#but w/e u kno w/e
rebouks · 11 months
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Oscar: I’m all for independence n’ shit, but if you’re pregna-… [Brynn shushed Oscar, flapping her hands as Darien paced past the window] Brynn: I go back very soon, when I have enough money. Oscar: You’re willingly going back to him? [Brynn’s brow furrowed offendedly, her feelings for Wyatt were genuine then…] Brynn: My business with him is not your business. [Oscar shrugged helplessly; she was right, it wasn’t any of his business-.. not really] Brynn: I know what he did to your Sandy – and to me, in roundabout way – was awful, but we are not black and white. I bet you have also done things you are not proud of; everyone has! Some worse than others maybe, but still… Brynn: You think by now I not know when a man is being sincere? Oscar: I’m not questioning you, I’m just tryna look out for you. Brynn: He must’ve been worried and tried to find me? Unless-.. did he ask you two to find me for him? Oscar: Bit of both. Brynn: Aha, I am sure you did not expect that… [Oscar wasn’t happy about it, but he was starting to believe that Wyatt and Brynn had genuine feelings for one another] Brynn: I not need saving-.. especially not from him, I am fine. Oscar: Come n’ have dinner with us at least? Courtney’s been worried about you. Brynn: I think Sandy suits her better… … [Darien loitered outside, uncomfortable around such a tangible reminder of his complicity-.. his involvement, especially with no one around to cajole him into thinking it was somehow justified] Vivienne: Zach! What’re you doing here? Your mom isn’t gonna like-… Zach: We both know she doesn’t give a shi-… Vivienne: Well, I do! Get upstairs. [Zach gulped; Vivienne meant business with that tone] Vivienne: How do you know Brynn? [Darien shrugged with a casual nonchalance, meeting Vivienne’s penetrative gaze steadily] Darien: She’s my friends’ girlfriend. Vivienne: I see… [Vivienne squinted slightly before heading back inside, almost walking into Brynn and Oscar] Vivienne: You good? Brynn: Mhm-.. I go to Oscar’s for dinner. Vivienne: Alright, take care… Brynn: Oscar is a fluffy marshmallow, don’t worry. Oscar: You’re not invited. Darien: I figured. Brynn: You not say anything yet, I go back soon and it’ll be a surprise-.. he knows I am okay. [Darien nodded, silently standing in situ as Brynn and Oscar disappeared. He ought to tell Wyatt they’d found her, but he’d probably appreciate it if he did as she’d asked. He decided he’d just have to keep an eye on her instead, remaining quiet for as long as she remained safe…]
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paradimeart · 1 year
ok now that the new eps r out im gonna fix these up
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its the terrans as technoorganics like sari
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yumenosakiacademy · 6 months
i want it that way cold open (charisma house style)
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cruelsister-moved2 · 10 months
i do want to remake so like oomfs ill follow u from g--l-----d over the next few days + if we arent mutuals but u want to stay following me like this post and i guess ill dm you or something
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nexility-sims · 1 year
what's something you'd like to see more of on royal simblr?
the timing of this was brilliant, actually, because i had been thinking for several days that i would like to make some sort of entirely uncalled for, roughly edited psa post about What I Think Royal Simblr Needs To Prioritize More :^) anyway, you also touched on this in your own answer, so it’s an echo of that too :^) it's very long, but i had a lot to say about the topic i've chosen. i should also preface by saying that it's not meant as a blanket negative statement or even an objective prescription; it's just based on my own observation and anecdotal experience.
in short, royal simblr needs more cultural diversity !
there are two big reasons why i feel this way: one, the entire premise is suspect because it so easily verges into uncritically reproducing and whitewashing an awful institution; and two, cultural diversity is actually more engaging and interesting than a community that feels monocultural (esp when said culture is a hegemonic colonial product whose dominance is based on plunder, oppression, and destruction of both entire peoples and the planet itself).
personally, i want to be part of a community where folks are 1) actively curious about the wider world and its cultures and 2) comfortable incorporating their own cultures in their stories. it’s true that the bias is perhaps partly because many royalty references in the real world may not have great english sources for a predominantly english-speaking community to use. but, i don’t think that’s a get-out-of-jail-free card. i am absolutely not a person who likes to consciously write myself into my stories, to be clear. that being said, i do ask myself, “what experiences or knowledge do i have that deserve representation?” we write our stories for ourselves but, frankly, i would venture many of us have internalized messages that make us devalue our own backgrounds or doubt others will be interested in content outside of the often white, often western mainstream. in my experience, the royal simblr community places high value on researching and replicating the norms of contemporary western european royalty—particularly the british royal family. the truth is that same care and respect could be put into other histories and perspectives, if the motivation existed to do so.
so, another approach, beyond drawing on your own experiences, is doing the research to respectfully depict or be inspired by a culture that isn't your own. the onus for representation cannot be squarely on the most marginalized of us, even if we'd likely produce the best version of it. if i had chosen to write a story about a fake british royal family, i'd have felt guilty about not writing a story full of brown people from the americas; that representation wouldn't really exist if i wasn't making it for myself. consequently, culture shifts require everyone to do their part, whether as creators, collaborators, or readers. i'd also venture that most of us appreciate when outsiders believe our cultures are valuable and beautiful—when they want to know or experience our clothing, food, and music in ways that are not fetishizing, exploitative, or appropriating. that's part of why tumblr is filled with guides and tutorials to writing characters from all walks of life, from ethnicity to disability to gender; the resources exist, and people want to see them used. it doesn't even have to be your entire story ! individual characters or plot lines can give good representation if you make that a priority.
in my own story, i've blended the two approaches. i think about my own, my family's, and my friends' experiences of indigeneity in what's currently the united states; i've also blended it with my interests in iberian and latin american histories, especially indigenous mexico, among other elements closer to u.s. history. my story isn't a direct replica of any real world place or people, but the culture is based on imagination, research, and feedback. if someone has a critique or feels offended for whatever reason, i want to be humble enough to accept it and make changes. one of the amazing things about this corner of tumblr is that our community loves to help others. learning in public—experimenting, sharing parts of yourself, being creative—is never easy, but it's easier to do when you're part of a community that offers grace and encouragement. my opinion is also that people are more willing to share their expertise and welcome your work if you demonstrate, not just good intentions, but that you've done your homework to the best of your ability.
i want to be clear, too: there's a place for storytelling as conscious critique of the institution, and there are storytellers in this community whose cultures happen to be the ones that are overrepresented. this isn't an indictment of the good stories and good fun people are having. i'm just taking this as an opportunity to offer constructive criticism and give people the encouragement or permission to try something different. why not use your creativity to incorporate other sources of inspiration—or to imagine a different and better world, even?
at the end of the day, everyone can do whatever they want with their hobbies. we can't all be doing social justice on simblr dot com and, frankly, probably shouldn't be ! it is nonetheless true that some of us don't get to enjoy our hobbies uncritically. we can't log onto tumblr and scroll through sims stories and be blissfully unaware of the politics of representation. "royalty" doesn't just connote pretty tiaras and fancy titles for all of us. people who are marginalized in the real world are part of this community. its representation signals to us how welcome we and the stories we have to tell really are.
most or all of us are imagining our countries to be part of the same fictional world. it's just my personal opinion, but i don’t think that world should be mostly fake europe plus specifically the settler colonial parts of fake non-europe. my challenge to everyone would be to think about whether your story could or should meaningfully contribute to a fuller, more realistic representation of the world we've created as a collective within this community.
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dlnqnt · 3 months
i need to see longlegs right NOW but i cant get to a theater on my own :((((((((((((((
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shuckstruck · 7 months
i’m gonna be real w you guys. it’s scary to feel confident about ur art online but everybody here has always been so lovely about anything i post and i’m so :’) i’m super touched every time someone interacts w my art
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pctaldrunk · 1 year
the theme of 2k23 is shipping things that were cut bc wild shit
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hoshiyoshis · 1 year
btw im forever giving up on understanding literally any modern slang
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rebouks · 7 months
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Aspen: Did Robin join in? Juniper: No, he wasn’t at school again today. Alma: Why not? Noah: Don’t look at me-.. I’d assume he’s sick? Juniper: I don’t think so, I think it’s ‘cause he got in a fight with Levi. Aspen: Who’s Levi? Juniper: Just a boy in our class, he picks on Robin all the time-.. he’s an asshole. Noah: Pardon?! Aspen: Don’t say that about people, Juni. Juniper: It’s true though! Noah: It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not-.. what happened? Juniper: I don’t know, but Robin gave him a black eye. Alma: That doesn’t sound like him, does it? Maybe we oughta go n’ see how your cousin’s doing. Juniper: I guess-.. I’ve got ballet tonight though. Alma: We’ll stop by once you’re done. [Noah cleared the table, grumbling under his breath; he was convinced that history was doomed to repeat itself. A certain redheaded little brother of his was no different at Robin’s age, always getting himself into altercations and whatever the hell else he got up to that no one knew about] Aspen: Should we-�� Noah: I’m not getting involved! It’s bad enough mithering Oscar about himself, he’s twice as defensive with the kids. I’ve got too much work to do anyway, you go if you want. Aspen: I’m teaching two classes tonight. Noah: Let Alma stick her nose in then. Aspen: She doesn’t do that. [Noah peered at Aspen over the brim of his glasses] Aspen: Okay, but she’s tactful with it. Noah: Well.. I’m not, so she can do the mithering.
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hatake · 1 year
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yumenosakiacademy · 5 months
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godowoken · 9 months
hey ik larian likes 2 play faves n all but do u guys think gales ever gonna get a new kiss animation or
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andyridgeley · 2 years
you know when you watch a show and you forget about all the other shows that exist and all you wanna do is think about that show but you dont know anyone whos seen it so you just
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clownkillsyou · 2 years
i should try to draw the reporter as that one "draw ur babygirl like this" pose or whatever
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chmydarling · 1 year
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y'all.. 👀
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it marlon and lou in a mod au
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