#but what am I supposed to do if she won't let me take her outside?? she's okay with her harness but the leash scares her
malachitezmeyka · 17 days
I know it's useless to get mad at the dog, she's just a hyperactive little thing who doesn't know how to behave yet. She's left home alone for at least 6 hours every day and she's bored, I can't blame her for tearing apart her training pads or shitting all over the place. Even if I did, she must have done it hours ago, dogs don't get that actions that happened so long ago have consequences and all me yelling at her will result in is her being scared of me. I know all that, I do
So WHY am I still so angry at her?? Why does it feel satisfying to lash out and see her scurry away??? She doesn't deserve to be treated like that, she doesn't know any better. And I don't know how to teach her to know better, I don't have the patience for it. She deserves better than me
#I just feel so.. impossibly helpless#here's this tiny creature that depends on me for eveything. that I asked for. that I wanted. and I can't even take care of her properly#I struggle cleaning up after myself. let alone a dog. and I really hate having to handle her shit#I know it's a matter of time. a matter of training#eventually I'll be able to take her on walks and all this won't be an issue anymore#but it is now and I cannot control how much it's pissing me off#if I wasn't alone it would be easier. but I am. so everything falls on me#I'm trying my best and it's just not enough#and my mom will be mad at me because I didn't walk her today even though I promised I would bc it's the last warm day we're supposed to have#but what am I supposed to do if she won't let me take her outside?? she's okay with her harness but the leash scares her#she just stands there hunched over and refuses to move. and cries#I can't force her. I don't want walks to be something she's scared of#but mom is annoyed that getting her used to being leashed takes so long. she insists that forcing her outside is the best course of action#and I can't even tell if she's right or not. I just want my honeybun to be happy and not scared#I feel like crying. I've been barely holding back for the last hour#it's just so so much#it'll pass and settle. I know it will. but I'm just exhausted#now I'll have to admit to everyone that I wasn't able to walk her again...#and that I don't know what to do with her#I don't regret asking for her. I really don't. I've wanted a dog for years#but maybe the timing of exam year + beginning of the colder months wasn't the greatest#and I started my period the day she arrived. so that.. just adds to the emotional instability#I'll get over it. I'll handle everything in time. I just.. wish I had someone to support me#or at least someone who wouldn't tell me 'well what did you expect? owning a dog is hard work. you can't just play all the time.#maybe you should have thought about that responsibility more' I KNOW. I HAVE. I JUST.. have my moments of frustration#that I wish I could express without everyone. including my own mind. telling me I'm a terrible pet owner#that's all#I adore my dog and I would never hurt her or subject her to any harm#but I'm also human and very mentally ill at that. I'm not perfect but I'm not bad. and she deserves better than that#but we're stuck with each other now. I could never give her up. I'm attached already. so... we'll make it work. one way or another. I swear
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darkbluekies · 3 months
Oooo okay for the Drabble I think Jerry and Silas cause you know why not also because i like them a little too much
Silas & Jerry drabbles: comforting a scared darling
Mafia!yandere OC & female!yandere!mafia
Warnings: graphic threats from Jerry
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First, you didn't want him to leave for a mission when you were supposed to go to bed, and when he did you wanted the lamp on. You and Silas had watched a horror movie not too long ago. Silas hadn't imagined that you would take it so hard.
He knows that he shouldn't have left you alone in the bedroom, but he has to have this meeting. He should have seen it coming.
"Boss, your spouse is here", his second in command says from the door. He's been standing by the wall to keep an eye over the room, to make sure that no one will try to do anything. "Should I send them away?"
He should have known that you wouldn't go to bed. He excuses himself and stands up, walking over to the door. You're standing outside, wearing one of his hoodies. This new fear of yours have brought out a clinginess for him that he can't resist. You're just too cute.
"What are you doing out of bed?" he asks in a hushed tone so that his men won't hear and grab your arm. He knows why you are here, but he wants to hear you say it.
"I can't sleep", you whisper for him only. "I'm so scared, please ..."
"We've talked about this, little thing, nothing will hurt you. Everything we saw was made with cgi and rehearsed numerous times. Nothing was real. You know that."
You glare at him. How dare he belittle your fear? He senses his wrongdoings right away.
"No, I didn't mean that", he says quickly and moves closer. "Baby, listen, I'm just saying that what you are afraid of was never real. It can't hurt you."
"That doesn't mean anything. Just because you say that doesn't mean that I'll surprisingly stop being scared."
He can't resist your scared eyes. Silas sighs and hugs you.
"I have to do this meeting, it's urgent, I can't go to bed with you", he says, and then decides. "Okay, you'll sit next to me and stay here until the meeting is over. Eyes down, got it?"
You nod. Silas leads you into the conference room and lets you sit on a chair close by him. Your head is turned down, hand holding onto his pants. No mafia man is as scary as that fictional monster.
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Darkness? Why are you araid of darkness? It's such a stupid thing to be afriad of, when Jerry is the definition of it.
"Don't be absurd", Jerry says and turns off the car. "Nothing will touch you as long as you are in the car!"
"Then let me keep the car light on", you say.
"No, it will attract threats."
"You said that nothing would hurt me in the car!"
"As long as you keep the lights off."
"Jerry, I can't deal with darkness."
"Y/N, I really don't have the time to fight with you. I have a man to kill if you have forgotten and the longer I am here, the further away he comes."
She sighs at your teary eyes.
"I'll be gone for a minute — two at most — and then I'll take care of you. Wait here — in the dark — for me."
With that said, she's gone. Those two minutes she's away, you've already started crying. She's back in a wit and is quick to take you in her arms.
"You're such a coward", she cooes and hides your face into her shoulder. "You have nothing to fear as long as I am here."
"But you weren't here! You were out killing some man!"
"For two minutes, baby. I'm here now. Breathe before you pass out."
"I fucking hate the dark ..."
"I know, baby, I know." She kisses your forehead. "I'm not going anywhere else for tonight. I'm going to take good care of you."
You cling onto her.
"Don't cry, you little baby", she whispers. "The darkness isn't anything to be afraid of, you know? It is actually a good thing, believe it or not. Without the darkness, i would be in jail by now. The darkness hides things you don't want to see. You should actually be thankful."
You sniffle.
"Oh, pull yourself together, baby", Jerry sighs. "I already told you that I am here and that nothing will happen. I will cut the throat of anything that tries to put their hands on you. Does that comfort you?"
"A bit ... maybe."
"Well, let me try again then, if you insist on being so fucking difficult. I will, personally, dig out the eyes of the naive enough to come close to you, in darkness or not. I will cut their hands of, braid their veins and create skipping ropes with them. Is that good enough for you?"
She laughs as you tug at your lips. Jerry might not be the best at comforting, but she will do everything for you.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 2 months
It's Hard to Believe | Jungkook One Shot
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Summary: Getting pregnant with your best friend's baby definetly wasn't a part of the plan... Pairing: f!Reader x Jungkook (fwb, f2l) Word Count: 2.7k Warnings: A tiny bit of explicit and suggestive language but nothing crazy a/n: This is something I started writing at like midnight and it's kinda shit but I thought I might as well post it since I haven't posted in a while (Like five days short of a month wtf?!?!? How has it been that long?!?!) (I just barely checked rn lmao my bad 🥲) p.s. I kinda wanna do a full on series on a concept like this but it'll be different and less fluffy but that won't be happening for a long ass time but yeah lol Requested by a lovely anon 💜
"How am I supposed to tell him?" I ask my friend Sam for the millionth time since I found out. "Y/n just tell him. You guys have been friends for how long?" she asks and it's like I'm having deja vu from both of our responses. "Like ten years" I mumble and pull my sweatshirt sleeves down over my hands in an effort to stop my nervous fiddling but it only makes it worse. 
"Right and you guys have been messing around with each other for over a year now, maybe even more...I don't wanna know" she says while holding her hand up in a way to assure me that she doesn't need the details. "Just tell him. If he's as great of a guy as you keep on telling me he is then I promise everything will be okay" she says and places a hand on my shoulder before she gets up off my couch. 
"Where are you going?" I ask while she shrugs on her jacket. "Didn't you say he's supposed to be here around five?" she asks and I nod my head, checking the clock and seeing that it's already 4:30. 
"Yeah...are you sure you don't wanna stay and say hi?" I ask and she glares at me. "Let me know what his response is to that bun in the oven and then we'll talk. I wanna figure out if he's an asshole or not before I decide to waste anytime on him" she says while lacing up her shoes. 
"Promise me you'll tell him tonight?" she asks and lifts up her hood, getting ready to shield herself from the pouring rain outside. I nod my head reluctantly, that being way more progress than I've made for the past few weeks since I found out. "I promise" I utter under my breath and she smiles, pulling me in for a bone crushing hug. 
"Text me if you need me" she says, worried for what might happen but hoping for the best. "I will...thanks" I whisper and she nods her head before walking out of my door and turning slightly and waving to offer me one last farewell.
I close the door after I see her get into her car and lean my back up against it, steadying myself for a second and taking deep breaths, trying to stop my racing heartbeat before pushing off of it and tidying up before Jungkook gets here to distract myself. 
Sam has been the only one I've been able to count on and honestly the only person I can trust since I haven't told anyone else. She was the one I called when I missed my period and she's the one who brought me a pregnancy test...and then when out and bought me ten more because I couldn't actually grasp the concept that I was pregnant...am pregnant.
Jungkook and I have always been careful and taken all the necessary steps to keep this from happening but I guess we got careless this time. 
Through out this whole arrangement we've made it very clear to each other that we're not sleeping with anyone else but neither of us are looking for any sort of commitment either so that's why this has gone on for so long. 
Like it or not though we're going to be committed to each other in one way or another no matter what because I'm keeping this baby. No matter what he says I'm keeping them. 
Jungkook is my best friend, the one person who has been there for me through everything. He's seen me at all of my highest highs and especially at my lowest lows and no matter what he's never made me feel shitty about it. I know he's not the kind of guy that'll turn on you because of something like this but I can't help but still feel terrified. 
This wasn't supposed to happen but even if this child wasn't made with love from his side...it was made with love from mine. 
I don't know how long it's been since I fell in love with him but I know I shouldn't have said yes to this whole fuck buddy ordeal. I just couldn't stand the thought of him being with someone else so when he offered up the idea I said yes.
I figured that if this was a way to prevent him from getting his heart broken by all those sorry excuses of girlfriends he's had in the past then I guess I'll be okay with breaking mine.
He's been acting different lately though. He's been a lot touchier, asking to come over more often, going out of his way to help me with things, offering to feed me all the time and all of it is making me feel like he already knows. 
Does he know? Have I started showing already? I haven't really noticed a difference in my body yet but he looks at me naked a lot more often than I pay attention to myself naked so I mean I guess he could've noticed right? 
Only one way to find out though...
A half an hour later I hear him take out his keys and unlock my door and soon I'm greeted with a smile that tugs at my heartstrings. 
"Hi baby" he says, using that pet name he's become very fond of since this whole ordeal started. The sound of it after finding out I'm pregnant with his baby has made me a little uncomfortable though since I haven't told him yet. 
Don't get me wrong I love it when he calls me that but I can't help but think that if this goes south that he won't ever call me that again. 
Maybe the hormones have started to scramble my brain already because those uncomfortable feelings are quickly thrown away when I take in the sight of him after he shrugs off his rain coat. A simple black baggy hoodie and jeans engulf his form and the comfy sight just makes me want to curl up in bed with him and forget about everything and everyone.
Just him and I, it's always been him and I. I just don't know if this little one is going to change things. 
I place a hand on my stomach for a second as a way to gain some strength from my itty bitty baby before finally working up the courage to greet him.
"Hi" I greet him softly, walking over to where he's stopped to take off his shoes and when he looks back up at me he smiles again and kisses me. I sigh into it, savoring it for just a little bit longer and when it finally breaks he looks down at me with concern now written all over his face. 
"Are you okay?" he asks, sensing that something's off right away from the just the small change in the way I kissed him. I hesitate for a second then simply hold out my hand for him to take and he does, following behind me as I lead him over to my couch. 
Getting this over with sooner rather than later is my best option right now so there's no reason to delay. 
He needs to know, he deserves to know.
We sit there in silence, longer than he would like us to since I can tell how tense his body has gotten in a matter of minutes. "Y/n you're scaring me" he whispers, not wanting to pressure me but relaying his feelings. 
I take a couple more deep breaths before finally starting. "I need you to listen to me and I need you to please not speak until I'm finished" I say while looking down at my lap, not being able to meet his eyes. 
He murmurs a soft 'okay' and waits for me to continue, taking one of my hands and placing it in his lap. He needs some form of physical contact to keep him grounded since he's not too sure what to expect and I let him, knowing I need some reassurance too. 
Even if I don't know what his reaction is gonna be, in this moment I need it more than ever.
"I guess there's really no right way to go about saying this because this wasn't supposed to happen so I'm just gonna come out and say it..." I start off and he squeezes my hand, encouraging me to keep going. 
"I missed my period...over a month ago...and I haven't had it since then" I say and finally look up at him where he has an unsure expression. It's not one that's mad or disappointed with what I've said thus far which is a good thing but more like he's trying hard to hold himself back so he can keep that promise. 
His hold on my hand hasn't loosened, in fact it's gotten even tighter and that gives me hope that we'll work this out so I take another deep breath before continuing. 
"I tried to kid myself into thinking that it was late but when another week passed by I got nervous. I asked Sam to get me a test and it came out positive. I didn't believe it and thought it was a false positive and so to ease my mind she went a bought ten more from a bunch of different brands and...all of them came out positive" I say and he still looks at me with that same expression, waiting for me to give him the okay to speak and so I do. 
"How long have you known?" are the first words out of his mouth and although they're not negative they aren't necessarily positive either. "About a month now" I say and he nods his head, taking another second or two to formulate what he's gonna say next. 
"I'll support you no matter what you decide" he says and I let out a breath I didn't even know I had been holding in. "I wanna keep it" I say and he nods his head and smiles softly at first and then as the seconds go by it gets wider and wider making my heart beat faster. 
"Am I allowed to get excited now?" he whispers and I can't help but chuckle as tears start to prickle my eyes and give him a nod. "You're excited?" I say, my whole being slowly overcome with emotion. 
"How could I not be?" he scoffs playfully but that answer has me confused. "But Jungkook we're not together. I mean we're not in a relationship, we're just friends" I explain and there's a playful glint in his eyes after I say that that's making me even more nervous.
"You wanna know what I thought you were gonna tell me?" he offers up, slightly changing topics but I look at him in a way to urge him to continue. "I thought you were gonna break up with me" he says and I smile, "Jungkook we're not together. How could I break up with you?" I chuckle in disbelief. 
"Correction, I thought you were gonna break up with me before I even got the chance to ask you to be my girlfriend" he says with a grin and my jaw drops, the dots all connecting as to why he's been acting so different lately. "You were gonna ask me to be your girlfriend?" I utter quietly as if we were in a crowed room and I had a secret for just the two of us.
"I had actually planned on asking you tonight" he explains, walking over to where he had placed his backpack on the floor, taking out a bouquet of slightly squished flowers. "Sorry they're all beat up. I forgot and rode my bike over here so I didn't really have any other option but to put them in there" he says almost as if he was nervous, rubbing the back of his neck and it's then that I notice how pink his ears have gotten. 
He is nervous
I take them from him and smile, waiting for him to say it but he simply stands there and admires me and I can't help but laugh. "What so funny? I told you what happened to them" he utters through pouty lips which only makes me laugh more. "No, no it's not the flowers it's just that...don't you have something to say?" I ask, calming down my chuckles and when he looks at me with the same confused expression I have to try my hardest to keep the laughter at bay. 
"Do you have something you would like to ask me Jungkook" I rephrase it and after a second his lips go from a pout to the shape of an 'O' as he's figured it out. "Oh um, yeah, right. Well I um" he starts off, rubbing the back of his neck again while stuttering and trying to find the words and after struggling for a second I decide to poke fun at him again. 
"Jungkook I am literally carrying your child and you're too afraid to ask me to be your girlfriend?" I laugh, giving him a slight reality check which he scoffs at before responding. 
"I was trying to remember what I had rehearsed to say to you but now that you're being a little brat I guess you'll never get to know all the nice things I was gonna say" he retorts, his voice suddenly taking on a darker tone that sends a shiver through my body and he smirks when he sees my reaction to it. 
He cups my face and rubs his thumb along my bottom lip, making them part and he leans in as if he was going to kiss me but stops just shy of my lips. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he whispers, nudging his nose against mine and making me smile. 
"I'll have to think about that" I play coy with him which he chuckles at. "You know if you weren't pregnant right now I would have thrown you over my lap for that smart mouth" he warns and I smile before leaning in and kissing him for just a second before pulling back. 
"Yes I'll be your girlfriend" I say and nudge my nose against his as well and before I can register it my back is on the couch and his lips are pressed against mine, the kiss not rushed but full of so many words that have yet to be said and he gives in, not being able to hold it in anymore.
"I love you" he says, pulling back and looking down at me to see my expression which is completely dumbfounded to say the least. "You what?" I ask and he chuckles, "Is it really that hard to believe?" he points out and I guess now that I think about it it really isn't.
"I guess we've both been in love with each other for a while now huh?" I smile and his eyes light up at my round about confession. "Say it" he says, and I can feel my cheeks heating up. I hadn't planned on actually saying those three words to him even though I've felt them for so long but I don't want to hold them back anymore. 
"I love you" I whisper and he smiles, "Say it again" he repeats, clearly not believing it just yet. "I love you Jungkook" I say and the little switch up with attaching his name to the end darkens his gaze. "I guess there's no chance in me getting you pregnant a second time right now huh?" he asks, sliding his hand up my thigh and I giggle. 
"No I think that's pretty much impossible but the odds are never zero" I say and he rolls his eyes. "I'm trying to tell you that I wanna hit it raw" he states the obvious while rolling his eyes. "I know I know...and the answer is yes Daddy" I tease, testing to see how that word affects him now that he knows.
He tongues his cheek at that making me bite my lip, knowing that's gonna be even more of a trigger word for him from now on. "Daddy huh? Well I guess that title is a little more fitting now isn't it?" 
Taglist: @jkslipppiercing @trina864 @kaitieskidmore97 @goddesofimortality @coolbluedude @coralmusicblaze @whoa-jo @00frenchfries00 @pastelpinkjoon @joonwater (Rest of the tags will be done in the reblogs 💜)
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hwaslayer · 2 months
vivrant thing (jwy) | one.
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—SUMMARY: after getting into a little accident, wooyoung decides to do his sister a favor by pretending to be your date at the company summer party. as soon as the night ends, wooyoung would go back to his usual routine of hanging out with his boys, keeping his distance from committed relationships and being a typical brother to jiwoo. except, the favor comes with more than what wooyoung expects and he finds you occupying his mind more than usual. 
—PAIRING: jung wooyoung x f. reader
—GENRE: (18+ - minors dni) bestfriend’s brother au | fluff, angst, eventual smut
—CHAPTER WARNINGS: cussing, mature language/sexually implied content, mentions of a small car accident due to texting & driving (pls do not ever do this), lots of sibling bickering (i promise they love each other ok), alcohol consumption and intoxication, mentions of toxic relationships (not oc), mentions of sickness and death in immediate family
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"Are you actually fucking kidding me?!" Jiwoo yells as she heads outside to meet her brother. "Wooyoung, you had one job!"
"And I got the job done, didn't I?" Wooyoung holds the grocery bag up. "Just got into a little accident, that's all." He points to the dent on the front of her car. 
"A little?! It's a huge dent! What did you do?! Mom!" Jiwoo yells as she heads back into the house. "I told you I didn't want Wooyoung driving my car!"
"Your car was already out in the driveway." Wooyoung adds, rolling his eyes as he leaves the grocery bag on the counter.
"Yeah, so ask me to move next time!"
"Stop yelling, your voice is giving me a headache. It's annoying."
"Mom! Dad!"
"Jiwoo, stop yelling." Their mom comes from out of the room, followed by their father. "You don't need to yell—"
"I do, because Wooyoung took my car and dented it!"
"What happened?" Their father asks, his hands on his hips.
"It was an accident—"
"You haven't even said sorry!"
"And I won't if you keep cutting me off and yelling." Wooyoung glares at her. "Yeah, fucking keep it up—"
"Hey!" Their father chimes in, cutting Wooyoung off. "The both of you, be quiet! I'm not going to ask again. What happened to your sister's car?"
"It was an accident." Jiwoo crosses her arms as Wooyoung repeats. "I just didn't brake in time so I gave the car in front of me a 'lil love tap."
"You were texting and driving, weren't you?"
"For the record, I responded to one text."
"Ugh." Jiwoo groans loudly. "I literally just got the car, Wooyoung!"
"Say sorry to your sister."
"Now, is that necessary? Cause I'll—"
"Jung Wooyoung." Their mother sternly calls for him, making Wooyoung let out a deep sigh.
"I'm sorry." He looks at Jiwoo.
"You make sure that car gets fixed, Wooyoung. And take care of the costs. Your sister needs her car."
"What am I supposed to drive in the meantime?! Wooyoung's car?" Jiwoo smirks at him.
"Hell no!" Wooyoung spits. "You'll probably try and crash it into a tree the first chance you get."
"You can drive our SUV until it gets fixed."
"No!" Jiwoo looks at Wooyoung. "Wooyoung can just drive me around."
"I have shit to do that isn't on your time. Take the SUV." Jiwoo groans and rolls her eyes, brushing past her brother to get ready for the party.
"You're unbelievable. Seriously, what kind of brother are you?"
"Enough! Can we finally get ready for the bbq, please? People are going to be over soon. Can't get one moment of peace in this house when you two are home." Their mom checks the time, walking off to the kitchen with a loud sigh. "I hope you got everything from the list, Wooyoung." She yells just as she's about to dig into the bag.
"Be a little nicer to your sister."
"She's the one always jumping to conclusions and getting all mad. I didn't purposely try to get her car wrecked. At least I'm fine and not hurt, right?" Wooyoung rolls his eyes.
"I know, and yes, thank god. But, still. All you two do is butt heads, jeez. Can't you both try and get along sometimes?" 
"Whatever." Wooyoung heads up to his room, already annoyed by the fact that he has to be here with his family all up on his case about the accident. He can admit, maybe he should've paid better attention on the road. But, it's the way none of them even asked if he was okay— Jiwoo constantly whining and yelling at him, his parents getting on his ass and backing her up. His little sister was definitely the favorite, being the top student and all. Golden child. Was in band and the church choir, never really rebelled. While Wooyoung skipped a class [or the whole day], talked back to his parents, stayed out late and just.. enjoyed having fun. He had his good days, but he also had his bad days. He wasn't necessarily cold, but he wasn't going to sugarcoat shit either.
He's a stark contrast to his little sister.
So, he shouldn't be surprised that his parents are taking her side. He shouldn't be surprised they'd come to her rescue first. He shouldn't be surprised at all. He can't wait to get the fuck up outta here when the bbq is over. He'll be out as soon as the morning hits, before any of them can wake up and pester him about anything else.
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You gather your hair back and secure it with a claw clip, running your cherry-flavored chapstick across your lips before pressing them together to spread it out. You check yourself in the mirror once more, not entirely crazy about your outfit for Jiwoo's family bbq today.
But, it'll do.
You had known Jiwoo since elementary school, meeting her in the 2nd grade when you sat for lunch alone and the boisterous girl joined you. She was the new girl, but she surely didn't act like it and you admired that about her. Since then, she never left your side despite your shy nature— not engaging in much in the conversation, only humming a few words or sounds in response when she ran through list of never-ending questions. 
Even though her and Wooyoung were 2 years apart and very different, you felt like they were alike in many ways [which they'd deny until the very end].
That's how Jiwoo became your bestfriend. Because throughout all of life's changes, through your losses, she was your constant. She stayed, never wavered. Was your biggest support system alongside of your grandpa. Without her, you're not sure where you'd be. You owe alot of the push you've done in life to her.
yeosang: i'm downstairs!
you: cooooool, be down in a sec
*yeosang liked your message*
You check your outfit in the mirror once more, smoothing down the fabric before spraying a bit of perfume on your wrists. You press them together and rub it down your neck, down your clothes— a simple yellow floral tube top, white distressed jeans and your tore up chucks. It seemed fitting for a summer bbq; not one to wear dresses, shorts or mini skirts like that.
"Yo." Yeosang quickly scans your outfit just as you plop into the passenger seat and greet him. "You look nice."
"Thank you." You smile. "And thanks for picking me up." He reciprocates the smile, waiting for you to buckle up before driving off to Jiwoo's parents' house. From your tiny studio, it's about 25 minutes of a drive. Yeosang doesn't have to take the highway or anything, but he does have to navigate through the busy streets of the city before reaching their neighborhood. Jiwoo's parents celebrate their birthdays a day apart from each other, but it fell during the work week this year. So, they decided to throw a bbq with family and close friends on the weekend in order to be with everyone.
"What'd you do today?"
"I just went to get some groceries and bought a little gift for Jiwoo's parents. What about you?"
"Uh yeah, I just got their gift right before I picked you up." Yeosang chuckles. "Otherwise, I slept in a bit too much and by the time I knew it, half of my day was gone." You laugh.
"Yeo." You laugh. "You should really try waking up early. It's nice to get the most out of your day."
"It is, but you know what's also nice? Being under my covers." You laugh and shake your head, eyes fixed on the view through your window. The rest of the ride is comfortably silent with Yeosang's music playing in the background, especially since it isn't much of a drive. He does chime in here and there when he's reminded of random things he has to do or thinks about. Besides that, Yeosang is good at leaving you to your peace. When he pulls up to the street, he's having to park across from the house— Jiwoo's family and their close family friends already filling the spaces nearby.
"Oh! Y/N, Yeosang!" Jiwoo's mom sees you first, pulling you both into a hug before gesturing towards the kitchen. "Jiwoo is in here!" You both greet her happy birthday before following her into the chaotic scene that is the kitchen, Wooyoung quickly brushing past with a huge bowl of marinated beef in his hands and almost bumping into Jiwoo as she holds a huge pitcher filled with juice in her own.
"Wooyoung, move!" Jiwoo nudges him away and he glares at her.
"Stop! You'll make me drop this."
"What about me, butterfingers?"
"What about me, butterfingers?" He mocks her with a look before rolling his eyes and heading out to the backyard to meet his dad by the grill.
"I swear to God." She groans, before finally shifting her attention to you and Yeosang.
"Hi." You smile at her and you expect her mood to be lifted, but she continues to pout.
"Y/N, Yeo. Finally. Get me out of here. Please, let's just slip through the front door, no one will notice."
"Where's Joong? He has to come on our escape plan, too." You playfully go along with it.
"He's not here yet." She sighs.
"What's wrong?" Yeosang asks with a small chuckle. You look at Jiwoo with a slight head tilt, reading into the frustration in her eyes.
"Today is just so messy." She whines a bit, setting the pitcher down onto the main dining table. "Wooyoung's dumbass used my car and got into a little accident earlier."
"Oh, is he okay?"
"Yeah, look at him! He's the fucking same. But, you know what isn't? My car! The bumper is all dented and everything. You didn't see it walking into the house?" She lets out another frustrated groan and shakes her head. "Whatever, anyway, he's gonna make sure it gets fixed. He better."
"Was it his fault?"
"Yes." She sighs. "Texting and driving. Like an idiot."
"It'll be fine, Jiwoo. It's unfortunate, but I'm glad he's okay. I'm sure your brother will make sure it gets fixed in time." You add.
"He's so frustrating sometimes. Can't trust him with anything." You both follow her out to the backyard that is already filled with familiar faces. 
"It's okay, it'll get fixed." You give her a small smile and squeeze her arm. "Let's just enjoy today, okay?" She gives you a small smile and throws her arm around you, bringing you over to one of the free couches near the back corner of the yard. Some of her family members are playing badminton on the other side of the backyard, while another cousin is playing music and has Wooyoung and his friends hovering around, conveniently close to the grill.
"Oh, Y/N. I wish I could be like you, sometimes. So much patience and grace. Things I need to be successfully related to Wooyoung."
"You have it. Just.. needs more practice." Yeosang responds, making you chuckle. You finally find her dad and greet him happy birthday before greeting the rest of her family members. You, Jiwoo and Yeosang hang around the backyard for a bit, talking about work and the upcoming summer party. You don't chime in much, nor do you want to being that it'll be your third year not attending. Luckily, at this point, Jiwoo's boyfriend, Hongjoong, walks into the backyard and starts greeting everyone before he plops himself right next to Jiwoo.
"Yo! Sorry I'm a little late." He looks at you and Yeosang. "Friends! I missed you, guys. It's nice to see your faces." You laugh.
"Hi Joong."
"Where were you? I was texting and calling you!" She pouts. "We had an escape plan ready."
"Escape plan?" Joong cocks a brow up.
"Yes, so I can get away from this mess named Wooyoung and cry to myself in peace." 
"Baby, I'm sorry. I was caught up with my dad, he needed help with a few errands. The car will get fixed, okay? Glad no one was badly hurt." You smile to yourself as he kisses her on the temple. Hongjoong is a really good guy. He's perfect for Jiwoo and has a lot of patience for her. He cares for her a lot, and it's so clear you wouldn't ever second guess his feelings for her. He's selfless and would do anything for his lady without question.
You wonder what it'd be like to experience genuine true love like that. You've been in a relationship before but you couldn't exactly say it was love. Not a genuine, raw form of love, not a deep connection. Just a relationship where you learned about your partner and they learned about you, but that was far as it went. You don't remember feeling like the relationship was special, or like it was meant for you. It was more so another experience, another lesson in your book.
How does it feel to be completely, utterly, disgustingly in love and smitten with someone?
"I'll be back, I'm gonna get a drink." You mutter mid-conversation, getting up from the seat to head back into the kitchen. To your surprise, Wooyoung is there, sorting through some of the drinks set out.
"Oh, hey." Wooyoung gives you a small smile while you silently wait for him to move away from the counter where all the drinks are sitting— soda, juice and hard alcohol bottles spread across the surface. "Want me to make you something to drink?"
"Um." You softly respond. "It's alright, I was just gonna grab some juice." You point at the pitcher.
"You sure? You aren't driving anyway, right?" He points to Yeosang who is now talking to one of their cousins near the wading pool. 
"Mmyeah, I came here with Yeo."
"Alright then." He smirks. "I'll make it pretty light, hm?"
"Okay." You smile sweetly at him. You've always had the sweetest smile and Wooyoung does enjoy seeing it, he won't lie. "Thank you, Wooyoung."
"Course." You twiddle with your fingers as you watch Wooyoung make a pretty concoction in a cocktail shaker, pouring in peach schnapps and cranberry juice with a dash of vodka. He transfers the drink into a fresh cup, handing it over with a smile on his face. "Wanna taste it before you go?" You sip on the drink, eyes lighting up at how good it tasted. You weren't exactly a fan of cocktails [or alcohol in general], though you wouldn't turn down a drink or two on some occasions.
"Mm, it's good!" He chuckles.
"Yeah? Kinda pulled the measurements out of my ass but I didn't put too much vodka."
"What're you doing?" Jiwoo walks into the kitchen.
"Listening to Y/N tell me how good my drink is." She looks at you with a brow cocked up.
"You don't have to lie to him." You giggle.
"It's actually good." You hand her your cup to taste the drink. She takes a good sip and nods in approval, shifting her attention to her brother.
"She wouldn't lie to me." Wooyoung winks at you.
"Can you make me one?"
"Nah. Bar's closed now. See what all that doubting does?" Wooyoung puts the lid back onto the vodka bottle before turning on his heel to walk away.
"You're a dick."
"Love you too." He says as he walks outside and returns to his bestfriend, San.
"You okay?" You ask her as she pours some juice into her cup.
"Yeah, I just came in here wondering why it was taking you so long to get juice." You laugh as you follow her back out into the backyard and to Yeosang and Hongjoong.
"Caught your bartending brother before he closed."
"Bartending brother?" Yeosang and Hongjoong both ask.
"Mm, Wooyoung made Y/N a drink and didn't even make me one." They laugh.
"Of course."
"Anyway, do you guys wanna sit at the wading pool? Dip our feet in and watch my family act a fool?"
"Sure. That sounds fun." Yeosang shrugs.
Throughout the rest of the bbq, you, Jiwoo, Hongjoong and Yeosang engage in a few other activities with her cousins besides hanging around the wading pool with her baby cousins— karaoke, some rounds of badminton, watching Jiwoo go head to head with her brother and older cousins in beer pong. From time to time, you catch Wooyoung looking over at you, giving off tiny smiles to be friendly. It isn't entirely uncommon, Wooyoung was always nice to you despite the distance. You don't talk much, but he doesn't necessarily treat you like a stranger especially after all these years.
It's a nice thing about him, their family— they're there for you.
They're there for you so much that Jiwoo comes up with the most incredible [in her terms] idea while she catches you cheering for Wooyoung during the very last round of beer pong against their cousins. It gets rowdier and rowdier, Wooyoung and his cousins yelling back and forth; their voices echoing into the sky. You try to sink behind Yeosang, jumping at the sudden cheers and random banging.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, it's just a little loud." You scrunch your nose, Yeosang throwing his arm around you to provide some kind of comfort during the round. When evening officially hits, the partying doesn't stop. If anything, it gets a little more rowdy with alcohol running through everyone's system. 
"Oh, fuck!" Wooyoung says, the beer tipping out of his cup when his cousin rams into him and spilling onto your jeans. 
"Jung Wooyoung!" You hear his mom yell while his dad laughs alongside of her, nudging her to let it go.
"Oh shit, Y/N. I'm so sorry." He looks at you before glaring at his cousin. "You dipshit, look at what you did!"
"Wooyoung!" Jiwoo yells, dabbing a napkin to the wet spot on your jeans.
"It's okay, Jiwoo—" You try to chime in, but your response gets drowned within the ruckus.
"It's Sebeom's fault, not mine! Why is everyone calling my name!"
"You both are idiots!" She groans, taking another napkin to your leg.
"The hell is the napkin gonna do, Jiwoo?" Wooyoung sets his cup down before gently grabbing your wrist. "Let's go dab some water on that." You silently follow behind, letting Wooyoung politely drag you into the kitchen. He's clearly drunk, fighting with the paper towel roll before he successfully peels off a few sheets and runs it under the water.
"Wooyoung, it's okay. I can always throw it in the wash."
"Still, it'll get sticky and smell like beer in the meantime." He says, crouching down and dabbing the wet towel to the spilled beer on your jeans. "I'm sorry, Y/N. You know how my family gets."
"It's alright." You watch as he pinches the edge of your jeans and tugs it outwards, widening the surface area as he continues to wipe away. 
"It might look worse at first, but the water will help." He clicks his teeth. "Did it get anywhere else on you?" 
"Just my left arm but it's fine—" He stands, albeit a bit wobbly at first, taking another end of the napkin to dab away at the small wet spots on your arm.
"Okay." He says, tossing the tissue away. "Better." He gives you a toothless smile. "Won't do it again."
"Thank you, Wooyoung. It's fine, it's not a big deal. Really."
"As long as I did a better job than Jiwoo." He says, leading you back out to the backyard.
"You made it worse!" Jiwoo yells.
"It gets worse before it gets better! Plus, the beer smell won't be lingering." Wooyoung scoffs. "At least Y/N is grateful for it." As soon as you've settled next to your friends, everyone begins to sing happy birthday to Wooyoung and Jiwoo's parents before digging in for more food and sharing the ginormous cake Jiwoo ordered from a mutual friend. Wooyoung brushes Jiwoo off to the side, determining that he has the best cake-cutting skills between the both of them.
"Here, Y/N. For you." Wooyoung hands you a hefty slice of cake, eyes still glazed over from the alcohol he had been drinking. You watch as he licks the icing from his thumb, shaking his head in ironic approval. "The cake is so good. Thank god Jiwoo got it right for once—"
"Wooyoung, shut up!" 
"Don't start again!" Their mom yells from the other end of the table, yet the two continue to bicker. You, Hongjoong and Yeosang stay out of it and eat away at the cake, continuing to mingle with their family members for the rest of the night until Yeosang feels his social battery dying.
"You ready? We could stay if you want, though." You shake your head.
"I'm good. Let's go say bye to Jiwoo and her parents." He nods. You find Jiwoo first, talking to one of her aunts off to the side. You squeeze her wrist as a signal that you and Yeo are getting ready to leave, her eyes widening. Bottom lip poking out. Whines ready to leave her lips.
"Nooo, you're leaving me? Please take me with you." You laugh and rub her back as you pull away from the hug.
"You'll see me tomorrow. I'll be expecting you to come over."
"First thing in the morning. Leave some room in your bed." Yeosang shakes his head and turns to Hongjoong to bid him farewell.
"Make sure you bring her girlfriend home safely." Hongjoong says seriously, patting Yeosang on the back. 
"Will do." He nods. You follow Yeosang out towards the front door, clinging onto his sleeve as you navigate the busy house. You almost slip out successfully until Wooyoung pauses in his steps, doing a double-take when he catches you on his way back to the backyard.
"You're leaving?" You nod, chuckling to yourself when you see him drunk-whining just like his sister. "It's early!" He whines a bit. "Were you not gonna say bye to me? I thought we were cool, Y/N."
"Bye Wooyoung." You wrap your arms around his waist as he pulls you into a rough, but tight bear hug. "Bye San." You wave at San, in which he responds with a tiny smile and wave.
"Drive safely!" He calls out before leaving. You finally get out of the house, Yeosang waiting for you by the front door. You're not even gonna lie, you are pretty exhausted already, and you're excited to get washed up to lay in bed and pick up your current read. Jiwoo's family was always fun, so lively and full of energy. They fit so well together, like they were all perfectly molded and crafted as one. They've become like your second family, and you wished you had your own you could be the same with. But, that also goes to say, their parties always leave you exhausted.
When Yeosang gets you home, you thank him for the ride and give him a hug once he's dropped you off at the door. You slowly waddle into the studio, a smile on your face when you see your bed, your nightlight— the smell of incense still lingering in the room. You quickly hop in the shower and get ready for bed, looking at the big, bright 10:27pm in white on your nightstand clock. You slip into bed, getting cozy under your sheets before grabbing your book. Jiwoo is texting you and Yeosang pictures from today, including ones of her cousins getting crazy during beer pong.
Today was fun. It's over, and it was fun.
Today is not over for Jiwoo, though.
A few of their family members linger around while Jiwoo and her mom continue to clean around the house. She orders her lazy ass brother to haul out the bags of trash to the garbage can and to clean up the remaining mess from the beer pong game out in the backyard. Once all of the cleaning as finished, Jiwoo rushes to the bathroom to beat her brother for a shower. She feels like she can finally relax, finally settle down, finally set her plan in motion—
"I need you to do me a favor." Jiwoo leans against the doorframe of Wooyoung's old room as he folds his clothes neatly into his duffle bag, grabbing a new pair of clothes to change into once he's showered.
"Depends." He mutters, not taking his eyes off of his bag.
"No, you at least owe me this." He scoffs.
"Nevermind, I need to shower. Come back to me in 3-5 business days—"
"You didn't even make me a drink earlier!
"Not my fault you doubted my bartending skills." He furrows his brows. "Plus, I already told you I was getting your car fixed."
"Great, then you can do one more favor for me." Wooyoung sighs as he turns to look at her.
"What, Jiwoo?"
"Can you be Y/N's date to our company's summer party?"
"What?" Wooyoung furrows his brows and lets out a pathetic chuckle. "You're kidding, right?"
"What's that supposed to mean? She's my bestfriend."
"Yeah, clearly. Why can't she find someone else to go with her? Like that guy you two are close with, Yeosang?"
"Um, that's weird." She furrows her brows. "That won't do. If she wanted to go with him, she would've done it a long time ago. You know her. She hasn't gone the past two years, I'm not gonna let her pass up on this one."
"So then go ask your man if he has a friend he can spare?"
"She's not gonna wanna go with any of his friends!"
"Too damn bad."
"You cleaned up her jeans like a saint earlier!" 
"Because it was the right thing to do! What does that even have to do with this?!"
"Wooyoung." She whines, almost stomping her foot. Wooyoung pauses to look back up at her.
"Even if I agreed, you do know how awkward this might be, right? Not only for me, but for her, too." Wooyoung shrugs. "I know she's been your bestfriend for years but we aren't exactly close like that. We're two very different people. We can't exactly spend a whole evening together. Alone."
"I'll be there with Hongjoong."
"That's what I said. We'd be alone." Jiwoo groans.
"She'd definitely be more comfortable with you than someone else!"
"Doubt that. She's quiet and shy. Very much the opposite of me?"
"Yeah, big ass mouth."
"That can be useful." He smirks, making Jiwoo wince in disgust.
"You're so disgusting, Wooyoung. Maybe I should take this back."
"You really think she'd play along with this?"
"Yes!" Wooyoung squints his eyes.
"You didn't even tell her about this plan, did you?"
"She'll go along with it. Please. I just want her to go and have fun for once."
"Hm." He hums, deep in thought. "Nah."
"Just one night!" Wooyoung sighs.
"Wooyoung!" She pouts.
"Jiwoo, seriously. Quit."
"You owe me! I've had your back so many times, and I've never asked you for anything else out of the ordinary." He looks at Jiwoo and he actually feels a bit bad about the car situation. And it's true, even though they don't always get along, Jiwoo has always had his back and covered for him when she didn't entirely need to. She's always had his back even when he didn't really deserve it. He subtly nibbles on the inside of his cheek, letting out a deep sigh before shaking his head.
"Whatever. Tell me the details." She squeals and he quickly turns. "And by the way, this is your idea. Not mine. I'm only doing you a favor so you can stop hounding me about the car. It's one night and that's it. If she gets mad, that's all on you."
"Fine. Consider your debt paid." She gives him a small smile. "Thank you."
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"What are you talking about, Jiwoo?"
"I want you to go to the party and have fun." She pouts a bit, brushing your hair away from your face. You furrow your brows at her, pushing your glasses up the bridge of your nose.
"But, parties aren't really my thing." You shrug. "And besides, I don't really have anyone to go with. I hate to say it, but I don't wanna show up alone. Everyone has dates they can bring. You have Hongjoong." You look over Jiwoo's shoulder and catch Yeosang talking to his team members at the far end of the room. He catches you looking over, flashing you a small smile before returning his attention to his coworker.
Yeosang was great, no lie. He was a good guy, everyone could see that from miles away. He was smart, diligent, kind, and the biggest team player. He started at the same time as your cohort of new hires, Jiwoo starting a couple of months beforehand. When you saw him in person, you did find him attractive. He was at a good height and well-built, black flowy hair framing his chiseled face. At first, you thought Yeosang was just being nice to you. But, slowly, he'd accompany you to the break room for coffee breaks. Bring you coffee and pastries from another shop on random mornings. Occasional outings to lunch. Until finally, he'd accompany you to casual dinners where it felt a little too serious to be considered casual— you just didn't wanna dwell on it. Too shy to say anything or bring it up because your brain goes on overdrive and makes you think you're reading into this more than you should.
He was just your friend, being your friend. So you'd like to think.
You weren't really sure what you wanted out of this, but at this moment in time, you felt like Yeosang was good enough as that. If people found out you weren't entirely into him, they'd probably think you're crazy. And you probably are, but as much as you appreciate Yeosang's company and his kindness, you fear you'd be forcing yourself into something with him.
That's not what you think Yeosang deserves.
If anything were to develop, you'd like it to develop naturally. It hasn't yet, so maybe this was a sign that you two were actually better off as friends? You're not good at this whole dating thing, reading into signs and signals.
"I know you don't really wanna go with him either."
"It's not that. I just feel like it'd be awkward and I'd ruin our friendship. It'd feel way too forced for me."
"Y/N, you're gonna have to tell him sooner or later." You shake your head. "Then?"
"Then, I don't know. I just don't know about him. That's why I'm perfectly fine staying home and being away from all of that."
"What if my brother goes with you?" Your eyes widen.
"W-Wooyoung?" She nods. "No, Jiwoo. Is this what this is all about?"
"Look, don't get mad, okay? Just hear me out." You cross your arms as she lets out a breath. "I asked my brother to accompany you to the party and he agreed to go."
"What?!" You say a bit louder than expected. "Is it because he feels bad for me?"
"No! Shh!" Jiwoo furrows her brows at you. "I mean, he also owes me, but—" 
"Jiwoo, I'm not a charity case!" You harshly whisper.
"I know, I know! You aren't. I just really want you to go." Truthfully, if this were any other person or circumstance, you'd probably feel a little hurt [even with good intentions]. You'd certainly feel like a charity case, and you'd feel sorry for yourself; especially for having to be set up in this way.
But, you're surprisingly not all that hurt by it.
Again, you know Jiwoo has good intentions and she would never do anything to intentionally hurt you. She does have a point— you haven't really gone to any of the big summer parties. You didn't mind it, but now that you think about it, you feel like you can't hide forever. The feeling of missing out settles in the pit of your stomach, and it's awful.
You're probably the only person who ducks out on these things. You're the one to blame for choosing not to be involved and for shielding yourself away from people, any inconvenience, etc. Shielding yourself away from fun, happiness. Life doing its thing.
"Mm yeah." You look at her. "I'm not close to your bother like that, though." It's true despite how he can be in person. Although you and Jiwoo were glued to the hip growing up, Wooyoung had his own group of friends and didn't pay much attention to you and his little sister. You both knew the basics about each other, have gone on trips together, tagged along with Wooyoung when he was the only means of transportation for you and Jiwoo. Why would he be worried about you, anyway? You two were busy fangirling over B2K, young Heath Ledger in 10 Things I Hate About You and Sean Patrick Thomas in Save the Last Dance, screaming at the top of your lungs whenever your favorite songs came on and shopping for hours at the same mall almost every weekend.
Not exactly Wooyoung's cup of tea.
Wooyoung was always rough-housing with his friends or going on casual 'dates' with different girls, blasting his 90s music in his room [like Vivrant Thing by Q-Tip, it's his fave] that'd shake Jiwoo's walls and drive her crazy. He had a few relationships that always ended up crazy toxic and you've seen the girls crying over him on their doorstep or throwing shit at his window to grab his attention after days of no communication. Despite that, he's not entirely a bad brother. He did his best to support Jiwoo throughout all her milestones in life, never missing an important event or being there for her when she needed her brother more than anyone else. They bicker and fight. A lot. But, they'd be there for each other in a heartbeat if needed. No question.
"You are, enough! You know he's full of himself and gross." You give her a look.
"Okay, really? That's supposed to make this better?"
"Sorry, kidding. Just my defense mechanism as his sister." She crosses her arms and sighs. "But, Wooyoung isn't exactly a stranger. And knowing my brother, he'd lead the entire time. Just let him accompany you to the party and call it a night! At least you'll be there with me and we can have fun together."
"You're gonna be busy with Hongjoong." You slowly walk back to your desk.
"I'm not. At least not entirely." 
"Jiwoo." You look at her.
"I won't be too busy with him! I promise." Jiwoo looks at the date on your computer. "It's up to you, Wooyoung already agreed. But, today's the last day to RSVP."
"I feel bad, I told Yeosang I wasn't going."
"This isn't entirely how I'd go about things but hey, he'll see you with my brother. Maybe that'll initiate a talk, and you can tell him you don't want to ruin your friendship."
"Mm." You hum and pull up the email with the RSVP button, not really trying to think about the whole thing too deeply. "I don't have anything to wear."
"It's fine, we'll go shopping soon! We have some time before the party." She softly squeals as she watches you type away and send off your RSVP.
"Jiwoo, I don't know how to get ready for these things. I can't even do my hair and makeup properly."
"Babe. I will help you get this sorted out. Don't even worry. We're gonna have fun! It'll be good. I'm just happy you're finally coming." You give her a small smile.
"I hope it'll be good." Your bottom lip slightly pokes out. "Am I supposed to text your brother and thank him?"
"No. Don't worry about him."
"He's accompanying me to the party, of course—"
"Seriously, don't. It'll be fine. I promise."
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"Papa?" You gently open the door and walk in, setting your shoes aside.
"Is that my girl?" Your grandfather comes from around the kitchen, holding two small bowls of rice in his hand. "You made it in time for dinner!"
"I can never miss dinner with you." You giggle, stepping out of your shoes and placing your things down before taking your place at the table. "How was your day today, papa?"
"Good." He sits in front of you with a smile.
"Did you exercise like you promised?"
"Yes." He gives you a look, making you chuckle. Your grandfather was 77 years old and still active, still healthy as can be. When you moved out, you made him promise he'd continue his exercise regimen and that he'd continue to keep himself healthy with wholesome foods. Reading. Going out and exploring the town. After all these years, he's the only one who has taken care of you well— having lost your mom and dad at an early age due to illnesses, same thing with your grandma. Despite the adversity, your grandpa made sure to put you first even if he was hurting, if he was tired, if he was stressed. He never took that out on you. He never made you feel like you were a burden, or like there was love lacking under his roof.
It was time for you to do the same.
"How was the bbq?"
"Good! It was fun. Loud. Chaotic. Per usual at the Jung household." He laughs.
"Sounds like you had a good time." You nod. "How about work?"
"It was okay. It was pretty busy at first, but eventually settled." You avoid contact, digging into your rice when you grab a piece of samgyeopsal sitting in front of you. He watches you closely, seeing how you've gotten quieter in the last few minutes, signaling you were hiding something.
"Did else happen today that's making you watch the rice in your bowl?" You give off a tiny laugh and shake your head.
"Mm, well. Jiwoo convinced me to go to the summer party."
"You're going?" He smiles from ear to ear, happy to hear that you're finally going to enjoy yourself at the summer party you always avoided. He never forced you to do things outside of your comfort zone, but he did wish you'd go and enjoy yourself from time to time. Be happy. Have fun. "Good, I'm happy you're going! Is Jiwoo going with Hongjoong?"
"Then.." Papa looks at you with a small smirk. "Are you going with Yeosang?" You shake your head.
"No?" He looks at you, surprised. You've definitely talked to your grandfather about Yeosang and how you were feeling about everything. Even then, he was still surprised you weren't going together as friends.
"I'm going with Wooyoung."
"Jiwoo's brother?" You nod.
"Papa, it's kinda stupid. The way everything happened and how I ended up going."
"Nothing is stupid. Try me. How did you end up with Wooyoung as your date?"
"Well, now I'm gonna sound like a charity case."
"You are not." You give your grandpa a look before stuffing your face with more rice and pork.
"Wooyoung got into a little accident while using Jiwoo's car."
"Is he alright?" You nod.
"Yes, he's okay. Jiwoo is having him cover the car.. but also slipped in another favor." You shyly look up as you continue to nibble on your food, and your grandpa laughs.
"Ah, and that favor is the party, I'm assuming."
"Yeah. It's silly."
"It's not. She's coming from a good place and just wants you there. The whole car thing is unfortunate but for her, seems to be the right stroke of luck to get her bestfriend at the summer party." You giggle.
"I guess you could say that." You sigh. "I'm just worried about Yeosang. I told him I wasn't going and I'm not sure I will."
"You'll just show up with Wooyoung?" You shrug.
"I don't know how to do these things, Papa. I don't wanna hurt him, but I really can't see myself being his date or taking this further. I don't know what to say or how to say it yet."
"Eventually, you're gonna have to, you know that, right? For the sake of your friendship. He seems like a great guy, and I'm sure he'll understand whatever the case is, Y/N."
"I know." You shake your head. "I will. But, not now." Papa nods quietly before eating another spoonful.
"It'll turn out fine, okay? Don't worry about it too much."
"Thank you." You softly smile.
"Anyways, back to Wooyoung—" He pauses to eat some more. "It's not the most common way to find a date. But, weirdly, I'm glad it happened this way. I want you to go and have fun." You silently look at him. "Life doesn't slow down, you don't get any younger. Take the opportunities no matter how silly it may sound at first. Make more memories."
"I know. I'm just.. I feel awful that Wooyoung even has to go with me. He's probably going to have the worst time."
"Don't say that. He's going with you and the both of you will have fun. Let yourself have fun. Plus, it's Wooyoung. You know him. I'm sure he'll do what he can to make sure you are comfortable."
"I guess so."
"Enjoy, and have fun. Don't worry about anything, promise me that?"
"I'll try."
"That's all I can ask for." Because all he wanted was to see you happy. Genuinely happy in your own skin. Enjoying yourself. Having fun. 
All he wanted was to see you smile over life again.
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—PERMANENT TAGLIST: @asjkdk @interweab @woojirang @svintsandghosts @cheolliehugs @persphonesorchid @mxnsxngie @jycas @cowboydk @heyitsmetonid
370 notes · View notes
redsaurrce · 3 months
(Yandere maknae line edition)
🎀Yandere hyung line edition
𝕵𝖎𝖒𝖎𝖓 ❗
He was the CEO of the company you worked in.
But behind the scenes he was a Mafia, using his company as a mask for money laundering.
You knew all the dirty schemes being played in his company.
Just like the way he was dirty with you.
You wanted to escape him, you took part in his filthy play only because you were being paid well.
but now it was getting too much.
He wouldn't let you leave the office by assigning you more workload than others so you had to stay overtime in the office.
And when the entire office would leave except you, he would call you to his cabin, fxxk you and tell you about his plans and schedules and drag you around with him to every event he was invited to.
You slowly became the rumoured girlfriend of Park Corp's CEO which was South Korea's one of the largest electronics company.
others were jealous of how you could have seduced him, while some others labeled your achievements as 'gifts' from him.
You wanted to be free from him, not just because of the people's lowly remarks, but for yourself.
There was a limit to everything, a limit to your patience and a limit to his obsessiveness which he had already crossed a long time ago.
You wanted leave him and you knew that the only way to leave him was to turn him against you or make him hate you.
So you used your insider knowledge to your advantage and called the cops on him to arrest him for the illegal money laundering.
Much to your surprise the police arrested you instead.
"I- I'm being set up." You yelled as they handcuffed you.
"We found evidence against you miss Y/N, you really ousted yourself." One of the lady officers snickered.
And just like that you were put behind the bars. This is unfair, you were clearly set up and falsely accused.
"Y/N come out." After an hour or so one of the police officers came to you and commanded. You frowned and stepped outside the jail.
You grit your teeth and just then see Jimin coming towards you.
he had a cocky smile and leaned next to your ear, "nice try, try that one more time and you'll be put behind the bars for real."
"What did you do?" You asked him angrily.
"Oh? Did you forget who am I? You know I'm a Mafia lord, these cheap tricks won't faze me at all, so if anything, bad luck will befall only upon you." He smirked. "Let's go babygirl!"
You could do nothing at all but to obey him, yet again.
Both of your fathers were business tycoons and mafias.
Your father was killed by the rival mafia and so his father had taken you in after your father died.
You were never adopted in papers though.
Because Jungkook has had a crush on you ever since childhood and had told his father he would marry you when he grows up.
You were practically raised by his family.
You viewed Jungkook nothing more than a friend.
Though you were grateful for his family to raise you, he had taken the advantage of your gratefulness by taking your virginity in college.
And he still does, now that he is the new mafia leader.
So much so that he had arranged a marriage between him and you without you even knowing at all.
"What are these decorations for? Is there gonna be a party?" You ask curiously to one of the servants while you eye the flowers and decors on the wall.
The servant looked at you in confusion and said, "Miss it's your wedding tomorrow-" "Shush!" Another senior servant hushed her. "This was supposed to be kept a secret from her, did you forget the words of the young master?" She whispered but unfortunately for her, you heard everything clearly.
You at once dashed to Jungkook's office and slammed open his door.
He looked up from the papers in annoyance but at once became happy to see you.
His eyes sparkled with joy, "What brings you here Y/N? Well this is a first that you sought me out before-"
"What is the meaning of this?" You were enraged.
"We're getting married??" You frowned.
"Ah- so you got to know somehow." He bit his lips while your eyes went wide at his remark.
"The fxxk do you mean by that?? Did you- did you plan to marry me without me knowing at all??" You scoffed in disbelief.
"Why? It's your birthday tomorrow and I wanted to surprise you and make you happy." He expressed while moving his arms.
You were baffled. "Did you seriously think marrying you will make me happy?? I stayed silent all this while because I owe so much to your family, to your father. I had no one to go to when you violated me when you were the one feeding me- but- but guess what I'm done. No matter what, I'm never marrying you!!"
You stormed out of the room.
"Whether you like it or not, we will marry each other Y/N. We will." He whispered to himself.
You were packing up your stuff in haste to run away from his house, from him. You were not marrying a psycho for god's sake.
You called Byeon woo-seok, your former college classmate and your crush to help you escape.
But why did your escapade end so horribly? With Jungkook pointing a gun at beaten up Woo-seok's forehead?
You were crying endlessly, "Hush now baby, crying won't help. I reckon this is the one you had saved in your contact as Seoki? Suki? Dai Suki?" He raised an eyebrow.
Shit! He was quick to catch on, dai Suki in Japanese meant 'I love you' and you kept his name as Seoki in your contacts.
You gulped.
"Baby you never told me you had a lover?"
"HE'S NOT MY LOVER PLEASE LET HIM GO- IT'S - IT'S ME- I HAD A CRUSH ON HIM- HE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME I SWEAR." You sobbed so loudly you were falling short on breath.
He tsked. "This man better be dead then - will you come to me if he's no more alive?" He raised his eyebrows, his psychotic tendencies showing.
You grew pale. "Please let him GO- i- I will marry you. Please. Please." You dropped down to ground.
He smirked. "Good girl, can't wait to see you in your wedding gown tomorrow, baby."
You were appointed by his father to teach him how to use the weaponry.
You were skilled in your work which caught him in an awe.
He was lovestruck to say the least, he had fallen for you, for his father's right hand man.
Even though you were a girl, you showed every man on the field how to be a man.
Taehyung was jealous how his father had you at your toes all the time while he had you to himself only twice a week.
So he started training himself intensely so that you would regard him proudly as your next master after his father.
"I'll be retiring. I've been appointed as a coach for olympic trainees, my dream since I was a kid." You squealed happily while Taehyung was shocked at your words.
You were going to leave him? He couldn't believe his ears.
His father chuckled, "not to be an olympic trainee but a coach for olympic trainees? What a unique dream haha."
"That's right, instead of a king, I want to be a kingmaker." You smiled not noticing Taehyung who was holding back his tears.
after the meeting of the three of you was over, he ran outside following you.
he grabbed your hand from behind, you turned around, "hm? What is it tae?"
he sighed, "can't you stay? Atleast till I become the best shooter and archer?" He said with earnest eyes.
you chuckled.
"You are already doing much much better than so many of our comrades with extensive on-field experience. I believe you are already perfect and don't need a trainer anymore that's why I'm leaving now." You told him and smiled softly.
And just like that, you left the gang in the following week.
"You're disqualified, we found out you have worked under mafia before? We can't allow a coach like that to train archers and shooters for Olympics." The interviewer told you in person.
"what?" You frowned , first of all you had already passed the interview then why kick you out now? And who on Earth might have ratted you out?
is it the rival gang? Or your comrades?
you didn't know so you had no choice but to return back to the gang you left a week ago.
Taehyung's father was more than happy to have his one and only trusted right hand man back and Taehyung was beyond ecstatic.
afterall his plan worked, you indeed came back to him.
"You're not leaving me Y/N, never ever." He spoke to himself with a fond smile while observing your shooting practice from a distance.
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Hope you liked it luvs! Tysm for reading ♡
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invisible-lint · 5 months
Everything Could Be Okay: Chapter 4
Rhys x Tamlin's sister!reader
Summary: You tell Feyre about the bond and come up with an idea
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2.1k
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
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You're surprised your pacing hasn't worn a hole in the floor. You had finished your bath and dressed. Eaten the food that had been brought in for you, and even braided your hair. But you couldn't convince yourself to leave the relative safety of this room. Because you knew yourself and you knew that you wouldn't be delicate about it. No, the moment you see Feyre, you're going to just blurt it all out. And you're not sure how she’ll react. You love her as if she were actually your sister. Some days, you feel as if you may love her more than your brother. You're not sure you could stand it if she hated you.  So here you are, pacing like a coward. You suppose you should just do it. A wound doesn’t hurt any less if you know it’s coming. 
You wipe your hands on the pants of the night court attire, trying not to squirm. It was the first time you had ever worn pants and you weren't sure how you felt about the way the material gathered between your legs. It'd have to do for now, there weren't any dresses in the wardrobe. 
You finally force yourself to leave the bedroom, heading for the library. You linger outside for a moment before taking a breath and walking in over to where Feyre sits. You pull the chair out and sit across from her, but the moment she looks up from the paper and sets the quill down, your nerves get the best of you, and you stand back up, starting to pace again. Feyre watches you, curious.
“What is it?”
“Rhys. Rhysand is my mate.” You pick at the cuff of the shirt.
“Oh. Does that mean you're going to stay here?”
“No. I'll still go back to Spring with you when it's time.” You look at her, trying to gauge her reaction, but her face is blank, expressionless. 
“Because I don't want you to have to deal with the fallout by yourself. And because I don't want to leave you there alone.”
“I wouldn't be alone. I have Tamlin.” 
“Feyre…” You barely manage to hold back a sigh. 
“Do you want to marry him?” You reach for her hand, trying to offer comfort, but she pulls her hand away, anger dancing across her features. 
“Why do you keep asking me that?” 
“Because I don't think you do.” 
“I think you should stay here.”
You bite the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from flinching, uncertain why the words hurt so much. “Why do you think that?” 
“Because you're miserable there. That's why you think I don't want to marry Tamlin. Because you're worried about me ending up like you. But I won't. Because I love him and he loves me.” You do flinch that time. Were you truly so miserable that everyone knew it? You had thought you had done a good job hiding it around Feyre at the very least, and the realization makes guilt sink in your stomach like lead. 
“Is that enough for you? Is the life he will allow you enough? Planning parties and birthing heirs?” 
“Do you think your life here will be anything different?” Her words sting. Rhys was nothing like Tamlin. 
“That’s not the point, Feyre.” You press your palms against your legs, breathing deep, to try to keep your temper at bay. 
“No? What is the point then?” Feyre crosses her arms, her gaze hard. 
“You're already miserable in Spring, but you're not trapped. At least not yet. That doesn't have to be your life.” You sit down across from her, trying to soften your gaze, eyes pleading.
“You're not trapped if you want to be there. I just… I just need the mating bond to snap and then everything will be better.” 
You nod, chewing your lip, reaching for her hand again. She uncrosses her arms, letting you take it this time. An olive branch, you suppose. 
“You think you're mates?”
She nods. “I do.” 
You force a smile. “Well, now I understand why you got so defensive when I suggested you didn't want to marry him. I'm sorry, Feyre.”
She smiles back. “So am I. I could have told you. So… Rhys is your mate? How do you feel about that?”
You blow out a breath, slumping in the chair. “I… Need some time to wrap my head around it.” 
She nods. “Because of your family?”
You manage to hold back a grimace. Of course Tamlin told her about that. You're sure he left out the part that made him look bad. The reason why Rhys and the previous High Lord had killed your family. 
“Not really. I spent more time in close proximity to our family than Tamlin did. Aside from our mother… They were not good males. They deserved what happened to them.” You notice the way Feyre's eyes widen in surprise. She looks like she has more questions she wants to ask, but you keep talking. “No, I'm not quite ready to move on yet. I need a little more time.” She pulls her hand away, guilt shadowing her face. You can see it as she retreats into herself. You stand from your chair, walking around the table to kneel in front of her, taking both of her hands in yours. 
“I will never, ever, blame you Feyre. You never have and never will be to blame for what I lost. I wish you could have come into our lives another way, because you have become like a sister to me and I am so glad that I have gotten to know you.” 
You're both tearing up, but Feyre is smiling, and you do too. 
“You've become like a sister to me too. Can I ask you something?” 
You nod. “Of course, anything.” 
“Would Andras want you to be miserable? Or would he want you to move on?” 
You stare at her not saying anything, but your silence must answer for you, because she nods, squeezing your hands.
“That's why you should stay. So you can move on, because I don't think you can in Spring.” 
“I’ll find a way. But I want to come up with something that keeps Tamlin from wrecking too much furniture.” 
Feyre rolls her eyes, shaking her head, but the smile is still on her face. You stand, letting go of her hands. “I'll let you get back to your letter practice. I found a music room with a piano in it and Rhys said he would get me new music to learn! It's been so long since I've had new music!” 
The guilt that had been gripping Feyre's chest tight ever since she had become your friend, your sister, loosens itself at the way your eyes light up with excitement. 
“I'll have to find you later so I can listen.” 
You smile, squeezing her shoulder as you leave, finding your way back to the music room, just in time to see Rhys laying a packet of music on the piano bench. He turns to look at you when you enter, smiling at the smile on your face. 
“I take it your conversation with Feyre went well then?” 
“It did. We both lost our tempers, said some unkind things, but we also said things that the other needed to hear. She thinks I should stay.” 
He raises an eyebrow. “And what do you think?” 
“I think she's right. I'll never be able to move on as long as I'm still in Spring. There are too many memories there, too many reminders. And I know it's what Andras would want. I know that if the bond had snapped while he was alive, he would have been cautious. Probably would have insisted on being here with me, but he would have encouraged me to explore it. He would not want me to be miserable.” 
Rhys nods, walking over to take your hand, brushing his thumb across the back of it. “We take this at your pace. Whatever you want.” 
“I'd like for us to be friends first. I want to get to know you. The real you. Rhys, not Rhysand.” 
“I think that could be arranged.” He smiles, violet eyes twinkling with stars. 
“And I'd like some dresses. I don't like wearing pants.” 
He laughs. “That also could be arranged.” 
You look over the male in front of you, your mate, eyes lighting up as the start of an idea forms in your head. 
“Tell me everything about Feyre's bargain, bargain tattoos and bargain magic.”
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It's nearly the final day when you burst into the library, Rhys following close behind. Feyre jumps, quill scratching across the parchment, startled by your sudden entrance.
“I came up with an idea so that I can stay here. When Rhys takes you back, he’ll tell Tamlin that I made a bargain with him to release you from your bargain. You have to return to the Night Court two more times to make up for the remainder of the three months missed, but once those weeks are over, as long as I remain in the night court, you don't have to return. You and I will also make a bargain, but we'll get into that when Rhys leaves.” You glance at him over your shoulder, giving him a pointed look. He raises his hands in mock surrender, turning to leave, tugging on the bond as he does. You shake your head, grinning. 
“I think overall it's a good idea. Why are we making a bargain?”
“Because I want to know that you're okay. I know you want to be in Spring. And I understand why now. But if anything ever changes, I want you to tell me and we’ll get you. I don't care if it's a week from now or 100 years from now. You'll always be there because you choose to be.”
“And you won't be upset if I do?” 
“Of course not. I hope the way I pushed hasn't made you feel like I would be. I really did think I was helping.” 
“I know you did. What will our bargain be?”
“Rhys said it can be something simple, as long as it remains unfulfilled, or is open ended, the tattoo and the bond that comes with the bargain will remain.” Feyre nods, waiting for you to tell her your idea. “We promise to write to each other once a week for the rest of our lives.”
“You made Rhys leave for that?” She raises an eyebrow.
You grin. “Yeah, I did.” 
She laughs. “I accept your bargain.” 
You feel the tattoo appear on the inside of your forearm, near your elbow and roll up your sleeve to take a look. You smile and the cluster of flowers that appeared on your skin.
“Little lillies?” Feyre asks.
“No,” you say, shaking your head. “Alstroemeria. Flowers have symbolic meanings and this one  means friendship, love, strength, and devotion. It's for people who help each other through the trials and tribulations of life.”
“For sisters.” Feyre stands, pulling you into a hug.
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You pace in the study, waiting for Rhys to return from taking Feyre back to Spring. It shouldn't be taking this long, should it? You had sent Feyre back with a letter for Tamlin, explaining that you had felt responsible for Feyre's bargain with Rhys, so you had made the bargain to take her place. She would give it to him after Rhys left. 
You tug on the bond, trying to make yourself relax, managing to do so when you find it firmly in place. You would know if something was wrong. He was probably just antagonizing your brother. 
Rhys winnows back in, crossing over to you, placing his hands on your shoulders to stop your pacing. “If you keep going you might wear a hole in the rug, and I'm rather fond of this one.” 
“How did it go?” You drop your shields enough to let him in so he can show you, grimacing at what you see. 
“Don't fret, Darling. It could have been worse.” 
“It absolutely could have. I'm just not a fan of the way he pulled Feyre away from you. If he's not careful, he's going to hurt her.” You frown, brow furrowed. 
“If he does, we’ll know.” He taps the spot where your tattoo is. You nod, trying to force yourself not to worry. Part of you still wishes you had gone back with her. 
“So what now? You bring me to your Court?”
He nods. “I do, but not the Court of Nightmares. I bring you to my true court, to my home. I bring you to Velaris.”
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A/N: And there it is! It took a completely different path than I was expecting. Unless I get super inspired and write the next chapter between now and Monday, the next chapter will not be posted until the 17th at the earliest. I will keep my requests open, because I'll probably still write, I just won't be editing and posting!
Divider by @tsunami-of-tears
Taglist: @lilah-asteria @readingislife2006 @acourtofimagines @mistymoocow @irelanrose
@darker-december @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @loving-and-dreaming @bravo-delta-eccho
@sidthedollface2 @oucereeng @jesskidding3 @panther-girl-124 @jiarkives
@thecraziestcrayon @nebarious @nyctophiliiiiaaa
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charmandabear · 8 months
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Office Hours - Chapter Six
Astarion surprises you with a night at the theatre that doesn't go quite according to your plan.
Pairing: Astarion/F!Reader Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4.7k Tags/Warnings: rough/angry sex, hair pulling, emotional manipulation, dubcon, bad BDSM practices, angst, daddy kink, reminiscent of Ascended!Astarion, discussions of domestic abuse (in Taming of the Shrew)
Hi. Hello. My sweets. My darlings. This is it. The chapter where you absolutely must mind the tags. Just know that I won't take you anywhere that we won't be able to come back from. Know that I, too, am an absolute baby when it comes to intense subject matter in fics. But I want you to take care of yourselves and your hearts. As always, shoot me a message if you'd like more specifics.
Photo credits: Zaria for Green Pussy Suit Astarion and Nephi Garcia for the incredible dress.
Read on AO3 ~ Masterlist
“In the library? Babes, are you insane?” Shadowheart's voice reaches a pitch you’re fairly sure only dogs can hear. You curl your knees into your chest and cover your face in your hands, feeling the exact appropriate amount of shame.
“I know, I know. All logic goes out the fucking window around him. All I can think is ‘mm, good dick makes brain go brr.’” You let out a frustrated sigh into your hands.
“Do you want to get fired?” She pulls your hand from your face so you can't hide from her pointed stare.
“Oh trust me, I ran about forty different scenarios of that happening through my head on the drive home.”
“Did you, now? And in how many of these did he also get fired?” Shadowheart presses, knowing how your anxiety can get out of hand.
“Like, two,” you groan and drop your head back onto the couch cushions. “I don't know what comes over me. I feel like I can't tell him no.”
“Wait, wait.” Shadowheart grips your knee, suddenly worried. “You can't tell him no as in it feels too good to stop? Or as in it doesn't feel safe to say no?”
“Nine hells, no, the first one!” you respond, horrified. She squints at you and you squirm under her gaze until you’re finally more truthful, both with her and yourself. “Well, I mean, mostly. Like it's not like that. But like also not not like that, you know?”
“I can assure you I do not,” she says in a flat voice, not interested in joking around. You sigh dramatically, trying to find the right words to describe how you feel.
“Like. Okay. Am I fully consenting to everything we do? Yes. 100%. Oh gods, yes.” Your cheeks tinge pink even thinking about it. “But like… am I going against my best judgment? Do I feel like I should say no? Does part of me kinda wish I would say no? Like… maybe?”
“Tav, that's not okay. You need to talk to him about this.” Shadowheart’s voice is soft with genuine worry. Which is ridiculous, because she’s focusing on the wrong thing.
“No, see, that's the thing. It's not actually a him issue, it's a me issue. Like there's something wrong with me, I see his most toxic traits and suddenly I'm like a horny teenager!” Your voice increases in pitch as you grow more hysterical. “How am I supposed to call him out on it when the only words that will come out of my mouth are ‘yes daddy, more please’?”
“Is there anything redeemable about him at all? Besides being good in bed?” She leans back, taking a sip of her wine and fixing you with an incredulous look. 
“I mean… yeah. He’s witty, and bantering back and forth with him is fun. He’s incredibly smart, as loath as I am to admit it, and I like hearing his ideas on things, especially his interpretation of Shakespeare’s text.” You don't even notice the smile growing on your face, but Shadowheart does. “And he’s got this unexpectedly soft side. Like he seems cold and aloof on the outside, but he cares, deeply. About his students, about his cat, about-”
“About you?” she interjects, and your smile falters.
“I don't know, Shade,” you say quietly, almost ashamed to look her in the eye. “I think so. I hope so. But it's not like we've been seeing each other for that long, he’s under no obligation to feel anything.” You practically swallow the last sentence, a truth you're reticent to voice. 
“And you?” she asks softly.
“Man, I don't fucking know. I just want to keep getting laid and not catch feelings, is that so much to ask?” you whine. She laughs, but you can tell that she's only humoring you.
“For you? Probably.”
It's been several days and your busy schedules have kept you and Astarion apart for most of it. Save the occasional tension-filled passing in the hall, you've barely interacted at all. You're almost beginning to believe that your whirlwind affair has come to an end when you find a mystery package at your apartment door.
It's made out to you with no discernable return address. You bring the box into your apartment while examining it, trying to ascertain its origin. It doesn't even really look like it was sent through the mail, it looks like it was dropped off.
You take out your phone and call down to the front desk. It rings a few times, then a somber voice answers.
“What dost thou require?” His voice is deep and crackled, like some ancient eternal being.
“Hi Withers, it's Tav in 3C. Do you know anything about this package that was left at my door?”
“I have inspected it, and determined it safe for you to open. It was brought by someone claiming to be a friend.”
“Can you tell me anything about this someone?”
And the line goes dead. You laugh and shake your head. If Withers says it's safe, then it probably is. You’d trust that wrinkly old man with your life, honestly. You cut open the tape sealing the box shut and lift off the top.
Inside is something wrapped in tissue paper with a note stuck to it in Astarion's immaculate handwriting. 
Tomorrow evening The Rosewood Seven o’clock Wear nothing underneath
You let out a small involuntary moan when you read the last three words. You carefully unwrap the tissue paper to find a fabric that looks like it's made of starlight. You pull out the midnight black dress and go slightly breathless when you get a good look at it. 
It’s a backless dress with a sweetheart neckline and intricate gold embellishments that almost make it look like armor. It has a lavish gold neck piece attached by several gold chains that drip over the skin. The skirt is made of a weightless black fabric that shimmers with gold as you move it in the light. It almost appears to be cut into two panels with dual hip-high slits.
With a dress cut like this, you wouldn't be able to wear undergarments even if you wanted to.
Your heart hammers in your chest as you think about what he might have in store for you. You're not even sure what's running at the Rosewood right now, but it could be complete trash and you wouldn't even care. You probably won't even be able to pay attention, too distracted by Astarion sitting next to you for two hours.
You feel a pulsing between your legs at the thought. You think of his hand sliding up your knee while you struggle to keep a straight face. Or him reaching an arm around you, gently sliding his fingers into your hair before giving it a sharp tug.
Another moan works its way out of your throat and you follow it up with an annoyed groan. You can really get swept up at the most inconvenient times. It’s not like you don’t have any work you need to do or anything. You roll your eyes as you stalk off to draw a bath.
Waiting in the lobby of the theater, you’re feeling surprisingly nervous. The dress, though beautiful, is not particularly comfortable. With all of its various chains and pieces, you needed Shadowheart’s help just to put it on. It helps that she’s also incredibly talented when it comes to hair and makeup, so in truth you feel positively glamorous. 
When you see Astarion, however, everything goes silent. You’re certain that he’s posing for you the way he’s stopped to adjust his cuff. The cut of the suit he’s wearing is exceptionally flattering and you imagine running your hands all over the emerald velvet. His crisp white button down is almost sheer and you desperately want to pull him into you by that forest green silk tie. 
But you can’t tear your eyes away from his face. This is the first time you've seen him wear makeup, and the simple smokey eyeliner look makes his red irises pop. He’s decided to forgo his glasses, presumably opting for contacts instead to show off the makeup. He’s also swapped out his standard silver hoops for little daggers with a red rhinestone glimmering at the hilt. 
He looks up at you the moment you lay eyes on him, or more specifically, the moment your heart starts to beat out of your chest. He flashes you a devastating smile before striding up to you and pulling you into a deep kiss. You can’t even be bothered to care that the other patrons are probably staring as he slides his hand onto your bare lower back, his cool touch sending a shiver up your spine.
He pulls away from you just enough to breathlessly ask, “Are you ready to sit down?”
“Huh?” You’re distracted, too busy plotting a mental path to the bathrooms to fuck him. He lets out a winded chuckle.
“The play. House is open, would you care to find our seats?” His palm is still pressed against your back and you can barely form coherent thoughts. You still don’t even know what play you’re here to see. You just want—no, need—to be near him.
“Um, yeah,” you respond, still trying to get your bearings and remind yourself how to be a person. You let him lead you into the theater, and only once you're in your seats do you realize that neither of you grabbed a program. You pull out your phone to see if you can look it up, but service in the Rosewood is notoriously bad. Instead you just need to sit still next to Astarion, who looks like a dream and smells even better. 
He glances at you as your heart quickens again and his lips curl into a smile. He slips his hand behind your neck and lightly runs his finger along the seam between the golden collar of the dress and your flesh, sending goosebumps down your arms. He leans toward you until his lips are almost brushing your ear. 
“You look absolutely ravishing, my dear,” he whispers, his breath tickling your earlobe. You turn your face toward him on instinct, your chest heaving as you try to steady your breathing. Your lips hover inches apart, anticipating the kiss, when suddenly a throng of noisy actors come barreling down the aisles. You snap away from Astarion as the cacophony of their shrieks of laughter, calls across the audience to one another, and drunken banter fill the house.
One of them clambors onto the stage and shouts, “For God’s sake, a pot of small ale!” He’s dressed in rags and appears by far to be the drunkest of them all. Three servingmen swarm him with various shouts of, “Will’t please your honor?” He shoves them all away and proudly takes up space center stage.
“I am Christophero Sly! Call not me ‘Honor’ nor ‘Lordship,’” he bellows as the rest of the players make their way onto the stage.
Christopher Sly… you’re wracking your brain to remember which play he serves as a framing device for. Most productions cut this scene because it’s long and completely irrelevant. You just can’t for the life of you remember which play he appears in.
The scene continues with their drunken antics and slapstick comedy as the players address Sly as “my noble lord,” making him believe he’s a king that they’re about to perform for. Eventually they carry Sly out on a makeshift palanquin as the “play within the play” begins. Two handsome young men in preppy clothes enter, holding a book and wearing glasses that aren’t too dissimilar from Astarion’s round metal ones. The one without the glasses speaks first.
“Tranio, since for the great desire I had to see fair Padua…”
Tranio? Isn’t he one of the characters in Taming of the Shrew?
He knows you don’t like this play.
Well, if it’s all that’s playing at the Rosewood right now…
But if that’s the case why not just, like, see a movie?
You shift uncomfortably in your dress and cast your gaze towards Astarion. He smiles, taking your fingers and placing a gentle kiss on your knuckles before turning back to the stage. He keeps your hand in his, absentmindedly stroking the back of your hand with his thumb. 
You can feel your heart pounding in your ears and you find yourself wondering what’s running through his head. Just when you think you have him figured out, he does something to surprise you. And honestly, not always in a good way.
Maybe it won’t be so bad. You know the creative team at the Rosewood wouldn’t pick this show if they weren’t going to try to do something with it. 
But even still… is this text even redeemable?
You sit through the entirety of the show cringing as the audience around you laughs at flagrant displays of domestic abuse. The actors, several of whom you’ve worked with before, are trying their hardest to make the lines playful, but some things just can’t be recovered. Between the forced starvation, physical intimidation, and gaslighting, you wonder why companies even bother performing this play anymore. No matter how witty the writing is, it’s just too out of date to be a good season choice.
When the time comes for Kate’s final monologue, you watch in pain as the actress tries to wink-wink-nudge-nudge her way through lines like “place your hands below your husband’s foot.” She’s young, and you wonder if this is one of her first professional gigs. You get a little sad knowing that she’s probably just desperate to do anything, even if it’s trash.
Maybe you’re being a little harsh. All of the individual elements of the show—the acting, set, costumes, direction, lighting—were quite good. You just can’t get over how irredeemable this text is. Worth teaching, yes, and maybe even taking Act II out of context just for the fun banter and clever wordplay. But professional theatre companies should really just retire this one.
In the Lyft back to your apartment, you decide to get Astarion’s take on the matter.
“Do you think it’s possible to redeem a text like Taming in a modern age?”
He pauses for a moment, continuing to look away from you and out the window.
“I do, yes,” he finally answers. “I think it takes a skilled hand, but it can be successful when done well.”
You sit on his response, chewing it over. You decide to take a different route.
“I guess a better question is do you think it’s worth trying to? Like, what are we getting out of it anymore?”
“Is entertainment not enough?” he says with a laugh. You wrinkle your nose at him.
“Sure, if you’re a basic ass bitch. But I want my art to mean something. And I can’t think of what this play can possibly mean if it’s not ‘shrill women are annoying and should learn their place.’” You cross and uncross your legs, trying to keep yourself decent.
“Last I checked, you enjoy being put in your place,” he says in a low hum and your pussy betrays you with a clench. 
“Shut up,” you grumble, and you’re grateful that the dark car hides your reddening cheeks. “It’s different.”
“Is it, though? Ultimately it is a text about two dysfunctional people finding comfort in one another.” His sincerity catches you off guard, and almost makes you angry that he’s been taken in by the propaganda.
“That’s only a valid interpretation if you ignore half of what happens in the play. They’re not equally dysfunctional, Kate literally gets beaten into submission and pretends to be happy about it. Petruchio is exactly the same from the start to the finish, he has no fucking character arc.” Your hands start to shake as you try to keep your cool. You’ve had this conversation far too many times with men who think they can interpret out the sexism by simply glossing over Kate’s abuse.
The Lyft stops in front of your building and you thank the driver as you get out. Astarion follows you, and you’re not even sure if you want him to accompany you upstairs. But you remain silent as you walk past Withers and into the elevator.
“You’re overreacting,” Astarion says once the elevator doors close. “People are drawn to this play for a reason. The text is excellent, and no one truly thinks of Petruchio as an abuser.”
“Are you joking?” Your voice gets shrill and the similarity to Kate isn’t lost on you. “The whole thing normalizes his abuse. The fact that people don’t think of him as an abuser is the problem.”
“It’s a slapstick comedy,” he snaps, his voice growing stern. “Are you going to tell me that we need to cancel the Three Stooges because it promotes violence?”
“Don’t be fucking condescending,” you spit. “It’s not the same and you know it.”
“How is it not the same? Suddenly because it’s a woman in the role it no longer counts? Are you implying that women should be barred from certain types of performance because of their gender?” He walks past you into your apartment and you throw your keys and bag on the counter, not even bothering to see where they land.
“No, that’s not what I’m saying, now you’re just twisting my words,” you grumble, more frustrated than ever by your inability to match his eloquence.
“So use your own words,” he sneers, whirling around to face you. “How is it not the same?”
“It’s because- well, I- It’s different, just- argh!” Your head is clouded by your attraction to him, which has annoyingly only grown over the past few minutes of shouting. You’re suddenly reminded of the smug arrogant bastard that you first met. He lets out a jeering laugh.
“See? You can’t even defend your own point.” 
His sardonic cruelty sets something off in you and you angrily grab the lapel of his green suit. Your intentions are a complete mystery even to you, because as soon as you’re within inches of one another, instincts take over. You crush his lips into yours and pull him backwards until you thump against the door behind you. He paws hungrily at the dress, sliding his hand under the slit and around to grab your bare ass. You gasp into his touch, feeling equally frustrated and aroused that he even controlled what you wore tonight.
Your fingers make their way into his hair and you pull hard, breaking the kiss and leaving his mouth open, panting. His eyes are sparkling with a fire that you haven’t seen yet and a low growl manifests in your throat. He smirks and buries his teeth into your shoulder, something he usually asks bespoke permission for. You cry out in response, twisting your hands tighter into his silvery locks.
He unlatches from your shoulder and pushes his knee past the front of your skirt and up onto your bare cunt. You grind wantonly against the velvet as he kisses you with bloody lips. He grabs hold of the delicate chains of the dress and yanks, detaching them from the collar and making the entire bodice crumple and pool around your waist. Your nipples immediately harden at the sudden exposure to cold air and he pinches one sharply between his fingers. Your hips roll into his leg as you groan, fully ruining his pants. He continues to bite around your neck and shoulders, placing little puncture wounds in his path, marking you as his.
You grab onto his tie and push him away so you can shimmy out of the rest of the dress. You’re now down to just the gold collar of the dress and your heels, a look you wish you could hate but don’t. You pull him across your living area and toward your bedroom, shoving him down onto the edge of the bed. 
“Thou hast hit it, come, sit on me,” he says, quoting Petruchio with a sinister grin. Kate’s retort falls out of your mouth reflexively.
“Asses are made to bear, and so are you,” you hiss as you straddle his hips, wrapping his tie around your hand until you’ve gripped it up to the knot. Your other hand violently unbuckles his belt, yanking it through the loops with a snap.
“Women are made to bear, and so are you,” he says with a caustic laugh, digging his nails into your ass cheeks. You tug sharply on his tie, bringing his lips close to yours.
“No such jade as you, if me you mean,” you snarl and silence him with an angry kiss. You don’t want to encourage his idiotic behavior, but you’d be lying to yourself if you said this wasn’t a fantasy you’ve had before. You fumble with the buttons of his suit jacket, trying to get him undressed as quickly as possible. You’re not sure if you feel more vulnerable or more powerful being undressed while he’s still fully clothed, but either way you want him naked, now. You get about three buttons into his shirt before you grow impatient, ripping it the rest of the way open and sending buttons flying. 
Good. Let him need to repair his clothes for once.
You push him flat onto his back and descend onto his chest, alternating kisses, licks, and bites. Your dull human teeth don’t have nearly the same effect as his fangs, but it just means you get to bite twice as hard in order to leave a mark. He writhes beneath your touch, and you feel a twisted satisfaction at the quiet little grunts and gasps you’re finally pulling from him. He’s rarely this vocal during sex, and it’s only serving to spur you on more.
His groans build until you capture his nipple in your teeth and bite down, causing him to shout and buck his hips up into you. In a flash he flips you around onto your back and he bears down on you, eyes dangerous. 
“Little love, do you think you’re in control?” he asks in a low growl, his hand gripped around your jaw. You sneer and slide your leg against the strained bulge in his pants. He hisses and your smile widens.
“Right now? Yes,” you coo, continuing to press your calf against his velvet-covered cock. You grab the tie still hanging around his neck and pull him close. 
“If you want it back, fucking take it.”
If I put my hands around your wrists, would you fight them?
He kisses you roughly, catching your bottom lip in his teeth biting hard enough to puncture the skin. He pulls back slightly, a drop of your blood running down his chin and a snide grin. He makes like he’s about to kiss you again but shoves your face away before your lips make contact.
This is the worst you’ve ever seen him—the most arrogant, the most condescending, borderline cruel even. And you have never been more turned on.
If I put my fingers in your mouth, would you bite them?
“Is that all you’ve got?” you taunt, licking the blood from your lips. “Go ahead, choke me, daddy.”
The feminist in you is horrified, but the little gremlin controlling your libido is having the time of its life. It squeals with delight when his hand closes around your throat, just barely constricting your breathing. 
“You insolent little brat,” he breathes into your ear, pulling up on your jaw. “I will absolutely ruin you.”
And there will be no tenderness, no tenderness.
“Do it, coward,” you spit, and he lets go just long enough to finish undressing from the waist down. He grabs your still heeled ankle and presses your leg up by your shoulder, stretching you wide enough to take him without any prep. You gasp as he fills you, the stinging pain outweighed by the gratification of finally feeling him inside you.
The only thing that I ask, love me mercilessly.
He sets a punishing rhythm, one knee on the bed and the other foot still firmly planted on the floor. He bottoms out with each long thrust and you grab hold of his hair to brace yourself. He winces with the pain but doesn’t slow down, and your moans grow high and loud as he continues to furiously pound into you. 
“Gods, fuck, Astarion,” you keen, your desire coiling in your belly and threatening to explode. “Keep going, daddy, fuck me please.” He grunts with the effort and your dirty talk seems to be having an effect as his pace falters. You jerk your hips up into him, chasing your orgasm, until finally it barrels through you like a runaway train. You pull on his hair as you come and that sets off his, his pulsing cock pressing against the clenching walls of your cunt. 
He stays deep inside you as the aftershocks reverberate through both of you, until the only sound remaining is your heavy panting. He drops his forehead to touch yours, a pleasantly tender moment after some of the roughest sex you can recall having. He starts to giggle and you follow suit, suddenly giddy. He pulls out of you with a squelch and walks to the bathroom to get a towel to clean up the mess you’ve left behind. He wipes you down gently, a surprising bit of aftercare you’re not accustomed to with him. He plants a tender kiss on your lips and you feel dizzy with affection for him.
You settle up against the headboard of your bed, his arm around you and both of you looking at your phones in a companionable silence. After a moment, he lets out a small chuckle. 
“What?” you ask, turning your head towards him quizzically.
“I’m just shocked that worked, is all,” he laughs, shaking his head. Your confusion grows and you furrow your brow.
“What worked?” you laugh with him, but something doesn’t feel right.
“The whole night, taking you to see Taming, getting into just enough of a fight to result in,” he vaguely waves his hand, gesturing to the edge of the bed, “all of that.”
“Wait, what? What do you mean?” You pull away from him and your stomach drops. Surely he can’t be suggesting what you think he’s suggesting.
“You get riled up so easily, I thought this might be fun.” He still doesn’t seem to have picked up on your heart pounding in your ears, which is frankly unusual for him.
“Are you saying… Wait, are you saying that you planned that fight? So, what, we’d have angry sex?”
“Of course, you don’t think I actually believe anything that I said, do you? Taming of the Shrew might be well-written, but it’s a rubbish play to produce.” He finally turns to you and sees that you’ve gone white as a sheet. “Oh, darling, don’t take it like that, you’re positively adorable when you’re angry, I couldn’t resist.” He tries putting his hand to your cheek but you flinch away like he’s burned you.
“Get out,” you say in a low voice, unable to even look at him.
“What?” He’s still laughing. He doesn’t get it. “My sweet, didn’t you-”
“GET. OUT.” Your voice has a venom in it that even shocks you. He stares at you in horror until you shoot him an icy glare. “Now.”
Without a word he stands and quickly puts his clothes back on. You stay in your bed, naked and curled under a sheet, until you hear the front door of your apartment slam. With shaking hands, you call Shadowheart.
“Moonmaiden’s delight, did you enjoy yourself? It certainly sounded like you did.” The sound of Shadowheart’s bubbly laugh usually makes you smile, but right now it seeps into your skin like poison.
“Shade, please come over,” you whimper, and the second the words leave your mouth, the tears begin to fall. You don’t hear her hang up, but you do hear a muffled, “I’m going to fucking kill him!” through the wall. You pull your knees further into your chest and sob.
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becca-is-not-well · 1 year
Hi pretty!
So I have a super cute idea that won't let me rest
So basically how do you think chase davenport would react to the reader stealing his clothes
Like pajama pants, one of his flannels, a tee shirt
Id yoyu don't wanna write if you totally don't have to🩷
Chase Davenport x reader
Warnings: fluffy, a little cheesy, and gets suggestive at the end (im sorry I couldn't help myself I love him sm sobbb) 2nd person (you/yours) also I didn't specify how the clothes fit cause I'm a big girl and I know for a fact Chase's clothes would be tight on me if I even managed to squeeze in lol so it's hopefully as inclusive as possible :)
"Hey, has anyone seen my blue flannel?" Chase asked the living room full of superheros.
"You have, like, a hundred blue flannels. Care to narrow it down at all?" Bree responded with her usual amount of attitude. Chase sent her an unamused look.
"Then have you seen my sweatpants? I'm staying with my girlfriend tonight and I can't find any of my clothes," he says exasperated.
"I bet Oliver stole them. He had a history," Kaz looks away his best friend with an amused smile.
"For the last time, I didn't realize they were your underwear! I wouldn't have touched them with a ten-foot pole if I had realized," Oliver shuddered at the memory while Bree and Chase both rolled their eyes.
"Oh! Skyler, have you seen my blue flannel and/or my sweatpants?" Chase asked the alien as she walked into the room.
"You have about a hundred blue flannels, how am I supposed to know which one you're looking for?" Skyler replied immediately. Bree pointed at Skyler dramatically while looking at her brother.
"See?!" She said triumphantly, happy for the unexpected validation. Chase rolled his eyes so hard, it was a surprise they didn't get stuck looking at his brain.
"And this is why I'm going away for the night," he said with a sarcastic smile before turning around and leaving the room.
After almost a half hour of searching, he still couldn't find his missing clothes. But Chase was nothing if not punctual, so he ended up just throwing some random clothes in his bag and heading out the door to get to your apartment on time.
Soon enough, he was right outside the familiar door that led into a small apartment. The man let out a content sigh as he opened the door and took in the familiar sights and smells of the place, happy to finally get away from his own home and spend the night with his love.
"Honey, I'm home!" Chase called out, only half joking.
A blur of blue and gray suddenly came full speed out of the bedroom, colliding with him in a tight hug. After taking a second to regain his balance, he chuckled and hugged you back just as hard.
"Hi, baby," he said, burying his face in your hair and breathing deeply. It had been a rough week for him, but all the tension in his body left with a simple hug.
"I missed you~" you said in a slightly whiny tone, holding onto Chase even tighter.
"Missed you too, bug," he chuckled at your enthusiasm to see him, warmth and love rising in his chest. No one had ever had a reaction like this to simply seeing him before- and it was definitely a boost in confidence.
After a few more moments in each other's embrace, you both pulled away slightly, smiling at each other. Silently, you met each other's lips for a sweet, slow peck.
"Wait- what are you-" Chase pulled away again, his big brain processing what he had seen you wearing in the split second he had looked down. "Is that my flannel?"
You just nodded with a sweetly oblivious smile, stepping back to show the whole outfit.
"And your pants- and this might be your t-shirt," you told him happily. Chase just stood there in confusion- and a little bit of awe. Sure enough, your entire outfit consisted of his clothes.
"Is- that okay?" You asked after a moment of silence from Chase.
"Uh- yeah! Yeah, of course," he replied, a smile working its way onto his face.
It was cliché, but he decided quickly that seeing his you in his clothes was the best thing that would ever grace his eyes. You just looked so cute standing there, a shy smile on your face as you presented the clothing that used to belong to him. Obviously, though, he thought you looked much better than he ever did in the clothes- he would never dream of asking for them back.
Soon, the innocent adoration turned into something a bit less innocent. A surge of possessiveness and pride swelled in him as he looked you up and down again.
"You look so pretty, I don't know if I want to take my clothes off you or just keep looking," he said, the surge of confidence overtaking him as he stepped closer again.
You let out a giggle as he took your waist in his hands, pulling your body closer.
"I may or may not have a preference," you told him, subconsciously biting your lip.
"Oh really? Why don't you show me which one you want, then?" Chase said with a smile, meeting you for another kiss.
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Play Pretend (Reneé Rapp x Reader)
𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘣𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘯 𝘢 𝘱𝘰𝘦𝘮 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦, 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘴 "𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦"
"It's all for publicity Reneé" Her manager explained, she tilted her head at her management. She's still skeptical about the idea, her manager didn't say who.
"I don't know... who is it with?" She finally asked, her team looked at each other before Adam said your name.
"Y/n L/n" she swallowed thickly, not believing her ears.
"Now why didn't you start with that?" She mumbled incredulously. Adam rolled his eyes at that, knowing that the deal's already settled.
A few weeks into your new relationship, the teams discussed how you would blow this relationship up. Truth be told, you're just doing this for fun, you were asked for help by a dear friend.
And it also didn't hurt when you have such a pretty thing.
Given your reputation, you don't need any further proof that you're successful. Your name speaks for itself.
Some would say you're doing charity work. But looking at Reneé's endless potential, you think otherwise. You wonder what else could you help her with.
You argued about that with Adam. But he explained that the management "wants to speed it up" which you called bullshit, seeing right through them.
But you both won't lose anything if you do this.
So, here you are. In a well-known bar, hands wrap protectively around her waist. Despite your argument that she doesn't need you to boost her name. Your teams suggested that you go out on a date to stir the conversation.
But you found it to be cliche, knowing this situation quite well. You told them to trust you with this and took Reneé to a bar, of course, you asked if she was all right with this and she agreed instantly.
"You alright, darling?" Your words are smooth, and you are quite known as someone suave. And that's exactly why Reneé admires you. Your thumb caresses her clothed skin, and you pull her closer to you. You gave her a soft smile when she let out a small gasp.
"So pretty in my arms" You caress her cheek with your other hand. She let out a ragged breath, her breath warm and her hand on your chest trembled lightly as she squeezed her thighs together.
"Yeah! Let's grab a drink!" She brushed off the situation, enthusiastically pulling you to get a drink. You spend the night having fun. Your bodies dance with each other as you try to converse through the loud sound of music and people.
"Are you having fun?" She questioned, hands around your neck while yours on her waist. Your body glistens with a few sweats.
"I am actually." You grinned while you swayed your bodies. "So how is this supposed to boost us?" You smiled at her, before whispering in her ear.
"Trust me." You winked before letting the music take over your bodies, once you both had enough. You took her outside. Making sure that she's well taken care of.
Outside the bar, you found some bench to sit on. You notice how her hair bothers her, so you put her hair into a ponytail, kissing her forehead after doing so. She mumbled a small thank you while looking up with those eyes of her.
"You're adorable" You gave her nose a peck before removing the jacket you wore, and you put it on her. Making sure to check on her every few minutes.
Reneé knows her limits, but for some reason, she wants to be taken care of, especially if it's from you.
She wants to be babied.
"Can we go home?" She asked softly, you couldn't help but giggle at her cuteness. You nodded "All alright darling, I'll call my driver" With that you call your driver, her head on your shoulder while you stroke her cheeks softly as you talk to June.
You kissed her head, you put down your phone. Smiling when you notice something in your surroundings. You continued stroking her cheeks while she slurred out her drunken thoughts.
You nodded and agreed with her throughout her speech, smiling fondly at her. It's not hard to like this woman.
After a few minutes, June pulled up. You carefully guide her inside the car. Taking her to your house, you help her sober up for a moment in your guest room. You gave her your hoodie and comfy pajamas. You prepared some ibuprofen and water in case she woke up with a hangover.
"Holy shit!" You heard her voice, your face forming a proud smile as your plan worked. You sip your coffee while you wait for her.
"Good morning, darling" you greeted with a rasped voice, she looked up from her phone to look at you with wide eyes. "You've seen this?" She walked closer to you to give you her phone.
"I made breakfast" You motion your head to the food you set up for her before looking at her phone.
"Cute pics," you said calmly, Reneé looked up from her eating her food. You sounded like you're just looking at some cute dog pics.
"What?" She asked confused, you gave her phone back.
"Send the pics to me, we look cute," you said before continuing with your coffee. She quickly dm the pics to you.
You saved the pics that the paparazzi took last night at the bar, you saw them taking pictures before you went home. They are so predictable, hanging where they know celebrities hang out.
So you weren't surprised when the pictures would end up online. You forwarded the image to your team, sending them an "I told you so" message.
"How'd you know?" Strangely, Reneé doesn't call you with pet names. She felt that it was too intimate for her. Knowing that she would mean it if she called you any pet names.
"Doesn't matter, but it's probably all over socials." Knowing her fans and yours, it was all over the media.
"What do we do next?" she had a few ideas in mind, and you smiled at her. "Nothing, we watch how they take it" Renee nodded, knowing that you were right and her pounding head didn't give her a chance to answer.
"Did you take the ibuprofen?" you sigh when she shook her head. "I was shocked and ran to find you" You set down your cup before walking away to get her something to cure her hangover.
"What do you wanna do today?" Once you handed her the medicine she asked.
"Get to know each other" you answered surely, knowing that to successfully fool the public. You have to at least know each other.
You both spent the day with each other, it was nice. You got to know each other, surprised at how comfortable and easy it is to speak with her. You notice how you enjoy her presence and her personality.
Renee's drawn on you, listening to every word you say. She likes you and it's not hard to like her. Throughout the day you painted each other's nails.
You took a quick picture of her painting your nails, knowing what you should do next. She noticed you taking pictures and posed for a few photos before concentrating again.
Renee found these moments memorable. She knew she would think about this for a while. Once the day ended, you two parted ways.
You scroll down on your phone, you smile as you see countless of images and a few video clips of you and Renee at the bar. You scroll through TikTok to see your For You page full of edits of yours and Renee's. You applaud their creativity.
You saw a few vids of influencers talking about your so-called "hard launch" Time flies as you watched, liked, and reposted some few TikTok about relationships. Not reposting videos of you both. But liking a few cute videos since for sure the creators would inform their viewers that you liked the vid, that would lead to them further believing your relationship.
You sent a few cute edits to Renee, laughing at her comments. You both discuss a few things that you could do together to feed into the already blowing-up conversation.
Reneé's never reliant on one person, she likes to do things herself. But she's always saying yes to you. Going along with your plan, she loves how you take initiative.
"You do it your way baby. I'll follow" she says, now more comfortable with throwing pet names. You always make sure that what you're doing is for both of your benefits.
Deciding to keep appearance, you take her into one of your many interviews. And Reneé just follows because she knew you would take care of her needs.
"What are you doing?" Her voice is soft and small, she follows your movements with her eyes. "Just making sure you'd be comfortable" You held her hand and lead her to the set. You greeted everyone and introduced yourself.
"Hi, I'm Y/n L/n and I'm gonna be reading some of your most unhinged thirst tweets." Once you're in front of the camera, you're in your element. You're one of the most requested people to read some thirst tweets. You winked at the camera, while silently preparing yourself.
Because knowing how Twitter can be, you let out a giggle as you read the first tweet.
"I want y/n to manhandle me, choke me, spank me. Thank you" you giggle in between your sentences. You look at the camera and the people behind it, laughing as you hide your face with your hands.
"Ma'am? I guess we're starting with a bang. I hear you darling" You grab a new paper, muttering an "Oh God" as you read the sentence.
"It's from @calmed_t1ts I want y/n to breastfeed me like the mother she is" I looked at the camera while biting my lip. The staff laughed at the tweet and I could hear Reneé let out a small scream when I read the tweet.
"You know, my mother never breastfed me-" I proceeded to tell a whole different story at the same time acknowledging the tweet.
"I want this framed in my room by the way." You shook your head with a wide smile, before grabbing the next paper.
"Oooh, come here darling" you motion for Renee to come as the tweet addresses you both, you look at the staff for approval and they nod.
You guided her to sit on your lap casually, and you gave her the paper for her to read.
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"Looove the username, deal" Renee nodded, not even flinching at the tweet. She looked at you for approval. You shrugged your shoulders at her.
"Give me details, darling" You looked at the camera, and before you could say something. Renee remembered something.
"Oohh remember when you-"
"Okay, thank you so much dearest!" You gave her a quick tight hug to silence her, before you playfully motioned her out of your lap. She giggled while she stood up.
The rest of the segment where with Reneé, it's unplanned but it was so fun and memorable. It shows how easy things are with Reneé.
You couldn't wait to see where this thing leads you...
𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘦𝘮? 𝘫𝘬
(𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘱 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦😭)
𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘯𝘥
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entitled-fangirl · 8 months
Two idiots in love. (P9)
Joel Miller x anemic!reader
Summary: The reader is determined to care for Ellie and Joel as he recovers. She meets a seemingly kind man named David, and she struggles with whether to trust him or not.
Part 1 and 10
Author's note: God forbid I ever get straight to the point.
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Y/N let out a gasp at Joel's bruising grip on her wrist. 
Maybe she should've warned the man before applying that much pressure to the wound.
But she was panicking, and didn't know what to do with herself.
The strings of hardly heard curses that came from Joel's mouth were like angelic sounds to the woman. 
It meant he was still alive.
And that was enough for her. 
The basement of an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere was not exactly the place Y/N wanted to be, but they needed to give Joel time to heal. 
And she was more than willing to do anything for him.
For her Joel.
"Come on, come on, Joel. You gotta help me." She muttered under her breath to him.
He barely tilted his head up to her, "Leave."
Ellie looked over the woman's shoulder, "Shut up, Joel."
"And take the gun."
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Ellie screamed.
He reached out and grabbed Y/N's collar. With what strength he had left, he pulled her close to his face, "You go north. You go to Tommy."
She shook her head at him hurriedly, only making the man panic further. "S..sweet girl, please."
"You… you just let me stay. How am I supposed to just leave you?"
"Go. GO!" And he pushed her shoulder, making her stumble back onto the floor.
Ellie was frustrated, and went outside to give herself time to breathe.
Y/N moved back towards Joel, letting her fingers gently brush his messy curls from his face, "Honey, I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna… stay as long as I need to. Until you're ready to go again."
The gently prodding of her fingers in his hair was whisking him to sleep.
But she needed to hear his voice more before she let him finally succumb, "Joel…?"
She barely heard his replied hum.
"What um… you said you had left a note for me? Well… I was just thinking about it… What did it say?"
"You…" he swallowed, struggling to talk, "You read it when… when you get back to Jackson…"
She shook her head again, "I'm not going. I told you that."
His lips pulled into a very small smile, "You're so pretty. So… so beautiful…"
She watched his eyes close and his body finally relax as he fell asleep.
She let out a sigh, pulling Joel's jacket over his body to give him warmth.
Ellie let out a small cry as she tried to give Joel water.
He was still passed out cold, and she had resorted to dripping water from her fingers onto his lips in hopes that he'd take it.
Y/N walked by the sight with a sigh, before leaning down behind the girl, "You're doing alright, baby."
And she kissed Ellie on the top of the head.
Ellie couldn't remember the last time someone did that.
Or even ANY time somebody had done that for her.
"I'm gonna go out… try to hunt." Y/N said. "We're gonna need something if we stay here. Think you can hold down the fort for me, El?"
Ellie nodded. "I can do that."
She smiled, "Good. I'll be back in a few hours. Hopefully with dinner. I won't lie to you, though. I'm not as good of a shot as Joel."
Only then did Ellie finally smile. "Just… promise you'll come back?"
"Don't worry. I'm not gonna leave you, baby."
And Y/N kissed the unconscious Joel on the forehead before heading upstairs.
God, Y/N forgot how much she hated the cold.
Especially knowing that Joel wouldn't be able  to warm her up when she got back like he always used to.
But as luck would have it, a beautiful deer was only 20 yards from her.
She smiled, and knelt down to crouch with the gun. 
She remembered Joel's words.
Slow and steady. Gently. 
Right in its head.
But as luck would have it, someone was ready to take it back with them instead.
David sighed, "What do you think?"
James shrugged, "Seems fine to me."
"Alright. Well, let's get it now. I reckon that whoever shot it is not far off."
David kneeled down to grab the deer.
And hear the click of a handgun against his head.
"Don't. Move."
Y/N faked bravery with her words and actions, but inside, she was terrified. 
"Drop your fucking rifles."
The men did so, and Y/N let David stand.
The two men turned around to face her.
They could see the quick rise and fall of her chest even through her heavy coat. The panic in her eyes.
"You're quite a hunter." David reasoned. "We didn't even hear you coming."
"Where the hell did you come from?" She retaliated. 
"We're not here to hurt you." David reasoned again, "Let us have 10 seconds of your time."
"Just answer the goddamn question!" 
"I'm David, this is my friend James. We're from a larger group: women, children, and we're all very, very hungry…"
"Weird," Y/N lied. "I'm from a large group, too. But, I don't steal others' game." 
"Well, even so," David tried again, "ya can't drag this back on your own."
"I can fucking try."
The man sighed, "We're not asking for charity. We can trade you for some of the deer. We have… well, what do you need?"
Y/N was actually considering his offer. Her gun lowered just barely. "…Medicine?"
She didn't notice the way James' jaw clenched.
"We do," David nodded, "Back in our village. You're welcome to follow us."
"I'm not stupid," she scoffed. "You stay with me." She nodded towards James, "He can go get it and come back. Half the deer."
David nodded, "What kind of medicine?"
She let out a shuddered breathe, watching it show in the cold air, "Uh… penicillin? For infections?"
"Alright." He turned to James, "Go talk to Howard. Bring back two bottles and a syringe. It's not code. Do as I say."
Y/N let the barrel of the gun follow James as he stepped away.
"Now, step away from the rifle."
David did so immediately. "Whose gun is that? Your husbands?"
Y/N let out a scoff. She picked up David's rifle and slung it over to shoulder along with Joel's. 
"None of your fucking business."
"Is he sick? Is that why you're out here instead of him?"
Y/N just shook her head and his antics. 
"Well, look. It's a four-mile round trip back to our settlement. It's gonna be a while before James gets back. I have some oil and matches in my pack. We could.. uh… take shelter. Start a fire."
She pursed her lips. 
The man seemed sincere.
"Alright. But you drag the deer."
"So, what's your name?"
Y/N scrunched up her nose as she looked down to her gun that rested on the floor near her crossed legs.
"It's hard to trust strangers. I know," David nodded. "But, I honestly mean you no harm."
She was cursing herself for her big fucking heart.
David seems to notice her internal battle. "For what it's worth, there's room for you in our group."
She shook her head, "I'm not interested in your… hunger club or whatever."
"I'm just a man tryna take care of the people who rely on me. Like… whoever is sick that's relying on you now."
"So, you're their leader?"
"Wasn't my choice. It was theirs. But… yeah."
"What… what do you mean?"
"Well, I'm a preacher. It's not a cult thing… just standard Bible stuff."
Her eyebrows furrowed, "After all this, you still believe in that?"
He smiled, "I actually started believing after the world ended."
A hint of a smile rested on the woman's face. "Interesting. Well, I'm sorry to have crossed paths with you like this. Maybe in another life, I would've joined your group. But I have my own."
David nods, "Well, I believe everything happens for a reason."
She scoffed slightly.
"It's true!" He laughed. "It does. I can prove it to you!"
She laughed, "Alright. Shoot."
"Well, we didn't expect this winter to be so harsh. Hard to find game. So, I sent four of our people to a nearby town to scavenge what they could. And… only three of them came back."
Oh fuck.
She tried to keep her face from showing any emotion.
"Turns out," David continued, "He was murdered by this crazy man. And get this: That crazy man was traveling with a little family. A wife and a girl."
Y/N leaned back, letting her hand slowly wander back to her gun on the floor.
"See?" David smiled. "Everything happens for a reason. James, lower the gun."
Her body went into flight mode, jumping up and pointing her handgun at James. But his rifle was already aimed at her.
"She's the one that killed Alec, isn't she?" James asked.
"She didn't kill anybody," David smiled. "Lower the gun."
James hesitantly did so.
Y/N felt like she was suffocating.
"Did you being the medicine?" David asked.
James nodded, "I did, but-"
"-Give it to her."
He held the medicine out, and Y/N slowly approached him and took it.
She then began to back away, deciding to go without the deer.
"I know you're not with a group," David said. "You won't survive long. I can protect you."
She shook her head. "I don't need your help. We're fine on our own."
Then, she took off in a sprint.
"Ellie? ELLIE!" Y/N screamed as she ran into the house.
Ellie immediately ran up the stairs to the woman, pulling her into a hug. "Did you get it?"
She shook her head, "No… I… I'm sorry. But, I got something for Joel." She pulled out the penicillin.
"What is that?"
Y/N smiled widely, "It's medicine. I got him medicine."
The next day, Y/N had volunteered to go out to scoop snow for Joel.
She was trying to not freak out Ellie about what had happened the previous day.
Which meant she didn't tell Ellie about it at all, and volunteered for anything that was outside of the house.
So, when a few of David's men showed up in the neighborhood, she was thankful that she was the one out there instead of her girl.
"Stay alert," David said, "If this man's not already dead, he's dangerous."
"And the girl and the woman?"
"We bring them back with us."
James sighed, "I don't mean to question your sense of mercy, David. We can let them go. But, we bring them back with us, they're just more mouths to feed."
"If we leave them out here, they'll die."
"Yeah," James retaliated, "Well, maybe that's God's will."
David turned to look at James, but didn't say a word.
"Ellie. Joel." Y/N whispered when she finally made it back to the house.
"What the fuck is happening?" Ellie worried.
"You need to stay here. Stay quiet. There are… fuck… there are men outside. I have to go." 
Y/N kneeled by Joel's head, taking it in her hands, "Wake up. Joel, honey, wake up."
She smiled as his eyelids barely opened to reveal his dark eyes.
"There are men that are coming, okay? I'm gonna lead them away from you two but if anybody makes it down here, you…" she looks up at Ellie in exasperation. "…you gotta fucking kill them. Don't… don't hesitate."
She stood, "And don't let Joel sleep."
She wanted to hold Ellie and tell her it would be okay.
She wanted to kiss Joel again and feel his warm breath on her face.
She wanted a lot of things.
But wants weren't allowed anymore.
She hurried upstairs. 
She knew she couldn't fight them.
And she couldn't outrun them.
Maybe she would just have to surrender herself to save them.
Then Ellie and Joel could find her. 
Or they could die in the cold.
Better than dying at the hands of these men.
She wandered down a few street, as far as she could to keep them from looking in the house that Joel slept in.
She had to fake confusion.
Her plan was in action.
When the man rounded the corner, she pretended to be tying her horse to a tree.
And she feigned surprise when she heard the clicking of their guns.
She turned around with a worried expression, "oh, shit." She murmured. "…David?"
He smiled, "You know, I never caught your name."
"Why do you want it so bad?"
He shrugged, "I just… like ya or something. You have this… way about you. You draw people in."
She shook her head, "Well… I guess you came in time."
He tilted his head in confusion, "In time… for what?"
She had to pinch herself to make the tears come, "They… they're dead."
David's face turned to one of remorse, "Oh, sweetheart. I'm sorry. That can't be an easy feeling. A now childless widow. But don't worry." He smiled at her as he approached, "We'll take care of you."
"David…?" James asked.
He turned to look over his shoulder, "What's one more mouth, James?"
But when David turned back to Y/N, she punched him as hard as she could in his jaw.
And she ran.
It threw the men off, and they weren't sure what to do.
But as they ran after her, David's voice traveled through the cold air, "ALIVE!"
It was harder to run in the snow than she thought.
But those thoughts stopped when she hit a brick wall.
He grabbed her throat, cutting off her air supply.
She gasped under his grip until her face started to lose color.
Now real tears were falling from her eyes.
Especially when she felt her body give way.
David made his way over to the unconscious body. He picked her up gently before turning to the men. "You want vengeance? Go door to door. Find him. Deliver it."
And the preacher began to walk back to camp with Joel's most delicate and precious possession in his arms.
Tags: @lover-of-books-and-tea, @pedropascalfan221, @lottieellz101, @bambisweethearts, @hiroikegawa, @elliaze, @littleshadow17, @n7cje
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forever-rogue · 1 year
i mean 👀👀 agent whiskey is such a flirt i would probably die if he flirted with me he would have me the moment he opened his mouth. But also i could see him flirting with the nerdy lab assistant who he really likes but she thinks he isnt being serious bc of the amt of flirting he does on cases. (hes so attractive it hurts)
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AN | No but the cowboy could flirt with me any time 🥺❤️
Pairing | Jack “Whiskey” Daniels x Fem!Reader
Warnings | None
Word Count | 2.2k
Masterlist | PP Characters, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"You're going to give yourself a headache, sugar," the outside of his warm southern drawl caused you to almost jump out of your chair. You hadn't even heard him coming; he was incredibly stealthy but you knew that was just part of the job. You turned to him and offered a small smile, trying not to stare at his ridiculously handsome face, "staring at the computer too much and workin' entirely too hard."
"I, shit - Jack," immediately you wished the floor would open up and swallow you whole, "I didn't even hear you!"
"Well, I wouldn't be very good at my job if you did hear me," he teased, sitting on the edge of your desk, which caused you to have a mild freak out. You gave him a nervous, tight lipped smile before shrugging, "do you ever take breaks?"
"Sometimes," your cheeks warmed up as he tutted at you, "when time allows."
"I don't like that answer," he drummed his fingers along the top of the desk before quickly hopping off and holding his hand out to you. You stared at it as though it was some weird, foreign thing, "come on. I'm taking you to lunch."
No. Nope. Definitely not. You weren't sure if you'd be able to survive that. 
"Oh Jack," you shook your head and rolled your chair a little further away, "I can't. I'm… too busy."
"Hmm," he hummed softly but didn't pull his hand away, "I think you know by now that I am a stubborn man. And I don't usually take no for an answer."
"Come on," he tilted his head towards the door and motioned for you to follow, "I'll even let you pick the place. I won't keep you for too long, sugar, I just want to make sure you've had something to eat and taken a well deserved break."
You stared at him for a few long seconds before slowly nodding. 
It wouldn't be too bad. Right? Right.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"So," you didn't like the sound of Ginger's tone at all. You knew it all too well. You froze as you poured your cup of coffee, "I heard you went out with Jack."
"Oh yeah, we - wait," you almost dropped the carafe, "what!? Ginger, what are you talking about?"
"I heard from Trish who heard from Christine that you and Jack went on a little date," there was a huge smirk on her face as you tried to process even what she was saying.
"Ginger. Ginger," you set everything down and turned to her, holding your hands up as an act of surrender, "you of all people know that you shouldn't listen to gossip!"
"Oh," she shrugged lightly and crossed her arms over her chest, "but you're not denying it."
"I - no!" You groaned heavily, "we didn't go out, Ginger. We…he came to my office and insisted that I needed a break and we went to grab lunch. It wasn't a date or anything."
"But you did go out," you opened and closed your mouth a few times, "you could have said no, right?"
"I…" you thought about it a few more moments, "but it's Jack. You know how persuasive he can be."
"Mhmm," she made her own coffee and turned her back to you. You sighed heavily, "of course he is. But he's also sweet on you."
"He is not," you sounded almost indignant but her words gave you a moment of pause. He wasn't, was he. No…he was just an openly flirty man. It wasn't just specifically with you…the idea was preposterous, "that's just how he is."
"Is it though?" She mused sweetly. You couldn't even be annoyed with her, she was too sweet for that, "listen, sweetheart, you're a scientist. You're incredibly intelligent but you're so blind. Open your eyes a little bit and then you'll have your answer."
"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked but she was gone and out of sight before you even finished your question, "Ginger?"
“Just Jack last time I checked,” oh maker. Of course the man in question had to have that perfect timing. You closed your eyes for a moment and let out a low breath. This was Jack after all, just another coworker. There didn’t have to be anything weird about it. The fact that you’d harbored a crush on him for as long as you’d been working was another thing entirely. Of non-import. Except that it was becoming an increasingly large problem that made it hard to be around him. Hell. Maybe this was worse than you had thought. 
“O-oh,” you pasted on the best smile you could muster up in that moment before turning back to the coffee that seemed to be the most interesting thing in the world, “hi.”
“Hey sugar,” he really had to have that warm, syrupy drawl didn’t he? It made your knees weak, “everything alright? You seem awfully jumpy.”
“Everything’s just fine,” you were a liar. Everything was most definitely not fine, “just needed a coffee break.”
“I’d suggest water,” he leaned against the counter and gave a lazy little half smile, “but I’m glad to see you’re taking a break at least.”
“Mhmm,” a tightlipped smile was thrown his way, “had to stop staring at my screen for a while.”
“Well good,” he reached over and gave your shoulder a squeeze. His touch was electric and sent shivers down your spine and butterflies to explode in your tummy, “listen, I was wondering if-”
“I’ve gotta go,” you took a step out of the room and away from him, “I’ve got a lot to do.”
Jack watched as you almost ran away back to your office. He shook his head fondly and decided that he would check in on you later. There was no reason for him to scare you off now; everything would happen in time.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Over the next couple of weeks it seemed like you saw Jack everywhere you went. Whether or not it was intentional it was starting to drive you crazy. The man took up enough of your mind already, he didn’t need to be the only thing on it. Any time you weren’t actively thinking about something else, the cowboy took over your thoughts. It almost wasn’t fair. 
This particular evening you were positive you were the last one left in the building. There were just a few things you needed to finish up and you hadn't planned on being there too much longer.
That’s why when you heard the footsteps coming from down the hall, your brain went into fight or flight mode. You grabbed the nearest thing that you thought could serve as a weapon and clutched it tightly. Padding over to the door, you hid just out of sight and waited for the intruder to come in. 
You held your breath as you got ready to attack and as soon as you the person walked through the door, you jumped and yelled at them. He was startled in response but you quickly realized that it wasn’t just any intruder…it was Jack. Of course.
Sighing heavily, you lowered your arms and took a step back, “what the hell, Jack?! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”
“Me?” he asked, eyes wide and incredulous, “you’re the one brandishin’ a beaker at me!”
“It was all I could find!”
“Did you really think that little thing was going to protect you?” his surprise quickly turned into amusement as you eyed the glass in your hand.
“I dunno,” you set it back down and took a step back, “it was just…the moment. What are you even doing here?”
“Working,” he put his hands on his waist as he was prone to doing, “what about yourself, sugar?”
“Working,” you echoed softly, “I was just getting ready to leave in a few minutes.”
“Funny,” he offered you the sweet smile that you found hard to resist, “I was going to do the same thing."
"Funny," you agreed meekly although you definitely did not think it was funny. This was Jack after all…he didn't do things without purpose, "well, I guess I'll let you get back to it."
"Listen," he paused in the doorway but you'd already turned around, face contorting into a grimace, "would you want to stop for a bite to eat?"
You had a feeling this was coming but it didn't stop the clench of your shoulders that you just knew he could see, "umm, I'm okay. Thank you for offering though."
"You got any plans tonight?" He strode back over, determined as ever. Even though you were anxious as hell, you couldn't deny that his gentle persistence was making you melt, "darlin'."
"N-not really," you admitted, side-eyeing him sneakily, "just stuff and things."
"Stuff and things," he repeated and you nodded. He huffed lightly before hesitantly reaching over and putting a finger under your chin. When you didn't pull out of his touch, he brought your face up to his, "is there a reason you're avoiding me?"
"N-no," you lied weakly as he tutted in disbelief. You caught his eye for a moment before swallowing thickly, "you make me nervous." 
You weren't even entirely sure if you'd meant to say it out loud but there it was. No going back now. His eyes widened for a minute before he nodded, "is there a particular reason why? Have I ever done or said anything to make you feel that way? If so, I greatly apologize-"
"You haven't done anything wrong," you quickly stopped him and shook your head fervently, "its just…you."
"Me?" He was bemused and you were floundering. How very typical.
"Yes," you sighed lightly, "you're all great and wonderful and lovely and I feel like if I go out with you're just going to be even better and I'll fall in love! But it won't be the same for you because you don't like me like that, you're just flirty with everyone."
"Hold on a minute there, sugar," he pushed back a few locks of stray hair out of your face, watching you intently, "you're going a million miles a minute."
"There is some truth to what you've said," he agreed, "but a lot of falsehoods too."
"Oh. Oh?"
"I don't expect you to fall in love with me," he whispered, "at least not yet. But in case you haven't noticed, which I see now you did not, I am sweet on you. I like to think I'm nice to everyone, most people anyway, but that's often mistaken for flirtation. However this old cowboy ain't got eyes for anyone but you."
Surely your mind was manifesting this. Maybe you'd fallen asleep at your desk and were in the middle of a fever dream. But….no. you definitely felt him brush his knuckles along your cheek before he traced his thumb along your bottom lip.
"Seriously?" You cringed as soon as you blurted out your question, "me?"
"Mhmm," he hummed softly, "I'm not forcing you into anything - and if you prefer for me to leave you alone completely let me know - but I'd love to have the honor of taking you to dinner."
"Like a date?" Scientist who? Clearly you were a wordsmith.
"Not just like a date but an actual date," he agreed, a smile turning up the corners of his mouth and displaying his dimple, "tonight can be casual but perhaps this weekend you'd let me do this all properly."
"Okay," your answer came out softly and easily, causing your face to warm up and his to light up brighter than the sun. It wasn't really even a question; you liked Jack a lot…you'd just never thought he could feel the same. And yet here you were.
"You're thinking much too loudly, darlin'," he chuckled as you blinked owlishly, "wanna tell me what's on your mind?"
"I sure will," he really did have the loveliest smile, "but I'd like to take you out first. I want to do this thing right."
"Will you kiss me?" Ugh. You were definitely crawling into a hole and never leaving.
"Wow," he was just too dreamy.
"Wow yourself," he teased affectionately, "now what do you say we get out of here?"
"Yes," every fiber of your being was humming with excited energy, "please."
"Well come on then, sugar," he took your hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. Swoonworthy, that's what he was, "ain't got no time to waste!"
Yeah. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all.
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fictionalgap · 10 months
The Heat
(chapter 1)
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Pairing: Chef! Abby Anderson x Cook! Reader
Summary: Abby is a chef and you are a cook working for her. You get distracted everytime she wears someting that shows her arms. Abby gets mad at you because you are not focused on your job.
Warnings: 18+ themes, swearing, sexual themes, nsfw, mdni
Song Recommendation: Delicious - Ruby Amanfu
Inspired by @d3arapril 's post
"Jesus! What's wrong with you?"
You took the potatoes one by one from the floor.
"Sorry, chef."
You got up from the floor, potatoes in your hands. You faced with your new chef for a couple of months, Abby.
You gulped as you cleaned the drops on your face with a cloth you usually tuck it in your pocket.
"Really, what's going on?" She raised her right brow.
"Nothing, chef. " You lied.
Abby sighed heavily. It was damn fucking attractive when she looked like 'she was done with it'.
You were even attracted to her breathing and it was getting really pathetic and serious at this point.
You were attracted to her since you saw her the day you came into this kitchen for job interview.
Her face, her voice, her smell, her presence, the determined and harsh look in her eyes…
Her arms…
It was the very first day of work when you first saw her arms. She was wearing a sleeveless light blue shirt that matched her eyes.
You knew working for her would be an honor. You just had to follow orders.
You thought It wouldn't be hard to follow orders If they are coming from her.
You did as she said without hesitation and quickly. She was pleased with you as much as you can tell.
There were times that you came up with ideas and those shocked her, probably in a good way cause she still didn't fire you and agreed on your adjustments on menu. She didn't comment on them in front of others. It was understandable. Jealously in kitchen caused mobbing.
The problem was, your feelings and your attraction started to grow more and more each day.
You would start to drool on job thinking her fucking you in the pantry against the shelves.
"I am sorry, chef! It won't happen again."
"You said the same thing the last time we talked about this. Do you need a break or-"
"No,no. I am good, chef. I promise!" you tried to convince the woman in front of you.
"Hm…" she made a sound that made your pussy cry for help.
It was really hard to work like this.
"Are you avoiding me?"
"What? No,no chef! Never. What made you think that? " you rambled in a breath with widened eyes.
"You turn around whenever I come... "
"No, no. I'm sorry It looked like that chef." You explained in desperation.
It was true though. You avoided her. How the hell were you supposed to work with this hot woman when she was beside you.
"Hm…" she held her own chin while she was thinking.
"Raymond! You take the order five, too." she told your coworker and pulled your hand to take you outside, to the back of the restaurant.
You nodded and she held you a cigarette and you took it between your fingers.
"Thank you."
She lit up her cigarette and turned to you to lit yours up too.
"Y/N. whats going on? " she let the the smoke out to the side and then turned to you.
You wished she blew the smoke on your face.
You sighed heavily. How could you tell her that she should wear something with sleeves because her arms were so fucking distracting.
Every time she lifted her arm to inhale the smoke your eyes followed her arms.
This time it was too fucking obvious.
"What, is there something on my arm?" She asked obliviously. She looked at her arm then looked at you, questioning.
You blinked to her question. You instinctively licked your lips and gulped without moving your eyes from her arm.
"I-I I uhm I I just I, uhm... "
Her questioning, oblivious face turned into a playful smirk. Her eyes got smaller and shinier. There was something else.
No. . . Something darker.
Yet sweet.
She took a step to you as If she wasn't close enough.
"Now, that can't be the reason you were so distracted for weeks, can't it? " She looked like she was having fun. She looked amused.
You felt bad. Were you just a amusement to her? Something that she will tell her friends when they were hanging out.
Like ' Yeah, there was this girl who couldn't function because she was drooling over my muscles. '
You gulped. You couldn't answer. She started to laugh. She moved over and you could feel her breath over your face. You blinked again an again. Her smell was mesmerizing.
Her eyes darted to your lips and your eyes darted to her lips. You licked your lips.
"Chef! We need you inside! " Raymond came from the kitchen but stopped when he saw you two.
"Ugh.. Uhm I-" His thumb was pointed to the kitchen door. He had a shocked expression on his face.
He must have felt the tension.
"Coming! " Abby growled. Her jaw clenched.
He went back to the kitchen quickly.
She looked into your eyes with a smile.
"Don't worry sweetheart. I'll take care of it."
She did something you didn't expect.
She put her thumb on your lips and caressed them with it.
"I'll take care of everything..." she whispered.
You automatically opened your mouth and she took the advantage of sliding her thumb further into your mouth.
She got closer to your ear and whispered.
"That's all you can get right now. " then she left quickly without taking a look at you.
You looked dumbfounded at the door which is slightly moving back and forth because of Abby's entrance.
'What just happened? ' you breathed heavily.
Taglist: @valenftcrush @elliewilliamsgf69 @hayatistirahati @rubycruzsbitch @kyleeservopoulos @d3arapril @scarletchase1989 @chrry1ovr @scarletchase1989
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seangelfish · 8 months
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Ritsu Sakuma x Reader ♡ Tags: Fluff, established relationship, casual romance, really wholesome, INTRO IS REALLY LONG, SORRY!, she/her pronouns ♡ Word count: 2,215 ♡ Synopsis: Inspired by the Meowsketeers scout story in which this card is featured in. I've been trying to read the scout stories since I never read them, and I thought that this one would be cute to add the reader in! Please note that this fic does not stay true to the story, but it has taken bits from it. A/N: There needs to be more Ritsu x reader fics.
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Drenched in sweat, Ritsu slowly woke up from his nap in the ES gardens. His mind was still filled with thoughts of what happened the other day when Tsukasa confronted and withdrew some of the new members of Knights.
Ritsu pitied them, but what was said was the mere truth. That's the way Knights operated, it was never a unit to have fun with as an idol. But seeing those tearful faces did take a toll on him.
At that moment, Ritsu felt something heavy weighing on him. It wasn't what happened that day, but something physical that he could feel near his stomach.
'Who is it? Am I being attacked? It's not those pranks Tsukipi set up, right?' he thought tiredly. Unless it's (Y/N)...? No... she said she'd be busy today–
Ritsu was getting annoyed. "Hold on. You don't disturb people when they're sleeping!" he groaned. "Now I'm in a bad mood... Don't mess with me– Huh?"
Eyes wide open, Ritsu found that on his stomach was a black cat.
"Ugh, so it was this guy!" he fumed. "Get off! You're heavy and it's too hot...!"
Yet the cat wouldn't budge. It stayed lying on Ritsu's stomach as if he were a pillow. Ritsu wasn't having any of it though, no one dares disturb his sleep even if they were a cat! Getting angrier by the second, he decided to fight it off him.
"Hey! Ow! Don't dig your claws in me!"
"That Suo, he's late!" exclaimed Leo. "What a troublesome guy! I came early today since he gets angry at me when I come late."
"Unbelievable! He's wasting my precious time!" Izumi chided. "This is so annoying. Did your wanderlust infect Kasa-kun?"
Leo laughed. "Eh? What, what? Wahaha, that's funny, Sena! I suppose it's fate that Knights' leader is to be cursed by wanderlust!"
Frantic footsteps could be heard as Tsukasa barged into the studio panting. He apologised, mentioning to his seniors that he got involved in a little incident with Ritsu. That was when Ritsu entered the room, still arguing with the black cat he encountered outside.
"I told you to let go of me, didn't I?! Why can't you understand me, you stupid cat?!" Ritsu growled. "Do my clothes smell like catnip or something...?"
"A stray cat got attached to Ritsu-senpai and it won't let go of him," stated Tsukasa.
"Unbelievable. This was why you were late?" said Izumi. "There's got to be some way to pull it off. Just grab it by the neck like how a parent cat carries a kitchen– Owah! This guy tried to scratch me! If you were human, I'd have you pay compensation!"
Arashi suggested that they all calm down and get started on the retrospective – the reason why they were holding a meeting in the first place. If they ignore the cat, perhaps it would let Ritsu go!
But as Arashi started playing the video of their live, Leo noticed something. In the video, Leo pointed out the front row seats where beside a fan's feet, a black cat was seen.
"This guy, it saw Ritsu at Knights' live and came to meet him!" said Leo excitedly.
"Hah...? No way! That sounds so unrealistic," Ritsu replied before turning to the cat which started showing him affection. "Owah, what? Don't start licking my cheek!"
"Given its reaction, it probably did come to meet Knights," said Tsukasa. "Isn't it just the cutest? It probably fell in love with Ritsu-senpai's brave figure at the live!"
"What?! Don't say things so nonchalantly!"
But the other members of Knights had agreed to let the cat do what it wanted despite Ritsu's comments on how much of a disaster this was.
The cat didn't let go of him even during the retrospective. It lay sound asleep on Ritsu's lap. Knights had come up with a name for the cat too, 'd'Artagnyan', their 'newest knight that was drawn in by Knights.'
Ritsu didn't like this idea at all. He didn't see any resemblance between him and the cat that his fellow members were constantly pointing out too. Though, he didn't want to just kick it out. He wanted it to leave on its own volition.
"It clings to you like how you cling onto (Y/N)," stated Arashi causing Ritsu to erupt into a steam of embarrassment. "Maybe it finds your scent comforting~? If so, it might be satisfied with something that has Ritsu-chan's scent on it..."
"Something with my scent?" Ritsu repeated. "Ah, I just came to an unpleasant conclusion..."
He was talking about his favourite blanket – the only thing in this studio that had his scent on it. But there was no way that Ritsu wanted to give this unlucky cat his favourite blanket!
"Ah, wait! Don't suddenly pounce for my blanket, you idiot cat!" huffed Ritsu as he tried to yank the blanket away. He was now on the floor fighting with the cat. "Give it back! I don't want such an unlucky cat to use my blanket! Guys, please help me out here!"
"Oi, oi. There's no need to get so worked up over something like this, right, Ritsu?" said Leo. "I know it's annoying, but it'll be dangerous if you get violent in here, no?"
"But I really like this blanket! I won't allow it to use it! Ah, don't scratch it–"
"Please calm down, Ritsu-senpai...!" sputtered Tsukasa.
But before Izumi could assert himself to scold Ritsu, you had rushed into the studio. Arashi had texted you about the situation before they started their retrospective, hoping that you'd come to solve the issue at hand. After all, you solved a lot of their problems before, it became customary to ask you for help.
"Ritsu, are you okay?" you asked worriedly, bending down. "Hey, what's wrong? You're not usually like this."
"(Y-Y/N)?!" Ritsu blurted, perplexed at your sudden appearance. "W-What are you doing here?"
You answered that even though you were busy with your own assignments today, you couldn't just ignore what was happening with Knights, with him.
"Is this what's bothering you?" You tried picking up the cat, but it immediately started hissing at you. "Ah! Okay, I'm not going to pick you up then...! Anyway, Arashi texted me all the details already. Why don't you just give up the blanket, Ritsu?"
"N-No!" he cried. "I can't!"
"I don't understand why you like that blanket so much," said Izumi. "I'll buy you a new one if that makes you happy–"
"That's not it! (Y/N) bought me this one!"
Everyone had gone silent over that fact.
"Then I'll buy you a new one," you offered.
"No!" Ritsu protested. "You got this for me when we were first years! I can't just let that go!"
Ritsu usually wasn't this worked up, so you knew he was upset about something other than his blanket. But you also knew that he was a very sentimental person too, so you couldn't just force him to give up something that he truly loved. It was sweet that he had kept this blanket up until now though. It showed how much he loved you.
"I have an idea," you suddenly said. You rummaged through your bag and pulled out a white sweater. "This also has Ritsu's scent on it."
"Wait," Ritsu began. "That's my sweater."
"Mhm, my favourite one too!" you giggled. "If we give the cat this, then it'll give up on the blanket!"
"B-But (Y/N), you love that sweater...!" he said.
"I do, but you love that blanket too, right? I'll give this up so you can have your blanket back!"
With how selfless and thoughtful you were being, Ritsu had finally cooled down.
"N-No, it's fine," he said sadly. "I'll let it keep the blanket, you keep the sweater, okay? I'm sorry, everyone, I went overboard. I didn't mean to hurt anyone."
He picked up his blanket with the cat still attached to it and left the building quietly. The meeting with Knights had come to an end. You sighed, apologised and thanked Knights for putting up with your boyfriend before following after him.
Ritsu was situated on one of the tables at the ES gardens, his head laid on his arms as he watched the black cat sleep in his blanket.
"It's my fault that Knights ended up fighting again... If only this cat hadn't been there. No, I should've been calmer..." he murmured. "It would've been better if I had analysed the situation calmly like I usually do, and brought it to a positive conclusion..."
"Ritsu~" you called out.
With the sound of your voice, his eyes immediately gravitated towards you. He didn't lift his head though, he was too tired for that.
"Here," you said, pressing a cold can of soda to his cheek. He cried at the coldness but quickly covered his mouth from being too loud. He didn't want to wake up the cat despite how annoying it was today.
"Ah, thank you..." he said, taking the can from you. He laid it in front of him, not opening it. "(Y/N), I'm really sorry about earlier. You were busy, and Nacchan had to call you over to deal with something so small."
"Eh, it's okay~," you said. From behind, you wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him close to you. "I'm nearly finished with my assignments anyway. But Ritsu, are you really okay?"
Ritsu strained a smile, but he held your arm in a way to comfort himself. "I'm fine now. I'm going to sit here and reflect on my actions until this stupid cat wakes up. If I ignored the cat in the studio and it gets restless, it might be even more troublesome."
You laughed. "It's so cute when it's sleeping. It reminds me of you."
"Eeehhh? Why does everyone keep saying that?" he asked.
"Well, it's cute and you're cute! Also, it takes naps just like you, hehe~"
Ritsu sighed but laughed along. "Ah, you're wearing the sweater," he said, finally noticing the baggy look on you.
"Yep! I'm glad I didn't need to give it up in the end, but I do feel sad that you had to give your favourite blanket away," you said.
"It's fine. Maybe it'll let it go later..." he started. "Well, I hope it does anyway. I really do like that blanket..."
He chuckled, reminiscing the time you first got him the blanket. The two of you met just before entering Yumenosaki. You were Mao's friend initially, but he had introduced you to Ritsu during the time he had to repeat his first year. Ritsu had treated you coldly at first, but when you spotted him sleeping in the gardens, coming to know of his illness, you had decided to gift him a blanket for him to use.
It was a blanket you had bought at a shop in town, nothing special, but Ritsu thought the world of it. Even when he treated you so poorly, you were still so nice to him – to accommodate him in this way. He grew fond of the blanket, but he mostly grew fond of you.
After that day, he stuck to you just like the cat he was watching now.
"You know, I'm surprised it's still kept in good condition after all these years," you pointed out. "We're in our third year now... and it still looks brand new."
"I take good care of my things, (Y/N)~," he said. "And I'll be keeping that blanket for as long as I can."
You smiled and gave him a peck on the back of his head. "Anyway, aren't you going to tell me what got you so riled up? It can't just be because of the cat, right?"
"Ah, right..." he said. He opened the can that you gave him and began to drink the contents of it. "So, this is what happened..."
He explained everything to you, recalling what happened that day when they had to withdraw some of the new Knights members. He was honest with his feelings, how bad he felt when he saw those tearful faces, how bad he felt when he knew that those dreams were being crushed.
But after some reassurance from you, Ritsu felt a lot better. That's when Tsukasa showed up to check up on him too. A suggestion of finding foster parents for the cat was brought up which Ritsu agreed to.
By time, he grew fond of the cat albeit he still wanted it gone. But things had resolved themselves, and Ritsu was back to his calm, analytical self again.
You had come to say goodbye to the cat, d'Artagnyan, too. This time, it had let you hold it.
"Hehe, it really does remind me of you," you told Ritsu who immediately turned red. "Don't miss Ritsu too much, you hear me~? I hope you live a comfortable life."
Watching you be so gentle with the cat like that had Ritsu feeling some sort of way. He smiled gently to himself, appreciating that you were there with him, that you were there to console him and to listen to every word he had to say. There was nothing better in this world – even his favourite blanket – that would compare to you.
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queenshelby · 6 months
An Illicit Affair
Part 39: Girlfriend
Pairing: Cillian Murphy (46) x Reader (23)
Warning: Age-Gap, Taboo Relationship, Infidelity
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The following morning, you startled when you heard the sound of a door creaking open nearby. It was the bathroom door and you heard your father talk to your mother, just outside your room.
"Shit, Cillian, wake up!" you whispered in panic, realizing that he had fallen asleep, in your room, in your bed.
"What's going on?" he murmured until he realized where he was . "Oh, fuck," he whispered, jumping out of bed, frantically searching for his boxer shorts and t-shirt, which is all that he wore when he sneaked into your room last night.
You watched him in a daze, your heart racing as you tried to come up with an excuse for why your father would find Cillian in your bedroom, if he did and, as luck would have it, just then, your father opened the door halfway and called out to you. "Y/N, breakfast is ready. Should I get your mother to help you with, -" he said as he noticed Cillian's rumpled form, scrambling around the room in a frenzy.
"Cillian? What are you doing in here? I thought I was clear when I said that, -" your father began to say, a hint of disappointment and anger creeping into his voice as he looked between the both of you.
"I came in here and helped Y/N last night. She had a nightmare and texted me, which is what I told her to do if she needed me. It was around 4 o'clock or something and stayed with her. I am sorry. I was tired. We both fell asleep," Cillian interrupted. He lied convincingly, giving an Oscar worthy performance.
"Yes dad, you know, the painkillers I am taking, they give you really vivid dreams sometimes," you explained with a stammering voice, trying to make your excuse sound believable.
Your father's gaze softened as he looked at you with concern. "Well, if that's the case then I suppose that's acceptable," he said before reminding Cillian of his rules, nonetheless. 
Cillian nodded in agreement. "Yes, of course. I am very much aware," he responded, before leaving your room to get dressed while your father got your mother to help you do the same.
Your mother's help came as a blessing, allowing you some more time to clear your head after almost having been caught by your father but, unlike your father, your mother could not be fooled. 
"You are lucky that your father did not hear you last night!" she told you almost sternly, once your father had left the room.
"Oh my god, did you, -" you began to ask sheepishly, avoiding her gaze as she found you a pair of pants while you wiggled into your underwear and a t-shirt. 
"Yes, I heard you, Sweetheart. Both of you," she responded before you could finish the question, causing you to blush heavily. 
"That's so embarrassing," you muttered , burying your face in your hands.
But your mother just laughed gently, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder before continuing to help you get dressed.
"Honey, you've been an adult for quite some time now. I am not going to pretend that I don't know what happens between two people who are attracted to each other. Even though it is a bit awkward considering that he is twice your age and you used to date his son," she said diplomatically, allowing you to focus on getting ready for the day ahead.
"And I am trying not to think about that, thank you very much!" you muttered under your breath as you finished dressing with some struggle. "It's a very different kind of relationship that we have and it was never really meant to be, you know?" you tried to explain and your mother chuckled softly before taking a step back to give you some space.
"Well, your secret is safe with me. I won't tell your father what happened last night," she confirmed, and you let out a sigh of relief.
"Thank you, mom. I appreciate it," you responded gratefully as she walked towards the door to leave, pausing for a moment to look at you with a smile.
"I just want you to remember one thing though. He is the way he is because he loves you. He wants to protect you because he is your father. So maybe, just cut him some slack, alright?" she winked before leaving the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
It was true, your father's protectiveness could be overwhelming at times, but you understood where it came from. After all, you were his little girl, the one he had raised.
Later that day, Cillian had a surprise planned for you which would mark your first official date together. Until now, you had always been hiding away from the prying eyes, keeping your attraction and love for each other a secret from the rest of the world.
"Where are you taking me?" you asked , curiosity piquing in your eyes.
Cillian smiled mysteriously, winking at you from the driver's seat of his car. "It's a surprise," he said and whilst you were not going to press him further on this, you were somewhat shocked when, an hour later, he pulled up in front of a somewhat well-known theatre in Liverpool which was showing a play that you really were wanting to see. 
"You got tickets for this?" you asked in surprise and Cillian just smiled, nodding. "But they were all sold out when I checked," you said, curiously, causing Cillian to shrug. 
He walked around to your side of the car, opening the door for you and helping you into the wheelchair, which made you feel somewhat self conscious.
"Remember, I do have some connections in this industry?" Cillian chuckled as he handed the car keys to the concierge and wheeled you towards the theater, right past a group of people who were clearly recognizing him.
"You do realize that people will see us together here and they might make assumptions about us," you whispered to him, suddenly feeling very conscious about the fact that the two of you were out in public like this.
Cillian shrugged casually. "Let them assume whatever they want to assume. It doesn't bother me," he replied, his voice steady and calm.
However, deep down, you knew that Cillian was a famous actor and had been in the public eye for many years, so he was used to people making assumptions about his personal life. But for you, this was all still very new and strange.
"But you tried so hard to keep my name out of the tabloids after the accident," you pointed out softly.
"Yes, but that was different. I wanted to protect you from the media circus while you were still recovering. But now, that things have calmed down, I think that there is no need for us to hide anymore," Cillian explained as he wheeled you up the theater's ramp.
"Hang on a second," you said, looking back and reaching out to touch his arm. "So, does that mean that I am actually your girlfriend now? Or is this just-" you couldn't help but wonder aloud, your voice barely above a whisper as you looked up at him nervously.
Cillian paused, his hand resting on the arm of your wheelchair as he met your gaze with a soft smile. "Yes, I think it does," he said quietly, his eyes full of warmth and affection. "If this is what you want," he corrected himself and your heart fluttered in your chest as you felt the weight of his words sink in. "If this is what you want though, you do have to come to LA with me in a few months' time, for the awards, because I think that this is one thing I cannot do on my own. I hate attention and you tend to calm me down," Cillian admitted, running a hand through his hair, his eyes never leaving yours.
You bit your lip, your mind racing as you tried to process his words. You knew where he was going with this and you felt flattered but also terrified. 
"Are you sure you want me to come? Like this?" you shook your head. "I mean seriously. It would be just disastrous," you told him, thinking about how you would hold him back during those red-carpet events, especially the Oscars. 
"I am sure. I want you by my side. Always," Cillian said, his words heavy with meaning. You felt your heart swell in your chest at his words and you knew that, despite your fears, you couldn't turn him down. You loved him, after all. And he loved you.
"Okay," you finally said, your voice hushed and almost unsure as you reached up for his hand which, by now, had been caressing your shoulder from behind.
You felt Cillian's fingers intertwine with yours, the warmth of his touch radiating through the both of you. "Thank you," he whispered back before the two of you entered the grand theater together.
Cillian then helped you into your seat , placing a gentle kiss on the top of your head as he settled in next to you. Your heart fluttered as you caught sight of the knowing smile he cast you, as if he too was excited for the future that lay before you.
After the play, Cillian took you to a restaurant where you enjoyed each other's company and he certainly was showing his affection towards you now in front of others.
He would reach over to hold your hand, touch your arm, or gently caress your cheek. You couldn't help but blush at the attention but it felt wonderful, like you were walking on cloud nine.
When the evening came to an end, he drove you both back to your parents' house and, seeing that had almost been 11 o'clock at night, you weren't surprised when your father and mother were fast asleep.
He helped you to your bedroom and, just as he was about to say 'goodnight', you told him to stay.
"Stay," you demanded , your voice barely above a whisper as you looked up at him with puppy dog eyes.
Cillian's gaze softened as he met your gaze with a gentle smile. "Are you sure that is wise?" he asked as he took a step closer to you, his hand reaching out to caress your cheek. "We almost got caught by your dad this morning and I do not want to relive this kind of panic attack again anytime soon," he continued, but his eyes told a different story. 
You bit your lip, your hand reaching up to cover his. "They are both asleep and I try to be quiet. I promise," you whispered back, your voice carrying a hint of playfulness as you reached up to gently tug at his shirt. "Besides, I have had the most wonderful day with you, and it would only be appropriate to end it like this," you admitted softly, feeling your cheeks heat up with embarrassment at revealing your true intentions.
"How could I possibly say no to you?" Cillian whispered, as he leaned down to gently press his lips against yours. Your heart raced as his arms encircled you, pulling you close against him. You could feel the heat radiating off of his body, and it only served to heighten your own desire.
As you broke apart for air, Cillian's gaze lingered on your lips before he spoke. "I'll stay, but we have to be quiet," he murmured, his voice low and husky.
You nodded and Cillian helped you onto the bed before undressing you, taking his time to trail delicate kisses along your skin.
His touch was gentle, yet firm as he explored every inch of your body, making you shiver with pleasure.
Your breath hitched as he reached the apex of your thighs, his skilled fingers parting you with ease before he began to explore your most intimate flesh. You moaned softly, your hands reaching up to tangle themselves in his hair as he lavished attention on your clit, circling it with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth. 
"You are so fucking good at this," you moaned as Cillian got to work , his talented mouth making you forget all about the world outside of your bedroom.
Cillian hummed in response, his hands gripping your hips tightly as he held you down against the mattress. It was a heady feeling, being at his mercy while he pleasured you and you could feel yourself quickly approaching your breaking point.
You writhed and moaned beneath him, your fingers tightening in his hair as, suddenly, you heard your father's voice.
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sheeple · 11 months
Miracles don't exist | 29: Sectumsempra
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Genre(s): Riddle!reader / Slytherin!reader / kinda slowburn / little happy moments Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Theodore Nott x Reader / Harry Potter x Riddle!reader Summary: Being the Dark Lord's daughter and raised under the strict supervision of the Malfoy's is no easy life. Especially if you start crushing on your father's arch-nemesis, Harry Potter. And that while being engaged to one of his follower’s sons. Warning(s): Bathroom scene / blood / talk about dying [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist] [Playlist]
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Time passes by easily with Theodore by your side. Before you know it, the temperature outside is slowly rising. The days are spent outside, on a blanket wearing Theo’s hoodie and his head on your lap. 
Hermione has also been spending a lot more time with you. She and Ron are not on speaking terms since he has gotten into a relationship with a girl you're not bothering to learn her name. Because if Hermione dislikes her, by extension so do you. And Theodore. It's the golden rule of friendship.
Harry's been too occupied with whatever he is doing with Dumbledore and that potions book he's always carrying around. Hermione has been complaining about it, how dangerous it is and that he doesn't know if this Half-Blood Prince is even trustworthy.
And Draco... He has looked worse for wear. The Dark Lord has been hammering about the importance of Draco's mission and he's scared to fail. He's getting desperate.
You look over to the brown-haired boy next to you, your head resting on your hands. He's dutifully studying, quill scribbling away some notes for a test you're supposed to take tomorrow.
"You're starring", mumbles Theo without lifting his eyes off the paper.
You shuffle closer to him, keeping your eyes on him. "Am I not allowed to look at you?"
He gives you a playful look and bumps his knee against yours. He looks at the other side of the Great Hall, towards the Golden trio. "Have you heard what happened to Weasley?"
That makes you look over. Something must have happened because Hermione and Ron are sitting next to each other again while his girlfriend is nowhere in sight. "No?"
Theo pushes his parchment away, fully turning his attention towards you. "Apparently he got poisoned by Professor Slughorn. He and Potter were in the professor's office and got something to drink and Weasley almost died. He also broke up with Lavender in his sleep."
"I didn't know you were so into Hogwarts gossip", you say, eyebrows raised.
He crosses his arms over each other. "I don't. Blaise and Enzo however won't shut up at night and it's driving me mad." He runs his hands over his face and lets them rest in his hair.
You hum, resting your cheek against his arm. "Why don't you come hang out in my room, Teddy? My roommates bring their boyfriends over all the time."
He glances at you through his fingers. "I've tried. But the stairs only allow boys in the girl's dormitories if a girl accompanies them."
You feel your cheeks heat up. "You've tried?"
Theodore pulls you closer to him by your knees, draping them over his legs. He lays a hand on your back so you can sit comfortably. "Believe me, baby, I've tried many different times and methods. Even with a broom the castle somehow finds a way to stop me..."
He pecks your lips and you giggle, pushing his face away and looking around if someone's looking.
And as your eyes are scanning around you spot Katie Bell walking in with her friend, a nervous look on her face as people whisper and point at her. Multiple people go up to her, hugging her and whatnot. 
“Holy shit, Teddy.” You nod towards the Gryffindor girl who was cursed a couple of weeks ago. “I didn’t know she was released from St Mungo’s.”
Theo whips his head around and looks at the girl. "I didn't even know she was sent to St Mungo's."
"Guess Blaise and Enzo don't know everything." You poke your tongue out with a smile. Theo rolls his eyes, doing the same.
Behind Theodore, you see Draco entering the Great Hall. He stops in his tracks as he sees Katie Bell talking with Harry. He looks scared and guilty. He turns around and hurries out of the Great Hall.
"I have to check up on Draco", you say hurriedly, pressing a kiss against Theo's cheek and haste after your cousin. You find him in a bathroom, his tie discarded on the floor as he rocks himself back and forth. Water is running as your eyes meet.
He turns around and begins to sob. You rush towards him and embrace him, letting him clutch your blouse as he cries. 
"I know what you did, Malfoy. You cursed her, didn't you?"
The two of you turn around at the sudden sound of Harry's voice. He stands at the entrance of the toilets. You quickly push Draco behind you, your hand on your wand.
You want to say, "you don't know what you're talking about, Harry", but before you finish your sentence, Draco's throwing a spell over your shoulder at the bespectacled boy.
You let out a yelp as Harry bearly dodges the spell and Draco pulls you towards the stalls. You press yourself against the wall, your chest raising rapidly. Draco drops to his knees and aims at Harry, who sends one back.
Multiple toilets explode, flooding the room. Your shoes and socks are drenched and you can barely think straight. You run towards the exit. But through a mirror you see Harry approach your cousin, who's not aware Harry has rounded the stall to the other side.
In an act of pure desperation, you push Draco away from Harry's incoming hex and it hits you instead.
You fall to the ground, the feeling of invisible swords slashing your face and body has you rasping and gasping for air. Your back and hair are drenched with water as you lay limply on the ground. 
A pair of hands press against the gushing wounds as your head rolls to the side, eyes drooping as you watch the foggy windows. Draco cries above you, begging you to stay awake while he yells for help.
You've always suspected that you would die young. That someone discovered who your father is and that they would take revenge. Or that you would die at the hands of Voldemort. But you never expected it to be on the drenched tiles of the boy's bathroom, Draco weeping and begging.
A dark blob appears above your dwindling field of vision. You search for Draco, to see if the curse hit him too. But as you turn your head, you see Harry Potter backing away from you, his blue eyes focused on your slowly dying body. You see him run out of the bathroom before you close your eyes for a final time, welcoming the darkness.
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You don't remember much between passing out in the puddle of your own blood to waking up in the Hospital Wing. Only two red-rimmed brown eyes, tucking you in.
When you finally wake, your body is sore. Your limbs ache and it hurts to breathe. You groan as you move, and immediately a pair of hands are helping you sit up, fluffing your pillow. Squeezing your eyes shut, you feel around for a familiar pair of hands. 
"Teddy?" Your voice is hoarse and your throat feels like sandpaper. You cough and a glass of water gets brought up to your lips. Drinking much hurts and you push the glass away. "What happened?"
"Potter hit you with some curse that was meant for Draco. Luckily, Professor Snape could somewhat reverse the damage." He lifts up your blouse and a range of slashing scars adorn your stomach and presumably also your chest and arms. "You're pretty face is luckily fine."
Theodore comes into your view as he goes to sit on the hospital bed. A gasp leaves your lips as his eye sports a blooming bruise and his lip is split. He cradles your face and brings his forehead against yours. "You should see the other guy", he whispers before you have the chance to ask.
You grab his hand and he hisses. Theo's knuckles are busted up and bleeding again. He pulls his hand away from yours and wipes the blood on his trousers. "Don't you worry, okay? I've dealt with it and you're safe."
Looking away, your eyes travel across the infirmary. You and Theodore are the only ones, an oil lamp burns on the desk of the matron and gives the only source of light — outside of the sudden lighting that gives the large room an eerie look.
"Will you stay with me?", you whisper, glancing up at Theo. His eyes are focused on the windows displaying the storm clouds. You reach out and pull him towards you, into the small bed. The two of you get comfortable — Theo under you while your legs tangle together. Your face is in the crook of his neck and his arms are tightly wrapped around your body.
"Hermione came to visit just before dinner."
You turn your head upwards and raise your eyebrows.
"She was worried about you. And quite furious at Harry."
You say nothing, fiddling anxiously with the hospital covers. You don't know what to say, or how to feel. Only a heavy feeling fills your chest at the thought of Harry. You've never felt it before and it makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up straight.
Theodore studies you, how you cautiously look around, like you're in search of something. Something that will hurt you.
He sigh, pulling you closer to him — if that even was possible. He rests his head on top of yours, saying nothing but his message isn't lost. He tells you you're safe with him, and you know it. You feel it. And it relaxes you. Slightly.
Just as the two of you lull into sleep, the door of the infirmary gets blasted open. Theodore is immediately out of bed, his wand pointed towards the intruder.
Nothing would have prepared you for the utter shock of seeing Bellatrix Lestrange, Fenrir Grayback and a bunch of other Death Eaters standing in between the splinters of the blown-apart door.
"Hello, daughter." 
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Taglist (bold means I couldn’t tag you): @the0doreslover @lqndkxlmqma @st4rrry  @choppedpartymuffinwinner @ledtassoo @literallyobessed @lestat-whore​ @vanishingcherry @harrysnovia @pietrobae @ireallywannasleep127 @yeolsbubbles @fruityfrog505 @fluffybunnyu @theroyalmanatee @shinrjj @hegdus @kermits-bitch @m1kasawps @noah-uhhh-what @mypolicemanharryyy @fals3-g0d @decapitated-coffee @thatgirljas13 @slytherinambitious @mythicalamphitrite @mastermindmiko @timmytime17 @regsg18 @supernatural-lover @bubybubsters @lafrone @hermionelove @the-sander-fander @akengii
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le-92vi · 8 months
It's You and Me (Part 1)
Geto Suguru x Reader
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Genres/Warnings: nothing really, reader is Suguru's junior. fem!reader, academic weapon!reader (bc i'm not^^) hs!geto. Mostly fluff and banter. Not proofread.
Word Count: 1.5k
Notes: hello again! I'm still unsure if i should make a whole series out of this or just drabbles, or maybe... nothing more, even though i kinda have a story line in mind. Please let me know if you liked this one and would like more parts to this fic. im also sorry for not making regular updates. (Reviews, critics anything<3) I hope you like and enjoy this one!!<33
"Yeah, Mom, I'm getting off from school. Just text me whatever you need." You end the call with your mother.
Maki, who stood a couple of lockers away from you and happened to be listening to the conversation, cocked her eyebrow at you. "More housewarming parties?"
You chuckled at how well she knew your mom as you gathered your belongings from your locker and shoved them in your backpack. "I guess. She loves being a good host. Would you mind a little detour to the market?"
"Not at all." She closes your locker for you. "We can get the décor stuff for the presentation too."
"Mom," you called out as you and Maki hauled all the groceries to the kitchen counters. 
"In here," she called out from the living room. 
"Maybe the guests are over already," Maki shrugged.
"But we just got here with the food? Aren't they supposed to be here for dinner?" You asked sheepishly. 
Maki gave you a sarcastic upturned smile. "How am I supposed to know that?"
"You're back! And Maki's here too!" Your mom appeared from the hallways, greeting Maki with a hug the first thing.
It didn't even faze you at this point just how smitten your mom had become with her. And it was endearing too, not that you'd ever admit it out loud. 
You clear your throat to get your mom's attention, "Excuse me, you two..." only to earn laughs from both of them. 
"You're such a silly girl." She took the other bag from your hand, plopping it on the counter. "Anyways, you should go greet our new neighbors. You too, Maki. They have a son around you guys' age. Take him upstairs with you. Poor kid's bored out of his mind sitting there." 
Immediately, Maki's eyes met with yours as you shrugged.
"Go on, now."  Your mom motioned towards the door as the two of you made a beeline outside. 
"New neighbor, huh? Finally, some action in your life, Miss Prude." Maki nudged you, fake-wiping a tear from her eye. "Guess you won't need me around anymore."
"God, Maki! You're so overdramatic," was all you could manage to say, as all your words died in your mouth.
Suguru Geto. The smartest and most popular guy in your senior school. The Suguru Geto was hunched over the love seat in your living room, visibly bored out of his mind.
You decided that it was for the best for you to ignore his presence in the room for the time being and greet his parents first. You bowed in greeting as you wished them, and so did Maki. That seemed to have grabbed Suguru's attention: "Hey, I've seen you guys in school. I think..." His voice trailed out as he tried to remember where he'd seen you from.
His eyes fixed on both you and Maki, hoping that your presence would gratify his curiosity.
Maki did, as you mentally facepalmed yourself for going blank. Briefly introducing the both of you, she elbowed you in the side to join in on the conversation. But you didn't know what to say, especially to him.
"I have a lot of books. Do you want to check them out?" you blurted. He liked to read, right? You've seen him practically living in the school library. You were supposed to hang out with him after all, right?
"Sure," he says, seeing it as his only chance to escape from the room of boring adult talks, as he follows you and Maki to your room. It was almost as if your body had gone into auto-pilot mode; you were moving without having to think—or rather, your brain was clouded with Suguru's presence, and you couldn't think.
All of it felt wrong. He wasn't supposed to be in your home, let alone your room. And, even though Maki was there too, it didn't help the blaring alarms going off in your brain.
"This is it," your hand gestured at the book shelf filled with books, top to bottom. 
Suguru let out a small chuckle. "I think we have very different ideas of 'a lot of books'." He plopped down on your study chair, while Maki snickered and made herself comfortable on your bed. 
"What do you mean?" You sat beside Maki, turning your head from her to Suguru, trying to find out the object of their amusement. "What is it?" You looked at her sheepishly. 
Maki turns your head towards her, squishing your face in her palms with a look of jest and something motherly. "He likes reading novels, not text books, honey."
"Oh!" you exclaimed, feeling very stupid. How were you supposed to know that he liked fiction? It's not like you ever crept up on him to get a peek at his paperback. "I'm sure I can find some novels for you too! You could've just said so." You sprung up from your place and walked towards your book shelf to find one. You were determined to find a book for him now.
"What genre do you like?" You said, knowing full well you might not even have something close to it.
"Nevermind. I don't feel like reading in the first place; I just wanted to get away from the parents. No  offense." He swung around in your chair. "What else have you got?" 
And something in your brain shifted. He looked so comfortable in your house. It was astonishing. Truly. While you racked your brain trying to adjust to his presence, he looked like he had always belonged there, swinging so freely in your chair. As if you had known each other for a very long time.
For a moment, you forgot about Maki's presence, drowning in his beauty. His eyes, lips. his hair, falling perfectly into place. His voice. It was like he was hand-sculpted with so much care. Until you were brought back to your reality by an elbow to your side. "You should give that a rest unless you want to puncture a hole in me," you pouted at her, rubbing your side to ease the pain.
She, in turn, snickered at you, "What are you so lost in thought about?"
Suguru Geto!
Wasn't it obvious? But, you were kinda thankful that neither of them noticed. "Dinner should be ready by now, right? I'm starving!" You exclaimed, trying to change the topic as fast as you could, dragging Maki by her hand and cocking your head at Suguru, "Let's go."
"You can't just ignore my question like that, you-" her words were cut short by your hand on her ringing phone, "Someone's calling," You swung it near her face in haste.
"Just you and your luck." She whispered to you and gave you her signature scowl before answering her phone.
"I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!" You tried making small talk while Maki was busy on the phone, trying your best to not have Suguru notice your tiny, little crush on him. That had to be why you had been acting so strange since you got home, completely zoned out and clueless.
"Bad news, I gotta go" She stuffed her phone back in her jeans.
"No! Why?" You frowned. "Dinner's just ready."
"I know, but I think it's urgent." She rushed back upstairs to grab her bag. "I'll have to call a rain check on the project today, sorry."
"Don't worry about the project. Is everything okay?" You call after her, but she'd already disappeared out of your sight, "I'll ask Mom to pack her some food."
You rush to your mom to explain everything to her, while she packs Maki's portion of the dinner for her. "It's going to get cold by the time she'll eat it" She sighed.
"Go safely!" You hand Maki her dinner, seeing her off like a military wife. "I wish you could stay longer."
"Who's being dramatic now, huh?" She shook her head with laughter at your antics.
You were just glad you could make her laugh. "I'll call you later!" You called after her as you watched her leave, to which she turned around to wave at you.
Soon enough dinner was over too and the guests were beginning to leave.
You were now much more comfortable in Suguru's presence. More than you'd like to admit. And, you didn't completely hate the thought of it. He could be a good guy, after all.
You wondered how the rest of your school year would be, now that you'd practically befriended the School's ace, the most sought after guy, as you and your family walked the Geto's to the driveway.
While the parents bid good nights to each other, Suguru quietly popped up beside you, "I'm looking forward to seeing you more often, neighbor." Before running ahead to catch up with his parents, turning back slightly to get a final glimpse of you.
It's going to be a long year.
Tags: @mandysfanfics
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