#but when topics are more serious and he just brushes them off i actually get annoyed/upset
tsukasalvr · 9 months
Idk if your requests are open or not AAHH! But if they are:
(Possible TW in my request for mentions of depression, anxiety, commiting di3 joke)
Could you do a reader with bad depression and anixety. And maybe one day reader makes a joke about 0ffing themself and then they dont show up to school for a few days
Characters I would prefer(from TBHK): Kou, Teru, Hanako, Akane(boy)
You can add more if you like! :)
Im sorry its not very specific, this is my first time requesting something
Also sorry i know topics like these are difficult for some people <3
depressed!reader who makes su*cidal jokes
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Anime/fandom: Tbhk
Characters: Kou Minamoto, Teru Minamoto, Hanako, Akane Aoi
Warnings: I don’t proofread, depressed reader, mention of suicide
A/n: just got broken up w by my pookie wookie☹️💔
Tbhk masterlist | Main masterlist
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Kou Minamoto
Is immediately put off by what you’re saying and is immediately concerned, and gets even more concerned once you get together and just stares nervously at you while stuttering, not knowing what to say
“That’s so embarrassing, if that were me I would kill myself no doubt! Being so stupid like that, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself!” You casually said while looking at a post on your phone.
“O-oh… umm…” Kou is at a loss for words sometimes and tries to brush it off by moving onto something happier to distract you from thoughts like those
When you make a joke that’s one day too far he genuinely seems so much more concerned and ask if you’re okay. He gets so worried about you that it’s best not to make jokes like that near him.
If you don’t show up the next day, he gets worried and is immediately trying to leave school early even though he knows Teru will berate him later for it, he needs to see you’re okay and when he arrives to your house and sees you are, he’s very serious about not making jokes like those again and is invites you to his house more often to distract yourself and is willing to help you get help
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Teru Minamoto
Gives you a nervous smile when you joke about suicide and even when you you’re dating he still gives you an obvious fake smile to not hurt your feelings. He knows that outright saying that if you need someone talk to talk to can be annoying sometimes so he’ll try to subtly let you know he’s there
Whether it’s from talking about a topic of a documentary of a tragic life of some celebrity and all they needed help to having Kou telk you that you’re part of the family and that you can tell them anything when you’re over at their house
“I can’t stop messing this up! God I really should’ve taken those pills when I had the chance, what the hell!” You said angrily at the fact you couldn’t get the string through the small hole in the needle.
Teru could only smile at you, he never says anything to your ‘jokes’, but then he stops and just goes to frowning hoping that you’re not being serious
When you don’t show up the next day, he’s not super worried and just assumes you’re late but sends you messages. But after a few hours the messages become more frequent and by the end of the school day he’s running to your house scared. When he sees you’re alright, he’s pissed and says enough is enough and he’s not taking anymore jokes and is instead going to help you
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He might laugh at your jokes, but it’s only so he doesn’t worry you. He’s not an unfamiliar when it comes to stuff like this and he knows you might now want to talk about it right away so he’s fine with trying to take it slow
On the inside though, his ghostly heart is scared that you’re it joking and you’re actually being serious. He can’t bear the thought of you dying—and especially dying this way so he keeps a close eye on you and has Kou and Yashiro even make sure that you’re doing okay
“God, I’m so stupid and useless” you say with a laugh as you look at your test result and shove the paper back in your bag
Hanako stares at you, and lets out a laugh that’s believe enough. He’s conflicted on what he should do, should he ask how you’re doing? What if you lie to him? Would you even want to talk to him?
It seems as if his worries have come true when you didn’t show up to school the next day and asks if Yashiro or Kou have seen you at all and to message you on those weird electronic things. Yashiro only agrees to go to your house when Hanako asked because she too was worried about you. Hanako waits impatiently the next day and sees you and you tell him you were just feeling sick. If he could, then Hanako would definitely cry and basically forces you to promise to tell him if anything is wrong with a scared and worried expression on his face
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Akane Aoi
You’re the most precious person in his life so he takes everything very serious when it comes to you. A paper cut? He’s getting ready to call an ambulance for you and is frantically asking you if you’re okay.
So joking about such topics near him immediately alarms him and hea on full protective mode with asking if you’re joking or not. He takes everything you say seriously, he cares about you a lot so to see you laugh about it, hurts him a little
“What if I jump out this window right now? I really do want to do this test!” You whined and looked over at the window that was right next to where you were sitting.
Akane had a prominent frown on his face, he knew you weren’t exactly mentally okay and you’re jokes were becoming more and more frequent
He’s on full panic mode when you don’t show up to school the next day and the worst possible outcomes are immediately coming to mind. He hopes he’s wrong and is blowing up your phone and is willing to mess up his perfect attendance streak for you, he’ll fix it later. But when he sees you overslept and your phone died because wig wasn’t charged, he’s disappointed. He knew it was getting worse if you dying was what came to mind when you didn’t show up so he pledges to help you
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frickingnerd · 1 year
fake dating chat noir
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pairing: chat noir/adrien agreste x gn!reader
tags: lying (both you & adrien/chat; to your friends), mentions of people thinking you're a liar, mostly fluff, secret identies
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all of your friends were either in a relationship or in love with someone
and since you didn't want to feel left out, you were lying about having a boyfriend yourself
the only problem is that you told them the first name that came to your mind when they asked who exactly that secret boyfriend of yours was
"chat noir" was probably not the answer you should've given, but after those words left your mouth, it was already too late
some of your friends were quiet. others thought you were joking and started laughing
but not adrien agreste. he of all people decided to help you out with your obvious lie
"actually, y/n is saying the truth–! i saw them together the other day… right?" 
the people who were laughing quickly went quiet. suddenly, everyone seemed to take you at least a little more serious
i mean, why would adrien lie for you? he's the most honest person they know!
you thought things would end there. everyone would think you were a liar but not bring the topic up anymore
but then, a few days later, chat noir showed up while you were hanging out with your friends
he wrapped an arm around your waist, kissed your cheek and politely asked you to finally introduce him to his lovers best friends
you had no idea how he could possibly have found out about your little lie or why he was playing along with it
but you tried to act cool and for that one day, you were pretending to date the hero of paris
by the end of the day chat noir takes you home and the two of you are finally alone for the first time
you ask him how he found out about your lie and why he even bothered to show up and play along
he refuses to tell you why and just gives you a playful wink, but he does admit that he heard rumors about his supposed lover and wanted to see them for himself
you get flustered and try to apologize for lying about it, but chat brushes it off and tells you that he doesn't mind playing your boyfriend
he lets you know that if you need him to play your boyfriend again in the future, he'll gladly help you
the entire time, you stay unaware that the one who's actually helping you out is none other than your good friend adrien
that he had actually had canceled his plans with the group that day, telling them he had a photoshooting, so he could show up as chat noir and help you out
and you're also unaware of how much adrien actually enjoyed playing your boyfriend. so much, that he hopes you'll keep that lie up a little longer~
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yuri-is-online · 11 months
I saw the 300 followers event, and I'd like to request prompt 9 with Leona, Ace, and Jamil
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9. Jealousy pt. 2- someone from a rival school asks for your number
Hi hi! Thank you for your request, I hope you like this friend.
notes: they/them pronouns used for Yuu, Check out the rest of the event requests on my masterlist here.
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"Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer." Leona has heard you say that more than once, always in a tone that suggests you are mimicking something or someone; from your world he assumes. Not that he really minds, it's a nice quote. Snappy. And the first time he heard you say it you had been critiquing Azul, not him. Not him, even though it could easily apply.
That's why it is thundering in his skull right now, needling at that knot in his forehead that refuses to leave, twitching in his snarl as he watches some RSA brat wind his way around your shoulders.
"I've got to say," purrs the stranger, lightly resting a hand on your shoulder as you consider what power you need to invoke to get him gone "I was surprised to find someone so nice attending NRC." You can't really think of a good reply, the awkward laughter that stutters out of you doesn't seem to count.
"It would be a real shame to let such a chance encounter go unsavored." He could have chosen a less suggestive tone of voice, or maybe it's just Leona's previous comments about how you should try to avoid "getting eaten" that are working double time on your nerves. "Perhaps you could give me your-"
"Oi." Leona's voice rumbles, you swear there was an actual roar before he spoke. The RSA student certainly jumps back from you like there was. "You are making them uncomfortable." The student apologizes, to you or Leona you have no idea, as Leona settles a comforting hand onto your shoulder.
"Thank you, sorry for-"
"Don't." Leona is surprisingly calm. "'s my job to scare off bottom feeders like that anyway."
Well now. That is news to you.
There is something of a disadvantage in always being around the person you like when you aren't quite sure how much it is you like them just yet. The full realization tends to come at an inconvenient time, making ordinary situations into ones of great annoyance. For example, a casual walk through Craneport where you run into some kid from RSA who is also casually enjoying his day of with a friend.
"Cute, right?" A great big dog is happily panting as you scratch her ears, a smile just as shiny as her owners beaming up at you.
"Super cute!" You resist the urge to kiss her all over her massively cute face while Ace tries to fight off an existential crisis. That is a dog, he is feeling jealousy over a dog. What's going to make him insecure next, a tooth brush?
"Her name's Ginger." The stranger says with clear pride. "She really likes you, I'm almost sad to see you go."
"Only almost?" You laugh and give a final head pat to the very good girl while Ace swallows. Anger, jealousy, general annoyance at your obliviousness? Who knows.
"Could I get your number then?" Asks the stranger. "I'm sure she'd love to get to know you."
"I'm sure she would!" Ace's heart skinks, hand going behind his head to awkwardly soothe his wounded heart. "But I think I'll have to pass." You don't give a reason and the stranger doesn't ask, just takes his loss on the chin as you begin to walk again.
"So why'd you say no?" His voice is surprisingly even even if the question feels like it stumbles out of him.
"Oh well you know..." You shuffle along, as eager to let the topic die as he is to press it. "I've already got a favorite ginger." He snorts, threatening to break into a full blown laugh. "I do!" You protest, oddly serious and extremely embarrassed. "And he's enough of a handful already."
"I'm sure Cay-kun will be happy to hear it." Ace laughs, winking back at you as he prepares to run back towards the bus, shouts of protest somehow falling on deaf ears and stroking his ego.
Sometimes Jamil is envious of Floyd. His reputation wouldn't take a dive if someone from the other team accidentally ran into a missed shot fifteen times. Nobody would even blink. But if the ball came from his hands... well then people would start asking questions.
"Are you jealous?"
No. A lie. Jamil is jealous of the air you breathe for its closeness to your lips, and this sniveling Nobel Bell brat can actually speak. Not that he knows exactly what he is asking for, but Jamil has an active imagination. And feet, he somehow seems to be stalking his way towards you even though none of what is happening is any of his business.
"Are you dating?"
Why would I want that? I've already got enough on my plate as is, I don't need a partner. Only true on the surface. Jamil has no idea why he wants you (Kalim assures him he doesn't need a reason but why would he want to listen to that advice) he just does. You make him feel a bunch of inconvenient and ridiculous things, he does not need a partner but he does want one.
"Um... I was wondering..." Seven the kid was pathetic from across the court but now that he was actually here he is even worse. Jamil is surprised he hasn't fainted yet. "I was wondering... um if you wouldn't mind could I get your number?" He seems genuinely hopeful and Jamil has got to look just as genuinely disgusted with how far back the kid jumps.
"I'm sorry..." you turn him down so gently it hurts (for Jamil, not the kid, he wants to see the little bitch run away crying) "You've been very nice I'm just not interested right now." You let out a relived sigh as the kid walks away normally as Jamil considers talking to and is not given a chance to think better of it before you turn around. "Oh hey Jamil." Why do you have to look so happy to see him? It hurts. "Sorry you had to see that, I was just trying to turn in the team registratio-"
"Do you find that attractive?" You both look shocked Jamil even asked that, but now that he has, he finds that he is too stubborn to back down.
"No?" And then with a bit more certainty you add. "No. No I think I would like someone with a bit more... mindful" You say with an admiral degree of confidence for someone who is no longer looking him in the eyes.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 5 months
i can’t get enough of gavriel x rowans sister, what do you think about one where she meets aelin and they instantly hot it off, reader likes to read and eat sweets aswell so they bond quickly and rowan couldn’t be happier that his two fav people in the world love eachother so much. And also what so you think about a timeskip to after the war when everything is at peace and reader finds out she’s pregnant. She doesn’t know yet but gavriel and rowan smell it on her the second she and aelin come back from shopping, how cute🥰🥰
Green napkins
You had been over the moon excited to finally meet your brother’s mate. Gods, you still remembered the day he had told you that he had a feeling that Aelin was his actual mate. Oh, how he had cried for Lyria. How much he cursed Maeve. You had held him through it all. Trying to soothe the aches in his heart. But then pain had been replaced by so much peace and calmness when you had asked him to tell you about her and from the way he spoke alone, you knew that he was truly in love.
"Sweetheart, this is all very sweet but there's only four of us tonight", you felt Gavriel's hands slowly sneaking across your hips. You had been cooking all morning. With the war over and you being able to come home, Rowan was finally bringing Aelin over and you might have been slightly too excited... maybe? Just eleven different dishes too excited. "But this has to be perfect", you said stepping back slightly, so you could look at the table. "My heart, it was perfect an hour ago and it is just as perfect now", Gavriel reassured you. "Do you like green or blue more?", you yanked the napkins off the table showing them to your mate. Gavriel cracked a smile and you instantly frowned, "This is serious Gavriel".
Raising his hands, he glanced over at the table, "I would go with green", "Well then we are switching the glasses", you breathed out, reaching for the glass but Gavriel caught your hand bringing you into his embrace, "It's okay to be nervous but I know that you two will love one another", he muttered, carefully brushing some of your curls away from your face. "Who said I was nervous?", you shook your head but one look at Gavriel and you knew that fooling him would never work.
"I just... I missed so much. They had gone through so much together. You all have and I was under a fucking mountain like a princess doing nothing", you huffed out. It had been a hard choice to make. Maeve had targeted you multiple times. You had been the only weak link keeping both Rowan and Gavriel in iron control. They thought that they had played the system in hiding you in another court but for that alone both of them had been forced to watch you being tortured for days, nearly bleeding to death. That had been the last straw and with the help of a couple of friends, you had been hidden in a place no one would ever look. Or dare to look.
"I had to keep you safe, had to", Gavriel said, cupping your face, "It kept you alive, gave me a chance to come back to you". You rested your forehead against his. He would slip to visit you from time to time when the blood oath started to frail. And what a meeting it was. Full of passion and lust and desire. A handful of stolen time. Where your bodies spoke louder than words. A slight swell in your stomach a clear evidence of that.
"Kept both of you safe and so I will not apologize for being selfish here", Gavriel admitted, "because I know that you would have been in front lines", "Hell yeah, I would have", you breathed out. Gavriel leaned in to press a kiss to your temple. "But now we are growing a family so mommy, no battlefields for you. Ever", he booped your nose before rubbing your stomach gently. You rolled your eyes, turning to fold napkins neatly. And since you knew that fighting him was pointless you had dropped the topic immediately.
Aelin was exactly how you had imagined her to be. In hindsight even more amazing than you had painted her to be in your head. Queen or not her shy smile as she greeted you told you all you needed to know. She was worried because Rowan was never going to leave you. The only family of his left that he was ready to die for. So your opinion mattered in this.
"I bought you some of my favorite sweets”, she had shyly handed you a box, “I wanted to get more but Rowan said it was already too much”. You glared at your brother and he simply lifted his hands, “There was no implication in that comment, just didn’t want to leave the poor man with an empty shop”. Gavriel carefully took the box in, giving you a chance to reach for Aelin, “I have a feeling you and I will be great friends”, you muttered.
“And I have a feeling we will be in a lot of trouble”, Rowan nudged Gavriel’s shoulder, who tried to suppress a smile. “Shut up, Rowan”, you and Aelin both huffed, falling into fits of giggles straight after. Leaving the two males to shake their heads. “How you deal with her is beyond me sometimes”, Rowan barely whispered, making Gavriel smirk, “Careful, she cried over napkins today”.
And the evening couldn’t be more perfect.
You got to fuss over the three of them. Filling up their plates over and over again. The conversation flowed so easily as if you had known your brother’s mate for centuries on end. “Sit down, darling”, Gavriel muttered as you rounded the table once more. “But the peach pie”, you pointed towards the kitchen. “I’ll get it”, he said softly, leaning over to kiss your temple. “But you still need to…”, “Flip it over onto the white plate, tap the top, and let it slide out of the tray without poking it”, Gavriel said with a smile, “I got it petal”, he reassured you. “I’ll help you with the plates”, Rowan pushed back his chair after giving his mate’s hand a reassuring squeeze.
“I could tell that Gavriel was a man with a big heart before but with you…”, Aelin trailed off, “He mentioned you so much while we… you know…”, she shifted awkwardly. “I hope only good things, cause he might end up sleeping outside”, you huffed playfully. “I too have to say that I have never seen Rowan so at ease before”, your eyes darted toward the kitchen. Where you could just about see two giant soldiers fighting a pie tray. “I love him”, Aelin’s words were barely a whisper and you instantly gazed at her, reaching over the table to clasp her hand, “Oh, I can tell. Your eyes say it all”.
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mirkoluvs · 2 years
characters: midoriya, bakugo, todoroki
genre: fluff, kinda comfort !!
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izuku midoriya
- i love him so much but he would be unbelievably awkward 💀
- you told him you were fine, but it was clear you were the complete opposite of that
- when he tried asking you the first time, you just brushed it off and brought up something else, practically forcing a topic change
- but by the time classes were over and everyone was back in the dorms, you still looked just as miserable as you did before
- he couldn’t just let you suffer alone, so he mustered up all of his courage and went over to talk to you
“uhm… y/n, can i talk to you?”, midoriya asked, getting your attention. “sure, what’s wrong?”, you asked, following him as he walked to a more private part of the common room. “i don’t mean to be nosy, but are you sure you’re alright? i know you said you were fine earlier, but you don’t really look like it… WAIT, THAT CAME OUT WRONG. i mean, you look great as always! wait, no. i mean, yes! okay, what i’m trying to ask is-“, “izuku, i get what you’re trying to say, relax”, you interrupted him from his rant, causing him to let out a slight chuckle of embarrassment. “okay, i may have lied a little bit. i just got in a bit of trouble with mr. aizawa for not doing my homework on time and it ruined my mood, i promise it’s nothing serious”, you said, reassuring him. as if he had been holding it in all day, he let out a huge sigh of relief, leaning against the wall. “well that’s reassuring. i was thinking it was something really serious… not that what mr. aizawa said isn’t important! if you want, i could help you with your homework after school, kind of like a tutor!”, he suggested, perking up at the idea. you as well liked the sound of that, thinking of the things that could come out of it. “that actually sounds like a really good idea! thanks, izuku. for checking up on me and offering to tutor me”, you smiled at the boy. his face going from normal to a bright shade of red in mere moments, he hastily nodded his head. “no problem!”.
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katsuki bakugo
- we all know bakugo’s a perspective person, so he notices when your mood is off
- “oi, what’s wrong with you, moron?”
- instead of making a snarky comment like you always do, you just muttered a “nothing” and pushed by him, walking out of the classroom
- he knew you were lying and it pissed him off, but he didn’t bother since you were already gone
- now, you two usually walk together after school and you still did walk with him, it was just unbearably quiet.
- usually you would find anything to talk about the whole entire walk home, but this time you didn’t even make a peep.
- this REALLY pissed him off, but he didn’t just brush it off this time
grabbing your wrist, bakugo dragged you behind a building, pinning you against a wall, his arms trapping you in, hands laid against the wall right next to your head. “what the hell-?”, “alright, cut the shit. what’s wrong? you’re acting weird and it’s annoying as hell”, he said in an irritated tone. “i already said it’s nothing”, you repeated from earlier. clicking his tongue, he rolled his eyes, clearly seeing through you. “do you think i’m dumb or some shit? i can tell you’re lying. you aren’t leaving until you spit it out”, he told you. it really didn’t look like he was going to budge anytime soon, so you sighed, giving in. “okay, okay! fine. i’m just upset because i got a really bad score during training today and it just put me off because i worked so hard and i still did bad”, you confessed, looking down in embarrassment. the silence was loud until you saw him put his arms down, letting out a sigh. “that’s it? you’re dramatic as hell”, he said, his attitude-filled tone coming back. “wow, thanks”, you replied sarcastically, rolling your eyes. “if you needed help with training, you could’ve just asked. throwing a pity party isn’t gonna fix shit, so actually communicate with me so we can figure it out together”, he finished, his tone softening. it was rare to ever receive actual advice or even help from bakugo, even if he was a little harsh with it. you couldn’t help but snicker at his attitude change, causing him to whip his head around. “WHAT THE HELL IS SO FUNNY?!”, he shouted at you as you continued to burst out in laughter. “i-im sorry! it’s just i’ve never seen you be so nice before, it’s so out of character for you and it’s funny!”, you laughed, trying to catch your breath. “tch, whatever, idiot! you better take my offer or else you aren’t getting any help from me” he told you with annoyance in his tone. “i will, trust me! thank you, katsuki”, you smiled.
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shoto todoroki
- this poor man 😭
- he doesn’t really realize realize that you’re hiding something from him, he literally just thinks you hate him
- usually he would be greeted in the mornings by you running up to his desk and talking to him about any life updates, but that didn’t happen today
- instead, you walked right to your seat and didn’t say a word all period and it stayed like that the whole day
- when he tried to talk to you and asked if you were okay, you just responded in small hums, making it seem as if you were uninterested
- after a while, he just flat out asked you
“y/n, do you hate me?”, todoroki asked, causing you to practically choke on the juice you were drinking. “what?! no, why would i hate you?”, you asked, clearing your throat. “well, you haven’t spoken to me all day, so i assumed that was the case. if it is, i will leave you alone if that’s what you would like”, he said, preparing his stuff to move to a different table. “no, wait! shoto, im not mad at you at all, it’s just been a rough day, that’s all”, you reassured him, pulling him back down into the seat by his shirt. “oh”, he stated dumbfounded, sitting back down. he felt like a complete idiot by not noticing that something may be wrong. it was hard for him to figure out other people’s feelings as he had that problem himself. “well, what’s wrong then?”, he asked you, showing full attentiveness. you sighed before continuing to explain how you got in trouble with your parents for “being too careless” when it came to doing hero work and how it put you in a bad mood for the rest of the day. he nodded, taking everything you said into account before coming up with something to say. “well, i think you are amazing when it comes to hero work, you just act quickly, which may be a bit risky sometimes, but heros have to take risk to save people, right?”, he said, trying his best to help you out. you cracked a small smile for the first time all day, appreciating how hard he was trying to make you feel better. “yeah, you’re right. thanks, sho! and sorry about earlier, i shouldn’t have ignored you like that”, you apologized, feeling guilty about how you made him think you hated him. “it’s alright. i was a bit worried, but now that you told me what was actually going on, i feel a lot better. just know you can always tell me when somethings wrong, i’ll listen”.
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© mirkoluvs. please do not copy, modify, or repost on other platforms. thank you !!
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fourmula1 · 3 months
thinking about a maxiel take on good luck, babe! by chappell roan where daniel is scared to commit to max despite the fact that they’ve been sleeping together for like, a couple years at this point, and that includes actual sleeping. spending the night. ordering food. laying on the couch together. 
but it’s not SERIOUS, right. it’s convenient. they travel the world for work and it’s just easier this way to have someone always there to take care of each other’s needs. it’s just blowing off steam and getting a primal need met. that’s all. right? a person needs to be touched and they’re such good friends as it is and it’s just easy to translate that to the bedroom. the hotel room. the private jet. 
and max has kind of tried to broach the topic a couple of times now. putting a label in this. exclusivity. they have such incredible chemistry in and out of the bedroom and max is ready to make this more serious than it’s been.
and Daniel’s like ‘ahh maxy you’re so young don’t settle down this is all good fun yeah?’
and max has heard daniel say something along those lines so many times and each time he just brushes it aside and carries on because it’s really nice to fall into bed with daniel and forget it all when they’re sweaty and spent and basking in the afterglow.
but it gets to be too much at one point, doesn’t it? max doesn’t want to break up (can he even call it that if they were never together to begin with?) but like. they have been. label or not. so he tells daniel that he doesn’t want to keep sleeping together if that’s all it is (and he knows that isnt all it is but daniel is scared and ashamed of himself and it used to be sad but now max is over it). 
so he cuts daniel loose. but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t see and hear things. they run in all the same circles and he’s heard stories about daniel sleeping around and driving to Nice to hit up gay bars and kiss and fuck all kinds of pretty boys and it fucking hurts every time max hears another anecdote but that’s life, isn’t it?
and max minds his own business and eventually he meets a really nice guy in monaco who isn't involved in racing at all. he’s just normal and nice and into max and going on dates and cooking dinner for him and happy to welcome max home during time between races and it’s good! it’s good. max is happy (as he can be. he’s pretty sure daniel is always going to be the one who got away but that’s just it, isn’t it? daniel wanted to get away and max had to let him).
so it’s two years later and daniel retired a year ago and fucked off to australia and max hasn’t seen him since and he hasn’t really thought of him in months either because: he’s getting married to his nice normal boyfriend who tells max he loves him openly and happily (something he never got from daniel). max is retiring the end of this season and though his boyfriend has been an open secret he’s officially come out for real in the sports illustrated story about his retirement and what he’s planning to do (“lots of eating good food and wedding planning!” and the journalist asks how that’s going and max says “always he asks me about this flower or that colour palette and I anyhow don’t care so much but it’s nice to look forward to the day”). 
and daniel of course hears about the one little pronoun, the “he” heard ‘round the world and he gets obliteratedly wine drunk on the farm and he calls max at whatever ungodly hour it is in australia and it’s he first time they’ve spoken in over a year and max didn’t expect to hear from daniel ever again really but now he’s suddenly stuck trying to talk him off a ledge basically and max, bitterly, tells daniel “there was a time i wanted to be doing all of this with you and you always with the excuses ruined it" and daniel chokes on a sob and max reels back a bit when daniel says “I know” because daniel admitting that was never on his bingo card ever.
but max knows, too. daniel did this to himself. to them. 
and max is getting married next month on summer break and daniel’s going to see pictures on instagram and throw his phone against a wall and be alone and hating himself for hating himself so much that he lost the only man he ever loved and no amount of regret is going to change the way max’s beautiful fucking face was lit up in a brighter, happier way than daniel’s ever seen in those fucking photos of his wedding day, kissing his husband in front of their friends and family and the fucking world.
and daniel is a world away in australia. drunk. and crying. and alone. staring at the dusty dirt road and into the horizon - vast and empty. just like him, now.  
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kokoch4n3l · 4 months
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˗ˏˋ the wreckage of the world ࿐ྂ “that must be so confusing for a little girl”
summary: getting high after Hinata and Takemichi's wedding was a great idea. all four of them were single as hell and what better than to get smoke the loneliness away. that is until the topic of the past comes up
pairing: baji, kazutora, chifuyu x f!oc (platonic), (kind of)izana x oc
notes: takes place during the final timeline. lol basically everything I wished to hear so this is 100% a self-insert. my life story in a fic cuz all of what happened to oc happened to me lol. written in third person
warning: recreational drug use(marijuana), alcohol use, intoxication, shotgunning, friends with benefits(Izana), suggestive talk, mentions of past abusive relationship, mentions of child abuse(kazutora), mentions of domestic abuse(kazutora's mom), mentions of vomiting, description of verbal abuse, manipulation, past toxic relationship, platonic kissing, platonic cuddling
word count: 2146
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“I’m so fuckin’ single” Kazutora whines, sprawling across the floor of Baji’s bedroom 
The air is filled with odd-smelling smoke and the scent of alcohol. “This taste like shit” She mutters and takes a huge gulp of the wine straight from the bottle
“Why are you drinking it then?” Baji asks and grabs it from her and takes a chug himself 
Chifuyu on the other hand, looked on the verge of tears as he exhaled a cloud of smoke. He often looked like that lately. Ever since Hinata and Takemichi’s wedding had been confirmed he always looked like he was zoning out, dreaming. Was he sad? Maybe. He looked more relieved like he couldn’t believe what was happening. Like… Like he lived lifetimes. But that was a stupid thought so she didn’t think too much about it. Chifuyu had always been the sentimental type anyway. No doubt he’d get emotional when Takemichi was now married. She looks around at all three of them, Kazutora holding a joint, Baji taking sips straight out of the wine bottle and Chifuyu also with a joint. “You guys need to get partners” She says shaking sprawling and moving closer to Chifuyu to break him out of whatever trance he was in “This is just sad”
“Says you” Baji mutters “Single ass mother fucker"
“Fuck off” she mumbles and reaches over to Chifuyu for the joint but he moves his hand over and leans into her instead
At reflex, she parts her lips and Chifuyu’s lightly brush against hers before he exhales smoke into her mouth and she inhales, holds it and then exhales. “Fuck that was hot,” Kazutora says with a sigh, passing the joint to Baji, and trading it for the bottle “We might as well date each other”
Chifuyu laughs. “Izana won’t be too happy about that”
That catches Baji and Kazutora’s attention. “Shut the fuck up,” Baji says “no fuckin’ way!”
“Out of all the Sano siblings you had to choose the crazy one?” Kazutora says sitting up, almost dropping the bottle “bitch I swear to god”
“Fuck off” she mutters and grabs the bottle from him “It’s nothing serious”
“Didn’t seem like nothing serious with the way he was looking at you at the wedding” Chifuyu teases as she takes a large gulp from the bottle
“Shut up I didn’t know this. You’ve been fucking holding out on us!” Baji hisses, exhaling a cloud of smoke
Their eyes are heavy and red-rimmed, movements are a bit slow. “No, I haven’t” She grumbles and kicks Baji in the thigh which wasn’t as hard as she wanted and more of a tap than an actual kick “It’s nothing serious I swear… We just… Y’know…”
“YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING?!” The three of them yell at the same time and she groans, her cheeks turning red
Her flushed cheeks were enough for them to know their assumption was right and income the questions. She and Izana started off as really more of a drunken spur-of-the-moment kind of thing. It was really an accident. But, Izana was good. Like really good— which started their whole friends-with-benefits relationship. “He’s lowkey scary though” she says trading the bottle with the joint from Chifuyu
“And you’re into that shit,” Chifuyu says rolling his eyes and taking a sip of the wine then making a face at the taste “This actually tastes like shit. Who got Rosé?”
“Fuck off I like it” Baji grumbles and grabs the bottle from him
“Doesn’t matter if I’m into that shit” She mutters and takes a drag from the joint, laying her head on Chifuyu’s lap “We’re not serious”
Chifuyu flicks her forehead and she purposely exhales onto his face. “He looks serious though” He says
“Awe fuck, does this mean no more shotgunning?” Kazutora says with a pout, exhaling a cloud of smoke
Baji kicks him. “Obviously fuckin’ not unless you want that crazy motherfucker to kill you and then us”
She groans. “I just said we aren’t serious” She grabs Chifuyu by the collar of his dress shirt and pulls him down, blowing smoke into his mouth which he gladly inhales
“Oh~ Chifuyu~. Izana’s gonna kill you now” Kazutora says teasingly while moving closer “Both of you be kissin’ the most”
“Shut up” Chifuyu grumbles and takes the joint from her “Why don’t you wanna make things serious? Sure he’s crazy but he doesn’t seem that bad unless he’s got side hoes or something”
She doesn’t say anything for a moment and just looks up at Chifuyu from where she’s lying on his lap. She doesn’t know what to say or how to say it. But maybe the alcohol and the weed-induced high was making her lose-lipped. “What if he hurts me?”
Her words make them laugh. “You think Mikey won’t beat his white-haired ass?” Baji asks her and Chifuyu and Kazutora start to laugh even harder
But when she doesn’t laugh or even smile like she usually does, they get worried. She has a distant look on her face as if she’s thinking about the past. She looks… sad. “Hey” Chifuyu says snapping his fingers in front of her face after exhaling a cloud of smoke “Has Izana ever hurt you?”
She shakes her head no. “He’s not like that… He’s nice… He’s nice to me”
Kazutora is leaning over her now as she lays in Chifuyu’s lap. “Then what was up with the question? If he’s nice to you then…”
Abuse was a sore topic for Kazutora. He got sensitive about it quickly especially since it was something he went through as a kid and what he watched his mother go through. It still affected him somewhat but he was mostly over it now. However there were times when his past would get the best of him like the other day when it looked like Draken was yelling at Emma and was about to hit her, Kazutora punched him across the face. Needless to say, the conversation after had been pretty tear-shedding (mostly from Emma and Shinichiro). “He’s nice,” She says quietly “I just… I dunno…”
“It’s not I dunno if you’re bringing it up,” Baji says and puts the bottle down, also moving closer to them “You’re clearly afraid of something”
Oh, how she hated her friends for knowing exactly what she was thinking. Baji grabs her by the shoulders and makes her sit up. Now she’s completely surrounded by the three of them. The joints were burned out, they’re high and very drunk. But maybe she needed to be a bit more drunk to finally have this conversation with them after years of running from it. “Remember back in 11th grade… we were all busy… I didn’t see you guys for months?” she asks them grabbing the bottle and taking a swing from it despite the gross taste
They all nod and wait for her to continue. “I had a boyfriend for like 9 months… I think he hated me”
They’re shocked. Clearly, they don’t know what to say. She thinks the same. Had any of her friends said the exact same sentence word for word to her she wouldn’t know what to say either. “What… what the fuck you can’t just leave it like that” Chifuyu says, his voice slightly slurring and nudges her “elaborate”
She shrugs and takes a swing from the bottle. “He wasn’t always like that. Like he didn’t always hate me… I think… He was nice and we started dating. Then 3 months in he suddenly started getting really weird. He didn’t like what I wore, how I acted, he didn’t like my hair—”
“What the— why wouldn’t he like your hair?” Baji asks clearly angry now “I love your hair. What a fuckin fucktard”
She doesn’t say anything. Chifuyu reaches his hand over and runs a hand through her curly strands and silently urges her to continue. “He-he never hit me or anything like that. He was just mean all the time… I dunno I just… He hated everything about me and I dunno why” her words start to slur as the alcohol hits “He hated me so much… I was with him for 9 months… took me 3 out of the 9 to leave him.. Was so scared…”
They don’t say anything for a moment. Kazutora reaches over and grabs her free hand. The room is now completely silent. She just sits there in the middle of them on the floor holding the wine bottle. Finally, Baji speaks up first. “Why didn’t you tell us?” He asks “We could have helped or I dunno, beat his fuckin’ ass”
She chews at her bottom lip nervously and clutches the bottle a bit tighter. “Was scared… Thought you guys would blame me… He never hit me so I thought… I thought…”
She didn’t have to say anything else for them to understand what she meant. Verbal abuse was often overlooked. Not many people considered it even to be abuse. It was sickening and clearly, she had been a victim of it. Oh how horrible the three of them felt. “Why’d you stay so long?” Kazutora asks, his voice quiet as if talking to a crying child
The bottle is pulled from her grasp so she can’t take another gulp out of it. “Um… He kept guilt-tripping me to stay… I guess I kept falling for it” she mumbles and feels ashamed of herself
They don’t know what to say. She doesn’t either. They sit in silence again for a moment till Chifuyu says “you know you didn’t deserve that right?”
She just nods. She knew it. She knew she didn’t. Although sometimes her thoughts got too loud and it did feel like it, she knew that in no world would she ever deserve to be treated that way. “Did… He ever tell you why?” Baji asks
She thinks back to the past and laughs a bit, sounding bitter. “He said I was ‘too perfect’”
They narrow their eyes and at the same time say: “What the fuck?!”
She remembers hearing it come from her ex’s mouth after they broke up. She was apparently too perfect. Perfect grades, perfect family, perfect social life, perfect friends, perfect skin, perfect hair. He hated it. He hated her and her entire existence. Hearing it after they broke up made her angry. How dare he? How fucking dare he do that for some petty reason. Her ex just wanted to be a stain in her so-called perfect life. “That motherfucker” Baji says angrily “What kind of messed up reason is that?”
“Beats me” she mutters then looks at them “We’ve broken up… It’s been years, it’s fine”
It’s clear to them that she no longer wants to talk about it. They can’t help but think that had it not been for their idea to get high and drunk after Takemichi and Hinata’s wedding this topic would have never come up and they would have never known. It’s sickening for them to think anyone could do that to their friend. Their dear friend who is the sweetest girl they knew— who dropped everything for them when they’d get hurt in their youth after stupid gang fights, who would patch them up, who would scold them, who would make them food, who would help them with their homework. Their dear friend who deserved the damn world, the sun, the moon the stars and everything after. Kazutora, Baji and Chifuyu were devastated to hear about this. They somehow end up in a cuddle pile on Baji’s queen sized bed with her somewhat in the middle. “I’m gonna be sweating in the morning” Chifuyu mutters as he is also unfortunately in the middle with her
Kazutora’s arms are wrapped tightly around her middle and her back is pressed against his chest while she’s facing Chifuyu who’s got her head on his bicep. “So uh… Did you really not tell anyone?” Baji asks, his long lanky arms going around both Chifuyu and her
“Uhh… Told Emma…” She says “She was the one that pushed me to leave him and then swore to never tell anyone”
Chifuyu presses a kiss to her forehead, her nose then a soft peck to her lips. “That’s good… At least someone knew… Wish we could have beat his ass though…”
“You think we could find him now and beat him up?” Kazutora suggest, his face pressed into her hair
“No need” she tells them
“What do you means?” Baji asks
“Mikey beat him up… Emma accidentally told him about a month after it ended and Mikey put my ex in the hospital”
“Ohhh~” they say simultaneously 
Chifuyu is gazing at her with a soft expression. He presses another chaste kiss to her lips and Kazutora reaches over her body to smack him. “Izana will rip your face off Chifuyu, no more kissing her” 
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Unexpected 32
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Sequel to Unsolicited
Warnings: non/dubcon, pregnancy, car sex, Lloyd being the worst, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Lloyd Hansen is a storm. You can’t stop him, you can only brace yourself for the eventual rain of his presence. For the time being, he is calm and you will let it last as long as you can. But you will keep the windows boarded and the doors shut tight.
His bruises are a pale tint of yellow though he was just as reluctant to leave the bed. You are not more eager to be awake and on your feet but you know you must. You find it harder by the day to stay active but if you slow down, the pain will catch up to you. 
So you follow him, after ten minutes of internal turmoil, strapping on your pregnancy belt over a tee and some leggings. Your usual attire as it’s the only thing that fits or offers a degree of comfort for your growing body. You smell cinnamon as you descend, leaning on the banister heavily as you take careful steps, barely able to see your feet past your stomach.
You follow your nose to the kitchen and find Lloyd in a whirlwind, but not his usual tempest. He flips a pancake in the skillet as he looks over his shoulder, a crooked grin under his mustache. He still hasn’t shaved. Is it a new look or neglect? The stubble is getting pretty long.
He wears an apron over his briefs. Nothing else. Not very safe but you don’t mind if he gets a spatter of hot oil. You almost wish you could throw some on him yourself.
“I made decaf,” he announces proudly, “and I have blueberry syrup for you, baby cakes.”
“Blueberry syrup?” You squint as you near the counter, brushing a hand over the curve of your stomach.
“That was a you thing, wasn’t it?”
“A me thing? What are we talking about?”
He uses the spatula to remove the pancakes from the pan and puts them onto a plate, covering them to keep them warm. He sets down the utensil and moves easily to pull down a mug and fills it from the carafe.
“You had some in the crappy old fridge back at the hellhole,” he shrugs, “hidden behind the ketchup.”
You bite the inside of your lip and tilt your head. How did he know that? Besides, why would he even remember that? An overpriced bottle of organic syrup that had Colin halfway down your throat.
“I guess,” you answer nonchalantly, “I don’t mind it.”
“Hm, sure,” he seems disappointed by your lack of enthusiasm, “icing sugar too, if you like.”
“I’ll just have the pancakes,” you accept the mug as he slides it over to you, “thanks.”
He faces you, watching you as you watch him. Your eyelids slit as you warily sip your coffee. His blue irises sparkle menacingly.
“Stop,” he says, “why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?” You utter dully.
“Like I put poison in the decaf.”
You pause and pull the cup away from your lips. You give it a long look. Now that you think of it…
“I didn’t,” he huffs, “I can be nice. I’m being nice. Baby,” he puts his hands on his hips, “you gotta let go of old grudges. Once the kiddo is here, we can’t be fighting like cats and dogs. We’re going to be too tired.”
“We’re?” You scoff and carry your cup past him, “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“You. Doing anything for anyone else. That has no benefit to you.”
“I’m making you breakfast–”
“You’re getting on my good side so I don’t try to sleep on the lawn again,” you roll your eyes, “and so I don’t smack you every time you touch my ass.”
“Peaches, you’ll see, I’m taking this serious. I’m gonna dad so hard–”
“Mmhmm,” you wave him off without looking back, “and I’m gonna go water the tulips.”
“Tulips? What about breakfast?” He whines.
“It won’t take too long,” you dismiss him, “it’s nice out and I’ll forget.”
He exhales heavily, “since when do you garden?”
“There’s a lot more to me than the contents of my fridge, Lloyd,” you toss back at him as you approach the back door, “some of us have dimension.”
“What? I have–”
You don’t hear his argument. He’s about as dimensional as those pancakes. Flat. Just a mustache that talks too much. Even if he uses that mustache to your advantage. You know him. He pretends to be complicated but he’s really rather simple. Maybe his complexity is that he’s simple in more ways than one.
You balance your coffee tenuously as you go down the back steps. You near the corner of the house and unwind the long house from around the plastic wheel. Harlen installed it while he was there. You take the head with the trigger and tug it around the east wall with one hand. Your progress is slow as you try not to spill the decaf.
You stand before your little plot of blooming stems and aim the hose, pushing down as you sprinkle water over the dirt. You should do some weeding but it’s getting harder and harder to get down that low. Even before you were this big, your back could make bending, squatting, or kneeling a task.
You turn the hose head back and forth, sending an even shower across the patch. Content, you let go of the trigger and gulp back more coffee. You’re going to miss the peace you found in the garden now Lloyd is back. You were ready to let it go for the baby, but you really weren’t prepared to do so this soon.
Footsteps hit the pavement on the other side of the gate and you peek over. You narrow your eyes. You should get those checked. You recognise the figure on the other side as he stops and waves.
You let the hose hang off the iron rooster ornament sticking out of the soil and waddle to the path. You follow it down to meet Andy at the iron grate. You’re slightly confused but don’t mind wasting time.
“Hey, what’s going on?”
“Just out for a run,” he says, cheeks slightly tinged pink as he catches his breath, “I saw you out here and figured I’d ask.”
“You know, I got some of Lori’s things still, thought maybe you might want some. I’ve been meaning to do something with them but I haven’t made up my mind.”
“Lori? Your wife?” You’re slightly taken aback. You’re not really in the market for a dead woman’s earrings.
“It’s only taking up space. I’d be happy to know they went to a good home.”
“Mm, I don’t know, there’s not much I need…” you shrug but notice the way he stares, expectant, hopeful. It might not be about the stuff, maybe just about the company. You can’t say you aren’t lacking for that as well. “Well, I guess I could have a look through, see if there’s anything I’m missing.”
“Great, I can bring a box over later,” he offers, “tonight or tomorrow, if you’re not busy.”
“I…” you glance back at the house, “we’ll have to see.”
“Yeah, you must be busy,” he wipes his glistening forehead, “getting ready for the baby. Well, you know where I am. You can always come knock on my door.”
“Thanks, Andy, that’s… very nice of you.”
You force a smile. You never really were a neighbourly person. Mostly, you’ve lived next to people even more miserable than yourself. Those who can only afford shitholes don’t typically tend to be optimistic.
“So, you didn’t say if it’s a boy or a girl. Do you know?” He prompts.
“Uh, oh,” you look down at your stomach, “a girl.”
“Wow, I always wanted a girl. Jacob was a good kid but… maybe he wouldn’t have gotten in so much trouble if he had a sibling or two.” His cheek tightens and he turns his head slightly, “Lori couldn’t, you know? She just had him. Her body just couldn’t handle any more than that.”
“I’m sorry, Andy–”
“I told you, don’t be,” he shakes his head, meeting your eyes, “I should be sorry. I try not to talk about them but I can’t help it.”
“You have every right to talk about them. We can’t help who we miss,” you assure him, “hell, sometimes I miss my ex-husband.”
“Ex? Lloyd’s–”
“Number two,” you sigh, “yeah.”
“Hmm, interesting.”
“Is it?”
“Oh, yeah, he’s not really the type to settle for being the second choice.”
You nod. He’s right but he also has no idea about how fucked Lloyd really is.
“It’s complicated,” you say, “anyway,” you look into your nearly empty cup, “I think I should go back before breakfast gets cold.”
“Sure thing, neighbour,” he grins and for a moment, you hesitate. Beneath his thick beard, there’s an odd reminder in the cut of his jaw, you’re reminded of Lloyd’s overgrown stubble, “you need any help with that garden, let me know. I’ve got a bit of a green thumb.”
“Will do,” you say as you raise your mug awkwardly and turn on your heel, “see ya.”
You set off back towards the house. The door is open as your husband stands watching you. Even from a distance, you sense his impatience. It’s in his posture and his steady gaze. You can’t handle an argument over cold pancakes. Not with only decaf to bolster you.
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Hate To Love You (PJM Drabble )
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Summary- you and your ex husband, Yoongi, reunited at one of your mutual friends party. You haven’t spoken to him in years in resentment for his behavior towards you and assumed he despised you just as much, only to find out it’s actually the opposite, despite you being ready to move on when someone unexpectedly shows up….your best friend.
warnings- well its basically a friend hookup thing, minor smut (oral female receiving) (no penetration) sexual tension, swearing, alcohol, mentions of divorce and cheating, angst, sadness
rating- 18+
It was a stupid argument, really
You never guessed it would spark the conversation that would months later be the result of your divorce with Yoongi.
"you are just always at work, and I understand-"
"you cant get upset with me for working, y/n, who the hell would pay for all the bills?" he scoffed, sitting at the desk in his recording studio.
taken back, you decided to defend yourself against your husbands sudden coldness.
"I work too, thank you very much"
"you work two days a week in an office"
"so?" you stood, beginning to grow annoyed "I still make money and pay for half the shit we own"
He laughed, seemingly amused at your efforts, "you dont have the pressure to make said money, y/n, and plus, our jobs, our lives arent...."
"arent what? yoongi?"
He sighed, "dont you have higher aspirations for yourself? rather than working twice a week?" he looked over, quick to defend his statement before you flipped out,
"I know you work, y/n, but you cant compare our schedules....I hope you see what im trying to say?"
Scoffing, you paced around, you felt insulted. You didnt have the pressures of being a musician, sure, however you still had to take on the pressures of being a woman, wife, the maid, the chef, the doggy daycare worker, the therapist, etc etc because the list can go on for hours
You sensed the conversation took a turn in a direction you had not been aiming for, your objective was to kindly seek more time off with your husband considering your 4 year anniversary was coming up, and he took it and did a 360.
It didnt get better, either, because this exact conversation would end up becoming the topic every time you argued, and in a short amount of time it quickly got heated.
"Yeah, you are probably off somewhere between her legs, because wouldnt you fucking love that yoongi??" you threw your water bottle at him as he stood at the doorway of your bedroom, he watched you intensely
"I told you, I had to stay late tonight, I fucking texted!" he defended
"you are telling me you were in that fucking office until 3am? okay..."
He brushed his hair back in disbelief, "yes, if you dont believe me, text hoseok"
"Let me see your phone then" you spoke up after a few moments
"what?" he scoffed
"phone, let me see it"
".....y/n, you dont trust me?" he seemed genuinely upset at this, putting his guard down
"no, I dont"
"that girl who works as an intern has never even spoken to me, you think im off having sex with her??" he snapped
You shrugged, keeping your arms crossed, "I dont really know what to think anymore yoongi, you keep disappointing me, we keep disappointing each other, it seems."
He glared at you, trying to read your face, you were serious. "well then what are we doing this for?"
You bit the inside of your cheek and shrugged again, shaking your head and looking down, "I dont know."
and thats exactly how one week later, you showed up at his job with the divorce papers, slamming them on his desk silently.
And thats what leads us here tonight, at Namjoons house party exactly a year and a half later.
The divorce was never finalized, never made legal, he put it off until you threw your hands up and moved out, and if anyone asked- you were a divorced woman, no long a Min.
You swore you would never trust him again, never him creep back into your life in the same way he always tried. you were done, over him, even.
But God, did it strike the deepest nerve in your system when you saw him sitting on the couch, his arm draped around some other girls waist while he chatted with friends.
You watched, leaning against some crowded doorway with a half drunk cup of liquor in your hand.
you looked to your left to see your friend Jimin pop up next to you, almost scaring you.
"jesus, jimin" you sighed, turning your body away from yoongi to look at the boy in front of you.
"seems like you are not having fun, we can change that" he smiles and holds up another expensive bottle of alcohol, making you groan.
"rather not have a hangover tomorrow" you frowned and looked back at yoongi, Jimin noticed.
"hey, whos that hes with?" he asked, following your gaze to the crowded couch in the other room.
"no idea..." you exhale, turning back to jimin with a sad look.
"oh my god" he froze
"dont tell me"
you tilted your head in confusion "tell you what?"
He began to smile, laughing almost "you are jealoussss"
You scoffed, nudging his shoulder "no-im not. we arent married anymore I dont give a shit what he does"
"seems like you do, though" he smirked
your face fell into your hands before shoving him teasingly, something that caught yoongi's eyes as he gazed across the room at your back facing him. You were talking to another guy.
"I know you guys arent even divorced legally" he whispered
"what? yes we are!"
"yoongi spilled the beans...no you arent"
You frowned, crossing your arms. "that motherfucker."
"he was drunk and was going on a whole tangent about how he refused to sign the papers and what not...tried to like, push it back as much as he could"
You shook your head "when was this?"
"like a week ago, when I mentioned you would be at the party"
"Jimin we havent even talked in over a year....pretty sure he blocked me, why the hell would he care?"
He shrugged and looked back at the couch, surprised to see Yoongi looking already at the two of you.
"I dont know...but something tells me he cares a lot more than you think"
"dont be cryptic and ominous" you rolled your eyes, "what do you know that I dont? what did he tell you? be honest" you pleaded
"listen" he half smiled, "all im saying is that you two had known eachother for 8 years before getting married, then you were together for 4 more years, I dont think that kind of connection suddenly falters you know?"
"no-I dont know, I know nothing at all"
"ok well you are impossible to talk to, also- you suck at taking hints" jimin teased before turning to walk away, "oh, and by the way, hes been staring at you for the past few minutes"
You froze and turned your body slowly, jumping when you realized Yoongi had gotten up from his distant seat, and was now right behind you.
"holy fuck" you gasped, putting a hand over your heart.
He didnt say anything, his casual blank emotion plastered over his face as his hands fell into his pockets. "hi" he mumbled
"hello?" you scoffed, "you scared the shit out of me to say 'hi'?"
he slightly smiled, "yes"
you glared at him before walking past, directing yourself to the kitchen, he followed behind, unable to help his gaze trail from your back, down to your ass-the dress you chose to wear tonight definitely suited your figure.
"why are you following me? are you lost?" you sarcastically mumbled, turning away to grab some of the crackers that were next to the snack trays, softly nibbling onto them.
"what were you and jimin talking about?"
"oh please" you laughed, turning to see him, "this is why you are talking to me? for the first time in a year? to discuss jimin?"
he nods.
"hes in the other room, heard he is single, your hair is nice-you might have a chance" you joked coldly, wishing you could run away right now.
he released an airy laugh, leaning against the counter as he waited for the random person in the room to leave before speaking, "You look nice"
You raised an eyebrow, "...thanks...you do too i guess?"
"im just complimenting you, didnt have any mal intent behind it" he gazed at you "its not like we are strangers, you know"
"i know" you mumbled, continuing to eat the dry ass crackers.
He sighed and looked around the kitchen, grabbing a drink for himself.
"dont you have some girl to entertain, why are you sitting in here with me?"
He laughed, "you have not changed at all"
"whats that mean?" you asked defensively
"i mean, we havent spoken in so long and you still only care about if other girls are getting into my pants" he smirked, taking a sip of his drink.
son of a bitch.
"I dont care! also-dont need to know!" you pressed your lips together tightly.
He sat silently, watching you
"stop staring at me, freak" you sighed, knowing you could just walk away but somehow didnt choose to.
"you know your mouth is gonna get dry from all those crackers" he spoke calmly.
"i can handle my own, thank you" you spoke, putting down the stack of crackers in your hand.
He smirked and walked over, tipping your chin up to press his cup of alcohol to your lips, giving you a sip, "there you go"
You stared wide eyed at him before taking a step back, wiping your mouth. "what do you think youre doing?" you bit
“Socializing. It’s a party, no?” He raised a brow, pulling back a little
“Go socialize somewhere else, you’re in my personal bubble” you fixed your hair and tried to calm your breathing before once more pushing past him, walking into the other room.
He snickered and took another shot before catching one of his friends and striking up a conversation.
“How’d it go?” Jimin suddenly popped up next to you, scaring you again.
“You need a fucking bell”
“Sorry” he giggled, standing next to you against the wall.
“Literally nothing happened, he is still the same snappy person he’s always been” you spoke, eyes trailing over across the room to see yoongi speaking with his friends. The purple lighting of the party reflected onto his long black hair and pale skin, no one could deny his beauty, especially when he smiled.
Jimin noticed, a softer smile peaking up onto his lips, “do you want me to go speak to him for you?”
You immediately shook your head, crossing your arms as you tried to change your glances at someone else, eyes shooting onto Nayeon who was 2 seconds away from making out with jungkook.
“Get a room” you whisper
Jimin laughed, “rather quick to the point”
“Jimin shut up” you whined, “I wasn’t talking about you! I was talking about-“
“Wait” he perked
Jimin giggled mischievously and looked back at yoongi before looking back at you, “just be honest, you still have feelings for him, huh?”
He raised his eyebrows
“Admit it! It’s okay!”
You sigh and cover your face, “jimin….of course I do….I just can’t stand who he is now. I fell in love with the old him, before everything came crashing down…I have to remember that’s not him anymore”
He smiled gently, rubbing your shoulder “he has changed”
“No he hasn’t, and it took less than 5 minutes of banter to figure that out”
“Y/n, he still….” He stopped himself from talking, realizing it might not be his place to say.
“What? He still what?” You inquired
“He may or may not have feelings im not sure I can’t remember”
Your eyes widened before relaxing “yeah no, he was flirting with other girls like a few minutes ago”
“Mmm….maybe he was trying to get you jealous”
You rolled your eyes at his words
“I saw we give payback”
He smirked, “cmon, pretend to be up all on me or something, he’s looking, he will get jealous”
You laughed, “I don’t think he will believe the fact that I’m interested in you”
He pretended to be offended
“Hey, you’re cute but we are friends and have been since diapers, I don’t see us like-“
“God you complicate everything, just…follow me” Jimin sighed, taking your hand and throwing yoongi a quick glance before leading you up the stairway behind you.
You followed along, trying to see what Yoongi’s reaction was as you crawled upstairs, he seemed annoyed, eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.
Jimin led us into a room and shut the door, a smile on his face as he searched for the light switch.
“It’s dark” you whispered, “we didn’t actually have to hide in the room you know, we could have just sat in the hallway until he came up for me”
“Whatever, if we are playing the part we do it right” he mumbled, still scanning the wall with his hands trying to find the switch. “I can’t find it”
“Whatever” you huffed, sitting behind the door and tucking your knees to your chest. You don’t know who’s room your in, the only light noticeable is the moons reflection peaking in from the windows.
“You ok?” He whispered, finding a spot next to you.
“I don’t know” you shrugged, “I just….wish I never showed up to this party, and I wish you never told me yoongi still has feelings for me”
He felt suddenly guilty, “I’m sorry”
“It’s okay, I think …despite me still having ‘feelings’ for him, I just need to be away from yoongi. I fell in love with him years ago, he was so different and family oriented….he has changed so much and I can’t submit myself to that just because it’s him, and I’m attached”
He nodded, taking your hand “I understand”
You tried to even your breaths in fear of crying, “he treated me badly, and I did the same to him, we don’t work together and I refuse to try again just because he thinks it’ll be good for us”
“That’s reasonable, y/n, you can make your own decisions, im sorry if I put you in an uncomfortable situation”
“It’s not your fault Jimin, if you weren’t here I wouldn’t have even come to this dumb party anyways” you slightly smile
“Hey, I’m always here for you” he raised his hand in a fist bump, where you happily reciprocated.
“Thank you, I’m here for you too Jimin”
He hummed softly “do you wanna go back downstairs?”
You thought for a moment, “not really….I might head home soon anyways, you can go back though”
He shook his head “nah, I’ll chill with you until you decide to go”
“Really? You don’t have to, I know you have many possible girls and boys downstairs for you to entertain” you giggled
“You’re like the number one flirt, don’t tell me there’s no one at this party that has hookup potential”
He sat for a moment, looking down at his knees as he quickly tried to wipe the smile off his face “mm…nope”
“I doubt that” you snicker
He shrugged, an eyebrow raised as he kicked his feet out straight in front of him, arms in his lap.
“I don’t know if I would hook up with anyone here, yoongis friends are okay looking but the idea of doing it with anyone associated with him just grosses me out”
You both giggled as he nodded “nah that’s reasonable, I almost hooked up with one of his studio friends and then I found out he literally had a girlfriend”
“What!??” You looked at him despite the dark room making it difficult to see his face
He nodded shamelessly “yup” he popped his mouth at the “p”
“It probably would have been bad sex anyway” he couldn’t help but laugh at himself
“I mean yeah, not to talk shit but yoongi and I usually didn’t have the best chemistry with shit like that, must be the studio guy genre” you joked
“Really?? He looks like walking sex, you’re telling me it sucked?” Jimin questioned
“It didn’t suck necessarily but….I don’t know I don’t wanna talk behind his back”
“No no no tell me” Jimin giggled “because a few months before you got “divorced” he was preaching about how good he was to you in the bedroom”
“He was discussing me in front of all his male friends?….”
“Nothing graphic, that’s all he said is that he knew how to satisfy a girl” he shrugged in defense
You rolled your eyes “yeah….sure yoongi.”
Jimin laughed
“He…god this is embarrassing…I wouldn’t even finish most times, and I had to fake it”
“No way” he seemed genuinely shocked
“Yeah, maybe I faked it a little too good, striked his ego up and shit” you giggled, hiding your face.
“So you’ve never had an orgasm?”
“Oh I’ve had a few, but like it was always 50/50, I never knew if it was gonna be a good time or not you know”
He nodded, taking in the information as you spoke.
“But whatever..” you sighed, leaning your head against the door. “We should probably head downstairs”
He sighed, looking at you as you began to stand to your feet, he stood too. “We don’t have too”
“Well what else is there to do?” You giggle “we can’t sit in the room forever, it’s pretty late too”
He looked at you as best he could
“I could give you an orgasm” He calmly spoke like it was no big deal
Your eyes shot wide open, “w-what??”
He shrugged, silently
“What did you say?” Your voice was startled
“ I said I could give you an orgasm, if you want one”
“Um….Jimin you are my friend” you whispered
“I know, I just feel bad after hearing about the yoongi thing, and I want to make it up for you”
You tried to not freak out at the fact your best friend calmly asked if he could make you cum.
You bit your lip, “uh…”
“We don’t have to do anything” he gently waved his hand “it’s just a sudden horny suggestion”
You softly giggled, looking at your feet.
“Wouldn’t it be kinda, I don’t know, odd?”
“Not really I guess, I mean I always thought you were hot”
You blushed, feeling suddenly overwhelmingly shy.
“Do you think I’m attractive?”
You bit your lip nervously.
It would be a lie to say you’ve never thought about Jimin like this, which is why it’s such a shock that it was randomly happening in some random persons bedroom at Namjoons party.
“Yes” you breathed out
Jimin smiled “then…the offer stands” he begins to walk towards the door before you gently hold his arm and stop him.
He looked back, a soft expression as he waited for you to finish speaking.
“Make me forget” you whispered after a few silent moments, your faces close together as he began to smile slightly.
“Are you sure?” His voice was low and quiet
You nod slowly
“We don’t have to, you seemed unsu-”
“I’m sure” you began, “I’m just kinda in shock that it’s actually happening”
He giggled “you’re cute…come here” he gently held your hips in his hands, your heart racing faster than it ever has as he pushed you softly against the door.
Jimin finger raised to his mouth, “quiet, mm?”
You nod, already feeling breathless before his lips suddenly crash into yours, taking any air out of your lungs.
Your hands flew to his hair, pressing him against you as much as possible. “Mm” he moaned against your lips, the vibrations sending straight to your core.
He didn’t fail to notice your red, blushed face even in such a dark room. “You okay” he quietly panted, pulling back a little
“I-I’m okay, that was nice”
“Good” he laughed, returning his lips to yours for a quick peck before trailing down your jaw and neck, so slowly that you felt you were going to explode.
He had you trapped against the door and his body, Jimins warmth only stimulating you more.
“This okay..?” He whispered, pulling his lips away from your cleavage as he fell to his knees, arms softly trailing your sides.
“Yes jimin, it’s okay”
“You trust me?”
“Mm” you nod, feeling his fingers at the hem of your dress, thighs tingling. “I trust you”
With that- jimin gently folded up the bottom half of your dress, exposing your laced red underwear, he felt prideful in seeing the slight wet mark that had dampened them. He went against mentioning it in fear of embarrassing you, rather instead keeping the image in his head that he was able to do such thing to you.
“I can take these off? They are so pretty” he whispered, looking back up at you
“Yeah you can….” You bit your bottom lip, trembling slightly
His fingers delicately hooked into the hem of your underwear, slowly pulling them down while making sure you were still okay with his actions.
“Tell me to stop and I will, okay baby?”
The pet name had you almost moaning, you found the strength to nod, “o-okay”
“God….so perfect” you mumbled to himself once he caught a glance of your dripping core, he’s never seen anything like it.
Jimin took a breath after tossing your underwear to the side, his hands climbing up your thighs as he encouraged you to part them for him, his two fingers gently exploring your folds, pressing against your clit, making you gasp.
“Oh-” you pressed your lips together and leaned your head back against the door behind you, knowing that there are possible people on the other side who might hear.
He was in amazement at how wet you were, the soft squelch sound was the only audible noise in the entire room, making your cheeks red.
You tried to thrust your hips a little to silently plea for what you wanted, his eyes raised up to you
“Use your voice, tell me what you need”
“Jimin….” You whispered, his fingers still slowly rubbing your bud. “Your m- ah…your mouth please”
You wanted to fall into the floor as you heard how needy your voice had become for your friend, but one look at his shit eating grin and suddenly you reminded yourself he was enjoying this just as much as you.
“Okay baby, remember, be quiet yeah?”
You nod and close your eyes, preparing for what was to come.
The moment you felt jimins plump lips reach your core, your arched your back away from the door, moaning softly “oh shit, jimin” a hand reached down to rest atop his head.
“Mm taste so good” his voice was pressed against you, the vibration only stimulating you more. “Here baby” he pulled away a little, helping you lift a leg and throw it over his shoulder so you hadn’t lost your balance while standing.
His tongue resumed to your clit, sucking and swiping through the wet folds, savoring the flavor that was you
“Oh…fuck jimin!!” You whined, throwing a hand over your mouth as you squeezed your eyes shut, “it’s so good”
Jimin brought up the hand that wasn’t holding your leg, tracing it up your thigh before pressing a finger into you, the wetness making it easy for him to slide in.
He groaned, “oh shit”
Your mouth had fallen into a small o shape, the pressure of his one finger turned into two, and before you knew it, he was curling them upwards and around, searching for your g-spot
“J-jimin!” Your hand clutched his hair, he only smirked before returning his lips to your swollen clit, sucking vigorously as if it was his sole mission in life to make you cum all over him.
You suddenly moaned out loud, mentally cursing yourself for the volume, he knew in that moment that his skilled fingers had found your frontal wall perfectly, he continued to press into that spot quickly as the wet sound between your legs got louder and messier, tongue lapping at it all.
“Jimin im gonna cum, oh god, oh god” you whispered, squirming your hips a little so you were quite practically riding his face.
He silently encouraged you, the hand holding your leg up began to softly rub into your skin, giving your permission to let go.
“Fuck!!” Your vision suddenly turned white with one last thrust against your g-spot, you tried to balance yourself before you felt jimin help you keep still, “shit” your voice was shaky as the orgasm ripped through your body aggressively, his fingers swiping between you to gather your slick, licking them off in front of you.
“How was that?” He panted, pulling your dress down as he stood
He gave you a moment to catch your breath, “that was….so….oh my god”
He laughed, reaching down to pick up your underwear “I’ll take it was nice?”
“Good” he smirked, pressing a quick kiss to your lips. “Here” he whispered, giving you back your undergarments.
“No no” you smiled, taking them and putting it into his pant pocket
“Oh?” He raised a cocky brow, “does this mean I qualify for a second round?”
You smirked “do you have plans this weekend?”
“I can clear them” he spoke quickly, making you laugh
“Ok…let’s go before people get suspicious” you whisper, trying to quickly make yourself presentable as if he didn’t just suck the life out from between your legs.
He nodded and helped you fix your dress more before opening the door, both of your eyes following over to yoongi who stood on the other side of the hall, watching you.
“Oh fuck”
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demonio-fleurs · 29 days
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Okay, okay. My posts as I read through One Piece once more were originally only supposed to be focused around Robin, but I want to talk about this part of Water Seven for a minute because it came up in a discussion I had with a friend yesterday.
And honestly, for fans who have been around since Water Seven was coming out, I don't know how y'all are able to keep your cool about this topic. Maybe you've become desensitized to it, because it repeats itself with every new group of fans who get into One Piece. I know how that goes.
But anyways, I get frustrated when people brush off Usopp and reduce him down to just being "mad" or "salty" about the Going Merry, and when they boil down his motivations as just being centered around his feelings towards Kaya. Don't get me wrong, you're allowed to disagree with me on Usopp and this entire scene, but damn I wish people would engage with the text and not just take it at face value.
Because to me, Water Seven is a turning point for the series. It symbolizes the rising action for the story of One Piece, it is when things get more serious and we start to dip our toes into the actual meat of the story. So of course there was going to be a blow out between members of the crew, why wouldn't there be? How else is the crew supposed to come together, stronger than ever, if there isn't tension and in-fighting among them? Stories are interesting because of the tension, not from a lack of it!
And of course, if the tension and fighting was going to be between any two characters, it would be Luffy and Usopp. Because Usopp has always been one of the weakest characters, because when Aokiji threatened them Usopp couldn't do anything. Because Usopp has always worried about his place on the Straw Hat crew and feared that he wasn't strong enough to be one of them, not realizing that Luffy needs him to be King of the Pirates. This fight had to happen, not just for us, the readers, but also for the characters.
Spending any amount of time reading the text and analyzing it will show you that Usopp had far more reasons to fight Luffy than "he has a crush on Kaya and Kaya gave him the ship so he's upset because girl he likes!", and you don't even have to like Usopp after understanding that, but if you don't like Usopp because you aren't willing to engage with a text beyond the surface level, then maybe you should consider trying to engage with the text.
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keiipopped · 10 months
Reason Number 60: We’re not just friends.
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a/n: I hate this so bad but I needed something to write before I get booted out of enha writer land💀 send help(and requests🥲) Synopsis: The one where your bestfriend gets jealous and gives you all the reasons why he should be your boyfriend. Pairing: Bestfriend Jay X reader Genre: fluff, fluffy angst, friends to lovers Warning: the writing is awful and it barely makes sense. also one poorly written kiss. yay
“Reason number 54; i’d cook for you” 
“Sounds convincing..” you noticed a small smile creeping up his face “but you cook for everybody” you looked at him noticing how he deadpans as you complete your sentence. “Not true! It’d be special” he whined at you. “Sure Jay”
You weren't sure how you ended up here. What was supposed to be a fun movie night with your best friend turned into him listing all the reasons he’d be a good boyfriend for you. 
This type of conversation wasn’t necessarily a new topic for y'all as Jay was pretty flirty and pretty often too. You always took it with a grain of salt quick to brush it off knowing Jay didn’t have the cleanest of reputations with women. 
He wasn’t a typical player or college fuckboy. He was a gentleman honestly… too much of one. His subtle flirty nature often had girls thinking he liked them in a way he didn't, leading to them being offended at the notice of another girl..and another girl..and another feeling the same. So it would be kinda messy and you tried to keep yourself out of it most of the time.
“Oh! Reason 58; your family loves me! I'd help your mom cook, help with your little brother. All of it” 
Right. How did you get here? Well you and Jay were having your weekly movie night that you actually hadn’t had the chance to have in about 5 months with the assignments and school projects you both had being at an all time high. 
Finally getting the chance to sit down and actually soak in your presence Jay wanted nothing more than to just wrap up in a blanket with you, some popcorn and yalls favorite snacks and enjoy the movie…  but you. You just wouldn't shut up. Which he typically wouldn't have an issue with but you wouldn’t stop gushing about how cute the main character of the movie was. Failing to notice Jay's exaggerated eye rolls as he attempted to ignore your little fangirl breakdown. But what set him off was when you started going on about how ‘boyfriend material’ said main character was. Jay sat up setting his popcorn on the near coffee table and turning on the lights turning to you. “How on earth is he boyfriend material!? He's brushing his teeth” Jay says,voice laced with irritation. He folded his arms sitting back, a slight pout forming on his lips and you couldn't help but laugh at his sudden child-like behavior. “Whats funny? Im being serious'' he started sitting up intently and you knew he was preparing to go into a lecture. 
You definitely didn't expect to be sitting here nearly 20 minutes later; tv still paused as your best friend went into his 60th reason for why he’d be a better boyfriend than the character on the screen who still hadn’t gotten the chance to finish brushing his teeth. 
“Okay. how about this reason,um. 60. Id wake you up with kisses every morning” 
That was a topic that was never touched. Yes, there had been jokes about you both kissing when you were like 14 or 17 but it's been years. And it was never mentioned in such a serious sense. 
Something so simple yet so domestic and now your heart was beating faster than it had in a while as you saw the serious glint in Jay's eyes.
He didn't fail to notice the change in your body language 
“I mean if you want that. Of course I'm not trying to force you to be with me or anything. You know I'm just saying so you’d consider it. Only if you want though”
He's rambling. And you're rambling in your head.
Obviously by the 60 reasons he’d be a good boyfriend for you and the nervous tone he had he was being serious. It wasn’t just a joke anymore and you couldn’t help yourself anymore.
Reaching over resting both of your hands on the side of his jaw, you leaned your body towards him. As soon as your hands touched him, his found their way to both sides of your waist. Everything happened so quickly yet so smoothly and in no time your lips had met. It wasn't rushed or messy at all. The kiss was very warm, and filled with years of unspoken love. All the feelings that had been brushed away and laughed off now being poured into this one kiss. After what felt like forever you both pulled away looking at each other. Jay broke into a smile almost immediately as you just stared at each other. “So i'm assuming you like reason number 60” he said, giving you one of his signature smirks and tightening his grip on your waist. You just laughed a bit giving him a light smack on the arm and rested your head on his shoulder “can we finish the damn movie now” you ask as he laughs a bit turning the lights off and settling again.
Who knew what would happen later or what you both were to each other at this point, whatever it was, it was obvious you were no longer just friends.
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and-claudia · 1 year
Face Down (Billy Hargrove x reader)
Short song fic based on Face Down by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Warnings: OoC Billy, Abusive relationship (not with Billy), mentions of physical abuse, PLEASE DO NOT READ IF THESE TOPICS DO NOT SIT WELL WITH YOU
Stranger Things Taglist
Wordcount: 881
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Billy was sitting on my bed as I sat on the floor in front of my mirror, doing my makeup. I had a date later, and Billy had been hanging out with me today so he decided to stick around until it was time for me to go. I glanced over my shoulder to make sure he wasn’t watching before removing the foundation I had done earlier. It needed to be redone to cover up the bruise I had on my cheek.
Billy PoV I sat on her bed, flipping through a random book she had on her pillow. She was getting ready for another date with Christopher. I had no idea why she stayed with him. The two of them constantly argued and I knew he hurt her, but she brushed me off anytime I brought it up or tried to ask her if she was okay. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught her looking at me. I leaned over to say something to her when I saw it. She had a bruise across her cheek that she was trying to cover up with makeup. “Yn…” I said gently. “Don’t, Billy.” She warned knowing what I was about to say. “Yn, this is serious. He’s never hurt you that bad before…” “And it’s not going to happen again.” She snapped. “Do you believe that? Really?” I asked. “Yes. He apologized. It was an accident.” “If he actually cared he wouldn’t be hurting you like this, on purpose or by accident.” She sighed, “He does care. He loves me. And I love him.” It honestly sounded like she was trying to convince herself of that more than she was trying to convince me. We have had this conversation many times before. It always ended the same way. She swears that she is fine but I know better. I knew what it was like to hide abuse. I had done it for so many years now with my own father. I hated seeing Yn suffer but she would never let me help her either. Later that night, I was home alone. Neil and Susan were on a date, Max had gone to El’s for the night. I was about to just call it a night and go to bed when the phone rang. “Hello?” “Billy?” It was Yn and she was crying. “Yn? Where are you? Are you alright?” I could hear banging on the other end of the phone and she let out a small cry. In an instant, I knew what was going on. “Hang in there sweetheart, I’ll be there as fast as I can. I promise it’s going to be okay.” Before I hung up I heard her whisper a small “Hurry.” I had never driven so fast in my life. There was only one thing on my mind, saving Yn from that man. I pulled up outside his house haphazardly before getting out and running to the door. I didn’t even knock I just busted in and started calling out for Yn. I heard a yelp down the hallway and followed it. I opened the door just in time to see him shove her backward into the dresser. She hit it hard and fell to the ground. “Hey, dipshit!” I yelled, getting Christopher’s attention. “Who the hell are you?” He yelled before turning back to Yn as she lay on the ground, “Have you been cheating on me, whore?” She shook her head and scooted back away from him even more. When he turned back to me I was already getting up in his face. “Do you feel like a man? Huh, do you? Does pushing her around like that make you feel all big and strong? Does it make you feel better about your sad, pathetic life?” I yelled. “Get back man!” He snapped. “Not until Yn’s safe and away from you.” I glanced over his shoulder to see her slowly getting up. “She doesn’t need to go anywhere. She’s fine here, right babe?” He turned to her and gave her a pointed look that stopped her dead in her tracks. I looked at her waiting for a response. Slowly she began to shake her head, “No, I’m not… I’m not fine… I’ve had enough. Enough of you hurting me.” She said. “That’s a load of bullshit!” He yelled. “Yn, go wait in the car.” I said gently nodding to the door. She gave a small nod before rushing out as I held Christopher back. I shoved him back once she was out of the room. “Listen, buddy, one day this world that you’re living in is going to come to an end and when it does, all the lies that you keep telling yourself are going to come crashing down and then you are going to finally see the monster that you are. And when it does, oh when that day comes, I hope I’m here to see you get everything you deserve for everything you’ve done to her.” I said, shoving him back one last time before walking out. “I’m sorry for not listening to you.” Yn said quietly as I got into the car. I shook my head, “No, none of that. All that matters is that you’re safe now.”
Billy Hargrove Angst taglist:
@lothiriel9 @leetaeilsnecktattoo @jedi-mabari @honey-tongued-devil @notfeelingverydora @mystargirl-interlude @alexxavicry
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p5x-theories · 1 month
P5X Second Arc Summary
(last updated 5/17/24)
With the confirmation that this is the actual release of the game, I realized it makes way more sense to break these posts up by story arc, heh!
Usual disclaimer: Please keep in mind this game still has no official English translation, so this summary uses a mix of what happens visually, what I understand of the Japanese dialogue, and Google translate for the Chinese text, in order to get the broader picture here. This will be focused on summing up everything that happens overall, without getting into a line-by-line translation.
Contrary to this blog’s name, this post is going to have as little speculation as possible, and stick to confirmed facts.
This post (and its reblogs) will cover the Miyazawa Arc. Several scenes in this arc have been distinctly changed since the beta tests!
Picking up where the first arc left off, Wonder, Motoha, and Ruferu take the train to Shinjuku.
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Motoha looks at Kiuchi's Treasure, and mutters to herself about how this is just a regular rubber ball, like anyone has. Does that mean they could develop Palaces like Kiuchi if they made the wrong choice?
Ruferu reassures her that it's not impossible, but they've already awakened Personas, meaning they faced the embodiment of their desires, their own Shadows, already. They also changed Kiuchi's heart for the sake of others, not their own selfish gain, helping to protect others' dreams and hopes. He firmly believes their desires won't get out of control... well, probably not.
This flusters Motoha a little.
Ruferu continues that they were even able to influence Kiuchi a bit more than he expected, because they were able to convince Kiuchi to keep living even after stealing his Treasure, even when Ruferu thought there's no reason to be kind to someone like Kiuchi.
Motoha explains she thinks that everyone makes mistakes sometimes, even Kiuchi, and even herself. She believes that Kiuchi was really the one who'd given up on his desires. She then credits this realization to Wonder, who reacts with confusion, and she says he's the one who helped her and Tomoko cheer up.
On the topic of Tomoko, Ruferu asks if she's going to tell Tomoko about the news, and Motoha expresses excitement to tell her that the criminal was arrested when she visits the hospital tomorrow.
She then asks Ruferu if any of his memory came back when he touched the Treasure, which he confirms, although it was just a fragment. That's the information he wanted to share with them later (and he clarifies he didn't want to say it in the moment because he didn't want to ruin the mood right after they'd won). He says there are six more Treasures out there, making seven total. Motoha, surprised, asks if that means there are six more bad guys like Kiuchi that the police can't catch, which Ruferu also confirms.
Their train arrives in Shinjuku, cutting the conversation short.
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When they reach Shinjuku, Motoha says they should continue their conversation at the restaurant, and it’ll be her treat since they helped Tomoko. Ruferu asks for the egg topping.
As they continue on to the restaurant, however, Chihaya Mifune calls them over, and warns them that a disaster awaits them if they continue with their plans.
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Motoha kind of brushes her off awkwardly, saying she’s hungry and they’re in a hurry. They proceed on to the restaurant, Ashouken. Motoha explains the main store is a popular Chinese restaurant, while Ashouken is a branch of it specializing in ramen. Ashouken's reputation went down for a bit, but she's heard the taste improved after it was renovated.
Inside, they order food (both Motoha and Wonder order shoyu, with eggs and chashu pork on the side for Ruferu) then get back to the more serious conversation- Ruferu admits that he did only tell them about Kiuchi’s Palace, so it’s up to them if they want to continue working with him for the other Palaces. He doesn't want to force them and ignore their own desires. Wonder recalls Igor's advice from before about preventing ruin, honing his own desires, and connecting with others.
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Motoha seems to need to think about it, and suggests they eat first as their food arrives. They start to eat, though Motoha notices something different about the ramen- the flavor's different than she remembers, and the soup base is lighter- which catches the attention of the Kokatsu student sitting at the table next to theirs. She brushes it off, saying maybe she just remembered it better than it was, and the Kokatsu student goes back to eating.
Ruferu asks if he can have some of his food, since he can't get to it himself. Motoha's briefly concerned whether owls can eat eggs, but Ruferu stresses that his form is just for stealth, and he doesn't have any dietary restrictions from it. He says the eggs will be his appetizer, and the meat is the main course. Motoha tries to give him an egg, but it slips, hits Ruferu’s face, and falls into Wonder’s ramen, splashing him with the hot broth. (Link to a frame by frame post)
Wonder recovers pretty easily, and Motoha apologizes and asks if they’re okay. Ruferu realizes this may have been the disaster they were warned about.
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The Kokatsu student at the table next to theirs, who Wonder previously has seen on the school roof, tries his ramen, before muttering "… wrong". He gets up, and addresses the chef behind the counter as "Masa-san", asking if it's really okay to do this.
Masa only replies "Shun...", catching Motoha's attention. Shun insists that he can't taste the soup base flavor that the boss was so particular about at all, and at this rate...
Masa says it hurts him, too, in a defeated tone. Shun apologizes, bows, and leaves.
Motoha recognizes the student as Shun Kanou-kun from Tomoko’s class, Class D. As she and Wonder start to eat again, someone walks into the restaurant accompanied by a cameraman, and greets Masa. Masa apologizes to him, saying the store's still open, which irks the man, asking if he's going to make him wait, in a threatening tone.
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Masa apologizes profusely to the customers, saying Ashouken is now closed. He and the other employees bow. When people start to complain, he says they’ll refund them for the food.
Wonder, Motoha, and Ruferu exit the restaurant, and overhear some of the other customers as they also leave. One comments that while he didn't get to finish his food, the flavor's definitely a restaurant worthy of Miyazawa's perfect rating. When the other seems less sure whether the food was all that good, the first one insists it is, because Hiromu Miyazawa said so.
This makes Motoha realize that the man that walked in was Hiromu Miyazawa, a famous food reviewer that she's seen on TV who has the nickname "the Flavor Swordsman". Still, she thinks the original Ashouken was better...
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Shun says he agrees, and approaches them. They exchange introductions, and Shun correctly identifies that if they're in Class C, they're in Katayama's class. Motoha asks if he knows the owner of Ashouken, and Shun brushes off the question, and asks what they thought of Ashouken's ramen instead.
Motoha thinks for a moment and says it was “average, I guess.” Shun, seeming troubled, says that's indeed the case, then apologizes for asking a weird question, and leaves.
Motoha's confused, but then realizes she's still hungry, thinks back on everything that just happened, and apologizes for picking this restaurant, realizing the fortune teller was right about the disaster. She suggests they just go home, since at least they'll be able to eat there. Ruferu agrees, but insists that Wonder stop by the supermarket to get some meat first.
Before she leaves, Motoha asks if it’s only terrible people that have Palaces. Ruferu confirms this. She then asks if they’ll all have changes of heart if their Treasures are stolen, which Ruferu also confirms. Motoha apologizes that she said she'd leave but then asked more questions, and says she’ll see them tomorrow.
Ruferu asks if it's okay if he stays with Wonder at least one more night, whether he chooses to continue being a phantom thief or not, to which Wonder agrees. As they leave, the Cyler Eats person from the train bikes past them, but doesn't visibly react to Wonder in any way.
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Once Wonder and Ruferu make it back home, Motoha calls them, and says Kiuchi’s on TV. Wonder and Ruferu rush inside to turn on the TV, where sure enough, the news is talking about how Kiuchi turned himself in.
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Still on the phone, Motoha murmurs that it’s just like Ruferu said would happen- he had a change of heart. An interview with another woman that was a victim of his plays, and Motoha comments that she doesn’t know her, but she’s happy. As phantom thieves, they can help people. Wonder nods.
The news also reports that letters addressed to Kiuchi signed by the "Phantom Thieves" were found around Shibuya station- Motoha realizes he's talking about the calling cards- and witnesses reported a wild bird was the one distributing these letters. However, the police believe there's no connection between the two, and it was a coincidence.
Ruferu mutters he wasn't cautious enough if he was seen, and they'll have to be more careful next time- or, no, he's not sure if they'll be with him next time. Motoha asks Ruferu if they'll be able to help more people as phantom thieves, and Wonder holds his phone up for Ruferu. He replies that if they continue, they'll be able to steal back more people's desires, and make the phantoms more nervous to act.
Motoha then asks what Wonder thinks- can they be phantom thieves? Wonder agrees, and Motoha says she thinks it'd be pretty cool to be normal students by day, then phantom thieves by night.
She loudly, enthusiastically asks Ruferu to let them continue working with him as phantom thieves, then apologizes for saying that so loudly into the phone, bids them goodnight, and hangs up. Ruferu complains that if they were in the Metaverse, an enemy would have found them, but then a bit more fondly adds that sometimes humans choose the difficult path. He says he looks forward to working with Wonder in the future, and his Confidant ranks up.
Back at Ashouken, we see Miyazawa giving a glowing review of Ashouken's ramen to the camera, describing it as the true taste of Ashouken.
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He reminds the audience that this taste was almost lost forever, as the shop's previous owner fell ill, and the quality of the food dropped, leading to Miyazawa having to give it a bad review, as he didn't want to see the flavor lost. Because of this, some people called him a phantom! But he didn't care if it meant he could help protect the true taste. He worked with the other employees to bring the true flavor back, and improve it, even!
Miyazawa seems to get emotional, and thanks the audience for watching this episode of his show. Signing off, he swipes his pen through the air like a sword, and says "Cut off the banal evil of taste with a pen that is stronger than a sword... The flavor swordsman Hiromu Miyazawa reports for you. Good night, everyone!"
As soon as the camera cuts, Miyazawa gets up and stretches, losing the more emotive demeanor he had during the recording, saying it's tiring acting that stupid, and more flatly asking his agent about their plan for tomorrow. The agent confirms it'll be a restaurant in Zoshigaya called Toraiken, which Miyazawa recognizes as the restaurant that Ashouken branched off from. He says it doesn't matter how the food there tastes, he's already planning to "kill" it.
Masa, standing nearby, reacts to this with alarm.
Miyazawa turns toward Masa and grins, saying he'll probably get called a phantom again, and it's so hard for someone like him with a vicious tongue. Miyazawa then asks for him to show his thanks for the review.
Masa sighs, and presents an envelope for Miyazawa, who gleefully takes it, saying they'll protect Ashouken together.
Masa pleads Miyazawa to stop doing this, it's deceiving the customers. Miyazawa replies that he's the one who helped give them dried bonito for the ramen, bringing Ashouken publicity, customers, and praise. Masa protests the method for the bonito, saying you can only get the boss' flavor by using another method, but Miyazawa dismisses him, calling it outdated, and says the cheap bonito he bought is fine.
Miyazawa threatens to "kill" Ashouken again, and Masa reluctantly backs down. Miyazawa then asks if Masa fired the brat that threw water at him, because Miyazawa just saw the kid walking out of the store when he came in earlier. Masa says he's still allowed to come as a customer, and Miyazawa is displeased, reminding Masa that he still has final say in what happens with Ashouken.
The next morning, Wonder receives some more texts from his mother, asking if it's morning there, then if everything's okay, then if phantoms are still causing a commotion, then reminding him to eat well. Once again, Wonder encounters Kayo on his way to school. She asks about his health, and mentions her Darling hates being sick.
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Wonder thinks about how he has to get to school and bows, evidently trying to get out of the conversation politely, but Kayo mentions a clinic in Yongen-Jaya run by a Dr. Takemi. From the bag, Ruferu whispers that medicine might be useful for fighting shadows.
Kayo says he should have medicine, with those phantoms around, but then wonders if medicine even works on phantoms, and laughs, admitting she doesn’t know much about them. As she walks away, she passes a restaurant, and complains that it's closed today, saying she wanted to take Darling there for dinner tonight.
On the train, people gossip about how Kiuchi turned himself in, the fact that he's a phantom, and the calling cards that were scattered around the Shibuya train station.
As Wonder walks to school from the Shimokitazawa station, Motoha calls out good morning to him and Ruferu, and the three walk together. She reiterates that she wants to keep working with them, and when Ruferu calls her another business partner, she says that's too formal, especially given Wonder and Ruferu live together, and they're all just partners. She adds that her parents would never let her have a pet owl.
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Ruferu agrees that his "solemn posture" is too bright and eye-catching for an ordinary family, which reminds Motoha that she wanted to ask him to stop using such difficult words while he talks. It seems like he's trying to be cool, but it's not working. Ruferu is immediately flustered, saying he's not trying to be cool, and when he touched the Treasure before, he remembered he's known humans for a long time, and was influenced by them in the past.
Motoha laughs this off, saying he can say whatever he wants since they're friends. She declares the three of them are a phantom thieves group (this is the same term that’s just translated as The Phantom Thieves in P5’s English translation) from this point on. She then remembers with alarm that today is her duty day, and first period is PE, and says goodbye, running ahead. Ruferu comments, exasperated, that she’s a noisy phantom thief.
Shun sees them walking ahead of him, and mutters something about the two of them walking together.
Meanwhile, at what appears to be the back area of the TV station, Miyazawa's agent congratulates Miyazawa on his latest review, saying he was so intense the part-time workers ran away. As expected someone worthy of being an officially recognized phantom! Miyazawa complains that that makes him sound like a villain, but he just needs to figure out how to use that influence.
He says the restaurant he "killed" today was Toraiken, and all he needed to do was give a few fake bad reviews for people to stop patronizing the store, revealing his bigger plan is to force the boss to give him ownership of Ashouken so he can turn it into a chain.
The agent questions whether lying so much is really okay, and Miyazawa turns cold, asking him what's really true. Nowadays, people don't care about the truth, they just care about the trends. And Miyazawa told them it's genuine. He then threatens to have the agent replaced, and the agent apologizes, then leaves as Miyazawa receives a call and waves him off.
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Miyazawa's speaking tone switches to something soft and placating, almost ingratiating, as he answers the phone. He confirms he saw the news, and that the person on the news was an "alternative "officially recognized" candidate, right?" It's such a shame. He talks about filling the vacancy, and promises to think about candidates.
After hanging up, his tone returns to normal, and he mutters it's not easy to deal with a topical candidate like the "Collision Man".
In their PE class at school, girls fight over who gets to have Motoha on their volleyball team, while the boys are told to pair up for stretches. Shun catches Wonder's attention, and tells him to sit, suggesting they pair up without really giving Wonder a say.
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As Shun helps Wonder stretch, he asks him about Motoha. He asks what their relationship is, and Wonder can reply "friends" or "partners". Wonder can then ask if he cares or if he likes Motoha, which either way causes Shun to insist that's not the case, and push Wonder way too far forward.
He says she noticed that Ashouken's flavor changed, then clarifies he used to work there, and it's amazing that she was able to notice where most people just say it's delicious. He says he can't speak very well, but when he sees her, he feels that she's completely different from him.
After a moment, he finally realizes what he did to Wonder, and apologizes, leaning back again. He stands up, and mutters that whenever someone has something to do with him it ends badly, and walks off.
While Wonder’s gone, Ruferu and Motoha seem to have been talking back in the classroom. Two students nearby gossip about Magatsushin updating to mention Miyazawa giving bad reviews again, and saying he's closed down a lot of restaurants. Wonder slides the classroom door open, visibly exhausted.
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He returns slowly to his seat, sitting a bit hunched over like he’s sore and/or tired. Motoha asks what Wonder and Shun talked about in PE, where the player has the option of responding "He said Motoha knows the flavor well" or "He said he used to work at Ashouken". When the former is picked, she realizes he's talking about Ashouken's flavor, and says Shun must like ramen. Wonder then explains the rest, and she reacts, "He worked at Ashouken? He really likes ramen..."
Ruferu switches the conversation to a more important topic- he and Motoha were talking about their next job. They’ll have to look for the next Palace, and also visit the doctor that Kayo mentioned. The bell rings, and Motoha awkwardly asks Wonder if he's going to go change out of his PE clothes before class, which he sheepishly does.
After class, Wonder and Ruferu plan to visit Takemi's clinic, while Motoha says she wants to visit Tomoko and tell her about Kiuchi. Just then, she gets a text from Tomoko, apparently saying she's being discharged from the hospital today. Ruferu encourages her to go visit Tomoko, following her own desire, while they check out the clinic. Motoha thanks him, immensely relived Tomoko cared enough again to message her, and sends Wonder the directions to Takemi’s clinic that she apparently looked up. She leaves, and Wonder and Ruferu head back to Yongen-Jaya.
At the clinic, Takemi notes Wonder is new here, and asks what problem brought him here. Presumably whichever is picked from the dialogue options, she invites him back to the exam room.
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She says it's probably an issue of too much pressure, and suggests prescribing sleeping pills. Wonder asks for something stronger. Takemi is unsurprised that's what he's really here for, mentioning the rumors about her. She agrees to prescribe him more medicine, but only things that will restore physical condition. Takemi's shop is unlocked.
After leaving Takemi’s clinic, Motoha texts Wonder, checking in after taking Tomoko home. Wonder tells her they finished at the clinic, and she says she's ready to start looking for the next Palace any time.
Ruferu asks to talk to Wonder for a moment. He mentions that that fortune teller’s prediction of a disaster at the restaurant was true, and suggests she might be another valuable service to look into when they get a chance (unlocking the side quest to go back to her, which unlocks her fortune-telling ability).
Later, in Mementos, Closer asks how they find the next Palace, and Cattle says he was able to listen to the inner voices of humans to find it. He says it's difficult to hear the voices of the next path from here, and clarifies that Mementos is made up of several areas. Closer guesses that means the other Palaces are on other paths of Mementos, which Cattle confirms. He leads them to the door at the end of the first path.
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He touches it, and it opens, the MetaNav informing them a new area has opened up. Closer and Wonder check their phones, and sure enough, a new area has appeared on the MetaNav. Cattle explains that people with "excessive desires" are considered troublesome and excluded from the group, and they now have excessive desires because they have Kiuchi's Treasure. Closer wonders if this means the door is opening less to welcome them, and more because it's sort of passively kicking them out of the current area.
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Once they’re in the new area, Cattle says he's sure the next Palace is here, but he can't locate it yet. He explains that it's because he understood Kiuchi's actions in the real world, and they were very straightforward, but they don't know much about the next Palace ruler yet, and Closer guesses their actions are less publicly obvious, which Cattle thinks is likely. Cattle suggests they leave for now, and try to get some more information in the real world.
When they return to the real world, Motoha exclaims that being in the Metaverse always makes her hungry, and they should have another celebratory meal at Ashouken. When Wonder asks her why, since she didn't really like it last time, Motoha says maybe one of their other kinds of ramen will be better. Shun, walking by at the moment, warns her not to bother, it's all the same.
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Motoha asks him about working at Ashouken, and the flavor change. Shun explains that the current Ashouken has given up its dedication to flavor, though it's not the fault of the employees. Motoha laments that means she'll never get to have the delicious ramen from the past again, and Shun reacts, walking over to them. With a smile, he asks if she really wants to have Ashouken's original ramen again.
Confused, she says yes, and Shun invites both of them to come to Toraiken in Zoshigaya tonight. He then walks off, and Motoha excitedly says she's looking forward to having that ramen again. Ruferu wonders something about Shun, but brushes it off, and says that while he can't eat with them tonight, they better not forget his chashu pork.
That evening, Wonder and Ruferu meet up with Motoha in front of Toraiken, but Motoha starts to wonder aloud if maybe they have the wrong place, as Shun still isn’t here, the restaurant has a sign saying it's temporarily closed, and it has bad reviews. She thinks she's heard the name "Toraiken" before, but can't remember where...
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To her surprise, though, Shun then opens the door and invites them in, saying he knows the owner.
Once they start eating, Motoha exclaims in amazement that the food is delicious.
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This pleases Shun, who says that their smiles make all the effort he put into making the soup base worth it. Motoha, shocked, asked if he's the one who made this, rather than an employee. Shun says he's still just an apprentice. Motoha replies that's amazing, and it tastes just like Ashouken used to! But... why does Toraiken have Ashouken's ramen?
Shun explains that Ashouken branched off from Toraiken, and even thought it's a Chinese restaurant, the ramen's very popular, and some people actually come here to study. Toraiken's owner liked the idea of helping young people learn, so he opened Ashouken. Shun's also very fond of the ramen here.
As he talks, a man comes down the stairs in the back, and over to their table. He asks Shun to stop saying such "embarrassing things", and Shun reacts with surprise, referring to him as "Yamagoshi-oyassan".
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Yamagoshi apologizes for the poor reception he gave Wonder and Motoha, and welcomes them to the store. Shun stands up and helps stabilize Yamagoshi, asking if he's alright, and suggesting he rest more. He says he's feeling better, and it's so rare for Shun to bring friends over for him to say hello.
He then clumsily asks something about mobile phone friends, to Motoha's bewilderment, and Shun asks him what he's saying. He laughs, and says this is how young people exchange contact information now, isn't it? Shun tells him no one would ask that now.
Yamagoshi turns back to Motoha and Wonder, and says Shun's a good kid, but he's bad at communication, so they should contact him if they ever have any questions. He pulls his own cellphone out, and shakes it, to Shun's embarrassment, but Motoha laughs, and says she will. Wonder does as well.
He then asks if they liked the food, and Motoha answers very positively, to Yamagoshi's delight. He congratulations Shun, although Shun doesn't really accept the praise. Yamagoshi can identify just from the smell of the food that Shun still hasn't quite perfected his skills, and Shun agrees.
Yamagoshi starts to say something else, but is overcome with a coughing fit. Shun insists he should go back and rest, but Yamagoshi explains Miyazawa came by earlier and scared off all the part-time workers, to Shun's anger. Toraiken will have to stay closed, because there's no one to run it.
Yamagoshi leaves the room (presumably with Shun's help, though it cuts to black for a moment). Shun thanks Wonder and Motoha for coming by, saying he'll close up shop here and then help Yamagoshi get home, and Motoha thanks him as well for the food.
Outside of Toraiken, Motoha worries about Yamagoshi, then wonders what their history with Miyazawa was. Ruferu pipes up, finally popping out of Wonder's bag (Motoha congratulates him on staying so quiet in there the whole time), and says there's the residual smell of stolen desires here. Motoha asks what the connection between the next Palace and Toraiken is, and then Masa walks up to them.
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Motoha recognizes him as the person running things at Ashouken, which prompts Masa to recognize them as customers from the other day, which he apologizes for again. He expresses frustration at Miyazawa.
Ruferu, hidden in Wonder's bag, suggests that they try asking Masa about Miyazawa, since he seems to know him and shows signs of his desire being stolen.
Masa recognizes their uniforms, and says they used to have students from Kokatsu working at Ashouken. Motoha takes this chance to ask him about Shun, saying they're his friends.
Masa explains that Toraiken is his master's shop, and Masa got worried after hearing about Miyazawa's terrible review earlier today, so he came to check on it. Miyazawa puts on a show with his excessive reviews, and will review even good restaurants negatively for the sake of trying to take ownership from them after tanking their popularity. No one can do anything about it because they won't believe it, and even if they do, he's an officially recognized phantom. He also has extensive connections in the catering and entertainment industries to back him up. The only way to stop the bad reviews is to give him what he wants.
He also says Shun apparently thinks it's his own fault that Miyazawa's going after Ashouken, after an incident while he was still working there. When Miyazawa came in and started making fun of their soup stock, Shun got mad and threw water from a glass at him. After that, the bad reviews started. But none of the staff blame him, as he just did what they couldn't.
Motoha suggests he talk to Shun himself, as Shun's still in Toraiken behind them, but Masa says he doesn't want to remind Shun of everything, and heads home instead.
Ruferu says everyone they've talked to related to these stores has had their desires stolen- Yamagoshi, Masa, and Shun- so it's extremely likely the Palace ruler they're looking for is related to all this, too. He suggests they investigate more tomorrow.
The next morning at the train station, Wonder sees Tomoko, who greets him.
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She says she was cleared to return to school today, although she suspects everyone there is gossiping about her being targeted by the Collision Man.
She also says that baseball was the only thing she's good at, so she's not sure what to do now, and even briefly lost the strength to live, but Motoha's been encouraging her this whole time, and she heard a lot about Wonder from her, too. When she heard Kiuchi was arrested, she felt "a "power" welling up from the bottom of [her] heart, as if saying "I want to live"", and then laughs, thinking she's a simple person for Kiuchi's arrest to be enough to lift her spirits again.
Ruferu comments the change of heart helped, but it was particularly opening up the new area of Mementos that had this effect on her.
Tomoko admits she was still a little scared coming to the station, and says she's glad Wonder's here. Their train arrives.
After school, Motoha says they should go to Mementos and look for the Palace, but Ruferu thinks they should visit Toraiken again first, since they know it's related to the Palace. When they get there, Ruferu smells desires being stolen inside, and suggests they learn from their mistakes with Kiuchi, and act now.
Inside, Miyazawa is trying to convince Yamagoshi to give up Ashouken to him, though Yamagoshi keeps turning him down. When Wonder and Motoha walk in, Yamagoshi recognizes them, while Miyazawa dismisses them with "The adults are talking".
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He tries to get his agent to escort them out, but Yamagoshi denies him this as well, saying the kids are his important guests.
Miyazawa warns that Yamagoshi that he's sick, and his restaurant is going to shut down. He's already discussed this with Masa, so Yamagoshi should just stamp the papers to transfer ownership to him with his seal.
Yamagoshi gets increasingly worked up in his refusal, and his illness gets the better of him for a moment. Miyazawa grins, and says he shouldn't force himself like this. This store holds memories of him and his late wife- wouldn't it be better to give it to Miyazawa than see it close down? Miyazawa believes in the authentic flavor of the restaurants, and he doesn't want to see it lost.
This time, as Yamagoshi tries to verbally fight back, his illness causes him to collapse (dropping his seal in the process), and Wonder and Motoha immediately move to help him. Miyazawa lightly suggests the "little girl" call an ambulance.
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Motoha, angry, tells him he doesn't need to tell her that, and exits Toraiken to make the call. While she's gone and Wonder is occupied with Yamagoshi, Miyazawa picks up the dropped seal, and uses it to stamp the papers.
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Miyazawa declares the contract settled, much to Wonder's shock. Miyazawa says his eyesight isn't very good- didn't he see that Yamagoshi stamped it himself?
At that moment, Shun comes in, and sees the scene in the restaurant. Furious, he grabs Miyazawa by the collar and demands to know what he did.
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Miyazawa asks if he's going to use violence again, and his agent takes out a phone to record.
Yamagoshi weakly tells Shun to stop, and Shun immediately lets go of Miyazawa and helps Yamagoshi up with Wonder.
Miyazawa asks his agent if he got that, and after he nods, immediately threatens to ruin Shun's future with the video. He advises Yamagoshi to stay calm, for both his and Shun's sakes.
This only makes Shun angrier, but Yamagoshi urges him not to let himself get provoked and play right into Miyazawa's hands. Shun apologizes, and says he's always dragging others down with his actions.
Yamagoshi reassures Shun that he likes seeing his energy, and how he's honest, straightforward, and informal, but cares deeply about cooking. He reminds him that making guests smile is the "pride" of cooks. As he's talking, he starts coughing again, to Shun's dismay.
Miyazawa comments that this is like an episode of a soap opera, but he hates it, because it makes him look like a villain. This prompts even Wonder to get mad at him (both response options seem to be angry), but he mockingly asks if all young people act like this these days. They look more like the phantom than him.
He then says he'll give Shun a chance, and challenge him to a Flavor Fight. When Shun doesn't know what this is, Miyazawa seems mildly offended, asking, "Haven't you seen it on my channel?". All Shun has to do is make a dish that can satisfy Miyazawa, and he'll win, and Miyazawa won't cause trouble for Ashouken or Toraiken anymore. But, if he's not confident, then forget it.
Wonder tries to warn Shun this is a trap, but Miyazawa says he's being too suspicious, and Miyazawa's lost a Flavor Fight several times, so there's a chance Shun could win. Shun accepts, and Miyazawa gleefully tells him that the time and place will be announced later on his website.
Motoha runs back in, and announces the ambulance is here. Miyazawa casually takes his leave. Down the street, his agent asks why he's bothering with a Flavor Fight when he already has the restaurant.
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Miyazawa explains that Shun is always frustrating him and getting in his way, talking about "genuine flavor", so he wants to return the favor. And, if he can control how the story is told on the internet afterward, he might be able to solve the problem of "filling the vacancy". His agent asks what that means, and Miyazawa says it's not his problem, he should just focus on preparing for the video.
Back in Toraiken, Shun tells Wonder and Motoha that the ambulance took Yamagoshi, and his neighbor went along with it. Motoha says his breathing stabilized, so he should be fine, and then asks Shun about the Flavor Fight.
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She says she's seen an episode of it, with another chef that had a problem with Miyazawa. When he lost, his reviews got even worse, and everyone was on Miyazawa's side. And it's not broadcast on TV, just Miyazawa's personal channel, so he's in full control of the editing, too. It has to be a trap!
Shun says that might be the case, but he has no other choice, he has to take the gamble.
Motoha says Shun should just tell people the truth about Miyazawa and the cheap ingredients he's forcing Ashouken to use, but Shun says that won't work, because Miyazawa will explain it away. The only way it'd work is if Miyazawa admitted it himself.
Motoha then points out that winning the Flavor Fight might not even do anything, and Shun agrees that he doubts Miyazawa will keep his promise, but if Shun, a fool, loses the fight, he only embarrasses himself, and it won't affect Ashouken or Yamagoshi. If he's the only one who has to bear the burden, it's fine. He then says Wonder and Motoha should leave, before they get too involved with him and Miyazawa targets them, too. He'll figure it out himself.
After leaving Toraiken, Ruferu says he's almost certain Miyazawa is the next Palace ruler, as he's the only one benefiting here; even the customers themselves are having their desires stolen. Motoha agrees that after she lost her desires, she felt like there was just nothing she could do, and she just had to put up with it. The only way to stop Miyazawa is to make him have a change of heart. They decide to head to Mementos next, to finally locate his Palace.
To be continued in the next reblog!
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cursedvibes · 7 months
Idk if I’m the only one who feels a bit sentimental about ch240-243. It’s just got me thinking about how there’s actually someone for everyone. Like you know how people might think they’re weird or they’re being perceived as strange and off-putting by those around them but, in fact, there will ALWAYS be someone who matches your vibe and celebrates your individuality. What a beautiful thing connection is.
I’m not even sure if it’s intended by Gege but the last 7? chapters have been greatly influenced by themes of loneliness and connection and (in my opinion) Takaba and Kenjaku are no exception. Both somewhat lonely in what they do, in what they’re passionate about, both are misunderstood and perceived as “weirdos” by those around them, finding each other and being able to connect through comedy, giving each other what they longed for (Kenny’s “it’s been centuries since my heart danced like this” and Takaba’s “my dream stage… I don’t want this to end”). It’s just… wow?
Also I saw a little analysis about how there are two roles in Japanese comedy-duos, basically one person is telling the jokes and acting weird and the other is acting more serious by fending off the partner’s jokes, so in ch.243 it was Kenny and Takaba, respectively. Takaba’s talent as a comedian shone through as he’s generally more serious and his previous attempts to act as the one who cracks the jokes all the time led him to failure (ch241). But now, thanks to Kenny taking up the “unserious” role he was finally able to finesse his performance. This is such a unique battle out of everything we previously had… “I don’t want this to end” me too Takaba… me too…
P.S. im kinda manifesting that one day you’ll write a fic about these two 🥲 I absolutely adore your works
There's always someone out there who matches you perfectly and it might be the person you least expect, like Japan's worst terrorist or a depressed comedian. Sometimes it also might take you a millennia to find that person, but that makes it all the more worth it when you do.
No but seriously, I totally understand you. It's amazing how Gege managed to build up such a deep connection between Kenjaku and Takaba and thereby not only gave us some much needed further characterization for one of our main villains, but also fleshed out someone who used to be only a comedic side character. Although the fact that Takaba would have more depth was already foreshadowed in his introduction. If anything, him becoming a comedic sidekick was more surprising.
The focus on loneliness, love and being able to connect with other people in the last chapters was very intentional I think and I honestly like how much the approach to these themes differs between Kenjaku and Sukuna. Besides my problems with the Gojo vs Sukuna fight, those topics were brushed on there, but not really explored in depth. Until we got Takaba vs Kenjaku. The main difference here and what allowed us to get a deeper understanding of the themes and how they relates to these two characters is that contrary to Sukuna's fights, Takaba and Kenjaku's fight was more a dialogue where they both discussed their feelings on building connections and became a better person through it. Both of them learned something new (also about themselves) and came out of it as changed people. It's not just one person barraging the other with their issues or slapping their egos around.
Yorozu vs Sukuna is very self-serving. Yorozu is lonely and she thinks having Sukuna by her side will help her, but she is ultimately not interested in really connecting to him, she just projects her own issues onto him. She says herself that having his corpse would be enough. She wants to own him, her attraction to him is because she sees herself in him and her love is a love of herself, there isn't really anything romantic or sexual to it. Similarly, Sukuna has no interest in her either. The fight is only there so he can try out the new CT he just got. Both are essentially in their own world and while it is nice that Yorozu makes a weapon for him, they don't actually connect. Yorozu wants to teach Sukuna her understanding of love, but he already has his own and neither of them budge on their positions or make concessions.
Gojo vs Sukuna is a bit difficult to summarize because it's kinda all over the place and we don't get much from either of them in terms of character development or thoughts in general until the last chapter. Still, it's again someone trying to build a one-sided connection to Sukuna, wanting to teach him love and failing. I would say Gojo is a little more successful than Yorozu because at least Sukuna acknowledges him and says he will remember him. Gojo says he didn't manage to reach Sukuna and teach him "love", but he left an emotional impact. Sukuna changed Gojo to a degree, but only so much as in he killed him and thereby shoved him off the pedestal he put himself on and what kept him from having equal relationships with people. Bit late for that and it won't actually have any long-lasting consequences for Gojo because well he's dead, but it's something. Ultimately, there is no change in Sukuna's character however. There is a physical impact on him from the fight, but not much in terms of emotions. He isn't forced to reconsider any of his positions, he isn't challenged in his character. If anything it only got reinforced because he's confirmed to be "the strongest".
Kashimo vs Sukuna is another instance of someone coming with their issues to Sukuna and pressuring him to fix them. Kashimo wants to build a connection to Sukuna and I think they are actually more genuine with their intentions than Yorozu, but there is still a one-sided connection. Their relationship isn't balanced. Sukuna is supposed to give out wisdom, but Kashimo has nothing to offer him and while it is nice that we got a deeper look into his philosophy, there is nothing he really gained from his interaction with Kashimo. We are learning new things about Sukuna, but he doesn't. I think this will only happen when we get to Yuuji vs Sukuna because Yuuji affects Sukuna on a deeper level than any of the other three. He's the only one that can meaningfully challenge Sukuna because they would finally leave the premise of Sukuna's whole worldview (strength) behind. But we'll see.
Takaba vs Kenjaku is very different. If we were to compare it to the formula of the previous fights, Takaba comes up saying "Let me teach you about love (comedy/fun)" and Kenjaku's response is "Oh I've actually been dying to hear about this. Give me your best shot." Since the start of the Yuki fight Gege has put more emphasis on showing us that Kenjaku is essentially just bored and lonely. They want to connect to people, that is the easiest way to entertain them as well and they don't actually enjoy entertainment without having anyone to share it with, but they and their longstanding goals are what's hindering them. Their plan distanced them from their closest friend and left them quite desperately searching for new companions. Their plan also motivates them to kill Culling Game players, despite them seeing it actually as a waste of potential. That's how they entered the fight. They want to be entertained and they want a new friend. Takaba offers that to them.
I think initially Takaba's offer wasn't entirely sincere, just a ploy to distract them. He might've been already interested in Kenjaku's motivations for causing all this suffering, but he didn't actually expect them to connect so well and so quickly over their shared interest in comedy. First, Takaba gets challenged however. We learn he wants a partner just as much as Kenjaku. He can't enjoy comedy anymore because he needs a partner to succeed in his performance and deep down he is actually just searching for someone who understands him. Due to getting so fixated on performing successfully and pushing himself to lean into types of performances he doesn't actually like that much (playing the funny man), just for the approval of others, he also ended up pushing the people he did perform with away. He couldn't take any criticism and only continued further down the wrong path, leaving him depressed. A less extreme version of how Kenjaku tended to isolate themselves and subconsciously worked against their own interests.
Kenjaku makes him realize what he actually wants, that he has to change himself, his approach to comedy and that he needs to actually try to connect to people and not shy away from it in fear of criticism. This is already different from the previous fights. They both have an investment in the other and want more than simply beating the other person into following their worldview.
Then we get Takaba forcing Kenjaku to reflect on themselves and what they actually want. Despite how persuasive his CT is, Kenjaku's realization that they are having fun in playing around with these silly scenarios and that they for once are actually enjoying the Culling Game for what it is (a chance to meet interesting players, not just a stepping stone for something greater) doesn't seem to be fake. The nature of his CT also makes them realize that if they want to survive they have no choice, but to open themselves up a little bit and cooperate with each other. That's when both of them finally reach their true goal.
They have to work together because that's the only way Takaba can fulfil his wish to perform comedy with a partner, someone he actually connects with and who understands him. It also provides Kenjaku with the friend they have been looking for. Someone equal (as a comedy partner would be, Takaba is able to keep up with their imagination, just how they countered his made-up scenarios earlier), who won't bore them. As Kenjaku said afterwards, they actually had fun, despite the quite mundane scenario. There was cursed energy involved, but what made them actually enjoy the show was the trading of jokes and improvisations they both had to keep up with. It doesn't need some world-shattering CT to entertain Kenjaku, they just previously lacked that connection that would make them appreciate the entertainment they are getting more.
As you said, the positions they take during the show is important here too. They started out with Kenjaku as the straight man and critic and Takaba doing goofy antics as the funny man. Both roles that don't really suit either of them, which is also part of why Takaba never managed to be funny in the past. During the show Takaba is finally able to make his true personality shine and have people understand and like him, despite how he can come off as quite serious. Kenjaku on the other hand was able to be as silly as they want to be. They kept that part of their personality down previously because it would only distract them from their goal and fulfilling their carefully curated plan. We see the evidence at the end of the chapter. As soon as Kenjaku gives into that part of their personality and gets lost in their performance with Takaba, they get taken out and their merger plan is compromised. By indulging in what they actually want, they lost control over their proclaimed long-standing goals (probably, we will see how things develop).
I've seen Kenjaku's "you were super funny" compared to Sukuna's "stand proud", but that doesn't quite work, I think. Sukuna is comparing Jogo to himself and complementing him for how much he managed to measure up, while Kenjaku is commenting on how they enjoyed their fight together or more specifically the comedy show. They reassured Takaba that he is funny, but they don't view it as him having measured up to some standard they set. That is primarily because they could only achieve that goal together. Their comedy relied on a partner and they both only had fun because they had each other. Alone it would be meaningless. The entire point of their stand-up show was that the "fight" wasn't a competition anymore.
Takaba and Kenjaku were able to become partners and form a connection because they were actually able to open up to each other and take the other's personality and character into consideration. That's what differentiates them from the previous three fights and is also why they were successful where Yorozu, Gojo and Kashimo failed.
Kenjaku is open to change and new experiences and after some convincing embraces the connection they are being offered, while Sukuna stays almost completely closed off to others (with the exception of Uraume it seems).
It really was a great fight and it's very unfortunate that it is over and ended the way it did. We'll see how things develop. I would be really interested in seeing if and how Kenjaku's connection to Takaba might influence them in the future and how they will approach their merger plan. Currently it seems like Yuuta kind of ruined all the progress in terms of character development they made thanks to Takaba, but who knows...
If you're interested, I did write a fanfic about the two, where I also vented my feelings about their relationship a bit :)
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panecitotulipan · 1 year
Miguel O'Hara/reader
Find the rest of chapters here!
Nombres (names). A bit of touched starved attitude in a closer interaction for the characters, that's all. And a reminder that is not suggestive. Reblogs are appreciated. 🐀🪴
۝ᬼᬃ᭄ᭃᬼ᭄᭄ᬽ ⃢🥀
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The 2099 got used to your presence in his 'office', resulting in more frequent chats, reaching a point of mutual comfortability where not-about-the-multiverse topics could come to the surface and be discussed once in a while.
That time you were talking with the big man about some of the Petters' work while sitting on a wall, your head a bit higher than his. When he asked something unexpected.
–Do you actually know the name of any of us?– It genuinely sounded like a serious question.
You blinked, making a pause for thinking.
–Uh…yeah. Kinda, or maybe not.– 
–Those are way too different answers.–
–I am not the best with names.–
–So that's why you call everyone by stupid nicknames.–
–You could say so.–
–Do you even know my name?– The 2099 placed his hands on his hips, not expecting much.
–I remember it is a name way too common between spanish speakers…Juan, maybe?– You raised your shoulders helplessly, faking of course, but this guy didn't get the joke.
–No, try again. But I guess you can say it is common indeed.– His severe eyes were deeply nailed on your whole face or specific pupils, you couldn't tell.
–You have no idea how many Josés I've heard of.– A smirk was visible on your lips, while your gaze slowly fell to the floor. You were playing with him at this point.
–Starts with "M". Try harder.–
You lifted your head back up to his face. Asking in a gasp. –¿Te llamas José María?– 
–¿Qué? ¡No!– The 2099 covered his face with a hand in disappointment. –¡Miguel, it's Miguel!–
–Ah…sí, I already knew. I know everyone's names.– Despite keeping a serious voice tone all along, you couldn't avoid the feeling of an inner nervous giggle.
–Do you expect me to believe th–
–Miguel O'Hara, Spiderman 2099 from the Earth-928.– Cutting him off, the rush for clearing up the situation was notable. It wasn't figurative, you did know the names, wanting to use them was a whole different story.
O'Hara remained silent for a moment.
Crossing your arms across yourself, you strongly wished for him to say something.
He cleared his throat.
–If you know it so well, then call me by my name just like everyone else.– The sentence was spoken while looking into your eyes. This man seemed somehow…softer than usual.
–Okay, Miguel.– It came out as a weak mutter from your mouth.
After a few seconds of flying thoughts, you caught yourself meticulously scanning Miguel's whole face, when you found a hair out of place on his forehead.
–Even though it's common, I've always liked that name,– While automatically talking, your hand raised to brush Miguel's hair backwards. He flinched in confusion at first, then paralyzed when you actually touched him. Only a blurred "Ahhm" was audible from his throat. –Miguel…– Your fingers innocently followed the movement through his locks until meeting the back of his head, when O'Hara took a step back, freeing himself from the touch. Too invasive, you didn't think it through. Idiot. 
–Your hair was out of place, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Fixing people's hair or clothes was a normal gesture to me. Sorry.– Good thing that you knew how to keep your tone calm and steady, because the over-explanation was enough to made you look pathetic already. 
–Está bien, está bien.– Miguel nervously cleared his throat and rapidly put himself together.
–Como decía,– He made a short pause so he could switch back to english. –As I was telling you, [...]– The conversation took the course it originally had, with the little difference of your leg discreetly shaking while the rest of his explanation.
۝ᬼᬃ᭄ᭃᬼ᭄᭄ᬽ ⃢🥀
Note: Little nerdy detail, the narration never uses "Miguel" before he asked you to call him by his name. This applies to the rest of the chapters and this is an actual narrative resource to make a chronological development between how the reader comes emotionally closer to Miguel? Yes it is, or at least that's what I want to do. Am I overexplaining? Yes of course.
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tamaruaart · 6 months
Hi :)
About me:
I mostly go by Rua or Tam but I also go by a lot of other nicknames! (Tamarua, Tamari, Tama, Tamachi, Ruma, Tammy, etc.) I'm a digital & traditional artist and I mostly draw my OCs or characters I like. I'm in A LOT of fandoms (LMK, JTTW, JJK, Greek Myth, Hamilton...). This blog respects and supports the LGBTQ+ community :> (WHERE ALL MY ACE BUDDIES AT??). My preferred pronouns are She/her but I don't mind if you refer to me as a they/them or he/him. I'd say I don't usually get mad, and my humor is very... Uh, what's the word? Questionable? Yea, very questionable- I speak English and Croatian!
What art program do I use?:
I use Clip Studio Paint and Ibis Paint, in Ibis I mostly use the default brushes and in Clip studio I use the defaults as well as Artemus pencil pack and Artemus chalk pack (both of the packs are free btw)
Where else can you find me?:
I'm on Twitter (@TamaRuaArt), Pixiv (@Tamachi), Reddit (@TamaRuaArt "Tam & Rua✩") and tiktok! (@tamaruaart "Tam✩") (but I don't post anywhere else soo)
What are the rules for my blog?:
-No offensive/hurtful comments on certain groups of people or a certain person
-No nsfw topics
-No politics
-Please keep your comments relative to the post
-Please no heavy-religion based topics
-No racism
-No sexism (idc if towards men, women or ANY gender for that matter)
-No homophobia or transphobia (nor hate to any other sexuality)
What do I mostly use this blog for?:
Well, I mostly use it to talk about my jttw/lmk OC Zhaoyan (or just Zhao). Zhao is an enchantress who was brought along the journey as a healer for Tripitaka. Basically, she has the power to heal any wound, illness, disease etc.
Where can I find out more about your oc?:
For now my tumblr blog is the only place. I do 100% plan to write an AO3 fanfic regards her one day (because she honestly has so much lore that isn't even jttw/lmk related). But not any time soon, I'm very busy with school and I still have to work her whole character out before I start writing. When I do publish the story I'll announce it here :D
What sort of art do I do?:
I mostly do character art of my OCs or fandoms I'm in. Sometimes I do creature designs and plants too! (I suck ass at animals though >:'( )
Is this blog R18?:
Not really, I do swear quite a bit and I do bring up a bit more serious topics from time to time. But besides that I don't deal with any nsfw things and I don't really talk about any drama going on in the world rn. At the end of the day this is just a silly little blog for me to talk about my interests :)
Do I do suggestions/requests?:
Yeah? Just don't expect a masterpiece. I'll probably draw your suggestion as long as it's a character, also just a heads up but if I don't feel like it I can always decline. (you can suggest someone threw my in-box)
Do I do coms?:
My Playlists:
Zhaoyan but as a ✨Playlist✨:
The Vengeance AU:
Fandoms I'm interested in and generally some things I enjoy:
Greek Mythology, Lego Monkie Kid, Renaissance Art, Art Nouveau, Hades/Hades II, The Art of John Williams Waterhouse, The Odyssey and The Iliad, The Prince of Egypt, Wolfwalkers, Disney's Mulan, Hamilton, Paris: The Musical, Epic: The Musical...
If any of these things sound right up your alley, feel free to stay!
An introduction to my characters and some extra thingies:
Free chibi OC commission (closed):
And that's basically all you need to know about me
ba-bye 👋
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