#Under a falling sky
cosmic-kaden · 2 months
Murky Waters
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Ship: Mills x Kaden
Words: 1,304
cw: Mentions of being dragged under water.
Summary: Finding warmth in a cold place. :3c
If you're not a self shipper please dni ;; I have anxiety. lol
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Soft footsteps treaded lightly by the dark murky waters, it was calm for the most part. It would have been almost peaceful if they didn't have to watch their backs every two seconds. They had run low on food and Kaden knew a few spots where they could scavenge for foods that were relatively safe to consume. To be more exact, it was a place to catch fish but before getting to the cleaner water they had to trudge through mud and around murky waters.
Kaden grimaced at all the mud, they hated mud, simply for the fact that it made it difficult to run if they were to be chased by anything. Kaden sighed softly, following behind Mills. The moment of peace was cut short when both Mills and Kaden noticed the once calm waters of the murky lake seemed to have been disturbed and Kaden and Mills froze in place for a moment.
It happened so fast, large teeth lunging forwards out of the water towards Kaden, if it hadn't been for Kaden losing their balance on the slippery mud they would have absolutely gotten bit. Mills was quick to react, quickly turning to try and grab Kaden but it was too late, this monstrous sea creature had sunk its teeth into Kaden's jacket and pulled them back, causing Kaden to let out a yell before they were silenced by the water.
Mills sprang into action, pulling out his weapon and firing into the water where he thought the creature was praying to the high heavens that he hadn't hit Kaden. The water levelled out and it was quiet. Mills held his breath at the silence, finger on the trigger of his weapon, ready at a moment's notice to start firing if the creature was to surface.
Mills jumped, startled by Kaden who had resurfaced with a loud gasp and Mills knelt down by the water surface, holding his hand out. "Come on!" He called.
Kaden swam over and gripped his forearm, using all his strength, Mills pulled Kaden out of the water as they lay flat on their back panting heavily. "C-Could of shot a-at me…j-jackass.." Kaden quipped with a small smile, trying to make light of the deathly situation.
"If I didn't you'd be that things meal-"
Mills helped Kaden to their feet and helped steady them. Mills took note of the fading sunlight and realized they probably wouldn't be able to make it back to their base in time, night was a lot more terrifying than the day. Exhausted and shaken from their encounter Mills and Kaden knew they needed to find a place to rest for the night.
"What about Koa?" Kaden asked, concern etched in their voice.
"She's in a safe spot and I did tell her there was a good chance we'd be gone overnight if things went wrong. She's a smart kid. She'll be okay." Mills knew Kaden worried about her and he wasn't lying, she knew how to handle herself and she was back at a safer place, hardly any threat loomed about the area they had chosen to set up 'camp'
Their footsteps were heavy with fatigue as they trudged through the dense foliage, each step a reminder of the danger they had narrowly escaped. Mills kept a watchful eye on Kaden, silently grateful that they were safe by his side.
After what felt like an eternity of wandering, they stumbled upon a cavern nestled within the rocky terrain. Its entrance beckoned invitingly, offering refuge from the darkness. It wasn't an ideal spot but it was better than resting out in the open with god knows what else roaming around. Together, they entered the cave, their footsteps echoing against the stone walls. Inside, the air was cool and musty and Kaden wrapped their arms around themselves, their jacket long since discarded, it had been shredded from the encounter in the waters.
"It's not comfortable but it'll do." Mills sighed as he scanned the area, it seemed relatively safe as he moved around the hallow cave, placing down his devices that would alert them if there was any danger around.
Kaden settled down in the cave, their back pressing against the stone wall and they sighed, bringing their legs up to their chest, it was cold and it was only going to get cooler once the sun had finally set.
"you okay?" Mills said softly as he picked up his device, giving one final scan around to double-check, making sure they were actually safe for the time being.
"Cold.." Kaden mumbled, their body shivering.
"Well that's what happens when you decide to take a swim" Mills commented, obviously trying to lighten the mood.
"Oh yeah, because I willingly went into that water" Kaden scoffed as they scrunched tighter into a ball.
Mills, placing his device safely back into his bag trailed over to Kaden and sat beside them, his arm wrapping around Kaden's shoulder, gently encouraging them to lean against him much to Kaden's surprise.
"W-What are you doing?" Kaden glanced up at him, meeting his gaze.
"I don't need you dying of cold- We should huddle up and keep warm.."
There was truth to his words, Kaden had been soaked from the water and the cold was almost unbearable for them, they hated being cold- Their body chased the warmth that Mills was emitting and they leaned into him, when they did he wrapped his other arm around them, shifting slightly so they could rest against him.
"I-Is this o-okay?" Kaden shivered, their cheeks dusting a soft pink hue.
"It's fine." Mills rubbed their arm. "Don't worry, we'll be okay here.." Mills on instinct, brushed some wet strands of hair away from Kaden's eyes. "you're shivering.."
"Well, that happens when I decide to take a s-swim.." Kaden echoed his previous words back to him causing Mills to let out a small chuckle.
Gently, Mills pressed Kaden close against his chest, feeling the chill of their wet clothes seeping into his own skin. But despite the discomfort, he held them tighter, determined to share whatever warmth he could offer.
Kaden nestled into his embrace, seeking refuge from the lingering cold. Their body pressed against Mills', seeking out every ounce of heat he had to give. Their skin, damp and chilled, contrasted sharply against the warmth of Mills' embrace. As they pressed closer together, the line between platonic comfort and something deeper began to blur.
As he held Kaden close, Mills couldn't help but notice the way their body fit perfectly against his own, as if they were meant to be intertwined in this moment. His fingers trailed delicately along Kaden's arm, the touch lingering longer than necessary, a silent plea for them to stay close.
In that moment, Mills couldn't deny the surge of emotion that swept through him, a longing that he had kept hidden for so long.
"Mills…?" Kaden hummed softly, nuzzling against him.
"Thank you…you know… for keeping me warm.." Kaden murmured, their voice soft with sincerity. But in those simple words, there was a hint of something deeper, a sentiment that lingered unspoken between them.
Mills met their gaze. "You're welcome," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. But beneath the surface, there was a longing that he couldn't quite conceal, a yearning for something more than just friendship but now wasn't the time or place to reveal such feelings.
As they drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, Mills and Kaden knew that in each other, they had found something although unspoken they found a companion to share both the joys and sorrows of this journey. Though the future remained uncertain, they took solace in the knowledge that as long as they had each other, they would get through this and find their way home.
tags: @ama-ships || @heatobrienswife || @dragonsmooch || @deathnot-e || @mahitosoulmate
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monpalace · 1 year
"i'm gonna talk about dilf twilight," "i'm gonna talk about yandere twilight," "oh, i rarely see anything on time, let me talk about him—" NO‼️‼️
i'm gonna talk about how in skyloftian culture, people who are proposing to their lover give a molted feather from their loftwing for them to permanently add to their accessories (like a braid in their hair, or pin in their shirt).
i'm gonna talk about how when sky would try to propose to his significant other (or friend that he's interested as more than a friend) not from skyloft, he's met with complete and utter confusion, but not unappreciation.
i'm gonna talk about how sky recognizes that you may not know the full extent of his gift, so he's bolder when it comes to his acts of affection. he tries to get the point across in a way that he feels they'll understand, also trying to incorporate skyloftian culture into it.
i'm gonna talk about how when they mention marriage, he prays you're talking about him— or when you bring up proposing between yourselves— he offhandedly mentions having already proposed however long ago, and how he thinks you accepted.
i'm gonna talk about how i'm gonna go feral if i don't consume any sky/reader content soon, i'm gonna commit several warcrimes 🥰
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automatonknight · 10 months
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let's roll up to be a single star in the sky
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robo-dino-puppy · 3 months
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under a night sky, in a field of flowers
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mollyjames · 8 months
I mean... it's Mastodon right? It's gotta be Mastodon. What else could it be?
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looselipssinkships-x · 6 months
"life's just a pace car on death, only less diligent" is an absolutely insane lyric when you stop and think about it
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flightseason · 1 year
I don't think grinding for currency is a good way to keep people engaged with Sky; on one hand TGC acknowledges that candle running has become a chore, but on the other, the ways they said they thought about to keep players active for at least half or more of an event revolves around grinding (either with the high prices or by adding yet another currency).
Also I can't put it into words well without sounding like I'm reaching but is anyone else confused by how AFK farmers were talked about ? Like I get the frustration because I've been in a server where everyone was asleep while trying to open doors, but I don't think "exploits" are the root of the problem.
Which leads me into my next comment, there's this push to make us social that quickly becomes suffocating when you're more introverted and don't always have the social batteries for that. Sky is a social game so I find the expectation that I should be helpful and courteous to strangers reasonable, but expecting and forcing players to constantly interact with eachother becomes exhausting, especially since you can't properly curate your experience (the block system is wack and you can't stop someone from teleporting to your server once you became friends) so it feels overwhelming, especially with people that get clingy that may range from young children that don't mean to be like that (which I can tolerate) to folks that talked to you once, so now you're their therapist/partner... And I find it also affects closer bonds too ? There's this general unease around enforcing boundaries, I have to reassure new friends that they can tell me they're busy or can't hang out for any other reason, since I sometimes teleport to them just out of curiosity to see what they're doing.
It's just my two cents of course, but I think that there should be proper ways to enforce boundaries before players are pushed to talk to eachother if you want a majority of them to happily do so.
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gremlin-pattie · 8 months
will wood “misanthropologist” is more romantic than any love song . TO ME
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jqmalikhsgib · 3 months
midnight sky
what you were doing was absolutely insane! you just met the man not even twenty four hours ago. but the connection the two of you had was incredible, almost like you were made for each other. maybe you were.
the day started off like every other morning. you groaned as your alarm clock went off, got out of bed, took a quick shower, brushed your teeth, and finally made it down town to your favorite local coffee shop.
you ordered a basic coffee and a pastry before sitting in your normal spot, far in the back. you took your laptop out of your bag and began grading papers, groaning and rolling your eyes at the students who didn’t turn in a paper yet.
after about thirty minutes you heard commotion outside. normally you’d ignore it. it’s new york city after all, it was always filled with nosy people. today was different! flashes came from the window, almost blinding you more than the sun.
you heard people screaming as if someone fell and died. you looked up and saw the paparazzi outside. frowning, you grabbed your things and headed for the door.
“shit! im sorry, love!”
groaning at your coffee spilling on the ground, you were ready to yell at whoever this pretentious actor or whatever he was! not caring if the media and his fans tore you a new one.
“watch where you—”
you couldn’t even finish your sentence. he was the most beautiful man you had ever seen. from his buzzed hair cut, beautiful brown eyes, tattooed neck, and his attire. he was the most attractive man you’ve ever seen.
“are you alright, babe?” even his accent was perfect.
“uh—yeah—yeah! im sorry.”
he chuckles, “it’s my fault, really.”
you were frozen. completely mesmerized by this beautiful man in front of you. your heart skipped a beat.
“it’s fine—um, i should get going.” you began walking away, pushing through the loads of paps. you needed to get far away so you could get that man out of your mind.
unfortunately the moment you got home you looked him up. you needed to know who he was and where he was from. you searched the location of the coffee shop and found tmz reporting the images.
“zayn malik. fuck, even his name is perfect!” you dived into everything zayn malik and began to sigh. soon you find his instagram, noticing he only had a few post. you assumed he deleted his old post due to him starting a new era for his next album.
biting your lip you sigh as you close your eyes processing. god, where you an idiot for even thinking about messaging him. maybe? you knew he probably got thousands of messages everyday, but it was something about him. you click on his profile, clicked on message, and began typing.
‘hi..god, you probably won’t see this, most likely won’t even open it, won’t bat an eye, but i thought i should text you. i guess im intrigued you could say.’
you wait patiently until you heard your phone vibrate. you had never picked up your phone so quickly. you smiled hugely when you saw it was him that sent you a message.
‘hey! normally i don’t open this app unless im posting something about me music or a selfie. coffee shop girl, right?’
smiling, you typed,
‘yeah! sorry about spilling that coffee by the way. im normally not that clumsy.’
‘it’s cool, babe. got a three year old! use to clumsy.’
‘oh? didn’t noticed you had a kid. gonna be honest, i kinda went on a bit of a stalker session finding you.’
‘really? that’s cute!’
‘yeah! got a daughter. she’s the sweetest thing ever!’
‘i love kids! i always wanted to teach kids instead of middle schoolers. kids love to color and draw. middle schoolers love to gossip and fight.’
‘ha! not ready for that at all!’
‘you’re a teacher, huh? that was my career path before i became a musician.’
‘i enjoy teaching! wanted to since i could remember!’
‘you guys are doing great work! deserve a pay raise!!’
‘tell that to the us government. 😩’
‘fuck them all!!!’
‘how bout i meet you up for a coffee? promise, no paps this time?’
‘right now?’
‘yeah…is that okay, babe?’
‘yeah—yeah! ill be there in twenty.’
‘cool! see you soon ;)’
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you never got ready so fast in your life. heading downstairs from your building and walking a few blocks to the coffee shop, you spot zero paps and zayn sitting inside your booth. you smile before walking into the building. when he spots you, he smiles at you, stands up, and gives you a hug.
“hi.” you sit in the seat right across from him.
“never got your name. your instagram account doesn’t give it away.”
you blush. you created your instagram when you were in middle school. being overly obsessed with harry potter as a kid and extremely dorky, you had to go with ‘voldedork_hp,’
you never got around to changing it. now you regret that decision one hundred percent. “im sorry about that. a little embarrassed.”
“don’t be! it’s cute. im a huge harry potter fan myself. i went as voldemort last halloween as a mater-of-fact.”
“my names yn.”
“it’s nice to meet you yn. you have a lovely name by the way.”
you snort. feeling like your name was completely bland compared to his!
“may i ask where you’re from? your accent, it’s pretty thick, even for someone born in the uk.”
zayn chuckles. “yeah! m’from bradford england. my pops is pakistani so my accent comes out a little bit stronger i guess. what about you? you don’t sound like a new yorker.” he takes a sip of his coffee.
“im not! born and raised in texas actually.”
“texas, huh? you’re a little way from home, yeah?”
“i got a full scholarship for new york university! i couldn’t pass on that opportunity.”
“brains and beauty, huh?”
you blush. he was definitely a flirt! the two of you got to know one another for the next four hours. you both lost track of time. zayn phone blows up and he continues to ignore it. enjoying his time getting to know the pretty woman across from him. you were loving the company and conversation. it felt like you knew each other for the longest time. you were both laughing and listening to each other tell some crazy story. it felt right.
“how about we get out of this coffee shop, yeah? maybe walk around new york? i promise, no paps. i know places they’ll never go.” he winks at you. you nod before getting out of the booth. zayn grabs your hand and interlocks your fingers.
you were surprised but you didn’t object or pull away. zayn paid for his coffee, leaving a generous tip before leaving. you walk hand and hand around new york, enjoying each other’s company. you continued to talk about everything. the two of you got along so well, you felt crazy for already falling for him. you just met the man! how could you already have such strong feelings for the musician? were you seriously losing your mind? you just couldn’t help how you felt though.
zayn felt the same way. it’s why, standing in front of a courthouse, holding your hand as the moonlight shines, he got the craziest idea. he stops, looks you in the eye, and caresses your cheek. “may i kiss you, babe?”
you blushed, nodding nonetheless. when his lips touched yours, you felt the whole world stopped. god, how could such a beautiful man be this perfect? when he pulls away he grabs your hand and runs across the street. it was like faith, standing in front of a kay jewelers and a bridal shop. you laugh as he looks at you with the biggest grin on his face.
“this is gonna be the craziest thing ive ever done or said but, i just—i feel like ive known you for the longest time. you’re beautiful, funny, smart, and amazing. i—i feel like we’re meant to be, meant to meet each other. and you, god maybe this is insane! you can totally say no, kick my ass, slap me, whatever you want, but this is just perfect. it’s almost like faith,”
“what is it?” you asked nervously.
“a jeweler, a bridal shop, and a courthouse right across the street. maybe this is the universe telling us to just go for it. let’s get married.”
normally if a man had asked you this you’d laugh in his face. you’d think he was absolutely insane for even suggesting this idea. but seeing all the key details, it’s like a story from a fairytale! who were you to pass up a fairytale story?
you nod your head. zayn kisses you passionately before calling up taryn to be a witness! once he convinced her, he grabs your hand, head into the jewelry parlor, the two of you pick your rings before going to the bridal shop and grabbing the most gorgeous dress and a suit, before heading across the street to officially get married.
“are we doing this, forreal?”
“yeah, yeah we are! let’s get married, baby!”
and before you know it, you become misses malik. a true fairytale.
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i really hope you all like this fic! it’s not enough zayn fics out there and i need people to make some!
what do you think?
if you wanna be added to taglist please don’t hesitate to ask!!!
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cosmic-kaden · 3 months
Lesson One - Learn Nothing.
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Ship: Mills x Kaden
Words: 930
cw: Mills being a playful ass lol idk kissing? LOL
Summary: Kaden want's to whistle.
If you don't self-ship please dni, I have anxiety lol
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"No, No like this…" Mills gently grasped his hands together, hollowing them as he gently blew air in between his thumbs to create a low whistle sound.
"I'm literally doing that! It's not working!" Kaden grumbled as they stared at his hands, their eyes racking over every inch to try and study how exactly he is doing it.
"You got to position your hands just right.." Mills let his hands drop, they almost fell to his sides but Kaden grabbed his wrists, pulling them up
"No no, more. I need to study!" Kaden chuckled to which Mills gave a small smirk.
"Alright.." he sighed, lifting his hands back into position.
Kaden dropped their head a little, moving back and forth from each side of Mills to try to get the best angle of how his hands were position.
Kaden mimicked his hands with their own, bringing them up to their mouth and blowing but nothing came out and Kaden growled lowly. "Dammit!"
Mills couldn't help but let out a small laugh, he was highly amused that Kaden was so determined to learn how to do this. His laugh soon got louder when Kaden wiped their hands on their pants.
"Problem?" He grinned.
"… I spit in my hands.." Kaden mumbled and Mills erupted into laughter until Kaden gave him a playful shove. "Oh shut up! This is hard. One more time!"
"You know… I think you wanting to learn how to do this is just an excuse." Mills flashed a toothy grin to which Kaden rose their eyebrow.
"An excuse? For what? You think I'm spitting into my hands for fun!?" Kaden laughed softly.
Their happy expression soon faltered and a light pink hue rose to their cheeks when Mills lifted his hands up.
"I think it's an excuse to look at my hands.." Mills hummed knowingly.
"Nu uh! I wanna learn how to do it, honest!" Kaden stuttered, their voice giving them away a little. So it was partially true, Mills was also right. Kaden loved his hands, they were big and they were warm whenever he touched them.
"Then let me show you, with your own hands.." Mills smiled, he gently grasped Kaden's hands with his own, positioning them in the same position that he had his.
Kaden's heart rapped in their chest, they always felt their pulse quicken whenever Mills made any kind of physical contact with them, they were blushing and they knew damn well Mills noticed their demeanor change. There were those stupid butterflies in their stomach again.
Mills held their hands in position except when he raised them he brought them closer to himself and kissed their knuckles gently, his eyes flicking up to Kaden's and Kaden felt their heart momentarily stop while simultaneously jump into their throat as their breath hitched.
"For luck~" He gave them a playful wink and Kaden felt like they were going to burst into a million pieces from how flustered they felt.
Kaden tried to shake the flustered feeling and focus, they brought their hands up to their mouth and blew and to nobodies surprise nothing happened. Just the sound of them blowing into their hands and Kaden flailed their arms momentarily in frustration.
"What the hell! My lips are broken! Or my hands! Or Both!! Grah!"
Mills had to admit that their frustration and antics to show their frustration was amusing to him. He reached out and grabbed their hand in his, he interlocked their fingers and gently pulled them over close to him, a playful smile on his face. His whiskey coloured eyes holding a hint of mischievousness in them as he played with Kaden's fingers. "Hm.. no…I don't think they're broken, you're not hollering out in pain-"
Kaden's face felt like it was going to burst. It wasn't a secret that they liked each other much more than travelling companions but they never really put a label on it.
Mills watched Kaden's reaction a tingle of satisfaction ran though him as he seen that he was quickly turning them into a flustered mess. He reached out with his free hand, gently wrapping his arm around their waist. He pulled them almost flush against him and had to resist the urge to grin when they heard a small surprised gasp leave Kaden's lips.
Mills closed the distance, dipping his head down to gently capture Kaden's lips with his own. Kaden's arms wrapping around his neck loosely. The kiss only lasted a second but it was warm and filled with affection, perhaps even a hint of playfulness. Kaden nearly whining when he pulled away. "…..nope" Mills breathed softly.
Kaden blinked up at him in surprise, they were dazed, their head felt like it was spinning, they felt lightheaded in the best of ways.
"I don't think your lips are broken either…but I can't be sure…Here lemme check again-" Mills suggested with a teasing smirk and Kaden laughed softly as he pressed his lips against theirs once more this time allowing the kiss to be a little longer and a little more deeper, both of them smiling through their kisses.
"Definitely not broken.." Mills chuckled as he pulled away enough to speak.
"You ass.." Kaden laughed softly.
"you like me" Mills teased his tone laced with playfulness.
Kaden grinned, rolling their eyes. "You like me too."
"Yes I do~" Mills sighed softly in content, lifting his hand to brush a few purple strands of hair out of their eyes.
If learning how to whistle ended like this every time Kaden never wanted to learn how to do it right.
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Tags: @heatobrienswife || @ama-ships || @kylars-princess || @roboraindrop || @dragonsmooch || @lysandreslittlechatot
Banner: @/cafekitsune || gifs: @/zacksnydered
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bizzielisteningtogreta · 10 months
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he! is! stunning!!!
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bericas · 1 year
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Why did you do that? Because I love you.
#twedit#scallison#scallisonedit#teenwolfplus#teendramas#scott mccall#allison argent#making this made me so crazy i had to fight for my life to not make this a lyric edit#thats what happened with the cant help falling in love scydia set if anyone was wondering#it was supposed to be like this and then i felt crazy#literally this whole set my head was like#i see the look in your eye and im biting my tongue you'll be the love of my life when i was young#isnt it amazing despite all the space in the world im still close to you then you said to me are we enemies no baby we could never be#if i could be stronger and if you were just older we might last this out longer but the task just gets harder and my face turned to red#we huddled under covers we ddint say anything if you hadnt come ovre i would be so much colder i would be so much less confused#goodbye goodbye goodbye you were bigger than the whole sky you were more than just a short time ive got a lot to live without#ANYWAY.#these scenes are very Specific to me they are so specifically about hurt/comfort to me#both of them bloodied in such different ways; both with blood on their hands; scott's is his own. allison's is mostly her own. but not all#the gentleness that comes not because of the absence of violence but despite the abudance etc etc etc etc#i refrained from including stuff from the movie trailer but the movie has really made me a scallison endgamer its crazy i never was#but i feel fucking Insane#the question is always why and the answer is always because i love you
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wildwizardcreation · 29 days
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i know im mentally ill when im watching scar and tubbo's skyblock vod and the single pixel tall sliver of skin on cubito tubbo is making me crazy. tummy...
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ladyxskywalker · 4 months
watching my boyfriend use power tools
me: hehehe 😍
him: "I didn't know I'd have to bend metal with my bare hands for this ... 😡 !"
me: hehehe grumpy bby ily yes yes grr !
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bonebabbles · 11 months
with the disclaimer that I don't know all the context since I haven't read it, how WAS he supposed to handle a contagious illness in a society that doesn't have any form of masks or sanitation? Temporarily quarantining contagiously sick cats away from healthy ones just seems like a completely different and much more reasonable thing than kicking out cats permanently for a disability because they would be a "burden".
Ok, going with you having no context for this, he wasn't suggesting a 'temporary quarantine' for sick cats. There is already a quarantine, with only the medics approaching the sick. Following everyone having a Hearty Chuckle that Clear Sky 'cares about other people' now by saying we're "all in it together," Clear Sky shares his full plan;
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He nonsensically believes that no sick prey is living in the burnt part of his woods and the fire "cleansed it", so all of the healthy cats will abandon the sick to die in their camps and come live on his territory and 'wait it out.'
His plan is that all the cats who become sick will die. It's not quarantine in the sense that they will 'help the sick but keep a distance', he is essentially suggesting a reverse leper colony where everyone who displays symptoms gets kicked out to fend for themselves.
And, in the past, illness was always part of his talking points for throwing cats out of his clan. It was why he tried to throw Frost out, where he would die alone. I went back to Thunder Rising to grab the passage,
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This is after he shoves Thunder's face into it and tells him to lick it.
So, it's wholly inappropriate, imo, that Thunder essentially does a little eye roll and a cutesy sigh at this suggestion. "Ohh that's my dad and his ruthless streak." His dad has historically been a monster towards the sick and infirm when they "stop being useful" with this rhetoric. Burdens, disease, weakness. In this moment, he is proposing that they do to an unknown number of cats exactly what he commanded Thunder do to Frost.
Additionally, at this point in time, they don't know how the illness spreads. They're guessing that it's via contact with sick prey, and using leaves as rudimentary tissues/gloves. Clear Sky DOES know, though, these two things;
One Eye knows how it spreads and is not telling.
Many of his cats have been exposed.
He has no idea which cats have been exposed, or how many, or even how long it takes between infection and first symptoms. All they DO know is that symptoms are rapid onset and debilitating. By the time you know a cat is sick, they're covered in sores, have a bloated stomach, and are unable to hunt for themselves. The only thing that is for sure is that turning them out is a death sentence.
And yet he is confused at the idea that Thunder has an objection about leaving Morning Whisker, Wind Runner's kitten who isn't older than a month or two, alone to die.
The solution that the groups eventually come up with is that the clans will remain isolated from each other as to not spread illness, though it doesn't seem to work because infected prey still moves around freely.
Also note that the first time Clear Sky actually gives a damn about an infected person is when Jagged Peak's pregnant wife catches it (After Jagged Peak 'proves' he's useful now by leading a medicine-seeking patrol thanks to Gray Wing). Wind Runner's an "ex-rogue," a group Clear Sky has disdain for, and he doesn't think to have compassion about her baby.
So to answer your question directly, he was 'supposed' to handle it the way the Moor cats did and were, with some basic safety precautions. Not regress to trying to use the illness to get all the cats into a single Clan in his own territory where he could continue to throw "useless/dangerously ill/disabled" out into the wilderness "where the maggots will find them".
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imreallyloveleee · 7 months
I finished s4 of Better Call Saul last night and idk idk at this moment I think it might actually be in competition with Mad Men for my all-time favorite. I always just heard "oh yeah it's really good" why did no one tell me this was going to be one of the most emotionally devastating things I've ever seen!?!? I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS FROM A BREAKING BAD PREQUEL.
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