#i always instinctively spell her name sausha and have to correct it
quiveringdeer · 2 years
modern sasha braus headcanons: archery
she's been practicing archery since she was as young as six because hunting was how her family chose to get their meat
honestly could see her being born and raised in the southern appalachias ('apple-at-cha' 😉) since they comment about her accent in the show
she's got natural instinct and talent that's only strengthened by how often she hunts
sasha joins a competative archery club in high school for her sport extracurricular
it makes sense cause she already has the gear for it so there's no added expenses and her family just doesn't have the income to support her in other sports
she can place well in competitions with any bow style but prefers to use a recurve since that's what she grew up making and using
because of how talented she is, and her naturally friendly and cheerful demeanor her club advisor recommends her for a summer archery camp counselor
some parts of the summers she also works at the local reinessance fairs doing trick shot demonstrations and becomes a pretty popular character actor there
this is also where she meets folks who teach horseback archery and the knights let her practice on their horses since she doesn't have her own
she doesn't post videos or anything of herself on social media because she is pretty busy with life and also would just forget
ends up getting into some large nation wide competitions and the wants to share any prize money with her family but they encourage her to put it towards college
because the sport has done so much for her she begins a club at her university
meets historia who ends up helping her set up some apps that help her be more present on social media to promote the club
she also starts having a personal account presence where she posts things about living with the land sustainably, importance of hunting to conservation efforts and then mostly foods she eats and makes (cause she gotta lol)
eventually moves the world tournament competitions where she gets to travel all around the world
the traction and following from the club account and her personal account help her get noticed and supported by sponsors to offset all the big costs of that
when she travels to other countries she likes to learn about the history of archery in those areas
again through social media she ends up meeting lots of cool people from all over the world that practice archery in traditional ways and are happy to host her while in their country and share about their techniques
what I had in mind was kinda like Anthony Bordain was with food!
and of course while she's there she also gets to try lots of different new foods and cuisines!
I could see her getting an environmental studies or biology degree with focus in ecology and sustainablr land management
all of this is self-indulgent projecting but I also see her being real big in speaking out and supporting Indigenous land back/land repatriation movements
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