#the title is a reference to a mountain goats song
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isbergillustration · 1 year ago
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gyrovagi · 3 months ago
feel like i mgoing kind of crazy with winter break coming up and family plans and friend plans and wrist bad. what if i just posted the first 2k words of leg amputation fic
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lightning-kachow · 1 year ago
Just Me Against the Sky | Self Para
Date: October 2023 Featuring: Lightning, Dusty Warnings: Lightning McQueen's midlife crisis, bad parenting
Lightning takes a small step. And then another
Eventually, Lightning did call Dusty back. It wasn’t as glamorous or triumphant as it would have been in a sports movie. Lightning didn’t slam the phone down and announce “I quit!” as a Bruce Springsteen song hit its crescendo in the background and the sun rose over the trees. He just told Dusty that maybe he was right— maybe it was time to take a temporary step back from the circuit, to focus on his personal life.
Dusty said he understood. He sounded, maybe, a little annoyed that it had taken Lightning so long to get back to him— but the fact that he hadn’t dogged Lightning for a callback over the past few weeks signaled to the athlete that this had never been that serious for Dusty. At least, it wasn’t anymore.
When he got off the call, Lightning once again expected everything to be very cinematic. He expected the headlines to roll in: MCQUEEN QUITS! “TEMPORARY STEP BACK” = THE KISS OF DEATH? WHAT HAPPENED TO LIGHTNING MCQUEEN’S CAREER: A RETROSPECTIVE. But instead it was just Lightning, and his blank-screened phone, and his empty apartment. 
And now that nobody had reacted, Lightning realized he didn’t have anyone to tell if he wanted to. Mack, Harv, the rest of the team— they’d have too many questions. What did it mean for their jobs, what did it mean for his career, did this mean he was really giving up? And Lightning didn’t know the answers yet. He’d answer their questions when this came up at the team meeting.
He could tell Agustin, but he felt that he’d bothered Agustin with his problems enough lately. He couldn’t tell Cass who was practically a stranger, or even Gen, who was worlds away from being a parent. He definitely couldn’t tell Cruz, who wasn’t speaking to him. Maybe he could tell Doc… Lightning really considered that one. But instead he got stuck on that sobering realization: he really didn’t have many people in his life.
For someone who’d been so scared of being all alone, he’d really done it to himself anyway, hadn’t he? What a depressing paradox. You try so hard to be everyone’s hero that you wind up a total loser.
Well, the whole point of this was supposed to be changing that. Starting with setting things right with Dusty. Lightning had thought that doing so would make everything else fall into place, but now that Lightning had done it, he still felt pretty lost.
He wandered over to his kitchen and absently started making a smoothie. Berries, greens, that collagen mix Lightning used to tell Cruz about— he thought of her again as he shook some into the blender. Everything seemed to remind him of her these days, and Lightning was starting to realize that was the pain of caring about someone. You still cared about them, even when you were far away (even if not physically so). 
That was it, wasn’t it? His next step. He had to get through to Cruz. And he couldn’t force it, just as Agustin had advised him not to. He had to listen to her. And he had to back off if she told him to. 
You can’t force her to forgive you. And hounding her, begging her, that’s guilt tripping and isn’t right. But apologize, sincerely. Let her decide what to do with it and accept her decision.
Apologize. Sincerely.
Lightning had never been sincere a day in his life. Or maybe he had, he’d just been so scared of it, he hadn’t let himself really feel it. But maybe it wasn’t too late to start. This was important. And sometimes important things were hard. 
…Maybe he could build up to it, though. Prove himself in other ways first. That way, when he asked for Cruz’s forgiveness, maybe he’d finally feel like he had earned it.
He put down his phone and pressed “blend,” and his eyes wandered to a Magick Grand Prix magazine he’d left open on the countertop. There was an article about youth programs needing more support, not just coaches and manpower, but monetary support, equipment, the kind of stuff that you just couldn’t get unless you had funding, and funding could be scarce.
He thought about how hard Cruz worked to try and get her program funding. And he had the beginning of an idea.
It wouldn’t solve everything. But maybe it could be the beginning. 
He just hoped it wasn’t too late.
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chronotopes · 2 months ago
also my nightly span of relistening to hit single ankles (2025) reminded me that kestrel memed me yesterday for a 'name ten songs' variety meme. i regrettably do still use spotify a lot so i am going to shuffle my on repeat:
wait shit i forgot to tag. hi @gideonthefirst
expert in a dying field – the beths. one of the most songs in the world. i'm literally not even an expert in a dying field right now at least not on the level of the song's metaphor but i still know how it feels. me and elizabeth stokes are always out there, knowing how it feels.
orlando in love – japanese breakfast. again i don't care how goofy 'melancholic brunettes and sad women' is as a title, MORE ORLANDO INAMORATO REFERENCES IN SONGWRITING NOW. i also really love the instrumentation in this one.
ankles - lucy dacus. i think we are all aware of how i feel about ankles by lucy dacus.
the damn thing is cursed - pretty bitter. it is genuinely fucked up how many times the universe has conspired to prevent me from seeing pretty bitter since the last time. anyway. I WANNA LEAVE THE DOOR WIDE OPEN BUT I WON'T!!!!!!! so true pretty bitter.
heads carolina, tails california – jo dee messina. it is winter and i get to listen to 90s girl country if i want to. who up tossing a coin to go somewhere greener somewhere warmer. (after texting chloe today i'm really tempted to do my chapel hill road trip this spring before it's too late... stay tooned)
mobile – the mountain goats. oldie but a goodie. what else is there to say.
the district sleeps alone tonight – the postal service. recently on rotation, maybe not for the better, but i love songs about places especially when they're places i'm connected to. song that led me to look up washington dc song-themed playlists and find the most dumbshit pseudo-dark academia playlists from young professionals working in politics that ive ever seen.
claim your ghost – iron and wine. sorry for iron and wine being an inextricable part of my music taste at one point that's not my fault either
we cannot go without dancing – emma (2020) soundtrack. we literally cannot do without dancing
apple – charli xcx. i like listening to brat back-to-back (lol) way more than i like putting it on playlists but i guess apple is a recent exception. a fun little tune. (my favorites from the album are all the sad ones but THOSE are album context only thank you very much)
tagging @eiqhties because seren is a real one who always tags me in song memes and tagging @prettyeaves because shes my wife. tagging anyone else who wants to do it but no pressure.
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coffinsister · 1 year ago
If it's not to much to ask, what did you have on your coffin playlist? And if you're taking suggestions, I would say Annabelle by creeper fits
Here is Soleil's Ultimate List of Coffincest Songs, that I could actually remember, that I put together this morning just for u Anonnie !!!!
If I say Where you at - Ayesha Erotica do I get shot mid-sentence or after finishing the sentence 
I was really close to including ManEater - Nelly Furtado here but besides the title and the You wish you never ever even met me at all line it doesn't really fit them lol
Cannibal - Kesha 
Someone Gets Hurt - Mean Girls Musical 
(You wanna click this link you wanna click it so so bad)
An Unhealthy Obsession - Synthetic Orchestra 
Obsessed With You - The Orion Experience
Stalker's Tango - AutoHeart
Kuroneko No Tango 
Masochism Tango - Tom Lehrer
(Click on this link click on this link click on this link)
Love Me Dead - Ludo 
I Love You Like An Alcoholic - The Taxpayers 
No Children - The Mountain Goats (This is very Decay route of their part)
Sex With A Ghost - Teddy Hyde
In my Room - Insane Clown Posse (Lowkey Cementary Girl fits them too)
Sadistic Vampire - Meri Yapura 
Magnet by them is also pretty good I think (Btw I need everybody to know that the guy voice here is how I think Andrew sounds like, I have many approved votes of reference for this.)
Sociopath (Lol this one is just ASPD Ashley propaganda but also Decay Route vibes)
Romance is Boring - Los Campesinos 
Normal People Things - LoveJoy
Pacify Her - Melanie Martinez 
505 - Artic Monkeys 
Crazy Girls - TOOPOOR
You're So Creepy - Ghostown
Diablo - (This Song is Decay Route Ashley to me)
This Is Love 
Me and My Husband - Mitski (This is how Ashley sees Andrew lol)
A Pearl - Mitski (This just reminds me of Andrew's nightmares tbh)
Tag you're It - Melanie Martinez (When he chases her on the Decay Route something something I'm mentally unwell)
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star-spangled-bastard · 8 months ago
For Sacred Geometry: 8, 17, 23, 25, 29 👀
8. Did you cut something out of the outline or an early draft? What was it and why did you decide to cut it?
This wasn't a scene that got cut but in my notes I had originally thought about inserting more Board/Speak from Northmoor over time. Mainly this wasn't done because it wouldn't have worked for dialogue, even though it probably could have been done for narration. Another reason I didn't go with it is because we see it from him in one of the few in-game memos and it was from very early on. So he either adopted that style of drafting messages early on after meeting The Board and then stopped over the years, or he kept it up but still started doing that very early on. I would have preferred it as a slow, creeping build up of more and more Board/Speak over time as his powers progress. So I just abandoned the concept completely, aside from his one memo to Ash when he's still in the Foundation, because it's in line with what we see in-game and there aren't really any other written out messages in the plot.
17. Talk about the fic’s ending. Why did you end it where you did?
I really really considered ending it at chapter 14 with The Board's final message. But I wanted to tie up the plot line of Ash leaving instead of leaving that open. We know Darling became Head of Research in 1995 and what better time for Ash to decide he needs to retire than after All That happened. I think it was good closure.
23. How did you come up with the title?
This was the rare case of having the title before I even had an idea for the plot. I think I only had the concept "I need to write a fic about Northmoor's term, and probably his conflict with Ash" and knew that I would call it that. The Foundation DLC has so much emphasis on the geometric structure of the pyramid and the nail, as well as the ley lines in the House. I was thinking about Ash's tape that goes over all the uses of triangles in various symbolism. The combination of the concept of sacred geometry in nature, combined with Northmoor's view of The Board as some divine entity, and even Ash's reverence for the Foundation and Oldest House just kind of created the perfect storm.
25. Share your favorite line
Oh this is a tough one. Off the top of my head, this was one I really liked:
A tear of equal parts frustration and betrayal wells up in his eye, until it spills over and sizzles into vapor before it completes its arc down his cheek.
29. If you made a playlist, talk about the songs on it and share a link
Of course I made a playlist! Here's the link to the full thing. (I promise it's not all angsty. just. most of it.) Linking some highlights under the cut along with the reasoning
Curses by The Crane Wives is kind of uncanny in how well it fits the plot!
Change Your Heart of Die by The Midnight is like perfect "end of act 2" material (bonus reference to the Crossroads)
Sun Bleached Flies by Ethel Cain gets a mention because I listened to it so much while writing the scene where Northmoor confronts The Board in the Astral Plane. It really helped shape the tone of some of the later scenes. the line "god loves you but not enough to save you" hits hard.
Have to Explode by The Mountain Goats the context, the resignation of it all
Like a River Runs by Bleachers very applicable to the epilogue, despite its tone the grief is there
Each Coming Night by Iron and Wine this one really hit me recently. I had already finished writing the final chapters but it suits them
Long Long Time by Linda Ronstadt I'd never heard this song before and randomly came across it in recommendations while writing the final scene of Ash and Northmoor in the Maintenance sector and it instantly destroyed me emotionally
Fire in the Driveway by Soccer Mommy this was one of the first songs I had in mind for the tone of this story and it's interesting because it's another where the lyrics work extremely well. but over the course of writing the plot the dynamic between Ash and Northmoor becomes much less strained so it doesn't fit their dynamic as much by the end
Strangers by Ethel Cain this is the most appropriate final song I can think of in this case. The opening lines are just. damn. Second only to the line towards the end "don't think about it too hard or you'll never sleep a wink at night again" With lines like "my memory restricted to a polaroid in Evidence" like. I can't not associate it with what happened to Northmoor.
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stuffydollband · 1 year ago
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It’s Transgender Awareness Week and that happens to line up with a very special Day 10 of talking about my upcoming album, “Ganymede Gives Up The Ghost”!
Why’s it special, you ask? Well, some of you may recognize the illustration for today’s song. I’m truly overjoyed to announce that none other than comedian, writer, and all around nerd-stuff extraordinaire, Riley Silverman, has loaned her vocal talent to provide the voice of The Narrator!
“There’s a Narrator? But this is like a music album, right?” You ask.
Yes, it is! But I’m *theatrical* and *artsy*, so I wanted to amp up the drama for the narrative of Our Hero (don’t know who Our Hero is? Go check out the last few days of posts and learn more about her!)
I’m so tremendously honored to have the chance to work with Riley, who now holds the title of my first official collaboration, and I can’t thank her enough for being a part of such a personal and weird project. If you aren’t familiar with her, or even if you are, please check out “Strumpets and Flagons”, the thirsty-sword-lesbians TTRPG podcast she did last spring, and “Troubled Waters”, which is a podcast on the MaxFun network that she writes for (I know some of my fans are as big of MaxFun fans as I am!)
So, let’s gab about today’s song, shall we? Today’s song is called “All The Friends Fall Off”.
It’s a song about loneliness. About watching your social circle diminish as you get older, enumerating the people I’ve lost along the way and ruminating on how I lost them. Some for good reasons, some for bad reasons, some for ridiculous reasons. It’s about learning the lesson that you can’t hold onto everything, you can’t make everyone stay, but if you’re good and kind and keep trying, you’ll find new people who will love you, and who you’ll love in return.
Lyrically, I frame the lesson through a lens I’ve always used to connect with friends: music. I replay a few memories with references to songs that have tied me to other people. It’s a weird way of writing that simultaneously felt very foreign and very personal.
A preview of the lyrics:
“‘Game Shows Touch Our Lives’ by The Mountain Goats
You don’t like the cigarettes, they make you choke
I don’t want to move on, but that’s what I do
I just want to waste my time with you”
Let’s make this one fun: what’s the silliest reason you’ve lost a friendship over? I wanna hear about it!
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waitineedaname · 2 years ago
13, 18, and/or 56 for the writer ask game? :0
13. what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
oh that's a good question. hm...... years ago, I saw someone talking about why you should avoid referring to characters as "the brunette" or "the shorter one" -- it creates distance, which feels weird if you're trying to build any sort of relationship between the characters. so now I try to use those kinds of epithets very sparingly, only when the detail is immediately relevant to what's going on or if the pov character actually does not know the other character's name
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
AFTER. I'm dogshit at coming up with titles and I almost always save it for last. usually the only time I can think of a title on my own is if it's something I found very funny while titling a google doc draft (hot dilfs in your area!!1! is an example of this) but otherwise, I usually come up with titles by putting my phone on shuffle and looking up the lyrics to the songs that come up until something feels fitting. it's a pain in the ass, but it did force me to connect greedling with Woke Up New by The Mountain Goats and I will never recover
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
not to keep mentioning dialogue, but that's usually what I'm proudest of! I feel like I can usually get a pretty good handle on a character's voice (USUALLY. sometimes it's a struggle) and it comes across best in the dialogue
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highly-opinionated-art · 1 year ago
I wanna share with you guys some traditional art I've been making recently- since November I've been doing this album-of-the-week thing, and a few weeks into the year I started picking out my favorite line from the album of the week and doing a little illustration for it. If you can call it that- they're just quick, rough little pictures, more experimental than polished. Some are better than others. But I have some watercolors and acrylic paints that I never used before this project, and a hell of a lot of markers and gel pens and colored pencils that need to be used, too. I've been learning a lot and getting some use out of what I have at the same time, so that's good enough for me! Here's the first quarter of 2024 done:
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Albums/artists/lyrics under the cut, plus some additional commentary because why not.
(2024 part 2) (2024 part 3) (2024 part 4)
Week 1: "I wanna be what my body wants me to be" is from the song Townie, from the album bury me at makeout creek by mitski. I actually kinda hated this whole album, but Townie is a tolerable song.
Week 2: "it never hurts to give thanks to the local gods, you never know who might be hungry" is from the song Younger, from the album In League With Dragons, by the Mountain Goats. Mixed feelings about the album. Mostly just mad that I can't just put a mostly transparent blue layer over everything when I want it to look like night with watercolor the way I can with digital art.
Week 3: "that we won't run, and we won't run, and we won't run" is from the song King And Lionheart, from the album My Head Is An Animal by Of Monsters And Men, which is a meh album but I love this song.
Week 4: "Make it a dirt dance floor again" is from the song Bleed It Out, from the album Minutes to Midnight by Linkin Park. GREAT album. The art looks just like poop but I swear the paint came out of the tube like that, I didn't mix it with anything or anything!
Week 5: "gotta be more to life than just try, try, try" from the song Half A Mile Away, from the album 52nd Street by Billy Joel. This was actually the first one I made, I went back and did the first 4 a little later.
Week 6: "I'm gonna keep on dancing" is from the song Pink Pony Club, from the album The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess by Chappell Roan. The album is ok, I guess? Not my favorite but this track is a really good one.
Week 7: "maybe they'll love me when I finally get out of this town" is from the song Made For This, from the album Built To Last, by Arrows in Action, which is a FANTASTIC album, like DAMN.
Week 8: "together, Wendy, we can live with the sadness, I love you with all the madness in my soul" is from the song Born To Run, by the album of the same name by Bruce Springsteen. It was really hard to get a picture of this one for some reason. Metallic gel pen might have something to do with it.
Week 9: "inside, everybody's hiding something" is from the song Slide, from the album No Angel by Dido. I LOVE Dido. I meant to add more masks in the picture, ok. I got lazy. I should have just made the other ones bigger...
Week 10: "tomorrow's just another day" is from the song Don't Cry 2020 (which was released in 2017), from the album How Will You Know If You Never Try by the band COIN. Forgettable album, but the art is of my room, but I didn't get up and walk 10 steps to get a reference, just did it from memory. The window is too small and not in the right place, and I just changed up the patterns on the blanket because I didn't feel like checking.
Week 11: "if it's ever gonna happen, it's gotta happen here I am" (which seems like it should be missing a comma, but it's like that on purpose) is from the song Shine On Me, from the album Pure Fiction by Eric Hutchinson (not his best work I fear).
Week 12: "make new symbols, make new signs" is from the title track from the album New Beginning, by Tracy Chapman. AMAZING album, I loved it. I'm completely pissed that I messed up the art, though. I thought I had it going for me. Boo.
Week 13: "I don't look important, so they're telling me to wait" is from the song WaldorfWorldwide, from Good Charlotte's self titled debut album. Self portrait of me, a teacher, being mistaken for a student at an event, which is a frequent and frustrating occurrence. This album is ok, but I think they were pretty clearly still developing at this point in their career.
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honeyblockm · 1 year ago
25. Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing?
yes. many times. writing process typically swings between getting really emo about the characters and going full sickos mode about it all. things that I would call upsetting would probably be all of I speak as one about to die. mmm tragedy. and the torture scenes in NO SAFE PLACE. especially the part about Lazar. Um. Crumbling like a wet cookie? turns out writing torture deals psychic damage to me, who knew. other fics have been sad for me and lived in my brain for a while but i would not call them upsetting on the same level.
12. Do you have a playlist for your current WIP(s)? Share it!
I don't have playlists for my current WIPs. I haven't really gotten into the habit, though I totally should, but usually my character/relationship playlists serve the same function. Anyways I did make one for the cquackity / karlnapity & cdream slasher wedding fic that is currently. not being worked on at all. it is. entirely made up of songs from Bleed Out and MCR songs.
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
I use a lot of song lyrics! A lot of mountain goats lyrics. 13 out of my 32 works use tmg lyrics for titles. I look for songs that I feel like match the vibe or theme of the fic. The Mountain Goats have many songs with many themes. Otherwise I like using lines from the source text, if the fic in question was inspired by or was an au of something. Silver Dollar is from Arguing with the Ghost of Peter Laughner About His Coney Island Baby Review by TMG. because like. Dead guy. Elegy. gestures vaguely. put on your chairman mao coat because it pleases me to have that as a title and because commandante can be about dream and sapnap actually, if you look at it from the angle i'm standing at. Harlem Roulette can be about fundy and q, etc etc.
Everything Now As Day is a line from the Menelaiad by John Barth and WE ALL THINK YOU'RE A GRAND GIRL is a line from Antigonick by Anne Carson. I speak as one about to die is from Anne Carson's translation of Agamemnon. Kassandra says it :) you don't have to love it is a line from CM Punk's snake promo. left pining for transience is a line from the deeply wonderful Fiona Lu's poem Turing Test. dawn and mourning dove grey and turning from the plow are both lines from a song from the webcomic Sword Interval by Ben Fleuter, since both those fics exist in the SI au. The chapter titles for dawn and mourning dove grey are the names of the entries in the apocalypse log that reveals the circumstances of the worldbuilding and sets the stage for the final arc of the webcomic.
Titles that aren't direct references to something are still made with consideration to the fic itself. sometimes a fic is big enough 2 warrant a very simple and encompassing title as The Death Poem. The fox who traveled to the end of the world is called that bc I was trying very hard to emulate the style of the fairy tales and fables I read growing up, and those are like. Decently straightforward and referring 2 fundy as a fox emphasizes his trickster-ness. NO SAFE PLACE and BED [DIS]ASSEMBLY are like that because i appreciate all caps quite a lot, maybe an ill-advised amount. also sometimes its just the vibes. the vibes call for all caps.
before we cut to Alexandria is. hm. Well I can't recall atm the exact leaps in my thought process but the general gist is that it's a study of a very specific and liminal period of cabinetduo's relationship, set between the larger and Historical events of the election and the red festival and nov16, and Alexandria is this big important city and it's also a place that gets kind of famously destroyed a little but this isn't yet about Alexandria/L'Manberg. The poem doesn't even leave the White House. I also know it was inspired somehow by tmg's album Songs for Pierre Chuvin.
Journeying Into the Center of the Earth To Retrieve Your Dead Ex Boyfriend because that is what the fic is about and though it is not an instruction manual it is still a detailing of a process. and also because the concept was inspired by Carmen Maria Machado's Help Me Follow My Sister Into the Land of the Dead
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there-must-be-a-lock · 2 years ago
If It’s A Highway - the annotated playlist!
I posted an earlier version of this playlist a while back, but I’ve added to it quite a bit in the process of writing this last chapter. Also, the musical influences probably show in this chapter more than any of the previous ones; there are a couple places where I use almost direct quotes tbh. So I threw some lyric references in, too.
Playlist under the cut, fic right over here!
“Slow Death Hymn,” Mischief Brew - the title track! I adore this song. It’s about, like, pouring one out on New Year’s Eve for all the people you’ve lost over the course of the last year, and accepting that you’re another year closer to death, and deciding to just keep on driving and looking forward.
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“You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid,” The Offspring - Jason vibes like whoa.
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“Right On, Frankenstein,” Death From Above 1979 - Bucky vibes like whoa.
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“Bulletproof Heart,” My Chemical Romance - look, there are a lot of My Chem songs on this playlist, and so many more that I could include just as easily, because wow, themes!!!! But if I had to sum up the Jason/Bucky dynamic in one line, it’d be this:
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“Autoclave,” the Mountain Goats - How Bucky sees himself, basically. Not who he actually is… but how he sees himself.
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“In A Body Like A Grave,” Japandroids - one of my favorite repeating analogies in chapter 5 was directly inspired by this. It’s just such a good image.
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“Kill All Your Friends,” My Chemical Romance - total Jason song; he basically quotes it in ch. 5. He’d love this band, pretty sure Revenge would be his favorite album in the whole world… I mean, it’s called Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge. Runners up for Jason-est songs include Fashion Statement and Never Told You What I Do For A Living, but this one was too good in the context of this story:
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“Drive,” the Gaslight Anthem - his voice is one of my absolute favorites, it’s so rough and emotional, and this song has a blend of exhaustion and vulnerability and hope that fits the story to a T.
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“Demolition Lovers,” My Chemical Romance - I mean. Yeah.
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“True Love and a Free Life of Free Will,” Japandroids - love love love their lyrics. I originally came upon this one while I was working on another Bucky-centric story and it gave me goosebumps.
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rudojudo · 2 years ago
Giant of Light Playlists
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Inspired by some posts I saw, I put together a playlist of music for the GoL experience. Then I split it in two, because of the duality built into the game. They might not be perfect for background music, since they're a bit lyric heavy in a way that might distract from the table, but there are some connections I'm happy with. Also, they work on shuffle, but the order is intended to make a rough sketch of an Episode of play from either perspective. They're on Spotify:
Side A: Heroes
Side B: Kaiju
And of course you can buy the game here.
If you don't use Spotify (I don't blame you), there's a track listing below, along with commentary, because I love to explain myself.
Side A: Heroes
-Goshowa Kudasai Ware no Na wo! (Endo Masaki)
This is the opening theme to Ultraman Z. Obviously, I was going to include some music from the franchise, but I didn't want it to be the whole playlist. I chose this one because the title and opening line translates to "I ask that you chant my name," which is a wonderful bit of poetry asking for faith.
-The Legend of Chavo Guerrero (The Mountain Goats)
This is about that faith from the other side, a song about having a hero. "The telecast's in Spanish, I can understand some / and I need justice in my life, here it comes," devastates me every time.
-Starman (David Bowie)
Maybe a bit obvious, but all the same, Ultraman is full of visitors from space whose differences from humanity leave them alienated, but still capable of seeing the beauty and value of the Earth.
-Hands (Oishi Masayoshi)
Theme to Ultraman R/B and my personal favorite theme in the whole franchise. The leads in this series have no experience or training and are thrown into the deep end and I like the way this track reflects the drive to stay positive. "These are the things we shouldn't have to protect."
-Pump it Up (Elvis Costello and the Attractions)
This represents the rising tension in the "Episode" happening here. The thumping, elegant bass line and lyrics about matching intensity always begged for an action scene in my mind.
-Brave Love, TIGA (Kagaku Tokusoutai, not the original version, this is a group that does covers of tokusatsu songs)
This is the ending theme to Ultraman Tiga and it's a bit of a parallel to Legend of Chavo Guerrero, since it's a plea to the title character. It's a child, asking their hero, please, do the things I can't. Protect the world. Show me how to be brave.
-X Gon' Give It To Ya (DMX)
Am I guilty of coming to the same conclusion as the writers of the Deadpool movie? Yes. But as a Millennial, I defy you to find a track that more powerfully says that shit is about to go down.
-Veridis Quo (Daft Punk)
Something wholly without lyrics to depict the final fight. I've always thought that the melody of this song implied a situation that's rapidly becoming more complicated.
-Dare (Stan Bush)
Come the man, cometh the hour, this is the personal theme of Hot Rod from The Transformers: The Movie (1986). Hot Rod is the chosen one, even if he doesn't know it until the end, but his theme is all about being brave enough to become the person needed. Also, the sample character Ultraman Giant Hero Cadmium is a direct reference to Hot Rod, including the piece of character art he's in.
-Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) (ABBA)
I think the transition from the last track to this one is the best thing I do in either playlist. Again, this is a song about who you want around when things get bad. Also feels final, like the fight can be won here.
This is the opening theme to my favorite arc of One Piece (Enies Lobby), but that's incidental. Here, the track represents the "new world" created by the Main Characters in saving the day, and the moment of joy together after it happens.
-Ultraman 80 (Kagaku Tokusoutai, again a cover)
"He came to us from the stars." Nothing more than a moment of gratitude for this immense power that joins together with us to protect our world. Ultraman gets a bit religious (by design, the life of the original creator Tsuburaya Eiji was often defined by faith). Also a relaxing end to represent the "end credits."
Side B- Kaiju
-Trigger (Sakuma Takao)
This side's less optimistic, more conflicted, but I still wanted to open with a theme, this time from Ultraman Trigger. It's a bit more aggressive, all about letting loose. Doesn't connect to that show much, but it's exactly what's happening here.
-When You're Evil (Aurelio Voltaire)
Being self-consciously "evil" is mostly the provenance of teenagers, but there's a sort of immaturity to a lot of the Kaiju Users I took inspiration from when writing the game. There's a certain kind of person who says to themself "no, I'm bad, really, I'm dangerous, watch out!"
-Wolf Like Me (TV on the Radio)
Another approach to playing a Kaiju User is to have werewolf vibes: "this is something inside me and when I let it out, you should run." This is a good song to depict prowling around town, looking for trouble.
-Life on Mars? (David Bowie)
An intentional parallel to Side A, another Bowie track using aliens as a metaphor for alienation. This one's a bit grittier, more critical of society, and more explicitly Queer, which is why it's on this side.
-Werewolf Gimmick (The Mountain Goats)
Like I said, this vibe is strong. The theme of performance (and taking that performance too far) is also a good link to the way a Kaiju User might play with their public image.
-V: The Stand (Man or Machine) (The Protomen)
This song ruled my college years. With a fight imminent, two people who would rather not fight argue, proving why they have to. In your games, the primary Kaiju User can even be either side of the fight, depending on how you've built things up.
-It Has To Be This Way - Platinum Mix (Jimmy Gnecco)
Meme music it may be, but this is great for being the next phase of that argument as the fists start flying. It's only from one perspective, which is fun, because the speaker might be completely off-base about the similarities between the two fighters (which is the case in the game it's written for, a lot of the memes and such overlook that).
-Foreign Object (The Mountain Goats)
Kaiju Users are often at a disadvantage, and this song really captures the spirit of fighting uphill because you're meaner and even if you can't win, you'll make your opponent regret it.
This is the song for the main fight here, picked mostly for sheer kinetic energy. BABYMETAL's trademark pop idol/heavy metal contrast here is the symbol for the fact that a lot of Kaiju may be city-destroying beasts, but people on the internet will still look at them and say "what a good dog!"
-Light Up The Night (The Protomen)
Sometimes, winning means being willing to burn yourself up.
-Hero (The Verve Pipe)
The mirror spot to When You're Evil for a reason. This is the truth at the core of that facade, that underneath the way they scorn humanity and embrace their outcast status with mischief, they really long to be accepted. And something that GoL tries to say is that you can be, even if your powers are scary and destructive, you can still be a hero, no matter what your self-loathing says.
-ZERO to INFINITY (Miyano Mamoru)
Another track from the franchise, this is the theme to the web series Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Absolute Conspiracy, which is mostly a big crossover punch-em-up. But here, I like the optimism of saying you can get to the end of your path as long as you keep pushing, which can be applied to Kaiju Users of many different moral orientations.
Whew! So I started out trying to not repeat artists at all, let alone on the same playlist, but it couldn't be helped, Beat The Champ by The Mountain Goats is the best album about wrestling ever (not a high bar, mind, but it's very good), and the parallels between pro wrestling and tokusatsu are very deep. Anyway, have fun, let me know your thoughts on the listening experience, and play the game!
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 3 days ago
you stood like galatea over me
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/KVGxfOo by NotEvenALittle Cas's POV as he sends the souls back to Purgatory. Words: 512, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Sam Winchester Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Episode: s07e01 Meet the New Boss (Supernatural), Season/Series 07, Coda, POV Castiel (Supernatural), Godstiel - Freeform, Leviathans, Castiel and Dean Winchester Have a Profound Bond, Apologizing Castiel (Supernatural), Guilty Castiel (Supernatural), Suicidal Castiel (Supernatural), Regretful Castiel (Supernatural), Canon Compliant, Canon-Typical Violence, Mild Gore, Body Horror, Castiel Has Mental Health Issues (Supernatural), Castiel as God (Supernatural), Purgatory, Hurt No Comfort, Angst, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Title from a The Mountain Goats Song, Inspired by a Mountain Goats Song read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/KVGxfOo
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poisonheadcrabsalesman · 1 year ago
shows up at your doorway. hi stumpy :3
💞, 🖥️, 💗, 🍺, 🎉 and 🎧 for ya!
💞 - favourite moment in a game?
I would like to say the entirety of The Ark level of Halo 3, but when the Forward Unto Dawn swoops down and delivers the tanks for the next section. Always cool and has always stayed with me.
🖥️ - favourite AI?
You know this. Cortana is queen of my heart, but I've pavlov'd myself into liking that nuisance Roland. He's just really neat and more than a comic relief character and is just a guy thrown in the deep end trying his best.
💗 - favourite halo game?
I think the 2800 hours in halo 3's multiplayer says it all. Yes most of it was in custom games and it is ingrained into my psyche. Favorite to replay, fav music with the leitmotifs and references, fav one liners and warthog run.
🍺 - who would you have a drink with?
See, I'd love to talk to so many of these characters, but it'd quickly devolve into "are you okay? no seriously, are you okay?" I'd also love to get a drink with one of the normal folks on the Infinity, like how and why did you end up with this deployment? I guess for this question, Lasky, because I want to assess that man and poke him, "don't you want to go apeshit? what if you stopped being nice?" Also - the insane lore given to us from the fucking Halo Official Cookbook means that there's a chance he'll give me a flag from his destroyed high school. Who doesn't want a Corbulo flag from a man in his late forties hanging out at a bar. Real normal Halo
🎉 - share your favourite character headcanon
Miller doesn't vape. He smokes. And maybe knows who to trade contraband with.
🎧 - song you associate a halo character with
uGHGHG. I should make you fight me before giving away my secrets but there are a few. Or wait. Dodging this. Bleed Out - title track of the Mountain Goats album is Halo Infinite Era Chief. He is an old dog ready to go upstate. No need to call the med evac. He's done.
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tothechaos · 4 days ago
fun fact the title is a reference to the song steal smoked fish by the mountain goats. fun fact two i used three colors (and white) to paint this
Tumblr media
Michael A Davenport, Feast:Dream (Oil on canvas, 2025)
10in x 10in
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xenon-demon · 2 years ago
it's so weird, i was suddenly struck with the urge to ask you about your eddie playlist so bad!
wow that is CRAZY, i have absolutely no idea- hold on *kicks my psychic ray gun under the couch and out of sight* AS I WAS SAYING i have NO idea why that is!
also @spicysix since you also sent me an ask about it: here join us for Playlist Talk™! Thank you both very much for the asks I am always looking for an excuse to talk about my playlists :D
HERE is the playlist:
and as I mentioned in the tag game the title comes from Beach Life-in-Death by Car Seat Headrest. The album Twin Fantasy is about drugs, sex, and gay love ending badly (but looking back on it now that you're older and growing to appreciate that it happened). If that's not an Eddie-coded album then I don't know what is.
Some particular apt choices I wanna draw your attention to:
The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton by The Mountain Goats: listen to this song and Tell Me it is not biographical about Eddie's life, I dare you. I see the animatic so clearly in my head every time I listen to this.
Dead Inside by Younger Hunger: aka the Rockstar!Eddie Munson AU where he's become disillusioned with the rockstar lifestyle.
Never Love an Anchor by The Crane Wives: Ah, good ol' Commitment Issues Munson and his complex about being unworthy of love. It hurts, but it's a really fun kind of hurt yknow?
Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine: our guy's got some Baggage about running away so of course I've gotta put this song on the playlist. Also the lyrics hit very hard with my interpretation of Eddie as someone who thinks he doesn't deserve to have the things he really wants.
Babe I'm Gonna Leave You by Led Zeppelin: this is of course in reference to the absolute masterpiece that is the lathe by palmviolet, since this is Eddie's favourite song in that fic.
Lay All Your Love On Me by Avantasia: listen I just find it really funny personally that I have the original ABBA version on my Steve playlist and then a heavier cover of it on my Eddie playlist. It tickles the Steddie cortex in my brain.
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