#but yeah i have always adored these myths; they were the first ones i heard that seriously pulled on my heartstrings
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khaire-traveler · 20 hours ago
Honestly, I'd love to write a respectful retelling of the Hermes and Crocus myth someday, as well as the Hyacinthus and Apollo one. Those myths just connect strongly with me, personally, for some reason, and I have a deep love for them. The thing that often stops me is the overall negative perception of retellings in the HelPol community. Some people get rabid over them. ☠️ I fear nothing I write, regardless of how meticulously I try to write it, would ever be good enough for the wider community, and I'm sure I'm not the only writer in HelPol who avoids writing retellings due to this. I would do my best to be respectful to the original culture, and yet, still, it likely would never be enough. I'm kinda just complaining lol, but I feel like people hate these sorts of things so viscerally within the community that even when a retelling has a genuinely interesting story to tell (Hadestown, as an example), they will not only ignore it but will actively despise it. It's discouraging. It stops actual worshippers from creating myth-based retellings, and in my opinion, that's a problem. Many people are upset that worshippers don't create retellings, then create an incredibly hostile space for such things to be created. If you want more content about the gods from worshippers, create a space that welcomes such things. This isn't to say feedback shouldn't be welcome; it's just to say that hating all retellings with such a fierce passion also prevents retellings from actual worshippers being written.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year ago
So, now that the DLC is out, I was wondering if I could request a part two to the pokepasta trainer reader? Like them and their team meeting Carmine, Kieran, and Perrin?
Oooo yeah!! I'm guessing you meant this post (being part 1). I'm honestly impressed by the notes ghshghsh but I'm glad ya'll love the pokepasta!reader <333
Gonna format these as hcs if that's okay
She's seen tourists bring in weird Pokémon, but you brought the scariest ones she's ever seen in her life.
She sends out her Poochyena to do battle, thinking she can intimidate you....and she SCREAMS when your Freakachu comes out to play.
It's loud enough for all to hear and for the caretaker to arrive and prematurely end the fight.
Well, at least she finally got off your back before things could get too heated.
Kieran was shocked though bc his sister was usually so brave.
During your time in Kitakami, she's just going to,,,,stare at your Pokémon team, especially when you introduce her to Purin and Disabled (she definitely thinks they're some weird gray regional variants and nothing more)
She's extremely confused as to why you named your Wigglytuff after a status move.
And Missingno.....is something she can't even begin to wrap her brain around, but she buys the story of it being from a really old Kantonian myth. That's something she can 100% believe.
After meeting Ogerpon and learning she's been misunderstood all along, Carmine slowly realizes she may have treated your Pokémon the same way.
They've been through some horrible things, and she was quick to judge them, so she apologizes for that.
Although Freakachu's smiles still creep her out..she's friendlier towards Purin and Disabled (not that she'll ever admit this, ofc).
Like Carmine, he's gonna be pretty spooked by how your Pokémon team looks, at first.
But considering he never thought the Ogre was scary. he's nowhere near as judgmental.
During your walks together and at dinner, you explained where your 'mons came from--or at least the short and least terrifying versions of those tales so you didn't freak him out too much..
He's just fascinated that you've gone out of your way to help them despite their reputations as "monsters".
He hopes to one day have a strong bond like that with his team, or Ogerpon.
Tbh he found it really sweet when you purchased a Pikachu mask for Freakachu to wear so he could visit the festival of masks without scaring anybody.
Missingno was, understandably, the most bizarre Pokémon Kieran has ever seen, but once you explained how it's an old Kantonian myth...he's like "wowzers..that's so cool!!"
He genuinely believes you and him have a lot in common: being outcasts and adoring Pokémon most people were afraid of.
So it's even more heartbreaking for him when Ogerpon ultimately chooses to go with you instead of him.
Despite your team being utterly terrifying, she felt more comfortable being by their side...and it doesn't make sense to him at all.
It just doesn't seem fair.
He envies how your Missingno can pretty much give you whatever items you wanted--and an infinite number of them, too.
You warned him that it's not something you messed around with (plus, it corrupted an old friend of yours long ago), but he didn't care about any of that.
He wanted to know how to harness that power.
Maybe when he becomes even stronger, he'll challenge you again...
And the winner got to keep Missingno.
She thought the Bloodmoon Beast was a terrifying and ominous force to be reckoned with, especially in the photograph she obtained.
But what you had on your team was nothing short of both amazing...and downright horrifying.
She assumes Freakachu, Purin, and Disabled are some Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and Wigglytuff variants she's never heard about or have gone extinct.
Maybe like Bloodmoon Ursaluna, they were from a distant land or some time period.
So she keeps an open mind and convinces them to do some cool poses (despite her Hisuian Growlithe always hiding behind her, tail tucked between its legs, and being certain that Purin's stare is gonna haunt her dreams now).
The only one she's heard of before was Missingno, having once believed it to be a myth from Kanto...and now she can see that it's real! And it's in your possession!
She wants a photo of it. Not for any sort of recognition or accolade, but as proof in the books that it's legit.
Unfortunately, while she can see it glitching, changing forms, spawning items for you, etc. right before her very eyes...it never shows up on camera.
Every photo she attempts to take gets corrupted or lost in the developing process.
You politely have to ask Perrin to stop before she breaks her camera.
She is, however, free to photograph your other Pokémon as they are in their natural state (aka acting like their normal counterparts and not creatures that really should've been dead long ago).
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shootingstars-or-airplanes · 6 months ago
Book Review: The Lost Story
Ok if I'm being honest I decided I wanted to start writing book reviews on tumblr specifically because I want to scream about this book. I literally read it in two days (which is impressive for me! I'm a really slow reader.) and I am dying for a sequel but it was just published this year so I guess I'll have to wait on that. In the meantime, enjoy my mildly coherent ramblings on The Lost Story by Meg Shaffer
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Yeah ok same format as the last one. There are spoilers under the cut. But IDK if I can make a pros and cons list for this one so I'm just gonna ramble for a bit. TL;DR and star rating are right before the cut.
Oh my god where do I even start? This book was so fucking good. The characters were all incredible and I loved the way they interacted with one another. The dynamic between Jeremy and Rafe was perfect! And Emilie and Skya honestly just added to that in their own ways any time they were in the scene, completely elevating the interaction.
I loved the depictions of archery and sword fighting. I feel like a lot of times action scenes can bog down a narrative, but I feel like they were handled really well here. There was enough going on that I felt like I could actually see the action play out which isn't always the case with stuff like this.
I adored the storyteller and the adherence to fairy tale conventions while subverting them where necessary for the story. I felt like the interrupting voice of the narrator every so often was really unique and well done. It moved the story along and even broke up some tense scenes with a little levity which I can appreciate.
I feel like the magic system and story mechanics made a lot of sense and made later reveals not only believable, but natural. I feel like I started operating on those assumptions before they even came up, but not in a bad way. In a way that felt natural for the story. If that makes sense...
At first, I thought I might have issues with the simplicity of the plot and narrative, but taking the fairy tale inspiration into account, I honestly think it works really well. I came to find it endearing by the end.
TL;DR - This book is so good please go read it! The characters, action sequences, storytelling, magic system, and narrative are all incredible and create a beautiful modern fairy tale for adults. I am literally obsessed and I need a sequel immediately!
Rating: ⭐5/5*
*Note: A lot of things go into my rating, including my own personal enjoyment of the book. If it's a story I literally cannot put down, it's likely getting a 5/5 from me. I don't believe in the myth of perfection. A 5/5 does not mean the book was without flaws. It simply means that I felt that it was conventionally sound and brought me the most enjoyment possible. Similarly, getting below a 5 doesn't make a book bad. If it's mechanically bad from a craft standpoint, I will just say that.
Alright let me start by saying I LOVE GAY PEOPLE T-T
I think Jeremy and Rafe not only make a super cute couple but I felt like it made sense. From the beginning, I could tell that's how Jeremy felt towards him and the chemistry was there. At one point Emilie asked him "So when did you first fall for him?" with zero prompting and I was like bestie is so me my head was in the same place.
I felt like from really early on, I could tell that Skya/Shannon wrote this world into existence. It made sense. The naming conventions of the world itself and all the places in it, the mechanics of how the reality and magic worked, it all just made sense. I'd love to see if other worlds like this could be brought into existence in this world. I'm sure that isn't something that will be explored in a sequel, but I'd be ecstatic if it was!
And that wasn't the only thing. A lot of things in this story just made sense. And some might say that makes it too predictable, but I just think it means it fits form really well. There is a formula to fairy tales. Even if you've never heard one before, often times you can guess what's going to happen before it does because that's just the kind of thing that happens in fairy tales. Like Rafe's dad being the "king" of the bright boys. That made sense and was very fairy tale-esque. I saw it coming from a mile away but I feel like in the case of this particular story, that added to the experience rather than subtracting from it.
I was upset with the ending. Not narratively. Narratively, it was great! It's the ending I would have written. But I was so attached to these characters and I was pissed that they got separated.
But I love how they set up for a sequel and I need it immediately. I will cry every day without it. So like Meg Shaffer if you're reading this, no pressure but my life is in your hands (/j).
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starlightshadowsworld · 2 years ago
Winx but Selina is introduced in the beginning because she's criminally underrated and I hate how her story ended.
Selina and Bloom grew up together.
They were inseparable.
Where their was Bloom their was Selina. And where their was Selina, Bloom was right behind her.
They met as kids, Mitzi was bullying Bloom and Selina sent her pet snake after her. Sending her running away screaming.
Bloom thanked her but once the crowd was gone Selina was a lot more shy and smiled.
They ended up playing in the sandbox together and Selina introduced herself as simply Selina while Bloom introducer herself as Bloom Peters.
Selina was an orphan, she was in a foster home though she wouldn't be their for long.
She got tossed around a lot in the system.
Her snake was named Arthur, after King Arthur and the knights of the round table.
A story she happily told Bloom who listened intently.
They would play everytime they saw each other and a few times Selina would run to Blooms when things got rough.
A lot of her foster homes weren't great.
Mike and Vanessa adored Selina, she was basically their second child.
Vanessa packed Bloom two lunches and was always asking how Selina was. Mike would take them both to the park and ruffled both of their hair.
They tried hard and we're able to adopt Selina when she and Bloom started high-school.
Selina had burst into tears and hugged them both and Bloom when she found out, her adoption certificate is framed on her wall in her and Blooms room.
It was a bit of a right fit with two teenage daughters but Selina fit into the family like she always had.
Selina and Bloom Peters were both daydreamers.
Bloom read stories about fairies and Selina about witches and fairytales. She had a big book of them, that she took with her everywhere.
Vanessa had tried to discourage her from doing so but after Selina telling her it was the only thing she had from her birth parents she stopped.
Mike had found Bloom in a fire, Selina had a book of fairytales and myths, some she knew and others neither her or Mike had heard of.
It was just something she lived with.
The book was old, and a name written but it was smudged, if wasn't Selina's and she and Bloom often sat and tried to decipher who had been it's previous owner.
As they got older, Selina became more confident but Bloom was very much the overprotective sister.
Despite them both being the same age, Bloom was a few months older and took the big sis role to heart.
And even though Mike wasn't sure about having a snake, Arthur found his place too and Mike was often found talking to him and giving him treats.
Mitzi remained a nasty peace of work but both girls stayed strong.
Though Bloom was starting to have some bizarre dreams. About a woman in a mask.
She managed to draw an image of the woman but neither Selina nor her parents recognised her.
The dreams went away as fast as they came and in time Bloom forgot about them.
Final exams were coming up after all.
Both of them, with a lot of cramming passed.
And spent their days reading and going to the park, sometimes hanging out with Andy and his friends.
It was all fairly peaceful.
Until they got attacked by some creatures and a blonde girl came and saved them.
Bloom unleashing her magic to save Selina and Selina unleashing hers to save Bloom.
Both looked at the other in shock, but before the blonde girl, introducing herself as Stella could explain.
Two women stepped out of the shadows, the first Bloom recognised as Morgana Star, one of the more frequent customers of her mums florist shop.
She was the wife of the owner of the Frutti music bar, a place Andy had snuck the girls into to watch the bands perform.
The other woman was older, though neither her nor Selina knew her name though they did recognise her.
"We need to speak with you girls, about all of... This."
"Yeah, because... What the hell! What just happened?!" Yelled Selina, Bloom was just looking at her hands in stunned shock.
Morgana softened "me and my friend will explain everything to you both. But we need to go, lest more appear. And you, young lady are coming with us." She directed that last part to Stella who smiled sheepishly.
"Sure thing Miss M."
"More?!" That snapped Bloom pit of it, "we..how can we trust any of you?" She glared "Well... They did save our butt's" said Selina and Bloom sighed but knew she was right.
They needed answers and these women were willing to give them.
"... Alright but I'm calling our parents, I'm not going with you guys alone." Said Bloom, regaining the fire in her eyes.
Morgana nodded "of course, I'm sure they wish to speak to you both as well. Tell them to meet you at my address, your mother should have it as I've had a delivery recently."
Bloom did so and taking Selina's hand, they left.
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shawty-writes-a-little · 4 years ago
One shot
Request: ( @aleksanderwh0r3 ) hi!! okay so i have an idea/request: so the reader was in a relationship with the darkling until Alina comes and she keeps getting brushed off and the reader gets fed up and decides to leave the little palace and requests she gets stationed near kribrisk or like she goes to ketterdam (what ever you want lol) and Kirigan finds the letter and realizes what he lost it’s gonna be an angsty fic lol
Word count: 4k+ 💀
Darkling x reader
Warnings: ANGST ANGST ANGST (fluff in the end)
Note: Ok so I write on my phone because I’m not allowed my laptop except for school so ignore typos, English isn’t my first language and I havent read the books so yeah it’s a tragedy and I am the cringest person alive
It had been weeks since Alina arrived at the little palace. The infamous sun summoner. Everyone was in awe to her powers, some more than others. The general. It was impossible to even believe that a living sun summoner was present right there, someone who was just a myth. Someone who was just thought of in day dreams of a better future. Y/n herself had a great amount of admiration for Alina. She was the one who warmed her up to the little palace, new surroundings, new people. Alina wasn’t just the sun summoner to her but they had become great friends in less than no time.
The general’s feelings towards Alina seemed obscure. Well to y/n it did. They were couple, him and y/n. They had been one for two years ever since y/n came to the little place after running away from home. Y/n found her home in alecksandar. He was the closest thing she ever felt to comfort or someone she could rely on. Y/n fell first and Alecksandar fell harder. He too felt different around y/n. After all those years of being the general he felt the Alecksandar inside of him when he was around her. Not a day would go by he wouldn’t think of her as people think of the moon. He simply just adored her that much. So did y/n. They would playfully argue on that quite a lot.
But recently things had changed, he would come late to their shared chambers at night and leave early before y/n woke up. They wouldn’t even get time to spend together or talk moreover he wouldn’t make time to spend with her. Y/n didnt mind that, for a few times at least. She has always been understanding of him that’s one of the things he loved about her. But that didn’t mean she didn’t have doubts herself. For the first few weeks y/n found Alina’s company truly joyful. They had some great laughs together she got to know about Alina’s life, where she grew up, how she grew up, her friend Mal she had a lot of stories about. Y/n told her she wished that one day Alina would tell mal stories about her and y/n.
But it was all the calm before the chaos. Soon Alecksandar started accompanying Alina. He told y/n not to tag along with them when he was with Alina which she found really strange but trusted Alecksandar and not for once her mind even had any different thoughts. Which was until these things became a routine. Alecksandar would take Alina riding, spend nights with her chatting, take her to their spot. He barely even acknowledged y/n’s existence. When they were alone for once which wasn’t even what alecksandar planned y/n knew his schedule and barged into the war room during evening to talk to him about how she felt.
“Are you for real y/n? How can you possibly imply that?” He replied to her with an annoyed huff when y/n brought it up.
“I’m not implying anything Alecksandar I’m just simply saying if you were to spend some time with me or at least let me in on what you’re on about with Alina.” Y/n said with a calm tone.
“Oh my extreme apologies—if you can’t already tell I’ve been busy y/n. I’ve a sun summoner on my hands-don’t you think it would rather help if you ought to be supportive?” Alecksandar said with a flat voice and an unironic apology. Y/n felt un heard but she didn’t mean to take the matter further clearly he wasn’t in the mood to listen. This happened several times all of the times he brushed it off sometimes making it clear he’s annoyed with it. Each time y/n would tell herself she still trusts him, he’s the general, he’s busy. But she wasn’t sure how much longer she could keep lying to herself or how she actually felt and trying telling that to Alecksandar would only make it worse each time.
There wasn’t much she could take as every moment felt like being stabbed constantly and having to act it didn’t affect her. See him laughing with Alina, empty bedside every night, lonely dinners it’s too much until someone reaches their point. Y/n had reached hers. Alecksandar didn’t seem to care she was present or not. Y/n couldn’t bare that everyday she wanted to leave. Get away. As fas as she can-away from Os altas, little palace, him. All she ever wanted was to be accepted she was a joyful soul who never loathed anything-she used to live and love in superlatives despite spending most of her life feeling like a burden because she was a grisha, her family never approved of her, the small town she grew up in saw her has a disease who could make the other kids like her she was banned from going to school with the others. Her family too saw her as a disappointment for something that wasn’t even under her own control. She taught herself to read and write. Left home at a young age and never looked back. With extreme hustles she got to the little palace and never once felt alone. Training with everyone like herself, not looked down to when she walked in the halls and of course alecksandar. Well up until now. Her spirit was crushed, she was the young y/n back home who was neglected constantly until it reached to an extent to make her run away. Leave. That’s what she felt like doing again.She didn’t mean be loud about it or too sneaky either. She decided to write a note to Alecksandar...like she did the night she ran from her home.
With tear filled in her eyes she wrote...
Alecksandar, you’ve been the light of my
life ever since I left home. Every happy
memory I’ve had and want to hold onto is
the ones I have with you. But I can’t go
back to living a life of being cold
shouldered again. Hope Alina brings you
the happiness I never could.
—wishing you all the fortune
in the wars to come. Y/n.
She folded that note and placed it on the bed. With one last glance back their room she walked away, from their room, the palace but most importantly him.
It took a whole day for alecksandar to realise y/n’s absence. She wasn’t seen at the corridors the whole day nobody spoke about her to him either. Finally in the evening he went to the chambers to find nothing but a not on the bed. Strange. He thought. He read her note. Again and again trying to make sense of the words as he was utterly shocked to believe what he read was true. Was she really gone? Did she just leave like that, leave him? He sat on the edge of the bed trying to maintain his balance as he let that sink in. After a while he was rather annoyed and furious than glum. How could she leave over something that small?
After a week of searching and tracking Ivan found where y/n had been. The whole time alecksandar was worried as well as pissed over the face that y/n bolted away from little palace.
“Miss y/n was found in kribrisk.” Ivan told him in late evening.
“Kribrisk? What’s she doing that far away?”
He asked confused.
“We don’t know sir.”
“Alright then-we ride of kribrisk forthwith.” He said getting up as Ivan left to prepare a wagon for their ride.
The whole ride Alecksandar’s kept thinking about what he’d say, what he’d ask. In his silent self consideration he didn’t realise when they reached.
“Miss y/n is to be two storeys up.” Ivan said stepping out right beside him pointing to the floors of a building at the edge of a bustling alley, which is now silent given it is almost midnight.
“You stay here.” Alecksandar ordered as he walked into the building, climbing the damp flight of stairs to y/n’s floor.
Reaching outside of her he took a deep breath and gave two gentle knocks on the door.
Y/n was still awake. Wide awake in fact. She was alarmed hearing a knock on the door at this hour of the night. She wasn’t sure who could it be? Wether to open or not? Before she could decide that there was another knock. She stood up fixing her night gown and swiftly grabbed a knife out of the apple placed on the table. She held the knife cautiously pointed towards the door before opening it.
Y/n was shocked seeing alecksandar after opening the door she forgot to put down the knife that still pointed to him.
“Alecksandar?” She asked with a confused expression still with the knife in the air pointed to him.
He placed the tip of his finger on the knife softly moving it below, with a slight huff to her attempt of tackling someone with a knife. “Y/n.” He greeted with an awkward nod stepping inside while y/n was still in disbelief why he’d visited. She turned back to put the knife back on the table mostly to not face him.
“A kitchen knife? Really-“ alecksandar chuckled slightly “You do realise that you can light whoever might’ve been behind that door on fire if you wanted to right?” He continued jokingly.
Y/n didn’t seem to appreciate that joke. Neither his presence. “I was sleeping-“
“You don’t look like you were.” He interrupted her in a light voice as though nothing happened between them.
“What do you want? Why are you here?” Y/n said with an irritated expression wanting to get him to leave soon enough.
“I’m wounded.” Alecksandar replied still not in a serious manner.
“Have you come to gloat in the dead of the night?” She responded unafraid of provoking him.
“I’ve come to take you back y/n.” He spoke glancing around the place she had been living in. Y/n’s books all over the place, messy bed with the sheets showing he must’ve been twisting and turning while sleeping, her unfolded clothes forming a pile on the edge of the room, unfinished sketches spread across the table. Back at little palace their shared chambers were just like that when she was with him. Things weren’t the same without her he missed that, her. The room felt three times empty without her.
“I’m not coming back-I don’t want to.” This time y/n was unsure about his reaction, she turned her back on him pretending to go through a random book placed in front of her just to avoid him.
“What do you mean you’re not coming back?” he paused taking a deep sigh causing y/n to be more afraid not to face him. “What are you going to do here?”
“Whatever does it matter.” she responded in a calm tone.
He tried his best not to raise his voice “Do not face away from me-look at me and reply and yes it does matter to me.”
She turned back facing him “Why? Because I’m one of the general’s grishas?”
“It’s more than that-you know it’s more than that.” He said putting emphasis on you.
“Not anymore it’s not, didn’t you read the note I left you?” her heart ached saying those words as she tried her best not to make her voice sound protesting or weak either.
“All—all this because I didn't have the time to entertain your insecurities.” He chuckled dryly running his fingers through his hair out of annoyance.
“Entrain my insecurities?” Y/n paused “Name the last time we had dinner together-no—name the last time we had a conversation that didn’t involve war strategies or Alina.”
“All of the times you’ve had even the slightest doubt about me and Alina because I’ve been busy I reassured you! But you-you are the one who left without saying anything.”
“I was the one who left? Me alecksandar? Every time I came to you talk you just swayed me away into believing that was I was a jealous-obsessive fool—But no-I was the only one trying in our relationship until you made me reach to an extent where I gave up the hopes of finding back the Alecksandar lost inside of the general.” She tried holding back tears as her voice got high pitched.
“If you could just once-stop acting ridiculously and think with your head!” He said furiously slamming his hands on the edge of the table.
Y/n flinched at the sudden loudness in his voice and a thud, making it vulnerable for her to keep arguing without bursting into tears. “D-do not raise your voice at me.” She said softly looking into nothingness on the floor not meeting his eyes.
Sighing heavily he began “Now if you’re done with this charade-can we leave for os alta?”
“I told you I’m not coming back. I won’t.” She wanted to sound firm though her sentence came out like a whisper not so unafraid of his reaction now.
“Y/n—“ he began with a rough tone before she interrupted her.
“No-I can’t—go back to watching you laugh with her each day, garden walks, rides with her, taking her to our spot—whats it going to stop at? I can’t bring myself back into that misery that I ran away from years ago.”
Alecksandar fell silent. He didn’t want to meet her gaze. He gulped in at another silent moment still unable to bring himself to respond to her.
“What?” Y/n asked confused given his reaction 2 minutes ago he’s strangely quite now.
“While you were gone-w-we kissed.” His voice came out strained. Y/n stood in disbelief blinking at him unsure what to feel. She had already let go off him was she supposed to feel sad? Was she supposed to feel angry that they had kissed while she wasn’t even gone a fortnight. “She kissed me, I pulled away—it wasn’t her fault truly-“
he continued in a calm voice though every atom in his body didnt want him to let y/n know of that but his consciousness got the best of him.
“Of course it isn’t her fault!” She cut him off not holding back tears, she didn’t even have control over them anymore. “Sh-shes just as naive as I am!” Y/n said in between sobs softening his look towards her.
“Y/n-“ he began taking a step towards her. “It’s di—“
Y/n took a step backwards shaking her head as tears rushed down her eyes. “Don’t”
“It doesn’t have to be like this.” He said softly as a single drop of tear started forming into his eye.
“Well it is.”
“I realised what I’d lost when I was with her.” he cupped her cheeks trying to get her to look into at him. “I pulled away-I didn’t want that.”
“I don’t know if I can believe anything you say anymore.” Y/n said shakily.
Alecksandar was yet again silent just looking at her watching his hopes of winning her back flow away. Y/n gently placed her hands on top of his swaying it away from her face and looked up at him with teary eyes.
Alecksandar replied with an awkward shake of head. Before he could say anything y/n spoke up “Leave.”
He was shocked to hear that but he didn’t show it, he was aware it would come to this. But it hurt because he didn’t want it to come to this, he didn’t want to leave. Leave her. But he managed to hide his grief on it. He nodded with this eyes flickering everywhere in the room. “If that’s what you want.” Alecksandar said in a hushed tone.
Y/n simply stood there expression less, putting an act that his actions no longer affect her when her heart had broken into a million pieces by now.
He turned away quick and left not looking back. Y/n closed the door behind him as soon as he left and turned back to look at her room feeling every emotion at once. Her room was empty. Once again.
Ivan was confused seeing the general come back alone but his good instincts chose not to ask him about it judging from his body language.
On his way back he kept thinking about everything y/n said, everything he said, everything happened. His thoughts kept circling around how it was over like that, y/n still meant so much to him but he shattered their perfect snow globe of a relationship. Alecksandar blamed y/n for leaving till now, he found her heartless when he got to know that she had left as though she didn’t care about him that she’d overreacted over a misconception. But now he was certain about the mistakes, his mistakes.
He ran his hand through the pocket of his Kefta taking out the letter she had left him. He remembered the letter distinctly. He had read it several times he knew every word yet he wanted to read it again. The last thing from y/n, probably the last thing ever.
He read her letter again he felt every word this time, what mind-state she would’ve written it in.
Alecksandar, you’ve been the light of my
life ever since I left home. Every happy
memory I’ve had and want to hold onto is
the ones I have with you. But I can’t go
back to living a life of being cold shoul-
again. I hope Alina brings you the
happiness I never could.
Cursing himself silently blaming himself for being the one who put her there in the first place. He was stuck after the word “again” what point of her life was she referring to going back to again? His thoughts spiralled trying to figure out what she meant there. Then it struck him. She meant before arriving to little palace. Y/n had told him about her childhood, the town she grew up in, her family who never considered her as one of their own for something she had no control over. He knew that. He knew he was the only one she had ever called her own. He knew she wouldn’t have expected to be neglected from him. Anyone but him. Y/n never opened up about her past much, she wouldn’t bring it up anytime either trying to escape from it. And she had escaped from it. Alecksandar had been her escape her “home” and he was aware of that.
Thinking back to it, he hadn’t just teared their relationship he had smashed her hopes being loved after leaving home. He had to make it right. He couldn’t just leave y/n to blame herself until she’d heal of what he put her through, he cared more than that. “Turn around.” He spoke firmly to the wagon-driver. The driver was confused they were barely by the outskirts yet. “We’re going back, turn around.” His voice was louder and more eager this time. Ivan gave a nudge to the driver to turn around without sparring a moment knowing the general’s temper.
This time Ivan didn’t even gesture to go with him, knowing his answer already and Alecksandar was fast enough to get out of the wagon rushing up the flight of stair even before Ivan could do so.
Reaching to y/n’s floor felt like an eternity to alecksandar. Finally getting there his head of filled with ways he would apologise. He had knocked several time by then. No reply. He could see the dim lights of a rusted bulb hanging from the damp ceiling were still on, on his way up. Figuring y/n didn’t go back to sleep. “Y/n?” He said softly through the locked door. Y/n didn't reply yet again. “Y/n?” he knocked on the door again.
“Go away” a silent voice almost as of a weeping animal came from the other side of the door.
“Y/n i-it’s me, open the door please.” he responded knowing y/n was right behind the door since when she responded her voice seemed to be close.
Y/n hadn’t moved her position ever since alecksandar left. She was crying, sitting on the floor leaning to the door with her hands hugging her knees. It took her a moment to reply through her sobs. “I—told you to go away!” She said frustrated breaking down into tears again.
“I know-I know—just open up once..please Y/n.”
Y/n stood up this time to open the door. She didn’t want to, but she meant to get over with this facade soon. She brushed the tears off her face only to open the door and see his face again resulting in fresh tears dropping uncontrollably.
He was pleased to see her. Same didn't go for her. Looking at y/n crying made him want to throw her arms around her and keep them there until she stopped. And he did. He stepped forward opening his arms as y/n protested for him to stay back. He hovered his hands around her as she kept making useless attempts of punching his chest to push him away.
“Y/n-y/n-little dove-y/n-shh-“ he cooed her name gripping her hands trying to calm her.
She didn’t look at him, didnt want to look at him. She broke into more tears without saying anything and this time he pulled her in close towards him. Closing his eyes for a moment as it felt nice to be around her again. He felt nice to be around her. Y/n didnt hug him back, couldn’t moreover as his large biceps didn’t let her make her way through his back. She gripped to his kefta by his chest giving up on pushing him away as much as she wanted to she couldn’t. With her cries being muffled as she buried her face in the hug he rubbed his hands through the back trying to calm her. Alecksandar wanted this to last forever. He didn’t even want to think about pulling away from her.
Finally y/n made an attempt to break the hug. She wasn’t sure what to say? Why he had come? Before she’d say anything he gripped her wrists gently taking her to the chair in the corner by the table side. He sat her there without saying a word.
Y/n was confused she looked up at him to find him on his knees close enough that his face was almost by her lap. Alecksandar brushed off the last of her tears. Still in silence.
Y/n sniffled drifting away his hand from her face. “Why are you back?”
“For you.” He said without hesitation.
“I would really like for you to not play any games right now.” Y/n said with a dry huff.
“I’m not playing any games with you.” He took her hands in his and looked into her bloodshot eyes “I’ve been horrible to you-and when I came here I was just the same thinking you’re the one in fault, I was upset the days your were gone—“
“Yeah you looked like it.” She interrupted.
“Ah-“ he chuckled slickly. “I deserved that. But when we were headed back I kept thinking about you, I never wanted things to come to this I truly didn’t. Y/n like you said in your letter, you are the light of my life-only you could say such a thing about the shadow summoner. These last few weeks I’ve been the worst to you and I realise that-I’ve felt that all the days you were gone. Our chamber still has so many of your things yet it feels the emptiest one in the whole palace. I—I feel empty, you’re not in it. I don’t want that not one another day-i dont want to wake up and not see you smile, see you laugh at your own silly jokes, tell me about the book you’re reading without sparing any details-it’s been the seventh hell without you. After everything I’ve done you’ve never once held anything against me. I know what you’ve been through and after all that I put you through that I feel terrible about that-Just come back-I will make it up to you, you have my word I will make it up to you—and I understand if you choose not to but I love you y/n, ever since the day I saw you—I coul—“
Y/n leaned in and placed her lips on top of his. He smiled widely into the kiss shortly before kissing her back raising above his knees to look at her.
“I take that as you’re coming back?” He asked in a calm voice.
“Yes! And about earlier I love you too my love.”
Alecksandar grinned widely before kissing her again.
AAAAA HII sorry this took me so look I was procrastinating please lmk in the comments if you like it :))))
Note 2.0- Btw I feel like I write too much angst for someone who hasn’t had a heartbreak to relate to Taylor swift’s songs🧍‍♂️
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angryinternetduck · 4 years ago
yellow & blue
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[not my pic] Hello and welcome to 2.7k words of pure angst! This doesn’t really have a purpose lol but it’s sad and angsty and features 2020 Brits Harry so why not!!! Have some depressed Harry, angelic reader, and yellow suits. Featuring Harry Styles x famous!reader. Inspired by Woman by Harry Styles, It Isn’t Right by the Platters, and When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars (which should give you an idea of just how angsty this is lmao).
The first time he met you, Harry was wearing a yellow suit. The first thing you said to him was a compliment about it. That suit sparked a conversation, and that conversation sparked an interest, and that interest sparked the best two years of Harry’s life.
If Harry said he hadn’t thought about that suit while preparing for the 2020 Brits, he’d be lying.
The chatter of the table he’s at isn’t boring by any means, but it’s not anywhere near captivating enough to keep Harry’s attention on the conversation and off of you. He heard about your new boyfriend, of course - who hasn’t - but this is your first public appearance together and Harry is having just a little bit of trouble breathing.
It’s been four months. Four months since you broke up, three since the news went public.
As far as the public knew, the separation was mutual. As a brand new artist, you needed to take a second to find yourself as a person. As Harry Styles, the man the myth the legend, Harry needed to focus on his next album and possible future acting career. He also supported you in your decision, and knew that the two of you would, of course, remain the best of friends.
Most of that’s true. You only just released your second album - which is doing spectacularly, of course - and Harry really does need to get this next album done. But it wasn’t mutual. Harry doesn’t think any of his break ups have been truly mutual. You broke up with him. There isn’t really any getting around it. Not that the public has to know.
The problem is that Harry understands why you broke up with him. As heartbreaking as it is, he realizes what he did. He knows that he wasn’t a good boyfriend. He doesn’t really have an excuse, either; he can explain away his faults all he wants, but at the end of the day, you’re just too good for him.
Which makes it all the more depressing to watch you positively glow without him.
Part of him wants to go over and beg for your forgiveness. He wants to walk over and get on his knees and say, I love you with all my heart and I��ll never make another mistake again and I’ll love you forever and ever, please, please take me back, I’ll do anything.
Another part of him loves you too much to do that. Maybe you’re meant to be with this new guy. Maybe he’s your one, your only, the one worthy of all your love and attention. Maybe he’ll make you happy in ways Harry never did.
Because really, all Harry wants is for you to be happy. He wants you to glow like this all the time, to forget the feeling of sadness, to never cry a single tear again. He wants the only pain you ever feel to be an ache in your cheeks from all your smiling.
He just wishes he could be the one putting that smile on your face.
One thing he’s noticed is that your happiness seems to coincide directly with his. Whenever you’re happy, he’s happy. Not at the moment, actually, because you seem happy as a clam and Harry feels like his chest is caving in on itself, but whenever Harry thinks “happiness,” he thinks of moments with you. Of moments when you were happy. Moments when you were happy because of him, with him, for him.
He surprised you with a picnic one year for your birthday. He went all out, spreading a blanket down and everything, and the two of you drank wine, ate sandwiches and snacks out of a picnic basket, and talked in Harry’s back yard until after the sun came up.
Whenever Harry thinks “happiness,” that is the moment that pops into his head.
It wasn’t a loud sort of happiness, either. It wasn’t a bouncing on top of the world, adrenaline rushing through his blood, head pounding with excitement and joy and energy sort of happiness. He wasn’t breathless or wide eyed or buzzing with emotion.
No, this was a quiet happiness. It was the very definition of content. It was your head on his shoulder, your hand intertwined with his, your whispers of, “I love you,” the soft kisses exchanged as the sun set and the stars began to twinkle into the sky. It was your giggles at his jokes, your eyes brighter than the moon, softer than the wispy clouds suspended in air.
Harry’s getting a hollow ache in his chest just thinking about it. It hurts, really, because each of those memories, those days, those nights, carved a little hole in him and filled him with love and adoration and the purest happiness anyone’s ever experienced in the history of the world.
Now that you’re gone, that happiness has disappeared and all that’s left is a hollow, empty pit.
Since you’ve been gone, other memories have started creeping out of the shadows. These are different memories, memories of Harry’s failure and your disappointment and nights spent apart and tears sliding down your cheeks.
The problem with these memories is that it’s not a specific memory. It’s not one singular memory that Harry can turn over and over in his head and decide what went wrong. It’s not one thing that Harry can think about and solidify and apologize for.
It’s a whole bunch of things. It’s all the nights spent at the studio instead of with you. It’s all the last minute anniversary gifts and half hearted, distracted dinners, and all the forgetting of events and details. It’s the gradual falling away of random weeknight flowers, it’s the slow decline of hidden poems around the house he set out for you to find.
Well, maybe there is one thing. It might have been that one date night he cancelled. It was at the very end, during the knowing glances after frequent fights, after the slow, painful descent into acceptance but before the official conversation.
Dancing with the Stars had come on TV one night.
“Hey, I’m a star,” you murmured to him, curled up against him on the couch.
“Got that right,” Harry hummed, and you smiled up at him, and that smile made this night one of the good memories. “It should be just us two,” you told him, watching the pairs made up of one professional dancer and one celebrity dance on screen. “No professional.”
You giggled. “Yeah, we’re too good for them anyway.”
You took to dancing around the house after that night. Your dancing always brought a smile to Harry’s face. Funny how all you had to do was twirl, laugh, smile, breathe, and Harry would want to smother you in kisses and gift you his entire heart.
Sometimes you managed to rope him into it. Often you wouldn’t. Often, Harry would wake up to soft music playing in the kitchen, and he would walk in and see you dancing. He’d sip his coffee, and you would spin around and make up fancy footwork, and Harry would grin and blow you kisses and whisper, “I love you.”
He offered to take you dancing one night. He lay next to you in bed and traced his fingertips over your cheeks, lips, nose, and told you all about the night the two of you would have. He talked about live music and warm food and twinkling stars and dancing. You closed your eyes and smiled and hummed one of his songs, and Harry kissed you.
Then he got busy at the studio on the night you decided on. He stayed long. He called you. You didn’t pick up, because you were in the shower, getting ready for you big night. And you didn’t see the voicemail until after you were ready, until after you were sitting on the couch waiting for him, and when you saw the voicemail you jumped up because you didn’t look at the time it was sent, and you thought the voicemail was him calling because he was outside to pick you up.
You weren’t crying when he arrived at home. You just had a quiet sort of disappointment in your eyes, one that was almost more painful than tears, because this look told Harry that some part of you expected this. Harry didn’t look particularly guilty because he hadn’t realized how excited you were. He thought you probably didn’t even get ready. He thought you’d say, “Aw, well,” and move on.
He didn’t think he’d find you on the sofa, dressed in the most beautiful summer dress he’d ever seen, looking like an angel with a broken wing. He never dreamed you’d be so upset, never dreamed he’d be the reason for you being so upset.
That was the night he realized he was nothing but a mortal man in the presence of an angel.
An actual, real live angel.
An actual, real live angel who was losing her glow because of him.
Harry takes a miserable sip of his drink and tries to involve himself in the conversation happening around him. It doesn’t work. The noise level in the room is almost headache inducing, but somehow Harry can still pick out your laugh through the chatter.
He thinks, for a moment, that he’d like a shot of that laughter. He’d like to bathe in your happiness just once more. Maybe that’s all the closure he needs. A gasp of fresh air after what seems like eons of suffocating loneliness.
Then Harry thinks he sounds pathetic even in his own head and he excuses himself from his table. He walks almost blindly through the halls without even a semblance of an idea as to where he’s going. It’s quiet out here, at least, and he can clear his head, and take a breath, and maybe -
Harry freezes.
For a moment, he thinks he’s imagining things. Then he turns around, and as it happens, he’s not.
There you are, in all your glory, a hesitant smile on your lips. You’re wearing a lavender dress. It fits you perfectly, makes you look like you’re floating off the ground, and Harry wants to cry because it matches his bow perfectly and that wasn’t even planned and goddammit, universe, that’s just salt in a gaping wound.
“Nice suit,” you say, and now your smile looks more sad than hesitant, and Harry feels the tears building in his throat because you remember too, of course you do, and Harry opens his mouth to reply but he can’t get his words out and now he’s on the verge of tears not only because he’s sad but also because he’s embarrassed.
“Thanks,” Harry finally chokes out.
“You’re welcome.”
The corridor suddenly feels long and empty and silent.
“Heard Feather on the radio the other day,” you say.
Feather. One word, a million memories shifting through Harry’s head faster than lightning.
A gifted necklace, filled notebooks, picked out notes, hummed melodies. Murmured lyrics in ears in early mornings. Night after night in the studio, together. Rubbish takeaway food, in the studio, together. Laughter over everything and nothing. Falling over each other in the booth, soft sighs and blissful gasps replacing giggles and shrieks of amusement. Late, late nights, together. Hearing it on the radio for the first time, together, almost driving off the road because of the excitement.
Hearing it on the radio last time, alone, almost driving off the road because of the stab of grief.
Harry’s not sure what to say to that. What do you expect him to? Oh, great, me too, fantastic song, innit? So he pauses for a moment and then replies, “We should make a sequel.” That gets a laugh out of you, and the thought strikes Harry to bottle it up and wear it in a little bottle around his neck.
“That would be something, huh?” you say.
“Call me,” Harry says. “I’ll book a studio.”
You smile. “Yeah, sure.”
“Don’t forget,” Harry tells you.
“I won’t,” you say, and there’s a beat of silence. Your smile fades as you look at him, as he looks at you, and Harry looks away because your smile’s about to disappear completely and Harry doesn’t think he could stand being the cause of your smile disappearing one more time.
You clear your throat. “Alright, well… Expect that call.”
“I’ll see you around, H,” you say.
“See ya.”
You turn around and walk away. Float away. Fly away.
Flight, Harry thinks, watching you go. That’s what the sequel would be called. Feather. Flight.
You wore a white dress the first time the two of you performed it live. It’s such a love song. It’s the sappiest shit ever written by anyone in the entire world. If anyone else had written it, Harry would’ve rolled his eyes and said, Bullshit.
But it wasn’t. The song wasn’t, the love wasn’t, nothing was. It was the complete opposite. As pure and true as love could possibly be. Which makes it all the more painful that Harry couldn’t keep his shit together enough for you.
That’s another one of the Happy Memories: that first time performing together. You in your white dress, Harry in a silver, shimmering suit. The two of you did a whole choreography; you messed up every other move and Harry tripped over his own feet quite a few times, but the effort was there. The combination of the overwhelming yet familiar excitement of being on stage and the otherworldly bliss of simply being in your presence is a feeling Harry will never forget.
The air in the hallway grows heavier and heavier with each passing second.
Harry should get back to his table.
He starts to walk. He peers up at the ceiling as he does, hands locked behind his back, deep in thought. People are cheering out in the main room. Harry listens to the noise and closes his eyes, trying to shut his brain off.
The fans, he remembers, were devastated upon hearing the news of your breakup. It was kept quiet long enough that the questions and concerns weren’t particularly invasive, but it still hurt. It hurt like hell. It was ripping off the bandaid of the first month and poking and prying at the wound until Harry cried onstage and ducked out of an interview and missed a show.
Feather was taken off the setlist.
Once, during a lull in a show, the audience began to sing it. That was kind of strange. Harry looked up at the bright lights and swaying figures and heard his song, your song, being sung back to him by hundreds of strangers. It occurred to him, then, that it was not, in reality, your song. By that point, it meant something to other people as well.
That was very strange.
Harry ended up strumming out the chords for them. He smiled when the audience grew louder.
He heard later that the exact same thing happened to you. It was a few nights later, maybe the next week, and there were some technical issues. In the quiet, the fans began to sing Feather. You joined in just a second later, adding in your bit of the choreography.
Harry tried his hardest not to watch the footage, he really did, but he couldn’t help it.
He cried a lot that night.
When he finally makes it back to the main room, you’re situated under your new boyfriend’s arm, smiling brilliantly. Harry looks away as he sits down and downs the last of his drink. He grins at whoever’s talking at his table and shuts off his brain.
At the end of the night, through an alcohol- and exhaustion-muddled haze, Harry spots you by the door. He sweeps you up and plants a big messy kiss on your cheek, which you return with giggles and a kiss of your own. Harry leaves the 2020 Brits with two lipstick prints on him.
Despite the pictures splattered everywhere the next morning, Harry feels an air of contentment.
It’s done, he thinks, taking a deep breath. It’s done, and that’s good.
Because really, nothing gold can stay.
Not even the gold of a yellow suit.
ummm... yeah lol. hope u liked it...? lskdjf anyway there's that.
thx for reading! a reblog and some feedback would be fantastique!!!!
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peachpopfizz · 3 years ago
Hello may I ask if u can do Morro headcanon
*clasps hands* CAN YOU??? oh get ready for this i have sm to say
• for starters, morro wu is the name they go by!! the very first time sensei wu heard morro refer to himself with it he cried so hard
• morro is nonbinary, going mostly by they/them and he/him pronouns, but if you used she/her or anything of the like they wouldn't mind :)
• biromantic and greysexual!! can you tell im projecting yet?
moving onto my purely personal stuff:
• they play violin!! they picked it up after coming back to life. the wind responds to the song their playing. its a beautiful sight
• morro %100 needs glasses. do they get them?? no
• his gi's now associated more with the color yellow. he wanted to move away from green, and yellows pretty (and one of the few gi colors not taken already)
• cats!!! they love cats so much!!!!!! feeds all the strays. they love him
• the once green stripe in their hair is now grey, and they have a ghost scar across their left cheek, reaching all the way to their chin
• 100% was forced to read starfarer bc of jay and lloyd. he says he hates it (he ADORES it)
• they wear skirts and dresses when they feel like it!! clothes they can feel their element in? fuck yeah!!!
ok now done with the personal headcanons, onto more specific stuff :)
• in my 'morro is revived/redeemed/he just stays like we all wanted him to' au he does not move in directly with the ninja, instead living higher up in the mountains, in a small town southeast of Ninjago city. they feel at peace there, up in their element, away from most modern technology.
- both he and the ninja liked this decision more, while wu did not, but I'll get into their individual dynamics more later
-he doesnt really talk to anyone from the village, but anytime he goes to buy supplies and stuff he tries his best to give money and food to the homeless he passes. especially children.
-the children of the village therefore deem him a myth, some tell ghost stories of him, and others call him a good luck charm. morro thinks this is adorable, really, and plays into it; giving vague fortunes everytime a kid points him out.
• the ninja and wu definitely come to visit him sometimes too, and no matter how many times they do so morro's always suprised they care. the first time lloyd came to visit them on his own they were so astonished for like the next month
• whenever there's a world-threatening villain present and they need his aid, it is painstakingly obvious. they normally come to him all chill, but whenever they need help they come to him like akward in-laws.
- *sliding inside their door* "heyyy morro-"
- *exhausted sigh* "what is it now? another giant snake???"
NOW speaking of his relationship with the ninja
• this is a vv common headcanon, but morro and cole would become friends the fastest i think. oh? you were a ghost too? you like food?? quiet and prefers to not be in social situations??? hey bestie
- bonus thing: morro hasn't heard of cake because they were first an orphan/homeless, and when they were adopted by wu they were too focused on getting their body in perfect condition to eat sweets. therefore, a conversation between them has most definitely happened like this:
- "hey, morro, im craving sweets, wanna go get some cake?"
- *genuinely confused* "whats cake?"
- "..."
- "cole???"
- "oh you poor sweet summer child"
- tldr; out of kai, zane, jay, nya, and cole, morro and cole get along the best!!
• i think morro and jay would get along mostly by jay being the one who informs him of modern technology. y'know, teaching him about it. morro flipped his lid the second he learned what a microwave was.
- i also think jay brings out his inner sassy side. they have a lot of nicknames for each other.
- oh also also you know how nya can move ice if she tries hard enough? jay can just barely move wind, same goes for morro with lightning. they definitely use each others powers responsibly
- (jay almost caused a minature tornado once and morro made a week long power outage. they don't speak of those things)
- tldr; morro feels rather relaxed around jay. even if he takes a lot of their energy, its not too hard for them to get along. they would probably cause doomsday if left alone together for too long tho
• morro and zane!! or as I like to call it; therapist friend to therapist friend
- while untrusting of morro for a while, Zane was able to connect with them by seeing their walls come down
- i think morro would go to zane to vent if need be, hes a great listener. same goes vice-versa.
- both wind and ice are very reactive to their weilders emotions, so like it or not, these two have to bottle up their feelings sometimes for the safety of others
- thats why they work so well together, actually. fire, earth, lighting, and water arent as emotionally reliant. and we're getting 2 energy
- whenever zane is over and makes food morro will steal some or get thrown out the kitchen trying
- tldr; their friendship is very (heh) chill
• kai and morro!! aka 'i don't like you very much but we have the common interest of protecting lloyd to make up for past mistakes so ig ill tolerate you'
- unstable relationship!! they bicker the most, lloyd mostly being the peacekeeper
- they have their moments tho
- i think kai would've found morro in a vulnerable state once, like crying or having a panic attack or something, and he just sat next to him and held his hand
- they both refuse to acknowledge that happend, but they were nicer to each other after it
- they don't get along very well mostly to kai holding a grudge, but morro doesn't blame him. they haven't completely forgiven themselves, either
• morro and nya. dictionary definition of 'its complicated'
- can they get along and work together? yes, surprisingly so. do they WANT to? nah
- even though hes human again, morros still highkey-lowkey scared of nya. its the ptsd innit
- thats why nyas so compliant with him in the first place, bc even though she holds almost a big a grude towards them as her brother, she sees morros use
- i do think they made a small storm once though, using their powers. just out of boredom. it was beautiful
• and last but most certainly not least: disaster cousins! i cant fit these two's entire journey together in this one post, but I'll highlight the most important bits
- loyd was terrified that morro survived the drowning of the Preeminent, so he was immensely relieved that morro wasnt staying with them
- the first time they saw each other after styxx shit was so akward. they were left alone in a room together for 5 seconds and they hated it
- lloyd never wanted a verbal apology from morro, saying that the only way they could probably get forgiveness is through action
- only got close to morro after he proved himself through his actions. i mean, after helping them and Ninjago many times, lloyd couldn't say he hated them anymore
- the first time lloyd visited on his own with the intention to just, like, hang out; morro broke. mf bluescreened. thought he was hallucinating for a solid 20 minutes.
- they play video games together and read comics and the like.
- they rarely do anything like sparring tbh. whenever they're together they let their inner children come out
- lloyd: *bringing out a coloring book and crayons* "hey I know we're like in our early 20's but-"
- morro: *snatching them* "y e s"
- Morro's EXTREMELY overprotective to compensate for what hes done. lloyd doesn't stop them, he knows it makes them feel less guilt, but it does get a liiitle overbearing sometimes
- wu bawled once he learned they were getting along, the hardest he cried in a while
- tldr; these two mean SO MUCH TO ME
do i have more? oh, yes, many. am i stopping? yes, sadly. i don't want peoples Tumblr to crash once they see this post.
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anyoneseenadam · 4 years ago
Home: Chapter Seven
azriel x reader (acotar)
summary: (y/n) is a daughter of Persephone, still recovering from the trauma of her fall into Tartarus and doesn’t have time for a stupid, handsome, annoying, stunning, injured man. But now they’re stuck together in the middle of nowhere and there only chance of getting home is if she can heal him, and fast.
warnings: big spoilers for mark of Athena and house of Hades, also for the acotar series, eventual smut, blood, PTSD, graphic descriptions of violence, injuries and torture, enemies to lovers so az is a bit of a dick to start, swearing, 
word count: 3.9k
a/n: I’m entirely writing this to distract myself from the real world but honesty I’m having a great time, I think there will be one more chapter after this one and maybe an epilogue but asides from that, also feel free to message or ask if you want to be tagged :)) anyway enjoy and pls comment and shiz :)
Azriel had once joked that you were like an actual flower, needing water and sunlight to use your powers. At the time you had laughed but now as you stood in front of the mirror, wiping the tears from under your eyes, and preparing to walk into the world of all things dead, you understood. The dress you wore was one of the few fancy ones you reserved for the dinners you were often dragged to before your fall. It was lavender, with tulle cascading down your legs from the waist, paired with a tight corset top and tulle off-the-shoulder sleeves. As you sat with a ‘humph’ and started applying your makeup, your stepbrother walked in.
“Well you look cheery,” Nico said, sitting on your bed.
“I look like an evil power puff girl,”
“You look like you are a princess, which you are so my dad is going to be pleased.”
“I really don’t care what he thinks,” you snapped, and Nico help up his hands. He was wearing all black as usual, simple dress pants and a loose black shirt tucked in, his belt matched his rings, and his dark hair and even darker eye bags made him look every bit the Underworld prince. “Sorry, I’m not mad at you,” you said turning back around to carry on with your makeup.
“I know, it’s stressful for you,” he moved to sit next to you, resting his head on your shoulder and you applied eyeliner.
“I don’t wanna get sick again, I have things to do. Plus I’ve got to convince your dad to let me ask for this favour. I just feel like it’s all going to go to shit.”
“I get it, you’ll be fine though. Also I’m pretty sure your mum is going to do anything for you if it means you’ll speak to her again, so she’ll be on your side at least. That’s three vs one.” He nudged you as you put down the eyeliner.
“That’s true.” You bit the inside of your lip and Nico, sensing your worry, changed topic.
“Tell me about Azriel,” He said, and you caught his eye in the mirror.
“Well I gotta make sure that when you become his problem it will be permanent, I don’t want you coming back,” he joked.
“Fuck you,” you laughed shoving his shoulder and he giggled, rolling onto his back.
“I don’t want to do thisssss,” Nico said in a sing-song voice lying flat on the floor.
“Me neither but I’m not going in alone bitch,” you laughed, starting to feel slightly better. It was moments like this that made you regret pushing your friends away, the thought of seeing them was always scary but when you were with your brother again you remembered why you loved them so much. You assessed your outfit in the mirror and sighed.
“What?” Nico asked, sitting back up.
“This would look really nice with a dark red lip,” you said, biting your lip.
“Do you have one?” he asked, and you nodded. He was quiet for a second before reaching out and ruffling through your makeup, finding your favourite red lipstick. “Do you wanna try?”
“Yeah, but if I cry it’ll mess up my eyeliner.” You said with a shaky laugh. He laughed quietly handing you the lipstick and you looked at him in the mirror, taking in a shuddering breath. You were stronger than this and you could handle it. You closed your eyes for a minute, counting your breaths, before opening the lipstick.
Once it was applied you lifted your chin, staring down the girl in the mirror. Nico grabbed your hand softly and you tore your eyes away, standing and pulling on your shoes.
“Are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
Azriel was in a shit mood. He was 90% sure that you had cast some sort of spell on him when he was with you, something that made him happy and relaxed, because now that you weren’t here he pretty much wanted to throttle everyone.
Amren had been helping him look for a way to get back to you. The first thing they had tried was winnowing, he pictured your face; your smile, the way your hands felt in his, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t reach you. So they had been scanning books since then, reading up on every theory and myth. Nesta had brought him to speak to Gwyn who had told him about the theory that there could be up to at least 20 other worlds. Amren had also made him talk through every detail about this world he could remember, writing diligent notes as Cassian gave him weird looks when he spoke about Bucky Barnes.
“He’s a character, it’s a simple concept.”
“Yeah but how do you get an emotional connection to a character?”
“Shut up both of you.”
The pain in his chest was only growing as well, and he came to the daunting realisation that if he failed this; if he couldn’t get back to you, or get you back to him, he would probably have to deal with it for the rest of his long, long life.
He felt bad for taking his frustrations out on his family who were just worried about him, but he had never felt this way before. All he could think of was the way your eyes cleared when the realisation dawned on you. The way you had gone from sobs to a different, all-consuming kind of pain, just for a second, your eyes clearing as you realised you might never see him again. He hated himself for not being strong enough to put up a fight, he knew he wasn’t a match for a god, but he should’ve tried, he was too shocked at the time, too heartbroken, but now he was terrified that you might think he gave up on you. He had to get back to you, he was afraid what you might do if you were alone again. If you were alone after having the bond dangled in front of you, only to have it ripped away moments later.
It was almost 3am and everyone else in the house had gone to bed, but Azriel didn’t sleep well normally, and he especially wouldn’t while he was apart from you. He looked up from his book when he heard someone clear their throat, his head whipped up an incredulous smile gracing his features when he saw you sitting there.
“Baby,” he started moving forward but you held your hand up, stopping him.
“Oh that’s just too sweet, you kids are giving me so much content,” you dabbed at your eyes, and Azriel frowned.
“(y/n)? what’s going on?”
“Oh I’m not (y/n) sweetie, but that’s just adorable. My name is Aphrodite, Goddess of love and beauty, I often appear as whoever you find most beautiful.” Azriel’s heart dropped, the brief happiness he felt seeing your face gone as the lady spoke.
“Aphrodite? Hermes mentioned you.” He said, tensing as he realised he was dealing with another god. “In fact he said it was your fault this all happened.”
“Oh Hermes, always blaming someone else. You should be thanking me.”
“And why would I do that.” Azriel knew the look on his face was deadly, but something about seeing a god cower under his gaze was feeding his ego.
“Haven’t you worked out why you can’t travel back to her.” She raised her eyebrows at him, her expressions may be on your face, but as he paid more attention she seemed like a completely different person. “I have the power to move through world’s, you do not. I just thought that poor, sweet girl had been through enough that she should get to meet her soulmate. I waited for you after your mission and then just made you forget and let the two of you fall in love naturally, I mean I get teary eyed thinking about it, you’re just too cute!”
Azriel’s shoulders relaxed slightly, “So why are you here? Are you going to bring her to me?”
“Hmm I could, but I’d get in so much trouble, plus she’s very smart and I want to see if her plan works. You people are so very entertaining.” Her face rippled for a second as she turned, and she briefly looked like Mor, then Elain, then back to you. “But you, poor boy,” He chose to ignore the condescending tone, “You were dealt a very bad hand love wise, so maybe if she doesn’t succeed I could pull a few strings, but I do have a holiday planned so it may be a few decades.”
Her laugh made him feel sick and he glared at her, “What did you say about her plan?”
“Oh yes! She’s going down to the underworld to try find a solution,” Aphrodite was moving around the room gracefully as Azriel sat back down, the weight of Aphrodite’s easy words hitting him. She picked up one of the books laying on the desk and made an unimpressed noise, throwing it back down carelessly.
“That’s where the dead go right?” he asked, silently praying he was wrong,
“Yup! Don’t worry though, her mother lives there too,” she said ‘mother’ with a slight snarl, but Azriel ignored her. “You know I get why she likes you, you’re very pretty aren’t you?” She walked over to him, swaying your hips and he had to remind himself it wasn’t you as she sat down in his lap, forcing his hands to stay clenched at his side. She ran your hand along his jaw, tilting her head with a smile as she stroked his face. Her thumb rested on his bottom lip as he glared at her with murderous rage, trying to reel it in as he remembered she was possibly the only one that could help him.
“Well I guess I better go,” She sighed dramatically then pressed a perfectly polished gold coin into his hand, “Flip this if you need me, emergencies and sex only.” She winked at him, before kissing his cheek and standing, waving seductively before vanishing. Azriel sat for a few minutes, reeling from the interaction he just had. Is this the world I’ve entered now? Gods who can do whatever they want? He wondered if that’s why you avoided talking about the Gods, if maybe growing up with this had made you bitter to them. He wanted to ask you and talk to you about it, or anything for that matter but instead he just pocketed the coin and stood, winnowing to his room, and collapsing on his bed.
“Sweetie, you look beautiful,” Your mother cried out as you and Nico arrived, you were leaning heavily on his arm, while surrounded by death, the coldness of a lifeless place seeped into your bones and weakened you, you had learnt as much the first time you visited. You gave your mother a tight-lipped smile and hugged her awkwardly.
“Oh I missed you so much dear,” she stroked your hair, and you fought the urge to roll your eyes.
“You could’ve visited.” It was hard to keep the bitterness out of your voice, after all you had gone through and she hadn’t visited once. A look of shock passed over her face but before she could reply Hades thundered in, his usual outfit, ‘the robes of death and despair’ as you fondly called them, were replaced by a dark suit, his hair slicked back from his face. He came to Persephone’s side and rested a hand around her waist pulling her in slightly, and despite yourself you felt a little jealous of their closeness as your mother looked up at him with doe eyes.
“Nico, my son, how are you?” Hades deep voice silenced the room, the very air seeming to stand still, and Nico flushed red as he was put on the spot. The four of you exchanged pleasantries as you made your way to the ridiculously long table, Hades sat at the head on one side, Persephone on the other, with Nico and you facing each other in the centre. The wood was dark, but the table was covered in all sorts of colourful food and you all helped yourselves while making small talk, only managing to hear your parents due to the eery silence of the room, dead guards not needing to make any noise.
After the first few courses and once you had consumed enough white wine to gain some courage you turned to face your mother.
“Mum, I think I need a favour if that’s okay?” you asked with great caution, extremely aware of the powerful forces surrounding you.
“Well that depends dear. What is it?”
“After the battle and the… fall, I never got my reward remember, I instead asked to be able to come get it when I needed it.”
“Yes of course, I thought that was very smart!” your mother spoke cheerfully but you could feel Hades’ gaze on your back, burning through your skin and bones to the very essence of your soul. “Let me guess, you need it now?”
“If that’s okay, some things have changed recently and I now know what I need,” you smiled at her, “I met a man, well actually he’s a faerie. Aphrodite wanted us to meet because we’re soulmates and after my fall she thought I deserved to see him, but since he’s from another world he had to go back, and we can’t be together.” You wiped away a few stray tears you forced out; this was your game. Your mother didn’t visit you often so she had never seen this side of you, the side that could manipulate even a god into giving you what you wanted. “So I thought, maybe for my reward I could become Fae and be permitted to live with Azriel in his world, and maybe come and visit my friends occasionally?”
“Oh that sounds lovely dear! That’s so alike me, I had to beg my mother and even then she didn’t let me stay here,” your mother rattled on and you smiled at her, but your shoulders were still tense as you knew you hadn’t won yet. You turned to where Hades sat, rubbing his temples.
“I get it. I do. But I really don’t think my brother would allow that, it’s too much.”
“Too much?” you asked, a bitter laugh escaping.
“I understand you went through a lot,”
“Do you?” you couldn’t stop the biting words, “Because the last I checked you both sat and did nothing while I was tortured down there. You could’ve done something, but you didn’t, you made a choice not to, and now I ask for ONE thing, and it’s too much?” Hades’ glare was murderous, but you weren’t going to back down.
“I mean if you really think about it, I’ll be out of your hair if you agree. One less demi-god always seems to be a win for you guys.” Nico said your name in warning, but you slowly stood. “I am not asking for much, I am asking to be allowed to live a life with the man I love and after all I have been through, fighting YOUR battles, I think it’s the least I deserve.”
You held Hades’ gaze for a few more seconds until he spoke. “Are you sure your not a child of Nyx?” he asked, and you grinned, cocking your head to the side.
“Why would that be?”
“You have a pure evil streak in you girl and uncharted power. You better learn to control it, before someone catches on.”
“We won’t have a problem I’m presuming?”
“I’ll see what I can do,” he said gruffly, going back to his meal and you relaxed, moving to hug your mother goodbye, whispering thanks to her, before linking arms with Nico and leaving.
The next day you awoke to a golden invitation to Olympus, and you smiled, soon. You’d be with him soon.
Olympus looked much nicer since Annabeth had gotten involved. You may have been biased but it seemed to hold a sense of home it never had before, the clinical cleanliness now feeling purer and more loving. The throne room however had remained much the same.
You stood alone in the middle surrounded by the arc of thrones, but you refused to take your eyes of Zeus. You had received a wink from Apollo and a smile from Aphrodite as you walked in but beside that it had been eye contact for at least five minutes. You knew better to speak before you were spoken to but the way they surrounded you and stared down on you was bringing up bad memories and you were really fighting a panic attack.
Seemingly sensing this Apollo cleared his throat, “Perhaps we should start father?” While you were grateful a part of you hated how well the flirtatious god knew you, he was the first to tend to your wounds when you first escaped, healing them enough so you wouldn’t die from blood loss but not enough for anyone to suggest he was picking favourites. His warm hands had provided a sense of comfort you thought you had lost entirely.
Zeus nodded slowly, a letter appearing in his hand, “So these are your terms? Transformation into high Fae, permission to live in a new world with visits back to this one twice a year?” you presumed Hades, or your mother had written the letter, neither of them present currently. You nodded clearly, not entirely trusting your voice.
“I guess it’s only fair, but a full transformation will hurt,”
“I’m sure I can take it.” you lifted your chin, holding your shaking hands tightly in an attempt to conceal them.
Zeus laughed, not taking his eyes of you, “I’m sure you can. Does anyone have any major oppositions?”
Aphrodite raised her hand, “I’d like to add that during her transformation, her womb changes shape so she may birth Illyrian children.” You shot her a grateful look, still not entirely sure why she was suddenly so invested in ensuring your happiness, but you wouldn’t complain.
Hera was the next to speak and you fought the urge to roll your eyes, “Why is she getting special treatment again? What did she do that was so different?”
“She was tortured for days!” Athena exclaimed,
“So?” Ares now.
“She was a child, it was brutal.” Apollo jumped to your aid and soon the chamber was filled with shouting voices as they argued over your fate.
“SILENCE.” Zeus quieted the room instantly and every eye turned to him, but he remained focused on you, “Well then? Answer the question girl, what makes you so special?”
You thought for a second before answering, “I don’t consider it special treatment. After the battles I’ve fought and the pain I’ve endured to help your causes, I’d consider it a form of retirement.” You kept Zeus’ gaze and let a streak of the evil Hades had warned you off show, smiling when his smug smile disappeared. He waved his hand, “Very well then, High Fae with altered womb and permission to live in their world and visit our occasionally, that is all?”
You nodded and he assessed you before holding out his hand, his gaze darkening. You furrowed your eyebrows as your limbs started to tingle before pain took over your entire body.
You had felt pain so many times before, pain that left more than just physical trauma, but this was different. You felt as if your blood had become fire and every bone was breaking as new ones reformed. You didn’t have any sense of time or place, all you could feel was pain. At one point you thought it was over only to open your eyes, feeling impossibly soft sheets beneath you, and see Apollo hovering over you, sweat dripping from his brow as he took some of the pain away, even for just a moment.
When you finally awoke you were on the ground. You stood up quickly, almost knocking yourself over as your movement were much faster than usual. You were outside a glowing city, it didn’t have skyscrapers like New York, but it was so comforting to look at you felt yourself being drawn in. As you crossed the border however, a beautiful man with dark hair appeared, his eyes narrowing.
“Who are you and why are you trying to get in here?” A shot of fear went through you as you felt his magic, it was thick in the air and powerful.
“I’m not going to hurt anyone, I’m just looking for someone,” you explained, swallowing down the lump in your throat. The handsome man’s gaze turned vacant before softening after a moment.
“I apologise, I’m Rhysand. Let me help you find whoever it is, what’s their name?”
“That’s okay, really. His name is Azriel, but I don’t think he’s expecting me.” Rhysand stopped, his head turning towards you, “what is it?” you asked.
“How do you know my name?” you stepped back but he held out his hands,
“No, no I’m Az’s brother, let me take you to him.” he grabbed your arm softly and suddenly you were standing in a warm room facing Azriel. You felt tears fill your eyes as you stared at him, he uttered your name in question and you nodded running into his arms, completely engulfed by his scent, tears of joy running down your face when you suddenly realised something, pulling away.
“Did you say brother?” you turned to Rhysand, feeling all the plants in the air respond to your calls, when Azriel tugged you back to him.
“Not biological don’t worry.” He whispered and Rhysand laughed.
“I like her.”
“Hmm I was two seconds away from castrating you,” His eyes widened slightly and you laughed, turning back to Azriel as he looked over you.
“How- you, you’re Fae?” His eyes were filled with worry again, afraid he was being tricked.
“I never got my reward remember, I knew I would need it in the future,” you smiled at him as he cupped your face and leaned down to kiss you. You pulled apart, Azriel growling when you heard catcalls, turning, and seeing the room had practically filled. A shot of fear went through you as your eyes landed on another man who had red siphons, and Azriel followed your gaze, a hand stroking your face in reassurance.
“So this must be (y/n), welcome to our home, I’m Feyre,” A beautiful woman stepped forward and clasped your hand in hers, which you noted were stained from paint. Everyone else soon made introductions and they urged you to sit as you found out about this makeshift family Azriel was in.
“Oh! That’ll be Nyx, I’ll go,” Feyre said when a baby started crying in the distance,
“Wait what did she say the babies name was?” You asked, holding in a laugh.
“Nyx?” Rhys said,
“Oh, course, cool cool cool,”
“What?” Azriel asked, looking at you strangely.
“I’ve kind of met her,”
“Yeah, she’s like the evilest deity there is, and she did not like me,” Rhysand stared at you with a look of shock on his face, but before anyone said anything else, Amren was laughing loudly.
“You must tell me all about these Gods girl.”
tags: @tastedlikedamnation
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beautifulterriblequeen · 4 years ago
Trickster: an Ethari theory
I've had yea many Ethari headcanons, and I hope I live to have yea many more. Most of them are probably wrong, or incomplete at best. But boy are they fun.
I love to wonder what Ethari will really be like in canon when we get to know him for more than 3 minutes, but whoever he really is on his own, he will have an effect on Runaan , Rayla, and everyone who loves him, because they love him.
The first headcanon I can remember having for "Tinker" was that he could be like Leonardo da Vinci: a genius, creative, surrounded by beautiful ideas given shape by his hands, but also capable of creating deadly weapons, enchantments, and devices with equal beauty, and perhaps not really seeing where the line between them was. It was fun, but Ethari has ended up far softer than my headcanon, and I love and support him in his softness!
After a nice string of Ethari headcanons, this year I've started poking at the Trickster archetype and seeing if it applies to him. And I think it absolutely does!
Tricksters often seem like Chaos. But they're not. They're just Difference. "Chaos" is subjective. Like the "divergent" in "neurodivergent." Who says? Divergent from what, exactly? Perspective matters, and Tricksters have a very broad take on things which allows them to think outside any box people might try to invite them into.
My enjoyment of Loki has brought all kinds of ideas to my dash with the arrival of the Loki show. I've got a copy of the Edda, and I highlighted the hell out of it a couple of years ago as I searched for the roots of Loki's origin story. (It's truly fascinating reading and the symbolic language hidden inside their poetry is dazzlingly amazing and I'm super using it sometime just so you know)
Loki is a Trickster, and he's far from alone in myth and legend. Anansi, Coyote, and Sun Wukong are some you may have heard of. Aaravos is another, of course. Tricksters can be called upon to lend aid and wisdom when the rules don't have an answer for some extraordinary circumstance which the Trickster's people find themselves in. But that's not because they are truly outside the rule of order. They are actually a part of it. They are the catch-all for when the everyday ordinary rules fail people, and something "unthinkable"--in the literal sense--might just hold the answer.
This post crossed my dash today, and something finally clicked in my head, and all of this coalesced from what felt like separate places. But they're not separate, not anymore! Serotonin, baby. It's basically upped my headcanon to a full-blown theory.
What caught my eye was an answer to why Ethari's clothing is so determinedly asymmetrical, compared to Runaan's specifically, but Moonshadows in general. It's because of this:
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Long protective sleeves below patterns on shoulders. A high collar paired with a bright and noticeable swoop around the neck. Fine detailing and graceful taste. Asymmetrical tunic point on the left, below broad strappy leather. Knee high boots with stylish protective gaiters.
And let's not forget the curling horns! In some comics, Loki has a broken horn. So does Ethari.
Yes, there is a lot of similarity here, but I'm not focused so much on the visuals as the reason they were chosen. Feel free to consider other aspects of Ethari's personality and how they might be similar to certain parts of Loki's. I did! But I wouldn't be me if I didn't go deeper than that.
My favorite book in the universe (so far) is Lois McMaster Bujold's The Curse of Chalion, and one of the many reasons why is because of her pantheon. It holds five gods, represented by a hand: Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, and Bastard. The first four all have their roles and places. The Bastard--the thumb--inherits everything else. He is the god of all things that do not belong to any other gods, and that includes self-sacrificing vengeance and queerness. He is a Trickster, and his influence on Cazaril's life is far deeper than at first glance. Chaos has its place. It belongs, and so do the Tricksters who engender it. God, I love this book. Please read it if you haven't. Bujold's work is amazing.
If you've seen or read any version of MDZS/Untamed, you know that Wei WuXian is a trickster. Competent and badass in battle, but playful and teasing to the point where sometimes even he isn't sure what he truly wants, he can bring a massive amount of power and focus when he wants to. It's always a matter of "but is it important to me?"
I love WWX so much. The Trickster vibe is very apparent in his character, and in a way you just don't get in Western media. We see him on his own, and we see him with family and loved ones. And he's always feeling something so intensely! He's driven by his emotions, for good or ill. He vibes with chaos, and he will create it if it doesn't exist yet. But he will also create family from nothing, and that's something you don't see enough of! WWX is a Trickster with an emotional preference for joy.
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In TDP, Ethari doesn't have a lot of lore yet. It's being Moonshadowed because spoilers for future seasons, and I respect that. The longer the wait for S4, the more ideas I will just amuse myself with in the meantime--and yeah, this is one of them, so what? :))) But we do know a little about him.
He loves music. He loves to read. He leaves his mark on things in swirly form. He works very hard, even through headaches, because what he's doing is that important to him, even though he would much rather be making jewelry. He loves taking the time to polish rough stones into brilliant jewels, and he adores big pretty flowers and had them at his wedding.
Ethari has a temper, but he also loves puns. The weapons he crafts are exquisite: "light, elegant, strong, and clever." And he knew darn well that Runaan was trying to flirt with him, but why return a sentiment he may or may not feel yet when he can play with the overly earnest assassin just a little bit first?
Okay, just... A "simple craftsman" deciding that it's going to be fun to toy for a bit with a broody assassin's feelings? Would you risk that? Ethari got balls the size of the moon, and a brain to match. When he has to make weaponry, he does not half-ass it. Ethari's stabby creations nearly have a life of their own. His creations are literally called "trick weapons." This elf is a lot, okay. And it's possible that he doesn't even know how "a lot" he is. Yet.
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We're meeting Ethari after he's found something that is, in fact, genuinely important to him: Runaan, and Rayla, and Laindrin too. Ethari has found a relatively stable place to settle and find a role to adopt. I say adopt, though, because making weaponry for his loved ones is not what he grew up wanting to do. It's what he had to do to keep them safe, once he found a place to bestow his heart.
But in the show, Ethari has lost his family, one by one. First Lain and Tiadrin, ghosted. Then Runaan, supposedly fallen on his mission. Then Rayla, ghosted for abandoning Runaan. He and Rayla have reconnected now, but the rest of his family is still out of his reach. If Rayla has indeed told him, by S4, what she learned at the Moonhenge in TTM, then Ethari may parallel Rayla's journey to seek answers. But even if he doesn't know yet, and gets pulled into some other story arc first, we will be seeing Ethari without his family.
Remember the ATLA episode "Zuko Alone"? Consider: "Ethari Alone."
Ethari has chosen, for love, to fit himself into a box that wasn't of his own making. And now that box has broken. His family doesn't need him to be their craftsman anymore. Perhaps others will need him to be other things to them. Or perhaps he will know that his family does need him, but to be far more than just a maker of pretty swords. A rescuer, perhaps. A healer, a guide? An avenger?
A trickster. Capable of taking many shapes, because he understands them all. Ethari works with form and function. If he needs to transform himself, he will.
That's what Tricksters do. It's delightfully queer and delightfully neurodivergent. Ancient peoples accepted and revered the different among them and actively sought their help with things they themselves struggled with.
Tricksters are Difference. Sometimes that manifests as chaos, sometimes as genius. But if you do not love and appreciate your chaos, it will absolutely turn on you. Wei Wuxian did. Loki certainly has, many times. Perhaps Aaravos is doing so as well.
I cannot wait to see what Ethari does with his difference. I have something very specific that I hope he goes and breaks.
All this from a picture of Tom Hiddleston in his Avengers 1 Loki costume? Yeah. Because Ethari was designed to wear asymmetrical clothing, in a Moonshadow culture that prides itself on balance. Sure, there are some other Moonshadows who wear this or that asymmetrical item, and I do love to see it. But Ethari has the most asymmetrical lines of them all. The meta glee I feel knowing that Moonshadow elves are designed to hold many layers of meaning in their appearances--that the writers, creators, and character designers just flexed with them--is truly a delight.
Ethari is asymmetrical. The full and practical application of that is a glass casket, and I hope it becomes a gift that keeps on giving, because boy do I want to keep receiving it. But right now, I'm genuinely seeing evidence of the Trickster archetype in him. And I really hope it gets to come out and play.
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melanielocke · 4 years ago
Lost in the Shadows - Chapter 15
Taglist: @nott-the-best @foxglove-airmid @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @justanormaldemon @styxdrawings @ipromiseiwillwrite
Previous Chapter: Chapter 14
Next Chapter: Chapter 16
Will covered his face with his hand. ‘I do not understand why after yesterday you’d want to return to the woods,’ he said. ‘Well, I understand the recklessness of some of you, but I was expecting a little more sense from Alastair.’
Lucie had to agree that if any of them had the common sense not to run towards danger, it was Alastair.
‘If we do nothing, we stand little chance of saving Thomas,’ Alastair said, his voice betraying no emotion but he did seem a bit stiff.
‘Excellent point. I’ve heard I am to congratulate you, by the way, Alastair. And Thomas too, of course. Here I was hoping that after James and Cordelia broke up, I’d have another chance for a Carstairs in the family with you and Lucie.’
Lucie wished she could disappear. She deeply regretted telling her father about her crush on Alastair, almost two years ago. Nowadays, she realized she’d probably just looked up to him, she had been grateful for the way he’d defended her. She had liked him better than most boys in school, and had mistaken that for a crush. However, when it came to boys in school, the bar was on the floor.
Alastair, for his part, looked horrified. ‘That will never happen. I’m gay.’
‘So am I!’ declared Lucie. She figured this was as good a time as any to bring it up, and she’d been meaning to tell everyone anyway.
Everyone stared at her. Alastair looked amused. ‘Well, that is one way to come out. Congratulations, Lucie.’
Her father looked surprised. ‘Really? You always told me about boys you liked.’
Lucie shrugged. ‘Yeah, that’s weird,’ she said. ‘I think at some point I started looking at girls and realized what I felt for boys didn’t really compare.’
Lucie wasn’t sure that made sense, but on the internet she’d discovered plenty of lesbians had had crushes on boys before realizing. Feelings were confusing for sure, and the longer Lucie thought about it, the more she began to understand those oblivious book characters who were obviously in love but had no clue.
‘I didn’t realize,’ Will said. ‘But I’m glad you told me. Can’t wait until you tell us about any girls you like.’
Considering her father’s fondness for the Carstairs family and how determined he was to bring one into the family, Lucie wasn’t sure telling him how she felt about Cordelia was a good idea. She didn’t doubt her father would think it a good idea to help, which would end in disaster.
Lucie felt that was enough said about the topic for now. ‘Back to our plan,’ she continued. ‘We need to find the selkie skin, which according to our source is located in the woods, in the land in between. The same place Alastair and Thomas ended up finding yesterday. There was a trap door they couldn’t open, but cortana could cut through the lock, so that’s our way in.’
Lucie didn’t mention the minor risk of getting trapped all the way in the realm of the thief of souls. Nor were they completely sure the trap door hid the selkie skin, but it had to hide something interesting, right?
‘Hold on, whose selkie skin, and why?’ Will asked.
Cordelia summarized last night’s visit. ‘Grace needs that skin, or she will be forced to use her power on us. Even if our plan has its risks, the risk of doing nothing is falling under the spell of a siren.’
‘I thought you said she was a selkie,’ Will said.
‘Something in between, I think,’ Cordelia said. ‘She is a selkie, but she has the voice of a siren. Something about myths being muddled. I don’t know, I can’t say I have much experience with the lovely ladies of the sea. That’s what she called herself, by the way.’
Lucie had to admit Grace was indeed quite lovely.
Will sighed. ‘I guess you’re right that someone has to go. I’d do it myself, but there must be a reason she asked for Cordelia specifically and I don’t have any weapons. But I do want you to be back by dinner. Now hurry before Tessa, Gideon or Sophie learns of your plans.’ A playful smile appeared on her father’s lips. ‘And if anyone asks, this conversation never happened.’
Lucie quickly put on some walking shoes, heart beating fast until the four of them were out of sight and she was sure her mother couldn’t stop them anymore. Her father might be lenient when it came to recklessness, but her mother was not.
‘If anyone gets mad at us, I’m definitely blaming your father,’ Alastair announced.
‘That’s not fair,’ Lucie protested. ‘He covered for us.’
‘Let’s just focus on our mission,’ Thomas offered. ‘Yesterday, we took this path and it took us to the ruins.’
She followed Thomas and Alastair, who remembered how they’d come upon the ruins yesterday. It was a nice route, Lucie had to admit that, with a small pond on the side. In the end, after a long walk by Lucie’s standards, they exited the woods back where Lucie had entered to follow Tatiana, at the side of the village.
Lucie frowned. ‘Are you sure that was the right route?’ she asked. ‘I didn’t see any ruins.’
‘Perhaps the entrance is somewhere different today,’ Thomas suggested. ‘Maybe we should go back and try another path.’
After trying several paths and walking for hours, Lucie was getting tired. She wasn’t used to taking walks this long like Thomas and Alastair were and she was pretty sure she had blisters on both feet. Determined not to complain, she trailed behind the two boys, who kept exchanging longing stares. They really were adorable together. Thomas at some point took Alastair’s hand in his, which caused Alastair to stop in his tracks. Lucie nearly bumped into him.
‘Why isn’t this working?’ Cordelia asked.
‘Well, yesterday was the first time we found the ruins,’ Thomas said. ‘Before that, the forest was normal. Apart from some gnomes, things like that. Nothing unusual, at least. Perhaps today, the gateway isn’t there. Or perhaps there’s another trick to reaching it.’
‘Is there anything we did different yesterday?’ Alastair wondered.
‘We didn’t intend to find the land in between,’ Thomas said. ‘What if we cannot find it now that we’re actively looking?’
‘Then how would Tatiana find it?’ Alastair asked. ‘If that’s where she hid Grace’ skin, she can’t have stumbled on the ruins by accident like we did.’
‘Could be part of the deal she made, her learning how to come there,’ Lucie said. ‘Is there anything else you did differently?’
‘We were there earlier,’ Alastair added. ‘Thomas decided to sleep in today, whereas yesterday he and I went into the woods early in the morning.’
‘I think I was on my way there when I followed Tatiana,’ Lucie added. ‘When I returned, Cordelia said I was gone for an hour when it didn’t feel that way, just like you were gone for a whole day.’
‘I’m not sure stalking Tatiana until we can follow her there is such a good idea,’ Alastair said. ‘Perhaps we should try it again tomorrow morning.’
They tried again the next morning, and then in the evening for a short walk, but no result. She had patched up her feet with blister band aids from her mother’s first aid kit and kept going, even if her feet were still hurting and it was getting worse. It wasn’t the time, it turned out, and Lucie started to get frustrated. Grace hadn’t come back, and how were they supposed to get her skin if they couldn’t get back into the land in between?
The third morning, after another fruitless attempt to find the land in between, her mother was waiting for them in the hallway when they returned to the house.
‘Where have you been all morning?’ she scolded.
Lucie realized none of them had a good excuse for this morning. Most of the time, no one had noticed them return, and they had been ‘reading’ the whole time in their bedrooms. At least for Thomas and Alastair, it was believable that they’d want to spend time together in a bedroom “reading” any time of the day. She looked around to see if anyone would come up with something. At least Cordelia was a decent liar. But no one offered a believable excuse and Lucie had no inspiration.
‘We were looking for a way back into the land in between,’ Lucie said, deciding not to reveal her father’s role in their adventures. ‘But we couldn’t find it. So no harm done, we weren’t in danger and the only injuries sustained are my blisters.’
Her mother sighed. ‘You’re just like your father, Lucie. But I’d hoped some of you had more sense.’
Her mother looked at Alastair, her expression stern. ‘I thought you could be a voice of reason among them, Alastair. I don’t understand why you’d do something so reckless. Promise me you won’t go into the woods again.’
Lucie agreed that out of the four of them, Alastair probably had the most common sense, but it was almost painful to see Alastair respond. Lucie knew her mother often came across as harsher than she meant, but Alastair probably didn’t. His face went blank, he retreated back into his shell. Lucie might not have noticed anything was wrong if Cordelia had not looked so concerned.
‘I’m sorry to have disappointed you, dr. Gray,’ he said and before anyone else could say anything, Alastair disappeared inside, presumably to his bedroom.
Her mother had a PhD and did all sorts of medical research, Lucie knew she liked it when people called her by her title, but at the same time she’d hoped Alastair was close enough to her parents to call them by their first names.
Thomas and Cordelia also made their way inside before her mother could get angry with them too, Lucie remaining behind.
‘It was for Thomas,’ Lucie said. ‘We needed to find the place in between again. We needed to find Grace’ selkie skin or else Tatiana will force Grace to enchant us with her voice.’
Tessa sighed, putting her hand on Lucie’s shoulder. ‘Why didn’t you tell me, Lucie? We could have gone in your place.’
Lucie figured she shouldn’t tell her mother her father had encouraged her to go.
‘I didn’t want you to put yourself in danger,’ Lucie said. ‘Cordelia has cortana, Alastair has his memory, so they had to go. I think you’ve upset Alastair, I better go check if he’s alright.’
Tessa sighed. ‘No, I will check on him. You’re right, I was too harsh on him. I didn’t consider… Never mind, I’ll go. But don’t think you’re out of trouble, young lady. You’re not leaving the house until otherwise specified.’
Lucie groaned and went inside, taking off her shoes and replacing the patches on her blisters. She had a pair of fit flops she could still wear, and Lucie decided that even if those shoes weren’t the most suitable for the forest, she would wear them for their next walk. If she was ever allowed to leave the house again, that was.
She wasn’t sure where Cordelia or Thomas had gone, upstairs to find Alastair? Perhaps she should join them, but her father found her first.
‘Tessa caught you,’ he concluded, sitting down next to her.
Lucie made a face. ‘Now I’m not allowed to leave the house.’
‘I’ll talk to her,’ her father promised. ‘Have you found anything yet?’
‘No,’ Lucie said. ‘I don’t understand why. Thomas and Alastair one day walked into the land in between on accident, but now we can’t find it and it’s frustrating and my feet hurt and these blisters are bursting open.’ She paused. ‘Did you see where Thomas and Cordelia went?’
‘Upstairs,’ Will said. ‘I’m thinking they’re talking to Alastair. He seemed rather upset. Is everything alright with him?’
Lucie sighed. ‘I think it’s something mom said. She didn’t mean to hurt him, but because he’s the oldest out of the four of us and definitely the one with the most common sense, she said that she’d expected more from him.’
She couldn’t explain it exactly, she didn’t always understand what upset Alastair. But she suspected Alastair felt like he didn’t deserve to be here, or that her parents liking him was very conditional. Perhaps in Alastair’s mind, all love was conditional, and any mistake he made meant he’d lose someone’s love. Lucie was trying to understand what was going on in his head. As a writer, she should be able to understand how people thought and why they did what they did. As a friend, she should be able to offer support. She wasn’t sure she was doing a good job with either.
‘I imagine that’s difficult for him to hear,’ Will said. He sighed. ‘This is all my fault. I’ll talk to your mother, and tell her I encouraged you to go.’
‘Mom will be very mad with you,’ Lucie said.
‘Now she’s angry with you, and I deserve it more,’ Will said. A playful smile lit up his face. ‘Besides, you’re not little princess Lucinda who needs to be locked in a tower, that’s for sure. What’s life without a little risk?’
Lucie wondered if he’d feel the same way after facing her mother.
She went outside into the garden on her fit flops to feel the sun on her skin after reapplying sun screen. The weather was nice today, not too hot, a soft breeze against her cheek, and only a few clouds in the air. That could change any moment though, Scotland was known for is changeable weather. A good atmosphere for a nice romantic scene, or bonding between friends or family. Or just fun scenes that might not need to be in the book but balanced out the dark ones. Lucie felt a book should be balanced in that sense. While she loved drama and darkness, she did not like gritty stories where everything was dark and terrible. She liked to balance out the darkness with a sweet romance or gentle characters still remaining kind and hopeful in the worst circumstances. Or characters who might have turned bitter, but were trying to be better. Thomas had a bit of a weakness for those, which totally wasn’t because that archetype resembled Alastair.
The garden still counted as the house, right? She suspected Thomas and Cordelia were both still with Alastair and she didn’t think it would be a good idea to join them. She didn’t know Alastair as well as Cordelia did, she feared she’d only say the wrong thing. Besides, Alastair didn’t seem to like people taking care of him or fussing over him, Cordelia had told her she sometimes had to force him to let her protect him for once. Lucie feared her mother’s comment had reinforced some deeply held belief of his that he was worthless, even if she had never intended to make him feel that way.
She wondered how she’d never seen something was not right at the Carstairs home. Cordelia hadn’t either, but she remembered how when she was young, Cordelia would sometimes come to her for sleepovers, whereas Cordelia’s parents had rarely invited her over at their house. Of course, when she was little Lucie would get homesick and preferred having sleep overs at her own house anyway, so it had never bothered her.
And when Lucie was little, her father would always come sing her a Welsh lullaby. He was Welsh through his father, whereas the house here in Scotland had been in her grandmother’s family for some time. He was a horrible singer, and it was hilarious how he kept trying and did not care what people thought. It was sweet and Lucie had always felt safe and protected when her father came to tuck her in and sing his horrible songs. Cordelia had told her it was usually Alastair who sang her good night songs and tucked her in. That had made sense too. Alastair had a beautiful voice after all, and who wouldn’t want to listen to him sing? Back then, Alastair had seemed much older and wiser than the two of them, but really, he’d been a child too.
And Cordelia had regularly had to cancel plans because her father was sick and she couldn’t leave him. Lucie had understood, although the disappointment never quite faded. But when Lucie’s father was sick, he might whine and moan like a typical man flu patient and complain that he needed uncle Jem’s care and support, but he would never have asked Lucie to choose taking care of him over spending time with the few friends she had.
None of those things had struck her as odd in childhood, but now she was thinking maybe they should have. Maybe someone should have seen something was not right at the Carstairs house. Perhaps then Alastair wouldn’t be in so much pain now.
Lucie looked up, but didn’t see anyone calling out her name. Nor did she recognize the voice. It was a smooth, feminine voice.
‘Over here!’ the voice hissed and Lucie followed the sound to the trees and recognized Grace.
‘What are you doing here?’ Lucie asked.
‘Tatiana left me alone. She didn’t realize I had enough free will left to come here.’
‘I’m sorry, we don’t have your skin yet,’ Lucie said.
Grace rolled her eyes. ‘I know. I’ve seen you walk in the woods once or twice. Honestly, that was embarrassing.’
Lucie frowned. ‘How so?’
‘You never even opened the gateway,’ Grace said.
‘How are we supposed to do that? We’re not Tatiana!’ Lucie exclaimed. ‘And Alastair and Thomas entered the land in between by accident.’
‘It sucks people in sometimes,’ Grace said. ‘But rarely by accident. Alastair was targeted when he and Thomas came there, Tatiana found out he has a memory ability and she thinks he’s a threat to her plans. I think she’s scared her brother will remember something. That’s why the werewolf was after him.’
Lucie frowned. ‘They know about that?’
‘Yes. But they do not yet know about you,’ Grace said. ‘I figured it out when I realized you could see Jesse. You better get my skin back before she realizes what you are. She’ll want you dead for sure.’
‘What I am?’ Lucie asked.
‘You have power, Lucie,’ Grace said. ‘You’re a witch.’
‘No, I’m not,’ Lucie said. ‘I just see ghosts. That’s all.’
‘I know you see ghosts. You talked to Jesse. Do you have any idea how rare that ability is?’
‘I’ve never met anyone else who could do it.’
‘Exactly!’ Grace exclaimed. ‘You have no idea what you’re capable of. You can open a gateway into the land in between. And even more important, if you find yourself trapped you can open the way back.’
‘How do you know?’ Lucie asked.
‘Because I have heard legends of one other person like you. A witch who was born centuries ago. She wasn’t like other humans who used magic, she used dark magic, but hadn’t acquired it through a deal and there was no price to pay to something powerful. As a little girl, all she knew was she saw ghosts. And when ghosts stayed around her, they became stronger. But she learnt there was much more she could do and grew stronger. She learnt to open those gateways and use them as a weapon, she learnt to control the dead.’
Lucie was horrified. She could do such things? ‘What happened to her?’
‘As a woman of her time, and an odd one at that, she was treated badly of course. At some point she snapped and became a dangerous, evil witch. Who can blame her, honestly. She was defeated by the ancestor of the Carstairs, the one who carries cortana. Before he could deliver the killing blow, she jumped into the sea and drowned herself. She lost her dark magic, but came back to life as a daughter of the sea, a mermaid. She repented, changed, and lived her life peacefully in the sea. That is how we know her story.’
Lucie frowned. ‘I don’t want to be an evil witch,’ she said.
Grace’s grey eyes were cold and void of emotion. ‘Then don’t be. Just because magic is dark doesn’t mean it’s evil. Be a good witch or a neutral one or whatever you want to be. But you can’t change that you are a witch, and I need you to find my skin. You, the bearer of cortana, and the one with the memory. Without you it can’t be done. But you need to know what you can do, you need to open a gateway.’
‘How?’ Lucie asked.
‘It’s your power, not mine,’ Grace said. ‘Go figure it out. I need to get back before Tatiana realizes I am missing. They say when the witch wanted something, all she had to do was ask. So be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.’
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flowesona · 5 years ago
The Midnight Channel [2/2]
Yandere ??? x reader
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Inspired by Persona 4 (2008)
The most valuable thing (Y/N) had was her friends. She adored the simple things, such as the way Jungkook’s smile when she offered to buy him food was simply infectious, or how Taehyung would call her late at night making plans for the next day. 
They were especially precious to her the days after Taehyun’s murder, when she felt as if the entire town had turned against her. She didn’t even speak to her parents, relying instead on Jungkook’s phone calls to wish her a good night.
She didn’t express this sentiment to them until one Thursday afternoon, over a seemingly endless bowl of ramen that Taehyung insisted on buying for her, explaining that he’d gotten a pay rise at work.
“You know we’ll always be here for you.” Taehyung hummed in agreement to Jungkook’s statement, abandoning his food in favour of listening to the conversation. 
“I’m so grateful for that, I just wish everything would go back to normal.” (Y/N) sighed, smiling when Jungkook gave her a light pat on the shoulder. She finally finished her bowl of ramen and pushed it in front of her, stretching with a happy smile.
“Can we stop by the library on the way back? I need to return the book I took out or I’ll be fined.” There was no way she could say no to Jungkook’s puppy dog eyes. Thus, they ended up waiting by the desk as a woman with snail-pace speed tapped away the computer to find his library ID, as he’d lost his card.
“Jungkook! It’s great to see you again.” A hushed voice from besides them provided some company, as they saw a slightly older man with a soft smile.
“Hey Namjoon. These are my friends, (Y/N) and Taehyung.” Namjoon held out his hand, to which (Y/N) shook it. However, Taehyung was completely snubbed.
“Are you guys studying hard? You have entrance exams starting soon, right?” Namjoon said in a hushed voice, glancing at Jungkook who was still engaged in a quiet conversation with the front desk clerk, who seemed to be struggling with the computer as he pointed at the screen to direct her mouse.
“I haven’t really given it too much thought recently. I…” (Y/N) trailed off, feeling her words get caught in her throat. Sensing this, Taehyung reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“You’ve been caught up in a murder investigation, I know.” Namjoon’s voice was soothing, comforting as he leaned in closer to keep their conversation on the down low. 
She felt Taehyung gently run his thumb across the back of her hand, and used that as a sign to breathe again. 
“I think Jungkook’s almost done.” Taehyung whispered. He could read her like a book, and he knew more than anything she just wanted to get out of there and go home.
Jungkook finally, after a long battle with the librarian over the basic parts of her job, was done.
“I’ll see you soon, Namjoon.” He said, as they made their way out. Not even stopping to listen as he also wished them farewell.
───── ⋆⋅ ☂  ⋅⋆ ─────
As Jungkook and Taehyung made their own ways home, (Y/N) was left all alone to navigate the rapidly darkening streets. She started to speed up, scared of being caught out in the night. [Taehyun]’s killer was still out there, after all.
The roar of a motorbike almost scared her out of her skin, as she heard the engine get louder until it drew to a stop, the biker right beside her.
In that second she wanted nothing more than to bolt. But it was as if she was glued to the spot as she saw the biker take off his helmet to reveal a somewhat familiar face.
They stared at each other for a moment, before he reached into his pocket. Expecting the worse, (Y/N) began to inch away preparing to scream her lungs out. Only to see him pull out her umbrella.
Without a word, he pressed it into her hands. 
“Thank you.” She felt herself go hot at the sound of his deep voice.
“No problem.” 
There was an awkward pause.
“It’s not safe to be out this late.” He commented.
“My friends live on the other side of town.” (Y/N) replied. “I didn’t want to have them go out of their way walking me back.” 
The biker sighed.
“I don’t feel right leaving you to walk home alone. Get on the back, I’ll give you a lift.” 
“Oh no, it’s fine-” (Y/N) protested, face still flushed.
“I’m a lot safer than some of the other people in this town. Get on.” 
Swallowing down the fear in her throat, she cautiously climbed onto the back seat.
However, he didn’t move yet. Suddenly, she realised that she wasn’t sitting properly and whilst regretting her every word, she placed her arms around his waist.
The stranger put on his helmet, revved up the bike, and they were off.
“Where do you live?” He asked as they sped down the road.
“Near the 7/11.” She answered, receiving a grunt in response.
The ride was almost refreshing, once (Y/N) had conquered her initial fear. The cool breeze whipped her face and hair, making her squeal and causing the biker to chuckle at her reaction.
Finally, he drew up outside her house.
“Thank you so much.” (Y/N) offered him a smile, climbing off the back of his bike and dusting herself down.
He didn’t respond until she was at her door.
“I’m Yoongi.”
“I’m (Y/N)” She replied. “Have a good night.”
───── ⋆⋅ ☂  ⋅⋆ ─────
The howling rainstorm outside made it impossible to sleep. Once again, her most uncomfortable days were accompanied by rain.
‘The Midnight Channel.’
Once the thought had entered her head, it was hard for it to leave. Would Taehyun still be there, his suffering captured forever to make (Y/N) suffer? Or would it simply be blank, (Y/N) having lost all her one and only soulmate.
No matter how much she tried to distract herself, (Y/N) couldn’t shake it. She just had to see what would be on there.
She watched the hand creep closer and closer until it was almost midnight. Suddenly, she couldn’t bear it anymore. She flung the bedsheet off her, and kneeled in front of the TV.
(Y/N) was ready to give up when nothing happened. But, just as she was about to climb back into bed and scrub all knowledge of the strange phenomenon from her mind, the screen flickered to life. 
At first, the static was too strong to make out who it was. All she could see was a vague female silhouette. However, once she meant closer to squint, she could make out the face. Bone chillingly, the face belonging to the figure being shown on the TV was that of her own.
───── ⋆⋅ ☂  ⋅⋆ ─────
Needless to say, (Y/N) refused to leave her room after what she’d seen. No amount of bargaining or reasoning from her parents could convince her that she wasn’t about to die in the same mysterious manner as Taehyun. 
She couldn’t even bring herself to let her friends in. All of her trust with outer society was destroyed by some stupid urban myth, and as much as (Y/N) wanted to convince herself it was all a hoax, memories of the corpse dangling from the telephone pole haunted her everytime she closed her eyes.
Eventually, she built up the courage to see someone. Her mother had knocked on her door ten minutes ago saying that Taehyung was still there, waiting for her.
And sure enough, when she poked her head out of the door he was sat outside, on his phone. The second he heard the door creep open his head shot up.
“(Y/N)! Thank god, I’ve been so worried.” He stood up, only for (Y/N) to back away.
“Maybe it isn’t best for you to see me. I look like an absolute mess.” 
“Nonsense.” Taehyung insisted, prying open the door. “I said I wanted to see you. I don’t care how you look.”
He muttered something under his breath, but when (Y/N) asked he just shook his head.
They sat themselves on her bed, as he awkwardly tried to find the most non-invasive way to ask (Y/N) what was wrong.
“How have you been then?”
“Like shit. I’m scared to leave my room, Tae.” She sighed.
“Why?” Taehyung pressed, reaching out to hold her hand. She took it, relishing in the comfort of his soft hands.
“You know about the midnight channel, right?” She said, trying not to stumble over her words.
“That thing Jungkook was talking about? Yeah, why?” 
“Well, when Taehyun was… you know… I saw him on the Midnight Channel. Twice in fact. So I thought he could be my soul mate. But then I checked again a few nights ago. And there was… me.”
Taehyung squeezed her hand tightly, letting her continue.
“I don’t know what’s going on, but I feel like the Midnight Channel is calling card of some kind. And whoever killed Taehyun is going to kill me.”
“They won’t.” Taehyung said firmly. “I won’t let them. I swear (Y/N), to lose you would be to lose part of my soul.”
“Tae…?” (Y/N) felt her face go red at his passionate declaration. He’d always been so caring, so kind but this was a whole other feeling.
“(Y/N), I love you. I know that I do. And you might not love me back, and I will accept that. But I can’t live without you.” 
“Tae… thank you. I… I need time, but I know that I like you. Just let me figure out my life before I rush into this, so I don’t hurt you.”
He nodded, standing up to leave but (Y/N) wouldn’t let go.
“Please… can you just stay a bit longer?”
───── ⋆⋅ ☂  ⋅⋆ ─────
As much as she wished to be wrapped up in Taehyung’s arms for the rest of time, it was getting late and she knew his parents would be worried about his whereabouts.
“I’ll walk you to school in the morning. No one’s going to hurt you under my watch.” Taehyung was reassuring both her and himself as he spoke.
“Take an umbrella. The rain is way too heavy right now.” (Y/N) replied, finding the black fold-up umbrella she’d discarded in the corner of the room and pressing it to his chest.
“(Y/N)?” She didn’t realise how tense she’d become until he called her name to snap her out of the trance. She met his eyes, and he smiled.
“I love you. Sleep well.” With a gentle kiss to her forehead he left the room, and she could hear him making polite small talk with her parents before leaving. 
Meanwhile, (Y/N) busied herself by changing into her sleepwear and preparing herself for bed. She could only hope a good night’s sleep would ease her mind, and it felt like as soon as her head hit the pillow she was out cold.
The town itself was dropping off to sleep. Lights were being switched off, dishes left to dry, and restaurants were starting to wipe down the tables. It was the perfect setting for him to strike, hiding in the shadows as he made his way towards (Y/N)’s house. No one even spared him a glance.
Her house was perfectly silent. All it took was a simple lock pick to the door and he was let in. There was one safety hazard, however. The intruder almost tripped over the body of the (L/N)’s dog, who had laid himself at the doorstep as if he knew of the danger to come. But all it took was some quiet shushing and a hand running through the dog’s fur to calm it back down, as it laid its head on the ground with its tail still wagging, exciting to meet a new friend. Thankful that it hadn’t caused too much of a ruckus, he crept up the stairs, hoping not to stumble across a squeaky step. After all, (Y/N) was an only child and the slightest ruckus could leave him screwed.
Nonetheless, he was at (Y/N)’s bedroom without so much as a peep. Gently he opened the door, and his heart soared as he finally glimpsed her face again, after what felt like ages. She looked ethereal as she rested, even if there was a slight frown on her face.
What was she dreaming about? School, Books, her dog… maybe even him? EVen if the thought delighted him, it didn’t deter him. He was still shook from what he’d seen earlier, and it was his love for (Y/N) that was driving him to drastic action.
(Y/N) was rudely awoken from her sleep when she felt someone grabbing her head and slamming it into the wall. She was about to scream, only to have a hand harshly pressed over her mouth. She desperately struggled, trying her hardest to elbow her attacker in the stomach, or preferably the groin, to no avail.
The stranger easily overpowered her, pushing her to the ground. As if to taunt her, the attacker used their shoe to flip her onto her back before pressing it into her chest, to hold her in place. 
It was only from this new angle she could start to make out the intruder’s face as she struggled to get up, aided only by the sliver of moonlight shining on them through the curtain. Even if she could barely recognise his face, the cool deep voice that spoke was unmistakable.
“It’s great to see you again, darling.”
“N-Namjoon? What are you…?” (Y/N) was breathless, both from shock and fear of what was to come. Was she going to die, right there completely helpless as her parents slept soundly in the next room?
“Don’t worry about what I’m going to do, darling. This is all about you.”
Namjoon sighed. He knelt down, moving the weight off her chest but pinning her hands down instead, pinning her beneath his body.
“You don’t realise just how mesmerizing you are, do you?” 
See her blank expression, he continued.
“I love you, (Y/N). I have loved you, for so long. But I’m not the only one, am I?” (Y/N) let out a hiss of pain as his nails dug into her wrists. “Park Jimin, always snapping at your heels like some lovesick puppy. Or maybe that thug Min Yoongi, who was so insistent on accompanying you home? Even Kim Taehyung. Don’t think I didn’t notice the way he was looking at you. Right in front of me as well!”
Namjoon scoffed.
“And how could I forget that little brat Taehyun?”
(Y/N) was shaking in his grasp as she spoke.
“What did you do to him?”
“Why don’t I show you darling?” Noticing the look of fear that washed over her face, he simpered.
“I have every reason to. You’ve messed me around too long. I’ve always been there, trying to help you, vying for your attention yet you flounce around with every other boy in town! How is that meant to make me feel?”
“How was I meant to know you feel that way? I don’t owe you anything, you creep.” (Y/N) hissed, voice raising slightly. Namjoon simply covered her mouth with one of his hands once again, conscious of her sleeping parents.
“I suppose that’s true, you don’t owe me anything. But I’m going to get what I want anyway.”
He pulled her off the floor, still keeping her restricted so no matter how hard she struggled it was futile.
“How about I show you the true power of the Midnight Channel?” Hearing her squeak in fear Namjoon continued. 
“You’re familiar with it, aren’t you darling? After all, once I told Jungkook I was almost certain he’d pass it onto you. And the more people who know about this, the more powerful it becomes.”
He was pushing her towards her TV, even as she dug her heels into the floor.
“My poor darling. Taehyun was just as scared. But I had to punish him for hurting your reputation so badly, not to mention how bold he was to stake his claim on you when you should belong to only me.”
She felt her shoulder hit the TV, but rather than colliding directly with it her body started to sink into it like quicksand. 
“I hope this will teach you a thing or two. Being in the TV world killed Taehyun, but I won’t let it hurt you too much. Hopefully I’ll remember to rescue you in a day or two.” 
The last sight (Y/N) saw before she was enveloped in the strange dimension was Namjoon’s smirk, knowing he finally had her full attention.
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violetnotez · 5 years ago
How about Tamaki Amajiki with a shy, introvert, nerdy S/O who's studying to become a entomologist (someone who studies butterflies and moths?)
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Tamaki x reader
⤷ Genre: Fluff
⤷ Word Count: 2300+
⤷ Warnings: mild cursing
⤷ Synopsis: Tamaki is more than happy spend the day with his s/o at butterfly conservatory, since butterflies and moths are their passion. It’s just such a strange world to him, and he’s pretty nervous about it-especially when the bugs seem to take a liking to his hair
This fic is for the @bnhabookclub Bingo Event! Here’s my masterlist to see all my work for this event!
Bingo Slot: Hair Playing
This is my first one shot with little Amajiki, so sorry if it’s not very good! I lowkey wrote all this at 1 in the morning, so I honestly have no idea what sleep deprived me came up with 😂💀
Also I’m in mobile and at work so I can’t add a “Read More” 😭 I’ll try to get to it when I’m at home!
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You gasped, your eyes blown out of sockets as you looked around at the garden. The smile you were sporting in your cheeks was uncontainable-there we’re just so many butterflies.
They fluttered to and fro like little fairies, each one having a different wing design and a different color. They were so beautiful, so delicate, their wings creating a symphony of small sounds as they fluttered on to the available flowers and trees.
You mind instantly began to pinpoint the different species, the little bodies so used to humans that they were zooming across your own as if you were apart of the forest yourself.
There was a monarch, a painted lady, red admiral, orange sulphur-
“Do-do you like it?”
Tamaki was watching you nervously, his voice nervous as his eyes trained on your shocked face.
He knew how much you loved butterflies and moths, something he had learned about you very early on in your relationship. You had a special bond with the creatures, always researching and learning about new species each day.
After he had learned about this conservatory after you had talked about wanting to go, he knew instantly he had to buy tickets for you to go. He had made a surprise until now, your complete silence making him nervous.
Maybe you didn’t want to go here? Maybe he heard you wrong?
“Oh Tama, it’s-it’s amazing,” you breathed out, your smile evident in your voice, “its perfect,”
You grabbed his hand tenderly, your digits softly gracing the pads of his flesh. Tamaki gulped, a blush evident in his face-he still wasn’t used to this whole relationship, it was honestly scary to him, but-it felt nice. He loved having your skin against his, almost a reminder that none of this was a dream and in fact real.
Now that he could breathe a sigh of relief, he let himself melt into your touch, a nervous smile gracing his lips.
He had to admit it, this place was really breathtaking. The trees were incredibly tall, almost as tall as a whole house, the canopies dropping down as if protecting the butterflies from the outside world. The flowers decorating the floor were bright and colorful like confetti, matching the multiple colors of the butterflies. The damp dirt was sweet, making the whole conservatory smell like the earth after a rainstorm. Everything about this place felt pure and peaceful, making Tamaki feel more at ease.
You squeezed your nervous boyfriend’s hand, turning to look at his adorably shy expression.
“Cmon Tama,” you cooed sweetly, “lets go explore-“
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Now you were sitting on the floor with Amajiki, both your legs crossed casually. You had your phone out, giggling softly as you took pictures of the shy boy.
“Geez Tamaki, I didn’t know you were such a butterfly whisperer,” you giggled, taking another round of pictures of him.
He arms were stretched out along his body, a squirming expression on his face as he tried not to move. Amajiki had to have at least 10 butterflies on each of his arm, not including the ones fluttering on his chest and head, the butterflies somehow all crowding on to him.
“I-I didn’t know-either,” he stuttered out.
He looked so sweet like this, trying hard not to disturb the little creatures on his body.
You smiled again at the boy, settling into the floor as you peered into his indigo blue eyes.
“Do you know what it means when a butterfly lands on you?” You asked quietly, a small smile on your lips.
“No-I dont,” Tamaki stared at you, his eyes wide. “What does it mean?”
You leaned in to him, looking at each butterfly with warmth and affection.
“Well honestly, there’s a lot of interpretations-some say it means transformation and growth, a sign you're discovering your inner wisdom. In dreams, it can mean you're on the right track about a decision, or just good luck.”
You smiled, giving him an embarrassed look.
“Sorry, you probably don’t want to hear me ramble-“
“It’s okay, you can talk about them,”” he interjected, taking care to not move his jaw too much in order to not scare the butterflies. “I think its-it’s....sweet, that you know so much,”
Tamaki was blushing, his cheeks tinged with red. He would be completely embarrased to admit it out loud but-he absolutely loved to hear you talk. You were usually shy and kept to yourself, but when ever you got passionate about something and just rambled, it was-well-nice. He could almost get a glimpse into your mind, seeing how the ideas just flowed through you and created such interesting thoughts. It was intoxicating to Tamaki, and he could never get enough of it.
“Do-do you know what this one is?” he asked timidly, his eyes trained on a beautiful red butterfly with an inky black trim.
“Oh, that one?” you cooed, leaning in slightly towards the little bug. “Thats a red admiral- red butterflies usually symbolize intense love and passion, so sometimes its associated with lovers,”
“Do-do you like those ones? The red?” he asked. His arms were beginning to feel tired frm keeping the butterflies up comfortably, but the ticklish feeling of their beatiing wings took some of the sting off his aching limbs.
You shrugged your shoulders, a carefree smile on your lips.
“I think they’re beautiful,” you said, “but they have alot of bad associated with them. Like some myths from Scotland say a red butterfly is a witch in disguise. Or from Korea, they say that if you touch a red butterfly and then touch your eye, you’ll evetnually go blind.”
Tamaki gulped, his inky blue eyes wide.
“Well thats a little-intense,” he stammered.
You giggled at his obivous shock, your nose scrunched so so adorably Tamaki felt his heart squeeze.
“Yeah just a litle,” you smiled softly.
Your hand reached out, Tamaki watching your every move as you delictely picked up an orange butterfly, its design swirling with black an white.
“This one- is one of my favorites,” you mused, your eyes drinking in lovingly the little orange creature.
Tamaki sucked in a deep breath, letting it out slowly.
“It-its beautiful,”
You simply nodded, a sweet smile on your face as you watched the butterfly flutter on your pointer.
“This is a monarch-I pretty sure you’ve seen it before,”
Tamaki hummed in agreement-come to think of it, he had learned about his butterfly. He had only vaguely seen it in grade school, maybe in one of the science books he had read in class, but he had never seen it up close.
It was so beautiful, the orange so vibrant yet gentle, the black design looing almost handpainted-perfectly and imperfectly created by Nature’s own hands.
“I think these are absolutely beautiful, but what I really like is the folklore behind them.”
“In Mexico, many pople believe that the monarch migration are actually souls from the Land of the Dead that visit each year during the Fall season. They decorate their altars, and even sometimes dress up as them to help the souls come back to earth and visit their loved ones.”
You gazes at the little creature, your eyes full of admiration aad affection.
“It just-sounds so sweet ya know? That all these people wait for these little guys, and feel so mucch hope and love for them, because they’re a promise that their love never truly dies,”
Tamakki smiled timiidly at the little monarch-how could he tell you that thats exactly how he felt aout you?
You were his little monarch- he had waiting for someone like you to come into his life, to be a promise that everything was going to be okay. That any insecurity or problem he felt he had with himself wasnt so bad as he thought it was- to give him hope that in the future things would turn out okay. He was terrfied some days that your love was all just a fantasy, that maybe, for some reason, you didnt truly love him like he did and you were just dating him out of pity. It was hard for him to get out of those very low stupors, when he felt like he had no worth, but rememebring your smile and your voice and they way you said “I love you” to him made him realize it was all in his head- that your love for each other was real. You were his promose that love was true and never just went away.
You looked up at Tamaki, your soft smile turning into a surpressed chuckle. Somehow when you had been talking about the monarchs, even more butterflies had landed on Tamaki, making hard to even see the color of his shirt now.
“Tama, do you need some help?” you giggled, looking att he doting man with wide innocent eyes.
Tamaki blinked a few times, waking himself up frm his daze-did that many butterflies land on him?
The ache on his arms seemed to get even worse, making his muscles quiver from the effort.
He gulped, a shy grin on his face.
“Y-yes, thatd be nice,” he said, loving how sweet your giggles sounded.
You began to gently help Tamaki say goodbye to his new found friends, tapping gently on his arm to send vibrations that would make the butterflies stutter away. Some were a little more determined, making you have to take it off his shirt by placing it on your finger and gently blowing on it to make it fly off.
All your gentle prodding was making Tamaki blush intensely- he honestly loved your touches, but he was always too nervous to say so.
He simply sat there, relishing the feeling of your skin against his clothing as the dull ache in his arms began to wash away.
Afer a few minutes of prodding, you finally gave a sigh.
“Alright, I think thats the most of them-just now for your hair…”
There were a few butterflies perched in his inky locks, making their colorful wings stand out even more in the almost black landscape of his tresses.
You reached out, your hands beginning to rack against his hair, lifting the strands gently in order to get the butterflies to melt away from his body.
Poor Tamaki’s face began to heat up intensely- this was something he absolutely adored. Whenever you burshed, combed, or even just touched his hair, he instantly felt at ease. His whole body felt warmed up with a bubbly sensation, and butterflies filled his stomach (no pun intended).
He sighed in content, his long black lashes fluttering downward- he could honestly sleep right here, with you touching his hair so soothingly as the butterflies beat their gentle wings in the background.
You definitely noticed that little sigh, a small chuckle escaping your lips.
“You like it when I touch your hair Tama?” you asked sweetly, your heart swelling when you see Tamaki’s cheeks look so warm.
God-why was your boyfriend so adorably cute?
I-uh-uh yes I do,” he stuttered out,clearly sheepish, “could-could you keep touching me-like that?”
You grinned softly, your hands wracking into his hair even more,
God, you could scream with joy right now. Your boyfriend rarey asked for touches, unless he was extremely tired or distraught- it took alot for him to admit he wanted any type of touches, and in public too. He must feel so calm in this moment, and you couldnt be more happy for him. Your heart swelled,a strange sensation of wanting to just kiss him taking over your body.
“Sure thing,” you whispered, your digits caressing his locks. You two sat in complete and comfortable silence, Tamaki focusing on your every touch while you simply relished playing through his har, twisting and brushing the inky black locks.
Amaki felt so at peace it was almost nervewracking-all of this felt like a dream, and he was scared that if he opened his eyes, he would wake up to nothignness. You wouldnt be there, the butterflies would disapperear, and his whole world would no longer be decorated in colors but in meek grays. You were his eveything to him, and he couldnt let you go.
Tamaki gulped, his brows knitted downi n conflict.
“Y/n I-is this a dream?”
You gave a short giggle, finding the comment quite adorable.
“No, sweetie, it isnt-why do you ask?”
“Because-this feels-it feels to good to be real.”
You faltered slightly from touching his hair, your fingers stopping in their tracks.
Too good to be real?
“Tama, I-” you tried to ask gently, but Amajiki beat you to your words. His eyes fluttered open, his hand reaching for your wrist and bringing it downwards, holding it close to his chest.
Y/n, youre-youre my marposa,” he stated, his voice almost forceful, as if he was trying to convince you of his words. “Youre my promise of love. Please-I know it doesnt make much sense but-but you mean everything to me, and I, terrified that of this is-”
Tamaki words were muffled against your lips, your flesh pressed up gently against his own. He tensed up slightly, his body full of shock until he finally succumbed to it, his cheeks on fire as he melted into you.
You pulled away from the stuttering boy, a blissful smile on your lips.
“-fake?” you finished his sentence, “Did that feel fake to you Tamaki?”
The boy didnt know what to do-his whole body felt like it was on overdrive, his skin feeling tingly and warm and shivers crawling deliciously down his back.
Only you could make his nervousness feel exhelirating, and he drank up every minute of being so intimate with you.
N-no,” he stammered, his eyes watching as you smiled at him, your head cocked towards your shoulder.
“You have nothing to worry about-Ill always be right here with you,” you tenderly grabbed for the boy’s hand, your fingers dancing lazily against his digits.
“Youre my promise too”
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moonbeam-writing · 4 years ago
Hi!! Can I request you a Kuroo scenario where he falls in love with the reader one day after seing one of her match for the first time during a tournament ? After running into her a few times, he ends up taking the courage to talk to her (or confessing ? 👀)
— Love at First Sight
๑ Requested by a lovely Anon!
๑ Quick Note: Of course! This is so cute! Thank you for requesting, lovely! <3
๑ Characters: Kuroo Tetsurou (Haikyuu!!)
๑ Warnings: None!
๑ Word Count: 1,500
The first time Kuroo Tetsurou saw you, you took his breath away. He had little to no clue who you were or which school you went to, but what he did know is that he wanted to get to know you more. At that moment, though, he had a game to focus on, but his heart was set on seeing you afterward somehow.
However, despite having the game to focus on, he still found his eyes finding their way to you before each set, had managed to pick up the sound of your cheering amongst the crowd, or at least what he thought was your cheering. That part was purely wishful thinking on his end, but Kuroo knew he’d love the sound of your voice regardless of whether or not that was you. At one point during the match, Kuroo had even managed to catch your eye.
He found himself convinced that love, at first sight, was a possibility. He knew that it wasn’t love, at least not yet, but he certainly knew that it was infatuation. He felt this strange pull towards you like he needed to meet you no matter what. Kuroo thought about looking around his wrist or pinkie multiple times throughout the small breaks he had, wondering if the Red String myth about soulmates was true, but didn’t. He didn’t need to seem like he was crazy in front of you or anyone else, realizing that if that were the case, he would have seen the string by now. That one moment of eye contact changed everything.
After the tournament ended, Kuroo nearly missed you. He had managed to just barely catch you on your way out, politely tapping on your shoulder and introducing himself. Your hand felt so small in his as you shook it and your smile practically made his heart stop. The slightly noticeable tint on your cheeks was adorable and Kuroo couldn't help but feel like you felt the same. Of course, you did feel the same. There was something about his wild hair and the obvious passion with the game. The captain that you only just learned the name of had somehow managed to draw you in. Unfortunately for the two of you, you both lived a good five hours away from each other. For the time being, the two of you settled with exchanging names and numbers, hoping to gain the courage to possibly text the other first.
Though it was a few months before the two of you saw each other again, but when you did, it was exciting. It was completely random and purely by chance.
Kuroo had been in town for a game and the two of you had coincidentally gone into the same coffee shop, Kuroo, however, was convinced it was by fate. Any time Kuroo had seen you, despite it only being twice, it was by pure chance and he wasn’t about to question it too much. He got to see you and he wasn’t about to question it. It was bad enough that the two of you were barely able to talk and your texts were hours apart sometimes, so he was absolutely taking advantage of what the world was so graciously giving him.
The entire time you were with him, you felt light. There wasn’t any form of tension in the air, no odd weight on your shoulders. To your knowledge, Kuroo felt the same, or at least, he certainly looked like he did. You were so happy to finally see him again, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Your week had been long and you had been meaning to ask if he’d want to meet up for the last month and now here he was, right in front of you, talking to you. It almost made you feel like a little girl with her first crush, and you weren’t too far off. In such a short amount of time, you were absolutely head over heels for him.
Unfortunately, the time came for the two of you to say goodbye to each other. You saw him off before he left, bringing coffee and a breakfast pastry to him for the trip back. Neither of you wanted him to leave, but he had to.
From then on, the universe seemed to try making it easier for you two to talk, text, and occasionally see each other. In the span of another four months, you were able to see him another two times and now he was asking if you’d come to Tokyo for an upcoming tournament. 
The butterflies in your stomach were intense. They almost always were when you were able to go see him, or he was coming to you, but this time was different. You weren’t sure how or why, but it was definitely different. Regardless, you couldn’t help your obvious excitement.
Everything felt similarly to the last tournament, the one that you met him at, though the biggest difference is that this time, not only were you not going just to go, but you were able to wish your favorite captain good luck before the start. You noticed that this time, Kuroo seemed a bit more hyped up than last time, and you couldn't help but wonder if you were the cause.
Much like the first time Kuroo had seen you, between almost every set, Kuroo’s eyes would look to you in the crowd and every time he found you, your eyes met. It wasn’t much of  a shock, though; your eyes hadn’t left him nearly the entire game, aside from a few close calls in the game. From up in the stands, you couldn’t help but admire him out on the court; all of Kuroo’s strength and determination, and the obvious love he had for both the game and his teammates was incredible to see, part of you was wishing that the current game would never end just so you could keep watching him do what he loved. Of course, with that thought, you also had to admit to yourself that you were stalling a little. You were anxious to find out why today felt so different compared to any other day that you saw him, but luckily for you, it seemed like the game was wrapping itself up once and for all.
Once the match was officially done, you were one of the first people to leave the stands, excited to, hopefully, be one of the first people to congratulate the team, especially Kuroo, on their win.
As soon as you had gotten towards the front doors, the boys were on their way there themselves, all of them exhausted, but clearly amped up from their win. Upon seeing you at the door, Kuroo’s victorious smirk turned itself into a wide grin, seeing his favorite girl right in front of him.
“Tetsurou!” Your voice sounding off against the surrounding noise made his smile bigger as you began to move, meeting him halfway and stepping comfortably into his open and waiting arms. “I’m so proud of you!” You paused for a moment, stepping on your toes slightly to look over his shoulder better. “You guys too! You were all so incredible!” Their thanks was heard, but you were already back to being shoved up against Nekoma’s captain for it to register in your head.
“Thanks, (Y/N)!” Kuroo smiled down at you, though you could tell that there was a hint of nervousness in his eyes, which was odd and out of place for a number of reasons. “How long are you going to be here?”
“A few days, nothing too major. Even though they’ve met you, my parents aren’t really all that big on me staying a full week here, ha ha. It’s honestly a miracle they’re letting me be here for a few days on my own.” The two of you shared a small laugh over it, because you were absolutely lucky, but so was he. Kuroo knew he needed to make his move. “Any reason why?”
“Yeah, actually. Um, I know I haven’t known you too long, a bit under a year, really,” you couldn’t help smiling slightly at the rare sight of a nervous Kuroo. It was something you’d probably not see again for awhile. “And it might be a bit difficult because of the distance and all, but I was wondering if you’d possibly want to go on a date with me, and if you had fun, would you want to be my girlfriend?”
The grin that had made a place for itself on your lips was practically infectious as you tightened your grip on him. “Of course! Hell, you don’t even have to wait for the end of the first date, I’d gladly be your girlfriend, Tetsurou.”
Hugging you back once again, Kuroo pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. Though the captain was a man of science, he couldn’t help but think that maybe love at first sight was actually real.
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miioouu · 5 years ago
Hey could I request HC of Todoroki, Midoriya, Bakugou, Kirishima, Amajiki with a chubby s/o that is super affectionate (likes to give hugs, back hugs, kisses etc) and is kind hearted and goofy but when in battle or facing a villain she is super strong, fierce and bad ass! SFW & NSFW pls! Thank you!
Ok so again i only write up to three characters per ask so i choose my favs of the bunch. Thank you for requesting!! ❤️💜🖤
Warning: smut! Thigh fucking (?), ridding, praising kink.
Bakugo Katsuki 🧡
- He truly loved every inch of you.
- For him you were perfect, even more than perfect.
- Sweet, cute, bubbly, he loved your personality too.
-And when in the battlefield, how your personality made an 180 flip, he finds it so hot when you get mad.
- What he loved the most about you, was when you'd give him back hugs, he can feel you body on his back, which drove him crazy.
- Always turning to return the gesture, he can't help but grab your love handles and pulling you closer to him.
- He would also reassure you, whenever you were feeling insecure, that you were perfection,  and in the end, a human is much more that physique, soul and heart was what mattered.
- After fighting some villain, you were drenched in sweat, hair sticking to face, panting so hard.
- Even in your disheveled form bakugo found you hot. Even hotter than usual to be honest.
- Taking you directly to his dorm, not even giving you the chance to complain, he shoved your back to the door, not wasting a second to press his lips onto yours.
- Pulling away to try and get some air, you failed as his teeth scratched against your neck, earning shaky gasps from you.
-Hands palming the soft skin of your thighs, he picked you up and threw you onto the bed.
- "Y/nnn you're so soft babygirl. Let me feel you yeah?"
- You knew exactly what he meant, laying on your side, you picked up your leg a little bit so he can settle his shaft berween your thighs, so close to your heat.
- He loved the way your thighs felt around him, squeezing him, loving him, and everytime he brush against your clit it would result in the most sensual moan he ever heard.
- Wanting to give you pleasure to, he'd sneak an arm around your wait, making its way to you puffy lips, sperating them and plunging his fingers into your heat.
-It wouldn't take long for the both of you to hit your climax, screaming each other's name.
-"Damn, you're such a good little princess for me! "
Kirishima Eijiro❤️
- Rock boooooy, he loves you with fron all his heart. And it had nothing to do with your looks.
- He loved your adorable, friendly personality, how you were always ready to help, how you cared so much. He just loved your sweet side.
- And he also loved your meaner side. How bad ass you'd get when you were fighting, the fire that lit your eyes whenever you won.
-If anyone dared to even think about making a remark about your appearance, they would have to go through Ei first!
-He would defend you even if it was the last thing he'd do, whatever to make you feel better.
- He loved when you show him affection, the soft kisses you would leave on his cheeks driving him insane, and how your breast would push up against his arm or his back when you leaned up to whisler sweet things in his ear.
- He was just hanging in your room, nothing unusal. But you were feeling pretty horny. He had been bouncing his leg, wearing shorts, it would show every contraction of his muscles. How could you not drool over him?
- Begging him come to bed, to make you feel good, he finally gave up on his homework, making his way to you.
-"Y/n, you always know how to put me in the mood don't you sweetheart?"
-Nodding your head yes, you didn't waste a time taking both of your clothes off, hands roaming all over his body.
-In the meantime, he was kissing every inch of you skin, not forgetting to whorship every part of your body, leaving bruises all over you.
-He slowly pushed you against the bed, back hitting the mattress slowly, he climbed on top of you, eyes never leaving yours as he ousged himself inside yiur dripping heat.
- Starting in more passionate, slow pace, he couldn't keep it as his hands were roaming you body.
-Pushing you legs over his hips, pulling him even closer, the feeling of your soft fluffy thighs getting rid of all his sanity, he started getting rougher and rougher with every thrust, whispering praises in your ears as he finally made the both of you orgasm.
-"Y/n honey you're so good, i love how you make me feel baby, you're so perfect!"
Tamaki Amajiki 🐙
- He honestly always wonder how he even got such a beautiful girl to fall in love with him.
- He saw you as perfection, your beauty exceeds that of godess and myths.
- Not only were you beautiful, but so cute and lovely, seriously how did he win over your heart?
-The best part about you is how physically affectionate you can get, never leaving him alone, pressed against him, hugging him every few minutes.
- As embarrassed as he'd get, he'd never oush you away, loving the way you fit perfectly against his body.
- But what drew him more into you, was the menacing aura you'd get when you were serious, eyes filled with determination and anger as you'd take down you anyone who dared to look at you in the wrong way.
- If he founds out about someone who was bullying you, he wouldn't go up to them, he wasn't one to pick up fights.
-But he would always be by your side, just telling you to ignore everything the idiot has said and just letting you know how precious you are and how lucky he was to have you for himself.
-One day, you were just so angry, fuming, yiu wanted to take off your anger in any way possible.
- So what's better than ridding your boyfriend while he was doing some homework?
-Pushing his chaire backwards, you plopped yourself in his laps. Kissing up the little neck skin that showing, making him a blushing mess underneath you.
-You slowly started to take off your clothes, making sure to press your boobs against his chest, you grinding against his hardening cock, made unholy sounds come out his lips.
- Homework long forgotten, he quickly pulled his pants and underwear down, just enough to reveal his hard shaft.
-Salivating at the sight, you decided to lower yourself on him, filling you up, head dropping back to let out a moan.
- Bouncing on his dick, feeling it moving in ans out of you, you picked up you pace, just wanting to release, you boobs moving up and down to the rhythm of your thrusts.
-Amajiki just never taking his eyes off of your breasts, following their everymove, leaning down to take a nipple between his teeth.
- Holding onto each other, both chasing release, you finally came undone with a scream of each other name.
-"Y-y/n, I was studying !"
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Deathless Gods
Part 2 to Hades and Persephone 
Thank you to everyone who enjoyed the first part. I really had a lovely time writing this so I appreciate everyone who liked it!
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Alfie never kept a steady appointment with Rachel at the bookstore although he made sure never to go more than a week without seeing her. He came and went as he pleased. However, he knew her work schedule enough to only go to the shop when she was there. He had a feeling her father wouldn’t be keen to know Alfie Solomons was chasing after his daughter.
            Not that Rachel was running away from Alfie in any way, much the opposite in fact. He noticed that when he came into the shop, a smile always formed on her face. Soon he found himself returning the favor.
            If she was helping a customer, Alfie strolled around the shop, glancing at a few books even if he wasn’t interested in finding anything. When she was free to talk, he pulled up the chair that had become unofficially his. It was a chair that Rachel had brought down to the shop so she could reach things without having to drag the ladder around. But it was now Alfie’s.
            He’d bring in the book that Rachel had recommended he read so he could discuss any qualms he had about it. That’s what he seemed to like to do best. Rarely did he tell her about any passages that he liked. He waited until she showed him her favorite lines. Then he secretly reveled when they shared favorite passages.
            He had long finished the collection of myths that had begun their relationship. Though it certainly held a special place in his apartment. In his sparsely decorated room, usually, the only things on his nightstand was a lamp and his glasses. But now, the book of myths sat beside the lamp.
            Every time they met, Rachel made Alfie fall more and more for her. Every little thing she did or said enchanted him. He just didn’t know that she was realizing the same thing.
            Rachel felt as though she was turning the page every time Alfie stepped into her shop. What was once some myth entering through the door, he was now just a man. Every visit, she read more about him, diving deeper into his story.
            Of course, he wasn’t very forthcoming about himself. He merely made little slips that gave her hints into his world. Some of them weren’t even verbal. The persistent smell of rum, though he said he never drank. His affection for Cyril. The scar on his cheek. The weary lines on his face. It was like sitting at a museum and studying a very detailed portrait. Every other second, she was finding something new about him.
            “Did you know that they’re calling us the Lost Generation?” Rachel asked when their conversation about Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises dried up.
            “That so?” Alfie checked his pocket watch, not at all surprised they had been chatting for two hours. Time flew by so fast with Rachel. One time he’d spent nearly four hours in the bookshop, consequently missing two meetings. Instead of fretting, he simply blamed Ollie for mixing up his schedule. “Why’s that?”
            “Because of the war.” She smiled down at Alfie’s bull mastiff when he nudged her hand.
            Cyril had taken a shine to Rachel. Early on, he would sit obediently by Alfie as they talked. But over time, he inched toward Rachel until he was lying down at her feet, waiting for a pat.
            “Huh. Don’t feel lost.” He pocketed his watch again and tipped back in his chair, casually leaning back.
            “I suppose it’s more of a…sense of confusion. What do we do after something like the war?” She tilted forward so she could scratch behind Cyril’s ears.
            He frowned. “What do you mean? Ain’t nothing else to do but move on. It’s over with.” He concluded with certainty.
            But Rachel wasn’t so sure. “I was reading in the newspaper about men who are still suffering. Men who were in the war who can’t seem to forget it. I guess that’s what I mean about being lost. They don’t know what to do with the things they saw over there. And, I suppose people who were here don’t know how to help them. Because we never experienced the things you did.” She tried to capture Alfie’s eyes but he was trying to look busy with cleaning his half-moon glasses.
            “Nothing to help.” He replied curtly.
            Rachel bit her lip and knew she was taking a risk. “The article talked about nightmares.” Her forehead wrinkled with concern.
            He let out a little huff of disgruntlement. “Why’re you going on ‘bout this, Rachel?” He asked.
            “I just wanted to know what you thought about it.” She tried to defend herself even if she had been prying a bit more than she usually did.
            Alfie ran a hand over his face. He wanted to storm out, avoid any conversation she was trying to strike up about nightmares. Memories of the war. Things he could perfectly avoid because no one dared ask him.
            Yet, no one looked at him the way Rachel did. No one smiled at him like she did. Laughed at his jokes. No one saw the humanity in him the way she did.
            And even if he left and never returned, he would never be able to get her out of his head.
            “Why do you care? Aye?” He asked harshly. The conflict inside of him was stirring up anger that he was trying to keep from her.
            Rachel saw the pain in his eyes. He sounded angry but she knew better. It was like a wounded animal biting the person trying to heal them. He was only trying to protect himself.
            “Because, I’m very fond of you, Alfie, and I care about you!” She replied firmly so he wouldn’t mistake her intent.
            He finally looked up at her.
            She let the words sink in for a bit before she continued. “Because I know that you make yourself out to be an evil man, but you’re not. You’re scared of something, just like everyone is. You aren’t heartless.”
            Alfie’s conscious was urging him to get up and leave. Who was he to walk into this woman’s life and cause whatever sort of hell he might cause? Even if it was unintentional. The bookshop was like a little bubble, blocking out the rest of the world. But it didn’t matter, he was still the same man. A man who sinned, lied, robbed, and killed. He couldn’t delude himself to think he was any different because of how Rachel might see him.
            But he couldn’t budge from the chair.
            “Alfie, if you’re alone, just tell me. I enjoy your company and I-I would be there for you.” Rachel confessed something deep from within. Although she adored her time with Alfie in the shop, it was never enough. She always wanted him to stay a bit longer. She wanted to see him outside of the shop. She wanted to see him in the real world. She wanted to see every part of him.
            “That’s the problem, innit?”
            “I don’t understand.”
            “Love, men like me aren’t meant to have women like you in me life.” He responded steadily. “Just like that fucking myth. Hades never deserved Persephone, now did he? Just a miserable fucker who took what he wanted and didn’t care what anyone else thought. We can talk ‘bout books all day long but my life ain’t anything you’ll get used to. Not a life you should know.”
            “You don’t know that,” Rachel replied stubbornly. “I don’t care what you’ve done, Alfie. I know who you are!”
            “That’s the problem, Rachel. You don’t care. You’re willing to make excuses for me when there ain’t any excuses.” He pointed to the door. “Your neighbors, yeah? You know their son?”
            Rachel didn’t answer.
            “’ Course you do. Their son works for me. I’m sure you’ve seen him, he’s in a sling now. Why’s that, aye? ‘Cause someone broke his arm. Care to guess who broke his fucking arm? How are you going to excuse that?”
            Tears began to form in her eyes as she shook her head. She didn’t want to hear what he was saying.
            “When I walk down the street, what do you think people think, aye? Do you think they think the way you do? Or do they think I’m the fucking devil?”
            “Just stop.” She lowered her head, not wanting him to see her cry.
            Alfie’s shoulders fell as his anger cooled down. He heard a small sniffle from Rachel and he felt his heart shatter. It was everything he feared. A self-fulfilling prophecy, as it were. He was afraid he was going to ruin her life, so he did it just to prove himself right. Just to prove to himself that he wasn’t meant to have people like her. She was unattainable and rightfully so. Such a lovely woman deserved to be with someone lovely too. A man like him deserved loneliness.
            He reached into his pocket and took out a handkerchief. “I’m sorry.” He mumbled as he held it out to her.
            Rachel took it to wipe her eyes. “There’s nothing for you to apologize for. I should have realized I was being foolish.”
            “You’re not-you ain’t done nothing wrong, love.” He assured her. “I just-I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t know what to say to make you understand.”
            “Just tell me. You know what to say, you just have to tell me.” She urged.
            He couldn’t look away from her. Fierce hatred for himself drove deep knowing he had made her cry. But his heart wouldn’t let him leave. He needed her.
            “The first time I got a proper bath after the war ended, it took hours before I felt clean. Even then, I really didn’t feel right. I couldn’t quite scrub all the dirt off. The mud from the trenches, right, it just…it permeated every bit of me. I couldn’t get it all out. Even if I didn’t see any dirt, it just…I knew it was there. So, I figured, yeah, if I ain’t ever able to leave the battlefield then might s’well embrace it. I’d make London a warzone because that’s what felt right. It makes the nightmares feel more…seamless, I s’pose. If I fight all day then it don’t bother me as much if I have nightmares ‘bout the war.”
            “I don’t understand how you could be unbothered by them. It must be awful.” Rachel realized Alfie wasn’t the type of man who afforded himself any time for grieving or sympathy. He didn’t pity himself because he didn’t think he should be pitied.
            Alfie stared at her a bit blankly. It was awful. They were awful. The war in London was nothing compared to the things he revisited at night. He didn’t have nightmares about Camden Town. He had nightmares about France. He woke up in a cold sweat because he thought he was back in the trenches. Shin-deep in mud and dead bodies. It was so vivid.
            “Alfie?” Rachel coaxed him out of his stupor.
            “Sorry.” He said in a quiet voice. “Just…I dunno.” He felt lost.
            Rachel didn’t expect Alfie to return. She was right. He didn’t.
            Two weeks passed without any word from him. With each passing day, she became more and more saddened, worried that she had chased off the only person she truly had feelings for.
            Every time the bell above the door jingled, her heart leapt in her chest, hoping it was Alfie. But it never was.
            She felt empty inside.
            Then, one blustery day, a man in an apron delivered a letter to her. He didn’t say anything, just saying he was supposed to give this to her. Then he left.
            Confused, Rachel opened the envelope which was addressed to her.
I’m sorry for my absence but I’ve had an accident and needed to be in the hospital for a bit. If you’d like, I’ll be sending a car around the shop to pick you up Saturday at eight in the morning. The driver will bring you to my place in Margate where I’m recovering. There, I can explain more. If not, tell the driver you’re not going and he’ll tell me in turn.
            Hope to see you soon,
            Rachel was outside the shop when eight rolled around that Saturday morning. Almost on the dot, a car pulled up and a young man came out to greet her.
            “Miss Watkins? Mr. Solomons sent me to bring you to Margate if you wanted.”
            “Yes, thank you.” She nodded and got into the car.
            On the way to Margate, she and the driver chatted casually. But he wouldn’t say anything about what happened to Alfie. He said he was specifically told to let Alfie explain everything. So Rachel was left wondering the long drive to the beach town.
            The large house on the bluff was quintessentially Alfie. The garden wasn’t very well-kept but it wasn’t overgrown either. The house seemed to be in good condition and yet there was a sort of sadness lingering over it.
            Alfie hadn’t mentioned his place in Margate before. But he did mention how fond of the ocean he was.
            Rachel went to knock on the door and heard Cyril start to bark in response.
            The door opened and a middle-aged woman greeted her. “You must be Miss Watkins.”
            “Yes, is Alfie in?”
            “Come in, he’s in the sitting room.” She let Rachel in and offered to take her coat before showing her to the sitting room.
            Cyril happily greeted Rachel but she was a bit distracted. Alfie was sitting in an armchair, turned to the balcony, watching ships pass by.
            He turned and she gasped.
            He sighed and stood up. “I know, I know. I should’ve warned ya but I-dunno, couldn’t find the words.”
            Rachel felt her eyes prick with tears when she saw the state his face was in. Fresh scars scored around his left eye. And his eye had turned from deep turquoise to a cloudy grey. She struggled to find the words. So instead, she rushed to him and embraced him tightly.
            It was a reaction Alfie wasn’t expecting. He was frozen a bit before he wrapped his arms around her.
                       It was awhile before they let each other go. Alfie was afraid to tell her the story of how he ended up in such a state and Rachel was afraid to hear it.
            But eventually, he withdrew his arms from around her and offered her a seat and a handkerchief to wipe her tears.
            “I don’t understand…”
            “Right before I met you, right, I went to the doctor and found out I have skin cancer. I made a plan to divvy up me wealth and go out how I saw fit. Then I met you and…well, I s’pose you changed the plans.” He cleared his throat and scratched his cheek absent-mindedly.
            “Cancer?” Rachel’s eyes widened. There were brief moments where she noticed abnormalities in Alfie’s skin but she didn’t think it was anything serious. For the most part, he kept the condition hidden.
            “I thought I could make the best of life with you but then…after we spoke last, I decided it would be best if I went through with my original plan.” He tried to breathe steadily but the event was still so raw in his mind.
            “What was your original plan?” Rachel hesitated to ask.
            He didn’t meet her gaze.
            “Alfie…please tell me.”
            “I had someone shoot me.” He finally admitted. “Reckoned he was a good ‘nough shot but he-well you can see what sorta job he did.” He waved a hand over his disfigured eye.
            “And what if he hadn’t missed? I was just supposed to find out you were dead?” She asked, horrified the thought had even crossed his mind.
            Looking guilty, Alfie sighed. “M’sorry, love. I felt like I had no other choice. I couldn’t be a part of your life. It wouldn’t be fair to you.”
            “So, it’s fair that I would have to grieve you and wonder if it was something I had done?” She retorted.
             “I hadn’t thought about it that way.”
            The grandfather clock in the corner of the room ticked the seconds of their silence.
            Alfie fiddled with the chain of his glasses. “I didn’t want to die that way, just wasting away. But, while I was in the hospital after Tommy shot me, the doctor said I’d been misdiagnosed. It’s just a skin condition.” He let out a bitter laugh. “Think that’s irony or just stupidity?”
            Rachel wasn’t sure what to say. At least she knew he was okay and would be okay in the long run. She couldn’t completely understand his thought process but perhaps he was just in a desperate state. “I’m just thankful you’re still here.” She answered quietly. “That’s all that matters to me.”
            “I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He said gently. “Honestly, I just didn’t know what else to do. I never wanted you to suffer.”
            Rachel stood and walked over to him. She knelt in front of him and took his hands in hers. “Can you just accept me into your life? Accept that you deserve happiness?”
            Since he was meant to be dead to most of London, Alfie figured it would be best to retire and stay in Margate. Of course, he assumed that meant he would be leaving Rachel behind in London. And yet, maybe that’s why he sent her the letter. Maybe he didn’t want to leave her behind.
            “Yeah, love.” He lifted her hands and gently kissed her knuckles. “I can do that.”
            “Papa, read another,” Meg whined and grabbed at the book.
            “No, no, my dear you need to go to bed.”
            Rachel walked down the hall, carrying Cyrus who was only four months old. She turned into her daughter’s room. It was very late, way past her bedtime. But it was a common occurrence in the Solomons’ household. The little girl was, in Alfie’s opinion, just like her mother. She ate up books at an alarming rate for a six-year-old. She’d begun reading much sooner than most kids her age and refused to even get in bed unless her father was there with a book in hand, ready to read to her.
            “But I’m not tired, you need to read more!”
            “We’ve finished the book, princess, there aren’t any more words to read.” He chuckled softly.
            “Meg, it’s time to go to bed. You’ve already stayed a half-hour past your bedtime.” Rachel reminded her from the doorway.
            Her daughter pulled a pout. “But I want more stories!”
            “If you read more stories tonight, you’ll be out of books to read.”
            “What ‘bout this one!” Meg popped up from bed and went to the bookshelf in her room. She stood on her tiptoes to reach the top where a lone book had been placed.
            Alfie looked perplexed when she brought over the book to him. “Where’d you get this, princess, aye?”
            “In yours and mum’s room.” Meg crawled back into bed, pushing the book into his hands.
            Rachel got closer to see what Alfie was holding. She smiled when she recognized the worn collection of myths that had united them all those years ago.
            “Love, this is mum’s book. Not appropriate for you.” He gave it back to Meg to put away.
            But his daughter was just as relentless as he was. She haphazardly flipped through the pages. “Read this, papa, what’s this word?” She shoved the book toward him.
            Alfie sighed and looked to see what she was pointing at. “Orpheus. That’s the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice.” He explained.
            “Read it, papa, please!” Meg begged.
            “Fine, but you’re going to bed after this, miss, no more whining.” Alfie scolded.
            Rachel smiled and sat down in the rocking chair near the bed. She cradled Cyrus close to her chest as he slept peacefully.
            Alfie held the book open but didn’t read the words. He knew that if he read right from the book, Meg would be stopping him every sentence asking what a word meant. Plus, he knew the myth well enough to just summarize it for her.
            “Orpheus, right, he was the son of Apollo. Apollo gave him a lyre and Orpheus was well known for his songs. Everyone loved them. One day, he fell in love with Eurydice and they were married. But unfortunately, Eurydice was bitten by a snake and had to go to the underworld.” Alfie did his best to skirt around the death part of the story. He wasn’t quite in the mood to have that discussion with his six-year-old. “Hades ruled the underworld with his wife Persephone. Orpheus was very sad that his wife was trapped in the underworld. He decided, that he would see her again and went down to the underworld, protected by the other gods. He played his lyre for Hades and the god decided to let Eurydice go back to Earth with Orpheus. But he had a condition. Orpheus had to walk ahead of Eurydice, and he couldn’t look back to see if she was still walking behind him. If he looked back before they were home, Eurydice would be stuck in the underworld forever.”
            Meg looked up at her father, bug-eyed and rapt with interest. Just as she always was when he told her stories. “Did he look back, papa?”
            Alfie glanced down at the book before shutting it. “No, princess. He didn’t. They returned home and they lived happily ever after. The end.”
            Meg smiled, finally seeming content. “I like that story, papa.”
            “I’m glad. Now, time for bed.” He got up and kissed her forehead.
            Rachel handed Cyrus to her husband so she could tuck Meg in and kiss her goodnight as well.
            Alfie shut off the light before going to put Cyrus in his cot for the night. Rachel was waiting for him in the bedroom.
            “That’s not how the myth ends.”
            He chuckled, undoing his bracers. “I know. But you know how I feel ‘bout that one. It’s a shit ending.”
            Rachel smiled. “Alfie Solomons, the only man who can rewrite ancient myths to his liking.”
            “Well, I’ve never heard any complaints from you, Mrs. Solomons.” He replied with a grin. “As I recall, you didn’t like the ending to that one either.”
            “Well, I appreciate its message.”
            He scoffed and walked over to the bed where she was sitting. “You’re just saying that. You think it’s shit.”
            Rachel let him lay her back as he lightly peppered kisses down her neck. “Fine, it’s shit.” She grazed her fingernails down the nape of his neck. “I like your ending much better.”
            “Mhm, that’s what I thought.” He murmured lovingly. “You were always a sucker for lovely endings where everything is all nice and happy.”
            “Like our ending?” She gazed into his eyes.
            He smiled and brushed his thumb over her cheekbone. “Ah, love, our story ain’t ended yet. We’ve got lots more chapters left.”
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loki-hargreeves · 5 years ago
Once upon a dream - Loki x Reader Ch. 1
Warnings: amnesia/memory loss, imprisonment, angst, fluff, nothing major really (yet) Word Count: 8,5K Summary: You’ve been locked up for years with no memory of your past, ever since S.H.I.E.L.D. learned about your special abilities. When you get an offer to leave the prison-like facility on one condition; that you’ll join the Avengers, you take it. For years, you’ve dreamed about the same man. The dream man is also your target on your first mission. It’s Loki. He too seems to recognize you. In fact, it seems like he knows more than you do. You’re eager to find out what it is. {it’s like a soulmate AU with extra twists and turns} Author’s Note: I got this idea after I listened to Lana Del Rey’s version of the song ‘once upon a dream’. This will be a miniseries so I hope you’ll enjoy it! Please let me know what you think about this. Feedback means so much to me Xx Listen to: Once Upon A Dream playlist
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[CH 1: In my veins]
~ Will leave you in the morning
       But find you in the day    ~
Music was playing beautifully, echoing all around her because of the high, curved ceiling. The bright piano’s song blended in harmony with a gentle hum of a violin. People were talking, but it was all muffled. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was him.
Y/N was in a candlelit ballroom, dressed in an emerald gown that kissed the wooden floor when she walked. The dark-haired man held her hand gently, leading her to the middle of the floor.
Suddenly, the people stopped talking as they watched the couple prepare for a dance. Everyone seemed to gleam from joy. The aura was romantic, carefree, almost too good to be true.
“I love you,” The man said with a deep, raspy voice. Hearing that made her feel important and safe. She trusted the man. He had an elegant accent, jade eyes full of adoration. Y/N felt like she had always known this man, yet she couldn’t place a name on his face. All she knew was that she loved him too. Somehow, that didn’t trouble her. Nothing else mattered now but their moment. He grabbed her ever so gently by her waist and moved their bodies in the rhythm of the melody. They glided across the dance-floor with ease, as if they had danced to this song a thousand times before. There was no need to watch their steps, instead they focused on the intense and loving gaze they shared. It was perfect, until…
A loud beep made Y/N jump in her room, awakening her from her dream. Once again, the only thing she could recall from the vision her dreaming mind painted was that man. A face she had seen a million times before in her sleep, but she didn’t know why. Who was he? Did she know him before? She would’ve stopped to think, but she wasn’t given much time to do so.
A heavy door was opened from the outside and a group of armed guards marched into the dull corridor, nearing Y/N step by step. She didn’t see them, but by listening to their heavy steps, she figured that there were at least six of them. Her room, which was more like a cell, was a place where she had spent years by now. Years without aging a day on the outside. She looked the same she did ten years ago. Hell, she looked the same she looked a hundred years ago and beyond that – which she didn’t remember much of unfortunately. It’s like this facility had worn her mind down to the point she felt like a ghost.
She had done nothing wrong, yet people neared her with weapons and filled her days with threats.
The guards stopped behind her door and she sighed deeply, preparing to me hauled to another interrogation room. How long would they keep her there? Locked up, like a beast.
Her door opened and she welcomed the guards with an empty smile. It never reached her eyes, no matter how much her lips curved.
“Boss wants to see you,” one of the guards, Thomas informed her. Thomas was nice. He would talk to her sometimes and keep her company when they delivered meals to her. Out of all the numerous guards and agents Y/N had met, Thomas was her favourite. Seeing him genuinely made her days brighter. “It seems serious this time,” the tall man added.
As Y/N got up from her cold and lonely bed, she chuckled, “Isn’t it always serious?”
“I heard it might have something to do with the incident last night,” Thomas shared his thoughts as the other guards surrounded them, blocking Y/N from escape. She had tried to escape several times, but the machines and gadgets she was hooked to made it near impossible. If she used her powers, she would get shocked which kept her from doing anything. Eventually, she learned to accept her fate. It’s not like anyone missed her in the outside world anyway.
An incident? Y/N had heard whispers about a facility blowing up, but she had no idea what it was about. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Y/N smiled as they walked. They stopped behind the same iron doors and waited for that god-awful beep which alarmed them that it was unlocked. As it opened, they walked to the nearest elevator.
In the windowless elevator, Y/N took a deep breath. Whenever she was brought in for questioning, it always pissed her off. Sometimes it felt like they brought her in just to taunt her, to see if they could get a reaction from her and see her powers, if she would finally break the restrains. As if they didn’t see enough when she was pretty much forced to train every day.
“Do you remember when a god came to earth about a year ago?” Thomas wondered. It had been everywhere. People thought that gods were myths, but then humanity found out that Thor, god of thunder existed, and everything changed. Y/N had heard about it and about the change on earth, but she hadn’t seen it herself.
“Yes, what about it?” Y/N inquired curiously.
“They think that whatever happened yesterday is connected to that,” Thomas explained.
As interesting as it was, it confused Y/N, “What does that have to do with me though?”
Before Thomas could answer, another guard spoke, “Enough chit-chat!” It was Mark. Mark was an experienced soldier and the grumpiest man in the facility. He had a scar on his face which earned him the nickname, Scar. It wasn’t the most creative nickname, but it fit him. He was clearly a wounded man who had a harsh and modest shell. Y/N didn’t like him at all, and the feeling seemed to be mutual.
The elevator doors opened, and Y/N saw a much brighter floor. They were on the top floor. It was a huge facility. The corridor they walked through was short and they had to cross a huge common space to reach the interrogation room. The common room was large, and the bulletproof windows offered plenty of natural light. The view was beautiful, but haunting. There were trees that carried as far as Y/N could see. It meant that they were far from civility, in the middle of nowhere. No one would ever find them there.
As they finally reached the heavy door, they stopped behind it and Thomas pressed the buzzer next to the door. “She’s here,” He told whoever sat in that room with a monotone voice. Whenever Thomas spoke to Y/N, he sounded much livelier. She often wondered how such a nice man ended up in a terrible place like this.
“Come in!” A familiar voice replied through the speakers.
The door was opened for her and she was nudged to go in. Y/N put a stern expression on her face as she walked inside the white room, hating how the bright lights hurt her eyes. She was much more comfortable in the dark.
There was a table in the middle of it and several seats. There was a guard in each corner of the room, cameras too and in the middle were two familiar faces. Phil Coulson stood there with papers in his hands as Nick Fury sat by the table with a profoundly serious look in his eye. This didn’t seem good.
“Take a seat,” Fury told her and gestured at the plastic chair.
Y/N was slightly nervous, but she refused to show that as she sat down. “You look like you’ve gone through Hell,” she mocked him. Fury had scratches on his face which told her more than enough.
Her straightforwardness made him smirk. Usually, he would let out a sarcastic laugh, but it didn’t seem like he had time for that today. “I would say you’re absolutely right! You see, last night something really important was stolen from us.”
Phil opened his folder and pulled out a printed picture of a blue cube. Y/N had never seen anything like it before, yet the sight of it sparked a sense of familiarity inside her. She looked at it curiously without saying anything unnecessary. “That’s what he stole.”
So, it was a ‘he’ who stole that cube? Y/N wondered why that cube was so important that an otherworldly god would come all the way to earth to steal it. Personally, she didn’t really care. 
Coulson seemed to notice her wonder on her expression, “That’s the tesseract. We think it could be used to generate energy. It’s very precious, Y/N.”
“Who exactly was it that stole it?” Y/N wondered. If she was going to use her powers on somebody, she wanted to know who it was and what the cause was. Y/N knew better than anyone how much harm her powers could inflict – even on herself.
Fury sighed, “He called himself Loki, god of Mischief. Doctor Erik Selvig said he’s the brother of Thor, the other wacko that showed up here and left behind a massive mess for us to clean up. You should’ve seen him! He put on quite a show.”
Loki? That name rang a bell. Y/N could’ve sworn she had heard it before, but she didn’t know where or when. Then again, she had lived for several hundred years. Among her lost memories could be mentions of this god. She had always been fascinated by history; she wasn’t a stranger to Norse mythology. Knowing that it was all real was truly magnificent.
“Yeah I heard about it. Such a shame I missed the show,” Y/N pretended to be upset. A part of her wished she had been there just to see the destruction and the shock on these people’s faces when they realized they weren’t invincible. 
“We lost a lot of men because of him,” Coulson let Y/N know.
She simply raised her eyebrow, silently asking him if he truly expected her to care about that. “Did he look like he does in the history books? Big horns and all?” She wanted to know, completely ignoring agent Coulson. For her, it was truly amusing that these mythical characters could show up and stir up so much chaos on their journey.
“He has a scepter that he likes to wave around. It’s also a weapon, apparently,” Fury remembered. He had nearly been shot by Loki with a beam from that strange scepter of his.
“Nice,” Y/N seemed impressed. That’s when Coulson pulled out another printed picture. It was of a man with short, brown hair, tan skin and a strange outfit. She had never seen him before.
Coulson explained, “That’s one of our agents that Loki took with him.”
The plot thickens. “I assume you want him to be found?” Y/N jumped to conclusions and she was sure she was right.
“That too,” Fury confirmed her conclusion. “I don’t know what it is about these ‘gods’ who think they can show up here and do whatever they want, but it pisses me off. We need to get the tesseract back, ASAP which is why I’m offering you a…let’s call it a job,” Fury went straight to the point.
A job?
Y/N failed to hide her interest as she looked up from the paper to face Fury. He must’ve been in a hurry since he went right to the point. She had only been in that room for merely a minute. “What kind of job?”
Fury turned to look at agent Coulson who explained it to her, “We’ve been working on a project. The world is changing and so are the threats, which is why we’ve considered putting a group of special people together, to face these threats.”
He certainly seemed nervous to speak of this. It was almost like Coulson was afraid to use the wrong terms to upset Y/N. It was almost too good to be true, to see him like that. “Just call me a freak, Coulson,” She chuckled, shifting on her seat to be more comfortable. Their reactions were priceless.
“You would have to work with a group of people to find that son of a bitch that stole from us,” Fury explained which was obvious by now. Judging by the tone of his voice, he was furious - as ironic as it was. They were running low on time, which also became quite evident.
Although Y/N had waited for an opportunity like this for years, she was hesitant. They had captured her; they had kept her locked away from the world because she was ‘a threat to society’ but now they were asking for her help. As much as she wanted to say no out of spite, she wouldn’t. She could finally leave this facility. She could see the world again. It would be an adventure! Perhaps, just perhaps it was exactly what she needed. Y/N decided to push her luck, “What’s in it for me?”
“I thought you’d be jumping on the chance to get a breath of fresh air,” Fury raised his eyebrows in surprise as he continued, “You wouldn’t be a freak, Y/N. If this is a mission success, you’ll be a hero. Maybe we can see the good in you and trust that you don’t need to stay here anymore.”
Anger bubbled in her veins as she listened to him. She had never been a threat! But normal people would never understand. They saw her gifts as curses. They feared what they didn’t have or what they couldn’t control. But perhaps Fury was right? Perhaps this was her chance to prove that she wasn’t a villain?
“What do you say, miss Y/N?” Coulson wanted an answer. Now everyone in that room looked at her expectantly. She felt the pressure building up on her shoulders.
Y/N took one last glance at the paper before her and she felt certain of her choice, “I’m in.”
                         Being outside the large, secret facility for the first time in years was strange for Y/N. She was sent off immediately with Phil Coulson and to her surprise, there was someone waiting for them in the jet. Y/N was surprised that they let her walk outside without handcuffs, but she still had a chip in her neck, a tracker. They wouldn’t trust her that fast, now would they?
The moment they got seated in the jet, they flew off into the air, into the unknown which made Y/N beyond excited. Phil Coulson talked on the phone, which gave her a moment of privacy with the other man. He was tall, muscular, and blonde. She liked the brown, leather jacket that he wore. Y/N knew it was no other than Captain America, which was quite funny to her. Despite having lost so many of her memories, she could remember Captain America from the 40s. Back then, she had been free. It was impossible not to hear about this man and she was sure it was still like that today.
“Steve Rogers, it’s nice to meet you,” He broke the silence by introducing himself and then offering his hand for her to shake. So, he was polite. Y/N liked that.
She shook his large hand, “Y/N. Nice to meet you too, Rogers. The last time I saw you, you were on the silver screen.” He seemed surprised to hear that as they let go of each other’s hands. It appeared that the agent hadn’t told Steve much about Y/N yet. Good, she preferred to do that herself. “Just like you, I’m much older than I seem.”
“I’d ask you for your age, but that is a little rude, isn’t it?” Steve tried to lighten up the tension that seemed to linger in the aircraft. It was obvious that he was a man out of his time.
“Oh, I don’t take offense that easily. I’d give you an answer, but I don’t have one. Can’t even remember my own birthday,” Y/N let him know with a smile, acting as if her amnesia wasn’t hard on her.
Before Steve could react to that, Coulson returned to them. “We’re forty minutes away from the base. You’ll get to meet the others there,” He told them. Y/N was surprised to see how different Coulson was now that Fury wasn’t there. Perhaps, Steve’s presence made him that happy? “And I see you two already met,” Coulson pointed at the two of them as he spoke.
 It would be a long forty minutes.
Just as he said, they landed forty minutes later. They got out of the jet, which Y/N had learned was called a Quinjet. The platform they landed on belonged to an enormous ship. They were on sea and land wasn’t anywhere in sight. Other Quinjets were landing and taking off, soldiers were running on deck and overall, it seemed like a terribly busy place. Y/N had to admit it was nice to see something else than the white walls of the facility she had been stuck in for so long. The salty smell of sea was nice and even refreshing to her. The idea of jumping into the water and taking a dive seemed so tempting, but she knew that wasn’t an option. 
A red-haired woman walked over to them; eyes directed at Coulson. She seemed like she had plenty of work to do and that she wasn’t in the mood for smalltalk. Y/N liked that.
“Ma’am,” Steve greeted her.
“Hi,” She smiled but it was quite empty. Instead of staying to chat with Steve, she walked right up to the agent. Y/N watched from aside. “They need you on the bridge. Face time.” And just like that, Coulson was sent off.
“Glad to see you survived that flight with him,” She seemed more relaxed now as she faced Y/N and Steve. “I’m Natasha.”
Y/N recognized her name. Coulson had explained that Natasha, a Russian spy, would be working with them on the project. “I assume you already know all about us, but hello, I’m Y/N,” Y/N greeted the woman. She assumed if Natasha was anything like the others, she had read all there was to know about her background and memorized it already.
“Oh yes, I read all about you,” Natasha said as it was the most common thing to say. 
Before anyone else could speak, a fourth person walked up to them quite nervously. A man with a plain jacket, dark hair and glasses looked around and Y/N could sense how jittery he was. Was he anxious to be there?
“Doctor Banner,” Steve somehow recognized the man.
Jealousy stung Y/N’s gut a little bit as she stood there. Everyone else knew so much about this project already. Everyone else expect for her. She barely knew who and what they were looking for. Coulson could’ve used that flight time on telling Y/N more about the mission rather than swooning after Steve and talking about his Captain America memorabilia. 
A squad of guards neared them which by now was a very familiar sight for Y/N to see. She half-expected them to come and grab her to an interrogation room or perhaps a training hall. “Miss Y/N, you need to come with us.”
Although she expected that, it somehow surprised her. Why weren’t the others treated like prisoners? Why was she being treated like she was trying to smuggle explosives into the place?
Everyone around her looked at her awkwardly, but they all knew what was going on. Y/N was annoyed but defeated. “Show me the way,” She sighed and went along with the guards. She only had to assume she would regroup with the others inside eventually.
The guards surrounded her as they walked, just like they had earlier that day. Once they reached the inside of the ship, Y/N noticed how hauntingly much it resembled the facility. There was no personality or warmth inside the walls. It was all so cold and metallic. She was led through the clean corridors to a room with a bunch of computers and agents. It was just as busy on the inside as it was outside.
Somehow, Fury was already there. He must’ve taken a different route. The familiar face seemed to have expected Y/N and beside him was a woman. She seemed like an agent too. “Y/N! I think it’s time you get to know your teammates a little better. Agent Hill has offered to fill you in on the details.”
“Can’t wait!” She mumbled halfheartedly.
“As you get to know each other, we’ll keep trying to locate Loki. Once we find him, you’ll be on your way.”
That’s when agent Hill walked closer to Y/N. The guards seemed to trust the agent as they let her lead Y/N away from them. “Call me Maria,” She offered her a genuine smile. It was small but it was there.
“Alright, Maria. What am I supposed to do?” Y/N wanted to know more about the mission. Fury and Coulson had barely told her anything at all.
Hill walked them closer to the stations. They could see the screens. They were viewing security tapes from all across the world. Paris, New York, Tokyo.... Y/N saw some screens that were scanning several faces. It was almost fascinating to see how much work they put into this. That must’ve indicated that this was much more serious than a little hunt to find an energy source.
“Right now, your main mission is to find our target and bring back the tesseract. But you need to know who you’re dealing with,” Maria started, never taking her eyes off the screens. That’s when the ship began to tremble wildly, but no one seemed bothered by it. Y/N was cautious, but she didn’t feel the need to panic when everyone else seemed so calm. “Don’t worry, we’re just taking off.”
“Taking off?” Y/N spat out. 
That made Maria chuckle, “You’re on a helicarrier. It flies just as well as it floats.”
“Great!” Y/N managed to find something to say. When they landed, she saw the size of this thing. To think it could fly was astonishing, to say the least.
“You already met Steve. Natasha is one of ours. She’s might not seem it, but she’s one hell of a spy. She’ll keep an eye on you,” Maria started. Y/N wanted to comment on that, but she bit her tongue instead. “Doctor Banner, or just Bruce is a scientist. If you see him on the battleground, he’s going to be quite different. He turns into what some would call a raging beast, the Hulk.”
The Hulk sounded familiar. Y/N wasn’t sure how that worked, but she didn’t doubt it was true. She had seen stranger things. “So, I’m going to work with a spy, a scientist beast and a war hero to catch a god,” Y/N tried to put it all together. She didn’t quite understand where she came in use.
“Technically, yes. Don’t worry, Tony Stark aka the Iron Man is joining you too. Besides, you’ll have a team here as well. You won’t be alone,” Maria continued calmly.
Y/N wanted to ask more about the others, but she was curious to hear why they needed her help in particular. “Why did you ask for my help? It seems like you’ve already got quite a team gathered up.”
That question made Maria tense. So far, she seemed honest, so Y/N hoped she would come up with a good answer. “We’re searching for someone who claims to be a god, Y/N. He has abilities no one has seen before, expect…well, expect in you. I am aware that you’ve lost your memories, you might not know your full potential yet. But based on your training, you’re capable of far more than we thought. We thought that you could be able to fight this ‘god’.”
All that sounded far too nice, but Y/N didn’t mind it. Surely no one liked to admit they had captured someone and forced them to train. Perhaps Maria didn’t know. Y/N wasn’t in the mood to talk about it. Before she could say much, one of the agents seemed to get a match on the scanning system. “We found him! He’s in Stuttgart, Germany.”
That was quick.
“Let’s go find the others. Looks like you’re going to Germany,” Maria patted Y/N’s shoulder as they got on the move. Already, Y/N’s heart was beating a little faster in her chest. Adrenaline rushed through her system and she was excited. For the first time in a decade, she was going to break her daily routine. This was bound to get interesting!
                     That day had felt like a week and they were still not finished. They were in a Quinjet that was flying to Germany. How they would get there so fast, Y/N didn’t know. She only had to assume that the jet was much faster than a normal jet, but it felt like it barely moved at all as it soared through the sky.
She sat in the corner, watching as the others on her team spoke. Everyone was geared up, including Y/N. Natasha was flying, Steve and Tony were talking. Y/N hadn’t spoken with Tony yet and she wasn’t in a hurry to do so either. The man had looked at her with a strange look in his eyes when he got on board. Although it had only been minutes, Y/N could tell he knew much about her already. Did he fear her?
After a while, Tony turned to Y/N, interrupting the conversation he had with Steve. “You’ve been awfully quiet,” he noticed.
“I don’t speak unless I have something to say,” She explained bluntly. The day had been long, and she already had a lot on her mind. Despite how fun it was to do something else than stare at the facility walls, it was a lot. The pressure of it all made her tired. 
Tony walked closer to her, clearly interested in forming some sort of a conversation with her. “We could start with you telling me how you still look like that despite your age. Do you and Steve maybe share some anti-aging secrets? Do tell,” Tony tried to ease the tension between them, but it didn’t work all that well. It wasn’t like Y/N hadn’t heard that a million times before.
“I’m sure you would like to know,” Y/N tittered, hoping that she could ignore her weariness and at least try to get to know her team. After all, they were kind of stuck together.
That’s when Tony took a seat next to Y/N, minding a little distance though. “I heard you’ve been living at a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility for a while. That must’ve been a bore.”
Did he think before he opened his mouth?
Steve rubbed his temples as he eavesdropped on their conversation. Clearly, Steve didn’t like what he just heard any more than Y/N did.
“A bore, you could say that. One day they decided I was a threat to society, so they locked me up. I don’t see why they didn’t do that to you though. Do you also have trackers in your neck?” Y/N couldn’t help but to get a little heated. She wasn’t angry, but she felt defensive. She never wanted to go to that facility, and she would be damned if she let anyone talk about it as it was nothing.
That’s when Tony realized his mistake. “Right. Well let’s hope this is your chance to start anew,” He desperately tried to make up for what he said. Despite how dumb his words were, Y/N let it slip for now.
“So, what are we going to do when we find him? Doesn’t he have the power to make people do things in his favour?” She changed the topic of conversation.
That’s when Steve decided to speak, which was a relief. “We need to make sure civilians don’t get hurt. Hopefully, we’ll be able to overpower him. It’s easier to come up with a plan once we see the guy. We don’t really know what he’s capable of.”
Steve had a point. Coming up with a detailed plan with little to no information would be difficult. All they really knew was Loki’s location. 
Natasha joined in on the conversation from the cockpit, “We can’t kill Barton. He’s still in there. We just need to break whatever spell Loki has on him.”
“What if he gets one of us under control? What happens then?” Y/N wanted to know. She wasn’t interested to be mind-controlled if it meant it put a target on her back.
No one seemed to know what to say to that. They hadn’t thought of it, or so it seemed. “We can’t let that happen. Even if it happens, no one gets left behind. We’re supposed to work as a team and that we will do.”
“That sounds like the Captain I’ve heard of,” Y/N commented on his little pep talk. She had faint memories of Captain America’s speeches from his roles in the 40s. He sure knew what to say and he had a leader spirit.
“What exactly do you do then? According to your file you don’t age, great. But you’ve also shown to have super strength, speed, and senses. Did you get a superhuman serum too?” Tony seemed awfully curious about Y/N’s abilities. he had read her files but they were lacking. After years of training in the facility, they still struggled to put her in a box. 
She couldn’t blame his curiosity. “I don’t know why I am the way I am. I’m far older than I thought I was. I remember waking up on the streets of London in 1911. It’s like I was simply dropped into existence. All I could remember was my name. Throughout the years, I’ve got some memories back and I’ve tried to test my abilities, but it’s all vague, hazy.”
Tony never took his eyes off her. He seemed fascinated by her story and he examined every word she said. Even Steve and Natasha had stopped to listen. “Can you fly? Or shoot lasers from your eyes? That would be cool,” Tony wondered.
“Lasers? No, not that I know of,” Y/N giggled, finding his enthusiasm funny. “I’m not Superman,” She added.
“Fury wanted you on this mission because you can manipulate energy. Is that true?” Natasha wondered. They knew so much about each other, which made them all so curious about Y/N whom they knew so little of.
It was sweet of them to be curious, but Y/N didn’t know whether she liked all the attention. Her life had changed from a boring facility life to whatever this was. It was a lot and these questions were difficult to answer. She hardly knew herself! “You’ll see,” She decided to keep it mysterious. That way, she would get less follow up questions.
“Ooh, playing hard to get! I like that, Supergirl,” Tony gleamed, either happy over her answer or the stupid nickname he just gave her.
“Whatever you say.”
  Finally, they arrived in Stuttgart. The old buildings stood proud, beautiful trees were planted all around the place and it looked like a wonderful place – if it wasn’t for the god who seemed to threaten all life there was there. Y/N was dropped off with Tony. Tony flew out of the jet in his suit as Y/N used her powers to ease her landing. She floated down silently, hoping to stay unseen by the help of her dark outfit. They were a safe distance away, hidden by the night’s large shadows. There was a large mass of people outside the building and a man, several versions of him around them. Y/N could tell which one of them was real because only one of them had the warmth and energy of a living creature. The others were illusions - impressive nevertheless.
They were too far away for her to see his face clearly. At least she saw the golden horns which was almost amusing to see. How did he balance his head with that thing on it?
“Let’s get him,” Tony said to her and it was her cue to get on the move. Y/N was almost too excited. Adrenaline kicked in and she felt like she could run a marathon.Perhaps she was supposed to be worried or even scared. They were going to fight a god! But she liked it.
Just as Loki pointed his scepter at an old man, Steve attacked him. No one could hear Y/N, but she whispered, “Nice one,” as her own commentary on the situation. Captain America got the fight started and the frightened people scattered away from the scene, screaming in horror over what unfolded before their eyes.
Y/N was finally close enough so she could join in. Just as she was about to knock Loki over with a blast of energy, she froze on the spot. Loki turned to look at her and recognition sparked in his eyes.
She recognized him too
Y/N lost her breath as she faced Loki, now feeling much more frightened than before. Loki was the man she kept seeing in her dreams!
What truly freaked her out was that he seemed to know her as well.
Just for a moment, the world stilled around them. It felt like the flow of time stopped completely, giving them a brief moment of privacy. To make it even more terrifying for Y/N, who struggled to grasp why her enemy was in her dreams, he spoke, “Y/N!”
 He knew her name!
 Before she got a chance to answer him, Steve attacked Loki. It was a reminder that this fight wasn’t over. They were on the battleground and Y/N had a job to do. But now it felt impossible. The only stray of hope she had of remembering her past was that man - a god! She had seen him in so many dreams, so many nights that gave her glimpses of a life before, one that she yearned to return to. Now they were there, standing face to face and she was supposed to attack him! How could she?!
Even with Steve and Tony attacking the god from both sides, he seemed unbothered by their attempts. Loki was keen on defending himself, pushing the strong men away from himself like flies. He swung his scepter around and eventually pinned Steve to the ground.
The sight made Y/N react. Even with her legs feeling like jelly from the strange encounter, she ran towards them. Her feet moved much faster than any common human’s feet would. In only a split second, she pushed Loki off Steve, almost knocking him on the ground.
Her attack seemed to surprise him. Loki looked at her through knitted eyebrows and that looked hurt her. He seemed…betrayed?
“How do you know my name?!” Y/N felt tears stinging in her eyes. She was angry that this had to happen. The past seemed to haunt her and now that she had the chance to get answers, she would have to lock the man away! It was unfair. “Tell me!” She screamed when Loki didn’t answer. Oddly enough, he didn’t even try fighting her.
“I see what’s going on,” Loki concealed his pained expression by smirking darkly, as if he was completely unbothered by the situation, “You don’t even remember. That’s such a shame, dear.”
Dear? Who did he think he was?!
Y/N felt eyes burning holes into her back. She felt anxious as she was there, above Loki who was pinned beneath her. It was too much. She knew she had to end this, so instead of focusing on her own curiosity and shock, she decided to do what she was asked to do. To avoid further pain, she focus don her mission and tried to lock away her emotions. If she screwed up now, she could end up returning to the facility which was her last wish.
“Don’t call me that,” Y/N tried to sound as intimidating as she possibly could, but it was hard when Loki seemed to know her. Energy was flowing around her hands, illuminating a golden light all around her. Loki glanced at the power forming around her hands and he smiled. It almost felt like he expected this or that he had seen it all before. Whatever it was, it made Y/N’s skin crawl. Did they know each other from her past? It sure seemed like that and it didn’t look good on her record. S.H.I.E.L.D. would surely love to know how Loki knew her name. Could it be his power? Was he messing with her?
It didn’t make sense. Loki had been in her dreams; it must’ve meant something!
To everyone’s surprise, Loki raised his arms up in surrender. The defeated mannerism made Y/N let go of him as she stood up. By now, Steve and Tony stood right beside Y/N. Loki was seemingly overpowered, but she didn’t believe it at all. This seemed like something he wanted to happen, which made her feel sick.
This all felt like a huge mistake.
“Seems like you got me cornered,” Loki pouted, never taking his eyes off Y/N as the others grabbed him. His wrists were cuffed, and he lifted his magic, his golden armour vanishing into thin air. “Besides, I wouldn’t like to get torched by your little energy blasts, now would I?” Loki gestured to Y/N’s hands. Despite his words, he didn’t seem threatened by her power.
Nevertheless, Y/N let go of the energy and watched it fade into thin air. There was no use in attacking a man who surrendered and was clearly cooperating. Y/N just stood there, struggling to find the right words. Shock, disbelief, fear was boiling in her troubled mind and heart. Her thoughts were running in circles. Breathing felt alien to her.
“Let’s go,” Steve yanked Loki. He sounded angry. It seemed like the mission ended just as fast as it had begun. It was easy, way too easy.
Something was terribly wrong.
 They were all in the Quinjet again and this time, the atmosphere was tense. It felt heavy on Y/N’s slumped shoulders. Loki was cuffed and he sat on his seat ever so calmly. He didn’t even try to put up a fight.
No one had dared to ask Y/N about the more than odd encounter. Shortly said, everyone seemed on edge. Somehow, Y/N felt like it was her fault although she recognized they could feel on edge because of how easily Loki turned himself in.
Unfortunately, Loki decided to speak. His voice made Y/N’s stomach churn in worry. It also made Tony and Steve shut up, forgetting whatever conversation they were having. “Did you hit your head perhaps? Or did someone curse your mind?”
Why was everyone so interested in her memory loss? How did Loki know so much? It was infuriating and Y/N was tired, which only made it harder for her to handle.  Instead of answering him, she kept quiet.
Tony didn’t.
“You gave up quite easily. I thought you’d put up a fight. Heard you liked theatrics and all that,” Tony got closer to Loki.
“I couldn’t pass an opportunity to be stuck in a metal box with such…fascinating company,” Loki prolonged the word fascinating, almost as if he were being sarcastic. As he spoke, answering Tony’s question, he looked right at Y/N. It felt personal.
That’s when Y/N heard thunder roaring. It was odd, since she hadn’t seen any dark clouds around. Even Natasha seemed confused by the sudden lightning. Then again, they were flying fast through the sky. The weather could change in the blink of an eye, so she didn’t think too much of it. She was busy worrying about what nonsense Tony would say. Hopefully, nothing that would infuriate the god.
To everyone’s surprise, Loki seemed uncomfortable. Every roar of the storm made him flinch. That was…odd.
“What’s the matter? Scared of a little lightning?” Steve wondered. He too noticed how Loki reacted to it.
Loki didn’t like Steve’s question too much, at least not based on his expression. “I’m not overly fond of what follows,” he replied which made everyone feel a little confused and uneasy.
What ‘followed’? As the others wondered what Loki meant by that, Y/N remembered who he was. Loki, Brother of Thor. Thor was the god of thunder. Right before Y/N could say anything about it, a loud thud caught everyone’s attention. Something or someone landed on the moving Quinjet.
The heavy, metal ramp was torn open and a blast of lightning followed, making everything bright for a brief moment. As the lightning subsided, a man walked in which was unexpected. Someone just entered a moving aircraft!
It was Thor.
“Holy shit,” Y/N cursed as the angry Norse god marched inside, heading straight for Loki. He grabbed Loki by his scruff, unbothered by the other people onboard. He didn’t even seem to notice the others.
He couldn’t just take their prisoner away like that! Or could he? 
Before anyone could even try to stop him, Thor jumped out of the Quinjet with Loki. It had only been a few seconds and they were gone, leaving everyone else baffled.
“Now there’s that guy,” Tony was the first one to speak, trying to cover his shock.
“Another Asgardian?” Natasha wondered. She didn’t sound too thrilled by this.
Steve wondered, “Think the guy’s friendly?”
That’s when Y/N felt like they were talking too much. “It doesn’t matter. We need to get Loki back!” Getting Loki back was her only chance of getting a life, and perhaps answers of her past. Answers that somehow, as mad as it was, Loki seemed to have.
Tony put on his iron mask, preparing for whatever plan he came up with. “Funny you’d say that. Seems like you two know each other.”
Now wasn’t the time for offhand comments like that.
It sparked annoyance within Y/N, but she knew they didn’t have time to fight. Everyone else seemed to agree so they ignored Tony’s statement.
Steve returned to his soldier mindset, “We need a plan of attack.” That was quite clear.
Tony walked closer to the torn open ramp, “I have a plan. Attack.”
Y/N agreed with Tony this time. Just as Tony jumped out of the Quinjet, Y/N followed him. She didn’t have a parachute, but she trusted her powers. Her gut told her to do it and she trusted that gut feeling. As she felt her body fall dangerously towards the ground, she squinted her eyes and tried to aim her body towards the ground safely. It was far too dark to see Thor, but she had a faint idea of where they might’ve landed. After all, all living things left behind a trace of energy. Her heart was pounding in her chest. The adrenaline rush she had was unbelievable, but exactly what she needed to wake up. 
As she was free falling closer to the ground, Y/N closed her eyes and focused on the energy fields around her. She felt the wind, the temperature, the movement all around them. She caught onto the air and let it carry her body, slowing down her inevitable impact. Soon enough, her body was enveloped in a golden cast of energy, warming her body that had cooled down in the rapid fall and cold rain. She used her magic to direct her safely to the ground. Just like that, she landed on her feet without making a sound and she let go of the energy, releasing it back to the world.
Y/N found herself in a dark, mossy forest. Trees were tall and all around her. It smelled like rain which was a trace of Thor’s powers. She would have to find Loki, but where? For a moment, she felt restless until she heard something.
Someone was yelling nearby. It sounded like an angry man and Y/N knew that it must’ve been Thor. She followed the voices she heard.
“…You listen well, brother!” It was definitely Thor. Y/N crawled out from the bushes, just in time to see Thor and Loki on a large rock. Before she could even consider getting in between them, Tony flew right at Thor, grabbing his body and flying off the stone. They disappeared out of sight within a second.
“I’m listening,” Loki replied to his brother who was now far away and who most certainly could not hear him.
Was Tony serious? He left Loki out of sight! Unless he knew Y/N was there, that was quite reckless of him.
“Damn it,” Y/N cursed as she realized she was alone with Loki. The thought of facing him now was terrifying. She didn’t know what to expect, but she knew she couldn’t just stand there. Before Loki could make his grand escape, Y/N ran towards him and jumped up on the stone. In a second, she was right beside him.
“Fancy seeing your brother getting involved in this mess of yours,” Y/N muttered. She was furious that Thor had to get Loki. Then again, they were family. She couldn’t really blame the Asgardian.
Loki sighed, “You really don’t remember me? Or are you putting up some sort of an act?” Loki had seemed genuinely surprised when she hadn’t recognized him in the way he had hoped.
Y/N knew this was likely her only chance of speaking with Loki alone. Maybe she could use this opportunity to speak to him instead of fighting him. It didn’t look like he was in a hurry to run off either. Although it scared her, she decided to trust him just enough for a chat. “Am I supposed to know you?” She asked him, hiding the fact she had dreamt of him several times for decades.
“Fascinating,” He murmured the word again. Loki had a sad look in his eyes, but his expression was the contrary of it. He looked amused, but it didn’t feel genuine. Now that she got a better look of him, even in the night’s darkness, she noticed how beaten down and tired he looked. Everything about this mission and Loki was bizarre. Something wasn’t adding up.
“What’s so fascinating about this? What are you doing here? How do you know me?” Y/N struggled to stay patient. She had waited for answers for so long and this was the closest she had come to find them.
Loki narrowed his eyes and looked at her closer. She should’ve backed off; she should’ve informed her team that she found him, but she didn’t. She let him get closer. “Trust me, you’re better off not knowing. You’d thank me if you knew better.”
What on earth was he rambling about?
“Loki,” Y/N said his name. It didn’t sound foreign to her. When she said his name, it felt so natural. Her mouth had grown accustomed to it although she couldn’t remember him. “No one can hear us. If we’ve known each other, you can tell me. I need to know.”
Something about him was odd. She could feel that he wanted to act differently than how he did. Was something holding him back or was Y/N overthinking it? It’s like one moment he wanted to say something and the next he acted like he couldn’t have cared less. At this point, nothing seemed to make sense.
All traces of Loki’s sincerity vanished, “What if you don’t like what you’ll hear?”
“So you know something?” Y/N sounded a little bit too hopeful.
“I know a lot of things, Y/N,” Loki explained mysteriously. Sure, he was a god. He knew more than any human, but did he know anything about her past?
“Just tell me if you know something!” Y/N grew restless. She had a hectic need to know what he knew. 
Loki moved his lips and mouthed, ‘ooh’ after she finished her sentence. “You’re getting angry. You must be desperate.” He taunted her. Something told her this was useless, but she didn’t want to give up. It was so foolish, but she honestly believed Loki could give her answers.
That’s when he decided to change the topic. “Why do you even bargain with these mortals? They’ve held you captive; they fear who you are. They don’t deserve your aid, if you ask me. Once they’re finished with me, I’m sure you’ll find yourself where you came from. Locked away from humanity.”
How did he know all that? Shivers ran down Y/N’s spine as she stood there, listening to each and every word he said. She hated to admit it, but he was probably right. Maybe Loki wasn’t as evil as she had been told. Then again, he had done terrible things -- according to her captors.
The cunning god of mischief continued to stir the pot, “If you truly wish to learn from my knowledge, you could join me. We can finish this together and you’d be free from those invisible chains.”
She looked at him in shock. “Why would you do that? How do I know you wouldn’t kill me, first chance you got?” Y/N was tempted to join him, but she had common sense. He could lie to her, trick her into trusting him so he could stab her right in the back.
“I see you haven’t lost your brain,” Loki didn’t seem surprised by her response. “But you serve yourself. Please, befriend the people who treat you like a beast. Who am I to stop you?”
This was too much. It had been an incredibly long day and having a god toy with her mind wasn’t exactly fun. Y/N figured that she could question him later. Surely they would allow her to have a chat with him once he was locked up, right? She could prove she wasn’t evil. Maybe in the end, she could get her answers and her freedom? But Loki offered that to her right now. 
No. She couldn’t blow it. If they got caught, she would be locked away for good. It hurt to decline his offer, but she had to. “Let’s go. I’m taking you back to the Quinjet.”
Loki didn’t seem alarmed. “Fine,” He shrugged and even offered his wrists to her. Y/N gritted her teeth together as she grabbed his wrist so she could pull him with her. But as their bodies touched, she felt a jolt. It’s like an invisible force pushed her out of her physical body.
In the blink of an eye, she saw herself and Loki in a dream realm. Loki seemed to notice the change too. They weren’t in the forest anymore. Instead, they were in a dim ballroom. They were the only two people there. The candles had burned out, no music was playing, and it smelled like dust and rotting wood. There was an old piano in the corner of the ballroom. Dead roses were laid on it and the petals had worn off and scattered on the dusty keys and the floor.
The ballroom was so familiar.
Just like the one from Y/N’s dreams.
Their eyes met and for a moment, Loki seemed stunned. It was obvious that he recognized the place. He looked at Y/N and she could swear he looked sorry. It was all too much for her to handle now.
Startled by this, she let go of Loki and stepped back, nearly stumbling on the ground. They were back in the forest as if they had never left. “What the hell was that?” Y/N cried out in fear. Nothing like it had ever happened to her before.
Somehow, Loki didn’t even look startled by it. That same look of agony returned into his gaze, but he refused to address it. Before another word could be spoken between them, the Quinjet landed on the forest ground. The tall trees swayed because of the wind and leaves scattered up in the air. The broken ramp wasn’t useful so instead Natasha jumped out of it, landing smoothly on the ground. Steve must’ve joined Tony to fight Loki’s brother.
“I see you caught him all on your own,” Natasha broke the silence. Something about the way she spoke made Y/N feel guilty, as if Natasha suspected something had happened. Nothing had happened, right? Y/N had made sure Loki didn’t escape and she had only asked him a few questions. How did she still feel so bad?
“Yeah. He’s all yours,” Y/N tired to brush her worries away. She wished Natasha would take Loki into the Quinjet. After what just happened, touching the god wasn’t on the top of the list of things Y/N’s wanted to do. She wasn’t sure what she would do if that thing happened again.
[Ch. 2]
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A/N: Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged. A reblog and your feedback would mean so much 💚
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