so one of my resolutions this year is to revive my blog bc it has been dead in the water for like 2 whole years! 😂
honestly I’ve been so lazy with writing this past year it’s not good. your girl needs to get back to doing what she loves but my main problem is I’m lazy asf.
I’m currently working on a Neteyam Sully x Reader because avatar 2 has a chokehold on me 😭 but please let me know anything you would like to see from me bc i need the peer pressure to force me back into writing 😭😬
thank you! 💗
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Secret Cove (Part 3)
Neteyam x Metkayina (oldest daughter of Tonowari, the chief)
Neteyam is 18
Contains: new character & secrets, Neteyam fluff, Neteyam jealousy
I break the surface of the water with a fish flapping around in my net. The Sully children, all except Neteyam, study the way I hold it. Kiri frowns slightly, like she’s unhappy with the killing of the fish. I paddle up to the ledge where they all sit, their toes brushing against the waves.
“It’s our dinner Kiri.” I smile at her and pull myself out of the water. A few villagers whisper from a nearby pod, their eyes following my movement. Rumors about Tonowari’s eldest getting in trouble have spread rapidly. I act like I don’t see their stares.
“Yea, I know,” Kiri replies in annoyance. Tuk stares off into the horizon, lost in her own world. Lo’ak stares at Tsireya and she pretends not to notice. Everyone seems fine but lessons feel wrong without Neteyam here. Lo’ak had said their father took Neteyam out hunting with the other men. Aonung and Rotxo had looked at each other with shared jealousy. I hadn’t said anything but I know it’s more than just a hunting spree. Guess Jake and my father really do want us to stay apart.
“That’s it for today,” Aonung says. Kiri immediately jumps up and skips off, Tuk hurrying behind her. Lo’ak pats Aonung on the back before following after his sisters. I sigh. I’m not sure when I’ll be able to see Neteyam again. What if he doesn’t return to our lessons? Should I sneak out again? Risk being caught?
“Sister?” Aonung asks. Rotxo peers curiously at me from beside him. “What’s bothering you?”
“Nothing, I’m fine.” I smile at him, it hurts my face to do it but I do. I haven’t told him anything that happened. I just said that our parents freaked out over nothing. That he had nothing to worry about. That I’m fine. I know he didn’t fully believe me but he knew better than to push me.
Aonung shrugs before challenging Rotxo to a race. They dive in the water and disappear under the waves. I should return to my pod where my parents are expecting me. Eclipse is soon, and after the trouble I got in, I can’t risk being late. But my rebellious streak still burns through me. I keep hearing Neteyam’s voice in my head, We already broke two rules, what’s a few more?
I’m so lost in thought that I don’t realize someone’s walked up beside me until he speaks.
“Hey.” I whip my head to the side to find Issak standing beside me. He’s tall with light blue skin and a spear in his hand. His black hair curls around his temples. Issak and I were friends as children. Always swimming after each other and exploring. Our parents used to say that we were destined for eachother. Before everything happened. Before– no. I can’t think about that.
“Issak,” I say, surprise evident in my voice. “What is it?”
He laughs, the sound rumbles from within him. A familiar sound, one I’ve heard many times before. “I’m just saying hello. Can I not say hello?”
I don’t respond and he tilts his head at me. “How is training the forest kids?”
I roll my eyes and start walking towards my pod. That’s what he wants to talk about? A million memories flash through my mind, mostly of things I want to forget. His footsteps vibrate on the path behind me.
“Wait,” he says as he places a hand on my arm. “I didn’t mean that. I just want to see how you’re doing.”
“You care now?”
“I’m sorry, I’ve been busy and I… well I heard something about you.” Dread curls in my stomach. I already know what he’s about to say. He keeps his hand on my arm. His four webbed fingers feel so different from Neteyam’s five soft ones.
“Did you steal the special alcohol? The ones we use for celebration?”
The whole village really does know. I try not to groan. “No, I didn’t.” I move to push past him but he places his other hand on my shoulder, blocking me.
“I’m not judging. We did things we shouldn’t have back when…” he shrugs. “Anyway, can you grab some alcohol for me? Who knows when the Tulkun will be back and we can have a celebration.”
I freeze. Things we shouldn’t have. I can’t deal with Issak right now. I forcefully shove his hands off me. “I can’t and I wouldn’t,” I reply sharply.
He tries to grab me again. “Wait, that not why I wanted to–”
“Don’t touch me!”
Someone clears their throat behind me. Issak’s apologetic face turns into one of concern. Neytiri stands behind me, her eyes narrow on Issak. He gives her a curt nod before turning and leaving me.
Neytiri watches his retreating back with distaste, as if she can sense his energy, before stepping toward me. Did she seek me out? My mouth goes dry. “Is Neteyam okay?”
Surprise flashes through her eyes. “He is fine. Out with his father.”
Relief floods through me as Neytiri cocks her head to the side. “Are you alright?”
I nod. It’s an easy lie– I’ve been telling everyone that I’m okay. That I’m not bothered by the clan spreading rumors and talking about me. And now Issak; is he going to bring up the past? On top of it all, is the deep ache in my heart, my longing to be with Neteyam. Just to speak with him and see his playful smile. Neytiri studies me, her intelligent eyes looking right into me. I’m convinced she can see my every thought.
“I was looking for you,” she begins and drops her voice to a whisper. “Up on shore where the trees grow taller, three hours after eclipse. A good time for a ride.”
What? I’m about to ask her a question but she walks away immediately, disappearing into the village as my people get ready for dinnertime. I look at the sky, eclipse has already begun, sending orange rays of light across the ocean. Three hours after? A ride?
I feel stupid. I’ve walked further and higher than I ever have before; I went past the mangrove and palm trees until the ground began lifting up, towards the mountain. And there has been no sound other than my own footsteps. Maybe I misunderstood Neytiri. Maybe she was just sharing some random tidbit with me? I mean there is nothing up here to ride.
Not that I would know, my people never come up here, everything we need is in the ocean and on the shore. I’m starting to get cold, the night sky glistening above me as I stare at the unfamiliar treetops. The ground feels strange between my toes. That’s it, I misunderstood, and I’m going home.
I’m about to leave when the ground crunches behind me. I whip around, suddenly scared in this unknown territory. Neteyam stands in front of me and pushes a wooden woven headband onto his head.
“Neteyam,” I breathe, feeling the air rushes out of my lungs. He takes two steps towards me and I run at him, throwing my arms around his shoulders. He stumbles backwards at the force of my embrace but quickly recovers. His strong arms encircle me, warming my chilled skin. He buries his face in my neck and inhales.
All my worries and anxieties disappear, they vanish right from me, as they always do when I’m with him. Neither of us speak, we simply enjoy the other’s presence. After a few moments, we pull out of our embrace.
Neteyam grabs my hand. “I wasn’t sure she would do it.”
“Do what?”
“My mom. I implied that I didn’t want to be alone tonight but I wasn’t sure if she understood. Definitely wasn’t sure if she would tell you.”
I squeeze his hand. “She told me. Guess there’s one person who supports us.”
“She likes you.”
I hold back my surprise. Neytiri, badass warrior, likes me? I laugh in disbelief. “I think she just wants you to be happy.”
A playful smile grows on Neteyams lips and he nudges my side. “Oh, you think you make me happy, huh?”
“As a matter of fact,” I nudge him back, “I think I do.”
He laughs, his shoulders jiggle with the motion. It’s a sweet sound, almost addicting, like a perfect melody you just want to capture and listen to over and over. His whole face changes when he laughs, he seems so relaxed. I’m staring at him, I know I am. He notices and smiles at me, no playfulness— just a genuine smile.
“You make me very happy,” he whispers. I shrug and make a face that says, I knew it. He rolls his eyes and starts rubbing his fingers in small circles on my hand. “But, my mom does like you. She said you have a strong heart.”
I’ve never heard that expression. “What does it mean?”
“It means…” He leans towards me and kisses me cheek. His soft lips brush my skin as his scent fills my nose; saltwater and something muskier, like the wood of a forest. “You are brave.” He pulls away and moves to my other cheek. “And kind.” He kisses me again, causing heat to rise to my face. He inches his face up to my forehead. “And full of life.” His lips brush my forehead and I lean into him. I close my eyes as his arms wrap around me. He puts his head down so his forehead meets mine.
Our breath mixes together in front of us. I open my eyes to find him looking at me, drinking in every aspect of my face. “And beautiful. A beautiful soul.”
My breath catches in my throat. No one has ever said anything like that to me. I stare back into his eyes, feeling my heartbeat ferociously in my chest. I can’t believe how amazing he is. My mind goes quiet when I’m around him, like it’s finally at peace. A million words stumble through my mind but all I can say is, “That’s not me. That’s you.”
He shakes his head, his forehead rubbing against mine. “It’s us.”
I grin, my first real smile in awhile. Neteyam’s pupils widen as he looks at me. He pulls his forehead away and tugs my hand. “I want to show you something,” he says before tightening his grip on my hand running deeper into the mountainside.
We run for a little until we reach a cliff. Palm trees cover the side of it but in the center, is an ikran. I gasp at the sight of it. It’s colorful wings, a strong neck, and beady eyes. The ikran grasps the side of the cliff, its beak beckoning to Neteyam. The ocean glistens from below.
Neteyam watches me absorb this sight, his hand never leaving mine. After a moment he says, “I want you to meet someone.”
Neteyam walks up to the ikran and makes a sound. The ikran behinds their head, rubbing against Neteyam’s strong chest. He rubs the ikran’s head lovingly before motioning for me to join him. I walk slowly closer to him, nervousness spreading through my body. I’ve never been so close to an ikran before.
Neteyam grabs his hair and connects it to his ikran, making tsaheylu. The ikran’s eyes focus on me as they bend their head, inviting me to pet. I reach my hand out steadily and stroke Neteyam’s ikran. His ikran looks at me curiously as I continue to run my hand down his scales.
Neteyam smoothly jumps onto his ikran’s back, settling his foot into a grove on the side of his saddle. He sticks his hand out to me. “Come on.”
“No, no,” I say unsurely. “I’ve never flown.”
“It’s amazing. The view is…”
“You go, I’ll wait here.”
Neteyam looks at me, a smirk growing on his lips. “Are you scared, ocean girl?”
I stand up straight. “No, I’m not. I just prefer not to be way up in the sky.”
He laughs and shakes his outreached hand. “Come with me. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
I swallow, doubts swarming in my mind. What if someone saw us? Neteyam’s hand glows in the dark, that gorgeous blue. Screw it. I take his hand and he pulls me up onto his ikran with a triumphant gleam in his eyes. I settle in behind him, my legs straddling his hips.
“Not too high, forest boy,” I begin as Neteyam shoots his ikran straight up into the air. A scream hurdles out of my mouth as I throw my arms around his waist and hold on as tightly as possible. The wind whips against my face, causing my eyes to water. My heart beats wildly. We are flying completely straight up. “Neteyam!” I yell in his ear.
I think he’s laughing but I can’t hear him over the roar of the wind. His shoulders shake rhythmically, as if he’s really enjoying this. I squeeze my eyes shut. I shouldn’t have agreed to this. His ikran goes flat. It happens in an instant, one moment we are skyrocketing upwards and now we are smoothly flying in a straight line.
Neteyam pats my thigh. “You can open your eyes,” he says softly.
I open them slowly and observe the view. The ocean looks like a dark blanket from up here. I can see the surf like white glaze across the sand. Our village looks so small. The night sky seems so close and the glow from it seems to radiate into my soul. I breathe deeply, feeling the beauty and magic of Pandora.
Then I notice Neteyam staring at me. I take my hand off his waist and smack him in the arm. “You skxawng!” I yell. “You could’ve killed me!”
“You wouldn’t have died… maybe just fallen in mid-air for a little…”
I smack again causing him to laugh. “I said not too high!”
“But then you wouldn’t see this,” he replies and motions to the beautiful view beneath us. “Besides, I would’ve caught you.”
“Mhm,” I mumble as I lean my head forward and relax it on his shoulder. He continues to fly his ikran. We circle high above the village, over the cliffs, and past the reefs. His body warms mine against the wind as I absorb the feelings of flying. It feels like true freedom. I’m glad he showed me this.
“Hey,” I whisper to him. He turns his head over his shoulder and looks at me. “When the Tulkun come, I want to introduce you to my spirit sister.”
His lips break apart into a wide smile. “I’d like that.” He places a kiss on my forehead. I wrap my arms tighter around him, enjoying the feeling of my body pressed against his. He places his hand on my leg, his fingers wrapping around my thigh. I wish I could stay just like this forever.
I sit on my ilu, absorbing the daylight as the ocean water skims my legs. The Sully kids, my siblings, and me, all sit on our ilu’s in a circle. Our lessons had begun early today but I didn’t mind. Neteyam is here. I had a feeling Neytiri said something to Jake about letting him come. I owe her so many thanks.
He’s right next to me, his skin reflecting the light from the water. I try not to stare. We’ve been keeping us a secret, especially from our families. But it’s hard. I find myself always gravitating towards him. He always looks at me from the corner of his eye. Or he’ll playfully try and grab my tail when no one is looking. Except, Lo’ak and Tsireya saw him this morning and they shared a knowing look.
“What should we do next?” Aonung asks the group as we float on the surface of the water, the village behind us.
“Let’s keep diving!’ Tuk cries from her ilu next to Kiri.
“Argh, not again Tuk,” Lo’ak says and rolls his eyes.
“You never want to do what I wanna do,” Tuk pouts.
“You always want to do lame things. That’s why you always follow us around.”
“No I don’t!” Tuk says angrily.
“Lo’ak,” Neteyam’s stern voice comes out. “Don’t start.”
Lo’ak grumbles something under his breath as the others begin talking about other things to do. I giggle softly. Neteyam’s voice is so much deeper when he is trying to be stern. He looks over at me, hearing my laugh. He narrows his eyes at me like he knows what I’m laughing about.
His ilu swims into mine causing me to jerk forward. I gasp and look up at him. He shrugs with a look on his face that says, I didn’t do it. I accusingly shake my head at him before telling my ilu to swim into his. Just before our animals connect, he dodges away.
“Too slow, ocean girl,” he says confidently, an arrogant grin sneaking onto his face.
Oh he’s gonna eat his words. I’m just about to tell my ilu to swim right into his when an all too familiar voice speaks.
My stomach drops. I turn around to see Issak swimming right up to us. Aonung and Tsireya wave at him. If only they knew…
Kiri and Tuk watch him curiously as he joins our circle in the waves. Lo’ak and Neteyam both assess him, trying to figure him out. Issak greets my siblings before turning his gaze to me.
“Can I speak to you?”
“I’m busy.”
He smiles at me, his charmer smile. “It will only be a moment.” Neteyam’s gaze sharpens at Issak’s expression.
I nod. I can’t turn him down without getting questions from my siblings. Issak motions with his head for me to follow and turns from the group. Neteyam watches me, his eyes guarded. “I’ll be right back,” I say.
As I swim out of the circle, Lo’ak’s voice floats after me, “Yo, he looks badass. Better watch out, bro.”
“Shut up,” Neteyam responds, an edge in voice.
I shake my head. Issak is far from badass. He waits for me a little ways from the group, his head bowed down as he pats his ilu. Every nerve in my body is telling me to turn around. Issak is a reminder of too many things. Things I don’t want to remember. He looks up as I reach him, his blue eyes twinkling dangerously.
“Two visits in one day,” I say flatly.
“You’re a lucky girl,” he smirks.
I roll my eyes and look back at the group. Neteyam is watching us. I can see the tension in his shoulders from here. He asks Aonung a question. Aonung turns and looks at Issak before beginning to respond to Neteyam. Great, who knows what he’s telling him.
“Got a thing for the tree lover?”
I snap my gaze back to Issak, anger brewing in my gut. “What do you want?”
Issak sighs and looks at the sky. I bite my tongue to keep from saying something rude. I look back at the group, Aonung is still talking to Neteyam. Lo’ak inches closer to them, straining to hear their conversation. Tsireya watches me worriedly. Neteyam’s eyebrows clench together and his eyes never leave me.
“I don’t have all day,” I snap at Issak.
“I miss you.”
My jaw drops open. Issak reaches his hand out and puts it on my shoulder. I’m completely frozen. I can’t believe the nerve of him. He starts to rub my shoulder, his webbed fingers feeling foreign on my skin.
He swims closer to me on his ilu so his face is right next to mine. I don’t move. Too many thoughts swirl through my head. He leans forward and says, “There’s things I want to talk to you about. About the Sully’s and the sky people. They—”
“Hey,” a stern voice says. My head snaps up at the familiar sound. Neteyam. He straddles his ilu, leaning forward slightly with a certain sharpness to his features as he stares at Issak’s hand on me. “What’s going on?”
Oh, no. I shove Issak’s hand off. “Nothing we were–”
“Just chatting about the past,” Issak cuts me off with a smirk. He slowly places his hand back in his lap. “Our history.” He looks at me and winks before saying, “I’ll see you around.”
He leaves, dipping beneath the surface of the water, before I get a chance to respond. Lo’ak and Aonung watch from a distance, surprise coating their faces. Neteyam swims in front of me, his ilu greets mine. He raises a faint eyebrow at me. “So, who’s that?”
“No one,” I reply, not wanting to talk about Issak.
Neteyam looks at the empty space where Issak had sat. He turns his head towards me, his golden eyes a darker shade than usual. “I don’t like him.”
I laugh. The sound escapes my lips before I have a chance to stop it. Neteyam’s eyebrows turn downwards. “I’m serious. He has bad energy, ocean girl.”
Neteyam scoffs before glancing at me shyly. “No.”
I nudge his shoulder. “Mhm, so if I went to see him–”
“No.” Neyetam closes his eyes like he cannot fathom the thought.
“You are jealous!”
“I’m not! I just looked over and saw his hand on you and…” He trails off, a small blush creeping onto his cheeks. I find his hand from beneath the waves and slip my fingers through his.
“And what?”
“And I wanted to rip his hand off.”
He sighs and squeezes my hand. “You can do anything you want. I’m not jealous.” He stares at me, his golden eyes growing darker by the second. “But if he lays a hand on you again, I don’t care who I have to go through or what rules I break, I will make sure it’s the last thing he ever does.”
My mind goes blank. Neyetam’s gaze is so intense, I know he isn’t kidding. Something flutters in my stomach and spreads throughout my whole body.
I struggle to find my voice and my words come out in one breath, “Sounds intense.”
He leans into my ear and whispers, “You can’t even begin to imagine.”
I’m breathless as I stare into his darkening gaze. I’m not even sure what he means but his husky voice repeats over and over in my mind. I want to kiss him, reach out and grab his shoulders. But we’re right in front of the village, anyone could see us. As if he read my thoughts, he says, “Tonight. Same spot, same time.”
I immediately nod, causing a curly strand of hair to fall in front of my face. He reaches out slowly and twists the hair around his finger before tucking it gently behind my ear. I can’t help but smile softly at the gesture. His fingers slide across my skin longingly. He pulls away and smiles before swimming towards the village.
I watch his retreating back, how his dark blue skin glistens in the daylight. He’s so beautiful it makes my heart ache and makes my mind go blank. My stomach flutters at the thought of seeing him again, of flying above the ocean, and kissing him.
Later that night, we went flying. I sit on the back of his ikran and allow myself to get lost in the sky and in his arms. And after hours of flying, we settle into the sand and whisper to each other. We share kisses beneath the night sky. His body keeps me warm and protects me. I feel so safe with him. His shoulder relaxes and my favorite smile of his spreads across his face. It’s a lazy smile, his most relaxed expression.
He tells me things he’s never told anyone before and I do the same. Our noses touch as we laugh at each other and with each other. I feel like I could let all my walls down. And I almost do. Each time he gives me that smile. Or our lips collide. I want to tell him everything. Even what happened back with Issak. All the things we found out. But each time I open my mouth, ready to spill, nothing ever comes out.
Neteyam holds me on top of the sandy cliff as we lay on the ground, his ikran settling in beside us. Neteyam’s breathing begins to slow and his eyes drop shut. I watch his calm face, so serene in his sleep. Everything will be okay, I tell myself but each time I close my eyes– I see Issak’s face with a lethal look in his eyes.
Thank you for all the support!!
I tried some different things with this part so let me know what you think. I'm not sure how I feel about it
Part 4 there will be: Tulkun returning, a celebration, and secrets revealed.
Do you guys like fluff or more angsty type scenes with Neteyam? Let me know what you want to read!!!! Also let me know if you like new characters or not (be honest lol) Thanks again<3
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If I opened shipping requests would you guys be interested.
Obvsiously I don’t have a universal knowledge of all fandoms - but you guys could send me descriptions about yourself and I would say who I ship you with.
Fandoms would probably be limited to:
- Harry Potter
- The Maze Runner
- Chronicles of Narnia
- Star Wars
- Marvel
- Dreamworks
- Disney/Pixar
#shipping requests#fandom#hogwarts#gryffindor#hufflepuff#planetnaptune#ravenclaw#narnia#tmr thomas#tmr fanfic#tmr fandom#edmund pevensie#peter pevensie#susan pevensie#lucy pevensie#prince caspian#star wars#luke skywalker#rey of jakku#darth vader#star wars anakin#obi wan star wars#marvel#disney#pixar
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Feelings of Frisson
Newt (TMR) x OC
[part 2 of 2]
Frisson: a sudden strong feeling of excitement or fear
‘Winston you have to start taking better care of yourself.’ I insisted, wrapping his wounded forearm in a clean bandage.
‘Sorry, Florrie.’ He said, sheepishly, slightly wincing at the bandage.
‘This is the third time in the past 5 days I’ve had to bandage you up. Half of my bandages are being used on you. Honestly, it’s like you deliberately butcher yourself to come and see me. I joked.
‘Yeah…So where’s Newt?’ He asked.
‘Bedrest.’ I finished tying the bandage up and put a little bow at the end, Winston smiled. I grinned back at him, as I started tidying away my herbs and bandages.
Suddenly, Ada flew into the Med Hut, slamming the door open.
‘The box. It’s coming up.’ She gushed, breathily.
But it’s not due for another week?’ I questioned; my eyebrows arched.
‘We know.’ Ada replied.
Every Glader was sprinting over to the rising Box, Winston, Ada and I bolted out the door to join the crowd of confusion that was gathered round. I slid to the front of the crowd, desperate to get a good glimpse at whatever was happening.
Gally pulled the metal doors open. The box was bare, no supplies, no Greenie, nothing was in it. Except a single scrap of paper, that was crumpled up on the floor. Confused looks flew around the Gladers. The whole situation was suspicious. Gally jumped down into the Box, landing with a large clang as his boots hit the rusted metal frames, and picked up the flimsy paper. He uncrumpled it, a black marker had scrawled ‘Florence’ on one side. Underneath it was some smaller black scribbles.
Gally’s eyes roamed the paper for a second. He quickly folded up the note, and handed it to me. I leant down and grabbed it, still confused.
‘Everyone back to work.’ Gally ordered.
Protests came from the Gladers.
‘They can stay if they want. I’m sure it’s nothing bad.’ I hoped.
‘Trust me, you don’t want them here for that.’ Gally said darkly, herding the grumbling Gladers back to their jobs. ‘Go to the Med Hut, get some privacy, I’ll wake up Newt.’
Newt had dislocated his shoulder yesterday whilst helping the builders move some supplies. Clint and Jeff had help me pop it back into place and I told him to take a day of bedrest, he protested but eventually I got my way and he’d dragged himself off the hammocks and dozed off.
‘C’mon, he was hurt, he’s resting – do we really need to wake him?’ I argued, my mind now in a frenzy and panicking over what disastrous thing could be on the paper that had made Gally so deadly serious.
‘Yes.’ He said solemnly, taking off towards the hammocks.
Ada nodded at me reassuringly. I jogged over to the emptied Med Hut, clutching the note so tightly in my hand I felt my nails dig into my palms.
I sagged down onto one of the beds, in a state of terror of what the note could say. Trying to convince myself it couldn’t possibly be that dreadful, I took a deep breath before opening the crumpled paper.
This note is in regard to your pregnancy’
I turned the fragile note over, revealing a paragraph that had been hurriedly jotted down.
‘The Glade is unsafe for children. It would be inappropriate to raise one here. You and the other girl subjects in the Maze are forbidden from ever having offspring.
This pill will terminate your pregnancy. You have 60 minutes to consume the pill. This is a direct order. Failure to comply will result in the execution of Subject A5, known as Newt.
~ The Creators’
A small red pill was strapped to the bottom of the paper. I didn’t doubt it was an empty threat for a second, I don’t know how they’d kill Newt but if these people had the power to put us in here without any memories, they could slaughter him like a dog.
I didn’t realise I had been holding my breath, until my lungs begged for air. Letting out a loud gasp, I dissolved into the kind of despair that can take one's mind prisoner and never give it back. I sank down to my knees onto the hardened wooden floor. My chin trembled as if I was a small child. I breathed heavier than I ever had before. I was gasping for air that simply wasn’t there. My throat burned forming a silent scream. I released the most hysterical cries, the screaming sobs only interrupted by the need to draw breath. I cried as if my brain was being shredded from the inside. Emotional pain flowed out of me like a dam bursting. My mouth released a cry so raw, I felt dust fall from the support beams
Tears streamed down my face, they pooled into a small puddle of salty sadness below me, as my hands were placed on the wooden floor, the only thing keeping me from collapsing.
Barely able to breathe, I gripped the paper tightly, watching my tears soak the fragile note. This wasn’t fair. They can’t do this. I don’t have a choice.
My breath was as jagged as sharp rocks, but I knew what I needed to do.
I ripped the red pill off the paper, and discarded the paper, watching the pill lay in my palm. Panting, I whispered, ‘I’m sorry’. I snapped my eyes shut. I threw the pill into my mouth. I swallowed it.
Newt charged into the room; panic written all over his face. He saw me, sobbing like a child on the floor and quickly pulled me into a hug as he fell to his knees. He tried to soothe me, he stroked my hair gently and rubbed my back but my heart-wrenching screams wouldn’t cease.
‘Florrie, love, what’s wrong. What happened? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?’
Words failed me and I just continued sobbing into his chest, letting my heart bleed its pains. Newt picked up the discarded note, his eyes scouring the paper, horror consuming his face.
‘No.’ He gasped, in shock, tears welling in his eyes. I sat back from him; I saw the heartbreak on his face. He looked like a broken shell of a person.
‘Florrie, where’s the pill?’ He whispered, his voice fighting off a sob. ‘Where’s the pill?’ He repeated, his voice slightly firmer.
‘I’m s-sorry.’ I sobbed, my voice catching on my hysterical weeps.
Realisation dawned on his face, he looked like someone who had just had all the joy stripped from their life. He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me into his body, cradling my head as my tears stained his shirt.
‘You didn’t have a choice.’ He reasoned, I knew he was pretending to put on brave face for me but inside he was breaking like a shard of glass.
For a while, we just stayed there, holding each other. Our hearts were beating next to one another, and I felt as if without Newt’s arms wrapped around me and keeping me grounded, I’d slip into a deep sleep and never wake. His care was like a life support machine, keeping me alive when I didn’t have the strength to. And after today, I didn’t know if I’d ever had the strength again.
These ‘Creators’ had taken so much from us, I was terrified of how much more they would take, because God knows I couldn’t lose anymore.
‘I’m so sorry, love. They can’t do this to us.’ A mix of grief and rage intertwined in his trembling voice. Newt’s mouth turned into a snarl and he radiated fury. But the anger was nothing but a shield for pain, like a cornered soldier randomly throwing out grenades, scared for his life, lonely, desperate.
‘It’s not fair, Newt. It’s not. They took our child from us.’ I wept.
‘I know, love. But I promise, when we get out of here, we are going to make them pay.’ He said darkly, a growl in his voice.
A ball formed in the pit of my stomach, I recognised it as an old friend, my thirst for revenge. I changed that day, became bent on destroying the Creators, became a fighter. These people had taken everything from me, my memories, my family, they had tried to take Newt but I fought for him and I won.
They weren’t people, they were monsters. And I’d fight against every last one of them.
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Feelings of Frisson
Newt (TMR) x OC
[part 1 of 2]
Frisson: a sudden strong feeling of excitement or fear
Oh god no. I sat in the Med Hut, hunched over a bucket that was filled with my vomit.
I’d been vomiting every morning for a week now and my body felt pretty knocked out of shape.
The realisation dawned on me, as I sat there in front of a bucket of sick, on the wooden floor, trembling and sobbing.
I put my hand over my mouth to try and muffle my cries. This was a disaster. I pulled myself up onto the bed, and for a while I just let my emotions take over as fear flooded my body.
It was maybe 10 minutes before my sobbing ceased. I realised that I wasn’t the only one who deserved to know the truth. Drying my eyes, I calmed myself as I looked out of the window, Newt was gardening, getting some food in for Frypan and Ada.
Taking a deep breath, I walked outside the Hut and sprinted halfway across the Glade over to Newt. For some reason, I felt exposed. I was eager to get back to the safety of the Med Hut before anyone could make any judgements or suspicions.
‘Newt, I need to talk to you.’
‘What I don’t even get a hello?’ He smiled, looking up from his gardening, as sweat sparkled off his forehead.
He read my anxious expression like a book.
‘Good news or bad news?’ He asked breathily, hacking away at a tree with his machete.
I didn’t reply. He looked up from his work, eyebrow arched in a confused expression.
‘Oh.’ He said, looking concerned.
‘Not here.’ My eyes wandered around, there were too many Gladers, Zart and Chuck were in earshot and this was a conversation I’d rather have in private.
I gently jerked my head to the Med Hut, walking off hearing his footsteps follow me.
‘Out’. I ordered Gally.
‘But Florrie I-‘ . He protested.
‘Is whatever is wrong with you going to kill you in the next 10 minutes.’ I asked, impatiently.
‘No.’ Gally grumbled.
‘Then out.’
He trudged out miserably, I shut the door behind him and leant against it, taking a deep breath as I looked back to Newt, still filled with confusion.
‘So what’s up.’ He asked, concerned, folding his arms to cover his orange vest.
‘Uh-, uhm.’ I stuttered, struggling for breath and for words.
‘Hey,’ he said, walking over the pull me into a comforting hug, ‘whatever it is, you can tell me, darling. I love you.’
God I hoped that was true.
I slipped both of hands into his and looked into his gentle, warm eyes.
‘I’m pregnant.’
Never before had I noticed how slowly time could move. I felt like a thousand sunsets had passed in the time it took Newt to process what I’d said. And all that time I was in agony, terrified of his unpredictable response.
I could almost see his brain stuttering. Newt had frozen like a statue, like his soul had momentarily left his body.
‘Really?’. He whispered in disbelief, small tears forming in his eyes.
I couldn’t tell if they were tears of joy or sadness. We’d all been forced into here, bringing a young child, a baby nonetheless, into this deadly place where survival was no guarantee, was almost cruel.
‘Yes.’ I said quietly, trying to make eye contact as his gaze was solely on the floor.
Newt took a step back, running his fingers through his hair, trying to calm his overwhelmed nerves.
He leant against one of the wooden supports that held together the Med Hut. Resting against it as the shock nearly took over his whole body, weakening him so he could barely stand.
‘Am I the father?’. Newt asked, darkly, a hint of fear in his eyes.
‘No, I got it on with a shucking Griever.’ I replied sarcastically, slightly baffled he’d ever think he wasn’t the father.
Newt chuckled. ‘Just checking, love. You could have any guy in the Glade.’ He walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and locking me in a hug.
‘But I don’t want them, I want you.’ I muttered into his chest, my words slightly muffled. I pulled myself out on the hug and pressed our foreheads together.
‘And I want this.’ I said, placing his hand on my stomach.
‘So do I, love.’ He mumbled back, placing a kiss on my forehead. ‘More than anything.’
‘So you’re not scared?’. I asked, hopefully.
‘Oh, I’m shucking terrified.’ He replied. ‘But I’m going to protect this little guy-‘
‘Or girl.’ I interjected, smiling.
‘Right, I’m going to protect out baby with everything I have.’ He said, stroking my stomach fondly. ‘I’m going to protect both of you.’
He pressed a kiss to my forehead.
‘Who’s going to protect you?’ I asked.
‘You, of course. You always have.’ He smiled. ‘This kid is going to have the most loving parents in the world. And the most beautiful mother.’
‘His father isn’t too ugly either.’ I said teasingly, grabbing his shirt and pulling Newt into a passionate kiss.
In that kiss was a million loving thoughts condensed into a moment. I felt Newt’s love through that kiss, his protectiveness, his caring nature and I knew that whatever we were thrown, be that pregnancy or survival in a maze, we could handle it, and we would handle it together.
After a few minutes, Newt pulled away breathless, his hands snaking around my lower back and nestling his head into my neck.
‘What do you think about Newt Jr?’. He whispered in my ear, jokingly.
‘Over my dead body.’ I laughed, cuddling into him tighter.
Part of me was still in denial, disbelieving the fact that soon there would be a mini us in the world.
It might be scary, but we’ve got each other. And right now, that’s all I need.
#the maze runner#the death cure#the scorch trials#tmr fandom#tmr fanfic#tmr newt#newt deserved better#newt fanfic#newt imagine#newt maze runner#tmr gally#tmr thomas#tmr x reader#tmr series#the maze runner fanfic#newt x reader#the glade#tmr alby
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Naptune’s Guide to a Good Maze Runner OC: Names
There’s so much to cover when making a good OC, so I’m going to do this in multiple posts to make it more manageable.
Names are one of, if not my biggest pet peeve when it comes to TMR OCs. Do not name your character, ‘Star’ or ‘Nya’ or ‘Aurora’. These names are unique and beautiful, but they don’t fit with the theme of the character names.
Every character in TMR, that was taken by WCKD, has been named after someone through history – usually scientists.
Thomas was named after Thomas Edison.
Newt was named after Isaac Newton.
Gally was named after Galileo Galilei.
There are variations and exceptions to this:
Frypan is just a nickname because he works in the kitchens, his real name is Siggy, after Sigmund Freud
Chuck is a variation of Charles, after Charles Darwin
To my knowledge, Minho and Zart are the only exceptions to this rule.
Gladers from the other Maze aren’t excluded from this. Aris is named after Aristotle, Sonya renamed herself but was named Lizzie, after Queen Elizabeth I.
If you are naming a character, name them after someone through history. It makes it much more compelling for readers, its interesting to research and it helps them fit better into the story.
For example, my OCs are Florrie, Maria and Ada
Florrie is a nickname for Florence, after Florence Nightingale. This also ties into her story, as Florrie is a Med-Jack, and therefore in the same field as Nightingale was.
Maria is a variation of Marie, after Marie Curie. This name was chosen by my friend from a list of girls names I compiled that were all figures through history.
Ada is named after Ada Lovelace, a lesser-known female scientist but important nonetheless. Again, this name was chosen by another friend out of preference from the list.
If you want to have a character rename themselves like Sonya did, go for it. However, chose a normal name, or a name that has a meaning behind it – it adds another layer of depth to your character. Also, mention their name given by WCKD, it helps to reaffirm how they were almost possessions to the organisation.
For any characters that weren’t in the Maze or property of WCKD, like Brenda, there’s not a lot that comes into picking name, except for the fact they have normal names – you don’t hear character with unique names in the series.
Here’s my list of character names I could choose from and they figures they’re from, feel free to take any. This is girls name, as I was creating female OCs. Most of these aren’t scientists, but as Teresa was named after Mother Teresa, a humanitarian, we have more options to play with.
Jane Austen – Jane/Jayni
Amelia Earhart – Amelia/Amelie/Emelia
Joan of Arc – Joan/Jo
Catherine of Aragon – Cathy/Catherine/Kat
Rosa Parks – Rosa/Rose
Margaret Thatcher – Maggie/May
Rosalind Franklin – Rosalind/Rosa/Roz
Emmeline Pankhurst – Emily/Emmy/Em
I haven’t made a list for boys names, but let me know if you guys want one and I’ll make it.
I’ll be posting other attributes that go into a good TMR OC soon, expect a post on Clothes, Relationships and Character Details.
Thanks for reading!
#maze runner#maze runner oc#OC#original character#character design#female character#florrie#Ada#maria#oc guide#character development#character creation#character creators#the scorch trials#the death cure#tmr fandom#tmr newt#tmr frypan#tmr alby#tmr thomas#tmr teresa#tmr gally#tmr x reader
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Masterlist - updated regularly
Started: 12/02/2021
Last Updated: 16/02/2021
Harry Potter
Dating Fred Weasley Would Include...
Birds of a Feather [COMING SOON]
The Maze Runner
Catch Me If I Fall - Newt x OC
Feelings of Frisson [part 1] - Newt x OC
Feelings of Frisson [part 2] - Newt x OC
Something in Your Eyes - Gally x OC
Naptune’s Guide to making a Maze Runner OC
Character Details
Florrie - [COMING SOON]
#fred weasley fic#harry potter imagine#Harry Potter universe#fred weasley x reader#fred weasley#newt fanfic#tmr fanfic#fanfic#maze runner gally#the maze runner#the glade#hogwarts#hufflepuff#Gryffindor#slyhterin#ravenclaw#scorch trials#tmr gally#gally x reader#oc#masterlist#planetnaptune#tmr newt#tmr x reader
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Something in Your Eyes
Gally (TMR) X OC
Ada X Gally
Summary : Ada is a Cook in the kitchen with Fry, and although she lost her memories to WCKD, one thing has stuck with her – her crippling phobia of spiders.
this is my second tmr oc, Ada - her profile apt with Maria and Florrie’s are going to uploaded soon as I’ve finished typing them up
I’m going to upload a guide on how to make a good maze runner oc soon, I’m sick of seeing Mary Sue ocs
I scrambled up onto the chair in a panic. Adrenaline was rushing through my brains as I desperately clutched my chopping knife – the only weapon I had to fend off my foe.
I stood still as a statue, watching the edges of the chair to see if the monster would make a mad attempt at escape. My heart was pounding like a drum, my lungs retracting as if they couldn’t get enough air.
The monster didn’t come out. I was trapped.
I was meant to prepare dinner for the rest of the Gladers, Frypan had been called off to some secret meeting for the Keepers, I didn’t really know. I had a tendency to daydream and drift off when I was cooking. Jim left a little while ago, nearly cut his finger off so he ran across the Glade to Florrie to get patched up.
Which left me, alone in the kitchen, tasked with preparing dinner for over 40 Gladers. But as long as there was a beast lurking under my chair, dinner wouldn’t be happening.
I hadn’t been perched on the chair long, I was standing up, afraid that the beast would climb up my legs if I dangled them freely.
I heard the familiar creak of the kitchen door being opened, in walked an unfortunately familiar face. Brown shirt splattered with mud, short dirty blonde hair, and a cocky attitude.
‘Addie.’ Gally greeted, slight confusion on his face. ‘Why are you standing on a chair?’
‘Last time I checked Gally, I work in the kitchens, I can do whatever I want in here.’ I retorted, unwilling to let him know of my arachnophobia.
He glanced around the rest of the kitchen, before looking back to me, almost analysing the situation.
‘What?’, I said, through gritted teeth, infuriated by his presence and his examination of the kitchen.
He looked a me a moment longer, a small smile on his face, barely big enough to be seen.
‘Where’s the spider?’ He asked, cockily.
‘That’s ridiculous, there’s no spider’. I stuttered, slightly stunned by his sharp deduction skills.
‘So, you’re just standing on a stool, in the middle of the kitchen, with a pretty sharp knife, for absolutely no reason?’. He asked, sarcastically.
‘Yes…’ I trailed off, he’d caught me. ‘But I can handle it.’
‘Clearly.’ He said, arms crossed across his body as he looked me up and down, grinning. ‘Well, I best be off. If you don’t need my help that is?’
I rolled my eyes. He smirked, and started walking back towards the door.
‘Gally, wait!’. I yelled. He turned around, a cocky grin on his face, loving how helpless I was.
I sighed, reluctant to ask him for help.
‘It’s under the chair.’ I mumbled, defeated.
He sauntered back over to the chair, enjoying this a little too much. ‘What’s the magic word?’ He asked, innocently.
Growling, I muttered a quiet ‘please’, along with a few other not so friendly words.
Gally crouched onto the floor, and reached his hand under the chair, slightly groaning as he had to stretch to swat the stupid spider. I heard a triumphant grunt, and Gally began to get back up.
As he rose, his arm knocked into a chair. Sensing it was about to topple over, I instinctively jumped off in a slight panic. Unfortunately, I jumped into Gally’s arms, which caught me like I was nothing.
Gally held me bridal style, I was pressed into his chest, my arms latched around his neck. After a moment, I realised my awkward position and started fumbling and falling over my words.
‘I-uh, sorry, I didn-, um, I didn’t mean t-’. I spluttered, barely able to string a sentence together.
‘Shut up.’ Gally said, rolling his eyes, and the meniscal grin returning to his face. ‘Give me some warning next time.’
‘I wouldn’t have to have warned you if you didn’t know over the chair, you clumsy git.’ I teased.
‘I’m sorry, did I accidentally make a small mistake, whilst rescuing you from being stranded on a chair by a tiny spider.’ Gally said, sarcastically.
‘Alright, alright, my bad.’
After chuckling for a few moments, I looked back up at Gally, catching his brown eyes looking at me. They had changed, usually they were mocking, or hardened. Something lingered in his eyes that I hadn’t seen before, a gentleness behind that wall of arrogance.
I found myself aimlessly staring into his eyes, looking for that gentleness like it was a natural phenomenon. I hadn’t seen this gentler side of the hardened builder before, and who knows if I’ll ever see it again.
My eyes were quickly snatched away from our locked gaze, by Florrie who had opened the door suddenly, causing a loud slam.
‘Hey, Jim somehow managed to get his cut infected so-’. She trailed off, catching sight of me still in Gally’s arms. ‘Am I interrupting something?’ She asked, struggling to contain a fit of giggles.
‘Uh, no, no Gally was just, um, he was uh-’. I stuttered, quickly jumping down from his arms, feeling a heat rise in my cheeks, as I tried to avoid Florrie’s eye.
Gally stumbled over to the door. ‘Yeah, I was uh, just about to uhm-’, he mumbled as he started pointing towards the door.
‘Was Gally just about to leave?’ Asked Florrie, teasingly, helping us along with our stutters and splutters.
‘Yeah. Bye, Gally.’ I said shyly, letting a small smile grace my lips.
‘Bye Addie.’ He replied, looking back at me. And although I could see out of the corner of my eye, Florrie chuckling to herself, I didn’t care. Because I found myself looking at Gally, looking for that gentleness in his eyes.
And to my joy, it was still there.
#tmr x reader#tmr fandom#the maze runner#tmr gally#gally x reader#the glade#x oc#tmr fanfic#tmr frypan#Ada#tmr cook#maze runner gally#gally imagine#gally
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Catch Me If I Fall
Newt (TMR) x OC
summary: before the events of the maze runner, Newt tried to kill himself and only his girlfriend, Florrie, can save him
notes: Maria and Ada are my other TMR OCs, the rest are pre-existing characters. Only change made or the story is that Florrie is the Keeper of the Med-jacks, not Clint. Florrie, Maria and Ada will each be getting their own post about their profiles and characters etc.
Newt was still asleep on one of the beds, he’d been out for a few hours now; I’d drugged him up on enough poppies so that he’d hopefully sleep for another few hours. I thought it was because I just wanted him to heal, he deserved rest, but my eyes kept jumping back to the ivy scales on the wall, and I knew then I drugged him excessively because I wasn’t ready to talk about what happened. I don’t think I’d ever be ready.
Every time I blink, I see him up there. Halfway up the walls that imprisoned the Glade, his grip on the vines loosening as he looks down at me, tears running down my cheeks. I could have sworn he mouthed ‘I’m sorry’. But it didn’t matter. Because a second later Newt let go of the vines and plummeted towards the ground.
The thud as he hit the grass tore through my body. I wasn’t aware of the desperate screams that escaped my mouth, my vision too blurred with tears to see all the Gladers run to his nearly lifeless body, as I collapsed on the ground.
Clint and Jeff were yelling at me, I was the Keeper of the Med-jacks, I was in charge of healing Gladers. This was my job, my responsibility. Newt’s life was in my hands. Their shouts were muffled, my lungs had tightened up as the only clear thing I could hear was the pounding of my heartbeat in my head.
I felt a tightness on my shoulders, someone started shaking them, snapping me out of my shock. Gally’s voice was firm, it cut through my despair like a knife.
‘Florrie! Hey, snap out of it. Whatever you’re feeling, whatever you’re thinking, you gotta push it aside. Newt needs you to save him, we all need you to save him.’
Regaining my focus and bottling up my shock, I nodded. Gally pulled me up and we both sprinted after the boys that were carrying Newt to the Med Hut.
‘Put him on the bed.’ I ordered.
‘Jeff, I need poppies, clean bandages, and a splint. Maria, I need you to grab herbs, get me yarrow, lavender, aloe and as much gingko as you can spare. Clint, examine Newt’s lower body for any broken bones, torn ligaments and wounds. Gally and Ada, I need three buckets of boiled water. Alby, get everyone out. Unless you’re a Med-jack or are getting me supplies, I don’t want you in here.’ I barked, yelling orders at everyone.
The Gladers darted off to retrieve the supplies I needed, everyone else filtered out of the Hut, trying to return back to their jobs.
‘You too, Alby.’ I ordered, as I washed my hands.
‘Are you sure you’re okay to do this? Clint and Jeff can do this.’ He said, gently.
‘Newt is on his death bed. And you think I’m just going to walk away? Alby, I can do this.’
He nodded, exiting the Hut. I went back over the bed hurriedly, the love of my life lying almost deadly still.
‘Sorry, babe’. I apologised, before ripping his mud-splattered shirt in apart, leaving his torso exposed to examine his upper body for injuries. I felt around his torso and shoulders, trying to sense the damage caused by the fall.
‘What are you thinking?’ Clint asked.
‘I’m thinking, few broken ribs, fractured arm, nasty cut on one side and head trauma. What you got down your end?’
‘Torn ligaments all along one leg, shattered ankle and a really deep cut.’
From the window, I saw everyone rush back with the supplies I asked for.
‘Alright.’ I said as I rolled up my sleeves, ‘let’s get to work.’
Clint, Jeff and I had worked all through the night, but it was worth it. Newt might not be as strong as was, but the important thing was he was going to make it. I’d made Jeff and Clint go back to their hammocks and get some rest, it wasn’t going to take three of us to watch over Newt and I could deal with any Slicers that needed patching up.
I’d collapsed onto the only other bed in the Hut, exhausted. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow, ignoring the beams of dawn that were breaking through the window.
A few hours later, I was woken from my deep slumber by a gentle rapping at the door.
‘Come in.’ I groaned, unwilling to drag myself from the bed.
Ada crept through the door, a fresh stain on her green shirt from the kitchens and holding a steaming plate that smelt so good my stomach rumbled like rolling thunder.
‘Hey.’ She said.
I pulled myself up on the bed. ‘Hey.’ I yawned back.
‘You doing okay?’
‘I’m shucking whacked, I feel like I need to sleep for days.’ I said, unable to suppress another yawn.
‘You’ve done everything you can for him. You deserve to rest.’ As she walked closer, I began to recognise the smell from the plate and my eyes became fixated on what was smelling so utterly delicious.
‘Did you make me eggs and bacon?’ I asked eagerly, hoping the answer was yes as the thought of my favourite breakfast made me drool.
‘Yeah. Fry was making everyone else their normal breakfast, but I said I should make something for you and the other Med-jacks.’
I practically stole the plate from her hands, placing it on my lap as I gobbled up the warm, perfectly cooked meat and the soft egg.
‘Hungry, are you?’ Ada teased.
‘Shut up.’ I grinned back, through a mouthful of bacon. ‘You would be too if you spent the entire night trying to save someone’s life.’
‘How bad was the damage?’ Ada asked, gently. This was a topic I really didn’t want to talk about.
‘Bad. Really bad. If we hadn’t got him back here in time…’ I trailed off, unable to even say the rest of my sentence.
Ada rubbed my shoulders comfortingly, as I shovelled another mouthful of breakfast.
‘What are you going to say to him?’. She asked.
I sighed, exasperated. ‘I really don’t know. What do you say to someone after they try to kill themselves?’
‘Well, I don’t think you have long to figure it out.’ She nudged my shoulder, referencing Newt’s small groans and little movements. He was waking up.
‘I’ll leave you guys alone.’ She said, taking my finished plate from my hands and the three dishes on the table of uneaten dinner Clint, Jeff and had been too busy to eat last night.
‘Florrie…’ Newt mumbled; his eyes still glued shut as he gradually woke from his slumber.
I stood next to him, waiting for him to wake up.
His eyes fluttered open, I saw those beautiful brown eyes I loved to stare at, filled with such pain. His hair was a ruffled mess and the only thing covering his torso were the bandages I had wrapped around his ribs.
His eyes darted around the room for a second as he took in his surroundings and slowly realised where he was. His eyes met mine and they interlocked for a second, almost making me forget the horrible tragedy he’d inflicted on everyone, almost.
‘Florrie-‘. He began.
‘Quite a fall you had.’ I interrupted, unwilling to hear his apologies.
‘Love-’. He started.
‘Don’t call me that.’ I shot back, too angry for his pet name.
‘Was it a fall?’ I asked, ‘or was it a jump?’
Even though I knew better, I begged for him to tell me it was a fall, an accident. But Newt wouldn’t look at me, I had my answer.
‘I’m not sure your leg will ever full heal. You might have a limp for life.’ I said as I grabbed some clean bandages from the table and began wrapping them around his leg, fiddling with the material and forcing my eyes to not look at him.
‘Florrie, can we talk?’
‘No.’ I said solemnly, tying the bandages up and walking back over the table, pretending to play around with some herbs whilst I hid the tears in my eyes.
‘Please.’ He begged. I could hear the pain in his voice, and it cut through my like a glass shard.
‘I said no, Newt.’
‘Please. Just hear me out.’ He shuffled himself over on the bed, making a little room and beckoning for me to perch on it.
Reluctantly, I walked over to bed and sat next to him.
‘I’m sorry. I’m sorry for putting you through that. I didn’t mean to hurt you-‘
‘You didn’t mean to hurt me? Newt, you tried to commit suicide!’ I yelled. ‘I had to watch you fall from the wall, and lay on the ground lifeless! If I hadn’t managed to save your life, your blood would be on my hands! I’m the Keeper of the Med-jacks, I’m meant to keep everyone safe!’
‘I’m sorry, I didn’t think about you. I was just thinking about them.’
‘Who’s them?’
‘Everyone. Every Glader we’ve had to watch die. I couldn’t keep losing my friends, I couldn’t keep seeing them die and have their deaths on my conscious. I couldn’t watch anyone else I care about die.’
‘Newt,’ I slipped my hand into his, ‘We all feel that. I see Nick and George every time I go to sleep at night. No one should ever have to watch their loved ones die, but you can’t let it destroy you. We did everything we could for them.’
‘This place is a prison. We’re prisoners. We’ve been here for so long, what if there’s no way out.’
‘There is.’ I reassured.
‘How can you know that, love?’
‘I can’t believe that we are stuck in here for the rest of our lives, I won’t. There has to be a way out, because if there isn’t,’ I paused, ‘I don’t know what I’ll do. The hope that someday we’ll be out of here, is the one thing keeping me going.’
‘I think I’ve lost my hope.’
‘Find it again. You can’t give up, Newt. We’re Gladers, we got each other. We’re here for you, Alby, Maria, Ada, Frypan, even Gally. And I’m here for you, and I’m not going anywhere.’ I smiled.
He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.
‘Thank you, love’
‘Promise me.’ I said, looking up from his chest into his eyes, feeling his warm breath smother my face, ‘Promise me, you’ll keep fighting, Newt.’
‘I will.’ He promised.
‘I know you want to die because of them, but I need you to live for me.’ I begged. ‘I don’t know what I’d do without you. I love you, Newt.’
‘I love you too, Florrie’. He said back, pressing a gentle kiss on my lips.
For a while we stayed there, Newt drifted back off to sleep but I was wide awake. I cuddled into him, refusing to let got. Because, deep down, a part of me was afraid that if I let go, Newt would slip away.
#maze runner#newt maze runner#oc#maze runner gally#newt imagine#newt fanfic#scorch trials#death cure#newt deserved better#x reader#x oc#the glade#tmr frypan#tmr x reader#tmr newt#tmr alby#tmr fanfic#tmr fandom
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Does He Know? F.W. x reader
This is part two of My Lips are Sealed!! I am loving how this is coming along, I’ve got so many ideas! Let me know what you think is going to happen next :)
Trigger Warnings - mentions of abortion, as always please don’t read if it may trigger you!! I’ve got many other Fred fics instead :) xx
You can find part one Here
Y/N felt sick, she jogged her knee up and down in attempts to slow her nerves. Every bone in her body told her to run, but she sat in the plastic uncomfortable chairs. Her eyes grazed over the couples who sat together, whispering with each other. Y/N knew that if George was here he’d make some fun out of it, he’d try to imitate some of the other patients, or ask ridiculous questions which no doubt would make them both laugh. She knew he’d be able to make her laugh, her mind drifted over to Fred. He’d be trying to chat up the nurses. She pushed the thoughts of him out of her head quickly. She watched as one couple were laughing with each other, they gave Y/N a small smile when they caught her eye, she smiled back politely; silently wishing the ground would swallow her whole.
She just wanted this to be over, she wanted to go back to work and laugh with Fred and George like she would usually do, she didn’t want to have this weighing heavy on her heart. Picking up a magazine she began flicking through the pictures. Nothing could stop her mind wondering though, what would her life be like if she left right now. Would she buy a little house, and paint the nursery all by herself. Pushing the thoughts out of her head, she didn’t want to think about that right now, she couldn’t back out, she didn’t want to. Turning her attention back towards the magazine, she forced herself to read the words printed.
“Y/N would you like to come through?” The nurse said kindly, Y/N smiled as she followed her out of the waiting room.
Y/N hurried her way towards the exit of the hospital, she just wanted to go back home and sleep. Emotionally she was drained, more than she had expected, her mind was running continuously wondering whether she had made the right choice.
“Y/N!” A voice called Y/N turned around and was greeted by Caitlin, George’s girlfriend “How are you?” she asked quickly making her way towards Y/N
“Good! I haven’t seen you for a while” Y/N plastered a fake smile onto her face, she could tell that Caitlin saw straight through it.
“George told me you had an appointment today, he said I might see you” She grinned “Do you fancy a coffee? I’m on my break and am dying for one” She asked
“I’d love to” Y/N said honestly, Despite not wanting to talk she really didn’t want to be alone, she knew as soon as she was her mind would wonder to places she didn’t want it to go.
Caitlin sat herself opposite Y/N in the hospital cafe. The waitress set two large mugs down on the table, Y/N thanked her gratefully. Caitlin and Y/N sat in silence for a few minutes waiting for the other one to start the conversation.
“George told me” She said quietly, Y/N smiled slightly, George never could keep a secret from Caitlin
“I thought he would” Y/N answered, her eyes entranced by the cup of tea in front of her
“He swore me to secrecy, but he thought that you could use a friend” She gave Y/N a sympathetic smile “It can’t have been easy”
“It’s done now” Y/N said quietly, stirring another spoonful of sugar into her tea
“You could have asked me to come with you” she said kindly, Y/N avoided her gaze knowing that she was going to burst into tears at any moment “Or George, either one of us, you know that don’t you?” She said sympathetically
“I know, George said he would come with me” Y/N said quietly “It was something I needed to do alone” Y/N answered fighting to keep the tears inside
“I understand that” Caitlin smiled “George is worried about you. Kept texting me this morning making sure that I wouldn’t forget that you were coming” She chuckled
“He’s a good friend” Y/N said simply,
“Do you know who the dad was?” Caitlin asked after a few moments of silence, Y/N felt her heart crack a little as her mind drifted back to that night
“Fred” Y/N whispered, feeling a weight lift once she said his name
“You two are together?” Caitlin asked confused
“No” Y/N said sadly, pushing the thoughts of that night out of her mind
“I didn’t know you two even” Caitlin trailed off slightly
“It was once, at their summer party” Y/N explained
“But you left early because you weren’t well” She said replaying the moments of that night
“Fred took me home” Y/N said simply “He stayed with me, we were both drunk and it just happened”
“Does he know?” Caitlin asked
“No” Y/N said quickly “He can’t know. It didn’t mean anything to him, it was just a bit of fun”
“I wont say anything” she promised giving Y/N’s hand a friendly squeeze “George hasn’t told him about your appointment either” She added
“He hasn’t?” Y/N said knowing that the twins didn’t have secrets between them
“No, he hasn’t. He said that you didn’t want anyone to know, so he never told him”
Y/N smiled a little, knowing that her friendship with Fred would still be in tact.
“I ought to get back to work” She said
“Of course” Y/N said quickly “Thank you for the coffee” Y/N smiled kindly
“How about you come over tomorrow night, let’s have a girlie night” Caitlin suggested
“I’d love that” she answered honestly knowing that it was just what she needed
“Perfect! I finish at six so come over around 7?” Caitlin said
“I’ll be there” Y/N smiled as Caitlin left the cafe quickly.
Y/N paused for a moment before she stepped into the shop, a few customers wandered their way around the shelves. Fred was animatedly talking to a young boy about one of the products, Y/N had to tear her eyes away from the interaction, Y/N made her way up to the staff room. Closing the door behind her, she set her bag and coat down. Wiping underneath her eyes in attempts to remove the mascara which had run slightly, she pulled her hair into a tight ponytail. Plastering on the best fake smile she could, she walked out into the shop. Waving at Fred as she walked over to help a confused looking customer. Fred waved back animatedly, grinned as he did. Y/N finished with the customer, pleased having gotten her to spend double what she had planned to.
“I knew there was a reason why we employed you” Fred laughed, leaning himself on the counter in front of Y/N, who smiled in response.
“Fred I’ve got a lady upstairs who’s driving me mad, can you go work your magic?” George asked
“I’m on it” He grinned, bounding off upstairs, eager for the challenge
“Hey” George said quietly drawing Y/N’s attention towards him “How was this morning?” He asked
“Fine” She said blankly, not wanting to talk about it
“Was it all ok? He asked, his voice was laced with concern
“It was fine George, I really don’t want to talk about it” She pleaded
“I”m you’re friend. It might help to talk about it?” He suggested
“I doubt it, I just want to forget it all” She said honestly, pulling her eyes away from George’s gaze
“Are you ok?” he asked
“I’m fine. I’m absolutely fine” She knew that she didn’t sound very convincing
“Promise me?” He said “Swear it?” He said
“George” she wined “I’ll be fine” She said
“You know where I am if you want to talk about it” George said
“I’ve got a girlie night with Caitlin tomorrow, after some ice cream and lots of wine I’ll be back to normal” She said with a forced laugh.
Taglist (also I’m really hoping it works because I’ve never done it before!)
@asuperconfusedgirl @obsessedwithjustaboutanything @fuckthenewyorkpost @manuosorioh @gingerspicetalks @fred-weasleys-bitch @whorotional @n3ssm0nique @hey27 @unadulteratedfirellamapanda @ellsxwilkins @rosaliepostsstuff @whitewineandpizzapuffs
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Honestly this fic made me cry - 1000000/10 incredible work I love your stories <3
Everyday, for the rest of forever - Fred Weasley
Title: Everyday, for the rest of forever Pairing: Fred x fem!reader, Fred x Angelina Johnson Summary: Reader watches as the person she loves falls in love with someone else A/N: This is a song fic based on the song Heather by Conan Gray and I highly recommend listening to it while you read!! I got carried away with the ending but I’m not even sorry.
Tags: @bohemianspacebabe @litteralywedonttalkaboutitk
I still remember third of December Me in your sweater, you said it looked better On me, than it did you, only if you knew How much I liked you
“How’re you feeling?” Hermione asks quietly as she takes a seat on the edge of Y/N’s bed. She had kept the dorm up half the night with her coughing, so Hermione is pretty sure she knows the answer.
“Like shit,” Y/N answers as she rolls over in bed to look at her friend. Her throat feels raw and her voice is gravelly. Despite the fact that Y/N can feel the heat radiating off her cheeks and she’s laying under a pile of blankets she shivers as a cold chill runs down her spine.
Hermione frowns, and reaches out to touch Y/N’s forehead. “You’ve still got a fever. You sure you don’t want to go to Madam Pomfrey? She can whip up a Pepperup Potion and have you feeling better in a few minutes.”
Y/N nods, waving away the worried look Hermione gives her. “You know that always makes me feel even worse. It’s just a little cold, I’m sure I’ll be fine by tomorrow.”
“If you’re sure.” Hermione stands up, pausing as she reaches for her coat. “Do you want me to stay with you? I don’t mind, there will be other Hogsmeade trips.”
Y/N shakes her head with a laugh, gesturing towards the door of their dorm room. They both can hear Ron and Harry causing some kind of commotion with Seamus and Dean down in the common room despite the fact that the thick wooden door is closed. “I’ll be fine. Those two idiots need you more than me. Someone needs to keep them in check.”
Hermione laughs too, finally pulling on her coat. “You’re not wrong about that. I’ll see you at dinner, yeah?”
“As long as you’ve got a chocolate frog for me, I’ll be there.”
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#fred weasley#fred weasley imagine#fred weasley fic#fred weasley x reader#harry potter#harry potter imagine#lumosandnoxwriting#the weasleys#weasley twins#heather song#songfic#sweater#fw#fanfic
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Dating Fred Weasley Would Include...
Cr: planet-naptune
- Originally wanting to keep your relationship quiet, Fred is naturally popular and he wanted you to be the one thing he had to himself. George is told immediately.
- The only reason the entire school finds out is because a Durmstrang boy asks you to the Yule Ball and Fred is having none of that.
- He stands on the Gryffindor table, at dinner time and shouts as loudly as he can, to everyone in the room that you are his girlfriend so other boys to need to back off, then pulls you up to the table with him, kissing you passionately earning an applause from everyone on the Gryffindor table and the table of whatever house you belong to, (unless it’s Slytherin).
- He likes certain amounts of PDA, holding hands, kisses on cheeks etc, but goes all out if someone is asking you out or if you feel scared, he’s by your side instantly.
- Helping each other with homework in the library but getting barely any work done.
- Stealing all of his jumpers, your favourite being his Weasley Jumper. He eventually gives you his old one that doesn’t fit anymore, but you continue to steal his.
- Occasionally pranking with the twins.
- George always trying to trick you into thinking he’s Fred, you playing along to tease him and annoy Fred, but knowing who is who at all times.
- Him staring at you in the great hall because he just can’t believe the most beautiful girl in the world is his.
- Taking the strength of you, Lee and George to hold Fred back from ripping Umbrigde to shreds when he sees the cuts on your hand from her quills.
- Summer swims in the lake in the late evening.
- Going to Quidditch matches together, betting against each other, cheering madly in the stands, face painted on you teams colours.
- Zonko knows you by name, you and Fred are in there so often
- Stealing kisses from each other in the hallway.
- Some of the most creative dates to ever exist e.g. exploring the castle, ice skating on the frozen lake, night flights on broomsticks under the stars.
- You beg him not to put his name in the goblet of fire, scared that it will accept his name and he will become part of the Tri-Wizard Tournament.
- You getting in a fight as he wants to try. You being so relieved when the ageing potion doesn’t work.
- You’re one of Flitwick’s best students.
- Cheering madly for Fred at quidditch matches.
- If you play quidditch:
- family games at the burrow, you and Ginny always beat the twins.
- Being a chaser
- If you’re in Gryffindor, Fred and George with protect you from the bludgers at ALL costs
- If you’re not, you’ll get unusually competitive whilst playing to the point where people question if you’re still dating.
- You’ve both agreed that whatever happens in the pitch, stays on the pitch.
- Him asking you to leave Hogwarts with him.
- If you stay: It gets hard, maintaining a long distance relationship but Fred visits every weekend and you write letter, it really strengthens you relationship.
- If you go: moving in with the Weasley twins, Fred being over the moon. Having to deal with all of his and George’s bad living habits, honestly you’ve never seen 2 messier boys.
- Fred is terrified about leaving you at Hogwarts with Umbrigde, you have to wear long sleeves for months to cover up the scars she gave you so Fred won’t murder her.
- After hogwarts you have a job at Weasleys Wizard Wheezes, but Fred encourages you to pursue your dream, as you encouraged him to pursue his.
- Him completely supporting whatever career choice you decided on.
- him proposing spontaneously at the battle of Hogwarts after you both narrowly escaped a Death Eater. You obviously saying yes. (Y’all can have whatever wedding you want)
- Never been into cuddling when sleeping until after the battle of hogwarts. You hold each other so tight because you both have the trauma and are scared of you let go the other will slip away.
- Sunday lunches at the burrow every week, the entire Weasley family is there. It’s a madhouse.
- Having safe words. You’re always scared the death eaters will come back or someone will try to hurt you or Fred so he gets a mobile phone for simplicity.
- He has no idea how to work it.
- Him being ready to fight anyone and everyone to protect you, and you ready to do the exact same.
#fred weasley x reader#harry potter#fred weasley#imagines#george weasley#the weasleys#hogwarts#dolores umbridge#battle of hogwarts#gryffindor#quidditch#ginny weasley#hermione granger#ron weasley#weasleys wizard wheezes#harry potter universe#slyhterin#hufflepuff#ravenclaw#weasley twins#planet naptune#fanfiction#fred weasley fanfiction
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