#but yea i was noticing these similarities earlier and it made me giggle
starstaiined · 2 years
if i had a nickel for every time jenna ortega played a girl with a father figure who died/walked out, causing the mother figure to grow emotionally distant/borderline neglectful and causing a schism between the mother and a fiery, overprotective older sister who ends up abandoning her for years before coming back suddenly and becoming her primary guardian/caretaker after some tragic incident, i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice, right?
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pleasantanathema · 5 years
Wet Pleasures
Fandom: BNHA
Rating: Explicit
Characters: Hitoshi Shinsou
Tags: dom!Shinsou, rough sex, dirty talk, hair pulling, bondage
Word Count: ~7k    
           “You’re such a good girl,” He mused, his other hand drifting down your arm, thumb dangerously close to the outline of your breast, “you never tell me no.”
           You shook your head faintly in agreement, your eyes drawn to the beautiful muscles of his body that you had yet to see before.
           “If you don’t tell me no right now, kitty, I’m going to do very naughty things with you.”
Request for dubliinwaltz
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           It was late, far too late to still be at the hero agency you worked for, and especially far too late to be taking a shower in the locker room. But, there you stood, frustrated and wet. You wanted to be home, curled up in your bed and reading your favorite book, but you were still trying to scrub your hair and body clean from the incident you had earlier in the day.
           Sometimes you forgot just how gross some quirks could be. But you were rudely reminded earlier when a villain you had been chasing chose to smother you in grey goo from his fingertips. You could feel the goo begin to crack and harden against your skin as you ran, matting into your hair and folding into the creases of your body. You had to wipe globs from your eyes and nose, unfortunately flicking the substance towards unsuspecting bystanders as you flashed by them. While you and your partner hadn’t stopped your pursuit, inwardly you had wanted to scream and use your quirk to actually kill this guy and end everything there and then. But you resisted that urge, and thankfully your partner was incredibly adept at capturing people.
           You could hear your partner sighing in similar discontent in a shower adjacent to yours. Shinsou was cursing rather loudly, mumbling profanities into the steam.
           “Are you okay, Shinsou?” You called out forcefully, hoping that he could hear you over the pounding of hot shower water against the cold tiles.
           You caught the grumble of a very angry affirmative.
           He cleared his throat, sighing stridently, “Actually…do you have any good shampoo? Mine isn’t cutting it for this stupid fucking goo.”
           You looked down at your feet, glancing over the contents of your little shower caddy. You had only showered at work a few times before, but fortunately your previous times had encouraged you to buy a few travel sized bottles and fill them with your favorite soaps. You plucked one from its home, twirling it in your fingers as you remembered that this particular shampoo was for thick hair, which would probably help Shinsou’s lavender locks.
           “Yea, heads up!” You tossed the little bottle over the white brick wall that separated the showers. You listened to hear if it clattered to the floor, but the lack of sound suggested that Shinsou had caught your throw.
           While some partners would’ve found it very odd to be showering in such close proximity, you and Shinsou were a little different than most. You were very comfortable around one another and had been from the start of your time working together nearly a year ago. But, there was also something about Hitoshi Shinsou that had you absolutely pining for him. He was inconceivably clever, and his keen intellect impressed you, especially when he used that wit to craft jokes that made you both chuckle. But aside from his charm, it was the mystery of him that had you thinking about him for far too long while in bed. Despite being so relaxed around one another, he didn’t open up much about his personal life, or really any very personal thoughts.
           Despite his aloofness, you did everything you could to please your partner. You never told him no, not like you ever really needed to, but everything inside of you trusted him and wanted to submit to him. He was powerful and you were drawn to him like a kitten to a new curiosity.
           You closed your eyes for a moment, running your hands over your skin, wondering what his would feel like instead of your own.
           You heard another very frustrated grunt from the neighboring shower.
           “Ugh, now I smell like flowers.”
           His complaint had you giggling to yourself as you continued to use a loofah and scrub at the undersides of your arms and behind your knees, and all the other nooks and crannies that this goo had decided to claim as a home. While the warm water still felt like a soothing blanket to your skin, your long time spent scrubbing had the soles of your feet aching against the rough tiles. You groaned, just wanting desperately to get clean. You stretched your toes, and soon you yawned, stretching your arms up and over your head. That’s when you felt the skin of your back crinkle in a very strange, and sticky, way. You stopped stretching and began trying to touch the skin of your middle back, but unfortunately there was a spot that you couldn’t quite reach. Undoubtedly, your back was still in need of cleaning.
           You cried out loudly in annoyance, head falling back and eyes closing as you let the shower water splash across the front of your body. Your desperation must’ve been made clear, as you heard the adjacent shower curtain rustle.
           Shinsou cleared his throat and the sound was closer than you expected. You peeked over your shoulder, finding only his head visible from around the wall. Soap suds still littered his indigo hair, and his expression mimicked the aggravation of your own. You suddenly blushed, realizing he was currently able to see all of your backside. You instinctively wrapped your arms around your breasts, maintaining eye contact with your partner.
           “Um,” he started, eyes darting away momentarily, “do you need help washing this shit off?”
           You sighed in defeat, nodding your head.
           “Yea. Do you?”
           “I can’t even get it out of my own hair.”
           He dipped back around the wall and you heard the creak of the knob as he turned off his shower. You began to breath more quickly, realizing that very soon he was going to be here, with you, in your space, in this shower, naked. You shook your head, hands running across your face under the fall of the water. Sure, the two of you had changed into your hero costumes many times before in this very locker room, but you’d never really seen each other fully nude. Your limits of comfortability with your partner were about to possibly reach their limit.
           “There’s a spot on your back, you know.”
           You let out another very exasperated sigh.
           “Yea, I know. Can you…?”
           “Of course.”
           Your back was still to him as he approached you in the shower. Casually, you handed your loofah to him over your shoulder, and he took it gently, fingers brushing over your knuckles. His other hand wrapped around your upper arm, steadying you as he began to rub at your back. His grip on your skin was delicate yet firm, large hand enveloping your arm. He kept a comfortable distance between your bodies, staying a step back so he could work at the crusted goo upon your skin. You reached forward and turned the temperature up in the shower, hoping to blame the heat of the water and steam for the redness of your cheeks and not him.
           You let out a groan of satisfaction when you felt something heavy peel off the skin of your back. His continued to scrub at the spot, but now more lightly, like he was rinsing off the remaining residue of the substance. You then felt the wisp of the loofah back on your shoulder, and he tapped you with it to get you to take it back. As you wrapped the dangling strap of the puff around your fingers, you assumed he was finished, but then you felt his hand on your back.
           “Why is this shit so stubborn?” He grumbled, using the tip of his nail to scrape at the portion of skin between your shoulder blades.
           Shinsou had been equally as frustrated with all this mess as you. Not only had the motherfucker you two had been chasing cover you both with his nasty quirk, he had coated Shinsou’s capturing weapon to filth. What he wouldn’t admit to you was the true reason he was struggling to clean off himself in the shower: he had been sitting over there diligently scrubbing the cloth of his weapon and tired himself out. Even now, the scarf like tool was pooled into a heap on the shower tiles, forlorn and still stained with dark spots.
           Instead of continuing to deal with this situation on his own, he had hoped you would be willing to help him. You always were, and he had taken notice that you hardly ever said no to him, which was something he found very appealing. He wasn’t ashamed to admit to himself that not only did he find you particularly attractive, he found you alluring and very compatible to himself and his…wants and needs, so to say.
           Shinsou liked a woman who would do whatever he asked, which was only natural, given his quirk. And he had an inkling that you wanted him to tell you what to do more often.
           He had successfully cleaned your back, so he took a moment look over you before continuing with bathing. He took both of your arms in his hands now, gingerly skimming his palms down to your elbows as his wandering eyes marveled over your beautiful back and plump backside. He was taller than you, and it gave him a great vantage point to peer over your shoulders to the front of your body. He could smell the sweetness of your skin, your scent filling the steamy air like a billowing aroma. If only he could just taste you, oh the sinful things he’d—
           “Hitoshi?” your easy voice brought him from his thoughts, “are you done staring? I need to wash your hair.”
           He grinned at the lax in your tone, delighted to know that you were aware of his gaze. He moved forward, wrapping his strong arms around your shoulders from behind, his embrace open and lazy, contented even.
           “Can I at least get a thank you, dear partner of mine?”
           He nestled his chin against your wet hair, and you could imagine the grin on his face.
           “Thank you, Hitoshi.” You grumbled it, but still you smiled.
           Shinsou slipped around your side, lean and towering body shifting to be in front of yours. The width of his body took over the spray of the water, leaving you cold and damp behind him. For an instant, you marveled over the muscled planes of his back, but chose not to stare like he had earlier. You reached up, standing on your toes as you raked hand through his wet hair. Somehow, despite being wet, much of his hair still seemed unruly and thick. It appeared dark blue now, with soap suds still dripping off the long strands. A few strands still were colored grey from the mysterious gunk, but not too many.
           “Rinse the old shampoo out and I’ll try another.”
           “Bossy, bossy.” He quipped, bringing his hands to his hair and scrubbing.
           You reached into your shower caddy once more, picking the entire thing up and searching through it for anything that could help. You found a bottle of hair oil, still mostly full. You shrugged, hoping that perhaps it could help along with more shampoo.
           Returning to Shinsou’s back, you sighed, looking up at the expanse of hair upon his head. You’d have to be on your toes the whole time to reach the strands, but you could handle it. You mixed some of the oil and shampoo in your palms, once again stretching up to reach his head. You lathered your fingers through his hair, paying special attention to pull at the pieces still stained from the goo on the back of his head that he definitely couldn’t have seen earlier.
           He hummed softly as your delicate fingers massaged at his head. He had definitely made the right decision asking for help, especially now that he could feel your body brush up against his back and shoulders as you attempted to clean him. He almost shuddered when he felt your breasts press up against his skin, nipples hard and skating across his wet back.
           Shinsou realized you were struggling to stay on your toes. He went to lean forward and bend down to alleviate your straining feet and calves, but his movement threw you off balance. He audibly hissed as your fingers wound themselves into his hair, clutching at him as you tried not to fall backwards on the slippery floor.
           “Fuck, kitten, easy with the claws.”
           Your other hand came to his arm, nails digging into his skin for purchase as you steadied yourself. You shook your head as you regained your sense of self on your feet. Then, you blushed, your brain recognizing the words he had just said. Kitten?Oh, oh that name sounded so sensual coming from his lips. You almost wanted to say something about it, but you assumed he misspoke—he never called you that, at least not to your face.
           “I’m sorry, just don’t fucking move again and I won’t fall.”
           He crossed his arms in front of his chest, peering over his shoulder, though he couldn’t quite glimpse you.
           You went back to working at his hair, mindful not to pull at him again. It took a few minutes, but eventually you worked most of the crusted gunk from his hair. A few times you pressed your palm to his head, forcing him forward to wet his hair more under the shower, which made him sputter and grumble as water dripped across his face. Hey, he asked for this, and cleaning his thick hair wasn’t an easy task. Eventually, his gorgeous locks felt clean and smooth in your hands, finally free of any lingering mess.
           You scanned his back, finding a few grey flecks. You used your nails to chip the substance off his pale skin, now made more pink and flushed under the heat of the shower. He hummed as you worked at him, eyes closing in delight at your touch. He wondered how far he could push you, if he could ask for more. He already had you with him, in the shower, naked, washing him, surely a little more wouldn’t push you away.
           He called your name softly, and you stopped touching his back, standing up straight and still.
           “Yes?” Your voice was quiet, almost meek in his presence.
           “Can I touch you?”
           An awkward moment of silence ticked by, but before you even thought about it, your mouth stammered out an answer that your brain didn’t screen for approval.
           “Of course.”
           You said it matter-of-factly, subconsciously confirming to yourself that telling him no just really wasn’t an option. Every fiber of your being wanted to please him. You could feel your gut stir with butterflies, explodingbutterflies, as he turned around, the two of you coming face to face in the shower. He cupped your cheek, thumb brushing over your flushed skin. You peered up at him with glossy eyes that trailed over the small perfections of his face.
           “You’re such a good girl,” He mused, his other hand drifting down your arm, thumb dangerously close to the outline of your breast, “you never tell me no.”
           You shook your head faintly in agreement, your eyes drawn to the beautiful muscles of his body that you had yet to see before.
           “If you don’t tell me no right now, kitty, I’m going to do very naughty things with you.”
           Your mouth opened before you realized, “please,” you sounded breathless.
           He leaned down, mouth trailing close to your own, tongue licking at left over water droplets on your cheek. You felt like melting against him.
           “Please what? I like when you use your words.”
           A gulp was caught in your throat, mind reeling over the turn of events. You wondered for a moment if this was even happening, perhaps your daydreams were becoming a little realistic. But then you felt his warm tongue against your skin again, and you knew that this was real. You moaned loudly, eyes closing as you gathered your confidence. His palm dipped low to cup your breast, squeezing it gently, like he was testing your resolve.
           “Please touch me, Hitoshi.”
           His tongue snaked between your lips then, mouth covering your own in a searing kiss. He groaned against your lips at your command, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you flush against his body. Your mind was overwhelmed with thoughts as you tried to make sense of every new sensation that was sending your nerves running wild. His lips on yours were dreamy and lazy, like he was kissing to taste you and drink you in. His body was warmer than yours, with hot water threading down the soft expanses of skin. You could hear the roaring sound of the water splashing against cool tiles, rumbling echoes of the splatters sounding around the darkened, empty locker room. You moaned as you felt his fingertips grip into your sides, one large palm still encircled around your sensitive breast. Your body curved against his, stomachs pressed together, and his muscles were lean and hard. He felt like some kind of divine being, raised from the sea and finally hearing your desperate cries for attention.
           After a few moments of holding you, tongues gliding over one another like shifting tides, Shinsou’s kiss shifted from languid to ravenous. You gasped as you felt his hands tighten around your body, gripping hard enough to bruise. The hand on your breast began tugging and pinching at your nipple roughly. Your lewd groan at his ministration had him smirking against your lips. A hardness was pressing against your thigh now, making your cheeks redden as you realized his cock was responding to your body.
           He used his hold on you to turn you around, placing your frigid body back under the warm spray of the shower. You slicked the hair away from your eyes as you stood before him, the water and steam pouring over your figure. He grinned roguishly at the sight, hand reaching forward and cupping your chin, keeping your eyes on his.
           “Get on your knees,” he whispered, authority laced between the words.
           You nodded quickly, taking a step back and sinking to your knees in worship.
           You tried to keep your eyes to his, but his beautiful, silken cock was now just above your line of sight, the head brushing against your brow. Your eyes widened at the sight. He was big and glorious, damp violet hairs kissing the base. He curved ever so slightly, ever so deliciously, and you licked your lips in anticipation. He fisted his cock, and you sat up straighter and to attention. He brushed the head against your cheeks, marveling at the lustful look on your face.
           “You look so pretty all wet, kitty.”
           Heat rose to your cheeks again, tickling up to your ears, making them burn.
           “I like that name,” you murmured, eyes fluttering up at him.
           Fuck, he groaned to himself, cock twitching in his hand. You were so perfect below him like that, supple mouth just waiting to taste him. You’d be the death of him if you continued to look at him that way and say words like that. He could already feel his core constricting into a tight coil at just the sight of you.
           “You’re my little pet now,” he nudged his cock against your lips, feeling your tongue tentatively lap against him. He pushed in a little deeper, finding the cavern of your mouth somehow warmer and wetter than his surroundings.
           “Yes sir,” you mumbled it against his cock, the vibrations tinging down his skin. He fisted one hand into your wet hair, encouraging you to take him into your mouth. Eagerly, you complied, placing your hands on his thighs for leverage as you dipped your head further down his shaft. You both moaned simultaneously. Your tongue flattened against the underside of his cock, keeping him moist and slick between your hollowing cheeks. His girth made it difficult to venture too far down, and you began to readjust your jaw, opening your mouth as wide as possible to fit him.
           You set a brisk pace, fervent to feel him deeper in your mouth. He helped to guide you, fingers weaving between the strands of your hair and his strength encouraging you to take as much of him as possible. You groaned and gulped against him, tongue swirling with each plunge of your head. You could feel the thick veins of his cock against your tongue and cheeks, the wide head skimming against the back of your throat. You closed your eyes against the running water, finger nails nipping into the skin of his thighs as you controlled your gag reflex. You had never had such a large cock in your mouth before and it felt sinful just how far he stretched your cheeks.
           “Oh kitten,” he groaned out, making your thighs press together in anticipation. His voice was low and succulent, growls continually ripping from his chest. His sounds invigorated you to please him more. You took all of him into your mouth, gasping as he slid down your throat. Your nose was buried in that violet hair at the base of his cock, bumping against his skin. A tumble of curses spilled from his lips, the hand in your hair tightening as you pulled back and repeated to the motion, saliva slipping from your lips to be washed away by the spray of the shower.
           He kept you between his legs for a while, captivated by watching your sweet mouth swallow up the whole of his cock. The feel of your tongue swirling around the head of his cock with nearly every thrust of your head had him panting for more. And then your eyes opened again, water dampening your lashes as you caught his gaze as you nearly choked on his cock. He almost lost it then, using his hand to pull you from his cock before he became too rough with your lips.
           “Fuck,” he hissed, cock throbbing as it once against rested against your face, “you be a good girl and stay right there.”
           You almost questioned him, but you were trying to catch your breath and couldn’t find your voice. He stepped from the shower, leaving you on your knees. You sunk down closer to the floor, hands against your thighs as you took deep breaths under the deluge of the warm streams of water.
           Shinsou returned quickly, his damp capturing weapon laced around his arm.
           Oh fuck, you thought, looking up at him like a lost lamb. He lifted his lavender eyes to scan the ceiling. You sat patiently, breasts heaving with breaths, the heat between your thighs growing as you thought about what he could be thinking. You’d be lying if you said you had never thought of the terribly dirty things he could do to someone—to you—with that weapon of his, and now he stood before you with it, naked and smirking.
           “Now let’s get you off the floor.”
           Before you could even blink, you felt the carbon fibers of his weapon wrap around your arms, hoisting you up into the air as the other end of the fabric looped over a steel beam from the ceiling. Your arms were tethered together above your head, dangling you above the floor and close to the back of the shower. Your body was still bouncing in gravity from his first action when he sent two more strands of the weapon to envelop your legs, pulling them apart and fastening the ends of the ribbons to the beam in the ceiling as well. You cried out in surprise at his rapid movements, effectively trapped and spread before him.
           Shinsou laughed at how easy you were to capture, but soon his eyes darkened as he soaked in the image before him. You looked perfect and delectable, dewy skin glistening against the binding of his weapon. He had thought of tying you up like this dozens of times before, even daydreamed about it when you trained together after work. He always felt a little twinge in his cock whenever he swung you from his weapon during missions, and he imagined binding more than just the occasional wrist or arm.
           He stepped towards your suspended body, reaching behind you to turn off the shower. He planned to keep you like this for as long as he could, no need to waste water. He skimmed his fingers up your legs, capturing a calf with his hand. He experimentally pulled on your body, watching your breasts bounce as the fabric allowed you to move only slightly.
           “This is perfect,” he mused, eyes dropping to between your legs, “oh fuck, kitten, what a pretty pussy you’ve been hiding from me.”
           You let out a small mewl at his words, desperate to touch him. You had barely gotten to explore his skin beyond his cock, and you wanted to hold onto him and feel him against you. You struggled against your captive binds for a moment, arms pulling at the weapon suspended above your head.
           “You know how this works; you’re not getting out of these ties until I say so.”
           You let out a huff, but you were quickly distracted from your binds when a slim finger unexpectedly slid between your folds.
           “Fuck! Oh, Shinsou—.”
           “It’s sir, from now on. You understand?” He emphasized his point by flicking his knuckle across your clit, sending shockwaves of pleasure across your suspended body.
           You nodded ardently, eyes closing at the pleasure.
           “Words, kitty.” He tittered.
           “Yes, sir, I understand.”
           “Mhm, good girl,” he smirked, watching your head fall back as he brought another finger to your pussy, dancing them playfully between your folds. His eyes watched your stunning breasts rise and fall with your heavy breaths, and he brought his other hand back to the breast he toyed with earlier. He rolled your nipple between his fingertips, pinching and pulling at it roughly. He delighted in the moans that tumbled from your parted lips. He dipped one finger into your sopping pussy, feeling your walls stretch and twitch around the digit. He slid it in and out of you with agonizing slowness, relishing how tight you were just around one finger.
           Heat was spreading across your lower belly like a fire, his finger stroking the flames. His hold on your nipple didn’t cease, he continued to pull and tease it as he finally added a second finger into you. You couldn’t help but cry out wantonly, and with the deafening roar of the shower gone, just your voice rang out against the cold walls. He curled his fingers expertly within you, continuing a slow and sensual pace.
           He was watching you keenly, observing how lewdly you responded to the simplest of his touches.  
           “You’ve thought about this before, haven’t you?” He chuckled, feeling your pussy tighten around his slow and steady fingers.
           “Yes, sir,” you admitted breathlessly.
           He only gave an appreciative hum in response, fingers picking up their pace inside of you. Your captured legs twitched at his antics, toes feeling cold and forlorn in their suspended state. His thumb began to circle your clit, sending bewildering shocks of pleasure throughout your body. You whined noisily, tugging a lip between your teeth at the searing pleasure of it all. He relinquished his grip on your nipple, choosing to instead soothe and cup your breast in his large hand. His fingers continued to curl up into your body, spread wide just for him. They were long and slender, perfectly twisting against the most pleasurable spots inside of you. He was confident in his actions, and the steady assurance of his fingers had you pining for him.
           “Please, sir,” you whispered, head sill lolled back, “more.”
           “Hm,” he pondered, “are you just a greedy little girl, or do you like it rough?”
           His fingers didn’t cease their actions, persistently plunging into your hot core. He spread them slightly, and you could feel your walls stretch and give at his actions.
           “I’ll be whatever you want,” you breathed out, puling your head up to catch his gaze once more. His purple eyes were dark like shadows in the night. His thumb glided wickedly against your clit, fanning the embers of your ecstasy even hotter and higher than before. A shriek of pleasure erupted from your chest, a lusty haze settling over your mind. You squeezed your core, body attempting to move against his fingers. But as soon as you attempted to move against your bindings, he stopped, slipping his fingers from within you.
           You were panting, about to start begging, when those dark eyes narrowed at you.
           “And what if I want you to be mine?”
           You quiet, almost speechless, his words like the most sinful temptation. He wrapped the fingers that were once inside you around your throat. The scent of your arousal permeated his skin, your slick sticky against your neck. He watched you, impatiently waiting for an answer.
           “Then I’m yours.”
           He hummed again, his other hand wrapping around your tied thigh. You could feel the swollen head of his cock brush against your folds, making you shudder. Your wet skin was still cooling, but the heat from inside of you made you feel like you were steaming.
           “I don’t know if you understand the weight of those words.”
           “I do,” you said quickly, eyes scanning his face, “I promise.”
           Without warning, he slammed himself inside of you, eliciting another blissful scream from your lungs. He groaned as he bottomed out inside of you, feeling your round ass pressing against his thighs.
           He stayed still for a moment, savoring the feel of your pussy clenching and stretching around him.
           “You know, I think you’ve been mine for a long time, partner.” He said the words weightily, authority resounding in his voice.
           You could only nod your head in response, hips burning from both his sudden intrusion and unbridled lust. He began to pound forcefully into you, fingers bruising your legs between the bindings. He tied you at the perfect height for his cock to sink into you deliciously and powerfully. Every thrust sent waves of euphoria blossoming from your core, your body unable to do anything but react to his movements. Your breasts bounded with every thrust, and his eyes were glued to the picturesque, moist globes as they swayed for him. Your head once again lost the battle of staying upright, reclining back to hang at his mercy.
           With your throat now exposed, he leaned forward, biting and kissing at your delicate skin. You gasped, the pain of his teeth melding with the pleasure of his huge cock spreading you. You felt dangerously full of him, like any push of his cock could rip you open. His heavy hands slid from your thighs to were your ass cheeks, pressing and kneading into the flesh violently. His merciless thrusting had you breathless, gasping for air every time the head of his cock slammed back into you.
           “Where’d all those pretty words go, kitty? I wanna hear you…” he growled against the skin of your neck, lips melting into the juncture of your jaw. His teeth sunk deeper this time, causing you to cry out at the concoction of sensations you felt spreading across your body.
           “Shinsou, s-sir,” your voice stammered between thrusts, “you feel so, so good, ah, don’t stop, please!”
           He picked up his pace, cock hammering into you ruthlessly, undoubtedly bruising your soft, tantalizing skin. He forced your body against him, one hand wrapping around the cloth bindings and using the leverage to keep you against him. Your nails began to bite into your hands, intense pleasure brewing inside of you. The sound of skin against skin saturated the locker room, your moans echoing off the shower walls. Your breasts were pressed to his muscular chest now, sliding against the light dusting of hair found there. You fought to keep your mouth from falling agape, but the intensity of him had your lips parting and incessantly moaning for him.
           “Such a naughty, desperate little girl, huh? You like being stuffed with my cock like this?”
           “Yes, fuck,” he licked a long, hot stripe up your throat, panting mouth resting at your chin, “yes, sir, I love being tied up…”
           He chuckled then, angling his hips to hit you deeper and harder, one hand leaving your ass and snaking up your back to pull at your dripping hair. He pulled hard and fast against the strands of your hair, arching your body as it could against his chest. You squealed at the smarting of your scalp, but were too overwhelmed with the throbbing of your stretched pussy to care. The pain heightened your senses, and you felt every deep plunge of his cock hit harder, more extreme than before.
           “Oh I knew you would, every little kitty likes to play with string, right?”
           You couldn’t nod your head for the grip he had on your hair. You screamed out for him, completely lost to your ecstasy as his devilish words had you edging towards true bliss. He continued to tug at your locks, enjoying every ounce of control and power he had over your body; and he didn’t even have to use his quirk, you’d do anything for him without his influence. This realization had him hardening even more inside of you, cock thumping with more blood as he shoved into your silken walls.
           He could feel your body start to tighten around him, your strung up legs beginning to shake. He grinned knowingly, slipping his other hand from your ass to your stomach, then dipping lower to your aching clit. He hovered his thumb over the bundle of nerves, letting each thrust of his cock allow your clit to skim just perfectly over the pad of his finger. You moaned louder than before, desperate to feel the bubble of pleasure burst from inside of you. But he wasn’t ready for that.
           “You want to come, kitty?”
           “Yes, sir, p-please, please.”
           “Then I want you to work for it.”
           Confusion washed over your mind and body as you felt his cock pull away, leaving you open and empty without him. You yelped in discontent, body struggling against your bindings in a vain attempt to free yourself and bring him back to you. He stepped back, eyes trailing over every detailed of your flushed, used body, tied up like a plaything for him. He was saving the picturesque scene in his mind. He pumped his cock a few times with his hand, finding it smothered in your own slick.
           With just a motion of his fingers, your legs came untied, tumbling down to the feat of gravity. But he didn’t release your arms. Instead, he came and sat below you on the tiles, back pressed to the wall of the shower with his lean, muscled thighs stretching out against the floor. His cock was rigid and hard, pressed up against his stomach like it was straining to reach you. He waved his fingers again, the ties around the steel beam loosening enough to drop your body into his lap, legs spread over his own. But he kept your hands tied securely above your head, leaving you without the ability to touch him.
           “Sit on my cock, kitty, I want to kiss you while you work.”
           You did as he commanded, sinking yourself onto his stiff, thick cock, eyes fluttering closed at the immense pleasure of being so full again. Your legs trembled, having just gotten their agency back and still numb from being tied. But you pushed through the lingering pain, desperate to please him. You rocked your hips slowly, letting him slip completely inside of you once more. The new position had his perfect cock hitting you in all new ways, sending new jolts of pleasure down your spine.
           Shinsou cupped both your breasts in his hands, using them as leverage to encourage you to rock harder and faster in his lap. His lips found yours again, tongue lapping against yours in a battle of dominance that he all too easily won. You felt the entire length of him slip from inside of you, only to slam back and fill you once again. The ecstasy overwhelmed you, knees slipping against the wet tiles. He kept his firm grip on your bouncing breasts, his strength and his capture weapon the only things keeping you upright in his lap.
           From this angle, your clit brushed against the violet curls at the base of his cock, stimulating you and emboldening you to roll faster against him, fraught to find your release. The coil in your belly was ready to burst, and his passionate mouth against your own was soaking up all the wanton moans you exhaled into him.
           But soon your own pace wasn’t enough for him. As much as he loved a show, he also needed his own release, and nothing set him on edge more than having full control. His big hands slid down from your breasts to your hips, using his might to lift your body in his own and thrust his hips up into your sweltering heat at a faster, more brutal pace. You broke from his lips with a scream, and the sound of his own grunts had your eyes opening to see him.
           His head was dipped back against the wall, eyes closed and lips just barely parted. His damp indigo hair was tussled into wild plumes, curving over his thick neck and expertly corded shoulders. He looked like a god below you, and felt divine within you. His thumb swirled against your clit again, and the unexpected touch had you exploding into euphoria.
           “That’s right, kitty,” his eyes opened then, lust simmering within them as he caught your gaze, “I want you to come for me now.”
           The circles of his thumb quickened, his cock still mercilessly pounding up into your core. You could feel the broad head moving against your insides, veins protruding even more noticeably than before. You felt like a toy in his hands, like his cock was too big for you and he still kept hammering himself into you for his own pleasure.
           Finally, you came, screams rippling from your throat and eyes closing as you allowed the waves of euphoria to wash over your body, every single nerve ending exploding with ecstasy and pleasure in intensities you had never felt before. Your walls struggled to clench around his massive cock, the fluttering of your insides lasting longer and longer as your body writhed in white hot heat. His cock never slowed, and your bouncing body was continually thrown over the orgasmic ledge, nerves trying to find purchase against the onslaught of his hips. Your hands were wrapped into fists around the binding above your head, gripping like you were trying to keep yourself afloat amidst the sea of ecstasy that your body was being tossed into.
           You ultimately came down from your high, body limp as he fucked up into you. With a satisfied sigh, you called out to him, “Hitoshi…”
           Your weak voice, and the image before him of your listless body riding upon his cock, had him tumbling over his own edge. He rasped out your name as he came, hot ropes of thick cum spilling inside of you. His cock throbbed and pulsated inside your womb, his lungs panting for breath as his fingertips gripped into your sweaty, damp skin. His chest heaved, shoulders slumping in bliss as he rode out the waves of his orgasm.
           You both sat against the cold tiles, breathing hard and letting your minds come back to earth. Your head was slumped down in front of your body, hair pooling around your cheeks and his chest. The fabric of his capture weapon was the only thing keeping you from sinking into him. His cock was still hard and hot within you.
           After a few moments, one of his hands left your hips, reaching up to grab your chin and pull your head up to look at him. He smirked at you, glancing over the already blooming bruises he left on your breasts, your hips, and the broken, purple skin on your throat from his bite.
           “Fuck, kitty, you really took a beating. Are you feeling okay?”
           You laughed, straightening your shoulders and pulling your body up by gripping the ribbons, legs twitching against his thighs.
           “I feel great,” your voice was weak, but your smile was beaming as you chuckled, “we should probably shower and clean up, don’t you think?”
           He laughed, kissing your lips kindly as he released your aching arms. He helped you stand, marveling over how strong your body must have been to withstand his fucking and his bindings. You stretched like the little cat that you were, waking up all the muscles that had gone dormant.
           You both rinsed off quickly, grabbing towels and finally drying your bodies.
           “I meant what I said earlier,” he said nonchalantly, like he was expecting you to know what he meant.
           You continued to get dressed and thought for a moment, thinking back through the hot haze of memories. Your mouth fell open in realization.
           “You want me to be yours?”
           “You’re the best partner I’ve ever had and I’ve had my eye on you for a while. You don’t have to say yes right now, but maybe another good fuck could convince you.”
           You slung your bag over your shoulder, letting him lean down and kiss you. You relished in the taste of him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and threading your fingers through the hair you had so carefully washed.
           “Yea, another good fuck wouldn’t hurt.”
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golden-pickaxe · 4 years
Hi, you could do: Fem! Reader x Eric (or neutral gender) where the reader is temperamentally similar to Eric and is not afraid to challenge him, this intigrates him, and leads him to flirt with the reader (possible smut);
Reader Gender: Female
Fandom: Divergent
Pairing: Eric x Reader
Warnings: Violence, (slightly rough) smut
Word Count: ~5.000
A/N: I should actually study for my master’s exam, but well… here I am. I rewrote a draft I had on my computer for 6 years, and I hope this is kind of what you wanted!  It is also past 1 am now, so.. yea.
Also thanks for my first request :D Also, pro-tip: don’t write smut while continuing to listen to your classical music study playlist, that really does not convey the mood! (even though Johann Strauss slaps!)
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   “Alright, listen up!” Eric’s loud voice echoed through the training halls, strong and confident as usually, attracting the attention of the initiates around him. The teenagers stopped their various exercises, looking over to the leader, some curious, some with a worried expression on their faces. Eric was standing by the door, next to you and Four.
 You stepped forward slightly, as the initiates jogged over to the three of you, gathering around you. You raised your voice.
 “My name is Y/N! I’m head of the weapon development and weapon repair team here at Dauntless, and for the next few days I will be your instructor for correct weapon handling and weapon training. Of course, you already had some shooting lessons since your arrival, but frankly, they are not.. to my standards.” You crossed your arms behind your back, ignoring the low snort of Four behind you.
 “I’d suggest you lot pay close attention, because incorrect handling of some of the weapons we use will lead to injury, and in the worst-case death.”
 There was a murmur going through the initiates, but it stopped when you glared at the few who had dared to talk to each other. You knew how you appeared to them, what impression you made on them, and used it to your advantage.
 “Over the course of the next week I will show you how to use, dismantle, reload, clean and repair the different kind of guns and firearms we use here at Dauntless. Don’t underestimate the importance of these lessons, they will be crucial in your later life. If you have any problems or questions, never hesitate to ask.”
 You paused for a moment, mustering the faces of the initiates in front of you, most of them staring back with curious and interested expressions. You still remembered being one of them, although you had been a Dauntless born.
 “In the future, if you have any troubles with your rifles, our workshop is where you drop by to get it fixed. If you make it through initiation, that is.” Your eyes wandered over to the ranking board, and you noticed how the group in front of you visibly tensed up. You turned around to Eric and Four, nodding at them before facing the teenagers again. “We will soon all go up to the shooting range, to start your training. But first we will go over theory.”
 You walked towards the door, picking up two large cases standing next to it, returning to the initiates where you put them on a large Table the other instructors had carried into the training halls earlier.
 With trained fingers you opened the cases, revealing an array of different types of handguns.
“Today we will work with pistols. Good for close combat and handy in urban situations. Best choice if you find yourself in the ruins, dealing with factionless.” You started, taking one of the weapons out of the case.
 “Do we really need to know all that?” someone of the group suddenly asked after you had started to explain the mechanisms of the weapon, and you looked up, your eyes fixating him. He flinched, raising his shoulders a bit defensively.
 “Step forward.” You said, quickly loading two pistols with munition. The boy was pale as a corpse, when he slowly came forward, the rest of the group holding their breath.
 You took one of the pistols, you knew this model very well, purposely inserting the magazine in a way, you knew it always jammed. You pushed the weapon into the boy’s hand, taking the other pistol and aiming it directly at the initiate’s head.
 “You are out, patrolling. You get separated from your group, and are faced with a bunch of factionless who have nothing to lose. One point a gun at you, ready to fire, because believe it or not, they get their hands on firearms. You did not pay attention when you learned how to handle weapons properly, and your handgun jams. What do you do now?” you asked, tilting your head. The boy was shaking. “Ten..”
 Panic appeared in the initiate’s eyes, and he looked down, trying to un-jam it, trying anything. The magazine was not moving and he could not pull the trigger either.
 “I can’t, oh god, I’m sorry.” He looked as if he was about to cry.
 He continued to struggle and you continued to count down, taking a step forward, the cold metal of your gun now touching his forehead.
None of the other initiates was talking, although you saw pure panic in their eyes. One almost looked as if she was about to say something stupid, but a raised eyebrow from you and an intervening friend apparently stopped her from opening her mouth.
 “Three. Two. One.” You raised your gun at the ceiling, firing a shot. The boy in front of you flinched and fell to the floor, apparently half thinking you actually shot him.
 “See, without ‘all that’, you’d be dead. So pay attention.” You took the gun from his hand, showing everyone a quick trick to unjam it, before returning to the table. You noticed how the other instructors looked at you, Four with supressed shock, and Eric with not so supressed amusement. He seemed almost impressed.
 “Where were I..?” You asked rhetorically, before resuming your theoretical instruction.
 As you continued to explain the different models you had brought with you to the group in front of you, telling them how to load, unload and dismantle them, the other instructors were standing behind you in silence.
 “And always, always, at least five times, check if your gun is unloaded before you clean it!” you said, glaring at a brown haired boy, called Peter if you remembered correctly, who snorted at your remark.  
 “You laugh, but I had a fair share of stupid friends who shot themselves because they were too lazy to check, completely sure it was unloaded. You might survive a pistol, but if it happens to be a shotgun and, say, you shoot yourself here..” you pointed at your hip. “Trust me, you won’t have any children in the future.”
 The boy turned a bit pale, and others around him started to giggle. You smirked, turning back to the table.
 “Please build teams of two, we’re going to go up to the shooting range now. Take turns in shooting, and every fifteen minutes or so we will swap guns, so everyone gets at least one shot out of every different type. You will unload, reload and shoot. If a weapon jams, you tell me, and I will demonstrate for the group how to deal with that. Any questions?”
 No one seemed to have any questions, so you packed up the guns, while Eric and Four lead the group up to the shooting range. You followed them, handing out the guns at the roof top, while Eric and Four distributed the ammunition among the initiates.
 You usually were not the person to do the weapon training, but Max had politely forced you to do it this year. You were one, if not the best in handling the firearms used in Dauntless, able to repair every single gun your faction used in your sleep.
It was your passion and your hobby, and you were glad that you had been good enough at initiation to work as what you wanted. Your mother had also been a weapon tech, and you always wanted to do the same.
 You watched the other two instructors oversee the shooting. They had been in the same year as you, both transfers while you were Dauntless born. They were right at the top, and you right behind, being fourth in the ranking. Involuntary your eyes stuck onto Eric, who had crossed his arms in front of his chest, while mustering one of the transfers loading a handgun.
 You had to admit, Eric was one of a kind. Incredibly handsome, strong, dominant and rough, also often cruel and arrogant. Dauntless though and through, although he still had some Erudite inside of him. He looked very different now, from the blue-clad boy who had arrived at Dauntless years ago.
He had something fascinating about him. His strong arms and muscular legs were also quite nice to look at. Eye candy, one could say.
 Shortly before lunch every group had fired every kind of weapon, and you packed up, checking if the guns really were unloaded, before putting them back in their cases.
 “How are they holding up?” you looked up, seeing Eric standing next to you, his hands casually on his hips, while looking at the group of initiates, who slowly dissolved, and headed for the stairs leading down back into the building.
 “They’re not too bad.” You admitted, closing the case in front of you. “Some are actually quite good.” Then you thought about that one girl, Tris her name was if you remembered correctly, who manage to hit the target only once. “Others maybe not so.”
 Eric chuckled looking back at you, and you noticed his eyes wander over your body.
“Yea, but they will get cut anyways.” He shrugged.
 “Still don’t really get the ‘cut’ thing.” You sighed, pricking up the cases from the table, one in each hand. “If that’s the new way of handling the weaklings, we will soon run out of janitors and kitchen staff, not to mention be overflown by angry factionless. There are enough of those poor sods as it is.”
 “Well, we are not Abnegation to hand out charity. If they want to be in Dauntless, they have to be good enough.” Eric crossed his arms in front of his chest.
 “They chose our way of life. They chose to be here. I think that is proof enough. And some take longer to be their best.” You shrugged. “I think changing the rules is a stupid arse decision, and we will have to face the consequences sooner than later.”
 You turned away, making your way down to the arsenal, located right next to your workshop, to put the guns away. Eric just stared after you, a frown on his face.
 The next week was full of tutoring the transfers in handling everything from standard rifles to flame throwers and shotguns. Once you had made Peter shoot an apple off of the head of one of his friends, as he had been too cocky about his abilities for your taste.
 “You really think you’re the best shot? Proof it!”
 After that he had kept his big mouth shut, and the initiates were now completely sure that you were not to be fucked with. It was the perfect balance of them having respect for you to not act foolishly, but also having enough trust to ask you if something was unclear, or if they had any problems. You also helped the ones low in ranking, empathising a bit more what they had to do, to give them a better chance at making it. The cut really was a shit decision, but Max had refused to change the rules, even when you had yelled at him.
 There were also many weird and casual after-work conversations with Eric while you packed up. Before this week you had never really talked, and only ever seen each other a few times while he had been training to be an instructor and leader.
 You sometimes even thought he tried to.. flirt? Complimenting you handling the weapons and initiates. He wasn’t very good at it, though.
Still, he was intelligent and quite interesting, and the conversations were never boring.
“Is there something going on between Y/N and Eric?” Christina asked frowning, turningher head to Tris, who mustered the two instructors standing at the table. Over the past week they had always seemed to talk to each other after training, and most of them had noticed how Eric stared at her, when he thought no-one was looking.
 “I don’t know, but he seems to like her?” Tris shrugged.
 It was about two weeks later, quite late, and you had just returned from the wall, where you had overseen the installation of a kind of gatling gun, after a few factionless had attacked an Amity caravan. It only shot non-lethal ammunition, like the nerve agents used for training, mimicking the pain of a real gun shot.
 The government had decided that you should not aim to kill the factionless, but scare them away. Pointless, you thought, as you knew if they were desperate enough they would go there anyways.
 You were sitting in the mess hall, eating a late dinner, when you noticed the door open. Eric entered, wearing just a t-shirt and combat trousers, smiling when he spotted you. You raised an eyebrow at him, but continued to eat.
 Eric came over to your table, sitting down in front of you casually.
“Heard you were back.” He said.
 “Seems so.” Was everything you answered.
 “How did it go?” he asked, grabbing your glass and taking a sip of your water, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. You blinked a few times at him, but he just chuckled. “You want to grab a drink, or are you too tired?”
 Was he.. asking you out? It was hard to tell with him. But his smile seemed sincere, not like the one his initiates received.
 “If you’re buying. Sure, why not.” You smirked. “Wait in the pit, I’ll join you in a bit.”
 “And how do I know you’ll come?” Eric leaned forward a bit, his eyes fixed on yours. There was a provocative smile on his lips.
 “Well, you have to take the risk, no?” you quickly raised your eyebrows once, before breaking eye contact and resuming your dinner. Eric chuckled again.
 “Ok.” He said, before he got up, leaving the mess hall, not looking back at you.
 You had to grin and bite your tongue. You had not really thought that you were Eric’s type. You had thought that he would be into women he could easily handle, that were just pretty and would hang on his arm while he was in the pit. But it seemed more as if he wanted someone who was his equal in ability, skill and intelligence, someone he could always compete with. Something like a fun, sexy rivalry. And if you were honest, that sounded really, really fun.
 You certainly didn’t hurry to finish your dinner, and bringing the dishes back to the kitchen. You also headed back to your apartment for a quick shower and to change your clothes, putting on a tank top and combat trousers which looked really good on you, and styling yourself up a bit.
 Finally, you made your way to the pit, which was filled with people. Dauntless members and initiates mingled together, it was noisy and as always full of life. You waved a friend you spotted a bit to the side, but made your way to the bar at the bottom, hoping to find Eric there. It was a bit hard to see him in the mass of moving bodies, even with his tall height.
 You leaned against the bar, letting your eyes wander through the crowd. Had you taken too long? Had he already gone? Maybe he hadn’t been that interested after all.
But your worries were blown away jut a moment later, when you noticed Eric approach you, making his way through the crowd of people. He had not changed, but he also had already looked great.
 A smirk was on his handsome face, and he leaned against the bar next to you, so close that your arm was touching his.
 “You look good.” He said into your ear, having to bend down a bit.
 “Worth the wait?” you shot back.
 “Worth the wait!” he chuckled. “What do you like to drink?”
Eric ordered drinks from the man at the bar, leaning against it sideways so that his front was facing Y/N. He was very obviously flirting with her, but she seemed to also enjoy it a lot.
 “I don’t know why, but seeing them together like this makes me super uneasy.” Christina shuddered a bit.
 “Why?” Will frowned at his girlfriend.
 “I don’t know they are both so.. scary.” The girl looked at her friends. “Don’t you think? The meanest people in Dauntless being all flirty.” She obviously had not forgotten Eric throwing her down the chasm, or Y/N pretending to shoot an initiate.
 Tris chewed her lips.
“Even scary people should be happy.” She finally said, causing the others to laugh.
 “Seriously? Can you imagine them together? The next round of initiates will all either die or end up factionless.” Chris looked over to them again, seeing Y/N sipping her drink, and Eric laughing. His arm was positioned behind her on the bar now. “Yuck.”
 “I tried to hit him, but he shot me in the leg first, hurt like a bitch.” Eric shook his head, and you noticed his fingers carefully stroking your back. A shiver ran down your spine, the good kind.
 “Maybe I should teach you how to shoot then. Didn’t know you were so bad at it.” You bit your tongue, before downing the rest of you drink.
 Eric gaped for a moment, probably unsure if he should be mad or not. Finally, he just chuckled, nodding.
“Yea, maybe a private lesson is what I need.” He grinned. He raised his glass, taking a sip.
 “If you need instructions how to use your weapon properly, we can start tonight, my place.”
 Eric choked on his drink, turning away when it shot out of his nose. He put the glass down onto the bar, grabbing a napkin from behind it to wipe his face, all the while unable to stop laughing.
 “Fuck, Y/N!” he growled. You had to laugh too, pushing yourself away from the bar.
 “The offer stands.” You winked, making your way through the crowd and towards the corridors, leading to the living area of Dauntless.
 You had just entered the corridor, when suddenly a hand grabbed your arm and turned you around. Before you could really react, Eric pressed you against a wall, his hands on your waist, his lips on yours.
 You immediately returned the kiss, opening your mouth a bit to deepen it, exploring Eric’s mouth with your tongue. You honestly didn’t give a shit that you were still kind of in the pit, with everyone able to see you. Both of you were known and quite prominent figures in Dauntless, so you already knew that there would be a lot of gossip, but you didn’t really care.
 Everything that was important now was Eric, and the kiss you shared. It was a pity that his hair was so short, you really would’ve liked to pull it. You ran your hands over his broad chest, before pushing him away.
 He looked a bit startled, but relaxed seeing your grin.
“I said my place. Not any place, Eric.” With that you turned around again, walking on and towards your apartment. Eric was right beside you, his hands snaking around your hips.
 Even though you made sure that he would not see it, you were very excited in this moment. Eric was not only insanely attractive, but you also grew to like him a lot. You would not even mind for this to.. become more. More than just a hook up.
 You finally reached your apartment door, and you tipped your personal code into the pad next to the door. As soon as you were in and the door was shut behind you, Eric was on you again, his hands wrapped around your waist, kissing you passionately.
 With uncoordinated hands you grabbed his shirt, pulling it over his head in a swift move. The tattoos on his neck stood in stark contrast to his skin, and you could not hold back but to kiss them, before strongly biting into it.
 Eric growled, lifting you up with his arms, and you wrapped your legs around his hip. Apparently he had seen the open door to your bedroom, as he started to slowly walk over there, while you still attacked his neck.
 He pushed you off of him, right onto your bed. Instead of following you though, he got down onto his knees, opening your boots and pulling them off. You just let him go to work, interested what he was planning. Your shoes were followed by your socks, and he also made quick work of his own. Then he climbed onto the bed, looming over you, before kissing you again.
 “How thoughtful.” You murmured against his lips. He did not answer, only bit you into your bottom lip, hard enough to hurt but not hard enough to break skin. You moaned against his mouth, hands running over his exposed chest. Eric’s hands ran underneath your tank top, taking it off quickly, his hands running over your torso.
 The kiss was passionately and intense. Literally breath-taking , and you had to push Eric away to get some air. He only used the break to kiss your neck, moving downwards your body. Your nails dragged along his back, when you felt his fingers move underneath your sports-bra, pulling it off just like your tank top.
 Eric leaned back, taking a moment to muster you. Lust was in his eyes, and he licked his lips as he looked at your exposed skin.
 “Like what you see?” you teased, wiggling your eyebrows.
 “Oh, Y/N, you have no idea.” And with that he was over you again, one hand supporting himself on the bed while the other one moved to your breasts. You gasped against his mouth as he kissed you once more, his taste intoxicating. Maybe that was also the whiskey he had ordered at the bar, you were not quite sure.
 Your hands moved own his chest and stomach, opening the fly of his trousers. You were really glad he wasn’t wearing a blet, you were really not in the mood to fiddle with that.
 Eric groaned when you pushed your hand into his underwear, a grin appearing on your face when you found his member already fully erect.
“Oh you really like what you see, eh?” you laughed, and Eric growled.
 Eric’s hand now moved down your body, opening your trousers with a way too skilled hand. He moved back, grabbing the waistband your trousers and your pants, pulling them down together, leaving you lying on the bed completely naked. You sat up, pulling him back onto the bed, turning the two of you so you were now on top of him.
 Eric seemed a bit surprised at that, but rolled with it, a smile on his face as he bit his lip in expectation. Just as he had done with you, you pulled his remaining clothes off, and just had to take a moment to look at him.
 Eric was incredibly muscular, and there were tattoos on his stomach and right leg that you had never seen before. They had the same style as the rest, in stark contrast to his skin. He was incredibly attractive, and the piercings above his brow shimmered lightly in the faint light inside of your apartment. You straddled him, moving your head down to kiss him again, your hands finding his hair. It was short, yes, but not too short.
 You pulled hard, making him groan, but at the same time buck his hips up. Yea, you could tell he liked it a bit more rough.
 “I’m going to make you scream, before I’m done with you..” he almost hissed against your mouth. You bit his lower lip, unable to supress a grin.
 “Let’s see who’ll scream first.”
 With that you moved your lips to his neck, sucking and biting his skin, moving downwards, over his chest and stomach. You bit his hip, so hard that he actually almost shouted, but the twitch of his cock against your chest told you that he enjoyed it.
 “If you bite down there, I swear Y/N, I’ll kill you!” Eric growled and you moved down even further, and you had to laugh.
 “I’m mean, but not that mean.” You said, before lowering your head and licking over his erection, enticing a moan out of his mouth. He looked down at you with hungry eyes, clenching his jaw.
 Suddenly he sat up, grabbing your shoulders and pushing you onto the mattress, before he rolled over you, his lips finding yours again. His hand moved down and between your legs, the moisture he found there making him groan.
 “How are you so hot, damn.” You barely understood what he was saying, but it didn’t even matter, because his fingers quickly found your clit, circling it. You gasped, your nails digging into his shoulders. Eric growled, his fingers moving more quickly, before they suddenly dipped down, pressing into you.
 A loud moan left your lips and you rolled your eyes, your hips bucking to meet his fingers.
 “Eric!” it came out of your mouth, and you moaning his name seemed to turn him on even more. He quickly moved his fingers in and out of you, causing you to clench around him. His thumb was in a position to hit your clit with every thrust, and your nails now were so deep in his shoulders, you knew that even if you didn’t draw blood, you would surly leave marks.
 Eric kissed and bit your neck, his hand not slowing down.
“Do you have..” he started to murmur into your ear, and you nodded quickly.
 “Bed.. oh my.. bedside table.” You barely managed to bring out.
 “Good.” Eric stopped his movements, his hand gone, and this time it was you who groaned.
 Eric laughed, pressing a kiss onto your cheek, which was such a contrast to the otherwise rough actions that you had to raise an eyebrow.
But Eric didn’t even notice that, as he had sat up, and opened the drawer of your bedside table, quickly finding what he was looking for.
 He opened the shiny package of the condom with his teeth, putting it onto himself. Just as he wanted to crawl over you, you pushed him, so he fell onto his back, climbing on top of him again. This whole thing kind of felt like a battle for dominance, and you really liked that.
 Eric just looked at you with hungry eyes, his hands finding your thighs as you straddled him. You bit your lip as you grabbed his cock, guiding it to your entrance, slowly, very slowly lowering yourself onto him.
 You closed your eyes, breathing steadily. Eric was.. thick. And stretched you a bit more than you had expected. You had almost expected him to push his hips up, but he kept steady, not moving until you were all the way down. You opened your eyes again, looking down at the man, who started to grin when your eyes met. You grinned back, lifting your hips again, and moving down, this time a bit quicker.
 Your started up a hard, even if not so fast pace, and the sound of both of your moans filled the bedroom. You were sure the person in the apartment next to yours was probably able to hear you, but you didn’t really care about that.
 You leaned back a bit, throwing your head into your neck, your hands on Eric’s strong thighs, supporting yourself. You felt Erics hand run down your torso, before his thumb found your clit again, rubbing it in tandem with your movements. You felt yourself edging more and more towards the end, the feeling of him inside of you and his hands on you was just.. amazing.
 “Eric..” you moaned again, and just as last time this seamed to turn him on even more. Eric sat up, wrapping an arm around your torso, and supporting your movements, quickening them while his mouth found your neck again.
 “Y/N!” his voice was coarse and deep and so god damn sexy it drove you insane.
 Your hands wandered into his neck, and one into his hair, pulling it strongly, so his head was back in his neck. You moved your head to kiss him, all tongue and teeth, uncoordinated but extremely erotic.
 When you let go of his hair he rolled the two of you over once more, him now over you again. Eric sat up a hard and quick pace, his hand automatically finding your clit and rubbing it just as fast. You moaned loudly, arching your back as you felt your orgasm draw nearer and nearer.
 Eric’s face was next to your ear, and you heard him moan and that was what finally pushed you over the edge. You came hard, your legs wrapping around Eric’s waist and you clenching around his cock. Your moan was loud, but nothing compared to Eric. One, two more thrusts, and he collapsed on top of you, breathing hard and fast.
 “Shit.” He murmured, before rolling off of you.
 “I won. You screamed.” You laughed breathlessly, and he chimed in.
 “Oh fuck off.”
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yourmidnightlover · 4 years
i would never leave you
Summary- when reader gets injured on a case, spencer stays with her to take care of her, even if he already had plans.
TW: talk about case, undercover!fem!reader, kissing, a little cursing, reader gets stabbed
WC- 4,998
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the team was so close to catching the unsub. all they needed you to do was go undercover, act interested in him, and catch him in the act.
so there you were getting ready in the bathroom at the bau. the girls had chosen a flowy strapless black dress that went below your knee, some black pumps, and a gold necklace for you to wear.
you threw the dress on, admiring the amount of tasteful cleavage it displayed, followed by the shoes and necklace.
you applied some red lipstick and added some more mascara before you ran your fingers through the waves in your hair, trying to give it a bit more volume before greeting the team.
you had been insecure in the past, a result of some standard high school bullies, but you had gotten through it with the help of your parents. they re-educated you on what confidence meant and where it came from.
you had only gotten insecure every once in a while, normally when all the attention was on you.
so when you entered the conference room with your clothes in hand and all eyes were on you, you felt yourself close up from the stares.
"umm... too much?" you questioned, grabbing the blazer you were wearing and throwing it on over your shoulders.
you noticed spencer looking at you with his brows raised, not saying anything but with his mouth slightly agape as he looked at morgan, who was also entranced by your new appearance, and back at you.
"no, y/n," jj consoled. "you look great, sweetie," she said as she ran her hands up and down your arms comfortingly before stepping back after taking your clothes, and blazer, from you.
"y/n..." morgan trailed on, "who knew you were hiding that underneath those pantsuits, mama," he smirked.
"oh, don't mama me, derek," you chastised, pointing a finger accusingly at him as he raised his hands at his head in defense.
"you truly look fabulous, y/n. and derek will stop with the comments as of right now," penny scolded him while giving you a smile.
"thank you pen," you said with a grin. "so when can we get this over with? this dress isn't exactly very comfortable," you asked, looking over at hotch for further direction.
"right. so i need everyone to listen to this part because we are all responsible for keeping y/n safe if things go awry," hotch demanded as you all made your way to your seats.
"the unsub will lure you out of the art gallery. there weren't any traces of drugs, so he won't try to routine you. you need to go willingly, that's part of what gets him off. we'll have someone in there with you and keeping an eye on you from a distance," he directed you, to which you nodded your head.
"he's going to most likely take you to his car, it will be a nice one, expensive. he's going to drive you somewhere more secluded, but still in the open and then will attack," hotch clarified, his eyes now scanning across everyone in the room.
"so when you leave the gallery we will follow behind and garcia will be tracking your phone the entire time," he ordered, now looking at garcia.
"we will do the takedown at whatever park he takes you," he made sure you were looking directly at him. "you can back out if you aren't up for it, y/n. just say the word."
"don't be ridiculous, this is the best way to catch him," you assured, shaking your head no. "just don't let me die and i'll be good," you laughed.
"i was just making sure," he grinned. "we should get going now. it's almost time for the gallery to open and he's really punctual," hotch said as he stood up.
you stood up and pulled your dress down a bit since it began to ride up as you were sitting. when you turned around you saw spencer looking at you with a similar expression as earlier.
"y-you look beautiful, y/n," spencer said softly, walking around the table to get closer to you.
"oh, umm. thank you," you smiled kindly at the shaggy haired man.
truth be told, you had a bit of a crush on him for a while now.
his adorably perfect smile, the way he gets so excited when he begins to ramble on about something, his harmonious laugh, his voice as he reads you a book on the plane so you can fall asleep easier, wishing the monsters that pry at your mind away.
okay so maybe it wasn't just a bit of a crush.
you really, really, really liked him.
you would say love, but you've never truly experienced true love. you had nothing to compare this feeling to.
"no problem," he continued to look at you. not in the way derek was looking at you. he was truly looking at you. he saw you. "just... please be careful out there," he bit his lip from the nerves of you being in line of danger.
"i will be. i always am. you know that, spence," you furrowed your brow in confusion from his sudden concern.
"i-i know. it's just that... you've never been undercover with a serial killer before and i j-just don't want you to get hurt," he stuttered.
"you're worried about me?" he nodded.
you placed your hand on his bicep and gently squeezed before pulling him into a hug.
"it's sweet that you're worried. i promise i'll be careful," you whispered in his ear before pulling back, squeezing his arms one more time and walking past him.
spencer watched as you walked out, still feeling beyond anxious as you were literally walking towards danger with each step you took.
he began to think about all the possible outcomes of the night, everything that could go wrong and lead to you getting hurt... or worse.
he walked out of the room once he collected his thoughts, and pushed them aside. he couldn't be distracted right now. he had to make sure you would be safe and okay.
he always wanted you to be okay. he wanted you to have everything you've ever wanted it. in his mind, that's the least you deserved for being... you.
you made sure everyone else was okay after a rough case. you always gave them a hug when they needed one. you let everyone vent to you when they were having a rough time. you let him finish his rants and never told him that 'nobody cares' or rudely change the subject.
you even went to watch movies with him when others would refuse - even though he knew you did that out of pity, he couldn't help but feel special. you would always offer your presence in place of the others. he eventually just started asking you after a while, to which you would happily agree.
but you never asked for anything in return. ever. you were obviously beginning to get stressed from having to manage everyone else's problems atop your own.
he wanted to help you with that. he wants to be the person you talk to about rough things. he wants to be the shoulder your tears can fall on. he wants to be there for you. he wants to be with you.
walking out of the room hotch told him he would be the person undercover inside with morgan, keeping an eye on you as you openly flirted with a hot serial killer.
you slid into the passenger seat of the car after putting a mic on somewhere he wouldn't notice a few minutes before you were joined by spencer and morgan, morgan of course being the driver.
"so, pretty girl, pretty boy and i are gonna be your watchdogs for the night," morgan informed you.
"so hotch, jj, emily, and rossi are in charge of the cars?" you wanted affirmation.
"yup. they're gonna be right outside all night until you leave. when you do, we're going back to this car to follow you as well," spencer finalized, admiring the way your skin was glowing with the street lights beaming down through the windshield.
"right. sounds good to me," you assured them, trying to mask the way the nerves were eating at you.
"hey," morgan reached over and placed a hand on your thigh comfortingly. "we're not gonna let anything happen to you."
"i know," you took a deep breath. "just a little nervous."
"that's to be expected. you're putting your life at risk for the betterment of others, y/n," spencer gushed. "that's extremely admirable of you."
"thank you, spence," you turned around, placed a hand on his knee, and lightly squeezed.
the rest of the drive to the gallery was quiet and comfortable. you managed to get out of your own head and focus on what was about to go down.
you went into the gallery a couple minutes after it opened, wanting the unsub to watch you entering. the guys followed behind you after about 5 minutes.
you clocked the unsub after being in there a few minutes, and began walking over to greet him.
you stood beside him as he was admiring a painting of 'infinity mirror room fireflies on water' by yayoi kusama. he turned to face you with a smirk on his face.
"it's beautiful, isn't it?" you asked, nudging his arm gently as he continued to search your appearance.
"indeed it is," he said, still eyeing your body. you mentally gagged, but externally you giggled, bringing a hand up to your chin to bring attention to your lips.
"this particular painting is supposedly one of her most popular pieces. this one, followed by 'narcissus garden'," you informed him, to which he raised his eyebrows in approval.
"wow. you must know your art, huh?" he asked, you nodded. "smart... i like that," he said as he reached up to move your hair behind your ear. "i'm michael."
spencer was watching the whole time. he couldn't help but wish it was him you were giggling at. he wished he was the one pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
you were imagining it was him.
"how about we get out of here?" he asked, bringing his hand to cup your face softly. "i know a nice, quiet place we can go."
if it were anyone else, and if you didn't know what he really meant by a 'nice, quiet place," you might've thought it was a sweet sentiment. but he was a literal serial killer.
"yea?" you bit your lip softly. "that sounds great," you agreed before he took your arm in the crook of his, leading you outside.
you turned your head to make sure spencer and morgan were aware of what was happening. they nodded their head as they watched him escort you through the doors.
he had the valley pick up his car and open the door for you.
"such a gentleman," you nodded at him as he gave you a straight-toothed smile.
spencer and morgan ran to the car as they saw you hop in his with him. they were the first ones lined up behind you and michael.
the ride with him was quiet and eerie, probably because you knew what his true intentions were.
meanwhile, spencer and morgan were anticipating your arrival at some undisclosed location. in an attempt to ease their nerves, they tried to talk about another subject.
"sooo... y/n looked nice tonight, huh?" morgan probed.
"i-i'm not discussing this with you!" spencer shouted.
"alright, alright," he took a deep breath, trying to think about what else to talk about. "so are you looking forward to this weekend?" he asked.
"actually, yea. i've been looking. forward to it for weeks now!" spencer shouted, excited this time. "jane goodall doesn't lecture very often, and the fact that he's doing it so close and i somehow managed to get a ticket is astonishing," he gushed.
"wow, you're really excited about this," morgan stated the obvious, to which spencer nodded eagerly.
"i am," he said before noticing michael pulling into a parking lot. "there! turn right there!" spencer pointed as morgan began to take the turn.
michael escorted you out of the car, walking hand in hand. he lead to you a bench, and you knew that was where he was planning his attack. you felt your heartbeat pick up as he reached into his coat pocket and pulled something out.
spencer and morgan ran up to where you two were sitting right before he revealed that he was holding a knife.
"FBI! MICHAEL DAVID PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" morgan demanded, his and spencer's guns raised.
"michael, y/n is not your ex wife. she isn't her," spencer attempted to talk him down.
"i don't care! she needs to die! savannah needs to pay!" michael yelled in frustration as he took you underneath his arm, pressing the knife into the side of your torso.
"let. her. go," spencer demanded.
"NO!!" michael squeezed tighter. "she has to SUFFER!!" he said as he jabbed the knife deep in your side and removed it.
morgan ran over to arrest michael as spencer ran to your side as you began to fall to the ground, calling medics as he caught you in his arms right before you hit the ground.
"hey, hey," spencer calmed you as he moved a piece of hair from your face. "stay with me."
"i-i'm okay," you consoled spencer, holding your hand over his that rested on your face. "he-he took the knife out. apply pr-pressure," you instructed.
"r-right. of course," he said as he moved one of his hands to press on the incision, a wince coming from you as he did so. "i'm s-sorry."
"don't worry ab-about it. ahh!" you groaned as you heard sirens approaching.
"shhh, shhh. i'm here. it's okay. i'm not leaving you," he told you as you moved your free hand to cup his face.
"promise?" you asked meekly.
"i promise. i would never leave you," he said as he leaned into your touch.
they loaded you into the back of the ambulance, to which spencer hopped in with you. he held your hand the entire way to the hospital, only releasing it when they needed to perform cpr after you bled out too much.
they had to give you stitches because of the stabbing, but no major organs were punctured in the process. they made you aware of the trouble you would have when walking or standing for a certain amount of time. they kept you overnight for one day and released you for the weekend.
hotch had given everyone their mandatory two weeks off because of the spur of back to back cases you had gotten and asked anderson to drive you home.
you had never been one to ask for help, and spencer knew that. if anyone truly payed any attention, they would realize that as well.
he knew that you wouldn't want to bother anyone's time off with having to help you through an injury.
he also felt guilty for your injury in the first place.
if he had been able to talk the unsub down then you wouldn't have been hurt. it was his fault you were in pain, and hiding your pain nonetheless.
spencer had also been waiting to hear jane goodall's lecture for so long now... and there was no telling if she would ever lecture again.
you were struggling. far more than you'd want to admit. you could barely get up to get yourself a glass of water, let alone stand in the shower for long enough.
you had learned to lean against the wall for the majority of the time in the shower, and rinsing off as quickly as you could. luckily you put a bar along the wall, you had installed it while sitting down on the floor.
you could barely manage to change into any clothes. you hadn't been wearing a bra since the accident because you just couldn't turn your body at all in order to put one on.
you had finally come to the conclusion you really didn't want to admit.
you needed help.
you had become so desperate and helpless that you had to call someone.
but who should you call?
jj was with will and her kids, morgan with savannah, hotch with jack, penny with kevin, rossi with joy, and you didn't know what spencer was doing.
maybe you could call him?
you dialed his number as you winced from trying to change the bandage on your side.
"spencer reid here," he answered cheerily, already feeling happy from receiving a call from you.
"hey, spence," you answered, already feeling guilty for having to ask so much from him. "wh-what are you doing right now? did you have any plans?" you asked with a shaky, guilt ridden voice.
spencer thought about what this question meant. you wanted to know what he was doing so he could help you. you couldn't go out right now because of your stabbing, so you obviously needed help.
he felt partially guilty for not offering you his help in the first place, but you both knew that you would refuse it the first time he would've offered anyway.
so what, jane goodall was lecturing for possibly the last time ever right near him and he had tickets? you needed help. and you wanted him to help. you wanted him.
"nope. no plans," he lied, much to your relief.
"i need - would you - can..." you took a deep breath, trying to figure out the right words. "i'm sorry to have to ask but... i need help, spence. w-would you mind coming over?" you asked in a reserved manner.
spencer felt his heart swell at the thought of you needing his help. it made him feel wanted, and needed. for such an independent, strong woman to need him he felt as though it was more him that needed to check up on you.
"i wouldn't mind at all," he replied with an apparent grin.
"oh my gosh, you're a life saver. could you stay the weekend? i just... i just really need the help," you admitted with a chuckle to hide the disappointment.
"yea. sure. i can stay the weekend," he agreed happily. "i'll be there in 15 minutes."
he grabbed his go bag and ran to the nearest convenient store to grab some of your favorite snacks.
you popped a pain killer in your mouth in an attempt to ease the pain a bit more while spencer was with you.
he used his spare key to get inside and set the bag of goodies on your living room table.
"y/n?" spencer called out in an attempt to find you.
"hey, spence," you said as you peeked out of the bathroom after putting the painkillers back into your cabinet.
you wobbled out of the bathroom, clutching your side as you took each step. spencer felt horrible watching you in pain while doing something as simple as walking.
"hi. how're you feeling? wait, that's kind of a stupid question considering..." he rolled his eyes at his response as he met you about as soon as you stepped out of the restroom and wrapped your free arm around his shoulder so he could help you finish the trek to your living room.
"i'm feeling better than i was yesterday, which i would definitely consider a success," you feigned a smile.
he knew you were probably dulling down how bad you felt by trying to shed some light on whatever you could. you've always tried to avoid pity as much as you could, reasonably so. he just wished you would be straight forward with him.
"y/n, i know you're trying to downsizing how bad you feel by diverting my attention to something more positive. how are you feeling now," spencer corrected his question as he helped you ease onto the couch.
"shitty. i feel shitty," you said, looking down at your hands and paying around with them. "i just feel bad for dragging you away from your vacation. we rarely get time off, and the one time we do i take up your time. it just doesn't seem fair for you," you explained as spencer sat down beside you.
"you aren't a burden, y/n," spencer consoled as he placed a hand on your lower thigh. "i'm glad you called me to help you. i'm glad that i'm spending my vacation time with you. don't ever think that it isn't fair for me, because i truly enjoy spending time with you. okay?"
you took a deep breath, trying to take in the environment around you. placing your hand atop his, you interlaced your fingers and bent your head down to lean onto his shoulder.
"thank you, spencer," you sighed deeply. "for everything."
"it's no problem at all," he replied as he placed a kiss on the top of your head, leaning his cheek down to rest on your head. "oh! i brought you your favorite snacks!" he exclaimed.
you lifted your head off his shoulder as he jumped up to retrieve the bag of goodies. he sat back down and began unboxing the snacks in an amusing manner.
"ohh, just you wait until i show you the last one!" he said as he pulled out your favorite chips on the coffee table.
he then followed by revealing your favorite drinks, favorite spicy snack, and finally, after a long drumroll, he revealed your favorite candy.
"spencer walter reid, i think i'm in love," you said as you placed a kiss on his cheek.
you didn't realize what you'd said or done until the time had passed. you bit your lip softly after removing your lips from his cheek, noticing the smile and blush growing on his face.
he wanted that kiss to be a couple inches to the left, right in the center of his face, right on his lips. he wanted you to mean it when you told him you were in love with him.
and you wanted that too.
"i knew i was doing good," he smirked.
that comment made his gut twist in a way it hasn't in a long time. he didn't know if you meant what you had said, he's never been good at social ques. but even then, the way you blushed and bit your lip as if you had revealed something told him something different.
"hmm, now that's downsizing it," you countered, a laugh erupting from both yours and spencer's chest. "how about we dig in? i haven't eaten much since the hospital since it's kinda hard to get around."
"how could i refuse?" spencer quipped as he reached for the chips, opening them and placing one in his mouth and offering the bag to you.
you and him sat on the couch and talked for a while. he mentioned the theories of relativity and how einstein even developed it. you were engrossed by his rants and monologues, mesmerized by his tone and voice.
the way his throat would get raspy the longer he had been talking, not even that would stop him from getting his message across. he's always been a determined guy, something you've found attractive in him. he's not really one to give up. he's quite resilient, and makes for really good conversation as well.
you both had even decided to watch a movie. he convinced you to finally watch star trek with him, mostly because you had never seen it and he looked so damn cute trying to convince you to go on that journey with him.
spencer didn't feel like he was even missing out on the lecture when he was with you. in fact, he didn't even remember he had wanted to go. he was too entranced by you to notice.
the hours that went by felt like it went by far too quickly. by the time you looked at the clock, it was half past 11 pm., which also meant it was time for you to take your meds again and change your bandage.
"okay..." you sighed. "it's doctor time now," you grimaced at the thought of having to get up again.
"right!" he stood up from the couch and bent down to help you. "let's get you up," he said as he wrapped your arm around his shoulder and his underneath your armpit, wanting to avoid the incision.
you were able to smell his aroma, the warmth his scent provided to you, the comfort it ensued, the distraction it so graciously offered from the pain that wreaked havoc on your mind. it transported you to a place where you were too preoccupied by the smell of coffee and burnt vanilla to notice the pain even if it was just for a few minutes.
he helped you sit on your bathroom counter as he got your meds and the bandages you guided him to retrieve.
"so can i-or you- or just.. we need to remove your shirt," he stuttered out, already feeling nervous at the thought of seeing what was underneath your shirt.
you were silently thanking yourself for putting on a good bra today as you subtlety leaned back and lifted your arms up for him to remove your shirt.
his eyes tried their best to avoid looking at your chest. although he definitely wished he could, he knew it wasn't right because of how you were inured right now. instead, he opted to look at the injury, trying to assess the stages of healing.
"okay, the stitches look good, although they do look rather irritated," he said as he gently ran his hands around the cut.
his touch brought shivers to your body, and he noticed the goosebumps from your body betraying you.
"so... i just need to not wear a shirt for the next few days?" you asked with your brows raised. "or are you just trying to see me walk around topless for a while?" you laughed enthusiastically, wincing as your muscles contracted round the stabbing.
"hey, hey, hey..." spencer said grabbing your face to help you concentrate on something else. "i'm gonna put the medication on the wound now, so we should talk about something to distract you now. any recommendations?" he said as he grabbed the ointment the doctor prescribed.
"so, what were your plans for the break? anything special?" you asked as he dabbed some of the medication on.
you ended up squirming slightly as he continued to apply it. spencer noticed your discomfort quickly, so he offered you his hand to hold and squeeze as you felt the pain.
"umm actually there was one thing, but i don't think that'll work out anymore," he admitted as he felt your hand squeeze gently.
"wh-what was that? your plans?" you asked softly.
"jane goodall was lecturing," he said, only revealing enough to not make you feel so guilty.
"jane goodall doesn't lecture very often. i'm pretty sure that was today, right? it was downtown DC," you clarified, brows furrowing in the process.
of course you would know that. you liked goodall, too. he knew that look on your face and he should've known better than to say anything at all.
"yea. it was today," he smiled as he thought of the day he spent with you instead of a famous scientist.
you squeezed his hand harder and leaned back with your eyes wide at the revelation, mouth parted slightly.
"spencer, you didn't," you sad solemnly, sighing as the guilt flooded through you.
"don't worry about it. i wanted to help you," he said, lifting your head up by your chin to look him in the eyes.
"she rarely lectures anymore. that was probably her last one, spence. you missed it because of me," you said with an eyeroll, upset that he would do something so reckless. "for a genius you're kinda stupid."
love makes you stupid, spencer thought to himself.
"i would rather make sure you're okay and well taken care of than see her work," he tried to convince you as you shook your head in defiance.
"since when did you think that doing that would be the right choice, spence? why did you do that?" you pushed his shoulder back gently as you furrowed your brows slightly in confusion.
"y/n..." he trailed off, feeling the nerves eating at him as you raised your eyebrows in question. "i-i um... iminlovewithyou," he spurted out.
"what?" you asked him, not understanding what he said.
"i... am... in love..." he took a deep breath, avoiding eye contact, "with you."
this time you grabbed him by his face and pulled him into yours, your lips colliding. he was tense at first, not realizing what was going on, but very soon relaxed at your touch.
he placed his hand on the side of your face as he brought the other to the back of your head, deepening the kiss. you wrapped one of your hands into his hair, playing with his beautiful locks as you continued the kiss.
after a few more seconds, you both pulled back from one another for a breath.
"i love you too, spencer," you said with a smile.
"let's finish putting this medication on, then we can talk about that some more," he said as he placed the bandage on your wound gently, not wanting to further hurt you.
"so... that's why you missed that lecture, huh?" you questioned with a smirk.
"well," he replied, "that and i promised you i would never leave you. even if there is a famous scientist lecturing right near us."
@averyhotchner​ @greenprisca @muffin-cup
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httpswwwtbhkcom · 3 years
Yashiro Nene’s Confession
Pairing: Yashiro Nene x Reader
[@httpswwwtbhkcom’s masterlist]
Summary: Yashiro has been acting weird lately, immediately running away while you try to talk to her. You thought that you did something rude to her but Aoi reassures that you did nothing wrong. After school, you saw Yashiro at the confession tree and she confessed to you.
Warning: some wrong grammars, cringe, 
Genre: Fluff,
Y/n- your name, L/n- last name, N/n- nickname,
A/n: Btw, You and Yashiro are in the same class. AND the reason Hanako isn’t mentioned here is because he had a meeting with the other seven mysteries.
Reader: Neutral
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Made by: ??? (Please tell me who the artist is so I could credit them!)
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
“Good morning Yashi-” You stopped when Yashiro immediately ran away from you. You called her but she seemed to ignore you, or didn’t hear you at all.
“Good morning Y/n-san.” Aoi greeted, giving you a smile which you gladly returned. “Good morning Aoi. Did you know why Yashiro ran away when I was just going to greet her?” Aoi seemed to freeze for a second, then her posture relaxed.
“I have no clue, I think she’s busy.” She answered with an innocent smile. You furrowed your brows. “This early in the morning? That’s weird... Uhm, Thank you I guess. See you later, Aoi. Please greet Yashiro for me.” You said before leaving Aoi alone. She giggled once you were out of earshot.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You were sitting on your chair leaning on your hand as you barely listen to your teacher’s discussions. You stared blankly as you thought of an explanation of why Yashiro didn’t talk to you this morning. A frown had made way to your face as you furrow your brows.
‘Was she really busy? I mean... It’s just the morning and all she needs to do is water the plants... Is she avoiding me?’ You thought, slightly getting annoyed every second that passes by.
Your train of thoughts were interrupted by your teacher calling you to answer the question on the board. “Huh? Ah- Ok.” You stood up and went to the front, grabbing a chalk and answering the question, soon forgetting about your worries.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
With Yashiro:
Yashiro stared at you while you were zoned out. She was lightly blushing that she thought today is the right time to ask you out, to tell you her feelings. But she was scared. What if you rejected her?
She sighed then looked at her bag with a box of homemade chocolates that made for you. ‘I should place this in the fridge in the Home Economics classroom later.. These might melt.’ Yashiro noted. Yashiro felt a tap on her shoulder and saw that it was Aoi.
“What is it?” Yashiro whispered, hoping the teacher won’t get her caught. Aoi pointed at you and said “Look at Y/n-san.”.
Confused, she looked at you. You were leaning on your hand while you were frowning. The sunlight illuminating your form. Gosh it made you more attractive on her eyes. Yashiro stared at you lovingly while Aoi looked at her and silently giggled at her friend’s obvious crush.
Aoi tapped Yashiro’s shoulder again making her slightly jump, luckily it was unnoticed by the teacher. “You’re staring at them again.” Aoi smiled, Yashiro blushed in embarrassment and looked away from Aoi. “Was it that obvious?”
“It was.”
“As I was supposed to say, Y/n-san seems frustrated right now. I wonder why.” Aoi added. Yashiro glanced at you and nodded. Was it because she ignored you earlier? She didn’t mean it. “Was it because of what happened this morning?” She asked her friend. Aoi shrugged. “I hope not.. I was just flustered to talk to them today.”
“Mhm, that’s why you need to gather all your confidence and confess to Y/n. I know they like you too.” Aoi reassured.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Your POV:
“Really?!” Yashiro exclaimed, hopeful. You jumped and accidentally made a screeching sound with the chalk and the board. You turned to see Yashiro looking both at you and the teacher with wide eyes. She turned red in embarrassment.
“Is there something you’d like to say, Yashiro?”
“N-no Sensei! I’m sorry!” She bowed. The teacher sternly looked at Yashiro then sighed. “It’s fine, Don’t talk with your peers while we’re in the middle of discussion alright?”
“Y-yes Sensei..” She slumped, then sat down. You looked at Yashiro and felt sorry for her. “Continue answering, L/n.” You nodded then finished answering the question. The teacher checked your answer then said “Good job. You may sit down.”
You nodded then sat down, not without making eye contact with Yashiro then her looking away. You stared at the board with disinterest as your teacher continued to explain to everyone about the question you just answered. Out of boredom, you glanced at Yashiro who was quietly talking to Aoi. Sadly, you couldn’t hear them at all since you were a few seats away from the two of them.
Aoi looked at you and her smile widened. Then she whispered something to Yashiro and pointed towards your direction. Yashiro, with a confused look, looked at your direction and accidentally made eye contact with you. A blush slowly crept up her face then she looked down at her desk.
You made a small frown and looked at Aoi, who were waving at you. You waved back at her and gave her a small smile.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Once the class was done, it was now lunch. You were going to walk towards Yashiro and Aoi but then Yashiro immediately grabbed all her things and shoved it in her bag. “Uhm.. Hey.” You said awkwardly, rubbing your neck. Yashiro tensed then looked at you reluctantly, her face tinted pink. “Hello Y/n-san!” Aoi greeted happily. “H-hi...” Yashiro stuttered.
“So do you wanna eat t-” You were cut off when Yashiro took an envelope from her desk then ran away. “-ogether...?” You looked at the spot where you last saw her and frowned. ‘Why is she avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?’ You thought.
“Aoi, did I do something wrong to make Yashiro like this?” You asked sadly. Aoi slightly panicked but still remained her calm posture. “What? Of course not! She’s just...”
“Don’t you dare make the same excuse again, It won’t work on me.” You deadpanned.
“... In a rush?”
You both were in an awkward silence. Then you spoke up. “Anyways, Can me, you, and Yashiro eat lunch together? You can bring Akane if you want.. Wait, where is Akane?”
“Oh? He is in the hospital with a broken leg and arm.. I don’t know how he got that though...”
“Hospital?!” You panicked. She nodded. “Yeah. But don’t worry, I’ll visit him later. You can join too if you’d like!” Aoi offered. ‘It’s not like visiting him will heal his broken leg and arm but alright...’ You internally deadpanned.
“If I have some time to visit, then sure. Thanks.”
“Oh right! We can eat at the rooftop together instead! It’s peaceful there. I’ll talk to Yashiro about it. Meet you at the rooftop Y/n-san!” She said before she left the room with her belongings, leaving you all alone.
You glanced at the door then took your bag, to your locker to get your lunchbox.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
With Aoi:
Aoi giggled as she jogged towards the place she knew Yashiro would be; In front of your locker. And she guessed correct, she saw Yashiro take a deep breath then slip the envelope in your locker.
“You finally did it!” Aoi exclaimed as Yashiro shrieked in surprise. “Aoi-chan?!” Aoi hugged her. “I’m so glad you finally thought on confessing to Y/n-san! I thought you were going to back out on it.” Yashiro placed a finger in front of Aoi’s mouth to shush her. “Shh! They might hear!” She whisper-yelled.
Yashiro looked around her to see everyone minding their own business. “Yea... I finally thought about it and I finally decided that I want to confess to them. I just hope that Y/n-san will accept my feelings.”
Aoi grinned “Don’t worry, I know that they like you too.” Then something struck Aoi in realization. “Oh right! We must hurry! Did you get your lunch yet?” Yashiro nodded “Great! I’ll grab mine right now. Let’s go eat on the rooftop ok? Ok! Now go!” Aoi shooed her away, making Yashiro confused, but Yashiro obliged and went up the stairs to the rooftop.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Your POV:
As if on que, you appeared on the other side of the hallway Yashiro left and Aoi came from. You raised a brow when you noticed Aoi near your locker, but her locker wasn’t near yours. ‘Weird...’ You murmured.
“Oh hey Y/n!” Aoi greeted. “Hi, Aren’t you and Yashiro supposed to be on the rooftop by now?” You asked, confused. “Ah... About that, I told Nene-chan to go there first. And I thought that I... Wanted to walk to the rooftop with you..?”
“Oh.” Was the only thing you said after that. You kinda wanted Yashiro to be the one walking with you instead but hey, it’s better than walking to the roof alone right? Plus, Aoi’s your friend too. “Ah, Did you want Yashiro to walk with you instead?” She asked, her tone innocent yet teasing at the same time. Your eyes widened as you became flustered.
“Ah- What? H-huh?” You stuttered. Aoi laughed at your response. “I’m just kidding.” She said, going to her locker then opening it, seeing a lot of love letters falling out of her locker. She took them and placed the letters somewhere then took her lunchbox. She closed her locker then went to you.
Aoi saw you holding a letter that was similar to Yashiro’s. Out of curiosity, you opened the letter and read the contents inside.
𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓨/𝓷,
𝓘 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓶𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓫𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓯𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓭 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮 𝓰𝓸 𝓪𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓯𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓪𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓵? 𝓘’𝓭 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓮𝓵𝓵 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰.
You looked at the letter in confusion. It was short and possibly rushed, since they forgot to add their name. The way of how the writer wrote the letter made it look so familiar, yet you couldn’t place who you think it is.
Aoi looked at you confused when you raised a brow at the letter, equal as confused. “Hey Aoi, Do you know who gave me this? It didn’t have a name on it.” You asked her.
A sweat formed on Aoi’s flawless face. ‘Did Nene forgot to write her name down? Or did she do it on purpose?’ Aoi thought to herself. Aoi gave you an innocent and confused look. “Nope, I don’t know who wrote that letter.” She lied. You thought for a while then gasped. “Did you wrote this?”
Aoi smiled and waved it off. “Heavens no! Your not really my type.” ‘You could’ve just said no instead of saying that to my face y’know?’ You murmured. “Oh.. Then who do you think wrote this?” You asked Aoi for her opinion, while grabbing your lunchbox and closing the locker, still holding on the letter.
“Hm.. I don’t know.” She answered plainly. “Alright.. Let’s go now, Yashiro must’ve been waiting for so long.” She nodded then both of you went to the rooftop together.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Yashiro sat on the rooftop floor, looking at the marvelous view from the rooftop while she waited for Aoi to come. Three minutes later, Yashiro heard a click and a creak from the door. There stood a smiling Aoi and you. Yashiro’s eyes met yours for a second then left.
“Ah sorry for the wait Nene!” Aoi apologized as she sat beside Yashiro. You stood there a bit nervous, with your lunchbox and a Yashiro’s letter on your hand. Yashiro’s eyes lingered to your hands that has her letter in it. She blushed as she thought about confessing to you later.
“H-hey...” Yashiro spoke as you sat on beside Yashiro and Aoi, making a small circle. “Did you read the letter y-yet?” She asked. She mentally facepalmed since it was obvious that it was opened. “Yeah.. Though I don’t know who placed this in my locker. There was no name signed in here.” You replied, opening your lunchbox and taking a bite of your food.
Yashiro felt herself heat up in both embarrassment and in being flustered. “O-oh.. That’s sad. So what does it say?”
“It said to meet them at the confession tree after school.”
“A-ah... Ok..” Yashiro went closer to Aoi and leaned to her and whispered “I didnt knew they would be here?! Why didn’t you tell me?” Yashiro whispered, you ignored what you two were talking about, thinking it was something personal, so you continued eating.
“It slipped my mind. Oopsies.” Aoi whispered back, making a innocent look.
Aoi listened, amused as both you and Yashiro awkwardly tried to talk to each other.
Aoi made sure she finished eating first before you and Yashiro. She had a plan. Taking a last bite of her food, she finally finished eating and began packing up. Yashiro was the first one to notice her standing up and asked “Hey Aoi, where are you going?”
“Oh, I almost forgot that Akane-kun needs my help today. See you two later!~” Aoi waved at both of you then left. “Wait, But I thought Akane was in the hospital..?” You looked confused, while Yashiro blushed, realizing her plan. 
‘AHHH AOI!!!!’ Yashiro internally screamed, both thankful and scared of being alone with you. You looked at Yashiro. Your eyes widened as you see her face was beet red. You scooted closer to her, much to her relief and dismay, and touched her forehead with your hand!!! HAND!!
“Are you ok, Yashiro? You don’t have a fever.” You mumbled. Yashiro felt herself being slightly dizzy. “I think I might just faint..” She murmured, her head falling on your chest then she fell unconscious. You were blushing at her head on your chest but you panicked that she fell unconscious.
‘Is she fine? She just fainted right? Nothing more...? What should I do?? Uh, I should bring her to the nurse..’ You said to yourself. Once you made the decision to do so, you carried her with her on your back. She was a bit heavy, but you’ll be fine right? You don’t need anyone else to help you. You want to look like a hero for her right?
“Wait...” You said after you had second thoughts. “Me and Yashiro could just skip classes and stay here. It isn’t that bad right? It’s just a few lessons. It’ll be fine. Yeah, it’ll be better than carrying someone and possibly falling.”
You laid Yashiro on a sitting position first then sitting yourself, then letting her lay on your lap. Your face tinted pink but you assured yourself that this was a better plan than anything else than you could think of. Plus, more time with Yashiro! :D
A few hours later, You stared at Yashiro as she was peacefully unconscious on your lap. You noticed a stray hair on Yashiro’s face, so you tucked it behind your ear, caressing her cheek in the process. You looked at the now slightly orange sky.
You let out a yawn and thought on taking a short nap when you felt Yashiro squirming. You tensed as she slowly opened her eyes. You and her made eye contact for a minute, her not realizing the situation, and you afraid to move. “H-huh?” She uttered, looking left and right then back at you.
“What happened..? Where are we?” She asked as she slowly gained consciousness once again. “H-hey wait...” Yashiro muttered when she noticed that you and her were still on the rooftop with the both of your lunchboxes still here.
“W-why am I laying on your lap?” She asked, not realizing what she said for a moment. Then soon after, her eyes widened and her face was crimson red. “LAP?!” She shouted as she sat up, but soon regretted it once she felt her head throb.
“Are you alright, Yashiro?” You asked her concerned. “A-ah... I-...I-’m fine... Thank you.”
“What time is it? What happened? Why are we still here?” She asked, slightly panicked that she missed something important and unimportant. “I don’t know what time it is. But looking at the sky, I think it’s almost time to leave school.” You answered. ‘So that means I have to confess soon!’ Yashiro exclaimed to herself. 
“For some reason, after Aoi left, you fainted. I didn’t know why but I was thinking to bring you to the nurse. I was concerned.” You continued. ‘Y/n cares about me!’ Yashiro’s heart leaped. “But I then I stopped that plan to bring you to the nurse because it would take to much time and we might get hurt because of the stairs. I’m not that strong...” You said.
“So I thought on staying here instead. And I didn’t want to leave you alone so I stayed here with you.” You added. “Oh and if your asking why I didn’t just woke you up instead, it’s because you looked pretty sleeping..” You murmured the last part, unfortunately for you, Yashiro heard it and silently fangirled to herself.
“Y-you think I-I’m pretty?”
“Mhm...” You nodded, averting your gaze to something else.
“W-well..! I- Thank you! I think you’re pretty too!” Yashiro smiled. Her smile was so infectious that you smiled with her, though yours were more of a grin.
Yashiro looked up then gasped. “Oh no! I must go hurry. See you later Y/n!” She stood up and ran away leaving you alone. “Later? What do you mean later?”
You looked at where your lunchbox was supposed to see and saw two instead of one. ‘Yashiro must’ve forgot about her lunchbox! I should give this to her before she leaves.’ You said to yourself. Then you noticed a piece of paper on the bottom of your lunchbox. “The confession tree! GAH! I’ll go to Yashiro first! Only if I could find her of course..”
You stood up and took the two lunchboxes and the letter then ran to find Yashiro. On your way downstairs, you couldn’t find her at all. ‘I guess I could give it to her tomorrow..’ You sighed. You took your bag with you and went to the confession tree.
You stopped and your eyes widened when you saw Yashiro standing there anxious waiting for your arrival. ‘Yashiro’s the... Secret admirer?’. You took a deep breath and walked to her. “Y-Y/n! You’re finally here!” She smiled, nervous.
“Don’t be nervous Yashiro, please. Take your time.” You would be lying if you said you weren’t surprised at how calm you said that. Yashiro nodded and it took a while for her to regain her confidence.
“So.. Uhm.. Uh.. You see.. I really really liked you alot when we first met. You were really nice, and sweet and hot-” She coughed. “And caring. You shared your lunchbox with me when I forgot to bring food one time.. Uh... I- I’m sorry I didn’t prepare for this much.. I uh, didn’t have time.” She said with her looking at the ground.
You chuckled. “It’s fine.. Continue.”
“You didn’t call names about me or tease me about my legs. I really appreciated that. I- I... What I wanted to say is... I- uh. I... I wanted to say was I really like you! Please be my girlfriend/boyfriend!” Yashiro bowed as she showed you a small box with ribbons on it.
“I made this chocolate homemade just for you!”
You looked at the box then at her. Then you gave her a charming smile when she took a peek to see your reaction. “I didn’t know you were going to be the one confessing to me. I thought it was going to be someone else. But I’m happy it was you. Cause... I really like you too.” You confessed, looking away.
“Really?!” She perked up. You nodded. Yashiro jumped and hugged you. “AHH I’M SO HAPPY!!”
She smiled again and opened the small box showing chocolates. She took one and fed you the chocolate. “So... How is it?”
You chewed the chocolate as you felt yourself being in heaven. “This is so tasty..!” You murmured, tears welling in your eyes at how good it is. Don’t lie and say it’s trash, no it’s not.
“I’m glad you like it!”
“Can I have one more Yashiro?”
“Silly, this is all yours! Oh and please call me Nene instead.”
“Nene...” You mumbled. “Alright Nene!”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
The next day...
“Good morning Nene-chan! You seem more happy than usual. Something happened?” Yashiro nodded enthusiastically and smiled. “I’m dating N/n now!”
“N/n? That’s great! You mean Y/n right?”
“Oh and guess what?” Yashiro smiled widely. “Y/n called me pretty yesterday! And they let me sleep on their lap!”
“Really?! Tell me every detail!”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
E/n: It was ok at first but when I continue writing it, it became sloppy and more... changed than I originally planned it to be.
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rohad93 · 4 years
Moonlit Masquerade: ch 4
It didn’t really occur to Luz until Friday morning as she was approaching the school that she had no clue how to ‘romance’ anyone, much less someone like Amity Blight. 
At least this was only just now making itself known to her, rather than while she was trying to sleep last night. She’d slept pretty good too, despite waking up to Eda and Lillith screaming at each other about something stupid in the kitchen. 
She decided to forego breakfast rather than walk into the kitchen where the sounds of things crashing and breaking was echoing through the entire house.
She sighed to herself, scratching her head tiredly as she walked down the dirt path that led to Hexside. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do or say when she was finally face to face with Amity. 
She’d read her fair share of romance novels with all kinds of fantastical stories about people in daring situations and finally getting the girl, but she knew that the characters in her books never acted or looked like her, she wasn’t sure she could really apply much from them to her current situation.   
The closer she got to school the clammier her hands got and the more her stomach twisted up into knots.  
She thought it was gonna come out of her throat the minute the school came into view and she immediately spotted Amity, standing out front, talking to Gus and Willow.
She stopped cold and felt the intense desire to turn around and run back home and hide under her blankets. 
Luz shook herself.
No, confidence! She had to be confident! She faced down the Emperor, she could talk to a pretty girl!
Fac now set in stony determination Luz started forward again making a beeline for Amity, whose back was to her. Willow looked up and saw the human barreling toward them with her eyes locked on Amity, and couldn’t help but grin at the look on Luz’s face as she walked up behind the unsuspecting witch.
“Hey, guys!” Luz called with a confident grin she didn’t really feel as she stopped beside Amity, throwing an arm around the mint haired girl's shoulders.
Willow had to give it to Luz, she was bold. 
Amity froze solid at the arm suddenly hanging around her shoulders and clutched her books so tightly she could feel her nails digging into their leatherbound covers, leaving crescent shaped divots in it. Her head jerked to the side, looking at Luz and felt her face heat up at their sudden close proximity.
“Hey, Amity.” She smiled brightly.
“Hi!” it came out much louder then she meant and mentally slapped herself as Luz flinched back at the sudden volume of her voice. “H-hi, Luz.” She managed to spit out at more normal volume, shoulders tensing. 
She had accomplished her first step… or rather a fraction of a step and now Luz was at a loss for what to do, her palms were sweaty and she felt tense, she could also feel how tense Amity was under her arm. She had kind of surprised her though, which made two of them.
Though Amity was just as panicked as surprised. 
'She's so close and warm!' All of Amity's other thoughts had flat-lined the moment she registered Luz's arm around her shoulders. 'Stars, she smells nice…' Even the tips of her ears grew hot at that thought.
Willow managed to cover her laugh with a cough behind her fist at the blank look on the other witch’s face. 
If Gus noticed them acting weird he gave no indication as he picked the conversation back up talking about how he had finally been allowed back into the human appreciation society.
"Do you think you could come by the club on Monday and explain 'automobiles', he pronounced it with all the wrong sounds and Luz chuckled momentarily forgetting about her position slung over Amity and not at all noticing how flushed and quiet she was.
"Cars? Yea, sure." She nodded.
"No, no, automobiles," He stressed the word." 
"They're the same thing." 
"Fascinating…" He nodded and pulled out a notebook and jotted that down. The bell chose that time to alert them that it was time to get to class.
Willow and Gus waved before hurrying inside and reluctantly Luz dropped her arm from the tense girl’s shoulders, but Amity didn’t move, frozen.
“Hey, you okay?” 
Amity jerked, coming back into the present and realizing the bell had rung already and everyone else was moving inside.
“Oh… yea.” she nodded, not looking Luz in the eyes, she was still reeling from their earlier physical contact. “I should get to class,” Amity mumbled under her breath before shooting off toward the doors.
“Wait a sec, Amity!" She called but the girl was gone, all but sprinting into the building without a single backward glance.
"Maybe she has a test today?" Luz blinked before hurrying along to her construction classes. 
~ ~ ~
Similar attempts to get closer to Amity at lunch and after school ended in much the same way, including but not limited to the other girl all but tossing her lunch into the air when Luz came up behind her in the cafeteria and set a hand on her shoulder.
Luz would initiate some mild physical contact in an effort to be closer to her and Amity would turn a bright shade of red and end up running in the other direction, spouting off some excuse before Luz could get even a handful of words out.
Willow shook her head as she watched her childhood friend take off down the path that led away from the school like she was being chased by a pack of wild demons, leaving Luz standing there, arms hanging at her sides as she watched the witch run off with a disappointed look.
"You ok?" Willow asked as she walked up to her, Gus following. 
“I don’t understand, what am I doing wrong?” Luz asked desperately. “She runs off before I can get a word in!” She held up her hands.
“What’s going on?” Gus looked between the two and Willow shot Luz a questioning glance before she nodded.
“Luz has a crush on Amity and wants to ask her out,” Willow explained.
“Oh!” his eyes grew wide at that as he turned to Luz, pink dusting her cheeks. She still wasn’t used to hearing that out loud. “So… you’re trying to ask her out?”
“No...well, I mean, I want to eventually yeah…, but I gotta win her over first! She… likes someone else,” she grumbled the last part, rubbing her arm. 
“She does?” Gus blinked and Luz nodded glumly.
“There was someone she wanted to ask to grom… if I knew who it was at least I would know what kind of chances I had…” She frowned, crossing her arms. 
“Don’t worry about that Luz, you shouldn’t worry about comparing yourself to someone else, just focus on being yourself,” Willow assured and Gus nodded eagerly in agreement. “That being said…” she started slowly making her and Gus look at her. “I think you’re coming off a little strong…” That was putting it mildly. 
Everytime Willow had seen her today the girl had been as red as a cup of apple blood and she couldn’t totally pin that on Luz, despite how touchy feely she was, Amity was rather sensitive to any attention from Luz. 
“What do you mean?” Luz didn’t seem insulted, just curious. She really wasn’t in a position to be turning down any advice considering she had barely gotten two sentences out to Amity today. 
For once she was glad they hadn’t had any classes together today.
“Well, you were very… touchy, and I know that’s just you, but it might be a little too much too quickly. From what I remember, Amity’s family aren’t the most… affectionate.” she finally settled on. 
Gus nodded sagely, crossing his arms. 
“You’re freaking her out,” he said, picking up on what Willow was saying.
Luz suddenly remembered every time she and Amity had been in close proximity and how fidgety and red she had been and moaned to herself. She had been making her uncomfortable all this time without knowing.
“I’m not trying to!” Luz groaned, holding her head in her hands. “I just… I don’t know how else to express myself!” 
“Maybe give her flowers?” Gus suggested with a shrug, not having any better ideas then Luz.
“No!” Willow shot down immediately, knowing the consequences with Amity’s current state of smitten. Total meltdown. This was going to require a more delicate touch. “That might freak her out, coming from Luz…” 
“What, why?” Luz questioned with a frown and Willow had to think fast.
“Right now, Amity only sees you as a friend, coming at her with romantic feelings out of the blue would also freak her out.” she shook her head. Not a lie.
“What am I supposed to do then?” Luz sighed, plopping down onto the school steps with a quiet thump.
Willow scratched her chin thoughtfully. It was a problem, she knew that any romantic attention from Luz, physical or otherwise would send Amity into a conniption. 
“What if… she didn’t know it was you?” she suggested.
“Huh?” Luz blinked up at her.
“I mean, what if you could get Amity to fall for you without even knowing it’s you at first?” She suggested. 
“Like… a secret admirer?” she asked, straightening up.
“Yeah! Like, you could leave gifts or notes in her locker or places you know she’d find them.” 
Immediately she could see the gears in Luz’s head beignig to spin and slowly a grin began to split her face before she jumped up.
“Willow, that’s a great idea!” Luz was beaming from ear to ear as she wrapped the plant witch up in a bone crushing hug that made her squeak.
“Of course”, she wheezed from her friend's grip.
“It's just like in one of my books…,” Luz squealed, finally letting go and bouncing excitedly on her toes. “Plan secret romance is a go!” she held up a fist with a determined grin. 
“Yes!” Gus pulled out his flags and waved them excitedly. 
“I need to go start planning!” 
Willow giggled at Luz’s excitement.
“Um.. would you guys help me?” she asked with a sheepish grin.
Willow and Gus shared a knowing look before turning back to her.
“Of course, Luz.” 
“Sweet, let’s go!” She took off down the path toward the owl house with Gus and Willow trailing behind.
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myladyladybug · 5 years
When your best friend rigs the Secret Santa to hook you up
Merry Christmas @hoppershedgie ! I am your Secret Santa for @mlsecretsanta! Hope you like your Lukanette gift fic~
“Alya!” Marinette screamed, admonished. “How could you?”
“How could I set up my best friend with her crush? I know; I’m a Saint.” Alya looked up briefly from her phone and fluttered her eyelashes in innocence.
“What am I going to do with this?” Marinette continued, flailing a slip of paper she had drawn from a hat earlier that day and refused to confirm nor deny Alya’s self given title. A slip of paper was normally something Marinette would have little to no concerns about, but this particular slip of paper had a name on it, which under coincidental circumstances, she would have had no issue with, that she currently had issue with because of purposeful conditions that had caused to be in her possession. Worse yet, Luka had a similar slip of paper baring her own name. She really wished she hadn’t asked about it.
“You’ll get Luka the perfect gift,” Alya began with a flourish, “sign it, confess your feelings to him, and kiss under the mistletoe at the party tonight!”
“Or, he’ll hate my gift, realize that knowing me is a complete and total mistake, and never ever want to see me again!”
“You know that will happen.”
“It could! You don’t know that!”
“This is Luka we’re talking about, right? Nicest guy in the world? Wouldn’t hurt a fly? Totally head over heels in love with you?”
“You don’t know what either.”
“Don’t know he’s the nicest guy in the world? I think I do.”
“You don’t know that he’s in love with me!”
“Uhm, yea I do. The whole class knows it. The neighbours know it. All of Paris knows it. He’s even told you how much he likes you.”
“But that’s not the same. This is a confession we’re talking about here. This is a huge deal. I can’t mess this up.”
“Like you would have even done it in the next century if you hadn’t drawn his name.”
“If you hadn’t given me his name!” she retorted pointedly.
“Well, you might as well get planning,” Alya shrugged. “What are you going to get him?”
After a week of arduous planning and embroidering, Marinette held up her handiwork to present to Alya, Juleka, Rose, Alix, and Mylene as a final check. The girls sat in awe and approval at the sight of it.
“It’s beautiful, Marinette!” Rose bubbled, hands at her cheeks.
“He’s going to love it,” Juleka agreed.
“Now that we’ve got that all sorted,” said Alya, “what are you going to wear?” Marinette immediately stood and ran for her hangers, more than ready for this line of questioning.
It was agreed that they would unceremoniously reveal themselves to their Secret Santa recipients. Since Alya was the one to arrange the whole event, party aside, it was easily in her power to make that particular decision. This, of course, paired very well with Marinette’s intent to have a rather private discussion with her Secret Santa recipient. This all only left one problem: Marinette’s willingness and strength to approach Luka herself, without the pressure of all her peers’ expectations. Worse yet, if she didn’t approach him, he would be left as the only person at the party without a gift, and she would never forgive herself for leaving him that way. And even if she somehow managed to avoid facing him with her gift, and other things, on her own, he was sure to find her himself, having drawn her name as his giftee. It was all a mess and a small part of her (that somehow managed to take over her entire body) didn’t want to attend the party. But with a friend like Alya, how could anyone say no.
Chloe Bourgeois always held the most lavish parties. Even into their university years, she never ceased to impress, inviting anyone and everyone she knew, and even some she didn’t know. This made convincing everyone to exchange their gifts personally much easier. The dress code was nearly non-existent. People came in suits and gowns, contrasting those in khakis and crop tops. Marinette personally enjoyed her sweet, pink, semiformal dress. From across the way, Marinette spotted Luka. He was wearing a dress shirt and tie underneath his usual blue hoodie. Although it was not a style she would have put together herself, she found it ridiculously charming nonetheless. He made the effort, and something about that thought made her smile uncontrollably.
It almost melted her heart to see the smile immediately form on his face just at the sight of her. She wasn’t the only one.
“Hey Marinette,” Luka greeted when she approached his corner of the room.
“Hello,” she said, unabashed by the happiness in her tone. There was a nearly unnoticeable moment of silence, had neither of them been thinking about what to say and how to say it.
“Have you given your gift to your Secret Santa person yet?” Luka asked.
“Not yet.” Marinette shrugged.
“Neither have I. Who’d you get?” he prompted. Without another word, Marinette took the carefully wrapped present from behind her back and offered it to him. He blinked confusedly for a few moments before smiling and accepting. “Wow Marinette, you had my name? That’s amazing! I had your name!” Luka produced a small package from his pocket. Alya had mentioned that Luka had her name, but the sight of the small box still produced a gasp from her lips.
“You should open yours first,” she insisted. He tore into the wrapping of the gift and pulled the cloth from the remains.
The guitar strap was a deep blue and black, with tiny pink flowers embroidered into the swirling design. The contrast provided a cute and cool look to the overall design, but secretly, Marinette had made it with the idea of their styles combining into a single image. Not that she would ever be the one to point it out.
“So… what do you think?” she asked when he didn’t say anything. When she finally had the courage to look at his face, she noticed his eyes tracing the designs of the strap, his mouth slightly agape and his face flushed. Her brain searched for the meaning behind such a face.
“What do I think?” he repeated, like he was shocked that she could ask him a question with such an obvious answer. “It’s amazing, Marinette.”
“I’m so glad you like it. I wasn’t sure-”
“Open yours,” he interrupted. It was rare for him to ask her of much, so her curiosity spiked at the request. Tearing apart the wrapping, she was met with a plain velvet box. Inside was a small, pastel, pink, rose pendent on a silver chain.
“Luka!” Marinette gasped. “It’s beautiful.”
“You like it?”
“I love it!”
“May I?” Luka held his hand out, asking for the necklace. She nodded and turned around, pushing aside her hair so he would have access to the back of her neck. He draped the necklace around the front of her neck and secured the clasp.  
“It looks even nicer on you than it did in the box. It suits you,” said Luka.
“Thank you,” she replied, blushing and staring at the floor. A smile crossed her face and she gently touched the pendent, feeling all the intricate details of the design. “Hey Luka?” Marinette started. He looked down and smiled at her.
“I have something I need to tell you.” She bit her lip and shifted her gaze nervously.
“What is it?”
“I… I really like you.” The words practically flew from her mouth as she rushed to get them out lest she change her mind.
“I like you too Marinette,” Luka replied, not missing a beat. The grin on his face was unparalleled. If Marinette had the courage and forethought to look for his reaction, she might have caught it.
“No, not like that!” she rambled, looking everywhere but at him. “I mean. I do like you. As a friend; but also as more.”
“More?” he asked, amused.  
“You mean so much to be Luka. And you’ve always been so kind and caring, and I can’t believe I couldn’t see it before.” Taking a deep breath, she mustered the courage to look him in the eyes before uttering the following words. “There is no one as sweet as you, or who makes me feel as comfortable and happy as you do.” She needed him to understand her seriousness and sincerity. “What I mean to say is that, I love you.” Luka pursed his lips through his smile and reached out to hold her hands, draping his gift over his shoulder.
“Marinette, thank you. That means so much to me. Thank you. I love you too.” Her head snapped up in shock at the statement.
“Really?” she asked, disbelieving. He laughed briefly.
“Of course. I haven’t been trying very hard to hide it either. Marinette, I care so much about you and I want you to be your happiest always.”
“I… I’m sorry, I had no idea,” she said. A giggle escaped her lips shortly after. “How could I have not noticed?”
“Well, it is more difficult to tell when you’re involved.”
“Everyone’s been telling me for ages that you liked me, and I just couldn’t believe it.” Luka’s hand rose to cup the side of her cheek and she rested her head into it.
“Believe it or not, it’s true,” he reassured her. “I really like you.”
“Oh. That’s good.”
“Just good?” Marinette’s brought her own hand up to her face to rest on top of his.
“That’s really good,” she grinned.
“Good. Good that you think it’s good.” The whole world seemed to blink out of existence as Luka slowly leaned forward and Marinette stood on the tips of her toes. The kiss was quick, but the fluttering in her stomach lasted the remainder of the evening, as did her smile.
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zankivich · 5 years
The Arrangement: CEO’s Son/Dom!Shawn x Black Sub Reader Chapter 12.5
*Shawn’s point of view*
There’s no snow on the ground in Georgia is the first thing he notices. The second thing he notices is that y/n and him have polar opposite upbringings. She takes him to a house that he has to bend down for his head to clear the doorway. The length from the driveway to the front door is a shorter distance than it took for him to get to his room growing up, and the neighborhood of houses looks nothing like the acres of land his father owned. But the second they enter the house there’s music playing. Al Green seems to blast from every corner in the kitchen. Despite the fact that there’s no snow on the ground, the house couldn’t be filled with more warmth. There are voices that carry from the kitchen with laughter and joy and snarkiness. It’s unlike anything he’s ever experienced in his life.
She holds his hand and pulls him deeper into the house towards the sound of the music and the laughter. In the kitchen there’s a group of women all sitting around a table cooking various foods. One’s got a potato peeler and sweet potatoes. One is busy mixing butter into flour with her hands. Another seems to be chopping vegetables. There’s an older lady who sits at the table simply overlooking everyone else. But none of them are y/n’s mom, and he knows that immediately because they look just alike. Her mother was at the stove with a big spoon and an even bigger pot mixing what smelled awfully similar to y/n’s famous greens. They had the same cheek bones and the same smile and the same hips, though her mom’s were fuller. If the similarities in likeness didn’t do it, the way each of them screeched upon eye contact surely would’ve connected the dots.
“MY BABY!” She cried dropping her spoon into the pot and making a b-line straight for y/n.
They embraced and squeezed and jumped and cheered just to each other. It was the happiest he’d ever seen her. And he loved every second of it. All of the nerves from the car completely faded away as he watched his girlfriend get this special moment with her mother. And he knew immediately that they’d done the right thing in coming. This is exactly what she needed.
“You look beautiful.” Her mom giggled squeezing her cheeks and moving down to prod at the rest of her body. “And...thin. What they feeding you in that city girl?”
y/n rolled her eyes. “Momma I can take care of myself. I been telling you that for years.”
“Mhm and I been telling you for years that there’s no pain in letting others help your stubborn big head out.”
He chuckled at the joke, alerting the room to his presence. And that’s when everything shifted.
The entire room turned to look at him. The lady with the sweet potato stopped peeling. Her mom’s eyes widened. The older lady at the table stares at him in a way that makes him feel small, smaller than he ever has in his life. Suddenly he’s sweating. Has he always been sweating? Oh God. Thankfully y/n comes to the rescue.
She steps back over to him and wraps her arms around one of his.
“Everyone this is Shawn. He’s my boyfriend. If you break him, you deal with me. Shawn this my auntie Debrah, my auntie Janet, my auntie Carolin, and my grandma Gina. And that’s my mommy Audre.”
He cleared his throat and threw on his best smile holding up the peace offering he brought in the form of alcohol.
“Hello. Thank you so much for having me in your home for the holidays. I think if I tried to cook for the two of us I might have burnt the place down, and y/n surely would’ve killed me before the fire did.”
Grandma Gina laughs. It’s a big belly laugh for such a tiny woman. She was the same complexion as Audre except with silver hair that went all the way down her back in a neat braid. Even if she was small, she was far from frail, her hands resting on a cane that she knocked into the floor as she laughed. Everyone else turned to her, and it was as if once he received her approval the rest of the room dissolved into laughter as well. He released a big breath and leaned into y/n’s side. They might not hate him after all.
Audre walks over to the two of them and gives him a look over from head to toe. He feels small again. He never needed to be liked so much in his life. He peered over at y/n who was smiling hesitantly at her mother like she was just begging her to like him. He wanted to ask if he should get on his knees or something.
“This one hmm?” She asked.
Y/n looked up at him and smiled warmly before nodding at her mother like a child picking out their pet at the pet shop. He smiled at Audre and nodded too.
Audre snorted. “Oh lord. Okay. I’m Audre. You can call me Audre.”
“It’s wonderful to meet you Audre.”
He moved away from y/n just long enough to hug her and was surprised at the warmth that she could bring to a touch. Like mother like daughter apparently.
“Oh y/n, this boy is just as bony as can be too!” Audre complained poking at his stomach. “Even more so!”
He chuckled. “Ma’am I have forty-two percent muscle mass.”
“Good for you. We’ll make sure to change that today. Pull him up a seat y/n before he wastes away.”
“Oh lord.”
“Yea, y/n pull me up a seat before I waste away.” He grinned.
She unabashedly punched him in the arm and went to take off her coat.
“Boy yo legs ain’t broken. Get your own chair.”
Ah yes. He’d forgotten completely who he was dating. Woops.
He finds that “home y/n” is one of his favorites. She pulls up her sleeves and joins her mom at the stove and it’s like she’s completely in her element. He learns that in her family the women all come together to cook. It’s always at Audre’s house every year, and no one is allowed into the house until all the food has been cooked and is ready to eat. By the time the night was over, the house would be full of every family member in town and all those who could make it from out. They assured him there would barely be space to sit, but they all found a way. For them Christmas day was spent with immediate family and then everyone would come together for a meal. It wasn’t about presents, but just being able to be together.
They all love her so much. Auntie Carolin and Auntie Debrah just ask her questions about work and the city and all the incredible things that she gets to do. And y/n couldn’t be more humble. She stays away from the after parties and the jets and focuses on what matters. She told them the story of Normani crying in her dressing room after the VMAs, how she was the first black woman to win her award in nearly a decade. She told them about being in the studio and watching people create, getting to be apart of something bigger than herself. And he can see it in their faces. There’s no jealousy, or ill will in anyway. They’re so incredibly happy and proud of everything that she does. It makes his stomach and his heart feel full to watch people who know just how amazing she is. And she is.  It’s overwhelming even more so than usual.
“Here, taste this.” She hummed plopping down on his lap with a big wooden spoon.
It was the sweet potatoes from earlier in this wonderful concoction of brown sugar and cinnamon and butter. He groaned around the spoon.
“That’s amazing.” He sighed. “When can I eat it?”
“How your forty-two percent muscle mass ass eats so much I will never understand. Let me see if I can sneak you some.”
“K. Love you, sweetheart.”
“Yea, I love you too bighead.”
“I heard you got a big head too.” He argued.
“Yea and if you ever wanna see anything besides my big head I suggest you forget what you heard. And swiftly.” She smiled.
“Sounds like a plan!”
“That’s what I thought!”
God he loved her.
*Y/n’s point of view*
Fifteen minutes. You left for fifteen minutes to go to the bathroom and scrub the pie crust from underneath your fingernails. Only to come back to your boyfriend Disney prince-ing your whole entire family! Tina Turner’s greatest hits had matriculated into the line up of music and Shawn was taking turns twirling every woman in the kitchen around the room. You watched as he somehow managed to get your grandmother out of her chair and into his arms so that he could waltz her slowly around the kitchen table. Every single one of those women had turned into gushing teenaged girls. It was absolutely pathetic. And incredibly on par with your reaction to him as well. Where had they made him at?!
You stepped gently up to your grandmother, fingers easing softly onto her shoulders as she leaned back to smile at you.
“Can I steal him for a second grandma?”
She nodded warmly. “Girl go on ahead. My hip was starting to hurt.”
He helped her back to her seat and accepted the kiss on the cheek that she gave him before coming back to you. His arms, long and warm, tugged you into his hold as he twirled the two of you gently back and forth. Neither of you would notice the way your nosy ass family watched every second, but that’s okay. You ran your fingers through his hair and played with the curls until they were big and fluffy the way you liked.
“And just what do you think you’re doing?” You asked him.
He grinned. “I told you I’d win them over. I’m charming, honey; what can I say?”
“The ego on you.” You snorted. “I don’t know how you do it.”
“Me neither. I question how I managed to get you just about every day.”
Okay that one was smooth.
“I think it was when you let me sleep over for the first time.” You hummed.
His eyes widened at the revelation of you actually having an answer to his question.
“Excuse me?”
“Do you remember?” You paused to lower your voice. “When we did the ropes for the first time? You let me stay. We did something totally new that  neither of us had ever done before. And it was amazing and we took care of each other, but it was still a little overwhelming. I didn’t even have to say anything, but you let me stay. And you pretended to cook too many eggs the next morning so I would have breakfast. I think that’s the first time you really got me.”
He smiled warmly and pushed his head deeper against your fingers.
“I was terrified of hurting you. I just wanted everything to go right, and I wanted you to feel good and only for it hurt if that meant it still felt good. And also you looked so cute when you were sleeping I couldn’t just let you leave without breakfast.”
“See? You cared about me.” You grinned.
“I always cared about you, y/n. Always.”
“Yea. Now that I think I about it, I think I did too.”
He presses your lips together like it’s nothing. Like your whole matriarch isn’t there. But when his lips are soft and warm and moving against yours, it’s hard to care about much else.
It should have come as no surprise that the rest of your family would love Shawn just the same. He happily jumped into the rough housing of all the younger kids, carrying two of your cousins on either of his arms through the living room while another one held onto his leg. Everything about him was perfect. And it’s not that you didn’t know that, didn’t know that you loved him and loved all of the things about him besides the parts that you didn’t. It’s just that he fell into your life so easily. He made himself at home and he picked up right where everything else left off. And you didn’t know how but it made you feel good.
You were standing at the entraway way of the living room by the kitchen watching him with your arms crossed when your mom came up to lean against you.
“Hmm...He’s a nice one isn’t he?” She hummed against your shoulder.
You nodded. “He really is.”
“Is he...the one?”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh momma!”
“I’m just asking. Girl, I want some grandbabies. And the last person you brought home to meet me was in high school. I might not get another chance.”
You let your face fall into your hands in mortification. Dating in your thirties was tough. No matter how progressive the country might--or might not--be, family always complicated things. Your mom was of an era where marriage was a thing that you did no matter if you were in love or not. Cue the fact that you hadn’t seen your father since you were eight. You in all of your confidence and all of your womanhood, didn’t see marriage nor children as requirements. They didn’t even exactly scream appealing to you. You’d be happy with your apartment and maybe, at some point, a cat. That was really your goal, your happy place. It just so happened that maybe Shawn complicated that a bit for you.
“He’s young.” You murmured watching him get tackled down to the ground by children. “He’s not even twenty-five yet. He’s got no idea what he wants.”
“Is that so? So y’all are really just playing around huh?”
You paused and looked over your shoulder at your mother. You shook your head hesitantly.
“I wouldn’t say that.”
She tilted her head in question. “Then what would you say, y/n?”
“I...I don’t know. I’d say we’re really enjoying each other’s company. I’d say we’re very serious about actively making each other happy and working to co-exist together because we enjoy each other so much. But it’s not like he wants to move in with me, or start a life with me. I don’t want to ask that of him.”
“Now which is it? Is it he’s not ready, or you don’t want to ask him if he’s ready?”
“It’s...It’s...dammit momma, why you always gotta ask questions?” You whined.
“Because I am pushing sixty child and I want some grandbabies! Before I die.” She huffed.
You rolled your eyes again and turned back over your shoulder only to catch Shawn staring at you with a similar level of fondness that you had for him. He tilted his head in ask that things were going okay. All you could do was nod and smile. He didn’t need to stress about your mother being crazy. That was your job.
Aretha Franklin plays in the background. You’re sat on the floor together with the tree in the background. It’s quiet with all of your extended family long gone. Your mother fast asleep, it was time for you and Shawn to finally share presents with one another. You, in one of his sweatshirts and leggings after the long day. Him in another and those plaid sweats of his that you really liked. His hair is pulled back with a headband and it makes you smile. He hums Natural Woman to you as he sets a box in your palm.
“This one, I just thought was pretty. It’s not a big deal, okay?” He murmured.
“Okay, okay. Gimme!” You whined.
They were hoops. Big ass hoops. Big ass, rose gold diamond encrusted hoops. It was like he knew the way to your heart and had every intention of nestling himself there.
“Wow. They’re beautiful! Jesus, Shawn.”
“You like ‘em?”
You nodded enthusiastically. “Of course I do, are you kidding me?”
“Good. That makes me happy”
You kissed him in thanks, his arms wrapped tight around your waist.
“I love you.” You murmured handing him a gift of his own. “I hope you like this. I thought it was pretty too.”
Shawn’s watches were one of his most important accessories among many.  You’d grown incredibly fond of the sound of his watch hitting the dresser when he undressed for the night. It always meant he was there to stay with you. And it always meant he was yours for the night. So, getting him a watch felt like the obvious choice. But, this wasn’t just any watch. Shawn’s watches were usually bulky and flashy, an ode to his father no doubt. This watch on the other hand came with a fine, black leather band that was more classic and refined. The face was large in a similar fashion to more contemporary brands. It was rose gold and this beautiful rich navy blue color. It was so gorgeous you’d thought about keeping it for yourself. Instead, you figured you’d rather look at it on his wrist instead.
“Shit, babe this is beautiful. This must’ve cost you a fortune.” He gasped. “This is for me?”
“‘Course it is. What other bighead is sitting in this room?”
He whined. “Damn, you bought it for yourself? That’s tough.”
“What, you can call me bighead, but I can’t call you bighead?” He smiled placing his watch to the side so that he could stalk closer to you.
You pouted at him. “Exactly.”
“That doesn’t seem very fair, my love.” He chuckled before sobering. “Thank you. It’s amazing. I love you.”
He kissed you again. You decided to not be mad at him anymore. For now.
Amongst the other things you’d gotten for each other was an envelope. He pulls you into his lap and wraps his legs around yours in warmth and protection. His body seems to touch yours at all points, and when you lean into him it feels like home. More so than being home. How could that be?
“Promise me you won’t freak.” He murmured when you went to reach for the envelope.
You raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”
“No! What are you trying to get me to promise? What’s in there?”
He smiled. “Nothing bad.”
“I told you no islands, Shawn.” You whined.
“It’s not an island, sweetheart.”
“Or a country. Or any ridiculously large piece of land. Or anything more than my rent.”
He rolled his eyes and nuzzled his head into yours until his curls covered your face and you couldn’t speak.
“I actually didn’t spend anything at all. Now will you hush and open the damn envelope?”
“Hmm. Give it here.”
You reached for the envelope, your finger sliding under the paper to rip it open.  Inside was just a piece of paper. No island. No car. No country. You frowned down at the sheet in confusion. It was a listing. And at first you thought he’d bought you a new place to live, which truly would have been quite ridiculous. But, no. He was right; he hadn't bought anything. He actually sold something instead.
“You--you sold your place.” You mumbled in shock.
“I did.” He nodded. “Part of our trip wasn’t just about us getting away and having fun. I also needed the movers to be able to have access to my apartment.”
“Oh Shawn. You really, really didn’t need to do that for me.”
“No, I--I very much did. And I didn’t need you to ask, okay? What happened there, what that guy did...I could never ask you to go back there. And I don’t want to. It was easy to leave. Trust me. I couldn’t stomach living there anymore either way. It was really for the both of us.”
You turned in his arms so that you could better view him. He immediately reached for your cheeks just as you reached for his. You each seemed to sigh in relief at the touch of the other.
“I can’t believe you’d do that for me.” You whispered eyes dampening against your will.
He smiled, eyes big and clear and so warm. His oversized thumb wipe at a tear that trailed down your cheek before he kissed any traces left behind.
“I’d do anything for you. I thought I’d made that clear by now.”
“You have. Come here.”
His arms around you tug until your more in his lap then on the ground. His lips find yours and your arms tangle the two of you further together. He kisses you so sweet that you’d be weak in the knees if you even attempted to stand. His tongue is soft, and it feels like a dream when his hands trace your body as well. It’s not the usual charge of lust and trying to crawl inside one another. This one is just sweet, just feels like holding each other close and nurturing each other. It feels so perfect. It’s a very merry christmas.
“Thank you.” You told him when it was all set and done. “I think this is the best christmas I’ve had in years.”
“Good. Just wanna make my baby happy is all. Seems like you make me happy every day, least I can do is repay the favor, right?”
“Yea well you do that and then some.”
When all the paper has been torn and your gifts have been open, all that’s left to do is drink hot chocolate at your mother’s kitchen table and sneak pieces of pie and left over ham. It’s without a doubt the best christmas you’ve ever had. And it’s entirely because of him.
“Hey...Where are you gonna live now?” You asked around your mug.
“Oh, you know that high rise over by the coffee shop you like to go to in the morning?”
Your eyes widened.
“You didn’t.”
He shrugged. “I did. It’s like ten grand cheaper than what I was spending, and I heard really hot women hangout at the coffee shop. There’s a gym there too. So you know, I was really being selfish.”
“Shawn I could...I could walk to your place.”
He nodded and reached for your hand.
“Is that...okay? I don’t want you to think I’m encroaching on your space. I know how much that means to you. I just want you to know that my space can be your space too ya know? If you want. I’ll be around.”
“Uggggggggh! You gotta stop that!” You whined quickly butting your head into his shoulder.
“What?! What’d I do?”
“You can’t be so sweet that you make me feel things like I’m thirteen again! It’s gross. It makes me feel all fluttery and bubbly. I am a woman dammit.”
He only laughed at you like the jackass that you were and tugged you deeper into his arms across your chair.
“You’ve made me feel fluttery since I met you, and I’m not ashamed of it. I like that I can make you feel good. That’s all I wanna do.”
There was simply nothing else you could say to a man that looked the way that your boyfriend did saying the things that your boyfriend said. All that one could do was to pick up the leftover pie from the table and shove it in his face. And run of course. That you could do too.
“Oh you are in so much trouble!” He huffed from across the table where you now stood, poised and ready to leap. “And not the kind you like!”
You leaned on the chair laughing at the whip cream that covered Shawn’s face and eyes.
“You look pastier than normal!”
He shook his head and wiped the remaining pie off of his face before reaching his hands out towards you.
“Come here, y/n.”
“Come on. You know what’s coming.”
“If you touch me, I will tell my momma.”
“You better call her then!” He grunted lunging after you.
You quickly turned and ran through the house like the child only he could make you feel like.
The morning you had to leave for the airport, you woke up without a boyfriend. Your fingers had programmed a tendency of their own to go searching for him upon wake up, but when they came up empty all you could do was frown at the space on the pillow where his head had once been. Before you could get too annoyed though you felt  the warmth of breath between your thighs that with ease made your legs part. Turns out he wasn’t far after all.
“Babe.” You smiled back arching as you stretched. “What are you doin’?”
You felt his tongue trace your thighs before he popped out, curls first from beneath the covers.
“Just wanted to start the day right. With my favorite thing to have for breakfast.” He grinned pressing a kiss to your inner thigh. “You.”
You rolled your eyes and definitely shifted your hips to be closer to him.
“You know if my mom caught us, we’d both be dead right? And you first?”
“Guess you’ll have to be a good girl and be quiet for me. Or do I need to give you something to focus on instead?”
You bit your lip. “I don’t know. Maybe.”
“Yea? How bout you put my fingers in your mouth and think about how you plan to stay quiet when I make you squirt in a few minutes?”
“God I love you. Yes, please.”
You felt more than heard him hum as he kissed at the outer lips of your labia. You held his hand in both of yours, fingers wettening the digits. He started with long, gentle pressings of his tongue, and bumped your clit every now and again with his nose. Shawn had grown much accustomed to how to get you off. It was his favorite past time it sometimes seemed. He was a wizard at making you squirm, at getting your hips to roll, and your toes to curl. His lips and tongue were so incredibly soft between your folds and he licked and nibbled at your clit like a dream. Your fingers turns to fists in the sheets and your thighs melded to his head as he took you there so quickly.
“Baby,” You gasped. “Baby, please. R--Right there.”
Your favorite was when he placed his oversized hand against your pubic bone and tummy, locking you into place. He used his thumb to focus on your clit, tongue and lips focusing on the rest of you. It drove you absolutely mad. You bucked against his chin, fingers reaching desperately for his head beneath the covers. The covers began to move as Shawn shuffled onto his knees to follow you with his mouth. His tongue was like a dream. A skilled, pointy, softy little dream. And you were like a rocket, just waited to be rubbed until you exploded apparently.
“Oh my fucking god.” You gasped, collapsing back against the sheets.
Shawn did not resurface, because apparently singers don’t need any air once so ever, and instead continued to lick away your release from between your thighs like the little devil he was. Your mom burst into the room just as you were getting your breathing under control.
“Time to get up, y/n! I expect y’all to come eat before you go to the airport.” She explained before closing the door once again.
“Well I don’t know what she’s talking about,” Shawn grinned as he ascended from beneath the covers and crawled on top of you. “I already ate.”
“I hate you.”
Tag List
@simpledomain @liliane106 @thecurlsofgod @xeuphorically-moonstruck @euphoric05 @daijanicole @bruhh-whateven@learning-howto-be-myselfx3@decewill@goldiean@bitchacho25 @bruhh-whateven@justbeingoceana@loveylangdon @iloveshawnieboi@september-lace@valedictorian65 @dimestorebieber22@MixerMani @lifeoftheparty74 @sinplisticshawn @kamahriii@disaster-rose@justbeingoceana @thecurlsofgod
Arrangement Taglist:
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silverarmedassassin · 5 years
A Christmas Miracle
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader (if you squint) Word Count: 1406 Warnings: Soft!Bucky, mention of sick children, but nothing graphic or anything. Summary: When the Avengers take a day off to help you decorate the children’s hospital you work for, a certain Super Solider feels a little left out. 
2019 Christmas Masterlist 
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“Mr. Stark, I’m glad to see you’re putting your suit to good use,” you laugh as you walk into the hospital lobby. Hovering twenty-five feet in the air is none other than Tony Stark. He turns from the tree in which he was hanging an over-sized red, ceramic bauble and smirks. “I’m not sure why I even bothered having them bring out the ladders!”
Despite their busy schedules of saving the world one alien-invasion at a time, the Avengers had managed to pencil in a tree decorating event for the children’s hospital you work for. You’d reached out to Tony on a whim, knowing how busy he is between being the face of Stark Industries and avenging. So, when Pepper called you two days later confirming the details of the event, you were nothing less than shocked.
“Please, Y/N, how many times do I need to ask you to just call me Tony?” He makes a hasty but careful descent, gliding over to where you’re standing before touching down completely. “Nice of you to finally show your face around here.”
Over his shoulder, you see Pepper setting down a box of ornaments before making her way over. “Oh leave her alone, Tony. She’s a busy woman.” Pepper gives you a quick squeeze before tucking herself into her long-term boyfriend’s side.
You’d known Tony for almost a decade. You’d met him by chance at a career fair in high school, and he ended up offering you your first internship during your freshman year of college. You’d somehow wormed your way into both Tony and Pepper’s hearts, and they unofficially officially adopted you as part of their tech-empire family.
“Tony, aren’t you gonna introduce us to the pretty lady?” you hear someone from the group, Sam Wilson you believe, call from amongst the boxes of Christmas chaos.
Tony rolls his eyes before pulling you into his other side. “Yea, yea, shove it, Pelican Brain.” You attempt to stifle a chuckle as Sam grumbles to himself. “Team, meet Y/N. Y/N, meet the team.
A chorus of “hello” and “nice to meet you” erupts from the little gang of superheroes. You’re pleased with the fact that almost every familiar face could show, along with some you knew but couldn’t quite place. The tallest, and arguably the most enthusiastic of the bunch, Captain America, is the first to break away towards you.
“Steve Rogers,” he says as he grasps your hand in a firm handshake. “It’s a pleasure, ma’am. I think what you guys do here, for the sick kids and all...it’s really great. If treatment like this was as accessible and advanced back in the twenties - hell I might not be standing here right now!”
“We get it, big guy, you’re old. Stop hogging her,” Tony shoos Steve away. “As Pep said, she’s a very busy woman who doesn’t have time to listen to your origin story.”
“Well actually,” you chuckle. “I’ve managed to clear my schedule for the rest of the afternoon, so I’ll be able to help out when some of our patients come down!”
“Patients? Like, the kids?” another voice pipes up from the tree.
You all turn to find none other than Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier himself, peeking around from behind the tree. There was glitter stuck in his long hair, and he had a small strand of garland draped over his shoulders. You can’t help but wonder how this man was ever one of the most feared assassins in the world.
“Uh, yes the kids,” Tony snarks, rolling his eyes. “We’re at a children’s hospital, Tinsel Man, what did you expect?”
Bucky plucks the garland from his body and tosses it into a pile of boxes. “I just...kids don’t really like me. I didn’t know they were going to be here helping us.”
You quickly jump in, in an attempt to ease his worry. “The children are excited to meet all of you. I can promise there are a few boys and girls who can relate to you on some level and will love getting to spend time with you!”
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Bucky found you weren’t necessarily wrong. The children were excited to see the one and only Avengers in the flesh. There were kids dressed up in Captain America pjs, Iron Man stickers on various casts, and one little girl even had a Black Widow temporary tattoo she couldn’t wait to show off to Natasha.
And, while none of the kids necessarily avoided Bucky, they weren’t going out of their way to show off their “battle scars” as you’d come to call them. He understood why with his appearance not being the exact definition of warm and fuzzy. But he had scaled it back on the black today, and he’d made sure to pull all the crazy hair out of his face because he knew how intimidating meeting new people could be when you couldn’t get a good look at their face.
As the afternoon of decorating started coming to a close, just a few patients - ones that were either outpatient and had just shown up, or had been in treatment during the earlier part of the day - were hanging around. It had grown pretty quiet with only a few interruptions of laughter coming from a small group of kids huddled around Steve and Sam. Bucky watched on happy to see his two best friends were enjoying an afternoon off, seemingly releasing the weight of the world’s problems from their shoulders.
Since he wasn’t otherwise occupied, he decided he was going to start packing up some of the unused decorations. He’d never admit to it, but the organization helped him clear his mind sometimes.
“Mr. Barnes,” Bucky hears from behind him. He stands from where he was digging in a box of faux candy canes and turns around to find you standing with a little girl. She looks terrified, but not in the way that Bucky was used to. More shy than fear, and it made him feel good.
“Please, just call me Bucky,” he chuckles.
“Okay, Bucky,” you smile and he’s sure it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. “I wanted to introduce you to one of your biggest fans. This is one of our outpatient kids. She doesn’t stay here often, but we have regular appointments with her!”
Bucky bends down so that he’s eye-level with Cali. He had to admit a sweet-looking girl like her favoring him of all the Avengers was a surprise.
“Hi, Cali,” he smiled, extending his hand for a gentle shake. She looks up to you for assurance before stepping around your legs to inspect Bucky fully. “How are you?”
“She’s a bit shy, but I promise she’s excited,” you laugh. “Go on, he’s not going to bite!”
Giggles erupt from a group of children who are huddled around Steve, and it seems to break Cali’s reservations about Bucky. Instead of accepting his hand, she goes in for a full-on hug, almost knocking down the surprised super-soldier.
“I have a fake arm too,” she whispers into his neck, and his surprised laugh falters a bit.
“Wh-what?” He leans back just enough to see her face, and she nods. Holding up her left arm, she pulls the sleeve back to expose a prosthetic. Hers is less noticeable, complete with flesh-colored material so that it doesn’t stand out to the prying eye.
“She’s kind of why the hospital has such a great relationship with Mr. Stark. He was kind enough to donate funds to build her an arm similar to yours,” you gesture to the arm Bucky is now closely examining. “There’s nerve sensors and everything, so she still has sensation - can feel warmth and cold, all of that.”
“Amazing,” Bucky whispers, looking from Cali’s arm to her face. “Do you know how special this is?”
Cali grins and they’re obviously having a moment, so you decide to leave them to it. As you make your way over to one of the many lobby couches, exhausted from an afternoon of excitement, Tony makes a surprise landing.
“I guess he’s not bad all the time,” he chuckles, looking over your shoulder to the tender scene unraveling in front of him. “Might be the little Christmas miracle Inspector Gadget needed this year.”
You bite your lip in an attempt to hide the wide grin that threatened to split across your face. "I'm glad we could help."
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skvaderarts · 4 years
Apocrypha Chapter Twenty: Respite
Masterlist can be found Here! Thanks!
Chapter Twenty: Respite
Note: Wow. Chapter twenty and were probably only half way through this fic! It's been a blast so far, and I'd like to take a moment to say thank you for forty total chapters and just shy of 150k words so far in this series. And to top it off, DMC5SE is coming in the future?! What a time to be alive and part of the DMC community! (unless you're on pc like me because screw us, I guess. At least we get Vergil, but still). Thanks for coming along for the ride so far! I hope it's been worth it. A metaphorical toast to the first twenty and here's to twenty more!
Dinner had gone relatively well, all things considered.
Finding a restaurant that was willing to accommodate such a large group had been a respectable challenge, but in the end they settled on a small outdoor establishment. While they had to push two tables together in order to sit as a group, it had all worked out just fine in the end.
While the vast majority of the conversation that took place was between Patty, Nero, and the other girls, Dante occasionally joined in with a few witty rejoinders of his own, normally at Vergil's expense. V simply attended the dinner, eating quietly and mostly keeping to himself. Despite the fact that he had agreed to attend dinner, it was due more to a sense of personal obligation than anything else. He'd be lying if he said that he had been very hungry. The events at the beach had basically annihilated his appetite.
Once back at the hotel, everyone was more than ready to turn in for the night. There were still two days left on their trip, and everyone was eager to have a chance to explore the town and experience everything it had to offer. Well, at least for the most part. Kyrie was certain that she wanted to go back to the beach, at least for a few hours. She'd enjoyed herself in the bathing suit they had picked out for her, and she was going to take every opportunity that she could to wear it. Doing so in Fortuna would be a bit… scandalous. Through no fault of her own, she simply had the misfortune to live in a place that was more than a bit old fashioned, especially when it came to the way people were expected to dress. Most of them had probably never seen a bathing suit before.
As the group was going their separate ways in the lobby, Nero stretched and rubbed his eyes slightly, garnering a similar response from V who substituted stretching for a badly concealed yawn. He seemed painfully aware of how everyone was looking at him for trying to do so. Who tried to conceal a yawn?
Much to V's relief, Vergil broke the silence between them, seemingly unwilling to stand around the entire night and watch everyone watch everyone else. He stepped forward, his arms folded around himself as he glanced in the direction of the children. The oldest child, Julio, seemed more than ready to go to bed; now sufficiently tired and unwilling to stay up much longer. Kyle wasn't much better. He seemed to be just a few minutes shy of falling asleep on his feet, swaying back and forth as he blinked heavily. Carlo on the other hand was still just as full of energy as he always was. While he wasn't exactly hyper, the abundance of other people around to provide attention to him wasn't something he was willing to overlook. But as always, he gravitated towards those he knew best and chose to linger close to Nero and V, a decision that put him in the middle of their walking path and made him nearly impossible to overlook.
Honestly, his eagerness to hug the legs of everyone in the lobby was adorable, something that Vergil had experienced first hand himself earlier that day. The small child stopped darting between Kyrie and Nero's legs and stole an occasional glance at the much taller man, earning him a curious look and resulting in a few playful giggles. Vergil sighed. This was going to be a long night. While he found the child's behavior… typical for someone his age, for perhaps the first time since his return from the underworld, he felt an immense desire to simply go to sleep for the night. He didn't feel like fighting a small child the entire night to do so. But he wasn't backing down from his agreement, either. As far as he was concerned, that would be just as bad, if not worse, than simply refusing to do so in the first place.
"... Is he always like this," Vergil said as Carlo darted away from Nero and over towards V. The summoner in question was leaned against a nearby wall, seemingly waiting for an opportunity to disappear up the stairs and into the waiting blankets of his bed. The oldest Son of Sparda could only assume that Dante was going to be voted out of the bed due to a combination of his oldest son's inability to sleep on a couch that small and his youngest son's inevitable refusal to do so. Part of him was honestly irritated that he wouldn't be there to watch him suffer pointlessly, but the other part of him that didn't participate in such petty foolishness was actually glad that he probably wouldn't have to share a bed with any of them. Despite the undeniable closeness of their blood relation to one another, if anyone so much as bumped him in his sleep, they were likely to be skinned alive. That would be terribly inconsiderate towards the cleaning staff come mourning.
V shared a glance at Carlo, seemingly taking a moment to assess the room. Once sufficiently sure that no one was watching him, V took the opportunity to fluff the small boy's head and pat him on the shoulder, earning him a leg hug before he ushered the excited child back towards the rest of his family. Vergil couldn't help but notice the level of peace that seemed to wash over him as he watched the little one toddle back across the room, the young summoner seemingly pleased by the attention that Carlo always made time to show him. Where else was he going to obtain such high quality hugs from? Certainly not from Vergil. Maybe Nero? Dante would probably humor him, but he'd make it as uncomfortable and lengthy as possible. That was simply the way he was.
It was an interesting revelation to him that V was so good with Nero's children. He'd seen him interacting with them at the beach earlier that day, critiquing their little sand castles and pretending to be thoroughly impressed. He'd even shared one of his snacks with Kyle and allowed Julio to take shelter from the heat under his umbrella, ignoring the sopping wet mess he'd made out of the beach towel he'd brought to relax on. It was a wonder to him that someone who didn't have any children was so at ease interacting with them. For a moment, he considered the idea that he'd been involved with them to some extent in the past, but dismissed the notion. V wasn't very adept at social interactions with anyone. He just seemed to have a soft spot for Nero's children.
Perhaps if he wasn't so perpetually single…
Vergil's thoughts returned to the matter at hand. He had no reason to dwell on what V decided to do with his personal life. While an observation was perfectly fine with him, dwelling on things he had no say in and no influence over was futile. He would return to his current obligations and leave his consideration for V's crushing and no doubt ceaseless loneliness for another time. If that kind of future was in the cards for him, then he would cross that bridge when he got to it. Vergil himself had never planned to…
He needed to find something to force him to keep his mind on the trial he'd forced himself to undergo. Perhaps proving to Nero that he wasn't entirely awful would gain him some sort of footing in their future conversations. At the very least he hoped that it would alleviate some of the hostility between them. While they were indeed talking now, he couldn't help but notice that Nero made a point of constantly calling him out on his shortcomings. While he wasn't foolish enough to believe that he didn't have that much coming, he dared to allow himself to be optimistic about the possibility that there could be more to their relationship in the future. 
Truly, he wanted Nero to attempt to talk to him in much the same way that V did. He'd proved that he had the capacity to do so in the lobby of the hotel earlier that evening before Dante had interrupted them. As much as he loathed delving into his emotions and the scars and misadventures of his past, he knew that doing so was inevitable if he had any hope of Nero actually moving past his current feeling towards him. The Darkslayer knew that this was a test. It was the first one Nero had bequeathed him, even if he had done so as an extension of V's request. And he had no intention of letting both of his sons think any less of him than he imagined they already did. Such negativity was how they had arrived at such a dark and painful place to start with…
"Yea, basically. He's not really hyper, but he asks a lot of questions," Nero said as Carlo tucked himself under his legs and giggled senselessly. Nero shook his head and reached down to snatch the small boy off of his feet and into his arms, finally ending his wild behavior." Kyle and Julio are basically dead on their feet, so I don't think they are going to put up much of a fight. That and they are probably not excited about sharing a room with a person they know can toss someone halfway across a beach with one hand."
Vergil didn't miss the slight glare that accompanied that statement. Nero wasn't over that yet, it seemed. Apparently Dante was quicker to let that sort of thing go than his son was. Then again, they regularly impaled one another and attempted to render one another invalid, so they were not the best role models in that regard.
Kyle and Julio stumbled over sleepily, seemingly more than ready to find out why they were not in bed yet. All the conversation going on between the adults in the lobby was exceedingly dull to them, especially when all they wanted to do was flop down into a soft bed and take a trip to dreamland.
"Can we go to bed now," Julio asked as he tugged at Nero's sleeve, his best pleading look spread across his face. He was in no mood for this." I'm tired and so is Kyle."
Kyle said nothing, still skirting the line between acute sleep deprivation and face-planting on the floor in a fully comatose state. He seemed to register that they were talking, but couldn't care less about what they were discussing. If it didn't have to do with sleeping, it was of no interest to him.
Nero gestured towards Vergil with a tilt of his head, obviously agreeing that it was time for them to turn in for the night. "You're going with Vergil. Don't give him a hard time."
The oldest of the three young boys pivoted slowly towards Vergil, giving him a sideways look before turning back to Nero with an almost concerned look. He clearly wasn't sure how he felt about the change in arrangements. After a moment, he sighed and yawned sleepily. His body and the adults had made the decision for him. With a conformation glance at his little brother Kyle who only shrugged in disinterest, he glanced back up at Vergil again and rubbed his eyes sleepily.
"I guess we're okay. I just wanna go to sleep."
Vergil didn't think he'd ever agree with a five year old, but life was strange sometimes.
Without warning, Nero hoisted Carlo into Vergil’s unsuspecting arms, sufficiently taking the older demon slayer by surprise. Vergil received the giggling boy, but shot his son a conflicted glance, eyebrow raised. He hadn’t signed up to be slobbered on.
“Yea, you're gonna want to carry him upstairs. He has a hard time with stairs.” Nero said, taking a few steps towards V. He was warming up to the idea of going to sleep, especially after seeing his older sibling yawn yet again. V seemed to be lingering in the lobby out of courtesy.
Vergil held the small child up under the arms, looking at him as though he were a wet puppy who had just tracked mud through the house. Carlo continued to giggle to himself, reaching his short arm out to boop Vergil on the nose. The blue devil blinked in momentary disbelief before closing his eyes and shaking his head slightly. This was going to be a long night.
"Goodnight friend! I'm gonna sleep now. Bye bye!"
Vergil cursed every fiber in his body, both human and demon, that this child had so much energy. He was starting to wonder sarcastically if he'd dodged a bullet by not being present during either of his children's childhoods. Well, at least Nero's. If V's current personality was anything to go by, he was probably an easy child to handle. Nero on the other hand was probably much like this boy. Insatiable and unwilling to let him rest regardless of his level of willingness to compromise with him.
First, he'd tried talking to him when he'd started asking him a million unintelligible questions. Then he'd carved out of a desperate desire to sleep and allowed the child to sleep at the foot of his bed like he'd been so keen to do, a compromise that he was now totally regretting due to the fact that the little boy couldn't seem to stay still. Nero possessed far more patience than he had originally figured, and he was slightly horrified to see just how little he possessed himself. Had that been the point of this entire endeavor? To make him suffer in the same way that he had made them suffer himself? If so, it was definitely working because he was about two seconds from throwing himself out for the window to the cold embrace of the pavement and perhaps finally some form of rest.
Unfortunately death had never allowed him to escape his problems, so he wasn't sure how well that plan would work out. For now, he seemed to be stuck with the hell he'd made for himself. And he was not the least bit pleased. Somehow sleep always eluded him when he actually wanted it, but this was another thing entirely. Never before had a creature so small had such a profound ability to drive him absolutely insane. He couldn't help but shake his head slightly at the moment of clarity that overtook him at the realization that his must have been what his own parents felt like when they had been forced to grapple with him and his trouble-making twin as children. How they had ever kept their composure and not carted them both off to some remote tropical island in a produce crate to be eaten by wild animals was beyond him.
And yet, he couldn't bring himself to be angry at the child.
It was truly strange, but he just couldn't.
While he'd been laying there questioning what crime he had committed that had cursed him in such a manner, little Carlo had clambered up towards the head of the bed and flopped down next to him, taking the opportunity to try and tuck in his little stuffed animal. Vergil hadn't noticed the type of animal that it was, but he knew that it was half as big as the child that owned it, and he apparently refused to sleep without it. Due to the attack on their house just a few months ago that he himself had perpetrated, the little boy was scared to sleep without something to keep him company. The stuffed bear had apparently been a gift from Kyrie to help ease his fears.
Perhaps it was guilt from the fact that he had emotionally scarred a child that was just shy of three years old. Maybe it was the exhaustion setting in. Or maybe, just maybe Vergil had come to the realization that he just couldn't be bothered to combat the child any further and had finally met an opponent that he couldn't defeat. It didn't matter anymore. Carlo had won, and Vergil was going to have to tolerate the tiny child hugging him the entire night like he was an especially long body pillow. He could only hope that he didn't snore or drool, otherwise he just might stab himself.
And he couldn't even find it in himself to be angry.
There was a part of Vergil that wanted to laugh at how preposterous the entire situation was to him. He, the legendary Darkslayer and oldest son to the Great Dark Knight Sparda; usurper to the demon throne and defier of death itself… was but a plaything in the hands of an infant. And for some horrifying reason that he couldn't even begin to care about, he was entirely content with that fact. How had things taken such a drastic turn?
The entire point was moot. He would worry about it in the morning after he returned the little usurper to his legal guardians. His bed might be a bit less cold and might contain fewer pairs of stray socks, but he was sure he would survive. After all, he'd been through much worse. He was willing to tolerate the actions of an adorable curly haired child, at least for one night.
Wow, this chapter was so fun to write! Thanks a bunch for that comment about Vergil spending time with his grandchildren, Rawrbox! It led to such a fun writing experience! I actually strapped the original version of this chapter and chose to go with this. RIP the extra 600 words that I’d written before I read your comment! I hope everyone has a good day, and I’ll see you again on Friday! 
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rhazberriquartz · 4 years
D-N-A Chapter One
D-N-A || Chapter 1
(M for violence and mature themes)
Pro Hero Hawks | Takami Keigo x Original Character
Ao3 Link
Word Count: 2679
Unbeta’ed! Please, be gentle.
Protip - Don’t watch: BNHA, Jurassic Park or any Military movies back to back with a fever. Child Soldiers were more common than most would like to believe. The American Military was no different than the Commission. Hawks remembers one girl from his past and is surprised when the appears along with a new strain of Nomu like no one had ever seen. But, she and her siblings may be far more than allies in the situation at hand as dark secrets are uncovered about the world of Pro Heroes and the broken system they work for.
Warnings: Child Soldiers and training mentioned. Post Chapter 290 and most likely a different path than current canon. (I’m making this assumption now and if I’m right well damn.) Childhood friends to lovers plot. Military family.
Monster. That’s what it always felt like he was being chased by. It seemed that for the past week or more he was constantly being told to run and escape from some unknown animal. He always managed to get away though just barely. Hearing it’s claws close behind, blood curdling shrieks and catching glimpses of teeth that were just barely nipping at his bright red wings. He was only ten and yet he felt like he was going to die constantly.
   He never got a good look at what he was meant to run from. Usually he was blind folded or too busy trying to fly away out of it’s reach or running for his dear life. When he was told he was getting to play with a new friend he thought they were serious. After all he had been working very hard and passing everything they gave him both in assignments for school and in his hero training. He was grateful for the opportunity, but… he did want to be a child just for once. But, another day down and they said his ‘friend’ only had another week here. He knew he could do it, but he was just so scared. He pulled his Endeavor plush close to his body as he looked out his window. He could hear strained cries and it caught his attention. It wasn’t his bedtime yet so maybe – just maybe he could see what it was.
   His tiny feet hit the ground as he walked over to put on his shoes and placed his little plush into his bed. The cries sounded so lonely and he wanted to find whoever it was making them. He couldn’t be a hero yet like his idol, but heroism true heroism was in the small things. He knew this. He carefully walked through dimly lit halls of his home. The only noises being the sound he was searching for and the small pitter patter of his feet beneath him. He looked around and followed the noise. He was getting closer and closer he could feel it. He made turns over and over again until he finally found the door he was looking for. Only to be surprised to find that it led him outside to a secret part of the atrium. He blinked his little hands pushing open the door and walking into the unknown area. He was cautious his wings slightly puffed out so the sensitive feathers of his quirk could feel anything that might happen to come his way. He looked around waiting to hear another cry and followed it when he heard it. He sneaked his way through the flora heart pounding at who or what he might find waiting. But he came to a dead stop when he found what he was looking for.
“A-a cage…” he whispered softly as he approached.
   He took a moment to observe what he had found and narrowed his eyes. Something felt very wrong about this. It was a fairly large cage and the bars were almost too close together. He had been caged before as punishment and he had a distaste of these containers. He walked up and looked around the cage finding a bed and dresser. He blinked, getting curious as his eyes slowly trailed to the other end of it and saw a figure gripping the steel bars. He took in a small breath and quietly approached. The figure was just a bit smaller than him, but how was it’s voice so loud? Though when he got closer details started to come into view and his anxiety rose in his chest like a fever. Scales, claws, teeth, tail, a few feathers and horns. He took a few steps back tripping and falling onto his back. Making a rather loud noise that was hard to miss.
“Who’s there?!” a snap accompanied with a growl as he heard the footsteps get closer to the side of the cage he was on.
“I-i’m sorry! I’m not supposed to be here.” he chirped out terrified now as he looked up. He saw bright colored eyes looking down at him, “I promise I’ll leave, just don’t tell them I was here!”
   He noticed the figure stopped for a moment before hesitantly stepping out of the shadows clawed foot tapping on the steel floor. He stood up gripping the edge of his shirt watching as the light from the moon illuminated the person before him. She was a child like him! Something in his heart felt absolute relief, while another part felt sick. So, he hadn’t been the only one to be trained in such a manner. He looked over her face taking in the patterns of the scales that littered her face. She looked like she had a lizard or bird quirk of sorts, but as he observed more it hit him what her quirk pertained to.
“Y-you’re…” his voice faltered.
“The one that’s been forced to chase you like a mouse. Yes…” her voice was soft despite the crackling roughness.
“You’ve been crying?” he asked walking up closer to the cage.
“Yes… s-sorry if it was too loud I didn’t think anyone could hear me.” she said wiping at her face and looking around, “You’re not supposed to be out here.”
“True, but I wanted to see who was crying! A real hero helps those who are hurting and you’re hurting!” he said straightening his back and grinning, “Why are you out here?”
“They said they had no rooms…” she said, “My name is… Dinomite… what’s yours?” she asked gently.
“They call me Hawks! But, my real name is, Takami Keigo!” he introduced himself, finally another child his age he felt like a normal kid.
“O-oh… mine is Sunni…” she said.
   Keigo smiled and looked at the bars putting his hand through. These steel bars might be able to keep her in, but not keep him out. He was determined to make this girl smile. He hummed as he observed and tested parts of his body out. He’d fit if not for his – wings! He took a step back and dropped his feathers from his body and tried again. And just like that he was able to easily pop in. He recalled his feathers with some trouble, but got them all and walked up to her. He was absolutely proud of himself.
“So, you’re the monster that chased me?” he asked something about seeing another hero in training put him at ease, “You’re so fast I was honestly so scared you’d eat me! Man, you’re going to be a great hero with a quirk like that! What’s it called?”
“Y-yea. They said I needed to practice chasing down villains more. I’m sorry I scared you… my quirk is Dino DNA… I can shape-shift into any dinosaur.” she explained.
“My quirk is fierce wings! I can fly and control these red feathers. Where are you from?” he asked.
“America.” she responded.
“That’s so cool! I can stay for a little bit, but I’ll have to go back in two hours.” he said, “Can we talk? I’ve never had a friend before!”
“Sure… that’d be nice.” she said.
   Keigo nodded and drug her over to the bed on the other end of the cage and got on it with her. He grinned and started talking to her. Both parties had been through similar situations. He was a bit saddened to hear she would be leaving by the end of the week. But he understood foreigners were only allowed on this ground for a specific amount of time. So, he wanted to know everything about her so he could burn the memory of who she was into his brain. The commission may want him to forget his name, but that just meant he could remember hers in the end. He was happy and it was a feeling he wanted to hold onto for as long as possible since this was the first time he had felt normal in awhile. She was so kind even though she looked awfully tired. He knew he had to make the rest of the week fun for her. Though he was surprised to hear she had siblings as the continued talking through the night.
“You have two brothers? That’s so cool!” he said, his wings fluttering a bit behind him.
“Yea, I’m the oldest. My brothers are 7 and 5.” she smiled, “I wish they could have come, but for some reason it was only me.” she said, “They said they want me to be an ultimate soldier?”
“I’m not surprised. They don’t use the word soldier for me. They use Hero and I like that better! I want to save people.” he said.
She nodded and sighed, “I’m sure you’ll be a great hero too. I’m unsure of myself, everyone is scared of me.” she admitted and motioned to her face and teeth.
“Well, I’m not unsure I meant it earlier! You’ll be a great hero! You’re just like a sunflower! You just need light and it’s hard to find in this situation.” he grinned and hugged her tightly wrapping his wings around her, “I have to go though. I’ll see you tomorrow!”
“Thank you Keigo.” she giggled and hugged him back.
   Keigo kept to his word. The next few days he did his best to provide a true challenge. He made it interesting. Now that he knew who was behind the ‘monster’ he knew how he should be reacting. Though his trainers weren’t happy that he figured it out. After all the entire point was to scare him into having a true flight or flight reaction. And they chastised him for it in what ways they could. Though Keigo didn’t care. He had a friend and he was making sure both himself and her were having a good time by challenging each other in a more playful manner. Teamwork was important and he’d rather feel this sort of rush than the adrenaline scare he was having before. Eventually his trainers relented knowing it was no use to punish him for his behavior he was an stubborn child after all. And hers seemed to be relieved she was bonding with the commission's top subject. To them they saw it as an advantage in the future. Though the military was like that – they wanted loyalty. And having their little protege would be the best hero to have loyalty from. So, they encouraged it at every turn making sure they had the opportunity to bond. Though the kids didn’t know this. They just felt like they finally found a friend after having what felt like years of isolation.
   When he was able to he sneaked out to visit her. Bringing her sweets and snacks to share. Things felt wonderful for a short time. Even on their last night. He had brought his blanket, plush and clothes. He was going to make sure they had a good night and even had one of her handlers escort him. She had started a small fire in him and he was sure everything would be okay.
“So, when we see each other again, we both gotta be in the top ten!” Keigo remarked with a nod.
“I can try, but I dunno how America’s hero system works… we’re considered military personnel.” she admitted gently to him.
“Well, then get to the top there.” he yawned gently as they got comfortable. He flopped a small wing over her, “We’ll always be friends.”
“Yes, absolutely.” she yawned in turn and smiled flopping her tail over him in return, “Thank you, you’re a real hero.”
   Keigo’s eyes lit up when he heard this. He could tell it was a genuine compliment and he watched as she drifted off to sleep. He reached around to his wings and found a small feather that hadn’t formed and plucked it. He tucked it into her pillow and sighed. Tomorrow would be painful, but he had to be strong. Heroes were strong after all. For now he just enjoyed the company of his friend and hoped they’d get to see each other once more in the future. He drifted off to sleep a month that seemed to be full of fear ended on a high note and when he was eventually awoken and his friend taken away. He knew he had to work even harder to become a hero. He would push himself further and further just like Endeavor. Every day he’d find new reasons to keep pushing no matter how scary it would get.
After all he was Hawks.
And he’d fly his way to the top.
   But, even now that all seemed like a fuzzy memory that stayed in the back of his brain like a bittersweet aftertaste. So, many things had happened over the years. He was the #2 Pro Hero of Japan. He lost his wings and they regrew stronger than ever. And his struggles were painted on his face by a scar that damn near took his eyesight. But, currently he was listening to a boring introduction at a meeting. It meant nothing to him, just another American Military Base having their yearly rotation. He only had slight interest since he wanted to see who their ‘top hero’ was. But, as always the Americans were dragging their feet with purple prose he didn’t care for as he adjusted his stance and looked to Miruko. He smirked seeing she wore her more advanced prosthetics to this show.
“Pay attention bird brain.” she snipped and stomped her foot.
“Sorry, you just rarely bring those limbs out.” he smirked.
“And you rarely give a damn so eyes and ears forward.” she retorted.
   Hawks was about to speak when he heard the room go silent and they started introducing the new heroes that would be occupying the base. Supposedly they were the top three from America. Now he had interest as the third ranked took the stage. He was tall and lanky, not much of an imposing presence, but soothing instead. He man had a moth quirk it seemed. Large velvety wings trailing behind him, fluff adorned on his chest and limbs, with feathery antennae that protruded from his head. He listened to the small speech and snorted, he wasn’t much of a public speaker. Though he took the information that was currently being given into account.
“My name is Fauna, I’m the number three Pro Hero in America. My Quirk is Anima – I transform into animals found in the modern day.”
This sounded familiar.
   The second hero appeared on stage. His presence was far more intimidating. He was as tall as Fatgum and more muscle than anything else. His saber-tooth like appearance gave the hero pause: Claws, large teeth, ears, tail and hands more like paw-like than anything– how was this man number two? He was too busy trying to compute why all of this felt familiar. But, nothing was clicking. Maybe he should have paid more attention during the earlier speech as his wings fluffed up.
“My name is Avalanche, I’m the number two Pro Hero in America. My Quirk is Iceage – I transform into animals found in the period known as the ice age. This includes Saber Toothed Cats, Bears and more.” The man took his place by the one known as Fauna.
   His eyes widened as he watched the next figure take the stage. He lost his breath as everything clicked into place. He knew this one – but it has been sixteen years since he last saw her. Where were her feathers? Was this really...
“My name is Dinomite. I’m the Number One Pro Hero in America and top Leader of the military group being stationed here in Japan.. My Quirk is Dino DNA – And as you could have guessed I transform into anything from the Cretaceous time period and back. We’re a trio of siblings similar to your Hero Group the Wild Wild Pussy Cats. And we are honored to be hosted by you all. We hope we can be of assistance.”
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stanskzseungmin · 5 years
Operation Miroh | Stray Kids Mafia! AU ~ Chapter 6
~ Masterlist ~
Chapters:  0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 
Mission Briefing
Location: Civilized Countryside // Codename: Lion’s Den / “Paradise”
Weather: Clear
Date: 20XX 
Time of Day : Afternoon
Mission Objective: Find out where the people disappear off to by getting captured yourselves.
Lee Know | Lee Minho
“I’m sorry. You want to do what?!” Minho exclaimed dramatically tearing off his gas mask and tossing it at you.
Minho was pacing back and forth running his hand through his hair. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” your voice had a slight whine to it. “I know it’s bad, but what other options do we have?”
“So let me get this straight, you want us to get captured. Taken away. Kidnapped!” Minho snapped.
“Yes,” you replied meekly.
“And worst of all, we’re going to be naked!” Minho threw up his hands in frustration.
“We’re not going to be-” you started.
Minho wore simple clothing: just a plain white long sleeve shirt with a short sleeve denim jacket thrown over it and was finished off with a pair of normal grey sweatpants. You both weren’t actually going to be naked, just stripped of your gear. You can’t bring anything along in order to not arouse suspicion towards you both.
“I got an idea,” Minho quickly stated turning 180 degrees dramatically for extra effect. 
You could almost see the light bulb popping over his head from how extra this man is.
“I need to see Felix!” Minho pointed at you waving his finger in response to the idea he was just enlightened by and disappeared out the door.
“I got it!” Minho rushed in with a leather harness that you recognized to be Felix’s.
“Kinky,” you snickered.
“Very funny,” Minho deadpanned at you.
“Yeah yeah,” you rolled your eyes playfully. “That’s actually a great idea.”
You walked up to him to look at the harness. You grabbed the leather straps in your hands to examine it closer. You slid your fingers into the loops that protruded out of the straps.
“You might actually be able to bring some of your reactants.”
“Yeah no shit, dummy,” Minho flicked your forehead. “I’m totally going to bring this just to get some good fuck when we get kidnapped.”
“Yea, totally. You’re not called MinHOE for a reason,” you smirked.
Minho reacted by attempting to kick you, but you quickly backed up giggling loudly.
“I might need some help putting it on,” Minho stated bluntly as he lifted up his white long sleeve exposing his torso.
“ASK FELIX!” you squeaked out throwing the harness at him and proceeded to cover your eyes facing the other direction.
“What should I bring?” Minho asked holding his shirt up as Felix buckled the straps on his body.
You were facing the other way with your eyes glued to your phone texting Chan. “I don’t know, this is your territory.”
“I think if you bring bottles the size of your standard remote gas canisters, you can bring quite a bit with you,” Felix recommended inserting his fingers into the loops checking the size. “It looks like it could fit.”
“Good idea, should I bring a detonator?” 
You and Felix shrugged.
“I’m going to bring a detonator,” Minho finalized.
“Yeah, you never know when you’re going to need it,” you replied.
Minho let out a gasp when suddenly he felt as if oxygen was punched out of him.
“Sorry,” Felix apologized. “It needs to be tight so it wouldn’t move under your shirt. Your shirt’s a bit thin so it might make the harness obvious.”
“For a sec, I thought you were going to kill me,” Minho chuckled to which Felix gave no response. “OUCH!”
“Sorry,” Felix shrugged.
“Thanks, Felix,” Minho pulled down his shirt.
“Yeah, thanks, Felix. Lifesaver,” you thanked with relief dripping from your words. 
“Yeah, no problem,” Felix turned to leave waving a small goodbye.
Minho gasped once more.  
“Great. What other bright idea did you come up with now?” You asked annoyed.
“I’ll be back again,” Minho rushed out of the room.
“...” “...”
You jolted in surprise when the sound of glass breaking echoed through the silent hallway.
“HEY! MINHO HYUNG!” you could hear Hyunjin’s voice echo loudly through the base.
“Uhh...” you didn’t know if you should be worried. 
Minho rushed back into the room crashing into the door slightly. In his hand held a small delicate brown glass bottle as he held it up to show you. His hair was noticeably disheveled as his collar hung desperately low on his shoulder exposing his collar bones. 
“Umm...” your mouth hung open as your eyebrow quirked up in confusion.
“I stole Hyunjin’s antifreeze,” Minho smirked victoriously.
Hyunjin always kept a small bottle of antifreeze on him (and forced Seungmin to carry one as well) to- well, prevent his wings from freezing at the joints or overheating in extreme use. 
Hyunjin came barreling into the room shortly after with a rather hefty medical textbook Hyunjin keeps around for “light reading.”
Just to dome Minho at the back of his head with said textbook.
“Meori appeuda,” Minho grumbled rubbing at the growing bump at the back of his head.
“You know, you could’ve ASKED Hyunjin for a bottle like a normal person,” you retorted.
Minho grumbled in annoyance. 
“Just go over the briefing again like you do instead of lecturing me,” Minho snapped punching your shoulder playfully. 
“I have a feeling that many of these villagers are going to be tempted to go to this paradise of theirs. They’re most definitely not going to be by the North entrance again after Chan and my...intrusion. So we need to find those people and just tag along,”
“Hopefully, we don’t get patted down,” Minho grumbled sticking his hand up his shirt to stick his fingers between the strap and the skin. “Why did Felix have to tighten it so much? I’m going to have marks.”
“Don’t be a baby,” you chuckled.
“Says the one who passes out like a light whenever injured,”
“There, you see them?” you whispered squeezing his hand lightly.
Minho pecked your temple lightly to keep up your couple facade. 
“Yea,” he breathed out against your hair. “Let’s go join their group.”
You both headed towards the group of civilians that held a small smile on their faces.
“Are you people heading towards paradise?” you asked with your voice hush.
They all nodded rather enthusiastically.
“You kids should come along,” a man suggested. “It’s better to escape from this hell.”
“Can we?” Minho pouted lightly.
“Yes, yes,” a woman perked up. “We’ll just say you’re our children.”
“Thank you,” you and Minho both bowed lightly making eye contact with each other momentarily. 
You followed the group quite a bit as they weaved in and out through the alleyways. The alleyways were dark yet utterly discreet. With how thin and dark these alleyways are, it’s no surprise how discreet it is with the lack of people. At the end of your little journey lies a cart similar to the animal cage cart from before. It seemed there was a small hidden away gate here. It looks so dirty and rusted as if it was unused.
“I didn’t know there was even a gate here,” a member of your group remarked.
You hid behind Minho upon sight of the gang of men that’s similarly dressed as those you and Chan have killed. Minho gripped your hand to calm you down.
“Just let me do the talking,” this nice woman from earlier whispered.
She walked up to the men ushering you and Minho closer to her.
“Momma,” Minho whimpered softly keeping up the act.
“Please sir, these are my children. Can we bring them along as well? As a mother I can not leave them behind.” 
The men had a scowl on their face looking at Minho and you hiding behind him. 
“Whatever, just put them in the cage, too,” one of them barked.
“Thank you thank you,” the woman bowed profusely. 
One by one, the men chained each of you up with their wrists in front of them. Minho and you remarked how heavily armed the men are. You noticed how a few of the men had pistol holsters strapped delicately on their thighs with an AK attached to a sling across their back. 
“What are you looking at?” the man chaining your wrists together sneered at you.
“Are you going to hurt us?” you whined with fear laced in your voice keeping up the act.
The man chuckled darkly. “Of course not,” sarcasm was laced in his voice. “We’re going to paradise.”
Suddenly everything went dark. The man wrapped a black cloth over your eyes effectively blindfolding you. You whined slightly keeping up your meek act. You were roughly handled as you felt yourself be handed by a rough calloused hand to another. You felt your shins come in contact with something hard. You hissed when pain traveled up your body and then you were tossed into what you assumed is the cage with your shoulder taking the brunt of the impact. You attempted to sit up when suddenly you felt a body press up against yours and a cheek nuzzling close to yours. Slight panic bubbled in your chest when your fight or flight instinct almost came kicking in when you vaguely felt the leather harness and the many small bottles Minho snuck with him as well as the familiar scent that is so uniquely Minho. You calmed down right then and there huddling closer to him. 
The ride was felt like it went on forever as if it was the slow marching towards death. No one made a sound, no one talked to each other. Whenever someone attempts a conversation, the escort men would instantly hush them and bang their guns against the metal bars of the cage. The only sounds you could hear was the wooden wheels scraping and bumping over the dirt path and rocks and the soft uniform clatter of horse hooves with the occasional horse huff and neigh as well as the footsteps of the men escorting you. But all you could concentrate on with the softly breathing of Minho as well as his steady and uniform heartbeat. You didn’t know how he’s able to remain so calm being blindfolded and chained up, but you were thankful. His steady heartbeat kept you sane. 
It felt as if days had passed. You couldn't tell how many but you knew overnight came along when the carts were stopped for a LONG period of time. You could faintly hear the crinkling of a fire and soft snores of the men escorting you as well as the other people in the cart with you. Sleep never came to you, not when your fight or flight tendency was consistently fired up. Minho can sense your unease so he would press his body against your placing a bit more of his weight on your body. You felt slight relief and you felt protected. You allowed sleep to take over your form, but you can not sleep comfortably with you jolting awake once in a while.
As you approached closer and closer to “paradise,” you noticed the air getting heavier and heavier with salt and you can hear the faint crashing of waves in the distance.
A beach? Paradise is a beach?
You felt the pathways get more rougher as the wheels run over much more bigger and sturdier rocks and the path became more gravel like. You can hear Minho grumble in annoyance after each and every bump in the road. You felt the cart slow to a stop as you and Minho jolted up into a sitting position. You hear one of the escort bang on what you assumed to be a wooden gate. 
“Hey! Open up!” Yea. It’s most definitely a gate.
As the gate open, you noted how heavy it sounded with how loud the creak on the hinges was and how it crumbled and crushed the gavel beneath the door as the door opened. You can hear the grunts of labor and more gravel being crushed. You could tell it would take multiple people to push the door open. You heard the door close behind you as the horses pulled your cage cart into what you assumed to be a compound. You faintly hear keys clatter as the door of the metal cage open. One by one the people were dragged out by the arms. You could hear their chains clattering on the ground and soft wows coming out of them. You felt Minho’s body getting dragged off of you with Minho grunting from the rough handling. Your heartbeat started beating faster in panic already missing Minho’s warmth. You can hear his chains clatter to the ground as another man enters the cage. 
“Don’t you dare get any closer,” you heard Minho growl out. You heard light shuffling as Minho shoved the man in the cage with you against the metal bars. The man growled in response as he jumped out. You felt Minho’s hands on you gently as he slowly guided you out of the cage. You briefly felt rough hands on your wrist as your chains become loose. Minho removed your blindfold. Your eyes immediately screwed shut from the bright light. Your eyes fluttered at bit adjusting to the light and you see Minho’s face in front of yours. 
“Hey,” he breathed out. “I got you.”
A man came behind you and shoved you forward.
“Don’t you dare,” Minho threatened grabbing at the man’s wrist.
He quickly got out of Minho’s hold. “Scram.” His command was simple yet stern. You grabbed Minho by the arm and dragged him away from the man. You saw Minho’s death glare on the man and you wanted to get out before Minho blows your cover with his temper. You both take a good look at your surroundings. Everything was walled off. Where there wasn’t a wall was the ocean. It was relatively empty. That woman from your previous mission was right, it was a place to rebuild. There were many empty frames for buildings and the people were scattered, each with individual jobs. There were those mixing cement, those sawing wood, etc and there were some lounging around. You noted the several heavily armed guards around the walls. 
“Doesn’t look like freedom to me with this many armed guards,” Minho stated.
You made eye contact with him. You cocked your head to the side signalling to Minho. Minho nodded in understanding as you both split up. You decided to interact with the people to find as much info as you can about this place. You noticed a woman that looked somewhat familiar. She was stood before a table as she kneaded dough. 
“Is that...the missing baker?” you whispered to yourself.
You walked up to her.
“Excuse me?” you whispered tapping on her shoulder lightly.
“Oh good day, sweetie,” she beamed happily. She looked to be middle aged with light wrinkles on her face, but she was as happy as someone hitting the jackpot. “If you want some bread, you got to wait for another hour. I’m whipping a fresh batch.”
“Oh, thank you,” you breathed out. “Are you the baker from the country village?”
“Oh yes! I am so glad to escape from the walls of that village. This place is utterly divine.”
“What do you mean? There was nothing wrong with that village.”
“There were many dangers hidden outside the walls and every one knows that the dangers are now inside the walls,”
“Are you happy here?”
“Oh absolutely, I wrote to my sister to come to this place. The ride here was a bit long and uncomfortable but it was so worth it,”
“I see...” you trailed off.
“Now excuse me darling, this bread isn’t going to make itself.”
You moved onto the next group of people. They were huddled together and seemed to be… dancing? You saw Minho with them clearly outdancing the people. The people looked as if they were chickens running around without a head. 
“Minho, what the fuck?” you whispered/yelled at him.
“Excuse me,” Minho called out to them walking over to you. 
“What are you doing?” you seethed. 
“Blending in,” Minho shrugged. “They’re celebrating.”
“Celebrating what?”
“A new life. They are happy here,” Minho stated.
“But why?”
“That’s what we need to find out.”
You and Minho split up again. 
You decided to talk to what seemed like the elected leader of the people. He stood overlooking the construction. You knew he wasn’t a guard due to the lack of weapons and the lack of a threatening appearance. 
“Good day,” he greeted. “Are you new here?”
“Yeah, ” you nodded softly. “People look happy here.”
“That’s because they are. Here we benefit from each other, we share and reward each other with fruits of our own labor. It’s truly freedom.”
“Forgive me, but it doesn’t really look like freedom being locked within these walls with armed men breathing down your necks.”
“It’s less unnerving than the walled village under a government that can turn on you at any moment of the day,” he explained. “Besides, these men don’t get in our way as long as we stay away and offer them tributes.”
“So essentially nothing changed,” you grumbled to yourself.
“You’ll get used to it,” the man in charge patted your shoulder in encouragement. 
Meanwhile, Minho was taking in the surroundings to see what opportunities can come up. Even though Minho has some of his reactants, you however are fully ungeared. You do not even have a knife. Minho carefully analyzed what is present before him. The wall looked man-made and relatively recently made too. It doesn’t look too too stable. It looked brittle enough for a simple explosion to take it down. He made note of the resources he saw before him. He could use some fertilizer from the farmland and some gunpowder if he is able to steal a couple of guns to create that explosion.
There was something unsettling happening behind the scenes. The guards were too heavily armed. They do not need straight up automatic weapons just to keep watch over the people. It seems almost over kill. Minho noticed a guarded path where people are not allowed past. 
“Oh no,” Minho whispered to himself.
He noticed a very particular man talking to the guards. He vaguely recognized him, he could never forget that face as he balled up hands into a fist his knuckles turning white. It was that man. That bastard who caused that incident. Minho vividly remembers losing your body to a huge ball of fire. Now enraged, Minho dashed towards the brick wall that separated the path and quickly climbed over the short wall and ducking into the bush. That man continued walking up the guarded path. Minho followed from bush to bush using any wall and tree to obscure himself from the many guards. The man appeared to be meeting with his lieutenants of sorts. 
“We are wasting too much time and resources on these people,” the bastard ranted.
“But sir, if we tend to their paradise fantasy, they’ll be much more willing to help us.We just need more time-”
“Time? Time?! We do not HAVE time. Christopher Bang is now hot on our trail and he will not be so forgiving since we torched his member,” 
“But survival was slim, I doubt they’re still alive,”
“No, they’re alive. Did you forget how they killed our men? They could be here now!” the man threw his arms up in frustration. ”Make the people work, enslave them if you have to. We need to establish our influence then eliminate our enemies. No more gangs, no more mafias, just a singular empire. If the people slack, kill them.”
“Sir, look who we found,” two men appeared from where Minho came from with a man tied up in their arms. “The sly fucker tried to escape.”
“You lie about paradise, this is slavery!” the prisoner spat at them.
The man groaned rolling his eyes like a child. He then proceeded to grab a gun from one of the guards and gunned the prisoner down. The body ragdolled as it rolled slightly down the incline leaving a streak of red.
“Shit,” Minho cursed under his breath.
You assessed your situation. You very quickly went to work brooming the dirt floor. You didn’t really see the point brooming dirt just to expose more dirt, but it made you look busy. You noticed how a few of the workers here had light bruises decorating their body. So much for a paradise. It was more of enslavement and serfdom. As you were brooming, your eyes analyzed your surroundings. You were unarmored and unarmed, you needed something to defend yourself. You noticed a guard heading in your direction. You discreetly started brooming closer to him as if you’re cleaning the path before him. The guard chuckled as pride swelled in his chest seeing you brooming the path before him as if he was royalty. As he walked past, you managed to swipe his knife attached to his belt at the small of his back and discreetly hid the blade within the sleeve of your hoodie.
You turned to leave before he noticed you invading his personal space. You accidentally walked straight into a chest. 
“Come with me,” Minho whispered harshly pulling you into an empty unfinished building.
“Minho, what is it?”
“This isn’t paradise, this is slavery. This paradise they’re setting up is so the people would be more willing to take on more arduous labor.”
“I can tell. Some workers had bruises on their bodies.”
“But the problem is, they will execute those who slack,”
“What the fuck?” you cursed under your breath. 
“And he’s here,” Minho whispered holding your hands delicately rubbing small circles on the back of your hand. 
Your breath hitched as your eyes widen. Suddenly it felt as if the world stopped moving around you as every sound faded to a deadly silence as your heart beat rapidly. The beating of your heart seem to echo deafeningly loud against your ear drums. 
“Hey, hey,” Minho shook you lightly snapping you out of your daze before pulling you into his arms.
“It’s alright. It’ll be alright,” Minho whispered into your ear. “I’ll fucking kill him for what he did to you.”
You wrapped your arms around him, burying your face into his shoulders as tears escaped your eyes. Minho tensed up slightly.
“Get the people out,” Minho said sternly.
You pulled backwards in shock looking deeply into his eyes.
“Do what you do best, rally the people who have a grudge and get them out.”
“And what are you going to do?” you whispered.
“I’m going to kill them all,” his face was dead serious. There was not a bit of sarcasm or jest within his words. 
“Minnie,” you began sobbing. “Minnie, please. Don’t do it. You’ll die.”
Minho looked directly into your eyes. He took your face delicately in his hands as if you were the most fragile thing in the world and gently kissed your forehead.
“That’s just the risk I’m going to take.”
Sorry for leaving it at a cliffhanger, it was originally going to be one large chapter but it’s SO FRICKING LONG.
Next chapter will be uploaded tomorrow
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Lanas day continued
We reached Yunas room and Gray was not in there.
“Where the fuck is Gray?” Joni announced
"I don’t know haven’t seen the fucker”
“Thank you Aiden!” I had assumed she would leave with that but she walked over and made herself a refreshment and found herself a place on the couch to sit.
I wondered if her and Gray had sex. I am pretty sure they don’t even though Grays smugness he seems to try to get people to think they do. She's with Noah anyhow I am pretty sure. Do they have sex? I have heard Jonis not the sexual type. Unsure if that's from her childhood or what. It spooks me out knowing so many people's intimate life stories. Yet Harry seems to get some sick pleasure of making sure everyone knows everyone else's past tragedies. I remember when they had to put me in the “worst life” contest I was disturbed them arguing about if getting raped or parents dying is worse. How can you even compare it? Spooky. Anyhow the room was popping from just a glance I noticed Aiden was here seemingly blazed outta his mind. Yuna by his side in a similar boat and camping with the pipe. Didn’t see Marcus but noticed his coat so he probably was here earlier, maybe he’ll come back. Natsu and Adam sat on the couch thumb wrestling loudly and Rikku sat in corner coloring in a colouring book.
Yuna definitely made her room welcoming and cozy for a large amount of people. She had two couches, 3 chairs, along with her bed for places to sit. Her table had on it numerous apparatus for smoking weed, plus a giant jar of weed next to it, a hookah, a cigar box filled with cigarettes and even another box filled with heroin paraphernalia for her other friends. She herself didn’t use, but she liked keeping it around for her friends. Our sin savior really was a saint.
She smiled warmly at me and busied herself asking if I needed anything and pulling out a chair for me.
“No I am good, thanks Yuna.”  I smiled. Yes, these were my people. Needed to reset after what I just went thru with Jenn. Should I mention to Aiden he probably was going to come home to an angry girlfriend? Nah best he finds out for himself and I leave myself out of it.
Aiden began busying himself making up a hit for him and Joni who yelled at him to make her one. I looked away. Even though I had seen people shooting up on multiple occasions it still made me feel a little weird watching it. I heard Joni swearing about missing her vein.
“Aidennn find a vein for meeee” She whined.
“What are you gonna do for me?’
“Please I’lll get Noah to suck your dick”
Aiden scoffed at this but proceeded to hook her up. He was incredible at finding veins I once saw him find one between his toes to use.
“Shit this stuff isn’t as good as Grays, where the fuck is he?” Joni said this while nodding. The junk could be 1% actual dope and 99% chocobo shit and she still would shoot it up.
“Well go find fucking Gray then.” Aiden made himself comfy leaning against Yuna for support. I wonder how Jenn would feel seeing this. Maybe that's why she doesn’t come around. I wanted to bring up the jealousy thing but was waiting for Marcus. Also probably better to do it with Aiden not in the room.
“THUMB WRESTLER CHAMPION OF THE WORLD FUCK YEA BITCHES.” Natsu got up and made a lap around the room. Accidentally kicking Rikkus shoe on his way around
“YOU STUPID FUCK WATCH WHERE YOU’RE GOING!!” Rikku got up and pushed Natsu who proceeded to fall over the table and knock many things over in the process. Yuna gently moved Aiden to a pillow then rushed to help him up and began cleaning up the mess. I got up to help her out and almost jumped out of my clothes, noticing christian in the corner. Was he here the whole time and I missed him? He’s so strange sometimes when I am in the dark in my room I swear to god he’s breathing in the corner.
Chrisitan smiled his creepy smile and spoke to me “Hm just sensing my presence?”
I thought he had to touch people to read their minds. I hope I am right on that.
“Yea sorry didn't see ya before”
He smiled knowingly at me and lurked back in his corner. I swear to god the corner go darker when he moved back in it.
“Nobody notices your ugly ass mug” Aiden flashed his raised lip smirk at Christian then stared at me. “Wait what the fuck are you doing in here get the fuck out I don’t need your dumb fuck self around right now.”
“When shall I return?’
“3:14 A.M now fuck off”
Christian lurked out of the room giving me strange smile on the way out. The guy gave me goosebumps.
Aiden seemed to notice I walked in now “Where have you been? You look weird”
Fuck is my uneasieness showing? Play it cool Lana. “umm I was-”
“We were hanging with Jenn ! Why don’t you bring her around more Aiden? She’s soooo much fun!” Joni giggled and lurked around looking for fresh booze.
Aiden stared at her not seeming to know if she was joking or not. For being as sarcastic as he is, he seems to have difficulty picking it up himself.
“Why were you with Jenn?” Oh shit his paranoia seemed to be coming out.
I quickly spoke before Joni could fuck it up “I was looking for some mascara and I assumined she had some. We just hung out a bit.”
“She kicked us out, she just freaked out, out of nowhere.” Joni either forgot about the cigarette dropping or didn’t feel that was relevant to Jenn freaking out.
“Oh no is she alright?” Yuna looked at us with real concern. I wonder if she knows Jenn’s feelings towards her. Not that it would change her concern. She still worries over Axel. The flaming fuck of a person who not even sure why they still keep him around.
“Oh yeah she's fine, she just got upset over her pants.”
Aiden seemed to cool off after this, I assume she freaked out over her clothes a lot so he didn’t need to venture into why she freaked out. Their relationship has always been a curiosity to me. How the hell did those two end up? It would be like if I got with Thomas, or worse Harry.
Marcus meandered in with Buddy and retook his chair with his jacket. Before this though he walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I grew so giddy inside. Marcus rarely showed physical affection to me in public. Butterflies swam around in my stomach.
I wanted to be with Marcus so bad, pathetically so. We kinda were in ways like we had sex regularly enough. I knew he cared about me too but dating just wasn’t his style. At least to me since I knew he had a girlfriend named Lisa for quite some time. He had various reasons why we weren’t boyfriend/girlfriend. Generally being about his camp and it not being a suitable place to date. But its like we are gonna at this camp literally forever and we didn;t age or die so couldn’t even escape it in that way. We had in past had some people as they put it “actually die” but we always had to go on a mission then to do something weird like get a stone or a potion or something and then they were brought back. So yea previous point confirmed, couldn’t actually die. I also suspected he liked to keep himself available for any other girl he wanted to have sex with. That I would be okay with, I can do an open relationship I like sex as much as the next guy. It just sucks and so confusing. Some days he’s all loving and super into me. Then other days its like he’s meeting me for the first time. For today thought it seems like the former, which perks my day up.
“Bro Marcus guess whose the thumb wrestler champion?”
“Wild guess, you? Perhaps?”
“Yea bro its me, wanna challenge the pro?”
“Mmmm perhaps after I have trained up. Wouldn’t want to give you such an inadequate fight.”
“Aight brah! I gonna remember this and then “ Natsu blew on both thumbs then proceeded to double thumbs up “Its on!!!”
“Take on the thumb it get you numb. Fight with all your might but Natsu’s know shiatsu and them thumbs leave ya a bum” Adam rapped
“BROOOOO that was fuckin tight !! Gimme 5!” Natsu and Adam did a minute long handshake that they musta had to have rehearsed at least 100 times.
“Aww my dear Lana where have you been I was looking for you.”
“I was hanging with Jenn.” oh right I was hanging with Jenn! I have to tell him the findings.
Still gotta wait for Aiden to leave though, damn. I decided to try to speed that up. “Idk maybe you should check on Jenn she did seem pretty upset.”
He scowled at me and I was terrified he was gonna flip out.
“Dude I go check on her, she likes me” Natsu stated this with so much conviction for a second I believed him
“You stay the fuck away from her.” I think if Aiden wasn’t so high he woulda been a lot more scary at this point.
“Nah bro you sit tight me and Adam got this come on bro.” They got up rather quickly and huddled out of the room. Aiden at this sighed grabbed his gear and followed them out.
“Damn white people be actin crazy all day” Buddy began rolling himself a blunt and shakin his head muttering about white folks. We didn’t really notice skin colour in Spira, it was just race of Al Bhed but here they seem to hate black people. I feel bad for Buddy in both worlds he’s looked down on. I guess apartly after Yuna saved the world, Al Bheds gotta get a lot more involved in shit. I missed that though, didn’t get to benefit from the perks of sin being gone.
Joni rolled herself outta the bed and muttered about finding Gray and also departed the room.
Marcus turned himself towards me “So you were with Jenn? No wonder I couldn’t find you I would not have assumed you two would be together.”
“Well I went in there to kinda see what Jenn was all about.”
“Wait Lana shut up I am calling Jesse, I know he’ll wanna hear about this.” Rikku took out her phone and loudly yelled into it “JESSE GET THE FUCK IN YUNAS ROOM WE TALKING SHIT ON JENN.”
“I wouldn’t say we talking shit on Je--”
“Lana shut up you know its gossip and you know theres only shit to talk about with her. She suckssss so bad.”
Jesse entered surprisingly fast. “YO YO bitches whats the 404?”
“Whats 404.” Rikku asked while pulling her skirt up some before pushing Jesse on a chair and planting her ass right on his dick. Smiling mischievously while doing so and winking at him.
“Ya know hot gos, ins and outs, whats the fad”
“hee hee your so funny.” She then proceeded to intensely make out with him
“So Lana relay your information to us” Marcus smiled and patted the chair next to his
I moved into it and he pulled it closer to his to place his hand on my thigh. Fuck I loved it
“Okay well me and Joni were in there, well first Gray but he left and Joni was in there looking for Gray but well anyhow Yuna got brought up and she seems like shes like jealous of Yuna.”
Rikku peeled her face off Jesses at this “OMG no way thats so funny and like she probably totally is cause shes such a cunt and Yunies the bestest!”
Buddy laughed slapping his knee while doing so “Man dat girl don’t got no sense to her.”
“I feel Jenn probably sees some threat in our dear Yuna here, yet if she would really grasp who Yuna is, she would realize that everything is in order.” Marcus proclaimed. His hand was rubbing back and forth up my thigh.
Yuna looked quite flustered at all this and grabbed the blunt from Buddy to take a surprising large hit for her frame. Exhaling with ease and no coughing. Impressive.
Sighing she sat in the bed “I don’t understand why she would be jealous of me, shes so beautiful and wonderful and a fantastic artist I just don’t see it.”
“Yunie shes jealous your gonna fuck Aiden !”
Yuna blushed and looked down “Oh I didn’t realize she felt that way.”
“Damn she should be jealous if that boy had any brains he should get with you, your a steal girlie.” Buddy pinched her shoulders a little and Yuna laid her head on his.
“Oh Buddy your the best friend a girl could have!”
“Seriously though Jenns a-” Jesse looked both ways dramatically for effect then hollered “A BIIITTCHHHH”
Rikku laughed her bimbo laugh she used specifically when flirting with dudes “Shes more like a class A cunt with a pretty face, I hate her.”
Rikkus bitcheness was impressively callous.
“I wouldn’t call her that, I would say she is more ,perhaps, confused. A confused girl in a hard world she hasn’t fully come to grasp.”
Passing outside the door I noticed Gray and Marcus called out to him
“Oh there you are Gray, please come join us. Lana’s observations have led us to discuss, why Jenn has a special hatred for our dear Yuna here.”
Gray looked in on us. He looked like he had seen a ghost. He looked like shit
----then to your story----
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dontshootmespence · 7 years
A Bit of Serendipity
A/N: An anon request for a Spencer x Reader where he gets hurt on a case and ends up in the hospital, where he meets the reader, a nurse. He’s been on a lot of painkillers, so he starts flirting with the reader while the team is right there. I placed this in season 10. @coveofmemories @sexualemobitch @jamiemelyn @unstoppableangel8 @iammostdefinitelyonfire26 @hogwarts-konoha
“We’re really glad you’re okay,” Kate said, looking down and stifling a laugh as Spencer’s eyes drifted from one end of the room to another. After a harrowing week-long case, Spencer was left with yet another bullet wound to show for his hard work. Thankfully, it was a through-and-through on his arm, but the pain was excruciating, so Spencer was on copious quantities of drugs. He needed them to get through the pain, but Hotch made a note to himself to check in with Spencer after he was out of the hospital to ensure that the drugs hadn’t had a long-lasting effect on him. After the case in Atlanta more than eight years earlier, he didn’t want Reid to have to go through that again.
Spencer’s eyes couldn’t really focus, his gaze dreamily floating from one member of the team to the next. JJ, Kate, Hotch, Rossi and Morgan were nearby with Garcia flying in, even though Spencer told her not to while he was going into surgery to stitch up his gunshot wound. “I love you guys,” he said, practically falling asleep as the words fell heavily out of his mouth. “You don’t all have to be here. Go home. Get some sleep.”
“After what happened down in Texas last year, we are not taking that chance,” JJ said. Kate gave her a quizzical look. “I’ll tell you later. Plus, Spence? We’re in Idaho. Can’t go home.”
“Oh yea,” he said confused. “I forgot.”
Morgan couldn’t keep the smile off his face. He and the rest of the team had gotten Spencer drunk on occasion, but it was nothing like this. When he was drunk, he seemed slightly more outgoing and even more talkative, if one could imagine, but right now...right now, Morgan could only describe Spencer’s behavior as “high as fuck.”
Just as he was about to tease his ailing friend, a very beautiful nurse made her way into the room. “Hello everyone. My name is Y/N Y/L/N. I’m going to be Dr. Reid’s nurse for the night.” She could obviously tell he was higher than holy hell because she looked down with a grin and started talking, but not like she normally would; she was talking like she was trying to get through to a drunk man, because essentially she was. “Hello, Dr. Reid. Are you a medical doctor, or an academic doctor?”
“Academic,” he said smugly. “Three times over.” Hotch and Rossi sucked in their lips and stared at each other; this was going to be interesting.
Y/N giggled in JJ and Kate’s direction and turned back toward her patient. “Well, Dr. Reid, it seems like you are a very lucky man. Most of my patients don’t have visitors overflowing in their rooms.”
“Do I have a ton of people visiting me? Because I only have eyes for you right now.” Oh wow, he was really, really high. When Y/N looked toward her patient’s friends, they were stifling laughter. Apparently, he wasn’t normally so forward and flirty. 
After turning back toward him, the blush on her cheeks noticeable to anyone within a five-mile radius, she wrapped the blood pressure cuff around his upper arm. “Just want to check your blood pressure, Dr. Reid.”
“You can check whatever you want,” he slurred. The blush returned even stronger, probably telling his teammates that she would in fact, love to check out much more of the good doctor. He was very cute. He wasn’t wearing a ring and she was single and ready to mingle...so maybe...
JJ covered her mouth with her hands and turned to Kate to stifle her laughter into her shoulder. Even Kate, who hadn’t known the team for very long, was well aware that Spencer did not flirt - ever - especially not in front of people. He was going to regret this in the morning. 
Y/N removed the cuff. “All good. Are you in any pain?”
“None,” he said, craning is thumb back toward the morphine drip. “I’ve got the good stuff.” 
“That you do,” she laughed. “Do you have any questions you want to ask me? Anything you want to know about the surgery or when you’ll be discharged?”
Spencer thought for a moment, contemplating whether he had anything he needed to ask, but he was fine as wine. “No, I think the Doctor said it was a through-and-through,” he said, slurring his words again. “And that I can go home tomorrow. but I do have one question.”
“And your question is...?”
Spencer turned on the bed toward her, his wavy brown hair falling in front of his sleepy and drained brown eyes. “Are you always so pretty? Or am I on lots of drugs?”
“Well, Dr. Reid,” she replied with a laugh, “You are on a lot of drugs, but I’d like to think I’m pretty. Beauty and brains, you know?” She winked at him as she left the room, his teammates’ collective gazes following her as she picked up his chart and walked back to her station. She was scheduled to work until the next morning, so maybe off drugs, the sexy doctor might be still be interested; she had high hopes.
The next morning Spencer woke up in a fog, still in a slight bit of pain from the night before, but definitely much better off than he’d been before the medication. His teammates were all asleep on chairs around him, and he smiled, unable to adequately explain how lucky he felt having such amazing and caring friends.
One-by-one, they all woke up. “How are you feeling?” Rossi asked.
“Tired,” Spencer replied. “But ready to go home.” As he pushed up off the bed, he noticed the smiles on their faces. “Did something happen that’s particularly funny? Because you’re all looking at me weird?”
“You were so high on drugs last night, man,” Morgan laughed. “Do you remember anything?” Scratching his head, feeling like he was in desperate need of a shower, he tried to remember, but he couldn’t recall a thing and shook his head. 
“You got very flirty with your nurse.” He pointed out to where Y/N was getting tired. Overnights were hard, and she normally didn’t work them, but a friend had asked her to cover for him. “Called her pretty. Told her she could check you out-”
“Any part of you she could check out, if I remember correctly,” Kate laughed.
Spencer stared in awe at the beautiful nurse, his mouth hanging open as he tried to remember saying anything to her. “I did? And you were all here?”
They all nodded their heads in unison. “Lovely,” he said as he dropped his head into his hands and let out a light and exasperated laugh. 
Y/N returned one more time, less enthusiastic than the night before, which made sense considering how tired she was, but after another couple questions and the signing of some paperwork, Spencer had been discharged. Just as they were about to leave the room, Morgan clapped Spencer on the shoulder. “Just so you know, she mentioned something about beauty and brains and winked at you when she left the room last night, so your caregiver might be interested, if you wanna take a chance.” Swinging his leather jacket around his shoulders, Morgan let it snake around his arms before following the rest of the team outside to the car, which they’d take back to the airport to go home. 
He’d never really thought about a long-distance relationship or “getting to know you” relationship as the case may have been, but maybe he should give himself a chance. “Hello, Y/N?” He asked shakily as he approached her desk. “I just wanted to apologize for last night. I am normally not like that.”
“That’s okay,” she laughed. “Drugs will make you do funny things.”
Spencer swallowed thickly hoping that the words in his head came out as smoothly as he wanted them to. “Well, the thing is, I probably would have done something similar, maybe not as straightforward, but...you are very pretty.”
A blush crossed her face and he was immediately smitten. “Thank you,” she said. “I know you don’t live here, but if you’d like to get to know each other, give me a call.” With a smile, she passed him a small piece of paper with her name and number on it. “If you do give me a call, wait until at least 2 PM my time, because I am about to go home and sleep for the next six hours.”
“Will do,” he replied, his smile scrunched up as she walked past him and toward the door. 
Before she left, she turned back around and yelled down the hallway. “I wasn’t even supposed to work last night. I was covering for a friend.”
Spencer wouldn’t normally have been so comfortable, but something about her put him at ease. “Tell your friend thanks!” He yelled back. He didn’t really believe in fate, but as he looked down at the paper, he couldn’t help but feel a bit of serendipity. 
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iusetowrite · 7 years
Who Are You?
Who Are You?
Pairing: Gibbs x Reader
Words: 1,715
Warnings: Few Curse Words,(I think it’s a total of 3 or 4), mentions of blood, bang bang, Angst! Go back now if you can’t handle the heartbreak or tears, because I can’t deal either.
Author’s Note: Oh, Hey there again, NCIS will be popping out like traffic, and by traffic, I mean it’s going to be slow because after this one here, you’re either going to hate me, or cry too. I cried way too hard writing this. Why would I write such a thing? A simple mistake can simply be lead into something more atrocious by the one you love. Now you’re being nursed by your house. Gibbs here. Gibbs there. Gibbs not here anymore. Is this the Gibbs you known beforehand? You stay in the end, not because you’re weak, because that’s not Gibbs. “PLEASE HAVE TISSUE NEAR!” (Totally recommend listening to Celine Dion, “All By Myself.”) -Love Kelly
It was Friday, and you were happy that Gibbs gave everyone the day off, but he decided to stay behind at the office alone. You wondered why he does this, everyone deserves a break, especially Gibbs, it’s not a stress-free job. You laid upon the couch since he kissed you before he left for work this morning. With one of your legs propped on the coffee table, watching tv, you sat waiting for Gibbs. You glanced at the clock and it was 8:47, and have done absolutely nothing, not like you had a choice anyway. You groaned, turning off the tv. “Geez Gibbs! Where are you?” You sighed. As if the clouds of heaven heard you, the front door swung open to a bitter, pissed Gibbs. You jumped in response. Gibbs shut the door and walked into the kitchen mumbling a ‘sorry, long day.’
You watched him pace in the kitchen, grabbing a glass, then filling it with water. Watching Gibbs was like reading a book, he never let his guard down, but he was far from tense, he was livid, not verbally or physically, but he was mentally… Blaming himself. You didn’t know how long you were staring, but Gibbs was, now, hovering over you, glass clenched in his hand. “You know staring can get you in a whole lot of trouble.” He snarled. You glared at Gibbs in awe, staring in his eyes, seeing that they told a different story, and you knew exactly what. “Gibbs. You haven’t been studying about what happ-.” “Are you going to take the glass (Y/N).” Gibbs argued. You choked out an “oh”. Gibbs saw the hurt in your eyes now and hated that he caused more pain. “I’m going to change.” He spoke bluntly, slamming the glass on the side table. “Who are you?” You said aloud, showing the hurt in your voice. Gibbs stopped in his track, looking over his shoulder at your saddening figure. “Who ever you think I am.” He spatted, continuing his pace. “Well, you’re not Gibbs.” You croaked. Gibbs stood still in his tracks, now fully turning to face you. He scoffed then went to his room. Slamming the door, a tear rolled down your cheek. “Why is he eating himself like this?” You advised, wiping away the tear. You looked down at your leg. ‘Is this why he let us off today? You thought sadly. You went to touch your left leg. It was occupied in a brace from the incident three days ago.
Gibbs and you sat in your driveway after a long day at work. You guys, including the team, had been after a guy for three weeks, but he’d slip between our hands before we could capture him. You were texting your mum at the time, thanking her for the flowers she delivered. You smiled happily at the message and put your phone in your purse. Grabbing the flowers out the front seat and purse, you got out your car. Gibbs followed the same procedure, while grabbing the balloons and gifts, then setting the gifts on the ground. “What made you wear white? Gibbs questioned with a cheeky smile. “I don’t know, maybe I want to be the star of the show?” You giggled, setting down your purse and flowers beside your car. You had worn this beautiful white pants suit and you were glowing with each step you took, “An angel at that.” You had heard Gibbs whispered to Tony at work.
“Come on in, I’m making dinner tonight for the birthday girl.” Gibbs jested, balloons still in hand. You scoffed. “Probably the only time.” You chuckled. “Someone doubting me?” He warned. “Well, let me check the mail before you do.” Giving a wink. Gibbs bit his lips watching you walk to the mailbox, then to the area around you. Patrolling the area. As you were getting the mail, Gibbs noticed a car that looked similar to the guy they have been looking for. “Wow, Gibbs, there so much.” You spoke sweetly, knocking Gibbs out of his thoughts. Gibbs smirked at you, watching you look like a kid on Christmas Morning. Gibbs notice the car again, getting close to you, and seeing the dent that was in the hood of the car. That’s him! That’s the guy we’ve been looking for! “(Y/N).” Gibbs mumbled. “Wow, Gibbs, this is way more than I expected. I’m coming!” You chanted playfully. Like time, unexpected, everything went slower. The car came to a cruise and it slowly rolled down the window. In all what happened in thirty seconds, felt like hours. “(Y/N)!” Gibbs scolded, letting go of the balloons, grabbing his gun, running towards you, but it was like walking in quicksand. “Oh gosh Gibbs! My dad sent me one, I haven’t spoken to him in years.” You said rubbing your thumb against the card. You looked up to show Gibbs the card, but he was running towards you and you knew why. “The bastard’s behind me.” Was the last thing you said before crashing to the ground, cards flailing everywhere. Bullets impaling your leg and abdomen. Blood covering your white suit. All at once, time came back into play. “(Y/N)!” Gibbs yelled falling towards your body, tears prickling his eyes. The car skidded away.
Just hold on for me okay?! Dammit!” Gibbs stammered, tears coming in a downpour. Putting your head in his lap, he called 911.
You had woken to blinding lights and sharp pains shooting at your leg. You groaned, closing your eyes to ease the pain. You open them again to find Gibbs hovering over you. You will never forget how Gibbs looked and how he looked at you. He looked like a lost orphan, trying and hopelessly longing for someone to come get him. His hair was wadded up, eyes bloodshot, and a stubble appeared on his face. Gibbs quickly moved from over you and ran for assistance. “Doctor. Doctor, she’s awake.” Gibbs sputtered softly. You closed your eyes and tried to talk, but only got mumbles. “Don’t worry (Y/L/W), you’re going to be okay. You were shot twice, but luckily for your vest, you weren’t impaled in your abdomen. You were just shot in your leg. You’ll be out here before you know it.” The doctor explained. You weakly gave a hurt smile, closing your eyes again, but not opening them again.
“(Y/N)?” Gibbs questioned. …
“(Y/N)! Doctor help! (Y/N)!”
“(Y/N)!” Gibbs yelled. You gasped the little air you had. “Didn’t I tell you not to touch your leg?” He boasted. You quickly looked away so he couldn’t see the tears that were forming. “D’you you take your pills?” He questioned, looking at the still, sitting full glass he left for you earlier. “Yea-.” “No you didn’t, the glass is still full.” He interrupted. “I’ve been gone for 10 minutes, that’s how long the meds should kick in, and you’re going to have to sit here and suffer? Take the pills (Y/N).” Gibbs commanded harshly. You turned at who this was, cause surly this isn’t Gibbs. Gibbs eyes were as red as yours and held grief beyond repair. You didn’t ask any questions, for seeing Gibbs like this hurt you. Not knowing that tears were falling, you took the pills from Gibbs hand, and grabbed the water.
Gibbs let out an exasperated sigh, going to the kitchen to grab the med-kit, while you took the pills, Gibbs came back and removed the brace carefully, revealing the huge gash. Gibbs took in the image, by taking in a deep breath, and began cleaning it.
2 Minutes later
“(Y/N)! Will you sit still for 6 damn minutes!” Gibbs roared irritatedly. Gibbs looked at you and back to the huge gash from the incident. “Sorry.” Gibbs whispered reassuringly. It hurt like hell when Gibbs placed the alcohol pad against it, but he did it ever so slightly, not trying to hurt you any more. “Gibbs?” You asked softly. He wrapped your leg and put the brace back on, not responding to you. “You’re not eating yourself up about this? Are you?” You asked honestly, already knowing the answer. Gibbs held your leg in his hand, rubbing the bandage wound fighting back the tears. “Gib-.” “Stop. Stop telling me that I don’t need to beat myself up because I could have lost you!” Gibbs bellowed now forming a grip around your brace. “Gibbs.” You winced in a warning, reaching for Gibbs to stop, but something inside of him snapped. “It’s MY FAULT (Y/N)!!” Gibbs yelled in grief. Your shriek and cries filled the room as Gibbs clenched your leg. Looking in terror of what he had done, Gibbs let go of your leg. “(Y/N). (y/-, I-I’m sorry.” Gibbs apologizes, scurrying to the bedroom, leaving you a crying mess, by yourself.
Gibbs shut the door, putting his back against it. Breathing heavily of the little breath he had, everything came crashing down at once. He slid down the door sobbing. Leaving the both of you in bewilderment of who you are… To be continued.
-I HOPE YOU FEEL GREAT ABOUT YOURSELF, psych, nah, man, I feel terrible. 😂😂 That was dreadful, I was debating on whether to bring a part two or not, but this deserves it. :) Can’t wait for it. Hope your life is wonderful. -Love Kelly
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