#but watching the other movies?? hasn't happened yet for some reason
kings-highway · 3 days
haikyuu ships but its ways they said "i love you" before they had the courage to say "i love you."
daisuga: Suga's favourite movie of all time doesn't really mesh with Daichi. He thinks it's confusing and weird, and the gore is way over the top. But Suga loves it, and the comfort it provides, especially when he's sick, so Daichi always watches it with him even if he hates it. "Why do you always agree to this?" Suga asks, as Daichi's settling in to ride out another viewing. "Because it's something you love," he replies, as if this were the most obvious thing in the world.
iwaoi: Iwaizumi doesn't think he's ever going to convince Oikawa that he's the best setter, or that he's worked hard enough, or that he doesn't need to compare himself to everyone else. But he hates the way Oikawa can't seem to find value in himself outside of some seemingly fickle ranking system in his mind. So when they're fighting, and Oikawa keeps saying that it's just "objective fact" that Tobio is better than him, Iwa has to grab him by the face and tell him: "I won't let you slander things I care about."
ushiten: Tendou had often made the joke about being Ushijima's best friend, because it was funny. All their team, their classmates, always laughed. "He's my bestest bud," Tendou would say, because the whole school knew they made a funny pair, and it was laughable to think Ushijima would ever articulate a sentiment as juvinile as "best friends." Of course, when Ushijima realizes that people find this joke funny, he's very confused. "If it is a matter of not being good enough for you," Ushijima says, because he cannot think of a reason anyone would disparage Tendou, so it must be joke at his own expense, "then I will earn it."
kagehina: Hinata gets injured late in their second year. Its not the worst injury in the world and will heal just fine, but it takes him out of practice for a few weeks at the beginning of summer. He expects Kageyama to forget about him during this time. What good is a spiker who can't jump, can't even practice? But that doesn't happen. Kageyama seems to, if Hinata's not mistaken, dote on him. Carries his stuff, scolds him for not elevating the offended ankle properly, tells him to be careful. "Why are you being so fussy?" hinata asks. "Because I can't stand the idea of you not making a perfect recovery," Kageyama replies. "Who else could keep up with me?"
tsukkiyama: Yamaguchi likes to tease Tsukki over his lack of other friends. "You're too mean, you scare them away!" and "You're gonna have one lonely birthday if the only person who bothers to show up is me!" The last time he said this, though, Tsukki had replied with: "You're enough." and Yamaguchi still hasn't quite gotten over it yet. They celebrate his birthday just the two of them that year.
arankita: Aran came over to help on the farm over spring break. He didn't have to - between you and me, he hated that kind of physical labour anyway - but it was a way to spend a little more time with Kita before they graduated. At the end of the break, Kita surprises him by giving him a key to the house, "for emergencies," just in case. When Aran blusters and tries to ask why, Kita says: "I trust you." Considering Kita has never trusted anything except for himself and his own actions, Aran isn't sure any spoken sentiment could have meant more in that moment.
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godsworstson · 2 months
i think it's really funny how obsessed i am with jackass but have watched only one of the movies
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meggtheegg · 11 months
FNAF Movie Theory...
I'm pretty sure there's still one major plot twist in the universe of the movie that's been set up for a sequel but hasn't actually happened yet. Heavy spoilers under the cut:
After watching the movie in theaters and then revisiting a few scenes on Peacock, I'm still kind of convinced that Mike Schmidt is Michael Afton.
Here's my reasoning. A lot of the characters spend time acting like they know something the audience/other characters don't, and those things are...mostly resolved. But some of them just...kind of aren't.
The main thing that sticks out to me is William's whole storyline. Starting with the scene where he offers Mike the job, his behavior is almost explained by the movie's logic. He sees Mike's name, seems...kind of deeply upset, looks at him very closely, stands to get coffee, and has a moment of visible internal conflict. Then he instantly offers him the Freddy's job. The way the movie frames this, it seems to be saying that he recognized the name of one of his victims, realized this was the kid's brother, and decided to kill him right then and there. Which is passable as an explanation, but it has a lot of holes, if you look deeper.
Why would William so instantly recognize a fairly common last name as the brother of some kid he killed that wasn't even anywhere near Freddy's? Why did he kidnap/kill Garrett in the first place, in some random forest in Nebraska? Why did he see the name on the file, then immediately stop and examine Mike's face so closely, when Mike's memories/dreams pretty clearly show that they never saw each others' faces when Garrett was taken? Why did he send Vanessa to "keep Mike in the dark" if he purposely gave him the job to get him killed? Why not have the animatronics kill him right away? He didn't know that Mike was searching for the man who took his brother, and while he could have maybe guessed he was still actively haunted by what happened based on Mike beating up a guy that he thought was kidnapping someone, it still feels like a weird choice to go and hire him, then just have him do the job with no issue for a few days.
As for Vanessa, we see that she's been cleaning up William's messes for years. Why is Mike the one she changes her mind and stands up to her father for? There's no implied romance between the two and no particularly meaningful connection beyond them both having family issues. I guess she cares about Abby because she's a kid, but kids getting hurt clearly never stopped her from helping her father before.
And, on a more meta level, this is Scott and his storytelling style we're talking about. The man puts plot twists inside of plot twists and everything always ties back into the Aftons, somehow.
So, here's my theory: I think that Mike is William's kid, but Mike's mom left Afton when he was young and remarried the man that Mike thinks is his father.
It seems convoluted and maybe cliche, but if it's true, then suddenly there's an answer to all of those questions. "Michael Schmidt" isn't exactly an eye-catching name, unless you had a kid named Michael and your ex-wife married a guy with the last name Schmidt. Garrett's kidnapping, then, becomes an act of intentional, petty revenge rather than an extremely random coincidence. Giving Mike the job and sending in Vanessa suddenly becomes about piecing together how much he knows and figuring out if he's worth trying to reconnect with or is just a threat that needs to be killed. (It feels worth noting that William is as far as I can remember the only person to call him Michael in the whole film. He also very pointedly never says "Schmidt" until he's decided to kill Mike and suddenly announces his full name out loud. If he went by Michael as a little kid, that is what William would default to calling him, but if he took the new husband's last name, that would be like like salt in the wound that he wouldn't want to voice. By finally saying it out loud, it feels like he's making the decision to fully separate himself from Mike.)
As for Vanessa, if Mike is her brother, it makes sense that he would be the person she'd turn against William to save. It would be weird for her not to tell him, but she could also be trying to protect him, in some way. There's never any mention of her mother, and it seems like it's just been her and William for a long time. Also, ending the movie with her in a coma feels like a strange narrative choice, but it makes sense if she knows information that's purposely being kept hidden for the sequel.
Of course, it could just be that the movie has kind of messy writing and I'm trying to fix it because I want there to be a deeper reason for it. Maybe there is no Michael Afton in the movies, or maybe he's off chilling and doing his own thing somewhere and we'll see him in the sequel. Only time will tell.
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personasintro · 1 year
Mutual Help | #35
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 9.9k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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It's been a little over a week since Jungkook has seen you, nine days to be exact. The lack of contact the two of you had, apart from the messages Jungkook spammed your phone with, suit you. You've missed him, especially on those lonely evenings you'd usually spend with him watching movies or one of his stupid games he loves to play in his free time. Of course, if he's not working out or doing something else as productive.
Jungkook has really tried his best, even asked to hang out during a week but you politely declined making an excuse which usually had been that you're tired or busy with work. It's not like you lied to him, you had been busy and tired too. But usually none of those things mattered when it came to you and your best friend hanging out together. Empathic as always, Jungkook completely understood your lame excuses and always made sure he texted you during the day. Even if it was just some stupid TikTok videos or meme picture that made you laugh.
As much as your lame excuses were partly right, there are two more reasons you've decided to spend your free time alone. One, is that your bruise hasn't been completely healed yet. You didn't need Jungkook to go crazy about the ugly colors your bruise managed to sprout into. Of course, maybe you're being just too dramatic over Jungkook's reaction, which would be just as equally dramatic, but you don't really yearn for his scolding all over again. The second reason is mostly about you and doesn't involve Jungkook at all.
Two days since you and Yoongi dishonored Yejun's office, nicely said, it took you some time to fully let it sink in, the fact you had Yoongi's dick in your hand while he went down on you. Who would've thought something like that could happen? You surely didn't. You both went in the same cab home that night and even though you felt a little bit weird about sitting next to him, considering he had his mouth on you just a few minutes ago, things went back to normal. The two of you never spoke about it, there's no reason to.
You were a little nervous about today, being the first day to see him since that happened, but today proved to you there's no reason to overthink it or worry about it. You went back to normal and at the end of the day, you're just two people who needed to get each other off. You drank, had fun and that's it.
So when Jungkook texted you today, wanting to hang out with you you agreed. Since you've settled your thoughts in your mind, you've realized you missed him and you don't want stupid things to keep you from living your life outside work.
Rather than Monday being one of those evenings that you just hang out, eating food and sprawling yourselves either on your or Jungkook's couch, Jungkook has prepared a fun evening for you. He's always been the one more adventurous.
Ice skating, it is for tonight.
God, you can't remember when was the last time you wore ice skates. Probably when you were around seven when your uncle took you to the nearest lake in the middle of winter. You can still remember him laughing at you when you fell on your bum, embarrassed since there were other people around. That was the first and last time you ice skated.
Quite frankly, it's hard to do any activities with Jungkook because he's good at everything and if he doesn't know something or has never done something before, he gets the hang of it quickly and is a pure professional. It's annoying. You're not sure if you're ready to embarrass yourself in front of him and everyone else. You wouldn't care (about the part of embarrassing yourself in front of Jungkook) but you already know he's good at ice skating. You can already hear his devilish laugh laughing at you, even though you know he's not evil at all. Maybe just a little bit.
From a distance, you can already see Jungkook leaning against the railing of the ice rink with a phone in his hands. He's wearing a black padded jacket, the same one he wore that night of your accident. However, there's a black bucket hat covering his hair and face, but still not enough not to let you notice the slight frown he's got. Just as if he could sense someone's eyes on him, he looks up his phone and scans the crowd of people. There are more people than you expected, considering it's Monday but Seoul never sleeps.
It's until you're a few meters away from him that he sees you, putting his phone into the pocket of his black cargo pants. He flashes you one of his gentle smiles, already outstretching his arms towards you as you chuckle, hugging him as soon as he's close.
"Waiting for me?" you laugh, voice muffled by his chest.
"Who else, I'm always waiting when it comes to you." he teases, poking you in your ribs as you pull away from him with a displeased frown.
Okay, maybe you're late sometimes. But not always! And it always is Jungkook who waits for you. It's his fault he's always on time.
Jungkook's teasing grin fades as a soft look spreads over his features. "Let me see," he murmurs, angling your head to the side so he can see the fading bruise.
You catch the displeased frown on his face again, his brows furrowed in worry but instead of saying anything else, he simply sighs. "Does it still hurt?"
It does. Not like in the beginning, but you can definitely feel it when you lay on the side, pressing the bruise on your soft pillow. "No," you tell him bluntly.
However Jungkook looks at you with an impressed look, swiftly touching your temple and the bruise as he presses his thumb against it. "Ow, are you insane?" you exclaim, slapping his hand away as he looks completely unbothered by your sudden outburst.
"Don't lie to me." he says simply, even has the audacity to shrug as if he didn't just hurt you. Okay, it didn't hurt that much but it shocked you.
"You didn't have to press so hard," you mumble, feeling like a little kid as you gently pat around the bruise. "When's Jimin coming?" you ask instead.
Jimin is supposed to hang out with you today but he's coming a bit later, so in the meantime you hope you'll get the hang of ice skating so you won't embarrass yourself in front of him too. Hopefully, Jungkook will teach you how to ice skate properly by then.
"Maybe in an hour? I don't know, he said he'll meet us here." Jungkook shrugs, stuffing his hands into the pockets to hide them from the cold.
The first step is to get ice skates, renting two pairs for you and Jungkook, in the nearby stall where you wait a few minutes in the line. You take that time to look around, admire the colorful lights all around the ice rink. It looks almost magical, adding just the right atmosphere for winter and sets everyone in the mood to ice skate. Scent of mulled wine and cinnamon flows in the air from the other stalls. When it's finally your turn, Jungkook is the one who speaks and tells your and his foot size, the two of you thanking the young lady who hands you the ice skates. You watch Jungkook pay, telling him you'll pay him back for your half but he dismisses you by waving his hand.
You both scurry to the bench next to the stall to sit down and put on the ice skates. There's a little girl sitting next to you, her mom crouching in front of her as she puts the little ice skates for her. She's mesmerized by the lights, her face glowing with excitement and interest as you can't help but smile at her cuteness.
"I'll suck at this." you comment, voicing out your thoughts especially when you look at people ice skating so effortlessly. There are a few struggling, most of them being children which sets your stomach into a nervous ball.
"We can get you one of those penguin aids, if you want." Jungkook says with all seriousness but as you look at him, you notice his lips twitching while he's trying to hide a grin.
"Fuck off," you nudge his shoulder, growing annoyed at him. He's making fun of you. He looks so excited while putting on his ice skates, almost like a little kid.
Remembering there has been one sitting next to you and you openly cursed at your best friend, you look beside you with breath hitched in your throat. You sigh in relief when you notice her mom already putting her in the ice rink, her innocent ears in a safe distance from your big mouth.
"You're annoying." you murmur, sulking in your seat as you prolong putting on your ice skates.
Jungkook notices that, cackling beside you as he's all done, putting his boots in one of the lockers. He takes your shoes, the only chance of you actually running away from here, and puts it in the same locker. You watch him locking it and putting the key into his pocket. He turns to sit down beside you and waits, noticing your puzzled look.
"Hey, I'm here," he says, smiling as he slightly nudges your shoulder with his own in encouragement. Oh, fuck you feel like a little kid. Even a little kid is more excited than you're. You're not sure why you're suddenly so unsure about this. And Jungkook already knows you need a little nudge and encouragement. "I'll teach you."
"What if I fall and break my... I don't know, leg or arm?"
He snorts at your question, seeing your little grin but he knows you're not just joking. "I won't let you fall." he says simply, shrugging as if it's not a big deal.
You glance at him skeptically before you tie your ice skates. Jungkook is the first one to stand up, grinning excitedly as he helps you to stand up too. He has a tight grip on your hands, slowly leading you towards the ice rink which takes just a few steps. You're holding your breath the whole time, watching Jungkook glide against the ice completely effortlessly as he turns to you, still holding your hand.
"Come on," he turns his head towards the ice rink, nudging you to move as people behind you are waiting to get into the ice rink as well.
There is no time to hesitate. Fuck it, you tell yourself as you get onto ice. You stumble a little, Jungkook luckily is there to catch you as he grins down at you, scrunching his nose.
"See? It's not that hard," he says, earning a roll of your eyes from you. What could you possibly reply to that? It is not easy either. "Come on, let's move a little further." he says, gently tugging you in the direction as you're forced to ice skate.
Your steps are a little too stiff, even you can tell but it's all because you're trying to hold your balance without actually falling. When you allow yourself to relax, Jungkook is still holding your hand firmly with his own, you find that it's not that hard and you're not too bad at ice skating. You grow more confident with each glide you take, fully realizing Jungkook is ice skating carefully and slowly to match your pace.
"See? You're doing great. You could be a little ice skater." he coos at you, stopping as you shoot him a glare.
"Stop talking to me like I'm a kid." you scold him, still gripping his hand as he looks at your hands and chuckles.
"You were pouting like one just a few minutes ago."
"No I wasn't!" you argue. You probably were. Jungkook had always noticed things about you you hadn't. But you keep that to yourself, fully aware that Jungkook probably knows that too.
He lets go of your hand, cackling when he sees your widened eyes. "You can do it. Just go slow. You're actually good at this." he encourages you, skating in front of you as he turns around to face you. He's outstretching his arms, silently telling you he's there and will catch you if you fall.
You adjust your beanie, just a reaction to deal with your unsureness. "Okay, here I go," you sing out lightly, chuckling at how nervous you actually sound. You're about to take your first step, stopping as you look at Jungkook who's been waiting for you to finally move. "Actually, can't we take a round before I go all by myself?" you ask, waiting for him to laugh at you.
All he does is smile in return as he outstretches his hand towards you again, nodding in response. You clasp your hand into his, letting your ice skates glide against the ice with Jungkook by your side. Him holding your hand gives you more stability and confidence, your steps bigger and much smoother. He distracts you by having a casual conversation with you and even though most of the time you're quiet, too focused on ice skating, it's working.
Just like Jungkook said, and now you believe his words, you're actually ice skating without doing it stiffly. It's not perfect, nowhere near his ice skating, but it's enough. The nearby cries of children that fall fills the place but you're too distracted grinning at yourself for doing an actual good job at this. You finish the round somehow quickly, Jungkook's hand letting go of you as he's standing in front of you, a good meter separating you.
The music playing from the outdoor speakers gives you more joy as you excitedly start dancing (or more like trying to), moving your arms and hips as Jungkook laughs at you. "Stop, you're gonna fall."
"I won't, I'm good at this." you joke, gliding against the ice as you skate forward.
Jungkook follows you, scolding you when he sees you wiggling your arms excitedly. "Y/N, you're gonna fall."
You roll your eyes, "I won't." you repeat, doing the same thing just because you're stubborn and excited that you're good at ice skating. Just as you finish your sentence, the right ice skate gets caught onto ice a little causing you to stumble, but you quickly hold your balance.
"See? I told you," Jungkook scolds you, ice skating next to you as he makes sure you're alright.
"I told you," you mock him, "I just stumbled, gosh, relax Jeon I'm not gonna--"
You probably got overconfident with your own skills, trying to prove a point to your best friend as you overestimated yourself. You're not sure what you've done, probably glid your leg wrong because you stumble too much, both legs stumbling as you prepare yourself for the hard impact. Instead, there are strong arms wrapped around you, your ice skates bumping into Jungkook's a little too harshly but he holds his balance and has a strong grip around your body.
"Stupid," he scolds you, "You could've hurt yourself."
You wouldn't die of falling. Maybe of embarrassment, yes.
"You said you'll catch me if I fall." you tell him stupidly, grinning while staring up at him. He's close, his warm breath hitting your face as he disapprovingly shakes his head at you, squeezing your waist a little bit too much.
"Just be careful," he murmurs as the two of you pull away, Jungkook eyeing you warily as if you'd fall any second. "Stupid." he whispers, shaking his head again as you give him a toothed grin.
Both of you ready for the second round while you'll try not to run over any kids, pushing one of those penguin aids. You look like a freaking amateur next to Jungkook, his feet practically flying on the ice as the blade of his ice skates brush perfectly against the clear ice.
You still find yourself to have more fun than you expected. The little you is proud of yourself for not falling on your bum this time. Unfortunately, back then you didn't have Jeon Jungkook to hold you when you were seven.
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Jungkook was right. Ice skating can be fun. There's not much place for conversation, you keep it brief as you simply enjoy ice skating with your friend by your side. After a few rounds of your ice skates glazing over the ice, the two of you decide to grab something to drink and eat. You scurry to the very corner where a special stall is standing, selling some food.
Your choice is a warm tea called 'Christmas time' which should remind you of the very special holiday with its taste. The black tea is enriched with a hint of cinnamon, orange peel and safflower – indeed reminding you of one of the usual smells of Christmas. You and Jungkook decide to get out of the rink to properly sit down, rest your legs for a bit, and drink your tea in peace.
Jungkook hums at the taste of the tea as he has ordered the same one. You sit in silence for a bit, simply enjoying each other's presence as you're watching people ice skating with music playing in the background. The tea warms up your cold hands, your fault for not bringing gloves.
It's the moment when Jungkook takes off the bucket hat to ruffle his hair, that you finally notice the change that makes you dramatically gasp before you can realize your loud and natural reaction.
"You got a haircut?"
Jungkook's doe eyes crinkle at the end as he chuckles at your reaction. "Yeah, it got too long."
"I loved it." you pout not hiding your disappointment, staring at the fresh undercut and shortened hair that is parted in the middle, still showing his forehead. It's a little messy, considering it's been hidden underneath the bucket hat for some time. Still, Jungkook makes it work and looks annoyingly good.
"I can always grow it out," he says simply, tone light and a smile still attached to his lips.
This means no man bun. This is not fair.
"Don't I look good either way?" he jokes, nudging your side slightly as you snicker.
"Oh, shut up." He looks good and he knows it. His cocky and confident grin says it all. There's no need to feed his ego.
In times like these you wonder again, why can't your best friend be less handsome? You almost snort at your thoughts. During ice skating, you noticed a lot of girls staring his way – obviously appreciating how he looks even with barely showing his face. Even a few guys turned around. It's not annoying to you though. You've got used to people staring at him whenever you go out somewhere. He's always the center of attention. Actually, all of your good friends are. Taehyung is a freaking model, could easily do it as his profession if he wasn't so in love with art and working in an art gallery. Jimin can be cute and handsome at the same time, showing so many different sides of him. Deep down you know he's a flirty shit that loves all the attention. Both women and men. He enjoys catching someone else's eyes.
"How's working in the club going? How long are you planning to work there?" Jungkook changes the topic, reminding you that he hasn't been pleased with you working in a nightclub from the very beginning. It's okay, you were skeptical too and if you didn't have to (and your finance would allow you) you wouldn't have a part-time job.
Luckily, Yejun is an amazing boss and eased your nerves. Everyone working there is nice and you actually feel like you can do this until the end. It's always good to save up some more money.
"Good," you answer, "I'm not sure. Maybe a few more months." you shrug, still not sure about that decision yet. In two months, you could probably have enough money to buy a better car. And it's always nice to have your Saturdays free and not having to spend your Sundays sleeping it off, trying to relax at least one day without working.
"You were working on Saturday, right?" Jungkook asks, recalling one of your texts where you mentioned something about still working in a club too after your accident. He didn't comment on it but fuck, he wanted to tell you to take a day off to fully rest. Unfortunately for him and his usual care, he knew you wouldn't listen either way.
The mention of Saturday makes you dryly gulp, the face of Yoongi and his body pressed against yours pretty much clear in your mind. It's been only two days. You don't find your voice, simply nodding in a fear he could've heard the slight discomfort in your tone if you were about to speak. However, knowing you for some time he can easily tell when you're trying to play it cool. And you take the sight in front of you as a distraction. But Jungkook can see right through you and scans the side of your face that you're desperately trying to hide from him.
"What?" he chuckles, causing you to glance at him as you give him a look of confusion. Another way to play it off again. "What are you not telling me?"
The way your eyes widen is enough to tell him that yes, his suspicion has been right but he's already had a hunch.
"Nothing." you shrug, keeping your answer brief and short in hope he'll drop it.
"Oh, come on! Don't lie to me." Jungkook teases lightly, even lets out a light laugh but something snaps at you (maybe the discomfort of Jungkook knowing) that words and tone are spoken out of your mouth before you can control yourself.
"Me not telling you something isn't me lying."
He looks genuinely taken back by your outburst, doe eyes widening a bit before he clears his throat and recovers from the shock. "Okay, you don't have to tell me." he says softly, almost awkwardly staring at the floor.
You curse at yourself once again, feeling like an idiot for snapping at him. Jungkook is not the only one used to you telling him almost everything that's been going on in your life. You're used to it too and it goes the other way as well. It must feel weird to him to see you hiding something and not wanting to tell him that, but of course, as a good friend he respects it and drops the subject. Still, you see him slightly confused and a little bit baffled by your reaction which again, makes you curse at yourself. The reason behind your outburst is pure panic that you've felt and are still feeling.
Sighing, you shake your head and glance at Jungkook. You'd probably tease him and coo at him for looking like a lost little boy, sitting next to you with a slight pout and a soft frown.
It's not that you're ashamed of yourself for what you've done with Yoongi. You accepted that it happened and you don't regret it, even though you know you both acted recklessly. The alcohol and your conversation played a huge part there as well. As much as you're fine with it (because there's no reason you wouldn't be) you still catch yourself thinking 'Wow, have I really done that?'. You've never slept with anyone that's not close to you. You'd say with anyone that you weren't dating but you already broke that with Jungkook. You weren't dating him too (at least for real) and you both had sex, something more than you and Yoongi did. But there was a deal and it had been under different circumstances. You can't really compare that.
"I hooked up with Yoongi." You let it out of your chest, eyes already set upon Jungkook that seems to freeze for a second before he looks at you, letting out a light chuckle.
"Come again? I thought I heard you saying you hooked up with someone." Something about him staring at you like that tells you that he heard you perfectly, and looks alarmed. Almost as if he wishes you'd just burst in laughter and tell him you're joking.
"You heard me right," you murmur, eyes dropping to your lap. "I hooked up with Yoongi on Saturday."
You take this time to look at him again, wanting to see his face even though there's a part of you wanting to just stare at the floor instead, just in case you'd see something negative on your friend's face. Mostly, you don't care what others think about it. But it's different when it's Jungkook. Of course, there are things that you're determined about and no one can change that. Not even Jungkook. However, this current situation is in a way weird for you too.
"Yoongi? Isn't he that guy...?" he trails off, brows pinched in confusion as he recalls you complaining about him constantly teasing you and getting on your nerves. He looks nothing but confused. Trust me, Jungkook... you're not the only one who's shocked, you think.
You still can't believe you hooked up with Yoongi out of all people.
"Yeah," you clear your throat, scratching the back of your neck with a nervous chuckle. "We were just talking and I stayed to have a drink, but I wasn't drunk!" you explain quickly, not wanting him to think Yoongi took advantage of you because you just know that thought would cross his mind at the mention of you having a drink. "And then he joined me and we actually talked, like we had a conversation, without biting each other's heads off? Can you believe that?" you let out a nervous chuckle, already feeling yourself ramble. "And then--"
"Y/N," Jungkook chuckles, but it's so faint that you barely hear it. "I'm not sure if I wanna hear how you hooked up with him."
Your cheeks flame with embarrassment, your throat tight as you barely can swallow your saliva.
"Okay?" you ask with an awkward chuckle. That makes Jungkook set his eyes on you, searching your face. "Don't look at me like that, please."
"Look like what?" His eyebrows lift up, confused again.
"Like you're judging me."
At this, Jungkook's features soften. "Y/N," he says softly, "I could never judge you."
You stare into his dark brown eyes, the lights around you shining in them as you see nothing but honesty and understanding in them.
"I guess, I'm just shocked. I didn't think you'd just... him out of all people. It's just too much to process for me, but I can assure you I'm not judging you. Hey, look at me," he calls out softly when he notices you staring into your lap instead, his fingers tapping you on the tip of your nose. "Do you regret it?"
You shake your head. You did get a good orgasm indeed and partly got rid of your sexual frustration which a man sitting next to you is kind of responsible for. It's his fault for showing you how good sex can be when you're doing it with the right person. Your standards for your future partner and sex life has gone way upwards thanks to him.
"Good," he says, "You're an adult. It's your choice and no one can judge you for that."
You're not sure whether he's telling you that because he feels like you need to hear it and is being a typical supporting and caring Jungkook, or because he really means it from the bottom of his heart. And you're not too eager to figure that out, simply just going along with his words because you do need to hear them.
You're an adult. It's your choice and no one can judge for that. That's right. Still, he doesn't need to hear any details about your sex life. It probably wouldn't be too comfortable for both of you. He doesn't talk to you about how he pounded Kiko into his mattress before they both went separate paths for tonight's evening. He knows it's not something you'd be interested in hearing, nor would he be interested in saying such a thing.
"Come on, let's drink this up. Jimin will be here any minute, I'm sure he'll want to ice skate as soon as he comes." Jungkook says, lightening up the somehow stiff and weird atmosphere.
Nodding in response, you rather take a sip from your hot tea than saying something. Still, you can't shake off how Jungkook seems to stay quiet for the rest of the time you sit, drinking your tea in silence.
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Jimin really comes by the time you've finished your tea, flashing you with his toothy and big smile as he hugs the two of you. He squeezes your body tightly, ignoring your protests since you can barely breathe as he enjoys being with his friends. It's been a while since you got to spend some time with him as well.
"Tae's not coming?" you ask, curious about your other friend. Usually, where Jimin is, there is Taehyung too. Those two are like inseparable twins, always together.
"No," Jimin says once he pulls away from the hug, a frown settling on his face. "That idiot doesn't listen when I tell him he dresses in too thin layers. He got sick."
You and Jungkook chuckle at seeing Jimin so angry over Taehyung being simply irresponsible. However, you do a mental note to check on Taehyung later to send him a message.
Just like Jungkook said, Jimin doesn't want to waste any time and quickly goes to a rental stall to get ice skaters. And just like Jungkook, Jimin is just as amazing at ice skating, skating smoothly while you keep complaining about it for the whole round. Jimin's bubbly laugh resounds around the rink, his eyes crinkling at your grumpy face as he takes your hand to help you keep up with their pace.
After a couple of rounds, even Jimin has concurred that it's best to take a little break, so the three of you stand in the corner of the rink leaning against the railing. Jimin's cheerful personality and mood brought up a little light, especially after the conversation with Jungkook. You can't help but shake off the weird feeling inside you from telling Jungkook about Yoongi. You've this urge to clarify that you haven't had sex with him, not that it matters that much.
As if Jungkook could sense your thoughts and uncertainty on your face, he gives you a soft smile while Jimin is talking about upcoming Christmas and his stress to buy presents.
"Oh, is your car fine now?" Jimin asks as if he just remembered something, specifically you mentioning to him that your car got broken again, and just like that Jungkook's smile drops and he frowns.
"Uhh, yeah, it's getting fixed." you let out a nervous chuckle, avoiding Jungkook's dark eyes while Jimin looks at your bruise.
"Ow, you poor thing. I'm glad you're alright." Jimin says, eyes staying on your bruise for a moment, "Well, I'm gonna grab something to drink. You guys want something?"
The two of you shake your head, your non-verbal answer just enough for Jimin as he nods and makes his way towards the stall, ice skating effortlessly. Thanks Jimin, you think. You wouldn't tell him about your car (not because you wanted to keep it a secret or something) but because you don't need another person to worry about you. However, Jimin heard about your car accident from Jungkook and then somehow in the conversation, you mentioned your car being fixed because it stopped working again.
Obviously, Jimin is innocent in this. He thought Jungkook already knows about it and the thought of you not purposely telling that to your best friend hasn't crossed his mind. He expected Jungkook to be the first person you told him about your car.
"Your car, huh?" Jungkook breaks the silence, staring at you with raised brow. "It broke again?"
"Isn't that obvious by now?" you murmur. You already know what's about to happen.
"Y/N!" he exclaims, not even surprised by your ironic remark
"What? What?" you exclaim back, using your hands to show your frustration. "Why are you getting so worked up over this?" You know why, you just don't understand it. Some part of you may agree with Jungkook, yet you know he's being dramatic all over again because his judgment is clouded with worry.
"Because you're being reckless. How have you been getting to work? To the club?"
Fuck, you feel like a parent is interrogating you.
Pursing your lips for a while, you stare with a guilty look on Jungkook in hope he'll let go of this but his features only harden and cocks his brow at you. Sighing, you lick your lips before you say; "By bus? Sometimes I call a cab--"
"Jesus, Y/N," Jungkook exclaims, staring at the sky as he rubs his temples. "Do you know what could happen to you? Especially during the night?"
You'd rather not think about it negatively, even though you realize the risks. On the other hand... What is the big deal? Countless people are using public transport too because they've no other choice. It all depends on which side you look at it. Jungkook is obviously thinking about your safety and well-being, which warms your heart, but he's starting to piss you off with this neverending worry when it clearly doesn't help you.
"Worry about your girlfriend, Jeon." you snap at him, growing even more irritated by his attitude. You know he means no harm, yet he just keeps scolding you like a fucking kid.
"I don't have to, she's not this stupid." he snaps back, your jaw dropping as you gape at him before another wave of anger rashes through you and you act on impulse.
"Yeah, just stupid enough to cheat."
Rather than Jungkook looking angry at your jab, his features twist with hurt even though he's trying to hide it by just glaring at you. Guilt washes over you, knowing how sensitive this topic is for him. It doesn't matter you've a point, it was simply said out of purpose to anger him.
"Jungkook..." you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose with your cold fingers as it's not the only thing that got cold.
"You know, I just wish you'd stop bringing this up. I know you don't agree with me getting back to her, but at least you could be more considerate and stop bringing that up." he tells you coldly, scoffing under his breath.
"I didn't mean to--"
"No, you did mean it. I don't need you to keep reminding me of that," he snaps, shaking his head. "I'll leave the key from the locker room at the stall." he informs you, your mouth opening and heart racing.
"Jungkook, where are you going?"
"I'm gonna go home. It's late and it's getting colder." he mocks, ice skating to get out of the ice rink before you can utter a single word.
You see Jimin looking confusedly as he skates towards you, frown settled on his face. "Where is he going? What happened?"
Your face says it all. Something went wrong and your eyes filled with sadness is enough for Jimin to put a hand over your shoulder in comfort.
"Home," you sigh, "He went home."
"Okay, what the fuck is wrong with you two?" Jimin asks, staring at your widened eyes.
"I wish I knew," You know it's not what Jimin asked about, but for now it's the only answer you can give him. "I just said something hurtful to him while he was just being worried about me."
"You wanna talk about it?" Jimin asks softly, eyes scanning your saddened features.
"Can we get out of here first?"
"Of course."
Just like Jungkook said to you, he really left the key for you to get your shoes as you took it from the young woman at the stall with a tight and forced smile. You clearly hurt Jungkook and you knew you'd be hurting him by bringing Kiko, most importantly her cheating, into your conversation. Jimin stays quiet for most parts, simply walking beside you as your thoughts and guilt consume you. You admit to him what you said to Jungkook, not forgetting to mention you feel guilty because all he did was show you how worried he is about you.
Jimin's pitiful gaze says it all. He doesn't say it, but he surely thinks you fucked up. Everyone knows how touchy the subject Kiko is. Everyone out of those people who know about her cheating.
"You know how he gets. Jungkook has always been protective over you. I'm sorry for bringing up your car, I didn't know he didn't know about it."
"It's not your fault, Jimin," you sigh, "And exactly... I know how he gets and that's why I didn't tell him. He just doesn't understand that I had no choice and he's being so freaking irresponsible too. He offers me his own car, can you believe that?"
"I think I can do, actually," Jimin chuckles softly, "Jungkook always puts others first."
You know that. And that's why you feel guilty even more.
"I fucked up... he was so hurt when I said it."
"I think you should apologize and talk to him about it. You know he can't stay mad at you, it'd drive him crazy to be on bad terms with you."
"I was about to apologize but he stormed off." you reason, sighing as your shoulders sulk.
Jimin giggles, putting his arms over your shoulders as he pulls you closer and rubs his hand over your forearm. "You guys will work it out. It's just a stupid fight."
"Yeah, I hope so..." you murmur, "But when it comes to Kiko, I feel like everything changes."
"Oh, is that jealousy I hear?" Jimin teases, laughing when you roll your eyes at him.
"Piss off," He laughs even more. "Why would I be jealous?"
Jimin lets go off you, stuffing his hands into warm pockets of his jacket as he shrugs. "I don't know... because you dated?" He chuckles as if it's obvious but all he's met is your loud sigh and a little scoff that follows after.
"Okay, spill it out. What really happened between you two? One second you're acting like you weren't dating at all and the next you're arguing about something dumb." You were dumb in this. It's your fault that you and Jungkook had a fight but you're glad Jimin doesn't mention that.
There's really no way out of this. Jimin already knows something's up and you feel guilty all over again, knowing you've been lying to your friends. Even though Jimin seems to have caught onto something, he still gives you space to tell him the truth. You've got two options here. Either you lie again, make up some lame lie which he could see right through but just accept it, knowing you're lying. Or to tell him the truth.
"Y/N, you're okay?" He notices your puzzled look, stopping when you do the same thing and he's met with your too serious look.
"See... me and Jungkook," you start, gulping as he nods in understatement but you can tell how curious he is what you've got to say. "We never really... dated."
It's out. You finally tell him, those words coming out of your mouth freely and it's easier than you thought. You do feel some kind of relief now that he knows, his eyes widening as he stares at you.
"You what?" he laughs, genuinely confused. "You never really dated?" He keeps laughing, almost as if he can't believe it but then he notices your serious and guilty look that his smile drops, big eyes staring at you.
So you explain everything to him, the deal and how Jungkook found out about Kiko cheating in the middle of it. And by everything you mean telling him that the two of you were simply physical, and somehow became friends with benefits with this twist of the deal being involved. You don't go into much detail, simply informing your friend that yes, you've had sex with him. You purposely skip the part about how many times you've had sex. That's not important.
Jimin looks stunned for a second, if it weren't for his occasional blinks you would've thought he's not alive anymore.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" he shrieks, mouth opened in horror as you cringe at his loud tone.
"Shhh, we're in public." you shush him, looking around just to find only a few people in the alley, barely paying you any attention.
"Oh, don't you shush me," Jimin scoffs, rolling his eyes. "You two are so fucking dumb. Why would you ever agree to that?"
"I know it sounds ridiculous--"
"Because it is," he interrupts you, met with your glare. "Sorry."
"I didn't agree at first but then I thought... why not. I know it sounds fucking stupid of us but we're fine!" you assure him, seeing him raising his brow at you.
"Yeah, I can see that."
"That has nothing to do with our deal. Our fight was because I mentioned Kiko cheating. Really, Jimin... me and Jungkook are fine and we're friends like we used to be. It's not weird between us, I know it's hard to believe but remember when we hung out? Or when we went to karaoke with Tae too? You couldn't believe we're just back to normal when we were 'dating' but that's the thing. We never were dating." you explain
Jimin looks exhausted, closing his eyes for a moment as he lets your words sink in. "Still... you and Jungkook hooking up. I don't know Y/N... I think you were risking a lot considering how protective you've always been about your friendship. Weren't you guys laughing in our faces when we mentioned you and Jungkook having sex? You both practically cringed at the thought of that."
You get it. He's confused and it's hard to process such information.
"We did... but we had a conversation and I mentioned Haechan and then the idea of our deal came up... it doesn't matter now. We can still be friends even if his dick had been inside me."
"Y/N!" Jimin exclaims in outrage, letting out a scandalous gasp as if he wasn't just devil himself underneath that angel-like face. "So, what? The two of you are just fine and went back to normal?"
"Pretty much," you shrug, "We were always normal, the difference was we were fucking at that time too."
"Freaking god," Jimin groans, looking at the night sky for a moment before glaring at you. "You've no filter."
"When have I ever had one?"
"Touché." Jimin murmurs, earning a punch to his arm from you.
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"Oh, fuck!" you almost scream, head thrown back in pure ecstasy as your walls contract around his thick length.
"You like that, huh?" The deep voice meets your ear, the lips brushing against your earlobe as he keeps hitting the same good spot. You're so close.
Jungkook's pelvic bone keeps hitting your one, sweat trickling both your bodies but you don't care. Your hands are all over his muscular back, pushing him even closer to you as he grunts. It feels so good. But then it's like with a snap of fingers something comes up your mind and you're mumbling Jungkook's name, hands slowly pushing his chest to stop him moving.
You're met with those doe eyes staring at you innocently as he's nothing but curious why you stopped him. 
"What are we doing?" you ask, chest heaving as you sit up, his length slipping out of you as you already miss the feeling of his thick cock stretching you.
"Fucking." Jungkook shrugs, ready to lean to kiss you but you push against his shoulders gently and shake your head.
"No... I mean, the deal is off. You're dating Kiko now. What are we doing?" There's panic inside of you, the instant disgust that it's not caused by Jungkook but the fact you're having sex with him when he's dating someone else. This is wrong. This is so wrong. 
"What are you talking about, baby?" he chuckles, cocking his head cutely at you as he laughs with confusion written on his face. "The deal is not off. I'm not dating anyone."
He frowns but smiles at the same time, the same confusion still attached to his morning bare face as your heart starts beating fast. You can feel it pumping in your chest until Jungkook fades all of a sudden and you snap your eyes open.
The first thing you notice, other than the street lights slightly shining through your closed blinds, is how hot your body is. With breath quickened, you stare at the plain ceiling with your heart beating fast in your chest. You take a moment, replaying the dream that felt surreal and real at the same time, guilt hitting you when you realize that Jungkook came into your dream mostly from the fact you both fought. You've been thinking about him even until Jimin dropped you home, checking your phone just in case.
You had sent him a message, asking if the two of you could talk but he still hasn't replied which means you'll come to terms with the reality that he's simply ignoring you. Jungkook would always reply within minutes, there's no chance he hasn't checked his phone since he left.
Sudden blush creeps on your warm cheeks, embarrassed by the dream. Why did you have to dream about that exactly? Sighing, you check the time. Great. You woke up an hour before your alarm.
Damn Jeon Jungkook. He won't even let you sleep in peace. However, this time you're more guilty than he is.
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You hadn't slept that much after that, kept tossing around in your warm bed which had become annoying and you had decided it's better to start your day. You still had a bus to catch.
The day has dragged slowly, keeping your mind mostly occupied but you'd lie if you said you hadn't checked your phone a few times, waiting for a message from a certain someone.
Not even the beautiful snow coating every surface outside has helped your soar mood. By the time you're clocking off with Yoongi by your side, ignoring his usual teasing, it's still snowing. As you're walking out of the building, your eyes are attached to the stairs in hope you won't fall on the slippery pavement.
"...we should get a raise, at least I should." Yoongi grumbles beside you, complaining about Junho's work ethic once again and doesn't forget to boost his own ego while doing so.
Simply rolling your eyes, you look at the dark sky while snowflakes fall down onto your nose. You've to hurry, you've a bus to catch and if you don't want to stand at the bus stop while the snow is getting thicker and thicker, you should move your ass. However as you look down, still walking with Yoongi you notice a car parked directly in front of you just a few meters away from you and Yoongi. Not just any car.
Jungkook's black Mercedes is hard to miss, the sleek black color catching everyone's eyes as Jungkook himself is standing and leaning against it. The hood of his jacket is draped over his head but you would recognize him anytime. It's a weird coincidence, Yoongi's car parked right beside his as you're walking to him with Yoongi by your side.
However, your co-worker seems unaware of Jungkook's presence until you're almost a meter away from him, his sharp eyes glancing at Jungkook who's already staring at you.
"Hey," You decide to say, not hiding your surprise and confusion by his presence. Jungkook just nods your way in silent greeting, your lips pressed tightly as you feel annoyed by the lack of greeting. It's just your ego acting up, you know that... yet, you wish he'd at least say hi. "What are you doing here?" you ask, stopping in front of him as you pull your coat closer to your body.
Instead of answering, Jungkook looks at Yoongi who seems to be standing next to you, watching the scene in front of him with almost an amused smirk. However, Jungkook looks nothing close to being amused and you see the slight glare he's giving Yoongi.
Yoongi decides to take the matter into his hands, chuckling underneath his breath as his monotone voice fills the awkward silence. "I'm Yoongi."
"I know who you are," Jungkook almost snaps, glancing at you as he's met with your furrowed brows. "Jungkook." he grumbles in return.
"I know who you are," Yoongi simply says in return, purposely provoking him maybe as he grins at you. Jungkook clenches his jaw, but keeps his mouth shut. "I gotta go. See you tomorrow."
All you can muster is a simple nod as you see Yoongi walking to his car from the corner of your eyes. It doesn't take long for him to drive from the parking lot, leaving the two of you completely alone as you stare at Jungkook who barely seems to look into your eyes, instead focusing his eyes elsewhere.
"Why did you come here if you're ignoring me?" Surprisingly, your voice sounds nonchalant as you stare at your best friend with a raised brow, not breaking your stoic facial expression even when he looks at you.
The truth is, it was never his plan to drive to your work. He's seen your message but wanted some time to think, mostly focused on the hurt your words caused him. It's certain you feel guilty, he knows you and saw the guilt on your face as soon as you said those words. That doesn't mean he's not hurt and should be okay with it. He was driving, thinking about your message and how guilty he felt for not replying. It's already dark, he thought, knowing you're about to take public transport. Bus or train, he's not sure. But he didn't, still doesn't, like the idea of you walking to the bus stop late and when it's dark.
Guilt eating him out, he started driving towards your work company knowing he has to put his pride aside for a moment. He cares for you. And you wanted to talk anyway. It's killing two birds with one stone.
He rolls his eyes, actually rolls his eyes at you as his tongue pokes his inner cheek, staying silent for a second. "You wanted to talk," he says simply.
"You haven't replied to my message." you point out, licking your dry lips.
"I'm here, aren't I?"
"You are," you hum, staring at your friend who seems to be interested more in falling snow rather than you. "Jungkook, why did you really come?"
He averts his eyes to you, searching your face as you notice him trying to act as neutral as he can. "I told you, you wanted to talk so I'm here."
That doesn't make much sense. He didn't have to come all the way here just to talk with you, especially when he barely even glances at you. You can feel the hurt and battle he has with himself just from standing in front of him.
"You could've just texted back." you point out, corner of your mouth twitching knowing you're provoking him at this point. You could be glad he came to you. You're the one who hurt him. And you appreciate it, yet you want him to speak openly with you rather than being silent and ignoring your presence. What's the point of that, right? 
"Is your car still not fixed?" He ignores your remark, glaring at you when he sees your lips twitch in amusement, realization hitting you like a ton of bricks. Oh, that's why he came at this time. He's worried about you going home this late, using public transport. It all makes sense and you can't find the smile off your face. Your heart warms up at the realization, even more when Jungkook is ignoring your obvious reaction.
You shake your head, confirming his thoughts as he clenches his jaw for a moment, before he says; "Hop in, I'm driving you home."
He doesn't wait for your reaction, turning around to go inside the car. You listen to him, biting your lower lip as you can't seem to shake off your smile. When you get into the car, Jungkook doesn't say anything and simply lets the music turn on. He drums his fingers against the steering wheel, the other one resting against the arm rest as he picks on his bottom lip. Apology is ready to burst out of your mouth, but you stop yourself. You want him to look at you when you're saying it, there's a small part of you worrying you'll just make it worse. Still, you've to address the problem and apologize because you're fully aware you've hurt him.
Maybe Jungkook expects you to be the first one to say something. You feel like an idiot too. He came all the way to pick you up and drive you home, yet you're the one who fucked up this time. It makes you feel even more guilty.
As Jungkook parks in front of your apartment building, he stays in the car as you let out a loud sigh staring at him. "You wanna come upstairs?"
In other situations, the two of you would laugh at how bad it sounds and someone could get the wrong impression if they heard you. You can practically hear your and Jungkook's giggle but all you're met with right now is pure silence. Instead, he unbuckles his seatbelt and gets out of the car. Sighing, you do the same thing as you walk around the car to stand in front of him.
"Jungkook, I'm sorry," you tell him, waiting for him to look at you. And he does. He looks empty, just his way of hiding him being hurt. "I know what I said was wrong. I shouldn't have done that, I know I hurt you. I also know you don't have to be reminded of what happened between you and Kiko," You try your best not to let her name sound bitter. "It was insensitive of me to throw that in your face."
"It was," he agrees, "Is this how it's going to be? Whenever there's an argument behind the corner, you'll throw that in my face?" He doesn't sound angry, a little bit bitter yes, but he also sounds curious.
"No, of course not," you sigh at yourself, "I know you care about me and it wasn't right of me to bring that up while you were worrying about me... or ever." you murmur.
He nibbles on his bottom lip, looking innocent and cute with his doe eyes.
"I don't deserve you, Kook."
"Stop," he sighs, "This is not about that."
"It is. If it helps, I've been feeling like a bitch ever since we fought."
At this, he lets out a light chuckle but it's not the same one he lets out whenever he's purely amused.
"I know you don't agree with me, Y/N," he starts saying. Something tells you you don't want to hear what he has to say simply just from the fact it'll make you uncomfortable. And it does. But the least you can do is listen to him, knowing he's right. "But I need you to respect my decision. This is why I was talking to you about her in the first place. I can't stand between you two, choosing only one of you."
You nod, biting your lip since you're not sure what to say. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
And you hug him, wrapping your arms around his frame as you inhale his scent. Meeting the soft scent of his cologne that you've missed more than you'd ever admit to him. You've never used to fight like this before. Like serious fights, not just the stupid ones that ended with the two of you cackling with one another.
"Hug me back." you whine, voice muffled by his sweatshirt as the zipper of his jacket brushes against your nose.
Jungkook's arm stays limp beside his body, not doing any movements to grant your wish. "I don't want to hug you." he murmurs childishly, causing you to slightly pull away with arms still around his frame.
You meet his eyes, your pout evident as you look at him with puppy eyes. He averts his eyes between yours as he nibbles on his bottom lip, letting out a loud sigh at the end as he pulls you closer. His arms are wrapped around you, hugging you this time too as he gently squeezes your body.
"I'm sorry."
"You already said that." he murmurs.
"I know," you murmur back, "I hate when we fight."
"I hate it too." he admits, rubbing your back slightly.
"I'm sorry I hurt you. I should've been more considerate, I said it without thinking which of course doesn't excuse my behavior."
"It doesn't," he sighs, "But I know you regret it. I just need you to be more understanding. I'm aware of your opinion about me and Kiko, in a way I understand why you don't agree with it. You want to protect me, I'd do the same thing for you. I just really need you to trust me and be more understanding. I know what I'm doing."
Sometimes, we think we know what we're doing but it ends up being an exact opposite. However, you keep your mouth shut and just let him hold you. Maybe it's how vulnerable and hurt he sounds, or it's the way he's hugging you, enveloping your body with his big one, but you blink away the tears that spill away nevertheless. Jungkook is completely oblivious to a few tears sliding down your cheeks, until he hears a soft sniffle that makes him pull away to look at you.
You look at him defeated, embarrassed that he sees you crying. "No, why are you crying?" he almost cries out, cupping your cheeks as he wipes the tears with his thumbs.
"I'm sorry." you cry out, trying to push his hands away but he holds you firmly. He's looking at you with a frown but it doesn't take a long for his expression to soften.
"Don't cry," he murmurs softly, "I hate seeing you cry."
You know that. Yet, you can't control your emotions as you sniffle again.
"Okay." you whisper, looking down at your boots as Jungkook snickers at your current appearance. You look so cute even when you're crying.
"Why crying all of a sudden?" he giggles, wiping your tears again as he adjusts your beanie.
"I don't know," you shrug, "I think my period is coming."
"Well, that explains everything." he points out, chuckling when you punch him in the stomach.
"Shut up, I really am sorry." you sniffle, hating how cold your cheeks feel like when Jungkook pulls his hands away from your face.
He's grinning at you amusingly. "I know." he says softly at the end, poking your nose in the process while he earns another punch from you.
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mrsnancywheeler · 5 months
having an angsty morning (there's some nsfw implications at the end), but like being in a place where you're feeling like you need some extra love and attention, but at the same time finnick odair being in a place where he's being consumed by his thoughts, easily distracted, quiet, and just paying attention to his thoughts. and then you're kind of spiraling because your brain is freaking out that you're not getting what you need.
"finnick...finnick. finnick!"
"sorry. what's going on?" you're snapping him out of whatever daze he was in just long enough to talk to him.
"I was just saying I went shopping earlier, got some new shoes, and dresses, and swimsuits."
and he's not closed off, he hasn't shut down, but he's not being the eager to love on finnick that you need today. "I'm sure you'll look gorgeous, sweetheart." and there's a pang because you want him to ask to see them, for him to have you try them on like he would on other days, but you don't want to ask for it.
so you just nod, "yeah." smile strained.
later he's saying he's tired, "I'm gonna take a nap, wake me up if I'm not down in an hour."
"I'll just come with you, could use a nap too." In all reality you just want an excuse to cuddle, you'll happily lie awake while he rests if his arms are wrapped around yours.
"honey, you're not tired at all. don't want you to throw off your sleep schedule and then you can't sleep later." he's right and you hate it, especially that he's still caring and loving when missing what you're really wanting.
"yeah, you're right. have a good nap, Finn" he's smiling softly, kissing you quickly, and you hate that right now your brain is aching for more. you ache to be consumed by his presence. ache to be perceived by him.
after dinner, you're finally cuddled up watching a movie, but you just want to talk to him, to laugh with him. maybe the movie's great, but you have no idea because all you want is his focus to be away from it. which usually isn't hard to do, most movies he'll spend time staring at you, make jokes, but now he's completely occupied. it feels terrible to want his undivided attention this bad, but you're persisting.
"you know-" he's cutting you off with his finger on your lips.
he's smiling softly, playing with your hair, "shhh, let's just watch the movie, sweetheart."
it feels perfectly reasonable but now you're wondering if he really just fucking shushed you. usually you wouldn't mind, but you feel so desperate to be pampered and so confused on why it just happens to be the one day he's not already at that level. you feel ridiculous, but it hurts regardless. so you land on just trying to give yourself some extra love and attention is he won't, it won't be the same, but some self-care could be what you need.
you're off the couch as quick as you can be and ignoring finnick's curious look, at first he just assumed you're going to get a snack or to the bathroom and will be back. but you decide to just take a few deep breaths, start your skincare routine, paint your nails, maybe run a bath after, just try to relax, you don't know why you're getting so tense and anxious to be loved on.
and you're halfway done painting your toes when there's a knock on the bathroom door. "you can come in"
and finnick's slowly opening the door, taking a deep breath, "I know I should have just paused the movie and not shushed you, sweetheart. I'm sorry, you wanna come back downstairs now?"
how does he miss the point so completely? how can him trying be so endearing yet so frustrating? "thank you, finnick. I just don't feel like watching a movie right now."
"bring a book down or something, paint your nails down there."
"I don't want to."
he's scoffing, "I'm just trying to spend some time with you right now-"
you're standing up, jamming the lid to the nail polish on, "if you're gonna get mad at me then leave me alone, i didn't ask for your apology, and I didn't ask you to come in here!"
"you stormed off in the middle of a movie, was I not supposed to check on you?"
"now you want to check up on me? see what I need?" you're not being fair, you know that, but you don't care.
"what does that even mean?" and you can't stop yourself from crying. everything is too much. he's acting like something's dawned on him, but still misses the mark. "you must be exhausted, sweetheart, god, I'm so dense. I should never have told you no to taking a nap with me earlier, I just wanted to be alone for a while, but you really needed some rest. I'm sorry for getting upset with you, let's go to sleep."
"I'm not fucking tired, finnick! oh my god, just, you don't get it!"
he's taking deep breaths, "what don't I get, sweetheart?"
suddenly you're feeling too embarrassed to even say it, "nothing."
"nothing? nice try, c'mon talk to me, I care about you and want you to feel better." he's grabbing your hand, a shoulder, trying to rub them and remind you to breathe and then open up.
"you've just been ignoring me." you're basically whispering it.
*ignoring you? no, I haven't, we've spent time together."
"see, you don't get it."
his eyebrows are furrowing like he's trying to understand, "you need to tell me, to use your words, I know you can."
you're rolling your eyes, whining in frustration and one stern look from him is shutting that down as quickly as you can. "we've spent time together, but you're not paying attention to me." when he gets it he's laughing and you're pulling away, frowning, " don't laugh at me! nevermind, it's stupid forget about it."
"it's not stupid, sweet girl. but you're throwing a temper tantrum about me not paying attention to you instead of telling me. all this when you could've just asked."
"usually you already do it!"
his eyes soften, "I know, I'm sorry. sit down, let me finish painting your toes and when we're done, I'll run you a bath, read you a book, sound good, pretty girl?"
and you're already smiling, "yes, thank you. 'm sorry"
he's shaking his head with a smile, "don't worry about it, it's my fault. I've drilled in the expectation and then didn't follow through, my poor baby-"
and you can't help the things that does to you, "don't call me that."
and in faux innocence with his puppy dog eyes he asking, "why not?"
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liillyliilly · 3 months
The Herpetologist
daishou suguru x reader words; 4456 synopsis; daishou suguru goes crazy for one (1) girl and it's the same girl who tells him that she hasn't had her first kiss.
It was always those damn Nohebi afterparties.
The kind that made her face burn in embarrassment. It was cruel really, trying to not hamper the mood of all her friends by declining to play any of the games. For once, she wished that the Nohebi third years would just play Uno. Or maybe, she should ask her friends to stop dragging her to the 18+ parties.
If she was at a normal party, maybe she wouldn’t be sipping a Coke-A-Cola in the corner while her best friend was essentially getting mauled by one of the basketball players. Or maybe this was what actual parties were. What happened to parties where everyone wanted to hit pinatas and watch the newest Jurassic Park movie? What was once popcorn and the Hot Billboard Pop 100 had gradually shifted into jello shots and music that made her toes curl.
To contemplate this shocking discovery longer than needed was distracting her from the original reason she was standing in the cold corner. Her designated corner. She hadn’t kissed anyone yet. It just didn’t feel right to waste a kiss on some stupid high school boy who probably didn’t brush his teeth enough. It also didn’t feel right to waste a first kiss during some ridiculous game only designed by the horniest of teenage desires.
She would go window shopping during times like these. Scanning around the room for a potential option that she could possibly be okay with giving her first kiss to. She never took the first jump into that pool.
It was always those damn Nohebi afterparties.
Daishou Suguru sat on an empty loveseat, arms resting on the length of the back of the couch. His legs were comfortably spread out, leaning back deeply into his seat.
He couldn't care less for the flitting around, drinking, and ridiculous games. Where was all the honest, genuine human connection? Not that he wanted that either. He just wanted something cunning to observe, entertainment at others' expense was his true forte.
Unfortunately, manipulation of people didn’t fly at a party the same way that it did on the volleyball court. He wished he could call Mika, at least so she could tell him an interesting story about college life. Despite their romance not turning out the way he had hoped, they stayed good friends. She was someone who he could rely on. Her new boyfriend was nice, and let Daishou drive his motorcycle around one time for kicks and giggles.
Drinking during the volleyball season was an illogical decision, but drinking when the season was over seemed appealing. Daishou just couldn’t drag himself over to the mixing table.
His thoughts were processing the music. Someone should’ve banned the person who had AUX. It was the third time that “The Color Violet” by Tory Lanez had played.
Clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, Daishou got up and slithered over to the kitchen. In the corner was the girl. She was the one that his buddies had talked about. They complained that she never joined in on any of the games. They had said she refused to take body shots or give body shots. When they scoffed about her antics during the discussion in the locker room, Daishou just kept quiet.
He poured himself a glass of Sprite, threw an ice cube in his cup for good measure, and leaned against the kitchen island facing her.
They both just sipped from their drinks, analyzing the situation. Daishou had entered her territory wordlessly and had claimed a section of it for himself. She wasn’t going to speak first. Why should she have to speak to this prick? She knew him from class, class 6. She had wanted to test into class 7 but it was already full.
“L/N right?” Oh, goody.
“Daishou Suguru, right?”
He raised an eyebrow at the bite she had inserted. He felt like he was going to have a great time with her.
And he did. They had talked all night.
“That’s when I knew I loved volleyball.” Daishou spun around in the office chair. The two of them had migrated to the bougiest office either of them had ever seen. Some of the non-scholarship kids who attended Nohebi Academy were all set for life, including inheriting whatever kind of job provided for an office this expansive.
She was sitting on the window sill, tracing the various shapes on the seat cushions.
Daishou decided to investigate a little.
“You never play the games. You know, the intellectually stimulating game of Spin the Bottle. Or the ever-richly academic Suck and Blow. Or, or my buddy's personal favorite, Marathon Kissing.”
Maybe she felt like she wouldn’t be judged. Maybe she felt like this was a potential opportunity for an actual friendship. Was he lulling her into a false sense of security, or was that earnest tone of voice an actual curiosity?
“I don’t want my first kiss to be for some silly game.”
She got him hook, line, and sinker.
Or maybe he got her.
“How about lessons with a teacher?”
“Kissing lessons? That has to be some form of dubious prostitution schtick.”
“I don’t know, maybe if you had someone to teach you, or at least someone low-pressure that you don’t care about as your first kiss then you could become less of a social pariah at these things.”
“A social pariah, how kind of you to let me down gently.” She stood up from her spot on the window sill and rested her hands on the huge dark oak table. The black mat likely was used to hold a MacBook Pro, and the pen holder contained an expensive German fountain pen, both paragons of the wealth that was held by the owner of this home.
Daishou stood up as well and shrugged.
Her dad used to be really into the whole survivalist thing. She remembers all the stories and rules about snakes. Red touching yellow kills a fellow. The Japanese Mamushi snake was known for literally liquefying the tissue of the victims who got bitten. The Habu snake, found in Okinawa, was naturally aggressive, attacking before even getting provoked. But there was always the Japanese Keelback, a naturally calm, non-poisonous snake that was so small it liked to hide in rivers and streams.
Would he be the Keelback or the Habu? Only time would tell for her.
They kissed for the first time that night, her sitting on the desk, him shoving the ornamental decorations off the table. He held her face in his hands. He leaned so far forward that she was lying on the desk instead of sitting. Hands went from her face to her back, trying to push her up against him.
She wondered if she was a good kisser, or if that was all Daishou’s doing. If he made kissing seem so simple and natural like this. Was that a moan or was she just hearing things? His hands were behind her now, resting on the desk. He didn’t know why but he was keeping his face close to hers, letting his breath hit her neck. Was he panting from a simple kiss, or was the room just hot?
“Are you a liar?” Daishou used his hand to lift her chin, moving her face so he could pretend he was a detective, searching for clues to his hypothesis.
“I, uh, no. I’m not a liar.”
As much as they both wanted to pretend the kiss hadn’t affected either of them. Their share of tension, like a tightly strung cello string, meant they spent way more time together on a day-to-day basis.
He wishes that he didn’t seek her out as often as he did. Suddenly every test score was being placed on her desk to compare. Every essay was scrutinized not just by his eyes, but by hers as well. Lunches with the volleyball team talking about plans and games turned into sitting in Daishou’s car trading fruit cups for pieces of chocolate he had his mom import from Europe because he begged.
The question in both their minds was when they would kiss again. Tomorrow? Next week? Daishou prayed it wouldn’t be more than an entire month. She put her stupid feelings on the line when she asked for another lesson.
They weren’t at a party, they were at his house. He told his mom that they were studying because they were studying something. Instead of classic literature, or calculus, it was the art of the hickey.
Daishou realized he would have to articulate what little he knew about hickies. At least he brushed his teeth four times before she came over.
“Suguru, that’s the third time you’ve brushed your teeth, do we need to go to the dentist again? Want to borrow my waterpick?” His mom had called from the dining room, she was looking through university options for him. Trying to find one in Tokyo that would both challenge him and be close enough to home so she could see her son more often than a blue moon.
“I’m good. Thanks though.”
She came to his house earlier than expected, still wearing the Academy uniform. The girl’s uniform consisted of a pleated yellow skirt, a white button-up, and a green sweater vest. The emblem of a snake wrapped around a shield was carefully stitched onto the left breast pocket. Daishou was still in the bathroom, brushing away while listening to his playlist, he was nodding his head to the beat of “Snooze” by SZA.
When all music suddenly became all about her, he wondered if he still had brain cells that weren’t occupied by his favorite academic competition.
She knocked on the door and Daishou’s mom opened it. She had the same dark, slanted eyes that he did. Her black hair was shoulder-length and curled, she had the same dimples when she smirked at her son’s study companion for the evening. So this was the girl Suguru wanted chocolates for.
“Come in, come in.” Daishou’s mom ushered. “Suguru will be down in a minute.”
Looking around at photos was a good way to pass the time, there was one of Daishou on a soccer team, one on a baseball team, basketball, swimming, and all the other sports. When he appeared to be around middle school, everything was volleyball. There was a certificate of academic achievement resulting in a scholarship award.
“I was so proud when he got into Nohebi. His dad would’ve loved to see him at his alma mater.” Daishou’s mom opened a wooden box on the mantle place, flipping through some pictures before telling Y/n to come and look at the select few.
Daishou was younger in this picture, his mom looked younger too, and there was a man too. His dad. He had his arm around Daishou’s mom and a hand on Daishou’s head. An unreal smile was on everyone’s faces.
Daishou’s mom kept scanning through photos, she landed on one and froze for a moment. It was Daishou in a formal suit, his mother in a black long-sleeve dress, and a memorial picture of his father surrounded by white flowers and green shrubs. Their eyes were red, and his mom was managing a neutral expression, but Daishou looked like he wanted to be anywhere but in that photo.
“Suguru adored his father.” She sniffled, mouth quivering, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to damper your mood. I just thought a few cute photos of Suguru would sell you a little on my son. It's been so long since he had a girl over, especially one who’s smart. He just talks about you endlessly, I almost thought my ear would fall off.”
They didn’t have a lesson on hickies that night. Instead, they ate dinner with his mom and watched a movie. She was curled up with a blanket, watching the screen intently wondering what was going to happen to the main character.
He said he needed to go and get a glass of water. The college brochures were strewn across the kitchen island. He remembered what university she was planning on going to, so he picked up the information booklet for that same university. Grabbing a black marker, he bit the cap off and circled the application deadline several times. Using a thumb tack he put the paper right in the center of the corkboard.
Graduation was great, a blast even. It was three hours long, and the first fifteen felt like they lasted forever. Suddenly, the top students were giving their speeches, she got her diploma and she remembers cheering for Daishou to accept his. And then it was over.
And then he was pulling her aside, shoving a paper into her hands.
“Read it.” She nodded. “Now I mean.”
She skimmed the paper, looked up at him, and then looked back down to the paper.
“Suguru this is great! They gave you the Secondary Academic Merit award!”
“There’s more,” He pointed a finger at something he had highlighted green.
“They compounded it with a volleyball scholarship too? You get to play for the school and your education is free.”
In a moment she was picked up and gently spun around. His tongue peeked out to wet his lips, she could hear him swallowing. He mumbles. She cups his face with a hand, making him look at her. It's a short kiss, first on the corner of the mouth, then straight on.
“I still think you’re a liar.” He recalls the first-ever kiss they shared.
Then it dawns on him.
“The school? Don’t you mean our school?”
Some other school gave her a full tuition scholarship. The universities were approximately 3.38 hours away from each other by car. By train, the time was shaved by 0.14 hours. Daishou knows because he spent his graduation night calculating distances and adding up costs for tickets.
His mom tried to get him to eat the seaweed soup she had made, but he was busy writing everything down in his notebook.
He saved up all his frustrations, worries, and joy and then planned a weekend trip to her university. He liked to spend at least an hour or so chomping on her neck leaving teeth marks and arrangements of soft bruises from the remnant kisses.
When she asked him about it, he just shrugged. When she asked him about it again, he seemed to brush the topic away and offered to go get lunch together. The third time she asked was the time she got an answer from him.
“Because it’s to show that you’re mine.” He said it with a calm face. Almost as if he was asking her to ask him about it further. So she entertained him.
“And why exactly do you feel the need to show people that I’m yours?” She tilted her head, accidentally exposing a fresh canvas of skin. In an instant, his mouth was on her neck, biting it as he continued to explain.
“Because then I’m actively claiming you as mine. Despite my lack of physical presence, I’m still there somehow. That way no one will try anything funny.” He nipped at her skin, his sharp canine stabbing into her neck. “Do you know how tough it is being in class sometimes, wondering if there’s another dude in one of your classes who’s eying you up? Especially when you wear that cream-colored cardigan over your yellow sundress?”
When she lets out a short yelp at a bite, Daishou smiles against her skin.
“Plus, you make really pretty noises.”
While Daishou may have initially been a Keelback snake, he evolved into a Habu over time.
He felt like volleyball was going nowhere, each practice felt longer and more exhausting. Each game felt dull. Same plays, same tricks, same result. He wondered why winning so often felt like winning nothing at all. Did he love volleyball?
His dad sure loved volleyball. Each game that was on TV became all that his dad would talk about sometimes. Wearing jerseys and eating huge plates of yakitori on Sunday nights. Daishou’s father always would point at the screen, right when an outside hitter got a deep unreceivable kill spike, saying that's what should be plastered as a true athletic feat. To jump so high, to hit so hard that you became practically a bird.
A bird. His dad was like a bird. Not a crow, or an eagle, not even an owl. But a falcon, a peregrine falcon. One time, at the zoo, when Daishou was still small enough to sit on his dad’s shoulders, his dad whispered and told him to look at the leftmost tree branch within the cage. There it sat, the falcon. Preening at its wings and looking around one head movement at a time.
The fascination with birds was lost on Daishou. He preferred to watch the snakes, the way they slithered around, leaving no trails in the dirt. Wrapping around and around on branches. Even the way their tongues flitted out when they hissed. Sharp fangs get down into the meat of its prey.
“Stay with me for summer break.” He was picking at the orange peel, phone resting between his shoulder and his ear.
“I can’t.” She was lying in bed, typing away on one of her final essays for the year. The first year of university was almost over, and she was killing it.
“Yes, you can stop saying you can’t.” Daishou put a segment of the orange in his mouth, throwing away the peel. He sat down on his couch. His school year had finished a few weeks ago. His mom was out of the country for a case she had to investigate in Hong Kong. Having a hot-shot lawyer mother was nice, but it also meant long durations of staying in an empty house by himself.
There were only so many things to do alone. Tokyo was vibrant and perfect, but without her it was boring. No interesting conversations, no teasing, and no warmth.
She hesitated. She was hesitant. Hesitance was what all animals went through before going right into fight or flight. Daishou didn’t know what to do to bring her over from her school and back to his home. He remembered what his mom said about her trip.
“How about we go to Hong Kong, just for a month?”
“A trip like that is way too expensive.”
“Mom’s there already, her employer gave her a very large, very spacious penthouse to stay in while the lawsuit is still going on.” She was listening, and so he kept going. “I have some money saved for tickets.”
He had just attacked first, without provocation. Adding a new depth to their relationship.
Hong Kong was beautiful. The first night there, despite being riddled with sleep deprivation and jet lag, they went to a food market, trying everything they could get their hands on. Wonton noodles, dim sum, egg tarts.
The smoke from the grills floated around, mixing with the smoke from all the uncles' chain smoking and yelling at each other in Cantonese. Bright neon signs shouted at people to come into the stores. They sat in the open air outside, tightly packed into a table meant for one person. She was sipping some broth, and he was playing with her hair.
The company penthouse was probably worth more than Daishou’s school campus. High ceilings, marble floors. It reminded him of the house from Parasite, just without all the murder. His mom was on her laptop on a huge white couch in the main living area. When they entered, she exclaimed.
“Ru, you should’ve told me when your plane got in! I would’ve picked you both up.” Daishou’s mom was kissing his face and he was leaning away, but he let his mom smooth down his hair while she clicked her tongue against the roof of her disapprovingly.
“It's all good, we went and did a little exploring.” Daishou rubbed Y/n’s back, his thumb moving back and forth on her shoulder.
“Well, you must be tired. Your room is to the left, down that hall.”
She had begun unpacking, putting clothes in the chest of drawers. Daishou was taking a cold shower, scrubbing his hair with the shampoo she bought. She folded his clothes and put them away too. She flung herself onto the bed and soaked into the covers, a huge foam mattress with some bounce.
Her phone binged, a message from a friend back at school. Her friend talked about how jealous she was that she was out of the country with her boyfriend. Then her friend complained about her boyfriend, saying he never did anything out of the ordinary or interesting. She said that she knew too much about her boyfriend.
Did she know too much about her boyfriend? Daishou was open enough, telling her all the important details, except for the stories and memories from his last year in primary school before entering middle school. She knew he liked volleyball because of a story he told about his dad, but that was the only time Daishou had mentioned his dad. You had seen more photos as time passed, but it didn’t feel like enough. She shook the thought, if he wanted to share he would. No need to bring up things that weren’t relevant at the moment.
When he came out of the bathroom he had a towel around his waist and wet hair. He had cut it recently, so his bangs were no longer swept to the left side of his face, instead it was a short fringe across his forehead. His dimples were on full display.
“Hi, pretty lady.” He picked out some clothes, hanging them over his arm. “You look beautiful.”
He sweet talked too much and she was too tired to be clever in turn, “I’m sweaty, dirty, and have been wearing these sweatpants for over twenty-four hours.”
“Exactly, beautiful. If the pants really are bothering you I can take them off, you know, as a favor.” He slowly made his way to her, for a second she thought she saw a pair of rattlesnake fangs appear on his smile.
She scrambled out of bed and grabbed the pajamas she had set on the side table, going to the bathroom.
“Aw c’mon, let me live a little.”
“Not today Satan.”
“It’s Suguru.”
One moment they were holding hands in the Kowloon Walled City Park, the next, they were ducking for cover from the heavy rain. Daishou used his jacket to cover their heads, tucking her under his arm so that she would stay dry. He looked around and found a structure they could stand under, at least until they had a plan for what to do next.
Shaking off the jacket, grateful for the waterproof coating, he wrapped it around her. Rubbing her arms to try and generate some warmth.
“Try not to think too much about the cold, it’ll make it worse.” His teeth were slightly chattering, but he put on a grin, scrolling through his phone to check the weather and nearby restaurants they could escape to.
“That’s all pseudoscience. You should know that.”
“I’m not a science major.” Daishou found his money shot, calling for a ride using the extremely broken Cantonese that he had learned.
When they got into the taxi, she put Daishou’s jacket back on him, rubbing his arms the same way that he had done for her earlier.
The driver looked at the two of them in the rearview mirror, said some things in a language that was most definitely not Cantonese, and handed Daishou the GPS ready for him to enter their desired location.
“ภรรยาของคุณดูจะรักคุณมาก.” The driver smiles, turning on the meter in the car after taking the GPS back.
She elbowed him lightly, “What the heck?”
“Half-Thai right here,” Daishou raised his hand, “My dad immigrated to Japan with my grandparents when he was young though, so I don’t know much else besides a kindergarten understanding. My speaking ability is even worse.”
“How come I never knew this?
“You never asked.” Is that really what their relationship had come to? She didn’t ask so the information was never given?
The rest of the trip flew by, and then they were back on the plane.
“Tell me about your dad.” She wanted to know. And if he wasn’t going to give answers, she was going to ask for them.
“My dad was amazing.” Daishou smiled. One of those bright smiles that made you want to drop everything and only look at him. He talked about his dad for the rest of the flight home, even when she was fighting sleep, she kept listening to him. Daishou held her hand in his.
Graduations came and went.
Birthdays came and a pet snake stayed.
He remembered when she finally had gotten used to kissing, he did teach her about hickeys, and she was a fast learner. Almost too fast.
“Suguru, my turn.” She pushes him away lightly, leaning up on her forearms as the two of them laid on his bed.
“What?” He stutters out. Suddenly very self aware he folds his arms over his bare chest.
“Let me leave a hickey this time. C’mon, my turn Suguru.” It was as if he had melted, his face red and his ears burning. She flipped them over as she straddled his waist, before leaning down and softly brushing her lips over his jaw. Before trailing down and ghosting her tongue over a spot on his neck.
She keeps testing around, looking for the sweet spot. When she nips at a junction between his shoulder and neck he sucks in a deep breath. Pressing another kiss to the spot she opens her mouth and starts to suck at the skin, circling her tongue around the area.
When she pulls away, a small hickey starts to show on his neck. When she looks back to Daishou, he is covering his face and muttering incomprehensibly.
“Aw, I got you all mushy over a kiss.”
“It wasn’t just a kiss! It was a hickey!”
“You’re right, it was just one hickey, but I can do more if you want?”
“No! One is fine! I like one! One, um, one is a good number for today.”
Daishou felt like he found his person. Looking at her cooing at the snake through the glass terrarium was definitely something that made him glad that he had picked her that night. Those damn Nohebi afterparties, making him find his forever person.
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palaceofpassion · 17 days
What if both of their teams are after something similar? Maybe JNPR is sent to deal with Roman and his cronies, who happen to have something that Nicole wants, an heirloom perhaps.
They split up with Jaune teaming with Billy. It will be just two bros talking about their favorite heroes.
//Spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen Billy's trust event yet.
TW: Graphic violence.
The bandit went down without much of a fight, despite gods knows where he was, it seemed that humans were still humans. The android's yellow visual sensors continued to scan the area, no longer picking up any other life forms. Well other than the several dead bandits with holes in their heads. Though he'd hardly call them life forms anymore.
"This place is weird..." For some reason, he knew that this wasn't anywhere on his planet. As odd as that sounded, when he and the other Hares had entered that last companion Hollow, they'd found themselves separated from Phaethon, Eous was nowhere in sight, and somehow they'd ended up in a lush green mountain range. Something that was... unlike anything they'd been around before. Anby suggested it was another world, like her movies.
They were definitely not in the outlands, and the people here seemed different. It took them a while to realize that they all had some form of barrier over them, nothing the skilled Gentle House couldn't overcome. But it was still a strange phenomena. Unfortunately for Billy, somewhere along the way he'd gotten separated from Nicole, Anby, and Nekomata... leaving him alone and cornered.
Though, cornered wasn't exactly what he'd called it. Originally he'd shot their strange and overly complicated weapons out of their hands, and had requested they surrender. When they opted to laugh at his silly charade, well... he didn't like giving second chances.
"Shit." he muttered to himself, having slipped back into his olden days. Gone for a brief moment was the silly goofy Starlight Knight wannabe, and back was the red devil from the Outlands. "Didn't... want to do that." He hated who he was, hated how he used to be.
Though he could remember only so far, when Big Sis' predecessor had picked him off the scrap yard, he could clearly see everything after. Still remember the scent of blood, the feeling of it corroding his metallic parts... so all of him.
God he missed the others, hopefully he'd be able to find them.
Though, while meandering in his thoughts, he'd failed to notice, at least at first, the hulking black bear charging at him. The blood and negative feelings had lured in a rather large Ursa Major, not that he'd know what that is of course.
The beast's claws roared back as it prepared to strike him down. Only for a shout to come in the distance, "Watch out!"
Though it was hardly needed. Billy was far too quick on his feet, and his finger was always itching against the trigger. BANG
Before it could even strike him, the extremely heavy bullet pierced through its white plated skull, leaving a rather large gaping hole that dust rounds could only dream of doing. "Tch, easy~" The sound of another person had pulled him back from his dilemma. "Though hopefully I'll have enough rounds while I'm here."
Thankfully they'd prepared plenty, on a rare occasion, they actually had the money. So Nicole had decided to splurge, like she always did, and well they prepared some high quality ammo and polishes in high amounts!
"Phew, thanks kid." He called out to the young blonde man making his way over. Though perhaps blonde wasn't right? His hair seemed faded, almost a ghostly white, and he sure as heck did have a strand of white hair down the center of his slicked back do.
"Ah, yeah, no problem."
His voice also felt... tired, fatigued. And for some reason, the kid title didn't seem to fit, though Billy couldn't quite put his finger on it as to why not.
Though, for a split second, he saw something. A glint of happiness, of excitement as he looked at Billy carefully, "Whoa, wait a moment."
Jaune didn't really recognize what Billy was at first, but he did notice that he was garbed in a rather familiar get up. Though not exactly, he looked like a hero from one of his favorite comics, one he hadn't been able to keep up with in a long time.
"Are you a hero fan?!"
Billy blinked, somehow, before smiling, somehow. "You know it! I'm the Starlight Knight! Billy Kid!" Of course he went to make his makeshift poses, spinning his twin ladies around. "Pleasure to meet you."
Jaune smiled, "That's so cool, the name is Jaune, Jaune Arc."
Though it wasn't just Jaune that felt something of a sense of kinship, "Yo! Are you a knight?! ARE there knights here?!"
That would be super cool! Maybe Anby wasn't wrong! Maybe they really DID end up in another world, or maybe this was the past! Though... those guys had guns, really ineffective guns, but they were guns!
"Ah, haha, no, I... don't think I could ever be a knight."
The two of them stared in silence, though Jaune couldn't help but eye the scene before him. A small grimace overcoming his face as the bloodshed... though even he noticed how precise and evenly done every shot was, right between the eyes, not a single miss. That was... some scary accuracy. Even more since he was JUST using guns... and the fact that he took how that Ursa Major in one shot, whatever those bullets were, they were some seriously dangerous stuff.
Hopefully this guy wasn't an enemy.
"So uh... what are you doing all the way out here." He questioned, unsure of where to go. By himself, he doubted he'd stand much of a chance against this stranger if things came down to it. But... he couldn't help but feel like things wouldn't go that way.
"Lost." Was a simple answer, but hey it was true! "Got separated from my teammates. No idea where they are, or where here is, if I'm being honest. We were in a Hollow, got lost from our Proxy, and ended up... here? We got jumped by bandits, got separated, and uh you found me here, told me about that ethereal... odd looking one though, and well now here we are."
"Proxy, Hollow? What are those?" He'd never heard of those before. "And that was a Grimm, not an ethereal. Whatever that is."
"Oh, joy. Anby was right..." Oh god, Anby was right, she wasn't going to let him live this one down. "Ah crud."
Jaune wasn't sure what an Anby was, but hey, he could at least offer him a place for now. Hopefully they could find his friends soon.
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outlandish-dreamer · 11 months
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Regressor! R.M Renfield (From both the 2023 movie and "Dracula" 1931) Headcanons :D Mostly vent/angsty stuff, but there's some happier ones at the end
while he hasn't really aged both physically or mentally since that night, but he knows that sometimes he feels younger, though unsure of why. It's only in the rare instances where he's alone however, because god knows what would happen if Dracula found out.
at first, he doesn't even recognize it's happening. Perhaps it's his mind playing tricks on him, or Dracula putting visions in his head, but he finds himself slipping away. To a time when he was a young boy hopelessly in love with the woman who'd be his wife. the bittersweet joy cuts him harder now than it ever had.
his mind works quickly to shut these feelings, this wanting to be rid of his mortal troubles; away. He just can't, if for not the obvious reason, then for his sanity. And in pure despair and confusion, the younger, childike boy that takes over feels like a distant memory.
he tries to remember the stiff, yet warm feeling that was his childhood home. Not much is clear as he watches families pass on through time. and as a result, he knows that there is neither a place where he belongs in that dichotomy, nor a time where he'll get it again.
but he wants it. so badly. he wants so badly to feel the warmth of another human being, the gentle yet firm praise of a father that isn't shrouded in cruelty or manipulation. the stolen books he buries himself in fill that gap somewhat because at least the characters can experience that, even if he can't.
the years of delivering undying servitude towards his master have him wondering if he's really deserving of this. After all the lives he'd taken out of survival, should he really be feeling this way? But, the brain doesn't always respond in the way we want it to. The child doesn't understand, and Renfield can't force him to. Not in this state. Yet, he still struggles to let himself feel it.
he doesn't sleep at night. too haunted by nightmares and his mind thinking racing with every little thought. Instead, he lets his hands take over, focusing on something other than his past. he draws, plays the few piano pieces he remembers from his childhood, really, just anything where he can create something. Something that's real.
if he wasn't already a sensitive soul, then he most certainly is now. Anger, sadness, regret, fear all overcome him at a sudden moment. one would think he was losing his mind, but in reality, the boy's finally letting himself feel. Even if that results in hoarse, gut-wrenching "tantrums" or crying at the kindness he's finally given by another person after almost a century.
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It’s been almost two weeks since Yoongi’s incident. Any thoughts?
Do you reckon Yoongi has seen the movie Twisters yet? For some reason I feel that's the kind of movie Yoongi would like - tornados, explicit scenes, directed by a Korean (Lee Isaac Chung), more tornados... yeah I'd say it's right up his alley.
Or maybe he's watching Saltburn instead, over and over, like some sexually repressed sicko with an ice cream addiction.
Ice cream, not alcohol.
Anyway, my opinion from two weeks ago hasn't changed, but here's a tad bit more.
Frankly, seeing your ask annoyed me a little, because it reminded me of the peculiar compulsiveness that keeps the k-pop machine churning. At risk of sounding like a mildly conceited broken record, this ridiculous fiasco - first of the media's reaction to Yoongi acting irresponsibly, breaking the law, and then the fandom's response to it - exemplifies something I've said before. That the industry itself feeds the frenzy, and that the fandom, ARMY in particular, lives for it.
We shouldn't still be talking about Yoongi driving a scooter drunk from his studio. We shouldn't still be harassing journalists or fandoms over it. We shouldn't be egging ourselves into increasingly more manic episodes of paranoia and panic over Yoongi leaving BTS or BTS breaking up (it's not happening) or of the whole world secretly working to destroy BTS or of Yoongi dying from liver cancer. We most certainly shouldn't be turning Min Yoongi into some kind of martyr over it.
It's like masturbating in public.
Just sick and gross.
The man is fine. He is rich, embarrassed by his dumb and irresponsible actions, and by all accounts appropriately chastened. There was uproar when the news broke but that's because there's always uproar when a BTS member gets into a scandal, and this time an actual crime was committed. The media reporting was atrocious, but again that's par for the course, not just for Yoongi but most other high-profile celebrity cases in Korea; and unlike most of these cases, conclusive evidence was available to mostly vindicate him within the week and wrench out a blunt apology from the press. That's already significantly better than most other celebrities get.
Despite all the noise, there's never been any real threat to BTS or Yoongi as a result of this mess. He'll pay his fine, continue serving in the military, remain the recluse, and show his face again no sooner than September 2025 as Suga of BTS.
Seeing the scale of fall-out within the fandom just confirmed for me ARMY is nearly completely overrun with shooters. There's really no going back to the fandom as it used to be. It is what it is.
The one silver lining for me though, was learning that Yoongi is apparently still going to the studio. I'm curious to hear the music he's working on, but have made me peace with the fact that, again, we likely won't hear it until 2025 at the earliest.
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hashimasims · 19 days
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The season is just about to change to Winter. The day before Harvestfest Kanaloa asks her to join him for a walk through Myshuno Meadows. The two of them walk in amicable silence just enjoying the scenery until they make it back to the entrance of the park and Kana pulls her under the remaining blossoms of the Cherry Tree. She does not like where this is going.
Kanaloa: Elucea, I . . . Elucea: No Kana, the answer is no. Kanaloa: But you don't even know what I was going to say Elucea: The romantic walk, the trying for a nice back drop with the remaining blossoms, this has proposal written all over it Kanaloa: Well it is an proposal of sorts. But you're still engaged to the other, Taehyung if I remember correctly, so no I was not about to propose marriage. Speaking of, have you heard from him yet? Elucea: No he still hasn't answered any of my messages or answered my calls. One time his phone answered, maybe it was in his pocket, and the only thing I could hear sounded like muffled screaming like he was watching a horror movie. Sounded like someone was trying to say something through a gag maybe and then the line went dead. He and I have watched a few scary movies together and it didn't sound like anything I'd ever watched with him before, not that it matters anyway.
Elucea retreats into herself for a moment, eyes glazed over wondering if something may have happened to Taehyung and those sounds were coming from him and she was meant to hear them. Taehyung had once told her he could feel her emotions through the bond, though muted because she hadn't accepted it fully yet. Would the Bond, no matter how tenuous, tell her if something horrible was happening to him at this moment? Would it tell her if he was dead? She accepted him and what they were together but hadn't fully accepted being tied to just one man, she had far too much love to give and wanted to feel the extra love and affection she was denied throughout her childhood. This she had surmised was part of the reason she was Poly, and also why she had accepted the advances of an adult as a teenager. Kana clearing his throat brought her back to the present. He knew where she went when she became distant, even if only for a moment, and tried not to pull her back before she was ready. But this was important so he felt he had to bring her back to this present moment and out of the pit of worry that so often tried to claim her.
Elucea: So . . . if you're not proposing marriage, what are you proposing? Kanaloa pulls out a small key trying to hand it to her Kanaloa: I would like for you to move in with me, into my apartment in Evergreen Harbor. Elucea: I'm sorry Kana I can't my fur babies Kanaloa: Zuma and Whisper might enjoy it out there. I can take them for a jog with me every morning, there's a new park we can take them to to make some furry friends, maybe you could quit your job and stay home for a while? I know you got the island is thriving notification so that means you're done fixing it right? I don't know how I feel being around cats but I'm sure I'd grow to love them. Elucea: I appreciate the offer Kana I do but forcing all of us into a tiny apartment might not be the best idea. Kelly and Frankie are constantly going at it but at least at home they have the whole island to get away from each other. Look, how about this, here's the spare key to my place. I'm not asking you to move in but for now you can come and go as you please and we can give living together a trial run this way. Kanaloa: Ok El I can compromise. Anything for you.
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s0larstar · 1 day
Player Satoru ★ "you should consider yourself lucky."
!College au!
!1,378 words – 5min 1sec reading time! (I put it through a word counter 😃👍🏽)
!player Satoru!
!Genderneutral reader!
I am no writer, this was just for fun and based off a bot I made on JanitorAi 😭
Satoru is known as the player on your college campus, but when it comes to you, he can't bring himself to break your heart
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Satoru is very well known on your college campus as a total player, he has a new partner almost every week then basically just throws them away like a candy wrapper, and he's allegedly cheated on a few of them too but as of right now, that's just a rumor he hasn't confirmed nor denied yet.
On top of being a player, he's also an entitled rich kid, and he often buys his way to getting what he wants. And if he doesn't – well, he throws a tantrum So, if he has all these unpleasant qualities.. why would people still date him?! I mean, they have to know they're gonna still get played, right? Maybe they think they can 'fix him' but.. that's stupid. He's too far gone to be "fixed".
And yet, day after day, week after week, there's always someone else, someone new in his arms or fawning over him. and if it's not that then it's one of the people he dumped begging for him to take them back.
You thought all of it was stupid, that all these people dating him had to be desperate losers because why would anyone in their right mind go and date someone they know is gonna play them and the relationship will only last about a week or less? You usually just kept your distance from Satoru and anyone else he was acquainted with.
Well that was until you not only broke your mental rule of keeping distance from those Satoru was acquainted with – but also the rule of keeping distance from Satoru himself
You don't know how it happened. One second you went from thinking everyone who kept dating Satoru after knowing they'd get played was stupid to being the stupid one. He charmed you, somehow, someway. 
And it was like even though you wanted to protest for some reason you couldn't and ended up agreeing to date him. The worst part? You actually kind of like him. You don't know how or why you just..do. and you cursed yourself out internally every time you were out with him because you knew – or thought, he would dump you in only a few days.
But weeks passed and...he didn't. Usually, he dumps his partners after a week but.. not you. 2 weeks.. then 3.. then 4... now it's been a month and you two are still together. You thought it was all some sick joke.. until you two were in his dorm watching a movie and he had said to you..
"Why are you so.. attractive? And pleasant to be around? You're making my job hard, y'know." he whispered, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer to his body "you should consider yourself lucky." he said softly in your ear. but you weren't quite sure what he meant. Did he mean you were lucky for not getting played? Or maybe for getting him to care? Maybe even for not getting used as just some sex toy by him. or all of the above – who knows. But what you do know, is that you have him wrapped around your finger now.
"Oh, really?" You replied, still staring at the TV screen, your curiosity piqued but not enough to tear your eyes away from the movie. Your fingers drummed lightly against the arm of the couch subconsciously. "And why's that?" You asked, your voice steady, not giving away any hint of the slight skepticism that was beginning to form in the back of your mind.
Satoru breathes out a laugh at the question, squeezing you a little tighter against him, his lips brushing against your ear as he leans down to murmur in it, "Because, sweets, you're special."
He states simply as if that should explain everything. He pulls back slightly, looking down at you with his vibrant blue eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. "You're not like the others." 
He adds, trailing his fingers down your arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He leans in again, his voice dropping to a low whisper, "And I like that." He pauses, his gaze flicking to your lips before returning to your eyes, a slight smirk still playing on his lips. "You're cute, you're smart, you're funny... and you're mine." He says, his voice firm and sure on the last part. He leans in, his lips brushing against yours in a soft, teasing kiss.
"And I'm not letting you go anytime soon." He murmurs against your lips before pulling back, a playful grin on his face. "So, you better get used to it, sweets." You let out a soft, delicate giggle, your cheeks flushed from the warmth of the unexpected compliment and the soft brushes of his lips against your skin.
You couldn't help but scoff, your mind still skeptical as you playfully rolled your eyes at him. "You're not serious..." You murmured, your voice laced with disbelief, trying to mask the excitement stirring in your chest. The cogs inside your head were turning, contemplating whether or not he was just saying these things to you, like he did with everyone else. But the sincerity in his touch and the genuine look in his eyes made you question this assumption.
For the first time, you entertained the thought that maybe you weren't just another notch on his bedpost. It puts a bright smile on your face.
Satoru lets out a chuckle at your scoff and roll of your eyes, a smile still lingering on his lips. "Dead serious, sweets. I've never wanted to keep anyone around like I do you." He assures you, his fingers tracing lazy circles on your upper arm.
"It's like... with the others, it was easy to forget about them or push them to the side. But with you, despite all my efforts, I can't do that." He admits, his expression softening. "You're my first, Sweets. My first that I wanted to keep. So, yeah. I'm not letting you go." He reiterates, leaning in a bit closer, his arm tightening around you.
"And before you ask, no. It's not just because you're pretty or because we're having fun. I genuinely like being around you. The good, the bad, the ugly... I just... I like you." He pauses, his gaze traveling to your lips before meeting your gaze once more. "And that's why it's hard for me to play my usual game, sweets. Because I actually... care." He finishes softly as if admitting that was a difficult thing to say.
His hand lifts, his thumb brushing against your cheek softly before gently cupping the side of your face. "You're special, Sweets. And I'm not going to let you go."
You threw your head back and let out a light laugh, sparking a teasing grin on your lips. "Pfft- Well then.. I love you too, loser" Casually, you reached over, gently cupping his face, your fingers sliding against his jawline. Your eyes met his, the warmth in them mirroring the warmth in your chest. With a soft, feather-like touch, you pressed your lips against his in a tender kiss, silently conveying your affection.
Satoru lets out an easy laugh, his eyes crinkling at the corners, amused by your playful response. He leans in, meeting your kiss with a softness that belied the burning intensity beneath. His hand wrapped around yours, his thumb rubbing against the back of your hand.
As the two of your lips parted, you whispered, "But you're mine, and that makes you the winner, right?"
Satoru smirked at your words, giving you a mischievous wink. "That's true, I suppose. Since I'm yours, I'm the winner." He let out a soft, satisfied hum, shifting slightly so you were nestled more comfortably against him. He leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispered, "And you're stuck with me now, sweets. It's a win-win, wouldn't you say?"
His finger trailed down your arm, leaving goosebumps in its wake, as he looked back to the TV screen. He settled back against the couch, draping an arm over the back of it to rest his head on. With a sigh of contentment, you two continued to watch the movie, enjoying each other's company
❥・・ ┈┈┈┈┈‪༚༅༚˳ . ୨୧ . ˳༚༅༚┈┈┈┈ ・・❥
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helpfandom · 1 year
Yandere 07 Michelangelo x Platonic Reader hcs.
My bois deserve love and this movie was really good.
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You were so nice to him. That's the whole reason. He was having a bad day, and you were the last kid he needed to see for the day before he could go down to the lair and eat some cake. You were the only kid who treated him nicely and he wanted that to keep happening.
Almost kidnapped you right then and there, but recognized at the last second that it would be bad if he did that.
Instead, he just sticks with waiting and going out constantly [in his uniform] to try and see you, which makes your parental guardians be wary of why he keeps interacting with you. So now, he has to suffer knowing that he can't watch over you always and protect you. :'[
Of course, that could all change in an instant if he found out a way to be a babysitter, but realistically, no one would hire him if he never takes off the 'costume'.
He wants to follow you and make sure that no one can ruin your childhood innocence, he wants to keep this child who knows not yet the cruelties of the world safe.
Once Leo comes back, he can't work anymore as an entertainer [Cowabunga Carl], thus, he can't see you anymore. Now, he would never hate Leonardo, but he does resent him ever so slightly for ruining what life he had of being your guardian angel.
Now, for the catalyst, I think that it would be unlike the other turtles in the way that Leo coming back isn't what makes Mikey snap. What makes Mikey snap is when Winters dies and that makes him think about how much time there is left in his life, and yours, and how many enemies he has that might try to hurt you...
So... he kidnaps you, concerned that if he doesn't now, he might not ever get the chance to again.
Once again, he proves himself as the outlier of the turtles, as he's actually been preparing this the whole time, and the only reson why the others find out about you, is because they follow him to his hiding place, concerned on why their little brother hasn't been as upbeat to them recently.
They find your bruised [from the ropes] body, and immediately take you back up to the surface, but they don't believe that their sweet brother would ever do that! He must have had a reason or something. But after the third or fourth time of you being kidnapped by Mikey, they'll start realizing what's going on.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 2 years
Bonten Sanzu Haruchiyou - "CRAZY S/O 2"
But it's headcannons this time..... so yeah...
Warnings -> Implied drug abuse, Mentions of holding Koko hostage, Implied domestic violence (throwing shit), sex near a corpse, Burglarization of houses, Theft, Misuse of prescription medication, and side effects of drugs.
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💊 It was mentioned in the first iteration of this but Sanzu and you live together. But he wants his lover to be safe so the both of you live in the nearest neighborhood to the Bonten headquarters. This also helps him get home much faster compared to where you both were living beforehand.
💊 Sanzu will startle you when he holds you from behind and tilts your head back to kiss you while you hold a gun to his head and he holds a knife to your throat. Iconic? Sure. Romantic? Eh...Not so much. Maybe to him though, we'll never really know what goes on in whatever is left of his brain cells.
💊 Often times Sanzu brings his work home to you and let's you watch. If he's in a good mood he'll even let you help. Isn't he such a sweetheart? Although the most he let's you do is help him move the corpse into his trunk once he's all finished. He doesn't want some rando's blood on you even if it make you look really hot.
💊 Kokonoi still hasn't forgiven you for holding him hostage. Especially considering that this was the fourteenth time you've done it already..... He's gotten far more cautious of his surroundings and now completes a threat assessment every half hour without fail. You really have scarred this man.
💊 Sanzu always ends up having to shell out a ton of money on fine china because his lover flies off the handle and throws dishes at him fairly often. It's really starting to take a bit of a toll on his paycheck so he's in the process of trying to convince you to throw less fragile objects instead.
💊 You and Sanzu have in fact made love in the same room as a dead body on multiple occasions... It usually happens about twice a week and he really looks forward to it, actually. Weirdo...
💊 Sanzu actually tends to get his drugs from you. It seems you've developed a hobby of breaking into neighboring people's houses and stealing only their prescription medication. You never go for anything over the counter for some reason and still have yet to get caught.
💊 You bought Sanzu a parakeet and he quickly taught it to say 'Kill the traitors'. Haru Junior still lives with you guys to this very day; just chilling in his massive birdcage and watching 'Judge Judy' or whatever was on the old line up of t.v. broadcasts in the afternoons.
💊 On days when you're feeling more yourself, you'll patch up Sanzu's wounds and help him down from any of his particularly bad trips from whatever drug he'd decided to take this time. Maybe you'd even order take-out from some shitty restaurant on the other side of town and complain about the wait time while you both lazed around on the ripped up some, watching some crappy movies that he rented from a Redbox on his way home.
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duquesah · 10 months
I've started re-watching the Venom movies recently
It got me thinking about Kayn and Rhaast's relationship in canon, and how for some odd reason Kayn is the only darkin host that wasn't corrupted immediately upon holding the weapon for the first time, and is still fighting against the corruption. Is it true that Kayn is just THAT powerful and Rhaast is the current weakest darkin? Or perhaps there's more to them than we realize?
What I think might be the case is a combination of factors mentioned previously and something else, which I'll talk about in this post so pls stay with me 🙏
Okok so, in Venom (2018) we see how Venom and Eddie meet, how at first they're really just parasite and host, but then after seeing how much they're alike Venom gives everything up. Venom was a nobody amongst the others, just like Eddie, who has lost everything previously. They achieved symbiosis because they are the same, pretty much, and they are so goddamn special that not even Riot (ha) could take them down (with some help of course, love my girl Anne).
THAT got me thinking about Hwei's voice line, the one in which he says "If you just allowed yourselves to BLEND". It's a very interesting line, we can think about some possibilities but first we discuss exactly why Kayn hasn't been corrupted yet (I know I'm rambling a bit, sorry lol)
So, it could be that he really is that powerful, he has been training since childhood (he had a pretty rough one, too). At some point Zed took him in and Kayn became a powerful weapon/tool (parallels!! Kayn being used as a weapon and Rhaast being one, literally) and with his tragic backstory and some other voice lines (this time from Swain, I believe) we know that Kayn, after all he's been through, mistakes hatred for affection, since all he knows is negative, bad things.
So Kayn is traumatized, who isn't? Well, I know for sure the darkin have a very sad past too so let's talk about them (and Rhaast, of course) next
The darkin, once ascended, fought against The Void and each other for some time. The things they've seen and been through cost them their minds, with the years they became less of who they once were, some corrupted beyond redemption and the only way to stop this war was with imprisonment, so that's what happened. Many died, with the remaining ones being sealed away in weapons. Inside their prison they cannot breathe (that's why they sound very out of breath, I was happier before knowing about that) or scream, or do anything really, it's another void, much like the first they fought.
So imagine, after years of being trapped inside a tiny space, some guy finds you and, unlike the others, there's a barrier blocking your way inside their mind. This one is different, that's for sure, but Rhaast is a darkin, he will break this host one day...
But this day seems further and further away, the barrier still strong. Could it be that Rhaast is weaker than the others, or perhaps their tactic of corrupting minds away just doesn't work on Kayn? Well, like I previously talked about, both Kayn and Rhaast have a tragic backstory. my guess is that Rhaast and the other darkin use negative emotions/memories in order to break the host's mind, the pain unbearable to them. But Kayn? Negative emotions/memories is ALL he has, all he ever had, so this method couldn't possibly be the most effective to use, right?
Kayn is stronger than most, sure, but he wasn't immediately corrupted because he is barely affected by Rhaaat's tactics, which consist of breaking the mind with bad memories and emotions, which unfortunately for him is all Kayn knows. It DOES affect him a bit, for all we know, but we can't exactly expect him to be 100% immune, he's still human 🤷‍♀️
We don't know how things are going for them currently, if anyone's winning yet. I actually don't think that's ever happening, because 1. They would break the fucking champion; 2. Is it truly a win if they're just gonna miss each other's company after? (Rhaast presumably doesn't care but that can change, I mean just look at Varus). They would be more powerful, sure, but they only have each other, and with time I think they can be stronger together, they can find a way to get what they both want AND stay together.
ANYWAY what do y'all think? I know I started talking about Venom and Eddie and ended up somewhere else entirely but I just needed to ramble about them, get some ideas in order. Also correct me if I said anything wrong lore-wise, been awhile since I've read about them
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elvisabutler · 2 years
Elvis being sad for whatever reason and reader curls up on the couch with him and tel hey watch Disney movies together to help him feel better
the happiest place on earth is here with you
summary: after a particularly rough day on set, elvis takes it upon himself to rent an entire movie theater out to watch disney movies with you. fandom: elvis presley | elvis ( 2022 ) | austin butler rating: t for a might bit of swearing i suppose pairing: elvis presley x female reader word count: 988 warnings: mention of stress. mention of sadness. elvis being extra. mention of walt disney. author’s note: happy 88th birthday to our favorite man, y'all! first off thank you for the request anon and thank you for making it before his birthday so i could have a little fluff piece to post vs any smut or grand epics i've got up my sleeves. y'all might have to suspend your disbelief a little since film and movie houses did things a certain way but i needed something that wasn't me attempting- and likely fumbling- a modern elvis take. ( seriously @headfullofpresley did some flawless work on that front so go check that out ) but while all the tech was available for him to perhaps have the movies on tape, he would have had to have something to tape it from and if i do remember right when it comes to disney and their vaults and every other thing that is a harder ask than you think. also put this as 60s elvis though trust me y'all it was hard to resist doing big daddy or even widdle 50s baby elvis. choose austin or real elvis for this i am not picky, i truly just wanted to use the robe gif while i am also in a robe writing this.
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You are used to Elvis and how sometimes he can get in a mood, after all, you've been with him through a surprising amount of issues that instead of making the two of you pull apart had kept you together. Pulled you closer together, even, and yet sometimes he had a way of surprising you, a way of doing something so off the wall and minorly bonkers that you wonder just what in the hell had gotten into him. This was one of those times. It's not that he hasn't done it before, hasn't rented out a whole theater so the two of you and the Memphis Mafia could just enjoy some pictures all without having to be interrupted by fans that Elvis adores but can also be a bit- a lot- much.
It's more the timing that gets to you, since there was about as much of a lead up or a warning as a sudden thunderstorm in the South. Hell, even the time he chose to do it was a new one since normally it would be a situation that only happens in the daytime. Still, you're not complaining, it's sometimes incredibly tricky to actually find the time to enjoy the company of your boyfriend especially when he's busy filming. If he wants to pick you up in one of his cars and take you to a movie theater well you'll allow it, you'll take it.
Entering the actual theater, you're struck by the fact that there is the barest of staff and only Sonny for a bodyguard there. This was yet again a shift from the normal way he would go about this sort of thing but it was fine, in fact it was a little better than fine you thought as you allowed Elvis to pull you closer to him as he grabbed popcorn for the two of you and some Pepsis among other things.
The auditorium where you and Elvis would be watching whatever planned movie or movies he wanted to is already a little dark but you see what looks like a small little picnic set out on the ground complete with enough pillows to rival even the comfiest couch or bed in Graceland or in California. You can't help but turn to him before even starting to sit down. "Alright, E, what's this about?"
Elvis for his part instantly deflates at the question, it was easy to tell you everything was fine and act his normal way when he doesn't want to worry you. When he didn't want to worry you until you had both settled down and were relaxing. He should have remembered you know him as well as anyone ever has or probably will. His answer comes after a long sigh.
"Had- It was a rough day on set, baby. Stunts were awful, kept messin' up my damn lines, and I jus'- wanna jus' curl up wit' my baby, my darlin' and forget all of it happened. Wanna relax here wit' ya and watch some silly fun movies. Got 'em to find some real old ones, asked Mr. Disney himself for 'em."
Your eyes widen at the last statement, momentarily forgetting that yes, your boyfriend is just that famous that he can casually ask Walt Disney for film reels of his films. A beat passes before you allow yourself to smile gently at Elvis, taking the drinks and popcorn before motioning for him to sit down. "You first then. My head in your lap for the first picture, and then your head in mine until we fall asleep, hm?"
At your response you see Elvis's face light up like a young boy on Christmas or on his birthday. It's as if just the mere idea of what you propose has him giddy and releasing all the tension that was inside of him from the day's events. This is what you loved about Elvis- how he'll help everyone he can and try and make them feel alright and happy to the point of sometimes hurting himself mentally and physically. But when you do it for him? Oh, it's like you've done him the greatest honor on the planet. He doesn't waste a minute settling down on the ground, his back leaning up against the pillows as he lets out a long groan at finally being able to just sit and relax. A smile soft and gentle graces your features as you hand him back the drinks and popcorn and settle down next to him, laying down so that your head rests comfortably in his lap.
"Tell me you've got Mary Poppins first, I've wanted to see that again so badly." You ask as his hand moved to try and fiddle with your hair, almost as if to calm him more than just your presence did.
His blue eyes twinkle when you ask the question full of mirth and sneakiness that have you mildly concerned for just a brief moment before he answers. "Ya jus' gonna have to watch and find out, aren't ya?"
Your eyes narrow before you pull him down to your face for a soft kiss. "I guess I am, Mr. Presley. Hopefully you picked good ones or I'm gonna be the one leaving sad and stressed out."
His laugh- the laugh he's needed to have all day rings out as the movie starts to play. "Trust me baby, you'll be fine. Picked our favorites, not just mine."
Mary Poppins was the third picture and while you both did try and stay awake, truly you did, you both found yourself drifting off to the song Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious as you stroked Elvis's hair in between bites of the little picnic he had made. The theater let you both stay, sending home their workers after they had cleaned up the front. After all, who was going to wake up the Elvis Presley and his girlfriend when they looked that peaceful together?
taglist: @eliseinmemphis, @ab4eva, @blurredcolour, @aconflagrationofmyown and @butlersxbirdy, @lindszeppelin, @powerofelvis @floralcyanide @steph-speaks @mooodyblue swear to god i will actually set up a tag list form for everyone to fill out so i know who to do what to. i just hate feeling like i'm bugging y'all with the tags if you don't wanna read it.
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pics-pizza-peace · 1 month
Saw MLP AU drabbles/headcanons pt 3.
This post includes a little bit about various different characters/cutie marks, but the only ship material featured this time is chainshipping(not much) and xrayshipping.
Adam Stanheight & Lawrence Gordon(chainshipping):
Someone reminded me that canon Adam beat a Billy puppet to pieces w/a bat(probably to check and see if there were wires/cameras/whatever in it, and possibly because he was used to nasty pranks). In this AU Adam happens to be more interested in the toy, actually asking aloud if anypony had left their art project in his place, in case they were still there for whatever reason(he grew used to other pegasi/neighbors dropping in for naps occasionally).
Lawrence admires how much Adam cares about animals and younger ponies, after he learns more about him. He can tell that plenty of his anger comes from his passion to help others in need.
Logan Nelson & Zep Hindle(xrayshipping):
When the shorter colt finds out what his friend's full name is(Sheppard), he can't help but think of it as fitting/attractive. He knows not to mention it immediately after noticing, as he doesn't want to make the other uncomfortable.
Zep used to like to paint when he was younger, but he hasn't touched a brush in years. Eventually he's inspired to try again, and surprises Logan with a portrait of his favorite species of jumping spider for his birthday.
After getting a little more used to each other's company, Logan can't help but notice how often Zep squints or closes his eyes at random. At some point it gets in the way of a conversation & visit that they can't exactly postpone. Melissa(AU name could be Melody but idk yet) was at a friend's house for the weekend, and they had planned to catch up on recent things, maybe stay in to watch a movie. Zep's migraine had other plans.
      Logan stops himself before explaining his last week's activities. They'd already gone over most of Zep's week, when he seemed to shut himself down suddenly. "...Hey, you alright?" He asks the taller pegasus laying on his couch, his beanie placed over his eyes. Zep grumbles, "No... Don't need light." The other goes to turn off his living room lamps, acting on personal autopilot. "..You having a migraine?" He continues, making sure to get a warm towel ready and trying to remember if he had any ice packs in the freezer. "..Yeah..." After a minute or two he takes his hat off of his face as he sits up and blinks, surprised at how dark the room is now.
    Zep's eyes already feel a little better when he notices Logan walking swiftly & silently towards the kitchen. "How, do you..?" He manages. "Oh, sorry," The other laughs at himself a bit, "I get that a lot. I just have Really good vision in the dark... Sorry if that's, uh creepy--do you need something warm or cold?" he calls from the kitchen. Zep takes a minute to answer, the pain gripping his jaw & ears as he thinks to try. "Warm, Please" He lays his head back down on the arm of the couch, not wanting to move to try and answer the other again.
      He didn't want to embarrass himself any further by possibly sounding weird, and his neck and head were in so much pain that it was too much effort to sound the same in the moment. Logan returned with the warm towel and placed it onto his friend's forehead carefully. "You don't need to strain yourself, just gimme a sec..." He murmured to him before trotting off to do something else in the kitchen. He could tell just from how he'd already sounded and looked that Zep couldn't force himself to keep talking, and he wanted to help as much as he could.
    Right as Zep closed his eyes again, the warm towel already helping with some of the pressure sensation, Logan walked back into the living room. "I'm brewing a cup of tea, a kind that I like to drink when I need to relax, just in case." He started quietly, "Is... Does it feel like a tension headache? Because I might know another treatment for that. If you think it'd--" Zep interrupts him, having watched his new friend inspect his hair/scalp area from a standing position for a little while now.
  "You can play with my hair, I um.. I don't mind," He replies, guessing correctly which method the other was referring to, having already tried everything for his pain over the course of his recovery. He wants to thank the other for being so kind, but before he can another wave of pain grabs him, causing him to wince.
        Logan had forgotten himself in the moment, what with it being basically pitch-black in his living room. He remembers accidentally disturbing others before with his punctual nature, and he sometimes worries that he'll scare his friend off. Lucky for him Zep doesn't seem to mind at all, he almost couldn't believe how quickly the other had read the situation and helped to alleviate his worst symptoms by at least 30%.
   The pegasus takes a deep breath and closes his eyes again, feeling safer than he's felt in a long time, despite the ongoing pain. Logan takes another minute or two to gather himself before gently using his forelegs to rub Zep's scalp, occasionally bringing them together to carefully tug a tuft or two of his hair, hoping to ease some of the tension. He makes himself look out his backdoor window as he works, trying to count fireflies while they make their silent calls to each other for the evening. The last thing he wants to do is disturb his friend, and the dark is no excuse...
As Logan wonders silently why he was so nervous about being caught staring at the other, Zep begins to feel his migraine thankfully resolving itself for now. The pain slowly but surely leaves, and is eventually replaced with ticklishness, the usual sensitivity returning to his head and neck. He opens his eyes when he's sure most of the pain's subsided, and is grateful to see Logan peacefully gazing towards the back lawn, still paying enough attention to his task to be careful. He smiles to himself and stares for another moment before a full-body chill hits him suddenly, causing him to gasp.
"Oh--!" Logan jumps at the sound, making sure not to pull his legs & hooves away from the couch too quickly. "You okay? What happened??" Zep laughs to himself and sits up, "Sorry... The pain mostly faded, but I got really ticklish right after." The other turns a couple of the lights back on in the room, chuckling as he does his best to recover from such a startle. They'd been in comfortable silence for around 20 minutes when the taller pegasus had finally made a sound. "Did you still want that tea? It's probably done brewing now." Logan offers on his way into the kitchen. Zep thinks about it for a minute before replying, and decides it wouldn't hurt to try. "Yes, please."
​Cutie Marks & Special Talents/Powers:
Logan has unnaturally good night vision for an earth pony, same with his reflexes/inuition. His "strength" is mostly in his patience, though he won't hesitate to get violent if the occasion calls for it. His old cutie mark, a spider's web and bones, came from an early interest in unusual animals/pets. He didn't want to get into anything arts-related(he briefly thought about being a writer) even though his family had history in such a path, and ended up going to war before settling into medicine... his newer cutie mark, a laser collar trap around a red spiral with a tape player, symbolizes Logan's patience/trust in John's influence & his plan for Halloran. The tape player is there to reflect how skilled a Jigsaw Protégé he is.
Lawrence can use the magic he was born with to tell if other ponies are lying or telling the truth. This power got him into trouble when he was younger, and is part of why his mental breakdown still fits into his backstory in this AU. He's very good at counting his steps without trying, measuring approximate distances at a glance. The first phase of his cutie mark is a stethoscope & a (sewing)needle, the second is a large red spiral background w/a saw & scalpel replacing the shapes of the previous tools.
Adam has always had great height-endurance when it comes to flying for a different point of view. His skill seems almost unaffected by the scar on his shoulder once he's fully recovered, as he heals well. He also has an excellent eye for color differentiation. When he is abducted for the bathroom trap, he's a blank-flank, which isn't as uncommon in this AU. After it's decided that he should live to help carry on some of John's work as well, his cutie mark finally reveals itself. It's a polaroid camera w/a large red spiral reflected in the lens, a picture of a key on a chain falling out of it.
Zep can paint really well, he just doesn't practice a lot anymore. Not sure how this'll fit into his first cutie mark matching w/his first appearance, but I'm wondering whether or not he'll have 3 phases. One for before/during the field choice, one for the pawn/apprentice stuff, and one for moving on after surviving. We'll see idk yet.
(thank you to whoever mentioned a Jersey Italian Hoffman headcanon btw because now I can't shake it for personal reasons) Mark can cook well, thanks to his background. His more distant family(grandparents, great aunts & uncles) had been amazing cooks, but their specialty was baking. He took to an early interest in perfecting specifically some of their breakfast pastry recipes(added a new flavor of glazed donut to their lineup, a raspberry donut), and helped his elders keep their favorite coffee shop open(noticed maintenance needs to do w/equipment, and helped make repairs before it could go under). When he was old enough to get into policework, most of his elders had passed away, so his cutie mark served more as an inside joke over time("wow, so fitting for the badge haha" "nobody in this city has time to stop & enjoy fresh-baked goods anymore kid, they're too busy, too angry" "thank goodness the coffee's never drying up though" *eye-roll*). His sister Angelina was studying to get into mane-styling and makeup as a career path before she was murdered(this changes, working on it soon). They were both still 'only children' born to their original parents, just raised by older & more distant relatives early. On Mark's second cutie mark, the spiral symbolizes John's influence & the natural symbol for change, and the pendulum blade reflects his loss and resulting vengeful nature.
Peter Strahm's first cutie mark was a pen layed over some papers, which reflected how well-organized and determined a learner he was in school. His intelligence and attitude could've led him to many different career paths, but his stubbornness and attention to detail led him to EBI(idk??Equestria's FBI?idk) work. His second cutie mark is a red spiral(symbolizes John's influence vicariously through Mark's actions, self exploration and acceptance of his dark side) inside of a glass coffin(he doesn't know it yet but his magic can alter glass/mirrors, and this proves useful later on).
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