#but yeah I hope this at least somewhat satisfies your curiosity!
inkblackorchid · 7 months
Can I ask you something? Have you considered doing a fanfic of Aki facing odd against her hold black rose witch persona which I'm surprised wasn't a episode to begin with I mean the idea is too good to waste
The ask box is always open for a reason, my friend!
But to answer your question: Yes, I absolutely have considered the idea of Aki coming face to face with the Black Rose Witch and being forced to confront her own past in a very literal way. The problem with this scenario is mainly one: Logistics. Seeing as Aki can hardly physically split herself in two, making this possible would require supernatural shenanigans of some kind, if you ask me. And sure, 5Ds has plenty of those, but what to use? Time travel? (High potential to shoot yourself in the foot.) A sort of supernatural test of willpower? (Okay, sure, but where, why, and how?) Try to keep it simple, say it's just a nightmare and all in Aki's head? (Possible, but pretty basic.) Say Iliaster creates another signer double, and Aki has to take it down same as Jack took down his? (Runs the risk of being a rehash of the fake Jack episodes, unfortunately.)
Depending on how they're written, I don't necessarily think any of these options are better or worse than the other, and I agree, the opportunity to have Aki literally confront herself would have been great. As far as my own writing is concerned, my main issue, personally, would be where the hell to slot this into canon. Because writing it just as-is, with zero context and no place on the canon timeline, isn't my style. Therefore, I'd have to find a spot for this, and ideally give it some kind of nice payoff, too. And the way my Aki stuff is going right now, especially with the next, big fic I'm currently working on, I'm not sure I could fit this in anywhere. (At least not without making things seem really, really bloated in terms of plot threads and tension.)
That said, I have thought about it before, and may yet think more about it in the future. So I'm not categorically denying I'll ever write this. I'd just love to place it somewhere where it makes sense and haven't found that spot (nor the best way to execute this scenario) just yet.
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yan-lorkai · 2 months
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Started writing this on a whim when I saw some fan arts with Sebastian where he has long hair, y'know my heart simply couldn't resist. So yeah, enjoy this short little thing ig <3
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Soft yandere content, kidnapping mention, gn!reader.
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"Bastian, I have a silly request to make." You already feel your face heating up, thinking of better ways to say what you've been thinking for the last few minutes. Asking for stuff was still new and somewhat difficult after all those months being deprived of everything.
Sebastian knelt gracefully on the soft carpet before you, the sound of the embers in the fire being the only sound to be heard other than your breathing, his usual predatory glint replaced with a rare softness. Well, it wasn't that rare - on the contrary, you didn't like that look when you saw it. At least, you won't for a few months. Now, that look brought a warm feeling to you. A good feeling.
"What do you need, my dear?" He asked, his voice a melodic blend of curiosity and amusement. His gaze never wavered from your face, capturing every nuance of your expression.
Every anxious thought behind your eyes, how you swallowed as if he was forcing to eat sand, the subtle way in each you were breathing. You were nervous.
"Ah, well, you see... I was wondering if you, like, can grown your hair with your powers so I can braid it?" A small, hopeful smile started forming on your lips as his held your face on his hands, massaging your cheeks with his thumbs. Sebastian used to do this to soothe you.
A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. The request was simple, yet it held a profound intimacy that made his black heart beat just a bit faster. He wondered for a second if you could hear it beating, so loudly and so quickly. He wouldn't mind if you did.
"Anything for you, my love," Sebastian whispered as a silken promise. With a graceful wave of his hand, his ebony locks began to lengthen, cascading down his neck like a midnight waterfall, each strand gleaming in the soft light of the chandelier and the embers.
You looked at him, a bit surprised by how eager he was. Months ago he'd laugh at such request - or, and now you thought, maybe not. If you behaved well, he wouldn't act with any kind of rudeness and violence. He was sweet in every one of his gestures.
You began to braid it, your fingers working deftly through his hair, weaving intricate patterns with practiced ease. Sebastian hummed, accompanying each and every movement you did with a different tune. Each touch, each gentle tug, sent a ripple of pleasure through him, igniting a possessive fire that burned fiercely within his chest.
You got up from your spot by the fireplace and positioned yourself behind Sebastian. Almost instantly you started to gently run your fingers through the silken strands, marveling at their smoothness and the good smell. Sebastian remained perfectly still, his eyes half-closed as he savored the sensation of your touch. There was a possessive glint in his eyes, one that spoke of a deep, unwavering devotion and hunger for any kind of touch you offer him.
He was greedy for you and your love - or your hate. He didn't mind much, any kind of attention was positive for this demon.
What I did was right, he mused. Giving you a better place to live, cooking every meal for you, bathing you in his love. And I'll do everything again if needed. You had come around just like he knew you would.
You couldn't see but Sebastian's lips curved into a contented smile, his usually stoic demeanor softened by the tender, spontaneous moment you shared. He could feel the warmth of your affection in every movement, in every glance you stole at him when you thought he didn't know about, in every smile you send his way. He could almost purr contently.
Finally, you tied off the braid with a delicate ribbon, the color matching the deep red of his eyes.
"Perfect," You whispered, admiring your handiwork with a satisfied smile.
He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, wanting nothing more that you felt comfortable enough to ask him for anything else no matter how silly or mundane you thought it was. If it's for you, he wouldn't care.
Sebastian's eyes glinted dangerously, there wasn't a mirror nearby but nonetheless he loved the result. He reached out, cupping your cheek gently, his touch as light as a feather.
"Indeed, my love," He murmured while looking at you over his shoulder, his voice a tender caress. "Perfect."
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ronwestbreeze · 11 months
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you're gonna go far | 6
pairing: jake sully x neytiri x tsu'tey x fem!human! reader summary: a scientist arrives on pandora (unwillingly) a year after the exile of the rda. now she must deal with the likes of a clan leader, a great warrior, and a thanator rider. . . word count: 8.5k
read on AO3
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It was a little difficult to get out of bed that morning.
One of those days.
Long and exhausting. It was challenging to get stuff done. You knew things like this wouldn’t just go away instantly. But you hoped that maybe…
It wasn’t too bad like before. You were able to think about the chores that had to be done later in the day and pushed yourself out of the bedroom.
So you went through most of the day barely existing. Norm was the first to notice your slight change in behavior because he began trying to joke more with you—no matter how bad they ended up being—and tried getting you out of your head. And you were thankful for that. At least that’s what was different this time around. You weren’t entirely alone nor held up in your room.
That was progress, right? You honestly couldn’t tell. Sometimes you felt like you were still stuck, that you weren’t moving forward. Or getting better. At least back to what you used to be.
Yet, you’ve been this way—asleep—for so long that you have forgotten what you used to be like. You forgot when the last time you smiled. You forgot when you felt the most happy or any other emotion besides anger and grief.
You wondered where that part of you went. Some days you went searching. Other days you somberly accepted that it was a part of you, that you were never going to get back.
At some point, you figured it died along with your mother.
“You want me to check on the baby today?” Norm asked you as you were getting ready for your link for the day.
You shook your head as you sat on the link bed, “No, I’ll be fine. Just one of those days, you know? We all have em’.”
He frowned when you shrugged it off or appeared a little too nonchalant about it, “Yeah, I guess.”
“Thanks for offering though.”
“Anytime, Doc.” He gave you a pat on the shoulder, while watching you particularly closely, “Just tell me you need a break. Don’t push yourself, okay?”
He was nice. You needed something like that.
Neytiri noticed it too.
While the two of you were in the garden that day, Neytiri had been saying words in Na’vi for you to repeat. And you did it, not perfectly of course, but you managed. It was just that you didn’t take in any information. Not in the way she knew you to.
You had a certain look that told Neytiri you were hanging onto her every word, whenever you were learning something new from her. Eyes slightly vibrant with curiosity.
That look wasn’t there today. Instead, in its place was a dullness and lifeless sort of unfocused gaze.
Your ears were low again.
Neytiri didn’t know when she became so attentive to your moods or facial expressions. So much so that she could tell when you were somewhat happy and really, painfully sad—
You were just easy to read in this form.
Yes, that was it.
“What is wrong, tanhi?” Neytiri eventually asked because she didn’t completely despise you so much to ignore your change in mood.
There was a twitch in your ears when you heard your name being called. You looked up from the newly planted mushroom seeds you had been mentally counting at Neytiri to find her staring at you expectantly. “Huh?”
She rolled her eyes, “You are not listening. I know you are distracted. What is wrong with you?”
You cringed at yourself for allowing yourself to get so distracted by your swimming thoughts. Drowning in them as usual. “It’s nothing. Just have a lot on my mind.”
But the answer did not satisfy her. Neytiri shook her head, “Sky People are always hiding their feelings. You are doing that. It is okay to be sad. It is natural.”
“I’m not hiding it—” You sighed, turning your gaze back to the mushroom seeds. “It’s just one of those days. Maybe—Maybe today I am sad. I could barely get out of bed and tomorrow it might be worse—what are you doing?”
You watched as Neytiri got up and moved behind you. A second later, you feel a brief tugging at your hair until it became loose from your short braid. “If you want to learn our ways, then you must take care of your hair. I look at it and it is a mess.”
“It was in a braid before…”
“I did not like it.”
With that, she got up again and trekked back into the forest. You watched her go in bewilderment at the sudden change of conversation and attitude from the Na’vi woman. You had no idea what had come over the woman or what made her suddenly leave, but you didn’t focus on it for too long. The confusion and startlement you had was enough energy to continue planting the rest of the mushrooms. You didn’t bother putting your hair back into a braid, not wanting to spend time threading through the thick strands until your fingers were too sore to complete your job. And the last thing you needed was something stopping you from finishing this one simple task—
A splash of cold water was suddenly dumped onto your head, leaving you soaking wet.
And terribly pissed.
You snapped your head behind you to find Neytiri placing the leaf down next to her—which was glistening with water. The same water that was now spilled all over you.
“Hold still.” Neytiri hissed at you as she ran her long fingers through your hair.
You grumbled but reluctantly listened, still confused and a bit pissed at what was going on. And for a while, the two of you remained there. You, sitting on the ground still counting the seeds quietly to yourself while Neytiri stayed behind you. Braiding a few strands of hair.
It was then you realized just how different your hair was from the way it was in your human body. The hair length was very similar to how you used to wear it when you were a teenager. You wondered then just how old this avatar body was.
Once she was finally finished, she crouched down in front of you to get a better look. Her yellow irises scanning your face and her work. Tucking rebellious strands behind your ear, patting down some of the fuzziness, and making sure the braid was visible around your face.
You watched her quietly. And soon, when she was done obsessing over your hair, she watched you too.
It wasn’t the way you and Jake watched each other. This—this had something different about it.
Time was an illusion here. Trapped in her yellow gaze. You hadn’t realized you had been staring for so long—nor did you realize you had briefly glanced at her lips—until a sudden sound from the forest pulled the both of you out of this strange trance.
And once you snapped to your senses, your body quickly reacted. You shot to your feet and cleared your throat, “I gotta check on the avatar now.” You didn’t meet her gaze. “I’ll see you.”
Before she could stop you, you already scurried off. Stopping once you were far enough away out of her sight.
Stopping when you felt a new pair of eyes watching you rather closely.
You glanced around the forest surroundings as you approached the longhouse with a frown until your eyes locked on another pair of yellow eyes. Severe ones.
Tsu’tey was in the trees further away but enough for you to see him watching you, even when you caught him doing so. He did not look away from you. Narrowed eyes and that scowl resting on his angular face.
For a moment you wondered what the look was for. You wondered what he could yell at you about this time, even though you listened to his demands and had stayed away from the Omatikaya territory.
A scared part of you wondered if he had seen you and Neytiri just now.
Nothing happened. But still, it would give enough ammunition for him to verbally attack you. Hate you even more possibly.
Except there would be no battle today. As Tsu’tey disappeared within the trees without a word.
You were confused but relieved at the same time.
Dealing with an angry clan leader was not on your to-do list. Nor were you properly prepared for it.
After watching the trees in silence, you eventually went inside.
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Neytiri watched your retreating figure with a frown, her heart…shifting—only a little bit as you disappeared. Her gaze then moved toward the trees, the area where the sound had come from before. And with an irritated frown, she got up and stalked toward the area.
They were still there. She could feel their eyes on her as she went further into the forest. With a hiss, she glared at the trees, “Come out. Enough hiding!”
Just a little bit above her, a few feet away a familiar warrior snaked out of the bushes and seated himself on the large branch with his usual expression he wore whenever he was away from their shared hut.
Neytiri frowned up at Tsu’tey, “You are watching me.”
“I am watching her.”
After a beat and a quiet sigh, Neytiri climbed up the tree and joined him. Despite his very sour mood, he tugged her close to his side as they sat together. On the branch, they had a good view of the Avatar Compound. A few dreamwalkers were running about but none of them seemed to bother Tsu’tey as much as you did. Neytiri could easily tell with how he kept glaring at the longhouse, the same place she always watched you disappear in whenever you left your false body.
“You have been spending time with her,” Tsu’tey stated more so than asking. There wasn’t much to hide, they both knew Neytiri spent some of her free time visiting you. Only when Tsu’tey or Jake are busy with their duties and she’s finished with hers before the both of them. “I do not like it.”
“She has done nothing.” Neytiri reasoned.
“And what did I say if she does? I would kill her myself.”
As she said this, Neytiri felt a certain wavering in her heavy words. Like a part of her didn’t believe it anymore.
She rested her head on his shoulder, hugging his arm with a content sigh, “But I cannot ignore what the Great Mother has shown me. She has stopped my bow before and now she’s done it a second time. Do you not think it means something, yawne?”
In the corner of her, she watched as his jaw tightened, his features becoming particularly focused. “I do not trust this.”
“You do not trust the Great Mother?”
“That is not what I mean.” He corrected her calmly. Neytiri knew that Tsu’tey, like any other child of Eywa respected her and trusted in her signs. Always had. That was how he was raised. And she knew he wasn’t about to abandon that because of one demon.
But his words were still reluctant, “I do not know where our Great Mother is leading us. I do not know why she wants that demon spared—when she is just like the rest of them.”
Neytiri considered his words, “Perhaps she is like Jake—”
“There is only one Jake. And she is nothing like him.”
She made a sound of disagreement but didn’t push further on the subject. She noticed how tense he was, how tense he had been for the past week. She wondered then if he was truly upset by this or if there was something more to this quiet anger he so carefully restrained. Of course, his hatred for the Sky People was no question.
But Neytiri knew Tsu’tey.
Skin and bone. Heart and soul.
She knew her mate. Not only as a mate but as a friend. They had grown up together. Along with her sister, Sylwanin. There was nothing he could hide from her even if he tried.
“She may not be like Jake. But clearly, the Great Mother has chosen her for a reason. My mother even allows her to stay—I believe it is time you seek the answers.”
Tsu’tey scoffed but didn’t brush her off. Instead, he leaned in closer, allowing his hand to rest on her growing stomach. “You will be a great Tsahik.”
“Not as great as my mother. Nor my sister.”
Tsu’tey shook his head and cupped her cheek, “You will be great, my beautiful heart.”
A soft smile tugged at her lips only to falter when she noticed how exhausted he truly looked. How close he looked to breaking but hiding it. He could never hide it well from her. Nor Jake.
She then took his face in her hands and whispered soothingly, “What is it, my love?”
Knowing that there was no point in denying a response—knowing that Neytiri would not stop until she got what she wanted—Tsu’tey turned away from her to stare back at the compound.
“The Tipani clan are becoming reckless. They already do not like the Sky People that have stayed—but now that the demon has come, I worry they will begin to take matters into their own hands. I worry…that our clans will begin to clash.”
Neytiri took his hand in hers and pressed a gentle kiss onto his knuckles, “If it comes to it, I will stand by you. Jake will too. But I also will ask you to speak to our Great Mother about your troubles.” She caressed his exhausted lines with a small frown, “I worry for you, Tsu’tey. I do not want you to take on this task by yourself. You have Jake and I to be with you. That is why Eywa brought us together.”
Right then, he seemed to consider her words. His gaze was still unfocused while staring at the longhouse. A silence settled between them.
“Eywa has created this new path for us.” Tsu’tey mused. “Somedays I wonder if it will lead to something good in the end.”
“Do you think it won’t?”
He was silent. And Neytiri didn’t push.
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When Tsu’tey went to the Vitraya Ramunong, the night had already settled around him. When he went to kneel at the tree, connecting his queue to one of the links, his prayers were silent. But his questions were clear. His intention was pure to the Great Mother.
What does it all mean? Guide me, All Mother.
So when a single atokirina flew away from the tree, Tsu’tey took to following it both out of curiosity and apprehension. The Great Mother’s answers weren’t always clear. If anything, her signs only led to more questions.
So, Tsu’tey wondered. He wondered if this would lead to any more answers.
Or just more unwanted questions.
Tsu’tey rushed through the forest, never losing sight of the spirit. He kept going and going until he was nearing the Sky People’s base. Until the trees suddenly became familiar. Until the grounds he had seen many times before unwillingly began to appear around him.
But his body never stopped moving. He never stopped following it. Too desperate for answers. Too desperate, too yearning.
Oh Eywa, he was yearning.
And then, and then, and then.
And then he was staring down at your still false body.
It was strange. Seeing no life in your face. Tsu’tey had only seen your false body from far away, but now seeing you up close. You looked so different yet the same as your human form.
Why was he here? Why did the spirit bring him to…
His vision rippled. Your body morphed from your human form to your false body—impossible.
And then he woke up.
Tsu’tey finally realized where he was. Instead of standing in the middle of the forest chasing an atokirina, instead of standing over your false body, he was back in his hut. With his mates sleeping next to him. With his son cuddled between both Jake and him. With Neytiri hugging his waist from behind.
A dream. It was only a dream.
But why you? Why you?
“Yawne?” Tsu’tey breathed out a sigh and looked over his shoulder to find Jake shifting out of his sleep, looking at him through heavy eyelids. He sat up a bit, careful not to disturb Neteyam’s sleep as he did, “Another nightmare?”
Tsu’tey hesitated—considered the question. The dream he just had. Was it a nightmare?
“No. I am fine. Go back to sleep, my love.”
Jake didn’t look entirely convinced but eventually lied back down. Usually, it took a while for Jake to fall asleep, so Tsu’tey lay back down, adjusting Neytiri’s arm around his waist and squeezing his other hand on Jake’s shoulder.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Jake asked, his voice deep and sluggish.
Tsu’tey nodded, and tucked his nose into Neteyam’s cheek as gently as he could, “I am now.”
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It took you a little longer to get out of bed the following week. But you managed. You watched a few more of your mother’s logs and even some of the other ones still in the system.
Dr. Augustine. Norm. Some guy named Quaritch. And then there was Jake Sully.
As a human.
You paused the video to examine his face. You suppose the traits matched his now blue form. The only difference was that instead of his longish dreads, he had a buzz cut in the video. And a tattoo poking out of his short sleeve shirt.
Eventually, you moved on, willing yourself to forget his face for the time being.
You also tried not to think about the fact that Neytiri hadn’t been back for about a week now. Which was normal. You didn’t overthink it. Especially not after that moment—
Eventually, you moved on, willing yourself to forget your thoughts about her.
Then you remembered Tsu’tey. Him watching you so closely. You hoped he didn’t see you and Neytiri. Frankly, you weren’t sure what would happen if he did know.
He’d kill you. That’s for sure.
Eventually, you moved on, willing yourself to forget all three of them.
When you finally got out of bed, you continued with your regular schedule and tried to think of literally anything else. You tended to your garden by yourself and continued checking the baby.
There was a bit of determination for yourself, to keep moving. To not stay in one place any longer or else you’d be stuck.
And you weren’t sure if you’d make it out if you did.
Jake continued visiting the tank room whenever he could.
Today was one of them. Only this time you made it before he did.
“How’s the baby?”
You glanced up briefly from your notes, “Healthy. It might be because Na’vi babies might grow faster in pregnancy—judging by that we might have a couple more months before it’s born.”
Jake nodded, his face serious, “Anything else?”
For a brief second you didn’t respond, too caught up in your thoughts until you realized he had asked you a question. Jake tilted his head, brows furrowed at you.
You shook your head eventually, “No, everything’s all normal.”
He stared at the belly for a moment longer before he left. You were somewhat surprised at his quick retreat but didn’t think much about it. He was some type of great warrior, he was probably busy with something else in his clan. If it meant that the two of you didn’t have to interact much with him anymore or probably a lot shorter than before, then you were okay with it.
It seemed he finally took the hint.
All you could do was keep moving.
Jake came again the next day.
This time around you brought out the ultrasound.
He watched you and the machine intensely. You noticed and gave a sound close to a huff or a snort, “Nothing’s wrong with it. I’m just doing a thorough check-up today.”
A quick look of relief crossed his otherwise exhausted features, “Right, right, of course.”
Once you got the ultrasound running and connected to the avatar, you immediately found the heartbeat with the blurry image of the fetus appearing on the screen. It had grown considerably since the first time you saw it.
“There she is.” You mumbled mostly to yourself. The heartbeat was calming in a way, easing your usual tense muscles.
Jake perked up instantly, staring at you in disbelief, “She? It’s a girl?”
You glanced up at him briefly to find a soft expression on his face upon looking at the fetus. Neteyam—who you just noticed attached to his chest—sleepily snuggled closer to his father’s chest. When his head moved out of the sling, Jake held the back of his head, giving it support.
“Yes.” You gave a short nod.
Another look of relief flashed across his face, this time he didn’t try to hide it like before. A small smile tugged at his lips, “That’s—That’s nice. Amazing.”
In the corner of your eye, you watched him. That easy fatherly expression fell upon his face. How soft his smile was, for something that wasn’t even his. You weren’t sure what to think of it—no, you expected it. It was foreign. A father loving his child. To you at least.
You didn’t know your father. Nor did you have a father figure in your life. That type of love was unfamiliar to you.
Love itself was a foreign concept that you could not yet grasp. The only time you could truly say you experienced something close—similar to love—was with your mother.
And if love was like this—heavy. Leaving you…like this.
You weren’t sure you would want to experience any type of love ever again.
“You sure you’re ready to take on another?” You raised your brows, not looking up from the belly.
Jake looked at you, “Do you care for my answer?”
“I am watching over her. I suppose I should make sure she is left with somewhat tolerable parents—that is, if there aren’t any problems with her when she’s born.” You hummed, rolling your eyes at the sudden look of worry on his face. “Relax, that’s the standard check-up of any baby—well, I don’t know how different it will be compared to human ones.”
A beat went by before he finally answered, “I wouldn’t be honest if I said I wasn’t nervous. What new parent isn’t?”
The rest of the session was just the two of you, sitting in a somewhat comfortable silence. Comfortable for you because you were able to ignore him without any problems. And Jake wasn’t being too talkative or apologetic, which was a plus. But he was noticeably less hostile toward you as the time went by. Showing that he was taking the truce quite seriously and keeping his end of the bargain.
In other words, the truce was possibly the best option for you both. You could work in peace without being hammered or interrogated. And Jake would continue his visits without any problems.
You still didn’t like him. And you were sure the feelings were mutual.
But things were becoming easier.
And sometimes you like easy. Just as much as a challenge.
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There was a part of him that was curious. Jake didn’t understand it. He didn’t understand Neytiri’s easy trust in you but it only made him more curious as he kept coming to see the baby.
Of course, you were guarded and curt around him. And he was quite the same but that didn’t mean he wasn’t at least a little bit interested in why you were so important to their deity.
So many questions.
A part of him wanted to ask Eywa himself—he wasn’t much used to praying to her but he would now and then out of respect for the People. If he asked, he would possibly gain an answer—which was incredibly rare—or he would gain more questions, which was the more common response.
So, Jake took to finding things out for himself. Even if it meant doing it the hard way. Even if it meant getting his head out of his ass and finally putting things into perspective.
Jake Sully was willing to at least keep this tolerable relationship with you going. Keeping this stable cord steady. You weren’t going anywhere anytime soon. It was time he had to get used to it. It was time for him to get over himself.
And he was willing to show that he did want something different. That he was ready to change, to finally understand you in a way.
But you still didn’t like him. Which was fine.
He didn’t like himself all that much either.
Another week went by and Neytiri still hadn’t come back. Surprisingly, you found yourself missing her. And when you began missing others, you got angry.
Since you didn’t feel like going through that process again, you resolved yourself to thinking that she must’ve gotten busy with her clan. Or grown tired of watching over you and your depressing personality once she realized that you weren’t a threat to her clan.
That must’ve been it. That’s what you chose to believe at that moment.
One day at a time.
You moved forward. Because you had to.
Throughout the week you focused on your work tending to the garden, checking on the baby, and even taking on more responsibilities around Hell’s Gate.
Sometimes you’d help Dr. Patel in the bio labs, other times you went with the other avatars to train your body. There were also days you would help Norm pack different human items he’d usually bring for the Na’vi children of the Omatikaya Clan. You, of course, never ventured too close to their territory whenever you went with him to drop off the items. You’d either stay in the ship you flew in or stay at the base as he left on his own.
Jake still kept coming around but his time there became shorter and shorter with each visit. Again, you didn’t bat an eye. You welcomed it and continued with your work.
Toward the end of your busy and long week, you woke up with a start when a blaring sound struck your room. It had to have been the middle of the night as you looked around frantically, only to realize the sound was coming from your tablet.
Quickly, you grabbed it to find the alarm was the system alerting you something was wrong.
And the problem was coming from the tank room.
You stumbled out of your bedroom and dashed through the long halls until you finally ended up in the tank room. Not caring that you were probably making a bunch of noise in the process.
When you got to Augustine’s tank, your heart sank when you found Grace’s avatar was violently twitching with the lights inside of the tank blaring a red.
“Fuck!” You hissed as you immediately checked for the problem.
The first thing you checked was the avatar itself. Her heart and the baby’s were fine but the avatar’s was slightly elevated, probably in response to whatever was happening to the machine which was the next thing you began to check.
There you discovered that something in it was malfunctioning. Throwing the liquid temperature off, the placentiums weren’t giving any more nutrients like they were supposed to. Whatever was going on, you didn’t have time to fix it or the machine.
If you wasted time like that more damage could be done and you weren’t going to risk that. Especially when the baby was in there. Especially when the baby could receive the worst of your mistake. Of this malfunction.
So, you worked fast.
You searched the room for an empty tank—which you were able to find and rolled it over next to the one Dr. Augustine’s avatar was in. You pulled the empty tank open just as Norm and a few other scientists entered.
“What happened?!” Norm questioned hastily.
Quickly, you jumped down from the empty tank and rushed toward Grace’s, “It’s malfunctioning. I don’t know why but we have to move her.”
Thankfully, Norm didn’t ask any more questions. He ordered the other scientists to help you.
You worked quickly. Draining the rest of the liquid from the tank, carefully moving the avatar—this required multiple hands—until you placed it in the new tank.
“Track her heart rate.” You ordered one of them.
A second later, a woman responded, “Stable but its body temperature’s dropping fast.”
By the time she said that you closed the tank. “Norm, fill it up.”
You jumped down, grabbed the heart monitor from the female scientist, and watched the lines closely. The tank was nearly filled up as Norm came up beside you.
Along with the heart monitor, your heart pounded through your ears as the tank finally filled up. You gave the monitor to Norm and went to adjust the temperature back to the usual settings.
When the blue lights came on it felt as if the room breathed a huge sigh of relief. You took the monitor back as Norm hummed, “Lucky you were the one to get here first. And quick thinking too—do you know what went wrong with the other one?”
The rest of the scientists poured out of the room as you slowly shook your head. “I don’t know. I couldn’t waste time, Spellman. Not when it could’ve risked the baby.”
Norm nodded and patted your shoulder, “You’re right. Good work, Doc.” He moved to the other side of the tank with a thoughtful expression. “You want me to stay and help with anything else?”
The lines on the monitor were stable, which brought you some sense of comfort. And yet the slight panic remained. “No, no. I’m good here. You can go back to bed. I’ll finish up here soon.”
“Okay.” Norm eventually moved toward the exit. “Get some sleep, Reeds. I’m serious.”
You nodded without looking at him. “Yeah, sure. Goodnight.”
“Good morning.” Norm corrected with a tired grin.
With that, Norm left. You breathed in a steady breath before grabbing a chair from the corner of the lab and sinking onto it. The monitor was kept nearby, the heart rate melodic in your ears as you set your tablet down on your lap.
For a while, you studied how far along the avatar was. It had been a good couple of months since you first discovered the child—which left her at about twenty-four to twenty-seven weeks at least. That’s not even counting when she first got pregnant. But compared to a human, the Na’vi pregnancy went by a lot faster, which also confirmed your theory.
Or maybe your perception of time was fucked up with how distracted and busy you had been.
Was that why the malfunction happened? Were you too distracted to notice any faults in the system during your usual sessions? What did happen?
You contemplated this for a while. Until your mind became hazy and your eyes droopy. At some point, you fell asleep next to the tank because there was no way you would leave the fetus’ side at that point. Not after all of that.
It felt as if your eyes had been closed for only a couple of seconds before you were suddenly jolted awake to find Norm standing over you.
“What happened? Is it the tank again?” You instantly asked, turning to check on the tank.
“No, no, no—the—she’s fine!” Norm quickly assured while easing you back into your chair. “I thought I told you to get some sleep.”
You stared at him for a beat, both a tired and an annoyed expression easily falling upon your face. “Well, I assure you I certainly wasn’t sitting with my eyes closed just then.”
Norm winced, “Sorry. I thought you’d want to get in your own bed before Jake gets here.” He rubbed the back of his neck as you got up from the chair. “I had to tell him what happened—he’s flying over now.”
“That’s fine.” You grumbled. “I can stand just one day in the same room with him. Besides, I should probably figure out what went wrong with that tank.”
Norm nodded, “Okay—uh, should I be a mediator for the both of you or..?”
“Oh, please.” You rolled your eyes. “It’s not like I’m meeting their clan leader.”
“You really need to try and get along with him.” Norm chuckled with a shake of his head.
You scowled, “Are you going to keep yapping in my ear about it or be useful?”
“Alright, alright, don’t an ass.” He strolled toward the doorway. “Jake’ll be here in fifteen.”
Once he left, you got to work again. You weren’t an official engineer but you knew a good amount of information from your training back on Earth. You hoisted yourself up and into the tank before you began taking it apart. You stood in it, trying to find out what exactly had gone wrong—while glancing at the heart monitor now and then.
Your brain was moving quickly yet hazily from the sleep. Eyes honed in on the mess of wires in front of you. So distracted by your silent questions and theories that you didn’t hear the incoming footsteps. Only the voice that followed after.
“What happened? Is she okay?”
“Yes, she’s fine.” You replied immediately, watching in the corner of your eye as he approached the new tank. His hair was tied back and across his chest was a leather strap that carried what looked like a machete. “It was just a malfunction with the tank. We were able to get her out before any real damage could be done.”
Jake frowned, “Malfunction? How the hell did you let that happen?!”
“Look, I don’t know.” You replied calmly, ignoring the twitch in your jaw. “I’m still trying to figure all that out. But she’s out of it and fine. Norm helped if that makes you feel better—”
“I thought you had things handled? What happened to that?” Jake scowled, his tone vicious.
“I do.”
“Then what the hell happened—”
“I already said I don’t know!” You seethed, glaring down at the group of wires now hanging from your hands. Somewhere in the back of your brain, you realized that Norm really did have to stand between the two of you. That this truce wasn’t stable enough. That the two of them were just too explosive. “The hell do you think I’m trying to do? Kill the baby?!”
You missed the way Jake’s face faltered slightly, catching himself. “No…No, that’s not what I—”
“Then get off my fucking dick!” You snapped, throwing a piece of the tank to the floor with a clatter.
All sound was gone from the room then.
This was the last thing you wanted to deal with. Being scolded like some child—like you already weren’t beating yourself up over this mess.
You sunk onto the floor of the tank and continued working. Because that’s what you were best at. Not conversations. Not people. Not love.
Work. It was everything to you.
Already you were mentally drowning Jake out, ignoring the fact that there was another person in the room with you. But eventually, you realized that there was nothing wrong with the wires. It must’ve been something else. Another theory down the drain.
Jake uttered your name at one point. And you ignored him.
There was a sigh followed by a short pause before he spoke, “I’m sorry.” You continued ignoring him. There was something about his apologies. You were just tired of them. “That wasn’t fair, you’re right. I shouldn’t have come at you like that—”
“Augustine’s avatar is over there.” You mumbled. “You can check on her yourself.”
There was another silence but you were too focused on what was in front of you to notice or care. You were so determined to ignore him and the sting in the corners of your eyes.
You didn’t like to cry. Especially in front of others.
Thankfully, you ignored him long enough until you realized you were finally alone.
After a while, you breathed out a tired sigh.
Fortunately, as the days went by there were no other problems with the new tank or baby, but it didn’t stop you from always double-checking everything after that close call. So much so that you didn’t realize how much sleep you were missing until Norm pulled you away from your work and forced you back into your room. Locked the door and everything just to make his point.
With the promise of Norm taking care of your work, you eventually allowed yourself to sleep for practically the entire day. Not without the tablet on the dresser next to your bed of course.
Even after catching up on some semblance of sleep, Norm still didn’t let you get back to your schedule right away. Which irritated you of course.
“I don’t want you in my garden, Spellman.”
He rolled his eyes, “And I don’t want you stressing yourself out. As your friend and colleague who happens to care about your well-being, I demand you stay away from the garden until you’re completely rested.”
You frowned at him, “We’re friends?”
“Shut up and accept my love.”
And he kept true to his word. Norm kept you away from the gardens, even the tank room. And made sure that the scientists knew how to keep you away as well. He covered all of his bases.
Damn him.
You couldn’t sit around and do nothing though. So, at some point you were so desperate you resorted to practically begging Norm to just give you something to do that would distract you throughout the whole day. You nagged and nagged and nagged until Norm finally gave in.
“There’s an old link shack north of Hell’s Gate. We’ve been thinking about restoring all of them around the area. But that particular shack’s connection is a little wonky. Maybe you could head over and restock the supplies with your avatar. Maybe even fix the connection while you’re at it.”
You nodded quickly, “Yeah, sure thing. I’ll get on that—”
“And don’t try to sneak your way to the gardens!” Norm added sternly, sending you a look over his shoulder while clicking away at his computer. “Plus, you won’t need the Samson ships. The shack’s not too far from here.”
With that, you went to grab supplies, such as med kits, weapons—one gun and a few stacks of ammo—blankets, Na’vi weapons, a hunting knife, and a bow with a few arrows. You kept the hunting knife to yourself just in case.
After getting all of this, you placed the bag of supplies in the compound longhouse where your avatar always slept when you weren’t linked. Once you got to your link bed and linked up with your avatar, you grabbed the hunting knife and the bag of supplies before taking off north from Hell’s Gate.
The sky was grey today with a few darker clouds on the horizon instead of the shimmering blue you were used to. A storm might’ve been coming.
Which meant you had to make this trip quick. There was no telling how bad these storms could get on this planet.
Similar to how you traveled through the forest with Neytiri, you took to the trees so that you’d have less of a chance of running into or disturbing any of Pandora’s finest. Hopefully, you had learned to be quiet enough to not draw any attention your way as well.
As time went by, the sky got darker. You followed the coordinates Norm gave you while slipping through the trees like the true shadow you were. Traveling and climbing through the trees got easier as you went. You had done it enough times with Neytiri that you knew what to do and how to do it. Albeit not perfectly, but enough to get by. Blending into the environment as best as you could.
You enjoyed it, the vibrant life and colors of the forest once again. Every time felt like you were taking in Pandora for the very first time. Every time felt like a huge breath of the freshest air. Here, you were weightless. You weren’t a scientist. You weren’t human. You weren’t an avatar. You were just were.
You existed here. You were real.
Truly this place was everything you dreamed of when you were younger.
Rain began to pour by the time you spotted the shack. It was propped up and well hidden in a large tree, with moss growing out of the sides, the entire thing looking like it hadn’t been used in a long time.
You slid down from a branch as quietly as you could and landed in front of the metal entrance. By the time you got the door open and crouched inside, you were soaking wet from the rain.
The shack itself wasn’t too small, which surprised you. It must’ve been made to allow avatars to be able to roam freely through here without too much trouble.
Once the door was closed, you sunk onto the empty cot in the corner of the shack and began unpacking the supplies. The med kit went into the cabinets above a wooden table attached to the wall. The blankets went on the cot. The gun and ammo went under the cot in a long black case filled with old and rusted weapons you had to throw out into the rain. You kept the hunting knife tucked in your shorts.
The rain kept going. It was relaxing. Stopping for a moment to listen. Smelling it through the cracked window next to the cot you sat on.
It was nice. You could stay here if you wanted. This could’ve been your new home if you didn’t have responsibilities at Hell’s Gate.
Lastly, you worked on the radio that sat on the wooden table—which you assumed was connected to the main base. So, for the next few minutes, you took your time messing with the radio. Listening to either ongoing static or barely audible voices going in and out. At some point, you messed with the wires a few times before Norm’s voice finally came through.
“Tomato. Tomato. Tomato.”
You pressed one of the buttons, “Hey, Norm.”
“Oh, Jesus! Reeds!” Norm startled. “Warn a guy next time!”
You pressed your lips into a thin line, “I just wanted to test if it worked. Clearly, I fixed it.”
A snap of thunder drew you away from the radio. Seemed like it was getting worse out there. You hadn’t realized how long you’d been out there until now.
Norm seemed to realize this too, “You gonna stay there and unlink?”
“Mmm.” You paused. “I’m gonna try bringing the avatar back.”
He sighed, “Alright, good luck.”
“Don’t need it.” You said as you got up. “I’m too awesome.”
“Whatever, Reeds.”
Another clap of thunder filled the air as you stepped out of the shack. Immediately you were soaked by how heavy the rain was.
Thunder continued to boom, making your skin jump every now and then. It was just terribly cold, making you start to run so that you could get out of it faster.
You ran and ran, and ran, and ran, and ran, only to realize just how much noise you were making and that the area was too unfamiliar to you. It wasn’t long until you realized how lost you were. It was just too dark to navigate your way back or recognize any familiar spots guiding your way.
With that in mind, you went toward the nearest tree and began to climb.
But your body was yanked away from the tree bark almost instantly as you were tackled down to the ground by a large weight. Your left shoulder exploded with vicious pain as if a bunch of sharp knives buried itself into your skin and continued to tear through it.
A strangled scream left your lips as the thunder clapped in the sky once more. You could barely see the creature but it was a dark, large beast. Digging further into your shoulder.
You hadn’t even seen it coming. You hadn’t been paying attention.
Now you might die because of it.
You tried shoving at it, managing to get most of its weight off of you. But the teeth were still in your shoulder. There was still pain. There was still warm liquid dripping down your arm.
When you moved your leg, you remembered the hunting knife in your shorts. Immediately, you dug into your pocket and found the handle instantly.
After that, you didn’t waste any time stabbing at it blindly and desperately. You did this, you kept going until more warm liquid covered your knife-wielding arm. You did this until the animal was limp against your body. Until you were able to push it off and scramble to your feet and run.
The pain was awful but bearable enough for you to run back to the shack at least. Mud was all over your clothes—some of it in your mouth. If anything, you probably looked insane right now.
You ran. Ran. Ran. Ran. Ran. Way too clumsy to be quiet. What’s worse was you had no clue where you were. And there was more shuffling coming from the bushes and trees surrounding you. If anything, you were probably throwing yourself further into the lion’s den.
It wasn’t long until a black creature suddenly came out of the bushes in front of you, causing you to stumble to a stop as it made its way toward you. Sleek and dangerous. Eyes locked on you.
Thunder boomed again. An identical creature came out from your right. Another on your left. Another. And another. And another.
Until you were surrounded. Until you knew there was no way you were going to make it out of this.
You kept your knife in front of you, trying to ignore the pain in your shoulder, the warm liquid running down your arm, the shakiness in your legs. You began to wonder how much blood you were losing with your energy slowly dwindling as time went by—no, it didn’t matter.
Damn it, you weren’t going to die here! Not like this.
“Come on!” You hissed as you pointed the knife at them. “Come on!”
They growled at you, closing in. Finally, one of them pounced toward you. With the knife, you slashed at it. At that, the creature cringed away and missed you entirely but that didn’t mean the others were going to try their luck.
Out of instinct, you stumbled back as two more tried coming for you. Your back hit a tree as you yelled and swung your knife wildly at them.
Only neither the creature nor your blow landed.
The two creatures were thrown to the side as another clap of thunder struck your ears.
Another figure emerged from the trees and rushed toward you.
Instantly, you swung the knife, only for it to be caught in an iron grip.
You screamed.
“Hey, hey, easy!”
It took you only a couple of moments for you to register the words and that they were coming from a familiar avatar. The last person you ever expected to be here.
Jake lowered your arm with a hiss. You blinked as another round of thunder rattled your ears.
The creatures were closing in again. Jake turned his back to you, hissing at them. His larger arm stretched in front of you protectively when one of them got a little too close for his liking. The creature hissed back
You watched warily behind him, still clutching the dirtied knife. Both of you exhausted and animalistic. Yellow eyes glimmering. One with warning and the other with desperation.
Jake looked terrifying in this light. Just as murderous and dangerous as the animals that surrounded you.
You remained behind him, trembling but glaring. Gripping that knife like your life depended on it.
There was suddenly more shuffling, more thunder, and the creatures then scattered.
You, dumbfounded by this, spoke shakily, “Why did they—”
Jake grabbed your wrist holding the knife.
“We need to move.” He said, dragging you forward.
The two of you ran in the opposite direction of the creatures. He hauled you up a tree before climbing up himself. “Is there a link shack nearby?”
For a moment, you wondered how he knew about the link shacks. You leaned on a branch both to catch your breath and because the quick movements left you a bit dizzy. When you couldn’t come up with plausible answers to your silent question you instead said, “I just came back from one. North from here—I don’t know how far it is.”
Your body leaned a little too far. Jake was quick to grab you in his stronger, more stable arms as he pulled you away from falling off the edge, “Hey, hey, Reeds, I need you here with me, okay? Just stay awake long enough until we get to the shack and we’ll clean you up.”
“I’ve...I’m losing a lot of…” Blood. Blood was what you wanted to say. But the adrenalin was wearing out. Your shoulder throbbed horribly. Exhaustion weighed you down and placed inconvenient black spots in your vision.
“I know.” He draped your good arm over his shoulder and kept you upright. “I know, we’ll get there. I promise.”
There was no arguing with him. You were soaked to the bone and in a hell of a lot of pain. Going back to the shack was your best bet in this horrid weather.
Jake continued to support your weight as the two of you followed the same coordinates leading back to the shack—or rather you haze inaudible directions of what you could remember from the information Norm had given you while Jake haphazardly followed.
Thankfully, the rest of the way wasn’t a long journey. Or maybe you just kept blacking in and out along the way, you didn’t know.
Jake and you stumbled through the door of the shack. He closed the door while you made your way to the radio with whatever strength you had left.
“Norm.” You tapped the radio while wincing. The pain in your shoulder was getting worse. Before now you had been tolerating it. “Norm, can you hear me?”
The static went on.
“Storm must be messing with the signal,” Jake said from behind you as he rummaged through the shack. “We should stay here until the storm settles—”
You rested your head against the small table, the rest of his words becoming nothing but muffled noise to your ears. God, you’ve lost so much blood. And you were so tired.
For a moment, just for a few seconds, you wanted to sleep. Only for a moment.
A larger hand rested on the back of your neck, bringing you slightly out of your unconsciousness.
Jake kept calling your name. “Hey, where’s the med kits at? We need to work on your arm, okay? And I need you to stay awake. Can’t have you unlinking in this condition.”
Sluggishly, you nodded, “They’re in the cabinets.”
More thunder rolled by. Jake left your side briefly to search through the cabinets above you. You leaned back in your seat, staring bleakly up at the ceiling.
“How long do these storms last?” You asked.
The thunder responded with a clap.
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sorry for the long wait! hopefully it was all worth the wait. another 8k chapter, yay, that wasn't difficult to write at all lol! but now jake and reeds are alone in a shack. anything could happen....
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(i'm not adding anymore people anymore!)
taglist: @doggyteam2028 @bigbootahjudy @innercreationflower @n7cje @celi-xxmoon @readerofallthingss @sillyblues @squirtlebob @saturnhas82moons @1mawh0re @aprosiacperson @loserwithnofriends @garfieldsladybird @slutforsmut4ever @lik0
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644 notes · View notes
javaghoul · 1 year
Baby write me a jealous Arima, Tsukiyama and Yomo too please!!
Hope ya doing good with your work stuff and that your tattoo is satisfactory
I read this and was creeped out because I forgot I said I have a new tattoo. I was like "😱 how did they know 😱"
Work&my tattoo are both good thanks. Hope you're well too.
Jealousy hcs pt2
Deeeeefinitely gets jealous, although you'd never guess by his outward appearance
I think Arima is someone who doesn't fully understand his own feelings at times, and when he gets a certain way, will overcompensate to appear "normal"
So when he starts feeling jealous, he'll become more friendly, more chatty, more SMILEY in public around his s/o...
...which is odd because he's a reserved guy. That will be an indicator that something's off
Y'know how the guy is too busy for life? Yeah, well jealous Arima will suddenly find the time to be more present in his partner's life. Will be able to hang out more, will show up unexpectedly. Definitely odd
In public, there's nothing too obvious to suggest he's feeling upset about anything. Or at least to those who don't know him too well. Behind closed doors, it's different
If his s/o or even someone who he is just interested in, starts paying a lot of attention to someone else, Arima will not hesitate to ask about it
It will be abrupt too:
S/o: *pottering about the house happily, living their best life*
Arima: "Why are you spending so much time with X? Do you have feelings for them?"
And you better believe he'll be SCRUTINIZING their reaction more than their reply
I also think that, if not satisfied with their response or how things are going, Arima is the type to snoop through their phone
Isn't above "having a friendly chat" with the other person whilst being in uniform and carrying a briefcase
Idk, I think Arima is a very grey character, I don't think he's had many opportunities at healthy relationships, and being a nosey detective, infringing on privacy isn't as toxic a trait to him as it would be to others'
Damn, Arima 🫤
In part 1, for some characters, I said that they wouldn't really get jealous because their confidence is good...
Tsukiyama isn't immune to jealousy; he's confident, mostly, but he's also very competitive. If his s/o or love interest seems to be distracted by someone else, he'll notice
And want to know why
He doesn't approach his s/o to begin with. Instead, he wants to find out about the other person who is demanding their attention. Jealous Shuu becomes somewhat of a social media stalker
Once he's figured out what this person is about, he'll become more verbal about it with his partner. There'll be questions disguised as "curiosity" - which is kinda accurate, but he's mostly gauging his partner's reaction
He'll encourage an opportunity for them to meet. Shuu will likely want to arrange something so he can ensure he has the upper hand
If all went to plan and he was able to meet the person, it would go one of two ways: he'd either be the perfect, polite partner, or he'd be a dick. It depends on what the other person does
If it goes badly, and if the other person is a ghoul, Shuu isn't above being openly hostile. He knows his ability, is well-aware of the power-house he has behind him in terms of his family, and simply wouldn't be able to help himself. If the individual was human, think cutting remarks and showboating
He's also one to casually point out the other person's flaws to his partner
Gets argumentative. Snappy. He won't admit he's jealous, but will find some issue with this person and use that as a reason for why his s/o should stay away from them
Failing that, he may "speak 😉😉" to the other person.
These hcs are going to be all over the place, because emotionally, Yomo is all over the place, so I'm staying true to character lol.
Jealous type 💯
The thing with this idiot is he has a lot of very big feelings but no idea how to express them
So when his partner starts talking about a work colleague, or hangs out with someone new, Yomo can't articulate:
"Spending time with you is the best part of my day, and now all you do is talk about X. Why? Am I losing you to them? How do I stop this?", instead he sulks
He may start cooling off a little. In his head, he may think that if he backs off, his partner will chase after him. A bit like a "test" of sorts
Whenever the other person is mentioned, or is in the same place Yomo is in, the entire atmosphere changes. Yomo is very good at giving off "I really don't like you" vibes. Makes everyone feel very uncomfortable
Has moments where he's exceptionally clingy. He'll get grumpy if his partner is messing around on their phone, will be more tactile and cuddly...he wants their attention
Can get very shitty with his s/o. It goes beyond his usual one-word answers. It seems like he's looking for a fight all the time
Fortunately, I don't think he's the type to be able to maintain this behaviour for too long. Unfortunately, I think he IS the type to clear the air by having a big row with his partner rather than a conversation
He'll get everything off his chest, thoroughly confuse/upset his s/o and then feel terrible about it
He won't feel jealous anymore (kind of) but he will feel bad for causing these problems to begin with. Will then need reassurance that everything's going to be ok
(see what I mean about him being a mess?)
Make-up/emotional/idunnohowtospeaksoheressomethingphysical sex
82 notes · View notes
Too much information (Frankie Morales x GN reader)
Summary: you’re dating Frankie in secret, and Pope is on to you. Brunch probably isn’t the best place to put his interrogation skills to use, but do you really think that’s going to stop him?! No, me neither.
Author’s note: this is just a quick, silly, shortish blurb. Nothing special but the scene popped into my head and then my finger slipped, so here you go. It’s mainly between reader and Pope, but you are dating Frankie and he does appear.
Warnings: not really. Food mention.
GIF by @themarcusmoreno
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“Is that ‘Fish’s t-shirt?” Pope asks bluntly, as he settles into the booth opposite you, the group gradually gathering for lunch. You had arrived first, and begun perusing the menu.
“Normal people might shoot for a hello,” you josh, standing and leaning over the table to greet him with a kiss on the cheek.
“Yeah, that too,” he grins. “Well, is it?”
Before you retake your seat, you take a quick look down at the garment in question. A marled-grey band shirt.
“No,” you answer adamantly, crinkling your face in confusion. “It’s not.”
“You sure?” Pope presses, and he leans in, resting on his folded arms. His stare is intense, and you suddenly feel like you’re in an interrogation. You suddenly feel very sorry indeed for his prior subjects, considering this is a mere taster of the intensity they were subjected to.
“Yes,” you say in a level voice, looking him dead in the eye.
“Hmm,” he nods, considering it, his hand rasping over his stubble. He takes a menu too, from the stash at the far-end of the booth. You hope he’s dropping the topic, but no such luck. “See. You already made one mistake,” he breezes, and you squirm in your seat. “You checked. You looked down, as if it could be Frankie’s t-shirt.”
You saw your jaw from side-to-side.
“Which I’m pretty sure it is,” he adds with a flourish of his hand, his eyes flashing with a smug pride.
“It’s not,” you snap, staring him down until he raises his hands in surrender.
Finally. You look down at the menu, selecting your burger and milkshake combo. But he’s not done yet. Of course. Air seethes out out your nose. “Looks like his though. Doesn’t really fit you either. Not really your usual style,” he muses, as if ticking off a checklist in his head.
You huff, and look back up at him. “You have too much time on your hands, Pope. How’s that job-hunt coming? Or, actually, when did you last get laid? Think you need to find somewhere to direct all this excess energy.”
You should have said yes. Should have made-up an excuse about how you needed to borrow some clothes. Because it definitely is Frankie’s t-shirt.
He knows it. But if you admit it is Frankie’s t-shirt, at this point, you are admitting a whole lot more besides.
“Now now. No need to get personal.” You wish you could knock the shit-eating grin off his face. “Just answer the question.”
“This is how I wear my clothes now,” you say, gesturing down at yourself. It’s flimsy and you know it.
You’re really starting to hate the way he says that.
He’s quiet for a beat, and you think he may have given up, but, to your ire, apparently not. Instead, Pope leans over the table and presses his nose right into your shoulder, taking a whiff. “Kinda smells like his detergent too.”
You pull back from him in disbelief. He recognises his detergent? “That’s fucked up, Pope. Why are you so obsessed with Frankie?”
Your comments don’t seem to rile him. Instead, Pope’s eyes flash with a sudden knowledge.
Balls. That was your second mistake. You called him “Frankie”. Not “‘Fish”. Fuck. You flare your nostrils in annoyance and only hope that Pope missed it.
“Well? Explain that. Why does it smell like... Frankie?” No chance that he missed it, then?
“Guess we use the same brand,” you dismiss, propping your chin on one of your hands as you continue to review the specials, in an attempt to obscure your face.
“Uh-huh. Okay.” You bristle. There it is again. Maybe he simply irritates all of his subjects into confessing. He’s certainly irritating enough for that to be plausible. “So, let’s recap, shall we? You dress like him now, and use his detergent? Why are you so obsessed with him?”
“He’s a role model for us all, pendejo.”
He ticks up an eyebrow, looking distinctly unimpressed by your insult.
“And I really mean that,” you say, with a saccharine smile, even as you reach across and bat his cap from his head with a quick boop under the brim.
He half rolls his eyes at you, and yet you can tell he’s biting back a smile as he scoops it up from where it landed and places it by his side on the seat.
“So you weren’t at his place last night?”
“Nope,” you say, popping the “p” and refusing to look-up.
“Didn’t arrive together and stagger your entry to avoid being caught? Because I’m pretty sure his truck’s parked out front and yours... isn’t. And yet here you are, and here he’s not.”
Well. You don’t have an answer for that one. Not right away.
Pope grins smugly, enjoying that he’s getting under your skin.
Shit, where is Frankie? Where are the Millers? Literally anyone. Pope evidently thinks you’re the weak link while you’re alone, and you’re not doing a whole lot to prove him wrong.
“I walked here,” you say weakly.
Pope even goes so far as to dip his head under the table.
“In those boots? Don’t they kill your feet?”
Well at least he was paying attention when the boys made you walk all the way across town that time, to get to this one “must-visit” dive bar. Kinda sweet he remembered actually. Unless, of course, he simply gathers information to use it against you, during times like this, for example.
Eyes drawn away from the booth, you finally see Frankie walk through the door, and you let out a breath of relief. Still, as Pope raises a thick eyebrow at you, examining every expression on your face, you try to avoid looking at Frankie altogether, just so you don’t give anything away.
Pleasantly oblivious, Frankie comes in and settles right next to you in the booth.
“Hey,” he says brightly to the both of you, before smiling at you a little too long, and so -subtly but pointedly- you bump his knee with yours to alert him to play it a little cool. He doesn’t get the memo. Instead, he points down at your torso, without thinking. “Is that my t-shirt?”
Your eyes flutter closed to the sound of a smug, victorious laugh from Pope. Groaning, you put your head in your hands, peeking at your interrogator through your fingers. You watch him lean back in the booth, raising his arms to rest his head on his interlaced fingers, and a smug grin extending over his face.
“Fucking knew it.”
Quickly putting it together, with a gasp of breath, Frankie realises what he’s said. He quickly tries to smooth it over with some elaborate excuse, but you place your hand on his denim-clad thigh and gently shake your head. “He knows, Frankie,” you sigh. “He’s on to us. Basically interrogated me.”
There is a heated and mile-a-minute exchange between the two men in Spanish, and it sounds animated but is clearly somewhat good-natured, typical of their dynamic. Then, Frankie turns back to you. “You know how to shut him up, though?” he smiles. “Give him too much information.”
And he’s not wrong. As soon as Frankie begins to start describing a list of hypothetical activities from last night in vivid detail, Santi quickly holds his hands up in defeat. “Woah, Buddy. Alright. I get it. Fuck.”
Honestly - these two. You roll your eyes, even as you shake out a laugh.
“Hell. I need a drink,” you express, and you step away to the bar, leaving your interrogation behind for a moment.
As you look on though, it seems like poor Frankie’s interrogation is only just beginning.
“So, how long has this been happening?” Santi asks warmly.
“How long do you think?” Frankie asks out of curiosity- wanting to assess Pope’s abilities.
The man weighs it up, his hand smoothing over his stubble. “One month, give or take.”
“Three,” Frankie confirms, a hint of pride flashing in his soft, brown eyes as he realises you’ve outdone Pope, even for a little while.
In contrast though, victory is suddenly the last thing on Pope’s mind, and he’s more concerned with how damn happy his friend looks as he reveals this information. Pope mirrors Frankie’s wide, beaming smile, and he reaches across the table to deliver a few solid, congratulatory pats to his shoulder. “I’m happy for you, man.”
Frankie’s smile lingers, and he steals a sweeping glance over at you as you lean-up against the bar, his eyes shining as he takes you in.
“How’s it going between you? This a serious thing or just fucking?” Pope asks, although he could hazard a pretty safe guess.
Frankie’s hands disappear into the sleeves of his cord jacket, and his eyelashes flutter bashfully. “I’m in love, man. I’m in some deep shit.”
Santi smiles, tapping Frankie on the arm and giving him a heads-up that you’re on your way back over with the drinks.
You smile brightly at him from across the way, and Pope looks between the two of you. Frankie certainly does look like a goner, he considers.
“Plus - shit,” Frankie adds quickly, in the moment before you come back into earshot. “Seeing them in my t-shirt is Doing Things for me, man.”
“Hermano,” he chuckles. “That’s too much information.”
You arrive back to the table to the sound of Frankie’s delightfully throaty chuckle - your second favourite sound in the world (since hooking-up, you have found one noise he makes which is even better). As you slide in beside the boys, you see the doors swing as the Millers enter the establishment in tandem.
You gaze at Frankie for a few moments, and you steal a final glance back at Pope. He’s still looking at you, but now he looks satisfied, as if he’s put a final piece of the puzzle together.
You don’t know it, but Pope’s suddenly deeply happy for his friends. He has the final piece of information, and to him, it’s quite plain to see. You’re clearly in love; and you’re evidently a complete goner for Frankie too.
“Hey, Millers- did you know these two are hooking-up in secret?” Pope asks loudly as the brothers join you around the table.
Well - he’s got it partly right. You are hooking-up, but it obviously isn’t a secret anymore.
You could care less.
When Frankie takes your hand under the table, giving it a little squeeze, you can’t help the smile which lights your face. Suddenly, you can’t help wanting to tell the whole world that Frankie is your man. And, what better people to begin with than your squad?
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goodgirlofglory · 4 years
A hairy situation / One-shot
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Word count: 4,3k
Warnings: 18+, Explicit sexual content, Explicit language, smut, oral (m/f recieving), slight fingering, hair pulling, pubic hair pulling, pubic hair!kink, dirty talk, fluffy dirty talk, slight soft dom!Steve, some standard fluff in there too.
Summary: You usually keep yourself neatly shaved for when Steve returns from missions, but this time things change and you find yourself with a full blown bush by the time Steve’s about to remove your pants. His reaction is quite different from what you expected (*wink* *wink*) …
Author’s note: This has not been proofread by anyone but me, so all the mistakes are mine<3 Hope you enjoy<3
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The warm water ran down your back as your hand absentmindedly caressed your naked stomach. Nowadays the shower was the only relief for your touch-starved body.
Usually, Steve would be gone for about three months when on missions. This one was bordering on four, and he had warned you the prognosis was five. You were already wallowing in self pity, your body practically humming with built up arousal at being left untouched for so long.
Only a month left, only a month left, only a month left...
Your hand found your mound and started playing in the curls that were adorning it. An impressive mop of dark curls had grown there during your months of loneliness, and you had now grown quite used to feeling the soft hair between your fingers. 
Usually you kept yourself bald except for a neatly trimmed triangle or heart above your slit - one time you even managed to make a circle with a star in the middle, which had made Steve both cringe, blush and laugh his eyes out at the same time. 
He’d fucked you all the same though, quite fervently too if memory served you right.
Now, however, you had let the razor lie for a while and suddenly you were sporting the bush of a 60’s hippie.
You quite enjoyed it, and would actually miss it somewhat when you’d shave it upon Steve’s return.
Steve always gave you a heads up when he returned from missions. Several actually. Usually he would call once he had landed at the compound, so he could hear your voice and how happy you became once you realized he was back. 
Then he would text once he had debriefed, showered and was leaving the compound, and then again once he had reached your apartment complex, mostly because he couldn’t help his excitement. 
That last text was usually just a heart emoji (you had laboured hard to teach him texting - especially emoji use - so those hearts were particularly satisfying).
So you always had plenty of time to clean the apartment up a bit, shower (and shave), dress in something sexy and maybe even light some candles and put on some sweet 30’s jazz (a special treat for Steve).
That’s why you weren’t stressing about letting your hair grow out down there, it would simply take a bit longer to shave once you got the notice from Steve.
Which would be a month away at least.
You stepped out of the shower, got dressed and left for work, ready to throw yourself into your tasks at the gallery in order to distract yourself from your misery. Maybe you’d even get some Ben and Jerry’s on your way home.
You struggled to push through the front door with your work bag on one arm and a bag of groceries (Ben and Jerry’s included) on the other. That’s when you noticed the music softly playing from the living room. Weird, you didn’t remember leaving the radio on…
When you’d closed the door and shook off your shoes, you noticed the distinct smell of your honey and rose body soap lingering in the air. There was no way that had kept since your shower this morning. Something was amiss...
You barely begun to feel anxious when a large pair of hands clasped around your face and a pair of familiar lips crushed onto yours. Your yelp was muffled by the passionate kiss, and a second later your mind caught up and you realized. 
It was Steve! There, in your apartment, his tongue sliding passed your lips and into your mouth as it opened willingly for him. 
The bag of groceries fell to the ground along with your bag and you flung your arms around his neck as he whipped his hands around the back of your thighs and hoisted them up to wrap around his slim hips in one, smooth movement.
You broke away from the kiss with a gleeful squeal. 
“You’re here!?” You were dumbfounded in your joy. 
“I couldn’t stay away from my best girl any longer,” he responded with a smile, pushing you up against the front door.  
“But I didn’t get a call! Or a text. Or even a heart emoji,” you said, more incredulous than anything else. It was a wonderful surprise that caught you completely off guard, blizz surging through your body. 
“Yeah, I wanted to surprise you, actually see you when you got the news for once. I had the team do the debriefing on the jet so they could drop me off here directly,” he said as he leaned in for another kiss. “Totally worth it to see your reaction,” he said against your lips, and laughed when you slapped his chest.
“You scared me, you asshole,” you exclaimed, but you were laughing with him.
“Sorry,” he answered as he kissed his way down your jaw and onto your neck, warm hands squeezing your thighs. He didn’t sound sorry at all, teeth nipping at your pulse point, drawing a tiny gasp from your lips.
Touch-starved indeed. 
Your mind started to fog over with a wave of arousal as you started to feel down his back. The muscles rippled under your fingertips, and you raked your nails back up to his neck, eliciting a quiet groan from his throat. 
That’s when you noticed he was completely nude except for a rather tiny towel around his hips.
“You showered here? And you used my body soap?” you asked.
“I had to shower, I don’t think you could have handled the smell. Three months undercover in the Croatian black market, the last three weeks on a pig farm in the countryside. Plus, your body soap reminds me of you. Got me hard just smelling it,” he said, letting you down on your feet again as he started ripping off your layers of clothing, breath coming out in pants.
Hard indeed, you thought, as you looked down to see the tiny towel struggle against the tent at the front. 
Instinctively, you reached for it, throwing the towel off as he threw your jacket and scarf aside, grasping his hard cock in one hand, feeling how hot and heavy it was in your palm.
He threw his head back and let out a shuddering breath, hands loosely wrapped around your neck as you gave an experimental tug. He seemed pretty much as touch-starved as you. 
There was a reason you reacted so quickly once you got the heads up. Aggression, stress, adrenaline plus his enhanced physique usually meant a lot of pent up energy needed release once Steve got back from missions. You had no qualm at all being the vessel through which that energy was released. Steve would put you through the mattress two to three times during the first night back, and you absolutely fucking loved it. And you loved him, and were pretty sure he loved you back.
“I love you,” he muttered against your lips as he started pushing you towards the bedroom, your hand still wrapped around his cock, pulling at it slowly as leakage began to spring forth at the tip. Your mouth watered at the sight. 
“I missed you, I need you. Now,” he continued, voice breathy as his eyes gazed sweetly into your own. Your breath caught in your throat at the piercing blue. 
“God, Steve, you have no idea how much I’ve longed for you,” you heard yourself saying, emotion washing over you almost making you whimper. You still couldn’t believe he was here, a whole month before time!
The back of your knees hit the bed and he gently pushed you down onto your back, hands going straight for your pants when you froze.
Shit. A month before time. Fuck
Without the heads up you hadn’t had the opportunity to shave. You hadn’t even gotten your bag off your shoulder before he had practically thrown himself over you in the hallway.
You had no idea what this would mean to Steve. Would it be a turn off? Did women sport bushes in the 40’s? Had he even seen a woman’s pussy before he went in the ice?
The thought of this moment being ruined sparked a panic in your mind and your hands shot up to grab Steve’s wrists as he was undoing the button of your pants. 
His hands stilled and he gave you a confused look. 
“What is it?” he asked, concerned.
You gave a strained smile and bit your lips as you stared into his curious eyes. Why were you suddenly being so unsure of yourself? This was Steve, you could say anything to Steve!
“You know, since you were a month early, and didn’t text before you came over...I didn’t have time to...freshen up...down there,” you said slowly and gestured awkwardly to your crotch.
He huffed a laughter. 
“Honey, you know I love the way you taste. Just let me get these off you,” he said confidently as he undid your sipper swiftly and started to tug at the waistband of your trousers.
“It’s not that,” you said, again stopping his hands mid-movement.
You took a deep breath.
“I haven’t shaved...in four months...so it’s kinda...bushy” you said, averting your eyes in embarrassment. 
This was truly uncharted territory, seeing how you couldn’t even keep eye contact. This was the man who’d had his whole tongue up your ass. 
“Oh” he said, surprised, though there was a hint of curiosity in it. 
His eyes grew wider as he stared at your pant clad crotch, hands still on the waist band. His tongue darted out to wet his lower lip as he focused intently on the space between your legs. You couldn’t read his expression, he didn’t seem to know exactly what he was feeling himself.
Then he slowly pulled your pants down your legs and threw them on the floor. He sat down on his knees in front of the bed and pulled at your thighs with ease until your butt was right at the edge. He never let his eyes away from your crotch, you watching him intently.
When his eyes darted up to meet yours, they were dilated to the point where only a small rim of blue shone around the black pools of...lust?
“You’ve grown a whole forest for me, have you?” he asked, voice suddenly gone dark and ruff, and he looked back down between your legs. 
You tiny lace thong concealed your slit and puckered back entrance, but not much more. On all sides of the light purple fabric was wild, dark hair, some even springing forth through the lace. You thought it was actually quite a pretty sight, but was still holding out on the verdict from Steve. 
He let a finger trail the hair that was growing on one side of your panties, and a hum rang through his chest. That seemed like something you could recognize. It was a hum of approval. Of appreciation almost.
He took one of the curls sticking out of the lace between his fingers and pulled lightly. The tugging sensation provoked a gasp from you, and the responding grunt from Steve’s lips caught both of you off guard. Your eyes met briefly in surprise, before you both returned your focus to your hairy core.
You were starting to understand his reaction now, intrigued. Reaching down, you tugged your panties to the side, letting him see your slit and the puckered lips between the two mops of hair. 
His breath came out harder as he spread his fingers through the hair before pulling at the lips, spreading them open to reveal your weeping hole and red clit, swollen and needy for attention. Without another word, Steve leaned in and gave a swipe of his tongue up the entire length of your slit, and you moaned at the pleasure that bolted through your core. 
He started licking and sucking at your leaking sex like a man starved (which he to some degree was), hands gripping your hips and holding you down as you sqiurmed at the stimulation. 
As he worked you, you threw your shirt off along with your bra, and his hands automatically reached up to your breasts as you lay back down on your back. Deftly, he rolled and pinched your hardening nipples with coarse fingertips, all while lapping at your clit with quick and wet expertise. He moaned into your core, sending a shiver up your spine and you started to rock your hips against his face in rhythm with his licks. 
You knew you wouldn't need long tonight, and when Steve pulled his right hand down and slipped two fingers right into your cunt, he only needed to curl his fingers a couple of times before you came undone, back arching and lips open in a silent scream as you came, convulsing around his fingers. He languidly licked you through your orgasm, groaning into your wet heat as you relaxed back down on the mattress, breath ragged. 
He removed his fingers from within you, and you lamented the absence. He put the fingers in his mouth, sucking greedily on the digits. He kept your eyes in a locked gaze as he moaned at the taste, and you whimpered at his unabashedness. 
“You taste so good, baby,” he said between licking the residue of your orgasm of his knuckles. 
America’s golden boy was such a dirty bastard in bed, and you couldn’t help your proud giggle at being the one who unleashed his inner beast. 
His eyes went back to your quivering cunt and he let his fingertips gently play at your entrance. You didn’t quite understand where he was going with the gesture, but didn’t mind at all. He looked on entranced as he moved his fingers around your weeping hole, and you looked at him.
“God, what a sight,” he whispered, almost to himself. “Such pretty, wet curls”.
Your cheeks flushed and you let out another giggle. His attention drew to your face, and he laughed as well as you hid your face in the crook of your elbow. He raised himself to his feet and crawled over you on the bed.
“What?” he asked, smiling from ear to ear as you giggled again.
He was so darn cute, and still rock hard, his engorged length brushing against your inner thigh.
Instead of answering, you lifted your head up and caught his lips in a kiss. Enthusiastically, he threw himself into it, gasping when you took his bottom lip between your teeth and sucked lightly. A shiver went through him, a near pornographic groan leaving his throat. 
Oh he was on tonight 
You couldn’t wait to taste him. To feel his throbbing cock stretch your mouth, salty on your tongue. 
You gently pushed at his chest, and he let you roll him over on his back. Lord knows you would never be able to move him without his help, but you both liked the feeling of you being in charge. 
He watched you intently with those breathtaking blue eyes as you slithered down his body, laying wet kisses to his strapping chest, dipping your tongue into every divot of his abs. He let out these wonderful, small gasps every so often, his hands going into fists at his sides. 
You wasted no time when you reached his cock, only licking once at the small drop of clear fluid sitting at the tip before taking the purple head into your mouth, sucking lightly. 
Steve let out a strangled moan and threw his head back, eyes falling closed. 
"Oh my god, baby, that's it," he panted.
Spurred on by his words, you started to work your head up and down his throbbing length, pushing him further in each time. When he hit the back of your throat, you pushed through your need to gag and swallowed around him. 
He groaned, a deep, vibrating sound that went straight to your core like a lightning bolt. 
You felt his hands on the back of your head as he held you in place.
Yes, yes, yes, you thought through your body's surge for air. 
Tears pricked at your eyes as your throat convulsed around him, and Steve called out in that stern and commanding voice above you. 
"Look at me" 
And you did. His heavy brow furrowed, cheeks flushed and lips red, swollen and slightly parted. He was a vision and your cunt clamped around nothing, screaming for attention. 
He gripped a fistful of hair and dragged your face off his cock. Your ragged breath ripped out as oxygen finally found your lounges, long strings of saliva connecting your mouth to his red and angry cock. 
You could feel him losing control of himself in the way his look darkened, his muscles twitching. You eagerly anticipated it. He gripped your jaw and slammed his mouth to yours, spit and precum mingling between you in an open and obscene kiss that was mostly tongue.
He drew you up to straddle his waist with the hand on your jaw and you eagerly obeyed his manhandling. 
You splayed one hand on his chest, while the other reached between you to grab his cock and lining it to your entrance. He let his hands glide up your thighs and settle on each ass cheek as he spread them slightly. 
You locked eyes with him as you felt his tip breach you, forcing your flesh to yield to his massive girth. 
A groan escaped his gritted teeth.
As you tried to lower yourself though, you felt his hands holding you put, not letting you move a centimeter.
You looked down at him, and you saw him smugly cock a brow at your obvious frustration. A needy whine escaped you. 
"Tell me what you need, baby," he commanded, almost encouraged. 
The cocky bastard was getting off on denying you, enjoying torturing you. 
You secretly loved it. 
"Come on, baby, tell me. What do you need?" 
You knew the questions applied to more than just the serious fucking you craved that moment, and had craved for months now. 
"I need you," you whispered, staring into his intense eyes. 
He moved you with ease a few inches down on his cock, relishing in your gasp as he stretched you so sweetly. 
"Tell me how you feel about me," he demanded, keeping you pinned in place as you squirmed in his grip. 
You whimpered in your desperation to be filled. 
"I love you, Steve. I love your face, your tongue, your cock. Even your sadistic pleasure at torturing me like this," you gritted out, nails digging into his chest. 
He groaned at your words and pushed you down on his cock in one swift motion until he bottomed out inside you. 
You struggled to take in air as he kept you put with his hands on your hips, the new torture not being able to get away.
He looked on, eyes hooded as you gripped him like a vice. 
"That's it, baby. You need this, you need me. You love me. You’re so good at taking me, swallowing me so greedily," he kept repeating as he rocked you slowly on him, waiting for you to adjust. 
"Yes,” you repeated breathily as you started moving your hips in tandem with his hands. Soon he removed them, letting them hover over your waist as you moved on your own, riding him harder and harder. 
You started riding in earnest, slamming yourself down on his cock as the squelching sounds of your arousal filled the room. 
“Fuck,” he exclaimed. Your chest swelled with pride.
His eyebrows started to raise in a telling way that made you think you were actually gonna make him come, and you moaned at the prospect.
That's when he caught you by surprise, sitting up and flipping you over so you were under him, remaining inside you the entire time. 
He wasted no time before he was pounding into you, the bed protesting the vigorous movement underneath, you encouraging it above. 
He threw one of your legs on his shoulder, sitting up on his knees to get that angle that always made you see stars. 
And boy, was he right on cue. His cock punched right onto your sweet spot and you arched your back, cunt involuntarily squeezing him. 
"G-god," you choked out, hands clasping at his thighs, feeling how his taunt, bulging muscles moved under your touch as he fucked into your yielding body, bringing you closer to the edge with every thrust.
You looked up at his face, and saw how his hand reached around your thigh to ghost above your lower abdomen, seemingly contemplating.
You were right on the edge, vision blurred, sweat on your forehead as you looked on. 
That's when he ran his fingers through the hair on the top of your mound and closed his fist around it. He took in a sharp, shuddering gasp and his movement faltered for a moment. His brows raised again. 
His hand tugged harshly at your pubic hair and to your utter surprise, your orgasm exploded within you, your mouth opening in a small whine as your body went rigid. 
Steve groaned deep in his chest before his eyes rolled back. His hand tugged harder on the fistful of hair, sparking your prolonged orgasm with a painful sting. 
He gave a few, deep thrusts as his own release coursed through him and into you, filling you up with four months worth of pent up juice. 
Through your haze you squeezed his thighs lovingly, nails digging into the skin. He was so goddamn, fucking beautiful. 
Steve released his grip on your hair and let his softening cock slip out of you. He collapsed beside you on the bed, one massive, hot hand on your thigh to keep you connected.
You had early on learned that The Captain's love language was touch, and he would usually keep himself physically connected with you at all times during the first 24 hours back from missions - to your varying delight.
You lay there, listening to your pants as you came down from your high. It was all so strange, and all so good. 
You turned your head towards him, taking in his glorious side profile with his straight and imposing nose, strong chin and ruff stubble, piercing blue eyes concealed by pale eyelids and a flutter of thick, long eyelashes. 
“I gather the bush wasn’t a problem?” you teased.
The way he had reacted to it had been anything other than what you expected. You thought maybe you’d get some mild discomfort, some awkwardness and then just ignoring it all together. 
Not ...that. 
You mound still stung a bit from his harsh tugging at the end there.
He smiled and turned to meet your eyes, cheeks slightly pink. 
“You gathered right,” he said, and averted his eyes in the cutest way possible. You rolled onto his chest and made him look you in the eyes. His hands found your back and started stroking a couple of fingers lightly up and down your spine.
“Where did that come from? If I’d known you’d react like that, I would have grown it out a long time ago!”
He laughed.
“If I’d known, I would have let you know a long time ago. Everyone I’ve been with before you sported the same...baldness as you normally do. And it’s not like I saw a lot og nude dames back in the day, ya know.”
Ah, that answered that question
As your thoughts lingered on his response, he saw his opportunity to grab the back of your head and bring you in for a sweet kiss. Starving and deprived, the kiss soon turned heated, and his tongue effortlessly slid into your mouth as you moaned at the intrusion. 
You broke the kiss before it became too consuming, earning a disappointed pout from Steve as you quickly threw yourself from the bed. You pointed a finger at him.
“No, no, no, I am going to shower before you go any further, mister!”
He raised his hands in defense at your tone, but a smirk was playing at his lips. 
“Plus, I think I need to shave a bit, don’t you?” you asked innocently.
Before you knew it, he had rushed forward, grabbed your wrist and waist and hoisted you back on the bed, effectively pinning you under his weight, one wrist in each hand at the side of your face. You felt your body humming with energy at his power demonstration.
“You’re not going to shave a goddamn thing,” he said matter-of-factly, though there was a playful tone to his voice. 
You giggled at his words, which turned into a gasp as he leaned down and nipped at your neck.
“Do I need to go down there and remind you who you belong to? Eat your wet and hairy pussy like cream, taste my stain as it leaks out of you?” he rasped in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine and right to your core. The dirtier side of your Captain still took you by surprise sometimes.
Then your eyes flashed open as realization hit you. Cream.
“Oh my god, Ben and Jerry!” you shouted as you pushed at your restraint, and Steve, ever the intuitive, let you go immediately when he understood the moodshift.
You darted out of the bed and sprinted from the room.
“That better not be someone you're expecting,” Steve called from the room, and you couldn’t control your laugh as you bounded for the discarded grocery bag in the hallway.
As if...
Author’s note: This was my first one-shot, and a hell of a lot of fun. I don’t really remember where the whole pubic hair!kink-idea came from, but once it entered my mind, I couldn’t get it out until it hit the paper. I just imagine Steve being a real lover of natural bodies and natural body hair, ya feel<3 Thanks for reading, love you<3
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I love ur fics ahhhh 😭💕 I saw ur requests were open so I couldn't resist. Can you do a Hanji x reader one shot where it's Hanji's and the reader's anniversary but Hanji ends up forgetting about the date they planned bc they're busy with their experiments and stuff. An argument ends up happening but Hanji feels guilty so she ends up forcing Erwin to let them have a day off where they have a date with their s/o. Maybe Levi and Erwin help too? Thank you sm sorry this is so specific!
HANGE NOOOO oml they would though
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(Zoe Hange x Reader)
AU: Canon
Warnings: None
Category: Fluff
Summary: Too busy with work, Hange forgets about their three year anniversary, and an argument ensues. Upset about this, they gets Levi and Erwin’s help to make it up to their s/o.
Words: 2.4K
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Beams of light shone through the window—blinds doing little to stop it. The sporadic rays of the sun warmed your skin, your body stirring you awake at the detection of sunlight.
You slowly open your eyes to say good morning to your lover, but you sighed in disappointment at the empty space next to you, a small dip in the bed where they always slept.
You sit up and look at the calendar. There it was, circled in bright red ink, March 7th. Your two year anniversary of dating the scientist.
You knew of their habits; staying up late working on experiments, and waking up extra early to begin again. You understood the importance of their work, but you couldn’t help but be saddened by their frequent absences. You wished, at the very least, they could find time in their day to spend with you, especially on your anniversary of all days.
You sighed, dragging yourself out of bed and to the closet, ready to get dressed and face yet another long, busy day.
You knocked on the door again—the third time since you had showed up to the commander’s door. After another moment of no response, you pushed the door open wordlessly, they wouldn’t care if you walked right in anyway. It was a privilege only their lover had; being able to walk in while they were working and talk to them. It was a small gesture of affection between the two of you, but a silent one. Still, you appreciated the gesture.
You stepped into the room, and the sight of Hange hunched over the desk and too dissolved in their work to notice you ignited a twinge of sympathy in you. A single, tall candle on the desk provided what little light there was in the room, and you wondered why they hadn’t even bothered to open the blinds. How long have they been awake?
“Hange?” You chirped quietly, and you saw the scientist jump at the sound of their name, turning to face you curiously. They smiled at you the second they recognized you, a satisfied hum leaving their lips. As soon as you had walked close enough to Hange’s desk, they snaked a hand around your neck, pulling you down to plant a soft kiss to your jawline, before returning their attention to the various papers on their desk.
“Good morning, love.” They greeted quietly, and the tiredness was evident in their voice—they made no attempt to hide it.
You blushed at the affectionate greeting, and made yourself comfortable, leaning against one of the many wooden bookshelves that lined the walls of their office.
“G’morning Hange.” You yawned. You thought out your next sentence carefully before you spoke it. “What are you doing up so early? We have a relaxing day ahead of us.”
Hange bore a confused look, turning to you in unfiltered curiosity. “We do?”
Now it was your turn to be confused. How did they not plan for the date the two of you had planned?
“Yeah...” You deadpanned. “We do.”
They made no verbal response, only exasperating their confused look as if to beckon a further explanation.
“Do you not realize what today is...?” You tilted to the side, perhaps testing the waters for a prank, or a temporary lapse in memory. You waited for their head to perk up and chirp out an affirmation about the date, but they did no such thing.
“...What today is?” They echoed, clearly not understanding what you were talking about.
You sighed annoyingly, eyebrows furrowing in frustration. “Our anniversary, Hange. It’s our anniversary.”
You watched their face sink in realization.
“That’s today...?” They asked meekly. It’s almost as if they could sense the incoming anger and frustration coming from you.
You groaned loudly, pulling your body away from the bookshelf and taking a few steps towards them. “Yes, Hange. It’s today.” Their face strained and they turned to look down at the stack of papers and materials on their desk, a look of ‘Oh shit’ being plastered all over their face.
“Geez, Hange!” You half shouted, causing your already exhausted partner to shrink further into their chair. “You bury yourself in your work so often, but I didn’t think you would forget our anniversary of all things! Am I seriously such a low priority to you?!”
They straightened their back suddenly, and you were reminded of how defensive they got when they felt their work was being insulted. “I have an important job, Y/N! I can’t forfeit everything to spend time with you, I have to keep working!”
You wanted nothing of their excuses, and you turned your back to them, balling up your fists as you headed towards the door, tears prickling the corners of your eyes.
“Fine,” you shuddered, “If you want to spend our anniversary alone, then be my guest!”
“Shit,” they paced back and forth on the wooden floor, subconsciously biting their fingernails out of stress. “Shit shit shit...”
Erwin raised an eyebrow at this, watching Hange with a stern, but amused expression. “Are you done?” His voice echoed in the small office.
“Well, four eyes,” Levi spoke, using his favorite nickname for them nonchalantly, “The first step would be to not yell at her.” He answered bluntly.
Hange threw their arms up in frustration. “Yeah, well it’s too late for that!” They grumbled. “I didn’t mean to yell at them... I was just...”
“Cranky?” Levi raised an eyebrow.
They glared at Levi with a relatively displeased expression. “You didn’t have to put it that way...”
A comfortable silence passed the room, and Hange continued to pace the room nervously as Erwin and Levi silently contemplated the estranged person’s query.
“If you really want to make it up to them,” Levi piped up once again, drawing the scientist’s attention away from their thoughts and towards the black haired man sat on the table in front of them. “Then I may have an idea.”
“YES!” Hange shouted, perhaps a little too loud as the two men in the room cringed. “Uh, I mean...” They cleared their throat. “What is it, Levi?”
“Well, first, Erwin.” Levi turned his head to face the blonde man, and Erwin matched his gaze intently. “You’re going to need to give Hange the day off, first.”
Erwin turned his head to the side, folding his arms and sighing, “Use it responsibly.”
“Thank you Erwin!” They flung their arms around the man’s broad shoulders, squeezing him happily in a hug.
They let go after a few seconds, turning to face Levi with and excited expression. “What now Levi?!”
“First,” he deadpanned, “Take a nap. You look miserable.”
You strode down the hallways of the barracks, a stern expression still planted on your face from the day’s earlier events.
You decided to play it just like Hange, so you deliberately avoided them in hopes to get them to understand. Was it petty? A little bit. Were you just petty enough to do it anyway? Yeah.
Still, when Erwin pulled you aside out of nowhere and said he needed you urgently, you couldn’t disobey your superior. Not that you had any indication this had to do with Hange, anyway.
“Y/N.” He spoke, boring a serious expression, despite the wildly unprofessional nature of the meeting. “You’re needed somewhere.”
“Wha...” You stumbled over your words for a moment, before asking the first question that came to mind. “Me? Why not someone else?”
He dodged the question effortlessly, continuing right where he left off. “It has to be you. And you have to go alone.” He slid a paper across your desk, but you hesitated to pick it up so quickly.
“Just go to the location I’ve marked here.” He uncrossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, signifying that he had finished speaking. “You’ll understand when you get there. Go.”
You nodded fiercely, saluting him before you turned to leave, picking up the paper as you went.
“And Y/N?” You turned to face him. “Take off your ODM gear. Wear something formal.
You went to the location Erwin had specified, and you were only left with more confusion. You had put on something somewhat nice, with a white button up shirt, black dress pants, and shiny black dress shoes. Still, their was no sign of any sort of “mission” that Erwin apparently needed from you.
You had found yourself in an open field, specifically the one behind the Scout regiment building. The tall grass swayed in the wind, and you noted the fact that the usual soldiers sparring in the fields were strangely absent.
But, as the sun began to set, a small light peered it’s way into your vision. You squinted, focuses your eyes on what appeared to be... a candle...?
You stuffed the map into your back pocket carelessly, speed-walking to the light out of curiosity.
You made it towards the source of the light, and it was, indeed, a candle. Of course, there was more than that. It was set on a small circular table draped in a white tablecloth, one chair on either side of it. Two empty wine glasses as well as a few pairs of utensils on each side.
You studied the sight curiously, and you pulled out a chair without thinking. As soon as you did though, you felt a hand on your shoulder, making you jump and squeak out in surprise.
You heard a hearty chuckle behind you, and you turned to face the source of the noise, but your eyes widened in surprise at the sight.
Hange stood tall in a jet black suit, smiling down at you warmly. They had their hair tied in a ponytail, and had ditched their work goggles for more formal rectangular glasses. “Sorry, Y/N.” They rubbed the back of their neck nervously. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You took a step back, shamelessly eyeing down Hange’s attire, a pink blush creeping up on your cheeks. You meant to stay angry, but you honestly had forgotten all of your gripes upon seeing Hange dressed in such a nice outfit.
“Hange?” You sputtered, trying to hide your fluster. “What’s going on?”
They walked over to you, grabbing your shoulders and pushing you down to sit in one of the chairs.
“I felt a little bad about forgetting our anniversary,” They chuckled nervously, “So I set this up!” They smiled proudly.
“A candlelit dinner?” You mused, raising an eyebrow in amusement. “How original.” Despite your outwardly unamused reaction, you were pleasantly surprised with the display of affection.
They sat down across from you, tucking a strand of hair behind their ear.
“It’s well thought out.” You raised an eyebrow in doubt. “For the time we had...” They smiled nervously.
“I’m sure.” You chuckled. You relaxed into your chair before holding up your empty wine glass. “Did you bring anything other than empty dishes?”
Hange nodded quickly, reaching down under their table to grab something, and you quickly realized that it was the neck of a wine bottle. They popped the cork effortlessly, and poured the two of you a glass each.
You took a sip from your glass, the taste of alcohol relaxing you further into your environment.
Hange put two of theirs fingers in the their mouth and whistled loudly, causing you to wince and cover you ears.
“What was that??” You sputtered.
“Just calling over the cook.”
You nodded, taking another long sip from your wine glass. The suddenness of the situation died down, and you peered up at Hange, who seemed to be staring at you nervously. They seemed to be trying to gauge your reaction, but you weren’t giving them anything to work with, so you decided to start speaking.
“You went out of your way to do this?” You sighed, staring at them curiously.
“Yeah...” They trailed off, “I had to make it up y’know. It really wasn’t my intention to ignore you...”
They looked back up at you, and you tilted your head, prompting them to continue.
“I got consumed in my work, and completely forgot about something so important to you. It’s my mistake.” They bowed their head in apology. “So I set this up. I even got Erwin and Levi to help. I just wanted to make it up to you. I just wanted...” They looked to the side with a blush on their face. “...to make you happy.”
You smiled softly at them, understanding their apology.
“It’s fine, Hange.” You laughed out loud, causing Hange to blush at your beautiful face in the candlelight. “I forgive you.”
They smiled, relief washing over her face as the weight lifted off of their shoulders. “Thank god...” They muttered, leaning back in their chair. “I was afraid I fucked up...” They giggled.
Their face in the yellow hue of the candle make them look ethereal, and you couldn’t help your heart from fluttering as the overwhelming urge to kiss them overtook you.
You peered up through shy eyes and met their bright ones. You didn’t explain at all, but they seemed to understand as you scooted your chair closer and leaned forward. They leaned towards you as well, as your lips connected delicately. You felt their hands go up to cup your cheeks gently as you rested your own hands on the table.
You stayed like that, silently enjoying the moment for what felt like ages, until you heard a small sound to your side.
“Ahem,” The noise startled you to lean back a little bit, and Hange did the same. A man, donned in a formal outfit holding a tray of luxurious looking food.
“Ah, sorry, sorry...” Hange trailed over, slinking back into their chair quickly, their demeanor and posture not at all aligning with the formal connotations of their attire and the setting before them. You had straightened in your chair almost immediately, blushing at the fact that someone had witnessed you sharing a somewhat intimate moment with Hange.
The waiter said nothing, only rolling his eyes as he set the tray down upon the table, before turning around to walk away silently.
You scooped some food onto your plate, watching admirably as Hange did the same. Once they had finished, they turned their head up to meet your gaze before smiling.
“Happy anniversary, love.”
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This feels bad but oh well lol.
Also sorry this took so long lol I’ve been busy :|
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hanatiny · 4 years
Aim To Please
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a/n: I’m aware that certain kinks in this may not sit well with some people, but I have a very specific target audience for this one so :) a/n 2: happy birthday to the stressed mom Seonghwa, hope he eats well and has a good day~ <3
pairing: incubus!Seonghwa x f!reader
genre: smut, fluff
word count: 1866
warnings: consensual somnophilia, unprotected sex, noona kink, pet names, Hwa has a gun kink, he's also a whiny service top, praise kink, marking (both biting and light scratching), brief mention of overstimulation, orgasm control
Seonghwa had been visiting you somewhat regularly for a couple months now. He first came to you in a dream while you were feeling lonely and then another night, when you found yourself unable to sleep, he actually physically materialised in front of you.
Incubi were said to simply come to 'their human' for sex and that was that, they would leave once they got what they wanted.
Seonghwa, however, was a little different. He had a bit of a childlike curiosity to him, ironic as it seemed for an immortal demonic creature, and you adored the way his eyes would light up like shooting stars every time you'd talk to him and tell him about your day or simply recount a memory you happened to be fond of.
You grew attached to each other rather quickly and easily, a strong emotional bond forming between the two of you that one wouldn't necessarily think possible.
And so, when he arrived this particular night, he couldn’t help but pout a little when he found you fast asleep in your bed. Then again he couldn’t really blame you, it was sometime between 2 and 3am after all. In all honestly, he was relieved to see you get some rest, knowing how you struggled at times.
He visited you for a different reason tonight though; it was his creation day - or birthday, a word he learned from you that meant essentially the same thing in human terms, which he used interchangeably.
He wanted to celebrate it with you and to do so, he’d either have to wait until you'd awaken on your own accord, or wake you up himself. He technically wanted to do neither but he was an incubus, so he did the one thing that he knew how to do.
Hesitating for a beat, then, Seonghwa's face blossomed a cherry red when he recalled how you had previously informed in a conversation that he had been given explicit permission to have his way with you whenever he pleased.
Feeling the mattress dip beneath his weight, he carefully maneuvered himself onto the mattress to hover above you. Seonghwa, careful and gentle as ever, balanced himself on one hand while lifting the other to brush a few strands of hair out of your face.
Your expression was peaceful as you slept, head tilted slightly to the side, and he couldn't help but coo softly at the sight while he briefly lost himself in his own thoughts.
How would he ever tell you that he had fallen in love with you, someone belonging in a different world...? He had yet to figure it out.
He shook his emotional dilemma off in favor of trailing his lips down from your jaw over your neck and collarbone with slow, deliberate kisses. You stirred slightly with a soft hum, remaining asleep.
Seonghwa’s soft lips attached themselves to your skin to gently suck a marking near your shoulder. Once satisfied, he pulled back and his hands went to free your sleeping form from the blanket it was covered with.
He froze in his tracks for a brief moment, not having expected you to be dressed exclusively in an oversized t-shirt. He bit his lip and toyed with the hem of the piece of fabric that still covered your body before pushing it up to under your breasts for easier access to where he wanted to be.
His hands established a gentle but firm grip on your thighs and parted them for him while he nipped all over the skin of your stomach, trying to distract himself and not turn bright red once more from the realization of your lack of underwear.
Like the gentle man he was, Seonghwa glided his fingertips over your inner thighs with featherlight touches and if it wasn’t for the airy giggle you let out, having known you were rather ticklish, he would have thought you couldn’t feel him at all.
You leaned into his touch slightly out of instinct when his fingers ghosted over your slit to see if you were wet enough to take him -  he knew it could be painfully if either party isn’t aroused to a more than sufficient level. But, to his relief, you were practically dripping, which led him to believe you may have been having a wet dream. Little did he know, you had been in a limbo between asleep and awake ever since his hands first came into contact with your heated skin.
Seonghwa was way too focused on his task to notice your state of half-consciousness, and he didn’t even connect the dots when you mewled out loud after he had discarded his pants and gradually pushed his length into your entrance.
Once he bottomed out, he whined softly as he began to rock his hips into you and it surprised you time and time how gentle he’d start off with you - as if you were a porcelain doll and he was afraid of breaking you - and that you’d always, without fail, remind him that he didn’t have to be, that you could take it.
There was a tenderness in his actions that you couldn’t quite place. You refused to believe that the root of it was love.
It was when his voice went high-pitched with a shaky “N-noona..~” that your eyes flew open, thankful for his lack of focus on you while he moaned softly, your hand blindly fumbling for something under the pillow next to you.
Your fingers finally took hold of and wrapped around the cold metal item, pulling it out from where you hid it until mere seconds ago, and Seonghwa’s hips stuttered slightly when he heard a familiar soft click, but he only snapped his gaze back forward to look at you wide-eyed as he felt a gun barrel pressed to the side of his head.
“Noona, I-”
“Hush, sugar. You’ll be good and listen to every word I say, yeah~?” You smirked up at him as he nodded and let out a desperate whine of affirmation.
It was a peculiar kink of him to have to want to call you noona, you mused, considering that he was a century old creature and you physically would not be able to top that as a human being. But you figured that it wouldn’t hurt to indulge him, considering that no one in his past seemed to have done so based on his delight when you complied and agreed.
Whimpers from the man above you pulled you back into the present reality as you watched him struggle to keep up a rhythm with the gun pressed to his head. You cooed at how good of a job he was doing regardless, “Such a good boy, fucking noona good just how he knows she likes it...~”
Seonghwa cried out, his face flushed because of how he submissive he acted, contrary to how he usually at least tried to appear to be.
“Mhm, my pretty babyboy figured he could use my body for his own pleasure, similar to how the rest of his kind does hm~? It’s cute, really.” You purred, unable to stop a moan from slipping from your lips while your grip on the loaded gun tightened slighly, although you made sure to keep your fingers away from the trigger just in case.
“You make noona feel so good, sugar, just like you’re meant to...~” You smiled up at Seonghwa with a so obviously deceiving sweetness that made his pouty lips tremble slightly, a few strands of his messy hair sticking to his slightly sweaty forehead.
You knew the telltale signs of when he was about to cum, your first trist with the demon having been what felt like years ago although it only lied back a few months.
“I-I... Noona, ‘m already close...~” He panted softly above you, causing you to coo as he twitched inside of you, a smile tugging at you lips.
“Mhm I can tell, baby~ You can hold it in for a little longer for noona, no?” Your voice carried a lilt as you hummed and it unsettled Seonghwa that he couldn’t quite place it, but he nodded eagerly nonetheless, not willing to even so much as risk disappointing you.
“Y-yeah!” He gasped softly when you suddenly wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him even deeper inside of you, your back arching as you did so, “Good boy...~ Oh fuck, right there-”
You hissed lowly under your breath, having unintentionally pushed the tip of your lover’s cock right into the spot that would make you come undone. Seonghwa whined loudly and desperately above you as he continued his almost frenzied thrusts into your heat, his head thrown back and his body on the verge of overstimulation when you found your climax around his length.
It was convenient for him to be so well-endowed, you mused, since he was able to hit the most pleasurable spots deep inside of you with ease.
“P-please noona, I-I can’t-”
“Cum, Seonghwa.”
And just like that, with two simple words, he let go and released himself inside of you, a soft moan drifting from you at the feeling of warmth spreading through your body.
Seonghwa panted softly as he slowly came down from his high, reaching to caress your cheek as if in a trance while you dropped the hand holding the gun onto a pillow next to the two of you before letting go of the item entirely.
Having caught your breath, you nudged him to roll over, which he willingly did after carefully pulling out of you.
You turned to face him, tenderly threading a hand through his hair as he pouted at you.
“Shh, I know Hwa. I should get cleaned up... but I’m too tired, so I’ll just shower in the morning.” You smiled reassuringly, to which he relaxed as well and wordlessly wrapped his arm around you to pull you close and cuddle you.
“Happy birthday...~” You murmured before drifting off, leading Seonghwa to coo softly at you in endearment as he held you close to himself protectively.
You were truly the only gift he could ever want and need.
When you woke up the next morning, it was in an entirely different position than the one you fell asleep in. Shifting in your bed, you realized that your supernatural companion had cleaned both himself and you in the night before making sure to dress you appropriately so you wouldn’t be cold.
You found your gun on the nightstand next to you a few moments after, along with a small note Seonghwa must’ve written in a hurry if the handwriting on it was anything to go by.
‘Thought I’d allow myself to clean you up so you could stay under your comfy blankets a little longer. Hope you don’t mind :)’
There were a few hearts scribbled all over the piece of paper, and your head fell back against your pillow with a knowing smile and a happy sigh.
You were glad the incubus seemed to reciprocate your feelings, and you’d be sure to tell him so when he would return.
“I love you too, Hwa.”
----- Taglist:
@cometoceantrenches @ddeonghwva  @galaxteez @innosintsan @latte-fairytaekwoon @little-precious-baby @multidreams-and-desires @nightqueennyx @vocalyunho @yunhoes-twancings-nsfw @yunhoiseyecandy
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Lie For Me (Part III of V) (Part I) (Part II)
Pairing - Modern!Ben Solo x Reader
Summary - Something has changed in the relationship between you and Ben. No longer can you say that you hate him. You find yourself wanting to spend alone time with him, and you volunteer to drive out to his parents house out with him to check on Chewy. The question is, does he feel the same? 
Word Count - 5.7k
Warnings - None! 
Something had changed. There was no doubt about it. As soon as Ben walked in the door behind Poe for your movie night, it was different. Normally there’d be a rolling of eyes, a sarcastic comment about how happy you were to see each other that turned to fighting that turned to the two of you being kept in separate rooms until you had both calmed down enough to be in the same area as each other without bickering. 
This time there were smiles, but he seemed . . . weird. Well, weirder than normal. He was leaning to one side and his fingers were twitching as he handed over a bottle of wine to you. 
“Two bottles from you in a row, Solo. What did I do to deserve this one?” You asked, grinning up at him, and trying to put him at ease as you reached for his arm and tugged him inside. 
“You put up with my parents for two hours. I should’ve bought you a whole case.” Ben replied, but nevertheless eased up somewhat, his tense jaw loosening. 
But you shrugged your shoulders. While you didn’t think Ben’s parents were that bad, you also hadn’t been through the same things with them as Ben had, so you chose not to comment on that. “But I got to see your childhood bedroom, and pet your dog, so it was a win for me.” 
“Even though you missed the shrine to Satan?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you. 
It was going to take some time to get used to him teasing you. “Yes, even if I’m disappointed about it.” You replied, letting out a laugh. Watching your friends get comfortable in your living room in their various positions, you glanced back over at Ben. “Wanna help me with the popcorn?” You asked. 
To your slight surprise he nodded, and followed you into the kitchen. 
While you started getting everyone’s favorite drinks together, you put him in charge of the popcorn. “You know, there is one other thing that I am disappointed about.” You told him. 
“What?” Ben asked, and you could hear the air of curiosity in his voice. 
Once you had the rest of the drinks, you turned around and pouted at him. “I didn’t get to see those baby pictures.” 
He rolled his eyes at you as he started opening bags of popcorn, “and you never will.” 
You crossed your arms over your chest, your pout turning into a bit of a smirk as a thought struck you. “I wonder if Leia could send them to me over text . . . or even email . . .” You pretended to ponder. 
Ben wasn’t buying it though. “You don’t have her phone number, or her email, so I think it’s safe to say that those two options are out for you.” 
“But you do . . .” You replied, taking a couple of steps closer to him. 
He watched you through narrowing eyes, and you knew that he was trying to figure out what game you were playing. “Yes . . .” He answered. 
Taking a chance, you lunged forward, grabbing his phone out of his front pocket and holding it up with a satisfied smile. “In here.” You looked down at the phone, turning your back to Ben for a brief moment and gasped when it turned on at once. “You don’t even have a lock on your phone?! Are you a psychopath?” You asked him in disbelief. 
“I’ve got nothing to hide,” he said, swiping for it, but you moved it out of his way so he couldn’t reach. “Give it back.” He said. 
“I will, as soon as I find Leia’s phone number.” You teased as you started to look for his contacts. “Oh my god, even your apps are in alphabetical order - oof!” You let out a gasp as Ben grabbed you from behind, wrapping his arm around you as he used his other to try and grab his phone. 
“Give it back,” he whispered in your ear in a low voice. 
You were startled, not only by how he had pulled you against his chest with no effort, but by the way that your heart reacted to it. It was pounding so hard it hurt. The two of you hadn’t been this close since you danced together a few weeks earlier, and you had forgotten how . . . nice it was to be so engulfed by him. 
Swallowing, you shook your head, trying not to let how much his embrace was affecting you show. “Make me, Solo.” You snapped back, holding the phone out of arm’s reach, a smirk on your lips, as you glanced over your shoulder at him. 
There was something strange in his expression, almost a challenge as he answered your smirk with one of his own. “You know I can.” Ben replied, and instead of doing what you expected, which was reaching out with his much larger arms and grabbing the phone, he began tickling your side with the arm around you. 
Letting out a screech you began swatting at his hand. How the hell did he know you were ticklish?! He was unrelenting as his fingers brushed up and down your sides from the bottom of your armpits to your hips. You tried to keep the phone out of his reach, but you couldn’t help it as you burst into laughter. He grabbed the phone and shoved it in his back pocket. “That wasn’t fair!” You complained, breathless as he let up on the tickling. 
You didn’t have to see his face to know that he was smiling, but you looked anyway. You glanced over your shoulder to see a cute smile you had never seen on his face. It was a happy smile, a smile that you had caught glimpses of, but never seen in full. It was so contagious, you couldn’t help but smile back. “I know.” He said, and for a split second, you thought he might have leaned even closer to you. 
And you found yourself wanting him too. 
“Is everything okay in here?” The both of you looked up to find Poe in the doorway, looking at the both of you with curious eyes. 
Ben stepped away from you, and you felt heat rushing up to your face at the position that your friend had found the two of you in. “Yeah, of course. Why do you ask?” You answered, maybe a little too quickly. 
Poe’s eyebrow raised as he looked between the two of you. You wondered what he saw on Ben’s face when he did, because you were too scared to look. “We heard screaming. Wanted to make sure the two of you weren’t going at it again.” 
“We’re fine,” but from the tenseness in Ben’s voice, it was clear that the two of you had been up to something. Not giving Poe the chance to ask any more questions, he grabbed the popcorn and made his way out of the room, leaving Poe and you alone. 
He was still staring at you, his eyes narrowed, and you couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable under his gaze. “What?” You snapped, wondering why he was staring at you. 
“Something’s happening between the two of you. I’ve got my eye on it.” He replied, pointing his two fingers at his eyes and then back to you. 
You rolled your eyes, grabbing the drinks, and pushed past Poe back into your living room. 
Movie nights at your place have been happening for several years now. Poe, Finn, and Rose always took up one of the couches while Rey and you took up the little two person loveseat, which left Ben the recliner. It was a system that had been going strong since the first movie night. 
Apparently today, Rey decided to change it. When you walked in, you were surprised to see Rey reclined back, watching you with a little devilish grin on her lips, nodding her head to the remaining spot on the loveseat. 
With Ben. 
Sometimes, your friends were way too meddlesome. You didn’t want anyone to think their little trick had affected you though. You handed everybody their drinks, settling on the couch next to Ben and grabbed the remote. “It’s stand up night isn’t it?” 
“Then Comedy!” Finn spoke up from the couch. 
“Then horror.” Rey said, giving you a scheming look. 
You let out a sigh. Everyone in this apartment knew that you hated horror movies. You were easy to scare, and now you were even more sure that Rey had set this seating arrangement up on purpose. “Fine,” you mumbled under your breath as you flipped it to the stand up show you guys had been watching recently. 
As usual, everyone started drifting off about the third movie. They almost always did, beginning with Rose, Finn, Poe and lastly Rey, but Rey seemed determined tonight to at least stay up until the horror movie started. Probably to make sure you were going to play it. 
She knew you too well. 
When you hit play, you leaned back against the couch, bringing your feet up off the ground, so the demons couldn’t get them, and sighed, knowing what you were in for. You were distracted from your thoughts when Ben nudged your side. You looked up at him to find him holding out your blanket, your security object, towards you. With a grateful smile, you took it from him, wrapping it around you, and not even noticing how much closer you had put yourself to Ben in the process. 
You also didn’t notice the way that he leaned even more into you. 
When the movie started, you knew within the first five minutes that you were in for it. You hated jump scares so much, and that was all this movie seemed to be. Within ten minutes, you had your blanket under your nose, watching with wide eyes, waiting, anticipating the next scare. 
“You know, you can almost always tell when the scare’s coming by the music.” Ben whispered in your ear. 
Looking up at him, you noticed for the first time how close the two of you had gotten. There were mere inches between your faces, and you felt your heart beat pick up with that newfound knowledge. Why was he so close? Why had you gotten so close? You were so distracted; you took a minute to comprehend what he had said. “I - what?” You asked, hoping he took your stuttering as scared, and not having anything to do with his proximity. 
Ben seemed to be unaffected by how close you two were sitting. You could tell no difference in his voice or anything like that, but he also didn’t move away from you like you would have expected. It seemed he was going to continue to surprise you tonight. “Listen to the music. It almost always gets louder, and then goes silent right before there’s a jump scare. Trust me.” Ben whispered to you. 
Deciding to listen for his tips, you turned back to the screen, right in time for a demonic looking ghost to pop out, screaming. 
Letting out a yelp of your own, you covered your head with the blanket, cowering into Ben’s side without a second thought, even as you heard him and Rey, still awake on the chair, laughing at you. “That’s the last time I trust you, Ben Solo.” You mumbled under the pillow. 
“Hey, I did say almost, not all the time.” You heard him reply, and then felt a tug on the blanket, a pout on your face as he tugged it off your head. You had to bite your bottom lip though, when you caught sight of his face, that smile you had seen earlier back on it. It was hard not to smile back at him when he was looking at you like that, but you tried to resist. 
“Still,” you said, crossing your arms over your chest. 
Ben shook his head, that grin seeming to widen as he looked at you. “You, um -” He reached around you, draping his arm across your shoulders and reaching into your hair. “You had some wool.” He said, plucking it out and flicking it away.
Heat flooded your cheeks, and you didn’t even know why. “Oh, thanks,” you replied, giving him a small smile that he returned. 
You expected him to take his arm off of you, but the evening’s surprises continued when he didn’t. It was loose, and you knew you could shake it off if you wanted to, and nothing would be said about it . . . 
But you didn’t. 
Instead you curled into his side even more, tucking yourself into him and his warmth, almost snuggling into him as you let your head rest against his side. Then his thumb started stroking your shoulder, and your whole body relaxed. You couldn’t help but wonder when this change had happened. What moment had you started feeling so comfortable around him when a month ago you would have shoved him away? Just like how it had been hard to pinpoint when your dislike for him had begun up until two weeks ago, it was now hard to determine when you started liking Ben. 
And you knew, deep down, that it wasn’t the type of like you had for Poe, or Finn . . . No. Your heart didn’t react to their touches the way it reacted to Ben. This was a whole different story. 
The fact was . . . at some point and time, that hate had changed to something much more. 
The loud shrill of a cell phone pulled you out of your slumber. You groaned into the warmth at your side, reaching out until you found the offending object and answered it without a second thought. “Hello?” You mumbled, your voice rough with sleep. 
The voice on the other end of the line startled you awake though as soon as she said your name, because it made you realize you had answered Ben’s phone. “Leia, I’m sorry, we were sleeping, and I didn’t see whose phone -” You shot upright, making Ben groan next to you as you disrupted the position he had fallen asleep in. Partially asleep, his hand slid from your shoulder to your hip, and heat rushed to your face as his hand met the bare skin where your top had ridden up. If that didn’t make you flustered enough, his thumb started rubbing circles into your skin, and you were going to -
“Did you hear me?” 
“Oh, no, I’m sorry, can you say that again?” You asked, attempting to focus on anything other than Ben Solo’s large hand. 
“I’m sure Ben’s asleep, but could you wake him up for me? We need him to go check on the house. The alarm for the gate’s gone off which means that Chewy’s got out again.” Leia told you. 
“Of course, give me a second, and I’ll see what I can do.” Dropping the phone at your side, you placed your hand on Ben’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “Ben, Leia’s on the phone. She needs to talk to you.” 
All he did was grunt, which you should have expected. 
Sighing, you began to shake his shoulder more vigorously. “Ben, come on, you’ve got to wake up. Leia says that Chewy has gotten out, and you need to go check on him.” You told him. 
At least one word of that sentence managed to get through his sleepy brain. “Chewy?” He repeated, his voice low with sleep. 
Dear God why was that voice so hot? “Um, y-yeah, Leia says he’s got out. She’s on the phone.” You told him, placing the phone in his hand. You bit your lip as his hand gripped your bare hip for another second as he hoisted himself up, but then he dropped it, bringing it back to his own thigh as if it had never been around you in the first place. 
“Mom?” he said, bringing the phone up to his ear, his voice groggy and deep. “No, you didn’t interrupt a date, but yeah I’ll go check on him.” His mother must have said something else then, because he glanced at you for a quick moment before he responded. “Mom, I can drive fine, and she’s tired too, I doubt she wants to drive out to the house with me -”
You didn’t even think about what you were doing. You grabbed the phone back from Ben’s hand and put it up to your ear. “Don’t worry, Leia, I’ll go with him.” 
“Thank you, Sweetheart. You two please be careful, and thank you so much.” Leia told you. “We don’t know what we’d do if something ever happened to Chewy.” 
“It’s no problem. We’ll let you know as soon as we know he’s safe and sound.” You assured her. Then the two of you said your goodbyes, and you hung up the phone, turning back to Ben. “Well, I guess we better get out of here.” 
He looked exhausted. He was rubbing sleep from his eyes and you could tell that if you let him, he would be asleep again in about ten seconds. “Listen, I know you told my mom you would come with me, but you don’t have to -”
“It’s fine,” you brushed off, standing up and stretching your arms out over your head, arching your back and trying to get a good stretch. “I can see why she doesn’t want you driving. You take a bit to wake up, don’t you?” 
You said so because he was staring at your stomach, looking a little dazed. When you looked down to see if you had something on your shirt, you realized how much your shirt had ridden up when you stretched, revealing a few inches of skin, and pulled it back down. 
“You sure you’re okay? I can drive if you want.” You offered, trying to break the weird tension that seemed to fill the room. 
Ben shook his head, standing up and stared at you for a moment. You had the very distinct feeling that he was trying to read you, trying to figure out why you wanted to come with him on this late night drive when you didn’t have to. You could see the frustration in him, not knowing the answer to his silent question, and yet, he didn’t ask. “Are you sure?” He said instead. 
Giving him a small smile, you nodded. “Yeah, I am. It’ll get me away from all the snoring for a little bit.” You added on, pointing towards Rey and then Poe, the loudest in the room. Was that the real reason? No. The real reason was that you wanted to spend more time with him. Alone time, but you were way too scared to admit that right now. Not without knowing if he was even sort of starting to feel the same way. 
His gaze never wavered from you, almost as if he could sense that you weren’t telling him the whole truth. If he did though, he didn’t say anything about it. Instead, he spared a glance at Poe, and then turned back to you. “You should hear him in the apartment. It’s worse.” 
You grinned at him. 
The drive back to Ben’s parents place was mostly silent, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. The two of you had transgressed to the point in your relationship where you could be quiet around each other and not feel awkward. You spent most of the trip watching Ben, sneaking glances, and then turning away when you saw him turning your head towards you. It was embarrassing, and you felt like a high schooler with a crush. 
You were thankful when you made it to his parents house to escape the tension. “So why aren’t your parents home?” You asked, climbing out of the car. 
“France I think.” Ben replied, making his way up to the front door and unlocking it. 
“You don’t know?” You asked, stopping in the doorway.
Ben’s voice turned tense. “I stopped keeping track of that a long time ago.” Then he turned back and noticed that you weren’t following him. “Are you coming?” He asked, tilting his head towards the backyard. 
Nodding, you hurried after him, following him until you reached the gate that closed off the backyard to the woods behind it. “Definitely seems like he got out.” You said, noticing the lock that had been knocked off. 
“Damn dog is too smart for his own good.” Ben muttered, looking out into the darkness of the trees behind the house. “Guess we’re going in after him.” 
Your eyes widened, eerily reminded of the horror movie that you had watched hours earlier. The wind whistling through the leaves, the crickets chirping and the owls hooting sure sounded the same as it had then. “Uh, in there?” You said, biting your bottom lip. 
Ben picked up on your hesitation at once. “I’ve been in these woods a hundred times. There aren’t any axe swinging murderers hiding out in a wooden cabin.” 
“All it takes is one time.” You argued, eyeing the woods, fingers twitching at your sides. 
He let out a sigh, and held his hand out to you. “I’ll go first. So if they try and take you down, I’m going with you.” 
You glanced at his hand, then looked up into his eyes, eyes that were imploring you to trust him. After that, you didn’t even hesitate, slipping your small hand into his much larger one and letting him lead you into the woods. “So . . . are we going to walk around until we find him, or -”
“I have a pretty good idea of where he’s at.” Ben said, chuckling when a tree branch cracked, and you jumped. “Sorry, that was me.” 
Narrowing your eyes at him, you shoved him with your elbow. “You shouldn’t harm your own people like that.” You joked, reminding him of all the times you had called him a tree. 
Ben rolled his eyes. 
The two of you didn’t say anything else for a stretch, but you never let go of his hand, and the longer you held onto it, the less scared you found that you were. Once again you were struck by how comforting it was to be with him, to have him at your side, something you would have thought you were crazy for thinking months ago. While yes, Ben had been the one to start the feud . . . You hadn’t been the nicest to him either, and you wondered how much time and getting to know each other had been wasted because of that. “Hey, Ben?” You said, giving his hand a squeeze to get his attention. 
“Hmm?” He acknowledged, though his attention was focused on the woods around the two of you. 
“I’m sorry,” you blurted out of nowhere. 
“What?” Ben asked, shooting you a confused look for a moment before holding a tree branch out of the way for you. 
“I’m sorry for being bitchy all the time . . . you know, earlier.” You told him, shrugging your shoulders. After all, you could probably list most of the times that you had been horrible to him, but that would take way too much time. 
Ben stopped at your words, looking at you with curiosity in his intense gaze. “What brought this on?” 
The thing was . . . you didn’t want to admit what was bringing this all on. As much as your relationship had grown, you weren’t positive that he wouldn’t laugh at you if he discovered you had grown feelings for him after all that. “I - uh . . . Trying to be a better person?” You replied, not sounding the least bit convincing. 
He snorted. “Sure you are.” He said, pulling a last branch out of your way and gesturing you forward into a clearing. 
As soon as you stepped forward, you were shocked by what you found. You had to admit, the forest had made a beautiful little natural place here. A small creek babbling from somewhere nearby along with the chirping of crickets filled your ears, and there was just enough moonlight to shine down between the branches of the trees to illuminate the flowers blooming from the ground. 
It was beautiful. 
Even the large, very muddy dog rolling around in the water. 
“Damn it,” Ben murmured when he caught sight of him. “Chewy!” 
The dog perked up at once when he heard Ben’s voice, and ran straight towards the two of you. Of course, you should have seen what was about to happen, but your mind was too distracted by how the moonlight was shining off of Ben’s hair. So you let out a grunt as the dog collided with you, covering you in his mud and licking your face. 
“Chewy get down!” Ben ordered, but instead of doing so, Chewy decided it was Ben’s turn to get kissed and covered in mud as well. 
You couldn’t help but laugh watching Chewy attempt to chase Ben around in circles and get as much mud as possible on him. “Might as well give it up!” You called to him, another laugh bursting from your lips as he almost tripped over a root. Of course his momentary loss of balance was what Chewy needed to jump up and began licking him, covering him in as much mud as you. 
By the time that Ben managed to get Chewy off of him, It was safe to say that the two of you could use a shower. 
“Please tell me you have some spare clothes up there.” You asked, nodding up to the house as you held up your filthy shirt. 
Ben nodded. 
The clothes that he gave you were so comfortable, albeit large, that you almost wanted to keep them. You sat next to him in the bathroom, you on the counter and him leaning over the sink, both of you attempting to wipe away the remnants of mud from your faces. 
“I bet Chewy was a fun dog to have around when you were a kid.” You stated, shooting him a grin in the mirror. 
Ben shook his head, but a small smile tugged at his lips. “According to my mother I used to ride him.” 
The image crossed your mind of a young Ben Solo, laughing, smiling, on the back of the large dog, and your smile widened. “Oh, there’s got to be pictures of that somewhere.” 
“You’re never getting to see them, and I don’t know why you keep trying.” Ben said, and although his voice sounded frustrated, the lack of tension in his face said otherwise. 
“I refuse to believe that. Given the opportunity, Leia would show them to me in a heartbeat.” You argued, bumping him with your shoulder. 
He bumped you back. “Which is why you’re never going to get the opportunity again.” 
You frowned at him, giving him the best pouty eyes that you could manage. “Come on, Solo, just one. Let me see one picture. That’s all I’m asking for.” 
Your eyes had no effect on him whatsoever. “You look ridiculous like that.” He said, and your heartbeat kicked up as he leaned forward, bringing the washcloth he had been using up to your forehead and brushing it along your hairline. “You forgot some mud.” 
“Thanks,” you said, biting your bottom lip, your eyes trapped in his gaze. There was something so intense about them that you had always found intimidating. They were the same now, but instead of being intimidated, you felt drawn to them. So drawn you almost didn’t notice when he said your name. “Hmm?” You mumbled, not trusting your voice. 
“Why did you want to come with me here? You know that I would have been fine.” Ben asked, confusion clear in his tone as he dropped the hand that had been wiping the mud from your face to the counter, close enough to touch your leg. 
You wanted to lie to him. It should be easy to. You were sure that given the opportunity, you could think of many reasons why you would have wanted to come with him, but right now, your mind was drawing a blank. It was as if his eyes held some sort of spell over you, and you couldn’t speak anything but the truth. “I . . . I wanted to spend more time with you.” You answered, hoping that answer would be vague enough for him. 
It wasn’t. 
“Why? We had just spent hours together watching movies and -”
You cut him off before he could continue. “Does everything have to have a reason? Can’t I like spending time with you?” 
Ben shook his head. “A few months ago you didn’t want anywhere near -”
What part of your brain, or maybe your heart, told you to do it, you weren’t sure. All you knew was that Ben was rambling, and you knew he wasn’t going to stop until you admitted why you wanted to spend time with him. You weren’t sure you knew the right words yet though, so instead, you did what seemed logical at the moment. 
You slid your hand into the hair on the back of his head, and used it to tug him forward until your lips met in a kiss. 
And Ben froze. You felt his whole body stiffen at your actions from the neck your palm was resting against, to the hand that had now curled into a fist at your side. Heat rushing to your face, you pulled back, embarrassment inching through your whole body as you stared into his intense eyes once more. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have -”
He didn’t let you get another word out. A gasp left you as his lips met your own in a passionate kiss that you had never expected him to be capable of. Ben Solo was a man of logic and seriousness most of the time. There had been moments when you had seen outbursts of emotion from him, mostly anger, but this was something else. 
He wanted you. It was clear in the way his hands gripped your thighs and then used them to bring you against him. In the way his lips parted and pulled you in with such emotion that it left you breathless and sent your head spinning as you tried to play catch up. The two of you had kissed at that first party, and while it had been nice, it didn’t even come close to comparing to this. 
Kissing Ben Solo was like kissing an inferno, and there was no way to smother it out. Not that you had any desire to. 
When his tongue slipped past your lips, you let out a soft moan, clutching him to you by his shirt and wrapping your legs around him. You wanted him closer. You wanted to feel every part of him against you, and he seemed to have no problem with that either. As your tongues met, he slid his large hands up and down your thighs. The way that they covered almost the whole entire body part made you shiver in anticipation of what those hands would feel like on your bare skin. Of course, that put the thought in your head of what his bare skin would feel like under your fingers . . . 
Your hands had been resting on the back of his neck, but you slid them down enough to slip under the collar of his shirt onto his warm skin, massaging the muscles that strained under your fingers. 
He groaned. He groaned and he seemed to melt under your touch, his hands slipping from your thighs around to the small of your back, splaying across it. His embrace was so warm, so firm, you felt like you wanted to drown in it and the sensation of kissing him. 
Then his phone started ringing. 
When he let out another groan, this one significantly less pleasurable than the last one, and pulled his lips away from yours, you frowned, not done with kissing him yet. Instead you took matters into your own hands and leaned forward to kiss along his jawline. 
You thought he might push you away, but he didn’t, his hand on your back keeping you pressed tight against his body while he pulled out his phone. “Hello?” Ben said, and you were pleased to hear the strain in his voice. 
As soon as the voice responded though, it was like a switch had been flipped inside of him. Once again you felt him tense up, and curious as to his reaction, you let your lips leave his skin, watching his face. He was avoiding your gaze, looking over your shoulder into the mirror. “Yes, Chewy’s fine. He’s back in the backyard.” 
Well that explained it. He probably wasn’t comfortable letting you kiss all over him while he was on the phone with his mother . . . 
“All right. We will. You’re welcome.” Ben said, and then slid his phone into his back pocket once more. 
You looked up at him, meeting his eyes once more, and frowned at what you saw there. Now you would be the first to admit that you didn’t know Ben Solo so well that you could sense everything he was feeling from looking at his face, but there was no denying there was something there that wasn’t before, and you didn’t like the looks of it. 
Your eyes closed as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your forehead, which normally is something that would have made your heart pound, but instead, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was . . . off. 
“We should go.” Ben said, his voice soft as his lips brushed against your skin. 
You nodded, biting your bottom lip as you looked up at him, but he didn’t meet your gaze, instead walking out of the bathroom and leaving you there with the gut feeling that the relationship between the two of you had fundamentally changed. Again. 
The drive back to your apartment was silent, tension thick in the air as you tried to make conversation while Ben replied with one word answers. When you pulled up, the sun was rising, and you spotted all of your friend’s cars there, so you assumed they were all asleep. “Are you coming in?” You asked, your voice quiet in the morning light, noticing how he didn’t turn his car off. 
“I have to get some work done. I’ll see you later.” He replied.  
A dismissal if you’d ever heard one, you nodded, climbing out of the car and up your steps. Ben didn’t even wait to see if you made it inside. In seconds he was speeding down the road. 
Watching him drive away, you couldn’t shake the feeling that whatever relationship could have come from you and Ben was over before it could start.
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meetmymouth · 4 years
An angst blurb where y/n caught Harry in a terrible lie and how he tries to fix everything
thank you for the request mwah hope you like this :’)
1.8k below the cut!!!!!
(there might be some typos and stuff like that but i’ll fix them later sorry)
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Y/N took a deep breath as she closed the front door behind her. It was Thursday which meant happy hour at the pub near their flat so she was excited for cider after cider and well, to see her friends. Despite feeling drained from the week’s workload and her boss cornering her about the next week’s article, a tired smile appeared on her lips at the thought of letting loose with the people she loved the most.
She took her Adidas trainers off and placed them next to Harry’s Nikes while tying her hair into a messy bun. After doing her ‘after-work’ routine in the bathroom (washing her hands, taking her rings and earrings off...), she made her way towards the stairs that led up to the bedrooms, passing the quiet living room in which the telly showed Nigella on mute.
Since Harry was having time-off from work, she knew he was either in the bathroom or doing something in their bedroom upstairs. Since he wasn’t anywhere to be found downstairs, she made her way up to their bedroom, noting to fix the wonky photo frames on the walls that welcomed her as she took each step. When she came to the last step, she called his name.
When no one replied, she opened the slightly ajar door to find a tall body sleeping between the covers. As she made her way towards him, she smiled at his lack of clothes and damp hair which caused a dark patch on his pillow.
Taking a look at the digital clock on the bedside table, she patted the area where Harry was laying to make sure she wouldn’t sit on his legs.
“Baby,” she whispered while she gently petted his cheek. She couldn’t help but feel tingly when her palm made contact with his growing scruff.
Harry nuzzled his cheek into Y/N’s palm and slowly opened his eyes which showed he couldn’t have been asleep for more than half an hour.
She smiled at the sleepy boy and gave a kiss to her nose.
“You OK babe?”
“Yeah, just passing time while you’re being a boss ass babe at work” he murmured and lifted himself on the bed, getting closer to her. “Missed youuuu,”
“Missed you more” it was true. Ever since Harry started spending most of his time at her flat since he was taking some time off from recording and meetings, they both became somewhat clingy and needy for each other which- she didn’t even care to be honest.
They were always together. They woke up to each other. They cooked together. They had sex at least twice a day. They touched each other like they were teenagers and they went to sleep after they read their books in bed, side by side. Sometimes she offered to read him if she thought the book was something that would interest him while Harry too loved reading bits from his book because he knew she liked collecting quotes in her notes app.
While she was daydreaming about their routine, Harry got up from the bed and made his way to the wardrobe.
She looked at his pale bum and chuckled.
“Doing squats lately?” she asked, knowing how he kept complaining about his bum getting bigger because he couldn’t stop eating too much carbohydrates (she caught him stealing bread  numerous times from the bread bin before bed).
He scoffed as he struggled to put his boxers on and Y/N went to hug him from behind and she kissed his shoulders which were still warm from his nap.
“You’re so cosy. Mmm, look at these broad shoulders. You’re well fit, aren’t you,”
“Yeah, mock me arse and then compliment me shoulders. That won’t work”
She smirked at the way he leaned back on her body and how he stopped trying to get her boxers on as they stayed very low on his hips.
“Why you leaning back on me then huh?” She touched her lips to his left shoulder again and blew a raspberry as he wiggled his shoulders in hopes of breaking free.
He turned and surged forwards, capturing her lips in a needy kiss. As she opened her mouth, he immediately went for her tongue. She chuckled at the spit running down his chin and wiped it off with the palm of her hand.
“I like it messy”
“Yeah you’re such a boy,” she kissed the side of his mouth and they parted.
“You coming with? To the pub?” she asked and watched as he took her beige trousers and a white t-shirt from the wardrobe.
Satisfied with his nod, Y/N placed one last kiss between his shoulder blades and left the room, wanting to take a quick shower before changing into her most comfortable jeans- if there was such thing.
Remembering the forgotten toiletry bag downstairs beside where she threw her bag on the sofa, she left the bathroom without his trousers on and went down the stairs, laughing at Harry who sent her a wink from where he was seated on the bed.
It was nearly seven which left her an hour to get ready. It was fine, she thought and spared a glance at her legs while she walked, noticing the little growing hairs. When she arrived where her makeup bag was, the letters on the coffee table caught her eye.
Piled up letters and parcels weren’t anything unusual for their household though Y/N made sure to open everything in time in case they got anything urgent like bills and stuff like that. Since there was one teared open, she put the makeup bag back and took the rectangular envelope in her hands.
They weren’t a sneaky couple: neither Y/N or Harry ever went through each others’ phones or went behind each others’ backs in any way. Hence why she felt like she could take a look inside the envelope since she didn’t even read the name on it first.
She unfolded the paper which looked like it’s been read before and started reading it herself. It was obviously a legal letter of sorts but she didn’t know much about those so she didn’t care much until she went to put the paper back to where it was that she stopped abruptly. A name caught her eye and she re-opened the paper.
There it was, in bold, both Harry’s and Camille’s full names.
She didn’t know any legal terms but what she’d gathered from the letter was that Harry waiving something something house something something and lots of numbers.
At that moment, Y/N pierced everything together and her body felt like it was on fire.
Harry, her boyfriend of two years, who was also upstairs in their shared bedroom, had paid for Miss Rowe’s Los Angeles mansion.
Now, she didn’t know what her house looked like but according to the numbers on the letter, it wasn’t a simple three bedroom house.
She threw the letter on the sofa and ran upstairs. Part of her was trying to be calm because you know what, she was an adult! That being said, this was massive. Huge! Her boyfriend was paying for her ex girlfriend’s house.
She didn’t care that it was his ex girlfriend. She just hated the fact that he never ever thought of mentioning this to her. Because he knew how crazy it would sound.
“Y/N? It’s nearly seven,” Harry caught her from her shoulders before they came toe to toe.
She shrugged his hands off and took a second before deciding on how to go from there.
Harry watched her with curiosity since she looked like she was holding back an ear piercing scream which- she somehow was. Her mouth was twitching and he could tell that she was grinding her teeth.
“Is there anything you want to tell me?” she asked but didn’t stop there:
“No, fuck it. When were you going to tell me how much of a sneaky bastard you were?” she watched as his mouth opened and closed in shock.
Y/N wanted to slap herself. She wanted to stump her feet and cry and she wanted to puke.
“You’re a sneaky bastard. You paid for her house?” a sarcastic laugh left her mouth as she kept going.
“You actually paid for her house and you didn’t think of mentioning it to me? I mean, I don’t even give a fuck if you were still friends with her. Or met up with her. You know I’m fine with it. I don’t give a fuck. But paying for her house?”
“No. Don’t. This is big, Harry. This is fucked up. You went behind my-”
“It’s not like we’re poor so we won’t have any money left!” his tone matched hers now and it made Y/N angrier.
They were stood in the middle of their corridor, Y/N in nothing but her knickers and the blouse she wore to work today and Harry with only his trousers on.
She felt herself getting sweatier by the second.
“You’re a fucking joke. You think I’m angry because you spent money? I’m not your mother, I don’t care what you spend your money on, you muppet. It’s the fact that you never mentioned this to me. You realise how big this is?” She tried passing his lanky body but he grabbed her arm.
“Look, I’m sorry. I was going to mention it to you, I was waiting for the appropriate time!”
“Appropriate time?! Are you fucking with me? There’s nothing you could say to make this better, just get out of my face. I don’t want to look at you. I’m serious”
“Y/N, please. Just- let’s just sit down and talk-”
She finally went past him, right into the bedroom as she looked for something to cover her bare legs. Harry didn’t make any sound as he possibly waited for her to come out and have a ‘proper’ chat but it wasn’t going to be that easy. She didn’t even want to hear his voice. After she was successfully dressed in a pair of old joggers, she grabbed Harry’s checkered jacket from the rack, opened the door and passed Harry as he followed her like a puppy down the stairs.
His silence spoke volumes; he knew he was guilty so he opt for silently following his girlfriend around as she collected her phone and her bag.
“Where are you going? You know we never leave this house without talking it out!” He finally spoke, his voice cracking a tad.
She scoffed and put her trainers on. As she took the car keys to Harry’s Mercedes, he caught her arm again.
“Leave it, Harry”
“No, look at me,”
“Fucking leave it! Go and have a look at your other documents in case you find another statement that shows how much you paid for her car. Don’t call me”
this is SO long for a blurb so i might make a part 2! didn’t proofread but will do later tonight.
send me more blurbs i will write shorter ones i promise lol x
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@your last post (i think), why specifically do you think that hootie is a creation of eda? personally i just headcanon him as being a housedemon that eda kinda took habitant in while he was just forming/coming to be to shape him partially into what he is today
The first season of The Owl House opted to give us little to no idea about Hooty´s origin story, but in my particular view, he was made by Eda - not entirely, but at least part of him - which is what led me to address him as part of Eda´s creations;
My main reasons to believe it are based on the fact that Hooty presents himself with the features of an owl, being in charge (or part of) a house that is literally called The Owl House, where a cursed witch, called The Owl Lady, lives and has a bird palysman called Owlbert; As we´ve seen through the season, this nocturne bird is Eda´s magic signature - she even summons giant “Hooty shaped” heads during duels! And, with all that information (and other related details they imply) I refuse to believe they're just a mere coincidence when it comes to Hooty´s creation;
Once again, I do not believe that Eda was the one who invented Hooty from scratch - or the house itself ~lol imagine if Eda has a little of the Construction track in herself~ - but she did have a major hand in defining what he has come to be.
Your HC helped me further look in that matter, allowing me to come up with this “theory” (I hope you don´t mind :)) that, in one particular day and for whatever reason, Eda ends up stumbling upon the The Owl House, founding it abandoned, falling apart-ish, and filled with this twisted aurea, as something angry and dark were hidden in there.
She finds herself paying several visits to the lot, hovering with the curiosity of a mystery hunter and the interest of a realtor - at the time, she was already old enough to be financially independent and intellectually fed up with her actual household´s pressions ~and their disapproval of her criminal activities~ so a fresh start at a more private part of the Island was quite temptive;
Eda finds out that the wrong feeling she was getting from the old building was due to this ancient demon spirit that inhabited the place - it worked as a conscience for the house, and his negative emotions (translated into a melancholic behavior) was due to the departure of their previous master, which left them broken, as the demon lost its only purpose and was left to rot in the forest - who knows for how long they have been living under those unfortunate conditions? ~ah yeah the angst~
The Owl Lady then saw an opportunity, and she took it. Of course, I imagine it wasn't as easy as just telling this ancient, lugubrious being that you´ll adopt them and the day would be saved - No, even if Eda had little interest for the house´s previous occupants, she could sense the place was designed to allow only the minimally dignified ones to live in. And that demon was the judger;
So after performing whatever trials or/and solving riddles (or just cheating in Eda style) necessary to gain the demon´s loyalty (and the house´s property), Eda made her first significative change to the place: she reshaped her new guardian to fit with her “aesthetics”, and that, plus the relieving feeling of finally finding a suitable master once again resulted in Hooty´s odd - but delighted - personality;
[I also wonder if this is somewhat a bad joke for Eda, to place this powerful spiritual being into a sympathetic owl tube vessel, or an attempt to make him sees less threatening in a daily basis (which also can be part of this comical factor, as Lilith must have been so pissed to be defeated over and over again by an annoying door peephole)]
Plus, Hooty had proved quite independent, as Eda had to develop several strategies to avoid some of his “quirks”, which infers she doesn't have enough control over him to simply give him an order to stop - or in parallel, she feels enough compassion for Hooty to see him more as a friend than a servant, so she rather deal with his ways than to impose her authority - as we know, Eda is not really a fan of hierarchical systems, and if his backstory is as sad as I speculated, her empathy grows even more, as the trauma of isolation is something they have in common ;
With all that in mind, we conclude that Hooty is his own being, but is under the magical influence of Eda due to a deal or anything of similar nature (and he seems pretty satisfied with this!). So, in defense of my last post, since Hooty has been affected by the Owl Lady´s magic to the level of redesign, he shares the same “essence” as Eda other creations. But just like him, Owlbert is also sentient, and although it is obvious that both operate in different ranges of independence, they are still connected to each other by this common “core”.
What other theories do you guys have about Hooty dark origin?
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bird-in-a-cage · 4 years
Apparently, according to Suzie Carmichel, Billy Hargrove had a dick piercing.
Steve had overheard it at a party, when he was busy in the kitchen making up a drink concoction that was mostly hard liquor and very little mixer. Usually he just ignored gossip, especially at parties where everyone is in a constant state of being somewhat drunk and because he had been the subject of a lot of gossip himself in the past, but that one. That one small line, half slurred over the kitchen sink and a now empty bottle of malibu, made Steve’s ears burn. Made his mind run a million miles an hour, self control long gone a few cups ago with whatever drink Tommy had given him when he’d first arrived. 
Tommy’s jungle juice was lethal but it got the job done. Fast.
With his own strange mixture Steve wandered through the party, brushing past bodies in different stages of sweat and sobriety, all bumping to the music that was loud enough to rattle the family photos on the walls, until he found the man in question outside in the yard. Sucking on a cigarette and nodding his head from side to side at the echo of the music. He had his own cup filled with god knows what, the leather jacket he came in long lost somewhere inside. Someone else was probably wearing it like a trophy.
Lucky them. 
Steve stood on the back porch, a little higher up from where Billy was stood in the grass nearby by himself, and pointed a finger with the hand that was holding his cup at the back of that dirty blonde mullet.
“You! I’ve heard a rumor about you.”
Billy just turned his head, eyebrow cocked, eyes glassy like blue marbles. They were both as gone as each other. Maybe Tommy had given them the same warm welcome even though it wasn’t his party. At least Steve didn’t think it was. He’d lost track of who’s house this was and on what street about an hour ago. Billy hummed around the cigarette between his lips as Steve made his way down so they were standing shoulder to shoulder.
“Suzie Carmichel knows your secret...”
Billy blinked heavily and stared at Steve. A curious expressional mix of confusion and I don’t care crossed his face at the same time.
“Who the fuck is Suzie Carmichel?” he spoke around a nearly burnt filter.
“You know. Suzie Carmichel. Big hair. Has that bag. Horses.” Steve explained with his hands, mimicking her blown out perm she always had. It was huge. Like a blonde cloud made of hairspray and hope. He couldn’t believe Billy didn’t know who she was. Everyone knew who Suzie Carmichel was. It was Suzie Carmichel. Billy just continued to stare blankly, took a swig of his drink in the silence before Steve waved his hands again to move onto the next subject, the more important one in his mind. “Did it hurt?”
“Wha’? This conversation? Yeah it’s pretty painful, pretty boy,” Billy grinned, flicking the spent filter towards a covered up trampoline pushed up next to the flowerbed. Probably to stop drunk party guests trying to bounce on it and hurting themselves.
“No! It. Did IT hurt?” Steve didn’t imagine it was a pleasant thing to get done. In the half hour it had taken to find Billy in kind of a small house it was pretty much all he could think about the entire time. A whole barrage of questions. What did it look like? Did it hurt? Why?  
Billy blinked again and sighed, glanced a look down at his cup as he rolled the dark liquid around inside, clearly contemplating a top up. “One last chance amigo and I’m headin’ back inside...”
Steve sighed frustrated. He didn’t want to actually have to say it in case it wasn’t true and then he looked insane, thinking about Billy Hargrove’s dick. Not that it would be the first time he’d thought about it but still, Steve didn’t need to admit it out loud if he didn’t need too. He squeezed his eyes shut and let the drink warm in his veins talk for him.
“Did it hurt getting your dick pierced?”
Billy’s grin was wild and hot when Steve opened his eyes again. The same look he got during a particularly rough basketball game, where everyone else playing was just prey waiting to be caught. It made Steve’s blood feel impossibly tropical, especially when Billy leaned closer, muttered into the shell of his ear deep and sultry. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Yes. Steve would like to know, that was the point in asking. But Billy was gone before Steve could follow up, disappeared back inside the house alive with the whole senior year. Steve felt abandoned in the backyard, answerless and alone. That had neither been a confirmation or denial and it just made the thoughts in Steve’s head worse and harder to hold onto. Especially in his inebriated state. No. He was finding out the real answer to this tonight even if it killed him.
Which if he was wrong, probably would.
The music changed from one synth track to another. Eurythmics making themselves known. Making the walls shake. Making bodies bump and grind. Making it harder for Steve to get through. A riptide of hormones. But Billy was nowhere to be found. Wasn’t downstairs anywhere either in the kitchen, or the makeshift dance floor of the living room that had spilled over into the dining room adjacent. Wasn’t in the basement getting high with whatever terrible weed was getting passed around the few stoner kids. And as far as Steve knew he wasn’t upstairs occupying one of the few bedrooms that seemed to be permanently engaged. Someone probably would have bragged by now. He tended to hear that type of gossip now he wasn’t in the highest levels of Hawinks hierarchy anymore. There may as well have been a ticket system in the hall with couples waiting to find one to use, so he might have at least seen. 
Whomever's house this was had better air the place out in the morning.
Steve didn’t want to seem desperate. But he was. He was also several cups of whatever was going deep and needed to piss pretty badly.
In his own defence, the bathroom door wasn’t locked when he pushed it open and saw Billy standing over the bowl finishing up, shaking out the last few drops. Steve would have been pretty mortified usually but Billy just glanced back and laughed before looking down at himself again.
“Didn’t realise you wanted to know that bad Harrin’ton,” he chuckled. “Should’a been clearer in askin'.”
“I’m not,” Steve lied. He couldn’t help but stare a little at Billy holding himself. Holding the answer to a million new questions. “You didn’t lock the door.”
“Maybe that was on purpose...” Billy rolled his head on his shoulder and smirked something wicked. Steve felt warmth pool in his gut that had nothing to do with the alcohol but had everything to do with those lips and darkening eyes. “You wanna see then? Since ya’ found me.”
Steve made sure to lock the door behind him when Billy cocked his head, beaconing him over. He leant back against the smooth tiled wall, still holding his cock and okay it was bigger somehow than Steve remembered. He’d only seen it in the showers though. And he wasn’t really looking. More a haphazard glance in the wrong direction than anything else when temporarily blinded by shampoo. Steve stepped closer in the small bathroom, eyes dragged down as Billy just lifted his cock up like it was no big deal to show off like this. To show off a three rung ladder of small black balls, clearly attached to bars, living either side of his shaft just under the head.
Seeing it made all common sense leave Steve’s head immediately. He’d never seen anything like it before. At least Suzie Carmichel wasn’t lying.
“Did-did it…?” Steve couldn’t get the end of his sentence out, just mesmerized by what was in front of him. Unable to take his eyes off it. Maybe sober it would have been a lot more awkward but here, in the cramped bathroom, there was nowhere else Steve wanted to be. Even if it did smell like piss and too much cologne and some weird floral perfume from coming from somewhere.
“Hurt? Yeah,” Billy chuckled, moving his hand so his thick fingers caught a little on the piercings, rolling them with his knuckles. It was impossible to ignore the way his cock twitched in his hand. It was impossible to ignore how Steve felt his mouth water. He blinked, trying to shake that thought away somehow but impulse was in control, no longer burdened by sense and a public filter. “Worth it though. Feels good.”
Billy nodded in that self satisfied way, just stroking himself now in a drunken haze. And Steve couldn’t stop watching as he got hard, somehow got thicker. It was nice to know Hargrove didn’t suffer from whiskey dick. Steve set his half empty cup on the edge of the sink and let curiosity take over, reaching across the short gap to brush his knuckles over one set of metal. They felt cool against his skin. Billy muttered out a shit at the small touch, so Steve did it again with his fingertips this time, rolling the smooth metal and brushing against the hot velvet of Billy’s cock, now completely hard as he let go and let Steve take over. He wrapped his hand around and gave a few tentative strokes, noting how the piercings felt against his palm, how he could feel the connecting bars if he squeezed a little, being careful not to drag or twist too hard. Whatever Steve was doing was clearly working, Billy’s eyes were hooded and heavy, his head rolled back against the white tile of the wall.
"Knew you had pretty hands for a reason," he muttered breathless, filled with lust, starting to rock his hips into Steve’s fist.
Steve couldn't help but chuckle a little, changing his grip again to roll his palm over the head that was quickly getting slick, spreading it back down to Billy’s thick base to make everything go easier. He made a point to really press his thumb between where the balls were connected to each other, rolling over the bars that lived under his skin. That had Billy practically purring, gripping Steve's shoulder with one strong hand, moans echoing throughout the room.
"You been starin' at my hands Hargrove?" Steve spoke with a grin. It felt good to have both the upper hand and to have the other boy so pliant for once. All bark and bite completely dissolved. Like he had found a secret ‘off’ switch in those tight jeans. In return Steve’s own jeans had become incredibly tight, his hard dick pressing up painfully against his button fly, almost threatening to pop the buttons free.
"Fuck-ah-h-hard not too. You talk with 'em a lot."
Billy practically melted when Steve swept his thumb through the weeping slit, gripping the opposite shoulder harder so there would be a bruise under Steve’s shirt in the morning without a doubt, letting out a noise that would surely be heard through the door by someone. Not that Steve cared anymore. Or really cared to begin with. He'd never admit it, but he thought about this a lot. Not just having Billy in his hand and falling apart so easily, but being able to shut that smart mouth up for once. But now with the piercing discovery he had something new to add to the little fantasy, well, memory now. They were hard not to play with every stroke up or down. Just there to apply pressure too, to see what new noise he could get out of Billy’s pink mouth. 
But there was still one question left, bubbling up in Steve's mind and popping out of his mouth before he could stop it.
"Anyone ever blow you with 'em?"
Billy chuckled around a moan, both noises getting confused in this throat, but it sounded amazing. Made Steve’s dick kick harder. "You wanna try suga’?"
Not an answer. But Steve would take this one. Even as drunk as he was, he doubted any of this would leave the bathroom. The same way things never left the locker room. His knees hit the floor with a heavy thud as he settled between Billy's legs. Another set of bruises for the morning. He rolled the tip of his tongue around the little metal balls first, to see how they would taste. Musty. Like Billy’s smell. But not unpleasant. Like licking over a ring. A fist was heavy and tight in his hair in an instant. Not pushing or pulling. More bracing. Holding something that wasn't smooth so could be held.
Hargrove was a tight fit. Or Steve was out of practice since Carol came along and took up all Tommy’s time. Probably both really in all honesty. Steve's lips stretched something obscene taking down as much as he could, using plenty of spit cause Billy looked like he was into anything but clean and neat, pressing his tongue wide and flat over the piercings, rolling them with a little swallow that had Billy barely able to stand. Steve could taste his tongue getting more and more coated.
Billy didn't taste half bad, surprisingly. Not good, but not bad.
Duran Duran started coming through the floor. Hungry Like the Wolf. It seemed appropriate. Steve pushed Billy's hips back flat against the wall to stop him from moving, he was rolling on the balls of his feet within his boots and it was threatening to become an issue.
Not that he would mind Billy's thick monster destroying his throat, but breathing was still important. Maybe another time. If that would ever be a possibility.
It was less than a minute before Billy's fist got tighter, pushed Steve back so just the head of his cock throbbed on the taller boy's tongue as he came in ropes. Painted the inside of Steve’s mouth, threatening to bite through his own lip to contain some of the guttural noise that erupted from his throat just watching it happen with laser focus. Steve swallowed most of it, but there was a lot, some dripped down his chin and into the collar of his polo, leaving a strange stain. He nearly popped being used in such a way. His briefs felt damp.
It had been a while.
Billy panted as Steve got back to his feet, took a swig of his drink to wash the bitter taste out of his mouth, getting his hand batted away when he reached out to keep playing with the piercings like he was magnetized. 
"God, give a guy five would ya?" Billy tucked himself away, zipped up his jeans loudly, but didn't sound annoyed. It sounded more like a proposal.
Steve shrugged with a grin, biting the rim of his plastic cup and leaning up on the sink. He still needed to piss after all, just now it would be a lot harder. Billy patted his shoulder and went to leave, just unlocking the door before saying something over his shoulder that was definitely a proposal.
"If you’re still hard in twenty you can find out how they feel gettin' fucked."
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mooniehsh · 4 years
Just like he was before
Lucifer meeting his daughter for the first time
Obey Me! Lucifer
 (OC’s daughter just to be clear) 
Warnings: A little bit of angst, just a tiny portion of it... yeah... 
(I’m really sorry if the characters doesn’t seem like themselves. It’s the first time i tried to write something with them, and I’m not that sure that i make everyone accurate) 
I'm 99.9999% sure that i might write about this again. It’s such a fun concept, and i apologize about my grammar. English is not my first language. 
- Made by: Ace (MT)
Gif not mine
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Lucifer was livid, but that was not the exact word to describe how he was feeling at this moment even though it was close to it. He was anxious, waiting, and walking towards Diavolo’s chambers with stress and curiosity running through his veins and messy heart. Anticipating on firsthand that the prince was calling only to inform him about a problem with his brothers, or maybe a usual meeting about work, and that was the main topic he had on his mind when he called him... but no, luck doesn’t exist for him. So when Diavolo spoke about his lover as the central problem in this call he was speechless.
Not to say that he was terrified in a way...
But he decided to calm down, thinking of a reasonable cause of why the young prince had called him specifically about her.  And when he reached some possible motives, he decided to shut up and not bring expectations to the matter.
 Let it be a surprise", he thought immediately when fateful scenarios crossed his mind, she is not in danger I know it. Did he believe in his own words? This time: no, he did not. But as he said before, let fate decided for him and not bring speculations to an uncertain future. 
And the great moment had to come. He walked towards the entrance, heart on the mouth, begging himself to behave and not lose his mind in the process. 
“She is a strong woman. whatever is the matter I’m sure is not that complicated” 
But only if he knew exactly what was behind the doors he definitely would be beyond terrified, maybe even confused
And what a lovely surprise, that’s exactly how Diavolo view everything in the room: confusion and pure excitement of the creature sitting on the edge of his sofa, waiting for a word to be spoken.
But it was the other way around, he wanted to hear her voice, know more of the girl who reminds him of an old friend… how strange, he thought her parents liked to talk. 
- My lord, I think we should call Lucifer a second time
 - There is no need. He will be here soon, fear not my friend-The butler nodded with his head, looking over the woman in silence one more time. And he smiled, laughing inside for the similar looks she shared with the new guest coming to the palace in no time. – So, you said your mother wasn’t coming to meet us. Is she sick? -Diavolo asked for the third time, making the young girl exhale for the curious question. She did not want to talk, but she did not have to answer with words, so a simple shake of her head was enough.
But was Diavolo satisfied with it? Of course not. So, with that in mind, he asked again -Does she knows that you’re here? -She let escape a simple laugh from her lips, opening her mouth, making the prince wait anxiously for her voice to be heard once again.
- She’s occupied with mortal duties -She responds, gaining a sly grin from Barbatos, who was curious to know if the girl was frightened of Diavolo thanks to the fact that she had not made eye contact with the man in this whole time, except when they introduced themselves of course. But deep inside, he believed that it was more out of respect. Lucifer sometimes does that, so it would make so much sense if it were the actual reason…
How thrilling the day was going to be…
- She is a doctor, am I right? It is a good profession, more with these difficult times, don’t you agree? – She nodded, playing with her phone, cursing under her breath at the moment she noticed that it was completely dead, no battery that would help distract her from the intense gaze of the demons over her body
Mother was right about this; it was going to be a little uncomfortable…
- Mortal phones do not work down here, I’m sorry for not telling you sooner. -She threw an apologetic smile at him, making eye contact for the first time in that long-languishing moment. And with that, Diavolo chuckle filled the room, spreading the humor towards his butler and creating a weird tension on her shoulders
She did not understand how her dear mother passed one whole year with these kinds of things… she was a warrior with no doubt
-  Has anyone ever told you how much you look like your father? – He had no idea… hearing the same thing from close people with knowledge of the realms was overwhelming and frustrating. But it was something she learned to normalize, until now, of course. She was there to discover for herself the truth in those words, to see if they were lying or not.
Her father was a great enigma that never had a beautiful or tragic response, and if no one dared to respond it then she was willing to sacrifice her life to search for the long-waited question 
And the same thing goes for Lucifer, whose palms were sweating from the nervous heat he was feeling inside, but that didn’t stop him from knocking on the door three times. He waited, standing in front of the golden gate, quieting his mind with delayed work, supposing this was something insignificant and momentary
But the surprise was more than alarming to him than the call that the prince dared to make minutes ago. His eyes grew bigger in honest astonishment, locking his lungs with the thin air at the simple sight of a woman, whose steps were getting closer to him in the same moment when Diavolo said something about taking her to the house of lamentation.
Lucifer was not listening to one word that fell from the mouth of his dear friend. For the first time in millennials, he never expected to find someone so intriguing yet so dangerous to meet. And his mind finally exploded when Barbatos said something about a beautiful family reunion, pointing out how much of siblings they could be if the daughter- father thing never existed between them.
- You call me for this…? -  His tone lacks the true feelings he had inside, making him sound so cold and sour that the girl couldn’t help but mock him with a confused grin. So, he was her father? 
The great lucifer was nothing other than a tired and young man whose first impression was to criticize the meeting they were having? No wonder why uncle Sol used to talk so bad about him…
 -It was a surprise, I’m sorry if made you panic but I believed it was something very important… Lucifer, meet Miss Van Doren, your lovely daughter- And the world stopped only for him to digest that tiny information.
It was her; it looked like her, but somewhat different from what he expected… 
His beloved told him about the pregnancy long ago, something he agreed to have but for details like work and difference between worlds he never got the chance to see the beautiful newborn that he created with the love of his life. He only saw through photos her baby face, how pretty she was with so little age that made him question if it was his child. 
But when his work started piling up, Lucifer had little time to check his telephone, decreasing the chats he used to have with his lover, and with it, the photos of her daughter… 
Sometimes he even forgot that he had a phone in the first place
And so, he never got to know what his beloved daughter looked like today. Until now… 
-Luci? Are you listening to me? 
-Yes! Yes, I am… -He was not, Diavolo knew that immediately. Anyways, he repeated the same instruction twice, making sure the man in front of him was paying close attention. And this time, Lucifer heard everything - You want me to take her to the house of lamentation? - Diavolo nodded with a smile, barely touching the back of the girl, pushing her closer to her father and the man was more than astounded right now. 
Who would think that a demon like him gave life to someone that radiates the aura of an angel? She was a Nephilim, of course, but he was so sure that she could be easily mistaken by an actual angel with just one glance at her 
She was the vivid image of him, and it was scary. How her eyes were so dark but yet full of light, looking at his reflection in them, knowing that she was doing the same in those ruby orbs of him. And her hair, falling almost over her shoulders with gracious black curls, just like the ink in the books he used to read to her mother. The length not too long or too short, resembling a little like her mama at least. 
It was like looking at the mirror, looking at his figure when he was part of the celestial realm. Is this possible? He was a demon now, but here she is, radiating such a pure aura and soul… 
-The others might want to meet their niece, so it’s a good opportunity to know each other. But save some space for tonight, I need to know more about her… you never told me about your affair with Jules- Because he never craved to mix personal stuff with work, but it looks like he needs to do it now thanks to this little secret. -Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful day. -And with anything else to add, they started walking towards the exit, being the palace a place so quiet that even their breaths sounded like huge lightning bolts. 
Lucifer initiated the conversation, not even daring to see the girl at his side, and it looked like she didn’t want to do the same. 
-Your mother… why did you come alone? How did you enter? 
- My uncle helped me… -Her velvet voice took him by surprise, but her words charged against him so fast that he stopped, analyzing the phrase with a confused look in his factions. 
- Uncle? - He raised a brow, while his daughter stopped her steps a few meters away from him but with a low voice she assured him that this help didn’t come from his brothers. 
- Solomon, you know him, right? -Of course, the shady magician always comes to help this tiny family. First, it was Jules when she messed up something with chemicals, and now, his child. 
- You have no idea… -Should she ask? In her mind, that attitude was kind of similar to the man mentioned before. Do these two men hold a grudge against each other? She never questions Solomon about these types of things, more because he never answered… -And your mother? Did she agree to you coming here? All by yourself? -She inhales thin air, looking at his figure getting closer and closer. In every book or website, they described this man as intimidating, but he wasn’t. Hell, she even thinks her mother can do the same thing and she would be terrified knowing it was a sign of frustration… 
- … I sneak out, so no, she doesn’t know that I’m here. - And a side of him appeared at the terror her mother must go through if she found out. That was somewhat inconsiderate on her part, to leave without telling her where she was heading 
- Do you have any idea of how frightened your mother must be? You cannot come to the Devildom like this, it is very irresponsible. You could have been attacked by another demon or worst, your aura would easily attract them, and nobody would know you were here. -She wasn’t awaiting him to scold her in their first meeting, but due to the circumstances sooner or later it would be expected to happen. 
So she waited until he had finished. And when his lips sealed in a line, looking with the ruby eyes the dark ones she smiled somewhat uncomfortable 
- Mom is working right now, in urgencies… she never goes home until 7 pm, so I got my chance- It wasn’t enough reason, but for now, he let it slip, knowing that Diavolo and Barbatos were lurking in the shadows only to hear everything they discussed. They needed privacy, so he guides the girl until the breeze of Devildom hit them. 
Lucifer put one of his hands on her back, a little hesitant, he doesn’t know if she would like it or not, he is cautious as always. Although seeing how she didn’t mind, he kept it there, still guiding her through the desolated streets of Devildom 
- Even if your mother is busy, you shouldn’t do things like this. It is dangerous, any demon could have their way with you if you are not careful… - She lightly snorted, interrupting his speech, making him feel annoyed by her action
- Father, I’m not dumb. I did not ask anyone who passed in front of me to help me. Sol would never put me at risk and besides, I appeared with Lord Diavolo… I know what I’m doing here, so do you. -And before he even dared to say something more, she continued, hugging herself because of the weather. It was cold, and her little jacket wasn’t enough to cover her body. She wishes she had listened to Solomon before she agreed to just go in without a word. - And you can lecture me with mom at your heart’s content, but I was tired of waiting for this day to come… -Lucifer squinted his eyes just a little, not sure she was trying to say. Her facial expressions were completely the opposite of her words, making her voice appear like she was struggling with something but the moves she made didn’t say the same. She seemed calm, oddly calm 
- How so…? - But he was the same, curiosity in the voice of the demon but serenity in his posture. She had to admit, they were similar in some things… - You couldn’t wait to come and risk your life without telling anybody?
- Mother said we were coming in summer, that I would meet the great Lucifer and finally get the answers I deserved. Guess what? It’s already Autumn. She made that promised more than once, and every time I was ready to go and meet you, she got a call from the hospital. How convenient… -She whispered something, an insult maybe, he couldn’t listen properly, and her body failed to hide the frustration she had inside. - I couldn’t bear to stay and keep this waiting on and on… 
-You don’t have much patience, do you? 
- I do have patience, but everything has its limits - Her footsteps were pretty slow until she stood in the middle of the sidewalk, with expectations low of what he could tell her. This demon saw in her the same posture he had when the world burned down under his feet, right at the moment, he rebelled against his father for something he thought was wrong to do. The difference? She didn’t radiate rebellion or wrath, just interest, curiosity, maybe a little of exasperation. 
What a surprise… 
-I waited almost 17 years just to see you, so don’t give me a lecture for wanting to meet my own father. - Lucifer grinned, taking his coat and putting it on her shoulders, blocking his gaze with hers. The world talked, both of them discussing something incomprehensible like past and future, so odd to everybody else, but for them?
 It was just like looking at the mirror, one that never ages, the reflection that would never let the memories escape. And the similarities with the celestial Lucifer didn’t stop coming to his exhausted mind. She wasn’t corrupted, she didn’t have desires that could identify her as hostile or something related to that keyword. She was half-human, with a soul that any demon would love to devour, with ordinary wishes like any other person in her world… she was just like he was before 
- To be this our first encounter, you don’t look like someone afraid to defy me. - Just like her mama taught her, this man is not easy to talk to. She would play his cards, even if she doesn’t know what she is doing, even if she is not conscious of it. - It reminds me of someone… 
- Mom? - The sweet and velvet voice appeared, and he took her hands, walking towards home, glazing at her from time to time. - or it is you father? - that word was still foreign to her tongue, something she had never used even if somebody demands her to pronounce it. But here she is, trying to accustom her mind to do it one more time. Deep inside she liked the idea to finally call someone like that. And luck was on her side… 
- Both, more your mother than anyone else to be precise. She was more curious than Solomon if I remember right… -And she asked again inside of her head if the man fought with her uncle. However, she should save that question for another time - She was always intrigued even by the little things that life throw at her. I don’t know how she survived so many things. It wouldn’t be a surprise if you have the same strength Louise -and her heart stopped beating, making her feel the cold of Devildom get through her clothes. Lucifer took her features for a single moment, wondering what happened to make her look so startled.
- you know my name… 
- You thought I didn’t? -She nodded, so determined that it surprises him. Did Jules never tell her about him? - I gave you the name, right when you were born… she never talked about me? 
- Not much… but mom always loved to do it, the problem is that she is very busy with work and I don’t like to interrupt her with my curiosity… sometimes - He sighed, noticing the way her eyes inspected the trees, how her hair becomes a mess, making it hard to distinguish her locks from the coat. Meanwhile, the girl called Louise was with an infinity of questions haunting her mind.
Was he the one who gave her that name? It wasn’t a joke? Oh, god, she did not know whether to thank or question Lucifer even more...
- So you know very little 
- I wouldn’t put it that way… it’s more like I know who you are, what you do but I don’t know why you leave my mother, why did you leave me? - The big question comes to his ears, making him get away from her only to open the gate of the House of Lamentation. And the name was exactly what he felt: he lamented not being there for her mother or Louise. She was a woman now, not entirely but she was older enough to understand trivial matters of the realms. - She told me you were a workaholic, but I don’t think that’s a good excuse to not come and see us… right? -The silence weren’t deadly, but her patience surely took that attribute until the lips of her creator parted to explain himself. 
- Your time is very different from mine. The clock goes slower than yours, and I’m… -His pause was something he didn’t want to express. And his pride was a rare feeling he hated right now, where deep down he tried to fight it, but it was useless -I’m the same man your mother tried to tell you about… There’s a lot of things that requires my attention, and I’m just one solitary demon. -There was something behind it, she could feel it, she didn’t buy it. 
- That’s your excuse? - Lucifer groans reach her ears, making her back up immediately, not trusting his movements one bit - Mother suffer every time I see her calling you or texting you, we deserve something more than that cheap apology… -She was walking in dangerous territory, and still feels right to her to fight the devil himself. Man or demon who wanted so badly to let her know with the exact words how true the past was for him, how things went down hill so easily. 
- I love your mother, I really do. So sorry to disappoint your expectation in my answer, but I never lie when it comes to her, you should understand that. Some things escape my possibilities… - Louise hugged the coat, even more, drifting her gaze away from him. And Lucifer sighed, making sure no one was around, not even his brothers spying through the windows. 
With another apology, he tried the last thing he would ever do in front of others, being the avatar of pride and a man who craved for a gentle touch but always deny the act when is in front of him. He hugged her, causing the girl to gasp when she felt the embrace surround her. So sweet but bitter, like cold natural lemonade made at home. She finally felt the love of a father, making the wishes she kept inside her mind for so long a dream come true, achieving something both mirrors craved so much. 
- Life is cruel, that’s how it works in our lives ,dearest one… - Louise had a strong grip on him, not wanting to let go of this moment, clinging to his father fearing this would be the last time even though is the first. And Lucifer never wanted to protect someone of corruption so much as he does right now, being her daughter so precious that he desired to see her live peacefully, not worrying about demons and wars between species… but he knew that would be impossible. Still, he would protect her and her mother just the same way he wanted to protect Lilith, and he would not make the same mistake twice 
- I never wanted this meeting to be so depressing -Lucifer offered her a wide smile, being so close to open the front door, to show her this other life she never got the chance to meet 
- Let’s call it a heartbreaking reunion, not depressing -She nodded, agreeing with his words, returning the smile but in a smaller way. And with everything settle, he greeted her inside of the House of Lamentation with hidden enthusiasm, making some of his brothers appear and see the arrival of the oldest.
They were more in shock than Lucifer when they saw her, instantly loading the girl with questions or simply trying to guess what she was. 
Surely her soul was something from an old world. Nephilims were resurfacing, it was expected to the others feel this little and simple curiosity, but being so close to the girl, inspecting her to head to toes were a little… extreme 
But still, she let them do what they wanted to do with this curiosity. She let them say whatever they wanted to say. It was fun for her to listen to stupid theories, to look at them right in the eye and see them struggle while trying to decipher who she was and why she was there 
It was fun until someone broke the tension over the brothers, being Lucifer the judge of this behavior towards his daughter. She didn’t mind if we put aside the number of times some of them dared to get too touchy with her. She even smiled when one of the brothers said something towards Lucifer about her mother 
-Angel or not, you shouldn’t be so concerned about this girl. She is not Jules, we know how to behave -Asmodeus smiled with his words falling in the air as he speaks. Louise’s laugh reached the ears of the brothers, making the action contagious to her father, being the two of them a rare pair. 
-Of course, but being his daughter might complicate some things- Levi choked with his saliva, Beel gasped, Mammon screamed some completely incomprehensible things, and the others only remained in silence. Her eyes laid upon the blonde demon who wanted so badly to say something, being interrupted by others every time he had the chance to express his mind- And no, I’m not an angel
-I knew Jules had a child, but I thought it was with Solomon… -Louise was the one now who choked, looking at Asmo and Lucifer a few times, noticing that the raven-haired demon looked a little concerned about this new information 
-...I don’t have brothers. Noah is adopted, and my mother never had another lover -Asmo mouth formed a perfect ‘o’ , and Satan finally spoke with such an intensity in his eyes. She waved at him, receiving a tiny smile from his part. And every pair of eyes laid on him
-She is gonna get mad, you know that Louise? -Of course, he was going to say the same thing Lucifer did. She knew what she was doing, she knew the risks, she was not a stupid mortal who acted on impulsive decisions all the time. 
-You know her?! Since when?! -Lucifer’s curiosity grew bigger, knowing exactly what was going on in his house, taking a few steps closer to the avatar of wrath. Please, Louise begged, do not start a conflict
-He had been visiting Jules, am I right? - The older spoke, and Satan wanted to laugh, but he remained in silence, with his gaze on the girl who expresses between her eyes and hands, that he must  leave the wave of a fight at this moment. 
-I’m not like my other brothers who forgot to go and pay a visit to our favorite doctor. Even if she was busy… -The others started with the questions one more time, shushing immediately by Satan or Lucifer. Louise only understood that some of them were with little time to see her, and others like Beel and Asmo knew about this girl. Funny, she doesn’t remember when did they go...
Maybe she was very little at that moment, she would ask her mother later if she survives… 
-… So, just to be clear: you are telling me that this girl named Louise is your daughter, and Solomon got a son which he adopted, and now she came to see you because she wanted to meet you, and Satan knew all this time and never say anything to Lucifer for respect to what Jules decided to do with her love life. And we never got to know this information until now- When Levi put the words from his perspective it seemed like a total disaster, her mind would be if Louise were him.
-It is partially your fault, for not wanting to go and see Jules. It is cruel of your part Levi -The demon made a pout when Satan spoke about him, while Mammon looked at the girl with wide eyes, realizing that it was obvious the family she was part of. 
-Hell, you are really Lucifer’s daughter. You don’t even look like your mother at all… why you never said anything?! -Lucifer groaned, crossing his arms over his chest, annoyed by all this questioning and discussion. He thinks it would be worst with Jules, knowing that if both of them arrived like a big surprise the brothers would be screaming like maniacs about this matter… 
They were yelling, that’s correct, but in a more calming way… sort of. 
-At least she got her beauty - Louise’s cheeks tainted a faint red over them, looking adorable to Asmodeus, the demon who spoke seconds ago. - Yes! She has her beauty! Oh, you look like an angel -And like an instinct, she hides behind her father, who grabbed her hand and took her upstairs while the other demons tried to stop him 
-We are not done here Lucifer! Why Jules never said something about her? It’s her daughter! 
-Mammon, that’s enough! All of you should at least give her space and not asphyxiate the poor girl! -The oldest of the brothers yelled with no effort, reflecting his molested attitude and tired mind in this discussion - You want answers? Ask Satan, I’m trying to find them as well -And with nothing else to add, he kept walking with Louise right behind him 
-Why not ask Jules? She will arrive in this home in less than an hour, so it’s a good opportunity to explain all this mess. Right, Luci? -His grin grew bigger, and the girl shivers with the simple idea of the disastrous war her mother would do when she sees her. 
-How are you so sure? -A low voice that took everybody by surprise, asking for the truth in the words of Satan. The man stood there for a few seconds, getting closer and closer to Louise, putting his hands right on her shoulders, gaining a warning from Lucifer. He didn’t care, he had more connection with this girl than he, so why bother? 
-Louise, your plan failed in just one simple error. You didn’t tell Noah about your escape right?- She had everything under control huh? Yeah, that was lie… a big one - ‘Cause I don’t know you, but he is always with you when your mother leaves you alone at home. Sometimes he even invites you to see what he had created with Solomon… -And she always calls him if she doesn’t respond to her messages. She totally forgot about him...
-She called him, fuck, she did… - A mortal who sounded and looked like an angel cursed with the simple idea of forgetting a tiny detail. Satan laughed, biting his lips while his brothers looked around kind of confused, except for Lucifer who desired to shut everything off only to have time alone with his daughter. It was annoying as always, his inexistent bad luck trying to steal precious time with his new family
- … But… you know what? I think it was a good idea that I forgot about Noah… -And Satan’s eyes went wide with her words -She owns me an explanation after all, and in this place, no work would not let her get away without telling me the truth…. So let her come -She had questions just like these brothers, and she finally would get those precious answers she deserved. 
But she wouldn't create a war for it, on the contrary, she just wanted peace and to live with both of her parents present in her life. It was the correct thing to do… 
And Lucifer could only think how oddly similar it was, how her determination put her in such a high place where there’s no visible fright for defying her creator. Just like he was before the falling… 
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give-seconds · 3 years
Survival of the Fittest
Summary: Welcome to the Badlands of Montana! This will be the setting of our game. What’s the name of the game? Simple, make it out alive. In which you and Jaemin are kidnapped and forced to try and find your way out of the Badlands.
Masterlist | Main Masterlist
This is from Jaemin’s point of view.
---Part 6
“Stop me if this is too intrusive,” Jaemin says, shrugging off the bag as you both settle into the place you decided to sleep, “but I’ve been thinking about what to say to you, and I’ve settled with it’ll be okay. I don’t think he’s hurt Sam, and I don’t think he’s going to.”
You freeze in place for a second before shrugging your shoulders and busying your hands by messing with your sleeves. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried, but what can I do? I don’t know if you know or not, but aromantic means he doesn’t feel romantic attraction.”
Jaemin furrows his eyebrows in confusion. “I didn’t know that, no. But you don’t need to tell me anything you don’t want to. I just thought I should say something.”
He isn’t exactly lying. Yes, he doesn’t want to push you to tell him anything you’re not comfortable with. However, he’s hoping that if he gets the topic going in the right direction, you’ll tell him enough to satisfy his curiosity. Yes, he does know it’s kind of selfish to hope you’ll offer that kind of information after how he snapped at you, but he thinks given how much you found out about him (and despite what Theos said, there isn’t more to tell), he should get to know more about your story.
“No, it’s okay. Frankly, I’m too tired to care what you think about me,” you chuckle softly and lean back against a hill, closing your eyes as you continue to talk. “I don’t think there’s much else to the story other than it hurt for everyone. He was sad he didn’t like me the way he wanted to and, at the time, I was sad another person had lied to me. Although now that I think about it, how else was he supposed to confirm the feelings he had? Once I got over that, I was able to look at it differently. Yeah, it still hurts sometimes to think about. But in the end, I got someone I can kind of rely on. If you ask me, not too bad of a deal.”
He smiles, handing you his sweater. You two had already agreed he would take the first watch. “Well, it’s good you can look at it like that. I can’t say I’m there yet with my situation.”
You smile softly, meeting his gaze for a second before you start bunching his sweater into a ball. “It took me a while to get here. I can’t tell you how to live your life, Jaemin, but I can say you don’t have to forgive everyone. I’d say in my life there have been three people who should come to me sneaking forgiveness. Out of those three, Sam is the only one that has asked for forgiveness and that I’ll forgive. Even if the other two apologized, I wouldn’t forgive them. I’m not necessarily angry anymore—I mean, sometimes I’ll get mad about it—but my point is if you don’t forgive someone, that doesn’t mean you still have to be mad about it. All that’s left after there is to evaluate the damage your parents did to you and see if you’re able to look past it.”
He nods his head and forces a small smile onto his face. “Enough sad talk, good morning y/n.”
You snort. “Still doing that? Well, then good morning to you too, Jaemin.”
Once you close your eyes, he lets the smile drop from his face.
You two had been walking for five hours now—in what you assume is the right direction—and even then, Theos’ words haven’t left his mind. It was a given he thought about Emma; he practically raised her. Every time she popped into his mind, he would get anxious at the thought of her alone and worried.
But now? Now he’s mad. Mad at his parents for putting her in a position that because he was kidnaped, she has to spend the night at a friend’s house instead of with her mom and dad. Mad that because they had the desire to help everyone but their children, they painted a target on his back.
He knows it’s probably the lack of caffeine that’s putting his mind in overdrive, but his parents weren’t there to stop him from upping the caffeine level. Even if he wouldn’t have listened, he would have appreciated the affection of the action.
Shaking his head, he looks over at you. He can’t tell if you’re asleep or not, but your eyes are closed, and your breathing is even. Not that he’s happy to be here, but since he is, he’s glad it’s with someone like you.
Jaemin doesn’t have a lot of friends. He has some classmates he’ll see a movie with now and again, but no one he’s necessarily close with. He knows how to be nice to people, he just didn’t know how to get close to them. He was far more introverted than Emma seemed to think he was when she gave him the advice of “just go over there and invite them to sit with us.”
So, with his limited social skills, he’s thankful he’s facing life and death with someone who doesn’t feel the need to fill the silences with useless chatter. He hopes that once you two get out of this, you’ll want to stay in touch with him.
As soon as the thought crosses his mind, he scoffs to himself, squeezing his eyes shut as hot tears burn his eyes. He’s getting ahead of himself.
That’s why he hated these sleeping breaks. He knows they’re needed—it will do neither of you any good if one of you passes out from exhaustion. His legs are already cramping from the amount of walking he’s done the past few days, and he’d hate to imagine what kind of condition he’d be in without sleep.
At the same time, he hates these breaks because it is the one time he’s alone. It is the one time he has no choice but to stare out into the rocky abyss and think about a life he might never see again.
The man keeping you here said that he still has victims from past “experiments.” Just because he seems to have hope for you two doesn’t mean he’s going to let you guys go. He could die out here.
He went to rub the bracelet his sister had given him, only to feel the thick watch in its place. He laughs, wiping away a tear.
“What should we do when we reach wherever it is that we’re walking to?”
He glances at you over his shoulder before quickly bringing his attention back in front of him as he trips over a rock. “What do you mean?”
“Well,” you continue. “We’re walking to what we assume is the exit. But now, I’m thinking the exit is really just where Theos is watching us from. What then?”
At the mention of his name, Jaemin instinctively looks around for any of the towers Theos used to communicate. He knows those towers alone wouldn’t let him hear the conversation; if anything, it would be the cameras around your neck. But whenever Theos spoke through a tower, he had conversations with you both. That meant there must be some kind of listening device, right?
“Is this something we should be talking about like this?” he whispers.
You shrug your shoulders, but he doesn’t miss the way you nervously tap your fingers together. “There isn’t any other way to. We can’t write in the dirt, or he’ll for sure see that. This way, there’s at least a chance he can’t hear us. And while the idea of meeting him scares me, having somewhat of a plan would at least make me feel like we did everything we could for those people.”
He isn’t against helping the other “subjects,” and he knows if he lets himself be taken, there’s no way he’ll make it out alive. At the same time, he doesn’t want to do anything that would set him apart from the group. Trying to escape would definitely set him apart from the group.
His whole life, he has lived with the goal of attracting the least amount of attention possible to him and Emma. He knows he has to do everything in his power to help you and himself, but at the same time, why does it have to be him? He has only tried to live a quiet life, a life off anyone’s radar.
He knows it’s selfish to think like that, but he’s lived his whole life trying to be selfless and look where it got him.
“I’m not saying this to shut you down”—and he wasn’t. Despite not wanting to, he isn’t going to let you do anything crazy alone. With that being said, he isn’t going to walk into something potentially pointless—“but is planning something even a good idea? I mean, when we get to where he’s at, he’s not going to be out in the open. So, and I mean this in the nicest way, what would be the point in planning something against him?”
You nod your head in thought. “What if we didn’t go in?”
He turns his head to look at you in confusion. “What do you mean ‘don’t go in?’”
“I mean, what if we don’t go in,” you repeat. “What if we just kept walking? He can’t be too far from the rest of the town, right? So what if we just keep walking?”
“I don’t know y/n.”
A silence falls over you two, and he can’t help but feel a little bad. He knows he’s not being brave. But it isn’t like it is in the movies. He’s terrified. There’s no need for him to be beaten or threatened any further; he’s already content not pushing the boundaries lain out in front of him.
He knows he’s nothing like the big, tough guy in the horror movies. If anything, he’s happy he isn’t. They’re normally one of the first people dead or horribly injured.
“Listen,” you start quietly. “I know it’s scary. And any other day, I would agree with you in there being no chance of this working—”
“I never said that.”
“—but what other choice do we have? You heard how he talks about us. I’m worried that once we reach the end, we’re his last subjects. That once we reach the finish line—or win the ‘game’—that’s it. I have this feeling that we’re his last hope in making this thing, whatever it is, work. So if we don’t try to escape, no one will get the chance to.”  
“Okay, I can see where you’re coming from.” He said softly, rubbing his arms despite not being cold. “But there’s no way that’s not against his rules. Is that something we want to push?”
“He seems like someone who likes to follow rules, and there was never a defined end line. So if we keep walking, it isn’t exactly against the rules.”
He knows you’re right. There’s this feeling he’s had since the first time he heard Theos’ voice—this feeling of dread. At first, he didn’t know why the dread he felt when he heard Theos’ voice was different than the kind he felt when thinking about being stuck in a rock maze. Now, though, he understands. Theos talked about you two like you were his last hope at discovering something great.
With that understanding, he’s willing to bet that if caught walking past Theos’ obvious endpoint, you'll be punished. He can’t imagine that as this man’s last hope, trying to leave won’t play out well if he finds you again.
“Well, you better decide what you want to do,” you said, dragging his attention away from his inner debate.
He almost asked why, but the sight of a building partly buried underground and colored to camouflage into the rocks gave him his answer.
“So what’s it going to be, Jaemin?”
I hope this wasn’t too all over the place, I’ve been kind of insecure about this story and asking for proofreaders. So I want to thank you for your understanding and I hope you have a wonderful day/night!!
Taglist: @drydrops891 
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fuckinuchihas · 4 years
(💌) suga with an s/o whos exactLY like kenma? :0 could be a oneshot or headcanon or both :00 (btw i'll use 💌 to let you know this is suga anon!!)
Ahhh the start of our journey to adoption 😂
Here you go bud, sorry it took so long as you well know I’ve been distracted by Among Us!!
Anyway, drink lots of water, get lots of rest, and take care of yourself!
Suga and I <3 you!!
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The first time he noticed you, was a total accident. Sugawara had just finished speaking with a teacher and he was going to be late for practice if he didn’t rush. He was going a bit fast in the hallway and didn’t see you quickly enough but just before he made contact you stepped to the side clearing the path for him to keep going.
It would have been a lot less interesting if you hadn’t been staring at your phone the whole time.
How did you even see him coming?
Maybe you heard it but still...those were action fast reflexes for someone who didn’t even glance up from the device in your hand.
He shook his head to get you out of his thoughts but slowed down a little to have more control over himself so no one else had to do the same.
The second time you were waiting at a bus stop device in hand seeming like you were trying to blend into the background of fellow classmates but he noticed you right away.
He watched you, telling himself it was just curiosity as you remained oblivious...or at least that’s what he thought.
The bus came and most of the people waiting climbed onto it. Only you and an older lady were left on the bench.
It took a few minutes but eventually you glance up to him, your eyes meeting his and he knows he’s been caught staring. He fights back the nerves and awkwardly rubs at the back of his neck before giving you a timid wave.
You turn back to your game.
He lets out a sigh of relief but there’s something like disappointment curling in his gut.
Did he not even rate enough to get your attention?
He tries his best to keep his eyes off of you for a while after that.
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He tries, really he does but now that he’s noticed how interesting you are it’s hard for him to forget it.
Whenever you’re around his gaze is drawn to you and he fails to keep pulling it back..something has to give.
You’re staring down at some sort of handheld game yet again and he peeks over your shoulder hoping you haven’t seen him yet.
He watches with rapt attention as you move your character through a maze of hallways.
There’s other players and he smiles, feeling somewhat satisfied that you at least have companions in the game because you seem to be pretty antisocial in the few times he’s managed to sneak peeks at you over the last few weeks.
He feels his lips tugging upward just a little more as you and another player are huddled together, and then- “Holy crap-” he says, not able to keep quiet when he watched you slice the other character in half like you were cutting into butter and then quickly jump into an air vent.
Well...that got your attention.
“Uh, sorry...I just- the game looked...interesting.”
There’s that word again, the only word he can think of when he thinks of you.
“It’s not bad,’ you say, feeling a bit of an adrenaline rush as someone gets closer to the body knowing you’ve gotten away with it. “I don’t like playing the imposter as much…”
“The imposter?” he asks, both intrigued by the game and also the fact that you’re having a conversation with him.
“The killer...I like being a crew mate and finding out which one is the bad guy, y’know?” you say, and he shrugs.
“I’ve never played it but it looks...cool.”
You shrug in response. “It’s pretty popular right now…”
“Is it easy or are you just really good?” he asks, a bit of pink tinging his cheeks.
“I’m okay as a crewmate…” you say, and he nods fully believing you’re the best crewmate to ever crewmate.
“What about imposter, are you good at that too?”
You grin up at him as one of the crewmates floats off into space.
“Yeah, you could say that I guess.” your smile is almost a little unsettling but he just chuckles as you grin up at him.
“Okay then...could you maybe show me how to play?”
“Sure..it’s not very hard once you understand the basics.”
The bell rings loudly in your ears and he nervously backs away.
“See you at the bus stop, okay?” you say, feeling a bit courageous.
“Yeah, Yeah I’ll see you there,” he says with a smile so bright it’s almost painful to look at.
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lupinsx · 4 years
First Impressions
Request: Hiii, would you write a Draco x reader where she's an american transferred student, and she has visible tattoos (like neck or legs) and is kinda nerdy but sexy and confident, and Draco just loses it bc it's so new and he doesn't know what the hell to do and how to act?? thank youuuu :)
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Gryffindor!Reader
Summary: When the new girl Y/N arrives at Hogwarts, Draco finds it hard to nail the first or second impression. Perhaps another do-over is all he needs.
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Brief kissing scene, that's all.
a/n — Hello lovely readers! My inbox is open for requests, and you can msg me if you want to be part of a tag list I'll be making. I hope you enjoy this one-shot!
You raised your eyebrow for a moment, unable to grasp the importance of such a decision. You were sitting in front of the entire school, legs crossed and arms resting gracefully on the chair handles. Your position showed off the various minimalistic tattoos scattered across your legs and arms, gaining multiple curious glances from the students.
Gryffindor? you thought, Why that?
Nevertheless, you were met with a roaring cheer from the red and gold table clad with an extroverted aura. You stepped off your chair and strode towards them, taking your seat near the middle.
Upon your arrival, a particular red-headed boy sitting on your right spoke first, in a manner far too blunt than you are used to.
"You know, something tells me you're too pretty to be a first-year," the boy spoke, chin on his palm as he faced you. You rolled your eyes playfully at the cheesy tone of his words.
"You're right, I'm a fifth year. I just transferred from Ilvermorny."
"Ilvermorny! So you're an American, huh?" he said with a wide grin before sticking out his hand to shake. "My name is George. George Weasley. Your tattoos look wicked."
Shaking it back, you replied with a jokingly sarcastic tone. "Thank you. And I'm Bond. James Bond."
There was a brief moment of silence on his part where he just stared in confusion before he suddenly burst into juvenile chuckles. The sound tugged on the corners of your lips.
"I'm kidding, it's Y/N L/N," you finally admitted with a small smile. After your introductions, a boy appearing nearly identical popped up from beside him, extending his arm over George's chest.
"I'm Fred Weasley. Welcome to Hogwarts!" he exclaimed, patting your back harshly then going back to his food. You chuckled at their playful nature before you went back to your own plate.
After eating for quite some time and enjoying conversations with your new peers, you decided to take a quick break from the crowd. Assuring the prefects you'll find your way to the common room, you left the Great Hall to explore the vast castle.
Walking down the empty corridor, you finally had time to be in your own head. You thought about how different the houses are in Hogwarts compared to your old school.
"What is Gryffindor even for?" you spoke to yourself with a slight chuckle. However, you were quick to realize you weren't alone in the hall when a voice behind you replies.
"I believe it's for the dimwitted—correct me if I'm wrong."
Hastily turning on your heel, you were met with the sight of a tall, platinum-haired boy in a dark green detailed robe. He wore a condescending smirk on his face as he approached you with long strides, not before taking a quick glance at your lower leg which he thought to be unnoticed.
You smirked in response, crossing your arms over your chest. You could tell he was in Slytherin. Though you didn't know much about what the houses stand for, you made sure to at least learn their names and colours.
"Really? I've been told it was the Slytherins who were rather dull themselves," you said, mimicking a confused expression. You then pointed to the crest on his robes with a look of interest. "Oh, what an interesting symbol! What house is that?"
The blond boy seemed visibly displeased by your jibe. He knew you were well aware of his Slytherin status by the taunting grin widening on your lips.
As he opened his mouth to retort, you immediately cut him off with a mocking pat on his shoulder. Leaning closer, just enough to gain a flustered expression from the boy, you said, "Listen, I'd love to stay and chat, but I need to head to the common room before somebody thinks I'm missing. See you later?"
"Psh, how about not later," he faltered, earning a bemused glance from you.
Was that supposed to be an insult?
With a small laugh, you turned on your feet and walked down the hallway, heading wherever your eyes take you in hopes of finding the common room.
Though he went from being snobbish to odd within mere minutes, you found the blond boy to be very interesting, and more so peculiar. Perhaps we'll meet again.
"Really Draco? How about not later?" Draco groaned to himself, tugging on his roots in frustration.
He was now sitting on his bed, the morning after the "incident." The thought of the interaction left him with such a terrible sense of embarrassment, he wanted to obliviate himself immediately.
Laying down on his back, he sighed, staring up at the ceiling with his arms crossed beneath his head. Draco hated to admit it, but he found you very attractive. The sheer confidence radiating with every movement you take, word you utter, and look you give—it was damn near intoxicating.
How could he possibly mess up the first impression that badly?
Draco turned to lay on his stomach. With his head buried deep into his pillow, he let out a frustrated yell.
"Don't worry Draco, I'll probably never speak to her again," he tried to reassure himself. "And if I do, it'll be long forgotten."
Yeah, it'll be long forgotten.
With those words in mind, Draco got up from his bed in preparation for the day ahead. Besides, it was the first day of classes, and he was excited to see his schedule for the year.
After a seemingly endless breakfast, he finally was able to satisfy that curiosity. Gripping the sheet of parchment impatiently, Draco was unamused with the first class on the list. History of Magic—infamous for being a total drag.
With a scowl painted on his expression, he made his way towards the classroom, promptly stopping in his tracks at the sight of a particular student sitting inside.
It's that Gryffindor girl!
Draco's eyes widened as he felt the blood rush to his cheeks. You haven't noticed his slight stare, so he immediately made a beeline to his seat, making sure not to glance up from it.
It was then when you realized his presence in the room and turned back to face him. A smirk spread across your lips before you directed your attention back to the teacher.
A mere smirk and Draco already found himself blushing like a schoolgirl.
Just as anyone would expect, the lesson had been terribly soporific. If it wasn't for the sight of you absorbing the information excitedly, jotting down comprehensive notes as you listen with a glimmer in your eyes, Draco would have definitely been asleep.
It was unnatural. Why were you this interested? He found himself somewhat nervous to ask, so he instead fell back on his usual defence mechanism—uncalled-for remarks.
"Nerd," he muttered to you in between coughs, a condescending grin widening on his lips. You rolled your eyes in response, continuing to put your supplies back into your bag.
It was the end of the lesson when Draco approached you, class nearly empty with Professor Binns absentmindedly marking essays at his desk. You were internally raving about the lesson on goblin rebellions he just delivered when the blond boy just interrupted your thoughts.
"I'm sorry, but since when was fascination seen as a bad thing?"
"It is when it's Binn's lecture causing it," he retorted with a mocking tone. "You truly are something different."
With a fake smile plastered on your face, you whipped your hair to the side and replied, "Thanks, I know. But if you want my attention, you're going to have to try a little harder."
Your remark brought another flustered expression onto Draco's face, reminding you of your first encounter with him. His eyes dilated, cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, and his lips parted and closed with an inability to respond. He then averted his gaze from your eyes, and instead opted to stare at the ground until he regains composure.
"I don't want your attention," Draco mumbled under his breath, barely coherent if it wasn't for the proximity of you two.
"Really? Then why did you wait behind as the rest of the class leaves just to start a conversation?"
"I- uh- I gotta go," he suddenly spluttered, striding towards the door before you could even respond. The sound of a light slam broke you out of your brief trance while watching his retreating figure. With a small shrug, you finished packing and left the classroom, ready to head to your next class.
Yep, very peculiar indeed.
The next week, you found yourself nearly settled into the unfamiliar setting. Without further assistance, you were able to navigate to your classrooms and get used to remembering odd passwords for the dormitory. Hogwarts was finally beginning to feel like a home, or at least, as close as Ilvermorny was to being one.
After a particularly tiresome day of classes, you refused to allow your evening to end on that note. Making sure the rest of your classmates were asleep, you quietly made your way out of the Gryffindor common room, ignoring how far beyond curfew it currently was.
You enjoyed the thrill. You loved having to tiptoe around the corridors, knowing at any second a teacher could pop up. The risk factor was exhilarating, and you craved that release amongst a day of being studious. You needed that release.
With light steps bouncing on each tap, you made your way towards the Great Hall, intending to exit the castle.
However, you were quick to realize that life had other plans.
Just before your fingers grazed the handle of the door, a tap on your shoulder sent electrical shocks through your veins, awaking every nerve in your body with a severe jolt. Whipping your head to the side, you were mildly relieved to see the familiar face of a peer rather than adult ready to admonish.
"Oh," you muttered with a light sigh, "it's just you."
"Just? I'm insulted," said Draco with a joking pout, dramatically clutching his heart. You rolled your eyes in response, preparing to walk away before you were stopped almost immediately.
Your eyes narrowed at his hand tightly enclosed around your wrist, but he didn't let go upon catching your gaze. Instead, with a light tug, he dragged you along the opposite hall, leaving you confused by the action.
"Uh, where are you taking me?"
You were met with silence in response as he strode in front of you, squeezing your wrist to make sure you couldn't yank your arm back. A loud groan emitted from your lips, very clearly expressing defiance as you continued to struggle in your efforts to break free. All plans to roam around the lake were ruined, much to your distaste.
However, curiosity overcame your annoyance when the two of you began climbing up a long staircase. You have yet to explore this area of the castle, leaving you filled with wonder at the seemingly endless amount of floors this takes you to. I'll have to come back here later on my own, you thought to yourself with excitement.
With one final step, Draco abruptly stopped in his tracks, causing you to bump into his back and break your trance. As a mild blush painted your cheeks upon the contact, you followed him into the dark hallway, quickly reaching a wide doorway.
"I wanted to show you something," Draco said in an airy tone, nearly whispering amidst the quiet corridor. Then, without missing a beat, he swung the door open, revealing a spacious room.
It was mesmerizing, to put it lightly. Telescopes lined the corners of the room, which seemingly had no roof—although you were sure it was just enchanted to appear so. Looking up, you were met with the sight of the night sky, filled with scattered stars shining in their full glory. You couldn't hold back the smile widening on your face.
While you found yourself distracted, taking in the beauty of the room, Draco was held in an equal trance. He kept his gaze on your awestruck countenance, a grin threatening to tug on his lips as your eyes lit up in fascination.
"The view is beautiful," you mumbled under your breath, eyes fixed on the celestial bodies visible through the ceiling. Without redirecting his stare, he responded.
"Yeah, I agree."
It was then when you looked back at Draco, offering a gentle smile as you sit on the floor. He then followed, placing himself next to you before laying down on his back.
"So, why'd you bring me here?"
With a light shrug, Draco spoke, gaze fixed on the sky. "We never had a proper introduction. Or a good first impression either."
"Okay then, let's just restart," you started, a small giggle escaping your lips. "I'm Y/N L/N, it's nice to meet you."
Sticking out your hand for him to shake, he sat up, hesitantly shaking it back before keeping his palm lingering in your grasp. He waited a moment before completely pulling away.
"Draco Malfoy. It's nice to meet you too, I guess."
Following the long overdue introductions, there was a comfortable silence sweeping over the air. A sort of quietness without tension or awkwardness; just them taking in the moment. Enjoying how beautiful the stars look, how bright the moon is, and how red their cheeks are. It's almost laughable how the two teenagers of such levels of boldness act like schoolgirls under each other’s presence.
Eventually, Draco broke the silence with a small murmur. "I really like your tattoos."
"Oh, uh, thank you," you replied, instinctively trailing your finger across your wrist. It was often something you covered back in Ilvermorny, knowing people would've had something to say about it. Being met with positive responses here in Hogwarts felt very unfamiliar to you.
"What does that one mean?" Upon asking the question, Draco reached for the words decorating your wrist, his hand briefly touching your fingers which laid near it. As you quickly retract it and attempt to fight back another blush, you smiled softly at the remembrance.
"Ad maiora," you spoke under your breath. "It means towards greater things. It's my motto for life."
Leaving his finger brushed over the spelling, he stared at you with a slight twinkle in his eyes. "That's admirable."
"Thank you."
"How about this tattoo?"
He moved his fingers to the smaller design laid on your collarbone. It was a delicate touch; only briefly felt as he skimmed the inked skin, yet enough to invoke a swarm of butterflies in your stomach.
"It looked nice, that's all," you said, recalling the moment you chose the flower design. "Not all of my tattoos have profound meanings."
Despite the lack of depth in this particular design, you still cherished it greatly. It was decided upon a spontaneous act when you wanted to do something brazen for once in your life. Though, the tattoo fails to convey the feelings prior to its creation; rather, its simplistic nature gives it a sweet and dainty feel.
"I like it. It looks nice on your skin," he complimented, keeping his hand on the crook of your neck as his thumb brushes over the flower.
The position can easily be interpreted differently out of context. You were both sitting upright, facing each other in close proximity. Draco had his hand on your neck, and both of you were staring into the other's eyes. All that was left to complete the atmosphere was a kiss. The mere connection of lips. And you both were thinking the same thing too.
"Y/N?" Draco murmured, lowering his gaze to your lips. "Would it be alright if I-"
Without missing a beat, you cut him off, leaning the extra distance to join your lips together.
It was surprising to him. He never expected you to agree, let alone understand beforehand and kiss him yourself. Meanwhile, you simply went in accordance with your awfully forward personality. Thinking before doing was not a very familiar process for you.
After getting over the initial shock, Draco settled into the kiss, his eyes closing as he moved closer to you. Everything about the moment seemed ethereal. The stars gleaming above your heads, creating a beautiful glow surrounding you two. The way his platinum hair felt as you ran your fingers through it, and how perfectly his hands fit on the curve of your waist and side of your neck. How your lips seemed to connect like puzzle pieces, almost as if it belonged there as you two shared this passionate feeling. You were reluctant to let go, and he didn't intend to either.
Until the sound of harsh rapping on the door forced you two apart.
"Hello? I heard kids in here," the raspy voice of Mr. Filch spoke. Draco immediately turned to you, putting a finger to his lips with a playful expression. You nodded and squeezed your mouth shut in an attempt to repress a chuckle.
After waiting a moment for the notorious caretaker to walk away, you and Draco finally released the laughter that was building inside. Your bodies shook with mirth at the recollection of the tense atmosphere present seconds ago, when detention seemed far too probable.
As the laughter died down, you looked at Draco with a wide grin. He has a smile on his face to match as he leaned in for one final peck, before pulling away with red-stained cheeks.
You sat there speechless, unable to respond with the thoughts running through your head. All you knew was that you loved this feeling, and wouldn't be entirely opposed if he asked again. Noticing your flustered expression, Draco brushed a strand of hair behind your ear as his trademark cocky smirk stretched across his face.
"How's that for a first impression?"
a/n — This took a while to make! I hope you all enjoyed it, it made me squeal so much while writing. Please like, comment, and reblog to show support! Thanks for reading 💞
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