#but yeah just like that one friend who’s like anytime anyplace
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pleasant-tomorrow · 3 months ago
I wish that I had one of those friends who I could call or text whenever I’m having an emotional meltdown but I do not and that’s extremely hard.
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sosa2imagines · 1 year ago
I know where I belong. Part 4
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Warnings- Fluff time with Bucky
Ever since the panic attack, Bucky hadn’t left you alone for a minute. He refused to let you sleep alone, so most nights were spent in his room, especially when a certain someone was being loud and vocal. Other nights, you both stayed in your room, watching random movies. Somehow, you even got Bucky to like Bruno Mars, and now, he couldn’t stop singing his songs.
"Oh, her eyes, her eyes Make the stars look like they're not shinin' Her hair, her hair Falls perfectly without her tryin' She's so beautiful And I tell her every day"
Bucky was busy singing, shaking his ass while making breakfast for you, completely oblivious to Tony and Sam standing behind him.
"What’s up with him?" Tony whispered.
"Y/N introduced him to Bruno Mars." Sam smirked.
Bucky continued humming to himself, blissfully unaware.
"He’s been spending a lot of time with her..." Steve muttered from behind them. Tony turned to him, looking unimpressed.
"And your problem is?" Tony asked in a calm but pointed voice.
"Nothing, Tony! It’s just...they spend a lot of time together!" Steve scoffed.
Bucky’s ears perked up. He turned, his voice sharp.
"Y/N is single, and she’s my friend. I can spend time with her anytime, anyplace, as much as I want. No one can tell me or her what to do, Steve!" Bucky muttered, storming out of the kitchen.
"Well, damn. He’s pissed," Sam whistled.
Even during training, Bucky couldn't stop singing.
"Beautiful girls all over the world, I could be chasing, but my time would be wasted... They got nothing on you, baby. Nothing on you, Y/N..."
"Y/N?" Sam raised a brow.
Bucky tripped on the treadmill and fell flat on his face.
"What?" he snapped, trying to act annoyed, even though his face was burning red.
"You literally just sang about her," Sam grinned.
"No, I didn’t!" Bucky hissed, storming off.
"You like her!" Sam shouted after him.
Later that night, you were lying in bed, waiting for Bucky to barge in as he usually did. Meanwhile, in his own room, Bucky was pacing back and forth, muttering to himself.
"Stupid Sam. What does he know about Bruno Mars? Lyrics are tough to remember. Steve is an idiot. I like spending time with Y/N. She’s sweet, nice, cares for me, respects everyone… she’s beautiful. Yeah, I like her like a friend. Yeah, that’s it. Just a friend. My beautiful friend. My gorgeous friend, just the way she..."
Mid-ramble, he absentmindedly started singing again.
"When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change... 'Cause you're amazing, just the way you are..."
Bucky froze, eyes widening in horror.
His hands flew to his head as the realization sank in. Little by little, all the feelings he had been pushing aside clicked into place. In the process of looking after you, of spending so much time together, he had fallen for you. Hard.
He stared at his reflection in the mirror, a mix of shock and happiness washing over him.
"Okay. New mission, confess to Y/N," he declared.
Easy, right?
His brain immediately short-circuited.
Nope. Bad idea. Abort mission.
New plan: go back to Wakanda, revive the Winter Soldier, let him confess, and deal with whatever answer you gave. If rejected, let the Winter Soldier handle the heartbreak while Bucky happily spent the rest of his life looking after goats. He will even take you along, yeah you love Wakanda, you both can live happily there.
He actually dialed Shuri’s number before realizing what he was doing. His eyes widened, and he immediately hung up, texting her a quick "sorry, ignore that."
New new plan: do nothing. Yep. That was safer.
So here he was, in your room, trying to act normal, well, as normal as pretending to be the Winter Soldier could be.
"Who is Bucky?" He widened his eyes dramatically, signaling you to play along.
"You… are Bucky?"
"No. You are my mission." He fake-punched you, and you dramatically fell onto the bed, pretending to pass out.
Bucky tried to stifle a laugh before scooping you up bridal-style and carrying you to his room. He playfully tossed you onto the bed, making you let out a fake "Ow." He jumped in next to you, both of you laughing.
"So, the Winter Soldier’s mission was to kidnap me from my room and bring me here?" you teased.
For a second, Bucky almost started singing again but quickly bit his tongue, awkwardly laughing instead.
"You okay?" you asked, tilting your head.
"Me? Yeah! Why?"
"You seem off. You were late, you’re being awkward, and it looks like you’re hiding something."
Bucky laughed a little too loudly, avoiding your gaze.
"You’re cute," you suddenly murmured, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek.
It was a normal gesture between you two. But for Lover Boy Bucky, it was new. His brain short-circuited again, and he nearly grew actual heart eyes.
Oh, he was gone. So gone.
He was already picturing your future together. He even had names picked out for your kids.
Little did Bucky know, he wasn’t the only one in denial.
Because, ever since Natasha and Wanda mentioned that the new trainees had been drooling over Bucky, you had been planning their murder.
At first, you brushed it off.
Then, you saw it. Heard the way they whispered about him.
And you burned.
How dare they? What did they even know about your Bucky?
He wouldn’t fall for them. Right?
So, you did what any reasonable person would do. You made them train extra hard. You scared them. You made sure to always be around Bucky, holding his hand in front of them. For his protection, obviously.
Yup. Nothing to do with jealousy.
"Oh, Bucky, sweet Bucky, my Bucky..." You choked on air at your own thoughts, coughing violently.
So while Bucky had just realized his feelings for you…
It was only a matter of time before you accepted yours.
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Part 5 (I hope you guys love the fluff, I will be writing more fluffy Bucky in the next part and don't worry guys Steve and Sharon will pay. As always feedback is appreciated, lots of love to you all and enjoy 😊❤️)
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wh-da-backup · 1 year ago
Lyric Dump posted sept 2010
bits of paper:
she walks like hell down the hallway, naked she wonders why they stare but doesn't care, she'd rather die than be repaired -----
he likes gore and she likes sugar they make the perfect dying team
I liked his words so I learned his side I like her words now I wanna learn her side
kiss me sugar breath breathe me candy death
the new Mr. Popular and his gangrene bride ---
the twisted phoenix of her mental ashes
you ask me why I feel so down, I finally tell you now look what I've done I've made both of us frown
but things are always better in our minds ---
you need her like a hole in your head watch out man it's a package deal
see the names she'll give you both yeah it's all in your head ----
I'd spend my evenings and stare at that shiny dumb failure of a child who never says a word and thinks she's a poet. how cute. ----
play their subtle obsession
lady love is out to get me
surgery under Anastasia ---
I don't care how you see it- these are my children
and I live for them and I comfort them I would kill for them I would die for them ----
love, could you be human oh could I? we're shiny silver trash machines
we've been programmed by airwaves
we've been programmed by wires spoken by liars
we've been designed, we've been designed is this alright? ----
they're lovers made of glass and lovers made of sound
catching a butterfly is not quite the same as catching a train --- Drive Me, Crazy
5th wheel's for you break the 4th wall and your bones and everything else
drive me, crazy, i wanna crash ---
i want my life back gonna have to take it ---
I was named after you but we're not the same I just can't take it just can't take the blame
the children are always afraid ---
she can have my blood I don't mind go infect the human race with mine
I'll scratch all night ----
gaping pores in teenage skin it's true i let a lot of stuff in ok ok ok
I'm fine I'm great I grin but it's true I keep my anger held in ok ok
and I fear it's a sin the state of mind that I'm in can I forgive my disaster created in turn I hope I won't have to burn in something clearer than blame like the face I've inflamed in the mirror ok --- Stupid Hair
I want you out of my face I want you lying on the floor instead I want you out of my life get away from me get off my head
I'd like to cut you up you're gonna die die die I wanna change you up dye dye dye ---
chosen one, I chose myself ---
can I borrow your self cause I don't like mine anytime anyplace anymore anyway
overreact like I do when you yell
I hang out with burners, maybe I'm one too we all got a price to pay ---
I need some brain bleach keep on thinking those razor blade thoughts ---
the man who likes to visit winter flashing lights and bubble eyes always draws his psychic lines ----
he lives his life in contempt for heaven
I have chosen to be undecided
once you've got it all figured out it's too late
setting fire to a world where nothing burns ---- Walking
coop us up all day we sweat and we stink
waiting for summer no cold to protect us from
at least we come in pairs sorrow to those who lose that friend
walk on me all day never hear your thanks hey man just set us free
just want to walk on the earth God made feel it on our soles ----
well I've got an identity and if you want to know then pay attention to the lyrics when i play these songs for you
well I've got a personality and if you'd like to know then pay attention to the lyrics when i play these songs for you
well I've got your reality and if you think you know then pay attention to the lyrics when i play a song for you ----
I think too much try to suppress it back I'm obsessed and ashamed and my confidence lacks ----
takes one to know one you are what you eat ----
a few hurtful words and we argued in bitter doesn't take much for a fire to start well she burned down the house and everything in it I told Heaven and Hell take good care of my guitars and write helpful critiques of my art ---
we'd stargaze at the empty ceiling ----
I'm thinking I'd like to be haunted tonight no need to thank me I'm frightened in return I'm thinking I'd like to be haunted tonight setting fire to a world where nothing burns. ---
that hour of your life that you gave repeatedly
you're my favorite plastic but you're not one bit of help
I know how I'm yours that my teeth absorb stains
I'm making up my list and so I guess I'll throw you in
reclining in a clean and quiet room ---
it's not damage it's this damn age we're living in blocked the flow of everything ---
and even if I had a gun I doubt I would shoot anyone I like /I'm fine
a fellow asked if i'm on drugs I don't need that to pull this off I'm fine
I've made myself disposable as a friend I've made myself unattractive so who am I to complain about it? my social capacity consists of a one-sided conversation between myself and a unanimous awkward silence (ding dong ding the witch is dead at 27) and so the universe gets its comeuppance ---- (cleverbot responses)
it's not funny your smile
so that's where his brain went
he was hard to read
I think you dislike cheese ---
facial constellations from scars I read the future in my stars I thought, I could be so pretty by pretending to be beautiful but I choose not to ---
It's been a few weeks since I've seen her as I've been away
wore a dress like an eyeris so blue like her eyes
she would blink to me in skies and I'd read them and sigh
I would read them and cry
painting stripes on my shirt
does it hurt to be from here
I do
in a car to be so far away far away
painting stripe on my shirt and I'm drowning in acidic paint I am blatantly lost to be so far away far away ---
stop touching your face
stain me with absence
turn the knives to forgiveness
peel myself from the floor ----
I'm not dirt
I get hurt
I don't bleed oil ---
another sunrise I'm already on my way nature's dying because now we start first
I'm sorry that I hit your head ---
we dug this grave to keep us alive for a little bit longer now hell seeps in through the walls along with the groundwater
wrote a letter home to you so a part of my can leave this place my love
breathing is bleeding nowhere to go but down breathing is bleeding nowhere to go but blind
together as parts of this great war machine but as souls we're alone ---
I wish this day had never been born wish i'd stabbed a knife in the womb of sunrise when I couldn't quite sleep from the dark in my eyes and now hours later the knife is meant for me
I don't wanna tell you you'll worry, you'll hurt I don't think I'm in danger and you'd think it's a joke a nauseating plea for attention you'd gag til you choke
nothing went down but a whole lot of staring i stared at the knives, the liquor, the pills, it all seemed so easy it all seemed so easy ----
you're a wannabe wannabe and famous for that you know there's gotta be a catch catch catch hack don't look down on me just cause i'm a wreck you know there always gotta be a catch catch catch retch ---
girls in the schoolyard blabbing secrets they were told not to repeat by their parents ten years later walking around in the cold less cloth than skin they don't even have the dignity to be embarrassed
a girl died back in '93 and was buried are you really that gullible? paranoid about viruses you could be carrying are you that irresponsible? ---
mind. scent. way to pass your judgement interesting prop, hence why i'm still alive...
and you smell like chemicals you smell like chemicals you smell like chemicals ---
I never suffered teenage angst til now be careful what you wish for I never thought my heart would break be careful what you wish for I'm always eager for an eye be careful what you wish for I'm always dreaming half-deranged be careful what you wish for
sleep comes on four screeching wheels eyes are closed by dull iron lies sleep appears long-awaited ghost hello my friend where would you like to go? --- We Are
I think you lied to me before you left them lying on the floor there's now a key that locks the door built by the lies that tie the score they scar me more
and there's a way that we talk and there's a way that we breathe and there's a way that we are
you say that nobody will you say that nobody can just look outside where we are ---
there's a hole a mile wide it's in my soul it's in my pride from lies... rusted scalpels that they are
all that needles to is stitch frail threads on an open wound
you fill it all ----
drive me drive me i just want you to derive me round and round again until i am renowned state it state it just shut your mouth and stay sedated overrated don't overreact like they did
you're handling eyes now so set your pins and needles down (your sole important everything) ----
my arm laid out my gaze is wistful blood is gold i've got a bottomless wrist full what's it doing keeping me alive? we're such a waste together wish i could give it all away and that way i'd be good for something ---- Sharks
be careful when you find the one whose eyes could be your 2-inch ocean
look out look out look out seeing sharks
be the dagger of my eye ----
walk through the market avoiding the stares trying to plug up the hole in a china doll's chest
they threw us all in a prison cell we gathered our wax limbs and sat up the best we could
I on my side and you lying next to me our faces met close enough
we fell in love in a prison cell I'll lie here beside you and hold you until we die and our wax limbs will fall to the floor
holding you close only time will tell the others talk nervously don't say a word
our wax heads rolled off and I knew that the dream it had gone
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rose-edith · 3 years ago
Hi!! I saw you were wanting supernatural requests so here’s one :) how about Castiel with a clingy reader who’s love language is physical touch? Maybe friends to lovers? Like the reader is very affectionate and touchy with everyone but when they’re really looking for comfort on a stressful day they’ll find themself hiding against Cas and wanting to hold his hands. Idk smth like that :) ty!!
Yes! I love this! Hope you like it!
A physically affectionate friends to lovers with Castiel would include:
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•at first, when the world of Angels seemed impossibly fantastical and Castiel was new in your life, he struggled with your physical nature.
•while his body, his host, had known all kinds of physical touch, for Castiel himself it was all very new. Shaking hands on first meeting? Yeah, he could manage that, though his face did scrunch up adorably as he considered it.
•and then the next time you met him you had met him you’d gently nudged your hip against his in greeting…he found it odd, but not unpleasant!
•but anyway, then he worked his way into your life and into your heart.
•eventually you were very comfortable around him. You always greeted him with a hug! Not just a quick ‘nice to see you hug’ but a proper ‘oh-my-Chuck-have-I-missed-you-I’m-so-glad-you’re-here-hug!’ The first few times he was a bit awkward, but eventually he realised it was your hello, and he learned how to wrap his arms around you, to cradle your head on his chest, to give you a slightly tighter squeeze before letting go.
•and it became something that he welcomed too. He’d always be ready with his arms out. And eventually he started initiating hugs too- particularly if he spotted you before you did him.
•he could teleport people with just a tap on the shoulder, but when it comes to you he always makes a point of holding your hand. He wants you to feel safe with him.
•when you have bad days you pray to him and he’ll appear quickly if he can, and he’ll hold you close in his arms.
•if you’re feeling vulnerable or threatened and Castiel is around you always find your way to his side, and he’s noticed this. He managed to work out that he makes you feel comfortable and safe. And he likes it. So when he notices that you’ve slid up behind him he takes on a more protective stance, and if he feels your hand skimming along the side of his he acts boldly and entwines his fingers with yours, holding your hand gently.
•on days when something goes wrong and you find yourself upset you always seek Cas out. He has the best shoulders to cry on, and he’s learnt from experience how best to soothe you- whether it’s rubbing your back, rocking gently, humming a soothing tune. He’ll hold you close.
•it’s amazing how quickly touch turned into love in both of your minds, but neither of you said it. You didn’t need to use words, your actions spoke far louder.
•you often fall asleep on Castiel. You’ll be sat somewhere close beside him, with your head resting on his shoulder and he’s so comfortable that you just slip into slumber. In those moments Castiel is genuinely touched that that’s how comfortable he makes you. He doesn’t teleport you anywhere, he does it the human way- he’ll carry you to a more comfortable surface and tuck you into some covers. And if there aren’t any covers then he’ll drape his coat over you too keep you warm.
•the first time you kiss him is special, it’s just a kiss on the cheek but it’s incredible for you both. You’d woken up wrapped in his coat, and you knew you needed to return it to him. So you greeted him with the usual hug and then boldly kissed his cheek in thanks. He was amazed to learn that he could blush- Dean had a great time explaining that reaction to the Angel!
•the next thing to evolve was forehead kisses. You didn’t like to see him frown, so when he did you’d tug on his hand until he gave you his attention, and once he’s facing you you’d lean in and press a kiss to his forehead. The frown faded away instantly, replaced by a smile. And you’d do that anyplace, anytime- the first time Crowley saw it he had a field day. Apparently he had a bet on when you and the Angel would end up together.
•and then came the fateful kiss. You’d survived by a whisker, and you weren’t totally unscathed! You had cuts and bruises all over, but the Vampire nest had been completely culled. When Castiel saw you he acted out of instinct, and he kissed you. It was a bit clumsy and at first slow, he didn’t know what he was doing! He was just so relieved you were ok! And you could feel all of that in the kiss, so you kiss back harder and slowly you teach him how to kiss, how to deepen it, how to leave you trembling in his arms and panting for air. Basically it’s perfect, and so SO romantic.
•from then on you two were always touching in some way. Touch was a comfort and a source of strength and love for the both of you…so when you pulled him along to your room one night there were massive smiles on both of your faces, you were going to make love, because that what touch is to you both.
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ynscrazylife · 3 years ago
I hope you have a great vacay friend, I look forward to hearing about it! In the meantime, I’m not sure if this counts as a hc idea so feel more than free to pass it up ofc ofc but I’m hoping for a kind of list of like how stranger things characters (the older kids really) would react to y/n calling them to be picked up from a party y/n wasn’t supposed to be at (kind of like the basketball team party vibe maybe?) I just think they’d be cute and protective in different ways and it’s always sick how many dif chatacters vibes you can capture perfectly but yeah! Have a great vacay and sorry this turned out so long!
Stranger Things Characters Picking you up From a Party
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
Main Masterlist | Stranger Things Masterlist
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me firstand b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
When you call Steve, there’s no telling if he’s going to be the “chill dad” type or the “strict dad” type. He’s quite good at switching between them. When he rolls up to the house the party is at in front of you, the window is rolled down and he tips down his sunglasses to look at you over them. You ask him why he’s wearing sunglasses at night, but he just shakes his head and tells you to get in the passenger’s seat. You oblige, and Steve drives you home silently. It’s not filled with tension, surprisingly, and he may even flip through a few radio stations. When he pulls up to your house, he gives you advice on how to fake it to your parents, and then tells you that it didn’t come from him. You thank him for picking you up, to which he responds with: “Anytime, anyplace.” 
Honestly, you’re a little scared to call Nancy. If Steve doesn’t answer, that’s who’s next on your list, but you really hope Steve answers because Nancy is intimidating. She has mastered the mom glare to a tee. Lo and behold, she’s pulling up to you at a steady pace and is already looking at you like you’re in trouble. “Get in,” she says in a monotone voice, and you scramble inside. On the drive home, Nancy plays music for herself and gives you a calm, but stern lecture on going out to parties that you’re not supposed to. You make the mistake of reminding her how she went to Steve’s party when she wasn’t supposed to, and that launches her into a new lecture about all the reasons why you shouldn’t piss her off. It’s quite convincing. Before you leave, though, she does admit that she’s glad you called her instead of leaving by yourself. 
Robin’s the one you call if she’s the closest one to you or if you need help sneaking home. She’s happy to come pick you up and while she does warn you of what can happen at parties, she wouldn’t lecture you like Nancy or Steve. She makes the walk home fun and if you’re drunk, does her best to sober you up before any more mature people spot you. Robin’s a fun person and easy-going, though. She’s not the type to tell - you’d have to either really piss her off or do something super stupid (both things Steve is quite good at). If it’s a party with your friends, she’s not too bothered, but if it’s at a jock’s house or something, she is a little disappointed because c’mon . . . popularity? Who cares? 
Eddie is your last resort. You’ll even take Nancy over Eddie. Because there’s a good chance that when Eddie arrives to pick you up, he’ll end up finding some way to party anyway. In picking you up, he steals Steve’s car (Nancy’s if he’s brave, but usually he’s not). As long as you’re not partying with any of the people who’d bully Eddie or the other Hellfire members, he doesn’t care. But if you are, he takes his time in getting there and will give you the silent treatment. However, he hates to see you upset, and quickly gives in and tells you not to party with them anymore. Mostly, Eddie instructs you on tips for lying and sneaking inside, like Steve, and gives you tips on getting out of parties you don’t want to be at/getting home from a party if you don’t have a ride. He knows everything. 
Jonathan is a wild card. You don’t know if he’ll just not care, if he’ll act like a big brother, or if he’ll act like a mom. He may acts like an exasperated single mom with misbehaving children when he picks you up, but he’s a little honored that you’d reach out to him instead of all the others. He’s calm and laid back, but if he thinks you’ve done anything stupid by partying, he’ll give you his advice. 
Chrissy is so sweet - when you call her and ask her to pick you up, she drops everything she’s doing. She’s not even *too* mad, mainly just worried about you. She gives you a tight, squeezing hug and then lectures you that you should never, ever scare her like that again. You apologize, and she forgives you. She will ask you about the party, having been to plenty in her time, and gives you tips and tricks for parties. She’s glad that you called her and you two have a good conversation on the drive home. Chrissy urges you to call her whenever you need her, no matter what, and that the most important thing to her is you being safe and feeling okay. She’s like the best big sister, besides Nancy ofc. 
Permanent Taglist: @natasharomanoffismywife @hehehehannahthings @paulawand @blackbat2020 @cerberus-spectre @snipyloulou @cc13723things @passionswift @drayshadow @amaryllis23 @storysimp @lamieshelmy @galacticstxrdust @a-lil-bit-nuts @marvel-to-infinity @maryseesthings @lovelyy-moonlight @dumb-fawkin-bitch @thewidowsghost @cowboybabyyy @rootbeerfaygo @immathinker @espressopatronum454 @ladyrebel29-blog @1694​ @trashyxxkawa​
Stranger Things Taglist: @ofherscarlettwitchways​ @spongebob-in-the-upsidedown​ @pastel-abyss-x​ @liltimmyst​ @eichenhouseproperty​
Chrissy Cunningham Taglist: @alittlestarshine @therealeddiemunson 
Steve Harrington Taglist: @crying-caro
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Meeting and Dating Max Dennison
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You met Max after he moved to Salem. The two of you were in the same History class and sat fairly close to each other. Because of this; and the fact that you’re drop dead gorgeous, he quickly developed a crush on you.
- It doesn’t take long for him to shoot his shot but there is a period in time where he’s waiting for the right moment to say something and just doing the typical “I have a crush on you” things.
- When Max has a crush, he’ll do whatever he can to see them more; making sure he’s behind them on his bike as they begin to walk home, sneaking glances at them in class, strategically sitting at a lunch table where he’ll be able to watch them or standing close to their locker.
- Once he’s had enough of just watching, he’ll move on to using any excuse he can to seem cool and/or talk to them. This is usually when he begins to come up with a plot to ask them out and it’s not long after that he actually does so.
- Max asks you out only about a week or so after he moves to Salem. He was just planning on giving you his phone number or asking if you’d like to hang out sometime but things didn’t really go as planned.
- He’d wanted to go out and explore the town by himself but his parents forced him to take Dani with him while they continued to unpack. So, he begrudgingly let his sister join him on his adventure, figuring that the worst that could happen was her slowing him down and slightly annoying him.
- They’d gotten a good ways into town without a hitch; besides Dani forcing him to pick flowers, and Max had just about let his guard down. Well, that was until he saw you.
- He immediately froze in place, greeting you in surprise as you just so happened to turn and spot them. Dani immediately connected the dots as to who you were, she’d heard her brother secretly fawn over you more than once.
- It was only after you glanced down at his hand that Max remembered he was holding his sisters wildflower bouquet. He laughed nervously, raising his hand a bit and trying to make himself seem less like a loser as he explained he was looking after his little sister …and her flowers.
- While Dani is undoubtedly an adorable sweetheart, she is also somewhat devious. She uses this delightful coincidence to get her way, mentioning that Max was “just about to take her to the park”. He was just about ready to kill her before you chimed in.
“Aww, that’s so sweet!” Bingo.
- He immediately acted as though that was the plan all along and invited you to join them while Dani smiled at her obvious success. A cute boy asking you to go to the park with him and his little sister, why wouldn't you agree?
- So you joined the two of them, laughing and watching on fondly as he played with Dani and getting to know each other more and more whenever she went off to do something on her own. You wound up staying there for hours and probably would have stayed even longer if Dani hadn’t mentioned that her feet hurt and that she was tired. 
- If Max had learned anything at all, he learned that you thought it was cute when he was nice to his sister, so he offered her a piggyback ride as the three of you walked home. When you arrived at your house, he set Dani down and walked you to your door. 
”Well, if you ever want to go to the park again, you know who to call.” He smiled, handing you his number before joining back with his sister. 
“Dani? Have I ever told you that I loved you?” The little girl couldn't help but smile at her goofy older brother. 
- The two of you had your first actual date a few days later. He took you to the movies, then to go get some ice cream, and finally you wound up back at the park you’d gone to, sitting on the swing and eating your dessert. 
- He told you that you had something on your face, smiling as he leant in and kissed the corner of your mouth before slowly making his way to your lips. 
- It was in that moment; with your lips pressed against his, that Max thought to himself maybe Salem wasn’t so bad after all. 
- Innocent pda all the time. He just can’t help himself when you’re standing right there and looking so adorable.
- Handholding whenever you can. You swear he’s gonna learn how to be ambidextrous with how much he wants to keep your hand in his.
- Soft, chaste kisses.
- Cheek kisses. He can never hold back a smile when you give him one.
- He likes keeping his arm around your waist while you walk together. He likes how perfectly you fit into his side.
- Tight hugs. He does that thing where you give the person a squeeze and sorta sway with them while you hug, it’s very nice.
- Hugs from behind. He always presses a kiss to your head before he pulls away.
- This boy literally daydreams about cuddling his crush; he’d adore cuddling you anytime, anyplace. He usually wants to be the big spoon but he’d be up for any type of snuggling.
- He leans his head on yours whenever you rest your head on his shoulder.
- Hanging out with him in his widows walk, stargazing or watching the sunset/sunrise.
- He really doesn’t care what the two of you do as long as you’re together.
- Typical teenager dates: going bowling or roller skating, watching movies, getting pizza or ice cream; things like that.
- He tries to make you laugh with little impressions and exaggerative comedic routines.
- Getting teased a lot. He’ll pop out from behind corners to spook you, jokingly mock you and your little superstitions, and attack you from behind, wrapping his arms around you and growling while nuzzling his face into your neck. He thinks your reactions are cute.
- Watching him play his drums. Sometimes he’ll try and teach you how to play, othertimes he’ll just try to show off.
- He really wants you to think he’s cool and to be in awe of him. He’s constantly trying to show off and peacock for your attention.
- He’s quite fond of nicknames and pet names. He uses special ones though, something uniquely you.
- He keeps your photo framed on his nightstand or tucked under his pillow. He kisses it like every morning and night, occasionally talking to it when you’re mad at him or when he doesnt know what to do in a situation. It’s cute ...in an odd way.
- He’s in awe of you everytime he sees you dressed up or after a long time of not seeing each other. Sometimes he just can’t believe how beautiful you are.
- The amount of doodles he’s made of you while in class couldn’t even fit in a normal sketchbook.
- Dani is always interrupting the two of you, busting into his room and jumping between you as you sit on his bed or forcing her way between you two on the couch. She winds up accompanying you on a few of your dates, especially when his parents are busy. He can’t say he’s completely upset about it though, he likes watching you interact with her.
- You and her are probably best friends and occasionally hang out on your own without Max. She’s definitely spilled some embarrasing facts/secrets about Max whether one front of him or not.
- He’s sort of embarrassed by his family and their shenanigans. He turns bright red whenever they start acting all excited/childish. You cant imagine his relief when you assure him that you think its cute.
- He has a little sister so even though he’s a fairly typical teenage boy; he has that “I actually respect females” mindset. To an extent of course, he still can’t help but think about your yabbos from time to time.
- There isn’t a lot that grosses him out anymore since he was already a little grown up by the time his parents had Dani. He had to go through all those yucky baby phases so he has no problem holding your hair as you puke, bandaging your cuts, dealing with periods, wiping dirt off of you, and so on. Life’s gross, he’s accepted that a long time ago.
- Standing up for him. He finds it both embarrassing and touching at the same time.
- Letting him rant to you about how much he misses LA. He always absentmindedly adds on that you’re the only good thing to come out of Salem and it never fails to make you melt.
- Comforting him. He has a tendency to blame himself when things go wrong or work himself into a fit when something bad happens. You try to make sure he doesn't while also making him feel better. He’s always there for you when you need it as well.
- He’s a sweetheart and an adorable one at that. He’s always trying to make you feel better whenever he can and; overall, just being super nice to you. Making sure you’re happy is very important to him.
- He’s got a hard time keeping his mouth shut; he just cant help but say what he wants and not inconspiciously or very quietly either. You’ll oftentimes have to get him out of a situation before he starts more trouble than there has to be.
- Bringing out the best in each other.
- He sends a glance your way whenever someone mentions lovers, couples, or otherwise romantic things. It’s sort of like he’s saying “yeah, I’ve got one of those” or making future plans for the two of you in his head.
- Riding your bikes together or walking alongside him while he purposefully keeps pace with you on his.
- Going on stupid little adventures. They may be a bit reckless but they sure are fun.
- He’s somewhat of a pushover. He can very rarely resist your pleading/puppy dog eyes, especially when its combined with affection. You could genuinely stop him in his tracks with a single touch.
- You’ve definitely convinced him to let you put a face mask on him, braid his hair or do his makeup. Dani may or may not have been present or at least walked in on the two of you. She has not let him live it down since.
- He’s not scared of the supernatural; at least not yet, or spiders/insects, so he leaps at the chance to “protect you”. He tells you to “fear not” as he “vanquishes the beast”, delicately pushing you behind him and killing the thing or calling out to whatever ghouls may be lurking around.
- He insists in walking you home, mainly because it gives him the chance to spend more time with you.
- A trait he’s developed as an older brother is being protective of his loved ones. He won’t let anything happen to you; if he can help it, and usually has a pretty good plan when trying to get you out of trouble.
- He’s not an extremely jealous person. People being outwardly flirty or interested in you would tick him off but he reasons that you want him, not them and then he’s fine. Old boyfriends don’t bother him either, he’s your new and improved boyfriend; what would you want with them.
- He lashes out when he’s upset so you’ve definitely had your fair share of fights though they never last for very long. He immediately feels bad when he notices he’s actually hurt you and does whatever he can to apologize.
- He starts off with a genuine apology before he trying to explain himself, making a few little comments to try and get you to smile afterwards. Once you seem to forgive him, he shyly opens his arms and smiles as you go to hug him.
- He tells you that he loves you a lot; he just can’t help it. Everything you do makes him want to shout it out to the world.
- Prior to meeting you, he didn’t want to go to Salem at all, but now that he has you? He can’t bring himself to even think about leaving it.
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claracivry · 4 years ago
A little bird told me you could write for Scream. So i'd like some AU where Kieran is actually just a pretty boy and not a bloodthirsty murderer, for the whump bingo prompt "Falling through the ice" 🤩
Here you go! Sorry for the delay
It was a bit much, some days.
His life had never been the easiest, but the last couple of years... Death seemed to be following Kieran like a shadow, always behind him, always near.
It took his mom and her husband when he was there, because he was there. And Piper and whoever she'd been working with had started to harass Emma practically the minute he moved there. Everyone he cared about, was suddenly gone or had their life under constant threat. Kieran couldn't help but feel like it was his fault in a way, even if he hadn't known the killer or this mew one, that it was his job to protect his mom, to protect Emma and he was failing at it.
So, sometimes, he went to the lake to clear his head. It was quiet in the lake, peaceful. There had been some unusual amount of people after Piper's death, murder groupies and just people who were curious about what had happened- but not now. The winter was being unusually cold, but the ice in the lake was too thin for skating, so the only thing to do now was just to stand around and be cold. Which meant there was no one around, no one to bother him, no one to interrupt his train of thought... But also no one to hear him scream.
Kieran was not dumb. He knew that there was a killer around obsessed with Emma, and as her boyfriend he also had a chance of being targeted. So he drove carefully, made sure he wasn't followed, had a small blade with him at all times, just in case... Yes, this person could get them anyplace and anytime, but being prepared never hurt anyone. And he thought that he was prepared. Maybe he'd been too much.
The constant hypervigilance had a price - it came with constant tension. Now every little noise that was heard could be a serial killer coming to get you, and although generally he was good at discerning what was concerning and what wasn't, sometimes... Sometimes he couldn't, and jumped at a small bird flying too close.
And other times, the opposite happened, and what he was convinced was simply "the wood making noises because it's cold" (there hadn't been a lot of cold in Atlanta, ok?) was actually the harbour breaking into two under him.
It happened so fast and he'd been so lost in his thoughts that he barely realized what was happening when he found himself completely surrounded by ice-cold water, absolutely everywhere he looked. He tried to swim up, he was a good swimmer, but the extreme cold was making it difficult, as where the pieces of wood from the collapsed harbour, that suddenly were too many and too sharp and blocking every way to escape.
And the lake was so fucking cold, somewhere in the below zero degrees, Kieran knew that he didn't have a lot of time before his limbs were too frozen to move. So he had to be fast, and he had to be efficient.
He called for help, but didn't have much hope of anyone hearing him. There was no one around, and why would there be? It was cold and dark, he'd chosen this place because it was isolated. Moving his feet was becoming harder, and his hands hurt from the cold. In that moment, Kieran really thought that he was done for, that this was his last day on earth.
And he wouldn't go because of no disturbed individual, no psycho killer, no nothing. Just faulty wood that the mayor hadn't changed necause he didn't want to give any more publicity to that cursed place. And now he was going to die, frozen and alone in the darkness, just because he had wanted to some peace and quiet. Well, now you're going to get lots of that, Kieran.
Careful about what you wish and all of that.
He was making some last desperate attempts he wondered why this was all happening to him. Why did he have to watch his mum and her husband die, powerless to do anything to save them? Why did he have to see his new friends be targeted, killed, harassed? Why did he have to lose his dad too, in the most gruesome way? The cold was hurting all his limbs, and Kieran didn't want his last thoughts to he of horrors.
He thought of Emma, and her sweet smile. Would she think that the killer had got him as well? How long would it take for them to realise that he was missing, that he was not coming back? Would the killer get access to his phone account and play mind games with the others, lile he'd done after killing Jake? He really hoped it wasn't the case, and that Emma wasn't too traumatized. Maybe this would give her the strength to finally face off this mad person and be ruthless when they were face to face. Maybe it was a good thing.
The cold was becoming a bit too much, interfering with his ability to think. He felt like he was a million miles deep into the lake, he felt like the dark depths of Wren had already eaten him and the pain and the cold were just his own private goodbye... Maybe he should've known he would doe young. He'd already cheated death once, in that car, maybe he was supposed to have gine then. Yeah. His time had come and gone and now...
Kieran closed his eyes. Thought of his parents, thought of Emma, thought of what few good things he'd lived. Thought of the futility of it all. Closed his eyes and said goodbye.
Audrey's big eyes were the first thing that Kieran saw and an indescribable feeling of wanting to puke up his entire insides. He coughed up water, harshly, and then he vomited some water. And then kept coughing, wet, wrecking coughs that never seemed to end.
"You're okay." Audrey was saying. "Just try to breathe."
Her clothes were wet. Had she jumped into the lake to save him? How had she known? Had she been following him? What were the chances of her just coincidentally being there? This all felt a bit too sketchy for him to even understand, apart from the cold making it hard to think.
"You pulled me out?"
"What, just because I'm tiny I can't be strong?"
Kieran smiled, he felt he had to, but something was not quite right, and something about Audrey... Still, the impprtant thing was that he made it, lived to see another day.
At least, if the pneumonia he was no doubt going to get didn't kill him this very night.
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exhaustedfander · 4 years ago
Goddamn These Bite Marks, Deep in My Arteries
word count: 2,828
a03 link
Vampire!Logan in Analogical is something I’m so weak for, thusly, this oneshot exists. 
Virgil paces the floor, anxiety clouding every jumbled thought.  He’s been working himself up for weeks now, trying to find the best moment to brooch the subject. There were so many moments where things almost felt perfect, but then his nerves would kick in, or Logan would say something to completely change the subject.
Eventually, Virgil comes to the uncomfortable conclusion that no matter how much he wishes it worked otherwise they’ll never be a perfect time to say it. He’s just going to have to bite the bullet and spit it out. He can do that. Of course, he can do that…, right?
He has to do this, regardless of how terrified he is. And good lord, is he terrified.
It’s not as though Virgil thought this subject would never need to come up but dating a vampire doesn’t exactly come with an instruction pamphlet. He had no idea that he was going to meet Logan, like him more than he’s ever liked another person, and eventually fall so deeply in love that he can’t imagine himself with anyone else.
He’d gone into their relationship five years ago with very few expectations. Logan was cute, and he understood him, and they’d already been friends for some time and… and he was a vampire. Virgil supposes that would’ve been a deal-breaker for most people. Maybe it should’ve been for him too. Maybe it was the most logical way of thinking. But he couldn’t help it; he fell for Logan almost from the start, and he couldn’t stop if he tried.
Virgil’s learned a lot about vampirism in the last five years. For one thing, movies are usually a bunch of bullshit (Sexy, fun bullshit. But bullshit, nonetheless). Vampires don’t always have to drink human blood, though it is preferable, and they can eat some other foods, though it offers far less nutritional value than it would for humans. They aren’t strictly nocturnal, and the sunlight will not turn them to a pile of ashes the moment it makes contact with their skin (although Logan does get a wicked sunburn if he’s out too long without proper covering). Garlic does very little to ward off vampires, but garlic-breath does, unfortunately, ward off kisses.
Having one’s blood sucked isn’t nearly as painful as it’s often portrayed, nor as orgasmic. It’s just kind of… nice. Virgil’s always thought of it as a feeling of weightlessness, a kind of peace that’s hard to name, and even harder to find anyplace else. Honestly, he’s going to miss the feeling, if Logan agrees, that is.  
Logan isn’t home yet, but it isn’t uncommon for him to stay late at the lab. Virgil’s glad that Logan’s been able to find a profession that he’s happy in. He knows that Logan would be far more known in his field, were it not for the fact that he cannot stay forever. Vampires do not live forever, contrary to popular belief, but they do live for a very long time, and it looks quite suspicious if one works a job for decades and never really seems to age. Logan’s only been alive for about twenty more years than Virgil has, but he’s had several other jobs under other last names in the past, and this is by far the one he’s enjoyed the most.
His boyfriend is such a smart, competent scientist and he’s sure he’d be world-famous by now if he didn’t hold himself back at times in fear of his name and face becoming known. That would make running away and changing one’s identity all the more difficult.
Virgil knows this conversation won’t be an easy one. Logan has pointedly avoided the topic for some time. It’s not as though Virgil doesn’t know that this is a life-altering decision; or more of a life-ending decision, depending on how you look at it. He’s weighed the pros and cons time and time again, but in the end, he always comes to the same conclusion: Virgil wants this.
His determination doesn’t make him any less nervous when he hears the door to their apartment open as Logan unlocks it, his heart leaping in his chest.
“Hey. Sorry, I know I stayed late,��� Logan says as he slips off his shoes and jacket, his voice thick with exhaustion, “It’s been a hell of a day.”
“It’s okay. Sorry you had a shitty day,” Virgil says, walking to the doorway and pulling him in for a kiss, but pulling away after a lack of response, “Hey, are you good?”
Logan doesn’t look good. His skin is always quite pale (a stereotype that holds up, but he also works in a lab most of the day), but it’s even more so now. The always-present bags under his eyes are far more severe than usual, rivaling the eye-shadow Virgil wears. Logan looks dead-tired, and god, that won’t do, will it?
“I’m…” Logan sways slightly where he stands, up-righted by Virgil, “…fine.”
“Bullshit,” Virgil says, eyeing him carefully, “When was the last time you had something to eat?”
“I’m – it hasn’t been too long,” Logan says, lying rather poorly, “Really, I’m okay. Just tired.”
“Alright. C’mere, you,” Virgil says assertively, grabbing Logan by the wrist and bringing him to the couch.
“Virgil, darling, this isn’t necessary. Besides, I’ve got a bit of research to do for…” Logan trails off, seeing the look of agitation on his boyfriend’s face.
“Nope. Absolutely not. You’re not bringing work home, and, you’re not skipping another meal. God, I haven’t even been paying attention lately; you’ve just been so busy lately. When was the last time you ate?”
“Babe. This is serious. You need to tell me when you need something. And right now, you need to eat,” Virgil said, slipping off his hoodie and pulling at the collar of his T-shirt. “You look like you’re starving, L.”
“Virgil. We don’t need to do this right now. I just came home, I’m perfectly content with simply spending the evening with you. I promise I’ll be fine. There’s no need to fuss.”
“There’s a perfectly good reason to fuss,” Virgil huffs out, “You’re being so fucking stubborn for no reason. Besides, there’s... well, there’s kind of something I want to talk to you about.” Logan raises a quizzical eyebrow.
“Is anything the matter?” Logan asks, trying, and failing, to mask the quickly formed concern.
“Nothing’s wrong,” Virgil swears, “Now, c’mon, the quicker you sink your fangs in, the quicker I can satiate your curiosity.”
Logan sighs, defeated, but tired and very hungry.
He gets up from the couch, going into the bathroom, and coming out with a first aid kit. Virgil’s always insisted that it’s okay and that he doesn’t need to go to all the trouble. For the most part, the bites stop bleeding almost immediately after he’s done feeding, but Logan has none of it.
“You’re the one who’s taking care of me. Please. Let me take care of you, too.”
It’s little rituals like this, pressing a bandage and a kiss to the wound when he’s finished that keeps Logan from feeling like a monster. That’s what he confessed to Virgil one night, years ago. That he felt like a monster sometimes.
Virgil’s always been clear to dispute this. Logan’s never killed, anyone. He’s never been unnecessarily cruel to anyone, and he’s always, always been so good to Virgil. His need to feed is not that of a monster, and Virgil’s assured him as much anytime he felt otherwise.
But that can’t stop doubt from creeping in, and Virgil understands that. So he lets Logan do things at his pace for the most part, and he lets him take care of him to his heart’s content (Virgil truly isn’t complaining about that. It’s nice, how eager Logan is to care for him).
“Are you alright? Are you comfortable?” Logan asks, just as he always does.
“Yeah, I’m all good,” Virgil assures. Logan nods, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows. He’s starving, Virgil knows he is. “Go on, baby. It’s okay.”
Logan nods, first kissing Virgil vehemently.
“I love you,” Logan whispers reverently against Virgil’s lips, his fangs brushing just so.
“I love you too.”
Logan pulls away, his eyes meeting Virgil’s, and ah, there it is. His boyfriend’s eyes turn from their usual-blue to a striking crimson, the change in color happening in a manner of seconds, like watching a drop of blood cloud a glass of water. It isn’t hypnotism, per se. Virgil isn’t under Logan’s ever-command, but his gaze certainly sends a sense of calm washing over him. Logan cups Virgil’s face for a moment, still looking at him intensely and lovingly all at once before he presses his lips to Virgil’s neck and sinks his fangs in.
The initial pinprick of pain has always made Virgil shudder a little, even now, but he’s far more prepared for it than he had been in the past. Quickly, though, the pain subsides to something stranger, more far-off. His back presses into the couch as Logan has a hand on either side of his neck, sucking and lapping the blood, Virgil lingering in the bliss.
When he’s finished, Logan removes his fangs, mouth only slightly bloodied.
“Thank you,” he says, whipping his lip and quickly reaching for the first aid kit on the coffee table.
“You’re welcome, Lo,” Virgil says, still a little lost in the feeling. He smiles faintly as a bandage is pressed to his neck. “Feeling better?”
“Much,” Logan says, his exhaustion seeming to have faded significantly. “I dare say you were right, I needed that more than I was aware. How about you? Are you alright, my love?” Virgil can’t help but smile dopily at that.
“I’m fine. Great. I love it when you call me that, you know that?” Logan chuckles, his eyes back to their normal blue, and fangs having receded.
“I do. Now, let me go get you something to eat.”
“You don’t have to,” Virgil says, only slightly light-headed, “I already had dinner.” Logan’s already on his feet.
“Now, I’ll have none of that,” he tuts, sounding as insistent as Virgil had moments prior, “You just gave blood – so to speak. It’s important to rehydrate and eat something rich in sugar to replenish your red blood cells.” Logan’s rummaging in the cupboard, looking for a snack.
It’s now or never, Virgil thinks to himself suddenly, realizing that if he doesn’t say something right this minute, he’s going to chicken out for the night and have to work himself up again later.
“Hey L?”
“I…” God, this is harder than it should be! “I want…”
"What would you like? We have crackers, cookies –.”
“I want you to turn to me!” Virgil shudders at the sound of something clattering the floor in the kitchen. He turns around on the sofa, seeing the look of terror in his lover’s eyes.
“Dear Lord, did I take too much blood? Virgil, do you feel faint?” Logan asks, suddenly hovering over him, his eyes scanning over him.
“What? No – no, I’m fine. My head’s super clear. I’m being serious: I want you to turn me.”
“You… you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Of course I do!” Virgil says, zealousness bubbling with each word. He looks into Logan’s eyes, searching desperately for something, anything, that will further his argument. “Logan. Babe. I love you so, so much. I’m crazy about you, and I can’t see myself stopping anytime soon.” Logan swallows, the sound scared and tight.
“I- I love you, too. Virgil you know I love you, but –.”
“But what? You mean absolutely everything to me, and – and I can’t lose you. I want to keep being with you. Don’t you want to keep being with me?”
Virgil hates how desperate he sounds. A fear suddenly creeps into his mind, one he hadn’t yet considered: what if Logan doesn’t want this. He loves him now, but will he ten years from now? Twenty? A hundred? What if he hasn’t imagined a life with Virgil at all? What if he’s nothing more than a momentary distraction? What if –
A cold hand settles on top of his, their fingers lacing together.
“Yes,” says Logan, his voice tight and quiet, “I want to keep being with you. I adore being with you, dear. And I intend to do so for as long as I’m able.”
“But how long is that?” Virgil asks, the fear holding him in a death-grip, “How long until you need to leave this town and change your name?”
“I –.”
“I want to come with you when you go.”
“Virgil, you know how I feel about this subject.”
“No, I fucking don’t!” Virgil says, voice gaining in volume, hand still intertwined with Logan’s, grip tightening, “Because you never want to talk about it! Any time I’ve brought it up in the past you’ve just brushed it aside. Well, guess what? I’m not letting you do that right now. Why can’t you talk about it? What’re you so scared of?” Logan lets out a sigh, long and filled with frustration.
“Virgil… do you realize what you’re asking of me?” Virgil huffs out a breath, nodding.
“Yeah, I do.”
“Do you really? Do you understand how much you’d be asking me to take from you? You’re asking me to take your life away.”
“I want you, Logan. That’s all I want.”
“You’d need to go with me when I left town. We’d both need to change our identities often, to change occupations. We couldn’t let people grow suspicious.”
“I know.”
“And we’d both need to,” Logan squeezes his eyes shut, cringing at the word, “…hunt. Be it human or animal, I could not rely on you anymore, and you could not rely on me.”
“I know that too. I’ve already thought this all through, Logan. I mean it.”
“You could live such a different life, Virgil. There are so many possibilities that would disappear the moment I… if you were to regret this, there would be no going back. No reversing it.”
“What’ve you been planning for the future then, Logan. Were you just going to disappear one day?”
“I – well. This was your apartment before it was ours. I was considering –.”
“Leaving me,” Virgil finishes, and goddamn it, there are tears in his eyes.
“Sparing you,” Logan counters, “Of a very long existence with me.”
“Don’t you get it, Lo?” Virgil asks, letting go of Logan’s hand, his eyes landing on the floor. “I’ve thought through all of these variables a hundred times. You’re the best part of my life. Most of your friends are my friends too. And, newsflash, they’re vampires, too. I know that it’s a huge decision, a-and that it’s scary. I know it’s a lot. B-but I’ve never been as sure of something as I am about this. Never.”
Logan frowns, his thumb swiping over Virgil’s falling tears.
“You’re… you’re really serious about this, aren’t you?” It hurts Virgil, how unworthy of this Logan clearly feels. He'll have a lifetime of proving him otherwise, and a long one at that.
“Of course I am,” Virgil sniffles. “I’ve been thinking about it forever I just – I didn’t know how to say it.”
“The thought of having to leave you has haunted me so much these last few years,” Logan admits after a moment of tense quiet, “I didn’t know how I was going to bring myself to do it. And, as much as I wanted to, I couldn’t ask you to do this. I couldn’t do that to you.”
“Well, you don’t have to,” Virgil says firmly, hope flickering in his chest, “Because I’m asking you.”
“And you’re sure this is what you want?” Logan takes a shuddery breath, “You’re… you’re sure I’m what you want?”
“More than anything,” Virgil promises, grabbing hold of both of Logan’s hands.
“Okay,” Logan says after a long, agonizing moment. “I’ll give you a few days, to get anything in order that you feel you need to. And it’ll be just a little more time to back out if you so choose to.” Virgil nods quickly.
“I won’t need it, but okay. But, Logan, baby, do you really mean it?”
“If this is what you’re comfortable with, and it’s what you want then… yes. Yes, I want this too.”
Logan suddenly finds himself with a lapful of Virgil, a pair of lips enthusiastically pressed to his.
“I love you, Logan. I love you so fucking much.”
“I love you, too, darling,” Logan says, a weight he wasn’t even aware of suddenly lifted from his shoulders.
The couple basks in the feeling, their shared enthusiasm and fulfilled desires, thinking of a long future together. Logan’s still scared and can’t be sure when or if those fears will ever entirely subside. But he didn’t need to ask this of Virgil; Virgil asked him. They know they can be together, and tonight, that’s more than enough.
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mamanabeille · 4 years ago
As He Waits - Lukanette Exchange Fic
Here is my @lukanette-exchange fic for the lovely @airi-p4.  I’m sorry it’s a little late I would give you excuses but instead will just say that your piece inspired me to smooth out the last little bits.  I hope you enjoy it.  
He waits nervously at the end of the aisle of The Liberty, in between his mother and sister.  He attempts to spin the old ring on his thumb, knowing that in just a moment, he’ll have another adorning his hand.  His mother chuckles, “Calm yourself, boy.  She’ll be here in a moment.”  He looks around to the friends and family seated in rows along the deck, and thinks of the moments that have led them to this day. 
“Come on, Luka!  Just play with us,” a young Juleka begs tugging her brother’s arms to pull him along to her bedroom where the two other girls are waiting.  “We need a boy to be the groom.” 
Luka rolls his eyes, but lets his sister continue to guide him along. “Fine, but I’m not marrying you.  That’s too weird, even to pretend.” He shakes his head as if to clear the thought from his mind, and then adds quickly. “Or Rose.” 
“Got him,” Juleka announces triumphantly. “We have a groom for Marinette.” 
“I’m still not sure I want to be the bride,” the girl mutters quietly, flushing a deep red nearly hiding behind Rose. “Why not Rose, again?” 
“Because Luka is basically my brother too, and that’s gross. Come on Mari,” she begs cheerfully.   “There’s no point in playing wedding planner for forever if we don’t even get to have a wedding at the end.” 
Marinette tries to object a few more times, but none of her attempts produce any actual words, so she is ushered by the girls to the back of Juleka’s room so she can walk down ‘properly’ as Rose had said.    She makes her way up the makeshift aisle of fake rose petals that Marinette can only assume came from the bubblier of the two.  Luka can tell she is nervous so he offers him a smile and a little nod.  She smiles back at him.  Even at the age of cooties and boys vs girls, Luka is struck by how pretty she looks when she smiles at him. 
Once Marintte is standing next to Luka, Rose begins into a clearly plagerized speech on love and what has them all gathered there today. He’s sure it is from a movie, but he can’t exactly place which one.  He leans over to ask Marinette if she knows, but before he can get any words out she mutters quietly so the other two can’t hear, “Do you think she’s going to make us kiss?”
“She can’t make either one of us kiss each other, Marinette,” Luka tells her with a little laugh, before adding as an afterthought “And I won’t either.” 
Marinette physically relaxes at his words.  “Maybe just on the cheek,” she decides just as Rose is prompting her for the ‘I do’. 
Luka’s cheeks flush a soft pink at that, thankful that Marinette’s attention is no longer on him. He gives his response of ‘I do’ as well.  He leans forward to place a very soft, very quick kiss to Marinette’s cheek, and feels butterflies in his stomach for the first time in his life.  He ponders the meaning, but then Rose is hurting them back down the aisle, and he can hear the click click click of Juleka using their mother’s camera to snap photos, and the butterflies are gone. 
The music switches from the intro music to Canon in D and Luka glances over at Jagged with a little smile and nod as his father’s hands dance across the keys.  It had taken a while for them to get on good terms with one another once Anarka had confessed the rock star was indeed his and Juleka’s father.   Marinette had played a major part in encouraging them all to really spend time together and let each other into their lives. 
Luka doesn’t remember walking to the bakery.  The last thing he does remember are his mother’s words ringing in his ears. “It’s true, Jagged’s yer dad.” He’d walked out, maybe even ran.  He isn’t sure.  He has no clue how long he’d been wandering around the city before he ended up in the cafe.  He doesn’t even remember deciding that’s where he was going.  He doesn’t go in; just stands by the door.  It’s late, and he knows they are closed, but Tom must have been doing some prep for the next morning or cleaning up.  The baker opens the door, sees the expression on the young man’s face, and tells him to go on up to Marinette’s room.  “I’ll bring you two up something to eat and drink when I finish up here,” Tom tells him, unsurprised when he gets no reply. 
Marinette isn’t expecting him. It’s obvious by her startled jump as he weakly calls out her name.  
“Luka?” she whispered, dropping her sketchbook and practically running over to him. “You’re crying,” the words sound wrong on her tongue.  He isn’t crying.  He reaches up, feels his cheek, and sure enough his fingers come back damp.  “What happened?” she asks, pulling him further into her room. She guides him over to the chaise and he falls into her, resting his head against her shoulders and completely bursting into tears 
Marinette whispers little assurances and runs her fingers through his hair until he’s ready to talk.  Once he does, she repeats the whole process again.  By the time he’s all cried out, Tom has come and gone with cookies and milk that go untouched and a quick ‘he can stay here for the night if he wants’ before Marintte can even ask. 
As the music shifts all eyes shift to the back of the boat, to Marintte’s entrance. Not that Luka notices anyone other than the beautiful woman that he fell in love with so long ago.  She’s grinning back at him, and he knows he should look at her dress.  He knows that she’s put months of work and preparations into this exact moment, but his heart is aflutter and tears prickle his eyes.   He can’t bring himself to look away from her matching tear filled eyes for even a moment.  He quickly brushes away at his watery eyes, and catches Marinette let out a little giggle at the action before doing the same herself.
Marinette is finishing up the eggs when Luka comes up behind her, wraps his arms around her waist and rests his chin on her shoulder. He takes in an over exaggerated breath.  “Mmmm.  Breakfast for dinner.  My favorite.” 
“I know,” she chuckles proudly, turning over the bacon. 
“Need help with anything?” he asks her, nuzzling his head into her neck. 
She shakes her head with a ‘nope’ and turns to kiss his cheek.  He smiles back at her with an adoring boyish grin that she's never seen on him before. She pulls back just slightly to look at him properly.  “What?” she asks softly. 
“I love you.” 
Marinette drops the spatula at his words, frozen in place, her cheeks a deep red flush.  She grins bigger than he’s ever seen, but struggles to form any other words. 
“Marinette, your eggs are burning.”  
Marinette lets out a laugh that sends sparks through Luka.  “I love you, too!”  She goes to throw her arms around his neck. In her haste to pull him into a kiss, and have her lips against hers, she catches the side of the pan with her forearm.  Her eyes instantly fill with tears and sobs out a curse.
“Shit, Nette,” Luka gasps, pulling her away from the stove and guiding her over to the sink  He mutters a soft, “It’s okay, babe” as he gets her to place her arm under the cool  running tap.  “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah,” she hisses, trying to hold back tears.  “It’s not the worst burn I’ve ever gotten.”  She glances down at her arm with a wince. “Of the worse, but not the worst.” She holds her breath for a few moments through the pain.
Luka grabs the first aid kit from under the sink and rummages around looking for a salve, gauze, and tape. “Only you,” he sighs, shaking his head as he dresses the wound. 
“You love me,” she practically giggles. 
“Very much,” he nods, leaning to capture her lips with his. 
Luka finally allows himself to take in the full sight of her.  He is struck in awe, as he is nearly every time he sees her creations, by her pure talent, skill, and creativity. 
Luka is awoken from his midday nap by a knock on the door.  He yawns deeply, making his way over, and opening it lazily.  “-ello,” he greets, not even bothering to see who it is. 
“Lu-luka?” Marintte whimpers.  
It promptly wakes him out of his daze and he pulls her into his chest.  “Marientte,” he asks shocked, ushering them inside and closing the door behind them.  “What’s the matter?” 
“I didn’t get it.” She finally manages to get out after a few sniffles and sobs.  “I though-thought for sure I would. I mean, I’ve been working with Gabriel for years.  I know his style. I know what he likes and what he doesn’t.  I have been his top apprentice for nearly as long as I’ve been with the company and he gave the partnership to another designer.” 
“Oh, Nette.”  He rubs circles on her back with a sigh.  “You’re an amazing designer, and you know you are. He’s going to regret it one day.  That sucks though, and I’m sorry.  What do you need from me?” 
“I just want to cuddle and cry,” she tells him with a humph. 
“I am always down for cuddles,” he chuckles, tilting her chin up gently and placing a soft kiss on her lips. “I’m not going to tell you not to cry, but I am going to try to make you smile. You know that, right?” 
“I know.” She nods weakly and follows as he leads her to the couch, never fully leaving the embrace. 
He puts on an animated movie he knows she loves, but he’s never really cared for, and lets her cry on his chest. The tears eventually fade to sniffles, which soon die down to her breath evening out, and Luka realizing that she’s fallen asleep.  He kisses the top of her head, and rubs circles up and down her back.  
“Thanks, Lu.” Marinette whispers a little while later.  “I’m sorry I cried on you.” 
“Hey,” Luka says sharply,  catching her attention.  “Never apologize for me being the one you lean on, Marinette.  I want to be that person for you.  You are welcome to break down anytime and anyplace with me, do you understand?  
She nods gently and buries her face into his neck, and places a soft kiss there.  He feels his breath catch in his throat, and he’s sure she can hear him swallow the lump.  “I love you, Luka.” 
“I love you too,” he tells her with a soft kiss to the forehead. 
Tom leans down to whisper something in her ear, kisses her cheek, and releases her hand to place in it his. Luka squeezes her hand gently.  He can't believe this moment is happening.  He’s been dreaming of it since the very first time Tom ushered him to her. 
When Luka picks her up that evening, his breath catches in his throat.  He’s never seen Marintte out of her usual school outfit.   However when Tom ushers him into the cafe and Marinette makes her way down the stairs, she’s in a swirly skirt instead of her usual jeans.  He can’t help but stare for a moment until Tom chuckles and pats him on the back.  He’s thankful that he’s traded in his faded hoodie for a nicer leather jacket.  “Hi,” she blushes, once she’s standing in front of him. 
“Hey,” he manages to get out over the lump in his throat.  “You look beautiful, marinette.”  
“You too- I mean handsome,” Marinette huffs, covering her face with her hands momentarily to cover her embarrassed blush.  “You look great I mean.” 
Tom chuckles again and Sabine reminds them to be home before eleven as they  leave. 
“I was thinking coffee and then a little music place I know of, if you’re good with that,” Luka tells her, reaching for her hand as they walk.  “Is this okay?” he asks, nodding down to their intertwined hands. 
She nods happily.  “That sounds wonderful.  Oh, are you going to play?  You don’t have your guitar though.  Not sure I”ve seen you without it much. 
I left it at home.  You’re my main focus tonight.   
Marientte feels her stomach warm and can't hide the grin on her face.  Luka is pretty sure it’s his favorite sight in the world. 
Luka guides her up a couple of steps to where the three other Couffaines are waiting for them.  Rose leans forwards and squeezes Marintte tightly in a hug.   Juleka takes the opportunity to kiss his cheek and tell him how happy she is for him, for both of them.  The bride and groom clasp hands and Luka leans forward to place a soft kiss on Marintte’s forehead.  “I love you,” he mouths, silently.  “I love you, too,” she whispers back as Anarka begins her speech by welcoming everyone there. 
When Luka opens his eyes to morning sunlight, and is met with his favorite sight in the world. Marintte is still asleep on the pillow next to him.  When she’s awake, she usually has a million things on her mind, and it shows.  He always feels a warmth in his chest when he catches her like this, perfectly still and completely at peace.  It’s the only time he realizes how truly small she is, and it amazes him the strength that she harbors in such a slight frame.  He spends the next several moments simply watching her, until her eyes start to slowly flutter open. 
“..Mmm. Morning,” she yawns, scooting closer to him and nuzzling her head into the nook of his shoulder. Warm,” she hums, happily.  Luka smiles into the kiss he places onto the top of her head.  “This is nice,” he sighs contently, and she responds with a gentle nod of her head and a little murmur of content. “Marry me?” the words are out of his mouth without him really thinking, but he means them with every single atom of his being. 
“Of course,” she mumbles, her lips brushing up against his skin as she does. 
“Nettie, I’m serious,” he tells her with a small chuckle, at her half awake tone. 
“What?” she pulls back, to look him in the eyes in disbelief.  “You’re serious?” 
“I am,” he nods.  He brushes back some of the loose hair that has escaped her ponytail in the night and fallen in her face. He tucks it behind her ear and stokes the line of her jaw right below with his thumb.  “I want to wake up next to you every single morning for the rest of my life, love.   You are the most important part of my life. I want you to be my future.  I want this,” he looks between the two of them and squeezes her hand that he doesn’t remember grasping.  “I love you.” 
“I want that too,” she smiles, capturing his lips in a quick kiss. “I love you.”  She grins even bigger and throws his arms clumsily around his neck, pulling him even closer.  He rolls on top of her, deepening the kiss, pulling away only for the occasional breath and to mutter ‘I love you’.  
An eruption of cheers booms across the boat, as Luka kisses her, bending her into a deep dip.  They both come up beaming and make their way back down the aisle as Mr and Mrs Couffaine. 
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heyvivalapluto · 4 years ago
rose granger-weasley headcanons:
her middle name is minerva because of professor mcgonagall
she hates when people call her “rosie”. ron is the only one allowed to call her that
she’s daddy’s little girl. and she loves to be.
but hermione is her best friend. and no, it’s not weird
cat lover!!!!
she’s a bit smaller than albus, but still tall
either a black powerful woman or a fiery redheaded. either way, she has beautiful freckles
one of the brightest minds of the wizard community.
her favorite colors are also the same colors as her lgbt flag: purple blue and pink.
she’s a bissexual disaster.
i mean, she knows how to flirt and stuff, but she falls in love way too quickly and becomes a mess about her feelings. a total romantic
she actually accidentally flirts and half the world falls in love with her
her favorite uncle and aunt are bill and fleur
she loves the beach and the countryside
her patronous and animagus is a ginger cat
loves long showers
has a mug collection
avid reader
cooks better than molly herself, but she’ll never agree with it, because “there’s no better food than granny’s”
makes part of the rare group of people that looks great in yellow
seems to be fragile, but is the most badass person people will ever meet
invented “looks like a cinnamon roll, but could actually kill you” trope
she likes so many things that she has no ideia what to do for a living. sometimes she wants to have her own inn at some beach, sometimes to be a quidditch player and sometimes to be a journalist
her favorite fruit is mangoes
she is lowkey in love with scorpius
she’s so gentle, so brave.
heart of gold
although she probably will kick ass and take names anytime, anyplace. she’s a total hot head, even if she seems so delicate
plays chess with her father, whenever she can. she always lets him win
pretty brown eyes.
terrible at taking care of plants
her favorite subject at hogwarts is potions, but she sucks at chemistry. her favorite muggle subject is english literature
she did go to a muggle school before attending hogwarts
rose is a great writer
smart mouth
she’s always exhausted because she’s fighting the patriarchy
devil in disguise was made specifically for her. she sure looks angelical and is good hearted, but boi is she bad tempered
her voice is really unique. it’s deep, but somehow sweet and delicate. she talks and it seems like she’s singing
seriously she got it so bad for scorpius. she’s so in love
knows how to dance ballet, but doesn’t really like it, because of all the toxic behaviors of that universe
she’s overconfident at the most ridiculous times
her over confidence is about “yeah, of course i can do this”, but she actually can’t. like seriously, never dare this girl. ever.
she’s an oblivious heartbreaker. she sure is gorgeous and people tend to fall easy for her (i mean, come on), but she tends to not notice people who might have a lowkey crush on her, because she only has eyes for those she’s fallen for (for now is scorpius)
she’s very straightforward about her thoughts on any subject
dreams about a big wedding
she always loses her keys. no one knows how she does it, but she does.
her favorite flowers are lilies
her favorite show is new girl and has a major crush on cece
“i might have a tiny little crush on scorpius”
bonus: scorpius likes her back. he just sucks at flirting. or communicating at all
she’s addicted to sitcoms
she has the horrible habit of biting her nails
she never gets sick. it doesn’t even make sense
big brain. fierce mind. i’m serious, she’s a genius
rose will always help anyone in need.
“‘dude’ but like... romantically”
her favorite ice cream flavor is coconut
goofy, overconfident, flirtatious and desperate for approval: that’s her aesthetic. that’s it
“men should never have an opinion on anything.” and “i’ll be nicer, if you’re smarter” are her mottos.
she is the queen of self love, but she’s still human and still is ron weasley’s daughter. so she eventually stops believing in herself and thinks she will never be good enough
she just wants to make her parents proud
she just wants to protect and honor their legacy.
oblivious? duh
she actually sucks at giving advice. why people still come to her? but of course rose will always be there for anyone
her laugh is way too loud, but she’s never ashamed of it.
knows fluent french, because of her aunt fleur. she actually goes almost every summer to france to visit gabrielle, along with fleur and her cousins: dominique, victoire, teddy and louis
rose actually learned french because she realized how left out fleur was around the weasleys. they didn’t seem to appreciate her and rose couldn’t stand by that
i mean, fleur is awesome and rose knows it.
she hates to wear her hair in ponytails. she just hates it
she actually can make any spells without her wand. she just uses it for the aesthetic
she used braces for a while, because of her grandparents
rose is always exhausted. she needs at least 12 hours of sleep to be rested, but at the same time, she manages to sleep only 3-4hours per night. constantly
she is a workaholic, thus her awful sleep schedule
always fighting with roxanne, but they are really close. they fight because they love each other
her favorite cousins are albus, louis and james
jealous type
but is terrified about having a toxic behavior
advocate of those without a voice
pancakes supremacy
hates to see blood
actually, rose doesn’t even see james as her cousin because they are so close.
she sometimes believes they are platonic soulmates.
they get along so well it astounds anyone who sees them together
they are best friends
okay, so james and rose’s relationship is so strong and they love each other so much. it’s unmatched. of course albus is her favorite cousin and friend, but with james? he is her soulmate, simple as that
james and rose’s duo is about how easy they connect. they are both bad tempered and ultra kind, and also believe in “be gay, do crimes” motto. he never lets her feel alone and is the first to hear her problems and vice versa; she says he is her older and male version.
rose’s is captain of her quidditch team. she’s one of the chasers.
she’s very competitive
she’s very protective of her friends
rose will always take care of the ones she loves
rose is big fan of elton john
“this boy got me fuckt up” / “what boy?” / “william shakespeare.”
brutally honest
imagine anne shirley mixed with katara.
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goddessofthundathighs · 6 years ago
Tumblr media
Evan, aka Disappointment #3 in O’Shea’s phone, panted over her, sweat dripping onto her face. The bed shook and the headboard clapped loudly against the wall. His eyes were screwed shut, his breathing heavy and his grunts gorilla-like. O’Shea looked out from under his arm into his slim floor-length mirror. Her face was of pure disappointment. This was punishment dick. She was punishing herself with weak dick because she'd scared away another real prospect, Damien Jones. Damien was 6’2, chocolate with tattoos, a bright smile, a good job, and better taste in shoes. All of those things rarely came together well. It was smooth sailing until she let Bennie out of the cage. Who was Bennie? Bennie was the unquenchable demon between her thighs. She remembered that fateful night in vivid detail.
“Wait, wait!” the man called out in a panicked voice. He and O’Shea had been going at it for almost two hours and after 5 Earth-shattering orgasms, she was still begging him for more.
“You gotta calm down babygirl. Give me a second, dick machine broke.”
“What you mean broke?” she inquired, crossing her arms over her chest. “We haven’t seen each other in two weeks, Damien. The dick machine should be primed and prepped for go time.”
“It was, two hours ago. You gotta let me rest.” She groaned in exasperation as her small body flopped back down against her satin pillowcase.
“Daddyyyy,” she whined in the innocent voice she knew he couldn’t resist. “Just let me suck it one more time and I promise I’ll be done.” He raised one eyebrow, not sure if he believed her or not, but quickly lost that train of thought once he felt her tongue licking a long stripe up the underside of his shaft. That one little action lead to two more hours and countless more orgasms until he pinned her to the bed to stop her from touching him again.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into you girl, but you dangerous.” She only giggled in response, knowing that it was no longer her that was running the show. Bennie had been present and accounted for ever since he called her his little nasty bitch as she sucked him off on the drive back to her house. As they pulled up to her place, Damien let out a heavy sigh puffing his cheeks as he released himself in the back of her throat.
“Yo, we gotta cool off for a minute,” Damien stated once the car had stopped moving.
“Why?” O’Shea questioned, thoroughly confused.
“You’re a real cool girl with one of the dopest personalities I’ve encountered in a while, but your sex drive is way too damn high and if I’m being honest, it’s a little unattractive.”
“Unattractive?! Most niggas would kill for a woman to serve pussy up on a silver platter anytime and anyplace.”
“Yeah, but I’m not most niggas. See you around.” With that, he sped off into the California sunset, leaving O’Shea somehow even more horny than before.
Evan finished with a loud grunt, spilling himself into the condom. Finally, O’Shea thought to herself. Before she could fix her lips to ask him to drive her home, he was asleep, passed out beside her like he’d just worked a 15-hour shift at a Nissan plant. Shea rolled her eyes as she pulled her clothes back on and waited for the Lyft back to her apartment. This would definitely be their last encounter.
“Why you so uptight?” Skylar asked O’Shea as she drug her feet into the toy shop. Dr. Skylar Greene was an expert in the female anatomy and owned the biggest adult toy store in California. She’d hired O’Shea to be the creative director to her new sex toy line.
“I’m just sick of whack niggas delivering whack dick. I haven’t had a decent orgasm in months and it’s not from lack of trying.”
“Have you seen a therapist?”
“I’m not crazy, Sky.”
“No one said you were. Here, go see my best friend. If he can’t cure you, then you’re a lost cause.” With that, Skylar handed Shea a business card and wandered to the back of the store saying something about inventory. O’Shea twirled the card in her hand for a bit before sticking it in her pocket. She’d make an appointment later.
Before Shea knew it, it was almost midnight and she was still huddled at her design table in the back of the shop. Skylar had liked the idea of a ribbed toy so much that she had her start designing the prototype asap. She yawned and stretched before grabbing her purse and keys and heading out the door, sure to lock up behind her. Morning came and she found herself still in the clothes she wore to work the previous day. After a quick shower and the rest of her morning rituals, she fished the business card out of her jacket pocket and dialed the number.
“Dr. Stevens’ office, how can I help you?” a young woman called from the other end of the receiver. O’Shea took a deep steadying breath before speaking.
“Yes, my name is O’Shea Powell and I’d like to make an appointment.”
“Oh, yes, Ms. Powell. Dr. Greene has already spoken to Dr. Stevens and if you’re free this afternoon, he has a 1:00 appointment slot open.” Gee, thanks Sky.
“That’s perfect, I’ll be there.”
“Alrighty, Ms. Powell. See you this afternoon.” With that, O’Shea sauntered to her closet to find something to wear. She settled on a black bandeau top with black leggings and her black So Kate Louboutins. She completed the look with tan duster and her black Prada sunglasses. She wanted to look sexy, but not desperate. She followed the directions to his office, noting that it was approximately 10 minutes from the toy store. Guess these two really are close. She parked her Porche in the designated area before making the journey to the 11th floor. The secretary greeted her immediately.
“Ms. Powell?”
“Good afternoon, I’m Harper, Dr. Stevens’ secretary. Dr. Greene is already inside and they’re expecting you.” O’Shea nodded and walked into the lavish office. It was decorated in all black with gold and white accents. African-themed art littered the east and west walls of the office while his degrees and photos of him and Skylar occupied the wall behind his desk. He sat atop the desk dressed in navy blue slacks and a white button up. A navy bow tie and navy Louis Vuitton loafers completed the look. His dreads were neatly braided to the back of his head and gold wired glasses adorned his face. Skylar had mentioned how good looking her best friend was, but she neglected to mention that he looked as though God and all of the angels handmade him, taking their time to make sure that he was perfect.
“Ms. Powell, nice of you to join us.” His voice caused an instant flood in her panties. It was deep and rich like bourbon. She smiled sweetly at him, before sending a look to Skylar. The two were definitely going to have a talk about this later.
“Well, I’ll let you two get to know one another. See you at work tomorrow, Shea,” Sky teased before sauntering out of the office. She knew she’d made the right decision in recommending O’Shea to Erik. He, like herself, was an expert in sex and the female anatomy and he just so happened to be single. She knew that if his treatment was successful, not only would Shea be saved from wack dick, but she’d also have a lifetime companion.
“So what brings you in today, Ms. Powell?”
“What, you mean Sky didn’t tell you?”
“Oh no, she did, but I’d like to hear it from your mouth.”
“Well, as of late I’ve been having trouble achieving orgasms. I know what I like and I know all of the things necessary to get me to that point, but nothing seems to be working. I’ve scared off all of my usual dick appointments because they say that my sex drive is too high and it’s unattractive, which I find absolutely ridiculous.” Erik nodded as she explained, occasionally writing things down in his notepad.
“Tried almost every toy known to man, including ones I’ve personally designed.”
“What are your kinks, Ms. Powell? What turns you on?” O’Shea smiled a devilish smile before answering.
“Well, to be honest, I like a lot of things.”
“Well, I like choking, dubious consent, saliva or spitting in my mouth and pussy, ddlg, voyeurism, edging and orgasm denial, collaring, face fucking, cream pies, blasphemy, and any and all forms of public sex just to name a few.”
“Blasphemy?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes. Being that inappropriate things turn me on, I’m super big on religion play, sex in church and sex while wearing religious paraphernalia.”
“Oh so you nasty nasty?” He inquired with a smile, his gold bottom canines peeking from behind his full bottom lip.
“You could say that.”
“And what about name calling?”
“Degradation can be very sexy when done right, Dr. Stevens.” He nodded with a smirk as he wrote more notes.
“So you like to be called a little nasty bitch and shit like that?” He asked, looking up from his notebook. It took all of her willpower not to moan out loud. There was something about the way her favorite pet name fell from his lips coupled with the way he looked at her that made her core heat.
“Y-Yes,” she replied, her voice much more shaky than she intended.
“Don’t get all shy now,” he teased. “You’ve already told me what a little nasty bitch you are, might as well keep talking.” His voice dropped an octave and O’Shea was ready to drop her panties. Though she knew he was triggering her on purpose, she allowed it.
“I’ve got something I want you to try,” he spoke, reaching behind him while still holding her gaze. “My cousin designed this toy in Wakanda. It’s been tested to make its user cum within the first 30 seconds of use when paired with this lubricant. I want you to use it and report back to me in a week, understand?”
“Yes Da— Dr. Stevens.” He chuckled, his voice still deep and seductive.
“I can be Daddy if you want me to be, Ms. Powell, but it’ll cost you.”
“Cost me what?” she inquired, completely turned on and close to cumming from just his conversation.
“You’ll find out if this doesn’t work for you,” he retorted with a wink and a sly smirk. “Until then, this is your prescription and I expect you to fill it. Each and every inch of it,” he said, placing his index finger under her chin to guide her gaze back to his.
“Can you do that for me?” She nodded.
“Words, Princess.”
“Yes, Dr. Stevens.” Her voice was soft and needy, a sure sign that she was close.
“Good girl,” he purred, ghosting his lips over hers. “See you next week. Harper, send in my next client,” he said into the intercom system, pulling O’Shea from her trance. She could already tell that this wouldn’t be the last she saw of the good doctor.
@ledouxange7 @vikkidc @bartierbakarimobisson @raysunshine78 @amethyst1993 @trevantesbrat @kaykay0829 @thadelightfulone @sydneebleu @forbeautyandlife @tntnv @chaneajoyyy @jozigrrl @madamslayyy @iamrheaspeaks @mareethequeen @thehomierobbstark @whatmoredoyouwantamericaa @yaachtynoboat711 @blowmymbackout @youreadthatright @beaut1fulone-blog @bugngiz @amirra88 @chefjessypooh @post-woke @theogbadbitch @im5ftbutmythroat66 @queengodiva619
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tassium · 6 years ago
PART 3 - Speak Now
(part 1, part 2)
Hello and again, welcome to the Taylor Swift Appreciation Life. We hope your brief detention in the relaxation vault-- wait, wrong fandom.
This is probably getting posted in the middle of the night, which doesn’t bode well for anyone actually seeing it, but oh well. It’s time to hop in and see a little more from the amazing @taylorswift by taking the ride through her third album, Speak Now.
1. Mine
I really like this track, but I don’t have a whole lot to say about it. The storytelling in the lyrics is probably my favorite thing about it, and the way the instrumentation propels the song along. And.... I’ve heard varying opinions on the way it turns around and she’s “quoting” the love interest of the story. Personally, I like it. I like thinking of it as if he said that and it’s what inspired her to use the line as such a key part of the song.
And I’ve gotta be honest here, the POP mix bonus track version doesn’t really hit me that hard. I can’t pick out enough of a difference between the two that I really care all that much about that version.
2. Sparks Fly
This is one of my favorite tracks on this album. I like the understated instrumentation behind the verses and the way it just drops into the chorus in a way that feels like going over the first rise on a roller coaster - the way there’s nothing behind her voice for “Drop everything now” feels like that moment where you know it’s coming and you kind of pull in a breath and then you’re irrevocably In The Moment. 
She does a lot of really cool vocal things - in the second verse I love the way she does that warble on “really wish you wo-ould”. Another favorite is the vocalization in the background of the last chorus. Instrumentally speaking, the solo before the bridge is one of my favorites because of how it’s just a little different from the main motif of the song, and I adore the strident guitar and drums behind the bridge itself.
This song also has the first of several mentions throughout her songs of green eyes! Same, Taylor, same.
3. Back to December
I’m just gonna jump ahead and talk about the acoustic version of this song that’s on the target deluxe version, because if given the choice, I’d pick that one to listen to any day. The strings are my favorite part of the original version, and so the fact that the acoustic version lets them shine just that much more is excellent in my opinion. I also like the way that the harmonies stand out a little bit more - usually I prefer the ones where it’s Taylor overdubbing her own harmonies, but in this one I really like how it sounds with that male voice in the background - it actually makes me think that this song has a lot of potential for being made into a duet song with that delicious aching kind of mutual regret feeling.
4. Speak Now
I don’t know about anyone else, but I really like this song. There’s a lot of really smart choices made, both vocally and in the instrumentals (like the way the drums don’t drop in until the second half of the first verse) and overall I think it’s a solid track.
Over the course of relistening to this early work of Taylor’s for these reviews, though, I’ve also had a thought - Speak Now is the culmination of an escalating pattern of Standing Up And Stealing Other Girls’ Guys that’s been going on through both of the other albums. You have Teardrops on my Guitar, where she just pines herself into oblivion over the boy - then you have You Belong With Me, where she actually does something about it, and now we have this, where she literally breaks up an engagement IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WEDDING in order to get her chance at the boy she’s been daydreaming about.
5. Dear John
Easily my favorite track on this album. This is an optimal example of Taylor’s ability to take a song and build it up until it just explodes, even beyond the chorus. The way the song just soars in the bridge, complete with the way her voice just goes a little ragged on "burned them out”.... man. I love it. I love it so much. Another of my favorite moments is when the harmonies slide in with “run as fast as you can” as if that’s the ‘they’ who said that to her.
I think Taylor’s voice really shines in this track in a way that was really foreshadowing of her current vocal talents.
I’ll also never be over the fact that John Mayer claimed this song for being about him. He could have just been like ‘oh yeah I dunno, a dear john letter is a breakup letter right’ but no. He brought it down on himself. “You should’ve known.”
6. Mean
Mean is a jam, and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise. I’ll bop to this song anytime. I love the bending fiddle between the chorus and the second verse, probably my favorite musical choice in the song overall. The mandolin and the banjo are way up there as well, just in general. There’s something so delightfully vindictive about this track, such a clap back at the haters - and I get Taylor singing her own harmonies, which you already know I love to pieces. (Is it just me, or could Mean be the little sister of Calm Down?)
“Someday, I’ll be, singing this at the grammy’s…. and all you’re gonna be is mean”
7. The Story of Us
ok not really, because I have more feelings to express first.
Taylor’s vocals soar at the end of this track, and I honestly cannot get over the sheer improvement from Fearless to Speak Now when it comes to that. Those belted notes give me life. I love the ‘next chapter’ and ‘the end’ spoken lines, they’re the best for when I’m singing along and dancing around my kitchen. This song is nearer and dearer to my heart than I even realized coming into this review, and I will go to bat for it anytime anyplace any day.
8. Never Grow Up
It sure is a song, alright. It’s a pretty arrangement, and I like the harmonies, but I... don’t have much for strong feelings about this one.
9. Enchanted
Mmmmm, this one’s so pretty. The opening, I love whatever that is in the background, maybe it’s a keyboard? It’s beautiful and ethereal, at any rate, and I love it. The track builds so beautifully to an absolute monster of a chorus - the lead guitar up into that drum hit is a classic and I love it to pieces.
And don’t even get me started on the ending “please don’t be....” etc bit and the use of stereo - listening to this track in headphones is a treat and I love the high in one side and low in the other, accompanied by that soft vocalizing centralized that leads into the belting before we hit another chorus.
It wasn’t until I was listening to this song to write this post up that I noticed that if you really focus you can hear her singing that repetition behind the second half of the last chorus, but I think it’s only on the left. It’s a really nice touch.
10. Better Than Revenge
I’m just gonna go ahead and quote you a conversation my friend @defiantlywhole had about this track to explain my feelings:
Me:  listen. listen. i fully agree with "Better than revenge? we don't know her" but. it's such a banger. i hate it. i love it. why 
Her:  SAME! Dude esp with the whole sb-squared issue. If we could just. Recognize that better than revenge is problematic and love her anyway?? Can you imagine the kind of cool shit the fandom coulda churned out last month? I just want graphics that yell THERE IS NOTHING I DO BETTER THAN REVENGE at them for trying to force Taylor to stay and then punishing her for leaving
So if you wanna know my opinions, there you go. there they are. 
Also i’m never going to be able to unhear “she’s full of springs and she’s not what you think, she’s a mattress” from @stateofswiftpod​ (have you gotten the message to listen to their podcast yet? this is the last of her main albums they’ve talked about so. now’s the time.)
11. Innocent
This isn’t a track I seek out to listen to, like, ever... but it’s a pretty piece of music, and her voice is lovely. Honestly, there’s something about it that just makes me sad, which is probably why I don’t seek it out. Listening to it to write this, thought, I am noticing a lot of things about it that I’d forgotten or maybe not even noticed in the first place - like the haunting background vocalizations that I’d missed previously, and the choices in the instrumentals. There something about this song that just feels heavy, if that makes sense. It just sits right on my chest, and I’m not sure if I like it.
12. Haunted
Speaking of liking acoustic versions of songs better, this is definitely one of them. Don’t get me wrong, I love the original version, but...The piano just hits so much harder for some reason than anything about the original manages, and her vocal delivery is so aching and beautiful and just. Shivers, every time.
The backing vocals come across as very dark, almost, fittingly so to go with a song with the topic and title this one has. Her soaring vocalization in the bridge, and the way her voice breaks when she drops into the low note... man, I can’t even. I don’t have words for what this acoustic track does to me. The note after the last chorus is what gets me the most thought, the almost mourning wavering she sneaks into it and just... I love this song, okay.
13. Last Kiss
This track is so beautiful, but speaking of songs that make me sad. Good heavens. I hadn’t listened to this one in a while prior to this listen through the album and it hit me so hard. Legitimate tears.
I can’t even put it into words - this song is a masterpiece of emotion.
14. Long Live
This song also makes me cry, but for entirely different reasons. Somehow it has even more of an impact now, after seeing everything that’s happened for her and after having been privileged enough to see her live with one of my best friends. This song takes that weight still hanging on my chest from the last few tracks and pushes it aside, replaces it with a bursting pride for this woman who I’ve never met and probably never will. She’s done so well.
To be more specific - there’s some incredible guitar work on this song, and I adore the “THIS IS ABSURD” part - and “tell them how I hope they shine” will always make me cry. I love that she wrote this song, and I love that things have only kept going. That belted “fall” at the end of that post-chorus or whatever it is that then also fades and falls away. The ethereal Aaahs in the background of the bridge. The way she leans into the last “all the mountains we moved”. Gosh. It’s all too much.
Proper full bonus track time!
15. Ours
This is definitely my favorite of the bonus tracks. I’m a little sad it got relegated to a bonus track, since there’s definitely songs that I’d cut in favor of letting this one onto the list, but I’m just glad we have it in the first place.
I’m extremely fond of this song - it’s connected to playing music with my dad (who bought me my first guitar - well, him and my mom both) because we’ve teamed up to do this song, and so that gives me all kinds of happy feelings when I listen to this one.
I don’t have much for specific comments on this one, but it’s a Good.
16. If This Was a Movie
I love the guitar opening for this song, it’s on my list of songs to learn to play one of these days. The first few times I heard the song, I definitely didn’t hear “to me-e like” properly, but now that I know what it’s supposed to be, I don’t struggle too much, thankfully. Overall, I like the song - there are things about it that I’m not super fond of, but there are more things that I do like (the drop after the bridge is definitely one of them).
17. Superman
This one’s a bop. She’s a cute little number. Optimal dancing around my room (a la the you belong with me video) material. I won’t say this track is any work of genius or anything, but it’s a solid danceable pop song, and sometimes that’s all you need.
Whew! We’ve done it again. It’s 3am where I am at the time of writing this, so I’m going to go to bed now, but tomorrow we’ll start our transition into New Taylor. I don’t know about you, but I’m excited.
Next up: Red
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looneyrealism · 6 years ago
A quiet time
I headcannon that if Zeke and Hanji were’nt enemies they’d at least be friends. They’re also low key a crack ship to me, but there’s no content for them so I’m posting this even tho I’m not best or most experience writer. Levihan will always be my main tho.
Prompt: Au Hanji was born and raised in Marley. She tends a bar in a Marley ghetto.
Hanji was serving her last few customers for the night. As time flowed closer to the end of her shift, three men still lingered at the bar. She noticed they walked in together, but the blonde man decided to sit at the opposite end of the bar away from his companions. After about an hour of serving them, their condescending attitudes and ignorance made her take an extra long bathroom break.
They cursed her when she came back, and she was tempted to break the glass she held across their skulls. However, her manager gave her a stern look that pacified her. Eventually, her manager ended his shift and left the task of closing the bar to her. She annoyed she’d have to serve the remaining rude costumers on her own and hoped to drown them out as much as she could.
She was happy for a distraction when the blonde man sitting at the other end of the bar waved her over to order another scotch. But as she turned around to make his drink the comments from the other two men did not fall on death ears.
“Eldian bitch, a good sucker punch should teach her not to keep her superiors waiting.”
The other man drunk about half his glass of whiskey before even responding, “She’s irrelevant Gross. We’re celebrating right now, we can throw her to the dogs later.”
“What’s more celebratory than watching a sub-human whore get what she deserves?!” He barked out with a huge laugh.
Hanji quietly served the Scotch to the man sitting at the end of the bar. She wasn’t aware the anger on her face was obvious, until he commented on it.
“You should just ignore them, they’d harass you even more if they saw your anger.”
It confused her, wasn’t he on their side? Shouting from the other side of the bar broke her train of thought.
“Damn you, slow wench, hurry up and bring us more Whiskey woman!” The Sergeant shouted
Hanji took the stranger’s advice to heart. She swallowed her pride and served the two men until they were drunk and stumbling their way out the door.
“Heyy Zeke, we are- we’re heading back to base, your comin’ with us?” The smaller man slurred while dragging his bigger friend around his shoulder.
The blonde man waved them off without turning around, “I’ll catch up with you two later.”
Hanji let out a sigh of relief once they left the bar. It was thirty minutes past the end of her shift and the bar needed to be closed. It slightly irritated her that the blonde man still sat in his seat smoking a cigarette.
“No smoking allowed in here.”
He chuckled in response, “Do you really care enough to stop me?”
“No, but I do need to close this bar, so if you could leave my night would be a bit better.”
He only inhaled another hit from his cigarette in response. Then finished his glass of scotch. Hanji quietly collected the glass and began cleaning it.
“You live in this ghetto right?”
Hanji was reluctant to actually respond to his question,”Sure”.
She wondered if him and his companions would come back to the bar sober, just to terrorize her.
“Then you probably know who that man was.”
Hanji rolled her eyes and began wiping tables. “Sergeant Major Gross, overseer of the Liberio Ghetto. I’m familiar with him and his...work.”
“Then why get angry at his comments. You know the consequences if you step out of line. Besides, You’ve probably been treated way worst by an even lower class Marleyan.” He calmly chastised.
Hanji unknowingly crushed the glass in the palm of her hand, “They degrade us, use us, and then say we are the demons. But I’d rather kiss a titan’s ass than sleep next to any of those bastards. Maybe if we’d take more time researching the Titans instead of weaponizing them, things would be better.”
Zeke had moved in front of the rambling woman and softly grabbed her bloody hand to pick out the shards of glass embedded in them. “You remind me of a man I admired. He would’ve definitely like you.”
Hanji didn’t meet his eyes and only stared at her bloody hand instead,” I wish I could say the same, but I’m not fond of the company you keep.”
Zeke only glanced at the woman before wrapping a small towel around her hand. “They’re not my company to keep.” He sighed,”I wanted a quiet time in an area I knew no one would recognize me, but I ran into them. They followed me and there wasn’t much I could do about it.”
Hanji scoffed, “Having a defeatist attitude is unattractive. You can always get something you want if you have the will to go after it.”
Zeke finished bandaging the woman’s hand, but didn’t let go of it. He met her gaze with a sarcastic smile. “What is it you want the most?”
“Freedom.” She said with no hesitation.
He chuckled and casually lit another cigarette. “They’ll never give you that.”
Hanji took the time to actually observe the man sitting in front of her. He was absurdly handsome with a good build. His smirks and smiles didn’t seem to reach his eyes. As a matter of fact, his eyes seemed dead. As if his affable demeanor is hiding a much crueler, angrier side to him.
Hanji looked away and began setting all the chairs upside down on the tables. “Maybe if we were the monsters they say we are, my people wouldn’t be abused as much.” The woman pondered to herself.
“Monsters? Demons?,” he laughed, “Eldians are cursed. I pity them. They’re just unlucky people.”
Hanji collected the last of her belongings and Zeke followed her out of the small bar. It almost stung when the cool air hit her skin. It was the middle of the night and most of the characters roaming the streets at this time were unsavory. She began to quickly walk towards the direction of her apartment building when she noticed the blonde man was still beside her.
“Why are you following me?”
He lightly scratched at his beard and then gave her a lopsided smile,” it wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me to let a beautiful woman like yourself walk home alone.”
“I’ve done it many times before. Besides, I’m more worried about you knowing where I live.” She sighed
“Oh yeah, and why is that?” He inquired as he smoked one more hit from his cigarette before putting it out.
“I may not know a famous face, but I do recognize a famous name. Isn’t that right War-chief Zeke Yeagar.”
“Don’t judge a book by its title. You don’t know me.” He argued with apathy
Hanji stared at him thoughtfully for a second, before giving an answer,” Maybe not, but I know what you fight for.”
Zeke stopped at this, and grabbed her upper arm to stop her,”Do you?”he growled
Hanji met his glare with her own stubborn gaze. There was a slight edge to his demeanor. She felt he wouldn’t let her get away with breathing another contemptuous comment his way.
‘For most of the night he seemed indifferent towards most things. Is this a small glimpse of who he is on the battlefield?’
She snatched her arm away from him and instead made her way to her front door. “This is my place. Thanks for the walk, but you can leave now.”
Instead of leaving he walked towards her and stopped only a few inches away from her face. “I’m going to visit you at your bar tomorrow and the day after that. Whenever I have the time I’ll come by.” He firmly stated
Hanji was shocked. They obviously didn’t get along. And receiving daily visits from a war chief would definitely raise questions out of her peers.
“Wha- What for? We have very different values. But...I’ll argue with you anytime, anyplace,”Hanji declared with a smile laced with uncertainty
“I like you. And since I keep such terrible company. I suppose it’s time I find someone good to hang around.” Zeke sighed
Hanji narrowed her eyes in response. Any type of relationship between him and herself couldn’t result in anything good. “You’re just trying to get me killed.” She concluded as she opened her building door.
She closed the heavy door behind her, before he could give her another response. She made her way to her room and fell into her bed in exhaustion. Hanji turned her head to check the time, but instead the window caught her attention. She saw Zeke still standing there, when she peeked out of it. Her movement must’ve caught his attention, because he turned to look back at her.
A smirk grew on his face before he winked at her. She closed her curtains and laid back in bed. Any aggression she still had for him would have to be handled tomorrow.
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leelee10898 · 6 years ago
Kinky cards
Pairing: Leo & Aria (mc)
Warning: This series is full of NSFW content, graphic sex, and lots of KINK! If you have asked to be tagged, you acknowledge that you are over the age of 18.
Rules: Each player must write a One shot according to the card they are assigned. Each player must include a character from The Royal Romance in their pairing/threesome/ foursome Etc... OC’s are allowed so long as they are paired with a TRR character. Once you are tagged you must complete the fic, chose a card and tag another player. 
The game will continue until each player as written their fic! Anyone can play, if you want tagged or to play please let @speedyoperarascalparty know!!! 
** This is a time jump 2 years from where my series For You is right now**
Aria walked into their bedroom with several bags in hand, after a long day of shopping with Annabelle. “Have fun with Belle today love?” He looked up from his laptop. “Oh yeah, spent way to much money, but it was a good day.” She leaned in placing a kiss on his lips. Leo shifted the computer from his lap, he pulled her down onto him, wrapping his arms around her. Aria giggled as she straddled him, Leo’s hands grabbed her ass and gave it a rough squeeze. His lips trailed down her jaw line to her neck. “Mmmm Leo, wait!” She sat up. Leo groaned in annoyance as she climbed off his lap and grabbed her purse. “Annabelle gave me something today.” She tossed the pack of cards at Leo.
 “Kinky challenge?” He examined the cards eyeing Aria. “Yeah, Belle said they really spiced up their Sex life.” She twirled her hair. “Hmm I can’t see Drake agreeing to half of these.” Leo chuckled as he sorted through the various challenges. “So, what do you think? Are you up to it?” She bit her lip.
“When have you ever known me to pass up on sex with my beautiful wife? Like right now, you know what that does to me.” He motioned to her lips. “Fair point, so are you game?” She questioned. Leo fanned the cards out and held them towards her to pick. She approached the deck selecting one of the cards.
“Always ready.
For 3 full days (of your partners choice) you can not refuse sex from your partner.” She read the card
A large grin formed on Leo’s face “oh no of all cards.” She covered her face. Leo pulled her hands back “oh yes love, anytime, anyplace, If I want it, you must comply. Are you up for the challenge?” He mischievously eyed his wife. She took a deep breath “yes, I’ll do it.”
“Well since it is night time, we will start tomorrow.” He picked her up slinging her legs to the side, he placed her on the bed. “Tonight, is a preview.” He said through kisses.
The next morning Aria awoke to the feeling of Leo’s lips pressed against her neck, his hand roamed her sides. “Mmm good morning.” She stretched. “Good morning love, today is day one and I want to start the day off right.” he kissed her throat and roamed his lips lower down her chest. His fingers found her center as they parted her folds and grazed her clit. She arched her body into his touch. Leo looked at her through lust blown eyes, as he rolled on top of her grabbing her thighs pulling her closer. He lined his hard cock up with her entrance and shoved himself into her, he pulled her legs up over his shoulders allowing himself deeper access as he pounded into her with delicious force. “Oh fuck. Yes oh my God Leo harder.” She screamed.
“As you wish Love.” He picked up the pace slamming into her with painfully pleasurable force. Leo felt her walls flutter around him. “That’s right love cum with me.” He grunted. “Yes, yes Leo fuck yes.” She screamed her juices crashed up against his thigh length. He thrust into her expelling his milky seed deep into her. He collapsed onto her, both trying to catch their breath. “Well that’s a damn good way to start the day. Good morning Mr Rhys.” She giggled. “Good morning Mrs Rhys."he kissed her ” you are right Love, that was just the start.“ He kissed her again rolling off the bed. 
The next few days flew by in a flash. Leo was definitely taking advantage of this challenge. As Aria adjusted the hem of her dress and fixed her lipstick she couldn’t help but smile. They had just got done having sex in the limo, but she thought back to the many other times over the past two days. The shower, twice. the movie theater, in the middle of a meeting with the other dukes and duchesses from Duchy’s across Cordonia. She remembered Olivia’s smirk when Aria had to abruptly announce her and Leo needed a moment because "they got a call from the nanny” and needed to check on the twins. Leo drug her into Liam’s office and took her right on the desk. In the kitchen in the middle of the night when she crept down for a drink. She made a mental note to give her employees a nice holiday bonus this year, as she thought back to the sounds of their moans echoing thought the estate. The lake underneath the stars when the decided to take a night time swim. 
The limo rolled to a stop in front of the Beaumont estate. “We are here love.” He excited the limo and extended his hand, she took his and they walk inside. The party was lovely. A nice dinner followed by the normal Beaumont shenanigans. She looked around at her friends celebrating Ellie and Maxwell’s engagement. Leo strides up with two glasses of champagne in his hands. “There is my smokin hot wife.” He hands her a flute and takes a seat next to her. “Thank you my sexy Husband.” She smiles at him. 
“I cant believe we have been married a year already. And the twins are 2.” Aria beamed. “Yes, it’s been a wonderful two years love. Do you remember our honeymoon?” He grinned as she felt his hand slide up her leg slipping under her dress. “Mmhmm, I think anyone in a 10 mile radius remembers. ” she giggled. His fingers toyed with her panties as two digits slipped between her folds as he rubbed circles on her clit. She jumped at the sensation. “Keep a straight face love. And dont cum.” He ordered. “Fff fuck.” She softly moaned. He continued his sensual assault on her sensitive nub until he could feel her legs shake. He leaned in towards her his voice low and husky “Are you ready for me to fuck you now love?” “Yes. Leo NOW.” She tried to stand but her legs were like Jello. Leo toss her over his shoulder Aria squealed, as he rushed through the halls of the Beaumont estate before he found a vacant room.
 He lowered her onto the floor quickly removing her dress. He yanked off her underwear and popped her bra off. He peppered kisses down her jaw, to her neck, his lips settled on her breast as he tweaked each of her nipples with his tongue. His touch was like fire burning her flesh with a searing pleasure. He lowered her onto the bed, he quickly discarded his clothes as he kissed up her leg from her ankle to her wanting wet center. His tongue darted between her folds as he flicked her clit with his tongue and pumped two fingers into her. Her body writhed from the pleasure. “Oh God, oh my God.” She moaned as she felt her climax coming to a head. She screamed his name as she finally gave into her orgasm. 
Leo grinned as he snaked up her body, his lips met hers in a searing kiss. He thrust his cock into her without warning. “mmmmmm” she breathed out as Leo stroked her dripping wet pussy. “Fuck baby, you’re so fucking wet. Oh God you feel amazing.” Leo moaned. He pulled out and flipped her over. “On fours love.” He ordered as he pulled her ass closer and thrust himself back into her. His strokes were short and hard as he slapped her ass watching it jiggle around his length. “Oh fuck Leo.” She screamed out as he pounded into her hitting her sweet spot with each stroke, “Leo fuck, oh my God, yes, yes yes.” Her walls contracted around him as her juices exploded around his cock. “Mmm Leo.” She breathed as she came down from her climax.
 “I’m not done with you yet Love, climb on top.” He pulled out of her and laid on the bed. She lowered herself down on his thick length and started to rotate her hips, she picked up the pace as Leo started to buck his hips into her harder. “Fuck Leo. Oh fuck.” Leo grabbed a hold of her her hips slamming her onto him harder, her hands found the top of the headboard as she braced herself for the wild ride. One of Leo’s hands slid down letting his finger trace circles on her clit. She felt the fire ignite inside as she screamed his name, her walls tightened as she flooded his cock with her sweet nectar. “Oh fuck baby, Jesus Christ, fuck Aria.” Leo pumped two more deep thrust coating her walls with his creamy white seed.
 Aria collapsed onto Leo, her breath ragged. Their bodies heaved together as they came off their lust filled high. They lay in the bed, Leo stroking her hair as he held her tight. “Maybe that challenge wasn’t a bad thing huh love?” Leo chuckled. “Not at all, I am glad we did it.” She giggled “but I think we should pass the cards along to another couple, and I know who I am giving them too.”
I am tagging @bobasheebaby - Your card is The short stick. Thak you partner to a swinger club or order an escort and watch him/her have sex with a stranger. you may join in if/when the partner allows it.
Players: @boneandfur @bobasheebaby @drakewalkerwhipped @fullbeaumonty @agent-bossypants @viktoriapetit @darley1101 @riseandshinelittleblossom @callmetippytumbles @jadedpixiescribbles @hellospunkiebrewster @tmarie82 @walkerismychoice @hopefulmoonobject @xxrainbowprincessxx @debramcg1106 @choicesbyjade @katurrade @silviasutton1989 @blackcatkita @blackwidow2721 @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @andy-loves-corgis
Tagging: @scarlettedragon @annekebbphotography @speedyoperarascalparty @greyeyedsmile14 @stopforamoment @mind-reader1 @alicars @indiacater @bella-ca @blznbaby @liamxs-world @simsvetements @furiousherringoperatortoad @choicesfannatalie @crookedslimecreatorpasta @llholloway @museofbooks @syltti78 @ao719 @3pawandme @blubutterflyy @liam-rhys @lodberg @brightpinkpeppercorn @mynameiskaylabella @barbaravalentino @thatspicegirlssong @zaffrenotes @coldcollectornight08
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imaginesteverogerss · 7 years ago
Steve's not that great at romance, but his best pal Bucky is. Steve's just gotta figure out a way to get advice without mentioning that Bucky's tips are going to be used on Sam.
“Roses,” Bucky said, not even looking up from his cheesy science-fiction novel. Steve huffed out a frustrated breath. 
“H-- they don’t like roses, Buck.” Bucky glanced up, saw the stricken look on his best friend’s face, and bit back a laugh. Steve found a way to worry about everything. “All right, Rogers. Who’s the unlucky fella you’ve got your sights on now?”“Do you think, ah… a movie? Dinner and a movie? Is that too cliche?” Steve asked, unsubtly avoiding Bucky’s question.“You gonna try the old yawn ‘n’ stretch? Just happen to put your arm over his shoulders?”“I’m -- I wasn’t,” Steve muttered. He was looking everywhere except Bucky, which meant he damn well had been planning something of the sort. “Geeze. Okay, c’mere. We gotta strategize because you’re pathetic.”“You’re such an asshole, Bucky.”“I’m the asshole that’s got 3 dates this week. How many you got?”Steve glared as he flopped heavily onto the couch beside Bucky, but he didn’t respond.“That’s what I thought,” Bucky said with a smugness that can only come from a lifetime of friendship. “Okay, step one: pickup lines.”
“Hey, Sam?”Sam Wilson was infamous for napping anytime, anyplace, at any given opportunity. So when Steve had found him sprawled on the balcony, looking for all the world like a corpse, he wasn’t worried. Sam was weird like that. “Hanh?” Sam opened one eye; he woke up as easily as he fell asleep. “I, uh...” I really hope this works. It seems kinda weird, but Bucky swears it’ll work, so…“Yeah, Steve. What’s up?” Sam eased himself to a sitting position, rubbing his eyes and squinting against the sun. Steve steeled himself and squatted awkwardly so that he was eye-level with Sam. Then, hesitating only minutely, he reached out his hand and waited. Sam’s eyes followed his movements, a half-amused quirk to his mouth. There was an agonizing pause before Sam asked, “Steve, what are you doing?”Steve just wiggled his fingers, grimacing a little. This is a disaster, he thought-- at least until Sam tentatively grabbed his hand. Steve was beaming as he helped pull Sam to his feet.“I’ve always, uh, wanted to be touched by an angel.”Sam blinked, snorted, and then burst out laughing. Ugly snorting, doubling over, yelling “No!” gasping for air kind of laughing. Maybe not the response Steve had been looking for.Steve could have sworn he heard low laughter from inside, too. Fucking Bucky Barnes. “S-Steve,” Sam finally managed to rasp, “are you fucking with me or are you trying to achieve somethin’ here?”“Dammit, Sam-- just-- willya come to a movie with me?”“Charmer.”“Please?”Sam wiped at his eyes and grinned. “Yeah, man. I’m feeling… saintly, today. I bestow upon thee a date.”“Gee, thanks.” But Steve’s pleased smile belied his sarcasm. Sam’s answering smile was something soft that made Steve’s face warm, so maybe Bucky had been onto something after all.Later on, he was more than happy to smugly inform Bucky that the yawn-and stretch manoeuvre totally works on movie dates.
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meanderingandrambling · 8 years ago
super cool character headcanons meme - all four marauders and/or Dumbledore and McG
Okay this is gonna be under the cut because this is gonna be a looooooooooong post.
Let’s start with the Marauders
Sirius Black
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod
Obviously he doesn’t use an iPod, but I’d like to imagine he’d be into the wizarding equivalent of punk. Now of course, he’s the right age to be around right at the beginning of the scene and while I imagine wizarding music would be somewhat separate from muggle music, Sirius would probably sneak out to a muggle club just because it would piss off his family.
In any case he would definitely be listening to the wizarding equivalent of Queen, the Sex Pistols, the Damned, and David Bowie. Well, he’s just be listening to David Bowie. David Bowie was a wizard and there is nothing anyone can say to convince me otherwise. As for specific songs I’ll just throw out a couple muggle ones I can see him getting into:
London Calling-The ClashBlitzkrieg Bop-RamonesKiller Queen-QueenStarman-David Bowie
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep — where they’re not supposed to
Oh man, where is this kid not falling asleep? He can fall asleep anytime, anyplace, and under any conditions. Though I think he’d tend to doze off right in the middle of the hallway. He’s between classes and sleepy? Why bother heading back to Gryffindor tower when there’s hardly any traffic in the Charms corridor this time of day?
I think he’d also turn into a dog and sleep under James’, Remus’, and/or Peter’s bed if he thought he could get away with it.
the game they’d destroy everyone else at
Surprisingly I’d think he’d be really good at charades. He’s just so expressive.
the emoticon they’d use most often
Smiling poop
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep
Falling asleep everywhere, extremely out of it, and grumpy. He slumps down on his hands and will just flip off anyone who tries to talk to him.
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever.
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump
I suspect he’d like to be a dog. I actually headcannon that this is a coping mechanism to deal with the trauma from his abusive family, and that was how he originally realized it might be a good strategy in Azkaban. He becomes a dog and naps in the sun.
Otherwiese plays obnoxiously loud music and jumps about for a while.
what they wanted to be when they grew up
Not their parents
their favorite kind of weather
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?)
Oh it’s…not the best. Stealing from your answer I think he sounds like he’s howling or barking. Still tried to get James, Remus, and Peter to form a band with him though.
how/what they like to draw or doodle
Goofy pictures or obscenities, especially when in his friends’ line of sight. He liked to try and get Remus to laugh during class with his doodles. It rarely worked. James however, was always cracking up. Also stealing from you again, he definitely doodles the smiling poop emoji.
James Potter
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod
Like Sirius I could see James being into punk, though not as much. He’d accompany Sirius on his excursions to underground shows, but more out of a quiet curiosity. He’s really more of a prog-rock. He’s definitely really into Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin. He also listens to Bowie.
So for James:
Black Dog-Led ZeppelinDogs-Pink FloydBaba O’Riley-The WhoRebel Rebel-David Bowie
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep — where they’re not supposed to
Like Sirius, James is pretty good at falling asleep when and wherever he can, though he’s not just gonna pass out in a hallway. His favorite forbidden sleep spot is in the library when he’s meant to be studying. Especially if Remus is there to be annoyed.
the game they’d destroy everyone else at
the emoticon they’d use most often
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep
Just miserable. You have to drag him everywhere.
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever.
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump
Honestly? He’s likely to take out his frustrations on whatever poor sap’s nearest. Though he started to grow out of that in his later years at Hogwarts. He’s since found listening to music while he stares at the ceiling and noshes on chocolate frogs a much better coping mechanism. That and a good broomstick flight.
what they wanted to be when they grew up
Pro Quidditch player
their favorite kind of weather
Bright, blustery days
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?)
Nothing special. He can carry a tune, but just barely
how/what they like to draw or doodle
Abstract shapes and repetitive patterns. He finds it soothing.
Remus Lupin
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod
Remus has fairly eclectic tastes and unlike James and Sirius he’d pretty much only listen to wizarding music. He’s more of a folk and folk-revival type of person. Well that and whatever the equivalent of Fleetwood Mac is in the wizarding world (though we all know Stevie Nicks is a witch).
Rhiannon-Fleetwood MacBattle of Evermore-Led ZeppelinWitch’s Promise-Jethro TullMoonage Daydream-David Bowie
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep — where they’re not supposed to
Aside from the train? Remus likes to doze off outside under the trees on lazy sunny days.
the game they’d destroy everyone else at
Trivial pursuit/any pub quiz ever
the emoticon they’d use most often
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep
Poor thing is just kinda a zombie. Wanders around in a daze, sometimes the other Marauders have to sort of guide him to class.
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever.
Tea or hot cocoa
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump
Chocolate and a good book
what they wanted to be when they grew up
Honestly his childhood was sort of…strange what with being a werewolf and all. He rarely had a concrete image of his adulthood because he had trouble seeing past his condition. He did have fantasies of being an author for a while though.
their favorite kind of weather
Mild, soft sunlight interspersed with periods of light showers
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?)
I actually think Remus has quite a nice voice, though he rarely sings
how/what they like to draw or doodle
Oddly elaborate scrolling patterns. Primarily of plants and flowers.
Peter Pettigrew
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod
Like Remus Peter mostly listens to wizarding music, his tastes tend to be fairly eclectic in tone. Also for some reason I think he’d be pretty into the Rolling Stones? Yeah, I dunno either.
(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction-The Rolling StonesMy Generation-The WhoStairway to Heaven-Lep ZeppelinWord on a Wing-David Bowie
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep — where they’re not supposed to
I actually think Peter would have a difficult time sleeping and is the least likely to just doze off where ever. On the rare occasions he does decide to let himself drift off he, like James, is likely to fall asleep in the library.
the game they’d destroy everyone else at
the emoticon they’d use most often
Simple smiley
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep
Suggestible and just kinda out of it. Like Remus he’s gonna just drift through the day.
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever.
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump
Very long naps under a heavy pile of blankets
what they wanted to be when they grew up
Though it certainly wouldn’t suit him young Peter dreamed of being an Auror
their favorite kind of weather
Warm, sunny days
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?)
Nothing special, he has difficulty singing loudly
how/what they like to draw or doodle
Really elaborate doodles, more like illustrations. He’s quite good actually.
Albus Dumbledore
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod
Dude has been around for a very long time and has very eclectic tastes in music. Seriously, he’s all over the place.
Gotterdammerung, it’s always difficult to separate out operas but I have the third act in mind-Richard WagnerIt’s Always You-Frank SinatraEleanor Rigby-The BeatlesSpace Oddity-David Bowie
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep — where they’re not supposed to
He’s pretty good at falling asleep wherever, but his most likely dozing place is his office (wherever it happens to be) or else out by the lake.
the game they’d destroy everyone else at
the emoticon they’d use most often
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep
Goofy, their propensity to silly jokes and puns goes through the roof
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever.
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump
Organizing his sock collection while munching on some lemon drops
what they wanted to be when they grew up
their favorite kind of weather
Partially cloudy and mild
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?)
Very fine, soothing and soft
how/what they like to draw or doodle
He’s not the greatest artist but he likes drawing people
Minerva McGonagall
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod
Though she mostly like wizarding music she actually would listen to a surprising amount of muggle stuff.
What a Little Moonlight Can Do-Billie HolidayPiece of My Heart-Janis JoplinThou Hast Left Me Every Jamie-Karine PolwartHeroes-David Bowie
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep — where they’re not supposed to
Hahahahahaaaaa…oh man, I cannot imagine McGonagall falling asleep when she’s not supposed to, but perhaps a little catnap by her office window.
the game they’d destroy everyone else at
Most things really, but for some reason I see her as a pretty fierce bridge player
the emoticon they’d use most often
Not much for emoticons. Perhaps the thumbs up once when she wants to appear approachable. It backfires horribly.
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep
Shot, cranky, sharp
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever.
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump
A long walk through a hilly landscape
what they wanted to be when they grew up
their favorite kind of weather
Wild, windy, and cloudy
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?)
Pretty good, warm and lilting. She rarely sings.
how/what they like to draw or doodle
Small surprisingly detailed landscapes or animals. Lots of crosshatching.
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