#but yeah hi my ocs sorry its been a minute. i had the realisation i could make charms and shit and came crawling back i know i know.
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hits chrome with the had braces as a child beam. also hits him with the no they didnt fix shit tbh beam
#chrome has a tooth gap and overbite because i have one and i get to hand those out like candy because of it. giving him braces is new though#also sometimes i turn on my anime abilities for a bit. its funny to me.#doodlebyte#oc art#clean furry#sfw furry#furry art#cute furry#furry oc#chromium mono#tabitha boss#mymk#i like drawing baby chrome hes funny. little ball of rage whos going to become gay about it for some fucking reason#baby tabitha also fun to draw. so full of joy and wonder before it Went Away For Some Reason. also big stupid glasses.#but yeah hi my ocs sorry its been a minute. i had the realisation i could make charms and shit and came crawling back i know i know.#i could practically see ali pouting at the idea of their creator abandoning them for several months. sorry buddy it is how it is#but hey. as a reward for not chewing the furniture apart while i was gone. reversible keychain.
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Hi G! For a mini fic, how about a female oc of your choosing getting food poisoning on a date and their partner has to help them find a place to throw up? Like maybe they're walking around and need to find a private park or parking lot or something! Thank you!
Thank you for the request, Lis! I'm so sorry that it took me this long. Also, I went a little overboard with this because it was so fun to write, so it's probably not a mini fic anymore, lol. Anyways, this is my first fic on Rose and Ezme. Enjoy!
"You ready?" Rose asked as she walked over and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend, who was fixing her hair in the mirror.
Ezme smiled as their eyes met in the mirror. "Mhm, I just don't like my hair. It won't cooperate." She frowned and dropped her hands at her side. Rose furrowed her brows, confused.
"It looks fine, darling," she said, kissing the top of her head. "I always love your hair, ma chèrie," she added, walking away. Ezme grinned and nodded, smoothing down her top and following.
They had made it to the restaurant, and Ezme had picked a Thai restaurant for them to eat at. She had ordered most of the menu because she wanted to try everything, since it was their first time trying it.
"Are you not hungry?" Ezme asked, as she noticed that Rose had hardly touched her food. Rose must've zoned out, as she was snapped back into reality hearing Ezme's voice.
She started scraping the food around on her plate. "Hm?" She answered, "What did you say?" A hiccup jolted her body, and Ezme raised her brows.
"I said, are you not hungry?" Rose didn't look up, and Ezme touched her hand. "You feeling okay, baby?" Rose sighed, looked up. Her face had become slightly pale, and she was sweating.
"Yeah, I feel fine," Ezme didn't believe her for one minute. She always knew when her girlfriend wasn't feeling well. She squinted her eyes and started monitoring her carefully.
"You know I don't believe you, right? You can't lie to save your life, babe." Rose looked her in the eyes for a second and gave up, seeing her piercing glare. She looked away and leaned back against the chair, sighing.
She burped into her fist, feeling the relief of not having to lie or hide how bad she felt. "I think the lunch I ate was bad or something," Ezme's sharp gaze softened as she realised just how bad the other woman felt.
"Are you nauseous?" Ezme's question was answered with a grimace and a nod. Rose placed her head on the table, shutting her eyes and exhaling slowly. The nausea she had been feeling since lunch was starting to increase, leaving her with this disgusting feeling in her stomach. She moaned as the silence was interrupted with a gurgle, loud enough for them both to hear.
She jumped up suddenly, her face had dropped another two shades. She muffled a wet burp against her hand and shut her eyes. Ezme turned her head and looked at her girlfriend, concerned. "What -" Before she could finish, Rose darted to the bathroom.
Ezme immediately followed her to the bathroom, concerned. She figured that Rose hardly made it as she heard liquid hit liquid and her girlfriend coughing. She found her crouched in front of the toilet with one shaky hand against the wall. Ezme's heart ached as this was a miserable image.
Rose burped up more chunky liquid into the bowl, and Ezme made a face as she heard her girlfriend make a strangled noise when more vomit forced its way up her throat, choking her. Ezme shushed her and rubbed her back as she noticed the tears streaming down Rose's face. She sniffled and wiped her hand across her mouth.
"Here baby, blow your nose." She had a piece of toilet paper in her hands, and Rose grabbed it, sniffling again.
She dropped against her girlfriend and took a deep breath before talking. "I'm sorry, I ruined our date," Ezme shook her head, dismissing her choice of words. She moved her bangs out of her face, looking down at her face.
"You just puked like crazy and you're worrying about the stupid date? I'm more worried about you right now, love." Ezme smiled as her girlfriend snuggled against her lap.
Ezme patted the top of Rose's head, "Okay, we have to get off this disgusting bathroom floor." Rose groaned and nodded slowly, agreeing. Ezme stood up and pulled Rose up off the ground, catching her as she started swaying.
They were walking back to the parking lot when Rose suddenly stopped, bracing her hands against her knees, moaning. Ezme stopped at her side, touching her back and rubbing in circles. "You gonna throw up again?" Ezme already knew the answer to that question but asked anyway. She gently pulled Rose's hair back. Without warning, Rose brought up a huge gush of vomit, which made a terrible noise coming up, causing Ezme to hold back a gag.
Rose gasped for breath as a horrible hiccup sent up another splash of liquid, joining the mess already in front of her. Rose coughed, feeling her throat burn. Ezme furrowed her brows, feeling a twinge of guilt as she couldn't do anything to help her poor girlfriend. "Holy shit baby, there's no way you can still have anything left. You're done."
Rose burped emptily and straightened up, with a hand on her stomach. "Fuck.. I'm never eating at that place again." She burped again, spitting out the saliva pooling her mouth threatening to set off her stomach again.
Ezme nodded, "I wouldn't imagine you eating there again anyway, baby. Now, can we please move away from this.. masterpiece?" She gestured towards the pool of vomit infornt of them, smiling.
"You don't appreciate my art?" Ezme rolled her eyes, and they both laughed, walking towards the car.
#i kind of hate how i messed up the wording so many times but I've written this too many times already#forgive me if there are any tyos#rose moreau#ezme sharp#my writing#sickfic#burping#food poisoning#request
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Prompt for you!
OC has such an exhausting, completely garbage day at work that they can hardly have the energy to say hi to their partner, Jimin, when they get home let alone change out of their work clothes
Jimin's busy in the kitchen when he heard the front door open, the lid to the slow cooker replaced whilst he washes the spoon he'd just used to stir the curry. Sure, it's the lazy way of making curry, or any food really, but he'd already skimped out by using the store made curry sauce so he may as well go the whole way.
Besides, he really liked this brand's version of a Balti, and he'd added in some extra spices and even cut up some chilli's to satisfy you. Either way, his mouth was now watering with the delicious aroma of chicken Balti delighting his nose.
It's only when he's washed the spoon, dried it and placed it back in the cutlery drawer that he realises he didn't hear you say hello. Frowning to himself, he heads out of the kitchen and is greeted with the sight of an empty entranceway. Your shoes are placed in the shoe cubby, and your jacket is on its usual peg, so you were clearly home and he hadn't just imagined the whole thing.
But you always shouted out a 'hello' to him.
Given his job was only a ten minute drive versus your forty-five minutes, he always got home before you. It was your routine...and you hadn't done it today.
Frowning, he moves down the hallway and cards his fingers through his hair as he pops his head around doorways to see where you are. Not in the living room, not in the office and not in the dining room.
"Sweetheart? Are you okay?" Jimin calls out, sucking his lower lip between his teeth and chewing on them as he looks up the staircase. The door to the main bathroom is open, so you haven't had some gastro issue that's caused you to rush to the bathroom (that had happened before and you refused to use the ensuite for such...rough times).
Still no answer, and Jimin jogs up the stairs on light footsteps. It's warmer on the second floor, and he notes the open door of your shared bedroom. Had you gone straight to bed? You hadn't texted him to say you weren't feeling well or anything...
You haven't bothered to turn on the bedroom light, and in the depths of winter it meant that the bedroom was in darkness. Neither of you bothered opening the curtains or blinds at this time of year, as you didn't get to experience any benefit.
The light from the hallway is enough for Jimin to see your body stretched on the bed, though. A small huff of laughter leaves him as he takes in the sight of you laid there, fully dressed in your smart business clothes whilst your face is smushed into the pillow.
"Bad day?" He asks, crawling up onto the bed with you. The only response he gets is a muffled sound, and he grins slightly as he sits next to you.
"I'm sorry, I don't speak pillow." Jimin teases, gently poking at your shoulder until you turn your head to look at him.
"There she is, so what's got my pretty wife trying to suffocate herself?" He asks, shuffling down until he's laid next to you. Silence answers him, and he wonders if you're angry at him or something. He doesn't think he's done anything, but he's been married to you long enough to know that maybe he'd cheated on you in your dream.
"Just tired, was a busy day and I've got no mental juice left." You groan quietly, lazily rolling onto your side before shuffling until your head rests on his chest.
"Ah, that sounds shitty. How about you nap a little, then? I'll wake you up in a bit as dinner won't be for another hour or so." His hand slowly strokes up and down your arm in soothing, rhythmic gestures and he takes solace in the deep sigh you give out.
"Yeah, okay. Love you."
"Love you too."
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A/N: part 10, double digits! Also two of Baron's cousins mentioned here are OCs very kindly lent from @lin-iva and borrowed with her permission <3
"I suppose," Baron said, "that we should get better acquainted before we meet my family."
It was, Baron realised, a tad close to the curtain call to be making such talk – they were only an hour off arriving at his family estate – but Muta had slipped off into sleep, and it was somehow easier to make conversation when not under the watchful eye of Haru's 'uncle'.
Haru grinned and raised an eyebrow. "Right here, in the carriage? With my uncle present? How very forward of you, Baron."
Baron reddened. "I meant getting to know one another."
Haru's other eyebrow rose. "My dear sir, I don't even know your middle name."
"Take pity on the poor guy," Muta mumbled, evidently just awake enough to note the conversation. "He's still getting used to you."
Haru's grin turned rueful. "Sorry. It's just – you know – this whole thing feels so surreal. It's hard to take it seriously." She dipped her head apologetically in Baron's direction. "What do you want to know?"
"How about the basics?" Baron suggested. "Hobbies, career, family–"
"Social security number," Muta listed, eyes still closed. "Mother's maiden name..."
"Oh shush, Muta. Weren't you telling me to be nice not thirty seconds ago?"
"Yeah, but you're the one who's married to him."
"If we could return to the topic at hand..." Baron attempted.
"Oh, right." Haru leant back in her seat and wondered how best to condense down over two decades of life into a single conversation. "So it's always been just my mum and me; my dad is... not in the picture. I have a degree in Cat and Human history, and for a while I was co-owner of an antique shop in the Human World, before trying my luck over here." There were, she wasn't willing to admit, quite a few major plot points missing from her tale, but they weren't things she was about to share with her husband-of-one-day just yet.
"And how is the antique business?" Baron asked politely.
"Terrible," Muta grumbled. He hadn't yet deigned to open his eyes. "Was never great to begin with, but there's been an uptick in smuggling and fakes in the last few years, so yer have to be extra careful or you'll end up in trouble. Or broke."
"And yourself?" Haru asked Baron. "I mean, apparently you're actually a baron, but you don't seem to be doing much... baroning, from what I see."
"That's because my parents are still very much running the estate," Baron replied. "So instead, I run a little tea shop on the corner of town. It is," and there was a pause laden with baggage, "perhaps a more modest affair than the family had hoped for me, but I find it fulfilling in its own way."
Muts snorted.
"Ignore him," Haru said. "He doesn't like tea."
"All tastes like boiled grass to me," Muta rumbled under his breath.
"And your... family?" Haru asked, almost scared to broach the subject.
"A fair bit more extensive than yours, by the sound of things." Baron's brow furrowed in concentration. "There are my parents, of course, who run the estate. My sister, Louise, who – last I heard – was still doing some travelling, although now she's married she may be looking to settle down..."
"Younger?" Haru asked.
"Older, by ten minutes." He smiled, in a fond if slightly exasperated manner. "Not that'd you'd believe it. Either one of us might inherit the estate, but we're not in a rush. There's my uncle, Toto–"
"The Wizard of Oz dog," Muta chortled.
"–a doctor by trade, but also a gifted magician," Baron continued, learning by now to not stop for Muta's interruptions. "And then there's my father's brother and his family, including my cousins, Hugo and Hunter–"
"You really like the H's in your names, huh?" Haru teased.
"–both around my age, with Hugo a librarian, and Hunter settling into a career as an archaeologist."
Muta snorted. "Dump the tea-maker, Chicky, and marry the archaeologist instead. Maybe he'll be able to help with the shop."
Haru rolled her eyes. "I never mix love and business, Muta."
"Hey, I'm just saying unfaithfulness is a pretty good reason to divorce, when the time comes. And think of the boon it'll bring to the shop, having a tame archaeologist on call."
"I'm not going to get married to advance your business."
Muta cracked one beady eye open. "You're my least favourite niece."
(Tagging @tcrmommabear cause she asked)
#double fake dating au#im sorry but haru teasingly flirting with flustered baron is just. so much fun to write#and we're almost at meeting the family!#i think next time they should arrive at the estate#also hunter being an archaeologist works perfecty with harus career
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bad boy good thing v.
pairing: jeon jungkook x oc
genre: angst, smut, fluff, miscommunication (we hate her lol), pining
warnings: smut, jungkook is really an asshole, the angst hurts a lot tbh, unhealthy relationships (?)
words: 2, 435
summary: a series of drabbles where you're confused and jungkook's confusing
a glimpse into the past
���Yes. I’ve literally just stepped foot into my apartment.” Jungkook huffs with his phone between his ears and his shoulders as he attempts to multitask, hands moving a box of the dining table.
But Jimin is persistent and he’s yapping his ear off, something about dropping by in a few but Jungkook is barely paying attention, not when the existential crisis of no longer being a high school student that could hide under an institution with a false sense of security. College was different. He was on his own, even with the presence of his friends; and Jungkook was both terrified and excited.
He’d always dream of the start of his college life. Jungkook was a bit of a dreamer, and he aimed to live out the best life possible; all while trying to juggle his academics and do some extracurriculars on the side. When he told Taehyung about his ambitions, his friend just blinked and him and offered a snort; with an almost taunting pat on his shoulder.
You’ll see.
Jungkook didn’t know what he meant then, and he can only wait to find out.
“Do you need help moving in? Tae and I just finished a lecture and we’ve got the rest of the day off.” Jimin asks over the phone, and while Jungkook wants to start off his journey being independent; there were boxes of his belongings that looked way too unappealing to deal with alone.
“You’d to that?” Jungkook sighs, eyebrows furrowing when he searches for the box that goes into his bedroom.
“Come on, Kook.” Jimin whines, “You think your own hyungs won’t help you out?” His jibe is lighthearted, which only makes Jungkook roll his eyes at his friends' words.
“I know.” Jungkook affirms, “Just college life, you know? Thought you’d be busy having your third existential crisis of the week to help out.”
Jimin snorts over the line, “Try this day, kid.”
Jungkook chuckles, and mumbles something under his breath before puffing; grabbing his phone with his hand as he thinks of a question he’s meant to ask for a while, ever since he stepped foot onto campus and his accommodation.
“Is ____ with you?” Jungkook asks.
Jungkook did so some growing in the time after you’d graduated, and he supposes that he relied a little too much on you as well as Jimin and Taehyung growing up in high school. Because once the three of you graduated, Jungkook was essentially left to fend for himself when you no longer were able to pick him up with a call away or help him out with difficult math problems when you had college to worry about.
It was horrible at first, purely because Jungkook missed you and your kindness. Sure, phone calls and texts worked—but your presence was always more than what words could ever offer, and Jungkook found himself searching for other methods to survive the next two years in high school without you there looking over him.
His football teammates had always been just his football teammates until he was forced to fraternise with them on a deeper level, and he realised that they weren’t too bad. They were fun and full of life, definitely the type of people that he found himself having fun with. He’s always been surrounded with people that were older than him, you, Jimin and Taehyung for example—and having peers his age to hang out with was a pandora box he never knew he’d ever get used to.
Take Eunwoo for example. Jungkook was petrified of him because there was no way a sixteen-year-old could look that could, and if he looked like that before puberty finished its course—then what the hell was he going to look like after?
But he was a nice guy, a fun person to hang out with and he definitely taught Jungkook some things he’d never dare ask Jimin or Taehyung. Things about women and men; the interrelationships that could be navigated with enough practice.
And enter Yuna, the first girl he’s ever had the ability to get to know in his life besides you. It was the typical cheerleader-meets-footballer trope that Jungkook would always scoff at, but according to Eunwoo “it’s only right that the same type of people minded together.”
Jungkook furrowed his brows when Eunwoo clasped him on his back when he told him that with a wink, suggestive eyes when he exposed a not-so-secret that Yuna had on Jungkook after one of their football games during his senior year.
But Jungkook thought otherwise, probably because he remembered you telling him that people were fundamentally different and social interactions with different walks of life only made life more beautiful and worth living. Seeing the diversity in cultures and experiences opens up our hearts to a world that doesn’t exist for us—it keeps us humble.
Jungkook blindly agreed then, likely entranced with you in general to consider the weight of your words. But Eunwoo was like a constant reminder, and he was older then—a little more subdued enough to pay attention to the words of his friend.
And when Jungkook continued his high school life, it seemed like more and more people seemed to pay attention to him. It wasn’t like he was unpopular before, he definitely caught the eyes of many—but it was different then. It was like Jungkook was his own person and people thought he was cool enough to approach.
So when Yuna shyly asked him out for a date, Jungkook said yes even though he still thought of you.
And when Eunwoo slapped a pack of condoms into his palm while his other football teammates hollered, Jungkook took the leap of faith and lost his virginity the same night.
So, yeah. Jungkook did some growing up—and he hopes that it’ll be enough for you to see him as a man.
“—she’s always doing so much that she barely has time for us and I get that she’s always been an overachiever but we miss her, you know?” Jimin complains, and Jungkook just about returns back from his flashback.
“Sorry, what did you say?” Jungkook says sheepishly.
“Were you not listening to me rant for the past five minutes?” Jimin exasperates and Jungkook hears some shuffling and a chuckle, possibly coming from Taehyung, on the other end of the line.
“You do have the tendency to go off tangent, Jimin,” Jungkook mutters.
Jimin scoffs, “It’s called paying attention to the details you brat. But anyway, to sum it up for you since you wanna be annoying—_____ isn’t with us. She’s got this student council thing and a meeting with a bunch of ambassadors visiting the campus in the evening.”
Jungkook blinks, taking a moment to process the information. He smiles fondly to himself, realising that you always did fine on your own—and he supposes it’s always been that way. You were quiet and never imposing, but you still did your best.
“Oh.” Jungkook says, “Will I be able to see her soon?”
Jimin snorts on the other end.
“Why are you asking me? You have her number right?” Jimin retorts, “Though it may be difficult reaching her cause she takes like five business days to reply if you aren’t work-related.”
Jungkook chuckles while he fiddles with his thumb. He can see you working hard, eyebrows furrowed as you type out emails and organise events like the efficient woman you were.
He’s seen pictures of you on social media, courtesy of Jimin and Taehyung who’d post stories of your pouts when they’d drag you out for some social time, according to their captions. And God, did you grow up even more beautiful than you were in high school.
Jungkook saw you as the girl he admired in high school and it was mostly his puppy-loved up brain thinking of you like this super smart and out of his reach senior that he wanted to respect. But now that Jungkook was … older. He still thinks you’re admirable and smart, but he can’t lie and say he didn’t notice other things.
Like how certain tops flatter your collarbones so nicely that he wonders what it’s like to sink his teeth into them. Or how you’ve experimented with tennis skirts that look like easy access for a territory Jungkook’s used as one of many of his spank bank materials. Even the way your eyes innocently glance up in pictures makes Jungkook’s brain hazy.
Jungkook was older, and so were you. The two of you were in college and it was different. You weren’t just his high school senior and he wasn’t just the little kid that worshipped you. It was free game and Jungkook wanted to make to most out of it.
“I will.” Jungkook nods with a declaration and a sense of determination in his chest. “What time does she finish?”
A brief moment of silence until Jimin responds, snorting to himself.
“She usually gets off her meetings at—10 pm?” Jimin ponders out loud. “You’re really going to wait for her?”
Jungkook wants to add he’s been doing that all this while, but keeps it to himself.
“Just can’t wait to see her.” He shrugs casually.
“You still have that schoolboy crush on her?” Jimin teases. But Jungkook doesn’t flush this time. He’s had his handful of experiences to navigate his way with feelings and desire.
“Not a crush.” Jungkook rolls his eyes. But he wasn’t going to admit that to Jimin or Taehyung just yet. “Is it bad to want to see an old friend?”
“Whatever you say, Jungkook.” Jimin sing-songs. “But I will warn you; _____ isn’t the type.”
At this, Jungkook furrows his eyebrows.
Jimin sighs, “Whatever it is you’re thinking … stop.” And his words oddly set off an uneasy feeling in Jungkook’s chest that he doesn’t like. “You know _____. She’s not the kind of person that dates or fucks around. I don’t think she’s even looked at any guy on campus ever since we were enrolled two years ago.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, feeling slightly ashamed that he’s been caught so early on. But along with growing up, Jungkook’s grown quite a bit of an ego too.
“What makes you think I want to fuck her? What if I really just miss her?” Jungkook snaps.
“Kook, I love you and you’re my best friend but I’ve seen your Instagram stories and escapades. I have no problem with you being sexually active or whatever—you do you, as long as it’s consensual and within respectable boundaries. I know you think college is like this unobstructed territory where you can just fuck around with people but _____ really isn’t like that. I’ve been there and I’m telling you to drop it.”
Jungkook clenches his jaw, “You’ve wanted to fuck her?” Jungkook accuses.
He can practically hear and feel Jimin’s eye roll over the phone.
“No, you idiot.” Jimin sighs, “I’ve had the same intentions as you with other women. While they may be receiving and comfortable with that, _____ won’t be. I hear and recognise your tone and I’m warning you against it.”
Jungkook purses his lips, wanting to defend himself further. But he realises, who is Jimin to tell him what to do with his life? He isn’t a kid anymore.
“You’re reaching.” Jungkook tells Jimin, “You don’t have to worry okay? I just miss ____ and I want to see her before orientation on Friday. Is that a crime?”
“Again, I don’t know what you really want so I won’t project anymore. But I’m telling you, ______ is _____. You don’t think dudes have tried with her before?”
Somehow the revelation of the fact that you did have two years to mingle around with other people and potentially get with men (or women) that weren’t him causes a different type of dread to fill his stomach, an ugly emotion of jealousy. One that he’s never felt before and he doesn’t like it at all.
“God, I haven’t even seen you yet and you’re already micromanaging my entire life.” Jungkook scowls.
“The double standard is real.” Jimin scoffs, “You used to follow _____ around like a lost puppy when we knew each other first? I feel betrayed, man.” Jimin is joking but the reminder makes Jungkook still.
"That's ... different." Jungkook protests.
Jimin snorts as if he doesn't believe his friend.
"Oh, it is different all right. You, my friend, are whipped." He snickers, "Too bad the two of you are basically polar opposites, huh?"
Jungkook freezes on the other end when Jimin casually lets it slip the thought that somewhat plagues his mind, too.
"We're not that different." Jungkook defends himself.
"Says you Mr Athlete all throughout high school. I bet you ten bucks that you were already recruited by one of the football dudes here."
Jungkook scowls because Jimin was spot on.
"Okay. I do sports and she doesn't. That's it." Jungkook snaps.
Jimin clicks his tongue, "You're all for the attention, dude. _____ always keeps it on the down-low while you do your best when people are cheering you on. It's like the spotlight follows you wherever you go and she does her best avoiding it."
Jimin clenches his jaw because while Jimin's words were lighthearted, and he knew better than to ever put you down because the three of you were all good friends—the fact that someone as close to the two of you as Jimin; was laying out the obvious makes Jungkook doubt himself a lot more.
"Oh, and you're the best at psychoanalysing people right?" Jungkook sneers.
Jimin snickers on the other end but Jungkook can't find it in himself to laugh.
"Relax. I'm joking, all right?" Jimin reassures his friend. "You don't even like her that way, right? That's what you said anyway."
Right. He didn't. That's what he told Jimin.
"Right," Jungkook says stiffly.
"If the two of you ever ended up together, though ..." It's as if Jimin was the one dead-set on pushing for it as Jungkook wishes for him to drop it. "Nah. It wouldn't happen. It probably wouldn't work out either."
Jungkook forces a dry chuckle before muttering a lame excuse and hanging up.
He loved Jimin, the guy was a good friend on an average day and an absolute sweetheart on better ones. And Jungkook knew that Jimin meant no malice when he spoke of the potential relationship between you and Jungkook because, well ... Jungkook has always been the younger guy. And that would be weird, wouldn't it?
But Jungkook knows he's done some growing up. And he'll prove it—in whatever way possible.
Jimin doesn’t need to know.
#bts fic#bts imagine#bts fics#bts imagines#bts smut#bts x reader#jungkook fanfic#jungkook imagine#jungkook angst#bts fluff#jungkook fluff#jungkook x oc#jungkook x reader#jungkook#jungkook smut#jeon jungkook#jeon jungkook x reader#bts angst#bts fanfic#bts jungkook
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Don't Push It, Pt. 1
Unprofessional Bard's Masterlist
Part 2 (1/2)
Based on this request.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female!Reader
Warnings: Age gap (the reader is 26 and Joel is 53), a lot of teasing/sexual tension, implied romantic feelings.
Summary: It's been going on for years. They both know better than to act on their feelings, but patience starts running thin when a few boundaries are crossed.
Word Count: 5.280
Author's Note: Okay y'all so I am a whore for Joel with long hair and I unintentionally made this into a fix-it au where Joel is alive. Also, the reader is going to have some OC characteristics to fit the scenario better. Finally, this fic changes POV's a lot, so I'm gonna clear that up:
• ----R and below: The reader's POV.
• ----J and below: Joel's POV.
• ----B and below: Both POV's.
The fic starts off with Joel's POV.
gif credits: nikolai-stavrogin
"Hey, Joel," Dina called over to the man sipping coffee on his porch.
"Mornin' Dina," He replied as his daughter's girlfriend walked over to him. Her baby bump had grown a little more and it never failed to put a smile on Joel's face.
"There's a little trouble with the patrol today," She said. "Jesse won't be able to make it to patrol with (Y/N)."
"And they're askin' me to fill in?" He sat up a little.
"Yup, Maria told me to ask you if-"
"No problem, sure, I'll do it." He spoke nonchalantly, then asked if Jesse was alright. Dina told him she wasn't sure, that it must be something important for him to miss patrol, which made Joel nod: "You told (Y/N) too, or...?"
"No, but she's gonna be there regardless. I doubt that she knows."
"Alright, thanks Dina," Joel got up and she smiled in return before walking over to Ellie's place.
It was wrong. By the lord it was wrong, but he couldn't help it. You were fierce, confident, determined and disciplined; qualities he came to appreciate in time, but a bit differently only when it came to you. He shouldn't want you, an unknown source in his mind kept telling himself, but he did. He didn't know why, he never found himself being attracted to a woman your age, yet you had him under your spell. Oh the things you did to him...
Worst part was, he couldn't have you, whether he liked it or not. Nevermind the fact that you were too young for him, you probably didn't want him anyways- despite the crystal clear signals he got from you. It was just how you were, though: A little physical and perhaps a little flirty, but he could just be confusing that with your confidence.
Or he could be overthinking everything.
Joel readied his backpack, but realised there was still a little more than an hour before the rendez-vous, so he decided to head over to your place to tell you about the news to kill some time. After he made it there and knocked on your door while calling your name a couple of times, which were left unanswered, your neighbour curiously looked over the fences and called over to Joel: "She left a while ago... For the gym, I think."
"Thank you," Joel smiled politely and earned a wave from the lady in return. He took his time as he walked over to the gym. After he arrived, he looked around for awhile to spot where you were, but when he found it, the sight almost made him choke.
There you were, ankles crossed as you pulled yourself up and chin over the barfix with closed eyes, a frown and a clenched jaw. Sweat laced the sides of your face and Joel's eyes wandered lower: You were wearing a sports bra and matching shorts which hugged your frame tightly and the sun was shining directly onto your muscles, which the lord himself carved out and were also sweaty, but Joel didn't care - it made you look more attractive, if anything. You let out a huff and lowered yourself down, while he tried to collect himself. He didn't want to disturb you so he decided to wait until you finished...
...but you didn't seem to be finishing any time soon. He didn't want to look like a creep as he stood there and waited, so after you did another pull up and let yourself down, he cleared his throat.
"(Y/N), here you are."
Had you not been already hanging, you definitely would've fell when you heard Joel's voice reach your ears. You opened your eyes to see him slowly approach you, his stupid thumb stuck in behind his stupid belt.
You hated it: You hated finding this man attractive and you hated your guts for occasionally flirting with him - him, who probably would never look at you the way you looked at him. He liked you, of course, he enjoyed your company but not the way you wanted him to. You hated that you had a crush on this man, who became even more gorgeous as he let his hair grow over the last few years, you also hated how he neatly parted it to the left.
Patrol with him was both a treat and a curse at the same time. You got to spend time with him, which made it a treat, but when you watched him- saw him in action, how aggressive he was, heat started to pool between your thighs. He was so rough and precise as he was smart; he always knew what to do under any circumstance, so you almost never worried when you went out with him. He made you feel safe, praised you and played with your heart when he responded to your flirting and nothing came out of it.
You hated it because your little "crush" on him was pathetic, for someone as confident as you. Sure, you teased and flirted with him, but one praise as simple as you did well today and you'd be melting on spot. You even tried to get with other people to distract yourself, to no avail. They weren't Joel.
None of them could ever be Joel.
"Good morning!" You said with a high pitched voice, reflecting your struggle to keep yourself up.
"To you too," He chuckled at your state and watched as you pulled yourself up slowly. "Hey, listen. Jesse ain't gonna make it to patrol today so I'm fillin' in for him."
The way you faltered a little didn't escape him: "Why? Is he okay?"
"I dunno, but I'm sure he is. Something important must've come up," Joel informed you, not wanting to worry you as you seemed to care about him. A lot. Ugh.
"Tsk," You breathed out and closed your eyes to focus on keeping your head above the metal bar.
Joel then spoke again: "Yeah, I was just here to let ya know."
"Okay, well-" You exhaled audibly and suddenly let yourself go. The force of the action sent you flying a little and it almost made you bump into him: "Woah, oh, sorry-"
"Woah there," You both chuckled at the same time. Joel held you by your elbows to help you balance yourself and your heart rate picked up pace when you realised how close your face was to his chest a moment ago - the chest you wanted to get your hands on: How muscular was he? How many scars did he have there? How would it feel to run your fingers through the hair as you ro-
"Uhm, yeah, as I was saying," You snapped yourself back to reality and took a small step back, disappointed by the way his fingers let go of your arms: "I'm done here, just need to do a couple of stretches, then head back and take shower."
"Right. Well, I'll see you at the gate, then?"
"Uh, sure, yeah."
You didn't know what else to say other than stay. You wanted him near you and around you, you wanted to show off to him and you wanted his attention, so you had to think quick.
Joel didn't want to leave either, even though you were going to spend the whole day together. He still nodded and turned around to leave. It was then, when a brilliant idea crossed your mind: "Actually, Joel?" He turned around, gave you a soft look that made you want to run up to him and kiss all over his face. "Could you help me with my stretches?"
If he'd been drinking or eating anything, he most definitely would've choked: "Help you?"
"Yeah," You flashed a smile at him. "It's simple, you just gotta press me down and keep me in place." The widening of his eyes, puzzled face and his tense posture made you shy. "Eh- Normally, Jesse helped me with them."
True. Some stretches required someone to push your body to its limits - when you worked out alone, you stuck to simpler stretches, but right now, you needed a reason to have him by your side.
Joel was torn between leaving, like a responsible person who knew when to walk away would. He was responsible, yes, but his moral compass was thrown out of the window whenever you joined the picture. So far, he wanted to think he was handling his emotions well- by not acting on them and not talking about them.
Now, however, it was as if he was facing the last straw. He had a few boundaries left to cross, and this was one of them.
"Plus, I'm a bit tired to do them. Will you help me?"
Lies. All lies.
You'd been doing these stretches for long enough, even though you'd worked hard, you weren't tired at all. Joel thought this to be the case, so he tried to go around it: "You sure? I mean, how're you tired?"
"I've been training like hell this morning," You settled on the mat. "I don't wanna do these stretches, but I have to. I'm not in the mood to pull a muscle today."
That was good enough for him really: "'Kay," He sighed. "What do you need me to do?"
Your eyes glowed in excitement before you faced forward and explained: "Im gonna lean forward, like this-" You extended your legs forward and lowered yourself down. "All you gotta do is press on my back and stop me from moving away for a few seconds."
A few seconds which felt like five minutes, truth be told.
As soon as he touched your bare back, you sighed, then forced it into a hiss. He immediately retreated his hands, thinking he hurt you, pushing the ludicrous idea that you might have moaned away immediately.
His hands were big and a little cold comparing to your skin which was on fire after the workout, but you'd be lying if you said you didn't do that on purpose. You straightened up and looked at him with an innocent smile: "Your hands are cold."
Not cold enough to make you react like that, obviously.
Joel offered an awkward chuckle from the back of his throat: "You're gonna have to deal with it, missy."
And deal with it you did- barely. Christ, that was a bad idea, your worst one yet. To have his hands on your bare skin, pressing you down made your cheeks burn and mouth hang open as he kept you in place. You almost didn't hear him when he spoke, too busy trying to comprehend the size of his hands and how they'd feel around your throa-
"How many of these do you gotta do?"
"Uh, dunno," You blurted out. "Not too many."
Joel was partly glad, it felt so wrong yet it was just a simple act of help you could've asked from anyone. After 20 seconds of staying like that, you straightened. You went into a head-to-knee position and gave him an okay to press you down again.
You switched to the other leg after half a minute, but you were running out of ideas. There weren't any positions left that you could use his help with, so you played one last card to ruin him: "More."
Good riddance.
"Press a little harder," You pretended to focus and tried your best not to smirk, knowing you had him where you wanted.
"Oh- hm," He cleared his throat and pressed a little more down on your back. If your plan hadn't backfired and made you almost moan through your teeth, everything was going accordingly.
Joel went to pull back, but stopped when you added: "It's been a while since I did these..."
"That enough?" He slowly retreated his hands and stood up, watching you lean up where you sat.
"Yup, that'll be it," You smiled and blinked a couple of times. If Joel had known better, he would've thought you were making him do that, then being all cute on purpose-
It was going to be a long day.
Patrol with the older Miller went as normally as it always was. Part one usually went like this: Meet up at the gate, get your rifles and horses, ride out, reach checkpoint one and sign your names. The road to checkpoint one didn't have any trouble, it usually never did. It was more quiet between you two than usual though. Had you gone too far?
"So, uh," You said once the two of you mounted your horses again. "You coming to the dance tonight?"
"What?" He snapped his head in your direction, looking clueless. "What dance?"
"Well, not a dance exactly but- you know what I mean?" You started riding. "The adults only event?"
He looked really distracted, a bit tense even: "Oh, right. You know those ain't my thing."
"I know," You nodded with a soft smile. "But I haven't seen you in any event ever since you decked Seth."
"Decked?" Joel chuckled bitterly at the memory.
"He deserved it, and more, that prick," You rolled your eyes, making him chortle.
"And nobody managed to shut up about it for the whole month," He sighed with a gorgeous yet tired smile on his face which you managed to see just in time. "So, no thanks. I'll pass."
"Aw, come on," You whined. "You can't avoid coming to these events forever. Please?"
He gave you a confused look, his smile slowly disappearing but not in a bad way: "Why?"
A good question. Oh, no reason, just wanna try and make a move on you, quite possibly jump your bones if it all goes well.
"I wanna make sure you haven't lost your ability to socialise." You offered.
"Really? Why, you're my momma now?"
"Ew, no," You both laughed. "Can't I be sure my friend is alive and well occasionally?"
A word that made Joel stop and think.
You saw him as a friend, huh? Two people, with clear sexual tension and an obvious age gap between them- Friends was an awkward description for him, but it was better than nothing.
He opened his mouth to reply, to insist that he was indeed alive and well, but you stopped him: "You know what I mean."
The conversation was making him a little distracted, he noticed, so he decided to keep his mouth shut until you reached checkpoint two. You didn't press him on, which was also a delight. That's another thing he liked about you: You knew your bounds- in patrol anyways. Or maybe it was because you got to know him well over the time, knew what he liked or not.
Part two went quieter too- infected and conversation wise. Not even a single runner was on sight as you swept through the small cabins and houses. Except for the occasional clear's and nothing here's, you didn't say anything else. Joel itched to talk to you, about anything to break the silence, but he was too lost in thought.
When you finally made it back to Jackson, you finally spoke up: "So? You coming?" He chuckled, mostly out of relief, then you added: "I found a new outfit, I wanna know what you think."
That caught Joel's attention. With a curious smile, after handing over your horses, he asked: "What outfit?"
"You'll see... If you come." You smirked, your close proximity making Joel's heart race.
"Don't get your hopes up," He sighed with a small grin and tucked his thumb behind his belt, the other one gripping the strap of his rifle.
"You're the worst," You punched his shoulder with mock upset, making him chortle and stumble a little to the right. "Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow then."
Joel remained quiet, then you walked away with a soft smile gracing your lips. The words sunk deeper than he would've liked, a sudden wave of guilt soaking his guts with regret, even though you didn't sound disappointed or upset. Lips pursed, he watched you hand your rifle to Peter and sign off, then leave; his steps coming to a halt as you did.
He just might check out what was up at the dance tonight, if he could successfully move himself out of his comfort zone in the following few hours.
"Well well, look who it is," Tommy grinned when you approached the doors of the pub. The night had settled across the sky by the time you stepped outside your place. The sound of music and chatter of the people from inside filled your ears.
"Yours truly," You smirked. "It's crowded in there huh?"
"It sure is," Tommy said as he turned around to lead you inside. "Adults only events tend to attract more people, as y'can guess. Don't you look pretty today."
"Why thank you." You smiled playfully: "For no one, but myself, at that."
You lied through your teeth. You had dressed up in the silly hope that Joel would actually show up. You had been planning on it ever since you came across the item wrapped around your hips in an abandoned clothes shop a few weeks ago, and this event was the perfect excuse for you to wear it. For him.
"I ain't sayin' nothing!" Tommy raised his hands up in defense. "Figured that much, haven't seen anyone catch your interest in a long time."
Ha. Nice.
The atmosphere was lively and the air was warm, full of energy. Chatter and dancing went about the packs of people scattered across the space, but you couldn't see Joel, much to your disappointment - you weren't surprised though. What surprised you was Jesse suddenly showing up.
"Where's Ellie and Dina?" You asked after a while of teasing him about missing patrol.
"They decided to stay behind, I guess." He shrugged.
"What can I get y'all?" Tommy smiled, suddenly appearing behind the counter. Without waiting for an answer, he filled two glasses and pushed them towards you. You and Jesse looked at each other for a brief moment, before knocking it back at one go. "Woah there..."
A round of laughter later, you felt someone's presence behind you, then they tapped you on the shoulder: "Hey, (Y/N)!"
Much to your disappointment, once more, it was a boy named Mark. He was a year older than you, had no features whatsoever matching Joel's prettier ones and he took an obvious liking to you, which in truth you didn't appreciate, even though he wasn't weird about it or anything. You faked a smile and turned to him a little: "Hi."
"Good to see you," Sure. "How, uh, how are you?"
"Busy, actually," You pointed at the glass Tommy was refilling for you.
"Mind if I join?" He made himself comfortable on the stool next to you.
"Yeah. I do." Your smile never faded but your words were laced with poison.
He looked between you, Tommy and Jesse, mortified at your answer: "W- Heh, well, would you wanna dance later, then-?"
"No, I don't." You spoke calmly and turned to face Jesse again, only for him to move to tap you on the shoulder, which Tommy stopped from happening.
"Why don't you go home, huh?" He grabbed his wrist firmly, but not hard enough to leave a bruise of course. "The lack of oxygen in your brain's clearly stoppin' you from understandin' a word as simple as no."
You looked over at the younger Miller, a stern look on his face which seemed to make Mark piss himself. Suddenly, an even deeper voice was heard behind the boy: "I advise you to listen to him, son."
You turned completely in your seat to see Joel grabbing Mark by the shoulders, making him jump, then remove him from the seat carefully. Mark's legs were quick to oblige, making him walk towards the exit, but Joel held him in place: "A-ah, what do you say to the lady?"
"I'm s-sorry, (Y/N)," He nodded quickly. "I'll never disturb you again, I promise."
"Good boy," Joel patted him on the back, which sent him running to the door. Your cheeks were suddenly burning and you couldn't help but smile shyly.
"Tsk, what a jackass," Tommy nodded disapprovingly as Joel took the now empty space next to you.
"You decided to show then, huh?" You smirked at Joel.
"Yeah, figured you'd break someone's wrists and make 'em eat it," He chuckled, tipping his head at his brother in a greeting -God he looked so handsome, was that a new shirt?- before he continued: "Decided it'd be a shame to miss it."
You giggled and lightly pushed at his arm, almost immediately feeling the muscles underneath the rolled up sleeve of his blue shirt: "I'll take that as a I came because you asked and I listened for once." The exchange, obviously, didn't go unnoticed by his brother and Jesse, which made you sit upright suddenly: "Tommy was the one who was gonna break his wrist anyways..."
"Nobody gets to disturb anyone here, especially right in front of me," He said and slid a glass to his brother.
Jesse joined in: "I doubt it, but should he ever-"
"Aw, you guys are spoiling me," You grinned and waved your hand down, pressing the other onto your chest.
You looked beautiful. You were wearing a plain, dark green, mid-thigh, flare skirt; which could pass as a miniskirt, but Joel was no fashion expert. You always did come up with the rarest clothing items (like your sports set that morning), so he wasn't surprised that you happened across the skirt. You also had a simple, white, v-neck t-shirt on- which all in all was the reason you left Joel speechless: You could be wearing something as simple as these, but you'd still look so damn pretty.
A few minutes later, after Jesse and Tommy disappeared in different directions and you were finally left alone, Joel spoke up: "Is this the-"
"What made you-" You gave each other a brief look before chuckling: "You go first."
"Ah, I was gonna ask if this was the outfit you wanted me to see," He said, briefly looking down to point at your skirt.
He watched you run a hand through your hair and bite your bottom lip before answering: "Yeah..." You got up and stuffed your hands in your pockets, which made Joel's heart sizzle. "What do you think?"
He gave you a genuine smile: "I think you look beautiful."
The shock on your face made Joel panick a little, but when you offered a shy little smile, he relaxed: "You- Really?"
He gave you a single, slow nod in acknowledgement, his smile grew bigger when you beamed at him and offered him a quiet thank you, then sat back. You were staring hard at your glass, clearly avoiding his gaze and he found it rather cute, but didn't comment on it.
He was looking forward to chat with you, after all, you were the reason why he showed up, but you were unfortunately dragged away by a couple of friends, Jesse included...
To dance.
An upbeat song he didn't recognise started playing, putting you and another boy, Mick, to action. Everyone backed away to give you two space, then started off with what seemed to be something you'd been practicing for a while. You mirrored each other's moves, it was similar to some folk dance he'd watched way before the outbreak, but it most definitely wasn't a folk dance. Your arms linked occasionally, hands on your hips as you crossed each other's legs with fast movements and other types of moves Joel couldn't name if he tried, but it was organised and fun to watch. It wasn't intimate, too, just a silly little dance as you called it minutes later when you finished and walked to the bar for a drink. You didn't stay long, though, just downed your drink, winked at him and went back to the stage where you and Mick (but mostly you) stole the show.
It went on for two more rounds, to the point your t-shirts were absolutely soaked and your legs couldn't take it anymore. Joel had a particularly hard time in his seat, watching your skirt float around your thighs made him feel embarrassed with himself. Tommy even went as far as to tease him about his constant squirming, but a glare from his older brother was enough to shut him up.
The last dance finished off with you in Mick's arms, leaning back in his hold and closing your eyes with laughter. Everyone clapped you both, which earned you a kiss on the cheek from Mick- which you returned. Joel's jaw clenched unintentionally, even though you and him didn't appear to be more than friends.
Stop. Stop it, you idiot.
He couldn't care less about these types of things, drama about who's dating who and whatnot, but when it came to you he naturally grew curious.
He watched you, eyelids struggling to keep themselves open as Jesse led you and helped you onto the stool, next to Joel once more. You huffed and giggled, eyes closed with sweat droplets on your forehead. He couldn't help it when his smile grew wider at your tipsy state.
What he didn't see coming was the sudden hand on his thigh and your back against his arm, letting your head drop onto his shoulder as you let out a brief laugh: "Never let me dance and drink at the same time again."
Joel didn't know what to say, he quickly looked around for Jesse only to find him already gone and a couple of people staring at the both of you. With a rush of panic, he responded: "I don't think I'm the one you should say that to, darlin'."
Your hand and the rest of your body immediately retreated when you jumped at his voice: "Joel?!" You looked a little embarrassed and he couldn't help but smirk. "Uh, where's Jesse?"
The question almost made him scrunch up his face, but he patiently waited until the end of the conversation, which was after you've walked away to find the boy in question and he was alone with his own thoughts... Jealousies...
"He dropped you off and went over there, I think." Joel nodded to the direction he thought Jesse went off to - he didn't see though, he was too busy focusing on you when your fingertips had brushed somewhere dangerously near his crotch.
"Huh," You stared around to find him, but Joel figured you were too intoxicated to actually see that far. "You need to stop wearing the same clothes."
He raised a brow at that: "You tell him that."
"Oh I will," You grinned mischievously and suddenly grabbed Joel's glass of whiskey from his hand, then downed it at one go before he could intervene.
"Hey!" He tried to grab the glass from you but you leaned back. "I think you've had enough for the night."
"Says who-?" You pouted and at the very same time, lost your balance, realising that you leaned a little too back. However, Joel caught you; one hand on your arm, the other on your waist and he pulled you back - he didn't know if you did it purposefully, but you practically fell into his body: "Oh! I'm sorry-" You laughed, not looking sorry at all. "Thanks, Joel," You purred, extending the 's' and the 'l' at the end of each word as you grabbed onto his biceps. "You saved me."
"Pfft," Joel couldn't help but let his hand linger on your waist as he made sure you stood in place. Your eyes met when you lifted your head from his chest - the meaning behind his hazel gaze and your own was similar and it lasted for what felt like a whole minute, while in reality it was no longer than a few seconds.
You finally let his arms go and he took it as his cue to remove his hand from your waist (which, for a moment, felt like it had been glued there): "So... You enjoying yourself, old man?"
Joel sighed through his nose, amused at how the alcohol in your system was slowing your speech, then went back to how he had been sitting before you came. Just when you asked, the smooth, familiar tune of Ain't No Sunshine started playing. After all the excitement, a slower music felt nice: "Sure. You?"
"Oh I sure am," You nodded and leaned back against the counter with something of a triumphant smile.
"I can tell," Joel replied, then without turning his head, side eyed you. His stare later on moved down to your skirt. "Why'd you get all dressed up for, really?"
"Huh?" You blinked, not processing if he was asking what you thought he was.
"I, uh- just never took you for the skirt type."
"Is that so?" You asked, eyes widening. "Well, just trying on a new outfit..." You looked down and bit your lower lip, making Joel's heart skip a beat. He mentally kicked himself for not leaving right then and there and continuing to talk to you: "There's actually another reason."
"There's this guy," You turned towards him, placed your arm paralleled across his on the counter and leaned forward a little, pretending to look around. His fingertips scratched against the wooden surface of the counter at the mention of this guy in question. "I don't know his name, but maybe you do?"
He just raised a brow when you looked at him innocently: "He's a bit old, around this tall," Your hand went back and forth in the air as you tried to size the man's height in your mind. "Has pretty, long, graying hair with an also graying beard... A little scar on his nose," You looked at him and leaned in a little more, invading his personal space but not touching him, then pointed at the exact spot on your nose and it was then, Joel realised, that you were indeed describing himself. "He's wearing this blue shirt and, honestly, it would look better on him if he opened another button or two."
I know, I know
Hey I oughta leave young thing alone
But ain't no sunshine when she's gone
He wanted to counter, tease you back, lean down and taste your lips, then place a kiss or two on your neck and bite it softly just to hear you moan quietly into his ear- he also needed to get his shit together, as much as he wanted to do all of that.
He couldn't quite believe his self control when he leaned away from you, especially since the tip of your noses almost touched and he felt your hot breath on his lips. He cleared his throat and quickly looked around to see if anyone was looking- no one had seen the rather intimate interaction so he spoke: "I don't know who that is."
The disappointment on your features was like a knife twisting up in his guts. You blinked a couple of times, but didn't lean back: "S- Sure you do..."
"I don't," Joel insisted, his voice stern. "Maybe you should look for someone else."
Your disappointment turned into embarrassment and anger, making you frown and lean back: "Excuse me."
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home
Anytime she goes away
And with that, you got up and stormed away, leaving Joel wanting, aching and ashamed.
Anytime she goes away
Anytime she goes away
Anytime she goes away
#joel x reader#joel x you#joel x oc#joel x y/n#joel miller x reader#joel miller x you#joel miller smut#joel miller x oc#joel miller x y/n#joel miller imagine#joel miller fanfic#joel miller fanfiction#the last of us x reader#the last of us#the last of us imagine#the last of us fanfiction#tlou x reader#tlou imagine#tlou imagines#tlou fanfiction#tlou fanfic
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— dance with me?
word count: 1.7k
pairing: dino (svt) x ateez oc (juliet)
warning(s): none!!
genre: an overwhelming amount of fluff bc i love lee chan
set on february 11, 2021
summary: during a late-night date on dino’s birthday, he asks juliet a special question.
juliet’s masterlist

minnie 🐭❤️ [22:16] i’m heading down now!! (◕‿◕) don’t drive off without me please ur so sexc 😩😩
From where he is, parked a street down from the building where ATEEZ’s dorm is in, Chan shakes his head fondly, looking out the window from the driver’s seat for any sign of his girlfriend.
Sure enough, just a few minutes later, Juliet emerges from the building’s entrance, glancing down the mostly empty street before spotting the familiar car.
Under the light of the street lamps, he can see that she’s wearing a huge puffer jacket with a scarf wrapped around her neck, purple hair stuffed under her beanie to avoid catching the attention of prying eyes. With all the layers she has on, she reminds him of a waddling penguin as she speed-walks towards the car.
Chan unlocks the door as Juliet approaches, her eyes smiling while she settles into the passenger’s seat before leaning over the console to hug him. “Happy birthday, Channie,” she beams, taking off her mask to nuzzle the bottom half of her face into the thick material of her scarf.
“You already said that,” Chan teases, also smiling as he watches her fumble with the seatbelt for a bit.
“That was from almost twelve hours ago at 12 am! I think it’s illegal if I didn’t wish you a happy birthday again,” Juliet protests. “Sorry for being late, by the way. Have you been waiting long?”
“It’s only a few minutes, don’t sweat it.”
“Okay, but there’s actually a good reason! I was about to leave the building when Mingi-oppa called me because I left your present on the table, and I had to go back up to grab it! So you have him to thank that you have a birthday present.”
Juliet takes out a small gift bag, its handles tied together with ribbon so he can’t look into it, and hands it to him with a sweet grin. “Don’t open it now, though,” she warns half-jokingly.
“What? Why?” Chan whines. “I can’t even open my own present on my birthday?”
“No, because if you open it now then I’ll have to explain the meaning behind your gift, and if I do that I might actually cry. There’s a card inside explaining it.”
“What if I want to hear it from you?”
“Then you can call me when you get home,” she responds cheekily.
Chan relents. “Fine, you win. But you didn’t have to get me anything, I hope you know that,” he adds the last part seriously.
Juliet smiles reassuringly. “I know, but I wanted to. I hope you’ll like it, though.”
“I know I will.” It’s at that moment when he finally gets a good look at her face, the light from the street lamps hitting it just enough for him to note the dark circles under her eyes. “You look tired, baby. Don’t get me wrong, you’re beautiful no matter what, but is everything okay?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah.” As though on cue, Juliet brings a hand up to cover her mouth as she yawns. “Just a little tired from comeback preparations and practising for Kingdom. I’ll be fine, though, don’t worry.”
“I’ll always worry about you,” Chan admits. “You shouldn’t have come so you can rest.”
Juliet frowns. “No, I wanted to see you. Plus, it’s your birthday.”
“Okay, but you have to promise that you’ll take care of yourself.”
“I always do!” A pause. “Okay, sometimes I don’t, but I’ll try,” she promises genuinely.
Chan smiles. “Good. Let’s go, then. Seatbelt on?”

“Um, where exactly are you taking me?” Juliet asks suspiciously, noting that they’re currently driving up a hill away from central Seoul.
“Patience, Minnie. You’ll find out soon,” Chan says with a mischievous smirk. “We’re almost there.”
She feigns an offended gasp. “I am always patient! I’m just asking because I’m too pretty to meet my end now.”
“If something happens, I’ll protect you.”
“Nice try, but don’t think I haven’t watched that episode of GOING SEVENTEEN with you guys in the haunted house,” Juliet teases with a raised brow. “If anything, we probably need to call Wonwoo-ssi or Minghao-ssi.”
Chan groans. “Can we not talk about my members when we’re on a date?”
This only earns a laugh from Juliet. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.”
“You’re going to tease me even on my birthday?”
“It’s how I show affection!” she defends while the car comes to a stop at the side of a dimly lit road. “Are we here?”
Upon his nod, she unbuckles her seatbelt to hop out the car, snow crunching under her boots. Immediately, harsh winds whip at her face and she shivers, the temperature even lower due to the higher elevation.
She hears a lighthearted tsk from behind her before feeling her jacket being draped over her shoulders. “You left it in the backseat, silly,” Chan says softly while he helps her into it, referring to when she took it off during the car ride. “You’re going to catch a cold.”
“No, I won’t. I have you to remind me,” Juliet says cheekily, earning herself a light flick on the forehead. She follows Chan to a clearing a few paces away from where they parked and immediately realises why he took her here.
Seoul, with its sparkling lights, is captivating at night when you’re in the heart of the city, but perhaps even more so when you’re looking at it from afar. She can’t help but admire the stark contrast between the tranquil hillside they’re at that compared to the vibrant city centre it overlooks.
“I sometimes come here with the members when we want to be away from... the loudness of it all,” Chan explains quietly as they move closer to the railing. “To think. Or just to take our mind off certain things.”
Juliet leans closer to his side to link their arms, her head coming to rest on his shoulder. “It’s beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here.”
“Don’t come to places like here often?”
She snorts. “I don’t just let anyone drive me to a dark hill in the middle of the night.”
Chan laughs, gently resting his head on hers. “You have a point. Does this mean I’m the only person allowed to take you here?”
“I’d like that. I also have a horrible sense of direction, so I don’t think I can remember the way here even if I tried.” Despite her quip, something in Juliet feels fuzzy and warm at the thought of this place being one only they know of.
It brings a sense of giddiness, the same one she felt when she was much, much younger; when she and her friends first decided on a secret hideout at their school back home in Sydney. Only this time, there’s more to it than just childhood innocence.
Juliet doesn’t know much about love. She’s had crushes here and there throughout her life, but none of them ever developed into something further. Of course, until she met Chan.
She doesn’t know much about love. But this feels like it.
And that’s more than enough for her.
His voice cuts through her thoughts. “I actually have something to ask you.”
At her hum, he continues.
“I was wondering if you’d want to be on Danceology. You know, like for a collaboration. We can choreograph and dance it together... anything you want, really.”
Juliet looks up at the boy with wide eyes, not knowing if she heard him correctly. “You’re sure?”
“You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. Or you don’t have to decide now, I know you’re really busy these days. No pressure at all.”
“No, no,” she clarifies. “I meant if you’re sure you want to do one with me?”
The look in his eyes is so tender that she feels like crying. “I wouldn’t want anyone else.”
Something tells her he’s not only referring to Danceology.
Juliet leans her forehead on Chan’s shoulder to hide her face from him. “You’re going to make me cry on your own birthday,” she mutters.
“Is that a yes?”
She nods against him while blinking away the hot tears prickling at her eyes, feeling his lips press against her temple.
“That’s the best present you could’ve given me.”
“Yah, you can’t say that!” Juliet says, somehow finding it in her to crack a joke. What can she say? Humour is one of her many coping mechanisms. “You’re only supposed to say that if I didn’t give you anything! What does that make the gift I got you?”
“Best of the best?” At her laugh, Chan presses again, “am I still not allowed to open it?”
“No, you’re not.”

[00:05—Outside ATEEZ’s dorm]
“Okay, fine, you can open it.”
“What made you change your mind?” Chan grins, already reaching for the small bag in the backseat.
“Honestly, I don’t know,” Juliet admits, smiling as she uses the dimmest setting of her phone’s flashlight to illuminate the dark interior, the overhead light being too risky to turn on at this hour lest they want to draw unwanted attention to themselves. “I guess I want to see your reaction.”
She stares quietly as he undos the ribbon tying the handles together before looking into the bag and taking out a small box. Despite her shyness and the sudden urge to jump out of the car and run back up to the dorm, Juliet continues to hold up her phone as he takes out the silver band within it.
It’s simple, minimalist, inconspicuous enough to wear during the day but at the same time uniquely his due to the custom engraving on the outside of the band. A snowflake.
She bites the inside of her cheek from nervousness as Chan silently reads the small card that came along in the bag, subconsciously tracing over her neat handwriting with his finger.
“Like a snowflake, I fell for you hahahaha (´。• ᵕ •。`) You asked me to be yours during the first snow of the year. I hope that is only the start of many more years to come. Happy Birthday, always be happy and healthy ❤️ And don’t forget to take care of yourself!! (♡`Д´) If you forget I’ll come over and nag you, but maybe you’d like that more than not ㅋㅋㅋ — 🐭❤️”
Chan’s eyes are glossy when he finally meets her curious and worried gaze, trying to gauge his reaction. He beams brightly.
“Told you I’d like it.”

find their collaboration here!! 😼
a/n: blessing you guys with this gif bc look at him go!! ;-; stream dino’s dancelogy to be sexcie 😼 pls don’t let juno flop </3 also i thought it’d be too mean if i didn’t tell you what the present was bc i definitely considered not saying anything about it 👀👀 anyways let me know what you think about this chapter 🥺 personally i am <///3 bc bwhehwhs i want what they have but also i’m not very good at writing fluff whjehdhw i cringe at myself sm when writing it 🤡
thank you so much for reading 💕 please do consider leaving feedback whether it’s a reblog, a reply or an ask, it would mean the absolute world to me as feedback really motivates and supports creators 🥺 and feel free to chat with me about juliet or anything else through my asks!! as always, take care and have a good day!!
#scenarios.juliet#ateez 9th member#ateez ninth member#9th member of ateez#ateez oc#ateez female member#ateez female addition#ateez female oc#lee chan x oc#dino x oc#lee chan fluff#dino fluff#seventeen fluff#ateez imagines#kpop oc#idol oc#kpop addition#ateez addition#kpop imagines#okay i’m gonna admit that i quite like this update and how it turned out </3#this is prolly my ideal date? just a chill late night drive yknow?#not this fic being longer than an essay i have that’s due on monday that i haven’t started yet 🙄#literally all i have on the doc is my full name rip 💀
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Stark Spangled Banner

One Shot: April Fools (You Can’t Kid A Kiddo)
Intro: It’s April Fools’ Day and Tony is out to play. Avengers, beware!
Warnings: Bad language, very mild smut…no one gets naked but just in case- NSFW, 18+
Pairings: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: Happy April Fool’s Day! To celebrate I’m taking us WAY back into the SSB timeline, this takes place at some point just before the AOU timeline.
Word Count: 6k
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist

Steve’s hands were hot on Katie’s hips, gently gripping her bare skin just above her underwear, the top she was wearing riding up slightly. Her bare thighs were straddling his as he gripped her neck, pulling her down for a searing kiss, grinding up against her, the TV programme they had been watching was long forgotten.
“You know,” Steve pulled back slightly to look at her, one of his hands tangling in the hem of the plaid button down she’d stolen from him to sleep in, as usual, “Captain America doesn’t approve of theft.” “Captain America is an ass hole.” Katie grinned back. “Stevie is my favourite.”
He gave a chuckle and leaned back against the sofa cushions, simply taking in her appearance for a second. “How did I get so lucky?” He asked, reaching up to tuck her long hair behind her ears. She smiled at him, her cheeks slightly flushed.
“What’s brought this on?” Her hands slid up his chest, coming to a stop on his shoulders, fingers gently playing with the collar of his polo shirt.
“Nothing.” He shook his head. “Just seeing you now and then before with that reporter…reminds me about how fierce…” he pressed a kiss to her lips, “and loyal…”another kiss, “and downright sexy you are when you’re angry.”
“He was a dick.” She mumbled, against his lips, her eyes narrowing slightly as she pulled back to look at him, his fingers gently tracing the outside of her thighs. “I mean, it’s not like we haven’t already launched the publicity campaign for the book already.”
“Well its big news.”
“Of course it is, its Harlan Thrombey.” Katie shrugged. “His books are huge!”
“Did you ever get to the bottom of why he’s reached out to SIP to run the next one when he has his own publishing company?” Steve asked and she popped a shoulder in response. “Oh something to do with his Son annoying him and needing to be taught not to take things for granted. I can ask him that in October when I meet him to go over the final edit and discuss the covers and stuff…” She wrinkled her nose as her brow creased into a frown. “But that’s by the by. That ass-hat reporter should have been at the press launch like everyone else, not trying to accost us when we went out for lunch. And what the fuck has whether we’ve set a wedding date got to do with it anyway? Nosey bastard.”
Steve chuckled at her rant and looked at her, his eyes shining. “We haven’t set one though.”
“Yeah well, we’ve kinda had a bit going on.” She pondered. “I mean, there was my extended vacation in Canada…”
“Don’t.” Steve shook his head, swallowing. “It’s not funny. I hate it when you do that.”
Katie chuckled. “I’m sorry, baby.” She leaned over and gave him a soft kiss, he hated it when she made light of her HYDRA ordeal. She pulled away, her hands resting on his shoulders. “Maybe once all this business with the sceptre is sorted we can think about it.” Steve sighed. “It’s certainly taking a little longer than we hoped.”
“Well it’s only the end of March. I’ve always wanted a summer wedding so it’s not…” Katie trailed off and Steve saw her eyes widen and her mouth dropped open as she looked at him. “Oh shit.”
“What is it?” he frowned.
“It’s the 31st March.” She looked at him, swallowing and Steve felt the colour draining from his face.
“Crap.” The reason for their horror was simple. Because, forget Christmas or Thanksgiving, April Fools’ Day was Tony Stark’s favourite time of year, as his long suffering sister could testify. When she was a kid, Tony had done the usual stuff. Flour in her talc, washing up liquid in her shampoo, paper shapes of bugs (never spiders though, he wasn’t that cruel) in lampshades so when she turned the lights on she’d think she had a huge cockroach in there, that type of stuff. But, as she matured, so did the pranks. At one time whilst she had been at the tower for a meeting, JARVIS sent her an alert that someone had slashed her tyres in the carpark. She had sprinted outside to find photos of Slash from ‘Guns and Roses’ struck to the side of her wheels. Another year, Tony had hacked her StarkPhone and Laptop and changed the language to Chinese. Of course she couldn’t read fucking Chinese to change it back. When she found an agent in SHIELD who did and he reversed it for her, within thirty seconds it had flicked over to Russian. And when Natasha fixed that it became Swedish and so on and so on… Steve had also been the butt of a few pranks since he had known Tony. In 2013 he had fallen for the old toothpaste Oreo trick when a box had arrived for him allegedly from the cookie company themselves after Steve had been papped eating a packet. That had nearly made him sick. And then last year there had been the non-stop phone calls asking for Franklin. Every time it was someone different and Steve was getting more and more frustrated as to who exactly Franklin was and why people thought he was on his number. Then, as he and Katie had been on the sofa making out, he’d gotten one last call…
“Leave it…” she urged, her hands on his face turning him back to look at her. He kissed her again, hands sliding up the side of her torso, grinding his crotch down onto hers making her purr with delight as her hands strayed to the buckle of his belt, soft fingers gently skimming his abs as she made to undo it, his tongue tangling ferociously with hers as he gave a soft moan of pleasure… But his phone was going again. Katie sighed as he dropped his head to her chest, mumbling a curse. “Unless that’s a Code Red, you can tell whoever it is to fuck off.” She gave a frustrated growl, her head flopping back against the cushion as Steve reached over and answered it, still led over her. “Rogers.” He spoke sharply. It was another unknown number, but this time it wasn’t an unknown voice that spoke. “Hi this is Frankin!” Tony greeted him and Steve let out a growl of frustration as he realised he had been had. “Have there been,” there was a pause as the inventor laughed, “I’m sorry, have there been any calls for me?” “Tony, I swear to god!” He spat through gritted teeth as the inventor cackled and hung up. “Your brother is a dick.” He looked down at Katie, shaking his head. “Well yeah, I know that.” Katie looked up at her boyfriend. “What did he just do?” “You know those calls I’ve been getting all day, the ones asking for Franklin?” He looked at her and she nodded. “It was him.”
Katie paused and then let out a laugh. “To be fair, that’s a pretty good one.” “I hate him.” Steve mumbled, dropping his head back to her chest.
She chuckled again, and ran her fingers through his hair. “Hey, Stevie, wanna get him back?” “How?” Steve queried, propping himself up on his elbows, looking at her. “Call him,” she grinned, leaning up and nipping at his jaw line softly as he closed his eyes, “leave the phone on the table,” she bucked up under him, wriggling her hips, his trousers feeling uncomfortably tight again, “and let him listen to us make out”
Steve hadn’t done that, because, well frankly the thought of anyone listening to them wasn’t a great turn on in his books, let alone her brother, so Tony had gone another year of getting away with it.
Simply put, Tony was king of the pranks, and this year he had the entire team at the tower to torment.
“We should warn the others.” Steve looked at Katie, and with a sigh she nodded. She untangled herself from him and straightened the legs on her denim shorts.
“JARVIS?” She asked.
“Yes Miss Stark.” “Where are the rest of the team?”
“Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton are in the Common Room. Thor is in his quarters as is Mr Stark and Dr Banner is in the Lab.”
“I’ll cover Nat, Clint and Banner.” Steve nodded. “You wanna go see Thor?”
Katie nodded. “Sure, I’ll pop down and see him now. Then we should probably go for a look around, see if we can spot if he’s set anything up.” Katie climbed off his lap and Steve straightened his pants slightly before giving her a quick kiss and heading towards the stairs whereas Katie made her towards the hidden elevator, selecting the right floor. Thor and Clint shared one of the highest floors in the tower, both preferring to be higher up, closer to the roof but it was still below theirs. Exiting the elevator, she turned left and knocked on the door.
“Little Stark?” Thor answered and stepped back. “To what do I owe this pleasure?” “It’s not strictly pleasure I’m afraid Thor…” Katie sighed “I’m here with a warning.” “A warning?” he frowned.
“Yeah, you got five minutes? It’s gonna take some explanation.”
***** Tony was giggling to himself as he put the final touches to the last of his pranks, before closing the door to the Lab and heading back to his floor. It was ridiculously early in the morning, but needs must. There was no way he could have set this all up the previous evening because Kiddo and Spangles would most likely have done some kind of recon mission before they went to bed.
So, as the saying goes, the bird catches the worm and all that. Fuck Killian and his second mouse bullshit.
“What have you been doing?” Pepper mumbled to him as he walked back into their dark bedroom.
“Nothing.” He answered, with a grin, leaning down to give her a peck.
“Bullshit.” Pepper mumbled against his lips. “It’s April Fools’ Day…” “Is it?” he said, innocently and she rolled her eyes. “JARVIS?”
“Yes Sir?”
“Hey buddy, I need you to set up an alert for me for today. If anyone goes into my office, or the garage, or anywhere in the tower messing with my equipment, I wanna know about it.”
“Of course Sir.”
Tony grinned as he headed into the bathroom for a shower. “Avengers, assemble!”
Prank 1.
Steve was the first victim. He and Katie were making their way, cautiously, down to the large meeting room where they were all due to congregate to look over the plans of an abandoned British prison they suspected of being a HYDRA base. They made sure to check round each corner before they walked round it, checking up high, low, everywhere.
But there was no avoiding this prank.
Steve pressed his palm to the Biometric Pad on the meeting room door and the pair of them gave a loud yell and a jump as their ears were assaulted by a sudden chorus.
“Who’s strong and brave here to save the American Way? Who vows to fight like a man for what’s right, night and day?”
“Oh for fucks sake!” Steve groaned as he pulled open the door, the song echoing through the PA system.
“Who will campaign door to door for America? Carry the flag shore to shore for America? From Hoboken to Spokane? The Star Spangled Man with a plan!”
Clint and Natasha were stood, poised at the table, both wearing identical looks of astonishment on their faces. They turned to Katie and Steve as they walked into the room, the song still playing.
“We can’t ignore there’s a threat and a war we must win! Who’ll hang a noose on the goose-stepping goons from Berlin?”
“I’m assuming this means Cap is the first of us to fall victim to Stark?” Clint asked, his lips quirking into a smile.
“Who will indeed lead the call for America? Who’ll rise or fall, give his all, for America?”
“Please tell me it isn’t going to go through a full rendition.” Steve sighed, dropping into a chair.
“Who’s here to prove that we can? The Star Spangled Man with a plan!”
Silence. The four of them waited with bated breath, but thankfully it had stopped.
“Just the first two verses.” Katie flopped down next to him. “Suppose we should be grateful.” “Kiddo, you’re as much of a sneak as Tony.” Clint looked at her, as Thor walked into the room. “How come you’ve never managed to get him back?”
“He’s too smart.” She sighed. “I’ve tried and tried before. It doesn’t help that he has JARVIS either, watch this…JARVIS?”
“Yes Miss Stark?”
“Has my brother got an alert going for you to warn him if we try and prank him?” “I couldn’t possibly comment, Miss Stark, on whether or not your brother has an alert set up to warn him if any of you attempt to tamper with any of his equipment.”
Normally, Katie would chuckle at the AI’s tone but she was too frustrated with her brother and the seeming lack of loopholes in any of his instructions she could exploit. She leaned back in her chair and gave a huff “See?”
“I could just shock him with some lightning?” Thor suggested
“Think that’s a little harsh.” Steve shook his head.
“See if you still think that by the end of the day when every time you open a door that song starts.” Natasha looked at him.
“What, you think…” Steve looked at her and then gave a groan. “Too much to hope that it would just be the one door isn’t it?”
Tony, watching the events unfold on the display in the safety of his office, cackled. “Of course it isn’t just one door, Spangles!” _______
Prank 2.
Bruce was sincerely hoping that whatever inevitable prank Tony was going to pull on him that the Billionaire had been sensible enough not to shock him so far that the Hulk erupted. Bruce had a pretty good hold on him, so he wasn’t too worried but still, you never know.
The mild mannered scientist made it to his lab in one piece, opened the door and then stopped dead.
In front of him on the floor, for about two metres square were cups of water. And they were positioned that close together it left no space for him to step over in any direction without them spilling all over the floor.
Which meant he couldn’t get into the room.
Had it been anyone else, they would probably have simply kicked the cups over, but not Bruce. He was always paranoid about the liquid seeping through the floors and down onto the machinery which looked after the Iron Legion.
So if he was going to get into the lab, he was going to have to move them one cup at a time.
“Damned you, Tony!” He gave a loud, exasperated sigh. “JARVIS? I need a bucket…”
Tony, watching the events unfold on the display in the safety of his office, cackled. “Good luck finding one, Brucey.”
Prank 3.
“I don’t think there’s much else to go on.” Steve sighed as the rest of the team finished looking over the plans “We need to get out there and do a recon really.”
“We prepping for another mission then, Cap?” Clint looked at him. Steve took a deep breath and nodded.
“I don’t think we have an alternative.”
“Okay, well, if we get everything ready we can go at first light tomorrow.” Natasha suggested “I’ll get Hill onto the British Authorities, let them know we’re planning on coming.” With that an alert sounded on Katie’s phone and she looked down at it. “I gotta go take a conference call but I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Steve nodded to her as she stood up and left the room. She made it to her office, safely and swung the door open, pausing just to make sure nothing fell from the door frame. She darted through, took a look round and everything seemed to be in order.
Suspecting Tony of most likely sabotaging her computer or screen, Katie sat down on her chair and a loud horn sounded causing her to scream. Involuntarily, her entire body jumped, and her chair toppled backwards. She went with it, arms and legs flailing and hit the floor with a crash.
After taking a moment to sort herself out she stood up, and looked at the bottom of her chair. There was an air horn strapped to the main leg which mean as soon as she had sat down, it would push the handle causing it to sound.
“I know you’re watching this you fucker!” She yelled, spinning round to the CCTV camera and flicking it off. “I hate you!”
_____ Tony, watching the events unfold on the display in the safety of his office, cackled. “Feeling horny, Kiddo?”
Prank 4.
Given that there was nothing else to do, Natasha decided to head to the gym, as she did every weekday morning, to practice Pilates. It was a routine she tried not to break as it helped her keep supple and relax. Katie sometimes joined her, and surprisingly so did Steve. He said it helped keep his mind clear.
She knew that the routine made her an easy target for one of Stark’s pranks, but she was damned if he was going to catch her out. She was one of the world’s best spies, no way was he going to get her with some stupid, childish trick.
She entered the room and glanced up and around, checking the corners, you name it. Satisfied that no one was going to jump out at her, and even if they did, she’d floor them- more fool you, Stark- she leaned up against the bench and stretched her legs out.
“Who’s strong and brave here to save the American Way? Who vows to fight like a man for what’s right, night and day?”
Natasha spun to see Steve shaking his head as he made his way into the room in his gym gear
“You joining me or hitting the bag?” She asked as they both tried to ignore the song as it continued ringing from the speakers.
“Joining you if that’s okay?” he said. “I went for a run this morning so…” “Sure.” She nodded, and as the song finally stopped they made their way to the store cupboards, picking out their mats. Natasha picked her favoured one, and lay it down on the floor.
As soon as she stepped on it there was a loud popping noise, like a gun going off, and she jumped backwards, dropping to the floor by instinct.
“Nat,” Steve soothed, a smile tugging at his lips. “It’s okay, no one’s shooting.” Angrily, Natasha stood up and stalked over to the mat. With a furious movement, she reached down and pulled it up off the floor and set about examining it.
“Bastard!” She exclaimed, slipping her hand into a small, almost invisible hole on the underside. She pulled out a tiny little firecracker, the type that kids used to throw on the floor in front of someone to make a loud bag. “He’s filled my mat with these!”
Tony, watching the events unfold on the display in the safety of his office cackled. “Even Super Spies get fooled, Romanoff.”
Prank 5 and 6.
Later that day the team met in the common room for lunch. Steve already had a headache from that damned song following him every time he opened a door, Katie was sporting quite a sore elbow after falling harshly on the floor, Bruce was pissed as it had taken him a good hour to get rid of the cups of water, and Natasha was seething at the fact she’d been caught out too.
“I don’t know how you’ve put up with it for your entire life.” Clint said to Katie as he opened the fridge, pulling out a can of his favoured Dr Pepper. He grabbed a glass and then went to the dispenser for some ice, the way he always liked his soda, but nothing happened when he pressed the button.
“What the...” Clint frowned as he opened the freezer compartment and reached into the dispenser tray. After rummaging a little he stopped, and pulled something out before he gave a huge bellow of laughter. He turned, holding up the item and Steve glanced over to see it was a Tupperware tub that was full of ice, in the middle of which was frozen a Captain America action figure. There was a pause before the rest of the team fell about laughing and Steve groaned, shaking his head.

“Why has he picked on me two times?” he looked at Katie who gave a shrug.
“You know what he’s like, annoying you is his favourite pass-time.”
“You wanna go back in the freezer, Cap, or in the sink to deforst?” Clint asked and Steve rolled his eyes.
“I took a long enough nap in the cold, thanks.”
Clint tossed the offending item into the sink and then reached for some ice cubes before he walked over to where the rest of the team were sat on the sofas with various lunch items on the coffee table. He poured the soda into the glass and set it on the table, still chuckling.
“You can stop looking so smug.” Katie turned to him. “He’ll get you eventually, you too Thor, there’s no way he hasn’t set one up for you both.” “I am mighty, Little Stark.” Thor grinned, nursing a plate of his favoured chocolate and sugar covered strawberries he had snaffled from a tray in the fridge. “It will take more than…” “SHIT!” Clint exclaimed, and with a loud yell they all jumped back as the soda in his glass was exploding over the top with such veracity it was showering them all in the sticky drink. As Steve and Natasha headed to grab some paper towels, Katie marched over to the freezer and yanked out the ice dispenser tray.
“He’s put fucking Mentos in the ice cubes!” She groaned with a shake of her head. “Jesus Christ!” “You gotta hand it to him.” Bruce sighed, wiping his glasses off on his shirt. “This is maximum effort.”
“Oh, I’d like to hand it to him,” Katie mumbled, “with my fist closed.” Thor gave a chuckle and popped a strawberry in his mouth, before he gave a grimace, gagged and spat it back out onto the plate.
“That’s-” he stood up, nearly pushing the coffee table over in his attempt to get to the sink.
Katie watched him as he grabbed a glass of water and filled it from the tap.
“What…” Natasha looked at Bruce who was examining a piece of the fruit, holding it in front of his nose.
“Salt.” Thor mumbled as he rinsed his mouth out. “It isn’t sugar, its salt. He put salt on my Chocolate Sugar Fruit!”
Tony, watching the events unfold on the display in the safety of his office, cackled. “Ice Ice baby… no need to be so salty.”
“We have to get him back.” Natasha grumbled as they all sat in Katie and Steve’s apartment, having retreated to the relative safety as their living quarters were the one place there was no CCTV, and Katie had the authority to banish JARVIS from earwigging. (Tony had learnt that lesson one day after hearing something he really didn’t want to hear…)
“Believe me I’ve tried.” Katie sighed “And you heard J before, anyone tampers with his equipment and…” She stopped dead. That was it. That was the loophole. With a smirk she looked round the assembled faces. Steve arched an eyebrow at her, he knew that look very well.
“What you thinking?” He asked and she grinned at them all.
“I have an idea…”
They listened attentively, Clint and Natasha sharing a grin as she outlined her plan whilst Thor slapped his thigh with glee. Steve leaned back in his chair and looked at Banner who was also smiling ear to ear.
“That might just work.” Bruce nodded. “It’s a pretty good loophole, and we have the stuff in the lab so…” “I’ll need a distraction.” Katie mused, “something that’s gonna draw Tony out of his office for long enough for me to do it but…” “That’s easy.” Thor nodded. “I’m sure I can cause a good deal of noise in the Training Facility, break a few things with my hammer.”
“Fry something.” Steve looked around. “If you do that then JARVIS won’t be able to fix it remotely, Tony’s gonna have to get his hands dirty.”
“You all know what you’re doing?” Katie grinned as everyone nodded. “Okay, Avengers, let’s do this.“
Operation Payback.
Tony heard the bang seconds before JARVIS spoke
“Mr Stark.”
“What the hell was that?”
“There’s been an incident in the Training Suite.”
“Course there has.” Tony rolled his eyes in exasperation at how stupid they thought he was. He wasn’t falling for a distraction like that. “Where is everyone?” “Miss Stark, Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton are in the shooting range.” JARVIS informed him. Doctor Banner was in his lab, although it appears he is now making his way down to the Training Facility to find out what’s going on. Captain Rogers is already there as is Thor.”
“What’s the incident?”
“It appears Thor has struck the speakers and the access pad with a bolt of lightning.” JARVIS replied. “I’m currently assessing the damage but as a result he is locked in. And he isn’t happy.” Okay, so maybe this was serious….
Tony gave an exasperated groan and pushed his chair from his desk. “Suppose I best go see if I can help. Remember what I said, anyone comes in here and tampers with my equipment…” “Of course, Sir.”
When Tony arrived, Thor was kicking the door to the training facility, waving his hammer irately.
“Thor!” Steve was stood by the glass, attempting to calm him down. “Don’t buddy, we’ll get you out of there.” “I can get myself out.” Thor blazed, raising his hand and Tony blanched at the fact Thor was threatening to send his hammer straight through the wall. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for the walls and glass to get damaged but they’d only just had it replaced after Steve and Thor had been practicing using Steve’s shield and Mjolnir to cause an outwards blasting shockwave. It had taken down two walls and completely decimated a bank of computers in the lab on the other side of the floor.
“What’s going on?” Tony asked, and Steve spun to him shooting him a glare.
“I’ll tell you what’s going on!” Thor roared. “That infernal song!”
His hammer crackled ominously again and Tony looked back to Steve.
“He was fed up of hearing Star Spangled Man With A Plan ringing out every goddamned time I opened a door.” Steve folded his arms. “So he lost his temper. And I can’t say I blame him.” “We’ve talked about this.” Tony looked at Thor. “You need to use your words, buddy!” “Words, I’ll give you more than words, Stark!” Thor roared. “Now get me out of here!”
“JARVIS?” Tony asked, looking at the pad on the door. “Damage report?”
“The Circuit is completely fried, Sir.” JARVIS replied. “I cannot access or override, you will need to do it manually.”
“Great.” Tony mumbled. “Let me just go get my tools from the lab.” Mumbling to himself, he set off down the corridor and once he was gone, Thor grinned and tossed his hammer in the air as he gave Steve and Banner the thumbs up before he caught it expertly again in his right hand.
“Good job!” Steve nodded with a smile as he pulled his phone out and dialled Katie quickly. “You’re up.”
It took Tony roughly thirty minutes to replace the wires and unlock the door. Thor stormed out, pushed him harshly in the chest before he left down the corridor.
“Guess they don’t have April Fools’ Day on Asgard.” Tony mumbled, rubbing at the front of his shirt.
“To be honest, Tony, it’s pretty annoying.” Bruce sighed. “Can you turn it off now? I mean its almost two in the afternoon.” “Yeah I suppose.” Tony sighed, before he grinned. “Tt was a pretty good one though, right.” “Hilarious.” Steve deadpanned, his hands falling to his belt buckle. Tony flashed him a grin and a shrug before he gathered up his tools and made his way back down the corridor.
“Yes Sir.”
“Turn off ‘Prank Spangles’ will you, before anyone else breaks more of my tower.”
“Right away, Sir.” “And I’m assuming from the lack of contact no one’s been in my office or anywhere else tampering with my equipment?” “That’s correct, Sir.” “Today has been a good day.” Tony grinned to himself.
Once he was back in his office he sat down at his chair, and went through his emails quickly. He absentmindedly scratched at his beard, which felt a little dry to be honest. But he hadn’t oiled it since that morning. Reaching into his drawer he grabbed the small bottle, tipped a good amount onto his hand and spread it across the expertly groomed whiskers before he continued with his work. It took him a few hours but he cleared his inbox and then decided it was time to face the music. Heading down to the common room he found the rest of the team lounging in front of the TV. They were watching Kitchen Nightmares.
“S’up Kids?” he asked and none of them looked at him. “Okay, alright, I know, sorry if I pranked you but if I buy takeout will that make you forgive me?”
No answer.
“Oh come on!” Tony crossed the room, sinking into a spare arm chair. “I’ll get Thai.”
The team exchanged glances before Bruce gave a sigh. He was always the one to cave first, the mild mannered Scientist found it hard to stay outwardly angry, which was ironic when anyone thought about it.
“To be fair, that trick with the water was pretty clever.”
“Yeah, and I suppose the salt strawberries were a little amusing.” Thor looked at Katie.
She shrugged, her feet resting in Steve’s lap as he was gently running his fingers up and down her calf.
“Lighten up, Kiddo.” Tony sighed, flopping onto an arm chair.
“Payback’s a bitch, and so are you.” She responded simply, still not looking at him.
“You’ve never managed to get me back yet.” Tony snorted.
At that point he noticed Natasha and Clint exchanging smirks.
“Nothing.” Clint shook his head.
“I like your beard” Thor suddenly grinned. “I have always admired how you keep it so neat and groomed. Maybe I should trim mine the same way.” Tony frowned. “Oh is this the part where you pin me down and shave it?” He rolled his eyes. “You know I can call my suit to me in like five seconds flat.” “We know.” Steve replied, looking at him and Tony’s frown deepened. The way the Captain’s blue eyes were shining with mirth made him uncomfortable.
He looked round as six pairs of eyes were all completely focussed on him now before Katie cracked up laughing.
“I’m sorry, I can’t…I can’t hold…” her laughter grew more and more as she threw her head back against the arm of the sofa “You look ridiculous!” Tony frowned and without a word stood up from the chair and made his way to the bar to glance in the mirrored surface between the shelves.
Oh. Holy. Jesus.
His goatee. His beautiful goatee…was blonde.
He spun round and the rest of the guys in the room cracked up laughing. Steve had his head thrown back, right hand clutching at his chest as Katie wiped tears from her face whilst Natasha doubled over on her seat. Besides her Clint slapped his thigh, his chuckles loud.
“What…how…” Tony spluttered, looking again at his reflection, before he glared back at the group.
“Slipped a little peroxide in your beard oil.” Katie managed to stutter between laughs, Thor’s loud rumbles continued, punctuated every now and then by a snort from Banner.
“JARVIS!” Tony roared “I told you to tell me if anyone went into my office, or the garage, or anywhere in the tower messing with my stuff…” “I take zero responsibility for this, Sir” The AI responded. “And I believe your instruction was to alert you if anyone entered your office or the garage or anywhere in the tower and messed with your equipment. Technically Miss Stark didn’t touch your equipment, only your Male grooming product. I believe they exploited a loophole.” That made the group laugh even harder as Tony went bright red, spluttering obscenities at JARVIS. Eventually he calmed down and sighed, before he glanced at his sister.
“You know I’m almost proud…” he said, shaking his head. “Almost…”
Katie gave him a wink in response. “You know what they say…you can’t kid a kidder, or in this case Kiddo…”
Tony gave a groan which turned into a resigned chuckle. He could always dye it back. “Good job, I’m impressed.” He mused, before he reached for some ice from the bucket on the bar and sighed. “Empty.”
“Yeah, don’t bother with the stuff in the dispenser.” Clint scoffed and Tony grinned.
“Wasn’t gonna, Legolass.” He grabbed the metal ice bucket and stepped from behind the bar.
“Oh, that reminds me, nice touch with the ice block.” Steve rolled his eyes and Tony looked at him, frowning.
“The scale model Capsicle in the ice dispenser-“
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Old Man.” Tony shook his head. “Are you going senile?”
Steve took a deep breath and gave an exasperated sigh. “You don’t need to pretend anymore Tony.”
“Hey, I’m not.” Tony held his spare hand up. “That, as amusing as it was to watch, was not me. Although I’m kinda pissed I didn’t think of it.”
“It wasn’t you?” Steve frowned.
“Nope. I am not Spartacus.”
“Then who…” Steve started to ask but trailed off as he felt Katie’s legs shift a little in his lap. He turned to see her exchange a glance with Thor, biting her lip and then he realised exactly who was responsible. “Oh you are…”
“It was his idea!” Katie pointed at Thor as Steve glared at her.
“Yes, it was Captain.” Thor grinned and Steve turned his attention to the god. “When I found out what this whole Fools Day was about, I decided that I wanted to pull a prank of my own. Little Stark came up with that one. And, I must say, it was highly entertaining.”
Tony chuckled and clapped Steve on his shoulder from behind the couch as he headed off to find ice. “This has definitely been a good day.”
Steve continued to look at Katie, eyes narrowed as she stared back, her eyes twinkling. “Don’t look at me like that, Soldier.”
“Oh, and how am I looking at you?”
“Like you’re utterly and thoroughly disappointed in me.”
“I am utterly and thoroughly disappointed in you.” His eyes followed her as she shifted from where she’d been sprawled across the sofa, so she was sat upright. She sidled up closer to him, and leaned over.
“We’ll call it even for the plastic spider I found in the shower tray.” She whispered into his ear and Steve stiffened a little, before he swallowed and turned to look at her.
“Sorry?” He offered and she snorted, shaking her head. “To be honest, Doll, I didn’t think you’d noticed given your lack of reaction to it this morning.”
“Yeah, well, I grew up with Tony. You gotta try much harder than that to catch me out.”
“Message received, understood and duly noted for next year.” Steve muttered, his eyes flashing cheekily before he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. “I’ll absolutely learn how to Kid a Kiddo.”
“Don’t count on it, Soldier.” She smirked as he pulled back, and he chuckled, wrapping his arm round her and pulling her close, pressing a kiss to her head.
All in all, Tony was right. It hadn’t been a bad day.
#stark spangled banner#steve rogers#steve rogers fanfiction#steve rogers fic#steve rogers x ofc#steve rogers x original female character#Katie Stark#mcu fanfic#mcu#avengers#chris evans#chris evans characters
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The thrill of the chase - Chapter Two
Pairings: Mason Mount/OC, Ben Chilwell/OC
Authors Note: Sorry that this has taken a little longer than anticipated and thank you so much for all the love for the first part.
One of the main drawbacks of working with social media, is that you are always on social media and you’re constantly bombarded with information and images that make you feel downright crap about yourself.
I’d been asked to take over the instagram page of one of the high profile players at the club and his entire feed was just one supermodel and influencer after the other with the odd footballer thrown in to balance it out. They were all so stunning that it truly made me feel awful about myself, how could it not? My salary was pretty good for a new graduate but not quite good enough for weekly manicures, lip fillers and hair extensions and my time management wouldn’t stretch for that either, I barely made my eyebrow wax appointments.
I was trying to avoid looking at the player’s DMs while I posted a few pictures from the pre-season training sessions to his feed, but the notifications pinging every few minutes was getting quite annoying.
Has it been Brianna with access to his account and not me, she would have gone straight to his messages to read them. I preferred to live in blissful ignorance to the sleazy ways of the men around me. I already felt like finding a good guy was absolutely hopeless.
I had been renting a flat and I was saving for a deposit to buy a house, hoping that by the time I had saved up enough to buy that I would have found the right person to live with. If I were to attempt this alone, with London house prices I would be around 60 by the time I had saved enough alone.
The message notifications continued to come in and whoever Sam was, she was really keen.
I logged out after posting the final image and prayed I wouldn’t have to go into it again. The less I knew about their private lives, the better. It would be pretty awkward to be sat in the staff and players’ family box at a game knowing that the wife of someone I knew was cheating was close by. Best to steer clear of those complications.
Brianna hadn’t visited my office at all and by 12 I was both worried and hungry and decided to go looking for her.
I tried the kit room first but it was empty and surprisingly tidy. Dave kept a tight ship and liked everything to be in its place but it wasn’t often possible with the sheer volume of kits that needed to be looked after.
As I backed out of the kit room and closed the door, I felt something hit me in the back.
“Sorry” mumbled the voice from behind me. “I was looking for Dave, I need a new top.”
I knew who it was but I didn’t really want to turn around and look at him.
“They’re not in there, I was just looking for him and Brianna too.” I responded in an emotionless tone, shrugging.
“Why are you being so weird?” he asked.
I turned to face him then and gave him a look of contempt before I answered him. “Maybe I just don’t enjoy spending time around footballers?”
“No offence love, but I think you might be in the wrong job if that is the case.” he put his hand on the door, next to my head where I was practically pinned against the door by how close he was to me. Only then did I realise that the training top that he was wearing was ripped, front he shoulder to his navel, the material hanging and exposing his toned chest and abs. I tried to look away but he had caught me looking and was now smirking.
“Maybe it’s just you that puts me off.” I shrugged as I ducked under his arm, escaping from my position between him and the door.
“You really don’t like me?” He huffed. “I don’t remember doing anything to offend you personally.”
“Maybe I’m offended that privileged young lads get money, fame and praise just for kicking a ball around a muddy field. Try something more impressive, like curing cancer or performing life saving surgery, ending world hunger, ending wars.” I groaned in frustration. Maybe that was the truth of it. Why should he get all the praise and admiration that he got, just for playing a sport? There were so many incredible people in the world doing, or working towards the things in that list that never got half the praise that Mason Mount did for kicking a ball.
He looked a bit dumb struck.
I went in again, “Maybe I don’t like you assuming that I should be into you, just because you’re Mason Mount, England and Chelsea midfielder. Maybe that’s what the girls in the club that throw themselves at your feet are into, but it’s not for me.”
I made to leave and he grabbed my hand and mumbled, “Sorry, I’ll leave you alone from now on.”
I didn’t respond. Just pulled my hand from his and stormed off towards the boot room, leaving him outside of the kit room in his ripped shirt.
“Fuck it smells like feet in here.” I complained, walking into the boot room with my nose pinched between my fingers in disgust.
“When I said that I liked shoes to dad, this is not what I meant.” Brianna laughed.
“What are you doing in here, I didn’t think boots were part of your job?” I asked, perching on one of the benches while Bri sat on the floor, sorting through a massive pile of boots to try and match up the pairs. They were in all sorts of bright colours and differing sizes. If I had to guess, I’d guess that she had been at her task for hours.
“Dad and the boot guy had some sort of emergency” she shrugged.
I laughed at that, wondering what kind of emergency you could have that involved kits and boots. Maybe they hadn’t ordered the right brand or something and one of the stars wasn’t going to get his cash from his boot deal if they didn’t find him the right pair.
There was a little tap on the sliding glass door that lead out onto the pitches and stood there was the guy from the other day that had held the door to the cafeteria open for us. He looked a little sheepish.
“Are you going to let him in?” I asked Bri, trying to unbury her from the pile of boots by throwing some of them into a pile, all of the orange ones in one corner, the yellow in another pile and pink in another and so on.
“Oh yeah.” she said, standing and brushing herself off, and adjusting her skirt that rode up her thighs slightly. The guy had noticed and I watched as he tried to look away and then down at his feet. At first I hadn’t thought that his shyness was that genuine. Footballers were all confident cocky little shits in my book, I’d never met one that was shy and unsure of himself.
Bri unlocked the door and let him in.
“I’m sorry to bother you, but only one of these fits” he said, holding up a pair of lime green boots and giving Bri an apologetic smile.
“Oh shit” she said, taking the pair from him and inspecting them. “I’ve given you one 10 and one 9.5.” she looked through the pile of lime green boots until she said “aha!” triumphantly brandishing another size 10 boot. “Here you go my love.”
That as just Bri’s way, she called everyone little pet names all the time, but he didn’t know that and he was blushing profusely and I was almost certain that his hands were shaking as he laced the boots up.
“Thank you so much.” he mumbled, looking like he was about to die of embarrassment. He turned to walk back out of the sliding door, but hadn’t realised that Bri had shut it behind him, so he ended up walking straight into the glass, hitting it with enough force to emmit a cracking noise from his nose which was suddenly streaming with blood.
I jumped up from my seat and crossed the room to him, avoiding the piles of boots the best that I could, not wanting to add myself to the casualty list.
I had an unused tissue in my pocket, that I took out and pressed to his nose. It was instantly bright red and the blood poured straight through it.
“Bri can you go and warn the medical room that we need to bring him down?” I asked.
She nodded in agreement and rushed out of the room.
I put my arm around his waist and guided him back over to the benches. He sat down and I slipped my cardigan off. It was a very thin material and already a deep shade of red. I didn’t let him protest as I replaced the tissue with my cardigan. It was the best that we had, and he looked like he was in a lot of pain.
“I’ve never seen anyone get that flustered before.” i laughed, sitting down beside him. He managed to give me a pained grin.
‘It’s Bri isn’t it? Is she why you were waiting by the canteen door the other day?” I asked gently, patting him reassuringly on the back. “I wanted to send her out of the room so that I could ask you, and also to reassure you that you shouldn’t be embarrassed about this. I’ve seen Bri do a lot more embarrassing things. She’s always falling over and hurting herself. You would make quite the pair.” I laughed.
He shook his head and mumbled “I can’t ask her out”.
“Why the hell not?” i scoffed.
“She has a boyfriend doesn’t she?” he shrugged, looking really sombre.
“Ah no, not anymore. Things are definitely over between her and that prick, and between you and me, if she ever gets back together with him, I’ll give her a matching broken nose.” I bumped shoulders with his, trying to cheer him up, just as Bri came back into the room and told us that the medical room were waiting for him.
“Can you come with me?” he asked, not talking to Bri, but to me instead.
“Sure, I would do anything to get out of work this afternoon. Our twitter page today is just full of fans that are disappointed that we didn’t use the Hazard money to sign Messi.” I laughed, getting up and guiding him towards the door.
“Can we catch up later?” I asked Bri before leaving the room, she nodded and told me she would be free all evening.
As we walked down the corridor I said to him “See, no plans to see a boyfriend” and he blushed again.
One of the medical assistants rushed out to meet us and guided him into the room exclaiming “Billy, what the hell? How have you done that?”
He shrugged, clearly feeling embarrassed about how he had injured himself. So when they looked over at me for clarification, I shrugged too.
Billy wasn’t the only player needing the use of the treatment room. As he sat down on one of the chairs, I noticed that Ben was in there too.
The medic went about dabbing Billy’s nose and he cried out in pain.
“Sorry about your cardigan.” he said, looking down at the red material on his lap. He didn’t need it now that he was getting patched up.
“Honestly don’t worry about it Billy.” I grinned.
The medic then mumbled something about needing something and left the room.
That gave Billy a bit more confidence to talk about what had happened.
“And thank you for the advice about your friend.” Billy seemed a bit happier as he said that, and I could see Ben out of the corner of my eye looking over at us as Billy spoke.
“Please tell me you’re going to ask her out!” Ben laughed.
I turned to look at him and smiled. “You know?”
Ben nodded and looked at Billy with a horrified expression “Oh god, you asked her out and she punched you.”
I shook my head. “Not exactly.” I said.
“The boyfriend was here for some reason, and he punched you?’ Ben went on, standing up and coming over to Billy. He walked with a slight limp.
He stood in between us.
“Why are you in here if you don’t mind me asking?” I looked down at his leg while asking the question.
“It’s my hamstring, nothing too serious.” He smiled.
“Don’t laugh at me when I tell you how I did this.” Billy warned, pointing at his nose. “I walked into a sliding glass door that I thought was open, all because she gave me a pair of boots and called me love.” he groaned, covering his face in embarrassment.
Ben laughed and clapped Billy on the back with his hand. “Oh mate, no wonder you’re embarrassed.” he then addressed me, asking “Just how cringy was it?”
I shook my head before answering him, “I honestly don’t think it was that bad. Bri is pretty oblivious sometimes and I don’t actually think she realised the real reason for you hurting yourself. So if you were to pluck up the courage to speak to her, I wouldn’t even bring it up.”
The next day, I was looking out at the training pitches while I waited for the coffee machine to finish making my drink when there was a gentle tap on my door.
I crossed the room and opened it, expecting it to Bri or maybe even the club photographer giving me some new pictures of the squad to use, but it was Ben.
“Hi, are you free?” he asked, giving me one of his sweet smiles.
“Yeah come in.” I said, stepping back into my office and letting him pass me so that I could hold the door open.
“That coffee smells nice”. He remarked.
“Do you want one? Or did I put you off the other day?” I smiled.
“Ah no thanks, and no you didn’t put me off. I’ve never really liked the stuff. I like the smell of coffee, it just doesn’t taste as good as it smells.” as he spoke I realised that he was holding something in a plastic bag.
He realised that I was looking at it. “It’s your cardigan. I washed it for you at home. Think I got all the blood out but it’s red so I can’t really tell.”
I was for once, speechless. It was a small gesture but it was really kind all the same. I thought about making a witty remark about it actually being his mother or an employed cleaner that washed it for him but I just couldn’t bring myself to.
“Thank you, you didn’t have to do that. It’s only an old primark cardigan.” I said, taking the bag from him.
I suddenly felt a bit flustered in his company. He had that charming smile and didn’t really look like a cocky footballer to me. He didn’t act like one much either, he was just kind of like the guy next door, or the guy you would see on Tinder with a picture of him with his mates at the only photo on the profile so you couldn’t tell which one you were swiping for.
In all honesty, he kind of reminded me of my ex boyfriend Rory. He had the same sort of look, and they had similar accents. Maybe it was nostalgia that made me find being around Ben comforting.
‘I think your coffee is done.” he said, gesturing to the machine.
I nodded and walked over to the machine, taking the cup and adding some creamer and sugar. As I stirred the cup, he leant against my desk and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Something is bothering me if I’m honest.” he said.
“What is it?” I asked curiously.
“Mason said that you told him that you hate all footballers because we’re privileged and get too much clout for what we do.” He looked slightly disappointed in me. “Thing is, I don’t entirely disagree with you. Maybe we do get paid too much for what we do, and maybe doctors and nurses deserve way more praise than we do. I also don’t think that you hate all footballers. You were really kind to Blly yesterday and he won’t forget that in a hurry. You really helped him.” he continued.
“I don’t hate Billy, and I don’t think I hate you either.” I said quietly, taking a sip of my coffee.
“That is interesting.” he grinned, as he took one of my hands and guided me over to him, to stand in between his legs where he now sat on the edge of my desk.
Instinctively I put my coffee cup down and he put his arms around my waist.
“It’s interesting?-” he cut me off before I could say anything else, by pressing his lips against mine. The kiss is soft and gentle and lasts only a few seconds. He testing me and my brain is going in so many different directions. Am I actually going back on all of my principles and kissing a fucking footballer right now? And am I only doing it because he reminds me of my ex?
He moves to pull away, breaking the contact between our lips and I let out the tiniest whimper before putting my hand on the back of his head and pulling him back in for more. This time his tongue slips past my parted lips. My hand at the back of his head grips a generous handful of his hair and one of his hands makes its way to my bum.
My body feels like it is on fire. It has been a bloody long time since anyone kissed or touched me, and I hadn’t quite realised just how starved of affection I had been until I got a taste of it, a taste of him.
The telephone on my desk started to ring,and although I tried to ignore it, I just couldn’t. My job meant a lot to me and if it were Marina or someone of equal importance I would be chastised for missing the call.
We broke the kiss at the same time and I apologised to him. He grinned and fired back that I didn’t need to apologise and that he needed to get back to training, and by the time I picked up the phone, he was gone.
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sparks and embers - chapter 3
Characters: Poe Dameron x Original Female Character, Kylo Ren x Original Female Character
Story Tags: Explicit (18+), Canon Compliant/Divergent (Set after TLJ), First Person POV, Love Triangle, Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Porn with Plot, Hurt/Comfort, Kylo Ren hates Poe Dameron

Chapter 3 - The Return
Words: 4k
Chapter Tags/Warnings: medical descriptions and procedures, some sexual themes - mainly in the form of OC being thirsty AF
Read on AO3 or Start from the beginning
On the way back from the East village, filled with the Gossams, humans and other alien species who had similarly escaped to a simpler life, I couldn’t help but curse at myself for giving in so easily to the pleas of a good-looking stranger.
Aiding someone merely for their physical appearance? How horribly unprofessional.
The voice in the back of my mind was loud. And curiously judgemental.
It had been over a full day cycle since I’d departed the clinic, making Poe vow to remain within the confines of his bed until I had returned. I’d left him with enough food for two days of my travelling, hygiene supplies, a drip running slowly for some pain relief and range of tools for him to attempt getting BB-8 up and running, hoping he wouldn’t have any reason to struggle getting out of bed.
The thought of his still fragile femur bone breaking and splitting the artery I’d spent all my energy on mending was beyond frightening. I worried about him every minute I was awake, imagining any number of complications that would leave me a corpse to find when I arrived back.
Bleeding, clots, stroke, infection, sepsis.
It wasn’t easy to slip those thoughts from my mind in the lone starkness of the Raxus countryside. There wasn’t really anything to look at except grass and sky, nothing to distract me from the worst case scenarios.
I’d convinced some of my old patients to join my cause, promising them better medicine and equipment if I was only able to have a comm-tower to order everything I needed. It didn’t seem like lying. The comm-tower really was my only link to the rest of the galaxy, and I would have needed it fixed anyway. Only now, time seemed to be more of the essence.
After spending the night amongst the locals I had grown to be familiar with over the last few years, I’d begun the trek back with the knowledge at least one problem had been solved. Some promised spare parts, others were going to follow my path within the next day cycle to get my comm-link back online. I hadn’t divulged all the story, at least not the part about this repair job apparently being a determining factor in the fate of the galaxy.
I hadn’t pressed Poe about what that meant exactly. I was used to the Resistance and their soldiers having somewhat of a flair for the dramatic when it came to war, after healing many of their battle wounds in years past. I knew how fervently they believed in their cause - that they were the only thing standing between galaxy wide harmony and First Order dictatorship.
I understood their hope of peace in our lifetime, but I’d lost mine a long time ago. Good, bad, they were just two sides of a coin that would flip for eternity, desperately chasing power for their own reasons.
In truth, I didn’t particularly care. I just hoped to live my life somewhat free from the burden of picking a side.
Before unlocking the clinic door, my feet aching from hiking for 6 straight hours, I drew in a long breath with a silent prayer I wouldn’t be walking in to find a dead body. With a fluid motion I turned the handle and pushed the door open, my head popping in first around the entryway to where Poe’s hospital bed stood. He immediately heard the latch clicking and shot his head up to meet with my eyes.
“You’re back,” he smiled, as I noted how much colour had returned to his face during my absence.
He looked so much better.
For the first time, I found myself studying his face, my stare tracing from his strong angular jawline to his high cheekbones, the prominence of his nose, the whiskey colour of his large cheerful eyes, his tousled deep brown hair. Then I took in his wide grin, shapely pink lips curled upwards to show perfectly set white teeth.
Stars, he’s so handsome.
In the muddle of memories I’d conceived from the night of his crash I’d not recognised, at least not during the time I was struggling to keep him alive, how attractive he was. And now with his health a far better picture than the last time I’d seen him, it was all I could notice. My heart quivered through a beat as he beamed at me, soon realising his smile was more a reflection of the prospective good news I brought with my return, making it settle back into a normal rhythm.
“Hi,” I breathed, walking closer and setting my pack down at the foot of the hospital bed. “How are you feeling?”
“Better,” he answered, “The smaller burns are almost gone, and my chest wound is closed, look!” He pulled up the grey hospital shirt I’d managed to change him into before I had to leave. This time when I saw the nakedness of his chest and abdomen I couldn’t help but stare at his softly defined muscles, all tensing during his movement. He was right, the hole below his rib now sealed, a newly-formed, pink scar in its place. The chest tube was still secured above it, now redundant.
“Gotta love bacta,” I hummed. “I can take that drain out now if you like.”
He looked at me incredulously. “You’ve just done a 30 hour round trip for me, not even sat down, and you want to dive head first into more treatment?”
“I... uh... I mean... I just wanted to help you feel better,” I stammered.
Poe shook his head, smirking. “It’s okay, I appreciate it. Really, I do. But I’m alright, the tube can wait. How about you rest for a second and tell me how the mission- I mean, trip, went?”
I raised an eyebrow. “Two days ago you were begging me to get going so I couldn’t waste any time, now you’re telling me I can take a load off?”
"Uh, yeah… Sorry about that,” he grimaced. “Having some time to think while you were gone... It made me realise everything you’d done and were doing for me - a stranger you had no reason to help." Poe took a long exhale before speaking again, his tone serious. "I was in a lot of pain, just woken up in a strange place. It’s still imperative to get a message back to the Resistance as soon as possible but... that’s not your burden to bear. I can't thank you enough for your help, but I'll try not to ask too much more of you.”
It seemed not only had his physical health improved, but logical thought and patience had returned.
I took my cue to sit on one of the opposite hospital beds, letting my feet dangle over the edge to kick my shoes off, feet pulsing with gratitude at their release. “There’s some villagers coming tomorrow,” I started. “They will hopefully have a new comm-tower up and running within the next couple of days. I told them about your droid too. There’s some spare parts in that bag.” I pointed my hand out to the satchel at Poe’s feet, glancing at the L shaped table beside his bed I’d set up. BB-8 was sitting on top of it, head and body still separated and now unbolted at separate points, wires haphazardly sticking out in different directions. Falling back into the mattress, I let out an exhausted sigh, relishing the feel of the squeaky mattress under my body.
“I really owe you. The Resistance owes you,” Poe praised after a few moments of silence, as I heard him begin to rummage through the satchel. I held back a frown, even when I knew he wouldn’t be able to catch sight of my face.
I didn’t do any of this for the Resistance.
It occurred to me then I wasn’t really sure why I’d done it at all. I had always been a sucker for those in poor predicaments, hence why I became a doctor in the first place. But the trek had nothing to do with treatment or medicine. It was purely at the behest of this pilot, who’s charming appearance in the dimmed orange light of the evening made my skin feel hot.
“So, how did a girl like you find herself in the middle of nowhere on the Outer Rim?” Poe questioned, fiddling with some of the parts.
I sat back up. “I’m not a girl. I’m 28. That’s a little too old to be called girl anymore.”
Poe chuckled, the sound of his laugh both warming and positively thrilling. “I apologise. How did a woman like you end up here?”
“I used to work on Coruscant, that’s where I started my medical training,” I explained, remembering the glittering planet I’d spent much of my young life on. “Then moved into the war relief efforts on medical frigates scattered throughout the galaxy. Treating wounded soldiers day in day out took its toll, having people constantly injured and almost dying for a war they didn’t start.” I glanced to Poe's expression, seeing a glow of understanding behind his eyes before I continued. “Plus, there were more than a few times I felt a little redundant. The medical droids they have kind of... made my treatment obsolete. I wanted to practice medicine in a place where adequate health care was rare or non-existent. I wanted to help those who were most desperate, who otherwise couldn’t afford it, those who would actually value the care of a live human doctor. So I picked a planet at random, and settled here."
The random part was an utter lie. No one had cared about Raxus since the Clone Wars, and the First Order wouldn’t make it their priority to conquer Outer Rim worlds for a while yet. It was a quiet, calm planet with countless refugees fleeing here to make peaceful new lives. They wouldn’t be concerned about old, rusty equipment, lower quality bacta or no medical droids. They would simply be happy at having a doctor within a day’s trek.
And no one would think of looking here for a Force user.
Poe studied me in quiet thought for a moment, taking in what I’d divulged. “Well, they're damn lucky, with how nicely you patched me up. You’d run circles around some of the doctors and medical droids at the Resistance base.” He grinned at me again, earnestly, another attempt to thank me for my work. I felt the pit of my stomach tense, and it wouldn’t retreat, the thought of his smile lingering in my mind even after he’d gone back to his tinkering.
It had to be because I’d been in isolation for so long, why I was reacting so strongly to the innocent smiles and compliments of a man I barely knew. I definitely wasn’t used to conversing with men so close in age to my own. Most of the local humans were older, married with children, and I rarely made conversation around any other topic than their illnesses.
“What... uh... Why were you flying over Raxus?” I asked awkwardly.
His eyebrows creased together as he looked back at me. “Raxus wasn’t my destination, but I... can’t tell you any more than that.”
“It’s not that I don’t trust you,” he urged. “It’s just, you know, highly confidential.” He seemed apologetic, like he owed me more of an explanation.
I nodded, agreeing the less I knew about the Resistance and their missions the better. “Well, you’ll be able to get back to it in a couple of days,” I insisted, breaking the awkward silence that had lingered. “Some time and a little bit more bacta and you’ll be like new again.”
“Actually, speaking of that,” he started, an uneasy expression now settling in his features. “I was wondering when you were thinking of letting me get out of this bed.”
“Depends on the reason Poe. I’d recommend starting your formal rehab tomorrow at the absolute earliest, otherwise we can get you up and walking if you need to do something… uh… specific.” There was no hiding the waver in my voice.
He laughed, louder than he had before, the sound making it difficult for me not to blush. “Aren’t you a doctor? Why are you embarrassed for me to use the bathroom?”
“Hey!” I frowned. “I was trying to save you from being embarrassed.”
He shook his head, still chuckling. “I’m alright on that front for now. I was actually hoping to use your refresher. It’s been a few days…”
“Oh of course!” I’d cleaned him up as much as I could before I’d left, getting rid of his obliterated flight suit and helping change into the bland hospital outfit I reserved for overnighters, but even to myself the idea of a shower was enticing.
A thought flashed into my mind of steaming water hitting Poe’s sun darkened skin, trickling down his toned body as he lathered himself in soap suds.
That was new.
It had been such a long time since I’d felt the fire of blood rushing to the lower portion of my abdomen, insides clenching at the heat so suddenly ignited.
Poe was looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to continue. I internally shook away the incriminating thoughts before they could be conveyed on my face. “How about I get that chest tube out first? Then I can help you to the ‘fresher?”
He breathed out in relief. “That would be fantastic.”
I stepped lightly off the hospital bed, walking shoe-less over to my medical trolley to drag it back to Poe’s side. And immediately, without me asking, he sat up and began a haphazard attempt to pull off his shirt, left arm bandaged and stiff, right arm enveloped in the cast I’d made and evidently still painful to move.
In a wordless reply, I helped him pull the fabric over his head, confronted with the image of a half-naked, strikingly handsome man in front of me.
I couldn’t believe I hadn’t recognised any of his raw allure when he’d been almost stripped completely bare by my own hands on the night of his crash. It seemed bizarre I wouldn’t have noted the strong, broadness of his shoulders, his armoured chest littered deliciously with dark hair, carved abdominal muscles tensed in waiting.
I swallowed hard, hoping Poe wouldn’t register my shaking hands as I prepared the tube removal kit. Snipping the sutures around the plastic, unsteady gloved fingers pulled out the tube as smoothly as I could manage, Poe flinching slightly at the sensation. He continued to look away as I injected some bacta gel into the wound, sealing it closed with a few new sutures and placing a waterproof dressing over the site.
“All done,” I settled. “Like nothing happened at all.”
Poe looked back to me and smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. It was obvious he remained troubled by the memories of his crash, and understandably so. I’d seen the same look in many other military personnel, the attempt to put on a brave face when images of fire, blood and terror pierced their thoughts. I desperately wanted to take his mind to a brighter place. “So, ready to try walking?”
“Absolutely! Lead the way doc.”
Ugh. Eventually I would have to correct him on that.
I stepped back from the side of the bed, arms stretched in readiness for when he inevitably stumbled. “Please take it slowly. Your muscles aren’t going to be pleased with what you’re doing after over two days of bed rest.”
“Sure thing,” Poe scoffed.
Typical male.
Initially he seemed to take my direction, moving his legs slowly from under the blanket, pain now registering on his features. He swivelled himself sluggishly to let his legs fall over the side of the mattress, breathing slightly heavier to push through the discomfort.
He was leaning more on his left side, right arm hovering over his thigh. Tentatively, he slipped his left foot onto the floor and shifted his weight onto it, pushing his hand into the mattress to help himself up.
Soon he was standing in front of me for the first time since we’d met, and even amongst all the burns, bruises, dressings and bandages, he looked impossibly strong, toned muscles wrapping his form.
He noticed the timid smile form on my lips.
“Hey don’t start laughing at me. I don’t think I could handle my ego being bruised along with the rest of me.”
“Oh... I wasn’t-,” I stumbled, quietly relieved he’d misread the reason behind my smirk.
He held his hand up in protest, grinning. “I was kidding. You’re welcome to laugh at the adult sized toddler learning to walk again.”
It was difficult not to snicker at his words. “Come on,” I encouraged. “Just think of how nice that hot water will feel.”
He sighed in agreement and moved, taking a hesitant step onto the previously fractured leg. I swiftly froze with anxiety, even when the logical side of my brain told me both the break and the artery would have stabilised exponentially by now. But the emotional side, the part that remembered the rush of blood that had exploded from the wound site, nagged incessantly at me, insisting that this was a very bad idea.
My eyes were glued to Poe’s figure as he shifted his weight deliberately, muscles tensing at the trigger of pain he was likely feeling, before he made a delicate hop to move back onto his left leg.
Even that one haggard step appeared to take a lot out of him, but he seemed determined, eyebrows already wrinkled in concentration. He continued the process a few times over, my arms still poised in waiting for the foreseeable stumble as I walked backwards. I couldn’t help but hold my breath as he limped, following me out of the clinic room into the hallway that lead to my office, the ‘fresher, and my living quarters all the way at the end.
His steps became faster, more confident, when all of a sudden, his balance wavered.
Reacting quickly, I stepped forward to catch him, arms circling under his own and around his torso, hands now gripping the muscles on his back as he crashed into me. I would have stayed there for a moment, my fingertips registering the warmth radiating off his skin, until I became fully aware where his face had fallen into.
I felt Poe’s heated exhale through the cotton of my white shirt after his face had collided into my chest, directly between my breasts. The twinge in my lower abdomen occurred again, breath hitching in my throat.
He scrambled to push himself back into a standing position, my arms releasing from around him, his hands clamping around my biceps as he fought to reclaim his steadiness again.
“I am so sorry!” he blurted, his face dangerously close to mine, only a small touch of redness visible under his caramel skinned cheeks. I knew my blushing would be much more pronounced.
“It’s okay,” I breathed. “I was waiting for that to happen.”
His eyes widened.
“Not that!” I yelped. “I meant you falling! I was waiting for you to fall!”
Poe’s face illuminated into a beaming grin. “Sure you did.”
I frowned in protest, but couldn’t stop the chuckle escaping. I shifted to face the same way as him, an arm curling around his torso, angling my body under his own. “How about I help you the rest of the way?”
His hand gripped onto my shoulder, the hardened squeeze making the tensing inside me ripple even faster.
Focus Alex.
Poe let me support him as he limped down the hallway, and I desperately tried to distance myself from the thoughts that swirled in my mind at being connected so closely.
Eventually we made it into the ‘fresher, a white and grey tiled room with the large, frameless shower enclosure taking up most of the space, the only privacy a plastic curtain that could be pulled across the entire spans of the room. I’d designed it with the idea there would be enough space to assist overnighter patient’s in washing themselves, since I didn’t have a nurse to do it for me. Yet, it still gave me the ability to provide some discretion by stepping out past the other side of the curtain, ready to swoop in if I was needed.
And that’s what I’d planned for Poe, knowing he was hardly the type of patient that was going to let me do anything for him if he could help it. Guiding him to the backless shower chair, I released him to his own devices and quickly pulled the curtain across. It was more for my own concealment at this point, needing to take a moment to settle myself down, the memory of his hold still lingering on my skin.
“I’ll be right here if you need any help okay? Everything you need will be on the shelf under the shower start button.”
“Thanks Alex,” he answered, his voice huffing out as I could hear he’d already started to shimmy down his pants.
Stop imagining it Alex. Stop thinking about him naked, a metre away, behind that thin curtain.
The sound of water rushing into the tile floor pulled me back into some impression of reality. I busied myself with organising my own hygienic supplies in the mirrored cupboard, desperately trying to think of anything other than the man hidden from my view, steam swirling around his figure, water dribbling down his bare skin. From behind the screen I heard a pleasant moan leave him, obviously enjoying the hot water battering into his aching muscles for the first time in days.
And with that sound I felt a twinge between my legs, heat swelling and rippling outwards through my body.
Stars, that was... hot.
It felt so unprofessional, to be tantalized by the thought of a man, a patient, in the middle of such a basic act of human hygiene. But I couldn’t deny he was more attractive than any patient I’d ever had in my life, and the thought of ripping open the curtain so I could join him was suddenly the most tempting thing in the galaxy.
I locked my hands onto the basin that stood in front of me, trying not to be overwhelmed by the sound of Poe lathering soap between his hands, then sliding over an unseen portion of his body.
It was then I started to pace, hoping the repetitive movement would stop me ruminating over the indecent notions my mind was conjuring. Minutes ticked by too slowly as I waited for him to finish his routine, begging for the irresistible pull of craving to be released from me.
“Hey Alex?” Poe suddenly called.
“What's wrong?” I squeaked, cursing at myself for sounding so startled.
“I actually need some help.”
Oh maker, why do you do this to me?
I swallowed hard. “Y-yeah. Sure. Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” he began, voice sounding a little forced. “It’s just... with my left arm still bandaged, and my right arm still in the cast, I can’t wash my hair. I know it’s a little strange, but could you help me out?”
My heart ricocheted inside my rib cage, frolicking at the thought of seeing him soaked in water, fingers raking through his dampened hair.
Come on Alex, try to keep at least one shred of professionalism.
“Sure,” I agreed, a more competent tone saturating my voice as I withheld my internal fluttering. “Make yourself… uh… decent, and I’ll open the curtain.”
I heard Poe’s movement as he reached for one of the towels hanging on the rail nearby and wrapped it around his lower body. The flowing water soon came to a stop, the sudden silence making me feel uneasy.
I placed myself in front of the curtain between us, his stature only barely visible through the clouded screen. My jaw was locked as I took a deep breath through my nose, meditating in thought, frantically clawing at a sense of calm.
Then I reached towards the plastic, clenched my hand around it, and pulled.
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#poe dameron#poe dameron x original female character#kylo ren#kylo ren x original female character#star wars#star wars fanfiction#adcu#adcu fanfiction
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christmas/ny (drabble)
pairing: jungkook x reader | jungkook x oc
genre: fluff, steamy at the end
words: 1.7k
summary: re!couple celebrating christmas and ny with jungkook after the holidays
a/n: um first of all, sorry. this is so bad im cry but also it’s kinda ok? idk. sorry anon if this isn’t what u wanted. i’ll try again next year 2022 lmao
As patient as he is Jungkook can’t wait for your nightly call. You try to stay off your phone for the most part being back home, leaving time to talk to Jungkook only when it’s dark out. Of course, some days you miss him so much that you break that rule to sneak in a couple of texts or photos. Today’s not one of them.
Unfortunately, he had missed your earlier call. Horrified seeing two notifications of your failed attempts to reach him, he’s decided not to do anything else till he hears your voice.
Jungkook shoves a spoonful of Suga’s homemade microwave spaghetti into his mouth, eyes not leaving his phone.
“You’re staring at that thing so hard the screen’s going to crack.” Suga judges him from across the table.
“I’m expecting a call.”
“Yeah, I know.” He sighs, “But it’s not like your phone’s on silent. It’ll ring once she⎼”
Jungkook jumps within the first few seconds of his phone lighting up, your name flashing across the screen. Leaving Suga to himself, he rushes into the room and takes a deep breath before accepting the call. “Hi.”
“Hey you.” Your chirpy voice makes him smile. “Missed you earlier.”
“I know, sorry. Was busy. Did you have fun today?”
“It was okay. We got a cute little tree and I managed to do some really last minute shopping because I just found out my cousins will be here tomorrow night.” You sigh. “Did you miss me?”
“So much. I hate being apart, you know that.”
“Well I did offer you to come home with me.”
Jungkook had declined again. He doesn’t think it’s the best time to introduce himself to your family yet. Though, he had no qualms about letting your dad know. Funny enough, you decided not to. But you’re certain you heard your grandmother telling him about the couple photo you have as your homescreen.
“Maybe next time.” He hums, thinking about the possible future.
“I think my dad will like you.” The sound of your giggles has him cheesing so hard.
“Is that why you chickened out on telling him about us?”
“I did not! The timing isn't right.”
“Sure baby.” He laughs. “You’re not embarrassed of me are you?”
“I’m embarrassed someone like you is even interested in me.” You both laugh and let the silence engulf you. “You know I love you right? I hope we can spend the holidays together next year.”
“I hope so too.” There’s a tiny amount of sadness in there if you’re listening right.
“I might not be able to call you the next few nights. Since my cousins will be over. I promise to text though.” You say.
“That’s okay.” You hear the smile in his voice. “Just have fun okay? I’ll be here when you get back.”
“One more week.”
“Right. One week. Seven days. I’m sure I can handle being without you till then.”
“Merry christmas my love.” You send him a kiss over the phone.
“Merry christmas to you too.”
When the call ends ten minutes later, he trots back outside, face looking even worse than before. Suga, now done with his food, shakes his head disapprovingly as Jungkook takes his seat and goes back to the sad, cold dish in front of him. “You’re pathetic.”
Jungkook holds his breath as the train slowly comes to a stop at the platform. Yesterday was the first day of the new year, which means today’s the day you come back. He’d planned out his route. First he’d get coffee and bagels to-go with chocolate danishes for you, in case you hadn’t had anything during the long trip. Then a short stop at the florist to get you a single rose before going off to the station.
It gets messy as everyone starts alighting and he struggles to catch you among the crowd. That’s when you come into view, head popping out between other random faces, wrapped in a beanie and scarf. Your face lights up when you see him, making hurried steps and dragging your luggage behind you.
“Jungkook!” You squeal, running into his arms.
He kisses the side of your face. “Hey stranger.”
“I’m so happy to see you.” You say, squeezing him tight. “How are you?”
“You’re asking me that as if we aren’t constantly texting each other.” He laughs, handing you the rose and letting you cling onto his arm with your luggage in his other hand, headed for the car.
“I know I’m just trying to break the ice.”
Inside the comfort and warmth of the car, he kisses you deeply. Something he’s been looking forward to for the last three weeks. “How’s that for breaking the ice?”
You roll your eyes but a smile plays at your lips as you properly adjust the seat belt. Gasping when you’re handed chocolate danishes, you pout at him, “You’re so sweet. Come here.” It earns him more kisses which he happily accepts.
In the back seat you notice an odd shaped item, in purple wrapping, done quite messily. “What’s that?” You ask knowingly.
“A surprise.”
“I have one for you too.” You smile smugly.
“Yeah? Can’t wait.”
On the way back, you give him a run down of what went on back home. When he ended up confessing that he hadn’t done anything special for the holidays, not even with Suga, it made you feel bad. Even though he tries to assure you he didn’t want to celebrate it anyway.
Back home, you lug your baggage into the room and dig something out of your bag. A packet of cookies lands on Jungkook’s lap as he takes a seat on the floor in front of the couch. “For me?”
“Mmhm.” Nodding, you tear open the paper bag, behaving more excited than he is. “My grandma said she packed this for my friend. She winked when she told me that. And I’d already brought some back for Hana. I think she knows.”
“About us? How?”
“She’s always been nosy.” You giggle. “I guess she doesn’t want you to get left out.”
“Aw. She’s kind just like you.”
“Wait!” He pauses, startled by your hand on his, stopping him from pulling one of the cookies out of the bag. “Hold on.”
You get up and run to the room. Carrying as many pillows as you can with a comfy blanket somewhere in between, Jungkook watches as you make a barrier with the pillows and spread the blanket over him. Then, you’re off to the kitchen.
After a minute of cabinet doors opening and closing and the clinking of glasses, you come back with two mugs of hot cocoa, marshmallows on top of course. Just the way your dad makes them. You place it right next to him then push the coffee table all the way forward to make more room to spread your legs. You put on a lame christmas movie on netflix, then snuggle up next to him.
“Now it’s a real christmas party.”
Jungkook laughs, holding you close and kissing the top of your head. You do the most unexpected things at the most random times. But he appreciates the way you always try to make sure he’s not left out. “Thank you baby.”
You grin up at him and watch carefully as he takes the first bite of the cookies. His eyes go wide and you nod knowingly. It’s your grandmother’s famous recipe. One even if you had, wouldn’t even be able to replicate its taste. He hums in delight, stuffing his mouth with one cookie after the other.
“So. Let me guess what happens after cookies and cocoa.” He says after finishing almost half the packet.
“What?” You ask, eyeing him.
He reaches round the side of the couch and pulls out the odd package you had seen in the car. “Presents?”
You run back to your room and appear with a small wrapped box. The rule was not to buy anything that costs more than your monthly rent. You both had agreed to this a while back. Which was difficult for Jungkook because all he wanted to do was to spoil you with expensive gifts.
“What is this?” Jungkook holds the box to his ear and shakes lightly. “Hm.”
“Wait I think I can guess what mine is.” You giggle, pressing into the soft parts of the wrapping.
“Okay then you go first.”
“Okay.” Tearing away the wrapping carefully, you find inside a soft, pink bunny with funky eyebrows. On the bottom of its little feet, there are hearts and in those hearts are both your names embroidered with a plus sign in between. “Aww no this is so adorable. I love it so much.”
“It’s not a diamond necklace but⎼”
“No this is so much better. Thank you.” You give him a hug with the bunny squished between your bodies. “It strangely reminds me of you.”
“Yeah it’s weird and I like it.” You giggle, pinching his cheek. “Now open yours.”
The wrapping comes off easy and he immediately realises what it is as the box comes into view. He looks at you for a second before unboxing it and pulling out a matte black polaroid camera. Jungkook takes his time with it, carefully looking at it from each side.
“Do you like it?” You ask. “I know you like taking photos so I thought you might like this.”
“Y/N I love it.” He smiles, bringing the viewfinder to his eye and getting a feel of it, then putting it down to focus on you. “Let’s take one together.”
You scoot next to him as he loads the film cassette. Then hugging his middle, he hooks his arm around your shoulders and your faces press against each other. He clicks the shutter and you both wait for the film to develop.
It comes out perfect, both your smiling faces perfectly in frame and even bunny made it in which makes Jungkook laugh. He can’t stop staring at it, holding it by the edges so carefully like he’s afraid he’s going to ruin it.
“I love you.” He says, looking at you when he finally sets it down.
“I love you too.”
He kisses you, tasting of hot cocoa and love. You’re being pushed onto the pillows with the blanket beneath as Jungkook hovers over you, pushing the hair out of your face. As Jungkook removes his sweater, you pull your shirt over your head. Jungkook smiles down at you, kisses you, then reaches for the camera. “Merry fucking christmas to me.”
You shimmy out of your jeans and hook your ankle over his shoulder. Snap. “And happy new year baby.”
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The Hideaway.
Part Three of the ‘Blood and Beskar’ Series.
The Mandalorian x Fem!Reader
Word count: 4.7k
Warnings: Series 1 Spoilers, Swearing. Tiny bit of unspoken mutual pining, cara dune (idk if she should be a warning but I think of her more as an oc in this fic)
A/n~ This chapter corresponds with what happens in the Sanctuary episode ( S1 Ep4) but has a bit extra sprinkled in. I’ve been really enjoying writing this so far and I hope you like it as much as I do. Enjoy xx Feedback is always welcome :)
The Crest had landed in a scenic clearing in the middle of a forest. You moved from the cockpit down into the hull, the conversation wasn’t exactly buzzing between you and Mando after you had made the deal. You’d been the kid’s glorified babysitter for a grand total of five minutes, and were already contemplating taking back the deal you’d made with Mando and turning yourself in. Death seemed easier than caring for the little green monster that ate anything and everything. You’d placed him in his cot whilst you used the refresher, only to come back to an empty cot and the kid giggling from the compartment where ration packs had been stored. You sighed picking up the green terror and placing him back into the floating container.
“Now you stay here, you little womp rat, I don’t want to get in trouble from the old tin can upstairs, okay,” You demand, tucking him into the blankets of the storage container.
You hear the familiar sound of heavy footsteps moving down the ladder into the hull. You pick up the child and walk towards where Mando has stopped outside the weapons case, grabbing his rifle and slinging it over his back, and moving towards the hatch.
“If you want, I can stay here and look after the kid, whilst you go-” you start.
“No.” Mando interrupts bluntly “I’m not leaving you both here.”
You shift on your feet placing your hands on your hips “Stars. Mando isn’t that what the deal was? I look after the kid whilst you go out. I am perfectly capable of babysitting a child” you huff.
He turns his helmet in your direction, “I’m not leaving you unsupervised with the kid...not yet”
Oh. He didn’t trust you. He wanted you to stay close because he didn’t trust you. Yes, you were technically a criminal. But did he doubt your moral compass that much? Did he think that low of you? No, don’t be ridiculous. You had given him no reason to trust you, the fact that you had a bounty on your head probably didn’t help matters. He was clearly looking out for the kid.
You’re abruptly pulled from your thoughts by the sound of the ramp lowering, allowing the soft glow of the sun to pour in. You’re hit with the refreshing breeze that sweeps golden leaves along the forest floor, you stand and appreciate your surroundings, it was beautiful. The way the trees basked in the light, you tilted your head to look at the sky, loving the warmth of the sun on your face. You closed your eyes and imagined, trying to grasp the wisps of memories from your childhood on your home planet, the vast expanse of green trees and peaceful calm. Sighing and walking forward, you talk to the child commenting on how beautiful everything was. You didn’t notice Mando tilting his head watching you as you walked down the ramp.
You stood at the edge of the clearing, with the child babbling in your arms as Mando closed the ramp. He walks towards you reaching behind his cape.
“Here, you might need these,” he states holding out your blaster and knife.
You raise your eyebrows in surprise. “I thought you said nobody would find us here.”
“Good to be prepared.” he nods bluntly, gesturing the weapons forward.
Placing the child on the floor you warily take your blaster, sliding it into its holder and sheath your knife back into its rightful place on your thigh. You felt complete again, safer now you had more means of protection. Yet you couldn't help but feel confused again, he didn’t trust you to stay with the kid, but he trusted you with a blaster?
“Let’s go,” He commands, walking off into the forest, kid in tow. You follow closely keeping an eye on the child who was happily babbling and waddling trying to keep up with Mando's strides.
The walk to the nearest village was short and pleasant, the sound of the surrounding wildlife filling the silence, providing no need for conversation. About halfway into the trek, the child had grown tired, so you picked him up and held him in your arms gently rocking him to sleep. Soon after the peaks of village huts come into view, you cautiously follow Mando as he walks into the largest one.
The hut was much like the cantina on Felucia, the aroma of broth and freshly baked goods hits you as soon as you enter through the door, the atmosphere loud and hearty with patrons both at the bar and at tables. Your bounty hunter instincts kick in as you assess the crowd, picking out any who could be a potential threat. Your attention is drawn to a woman sat on the opposite side of the restaurant briefly glancing at you and Mando, your suspicion is piqued but your attention is drawn away by Mando moving away from you towards a table on the other side of the cantina and taking a seat, you follow, placing the child on a barrel at the side of the table you take the seat facing the suspicious character.
“You noticed her too,” you mumble in his direction, trying not to draw attention to yourselves. “You think she’s trouble?”
Before he can reply he’s cut off by a waitress walking towards your table. Mando orders some broth for both you and the child. Your line of sight on the stranger is blocked and you’re forced to acknowledge the waitress in front of you just as she smiles and walks away.
“Shit.” Mando curses “She’s gone.”
You looked towards the table where the stranger had been sat, now empty. You turn back to the Mandalorian who’s already standing and leaving the table.
“Mando!” you shout in a hushed tone “Where are you going?”
“Stay here and look after the kid,” he answers dully.
You do as you’re told and sit back down, just in time for the waitress to come back placing the two bowls of broth on the table, you offer her a mock smile in thanks as she walks away. You try not to worry about the situation. No, you are not worried about the Mandalorian you tell yourself as you sip on the soup.
Focussing on the task in hand you glance back to the child, but you’re met with the sight of an empty barrel.
The one job you’d been tasked with, and you’d fucked up already. You quickly get up from your seat looking under and around the table for the little green terror. Your frantic searching had no success, both the child and its bowl of broth had disappeared. Fantastic. You quickly pace to the door of the restaurant making an effort to look under tables and behind barrels in the process. Stepping outside of the hut you look to the floor for small footprints.
Your search is disrupted by the sounds of a nearby brawl. You turn following the sounds in search of the source. You follow the sounds down the alleyway stopping at the junction behind two huts and step out to the left. You’re met with the sight of the Mandalorian and the stranger lying on the floor blasters raised. They turn to look in your direction. You look down to see the child, bowl of soup in hand, sipping it gently clearly enjoying the entertainment that had happened just moments before. Mando’s helmet tilts to you.
“I thought I told you to look after the kid.” he sighs bringing the strangers attention to you.
“I took one sip of my soup and then he was gone, I didn’t take my eyes off him for less than a minute.” You argue, walking to the child and picking him up.
Mando still lying on the floor turns his helmet to the stranger “You want some soup?”
They both stand dusting themselves off and begin walking back to the restaurant as if nothing had happened. You followed them, sitting back at the table from before. You huffed in disappointment at the space where your bowl of broth had been, now empty. Your stomach grumbled. Luckily, like she had read your mind the stranger ordered some broth for the three of you that could enjoy a meal in public. You felt a pang of guilt for sitting and enjoying the food whilst Mando had to just sit and observe, then again he was probably used to this, you focused your attention back to your soup, making sure to check the child was still at the table this time.
“Sorry I came at you so hard,” the stranger eventually speaks turning towards Mando “Figured you had a fob on me.”
“Yeah, that’s what I figured.” He responds “ I thought you were here for us too.” He tilts his helmet towards you and the child, who was now sat on your knee giggling at your comments as you tickled his ears. You raise your eyes listening to the conversation once more and he realises he’d been looking at you for too long, thankfully you hadn’t realised. Too busy keeping the child entertained.
The woman who had introduced herself as Cara Dune continues the conversation with Mando but then turns to glance at you.
“So, how’d you end up with a pretty girl like that?” turning back to Mando smirking. “And that,” pointing to the child on your lap.
You feel a blush rise to your face from Cara’s comment. You glance back to the child trying to occupy your thought with entertaining him. You could feel the Mandalorian’s gaze on you, only making the blush deepen and causing the butterfly feeling to shoot straight to your stomach. Mando explains what happened with the kid and how you were a bounty, the kid’s story new to your ears. You couldn’t help but feel a pang of hurt deep down that he’d tell someone else what happened with the kid so readily, even when you’d had the opportunity to kill him several times, and agreed to look after the kid. But then again you didn’t ask and conversation with the Mandalorian was few and far between. The conversation continued with Cara explaining why she was here describing it as early retirement, she then takes the last sip of her broth.
“Well this has been a real treat,” she stands “But unless you wanna go another round- one of us is gonna have to move on, and I was here first,”
She walks out of the restaurant leaving you and Mando at the table. You take a deep sigh cradling the child, you turn to look at the Mandalorian.
“So what are we gonna do?” you ask, eyes searching the side of the beskar helmet.
“Guess we have to continue our search,” He sighs, standing away from the table, turning to check you and the child were behind him. You followed him out of the hut back to the Razor crest. You gaze around at the surroundings pointing and describing things to the child. The sun was setting below the trees painting the sky with ambers and yellows giving the surroundings a golden hue.
“It’s a shame we can’t stay here, it’s beautiful.” you muse breaking the silence comfortably. You didn’t really expect an answer, it was more of a statement anyway
“It is, It’s difficult to find beauty in this line of work,” he murmurs glancing over at you, admiring how the sun falls on your face as you appreciate your surroundings. As you turn to face forward again, he looks away like he’d be caught doing something he shouldn’t have clearing his throat, continuing the walk back to the Crest in silence. You don’t think much into what Mando had said just humming in agreement, but you could feel the blush in your cheeks again, maker, why did he make you feel like this? You were stuck with him out of coincidence, not requirement, it was merely a business agreement he made that much clear. But every time he spoke to you, even if it was a simple answer or command, you felt a familiar tug in your chest. No, stop it. You dragged your thoughts back to the present, looking down and cooing at the child.
Arriving at the Razor crest Mando mentions something about checking for repairs, walking around the crest’s exterior. You shrugged and ascended the ramp, bypassing the ladders walking to the child’s cot. You gently wrapped him in a spare blanket and placing him in the container. He softly murmurs meaningless babbles, closing his eyes and slowly drifting off to sleep. You gently stroke the top of his head and ears as his breathing evens. Warmth filled your heart and a smile graced your face, at that moment you understood why the Mandalorian was so protective and you silently vowed to yourself that as long as you could you would protect the kid with your life. You sat on the floor next to the child’s container, continuing to gently rock the cot until your eyes began to droop and your own exhaustion pulled you into sleep.
You awoke to the pitch-black hull, you must have been asleep for a couple of hours. Your hand was still in the child’s cot, his small hands resting on top of yours, you gently removed your hand and press the button on the container closing the shield. The sound of a conversation outside draws you to walk to the ramp, at first you figured Mando was talking to himself, but there was a distinct difference in the tone of voices, they were unmodulated. Your hand hovers over your blaster in its holster.
“Come on, let’s head back,” sighs the known voice, accompanied with sounds of shuffling feet in the dirt.
“It took us a whole day to get here. Now we have to ride back with no protection, to the middle of nowhere,” another voice complains
You walk to the top of the ramp only to be met with Mando walking the other way, you looked at him confusion written across your face.
”What’s going on?” you ask, looking out to see two men walking away from the ship.
The Mandalorian ignores your question and turns on his heel. “Where do you live?” He questions taking a step forward.
The men stop and turn. ”On a farm, weren’t you listening?” One of them responds curtly.
You raise your eyebrows, eyes meeting his gaze, hand still hovered over your blaster. You looked at him, eyes narrowed as to provide a warning for sassing the Mandalorian. He seemed to understand as his eyes quickly moved back to Mando.
“In the middle of nowhere?” Mando asks, stilling leaving you confused beside him.
“Yes.” The rude one answers quickly. Looking at you then averting his gaze once more to the Mandalorian. You smirked at your accomplishment, he was intimidated by you. Good.
“You have lodging?” Mando asks again
“Um yes. Absolutely!” The other man answers, a hopeful look on his face.
“Good, come up and help,” Mando responds turning and stepping past you. You watch him arrange some crates, gesturing for you to pick them up, the farmers following in suit, picking up the crates and taking them to the cart not far from the ship.
Whilst exchanging pleasantries you’d learnt that the farmers names where Stoke and Caben, You place the last of the crates from the ship onto the cart and turn back to the Razor Crest. Walking up the ramp you notice the child, still in his container but the Mandalorian is nowhere to be found. Typical. You still had no idea what in makers name was going on, and now he’d left you with the child and two complete strangers.
”Where’d he go?” You ask hands on your hips.
”He said he had to get one more thing.” Stoke replies climbing onto the cart.
You nod at his reply. What could he need that wasn’t on the ship? Then again why would he tell you if he hadn’t even bothered to tell you what was happening? You pulled your face, talking to yourself and mimicking the Mandalorian in the process. You heard the baby cry from his container, walking over and opening the shields you pick him up and bounce him on your hip in hope of settling him down. After a while, he coos and continues his usual incoherent babbling.
You decide to sit outside and wait for the Mandalorian’s return. Not that you cared or anything, he’d just left without saying a word and it irked you. There had been a small conversation held between you and the two men, nothing interesting just something to pass the time. Both of them failing to divulge what was going on.
Your ears prick at the sound of rustling in the forest to the side of the cart, and you pull out your blaster. The Mandalorian emerges from the treeline with Cara Dune both walking towards the cart, you sigh and holster your blaster. You stand, hopping off the cart and stretching your legs. You walking back to the ship.
”Where are you going?” Caben shouts from the cart.
You turn and see Mando and Cara also sat on the cart. You look at Mando, then move your eyes to Caben. Before you can form an excuse Mando speaks.
“Get in,” He commands
You huff and move to climb onto the cart. “ I thought you wouldn’t want me to come with you,” you mumble, sitting in between Mando and Cara, the child crawling onto your lap.
“What, and leave you alone on my ship, I’d like to be able to come back to it after this job.” He answers, with a slight twinge of humour.
“Well, how was I supposed to know what you wanted me to do Mando! You haven’t even explained to me what the kriff is going on!” you hissed, crossing your arms
“Calm down.” Mando sighed
“You calm down, fucking buckethead,” you mumbled under your breath, earning a short laugh from Cara, and an unamused glare from the dark visor.
“I like her she’s got fire.” she chuckled, winking at you.
You shoot her a shy smile and prop yourself against the pile of crates behind you. Why he has or needs this much stuff is beyond you, you had little to no possessions, and you lived out of the clothes you were wearing, the shirt not even your own. You close your eyes feigning sleep, listening to the Mandalorian’s and the ex-shock trooper’s conversation.
“So we’re basically running off a band of raiders for lunch money?” She asks, glancing back to your sleeping figure, then back to Mando. You crack open your eyes, so you can just barely see the Mandalorian.
“Last I checked it’s a pretty square deal for someone in your position.” Mando responds “Worst case scenario, you tune up your blaster. Best case we’re a deterrent. I can’t imagine there’s anything living in these woods that an ex-shock trooper couldn’t handle,” he says, leaning back and stretching out on the crates behind him.
You feel the familiar heat rise in your stomach and your breath hitches. He looks good, why does he always look so annoyingly good? You curse yourself, at those thoughts crossing your mind. As soon as he can he was going to get rid of you, even with the deal you’d agreed upon he could easily just leave you somewhere for other bounty hunters to find. You were replaceable, as usual just a means to an end.
Giving up on trying pretending to be asleep, you stretch out yawning in the process to make it more believable that you’d just woken up. You lay back and stare at the passing stars.
You bolt awake from the sound of laughing children surrounding the cart. Turning to look behind you you’re greeted by several children running to greet Stoke and Caben on their return home.
“Well, it looks like they’re happy to see us,” Mando almost chuckles as the group of children begin to crowd around the child.
The Child babbles happily, arms outstretched, reaching out to the children in front of him. You climb off the cart and begin unloading the crates, a few villagers helping you place them on the ground. Picking up one of the crates Mando walks forward being greeted by one of the villagers, you supposed they were talking about where you’d be placing the supplies, and where he’d be staying. You follow the rest of the villagers with crates into the village.
After placing the crates in the village, you pick up the child and regroup with Mando and Cara. The villagers were sure to make you feel welcome, greeting you warmly and expressing their gratitude. Though what for you still didn’t know the Mandalorian still had yet to divulge that to you.
A woman steps out from the crowd, long brown hair and striking features. She introduces herself as Omera indicating that she’d show you to where you’d be staying for the night. She walked forwards to a single hut and gestured inside.
“This is where you’ll be staying, let me know if you need anything at all,” She smiled, but somehow you felt it was more directed to the Mandalorian rather than yourself.
Mando thanks Omera as you step into the hut, it had two cots and a crib for the baby. You feel guilty that it provided very little privacy for Mando. On the crest, he could lock himself in the cockpit or his cot so he could enjoy some time without the helmet but here, there was little to no privacy.
“I can stay with Cara, if it’s easier, that way you can have a little more privacy.” You suggest moving to the door.
“It’s fine,” Mando assures you in a gruff tone
“But what about your helmet, and your armour, surely you can’t sleep in it, it’s got to be really-,”
“Y/N, I said it’s fine.” Mando quips visor staring at you. Your eyes widen, his response startled you. He never calls you by your name, usually just pointing conversation towards you. But the way he says your name almost makes you shiver. Low and baritone, you wished he said it more often, it made things feel less impersonal. You realise you’d been stood in the doorway for too long, your eyes still wide at his tone.
“Fine,” You huff moving towards the cot opposite the Mandalorian’s.
Mando was surprised by your concern, as much as you liked to portray yourself as a rugged bounty hunter you had a thoughtful side. He’d seen that much when he’d seen you slumped against the wall of the crest, hand in the baby’s cot soothing him whilst he slept. And now you were thinking about his comfort, he didn’t know what he was feeling, a warmth in his chest, as he reflects how you’d fallen asleep with the child on your lap in the back of the cart, your face so peaceful, outlined by the soft glow of the stars above. For someone like him with such a violent life, you seemed so soft. He’s shaken from his thoughts by the sound of your voice.
“So are you going to tell me what we’re doing here, or?” you question, looking up at the dark visor of his helmet. You always managed without fail to find his eyes behind the visor, in certain moments he wondered if you could actually see him. He explains why you’re here, the problems the village had been facing with raiders and how if we helped them the village could be a good place to stay and hide for a while. You nod listening intently.
“So that’s why you brought your entire arsenal then,” you chuckle turning to him, looking straight into his visor again
“Whatever help you need, just ask,” you say sincerely, turning to look at the child in the crib.
After a few moments of silence, you turn to Mando again. “ I’m going out there to see if they need my help with anything, do you want the child here with you, or shall I take it with me?” You ask, brushing your fingers over the child’s ears as it coos.
“You can take him with you if you want,” he hesitates, then adds “I trust you,”
Those three words knock the breath out of your lungs, erasing all your thoughts you’d dwelled on the day before. The Mandalorian trusted you. You tried to contain the smile that was creeping up onto your face, in an attempt to conceal it you turn to the child, picking it up from its crib and placing it on your hip.
“What do you say we go on a little adventure, little womp rat,” you smiled, your statement earning the incoherent babbles and coos you loved so much.
You left Mando alone with his thoughts, how you found yourself to be wanted criminal he didn’t know. Was he surprised? No, not really. From the brief encounters you had on Nevarro, and the little competition you’d shared Mando knew you spoke your mind, and it was often your mouth got you into trouble. And having received a couple of remarks from you, he knew not to get on your bad side. But he quickly realised he knew next to nothing about you, your family, where you came from. And it puzzled him how he wanted to know more about you, how he found himself wondering what you were thinking and how you saw the world. Two knocks on the huts doorframe bring him from his mind’s rambling.
“Can I come in?” Cara asks
Mando nods and gestures her to sit on the cot opposite his own.
“Bounty hunter, so I’m guessing she fights then,” Cara states pointing outside the hut to where you were playing with the child and some of the village children.
“Yes,” Mando replies looking up to you, with the child in your arms.
“She any good?” Cara questions
“ From what I’ve seen when she’s on the job, and the way she almost got the jump on me back on Felucia, I’d say so yes.”
“Good, so she can help,” Cara continues.
Mando nods in response.
“We need to scout the area so we can form a plan.” She stands leaving the hut “I’ll meet you at the edge of the woods.”
Mando nods grabbing his rifle and placing it on his back. Mando didn’t like the uneasiness that crept up on him at the thought of putting you in danger. Though he wanted to assess what you were really capable of he didn’t want you to get hurt or worse. He rises from the cot and makes his way to the treeline finding you and Cara. He turns his visor to look at you.
You shoot him a challenging glare “Look I want to help, I’m more than capable to defend myself, and you can’t tell me otherwise.” You state, pointing a finger at the Mandalorian.
You heard Mando’s sigh of defeat through the helmet, and you smirked at your victory. The three of you move through the forest in the direction Caben had directed you. As the three of you walk through the foliage there doesn’t seem to be anything out of the ordinary.
“Are you sure they gave us the right direction?” Cara huffs
“Yes,” you say, perking Mando’s and Cara’s attention, you point the series of burnt and snapped branches higher up in the trees. The three of you continue to follow the trail searching for anything else out of the ordinary. Until the Mandalorian stops in his tracks, you almost walk into his back at his sudden halt. Confused you follow his visor’s line of sight.
“Fuck, that’s not possible ” you let out an exasperated sigh
“An AT-ST?” Cara questions.
Mando crouches examining the large print left in the mud of the forest floor.
“They didn’t mention a fucking AT-ST!” You exclaim “ We can’t fight an AT-ST.”
Mando stands silently and turns making his way back to the village without saying a word.
This was more than you’d signed up for.
@astrological-bitch @boliv-jenta @seninjakitey
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Chapter 14 - The Falling Action
Unprofessional Bard's Masterlist
Losing My Religion Series Masterlist
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female!Reader/OC
Warnings: TW!!! physically abusive relationship, detailed injuries/blood descriptions, hostage situation– a whole chunk of angst with hurt/comfort at the end? (+ brief mention of smut)
Summary: The reader finds herself in a hostage situation, which will act in jeopardising her reputation in Jackson.
Word Count: 4.955
Author's Note: I apologise for the late update, I've not been motivated at all these past few weeks, but I'm trying my best!
"(Y/N)," Maria entered your line of vision by the gates for the second time that day. "Where the hell is Ward?"
"I don't know," You shrugged.
"Wait for another ten minutes, if he doesn't show, go check on him. Cedric and Astrid are waiting." She spoke sternly and you nodded in return.
You felt refreshed and sore after last night. You had woken up to Joel lightly snoring by your side, a hand on your waist but his head facing the other side. He didn't stir the whole time you got ready– the previous night had obviously taken its toll on him as well; you had tower duty however and had to leave his side too early, your anger from yesterday completely gone and guilt gnawing at your conscience.
Before the ten minutes in question could pass, a horrible realisation dawned on you. Remembering how quite yet angry Ward was yesterday, you tossed your rifle back to the weapons keeper, Paul: "I'll be right back."
Switching between walking fast and jogging, you made it to the couple's house. All that time, your eyes were wide with worry, thinking about all the possible worst case scenarios. A nervous, troubled exhale left your lips, then you climbed up the porch and knocked twice on the door. When no answer came, you did it a couple of more times: "Ward? Kiki? Hello?"
Before you could give into panic, the door slowly opened to reveal Ward. He was looking... off was one way to put it– pale, as if he'd seen a ghost.
"Hey," You said calmly, blinking a couple of times. "You're late. Everything alright?"
"Yeah," He nodded with a blank expression. "I was getting ready, sorry."
"'Kay, but you gotta be quick, Cedric and Astrid are waiting for us." He nodded at your words and quietly invited you inside.
It was then, when he extended his arm as a come in gesture, that you realised there were red marks dotted across his t-shirt and forearm. His hand was lightly shaking– you knew something was wrong but stepped inside anyways, glad to have your pistol strapped to your thigh, not noticing how he left the door open. It was the first time you were seeing their house, and the first floor was just the living room opening to a kitchen. You figured the bathroom and bedroom were upstairs, but what you noticed first and foremost was Kiki's absence.
"How're things with Kiki? Where is she?" You asked when he turned his back to you by the kitchen counter.
His body was tense, so he stopped a moment before he replied: "She's fine. Asleep."
"I see," You crossed your arms observing his every move. Something was definitely wrong, and you had to investigate it as subtly as possible.
Suddenly, from upstairs, a loud crash echoed and hurried footsteps made their way over to the stairs. You instinctively put a hand on your gun holster as you tried to understand what was going on – it was then when Kiki came stumbling down the stairs.
Beaten to a pulp.
She was still in her outfit from yesterday, the front of her t-shirt covered in blood and her right eye completely swollen closed. Her other eye wasn't too far off but she could still see, her nose seemed broken and covered in more blood with cuts along it; her cheeks and lips were also decorated with cuts and bruises. She had pink and red hand prints along her arms and neck too.
Kiki froze like a deer in the headlights when she reached the end of downstairs, one step away from the door. Your horrified, bewildered face met her broken one; she then looked at Ward, not a second later she threw herself outside.
"What the fuck–?!" Before you could move or finish your sentence, Ward ran toward you, grabbed you by your shirt's collar and headbutted you with all his might: "Oof!"
Your vision went black for a second but you didn't fall, the impact making you stumble back and fall onto the couch behind you.
"Fuck!" You couldn't focus on your surroundings with the ringing in your ear and the blood streaming out of your nose, your hands trying to hold whatever was left of the organ together as it was now probably broken.
He pulled my own move on me. Has he been planning this?
You desperately tried to fight the unconsciousness as it tried to take over, and after what felt like ten minutes –which was only a little less than two– you coughed and blinked, then ran after the couple while panting.
"(Y/N)?!" A few townsfolk called your name, scared by your state.
"Where did they go?!"
"Ward and Kiki!"
You did your best to keep track of the blood droplets and hard footprints on the soil along with townsfolks descriptions. You finally realised where they were leading you, which made you pick up your pace and sprint towards the stables on the other end of town. As luck would have it, unsurprisingly, there was almost no one around that gate. You mentally cursed yourself, knowing this could've made things easier for Ward to get to Kiki.
It wasn't about she hit on my husband and they're weird people anyway now– a life was at risk, a resident of Jackson; if you didn't get to them quickly, even more could be put to risk.
Listening around the stables for any signs of them, you suddenly heard Kiki shouting but you couldn't understand what she was saying. You immediately jumped over the fences and ran inside, only to find them out on the other side.
And Ward had a gun.
You took quick but quiet steps towards them, pulling out your pistol from the holster. As soon as you reached the doors, Kiki's eyes met yours, and Ward knew there was someone behind him.
"Ward!" You shouted the same time he grabbed Kiki by the shoulder and put his arm around her neck, pointing the gun to her temple quickly. By that time, your gun was pointing at his head; then, everyone went quiet and still.
"Ward..." You spoke sternly. "Let her go."
As expected, he didn't. Your grip was firm on your gun, sweat droplets rolling down the sides of your face. All of your muscles were tense and you still felt new waves of blood pouring into your mouth from your nose. Remembering how your last hostage situation went, you weren't looking forward to how this was going to end at all.
"Ward," You spoke louder this time. "Let her go. You might still walk away from this."
"You think I don't know I'm dead the moment I lower this gun?!" He growled, the scene slowly beginning to attract attention from the people in the area.
"You brought this on yourself when you decided to attack her! Put the gun down and let her go, you might still walk away."
"Even if I do, you won't let me off that easy."
"Yeah, but risking the possibility of actually walking away from this without a bullet between your eyes is still pretty dumb if you ask me."
He remained silent as you slowly took a step forward, there was still a good couple of feet between you: "I don't know what the fuck is going on between you two, but it needs to stop."
"Like hell it will!" Kiki cried. "Why do you care?"
"Because you're one of us!" You shouted, frustrated. "This is Jackson, not outside. You don't fucking beat your wife to death and put a gun against her head!"
"(Y/N)!" You suddenly heard Walt yell across the stables. You didn't see him, but you could hear him running towards you.
"Walt stay back!" You ordered quickly, not breaking eye contact with Ward. You heard the redhead halt behind you almost immediately, a couple of other footsteps you couldn't recognise coming to a stop as well.
"You okay?!"
"I'm fine, just keep the others off the stables!"
"Okay!" He responded, then you distantly heard him turn on his walkie and mention Maria's name before running off the way they came.
"How did you get the gun?" You growled, keeping him busy as you desperately searched for a way out of this. The gun had a silencer, which set you on edge, given that you didn't see Paul when you passed the stash.
"He killed Paul–!" Kiki cried again, and Ward pulled her hair tighter, the back of her head against his shoulder.
Your eyes widened and frown deepened, giving him a menacing, furious look: "What the fuck?!"
"See?! I'm a dead man, why the hell should I let her go?!" He roared, shaking.
Your hands lightly trembled with anger and frustration, Paul's death fueling the unstable rage within you. You had to keep calm, to not give him a reason to shoot her, but the gathering of a few people here and there was setting your teeth more on edge; the amount of sweat your body was producing not helping your situation at all.
"Because this is a place where you don't get brutally punished for your crimes, you still have a chance to make this right!"
If you were honest, putting him down was– maybe not the right but the most logical thing to do. He was unhinged, and had already murdered a resident of Jackson besides beating another to death (which was completely unacceptable); you were ready to prevent more bloodshed, even if it meant lying to him. He may live to see another day after this, but you were sure Maria and the townsfolk weren't going to let him off easy.
You wanted to scream at him: what the fuck is wrong with you?! He had finally started fitting in and behaving, and you were beginning to feel at ease around him. You had thought that, after all these months spent here, he would've gotten a little more –if not completely– used to the normalcy Jackson had to offer.
Apparently not.
Ward seemed to take your words into consideration: he trusted you, but something inside that made him put a gun against Kiki's head –someone whom he had been looking out for many years– was like the devil whispering in his ear, telling him not to yield.
After a few torturous seconds, his grip loosened but he still held her: "I can't, (Y/N)."
"We'll fix this–!" You pleaded.
"You know what type of punishment I'll get?" He asked, his face seemingly clear of anger.
"No, I don't," You replied honestly. "Maria will see to that, be it a punishment or something else– but please, let her go Ward."
You saw his mimics twitch, completely overtaken by rage as he remained silent, as if he was battling a demon with his bare hands.
"You don't wanna do this!" Maria's dominant tone suddenly echoed through the air, making Ward grip Kiki's hair tighter again, pressing the gun tightly against her left temple.
"Maria no!" You yelled, sparing a panicked look in her direction, taking your free hand off the pistol to motion her to stop. "Keep everyone off the stables, give us space!"
The tension was quick to have your arm muscles ache as soon as you shifted a little. You were angry, stressed and scared; your eyes were also searching for Joel's or Ellie's, but neither of them were there.
"Okay," You said after a while when Maria started pushing people back and away, eyes switching between Ward's, Kiki's and the his finger on the trigger. The sun had started burning into your skin, and you felt a wave of panick attack approach as you struggled to push the images of dead bodies from your previous hostage situation away: "Let's work this out. Are you sure you wanna do this?"
"Do what– kill her?" His face morphed into something... regretful? Painful? Then suddenly, when his eyes met yours again, he was looking furious: "Yeah. I do."
"Why?" You lightly shook your head sideways.
"Why don't you ask her? Huh? Go on, Katie!" He growled and presented her head towards you– she looked like she was slipping in and out of consciousness in his hold. "Oh, you're so quiet all of a sudden? You wouldn't shut the fuck up last night, now you're quiet–?!"
"Ward!" You pleaded, your face scrunched up. "If you really wanted to kill her, you would've done it long ago, no?" He looked away angrily, while you continued: "Whatever it is that she's done... You won't ever see each other again after this, I'll make sure of it–"
"One of us has to die if that's gonna happen!"
"That's the point! It doesn't have to be that way!" You were begging at that point. You had to make him trust you and ease his anger: "I promise you."
The amount of pressure you felt made you want to throw up then and there, to collapse and give into the bloodied visions appearing at the corners of your mind– Too much blood–
"Keep clear, stay away!" You distantly heard Maria and Walt shouting at the residents, stealing a glance at the image of curious townsfolk being pushed away from the area in the meantime.
"Come on," You spoke calmly, taking a hesitant step towards them. "Let Kiki go, and I promise it'll be okay."
False promises to someone who beat his wife and killed an innocent man. This wasn't really the part that bothered you. It was the images... The taste of iron in your mouth– Oh god, please–
You let out a quiet groan and blinked a couple of times, almost missing Ward's momentary hesitation before he ever so slowly started to unattach his arm from around Kiki's neck: "Lower your gun."
"You know I can't do that," You shook your head, reaching an arm out and gesturing your empty hand: "I'll lower it when she's over here and you toss yours."
A few more torturous seconds later, he suddenly removed his arm completely, but it was still too early to exhale the breath you'd been holding. Kiki almost collapsed, suddenly stirring conscious with a gasp.
"Kiki," You spoke softly, but the urgency was still there. "I need you to come here." She straightened her posture and looked around, confused: "Look at me." You snapped your fingers to get her attention: "Don't look behind you, look at me and come over here."
Ward still had the gun pointed at the back of her head– then, you heard a few footsteps rush towards you from the right. You didn't risk looking away, instead waiting for the people who came to identify themselves: "Stay back!"
"(Y/N)?" Tommy's voice reached your ears and you felt a tiny brush of relief lick at you.
"It's alright Tommy, just do as I say!" You insisted as Kiki started taking the slowest steps in your direction, your hand still stretched out, tense.
What you thought to be half an hour was in truth only a handful of minutes, and Kiki sure was taking her time, but you had to be patient: any sudden move could trigger Ward to fire. You discreetly took another step towards them, closing the distance between you and Kiki. You had a desperate look on your face, begging her to take your hand.
Just when she stepped within arms reach radius, though, she frowned.
She frowned, and you knew.
"Kiki, no," You spoke quietly, shaking your head sideways with wide eyes. Ward had lowered his gun halfway. You saw the same anger from her husband flash in her eyes, before she stood very still. "Don't–"
Before you knew, Kiki made to turn around to face him, mouth opening to say something, but before she could, Ward put the gun back in the air.
"Ward no!" You shouted and pushed Kiki on the ground before two shots, one silent and one louder, rang out in the air with your name.
Tommy found himself jumping over to the other side of the fences that separated everyone from the three of you as soon as he saw Ward rising his gun. As soon as he landed on his feet, he saw you push Kiki away from line of fire and dodge.
How you managed to land a headshot while you turned back as you ducked down, shoving your gun holding hand under the opposite arm– it was beyond him. If the situation wasn't as grave as it was, he would've been mighty impressed. The younger Miller was stunned in place for a few solid seconds as he processed you processing what you had done. He looked back for a moment to see a couple of people gawking at the scene, some with hands on their mouths. He immediately turned back once he heard a scream rip through the air.
"What did you do?!"
The falling of a body not seconds after the shots rang out. You breathed heavily where you had knelt in front of Kiki, knowing what was going to greet you once you turned around. You quickly got up and did just that: to your horror, you found a hole between his brows, a shocked expression on his face.
"Fuck," You groaned painfully, your heartbeat not having slowed down; instead your whole body shook as your heart hammered against your ribs, a shiver running down your spine and making your gun holding hand tremble.
Suddenly, you heard a gasp from behind you. The scream from Kiki clawed at your ears, made you jump and face her: "What did you do?!"
Tears were streaming down her small, broken face: an angry, remorseful expression present on her features.
"What?" You asked, dumbfounded.
"You killed him!" She cried, beginning to hyperventilate as she stared at Ward's body.
"He was going to kill you– He almost shot you!" You yelled back, equally horrified, tears invisibly rolling down your cheeks.
"He wouldn't have!"
"But he did!" You shouted while Tommy quickly made his way to you. "If I hadn't pushed you down you would've died!"
"(Y/N)'s right, Kiki," Tommy's calmer tone interrupted the screaming fest, hesitantly raising a hand to put on your shoulder.
"No! No she's not! She fucking shot him in the head!" She sobbed loudly and made to crawl over to his body.
"And it's okay when he shot Paul?!" You scoffed, voice giving away your struggle to keep yourself from breaking down. Tommy had finally gotten a hold of you, but you were in too deep to notice.
"That's not okay, but– but you? You–"
"I saved you!" You finally let all your frustration out with a roar, making Tommy flinch and take a step back. "What the hell is wrong with you?! You know what– I'm not gonna do this."
The only thing you could hear was your own heart beating in your ear as you stromed off, away from the stables, shaking off anyone trying to get a hold of you, ignoring them with looking at the ground hard– I need to get out of here, that was your sole objective.
Why is the house so far away?! you groaned, desperately wiping sweat mixed with tears off your cheek. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Goddammit! Why does it always end like this?!
By the time you had reached the front of your house, you were hyperventilating and ready to pass out. Slamming the door behind you, with a few quick steps, you found yourself in the downstairs bathroom– also slamming that door shut and finally giving into the attack you'd been trying to hold down.
Joel had stirred briefly at your alarm, but was quick to fall back asleep as soon as you gathered your things and left to dress outside so you didn't disturb him. He was tired and his muscles ached from last night– memories of it sending small jolts of pleasure up his half erect cock, he sighed with a small smile stretched across his lips.
He slept in a state between being awake and asleep– he occasionally heard the people chatting and birds chirping outside, but he was still vaguely dreaming about something.
It was when he heard the loud slamming of a door his eyelids flew open. He distantly heard another series of sounds he couldn't put his finger on at first, but right before another door slammed shut, he realised it was you.
He practically jumped out of bed and immediately made his way downstairs, the sounds of your crying intensifying as he did. He was quick to find himself in front of the bathroom door, knocking urgently: "(Y/N)–? Honey you alright?"
He heard you quiet down for a brief moment before you spoke, struggling: "The door's open."
He immediately opened the door to find you sitting on the floor; your back to the cabinet and knees drawn to your chest, hands covering your ears– your eyes were watery, face wet with tears and dried blood all over the lower parts of it.
"Oh Christ..." His heart shattered– the scene reminded him of when he found Ellie in the cannibal den, then the time you had an attack when you had first arrived in Jackson. He immediately dropped onto his knees in front of you, placing his hands on your trembling ones gently: "(Y/N)..."
You focused on his eyes from behind your knees, tears blurring your vision, his touch slowly cancelling out everything around you.
"What happened?" There was worry, protectiveness and anger (towards whoever hurt you) in his voice all in the same time.
The more you tried to keep quiet, the more you ran out of breath, so you did the only thing that you knew would calm you– and hugged him. Wrapping your arms around his neck and placing your chin on his left shoulder, Joel was quick to wrap his arms around your waist.
"I'm so– I'm so sorry–!" You sobbed. "I didn't– I didn't mean to, I was just– just trying to–"
"Shh, it's okay," Joel cooed and moved one hand up your back and into your hair, caressing it gently. "Just calm down– we'll talk about it."
It took some time for you both to get off the bathroom floor– for you to calm your breathing and get a hold of yourself, but Joel never complained. He made sure his grip around you never failed the whole time, and escorted you to the living room with equipment to fix your nose.
As he cleaned the blood and sweat around your upper body, you told him everything, beginning from yesterday at the bar to when you stormed off from the scene and broke down in the bathroom.
"... So I– I shot him." You took a deep breath, and Joel came to a halt with his actions.
You shot Ward. To save Kiki.
Waves of guilt and relief simultaneously washed over Joel. He was relieved you had made it out alive, but guilty because he went as far as to accuse you of something he was now a hundred percent sure you were not guilty of. Guiltily because he wasn't there to help you when you pointed the gun at Ward. Guiltily, because of all the things he had felt.
"It was either just him, or him and Kiki both..." A deep frown and a pout was present on your face as you looked down. "It was either one, or two; but if I had been quicker–"
"(Y/N), no–"
"I could've caught Ward and saved Paul too, none of this would've happened if–"
"(Y/N)," He gently grabbed you by both cheeks, making you focus on him. "None of this was your fault."
"But if I hadn't asked Ward to join me for a drink in the first–"
"Stop." He spoke sternly, gently pressing a thumb over your lips. "You couldn't have known, it ain't your fault, okay? Besides, one of them was gonna kill the other regardless– always on each other's throats like that..."
You gulped, then nodded, letting out a shaky breath. He really hated seeing you beat yourself up over things you had no control over: "Honey, y'ain't no hero. You can't always save everyone." He looked at you with a pleading, soft look on his face; "That stuff only happens in them comics Ellie reads... but y'did everything you could, and you did the right thing. You saved her, even if you didn't like her."
"I guess it doesn't matter anyway," You slowly grabbed his hands and pushed them down your face, holding them in your lap. "She was upset I did–"
"She's freaked out, she don't know what you did–"
"There were a lot of people, Joel..." You sighed as your shoulders slumped and eyes closed in a defeated manner, head bowing down.
"I'm sure Tommy and Maria'll handle it." He caressed your cheek gently, in time with a series of knocks on your door. "Wait here."
You reluctantly let go of his hand that was resting on your lap before he got up. God, you thought, what would I do without him?
Your ears perked up at the worried voice of Walt: "Hey man..."
"Hey," Joel.
"I'm guessin' you heard what happened, just wanted to check if (Y/N) was okay..."
"I'm patchin' her up, come inside, maybe she'll wanna talk to ya." Joel invited him inside and led him into the living room, where you were slumped on the sofa.
"Hey," You whispered weakly as he walked over to you.
"How are you holding up?" His worried green eyes scanned your face as he sat down next to you.
"I'll be fine– How... How's–"
"Maria and Tommy's got it under control for the most part, they're speakin' to the folk who saw the whole thing to keep it down as best as they can."
"This is Jackson, Walt. The only people who don't know are probably the young ones and the people on patrol right now."
He chuckled, nodding: "Yeah, you're right... Maria told me to tell you that Tommy and her would pay you a visi–"
"Speak of the devil," Joel commented when Tommy walked in, panicked.
"Dolly," He brushed past his brother with a short squeeze to his arm and kneeled beside you with puppy-like eyes, something he had in common with Joel. "How're you holdin' up?"
"I'm not," You chuckled ironically, rubbing your eyes as they stung with fresh tears. "How's everything else? What happened after I left?"
Tommy shifted a little, making his signature you're not going to like this gesture with his tense body language: "Kiki, uh... She's gonna stay at the hospital for a few days. She's– She's pregnant."
A beat.
"That's why she freaked out and everythin' when you, uh... y'know. They wanna make sure the baby's okay an' all."
Your eyes flickered a couple of times, processing it all, but instead of freaking out, you frowned angrily: "She's afraid of losing an abusive husband, but not her own life and the other she's carrying? I call bullshit– Let Katherine do an ultrasound–"
"She will, when Kiki's awake," Tommy nodded and sighed, looking away. After a moment of silence, he spoke: "Look, (Y/N), you did the right thing. I know it wasn't easy, but Maria, myself and many of the people who've been here before you– we all appreciate what you did."
"Yeah, Bruce and I are one of those people. You saved her– and her baby, apparently." Walt put a hand on your shoulder reassuringly, and Tommy on your knee.
"But get this, some people don't exactly... agree with what you did." Tommy grimaced lightly.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, then rubbed your face with a groan, while Walt spoke as if he read your mind: "What is there to agree on? The guy's beaten her to death and almost killed Paul!"
"Paul's alive?!" Your head immediately snapped up, eyes meeting Walt's and going between his and Tommy's.
"He's in intensive care, Katherine said not to keep our expectations too high, but also not to give up hope." Tommy nodded, then slowly got up. "Everything's gonna be alright. I suggest you take some time off from patrol and rest, let's see how everything's gonna unfold."
"Yeah, okay." You nodded, grateful for his offer as you really didn't want to leave the house for a long time after what happened– the staring from townspeople, the nosey ones trying to get the whole story from you and so on, you really didn't want to deal with any of them. "Thanks Tommy."
He tipped his head in acknowledgement, then Walt got up as well: "If you need anything, Bruce and I'll be more than happy to– y'know..."
"I appreciate it," You gave a small smile and nodded at the redhead.
After that, they both left with Joel escorting them to the door; when he returned, he sat beside you again, giving your arm a reassuring rub. He then moved closer, placing his hand around your waist and caressing there as you hugged his in return. He gave your cheek a soft kiss as you looked down and away: "I asked Tommy to cancel all my scheduled patrol shifts until I go on that supply run in a week."
"It'll be just the two of us, I'm all yours and you'll be all mine," He offered you a suggestive yet soft grin. "Figured we finally needed some alone time. Sound good?"
You put your head on the crook of his neck and took his other hand in yours, interlacing your fingers with his and taking a deep breath: "Sounds perfect."
tagging: @spideysimpossiblegirl @sherry-212 @joelsgeetar @peachymelon69 @assinteractions @gizmogurlie41786 @giselatropicana @unfinishedsynopsis @nervousmumbling @thewintersoldierswife
#joel miller#the last of us#joel x reader#joel x you#joel x oc#joel smut#joel miller x you#joel miller x reader#joel x y/n#joel miller x y/n#joel miller x oc#joel miller fanfic#joel miller fanfiction#joel miller smut#joel miller imagine#tlou x reader#tlou fanfiction#tlou fanfic#tlou smut#tlou imagine#the last of us x reader#the last of us imagine#the last of us fanfiction#the last of us fanfic#reader insert#x reader#smut#oc insert
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Making New Friends - a Manticore Story
Hi all, this is my entry for day 2 of the DMC OC week. Story below the cut.
Lady stood in front of the old hospital, where her mission was supposed to take place. She looked up at it, trying to get a glimpse through the windows, but it was too dark to make anything out. No surprises there: the place had been abandoned years ago, and only now had some crazy rich guy decided it was worth too much money to be left alone. That was what she was here for, but it wasn’t that simple. Apparently her employer didn’t want to take any risks on this job and had hired a second devil hunter to help out. Lady was tempted to just go in and blow the demons away herself, but her employer had insisted that the two go in as a pair and the reward being offered was too big to risk pissing him off. So she waited, and moments turned to minutes. She’d been waiting there a quarter of an hour before a shadow crept over her and she turned around to see the largest man she’d ever met, burlier than any demon she’d ever come across and unbelievably hairy. Which made the big dumb grin on his face an incredibly bizarre sight.
“Hi! You’re the hunter I’m supposed to be working with, right? Sorry I’m late: I got lost and had to find my way back to somewhere I knew. I’m Leon, what’s your name?” The giant extended a hand and Lady, momentarily stunned by the strange man’s sudden appearance and extreme cheeriness, shook it. “Lady.” She said, after a brief pause. “That’s a fun name, like the dog in that one movie.” “…Sure, whatever. Now come on, we’ve got a job to do.” Lady marched past him and into the hospital, drawing a pistol and switching on the attached tactical light. Leon followed, babbling about how much “fun” the job was going to be and asking inane questions about her. She was used to other devil hunters being cocky, but this was new. This one was…friendly. And dumb. She wasn’t sure she liked it. She tuned out most of it and gave the questions noncommittal answers – though something she couldn’t figure out bothered her when he asked about her rocket launcher – until they found a stairwell and Lady suggested they split up. Lady made her way to the top floor and would check there while Leon would check the ground floor, then they’d meet up in the middle and sweep that floor as a team. Leon agreed and sprinted off, and it was only then that she realised why the rocket launcher comment had bothered her.
“Wait, Leon! Where are your weapons?!” she yelled out, but he had already rounded a corner and didn’t respond. Lady gave an exasperated sigh and walked upstairs: she knew she could take on whatever was here by herself, and if that idiot got himself torn apart it would be his own fault. The guy didn’t even have a light source on him, he was so unprepared. Someone like that was just going to feed whatever demons he came across and make the other hunters’ jobs harder.
The top floor was swarming with demons. They looked a lot like the Hell Prides she and Dante had fought during the Temen-Ni-Gru incident a couple of years ago, but they were taller and seemed to hold themselves steadier: Lady supposed they must have been training themselves after the two kicked their asses so hard back then. Not that they were much trickier to take out: a hail of gunfire tore through them like paper, without any need for Kalina Ann. In just a few minutes she’d cleared out the floor and counted up the red orbs of the fallen demons: she’d need a clear number to figure out how much she was getting paid. She counted fifty demons worth of orbs, a worryingly large amount. It meant there was a commander of some kind nearby, making the place a hotbed of demonic activity: if she wanted the place cleared out, she’d have to take out that commander. It was a shame about Leon, but there was no way an unarmed man could take on something like that. It was as she reached the stairs, however, that she heard a bestial roar from below.
Lady sprinted down the stairs to find the source of the roar. She came down to a large empty ward on the ground floor and saw a pair of vicious-looking demons. One was a lanky skeletal figure with purple tendrils sprawling across its body, holding a pair of what looked to be scythe blades. It was kind of like a Hell Vanguard, but it seemed like they had been training too. She guessed this was the commander. The other, however, was something she hadn’t seen before. It was some kind of massive leonine humanoid, with great wings, horns and a scorpion tail. One of the commander’s blades was embedded in the beast’s chest, which was covered in glowing golden scars.
The lion-thing seemed to laugh – Lady caught a glimpse of row upon row of razor-sharp teeth – before rearing back and slamming into the commander with its horns. This appeared to stun its adversary, which stumbled back as the lion drew back a fist and slammed it forward, the fist seeming to encase itself in rock as it slammed into the commander. The commander flew backward, the tendrils around the blade in its enemy’s chest snapping free as it was launched into the wall behind it.
The commander got back up, the tendrils and blade regrowing, but the lion had already pulled the blade from its chest and was on all-fours now, launching itself towards the commander and laying into it with claws that shone with brilliant light, leaving trails of radiance in the air behind them. The beast slashed and mauled, dodging all incoming blades with lightning-fast reflexes, before it resumed a bipedal position and took what looked to be a genuine combat stance, the kind you’d see a martial artist take. It threw expert punches and kicks, not quite as fast as when it was on all-fours or as strong as when it was impaled on the blade, but with a level of precision and skill that showed that this demon was more than just some raging animal. It struck the softest parts of the commander’s body, winding it and leaving it vulnerable, before lancing forward with its tail and striking the commander in the chest. The stinger at the end of the tail seemed to pulse outward with golden demonic energy, blasting through the commander’s chest and leaving it to fall to the ground and crumble into orbs.
It was then that she saw something unexpected. The lion demon, this ferocious monstrosity that she had just seen demolish a demon commander, started to cheer and dance with joy. “Yeah, I did it! I’m the best!” she heard it yell, and though the voice was distorted and growling, she could still recognise it as the one that had been asking her all those questions just a few minutes ago. Sure enough, there was a golden flash and there stood Leon, that same idiotic grin on his face and looking none the worse for wear. She put a hand to the shotgun at her side, but paused. This was a demon: just a couple of years ago she’d have put a gun shop’s worth of buckshot in his skull without a second thought. But this wasn’t a couple of years ago: her time in Temen-Ni-Gru had shown her that even demons had the potential to be kind, and this one certainly didn’t look like he was planning to hurt any innocents any time soon. Hell, he was taking down monsters that would put innocents in danger. So she stepped away before Leon could see her and went back to the stairs, pretending that she had just gotten there when Leon arrived. She said nothing about what she had seen, just checked that he was okay and carried on with the mission.
There were only a few demons on the middle floor: the pair wiped them out in no time at all. Leon was quieter than before, but still seemed happy as ever as they headed back out and went to report their success. As they were walking, Leon spoke up. “Thanks for not shooting me back there.” Lady stopped, surprised. “Wait, you knew I was there?” Leon shrugged. “I smelled a human nearby, figured it was you.” A pause. “Wait, that was you, right?” Lady couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “Yes, that was me. Look, I misjudged you earlier: it’s clear now that you know what you’re doing. I still wish you’d take the job a little more seriously, but it’s not like you’re the only one who doesn’t. I guess I just want to say I’m sorry for being so dismissive earlier.” Leon let out a deep, bellowing laugh. “You don’t have to apologise for anything! We’ve already bonded over fighting demons: that means we’re friends now!” Lady smiled at that. “If you say so. Hey, thinking of friends I do know another hunter who’s also a demon. Well, half demon, but I figure you guys might have something in common. Head down to Devil May Cry some time: he could do with the company.” Leon’s face lit up even more than normal. “Yeah, that sounds great! It’ll be so much fun, like…like...like something that’s really fun!“ Lady smiled to herself as Leon started rattling off ideas for fun activities they could do together. Well, why not? Dante could get pretty lonely sometimes, even if he wouldn’t admit it. Meeting someone that cheery might be good for him. The rest of the trip was pretty uneventful: they reported their success, got their pay and went home. Lady still didn’t know this Leon guy too well, but she was pretty sure that people would be a lot safer with him around.
Author’s note: Manticore got lost on the way to visiting Dante and ended up at Devil May Fry, a poorly-named fried chicken place on the other side of town. He never did end up meeting Dante, but the chicken was nice at least.
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Feelings of Frisson
Newt (TMR) x OC
[part 2 of 2]
Frisson: a sudden strong feeling of excitement or fear
‘Winston you have to start taking better care of yourself.’ I insisted, wrapping his wounded forearm in a clean bandage.
‘Sorry, Florrie.’ He said, sheepishly, slightly wincing at the bandage.
‘This is the third time in the past 5 days I’ve had to bandage you up. Half of my bandages are being used on you. Honestly, it’s like you deliberately butcher yourself to come and see me. I joked.
‘Yeah…So where’s Newt?’ He asked.
‘Bedrest.’ I finished tying the bandage up and put a little bow at the end, Winston smiled. I grinned back at him, as I started tidying away my herbs and bandages.
Suddenly, Ada flew into the Med Hut, slamming the door open.
‘The box. It’s coming up.’ She gushed, breathily.
But it’s not due for another week?’ I questioned; my eyebrows arched.
‘We know.’ Ada replied.
Every Glader was sprinting over to the rising Box, Winston, Ada and I bolted out the door to join the crowd of confusion that was gathered round. I slid to the front of the crowd, desperate to get a good glimpse at whatever was happening.
Gally pulled the metal doors open. The box was bare, no supplies, no Greenie, nothing was in it. Except a single scrap of paper, that was crumpled up on the floor. Confused looks flew around the Gladers. The whole situation was suspicious. Gally jumped down into the Box, landing with a large clang as his boots hit the rusted metal frames, and picked up the flimsy paper. He uncrumpled it, a black marker had scrawled ‘Florence’ on one side. Underneath it was some smaller black scribbles.
Gally’s eyes roamed the paper for a second. He quickly folded up the note, and handed it to me. I leant down and grabbed it, still confused.
‘Everyone back to work.’ Gally ordered.
Protests came from the Gladers.
‘They can stay if they want. I’m sure it’s nothing bad.’ I hoped.
‘Trust me, you don’t want them here for that.’ Gally said darkly, herding the grumbling Gladers back to their jobs. ‘Go to the Med Hut, get some privacy, I’ll wake up Newt.’
Newt had dislocated his shoulder yesterday whilst helping the builders move some supplies. Clint and Jeff had help me pop it back into place and I told him to take a day of bedrest, he protested but eventually I got my way and he’d dragged himself off the hammocks and dozed off.
‘C’mon, he was hurt, he’s resting – do we really need to wake him?’ I argued, my mind now in a frenzy and panicking over what disastrous thing could be on the paper that had made Gally so deadly serious.
‘Yes.’ He said solemnly, taking off towards the hammocks.
Ada nodded at me reassuringly. I jogged over to the emptied Med Hut, clutching the note so tightly in my hand I felt my nails dig into my palms.
I sagged down onto one of the beds, in a state of terror of what the note could say. Trying to convince myself it couldn’t possibly be that dreadful, I took a deep breath before opening the crumpled paper.
This note is in regard to your pregnancy’
I turned the fragile note over, revealing a paragraph that had been hurriedly jotted down.
‘The Glade is unsafe for children. It would be inappropriate to raise one here. You and the other girl subjects in the Maze are forbidden from ever having offspring.
This pill will terminate your pregnancy. You have 60 minutes to consume the pill. This is a direct order. Failure to comply will result in the execution of Subject A5, known as Newt.
~ The Creators’
A small red pill was strapped to the bottom of the paper. I didn’t doubt it was an empty threat for a second, I don’t know how they’d kill Newt but if these people had the power to put us in here without any memories, they could slaughter him like a dog.
I didn’t realise I had been holding my breath, until my lungs begged for air. Letting out a loud gasp, I dissolved into the kind of despair that can take one's mind prisoner and never give it back. I sank down to my knees onto the hardened wooden floor. My chin trembled as if I was a small child. I breathed heavier than I ever had before. I was gasping for air that simply wasn’t there. My throat burned forming a silent scream. I released the most hysterical cries, the screaming sobs only interrupted by the need to draw breath. I cried as if my brain was being shredded from the inside. Emotional pain flowed out of me like a dam bursting. My mouth released a cry so raw, I felt dust fall from the support beams
Tears streamed down my face, they pooled into a small puddle of salty sadness below me, as my hands were placed on the wooden floor, the only thing keeping me from collapsing.
Barely able to breathe, I gripped the paper tightly, watching my tears soak the fragile note. This wasn’t fair. They can’t do this. I don’t have a choice.
My breath was as jagged as sharp rocks, but I knew what I needed to do.
I ripped the red pill off the paper, and discarded the paper, watching the pill lay in my palm. Panting, I whispered, ‘I’m sorry’. I snapped my eyes shut. I threw the pill into my mouth. I swallowed it.
Newt charged into the room; panic written all over his face. He saw me, sobbing like a child on the floor and quickly pulled me into a hug as he fell to his knees. He tried to soothe me, he stroked my hair gently and rubbed my back but my heart-wrenching screams wouldn’t cease.
‘Florrie, love, what’s wrong. What happened? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?’
Words failed me and I just continued sobbing into his chest, letting my heart bleed its pains. Newt picked up the discarded note, his eyes scouring the paper, horror consuming his face.
‘No.’ He gasped, in shock, tears welling in his eyes. I sat back from him; I saw the heartbreak on his face. He looked like a broken shell of a person.
‘Florrie, where’s the pill?’ He whispered, his voice fighting off a sob. ‘Where’s the pill?’ He repeated, his voice slightly firmer.
‘I’m s-sorry.’ I sobbed, my voice catching on my hysterical weeps.
Realisation dawned on his face, he looked like someone who had just had all the joy stripped from their life. He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me into his body, cradling my head as my tears stained his shirt.
‘You didn’t have a choice.’ He reasoned, I knew he was pretending to put on brave face for me but inside he was breaking like a shard of glass.
For a while, we just stayed there, holding each other. Our hearts were beating next to one another, and I felt as if without Newt’s arms wrapped around me and keeping me grounded, I’d slip into a deep sleep and never wake. His care was like a life support machine, keeping me alive when I didn’t have the strength to. And after today, I didn’t know if I’d ever had the strength again.
These ‘Creators’ had taken so much from us, I was terrified of how much more they would take, because God knows I couldn’t lose anymore.
‘I’m so sorry, love. They can’t do this to us.’ A mix of grief and rage intertwined in his trembling voice. Newt’s mouth turned into a snarl and he radiated fury. But the anger was nothing but a shield for pain, like a cornered soldier randomly throwing out grenades, scared for his life, lonely, desperate.
‘It’s not fair, Newt. It’s not. They took our child from us.’ I wept.
‘I know, love. But I promise, when we get out of here, we are going to make them pay.’ He said darkly, a growl in his voice.
A ball formed in the pit of my stomach, I recognised it as an old friend, my thirst for revenge. I changed that day, became bent on destroying the Creators, became a fighter. These people had taken everything from me, my memories, my family, they had tried to take Newt but I fought for him and I won.
They weren’t people, they were monsters. And I’d fight against every last one of them.
#planetnaptune#tmr series#tmr thomas#tmr alby#tmr newt#newt x reader#newt deserved better#newt fanfic#newt maze runner#newt imagine#the glade#scorch trials#the death cure#the maze runner fanfic#maze runner oc#maze runner#tmr fanfic#tmr fandom#fanfic
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Stark Spangled Banner

Ch 2. The Contest.
Summary: Life at SHIELD isn’t always missions and seriousness, as a good natured shooting contest between Katie and Clint shows. The questions is, as the two dead-shots face off, who will be the winner? Steve has utter faith in his best friend, so much so he’s willing to bet money on her. But is this just another ten bucks he’s gonna lose?
Either way, both are left contemplating their feelings towards one another and fast come to the realisation that they run deeper than they want to admit
Pairing: Steve Rogers X OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Language!!
A/N: A huge thank you to @angrybirdcr for her lovely little edit below of Katie and Clint. She’s kingly agreed to pull a few edits together for me in honour of my relaunch so keep your eyes peeled…
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 1

Katie had no idea why she’d agreed to any of this. Actually, that was a lie, she knew exactly why she’d agreed to this, it was all down to Evans who had decided that STRIKE were long overdue a competition of sorts and had organised a shooting-slash-obstacle course tournament. Eight members had entered, going into random draws and competing against one another over the past week. Out of those eight, two now remained. Her and Clint.
A shooting contest between two Avengers was always going to draw big attention, so it was hardly surprising, therefore, that the SHIELD agents were running a book. Clint was odds on favourite to win, but Steve had so far refused to take part, that is until ten minutes or so before the contest was supposed to start. He was stood outside the shooting range, eyes focussed on Katie and Clint as they both stood checking their equipment, a crowd steadily gathering behind him.
“I know she’s good, but she really doesn’t stand a chance.” Natasha drawled as she stood at his side. Her matter-of-fact tone caused something in his chest to stir, the lack of faith everyone bar Evans and Lawson from the lab seemed to be displaying in Katie over Clint riled him and he turned to Natasha, a smirk flickering over his face as he repeated the words Katie had said to him the first night they’d met.
“Ten bucks says you’re wrong.” He stuck his hand out.
Natasha raised an eyebrow at him, before shaking his hand “Alright Rogers, you’re on.”
His hands returned to his belt buckle and both Katie and Clint signalled they were ready.
Evans went into the room, it was soundproof unless you pushed the button to listen in, which Rumlow did, of course.
“Okay you both no the rules but I’m gonna repeat ‘em just in case. No pushing or shoving of your opponent because that’s just a shitty thing to do.” Evans said, his Texan drawl loud as his hand scratched at his ginger beard. “Perfect kill shots are an extra half-point. Twenty minute time limit is in force. If you’re tied on score then we’ll go to the number of kill shots made.” Evans looked at them and they both nodded, Katie licking her lips. “Now. To your starting lines. You may go when the barriers open.” Evans nodded and held his right hand up, three fingers extended “May the odds be ever in your favour…”
Steve had no idea what that was a reference too, but he heard the rest of the people around him snigger. Katie threw her head back in a laugh as Clint mimicked Evan’s hand gesture as the other Sniper left the room.
The two opponents both looked out over the room from their starting positions at the obstacles which were constructed out of crates and various other objects. Katie cracked her neck side to side as Clint raised his pistol again, looking down the barrel before he turned his head to meet Katie’s gaze. She put her gun back into its thigh holster and turned to her old SO.
“May the best woman win.” she smirked, as she felt the blood pounding in her ears. Then, with a loud klaxon, the barriers opened in front of them and they both shot forward.
It might have been a friendly competition, but Katie wasn’t someone who liked losing so she was playing to win, and that was obvious from the determination written all over her face. Steve felt a surge of pride as he watched her leaping from obstacle to obstacle, landing shot after shot. After she hit her fourth target head easily and ahead of Clint, Steve heard Natasha hiss through her teeth.
“Ok, so maybe she has a little chance…”
He didn’t reply, simply watched, silently willing her on.
As the minutes ticked on, the two continued, both making leaps, dropping into rolls, and ducking behind corners. Katie took another shot, and paused for a split second, if she was counting correctly there were two more to go and five minutes left on the clock. She looked up for her next target and saw Clint was blocking her way, knelt down, aiming at his own. Katie knew the sensible thing to do would be to wait, but then she was a Stark, being sensible wasn’t one of her main attributes. With a smirk she re-holstered her gun and sprinted as fast as she could, launching herself forward into a perfect front flip, catapulting right over the top of Clint before she immediately slid onto a knee and brought the handgun back up, aiming at the target.
Outside the room there was a lot of cheering and cat calls at her display of acrobatics.
Katie moved to her final target, back against a large crate, aimed but then missed and Steve closed his eyes- that would cost her.
“Shit!” She exclaimed, doubling over to catch her breath as at that point the klaxon sounded again to say they were out of time. She stood up, cocking the safety on her pistol before stowing it away as Clint walked over to her, pulling her into a hug.
“Sharp shooting, Nova!” He grinned, ruffling at her hair. Both of them turned as the doors open and a few agents walked in, back slapping them both as Evans collected the targets and went to tally up the points.
“That was impressive!” Steve smiled as he crossed the room. “Both of you.”
“Yeah, not bad Stark.” Nat added, appraisingly
“Thanks.” Katie nodded, taking a drink of the bottle of water Clint handed to her. She was red faced, sweating but absolutely thrilled, pumped full of adrenaline. She placed her hands on her hips and took a deep breath
“And we have the results!” Evans said and Clint threw his arm round Katie as hers slid round his waist. “Stark you missed one giving you nine and three kill shots, taking you to ten point five.” Cheers rang around at the pretty damned good score and Katie grinned as Evans waited until the applause died down before he continued. “However, Barton hit each target, giving him ten plus four kill shots, taking him to twelve over all meaning he is the winner of this year’s STRIKE Shoot Off!”
“Damned it!” Katie groaned, shaking Clint’s hand as various cheers and complaints went up and people started to cash in their bets.
“You’re fired.” Steve heard a familiar voice say. Spinning round, he saw Fury handing over a fifty to an agent whose name escaped him and Steve bit back a smile. The Director had bet on Katie. That one mistake had been costly.
“Cough up Rogers.” Nat held out her hand and he turned to her, sighing and fished in his pocket for a note, handing it to her.
“You bet on me?” Katie looked at him, surprised.
“Course I did, Doll.” he said immediately.
“Yeah I didn’t, sorry Stark.” Nat took the ten-note off him “Clint’s never lost a challenge yet.”
“He nearly did.” Steve looked at Katie proudly before he glanced back at Natasha. “Was worth the bet to see you get so twitchy Romanoff.”
“Seriously?” Clint turned to Natasha. “You got twitchy?”
“I’ll admit at one point I thought Stark might have just shaded it.” Nat narrowed her eyes at Steve who simply shrugged, hands dropping to the front of his belt buckle.
“To be fair, there was one point where I thought that too.” Clint smiled, and Katie felt a surge of pride in her chest as he pulled the magazine out of his pistol. “Did good Nova, I’m proud of you.”
“Thanks Clint.” she smiled at him.
“So, who fancies a drink?” Barton looked around, clapping his hands together.
“I’m game.” Katie nodded as she stripped down her weapon.
Natasha hummed in agreement and then Steve realised they were all looking at him. He hesitated, he really did need to train as he hadn’t had a decent run that morning and he’d be restless all evening otherwise, but after that…why not?
"I gotta work out first but if you tell me where you’re going I’ll join you when I’m done.”
“Take a day off!” Nat drawled, examining her nails. Steve was about to reply but Katie got there first.
“If he doesn’t work out he’s a right crank! And no one likes a Cranky Cap.”
“You know what Stark?” Steve started but she simply stuck her tongue out at him causing him to roll his eyes, fighting to keep the smile off his face.
“Why don’t we try the new sports bar on the high-street, what’s it called again?” Clint suggested.
“Home Run?” Nat asked.
“Yeah that’s it.” he nodded “Couple of doors down from the Burger joint.”
“I’ll find it.” Steve said as Clint nodded, making for the door, Natasha following. Katie turned to Steve, smiling at him as he surveyed the room.
"You did a good job,” he nodded to the obstacle course “Did it take you back to fighting Aliens?”
“Not quite the same, you know? No returning gunfire… no life-or-death stakes… no Captain America cushioning my fall when we got blown out of a bank window,” she teased. He laughed, as she started to back up towards the door. “I won’t take up your workout time. See you at the bar?”
“You never take up my time, Honey.” He smiled back, honestly, before he felt the flush rise up his neck. What a dumbass thing to say. “See you later.” He nodded.
With that she took her leave, tugging her hair out the ponytail as she left, allowing the gentle waves to cascade down her back.
Half an hour or so later, after Katie had showered and changed, the three Avengers were making the twenty minute or so walk to the bar downtown.
“You know I still can’t believe I got to within a point and a half of you.” Katie nudged Clint.
“Me neither actually.” Natasha mused. “I thought it was gonna be a whitewash.”
“Nice to know you have so much faith in me, Widow.” Katie scoffed and Nat snorted.
“Tell you who did have faith, other than Rogers… Fury.” She looked at Katie who grinned from ear to ear.
“Hang on…the boss bet against me?” Clint stopped. With a heavy sigh he shook his head. “Damned, that hurts.”
“Don’t take it personally.” Katie shrugged as they reached the bar. With a loud snort, Clint opened the door to let the girls step in first and then he joined them, looking around at the new surroundings. It was low lit but piled with sports memorabilia held in various glass cases around the room and on the walls. They took the time to look at most of it on their way to the bar where Clint bought the first round. Drinks in hand, they headed to a plush, leather seated booth and settled down.
The three friends fell into an easy chat, and then the inevitable teasing about Rumlow fancying Katie started up and she groaned. Clint and Nat enjoyed ribbing her about him and she had to admit, he wasn’t subtle to be fair. He’d asked her out three times now and she’d politely declined but it didn’t stop her friends from enjoying teasing her about it. Clint and Nat took turns in trying to highlight Rumlow’s more endearing qualities. They managed a sum total of three when Clint leaned back in his chair and shrugged.
“Yeah, that’s all I got. I’m out.” He grinned as Katie laughed, raising her glass to her mouth to drain the last of her beer.
“Yeah, he’s not relationship materiel.” Nat shrugged
“But you could just fuck him, get what you need and kick him out before breakfast.” Clint suggested causing Katie to choke down her mouthful of European lager and pick up the beer mat nearest her.
Steve chose that exact moment to walk into the bar. He watched as the beer mat hit Clint straight between the eyes, and Katie threw her head back in pure, unadulterated laughter. Something in the Captain’s chest stirred as he watched her, that wonderful smile and laugh filling her face.
“Hey.” He greeted them as they all looked up. “You guys need another drink?”
“Cheers Cap, three beers.” Clint motioned round the table and Steve headed off to the bar. Katie watched him go, eye trained on his ass which looked remarkably fine in those dark denims, then, realising what she was doing and who she was with, she let out silent groan as she turned back to see Clint and Nat exchanging a glance, a glance between two people who had just discovered the best secret ever.
“What?” she shrugged, trying to keep her face as straight as possible. “Girl can look, right?”
“Nova, you ain’t just looking, you’re practically drooling.” Clint grinned. “You soft on Cap?”
“No, I just happen to…” She hesitated as she stumbled for the words “…appreciate what my father had a hand in producing, that’s all.”
“Bullshit!” Natasha snorted as Clint roared with laughter. “You’re hot for Rogers.”
“No, I’m…”
“You know, considering you’re a secret agent your poker face is really shit!” Clint pointed at her
“Oh fuck off, the both of you.” She spluttered and the pair of them continued to chuckle, exchanging looks in that infuriating way they did, until Steve returned, setting down the four pints which he easily held in his hands and slid into the spare seat next to Katie.
Thankfully, Natasha and Clint decided to leave their teasing alone and the four of them struck up a conversation talking about everything and anything. A few more pints were drunk and when it came back to Clint’s turn to buy he came back from the bar, a wicked grin on his face.
“Oh, no I know that look!” Katie pointed at him and Clint shrugged, placing her pint down in front of her before he sat down.
“Yeah, she’s right.” Natasha eyed him. “What you up to?”
“I’m just in the mood for another challenge.” Clint leaned forward, his eyebrows raising up and down as he spoke.
“Like what?” Katie folded her arms
“Which one of you…” he said, waving his finger between her and Nat, “…can down a pint fastest?”
“Is that really wise?” Steve asked and Katie smirked.
“Not for Nat, no.”
The red head quirked an eyebrow, “I’m game if you are.”
Katie shrugged as Clint chuckled and pounded his hand on the table. “Alright then, Ladies! On your marks…”
As soon as Clint had done counting down Katie raised the glass to her mouth and chugged, draining it in four seconds flat before turning it upside down on top of her head. Natasha wasn’t even half way through hers before she groaned and set it down, trying to supress a burp.
Steve couldn’t help but look at Katie, his mouth falling open.
"What?” she laughed, shrugging as the Captain exchanged a look with Clint. “I spent three years at University, drinking with boys.”
“Yeah well I’ll stick to Vodka.” Nat shook her head “Fancy that as a challenge?”
“Not a chance.” Katie scoffed, “Although Cap could.”
“He could, but he won’t” Steve sternly shot her a look “Because it wouldn’t be fair.”
Katie rolled her eyes pouting.
“You do know I’m Russian, right. Well, I was.” Nat leaned back on the bench. “I was practically weaned on the stuff.”
“Yes, I know that, but I can’t get drunk.” Steve shrugged. “My metabolism burns it off too fast.”
“Cap,” Clint sighed, shaking his head, “that might just be the saddest thing I have ever heard.”
“Even sadder than when you heard you were shipping off to guard Thor’s hammer?” Nat asked. Clint considered her point for a moment, and shrugged.
“Hmmmm. Maybe the same level of sadness at learning I was about to head to Butt-fuck America for an undefined amount of time, yes.”
Steve choked into his beer. Besides him Katie laughed and as Steve looked at Clint, the archer snorted and shook his head.
“Cap. I’m serious. It was legit in the middle of the fucking desert. Nothing for miles.”
“Hey, what happened to that one eyed puppy we found?” Katie asked suddenly.
“Err, I took him to some friends.” Clint answered after a slight pause. “Their kids love him, he’s living the best life.”
Katie and Natasha shared a smile, both understood friends to mean his family and his own kids.
“Still eating Pizza?” Katie asked.
“Pizza?” Steve asked, frowning. “Who feeds a dog pizza?”
“Well he was a bit like you in that respect. Do anything for a double pepperoni with extra cheese.” Katie nudged him with her elbow
“As long as its New York style.” Steve drained his glass, matter of factly.
“Admit it, you enjoyed it when it took you to Second City” Katie eyed him.
“You been to Seconds?” Clint asked. “Thought you swore you wouldn’t go back after that waiter said he wanted to give you a real slice of Chicago to talk about?”
“He did not!” Natasha giggled.
Katie groaned “He did.”
“Now, I wish I’d seen that.” Nat grinned as Clint let out a loud snort.
“She went full Supernova in three seconds flat. Dragged him over the counter and everything.”
“You didn’t?” Steve glanced at her, although he knew the answer from the look on her face as she groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Look… we had just got back from a week’s stake out in Saudi Arabia…” she sighed, shrugging as Clint and Natasha laughed “I was tired and fending off the advances of some greasy, 40 something year old man politely really wasn’t top of my list.”
“Why not? You do it every day to Rumlow” Nat smirked.
At the mention of his name Steve felt his eyes narrow. He hated the way the STRIKE leader blatantly eyed Katie up at every given chance. It was disrespectful.
“Don’t start that again” Katie rolled her eyes.
“He’s not a bad looking guy.” Nat persisted. “You could do worse.”
“You like him so much you fuck him!” Katie’s voice was snappy. Romanoff leaned back in her chair, eyeing her over half full glass, smirking.
“Touched a nerve, Stark?”
“No, you’re just talking crap, as usual.” she shot back, standing up. “My round.”
Steve moved so that she could get out from the booth and watched her head to the bar.
“Think we need to lay off the whole Rumlow thing.” Clint snorted, turning Nat. “She’s clearly not interested.”
“She’s obviously looking for someone a little less…” Nat pondered and Clint cut in.
“Of an ass hat?”
Steve snorted and Natasha shrugged.
“I was gonna say a little more of a gentleman but…if the cap fits…” Her eyes flashed to Steve and he looked at her, his eyebrows pulling together as he felt the heat flushing to his neck. She simply shrugged, in her usual nonchalant way before she changed the subject.
A few hours later Clint and Nat decided they’d had enough and left to grab a taxi. When Clint was in town he always stayed with Nat, prompting Steve to wonder if there was anything going on beyond the platonic friendship. He pondered it for a moment, deciding to just ask the question.
“Is there something between them?” he nodded to the pair as they left.
“No.” Katie shook her head “Absolutely not.”
“How are you so sure?”
“Okay, I’ll tell you, but don’t be pissed I haven’t told you before…” she said, pausing “Clint…he’s married, has two kids.”
“What?” Steve choked on his beer.
“They have a place, somewhere, I don’t know exactly but it’s off SHIELD’s books and no one knows bar me, Nat and Fury.”
“Huh.” Steve pondered the information for a moment and Katie took a deep breath.
“Look, sorry I didn’t tell you but…”
“It’s okay.” Steve smiled. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel a little bit disappointed she hadn’t told him before, but he understood, she was loyal to a fault. “I get it, he’s your friend.”
“Yeah I know but he’s not my best friend.” she batted her eyelids at him.
“Hmmm, stop buttering me up.”
“Has it worked?”
“Yes.” He deadpanned, draining his glass and she grinned “Same again?”
They had a couple more before Katie decided she was one pint away from being drunk and Steve found himself a little bit disappointed she wanted to leave. He was enjoying spending the time with her. It felt different to their usual trips out, she’d been more relaxed than he had seen her in a long time, enjoying the gentle touches she made to his arm and leg when she was teasing him.
His mind flicked back to Natasha’s little comment before and he found himself wondering if the red head knew something he didn’t. Was there something there on Katie’s part too? As he studied her for a moment as she pulled on her jacket, talking to him, he shook himself out of it. No, why would someone like her look twice at someone like him.
He managed to tune back into what she was saying, telling her no way was he giving her a lift home on the back of his bike without a helmet, causing her to pout and bat her lashes at him in an outrageously over the top manner causing him to snort.
“That ain’t gonna work either.” He shook his head and she shrugged.
“Worth a shot.” She chuckled as they made their way to the door. “And speaking of shots, you really shouldn’t have told Nat you can’t get drunk and whooped her ass at a vodka necking contest.” Her arm linked into his as they walked, and she leaned into him a little, her head laying against his upper bicep.
“Now that would have been dishonest. “Steve smirked. “Surely you’re not saying I should use my enhancement to my advantage in such a situation?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” she nodded.
Steve laughed, sticking his arm out to hail a cab for her.
“But then you’re a very honest kinda guy.”
“I have my moments.” He turned to face her
“Moments? Nah ah, you can’t lie for shit!” she grinned at him.
“No, I can’t lie to you for shit, Sweetheart” He rolled his eyes “You know me too well.”
“Hmmm, true.” she nodded in agreement as the car stopped at the curb and Steve opened the door for her.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?” Steve asked, not particularly happy she was cabbing back alone, it was times like this he wished he had a car. “I can walk back for my bike.”
“I can handle myself, I’m a trained killer remember?” she raised her hands and made gun signs at him with her fingers. He shook his head, smiling.
“You’re an idiot.” He snorted a laugh.
“But you love me!” She grinned, standing on her toes to give him a peck on the cheek. “G’night, Soldier.”
“Call me when you’re home.” He instructed “And if I ain’t heard from you in twenty…” he raised his voice so the cab driver could hear.
She shook her head, smiling as she climbed into the taxi and waved as it pulled off.
It wasn’t long before she was home and once she made her way into her bedroom, Katie kicked off her boots, flopped down onto her bed and pulled out her phone, better do as Captain Badass instructed or knowing him he’d turn up and kick the door in.
“So I’m home Old timer…” she said, when he answered and from his sigh she knew he would be rolling his eyes.
“Less of the old” he retorted, the clinking of cutlery and plates rattling in the background.
“What you doing?” she asked.
“Making food.”
“You can’t cook.”
“Yes I can.”
“So why have you never cooked for me?” she asked indignantly, feeling somewhat annoyed that she always did the cooking for the two of them.
“Because you’re better at it.” He replied, simply. “And I’ve made you grilled cheese before. And soup. Now drink some water and go to sleep.”
“God you’re so bossy.” she grumbled.
“Someone has to be, you’re a law unto yourself.”
“If I say it will you do what I said?”
“Maybe, probably, definitely maybe” she shrugged to herself.
“Then you’re awesome. Goodnight, Doll.”
“Night Stevie.”
Steve cut the call, placing his phone down on the counter as he thought back over the day, waiting for his food to heat up. For the first time in a long time he actually felt completely at ease. Ease with his life both in and out of SHIELD.
Up until a few weeks ago it had still felt slightly confusing, and it still did with the STRIKE team sometimes. At first he had been tentative, not trying to step on Rumlow’s toes but that had quickly settled and the two of them had fallen into a pretty good working relationship. As much as Rumlow could rile him, Steve knew that the man was good at his job, and Steve was equally good at his. He was the tactician, Rumlow organised the troops. But sometimes, well, he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Sometimes he felt interest, but it was often coloured by the lingering disillusionment that his team were merely humouring him as the blue eyed all American hero he had been painted to be.
But never once had he felt like that with Katie.
And then his apartment seemed to blur in front of him, causing him to realise this went way beyond some daft crush. He was really falling in deep. The heat travelled up his chest into his neck and he felt his palms become sweaty. He dropped his arms to wipe them on his jeans as the fizzy feeling left his body, but stayed by him, swirling around until he could practically hear it. This really, really wouldn’t do. She was his best friend, a work colleague, the daughter of one of his friends from the forties…and then there was Peggy.
Not for the first time Steve delved into the reasons he’d been drawn to Katie, comparing her to Peggy. Both women had strong personalities, an unwavering sense of justice and ethics, a deep well of compassion, loyalty, and the air of authority that put more than one man in his place, including himself. They were both incredibly beautiful, filled with passion, devotion and ambition…
Abandoning his food, his appetite lost completely, he threw the remains into the bin and headed into his bedroom, intending to do what he did best when it came to women.
Stick his head in the sand and hope to God it all went away.
Once she’d cleaned her face of make-up and pulled on a pair of pyjamas, Katie collapsed into her pillow, thinking about what a good day it had been. She hadn’t disgraced herself at the contest, had a good evening in the pub afterwards, and to top it off Fury and Steve had actually backed her in said contest.
At the thought of Steve, it reminded her she needed some water. Heading to the kitchen she grabbed a glass, filled it, and then made her way back to bed, this time snuggling down under the covers as she smiled to herself.
It was kind of nice to have Steve looking out for her, even if he was a bossy bastard about drinking water. It showed he cared. And it wasn’t just that, it was the way he was so comfortable with her. The gentle touches to her arm and lower back, the fact he called her doll or sweetheart. The smile that he flashed her that could light up his entire face, and those eyes, those god damned beautiful eyes that could drown her in seconds.
Her stomach was suddenly crawling with those damned butterflies, the same ones she had been feeling on or off around him now since Thanksgiving. And they fluttered from her stomach to her chest
“You’re hot for Rogers…”
Natasha and Clint had both hit the nail on the head, and that nail was getting harder and harder to ignore. She had feelings for Captain fucking America. Her dad’s friend, her best friend.
Groaning, she rolled over and shoved her head into the pillows. “I’m so fucked.”
**** Chapter 3
**Original Posting**
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