#but what if. instead. he has a bro thats depression. i might elaborate on that later
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ficauthor · 6 years ago
New vid rambly thoughts
I have to say the funniest part of the name reveal is everyone (myself included) trying desperatly to fit remus into their Aus. Equally as funny is Remy (sleep) becoming either a version of remus that turned good or people trying to rename him. Idk if I'll ever put remus in a fic but I'm gonna make remys middle name be Remy cause cool people go by their middle name till a garbage man makes them disown the name entirely.
Honestly tho I love all you creators who are doing your best and I'm sorry the scary leaf man set fire to parts of your intricate stories. You're doing great sweetie and if you wanna keep him out fricken do it.
Honestly I deal with intrusive thoughts on the reg and as nasty as remus is I low key love him. Like he's basically a cryptid doing a cartoon villian tiptoe around the mind tapping his nails on things like an asmr YouTuber as he comps ominously on deorderant. Like I get and sympathize with those who can't deal with him in fics. I know middle school me would not be able to deal. However I feel like he could work as a good cutaway gag for some fics were he's just being slightly concerning and just makin vaguely silly alibiet disturbing imagery. Pats making breakfast and he's in the upper cabinet filling the nails on the dismembered hand bottles of nail polish at the ready for him to do the hand's nails.
Also Roman!!!!!! My sweet boy!!! God some one give him a hug he was so left out of the vid that's gotta sting his ego. Like I get why he was MIA but first the callback now this.
Like I think it's fair to say that his arc that's been building for the last few episodes is really kicking into overdrive. The duke being brought to forefront implies that maybe Roman has in a way had to fight him off for awhile. Maybe he's turned some of his really grotesque ideas into better more productive concepts or images. (Also the dicotamy of prince vs duke is v good. In royal structors dukes are under the royal bloodline and have less overall power than a king in power. However dukes can often have more short-term power than a prince. In that over their smaller sections they get more say untill a crowned prince arrives to dictate other wise)
Also him comparing the duke to a fun house mirror where you see all you'd hate to be has some interesting implications.
So I don't think this is really a theory I think it's obvious but Deciet is the other side of Pattons coin. The side of morality that you don't wanna think about. And for the longest time I kinda assumed Virgil as anxiety was Romans opposite. Mainly because I link my anxiety with alot of my creativity good and bad. But since remus is Romans bro I think it's fair that maybe all of them had a sort of split at somepoint where their functions got too complicated and the mantle of negativity needed a specific side to hold it up. Patton and Deciet again are a good example of this maybe at some point Thomas needed to lie and this literally tore Patton up making the need for a distance from his very strict morality code and the idea that sometimes you need to lie.
But that really leaves logan and I think Virgil as anxiety might be his dark side. Which as a prinxiety shipper with a love for opposites attracting and rivals to friends to lovers with a forbidden lover angle eats away at my shipping fantasy. But maybe he's Logan's darkside. Unless they can have multiple which would make my anaology of coins moot (maybe they're like dice then??)
But I can't remember were I saw this but ages ago a post were some one said that anxiety is in it's own right an ignorance of logic/ and extreme perversion of logic.
And as much as I like that theory I did check over the older sandy sides to make sure I was remembering things correctly and it has caused a few bumps for this idea.
(Also seeing Thomas go from "ah the kitchen is like a friend I awkwardly ignore" to "look at how yummy hello fresh is" is the biggest growth of all)
Roman knew about remus and I'm pretty sure Patton knew about Deciet. And they were both aware of how they affected their jobs. And while logan knew of Virgil is seemed to be more of a passing knowledge and all three of them really had that sort of middle ground acquaintance. And anxiety is over heightened fear and can pervert all three of their main functions. (You can do things against your moral code to sedate the anxiety. You can be too anxious to create or be bold but anxiety can also be 'good for both)
Even in anxiety vs logic it didn't have the same feel as the other vs we've had as of late
Deciet attacks them all through Patton trying to muddy his name and function. He also attacks Patton specifically using the others. In the court episode while he used Roman and ended up hurting him that felt more like a by product. The main function of the case seemed to be dismantling the ideas patton as morality had instilled that Thomas was solely good. The purpose appeared to be even with use of the others make Patton fall first and the rest will follow. ( tho I personally still think he's not evil it is important to note that he has a point to make even if he's going about it wrong)
Virgil however doesn't seem to have an end goal. He's moment to moment, his goal is always changing and everytime he's attacked the others it's always been superficial and easy to move past Patton was a focus on how childish he is, Logan's too schedule strict and stresses him out. Roman's too out their and eager to put himself in a spotlight. His gripes with them aren't as organized as Deciets.
The duke also follows a similar pattern he took out Roman and in a way attempted to usurp his role. The reaction he got from Virgil and Patton again felt like a byproduct his goal seemed to be "take control of the creativity role and attack Roman to do so" heck he literally bashes him over the head to do so. (Intrusive thoughts can not be delicate they just bash their way in and ask questions later)
Not to mention whenever Virgil talks about the other sides it's "Deciet's friends" or "The others" always plural. So Virgil might just be an all encompassing opposition he's stumped them all were as the duke and Deciet while causing overall issues seem to mainly target one over them all.
Also like whoever had that theory that Virgil was a spy for Deciet and that's why he's always always slightly off with his impersonations because Virgil very quickly decided he didn't wanna do that.
I have more thoughts and I wish for the life of me I remember the original peeps that had the ideas I mentioned but any longer and my thumbs will give up. Also sorry if this is messy I just had to splat my ideas here and run ta ta for now I might add more later.
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jrueships · 4 years ago
What wips do you have rn 👀 elaborate pspspspsp
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Too many wips.. thats what I have rn.. too many...
WJBFJEBF so the ones I'm most focusing on rn is the spiderman! Donovan/royce au!! So far I wrote the whole exposition and I'm working on the 'enticing incident' LMFAO it's upgraded from my last summary so I have more to write because I'm insane but yeah! It's the one I want done the most but I'm also gonna go on a trip with my buds to this place without wifi for like? Four days so 😭 I might have to finish it there and wait forever until I can post it! And I'm still unsure about the ending!!! THE STRUGGLE
a shorter fic I have in mind still is the russell waiting for kd at a table for two but he never shows up fic! I just really like writing russell widjsbf but not much action happens there! Many just dialogue and a lot of pg fashion/life roasting from Russell's inner dialogue. He's very judgemental of people who give off douchebag frat bro vibes but can't help but feel intrigued by them JABFJWB oh and he makes fun of pg simping for gold diggers
The fics I have written partly but put back in the burner are my donovan/jaylen fic, marcus/giannis, pg/kawhi jealousy fic, pg/kawhi sm*t fic, pg/kawhi space au, and john/trae patroclus and Achilles au! Mainly because they're super long and I get nervous about writing them too much and wasting all my muse on one thing, so I get scared and back off 😭 but I'll tell u the basic summary of them!!
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💙 donovan/jaylen fic is based off the idea of donovan going grocery shopping and getting all mad at the thought of the clippers LMFAO. Basically he's at a grocery store getting flowers for his sports medicine doctor for always putting up with his bullshit (never wanting to sit down and relax so he can actually heal. Playing through the pain). But as he shops, he keeps finding the simplest shit that reminds him of the clippers. Like he sees a claw machine and thinks about Kawhi and how collected that guy is, just chillin in the upper stands, while his team is facing a possible defeat. Donny gets all frustrated because like?? He can't just do that? Just sit back and chill while his team is playing without him? Donny HAS to help, has to GET OUT THERE!! kawhi Doesn't... but kawhi is the one who won a championship. And donovan starts doubting his leadership skills and if he's really good for his team.. if he let them down by being Too pushy and Too in their faces.
+ and then when he's getting a cute card to go with the flowers, he spots one that says "you're the man!!" And he thinks about terance Mann and his great game against them, how proud pg, basically his mentor, was of him. And it makes donovan think about his loss and how he couldn't get that same pride out of Dwyane Wade.
Overall, everything makes him feel useless af and he almost kicks a shelf out of anger. But he calms himself down and goes back to the flowers because he actually only got this little dinky green plant still struggling to bloom? He got it for himself because he felt bad for it LMAO but he still needs to get flowers for his sports medicine doctor. He's goes back to the flower section and who does he see? JAYLEN BROWN all gussied up in his depression fit LMFAO.. but they both are. Jaylen and him try to joke but they're both tired and awkward so it sucks IABDKSBD they basically just ask what the other is doing there. Jaylen is just traveling rn because he got nothin else to do IWBDKS but he bought Deuce a souvenir gift! And he asks Donovan if he can help him put it in his trunk (but really he doesn't need donovan's help. He can pick the toy up himself. He just knows that Donovan is too stubborn to accept help when he needs it but he'll always try helping others out! So he wants donny to think he's helping jaylen but in reality jaylen is trying to help HIm because at the car he invites Donovan to go meet up at a hotel with him where they kiss and have sad *** to make themselves feel better WKBFKSBX) that's basically it!!!! I have literally everything written but the *** scene they're literally my weakness.. I love the emotions they make but I hate.. describing the actions it takes to make them?? Idk I just feel cheesy writing it? It's very tedious and boring to actually crank my brain for a synonym to 'moan' because I'm tired of using that word but it's the only word that really applies to that situation without sounding weird, yknow?? Just very tedious
💙💙💙 OK so marcus/giannis idk bro like... it's just taking so long IWBKENF idk what to say except giannis makes a ton of small jokes at marcus
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💙💙 OK so pg/kawhi jealousy fic... BASICALLY the plot is LeBron hosts some big rich guy party for the NBA because I need a reason to write all these people that live far apart interacting together OKAY??? But anyways it takes place after 2020 lakers winning the championship! Pg convince the clippers to come or else they'll look bad for being the only team not coming and they media will have a field day with them, so the clippers join the party. Basically everyone who later team up in 2021 are talking to eachother LMFAO like James hardon+kyrie+kd are talking while russell westbrook and beal are bonding over dance moves with a jealous John wall pouting in the corner. Obligatory Marcus and giannis interactions because I can. Kyle and demar are laughing together. It's all goood until LeBron waltzes over with his weird ass feet and starts talking to kawhi. Hes being all Handsome and Strong and lowkey flexing his win. Its starting to make pg suspicious so he keeps intruding upon the conversation. His inner dialogue is basically a ton of lebron hate KABFKWB. LeBron sometimes comments back to pg but ends up kinda tuning him outta the conversation and sly dissing him to kawhi like "how does it feel talking to someone who doesn't hit the side of the backboard lol"
Pg is starting to get nervous because he's trying to compete against LEBRON over who's the better teammate for kawhi.. and with his current playoff history.. he's not gonna win. He keeps trying to get kawhi out of the conversation, but lebron keeps drawing him back in and pg ends up giving up or he risks looking like an overbearing girlfriend.. So he slinks off in hopes of distracting himself. Originally, pg thought KAWHI would be the one standing all alone awkwardly in the room with no one to talk to, but it's slowly becoming HIM who's the lonely one LMFAO. He tries joining in bradley and Russ's conversation because HEY!! Everybody leaves russ! Russ must be SUUUPER lonely and DESPERATE for someone to talk to him‼ especially when his old ex durant is out there plotting with his two hydra heads!! paul thought, anyways, but finds out russ is actually having the time of his life clowning around with beal !! That just makes pg even more envious and he walks away with zero satisfaction of feeling superior JABDJSB he tries talking to John wall like "this party fuckin sucks bro" but John kinda barks at him and pg gives up. He tries talking to marcus and giannis but that was a mistake because the two smartiest smartasses in the room start roasting him together so he's shunned back to pretending like he's getting 700 thirsty women in his dms, AKA pretending like he got a text on his phone while he leans alone on a wall LMFAO. After glancing up periodically (and casually) to see if kawhi is still talking to lebron, he later gives up on playing popular and goes to hide in the bathroom like a fucking loser WHDJBFJEBD in summary he kinda broods and steams about how much he hates lebron and how he's 'so much better than him' and he's just thinking of petty insults against him to try and convince the kawhi in his mind not to leave him for lebron. He gets really mad and punches a mirror, but thank God lebron is playing bass boosted music so no one at the party hears it.
But, demar ends up knocking on the door. He needs to shit. So pg is like.. what do I do with this broken mirror and my bleeding hand.. so he tries to keep demar out and they banter and eventually demar notices its kinda weird for pg to be huddled up in the bathroom instead of partying.. he must be getting high or smthin. So he's like "that's fucking stupid. He can go get high in one of lebrons 700 rooms. Why The bathroom." So he just opens the door LANKDN and sees The Scene.
At first he's like "are u paying for that.." to which pg responds with "uhhh. I tripped and hit my head on it" (while clutching a bleeding fist) but then he realizes OHHH pg must be ... OH is he.. no.. he can't be limp wristed... blah blah they end up bonding over their funny situations: demar being jealous of kawhi and feeling like kyle thinks he sucks because of him. Pg being jealous of lebron and feeling like kawhi thinks he sucks because of him. Blah blah it's a bittersweet ending pg becomes a little less of a jerk blah blah I haven't finished it because I'm stupid and WEAK
💙💙💙💙 pg/kawhi space au is just too long I have to be in the mood to write it or I end up dismissing good details I could have included if i wasn't in such a burnt out mind!
💙💙💙 pg/kawhi sm*t fic I gotta be in the mood to detail the h*rny right 😭😭
💙💙💙 john/trae patroclus and Achilles is mainly just an idea but with no plot!
But yeah!!! Those are SOME of my wips!! This post is really long tho so I'll just shout out those!!!@ thank u for the interest tho that's so cute 😭😭😭 it helps me write more when I have a plot lined up to look off of and remember ideas so this is really helpful to me too!!! I'll be shocked if u read this far tbh!! But anyways THANK U ALWAYS FOR THE ASKS, ANON!!!!!
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