#but where are amelia and violet??
sodaabaa · 4 months
anthony bridgerton x wife!reader wife!reader is excited to celebrate her husband’s first birthday since they got married only to wake up and find anthony missing. she takes a trip to mayfair to ask the bridgerton family where anthony has disappeared to.
tw: grief, mentions of a parent's death.
a/n: hi everyone, wanted to take a second to just thank you for all the support. i started writing these just for fun and decided on an impulse to start posting my writings, not expecting them to get past even 15 likes! i really enjoyed writing this oneshot and navigating anthony's feelings in this one. let me know if you'd like to see a part 2 within this story line or similar stories within the bridgerton universe!
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The first rays of dawn broke through the curtains, pulling Y/N from her sleep. She reached to the side, feeling the bed for her husband to find only the absence of his warmth. She sat up, it was unusual for Anthony to be gone so early in the morning. The two of them had a habit of starting their mornings together before he went off to tend to business, the vacant spot on the bed puzzled her – today was Anthony’s thirtieth birthday, the first one they would spend married. She already had a plan for the day; dotingly wake him up with kisses in all the spots he loved, take their breakfast in bed (a special one at that – she requested the cooks to make his favorite marmalade with the first plums of the season), pack a basket with light sandwiches and his favorite wine to picnic by a nearby lake, and end the night with his most favorite activity. Y/N pouted, upset that her plans had been foiled by his absence. She pushed the duvet off and dressed herself, wondering what possibly could have been important enough for him to leave without telling her. 
“Amelia,” she called out to one of the maids. Amelia had been working at Aubrey Hall for years, she knew the ins and outs of this place like the back of her hand, maybe she’d seen Anthony this morning? 
“Yes, my lady?”
“Did you happen to see the viscount this morning?”
“No, my lady. My apologies,” she paused, “though – you may want to check with the dowager viscountess.”
She tilted her head in confusion, “Whatever for?” 
Amelia fiddled with the rag in her hands.
“Amelia, what is it?”
“Every year, on the viscount’s birthday he…disappears. He usually slips out before dawn when we’re all just getting started with the day. But we’ve never seen where he goes.” 
Y/N’s confusion only deepened. Amelia waited for Y/N to dismiss her – she did so, waving a hand and offering a gracious smile for the information she provided. Amelia exited with a curtsy, leaving Y/N with no choice but to pay the Bridgerton clan a visit. Perhaps they could give her some insight into her husband’s mysterious birthday habit.
She managed to reach Mayfair before the sun had peaked in the sky. The carriage approached Bridgerton House, Y/Npeered through to see if Anthony might be somewhere around. He was nowhere to be found, much to her dismay. She stood before the double doors of Bridgerton House, signaling to the footman to announce her arrival. In the blink of an eye, her favorite Bridgerton sibling came running to the door.
“Y/N! How lovely it is to see you!” Eloise exclaimed, pulling her in for a hug. She returned the hug, grateful for the way Eloise managed to instantly raise Y/N’s spirits. Violet followed Eloise, a knowing smile on her face. Y/N pulled away from Eloise’s tight embrace to greet Violet.
“Can’t seem to find Anthony, can you dearest?” Violet said when she pulled away from their hug.
“I see this is a regular occurrence then?” She replied, feeling left out – why had no one bothered to inform her of this habit of his? She would have saved herself from the disappointment of foiled plans. 
“Come in, you’ll catch a chill if you stand at the door any longer,” Violet ushered them upstairs. 
“Y/N!” Hyacinth and Gregory were the next to greet her as she walked into the drawing room.
She gave the two little Bridgertons a hug, commenting on how tall Gregory had gotten and the length of Hyacinth’s curly hair. The pair immediately began updating her on all the things they’d gotten up to while Y/N was gone – though they didn’t get far.
“Hyacinth, Gregory – please give Y/N a moment to rest from her trip. I’m sure she’d love to hear all about your mischief later,” Violet said. The inseparable duo pouted for a moment before taking a seat in their usual spot. Y/N herself took a between Violet and Eloise, turning to ask her more about her husband's whereabouts.
“Do you know where he goes off to? Surely his mother might know.” 
“I’m afraid I do not. I do, however, know the reason he disappears,” Violet looked over at her youngest children, ensuring they were engrossed in whatever they were doing before continuing. 
“Since Edmund died, there has not been a birthday where he does not run off like this. It started when he turned ten and nine. I know it has something to do with his father, I am certain, but I cannot figure out where he goes. The first year, I checked Edmund’s grave to no avail. I’ve searched and searched my mind for places that held significance to Edmund, to Anthony,” she explained, throwing her hands up with a defeated sigh.
Y/N took a moment to process Violet’s revelation, guilt slowly eating her up. She had been so involved with her ownplans for Anthony’s birthday and then felt so disappointed but all this time, he was taking time to grieve. Her heart shattered for her husband – her valiant, loving, sweetheart of a husband. 
“If I may,” Eloise cut in with the raise of a finger, “perhaps he simply despises the concept of birthdays and wishes to avoid all the commotion by hiding out in some pub somewhere?”
“Eloise!” Violet exclaimed.
“My, my, what do we have here? Viscountess Bridgerton has come to visit us!” Benedict interrupted the three women on the sofa, shooting a warm smile towards Y/N.
“Benedict, it’s lovely to see you,” she replied. She rose from her seat, giving Benedict a quick embrace before he took his seat across from them.
“Allow me to guess – Anthony’s disappeared?”
Y/N nodded, “I don’t suppose you happen to know where?”
Benedict clicked his tongue, “I’m afraid not.” 
She sighed, “Well, when does he usually return then?”
“The next day. And to make matters worse, he acts as if it were totally normal, avoiding all questions about his whereabouts until you simply surrender trying to figure it out,” Benedict said.
That night, Y/N retired to their bedroom though she had no intentions of sleep – how could she manage to when her husband was off God knows where, in what condition. It kept her up with worry, so she decided she’d stay up and wait for his return. Staring at the walls had become tortuous as the hours droned by, she wrapped herself in a robe and made her way toward Anthony’s study. Perhaps she could find something here to clue her into her husband's habit. She poured herself a glass of Anthony’s whiskey, choking down the bitter liquid, and sat back on his chair with a sigh.
She looked around the dimly lit room, a portrait of Anthony’s father hung up to the left of the desk. She wondered what he was like, Anthony rarely ever spoke of him. Her heart ached at the thought of her husband at eighteen, witnessing what he’d witnessed and resuming to take on the mantle that’d belonged to his father in the midst of such trauma. Her eyes scanned the painting – catching on a pocket watch in her late father-in-law’s hand. She stood, leaning in to get a closer look at the watch. Realization dawned on her. This was Anthony’s pocket watch – well, it had been his father’s but this was the same watch he carried with him everywhere. She had noticed early on his habit of checking the time almost obsessively. She always wondered why he had such a fascination with time. 
I could never surpass my father. He was a greater man than I. Anthony’s words echoed in her mind.
It all fell into place – clicking like a lock in her mind.
She ran back upstairs, rushing to wear something more appropriate. She quietly ran back downstairs, grabbing her cloak on the way out. The September days were cool and refreshing but the nights were cooler, which Y/N usually savored but the cold air only increased her adrenaline tonight, causing a chill to run down her spine.
She summoned a carriage, willing it to come faster as it approached her. 
“To the chapel, please.”
As the carriage moved closer to the chapel, she could make out the vague silhouette of a man sitting on a park bench facing the clock in the center. The moonlight illuminated the small square, the scene before her looked to be straight out of a painting. She stepped out of the carriage, rushing towards the silhouette.
She stood behind him for a moment, afraid to disrupt him – afraid of what his reaction might be. She knew her husband preferred to grieve alone but this was beyond grief; Anthony feared his birthdays, feared the clock running out of time. 
The man in front of her startled, inhaling as he turned around. She sighed in relief.
“How did you find me here?” He said, motioning for her to sit with him.
She walked around the bench, placing a kiss on her husband’s forehead as she sat beside him.
“Your pocket watch.” 
He let out a breathy laugh, a humorless action. He held the watch, thumb circling its frame.
“You are not bound to time, Anthony,” she said gently.
He looked up at her, eyes red from the long day he must have had.
“Are we all not bound to time? Some simply have less.”
“You cannot know that for certain, dearest.”
“I know I am less of a man than my father was yet he merely had eight and thirty years,” his voice was hoarse.
“You are just as much of a man as he was. You’ve fought so hard for this family, do not belittle your efforts,” she took his face in her hands.
She wished she could show him how much of a man he truly was. He'd raised his siblings and taken on the burden of being a viscount to allow for his brothers to pursue their dreams. He ensured his sisters were well provided for and he dealt with his mother's grief for years -- all without complaint. Because of this, it was a privilege to call Anthony her husband, if only he could see himself how she saw him.
“You are not leaving me behind in a mere eight years, Anthony Bridgerton. I will fight death himself if that is to be the case.��
He chuckled, a hint of real joy behind his eyes as he did.
“I have no doubt you would give it a valiant effort, my love.” 
He leaned forward, placing a kiss on her lips.
“It’s late and cold, shall we head back to the house?” 
She nodded, grateful to return her husband to where he belonged – at her side, with his family surrounding them.
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pidges-lost-robot · 4 months
Redrawing of the characters with different outfit ideas
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Drawn on this scene:
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This is an au of if their outfits had not been so obviously the colour of their lions and if they’d eventually transitioning to something that fits more with their lions colour palette
I decided to have Keith be a lot more practical for living out in hot weather with a lot lighter clothing cause I don’t think he can be bothered with heatstroke (and yes Lance makes a wide variety of jokes from ‘glad we’ve got amelia earhart onside’ to ‘didn’t realise we needed help escaping from an Indiana Jones character’ or ‘hey what National Park were you a ranger at’ and finally ‘I think Laura Dern wants her outfit back’
Pidge I wanted to go for a more teal which is more in keeping with her brother’s palette but as @seypia pointed out her brother actually at some point wears in the flashback so that’s what I tried to go for
I’m having the og blue of Lance’s shirt be a more reddish purple, where its clearly pointing towards a more Keith colour like he’s trying to peacock as, rather than dressing more as himself
And Hunk covering up his more prominent yellow colour in his palette with a more violet colour, a much softer colour that would blend more into the background of the show as he’s unsure about this whole idea
I may do one of these in the shack with Shiro’s outfit change but this is what I have for now
(I did not redraw the bike I tried then lost the will with it xD)
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merrybloomwrites · 8 months
I Hear Them Calling (Chapter 3)
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Story Summary: Alpha Harry Styles and omega Y/N Y/L/N meet under less than ideal circumstances. Overtime their paths will cross and they will be drawn to one another in ways they never expected.
Chapter Summary: Y/N & Harry reconnect at MSG night 12
Previous Chapters: Prologue ; Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2
Word Count: 2.4k
The next three weeks pass in a similar fashion for you. Work, chores, and hanging out with your best friends fills most of your time. You try not to depend on Harry’s scent, but the days where you don’t have your reminders of his smell around you turn out to be terrible days. The nightmares come back, and you’re restless all day. Plus, you feel way colder than you should in late August, so it just makes sense for you to be constantly drinking hot chocolate.
September 10th finally rolls around, and the first thing you do when you wake up is reread the email from Jada for the hundredth time. You still can’t believe what will happen that night, but there it is clearly written out for you.
Not only will you, Amelia, Violet, and Rachel be going to Harry’s concert, you have your own VIP section and you’re invited backstage before the show starts.
The girls all come over to get ready together. You all have some pizza and play Harry’s music while helping each other with your hair and makeup. After getting dressed you take some pictures together, wanting to document this night.
You spray on extra scent blockers, slipping the bottle into your purse so you can reapply later if needed. Rachel sees you do this and checks in with you, asking, “You okay? Are you nervous to go back there?”
“I’m good,” you reply. “I’m excited actually. It’s different this time. I’m more prepared, and I have you three with me. Plus, I’m pretty sure Amelia will rip the knot off any alpha who tries to mess with us.”
“I heard that!” Amelia shouts from the next room. “And yes. I absolutely will.”
You all laugh and grab your purses before heading to the car. Violet drives you all into the city, and you’re grateful for her fearlessness. No matter how experienced you are, you’ll never drive in New York unless you absolutely have to.
Once you get there, you follow the directions from Jada’s email, walking past the line of people waiting outside and heading straight for a side door. You speak with a security guard who checks your names on a list. He nods and calls over another security guard who leads you into the building.
You look at your friends and can tell they’re as amazed and excited as you are. Sure, you had the emails telling you that all of this would happen, that you’d be hanging out backstage before watching the concert from a private box, but it’s so surreal now that it’s actually happening.
Someone calls your name from the end of the hallway, and you smile when you see Jada walking towards your group.
“So glad you girls could make it!” she says, handing you all the badges you’ll need to wear that evening.
“We’re super excited to be here,” you reply.
She leads you all to a room filled with food and drinks and a number of other VIP guests.
“They’re still working on soundcheck so please enjoy some snacks and I’ll grab you guys to say hi to Harry in a bit,” Jada says quickly before walking back out of the room.
The four of you stand shocked for a moment.
“We’re meeting Harry?” Rachel asks incredulously.
“I guess so,” you answer.
“Like, all of us?” Violet questions.
“Seems that way,” you reply.
“He probably just wants to see his little omega again,” Amelia teases, earning an eye roll from Violet and a head shake from Rachel.
You laugh along, trying to cover your true reaction to hearing that. Because they have no idea how much you want that or how right it feels to be called his omega, even if you know that will never happen.
“Come on, I could use a water,” Violet says and the four of you grab some refreshments. After a little while Jada comes back and has the four of you follow her through the halls.
“We’re gonna make a quick stop first. Harry is finishing up on something but in the meantime you guys can meet the band,” Jada explains.
Entering the band dressing room is as overwhelming as it is thrilling. In the weeks since the last show you attended, you’ve watched numerous clips from the concerts. Most of the time you were focused on Harry, but you spent plenty of time admiring the talent of his band members as well.
They’re all incredibly welcoming, taking the time to talk to all of you. After a few minutes Sarah pulls you aside.
“I just wanted to check in and see how you’ve been the last few weeks,” she says.
You almost just give her a cheerful lie, saying you’ve been totally fine. But you can tell she isn’t simply asking to be polite. She cares. She truly wants to know how you’ve been.
“I’ve been okay. Not great, but I mean, not terrible,” you finally reply.
“What’s been going on?” she continues.
“Well, I’ve been having some pretty bad nightmares. You know, bad dreams about that alpha, and what happened, and what could have happened. And I’ve just been feeling a bit off, like, shaky and cold and restless. I think it’s probably the stress from that night. But I’ve found some ways to cope and they’re working so it’s not too bad.”
Sarah gives you a calculating look. You expect her to ask more questions, press you for more details, but instead she says, “We’re here for you, you know that right? Anything you need. We care about you.”
You’re almost thrown by the genuine compassion from a practical stranger. Sure, she saved you from a dangerous situation, but that still doesn’t explain why this big-time musician cared so deeply for you, just a regular person. And then you put yourself in her shoes for a second, imagining what she went through that night. Alphas, or at least good alphas, have an innate desire to help and protect omegas. Hearing your distress, seeing you cornered and nearly unconscious could not have been easy for her. But she stayed calm the whole time, handling the situation perfectly.
Before your emotions can get the better of you, you smile and say, “Thank you, so much. For everything you did that night and for being there for me now. I really appreciate it.”
“Of course, love. Would it be alright if I gave you a hug?”
You nod and she pulls you in. There’s a faint trace of her tea and ocean scent, and you repress your omega nature telling you to take a deep breath of the alpha smell.
As you pull away, Jada walks back into the room. She collects you and your friends and leads you down the hall. You recognize where you are now and start to grow more anxious and excited knowing that you’ll see Harry again soon.
You have no idea what to expect with this reunion. Will he still seem to care about you as much as he did last time? Will his alpha remember your omega and the connection that seemed to exist between the two? Or will it become glaringly obvious that everything was in your head, and he was just being nice and taking care of a fan in trouble? You figure it will probably be that last choice, that he’ll treat you just the same as he treats Violet, Amelia, and Rachel.
Finally, you reach the room, and Jada knocks, waiting to hear Harry’s response before opening the door and ushering your group inside. Suddenly feeling very shy, you stay behind your friends, like you’re trying to disappear. Harry introduces himself to the others and then he’s standing right in front of you.
Not wanting to be rude, you lift your face to greet him. He reaches out to shake your hand, saying, “Hello, Y/N, it’s good to see you again.”
You stutter out, “Nice to see you too,” while actively focusing on keeping your omega at bay. This simple touch is both electrifying and comforting, and it leaves you wishing for more. You bite back a whine and take a deep breath to center yourself.
This backfires, because now you can pick up Harry’s scent around you. He’s definitely wearing scent blockers again, but the smell has permeated some objects in the room. You know your beta friends are completely unaware of it, but it’s all you can focus on.
Harry invites you all to sit down and get comfortable. He spends time with your group, getting to know everyone, joking around, answering questions about himself and his music.
After a little while Jada comes back to lead you all to your seats since the opening act is about to start.
“It was lovely meeting you all. Jada, could you bring Rachel, Violet, and Ameila to the lounge and come back for Y/N? I wanted to speak with her for a minute. That is, if you’re comfortable with that,” Harry says.
The last part is directed at you, and everyone pauses to see your reaction.
“Yea, that’s fine with me,” you reply after a moment. Truthfully you’re nervous to be alone with him. Not because you’re uncomfortable or scared, but because you’re worried that you’ll somehow make a fool of yourself.
Everyone else leaves the room and Harry wordlessly motions to the couch. The two of you sit side by side, angled to face each other. It’s silent for a minute as you wait for him to say whatever is on his mind.
“I wanted to ask how you’ve been. I know what happened must have been pretty traumatizing for you. I almost got your number from Jada to text you, but I didn’t want to be pushy or nosey or anything,” he finally says.
You can’t help but smile as he rambles, completely endeared by this bashful alpha.
“First, you’re more than welcome to text me if you’d like.” You pause, surprised at how forward you just were. “And uhm, it’s been rough, but manageable. Some bad dreams. Some shakiness. Things like that.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
Douse some clothes in your scent so I can surround myself with it at all times, you think to yourself but somehow manage not to say it out loud.
What you reply instead is, “No, I think I have it under control.”
“Alright, if you’re sure. But please let me know if you need something. I know the idea that omegas need an alpha taking care of them is antiquated but I can’t help it when it comes to you.”
“Me?” you ask. “Like specifically? Or all omegas?”
He chuckles shyly and says, “To be fair I know very few omegas. But I’ve never really felt this protective over someone before. I couldn’t help but think about you the last few weeks. Worry about you, really.”
“Because I got hurt at one of your shows?”
“That’s part of it. But, ah, there’s more than that, I think.” You try not to get your hopes up, try not to think that maybe he likes you the way you like him. How could he? He’s a world-famous popstar and you literally sit at a computer and organize data all day. You don’t even have any fun hobbies. Literally nothing about you is interesting. You’re nothing like the girls he’s dated in the past.
He takes in your silence and continues, saying, “I feel connected to you. And I’d like to get to know you better. What I’d really like is to consider you a friend, rather than just an acquaintance.”
“I would like that too,” you reply calmly.
“In that case, would I be able to get your phone number?”
You bite back the squeal of excitement trying to escape and say, “Yes, of course you can.”
The two of you exchange numbers, and you take note of the coy smile on Harry’s face as you do so.
There’s a knock at the door and Jada pops in, letting you know she’ll be waiting in the hallway to show you to your seat. You and Harry both stand, and he says, “Y/N, it’s been wonderful seeing you again. I hope you enjoy the show.”
“Thank you again for the tickets, and for getting us backstage tonight.”
“My pleasure.” He opens his arms, inviting you in for a hug. It’s a new line you’re crossing, having only touched hands before, but you don’t even hesitate. His arms wrap around your shoulders as yours go to his waist. Your nose is dangerously close to his scent gland. You turn your head away from his neck in order to resist the temptation to take a deep breath searching for his delicious smell.
You force yourself to pull away before you get too comfortable in his embrace. The two of you share another shy smile before you grab your purse and head out to follow Jada.
The second you get to the private lounge your friends start asking questions, wanting to know every detail of your time alone with Harry. You tell them that he checked how you were doing, and that he wants to be friends. You also mention that you now have each other’s phone numbers.
“Oh my God, girl! That’s insane!” Rachel says.
“You can text Harry Styles. You can pick up your phone and call him, whenever you want,” Violet adds.
You laugh at their reactions and look at Amelia, surprised by her uncharacteristic silence. You laugh ever harder when you realize she’s literally stunned into silence.
Suddenly everyone in the venue starts screaming and you all redirect your attention to the stage as the show begins. It’s an amazing experience as you and your friends sing and dance along. More than once you think Harry is actually looking for you. He glances up to where you are as though searching the crowd to find you. He’s probably not, but you can’t help but hope that he is.
Violet drops you off at your home after the concert. You’re about to get into bed when your phone dings. A huge smile spreads across your face when you see a text from Harry saying, “Hope you enjoyed the show and got home safe! Sleep well.”
You think for a moment before replying, “You were fantastic! Thank you again. Good night!”
For the first time in weeks, you sleep peacefully through the night without any reminders of Harry’s scent in the room.
Taglist: @akkatz @pandeebearstyles @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@theekyliepage@numafarawayglxy @booberry019-blog @hillzrry@ssareidbby @gem1712 @acesofspadess@houseofdilfs@shaquille-0atmeal-1@kissitnhekitchen @amateurduck @poguestyleskye@n0vaj3an@snwells@drunk-teens-doing-drugs ; @fdl305@creativelyeva@daphnesutton@selluequestrian@lovingfurypanda @stardream14 @tbsloneely@eversincehs1 @boomitsallie1 @rose-garden-dreamz
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bluetorchsky · 1 month
Day 3 of Whiteboard doodling!
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I found the original space I was in was getting a bit crowded, so I went and found some new space. Y'all can look for where Violet ends up, lol
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As promised, I'm doing a canon character, one of my ocs, and then someone else's oc. Starting off with Dave Panpa in my AU, around the time of Stealing The Diamond. He still feels awful for getting him and Rupert fired from their police job, but he hasn't been able to contact Rupert for quite a while. He's been hanging around Johnny Panzer a lot these days...
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And here I've got Aidan Brannon (my oc) and Amelia Copperbottom ( @katiekatstudios )'s oc in one of my styles! Still experimenting, but I am enjoying the exploration of it, hehe
Extra doodle of Aidan giving an idea for a Toppat Weapon, which is totally not biased at all–
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jokerislandgirl32 · 2 months
Favorite books??
(I mean everyone in your little family + you) 😇😇
Helloooo! Thank you for this ask! We have decided to list favorite books by ages for everyone below the cut! So, all of our favorite books as children, our favorite books as tweens, and our favorite books teens and adults!
And yes, each family member is responding to this ask!
Please note there is mention of Harry Potter, I (JIG) know the author/books are triggering to some, so please do not take offense to this, I just feel like the books would have been some read by one family member in particular wayyyyy before all the unsavory details came out.
Also, a lot of these books are my personal favorites, or they are books I actually dislike immensely…so my selfship kids liking them makes me laugh 😂.
Zach: As a child I was always partial to The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams and the Peter Rabbit books by Beatrix Potter. I also loved How The Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss. As a tween/teenager, I liked the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling, the Lord of the Rings series by J.R.R. Tolkien, and the Ender’s Game Saga by Orson Scott Card. Now that I’m an adult, I’d have to say The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and 1984 by George Orwell are probably my favorite novels. 
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Violet/JIG: As a little girl my favorite book was The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss, there was just something about the “here comes pig feet” line that cracked me up, I also adored Thunder Cake by Patricia Polacco. As a tween I loved Grandpa’s Mountain by Carolyn Reeder and the American Girls Books. As a teen and adult I’d say my favorite books were/are Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls, The Education of Little Tree by Forrest Carter (the best nonfiction book I’ve ever read), Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, The Fear Street Series by RL Stine, and anything by Mary Downing Hahn.
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Varina: As a child my favorite books were Winnie-the-Pooh stories, my mom had an entire collection her parents collected for her and she read them to me and all my siblings! I also loved A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon, the Mr. Putter and Tabby books by Cynthia Rylant, and the Amelia Bedelia books by Peggy Parish. As a tween I enjoyed The Tale of Despereaux and the American Girls books. As an adult/teen my favorite books were/are Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, The Magic of Ordinary Days by Ann Howard Creel, and I adore any romance novel by Nicholas Sparks. 
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Vera: When I was a little girl I loved the Fancy Nancy books by Jane O'Connor, any and all princess books, the Biscuit books by Alyssa Satin Capucilli, and the Junie B. Jones Books by Barbara Park. As a tween I read the American Girl books, but only I enjoyed a few of the series, Samantha was my absolute favorite! I also loved The Secret Garden and A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett, and The Wish by Gail Carsen Levine. My favorite books during my teenage years, and as an adult, are The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls, any of William Shakespeare’s plays (Romeo and Juliet is my favorite), and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. 
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Victor: When I was little my favorite book was Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss, my favorite book series was Curious George by Margret and H. A. Rey. During my tween years I read any Goosebumps book by RL Stein I could get my hands on, I also read all The Chronicles of Narnia books by C.S. Lewis, and A Series of Unfortunate Events books by Lemony Snicket.  My favorite book as a teenager was The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton, and my favorite book series as a teenager were Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs and the Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. My all time favorite book as an adult is Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer.
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Vallen: The Wonky Donkey by Craig Smith was my favorite book as a kid, it was freaking hilarious, and the sequel was almost as good. I also loved the Clifford books by Norman Bridwell as a kid, and the No David books by David Shannon. As a tween I read a bunch of the Goosebumps books by RL Stine. Victor and I were in competition to see who could read the most, he won of course, the dedicated bookworm. In my teenage years and into adulthood my favorites have become The Lord of the Flies by William Golding, The Giver Quartet by Lois Lowry, and The Wayward Pines Trilogy by Blake Crouch.
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Victoria: When I was a little girl I loved all of the Eric Carle books, The Very Hungry Caterpillar being my favorite! I also loved all the Little Golden Books, I think my favorite one was My Little Golden Book About God by Jane Werner Watson. Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White, Each Little Bird that Sings by Deborah Wiles, and the Little House on the Prairie Series by Laura Ingalls Wilder were my favorite books during my tween years. As a teenager I enjoyed reading the Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children book series by Ransom Riggs and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. As an adult I’d say my favorite books are Wish You Well by David Baldacci or Go Down the Mountain by Meredith Battle. 
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hotdamnitsmoony · 8 months
what i think the marauders favourite tv show would be - based on my favs :)
james - stranger things. he’d watch it because everyone was raving about it and then become emotionally invested in the characters. he thinks the concept of the monsters is really cool but also very terrifying. he’d definitely make everyone else watch it too, and he’d be mouthing along the lines while they did. his favourite character would be steve harrington, because i think they’re pretty similar. the episode he’d like the most would be s4 ep6.
regulus - the rain on netflix. it’s a kinda disturbing show about an apocalyptic world where the rain literally kills you if it touches you and there’s a whole thing with sibling betrayal and i just feel like he’d eat it up. his favourite character would be lea or kira. he would really love dystopian and apocalyptic shows in general tbh. his favourite episode would be the cult one, because it explores religion in an apocalyptic world.
sirius - greys anatomy. i’ve said this before but he would secretly LOVE greys, even if he won’t admit it. his favourite character is addison montgomery, closely followed by mark sloan. the episode he likes the most is the musical episode but if you ask him, he hates it. also he would so do the superhero pose amelia shepherd does before her surgeries before he does anything important.
remus - the society. it’s a dark, weird and kinda obscure show that only had one season because of covid but he’d love it. he’d bring it up in conversation with everyone and ask them what they’d do if all adults suddenly disappeared, which would obviously have varying responses. he’d complain about not getting a satisfying ending to it all the time. his favourite character is sam or kelly definitely. he can’t choose a favourite episode because literally so much happens in every one.
lily - the good place. i’ve also said this before, but i just genuinely think she’d love it. it’s a show that she would watch while knitting or studying, because it’s easy to follow and funny. she’d definitely quote it a lot and it’d create some great & healthy conversations between the marauders about mortality, morals and death. her favourite character is janet!
pandora - a series of unfortunate events. she’d love this show wholeheartedly. it’s so messy and reminds her of the odd things that seem to keep happening to her. she’d know the “that’s not how the story goes” song and sing it all the time, though she’d change the lyrics to fit whatever situation or drama is going on. her favourite character is sunny, and she started wearing more bows in her hair because of violet! her favourite episode would be s2 ep3!
mary - desperate housewives. she would love the drama, the betrayals and the overall storylines. she’d know every little thing about it, from all the names of lynette’s children to mrs mccluskey’s backstory. her favourite character is gabby solis and she will take no criticism. her favourite episode is the one where carlos’ mum falls down the stairs.
marlene - glee. i genuinely believe she’d know every single big song and wouldn’t stop singing them. you hear “Don’t Stop Belivin’” being sung (badly) in the hallway? it’s marlene. her favourite character is santana lopez and she knows the entire monologue that she says to kurt in season 6. she constantly complains about this show but really does love it. her favourite episode is the klaine & brittana wedding!
dorcas - heartbreak high! she’d love the petty drama and storylines that happen in this show, and she’d so create her own “map” but put concealment charms on it because unlike harper and amerie she’s smart enough not to get caught. her favourite character would be ca$h or harper, and the episode she likes the most would be ep4.
barty - how to sell drugs online (fast)! this show is so hilarious and i really think he’d enjoy it. he’d smell the plot twists coming a mile away but he’d still love it, and probably make evan watch it with him. his favourite character is moritz because he’s just such an idiot and he sort of reminds him of himself, though i feel like he’d love lisa too. he would say that he doesn’t have a favourite episode because he loved it all.
evan - the umbrella academy. he would compare the dysfunctional family to the marauders nonstop. he’d love the way it explores time travel and superpowers, and would spend hours in the library researching if it was possible because he’d get hyper fixated on it of course. his favourite character is klaus (no surprise there lol) and he literally cried during that one episode in season 3. his favourite episode is the first ever one.
(as always, these are my own opinions!! i’ve personally watched all these shows and love them all very much!! this took a while to make but we move who needs a sleep schedule anyway. )
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cdyssey · 8 months
Tropes Draft #1: Apocalypse
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Hi there! My friends @nakedmonkey, @smashingmagicklovely, @fat-fem-and-asian, and @harrietdyker played a game on Discord this week where we drafted a cast for a film based on common tropes in an apocalypse story, and now we're looking to settle a winner via poll! See short synopses of each movie under cut, but, of course, you're welcome just to vote based on vibes alone! At the end of the week, we'll reveal whose film was which.
[01.] sarah snook and ayo edebiri star in indie zombie drama ALL OF THE MEN ARE DEAD. snook plays alice, a world weary survivor trying to locate her younger sibling lachlan (liv hewson), who vanished after a fight. she rescues lost survivors brianna (ayo edebiri) and her younger sister lily (violet mcgraw), along with their dog tiger (DITTO THE DOG ! #1 on the call sheet) from a horde of zombies. In return, brianna says that she met lachlan a few weeks ago and directed them to the safe zone her mother zoya (sheryl lee ralph) leads before getting separated. she offers alice the same safety if they find their way back. despite her growing fondness for lily, alice can't shake a feeling of unease with her new companions. how does brianna know these lands so well? how did lily know alice's name? why did they leave the safe zone at all?
[02.] At Rainbow House, everyone is welcome and treated like family. At least, that’s what Eleanor Glass (Academy Award nominee Sigourney Weaver) and her wife Marcia (Academy Award winner Allison Janney) intended when they opened their LGBTQ youth center, which is under existential threat by the ominous corporation CTOA, headed by Maxwell Price (Academy Award nominee Colman Domingo). Now, in the aftermath of a nuclear apocalypse, Eleanor and Marcia have made efforts to turn the center into a safe house for all those who lost everything. Alongside longtime program director Charlie (Academy Award winner Ian McKellen) and Eleanor’s street-smart protege Sunny (Emmy winner Zendaya), they work tirelessly to protect everyone - even as CTOA continues its efforts to dismantle the organization. But when Price and his daughter Ashlyn (Emmy nominee Jenna Ortega) show up seeking shelter, Eleanor and Marcia must choose between their commitment to welcoming everyone as equals and their fight with Maxwell Price. Sunny’s secret relationship with Ashlyn complicates matters further, not to mention the possibility that CTOA had more to do with this nuclear fallout than anyone could have expected. Nominated for 4 Academy Awards including Best Original Screenplay and Best Actress (Weaver), Everyone’s Inn is a bold tale about love, found family, and the secrets we keep.
[03.] The Letum Project: In a near distant future, the lethal Letum Virus that targets both the developmental and nervous systems simultaneously is turning victims into distorted, violent walking corpses, and is running rampant, dismantling societal infrastructures at a rapid pace and wreaking havoc on a global scale. A team of elite medical professionals, spearheaded by Dr. Freya Wright (Olivia Colman) and partner Dr. August Beck (Mads Mikkelsen), has been working tirelessly in an underground facility to find a cure for the past 10 months, but an unexpected death in the team brings into question what the motivation behind the project really is. Propelled by the mysterious and tragic death of her wife and fellow researcher, Allison Harris (Rebecca Hall), and the unexplained disappearance of friend and mentor, Dr. Amelia Bailey (Harriet Walker), Dr. Greta Harris (Dagmara Dominczyk) embarks on a rogue quest to find answers along with colleague and famed vascular neurologist, Gabrielle Gomez (Gina Torres). What they find above ground is a nightmarish scene; entire towns of infected people left to rot in now fenced zones, while survivors now live off of rationed food and essentials in a highly militarized state, the rich prioritized over the poor. But those aren’t the only truths Greta is forced to face. Allison and Gabrielle had been working alongside Amelia on a project they had kept from the rest of the team; a potential cure that might have been successful had Allison not found herself suddenly infected. Betrayed by the revelation, and now finding themselves hunted by Dr. Wright and Dr. Beck, Greta is left to wonder if there’s anyone left to trust. Aided only by sporadic morse code messages received through an old radio left to them by an anonymous source shortly before their escape from the facility, Greta and Gabrielle embark on a dangerous quest to find out.
[04.] Gödshead: A deadly virus has ravaged North America, leaving only sparse pockets of healthy populations behind in its wake: small towns and even smaller villages, family compounds, isolated homesteads surrounded by barbed wire fences. For years, former real estate agent Parker Kingston (Tawny Cypress) lived in such a protected home with her two daughters, the responsible Audrey (Jasmin Savoy-Brown) and the younger, far more rebellious Ryan (Amandla Stenberg), but the start of the film finds both Parker and Ryan reeling after a raider attack results in Audrey’s death and the sudden loss of their home. Grief-stricken, wounded, and utterly undone, mother and daughter must carry on anyway, taking sanctuary in a heavily walled village called Gödshead. Though their personal relationship is tumultuous, both Kingston women settle into something of a routine in the quaint village as they get to know its colorful denizens. They share a house with Dr. Hutchings (Paul Giamatti), a cantankerous but well-meaning history professor; Parker forges an intimate bond with Marnie Thompson (Samantha Sloyan), a kind if strangely fragile teacher who takes care of the village’s children while their parents work. They also get to know Mayor Willa Thompson (Frances McDormand), Marnie’s mother, whose stern but fair hand has ensured the village’s continued prosperity. But what exactly is the price of prosperity in an apocalypse? Parker and Ryan soon discover that there’s more to the village that lies beneath its seemingly peaceful surface—indeed that the trade-off for peace is a sacrifice that all citizens of Gödshead must be prepared to make. Winters are brutal in the mountains, and meat is scarce; there’s a lottery every winter in Gödshead, and everyone has a number.
[05.] The Sick: The zombie apocalypse did not end the world as we know it. Nobody knows how the infection works, who can pass it on and why, and what, exactly, it does to a person: they just know who is sick. They just know who to kill. When Claire (Romola Garai), an exhausted local news reporter, is assigned to report on Refuge, an organisation fighting to protect the hunted sick, she finds out her best friend, the good-hearted Raul (Diego Luna), has been a part of the organisation for months now, but she does not get to confront him about it before he strangely dies. Claire takes it upon herself to get his latest case, the young and funny Layla (Hunter Schafer) to safety in his honor. With the help of Raul’s boss, the eccentric Eddie (Ncuti Gatwa), they go on a cross-country journey towards the shelter built by Refuge. But on their way, Claire’s investigative tendencies can’t let go of the feeling that Eddie is hiding something, and Layla is getting sicker, worried for her companions’ safety around her. It’s a rest-stop encounter with Harper (Harriet Dyer) that gives Claire her answers and Layla the opportunity to protect her friends: a former colleague of Eddie, left to die by Eddie after getting infected, Harper, now part of a resistance organisation fighting for liberation of the sick, is out for revenge, but revenge is not as clear-cut a thing as people think. She tries to convince Layla to abandon Claire and Eddie’s shelter idea and join her, because Eddie can’t be trusted and Claire is too naive. And if Claire was not conflicted enough about the discovery, Raul’s cousin, the mysterious Mateo (Vico Ortiz), who blames Eddie for Raul’s death, is working with Harper, and tries to convince Claire to join the revolution, too, so she won’t die in it.
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kellycataclysm · 1 month
Do L&H have grandchildren?
Thank you so much for this lovely question. It took me a while to think about where their future goes.
Lyra and Harvey do end up with grandchildren. Five of them! 
Evie Juniper, who has that little spark of magic and loves being in the outdoors will one day grow up to be an environmental scientist. She will have two children, a boy and a girl, called Mason and Sadie. Mason, a quiet boy who loves to read, grows up to become a research librarian at the university in the city where both Lyra and Harvey studied. (Lyra thinks this is completely wonderful, seeing as Evie is named after a librarian.) Sadie, a confident girl who loves people, will follow in Harvey's footsteps and grow up to become a doctor.
Amelia Scarlet, named for the famous aviator, is also influenced by her love of the valley and will one day grow up to be a veterinarian. She will have three children, two girls and a boy in the middle, all of whom have names influenced by the natural world. Her three are Poppy, Jasper and Violet. Poppy, a curious girl who loves to learn, grows up to become a kindergarten teacher. Jasper, an outdoorsy boy who loves spending summers in the valley and in the water will one day grow up to become a marine scientist. Finally, Violet, a bright girl who loves spending time with her grandfather, is the one to achieve his dream, eventually becoming a pilot.
Lyra and Harvey absolutely adore their grandchildren and add a couple of spare rooms to the farmhouse so their growing family can come and stay, especially around the holidays. After making their way through a difficult patch, they work hard to ensure that their home always remains cosy, welcoming, and full of love. They even build a treehouse for the kids for when they come and stay. They love to sit on their porch watching the children playing, Harvey making coffee for everyone as they chat with their daughters about what they are doing in their lives. 
Thank you for such a wonderful ask. This was so fun to write and take a glimpse into their future. <3
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ameliagiovanna0 · 7 months
The vows were perfect. I don't even know where to begin with them, but Sylvie's especially got me.
"The way you were with her, I knew you were born to be a father. And when you decided to be a father to the Darden boys, it only made me love you more. Even though I was trying so hard to let you go. And I couldn't. It's like you said, we were meant to be. And we're meant to be a family." ARE YOU KIDDING ME????
They lit a candle for the firefighters they lost 😫
Amelia is so adorable. She's gotten so big! So did Otis and Javi. Made me happy seeing them. Julia and Amelia melted my heart. I was literally so happy to see Amelia. I genuinely love her
The dance party was so cute. Severide dancing wasn't on my bingo card, but I'm not mad about it. Violet was adorable, as per usual
Sevasey is probably my favorite TV bromance. They both got their happy endings, and that makes me so happy. I love their friendship and I love the moments we got to see this episode
"I will always come home to you, Stella." 🥺
Trudy's "take this" 😂
I knew all of that had to be so triggering for Violet. I just wanted to give her a hug. I loved the moment with her and Carver. I tried to not like them, but I can't do it anymore. They're so good, and I love that Violet was able to be honest with him. He handled it really well too. It validated her and took her mind off it, so good on him
I'm behind schedule but ignore that
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I finished Harlots, and I want more!!! I haven't watched a show this fast in a long time, I was just very immersed - and I've now added a few books to my list!!! - the setting and the life of these people were so interesting, and I really liked the different classes!!!
I really LOVED a few characters here, Violet and Betsey were great and I liked them working outside of a house, but with the support of Nancy still, I really Amelia Scanwell, and I think they did an incredible job with her mother in s2!!! And then still character, but also shipping house, Will and Margaret got me immediately - I LOVE strong marriages/relationships at the center of a show, and I love blended families and the love Will has for Charlotte and Lucy was beautiful to see (also little Jacob is a star character in this show, I love him so much, he's such a good kid!!!!) - and then Nancy and Margaret, this love and trust and history with each other, how they are also partners, and this understanding of each other... and in this triangle you also have a really good Will and Nancy dynamic, this care and friendship that is beautiful to see!!!
Still with characters, I really like how season 2 and 3 brought you a different side of the justice, and you have these people who want to fulfil the law, but also learning that the law is not everything. Now I don't particularly like that s3 left so many characters behind, and having no idea where they went - you had lost Betsey before but you do learn what happens, not here - so it feels like a completely new show, which I wasn't ready for...
Continuing with season 3 thoughts, it was a bit of a let down after the first two... it wasn't the same, it still did interesting things... but the biggest thing is I feel that the ending wasn't satisfying (it's not a bad ending, but it does not leave you satisfied) - and this starts with Margaret Wells leaving!!! I don't mind the introduction of Jonas - I like him - but the leaving with nothing to come after, feels empty, I'm here waiting (and even more than at the end of s2 - that felt like a more satisfying goodbye)... and then it also feels the pairing up of Will and Nancy (with their own respectively women) feels like a bad choice, the pairings work and make sense, but I feel they implied too hard to make the audience forget Margaret was sent away in an unsatisfying matter!!!
I'll now come back to better things, season 1 and 2 were really good with more of a focused in the two factions, but also with always the side reality of the courtesan with the Wells sisters!!! The show also does a really good job mixing up the dynamics and pairings with the characters and keeping important relationships but bringing new ones as well - Will and Harriet was one I really liked, bc there's this understanding between them of being black but also raising biracial kids in that world, and then Nancy with all the girls!!!
Still on characters, Emily Lacey has such a good arc, she was never a favorite, but she was someone you wanted to see and follow, always planning and preparing!!! I also like, that just like with the justice becoming better, they also give us some culls that we don't mind seeing - my favorite is Fanny's favorite, and the line of coming to her because she reminds him of how his wife was hit well!!!
Really this is a good show, with good characters and setting, that got me crying for at least two episodes - I was especially a mess during 2x07!!! And I've now read all the Will and Margaret fic on ao3, but I'm following to check the Margaret and Nancy ones!!! Definitely recommending this show!!!
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kittyt-hexxed · 2 years
Let Me In
Dark!Demon!Vi x Reader
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Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: Non-con undertones, Demonic haunting, claw marks, objects being thrown, seeing a figure, hearing voices, being touched by something, bodily possession, threats, praises, masturbation (dildo use), voyeurism, consensual somnophilia (fingering), rough sex (strap-on use), feeling of being watched, soul contract, obsession
Summary: You’re given a stuffed bunny as a comfort item for your birthday. Weird things start happening and your girlfriend is acting a lot more clingy than usual. Unfortunately, something else came into your home with the bunny, and it likes what it sees.
Author Note: First, I’m sorry this took so long. I had a really hard day yesterday and writing was the last thing on my mind. Secondly, Happy Halloween and Blessed Samhain! I’m doing a fun Halloween tarot pull this evening that I might post. I think you’ll like the cards ;)
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You were curled up on the couch and watching your favorite show for the thousandth time. Your friends had left a few hours ago after helping you clean up the mess you made. Your birthday was celebrated in the best way possible - surrounded by your friends, aggressively playing rock band on your old Wii, and goofing around like you were all children again. Your birthday gifts were things that you needed like body wash, perfume, and some sexy lingerie. The lingerie was from your girlfriend and everyone had teased you like crazy when you pulled it from the box. You laughed and Amelia winked at you saying to keep it ready for the next time she came over. But, your favorite gift out of all of them was an adorable vintage stuffed bunny that Molly got you. You squealed excitedly and immediately started cuddling the cute thing, surprised that it smelled like violets. Molly told you that it used to be owned by someone, pointing out the name Violet written on the inside of the right ear in sharpie. You didn’t mind that at all. You love that it has a rich history and, if anything, it made you love it more.
“Goodnight, Nini.” You let out a yawn and cuddle up to the bunny a little tighter. You were too tired to get up from the couch, so you turn over and pull the blanket up to your chin and fall asleep.
The sound of something falling in the apartment wakes you up, jolting you from your dream. You open your eyes and squint into the darkness, wondering what fell to have made such a loud noise. You feel for your phone and pick it up, flinching at the bright light of your phone screen. 2:25 am. You sigh and turn the flashlight on, shining it around the living room to see what it was. You pause when you see your canvas painting on the floor and pout. ‘I thought I hung that up properly. I’ll move it in the morning.’ You turn your light off, stretch to put your phone on the coffee table, and curl back up under the blankets.
Over the course of a month, strange things have been happening in your apartment. It started small with things being moved a few inches from where you put them. You almost didn’t even notice that it was happening. Then, items would be in a completely different place than where you put them. Your phone would be on your bed after a shower when you knew it was on the counter. Nini would appear in your arms when you fell asleep out in the living room. You had shrugged it off as you forgetting that you moved them or that you were so sleepy when you grabbed Nini you didn’t remember doing it. But, that changed one night.
After a long day at work, you came home and wanted to relieve some stress. You could practically hear your dildo calling your name when you entered your bedroom. You hurriedly got out of your clothes and jumped into the shower before drying yourself off and yanking your drawer open. Sometimes you wanted to laugh at how excited you could get over a piece of silicone but today was not that day. You got into bed, getting as comfortable as possible before reaching for the bottle of lube. You made sure your dildo had enough before slipping it in. A satisfied groan leaves your lips as it soothes some of the burning. With practiced ease, you fuck yourself, letting out low moans as it hits all the right places. Your breathing becomes irregular as that knot in your abdomen grows tighter. But, you feel a little off and that makes you pause. You open your eyes and look around your room, seeing nothing but your things. ‘Weird. I feel like I’m being watched by someone. Maybe I’m just feeling paranoid after the day I’ve had.’ You shake your head, close your eyes, and relax once more.
You moan your girlfriend’s name as you go a little faster, imagining that she’s the one doing this instead of you. Picturing her cocky smirk and how her lip ring shines when she does that, the bouncing of her tits as she rocks into you, and the feeling of her soft hands on your body. After a harder thrust than necessary, trying to mimic the way Amelia does it when you’re close, you cum and loudly moan her name. You attempt to fuck yourself through it, but the pleasure is too much so you let go. You’re breathing heavily as you come down from your high, slowly taking out the dildo so you don’t crash down too hard. In your dazed state, you could have sworn you heard a woman’s voice say, “do it again” and that was motivation enough to get up and clean your toy and yourself. 
By the time you do that, you’re too tired to bother making dinner and decide to go to bed. You put your toy away, crawl into bed and grab Nini. Like always, you squeeze her to your chest and let your eyes drift shut. Sometime in the night, you wake up for an unknown reason. You find yourself gazing into the dark room, eyes wandering around when you freeze and feel a chill go down your spine. By the end of your bed is a figure of a woman and you can’t take your eyes off of it. ‘Is this real? Is this a dream? What’s going on?’ Your heartbeat picks up in your chest as it feels like it’s looking at you. Like it knows that you know it’s there. You hug Nini tighter, the smell of violets bringing you the comfort that you needed. When you blink, the figure is gone and you pass out shortly after.
In the morning, you woke up feeling a subtle sting on your thigh. When you looked down, you saw a few red scratch marks and that unnerved you. After what you had seen in the night - still unsure of whether or not that was a dream - you got dressed for work feeling a little rattled. Before you left, you texted your girlfriend and asked if she’d spend a few days with you. Amelia had agreed and teased that you could wear that new bodysuit for her. You playfully responded that she might have to wear it for you, making her laugh.
As you are getting ready for Amelia to come over, putting on one of your other lingerie sets, you stumble forward as if you’ve been pushed. Confused, you glance behind you but see nothing. ‘Did I just lose my balance? No one is here to push me… What the fuck?’ You furrow your brow. A knock sounds at the front door and you hurriedly put a t-shirt on. You rush out of your room and unlock the door to see your girlfriend standing there.
“Hey, baby.” Amelia smiles, leaning in to give you a peck on the lips, “Are you okay? You look a little spooked.”
“I’m okay. I just lost my balance earlier and nearly face-planted into the wall.” You chuckle, closing the door behind her.
“I brought dinner.” She lifts up the plastic bag in her hand, “It’s your favorite.”
“You’re a lifesaver.” You smile sweetly, kissing her cheek, “Let’s eat, and then we can cuddle on the couch?”
“Sounds perfect.” Amelia grins.
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Nothing weird happened the first two days that Amelia stayed with you. In fact, you forgot about it. The two of you indulged in each other, exchanging kisses, playing around, and having sex. You idly had the feeling of being watched while you two had sex, but it vanished as you got more focused on your girlfriend. That should’ve been the first sign that something was very very wrong.
“So, what are we watching?” Amelia walks into the room, sitting close to you so you can throw your legs over hers.
“I was thinking How to Train Your Dragon?” You give her the puppy dog eyes, “I know we’ve watched it like a million times, but I want to fall asleep in your arms. And! Nini hasn’t seen it! Pleeeaassee?!” You plead, leaning forward and loosely grabbing her shirt. She stares into your eyes before capturing your lips in a hot kiss that has you climbing into her lap. Her hands dip beneath the waistband of your shorts to squeeze your ass and a shiver goes up your spine as Amelia gets a good grip. You break the kiss - even though you don’t want to - and give her a curious look.
“What?” Amelia asks.
“You’ve never kissed me like that before.” You blush, “What’d I do to earn that?”
“Be really fucking cute.” Amelia grins, “Now do you want to watch the movie or continue to let me kiss you?” You bite your lip, contemplating what she said.
“One more kiss and then we can watch the movie.” You smile and lean in. That one more kiss ended up with you pinned to the couch while your girlfriend practically devoured your lips. Your legs are wrapped around her waist, her hands up your shirt, and on your chest. You have never been kissed like this by her and you were absolutely loving it. That was until you realized how wet you were and that you wanted to watch the movie even though you were turned on.
“Okay…” You breathe out after pushing her away, “As much as I’m loving this. I want to watch the movie… but I don’t mind you touching me if I fall asleep.”
“I need a direct yes or no on that, Y/n.” Amelia says sternly, making you bite your lip.
“You can touch me if I fall asleep during the movie.” You chuckle as Amelia brightens up. So you get up and grab Nini before snuggling on the couch. Amelia tosses a blanket over the two of you and you press up against her as her arm rests across your waist. You’re so engrossed in the movie that you end up falling asleep before the ending. But, you’re woken up by the feeling of your girlfriend’s fingers between your thighs. Even in your half-wake state, you can hear the soft praises leaving her lips.
“You feel so good, princess.”
“I can’t believe you’re letting me do this.”
“You’re such a good girl.”
“I love the feeling of your wet cunt.”
“I can’t wait to fuck you.”
You fall back asleep after your orgasm, drifting off into a dream of that very same thought. When you've woken up in the morning, Amelia’s face is buried in your neck and she whines when you try to get up. You giggle and wake her up, getting a confused look from her when she realizes that she’s on the couch. She asks you when the two of you fell asleep out here and you told her it was sometime after the movie. That only seemed to make her more confused, but she got up and left for work without any other questions.
Amelia chooses to stay longer but you notice that things are off with her, since your place is closer to her job. In the evenings when she’s home, she’s all over you like you’re a glass of water and she’s been out in the desert for weeks. Kissing you and touching you in ways that she’s never done before that have your body burning. But, in the mornings, she’d be confused or not remember what you did the night before. When you asked her if she was okay, she said it was probably because she was stressed.
You felt bad about that so you wanted to treat her since it was your day off. So, you spent part of your day making the apartment look really romantic. Lighting candles, cooking her favorite meal, getting her favorite dessert, and putting on the new lingerie that she got you. You stood in front of the mirror and checked yourself out, letting your hands roam your body as you admired how it looked on you. ‘Amelia is going to lose it when she sees me in this.’ You giggle. Something shifts in the corner of the mirror, prompting your eyes to flick up and you freeze. The same shadowy figure you saw a week ago was standing behind you and you start to tremble in fear. You were wide awake this time. What happened a week ago wasn’t a nightmare. You can’t take your eyes off of it, can’t move as it takes a step closer to you. Your heart is in your throat as it walks until it’s behind you, a cold chill appearing along your back as it does that makes your trembling worse.
You can’t think. You can’t do anything but stare at it in the mirror. You stop breathing as its hands lift, reaching out to caress your hips, and you want to scream when you can feel it against your skin. It’s ice cold. The hands go up your body, one clawed finger brushing over your bottom lip when you hear a growling voice, “I can touch you, little princess.” And then it vanished. Your legs gave out beneath you and you drop to your knees, breathing heavily as you try to process what happened. ‘What? Wha… what the fuck was that?! W-Was that a-a- demon?’ Your phone rings, making you scream but you get up and grab it realizing that it’s Amelia calling.
“H-Hello?” You clear your throat, trying to calm yourself but you can’t because of the feeling of being watched.
“Hey, baby! I’m on my way home. Do you want me to pick something up or are you cooking?” Amelia’s voice soothes your frayed nerves.
“I’m cooking so you don’t need to pick anything up, but um…” You nervously look around the room, “Will you stay on the phone with me? I missed your voice.”
“You’re adorable.” She laughs, “Sure, I’ll stay on the phone with you for the rest of my drive. Why don’t I tell you about my day?” You agree, cautiously putting your clothes on. For the next fifteen minutes, Amelia keeps you company as she rambles about her day. You finish making dinner and place it on the table when she hangs up. It would only take her a few minutes to get here, but that left you tense and scanning the apartment for the demon. Suddenly, everything started making sense. Objects moving from where you put them, the scratches you’d wake up to, the figure you saw when you woke up in the night, and the feeling of being watched. Because you are being watched. But the question is why? When did this happen and how did it happen?
The sound of the door opening makes you flinch but you jump up from the couch when you see Amelia. You’re running over to embrace her and give her a kiss before she can comment on the decorations. Your eagerness takes her by surprise but she kisses you back just as enthusiastically.
“What’s all of this?” Amelia laughs when you break the kiss.
“You said you were stressed so I wanted to do something nice for you.” You giggle, “Go get changed and we can eat… and you can have a little surprise after.” You whisper seductively, kissing her neck.
“I am more than okay with that.” She grins. You don’t tell Amelia what happened earlier. You wanted her to enjoy the night that you had planned for her. You’ll tell her about what happened tomorrow but you needed to have one last night of normality before things went crazy. If your girlfriend didn’t believe that you have a demon in your apartment, she might just leave you. And then there was the issue of figuring out how long this demon has been with you and everything else on top of that.
“So… What’s my surprise?” Amelia asks as she put her plate in the sink. You give her a flirty smile, slowly backing up toward your bedroom, as you motion for her to follow you. You were wet from the thought of what’s to come, excited to get what you’ve been craving for these last few days.
“You have to come here and find out.” You purr, before giggling and slipping into your room. You reach up and undo your dress, letting it drop to the floor as Amelia appears in the doorway. Her eyes widen, tongue flicking over her lips as she scans your body. 
“You’re so beautiful.” Amelia purrs, walking over to you, “My beautiful princess.” She grabs your hips and yanks you towards her, making you put your hands on her chest.
“What are you going to do to me then?” You whisper, pressing your body against hers, “Princesses deserve to be worshiped, don’t they?”
“You’re so lucky I’m packing right now.” Amelia growls, backing you towards the bed, “You better spread those pretty legs of yours nice and wide for me. Are you going to let me in?” 
“Of course, I am.” You fall onto the bed with a giggle, watching in anticipation as she removes her clothes to reveal her strap underneath.
“And you’re going to cum for me when you do?”
“That’s the plan.” You wink.
“Legs.” She clicks her tongue and you obey, spreading your legs to reveal your wet slit. You knew she was really looking forward to this one because it’s crotchless. There would be nothing to take off or move out of the way.
Amelia settles between your legs before leaning down and kissing you. It’s hot and rough with her biting at your lip and sticking her tongue into your mouth. You moan against her lips as you feel her rub the strap along your slit, coating it in your slick so she can enter you. She grabs your hips and you’re needily pulling her towards you with your legs. With a chuckle from her, she slides into you and you groan in relief.
“Ready, baby?” Her eyes are hungry as she waits for your response.
“I’m ready.” You hum, “Be rough with me tonight? You haven’t done that before.”
“Only if you tell me what you like.”
“I will.” You smile.
She starts off slow, trying to find the right rhythm that has you the most vocal. Once she does, it only takes a few questions before she’s pounding into your pussy. You’re surprised by how rough she’s being with you right away, but the pleasure you’re feeling is worth it. Her hips snap forward to find your g-spot and leave you breathless. You whine out her name and beg her to go faster, throwing your head back onto the pillows when she does.
Your breathing is ragged from the constant pleasure you’re feeling, moans slipping out as you become more and more dazed. Amelia praises you for taking her strap, for presenting yourself for her, and it sends a wave of heat through you. You lay there and let her fuck you, enjoying the moment of your girlfriend being so comfortable with letting loose. She was usually more reserved and a bit quieter, but she was really praising you tonight. It made you want to cry because it felt so nice to hear her say those things.
“I love you.” Amelia groans, pushing her strap deeper.
“I love you, too.” You gasp out.
As you feel your orgasm teetering on the edge, you feel funny. It feels like there’s pressure in the center of your chest as if someone was pushing down on it. You couldn’t focus on either one of them, caught between the two sensations as they both built up.
“F-Fuck, Amelia!” You whine out, your body tensing as you cum and that pressure seems to root itself in your chest. Your girlfriend draws out your orgasm before leaning down and placing a kiss in the center of your chest. Her lips feel cool against your warm skin and you sigh contentedly as she pulls out. You lay there and enjoy your post-orgasm daze while you hear her moving around. You open your eyes when you feel her hand on your cheek to see her looking at you with wide, adoring eyes.
“I can’t believe you let me in.” Amelia chuckles, making you furrow your brow.
“What do you mean by that, baby?” You put your hand over hers.
“I could get used to a pretty thing like you calling me that.” Amelia smirks and you scream when her eyes change from their beautiful hazel to a vivid red. You scramble backward on your bed as the white of her eyes turns black and you’re frozen as Amelia’s body drops to the ground. Black smoke rises from your girlfriend’s body and forms into that shadow figure you encountered earlier today. You watch in horror as the shadow starts changing colors and looks more solid. In a short minute, there’s a woman with pink hair standing in front of you wearing clothing that triggers something in your memory. 
“Y-You’re…” You swallow, “You’re that demon from earlier.”
“I am.” She hums, a wicked smile on her face, “Surprise.”
“T-That can’t be possible. You-” Your eyes dart to your - hopefully - unconscious girlfriend, “What did you do to her? How are you- How are you even here?!” You stutter, feeling hysterical. Amelia could be dead and you’re talking to a fucking demon!
“Her? She’s fine. She’ll wake up tomorrow with no recollection of what happened after dinner.” The demon shrugs, “How am I here? You welcomed me into your home over a month ago. Very kind of you, I might add. I’ve never been cuddled so tightly before.” She chuckles like she told the funniest joke.
“Cuddled…” Your eyes immediately go to Nini who’s propped up in the corner of your bed. You always kept her there unless you wanted to snuggle up on the couch, “Nini…?” You breathe out, looking back at the demon in shock as a blush covers your face.
“Bingo.” She grins, reaching over you to pick up the stuffed bunny, “I was originally going to consume your soul, but you treated me so sweetly that I started to like it. And if I killed you then it would stop and I’d be on to the next meal who may not be as sweet.” The annoying buzzing in your head from trying to place why she looks so familiar was getting to you. Her clothes, her hair, even her face were all bothering you. ‘I know it was something from history class… the club explosion that happened forty years ago? That’s it! She reminds me- No, she looks like one of the women they found dead. What was her name? Fuck, why can’t I remember it all of a sudden?!’
“Violet!” You shout, startling the demon, “Your name is Violet, isn’t it? You were the girl who originally owned Nini a-and you… died in that club explosion.” You say quietly.
“I died with nothing but rage and revenge on my mind.” Violet plays with the bunny’s ears, “When you die like that there’s no rest for you. I took my rage out on everyone I came into contact with after they donated my bunny. It got fun after a while and I got to consume their souls when they had nothing but despair left in their hearts.” She sighs wistfully.
“Then I was handed over to you, and you…” Your breathing hitches as she pins you to the bed, “You quickly became my obsession. Imagine my glee when I found out that you had a girlfriend. I tricked her into letting me possess her because I wanted you. I’ve spent every single night with you for the past week, princess.” Her eyes glow in excitement.
“Y-You-” You feel your heart drop. Those changes in Amelia.. her memory loss and her attitude change with you were because Violet was possessing her. The kisses, the caresses, the sweet words, and the way she touched you so skillfully were all from Violet. Even just now during sex. ‘I was so in love with the way Amelia opened up… all the things she said… that was her.’ A tear runs down your face and Violet wipes it away.
“Don’t cry.” Violet coos, “You’ve given me a physical form, so I touch you myself. Your soul belongs to me now, princess. I’ll be by your side and be able to love you forever.” She purrs, brushing her lips against yours.
“M-My soul- belongs to you?” You whimper, “H-How?”
“You agreed to let me in.” Violet taps the center of your chest, “There’s a mark here. My symbol. And, that pressure you’re feeling? That’s the contract you made with me. You won’t die until I decide to consume your soul which I won’t ever do.” She licks her lips. You were speechless, staring into her eyes to see if she was lying because that’s what demons do, right? Lie. Except, the pressure in your chest reacted when her finger touched your skin. You struggled to get out from under her and she moved off of you, letting you get up from the bed and stand in from of the mirror. In the center of your chest is a pentagram with the roman numeral six (VI) in the middle of it. You shakily touch it and suck in a sharp breath when it doesn’t rub off.
“So you… own me?” You look up in the mirror and flinch when you see that she’s right behind you. One of her arms circles your waist as she brings her hand up to touch the mark, tenderly stroking the skin.
“Forever.” Violet purrs, kissing your neck, “You might want to get rid of that girlfriend of yours before I decide she’s a good meal.”
“C-Can demons even love?” You question.
“What’s not love but obsession?” Violet hums, “And I… am utterly obsessed with you, Y/n, darling.” She tilts your head back and captures your lips in a sinful kiss.
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garricks4thwingqueen · 3 months
A Viscount and the Dressmaker’s Apprentice Part 3 and Final
Word Count: 1145.
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Birth, Death and Grief
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                   Part 3  
                                                     Y/N POV
   You swear you could visibly see your breath hitch in your throat as Violet spoke to you. “Not like it was hard to miss.” You chidded. “I see your love for my son has never flattered even with time and distance.” You shook your head just wanting to bury yourself into Anthony. “And where is your little sister, I could have sworn I invited you both to Anhony’s engagement ball.”  “She is home back in Ireland.” “For now.” Anthony said standing up and putting a reassurance hand on your shoulder. “Mother, I know where my heart is content and it’s with Y//N. I haven’t felt the way I have felt in years, not even with Kate. I know Y/N will have what it takes to be a proper Viscountess as she knows how to take care of me and love me emotionally and properly. I stand my ground. Arrangements will be made for Amelia’s travels and she can take over a guest chamber near our own. I let you rip us apart once before but never again.” 
     Your heart swelled as Anthony spoke out his heartfelt love for you. Your eyes never leaving Violet’s unreadable expressions as the viscount spoke. “Very Well Anthony.” “Very well, that’s it?” You couldn’t help but stammer out nervously. “I’ll do anything, even etiquette classes.” You continued to stammer not fully believing Violet’s quick approval of Anthony’s declaration. “Etiquette classes? Very well they will be arranged for you to start them next week.” 
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          Several years had passed since you and Amelia had returned to London. You and Anthony had fallen back into the swing of being with each other very quickly even as you spent your first your under Violet’s sharp observations and attending etiquette classes; which your now husband got a great quick out of watching from across the room. You and Anthony had now been married for three years and you had just given birth to a beautiful baby boy. You both had decided to forgo the alphabetical naming tradition of the Bridgertons and named your precious bundle Edmund Anthony Bridgeton. 
      “He's so precious.” You cooed, rocking your newborn in your arms as your husband sat behind you as you leaned into him. “Our feature  little heartbreaker Viscount Edmund Anthony.” Anth said softly as you could have sworn you saw tears on the Viscount’s eyes. “Are you crying Anthony Edmund.” You teased and whipped his cheek. “Come on, you can’t blame me. It’s not every day you see your precious wife cradling your newborn baby boy in her arms.” “You're such a softie sometimes.” “Only for you darling only for you.” “Would you like to hold him before he has to eat?” You swear Anthony’s eyes were watering ten fold at your words as Anthony gently cradled Edmund into him. “He has my brown eyes.” “And hair.” You added. “I didn't think babies had this much when they were born.” Anthony chuckled at your words as he placed a soft kiss on his first born’s forehead. “I love you.” He cooed to the little one. “And I love you Momma.” He said soothingly as he kissed your forehead also. “I love you Anthony. Always.” “Always.” Anthony repeated softly to you, his lips still on your forehead. 
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        Years had passed and you and Anthony couldn’t have had been happier because of your family together. Before Anthony had parted this world due to illness and you had been greatly devastated during that time taking great comfort in Benedict and Amelia. Benedict had held you at night keeping away your nightmares and anxiety in the dark as Amelia was again the best sister you could ask for as she made sure you were taking care of yourself; but she also helped get Edmund prepped for his season as London’s most eligible Bachelor. Anthony had passed a few months prior to the start of the season and all you could do was plead to Benedict or Colin whoever was taking the turn to be with was plead that you didn’t know how to live anymore. Benedict and Colin were always quick to reassure that they would be there and that you still had Edmund and Violet that needed you to be their mother. 
        It was the official start of the season and you had barely seen your own two children in the past months as you relished in your own grief, not wanting them to see like that. But with the help of Amelia and Eloise you had gotten yourself ready for tonight's festivities after all it was the responsibility of the Bridgertons to host the opening ball. You thanked the girls and had asked for a few moments of quiet before meeting your children and the others in the entry. You subconsciously ran your finger across the necklace Anthony had given you years ago as you whispered a soft and quiet “I love you.” As you grabbed Anthony’s first Bridgerton blue necktie you were going to give to Edmund tonight. You smoothed your own Bridgerton blue gown once more as before meeting Benedict at the top of the stairs to escort you down.
     Your son was the first to greet you at the bottom of the stairs offering you his arm. “Mother you like simply beautiful.” You son said as you pulled him into a hug your other arm reaching out towards your youngest Violet. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’ve been so distant it wasn’t the proper way to handle my grief when both of you needed your mother to. “It’s ok Mum. We all handled losing Father differently.” You nod at your son's strong words; thankful that he had handled the loss of his father a little better than his father had handled the loss of his. “Here you. It’s time for your first official piece of Bridgerton blue. This was your Grandfather’s and then your Father’s.” You said as you undid his gray one and switched it with the blue. “I hope I make Dad proud this season.” Your son had said softly, you could tell his voice was wavering. You gave your son a tight squeeze as you said “I know you are Edmund. He always has been ever since he first held you in his arms 18 years ago. And I couldn’t be more proud of you and your sister. Especially you.”  “What if I don’t end up with the diamond this season?” He asked nervously. “Then I’ll still be proud of you and so will your uncles and your Father will be more than proud of you. “The diamond isn’t always the best choice. Just promise me, you will follow your heart during this and even if it doesn’t happen this season; you will find your true love. Just like your Father and I found each other.” 
                                               -The End-  
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
Mollllyyyyyy omg omg omg did you see the photo of Violet on the floor playing with her TWO grand babies. And there is an E block on the floor in front of them. I don't expect much from the show but if this is baby Kathony I'm literally gonna die (I'm not going to assume their gender the show did change Amelia for Augie afterall but neddyyyyy).
I have put the picture under the cut for anyone trying to avoid spoilers
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I…. I’m gonna say I think this may be their baby. I’ve been suspicious since we saw those filming things and it looked like Kate was holding a baby but that being said: I’m not gonna pin my hopes and dreams on it.
Here’s why I’m not surprised that we would be getting this news in Queen Charlotte rather than the show itself: Shondaland love the what I call: MCU horror show. Where basically every movie there’s assumed knowledge that you’ve seen everything that came before that. Right down to the most basic fucking superhero you never thought you’d care about but here I am paying $22.50 to see it just so I can understand the next one I might actually want to see. You literally can hardly go two episodes of Grey’s Anatomy without having to deal with Station 19 (🙄🙄🙄). And it’s kind of smart: they want people to watch the show. And they know people will watch if there’s little between season tidbits on their Favourite characters.
I think it’s likely that this is Anthony and Kate’s child and the explained reason for Daphne absence this season is pregnancy.
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fictionalreads · 7 months
Chicago Fire Season 12 Episode 6
Severide and Kidd
Where are you Severide?
Oh we’re lying. Okay.
I miss the cigar chats.
Nothing better happen to Severide in this vent.
Oh it was a fake explosion.
Brett and Casey
So you really just gonna get married in a fish store?!
Damn. Of course Casey walks in.
Y’all really just making out while she at work huh?
Told you I had a bad feeling.
Smart move Brett.
Not a fan of this bow tie Matt.
Oh yeah Amelia! Is she there?
Why is there only one Darden boy? Not enough in the budget?
Welp. That’s it for Brett.
Yes. Maid of Honor it up!
Why not just talk to Carver?
Oh this lady is a bitch. She has to go.
Sam is so patient with her. I approve.
Gibson and Kylie
But yes Kylie just tell them you want to transfer if there’s ever an open slot.
I keep forgetting to do this.
Rome Flynn is so fine.
LMAO Hermann has no shame.
Oooh it’s so pretty
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slayersindie · 7 months
hi! i'm buffy, a brand new indie roleplayer that focuses on writing as canon characters from my favourite fandoms! while my blog is no where near finished yet, i thought i would make a starter/plot call for when i'm ready! while i only write as canon characters, i will happily write against ocs and i'm crossover friendly (within reason). i've never done indie before and so please bare with me as i get to grips with it and learn the ropes.
i'm still setting up my muse directory, but i thought i would compile a list of the muses i write as under the read more.
if you're interested, please like this post and i'll come say hi in your dms!
addams family
gomez addams
morticia addams
buffy the vampire slayer
anya jenkins
buffy summers
cordelia chase
faith lehane
tara maclay
willow rosenberg
chris halliwell
cole turner
daryl morris
leo wyatt
paige matthews
phoebe halliwell
piper halliwell
prue halliwell
wyatt halliwell
gen v
andre anderson
cate dunlap
emma meyer
jordan li
marie moreau
god of war (2018/ragnarok)
grey’s anatomy (only up to season 11)
addison montgomery
alex karev
amelia shepherd
april kepner
arizona robbins
callie torres
cristina yang
derek shepherd
izzie stevens
jackson avery
jo wilson
lexie grey
maggie pierce
mark sloan
meredith grey
miranda bailey
owen hunt
stephanie edwards
teddy altman
marvel (mcu)
bruce banner
bucky barnes
carol denvers
clint barton
eddie brock
jane foster
kate bishop
may parker
natasha romanoff
pepper potts
peter quill
sam wilson
steve rogers
tony stark
wanda maximoff
yelena belova
pirates of the caribbean
elizabeth swann
jack sparrow
will turner
snowpiercer (netflix)
andre layton
melanie cavill
stranger things
jim hopper
joyce byers
edward cullen
emmett cullen
jacob black
rosalie hale
van helsing (netflix)
axel miller
jack van helsing
vanessa helsing
violet van helsing
the boys
annie january
billy butcher
hughie campbell
kevin moskowitz
kimiko miyashiro
margaret shaw
mother's milk
the mask of zorro/the legend of zorro
alejandro de la vega
elena de la vega
the mummy
ardeth bay
evelyn o'connell
rick o'connell
the witcher (netflix)
geralt of rivera
triss merigold
yennefer of vengerberg
michael corvin
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*note: I'm actually very bad at judging whether something is popular or not so some of these might be more popular but these are songs from artists I don't see talked about a lot on the parts of the internet that I'm on and a decent amount are ones I know because they are based out of closeish to where I live
(the lyric from each song that I think most fits them under the cut)
I Am The Night by Amelia Curran And I'm the one whose gonna fall apart When everyone else breaks your heart I am the song I am the hymn of sin I'm the addiction and I'm giving in
Where The Nightingales Sing by Alan Doyle Meet me at midnight Same old sweet song Tonight and tomorrow And on and on Stay with me sway with me Love's serenade As long as we stand And the band wants to play When the last waltz is over And the next one begins Lay me down, lay me down Where the nightingales sing Lay me down, lay me down Where the nightingales sing
Hey Now by Hillsburn Hey now, hey where'd you go? Paint me up and play me, honey, I'll pretend that I don't know That life's a struggle, a bright illusion, a hustle. Tell me through these harder seasons I'm the best part of this puzzle.
Hey now, hey wherever you been, Throw your older arms around me, Maybe we'll be young again. So I say hey now, hey wherever you go, Come on back home to me, honey, We'll pretend you missed me so.
Redacted by Leanna Firestone I'm not leaving because I don't care I have to go because the idea of being in love with you Makes me so scared and I don't know who I am anymore But I know that I never even question it before I met you, so
I'm so sorry that I have to go You'd be a casualty of my curiosity, so I think it's best if we never know If I like you or if I just hate being alone
Here For You To Love by Madison Violet But time and time again Yeah we're just friends No beginning and no end I keep waiting for the shoe to drop When you look at me and i'm enough Oh darlin' i'll be here for you to love
Not Allowed To Love You by Madison Violet When I look behind I guess I could have noticed And that's half the crime I was innocently hopeful Could have listened to your breathing It was heavy on my shoulder There were things I could have told you It was easier to hold you
Now how can I Be not allowed to love you anymore Can i be not allowed to love you Was the thing that I was best at That I didn't have to guess at It was all that I could say I knew for sure I can't say it anymore
Favourite by Ruth B. Rough around the edges, hates when people see him weak But I don't think he's thinking when he's all alone with me Blues turn to an auburn red I'll make my mark in his head (mm)
I see his walls come down One by one One by one
He writes poetry but no one knows I think I love him 'cause no one knows He don't have a favourite colour He says, "It's too hard to choose" But I'm his favourite girl (ooh-ooh) I'm his favourite
Safe Haven by Ruth B. When the world is caving, baby, you're my safe haven And when it all comes crashing I remember you saying If you show me, then I'll show you All the things that make me wanna know you And when the world is caving Baby, you're my safe haven, you're my safe haven
And when I leave you I stop looking for heaven 'Cause I found a piece of it wrapped up in your presence Oh with you and I there's love so divine On my darkest day, I know you'll be my shine
Ava by Hillsburn I'm not a pretty boy But I'm loyal and life's long You need folks to depend on Maybe I'm built all wrong But my love is true
Wash Me Down by Jim Cuddy I swear I’ve seen your face before Somewhere when I was young You make me feel the miles I’ve walked The things I’ve left undone Come here and lay beside me One more hour, that’s all When you leave I’ll close the door Maybe then I’ll fall
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