#but whats most important now is to season the water and get it cycling
yoshistory · 11 months
i FINALLY got the 16.5 gallon cycling for the shrimps .. ive had this tank sitting for a little over a year now so its good to get all the water loaded up and the filter and bubbler running on it
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don-quixotine · 7 months
Here are my thoughts so far:
The parts where I still had my reservations for the first half were definitely addressed in the second. There were more Kataang beats, especially in the last three episodes.
Please that whole part before the zutara showdown where Aang goes like "go easy, enough ppl have suffered" and zuko is more or less like "lol it's cute u think i'd hold back" and then aang has this proud little smirk like "oh i wasn’t talking to you"😏 Also his proud little smirk when Katara is fighting Pakku PLEASE HE IS GOING TO BE THE PROUDEST BF
They covered the most important points and had a decent few scenes of fan service, loved that.
However, the adaptation is not perfect and there are definitely parts that were lacking, at least to me. Primarily, I think they did our girl Katara a little dirty not emphasizing as much on her arc as opposed to Sokka's, for example, and also the way her ascension to master was pretty telly instead of showy
There was definitely something to love in every episode, but I think the weakest ones have to be Omashu and Spirited Away.
My ABSOULUTE FAVORITE episodes were Into the Dark and Masks. Dallas, Paul, and Gordon did SUCH a great job in them. I cannot WAIT for the proper leaves from the vine scene and also to have more of zuko interacting with aang.
My favorite was Zuko by far, yes. I think the performance and the was he was written struck the best balance of that goofiness and tragedy atla is originally known for. That’s not to say the other kids didn't do a good job, but Dallas' Zuko was by far the best imo
I understand now what the showrunners meant by making the show more mature and serious. I cannot say I didn't like it, but I can see it being an acquired taste especially for the part of the fandom that is more purist/demanding. I like that the focus emphasized more on the consequences of war and that it reflected on the cycles of violence and hurt, what they do to a person and how the wounds pass down generationally. I think this emphasis on war, compassion, kindness, all those things are definitely an important message in this time and day. However, it is a little too serious for my taste, PRECISELY because of the times we are living in. Back when the OG came about the world was in a time of relative peace. But now we get pictures of carnage and genocide mixed in with videos of cute puppies, so it's definitely a different place. It was much easier to understand the gravity of the genocidal/bombing scenes imo, almost to a point that they seemed watered down/kid friendly compared to the real thing that we see on our phones everyday. Because of that, I think erring more on the comedy, the balance between what it ACTUALLY means to be hopeful and not just talking about it, is the one thing the show could improve upon for next seasons.
All in all I am VERY pleased with the adaptation. There were moments where I definitely bawled my eyes out, shouted, and laughed the same way I did the first time I watched the show. All I can say is, for those still on the fence about watching it, so long as you go in with an open mind and with the explicit objective of enjoying yourself, it will be a fun watch.
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tuesday again 9/3/2024
having a lot of fun with toddler enrichment activities in this household, until we bit through the bag and the foil and the water and hated that experience
fun citypop version of Good Luck Babe! by Amandumb and Sakura Wine, “ganbatte” scans to “good luck babe” SCARY well. this is both off a tiktok my best friend sent me and the spotify recommended weekly
quite frankly this makes me nervous and i am backing up my blogs as we speak. i sort of believe them when they say that we won't see a difference on the front end, but this is a HUGE migration. SOMETHING is going to go not perfectly.
William Greenleaf's TIME JUMPER (1980, 224p) and Joe Millard (my beloathed)'s Blood For A Dirty Dollar (1980 European reprint of a 1973 American book, 156p). thank you philip. time jumper is from a thrift store somewhere (possibly from the free book shelf at the umass engineering library) and the cowboy book is from ebay. they lied about the condition and the heavy smoke smell so i ended up getting it for free :) in no world is that a Very Good condition book!!!
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time jumper! i do not think the back cover blurb (below) is very accurate.
COMBINED DESTINIES! One Earth of the far future, city dwellers live in a technologically advanced environment, while bands of nomads barbarically hunt and farm the plains. Hidden within the city is Erin, a crazed scientist, who is constructing a timejumper. On the plains is a nomad boy who quests after the city's secrets. Unknown to both, an evil force works to keep them apart, for it knows that if they ever meet, a new Earth destiny would be inevitable!
i looooove a bubble city. i love long lingering shots of technology and city-scapes and city politics. i would not call the nomads barbarians, bc they are a trading society who set up crop irrigation in their seasonal fields and have a giant traveling library with card catalogue. i would also not call Erin crazed or hidden, bc he is the richest man in the city. reclusive, yes. single-minded, yes. pretty sane though. he is a little person and i think the book handled this fairly deftly for 1980? most of his obstacles are physical and not societal. finally, the evil force is not working to keep them apart bc it doesn't even know about the outside kid. they mostly just want to stop anyone from leaving.
now that we know the back blurb is lies, what's the deal with this book? mostly wrestling with how automation leads to a loss of purpose and flattening of culture, breaking cycles, cyclical natures of histories thereof, and repeating old sins. however, one of the more frustrating endings ive ever read with the very last paragraph containing the suicide of a minor character. we simply didn't fucking need that last paragraph.
i found the dialogue a little bland but book overall quite evocative. it felt like a sixties scifi show constructed from castoff theater sets. it felt like this screenshot from rollerball. a lot of shapes. a lot of giant gardens. a lot of flattened textures.
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i also liveblogged the cowboy book here. we've previosuly looked at the one with the balloon and the jailbreak but this is the one with the mad englishman and the imported castle and the missing scientists. i love a description of Legally Not Lee van Cleef Because We Don't Have A Royalty Agreement
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X-Men: First Class (2011, dir. Vaughn) was way more fun than i was expecting??? it's fun to watch these with my bestie's husband who is a fairly intense x-men fan and Will pause the movie for several minutes to explain why a specific character's death was fucking bullshit or answer one of my stupid costuming questions
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the new mesoamerican fire-aligned nation of Natlan is out in genshin impact! VERY beautiful region even though i think it is a crime, to me personally, to show me a village of observation balloons and then tell me i can't actually go there for six weeks until the next patch.
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this is a little bit more of a frustrating experience bc my tolerance for the least little thing going wrong is at record lows. once you hit 100% on a map region it feels more like a true 100% ing the area, which is a little scary bc this usually means you have anywhere from 10-20% more Stuff to do and find and collect. one quest is straight up bugged for me (very unusual) and i cannot get a specific mechanic (the yunkasaur, the little green pokemon lookin motherfucker above, flame spitting) to fire with any sort of accuracy. why have a sight and a center pip if you CANNOT aim it.
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some parts of the map look a little more seussical than others.
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to whoever made sure this observation balloon lined up with the window when you entered this waypoint building, i see you. thank you.
fallow week.
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seaside-apothecary · 2 years
How to use cycles in your craft:
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I am someone who uses a lot of cycles in my craft and use them for different spells and rituals. Here are a few I use:
The moon cycle:
You’ve seen it, you’ve read about it if you have a witchcraft book, and most likely use it now for your spells. The moon cycle refers to the different phases of the moon, from the new moon all the way to the full moon and back around. According to astrology, the moon is a water element. Meaning it is emotion, intuitive, and free-forming. So, use your intuition with what the different phases mean. Go with that feels right for the spell. The moon’s cycle can be used in many ways and has a phase that fits just about every purpose you will need.
New moon: planting seeds, pause, a cycles end, renewal, blank slate, reflection
Waxing crescent: beginnings, action, starting a process, moving
First quarter: choices, refining your process, journaling, discipline
Waxing gibbous: growth, abundance, expansion, good for material or tangible magic
Full moon: harvest, blooming, celebration, reaping what you sow, release, amplification, creativity
Waning gibbous: final harvest, letting go, release
Last quarter: surrender, self care, release, bring things to a complete end, organization
Waning crescent: rest, uncrossing, grounding, connection
The day cycle:
The day cycle refers to all the phases of the day from dawn until midnight.
Sunrise: beginnings, starts a new day, renewal, resurrection, cleansing
Morning: strength, building strength, courage, planning, activity
Noon: charging, health, physical or material magic
Evening: communication, clarity, exploration
Sunset: winding down, letting go, releasing
Midnight: rest, grounding, meditation
Planetary hours cycle:
The planets go through many cycles, their own rotation cycle, their own seasons, and their trip around the sun. Something I use with the planets is their association with the days of the week, but I use the planetary hours as well. For example, I will do love magick on Fridays, the day of Venus, but I will also do it on the hour of Venus that day as well.
You can use this website to know when the hours of the planets are, this website does use military hours, so if you don’t know it make sure to have a chart pulled up while looking at it.
I would use this in combination with what planet is associated with the days of the week, I have a post about that here.
Menstrual cycle:
If you are an afab person who gets their periods, you can use your own cycle in your magic. If you do not have a menstrual cycle or if you do not wish to use it in your magic, no worries! This is completely optional and doesn’t make you more or less powerful. From my experience the biggest benefit to using your menstrual cycle in your craft, if you choose to use it, is help with connecting to your craft. Which you can connect with your craft a million other ways. I personally use my menstrual cycle for a lot of things spiritual and non spiritual. For me personally, it is when I feel the most powerful in my craft, because I’m more aware of my body and everything going on with it. I use my cycle as a time for action and when I do the most important works for my practice. Listen to your body, try to understand how your body reacts during this time and question why it is doing this. Remember, mundane before magical.
Blessed be and happy Moon Day!
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hasufin · 4 months
For All Seasons
Yesterday, I opted to start propagating my basil plants. I only bought two, you see (I don't start from seed because cats and indoor gardening are a bad combination). Basil propagates well - you cut a few stems of the plant off, strip most of the leaves, and put it in water. The stems will grow roots and after a week or two you plant those, let them grow into full plants, and by the end of summer those two plants are a fuckton of basil.
Now, you'll note the part where you're stripping basil leaves? This yields, well, basil leaves. I mostly have basil to make pesto, but I do use it for other stuff. Not, however, two or so cups at a time which is what I get when I go a-propagating. But I don't like to waste food, so... well, I either freeze it or - as I did this time - I put them in the food dehydrator (shoutout to @antarctica-starts-here, @fera-angelus, and their other partner for the gift which I use an awful lot).
There's a certain longitudinal aspect to all this. I bought basil plants in spring (and would have started them from seed even earlier if that were practical) with the intent to propagate them so that by late summer I have enough basil to make a year's worth of pesto which I will freeze. Along the way I am also preserving leaves in order to use for other purposes. I'm trimming and drying my other herbs along the way, too.
What I'm contemplating is, historically this would be an entire lifestyle. I would be constantly engaging in this cycle of planning, maintaining, harvesting, and preserving. It would be multiple cycles which feed into one another and define my entire life.
The first part to recognize is, prior to the 20th century, a successful society had only about 50% of its population engaged in food production. In the 17th century, if you passed 100 people on the street, there were another 100 people too busy farming, hunting, or fishing to be walking around in some city. And that's what a successful society was like. Less successful ones could have as much as 90% of their population engaged in food production. That means food was one of the most valuable commodities. You did not want to waste it, ever. It pretty much always made sense to do stuff to prevent food waste and increase food production. And many of our foodstuffs have their origin in preventing waste.
So let's go back to our farmer.
Well, let me go a bit forward. Modern farms tend to be monocultures: enormous properties with hundreds of acres of corn or wheat or soy; some specialize in fruits or vegetables; or they do specifically livestock for example. They're mostly just a few things. (this is not to say all modern farms are like this; I'm simply referring to the majority). These tend to be very big, or at least larger than historical farms, they are specialists, and they are operated by relatively few people. The yield per person is considerable, but they do not produce a sufficient variety of food to live off of - try to eat nothing but corn and you WILL die. By virtue of their size, farmers who are not engaged directly in tending their crop spend their time otherwise maintaining the equipment or property: mending fences, working on the all-important tractor, &c.
Historically, farms were much more varied but also smaller, and of course with less equipment and more people. The variety is significant, though. You don't want to be growing Just One Thing. Farms were at least partially self-sufficient: you're growing the grains, fruits, and vegetables to feed everyone on the farm and have enough left over to sell in order to pay whatever taxes, and buy whatever you needed.
This approach meant you tried to have crops which grew and were harvested throughout the year: you didn't want to be trying to harvest all your soybeans while the crows are picking clean the corn, after all. And some of this could be astoundingly deterministic: there's a cultivar of corn which was grown specifically because it ripens before a particular beetle's breeding season and thus the crop is not ruined.
We're told that being a farmer was a lot of work. But we're seldom given a view of what that means. We get a vague notion of plowing and harvesting, but what comes in between?
It's plowing a different field to grow a different crop. Weeding the first field so that crop grows well. Harvesting herbs and drying them. Harvesting vegetables and pickling them. Hunting for meat and smoking it.
You're constantly planning for your next few steps. You get fruit pies when fruits are in season. You enjoy a tomato pie because you have tomatoes in abundance and you'd damned well better use them lest they rot. You throw the kitchen scraps to the pigs, who get nice and fat, and once they're big enough you slaughter them. You've got your chickens, and if a hen stops laying eggs, you roast it; if the rooster is too old you have coq au vin and get a new rooster.
It's a constant juggling act to make sure everything is used, because failing to turn the compost heap one year means less potatoes the next year and that means grumbling stomachs the next winter. The question of "What's for dinner?" doesn't mean "What do I feel like having" nor "What do I want to make?" but rather "What can I make with the food which exists right now?"
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yummilily · 2 months
Jam (40 min)
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I have to admit, I grew up a spoiled child. With a grandmother single-handedly supplying the entire town with jam, I never had to resort to the store-bought kind until long after she passed and all her stock was used up. Fortunately, she taught me well. And what better time to put the skill to use than in summer with a plethora of in season fruits at your disposal? The results of a few minutes suffering the heat of stirring in a bubbling pot are well worth the effort in my opinion. 
A large pot (and I really mean large, you don’t want this to be more than half full)
Clean jars and fitting lids
A timer 
A small plate / bowl that easily has space in your fridge
Funnel (optional)
Oven mitts or a dry kitchen towel
Damp cleaning cloth (or something of the sort)
These are highly customisable. Depending on the type of sugar you're using, you’ll need up to 1.5 kg of fruit / 1.5 L of fruit juice per 500g packet of gelling sugar (essentially just regular sugar with pectin mixed in). The main difference regarding the sugar is its intended ratio to the fruit. The most common ones I’ve seen are 1:1, 1:2 or 1:3 (sugar:fruit). Other than the jam’s sweetness (obviously) the kind you use will influence how shelf-stable it is. The higher the sugar content, the longer you can store it. That being said, I normally use the 1:2 and I’ve never once ran into the issue of the jam going bad before it was all devoured. (That being well over a year when making a large batch. Some of my grandma’s have been forgotten in the cellar for almost 10 and they still were fine. Just trust your eyes and nose when opening up a jar. And label them with the date made.)
It’s perfectly fine to use frozen fruit. Just let it thaw before you get started. 
I recommend adding some lemon juice (about 1 lemon per kg). It helps with thickening the jam and is especially important when you’re using very sweet fruit. The gelling sugar usually has some citric acid added, but I find that adding the fresh lemon helps. Also it offsets the sweetness a bit.
Other than that, go wild! You can add spices, herbs, liquor (you might want to add that after cooking though)... Just make sure you keep the ratio specified on the sugar and you’ll be just fine!
If you’re using fresh fruit, wash it well, pat dry and cut into small pieces. If you prefer a smooth jam, you can blend it. 
Add all ingredients to a large pot and mix well. Make sure it’s only about half full max. 
Now, most gelling sugar package instructions will tell you to let everything sit for at least a few hours, but honestly, I find that it doesn’t really make a difference to skip this step if you’re in a hurry. It won’t hurt to wait, but it won’t ruin your jam if you don’t.
Before you start cooking, you’ll need to sterilise the jars. (And don’t forget the lids either!) There’s many ways of doing this and a quick online search will give you many results, like putting them through a hot cycle in the dishwasher. Because I don’t have one, my go to method is to first give them a good scrub and then rinse them with boiling water from the kettle, leaving them upside down on a clean kitchen towel until filling. Getting them up to temperature now will also prevent any glass cracking when filling with the hot jam.
While stirring, bring the jam to a boil. The bubbling kind, you really want this going. Once it does start your timer. In most cases it will be 4 minutes, but check the package instructions for specifics. Make sure to keep stirring, you don’t want anything getting stuck to the bottom of the pot.
The jam might produce foam (hence the big pot). If you want to, you can remove it with a spoon, but that’s mainly an aesthetic thing. (Theoretically, the trapped air could contaminate the jam and make it go off faster, but I have yet to witness that happening.)
Once time’s up, reduce the heat to low and spoon out a little bit of the jam onto a plate and put it in the fridge. This is to check if the gelling worked. The jam should start to thicken quickly when cooling. If it’s still too runny, boil it a little longer. If it’s too thick, add a little water. 
When you’re happy with the consistency, remove the pot from the heat and start filling the jars. I do this holding the jar in one hand with an oven mitt (because this will get uncomfortably hot very quickly) ladling the jam in with the other. If the opening of the jar is very small, a funnel can be helpful (make sure that is also sterilised!). Fill it up until just about the brim. Now, if there’s any spills, wipe the screw-top clean. You’ll thank yourself later when you try opening it again. Tightly close the jar and place it upside down.
Repeat until you’re out of jam. I always have an odd amount left that isn’t quite enough for a whole jar. That’s fine though. Simply eat that first.
Allow the jam to cool for about 5 minutes before flipping the jars.
While the sugar content certainly plays a role in preserving, the most important thing is that all your utensils are clean. It’s a bit of work, yes, but ending up with mouldy jam would be worse, right?
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rosiethedragongeek · 2 years
(telling u here bc i didnt wanna hijack the fic post jdbddbbfskdvb)
the main reason I DON'T/WOULDN'T want a canon Spitelout redemption is because I'm not confident Dreamworks could do it well. Riders Of Berk and Race To The Edge do the job of making sure we understand that we are NOT meant to sympathise with Spitelout. Three's a pattern and off the top of my head there are atleast three "spitelout bad!" episodes ("Thawfest", "Snotlout Gets The Axe", "Notlout") and a couple where it is featured as a B plot ("Race to fireworm island"). The writing for Snotlout specifically is probably what I'd pin down as the best in the show, so i guess I never thought to narrow it down to bad writing. I knew that (apparently) it was never commited to one way or the other in the end, but Ive expressed numerous times that the constant back and forth is VERY interesting to me. I love that Snotlout keeps forgiving him. I love that Spitelout keeps getting worse. I love that even though Spitelout causes him pain, and its acknowledged that its wrong, Snotlout still admires him and pines for his attention. Its very special and relatable to me that it takes a lot for Snotlout to learn his lesson, that hes constantly optimistic, and that it always hurts him because he knows he should expect that by now. But he doesn't.
Dreamworks gave us a fair share of Spitelout episodes, seemingly testing the water of what they could get away with showing each time (High amount of pressure -> degrading him infront of his friends -> causing extreme delusion and paranoia). I think they knew that if we were going to get a conclusion, which we had to, it would have to be an important part of the episode - maybe even of the season. Maybe Spitelouts following them around for the episode, and Snotlout's doing perfectly fine, but Spitelout keeps criticising and jumping in to set an example. Maybe things go wrong and someone gets injured. Maybe its Hiccup, or Hookfang, or snotlout himself. and Snotlout has to stand there with a weapon - because I highly doubt Spitelout would take it seriously if there wasnt one involved - and say for the final time that he doesnt need him. That hes had enough of the criticism and the backhanded praise and the stupidly high standards. That he loves him like the father he has failed to be, and that thats what stings most. And Spitelout wouldve had to make a choice. And dreamworks did not have the anything neccessary to do that.
It would have had to been so carefully crafted. So many things would have had to be balanced. Snotlout shouldn't be too soft because then he wont listen - but he cant be too harsh because Spitelout is a survivor of the same mentality that he himself has. They cant put every single bit of blame on him - but to not do that would be irresponsible because they are his actions. They probably csnt use the word 'abuse' - but to use anything else would be downplaying it. It would have been so extremely difficult that I dont know if i wish they had even tried.
It just upsets me to know that they dont have a conversation. They never even have one. (english teacher voice) Maybe their relationship is less of a redemption arc, but more of a tragedy on the endless cycle of abuse perpetuated on war-ridden homelands like Berk.
This is such a thorough analysis I’m obsessed (and I am SO sorry it took me so long to get here omg)
They really do have a very cyclical, Snotlout gives and Spitelout takes type relationship. Most of their episodes include Snotlout looking up to Spitelout in the beginning, Spitelout being pretty awful to Snotlout in one way or another, and then a sorta positive interaction at the end that doesn’t necessarily address their conflict or what Spitelout did within the episode. It is then assumed that Snotlout and Spitelout have made up and are good again. Only for it all to happen over again.
It really upsets me too that they never have a real conversation where they actually talk about what’s going on, and that there is no indication that anything will ever change between them (aside from Snotlout’s character growth and his new complete understanding of his self worth and the fact that he can live his life outside of the box Spitelout’s created for him.
Thank you so much for this dude this is insane
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howlingday · 11 months
My idea for a potential DEATH BATTLE! #5
2023, October 18, 19, 20, 27
Link to the fourth post: https://www.tumblr.com/donotmindme1/731349657571278848/my-idea-for-a-potential-death-battle-4-2023?source=share
Master list: https://www.tumblr.com/donotmindme1/731003687600881664/mind-what-you-do?source=share
Korra vs Delsin Rowe (Avatar vs inFamous)
They're the second legends in line!
Fighter 1: Korra, the continuing spirit of the Avatar cycle.
Fighter 2: Delsin Rowe, the accomplishing Akomish Second Son.
Wiz: Many of us aspire to live up and uphold the legacies of our predecessors.
*insert clips of Miles Morales & Peter Parker, Deku & All Might, Ruby Rose & Summer Rose, Batman & his Robins*
Boomstick: However, just because they're tough acts to follow up shouldn't discourage you from making your own path. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.
PREFACE: I am wasting my time writing this. I should be working on an important project. I wanted to write an idea that suits the chilly weather of autumn to serve as a nice gateway into other MUs. I played inFamous Second Son during the last three months of 2021 and I fell in love with the gameplay. Being able to scale the buildings of Seattle with Conduit powers, doing drug busts, and saving innocent people really gave me a sense of power. I am sure I am not the only one who was disappointed when Season 8 announced Korra vs Storm due to how unbalanced the powers are between the two (however, I enjoyed the episode, mainly Storm doing the Moses and Wheather the Elements). So, now that Cole made his debut on the show, we can finally let Delsin have his time in the spotlight. Besides, I think that Korra vs Delsin is a more fitting MU, and you'll see why later on. Also, I will mainly be using True Hero Delsin (Good Karma) as it is the canon ending. I'll consider Infamous Delsin (Bad Karma) separately as it does affect the fight.
1. Both carry on the legacy of a famous protagonist who was able to control multiple forms of matter (Aang and Cole McGrath).
2. Both are capable of manipulating at least 4 different forms of matter (Korra has Earth, Fire, Air, and Water; Delsin has Smoke, Neon, Video, and Concrete) due to a physiological trait (Korra has the spirit of the Avatar, allowing her chi to pass through all of her body better than the rest and manipulate the elements; Delsin has a Conduit gene that lets him obtain the abilities of other Conduits upon extensive contact and draining Core Relays).
3. Both started their journeys being childish and/or immature but through their actions and strife, rose above and became better people and consequently, better idols and saviors.
Personal reasons: I wanted this to be Korra's MU during Season 8, but alas, it was not to be. More than anything, I want them to react to each other's powers. Delsin would ask Korra if her conduit gene is like his but better since she doesn't need to absorb matter to change her powers and Korea asks about how the heck is he manipulating light and becoming invisible. After all, conduit powers and bending are different in their manifestation, how they manipulate the environment, and more importantly, how they interact with each other.
Art and animation: The animation will most likely be 2D like all Avatar fights, but the dream is to have it be a 3D battle with fluid movement and lots of different camera angles. The animation from Korra vs Storm is good for Korra, so reusing it would benefit her, but Delsin tends to fight from afar using his projectiles. While he does have dashes, his chain, Comet Drop, and some support abilities, Delsin is mainly a ranged fighter, and the 3D team works best with characters that have a wide assortment of abilities, especially ones used in midair or while running. However, to be able to get the most out of both worlds, the fight is best in 2D, and it's not like Cole was limited to ranged combat in his fight. It could really go either way and still be great regardless, and that's honestly the best part. I really want this fight to be a finale so it could be a long fight with lots of pretty stuff to gawk at, especially since Spiritbending, Neon, and Video allow for flashy maneuvers.
Possible setup:
In a metropolitan area, the Second Son is doing stencil art dedicated to his dear brother. "Man, I miss you, Reggie."
"Hey! You can't paint the walls of this city!" Delsin sighs. He misses his brother, but not his overly bureaucratic attitude. As he turns around and puts down the spray paint, he sees Korra who is looking a little stern. "Hey, there. Isn't art a form of self-expression? I'm building a masterpiece here, and it'll be my gift to the world."
"That's fair, but you're painting on public property. Unless you have a permit to do so, step away from graffiti." Korra was a little miffed. The graffiti looked cool, and it looked to be a dedication to a departed soul, but duty calls. Besides, it's just graffiti, not a murder or kidnapping. If he refuses, however, she can have her way.
"Who are you, the fun police? I'm not hurting anyone." It's like dear Reggie was still with him: being a pain and not letting him have his fun.
Korra smirked. "Fun? Oh, I'll show you fun." She got into a fighting stance. Hey, if you're having fun on the job, good for you, right? It's been a boring day of patrolling, so she's itching for entertainment.
1. As it turns out, she was nothing like Reggie. Korra firebends at Deals and catches him off guard. However, Delsin absorbs the smoke, unharmed. This causes Korra to look puzzled. "Wait, how did he- He barely moved." She then attempts to earthbend, summoning rising pillars, but Delsin smoke dashes away. "How did you do that?" Korra had never seen someone turn into smoke before. Maybe she should ask him how to do that.
2. "I'm a conduit. I mean, aren't you one?" Delsin starts to use Smoke Shot as he moves around, but they're easily dodged and dispersed with more earthbending. "I'm the Avatar, master of all the elements." "Is that right?" Delsin uses a smoke dash to sneak up on Korra from behind and tosses a Sulfur Bomb.
3. The Sulfur Bomb explodes, but Korra just rolls up to Delsin and engages him directly. Delsin tries to punch her and use his smoke-imbued chain, but all his attacks are evaded or blocked. Korra roughs up Delsin, punching him in the face, kneeing him in the stomach, etc. Delsin drops another Sulfur Bomb that leaves Korra coughing, and attempts to subdue her.
4. Korra bends away the ash and sulfur and launches Delsin into a building using waterbending. Delsin is able to recover and takes the high ground through a smoke vent. On the roof, he shoots a Cinder Missile. Korra is able to notice and puts out the Missile before it hits. "Wait, she didn't drain water." Come to think of it, she was able to use fire and then the cement beneath. Is her Conduit gene better than his? Korra starts to airbend projectiles and Delsins fires Smoke Shots (like Might Guy's Morning Peacock vs All Might's air punches). Korra then firebends her way to Delsin and delivers a powerful kick, sending him flying.
5. Delsin crashes onto another building, but drains the neon from the nearby signs. Noticing some injured civilians, Delsin starts to heal them, earning him Good Karma. As Korra rushes in, Delsin rushes her first due to his Neon Dash. "Wait, are you a Spiritbender!?" She's good up close, but it doesn't matter if she can't hit him. He strikes her with his chain, but Korra grabs it and uses a powerful earthbending punch on him. Delsin Neon Dashes away. "Oh, no you don't!" She knows that he has powerful ranged attacks, so she needs to be close to him. She gets on an air scooter and chases after him as she shoots air at him, chasing him to near a spirit portal.
6. Delsin is able to outrun Korra and fires a stasis bubble. Korra uses a firebending soccer kick on the bubble, punting it away. Delsin runs before he's hit with his own bubble (he doesn't seem to be affected by it in-game, however). He then rushes up to Korra who attempts to strike him, but he instead rushes past her and fires a phosphor beam, successfully hitting her and knocking her off balance, and successfully uses a stasis bubble. He attempts to obtain more powers, but he feels nothing. "What..? Then how..? You must not be a Prime Conduit." Korra gets back up in fiery fashion and Delsin employs hit-and-run tactics, firing phosphor and neon beam, but Korra is able to block with her bending. She then does Zuko's "breakdance" and catches Delsin off-guard.
7. Delsin quickly heals by absorbing video from a nearby TV. He then uses Video Torrent. Korra simply dodges and attempts to get in close, but Delsin strikes using his longsword, damaging Korra a fair amount. He then uses Bloodthirsty Blades. Korra dashes away, but is unable to avoid the blades, so she destroys one with a fireball, another by raising a stone wall, and the last one by creating an ice structure. Korra is then attacked by a... Is that a spirit!? Whatever it is, it has wings, metal plating, and is currently shooting a laser. Korra dodges and bends water and freezes the spirit, but it... Disappears into wisps of light... These are not like the spirits she knows, but she is then pushed and pinned to the ground by smaller swords. Delsin appears out of thin air. "How did you do that!?" "A friend lent me his powers, you could say." Ok, that is NOT how bending works. Using a combination of earth, wind, and fire, Korra frees herself by creating a crater underneath her, enters the Avatar State, and then bends the concrete around Delsin, encasing him in a shell, and bends him to her. He's a fire bender and a spirit bender, but he is not the Avatar.
8. Delsin absorbs the concrete before being fully encapsulated and does his boulder dash. He starts to engage Korra, but she is nimble enough to dodge. Korra then gets an idea and starts to make her way to the spirit portal. Delsin starts to climb on top of a building and does a Comet Drop, doing his pose on the Second Son cover art, and he starts to fire concrete shrapnel and a concrete barrage, but Korra instead redirects them. However, Korra gets a leg up and is able to use bending to get Delsin into the Spirit World and she enters.
9. In the Spirit World, Delsin is taken aback due to the colors and... weird animal things... He doesn't get to gawk for long as Korra makes her bombastic entrance. However, she firebends at Delsin who promptly absorbs the smoke, but he's starting to struggle and to get hurt so he smoke dashes away
10. Korra wins by overwhelming and overpowering Delsin. Since they are in the Spirit World, Korra becomes stronger, and in the Avatar State, she is in no need to wait for Delsin to exhaust himself. Even as he tries to distance himself and use his sulfur bombs and sulfur headshots, the Avatar is easily able to bend them away. She then is able to unleash a powerful bending attack that overwhelms Delsin and he blacks out, thinking of Reggie. After Korra finishes the job, she exits the Avatar State. "That was fun, but I'm sorry. I hope you find you and your departed family can reunite here". She then bows to her opponent. She's fiery and hotheaded, but she's still empathetic.
11. Delsin wins by being able to stall Korra and connect a successful attack. The fire is hurting him, but if he keeps his distance, all it serves is to fuel and heal him. He gets in a good sulfur headshot, briefly stunning Korra and leaving her coughing again. He then tosses another sulfur bomb, leaving Korra coughing more. He then does his Orbital Drop, but as he reaches the apex, Korra bends away the smoke and then launches herself, attempting one last attack. They meet halfway, and after a noticeable explosion, both are left on the ground, Delsin tired, and Korra dead. Korra, in her last moments, apologizes to her friends and family for being able to say goodbye. Delsin recollects himself, and upon returning to the Human World, finishes his graffiti of Reggie. However, we see him painting another mural, and he says "Say hi to my brother for me". He then turns to leave, and we see a mural of Korra, reading "Dedicated to the Avatar."
Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Physically stronger and more durable.
+ More experienced.
+ Has superior training.
+ Easier access to her elemental manipulation.
= Firebending and Earthbending fuel Delsin, but Smoke and Concreted are easily negated.
- Energybending cannot negate the Conduit Gene.
- Energybending cannot manipulate Video or Neon.
- Is vulnerable to suffocation. When she was poisoned as she was. suffocating, the Avatar State only held off the poison and not the suffocation.
- Can be immobilized via the stasis.
Delsin Rowe:
+ Can heal from firebending and earthbending.
+ Has a healing factor.
+ Is likely faster with Neon.
+ Neon allows for fast attacks, and the stasis bubbles are immobilizing.
+ Infamous Delsin has easy access to instant kill options.
= Firebending and Earthbending fuel him, but Smoke and Concrete attacks are negated.
- Untrained in physical combat.
- Physically far weaker and faster. Is also slower without Neon or Video.
- Is not immune to fire when using smoke or to earth when using concrete.
- Cannot access all his elements at will.
- Draining a power source leaves him vulnerable.
- There's no evidence to say that he can resist being immobilized by being surrounded/encased in concrete like he did to Augustine.
- Cannot obtain bending powers as they are spiritual and not genetic. Even then, he'd need Core Relays and blast shards to be able to get any use of his newfound abilities and to be able to absorb any other element.
Ending puns:
"The Avatar's victory was elemental."
"Delsin got a concrete victory."
Name: "Four Infamous Elements"
The title makes reference to both combatants' abilities to manipulate four elements or states of matter as well as the inFamous game series' name. Brandon Yates used Second Legends for his commissioned track, so I cannot use it.
Art: The art would depict Delsin's chain forming a circle imbued with Raava. One half would have Korra's elements spiraling outwards. The other half would have Delsin's elements spiraling inward, forming a Yin Yang. The center of the circle would have a gene symbol like that of the Second Son power skill tree on the side of Korra's elements and the symbol of Raava on the side of Delsin's elements.
Sound: the start of the music is that of the Second Son main theme and it plays during the initial confrontation. The music is kicked up a notch when Korra first attacks, where the sound shifts to be more Avatar-centered, but with some hip-hop elements, and even has parts and bits that sound like Second Legends as a callback, much like Final Formersr referenced Deceptive Tyrants. As the battle gets closer to its climax, the sound is that of the main theme of Avatar, but with a mix of Asian instruments and rock instrumentation.
Holy cow, I love doing this one! Especially imagining the track and its art due to the possibilities of symbolism.
Ooh, another interesting match-up! Although, to be honest, I already have my doubts as to how this plays out. Great fight idea, though!
Honestly, the Avatar fights have been kinda meh in Death Battle, usually because they've all been so one-sided (except for the first, Toph v Gaara).
I really like the premise of the fight and how it plays out. Unfortunately, I gotta give it to Korra here for one reason; resource. Korra can bend anything from anywhere with little limit on where. Delsin, however, has very specific sources from which he can draw his power, such as his concrete abilities can only be drawn from conduit enforcers gifted with the same powers.
Still, though, it would be a pretty neat fight.
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mizziix · 1 year
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@bedofherteeth​ Tch... you’ve activated my trap card. You absolute fool.
Putting this under a readmore just in case it gets long, because I’m on PC now and can do that!
For those that missed it, this is Andrei Nichols, 7th Generation Lasombra Elder who has no idea that’s what he is.
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For some further context, the game that he’s in is a straight up ERP game. Some people in the game treat it exactly like that, a chance to just have some of their powerful OC’s meet and bang like you’re browsing Meet’N’Fuck games. More power to them, but me and my friends in the server are what’s known as slightly insane. 
Within this game, one of the first scenes he did was, well technically the first one was meet’n’fuck a vampire milf, milfpire if you will. This is an ERP game. However, at every opportunity the fact has been emphasized that he is creepy. He lives in a completely abandoned, dilapidated apartment building. It’s always cold there, and no matter how many people you enter with it always feels like you are hauntingly alone. Everything is watching you even though nothing is there. It has managed to unnerve other vampires and even seasoned mages, one of which I’ll explain later he’s important. The other vital element here is that, again, Andrei is aware of exactly none of it. He is confused why more people don’t visit unless invited, he doesn’t know why he doesn’t have neighbors, and it’s actually left vague if he’s even paying rent to a landlord or he just thinks he does. He’s called the plumber about the fact that his shower doesn’t spray water but instead the cold black nothingness of the Abyss, but they didn’t show up. Eventually he stopped calling as, well, it cleans him well enough. All of his clothes and towels in the room kept getting stained with old, rotting black blood though, so he’s learned to just leave all cloth outside of the room while he’s showering. You get used to it.
He also collects things, just idly. At the recommendation of the aforementioned milfpire and the soon to be mentioned Mage he’s begun to spice up his rather drab apartment. So, he has a few pretty flags up, he’s strung up some lights, and over most surfaces he has various nicknacks scattered around. Cool things he’s gathered in the city, more than one of these are magical artifacts. However, he’s not a Tremere nor a Wizard, so he has no idea. You might be noticing a theme here.
Also Playstation games! He collects old Playstation games, the good and especially the bad.
The most important interactions he has so far are with two mages, one played by my boyfriend and the other played by @bloodtreachery​, the Hermetic mage Adeptus Maior Artixano le Bateleur bani Criamon, Entertainer of the Ephemeral, Storyteller of the Elemental Cycles, Wanderer of the Nine Worlds, and Tapestry of Tales Yet to Be Told. Andrei just calls him Artixano, or Artie. The long and short of it is that these two are coworkers, have been for years at this point. They work at the magical femboy hooters mentioned in my last post, a free use tea house run by my boyfriend’s character. It’s a wild ride.
Artixano came by to Andrei’s place to chat, hang out, play some games, and deliver some gifts. They ended up playing Crash Bash Haberdash, a hat based cart racing game that absolutely sucked. So they stopped doing that, and through some flirting Artixano got Andrei to play dress up for him, modeling some clothes he had bought. This server being what it is, after Andrei stripped he didn’t make it to the first dress before they were making out.
This is where I have to re-emphasize something.
Even if he’s not aware of his past, Andrei is still a Lasombra elder on the Road of Kings. From the START, the MOMENT he was out of his clothes he was scheming on how to defeat Artixano in a battle of seduction. What does that mean? How does that even work? You obviously don’t understand.
For the sake of everyone I will refrain from recounting the details, but safe to say Artixano did pick up on the invisible battle of wits and dicks going on here, once he started teasing Andrei and Andrei started to fight back it was on. 
The rest of the scene was the most calculated sex scene either of us had ever written, it wasn’t about having fun (even though it was) it was a chess match of planning, maneuvering, and outplaying your opponent. The entire time we were joking that L’s theme from Death Note was playing in both of their heads even though neither of them had said that this was actually a challenge. There were Dune levels of Machiavellian plans within plans within plans going on while these two were having anal sex.
It all ended with one of them winning. It was never stated who won. They will forever disagree on the conclusion.
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goatsandgangsters · 2 years
shadow and bone episode 7: suddenly the kudos emails I’ve been getting from ao3 make a lot of sense
also you know what was NOT on my bingo card for this season? getting CONTENT for my TINY LITTLE RAREPAIR DOMINIKOLAI HEART?? 
previous liveblogs should you require more thoughts yelling flailing etc
……okay one more belated comment on episode 6, because I was so floored by the existence of dominik and the intense homoerotic eye contact that I forgot to process dominik calling young nikolai a “quiet wisp.” dominik. dominik he has undiagnosed adhd. they hired you as a whipping boy because it was the only way they could think to make him sit still or shut up dominik. dominik he merrily chattered your ear off for your entire childhood dominik. he recreationally caused explosions with you dominik.
OKAY! HOLD ON! THAT INTRO! A BODY OF WATER BEING FROZEN AROUND A ROCK??????? HAVE MY DEMON IN THE WOOD PRAYERS BEEN ANSWERED? DID I JUST NEED TO BE PATIENT??????????? are we perhaps going to tie the destruction of Keramzin into his own childhood trauma, thus linking together these two events as a loss of innocence and commentary on the cycles of violence wrought from the desperation Ravka creates? is that too much to hope for?
“The tracker is not to be touched by anyone other than me” oh is THAT why my ao3 email every day has a SIZABLE CHUNK of kudos on my Malarkling fic? I’ve been wondering at that one getting more attention than I expected, I really didn’t think it was gonna have much readership
I really like the costume design for his grisha, the richer gem tones are really nice
I knew I’d have to see it based on the episode title, but oh my godddddd do I really need to see this flashback again? it was in THE FIRST FOUR EPISODES of season 1! every single episode! burn it down aleks I have seen this meadow way too many goddamn times
OH OKAY. MALARKLING TETHER SCENE????????? I understand the kudos emails, I understand the kudos emails. “I knew there was something I liked about you,” he said, like a liar. or maybe he’s not lying, we all saw that electricity in season 1. oh my god. the wheezy fucking laugh of disbelief I just made. “DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT YOU’RE THE ONE IN CONTROL HERE”???????? I understand why I’m getting so many kudos now on my kinky Malarkling smut, I understand it.
Ben, I think this is more than 10 book lines you squeezed in. anyway, “you have a bad habit of acting the fool and calling it heroic” IS an underrated book line, thank you Ben for your service and your post-it note covered books and your list of favorite quotes
like obviously we know his prime motivation is not wanting alina to have enough power to tear down the fold, but I DO actually like that he’s arguing from the angle of “what’s going to happen to her without you” because. like. yeah. it’s good, it’s that thing he does where even when he’s arguing for his own ends, he’s NOT WRONG about what he’s saying. he’s using something totally true to make his point. he knows exactly what losing someone important will do to a person. let’s revisit those mal luda parallels we were making in season 1 with this new content/context
I really just don’t know why, of all the people on this show, Archie and Ben have more sexual tension than any other pair of characters. none of the canon ships can hold a candle to …. whatever these two are doing anytime they’re on screen together
RETROACTIVE PREFACE TO THIS BULLET POINT: I wrote this whole spiel about Appreciating The Ambiguity Of Nikolai and Alina’s Relationship, only for that to immediately dissolve a scene later, BUT WHATEVER, HERE WERE MY FEELINGS: I’m really pleased by how they’re doing Nikolai and Alina’s relationship this season. I love that the exact nature of their dynamic is sort of open to interpretation with what/if there are Feelings Feelings, but the trust and warmth and genuine friendship between them is still palpable. like, I have A LOT of feelings about these two and I’m in the “queerplatonic soulmate” camp with them, the “love has many forms and sometimes love is stronger if it’s not romantic” camp, but in a very adamant THAT ISN’T LESSER THAN IF I SHIPPED IT ROMANTICALLY way, like I am DEEPLY FEELINGS about them, because I think they see through each other and understand each other intrinsically. they’re both characters who have been given A Role To Play as a figurehead and I think that when they’re together that’s the one space where they can set those roles aside and find comfort with the only one who really understands the weight of Being A Figurehead (and I think too much emphasis on romantic pining would get in the way of allowing them that vulnerability with each other, and I like The Vulnerability Space more than I like Romance). I’ve never Queerplatonically Shipped something this passionately, but god I have feelings in my hEART about them!! and I like that canon sort of…. lets you go shippy if you want to go shippy, and it lets me go Queerplatonic Soulmate because I want to go Queerplatonic Soulmate
me, writing an entire paragraph about how I like that the show kept the nikolina relationship ambiguous. dominik, five seconds later: sO THOSE ROMANTIC FEELINGS YOU HAVE. me: god fucking dammit. you two, kiss instead. it’s time to make nikolai lantsov canonically bisexual. the people have waited long enough.
okay well as long as I’m paused to tell you My Many Many Headcanons About The Delicate Ambiguity of Nikolai’s Love Life: despite me yelling KISS, my actual default interpretation of Dominikolai is not childhood sweethearts but that there was either a) pining that never got acted on, and then it was too late, or b) nikolai not even realizing until he’s older and dominik’s long dead that in retrospect, Those Were Feelings, bc I think that’s a very first queer love mood. anyway, I will be choosing to interpret dominik asking after alina as being infused with some jealousy, because poor dominik has been quietly carrying a torch for Years  
DOMINIK IS CLEARLY IN LOVE WITH HIM, LOOK AT THIS EXCHANGE. “a king who won’t shut up.” feelings about it, thank you!! much as I have fun with nikolai’s self-aggrandizing humor, I do love that the self-aggrandizement is covering for his very self-deprecating inner monologue
Mal fixing the thing that’s clanking by retying the rope is SUCH a good quiet character moment, it’s the kind of quiet character moment I love, it’s one of those small little actions with a character alone that tells you so much about them, I LOVE THAT WE’RE TAKING MORE TIME FOR QUIET CHARACTER MOMENTS THIS SEASON, I LOVE THAT DESPITE DOING THREE ENTIRE BOOKS WE’RE GIVING THE STORY MORE BREATHING ROOM
this long shot of mal’s face while hugging nikolai has got me like ;____; ARCHIE IS REALLY GOOD, he’s doing “man heading willingly to the gallows” SO fucking well!!!!!
“then I met you and for the very first time I thought this is the life”? oh, we’re even feeding the malolais this episode (malolai? is that accurate? sounds better than nikmal). crumbs for ALL the multishippers of Ravka!
nikolai’s face like “iiiiiiiii also envy Sturmhond’s life. oh god, mY PATH IS ALSO SET. OH GOD.” you can watch in real-time as Mal’s talking that Nikolai is having a whole-ass realization that he’s actually king now oh god
THE “DESERVE HER” HITTIN REAL HARD NOW THAT I ACTUALLY LIKE MAL. god, I will say, “you can’t win unless you kill your love personally” is one HELL of a fucking trope. that is narratively delicious. that is juicy as fuck. but the question remains: do we actually follow through on this emotional set up? or will it all be a convenient bait and switch? Will We Be Brave Enough To Stick To Our Narrative Stakes?
David is So Fucking Cute
oh don’t stop his heart for two minutes, that’s CHEATING! it’s ALWAYS BEEN CHEATING! if you set up emotional stakes and then TAKE A SHORTCUT AROUND THEM, you are SHORT-CHANGING THE WEIGHT OF YOUR OWN NARRATIVE!
“SO WHAT SHOULD WE AMPUTATE” oh david. you’re iconic.
hm. turning Epilogue Narration into Dialogue. that’s Suspicious. are we….. are we perhaps………. making the brave writing choice?
god there are truly SO MANY book lines in this season, WAY MORE than season 1. it’s making me glad I have as good a memory as I do for Sentences. because I’m constantly like AYYY THAT LINE. AAYY!! THAT LINE!!!! AYYYYYYY THAT LINE!!!!!!
my boy my beautiful boy my beautiful perfect boy, I love him so much
also are we gonna have time to volcrafy him? is that coming soon?
“that your religion would deny you satisfaction” “there is other satisfaction” and on that day pekkathias was born and everyone felt confused about it
“HOW MUCH DO YOU NEED” kjshdfgkjhfdg god Archie’s comedic timing / dark humor is SO good this season
“fOR REAL NOW” how is this scene simultaneously so funny and so Deeply Uncomfortably Emotional
Dominik helping an injured Nikolai along :3333333
YOU KNOW, WHEN I WOKE UP THIS MORNING, “DOMINIKOLAI CONTENT” WAS NOT SOMETHING I EXPECTED I’D BE EXPERIENCING. DID NOT SEE THAT ONE COMING. I know Nikolai mentioned a Dominik a couple episodes ago but I was like “don’t put your clown shoes on, it’s just a guy with the same name” but for once! for ONCE! the shoes were not clown shoes. and here I thought I was gonna have to use that guy from the WWI period drama Paddy did in order to make a very niche Dominikolai gifset. NOPE, I CAN JUST GIF THE GODDAMN SHOW! insane! this is insane to me!
Vladim having an amplifier tattoo instead of bone is a really cool concept
also cool concepts: 1. expanding the fold to cover your battleground, THAT IS A FUCKING STAKE THAT YOU ARE RAISING, I’m extremely excited about it 2. the nichevo’ya popping up and grabbing the volcra by the throat, I love it. this escalation is exciting as hell.
that now that was an ENTRANCE Inej!!!
“BIG FAN” I love Nina
“NO NO NO NO NO! NO HEROICS!” have you ever seen a man more in love than Dominik I-didn’t-catch-whatever-last-name-the-show-gave-him?
TAMAR AND NIKOLAI HUG!!!! one of my beefs with the later books is that there’s not enough…. friendship between Nikolai and the twins. BUT THERE SHOULD BE. THEY HAVE A LOT OF HISTORY.
Zhaban siblings Squalling together with each of them having only one good arm is Really Good, and I might have to finally forgive Adrik for the crime of being super annoying in King of Scars
Dominikolai shooting together is Really Good, and I don’t know what crime it’s going to make me forgive, but I’ll find one and assign that as my recompense. lack of Oncat, maybe.
me every single time Dominik does Literally Anything in this fight sequence: no don’t be a hero, you’ve already been doomed by the narrative from the start!!!! I know I’m going to watch you die in Nikolai’s arms, I just don’t know WHEN
has anyone in the history of storytelling ever said “cover me” in a heterosexual way? I Think Not
watching Lewis Tan do stunts is EXACTLY as beautiful as I’ve heard. he really does have a beautiful fluid way of moving
if you’d allow me to put on my literary analysis hat for a moment, I will say that I do think it’s thematically more important that Dominik was originally killed on the Fjerdan front, because it taught Nikolai the ordinary everyday ongoing horrors of Ravka, and the casual violence and loss of life that everyone is subjected to. It’s important that Dominik represents the “every man” killed in the mud and bleeding in the snow, as so many have. That he was just one more death of many—on a regular day, in a regular war, not even particularly noteworthy except to the one person who cared about him—in an endless and ongoing war that treated the entire country as cannon fodder. if you’d allow me to take off my literary analysis hat for a moment, I will say I CANNOT BELIEVE I GOT A MINI-DOMINIKOLAI ARC ON MY ACTUAL TV SCREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you’d allow me to put on my literary analysis hat for a moment, I will say that I do think it’s thematically more important that David was originally killed BY FJERDAN BOMBERS, THUS DEMONSTRATING THE SENSELESS ONGOING VIOLENCE OF RAVKA’S WARS—
I am actually going to give props for the camera lingering on Enemy Inferni dying and the other two being gutted about it. most things don’t usually show The Bad Guys mourning their losses, I am going to give a point for that
okay Jesper taking Sankta Neyar’s advice and using his buttons as bullets is Very Good
alright well Dominik’s dead, time to shift into Kazolai mode
augghhhh Nikolai casting that finally look at where Dominik’s lying as they leave, even though he’s out of frame of the camera
we don’t have a lot of time left in this episode, are we going to follow up on the very Demon in the Wood intro sequence, or have I been BAITED AGAIN. hAVE I BEEN DECEIVED. LIED TO. TRICKED. are we not doing that thing I said about the loss of innocence and the cycles of violence, because like, I had a point with that. they need to listen to me, because I have POINTS about THEMES and how to dO STUFF WITH THEM
The visuals on the firebird light streams is VERY good with the red and the wing-like formations
oh god the silence on the end credits oH GOD
anyway, that was some genuinely incredible extended fight choreography that didn’t skimp on the emotional moments in favor of the action, I had a good time
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midwestbramble · 22 days
Harvest New Moon
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The lunar cycle, for me, starts with the new moon (sometimes referred to as the dark moon). This is a time for looking inward, cleansing, banishing, and divination. With this new moon being the beginning of the Harvest moon cycle (the full moon closest to the autumn equinox is called the harvest moon) and it's being in Virgo, there are specific activities I add to my ritual routine.
New Moon in Virgo
The Ancestors
The Harvest
New Moon in Virgo
Astrologically, the new moon is when the moon is conjunct the sun in a way that there is no light reflecting off it. This lunar cycle will be all about getting your life in order. The practical Virgo makes this moon a great time for analyzing and untangling the tangible parts of our lives.
The day of is a big cleaning day. I use magical cleaners I make and wipe down the whole house. I take energetic stock of the space and do any additional cleansings as needed or banishings as needed. My altars and shrines all get taken down and wiped clean before being put back together, burning an autumn incense to bring in those working energies and changing out the card for the lunation. Checking my wards and re-establishing any as needed is next.
My bullet journal goes by lunar cycle instead of months. Once the lunar cycle is over, I reflect on what has passed. I make note of any important dreams, spells done and results, celebrations held, goals accomplished, and general high lights. Then I move on to the next lunar cycle.
The first thing I do is look at the lunation chart for this cycle. How it compares to my natal chart can tell me how the energies for this cycle will affect me specifically. Then I pull an oracle card to represent these energies and give advice. This cycle I’m working with the Seasons of the Witch: Mabon oracle. And based on these energies set my plans. The rest of the journal is set up with a calendar, a page to plan for the full moon, a page for any celebrations I need to plan for, a page for a dream journal, a page for tarot readings, and then my first weekly and daily. The oracle card doubles as a theme for the lunation cycle.
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The Ancestors
That night, I focus on the ancestors. Their altar/shrine was cleared and cleaned during the day. Now I refresh their water and light a candle. This is when I update them on any goings on in the family and the plans I have for the new cycle, thank them for any wisdom or interference they may have had in my life. Sometimes they talk back, sometimes they just listen. The harvest moon cycle, I give them an extra offering: something I've harvested from the garden. Almost all of them at least had a garden, if they weren't farmers of some kind or another.
The Harvest
This is the lunar cycle I have the most to harvest and preserve in and out of the garden. Throughout the cycle I will be going in and out of bringing in fruits and vegetables, watching over the fall garden sprouts, and composting in place the ones that are done for the season. Each year the garden teaches me a little bit more about the land, and I like to think the land learns a little bit more about me.
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-the end of season garden not looking its freshest-
The new moon, for me, is really about preparing for the next seasonal energies, the spirits that are more active during certain times of year, and the goals my family and I have set for ourselves.
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ivaindia258 · 29 days
What is Vedic Astrology, and How Does It Differ from Western Astrology? 
For centuries, astrology has fascinated people with its predictions about personality characteristics, destiny, and the world's essence. There are two main categories that individuals participate in: Vedic and Western astrology systems. Each system has its own unique background and operating system. Let's now dive into the realm of Vedic astrology and understand its distinctions from Western astrology.
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Getting familiar with Vedic Astrology 
The origins of Jyotish or Hindu astrology, which is also known as Vedic astrology, can be traced back to ancient India. It was featured in the Vedas, which are the oldest sacred texts in Hinduism. It has been in existence for over five thousand years. The term "Jyotish" in Sanskrit directly translates to "science of light," signifying how it deals with the impact of celestial bodies on individuals. 
Vedic astrology's main belief is that our destinies, life journeys, and characteristics can be unveiled at the time of our birth by examining how planets and stars are positioned and moving. The constellation positions are determined by the sidereal zodiac system on which this system is founded. It considers the precession of the equinoxes, which is a slow change in the Earth's axis' position. Due to this, the zodiac signs in Vedic and Western astrology often have conflicting interpretations.
Essentials of Vedic Astrology
1. Nakshatras: According to Vedic astrology, there are 27 nakshatras, or lunar mansions, in the sky. Each nakshatra has distinct traits and effects that enhance an individual's astrological profile to a higher degree. 
2. Dashas: The foundation of Vedic astrology is a system of dashas, or planetary periods, which function at certain points in a person's life. For instance, the Vimshottari Dasha cycle lasts 120 years, during which time each planet has a certain rule. 
3. Ascendant (Lagna): The ascendant, also known as a person's rising sign, is the most important astrological position in Vedic astrology. It alludes to the sign that is rising on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth, and its location has a significant impact on a person's personality and course in life. 
4. Houses and Planets: The 12-house system used in Vedic astrology is comparable to the houses in Western astrology. Nonetheless, they are associated with a variety of connotations and significance. Each of these residences stands for a different facet of life. Various life events are highlighted by the different positions of the planets in these houses.
Understanding Western Astrology 
Western astrology is an ancient Babylonian tradition influenced by Greek and Roman practices of astrology. It uses essentially a tropical zodiac based upon the seasons and the Earth's orbit around the Sun, with no allowance for sidereal precession of the equinoxes. The basic presumption in this system is that the positions of celestial bodies corresponding to the zodiac are fixed with reference to the season and do not vary with respect to the stars. 
Key Elements of Western Astrology
1. Sun Sign: One of the most emphasized aspects in western astrology is the Sun sign, determined by one's Sun position at birth. It represents a person's central identity or personality. 
2. Houses and Aspects: Similar to Vedic Astrology, houses are computed using the 12-house system, which symbolizes different life affairs. Aspects are considered important and concern the angles that naturally exist between planets. These aspects are helpful in interpreting astrological charts and hence, obviously relate the relationships or relationships and the influence of celestial bodies upon one another. 
3. Elements and Modalities: There are four elements—Fire, Earth, Air, and Water—and three modalities—Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable—which the 12 signs of the zodiac fall into. These classifications help to understand better the essential nature and behavior associated with each sign.
Major Differences Between Vedic and Western Astrology 
1. Zodiac Systems: Of all the variations, the zodiac system is the most noticeable. Whereas Western astrology bases its tropical zodiac on the Earth's orbit around the Sun, Vedic astrology utilizes a sidereal zodiac based on fixed stars. The sidereal and tropical systems have differed in displacement by roughly 23 degrees, which means that an individual's Sun sign in Western astrology may differ from their Vedic astrological sign. 
2. Focus and Emphasis: According to Vedic Astrology, the Moon sign and Ascendant are of premier importance in reading the Mind and Body of a person. In most cases, though, Western astrology lays more emphasis on the Sun sign in projecting the essential nature of an individual. 
3. Predictive Techniques: Using dashas in Vedic astrology to predict life events is one of the greatest features of this system and makes it quite different from Western astrology, which basically works on transits and progressions. This system of dashas gives minute detail of planetary influences throughout one's life.
4. Philosophical Foundations: Vedic Astrology is so closely allied with Hindu philosophy and spirituality that it makes ample use of concepts such as karma and reincarnation; basically, Western astrology, also born from mysticism, tending towards more modern times, begins to lean more towards psychological and personality analysis. 
Vedic and Western astrology have intriguing input into the cosmic influences in our lives. Both, in their own way, bring forward a different approach and wisdom. From the ancient, spiritual origins of Vedic astrology to seasonally based and personality-oriented Western astrology, researching these systems will help you to find deeper understanding and direction. These two astrological traditions let us know, when looking up at the stars, that the cosmos and our individual journeys are really interconnected in complex and beautiful ways.
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northgateways1 · 5 months
Hunza, the other name of Kanjut, is located in the gilgit baltistan region of Pakistan that is northern side of Pakistan. Have you ever experienced the visit to hunza valley in your life?. if not, you are missing the major part of your life. Hunza valley, the most beautiful spot in Gilgit Baltistan Pakistan and also opposite to Nagar valley. You will always find hunza valley at the top list of amazing destinations in Pakistan tours. Tourist really likes the vibe of hunza valley. Although hunza is not a very modern equipped valley, it is very close to its old cultures and norms, but still it has always the perfect spot of tourism for tourists.
Hunza valley is located in the core heart of huge mountain ranges of karakoram. Hunza valley is the perfect destination for the people who wants all in one facility,wants to enjoy the adventure during their trip while having he beautiful sights. Hunza valley tour packages are the most valuable packages in whole Pakistan. Even people from abroad avail these packages and experience the beautiful valley of Pakistan. Having a trip to any place is always a best thing to do but having a trip with beautiful meadows, huge mountains, hearing the sounds of splashing water from the rocks,is the most amazingly managed trip you will ever imagine in your life. And this kind of tour will be given to you by North gateway. We bring you the most fantastic hunza tour packages of 2024. that will include all the tourism spots in hunza valley along with the other facilities.
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You don’t have to worry about any other thing, like you can get 1 week tour if you want also you will get just 1 day tour. We have given many options to tourist, they can choose with their own choices. Even you will get specific  destination tour in hunza valley like 1 day trip to nanga parbat base camp. Now lets see what are the top tour packages of hunza valley 2024.
Table of Content
Brief introduction
Valuable packages of hunza valley
Fantastic hunza tour packages by north gateway
Top tour packages of hunza valley
Why chooses hunza valley package
Weather condition in hunza valley
Top attractions of hunza valley
Things to do in hunza valley
Hundreds of hunza valley tour packages are available in internet either from Lahore, Karachi , Islamabad or any other city. All the packages comes with different destinations or different facilities. Even when you google hunza valley tour packages you will also get season wise tour packages like autumn hunza valley tour package, winter hunza valley tour package. All those packages have their own specification and importance. Lets get to the top tour packages of hunza valley 2024:
This tour package will be of about 3 days with the cost of Rs.   Per person. In this package different adventurous sites will be includes like karakoram range , glaciers. Even they will give you the chance to do different thrilling activities like
Exploring the back streets of hunza valley through cycle
Climbing the stairs of ondara poygah
Crossing the most dangerous Hussaini bridge
Going for a hike on huge rocky mountains of hunza valley
Along with all these you will get many other facilities like rent a car, accommodation service free of cost food, free photography by professionals and some of other basic facilities for trip.
This is the most important tour package. Everyone wants to enjoy the beauty of hunza valley with their families or friends. And we have given you the opportunity to get the most comfortable tour to hunza with your family in very reasonable price in Family tour package to hunza.
Also north gateways team will always make sure to make your family trip monumental. You will be given all the traditional food of hunza valley to give your tongue a new taste that will be unforgettable. Different fun activities will be done by the family to enjoy their time in beautiful valley of Kashmir.
These packages are little bit expensive but they are the most lovable packages of 2024. as in these packages tourist will add the destinations of their choice. In fact this whole package will include all the places, food, activities chosen by the tourist.
Customizable hunza valley tour packages 2024 will be of 8 days package with all the facilities in good manner. This package will cost a person Rs.  
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This is the smallest tour package in which you will only have 1 day to spend in hunza valley. But north gateways will make sure that you see every possible sight of hunza valley that will make you come again in the beautiful lush green meadows of hunza valley.
1 day hunza tour package of one person will cost you about Rs.
In hunza valley, you will get to see the giant mountain ranges of karakoram. Although you will get the sight of it in all the packages of hunza valley. But this specific package will be alone for karakoram mountain ranges. In this you will get the chance to go close t karakoram ranges and feel the heavy rocks of mountain ranges. Even it will be the possibility that you will get the chance to hike through karakoram mountain range. This will be short trip of 1- 2 days that will cost a person about Rs. 
You will get many by road hunza valley tour packages, but have also another facility of by air hunza valley. Though this package will be little bit costly but it will include the journey from your home doorstep to your home doorstep. Even air tickets will be included in the package. You will get the most amazing chance to see the beauty of Kashmir from above it. People dies to get this chance. You will get PIA service from Karachi Lahore or Islamabad.
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Hunza valley is also the favorite spot for newly wed couples because of its scenic nature. Hunza valley is one of the best spot to spend  most beautiful time of your life with your life. Everything in this package will be arranged according to couples, you will get your privacy or also you can do different activities with your partner like boating, eye sighting, trying delicious food of hunza valley, getting their cultural dresses and jewellery.
Hunza valley is a famous tourist destination in Pakistan. People from other countries visit this place because of its beautiful lands that are covered with lush meadows in summers and it will be a whole different valley in winters, completely covered with the packs of ice or snow. Hunza tour packages are most famous among tourist because of :
Scenic land
Nature vibes
Cultural richness
Unique lakes
Festivals in hunza
For better photography
To get relax
Amazing hospitality
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In the days of shiny sun, July to august, tourist might experience the smooth weather in hunza valley of gilgit baltistan. The shiny rays  from sun striking the huge rocks and refracting on the water of lakes will let you see the whole new world lies in the small valley of gilgit baltistan.
If we talk about the icy weather of hunza valley, December to February. These months will allow you to get the captivating chilly vibe of hunza valley. Temperature condition lies from -10 degrees to -5 degrees in winters that will turn the whole valley into land of ice.
You will get the whole detail about the attractions in hunza valley in top places to visit in hunza valley or you can also search tour packages to hunza valley 2024. let me tell you briefly about the places that requires a must visit.
Passu cones (Passu glaciers)
Hussaini bridge;2
Shimshal valley
Attabad lake
 eagles nest
Baltit fort
Get a tour of Altit baltit fort ( historical icon of hunza valley will tell you more antique history of hunza valley)
Never miss out the delicious mouth watering dishes of hunza valley
Get a cycle ride (explore the valley through back streets on cycle ride)
See the wild life of hunza valley ( hunza villages or kunjerab national park will give you the sight of different animals)
Hussaini bridge (don’t forget to cross the Hussaini bridge and take a dangerous risk of your life)
Paddling or boating in borith lake
Trekking on the peaks of mountains
Top hunza valley tour packages 2024 is here with many categories, you can get one of your choice. In all the packages you will get all facilities like accommodation, food, internet service and other basic services. Hunza valley is considered as the heaven on earth and who does not want to see the heaven while living their life. Although the place is very easy to go but still if you are not fully prepared, you might face different issues. So it is best to first check the complete tour guide to hunza valley.
What are the routes from islambad to hunza valley?
You have two options from islambad to hunza valley:
Islamabad- abbottabad- mansehra- naran- chilas- gilgit - hunza
The other one is:
Islamabad- mardan- swat- chitral- gilgit- hunza
How long it will take to reach hunza valley from Lahore?
 Lahore to hunza valley, it will take about 20-22 hours. And by air it will take almost 11 hours.
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fairwaygolfservicesfl · 9 months
Do You Need To Purchase New Golf Cart Batteries In The Villages?
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Residents of The Villages, Florida utilize golf carts more than cars.
Most can’t do without their beloved cart and will do anything to keep them looking good and running well.
But what about golf cart batteries? Where do you get them? How expensive are they? And how long do they last?
Keep reading.
If your golf cart is electric, you’re well aware that the batteries are very important.
Because golf cart batteries can be costly, they are the thing that our electric cart customers who buy a used cart from us are most concerned about.
But Like anything else, knowledge is power. The more you know about golf cart batteries, the easier it is to make an informed purchase when it is time to replace your old batteries.
Customers frequently ask if electric carts are more expensive to own and maintain than gas carts.
No, is the quick response.
When we compare the cost of batteries for an electric cart over the course of their lives, to the cost of filling up with gas (especially) these days and maintaining a gas-powered cart, the expenses are surprisingly similar.
Electric golf carts have several advantages also, including the fact that they are noiseless (essential for use at many country clubs), that they deliver instant torque, that they do not require the replacement of gasoline, oil, or fuel filters, and that they do not smell (great for indoor facility use).
What Golf Cart Batteries Are The Best? Trojan Golf Cart Batteries is the industry standard brand for lead-acid golf cart batteries.
Trojan batteries are used in all Club Car, EZGO, and Yamaha golf carts right out of the box!
These OEM cart brands have tried and tested battery types from every battery manufacturer on the market, and they consistently chose Trojan.
Trojan Battery Company, situated in the United States, was founded in 1925 and has grown to become the world’s top manufacturer of deep-cycle Solar and Motive batteries.
Trojan has impacted the world of deep-cycle battery technology with a wide choice of flooded, AGM, Gel, and lithium batteries, as well as nearly a century of manufacturing experience.
However, there is a new kid on the block
Lithium Golf Cart Batteries are becoming very popular in The Villages. Allied Lithium, Relion, ROYPOW, and Samsung are the best Lithium-Ion golf cart battery brands.
Lithium Golf Cart Batteries have seen the most rapid growth in the golf cart battery industry in recent years.
This is evident by the fact that Lithium-ion Batteries are now standard on practically all EZ-GO and Club Car carts.
Lithium is now considered to be the best power solution for golf carts, and it is quite possible that in the near future, all carts will be powered by lithium batteries.
Lithium batteries for golf carts are not the same as those used in cell phones and other small gadgets.
The Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFeO4) batteries used in golf carts are one of the most reliable and long-lasting on the market.
Fairway Golf Car Mobile Services is a certified golf cart battery dealer in The Villages and can offer you lower rates than you will find elsewhere on Lead-Acid batteries and Lithium batteries.
How Long Do Golf Cart Batteries Last? This is a question we get a lot at Fairway Golf Car Mobile Services. Unfortunately, it is impossible to give a definitive answer to.
So the safe answer is, “it depends on how you take care of them”.
Deep cycle battery packs, require some basic maintenance, such as checking and filling proper water levels and ensuring that the battery pack is always completely charged and never depleted (plugging it in after each use or a round of golf).
Aside from maintenance measures, usage is the next most important aspect that affects the life of your golf cart batteries.
In comparison to a golf cart owned by a private user, battery packs in golf course fleet applications are used much more frequently.
During peak seasons, fleet carts are used for 2-3 rounds of golf per day, whereas private carts are used for 3-5 rounds per week (sometimes more depending on the number of golfers using the cart).
All things considered, well maintained battery packs in fleet carts typically last 4-6 years, whereas individual owners often get 6-10 years out of theirs.
The sort of options on the cart that may enhance the draw from the battery pack are also important considerations. Options like headlights and taillights can have a significant impact on the overall life span.
If you reside in a golf course community like The Villages and drive to and from the golf course, this has a significant impact on the battery pack.
The age of your Trojan deep cycle battery can always be determined by glancing at the two digits on the negative post of the battery.
The letter denotes the month of manufacture (A=January, B=February, C=March…), whereas the number denotes the year of manufacture (9=2009, 0=2010, 1=2011…).
How Much Do Golf Cart Batteries Cost? The average cost of a golf cart battery replacement will be between $800 and $1,500.
It could possibly be in the $2,000 range, depending on the type of battery used, because strong golf carts like a 72V require more expensive batteries.
If you’re still on the fence about buying an electric golf cart, here is something to think about.
The cost of golf cart batteries is not prohibitively high, but the cost of having them installed at a local golf cart service center may be.
Installing your battery on your own can be difficult due to the fact that batteries can be rather hefty.
As a result, keep in mind that Fairway Golf Car Mobile Services will deliver and install! You can relax knowing we handle everything.
ORIGINALLY FOUND ON- Source: Fairway Golf Car Mobile Services(https://fairwaygolfservices.com/golf-cart-batteries-the-villages/)
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hoursofreading · 1 year
I know - as in I have already studied and learned - the Gaṇapati Atharvaśīrṣam Upaniṣat. Suddenly I became aware that it was fall. Suddenly the labor of the chant I am currently learning found release in deciding to sing the Ganesha song, right on his birthday. Perhaps bake him some sweets. This is what happens as you learn. You learn that the chants have a season, a lectionary of sorts, a cycle that corresponds to years and seasons. In the spring you sing to water, flowers, color. In the dark months you sing to the light. Soon, coming now, are the nine nights of the goddesses. But Ganesha Chaturthi happens right now at the juncture into fall, opening the door to a new holy season. This is my favorite, and I’ve come to think of it as the most important, effective, powerful practice: time. Being in time. Ṛta. The most fundamental practice is showing up on time. Giving things their time. Respecting people’s time. Learning to sleep at night, to eat roots in winter and fruit in summer. Figuring out how bad we were at time and getting a little better. Realizing that it’s so much easier, if not holy, it’s jazzy to move in this way. Then, when the dark comes, you’ve prepared. You have songs. When somebody dies, you’ve got prayers. When people are born, you’re right there. When the alarm goes off, it’s fine. When something unexpected happens, the weave of your time is so strong that you catch it. The tapestry holds.
Karin Lynn
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acrepairdubai · 1 year
Reasons That Your Air Conditioner Not Working Properly
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In the 1960s, having AC in the home was a luxury; only a few people could avoid it. But now people can easily afford it and not only that, these ACs come with many new features which are proof of technical advantage with time. But if you have the best AC but need to care about it effectively or even clean it properly, then it might get defective, and then you have to call for the help of Emergency AC Repair Dubai. If you plan an expensive AC, let us tell you it will have issues. No matter how expensive your AC is, they are meant to have various issues. If you are not taking care of it responsibly, then it may damage. So, what are the signs that your AC is not working correctly? Now, let's discuss these.
Also Read: How to Decrease The Heating Costs During Winter Season?
Reasons Your Air Conditioner Is Not Working
The thermostat is not set
The most common mistake that people make is that they need to install the thermostat correctly, and that is why the AC is not working. So, first, your job is to check the thermostat's settings. Ensure it has not set into the heat or even the temperature is not so high.
The air filter is filled with dirt.
Another mistake is if you need to clean the air filter properly, it also creates a problem with the AC. If your air conditioning system turns on and off repeatedly without completing an entire cooling cycle, it is called short cycling. This can happen when your filters get clogged, causing your AC unit to work harder. As a result, you may experience uneven cooling throughout your home and higher energy bills. That is why if something happens, then you can book the best AC repair near me.
Problem with the circuit breaker
Have a look at your breaker box and check whether it is ok or not. So, if it is not, reset it and start the AC again. It's important to note that circuit breakers can trip due to overloading. If the breaker trips repeatedly, it's worth considering turning off other equipment that may be contributing to the issue. If you're unsure about the cause of the problem, it's recommended to contact an HVAC professional for a proper diagnosis.
Also Read: Advantages of Putting Tankless Water Heater at Your Bathroom
A blown transformer is a real issue
To thoroughly repair your AC unit, it will be imperative to replace the defective transformer. Replacing the defective contactor in the outdoor unit is highly recommended in case of a transformer failure. This component might be the cause, so it's best to replace it for optimal performance. Wiring issues such as a short in the wire can also contribute to this problem. So, these are some reasons your AC is not working correctly. Thus, identify the issue and repair it quickly, or you can also contact your nearest professionals who can help you eliminate the circumstances.
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