#but y'all are godawful mean
aifasdoesthings · 29 days
Ngl I love Apex Legends, it's very fun and the mobility is top-tier and the mechanics are super cool!! However, I need to know why does everyone take the game so seriously to the point they complain about their playing experience in casual and non-BR mode like, 24/7. The tryharding is real and pointless. If you want professionalism, play ranked or make a league. I agree there's an imbalance in matchmaking though; but it's very awful for everyone to be at the end of godawful messages like, 4 out of 5 times you play.
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rocketbirdie · 14 hours
#hey y'all mind if i [HORRIFIC GUTTERAL SNARLING NOISES] real quick about something utterly inconsequential#ok! so:#listen i know this is gonna be a VERY controversial opinion but. generally i think macOS is a good operating system#and that apple's proprietary software is high quality and intuitive to use. never had any issues with 99.9% of my experiences.#that being said#FUCK imovie. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK were they fucking thinking with imovie.#every time i open this application it makes me want to gouge my eyes out and scream and rip something in half like a whiny toddler.#there are so many extremely simple problems with ZERO FUCKING SOLUTION WHATSOEVER#it's straight up impossible to use. every tiny thing you want to do you have to search it up in their horribly organized guidebook#and then the guidebook is outdated and useless which means you have to google search whatever it is you're trying to do#and the results are full of people with the same fucking problem with NO answers.#i just spent the past hour trying to figure out how to add a single PLAIN TEXT BOX to a video. that's how unusably bad imovie is.#and then there's people in the forums who are like. 'why would you want to add text lol videos are for watching not for reading. idiot'#SUBTITLES MOTHERFUCKER?????????????????? EVER CONSIDERED THAT??? NO OF COURSE YOU HAVEN'T. DIP SHITT#[FOAMING AT THE MOUTH WITH RAGE]#i've never had worse displeasure working with any other program in my entire life. godawful. why is it like this. FUCK#*DEEP BREATH*#ok i'm fine i just had to scream into the void for a moment lmao#you know how it is~👉👈🥺#back to your regularly scheduled blond man mockery
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chadsuke · 1 year
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Comics Read in 2023:
What Did You Eat Yesterday? Vol. 7 by Fumi Yoshinaga (2012)
What Did You Eat Yesterday? Vol. 8 by Fumi Yoshinaga (2014)
What Did You Eat Yesterday? Vol. 9 by Fumi Yoshinaga (2014)
What Did You Eat Yesterday? Vol. 10 by Fumi Yoshinaga (2015)
What Did You Eat Yesterday? Vol. 11 by Fumi Yoshinaga (2015)
What Did You Eat Yesterday? Vol. 12 by Fumi Yoshinaga (2016)
What Did You Eat Yesterday? Vol.13 by Fumi Yoshinaga (2017)
Bloom Into You Vol. 1 by Nakatani Nio (2015)
Bloom Into You Vol. 2 by Nakatani Nio (2016)
[ID: Covers of aforementioned books. End ID.]
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brain-empty · 2 years
oh its new years now usually I cant be fucked to say much since I've never rlly done much for new years but ngl to the mutual circle y'all fucking saved me during one of my worst mental points and I don't think I've ever rlly said that thank y'all imgiving y'all hugs and pats
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denim-wizard · 6 months
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My Little... Pirates? ((Aka I succumb to making a One Piece MLP AU)) ( part 1 // part 2 )
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It always starts as a style experiment or practice drawing something new of some sort but tbh there is a darkness within me that is steadily brewing anyways HEY Y'ALL WANT. HEADCANONS? (this took me weeks to finally finish and post)
Introducing the pirate captain Monkey Do, first mate Zephyr Roar , and the fighting-cook Blackhoof Sanji (aka Devil Dancer) Coming up with names is Hard. Let's talk about these fools a little bit, with lots of headcanon to spare. Monkey Do ( aka Monkey D. Luffy) is our earth pony protagonist, and is largely unchanged. His cutiemark is a top down view of his iconic straw hat (or... is it? Some might say it looks a bit like a sun...) and his special talent is leadership. Earthponies are known for many things, and Luffy encompasses those qualities wholly-- he's loyal and strong, and has an endless appetite. an appettite that still contains a frankly concerning amount of meat. This little pony is not a harbivore. Zephyr Roar (aka Roronoa Zoro, or just 'Zoro' as Monkey Do calls him) is a pegasus who's special talent is the self invented three-sword-style. Yes he holds the other two with his wings. No he does not fly. Zoro's a real special guy like that. He largerly perfers to face his enemies on the ground, turning that pegasi speed into pure power. He's mean, he's green, and he thinks dust baths constitute as real bathing. Blackhoof, aka Devil Dancer (Sanji) is a unicorn who's special talent is cooking. His magic gives him a serious wallop in battle, and the old fashioned metal shoes let his superheated kicks pack even more of a punch. His natural magic is fire, and his time on Momoiro helped him learn real levitation, two traits that are just as powerful in the kitchen as they are on the battlefield. For all the stereotypes about unicorns that he breaks, Dancer enforces just as many-- he's prissy, wears fancy clothes, and he even shaves the fluffy fetlocks on his front legs to avoid contaimination while cooking. He's also got a taste for sweet things-- if the lollipop stick in his mouth was any indication. (if he still sounds like the godawful 4kids dub is for you to decide)
That's all I've got to say about these guys for now, and I hope you enjoy--I watched mlp as a kid and now that it's making it's resurgence I feel like I have a weird amount of thoughts about it. Headcanon and lore explanations my beloved. my ask box is always open, feel free to tell me who you'd like to see next. commissions open soon, hopefully
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mewos-laptop · 5 months
Yoooo intro post ???? ‼‼‼
Hey gamers, uhhh I'm Mewo/Albedo/Fruity and this is my general/mix of so much shit blog !!! My other one is strictly alterhuman based primarily, but I wanted one that my irl friends are permitted to be privy to lmao
Abt me: I'm queer, generally using the label "gay" for myself, an agender trans boy, and polyamorous aromantic/fictoromantic. I use a shit ton of pronouns, but I primarily use it/its, xey/xem, and rlly any noun neopronouns. I also use he/him, however I am brought much joy by my neopronouns being used, so he/him is secondary :P. I'm diagnosed with clinical anxiety (over most of the anxiety disorder spectrum, so including OCD and social), depression, and Hypermobile Spectrum Disorder (HSD), and am self diagnosed autistic, ADHD, and BPD.
I'm a singlet who will sometimes use we/us pronouns !!!! This is because I have severe separation of myself and my emotions and actions. I am aware and conscious that I am a single person logistically, however my lack of identity and moodswings cause me to feel that separation of self.
SPEAKING OF WHO I AM, KIN LIST JUST DROPPED Y'ALL (Subject to change/being outdated bc I don't have enough time in my day to add and remove every single questioning kin everytime smth happens in my brain XD)
We also have a list of "emotions" which may take hold, and information about them.
I'm an alterhuman, a xenogender user, and generally the cringiest person you'll meet !!! My interests that I'm gonna post abt mostly are alt fashion/fashion in general, OMORI/rlly just my friend's OMORI posts, my friend's writing projects, my own writing projects, Regretivator, various mental health stuff, and rlly just anything in general that I like (speaking of which check out Carolina Magat on YT/The Nursery Series my friend [@valleyfthdolls] makes it and it's cool and I play Cody hehe)
I'm a scene kid in style/music taste and a punk in ideals, sparkledog nightmare cringe boyfailure, baby Kandi kid, and the scary faggot transspecies the conservatives warned you about.
Oh yeah, I'm also a minor (16-18 age range) sooo NSFW/NSFT dni plsss Xp
Other DNI shit. I don't cover everything, but I do just block ppl who make me uncomfortable :3
-Including an entire new paragraph for this bc holy shit. THOSE WHO ARE NOT PLURAL WHO ENGAGE IN SYSCOURSE DO NOT INTERACT. No, I do NOT care abt your "hot takes" on endos, you are not plural, so leave it alone. I do not give a shit if sum1 is an endo, it literally has nothing to do w/ me, and I am not plural, so I do not understand that experience whatsoever. Leave it to plurals themselves to talk abt this shit, bc I am so tired of seeing singlets yap on and on abt endos.
-Identity police (specifically ppl who hate "conflicting" queer identities, bc literally sum1's identity has nothing to do w/ you XD), proshippers (I am fully aware it's fiction, no, I do not hate those who engage with hard topics in fiction, but that does not mean I want the romanticized view of those things for the titillation of the viewer on my dash, ESPECIALLY due to it triggering my intrusive thoughts), racists, homophobes, transphobes, Zionists, pro-cringeculture, anti-recovery blogs, anti-alterhuman, intersexists, radfems, blah blah blah y'all get it.
BYI: I will post the occasional vent, I have a godawful memory, and I am severely mentally ill. I will often react before thinking when I am in states of distress, and my BPD can make me inappropriately angry, or inappropriately emotional. I have a hard time remembering trigger tags at times due to my bad memory, so please give me gentle reminders if I mistag something, or if I forget to tag something for you. Just in general, if I do something that makes you uncomfortable, give me a gentle reminder, because chances are I just literally didn't realize/or I forgot.
Alr bye bye :3
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inevitably-johnlocked · 8 months
I just came accross your replies to my book Irene rant. Yes as we both agree book Irene was great. As an individual character. I don't see ship there and in BBC? There's no ship but cruelty. Irene is cruel and BBC Sherlock was visibly uncomfortable with her thoughts and messages. And Sherlock being human, in TBB did people notice how he comforted Sarah? He's always human. Irene Adler in BBC just used it. Worst depiction of empowering woman. As a woman it's a disgrace.
(referencing this post)
Hey Nonny!
Yeah, Sherlock most definitely was not enjoying himself in ASiB, and I'm always boggled when people think it was "hot". I dunno, it's not my jam, honestly.
I think in her own way, BBC Irene was a good character, but they just... kind of "fetishized" her, for a lack of a better word (it's not what I mean, but it's more like Mofftiss have this weird "hurting Sherlock" kink and it's just kind of off??). All the women in the show inevitably get washed away somehow, or written out of character to how they were initially written (and this is only including "main" recurring characters):
Molly => Reduced back to S1E1 Molly, simpering over Sherlock after they established her to be a character who grew out of her crush on Sherlock
Donovan => In trying to make her a "strong character" they instead reduced her to stereotypes and then inevitably she just... was never seen again.
Anthea => Just disappeared, no mention of her character, if she was even still Myc's assistant
Sarah => Literally disappeared from the show, never to see her again
Mrs Hudson => WTF was her characterization in S4?? The car thing was so bloody weird, like out of nowhere
Irene => Reduced to a sex joke
Mary => Was going to be a badass villain and instead had the shittiest "redemption arc" that all the characters essentially idolized her for some godawful reason
Hopkins => I put her on here because she was LITERALLY HEAVILY PROMOTED as a new main character in S4 before it aired... and then she was only a one-note side joke with three lines of dialogue in one episode. Never showed up again after T6T.
Euros => Don't.... even get me started on her. Was some weird X-Man supervillain, who's entire arc was... needing a hug from Sherlock.
And I was also gonna add Baby Watson here too, but she's more an issue of "introducing a baby into a show and have it disappear when it's inconvenient" kind of trope.
Bleh, and I know this is ALL nitpicking and all my opinion, so it's fine if y'all disagree. I love this show a lot, and it's frustrating that it has HUGE gaping flaws in it, LOL. Anyway.
I think all the characters on the show ARE great characters, they just suffer from Moffat's inevitable decline in writing the longer something goes on when he's in charge, LOL.
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wrecking · 6 months
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splatoon fans witness my opinions and give me thoughts/feelings/etc.
elaborations, thoughts, etc. under cut (long af sorry i'm autistic)
specifics on map versions i'm referring to in particular since there aren't dedicated icons for every map iteration:
splatoon 1 versions - flounder, mahi, ancho v, hammerhead, urchin, walleye, saltspray
splatoon 2 versions - the reef, snapper canal, port mack, moray, shellendorf, albacore, arowana, kelp, piranha, starfish, blackbelly, skipper, musselforge, goby, camp
splatoon 3 versions - makomart, romen, crableg, bluefin, humpback, mincemeat, undertow, museum, manta, marlin, inkblot, sturgeon, wahoo, hagglefish, umami, barnacle, shipshape, eeltail, brinewater, scorch
also some more specific notes on map/mode/game-specific details:
flounder s3 has some ok ideas but the rework drastically ruins some aspects that made the original great while marginally improving in other areas
mahi s3 kinda works but it's not mahi, zones in particular is really great tho. tc is funny and rm is ok at best but like it's at least kinda something. they should've just named it smth else + slightly tweaked visual/theme and no one would care
ancho v was gutted in 2
moray if it lost the uppermost layer would be in top 10, very fun imo and it's kind a classic it's just cumbersome to move around
hammerhead in 3 is a joke and would be in bottom tier if ranked separately
mincemeat is alright?? undertow is fun y'all just hate fighting for your lives
urchin rework in s1 is overrated but i think a rework in s3 would make it good genuinely
arowana s2 is fun, arowana s1 is a clusterfuck
kelp s2 is mostly bad but tower control layout is the best imo and i think the idea is there + kinda works, defs memorable
museum could be either interpretation but i like the gaps being filled in bc FUCK that
piranha specifically has to be s2 to be functional, s1's is a clusterfuck imo. also the s2 rainmaker layout is fun
manta s2 is dogshit except for the removed block in 3 and 3 sweeps it otherwise
marlin is like ancho v's spirit transported into a more lockout-heavy version of its s2 layout with some much needed additions
blackbelly s2 is the only one worth even considering, rainmaker on it is a blast
inkblot is never fun but it's passable, pls fix nintendo
sturgeon s2 rainmaker is the best version of the map by far, but the rest are ok
skipper kinda sucks all around but it has ideas. a rework would make it fun i think
hagglefish is unfun as hell but i like the idea and when it works it's alright
same with umami except the lockouts are even worse
barnacle has a couple of good ideas and an actually fun as fuck middle marred by the rest of it
shipshape is either the best in the series or a lockout nightmare, it deserves better tbh
walleye works in s1, in s2 it goes into bottom tier cuz holy shit
musselforge has always been bad but rainmaker is fun on it
goby is dogshit and i will hear no objections
eeltail beta design would be very high but the final version is horrendous, at least sometimes it's ok to exist on
brinewater is pretty but absolutely godawful to play on, pls fix
saltspray needs like its serpentine hell labyrinth reworked to even be playable, let alone the 40 billion walls that make it impossible to retake snipe easily, i will say rainmaker is kinda stupid fun tho (yes i'm that person)
camp needs a heavy spawn rework to prevent lockouts even in god damn turf war due to how poor the exit routes are. why are the back sides of walls climbable but not the fronts???
scorch beta would be much higher but no ways to back up and no ways to comfortably exist on plat or fight in mid means it's awful. rm/clams aren't bad but zones is arguably the worst map/mode in the series imo.
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celestialgloaming · 2 years
I'm still so shocked that I've not seen a godawful political take from someone with a Hayasaka pfp from the Starship Troopers insired ED yet. Like that ED is wild in the first place why /did/ they do a super direct starship troopers parody for their comedy romance anime? I mean it all gets linked well with the Kaguya - Moon Princess - Moth - Space Bugs thing and Shirogane's "I would simply drink the immortality potion then go to the moon one day". But yeah I remember back when season 1 and 2 aired Hayasaka fans were like the rancid weeby bigot type anime fans because she was the "best girl" and stuff and I guess she has some kind of appeal based on how she's hypercompetent but also super feminine even if that super feminine side really isn't the real her. Anyway y'all should read the manga because the anime barely gets to learning about who the real her is. That is that she's Extremely Fucking Gay. And also other stuff she is genuinely an amazing character and it sucks that she's the one that all the annoying fans latched onto.
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gammafish · 2 years
me: i dont consider my diabetes a disability. after 20 years, I’ve learned to live with it *takes one (1) single hormonal pill* also me: blood sugars skyrocketing, ketones in blood, nausea, headache, more than double insulin doses needed for +24h, checking blood sugars every hour, including at night to avoid hospitalisation
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medusalovessnakes · 3 years
So you're telling me, even tho K*saki looks like this, he still managed to get horny simps? I- y'all need some diety in your lives
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I was re-reading the manga with a friend when I remembered how hideous this son of wench looked like. I wanna wash my eyes with bleach. I REFUSE TO LOOK AT THIS PICTURE.
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rxkuyo · 2 years
can y'all believe I haven't touched a videogame in over 2 weeks ? feels bad man :')
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noscorpsaladerive · 5 years
fantasy world birth control is always such a wild ride
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ladymortimer · 6 years
The bf’s asleep, quickly it’s time to... go on and on about how much I love him and that he means the world to me. 💕💞💗💖 💕 💓💘💕
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homopsychology · 3 years
Have y'all seen the newest version of that godawful "genderbread person"?
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I mean, at this point they're just admitting gender means personality
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personality traits, jobs, hobbies, likes, and dislikes are listed as "gender identity things" rather than just... stuff that varies between all normal people
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remember when i said i was gonna write a "hawks gets stuck in a time loop" fic? well i'm like 99% sure i'm never gonna finish it, but i really liked this particular scene so here y'all go
platonic endhawks, mention of not-so-platonic dabihawks, mention of typical time loop angst, 1500 words of just the most self-indulgent h/c i've ever written. i go apeshit for mid-redemption-arc father figure endeavor, if you can't tell
To say what Hawks is expecting after his outburst wouldn’t really be accurate, since he’s not really thinking clearly enough to expect anything at all.
Honestly, he doesn’t give two shits. What does it matter? What does it matter if he just says screw it and blows up every relationship he has? What does it matter if Endeavor now thinks he’s lost every last shred of his sanity—and fuck it, maybe he has—if all of this is just gonna reset in a few days’ time?
At this point, what the fuck does it matter?
He’s still gonna have to have to watch Endeavor die over and over and over again. Same with Dabi. Same with who knows how many others. Rumi. Jeanist. Twice. Tsukuyomi. Shouto, and the rest of Endeavor’s kids. No matter what he does, this still ends with people he cares about in the ground. A knife in the back. A gaping scorched hole where vital organs should be. A whole body—a whole person, drained of all its blood or reduced to nothing but a pile of ashes.
He’s too busy thinking about how long he’s gonna be stuck watching this horror show over and over and over again to even begin to think straight. He’s exhausted. He’s done. Or, you know, he would be done. If he had that option.
So no, he’s not expecting anything.
But if he had been expecting anything, it sure as hell wouldn’t have been this: Endeavor, carefully and silently stepping up to where Hawks is sitting, leaning back against the opposite wall, and then sliding down until he’s sitting, too. The space is narrow; Endeavor’s boots are nearly touching the wall to Hawks’ right, until he pulls his knees up.
Then, calmly, so fucking bizarrely calmly, he asks, “How many times?”
Hawks blinks.
“I— what?”
“How many times have you…” Endeavor starts to say, then makes a vague gesture with one hand that might be meant to indicate the time loop, “… been through all this?”
Hawks stares at him for longer than is probably strictly reasonable, but, well, sue him. The question isn’t reasonable. It doesn’t make any sense, not unless—
“You believe me.”
Endeavor nods.
“You…” Hawks gulps. “You don’t think I’m insane.”
Because that’s— well, that’s insane.
“You’re a lot of things, Hawks, but insane isn’t one of them,” Endeavor says, and there’s nothing but open frankness on his face. “How many times?”
The lump in his throat swells a bit. Hawks swallows it down.
“I don’t know,” he admits. “I lost count.”
“So guess.”
Hawks huffs. “I— I don’t know. Fifty? Sixty?”
“Jesus.” Endeavor tips his head back against the wall, evidently letting that answer settle while he thinks. Then he says, “Alright. Catch me up, then. Where are you when it resets? How far back does it take you?”
“I— I don’t—” Hawks stammers then shakes his head. “What do you mean, how far back—? Catch you up? Endeavor, how the hell are you so calm about this? Why do you—? Why do you believe me?”
Endeavor frowns at him, and at least that’s something that makes sense, at least now he’s sort of looking at Hawks like he’s almost as insane as he sounds.
“Hawks,” he says, again so goddamn calm. “Why would I not believe you?”
“Because this is insane!”
“Yes, but so are a lot of things we deal with on a daily basis,” Endeavor reminds him. “This could be the work of someone with a strange Quirk we’ve never heard of. It’s not so insane that it’s impossible.”
He says that so casually, just posits a perfectly reasonable explanation to the thing that’s been torturing Hawks for fucking months, that for a second he thinks he might faint. Right here and right now.
Endeavor’s frown shifts, a crease deepening between his brows, and he asks, “Do I usually not believe you when you tell me?”
Hawks opens his mouth, then shuts it.
That is somehow all it takes for Endeavor to come to the right conclusion.
“This is… the first time you’ve told me,” Endeavor says, nodding to himself. “Well. I suppose that explains a lot. Even if it is mind-blowingly short sighted. But— Hawks, is this the first time you’ve told anyone? At all?”
Again, Hawks’ lack of an answer is all the answer he needs.
Endeavor sighs, and it’s a world-weary sort of sigh, an I-can’t-believe-this sort of sigh that suddenly makes Hawks feel very, very, very young. Like a useless little fucking kid, lost and scared and clutching a raggedy old plushie to his chest. Endeavor—the real Endeavor, the real deal, his coworker, his somewhat too human hero, the horribly shitty father to a guy he may or may not be in love with, and his friend somehow in spite of all of it—tilts his head to the side and massages his forehead for a second, and then he asks, “You’ve been through this, what? Fifty, sixty times? And it never once occurred to you, in all this time, to ask someone for help?”
He drops his hand and levels Hawks with an annoyed stare.
Hawks gulps down the lump in his throat, again, which doesn’t do much to steady his voice or hide how close he is to breaking down, again, but he manages to croak, “I’m, uh… I’m not too good at that, big guy. Never have been.”
Endeavor looks at him for a second, and then he nods. “Alright. Well, since you refuse to ask, I’m offering it anyway. What can I do to help?”
What can he—?
Hawks gulps for the third time. He thinks of— what was it, forty loops ago, or thirty-something, the first loop where he’d lost Endeavor, the first time Hawks had to watch him get burned down to smoldering bits of bone. He’d been trying to protect Hawks that time, planting his comparably more fireproof body between Hawks and Dabi, only to vastly underestimate exactly how hot Dabi’s flames could get. And then a few loops after that, when Hawks fucked up the timestream and Toga somehow got to Endeavor first, and he’d long since gone cold by the time Hawks found him. And then there’s the time that Hawks can barely stand remembering at all, the time Dabi managed to burn the whole Todoroki home down to cinders with Natsuo and Fuyumi and Rei inside, the time when all the fight seemed to drain right out of Endeavor, when Dabi had said, ah, come on, old man, you’re sucking all the fun out of this, at least fight back, before—
“Um,” Hawks says, squeezing his eyes shut and shoving the thought as far to the back of his mind as it’ll go. He’s shaking, and it’s annoying, because he can’t get it to stop.
What can I do to help?
“I— Can I, uh… Can I just—?” Hawks asks, pointing toward the spot on the wall opposite himself, right beside where Endeavor’s sitting.
Endeavor raises an eyebrow before his meaning seems to catch on, and then, without a word, he gestures with a tilt of his head, indicating the same spot. Hawks scrambles up, tucking his wings in close as he spins around and plants himself side-by-side with Endeavor instead. His right wing extends out as far as it needs to, while the left curls up, cramped between his back and Endeavor’s ribs as Hawks hunches forward and wraps his arms around his knees. The heat of Endeavor’s Quirk, even powered down as it is, tingles through his feathers. Because he’s alive. Alive and not burnt to ash, alive and not drained to empty, alive and not willingly and brokenly stepping right into death.
And then Endeavor lifts his arm up, and something about the warm weight of his arm falling over Hawks’ shoulders just— It fucking cracks something in half somewhere in the middle of his chest. He ducks his head down against his knees and tangles a hand in his hair, trying and failing to stop the hiccupping sob that shakes its way through him, and Endeavor…
Endeavor, shockingly, doesn’t tell him to pull it together. He doesn’t tell him that heroes are supposed to be, like, unbreakable symbols or pillars of strength or whatever the hell other kind of bullshit Hawks might have expected from him.
Instead, as Hawks wriggles his left wing out so it curls around Endeavor’s back, Endeavor sighs for maybe the millionth time, and he tightens his arm around Hawks’ shoulders, and he drops his chin on top of Hawks’ head, and he moves his hand slowly up and down Hawks’ upper arm. That’s it. Not a hug, not exactly, but something close to it, while Hawks maybe breaks down a little bit, and while he lets himself believe, for at least a few seconds, that he’s actually safe from all this, that as long as he’s under the arm of the Number One Hero then there’s not a force on Earth that can touch him. Not the League, not the Commission, not whatever godawful shit’s been throwing him back through these time loops over and over and over again. Not a single fucking thing.
“It’s alright,” Endeavor says, his voice reverberating through Hawks’ bones. Like it’s that simple. “It’s alright. We’ll figure this out.”
And, for at least a few seconds, Hawks lets himself believes that, too.
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