#aspen barker
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rebouks · 1 year ago
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Aspen: Did Robin join in? Juniper: No, he wasn’t at school again today. Alma: Why not? Noah: Don’t look at me-.. I’d assume he’s sick? Juniper: I don’t think so, I think it’s ‘cause he got in a fight with Levi. Aspen: Who’s Levi? Juniper: Just a boy in our class, he picks on Robin all the time-.. he’s an asshole. Noah: Pardon?! Aspen: Don’t say that about people, Juni. Juniper: It’s true though! Noah: It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not-.. what happened? Juniper: I don’t know, but Robin gave him a black eye. Alma: That doesn’t sound like him, does it? Maybe we oughta go n’ see how your cousin’s doing. Juniper: I guess-.. I’ve got ballet tonight though. Alma: We’ll stop by once you’re done. [Noah cleared the table, grumbling under his breath; he was convinced that history was doomed to repeat itself. A certain redheaded little brother of his was no different at Robin’s age, always getting himself into altercations and whatever the hell else he got up to that no one knew about] Aspen: Should we-… Noah: I’m not getting involved! It’s bad enough mithering Oscar about himself, he’s twice as defensive with the kids. I’ve got too much work to do anyway, you go if you want. Aspen: I’m teaching two classes tonight. Noah: Let Alma stick her nose in then. Aspen: She doesn’t do that. [Noah peered at Aspen over the brim of his glasses] Aspen: Okay, but she’s tactful with it. Noah: Well.. I’m not, so she can do the mithering.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 2 months ago
Crossover list for Kit my beloved? (Watching Avengers rn so Kit feelings are back)
Adelaide Stark
Ainsley Barton
Alec Stark & Wendy Parker
Alessia Stark
Alvina Strange?
Angie Carter
Anya Barton 
Aria Parker
Athena Stark
Aspen Beckett-Stark
Ava Potts
Bianca Davis
Calypso Lokidottir
Cora Royce (& Adonis Stark & Orion Royce)
Dominique Barton
Elizabeth Barton
Ellie Coulson
Ezra & Nicholas Barton
Ilya Romanova
Irina Dreykova
Jameson Barrett & Stefania Raine
Jamie Carter-Rogers
JB Barnes
Kassandra Maximoff (& Grayson Frost)
Kat Aliano
Mack Lewis
Marjorie Rogers
Mia Pierce
Nikki Rogers
Odette Caldwall
Peyton Parker
Sabina Maximoff
Sammy Barton
Tatiana Barnes
Tyler Barton
Will Barker
Zora Wright
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that-boleyn-grrrl · 7 months ago
💚 hey babes !!! ♡ its your fave queen , anne , on this platform here to have some fun – ik you were all just waiting for me ♡♡
💚 i don't mind being called anything !! she, he, they, whatever you want !!
💚 i would love to talk with my amazing , lovely fans , so don't ever be shy to send in an ask !!!
i love love lovee you guys !!!!! xoxoxo
heyyy y'all its aspen back at it again lmaooo
im a she/they as you knowww
this is my 5th rp account and definitely one of my favorite ones already just so much personality (and i get to finally be in my slut era) ((other accs: @will-newman @benjamin-barker-who @christopher-jf-boone and @kimmy-kammy !!!)
im super excited to answer asks for this girlie because she has so much personality to her so don't b shy 💚💚💚
ooc text is green!!!
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kimmy-kammy · 7 months ago
heya guys, i heard about this thing by word of mouth, so i just thought to check it out and see if it would be fun.
i'm kim but if you wanna give me a nickname like kimmy or something i guess it's fine.
im a girl so call me she, and im still a teenager so don't be getting too weird.
sup y'allll im aspen !!! this is my like 4th rp account ( @will-newman @benjamin-barker-who @christopher-jf-boone ) ♡
i use she/they yall know
so uh because the ending of the movie is bootycheeks/pos i decided to make kims relationship (in this lil timeline or whatever) w edward and they're happy together because i refuse to accept the truth :)))
ooc text is green!!!
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christopher-jf-boone · 7 months ago
Hi I thought this app seemed fascinating so I decided to try and use it to see how it goes.
My name is Christopher and I am 15 years old and I know every prime number up to 7,057. I would prefer not for anybody to touch me because It makes me really uncomfortable.
I am a boy so just use he him when talking about me please.
hiya guys im aspen and this is yeta nother rp account huzzah (other 2: @will-newman @benjamin-barker-who !!!!)
i use she/they and stuff
this is a character from a book called the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime and i really loved christopher so i had to make a rp account of him even though literally nobody knows him
(but hey at least people do talk about it on this platform huzzah ig!!!?!?!??!?!)
im ok w anything as long as it isnt creepy or weird lol anon asks are really fun!!!!!
ooc is orange text!!!
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dtw42 · 5 years ago
Reverse-engineering the Two Ronnies crossword sketch
Among the catalogue of classic sketches by the late and much-missed Two Ronnies, sits this little piece: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVWdbO6FFfw
Give it a watch all the way through then come back here.
Done? Okay.
Being of a cruciverbal mindset, it occurred to me to try and see whether the clues Ronnie Corbett’s character was struggling with could actually be worked into a plausible grid. When writers have characters doing crosswords, they often throw out clue numbers willy-nilly, without paying much attention to their structural plausibility – something I found pretty quickly when I tried to reverse-engineer The Owl crossword from Jasper Fforde’s Lost in a Good Book (but that’s a post for another time).
Ronnie reads out the text of seven clues. In four of these, he’s already got some letters in. Can we assume that’s because those letters are from crossing answers? The only alternative, that they (or at least some of them) are “givens” (i.e. actually printed in the grid by the publisher) is too dull to contemplate for the purposes of this (admittedly silly anyway) exercise, so let’s assume they are from crossing answers.
For three of the clues, we are told the actual clue position and number.
This, in essence, is what we have to go on:
2ac. They peck holes in your milk-bottle tops (4). ? ? T S
6ac. Often found in the bottom of a birdcage (4). ? ? I T
16ac. It’s green and often found on football pitches (5). G R A ? ?
??. It’s red, it smells, and it’s often picked in the garden (4). ? O S E
??. Place where fish are kept (4).
?ac. Strange animal found in a hive (5,3).
?dn. He always plays with Big Ears (5).
We are told that the fifth letter of the penultimate of these crosses with the first letter of the last of these.
For the fifth clue, Ronnie Barker’s character mocks Corbett’s for having filled in “coop” (or “Co-Op”) but doesn’t suggest a correction, and we’re not told what letter or letters he might have had in already. There are plenty of four-letter possibilities for where fish might be kept – tank, bowl, pond, maybe even pool – and note that many of them share the second letter “O” with Corbett’s guess, so let’s make it one of those (instead of “tank”) and make the second letter check with another crossing word.
For the sixth and seventh clues, Barker’s character confirms that the correct answers should be “queen bee” and “Noddy” (not “queer bee” and “Roddy”).
Let’s make one more basic assumption: since this is in a daily newspaper (Corbett describes it as the “Sun Junior Coffee-Time Easy Clues”), it should abide by the normal standards of crossword symmetry. That is to say, most likely 180° rotational symmetry. We initially don’t know the dimensions or style of the grid, but it’s not likely to be huge. If we start trying to construct a grid that would take these clues in the positions indicated, come constraints quickly start to show themselves.
Firstly, if there’s a 2 across, we can pretty much rule out there being a 1 across (since it would have to have no more than the first letter checked), so 1 is a down answer only.
Secondly, note that we have the third and fourth letters of 2ac in already – T S. Likewise the second, third and fourth letters of that “It’s red…” clue; the first, second and third letters of that “It’s green…” clue, and so on. Multiple consecutive checked letters? Well, for a blocked-grid crossword you might be able to envisage that somewhere in the middle of the diagram, but 2ac is clearly in the top row (and 6ac very likely is as well). No – this is sounding distinctly like a barred-grid puzzle. This puts our own meta-joke layer on top of those intended by the writers, since barred-grid puzzles are normally used for advanced/difficult puzzles (probably akin to the “Financial Times Mephistopheles” that Ronnie Barker is trying to concentrate on), and peppered with recondite vocabulary – not the sort of thing one might describe as a “Junior Coffee-Time Easy Clues”.
So my initial attempt to fit the answers we know into the positions we know, gave me something like this:
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A bit of careful work with the grid-filler function and we can populate the rest of the diagram with a mix of common, harder, and obscure words typical of the barred-grid puzzle.
But we have a problem. Look at 16ac: the two letters that Corbett says he hasn’t got (the fourth and fifth) are parts of 3dn and 4dn – which also supply the last two letters of 2ac, the very two letters that he says he has got. If he’s solved 3dn and 4dn, then he’ll have both sets of these final letters, and if he hasn’t, then he’ll have neither. This arrangement of bars can’t support both scenarios. Therefore, if 16ac is going to be positioned there on the left side of the grid, we need bars above those letters, making 3dn and 4dn both three-letter words. We need to think again about the position of the bars.
Because we need to have the last two letters of 2ac not give away the last two letters of 16ac, and we need the second letter of 16ac not to give away the first letter of 2ac, those parts of those two words need to be cut off from each other by bars, and that in turn means adding more three-letter words into the grid. There are already going to be quite a few of them, and we really want to keep the number down as best we can (because it’s poor form in crossword setting to have too many three-letter words), so this means removing bars in other areas of the grid to make longer words (making sure as we go along that we don’t introduce or delete bars that would change the clue number for “grass”). That in turn increases the likelihood that we will have to accept some pretty obscure words.
In the next screenshot I’ve marked the given words in green, the known letters in blue, and then re-done the pattern of bars preparatory to trying another grid fill.
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So – having filled the grid (and yes, as was inevitable, there are a few obscurities – but actually fewer than I expected) – it’s time to write the remaining clues. So, do we attempt to give all the other words “easy clues” like the ones the Ronnies read out? Or do we contrast those seven with cryptics more in keeping with the style of grid?
I went for cryptic clues in keeping with the style of the grid, and then decided to omit the clues for the seven given words and get the solvers to seek out the sketch for themselves (I circled the letters ‘TWO RONNIES’ in the grid to give a nudge in the right direction). Okay, link to the puzzle here: http://crossword.info/skirwingle/coffeetime/
Next here’s a long scrolly bit so you don’t see the answers by mistake. (see you after the dots)
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Let’s have a look at the words I fitted around the givens, and separate them out by vocabulary difficulty:
legato, onus, duty, wands, liaise, atomic clock, press, dandy, sail, Eileen, slay, ted, tat, sty, grain, tussocks, aspen, guano, rotundas, Simeon, obese, quest, email, Rio, old, eel
unmoor (to cast off moorings), Indic (the Indian branch of Indo-European languages), nailer (a maker of nails!), sri (an Indian title roughly equivalent to Mr.), cep (a mushroom), ryes (slightly unusual plural of the grain or the whiskey derived from it)
irenicon (same as eirenicon – a peace-making scheme)
odal (same as udal – an Orkney or Shetland estate without feudal superior – possibly the most obscure word in the grid, and therefore the one most in need of a simple clue that gives you the necessary letters – such as a hidden or initials clue; thankfully 75% of it is checked by down words)
alogia (inability to speak, due to a brain lesion)
kisans (Indian peasants – probably the next most obscure word, and only 50% checked, so again in need of a plain clue)
I don’t think that’s too bad! If you add the “hard” words to the in-between words, that’s still less than half as many as regular familiar words (and then there are the seven original answers from the sketch as well).
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sethjvcv878 · 3 years ago
24 Hours to Improving cheap dallas cowboys jerseys memes
Hannity started the discussion by looking through some statements by Sheehan that have been significant of Israel: My first son born (sic) was killed for lies and for a neocon agenda to learn Israel; America outside of Iraq, Israel away from Palestine. You'll cease terrorism this way.
He was approached a couple of a lot more moments after that in an effort to attain his compliance to come back from the plane, and every time he refused and became Progressively more disruptive and belligerent. Our brokers have been still left without having preference but to phone Chicago Aviation Stability Officers to assist in eradicating the customer with the flight.
It stands to rationale, provided an inclination in direction of obsessiveness, and as tells us, a significant threshold of soreness. These aspects, nonetheless, will not entirely explain a call to festoon your arm forever with Alice Waters rocking a cloche. A Ted Williams one signed baseball is really worth amongst $350. $600.
Ablow just happened to possess a clip Prepared from Obama's March eighteen, 2008 speech on race. They confirmed Obama declaring that his grandmother "at the time confessed her worry of black Gentlemen who go her by on the street and who on multiple occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that produced me cringe." They neglected the section straight away pursuing the place he claimed that she was "a Component of me.".
The kids, aged just one to 16, are named right after trees Sic, 16, boy, Catalpa, fourteen, Female, then Redwood (Wooden for brief), a boy, Aspen, ten, a girl, Sumac, nine, a girl, Briar (a pre university Woman who shaved her head and now solutions to Brian), and Oak, the toddler. The youngsters are dwelling schooled..
Every person will relate for the dysfunctional stresses and strains listed here, Otherwise the specific particulars: a tranquil father, created Practically as redundant in your own home as he was from his car plant career; a powerful, strongly opinionated mother, nurse Fran (Cate Hamer); a single daughter, Pip (Seline Hizli), trying to find appreciate it doesn't matter the price; her relatively innocent young sister Rosie (Kirsty Oswald), revising her list of what she is aware of to generally be accurate in the play's finale. One son, Mark (Matthew Barker), having difficulties for twenty years with who he genuinely is; his younger brother, Ben (Arthur Wilson), eager to match With all the higher lifetime of his do the job friends..
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Nikolas beloved university and attended JK to Grade 8 at St Joseph's Faculty in the French Immersion Plan. He also might have been going into his Grade 12 year this drop at Dryden Highschool. Anti abortion Tory MP Jacob Rees Mogg drops shares in abortion pill companyThe devout Roman Catholic had been profiting from an Indian agency which marketed the drugs10:forty four, nine OCT 2017Get Day-to-day updates straight to your inbox+ SubscribeThank you for subscribing!Could not subscribe, check out all over again laterInvalid EmailNorth East Somerset MP Jacob Rees Mogg has dropped his investment decision in a very pharmaceutical business which sells abortion medicines.The Tory backbencher Earlier strike the headlines immediately after he admitted he is against abortion in an interview with ITV's Great Early morning Britain.However the Sunday Mirror figured out he had been profiting from shares his investment decision company held in drug company FDC in India wherever abortion is authorized.The Conservative MP brushed off the Mirror's revelations of comparable investments in Indonesia very last 7 days, insisting: "The globe just isn't generally what you would like it to become."'You are a despicable person!': Jacob Rees Mogg politely normally takes on angry anti Tory protestersThe Keeping of 186,000 shares in India's FDC, really worth was acquired by Somerset Cash Administration, of which Conservative Mr Rees Mogg is actually a founder.The shares, detailed within the agency's March interim report, have considering the fact that been bought.(Graphic: Fantastic Morning Britain)The forty eight 12 months previous devout Roman Catholic, tipped for a future Tory leader, has built distinct his perception that abortion is "morally indefensible" in all conditions even adhering to a rape.Throughout the interview with Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid on Good Early morning Britain, he stated: "Everyday living is sacrosanct and begins at The purpose of conception."Nevertheless the father of 6 continues to be adamant that purchasing the Indonesian company Kalbe Farma whose tummy ulcer tablets are routinely employed for abortions provides no conflict along with his beliefs.Anti abortion MP Jacob Rees Mogg admits his corporation gains from abortion pillsHe suggests that's for the reason that abortion is prohibited during the state And so the capsules aren't overtly offered for that objective.But in India abortion continues to be lawful for 46 a long time, with terminations permitted up to 20 months into pregnancy. Much more than six million a yr are performed around the subcontinent.Rees Mogg explained he didn't make investment decision choices and defended the Keeping within the Indian organization as "pretty smaller in proportion to overall property".The worth of shares was just a tenth from the that Somerset Money still holds in Kalbe Farma.But the MP added of your FDC holding: "I'm glad to state it is a inventory that we no longer hold.
"The Slade Faculty of Artwork varieties Portion of University Higher education, London. The student was initial launched on the Antique Area, which is furnished with a lot of casts of late Greek, Greco Roman and Italian renaissance sculpture: no archaic Greek, no Oriental, no 'Gothic' illustrations have been to get noticed.
Assets would need to become removed.Mainly because it seems, there were an unusually low number of ash trees that needed to appear down as a result of emerald ash borer sickness."It truly is scarce in Wainfleet to not have 70% ash," mentioned ecologist Deanna Lindblad, who is effective to be a restoration challenge guide with the NPCA. "It had been mainly black walnut, sugar maple and oak trees in there."However, Drennan claimed, a tree rely on the location showed it would gain by a method the NPCA phone calls "stand improvement.""Many of the trees ended up dying off," he claimed."There are a few people who consider a forest really should in no way be Reduce.
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joyffree · 3 years ago
Join us for the #NewRelease Tour
Title: Chill Factor
Authors: Anna Bishop Barker, Freya Barker, Taryn Bradley, Maddie Wade
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Spending the holidays in the snowy mountains of Colorado could be a dream come true…unless you’re in the path of a monster blizzard.
As the guests of Aspen’s prestigious ski resort, the St. James Inn, brace for the storm of the century, their holiday vacation changes from jovial celebration to desperate survival.
Join the authors of Sister Scribes — Anna Bishop Barker, Freya Barker, Taryn Bradley, and Maddie Wade — as they bring you four stories of romance in this suspenseful Christmas anthology.
#ChillFactor #HolidayAnthology #RomanticSuspense #MultiAuthor #BAPpr #ChillFactorAnthologyReleaseBlitz
@freya_barker Anna Bishop Barker @mamabear7128 @TarynBradley11 & Maddie Wade
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isfeed · 3 years ago
With all eyes on the Indo-Pacific, a burgeoning tech alliance is taking shape in the Euro-Atlantic
With all eyes on the Indo-Pacific, a burgeoning tech alliance is taking shape in the Euro-Atlantic
Tyson Barker Contributor Share on Twitter Tyson Barker is head of the Technology and Global Affairs Program at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP). He previously worked at Aspen Germany where, as deputy executive director and fellow, he was responsible for the institute’s digital and transatlantic programs. Prior to that, Barker served in numerous positions including as senior adviser…
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daffylaura · 3 years ago
COVER: Chill Factor: A Christmas Anthology
COVER: Chill Factor: A Christmas Anthology
Title: Chill Factor: A Christmas Anthology Authors: Anna Bishop Barker, Freya Barker, Taryn Bradley and Maddie Wade Genre: Romantic Suspense Release Date: November 15, 2021 Cover Design: Freya Barker Spending the holidays in the snowy mountains of Colorado could be a dream come true…unless you’re in the path of a monster blizzard.As the guests of Aspen’s prestigious ski resort, the St. James…
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rebouks · 2 years ago
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Previous | Ne-.. what, no next?!
jkjk.. NEXT!
Well.. that's a wrap folks! I can't believe it's almost been two whole years of Somnium! Thank you so much to anyone who's read along and gotten as attached to my guys as much as I have. I had no idea where I was going or what I was getting into when I started this, and what a beast it turned into!! Over 790 scenes 😱 I've had more fun than I could've imagined and although this is the end of Somnium, it's not the end of Oscar n' co. and certainly not the end of my storytelling ventures! But I'll ramble about my future plans in another post I think... Big kisses and hugs to you all on this momentous occasion ahaaakjsdkjd! 🤗🧡
Also! plz enjoy this silliness I faffed around with just for funsies...
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bdscuatui · 5 years ago
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Các giao dịch bất động sản ở Massachusetts cho các quận Hampshire và Franklin, ngày 5 tháng 4 năm 2020 (Biên tập viên Lưu ý: Các hành động của Hạt Hampden không có sẵn vì việc đóng cửa tạm thời Tòa án Roderick L. Ireland ở Springfield vì lo ngại về coronavirus.)AmherstMelanie J. Fletcher-Howell cho Jessica M. Jimison, 15 High Point Drive, 250.000 đô la.Lise N. Halpern và Jeffrey S. Cooley cho Michael W. McClurg và Heather W. McClurg, 22 ngõ ống Ấn Độ, $ 627.000.Các doanh nghiệp lịch sử LLC, đến Daniel R. Friedman và Lara S. Friedman, 22 đường cán dốc, 350.000 đô la.Richard P. Lawlor và Catherine Lawlor cho Joel R. Acker và Tara A. Acker, 36 Weaver Circle, $ 570.000.Ellen Panzer đến Tracy L. Ross, 30 Justice Drive, $ 274.000.Sân vận độngKelly D. McDonald đến Tracey J. Ingebretsen, 308 Buckley Road, 55.000 USD.BelchertownGary K. Gian hàng và Kinda A. Currier đến 67 Dressel Avenue LLC, Phố Dressel, $ 100.Thomas R. Hresko cho Julie A. Ayres và Julie Ayres, 11 Vòng nguyệt quế, 15.000 đô la.Dean M. Kolodji và Julie A. Kolodji đến Brian P. Patrick và Carrie Ann Patrick, 153 Stebbins St., $ 370.000.Newbridge Industries và Nichola Reville cho Peter Farfard, 22 Prescott Hill, $ 253.000.Lenox Homes LLC, đến Mea Afghanistan L. Williamson và Joel F. Williamson, 635 N. Washington St., và 635 North Washington St., 355.000 đô la.Ellen Arble, Ellen Arble, đại diện cá nhân, và Martin J. Clayton, bất động sản, cho Ellen Arble và James Arble, 11 Springfield Road, 100 đô la.DeerfieldJohn L. Plotkin cho Ruggles Family Trust, Michael S. Ruggles, ủy thác, 101 Plain Road, $ 420.000.Richard A. Eaton đến Barbara L. Williams và Larry J. Williams, 17 đường dành cho trẻ em, $ 182.500.Đông thànhChristopher C. Fickett, Kerry Hughes-Fickett, Kerri Hughes-Fickett và Chad D. Alexander đến Elyane Harney, 46 Pomeroy St., $ 534.500.Barry Small và Linda B. Nhỏ đối với James William Poro và Allison Elizabeth Egan-Sherry, 10 Lawler Drive, $ 326.000.XóaJames Van Houten đến Anthony F. Manzi, 20 Quốc lộ Pháp, 60.000 đô la.GranbyScott William Wilson và Joy Wilson Skipton đến Matthew Skipton, ủy thác, Ryan Skipton, ủy thác, Sarah V. Wilson, ủy thác, Philip S. Wilson, ủy thác, Kevin M. Boisselle, ủy thác và Skipton Wilson Irrevocable Trust, Burnett Street, 100 đô la.Cánh đồng xanhRCK Greenfield LLC, đến Triple Net Greenfield LLC, 240 Liên bang St., và 5 Pierce St., 5.130.000 đô la.Patricia M. Russo động sản, Priscilla E. Daniels, đại diện cá nhân, đến Priscilla E. Daniels, 354 Wells St., $ 62,600.HadleyKestrel Land tin tưởng vào Ngân hàng thực phẩm của Western Massachusetts Inc., Shattuck Road, $ 1,260,000.HatfieldDeborah M. Keisch và Timothy D. Scott cho Michael Murphy, 113 Triển vọng St., 394.000 đô la.Giáo dụcElena L. Maslowski, Jon Paul Devanandan, Martin Devanandan và Eileen Sullivan-Boss, người bảo quản, đến Matthew P. Larochelle, 112 Dunphy Drive, 205.000 USD.Norbert I. Goldfield cho Christine Fiedler, 26 Lưỡi liềm, $ 214.000.Apple Tree LLC, đến 11 đường Orchard LLC, 11 đường Orchard, 150.000 đô la.Giám mục Công giáo La Mã của Springfield đến O hèConnell Hawley LLC, 10 Hawley St., $ 1,260,000.Giám mục Công giáo La Mã của Springfield đến O hèConnell Hawley LLC, Phillips Place, $ 315,000.Lawrence R. Snyder và Colleen Q. Snyder to Heather Snyder O hèConnor, ủy thác, và Lawrence & Colleen Snyder Irrevocable Trust, 196 Overlook Drive, $ 100.Richard D. Rasa và Richard D. G. Casreen cho Anthony Lewis Brown và Jason Matthew Zellmer, 1 Florence St., 270.000 đô la.Sân phía bắcBeatrice L. DiFrancesco đến Catherine L. Broadhead, 21 Đường thông, 81.000 USD.David Dukor-Jackson và Tara R. Dukor-Jackson cho Vincent R. Pernice và Kaylee Pernice, 45 Ferncliff Ave., 178.500 đô la.Kimberly A. Nông dân đến Aida LLC, 60 Main St., $ 310.000.Cerosimo Industries Inc., đến Marianne M. Geoffroy và Mark W. Geoffroy, 31 Old Elm Way, $ 53,900.James H. Hurt đến M. Jemms Orange I LLC, 39-41 Dễ chịu, $ 240.000Đồng bằngMartin J. Padden Jr., đến Caryl Ann Finn, Alden Lane và Bow Street, $ 22.000.Martin J. Padden Jr., đến Roxanne Laurel Finn, Alden Lane và Bow Street, 33.000 đô la.ShelburneDevon G. Whitney đến Mary Lou Gallup và Charles J. Readinger, 203 Shelburne Center Road, 349.000 USD.Nam HadleyDaniel Dowen và Danielle Dowen đến Frederick R. Smith, 631 Newton St. và Belmont Avenue, 304.900 đô la.Patrick S. Sabbs và Karen D. Sabbs cho Daniel Dowen và Danielle Dowen, 45 Red Bridge Lane, 459.000 USD.Mary Elizabeth Rinaldi đến 86 Shadowbrook Trust và Mary Elizabeth Rinaldi, ủy thác, 86 Shadowbrook, 100 đô la.Deborah Pisciotta cho Isaac W. Weitzman và Robert B. Weitzman, 47 Baker St., và 47 Shadowbrook Estates, $ 276.000.Deborah K. Pelc đến Loretta A. Chudzik, 12 đường chân trời, 100 đô la.Loretta A. Chudzik và Deborah K. Pelc, luật sư thực tế, đến Home Cải thiện LLC, 12 Skyline Drive, $ 170.000.Crystal L. Harto, Andrew D. Harto và Crystal L. O HãyBrien đến Kathleen J. Bryant, 4 Birchwood Place, 229.000 USD.SouthamptonMary A. Phelan cho Samuel R. Maule và Kimberly H. Maule, 3 vòng tròn Jeanne, 355.000 USD.Janet Elizabeth Buhlmann, người được ủy thác và Edna M. Bresnahan Sự tin tưởng không thể hủy bỏ đối với Sandra Demers, 220 College Highway, $ 247,600.đồFannie Mae, Hiệp hội thế chấp quốc gia liên bang và Dịch vụ bất động sản lục địa Inc., luật sư của Carlos Fragoso Serrazina và Monica Reis Serrazina, 18-20 Vigeant St., và 18 Vigeant St., 63.000 USD.William Cooper III, ủy thác, Brenda L. Cooper, ủy thác và B & B Nominee Niềm tin cho Brenda Cooper-Schworer, 26 South St., 100 đô la.Joseph C. Heymann, Kathryn Jean Heymann và Kathryn Heymann đến Kinda A. Marceau, 20 Highland St., 205.000 USD.Linda M. Kenyon cho Brian R. Nông dân, 11 Barnes St., $ 142.000.Heidi Pardee và Jason Pardee đến Adilson Lima Jr., 9 Castle St., 136.000 USD.Rufus G. Chaffee, Rebecca Chaffee và Rebecca Lawrence đến Kaycee E. Partlow, 36 Aspen St., 138.000 USD.Maurice R. Lavallee đến Edward J. Smith, 26 đường Gould, 107.000 đô la.Belco Construction Co Inc., đến CDC Investments Group LLC, Wildflower Drive, 75.000 đô la.Tây thành phốLans G. Christenson, Candice Christenson và Candice Russo đến Kelyn C. Dutkiewicz, Đường Tây Bắc, $ 445.000.WilliamsburgRobert W. Barker và Cynthia C. Barker cho James Dean Paluch và Beth Ann Paluch, 48 South St., $ 624.000.[ad_2] Nguồn
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contrabassconversations · 7 years ago
437: Nash Tomey on overcoming adversity
In this conversation with recent Kansas City Symphony audition winner Nash Tomey, we dig into how Nash overcame a playing injury that threatened to derail his playing career.  This is an inspiring and honest conversation about something that many musicians struggle with during their careers!
About Nash Tomey:
Philadelphia native Nash Tomey joins the Kansas City Symphony beginning with the 2017/18 season. An experienced orchestral bassist and chamber musician, he attended the New England Conservatory where he studied with Boston Symphony Assistant Principal Bass Lawrence Wolfe and Donald Palma of the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra.
Under the tutelage of Boston Symphony Principal Bass Edwin Barker, he received his master’s degree from Boston University in 2017. During summers at the Tanglewood Music Center, Tomey has worked with several noted conductors including Andris Nelsons, Christoph von Dohnányi, Michael Tilson Thomas and Charles Dutoit. He also has attended the Pacific Music Festival, Aspen Music Festival and Wabass Institute.
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This episode is brought to you by D’Addario Strings! Check out their Helicore strings, which are are designed, engineered, and crafted at the D’Addario string factory in New York and come in orchestral, hybrid, pizzicato, and solo string sets.
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The English Double Bass Book examines the great English double bass makers of the 18th and 19th Century, illustrating in fine detail the incredible work they produced. It also explores the fascinating story of how the double bass came to England, its development guided by the great Venetian virtuoso Domenico Dragonetti, and the rise and fall of the English double bass makers. To pre-order your limited-edition copy, please visit www.theenglishdoublebass.com.
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the-record-obituaries · 6 years ago
Aug. 28, 2019: Obituaries
Lexie Roberts, 89
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Mrs. Lexie Juanita Dowdy Roberts better known as "Ma" gained her angel wings on August 24, 2019 at the age of 89.
               Funeral services will be held 2:00 p.m., Saturday August 31, at Reins Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Victor Church, Pastor Steve Shumate and Brother Brandon Dillard officiating. Burial will be in Bethany Baptist Church Cemetery, North Wilkesboro. The family will receive friends from 6:00 until 8:00 Friday evening, August 30, 2019 at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home.
               Ma was born March 30, 1930 in Guilford County to John Arland Dowdy and Lexie Viola Blackburn Dowdy Honeycutt.  She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband; Leroy Roberts, and her daughter, Renea Taylor.  
               She is survived by her sons, John Roberts of Butner, NC,  Don Roberts of Checotah, Oklahoma and Paul Roberts of Millington, Tennessee, grandchildren; Tay Taylor, Adrian Taylor, Candy Caldwell all of Winston Salem, NC, Carmy Taylor of North Wilkesboro, NC, Fletcher Roberts of Alma, Michigan, Kristi Roberts of Union, SC, as well as several distant grandchildren; great grandchildren; Zane Caldwell and Kala Douglas of Winston Salem, NC, Max Taylor of North Wilkesboro, NC, Devin Heinz of Union, SC, Destiny and Kara Church of Wilkesboro, NC, and several distant great grandchildren.
               Ma worked for many years at Gardner Mirror as well as a CNA at Home Care of Wilkes and Avante.
               She was known for her kind, mischievous, loving nature and was a hard working simple woman who loved everyone. She didn't care about worldly riches because she always said she had a mansion waiting. Ma loved to garden, grow flowers, do sequin embroidery, dip snuff, eat chocolate, go to the beach and read her Bible, but most of all spread the word of God.  
               She was a faithful member of Bethany Baptist Church. Ma always sat in the second pew on the right side of the church. She attended until her health declined. When not able to attend, Ma still praised the Lord daily.
               Even as the Alzheimer's progressed her love for Jesus remained. This terrible disease took so much from her but never her faith. Her favorite quote was "God loves you and so do I."
               The family wishes to thank the entire staff of Westwood Hills who have helped take care and love Ma for the last five years. A very special thanks to the staff on the Spark Unit and Orange Hall where Ma resided. The family also wishes to thank Mountain Valley Hospice for their loving
support the last few months.
               In addition to flowers, memorials may be made to the Alzheimer's Association, Attn: Molly Goote 31 College Place Ste. D 103, Asheville, NC 28801 c/o Walk for Ma.
 Arlena Creasman, 79
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Mrs. Arlena Virginia Barker Creasman, age 79 of North Wilkesboro, wife of LaMar Creasman, died Friday, August 23, 2019 at her home.
               A Celebration of Life Service will be held 2:00 p.m. Thursday, August 29, 2019 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church with Rev. Kedron Nicholson officiating.  The family will receive friends Wednesday evening from 6:00PM until 8:00PM at Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home.
               Mrs. Creasman was born June 17, 1940 in Ashe County to Lee and Ilene Gilley Barker.  She was a social worker at Wilkes County Social Services and retired from New River Mental Health as a counselor.  She also specialized in working with children as a private counselor. She continued working for BROC Head Start as a counselor. Arlena was a friend and caregiver to many. She gave herself to others every day of her life. She loved her family and her many friends.  She especially loved her grandkids and great-grandkids and made each of them always feel like they were the favorite.
               She was preceded in death by her parents; one sister, Kathy Sapp; and her brothers-in-law, Delbert Sapp and Haskell (Frog) Hartsog.
               She is survived by two daughters, Vickie Shupe Shew and husband, Claude Shew, Jr., and Robin Shupe Keller and Dave Keller; one son, David Lee Shupe and wife, Karen Rhoades Shupe; five grandchildren, Chris Ferguson and wife, Jessica, Karrie Shew Combs and husband, Matthew, Maggie Shupe, Sophia Shupe, and Amber Keller; six great-grandchildren, Levi Ferguson, Ty Ferguson, Bryce Ferguson, Tori Ferguson, Owen Combs and Addie Combs; one sister, Janet Hartsog; and three special nephews.
               In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to BROC Head Start, 701 Veterans Drive,  North Wilkesboro, NC 28659; Wilkes ADAP Program, P.O. Box 968,  North Wilkesboro, NC 28659; or NC Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners Program, Wilkes County Center, Executive Drive, Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
 Vecie Shoemaker, 86
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Mrs. Vecie Hall Shoemaker, age 86 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Friday, August 23, 2019 at her home.
               Graveside services were August 25,  at Arbor Grove Baptist
Church Cemetery with Rev. Lane Roark officiating.
               Mrs. Shoemaker was born September 28, 1932 in Wilkes County to Clarence E. Hall and Verna Shumate Hall. She retired from Thom McAn Manufacturing, Inc.
               She was preceded in death by her parents and four sisters; Marie Hall Karriker, Catherine Hall Lovette, Sue Hall Miller and Wanda Hall Adams.
               Mrs. Shoemaker is survived by her husband; Bobby E. Shoemaker of the home, two daughters; Lynn Shoemaker Dyer and husband Danny of Millers Creek, Diane Shoemaker Cannon of Wilkesboro, a son; Bobby F. Shoemaker
and wife Pam of North Wilkesboro, four grandchildren; Robin D. Hamby and husband Matt, Amber C. Shumate and husband Andy, Ashley D. Cannon and fiancé Bobby Sheets and Adam P. Shoemaker, six great grandchildren; Aaron Hamby, Adrienne Hamby, Emeliegh Shumate, Ashlyn Shumate,  Dawson Sheets and Gage Sheets, two sisters; Lucille Hall Johnson of Thurmond and Hazel Hall Brown of Moravian Falls and one brother; Ronnie Stone and wife Bonnie of McGrady.
               Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wake Forest Baptist Health Care at Home Hospice 126 Executive Drive Suite 110, Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
 Michael Pennington, 60
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Michael Andrew Pennington, age 60, of Millers Creek, passed away Thursday, August 22, 2019 at his home. He was born April 16, 1959 in Ashe County to William Watson and Reba Phillips Pennington. Michael was a member of Boiling Springs Baptist Church. He enjoyed fixing up old cars and was employed with Tiny's Alignment as a mechanic. He was preceded in death by his parents.
Surviving are his wife, Sandra Polk Pennington; son, Dustin Pennington of Wilkesboro; sisters, Becky Beach and spouse Johnny of Washington, NC, Nancy Pennington of Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Emmalyne Pennington, Benjamin Pennington, Keegan Pennington; and nephew, Cody Beach.
               Funeral service was August 25,  at Boiling Springs Baptist Church with Pastor Joey Moore and Pastor Victor Church officiating. Burial   followed in the church cemetery.  
               Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Miller Funeral Service to help family with funeral expenses.
               Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
               Pallbearers were Cody Beach, Johnny Beach, Clinton Reins, deacons: Raymond Eller, Jerry Eller, Fred Martin, Jeff Phipps, Pedro Sanchez, Steve Jenkins, and James Parker. Honorary pallbearers will be Benjamin Pennington and Keegan Pennington.
 Aurelia Delp, 78
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Mrs. Aurelia Allen Brown Delp, age 78 of Millers Creek, wife of Robert Clayton Delp passed away Thursday, August 22, 2019 at her home.
               Funeral services will be held 2:00 PM  Thursday, August 29, 2019 at Millers Creek United  Methodist Church with Rev. Cokie Bristol officiating. Burial will be in Mountlawn Memorial Park. The family will receive friends from 12:30 until 1:30  at the church.
               Mrs. Delp was born October 4, 1940 in Wilkes County to John Quincy Brown and Ona Belle Blackburn Brown. She graduated from Wilkes Central High School in 1960, was a Senior Girl Scout and enjoyed gardening and cooking. She worked in retail at the Sears store before becoming a fulltime Homemaker. Mrs. Delp was a member
of Millers Creek United Methodist Church.
               In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by three sisters; Mary James and husband John, Martha Faw and husband Gurnie and Betty Jennings and three brothers; Quincy Brown and wife Gladys, James Brown and wife Sally Adkins and Clayton Brown and wife Ruby.
               She is survived by her husband; Robert Clayton Delp of the home, a daughter; Tina Delp of Millers Creek, a son; Tony Delp and wife Jennifer of Fuquay-Varina, two grandchildren; Richard "Clayton" Delp and Christine Delp and a brother in law; Ralph Jennings of Gaffney, SC.
               Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wake Forest Baptist Health Care at Home Hospice 126 Executive Drive Suite 110 Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
Nancy Thompson, 64
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Nancy Trudean Thompson, age 64, of Millers Creek, passed away Wednesday, August 21, 2019 at Forsyth
Medical Center. Mrs. Thompson was born February 17, 1955 in Wilkes County to her mother, Faye Dancy Combs. She was a member of Pine View Baptist Church. She loved to play the piano, in which she was the pianist and was faithful to her church as long as she was able. Nancy dearly loved her family. She vol
unteered with Meals on Wheels and Senior Companions. Nancy was preceded in death by her mother.
               Surviving are her daughter, Suzanna Harrold of Hays; son, Ashley Winfield Harrold of Hays; grandchildren, Lydia Harrold, Jaseanna Trudean
Harrold, Landon Ray Harrold, Samuel Winfield Harrold, Alyssia Harrold; great grandchildren, Oakley Aspen Weaver and Kaycen Grey Bartleson; sister, Brenda Miller and spouse Dean of North Wilkesboro; brothers, Michael Combs, Joey
 Combs and spouse Chasity all of Millers Creek; father, Rev. Amos Combs and spouse Iris of Millers Creek; special friends and neighbors, Billy and Jerrie Rash; and her dog, Benny.
               Funeral service was August 24,   at Pine View Baptist Church with Pastor Steve Shumate, Rev. Kevin Souther, Rev. Jason Wiles, Rev. Amos Combs officiating. Burial  followed in Mountlawn Memorial Park.  
               Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Bobby Bumgarner,  82
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Mr. Bobby Gray Bumgarner, age 82 of Wilkesboro, passed away Tuesday, August 20. 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist-Wilkes Medical Center.
               Funeral services were August 23, 2 at Reins Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Jamie McGuire officiating. Burial was in Scenic Memorial Gardens.  
               Mr. Bumgarner was born July 31, 1937 in Wilkes County to John Alonzo Bumgarner and Cilla Creola Watts Bumgarner. He retired after 45 years of service from the North Carolina Department of Transportation. Mr.
Bumgarner was a member of Pilgrim Baptist Church.
               He was preceded in death by his parents, a son; Michael Graylin Bumgarner, a sister; Gladys Margaret Bumgarner Shumaker, four brothers; Ted Bumgarner, Jim Bumgarner, Rex Bumgarner and Rale Bumgarner and a sister in law; Ruth Bumgarner.
               Mr. Bumgarner is survived by his wife; Betty Jo Lankford Bumgarner of the home and a son; Jeffrey Todd Bumgarner of Millers Creek.
               In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to
Pruitt Hospice 924 Main Street Suite 100 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or the Humane Society of Wilkes PO Box 306 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
 Dean Stamper, 73
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Dean Arnold Stamper, age 73, of McGrady, passed away Monday, August 19, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Health-Wilkes Regional. He was born March 8, 1946 in Wilkes County to Connie and Bessie Mae Ellis Stamper. Mr. Stamper loved to fish
and hunt. He also loved being with his grandchildren and great grandchildren. Mr. Stamper was preceded in death by his parents; a daughter, Lynn Annette Stamper; brother , William Donald Stamper, Montie Stamper; sister, Grace Beck and brother-in-law, Jim; and brother-in-law, Eugene James.
               Dean is survived by his wife, Nancy Carol Johnson Stamper; sons, Steven Stamper of Wilkesboro, Roy Thomas Stamper of Raleigh; daughters, Sheila Stamper Brock of McGrady, brother, Ivory Lester Stamper of Wilkes, sisters, Vella James of Winston Salem, Cleo Stamper Rakes of Wilkesboro; sister-in-law, Gladys Stamper of Wilkes; grandchildren, Christina Darnelle Stamper of Kings Mountain, Steven Worth Stamper, William Dean Brock both of McGrady, Adam Joseph Brock and spouse Ashley of Hendersonville; five great grandchildren; two great grandchildren on the way; several nieces and nephews.
               Graveside service was August 21,  at Cane Creek Baptist Church Cemetery with Rev. Kenny Absher officiating.                                           Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Steven Meade,  57
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Steven Lee Meade, age 57, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Friday, August 16, 2019 at Forsyth Medical Center. Mr. Meade was born June 13, 1962 in Hamlin, West Virginia to James Merle and Ella Victoria Bare Meade. He was preceded in death by his father and a brother, Haskel Cleek.
               Surviving are his wife, Theda Wyatt Meade; daughter, Ashley Meade of Mattoon, Illinois; sons, Stevie Meade and Dustin Meade of Mattoon, Illinois; mother, Ella Victoria Bare of North Wilkesboro; step daughter, Lisa Anderson of Millers Creek; step son, Frankie Reavis of North Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Jason Brown and
Cheyenne Brown; brothers, Mark Meade of Paris, Tennessee, Brian Meade of Roaring River; and sisters, Delta Miller of Millers Creek, Mary Alice Urick of North Wilkesboro.
               Funeral service was August 24,   at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Randy Johnson and Rev. Rev. Wiley Boggs officiating. Burial followed in Scott Blevins Cemetery in Lansing.
               Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
               Pallbearers were Mark Meade, Brian Meade, Stevie Meade, Kevin Phillips, Travis Miller, Cory Miller, Jason Brown and Dustin Meade.
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asherintherei · 8 years ago
A Little Cabin
"You can't just tell people you hate them, that's not how society works. Besides, you don't know them." She set a plate down, steam rising in front of him. He watched her move around the kitchen. "Well go on," she insisted. "Eat," He rested an elbow on the wooden table and placed his cheek into his hand. "I'm not hungry," he sighed, shutting his eyes. The one thing he hated was speaking to people. Erin was persistent, though, and continued forcing him to go into public places. It always ended badly, but she never seemed to give up. "Aspen, eat. You haven't eaten all day." Aspen felt Erin hover over him. He sighed once more and opened his eyes, dark brown hair whipping over his face and tickling his nose. "You also need a hair cut. We'll go into town tomorrow and ask Mrs. Barkers to trim it." Erin threw a rag over her shoulder, plopping into a chair sitting on the opposite side of Aspen. "I swear, if it weren't for me, you'd be dead by now." Erin sighed, smiling gently towards Aspen. He shook his head, lifting it from his hand. He reached for the wooden spoon next to the plate and began eating. Their cabin was small but cozy, rooms connected together in a 'welcome home' fashion. During Winter, they sectioned one room off to hold firewood, bark constantly being swept out of the room and into the front of the cabin. Ever since they were little, Erin always took care of Aspen. She was 3 years older than him and watched over him after their mother had died. "You know," The smile never drifted from her face, instead, got larger and possessed him to smile at her. "Mother's birthday is in a few days." She twisted a piece of blonde hair between her fingers. "What do you say to visit her?" She tilted her chin up, shortly frowning before placing the smile on her face once again. "We can buy her something when we go to town." Aspen watched her, stone-faced at the mention of mother. "Why to get her something when she can't use it," Apsen said, placing his spoon on his plate and pushing the remaining food away. "I am not hungry." He stood and pushed his chair in, catching a glimpse of Erin's face softening, the smile placed with a sad frown. "Aspen, we don't have to go if you don't-" He turned to her, a glare shinning over his face now, anger settling into his stomach. "I don't. You can go by yourself." He stomped away from the kitchen, stepping into his room. He stripped himself of his clothes and quickly put on warm, soft pajamas. He felt despicable for snapping at his sister, who was just trying to make him feel better. 'I can't do this right,' he thought to himself, sitting on his small bed, sighing. A quiet tap came at his door, and he called for Erin to enter. "Aspen, let's go to the woods after visiting the town. We're low on food right now anyways." Erin timidly said, a small, gentle smile on her lips, dancing away at the small light coming from a candle lit in Aspen's room. He watched her momentarily, then with a heavy sigh, he nodded his head. "Better get sleep then," he said, laying down and putting his back to her and the door. "And I'm sorry for snapping. We can go see mother." The door clicked a moment after and Aspen lifted his head, seeing Erin was gone and the door shut. He sat up and blew the candle out, laying back down and closing his eyes, falling into a misfortunate dream.
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ericfruits · 8 years ago
Germany is not the new leader of the free world
IF HELMUT KOHL, the deceased chancellor whom Germany commemorated in a ceremony on July 1st, could have looked up from his coffin to assess his country’s global standing, it would have made him proud. European and Chinese leaders were passing through Berlin for preparatory talks ahead of the annual G20 summit of large economies, which this year takes place in Hamburg from July 7th. A week earlier Angela Merkel lambasted the isolationism and protectionism of Donald Trump’s America in a speech to the Bundestag. Once Mr Kohl’s protégée, the chancellor of his reunified Germany is sometimes dubbed the “leader of the free world” in the Anglo-Saxon media.
Yet such epithets get things wrong. To understand why, look at Germany’s relations with Africa, Poland and America.
The flummery is not all misplaced. Mrs Merkel is the most respected (see chart) and longest-serving of the main world leaders. Germany’s new economic pre-eminence has given it the leading role in Europe. The scars of its 20th-century history are healing, and it is becoming more assertive: having got used to foreign military deployment in Afghanistan, it has now broadened into new missions in Mali and Lithuania. Today an isolated Britain and an unpredictable America channel international hopes for stability and leadership towards Berlin.
A measure of Germany’s new confidence is its “Marshall Plan for Africa”. Named after the American scheme that pumped money into Europe after the second world war, this programme of aid and private investment takes aim at the root causes of the refugee crisis. Berlin is pouring cash into the Lake Chad basin, where the jihadists of Boko Haram have spread fear and misery, and into border-security improvements across West Africa. Jan Techau of the American Academy in Berlin explains that, because Germany is a trade-based economy, and (unlike America or Britain) has no oceans to protect it, it is increasingly willing to make sacrifices to preserve the global order.
Yet Germany in 2017 is not America in 1947. It is much smaller, and has little military power. Its “Marshall Plan” vastly overstates its capacity. German officials in West Africa have been told to stop using the term. Development work “won’t curb the numbers of migrants”, admits one. Berlin’s efforts will be insignificant unless others pitch in, too. Thus Mrs Merkel intends to use the G20 to win allies for her plan. Such diplomacy is Germany’s great strength. For example, it was Poland that first argued for European sanctions on Russia for its interference in Ukraine in 2014, but Mrs Merkel who made them happen.
Nevertheless, Berlin’s relations with Warsaw are terrible. Poland’s populist Law and Justice government uses Germany (and especially its liberal refugee policy) as a bogeyman and rides roughshod over democratic norms. The Poles evoke the second world war to mobilise anti-German sentiment. Such memories still dissuade Berlin from taking the lead on European issues, until leadership vacuums force it to. During the migrant crisis, Berlin was too slow to ask for co-operation from the Poles, who, after Law and Justice took power in 2015, refused to accept any refugees. When the European Union insisted, Poland ignored it. And this from a country economically dependent on Germany.
With America, Mrs Merkel may sound as if she is boldly rejecting Trumpism. (Europe should rely less on the United States for its security and should press ahead with globalisation, she told a crowd in Munich in May.) But much of this is for domestic consumption. Mr Trump is wildly unpopular in Germany, and the chancellor is preparing for an election in September. In any case, commitments to multilateralism and free trade are uncontroversial in Germany, “the ultimate status quo power”, says Tyson Barker of the Aspen Institute. And most important, Berlin’s limited hard power makes it militarily dependent on the United States.
For these reasons Germany’s real American policy is not confrontation (hardly Mrs Merkel’s style, in any case) but damage control. The chancellor is trying to woo Mr Trump by offering Germany’s industrial model as an example to his country. Her officials are extending links to other parts of the American government, like Congress and the states. Mr Trump’s uncompromising tone on his last visit to Europe, in May, prompted them to begin contingency planning, to decide where Germany should hold its ground in case of clashes. But all recognise that their country does so from a position of weakness.
Germany’s greatest constraint is that more than most other powers, it depends on the multilateral order. Berlin is becoming more self-assured, and now has a like-minded ally in Emmanuel Macron of France. But Mrs Merkel simply cannot supply the leadership that is being demanded of her. The liberal world is looking to Germany not because the world is going Germany’s way, but because it is not.
This article appeared in the Europe section of the print edition under the headline "The Merkel doctrine"
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