#but we love niccolo in this house!
quiveringdeer · 2 years
modern sasha braus headcanons: archery
she's been practicing archery since she was as young as six because hunting was how her family chose to get their meat
honestly could see her being born and raised in the southern appalachias ('apple-at-cha' 😉) since they comment about her accent in the show
she's got natural instinct and talent that's only strengthened by how often she hunts
sasha joins a competative archery club in high school for her sport extracurricular
it makes sense cause she already has the gear for it so there's no added expenses and her family just doesn't have the income to support her in other sports
she can place well in competitions with any bow style but prefers to use a recurve since that's what she grew up making and using
because of how talented she is, and her naturally friendly and cheerful demeanor her club advisor recommends her for a summer archery camp counselor
some parts of the summers she also works at the local reinessance fairs doing trick shot demonstrations and becomes a pretty popular character actor there
this is also where she meets folks who teach horseback archery and the knights let her practice on their horses since she doesn't have her own
she doesn't post videos or anything of herself on social media because she is pretty busy with life and also would just forget
ends up getting into some large nation wide competitions and the wants to share any prize money with her family but they encourage her to put it towards college
because the sport has done so much for her she begins a club at her university
meets historia who ends up helping her set up some apps that help her be more present on social media to promote the club
she also starts having a personal account presence where she posts things about living with the land sustainably, importance of hunting to conservation efforts and then mostly foods she eats and makes (cause she gotta lol)
eventually moves the world tournament competitions where she gets to travel all around the world
the traction and following from the club account and her personal account help her get noticed and supported by sponsors to offset all the big costs of that
when she travels to other countries she likes to learn about the history of archery in those areas
again through social media she ends up meeting lots of cool people from all over the world that practice archery in traditional ways and are happy to host her while in their country and share about their techniques
what I had in mind was kinda like Anthony Bordain was with food!
and of course while she's there she also gets to try lots of different new foods and cuisines!
I could see her getting an environmental studies or biology degree with focus in ecology and sustainablr land management
all of this is self-indulgent projecting but I also see her being real big in speaking out and supporting Indigenous land back/land repatriation movements
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whodunnett1526 · 3 months
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leojurand · 9 months
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i love this whole scene for many reasons (it's another example of dunnett just being really good at writing confrontations), but it's kind of heartbreaking that at this point in the story the men around nicholas have barely any sympathy for him?
it's like they only see the machiavellian mastermind, and that part of nicholas is there, but in this moment specifically he's a 21 y.o with high fever laying in bed being accused of terrible things that don't even make sense.
tobie takes care of his body, and godscalc tries to take care of his soul, but what ties them to nicholas, besides duty, is curiosity. and i think sometimes that makes them regard him with coldness, because nicholas is there to be studied. tobie is constantly analyzing him like he's a character in a novel (heh) instead of a real human being.
this being a reread, though, it's rewarding to read scenes like this knowing these same characters end up, however reluctantly, being very loyal to nicholas and following him not for duty or curiosity, but genuine affection. no one is immune to the oak tree with dimples (except his father and grandfather, i guess. yikes)
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seeingivy · 10 months
actor!eren x reader
**part of my method acting series
an: come get yall juice
songs mentioned: lovesick by laufey!
previous part linked here
Ten minutes later and you’re all standing outside the house, as the blaring fire truck pulls up to the curb. And you give everyone an awkward sheepish smile, as you all shiver in the cold November night, as the firefighters march into the house. 
It seems that in your efforts to be…..symbolic, you accidentally set the fire alarm off. 
Which has the group of you outside, freezing in the November cold, as you wait for them to exit the house and safely turn the alarm off. 
“Right. So what exactly were you doing, Y/N?” Levi seethes, irritatedly rubbing his biceps in the cold of the night. He’s heroically given up his jacket for Hange, whose currently teasing Sasha and Niccolo about something. 
“Why do you think its me?” you respond. 
“It came from that room. And I know damn well Colt and Porco aren’t stupid enough to do something like that.” Levi responds. 
“Hey. Porco is plenty stupid.” 
“I heard that.” Porco grumbles. 
You shoot him a smile, as he walks over with Colt and the two of them reach forward to shove you. You shove back, the three of you laughing into the night as Levi grumbles some more about firefighters and the bills and walks away. 
“Colt. I’m cold.” you murmur. 
“Okay. Why don’t you go ahead and start another fire to generate some warmth?” Colt responds, glaring. 
“Or you could just be a good big brother and give me your jacket?” you respond, giving him a big smile. 
“Absolutely not, twerp. You literally set my room, that you are not welcome in, on fire.” Colt states. 
“Where else am I supposed to sleep? Do you want me to cuddle up with Eren?” 
Colt glares, before shoving you and responding. 
“Share with Mikasa. Stop being a little baby bitch about the maid of honor thing.” 
“I’m not being a baby bitch!” you respond. 
“You kind of are, love.” Porco responds. 
“You keep your stupid British butt out of this, innit love. I just don’t want to make her uncomfortable. She wants to room with her fiance and I’m going to let her.” you respond, mimicking Porco’s British accent. 
“Oh yeah. That’s why the two of you keep giving each other wistful, longing looks whenever you’re around each other. You’d think it was the two of you getting married.” Colt spits back, his breath materializing in the cold air. 
Colt aggressively rattles your head one last time before moving to where Gabi and Falco were standing as Porco makes a gesture to take his jacket off. Which has you yanking him by the ear and fervently whispering in his ear. 
“Are you fucking stupid?” you whisper. 
“Eh?” Porco responds. 
“If you are trying to romance Pieck, why are you giving me your jacket?” 
“You were just bitching about how you were cold.” Porco deadpans. 
“Well, go find out if she’s bitching about being cold. And give her your jacket. Must I do everything for you?” you respond, pinching his ear harder. 
Porco, you are quick to find out, has the same romantic capabilities as a valencia orange. Which means that in all the time you’ve spent freeloading in their room, Porco has enlisted your help in romancing Pieck, who has caught his eye. 
Porco rolls his eyes as he walks over, and you shoot him a satisfied smile when Pieck wraps his jacket around her cold arms, particularly pink in the cheeks as the two of them talk in the cold. 
Eren, Connie, Jean, and Mikasa, however, are not aware of this. Which has the four of them, particularly Eren, groaning from ten feet away at the sight of the two of you together, giving each other warm smiles in the cold. 
“Imagine losing the love of your life to a British guy. Twice.” Connie states. 
“Shut up.” Eren grumbles, shoving him in the side. 
“First he colonizes your country and then your girlfriend?” Jean asks. 
“She’s not my girlfriend, need I remind you.” Eren responds, glaring. 
“Just when we thought Y/N was done with London Boys…” Connie adds, earning an angry shove from both Eren and Mikasa. 
“The British are coming, Eren! The British are coming!” Jean screams, saluting Miksasa and Eren. 
“He’s not from London, dumbass.” Mikasa responds. 
“Her kid’s first word is going to be bruv…” Connie adds, putting on the thickest accent he can muster. 
“They’re not having kids!” Eren groans. 
“You guys are so mean! Leave Eren alone, you know how much it must hurt him to see something like that. Especially when he’s been so lonely and-” 
“Wow. Thank you, Mikasa. Your defense of me is so moving.” Eren states. 
Eren rolls his eyes, as the group of them snicker at his response, and they all immediately wrap their arms around him. A common habit the three of them have, knowing damn well that Eren’s mind is the worst place to be at times, and that sometimes their presence and stupid jokes is enough to put a damper on that internal monologue that plagues Eren constantly. 
“Go fight for your girl, Eren. She doesn’t even know what you did for her.” Mikasa states. 
“Correction. What I tried to do for her. And you go fight for your best friend. Who should be your maid of honor instead of that rodeo clown, Amy, by the way.” 
“Hey.” Mikasa states, glaring at him. 
“I swear to god, my feet have bruises from when we practiced walking down the aisle. I’m going to be in a wheelchair by the time we make it to the wedding, Mika.” 
“You’re just saying that because you want Y/N to be walking down with you instead of Amy.” Mikasa counters.
“Well, yes. Obviously. But even besides that, do you really want Amy to be at your side during your wedding, Mikasa? Y/N is your best friend. Mind you, this wedding wouldn’t even be happening without me and her. We’re the only reason you guys got to have all those sleepovers back in the day.” 
“You’re full of shit, Eren. You’re acting like you didn’t benefit from those sleepovers either.” Jean counters. 
“No one had a sleepover with me. Which is just fucking rude in my opinion.” Connie adds, rather unhelpfully. 
Eren frowns, as he looks over at you. Your head is angled up, staring at the stars littered across the sky and the tiniest crescent moon shining down on all of you. Eren swallows hard, trying his best to aid you in your efforts to make amends. 
“I’m just saying, Mikasa. This is your wedding. You only get married once ….do you really not want her to be a part of it?” Eren asks. 
Eren watches Mikasa, at the wistful look on her face, as she watches you stand there alone, crunching the rocks under your feet as you hop in the cold of the night. Eren gives Mikasa one last pointed glare before walking over and standing at your side. 
“Hi Margaret.” 
“Hi Bruce.” you respond. 
“Did you pick up arson as a hobby in your free time?” he asks. 
“Of course! Arson is good for the environment. I’m very passionate about climate change.” you respond, earning a laugh from him. 
“How so?” 
“Fires stimulate new growth. Recycles nutrients in the ground, clears the forest floors of debris, and opens it up to sunlight.” you murmur. 
“Oh, yeah. Porco’s carpet is really flourishing right now.” Eren responds. 
“Exactly! You get me.” you respond, as the two of you laugh into the night. 
Eren’s quick to take his own jacket off, wrapping it around your shoulders, as you give him a glare. 
“Just when I think you’ve reached the peaks of your cornniness, you always seem to astound me, Eren Jaeger.” 
“What can I say? I’m an overachiever, princess.” Eren responds, pinching the softness of your cheek. 
The two of you laugh as you both smile at each other, in the chill of the night. He’s about to speak, but on cue, the firefighters walk out of the house and you both get distracted, running to huddle back into the house. Levi murmurs something about hot chocolate, which has the group of you jumping in excitement, as you all settle into the kitchen and the dining table. 
And as always, Falco is scribbling some mess in his notebook, something you’ve found him doing almost everyday this week. You slide into the seat across from him and Niccolo, giving Gabi a polite smile at your side, as you look up at him. 
“Hi Coco.” 
“Hi Y/N.” 
“What are you up to?” you ask. 
Like a deer caught in headlights, Falco immediately slams the book shut and gives Gabi and Niccolo painstaking glares before awkwardly laughing.
“Nothing! Drawing!” Falco rambles. 
“Are you doing nothing or are you drawing?” you ask. 
“Nothing. I’m doing nothing.” he responds. 
You give Gabi and Niccolo a pointed glare. 
“You would tell me if he was writing my name a hundred times in the Death Note, right?” 
Gabi and Niccolo laugh, as Gabi and Falco immediately run off for their hot chocolate and you move to Niccolo’s side. The group of them join you with their steaming cups of hot chocolate and you shoot Connie a grateful smile when he sets one down in front of you. 
“He really isn’t plotting my death, is he?” you ask Niccolo. 
“No. No. Don’t be silly, Y/N.” he responds. 
You sigh, wrapping your fingers around the warm mug. 
“I know. I just haven’t…fought with him like this before. It’s weird to have an awkward air to us.” you respond. 
“You haven’t fought with Falco, ever. You guys both fight with me.” Colt corrects. 
“Well, you’re annoying, Colt.” you respond. 
You turn back to Niccolo, gesturing for him to give you an explanation. 
“Falco’s trying to impress you, Y/N.” Niccolo states. 
“He’s writing a song. Trying to prove to you that he should be here.” he states. 
You deflate. You never meant to make Falco feel like you thought he was untalented. That he didn’t deserve to be here. 
“Is the song good? Please tell me he’s a songbird and less of a…falcon.” Connie responds. 
“You’re not as funny as you think you are, Connie.” Mikasa deadpans, rolling her eyes. 
“Oh, it’s great. I can tell he has a lot of promise, this is the type of stuff we get in demos at the label.” Niccolo responds. 
“Label?” you ask. 
“I worked with a label for a while back as a producer. I kind of decided it wasn’t my thing a while ago and went into acting.” Niccolo states. 
“Would you happen to know anything about like…making deals regarding albums and stuff?” you ask. 
“Yeah. Why do you ask?” 
The smallest spark of hope flares in you. 
“I have a dilemma. I was wondering if you could shed some light on it for me?” you ask. 
“Sure. What’s up?” Niccolo asks. 
Eren and Connie give each other a look. 
“When I signed on with Danny and Sareen, I promised the label four albums. The thing is, I…kind of fired them before I got to the fourth one and then released that one independently.” 
“You fired them?” Gabi asks, eyes wide. 
“Yeah. They…they weren’t great. Anyways, they’re kind of claiming that they have ownership under the fourth album and that it’s in violation of my contract with them to have released something before the contract was up. So all of the royalties for streaming the songs goes to them but since I’m not technically an employee of the label anymore they…..they don’t pay me a cent of the money.” 
The group of them go silent, eyes wide as they stare back at you. You note that Levi and Hange’s ears perk up from where they’re standing too, five feet away in the kitchen with the mugs. 
“Which album is this, Y/N?” Annie asks. 
“The Lucky One.” 
“What?” Annie states. 
The group of them break out into their own chatter, Connie and Eren being noticeably silent in the mix. Annie and Armin are going on about how ridiculous it is, Porco making it a point to note that it’s your most streamed albums, that the money must be somewhere in the millions as you give them all a polite smile. 
“Is there anything I can do, Nico?” you ask. 
Niccolo sighs. 
“I don’t know many people who have been successful with this type of thing. But I’ll see what I can find out for you, okay? We’ll think of something.” Niccolo responds, his mouth upturned as he frowns at you. 
“Okay. Thanks Nico, I-I was just wondering. I’m not holding my breath about it or anything.” you respond. 
The group of them shuffle back into their own individual conversations, as Mikasa takes the empty seat at your side.
“I’m sorry you don’t get any of the money for the Lucky One, Y/N. It’s a really great album.” 
“Thank you, Mikasa. Really.” you respond, squeezing her hands in yours. 
You both lift your mugs, the silence enveloping the two of you as you try to think of the words. 
To make amends. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t come to your engagement party.” you respond. 
“Oh- that’s-” 
“Can I…can I explain?” you ask. 
Mikasa nods. 
“I found out that I didn’t own the album anymore the day before the party. And I had every intention of coming actually, I had packed the bags and bought a dress and booked a plane ticket but…” 
You sigh. 
“My music is the one thing that I owned. If there was any merit to me, if people called me fake and a slut and everything in between, there was….little they could say about the music. It was mine. I wrote it, I put my heart and soul into it just to…” you ramble. 
“I can imagine, Y/N.” Mikasa responds, softly. 
“It’s….it took so much out of me to make all four of those albums. And it’s not that I’m not proud of them but they were the reason it was so hard. To think that they still make money off of me, after everything they did is…” 
“A good reason not to come to an engagement party.” Mikasa finishes.
“I should have been there still. Or at least told you. About everything that happened and I’m really sorry about that but-” 
Mikasa sets her mug down at the table and immediately wraps her arms around you, her hands soft in your hairs as you deflate into your shoulder. When you look up, Connie, Jean, and Eren are smiling at the two of you and you make it a point to glare at them. Connie mouths something that looks an awful lot like “maid of honor” which has you rolling your eyes.  
When you all shuffle back into your rooms, Mikasa gives you a tight hug before you go to bed. And you relish in what you can get. 
“Your head is going to explode if you think any harder.” Levi states, crossing his legs as he sits beside you on the floor. 
You sigh, hiking your knees to your chest. You watch Falco and Kaya run around the set, playing with the extra ODM gear lying around the set. He’s laughing hard, excitedly panting as he runs along the perimeter of the room. 
“Talk.” Levi states. 
“Am I a cavewoman, Levi?” you mutter. 
“Evidently.” Levi responds. 
You sigh. 
“I’m just wondering how we’re going to protect Falco, Gabi, and Kaya from all this stuff.” you murmur. 
Levi meets your line of vision, watching the three of them now running around. And you and Levi rise to have the same conversation you had months ago, though relatively calmer this time around. 
“I understand why you want to, but you have to let go of that, Y/N.” Levi responds. 
“Why? He’s my brother, Levi. And Gabi and Kaya are so sweet, they’re so…full of life. I’d hate to see that ripped from them just because people are horrible.” you murmur. 
“Did you listen when I warned you, Y/N? Did Eren?” he asks. 
You rest your chin against the tops of your knees, as you hug your knees closer to your chest. 
“There are some lessons you have to learn on your own. You can’t learn their lessons for them. All you can do is be there to catch them if they fall.” Levi responds. 
You lean your head against the back wall. 
“It’s a touch pill to swallow and I get that. Trust me, I’ve been ten different levels of frustrated with myself when I wasn’t able to stop certain things from happening. But-” 
“None of those things were your fault, Levi.” you respond. 
“If something does happen to Falco and Gabi, it won’t be your fault either.” 
You sigh. 
“Everyone goes through things like this. These aren’t just…isolated to us because we’re famous. Granted, they are on public display for people to see, but everyone goes through this kind of thing. These are just the…obstacles that we’ve been given.” Levi responds. 
“Okay, Levi. I’ll try to get there.” you respond. 
Levi looks over at you, eyebrows raised. 
“You feeling okay? You’re listening to me without any pushback?” he states, lightly shoving you. 
“Shut up. I’m turning over a new leaf. Trying to do this thing called making amends.” you respond. 
Levi smiles in response, a hand coming down on your hair. 
“Consider us amended. So what’s your deal with Mikasa then?” he states. 
You groan. 
“She’s your cousin, Levi. You tell me what her deal is with me.” you respond. 
“I believe she picked our resident pain in the ass, Amy, as her maid of honor because she literally had to pick one. The wedding isn’t too far out and she needs the help since Jean can’t help when it comes to type of this thing.” Levi resopnds. 
You hum in response. 
“Not that Amy is any help either. Not that I hate my own family but…Amy’s always been a bit of a…tough nut to swallow. She’s made a couple of weird comments to Hange, so obviously I hate her. Just doesn’t understand the whole fame thing, that’s all.” 
You snort. 
“It’s weirdly nice to have her around. I- she asks me all these overbearing questions. Kind of prepares me for when I’ll start having to do press again.” you murmur. 
“I won’t send you on the press tour unless you’re ready for it. And you know there will be multiple with the season being split into three, so…don’t rush into it all.” Levi responds. 
You nod, giving him a polite smile. 
“Thank you, Levi. For always being there to catch me.” you respond. 
“Don’t thank me for basic human decency, brat.” Levi spits, standing up to join Hange on the other side of the room. 
You smile as you walk up to Connie, who is aggressively scribbling on the whiteboard. There’s two columns and his chicken scratch handwriting on the space. 
Father versus Daddy. 
“Is anyone going to explain?” you ask, settling into the seat between Mikasa and Sasha. 
“They’re ranking everyone’s new Season Four looks. But Connie’s insisting that you cannot compare fathers and daddies. And Jean is forcing us all to do it anyways.” Sasha explains. 
You hum in response, as you tune into Connie’s incessant rambling. 
“No, listen. Why would you compare Reiner and Eren? That’s not even the same playing field!” Connie shouts. 
“Well, if you’re making an objective list, you have to compare them.” Jean states. 
“Whose the daddy and the father between Reiner and Eren?” you ask. 
“Princess, don’t ask stupid questions.” Connie states, rolling his eyes. 
“What? It’s a valid question.” you deflect. 
“Eren is obviously the daddy. And Reiner is father. Look at that beard.” Connie states, grabbing Reiner by the cheeks and squishing his skin. 
You smile. 
“Facial hair really suits you, Reiner. Unlike some people.” 
There’s a good amount of laughter, as you look over at Eren who rolls his eyes at you. 
“Okay, everyone pick. Are we picking Eren or Reiner for the first spot?” Connie asks. 
“I still think it’s rude that I was eliminated at the last round. It’s very hard to pull off a mullet.” Jean states. 
“Stop quoting your fiance! You lost out fair and square.” Niccolo shouts. 
After Connie counts the votes, Reiner beats out Eren by one vote, to which Reiner’s satisfiedly smiles. Levi calls for Eren to start filming, as you turn on your seats to watch him film. 
The ends of Eren’s voice are lost to you as he takes his shirt off and the group of you go silent. 
Eren’s raking his fingers through his own hair as he secures it at the back of his neck, just for Connie to start hollering at him and Jean starts wolf whistling. There’s a pink flush climbing up Eren’s neck as he flips the two of them off, before turning back to Levi. 
“Can I change my vote?” Pieck asks, earning a fit of laughter from the group. 
And you’d love to relish in the discourse, because Eren’s clearly been working out, but you’re entirely distracted by the three, jagged pink scars running along the length of Eren’s back. The makeup team is quick to walk onto the set, quickly masking the scarred tissue as Eren shoots them a polite smile. 
“Eren was my celebrity crush when I was little.” Gabi states. 
“Me too!” Kaya responds, the two of them giggling into their hands. 
Falco is seething behind you at their admissions as Connie joins you at your side, picking up on your blank stare as you watch Eren lean forward on the sink. 
“Real cutie, isn’t he?” Connie asks, elbowing you in your side. 
You roll your eyes. 
“You can’t even say no. You voted for him.” Connie responds. 
“Yes. I’m aware, Connie.” 
Levi shoots you and Connie a glare, as you both apologize and quiet your voices. 
“The marks on Eren’s back, Connie.” you murmur, softly. 
Connie nods, almost too understanding of what’s plaguing you. 
“That’s Eren’s story to tell you. But it happened on set, a while back.” 
You look back at Eren, as him and Hange act out the scene. At the raised skin on his back, in between the tautness of his muscle. You absentmindedly think that if you were to run your hands on his bare back, it would no longer be a smooth surface like the last time you held him. There would be raised skin in the mix, that soft, pink tissue. 
“We should just count ourselves lucky that Hange and Levi never endangered our lives when they had us doing stunts.” Connie states. 
You nod, the thought sombering your mood all together when you realize what he means. 
That Eren was hurt by people being careless with his safety. 
“Ask him about it. He’ll tell you.” 
“He doesn’t tell me anything. We just kind of awkwardly pretend nothing happened.”
“Do you ask?” Connie states. 
“What am I supposed to say? Hey, remember when you said our entire relationship was fake on a really popular podcast? What did you mean by that?” 
Connie sighs. 
“Start small. There’s a lot for you both to unpack. It takes a second.” Connie murmurs. 
“There’s a lot for you to unpack too, Connie. Like the fact that you and Eren are best friends? Because the last time I saw you, you quite literally had just fist fought him a few days prior and said he was the reason you were even addicted in the first place.” you respond. 
Connie sighs. 
“I was wrong. When you came, mind you, I was already so far gone. And anything I was saying, you…you shouldn’t give merit to it. I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for Eren. He was the one who took me to rehab. And made sure that I stayed there. All while he was trying to help Lana and-”
Connie stops abruptly. 
“Just pressure him. He’s been preparing what he’s going to say to you for so long. And he’s just scared to let it all out after so long.” 
You frown, the irritation festering in you, as Eren walks up, a smile plastered on his face. Connie holds his shirt out for him before walking away, as Eren takes the seat next to you. 
“Hi Margaret.” 
“Hi Bruce.” you grumble, glaring at him. 
The two of you sit in silence as you ponder how to approach it, keeping your eyes fixed on the crew changing the set for the next scenes. 
“What happened to your back, Eren?” 
You notice Eren immediately tense up next to you, his hands tightly clasped together, as he swallows hard. 
“I want to know what happened to your back. What you meant when you talked to me backstage at the awards show. Why you took me to that beach.” 
It’s almost like you’ve broken some wall between you, that tiny porcelain barrier that you and Eren never touch. Because Eren’s eyes go wide, his demeanour entirely different, like a downtrodden animal. And he looks just like he did at the awards show, a person who seems miles away. 
“I want to know why the fuck you went on that podcast and acted like you didn’t care about me. I want to know if you fucking care about me, Eren.” 
“Of course I care about you!” he murmurs. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, Eren. You insinuating you only wanted me for my body gave me a pause for a second there.” you spit. 
Eren shuts his eyes, in frustration or pain you can’t quite tell, as he unclasps his hands. 
“Why did you let me break up with you because Sareen and Danny asked me to?” you ask. 
“Why did you break up with me because Danny and Sareen told you to, Y/N?” Eren counters. 
Your throat burns. 
“Well, I-” 
“Why did you come to see me for my birthday, Y/N? Could you not tell that I didn’t want you there?” Eren asks. 
The embarrassment courses through you. 
“I came to tell you that I still loved you, Eren. I came there because I wanted to be with you.” you counter. 
“And I stopped talking to you, I pulled away because I couldn’t have you be there with me. That is the last place I could have you be, Y/N.” Eren responds, frustrated. 
“I get it. You don’t want to be with me. You don’t need to keep fucking rem-” 
“Do you have selective hearing? Where did I say that I didn’t want you? I said I couldn’t have you be there with me. Those are two different things.” he seethes. 
You glare at him. 
“You sound like a dumbass, Eren. Your actions were literally-” 
“What part of that trip made it seem like I didn’t fucking want you? If you critically think, for two seconds Y/N, you would realize that the fact that I fucking loved you so much I couldn’t even stay away when you showed up. But I couldn’t have you there. Because if it came down to it, when I had to pick between covering someone else or taking care of you, I’d pick you. And I…I couldn’t. There was too much at stake and-” Eren rambles. 
“You aren’t even making sense, Eren. What could possibly be at stake?” you shout. 
Eren sighs. 
“Everything, Y/N.” Eren responds, softly. 
He reaches down, taking one of his hands in yours, as he presses hard on your knuckles. There’s nothing behind his eyes, or rather something simmering deep down, as he avoids your gaze. And the entire…demeanour is enough to push back the wave of anger and let that small soft spot that you have for Eren rise up. 
That always coaxed him into talking. 
“I’m asking you that when the time comes, you’ll hear me out. I-I have answers for you. All of them, almost every single one I just need you to wait. For me. Please.” Eren begs. 
You know the look in his eyes too well. The desperation. The same desperation that Eren had when he asked you if you still belonged to him, on that beach. 
And for a second time, you give in. 
“Don’t make me wait forever, Bruce.” 
The wall is back up. 
“I won’t, Margaret.” Eren responds. 
He drops your hands, before walking away with his hands shaking, as you swallow that acidic bile in your throat. And try to rack your mind for the hundredth time, trying to figure out what Eren means. 
There’s something about Sasha and Niccolo that makes your heart yearn.
You place your hands flat on Sasha’s shoulders, wrapping your coat around her arms, as she smiles at you in the mirror. You’ve braided the front of her hair, Mikasa’s twisted little flowers into the ends, and Gabi’s brushed all your sparkly makeup over her face to the best of her desires. 
Because Sasha and Niccolo are going on their first date. 
And there’s something about both of their demeanours, the way they act around each other, that leaves a pit in your chest. And comes with a mix of emotions - going every which way. 
First, an overwhelmingly abundant feeling of happiness for Sasha. Because if her words were any inkling to you, it seems like this agonizing want, to be held, to be loved, is something that has plagued Sasha for years. And being here - being around Jean and Mikasa, Levi and Hange, even you and Eren - you’re almost positive that Sasha’s been walking around with this pit, with this yearning in her chest her entire life. 
It almost makes it sweeter that she’s getting it now. 
Second, there’s some part of it that leaves you with this warm, soft feeling in your stomach. Because the group of you - Sasha, Mikasa, Annie, Pieck, and even Gabi - you’d spent all day together. Picking out Sasha’s outfit, letting her pick out the jewelery, and tell you all the things that Niccolo had planned for her. 
That the two of them were going to go on a picnic, by a lake nearby. That Niccolo had spent all this time planning the date with all the guys - that Eren told him about the place, that Jean picked out the food to make with him, that Connie’s been giving one liners to Niccolo to use the entire night. 
And third, it makes you long for something you don’t quite have anymore. That at one point, there was someone that filled you with that type of joy. That you know the full extents of her happiness, because you were once in that spot, and even worse, know exactly what could be waiting for her if things go south. 
It leaves you with many things. Longing, yearning, fear, and protectiveness. Over Sasha. 
Downstairs, Eren is having the same feelings, as the group of them threaten Niccolo at the dining table. Jean, Connie, Armin, and Eren made it a point to make sure that Niccolo, sweet sweet Niccolo, was going to show Sasha the time of her life tonight. 
Connie’s having way too much fun with it. Meaning, that he’s got a flood light that he stole from set that he’s shining in Niccolo’s face. Like he’s in an interrogation. 
“What are your intentions with Sasha, Niccolo? If that’s even your real name.” Connie seethes. 
“Niccolo is my real name. And I just want to take her on a date. M-make her feel special.” 
“Likely story, bitch boy.” Jean screams, slamming his fist down on the table. 
Eren looks over, giving Armin a weary look, as Jean and Connie continue. 
“What food did you make, lover boy?” Connie asks. 
“Um, Sasha once mentioned that she wanted to try ratatouille? Like from the movie? So I made that and the sides are mashed potatoes since she likes-” 
“How do you know she’s going to like it? What are you going to do if she doesn’t?” Jean asks. 
“Take her somewhere else. Make sure that she eats something she likes?” Niccolo asks, a bead of sweat on his forehead. 
Armin leans over, whispering in Eren’s ear. 
“They’re having way too much fun doing this. I almost feel bad for the guy.” Armin states. 
“I know. Sasha’s going to wring their necks out when she finds out they did this.” Eren responds. 
“That, I want a front row show for. Sasha always has the funniest insults.” 
“God, I know. I’m so lucky she wasn’t there when we were all talking about Hobo Eren for the first time. I’m afraid my self esteem wouldn’t be able to survive that.” Eren mutters back. 
Armin laughs, with has Eren’s chest writhing in ten different ways, as Connie starts interrogating Niccolo about where he’s going to place his hands on Sasha tonight. 
“Okay, Con. That’s enough.” Eren states, giving Armin a knowing look as they both take a seat across from Niccolo. 
“Ah. Right, I hope you know that I-I have the best intentions with Sasha tonight. I really, really like her and I would never do anything to hurt her.” Niccolo states, hands up in defense as he looks at Armin and Eren. 
Eren fights the urge to smile. 
“You better.” Eren states, face blank as he looks at Niccolo. 
“H-huh?” Niccolo asks. 
“You heard him. You better.” Armin repeats, mimicking Eren’s expression. 
“Right. I-I just said that I did.” Niccolo responds. 
“Great. Then we won’t have a problem. Do you want a problem, Niccolo?” Armin states, folding his hands on the table. 
“N-no.” he responds. 
“Why did you stutter, Niccolo?” Eren asks, pinching his eyes at him. 
On cue, Eren and Armin are cut off from their version of Jean and Connie’s interrogation, which they’re sure is more horrifying than theirs, as all the girls run down the stairs and start giggling. Eren’s thrown off by the excited look on your face, at your hands linked with Mikasa. 
“Oh! Oh, Nico stand up! You look so cute.” you state, squeezing Mikasa’s hands as you look at him. 
His soft blonde curls are tamed against his forehead, the tiniest bouquet of little flowers bunched up in his hands. You can tell that he’s a little nervous - from the way he’s awkwardly smiling at the group of you and the little flush on his cheeks - which has your heart squelching even more. 
“Sasha’s a lucky girl.” Mikasa agrees, a wide smile on her face. 
“Speaking of Sasha, I think she’s ready.” Annie states. 
The group of you all stand to the side, arm linked with Sasha’s, as Sasha stumbles down the stairs. Niccolo and Sasha have matching pink flushes rushing up their necks as they awkwardly smile at each other, Sasha stumbling over her words when Niccolo hands her the flowers and Niccolo nearly losing it over Sasha calling him handsome. 
“You two. If I found out you bothered him, I’m going to wring your necks out.” Sasha states, pointing over to the boys with a menacing glare. 
“We didn’t do anything!” Jean whines. 
“I’m not talking to you, Jean. I’m talking to you two.” Sasha states, accusingly pointing at Eren and Armin. 
“We didn’t do anything. Right, Niccolo?” Eren asks, giving him his best peachy smile. 
“Of course not!” Niccolo states, linking his hands with Sasha as the two of them give you all waves goodbye and you all clump by the door to watch them settle into the car. 
Armin and Eren are directly behind you, giggling about something, as the two of them drive off. 
“You guys are so mean. You probably scared the guy to death.” you state. 
“It was nothing that wasn’t necessary, Y/N.” Eren responds, crossing his hands over his chest. 
“If anything, I would argue it was noble. Wouldn’t you agree, Eren?” Armin states, leaning his elbow on Eren’s shoulder, like he’s deep in thought. 
“I think I would, Armin.” Eren responds, the two of them giving admonishing look. 
“He’s a sweet guy!” you whine. 
“We know that. But this is Sasha. I can’t have him going around thinking he’s in her league or something.” Eren states. 
“Sasha is basically a national treasure. We’re have to remind him of his place here.” Armin states. 
You roll your eyes, pushing past the both of them, as you roll your eyes. You pad into the kitchen, rummaging around for snacks, as Eren follows behind you. And right when you’re about to pour yourself a bowl of cereal, Eren’s quick to snatch the box from your hands. 
“Sorry. We’re eating proper food for dinner tonight.” Eren states, giving you a peachy smile. 
“You’re so annoying.” you grumble, trying to reach for the box again. 
“Cereal is good. But you have to balance it out. With some protein or add some fruits in it or something.” Eren adds. 
“Or I can just eat it right now and you can quit it.” 
“Nope. We’re eating pasta.” Eren states, now rummaging through all the cabinets as he sets out to make the food. 
You push up on the counter, dangling your feet off the edge, as you get a weird sense of deja vu. 
Of your first date with Eren. 
“Can I cut the vegetables?” 
Eren looks over, just to give you a pointed glare. And you fight the urge to laugh, and ignore that stirring in your chest, that he remembers. Or more appropriately, still doesn’t trust you to cook in the kitchen with him. 
“Do you think you’re some kind of comedian, Margaret?”
“No. I’m a really good cook now. You can trust me.” 
Eren leans against the counter, a hand on his hip, as you roll your eyes. 
“Right. Need I remind you, you almost set the house on fire a few days ago. God knows what you’re going to do if I let you do this.” Eren sneers. 
“You’re so-” 
“For all we know, you’re going to start a grease fire! And then try to throw water at it to put it out.” 
“Do you not put fires out with water?” 
Eren laughs. 
“Oil and water don’t mix, princess. Were you born yesterday?” 
You fight the urge to laugh, at how sassy Eren is being, as you reach for the vegetables lying directly to his side. And when you pull out the cutting board and the knife from the drawer, Eren’s scoffing at you. 
“Yeah, right. Use the safety knife.” Eren states. 
“Am I five years old, Eren?” 
“Litearlly yes. Give me like two minutes, I’ll do it.” Eren responds. 
You roll your eyes, as you attend to cutting the little vegetables, dicing the onions and the bell peppers to the best of your ability. 
“Do you think Sasha’s having fun?” you ask. 
“It’s Niccolo. I’m sure he’s putting on a good time for her. And if he isn’t, Armin and I are going to wring his neck out when he comes back.” 
“You and Armin, huh?” 
Eren’s shoulders deflate, the smallest makings of a smile on his face. 
“It’s not anything like that, Y/N. We just don’t play about Sasha, that’s all.” Eren responds. 
“Or, you two are making amends. Baby steps.” 
Eren smiles. 
“Maybe. I hope so.” he responds. 
“I love how you guys are all protective of Sasha. It’s really sweet, actually.” you murmur. 
“Well, it’s Sash. She’s basically like our little sister.” Eren responds. 
“I know. But it just reminds me of when we were younger and stuff. Sasha, she never really had someone interested in her like that. I think some part of her really internalized that type of stuff, so I’m glad we’re all able to make her feel special now.” you respond. 
“How so?” 
“I don’t know. I can’t really speak to it personally, but from what Sasha said, some part of her took it really seriously. That it was something about her, that it was her personality or her looks and that’s why people didn’t like her like that.” 
Eren frowns. 
“Sasha’s beautiful. And she’s funny. We’re so protective of her because she’s so special.” Eren responds. 
“I know that. I just mean, when you don’t get that type of attention, you tend to…let it stick with you. It even happens to people who haven’t been in relationships for a while. Like the yearning, the longing for something like that just makes you kind of…down.” you mumble. 
Eren looks over at you, green eyes peering into yours. 
“Are you down, Y/N?” he asks. 
“I was just asking if you were down. It’s been a while since you’ve been in a relationship.” Eren responds, the tone of his voice heartfelt. 
You sigh. 
“Okay, Mr. Long Term Relationship. I don’t want to seem like I’m jealous of Sasha, I’m actually really happy for her-” 
“I’m not in a long term relationsip.” Eren responds. 
“You’re not?” you ask. 
Eren looks over at you and frowns. 
“Did you really go into hibernation the two years you were gone? I haven’t been in a relationship for almost a year and a half now.” Eren responds. 
Eren smiles. 
“Yeah, oh. But continue with what you were saying.” Eren gestures. 
“I don’t know. Sometimes you just want someone to hold you.” you respond. 
You reach for the next set of vegetables, the slicing sound distracting you from that palpable tension in the air. 
“I get that. I feel that way too sometimes. Especially around Jean and Mikasa.” Eren responds. 
“God, don’t get me started. They’re so sweet it makes my stomach hurt.” you respond. 
You must have been too distracted by the premise, because you cut down into the softness of your fingers and immediately hiss in pain. Eren’s all too quick to move to your side, his head peering over your shoulder as he immediately starts scolding you. 
“You know, this is why I told you not to cut the vegetables, Margaret.”
“Are you really having an “I told you so moment” while I’m bleeding out, Bruce?” you deadpan. 
“You aren’t bleeding out, drama queen.” 
Eren’s quick to reach over you, pulling out the stack of alcohol wipes and bandaids from the cupboard. He places his hands on your shoulders, twisting you to face him as he holds his hand out. You instinctively high five his hand, which he rolls his eyes at. 
“Your other hand, Y/N.”
You roll your eyes as you place your injured hand in his, ignoring his featherlike touch on your fingers as he carefully wraps the Cinderella bandaid around your finger. When Eren’s all set and done, he lightly curls his hand around yours, just to immediately pull it back when he realizes what he’s done. 
“Thanks.” you respond. 
“No problem. Now move over and let me cut these before I have to put a tourniquet on you.” Eren states, sliding you slightly to the side. 
You watch Eren in silence, as he attentively makes the dinner for the two of you. And try to banish the thought from your mind, that if you and Eren were still together, that this is what every night would look like for the two of you. That he would have held you, when you said you wanted to be held. 
“Have you written any new music lately?” Eren asks, plating the food onto the dishes before picking up both and gesturing for you to follow. 
You shake your head, twisting the forks in your fingers. 
“I actually haven’t written anything since the Lucky One. Since happiness.” 
The two of you eat in silence, before Eren speaks again. 
“It’s a beautiful song, Y/N.” 
“Thank you.” you murmur. 
The interviews fresh on your mind, particularly the fact that you have confirmation now that Eren’s watched it, which has your words, rather embarrassingly, ringing in your mind. 
Eren Jaeger is the love of my life. He’s everything you want in the person you want to spend the rest of your life with and more. He’s kind, he’s sensitive, he’s all too willing to understand you. Too willing to meet you where you are, as you are, and look past all the bad parts of you. 
You look over at him. 
He’s still your Eren. 
“Have you met the new you yet, Y/N?” Eren asks. 
You understand what he means. 
Have you forgiven him yet? 
“I don’t know. There’s still some things I don’t know, Eren. And I’ve been patient but-” 
“Everyone’s leaving for the first press tour on Friday.” Eren states. 
You tilt your head to the side, in confusion. 
“Everyone except you and me.” Eren adds. 
“I’ll have your answers. I just…I can’t have anyone here when we talk about this. All of it and-” 
“Well, I wouldn’t want anyone here anyways. I can’t have any accomplices to my homicide.” you state. 
Eren laughs, reaching over to lightly shove your shoulder, as he gestures for you to keep eating.
“Just two more days, okay?” Eren whispers. 
“Okay, Eren.” you respond, a silent chill running down your spine. 
You tap his foot under the table on instinct. And he taps on your foot back. 
Falco’s seated at the piano, his entire demeanour a mix of nerves. His hairs a tousled mess, certainly from running his hands through it a hundred times, a sizable bead of sweat on his forehead, and his hands shaking underneath his legs. 
You’re all sat around him in a circle, everyone anticipating Gabi’s arrival, as you all watch Falco nervously twitch on the bench. Last night, after Levi had finished his press brief, preparing everyone for answers to common questions (the main one being about whether or not you’re returning for season four), Falco cleared his throat and asked you all for a special request. 
For everyone to gather on the set, early morning before everyone leaves for the press tour tomorrow. And after he shuffled out of the room, Niccolo made you all aware that he was planning on playing his new song for you. 
Naturally, you all obliged. You’re all stuck in your own conversations, quietly musing and sharing the extra blankets on set, as Eren settles down next to you, crossing his legs over one another as he sits at your side. He’s holding out an extra blanket for you, which you gratefully smile at him for, before wrapping around yourself. 
“Good morning, Margaret.” 
“Hi Bruce.” 
Eren smiles, his entire demeanour shifting. He’s the most calm you’ve seen him, at least in a while. You think it suits him. Meanwhile, you can’t help but feel like an anxious ball of nerves just being here next to him. 
“Ready?” Eren asks.
Your heart drops. 
“Hearing Falco’s song. I heard from Gabi that it’s really great.” Eren states. 
Right. He definitely wasn’t asking about the conversation you guys were going to have when everyone left. 
“Yeah. I’m excited.” you respond. 
“Me too.” 
You swallow hard, giving Falco a smile as he glances over at you. 
“And I didn’t forget, Y/N.” he adds, voice quiet so you’re the only one who can hear it. 
You nod in response, acknowledging his words, as the dryness overtakes your throat. And on cue, Gabi runs into set, her hood pulled over her head, as she all but rambles as she walks in. 
“Ah! Falco, guys. Oh my gosh, I’m so so sorry. I woke up late and then couldn’t find my clothes and-” 
“It’s okay, Gabi.” Falco responds, giving her a soft smile. 
“Oh, Falco. I really am sorry. But I’m here now. And you’ve got this!” she responds, holding her hand out. 
Falco smiles big, reaching forward as him and Gabi complete some long winded and complicated handshake. And when they’re done, Gabi settles into the seat right next to Eren, as he reaches forward to pull the hood of her jacket down and she gives him an excited smile. 
“Sorry for making you guys do this. I just-” 
Falco stops short, absentmindedly pressing on one of the keys. 
“Y/N has told me so much about what doing press is like. Before, when I was younger. That sometimes people would ask her questions that were weirdly inappropriate or…or ask her different questions than her male co-stars and…” 
Your heart clenches. 
“It bothered me so much to think that people said stuff like that to my sister. And now that I know all of you, I hate to think you’ve all been doing press like that too. I figure we’d all leave today on a high note? And I could share something I’ve been doing for a while with you, if that’s okay.” Falco rambles, the smallest flush creeping up his neck. 
You all smile, huddling closer into your blanket as Falco starts playing the piano. 
Floorboards creaking in my home Deathly silence when alone Oh, I wish that you were here right now So unlike me, somehow I Fell in love in just three nights Those November days still haunting me
Falco’s always been a great singer. He’s always been like this - so full of energy, his voice so full of life. And you’re sure that the tears falling down your cheeks, the smile creeping up on your face, is a byproduct of the hundreds of thoughts running across your mind, but mainly the pride swelling in your chest.
That Falco’s not five anymore and that he doesn’t need your help reaching the high cabinets. And that he may not always hold your hand like he did when he was seven, but he never flinches or denies you when you ask him to. Or that really, Falco’s grown up. 
And you’re almost positive that Falco’s in love. With Gabi, whose smiling at him in awe, the clear signs of pride on her face as she watches him press down on the keys, his soft voice filling the air. 
When the gold rays fell on your skin And my hair got caught in the wind The choir sang a melancholic hymn (ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah) In the morning, you would gone I'd be mourning, tryin' to hold on To the memory of your lips God, I'm so lovesick What have you done to me?
You look around the room to find Jean pulling Mikasa flesh against his chest, Sasha and Niccolo reaching to hold each other’s hands, Hange absentmindely leaning her head on Levi’s shoulder, just for him to bring his hand up to comb through her hair. 
You look over at Eren, the soft smile on his face as he lightly bobs his head to the music. You must have been staring at him full on, because he looks over at you and smiles. 
“When did Coco grow up?” he whispers. 
“I’m literally getting a stomach ache thinking about how he’s not a baby anymore.” you respond, frowning at Falco as he finishes singing. 
At how sweet he is. At how much you love him. And how you’re going to make sure, without a doubt, that no one gets to take this away from him. 
Everyone reaches to give Falco big hugs, tousling his hair and excitedly shaking his tiny frame, as he makes his way over to where you and Eren are sitting on the floor. He lands criss cross in front of you, the smile not leaving his face. 
“Did you like it, Y/N?” he asks, the look on his face hopeful. 
You reach forward, taking his hands in yours. 
“I loved it, Coco.” 
“Are you crazy? It’s perfect. You’re perfect.” you respond, squeezing his hands hard. 
Falco excitedly rushes in to hug you, only to tackle you hard straight into the ground. You both laugh, a tangled mix of limbs, and you hug him as hard as you can, trying to squeeze that big writhing feeling of love in your chest right onto him with your arms. 
“I really love you, Y/N.” Falco murmurs. 
“I really love you too, Falco. You’re going to be amazing at this. Like, triple threat level.” you respond. 
“That’s rich coming from you.” Falco responds, pulling out of your arms as you pinch his cheek. 
“Takes one to know one.” you respond. 
You cup Falco’s face in your hands. 
“You’ve got this. Really.” you murmur. 
“I know.” 
“Good. And remember, if anyone says anything shitty to Gabi-” 
“I’ll defend her.” he responds. 
You smile. 
“I’ve taught you well. Though, you’ve never really needed my help. You’ve always been great on your own.” 
“I’m lucky to learn from the best. And to have you. To protect me from all the bad stuff.” he adds. 
You smile. 
“I wish someone got to do it for you.” Falco adds. 
“That’s okay. You were always there. You did more for me than you know.” 
Falco smiles. 
“Wanna know a secret?” Falco asks. 
You nod.
“I know everyone hated those two years that you were gone. But they were my favorite.” Falco responds. 
You smile hard, reaching forward to press a kiss to his cheek. 
“Me too. I finally know how to hit people on Roblox now.” 
Falco laughs, turning his head to respond to Gabi and Kaya who are calling him at your sides. Armin’s standing post with his camera, gesturing for him to join the picture. 
And little by little, you watch every last one of them pad out of the set, the group of them giving you wistful goodbyes and promises to tell at least one interviewer to go fuck themselves on your behalf, until you and Eren are left sitting alone, on the bench of the piano. 
He turns to you, green eyes wide and round, as they peer into yours. 
“Ready, Y/N?” 
You take a deep breath in. 
“Yeah. Where should we start?” you murmur. 
“We should start here.” Eren states, handing you a little plastic box. 
You take it in your hands, inspecting it in your fingers and flipping it over. It’s a little green CD, with unmistakable handwriting markered onto the top. 
Fine Line. 
You swallow hard. 
“Is that Sukuna’s handwriting?” you ask. 
“I’m going to pretend like you didn’t just say that.” Eren responds, rolling his eyes. 
“You two together has been a sore spot for me since I was sixteen. And I’m not even going to ask you why you’re able to recognize his handwriting straight off the bat.” Eren teases. 
You roll your eyes. 
“What is this, Eren?” you ask. 
“Anything you could possibly want to know is on there.” he responds. 
You nod, as the two of you stand up and march back to the townhouse in silence. You twist the little box in your fingers, the CD glimmering in the light outside. When you finally make it back, you push it into the little box and take a deep breath. 
Eren reaches for your hand and squeezes. Three times. 
And you press play.
next part linked here
an, again: ARE YOU READY FOR IT?? in the efforts of being charitable, here's the song line up for the next chapter: ever since new york by harry styles, clean by taylor swift, all of the girls you've loved before, last kiss by taylor swift, sparks by coldplay, and obviously, fine line by harry styles. make of that what you will.
@k0z3me @kayleegomez @yihona-san06  @bsenpai @sweetenertea @mykyoon @violetmatcha  @rebeccawinters @cutiejg @bokutosthings @bookwrmm @mblrrr @wheredidmycrowngo @somethinginyoureyes7 @chilichopsticks @okaystopwhore @you-always-made-me-blush @itzmeme @firelordazulaaaa @whoami-72 @g-ghostly @intimacywithceline @erensmoodygf @cocomellxn @princess-ackerman @jaegerfiles @cacapeepee @rui-0836 @moonmalice @invisible-mori @sofiasber @bbybeeb @timetobegone @tee4str @ttokki2 @leave-rae-alone @ec3lipsy @officialsimpp @gojojang @yookayyo @lordbugs @multiplefandomthings @iobeyfandoms @camilo-uwu @justanotherkpopstanlol @mel-star636 @fvckingeetar @ttalgi @najaemism @ilovekimchi123 @youraggedybitch @xoyumiqls @leafguitar @mrksnctzen @spiidergirlsworld
pls comment on this post or any of the chapters if you want to be added to the taglist <3
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lostlosersclub · 7 months
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•hello. my name is niccolo, or nico for short. my pronouns are he/they/xe/it. i am a gay demiaroace gnc boy. •i am a minor. i block freely. •i struggle a lot with my mental health. i use this blog quite often to vent. •if i seem to be in crisis, please do not try to cheer me up. it wont work. •i have a discord server. feel free to ask for the link any time. •ask to be my mutual. •please do not ask if we are friends / call me your friend unless we are close. •i have a rough time with communication. please use tonetags.
blog owner struggles with following issues. browse at your own risk. vents are always tagged. all are diagnosed or suspected by doctors. •autism •adhd •ocd •potential bpd •potential ptsd •anorexia •anxiety •panic disorder •chronic depression
this includes discussion of:
•sh •suicidal thoughts •self starving •dysmorphia •weight issues •intrusive thoughts
tag system:
special interests:
• osemanverse
• pjo, hoo, toa
• spiderman
• car seat headrest
tv shows:
• brooklyn 99
• community
• the owl house
• amphibia
• adventure time
• shera princess of power
• what we do in the shadows
• scott pilgrim (movie, books, and show)
video games:
• stardew valley
• sally face
• night in the woods
• the quarry
• the sims
• gore (tagged under #tw gore and #i love gore)
• greek mythology
• nico di angelo (pjo) (headcannons here!)
• hunter (toh)
• charlie spring (heartstopper)
•instruments (drums, guitar, bass, and piano)
other socials:
•pinterest: St4rryN1ghtm4r3
•discord: mutuals can dm me for link
•roblox: dead_boyy0
☆i think thats all, bye☆
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starrydali · 5 months
Brando de Santis - Forgive me?
Description: Niccolo and Camilla Govender's younger sister Aria has been in a toxic relationship with Brando for a while now. Everyone always knew he was controlling but never thought he would do this to her...
Warnings: Smut
I'm scared. I'm really scared. I'm at a party leaning against the wall with Brando's arm hung loosely around my shoulders. He's making casual conversation with my sister and his other friends about who knows what, meanwhile I can't get my mind of the thought that he has a video on his phone that could ruin my life. I knew I shouldn't have let him film while we... you know, but I wasn't in the right mindspace at the time.
It's not that I don't trust Brando, I mean he is my boyfriend and I love him, but after what he did to Ludo i'm just kind of worried what he might do with that video if we ever break up. It would just bring me a lot of peace in mind if I knew the video was deleted.
This is why I asked for Camillas help. Camilla and I have never really been close, in fact she always seemed kind of jealous of me in a way. Which I don't know why she would be, she's popular, pretty, older, and has way more experience than I do. Before I started dating Brando I hadn't even held hands with a boy before.
Well anyways, even though we had never really been close, she's still my sister, so while desperate for someone to help me, I told her about the video. She said she could find out his password from a friend so I could delete it. And now here I am looking down at the message I just received.
"The password is 2006 - Camilla"
I looked up from my phone and flashed her a smile and she returned it, maybe Camilla never really hated me the way I thought she did.
I felt Brando's hand brush against my cheek as he used the hand that originally rested on my shoulder to move some hair away from my face. I had to look up at him since our height difference was definitely there. I smiled before he smirked and walked over to Vitto to take a drag from his cig. I took this as my chance and quickly and quietly snatched his phone from his pocket.
Shit. The password isn't working. I tried again and again but the phone wasn't unlocking. Maybe Camilla got it wrong by mistake?
"Hey Brando what's Aria doing with your phone?"
My heart dropped when I herd those words spoken loudly by none other than Camilla. Everything got quiet for a second and I looked up to see Brando staring at me with an expression I could either describe as angry or disappointed as he passed the joint back to his friend.
"Maybe she's jelous" spoke the bitch of Virginia.
"I think this girl needs your attention Brando"
Laughed Vitto along with some of the other guys. Brando slowly walked towards me looking mad, me yanked his phone out of my hand.
"I think you're right. She's gonna get all my attention now"
Brando started walking towards a bedroom and pulled me into his arms by my hand. His tone sounded mean and almost warning like. He aggressively put his arm around me before shoving me into a random bedroom and slamming the door. I saw him take out his phone from the corner of my eye as he pulled me once again into his chest.
"We are here live from Vitto's house" he spoke to the phone.
I squeaked when he started to force himself onto me. Trying to kiss my lips but hitting all around my face instead as I tried to turn my head in an attempt to stop him.
"Brando stop. Stop it" I squeaked feeling really uncomfortable.
Brando was always controlling and sort of pushy when it came to sexual stuff but he's never done something like this before.
I managed to push him off me for a second before he grabbed me again and threw me onto the bed, manhandling me into the position he wanted me in.
"Brando stop it! Get off me!!"
I threw my arms all around trying to escape, I felt so violated as his lips traveled down to my neck and stomach, all while people watched from his phone.
"Stop fucking moving Aria"
He growled as he pinned my arms down next to my head. At this point I wasn't just crying, I was full on sobbing, tears running down my face. I just wanted him to stop. Using all my force I managed to wiggle out of his grasp and escape his forceful kisses. I ran out of that room the second I got off the bed. The people from the party, who were probably watching the live, stared and whispered as I walked through the living room covering my face and wiping my tears.
"Oh come on Aria don't be dramatic!" I heard Brando call out from behind me.
I wasn't running anymore. To exhausted to do so, I just walked out the front door. Not before hearing another comment come out of my boyfriends mouth.
"Your so fucking immature Aria!"
Brando did this often. Whenever we would fight, no matter what it was about, he would always bring up the fact that i'm younger than him and therefore 'immature' and 'a little girl' as a reason why he's right. It made me feel horrible. Especially knowing the firsts I experienced with him (basically all my firsts) was his like twentieths. He always makes me feel small and helpless in the worst way possible.
It's been about three days since the party, and since I last talked to Brando and Camilla. A part of me blames her for what happened. I still can't believe she would do that to her own sister. Niccolo has been a big help in this situation, assuring me it wasn't my fault. I heard he kind of beat up Brando too, which made me feel a bit better.
Even though i'm so shocked and hurt that Brando would do that to me, I kind of miss him. I mean Brando has always been on the more rough side when it came to relationships and you know...sexual stuff, but I guess this was a little too far. Still people make mistakes right? I just can't imagine being without him.
You can't imagine my face when I got home after school and saw my boyfriend, his parents, my parents, and Nicco (he probably insisted on being there) sitting in my living room staring at me as I entered the room.
"Whats going on?" I asked with a wary tone.
"Why don't you have a seat darling"
Insisted my mom as she patted the spot on the couch between her and my dad. I wasn't gonna give in that easily though.
"Tell me what's going on first"
Mr. de Sanctis finally spoke up breaking the silence that followed my demand.
"Aria, I'm very sorry about everything that has happened. But I can guarantee you that Brando is just as upset as you are. Right?" he turned his head to throw a glance at Brando who nodded keeping his eyes on me the whole time.
Silence filled the room again, no one dared to comment anything else. Until Mr. de Sanctis spoke up again.
"Brando has something he wants to say you".
Although he was talking to me, Mr. de Sanctis eyes were locked on Brando with a threatening look.
Sighing, and with a slight role of his eyes, Brando stood up with his hands tucked in his hoodie pocket. I began to panic a bit when he started to walk towards me. I think Nicco could sense my distress and quickly stopped Brando with his leg before he could get any closer to me. Brando looked down at his leg then at him with a look almost daring him to do something else.
My dad however, harshly nudged Nicco causing him to retract his leg, and allowing Brando to continue walking towards me. He stared at me the whole time. He finally stopped in front of me, and with his hands still in his pocket, he bend down so our faces were at the same level for once.
I felt Brando's face so close to mine that I could feel his hot breath fanning on me, causing me to slightly shy away and look down at the ground when he finally began to speak.
"I'm sorry Aria. I don't know what came over me."
My eyes shot up to him, only to find him already intensely looking at me as if he's trying to read my face.
"Do you forgive me?"
He said in an amused voice, as if he found this almost funny. He glanced down at my lips then back up to my eyes raising his eyebrows and slightly tilting his head to tell me to hurry up and answer him.
My palms were sweaty at my side. Looking back down to the floor, I bit my lip as I tried to think of what to do. It was so hard to think though, considering everyone in the room was intently staring at me and waiting for my answer. So I went with my first instinct and slowly nodded while meeting his intense gaze again. Brando smirked at this and lifted his hand to pat my head a few times before standing up straight again.
"Good. Let's go"
He roughly interlocked our hands and pulled me away from the situation in the living room. Before he could completely drag me away though, I turned my head and looked back at Niccolo and my parents. Out of the corner of my eye I saw how Nicco angrily stood up to stop Brando, and how my parents stopped him.
Brando dragged me up the stairs and I quickly realized where he was taking me as the light pink walls of my room surrounded us. Brando let go of my hand and I heard a click of the lock on the door. Deja vu...
I turned to face him as he came and stood dangerously close to me with a hungry look in his eyes.
"I've missed you" He grabbed my face in his hands.
When he started to lean in to kiss me I quickly grasp my hands around his arms in a poor attempt to stop him. Of course this wouldn't be enough to physically stop him, but he got the hint and stopped for a second in confusion. I looked down feeling a little guilt build up in me.
Brando stared at me for a second trying to read my face. Then removed his hands from my face and sighed taking out his phone.
"Look. I know this was all about that video I have of you" I looked back up at him with a look that said 'go on'
"I love you Aria. Let me show you how much. I don't care about this stupid video. In fact i'll delete right now if it will make you happy"
Would he really do that for me? He was so against the idea of deleting it when I had asked before. Maybe some time apart made him see clearer? I nodded and smiled when he deleted it from photos and deleted photos.
"See. I'm fucking crazy for you kid" he threw his phone somewhere on the floor before grabbing my face again and bending down to roughly press his lips onto mine.
With no worries now, I stood up on my tippy toes and I kissed him back. I was smiling into the kiss and everything, just so happy to be with him again. I had missed him so much.
Brando's hands moved from my face down to the bed behind me as I was pushed to sit down at the edge. My hands tangled into his soft curls and I pulled him down to lay onto of me. Brando broke the kiss, his hands still pinning me down.
"You gonna let me touch you this time?" This took me by a shock a bit but I still nodded
"Yeah? Not gonna fight back?" I shook my head. I could tell he was getting into his dominate personality he gets in bed, and it was turning me on.
"Say it"
"I'm not gonna fight back" I looked up at him with doe eyes.
He leaned back in to kiss me again this time rougher and filled with passion. Our lips moved together as he stuck his tongue in my mouth showing he was in charge of the kiss. I let out airy moans as he made his way down to kiss my neck and then down to my stomach.
Jesus, major deja vu.
His hands started to creep under my skirt and up my thighs. I got a little nervous closing my legs tightly together which Brando quickly stopped, prying then open again.
"All i've been thinking about is kissing you. Kissing you everywhere" He looked up at me, his words sounding more like an ask for permission rather than a statement.
"Brando..." His name came out more of a moan "I need you. Please"
Brando smirked at my answer and took it as a green pass to flip my skirt up. This revealing my cotton white panties that he wasted no time in ripping off leaving me bare. I squeaked at the cold air that hit my cunt and tried to close my legs, which he once again stopped.
The feeling of Brando's intense stare on me made me nervous. I jumped when suddenly his hot breath was on me as he blew on my clit.
"Fuck I missed you so much. You're so fucking adorable."
His lips met mine for a quick peck before he leaned back in between my legs. My mouth fell open when his thumb started to rub my clit.
"So sensitive..." he muttered as I squirmed under his touch.
I moaned loudly when his lips finally interlocked on my pussy. I felt like I was on fire. I never really got used to this feeling when Brando first touched me. I have never masturbated, the feeling of being touched is still so intense.
He lapped on my clit as I harshly pulled on his curls out of desperation making him moan, the vibrations going into me. My eyes squeezed shut and I bit my lip trying to stay quiet since our parents were still downstairs.
Brando was making it hard to stay quiet while he was eating me out like I was his first meal in days. If possible, it started to feel even better when he threw my legs over his shoulders getting deeper into my pussy.
I let out a loud moan and threw my head back when his wet tounge was shoved into my tight hole. Fuck he was going so rough on me I felt like my life was being sucked out through my pussy. It felt so good it was getting overwhelming.
"Brando...please stop! Be gentle" I begged and tugged on his hair.
I didn't expect him to actually listen to my beg for him to go gently since he never had in the past. But he surprised me when he actually stopped sucking me for a second and pulled away. I took this as my chance to catch my breath before he placed a soft kiss on my clit.
"Tell me your mine" He climbed back up so his face hovered mine again.
"I'm yours Brando" I looked up at him.
He continued with a demanding voice "say i'm the only one who can make you feel this way"
I noticed his voice began to get aggressive again so I didn't want to upset him "your the only one who can make me feel this way" I whined.
"I love you"
His hand made its way back down to my sensitive pussy, and this time creep a little lower to my sopping hole. I was already soaked from being eaten out like the sweetest candy on earth, but still he could only get one finger in. I gripped onto his shirt as he pushed it in.
"Fuck you're so tight." I whined at his words as I tried to take his finger going deeper inside me.
"Your such a small little girl, how'd I ever get my dick to fit in this hole huh?" he started at me with those intense eyes I always see.
I doubt he actually wanted me to answer that question, but either way I could barely think let alone talk when his finger started to move inside me. My eyes squeezed shut as the pleasure became too much. I felt Brando's eyes still on me though as his finger began to move faster and harder.
"Look at me" he demanded.
My eyes fluttered open and I looked up at him with my mouth slightly open. I was to fucked out to say anything, instead loud moans and squeals left my mouth when his finger moved even harder inside me hitting all the right spots.
"Ah fuck, you hear how wet you are"
Brando's comment made me feel dirty, but he was right I was so wet and the squelching of his fingers in me echoed around the room. I started to panic when I felt myself getting close. I really was trying to warn Brando but I was so overwhelmed I only managed to whine out loud.
"Brando i'm gonna-" before he clamped a palm over my mouth to shush me.
"Shh shh sh don't want mommy and daddy to hear how much of a slut you are do you?"
Tears fell down my eyes from this. I don't think it was the comment that made me cry, just the whole situation and how overwhelmed I was. My hot tears ran down my cheeks and soaked his hand covering my mouth, but Brando didn't seem to mind.
"You're so cute when you cry. God I wanna fuck you" he muttered.
My brain couldn't fully process his words however when I reached my high and started shaking. Grabbing his wrist in a poor attempt to stop his finger.
"Shh just let it happen sweetie"
I moaned into his hand as I came hard. Brando's finger rode me through my orgasm that felt like it lasted forever. When his finger finally left my hole, so did the hand covering my mouth. I opened my eyes and looked up at Brando with big eyes and a dazy look on my face.
He laughed at me "I don't know how you look so fucking ruined from just one finger"
Not processing his comment I pulled him in for a kiss, tasting myself on his lips.
"I love you Brando"
"Love you to kid"
The next day at school, I was back under Brando's arm following him around as he talked with his friends about whether it is they talk about. I know people say it looks like i'm just his little puppy that does whatever he says, but I don't care. As long as i'm with him i'm happy.
Brando's Pov:
"So you really deleted that video of you fucking her?" asked Vitto after I told him about last night with Aria "what a shame it was hot" he shrugged
"Of course I didn't fucking delete it. I have it saved on my laptop. I just said that so she would let me touch her." I know it sounds bad but it was the only way to get Aria to trust me again.
"Ohh nice bro" he fist bumped me.
I laughed "Yeah, kids are so fucking easy. You just give them a little attention and they do whatever you tell them to"
"Damn, I need to get myself a younger girl"
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mahi-does-some-art · 1 year
Tell me about your servamp AUs... All of them...
ok this is going to be a long list tho so buckle up:
Succubus Mahiru AU, inspired by @yarrayora 's bc i love it and would love to hear theirs. plz. I wanna hear about it so bad.
Kuro Has Too Many Exes AU, where the usual "Mahiru drags home a human!kuro" and gets into a situationship that turns into a relationship with him and he meets all of kuro's exes (the other servamps, gear, germaine) and helps him deal with all of that.
The Game (i havent figured out a cool name for this au yet) AU where there is this huge reality tv show that doubles as a romance/job hunting thing where people or companies will hunt someone of their choosing for either romance or to recruit. The people chasing are hunters and the people running are prey and the goal of the prey is to run around the country to avoid getting caught by the hunters for as long as they can for a guarantied better life and a heafty cash prize. The goal of the hunters is to try and capture their desired prey and if they succeed, they date or recruit them. Mahiru finds himself nominated by japan internet to be prey and he does it.
"Haunted House" Au where the Servamps arent vampires but still immortal and they get sentient houses out of it. I love this one.
Mahiru And The Witch's Broom Au, based off the movie Mary and the Witches Flower. An Au where Mahiru breaks his broom so he buys another that turns out to be a magic broom that broomnaps him into the magical world hidden from non-magic humans. He had picked up a normal "cat" the same day and the cat, Kuro, got broomnapped with him. Mahiru becomes a witch and its chaos, I love it.
There's also my Welcome To Demon School, Iruma-Kun au for Servamp. Akira made a deal with a demon, Tooru, when Mahiru was born in order to help take care of him and give him a family, Tooru gets attached to Akira and they both end up concidering themselves siblings and so obviously he loves his sister very much as well as his adorable nephew Mahiru. Akira dies and their both heartbroken, Tooru doesnt let go of the Shirota Visage and stays in the human world (illegally) to care for Mahiru. Shit happens and Mahiru gets sucked into the demon world and he isnt able to go back. There starts his new school life!
My clown au that is so for me specifically and i love love love LOVE IT.
My Au based off of the Lotus Flower Casino from the Percy Jackson movie specifically. Please ask about this one.
Mine and @pinkestlittlebutterfly 's Candy House au, which is a more mafia setting post-Tsubaki defeating that has all the demons being human apart from their servamps and each respective demon-servamp has History with each other. Sloth, named Rowan here, ends up falling in love with Mahiru in an attempt to steal away the thing Kuro loves the most. No, they are not related here but everything is great and Fibi's ideas are *mwah* CHEF'S KISS.
We also made a Fae Au together that i adore just as much.
My self-indulgent Sloth Pair move-out au where they get a really nice but trashed house they renovate and its very lovey dovey and domestic and a bit angsty bc Mahiru's never really been anywhere but Tooru's apartment and also Touma makes Tooru miss Mahiru's move-out day when they finally fix their house up. Also they somehow swindle C3 into paying their bills for saving japan.
The Bakery Au where Mahiru opens his own small bakery/resturaunt and takes in Kuro and attracts very annoying people because of it. They all love his cooking. Kuro ends up learning and helping Mahi along with Sakuya. Tho I admit that this au is a little half-baked..... ;3
The Au where Mahiru takes Sakuya up on his request to start a band together and their love gets stronger and stronger with each song and mishap they make and get into.
Love Is Stored In The Cat AU, where Kuro gets moved into the apartment next to Mahiru by a worried Lily, finds a random cat in his apartment one day that got into his house through the faulty balcony door, ends up meeting mahiru because thats his cat and they start talking and its really cute. This is a Kuro healing au.
That Au where C3 buys a place to make all of the Pairs + Team M live in together. Its a very big, nice, high tech house with more than enough space for all of them and their individual preferences but we all know thats not going to stop any chaos and sibling drama. It has a huge, high tech kitchen that I swear Mahiru is in love with. Hed marry it, theres so much space. Also there are a lot of other rooms for activities! Team M has a room dedicated to their game nights.
My IB au, following the game, Mahiru goes on a school field trip to a new museum and gets sucked in to the world of Germaine's paintings. In this au, Germaine immortalizes the servamps through art.
And there's of course the AU where Germaine gets a body of his very own and due to very tough and unfortunate circumstances, Mahiru makes a contract with him! Kuro is not happy.
Then there's the Merfolk Au i have where all the Eves are merfolk instead of the other way around.
Thaaaaaaaat's all I can think of rn. So yeah. Also GET THE HELL OFF MY TUMBLR NICCOLO!!! WE WERE IN CLASS SITTING NEXT TO EACH OTHER WHEN U SENT ME THIS STHAP. cant believe i didnt see you do that.
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theredandwhitequeen · 7 months
Some of the best show endings have had couples together at the end that I appreciate:
Simon x Wille together and happy
Kurt x Blaine together, married, expecting a baby, 5 years down the road
Chandler and Monica, married with kids, starting their new life together in a house.
Michael x Alex, married, living their lives
Lost but only in the sideways world when they were all dead.
Syed and Christian from Eastenders left happy together and are still together from what we know
Drew and Rick from the night shift, were happy and married at the end
Isak and Even from Skam left happy and planning a trip
Martino and Niccolo from Skam Italia were happy in season 6
Lucas and Eliott were ok after speed bumps of school related stress from Skam France
Matteo and David were happy and in love from Druck after graduation
Jonas and Hanna were back together in Druck as well
Robbe and Sander were in a great place in Wtfock after graduation.
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jeankluv · 2 years
Under the mistletoe || Jean Kirstein
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Summary: The scouts celebrate Christmas for the first time and learn about new traditions.
Words: 0.7K
Paring: Jean Kirstein x reader
Warnings: none
Note: Merry Christmas to everyone who is celebrating it. I hope you all have a nice day with your love ones. Sorry if there are any mistakes.
Christmas, that was the first time y’all heard about. According to Onyankopon, it’s a time of the year where families reunite and celebrate the birth of Jesus. Or in other words, it was a magical night. You honestly didn’t understand it but it seemed nice. The volunteers started to plan everything in early December, they prepared pine trees, lights, etc..
Everything was looking beautiful and the big day was coming, when an old man would come during the night to give everyone who was good, presents. It was strange, what does that mean? An old man was sneaking into our house to leave presents?
-Niccolo told me he will be cooking a special dinner for the 24th!- You heard the excitement in Sasha's voice.
-It will be something quite different…- Spoke Mikasa this time.- I think it will be nice.
You smiled. - Yes, we will have fun,… all of us.
Sasha smiled and hugged both of you.- I’m so happy to be here with you! I love you!
-Sasha… you will make us cry!- You said feeling emotional, after everything you went through, moments like this made you feel really emotional.
The night arrived faster that you thought and everyone was happy celebrating, singing and drinking. You saw Jean in a corner.
-What’s that?- You said pointing to the mistletoe in the door.
-Oh… that… Onyankopon told me that it’s a tradition or something, apparently the couple that is under it they must share a kiss or they will have bad luck next year.- Jean said.
-Oh…- You looked at him.
You could feel your cheeks warming up and you knew the reason damn well. Ever since your training days your crush for Jean has been there and it hasn’t gone away. You knew he didn’t see the same, you knew about his crush for Mikasa and he only viewed as his best friend.
-Maybe…- You took a deep breath and continued.- Maybe you should bring someone special under it and kiss them.- You gave him a smile.
He looked at you.- Maybe I should… I might… at midnight.
-That sounds romantic.- You nudged him.
-Let’s go inside and eat something.- He turned around and walked to the inside where the rest of your friends where.
You sighed, he really was going to do it. You also went inside and went where Sasha was eating, you smiled at your friend while also taking a bite from the dinner.
Hours started to pass and celebration continue, everyone was happy, singing around, drinking, eating. It really seemed like there was no war, no walls, everything as it was normal.
You were sitting in a corner watching Sasha and Connie signing out loud.
-(y/n)…- You heard Jean’s voice behind you.
-Oh Jean…- You turned to look at him.- Look at those two.- You pointed to Sasha and Connie while smiling.- They will have a big headache tomorrow.
Jean laughed.- It’s true… I…- He looked at you.
-Yes…? Did you… already kiss your special person under the mistletoe?- You faked a smile, you felt bad but you really couldn’t contain the feeling in your heart.
-That’s what I wanted to talk about.- He took a deep breath.- I need your help. Could you come with me?- He said pointing out.
You stood up and followed him. He then stopped and turned around to look at you.
-So… what do you want me to help you with? You want me to tell that person to come? Or maybe practice what you are going to say to them?- You knew you were nervous, you always talked fast when that happened. Your heart was beating so fast.
He smirked.- (y/n)… look up.
And you did as he said. The mistletoe was there, right above both of you. You felt Jean cupping your cheeks and making you look at him. He got closer and you felt his lips on yours. The kiss was soft and gentle. You felt as if Jean was afraid of breaking you. You felt him breaking away from you, so you opened your eyes to look directly in to those hazel eyes.
Words couldn’t describe the look you saw on his face and then he said those three words.- I love you, (y/n).
You felt your eyes getting teary.- Jean… I love you too.
-Thank you (y/n).- He said hugging you and leaving a kiss on your forehead.
-For what?- You looked at him.
-For everything, for loving me and being by my side after all these years.
You smiled and kissed him again.- I will always be by your side, Jean.
-I know. - He looked at you with the most loving eyes.- Look outside.- And you did as he said.
Snow started to fall and like Onyankopon said, it was a magical night.
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melis-writes · 2 years
Little Niccolo hits Victoria in a temper tantrum and Michael scolds him!! Red Michael 🤣
The misbehaviours of a little wild baby and some adorable, wise parenting on Michael’s behalf. Here we go! 😂💖
“No, Niccolo. Please.” You frown, sitting cross-legged in front of your four-year old son. “You were just playing with the teddy bear. You have to give your sister a turn, remember?”
“Teddy.” Verona excitedly grins at the fluffy toy bear in her hands, hugging it.
“Mama!” Niccolo whines insistently, crossing his arms. “I had Mr. Teddy first!”
“I know, I know.” You nod at him, “but you have to share. You can have him next.”
“Wheeeeeen?” Niccolo flails around over the carpet, plopping down on his favourite blanket. “I want Mr. Teddy! Now, now, now!”
“Insistency like that will get you nowhere, Niccolo.” Michael enters the living room, unbuttoning a few upper bottoms of his loose dress shirt as he takes a seat on the loveseat in front of you three. “Listen to your mother, please.”
“No fair, daddy.” Niccolo pouts, giving you both puppy eyes. “I like Mr. Teddy!”
“I know you do.” Michael leans over, kissing your cheek.
You blush, rubbing Verona’s shoulders gently. “You’ll get another turn with Mr. Teddy. Had I known you’d all suddenly love this fluffy guy whose always been kept at the bottom of the toy box, I would have bought two.”
“Now there’s an idea.” Michael notices Niccolo giving jealous, pouty glances towards Verona playing with the toy teddy bear. “Niccolo—”
“MAMAAAAAAA, GIMME!” Niccolo cries out louder, springing up to his feet. “It’s my turn now!”
Verona blinks in confusion, clutching the teddy bear to her chest tightly. “But I just got Mr. Teddy. Mama, that’s no fair—”
“Mama, GIVE!” Niccolo reaches over to grab the teddy bear from Verona, but as soon as you reach your arm out to stop him from doing so, his little hand swats a smack over your arm. “HMMPH!”
“Niccolo.” You gasp out, glancing at him in surprise.
“Niccolo—” Michael furrows his brows in disappointment, but isn’t able to get another word in before Niccolo bursts off in a rush down the hallway as fast as he can, giggling mischievously. “Great.”
You sigh deeply, giving your head a shake. “And there he goes. He had to let all that energy out somehow. But the smacking?”
“Hitting his mother? That’s not acceptable whatsoever.” Michael rises up from his seat, beginning to pace down the hallway where Niccolo rushed off to. “Niccolo! Come here!”
“Teddy?” Verona peeks at you with wide, curious eyes.
“You can have Mr. Teddy, darling.” You let out a soft sigh, reassuring her. “Don’t you worry.”
Continuing to sneakily run around the hallways of the estate, Niccolo makes sure he takes every twist and turn he can so Michael won’t catch up to him, but the Don of the house knows better.
Instead of trying to go through every hallway Michael’s heard Niccolo rush through, Michael walks straight ahead towards the end of the estate in one way—knowing there is an end to the manor after all, and Niccolo can only run away so far.
Already seeing red from witnessing Niccolo smacking you, Michael immediately wants the behaviour to cease and never be repeated again—but only after explaining to Niccolo with you that it’s an unacceptable and abusive way to react towards not getting what you want.
Niccolo reaches the end of the estate, feeling rather playful from that burst of energy that just led him here.
Niccolo lets out a deep breath of relief, giggling before turning around only to see Michael standing directly behind him with his brows raised in severe displeasure and both of his hands in the pockets of his trousers.
“Oh no.” Niccolo gasps, facing his father.
“Hello, young man.” Michael stares down at Niccolo. “Done running now, are we?”
“Am I in trouble?” Niccolo pouts innocently.
“Somewhat, yes.” Michael tells him, kneeling down to Niccolo’s height. “Do I need to explain why it was wrong to hit your mother like that?”
“I dunno.” Niccolo frowns, staring down at his feet and remaining quiet.
“Niccolo, look at me when I speak to you, please.” Michael says, watching Niccolo’s shy gaze meet his again. “We can’t always get what we want right away all the time, can we? Verona always waits for her turn to play with your toys. How would you like it if she made a fuss every time it was your turn?”
“I won’t like that.” Niccolo shakes his head.
“Think of how she feels. She’s your sister.” Michael speaks to his son in a calm, soft voice. “She wants to share with you, but you need to give her a fair turn and the same amount of playtime you had with your toys.”
“Sorry, daddy.” Niccolo apologizes glumly. “I can wait.”
“Don’t apologize to me. Apologize to your mother, please. We don’t hit or hurt others ever, Niccolo. For any reason whatsoever. Hitting, yelling, namecalling—these will not happen again, understood?”
“Okay.” Niccolo gives a little nod. “Okay…”
“I’ll tell you one thing that’ll be your best guide when it comes to getting something you want.” Michael begins, “you can do so by talking to the person. By asking them. Your words—polite and kind—will get you farther than anything. This I can promise you.”
“Daddy do that?” Niccolo’s eyes widen in curiosity.
“Yes, of course.” Michael reaffirms. “Every single day with every single person. Most of the time you won’t even be aware you’re doing it. It goes a long way, believe me. Promise me that you will try this instead of hitting and running off like that, alright? It’s not appropriate.”
Niccolo agrees, taking his father’s hand. “Okay, daddy. I try. I can say sorry to mama now?”
“Yes.” Michael agrees, straightening his posture. “Come, we’ll both go to her together, and then we’ll see about getting a second favored teddy bear toy for you too.”
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scumbagjaeger · 1 year
Rating: 18+! mdni
Me waking up at 5am with the most depraved thoughts about Jean, Connie and Sasha in a college AU that I will be turning into a full fic, here’s the rundown
Starts with Jean/Sasha with a dash of Jean/Connie/Sasha, and then ends with just Connie/Sasha, they’re endgame sorry not sorry (I love Springles) (it’s just because my friends tell me I’m just like Sasha and I am a fiend for Constance Springer)
First of all, you already know that they were all friends in high school, none of that awkward first meeting in History 101 thing
They can’t even remember how they met but Connie and Jean were those middle school bros with the snapbacks and jailbroken phones
Jean was asked to show Sasha around when she moved from the countryside in their freshman year of high school
Okay so now in college basically they all have the plan to just get laid as much as possible
Jk but they just want to party and be part of the crazy college scheme that they used to spend HOURS talking about in high school
“Guys… would you ever smoke weed?” —Jean at one point
Sorry this is still background but like I always imagine them growing up Midwest? I wanna say Chicago but deep down I’m thinking they grew up in like St Paul and they were all fairly sheltered oop
They go to college in Chicago for the big city life and they all apply together and they cry when they all get accepted
So yeah they’re trying to be adults now they rule!!!1!!! It’s so cheesy but they are 18 and suddenly they are like wow this adult thing is pretty nice 😎
Connie is kind of the rizzler?? No shock there but he is actually bringing so many women back to his and Jean’s dorm
The forms I had in college would be two bedrooms (with two beds each) and then a shared bathroom/fridge space?? So Connie and Jean are roommates and Marco is their suite mate in the other bedroom
Jean ends up having to stay with their suite-mate Marco because Marco’s roommate ended up dropping out after a day
Connie inadvertently cock blocks his friends but other while they’d pull as well??
Sorry Jean plays the sweet-romance game because he thinks he’s going to fall in love at a college party the first week 💀 and Connie swoops in making these ladies die laughing
He’s also just super affectionate with Sasha too like she’ll be rizzing up some guy and he’ll swing an arm around her waist “Sash we gotta host parties when we get our house together!!!”
He just means next year, the three of them plan on getting a townhouse together, but it’s enough to scare away the guy Sasha was talking to :(
At one point they have a mini intervention where they’re like “bro how do you do it????” And Connie’s like “what can I say, a rizzler’s gotta rizz 😎🥵”
I don’t think there would be much sexual interest or jealousy between any of them because they’re besties
Maybe in high school they had that drama about liking each other but they’re 18 now?? High school was so last year they are ADULTS remember
But idk maybe Sasha makes a comment about Connie cockblocking her, just an innocent joke, and he lowkey gets offended? “Damn my bad, I’ll let you cook next time ig”
So at the next party, Sasha meets Niccolo and of course they hit it off and Connie’s like okay why is this bothering me who gives a fuck, he ends up bringing a girl back to his dorm anyway so who cares LOL not that guy
Oh I forgot to say this but when Jean brings someone home Connie goes to Sasha’s and they literally share her tiny ass twin bed, usually drunk and watching some movie on her laptop, Ymir is normally in Historia’s room anyway so it works (but Ymir and Connie are homies too so she dgaf)
Anyway after her and Niccolo hook up, Sasha is super bummed?? The three of them are hanging out on campus and she’s like “yeah idk I thought we had something but our conversations just kind of fizzled out :(“
And Connie laughs? He’s like “lmao wait you talk to these people after you hook up with them??”
He explains that the whole point is that you go into it not expecting to ever see them again, that’s how he can be so bold with his flirting/jokes. It’s a HOOK UP not a MARRIAGE
And Jean kind of defends Sasha because he is also a big romantic and is constantly getting his hopes up? Poor guy
So one thing leads to another and (completely sober) Jean and Sasha decide they’re going to hook up???
It’s so awkward when they talk about it lol. Sasha’s like “man wtf how does Connie just not develop feeling for the girls he’s sleeping with” and Jean’s like “right that’s insane we should like, hook up and see” (totally joking) and Sasha’s like “omg yeah good one”
For half of their conversation, Jean can’t tell if she’s just going along with the joke
But it does make sense to them?? Like they will go to the party with Connie who will inevitably bring someone back to their dorm, and Jean and Sasha can pretend like they’ve just met and that they’re hooking up, then in the morning they go back to being friends
Unrelated but they’ve all definitely talked about their kinks before and Sasha hits Jean with the “S-step bro” and he whimpers
Also unrelated but Connie thought that the “Step bro, I’m stuck” things were the funniest shit in the world but that’s when they discovered Jean is bisexual, Jean included lol
Anyway the sex is good?? They are already so comfortable with each other, Jean makes sure Sasha is comfortable and that things feel good, she lowkey helps him with how to eat a girl out properly lol
Also Sasha has insane bedroom eyes and she doesn’t even know it? Her sex faces are unreal. Jean’s fucking her missionary style and he’s like “—this good?” And she lets out a breathy “Yeah, fuck, like that—” and he is like “bro don’t look at me like that or I’ll cum”
Afterwards Jean asks if they can cuddle and she’s like “wtf no? We’re supposed to not make thing a thing, we’re just friends again” and Jean is like “but we’d cuddle when we’re friends. We literally cuddled last week” and she’s like “damn you’re right okay c’mere”
The next morning Sasha’s like “omg! We did that! And I don’t want to do it again” and Jean’s like “wait WHAT” like he’s worried she had a bad experience and she’s like “No no no like I WOULD do it again but I don’t want to like date you!!” And he’s like “oh, good!!! Me too!!” And they high five
Jean goes to his dorm and Connie’s not there but Marco is and he’s like “Marco, I slept with Sasha and we don’t want to do it again 😎” and he’s like “what the fuck?”
Jean and Marco are also on the extremely slowburn train to romance-ville but until then they’re just homies, each other’s confidants
Marco tells Jean “I don’t know how you could hook up with anyone at all? Don’t you want the intimacy and love that comes with being with one person?” Because Marco doesn’t join in on their schemes, he also came from a sheltered childhood but he’s just so honest and sweet and we love our sweet boy
Of course Jean wants that too! He’s just a dumb idiot who thinks with his dick too much(‘: but someday he will learn and Marco will be there for him
Anyway idk about anyone else’s college experience but we had like four different card game variants of like “drink if you have the most unopened emails” or “drink if you are the last person to put your finger on your nose”
So of course they play that one time in Sasha’s room with their friends
“Drink if you’ve slept with someone else in this room” and everyone’s laughing, of course Eren and Mikasa drink, and Ymir and Historia drink, but then Jean takes a sip and it’s like SILENT
And Connie’s like “HEADASS get outta here, your fantasies don’t count” and Jean is looking at Sasha like bro help me
So then she takes a drink
And everyone is like hooting and hollering, but now Connie is silent
Jean’s laughing and telling them “yeah it was just a one time thing lol we’re just friends”
He’s lowkey hurt that they didn’t tell him?? He thinks it happened in like high school or something
They notice he’s upset and they end up confronting him after he avoids them bc we know Connie can’t deal with his emotions xoxo
“I just can’t believe you guys had sex without me??” He means without TELLING me but he’s upset yk. And Sasha’s like “well fine do you want to have sex with us?”
And it’s silent for like four minutes. Also they’re eating lunch in like Burger King so Jean’s mouth is full of a whopper burger as Sasha says this and he just freezes, and then slowly continues to eat
I feel like Connie is straight/has a strong preference towards women, but the idea of fucking a woman with another guy he’s totally down for yk, he’s definitely comfortable with himself and open to experimenting but something about Jean fucking THEIR friend Sasha fires him up??
He’s still the most experienced out of the three of them, never in a threesome but has watched enough of them lol, he even did extra research to prepare omg
He strokes himself off underneath Sasha, who’s being fucked by Jean
And Connie’s an ass? Talking to them like a little shit. “So this is how you did it without me last time, huh? I missed out on all this fun?”
I’ll save the big details for the fic so you have to read it sorry xoxo, but let’s say Jean ends up fucking Sasha’s mouth while Connie switches and begins fucking her? Like your classic Eiffel Tower shit
They definitely high five while fucking Sasha lol but she’s also loving it we know she’s a freak
I bet Connie would feel this weird possession about fucking Sasha? Like he sees how wet she got from cumming with Jean’s cock inside her and he’s like well we gotta out do this, I gotta show her how good I’m gonna make her feel
No warning just immediately rams himself into her, her gasp barely audible around Jean’s cock
And this is when he starts to like “hm I could get used to this”, just an idle thought he brushes off as he slaps her ass, grabbing the fat of it afterwards to thrust deeper into her
I bet they talked about it before, but Connie definitely is all “You gonna let me cum inside you, huh, Sash? Gonna be a good girl and let me fill you up?”
Jean’s already came in her mouth and he’s holding her, petting her hair and playing with her tits as she cries out, nodding and turning back to look at him
I bet Sasha’s fucked out expression is what sends him over the edge
They end up all passed out next to each other with Sasha in the middle, they’re too sweaty and gross to be comfortable but they promise to help wash the sheets and clean up/get breakfast in the morning
But somehow Connie and Sasha both wake up in the middle of the night (she elbows him accidentally), and before they go back to sleep he’s just kind of like, wait wait
And he slips a hand in her underwear just to feel the mess of his cum leaking into her underwear
Omg he’d slip a finger inside her, trying to push it into her again (fuck I love Connie too much someone needs to put me in horny jail)
She’d just kind of whine quietly, half asleep but wrapping her arm around him and shuffling closer, carefully spreading her legs further
He’d finger her for a little bit but her whines and noises start to get too loud, they’re too lazy to move to the bathroom or something so they put a pin in it
Connie does tilt Sasha’s jaw towards him and kisses her though? It’s like the first time he’s ever kissed a girl after sex so it’s kind of startling to him, it just seems too romantic and he can’t possibly feeling this towards his best pal Sasha??
But Sasha’s kissed guys after sex so she’s like whatever lol gnight dude
Things are fine between the three of them because Connie just compartmentalizes his emotions and Jean and Sasha have already fucked
But now when they talk about going to parties, Connie doesn’t really want to hook up with random girls anymore? And he gets pissy when Sasha mentions bringing a guy back to her place
But also Sasha picks up on that and she doesn’t even seem to care about the guys she’s hooking up with?? Jean can see it SO CLEARLY she’s using these other guys to distract herself from Connie
One day Jean shows up at Sasha’s door and is like “so when did you start liking Connie?”
Ends with Sasha crying to Jean about how she doesn’t know? He had a thing for her in their sophomore year of high school? They were each others first kisses? She even had a thing for him once in their senior year, but this is DIFFERENT she knows it’s going to ruin their friendship
Literally Ymir and Historia are there because they were just giving her shit for this too but now they’re comforting her
Jean just had the EXACT SAME conversation with Connie, even with the same tears, and Eren and Mikasa there to comfort him LMAO
But Jean doesn’t say anything about that, he just says she should talk to him about it (just like he told Connie to do) and she’s like lol NO
A couple days later though Connie says the most OUTTA pocket thing?? Something about a girlfriend??
In my mind it’s always Mina just because but idk we’ll see
Connie in an attempt to evade the confrontation of talking to Sasha about his feelings has decided that burying them deep inside himself is the way to go
And Sasha literally texts Jean and is like SEE?!???? He doesn’t like me it’s fine this is fine 🥲
Cue him and Marco having to play matchmaker, maybe even fall in love themselves while they’re at it 😗
Idk how it’s gonna end ngl but if you stuck around this long you should tell me your thoughts via reply or ask
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leojurand · 7 months
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the tenderness of this moment kills me. zacco is volatile, sometimes cruel and possessive, but he genuinely loves nicholas
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supscoolbitch · 2 years
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A New Life
Description: As armin is the commander of the survey corps, the stress can get to him sometimes. Along with the fact the idea of a family has been on his mind leads to conversations and agreements.
TW: blood, traumatic birth, trauma, stress, hints of sexual activity, dry humping, chocking, kissing, etc.
A/N: y’all this in a au where the rumbling never happened cause when eren asked mikasa what he is to her she admitted her love. Also Erwin, Marco and Ymir are still alive.
y/n pov
The five bedroom house was quiet besides the distant sound of waves crashing on the shore.
The sun was starting to set but it still lit up the sky, and it would for the next few hours. The smell of rice and the Marlin food, Mexican shells, were cooking it the large kitchen.
The sounds of gigantic bells from the port ring through the beach. I make a mental note that armin should be home within the next 2 hours.
Heading to the kitchen to put on the oven mits that Sasha and Niccolo got me and armin for our wedding.
Thinking back to that amazing day. Remembering finding eren eating out mikasa in the bride maids room. Or when Ymir got me 3 different sized dildos and said they were making up for what I’ll be “missing”.
Letting out a small laugh at the memory I quickly remember that I have to bring the dog back in.
Stepping out of the kitchen and go to open the back door which leads to our wrap around porch overlooking the sea. In my far vision I see the ships coming in and out of the port. With the new alliance in South Asia the ports have constantly been busy. Along with historia and Ymir planning for insemination. Also country leaders from all over the world have been trying to get in trade with paradis.
I can understand why though. We have the strongest military, and though are not the leading technological country we make up for it in materials. We produce the most iron, gold and coal then the worlds ever seen.
And ever since the end of the titan rule our partners have been helping us build up of technology to more advance levels.
Stuck in my thoughts I hear the loud barking of our hyper allergenic dog, Leo. The big black dog was a stray we found walking in the beach one night. We thought we wouldn’t be able to take it in due to armin adapting a new allergy to dog hair. But when we took it to Hange they said that he wouldn’t shed on bit.
I saw him run from about a mile down the beach to the sound of car gas running. I smile from the porch when I see the car driving through the sand, kicking it back.
I remember when Hange had asked if they could build armin some tires to be able to withstand the sand so he didn’t have to walk through the sand to get to our house. Though we were skeptical he allowed them and sure enough they delivered a car made for the road, mountains and sand.
As he gets closer I see the blond hair that has began to overgrow come into view. He slows to a stop and Leo finally catches up to the car. As soon as armin leaves the car Leo is jumping up of his thighs begging for attention. Armin does indeed pet and love on Leo as I sit and watch them.
The sun is now a orange shade and is reflecting beautifully on armins skin, making him look porcelain. After the attention session with Leo armin looks up and we make eye contact. A smile breaks out on his face and he walks through the sand and up the stairs, Leo following on his trail.
We he finally reaches me I’m pulled in for a long, sweet kiss. His soft lips mold to mine and I can taste the mint on his breath. His hands come down on my waist and pull me closer as I pull my arms around his shoulders.
After a while he pulls away, our saliva coating our lips to make them look glossy. There is nothing said as we just look at eachother. I look down at his suit and fix the collar. After I’m finished I feel his lips attack my neck.
His hand travels down till it reaches my ass, giving it a small squeeze as his lips torture my neck. As soon as he starts to suck on neck a small gasp mixed with a moan leaves my swollen lips.
“ ‘min ” the quiet word leaves my mouth as he moves to another spot. “No, no, no ‘min I have dinner in the oven.” I pull away from his grasp.
He removes his lips and looks at me up and down. “ I have dinner right here. ” his voice is quiet and raspy but lust drips from his words.
My eyes widen as I feel my body start to tingle. His eyes travel down my face, past the marks on my neck and down to the valley of my breasts. A small ‘A’ necklace usually rests right in between them, but being smushed against his body it is now hidden by my breasts.
Leo pushes his way through our connected bodies, tail wagging in full power as he pushes armins leg for attention. Armin looks down at Leo and back up at me. I smirk and walk into the house hearing armin talking to Leo and telling him he’s a cock block.
As I pull the Mexican shells out of the oven and begin to put the filling into the giant noodles. I see the boys come into the kitchen through the corner of my eye.
“ How was your day at work? ” I ask as I hear the sound of the island chair being pulled out.
“ Work was work. The new cadets are a shit show. I thinking about asking Levi to come take a visit. ” I hear him sigh and lift up a beer. I gently laugh at the thought of Levi Ackerman coming out of retirement to knock some heads.
“Well I am planning to visit Hange soon so I’ll see if they know if his schedule is busy.” I smile at the counter as I continue to fill the shells.
“Oh no it’s fine, Erwin is coming to headquarters tomorrow so I’ll ask him then.” As he speaks I hear the exhaustion in his voice.
Ever since the Marley & Paradis agreement armin has took over the survey corps and now that the survey corps is the most populated regiment, his life has been filled with insane hours and just a shit ton of work.
“Well that’s good”. I say as I turn to the island with a tray of stuffed shells in hand. I place it in the counter along with some ceramic white plates.
I grab my plate and a glass of water and head to the couch where the 86 inch television stands mounted on the wall. The L shaped couch provides a lot of room as the floor to celling windows project into the area.
The hanging lamp sits above my head as armin walks into the living room. Leo follows and sits patiently on the floor, waiting for food we drop.
We eat in a comfortable silence, acknowledging eachother with stares once and awhile. When I’m finished I grab both of our plates and bring them into the kitchen where I wash them down and place them jnto the dishwasher. When I return to the living room and sit right next to armin and lay my head and neck on his chest.
The silence is comforting but after I while I can’t help but break it. “I can’t believe Ymir and historia are going to be parents.” I say in awe. I feel his stare change and I look up at him as he begins to speak.
“I know, it’s crazy. I can’t believe we’ve known these people since we were teenagers and now they’re have building families.” He says looking at me, but I can tell his mind is somewhere else.
“Yeah it really is. It feels like eren and mikasa pop out another every year. Sasha has already told me that the two boys are enough for her. Marco and Jean have adopted, annie and hitch don’t want kids and but now even Ymir wants kids.”
“Yeah, I still think historia convinced her though.” His playful tone lightens the mood. I suddenly smile bright. “Oh most definitely”. With that we both let out a laugh.
Then silence is brought upon us again.
“Hey I’m going to be watching Kuchel tomorrow for Levi and Erwin. I also think she was planning a sleepover with Carla so I might be visiting eren.” My voice is smooth against the new moonlight.
“Sounds lovely darling”. He speaks as he turns around to turn on the hanging lamp above us. “I would say we would visit you but you said Erwin going to be at HQ tomorrow? Maybe not” I turn away to think about my decision.
“Hey wait no you can come visit.” He takes a pause to think “You know what, I’ll just come in late so I can come with you to town and pick up Carla and when we get kuchel me and Erwin will just go straight to HQ.” His voice is so calm and deep. His voice was always boyish till after the war when it seeming to drop octaves.
“That is perfect. While we’re at the yeagers I’ll check on mikasa and give her a due date for the little one.” I smile at the new plan that will let me get a bunch of things done at once.
“Speaking of the due dates, do you know if Levi and Erwin and planning to have anymore children?” Armin asked curiously. I’m quickly confused at the question but I compose myself.
“Well I think they plan to. I know they have talked about letting Erwin have a biological kid and when I visit Hange soon I’ll be giving her the clear to have another kid. But after kuchel I know that did a lot of damage to her physically but mentally to all of them.” I say quietly.
“Well I suppose I would be scared too. It was close with kuchel.” He speaks in a monotone voice.
We all remember how our old commander nearly bleed to death with the birth of Erwin’s and Levi’s child. I don’t think me or armin will ever forget as we were the ones mainly delivering the child and the ones who had to cut her open to save both of their lives.
Now the silence had returned, but not for the reason of kuchel’s birth.
In the recent months i’ve been thinking about our future. Me and armin had been married for six years and occasionally we talk about kids of our own. We had planned to have some after the war but it was just to much with armin taking on commander and the sudden baby rush, we just always have put it off.
But now we’re both twenty-six and settled down. We are very much financially stable and have enough room in this five bedroom house.
“Can we talk about something?”
My thoughts are interrupted by armins sudden words.
“Yeah actually i’ve been meaning to do the same.” I gulp. What if he changed his mind? What if he doesn’t want kids?
“You wanna go first?” He gently asks me, almost as if my answer could break him.
“No it’s okay, you can go first.”
I hear him gulp but I also see the anxiety behind his eyes build up.
“Ok, but promise me that if you don’t agree you’ll will tell me?” He speaks as if he’s scared.
“Of course armin.” I tell him honestly.
Now there is a dead silence filling the room. The waves can’t be heard and Leo is no where to be seen.
“ I want a kid. ”
My voice doesn’t respond to his comment. But my eyes widen and it feels as if my brain is doing cartwheels.
He looks my over with his glossy eyes, begging for a answer.
“Look I’m sorry. I know it’s sudden but it’s just that everyone having one and I thought-“
“ I want one too.”
I cut him off of his ramble. Now it’s his turn to be shocked. He looks me over and then I’m pushed against the couch and his chest in a overbearing hug.
I feel his warm arms surround me and wet tears slide down my neck. Then all the sudden a barking next to me activates. Then the pressure of something jumping up is next to me and now Leo is licking armins and my face.
When he pulls away he just stares at my face. Then he grabs my face and pulls towards his. Finally the feeling of our lips connecting rushes through my senses. The softness of his tongue on mine.
Then all the thoughts of having a family hit me. Having mini ‘mins running around. Playing on the beach, teaching them the stars, and so, so, so much more.
Then the kiss begins to get more intense. ‘Mins hand slip from my face to my neck and squeezes it. The feeling rushes through my body, causing a sudden heat to build between my legs.
The hot, intense kissing continues until I can’t take it. Looking down I see ‘mins leg between my thighs.
My hips begin to move up and down unconsciously. The pleasure starts to rise as I begin to rub my clit through the fabric.
Now vigorously humping ‘mins thigh I forget about kissing and focus on my pleasure. Suddenly he pulls away and looks down to where I had been humping him.
Now the very much clear wet stain is on his dress pants. He laughs under his breath and looks back up at me.
“Really couldn’t wait for me baby?”
Y’all should I make a part 2??? Cause I love writing smut
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averysmolbear · 1 year
Welcome to another addition of Tessie adds to the Tessirei selfship lore! So yes, this is all selfship fuckery. Just something that popped in my head to fill in blanks on some stuff for my selfship with Reiner. I fully respect anyone who chooses not to read this. But I wanted to post it while it was poking around at my brain and hopefully I can post an actual fic again soon. Thanks for putting up with me and my selfship shenanigans!
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When Reiner and I first met, he had just started his own architecture company and had won his first bid with his design for an apartment complex that would reuse most, if not all, of an abandoned warehouse. He had been so proud and I loved hearing all about what he was working on. Of course, when he asked me about my job, I turned several shades of red, getting flustered and trying to change the subject.
It took a little prodding but Reiner finally got me to talk about what I did. I was working as a supervisor for a small team of customer service agents for an insurance company. It wasn’t as flashy or interesting as Reiner’s job but he asked so many questions about what I did and seemed so proud of me for my supervisory role.
As we got into a relationship, he commented about how much I loved cooking and baking and started tossing out the idea of me starting my own YouTube channel where I could teach people to make the things I enjoyed cooking. The idea of being on camera made me nervous but Reiner talked me into trying it. I convinced Sasha to help film me (it meant I would be more comfortable because it was her in the kitchen with me and she got paid in food which she was happy about) and Reiner talked Armin into helping with video editing.
The first few videos did pretty well so I kept going with it, filming sometimes 3 videos at a time in one day while I was off from work. Reiner eventually talked to his old friend, Historia, about helping me promote my channel. I was flustered about the idea but she had an insanely popular makeup tutorial channel so I took her up on the offer when she asked to collaborate with me.
I let her give me a makeover on her channel and she recorded a video with me where we made pink velvet cupcakes together. Both videos pulled in larger numbers than I had gotten before and Reiner started trying to talk me into quitting my job to do YouTube full time. His business was taking off and in his spare time he and some of his friends were working on renovating a house as well, which he took me to see.
We had been talking about buying a house around then. I thought that I had him convinced to wait but he had already gotten this place and was working on it for us. He just didn’t tell me that until all of the renovations were done.
When Sasha’s boyfriend, Niccolo, agreed to record a video with me, I knew it was going to push me to a point where doing YouTube full time would make the most sense. And it did. He was a popular professional chef so cooking with him on my channel had helped my views a lot more than I expected.
I decided to go full time with the YouTube thing just a bit before Reiner and I were ready to settle into the house he had been working on. His business was taking off though and his company was one of the most sought after in the city. We both were able to pretty much work from home by then which came in handy once we started our family.
Reiner even found time to give me the push I needed to start working on my first novel again. It had been something I had outlined years ago and when we started dating, I had started my first draft. While I did end up getting published, I did so under a pen name and was soon balancing trying to write with making new videos for YouTube.
The community on YouTube was always very excited to hear life updates from me and they loved the videos where Reiner helped out as well, commenting about how “cute” we were together and calling us “couples goals” constantly. When I got pregnant and eventually couldn’t hide it with camera trickery, the community went wild with excitement over the baby but even when the kids were old enough to help out in the kitchen, if they ended up in a video, their faces were always hidden because Reiner and I agreed that we didn’t want them to grow up on the internet in that way.
And years later, when they were in their teens, the kids all got to decide on their own about being in videos or staying off camera (Isobelle and Theodore both make appearances and both of them have their own YouTube channels as well, at least for a little while).
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2023 Reads
A new year means a new book list! I don't think I can top my 2022 count, but that's okay! I'm not totally sure what my reading goals this year will actually be, but I guess I'll sort it out on the way! XD For future reads, here's my 2024 list!
Four Treasures of the Sky - Jenny Tinghui Zhang
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass - Frederick Douglass+
The Bear and the Nightengale - of the Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden
The Secrets We Keep - Mia Hayes
Indian Nations of Wisconsin: Histories of Endurance and Renewal - Patty Loew+
The First Sister - Linden A. Lewis^
The House of the Seven Gables - Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian - Sherman Alexie
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury~
Fin Mac Cool - Morgan Llewlyn^
How Long 'til Black Future Month by N. K. Jemisin
Lavinia - Ursula K Le Guin^
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austin*
Black Cowboys of the Old West: True, Sensational, and Littke-Known Stories form History - Tricia Martineau Wagner+
The Mysteries of Thorn Manor - Margaret Roberson%
Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space - Amanda Leduc+
Her Majesty's Royal Coven - Juno Dawson^
She Who Became the Sun~ - Shelley Parker-Chan*
The Witch King - H.E. Edgmon^
Love in the Time of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Legends & Lattes - Travis Baldree*
Mistress of the Art of Death - Ariana Franklin^
The Adventures of Amina El-Serafi - S.A. Chakraborty
Humankind: A Hopeful History - Rutger Bregman+
The Folk Keeper - Frannie Billingsly*%
Believe Me: A Memoir of Love, Death, and Jazz Chickens - (Suzy) Eddie Izzard+
Juniper & Thorn - Ava Reid
Upright Women Wanted - Sarah Gailey%
I Await the Devil's Coming - Mary MacLane+
Slaughterhouse Five - Kurt Vonnegut~
Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Workers' Rights - Molly Smith & Juno Mac+
The Woman in White - Wilke Collins^
King of Battle and Blood - Scarlett St. Clair
Sarah - J.T. LeRoy^
The City Beautiful - Aden Polydoros^
Freshwater - Akwaeke Emezi
Always the Almost - Edward Underhill
All Systems Red - Martha Wells%
The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
Nevada - Imogen Binnie
A Dowry of Blood - S. T. Gibson
The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli
The Second Rebel - Linden A Lewis
Get a Life Chloe Brown - Talia Hibbert
The Hero and the Crown* - Robin McKinley
What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing - Bruce D Perry & Oprah Winfrey+^
Can't Spell Treason Without Tea - Rebecca Thorne
The Eye of the Heron - Ursula K Leguin
Artificial Condition -Martha Wells%
The Kraken's Sacrifice - Katee Robert%
Crown Duel - Sherwood Smith*
Rogue Protocol - Martha Wells%
Remarkably Bright Creatures - Shelby Van Pelt
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self Involved Parents - Lindsay C Gibson+
Wildcat: The Untold Story of Pearl Hart, the Wild West's Most Notorious Woman Bandit - John Boessenecker+
The History of Wales - History Nerds+%
Ander & Santi Were Here - Jonny Garza Villa
The Glass Castle - Jeanette Walls^
Rosemary and Rue - Seanan McGuire^
The Gilda Stories - Jewelle Gomez
Irish Fairy and Folk Tails - Various+
The Dead and the Dark - Courtney Gould
Haunted Wisconsin - Michael Norman and Beth Scott+
The Other Black Girl - Zakiya Dalila Harris
The Ruins - Scott Smith
He Who Drowned the World - Shelley Parker-Chan
Fledgling - Octavia Butler
Vampire Forensics: Uncovering the Origins of an Enduring Legend - Mark Collins Jenkins+
The Vampyre - John Polidori%
This is Halloween - James A Moore
Sorrowland - Rivers Soloman
The Lamb will Slaughter the Lion - Margaret Killjoy%
Mexican Gothic - Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Love Her or Lose Her - Tessa Bailey^
One Last Stop - Casey McQuiston*
The Last Hero - Linden A. Lewis
Lovelight Farms - B. K. Borison
Reindeer Falls Collection: Volume One - Jana Aston
Currently reading: One Last Stop (Audiobook to help me sleep XD)
Nonfiction is annotated by + A Re-read is annotated by * A book completed from the list below is annotated by ^ A Read with Empty will be annotated by ~ A Novella %
My current, loose and not that interesting goal for this year is to really work on the books I have current access to right now... at the start of this year. Because it's a lot XD This means books currently favorite in Scribd, on my StoryGraph 'to read' pile, or a book I currently own on my shelves. Main goal is at least one of these a month.
For my own personal reference, I'm putting a list of such books below to hold myself accountable.
Edit: Now the end of 2023, and here's a breakdown of my goal to read books I already had access to at the start of 2023:
I didn't read one a month per se, but I got more than 12 done, so I call this a win. These books are:
-Can't Spell Treason Without Tea - Rebecca Thorn -The City Beautiful - Aden Polydoros -Finn Mac Cool - Morgan Llewlyn -The First Sister by Linden A Lewis (proceeded by the other two in the series) -Get a Life, Chloe Brown - Talia Hibbert -The Glass Castle - Jeannette Walls -Haunted Wisconsin - Michael Norman & Beth Scott -Her Majesty's Royal Coven - Juno Dawson -I Await the Devil's Coming - Mary McClane -The Kraken's Sacrifice - Katee Robert -Lavinia - Ursula K Le Guin -Love Her or Lose Her - Tessa Bailey -Mistress of the Art of Death - Ariana Franklin -Nevada - Imogen Binnie -The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli -Rosemary and Rue - Seanan McGuire -The Ruins - Scott Smith -The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller -Sarah - J.T. LeRoy -Vampire Forensics - Mark Collins Jenkins -What Happened to You? - Oprah Winfrey -The Witch King - H. E. Edgmon -The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins
The books I did not get around to reading from this list are as follows: Black Water Sister by Zen Cho; Blood Scion by Deborah Falaye (o); The Book of M by Peng Shepard (o); Charity and Sylvia by Rachel Hope Cleves (o); The Cruel Prince by Holly Black (a); The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey (s); Fallen by Lauren Kate (o); Fanny Hill by John Cleland (o); Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender (s); The Glass Woman by Caroline Lea (s); The Great Hunger by Cecil Woodham-Smith (o); Helping Her Get Free by Susan Brewster (o); The Impossible Girl by Lydia Kang (s); Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold (o); The Merry Spinster by Daniel Lavery (o); On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong (o); The Poppy War by R. F. Kuang (s); Radiance by Grace Draven (a); Watching the Tree by Adeline Yen Mah (o); The Willows by Algernon Blackwood (s); Wings of Fire (o); Witches Steeped in Gold by Clannon Smart (o); The Wolf and the Woodsman by Ava Reid (s)
23/46 Whoa! That's exactly 50% of the books I had on my list! That's pretty cool! All in all, I consider this 2023 goal successfully done!
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simpingsuzuki · 2 years
Niccolo x Sasha- Playing with Hair and Thinking Future Thoughts
The very tips of his fingers dipped to the roots of her hair before combing through the jagged locks. With every stroke, Niccolo gathered more and more strands, both long and short. His gaze stayed low and his brows knitted together just enough to show his concentration.
"You look constipated," Sasha giggled. Sitting on a chair in the kitchen, she stared at their reflection from the patio door. It was dark out and the lights inside the house were brought to life just a few hours ago.
"I am not constipated," Niccolo muttered.
"You're just that focused?"
"Yes. I'm not used to long hair," Niccolo replied. Once her hair looked presentable in a way he was used to, he pulled the hair tie forward from his wrist. "I still can't believe you're not annoyed with this. You seriously tie it up every day?"
"Yup! A few times a day, to be exact!" Sasha chirped. Swinging her feet from side to side, she kept her gaze steady on the reflecting glass. Her smile widened with growing amusement. "Don't you get tired of playing with your hair all day?"
His lips twitched into a slight frown from the question. Slipping her hair through the band, his fingers twisted while he wrapped it around her hair several times.
"I don't play with my hair."
"Nicc, you're constantly fixing it."
"I do not," he defended.
"My eyes don't play tricks on me!" Sasha sang playfully. Holding a finger up, she twirled it about. "You're always combing your hair and you make sure it's perfectly split! I see the way you get annoyed when its a windy day! The wind messes up your line!"
"My line?" Niccolo repeated rather dully. Once he deemed his job was successful, he stood straight. Blinking in surprise when Sasha suddenly jumped from her seat and spun on her heel, his cheeks dusted a pale red from the close proximity.
"Yup! Your line! This one right here!"
Reaching out, Sasha allowed a single finger to glide the length of where his hair parted. Steadily, all her digits widened and she teasingly ran them through his short hair. The simple touch caused her heart to flutter from the way Niccolo was bashfully acting.
"You're making it sound like I'm balding. Is it really that noticeable? The line?" Niccolo suddenly wondered. His hand rose and he tapped the tips of his fingers against his own head.
"So noticeable that a plane could lane right on it with no issue!" Sasha joked hysterically.
"Sasha! That's not funny! I-"
Niccolo shut his mouth when hands cupped his face. His lips thinned and wave with fluster when Sasha guided him closer. He obeyed and soon enough, a sweet kiss was placed on top of his head.
"You're as spunky and as handsome as a young stallion. You're very handsome, Nicc, with no flaws whatsoever," Sasha whispered. She watched his head lift just enough for their eyes to meet. "I'm just complimenting at how pretty you keep your hair is all."
"So... I'm not balding?"
"Nope. You have another thirty or so more years before that even happens!"
"Cut that time in half. The way Connie and Jean stress me out is ridiculous. I know I'm going to start going gray by the age of thirty, maybe sooner," Niccolo tiredly sighed.
She laughed from the mention of her friends. Sasha was head over in heels in love with the man and her expression grew even more tender from an intruding thought. Imagining what Niccolo would look like with gray hair and eventually wrinkles, something very warm caught her chest.
"You're always going to be handsome to me, Nicc. No matter how old we get and what our appearances may look like," Sasha whispered. She nuzzled her nose against his in comfort.
His heart swelled with warmth and Niccolo allowed his hands to rest on her waist.
"And you're always going to be gorgeous to me, Sasha. No matter what the future holds," he replied sweetly. Leaning further down when Sasha began to arch forward on the tips of her toes, Niccolo shared a lingering kiss with his girlfriend.
His hands crossed one another and he brought her into a hug. Sasha's wrapped around his neck and she lazily hung her arms over his shoulders. The couple shared a few more pecks, some where quick while others lingered, before they pulled apart to speak.
"Hey, Nicc?"
"Yes, Sasha?"
"Can I do your hair too? Please?" Sasha pleaded sweetly. Watching his brows rise in sudden confusion and question, her eyes glinted with satisfaction when Niccolo nodded in acceptance.
"Of course you can. Make sure that runway is clear from any debris, got it?" He joked dryly.
"That's the spirit! Sit down, sit down! I'm going to go get more hair ties!"
Rolling his eyes from her enthusiasm, Niccolo's smile grew. He made himself comfortable on the chair Sasha had abandon and his gaze sought for himself in the glass door. Niccolo shared similar thoughts and he felt his weakening blush darken again. He adored the idea of Sasha's hair growing pale through the years to a beautiful white, her bright spirit never wavering with weakness.
"Alright, Nicc! It's your turn to get your hair done!" Sasha excitedly cheered.
He hummed in reply and his eyes rose to the reflection of Sasha's face. Niccolo felt her fingers tease crop hair before they delved further into lengthened locks. He didn't have nearly as much hair as her, but Sasha took just as much time giving him attention.
Her fingers combed through strands, Sasha teasing them down in his signature style or experimentally combing his hair back. She tied parts of his hair up in silly, stubby rabbit ears or braided them to the best of her ability. Sasha stuck her tongue out in concentration.
Niccolo didn't even bother to tease her in the way Sasha did to him. His eyes closed and he leaned into her caring touches. The couple spent the rest of their evening like that; both taking turns undoing and doing their hair while their minds wandered to their shared future.
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