#at this point i swear taiju looked better
thebeeshaveknees · 8 months
@aenbyveryverygayperson Konton I blame you for getting me into Dr Stone
Okay so basically Evil Senku au-- but it's more complicated than that I swear
Senku is a bit more empathetic than canon. A bit less clinical.
He still puts Taiju in the miracle cave, still wakes him up, still wakes Tsukasa up, basically everything is the same except their conversation at the beach
Tsukasa asks Senku how he plans to revive everyone, what will happen then. Senku says the world will rebuild. Tsukasa mentions that all human possessions have rotted or rusted away. That countries would flounder and blame eachother, that people would try owning and taking and leaving nothing left so they can rent what they have out to those people already giving their skills and their lives to them, that even if they were lucky enough that a war wouldn't break out, progression would become competition, and freedom will be bought and sold once again.
And Senku knows. Senku isn't an idiot, he knows that what happened was terrifying, that rebuilding would be terrifying, he knew that fear made anger and anger made war. He understood that. He knew that. But he also knew that history repeated itself, that humans would rebuild, with or without him, that whoever they revived would have children and those children would have children and they would make war eventually. Senku didn't want war, but progress was more than that, and here was a pivotal point.
Tsukasa mentioned reviving children, mostly. Children and teenagers. Teaching them contrary to the world that died 3700 years ago. Tsukasa wanted there to be no technology, for the modern world to be forgotten.
Senku wanted to use the modern world, take the pieces he needed, leave the rest behind. He told Tsukasa this, told him that humans needed soap, and medicine, and food preserves and travel and indoor heating and agriculture. That if he could teach all the progress that was good, then it would let people grow and learn and make a new world that could sustain itself without them and without war. Tsukasa said any progress was dangerous. Senku said trying to stop progress was stupid, that directing it was the only way for it to last. Tsukasa agrees
They revive Yuzuriha and then go to a mountain to get a better vantage point because 3700 years can change geography in ways Senku can't predict. They see the fires, they find Ishigami village, Senku discovers Ruri and starts working on antibiotics. Tsukasa meets Chrome and understands Senku's point about progress. It's very slow going getting the village to like them, but Tsukasa keeps dissapearing every few days and coming back with more people between 15 and 25 willing to help. Eventually the village outside Ishigami is bigger than Ishigami itself, and Tsukasa does most of the leading, which suits Senku just fine, so long as Senku still gets help for what he needs.
Senku becomes something like a doctor, even when he's still building with Kaseki and Chrome, he focuses a lot on just keeping people safe, fed, and happy and teaching them how to do it themselves (mostly Chrome)
He doesn't like the idea of statue smashing, he convinces Tsukasa that statue smashing looks too gruesome, that he'll accidentally end up ruling by fear if he keeps it up, tells him it's better to give them graves like corpses.
Chrome is very curious about weapons from all that time ago, Senku describes the nuclear bomb and Chrome is no longer curious. He explains that since before he was born different countries had dozens, that everyone knew that if they started a third world war it would end the world they knew. Chrome is now cautious about learning about the old world.
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medusalovessnakes · 3 years
So you're telling me, even tho K*saki looks like this, he still managed to get horny simps? I- y'all need some diety in your lives
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I was re-reading the manga with a friend when I remembered how hideous this son of wench looked like. I wanna wash my eyes with bleach. I REFUSE TO LOOK AT THIS PICTURE.
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twindevilgang · 3 years
Violent S/O
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Characters: terano south, Izana Kurokawa, Rindou Haitani, taiju Shiba,
Warning: cursing, mentions of blood, smoking
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South loves your violent nature no doubt about it. It wants until later in your guys' relationship that south found out how violent you really are. Be through your worlds or actions. He saw you beating up one of his gang members after they refused to listen to you after South put you in charge while he went to go deal with something on his own. He stood by and watched as you hunched over to pick up one of his men from their collar and made him stand.
“Now you and your little friends are gonna to do what i tell you to do or, I’m going to break your fucking head open. Got that?”
Honestly, he thinks he fell head over heels all over again.
But at some point he had to intervene seeing as you had your back facing some of the men and one of them decided to strike you while you weren’t looking. It surprised everyone including you. The poor man didn’t even get a chance to explain before he was beaten and thrown by south. He took you back home to change because you were covered in blood. He would have asked you to marry him right then and there
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Izana was surprised by your violent nature to say the least. Because at first you're this lovely kind girl he falls for everyday and next you're beating up one of his members for calling you a traitor.
they didn’t think you had it in you to hurt a single fly more or less a gang member. So when one of the members came in crying to Izana that you had gone crazy and started beating the shit out of his friend ‘unexpectedly’. Let’s just say everyone stood quietly and watched
You were throwing punches left in right of the poor guy. Holding his hands down with your thighs as he had the place securely by his side.You held him done with your arm being placed on his neck, your figures clutching the fabric of his tenjiku jacket.
“ I am not the goddamn traitor. Do you understand me? You better get that through your fucking fat head. If you say it again I swear I’ll smash your fucking teeth in!” You grunted threw your teeth
He cried out an apology.
Izana was satisfied with you
“If you wanna worry about the goddamn traitor worry about your fucking friend who’s been selling tenjiku business to other gangs!”
Izana took you out to ice cream and got you a new shirt because you complained that it was bloody. He left the traitor to kakucho.
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Rindou sometimes forgets about you being a violent person and it sometimes shocks him. Although his older brother, ran, is the main reason for your sudden outburst of violence. Ran knows how to push your buttons and at this point he kinda deserves it. Him and his brother agreed on helping you and your mother on shoveling the drive through. Making the concrete floor visible seeing as it snowed about 2 inches last night. Ran didn’t feel like doing anything and he just stood their and watch you and his younger brother struggle.
“Ran get off your ass. You’re gonna shovel snow like the rest of us!”
“Don’t boss me around. I could simply ignore my morals and kick your ass!”
You and him started to bicker. Until your mother came out and asked if anything was wrong. All three of you put on a smile and said you guys were fine and once she closed the door you hit rans face with the back of the shovel. He fell backwards into the snow. Rindou held back a laughter as his brother held his bloody nose in pain.
“What was that about kicking my ass?”
All three of you had to go back inside to get bandages and a rags for Ran. Your mother wondered what happened but didn’t brother asking you three seeing as ran flipped you off and you kept glaring back at him.
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Taiju doesn’t care about your violent nature at all. Simply because he grew up to be violent himself. He finds it amusing that the littles things make you lose your temper and most people don’t suspect it because you look like you won’t ever hurt a single fly. Which is also the many reasons why taiju made you part of gang, the second in command, because gangs won’t know what hit them.
And that’s exactly the situation you were in. Your were amargas in a bad moss seeing as your boyfriend called you for an unexpected brawl In the middle of the night, and honestly you didn’t even wanted to be there in the first place. The last thing you wanted was the opposite gang getting on your last nerves for picking on you for being a girl, who so happened to be second-in-Command.
It wasn’t even been five minutes since you got there, and people are already making side comments about you. Their leader decided to push his own luck and walk up to you. With a smug look and a cigarette in between his fingers. You already knew where this was going.
He stopped in front of you. Taking a drag out of his cigarette, before leaning down . Blowing the cigarette smoke into your face. You could hear most of the Black dragon members gasp. Taiju laughed.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you” He warned.
The men who had blew smoke into your face chuckled, raising a brow “or what?” He took another huff and blew it right on your face again. You lost it.
You raised your fist in the air and give him a blow on his jaw. He stumbled, the cigarette falling out of his mouth and on to the ground. His hand came up to his jaw , placing it here you had hit him. He stood there mouth open in shocked
“You should’ve listen when you had a chance!”
Black dragons went home with another victory.
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simpforchuchu · 3 years
Request: fluff?
I saw that you're Turkish and as a fellow Turkish person I just had to request this-
Tokyo Revengers boys with a Turkish s/o😶🤭
I dont have any preferences on characters but I would be so happy if you included Haitani brothers and Sanzu
I love seeing Turkish people writing professionally on this app and not just be passive. I loved your writing style! Hope to see more, lots of love<3
Also small fun fact my friends and I call Hakkai Hakkari and Taiju Tanju!
Sanzu x Turkish reader x Kanto Manji
A/n: Merhabaa, isteğin için teşekkür ederim fjejjf Ben de Türkleri burada görünce aşırı mutlu oluyorum :)) Bunu yazarken çok eğlendim.Umarım seversin 😚🥰
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: swearing
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"Can you stop laughing now?"
Rin asked seriously as Ran and Hanma continued to laugh at Sanzu's sentence
"Now did I get it right? Is this the girl you talked about and fell in love with?"
Sanzu glanced at the tied girl Rin pointed at and nodded, while Hanma laughed and placed his hand on Sanzu's shoulder.
"You're really crazy man, I adore you"
Ran was still laughing, while Sanzu was looking at him angrily. Sanzu had been fond of a girl in one of the rival gangs for a while and wanted to be with her. The girl's fighting skills and beauty enchanted him. When he saw the girl without a mask, it was as if he had been shot in the brain, he could not think of anyone but her.
"I'll shoot you if you say one more nonsense Ran" Ran replied with a smile "Why did you kidnap her instead of talking to her"
At that time, when they heard a murmur, they all looked at the tied girl and took off the tape from her mouth. The young girl shouted.
"Orospu çocukları!" They all looked at each other in surprise. It was a language they did not know. When Sanzu looked at the young girl, he realized that she did not look Japanese at all. Then he remembered something he had heard. This girl was a Turk. The young girl shouted in Japanese this time "Sons of bitches! Untie my hands quickly or I'll kill you all!" Ran and Rin looked at each other and smiled as Hanma said with a laugh, "Congratulations, you look so good together!"
Sanzu swallowed and looked at the young girl and apologized.
"Look, I'm so sorry, but I needed to talk to you." "You could talk without kidnapping me, are you stupid?" As the others left the room, Sanzu untied the young girl's hands, and the young girl threw a punch at Sanzu. Sanzu thought he deserved this, and did nothing. The young girl sat on the ground, stroking the rope marks on her hands.
"What do you want to talk about girly?" The sanzu seemed taken.
"I... I like you a lot" Sanzu could not say anything more as the young girl looked in shock at what
he said with shame.
"You do realize that we are enemies, right?"
Sanzu shook his head. The young girl smiled with the sweetness of the fool infront of her and got up from the ground and walked towards the door. Sanzu did nothing and sadly lowered his head. "You'd better take me to a nice place tomorrow night" As Sanzu looked at the young girl in surprise, she too, smiling, walked out the door and left.
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laceymorganwrites · 5 years
The Genius idiot
Word Count: 2,138
Pairing: Senku x reader
Warnings: swearing
A/N: So guess who watched Dr Stone and is utterly in love with Senku?
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You didn´t like high school. At all. It was shit, the people thought you were weird and they were right, but being weird wasn´t a bad thing like they said it was. The teachers were all total nutjobs in midlife crises who didn´t have their shit together and took it out on you instead of teaching. And for fuck´s sake was the stuff they taught you boring.
The only good thing about the institution were the things you could out of the lessons, you were in the computer programming club for instance, you also were a member of the crafts club.
That´s where you met Yuzuriha, she was kind and sweet, quickly warming up to you.
You liked to think that you were friends, but when you saw her with her real friends Taiju and Senku, you knew you´d never belong anywhere like they did.
They were always hanging around and having fun, doing some science stuff you didn´t get.
It was none of your business anyway.
But still you were sad that you weren´t part of their friend group, they seemed to be so close and you wanted to be too. You never really bothered much with making friends, creating strong bonds with people in a relationship was something you never quite understood.
People were selfish, they only wanted others around them to make themselves feel better, to stop the cold loneliness that was creeping inside their hearts, to stop them from thinking about things they didn´t want to think about, about truths that couldn´t be denied.
Life wasn´t give and take. It was take all you can get and run as fast as you can.
Like there would be no consequences.
Surely enough though, you felt yourself become intrigued by the friend group, letting Yuzuriha introduce you to them.
You didn´t mind it as much as you thought you would, quite the opposite truly.
It was as if you finally found the true meaning of life, the source of genuine happiness and you finally understood why people glorified high school so much.
You never intended for people to get so close to you, never expected to have friends you could tell anything and feel save with.
And you sure as hell didn´t anticipate to fall in love with Senku.
You guessed it was the take of life after giving you friends.
It was like a sick joke, a sort of cruel humor Senku would appreciate if it didn´t involve him.
He was too busy to notice you anyway. Maybe it was better this way, but your mind couldn´t help but wander to him in the most irritating times.
Why did he have to be so cunning, charming, funny and have the same interests as you? And why did he have to be so devilishly handsome? And why did you have to fall for the person who made you feel so incredibly stupid all the time?
The only person who knew was Taiju and that was only because he too told you about his crush on Yuzuriha, even before Senku. He thought you could help him since you knew her.
It was nice having someone to talk about this embarrassing inconvenience without being judged or criticized. But that didn´t help the situation, so you two made a bet.
It was a win-win situation: it was a race who would confess first. And if things went good, the loser had to finance the first date. If it went bad however the loser had to make up a scheme that the confession was a lie and another bet.
You really tried to confess your feelings to Senku, on multiple occasions too. But he never seemed to get it, or rather you thought he did get it but simply wanted to avoid the topic to be able to concentrate more on his science experiments.
If you only knew how different the reality looked…
Senku might give the impression of complete disinterest in all things romantic, but really he was just scared of making a fool of himself, of being vulnerable, getting hurt, so he shut love out of his life.
Until he laid eyes on you that is.
And fuck did you turn his world upside down, he told no one, not even Taiju.
He was too embarrassed, after all those years of swearing never to bother in having a crush or something more, he didn´t want to admit defeat.
And when Senku thought you were giving him hints that his feelings were reciprocated by you, he suppressed every possibility of you getting together. Because that would mean he would have to initiate something, which he couldn´t do for the life of him even if he wanted to.
That was the downside of completely refusing gathering any knowledge on romance, love and honestly, just being a decent human being.
If it wasn´t science, he wasn´t interested in it.
To him, you were the embodiment of science and that was what scared him.
It especially scared him after the stone broke around his body.
He felt helpless and useless, trying to figure out how to get you back all those months.
3,700 years passed, it felt so unreal, like a number too big to count, all those years wasted.
You remembered waking up to a bunch of new faces alongside familiar ones.
The scenery was different. Very different.
“Where´s the school?” you asked, looking around and meeting Senku´s eyes looking at you with wonder, relief and another feeling you couldn´t quite identify. For an instance you thought it was the way you looked at him, but that couldn´t be.
It took a while to get used to the new circumstances, but with the quick explanation of the new faces and situation of the earth, you at least had some starting point.
Kohaku, a warrior from the village that Senku´s father built, which was still weird to you, led you to said village.
It was nice, people were running around happily and working one some science stuff.
For a world that was completely set back to year one, this fast progress wasn´t bad at all.
“You did all of this?” you asked Senku in awe, it was hard for you to hide your feelings around him after not seeing him for so long, even though it felt like yesterday. But then again, it would always feel that way with him.
He stopped in his tracks, somehow embarrassed by your praise and looked sideways.
“I could´ve never made it on my own though...” he admitted, it wasn´t like him, the Senku you knew would boast the shit about his success.
“You´re amazing, Senku! Bringing all those people together like that, building all of this… nobody could do it like you” you smiled at him and he swore his heart stopped for a second.
To avoid giving into you, he showed you around and introduced you to everyone.
They were all so nice and bright, so energetic, it was refreshing to be welcomed with such open, warm arms.
They explained their next big project and you immediately were woven into the daily routine. But you liked it that way, how else would you get used to this drastic change?
Senku was even more distant than before, but that was okay, he had much to do.
Well, it wasn´t really okay to you, but what did you expect from him? To confess feelings that weren´t there to you in such an important situation? It was vital to win the war to have the cellphone. You simply weren´t part of the plan. You never have been.
This revelation made you feel sad and lonely, especially since the whole village never seemed to shut up about Senku.
The priestess in particular sought you out to make you tell her all about him, that´s how you found yourself gushing about him to her and she gushed right back, making you like her and be jealous of her at the same time.
“You like him quite the bit, do you not?” she chuckled and you gulped before nodding.
“But don´t tell him, I don´t want to make things awkward. We have more important things to worry about right now” you sighed.
The priestess looked at you with an amused expression before chuckling mischievously.
“But he likes you too, I can tell, he´s different around you. There are no rules in love, I think that´s what makes him scared and unsure, he keeps talking about the rules, how if you follow them you will always get the right solution. I think he´s scared that there is no solution in approaching you.” she thought out loud.
“Don´t give me false hopes, he doesn´t have time to be in love nor is he interested in it” you groaned, it hurt to say it out loud.
Not wanting to dive deeper into the matter, you went back to the village where the others were.
You noticed Senku sitting away from the fire, closed off to himself, deep in thought.
Despite your better knowledge, you grabbed a blanket , walking up to him, thinking about how you shouldn´t all the way.
But now it was too late and you were awkwardly standing two feet away from him, stretching out the blanket.
“What are you doing?” he stated, eyeing you and the blanket.
His cold attitude made your heart sink, this was a stupid idea after all.
“I thought you might be cold” you quietly said, sinking the blanket and your gaze.
“And why do you care?” he mumbled, you were interrupting him sulking about how he couldn´t seem to approach you right.
“I don´t want you to be cold” you said bluntly, pondering about when the right moment to leave would be.
“But wouldn´t you be cold if you gave me the blanket?” Senku questioned, cocking an eyebrow at you.
“Yeah, but I don´t care, I can just sit nearer to the fire. I´ll be fine as long as I know you are” you answered truthfully, cursing yourself for saying too much.
“That´s illogical” he told you, making you groan.
“I know, Senku. That´s the whole point” you never heard of anyone that love was logical.
“I mean we could always share the blanket” Senku smirked, looking you straight in the eyes like a smug bastard. That wasn´t like him at all, but he regretted his bold words as soon as they left his mouth. This could only backfire.
“You...want to share a blanket...with me?” you repeated the question like an idiot.
“We are both cold, it is the only logical solution” Oh. What else did you expect? Your heart sunk to your knees and you let your shoulders drop.
“I think I´ll go back to the others” you numbly said, throwing the blanket next to him.
Why did you even try? There was a reason he was avoiding you after all.
“(Y/N), wait! I really want to share a blanket with you, but… it´s not because I´m cold” he rambled, blushing a bit at his own awkwardness. Why did he have to be like this? Why couldn´t he be smooth in those things?
You stopped in your tracks, looking at him in disbelief.
“This isn´t funny, Senku” you coldly told him, thinking he was only fucking with you.
“I know. It´s really not. It´s also not logical, at all. Nothing makes sense to me when you´re around but also everything does? If that makes sense...and I can´t concentrate and I don´t know how to feel about that but I know how I feel and… I´m an idiot” he fiddled with his fingers, wanting to take back every word he just said. You would just laugh at him. There was a reason why nobody liked him that way.
“It makes perfect sense, Senku. Because I´m an idiot too and I feel the same” you smiled at him clumsily.
Senku stood up abruptly, his eyes wide and shining with a ray of hope.
“(Y/N). Can I do the only thing that seems logical to me right now?” he said urgently.
You nodded subconsciously and before you could think about what he meant, his lips were on yours.
The suddenness of the kiss took your breath away for a minute, yet you adjusted quickly. It was like a mechanism which only worked when you two were together. You couldn´t help yourself but smile into the kiss as it commenced, you couldn´t believe this was happening. Senku´s hands were shaking as he put them on your waist, pulling you closer to him, making your heart jump.
It could´ve been a magical moment if it wasn´t for your stupid grin because you couldn´t help yourself and Senku´s clumsiness because how the fuck should he know how to kiss?
But none of that mattered, you´d figure it out together.
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owo-fow-the-souw · 5 years
Dr. Stone is not good (vent)
Before you say ‘don’t like don’t watch,’ just remember all of crunchyroll’s ads and the endless stream of aniyoutubers talking about it. It’s kind of unavoidable. I’m not calling for this show to be cancelled, but it’s irriating to see nothing but praise for this show.
Spoilers ahead
I’ve never read the manga, and I only heard about Dr. Stone through ads and anitubers. I stopped near the start of episode 10. I don’t know if the manga is better or if the plot will get good, but what I’ve seen doesn’t motivate me to continue.
I’ll start with some nitpicks. The op sucks ass. Ok, that was a bit dramatic. But for real, the song is kinda generic, and there’s enough lense flairs and filters to put Michael Bay to shame. There’s a few decent shots in there, but they’re hard to see through all the effects. Also the cgi is... well, it’s anime cgi. But it looks like fine art compared to the ed. The song is terrible, the visuals are wonky at best and dizzing at worst. It’s just a mess. Also how did the tribe get blue outfits in the stone age when blue is the hardest dye to make? Just kinda weird.
Onto the visuals. I’ll be honest, it’s not my cup of tea. I don’t like the whole ‘eyes far apart, mouth up high’ look. I do like that the characters are expressive (except the girls, but we’ll get to that later) but half the expressions are either too creepy or too wonky to do their job. The designs are... meh. Senku’s anime protagonist hair is pretty ugly. Green gradients are never very appealing. All the black lines (or cracks, I guess) are just ugly and unnessisary. Also, what’s that thing on Yuzuriha’s head and how did it not break off at some point? It’s distracting and ruins an otherwise fine design. Suika is my favorite, but her namesake melon does not look like a melon at all.
But a design is only as good as the character it’s attached to. Unfourtunately, the characters range from fine to annoying. Most of them (especially the girls) consist of a purpose and a quirk. Sukia spys and is shy. Kohaku is strong and gets angry. Ruri is sick. Senku is the most developed, but all of his interesting bits are pushed to the side in favor of catchphrases, repition, and hyping up very boring events. I swear I’ve seen his backstory 5 times now. We get it, he’s smart. Taiju was almost likable, but his constant screaming really made me dislike him. Yuzuriha is basically a personified goal who has as much personality as a statue (ha ha). So yeah, not a great cast.
So about the girls... you can really tell that the author draws hentai. The girls always make the same ‘mouth slightly open’ face unless it’s time for a ‘haha funny face anime gag.’ They really feel like objects or sexy plot devices, especially Ruri. Poor Ruri has a bad case of permenent o-face sydrome and is about as bland as a damsel in distress gets. Seriously, princess peach has more character than her.
As for the plot, it’s meh. It’s basically an isekai but without the magic. Lots of exposition, dubious science, and unneeded flashbacks. I remember thinking some parts were interesting, but I forgot them in the sea of blandness. It’s kind of hard to get excited about Senku making a lightbulb when I’m controling a flatscreen tv with my iphone while the ac is on full blast. I was hoping for a timeskip, or at least faster progress, but I guess it wouldn’t be the stone age if that happened. They also focused waaay to much on Senku’s fake-out death. It was painfully obvious that he wasn’t dead, and yet the show treated the audience like a toddler and acted like he really was dead for nearly a full episode. Just cut to the chase! For Gen’s fake-out death, they didn’t waste any time showing that he survived. The stage blood thing was really stupid. If the dude had actually pushed his spear in properly, Gen would be dead. But nah, it was practicly resting on top of him. There was no foreshadowing (that I can remember) and no reason he couldn’t have just gotten hurt and miraculously survived by pure chance. Admittedly, I fell for it at first and now I feel like an idiot. Gen seemed like a disposable character, and I thought his death would set some real stakes and take the plot in a new direction. But no, he’ll be fine. Everyone is fine. Nobody will ever die, and the plot will always go exactly where they say it will go. Or at least that’s what I got from that scene. I stopped there.
Ok rant over bye.
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Stars Align 5 - 8 | Dr Stone 19 - 21 | Shinchou Yuusha 6 - 8 | No Guns Life 6 - 7 | BnHA 67 | Iruma-kun 7
Stars Align 5
Geepers, I accidentally read some spoilers before watching this episode…so I realised that the person in te clubroom was Toma without his glasses, but it took me a bit to realise still.
Don’t give Maki’s father your name, Toma. Names are weapons for guys like him!
It’s ben a while since I’ve done this type of maths, although the answer appears to be correct.
Huh? The ED went straight to the teachers instead of going to Kinuyo/Ruriha/Kaori (whatever her name is)…
Oh! That heart gesture hints at the fact he has a sister (I’ve forgotten the guy’s name though) – he might’ve learnt some dance choreography from watching idols or magical girls with her. Update: That’s Shingo.
Dr Stone 19
Rule no. 2 of shonen – don’t underestimate the bishonen.
The guy who kinda looks like Kirishima with orange hair is definitely going to be important…(rule no. ???? of anime).
Ooh! The themes I thought would never came back…came back!
Some people do consider underpaying people a modern form of slavery, y’know.
Does Tsukasa always have to be called “the strongest primate”, though…? It’s a badass title, to be sure, but it certainly wouldn’t be said a lot in a normal conversation.
Judging by the flame (homura) she carries, I’d wager her name is Homu-oh, dangit. Her name really is Homura!
Senku teaches Fire Safety 101.
Ginro’s not holding his bokuto (wooden kendo practice sword) anymore…hmm.
I didn’t think Sulfuric Acid lady would be back…ever.
The funny thing is that Tsukasa seems to be a gender-neutral name, so telling the brawny men to “go suck on Mommy Tsukasa’s teat”…LOL.
Hyoga has that mask thing of his anyway, so he’s probably better off than, say, Homura.
Is that a Death Star??????!!!!
Kensaku means “search”.
Cell phone…you’d need extensive knowledge of electronics and/or IT and architecture (for the larger networks, or at least the towers) to get one running.
“…who’ll be our double agent?” – No duh. It’s either Gen (as suggested in the scene just before) or Taiju and/or Yuzuriha.
I never thought a smartphone would make me feel sad for what has gone before, but it just did when all these quotes from the past came through.
Okay, so one of the ingredients is steel (hagane).
I love how Gen gets the wine image. He’s a stage magician, so his fancy suit matches the image of a sommelier.
Byakuya seems to be the one represented in the battery image.
BnHA 67
Yay! Amajiki, my booooooooooy!
Shinchou Yuusha 6
I never thought I’d say this to my seasonal husbandos – I don’t even say this about zaShunina, the random yandere – but…Seiya, you a**hole!
Lemme guess…Seiya’s gonna use some speed seeds?
I read on Leviae’s status earlier that she has an immunity towards fire…*gulp*
A nurikabe is a wall youkai that blocks travel, while a hyosube lives in a river and eats rice plants.
What’s the age gap between Mash and Elulu? I know Mash is hot enough (in the manga) to be compltly within my range, so I’d say he’s about 16 at the youngest, but Elulu is, what, 12…? Update: There’s no real indication as to what the characters’ ages are, but Mash is lvl 16 and Elulu is lvl 8.
Ooh, this is new! Seiya’s thrown caution to the wind for once for the sake of Elulu!
No Guns Life 6
“Strong Smells” (on the can) – Yep, Olivier seems to be proving that name right.
Motor City…I didn’t really care for it at first, but now I’m starting to warm up to it.
Ooh, it seems the implication here is that Olivier inherited the title of EMS commander from her dad.
“…I’m gonna get shot!” - I guess when you’ve got a gun for a head, the assumption is you’re gonna get shot.
Armed Tokisada seems to be this world’s version of All Might…(but then is Juzo Deku? LOL.)
Iruma-kun 7
This OP is a lot more battle-oriented than I remember…
I want a GIF of sparkly Amelie, stat!
Iruma’s voice as Rin is too CUTE! LOL!
Kawaii Comics, LOL.
Ooh! I can recognise Opera by his nail polish now…! His nail polish appears to be purple today.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen Opera express his own concern for Iruma until now. Maybe he’s like a surrogate mother to Iruma by now…?
They even have monsters to call out bell noises…LOL wut.
Hmm…I just realised Azz speaks to Iruma rather formally. Not just the –sama, but the keigo as well.
Azz is rather observant too…(Seriously, I swear he’s been teetering on the edge of being my husbando from this show, but since he’s so subservient, it’s a bit of a hard concept to grasp. Not to mention the guy is, what, 14…?)
Even the shadows of background characters are blue and pink…
The little arrow over Clara really sells the moment.
The bird is so cute~!
I only realised it this year, but boba is really in, all over the world, for young people. *stares at all the boba shops that have appeared around my area lately*
I think Ameri = watashi and Iruma = boku. It’s politeness all the way ‘round. I think Sabro might’ve used ore.
“Don’t let go. Desire is your life.” – Sarazanmai ad <- I think this quote is appropriate for this episode.
Oh! We see Kuromu the Akudol in the ED…I didn’t realise that. (<- knows about her due to spoilers)
Oh! I think next episode might be Clara’s seduction class! Ooh! Interesting…
Dr Stone 20
Come to the dark side, we have candy…amirite???
Dr Stone 21
The pun here is that tou is a way to pronounce “copper” and “steal”, so Chrome copped copper in the Eng subs.
Couldn’t Ginro just use the word “s***” instead? That would’ve made the pun a lot better, tbh.
Thy translated all the dialogue in the fake menus! Yay! (<- translator’s brain showing up) For instance, Senku’s attack is listed as 1 while Suika’s is 3 and Gen’s is 5…LOL. The one that really made me laugh was “Runs away the second he knows he’s at a disadvantage. You’re scum, Ginro!”
Magma wasn’t in the fake game menu…!!! (I like how Magma questioned how Senku suddenly started calling him a “friend”.)
No Guns Life 7
I feel like the length of time between distracting the guard and Tetsuro conveying his plan was a bit much, but…okay.
Shinchou Yuusha 7
LOL, Beel Bub…y’know, Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies.
If Seiya were watching No Guns Life, he’d freak out…
Is that Cerceus in the back-yep, thought so!
Shinchou Yuusha 8
I almost expected Rosalie to woof…that’s how doglike she is!
Why do I get the feeling we’ll 1) find out what the Warmaster looks like next ep and 2) find out Rosalie’s armour is actually the armour Seiya’s meant to look for…? I could be wrong, but my intuition has some chance of being correct, even if I think up stuff that’s pure speculation…
Stars Align 6
Does Yonex sponsor this show, like Mikasa for Harukana Receive…?
LOL, Mitsue’s reaction.
If this were the Amazing Race, the hometown advantage would suck…but this is Hoshiai no Sora, so this could go either way.
“How to Soft Tennis” indeed…sic.
Wait, who’s Takada…? Update: She’s on the girls’ team, IIRC.
The Takenouchi/Souga pair is a bunch of trolls…LOL.
Oji seems to be the leader, full stop. Same way Katsuragi has been running things.
It’s been a few weeks since I last watched this show, but…is Oji the guy who threatened to punch them all…? He is, isn’t he…?
Stars Align 7
I feel like Mitsue’s bitterness is fuelled by personal experience in the manga field…
Well, the guy’s name isn’t Arashi (storm) for nothing! Update: The guy’s name is in katakana, which may or may not prove my point…
Arashi’s surname sounds like the Japanese word for “prince”, if you’re wondering.
I LOLled so hard at the line “Versus Arashi?” Y’see, there’s this game show with a group called Arashi. Therefore, its name is “Versus Arashi”.
I learnt most of what I know about tennis from Wii Sports, LOL.
I mentally cringed when I saw Itsuki’s burns again…
“…years and experience.” – That’s two things, Tacky!
Souya from Planet With would be in heaven here…what with all this meat.
Doesn’t “Kamuy” mean “god” in Ainu…? That Ouji, so conceited! *huffs at how arrogant the boy is*
Girls do eat like fiends…LOL.
I can’t believe 7 episodes in real life time was only a month in Stars Align time…
Yuta’s really sensitive to Toma’s mood…probably because the former likes the latter. (Yeah, I’m a derp for saying what we already know.)
Stars Align 8
I-I wanna cry…you do realise I gave up piano halfway through high school, only to become an absolute bum when I got into higher levels because I can’t use my piano lessons to demonstrate I can manage my time responsibly anymore???? I quit Chinese the same year and now it’s the one thing that’s preventing me from getting a bunch of beneficial opportunities because now there are so many Chinese people in my region! Studies are not your life! (distant crying can be heard in the background)
I kinda get where the mother’s going with this, but knowing what I know…please compromise, you two.
“The handsome half” – I wasn’t sure what that meant until I saw the image…”half” meaning ha-fu, or a person who’s half Japanese half something else. It’s like calling someone gweilow in Cantonese –it’s vaguely derogatory at the very minimum.
*Yuta’s sisters suggest clothes for him to wear* “Don’t tell mom about this.” – Oh, I have a bad feeling about this…(Then again, I got vaguely spoiled for this point by the This Week in Anime segment…that’s why I decided to watch 3 episodes in one shot.)
Maki’s shirt says “to continue”, as if it’s echoing his nonchalance. Like, “Yuta, please continue” or something like that.
To be real with you, the first resource I consulted to start thinking about the LGBTIQ+ spectrum (outside gender-bending fiction) was a book about an FtM person, so I guess I’m the most used to that sort of thing.
This is why empathy is so good, Maki.
Go, Mitsue! Be the diversion!
Who’s “Kanacat”? Kanako?...Oh, it’s Mitsue. Rigggggggggght.*facepalm*
Why do I get the feeling Mitsue wants to join the soft tennis club…?
Sakurai-sensei’s glasses are all fogged up, LOL.
Ohh (sounds down). These kiddos are soccer nuts.*grumbles about soccer nuts*
Update: To be honest with you, I’m fine with not making hard gender decisions too…Just so you know.
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