#but un rebloggable for that reason
meetinginsamarra · 9 months
My Year in Review
I have not written a lot this year. 2 fics and 15 ficlets. I started with plotting and writing a real casefic last December and managed about 5 chapters. Then there was a very long general writing hiatus starting June 2023 due to - let's say - challenging IRL events that ended only in October. October was great with the whumptober prompts and I completed the challenge for the second time.
I restarted writing on the casefic in November highly motivated and because I broke my ankle and have been on sick-leave since then there was a lot of writing time. I finished chapter 12 today, 43k words in and there will be "only" two more chapters to write. Depending on my beta I hope to be able to post on AO3 soon in early 2024.
Oyster and Mushroom Soup in February 2023, part 2 of the crackfic series "Sherlock's Secret Laboratory Journal"
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15 ficlets (parts 6 to 20) in my Sherlock Ficlets for Writing Challenges collection for the May writing prompts by @notjustamumj
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Slowly Suffocating a fic following the 31 prompts for whumptober
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I could not reblog my own post (it's been deactivated??) so I'll just repost it.
I wanted to thank all the lovely people who have reblogged and commented on the original.
Thanks for the "congrats" @thetimemoves
Thanks for "every finished fic is a victory" @raina-at
Thanks for "Sending happy writing thoughts your way for 2024" and "That's a lot accomplished" @helloliriels
@lololollywrites said "I think our perception of “a lot” is skewed compared to those who do not write at all" and "this is significant and you should be proud!"
You are def right! The "not a lot" I referred to is biased because I wanted to write much more and am a bit unsatisfied with this. But apart from me no one knows this and sees the result objectively as it is.
@totallysilvergirl said "Sometimes we gallop, sometimes we canter, sometimes we walk for a bit. Happy new year's eve, and hope RL is gentler with you in 2024 🤍"
Thanks for the wishes and your wise words, I like them very much.
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nightseeye · 3 months
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Debated on posting a wip but check out this girly im making Anywaes
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picory · 2 years
btw, revived my art blog recently @turnaboutart (it's a new blog entirely). again, simply using it for easy access and viewing of my art. plus, look at my icon :D
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babbelswoofominides · 21 days
Hello, welcome to my blog! How I tag spoilers, organized by tv shows:
- Dr. Who latest season:  #dr. who spoilers  #spoilers
- WWDITS s6:   #wwdits spoilers  #spoilers    
- Hazbin Hotel s1, Loki, Ofmd,  WWDITS s5, Percy Jackson s1: officially not tagged anymore, this is not a spoilers free blog! Blog is currently on semi-hiatus: queue is just 2 posts per day, I am not here as much as I was before, and it's for a variety of reasons (under the cut)
This blog was dedicated to fandoms: massively Good Omens, then others too, some come, some go. It's been a year since s2 of Go and the "hyper fixation" naturally subsided. Then NG was outed as a massive pos of unprecedented proportions, so that basically killed my enthusiasm for an eventual new season. Ofmd was cancelled. DBD too. HH and HB are still going and even there, the interest has lowered a lot. Shit's going on in my real life, I have a lot more things to think of and here's why I'm taking a semi pause from this blog. I have enough stress and anxiety for irl things, I can't spare enough mental energies to the Go fandom dramas right now. There's not a day where some toxic post crosses my dashboard, reminding the go fans how we suck in this or that way. I'm tired, frankly, of feeling guilty of something I have no power over. There's a whole host of toxic takes in the fandom and from the haters right now: if you partake in the GO fandom you're an apologist of NG, if you take a pause for your own mental sanity "you're putting your mental health above NG's victims" and you're a horrible person for that. However we behave, it's clear there's a vocal minority who has taken residence everywhere and are bullying and threatening fans left and right just for fun, all while claiming they're the only ones who care about what's going on with NG, while DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING themselves, except insult people some more! I've seen a more positive attitude and actual initiatives from the GO fandom than the haters, that's for sure.
So, in all this, I'm taking a well needed pause: from doom scrolling on tumblr where none of my old fandoms either exist or bring me joy anymore, from the toxicity of tumblr in general (desperate fans, NG apologists, bullies, slacktivists), from feeling powerless and like I have to do *something* about a situation where I don't go and where I have 0 chances of doing something useful. I will probably be back for the end October, when the waters will hopefully have calmed down (whether s3 gets confirmed or cancelled, shit's going to hit the fan and I'm piena rasa), and my other fandoms like WWDITS and HB will have picked up some steam.
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bethanyactually · 7 months
The lovely @mylittleredgirl told me to make this poll so she could vote in it, so here it is. I made it un-rebloggable so it should only hit people who actually follow me. Everyone should do this! But like Red, I will tag the first five mutuals in my activity feed: @pretty-thief, @geneeste, @sdwolfpup, @sesamestreep, @wordybee.
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poorlittleyaoyao · 1 year
Alright! So I'm done reading through the 7seas translation of Volume 2. Overall, there were some parts I really enjoyed and found interesting, but not enough so that I'm going to read the other volumes.
Originally there was just gonna be one post, but Things I Found Really Fun/Interesting are gonna get their own post because hooo boy my explanation of Things That Didn't Work For Me got long.
The bullet point version of Things That Didn't Work For Me:
-I simply do not vibe with Wangxian.
-If WWX's narration is meant to be taken at face value, then this story lacks the nuance people ascribe to it. However, I don't think it leans hard enough into him being an unreliable narrator, especially since the narration sporadically jumps into omniscient or even into other characters' viewpoints with little transition.
-Since I already know the story, WWX's complete lack of reflection re: anything related to his past is a dealbreaker for me.
All of these are expanded on ad nauseam under the cut! I'm making this un-rebloggable because I don't really want a discussion here. None of this is meant to be taken as objective assessment. This isn't a book review or a manifesto; this just my personal reactions. If you came away thinking something completely different, cool! You're not wrong! If you came away thinking something similar, cool! You're not wrong either! I'm just typing it out to solidify my own thoughts, and maybe it'll solidify yours too, whether in agreement or objection.
-A big part of why I liked this one more than Volume 1 (and why I got through it much more quickly once I started reading it) is that much of it focused on characters who weren't Wangxian, and even when Wangxian were together, they were usually focused on crime-solving. What I loved about their dynamic in the drama is that they were two very different men who are nonetheless work wonderfully together, learn from each other, and understand each other in a way nobody else does; I want that relationship but without the censorship constraints that prevent it from being explicitly romantic. The novel dynamic of LWJ being hopelessly devoted since they were teens while WWX genuinely doesn't even think they're friends when he returns, with all the romance development coming via Wacky Physical Intimacy Hijinks while LWJ is drunk (and thus won't remember later, meaning that there's no development beyond WWX internally going "haha that was weird! hope he's not mad at me!")... that's not doing it for me, and since that's meant to be the centerpiece of the story, no thanks.
-The narration is so WEIRD. WWX is an unreliable narrator, yes, but I don't feel that the text leans into that hard enough, though I can't vouch for how much of that is due to translation. I got through this genuinely unsure whether we were supposed to find him unreliable, because the thing he's definitely wrong about--LWJ's feelings towards him--is presented slightly differently. Incorrect conclusions about LWJ often come in WWX's inner monologue or are phrased in such a way that it's clear WWX personally thinks this, preceded with a "WWX wondered" or "WWX thought" or something like that. The statements about other characters, however, are often presented as statements of fact: "[Character] was [thing]." WWX's editorializing is never in conflict with those statements, nor does the text provide us with reasons to doubt those assessments the way we do with his takes on LWJ.
-The narration also doesn't stay with WWX. It switches into this quasi-omniscient mode to infodump information that is universally accepted as true and/or that WWX would straight-up not know. The viewpoint sometimes abruptly shifts to other characters entirely--during Yi City, we hear LSZ's inner monologue about the congee and how he feels safe around LWJ and WWX in the middle of a scene that is otherwise told by WWX. The narration's tendency to hop around rather than commit fully to WWX's third-person limited viewpoint makes it unclear what (if anything) we're supposed to doubt, IMO. This might be a personal preference, but I think unreliable narrator only works if nobody else gets interiority (so we're clearly stuck in this person's head) or if other characters get equal and competing interiority (so we can compare and contrast). I honestly can't fault readers who take the narration as objective truth, because IMO there frankly isn't much to gainsay it beyond vibes.
(I have some longer thoughts about how novels generally allow for so much more subjectivity than film, the way a script is by design far more subjective than any specific adaptation of it, but this post is already long enough!)
-I don't know how I would receive this story if I hadn't seen the drama first. Perhaps I'd like it more, because I wouldn't be comparing it to anything and all the twists would come as surprises. Perhaps I'd be totally uninterested, because I wouldn't know that cool stuff was coming; Volume 1 was a slog for me, and I mostly got Volume 2 because I knew it had Yi City and the Cultivation Conference drama. We will never know! But, as someone who has seen the drama and therefore knows where WWX has been... his lack of reaction and reflection on anything related to his past is deeply off-putting. He seems to simply not care at all about the harm he has caused the people he supposedly loves.
There's a bit during Empathy with NMJ where he sees his past self try to start shit with JZX with no provocation; JZX asks how JYL is doing, and WWX flies off the handle telling him to fuck off. Though readers haven't yet learned the exact circumstances of their deaths, we know that WWX is held responsible for JYL and JZX's deaths. We know that Jin Ling, whom WWX has been bonding with, is an orphan for reasons that have something to do with WWX. So you would expect, upon being confronted with his past self needlessly antagonizing JZX (whom he inadvertently killed), and actively discouraging his and JYL's union (which he knows now was a happy one), you'd expect SOME sort of reaction. Regret at having been so hostile towards JZX? Realization that this sort of behavior maybe contributed to everyone believing the worst of him? Acknowledgement that JZX had turned over a new leaf at that point? Defensive insistence that well, okay, maybe he was harsh then, but that peacock was soooo annoying before? Rueful amusement at similarities between JZX and JL? LITERALLY ANYTHING WOULD BE FINE.
Instead, all we get is him going "haha, wow, past me was sooooo cringe!" at the very beginning of the scene. He never responds to the altercation itself beyond going "oh yeah, I remember this." Nothing to say here, but PLENTY to say about how LWJ looks and much speculation about LXC encouraging LWJ to talk to him.
"Oh, well, WWX doesn't dwell on the past!" people said when I first complained way back when I was reading the first volume. And that's true, he doesn't! He forgets and suppresses as a defense mechanism! It's a major character trait! But this... doesn't read to me as a complicated man actively refusing to engage. This reads to me, simply, as a man who doesn't care. And yes, I know that the structure of the novel means we can't reveal too about the past much too soon, but there are ways to show a character is impacted without saying what or why. In the wildly nonlinear novel Catch-22, we don't know exactly why Yossarian refuses to fly, but we know he's fucked up about something even before we get the flashback with Snowden's death. In the middle-grade verse novella Love That Dog, Jack is angry and uncomfortable when asked to write about a pet; the target audience of 10-year-olds can already infer that something bad happened to his pet, even though it'll be quite some time before Jack is finally willing to write about his dog being hit by a car.
I don't get that from WWX at all, and whether this is a shortcoming in the writing itself, a failure of translation, or if WWX is just an asshole incapable of reflection, I'm not here for it, and it's too much for me to want to push through since he's the viewpoint character we're with for the long haul.
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deathbirby · 11 months
I'm gonna Go There for a second: for a bunch of fuckers who won't shut up about being the OnLy PeOpLe with reading comprehension, them thinking that the Nabateans committed ANY genocide at all is, ironically enough, them not comprehending what they're reading.
"[The False God] will bring extinction to all children of men, and salvation to all beasts of the land, sky, and sea. For the children of men who spilled too much of the blood of life, it promises only cruel retribution. The False God must be defeated before the world sinks into a watery grave. To this end, the children of men have erected pillars of light upon the land. Thinis, Malum, Septen, and Llium were utterly destroyed. Those lands have vanished from this world. Yet even still, the False God stands. And soon, a flood aptly named Despair will drown this world.
The children of men fled to the depths of the earth, beyond the sight of the False God, beyond the embrace of the sacred sun, and beyond the reach of the waters of Despair. They swore a fervent oath of revenge against the surface world, ruled by beasts, and against their tormentor, the False God."
What this is saying:
Sothis will bring extinction to all children of men... who have already killed too many people. Meaning by this own propaganda's logic she is NOT bringing extinction, she's just killing specific people who have done horrific deeds to OTHER PEOPLE already
Sothis had not and has not flooded the world. "must be defeated before the world sinks into a watery grave" "And soon, a flood aptly named Despair will drown this world" - all the language pretty much explicitly says that she hasn't done shit, they just arbitrarily think she will and went underground because of this arbitrary belief. AND, even if there WAS a flood... obviously it DIDN'T bring about the apocalypse?? Because we can, like???? Play the fucking game in Fodlan??? Which has plenty of nature in it that's just fine and NOT soaked in water??? So either there wasn't a flood and the Agarthans were COMPLETELY wrong, or there WAS a "flood" of some kind and it didn't do anything like "sinking the world into a watery grave" and the Agarthans were STILL wrong.
"To this end, the children of men have erected pillars of light upon the land. Thinis, Malum, Septen, and Lilum were utterly destroyed... Yet even still, the False God remains." Meaning that despite these lands still standing, the propaganda details shock at Sothis being alive. Meaning that CLEARLY, it was THE AGARTHANS that fucking blew up those lands in an attempt to kill Sothis, not the Nabateans. Meaning that FUCKING CLEARLY, it was THE AGARATHANS that nearly killed all of humanity, NOT THE FUCKING NABATEANS. Of course they would blame the Nabateans for it, because they need a scapegoat to cover for their fumble of the fucking millennium - OF FUCKING COURSE they're not going to say "in our attempt to murder Sothis for no reason we the Agarthans killed scores and scores of Agarthans, our bad dawg" and the fact that people like that mod and that reblogger ACTUALLY FUCKING BELIEVED THEM AT THEIR WORD is absolutely ASTONISHING ("NeItHeR tHe AgArThAnS nOr NaBaTeAnS cAn Be CoNsIdErEd UnBiAsEd SoUrCeS" SHUT THE FUCK UP you could ONLY FUCKING THINK the Nabateans were oppressors BY TAKING THE AGARTHANS'S WORDS AT FACE VALUE AND COMPLETELY IGNORING THE NABATEANS' holy good GOD does that shit piss me off).
And just. "Nemesis was still considered a liberator even though Rhea rewrote history!!" yeah because evil tyrants have NEVER EVER EVER forced their oppressed people to unironically revere them as gods before!! With that sort of national brainwashing being something that becomes CULTURAL FACT and something that is EXTREMELY FUCKING HARD to erase, that definitely doesn't exist!! I bet Kim Gung Un really is such a swell guy, ask anyone from North Korea!! MY GOD these people would fall into Scientology just by LOOKING at a poster for it I swear.
Sorry that you have these assholes all over your post, they are legitimately infuriating with how blatantly they just repeat the worst kind of rhetoric with zero self-awareness
The Agarthan propaganda piece even admits they started the entire fucking thing lmaoooo. It was a self fulfilling prophecy.
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tittyinfinity · 1 year
"OP made this unrebloggable so I stole it" ok but if you're gonna do that crop out their url. They made it un-rebloggable for a reason, and that reason is usually because they're being harassed over it, or because they changed their opinion and don't want their old opinion to spread and be forever immortalized for them to be continuously harassed. Unless someone is being a fascist piece of shit that refuses to budge on their opinions and you're warning people about them, fucking leave it
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b-blushes · 2 years
not to create an existential crisis in anyone haha but recently i've been very aware of how much time i spend on here and thinking a lot about, like, is that bad.
it's hard to reflect on something that broadly feels nice to do in the context of 'but is is *good for me* to do'? like, i don't think i've made it particularly secret on here that i don't have a big in-person social life - disability and pandemic and most of my friends living too far for me to be able to travel to see (for aforementioned reasons) is Quite Socially Isolating! For that reason, it's nice to be in a space where you feel at least acquainted to certain people, and at most where some of my tumblr-friendships that have developed into other-website-friendships and sending each other letters in the post friendships and meeting each other face to face friendships!
It's also hard to think of another 'leisure activity' that is the mix of 'engaging but not too mentally strenuous' BUT ALSO is not physically strenuous too! I have quite a few hobbies but none of them quite hit the mentally vs physically exerting balance/niche that hanging out on tumblr does. Reading, embroidery, crochet, sewing, drawing, gardening, writing, making videos, collage, journal stuff, playing switch games, idk a bunch of other craft things* - all of them hurt more than this does! They are more 'active activities' where being here is more of a 'rest activity', but that time spent here is time kept from spending doing other things. Are those other theoretical things 'better'? I have fatigue issues with my brain (as well as with using the rest my body :P) so i can't concentrate for very long, and I don't have the energy to focus my eyes for a whole day any more so i have reading glasses along with my regular all the time glasses now. I have very short periods of time where I can use each body part before i have to cycle to a different activity/chore/rest that uses and rests all the other body parts. I can't stand up or walk for very long. What on earth are we meant to do with 'free time', and what type of activity is 'bad' or 'good'? :P
i'm not sure i have a point to this post. it's just an interesting and vaguely scary thing to think about i guess? :P I'm conscious of trying to make choices that are conducive to managing mental health conditions and also keep on top of managing physical health conditions too. I'm stuck on how, if i *did* conclude i was spending too much time on here, i would replace that time with a like-for-like activity. I'm not sure what kind of thing is this blend of restful and active at the same time? I guess maybe one potentially significant part of the issue is, I assume a lot of the advice and messaging about 'good internet practice' and how much time you spend online and how much it's 'ruining your life' comes from abled people who can do other stuff more easily, maybe? I definitely agree that there is nuance within the discussion and that regardless of what groups you fall in you can have a Bad Time on the internet and use it in such a way that does mess things up in your broader life! I wonder how views on this sort of thing differ from abled groups to disabled groups, and subgroups within them? I know that sometimes i feel like i'm devoting time and energy to doing online stuff that i nebulously feel 'should' be spent doing something else, but it's hard to untangle all that stuff! And hard to tell if current habits are detrimental in ways you haven't realised until the detriment has been done :P anyway if you've read this and have a thought to add please do leave me a reply! (i've made it un-rebloggable though because people do love to do bad faith takes on The Internet :P)
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cosmic-ships · 7 months
Reasons I like Mills so much -
This is going to get real as I do talk about my own real life experiences with my own child! Nothing explicit will be said but if you're sensitive of implications of abuse then don't read on okay? <3
I am actually un certain if I want to post this or not.. I'm just letting you all know this isn't any self-insert information (Actual self-insert is going to be totally different!) this is my reasoning on why I like him. It's very personal reasons to me and for that, this post is not rebloggable. If you read it thank you, it means a lot to me and if you can't read it, that's okay too. I care about people's comfort.
He's a dad / I'm a parent
He had to leave his child behind (She was very sick) / My child was essentially kidnapped by her biological dad.
He would do anything for his daughter He took that two year long journey to get enough money to pay for her treatment. / I worked endlessly for six months straight, making phone calls to every lawyer under the sun that I would accept me, fought with police and CAS to check in on my daughter. (They both failed us.)
I relate to him - He was far away from his daughter and didn't know if she was okay until he did get confirmation via video logs. / I didn't know if my kid was okay and I had no way of knowing because she was essentially kidnapped. So I can relate to the pain he felt- (Just fyi- this is true and not just something made up for an si, it was extremely traumatizing for me.)
Unfortunately he lost his daughter (she passed away before he got back home) / I thought I could lose my daughter. (from what had happened to her when I was able to get her back safely)
There was a moment where he laid down and he covered his eyes, his hands were shaking and no noise was coming out of him. the scene didn't have to explicitly say anything to me I know what he was feeling. Yes, his was over the loss of his child and mine was the unknown of my child. I knew she wasn't safe and even though I was trying my hardest to get her back home I felt so helpless and alone I did what he did. I broke down. No noise, silent tears as I sat there shaking uncontrollably.
So I don't just like this character because I think he's a cool protective dad (He finds a survivor of a crash who is a kid and helps her) or because he's portrayed by Ad.a.m Dr.i.ver. I like him because I relate to him in a sense- Every time there was silence and he remembered those good times I knew exactly how he was feeling, every breakdown, every defensive statement.... because I experienced something similar. I connected with him in a very real way... That is why I like him..
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cherishedproperty · 2 years
It has been a busy and shitty week, and today is meant for family celebration, so I'll keep this brief.
Many of you have asked me for my thoughts on the current 144/JD/whatever situation. Let me say that I don't follow JD/OLK, nor have I ever. Or some of the other folks involved in callouts. But I have known 144 for a long, long time. We haven't been that close in the past several years, as life has gotten busy and we've just kind of drifted apart. But he has been there for me through some really, really bad times in my life. Divorce, getting my heart absolutely destroyed, single parenting, deep depression...all of it. He's checked in on me when no one else did. He's celebrated every wonderful thing in my life. While we had stopped talking regularly and sharing about our relationships and experiences, I still saw him as a respectable and trustworthy person.
I have been reading everything I can about this situation, and here's what I know:
He broke the confidence of someone he knew really, really valued her privacy above all else, especially at a time when she was very vulnerable.
He has lied to me about this situation—on stupid, small things that he had no good goddamn reason to lie about.
He had a relationship with someone and, at a minimum, did not handle his shit well (beyond disappearing during his annual off-the-grid trip, the exact allegations are unclear to me).
For me, the first two are, as he would say, firing offenses. Beyond that, many specific allegations leading to the labels being thrown around (which I take quite seriously) are unclear to me. I have been told from people I trust that there are additional screenshots and stories that go beyond what has been shared publicly, and these are the source of those labels. I remain open to all of this, and I feel like I must be missing things. But I have not seen these stories myself. So I cannot in good conscience speak to them or to any accusations of him being an abuser or groomer or anything in that realm. I have told others that I feel like I have 5 pieces of a 500 piece puzzle. I think with time, more of the pieces will become clear. But they aren't clear to me right now.
At the same time, on Wednesday, about 24 hours after this all started, I was asked to reblog a post that asserted some things as fact, including labeling someone an abuser and worse. I said that I had not seen evidence of the things being asserted as fact, though I very much wanted to see any evidence. Then, in the middle of what was stated up front as a VERY busy workday (followed by a work happy hour), I was treated as a traitor and blocked. Which saddens me.
Anyway, where I'm at is this: I unfollowed 144, because I fundamentally do not trust him anymore, and I don't need any more specifics than what I have to make that determination. I have made many of my more popular writings un-rebloggable for the time being, after seeing one pop from his queue. I've also backed up my writings and am leaning toward deleting this blog. Even if I stay on this website, doing so on this blog with so many years of history feels wrong. And staying at all, in any capacity feels challenging. Everything about this community is radioactive nuclear waste right now. There are loyalty tests. Every reblog will forever be scrutinized by whose tribe you're in and whether you're aligned with the right or wrong people. Tumblr used to be the one place where I could truly be myself. Now it's just another social media minefield. I'm not sure there will be anything left to salvage by the time all of this is through.
Anyway, those are my two cents, now that I've had some time to process. I know a lot of folks are hurting, and my heart goes out to them.
I'll be offline for the rest of the day (and perhaps the rest of the weekend), focusing on my family and celebrating the love and joy in my life. Peace to you all.
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scipiosmith · 1 year
I wont lie. Its kinda a bummer to get as far into sapr as I have (volume 2 chapter 13) only to recently learn you're a rwde poster and seemingly think comphet is cool and fine based on how blacksun is in here. And maybe that will change later, and I will gladly apologize for being wrong in that count, if something happens where they realize they're not good for each other. Cuz despite my better judgement I will keep reading because I am unfortunately invested and in it for the long haul, unless some especially egregious opinions are expressed through the text.
You have a good writing style. And I do admire your commitment writing (and then re writing) so god damn much for this story. You're ability to integrate the MLP characters and what I assume is side lore into the story is very well done that sometimes I cant tell who is an OC, an mlp character( unless I already know of them) and who is from the comics I havent read.
But like. Idk. It's just kinda disappointing? That a talented writer and someone I thought was alright generally, turned out to be a little bit shitty.
But then that's the nature of people. To disagree on some fundamental things are natural.
I suppose I should thank you for not going the whole hog and calling me a homophobe, but on the comphet thing... I appreciate that this is the only work of mine that you've read. I appreciate that this fic has BlackSun in it, and I appreciate that at the point in the story that you are up to there aren't any queer ships.
But I have written a book with a lesbian lead whose girlfriend walks into the underworld to rescue her from the Furies.
I have written SunLight fic.
And eventually, and already in the un-rewritten version of this story, Sunset is going to get/has gotten together with Cinder:
So I would appreciate it if you didn't label me like that just because one story has a ship that you don't like or doesn't have the queer ship you wanted.
On the topic of RWDE then, yes, I am more guilty in that regard, although I wouldn't call myself a poster so much as a reblogger.
I suppose I can appreciate why that might bother you, but on the other hand if I wasn't RWDE inclined then this story wouldn't exist. If I didn't hate the death of Pyrrha then this story would not exist; the whole reason I started writing this story that has become as long as Jormungandr and has as many legs as a centipede is because I couldn't find any stories that didn't kill Pyrrha off at the end of Volume 3 and so I decided that I would have to write one myself.
For better or worse, this is a story that has its genesis in my dissatisfactions with the show; obviously you hadn't noticed it up until now and hopefully you won't notice it in the text subsequently to this, however... if you're expecting at some point the scales to fall from Rainbow Dash's eyes (or Blake's, for that matter) and for her to realise that General Ironwood is and always was a thoroughly despicable villain then I'm afraid you'll be disappointed.
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yellowvixen · 2 years
You can actually make your old posts un-rebloggable but for some reason it doesn't make the button grey out like it would for a new post. I found that out when I tried to reblog a post I had tried to make unrebloggable that I thought hadn't worked. It's different in that it seems like it's going to let you reblog it until you go to hit the reblog button a little tooltip pops up to tell you that you can't.
Whoops sorry I'm answering this so late sjfjdhd. I'd love to figure out how to do this but if I try edit an old image post on the app I get this
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And editing it on desktop brings up the old post editor which doesn't have any reblog options 😔
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env0 · 1 year
Hey people are finding your un rebloggable post because it’s right at the top of your blog. It’s one of three posts that are displayed as your most popular ones so if anyone sees your blog recommended to them that’s the first thing they see. I don’t know if you actually didn’t know how people are finding it but I thought I’d say something lol.
Ah. It hadn't been in there for a while so I hadnt considered that. It stands to reason that its getting do much attention thst it would go to thr number one popular post.
But still how are these people finding my blog to even look there. If they post isn't circulating. What's bringing them to my yard. Hmm. Ohhh the "x liked...." feature probsbly... Or even the "based on your likes." poor porn seeking boys. Getting misled by tumblr to my page.
I feel like I have so many better posts even if the sad part
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sag-dab-sar · 2 years
🤍About Me🤍
Hi, I am Michi, religiously IzkurEreškigal.
I'm 29. I have a cat named Felix 🐈‍⬛.
🕯️I have been a pagan / polytheist for 13 years. I was formerly Christian and left it around age 14/15.
🎓 My education since high school is dedicated to Athena Ergane. I have a B.S and M.A.
♿️ I am dyslexic, have mental illness, and am physically disabled. Wheelchair user. I am currently more disabled than before so my blog isn't exactly what I want it to be.
🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️I am polygender, sapphic, they/them pronouns.
I am a US American 🇺🇸 living on Pennacook, Nipmuc, and Massachuseuck land. Ethnically I am a 3rd Gen Greek American 🇬🇷 and 1st Gen Dominican American 🇩🇴. Mulatto/Mestizo. I have faced racism I do not face colorism.
✨Random fun personality things✨
Alignment: Lawful Neutral or Lawful Good depending on test
Friedman-Rosenman: Type A Personality
Sun Sign: Aquarius
Moon Sign: Sagittarius
Sumerian Month: Udra
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duckdotcom · 2 years
just so you guys know you're always allowed to rb any of my posts ever. the worst that will happen is that I will be baffled by your mysterious motivations, but personally I don't mind, you do you
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