#but ultimately I decided the one we got was much more interesting
shkika · 1 year
Do you think moon was more like pebbles when she was first made? I remember sig talked about how most iterators were in a similar emo phase early in their life.
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Oh yes absolutely I think it's adorable if Moon saw a little bit of her loong gone days in him. The grumpy syndrome is genetic.
Though I do think she was a slightly different flavor than Pebbles! I swear I've mentioned this before, but I think she was the type to be working all the time and be keen on not wasting any time for meaningless things. She wanted to be proper and responsible. Very focused on her task and all like a self- respecting iterator should.
Time did soften this big ol' pebble though and her experiences with her colony and fellow iterators changed her a lot to the kind, wise and patient Moonie we know and love now.
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adrienneleclerc · 4 months
Missing Journal
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Charles reads Y/N’s journal and finds out she has a crush on an F1 driver.
Warning: the usual spellings and grammatical errors, inaccuracies of pretty much anything involving F1
A/N: kinda based off season 1 episode 3 of Austin and Ally. However, instead of reading the journal about Y/N’s crush and thinking it’s about him when it’s actually someone else, Charles would read it and think it’s about someone else when in reality it’s about him. Does that’s make sense? Cool. Also, i always put Hispanic/Latina because I don't know what you prefer to be called and because this does exclude Spain, Haiti, Brazil, and other Latin American countries that don't speak Spanish.
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Y/N and Charles have been friends for a long time, but so have Y/N and Lando. Y/N moved from the states to Monaco and became neighbors with Charles, ultimately becoming friends, but she also participated in Junior Karting with Lando, befriending Lando and Max Fewtrell.
It is safe to say Y/N has been friends with the three of them for a very long time and she is so grateful because she always felt like she didn't belong since she isn't European like them. But she has Logan as well, even if they aren't super close. She splits time between Charles and Lando. If Lando thinks McLaren is going to do soemthing interesting, he invites Y/N to Woking. Something interesting happening at Ferrari? Charles is bringing Y/N to Maranello. Y/N loves travelling (the Sagittarius in me) so it works out perfectly.
One day, Y/N's apartment was flooded because of poor plumbing and Charles offered her a place to stay. When her apartment was clear, both of them decided it was better if they were roommates since she was the better cook and that brings us to today.
Y/N was sleeping in her room peacefully when she felt someone shake her awake and she saw Charles standing over her.
"If you are going to kill me, can i at least eat first?" Y/N asked sleepily.
"Y/N, wake up, they changed our flight to Imola." Charles said and Y/N sat up in her bed.
"What do you mean they changed our flight? Don't we fly priavte?" Y/N asked.
"Yes, but Fred wants us to be in Imola earlier so we have more time to go over strategies so get dressed, sweetie, we need to go to the runway." Charles said. Y/N's heart fluttered at Charles's nickname for her. She tries to think nothing of it because he is a Libra after all, he is very affectionate towards her and Carlos as well. She got out of bed.
"Okay fine, but get out." Y/N said, pushing Charles out of her room to get dressed. She packed a dufflebag with 5/6 outfits, pajamas, anything she really needed for a 5 or 6 day trip more or less.
"Whatever you say, love, I'll buy us something to eat on the way there." Charles said outside her door. The last thing Y/N packed was her journal, she likes writing down everything about her travels since she writes travel articles for Hello Monaco (don't know if there is a traveling section, lets pretend). But she also writes about her love life or lackthereof. Y/N washed her face and got dressed in her comfortable clothes. When she left her room, she sw Charles on the couch with his small luggage.
"Alright, lets go. Are we stopping by the bakery?" Y/N asked.
"Of course. I'll wait outside while you order the pastries, I'll give you money." Charles said.
"Thanks, lets go." They left the apartment and got into Charles's car. Charles parked outside the bakery and Y/N got out of the car, ordered pastries, getting herself a warm cookie croissant (THEY ARE SO GOOD, my mom needs to buy more from the market) and whatever Charles gets. She gets back in the car and Charles starts driving away.
"Can you feed me, honey?" Charles asked. Y/N broke off a piece of the pain au chocolat and fed it to Charles, his tongue and lips touching her two fingers holding the piece of pastry. She felt butterflies in her stomach and decided to just hold the oain au chocolat and have him bite it but... "No, no, i can't drive like that, just feed me like you did before." Charles said and thats exactly what Y/N did.
Now of course Charles knew it wasn't necessary for Y/N to feed him like that, but he loves the intimacy of this gesture. So having her feed him like they were boyfriend and girlfriend even though they are not was great thing in Charles's book. Especially considering his feelings for the Hispanic/Latina queen by his side. Y/N finished feeding Charles the pastry and licked her fingers that were covered in chocolate because no one wastes chocolate here. They were playing music in his car, just vibing, singing along, Y/N finished her cookie croissant, and they were just talking until they made it to the airport runway where their private jet was, with Carlos waiting by the jet.
"Por fin! Por qué se demoraron tanto?" Carlos asked.
"Güey, relájate, teníamos hambre, queríamos comer en el camino." Y/N said, getting her dufflebug out of Charles's car, Charles gets his suitcase out too.
"I don't like it when you call me güey." Carlos said.
"I picked up Mexican slang from Pato that time he was in Woking with Lando. I miss Pato, i gotta text him." Y/N said, entering the jet with Charles and Carlos trailing behind. She sits down. "I'll never get used to this, I grew up lower middle class."
"Well your friends are F1 drivers and we invite you everywhere." Charles said.
"And I thank you for that, honestly. My boss loves my hotel reviews, thanks for paying for my room by the way." Y/N said.
"Of course, it's no big deal." Charles said.
"What i don't get is why we have to fly if the drive is just 5 and a half hours." Y/N said.
"But by plane it is an hour." Carlos said. "That mean we have more time to relax, work on strategies, go clubbing." Carlos says.
"We are not clubbing before media day." Charles warned him.
"Fine, que pesado." Carlos said and Y/N giggled.
The flight itself was bearable, Y/N fell asleep and Charles was watching her with a smile on his face.
"You should tell her you like her, mate. Because this" Carlos says gesturing to what Charles was doing. "Its getting creepy and concerning."
"When the moment is right i will tell her." Charles said.
"Okay then." Carlos said, putting his headphones.
When the jet landed, a chauffer took them from the airport to their hotel. When they arrived at the hotel lobby, Y/N saw Lando and Oscar on the couch, Lando was on his phone while Oscar talked to Logan.
"Lando!" Y/N shouted, running to where Lando was.
"Y/N!" Lando exclaimed, standing up from the couch to hug his best girl friend. "How was your flight? Are you hungry?"
"Nah, I'm fine, I had a cookie croissant before the flight so i should be good." Y/N said.
"Nonsense, you should have a proper breakfast. Osc, you wanna go out for breakfast?" Lando asked the Australian.
"Yeah sure." Oscar said. "Lets get our keys and we'll head out." As soon as everyone got their keys, they went to their rooms which are all on the same floor, WAGS obviously roomed with their partners, Y/N had her own room and she place her dufflebag there. She knocked on Lando's door and he opened up.
"Should i change." Y/N asked.
"Nah, you're fine. You ready to go Osc?" Lando asked Oscar, who was talking to Logan
"Yeah, lets go, catch you later, Logan." Oscar said goodbye.
"I'll talk to you later my fellow American!" Y/N exclaimed as she left with Lando and Oscar. Charles was observing their interaction.
"Jealous?" Carlos asked right behind Charles startling him.
"You scared me, mate. But i am not jealous." Charles said.
"You might want to unclench your fist then." Carlos tapped on Charles's fist and he releases.
On their free day, Y/N was writing down the name of the restaurant/cafe they went to, reviewed the food, the atmosphere, how much the food was.
"Y/N, do you have to review everything?" Lando asked.
"Yes, how was your food?" Y/N asked.
"It was good." Lando said.
"Do you think it is worth the price?" Y/N asked.
"I say yes but I think if you were wokring class, definitely not." Lando said.
"Thank you. What about you, Osc?" Y/N asked.
"I mean I've had better in Monza, but its still good." Oscar replied and Y/N wrote it down.
"You gentlemen have been great help." Y/N said.
"Will you be in the Ferrari hospitality this time or will you be coming over to McLaren?" Lando asked.
"I can't say yet. I'll probably arrive at the paddock with Charles, hang around his hospitality halfway during the break inbetween free practices and then go over to you before the second free parctice starts." Y/N said.
"Yeah, that sounds like a plan. You coming to media day or are you going to be sightseeing?" Oscar asked.
"The hospitality gives me free food so I'm going to media day because i don't like sightseeing by myself." Y/N said.
"You just want me to pay." Lando said.
"You have the money to pay for me! I don't see the problem." Y/N said.
"She’s been like this since I joined F1.” Lando told Oscar.
“I do the same with Charles, don’t start.” Y/N said.
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(This scene was written before I found out what happened in Imola)
It was media day and Y/N was repping McLaren at the paddock, it made Charles feel a certain way.
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“Stopping staring.” Carlos said.
“I can’t help it, they’re acting like a couple and I don’t like it.” Charles said.
“At least she’s not wearing his number.” Carlos tried to cheer him up, Charles was going to answer him when Y/N came up to him.
“Have you guys seen my journal?” Y/N asked.
“How does it look like?” Charles asked.
“It’s a mini blue notebook with my name in rhinestones, my friend decorated it for me.” Y/N said,
“We haven’t seen it, love.” Charles said.
“Fuck, what am I going to do?” Y/N asked worriedly.
“Relax, it’s just a book.” Carlos said.
“It is NOT just a book, it is my diary and work journal all rolled into one, i write ALL my personal stuff in there, if anyone else reads it, I WILL DIE.” Y/N said.
“Maybe you should start taking notes on your phone.” Carlos said.
“Like I’m going to listen to a colonizer.” Y/N snapped. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it. I mean you do come from colonizers but i should call you that, it’s not your fault.”
“Ya relájate. We’ll look for it.” Carlos said.
“Thank you! I was basically in every hospitality today so I gotta ask around.” Y/N mentioned.
“Why were you in every hospitality?” Charles asked.
“Well i run an F1 TikTok account too so I was just hospitalities. I hope no one has read it.” Y/N said before running off.
“Do you think she’s overreacting?” Carlos asked.
“Her mom said she was born a drama Queen.” Charles said shrugging. “I’m gonna go talk with Max.” Charles said, leaving Carlos, Charles entered the Red Bull hospitality.
“Hey Charles, where’s Y/N? I found her notebook.” Max said,
“That’s great! Where did you find it?” Charles asked.
“She left it on the couch when she was talking to Checo. Do you know why she was going mental about this?” Max asked, giving the notebook to Charles.
“Apparently there’s a lot of personal stuff written in here.” Charles said and that’s when he got an idea.
“No.” Max said immediately.
“You don’t even know what I was going to say.” Charles said.
“You are not reading it.” Max said.
“Why not?” Charles asked.
“Because Y/N would probably murder you.” Max said.
“What Y/N doesn’t know, won’t kill me.” Charles said opening Y/N's journal.
"You act as if you were married. Well, what does it say?" Max asked, looking over Charles's shoulder to read what it says.
"Apparently Y/N has a crush on someone on the grid." Charles says. He kept reading. "And that guy is not me, looks like she has a crush on Lando." Charles sighed, closing the book.
"I haven't finished reading it." Max says, taking Y/N's journal to keep reading. "Okay, she could be talking about anyone, it doesn't necessarily mean she likes Lando." Max said, reading over the journal entry.
"Really? 'We've known each other since we were kids', Lando and Y/N have done karting together. 'I could easily get lost in his eyes, his accent is adorable, we spend so much time together and the gestures he does with me are so intimate, it's almost as if we are already togther but we are not', who else could it be, Max?" Charles asked.
"Okay well everyone on the grid has an accent to Y/N except of Logan. I have seen Lando lead Y/N places with his hand on her lower back. Maybe you are right, Y/N has a crush on Lando." Max said.
"Oh well, I lost my chance, let me just give Y/N her journal, I'll see tomorrow before free practice." Charles said.
"I thought we were going to play videoames later tonight." Max said.
"Not anymore mate, I have to talk to Pierre and pout about losing the love of my life to a child." Charles said.
"He's only 2 years younger than you." Max said.
"He is a child!" Charles shouted before leaving the Red Bull hospitality with Y/N's journal in hand. We was walking around the paddock when he spotted Y/N on the phone.
"Si mami, estoy comiendo bien, te lo juro. Mami, luego te marco, mi amigo Charles quiere hablar conmigo, te quiero mucho, bye." Y/N hung up the phone and put it in her bag. "What's up?"
"Oh I found your journal." Charles handed Y/N the journal and she took it happily.
"Thank you so much, you're the best, where did you find it?" Y/N asked.
"Oh in Red Bull, Max found it on the couch." Charles said.
"I'll thank him when i see him. Are you doing anything tonight? I wanted to visit the Aryton Senna statue and since I know you're a fan.." Y/N was cut off by Charles
"Sorry, I'll be with Pierre since Kika couldn't come." Charles said
"Oh, well maybe after free practice tomorrow?" Y/N asked hopefully.
"I don't think so, I'll talk to you tomorrow, Y/N." Charles said leaving Y/N in the paddock and she walked to the McLaren hospitality where Lando and Oscar were playing Uno with some of the mechanics.
"Hey, Y/N, when we finish this round, we'll leave." Lando said.
"Yeah, thats fine." Y/N said and she sat on the couch. Once the game was over, Lando drove her back to the hotel.
"Did you find your journal?" Lando asked.
"I did, Charles and Max found it." Y/N said.
"Then how come you don't sound thrilled that you have your journal back?" Lando asked.
"Because Charles was acting weird, like he said he didn't want to see the Aryton Senna statue." Y/N said.
"But Leclerc is a big fan of him." Lando commented.
"Thats what i said!" Y/N exclaimed.
"Leave him, maybe tomorrow will be better." Lando commented.
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Unfortunately, that was not the case, her Friday and Saturday were spent in the McLaren hospitality, she was now watching qualifying on the TV (Q3) and she saw something awful happen, Lando and Charles were fighting for P3, their wheels were touching and everything and it got so bad that now Charles’s front wing and Lando’s rear wing were damaged when Q3 finished. Y/N ran to Lando’s garage to see what happened.
“Bro, what the hell were you two doing?” Y/N asked.
“You should be asking that to Leclerc, I don’t know what is wrong with him, he’s been on my tail for all of quali.” Lando said.
“Don’t worry, I will.” Y/N said storming the Ferrari hospitality and she spotted Carlos. “Cabrón, where’s the other cabrón?”
“He’s in the driver room.” Carlos answered and Y/N bursted into the driver room, Charles was shirtless.
“What the hell, Y/N?!?” Charles asked, putting his shirt back on and Y/N locks the door.
“We need to talk.” Y/N said.
“There is nothing to talk about.” Charles said.
“The hell there is! You’ve been acting weird since Thursday, you haven’t invited me to the Ferrari hospitality, you didn’t want to come with me to see the Aryton Senna statue, it’s like you changed when…” that’s when Y/N realizes what must have happened. “You read my journal!” Y/N yelled, she picked up a pillow and started hitting him. “How fucking dare you!”
“How dare I? How dare you?” Charles asked, blocking her hits.
“Excuse me?” Y/N asked, halting her action,
“You heard me! I Can’t believe you like Lando. Lando? He is so immature!” Charles shouted.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Y/N asked.
“Your journal entry! ‘we spend so much time together and the gestures he does with me are so intimate, it's almost as if we are already togther but we are not’, you spend so much time with Lando, who else could you be writing about?” Charles asked and Y/N just stared at him.
“Mas menso no puedes ser! It’s you, Charles! I like you, you ridiculously oblivious moron!” Y/N exclaimed and now it was Charles’s turn to stare.
“You like me?” Charles asked shyly.
“I love you! We were neighbors, we are roommates, we spend so much time together that I developed feelings for you. Now please say something.” Y/N said,
“I like you too. When I thought you liked Lando i went crazy.” Charles admitted.
“That’s why you were acting like that in quali! Lando was kinda mad,” Y/N said,
“Yeah, sorry about that. But now that I know you like me…you coming to the Ferrari hospitality?” Charles asked.
“Of course I will.” Y/N said.
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It was the Grand Prix and Y/N was in the garage with the red headphones one watching from the monitors.
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It was a tough race but Charles made P1 and Y/N couldn’t be any prouder. When Charles “parked” the car at his spot, he saw Y/N standing with Free and the rest of the team so he got out from the car and kissed Y/N. They pulled away and smiled.
“Sorry, I got caught up in the moment.” Charles said, laughing.
“Does this mean we’re dating.” Y/N asked all giggly after her first kiss with Charles.
“Of course we’re dating, Mon ange. You are my girl, and now we are paddock official.” Charles said.
“So when are you taking me out on our first date?” Y/N asked.
“As soon as I’m done with the post race interview.” Charles said, kissing her one last time.
The End
It took forever to write but I hope y’all like it, thanks for your patience!
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marvelsmylife · 26 days
Everything has changed
Pairing: Eris x reader, Azriel x reader
Plot: you were burdened with the knowledge that you and Azriel were mates while he pined after your cousin and then Elain. What happens when you finally decide to move on with the one male Azriel hated the most, Eris and Azriel discovering your mates on the day you’re supposed to get married?
A/n I’m sorry there’s not a lot of Eris in this but I’d be more than happy to write a bonus chapter where his and the reader's relationship is the main focus.
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Knowing who you were meant to be with at a very young age was a blessing and a curse. A blessing because you knew who it was, but a curse when your mate doesn’t know and is pining after someone else. It especially hurts when he is pining after your cousin.
For centuries you watched from the sidelines as Azriel pined after your cousin, Mor. It hurt as you saw the way he stared at her, the same way you stared at him when he wasn’t looking. The sad thing was that she hinted that she wasn’t interested in him so many times, but he ignored them. It wasn’t until Star Fall that Mor told Azriel she would never see him romantically. “You should move on,” Mor told Azriel before leaving him alone in the courtyard.
That’s where you found him after the party had ended. You stopped in your tracks when you noticed he was crying. This was out of the ordinary because from your knowledge Azriel hasn’t cried since he was a child. “Az?” you called out and got the shadow singer's attention, “are you ok?”
“Do you think I’m unloveable?” Azriel’s question took you by surprise.
You were at a loss for words at Azriel’s question. “Why would you ask that?” you asked as you walked over and sat next to him, “of course you’re lovable.”
“Then why did Mor reject me?” Azriel looked at you and you could see hurt in his eyes.
You let out a sigh before replying, “Mor,” you paused as you tried to find the right words to say, “she’s been through a lot, especially as a child. Trauma can change the way we view things and unfortunately for you, it changed the way Mor views love. I’m sure you’ll find someone who will love and adore you unconditionally. You just have to be patient.”
“You’re right,” Azriel replied, “I just wish I could meet my mate already. I feel like as soon as I meet my mate my life will finally fall into place.”
You desperately wanted to tell him how you felt about him and that you were mates at that moment, but ultimately decided against it. You thought Azriel would be too overwhelmed to process the news so you stepped back and let him heal. 
Of course, you didn’t get the chance to confess your feelings or the fact you were mates when the Archeron sisters came into your life. You knew Azriel was smitten with Elain the second she complimented his hands. He had never blushed so much at a simple compliment. It crushed you that no matter how many times you complimented him, he never reacted that way.
You also saw Elain’s growing interest in Azriel so you decided to pull away from your family so you wouldn’t have to be around them. You thought no one would notice your absence, but unfortunately for you, your brother noticed and it pained him to watch you suffer in silence.
To Rhysand’s credit, he put a stop to any potential relationship between Azriel and Elain. He successfully prevented them from getting together, and let out a sigh of relief when Elain left for the spring court with Lucien. Unfortunately, the damage was done, and you wanted nothing to do with Azriel.
Once Elain was gone you started spending more time with everyone in the inner circle, except Azriel. Of course, Azriel was oblivious because he was still hung up on Elain to notice. The other members of the inner circle did notice though, and would ask you from time to time why you weren’t seeking out Azriel like you did before. “I’ve been busy,” was all you told them before changing the subject.
You were able to successfully avoid Azriel for three more months until you had to attend an event in Hewn City. “Well, don’t you look stunning,” Amren complimented you as you entered the room.
Azriel only intended to look at you for a brief moment before focusing on his conversation with Cassian. That changed when his eyes landed on you, and found himself staring longer than he should have. “Hello, are you listening to me?” Cassian snapped his fingers in front of Azriel's face to get his attention.
“Sorry, yes,” Azriel shook his head and tried to give his brother his undivided attention. Unfortunately, he found himself glancing over at you. Azriel didn’t know if it was because he hadn’t seen you in months or what, but he felt like there was something about you that was different. Before, you were timid and often dressed to blend into the background. What you were currently wearing was the complete opposite, and as much as he tried to look away, he couldn’t.
"Let's get this over with," you grabbed Amren's arm and winnowed out of the room.
As soon as you arrived, you made your way straight to the bar and requested the strongest drink. You always hated visiting Hewn City, so you drank until you were able to tolerate the fae attending the gathering. You were on your fourth drink of the night when you heard a familiar voice, “Well if it isn’t y/n.” 
Looking over your shoulder you spotted Eris making his way towards you, “Well, if it isn’t my favorite Vanserra,” you replied with a smirk on your face.
“I’m honored that I’m your favorite Vanserra,” Eris teased, “I’m surprised to see you all alone here. You’re usually with Cassian or Azriel.”
You winced are the mention of your mate, “Yeah, well Cassian is with Nesta and I’m not speaking to Azriel at the moment. So that’s why I’m alone.”
Eris’ eyes widened at the fact you weren’t speaking to Azriel. For as long as he could remember you and Azriel were joined at the hip, and suddenly you’re not speaking. “May I ask why you’re not speaking?”
“Personal reasons,” you replied before looking up at the redhead, “would you like to dance?”
Eris had a surprised look on his face at your request but was more than eager to take you up on the offer. “It would be my honor,” Eris kissed your hand before leading you to the dance floor.
While you made your way to the dance floor, Azriel was ready to march towards your direction and save you from Eris. He wanted to be by your side from the start, but Rhysand told him that he needed him close by. Azriel was about to walk towards you when Rhysand placed his hand on Azriel’s shoulder, “don’t,” Rhysand warned, “my sister knows how to handle herself, and if not, she’d tell me if she needed help.”
“What if he tries to do something to her?” Azriel argued back; his eyes were glued on you as Eris twirled you around the dance floor.
Rhysand rolled his eyes at Azriel’s argument, “Eris wouldn’t be dumb enough to do something to y/n here. Plus, it looks like y/n is enjoying her time with him.”
Azriel hated to admit it, but Rhysand was right. He was about to let it go until he noticed Eris’ hands were starting to make their way to your ass. With a scowl on his face, Azriel marched over to where you were. “Do you mind? We were in the middle of something,” Eris stared down Azriel, his arms still wrapped around your body.
Something in Azriel snapped at Eris’ words and began to strangle him, “Don’t ever touch her like that ever again! You might be high lord of the Autumn Court, but that doesn’t give you the right to touch someone y/n like that.”
Rhysand rushed over to where you were and tried to pull Azriel away from Eris but was strong enough. “Cassian, come help me,” Rhysand yelled.
Cassian sprinted over and finally yanked Azriel away from Eris, “Azriel, what the fuck is wrong with you !” you yelled as you walked over to where Eris was standing and started inspecting his throat, “are you ok?”
“Yes,” Eris straightened up and acted like nothing happened, “would you still like to continue our dance?”
You were ready to say yes, when Rhysand interrupted, “Unfortunately, we have to go now, but maybe another time.”
You knew better than to argue with Rhysand while you were in Hewn City, so you turned to Eris and said, “Come find me the next time you decide to visit, ok?”
“Of course,” Eris brought your hand to his lips again and kissed it, “until next time.” You felt yourself getting flustered at Eris’ action and smiled as you left with your family back to Velaris. 
That was the first, but certainly not the last Azriel found himself becoming jealous of you interacting with Eris. Azriel didn’t know why, but he hated that you were spending all of your time with Eris. He watched from afar as you grew closer to him. He also noticed Eris would always bring you presents and take you out to lunch or dinner when he visited.
Azriel even tried to get Rhysand to ban Eris from the night court. Unfortunately for him, Rhysand reminded him that Eris was now the high lord of the autumn court, and he wanted to be on good terms with him. “If you can’t ban him from the night court, could you at least ban him from spending time with y/n? I don’t like how close they’re getting.”
Rhysand let out a dry laugh at Azriel’s request, “First of all, you know damn well I can’t control what y/n does. The last time I tried she had me nailed to a tree in the Ilyrian mountains. Secondly, she’s a grown female. She can do whatever she pleases, and if being friends with Eris makes her happy, then I’m happy.”
“That’s the thing, I don’t think he just wants to be friends with her,” Azriel argued back, “and it seems she feels the same way he does.”
Rhysand let out a sigh as he realized what Azriel was implying, “Listen, I know you don’t like the male, but y/n does, and if she wants to get into a relationship with him, that’s her choice.”
Azriel knew Rhysand was right and that he should back off, but something in his gut was telling him that he needed to stop you from being with Eris. “Fine, I’ll back off,” was Azriel said before he stormed out of the room.
Unfortunately for Azriel, not even a week later you arrive home with a gorgeous diamond ring on your finger. “Eris just asked me to marry him and gave me his mother's ring ! ! !” You raised your hand and showed everyone the massive ring.
Mor was understandingly upset at the news because of her past with Eris, but she still congratulated you before leaving. “Just let her be, she’ll get over it,” Amren commented as she examined the ring, “this right here though. Absolutely exquisite. Those autumn males have great taste, I mean Eris did choose one of the most gorgeous females in all of Prythian after all.” Amren gave you a wink “Congratulations sweetheart.”
While everyone was congratulating you on your engagement with Eris, Azriel was in the corner angry. “Where’s your fiancé?” Cassian asked.
“He’s outside. He didn’t know how you would handle the news, but seeing as you guys are ok with it, I’ll bring him inside,” you laughed before disappearing for a few minutes and coming back with Eris; your now fiancé.
Throughout your engagement, Azriel would complain to Rhysand that he didn’t approve of you marrying Eris. He would constantly tell him that Eris wasn’t capable of love and that you were going to end up hurt. “He’s just using her! Once he gets what he wants from her he’ll get rid of her” Azriel argued the night before your wedding.
“That’s enough,” Rhysand slammed his fist on his desk before standing, “I get that you don’t like the male, but you are completely wrong about his intentions. Like you, I’ve been observing him to see if he is deceiving y/n and I can tell he truly loves and cares for her. He loves her so much that he is willing to have the wedding here instead of the autumn court because he knows y/n wants to get married where our parents did centuries ago. You don’t have to come to the wedding if you don’t want to, but you will not ruin one of the most important days of my baby sister's life.” With that, Rhysand left to go find you to go over last minute details of the wedding.
As much as Azriel didn’t want to, he showed up to your wedding the following day. He knew he would have regretted not showing up and seeing you one last time before you permanently moved to the autumn court. He also went to try and convince you to not go through with the wedding. “What are you doing here?” you glared at the shadowsinger.
Azriel tried to reply but no words were able to escape his lips. He looks at you in awe as took in your appearance. You looked radiant in the stunning white dress your mother made for you before she passed away. Your makeup was flawless and your hair was perfectly styled. Azriel tried to speak again but froze when he felt the mating bond finally snap into place for him. “You’re my mate” Azriel whispered.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me right now,” you groaned “Of course the mating bond would snap for you on the day of my wedding.”
Azriel looked at you hurt at your words and replied, “Wait you knew we were mates? For how long?”
You contemplated lying to Azriel to spare his feelings, but seeing as you were leaving the night court you decided to tell the truth. “Since I was sixteen” you replied “and before you ask, I didn’t tell you before because you were so fucking in love with my cousin.”
“Are you kidding me?” Azriel ran his scared hands through his hair, “Why didn’t you tell me after I told you that Mor rejected me?”
You rolled your eyes as you watched Azriel spiral, “Elain happened. You were so fucking obsessed with her like you were with Mor that I didn’t even bother.”
“Is that why you distanced yourself from me?” Azriel asked. When you didn’t reply to his question, he silently cursed at himself before saying, “Don’t marry him. Don’t marry Eris. Give me a chance to prove myself to you and be the best mate to you.”
You didn’t mean to but you let out a loud laugh before replying, “You’re out of your fucking mind if you think I’m calling off this wedding. Eris has loved me unconditionally since our first dance in Hewn City. He has treated me like a queen and has never made me feel insecure or made me feel like I’m a second option. I will never be able to trust you. You only want me now because the females you want don’t want you.” You walked up to Azriel and poked his chest, “and I am not a consolation prize. I am worthy of being someone’s first choice and Eris chose me. So, stay if you want or don’t. I don’t care, but I’m going to get married today. Whether you like it or not.”
Azriel didn’t realize he was crying until he felt tears running down his cheeks. “I’m sorry” was all he could say before he left the room in a hurry and flew away from Velaris. He flew until his wings gave out and let out a sob as he realized that not even his mate wanted to be with him.
@byyalady @optimistic-but-very-realistic @lilah-asteria @myromanempiree @chuyouchu @eurydxceorphxus @knoxic @okaytrashpanda @angelbunny222 @wolfbc97 @coconut-dreamz @melmo567 @shadowsingercassia @thestartitaness @sidthedollface2 @alittlelostalittlefound @watermelomsuger @anxious-study @mrssatoruackerman @sunny1616 @nerdygirlyy @kemillyfreitas @vanserrasimp @oucereeng @mybestfriendmademe
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Happy ever After - Chapter 1
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paring: Jake Seresin x female!librarian!reader
wordcount: 1867
synopsis: One could easily forget that behind all of Hangman's bravado and the cocky smirk there is an actual human with a beating heart. But Javy has been the one Jake ranted to. How he wished for women to see him, not the pretty face or the GQ body and the uniform. At Javy's suggestion that maybe Jake is looking for love in the wrong places he just throws his hands in the air and rolls his eyes. That's when Coyote decides that it's about time for things to change. Sitting down with the rest of the dagger squad they create a profile on a dating website. One where the goal is finding a committed relationship. The general response to Jake's profile is overwhelmingly positive so now all they need to do is hand the account over and let Hangman do the rest...
note: This is 100% self-indulgent writing. I was looking for something very particular and since I couldn't find anything to scratch that itch I had to write it myself. It's kinda wild to me that I got so much done (I am currently at 10.000 words for this and counting and I haven't written this much in the past year combined tbh). Since I was looking for it I thought maybe others could enjoy this too, so I decided to share and make it an x reader. Therefore I tried to keep physical descriptors to a minimum. If I missed something then I would greatly appreciate a nice pointer to rectify my mistake. But ultimately the reader is going to be very heavily inspired by my lived experience as a plus-size, late-diagnosed AuDHDer, so please take that into consideration. Depending on your feedback I will continue with the story as x reader or if the consensus is that it's too much detail/specific traits for an x reader, then I'll turn it into an OC story. Feedback would be greatly appreciated in general. If you are interest in part two where we meet thechaoticlibrarian for the first time, let me know ;)
!Important side note!
If you know one AuDHDer, you know exactly one presentation of AuDHD (the same goes for Autism and ADHD separately and pretty much every form of neurodiversity). Just because the description is not matching the presentation in you/someone you know, doesn't mean mine is any less valid. Also due to language differences, I am used to different terminology, so please be patient and kind if I mix stuff up.
Trigger Warning (for the entire series. Things can be added over time. If I forgot something or you want me to add to the list, my inbox is wide open. You are responsible for your media consumption, proceed with caution, you know the drill): kind of arranged date situation, talk of mental illness and disability, disabled!reader, service dog, accessibility issues, body shaming (self and others), self-deprecation, cursing, non-canon (not even sure if this is canon compliant so, take that as you will), nsfw/smut (later chapters. We'll get there), written by a non-native speaker, not beta read, reader is addressed by her nickname Belle (she's got the books, she's got the beast and she's got the kind heart)
!!!Minors do not interact!!!
Chapter 1 || Previous Chapter || Masterlist || Next Chapter
It's late when the dagger squad is gathering around the kitchen table in the common area. Well, not the entire dagger squad. One of them already called in for the night, but that's playing into Coyote's cards. After setting up Hangman's dating profile the initial response was great, so now they have to decide how to proceed.
"We should just give him the account as is. He's a grown-ass man, he can handle it from here", Phoenix states, slightly annoyed at the fact that she got even roped into this whole mess in the first place. She cares about Hangman, yes. They are comrades, even if he left her out to dry more than once, but she doesn't want him to be unhappy. That doesn't mean she thinks it's fair what they are doing right now either. Not to Jake and not to the women writing 'him'. "A grown-ass man who didn't have a serious relationship since before we were in the academy. He'll see all those messages and his brain will short circuit", Coyote retorts. "But what if we sort someone out and she would be the one for him? Isn't that completely counterproductive to this whole endeavour?", Bob asks when the door flies open and a very furious Hangman barges in.
"What the fuck did you clowns do?", he growls, his gaze wandering around the rest of his squad who are all suspiciously avoiding his gaze, and then his eyes dart over to Coyote's hand that attempts to stealthily close the laptop that they had in the middle of the table. Throw some maps and dossiers on there and this would look like a fucking official briefing and he already has an idea what topic they discussed. "What are you talking about?", Payback asks, trying to look as innocent as humanly possible "Three of my exes flooded my mailbox asking me why I lied to them. That they'd been totally down for something stable and serious if I had just asked. So what did you buffoons do?" "Buffoons. Someone had a dictionary for dinner...", Phoenix murmured quietly, but not quiet enough for Hangman not to hear. His gaze burns into her before he lets it wander again, green hues searching for the weak link in the group and finding it. "We set up a dating profile for you", Bob barely gets out, shrinking under Jake's intense gaze. "But in our defence, it was Coyote's idea. We were only the support", Fanboy adds and then the focus of his murderous stare moves to the man he considered his best friend. A choice he might be forced to reevaluate. "Did the lack of oxygen damage your brain or what the bloody fucking hell were you thinking?" "Hey, you were the one who was whining about wanting love but never finding it. How you dream of something stable. Someone to come home to. Someone who'd view you as a partner not a fucktoy" "I never fucking said..." "Yes, you did! More than once. And since you are strictly against blind dates..." "Because you tried to set me up with a woman who didn't say a word", he points over at Fanboy, "Or a woman who only talked about quarterly figures, the stock market and her next promotion", he pointed at Phoenix. "Said the man who can only talk about bargames, football statistics and fight jets", she retorts rolling her eyes.
"And that's why I thought this would be your best option. A website full of people looking for commitment. You can apply numerous filters to narrow down the options and you get a first impression of them before you invest time and energy into a date", Coyote jumps in, knowing that Phoenix and Hangman might get at each other's throats if they were allowed to continue their fight. With a simple move, he spins the laptop around for his best friend to see. "You already got a bunch of messages", he tries to sound encouraging, seeing the fight on his buddy's face. Is Jake fucking Hangman Seresin really desperate enough for a dating website his friends signed him up for?
"Take your time. Here is the password", Coyote leans over the table and scribbles it down on a piece of paper, pushing it over to his friend with the laptop. "Same as for the e-mail I made for the account. You can change the passwords later" "Sure as fuck I will. As if I need you hull heads snooping around in my shit more than you already do", he grumbles, but the heat behind his words is gone. As messy as this might be, deep down he is touched. His friends saw him in pain, so they banded together and made an effort to help him, however misguided that attempt might have been. "Good. We leave you to it", Rooster says, a sign for the rest to usher out of the common room to leave their friend a little space.
When Coyote thinks he's off the hook, he feels Hangman blocking his way with his arm, stopping him in his tracks while his eyes are still glued to the profile. "Looks like you at least picked some nice photos, Javy", he says and Coyote knows that this is probably the closest thing to a 'thank you man' he'll get from his best friend. "That was easy. You are pretty photogenic, Hangman", he says, chuckling as he makes his way over to the door, "Answering the questions was the hard part. I needed Bob's help to make sure you don't sound like a complete douchebag", he added seeing how Jake leaned over to the kitchen counter, grabbing a wet rag and throwing it his way. Javy's laugh echoed through the room before the soft click of the lock indicated that he had closed the door behind him.
A low chuckle rumbled in Jake's chest before his gaze returned to the screen. He first checked out the profile his friends had set up and as much as he hated the whole situation, his friends had done an excellent job. They managed to highlight his strengths while at the very same time not shying away from openly communicating his weaknesses. Their choice of words was sometimes a little less diplomatic than he would have liked them to be, but at least that didn't leave anything up for misunderstandings. Then his eyes drifted into the right corner of the screen. Before his friends had left there were 20 unread messages, now there were 25 and yes he knew he was hot, but the fact that he seemed to be in such high demand was something that both petted his ego and frightened him.
The mouse hovered over the inbox symbol for a while as his heart pounded in his chest. He rolled his shoulders and stretched his neck to get rid of some of the nervous energy before he focused back on the screen. He was a naval aviator, for fuck's sake. The only one in active duty with a confirmed air-to-air kill. He tackled the monsters of the world head-on, so he should be able to read some flirty messages from a bunch of single women looking for the same things he wanted, right?
When the inbox of the website mailing system loaded on the screen there were 28 unread messages. Hovering over the icons gave you the short version of their profile and their picture in a larger size. Hangman had quite an illustrious inbox. The first three messages were from a detective, a surgeon and an architect. His head was already spinning, but he was the kind of guy to do things right or not at all, so he worked his way through the messages, checking out the corresponding profiles, writing a courteous but short reply to the nos and making a priority list in his mind for the yes and maybes. The longer he went through the messages the more the feeling that all of these messages were pretty generic crept up on him. Some were lengthy and waxing poetics, others shorter and some just asked directly for his phone number, but still. There was barely anything real personal about them in there and none of the messages gave him an indication of why they chose his profile to contact. It made him wonder if this was something they sent almost like spam, only changing the name at the top, or if it was a defence mechanism to figure out whether he was interested at all before they'd reveal more of themselves.
He managed to work his way through to message number ten before he was completely overwhelmed, closing the messenger and staring at the ceiling for a while, wondering how people were seriously doing this. When he looked back down the front page of the dating website had loaded. It was sorted by categories, showing a bunch of profiles for each. He allowed his gaze to wander until one icon in particular caught his eye. It was listed in New Signups from Your Neighbourhood. The photo showed a scenery rather than the usual portrait most people used. Only when you hovered over the picture you could see a woman sitting on the beach, the shadowy figure of a dog right next to her as they both gazed at the sunset. This picture conveyed more emotion and personality to him than any profile, let alone picture he had seen today. Her profile was loading on his screen before he even realised he had clicked on it.
She went by 'thechaoticlibrarian' and he couldn't help the smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Whenever he thought of a chaotic librarian he thought of Evelyn Carnahan, his first crush ever. He scrolled down her profile and with every tiny detail he learned about her he was more intrigued. The three words she picked to describe her positive attributes were patient, caring and curious. A great foundation for a relationship and the negative ones made him chuckle. Nitpicker, low bullshit tolerance and chaotic. And then he came to the part that had honestly scared him off from most women in his inbox.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
They had all made these elaborate plans for a grand wedding, a house and a minimum of three kids. Not that he was generally opposed to the idea, but there was so much certainty and conviction in the way those women wrote about all of it that made it sound to him like their future partners would be more relegated to the role of extra than an actual protagonist in their story. What Jake wanted was an equal. Someone he could build a future with rather than be pushed into the cookie-cutter form of an already decided-upon script. Her five-year plans on the other hand felt so much more relatable, like something he could actually get behind.
Content with my life, doing the job I love and having a partner by my side I can share all of it with. The good, the bad and the ugly.
So he took the leap and clicked on the contact button on her profile...
|| Next Chapter ||
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> MC ASPECTS < How you renowned around town “You make your own reality. And once you’ve done it, apparently, everyone’s of the opinion it was all so fucking obvious.” - Logan - Fucking - ROy
!!parental advisory explicit!!
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MC Aspecting Sun - “rome, I think you're a super talented superstar and I love you” - Shiv Roy : Its hard not to notice you, you got a poise of regality, and you work the public sphere with ease; you put yourself out there and you get a lot of attention from onlookers - and it makes you one of a kind. you are someone with dignity and maybe too much self respect for some, to give you the credit that you do deserve > because no one does it quite like you - high key a dominant force in any room you enter - wolf of wall street vibes and lets be honest you are not above having a party at the office... and paying hookers to make it more cool...... you do the most and its a vibe vibe MC Aspecting Moon - "They fuck you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had, and add some extra just for you" - Therapist in succession You know how to put people at ease, and your basically a professional therapist at this point. You can lighten up anyones mood or piss everyone off depending on how you feel. And this understanding of psychology really benefits you; because people want to treat you right, so you can give them some insight as to why they have a mental breakdown every 5 minutes (this generations daily cycle) your like a dog that lives in a hair-salon and everyone wanna get a cuddle from it/he/she/thing/you
MC Aspecting Mercury - “Information, Greg, it’s like a bottle of fine wine. You store it, you hoard it, you save it for a special occasion and then you smash someone’s face with it.” - Tom Wambsgams When you stfu people are wondering what your thinking. because somehow. someway. you've taken control of the conversation, and whatever you say is taken with heavier consideration then the average person. However that does not mean you get your way, it just means we listen to you the most - easily the most valuable insight comes from you guys, and your perceived as. a hustler. no wonder your careful with ur words because you dont really care about getting the right answer in the known, if that ultimately inteferes with your master plan you'll just stay quiet - because you know how to navigate the world with words, and your aware that ultimately the final word - the best word - is the deciding factor of what we do MC Aspecting Venus - "Here’s the thing about being rich, okay? It’s fucking great. It’s like being a superhero, only better. You get to do what you want — the authorities can’t really touch you. You get to wear a costume, but it’s designed by Armani and it doesn’t make you look like a prick." - Tom Wambsgams Beauty pageants. Everyone is interested in you, because your beautiful and your graceful, and you'd make a fine edition to the list of exes that everyone has. So besides the fact that your fuckable, you know how to charm people so easily and thats why you get so much attention, and its positive unless your insecure about how attractive you are.... which is a real thing... and id say just get that plastic surgery or stfu and find some real solutions. i mean has anyone ever tried to tell a beautiful person, that they beautiful.... its exhausting... and then they just look for someone else (more beautiful) to get that validation. its a death trap!!! dont fall for that bs... but damn yo fine ass better get used to being a fine ass or someone gonna commit a crime on yo ass MC Aspecting Mars - "I got a track record from founding one of the most exciting new media brands in the world. And what do you got? Track marks from shooting junk? Thanks for coming down. It was great to meet you." - Lawyrence Yee Unfuckwitable - you embody the underdog - and i mean an under dog thorugh and through; youll bark at anything that pisses yall offf, and thats why people watch they step around yall, no one wanna get bitten by da big dog with a small dog complex. but your fierce and people try their best to match your aggressive energy just to save face for themselves - meanwhile your just more pissed off that you always gotta show yo teeth to anyone you talk to lol. Your competitive and act like crackhead that knows karate. everyone is low key intimidated by ya, and you know it
MC Aspecting Jupiter - "Most things don't exist. the ford motor company hardly exists. It's just a time saving expression for a collection of financial interests." - Logan RoyEveryone likes you, and sometimes you don't even understand why, and thats just another reason to like you. You show a geniune uninterest in any boring mundane activities > and this lack of care for bullshit makes it so that when you do show an interest for something > you've somehow convinced everyone in the room that your enthusiasm defines whats enjoyable. and this discernment makes others believe that your the new budha for socio-economic observations . I respect it. and you did it without even realizing, like thats a feat initself, and you guys are 100 feet tall in everyone elses eyes because you got a name fo yo self MC aspecting Saturn - "the actual fact is we're persuading more and more shareholders everyday that we offer them just a slightly better chance for them to make a little bit more money on the dollar…and that's all that this is…." - Stewy Hosseini The boss is here and now everyone gotta actually do something productive. you guys have respect, and people know that if they don't come at you correctly, then you'll correct it for them, and no one wanna be daddied by the king kong daddy. Your life is defined by hardships and this is the most noticeable trait about yall, and it has molded you into a gus fring. A stone cold killer. You don't have to say much but the weight of your presence in itself, is so much pressure, that everyone wanna ask for more time, but no one wanna be scolded by yall so we just stfu and deal with it MC Aspecting Uranus - "Nothing is a line. Everything, everywhere is always moving. Forever. Get used to it." - Logan Roy Who is they? who are we? why can they get away with acting like a complete fucking retard? Well they don't 'get away with it' they just fucking do it. I mean the balls on ya'll is undeniable, but the audacity and the concept of why. well no one knows and I don't think you do either. But you literally change the game wherever you go, because you do ridiculous shit just to make fun of reality, and it really does expose how much of a cult we all live in; since we all about our own rituals of bullshit. I applaud the audacity but everyone gets nervous around your unpredictable nervous explosions - your like a charged creeper; youve been shocked by something and now you just have to explode and ruin everyones buildings
MC Aspecting Neptune - "Climate said I was going down. Climate said I should just step aside. I guess I'm a climate denier" - Logan Roy You're imagination personified. You somehow write your favourite stories into reality > and you do this so uncosnciosuly thst you've somehow convinced everyone its real. You don't care much for whats actually real, you'd rather manifest what you want to be real > no matter whats being thrown at you (and theres a lot) you have a uncanny ability to be a energy conduit > and transform that energy into what pleases you the most. And because of this you appear to be a mystic. and theres a tendency to be very calm, and if life throws too much shit at you > and you've ran outta favours, its adios to the world. and the long road of finding your purpose again awaits! MC Aspecting Pluto - "Would you like to hear my favourite passage from Shakespear? Take the fucking money." - Logan Roy You are daunting aren't you. people don't talk to you very much, at least not any normal self abiding citizen. you look like TMNT - you look neglected > look like you ate some radioactive poison > became this mutant thing > and was raised by a rat that could beat your ass... how'd that go? you look great! I would shake your hand but Im honestly afraid your gonna bite me. Look your life is intense and borderline traumatic, I get it. but this makes you so mesmerising > you can have the whole room in a trance with your dark aura, and people just hand you power like its nothing. You don't even care tho, and thats what makes you even more powerful lol > if anyone can handle the dark. its you > and a powerful 'rep' requires someone who doesn't fuck around. and you do not
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highly highly recommend succession > all the quotes used are from dat show - and its a fkn masta piece
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k1ngdom-of-thieves · 1 year
I've had this in my mind for the longest time now so here goes!
Riddle, Leona, and Malleus has a crush on MC, and one day they find MC trying to write... *gasp* a love letter! But they went "Oh, that isnt right... Maybe I'll find the words later." and tried to throw it away, only for it to end up in the boys' hands. How would they react when they realize the letter is addressed to them?
Thank you for sending an ask! Thank you so much for your patience.
Riddle, Leona, and Malleus + Finding Reader writing a love letter!
Riddle Rosehearts
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Riddle isn’t usually one to pry, especially when it involves affairs that don’t involve him, but you looked like you needed help writing a letter. Something he could definitely help with if you needed help articulating words.
When he saw you toss it away, he was a little confused but ultimately decided to leave it alone. That was until he noticed his name written in cursive on the front of the paper.
Does he know that’s incredibly invasive? Yes, but you seemed really stressed out over something you could just tell him yourself. He was a smidge worried.
So he reads the letter and is shocked with the revelation of you having a crush on him. He read it multiple times, trying to see if this was a joke or not. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to just go up to you and ask.
“Do you have a moment? I’d like to know if you were also interested in me? Pardon me for being so blunt, but I feel it’s best to just it off of my chest. *He then chuckles nervously*”
Leona Kingscholar
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Leona also usually doesn’t get into people’s business, mostly because you couldn’t pay him to care. But he sees Grim pulling on your sleeve towards him with a letter in your hand in the distance and he starts to believe that this might become his business soon.
He didn’t move a muscle. If you were gonna come to him, then he’d talk to you about it. However, he thought it was kinda funny to just watch you try to avoid this.
You manage to get Grim to drop it and you guys go off to buy tuna. What you didn’t notice was that the letter had fallen from your hands and Leona picked it up. He says that he was gonna get up anyway, but you know that’s bs.
He reads the letter with a smug expression on his face, and chuckles to himself as he finishes reading. He now sets off to let you know your so called “one-sided feelings” aren’t actually so one-sided.
“Hey, herbivore. You could’ve just said you like me. Didn’t need to do a whole song and dance about trying to avoid it.”
Malleus Draconia
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Malleus watched as you crumpled up yet another piece of paper, wondering what could possibly make you this nervous and upset. In fact, he was just about to get up and ask when you got up and left the library.
The fae walked over to where you were sitting and picked up one of the papers. He justified to himself that he was just cleaning up, but in reality he was just nosy. He started to read one and was surprised to see that they were all addressed to him. He picked up another letter, and just like he thought, it was also meant for him.
After he finished reading one of the more complete letters, he felt his face flush and his heart beat a little faster. His favorite human had feelings for him? Was this a dream?
He knew that he had to come to you right away, but decided that he should also write his feelings in a little letter. The man thought the idea was simply adorable.
So, he walked up to you as usual and gave you the letter with an expectant look. His eyes lit up as you became increasingly flustered reading his letter.
“So child of man, am I safe to assume we share the same feelings? There would be no greater honor than being yours.”
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aurasy3ag3r · 2 months
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐜.𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫
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☆ summary : Connie moves in next door to Yn and sparks fly. Despite their differences, they bond over their shared interest and dreams, as they spend more and more time together they become more than 'just neighbors'
☆ parings : chef connie x blackfem reader.
☆ wc : 800
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A few weeks had gone by since you met Connie, and there wasn’t much communication—just a quick wave here and there, but nothing like the first night you met. Tonight, you could hear Connie hosting a “get-together” with his friends. You tried not to eavesdrop, but they were loud, and the walls were thin, so you couldn’t help it.
“Man, if you don’t invite her over, I’m gonna go over there and do it myself.” You were confused. Not wanting to assume they were talking about you, you moved your head closer to the wall. You couldn't hear much and ultimately decided what you were doing was weird, so you stopped.
‘Knock Knock’
You were confused by the knock at your door. Maybe it was about you? When you opened the door, there stood two guys. One was tall like Connie, with brown hair in a cute little man bun and intense green eyes that you tried not to stare at. The other guy was a few inches taller than you, pale, and blonde. “Hi, we’re friends of Connie, and he’s being a wuss about inviting you over for some wine.” Your eyes widened at what the blonde boy said. What you heard was definitely about you. “He has some high-quality wine.” The taller guy smiled and pointed at Connie, who was at his door holding a bottle of wine, waiting for you to accept their invitation.
“I love wine.” “Perfect, come with us.” You giggled at the taller guy and followed them, closing your door behind you. You had on a long cardigan and a lounge dress underneath, while everyone else looked dressed up. When you walked into the apartment, it felt like a whole other building. Your apartment was full of art, while Connie’s lacked it. Seeing his apartment, you thought of all the places where your art could fit. “Hi, neighbor, sorry about those two.” You smiled, and Connie handed you a glass of wine. It was delicious—sweet but not too sweet, just the way you liked your wine. “Connie, are you gonna introduce us?” You looked over at the few people on Connie’s couch and waved.
“Obviously, this is my neighbor, Yn. And Yn, these are my friends. You met Eren and Armin; that’s Sasha and Mikasa; and Jean is the one on the floor.” You nervously waved at everyone, and they waved back. “Come over here; I’m gonna pour you a glass of wine.” You walked over to Connie’s counter, away from his friends. “I was told you have some good wine.” Connie chuckled as he poured a glass of red wine. He slid over the glass, and you almost immediately took a small sip. Eren did not lie; his wine was amazing.
“I’ve been meaning to go over and cook for you.” Your eyes widened, and you took another sip of the wine. “Well, I’ve been waiting to try some of your food. Why haven’t you come over?” You placed the glass down and waited for Connie to answer. “To be honest, I was nervous.” “Nervous? I don’t bite.” Connie playfully rolled his eyes, and you giggled at his reaction. “A pretty girl like you makes me nervous.” Connie made his way closer to where you stood. “Well, we can have a celebratory dinner on Saturday if you’d like.” Connie smiled and nodded. “What are we celebrating?”
“Well, I’m hosting an art show on Friday. It’s not my first, but it’s my biggest art show yet.” Connie paid attention to how excited you got talking about your art show. “And I would love to invite you and your friends if you want to go. It’s downtown, nothing too fancy.” “I would love to go; I bet they would too. Right, guys?” Connie looked over at his friends, and they all looked confused. “Sorry, we can’t hear you over Sasha and Jean arguing.” “Yn is hosting an art show on Friday, and she invited us.”
The rest of the night went smoothly. You got to know his friends better and spent the rest of the night playing games and drinking more wine. Apparently, too much wine, because now you were alone with Connie, dying of laughter watching Spongebob.
“Fuck, it’s getting late; I should head home now.” Connie frowned but helped you get up from the floor. “We could also just have a sleepover.” You giggled at Connie, and he smiled. “Maybe another day.” Connie held the door open for you and followed you until you arrived at your door. “I had a really good time tonight. Your friends were really cool too.” “I’m glad you had a good time. Hope we can do it again, without my crazy friends.” You giggled and softly slapped Connie’s shoulder. “They were great. I’ll make sure to send you six tickets for Friday.” Connie smiled. He was looking forward to buying some of your art.
“Well, goodnight, pretty lady.” You blew Connie a kiss as he walked backwards to his apartment like a dummy.
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hope yall enjoyed ... AND I KNOWWWWW its been a while yall im sorryyyyyyyyyyyy please accept my apology with this :)))
I will be posting some sports fics soon (;;;
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cameronspecial · 9 months
hey lovely!! i’ve been thinking about rafe spoiling angel and taking her to those cute little stores with all of the cute plushies and stuff. idk, but i absolutely love your work, and i literally giggle and kick my feet when i see that you’ve written more 😛
ilysm pookieeee 😋😋
Let Me Spoil You, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Sex
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.0K
A/N: Thank you so much. It makes me giddy that you enjoy my work!
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Y/N had just found out that she got into her top-choice Master’s Program and Rafe couldn’t be more proud of her. She’s been working so hard, so he wants to reward her for her accomplishments. “Rafe, why are we at the mall? You know I mostly shop at outlet stores,” she complains. Rafe brings her to his side, “I know, but why don’t you let me spoil you, Angel?” She exhales and bobs her head. “Fine, but not more than a hundred dollars,” she limits. She really does love it when he pampers her, but she needs to set some boundaries or else he’ll buy the whole mall. He shakes his head, “One thousand.”
“Five hundred.”
“Fine, except I get to buy dinner.”
Rafe is satisfied with the offer and holds his hand out for her. He doesn’t want her to feel guilty about him always spending money on her. The first stop on their tour is the bookstore. He purposefully picked this mall because of the big indie bookstore inside. This is probably where she’ll spend most of her money. She has been browsing the science section of the store for about ten minutes now and has already picked out a few books. Rafe wants her to choose whatever she wants; however, he has a small request. He resets his chin on her shoulder, “Could you throw in some spicy romance books? I like proving to you that I am the ultimate book boyfriend.” Y/N giggles, remembering what happened when he caught her reading Icebreaker. She takes his hand and heads over to the romance section. She browses the books for a few minutes and picks one out. She examines the back, proceeding to add the whole series into the basket. “What’s the book about?” he asks because he is intrigued by the fact that she wants to buy all four books. She smiles at her, “The first one is a grump x sunshine book. She is a photographer and he is rich and her brother’s best friend. I’ve seen it on Bookstagram.” 
He follows her further down, “That sounds interesting. I can’t wait to see where it has us having sex next.” Shy about his words, Y/N turns her head away and continues to look at the books. They spend about forty minutes in the bookstore before moving on to  Miniso. Y/N stares at the wall of stuffed animals in front of her. She knows she wants one, but can’t decide which to choose. “Okay, so there are four possible ones that I want. The penguin, the cat, the bear, or the banana. Which one do you think, Rafe?” she consults. Rafe doesn’t use words to reply; instead, he goes to each one she points out and puts it inside the bag. He adds an elephant in just because he thinks she’ll find it cute. “Rafe, that’s too many. Where am I going to put them?” she reasons, trying to reach into the bag to return some of the plushies. 
He holds his hand out to stop her, “It’s still within your budget. We can put them in the frat storage if there isn’t space in my room and when we find a house in the summer, we just have to make sure there is enough room for them.” “Okay, I guess we can do that. Come on. I want to buy you some things too,” she tells him. They pay for the toys and she drags him to J. Crew. “You don’t have to use the money on me. It’s supposed to be for you.” She turns to him with a grin, “I know. This is for me too. You are going to do a fashion show for me.” Rafe isn’t one to like going shopping, but he will find joy in it if Y/N enjoys it. 
Y/N sits on the little stool Rafe got a sales associate to bring over, waiting for him to come out of the changing room. The door opens and he comes out wearing the teal and white-stripped button-up shirt with the tanned chinos that she picked for him. He does his best to catwalk towards her and spins around for her to take in the full look. “What do we think?” he questions. She gives him a thumbs up, “Rafe, you look so good. We are definitely getting those.” He nods his head before going back to the changing room to try on the next outfit. He comes out in black shorts and a light blue polo, which compliments his eyes. He mocks taking a golf swing, “This is the perfect outfit for golfing. We are going to have to get you a matching one.”
“I don’t golf, Rafe. You know that.” 
“I do, but don’t you think it would be fun to have a matching outfit? I can teach you how to play.” 
“Fine, it would be cool. We can go next week. Now, go finish trying on the rest of the clothes.”
He gives her a mock solute. After trying on the other outfits, they get her a matching outfit to Rafe’s and then go pay. They head to his car, having spent five hundred dollars in almost three hours. It’s a new record for them honestly. Rafe opens the passenger side door for her and she slides into the seat with a thank you. He puts the shopping bags in the trunk, making his way to the diver’s side. “Did you have a good day?” he postulates. His eyes land on her beaming mouth and she holds his chin in between her fingers. Her head moves up and down, “I had the best day. Thank you for spoiling me, Rafe.” She gives him a sweet kiss. “I will always shower my angel with gifts. Now, where are you treating me to dinner?” “Let’s get sushi!” she announces, pointing her finger in forward. He chuckles at how adorable she is and starts the car, driving in the direction of her favourite sushi restaurant.
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @queen-shadow22 @nonbullshit-toleratingkindagirl
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cnovelartreblogs · 2 years
C-Novels Available in English Translation
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A few weeks ago, a few of my danmei-loving friends and I got to talking about how much there is that we want to read, but that none of us have been very organized about keeping track of titles, fantranslation links, etc.
So, we decided to make a spreadsheet.
AND to combine every link we'd each separately stashed around on that spreadsheet.
The result is a list of 102 titles (currently 96 are danmei, 5 are baihe, and 1 is gen, reflecting our personal interests/preferences) with links to translations, some complete, some not. (as of 2/20/23)
Love C-Novels? Especially danmei? Looking for something to read? Check it out!
Some notes:
This is specifically for English translations from Chinese titles. Though some of the links do include other works (for example, some translators also do Japanese, and some Carrds list fantranslations in multiple languages), we're English speakers who are interested in Chinese novels, so we focused on that.
Currently, this is mostly basic information (titles, authors, links), with no summaries, genre tags, etc. We hope to ultimately expand it but that will be a lot of work and the information is already available at the provided NovelUpdates links, so we encourage you to use those.
We make no claims that this list is exhaustive; while the first sheet lists the resources we had collectively already gathered, there's a second sheet with things we know of and intend to add.
We'll try to keep links and such up-to-date but if you spot a problem please let me know!
Know of something that's not on the main list OR on the "to add" page? Please do send the info my way! Comments or ask box stuff will help.
Note that to actually access the fantranslations, you'll often need to take additional action to read them - you may need to request access, or get a password, etc. How to get this access is usually included on the pages.
Known official translations are listed. We will not link fantranslations for titles that are out officially in English. Don't send them. Don't ask for them. We won't help you pirate these titles.
(ADDED): I have also now added carrds for works that I could find carrds for, and added a third sheet, with carrds for authors. (I looked for every title and author and added the ones I could locate; Google asked if I was a bot at least 6 times lmao). Carrds are often good for summaries, information about the characters, and especially trigger warnings, so they're worth checking out! (ADDED MORE): I also added NovelUpdates links for all authors, so people can see a full list of their other works even if they don't have Carrds.
Don't forget to thank and respect translators, and honor their wishes! Without fantranslators, we wouldn't have all this amazing stuff to read in English, so THANK YOU FANTRANSLATORS!
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loose-angel · 2 years
Big Brother | Neteyam
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pairing: Brother!Neteyam x sister!reader, Brother!Lo'ak x sister!reader summary: A day in the life of older brother Neteyam Sully w/c: 613 notes: i recently hit 100 followers while i wrote this little drabble!! thank u all so much >.< i hope u enjoy this xD im on a streak w the sibling fics and drabbles its just so much fun to write!!
It was not uncommon that you and Lo’ak would get into arguments, almost always they are about petty things, who was the fastest, who’s better at hunting, who makes the better meal, etc. So it wasn’t rare that the Sully family would walk in on your childish arguments, though unfortunately, it was Neteyam who had the luck to run into the both of you.
“Lo’ak just admit you’re a pussy bitch and this can be over.” You rolled your eyes.
“No way in hell! I told you, we need a rematch and it’ll be fair,” Loak grunted, crossing his arms over his chest, turning away from you.
Neteyam sighed. He really wasn’t in the mood to play ‘most responsible person in the world’ right now, but duty calls.
The eldest Sully approaches the both of you, “Hey, hey, what’s all this fighting about?”
“This skxawng and I did a race of whoever got the first kill and I won but Lo’ak says it ‘cuz he heard a thanator and had to hide for the first few minutes.” You whined to your older brother, earning an appalled gasp from his brother. 
“Hey! You can’t go sucking up to him just ‘cause you’re his ‘little princess’!” Lo’ak mocked in a high pitch tone, his hands flying around wildly.
“Listen, listen, I’m not taking anyones’ side, both of you are skxawngs.” Neteyam exhaled, crossing his arms over his chest, “Now, no more fighting, or I’m telling mom and dad.” The eldest says, mostly directed towards his brother. 
“Ya, you skxawng, scurry off.” You scoffed, sticking your tongue out at your brother, playfully poking at his torso.
Lo’ak hissed at you, brows furrowing.
“Princess, you’re provoking him,” Neteyam shook his head. Yet you paid no mind, continuing with your teasing. 
You poked Lo’ak once more before he hissed and pounced at you. The two of you begin fighting, with Lo’ak pulling at your braids and you pulling on his ear. Grunts and whines bounce against the leaves of the hometree, the pair of you rolling around and knocking into the bark of the tree. 
“Ow! Bro she has my ears! She has my ears! Get her off!”
“Let go of my fucking hair!”
Neteyam sighs once again, he can never have just one peaceful day, can he? He struts over to the two of you. At this point you’re now straddling Lo’ak, pulling on his hair as he throws meek punches to your torso. 
Neteyam picks you up without a second thought, “No more fighting, please.” you squirm in your brother’s hold but ultimately cannot fight against it. The eldest Sully reaches out a hand and helps Lo’ak up.
At just the right timing, Kiri walks in. She pauses to observe the scene, before shrugging and going on about her business. 
“My ears really hurt,” Lo’ak muttered under his breath, a stupid pout forming on his lips. 
“Okay, go ask Kiri for help,” Neteyam nods his head in his sister’s direction. Lo’ak begrudgingly struts over to where Kiri is. 
You remain beside Neteyam, eyes wandering to the ground, which was suddenly so interesting. 
“Now you, I don’t know why you continue to cause trouble baby,” Neteyam points, looking down at you with disappointment. You shift from foot to foot. Luckily enough, his soft side for you remains, the slip of a pet name indicating he’s not entirely mad at you.
Yet you chuckle nervously, “I won’t anymore, promise.”
Neteyam rolls his eyes at your promise. As if you hadn’t said the same thing a few days ago. Though he takes a look at your disheveled state, and decides to let it pass.
“Come, I’ll fix your braids.”
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hiveworks · 1 year
Interview with Mad Rupert, author of Sakana
September 2023
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Sakana, the story of life and love in a fish market, is coming back from its hiatus soon! The strip comic style webcomic began in 2010 and follows Jiro, Taisei, Yuudai, and Chie as they navigate their relationships and learn to face their feelings. We asked creator Mad Rupert, author of Robber Robert and artist of Bunt!, for an interview to celebrate the series return.
Read Sakana | Shop books & merch | Read more Hiveworks comics
Sakana has been your baby for 13 years. What has the webcomic journey been like for you over the past decade?
It really has been over a decade, hasn’t it! There have certainly been ups and downs, periods where I was updating as much as I could, and also long hiatuses. I feel like webcomics have always been an amazing space to practice my craft and stretch my writing and drawing skills alike. You can kind of do anything you like with webcomics, and oftentimes people come up with wackier, and imho more interesting concepts than if they were beholden to a large publisher. Not that I haven’t made my fair share of traditionally-published comics and graphic novels… but there’s just something so gratifying about coming up with your own wild story and working towards its end on your own time. Webcomics are incredibly tough and time consuming, but also the ultimate form of self expression. 
What is the origin of Sakana? What made you want to tell this story?
Sakana actually started as a class project when I was a junior at the Savannah College of Art and Design. I had been accepted into the Sequential Art department’s yearly Japan trip to study comics and cartooning in Tokyo for a few weeks, and our final project was to create 11 comic strips based off of something that made a strong impact on us during the trip. We had visited the old inner market (now demolished) of the Tsukiji Fish Market at 4am one morning, and it was the most incredible place I’d ever been, so I decided to craft a short story that took place in the market. Beyond the first 11 strips, I decided to continue the story for as long as I could as a way to practice the comic techniques I was learning in class. That was over a decade and 600 strips ago! It really has become the most ambitious project I’ve ever undertaken.
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Do you have the ending already written? Do you see a conclusion in sight?
Yes! I’ve always had something at least resembling an end in mind throughout most of the comic’s lifespan. For a long-format comic like SAKANA, I think it’s very important to have a rough ending planned out as early as possible, otherwise it becomes difficult to keep the narrative moving in a satisfying direction, drop little tidbits of plot that will pay off later, or even maintain your enthusiasm for the project. To be clear, the details of Sakana's “end” have changed many times, which is only natural with a very long project like this. But I’ve always kept crucial details the same: basically certain characters in a certain place at a certain time doing certain things (to keep from getting too spoilery haha.) HOW they get there, WHY they’re there, and WHAT exactly they’re doing will ebb and flow as the years go by and I myself get older and older. But having a general sense of the end in mind has kept things moving all this time. The story’s got one more volume to go, and then I’ll be done!
Your hiatus is a result of working on a traditionally published graphic novel, coming in 2024. Is there anything you can tell us about your book?
My new graphic novel is called Bunt! and it’s a collaborative effort between myself and my dear pal, Ngozi Ukazu (author of popular webcomic Check, Please!) Ngozi wrote the book and I drew it, and we’re both really proud of what we’ve made! It’s already available for preorder all over the place and it will officially be out in stores in February 2024. We’re really looking forward to getting out there this fall and winter and spreading the word about it!
You recently successfully completed a Kickstarter for an 18+ comic, Robber Robert, as well. What is it like balancing these different narratives, genres, and mediums of publishing comics?
It’s definitely been a struggle at times to balance everything, and I definitely don’t recommend working on 3 giant projects at the same time! I finally had to admit that I couldn’t do it all at once, which led to me putting Sakana and RR on hiatus to finish Bunt!, and then keeping Sakana on hiatus while I finished up RR. I really burned myself out on comics for a while, and it’s been a huge struggle to get myself back to a good place with my work. Finishing Bunt! and RR Chapter 1 has really helped reenergize me, but I can always feel myself trying to overload my work schedule again and again. It’s my greatest weakness as a professional artist.
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What keeps you inspired?
Making something for myself, practicing my craft, and putting my own stories out there are all huge driving forces in my life. Learning to stop overwhelming myself with work has also helped a lot. Looking back on all the art I’ve made and all the different things I’ve tried makes me feel like I can do anything I put my mind to, so long as I give myself the time and space to enjoy the process.
Do you have any webcomic or graphic novel recommendations?
I’m a big fan of anything fantasy or sci-fi, especially if the narrative approaches the fantastical elements in a weird, unique, and kind of gay way haha. My favorite manga is currently Delicious in Dungeon, but I’m also a fan of historical series like Golden Kamuy and Bride’s Story. For webcomics, I love anything by Evan Dahm, like his long-format series Rice Boy and Vattu. As for Hiveworks comics, there’s too many to list individually but my current favorites are Fairmeadow by KP, and Tiger, Tiger by Petra Nordlund. 
Any advice for new readers of Sakana?
I would say…despite its high page count, it’s not that long of a read! The strip format keeps it moving at a pretty quick clip when read all at once (but it certainly didn’t feel like that over the last 13 years updating one page at a time!) I know that the format and the black and white rendering might feel a little dated in the current era of Webtoons and full-color stories, but I’m too stubborn to change now, and I really appreciate anybody giving it a shot! Also, no matter who you are, or how much you dislike him in the beginning, Yuudai will probably be your favorite character.
You can read Sakana for free at sakana-comic.com and print books are available at hivemill.com
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reverie-starlight · 2 years
{the video call incident ~ MSBY manager!reader}
{sakusa x GN!reader}
aka: you and sakusa are trying to keep your relationship under wraps from the rest of the team and break the news slowly. key word trying. gone wrong.
warnings: none, really, just humor/bantering/insults, fluff. also sakusa is sweet towards you. idc if you think he’s mean, I just think he’s so soft with his partner. miya twins and reader have been friends since before the timeskip but it’s only briefly mentioned. ONE suggestive line by Hinata... mildly suggestive at the very end.
notes: I ADORE this piece, it might be one of my favourite fics of mine. I kinda wanna do an MSBY manager series with the different guys... anyone interested? Also- every time I was mean to Atsumu in this fic I felt actual pain. I love him too much.
there is... a LOT of dialogue in this fic. just so you know.
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“Kiyoomi, stop,” you laughed as you pushed you boyfriend back slightly. 
He had an early practice the next morning (technically as his team manager you did, too) but he was currently standing in the front hall of your apartment, arms wrapped around you and pressing kisses to your face. 
“No,” he said in between kisses, smiling slightly, “why should I?”
You didn’t have a good enough reason to give him and he knew that. He continued his actions and you sighed.
“Kiyoomi, you and I both know that I’d be more than happy to let you spend the night, but if we show up tomorrow in the same car for the second time this month, the guys are going to get suspicious.”
Sakusa sighed. “I know, I just want to appreciate you a little longer. I feel bad for keeping my distance at practice today. Meian is probably onto us and I wanted to redirect his focus.”
You smiled at him. “I’m sure he’s already figured it out. Better him than the trouble trio.”
He hummed in agreement.
The two of you had been keeping your relationship a secret for the past eight months. You’d been the MSBY manager for a couple years now, starting around the same time Sakusa was recruited, and at the end of the last season, after a big game, he had finally asked you out. (“Adrenaline and high off of a win,” he had reasoned when you questioned why he chose that moment.)
The only reason it was kept a secret was because some of the team members were rather… excitable.
Namely Atsumu, Bokuto and Hinata.
You loved the team you managed, and you loved their personalities. Really, you did.
Despite that love, you might as well be those three’s babysitter.
Add your boyfriend to the mix and things got even more chaotic. However, you did love to see how he interacted with them. Something about it is what drew you to him in the first place. (Your friends had made it clear that your type was apparently slightly mean tall guys who turn to mush behind closed doors. You hadn’t agreed until you met Sakusa.)
That aside, telling the team would result in chaos. The trio would accuse you of betrayal, they’d stare at you both during any small interactions and it would ultimately disrupt the team’s dynamic.
So you both decided to keep it a secret until the end of the current season so they could digest the news easier and have everything be mostly normal by time the next game season rolled around.
You tried one more time to push him off and he sighed. He gave you three more quick pecks and unwrapped his arms from around your waist.
“Fine, I’ll go,” he said, reaching for his coat.
You were about to help him into it when he suddenly patted his pockets in a panic. “I left my phone in the living room, can I go get it?”
You nodded and he moved back into the main part of the apartment just as your phone started ringing. You rolled your eyes when you realized who it was. You swiped the accept call button and groaned when he popped up on the screen with messy towel dried hair and a hyper look on his face. Oh brother.
“What, Atsumu?” You really didn’t want to pick up at that moment, but you knew that if you ignored it he’d either keep calling non-stop or be all pouty about it at practice tomorrow.
Neither option was favourable.
“Y/n! ‘m bored. Ya gotta keep me company.” 
You frowned. “You couldn’t call Bokuto or Hinata? Or Sakusa?”
“Neither of ‘em picked up when I called. And omi-omi doesn’t pick up unless he already knows why I’d be callin’ so I didn’t bother.”
“Well I’m really sorry, Atsumu, but you caught me at a bad time, I’m busy right now,” you tried to sound sympathetic but it came off as rushed.
He was still your friend and you didn’t like ignoring him, but he really did catch you at the worst time.
Sakusa came back into the front hall looking like he was about to say something but stopped when he saw you were on the phone.
“But Y/nnnnn!” He rolled his eyes and let out an involuntary scoff when he heard Atsumu’s voice.
He clapped a hand over his mouth and looked at you with wide eyes.
You hoped the man on the screen hadn’t heard that but even if he hadn’t, the panicked look on your face and the way your eyes flicked to something behind your phone definitely tipped him off.
A wide smirk took over his face when you looked back at your phone and you started shaking your head.
“Do ya have a boy over, Y/n? Is that what this is?”
“Shut up, no I don’t.” you started but you were cut off.
You ended the call.
Sakusa slowly took his hand away from his mouth and looked at you. It was silent for a good three seconds before he said “That’s on me.”
“It’s fine, he doesn’t know who it was.”
“Do you think you can keep him from telling anyone?”
Both of your phones started buzzing at the same time. 
“Too late,” you said in unison.
Suddenly a video call from the group chat came through. “Shit,”
“Okay, Kiyoomi, I think it’s best that you go now, if you join the call from your place it’ll be less suspicious.”
He nodded. “Good idea,” he rushed to get his coat and shoes on and kissed you once before heading out. “I love you and I’m sorry if this goes badly.”
You returned his affection and locked the door before joining the group call. Hinata was there, too.
“Atsumu. I swear to god, you didn’t need to turn this into a whole thing. Hi Hinata.”
The orange haired boy beamed at you and waved. “Hi Y/n! How are you?” 
“Shoyo! Our dear manager has A BOY OVER.”
“Oh, are you dating someone, Y/n?” 
“I’m n-”
You rolled your eyes once again. “Because, Miya, not everyone is as invested in my personal life as you are.”
He gasped at the use of his last name and was about to throw something back at you when Bokuto joined the call on his evening jog. Just great. If Atsumu successfully managed to rile him up, Hinata would surely follow soon after. You needed to do damage control. 
Quickly exiting the screen of the call, you texted your boyfriend.
I need you to knock Atsumu down a peg, please join the call. 
Oh, my pleasure.
As you were texting him, you heard Bokuto and Hinata rambling on about tomorrow’s practice. The setter looked mildly annoyed that no one was paying attention to him anymore. 
“Bokkun!! Listen to me for a minute!! Y/n has a-”
At long last, Sakusa joined the call from what looked like the inside of the grocery store five minutes from his house.
“Omi! What’re you doing here? You never join our video calls unless Y/n makes you- wait where the hell are ya?”
“It was a misclick, don’t get too excited, Miya. And you interrupted my grocery shopping, if you must know.”
“Well don’t leave! You’re gonna wan’ to hear this.”
Sakusa sighed. “I’m sure I won’t.”
You had to bite back a smile at the faux bored look on his face.
Sakusa blinked. “Miya, why do you care so much about our manager’s personal life? Is your own that boring? Are you so unsatisfied that you have to live vicariously through other people’s? Just watch reality TV if that’s the case, I’m sure Y/n would appreciate it as well.”
You let a small laugh out at the sight of your setter looking like he was just slapped across the face.
Your boyfriend promptly kicked him out of the call, looking rather pleased with himself.
Bokuto on the other hand...
Aaaand now Hinata wanted in on the action. “YEAH, YOU CAN TELL US Y/N!”
Atsumu rejoined the call not a second later. “WHY’D YA KICK ME OUT? Y’know what? Fine. I’m adding someone else to the call.”
You gasped when a familiar contact picture popped up on the screen and the connceting dots appeared. 
“Oh for the love of- Your brother, Atsumu, really?? Don’t drag him into this.”
The other (and in your opinion at this particular moment- the better) Miya twin finally picked up. “Uh. Hi? Whaddaya need, 'tusmu?”
“SAMU, Y/n has a boy over.”
“Okay, and?” You’ll give him credit for at least trying to look uninterested.
“They come into your restaurant sometimes don’t they? Have they ever brought a guy with them?”
“Atsumu, please just drop it-” but your pleas fell on deaf ears. 
Osamu shook his head and you almost, almost thought you were in the clear until...
“They only brought Sakusa in one time last month... and Suna did mention that he saw them together when you were all in Tokyo for some matches.”
Both of the Miya twins were dead to you. You silently took back everything you said about Samu being the better one. Years of friendship down the drain. 
You thought he’d have your back on this one but you forgot that, at heart, Osamu is just as much of a little shit as his twin. 
“Osamu!” You shouted, betrayed. 
He shrugged. “Sorry, Y/n.”
Atsumu glared at the screen. “As if it’d be Omi-Omi. We’d definitely know if it was him. Y/n, it wouldn’t have come to this point if ya had just told us who’s with you right now.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m home alone right now, genius, he’s long gone. And it isn’t any of your business!”
At that moment everything you’d been working so hard to keep a secret crumbled before your eyes. 
Bokuto suddenly had a look of realization wash over his face. 
“Wait, if that’s the case, then could it be Omi after all? I ran into him while he was walking in the opposite direction of Y/n’s apartment building when I passed by on my jog ten minutes ago.” He said it totally innocently, as if you having Sakusa over wasn’t as big as Atsumu was making it out to be.
The call went silent for a solid minute before Atsumu started speaking. 
“Bokkun, what did you sa-”
Oops, there goes Atsumu again.
“I sai-”
Oh no, Bokuto too.
You and Sakusa stared at the screen in shock, waiting to see Hinata’s reaction.
Osamu just smirked and waved goodbye before signing off himself. 
Hinata just smiled at the two of you. “Congratulations! I’m really happy for you guys... do you congratulate friends when you find out they’re sleeping together?”
Hinata, your sweet sunshine friend was successful in unfreezing the both of you. “It’s not like that, Hinata-”
“Not normally, no.”
You glared at Sakusa (who was now back in his apartment without a mask) but he just smirked at you. “Kiyoomi.” 
“Alright, I’m sorry.”
“Anyway,” you tried again. “Hinata, we’re dating. We have been for a while.”
“Oh! That definitely calls for celebration then!” 
You smiled slightly before the banished returned to the call. 
“’kay, ya really need to stop doin’ that.” Atsumu said immediately. 
“Why was I kicked out, Y/n? You’re not mad at me are you?”
“No, Bokuto, of course not.” 
“Stop ignorin’ me!”
“Miya, stop being a pest.”
“Guys!! They’re dating! I was right.” 
You froze again. “Hinata... what did you say?”
“Don’t make me kick you out of this call.”
“Fine! I knew you guys were dating. It was kind of obvious.”
“What do you mean obvious, Hinata?” Sakusa asked. 
You shared a glance with him through the screen in confusion. You were both so sure you were hiding it well. Actually... you knew you were hiding it well, considering Atsumu and Bokuto didn’t catch on until now.
“Well, one day a few months ago I may have caught you two making out behind the gym. At that point I thought it was just that kind of relationship and figured it wasn’t my business. But then a few weeks ago, after Sakusa and Atsumu had gotten into an argument at practice, he called Komori-”
“Ah, Shoyo, let’s not-”
“You have my cousin’s number?” Sakusa hissed.
“He does!” 
“Bokkun, seriously, stop-”
“I’m not letting this go, Miya.”
“Hinata, please continue.”
“And Atsumu asked about his relationship status because he wanted blackmail or something. Then Komori said that his lips were sealed, he promised Sakusa he wouldn’t say anything to anyone. I put two and two together, Bokuto thought he was just being a good cousin and let it go, and Atsumu assumed Sakusa was just embarrassed about being single. After that I kinda noticed that you two seemed closer and assumed everyone else on the team knew too. I tried to ask Atsumu about it but he was dead set on not believing you’d date-in his words- ‘an ass like omi-omi’”
You stared at Hinata with wide eyes. “You knew for that long... and managed not to let it slip?”
He shrugged. “It wasn’t hard. I was focused on practice most of the time anyway, so it honestly just slipped my mind.”
Maybe you didn’t give Hinata enough credit. 
“Atsumu, you owe me a meat bun now since I was right!”
Or maybe you were justified with your initial feeling. 
“You bet on us being together?!”
It was going to be a long night. 
After explaining everything to the trouble trio about why you didn’t tell them, you were left on call with Sakusa.
“Well... that was certainly something.” He said.
“Mmhmm,” You looked at him. “Kiyoomi...”
He offered you a soft grin. “I’m already putting my shoes on. I’ll be there soon. Now you have no excuses for not letting me stay the night.”
You giggled and rested your chin on your palm. “I guess not. It’s a shame, really, you’re getting to be so clingy lately. Ever heard of the term personal space?”
“Oh please,” he scoffed. “says the one who literally will not let go of me unless I physically detach you from my body most days.”
“You guys are disgustingly sweet.”
“What are you still doing here, Atsumu?! I thought you left?”
“I snuck back in.”
“Well leave.”
“Sure. But I’m telling everyone how soft you are for our manager tomorrow morning.”
Sakusa raised an eyebrow. “You really think anyone will believe you without proof?”
The last thing you heard before Sakusa blew you a kiss was Atsumu groaning as he was kicked from the call one last time upon realizing he in fact does not have proof.
You woke up the next morning completely intertwined with Sakusa. 
“My love, wake up. We’re going to be late.”
You groaned and snuggled into his side more, shivering slightly when he traced lines on the skin of your back. He laughed and pried you off of him. 
“Mm no, five more minutes.” 
“Come on, Y/n/n, if we’re late you know we’ll never hear the end of it. We don’t have the luxury of secrecy anymore. Besides,” he poked you in the stomach and leaned in closer to you. “you’re the one who insisted on staying up late last night. I tried to tell you that this would happen, but you were just so needy-”
“Okay, okay, I’m up,” you cut him off, then mumbled under your breath “but I didn’t hear you complaining much.”
You shrieked when two arms wrapped around your waist and you were pulled against his chest. “I’m sorry did you say something, my dear?”
It didn’t matter if you were late or not in the end, because when you entered the gym, you were greeted with a round of applause and some whistles. And your boyfriend was weighed down by the endless teasing about his messed up hair and marks on his chest in the changing room. 
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jeonscatalyst · 20 days
I do agree with this person's analysis of Jimin and Jungkook personalities, and I also agree that to some extent Jungkook's affection being rarer than Jimin's does make it more special to some fans, but where I disagree is that I don't think that's the main reason why fans seem to put more weight in what Jungkook does than what Jimin does.
Because while some fans will put this much thought on the differences in jikook's personalities, I don't think it's the majority that does. It's kinda of a problem we have actually. If people realised that Jimin and Jungkook are two different people with different ways of showing affection, then we wouldn't have to keep seeing the same stupid takes on their relationship over and over again. It's people expecting jikook to always do to the other the exact same thing the other did to them that causes so much annoying discourse.
But you know what a lot of shipper do love doing? Competing with one another. Competition is one of the main things in every k-pop fandom and sub-fandom, shippers are no exception. And when it comes to jikookers we all know the competition is with taekookers. We're always at each other's throats, let's be honest. And some spend just as much time taking about the rival ship as they do talking about their own ship.
Which leads me to what I believe is the real main reason why both sides (not just jikookers) view Jungkook's actions as more important. It's because he's the in-common person to both ships. He's like the main character in a love triangle. He's the one that ultimately decides who gets together in the end, not the two love interests, so their actions don't matter as much.
The point of contention with shippers has never really been whether or not Jimin or Taehyung like Jungkook, that's already assumed to be the case. With solos it's definitely an argument, but jikookers and taekookers focus more on each other than in solos. No, the real question has always been who does Jungkook like more: Jimin or Taehyung?
If Jimin declares his love for Jungkook jikookers will of course love that, but if Jungkook is the one who does it it'll matter more because it can be used against taekookers. Taekookers don't care if Jimin loves Jungkook or not, what he feels doesn't matter to them. Nothing Jimin says can prove anything to them. The confirmation has to come from Jungkook, that's the only way they'll care about it. And jikookers do care about one-upping taekookers. If we didn't we wouldn't spend so much time trying to prove to them that we're right.
There's been plenty of times when I've seen something that used to not matter suddenly become important the moment people realize it could be used in the shipping competition. It's a sort of 'I didn't care that much about that thing I have until I realized it could make the other side jealous'. Or 'I didn't want that thing until the other side got it and now I want it too'.
Things naturally hold more importance to people when those things have not only their own inherent value but also when they have the added bonus of pissing off someone you don't like. Jimin's love for Jungkook is important by itself but Jungkook's love for Jimin is seen as more important because it will also piss off taekookers.
I'm pretty sure that if the two biggest ships were jikook and vmin instead, then the most important thing suddenly would be Jimin's affection, regardless of how affectionate he is with everyone.
Again, I do agree some fans do consider jikook's differences and that that does influence how they value their actions, it's just that I think there's a bigger reason here.
I hope this didn't come across as me being a contrarian for the sake of it, I just wanted to add a separate perspective on the subject because I've had this opinion for a while and it seemed relevant to the topic. I also hope I was not to harsh on my opinions of other jikookers, but no fandom is without it's flaws and I think it's important to acknowledge them.
Anon, I owe you a cold beer right now because it seems like you read my mind.
This is exactly what I think too. It’s just mostly about the competition, the shipwars, the fights and the need to “win”. That’s really why people think Jungkook’s actions hold more meaning that Vmins. It’s like Jungkook is the prize that Vmin are desperately trying to win and every action or word of his is used as an affirmation or debunking. “Jungkook did this with Tae but didn’t do that with Jimin so Tae is his boyfriend”….just an endless cycle of bullshit.
Anyone who is mature and experienced enough understands that Jimin and Jungkook don’t have to express themselves exactly the same for things to be mutual. Jimin could say “I love you” to Jungkook and Jungkook wouldn’t say it back but would prefer to make a video of Jimin. So many people would say Jungkook didn’t reciprocate just because he didn’t do things exactly the way Jimin did when the truth is that he did, just in his own way.
When I see people coming up with useless takes or comparisons about their bond it pisses me off to no end because it’s the little things that Jungkook does. People would get pissed at Jungkook and say that he doesn’t show love to Jimin as much as Jimin does just because Jimin would constantly touch him, ask him to eat alot and is very vocal about his affection but Jungkook remembering that Jimin likes his food spicy and trying to make it just how Jimin likes it apparently means nothing because Jungkook wasn’t shouting on a roof top or Jungkook thinking of what to cook in Jeju and knowing that Jimin would love it doesn’t matter because he didn’t stand on a podium and announce it or Jungkook quietly getting water for Jimin and giving him to drink without him asking doesn’t mean a thing because he didn’t carry Jimin on his head. Sometimes I don’t even have the energy to argue because if only people understood Jungkook they would know that Jungkook doesn’t treat anyone the same way he does Jimin.
I personally can see how someone might naturally value Jungkook’s actions more because Jimin is a natural caring, nurturing and loving person to everyone so sometimes it is hard to tell if his actions mean more or it is just him being himself but with Jungkook, he tries as much as possible to be impartial but he just cannot help it when it comes to Jimin. He is pretty kind and caring towards everyone he loves too but not the same way Jimin does it plus Jungkook tends to go big when he expresses his affection for Jimin. So with Jimin we get little bits of love and affection more frequently than we get from Jungkook but once we get one from Jungkook, it is usually news worthy and kinda exclusive to Jimin so it hits harder.
I dunno. I might have gone off topic but like I said, I 100% agree with you.
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crushpunky · 6 days
kook!reader introduces her new “friend”
Y/n could feel her hands shake as they neared the patio of the country club. She could see Topper and Kelce entranced in conversation, but her eyes quickly met Rafe’s, almost as if he had been looking for her. She noticed as they locked onto her before switching to the figure behind you… Peter.
Y/n wasn’t one for relationships. She had decided in high school, after years of hanging out with the boys, that she knew what she wanted in a man and wasn’t willing to compromise… so she didn’t. Instead, she spent her teenage years on random hookups, occasionally finding a guy that piqued her interest before he ultimately ghosted her a week later. It was draining, seeing as Topper and Kelce seemed to find their way into relationships with nice girls as easy as breathing. Rafe, like y/n, wasn’t one for relationships, however, for much different reasons. He had always told her he wasn’t ready to commit, but that wasn’t the whole truth…
“Hello!” Peter said, waving to the boys enthusiastically. Peter was a sweet boy, had the same interests as y/n, and was undeniably cute. The two of them had been chatting for a few weeks, even going as far as going on a few dates, and Peter showed no signs of slowing down his charming behavior. When he suggested he meet her friends she talked so much about, y/n was hesitant. Not because she was embarrassed of them, of course, but more because she was fearful of their… possessiveness over her.
“Who is this?” Topper said bluntly as y/n neared the table. Silently, Rafe moved to pull out a chair for her, but was stopped when Peter did so a split second before him.
“This is… Peter.” Y/n said quietly, gesturing to the boy still standing behind her. Peter grinned, shaking hands with Topper and Kelce before moving on to Rafe, who simply glared at him.
“You didn’t tell us you were bringing a… friend.” Rafe said, leaning onto the table with his elbows. Y/n looked at him, her hands fidgeting with the hem of her shorts, starting to ramble out a response before Peter cut in.
“That’s my bad, I sort of asked this morning. Last minute.” Peter said, placing a hand on y/n’s shoulder.
“Well we only got a table for four so…” Kelce trailed off, gesturing to the full table. 
“And it’s pretty full.” Topper added with a nod. Y/n could feel her cheeks warm. She should’ve known this was going to be a bad idea, inviting him to their weekly Sunday brunch. It was too intimate, too personal, of course they wouldn’t like a change in their routine. She felt so embarrassed, so—
“Oh another one?” A waiter appeared behind them, eyeing the still standing boy. It was a blessing and a curse that there happened to be an empty chair sitting nearby, the club usually packed to the brim for Sunday brunch. The waiter took it, sliding it between Topper and y/n with a grin.
“Thank you,” Peter nodded to the waiter before taking a seat.
“Is this why you said you didn’t need me to pick you up this morning?” Rafe asked. He should’ve known something was up when y/n texted him this morning saying she had to run some errands that morning and didn’t need him to pick her up. Every Sunday he picked her up, greeting her with an iced coffee (she didn’t like the coffee at the country club) before heading in for brunch.
“Take your elbows off the table, Rafe.” Y/n said, ignoring Rafe’s question as she picked up the menu in front of her, looking it over as if she didn’t order the same thing every Sunday. Rafe scoffed before taking his elbows off the table, leaning back into his seat.
“So, Peter, right?” Topper said, obviously taking in the tense atmosphere before the two best friends and deciding it was best for him to take control of the conversation.
“Yes. It’s great to finally meet you guys, I've heard so much about you.” Peter says, resting his arm on the back of y/n’s chair.
“Interesting, I haven’t heard anything about you.” Rafe said as he took a sip of his bloody mary. Y/n eyed him threateningly, to which he raised his hands in faux innocence.
“Um, well… I’m going to UNC in the fall.” Peter said.
“Oh, wow,” Topper nodded before allowing the conversation to fall silent.
“Peter is studying chemistry. He wants to be a chemical engineer.” Y/n said, looking over to Peter with a soft smile.
“Remember when Rafe wanted to be an engineer?” Kelce said, causing Topper and y/n to burst out laughing at the very thought. Rafe shook his head, a small smirk forming on his face at the memory of his childhood ignorance.
“Yeah, that nerd shit’s definitely not for me.” Rafe said with a scoff, causing y/n to elbow him in the ribs. Peter let out a nervous chuckle, moving to rest his hands in his lap. Rafe quickly replaced Peter's arm, draping his own across the back of y/n’s chair.
“Well… I’m sure you’re working with your father, right?” Peter said, taking a sip from one of the glasses of water that sat on the table.
“Yep.” Rafe said bluntly, his eyes not leaving Peter.
“Um, that sounds like a great opportunity. Your father is a very well respected figure in the community.” Peter said. Y/n could feel herself flinch at his words. Of course there was no way he could know about the real Ward Cameron, but the fact that he brought him up and seemingly held him in such high regard made her stomach churn.
“Such a great opportunity,” Rafe chuckled. “I mean who doesn’t love working with their piece of shit father, right?”
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know—” Peter quickly scrambled to backtrack, looking around at all the other faces at the table, none of which offering him any sort of backup in his unfortunate situation.
“Oh, of course not—” Rafe started to chirp back but was quickly cut off as the waiter returned to the table, food in his hands. He rounded the table, placing an entree in front of everyone before coming up empty handed in front of Peter.
“We put your order in before we knew about… your guest.” Kelce said quietly.
“It’s fine, I’ll just… eat some of y/n’s.” Peter said, which made Rafe laugh.
“I’d like to see you try and take some of her pancakes. She might bite your hand off.” Rafe said before stuffing a forkful of eggs into his mouth.
“I didn’t realize you were such a big fan of pancakes.” Peter chuckled nervously, looking over at y/n.
“Yeah… they’re my favorite food, actually.” Y/n said with a nod before beginning to cut into her breakfast.
“Oh yeah, I remembered you saying that…” Peter trailed off, the conversation once again dying.
“So, Peter, you a big party guy?” Topper said, his mouth full with bacon.
“Oh, no.” Peter laughed. “Not a big fan of that stuff… a bit too mind numbing for me, y’know? Half naked girls skanking around whatever drunk guy looks their way… kinda sad what we’ve come to.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Y/n said, raising an eyebrow at his comment. Peter seemed like a textbook nice guy and they had a lot in common… right?
“I mean… come on. You’ve seen how girls dress these days. More dressed like they’re going to the corner than a party.” Peter laughed, looking at the guys around the table. Y/n could feel her stomach drop at how quickly her nice, new “friend” seemed to switch up on her the second it came to winning the boy's approval, acting like she wasn’t even there as he talked about girls.
“Well, I like to go to parties, does that make me like those girls?” Y/n asked, her arms now crossed and her brows furrowed. Though she couldn’t see, Rafe was fighting back a grin at her aggravated state. She was unshakeable when she got like this, and Rafe couldn’t wait to see her dish it out to poor, poor Peter.
“Of course not,” Peter said, “that’s why I like you. You’re such a nice girl, don’t talk back or complain. Don’t flirt around. Super sweet and respectable.”
“‘Don’t talk back’? ‘Flirt around’? Fucking ‘respectable’? That’s what makes a ‘good girl’?” Y/n scoffed. How could she have been so wrong about him? Trusted him enough to introduce her to her fucking friends, and this is how he acts? Embarasses her?
“C’mon, don’t go and get offended now—” Peter chuckled, looking around at the boys for any sort of backup, to which they all gave him blank stares.
“How about you go and fuck yourself, how about that?” Y/n said sharply.
“Don’t be like that—” Peter moved to grab her hand, to which Rafe stood from his chair, nearly knocking it to the floor as he grabbed Peter by the back of his shirt. Rafe quickly hauled him out of his seat, half dragging him off the patio and into the parking lot. Topper, Kelce, and y/n got out of their seats, running to catch up with Rafe as he tossed Peter to the pavement. Kelce and Topper each grabbed one of his arms, pulling him back from pouncing on the boy as he sat up on the concrete.
“Jesus, what the fuck is your problem?” Peter scrambled to his feet, wiping some dirt off of his pants.
“Get out of here, Peter.” Y/n said through her teeth.
“Seriously? Your fucking lapdog freaks out cause someone touches his bitch and—” Peter was cutoff with a swift slap to the face… from y/n.
“Get the fuck out of here, Peter.” Y/n said, her hand stinging from the impact of the slap. Peter looked between her and the boys in horror before scampering away to his car. Y/n kept her eyes on him as he sped out of the parking lot before turning to the boys… all three of which had huge grins plastered on their faces.
“Damn, girl.” Rafe said, shaking Topper and Kelce off of him. Y/n exhaled before letting out a laugh.
“Who knew you had such an arm on you?” Topper said, shaking y/n’s shoulder lightly.
“I think I saw his soul leave his body, actually.” Kelce added with a laugh.
“Fuck that guy.” Y/n said, running a hand through her hair.
“Fuck that guy.” Rafe said, pulling y/n into a hug. “We’re the only guys you need, girl.”
“Ugh.” Y/n let out a groan into Rafe’s shirt, only causing him to hug her tighter, Topper and Kelce joining him in as they all crowded y/n in a suffocating embrace.
“I knew that guy was sus.” Kelce clarified as they finally let y/n out of their hugs.
“You would’ve thought any guy was ‘sus’.” Y/n chuckled leaning into Rafe, his arm still slung over her shoulder as they started walking back toward the patio.
“Just looking out for our girl.” Rafe said, pulling y/n’s chair out from the table as she rolled her eyes before sitting down. The four of them sat at the table eating their food, joking and laughing for hours, the time flying as the friends basked in each other’s presence.
Maybe they were right. Maybe they were the only guys she needed: her best friends.
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patcaps · 9 months
had some more time to think, and i want to make it clear that i’m not actually disappointed that alison and mike left. yes, initially it felt a bit jarring considering the end of 5x06, julian’s speech, deciding to stay, loving it there etc etc. i also couldn’t imagine the ghosts being okay with the hotel but then i reconsidered and thought of how they’d get over it, realise what perks it has, be nosy and interested as always, and know they had proposed it for alison’s sake. sure it would have been a dream if they could just stay all together and compromise on space, but i suppose the whole point of it was family are sometimes just a bit shit at that however well-meaning and the only solution is to get some space from them. mike’s mum was there to hammer that point home, even if i think it was rushed. and i moved out of my family home a few years ago so i know all this to be true, i visit my family all the time and that space apart doesn’t stop you being family, of course it doesn’t.
alison and mike had to put their needs first and prioritise attention to mia, rather than what the ghosts want to watch on tv or turning pages of books, and it is very in-character of the ghosts - who have grown so much thanks to alison - to be the ones to propose they leave. it was also lovely to see that they kept their room and visited into their old age. all of that is tonally very on-brand with the idiots and their work.
my gripes come from the pacing, which is so hard to do in 30 minute episodes but something i feel slipped in s5 particularly - time spent on certain things that could have been better allocated elsewhere. and i just would have liked a little bit more weight on the goodbye, maybe, let it linger a bit. of course you can then argue that, well, it wasn’t really goodbye, just see you later, but still. end of an era and all that. do we really need to see what the interim was like, what they did? no, we can infer that, it’s the same old alison and her ghosts they would always be. i just wanted literally another few minutes with them as they were. idk if that makes sense.
i thought it was weird that alison so readily agreed, but then it’s like, well maybe she knew it was just time. they all knew but she wanted to keep them all a bit longer, hang onto that dream. the ghosts being the ones to encourage her to go rather than hope she’d stay was the final push she needed to accept things finally were going to change. everything changes. the ghosts know that more than anyone because they’ve seen so much of it.
i did absolutely love the parallels of them leaving vs arriving, alison’s outfit and the car on the drive. so many shots were call-backs to the first episodes and i loved that dearly as a bookend.
ultimately, the ghosts weren’t forgotten and they didn’t get sucked off. they were visited for decades, got to have loads of new experiences with a hotel no doubt, got to watch alison and mike’s kid(s) grow.
i have a lot of feelings and it was bittersweet and imperfect in places but ultimately it was one of the kindest endings they could have given everyone bar alison and mike simply just staying, which in the long run just wouldn’t have been viable.
fuck. ok
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die-pink-maus · 8 months
A Weekend in Vienna 🇦🇹
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While vacationing in Germany, Chantelle’s (OC) best friend, Adrian (also an OC), books an impromptu trip to Vienna to visit extended family. Chantelle decides to join her for the last few days of her trip, where she meets an interesting friend of Adrian’s family who offers to show the two around the city for the weekend🤭
TW: Pretty much none, not for this chapter anyway, but things will get 🌶️spicy🌶️ in the next parts. Also there is an age gap between OC and König, she is 25 and he is about 36-37.
CW: FemOCs, female pronouns used, while both characters are technically OCs please feel free to imagine them however you’d like, ultimately the main character is the reader, I just didn’t want to use “Y/N” so I gave them names 🙈
Word Count: 1,516
This is my first time EVER writing any kind of fan fiction so please go easy on me 😭 if you like where things are going, likes and reblogs would be greatly appreciated! If you’d like to see anything in particular in the next part or part(s), I’d love to hear it!
This version of König is based on the above interpretation drawn by @lettaniko (I hope you don’t mind me using it! I absolutely love this drawing it’s perfect! 🫶🏼)
I like a nice build up to the smut so if you like to get right into it this is probably not going to be for you…but if you can wait I it out I promise it’ll be worth it 😂
Enjoy! 💋
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7:30am. There’s approximately 30 minutes before my train departs for Vienna, and I still haven’t reached the train station yet. I scrambled as I dashed out of my hotel room, hoping I’d left the place in a somewhat decent state and I hadn’t forgotten anything valuable as got into the elevator. I’ve been exploring Munich for the past two weeks and I’ve been having the absolute time of my life. Although traveling alone can be quite scary, oddly enough, I’ve never felt more at home. Munich is such a vibrant city, filled with all kinds of exciting things to do and I’ve met so many incredible people, it’s definitely been the experience of a lifetime. To say that I am not looking forward to going back home to Vancouver would be an understatement, but all good things must come to an end. I’d spent about a year and a half learning to speak German, and promised myself that I would plan a trip in celebration of achieving fluency, so here I am! Now, Vienna wasn’t initially on my list of places to visit when I decided to come to Germany, but my best friend, Adrian, ended up booking a spur of the moment flight last week to visit extended family in Austria and suggested I come hangout with her during the last few days of my trip. Seeing as its only a 3-4hr train ride from Munich, I figured why the hell not! I’ve heard Vienna is beautiful, and Im at all not opposed to exploring another city.
Upon arrival at the train station in Vienna I was greeted by Arian, excitedly jumping up and down while holding up a large white sign that read “Willkommen in Wien, Schlampe!” I rolled my eyes and shook my head, laughing as I got off the train and ran over to her, tackling her in a tight embrace as she laughed hysterically. “Did you have to let the whole station know that I’m a bitch or…?”
“Honestly, they should’ve known the moment they saw you.” She said jokingly. “How was the ride over?” She asked.
“Amazing, I haven’t slept that well in years. It also didn’t feel like a 4 hour train ride.”
“Trains in out here are quite quick so I wouldn’t be surprised if it somehow took less time. They definitely shit on the ones we have back home.”
“Oh for sure.” I agreed as we began walking over to the car.
“So a family friend of ours just came back from a mission in the states, he’s in the military bee tee dubs —“
“Yeah kinda pieced that together when you said ‘mission’.” I chuckled.
“I don’t drive out here so he’s gonna give us a ride back to my aunts, cool?”
“Sounds good.”
“He’s also a lot more familiar with Vienna than I am, so he offered to show us around a bit later on this evening.” Aw how nice of him. Knowing Adrian, the first place she’ll want to be taken to is the nearest bar, that girl can drink! If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my time in Germany, and my 10 years of friendship with Adrian, it’s that Europeans love their liquor. There are people from all parts of Europe in Germany and that’s one thing that remains quite consistent across the board. I also love my liquor, which is probably why I ended up fitting in so well.
We finally arrived at the car and opened the trunk to begin loading all of my luggage inside. I’d brought a small carryon suitcase, a duffle bag, as well as a large suitcase that was full of clothes I’d over packed from home, and a bunch of other clothes and souvenirs I’d bought in Munich. “Okay this one’s gonna be a tad heavy.” I warned as Adrian grabbed hold of the handle on the top. I reached forward to try to help her lift, but neither of us could manage the weight. “I got it.” His voice was low, but gentle. He had an accent, but it wasn’t overwhelming or harsh, nor did it make anything he said hard to understand. I wasn’t expecting to see the person I saw when I’d finally caught a glimpse of him…I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man like this in my entire life. Adrian and I stepped back as he grabbed hold of the suitcase, lifting it with absolute ease, as if it were light as a feather. His arm muscles bulged within the confines of his olive green long sleeved shirt as he tossed the suitcase inside the trunk. My heart began to race, It felt as if I was watching him move in slow motion. “Easy peasy.” He smirked as he turned around and looked down at me, his dazzling dark blue eyes awash with amusement at Adrian and I’s prior struggle. Jesus Christ…This man is an absolute unit. He’s gotta be at least 6 foot 7, if not taller. He’s incredibly easy on the eyes in a rough and rugged kinda way — a nice low trimmed beard, medium length dark brown hair, and a smile that is captivatingly dangerous to say the least. His presence alone exudes a confidence that causes me to grow weak in the knees. “I’m König,” he smiled knowingly as he stretched his hand out towards me. I know I’m definitely not the first woman to look at him the way I am. Even though I’m trying to keep my composure, it’s very clear that he can see right through it. “And you must be Chantelle?” He asked, eyes slowly roaming about my frame from head to toe. He bites his lip slightly as they return to my gaze, suggesting so much without saying any words at all. “I — yes.” I blushed, sheepishly brushing my hair behind my ear as I shook his hand. “Nice to meet you.” He said. “Oh yeah, König Chantelle, Chantelle König.” Adrian yelled from the backseat. He laughed and shook his head as he closed the trunk.
We arrived at Adrian’s aunts house about 45 minutes later. König helped us load all of my things into the foyer before letting us know he’d be coming back in a few hours to take us out to this bar that he and a few of his buddies on his task force frequent whenever they’re home. I’ve been thinking about him ever since he left — those mysterious blue eyes, the way he slightly bites his lower lip just before laughing at something ridiculous Adrian has said, the way his arm muscles swell beneath his shirt with the slightest movement…God, he’s sexy. I could think of a million different ways I’d want him to ruin me. The thought alone of being trapped beneath his large brawny frame writhing in pleasure as he thrusts into me over and over has me clenching around nothing. Though I’m not usually one for a one time fling, I have a feeling he’d be able to convince me. “So, you wanna tell me what all of that was about?” Adrian asked as she helped me settle into the guest room. “What are you talking about?” I asked. “Since when are you a shy girl?” She giggled. Sigh. I figured she was referencing my unusual silence during the car ride over here. “He’s hot as fuck but I’ve never seen you like that before.”
“Ugh!” I groaned as I covered my face with a pillow. She’s right. I’m not very easily intimidated. I’m quite the confident woman and I ensure everyone in the room knows it, but this was different. Almost as if our energies were fighting for dominance, and mine didn’t stand a chance. “Hey if it’s any consolation, my jaw dropped the first time I saw him without his mask too.” Mask?
“Mask?” I asked.
“Yes…the last time I was here he was on base training recruits, so I’d see him often in full tactical gear. He’s a snipper, so he wears a mask to hide his face in the field. I mean, that was hot too, but in a Ghostface kinda way”
I couldn’t help but laugh at the comparison, but I was curious to see what his entire ensemble looked like. “How old is he?” I asked.
“I think he’s in his mid to late 30s? I’m honestly not too sure, and it doesn’t matter to me either way.” She winked. “I was sensing some unspoken vibes between the two of you in the car though. Don’t think I didn’t see both of you stealing glances at each other every now and then.” She smirked.
“Stop,” I scoffed. “A man like that is definitely not single, and even if he is…I don’t know” I blushed. “I didn’t see him looking at me..”
“K well I see everything, he definitely likes what he sees, and clearly the feeling is mutual on your end as well. Looks like tonight will be interesting.”
“Nothing’s gonna happen, Adrian.” I laughed as I rolled my eyes. Nothing’s gonna happen…right?
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PART II 👉🏽 A Weekend In Vienna 🇦🇹: PART II
PART III 👉🏽 A Weekend In Vienna 🇦🇹: PART III
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