#but yeah no this isn't escaping my brain XD
marinerainbow · 2 months
I humbly offer an F/O imagine. Imagine a Coffee Shop AU but it stars you and your F/O(s). Who's the barista, and who's the customer? Who made the first move? Was it love at first sip, or was it a slow burn kind of romance? Most importantly, how is the name and/or phone number written on the cup?
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thegnomelord · 6 months
I feel like if you keep Hound as he is, it'll be more angstier(?) that way since it'll imply that it took longer to break Hound with his hope of being saved by Price slowly dwindling away. The torture would've been more extreme from Makarov due to it just being a form of conditioning rather than hormones(?) weakening Hound's mental state further. It'll eventually just end up to Hound staying with Makarov as his dog and a part of him being Makarov's forever if he does escape because of the psychological effects of those agonising years.
(Do you understand what I mean? Sorry, English isn't my first and it's kind of hard to put thoughts into words. By the way, I love your works, the descriptions you always use help my brain imagine things better since they're nicely written. It's also making me have the itch to begin writing once more xD)
Thanks for the love dude! Your English is great and I understood you perfectly. You should deffo write if you want to! It's fun to see what y'all come up with :Dd
Oh yeah I get you and that is a valid argument that I also had with myself lol. Plus idk something with abo Hound being like Makarov's dog feels really on the nose to me. Like would it be a bit too cliché?
With the hormones I was thinking it would be more of a temporary lapse in judgement during Hound's ruts but he'd still be a though bastard to break mentally. Those moments where his body is betraying his mind would just work to further wear Hound down. Plus I 100% believe Makarov would have taken a page from Roba's book, especially with the SA part where Hound gets to rut into a willing body but he's unwilling but his body is betraying him. Am I making sense?
Idk I'll probs do a small short writing blurb with Alpha Hound to figure out how that would feel to write and whether or not it fits. The Good Dog fic is already self indulgent as fuck and while petplay and abo are becoming my favourite tropes/kinks idk how they'll work together.
Either way I'll probs make another pole to see what y'all think about Abo Hound
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eveandtheturtles · 2 years
I saw that you wanted Donnie requests and I have so many ideas! First one of my SFW ideas I want is a general headcanon of Donnie with a s/o (any pronouns are fine) who is kinda chaotic and hyper but is a sweetheart and loves hearing him infodump about his projects (even though they don’t even know what he’s talking about) Sorry if that’s a strange ask 😅💜
Fear not! I heard weirder lol (not this fandom tho, y'all guys so nice). I love chaotic characters. In fact my own oc I ship with him is chaotic lol but this isn't about her. Here I will use they/them as gender neutral option but honestly yeah can be replaced with any pronoun! @littlebeanprotector
Chaotic S/O and Infodumping Donnie
The s/o and Donnie are a match in chaotic energy. Whenever there was a crazy prank going on it was these two usually behind it but Donnie has a much calmer energy to him than them.
List of things that happened (pulling in effect the other 3 brothers + Casey and sometimes April) California Reaper Pepper challenge, the googly eyes in unexpected places prank, cling wrap Mikey and Raph challenge that got mixed with a 100 layers challenge and most importantly - crazy pizza toppings.
Now with Donnie, the s/o heard from April that he used to infodump a lot in the past but brothers generally either were escaping or (*coughRaphcough*) let him know nobody fucking knows what he is on about, which is rather discouraging so over the years Donnie learned how to "contain" himself around other people.
He's not shy it would most likely be an annoyed huff through his nose and pressing his lips together.
The s/o noticed a couple times that when certain topics are mentioned Donnie perks up and it definitely seems he wants to say something but it quickly dies down and he merely nods along with a frown.
Whenever Donnie would start Infodumping and the brothers would groan the s/o would yell "Shut up! I want to hear this you asshats!!"
Another tactic was blowing up a kazoo whenever Raph would try and interject.
It was a surprise to everyone bc whenever they were at the lair they bounced all over the place, only matching Mikey in the amount of excess energy, so they thought you also would find Donnie lecture time boring.
But no. It was surprisingly soothing.
It took a lot of poking and prodding and gentle encouragement to finally have him talk.
And boy does he talk and the things he knows! He is a walking breathing encyclopedia on certain issues.
The first time he let go the s/o sat there with open mouth. Granted a lot of it went over their head. But what was important was
Donnie's face just lit up. As he spoke he got more and more animated. His hands moving with his mouth to even bouncing on his feet. And then-
"Oh, sorry, I hope I'm not boring you..." He asked suddenly dimming down, shy.
That broke their heart a little. "No! Please keep talking I love listening to you! I love your voice and gosh you know so much!"
That helped him relax and breathe out.
They weren't lying about loving his voice. Whenever their brain would refuse to calm down but you needed to chill you'd go to Donnie to listen to him talk.
Sometimes that was how they'd fall asleep, curled up in his lap.
Now the s/o could say:
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XD hope you liked that!!
Tag list!
@turtle-babe83 @madammuffins @thelaundrybitch @pheradream15 @sharpwindow @dilucsflame33
Anyone who wants in or out of it let me know. Also if you got prompts requests! I'm open!
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skeletonsfortea · 3 months
Currently on my period 😔 Do you have any fluffy period comfort blurbs out there? I don't really mind which skeletons are the ones taking care of the reader, I could just use the distraction. Your writing always makes me feel better 😣 AFAB or Fem y/n is fine! Please ignore if this isn't allowed!
Hey Anon! Sorry this is so friggin late, I meant to get it done much sooner, but brain wouldn't brain...still, hopes this helps in the future XD
I decided to give this one to the best bois Axe and Pie!
This takes place not long after they escape the Underground.
You wake up…in pain.
“Fuck.” There’s a familiar ache in your lower abdomen. It hurts, like crazy. It’s just been so long since you’ve had a period you’d nearly forgotten how bad the cramps could get. Your cycle only stopped when you began to starve in the Underground, so it made sense that it would come back now, but you still hadn’t exactly been expecting it. You sit up and it occurs to you that you need to get to a bathroom quickly. You lurch onto your feet as Papyrus stirs in his sleeping bag. Carefully picking your way over to Sans, you nudge him. He grumbles, and you can’t help but feel anxious to get a move on. You’re not interested in making a bloody mess.
“Wassit?” He mumbles when you nudge him more firmly.
“I need you to take me to the bathroom, now. Please.”
His good eye socket opens, staring at you for a long moment as you wait not so patiently. “Kay.” He gets up and grabs his jacket, also extending a hand to you, “let’s go.” You take it. In an instant, you’re back in the Snowdin house.
“Thanks!” You hurry to the bathroom. Only once you’re clean and comfortable do you come out. Sans is lazing around on the couch, half asleep already. “We can go now,” you say.
“Not so fast.” He says, grabbing you and pulling you into his lap. “I just sat down. Take a break with me.” You snort and slump down into his frame. Absently, you press on your lower abdomen a bit.
“Do we have any painkillers?” You ask.
“Painkillers?” He echoes, and then he sits up suddenly. “Wait, you’re hurt?”
“N-no, it’s natural pain, nothing to worry about.”
“Natural pain?” He repeats, disbelieving, as his slightly constricted pupil scans you.
“Yeah, it’s just a part of a female human’s reproductive cycle.”
“How does that work?”
Somehow, it never occurred to you that the brother’s wouldn’t be versed in human biology. “Well…” You give him the lowdown, and he blinks at you.
“That sounds…wasteful.”
You shrug, “it is.”
“Why not just reabsorb it or some shit?”
“Don’t ask me.”
“Hm. Well, let’s go see if we can get some meds.” He wraps his arms around you, and a moment later you’re both standing in the tent. “Hey, Paps. Y/N needs some painkillers.”
“What? What happened?” Papyrus asks, sitting up from his pillow.
“Nothing, nothing, just a quirk of the human body, alright?” You say. His brows crease.
“Well…okay. One moment.” He heads out of the tent to begin digging around in the bags.
“In the meantime, what’ll make you feel better?” Sans asks.
“Warmth…water…rest…” You list, “a bit more, but those are the ones I prioritize.”
“Okay,” Sans says, promptly sitting down. He pats the space beside him. “Then come’ere.” You sit down and he wraps an arm around you, pulling you down into the bedding with him. A moment later, Papyrus comes back into the tent with a stressed expression.
“It appears we don’t have any painkillers. Maybe we could ask someone for some..?”
“It’s alright, Paps.” You mutter. “Just get over here.” He comes over to lay down at your front.
“What’s really wrong?” He asks.
“I’ll explain it, you sleep,” Sans interrupts. Although you’re not sure you’ll be able to sleep, you do keep silent as Sans tells Papyrus what’s what. You shut your eyes, focusing on the hurt, until Papyrus’s boney hand presses to your lower abdomen.
“What are you doing?” You ask.
“You said the cramps happen here, right?” He asks. You nod, and then his hand slowly gets warmer. You may be imagining it, but you think you can feel the tension begin to fade. Sans pulls away from you, but before you can protest, he drags you into a sitting position.
“Here, Paps, come sit behind her.” Papyrus moves over, and you lean back into his chest, watching Sans with a confused expression. All he does though is scoot in front of you and lay back, using his hands to cushion his skull against your lower abdomen.
“Wha- oh! Brilliant idea, brother!” Papyrus points out, and Sans chuckles.
“What?” You ask, still completely lost, until Papyrus’s fingers press into your shoulders, massaging your muscles as Sans begins to heat up, his bones getting whiter with each second. With a bit of direction from you, Papyrus gives his attention to your back, and, a couple minutes later, the pain has mostly faded to the back of your mind.
“You-” you begin, and just as you do, your stomach growls.
“I got it,” Sans grumbles, and gets up.
“Nope, stay.” He says, and leaves the tent. Meanwhile, Papyrus works his thumbs a little deeper into the muscles of your lower back.
“How bad is the pain, normally?” Papyrus asks.
You shrug, “it varies.”
“Does anything make it worse?”
“Uh…stress, I guess.”
“Oh! Good thing there isn’t anything stressing you out here.” He pauses. “Right?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty comfortable,” you say.
“Good!” He gives you a hug. A couple minutes later, Sans returns with food, and all three of you eat. 
A day later, you wake up in the morning and start to prepare to leave for work, when Sans catches your wrist.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“Aren’t you still on your period?”
“Well, yeah, but it’s not like I’m incapable of doing things-”
“Sounds like a hassle. Just stay home,” Sans says.
“I can’t just slack off,” you argue.
“Normally I would agree,” Papyrus says, opening the tent flap to bring in some food. “But I think this is a perfectly good excuse to get some rest.”
“But…we- humans- generally work through it.”
“Eh, fuck how most people handle it,” Sans says, “Do it our way this time.”
You glance between them. “What will I say to Mettaton?”
“Don’t worry about it, we’ll deal with the egomaniac.”
“No need to be rude, Sans! I’m sure Mettaton will understand!” Papyrus says, gently pulling you to sit down. You do so, taking your plate from him.
“Breakfast in bed?” You ask.
“I know, very unorthodox, but I’d say this is a special occasion!”
“It’s going to happen every month, though.”
“All the same!”
You sigh and give up, though you can’t help smiling a little. You remember times in your past when you’d wished you could simply take the week off for your period. It always makes doing things harder. You’ll let yourself enjoy this while you can.
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insanefan · 3 months
Ask game 11, 13, 14, 89
(yeah I'm greedy, tell me all about disaster boi)
Multiple questions!!! Big brain.
11. He's completely disoriented and stressed as he wakes on the nautiloid, getting more stressed and anxious by the confusion of it and the memory of that horrible little worm climbing into his head. He does manage to push it aside to focus on escaping, but mostly by repressing his own panic, which never works well in the long run for him....
13. First reaction to Lae'zel? Incredulity! He's never met a gith before, and while it made some sense to meet her on the nautiloid, he is still baffled - and incredibly wary, having heard rumours of their ruthlessness. Maybe they could've become friends over preferring efficiency, but alas, he canonically doesn't have Lae'zel in the party (because I failed to find her on my first run, no less xD)
14. First reaction to Shadowheart is annoyance. He finds it incredibly unnecessary that she immediately starts arguing with Lae'zel, and almost regrets actually helping her out of the pod. This isn't helped when he later finds her on the beach and she proceeds to be faintly condescending while also pushing him to lead the way.
89. Val'dran chooses to free Orpheus - and convince HIM to turn into a mind flayer. Val'dran would rather die than be turned into one, even at that crucial stage, but he's not overly bothered about the fate of the gith, so. With that, he does also give the Nether Stones to Orpheus, yes.
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madrone33 · 7 months
Just found this in my docs! Apparently I wrote down my reaction when I first listened to Ulysses Dies At Dawn last november, soooo :D
Started listening to Ulysses Dies at Dawn by The Mechanists. First song is The City, let's gooo (19:44).
Just finished listening to Ulysses Dies at Dawn. Oh, shit, I just realised why the album is called that, fuck. My heart. His death was simultaneously heartbreaking, peaceful, and triumphant. I had no idea it was going to end like that. Amazing (22:24).
Ok, some rambling about it before I re-listen with lyrics:
The whole idea of trials, and each character's backstory getting introduced with them is cool. It lets the mystery soak for a bit, giving breadcrumbs out, and letting each character have time to breathe.
I like how the blind guy is almost exclusively referred to as "that motherfucker" XD. Ironic.
Ok, but the sphinx disease is legitimately horrifying. Wow, the Olympians are just straight up villains in this huh.
I think Daedalus has the coolest vibes (apart from Ulysses) 'cause he's just so smooth all the time. Calm and collected and unconcerned... until the end when Ulysses switches it up on him lol.
The line "Currently beaten, battered, bloody... Unbowed. Spits out a mouthful of teeth and disdain" perfectly encapsulates Ulysses' character. I love it.
Ulysses being this super smart inventor tactician dude is awesome. I was stunned by the Trojan Horse twist. Broken Horses was amazing, I had literal chills. Interestingly, it almost reminds me of Hell’s Comin’ with Me by Poor Man’s Poison? Also, the signal Ulysses designed for the Trojan Horse sounds a lot like the V-Day signal in Kingsman. Brutal.
The beat to My Name is No-One sounds like an alarm, like how False Peace by Precious Jewel Amor utilises the prison alarm as percussion, which is very cool. And the song is hilarious. Just waltz in, it'll be fine :D Love the way it fades out after he gives his name away, ending on an unresolved note a lot like in Remember Them from EpicTM. Yo, speaking of Epic, I kinda love how the electric guitar in this song unintentionally mirrors the way Odysseus in Epic has the electric guitar as his instrument when he’s doing badass shit.
And then Ulysses going from idealistic to traumatised, and you don't even see the extent of his hope for the world until right at the end, when it's already gone. Like, shit bro.
Love how even though he spends like- almost the whole thing being drunk and getting beaten up, he still always seems in control somehow. The only time he isn't is in Underworld Blues when he's begging to Hades. I'll have to relisten to that to figure out what he wanted, actually. It was a bit unclear. Did he just... want Hades to kill him or smth? Make sure his brain wasn't on the network? Yeah, I'll need the lyrics.
The twists on all the lore are honestly so great. From mythical and magical, to futuristic and mechanical. You can clearly see the real world myths all their backstories come from.
That simple, blunt "No" from Ariadne was great.
I love how in Torn Suits all of the mercs are singing about why they can't die, and how they're going to use the money to escape the City's hold on them. By running, or paying off debts, or taking a loved one back, or ruling it. But then Ulysses kills them and willingly dies himself, giving his body to the earth and escaping the City more fully than they ever could. Hell yeah, fuck them.
As soon as I heard the password was 'Elysian', I knew it was something about death. His death. And something about it will be peaceful. I was right.
And ARGOS!! The doggo reunites with his human, and yeah he still dies, but Ulysses practically goes with him! Also, are dogs extinct in this world, like horses? Did Ulysses manage to find the last tree and the last dog?? Damn, dude. Mad skillz.
Bro, I was wondering where Penelope was going to fit into all this, 'cause in The Odyssey, practically his entire life purpose is to get back to her, but here there was... nothing stopping him I thought? I thought either he was in huge debt to someone and was stuck in a completely different sector than Penelope, or he was staying away out of guilt and shame over his actions in the war. But then it's revealed that he is trying to get back to her... in death. Like, fuck bro, that's really fucking sad. Dude's been passively or actively suicidal for the past few decades, and then he finally gets to rest with her... Fuck, man. Hits hard.
Ulysses sounds a lot like Joel from The Last of Us games when he sings softly. It helps that Elysian Fields is literally just Wayfaring Stranger lol. Also gives the same feeling as the endish part of AC: Valhalla, after he talks to the king and rides away and Twilight of the Gods starts playing.
The cover art is so cool, as well. And the last ones? The plain wooden table, bare of any media or research or advertisement. So good. No more secrets. No more lies. The truth, laid out in the open, plain as can be. Nothing more, nothing less. And then the vault, blood splattered enemies dying, grasping for artificial life in the cold grey, while Ulysses lies under the living tree, surrounded by sunlight and green with his loved ones, at peace with his death. Amazing imagery.
The drums at the end of Elysian Fields are like a funeral march or the drums that play on Anzac Day. So good.
Okay, I think I've written all I wanted to say, so imma go read the lyrics now (22:56).
Finished listening with the lyrics! Love it even more now (01:44).
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anvoo · 1 year
06.07.2023 -
Bits of these were written throughout the day, so it may not be super coherent.
I feel a bit overwhelmed right now. I have a headache and I'm tired.
I don't like my current situation at all. I just want to escape, for it to go away, but the only way to immediately get away without much effort would be to kill myself, and I don't want to do that. My mind goes to Cat a bit. I want to be with her, for us to just spend time together so that I could forget about everything else. I don't want to have to think about this reality. I want to either completely care, or stop caring altogether.
Is this the only reason why you want to be with Cat? Imagine, if you no longer wish to run away and escape, would you still want to be with her? If later on when you feel ready, but she does not and needs more time, what would you do then?
I don't think this is the only reason why I want to be with Cat, no. I like her and I want her specifically, because of reasons I already talked about the previous times. The 2nd and 3rd questions seem to blend in well with each other, so I'll answer them together. "No longer wish to run away and escape" is a part of "when you feel ready". I'd probably say that it is a pretty big part of that entire thing. Let's imagine, if later on when I truly feel ready, but Cat isn't ready yet, what would happen? I would of course want to convince her to try again. I hope that with the progress I've made, I could be able to support her better and see if we could make it work together. I'm not hoping that she or I would change who we are, but just that then we would have more capacity to spend on our relationship and still maintain our daily lives without it going kaboom and completely off-balance. I think that this is something that's possible, and Cat thinks so too.
What if Cat at that point in time is still not ready and doesn't think getting back together yet is a good idea? Would you wait?
Well, since we're not there yet, I have no idea. The "me" right now and the "me" then would probably be a bit different, so maybe I'll think differently then. It isn't possible right now to answer this question since I don't know. "Me" right now is leaning a bit towards the "Oh by then I'll be Gigachad just get anyone I want easily so I'll just find someone else IMMEDIATELY", but I think that's a bit stupid, to be honest xD The connection and care that we have for each other don't come so easily, and it is precious to me. Cat's precious to me (plus, one of the reasons why right now I feel a bit that way is because I just kinda want to escape reality with just any romantic relationship so this is what parts of my brain want, but that isn't what I really want). I'd like to think that I would wait for her :> I think I would like to communicate with her more often and see how things are going, how long she thinks she'll need, goals, etc... But as long as it's reasonable and doesn't look like it'll stay like that forever, I think I could totally do it.
So right now, all that's left for me is to get to that point myself. In most of the scenarios that I would want, that is the one thing that needs to happen.
So yeah. I love her, I do. I miss her right now. There's the good kind of miss that I can feel :>, and the not-so-nice kind that creates a lot of anxiety and negative emotions, but I think I can curb them. It'll be ok.
Keep doing your best.
I wrote her a message saying "Happy anniversary" because it's our anniversary. She's seen it but has not yet replied to me (it's been only 15 minutes). I do notice small parts of myself becoming a bit uneasy and anxious, but at least it's not all of me, so that's good. I want her to reply to me instantly, as soon as she sees it no matter what, but that's not very realistic. Parts of me fear and jump to the worst conclusions, such as "Oh she'll just not reply to me at all", "She hates me and doesn't care about me anymore" - thoughts like that. I guess it is possible that she'll take a while to answer, or maybe she won't reply at all. I would understand it though because of our circumstances (on a break, she's in her bubble so maybe a bit overwhelmed/isolated/zoned out from things and needs time and space).
I know that she loves and cares about me and that she wants to be with me. Circumstances and struggles get in the way and make things difficult, but I know deep down she loves me. It doesn't mean that it would excuse everything and that everything will work out perfectly and easily, but it definitely gives me a sense of security and understanding. She's not an escape from reality nor a source of validation and self-esteem, but someone I love and care for and want to spend my life with. I want to be, and I am, caring, understanding, and loving. I'm not going to let my own insecurities and issues mess with me and the people I care about. I believe in the connection, bond, and love we have for each other. It's something that can withstand challenges and isn't confined by time or distance, the string that connects me and her. It'll guide us back together when the time is right. Just need to have a bit of faith and keep moving forward on my journey, and know that she's moving forward on hers too! The paths will converge later when the time is right, so have some faith :>
Keep your path clean, straight, and easy to walk on also!
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knowlessman · 1 year
boruto next hero macadamia idfk (bnha) s2e13-15
if bakugo doesn't have a body count by the end of this series I will be amazed
I wonder if shinso shows up again. cool guy.
"it's only morning but I'm already tired" damn, I don't think that's supposed to hit until after high school -- iida why are you running in the rain
"I had some elementary schoolers suddenly tell me 'don't worry about it'" ah, sero 'XD poor guy -- asui why are you like this 'XD
wait so they do just leave school early to become superheroes in second or third year? : / that's… uh, a bit something -- todoroki got how many offers? there are that many individual super agencies? -- wait people WANT to try to manage bakugo's unmanageable ass? 'XD they did see the Hannibal Lecter setup, right?
"they're probably all because of my dad" I mean. you did freeze the entire stadium. people notice that. people in outer space noticed that, I think.
think I know why I've never heard of Mina's superhero name
huh. woulda thought Invisible Girl'd been taken. I guess it's only been a few generations
"Shoto." …okay -- wonder if there're fics where shoto eventually escapes out from under his dad's name and the whole hero thing entirely and he just becomes a blue-collar worker. get the feeling he'd like that
(ingenium's name) …huh.
(deku) yeah, had a feeling -- "and in that moment, katsuki bakugo died, and I, the villain God Explosion Murder, was born"
tokoyami: "he who follows two hares catches neither" so true bestie. (discreetly adds that to a quotes file bc I actually do like it)
also tho tenya didn't go with Emergency Exit : [ darn, I liked that name
Stain, or by his old name, Jeff the Killer -- hm. so iida might be on a revenge path. : /
new OP mid-season? not clickbait? huh
"judge me by my age, do you? mm?"
okay, let's find out what Six-Time National Jeaning Champion's deal is -- wait is Best Jeanist actually Bayonetta in disguise -- personality makeover, huh. well, I expect we'll see how that goes
who's Ninja Misty? (some other kid interning at the same place as Quiet)
wait did Todoroki just go with Endeavor's agency? : / I don't think they outright said it
(deku trying to wall-jump) I foresee property damage. and/or "it's 5 AM, quit humping my wall!"
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"no it's not. are you okay?" 'XD something tells me he's not gonna wanna hear about your previous microwave-based epiphanies either
fantasy AU end theme? yooo! also dang but these alt costumes for todoroki and bakugo are on point -- screw soul eater's alt fashion endings, I want more AU endings, this rocks
new OP isn't bad I guess? idk
the subtle naruto-esque flutey flute when he went under the couch 'XD
"Full Cowling"? and it looks like the manga and different subs translate it differently. Think I kinda like cowling's connotation (that it apparently has) of a covering for a jet engine or whatnot, but wever
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'XD if this doesn't push bakugo to villainy I dunno what will
oh yeah, Mojo Jarjar (idk I can't get over the brain thing but can't pick another character to combine Mojo with). how's he getting on, then -- starting to feel like those lips are visual shorthand for something but idk what, and also dunno if I wanna know what : / anyway so yeah, I guess Facepalm/his boss can just produce Nomu's maybe -- so, he's kind of a chimera? or something
okay so facepalm and jeff the killer made up I guess
iida you only even have super speed in your legs, and no weapon. how're you gonna kill a guy?
dolphin man's okay (the guy iida's interning with, whatever he's called).
…not sure whether to blame the translation but none of these villain's motives are making any sense -- why IS this dub so quiet -- "jeff the killer has been lowering the crime rate, whether because heroes are getting more conscientious or out of fear" ??? the sub didn't spell out the "or out of fear" part and put "conscious" rather than "conscientious" but this still doesn't explain much. are heroes just reporting fewer crimes? is Stain also targeting criminals even though he's only been clearly stated to attack heroes? are they saying most heroes are corrupt and are committing most of the crimes (something like that did happen in, idk, Denmark or somewhere else Over There)? -- "heroes are working harder because of the murders, the hero killer is also a hero breeder" oh, so he's actually just raising the global wanted level. so a bored GTA player is apparently a good guy. …well, at least I know what the premises and conclusion are now. and can switch back to the version I can hear at normal volume -- hell, where the dub says "heroes are working harder because of the murders," the sub says "heroes are working hard to bring down the cost of food." …is this a fan translation I've been reading here? : |
ohey so there are more of the - …that one with wings isn't Kacchan's old classmate is it. couldn't be, right? -- pretty sure that big one is literally a Resident Evil Licker wearing pants
well that one's eyes are in sideways, so I guess the mid-size one dodges copyright
"a scarf as red as blood… weapons all over your body… you must be Ryu Hayabusa! have you seen Stain anywhere?" wait he's not the red scarf guy? "Strider"… huh. -- "I don't even know who you are. and I'm going to forget you again before your body stops cooling"
beh. cliffhanger or no, it's quarter to 4.
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featherssideblog · 2 years
Feathers Reacts: Motorcity - Episode 11 - Off the Rack
Time for more Motorcity! Now with more Julie. :)
Episode 11 Thoughts
Oh, the Burners are helping refugees from Deluxe escape! I'm really curious about what exactly the political situation is in Deluxe - how much of the population opposes Kane? I mean, they live in a corporate dictatorship, but it seems entirely possible for someone like Claire to never feel like their freedoms have been limited, and to be extremely sheltered from the violence caused by Kane's expansionist tendencies. Anybody doing polls up in Deluxe? XD
Julie, Julie, Julie. Do you feel guilty because you couldn't help the Burners on this particular mission, or do you feel guilty because you're keeping secrets, or do you feel guilty because your dad is a cruel person with anger management issues who you love anyway? Because I have a feeling all of that guilt is about to result in some real unfortunate decisions.
Claire's total lack of understanding about why Julie is rebelling against Deluxe is just so darn intriguing to me. No understanding of broader social causes - maybe that's the effect of propaganda, maybe it's a bit of willful ignorance given that she's met people from Motorcity - but she's incredibly loyal to Julie on a personal level. Claaaaaaaire I wanna know more about what goes on in your brain!!!
Julie's acting out mission impossible here XD
Texas . . . don't be a bully. :( What's up with you, man? I know he's not the best on picking up on other people's emotions, but this "Miss Deluxe" feels very targeted. On the other hand - Texas is a big bundle of machismo, which - I mean, that sort of braggadocio and extreme performance of masculinity often implies a lot of insecurities. In which case you could interpret his behavior as a projection of his own need to be perceived as masculine. Since Julie is "one of the guys" in his head, she falls into the category of "people whose gender I need to police to make sure I'm not girly."
Mike: "You don't need to prove anything." This guy is so good to his friends, I am filled with warmth.
"The percentage of defecting Deluxians is miniscule." Ahhhh, so this answers some of my questions from the beginning of the episode. And Kane's reply! "We lost Mike Chilton and look where that got us." It's really all about Mike, isn't it? Kane would expand into Motorcity even if Mike hadn't defected, but I wonder how much of his wrath towards the place is specifically about losing control of his prize cadet.
Uhhhhh those cube things don't have people in them, right?? No, the Burners definitely just took down some buildings. Well, now Kane is launching actual human beings at their cars. I guess everybody's wearing invulnerability suits, so no harm done, but holy shit. If there are no casualties here it'll be a miracle.
HAHAHAHAHA oh my GOD Kane's advertisement for Kane Shades with his naked sweating muscular chest, what the HELL?? It's making me think of various other real-life dictators and autocrats who have tried to hype their own sex appeal in state propaganda. XD
Julie: "Are you insane??" Mike: "You'll be fine; you've got the safety suit!" Julie: "Yeah, but what about you??" Mike: "I've got Mutt" :) Mike is such an adrenaline junkie
With Kane pulling crap like this it's a wonder there isn't a higher percentage of defectors. Ahhh but he blamed the Burners. I see.
Concluding Thoughts:
It seems like it never really sunk in for Julie that she doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. And I think that indicates that her insecurity stems from guilt about lying to her teammates and guilt about her father, because those are the things that haven't changed. At least she can confide in Claire.
And speaking of Claire! What an intriguing character! She's not about to join the revolution, per se, but on the other hand she is absolutely risking her life when she lies to Kane to cover for Julie. I love it. :)
Texas is just. A lot. In Texas-ify It, he was slightly humbled by realizing he had misplaced the trust he put in Kaia, but I wonder if we're going to get a Texas-centric episode where he learns to be generally more emotionally aware. We don't need Mike levels of intuitive empathy here, just - I think it would be interesting to poke a little bit more at his character and why he behaves the way he does, and what it would take to get him to make an effort to change his behavior for his friends.
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fallintosanity · 2 years
I, N, and V for the writer ask meme…! >_>
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
eheheh gonna have to go with that particular flavor of h/c where the normally powerful and unflappable character is hurt, and is comforted/tended to by the normally vulnerable and emotional one. There's a lot of tenderness in this trope, and a lot of room to explore the unseen sides of each character. Major bonus points for platonic physical touching/closeness, because there isn't nearly enough of that in media generally or fanfic specifically. This trope is PERFECT for it, though, and my little aroace heart eats it up every time.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
There's these two old Supernatural fics I have sitting around in my WIPs folder that I wish someone else would write, because aside from me having fallen out of SPN fandom post-S10, I just can't figure out what to do with them. But I love the premises of both, and they still knock around in my brain occasionally. One of them is a time-travel AU (did you expect anything different XD ) involving Sam from right before the end of S1E1, and Season... I don't remember, early 10 or so? Whenever Lucifer shows back up - Sam swapping temporal places. Past!Sam has to deal with the monster that Dean has become post-S8, while Future!Sam has to face John Winchester while Lucifer is hunting them all. The other one is an AU where Sam is separated from John and Dean as a baby by an accident that results in them believing he was killed by the yellow-eyed demon. Dean grows up alone, while baby Sam is adopted by a family of powerful witches and raised as both a witch and a psychic (since they recognize his psychic powers early on) by loving parents and siblings. They meet for the first time during a modified S1E1 set up by the YED, who is trying to get the Winchester family back together for the whole Apocalypse thing. While they don't realize they're brothers, they do end up working together to solve the first several cases of S1 before retreating to Sam's family's home to escape Meg and the YED. There, they put the pieces together and figure out Sam is the little brother Dean thought died as a baby, and that Sam's adopted parents believed John Winchester was a mundane criminal who abandoned his son to CPS.
I actually have about 9k words written for the first one, and about 10k for the second, but yeah, no idea where to go with them and no motivation to finish. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ If anyone wants to run with either of these, go for it!
I also have a Promare fic that I've more or less completely written out in my head, but don't have the time or spoons to put on paper, and I'd love it if someone wrote that one for me. XD
Oddly enough, I can't think of any in either the FFVII or FFXV fandoms, probably because I have so many writing projects in both of those right now that I've got all my bases covered. XD
V: A secondary (or underrated) character you want to see more of in fic?
I'm gonna go with, first, Ravus Nox Fleuret, because GOD I wish we could have seen so much more about him in canon, and fandom is very well placed to fill those gaps. (I think he might show up in a decent number of fics, actually, just not as a primary character in gen fics that I'm aware of.) And second, best boy Kunsel <3
Ask me stuff!
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Slashers / Horror Villains as: Animated (Children’s) Movie Villain Songs
+ A Nightmare Before Christmas 
First of all, its mostly Disney. Second of all, I hope you know that this was a struggle for me. 
Also, note, Bubba will be the only Leatherface in this post and Billy and Stu will be the only Ghostfaces. There is Norma Bates though, so sort of a consolation. 
There are links to videos on YouTube ^^
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher / Ghostface: Playing With the Big Boy’s Now (Hotep and Huy, Prince of Egypt) 
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Well... they’re part of the ‘big boys’, now! They are part of the Slashers group that, uh, ‘inspired them’. Imagine instead of Egyptian Gods, they’re chanting Slasher names. 
[HUY] Pick up your silly twig, boy [HOTEP & HUY] You're playing with the big boys now! Ha ha ha ha!
[EGYPTIAN PRIESTS] By the power of Ra Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah Sobek, Sekhmet, Sokar, Selket Anubis, Anukis Hemsut, Tefnut, Meshkent, Mafdet... 
Chop Top and Nubbins + Bubba Sawyer / Leatherface: Kidnap Mr Sandy Claws (Lock, Shock and Barrel, Nightmare Before Christmas) 
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I mean... they aren't Drayton’s minions, but they are like this XD 
I say that we take a cannon, aim it at his door And then knock three times And when he answers Sandy Claws will be no more
Yes you're so stupid, think now If we blow him up to smithereens We may lose some pieces And then Jack will beat us black and green
Kidnap the Sandy Claws Tie him in a bag
Chucky / Charles Lee Ray: In The Dark Of The Night (Rasputin, Anastasia)
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Mystical man? Check! ‘Betrayal’ (As far as he sees it)? Check. Made them pay? Check; I think Nica, Sarah and all the other families he destroys throughout the franchise can attest to that. And ‘One little girl got away’? Well Andy isn’t a girl, but yeah. Check. 
I was once the most mystical man in all Russia When the royals betrayed me they mad a mistake My curse made each of them pay But one little girl got away Little Anya, beware Rasputin's awake
Drayton Sawyer: Don’t Fall In Love (Forte, Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas) 
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Its such a crochety, unessessarily rude way of describing relationships to someone! I mean, I understand completely and resonate deeply with the desire to be alone and not be responsible for anyone else, but- come on! Beast doesn't share your view! Let it go! 
Its just like Drayton’s reaction to Bubba having a crush. Super cool video too! 
As soon as your heart rules your head Your life is not your own It's hell when someone's always there It's bliss to be alone
And love of any kind is bad A dog, a child, a cat They take up so much precious time Now, where's the sense in that?
Freddy Krueger: No More Mr Nice Guy (Rothbart, Swan Princess) 
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A man with an uncomfortable relationship with the main female character pretending to be normal and not homicidal for a while before unlocking more power and letting there inner bad guy loose and taking great pleasure in it? Sounds familiar. They also have a similar vocabulary- except of course Rothbart is rated G. 
I'll become that nasty, naughty, dirty, spiteful Wicked, wayward, way-delightful Bad guy I was born to be
Lyin' loathesome, never-tender Indiscreet repeat offender No more Mr Nice Guy That's not me 
Inkubus: The World’s Greatest Criminal Mind (Professor Rattigan, The Greatest Mouse Detective)
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‘Inkubus’ is literally a movie about him listing all his crimes over the centuries and messing with the police force because he has a bone to pick with a detective. Sounds pretty similar to me! Listen to the song! ^^
Now comes the real tour de force Tricky and wicked, of course! My earlier crimes were fine for their times But now that I'm at it again An even grimmer plot has been simmering In my great criminal brain! 
Jason Voorhees: Despicable Me (About Gru, Despicable Me) 
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I... this is all I could think of!! But the more I listen to it and read the lyrics... it f i t s Jason so well! XD Please just let this slide; I know Gru isn't really a villain but he is at the start!! Let me have this. 
Why ask why? Better yet "Why not?" Why are you marking x on that spot? Why use a blow torch isn't that hot? Why use a chainsaw? Is that all you got? Why do you like seeing people in shock? But my question to you is "Why not?" Why go to the bank and stand in line Just use a freeze gun it saves me time. I'm havin' a bad, bad day It's about time that I get my way Steam rollin' whatever I see, Huh, despicable me I'm havin' a bad, bad day If you take it personal that's okay Watch, this is so fun to see Huh, despicable me
Jennifer Check: Trust In Me (Kaa, The Jungle Book) 
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She’s a succubus demon. Tempting boys into a safe-feeling, docile state so she she can strike is her thing. 
Will cease to resist Just relax Be at rest Like a bird In a nest
Trust in me Just in me Shut your eyes And trust in me
Mayor Buckman and Granny Boone: Savages (Governor Ratcliffe and the Colonizer’s parts, Pocahontas) 
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Obviously, because of the (Inaccurate) historical relevance of both movies (Different time’s, same terrible prejudice,) and also because there is definitely a very cult-ish feel about both Governor Ratcliffe’s song and Buckman’s leadership. How easily they’re able to gather support from their people for the most horrible reasons. How horrifying it is to audiences and historians. 
They're only good when dead They're vermin, as I said And worse
They're savages! Savages!
Barely even human
Savages! Savages!
Drive them from our shore! They're not like you and me Which means they must be evil We must sound the drums of war!
Michael Myers: The Gospel Truth II (Muses about Hades, Hercules)
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In a Disney movie, Michael would have others sing his song about him as he goes about his silent, determined walking XD 
If there's one God you don't want to get steamed up It's Hades 'Cause he had an evil plan He ran the underworld But thought the dead were dull and uncouth He was as mean as he was ruthless And that's the gospel truth He had a plan to shake things up And that's the gospel truth
Midnight Man: Oogie Boogie’s Song (Oogie Boogie, Nightmare Before Christmas)
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A song about a “Gamblin’ Boogie Man” is perfect for the Midnight Man! He and Oogie could be pals. 
Woah! The sound of rollin' dice To me is music in the air 'Cause I'm a gamblin' Boogie Man Although I don't play fair It's much more fun, I must confess When lives are on the line Not mine, of course, but yours, old boy Now that'd be just fine
Norma Bates: Mother Knows Best Reprise (Mother Gothel, Tangled)
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Norma is soooooo so so so unbelievably manipulative towards Norman (And Dylan. It just works better on Norman) and this song absolutely presents that. She can go from sweet, loving mother to spiteful, heinous bitch in two seconds if Norman or Dylan don't do what or react the way she wants them to. 
Likes you? Please, Rapunzel, that's demented
This is why you never should have left! Dear, this whole romance that you've invented, Just proves you're too naive to be here Why would he like you? Come on now, really! Look at you, you think that he's impressed? Don't be a dummy Come with mummy
Pamela Voorhees: My Lullaby (Zira, The Lion King 2)
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In a opposite approach to a villainous mother to Norma, we have Pam, who was heartbroken by the camp councillors letting her son die and vowed to get revenge. She didn't know she was teaching Jason to be the Crystal Lake killer like Zira did, but she did, and the whole song does have her kind of feel to it also. 
Sleep, my little Kovu Let your dreams take wing One day when you're big and strong You will be a kingI've been exiled, persecuted Left alone with no defense When I think of what that brute did I get a little tense But I dream a dream so pretty That I don't feel so depressed 'Cause it soothes my inner kitty And it helps me get some rest
Patrick Bateman: Cruella De Vil (Arthur, 101 Dalmations) 
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Never before was there a song that described audiences reaction to watching Patrick living in his daily life and hearing his thoughts better then this one. 
Cruella De Vil Cruella De Vil If she doesn't scare you No evil thing will To see her is to Take a sudden chill Cruella, Cruella De Vil
The curl of her lips The ice in her stare All innocent children Had better beware She's like a spider waiting For the kill Look out for Cruella De Vil
Pennywise (Both): You’re Only Second Rate (Jafar, Return of Jafar)
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Mostly for the video and Jafar’s energy in this scene actually XD So many transformations, so many tasteless puns! I was going to give this to Freddy but its the closest thing to Penny I could think of. 
Go ahead and zap me with the big surprise Snap me in a trap, cut me down to size I'll make a great escape It's just a piece of cake You're only second rate You know your hocus-pocus isn't tough enough And your mumbo-jumbo doesn't measure up Let me pontificate upon your sorry state You're only second rate
Sheriff Hoyt / Charlie Hewitt: Hellfire (Judge Claude Frollo, Hunchback of Notre Dame) 
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A nasty filthy man who think’s he’s in the right despite being the biggest creep and monster ever? Mhm. 
*Note: I honestly didn't notice the deformed baby, Quasimodo/Thomas link until the day after I wrote this. Don't know how I feel about it. I mean, Hoyt is actually nice, in his way, to Thomas so the connection isn't totally there but onwards:
Beata Maria You know I am a righteous man Of my virtue I am justly proud
Beata Maria You know I'm so much purer than The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd 
End of Post! 🌼
(Bonus’ under the cut) 
I did think of other connections which I obviously didnt landed on but still have merit! Here! 
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher: ‘Gaston’ was considered, but that would have just been a joke XD I don’t think Stu is quite as obsessed with Billy as LeFou is with Gaston. 
Chucky: Friends on the Other Side. Obviously! That link was actually what inspired me to make this post. In The Dark of Night fits to a T though. 
Freddy Krueger: You’re Only Second Rate! Ah, its perfectttt. But No More Mr Nice Guy fits better. If I ever do a Slashers as Disney Villains post, he’ll be Jafar for sure. Or Hades. Or Scar. Or Oogie. Probably Hades. You know what? Without the gore and blood and explicit sexual references, Freddy could be a Disney Villain himself. Its not like Disney hasn't towed the line before with perverted villains. >_> (Jafar and Frollo) 
Jason and Pamela Voorhees: Mother Knows Best! Of course. 
Jennifer Check: Love is For Peasants (Barbie Island Princess) Because Jennifer thinks like this: 
Men? <<< Literally anything else. 
Patrick Bateman: How Can I Refuse? (From Barbie Princess and the Pauper) XD If Patrick were a kids movie villain, he would totally join the ranks of corrupted usurpers pretending to be trustworthy royal advisory staff. Also ‘Let It Die’, that little interruption part of another song that O’Hare sings in the Lorax and ‘How Bad Can I be?’. 
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