#but when i apologize for not being there she brushes it off and keeps complaining and making me feel bad so i'm like
gamerwoo · 1 year
hi im alive i think i have (had??) tonsillitis but my tonsils are feeling a lot better today and im less stuffy but i’ve stayed home from work all week and my boss and coworkers definitely hate me for it 🙃
but in good news: my new keyboard showed up!!!! it’s like clear/pink and it sounds super satisfying to type with, i just need to get used to the new spacing since it is smaller than my old one and doesn’t have a numpad but eeeee im excited to use it!!!!!
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jazzisackerman · 2 years
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takemichi who gets guiltier every time he breaks his promise to not get into fights, but he knows you'll always be there to patch him up with a shake of your head and a kiss to the bridge of his nose.
mikey who steals bites of your snacks, laughing sweetly when you make a face at him. sometimes he'll leave you alone, but then he'll steal the taste of your treats off your lips later.
draken who flatly refuses all of your pleas to hitch a ride on his motorcycle, only for him to reveal one he'd been working on for months just for your birthday.
chifuyu who has established coming up behind you to wrap his arms around you and lift you up into the air as his default greeting, laughing as you squeal and kick your feet.
keisuke who let you name one of his cats, and now taiyaki is a very small and spoiled third-wheel on all of your dates, getting scooped into your arms as keisuke leans over to kiss the edge of your mouth.
mitsuya who didn't say much when you gave him a sweater you'd crocheted one day, but as he turned his face you could see a smile and a tint of pink in his cheeks.
kazutora who made a habit of coming into your apartment via the window at insane hours, but you reprimand him as he wraps you in his arms, smiling against the skin of your neck, saying "i missed you".
seishu who complains about being your "coffee boy", but he'll still show up outside the gates of your school with a cup every morning, huffing as you kiss him on the cheek, his hand ghosting your waist.
hajime who completely ignores your demands for him to stop getting you expensive gifts since you "can't match that, haji!", instead smirking and replying with, "that ass is my gift" and getting slapped.
wakasa who is often bored with most of the things around him, but finds himself perking up slightly when you approach him, a smile pulling at his lips as you slip to his side, where you fit so perfectly.
shinichiro who apologises when he has to decline dates to look after his siblings, but when you swing by things get much easier, and he can't imagine a future without you, laughing in his living room.
izana who was so used to discarding people, but then someone came into his life who pushed his hair behind his ear and rested her head on his shoulder, and he knew he could never get rid of you.
haruchiyo who is so unashamedly loud most of the time, but he quietens when it's just the two of you, your hands on his cheeks and gently brushing over the scars on his face, placing kisses on each on.
nahoya who is rarely seen without you by his side, both laughing madly at some game on your phones. souya who is so much kinder than everyone thinks, by your side with a snack every time you're sad.
hakkai who always makes you giggle by kissing your hand at every meeting, but he'll follow it up with a hug that's closer to a tackle, ending in both of you just laughing, probably too loudly.
rindou who would stop at very little to protect you, but he's always brought back to reality by your hand tugging at his wrist when he's gone too far. you're the only one who can pull an apology from him.
ran who is so used to a life of independence and supporting other people that he simply melts, lying in his room with his head in your lap, the safest he's ever been able to feel.
hinata who will outright refuse to take other people's shit, often leading to you having to drag her away from conflicts, laughing as she fights against your grip, scowling adorably.
emma who is so often called childish, but you allow to her bring out her true nature of playfulness instead of play-acting as an adult, your relationship one of hands joined, swinging in the space between you.
yuzuha who just needed someone to be there for her, but she's instead fallen so devastatingly in love, and she kisses you at the end of every date with desperate love, silently vowing to keep you safe.
senju who has a love language of spending time together, and could do anything at all with you, as long as it's with you. she doesn't care for your lectures about getting hurt, but she'll always listen.
tokyo revengers manga, happy ending day !! i'm fucking wrecked i'm not gonna lie but this manga has been a source of comfort for me for over eighteen months. i'm going to miss them sm sobs [and i'm sure i'll cry when i read it when i wake up]
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© jazzisackerman 2022. all works and content are intellectual property of this blog. do not plagiarise or translate on tumblr or elsewhere.
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denwritesandcries · 4 months
gf!Shauna Shipman HCs
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Pairing: shauna shipman x fem!reader
Summary: To be Shauna's girlfriend is… Something else, to say at least.
Word count: 1,4k.
Content: 96’ timeline, cursing, suggestive, kissing, kinda toxic shauna, jealousy, fluff, the team being done with u two.
Note: I think that’s probably a little too long for headcanons but I’m really glad someone asked for it cause I love writing for Shauna sm.
English is not my first language.
- You most likely only spoke to each other because you were paired up on some project in a class that you both hate. A classic, but also one of the few ways for Shauna to actively approach anyone she hasn't known for years or been introduced to by Jackie, the girl isn't very sociable.
- She definitely found the most random and stupid reason possible to not like you at first, just because she enjoys being a little hater.
- Like she doesn't want to meet with you to discuss the topic and just leaves you to do your part alone and you just do it because this quiet girl on the football team is pretty hot and also scares the hell out of you.
- When you guys inevitably put it all together she'd take one look at it and say it's shit and make you do it all from scratch again in like one night as if it was your fault.
- And you simply wouldn't understand why she decided to pick on you. She’d have a beef with you that only exists in her head and you’ll be like??? Wondering why the heck she keeps staring at you like a judging hare even after getting (surprisingly) an A+.
(that’s a strangely accurate description, but you think it fits her perfectly well. Eyes widen following you and nose angrily twitching when you pass by.)
- She has a crush on you. Since the beginning. But she has too many problems to actually admit that to herself.
- She would finally admit that fell for you when she sees you reading something by an author she loves. She's a cliché and a failure, no matter how much she tries to deny it. You'd be in the stands during one of the Yellowjackets' practices (by pure chance, definitely not because you want to watch her too), with a notebook open at your side and a book on your lap, working on an assignment for extra credit, Shauna would see you when she stopped to have some water and she wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything else for the rest of the day.
Especially if it was something by Virginia Woolf, Emily Dickinson or Shirley Jackson. She’d go feral. Seriously.
- Then she finally decides to act (after some suspicious looks from Jackie and screams from Taissa for disturbing everyone during the game) and it's like she was never mean to you. She’ll literally act like she's already your friend because she doesn't know how to apologize and start something properly. Will sit next you in class – and kick out whoever actually sat there – and talk to you normally, looking away and chewing on the end of her pen, speaking in a soft and innocent voice.
- You're very much confused and a little suspicious about all this, but you're not gonna complain about it with her slowly running a hand up your arm and blinking her bright deep eyes at you. Even though she still stares. A lot.
- This is how you get a girlfriend, which isn't really what you expected at all, but it's a pretty welcome change.
- gf!Shauna who only asked you out and took you for a milkshake on your first date, even though she doesn't really like sweets, when she heard Nat tell Van that she was thinking about doing that exactly same thing and finally decided to do something (they did it on purpose, just so that Shauna would stop bothering them with her constant yearning).
- gf!Shauna who accompanies you to all your classes, sometimes even being late for hers. She is so show off carrying your backpack for you and walking close enough for your shoulders to brush and rushing to Jackie's side after opening the door for you.
- gf!Shauna who keeps a hand on you all the time, on your shoulder, on your waist, on your arm, but who is too shy to hold your hand and intertwine your fingers properly. She'll become a mess if you hold her hand in the hallways or in front of the team and pretend like she doesn't like it, complaining that you're being clingy (she won't let you let go of her hand at all though).
- gf!Shauna who is jealous and possessive as fuck, no one is safe from her, not even Jackie. She will shoot daggers with her eyes and scare anyone who even breathes near you in a way that makes her feel insecure. Especially if it's someone on the team. Lottie is usually a recurring target of her reactions, making a point of keeping as much distance as possible from Shauna on the field after she sees her talking to you.
- Will totally pretend not to care and say there's nothing wrong when you ask if she's alright, while silently seething with rage and acting weird towards you, keeping everything to herself until she eventually explodes. gf!Shauna who waits until she's alone to write shit about you and the other person in her diary with a horrible, rushed handwriting.
- gf!Shauna, with whom you have to be really patient.
- gf!Shauna with whom you have study dates where she actually makes you study because she won't admit being with someone with a poor average, but who will start kissing you pretty quick until she ends up straddling you the moment she gets tired and decides you both had enough.
- gf!Shauna who absolutely loves seeing you in the stands during practice or a game. She'll show off like never before as soon as she realizes you've come, especially if you yell or cheer for her when she scores a goal. Nat, Lottie and Tai are rolling eyes hard for you two every single time.
- gf!Shauna who takes you in her car wherever you want and whenever you want, driving with one hand on the steering and an elbow resting on the window. Who looks at you with her big eyes shining like a kicked puppy if you ever say you don't need a ride.
- gf!Shauna who has the worst, most questionable taste in movies ever and who gets outraged if you mention it or try to get her to change her choice on a movie night. She's too stubborn to change her mind, so you settle for admiring her profile and leaning back against her warm body on the couch.
- gf!Shauna with whom you have almost weekly sleepovers because her parents are too oblivious to realize there’s something between you. Sleeping in her bed under the pretext that the floor is too cold and keeping the door closed so as not to bother anyone with your teenage nonsense and loud music. It's the perfect combination.
- gf!Shauna who keeps her favorite polaroids of you on your dates alongside the photos of her and Jackie on her bedroom wall.
- gf!Shauna who's always the big spoon and loves feeling your body against hers. She's practically a furnace, perfect for hiding your face on her neck or chest. The best way to fall asleep is with her arms around you and your face buried in her soft skin.
- gf!Shauna who loves to bite and leave marks for every inch of exposed skin you have. Who bites your shoulder joint and digs her nails into your back when you have her pressed against the mattress or the lockers in the changing room.
- gf!Shauna who goes crazy when she sees you in her clothes, especially her button-down shirts and flannels. Sometimes even hides your clothes just to have the excuse to give you hers, because she doesn't know how to ask you to wear them.
- gf!Shauna who writes cheesy and lame love poems for you like a victorian poet, because she doesn't know how to express herself in words without being on impulse or in a fight. You always praise her and thank her a thousand times for them, without letting her know that you don't understand most of what she writes.
- gf!Shauna who demands you tell her you love her before she does it first. She literally asks for it. And then she only says it back weeks later, rushed and nervous, at the moment you least expect it.
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readychilledwine · 5 months
Bound by Fate pt 8
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Summary - When Kaylee Archeron meets Azriel, her world turns upside down. Between balancing her trauma, new powers, a mating bond, and war looming over her new home, Kaylee learns that everything is not as little as it once seemed.
Warnings - Violence, a tiny dragon, Elain being mean, sappy batboys trying to get their Kaylee home
A/n - Sheeeeees baaaaaack. I cut this into a part 8 and part 9 because I felt the ending was dramatic enough alone. Also, I am hoping I got all of you on the taglist, but please let me know if you want to be added or if I missed you. I am hitting my tag limit with this story, so I apologize for the reblog that's about to come.
Also, thank you @sarawritestories for cheering me on through my love hate relationship with this chapter
Series Masterlist ✨️ Azriel Masterlist ✨️ Master Masterlist
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Azriel had never felt more broken than he did right now.
She was lonely.
His mate was lonely.
He moved to her slowly, kneeling before her and stroking her cheek. “Let me take you home, Kaylee. It's going to get too cold here. You hate being cold.”
Kaylee wouldn't look at him. She didn't move from his touch, but she didn't acknowledge him either. It stung him to his core to see her like this. “Kaylee, starlight, please, come home. I will bring you back tomorrow if I must, just please come home.”
“Did you do it?” 
Azriel knew immediately what she meant. His stomach dropped as he got closer, finally feeling her soft skin under his. “No. I never touched her. You are mine, Kaylee. I am yours." He took her chin in his hand, forcing her face to his. "You are the only female I will ever want. I've waited over 500 years for you.”
And those long years wishing to the lost souls during Starfall and to every twinkling piece of starlight felt so miniscule now. What was 500 years compared to the eternity he was fated to have with Kaylee. Beautiful, kind, and innocent Kaylee. “I would never risk losing you.”  He almost jumped as the drake huffed, golden brown eyes opening to stare at the 3 males before snuggling into Kaylee. 
Azriel tentatively reached out, patting the nose of the beast resting his head in Kaylee's lap. “He is fairly attached to you already.” 
“Can you blame him?” Cassian took a small step towards Kaylee, gently tilting her head up. “Have you ever met someone like our Kaylee?”
Rhysand then moved closer to. “Such pure souls are rare. And it appears we all made a mistake while dealing with this one.” His hand brushed her golden hair back. “Come home, little sister.”
She shook her head, eyes watering as she snuggled into the drake's snoot and kissed it. “He is so lonely.” Another soft huff came. Then, the scent of magic. Where a large drake once laid, a small one now sat in Kaylee's hands. Wide blue eyes turned to Rhysand, a pout already forming and triggering a distant memory he didn't dare linger on for too long. “Can we keep him?” 
An otter, a drake, a rabbit, a fox. Azriel had lost track of the animals sneaking into Kaylee's room to join her as she slept soundly in his arms. She had never said she forgave him, never asked for more of an explanation, but she knew she did not want him to leave again. She knew she wanted him in her bed, even if a small scaled creature now shared her pillow. 
He pulled her close, breathing in her freshly cleaned hair. The scent of strawberries was clinging to her, but it was not her. Her natural scent had started to change, and Azriel could not complain. It now reminded him of a soft rain mixing with lilac, as if she was becoming nature itself.
He smiled as she turned over, hooking her leg over his. He pulled her closer, sighing softly at the same time she did. For the first time since she left with Lucien, Azriel found himself drifting off to sleep. Even if a creature he should have feared was currently crawling onto his mate and curling up on her side near him. 
Kaylee hated mornings, but she especially hated waking up alone after asking her mate to stay. As if he knew, Azriel walked into the room a tray in his hands as gray pants rested low on his hips. “Good morning,” he sent a small plate on the floor, watching as the unnamed drake went to the raw meat. His attention was then solely on her as he set the tray down and offered her his arm, leading her to the sitting area of her lavish room. 
Rhys had decorated it with pillows and throw blankets. She remembered him sparkling with pride as the mix of deep blues and golds, as if decorating so simply was a difficult task. She has praised him nonetheless, cherishing the budding relationship with her new big brother, and somehow sensing he needed a little sister to tell him how fantastic he truly was. She did just notice, though, how they matched Azriel's siphons. “This doesn't count as accepting the bond, right?”
Azriel chuckled softly as he gave Kaylee oatmeal and fruits, “Not unless you plan on feeding or serving me. Do you want to talk now or eat first?” They both jumped as the sound of blowing fire filled the room before a heavy munching noise. “Well that answers that question.”
He watched her as she ate. He memorized little things. How she swayed when she ate. How her nose would crinkle, smile going wide when she tasted something she was really enjoying. How her mouth would twitch when she smelled things. “You understand now why we wouldn't eat your food?”
Kaylee smiled as she rolled her eyes, “I cooked that meal.”
He clocked her nose twitch, noting it for later. “You did? Is that a preview of my future? Because if it is, I will prepare my own mating meal and just have you serve it."
Her jaw fell open before she threw a grape at him. “You are so mean.” 
“Tasted like shit.”
“Then I guess it's good I didn't actually make it.”
“Thank the Mother. I was concerned for my stomach." Kaylee smiled before leaning in to kiss bis cheek. "
Your nose twitches when you lie.” He watched her face fall slightly. “I noticed it when you told Feyre you would be okay after that first dinner. Then again, when she left after the first meeting. You also dance when you eat. When you sleep, your legs move until you find the perfect spot for them.”
Kaylee felt herself flushing, hearing all his little observations of her smallest habits, and Azriel smirked before he continued. “You whisper when you read, sounding out each word until you know you're correct. That's how we realized you couldn't read. You braid your hair when you get nervous. Rhys found that one for me as he was teaching you. You do all these simple little things that make me believe you are the most beautiful precious thing.” 
He grabbed her hands, holding them in his own. “I am sorry.” She nodded, brows raising to indicate to continue. He noted that as well, predicted this would not be his last apology to his mate. “I allowed myself to put duty before you, and it put us in a situation where you felt I was someone you could no longer trust. Rhysand and I have discussed his part in this, and he will apologize later, but my part hurt you more.” 
Kaylee felt herself losing her will to hold on to what little anger she had as he moved, kneeling before her. “I am sorry I was ever in her room. I am sorry I was too shocked to leave. I am sorry I did not speak with you right away that morning.”
“It's okay.” She could hardly blink before he kneeled for her. “Az-”
“It's not okay, Kaylee.” He listened to her heart as he touched her lower thighs. “I hurt you. I failed to protect you. I failed you as your mate.”
“Let me finish.” He brushed the tears falling on her face and sighed. “My job as your mate is to ensure you feel loved, that you are safe, and that you know we are equals in everything. I have allowed myself to be pulled away from you, and you needed me much more than your sisters did, didn't you?”
Kaylee looked to the ceiling, the door, anywhere but the male who she knew could feel every raw emotion she had. He squeezed her thighs softly, bringing her back to him. “Your silence is enough of an answer for me to know I have failed you. If you believe I am worthy of a third chance, I will not fail you again. I will be a male worthy of your love.” She was silent, too stunned to speak. “Kaylee, my love, please.”
Kaylee had to admit, Azriel looked pretty on his knees. He looked pretty begging for forgiveness over something that he didn't do. Over something she was learned was planned by her own sisters. 
Azriel kissed her palms, holding her hands so tightly it was as if he feared she'd disappear like the wind. "Whatever I have to do, whatever you need me to be, whatever you need. I will do anything to be worthy of holding you again. Kaylee, please." 
Kaylee just sighed, cupping his cheek as she did and stared into those desperate hazel eyes. “We have two weeks to put a strong united front.” He nodded in agreement, but his brows knit in confusion over the statement. “I want to also have a better relationship with you within two weeks. Just to shove it to Eris. But that also means you have to allow me to do something first.” He jumped her without hesitation, crashing her lips to his and delighting in her laughter. 
He would give Kaylee the world, live and breathe solely for the purpose of her happiness, and now he had to prove it.
Dinner that night was silent as Kaylee watched Elain watching Azriel. He had not left Kaylee's side since long slow kisses were shared in her room. They had only stopped when Rhys and Feyre came, knocking on the door after their late breakfast. The Lord and Lady laughed as Kaylee answered the door, hair a tangled mess from Azriel's hands while he laid panting on her bed in a state of bliss. 
He had not even left her as Rhysand trained her powers, watching as she called forth every beast and creature in her collection and communicated with them. Her powers had grown quickly, almost too quickly. The warning was still visible on her discolored fingers.
Kaylee had access to levels of magic that had not been granted since the first fae, levels that were hand given out by the Gods to their chosen few and carrying along those bloodlines in the rarest form. Lucien's warning rang in his and Rhysand's head, a warning of the former tamer who turned more beast than fae before walking off into the forest to never been seen again. 
It festered in the thoughts of both males as they communicated silently, involving Amren as they all looked to the youngest sister's discolored fingertips. It's as if the magic I'd eating at her body, Amren was studying her like a hawk. I will look into the Books.
Kaylee cut into her potato, smiling slightly as Azriel traded her steamed vegetables for the serving of meat she had not touched. “Kaylee, we're going to have to find a way to supplement proteins in your diet.”
Nesta shook her head and spoke softly, “She will get over it.” Nesta had been Kaylee's first fight since learning the truth. Her oldest sister had folded immediately. All cattiness out of her body as soon as they were alone together. Broken together.
And Nesta was broken. A simple fact Kaylee had known for a while. Her oldest sister had not thought of the consequences. She had just wanted Kaylee to hurt as much as she was, and watching her thrive, watching her grow, it had been too much. Kaylee allowed Nesta to hold her to whisper each apology. An apology for not protecting her, for what happened to them, for failing as a sister, and Kaylee accepted each one. It was a side of Nesta reserved only for Kaylee. The side of Nesta she told Cassian about and prayed had not been stolen from them. 
Nesta smiled to Kaylee, “She did this even when we were-” the sentence trailed off with the fond memory. “Azriel, the earring you bought Kaylee are lovely.”
“They are, aren't they?” Rhys moved to brush blonde hair behind a pointed ear. “They work well with the sapphires.” Small diamond twinkled next to the earring Azriel had given her before the Cauldron, sparkling in the light and showing off her newest piercing. 
Azriel maintained his mask, but moved a hand to her thigh under the table. “Only the best for my mate.” 
“And if she doesn't actually want you?” The question hung in the air. “Or if you don't truly want her? You two are forced together. Do you not deserve a choice, Azriel?"
“Elain,” Lucien's warning was a whisper. “Thread carefully.”
Lucien watched as the young Archeron put her silverware down. He watched her take out those mentioned earrings as everything paused as Feyre moved closer to Rhysand and away from Elain. 
“Mother fuck!” Cassian jumped back as Kaylee jumped Elain and chaos ensued. Nesta was the first to her two younger sisters, trying to pull the small wild animal that had taken Kaylee's place off of Elain as Mor and Amren watched with amused smiles. Rhys was next, touching Nesta's shoulder, stating he would handle it, only to be met with a well placed elbow from the now smirking eldest sister.
Azriel and Lucien stared at each other, both rapidly motioning for the other to do something as Kaylee landed a solid punch on Elain's shoulder. "You first. I insist," Lucien motioned towards them. "I already am missing one eye. I would like to keep the other." It was instantly noted by all in the room how the youngest sister was refusing to truly hurt Elain, to damage her more as tears of frustration and anger poured down Kaylee's face.
It was Cassian who finally took the youngest, throwing her over her shoulder and leaving the room with her. Kaylee watched each of his graceful steps, knowing where they were going as she clung to his leathers crying. He sunk her into the training ring, stepping back a few feet before getting into a stance and nodding. 
He braced himself for her sloppy attacks, knowing more than anything to cover his face, but knowing this was nothing. This was nothing compared to her anger when she first woke up. The only difference between the Kaylee before him and the one who begged to be trained was precision. He saw his opening, grabbing her by her waist and pulling her back to his chest. “Breathe, Kaylee.” He kissed the back of her head as her thrashing stopped. “Just breathe.” 
She could not see Cassian as the sobs slowed. She could not see the concern on his face as he looked to the skies.
Flying there in its full glory, circling above them like a predator searching for prey, was her drake, and Cassian was just hoping he, and no one in Velaris, was about to be it's next meal.
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@impossibelle @luvmoo @wallacewillow0773638 @nightless
Bound by Fate:
@cat-or-kitten @knmendiola @holb32
@mis-lil-red @minakay @whatsupb18 @deeshag @justdreamstars @pyrostatic @acourtofmarvels @no1massassin @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @acourtofbatboydreams @mich0731 @thelov3lybookworm @going-through-shit
@coralseacourt @snoopyspace @tothestarsandwhateverend @st4r-girl-official @brieflyclassymortal @nickishadow139 @julesofvolterra @isa1b2h3 @awkward-mystic-beauty @12358 @throneofsmut @inloveallthetime @throneofsapphics @hnnybee0 @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @vermillionwinter @mybestfriendmademe @mrstepes @darling006 @mich0731 @wallacewillow0773638 @hnyclover
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pynkgothicka · 5 months
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Kill For Your Love MYG
Synopsis- Yoongi tried his hardest to keep his crime life away from you, but some people really test him.
Pairing - Yandere! Dark! Mobster! Yoongi x AFAB! Reader
Featuring - No one!
Word Count - Around 1k
Tags and Warnings - Death, Murder, Fluff, Slight Gaslighting
Authors Note - Just something small I was working on. I believe I want to do more one offs since I’m offically done with school for the summer.
A friendly reminder that all my works are dark fanfiction! Please if you do not like that do not read them! These depictions don't pertain to reality. This is your final warning before hitting the keep reading button!!
Staring at your reflection in the mirror you could only feel some sense of remorse. Mourning for the old person you were before you met him. Now you wore light makeup and put on dresses that hugged your body.
You would have never seen yourself looking like this if not for him.
The vanity was littered with photos he took of you and ones you took of him alike. He consumed your every waking thought and every hour. Even finding yourself trying to keep busy instead of sadly waiting for him to get home.
However today he wanted you with him. It was rare that you were allowed to go with him when he talked business. To be honest it just felt good being able to be with him and not just within his home.
You smiled at yourself before getting up and heading downstairs to see your boyfriend looking at his phone, a focused look on his face. “You look so hot like that.” You say walking past him and into the kitchen. You grabbed a box of cereal and poured it into a bowl.
Yoongi snickered looking at you. “Mhmm, and I love it when you get dressed up for me,” he says resting his hands on your hips as you pour milk into your cereal. You could feel your face heat up before his head rested on the small of your neck. He kissed it, taking in a deep shiff of your natural smell. “I love it when you wear this scent.”
“Aw stop it, you know I do it for you Yoongs.” You say turning to the side to place a small peck on his lips.
With his hand on your thigh and your head on his shoulder, you couldn't help but be more bored with the droning talk of deals and territories. You popped on and off your phone case, as Yoongis's voice rumbled in your ears.
“Yoongi, m’ ready to go…” You mumble, head-turning into his chest. Your boyfriend lets out a sigh before leaning over to kiss the crown of your head.
“Just a few more moments alright, then we can do whatever you want sweetheart,” Yoongi promised into your hair. You could tell the man he was talking to was becoming more agitated by your presence.
The man groans, Yoongi lifts his head to look at the man, his face is stern. “Are we gonna do business or not? I don't see why your girl has to be here.” The man complained. Yoongis eyebrow twitched at that. “She's being a fucking distraction, and I came to talk business. Are we doing the drop or what?”
You were slightly offended by the man's comments. You liked being around Yoongi, and he liked having you around for once. You didn't see why he had to be so negative.
Yoongi leans forward resting his elbows on his knees as he looks at the man. “You don't have enough respect for her, so you don't respect me, or my fucking business. So don't come at me talking about business.” Yoongi retorted raising his voice at the man. You were grateful for a man who would defend your honor.
“Dude you're all up in he-”
Yoongi grabs your chin making you look at the man. You groan at the feeling, cheeks pressed in by his fingers. “Apologize to her,” Yoongi said, face showing little to no expression. You could see in his other hand, his gun rested casually. Thumb brushed against the barrel, an engraving of your name in gold. He got it done for your two-month anniversary. “Or you could get your brains blown out. I don’t care for either option.”
The man quickly begins to speak. “I'm sorry, Ma'am I'm very sorry.” Yoongi turns to look at you.
“And what do you say?”
“T-Thank yo-” But you cut off with a loud bang. And then your own loud scream.
Yoongi had planned a dinner later on in the car. Mainly as an apology for killing the man in front of you. Especially after he realized how shocked you were looking at the body afterward. You’d never been that close to that side of his life anymore.
You leaned on the island watching as he moved. His hand moved the wooden spoon gracefully as he sauteed the beef tips and potatoes. Your stomach groaned at the smell, however, his cooking always smelled this good.
“Yoongi, can I at least taste the seasoning you used?” You plead, doing your best puppy dog eyes for him. He only let out a chuckle, passing you a small bowl of beef tips with potatoes. You took a fork and began to eat, humming at the flavor. “You’re always such an amazing cook. Thank you… I know I usually cook but I appreciate the break baby.”
“I didn’t want you to have to worry about anything tonight. I want you to rest your nerves and chill out. It's the least I can do as an apology.” He says setting aside the finished entree. He turned to look at you, a genuine expression on his face. “I promised to not kill anyone in front of you when I first got you, and I broke that agreement over my anger.”
You practically swooned over that. He was so sweet in his own twisted way.
“I appreciate that so much. Maybe I should let you kill someone in front of me more often” Yoongi chuckled at that and nodded smiling at you.
“Nope, don't test it, baby.”
Let me know through a dm or ask to be included in my official Taglist- @darkuni63 @captainengineer-trixie @chimmisbae @iloverubberduckiez-blog @mageprincess7 @looneybleus @whipwhoops @mayvalentine33
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annie-creates · 5 months
Life without you
Pairing: Abby Anderson x reader
Genre: fluff
Words: 1000
Note: This is a cute little comfort fluffy fic.
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With a heavy sigh you close the door of your small apartment in the Firefly base, shrugging your jacket off and placing your shoes by the door. The living room is quiet and dark, not even the kitchenette light left on. No wonder the place is vacant, it must be long past midnight at this point. Not having the energy to even eat you quickly brush your teeth changing into the pajamas you left in the bathroom this morning. You’re trying to keep quiet, not wanting to disturb the night peace of the place. Carefully you open the bedroom door, your girlfriends form steadily breathing on her side of bed.
You whine in pain as you sit on your side of the bed trying to relieve your tensed up muscles, the mattress dipping under your weight. With the many people who kept arriving at your camp, a lot of them needed your help as a doctor. Count in your regular patients and those who got hurt during patrols and hunting and you were overwhelmed with work. Sleep was a foreign concept to you at this point, your body running solely on caffeine and cold showers. The rare nights when you could take the time to actually go home and sleep you returned deep into the night and left before sunrise, hardy even having the time for a conversation with your girlfriend.
“Hi.” Comes from behind you and you feel the duvets shifting.
“Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you up.” You apologize in a tender voice.
“You didn’t.” But it’s clearly not true. “A lot of work?”
“A crazy lot of work.” You admit crawling into bed, Abby offering her strong embrace to you. “I wouldn’t even wish upon anyone to see it.”
“That bad?” She chuckles amused.
“Nah, even worse.” Is all you say because the last thing you want to talk about when finally coming home is your never-ending work again.
Your mind goes back to a year ago when Abby joined the fireflies, needing your medical help herself. She was a much different person back then, hurt and skinny, but also guarded and insecure. She came out of her shell a lot over the time, being an amazing companion, endlessly supportive and caring. She always understood when you had too much work or needed her to reassure you in your skills. Her hair had grown out to a shot bob now and she built her muscles into a strong frame.
“When was the last time you slept?” She asks watching the dark bags under your beautiful eyes.
“Um, Monday? What day is it?” You answer unsure, your mind and eyes already too heavy to hold a meaningful conversation.
“Thursday.” From her vice it’s clear Abby doesn’t approve of this, but all she does is tighten her hold on you.
She carefully caresses your back and you play with her short hair. You told her how beautiful she’d look with it longer, but she’s adamant on not letting it grow longer than her collar bones. It’s practical, won’t get in her way in a fight, she always says, but you can see she has deeper reasons not to want long hair she’s not yet ready to share with you. As you’re falling into slumber, a harsh knock on the front door startles you awake.
“Really?” You complain under your breath getting up to open the door before your girlfriend can stop you.
You open the door to find the west group’s captain on the other side, tapping his foot impatiently. You can already guess where this is going, waving your sleep a goodbye in your head for another night. Sometimes it felt like the planet would stop turning and freeze over if you took just thirty minutes to have a break. You contemplate shutting the door in his face but you’re just not that kind of person, besides there could be an actual emergency needing your attention.
“What can I do for you?” You offer instead.
“I need you to come look at one of our guys, he got an arrow to his knee and…” He keeps rumbling.
“Do you know what time it is!?” shutting him up your girlfriend inserts herself into the door frame, her arms already folded over her broad chest in anger. “You have like ten other doctors to look after him, let this one have a night of sleep, Jesus Christ.”
“But he’s…” He tries to argue with her, not knowing it’s equivalent to signing your own death certificate.
“He’s not going to die till morning. For fucks sake.” Not letting him continue she shuts the door with a harsh swing. “You really need to learn how to say no sometimes.” She admonishes you being in a rage.
“Thank you, my knight in a shining armor.” It’s only half joke because you know deep down she’s right and people need to stop using you so much. “What would I do without you.”
“Die of sleep deprivation.” The look on her face is serious but you see it in her eyes she’s not actually mad at you.
Hugging her neck you give her a loving kiss, content you might actually get some sleep in tonight now. She picks you up forcing you to hang your lets around her waist and carries you back to bed, wrapping herself around you like a snake to stop you from getting up again and also because she loves your affection and scent. It wasn’t hard to get sleepy again in her warm embrace full of love and care.
“Now sleep.” She commands you and you have no intention to disobey her.
Sometimes you really didn’t know what you’d do without her, but she felt equally lost in the world without you. She couldn’t let you get yourself hurt one way or another, partly because she wouldn’t know what to do with herself if you weren’t by her side. At this point she couldn’t imagine her life without you.
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randomshitwhore · 2 years
Affirmative Ghost(rider)
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word count:2.5k
pairing: ghost x f!reader
summary: ghost made a promise to you on your mission to retrieve a flash drive, and he intends to keep it...
warnings: contains smut(its very bad so my apologizes),[unprotected sex, ghost being slightly dominate and a bottom for my own personal enjoyment LMAO, fingering]
AN: thank you all so much for all the love on Negative Ghost(rider), you guys have made it the most popular post on my page ever, possibly the top post on any of the ghost/Simon Riley hashtags! words can't express how much it truly means to me that you all enjoyed it! so please enjoy part two, Affirmative Ghost(rider). :)
Your mission was a success. You had successfully retrieved the flash drive and caught Hassan in the process. You boarded back onto the chopper with Soap and Ghost, greeted and congratulated by your superiors. You opened the flash drive and looked over the files with Ghost, him hovering just over your shoulder.
“You gonna stick to your word and keep your promise?”You asked, your voice just barely above a whisper. “You seriously asking that question now Eclipse?”Ghost countered, letting his eye burn into the side of your head. “Yes, now answer my question Lieutenant.” You said, skim-reading the files. “I told you, yes. Now copy those files and update me or Soap when you are finished, understood private?”He whisper-ordered, so as not to attract the attention of his and your superiors.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, sir.”
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You walked off the airspace and into the base, praised by Price for your bravery and attitude on your first mission, which you knew was total bullshit on your end. You were scared shitless, trying not to cry, and constantly complained about the amount of time you hung off the side of the building; but he didn’t need to know that.
“Thank you, sir” You smiled warmly, shaking his hand with a firm grip. He returned a warm smile to you. “I hope the gentlemen behind you are treating you well?”Price asked shooting a look to Soap and Ghost, standing behind you at a rest position. “Yes sir. They treat me wonderfully.” You answered, shooting a caring look at both of them. It was true. Those two treated you like gold; always helping you when you asked. It had been that way since you had first started training with them privately; a personal request from Ghost, but that was something you didn’t know.
“Ghost, I feel like I’m not doing this right..”You said, a gun butt placed in between your ribs and armpit. “That’s because you’re not holding it right Y/N,” Simon said, walking over to you and readjusting it to its correct position; the stock to your cheek first and then back to your shoulder. “You hold it like you just did, your ass would be on the ground” Soap laughed, monitoring a short distance away. Ghost took his boot and gently swept your feet apart to fix your stance. “Dont hold it too tight, and not too loose and when you feel ready, pull the trigger, got it?”Simon asked, his masked face just barely brushing against yours.
“Yes, sir” You answered, tightening your grip slighting. “She just call you sir Simon?”Soap asked, rocking back onto his heels and off the fence he was resting on. “Yes, Johnny now zip-” He started but was interrupted by the blast from your gun firing onto the target; just barely outside the first circle near the bullseye.
“Oh my god, I hit it! Ugh, I was so close to the bullseye too!”You said, setting the gun down and turning around to them with a huge smile on your face. “Goddamn, nice shot Y/N!”John said, honestly amazed at your shooting skills. “Did I do good, Simon?”You asked, your smile still plastered onto your face. “Affirmative was a very good shot” He answered. “What does that word mean? Affirmative?”You asked, looking at Soap. “Just his way of saying yes Y/N, he doesn’t act like a normal human being and just says yes or no. It’s Negative or Affirmative, nothing else” Soap answered, just laughing and shaking his head. You let out an amused noise, looking back at Ghost. Although you couldn’t see it, he slowly spread a smile across his face.
You talked with Price a little longer after he released Soap and Ghost back to their barracks about the rest of the mission; going over and encoding files before he sent you off to your barrick. You walked quietly across the base to your barrack until your phone buzzed in your pocket.
New Message from Lt. Ghost
You slid your phone open and tapped on the message.
My barrack hall. 10 minutes.
You clicked your phone off and turned on your heel to Simons’s barrick. You could feel your heart pounding against your chest. Sure, you had seen his face before. You both knew that your relationship was evolving, and you both knew that your relationship was on the border of being unprofessional, at least it would be if you were caught. You reached his barrick around the eight-minute mark and slowly turned the knob. You walked down a long hallway and stopped right in front of his room. You knocked softly on the door to be met with his voice.
“It’s open”
You turned the knob and entered the room. You pressed the door shut with your back, your hand still wrapped around the door knob. You looked up to see him in his black camo army pants, a form-fitting black muscle shirt, and of course; his mask. You could see his skin through the eye holes of his mask, none of his black eyeshadow was present.
“Hi” You whispered, as he walked to you closing the space in between you. “Hello” He returned, now practically pinning you into a corner against the door. He reached his hand just past your waist to push the lock into place. “We dont want any interruptions, now do we?”
You sucked your bottom lip in between your teeth and shook your head no. You watched as his fingers wrapped around the bottom of his mask. “Hey, you promised me..”You pouted. He held his hands up in the air and placed them behind his back. “Apologizes. Please, continue.”He said. You gently smiled as your fingers lifted his mask to show his plump lips; curved into a small smile. 
You gently traced the outline of his lips, slowly taking in his features. “What’s your next course of action, private?” He asked, his hands still in place behind his back. You pulled him closer to you, your lips just barely touching. “Permission to engage, Lieutenant?”You purred, making direct eye contact with him. You felt his smile grow wider against your lips. “Permission granted,” He answered. You pressed your lips against him, wrapping an arm around the back of his neck. You felt him shift and felt his hands fall onto your waist, grinding his hips into yours. 
This was the most beautiful thing about your relationship; nobody knew it had been going on for over a year and a half, you were honestly still shocked no one thought to ask questions, but you honestly were happy they didn’t. You and Him were able to give looks that only you two knew, and say something only you could understand. He loved that he wasn’t being pressed by questions about what you were going to do when you and he went out together; just saying you were going over plans for the next mission. You both could relax, knowing you were safe in each other presence. 
You took your hand wrapped around his neck and removed the rest of his mask, tossing somewhere across the room. You shifted your weight, leading him to his bed; pushing him down. He looked up at you, his eyes dark; filled with lust. You placed yourself on top of him, pressing your lips to the line of his jaw. His hand slipped up the back of your shirt, rubbing his rough hands up your back. You trailed your lips down to his neck, leaving love marks along the way. Lucky thing he has a mask, imagine trying to explain those to your superiors. 
“Y/N..” He said, letting a small low-pitched whine out of his mouth. You reached the base of his neck, forcing him gently down onto the bed. “Simon..”You teased, edging him on. “You look so beautiful from this angle,” He said, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. You flashed him a smile that was quickly replaced by your eyes shooting wide open, him flipping you over; putting him on top.
“But you look even better from this one” He whispered, his lips grazing the bottom of your ear; sending a chill down your spine. He placed his lips on your neck, leaving as many marks as he could; he didn’t leave them too deep. He’s a gentleman after all. 
You pushed your hips up and into his, wanting to get even the littlest amount of friction. His lips molded into a smile on your neck, letting his hand trail down your side and to your cargo pants. His hand took two quick pinches to unbutton them and slip his hand down. “Permission to engage?”He teased, using your line from earlier. You let out a small laugh.
“Affirmative ghost rider, permission to engage,” You said, taunting with your line from earlier in the night. He let out a laugh into your ear. “You’re never going to let me hear the end of that, are you?”He said, his free hand brushing against your ribs. “Negati-Oh” You started but were interrupted by his digits slipping into your pussy.
You bit your lip to keep a moan from coming out, pressing your hand over your mouth as an extra precaution. You could feel his fingers moving in and out of you as you fought to not let him hear how much you were enjoying it. You felt his hand wrap around your wrist and pull it away from your mouth, letting a small moan escape your lips. “Doesn’t that feel better, darling?” He said, planting a kiss against your lips. You could feel your stomach tighten with every pump of his fingers. “Si-imon, I’m gonna…Oh my god,” You moan, your hand gripping his bicep with your palm as you felt your eye roll to the back of your head. “Let go Y/N, let it out” He whispered in your ear, placing a new mark onto your neck, and that was enough to send you over the edge. You felt yourself tighten around his fingers and let your nails dig deeper into his bicep as you let yourself go underneath his fingers.
You looked down at him to watch him slip his muscle shirt slowly off his body. You took the shape of his toned torso, curves, and scars; his biggest insecurity but the thing you loved most about him. You took your fingers and traced one on his waist. He had told you he got that one trying to save you from the apartment complex you were held hostage in.
He watched your hands smooth over his stomach, nothing but pure love and admiration behind your eyes. “You're so beautiful..”You breathed out as he sat back on the balls of his feet to slide your cargo pants and own shirt off, not breaking eye contact. He smiled warmly at you. Although he never admits it, and probably never will, he loves it when you call him beautiful. 
You dragged your hand down to his cargo pants and looped a finger into his belt loop, gently brushing your fingers against his own arousal. His breath hitched at your fingers brushed back and forward against him. He narrowed his eye at you, trying to figure out what your next plan of action was. You looked him in the eye as you warped the rest of your fingers quickly around his belt loop and yanked hard on them, pulling him down to your level and placing yourself on top of him.
“Tell me I look pretty from this angle again,” You said, your hands fidgeting with his belt loop. “You look pretty from this angle..”He breathed out, taking in the swollen shape of your breasts. “Just pretty?”You teased, lifting yourself up slightly to slide his cargos off; leaving him only in his boxers. “Gorgeous, Amazing, Breathtaking…”He named as you placed yourself back on top of him. 
"Do you think you deserve this after leaving me outside in the cold?" You said, playing with the waistband of his boxers. You could feel him squirming underneath you, wanting you to touch him; practically on the verge of begging. You loved seeing him helpless underneath you. It gave you a sense of power. “No," He weakly confessed, sliding his hands back and forth on your thighs. “How much do you want this?”You asked, edging him on. “So bad..”He answer quickly, his hands squeezing into your thighs as you dragged his boxers down to his own thighs. 
“Beg." "Please,"
“Please what?”
“Please ma’am,” He said, practically almost moaning it out. He was so weak under your touch and he knew it too. Again, he would never admit it, but he loved seeing you take control. He loved the way you felt as you were in control.
A blunt pressure stole the air from his lungs when you finally sank onto him, his cock spreading you wide open. He was so glad you were on the pill; it let him feel every part of you. Your throat let out a small whine, his fingers digging into the side of your hips, leaving you listening to his satisfied grunting. “Holy fucking..”He breathed out, looking up at you through his eyelashes. He could see a shit-eating grin on your face, just watching him unfurl underneath you. 
You started to rock your hips back and forth gently, making your pace faster with each thrust. You watched as Simon became pussy drunk completely under you; that sight brought a smile to your face. Your nails scratched down on his tattooed arm and your back arched in response as you heard possibly the most pornographic moan escape his lips. 
He watched as you continued to thrust yourself into him at a brutal, punishing pace, leaving him clinging to you helplessly, letting the moans escaping his mouth grow louder with every thrust. “You're such a...Oh, my fucking..” You moaned out, tangling your hand with his own, watching his eyes roll into the back of his head. You vaguely heard him curse out under his breath, his own end approaching much faster than he wanted. “You wanna cum, pretty boy?”You breathed out, feeling your own stomach beginning to tighten. He nodded in compliance, unable to form a coherent sentence. “Together, okay?”You said, watching him nod back again.
Both your hands gripped onto each other's bodies as you both came to your release. His hands definitely left a bruise from how tight they were gripping onto your hips. He could feel his back arching off the bed, your name leaving his mouth at least ten times, riding out his high. You watched as a smile spread across his face once he started coming down from his high, causing you to laugh a little.
“What?”He said, the smile still plastered across his face. You just shocked your head and laughed. “Just you being absolutely in love with me, I know that smile,” You said sliding out of him, laying down, and planting a kiss onto his swollen lips. He snaked his arms around your waist, pulling him closer to you. “I love you,” He said, placing a kiss on your ear. “I love you too, sweaty man” You giggled, wiping away the sweat on his forehead and planting a kiss there before he fell into a deep sleep on your chest.
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matchadobo · 10 months
hello! can i request ace reacting to his female plus size s/o wearing a beautiful dress and makeup (the whitebeard pirates has a party to attend) because usually she barely do things like that and this is the first time he has ever seen her like this :D
ACE; the way you look tonight
wc: 688 i made it clear in my rules that i wouldn't do any appearance-specific request bc i just don't roll like that homie. buuuut i'd love to write for ace in this set-up 🔥🥺 thanks for the requesttt! but next time, please stick to my rules. warning/s: afab reader, all fluff, just ace being so whipped for you 🥺
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"i mean it now, i swear!" you reiterated as you give one more brush up of blush and a sprit of your perfume. after having one last look at yourself in the mirror, you gave yourself one last smile at your appearance. "i'm coming out now, ace."
"i don't believe you at this point, i'll let the crew go ahead, oka- oh fuck!" ace fell backwards when you opened the door, completely lying on the floor. once he gazed at you, he mumbled through his breath that you once again took away. "oh fuck..."
he mused at you as you donned a tight, red dress to match his three-piece, red tux, its glitters shone and almost blinded him. the v-cut by the chest enhanced your mounds, the dumbass gulp as his saliva got stuck on his throat. you were garbed with an long, white gloves that made you look even more regal. you clutched a white purse, sophisticatedly lined with gold; it's a gift from him. and my god, the rouge you colored your lips and cheeks with seemed to have made you even more radiant. your eyes are more striking with the sharp eyeliner and voluminous mascara, he found himself getting lost at your eyes despite lying flat on the floor at your feet.
he had his mouth agape, sitting down to get a better look at you from head to toe back to your face again. a vivid, red blush made its way from his neck to his ears to his entire face. he pressed his lips together before hanging his head down low.
"i-i'd like to apologize," he said through the violent rhythm of his heart. "i shouldn't have rushed you, you look like a fucking princess." he covered his face, trying to calm down.
you found yourself smiling ear to ear, you bent down to your knees and placed a hand on his shoulder. "don't be silly, ace. i really took a long time, sorry for making you wait like that."
"no, no, i mean- l-look at you! this is the first time i've seen you so... so..." he seems to forget whatever he was cooking with his statement when he gave you one more look, the kind smile on your lips made his chest even tighter. your freckled lover just whined again, hiding his face in his palms. "will you please, please, do this more often? i-i just... love the way you look tonight. you're so... pretty." he can't keep his eyes off you, gaze frantically trying to memorize and engrave the way you look tonight in his brain. "i'll even help you! i'll curl or brush your hair! i'd learn make up! i'd go with you to shop for dresses, i'd gift you stuff!"
tears almost pooled in your eyes, you fanned them so as to not smudge your make up. you held his face in your hands, squishing his cheeks together as his mouth made that of similar to a fish. his eyes got even more frantic at your actions and at how close you are.
god, he is so in love with you. you really have him wrapped around your finger, on a goddamn chokehold. you just never stop taking his breath away, nor do you ever look unattractive to him even in your normal look without the cosmetics and accesories. your eyes somehow always look brighter each time you two lock eyes, he says he needs a map outta it 🤣.
"you're so cute~" you pouted, pressing a quick kiss on the corner of his lips. "now, enough dilly-dallying! i don't wanna keep the crew long!"
he'd always show you off and give you a spin each time he had the chance. the entire evening, he compliments you so much you'll feel your ears ring! but you're no complainer! ace always loves to shower you with love. and when a moment to dance comes whether it'll be a party dance or a slow dance, he'll always invite you and have you be completely free and happy with the way you look. that's just the kind of lover he is.
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blessedwithabadomen · 6 months
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in love with the mess - day nine
summary : Aubrey is going on tour and, for once, she's decided to focus on having as much fun as possible. Oli can be a little shit but he does nothing short of adore Audrey and... well, maybe Noah a little, too. Noah likes the flirting, as long as no one gets too close, emotionally. But what will happen when the three of them take it too far?
content : smut (p in v, dirty talk), angst, drinking, fluff
length : 6.5k
tags (let me know if you want to be tagged!) : @veronicaphoenix @cookiesupplier @lma1986 @jilliemiw86 @bngurngheart @lacktoesandtoddlerants @narcissisticbehavior81 @flowery-mess @shilohrosechicken @justeli6 @starvingarsyn @floatinglikeaswan @blacksoul-27 @somebodyels3 @kageyasma @spikeisdaddy @broken0mens
a/n : Here's to hoping this is not as shit as my brain keeps trying to convince me it is. Also apologies to @veronicaphoenix​, maybe do some of the meditation you mentioned in your last comments before reading 😅
day nine
I woke up with a headache, Oli’s arms around me and… a tongue on my cheek? It certainly had me more awake than my alarm did. With utter confusion, I pulled away, only to see Oli licking his lips. When my hand traced my cheek I felt something sticky that definitely wasn’t just his saliva.
“We forgot about the chocolate,” he laughed. “Looks like one of them melted and got stuck to your cheek.”
“And obviously your first idea was to lick it off me.”
“What can I say, I like to get my tongue on you.”
“Fucking hell,” I complained, but he knew I didn’t mean it. I still ended up pushing him off as he tried to reach for my cheek again. “Time to get up, Liverpool’s waiting.”
I didn’t want to look in the mirror. I could feel my swollen eyes, remnants of yesterday’s crying session. But it was no use. As soon as Oli left for his own room, I ventured into the bathroom, assessing the damage and trying to control it as much as possible with make-up. No one needed to see that far into my private life just from the state of my face.
I didn’t allow myself to linger, though. Getting ready, packing my things, shoving my suitcase into the trailer, catching a few more breaths of fresh air before bus call. It would have to do.
Noah was leaning against the wall next to the entrance of the hotel, sunglasses on even in the low light, scrolling his phone, looking bored out of his mind. I’d almost managed to forget last night’s text. The turmoil they’d added to my already existent worries. But it came crashing back now, with a single look at him.
Only, when I approached him, he seemed to pretend nothing at all had happened.
“I’m a bit fragile today,” he groaned, giving me a brief hug and a smile. It bothered me that I couldn’t see his eyes. And that he wasn’t acting differently at all. As if I hadn’t brushed him off yesterday.
“Are we seriously not going to talk about those texts?” I asked, more harshly than I meant to.
Noah looked nothing short of surprised. “Texts?”
“Do you… do you seriously not remember texting me last night? Fucking hell, Noah, how much did you have to drink?”
He sheepishly unlocked his phone again, scrolling through our conversation, the realisation dawning on his face. It quickly turned into what I could only describe as regret. “Fuck, it was… I definitely had some drinks.”
I craved being angry. I craved pushing him away, physically too, yelling at him for the emotional chaos he kept putting me through, but there was no fight left in me that morning. Not after last night, after I’d cried my eyes out to Oli, a resounding headache proof of it.
“You can’t keep doing this,” I sighed, resigned. I put a hand up to my forehead, pressing against the pounding that seemed to increase my the minute. “You can’t say you only want fun and then turn around and do things like these. It’s not fair to me. It’s not fair to any of us.”
Noah was reaching for me. I found myself taking a step back, but his hand still touched my arm and I let him. As I always let him.
He didn’t get to say whatever was on his mind. A shy voice appeared out of nowhere - not really out of nowhere, but my focus had been entirely on the man in front of me - asking if Noah had a moment for a picture. His whole demeanour changed in an instant, my Noah was buried under Noah Sebastian from Bad Omens, happily agreeing but making sure the fan knew he had to leave for the bus soon. They’d snapped a photo or two when I noticed that her eyes were moving back and forth between the two of us.
“I probably shouldn’t ask,” she admitted, rushing her words. “But are you two together? I saw a picture online where you were holding hands and I just wanted to say that you look so cute together and I promise I won’t tell anyone if you tell me!”
Out of all the things I could have possibly expected, this wasn’t one of them. Noah and I? A picture? My brain rattled. Someone must have spotted us in Newcastle when I took him shopping. Where he indeed held my hand. And now there was a photo, possibly all over the internet, causing rumours of all sorts. I looked toward Noah, trying to hide my emerging panic. He knew I needed him to take the lead.
“Aubrey works with Oli actually,” he explained, putting his hand around my shoulders and pulling me close, which felt rather unnecessary in the situation. “We like to hang out. But thank you.”
It felt like a cop-out. He hadn’t outright told her that we weren’t a couple. But he also hadn’t said that we were. Somehow, I wished he had been more adamant into one direction. Either of them. Just to hear him take a clear stand, for once.
The situation was interrupted by someone calling my name now, someone from our crew letting me now it was time to get on the bus within the next five minutes. I gave him a nod. Noah was saying goodbye to the fan, waiting for her to be a certain distance from us, before putting his attention back on me.
“Aubrey…” he started once again.
“I’ll have to get on the bus. I’ll see you when we’re in Liverpool.”
I didn’t leave immediately. At least not until Noah gave me a sad nod and removed his arm from my body. It felt all wrong.
All I wanted to do was call Lia. But knowing her schedule, she was in the middle of work. Plus, there was currently no place on the bus that gave me any sort of privacy and it definitely wasn’t going to be a conversation I needed anyone to overhear. Oli, on the other hand, very much was on the phone, waving everyone away who came close enough to potentially overhear. I ventured into the little lounge at the back of the bus instead. Lee and Mat were, once again hooked to the playstation. I wondered how bands had ever survived before tour busses offered consoles.
“Hey, stranger,” Mat smiled, beckoning me to come in and patting the seat next to him. “Long time no see.”
It was true. On tours we’d been on before, I’d almost become a staple to the group. Most of the time, if only what I thought was by association to Oli, I ended up hanging out with them more than the crew. But this tour had taken me for a toll. Not only had I been spending out with just Oli a lot more, Noah had also appeared in the picture and monopolised the time I usually spend with the rest of the band. I felt a little awkward, now, dropping myself onto the couch next to Mat, but he seemed to pay no mind to it.
I watched as they played, both Mat and Lee attempting to make a little small talk, but both of them also much too invested in winning their round to concentrate much on anything else.
“Fuck that, I’m getting some beer,” Lee announced, getting up and throwing his controller my way.
“Bit early?”
“We’re on tour, Aubrey, time doesn’t mean anything. Now take over for me and kick Mat’s arse, he’s been fucking annoying.”
I didn’t wait to be told twice, motioning for Mat to start another round. We both knew I barely had a chance against him - as much as I enjoyed the occasional game, he had insane amounts of practice on me. The only thing I’d ever beating him in was Mario Kart. I hadn’t let him live that one down yet.
“You’re keeping Oli on his toes, you know?”
I kept myself from turning toward him, questioningly staring at the screen instead, where I desperately tried to keep myself alive.
“Pretty much it’s the other way. I am working for him and he makes sure I don’t forget that.”
Mat chuckled next to me, “He has you running around a lot, hasn’t he? You’re also running around in his mind though.”
“Mat, that’s fucking cheesy,” I replied, so aghast that I looked away from the screen for a second to long. He didn’t waste any time finishing my character off. Putting his hands in the air with a noise of success, I stole the main controller away from him and made quick work of changing the game to Mario Kart.
“Not a lie though,” he laughed, letting me pick my one gaming strength without complaints. “He does care, you know.”
“He can be a fucking dickhead,” I replied, chucking the controller back to him and choosing a character with my own.
I mentally moved the pictures of him holding me and listening to my worries just the night before away. Instead, I forced myself to think about his teasing, about how non-committal he was, about how he never really seemed to speak his mind. Even when I talked to him and Noah at the pub that night, he simply agreed with whatever the other man had suggested and made a joke out of it. I hadn’t forgotten that.
“He’s trying,” Mat sighed. The countdown was on the screen now, briefly capturing our attention as we tried to get the perfect start. “I’m not sure if it’s showing, but he is. And he can’t fucking stop talking about you. The guys and I have considered making you a banned topic when we’re together.”
The blush rose up on my cheeks. I was well aware that many of my waking hours were spent thinking about Oli or Noah or both of them. Somehow, it hadn’t quite crossed my mind that it would be the same for them. The fact that I was occupying his brain even when I wasn’t around left a giddiness in me that I harshly chased away.
“I don’t know if trying is good enough,” I admitted, throwing another shell that hit Mat dead on behind me. “I’m not here to fix him or make him better.”
“You’re already doing that, just by existing.”
I wasn’t sure if I’d ever heard Mat talk like that. I didn’t want to linger on it, instead making quick work of crossing the finishing line with just a minor lead. Mat grumbled something about needing a beer, too, and how he kept getting tricked into playing Mario Kart with him as if he hadn’t willingly participated. He was almost out the door, when he turned around.
“By the way, what the fuck is going on with him and Noah?”
I bit back the smile. “I have no fucking clue.”
It wasn’t even a lie.
Oli was a bundle of energy. We’d successfully checked in and made our way to the venue right next to the hotel, but no one was ready for soundcheck yet, so Oli was bouncing off the walls in between a few interviews, journalists coming and going as I sent him this room and that place to get it all done in time. It included reminded both him and the interviewers of the end of their allotted time when Oli simply wouldn’t stop talking.
“Coffee run?” Oli asked as we finally had a few minutes after the last interview. Bad Omens were busy soundchecking, leaving Bring Me with the later slot.
“Are you insane? The last thing you need is more caffeine.”
“At least get me some chips then. Being near the water makes me hungry.”
“How the fuck did you just change your mind from coffee to chips,” I asked, but I was already gathering my things to leave and figure out where to get what Oli desired.
“Don’t question the genius.”
“Alight, get your genius arse somewhere useful then until I’m back,” I scoffed as I left.
Luckily, my phone directed me quite easily to the nearest chip shop only a few minutes away on the dock. I made the best of the time and finally dialled Lia’s number, praying she’d be at her regularly scheduled break and available.
“What can I do for the number two angel in my life?” she greeted me enthusiastically.
“Only number two?” I tried to joke, but the words almost got caught in my throat. Just hearing her voice and feeling her love through the phone was enough to get me teary-eyed again.
“Oh, Aubrey, talk to me.”
She could always see through me so easily. It was eerie at times, but I’d grown so accustomed to putting on a poker face for so many people of my life that it felt rather freeing that I couldn’t even try to pretend in front of her.
“I’m in love,” it blubbered out of me before I could stop it. I dodged a few people who looked like they were heading to the gig tonight, keeping my head down just in case anyone would somehow recognise me. At least when I was on the verge of crying.
“And that is a bad thing?”
“Yes!” I almost shouted, briefly forgetting about my plan not to draw any attention to myself. “It is horrible. Because I’m in love with two fucking men who both told me they only want some fun.”
I wasn’t sure how long it took to fill her in with the happenings of the past days. Manchester already seemed like a lifetime ago with how much had gone down in the meantime. Lia was as quiet as she could be as the person that she was, which said a lot really, and I appreciated it. I simply needed to get it all out in one go before the nerve left me.
She stayed quiet for a little bit after that and I let her. I had long found the takeaway I’d been heading to, pacing back and forth in front of it, unable to keep still until I heard her judgement and, possibly, her advice.
“Two things,” she finally said. “One: Those boys are lying to you and to themselves because no one who just wants to get their dicks wet behaves like that. However, you can’t force them into anything they won’t admit to themselves. And unfortunately I have no way of telling if they’ll get a grip. I can offer to bash their heads in if they don’t though.” A choked chuckle erupted from my throat. “Two: You need to think about how much you can take and you need to be selfish. If your arrangement works for you, go do them as much as you like and enjoy it. But you’re hurting right now because you’re not getting what you need and what you deserve. And you’ve been down that road before. Don’t let yourself be destroyed just to be what you think someone else wants you to be. You’re worth so much more than that.”
“Lia, I…”
“Don’t answer any of that right now. Just think it over. I love you, okay? I need to get back to work now, but text or call me any time. I’m just a train ride away, always.”
I ended up with so many tears streaming down my face, the poor cashier at the chip shop barely understood my order.
Noah was avoiding me, plain and simple. It was even that I’d actively attempted to speak to him again - after our short talk this morning and Lia’s reassurance, it felt justified to expect him to come to me if he had anything to say. However, it remained painfully obvious that he would turn the other way if he saw me in the hallway, move to a different room if I entered and absolutely refuse to make eye contact through it all. It was starting to grind my gears.
I decided to move back to Oli’s dressing room, spending the time before the show would start with him. At least he wasn’t running from me. He was sitting in the farthest corner of the room, facing the door, and yet, as soon as he saw me, he snapped his laptop shut so quickly I feared it was going to break.
“Secret mission?” I asked, brows raised, but never stopped approaching him. He made quick work of moving his stuff away from the couch so I could drop down next to him.
“You know it. Top secret. Highly confidential. Almost as well-guarded as our next album.”
“But hopefully not taking as long to reveal itself, whatever it is.”
“You’re a rude one, you know that?” Oli asked, but his tone was playful and his hand was messing with my hair. I swatted him away immediately. “Rude and annoyed. What’s up with you?”
I let out a massive sigh, much too big for my ribcage, and I felt the sting when I inhaled. One more look at the screen of my phone, but Noah still hadn’t given me any sign of life.
“Looking for jobs and places to stay again?” Oli guessed, incorrectly, but I didn’t want to tell him the truth anyway. The situation between the three of us was messed up enough, I didn’t need to come crying to him because of something Noah had or hadn’t done when he himself was involved with both of us.
“I would be okay with my few savings if it was just for the job search going badly, but now… A year ago, a would have just forced Lia to let me stay with her but she’s married and all honeymoon-ed up still and I’m definitely not bulldozing my way into that.”
I could tell he was thinking about saying something, an unhelpful comment, a plea for me to reconsider moving in with Lia temporarily, an empty phrase like it will work out, but I didn’t want or need any of it.
“Whatever. I’m done with the bad mood. You have a show to play and tomorrow we’ll be in Sheffield and we should concentrate on that.”
Oli grabbed my chin in his hand, dragging me toward him until he could place a kiss on my lips, his mouth so much softer than his fingers as they were digging into my skin. I let him, the way I let him do anything to me, turning into nothing but a soft body to do with as he pleased. It was over much too soon and I craved more, but I knew the time until he had to be on stage was ticking.
“Wanna do something fun?” he teased, smiling so brightly I could see the sharp edges of his vampire teeth peeking out.
“That sounds suspicious as hell, Oli.”
He leaned over toward the make-up table, grabbing a pencil I couldn’t quite see properly yet, before chucking it at me. Eyeliner. At least not the liquid type, but soft and waxy. I uncapped it and twisted a bit of it upward.
“Bet you’ve always wanted to do my make-up.”
The thing was - I did. I wasn’t particularly good at it, but I’d watched Oli paint his face, have MUAs do their magic, have him ask his bandmates for help if he deliberately went for a more smudged and untidy look. I’d always loved the way some black around his eyes made him look just that tiny bit more feminine, impossibly long lashes and gorgeous irises. I wasn’t sure how much of that he knew, but it was absolutely raising my spirits.
“Alright. Chair, now.”
Oli chuckled but didn’t resist, moving over to the chair in front of the make-up table and mirror. I surveyed what was available to me but ended up sticking with the eyeliner he had handed to me. It seemed like the safest option. Especially because I’d never put make up on anyone but myself.
I ordered him to close his eyes, deciding to start with his upper lid, and leaned down, but the position was hell on my back and the angle was weird. I tried to scoot another chair close, but then the distance was too large and my arm wouldn’t hold steady enough.
“Right, enough of that, c’mere.”
With a steady grasp, he held onto my hips, pulling me into his lap so I was straddling him. He looked awfully smug about it, too.
“I spend a lot of fucking time in your lap lately,” I mused, but I wasn’t really complaining. We both knew as much. My hands rested on his chest, the tip of the eyeliner almost threatening to touch his shirt and ruin it with black, waiting for him to resume his former position and close his eyes.
“Maybe it’s where you belong,” he whispered, pulling me closer, dragging his lips over the side of my neck, a feeling so soft and honest that I couldn’t tell him to stop just yet. His tongue was on my pulse point. I almost expected a bite to follow, something more harsh, him turning the delicate moment around, but it never came.
Instead, when he leaned back, mustering me but still not allowing me to continue trying to get some colour on his face, he said, “You should wear lipstick more often.”
My hand inadvertently moved to my lips, even though I knew they were bare. The only make up I was wearing had been meant to hide my cried out eyes from the night before, although some of it had shifted when the tears had returned on my call to Lia, but Oli never mentioned it and I silently thanked him for it.
“‘specially the type that stains,” he added.
I raised my eyebrows at him. “The type that stains?”
“Yeah. Not like the one two nights ago. Watched you kiss Noah and he didn’t even get a little bit of red on him.”
“Is that what you want? Lipstick stains?” I couldn’t stop myself from smiling at the thought. “All over you and Noah? Because I can make that happen.”
“Tomorrow,” he decided. “When I’m done with the social rounds back home and Drop Dead. I’m taking you and Noah out for dinner.”
I ignored the way my body craved to stiffen at the idea of meeting Noah. How I was still waiting for him to approach me, explain himself, apologise. We’d figure it out, in time. Surely. So, instead of letting my annoyance at him take over, I nodded at Oli.
“Tomorrow. Now hold the fuck still and let me do my work or you’ll end up with a fake moustache on your face after all.”
I had just about finished drying my hair and pulling a ridiculously oversized shirt over my head after a shower that was so hot it probably would have left scorch marks on the devil, when a knock sounded on my door. The temptation to ignore it was high - all I really wanted was to fall into bed and ignore the world until my alarm went. But the knocking, once again, persisted, irregular noises that suggested whoever was in the corridor wouldn’t just leave.
Noah was drunk. I knew it immediately. It wasn’t the bottle of Hennessey in his hand or the smell of alcohol on his breath when he greeted me. It wasn’t even the way he leaned against the doorframe, not suave as he usually was, but clinging on for support. It was in his eyes.
“Fuck, Noah, what are you doing?”
“Lemme in, please?” His puppy dog eyes only managed to look like a grimace. “I just want to apologise. Really.”
He wasn’t completely gone and I thanked whoever was responsible for that because the last thing I needed was trying to maneuvre his tall ass into bed and holding his hair while he puked, but the drink had done enough to make him look at me differently, to hold himself with a different kind of effort. Maybe had done enough to make him be honest in a way he was unable to otherwise.
An older couple passed behind him, throwing me a questioning and potentially judgemental look at the way he swayed in my doorway, so I relented and pulled him in. No need for a public scene. Or people taking photos.
“Alright,” I decided, settling down on the ledge of my bed and pointing toward the armchair in the corner. “Sit and explain, then.”
I grabbed the bottle as he passed me, surprisingly not encountering any resistance or protest, and took a swing for good measure. Whatever he had to tell me, the alcohol would hopefully lessen the impact just a little.
Noah sat, as instructed, and while he was looking at me in theory, his eyes didn't meet mine at all. Instead, they hastily flicked between several places on my body, anything that wasn't my face.
“Aubrey, I realise that over the past few days my… my actions haven't been aligning with my words and, uh, you don't deserve to have me cause disarray in terms of your emotions-”
“Did you write that down and learn it by heart?” The way his stare awkwardly redirected to the floor only seemed to confirm my suspicions. “Fucking hell Noah, I don't need a fancy ass speech! I just want to know what the fuck is going on and I need you to stop being so fucking sweet to me when all you're willing to do is fuck me.”
I couldn't tell when I had gotten up but by the time I realised I was already pacing the floor. Noah got up, seemingly on his way to me, but stopped dead in his tracks.
“Fuck, dizzy,” he mumbled unhappily. Still, he reached out, stopping my movements with a single hand on my arm. “I'm sorry, Aubrey. I'll… I'll do better, I swear. I just can't stay away from you.”
“You don't need to stay away from me. I don't want you to,” I signed, grabbing onto his hips as he swayed a little. “You need to lie down, Noah.”
I had meant his own bed, in his own room, far away from me, leaving whichever bandmate he was rooming with that night to take care of him for the night. But I couldn't. I simply couldn't. Not with the way he was looking at me, allowing me to see so much hurt and confusion and need for something I couldn't quite comprehend yet. So I lead him to my own bed instead, once again helping him get undressed down to his underwear and tucked him under my blanket.
I wanted to be mad at him so badly and I knew he'd deserve it too. But my heart ached when I looked at him, so obviously struggling with his own feelings, wanting to do everything right and failing again and again. I didn't know if I would ever get what I wanted and needed from him. Lia's words echoed in my brain. But as much as it hurt, at least for the remainder of this tour, I knew I wouldn't manage to let go of him.
My name tasted so sweet falling from his lips. Before I gave rationality a chance to take over, I lied down next to him, far enough away not to be touching, close enough to see every breath move his chest, every flutter of his eyelashes. His eyes were closing on their own accord. How long had he been drinking? The bottle wasn't all that empty but he could have started with something else. I wondered what had come first - the first sip or the overthinking. I was sure he had done plenty of the latter. How long he had sat somewhere drowning his sorrows or pleading the bottle for more courage?
“You deserve so much more than me,” Noah mumbled, pulling me out of my thoughts. I’d been sure he had fallen asleep already, but now, for a moment, his eyes were opening again, just enough to finally look at me, really look at me. His hand reached for mine, holding it so tenderly that I wanted to scream. That I didn’t care about what I deserved or what was good for me or whatever other bullshit he had to say, that I wanted him despite it all, because of it all.
I didn’t have to decide what to reply. Noah’s breathing had steadied, eyelids shut again, and from the slightest twitch his hand gave, I knew he had fallen asleep. Yet I felt more awake than ever, the sound of my beating heart the only thing filling the room.
It was impossible to tell how much time had passed when I woke up, especially after having been so sure I wouldn’t find any rest at all that night. No light came in from behind the curtains, so I figured it was still night. Although with how gloomy this January was proving to be, that actually wasn’t much of a sign. The room next to mine, Oli’s room, was still silent as well. Hopefully he was getting some decent sleep. It wasn’t a secret that he struggled with that more often than not.
With the darkness and silence still enveloping the room, I questioned what had woken me up at all. The answer came rather quickly.
I had turned away from Noah in my sleep, but he had apparently disagreed with the distance it had cause between us because he had shuffled closer and wrapped an arm around me, keeping me safe and secure in his embrace. And then he moved, just the tiniest bit, and all I could possibly think about was the way I suddenly noticed his hard-on pressing against me.
My breath was refusing to escape my lungs. The sensation was so new, so intimate, so intense, despite everything we’d done before. When he moved again, a tiny noise leaving his mouth, I knew he was awake. Awake and trying so hard to keep himself in check. Which was the last thing I wanted. I could feel him twitch, could feel his slightly laboured breathing hitting the back of my neck, his strong chest molding against my back.
“Noah,” I whispered, grabbing his hand as it was pressed slightly against my belly. He stiffened immediately, as if caught out, and now it was him holding his breath.
But I wanted it. I wanted him. This simple situation had erased every ounce of resolution about potentially staying away from him. It was nothing short of impossible, all of a sudden. My body needed him in ways I’d rarely experienced, my mind spinning with the possibilities. There was nothing left in me that could refuse him.
“Are you still drunk?”
“I’m sober enough to know what I’m doing,” he answered, voice rough and low and sending tingles down my spine.
It was all I needed to hear. Pulling his hand higher, I put it over my breasts, allowing him to touch, allowing him to do what he pleased with me. Noah immediately responded by pushing his cock against my arse with force, now free of constraints, and I let out a pitiful moan. Both of us were only in our underwear, my shirt having ridden up to my waist in my sleep, and it still wasn’t anywhere near being close enough. He was growing harder with every movement, grinding against my body, kneading my breasts. I was burning with desire. I didn’t care about slow, or teasing, or romantic.
I led his hand down my body, pushing it between my legs so he could feel my growing arousal, the way I was starting to soak through my panties. It was almost embarrassing how quickly I got wet with him or Oli around, but I simply couldn’t help it. My body craved them with an intensity that had me ready to go in a heartbeat.
One of Noah’s legs slotted between mine to spread my thighs further as his fingers slipped under the waistband of my underwear. He wasted no time finding my clit, just for a moment, before moving lower, pushing a finger inside easily.
“Fucking hell, Aubrey, you’re killing me.”
I whined loudly, already needing more as I tried to grind down on his finger to get that bit more friction. With every movement, every noise I made, I could feel his cock push against me. I wasn’t the only impatient one.
“Please tell me you have a condom on you,” I groaned, still moving with him, but needing so much more.
Noah didn’t answer, but he took his hand away, making me gasp at the loss, and turned around to where I presumed he had dropped his jeans on the floor next to the bed. I sat up, just for a second, to remove my shirt. I wanted as much skin contact as humanly possible, craving to feel him everywhere on my body, and the fabric had been an unwelcomed barrier. In a quick move, I also slipped my panties down my legs and discarded them, hoping he’d follow suit.
Turning my head toward him, I watched as he indeed removed his underwear and put on a condom with a moan.
“I went for extra lube,” he chuckled, “but I don’t really think you need it.”
Then Noah was back on the bed, resuming the position we’d been in before and I almost cried when I felt his dick press against me, between my legs, no clothing left between us. He lifted my leg again, his cock moving up and down my pussy in teasing motions.
“Fuck, please, just…” A moan interruped me when his tip bumped against my clit.
“Just what, angel?
“Fuck me, Noah.”
It was all it took. With his arm wrapped around me once more to hold me steady, Noah pushed in, slowly, achingly slowly, and I felt like I was going to fall apart even before he was in all the way. It was simply so good, so perfect, as if he’d been meant to fuck me all along, that nothing else in the world seemed to matter anymore but his body against mine, moving inside of me.
His thrusts weren’t speeding up. I couldn’t tell if he was lost in the enjoyment of the feeling or if he had set out to tease me to the point of begging. I wasn’t above it. I would plead him any day, if that was what he wanted.
“Noah,” I whined, trying to grind down on him, but the position left me at a disadvantage while his arm held me in place. He was pressing hot kisses to the back of my neck now, finding all my sensitive spots, moving behind my ear and down to the top of my spine. “Please, I can take it, I promise.”
He didn’t get any quicker, but every time he pushed into me now, it seemed to be with a little more force. My hands didn’t know what to do or where to go. One kept grabbing at his own hand splayed on my lower stomach, the other kept fisting the sheets. His kisses turned into bites, teeth tormenting the skin on my neck and I hoped it would leave a mark.
When Noah spoke again, his mouth was right next to my ear, his breath impossibly warm. “Yeah? Think you can? Want me to fuck you hard and fast? So you’ll feel me tomorrow? Gonna think of me every time you move cause I ruined your gorgeous pussy.”
“Yes, yes, yes,” I chanted, my arousal climbing and climbing into the impossibly. “Fuck me, ruin me, anything you like.”
Suddenly, Noah pushed me on my front, still buried deep inside me as he grabbed my hips but kept me in a lying position, a hand pressed to my shoulder blades. And when he finally kept his word and made my wishes come true, it was beyond what I could have expected. He was relentlessly pounding into me, moving with a speed and strength I hadn’t experienced with him yet. I took it all, willingly and happily, letting him fuck me into the mattress until I felt utterly brainless.
The room, so utterly quiet just shortly before, was filled with the sounds of hit skin hitting mine, my moans rising higher and higher with every thrust, and his low groans as he chased his own high. My face was pressed into the pillows, but it still did little to muffle my voice.
I was so close to coming undone, his dick hitting all the right spots, his hand still pressing me down into the bed, it was like I could taste the end.
“Touch yourself, I want to feel you come,” Noah ordered. How was I ever going to refuse? I shuffled just enough to get my hand between my body and the mattress and as soon as I touched my clit, I knew it wasn’t going to take much. “Fucking gorgeous. Taking me so well, like you were made for me. You look so fucking good with my cock inside you.”
When I came, it took me with such force that I felt dizzy, a ringing in my ears briefly quietening everything around me, to the point where I had no idea how loud I was or if I was even still making noises at all. Noah followed in perfect alignment, shuddering thrusts as he came into the condom and I craved so much for the barrier to be gone, to feel it all, to have it inside of me. He was loud, louder than expected, then his movements faltered. When he pulled out, I made a single noise of complaint, even though I already felt sore.
I stayed on my front, Noah somewhere beside me, our breathing slowly settling down again. I felt cold and exhausted, the sweat on my skin turning uncomfortable. Then I felt his hands on me, all assertiveness gone, simply soft and careful movements to turn me on my side toward him. His lips met mine in an unhurried kiss, sweet and slow. I wanted to stay in this moment forever. And when he pulled away, keeping me in his embrace and looking at me with those brown doe eyes that I’d come to adore so much, I knew that there was no way back to me. I’d fallen for Noah Sebastian, hard and fast, and all I wanted was to make him mine.
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A doctor's touch- Baizhu x fem!reader
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this is so damn self indulgent and not really as much of a fic but more just my thoughts on Baizhu, so like slightly suggestive? That's like the only warning I have other than this is NOT proofread and will just be word vomit
Once again if you see grammar mistakes no you don't :)
I am 100% under the belief that Baizhu is a touchy person, like he will not get his hands off you. Before you two started dating he would leave little fleeting touches, to your shoulders, to your hands, to your thighs, etc. he just loves the feeling of your skin, even if for a few seconds.
When you two do start dating, good luck trying to get away from him. He will do everything holding your hand, with you in his lap, or just the two of you pressed close together, he just wants to always be near you!
Also he's a doctor, I know he's good with his hands. If he's not busy he will give you massages, and God I'm sure they're the best you'll ever have. He knows exactly where to put pressure and where not to, I'm sure he knows your body better than his own.
His favorite body part is definitely your thighs, he just loves how squishy and soft they are! If he has a break with you he will definitely lay his head on them, changsheng honestly is a little annoyed bc that means she actually has to move off his shoulders.
Speaking of Changsheng, she's totally a fan of you. even if she likes to complain, she does that about everyone, she does it significantly less about you dw :)
I mean this is a pretty obvious thing but he is the best person to be around when you're sick. I mean you literally live in a pharmacy with a doctor, he'll have you feeling better as fast as possible. Aside from the obvious though, I can see him actually being somewhat distraught while you're sick, not enough for anyone else to notice but changsheng, but still.
"Baizhu, you are well aware I don't like being around your neck if your hair is down." Changsheng started to slither up his arm, but stopped as she got closer to his neck. She hissed a little, before he raised his arm to meet her eyes.
"my apologies Changsheng, I've just been a little busy this morning." He walks over to the counter in the storage area of Bubu pharmacy, where he puts her down and then walks out of the room. She hisses once more, but curls up and waits for him to return.
He comes back into the room a few minutes later with his hair done, though changsheng can tell it wasn't done with his normal precision.
"You know [Name] just has a common fever, correct? I can tell that's what's bothering you."
"I am well aware, and it isn't bothering me, I don't know what you are talking about." Changsheng let out a grumble as she makes her way back up his arm and around his shoulders.
"you may be able to fool her, but you cannot fool me."
On the flip side, he is a NIGHTMARE to deal with if he is sick (well, more sick than he normally is). I mean he's literally dying, what's a little bit of extra coughing going to do to him? You are actually going to have to lock him in his room. Or lock yourself in there with him, at least you'll keep him occupied for longer till he tries to escape back to work.
He also will refuse to admit he's sick, like changsheng is at a point where shes begging you to make him lie down for a day or two. Yet he continues to brush off both of you, he always insists there is more work to be done. Even if you get him out right to admit that he's sick, he's still gonna try and take care of himself. He'll try to find all the medicine himself, make his own food etc., just because he doesn't want you to get sick too.
Back to him being touchy (sorry I was talking to my friend while I was writing they brought the being sick thing up) anyway, I think even if he's touchy, he's not a big fan of PDA. Like if you two are just around bubu pharmacy he will always be at the very least holding your hand, but when you two are out and about that's like the most he will do. It's not that he's embarrassed, he just doesn't find it necessary. If you two are out you're probably doing stuff, there's no need to be slowed down by constant touch (though if that's something you want he definitely isn't against it >:3)
I believe Baizhu would be open to being in a polyamorous relationship, whether that means both of you are just in an open relationship or you both have a third partner, he definitely doesn't care. I don't think he gets jealous easily, so if you bring another partner around he will welcome them very easily. He does tend to get defensive though, if he believes that one of your other relationships is hurting you, he will tell you what he thinks.
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Anyway yeah I thought this was gonna be longer but guess who fucking forgot Tumblr existed! My finals were so stressful and honestly writing even after I was done with them also felt stressful, so I took another break. Hopefully I can get back into writing this summer, (may write some kind of birthday fic bc my birthday was a week ago). I hope y'all are enjoying the shit that I post, I know it's so inconsistent and random, but we're almost at 60 followers which is crazy to me, like the fact that 60 of you like my shitty thoughts enough to follow me is so crazy I love all of you sm :3
Also I'm so sorry if this is unreadable I finished it without looking back at anything that I wrote last so uhhh sorry if I repeated any thoughts.
Daily click to help those in Palestine
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coyoteandthecowboy · 11 months
comforting you after a rough day or two - rdr2 ladies (+ jack)
she doesn’t let you sit down and cry about it, or mope in your feelings for too long— it’s not exactly tough love, but she isn’t as gentle as she could be either
of course, it is all with the best of intentions; she’s just trying her best to pick you up and dust you off, and if that means that she has to drag you onto your feet so that she can take you to a wash basin and wipe your face, then she will 
she’s all soft touches— brushing your hair back behind your ear, pressing a fierce kiss to your forehead, holding your hand— whatever it is that’s going to have you feeling better
“oh c’mon hon, don’t cry. you’re strong, and beautiful, and brave, and someone who can’t see that has earned themselves a kick in the teeth. even if that someone is you.“ 
if physical affection isn’t really your thing, she’s also really good at playing guard dog and keeping the others away from your tent. if looks could kill, the rest of the gang would probably be dead, minus jack
speaking of jack: he’s doing his best too. that chocolate bar in pearson’s wagon that he’s been eyeing ever since arthur brought it home? he’s running over to shove it into your hands, mumbling something about how he hopes you aren’t too sad and then taking off again
she’s one of the first people in camp to notice you’re missing, if only to make sure that you aren’t dead in a ditch after a job or trying to get out of your tasks. she’s very similar to hosea in that she doesn’t like layabouts
she’s more than ready to get after you about avoiding the washing when she finds you crying behind one of the wagons. you hadn’t wanted anyone to find you, which was why you hid there, but she has a talent for sniffing you out
she’s really blunt about it initially, partially because it’s how she herself was raised, but also because she isn’t quite sure what to do. even if her words are meant to be comforting, they aren’t, at least not initially— “there ain’t nothin’ on this earth worth being this upset over, y’hear? other folk have it a lot worse than we do.”
it isn’t until that inevitably ends up making you cry harder that she realizes her current approach isn’t working, gathers you up in a hug and apologizes without words. she might not be the best at handling a delicate situation, but her heart’s in the right place
in the end, she decides to give you the rest of the day off, and the next for good measure. gets you a handkerchief or two, a cup of coffee or tea, whichever you prefer, and then draws the curtains to your tent closed and tells you to lay down, at least for a little while
if anyone else says a single word about it, or complains about picking up the slack, she’ll shut that down right quick. she feels terrible about hurting your feelings, even if unintentional, and she isn’t about to let anyone else do the same
karen isn’t much for talking about her own feelings when she’s drunk, let alone sober, but she’s a good listener. she’ll happily sit there while you cry your eyes out, or rant on about whatever it is that’s eating at you. the advice she offers isn’t always sound, or asked for, but she’s trying her best 
just because she turns to alcohol doesn’t mean that she’ll let you follow the same self destructive tendencies. after a few beers, she’ll make you drink a tin cup or two of water, or if you’re about to finish going through the pack of smokes, she’ll mention that that’s likely enough
“i think it’s time we take a break, don’t you? i mean, all that tobacco’s gotta be makin’ you hungry, and you ain’t eaten in a while. ‘sides, you’ll probably feel better after a bowl of stew. might be bland, or overseasoned, but it’s better than nothin’.”
for the most part though, her talent lies in distracting you. after you’ve explained the gist of your feelings, she’ll typically launch into a similar experience that she had once, which she’ll retell complete with voices and grand hand gestures in her best attempt to make you laugh
these subtle jokes and attempts at cheering you up will persist for a while, too, until she’s got the sense that you’re actually starting to feel better; karen’s a lot more perceptive than people give her credit for, especially when it comes to those she cares about
she’s big on physical affection, and with permission she gives bone crushing embraces that are enough to block the rest of the world out for a little while. hugging is definitely her favourite, and if you ask her to hold you for a while, she’ll be more than happy to oblige
when you come to her, she’ll offer you three different choices: getting it all out, talking things through with her, or offering her advice and her own experiences. if you just need somewhere quiet to sit for a while, she’s more than happy to scoot over on the blanket and offer you that too, but she’ll be vibrating a little with pent up words
assuming you’re okay with her talking though, she’ll very happily fill the air between you for a while, just with her own chatter, or with a passage from one of her books. this will also be accompanied by the option to rest your head in her lap or on her shoulder while you listen, and assuming that she’s reading to you, she’ll play with your hair with one hand, only lifting it up to turn pages, and hold the book in the other 
she won’t necessarily wax poetic about you, but she will tell you that she admires your strength and your heart. words of affirmation are very important to her, as are gifts, so little notes and letters of love and encouragement? those might start popping up from time to time too
“it’s hard to see you hurtin’ like this, y’know.. you’re a good person. a good friend. and me n’ most of the people in this camp think the world of you. you’re good, and kind, and funny, and.. i wish you could see half of what i do.”
it’s not much in her humble opinion, but she’ll pick flowers from the surrounding area for you and leave them next to your bed. she’s a massive floriography buff, and so she takes the time to make sure that she’s picked blooms with the proper meanings and nuances. even if you have no idea what they symbolize, it’s important to her that the bundle has the right sentiments
assuming that she’s able to convince dutch to let you two go into town, she’ll wander around with you window shopping and just spending time together. she’ll make up fake names for you, fake identities, make it a whole ridiculous charade. at the end of the day her main priority is making sure that you smile again. she misses your smile
when she approaches you, it definitely takes a while for her to actually get close. for the first few minutes, she’s very nonchalantly observing you from a distance, until she’s got a good gauge as to whether you should be left alone, or whether you might want a friend
if it’s the former, she’ll redirect the other gang members relatively easily, just by telling them that so-and-so asked for them, or that she needs help finding a certain item; she won’t outright say you’re not to be disturbed, considering most everyone is nosy, whether with good or bad intentions— she wants to make sure you get your peace and quiet
if it’s the latter, she’ll continue edging closer until she’s finally close enough that she can ask you if she can sit down at your side. after that, she lets you dictate the amount of conversation. if you need an ear, she listens. if you need advice, she’ll offer her two cents here and there. if you just need someone to sit with you in silence, she’s content with that as well 
it’ll take her a while to open up to you about her own feelings, but once the conversation’s started, she’ll warm up before long, and it’ll eventually steer towards more pleasant topics. it’s been a long time since she was able to truly connect with anybody, and even if this is only the budding beginning of a relationship, she makes her cultivation of it a priority. she doesn’t want you to feel alone
“i know we aren’t close, but when i saw you sittin’ alone at the edge of camp, it made my heart ache a little. i.. i know how it feels to be so alone, even when you’re surrounded by people who care for you, or are supposed to care for you. so.. i guess i’m just here to remind you that you don’t have to handle this by yourself.”
she ends up encouraging you to try your hand at poetry considering it always helps her, and when you come back a few days later with a handful of verses for her to read, she’s practically glowing with pride
she knows how it is to feel like your world is caving in, and while she doesn’t exactly understand your specific situation because she isn’t in your shoes, she’s got a pretty good idea. depending on what you need, she’ll be more than happy to offer it
she’ll go out on jobs with you if only to make sure that you don’t get into more trouble than you can handle, as well as to help take your mind off of things during the trip out and the trip home. she’ll also offer up different bounties and other activities if it’s clear you don’t wanna stew in your own feelings
if she has the chance, she’ll make one of your favourite dishes, or try. it doesn’t always turn out super well. sadie can cook a mean steak dinner but couldn’t offer anything resembling cake even if with the best kitchen of the 1890s at her disposal (it’s because she treats recipes like a suggestion, as opposed to something you should follow)
“stop laughin’, i know it looks dumb, but i tried, okay? we don’t have a stove, or a proper oven, so it’s ended up a little bit- wonky, but— shut up! it’s not that funny you asshole, i did this for you!”
even if she’s teasing and picking on you to an extent, she makes sure to keep it good-natured and not to pick on anything that’ll make you upset. the other gang members however.. let’s just say that she’ll bully pearson to high heaven just to hear you snort in response
it might not always be super obvious, but she’ll tail you around camp to an extent just to make sure that you’re okay. sitting with you at the campfire, keeping an eye on you while you take a smoke break at the edge of camp. she’s not going to hover, she’s not your mother. but she does worry
tilly won’t make a big fuss over it or necessarily confront you directly— both because she personally prefers to process her troubles alone until she’s ready to seek someone out, and because she doesn’t want to invade your privacy 
as such, unless you ask for her company, she’ll spend her time doing smaller things instead in an attempt to make your life a little easier, whether that’s picking up some of the odd jobs around camp or finding someone to go in your stead for jobs, offering herself up if need be
“i just wanted to let you know that the washing is done and it’s hanging out back, the dishes are all clean too. and i know that you were goin’ to go out on that coach robbin’ job today, but i don’t mind lendin’ a hand. so.. you take a little while to yourself, okay?”
if you actually seek her out though, she’s more than happy to offer one of those little makeshift therapy sessions on the crates behind the wagons, or take a walk around the area to enjoy the weather and look at the wildlife
sometimes though, she understands that you just want quiet, and so she’ll idly flip through one of mary-beth’s books, just to spend time in the same spot as you and share the same air. she knows it isn’t much, but 
because of mary-beth she knows a decent amount about floriography, but she doesn’t really care for the full on meanings the same. at the same time though, she’ll also be very clear if she’s offering wildflowers or any other kind of bouquet that it doesn’t secretly reflect her feelings towards you, she just picked them because she thought they looked nice
(feel free to ask for more!! the version with the boys should be coming out relatively soon)
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akirakirxaa · 17 days
FFXIVWrite Prompt 10: Stable
Rating: T
Word Count: 721
Summary: G'raha waits for word after a very pregnant Akira takes a severe blow while trying to protect him, sending her into labor. [Takes place in the OT4 AU, in ShB between 5.4 and 5.5.]
Content Warning: References to Childbirth (not shown)
[Master Post]
G’raha paced back and forth, tail twitching irritably. He was not ordinarily an imposing man, but something in his countenance must be keeping anyone from approaching. He was not angry with Akira — he knew that if there was danger, her first instinct was always to step in the way, and probably didn’t even remember that she had more than just him to worry about — but his whole body was tense. If something happened, he already knew Akira would never forgive herself, so he needed to control himself, but—
“Archon?” a younger hyuran healer, likely assisting the more experienced, stepped out to meet him. She seemed nervous, and he endeavored to loosen ears and tail and try his best to put on a friendly face. If he were not so worried…
“She’s stable now if you’d like to come in. She’s been asking for you,” she gave him a reassuring smile, and he felt some of the tension leave his shoulders. Stable was good. “There’s no solid timeline on when they’ll be born, but everything seems to be proceeding normally now. But make no mistake, we’ll have someone on standby at all times.” Because no one wants to be the reason the Warrior of Light dies, he finished in his head. It was enough to fluff the fur on his tail back out, but he forced himself to try to put on a calm face before going in.
At a glance, it was clear Akira wasn’t buying it, the Auri woman’s face drawn tight both in discomfort and apology. She was settled in a simple bed, several pillows tucked around her head and shoulders, and a light blanket covering most of her. Her battle gear had been swapped for a simple, light gown. Someone had already set a chair at her bedside and he gladly claimed it, taking her reaching hand in both of his and hoping she didn’t notice how his own shook.
“I’m sorry,” she murmured quietly.
“Why? Why did you do that?” he couldn’t help the strain in his voice.
“I couldn’t bear the thought of you being hurt,” Akira looked away, free hand plucking at the blanket. “I just. I moved before I thought and—“
“One day,” he gave her a tight, wry smile. “I’m going to convince you to put yourself first once in a while.”
“And one day I’ll convince you to stop trying to sacrifice yourself for others,” she countered, eyes likely lingering on the few bruises from the covered blow that had not quite faded with healing. Or that he’d been too distracted to heal.
“How are you feeling?” he ran his hand along her arm soothingly, his tail absently wrapping around hers where it dangled off the side of the bed.
“I have been worse,” she grimaced.
“I think you’re allowed to complain a little,” he brushed her hair out of her face. “Is there anything I can do?”
“You already did it,” she quirked an eyebrow at him, and his face reddened at the reminder. “But no, I don’t think there’s anything short of magicking the baby out. …You can’t do that, right?” They chuckled together at the silly not-quite-a-joke before falling quiet. Suddenly her hand clenched in his, and he saw her jaw set and felt a pang that she felt she had to hide her pain from him.
“You don’t have to do that,” he murmured, and he knew she knew what he meant.
“Don’t I? I have to be strong. I can’t let…”
“There is no one here but me and a few nearby healers,” he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “And frankly? I’ve seen you face things most people never even imagine; I would never think you anything less that the strongest person I know.” The facade slipped a fraction, and he saw all the worries and fears and inscrutable emotions she normally hid below the surface.
“Just… just stay with me?” she asked, in a voice that said she didn’t expect it, that there were more important things he must need to address, that she felt it a selfish request. He stood, bending over to press a soft, reassuring kiss to her lips, free hand cupping her face where he felt the tears she would prefer not to allow to fall.
Yes, he could do that.
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
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Rita Calhoun x reader Warnings: language, smut, it's basically no plot with a teeny bit of fluff at the end, barely over a drabble. unedited, i make no apologies.
Rita had been having one hell of a fucking day. You could tell by the way the apartment door opened, then immediately slammed shut. The sound of her tossing her bag to the island while she tugged off her blazer, a cupboard being opened and ice clinking in a glass, the swoosh of liquid and a brief pause before her voice rung through the air.
“Are you home?!” She called out.
“Yeah…” You called back, wandering down the hallway and she looked up when you entered the room, padding over to her with a curious expression on your face.
“Oh thank fucking god.” She downed the rest of the gin and was on you in a second.
Her lips crashed against yours, the kiss hungry, her hands tight on your hips already as very easily she moved you wherever desired. Your back hit the wall and you let out a little squeak into the kiss and you knew that Rita was frustrated, either about to bend you over the counter to take it out on you or use you to get herself off and you certainly weren’t complaining about either option.
Her tongue surged into your mouth, rolling against yours with ease while one of her hands came up to cup the back of your head, fingers threading into your hair before she pulled on the roots and you whined into the kiss. Her teeth bit into your lower lip, relishing in the way your arms pulled her closer to you and her hips rutted against your body. She suddenly spun you so she was against the wall, her hands on your shoulders when she broke the kiss with a  breathless gasp.
“On your knees.” She ordered; her eyes dark and you wasted absolutely no time dropping to the ground in front of her. Her hand caressed at your cheek gently, “good girl.”
You only waited for the praise, for the tiny nod before you surged forward, your hands finding the hem of her skirt and sliding it up until it was bunched around her waist. You had to sit up on your knees due to the fact that she was still wearing her Manolo’s, fingers slipping into the waist band of her panties to pull down her legs and toss them aside. Your hands softly slid up her legs, wrapping around her hips while your lips made a trail of sticky kisses along her inner thighs. Not wanting to tease, knowing she was already pent up your tongue lapped out, licking through her folds and flicking at her clit.
Above you a happy sigh left Rita’s lips as her head dropped to the wall behind her, her eyes fluttering shut. Your hand ran up her thigh again, lifting her leg so it was draped over your shoulder to give you better access to her glistening pussy. Your mouth returned to her, wrapping around her, tongue sinking into her wetness and she moaned, her hand tangling into your hair to keep you where she wanted. The instant your mouth was on her she had already began to relax, the stressors of the day vanishing from her brain as you continued to eat her. You could feel her body practically melting between you and the wall as your lips sucked at her lower ones while your hands traced soft patterns across her hips. One hand wrapped around to her ass, squeezing softly and she let out a quiet moan, nails scratching at your head.
“God.. just like that.”
Now that the stress was vanishing from her body her lips were curving up into a small grin, pleasure beginning to slowly swim through her body. She always knew she could count on you to make her feel the most relaxed no matter how terrible her day had been, and that you knew exactly what to do with your mouth to help her reach her peak. Your nose brushed against her clit and she let out a gasp, a spark flying through her body and the leg she had wrapped around you tightened, the heel of her stiletto digging into your shoulder but you didn’t care one bit.
You nudged against her clit with your nose again, gaining a similar reaction as a quiet ‘fuck’ slipped from her mouth. Your lips formed a smirk before shifting up, wrapping around the bundle of nerves, sucking it into your mouth and she gasped, her hand shoving your face into her dripping cunt.
“Right fucking there darling.”
Your tongue flicked across her clit, tracing patterns on it with the tip of it while your hand tickled up her thigh. She moaned loudly when you sunk two fingers into her with ease, groaning into her as her walls fluttered around your digits. Your fingers crooked within her, quickly finding that sensitive spot and she cried out,
“Oh fuck!”
Between your mouth on her clit and your fingers pumping into her wetness her thigh began to tremble around you, whines and soft swears leaving her lips as her fingers dug deeper into your hair. She certainly wasn’t letting you move off her pussy until she was ready, urging you further into her. With each pump of your fingers you could feel her clenching around you, her wetness leaking from her cunt, trailing down your wrist. She let out a loud whimper, her body shuddering between you and the wall and you knew she was close, picking up the pace of your fingers, making sure to brush against her g-spot with each thrust of your hand. Your lips suctioned around her clit, feeling it pulse in your mouth and each breath she let out was getting louder and louder until her peak broke. Rita let out a loud cry, her hips rocking up into your mouth as her legs shook, knees nearly buckling while her orgasm rocked through her, thighs threatening to close around your head.
With one final flick against her clit your mouth popped off her, your fingers slowing, fucking her through her orgasm as you gently kissed at her hipbones. When you were sure she’d caught her breath you pulled your fingers out, sucking them clean as she watched with hooded eyes. Moving her leg from around your shoulder you stood with a small groan, your hand cupping  her cheek softly as you leant in to kiss her.
“Feel better?” You asked with a grin and she chuckled softly, moaning over the taste of herself on your lips.
“Much.” Her eyes dragged down your body, suddenly coming back to life realizing her heel had been digging into your bare shoulder, that you were in shorts and had been kneeling on the hardwood for probably far too long. “Oh god, are you alright?”
“Rita.” You laughed, “I’m fine. I don’t care about marks as long as it’s from pleasuring you, you should know that by now.” You kissed her softly, hands readjusting her skirt while you did so, “now… how about you go change, I’ll get some wine and we can order in some dinner, get you nice and relaxed? Maybe have a nice long venting session about annoying prosecutors and clients? Even a nice bubble bath?”
“I think that would be absolutely wonderful.” Her genuine smile took over her cheeks as she gazed at you, a hand caressing your cheek gently, “you truly know how to spoil me.”
“Ah, on the contrary, I think you do most of the spoiling my love.”
“I love you.” She kissed the tip of your nose.
“And I love you just as much.”
@hbkpop @clarawatson @naturalxselection @mickey-gomez @red1culous @imlike-so-gaydude @altsvu @svulife-rll @svushots @wannabe-fic-reader @whimsicallymad @cmmndrwidw @bumblebear30 @jamiethetrans @wosoimagines @alexbllake @infernumlilith @australiancarisi @cerberus-spectre @emskisworld @ex-uallyactive @dead-of-niight @samwithnoplan @multifandomlesbianic @alexusonfire @dxtery @momlifebehard @swimmingstudentchaos891  @poisonedcrownss @when-wolves-howl @a-little-bit-of-this-and-that @anya-casablanca @godard-muse @itisdoctortoyousir @httpjupiterbby @somethingimaginative17 @summergeezburr @alexxavicry @daddy-heather-dunbar  @evilregal2002 @alcabots @disneyfan624 @thisisraes @happenstnces @heidss
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yesimwriting · 2 years
i loved the newest chapter of final girl!! saw that you updated and began foaming at the mouth lmfao
anyway, just wanted to say i thought it was so cute how stu and billy were talking about yn when they weren’t around (i know it was like, a scheming type scene but shh) and was wondering if they’ve done it multiple times? do they see yn wearing a new outfit or doing something they’d find attractive and talk about it with each other?
omg excited to talk about this, i was literally looking at how to insert this topic into Final Girl, 
yes they talk about y/n OFTEN!! absolutely obsessed in a way that toes the line between having an intense crush and straight up stalker-y, sometimes it’s a little bit like foreplay for them LMAO
anyways had to write a scene about this :)) (i had more ideas for mini scenes like this, but i wanted this up, so i might make a part 2 ish to this blurb??) 
Billy keeps one hand on the throw blanket he stole from the living room, fingers curled into the soft fabric like he can feel you in it. 
His mind feels muddled, twisted. Your existence makes Billy feel an intensity that is reserved for one of two broad categories: want and get rid of. You’ve just recently crossed over to the less openly violent of the two, but it’s an uneasy transition. The line blurs from time to time when you look at him with those soft eyes that make need flare up in his chest. 
Stu lets out a sigh, low and almost lethargic. “Last night took forever.” Tatum kept asking Stu to have the whole friend group over for a movie night meant to end in a sort of sleepover. A chance to binge watch movies and talk late into the night thanks to Stu’s perpetually empty house. “Our girl looked cute, though. Fell asleep on top of me.” 
It’s a bit of an exaggeration. Stu pulled on your arm while you were half asleep so that your head would rest against his shoulder. You were too tired to protest, but did eventually move to share a web of blankets and pillows with Tatum. 
Billy lets out a slightly irritated noise at the back of his throat. 
“What?” Stu lifts his head slightly from the pillow he’s resting again. “She’s cute, you never shut up about it.” 
That’s why Billy’s annoyed. You did look cute. Your pajamas--a matching short and tank top set was distracting enough on its own. But then Stu knocked over a coke can while reaching over for the last slice of pizza in the box. It seemed accidental enough that no one in the group thought twice about it. Tatum scolded him and you complained, but no one but Billy noticed that pinch of smugness behind Stu’s eyes. No one picked up on the look Billy and Stu exchanged as Stu apologized with a sloppy kiss to your forehead and the promise of getting you a new shirt. 
The two of you disappeared into Stu’s room for a few minutes too long. Billy kept glancing in that direction that the two of you walked off in, planning to ‘walk to the kitchen to get some water’ if Stu took any longer. But right before Billy started worrying, you came back, wearing one of Stu’s go to sleep shirts. 
“Cute enough without your shirt.” Billy’s not mad, just a tiny bit annoyed and its being amplified by irritation. 
Stu knows that Billy’s attitude is more about frustration than anything else. An empty stomach, too much time apart, and lack of release mixing together. He lets his arm relax, partially curled fingers brushing against Billy’s side.
“She was all wet and sticky.” Billy turns his head, eyes narrowing slightly at Stu’s suggestive wording. Stu’s lips fall open in a mock gasp, he moves his hand pinching at the tiny stretch of exposed skin where Billy’s shirt had ridden up. “Dirty mind,” Stu grins, “I was talking about the soda.” 
Billy rolls his eyes, trying to control the way the corner of his mouth instinctually turns towards an amused smile. “And whose fault was that?” 
For a brief second, Stu thinks about playing it off. He could joke about being clumsy and Billy would let it go. “Fucking Randy’s,” Stu mumbles, a tiny bit of real annoyance bubbling in his chest, “He kept looking at her in that tight tank top and no bra and she’s too oblivious to notice.” 
Sometimes your niceness is more of a nuisance than it should be. It’s not your fault you think everyone’s as good of a person as you are. It’s what Billy tells him to keep him calm. It’s a mantra Stu repeats in his head when that flutter of something uncontrollable rises up his throat when he sees you smile politely at guys that look at you a little too long. Like there’s no such thing as an ulterior motive. 
“C’mon,” Stu breathes, hand relaxing in order to press against Billy’s side, “We can’t touch her, I had to do something.” 
Already relenting, Billy lets out a breath. He had been watching Randy too. With the way you and Randy bicker like siblings, little kids fighting for the right to the VCR, Billy really doubts that you see anything else there. That doesn’t mean that Randy doesn’t have a crush on you, though. 
Though Stu’s excuse is likely an attempt to make a bit of foreplay seem innocent enough, he does bring up a good point. Still, though, Billy spent the entire night hyper concentrated on his thoughts to make sure he didn’t ask you to go anywhere with him. 
It was hard enough to not think about how easy it’d be to get you alone before hand. Your hair was loosely pulled up and you were sitting right next to him and Billy’s mind kept wandering back to your exposed neck. What it’d feel like to run his fingers down to your pulse. The way your breath would catch on itself with just a little bit of pressure. What it’d feel like to graze his teeth along the skin. 
Even though the collar of Stu’s shirt covered more skin, it added fuel to a precarious fire. “I hate being so careful around her.” 
“I get it,” Stu mumbles, comfortable understanding softening his voice, “She just looked so pretty I couldn’t help it.” Stu runs his hand up Billy’s side, reveling in the way goosebumps just barely begin to break out against his skin. He wonders how Billy manages. At least Tay puts out. “We don’t have to go that slow with her. She’d--”
“No.” The single word is just as much for him as it is for Stu. Equal parts reminder and warning. “We stick to the plan.” 
There’s a stubbornness there that Stu recognizes. He lets his nails dig into Billy’s skin a little rougher than he needs to. “Always with the plan.” It’s a teasing comment. “Fine, we’ll wait.” Stu sits up a little more, “As long as I get to rough you up in the mean time.” 
Billy rolls his eyes, a partial scoff escaping him. “Fuck you.” 
Stu props his head up on his freehand, raising his eyebrows up and down dramatically until Billy finally cracks a smile.
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notwarriorswiki · 2 years
I really loved reading the HoneyXLion scenes in your AU! :) Love those two! <3 Especially since Honeyfern has always been my favorite. Got any Honeypaw fun-facts/headcanons you could share?
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Updated designs for the two of them as well for this!
Honeyfern is a big daddy’s girl. She loves her dad so much and has a lot of fun spending time with him. In my rewrite Brackenfur is Lionblaze’s mentor rather than Ashfur, so Honeypaw enjoyed tagging along specifically to see her dad, though Lionpaw never complained.
She’s a talented fighter amongst her fellow apprentices, something not many expect when they see her. She seems to have picked up on this and likes to use it to her advantage.
Related to the above point, she can pin Lionblaze, even with his bigger size compared to her. She just knows him and how he fights well, and her adaptability has her always finding new ways to get him back on the ground.
She was definitely seen as little Miss Perfect - beautiful, kind, smart, talented - it was no wonder both Lionpaw and Berrypaw crushed on her growing up.
Honestly though, it was a lot of pressure, and though she had so much to offer, she was often swept aside because she’d get teased about having a mate as soon as she was able since she had two obvious admirers. Many would ask her “who she would pick” when she was older, when really that wasn’t even crossing her mind.
Honeypaw believed if she continued to excel, she’d be able to stand out on her own and not keep being seen as this frail little beauty. Despite her fellow she-cat apprentices not receiving the same treatment, it didn’t let up. It seemed the more “perfect” she was, the more others saw her as something to be taken care of.
Lionpaw was once one of these cats. He liked her for much of the same reasons Berrypaw liked her - she was absolutely beautiful and her skills weren’t anything to scoff at. However, it took Honeypaw telling him off and losing that sweet and kind persona she always had for him to see she wasn’t the perfect princess he idolized. It was at this point (narrative-wise) that Lionpaw stops pursuing her, admittedly becoming more focused on things related to his brother and the other clans with their prophecy evolving.
Honeypaw feels bad, thinking she really upset him with her words, even if he did totally deserve it. They keep running into each other since her father, Brackenfur, is Lionpaw’s mentor, and she likes to tag along. In a shocking turn of events, Lionpaw ends up apologizing to her for his behavior, and asking if they could be friends, to which she responded “good to know we weren’t already.”Officially Lionpaw is not just the guy who crushes on her, rather they’re mutuals, and that’s... admittedly rather new for Honeypaw.
A lot of time there was a disconnect between her and the others because she was “on another level”, one that only seemed to grow as they got further in their apprenticeship and Honeypaw became the clear stand out. She loves her sisters, but they were all quite different and seemed to go in different directions. Unbeknownst to Lionpaw, he had become Honeypaw’s closest friend like that...
Curious to know more about Lionpaw as friends, Honeypaw ends up poking her nose in places she shouldn’t, noticing Lionpaw’s weird behavior, the scratches he wakes up with in the morning, and the way he hurries off to sit with Tigerpaw and Harepaw from ShadowClan and WindClan respectively. When she asks him, he insists it’s nothing, something the sweet Honeypaw struggles to be pushy on considering how used to her kind nature she’s gotten with others in the clan.
Jump to warriorhood. Honeyfern is nosy, something she’s not proud of, but it’s undeniable. She’s picked up medicine from Jaypaw so she can treat the scratches Lionblaze keeps waking up with, and her agitation with the tom is growing as he continues to brush her off. Eventually she’s just about had it and begins giving him a rather immature silent treatment.
Lionblaze truthfully does value Honeyfern. While he can’t be honest with her about the prophecy, they are close friends who hunt together, train together, know each other’s favorite freshkill. Before everything started blowing up drama wise for Lionblaze, he honestly did just love the days they’d hang out and joke about having apprentices to train alongside each other. When she stops hanging around him, it’s noticed immediately, I’m talking things stop, he can’t focus, he’s stumbling, like he just feels really off when she’s suddenly not hanging out with him.
To get her back he goes behind Jayfeather and Hollyleaf’s backs and tells her about things, to which she... believes him right away. Yeah Lionblaze is just as shocked. She reminds him she knows when he’s lying because his tail tip starts to twitch up and down.
Unlike Cinderheart in the books who pushes Lionblaze away believing he’s above her and his destiny is beyond her, Honeyfern basically becomes his righthand. She’s there to cover him when he needs to sneak off, back up his excuses, help with the apprentices, whatever it may be. At this point they still haven’t even acknowledged feelings, just close friends who lowkey both know this is something but don’t talk about it.
This annoys the shit out of Jayfeather who on one hand doesn’t think there is time for this, and on the other thinks it’s exhausting having to feel the overwhelming affection radiating off them whenever they walk by.
To make a long story short, they become mates going into the final battle, wanting to make sure that if they die, they die having known they loved each other. Neither die though, so that’s good.
Post-battle, Honeyfern gives birth to their two kits - Leafkit and Bramblekit, named after two important cats who perished in the final battle that they want to remember. Leafkit replaces Sorrelstripe and becomes Leafstripe. Bramblekit replaces Fernsong and becomes Bramblesong.
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another-corpo-rat · 1 year
Another of the ideas that i couldn’t quite get to fit a cyberhanami theme, so here it is now
Adam Smasher/OC Summary: Victoria isn’t settling too well into her new body, it’s one of the few instances Smasher knows the right things to say and do.
“You’re staring. Again.”
“You’ve never objected before.”
“Because I was- ugh.” She tosses the hairbrush back on the vanity, plopping herself on the seat to glare at her reflection. Fingers, still golden chrome, press at her nose. “I don’t think they got my nose right. Or my lips, they—”
“You look exactly as you did.” So he says, and has said for the last few days since she woke up surrounded by white. White walls, white floors, white coats. The conversion hadn’t driven her mad, but the sheer lack of character in those damn labs were close to achieving it. Second only to Adam and their roundabout arguments; his insistence that she wasn’t different at all – that he’d given them more than enough scans and images of her body to replicate it perfectly.
Still, she glares at her reflection and chews on a bottom lip she swears is off in some way.
“I don’t feel it though.” Her voice trembles with that truth, spoken so quietly she had to wonder if she truly meant to say it aloud. It was hardly the most difficult thing she has ever shared with him, but it feels dangerously close to it with how her chest tightens with dread; a worry that she was letting him down, being so uncomfortable in a body technically hers. Familiar with its golden-chromed arms and scrutinizing gaze, right to the small freckle above her left ankle. Skin-deep as it is, when underneath is a frame equal in metal to the IEC Dragoon watching her, leaning against the wall with his arms across his chest.
It was easier in the lab, where she could sling her frustration in any direction and find something to complain about other than the ill fit of her own skin. The unscented soaps, the stiff mattress, the gown they were adamant she stayed in until the last minute before her release. A meagre five fucking minutes to shower.
(She had heard their argument about allowing her even that in the first place. ‘It’s unnecessary,’ the head medtech claimed, only to falter under Adam’s stare. He gave in entirely when some other white-coat said something about old habits and mental health.
A preventative measure, to keep her from teetering on the edge of cyberpsychosis, unsaid but she heard it readily.)
Her optics lock with his, she looks away the moment the red meets her through the mirror, directing her glare to her own reflection.
He sighs as he stands straight, the sound heavy enough to place its weight on her shoulders. She bites back the apology she doesn’t owe, makes a mental note to wonder later why the urge to apologise even bubbled in the first place, and keeps her gaze pointedly off his approach. The effort becomes substantially easier as his fingers run through her hair, massaging expertly at her scalp that her eyes flutter closed, a soft sound escaping her as he brushes his metal jaw against her temple.
“You’re perfect.” He croons, mechanised baritone vibrating through, warming circuits instead of blood. “Give yourself time to realise it.”
“Are you saying I wasn’t before?” She opens an eye to half-heartedly glare at him, her attempt at voicing annoyance softened by his ministrations, then eased entirely by his soft chuckle.
“You were merely on its edge.”
All it took for her to take that plunge was being on death’s door, for the bastard who held the gun to make the choice of wanting to see the life fade from her eyes instead of aiming for the head.
“Charming.” The scathing tone she’s trying for is soundly out of reach as she presses herself back against him, soaking in his attention as if it was the finest hot spring. Better than, she reckons, for its exclusivity. Hers for however long this thing between them lasts, prolonged as it is with her new unnatural life. Lips twitching, she voices that thought: “I suppose you won’t be getting rid of me too easily now.”
She knows the steps of their dance well, they’ve tread them long enough that the circling path is well-worn. His response should be a taunt, his tone light enough that it just about hides the undertow of a threat; a quiet reminder of who is leading. And she prepares for it, bracing and coating her tongue in a familiar venom for his obvious response; that she’ll die just as easily as anyone else he’s set his sights on, conversion or not, something, something slaughterhouse. Morgan Blackhand notwithstanding.
“Good.” He says instead, not once pausing in the blatant affections, “I wouldn’t stand for losing my output to something as mundane as time.”
“Not a fan of aging meat?” The disgusted grunt is enough to bring a smile to her lips, a smile she catches in the corner of her vision and- ah, she looks more like herself now.
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