe you were wrong about her.
after that interaction, the three of you were all on much better terms
yes, kuon still had her habits, but he toned them WAY down after you explained to her how it made you feel
she teased the hell out of you for it too
you, of course, shrugged it off
but you never told her that she was wrong
you were happy to be on good terms with Sniper Mask again
he made a lot more time for you
your old interactions coming back at full force, and some new ones
he loved to take you on little walks on the high rises
he also made it a point to teach you how to shoot his rifle
which was terrifying, but exhilarating
you fell for him harder and harder every day
one day, you ranted your feelings out to Kuon
and while she wasn't surprised, it warmed her heart to see how much you loved him
yes, she crushed on him too, but that didn't take away from the obvious connection she saw between the two of you
unbeknownst to you, Sniper Mask had come to her about the same things
his usually cold demeanor broke whenever he talked with you
he genuinely enjoyed your company, he wanted more of it
and then some
so, she put a plan together
operation "get Mr. Mask and Y/n together" is a go!
she took it all very seriously
making sure you guys get paired together for scouting missions? that's all her
convincing Sniper Mask to get you little gifts and things? of course
overall, the best wing-woman you could ask for
however, the one thing she didn't have anything to do with was his confession to you
he could have used her help with it, that much was clear
but he wanted to tell you how he felt, no help necessary
Sniper Mask had told you earlier this morning to meet you at his room when the sunset before he rushed to get out of your vicinity like you were a plague. Granted, it hurt your feelings, but you couldn't stand him up.
You knocked gently on the wooden door, stepping back and waiting patiently for it to open. After about a minute, while you had heard nothing, you went to knock again.
Your efforts were proved useless as the door swung open hastily, revealing a disheveled Sniper Mask. His usual blazer and fedora were long forgotten, his hair messy, strands pointing this way and that. His mask sat lopsided on his face, still covering it fully.
"H-hey Y/n." He mumbled out, you offered him a wave as he awkwardly shuffled to the side, opening the door as an incentive for you to come in. You stepped inside, walking to the center of the room as you heard him close the door behind you.
You turned to speak to him again, but those thoughts were cast aside as you felt his hands settle onto your cheeks and his lips molding with yours. It startled you, you're eyes open in shock as you looked at him. His mask was completely off, thrown somewhere in the room, but he didn't seem to have a care in the world.
You quickly melted into the kiss, bringing your hands up to gently hold onto his forearms. He hummed, taking a moment before pulling away, leaving the two of you to gasp for air as he rested his forehead against yours. You opened your eyes to meet his, full of adoration.
"I, uh, I think I'm in love with you?" It was more of a question, but you took it happily. You laughed softly, your fingers rubbing small circles in his forearms.
"Was that what that was?"
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cas-rivaille · 3 years
Hi! Can I request a obey me hc where the MC is a leader of a very big mafia gang in the human world?
YES !??!?
(ahaha this def isn't the plot of one of my scripts where i run a mafia gang because i thought it would be cool and it's amazing you requested this)
tags: mentions of weapons, mild swearing, protective brothers and datables (i didn't include luke because it's a mafia gang thing and he's precious child and i want abt to put him in harms way)
a/n: i also didn't write the thoughts for dia, barb, simeon, or solomon because i honestly couldn't think of anything i'm sorry
MC as a Mafia leader in the human world
When you came to the Devildom, you were in another world, rendering everything in the human world useless. You spent so much time trying to adjust, that your life in the human world was almost forgotten.
It wasn't long before Lord Diavolo announced you would be going on a trip to the human world. Suddenly you remembered everything you would go back to. If only you were aware of the chaos that would unfold. When you got to the human world, in your town you previously lived in, there was maybe a minute of peace before chaos erupted.
Once you stepped out of the alleyway that Diavolo teleported the group of you into, nearly half the people on the street turned and looked at you. Some of them ran, others pulled out their phones and made calls, and about four or five came rushing towards you asking where you'd been.
You recognized the men that had the gall to come up to you, they were some of the more high ranking commanders. However, your second in command was not among them. The brothers protectively stepped around you, not knowing who these people were. Clearly that was the wrong move.
In an instant the street was clear of citizens and there were members of your gang with their weapons drawn or their hands near their weapon. Diavolo stood behind you, glaring at the men in front. Simeon and Solomon were on edge. The atmosphere was tense. Barbatos was the first to speak.
"I'd advise you stand down," He spoke with a hum in his voice to the men in your gang.
"I could say the same to you," Said a voice emerging from the other side of the street. Slowly the person walked forward. It was your second in command.
"Who are you to be acting like this around our commander ? They disappeared four months ago and show up again like nothing ? Forgive us if we're a little curious," Your second spoke in a teasing manor, eyeing everyone carefully.
Lucifer -
- commander ?
- who ? mc a commander ? of what ?
- who are these people and where did they come from ?
- *protection mode activated*
- the only reason he's not in demon form and ready to attack is bc diavolo is here
- looks at all his brothers and makes sure they understand exactly what he means with one look
- this man is next to dia full on ready to fight
"Who are you calling com-"
You interrupt Lucifer.
"Everyone stand down, this is all just a bit misunderstanding," You say as quickly as possible to stop any conflict. Everyone directs their attention towards you.
"Commander who are these people ?" Your second asks.
"They're my friends, there's no need to be hostile. Everyone stand down," You say, looking around at all the people. They immediately lower their weapons, some of them even holster them. Your second on the other hand, known for standing up to you, doesn't lower their weapon.
"All due respect commander, but I won't stand down until I know they aren't a threat," You second looks you dead in the eye. You sigh. You then direct your attention to the boys surrounding you.
"Guys, back off a bit please. I'm fine. They aren't a threat," You say, tired.
The brothers ease up a bit, but you can still see the tension in their muscles. Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and Solomon stood behind you protectively still, but also stepped back.
Lucifer steps forward and makes eye contact with you.
"What's going on MC ?" Lucifer asks.
"Okay so, gang this is Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Beel, Asmo, Barbatos, Belphie, Solomon, Simeon, Barbatos, and Diavolo. Boys, this is my gang," You say while pointing to everyone and talking as fast as possible.
Mammon -
- he eased up on his defensive stance, but he never let your hand go
- as to be expected because you're HIS human
- anyways
- gang ??
- what do you mean gang ??
- like a club or should he be running
- very confused boi but just wants to protect you no matter what
Mammon squeezes your hand lightly. You look at him.
"What do you mean gang ?" He asks.
"I- uh.. well you see, it's exactly how it sounds," You respond.
The confusion on Mammon's face only grows.
"I am the leader of a gang. Here in the human world?" You say while shrugging your shoulders.
The boys all look at you like you've grown a second head.
"You run a gang ?" Mammon says after a moment of silence between all of them.
"Is that so surprising ?" Your second asks.
Leviathan -
- surprising ??
- surprising ??????
- the same mc that would stay up until two am playing animal crossing with him ?
- the same mc that bought him plushies of his favorite characters ?
- mc who would cosplay with him
- how could someone who makes sure he takes care of himself and basically babies him but on a friend level, be the commander of a gang ?
- lowkey thinks it's badass because he is the grand admiral of his own army
- gets distracted and starts fangirling over you
"How long have you been the commander of a gang?" Levi excitedly asks.
"Two years, before I went to the devildom that is," You respond, slightly bouncing off Levi's excitement.
"The what?" Your second asks, interrupting.
"The- oh. Wait a minute," You say and turn to Diavolo.
"Am I allowed to tell them ?" You half whisper to Dia.
"If you see fit. This situation is entirely new to me," Dia half whispers back. Barbatos leans in and joins the conversation.
"I sense utter loyalty to you, MC, if you trust them then I advise we should too," Barbatos speaks quietly.
You turn back to your gang.
"Okay so the reason I vanished for four months is because I went to 'hell' as an exchange student. Now I realize that may sound crazy, but these guys are all demons," You say while roughly gesturing to the brothers, Dia, and Barbatos, "He's an angel," You say and point to Simeon, "And he's a human, but immortal, I think. I don't really know Solomon is the textbook definition of an enigma," You say while waving at Solomon in gesture.
Your gang stares at you, bewildered. The person next to your second starts laughing hysterically. Your second glares at him but the laughter doesn't stop.
Levi, knowing exactly how it feels to be laughed at and not believed, starts talking.
"Need proof ?" He asks. In the blink of an eye he's in his demon form.
Your gang steps back, eyes wide, their hands near their weapons.
Satan -
- there's no way satan isn't dragging you back to his room after this to talk about your gang
- thinks it's attractive as hell, MC in a position of power ? that's the stuff
- takes a moment to register why levi is in his demon form, but feels his wrath and changes too
- steps closer to you
- he's still mad you never told him, but he won't take it out on you
- honestly just wants to know the truth
After Satan changes too, the rest of the brothers join in
Except Lucifer, who looks very displeased. Diavolo laughs at Lucifer's discontentment. Satan smirks as well, knowing he made Lucifer angry.
Your second is the first to speak.
"Okay what the fuck," Is the only thing said.
"MC did explain that we're demons, were you listening ?" Satan asks coyly.
"Right then. So it's actually true ?" Your second asks, looking at you.
"Yes, why would I lie ?" You say back.
There is a moment of silence. No one moves or says anything.
"So I take it this means we can't tell anyone ?" Your second asks.
"No, you cant. But I know you're all more than capable of keeping secrets," You laugh a little. The atmosphere lightens up. Your second laughs with you.
Asmo -
- your laugh is so adorable to him
- not the time thoughts
- he also thinks it's attractive you run a gang
- admires how you were able to change the atmosphere and how these people listen to you
- will totally tease you and call you commander
- joins in on lightening the mood
"Right then, how about we all go get a drink and discuss the events of the last four months over dinner ?" Asmo says.
"Is there even a restaurant big enough to hold all of us ?" Satan asks.
"Yeah, we can use the base," You say.
"Of course, it's still the same as you left it commander," Your second joins in.
"Then it's settled, let's go !" Asmo smiles.
Beel -
- definitely not opposed to having food
- is a little hurt you didn't tell him, but ultimately understands
- he wants to hear about your adventures
- wonders if he can spend more time with you to hear about said adventures
- does this mean you can fight ?
- if so can you train with him ?
"Does this mean we get human world food ?" Beel asks, looking at you.
"Yep !!" You respond.
Beel changes out of his demon form with a smile on his face.
"I'll also show you guys our base of operations and give you a tour. I can also show you where I used to live too !!" You say excitedly.
The other brothers change out of their demon forms.
Your second starts to walk and lead the way to the base. Everyone follows.
Belphie -
- to be honest he doesn't care you're a gang leader
- he just wants to sleep and spend time with you
- if those two things coincide then good for him
- he does think it's cool tho
"So, you're gonna tell us everything right ?" Belphie asks.
"Yes. I'll tell you guys about my life here and then I'll tell my gang about my life with you all," You say.
"Good, as long as things get cleared up," Belphie says and yawns.
- cas :)
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arhvste · 4 years
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❝bokuto, atsumu, suna and aran introducing their s/o in an interview❞
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bokuto koutarō
→ E X C I T E D
→ why wouldn’t he be though?
→ he gets to finally introduce his wonderful s/o to the world
→ when his pr team gave him the green light, he didn’t hesitate
→ “ah bokuto! great playing today, might we ask who this is beside you?”
→ “this is y/n! aren’t they good-looking?! i’ve found myself a keeper huh?”
→ rambles on and on about you
→ no off switch
→ “so uh bokuto, do you mind talking to us about your opinion on your game performance today?”
→ “yeah lemme just finish telling you about this time y/n and i went on extreme fishing abroad! 🤩”
→ reporters are kinda like 😀 while he talks about you
→ fans are o b s e s s e d
→ #bokuy/n #stany/n #couplegoals are trending
→ twitter LOVE y’all
→ they love that bokuto doesn’t give af about what the reporters are saying 💀
→ he only seems to want to talk about you right now
→ it’s not like he’s purposely doing it though
→ he’s been wanting to talk about you for so long he’s just excited he’s finally allowed to
→ when you guys meet fans after the interview bokuto stops to chat to every single one
→ they love yourself and bokuto’s dynamic and laugh and joke with the two of you
→ a TON of group fan photos
→ bokuto fans are now y/n fans too
→ they literally decide you and bokuto will be married some day so they might aswell stan now
→ they’re gonna be looking out for you in future appearances with him
→ and you can bet yer ass that bokuto is gonna bring you along and show you off every chance he gets
→ fans are well fed by bokuto and it’s a fact
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miya atsumu
→ literally almost fought with his pr team when they told him to wait a bit before introducing you to the public
→ “miya, your fangirls will most likely react badly if you introduce them right now.”
→ “yeah and? let em 🙄”
→ atsumu IGNORES his pr team and does it anyway cause he thinks it’s stupid about worrying what his fans will think
→ it’s not their decision who he dates 😡
→ anyways, he brings you on a talk show interview
→ “good evening miya-san, and whos this youve brought along with you?”
→ “this is y/n, aint they gorgeous?”
→ he is SHAMELESS about flirting with you on air
→ “yer so stunning tonight ya know? just wait till we get home 😏”
→ “m-miya-san! i think we should edit that out...”
→ fans have mixed reactions tbh
→ ya can’t please everyone ig
→ atsumu couldn’t give two shits though 😹
→ this man LIKES AND RETWEETS fans that are bashing other ones for not stanning them as a couple 💀
→ his pr team won’t stop ringing his phone to stop
→ doesn’t care at all, he’s always been transparent with how he likes his fans to behave why would this be any different?
→ in the end, more people start to stan after they see how seriously he’s taking this
→ since he genuinely seems to care and love you, they suppose they can stan y’all as a couple 😐
→ i’m sorry you guys aren’t trending the same way bokuto and his s/o were though 😹
→ give it a month though and a few magazine covers together and you have everyone wrapped round your finger and his fans start to like you more 🤪
→ more than atsumu in fact
→ because you’re so nice to his fans they just kinda convert 💀
→ atsumu doesn’t really mind tbh he’s just glad that you’ve been accepted and he doesn’t have to worry about people stepping too much out of line
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suna rintarō
→ another one who doesn’t really care
→ he doesn’t exactly go out of his way to hide you but you guys aren’t big on pda either
→ suna leaves his fans GUESSING and doesn’t even know it
→ his fans literally s c a v e n g e for any little detail or anything about you because you and suna rarely go out and make a big scene
→ y’all are probably just grabbing lunch and his fans have several conspiracies over who you are what what the two of you are doing
→ it’s a whole big thing on his side of the twitter stans
→ suna doesn’t know about this because he’s not even on his own side of twitter 💀
→ suna’s timeline is a ton of stuff to do with gaming because i know this man streams with kenma sometimes
→ y’all can’t tell me that these two wouldn’t stream together and have an elite friendship after the timeskip 😡
→ and somehow suna made it onto barb stan twitter
→ no clue how he got there but he’s not mad about it because he thinks they’re funny af and is now a secret barb himself
→ anyways, eventually the two of you are caught on the street by an interviewer
→ and suna’s just there answering their questions like this 😐
→ he just wants to go grab some milk from the store with you can the reporters just gO away 😡
→ attention is then turned to you after the irrelevant small talk the interviewer had with suna
→ “oh ahahah just wondering... who’s this with you we’ve all been dying for an answer!”
→ “huh? you have? why? it’s just y/n my s/o it’s not that deep bro 🥱”
→ he doesn’t make a fuss about it and neither do you because like suna said it’s not that deep
→ the interviewer is just like 👁👁 and then thanks you and leaves
→ well that was easy wasn’t it?
→ that answers their months worth of questioning ig
→ you and suna later discover about the ongoing theories as to who you are and what you are to suna
→ from then on, the two of you MESS with his fans and constantly leave them guessing as to whether you’re together fr or not because y’all think it’s funny how much they care💀
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aran ojiro
→ his pr team don’t even tell him to keep you from the public
→ this man is going to introduce you respectfully and properly and they know this
→ one of the few pro athletes who don’t need to have their social life kept on a leash because he goes the right way about it 😎
→ he brings you along to a magazine interviewing when you tell him that you’re comfortable with going public
→ oh btw, absolutely NO pressure from him to go public everything’s done in your own time
→ mf KING 😡🤚
→ straight away he’s making sure that this interview is based on your relationship rather than just him
→ “hey everyone, this is y/n my partner! they’re going to be joining me today!”
→ the interviewers LOVE you both
→ absolute dream to work with you guys
→ your dynamic is 🧑🏽‍🍳😙👌
→ every so often there’s a question about a recent games he includes you 😼
→ “so regarding your recent game, how well do you think you performed?”
→ “i think i was okay but definitely not at my best, it comes across differently watching from the sidelines though doesnt it! y/n, how did ya think i played from watching from yer perspective?”
→ see !! this man is including you every chance he gets 😩
→ fans adore you
→ literally deem you their parents 😎
→ just like bokuto, aran is wonderful to his fans
→ talks to every single one of them because he was raised to acknowledge anyone who politely acknowledges him
→ has full on conversations with as many fans as he can with you
→ tells them mf STORIES about the two of you and how you met etc
→ his meet and greet is literally story time with aran and y/n
→ fans are quiet and all stand around the two of you as you both tell little stories and stuff about your relationship
→ again, so many group photos
→ you guys literally become the parents of his fanbase
→ some fans are already planning your wedding for you on twitter 💀
→ aran doesnt mind though
→ cause he might just take a few of their ideas when he marries you for real 😏
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general taglist → @atsumuwoah @bloody-bella @bbymilkbread @miracleboy420 @doggonudez @atsunakaashi @peteunderoos @saturnfarie @toffees-main @zumisace @boosyboo9206 @totorosleaff @27kei @babyybokutoakaashi
please send an ask to be added / removed from my taglist
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
My Kind
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warning: Swearing
Genre: Fluff, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Having been chosen by the gang to be a guest streamer on today’s stream of Among Us, it’s safe to say Y/N’s super excited but also a bit nervous. The whole of her anxiety gets lifted off her when she meets someone with the exact same vibe as hers - yeah you guessed it.
Requested by @monizzle96 Hi dear! Thank you so much for your wonderful request! I’m so terribly sorry it’s taken me so long to write and post it but here it finally is! I hope you come across it and read it and if so I hope you enjoy it! Love, Vy ❤
This has to be the fiftieth time I’ve checked my setup in the past twenty four hours. But no, I’m definitely not nervous, what are you talking about. Pshhh. Nah, being nervous isn’t in my brand. Plus, what do I have to make me nervous - a group of famous streamers inviting me onto their stream to play Among Us with them because they enjoyed my own streams? Ok yeah, that’s a pretty good reason. Not gonna lie, I almost chucked my phone out of excitement when I received that DM from Toast, telling me they’d picked me to be their guest streamer for today’s date. My stomach was doing somersaults for a good forty-eight hours following that text and then the anxiety slowly started setting in fueled by the expectations they probably have of me.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not inexperienced in the streaming field, I’ve been a streamer longer than some of the members of Toast’s streamer gang actually. But I never managed to garner that big of a following which I’m honestly quite ok with. I have a modest - ok, maybe larger than modest - following consisting of incredibly loyal fans which I will never stop being grateful for. They are all so respectable of me, my privacy and my boundaries. They know the main rules: no shit-talking in the chat or in any of my comment sections, no bashing other YouTubers in my comments/chat, and most definitely not asking for a face reveal. Fun fact: I didn’t even set up that last rule, they all just collectively know not to ask for it. 
I’ve been keeping my brand pretty low-key to avoid garnering some unwanted attention - some of which I’ve already experienced on certain social media platforms following the full body pictures I posted on there - face not visible of course. I tend to also have my webcam on, facing towards my hands working away on the keyboard sometimes when I stream. I don’t know why people obsess over faceless content creators’ hands, but I appreciate the enthusiasm - it also drives me to do a manicure every now and then which ain’t so bad, self-care and all that you know.
Now, back to the subject of my ridiculous nervousness.
You see, it has layers.
I’m nervous of ‘preforming’ underwhelmingly and I’m nervous of what my own fans will think of the person I will become during this stream. They know me as a super chill and laid-back person, which I am by the way, but they might think I’m putting on a show if I exhibit any nervous gestures/vocabulary. I highly doubt they would, but the possibility is not letting my mind rest. And now that it’s about ten minutes till the stream starts, I’m getting doing my best to calm my nerves.
They are all just people. You know they are super chill too. Just be yourself, that’s why they invited you, because you are yourself on all your streams. They liked you for your personality, humor, maybe even your gaming skills. So chill the hell out and be yourself, damn it!
Easier thought than put into action that’s for sure.
I start my stream five minutes early just so I can vibe with my viewers for a little while before I have to meet the gang. My fans always have a way of injecting me with confidence, they remind me of where I was when I started and how far I’ve come. How much I achieved when I thought I’d be nothing and no one, someone the algorithm would simply overlook. But then they entered my life and I entered theirs and it all became much better than I ever thought it would get to be. I rarely tell myself ‘good job’ for the milestones I’ve reached or the hard work I’ve put into my content, but that’s probably cause I orient myself based on that quote from the movie Whiplash: ‘There are no two words in the English language more harmful than good job’ - simply put, I’m never satisfied with what I do and I always strive to do better. My fans, however, make sure I don’t go overboard with it - always serving as a reminder that I’ve done plenty for myself and others. And that’s what makes an amazing fandom, one I consider family.
Whoa, when did those five minutes fly by?!
Ah shit, here we go. Deep breaths, Y/N you got this.
“Hello!“ I say as I enter the Discord call, subconsciously biting my lower lip, grateful the camera isn’t capturing it. However, I make a mental note to keep my hands steady cause that’s the one part of me people can actually see and the last thing I want is for them to see how much my fingers are trembling.
“Oh hi, Y/N!“ Toast is the first one to greet me, “Welcome to the stream! Thank you so much for accepting our invitation.“
“Thank you for having me and inviting me, Toast. This is a huge deal for me. You guys are basically YouTube legends, this is unreal to me.“ I reply, cringing immediately afterwards because of my fangirl rambling. Great way to make first impressions, Y/N. Bravo.
To be fair, they already have an impression of you. Quit stressing.
Aright, you’ve got a point, me.
“Oh please, we owe all that to our fans. We’re really nothing special. All streamers are almost completely alike, we all owe where we are to the people who helped us make it there - our fans. We’re no legends.“ Toast says, bringing a small smile to my face as well as a light pink blush to my cheeks, “And from what I’ve seen, you yourself have quite the following. And your fans seem to adore you.“
“And I absolutely adore them.“ I chuckle, “They mean the world to me. They are the reason I’m here today.”
“Then we have to give them a special thank you, don’t you think?“ The teasing, familiar giggle, widens my smile - it’s Rae, “Nice to meet you, Y/N! I’m Rae, and, no cap, I’m quite a fan of your content. No joke, I binged your entire series of Resident Evil 7 as soon as I found your channel when Toast said he’d invite you.“
This rattles me a bit. I can hardly believe it - am I really receiving a compliment from an A-list name in the streaming world? My fans must be hella proud of me right now. A quick glance at my chat confirms that they indeed are. That in and of itself fills me with joy and newfound confidence.
“Oh Gosh, thank you so much Rae! That means the world to me. You’re all so sweet.“ I reply, lifting my ice cold hands to cool down my burning cheeks, my lips spread into a grin, my stomach filled with butterflies.
“Oh please, we have some real savages around here.“ A male voice, seemingly Charlie’s scoffs, “Don’t overlook us please.“
“Wait, we do?“ A deep voice, one I immediately know the owner of speaks up, “Who? How come I don’t know about that?“
I can’t help bust snort, “Nice to meet you, Corpse. Sarcasm central, I see.”
He laughs, “Just returning it to where it’s due. Nice to meet you too, Y/N. Sick Outlast series, by the way.“
Ok, wait, I have two A-list streamers complimenting my content. Ok, I’m bound to crack open a few beers to celebrate later cause OH MY GOD.
“Thanks! I’m a horror junkie so I’d be lying if I said I haven’t binge watched all your story-times. Personal favorites are the deep web ones, they fascinate me.“
“Oh, you’re one of my kind even more than I expected, huh?“ He replies, the tone of his voice changing, raising a bit due to what I can only describe as excitement and enthusiasm. “I’ve had people tell me it’s twisted, but I really like seeing the lengths to which the fucked up human mind can go to. Like, the shit I’ve read is insane! Some stories I didn’t narrate cause I would’ve probably had my video taken down, it was that messed up.“
My eyes widen, sharing the same excitement at the thought of digging deeper into this phenomenon, “Careful, Corpse, you’re walking a dangerous line of tempting me to deep-dive on Reddit in search of those exact stories.”
“No need.“ Corpse says, his tone now taking up a bit of a cocky note, “I still got them all saved, I can send them to you no problem.“
“Please do! I seriously gotta read them now. If I can’t sleep afterwards, I’m blaming you, Corpse. Just FYI.“ I say, giggling slightly, finding myself all but completely comfortable now. I wonder where all that anxiety went? 
“Blame fully taken. Given that I’m not much of a sleeper, I’ll keep you company whenever you think there’s a killer hiding in your closet or fear a red room pop-up will appear on your computer screen.“ He replies, chuckling.
“Um, that’s oddly specific.“ Charlie comments, “Been there yourself, buddy?”
“Perhaps.“ Corpse wheezes, getting a laugh out of me too, “I will neither confirm nor deny.“
“You know what, I’ll just private message you my number so if you see it call you at some ungodly hour, you don’t freak the fuck out. Sounds good?“ I ask, already prepping to type it out and send it to him. 
“Perfect. Wait...“ he pauses for a second, sounding puzzled for a second, “You don’t have mine.“
“Oh, do I not?“ I reply with a sinister tone - thought to answer the question, I of course don’t have his number.
“Oh, do you?“ He sasses me right back. “If so then you don’t need me to send it to you. Cool.“
Ah, shit
“Wait, no! I-I need to confirm it’s the correct one!“
Damn, never did I think I’d be complimented by some of the most important streamers on this platform, but to get a number of theirs too? That’s a whole another level that will take me time to process. But I’ll do that another time, right now, I have to kick these people’s butts in Among Us and later I have some deep web stories to read.
Turns out, all it takes to get comfortable in a new surrounding is someone of your kind. And Corpse is definitely one of my kind.
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse
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simplee-dreaming · 3 years
The Runner
(Part 2 here)
A/N: Okay so I've been writing this for a while and only just finished it but I'd like to know whether you guys would like me to turn this into a series? This part works well as a stand-alone but can easily turn into a series if you would like!
Word count: 3194
Summary: The reader works as a runner on the set of Infinity War and developes a bond with Chris Evans.
(SPOILER WARNING: There is one spoiler for Infinity War in this fic, but I'm sure many of you have seen it anyway)
“Black coffee for Mr Evans please! Black coffee!” A man called over the radio. Your ears pricked up and you ran into the kitchen to make a black coffee. You came charging back out and headed straight for Chris Evans’ dressing room, but his assistant jumped in your path.
“I’ll take that to him.” He said, snatching it out of your hand.
This was your first time working as a runner and you were starting to get the hang of the job. You had only been working there for three weeks and you had about 8 months to go. You were highly excited to work for Marvel, being a fan yourself, but you hadn’t met any of the cast or even the directors. You had caught small glimpses of them but never had any interactions. You had a lot of responsibilities as a runner - making tea and coffee, handling the paperwork, assisting anyone who needed it - and yet you were just chopped liver to everyone on set.
Another month had passed and you had grown closer to the other runners, the kitchen staff, the cleaners and even the third assistant directors. You were far more comfortable in your job and you even had the opportunity to stand with the third assistant director and watch them film Loki’s death scene...though not your favourite thing to witness.
You still hadn’t interacted with any of the cast but you were used to that by now. It was mainly running orders for everyone and handling the secretary-type roles, which you didn’t mind doing anyway.
Call after call came over the radio with people demanding all sorts of coffees and teas and hot chocolates and cold drinks. Enough to keep you on your feet during the long days. There was a break in demands when they were setting up ready to shoot another scene so you stood with your work friends for a chat before the room had to fall silent. One of the runners let out a small gasp and directed you with their eyes. You turned around to see Chris Evans walking behind you, heading onto set. He turned to you all and gave a little nod and a smile before carrying on. Your heart fluttered. Chris Evans just acknowledged your existence. A stream of small shrieks and giggles came from your group as everyone tried to compose themselves before filming commenced. That was your day made.
“Black coffee for Mr Evans please! Black coffee!” A man called over the radio. Same guy every day, always his assistant. You quickly marched into the kitchen to get his coffee ready before anyone else did. Strong black coffee with one sachet of sugar. You grabbed the cup, marked it with Chris’ name and strolled over to his dressing room. Once again your luck had vanished when his assistant jumped in front of you and grabbed the cup.
“The order is absolutely correct, yes?” His assistant asked, like he did every time you brought the coffee.
“She makes it the majority of the time, I’m sure she has the order right by now.” Said a voice from behind you. You turned around to find Chris Evans smiling at you. You gave a shaky smile back.
“You know, you make my coffee all the damn time and I don’t even know your name.” He said. You gave a shy giggle. There was a pause.
“So...what is your name?” He asked.
“Oh, um, sorry, yeah, it’s Y/N”, you responded.
“Y/N. Very pretty name. Well, thank you Y/N for the constant coffee. I’ll make sure you deliver them straight to me next time.” He winked at you and you giggled again. His assistant cleared his throat.
“Mr Evans you’re needed in makeup now.”
“Yes thank you Darren. And how many times do I have to tell you to call me Chris?” He huffed. He gave you one last smile and walked off. You were in heaven.
A week had passed and you hadn’t interacted with Chris since. Every time there was a call for his coffee, you were busy doing other jobs. You had sorted out multiple paperwork, made drinks for crew members and you were currently assisting the cleaners in cleaning up a very messy set after they had stopped shooting a scene. You didn’t mind because the cleaners were all lovely people, plus it gave you a bit of a break before running all over the place. You were kneeling on the ground sweeping up the smaller bits with a dustpan and brush until a pair of feet suddenly appeared in your eyeline.
“Missed a spot” came a voice from above you. You looked up to find Chris Evans towering above you. He winked.
“You’re everywhere at the moment. I’m sure this isn’t in your job description.” He said.
“It’s not, but the more hands on deck, the quicker this gets cleaned.” You shrugged. “Plus, I don’t mind, all of these people are lovely to work with.”
Chris smiled at you and bent down to help.
“You’re an A-List celebrity, you shouldn’t be cleaning up this mess.” You said.
“You’re right. I’m far too big of a diva to clean.” He replied. He flicked a tiny stone at you and you gasped.
“Now is that any way to treat your staff?” You teased, throwing a bit of soil on him. He laughed and you continued to throw bits of rubbish at each other until Darren appeared.
“Oi! You there! What do you think you’re playing at?!” He asked you.
“Oh, I’m sorry we were just..”
“Chill Darren, I was helping her clean up and I started the rubbish fight.” Chris interrupted.
“Well, you need to be resting. You have a big scene coming up.” Darren huffed.
“It’s fine, I was resting then I got bored and now I’m having fun.” Chris responded.
“Fun? With a runner? I highly doubt that. You best head to makeup and get yourself cleaned up.” Darren said to Chris. He then shot you a glare and marched off.
“Sorry about him, he’s very pompous.” Chris apologised.
“It’s fine. I’m used to it.” You said. Even though you were used to people degrading you for being a runner, it still hurt when they did.
“Well you shouldn’t be.” Chris said. He reached out to squeeze your shoulder but was interrupted by Darren yelling “CHRIS!” at the other end of the room.
“I better go before Sir Shouts-A-Lot yells at me again.” Chris said. You let out a little laugh and watched him leave.
Two more weeks had passed and you had only spoken to Chris on the odd occasion that he would pass you on set. Every time there was a coffee call, Darren made sure someone else made it to stop you two from interacting. You couldn’t see what his problem was but you chose not to kick up a fuss anyway.
When your break finally came around, you grabbed a cup of tea and decided to walk around the studio...just so happens that along your walk was the caravan park where all the actors stayed on set. You heard a familiar voice behind you and your heart dropped.
“Oi! What do you think you’re doing back here?”
You froze.
You slowly turned around, ready to face the wrath of Darren, when, to your surprise, Chris was standing there grinning.
“Good impression, no?” He chuckled. You let out a long sigh.
“Jesus, Chris, you nearly gave me a heart attack.” You scorned, but you couldn’t help smiling,
“On your break?” He asked, gesturing to the tea in your hand.
“Yeah, only a short one though. I get to finish early today.” You said.
“Oh nice! I’ve already wrapped for the day myself. Say, did you want to do something when you’re finished? It’s cool if not, I just thought it would be nice for us to actually talk and maybe become friends? Without the demon on my shoulder.” He said. You smiled instantly.
“I finish in 2 hours, I would love to do something!” You said, maybe a little too enthusiastically.
“Okay okay, um, I have a few movies back in the caravan if you wanna pick one later?”
“Sure, sounds like a plan. I’ll run over as soon as I’ve finished.” You smiled at him.
“It’s a date.” He winked at you and walked away.
Time was moving slower than ever. You kept checking your watch to see how much time had passed but it was only ever a couple of minutes. You decided not to look at your watch for a while and carry on with your duties. The next time you looked at your watch you had half an hour left. A wave of excitement came over you and you went back to finishing up your jobs.
Finally, the time had come.
You finished the jobs you were doing, collected your belongings and clocked out. Butterflies swarmed your stomach as you walked off set and into the caravan park. That’s when you realised you had no idea which caravan was Chris’. You walked up and down and scanned each one, careful not to look like a creep. Suddenly, the door of the caravan on your right opened and Chris stepped out.
“You’re not lost are you?” He asked, smiling.
“I wasn’t sure which was yours, they all look the same,” you said, shyly. He chuckled and invited you in.
You stepped into his caravan. There wasn’t a lot of stuff as it was only a temporary home, but it was still enough to produce a warm ambience. He gestured at you to sit down on the sofa, opposite the tv.
“I have chocolate, popcorn, sweets...salad...what do you fancy?” He asked.
“They’re all fine...except for the healthy stuff, that ruins movie time,” you said. He laughed and poured the sweets, chocolates and popcorn into separate bowls and placed them on the table in front of you.
“Drink? I’ve got fizzy drinks, water, hot chocolate, tea, milkshake...um...black coffee…” he said, you chuckled.
“A milkshake might be nice if that’s okay?” You asked, he nodded and said he was gonna have one too.
You couldn’t help the mix of nerves and excitement flowing through your body. You were sat in Chris Evans’ caravan...with Chris Evans! It really was a dream come true. You tried to calm yourself before you had a fangirl attack but it meant you came off quite shy and quiet.
“Here we are,” he said, placing the milkshakes on the table. “Are you warm enough?” he asked. You noticed you were sat on the sofa looking quite tense. You nodded.
“I’ll get blankets just in case,” Chris said. He went into his room and came out with two large blankets. He passed the softest one to you. You thanked him and adjusted yourself, taking off your shoes so you could sit cross-legged on his sofa with the blanket draped over you. This made you feel a bit more relaxed.
“So, um, what do you fancy?” he asked. You bit your tongue to stop you replying with “you”, you felt it was far too soon in your friendship to make a joke like that.
“Um, Captain America?” You joked. He giggled.
“Nuh-uh, not happening. Try again,” he said.
You had a small discussion on the types of films you like and you settled on Deadpool. Still a great Marvel film, just one that doesn’t have Chris in it so he didn’t have to stress about watching himself.
Chris put on the film and sat next to you, he grabbed his own blanket and draped it over his long legs. He offered you food and you kindly accepted. You both sat in silence whilst the film began, though you kept having to bite your lip to stop you from smiling so much.
About 45 minutes into the film, Chris started to get fidgety, so he tried to adjust himself without making too much noise. In the process of moving his hand, he accidentally scratched the sole of your foot. You let out a squeak and pulled your foot away.
“Sorry, sorry, that was an accident,” Chris said, apologetically.
“It’s okay,” you said, relaxing a bit but praying that he didn’t notice your squeak. You didn’t notice him giving you a side-eye with a puzzled expression on his face.
He sat still for a few minutes then went to adjust himself again, this time deliberately scraping his nails against your sole. You squealed louder and tucked your foot under your leg. You looked over at him and he had a wicked smirk on his face.
“You’re not ticklish by any chance, are you?” He asked, the corner of his lip curling up.
“N-no, you just made me jump,” you said, unconvincingly. He narrowed his eyes but let out a “hm” and turned back to the film.
You were a lot less relaxed now. You were ridiculously ticklish but only a handful of people knew. The trouble was, you did enjoy being tickled but you were always embarrassed by how ticklish you were. Your heart was pounding at the thought of Chris Evans discovering this weakness.
A few more minutes had passed and you couldn’t properly relax. You were still sat cross-legged but your foot was tucked further under your leg this time. Chris let out a little yawn and stretched, you flinched at his movement but still kept your cool. He noticed and tried to hide his smile. When he put his arms back under his blanket, he casually let one hand slide over and gently tickle your toes. This time you let a small giggle slip out and you clamped your mouth shut.
“I think you are ticklish,” he teased. Your heart did a somersault. He gave you a playful smirk and the nerves washed over your body. You couldn’t even find the words to speak. He reached over and grabbed your foot with one hand, pulling it out from under your leg, and he used his other hand to tickle your sole. You shrieked loudly and tried to tug your foot away but his grip was too strong. You couldn’t even twist that far away because of how you were sitting. You fell backwards into the sofa and kept giggling.
“Chrihihis plehehease,” you giggled.
“Aww look at you, you’re so ticklish,” he cooed. You lifted up your blanket to cover your bright red face.
“Oh no you dont,” he said. He stopped tickling your foot and lunged at you, pinning you down to the sofa. You screamed at the sudden attack and pulled the blanket further over your face. He shook his head and vibrated his fingers into your tummy. You shrieked loudly and used one hand to bat away his hands.
“Come on, I wanna see your face when I tickle you,” he said. Your laughter shot up an octave when he started squeezing your hips.
“Oh? Did I just find a bad spot?” He asked. You kept trying to bat him away with one hand but it was no use.
“Remove the blanket or I’m gonna make this worse for you,” he said, sternly.
“NEHEHEVER!” You shrieked under the blanket.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He shot his hands under your arms and you screamed loudly. You couldn’t keep holding the blanket over your head with him tickling deep into your armpits. You slammed your arms down and the blanket fell off you in the process.
“That’s better, I can see your face when you laugh now,” he said. The feeling of his fingers wiggling deep into your armpits was absolute torture.
“Surely it doesn’t tickle this much?” He asked. You shrieked loudly and your laughter grew more desperate with every tease.
“Does it tickle more when I mention how much it tickles?” He asked, clearly aware of what he was doing.
“SHUHUHUT UHUHUP!” You cried. He laughed with you which made it worse.
“Ohh, cootchie cootchie coo,” he said in a high pitched teasing voice. That made you scream more and frantically try and buck him off you.
You thought that would be the killer move? Oh no. Not for Chris. He picked up the pace of his wiggling fingers in your armpits and bent down to nuzzle his beard into your neck. His longer hair brushed over your ear too. This was the killer. It was absolute torture. He blew a raspberry into your neck and you fell into silent laughter. You couldn’t cope with him tickling your armpits, his beard tickling your neck and his hair tickling your ear. He laughed into your neck and the vibrations were the final straw. You started hitting his shoulder with as much force as you could and he sat back up, removing his hands.
“Sorry, I went a bit too far. Are you okay?” He asked, getting off of you. You lay there, sucking in deep breaths, and nodded. Your face was the deepest shade of red it had ever gone.
“Are you sure?” He asked, giving you a hand up.
“I...I...” you began, he looked at you with a concerned expression on his face. “I’m okay,” you breathed out. He gave you a soft smile.
You were more in shock at the fact you had just been ruthlessly tickled by Chris Evans. You couldn’t speak, your heart was pounding ten to the dozen.
“You’re quite possibly the most ticklish person I’ve ever met,” he said. Somehow your face went an even deeper shade of red.
“Aww, you’re so cute when you blush,” he cooed.
“Shut...up..” you whispered.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked, shuffling closer to you.
“Yeah, I’m more than okay,” you said. He raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t tell me you liked that?” He asked, a hint of teasing in his voice. You blushed and tilted your head down.
“No. Way. You enjoyed that didn’t you?” He asked. You blushed once again and gave a very small nod.
“Just when I thought you couldn’t get more adorable,” he said. “Little Y/N enjoys being tickled.”
You looked up at him. A wave of playfulness came over you.
“I’m so gonna get you,” you said. Before he could protest, you launched yourself at him and tackled him to the sofa. You wasted no time in squeezing his sides.
The laughter that came out of him was one you had never heard before. It was so warm and genuine and it only made you want to tickle him more. You giggled at his weak state and switched between tickling his sides, armpits, tummy and ribs to see which one made him laugh the most. It was clear that he was enjoying himself too.
“Aww is Chris ticklish too?” You cooed, surprised at your sudden confidence. You were met with a chorus of begs and pleads but you couldn’t stop yourself tickling him.
It was a really cute afternoon with just the two of you. But you were both too distracted to see who was outside the caravan, watching as you both ruthlessly tickled each other.
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4dtk · 3 years
pas de deux — gojo satoru
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pas de deux [pa•de•de] (french, literally “step of two”), a dance duet. 
summary: striving to become a principal dancer, you’re unaware of the curious blue eyes from across the studio, only knowing of his reputation from rumours. when you have to shadow your seniors to learn a principal role and meet the infamous gojo satoru, what happens then?
word count: 11k lmfao
genre: a bit of angst, mostly fluff
a/n: gojo brainrot done. sorry this took so long lol i’m not used to writing long fics but i’m glad i did bc this is acts also as a place for me to dump my passion of ballet aha :”)
playlist here! most of them are classical pieces and a bit of ballet class music, i hope you don’t mind uwu. personally, i’d recommend watching (before or after the fic doesn’t matter hahah) the crazy talented marianela nuñez and vadim muntagirov in the pas de deux that i reference a lot in this fic. they’re my absolute favourite! (´・ᴗ・ ` )
tags: @fiona782​
it was unconventional to see a ballerino don white hair during rehearsals, let alone in a company; the familiar head of white whizzes through the studio like an angel of the night, with graceful moves and powerful jumps to match those of a faerie's seamless manoeuvers through her flowers.
that was only expected out of a principal anyway.
gojo satoru, a principal dancer of the six eyes theatre. they were part of the three prominent companies that carried the ballet world and industry. behind all the glimmer and glitz lay hours of endless rehearsals and worn-out pointe shoes, as well as smiles behind kitri's fans or even the emotional miming from giselle.
he was untouchable, a leading face that carried the ballets he starred in with immense skill and an aura admired by everyone. anyone lucky to score a pas de deux with him would be torn between a world of conflict. those soft eyes that looked down at you with love were solely meant to portray siegfried's ardour for odette and nothing else.
you sigh, eyeing the confident man giving his all in the company class, no doubt hyping himself up for tonight's last show. you couldn't fall behind, either, knowing your performance was monitored way more now that you were considered amongst the directors to be promoted to principal.
"next group, pay attention, loves!" the teacher for the morning caught your attention, letting the chattering group in front head out first before the next group of dancers took their turn. 
dancing was all you could remember, taking up most of your life even when you were a kid. through competitions and gruelling schedules, you managed to land in the six eyes theatre. sure, it wasn't as popular as the zen'in company or the kamo national ballet but, it still held up a wicked reputation, partially thanks to gojo satoru. 
your feet naturally hail your command, placing it behind the other in a curtsey to thank the instructor for the morning class as you stretch your feet in some simple pointe repertoire. 
"nervous about your posting, (y/n)?" nobara asks, rolling the arch of her feet back and forth with a tennis ball.
you shrugged, "in a way, yeah. i'm getting observed on mainly every move that i make."
the smile your best friend gives you calms you down, at least. megumi chipped in, "hey, you'll become one of the best principals around, i know it."
"yeah! and we'll go to your shows, no matter wha... oh, right, we're first soloists," itadori trails off. 
you laugh, settling down to wipe the sweat from your brow. however, there's an uncharacteristic silence when you start to remove your pointe shoes.
"what if i do become principal? i'll miss you guys like hell." you mutter, rubbing off the skin peeling from your toes. removing the tape and toepads, you sigh again even after nobara lands a hand on your arm.
"stop sighing, you idiot, the company's small. sure, you'll have extended rehearsals, and i will now have to deal with yuji's noisy ass, but i doubt we're going to be separated like oil and water." 
you roll your eyes, chuckling a little through glossy eyes, "true. it's just that we've always been together, through the competitions where we met and going up the ranks. hell, i wouldn't even imagine all of us becoming first soloists when we entered six eyes."
megumi raises an eyebrow, "are you underestimating us?" 
putting your fingers together, you offer a sheepish smile, "just a little."
"and now you're going to become a principal, (y/n). we all know you put yourself to crazy standards that you always reach, maybe even higher than that. you're going to kill it as a principal, i'm sure."
thankful to nobara for the little speech, you pat her arm gently, easing into a stretch to prevent any tensing up later in an afternoon class. 
"(y/n), they're coming over, look sharp," itadori notifies you, turning to the barre to do his own stretching as your friends busy themselves with their phones.
you take another curtsey at your instructor, along with the director of six eyes, masamichi yaga.
why... was he here now?
"(y/n), love, we'll need to talk to you about something. would you mind coming to the office later on? just before the company's afternoon class at 2 would be good."
you were at a loss for words.
was i already raised to principal? no... they wouldn't promote someone who's only danced her first soloist role a couple of times. were they going to remove me for consideration? maybe they found a better dancer to monitor?
"it's nothing terrible, (y/n), i promise." with a smile, masamichi walks away, not before patting your shoulder for reassurance.
the next few hours go by in a flash: eating lunch, lazing around in the studio, filming some tiktoks and then getting ready for another class took up most of your time that you didn't get to ponder over the office visit.
so you were definitely surprised to see gojo satoru himself, a shit-eating grin on his face once he hears you enter. he lays back on both arms to welcome the first soloist, you. 
you curtseyed again to ms ieiri and masamichi. before you got to gojo, however, he held a hand up before standing up himself to bow. you let out a small smile as the familiar step led you to curtsey on the other foot.
it left a weird feeling in your bones to greet a principal dancer, but you two weren't all that close, anyway. plus, curtseying was basic courtesy in the company, where actions spoke louder than a "good morning" or a "thank you".
"nice to see you, (y/n). miss nitta, as you know," masamichi gestured to your teacher and then to the white-haired man, whose beauty never fails to amaze you, as cliche as it sounds, "and gojo satoru." 
"nice to finally talk to you, miss (y/n)," he nods his head, wearing an attractive smile that had you sucking in a breath. you could only manage a smile at the moment, brought back to reality when masamichi's firm voice resonates in the office.
"you've done a tremendous job these past few months, love. we've been watching your roles this season, hopping from one position to the other with no problem at all. i'm sure you were informed that you were being considered to be principal..." you leaned forward in anticipation, "...although you'd have to let your skill shine through more before we promote you to principal any time soon."
bummer, but it's nothing you can't handle.
"we do have something to ask of you, however. your potential is clearly set in the right place, and your talent and determination are not lost. we want you to shadow and learn the repertoire of shoko ieiri and gojo satoru while they rehearse for the next season's premiere."
nevermind, it might actually be something you can't handle.
masamichi only lets out a knowing smile. "are you up for the challenge, (y/n)? you'll get to learn and watch how principals rehearse, act and mime out the story in the hands of ballet masters and mistresses like kiyotaka ijichi and mei mei and even tengen hoshi." 
your fingers dug into your thigh at the well-known names, always seeing them in the corridors but never knew how they taught or conducted rehearsals. this was your chance.
"of course, director masamichi. i'd be honoured to observe and shadow the company's principal dancers, let alone miss shoko ieiri and mr gojo satoru here. their chemistry onstage is honestly unmatched!"
okay, shut up, (y/n). you're laying your fangirling thoughts on the actual director of six eyes theatre. a simple yes would've sufficed.
"great! you start tomorrow. skip the afternoon class and come straight to the studio on the ground floor. we'll be expecting you."
you couldn't help the grin that appears on your face this time, passing a bow to everyone in the room before curtseying and almost exclaiming a "thank you!"
once you're out of the professional eye, you have a little celebratory dance outside the office, immediately fishing out your phone to text the trio. 
"a...ah! gojo senpai!" you take a step back in instinct, the tall principal looming over you with nothing but an intimidating air around him.
however, nothing screams intimidating on his face, as he shoots you a polite smile and a hand to get introductions out of the way.
all you can think about is his large hand enveloping yours while he tells you his name. you're stuck in a trance, locked on his eyes cut off by the black of his sunglasses. 
how would those hands feel on my hips when he's lifting me? or maybe we'd engage in a kiss in romeo and juliet...? are we doing r&j for the next season's shows?
"uh- yes, nice to meet you too, senpai! i-"
"call me gojo, (y/n)."
you're at a loss for words, the man knowing he's left you speechless with the way he's smirking off into the other direction. you manage to get the prodigy out of your head, willing yourself to get to the company class as soon as possible. since your distraction was gone and the air cleared of any tension, you were able to hear the voices in the office.
"are you sure about this, nitta? we can't have any more dancers off their game just because they were enamoured with satoru to the point of confessing their love to him. every time we get first soloists and principals to pair with him, something always comes up."
"i'm sure, director. (y/n)'s mettle and focus on her roles are strong, and her skills are off the charts. if anything happens, we'll just pair her with another principal, like kento or something." masamichi sounded unconvinced, grunting as their footsteps increased in volume.
company class! company class!
you slipped into the studio just in time to avoid nitta and masamichi, carrying your things as you looked for the trio.
"(y/n)!" yuji catches your attention, although a little too loudly for your liking. you were left to greet the other dancers on the way to their corner, dumping your bag with much more exasperation than you expected.
"what's wrong?" megumi asks, doing some plies at the bar to warm up his feet and muscles.
"i think i should text y'all instead. let's wait for after the show tonight."
you get three nods from the trio in reply, dropping into some simple stretches as the next instructor takes over. at least gojo wasn't here...
the applause was deafening as you take your bow, thanking the audiences from the balcony and stalls as you gestured to your pas de deux partner, megumi. putting your hand in front of your heart was a big thing to do, giving thanks to one of your best friends and partners for a fun pair such as bluebird and princess florine. 
as you walked back to join the other dancers, the principal roles were taking their bows with no doubt roars and cheers from the audience from yet another electrifying performance from the golden pair as princess aurora and prince florimund: gojo and ieiri. 
as ieiri led the conductor on stage, he was the last to thank the audience, bringing the heart of the ballet to life with the score of tchaikovsky's sleeping beauty. 
with one last bow, the curtain closes, leaving you to let loose from the rigid position you were used to. 
"we're done!" you laugh, hugging megumi as nobara and itadori squeeze their way through the many dancers on stage. the two convey their compliments, prompting you to nudge the two on their puss-in-boots and white cat roles. the two then freeze up, staring at something that was approaching from behind.
"miss (y/n)-" gojo bows, interrupted by ieiri as she crashes into you with a hug.
"oh man, (y/n) you were great out there!" you grin, embracing her as tight as she did. 
"thank you, senpai," you were practically beaming, thankful she still remembered you after being promoted to principal years ago. it was hard to communicate and talk when she had so much going on, a natural dancer who rose up the ranks fast with her hard work. 
ieiri formed herself up into a refined dancer that you wouldn't think she was the young girl at your studio trying on pointe shoes for the first time years ago when you were a kid.
that was if you didn't know her personally, of course. 
"here, first position, just like that!" the curious girl interacted with the kids outside a smaller studio, teaching them the various positions that at least a grade two or three class would use.
she picked up pointe work fast, obviously guided by the mentors at the school with nights of rehearsal and decision making whether she wanted to pursue this professionally.
"oh shush, you, you don't have to call me senpai, see you tomorrow (y/n)!"
ieiri bids you goodbye, no doubt to talk to the choreographers and director. gojo follow suit shortly after your exchange, not before taking your hand to plant a kiss on it.
you retract almost immediately after his lips descend on your skin, the area hot from the lighting, your sweat and your feelings.
nobara tsked, "what's his deal?" you let out a shaky sigh and shrug, hooking an arm around megumi's as you went around to mingle with the dancers.
[nobara is typing...]
you're to shadow gojo-senpai and shoko-senpai?! no way???!?!1/!?!?
[itadori is typing...]
no way, that's so cool! 
what was he like? was he in the office that day?
[(y/n) is typing...]
yeah, he was. not gonna lie, a bit cocky... kinda overheard that partners throw themselves at him sometimes too, which makes it a bit troublesome, lol.
and yes, kugisaki i'll need to observe them starting tomorrow. i cant come for the company class :(
[megumi is typing...]
Then what about Shoko-senpai?
you shake your head even though no one could see you, the forgotten tv series playing in the background while you text your friends instead.
[(y/n) is typing...]
she's too good for him, i think. they're long time friends too, but i'm not sure if any feelings blossomed since then tho
[nobara is typing...]
you don't like him, do you? i know you dont like guys that are full of themselves, altho that man rlly is that attractive .......
[itadori is typing...]
LMAOO whos the smitten one now
nobara sends a vibe check sticker, the one with both hands outstretched with a threatening stare into the screen. 
[nobara is typing...]
i'll kill you tomorrow, yuji itadori.
[itadori is typing...]
you'd have to reach my height first, loser
[nobara is typing...]
i'll kick your shins, thats what!!!!!! 
you roll your eyes as the two of them get into another friendly banter, leaving the group chat to blow up in messages as you switch off the neglected tv. 
there's a silence that feels almost too foreign, contrasting to the fact that you enjoyed silences daily. it felt criminal, almost, to be in such a quiet space with no one to fill in the gaps.
you look to your black and white poster for some clarity, the young boy standing at 16 with a softness in his eyes and a lengthened extension that conveyed his love of ballet to you.
you never knew who was the boy, getting a poster shoved into your hands in a hurry when you and your mom bought tickets to the local ballet competition. you never questioned the poster, nor had you caught the boy in the midst of his variation either, settling for a theory that his performance had already passed the day before.
"how do you think it's going to go down tomorrow?" you mumble to no one in particular, tossing and turning in your sheets that didn't quell your worries no matter how much you thrashed.
the dreamless slumber welcomes you into its arms almost immediately, although the morning after was the opposite.
"shit, shit, shit," was your mantra, jumping from place to place in your small apartment to get the things you needed for class. you manage to catch the bus in time, heading straight to the studio with no cup of tea in your hand as usual. 
"(y/n)!" nobara grins, seeing you stumble through the door just as everyone finishes their individual warmups. the instructor greets everyone, eager to get into the class as soon as possible.
the thought of the rehearsal shook you up more than you thought it would, leaving you to let out nervous breaths that got worse by the time that class ended. 
ieiri didn't miss the way you'd wipe your hands on your tights in worry, going over the steps more than you usually would. you had a killer memory, but it seemed that today that that ability had melted away at the sight of gojo.
"wish me luck, guys," you muttered, hurriedly packing up your things before heading off yourself. the trio only could give you a small smile, knowing you had wanted time to yourself to calm your nerves.
you had always done this for the many shows you starred in: the music and positions mimicking a recording. it was as clear as day when it replayed in your head, the different orchestral parts and the dynamic changes you apply to your steps to give the best performance, for performing your best was all that mattered. the trio understood instantly, always sending you off on your memory replay with an encouraging smile.
well, almost, for you didn't even know what the rehearsal entailed or what piece they would be dancing to.
"hi," your voice appeared meek in the big studio, the only three people there slowly getting warmed up to each other. your feet carried you into a curtsey.
"ah, mei mei-sensei! miss shoko and mr gojo," you acknowledged their presence, placing your things down right where you stood.
"let's begin then, shall we? for this is a gala event, the pas de deux couple will only be performing the entree and the adagio parts. there might be the possibility you two would have to rehearse your individual variations and the coda. still, the organisers haven't gotten back to us on the duration we'll be on stage for. with the switching in and out of the different repertoire, this year should align with don quixote. before we start, i wish that everyone is honest with each other; that way, we can learn from different views."
don quixote?! you hold in your excitement at the revelation, thinking back to the fiery portrayals of kitri and lively spanish music to pair with it. your excitement was on cloud nine while by fifteen minutes, your feet and body were seemingly screaming at you to take a break.
to say it was tiring was an understatement, at the very least. you were to only shadow ieiri's parts, and the absence of a male partner proved challenging when you were the first soloist mirroring a principal and her partner.
"(y/n) should try too, of course! come, come," mei mei beckons you over from where you went over the steps, fingers fidgeting with the waistband of the sheer skirt you'd just bought a few days ago.
"i trust that you are familiar with the wedding PDD, (y/n)?" mei mei asks.
you nod eagerly, not missing the way ieiri beams at your enthusiasm. 
"good. we'll just try this part on your own. remember to keep yourself lifted and trust your partner," mei mei eyes you while gojo was already getting comfortable with a hand on your back, "would you like to try it without the music first?"
you nod cautiously. you take note of the way it burns like fire, the contact of his skin on yours. oh god, you wished you had wiped the sweat from it, although the other didn't seem to mind it due to the many partners he's worked with before.
with a quick glance, you snuck a look at the tall dancer, never much prepared for the striking blue of his eyes. however, this time, the cheeky gojo appeared to be kept under wraps, bringing forth a more solemn and nervous exterior. he did seem different and quiet, even catching the attention of mei mei-sensei and ieiri herself. they opted not to say anything.
nevertheless, the two of you narrate the lifts and steps, mixing in the counts with the french vocabulary that stuck with you throughout the years. you were surprised at how much leeway gojo had provided you, allowing you to move freely while bringing you back effortlessly for the couple work.
a smile formed on your face at the flow of your steps as the music plays seamlessly in your mind with how much you've watched different renditions of the wedding pas de deux.
"with the music now, my dears."
ieiri shoots you a thumbs-up, noticeably more tired than you, as she massages the bottom of her feet with calculated force.
the piano starts as the pas de deux passes by smoothly with minimal mishaps, save for some off balances here and there. as always, your hand tingles when it comes in contact with the principal's, willing the quick heartbeats away by thinking of his cocky smirk the other day. with the easy beginning completed, the lifts were now appearing more often.
"hold your body up during the fish dive (y/n), hold your back and position!" gojo stumbles a bit at your mistake, but for the second time around, you manage to get it, coming up from the tricky step into a beautiful arabesque. 
a hasty nod, and you're off, pulling away from gojo a tad bit quicker than how you wanted to initiate it. he's taken by surprise at your change of personality, wondering where the flustered soloist had gone to previously. with the same corrections directed at you, mei mei gives you a "good job" before bringing ieiri back in.
"we'll cap you two's pas de deux at that point before the turns. ieiri, you ready to get back into it?" she hesitantly nods, albeit more relaxed than the earlier exchange.
the music starts again, and this time, you manage to gape at the couple's artistry, weaving over and under to fit the delicate notes of minkus' score. with the many turns and tour en l'airs, it now came to the difficult part of the pas de deux: where the woman will wind their hand around the man's single finger, engaging in two turns connected only by that single contact point.
they complete it easily, leaving ieiri to then balance en pointe with one leg suspended in the air. the two repeat it again with no problem, except for the fatigue seeping through their faces at a few moments in time.
as the music reaches its climax, so does the movements with increasing pirouettes and lifts. their chests heave with exhaustion, but their smiles showed that they were satisfied with the run.
it was hard to believe that gojo and ieiri only started to rehearsed this a few weeks ago, especially since these were leading roles with a reasonably complex pas de deux to pair with. nothing seemed to faze them as they received the feedback from mei mei, nor did they have trouble correcting the lift that had gone wrong earlier or the balance that ieiri fell out of.
so this was what it meant to be a principal.
"(y/n)! any feedback that you'd like to give to the two?"
"h..huh, me? i'm not sure if it'd be helpful to-"
"nonsense, hit us, (y/n). rehearsals are always a place for feedback," ieiri grins, taking your hand to bring you closer to the three of them.
"well, i think... i'll comment on the repeated melody where you'll go from the turns into the attitude balance is where it's a bit difficult. since gojo-senpai is tall, he might've put his hand a little too high. i mean, of course, lifting up is ideal, but ieiri-senpai might have some trouble balancing because of that."
they wordlessly try it out without the music, noting how gojo places his hand at a lower height for ieiri. it might've felt foreign, but it looked a tad bit better to you, with a better centre of gravity and stability. 
"yeah! like that!" a smile dons your face, "does it feel better, senpai?"
"tons," gojo simply states, almost too eagerly as blue eyes uncharacteristically boring into yours. opposed to the quick glances he always gave you along the corridor or within classes, this one was a strange, longing one. ieiri's voice snaps you out of the spell, almost not wanting to leave his stare.
"way better, thank you (y/n)," she pats your arm before turning to the sound of mei mei's voice.
"alright, beautiful legs and extensions, but we still have a lot to work on, as well as getting (y/n) accustomed to more pas de deux and principal work. would you like to stay on (y/n)?"
you admired your own determination, but sometimes it was better to take a break. having just attempted the coda, you could already feel blisters forming due to your prolonged use of pointe shoes. with a breath, you let gojo complete his pirouettes, restraining the sigh coming from your lips at the perfect revolutions and momentum he had going.
a little more, and you were close to catching a breath, finishing off a quadruple pirouette and tour en l'air with gojo's help. with a slight stumble, you let out a startled laugh before taking your last step with a knee to the floor. with palm outstretched, the piano does a trill before ending off on a chord.
out of the corner of your eye, you spot gojo smiling down at you, a beam that doesn't come often with how much confidence he carries around the company. 
ieiri applauds first, followed by mei mei's impressed smile.
"you execute your fouettes well, (y/n)," you bow your head in thanks, brought up unconsciously with gojo's hand as it stays linked in yours. 
"thank you, mei mei-sensei. i'm just glad to have tried it out; the don Q coda is one of my favourites," you gush, "the costumes, the music is just everything."
"to dance with your partner is one thing, but the connection is another. translate the story of the elation of kitri - her father finally gives his blessing for their wedding, and she's excited to the moon. basilio is marrying the girl of his dreams. know what and who you're dancing for." mei mei speaks over the music easily, giving pointers they go over the steps like always.
"i know it's just an empty stage. there's no set, no scene to show the joy all around the cast, but you still are dancing as kitri and basilio," mei mei says after, "let's try again with (y/n)."
rehearsals carried on like this, day after day. some days longer than the other, and on others, you were paired with another first soloist. however, he wasn't tasked with shadowing the couple every day, so the pas de deux was left to you to master. 
as you wipe your sweat, ieiri waves her towel in front of you, "wanna have lunch with us?"
"i don't want to intrude-" 
"it's gojo's treat," ieiri whispers, "plus he doesn't treat people often."
"is he okay with me coming alo-" she pulls on you, leaving you no choice but to pack your things hurriedly.
"(y/n)'s coming, yea?" ieiri mumbles quickly, hooking her arm around yours in a hassle as you try to keep your things from falling out of your bag.
"i'd like that." gojo says to no one, finally catching up to you two after switching off the studio lights.
"whaaaat, you're leaving so fast?" you pout, eyeing ieiri's neat tray of finished food as gojo lets her pass through in the booth.
"i'm sorry you have to stay here with this dumbass (y/n), but i have a date with the orthopaedic today," ieiri groans.
"like an actual date?" gojo jokes.
"no," she rolls her eyes, "my muscles are acting up a little lately. plus, my arch hurts more often than it usually does. it's best to just check it out, i guess. but yeah, an actual date would be nice, too."
you shrug, "eh, hard to come by when you're a busy ballet dancer in a company. bye, senpai!" you and gojo wave to her as she leaves the diner, now coming to terms with the fact that you were alone with the charming dancer, as much as you hated to admit it.
with his perfect hair and long eyelashes and the enchanting smirk he always seems to wear. not to mention the sheer strength in his leaps in contrast to the delicate grip on your waist-
"thinking about me, love? of course you are."
"what? no!" you stiffen, the blush on your cheeks immediately giving away your thoughts.
"for the record, i've thought of you, too," gojo drops a bomb, leaning over the table to plant a gentle kiss upon your cheek before leaving the booth in a hurry. 
you were thankful that he was gone, at least and thankful for the empty diner, leaving you to melt in a puddle of confusion and warmth. 
just like the first rehearsal, your cheeks feel hot, as does your body. the place where his lips touched seemed to burn a hole through, your gaping mouth failing to close even after a minute of staring into nothing.
fishing out your phone was the first thing your mind sought out from the endless thoughts in your head.
nobara, nobara, nobara... gotta find her contact..!
[nobara is typing...]
he WHAT???!??@
"ieiri-senpai, what's a pas de deux to you?" you mumble after rehearsals one day, picking at the tape stuck in between your toes.
"it would have to be what mei mei said, definitely. she still says the same exact thing till today: dance and connection are two different things. and it can't go to the point where two different stories are being told by the male and female dancer. you'll need to go into pas de deux work with a mindset that you come in a pair. every correction and every emotion needs to be felt by both parties for it to reach the audiences."  
"what about you?" the question catches you by surprise, resorting to humming as you think of the answer.
"it's something along the lines of your answer and mei mei-sensei's definition. you'd have to be on the same wavelength as your partner. every extension that appears or a gentle port de bras is meant to show the character's personality. you'd also have to think of the context of the ballet, i guess," you stop yourself, looking at gojo as he finishes a tour en l'air en passe. three revolutions and you realise that a. you're staring and b. you were talking way too much.
"sorry! i'm rambling again," you splutter, going back to your original task of taking out the tape from your toes.
ieiri giggles, "no, no! ramble all you want. i love listening to my juniors talk about how much they love ballet."
"sleeping beauty, just like the show a week ago, is set in the royal court, so it's hard to show aurora's personality. she's a little playful and young, although it's hard to slip that in when the wedding pas de deux for that is so grand. and then you'll compare it to the black swan in swan lake, where it's also in a royal court, but odile's the one deceiving siegfried, so there's an opportunity to include some side-eyeing in it. i personally love zenaida's version," you trailed off, "i mean, of course, there's also-"
"then what about odette?" gojo shouts across the studio, with his hands on his hips. the white of his hair matched the pureness of odette's tutu, something you always wished to wear and dance and master when you got accepted into six eyes theatre.
"don't mind him-"
your words take precedence without effort, "with the white swan, odette has to show the struggle of her spell with the frantic miming that she has to do. 'i'm the queen of the swans, rothbart the bastard turned me into a swan' and so on and so forth. because she's a swan, she has to imitate the gentle way that swans move, along with the technical challenges of the pas de deux. she's very soft and fragile, and the violin makes it all the better in showing the shyness and fear in odette."
two pairs of eyes stare at you curiously as the male's smirk leaves you to break into a nervous laugh as you fidget with your fingers. 
"sorry, i'm talking a lot. too much. do carry on with your jumps," a small apologetic smile appears on your face, failing to note gojo's hesitation to move from his spot and his interest in the way you can talk endlessly about the art.
gojo's smirk merges into a smile even when he accomplishes the many pirouettes demanded of him. he'd want to hear it from your lips next time when you're wrapped up in each other.
"don't you think he's a little bit too confident for his own good?" nobara whispers to you. with rehearsals off for a few days, you were able to see your best friends again, munching up the calories lost from the afternoon class. 
"yeah... for all we know, he might be stumbling around in rehearsals and picking up girls," megumi muttered.
you rolled your eyes, "he's... not like that, guys. he is confident in class and seems a bit cocky, but that's because he really does live up to his name."
"we might not know much, either. (y/n) has been in rehearsals with the guy. he's probably more focused when there are lesser people in the room," yuji chats through his food, gaining disgusted looks from the three of you when lettuce and chicken litter the table.
"well... don't go falling for the guy, yeah? i've beaten up too many exes in the past," megumi tsked, devouring the salad bowl in front of him.
"yeah, but i didn't ask you to, plus you'd do it anyway. didn't even have to ask," you grin, leaning back in your chair triumphantly.
"if i beat up gojo-senpai, i'll probably get jailed."
you and yuji stifle a laugh at his comment, but nobara doesn't seem impressed with the joke, instead focused more on you and your reactions. 
you weren't actually developing feelings... right?
the memory and kiss linger in your mind like a stubborn stain, not forgetting the intense stare nobara had given you before you said goodbye to the three. a vibration from your phone snaps you out of the daze, opening your chat group to answer your friends. 
[nobara is typing...]
how was rehearsal today?!???! we jsut finished class
also it's been so long since we saw u :(
[(y/n) is typing...]
so good as always is that even a question luv xx
theyre both so talented as individuals as they r in a pdd... it was rlly insightful too!
gojo-senpai kept staring at me today for some reason tho. he felt different today, a little more reserved and whatnot
[megumi is typing...]
Maybe he felt intimidated by your skill lol
"i'll take my leave first, (y/n)! i've got an errand to run. mei mei's accompanying me," ieiri grins, bringing you into a sweat-filled hug. she's used to soaked leotards, even if the grimace on your end doesn't go unnoticed by the principal.
she lets out a chuckle, "you'll get used to mixed sweat and whatnot, (y/n). see ya!"
curtseying comes easy, bidding goodbye to the principal and the ballet mistress.
you were ready to go back to the conversation on your phone, although a call of your name distracted you from the conversation.
"yes...? gojo?" you mumbled, the last name feeling foreign on your lips without the honorific at the back. you put your phone away as the studio immediately diminishes in size, seemingly putting the two of you in a tight space with nowhere to go. it certainly felt like it, with the wordless prompt of his hand.
"try the pas de deux with me," gojo proposes, pulling up a piano rendition of the score on spotify. it wasn't hard to spot the mischievous sparkle in his eye, along with the attractive grin plastered on his face.
the studio appeared calmer now that ieiri and mei mei had left, yet the conflict in your mind was loud and unwelcomed. it felt like a battle between the angel and the devil, and you were sure the devil was nobara herself, screeching at you to remind you of the shit-ton amount of conceitedness he had.
"are we allowed to? don't other people need to use the studio?" you mumble, standing up with the help of gojo nevertheless.
you're playing right into his hand, yet you took it anyway.
he waves a hand, "it's fine; you do know the pas de deux, don't you? we didn't go over it together much, but i'm sure the past rehearsals served you well."
the beginning was refined, having done it earlier with mei mei's help. it was mostly the only thing the two of you went over when mei mei was around, leaving the more complicated parts to ieiri. the fish dive comes naturally this time, imagining the glowing lights and the striking wedding tutu that kitri sports in the third act. 
there are howls of laughter at the many mishaps after that. knowing you hadn't rehearsed any of it with your partner, nor with the music before, it was only fair that accidents were to happen.
"no, no, if you let me go, i will kill you- ah! gojo!" you threaten, but it's lost in your mouth as he spins you way too many times, letting a loud shriek escape your mouth.
from a failed pirouette to a fish dive where he almost dropped you (he didn't), the laughter spilling from yours and his lips weren't common in a company class with everyone trying to dance their best.
"hey, hey, lay off the hair!" gojo quips, catching your off-balanced pirouette with a secure hand on the waist. you went along with the music, anyway, giving your exaggerated interpretation of kitri just as the music builds up. that earns a laugh from him, skillfully guiding you through even with the light banter in the room
"here it comes," he mutters to you, feeling the support of gojo's hands on yours as he pushes you off the complete the double attitude turn before hearing a loud ‘thwap!’.
"fuck, sorry! oh my god," you apologise, retracting your leg almost immediately after the collision.
"ah, shit," gojo exclaims, rubbing the side of his thigh as he brings you down gently. there's a frown on his face as you take a peek at the place you hit, the only thoughts running through your head being the articles or scandals you might be caught in.
(y/n) attempting to harm six eyes theatre's golden principal dancer? (y/n)'s downfall full of jealousy? (y/n) and the infamous gojo caught in a fight?
a giggle gets you out of the trenches, hands revealed like a finished magician's act. 
"i was kidding; that didn't hurt one bit," gojo jokes, hands naturally reaching forward to place them on your hips, "loosen up a bit, (y/n)."
"i am loose!" your mouth falls into a straight line, "shit that sounded bad, didn't it?" bursting into laughter, your head falls onto his shoulder as your hand reaches up to grasp at his forearm before recovering from the unexpected joke.
as the pas de deux fades off into nothing, only your breaths could be heard in the large studio, blending with the cold air of the air-conditioning and the hot breaths coming from your mouths. strings play softly from the phone, but all you can hear is the echo of the familiar melody as if it was being played in an auditorium. 
gojo gives you a gentle smile that you reciprocate, stuck in that annoying hypnotisation of his blue eyes and the same soft look he gives you whenever you aren't looking. 
you were looking now, though, and you'd like it even better if time stood still for you to savour this moment.
"would you like to go on a date with me (y/n)?"
there it was, the million-dollar question. it wasn't like you imagined this every night before you slept or whether he'd perform a flashy proposal to ask you out.
but even then, you thought back to the smirks he directed at every other dancer, you thought back to the conversation in masamichi's office, you thought back to nobara's advice.
"surely you're not thinking of getting wooed by gojo satoru, are you? it's dangerous, (y/n), i'm sure you know that."
"fuck, i know! but then he kisses my cheek that one time and everything feels right again. he jokes with me in rehearsals and nudges me when mei mei-sensei compliments me. he treats me to lunch and looks at me with so much passion i almost want to believe it. these past weeks of rehearsals have taught me well in dance, but i'm sure it's making my love life miserable with how much he looks at me and then goes back to flirting with the other dancers."
"i'm sorry, i can't, gojo."
you make haste with the way you're scurrying out of the studio, breaking into a jog to make sure he doesn't catch after you.
you should've said yes, right? with how much he's been building up the courage these past few weeks, careful not to let ieiri spot his sneaky glances. even the kiss on your cheek left his heart pumping long after he's left the diner. 
all that to leave him in the dust.
gojo lays in bed that day, eyes fully open as he struggles to get some rest, unaware of the similar turmoil you were going through. the dancer managed to sleep after innumerable amounts of overthinking, departing from consciousness with thoughts of you, just like he always has.
there weren't any tears involved on your end, save for some of the glossy looks you've given your black and white poster as you played with your pillowcase in anxiety. 
you dreaded the next rehearsal, knowing you had to face gojo sooner or later, especially with how you reacted to his question.
"mei mei-sensei, gojo," his name was muttered instead, embarrassed with the way you rushed out of the studio the previous day. mei mei looks between the two of you, clapping her hands together to get your attention.
"ieiri pulled a nerve around her arch, which was why we've been going to the orthopaedic more often. it's a minor injury, and she's resting right now, so we'll have to work with the two of you first. we'll stop at where we always do but feel free to continue if you feel comfortable."
great. it had to be on a day where i couldn't possibly face gojo.
he says nothing at that, both you and the pianist unsure of whether you were to continue.
gojo was still in his a game, hitting every leap and lifting you without much struggle. you, not so much, as the words you said to him replayed in your head like a broken record.
you fell off your balances, you couldn't portray kitri well, you felt the weight of your body get heavier with each repeated thought of the day before. hell, even your practice tutu felt heavy. 
he sighs again for the umpteenth time as the music stops, the two of you receiving the same criticism from the previous run. mei mei tries her best to be polite, although you can tell she's losing her patience as well.
"(y/n)? what's gotten into you? i understand every dancer has their bad days, but today appears terrible with the silent treatment you two are giving each other."
you swallow at the question, taking a shaky breath before opening your mouth. you look to gojo for help, but his eyes evade yours by looking at the floor with arms crossed. his head whips toward you with your following words.
"he asked me... on a date. i rejected him, rushed out the studio," you mutter, tracing the fabric of the tutu hanging on your hips.
"you asked her out on a date?" mei mei states in disbelief, looking at the ballerino with a face full of perplexity. 
"yeah, i did, and i would do it again," the last whisper is lost to you, unable to hear because of the distance between you and him.
"wh- why? what's wrong with that?" you ask mei mei-sensei, yet again being pulled in by the sky blue of his eyes before looking to the ballet mistress.
"mei mei-"
"gojo never asks anyone out. ever. i'm sure you're the first one."
you can see gojo deflate at that at the corner of your eye, shoulders sagging forward in defeat while mei mei takes the chance to leave for you to sort things out. 
"what...?" was the only thing you could muster, eyes following your instructor as she exits the space.
"you two are dismissed for now. talk to him about it and resolve your problem," she waves a hand at you, the tension growing by the second as she's entirely out of the studio.
"gojo?" you ask cautiously, stepping up to him to pull him from the position he was in.
"you believe the rumours, the articles, don't you?" he says, completely unrelated to the situation at hand. the look he gives you was something you couldn't figure out, snatching his arm out of your grip as he puts some distance between the two of you. 
"you think i'm some cocky bitch who's just strutting around the company, free to do my own thing?" the other says it in a quiet tone, but it didn't make it less menacing than if he were to shout it. 
"do you think i enjoy the way the female dancers throw themselves at me when i'm trying to focus on my mistakes and corrections? you think i enjoy the annoying ass articles written about me?"
with each question, gojo doesn't fail to intimidate you, taking a step each time until you're cornered against the barre. those questions are left unanswered as gojo's eyes bore into yours, losing its usual spark when he glances at you during the pas de deux or when he's laughing at a joke you made over lunch.
"do you think i enjoy being talked about every. single. time?! when i'm passing in the corridors, in masamichi's office, in the company classes, among the little trio you have going on. when i asked you out, it was because i genuinely felt that i could connect to you: with no wrong assumptions or bad impressions," gojo runs a hand through his sweaty hair, the frustrated emotions he felt seeping through into his speech.
"...everything felt so fake to me while getting to know you were the only real thing i could cherish when i get to hold you during the pas de deux, or when my lips landed on your cheek. it was the only real thing that brought on your blush that i imagine your lips on mine way too much."
you chose to ignore the way your heart flutters at the confession, staring up at him with apparent conflict on your face.
"then why can't you just ignore them? i'd expect someone like you to not give a shit about what people think," you whisper.
"you got to know the wrong gojo, then. just like right now, i can't face what others have to murmur around about me."
"right now...?" you caught onto his words fast, your eyes immediately spotting the curious faces of both your friends and a few other dancers fighting for a spot to watch you two through the studio door's glass.
"c'mon, pack up, let's not talk here," gojo states. within seconds, the two of you were out the door with your hand clasped in his. you were quick on your feet to leave the premises, naturally following gojo's lead to an unknown building. 
letting go of his hand, you explore the space, taking note of every tiny little thing that made the apartment his own.
"sorry for the mess. i live alone and hardly clean the apartment." the nervousness from the studio stayed, the other opting to remain at the doorway in worry. the silence in the apartment grows, your eyes now trained to the floor as gojo suddenly speaks up.
"i couldn't ignore them, (y/n). their expectations disguised as gossip and rumours allowed me to perform properly. i was afraid of disappointment, of getting ridiculed if i were to make mistakes on stage. any slip-up was seen by the company's sponsors, critics, everyone. their eyes were always on me, and i could never let myself get eaten up by the articles." 
"the industry is filled with competition and talent. anyone can replace anyone at any given time; you'd have to have a mind of steel to not get affected by every little thing!"
his eyes meet the back of your head, the fatigue leaking through the lines of his eyes and face. as you turn around, you meet his exhausted ones, and, step by step, you approach the man.
"i can't say i have that mind of steel that i mentioned. i hardly come close to it, (y/n). i'm happy with the company, i'm content with my place, and i'm terribly in love with ballet, but... i'm so tired, really."
your expression of unsaid pity was all you could offer, bringing gojo into a hug as he wrapped his arms around you. the way he relaxed told you of the safe space you provided, while his tight, squeezing arms showed he hasn't embraced in a long time.
a minute or two passes, relishing in the now comfortable silence as the other collects himself. 
"i'm laying everything on you, fuck, i'm sorry."
you shake your head into his chest, "don't apologise, you idiot. i should be the one saying sorry for rushing off like that," pulling away, you were heartbroken to see the shine of his tears waiting to cascade down his cheeks.
"i'm sorry i ran off. i was afraid, for a different reason. my rational side always protects my heart, knowing i've had bad experiences with friends and connections. if i couldn't sustain a friendship, who was i to jump into a relationship?" you hand trails to his nape to mindlessly play with the hair there as a form of habit with your own hair.
"it was brave of you, putting yourself out so vulnerably when i only looked at the surface of what you were. i'm sure it felt like those weeks of getting to know each other meant something to you, and i threw it away in fear that you'd leave me after a few months."
"so please don't apologise, i'm sorry i ever made you feel like shit because i didn't know about the weight on your shoulders."
a smile graces your face, the hand on his nape going back to his cheek.
"and stop crying; it doesn't make your eyes look good," you whisper, wiping the tears before they fall as gojo lets out a chuckle.
"you think my eyes look good?" 
you roll your eyes, "god, who wouldn't? it's like looking at the sky and the ocean all at the same time. and when you stare at me? i always have trouble looking away from you because of how striking they are."
"are they now?" distracted from the emotional vomit earlier, he grins at your description of him. you're lucky to have your hands on his cheeks just so you can feel the effect you have on him every time you offer a compliment.
"are you done complimenting me?"
"i've only commented on your eyes, though. would you like me to continue?"
"i think you should kiss me first."
you're taken aback by gojo's boldness, a surprised expression appearing at the question. the way he looks at you beats the gazes through the mirror as he warms up and the look of interest over his bowl of miso soup. it beats the glances at you during the company classes and the short, fleeting glimpses as you move together during the pas de deux. it beats every single one that your head descends back into his chest, shy at the look of adoration he was giving you.
"can i really?" you whisper in his shirt, refusing to look up even when he pulls away from your embarrassment.
as his arms unwind themselves from your middle, he crouches down to reach your eye and bring you back from a world of uneasy firsts.
"is it your first?"
this was when gojo satoru was at his rawest, with his hands cupped around your cheeks in the slowly darkening apartment as he prepares himself to kiss you.
"it is."
gojo says nothing after that, the moment of silence feeling like forever before his lips meet yours. the sunset coming in from his windows hits at the right time, because then you'd be able to point at it and describe the colours you feel when his mouth moves against yours. you'd be able to sense your heart pumping and blood flowing more clearly than when you've just finished a demanding combination of steps when he encircles his arms around you to bring you closer.
without choreographed steps, nothing feels more fitting than a kiss full of passion that isn't in a pas de deux. ironically, it was the ones you enjoyed more, more than the kisses in romeo & juliet or in manon.
oxygen becomes scarce, then, prompting you to break away from gojo just as your heart fills up with joy, way more than you can fathom.
you crash your lips into his again, now catching him off-guard. he melts into it with no problem, a laugh spilling from his lips at your eagerness.
"i like you a lot, tons, (y/n). i don't say this often, but i like you."
"it's too early to say it's love, right? because i think i like you too, a lot, tons."
you agreed to keep it under wraps for now, with you planning to leave half n' hour later to avoid suspicion. the dancer sacrificed his Z's so you could catch them instead, although you continued to lay awake in his bed watching the white-haired man get ready. 
"are you sure the floor wasn't uncomfortable? you could've just used your own bed, y'know."
he only shakes his head, "'s okay. my back was acting up, anyway. it was basically free therapy."
you laugh at that, now sitting up fully to admire gojo's physique. with how affectionate and sweet he is behind closed doors, you swore that he was a different man. he shoots you a finger gun and a wink, knowing the way he's got you wrapped around his finger.
"see you later," gojo whispers, landing a peck on you before taking off on his own. it wasn't long before you had to get up, taking in the room and its decorative spaces. he has ballet posters and photos of his friends; he even had a diffuser.
a yawn takes over you as your hands land on the shirt on you.
fuck, you didn't have anything clean to wear. gojo had provided you with a shirt and pants from his wardrobe yesterday, rejecting his briefs with a laugh. with no bra, you decided to just use a spare leotard you keep in your bag, settling for the clothes gojo had lent you the day before.
the theatre felt different when you entered, heading straight for the studio to avoid any more prying eyes from the younger dancers. 
"hey," you say, rubbing at your eyes to the trio warming up their feet.
nobara gasps, grasping at your hand immediately to pull you down onto the floor.
"are you good?" she mumbles, staring at your face for any signs of hurt or crying.
"do i need to beat him up?" megumi challenges, flexing his bicep as a joke, "i've been working out more."
"i'll go tell him off for you, (y/n)!" yuji grins, preparing to quite literally stand up to head over to the other corner of the room.
"no! i mean, yes, i'm good. please don't beat him up, and... sit down, yuji." you sigh. 
"nothing... happened, guys. i know what it looked like in the studio yesterday but there wasn't any catfights or physical fights," you pause, looking at megumi, your hands instinctively going to the pouch where you kept your shoes, "we figured out our problem and solved it, that's all."
"so why are you wearing his shirt, then?" nobara shoots without hesitation, causing you to halt your movements for a bit. beside you, you can hear yuji choking on his water. 
"i... we.. uhm," you trail off, trying to find the right words to fill in the gaps of your explanation. your eyes flit around the room before landing on gojo's, finding that his were already fixed on you.
"uh... yeah... we cleared up our differences and talked a bit," you mutter, lips breaking into a smile before you break eye contact with him. the trio stay dumbfounded at your word vomit, witnessing the exchange with the principal dancer with puzzlement. 
"oh my god, did you guys fuck?" nobara whispers.
"what? no!" you laugh, whacking her shoulder as you stood up to loosen up your feet, preparing for the class conducted by masamichi himself today.
"i'll explain everything when i get back home, okay?" you say to the three of them, stuck in a side hug with nobara as her arm stay loosely wrapped around your waist.
they can only offer you their  nods, bidding you goodbye with a slight wave.
as you enter the same rehearsal studio, there's only a single lone dancer in it, stretching over in a middle split as he scrolls on his phone mindlessly.
"hey," you call out to gojo, setting your bag of things down while you run up to him. he stands up instantly, pulling you into an embrace that shocks you with the sheer force of it.
"did you already miss me? that's fast."
he mumbles into your hair, "mhmm... shut up, please."
you laugh at that, recovering from the hug despite the other's protests.
"c'mon, i need to warm up, plus we're supposed to keep this a secret, right?"
gojo whines but lets you go anyway, but not before he plants a kiss on your hand as he lets you do your own thing. the next set of footsteps catch you in surprise, eyes widening at her presence when you run up to her in excitement.
"ieiri-senpai! are you feeling better?" you ask, peeking around at her feet, where she limped on earlier.
"yes, i am, (y/n)," she pats your head and realises your choice of clothing. you noticed her smirk, but before you could counter her question, she beats you to it, "and... i've seen that the dumbass finally made a move."
there's no denying the blush that makes its way onto your cheeks, seemingly oblivious to the stares from everyone when in reality, they were curious to know of what happened the day before.
"yeah, i guess he did," you sigh dreamily, giving off your feelings as ieiri could only smile at your situation.
mei mei enters the room with authority, making you perk up at her words as she walks to the centre of the barre with purpose.
"i trust that you've solved everything, yes? because you two have been quite the talk around the studio," mei mei states, braiding her hair into a side braid as ieiri takes a seat.
"i took her hand to get away from the crowd, sensei. if anything, i should be blamed for engaging in contact that might've given off the assumption that we were dating," gojo steps up.
"but you are dating, aren't you?" mei mei grins, putting on her shoes.
"i..." you tried to speak, but gojo interrupts you before then.
"only if she'll have me, then yes, we are."
you fight back a smile, stepping forward to catch his hand in yours. he's shaking, not at all the confident gojo satoru that you've become so accustomed to.
"yes," your single affirmation holds so much weight, looking up at him with as much joy as he did with you in the morning.
"okay, good! i've gone through enough of gojo staring at you from across the room. let's continue," mei mei casually says, "i'm sure (y/n) has heard the news, yes?"
she's quick to pull you out of your thoughts of gojo looking at you during rehearsals with the question of the news that left you texting the trio at 1am.
[nitta-sensei is typing...]
(y/n)? do you have a minute to spare?
[(y/n) is typing...]
yes sensei?
what seems to be the...
you're cut off by the abrupt phone call as gojo brushes his teeth, speaking to you, though incoherently, through the foam and lather in his mouth.
"yes, nitta-sensei? what is it?"
"i'm sorry for conveying this news over the phone, and i was too excited to wait until the next day. you might or might not like it, but... you're to replace ieiri in the gala event for now." by now, gojo had stopped brushing due to your lack in reply.
he peeks his head out of the bathroom as nitta continues, "she has to heed her orthopaedic's advice and take a break for now, but since you've been shadowing the two for a good amount of time, masamichi thinks its best you take up the role of the female part."
your jaw stays dropped even after nitta says her goodbyes, the phone lit up due to your shock. 
"(y/n)? what happened?"
"i'm going to be dancing with you, gojo," you say quietly, "i'm dancing the pas de deux with you!" 
you bow your head in acknowledgement, "yes, i have." 
ieiri sees the hesitation since now the original dancer was seated in front of you. she shoots you a double thumbs-up as motivation while mei mei briefs you on the gala like she did with the couple at the start.
it's short, and within the next moment, you're already flying through the sky with gojo's help. the steps start to become more apparent and distinct to you, letting the pianist lead the way as the lifts and pair work merge together like a seamless thread.
mei mei is firm in her teaching, knowing your weaknesses and strengths by heart with the past rehearsals that she's done. stopping the two of you before letting ieiri take over was routine, but for now, ieiri contributes with her wisdom from the chair instead. 
the rehearsal progresses slowly, opting instead to complete it bit by bit as the weeks turn into days and the days turn into hours. you had to take extra care of your feet, icing them and making sure your blisters don't distract you as rehearsals extend longer to ensure your best performance.
when you had your own commitments, your best friends had theirs, fulfilling principal or first soloist roles just for the gala. there was hardly any time for you to see the trio, but you made up with late facetime calls and online dinners with them.
even with the distance in the company class, gojo never fails to make it up to you with kisses under the moonlight as you watch video after video on don quixote, although taking a specific liking to the pairing of nuñez and muntagirov. 
"you ready?" gojo lets out a nervous breath, already hearing the chatter of the gala attendees behind the curtains. beside you, other dancers are warming up for their own parts. some were doing a solo while others were doing a pas de deux like you were, but nonetheless, everyone gathered here was to share the love for ballet.
"hell no, i'm shaking," you laugh, playing with the elastic that was to go over your middle finger. a beautiful, white tutu was tailored just for you with minor tweaks from ieiri's tutu while they were in the midst of completing it. to honour and perform the role of kitri gave you immense joy and excitement, even though you were jittery at the responsibility passed on to you.
"how are you doing?" nobara asks, making you jump at the sudden voice. she lets out a giggle, "sorry."
 "i'm... very nervous. is that even a question?" you ask her, holding onto her exposed shoulder a little too tightly. she dons a breathtaking, flowy costume with puffy sleeves and intricate detail. at the same time, yuji was suited up as nobara's partner in a pair of yellow tights, completing the couple look in the comedy-filled la fille mal gardée.
"oi, hot pants, come here! my partner's here finally after taming his hair," nobara jokes, pulling yuji over. they lean into each other's sides naturally, posing with peace signs and big smiles that they were asked to convey to the audience.
"good luck out there," megumi catches your attention, awkward as can be, as he pulls you in for a hug. his pas de deux partner is smiling at you beside him, taking your hand in hers.
"your rehearsals with gojo-senpai are incredible, (y/n)-senpai! all the best for your performance later," she bows, clearly relieved at saying the things she wanted to say.
"all the best for your le corsaire, too," you grin, waving them off excitedly before joining your basilio at the hip.
"you'll do great out there, trust me," gojo places a peck on your temple, holding you close by the waist as you warm up together. there's shared laughter between the two of you, exchanging jokes to calm your nerves and keep your mind moving. with the rush hour backstage, it was imminent that the show was starting soon, the many dancers continuing their warmup without trouble.
only you seemed to be on edge, performing as the first couple of the night for a role you've always loved and adored while watching from the balcony of auditoriums.
"i will. we will." you nod, hands twined with the other's as the curtains make their way up.
"breathe. we'll nail this like we always do," gojo kisses your linked hands, staring down at you with those same eyes you fell in love with. a smile replaced what you couldn't say out loud, bumping your head into his chest as an affectionate gesture, "let's go."
among the cheers and blinding lights, you could only focus on gojo's hand on the small of your back as he led you out. with practised steps, nothing could faze you except, maybe, his dazzling smile and the gentle eyes he has on you for the whole pas de deux.
living the life of an innkeeper's daughter was what you had to portray. while your 'father' was hesitant at first, he's finally given you the blessing to marry your lover, basilio. the glimmering tutu and effortless partnership was only half the job done, and for the radiant smile you had on at the moment, you hoped at least ieiri and mei mei would be proud of the story you were telling together with gojo.
the feeling from rehearsals is amplified on stage, with the orchestra's power and the costumes, providing you with a feeling like no other. and as gojo approaches with a flawless tour en l'air, you realise that with how much work you put in behind the scenes, the result always pays off. 
as gojo has his hands on your waist, twirling you around like nothing in a quadruple pirouette, you realise that every step was made possible with the help of ieiri and mei mei and your best friends and lastly, gojo satoru.
the golden, treasured prodigy which you somehow managed to develop feelings for. the talented principal who whines when you won't refuse to give him affection and the once-cocky individual who softens just at the sight of you.
and as the music reaches the end, you want nothing more than to stay in this pas de deux with gojo satoru, in a dance of two.
you end off on an incredible note, chest heaving from the demanding technicalities of the pas de deux. nevertheless, your brain shuts out the thunderous applause, with some imparting you with their standing ovations and others who decided to scream 'bravo!' at the stage.
gojo offers a grin, bringing you close with a hand as you thank the audience with endless curtseys. bowing to your partner was next, thanking him for the interminable rehearsals and that hectic day of emotion from the studio right up to his home.
you almost practically run backstage with the adrenaline flowing through your body, the next act already on stage for the gala. 
"oh my god, oh my god!" you whisper-shout in pure glee, hugging gojo close the moment you were out of view of the audience.
"you did it."
"we did it," you reassure, pulling from the embrace to smile up at him. you could feel the dancers' eyes around you, not knowing whether they should look to you or to look away.
his voice snaps you out of your thoughts, "'s okay, let them look. i don't mind it when i'm with you."
"just to confirm, we... shouldn't kiss, right?" you mumble, but you inch closer to his lips anyway.
"no... i don't think we should," gojo grins, indulging you in the very kiss you've waited for, knowing that right now, it wasn't the stage lights, nor was it the general heat after completing a difficult pas de deux.
it's as if the world gave you rose-tinted glasses, because that was all you could recognise now as gojo pulls you from backstage with your hand tightly locked onto his. he wasn't the six eyes theatre's prized principal, he was just gojo as you run past the many costumes being hung with the click-clacking of your pointe shoes.
you could compare it, almost, to running across a field with a billowing dress behind you, but alas, you were satisfied with being his kitri. for when she and basilio have a life of marriage ahead of them, you and gojo satoru have nothing but longing glances and shared laughter over your stumbling slip-ups in the studio as you tackle one act after the next.
the pas de deux was a connection and a story, and the both of you were just starting out yours. 
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divina-yae · 3 years
𝐇𝗼𝐰 𝐅𝐚𝐫 𝐟𝐭. 𝐌𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮𝗺𝐮
❥𝘏𝘶𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵, 𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵, 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨
✹Just how far are his fan girls willing to go and what will it take for him to believe you?
I know this wasn’t in Purgatory or requested but it’s been in my drafts forever and I finally had the motivation to finish it
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✦We all know that Atsumu’s fan club can be quite daunting, not that they’d ever let him find out.
✦In fact, they were all amazing at hiding their toxicity from him. The perfect fans for the perfect pretty boy, right?
✦You found that not so true. The cruel snide comments, ‘jokes’ they played on you, and little bumps and the like in the hallway... it was clear they had it out for you.
“Thank you! How sweet!” You glanced upwards at the sight of your boyfriend surrounded by the typical group of fan girls. You walked slowly over to your boyfriend, Atsumu, albeit a little awkward. He had been waiting for you by the school gates, leading to him being swarmed, not that he looked bothered.
He was accepting bentos and gifts left and right, and taking photos with the girls. Your face dropped along with your heart. Ordinarily, you wouldn’t be so effected by seeing the crowd, but that was the same exact set of girls that had been tormenting you for the last week.
It was one of his only days off from practice and it was your tradition to spend it together and you treasured this day, but now you were a little unsure. There wasn’t any way to him through the mob, and you felt a little silly just standing on the outskirts.
You awkwardly tried to push your way through, but elbows and shoulders prevented you from getting anywhere, instead leaving you with bruises.
“Ugh, can you stop being so desperate?” A disgusted voice spoke up. You spun around, almost in disbelief that someone was speaking to you like that.
“Excuse me?” The smirking girl crossed your arms at your disturbed look. “You heard me. Miya-san doesn’t need you hanging off of him. He’s still his own person.”
Your eyes narrowed. “Look... what’s-your-name, I don’t have to explain myself to you. However, my boyfriend and I have a date.”
The girl just scoffed snootily, as if what you had said was utter naivety. “Do you? Well, it seems like he’s found better things to do, don’t ya think?”
You risked a glance over to where the setter was still occupied with the line of girls and you felt your heart twist.
“Yeah, exactly. Now run along. You heard me, get lost!” Your eyes widened as the girl shoved you backwards. Thoroughly embarrassed and intimidated, you heeded her warning and rushed off.
You felt tears gather in your eyes, not understanding what you’d done to deserve such treatment. And even worse, you’d let her get away with it too. But there was something in her eyes, it was feral at best and evil at worst- that prevented you from staying.
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It was only twenty minutes later that your phone began to ring, causing you to sigh and reach for the device.
You huffed when the name ‘Tsumu💛😋’ flashed across the screen. “About time,” You muttered under your breath, as you answered the phone.
“(Y/N)! Baby, where’d ya go? Ya know we had a date, right?” You frowned at his obliviousness. “Yeah, maybe ask your fangirls. You know, the one’s who told me to get lost? Twenty minutes ago.”
He was quiet for a moment. “What are ya saying?” You scoffed, your bruised ego fueling your irritation. “Exactly what I said Tsumu! Your fangirls push me around every chance they get!”
“C’mon, angel! Yer being a little dramatic. Saying ‘get lost’ one time isn’t a huge deal. Plus, yer my girlfriend. Ya don’t have to be nervous to come up to me.”
You balled your fists, his dismissal rubbing you the wrong way. “You’re not understanding, Atsumu, she literally shoved me! Sorry I didn’t want to get into a fight so you could remember me!”
You jabbed the end call button, thoroughly upset with his response and how the day had gone. Was it too much to ask for him to have been even the slightest bit concerned?
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The next day, you didn’t bother waiting for him to walk you to school, wanting some time to think as you walked.
You were so into your thoughts, in fact, that you didn’t see the person in front of you. A heavy hand on your shoulder, however, snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Oh! (Y/N)! How nice to see you!” An overly fake voice trilled. Your eyes widened in shock and disgust. The girl from yesterday.
“Please don’t call me that-“ “Shhh,” She interrupted, a smile on her face, “it’s my turn to talk now! I think we can come to an agreement!”
You raised an eyebrow, skeptical of every word that left her lips. “An agreement...?” She nodded eagerly. “Yes! You just, give him... this letter! And we’ll see who he chooses!”
She fished out a heavy golden envelope with ‘Atsumu’ written in beautiful handwriting on the back, and set in your hands. “Is this... a confession?” You asked, almost not believing her audacity.
“You know that we’re already together? Atsumu already chose me!” She laughed a little, the sound condescending and cold.
“Well, (Y/N), this is the chance to see if he really wants you. Not to be that person, but spoiler alert! He doesn’t.” The words were malicious, cutting you deeper than you thought reasonable.
“So go on, gi-“ “I think that’s enough out of you.” To your surprise, Suna plucked her hand off your shoulder, and shooed her away, all the while waving his phone.
“Thanks for being so fucking obvious. Don’t go near (Y/N) or Atsumu.” The brunette turned on his heel and stalked away, hardly waiting.
“W-wait! Suna? What’s going on?” He smirked, slowing down a little. “Exactly what you think. We’re exposing Aya.”
You thought for a second. “That was her name?” You just received a deadpan expression.
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The video ended, leaving everyone appalled at Aya’s blunt disrespect of both you and your relationship, most of all Atsumu.
“At lest she didn’t shove me this time,” You mentioned wryly, the statement more than a little pointed at your boyfriend.
Osamu whistled lowly. “Well, she’s a little crazy.” You nodded, snorting. “More than a little, I’d say.” Suddenly, arms were wrapping around you, catching you by surprise.
“I’m so sorry, Angel. I should’ve believed ya the first time. I know ya wouldn’t lie to me, I just-“ You patted his back, nodding gratefully as Suna and Osamu left.
“I know, Tsumu. I should’ve talked more instead of just ignoring you.” The faux blonde shook his head, holding you by the shoulders.
“No, no. Ya shouldn’t need a long explanation for me to take yer side. I’m just... really glad yer okay.” He pressed a chaste kiss to your lips before drawing you into his arms.
“Y’know, we could always... skip class so I can make it up to ya?” You perked up. “Yes! The cafe is right around the corner too!”
His eyebrows furrowed. “Wait, I didn’t mean food-“ You tapped his nose before walking towards the door. “I did! I was looking forward to trying their food yesterday, so you owe me!”
He sighed, but still followed you out. “Fine, fine, yer lucky I love ya.” You just smiled, silently agreeing with his words. You really did feel like the luckiest.
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beom1e · 3 years
nobody had ever really noticed you before. you spent your entire life blending in with the crowd, despite dedicating your entire life to becoming a singer on stage. you’d always felt so unimportant and uninteresting. but to him, you were the bright splash of colour in a grey world.
PAIRING park jongseong x fem! reader
THEMES bassist! jay, vocalist! reader, fluff, highschool au
WARNINGS very light sex references
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the energy of the club whenever a band was performing was your favourite. everybody was dancing and singing along to what they knew, using those few hours to push away all of their responsibilities and just relax. for many years, you had witnessed it from the crowd with a yearning to be up there creating that energy yourself.
having taken up guitar lessons at a young age with an innate desire to perform, you knew that one day you’d get the chance. or, at least you thought you would. auditioning for a highschool band seemed like an ingenious idea at the time, until you got the part as sub vocalist. the girl that had taken your place as lead vocalist happened to be sleeping with the band’s leader... and the rest was history.
but the lost opportunity wasn’t going to get you down. especially not as you were standing in that very same club, sipping on your drink and eyeing the competition on stage.
said competition was the small group that had taken over the school with their good looks and musical talent. there was heeseung as the lead vocalist, a sweet boy who had already graduated. then there was sunghoon, the lead guitarist that had every girl and guy alike in the palm of his hand. and jake, he was the drummer but spent most of his time trying to be the top of the class and flirting with his fangirls. finally there was jay, the bassist. you didn’t know much about him, just that he seemed very chilled out and insanely popular for that reason specifically.
something about jay always had you wondering, though. he’d meet your gaze as you were sipping from your drink, keeping his eyes on you. it made you feel seen, and you felt stupid for feeling that way. in what world would jay park be interested in you?
as the last song came to a end, you turned back and made your way through the crowd. there your own bandmates were, chatting amongst themselves.
being in their band was a temporary fix. you weren’t their friend, nor were you a necessary member of the band. although you could easily be traded out for someone else, you really didn’t mind. at least you had the opportunity to be on stage, even if it was out of the spotlight.
‘we should head backstage,’ you reminded your lead vocalist before stepping away from them. making your way through the staff only door and heading up the steps, you came face to face with jay.
‘hey, y/n,’ he greeted with a smile, moving out of the way so that you could get past him. you mumbled a quick thank you before fleeing the scene and finding your guitar. jake and sunghoon passed by you as well, talking loudly about something. and then heeseung, who smiled at you before following the rest of the boys onto the floor of the club.
your own band finally showed up as you were checking the tuning of your guitar. the four of you made your way onto the stage, the lead vocalist getting right into greeting everyone.
it was routine. you started the song off with the strum of your electric guitar, and the energy began to pick up. the lead vocalist sang, the drummer played the drums, and the bassist played his bass guitar. you had small singing parts, usually as the backup for your lead, but it was enough for now.
jay was watching your every move. from your black painted nails to the pick between your lips to the way you gripped the microphone and sang so beautifully. his favourite thing was your baby pink electric guitar, perfectly preserved and a huge contrast to the outfits you wore on stage. he was completely mesmerised by you, but you didn’t have a clue.
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singing was your first love. you loved the rush of playing a guitar solo, but nothing felt better than expressing your emotions through your voice and lyrics. so every friday, as students began flooding out of the school gates, you headed to the music classroom for practice.
your piano skills were rusty, but you took a seat at the instrument anyway. although, there was one tune you would never be able to forget, which happened to be a song you’d written. your purpose in the band wasn’t to write music, so you’d never mentioned it to your bandmates.
as your fingers ran delicately against the keys, you began to hum. jay came to a stop outside of the classroom at the sound of your playing.
when you began to sing your lyrics, he felt himself mindlessly smiling. he always thought you had a better voice than your lead singer, and was confused as to why you were made sub vocalist. it seemed like you were overflowing with musical ability, and deserved a better place in your band.
‘that’s a pretty song,’ he stepped inside, making you jump. there was a horrible clash of piano keys coming together to make an awful sound that made you both cringe. ‘sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you.’
‘it’s fine,’ you turned around on the piano bench to face him. ‘how long have you been there?’
‘just since you started singing,’ he shrugged, but you felt your eyes go wide. nobody had ever heard your song before, so you couldn’t believe the first person to hear it was jay park. ‘oh... i’m sorry for invading your privacy. i just came here to pick up my guitar.’
‘seriously, it’s fine, jay,’ you reassured with a smile, watching him reach for his guitar. ‘but maybe knock next time so that i don’t almost have a heart attack.’
he laughed shortly at your words. as he was about to leave, he turned back around to face you. ‘you have a really beautiful singing voice,’ your cheeks began to heat up. ‘you know, heeseung has been considering leaving the band since he’s no longer a highschool student. so if you ever wanted to practice as a lead vocalist, the place is up for grabs.’
‘i think i’d like that,’ jay couldn’t help but smile at your words. ‘do you want my number so we can arrange a session together?’
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sunghoon and jake were tired of hearing jay go on and on about you. he’d been jumpy all day waiting for you to show up, so much so that heeseung felt himself getting dizzy.
when you did arrive, everybody already looked exhausted. it reminded you a lot of your own band practices, since everybody in your band was always so dull and boring.
‘y/n!’ heeseung called happily, dropping down from a barstool to greet you. ‘finally, you’re here.’
‘did i keep you all waiting long...?’ you awkwardly looked around the room. but nobody seemed too annoyed, so you were sure you were off the hook.
‘no,’ sunghoon started. ‘just jay—’ jake reached to cover sunghoon’s mouth, cutting him off.
‘let’s get you set up,’ heeseung suggested, gesturing towards the stage. you followed him up, the other three boys finding their instruments. ‘just choose a song you want to try and they’ll start.’
he jumped back down from the stage to sit back on his bar stool. at first you felt awkward, standing up in front of the band’s current lead vocalist. it didn’t help that you couldn’t see the three boys behind you.
but after a while, you started to feel more comfortable. and it was fun, taking control of the songs with your vocals. every couple of songs, you’d take a snack or drink break and sit around on the stage with the boys, just chatting amongst yourselves. jay was unusually quiet, watching you laugh with his friends from the sidelines. it wasn’t jealousy, he just liked seeing you happy and carefree.
after the session was over, you packed up your pink guitar and said goodbye to the boys. jay followed you out, catching your wrist to spin you around.
‘you’re amazing, y/n,’ he spoke, holding back a smile. ‘i’m not going to force you to leave your own band, but i want you to know the position is being offered to you. so think about it, please?’
‘i will,’ you nodded, beaming with pride. ‘thank you for today, jay. i’ll see you on monday.’
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you were sitting with your back against the tree, snack in one hand and a book in the other. considering it was a sunny day, you thought it was a great idea. well, you were wrong.
‘enjoying that, y/n?’ you lowered the book to see your lead singer standing in front of you. ‘i just came to see if the rumours were true.’
‘what rumours?’ you closed your book, setting it down beside yourself. she was standing with her arms crossed, an annoyed look on her face.
‘just that you’re the new lead singer for jay and his little buddies,’ the tone of her voice was mocking. a smirk was on her lips, as if this whole thing was nothing more than a joke to her.
‘well, they’re not true,’ you defended. ‘heeseung is leaving and jay asked me to practice with them. he said he really likes my singing voice and that they’ve been wanting a female touch to the band.’
‘well, they’re kind of true,’ she squinted her eyes, staring down at you. ‘if you want to fraternise with the enemy, then go ahead. but you’re out of our band, and we won’t be taking you back.’
‘fine by me,’ you stood, slipping your bag onto your shoulder. ‘good luck sleeping your way to the top, we all know that’s the only reason you got lead singer.’
as you tried to walk away, she just kept going on. ‘do you really think i’m that stupid, y/n? the only reason jay is offering you a place in their band is because he’s hoping to sleep with you.’
‘unbelievable,’ you turned back around. ‘can you just drop it? i really don’t care for your opinion.’
‘not an opinion, y/n,’ she stepped forward, a smug smile on her face. ‘just a fact.’ shoving past you, she disappeared inside of the building.
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there was a knock on the door and you looked up from your lyric book. ‘hey,’ jay greeted, letting himself into the music classroom. ‘i heard what happened.’
‘hi, jay,’ you smiled weakly. ‘yeah, it was pretty bad... but please don’t pity invite me into your band.’
‘can i sit here?’ he gestured towards the piano bench you were occupying. you nodded, sliding over a bit to give him more room. ‘i’m not pity inviting you. with heeseung leaving, we need a talented vocalist to take his place. i’ve seen you sing and perform, and i just genuinely think you’re an amazing artist.’
‘thanks,’ you bit back your smile, looking off to the side. ‘that means a lot. but i do have one question.’
‘i’m sure i have an answer,’ jay shrugged.
‘please bare in mind that i really don’t see you as the type to do this,’ your words made him tense up. what could you possibly need to ask? ‘but ever since she mentioned it, i couldn’t stop thinking about it. you’re not asking me just because you want to sleep with me, are you?’
‘no,’ his answer came quick. he didn’t want you to see him as that type. ‘i can’t say that i don’t have feelings for you, but i wasn’t looking to pursue you. i’m sensible, keeping work and play separate.’
‘work and play?’ you laughed, resting your hand on his arm for support. ‘work hard, play hard type of guy? not very surprising.’
‘nah, that’s jake,’ he laughed along with you, eyes moving down to where your hand was. feeling awkward, you removed your hand and cleared your throat. ‘but seriously, the spot is yours. i’d love to see you up there thriving on stage.’
he stood from the bench, sending you one last smile before turning out of the room. shuffling your things into your bag, you ran to catch up to him. ‘jay, wait!’ you called, seeing him stop in his tracks.
‘yeah?’ he asked cluelessly. you got closer, a bright smile on your lips. leaning up, you pressed a kiss to his cheek. jay felt himself tensing up, his entire body warming up at the gesture.
‘thank you, jongseong,’ you smiled, then leaving him to stand there looking like an idiot.
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fific7 · 3 years
Even His Name - Part 1
Sirius Black x OC
Summary: Friends forever? Maybe. Maybe not.
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol, slight consent issues, 18+ please due to NSFW content including unprotected* sex. The age of consent in the UK is 16, sorry if that’s not in line with the laws in your own country/state.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
A/N: Looking at this photo, I can kinda see why Ben Barnes got fancast as Sirius Black. This story is non-canon and takes place in my imaginary HP AU with OC, Celeste (meaning celestial or heavenly).
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Sirius Black. Even his name was beautiful.
She watched his tall, lean figure approaching as she sat & relaxed against one of the shady trees beside the lake.
She drank in every last detail before he got too close, before her out-and-out staring was noticeable to him.
The lazily slouching but graceful walk, his long legs eating up the distance between them.
The pale, porcelain-like skin, the aristocratic cheekbones, the trendy light scruff of moustache with matching scruff along his jawline, the full sensuous lips, the famed long black wavy hair. And of course, those hypnotic grey eyes, ringed by long dark lashes. Those eyes could change like mercury, from silver to dark pewter within a heartbeat.
As he got got closer, her eyes almost totally closed, but she wasn’t dozing off, it was a ruse to disguise her intense staring. Her eyes continued to eat him up like he was a very large chocolate eclair.
It was Saturday, so no school uniform. Trademark bad-boy attire, then. Her heart sped up at the sight of the scuffed leather biker jacket, the Led Zeppelin t-shirt, distressed jeans & leather work boots. Not properly laced up... of course.
All in black, a living embodiment of his name.
She heaved a long sigh, letting it escape without thought, and her eyes closed fully.
She was aware of a shadow blocking the sunlight falling on her closed eyelids. The sound of somebody settling themselves down next to her, still partly casting a shadow onto her.
Her eyes opened a sliver, and her head rolled to the side towards him of its own accord.
“What’s the big sigh for, Celeste?” in his deep, slightly hoarse, breathy voice. The voice which sent a thousand female hearts beating like drums.
“Sirius.” She sighed again, her eyes opening slowly. “You’re blocking my sun.”
He grinned, chuckling. He gestured to his body with one hand, “This ... masterpiece... of a man joins you for a pleasant interlude by the lake, and all you can say is that I’m blocking your rays?!”
He chuckled again. “Ah c’mon, you know you love me.”
She rolled her head back to its original position. “Keep telling yourself that.”
“And maybe it’ll come true?” he smirked.
“When hell freezes over.”
He leant over, placing his head on her shoulder as he did so, puppy dog eyes in play, complete with pouted bottom lip.
“Now, you know that isn’t true. You’re desperate to get me into the sack.”
“But, Sirius,” she said innocently, “there wouldn’t be enough room in the bed for me, what with you and your massive ego already in it.”
His head shot back, his unmistakable & glorious barking laugh issuing forth & attracting the attention of every female within earshot.
“You’re hysterical,” he continued laughing, more quietly. “No, I’m Celeste,” she smirked, throwing her version of his favourite line back at him.
He groaned, “You’d use my own comeback against me? Really?”
“Every time,” she nodded.
He was grinning back at her, when she was suddenly aware of another shadow falling across her. She frowned involuntarily, looking up to see who it was. A tall Ravenclaw girl stood there, confidently smirking down at Sirius. She didn’t spare his current companion even a glance.
“Hi,” she smiled brightly at him. “Thought you’d maybe like to take a walk with me, Siri?” giving him a suggestive sideways look, all the while twirling a strand of her long brown hair round a finger.
Celeste rolled her eyes, smirking & tutting loudly. She muttered, “Pathetic,” under her breath & began to gather her books, getting ready to ‘exit stage left’.
Sirius looked over at her, smiling and laying his hand on her arm, stilling her movement.
He looked up at the other girl. “Sorry, love,” he said with a grin, “spending some one-on-one time with my best girl here.”
She still didn’t look at his ‘best girl’. “Well, why don’t I just join you here while you do that, and then we can go for a walk by ourselves afterwards?”
Sirius looked down, and Celeste knew what was coming next. He’d given her his polite brush-off, now here came the not-so-polite one.
“Didn’t you hear what I just said? I’m here with Celeste,” he said, voice harsh, glaring back up at her.
She stopped twirling that lock of hair, recoiling from his glare & tone. “Well, you know, I just thought...”
“You just thought wrong then, didn’t you! Now, run along dear, off you go.” Voice cold, eyes narrowed.
She turned on her heel and scuttled back to her little band of giggling friends. Something told Celeste that her friends wouldn’t be all that sympathetic. If there was one thing almost guaranteed to break up friendship groups, it was who did, or didn’t have, Sirius’ attention.
Celeste laughed, “Lordy, I don’t know how you put up with all that fangirling.... ‘Siri’.” she imitated the girl in a high-pitched tone. “They make me ashamed to be a woman. Don’t they have any self-respect?!”
Sirius laughed, “But Cel, they’re just rightfully worshipping ... this!” Again, one hand gesturing up & down the length of his body.
“What.. a skinny boy?” she questioned, looking him up & down, “Really? What’s the attraction then?” she laughed.
He’d sat up straight as she’d been speaking, faux offended. “Celeste! How could you? Firstly, I am a man, not a boy.”
“Sirius, you’re sixteen. You.. are.. a.. boy!”
“Nah, nah, nah! I.. am.. a.. man!” dramatically emulating her slow delivery before continuing, “And I’m nearly seventeen. Secondly, I am not skinny. I’m tall and athletic.”
She laughed. “You don’t even play Quidditch any more. So where do you get this ‘athleticism’ from? Running away from Filch and the prefects after a prank?!”
“Thank you for answering your own question!” he said, laughing back at her.
He again leant towards her, eyes boring into hers, changing to dark & stormy mode, lips so close that she felt the little huffs of his breath on her own lips as he spoke.
“Don’t fight it, Cel. Just give in and admit you want me! We’ll head to my dorm right now and spend the entire night together, having hot, sensual, sheet-tangling sex!”
She burst out laughing, turning away momentarily, eager to break the close proximity to him. “The gods love a trier, Sirius. Pity I don’t.” She looked back at him, “And no doubt one of your fangirls is already curled up under your quilt, just waiting on the god that is Sirius Black to arrive and rock her world!!”
“My bed is exclusively reserved for you.”
“OK... curled up in her bed then, waiting on Mr I Never Stay The Night to arrive.”
“You pierce my heart!”
“Sirius, you may be one of my closest friends, but I can honestly say that you, within just the last few weeks, have become a total man-whore. And a barely legal one at that.”
“Celeste!! Just bloody well admit you want me.”
“Can’t that huge ego of yours handle the fact that there’s at least one girl in this school who doesn’t drop her panties the second you look at her?!” her laughter pealed out over the surrounding area, catching the attention of and sparking the venomous jealousy of the Sirius Fangirls’ Club.
He also burst out laughing, inciting the Fangirls even more.
“Ah.... Cel, my ego is perpetually the size of a peanut whenever you’re around.” Innocence personified, wide grey eyes gazed at her. “It never gets the chance to grow any bigger.”
Then the trademark smirk appeared. “Unlike a certain other part of my anatomy.” One eyebrow quirked up at her, long fingers slinking down onto his jeans zip. She couldn’t stop her eyes following them. His lips slid upwards into a pleased grin.
“Urggghhh!” she groaned, closing her eyes briefly before starting to pack up her stuff. “On that note, I’m off!”
“Awww, don’t go! This was just about to get interesting. You almost agreed to give me a quick blowjob!”
She stood up, brushing grass off her denim cutoffs and slipping on her low wedge sandals. Sirius raked his eyes up and down her figure as she did so.
She leant back down to him, knowing full well that he was getting an eyeful down her tastefully low-cut frilly top. She had on a translucent lacy bra, and she heard his breath catch as soon as he spotted it.
Putting her lips right next to his ear, she said, “Firstly, I don’t give blowjobs to sixteen-year-old skinny boys.” She huffed out a breath onto his earlobe, “And secondly, even if I did, it would.. not.. just be a quickie, darling.”
She pulled back and stood up straight, looking down at Sirius. A deep pink blush was spreading up from his neck over the entirety of his handsome face, his mouth hung slightly open and his eyes were wide, a glazed look in them.
She grinned, starting to walk away, “Have fun with the fangirls, Sirius!”
He was still staring after her when the first wave of girlies washed over him, clamouring for his attention in various tried, tested and (to him, at that moment) very tedious ways.
They were all to be disappointed. Sirius swatted them off like they were so many irritating mosquitoes, stretching out & lying on his back with his hands crossed under his head, staring up into the blue of the early autumn sky, deep in thought.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
She leisurely strolled back to the castle, sniggering to herself at how easy it had been to wind Sirius up into a tight spring.
Her smirk dropped somewhat though, when she contemplated the bigger picture. What a shitshow.
She was slap-bang in the middle of the biggest cliché the fates had ever created. Best friend really fancies best friend, but won’t admit it in case it either doesn’t work out and/or ruins the friendship. Yeah... that old chestnut.
Sighing, she made her way to the Gryffindor common room, spotting Lily and Mary on their favourite corner sofa. She plopped herself down next to them, instantly becoming enmeshed in the girlie gossip which was currently in progress.
However her mind drifted to the beginning of that school year, their sixth, when she and Sirius had met up again after the summer holidays on the Hogwarts Express. She’d been frankly amazed at the change in him after such a short time.
From awkward, gawky schoolboy to man-god in the space of a couple of months.
She learned from him that he’d run away from Grimmauld Place at the beginning of the holidays and was now living at the Potters’. She was very glad to hear that, knowing what he’d gone through at the hands of his parents. He certainly seemed to be thriving there, having apparently sprouted quite a bit over the summer.
Everything about him suddenly seemed long & slim. Long legs and arms, with big hands and big feet to match. Long slim fingers. Long slim feet & toes which she stared at, fascinated, every time she caught a glimpse of them.
She’d instantly known that their friendship would change in future. She’d never thought of Sirius as anything except a little schoolboy buddy, but over the summer he’d emerged from his post-pubescent chrysalis as a hot, sexy teenager with shoulder-length hair, designer stubble and attitude with a capital A.
He’d always attracted a fair bit of female attention over the years. He’d never really acted on it though, too caught up in Marauders mischief to care.
But holy hell...now? All the girlies were going to go batshit crazy over him.
He’d also - right there on the train no less! - boxed her into a corner and immediately started flirting up a storm, which had mildly terrified her. This was the guy who, only two months before, had been a kind of surrogate brother figure in her life for the previous 5 years.
Now he was making sexual innuendoes and inviting her into his bed every five minutes. She just couldn’t figure out his agenda.
As predicted, at the start of term, the Hogwarts female population - irrespective of year - quickly lined up behind Sirius and adoringly dogged his every footstep. As did a fair proportion of the male population, it has to be said.
Sirius quickly accepted his new-found godlike status & revelled in it. Flirting his way around school and through classes and meals. Getting caught in broom closets, empty classrooms and corridors, snogging for Britain.
It was only 4 weeks into the new term and she already found it all mildly disgusting. Hence she’d decided to knock the flirtatious idiot back down a peg or two every chance she got.
However, his flirting behaviour with her hadn’t dialled back at all, if anything it had increased, and this is what she was pondering on.
Her name was suddenly yelled right into her face. Lily was staring at her as if she was an alien.
“Uh, sorry - what?”
“We’ve been waiting on you to answer Mary’s question, for like, 15 minutes.”
“Oh shut up! I just zoned out for a minute or two.”
Mary sniggered, “And no prizes for guessing who the subject matter of said zoning out was!!”
She sighed. “OK, OK, alright - yes - it was Sirius.”
Scoffing noises from her friends.
“Look - I just can’t get my head round the way he’s still behaving towards me. Flirting & shit.”
She shook her head, and continued, “This was my annoying little ‘school brother’ 3 months ago! So he’s either had a brain meltdown and actually fancies me, or else he’s practicing all that crap on me to then use on his fan girls! And let’s be honest, one reason’s as bad as the other!”
They both exchanged significant looks, grinning at each other.
She huffed, “What’s wrong now?! I’ve just told you what’s on my mind!”
“Can you, hand on heart, swear you don’t fancy the pants off Sirius?” asked Lily.
“Look, I can see why girls find him attractive, yeah. But you’re forgetting that for five years, he was...”
“Yeah, yeah,” interrupted Mary, rolling her eyes, “..your surrogate little brother.”
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