#but tommy and chim are fine
deflated-leaf · 6 months
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beastologist · 5 months
One of many complaints I see regarding Tommy is, that he barely knows Buck - which he literally acknowledges himself - whereas Buck's best friend of 6 seasons knows him obviously quite well. For fictional and shipping reasons, I absolutely empathize with anyone's love for characters who've built a relationship across several seasons. Please don't hesitate to exploit all the wonderful content you've got at your disposal. But come on, why these complaints? There are no good reasons to hate the current canon. On the contrary. Besides, you can't compare a protagonist from several seasons to a supporting character who was just re-introduced to the show and does have the potential to build an astonishing relationship with Buck - if they are given the time to build something.
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seddair · 3 months
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pxrxmoore · 4 months
getting text updates of my friend being traumatised by chim begins <333333
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dadvans · 3 months
my favorite line in the entire bucktommy saga is maddie's reading of "wait, it's the same tommy?" because at that point you know this girl has been THROUGH IT way too many times in a short period, like:
her soon-to-be husband comes home. he just fake called out sick from work to fly into a hurricane with his closest coworkers, her disaster-prone brother she mostly raised included, to save his boss and his wife. he tells her all about it, adrenaline still pumping the day after he comes back from the COAST OF MEXICO, and is like, no, it's fine! see, my old co-worker tommy works in air ops and I saved his life once, and we used to be super tight--[insert 10 minute off-topic backstory about how tommy used to be a jackass but now he's different here]--until he moved away, and funny enough, buck was the guy who filled in for him? anyways, tommy's the coolest, we could've died but we didn't! how was your shift at dispatch, honey
her brother she pretty much raised comes over and also brings up this tommy guy. yeah, he's so cool! do you think it would be weird if i called him up and asked for a tour of harbor? he just seemed like a neat guy, i want to be his friend, you think chim would put in a good word for me?
her brother she pretty much raised comes over AGAIN and is like, okay FUCK this tommy guy, he's so cool and knows everyone and his meat is huge!!! my best friend likes him more than me and they're doing things without me and i'm so sad about this in a really abstract way, can i please have a bagel
her soon-to-be husband comes home in the middle of this and is like, yeah he's cool and knows everyone and his meat is definitely huge. LOVE that guy!
her brother she pretty much raised shows up at her workplace and is like, remember how i was experiencing jealous thoughts and feelings because the coolest guy i've ever met with the biggest meat isn't paying attention to me and is new besties with my best friend? i may have caused bodily harm about this and yes i did involve your almost husband as a co-conspirator
approximately 2-to-3 business days pass where she experiences quiet. maybe too much quiet
her brother she pretty much raised comes over for a fourth time and is like, i lied to my best friend who i was just telling you i was angry at and s l i g h t l y injured because he kept hanging out with this other guy i was trying to hang out with and totally unrelated but i went on this date with someone and lied to my best friend about it and oh yeah it's the same guy but that is so besides the point it's not even worth mentioning
justice for maddie
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sleepywinchesters · 8 days
"Hey, babe, grab me another cookie?" Buck asked when Tommy stood to clear his plate.
"As you wish," Tommy replied.
Chim laughed, earning him a blank stare from both his wife and brother and law.
"The Princess Bride? As you wish? Guys?" Chim asked, when neither provided the requisite chuckle the reference required.
Tommy turned from the counter where he was poking through the cookies, trying to find the cranberry white chocolate he'd spotted earlier, and mentally claimed for dessert. Buck's oatmeal chocolate chip already set aside on a napkin.
"Neither of us have any idea what you're talking about, Chim," Buck said, after a long moment.
"The movie?"
"I think it was a book first, actually," Tommy said.
"The movie," Chim continued, ignoring him. "Dread Pirate Roberts? Princess Buttercup? Death cannot delay true love? Have you not understood all my mostly dead references?"
"That's a reference?" Buck asked.
"Maddie, my love, did you think I was just complimenting your breasts this entire time?"
Buck made a face.
"Yes, I did," Maddie said, starting to look a little offended.
"And they are perfect, of course. I'd show you if we didn't have company, however-"
"Also a reference to, what was it?" Maddie said.
"The Princess Bride," Tommy said. "ROUSes? Six fingered man? You killed my father prepare to die? None of this is ringing a bell?"
"No," Buck said.
"Howie, how have they never seen The Princess Bride."
"That is a question I have been asking myself for 5 years, Tommy. I still haven't gotten an answer."
"Evan, what were you even doing in high school if not watching these classics?" Tommy asked, returning to the table, cookie in hand.
"Having sex."
"Keeping my little brother from accidentally killing himself," she said.
"Thanks for that, by the way," Tommy said around a mouthful of cookie. "I quite like him."
"Love you too, babe," Buck said, with a soft smile.
"Well, before you two get started on that, we have to rectify this frankly atrocious gap in your pop culture knowledge."
It was not the first time Buck and Maddie had been subjected to an impromptu movie night, as their friends discovered gaps. Buck automatically turned to Tommy, eyes wide.
"Oh don't give me that look, Evan. It's movie time," Tommy said with a smile. He reached across the table to take Buck's hand. "I don't know if I'd go so far as to call it atrocious, but you'll love it. I promise."
Buck groaned, Maddie echoed him.
"Fine," Maddie said. "But we aren't sharing the rest of the cookies."
@samwellwinchesterthebrave @honestlydarkprincess @monsterrae1
@desert--moonchild @bibuckkinard @buddiekinard @judesstfrancis @ohlookitsthearkhamknight @rdng1230 @diazsdimples As always let me know if you want added/removed
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cosyvelvetorchid · 2 months
Bucktommy prompt
Out on a call Buck accidentally says his last name is:
'Kinard. No...wait, BUCK...BUCKLEY!'
and the whole team hears it.
He's super embarrassed because he's only been dating Tommy for a couple of months, and the 118 rib him about it for the rest of the shift.
This one made me laugh so much! Thank you!
You can send any bucktommy, saltommy or Tommy prompts to my ask 🩶
5 months, 14 days and 18 hours. That's how long Evan Buckley had been dating Tommy Kinard. And yes he had counted. It had been both a whirlwind and the calmest relationship he had ever been in. Every day felt like the flirty, giddy honeymoon phase, and simultaneously with the ease of a decade together.
Buck knew he had a tendency to get ahead of himself; to go all in with what he wanted or was passionate about, but Tommy had the, quite frankly magical, ability to pull Buck back down to earth without making him feel like an over excited child. That didn't stop how from secretly imagining a future with Tommy of course.
The 118 arrived on scene of a scaffold collapse to find a construction worker on the ground underneath a large piece of wood.
"Chim, Hen you assess him, I'll speak to the foreman."
"Uh that's me." The portly middle-aged aged man standing above his injured colleague called out. "Colin Denison." He reached out his to shake Bobby's hand.
"Captain Nash." The man then held out his hand to Buck.
"Kinard.. No wait! BUCK! BUCKLEY!"
Bobby, Hen, Chim and Eddie's eyes all shot to Buck, whose face burned with the fire of a thousand sun's. He made a silent prayer for more scaffolding to fall and land directly onto him. Only death could take away this level of embarrassment.
"What did you just say?" Eddie asked with a smirk.
"Nothing" Buck replied quickly.
"Did you just say you're name was-" Chim tried to ask but Buck cut him off.
"Nope." A lie. An obvious, slap in your face, kick you in the crotch lie. He knew it, they knew, God himself knew it. He turned his attention to Bobby and the foreman and tried to ignore the stifled giggles behind him.
"Im just glad the rest of my guys were at lunch. If they have all been up there.." Colin shook his head. "Is Dave gonna be okay?" He fielded the question toward Hen and Chim.
"Couple of lacerations, definitely a broken wrist and he's gonna have some gnarly bruises, but he'll be fine."
"Hey Tomm- sorry Buck.. can you bring the gurney." Hen teased. Buck shot her a glare before walking back to the ambulance, coming back a moment later with the gurney.
"Thanks, Tommy." Chim sang.
"Come on guys." Buck pleaded, wishing another sinkhole would appear and swallow him whole. Or maybe a lightning strike. Hell, being on a capsized cruise ship would be better than being here right now.
"He's stabilised Cap. We just need to get all this crap off of him." Eddie informed him. "You wanna help Tommy?" He added. Buck groaned.
"Hey guys let's keep it professional - we have a job to do."
"THANK YOU Cap." Buck praised narrowing his eyes at everyone. Cap pointed to the large piece of wood covering the man.
"Eddie, Hen, Chimney, you take that side. Kinard you're with me."
Buck was more grateful than ever for his shift to be done with. Even more so that he was headed straight to Tommy's. He let himself in, kicked off his shoes - stopping to admire how warm it made him feel looking at both his and Tommys shoes sat side by side - and walked into the kitchen where Tommy was busy preparing dinner.
"Hey babe." He was stirring some sauce in pot as Buck walked over and pressed a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. "Good shift?"
"It was fine." Buck answered plainly. He had already humiliated himself enough today.
"Nothing happened?" Tommy asked.
"Nope." Buck said popping the 'P'. Tommy stopped starting and turned to face him.
"Really? Nothing? Nothing at all?" Buck noticed the glint in his eye.
"Who told you?!"
"Who do you think?" Tommy laughed. "I don't think Chims ever texted me that much before. Actually, it was mostly voice notes of him and Hen laughing."
"Oh god." Buck held his head in his hands as embarrassment soared through him. It was bad enough everyone else heard him but now that Tommy knew about it..
Tommy laughed and walked over to him, putting his arms around his waist.
"Hey." He said, wanting Buck to look at him, which he slowly did.
"Look, Evan.. were not near that step quite yet, bu-" Bucks head went down again, and he groaned. "But-" He said louder so Buck would look at him again. "I like that the idea of it doesn't freak you out. It's.. its actually kinda nice."
"Y-Yeah? You don't think I'm an idiot that's going overboard again?"
"Oh I definitely think that," He said with a laugh "but.." He placed soft kisses onto Bucks forehead, cheek, birthmark and finally his lips. "..I happen to love that about you." Buck sighed with relief.
"Although, what if I wanted to be a Buckley?" He asked half teasing.
"Are you kidding? I don't want to be a Buckley, so you're definitely not."
"Oh is that so?" Tommy questioned kissing him on the lips again.
"Yep." Buck smiled kissing him back.
"Noted." Tommy stated. "Now, come taste this sauce." He took Bucks hand and led him to the stove.
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alchemistc · 2 months
Evil canon divergence (spec on the bucktommy storyline we would have gotten w/ a full season):
Buck doesn't come out to Eddie right away. After the Bad Date Buck just keeps on chugging along, doesn't talk to Maddie, doesn't come out to Eddie, he's just -- stuck in limbo, thinking about Tommy.
He can't stop thinking about Tommy.
Eddie keeps going to pick up games, and Chris keeps talking about Tommy, and -- Buck knows where the jealousy came from but it's still there, simmering, just... waiting. But obviously Buck's in his own head about it, and Tommy was right, because he can't even talk to his sister about this, he can't talk to his best friend about it.
Maddie and Chim still get married in a hospital room and Buck watches them wistfully and he wishes he knew how to handle all this weird shit roiling around inside of him at the thought that -- maybe one day that could be him. Maybe one day Bobby will pronounce him husband and wife -- or husband and husband. Which.
No one but Tommy even knows, and Buck is still thinking about him, and hearing about him from Eddie, from Chris, from Ravi for some reason??? Ravi got an invite to hang out with Eddie and Tommy and Buck isn't gonna, like, break his leg about it but he spends an entire day picturing Ravi in various states of mild annoyance. (A fly that won't stop landing on his plate of food. Check engine light keeps coming on but it's just faulty wiring causing the light to flicker. The barista at his local coffee shop keeps ignoring his request for light ice.)
And then there's the medal ceremony, and Buck is seeing Tommy for the first time since the date that Buck was so not ready for, but Tommy's kind, Tommy's funny, Tommy doesn't do anything weird that would tip anyone off that his lips have been on Buck's lips, and Buck is once again drawn in like a moth to flame. Tommy indulges it, for a bit, because maybe Eddie has told him Buck has been off lately, or maybe he just catches on to it himself, and he'd known there was a good chance they'd keep running into each other but he's also -- Buck flinches at the wings comment from Gerrard and Tommy sits himself down at a table with Chris and eats his weight in fucking cake and he isn't mean to Buck but clearly a line has been drawn.
And Buck is still thinking. He kinda can't stop thinking about Tommy.
And then Bobby happens. Eddie happens. Everything with Mara happens and Buck is spinning his wheels, Buck is trying to fix things, Buck wishes he had someone to talk to about all this.
He calls Tommy, and they're friendly, if a little strained. They meet up for coffee a couple of times. They buy their own coffee. It's fine. He's a good friend, tells Buck some of the horror stories from his time in the closet, listens to Buck work his way through the mountains of drama happening around Buck. There's a few heavy moments where Buck wonders if they're gonna start something up again.
Tommy makes it clear he's still interested, but also that he's not willing to be a dirty little secret. Buck -- doesn't have a fucking clue where to go with that. He gets it, though. He understands.
He doesn't know if he's ready.
Tommy doesn't push. He never does and Buck appreciates that but he sort of wishes he'd, like, give Buck the fucking answers?
Meanwhile Eddie's acting out, and yo-yoing between Buck and Tommy so they're constantly calling each other up to compare notes. Gerrard is running the 118 like he used to, and Buck is just constantly on the verge of punching that motherfucker in the face. So. He's -- calling Tommy up about that, too.
Somewhere in all the chaos, Hen and Karen are having Maddie and Chim over, and Buck's smashed in at the table between Denny and Mara, and maybe it's a Chim and Maddie moment he witnesses, or maybe it's a Hen and Karen moment he witnesses -- just the two of them, tucked together and quiet, at ease, one of them talking the other through something or other, supportive and present and Buck wants.
He brings over coffee to talk to Maddie. Tells her what he's figured out so far -- he's not actually an ally, he's building something with a man who just keeps showing up in all of Buck's worst moments and being there, yes he absolutely sprained Eddie's ankle accidentally on purpose all those months ago and also he'd fucked it up, right from the start, and now they're in this weird limbo and his best friend doesn't even know that Buck's halfway into a situationship with like, the only other person Eddie feels comfortable around right now.
Maddie reminds him of exactly how she and Chim had hit and missed, at the start. The work it took, the pain they'd caused one another by not being quite on the same page. Reminds him that he and Eddie have been through plenty and worked their way through it, so Buck can take however much time he needs.
End of season disaster happens. Pick your flavor -- it's a natural disaster, or a mass casualty, they spend an entire episode trying as hard as they can to save people, keep themselves alive. Have we had a flood yet? I can't remember if we've had a flood. (Dam break and lightning strike in the rain and tsunami but what about, just, like, a good old fashioned flood.)
Thirty minutes in, a chopper airlifting criticals out has some sort of system failure.
We all know whose chopper it is in the moments before it crashes.
And it's not like anyone knows they have a reason to keep Buck from this. Tommy's a friend to pretty much everyone on scene, there's no one who isn't gonna take it personal, they're all they've got.
Only Eddie watches Buck react to it a whole like like he'd reacted to Eddie getting shot, and in the aftermath, in a hospital waiting room, Eddie sits him down and waits for Buck to talk. So Buck talks.
Eventually a few people from Harbor start to trickle in at the end of their shifts, and Lucy gets one good look at soaked to the skin, wet sad puppy dog Buck and rolls her eyes. "Of course it's you," Lucy says, and plops her ass right down next to Buck to let him know that Tommy's been fucking brooding for months about a guy and if Buck isn't ready at this point he needs to be out those doors before Tommy wakes up.
Eddie cocks his head, well aware he doesn't have a leg to stand on but also he's just spent half an hour listening to Buck be smitten as hell and also worried out of his mind. Lucy gives Buck a stink eye.
Buck plants his ass firmly in the seat next to hers and waits.
(By the time Tommy's awake and coherent Buck has worked his way through any and every other hangup he might have and Buck kisses him in full view of like, six Harbor station folks etc etc the end.
"I know I said I didn't want to be a secret but I wasn't expecting quite this much exposure, Evan," Tommy says, still a little loopy from the drugs, and Lucy clears her throat from across the room, the only one who stuck around for the entirety of the sloppy makeout.
"No, please, continue," she says, and Tommy abuses his call button to complain to his nurse that Lucy is harassing him.)
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I beg people to rewatch Bobby begins after they rewatch hen and chimney begins and put on their little brains to understand the the fuck Hen and Chim would drink beers with the man and buy cake for Tommy. Hmmmm smt tells me bc he apologized to them before canon events and it would be strange for him to apologize in 7s, especially after Chim literally asked Tommy to fly into hurricane bc of Hen's hunch. And Tommy said: ok fine
I wonder, does he really need to apologize 10 years later after he already made amends or people would be a little bit more smart and not waiting for everything to be said on screen?
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azaharinflames · 21 days
Sorry I need to rant for a tiny, little bit, because...
You know what I find particularly funny?
Their version of Buddie simply does not exist.
And I am not talking about how it is not canon, that is a given. But their version of it. The things they've claimed they do, or feel about each other, or think of each other.
(Disclaimer: I have my own opinion of their friendship and I do believe there are way better friendships within the show, including for Buck. But I do acknowledge they do love each other as friends and deeply care about one another. And that Chris is important for Buck. That is not up to discussion here. Okay, we can go on)
They have this whole "Buckley-Diaz is a family" that consists of Buck spending 99% of his free time at the Diaz house, of them having weekly movie nights, and of Buck taking Chris to school almost as much as Eddie does. And this is simply not true.
We do see Buck spending time at the Diaz house, of course. When he's hanging out with the Diazes (something that, might I point out, has not really happened since Season 4, as the few scenes we got of them hanging out since have been at Buck's loft - correct me if I'm wrong), helping Eddie out, in a group setting, and hiding from his sister and her helicopter babysitting. Movie nights- when is it even mentioned this is something they do weekly? Not once. And please correct me if I am wrong. Buck does not take Chris to school almost daily, not because he did after Eddie's breakdown does it mean this is a normal and usual occurrence. It doesn't mean it isn't, to be fair, but nothing in canon tells us otherwise. I will give them the zoo, however, because in canon we do have Eddie saying Buck takes Chris there all of the time.
What we got, however, was scenes showing how Buck has his own independent life. He has lots of scenes in his loft, as much as Buddies hate it, as we have never gotten an off-handed comment on how little he's spending there because he's at the Diazes all the time. We've gotten scenes of Buck reaching out to people who are not Eddie for help. And oh, of course - we have gotten scenes of his family (whether you like the Buckleys or not) having a family dinner. And guess who was not invited? Oh, right.
(We have, also, gotten enough scenes with Tommy that we know post-going official, they spend most of their free time with each other. Thank you to Bobby for also confirming this. We love you, king)
With the Diazes, we got scenes that showed how Eddie and Chris exist on their own, without needing Buck there to complete their family. We got a whole ep where Eddie was dealing with Chris's new crush, and instead of making that be a Buckley-Diaz 'family' storyline, Carla was the one accompanying Eddie and being the other adult in the situation. We can say whatever we want about the dating debacle at the end of Season 6 (I also think it was a mess, but for the way they rushed it), but Eddie did not say: oh, Chris and I are fine, we have Buck. And he did not say it because it simply would not have made sense.
And oh, I could go on and on on how the Eddie they have in Fanon is also not the one we have, but this is way too long already. Do let me know if anyone wants to hear it though. Although I will probably write it down whenever I am bored enough.
Short story very long: Buck and Eddie are good friends. They respect each other and clearly enjoy each other's company. And the show has definitely played with the concept of family for them (looking directly at the elf from season 2 here), but never too serious. Never in canon. Outside of the 118 being a family (which I am not denying), at least for me, it has always been obvious how Eddie and Chris were very valued by Buck, but his close-knit family (nuclear family, if you will) is and has always been Maddie (now extended to Jee-Yun and Chim as well), and Bobby (something he's admitted in canon, before someone comes at me for this).
Now, thankfully, we have Tommy to join in in there as well ☺️
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half-oz-eddie · 2 months
I had some fun in my little mind space imagining the possibility that Tommy already knew of Buck and was lowkey starstruck when he met him.
Chim was like “this is—“ only to be cut off by Tommy saying “Evan Buckley, struck by lightning and died for 3 minutes then came back to life to tell the tale.” And puts out a hand for Buck’s.
Buck knows word travels around and he’s amazed that this super cool pilot who agreed to fly them into a hurricane knows his lore and Buck just never tells him “call me Buck” and is fine with this really cool guy who made him feel like a celebrity for a sec calling him Evan.
Also it kinda explains why Buck was able to casually bring up being struck by lightning as a point of reference and Tommy was more shocked by Buck meeting an ex in a helicopter crash than him being fucking struck by lightning lol
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firewasabeast · 2 months
Okay, here’s a prompt: I know everyone wants to see Tommy’s helicopter crash and Buck go save him (I do too obvs), buuuuut what about Buck gets into a dangerous situation on a call and Tommy has to save him 👀
first, I didn't see the "on a call" so oops, but here you go! trigger warning: mass shooting, blood, reference to child abuse.
He couldn't stop staring at the blood that covered his hands as he waited in the hospital lobby. It had long dried, some of it flaking away when he'd curl hands into fists. Most of it stayed though. A harsh reminder of how their perfect day turned into a horror show in the blink of an eye.
His legs shook with anxiety. He was usually so calm and collected. Even in the worst situations he could hold himself together. He wasn't one to panic.
But he was panicking now.
“Tommy,” Eddie's voice was gentle as he sat down beside him, “you need to go wash that off.”
Tommy tore his red, wet eyes away from his hands to look over at Eddie. “I can't.” His own voice shaky. “I can't leave here. I have to... I need to wait on the doctor.”
“You're not going to miss the doctor. I promise I will get you if she comes out while you're in the bathroom.”
Tommy shook his head, his gaze returning to the blood. “No.”
Eddie sighed. He didn't want to push the issue, but there was a fairly extreme amount of blood still on the man, and there were certain people who didn't need to see it. “Tommy, Maddie and Chim are about to get here, and they...” his voice trailed off as a tear dropped down from Tommy's face and onto his shirt. “I'll, uh, I'm gonna go get some wet towels from a nurse,” he offered instead. “You can clean up here.”
It had been such a good day. They'd woken up early together, still wrapped in each others arms from the night before. Buck had heard about an art show that was happening at the nearby convention center so that's where they headed after breakfast.
They were supposed to go to lunch afterward, head home for a while, then to Bobby's that night for dinner.
Tommy would have been fine with toast or a frozen waffle for breakfast, but Buck had insisted on making him something special.
“I think I've perfected omelettes,” he said excitedly as he hurried out of bed.
“You've been making perfect omelettes for a while now, Babe,” Tommy informed him.
Buck shook his head. “No, these are on another level. I'm sure of it.”
He wasn't wrong.
It was the best damn omelette Tommy's ever had.
Unfortunately, it had all come back up after he arrived at the hospital. Now, he wasn't sure if he could ever look at eggs again.
While Tommy was more of an art buff than Buck ever claimed to be, he had done a lot of research on the artists that would have their work displayed at the show. Buck had led them into the convention center hand in hand, a wide smile on his face.
Tommy may have loved looking at art, but he enjoyed looking at Buck even more.
They took turns talking about each piece. Buck would tell Tommy about the artist, Tommy would tell Buck about the art.
There were certain pieces that would grab Buck's attention more than others. They were usually colorful, abstract paintings. He'd tilt his head, think about it for a second before telling Tommy how it made him feel.
There was one certain painting, a slew of colors and chaos in the background with two figures in the forefront. One was a deep shade of blue, holding on tight to a red figure. Their bodies seemed to almost melt together in the center.
“What are you thinking?” Tommy asked, wrapping an arm around Buck's waist.
“It's me and you. You're blue, I'm red.” Buck made no effort to look away from the painting.
“Oh yeah?” A smile rose on Tommy's face. “How so?”
“Our, uh, our lives can be a little crazy sometimes, but you... you keep me steady.”
Tommy stared at Buck briefly before placing two fingers up underneath his chin. Buck turned to him and Tommy pressed their lips together gently.
“That's the most-”
His words were cut off by a loud bang. Followed by multiple bangs going off one after another.
Gun shots.
It happened so fast. People were screaming, crying, running all around.
The man with the gun was brought down quickly. There were security guards nearby who didn't hesitate to respond.
But all Tommy felt was something wet on his hands, up his arms, splattered on his shirt. All he saw was Buck dropping to the ground beside him with a loud thud.
Eyes wide, it felt like his heart was pounding but his breathing stopped at the same time.
He fell to his knees beside Buck as soon as reality hit.
“Ev- Evan. Evan!” He put his hands to Buck's face, tapping his cheek.
Buck's eyes fluttered open, but he didn't do much else.
Tommy searched over him, tearing his shirt to find the bullet wound.
No. Bullet wounds.
“Evan, I need you to keep your eyes open,” Tommy said, trying and failing to hide the panic in his voice. He pressed down on the wounds, one near his lung, the other over his abdomen.
“Evan, babe, can you keep them open for me?”
Buck's eyes opened again. He reached up to grab at Tommy's shirt, but he was too weak. His arm flopped back down fairly quickly. It looked like he was trying to speak, his lips moving without any words coming out.
“It's okay, Evan, you'll be okay. Someone call 911!” he yelled. He knew other people had been hurt, killed even. He knew there was most likely multiple people on the phone with 911, but it wasn't enough. He needed them there now.
There was so much blood. No matter how much he pressed, with every labored breath Buck let out, more blood poured between Tommy's fingers.
He kept his focus on Buck's eyes. “Stay with me, hon. That's it! Stay with me. I've got you, Evan.”
The paramedics arrived just as Buck's eyes closed, his body going limp.
Tommy didn't remember calling Eddie. Or maybe it was Bobby? He'd look at his phone later to check. Didn't seem to matter right now. But most of the 118 was in the waiting room, scattered all around with their own worried faces and anxious ticks.
He must've asked Bobby to please leave him alone at some point, because he was sitting a few chairs away, and Tommy could feel his eyes on him every couple of minutes.
The feeling of a warm towel being placed over his hands brought him out of his trance. He hadn't even noticed Eddie crouching down in front of him.
“Want me to do it for you?” Eddie asked. He was talking to Tommy like he was a child. In any other circumstance, Tommy might have laughed about it, but there was no laughing happening right now.
Instead Tommy nodded. He wasn't sure he could do it himself. Not without breaking down in front of everyone.
Eddie began working on his right hand, the blood slowly transferring from his hand to the towel. He watched as it changed the towel from white to pink. He worked his way up his arm, just below the elbow. Tommy wasn't even sure how that much blood made it that far up his arms. The thought of it made his heart ache even more than it already was.
Once the right arm was done, Eddie picked up a second towel and started on his left hand.
Tommy tightened his hand when Eddie began to pull at the wedding band around his finger.
“Just need to get underneath it,” Eddie explained. “I'll put it right back.”
Tommy relaxed again and Eddie resumed cleaning him up.
He'd just finished when Maddie walked through the doors. In his peripheral Tommy could see Bobby getting up, could hear Howie's voice, Maddie's sniffles.
Eddie got up with the towels, walking out of view as quickly as he could.
Tommy could feel someone walking up behind him. He knew who it would be.
He couldn't even manage to get up. His legs felt like jelly.
There was a hand on his shoulder, then Maddie came into view.
Their eyes met. Maddie's were dark, filled with tears. Her lip trembled.
He was sure he didn't look much different.
She didn't speak, didn't ask questions. Just bent down and wrapped him up.
He held her as tightly as he could, letting himself sob into her shoulder. He didn't even know he could make the sounds that were coming out of him. Each one a deep, desperate plea for this all to be some horrible nightmare. He hadn't hyperventilated since he was fourteen, after his dad found out he'd been tearing out posters of all the boys from a teen magazine. Tommy had tried to convince him, unsuccessfully, that he was deciding on a new hairstyle and didn't know which one to choose. He felt the sting from his dad's belt on his back for nearly a week.
Maddie cried with him, yet somehow managed to soothe him at the same time. She ran a hand up and down his back, telling him it was okay over and over through her own hiccuped cries.
It took a few minutes, but Tommy managed to calm down. Maddie took a seat beside him, keeping a tight hold on his hand until the moment Buck's surgeon entered the waiting room.
Everyone was up and surrounding him within seconds. Tommy felt like he was about to throw up again, but he kept himself together.
“He's being moved to recovery now,” she said, and Tommy felt like he took his first real breath since Buck fell to the floor nearly six hours ago. She continued talking, going over exactly where the bullets hit and how much damage was done, but Tommy would have to ask about that later because he didn't hear anything else past Buck being in recovery.
Maddie squeezing his shoulder brought him back to the present. “Can we see him?” she asked.
“It'll take a few minutes to get him transferred, and he will probably be out for the night, but I'll have a nurse come get you as soon as he's in his room.”
It took a couple of days for Buck to wake up enough to have a real conversation. Tommy was in the middle of making up the extra bed a nurse had managed to bring in for him when Buck asked where his wedding ring was at.
Tommy dug through the bag he'd been handed after Buck's surgery. He ignored the bloody clothes and went straight for the ring at the bottom.
He held it up as he headed back over to Buck, sitting beside him on the bed.
“Put it on for me?” Buck asked, holding out his hand.
Tommy did, gently gliding it over his finger until it was back right where it belonged. Tommy brought Buck's hand up to his mouth, softly kissing over the ring.
“Perfect,” Buck said, a content smile on his own face.
Tommy sighed. He rested Buck's hand between his own. “You were wrong the other day, you know.”
Buck's eyebrows furrowed. “When?”
“At the art show, you remember that one painting?”
“The one I was looking at when-”
“I remember.”
“You said I was the blue one, and you were red. That I kept you steady.”
Buck nodded, unsure where Tommy was going with this.
Tommy kept his eyes on their intertwined hands. “It's the other way around,” he admitted.
He was met with silence, but after a moment Buck lifted his hand and pressed two fingers under Tommy's chin, lifting his head so their eyes met. “Come here,” he said, unable to raise himself up.
Tommy leaned forward until their lips met in a chaste kiss. Once they parted, Tommy kept his forehead pressed against Buck's.
“I love you, Mr. Buckley-Kinard,” Buck whispered in the space between them.
Tommy closed his eyes, letting the words soak in before whispering back, “I love you more, Mr. Buckley-Kinard.”
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The Dry Spell
It's fairly common knowledge that first responders work long shifts together, often 24 or 48 hours at a time. This kind of togetherness builds strong bonds and makes it nearly impossible to keep secrets. Which was why the entire station seemed to know that Buck and Tommy were in a bit of a dry spell right now.
Buck was in the locker room, changing after a particularly grueling shift. He didn't mean to start venting, but Hen had asked how things were going at home, and before he knew it, he was spilling his guts.
"I mean, it's been over 3 weeks," Buck said, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "And yes, partially it's been us having opposite schedules, but it hasn't only been that. It's just...3 weeks. I'm starting to go crazy."
Hen nodded sympathetically, leaning against the lockers. "That's rough, Buckaroo. Have you talked to Tommy about it?"
Buck sighed, closing his locker with perhaps a bit more force than necessary. "I've tried, but every time I bring it up, something comes up. A call, Emmett needs something, one of us is too tired... It's like the universe is conspiring against us."
He lowered his voice, glancing around to make sure no one else was within earshot. "And the worst part? I'm turned on like, all the time now. It's getting ridiculous. Yesterday, I got distracted during dinner because Tommy reached across the table for the salt. The salt, Hen!"
Hen tried to suppress a smile, but failed. "Oh, Buck. You've got it bad."
"I know," Buck groaned. "It's like I'm a teenager again. I can't focus. Every little thing Tommy does is suddenly the hottest thing I've ever seen. This morning, he was just getting ready for his shift, putting on his flight suit, and I nearly lost it."
"Maybe you two need to schedule some alone time," Chimney chimed in as he walked into the locker room. "You know, make it a priority."
Buck flushed red. "Chim! How long have you been standing there?"
"Long enough to know you're about to combust," Chimney teased. "Seriously though, Buck. Talk to your husband. I'm sure he's feeling it too."
Buck nodded, trying to ignore the embarrassment creeping up his neck. "Yeah, you're right. I just... I miss him, you know? Not just the physical stuff, but the intimacy, the connection. Though right now, I wouldn't say no to the physical stuff either." Suddenly, a thought occurred to him and a sly grin spread across his face. "Wait a minute, Chim. Does this mean you're offering to babysit Emmett?"
Chimney's eyes widened as he realized the implication of his advice. "I, uh..."
Hen burst out laughing. "Oh, he's got you there, Chim! You can't give advice without being willing to back it up."
Chimney sighed dramatically, but there was a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Fine, fine. Maddie and I can take Emmett for a night. But I don't want to hear any details, got it?"
Buck's face lit up. "Chim, you're a lifesaver! I promise, no details. Just... thank you."
"Yeah, yeah," Chimney waved him off, but he was smiling. Just make it count, Buckaroo."
Buck's blush deepened, but he couldn't wipe the grin off his face. Finally, a chance for some alone time with Tommy. Now he just had to make it through his shift without spontaneously combusting at the thought.
It took everything in Buck's power not to speed home. As soon as he walked through the door, he called out, "Tommy!"
"In the kitchen, babe," Tommy's voice replied.
Buck rushed into the kitchen, his eyes wild with excitement. "Pack Emmett a bag. We gotta go!"
Tommy turned from the stove, spatula in hand, his brow furrowed in confusion. "What? Slow down. What are you talking about?"
"Sex," Buck blurted out, his cheeks flushing. "Lots of sex. So much sex."
Tommy's eyebrows shot up, a bemused smile playing on his lips. "Interesting, but I'm still not sure I follow."
Buck took a deep breath, trying to calm himself enough to explain coherently. "Okay, so I may have been venting at work about our... dry spell. And Chimney offered to babysit Emmett for the night so we could have some alone time."
Understanding dawned on Tommy's face, followed quickly by a mischievous grin. "Oh, I see. And you're in such a hurry because...?"
"Because," Buck said, stepping closer to Tommy, his voice dropping low, "I've been going crazy thinking about you all day. Do you know how distracting you are? This morning, watching you put on your flight suit... I nearly lost it right there."
Tommy's eyes darkened with desire. "Is that so?" he murmured, setting down the spatula and wrapping his arms around Buck's waist.
"Mhmm," Buck hummed, leaning in for a kiss. "I've been imagining all the things I want to do to you once we're alone."
Just as their lips were about to meet, they heard the patter of little feet.
"Daddy! Papa!" Emmett's voice called out.
They broke apart, both chuckling but with heat still in their eyes. "I'll go pack his bag," Tommy said, pressing a quick kiss to Buck's cheek. "You go tell him he's having a sleepover with Aunt Maddie and Uncle Chim."
As Tommy headed upstairs, Buck called after him, "I'll text Maddie to pick him up. The sooner they get here..."
Tommy paused at the top of the stairs, throwing a smoldering look over his shoulder. "The sooner we can pick up where we left off."
Buck grinned, anticipation coursing through him. "Exactly."
As they separated to prepare for their evening, both men felt a surge of excitement. Buck quickly sent a text to Maddie, asking if they could pick Emmett up as soon as possible. Then he went to find their son, his mind already racing with thoughts of what the night would bring once they were alone.
Twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang. Buck opened it to find Maddie, Chimney, and Jee-Yun.
"Uncle Buck!" Jee exclaimed, hugging his legs.
"Hey there, munchkin," Buck said, ruffling her hair. "Thanks for coming so quickly, guys."
Chimney raised an eyebrow, a knowing smirk on his face. "No problem. Wouldn't want to keep you waiting."
Buck felt his cheeks heat up, but before he could respond, Tommy appeared with Emmett and his overnight bag.
As they said their goodbyes to Emmett, promising to pick him up tomorrow afternoon, Buck and Tommy exchanged heated glances. The moment the door closed behind Maddie, Chimney, and the kids, Tommy turned to Buck, his eyes dark with desire.
"Now," Tommy said, his voice low and full of promise, "where were we?"
Buck lunged forward, capturing Tommy's lips in a searing kiss. Their bodies pressed together, and both men groaned at the contact, feeling the evidence of each other's arousal.
"Tommy," Buck gasped, breaking the kiss. "I need you. It's been too long."
Tommy's hands roamed Buck's back, pulling him even closer. "I know, baby. I've missed you too."
As they stumbled into their bedroom, Buck couldn't take his eyes off Tommy. The need to touch, to feel, to taste was overwhelming. Without breaking eye contact, Buck slowly sank to his knees in front of Tommy, his intentions clear.
Tommy's breath hitched, his eyes dark with desire. "Evan," he breathed, voice rough with want.
Buck's hands trembled as he reached for Tommy's belt. "Please," he murmured, "I need this. Need you."
Tommy cupped Buck's face gently, his touch a stark contrast to the urgency thrumming through both their bodies. "We've got all night, baby. Let's take our time, ok?"
Buck nodded, but didn't move from his position. The anticipation was electric, every nerve ending on fire. As Tommy's fingers carded through his hair, Buck leaned forward, ready to show his husband just how much he'd missed him.
They had hours ahead of them to reconnect, to relearn each other's bodies, to make up for lost time. And they intended to savor every moment.
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mountedeverest · 2 months
His pace (inspired by the 7x09 cutscene)
Rated E Pairing: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Thomas "Tommy" Kinard Fandom: 911 on ABC Words: 1.6k Enjoyyy~ rest of fic under the cut
“Were talking about your intentions.”
“Are they honorable?”
Tommy remembered the first night he slept over at Evan’s. It was right after the hospital wedding, Chim was feeling weary and the crowd shuffled out of the room-turned-wedding hall when Buck looked up at him, all twinkly-eyed and sheepish.
“You must be wiped. Y-you could stay at my place tonight, shower, sleep, no ulterior motives. I-I can lend you clothes.”
The ‘if you want’ hung back unspoken at the end, and Evan looked at him like a pleading puppy, unable – to the best of himself – to play it cool. Tommy just chuckled and closed his eyes for a second before answering that it sounded like a great idea. If Buck had had a tail he would’ve wagged it. Instead, he just leaned forward, wide toothy grin threatening to smash against Tommy’s own in a sweet but clumsy kiss.
That night, Tommy had laid down his turnouts at the door of Buck’s loft, while the younger firefighter wrestled with the noticeable full-body flush he was sporting. Tommy would never reveal his play, not even under duress, but he could admit that in that moment, he might’ve been trying some things, pushing some buttons. And he’d laugh, once out of the shower, at the clothes that Evan had laid out for him, which were perfectly fine… except for one white t-shirt that might’ve belonged to another, smaller version of Buck. He put it on nonetheless, the fabric almost see-through with the way it stretched over the swell of his muscles. He could probably tear the shirt if he flexed hard enough, Tommy thought. 
Walking out of the bathroom, Tommy wagered that the shirt worked in his favor, as well as Evan’s, judging by the way the younger man was practically drooling on the floor. 
“I think your shirt might be a tad small. Do you have another? Or- y’know, I could just go without. I… run hot at night.”
Evan just nodded vigorously, made faces and choked off sounds like he was trying to find his words, and Tommy grinned. It had been a while since he’d made a man go non-verbal.
“Right.” Tommy pulled the obscenely tight shirt off of himself while Buck watched, making sure to flex a little, drag it out just a little bit. “Where’s your couch?”
Buck looked dazed, stuck. His eyes were hazy and his cheeks were furiously red.
“Evan?” Tommy tried gently snapping him out of it.
“Uh? Uhh, don’t have one.” 
Buck squirmed in his seat at the kitchen island, embarrassed.
“You don’t have a couch? Where am I supposed to sleep?”
“Friend’s wife gave birth on the last one, haven’t gotten around to buying another one yet and umm…” Buck squirmed even harder then. “W-with me?”
Tommy softened, a lazy smile on his features. He was secretly fond, well, maybe not so secretly. That night, they slept each on one side of Buck’s enormous bed at first, and then slowly inched towards each other until they were spooning, Tommy’s face nestled in the crook of Evan’s neck as his big arms encircled the younger man. Tommy was out like a light, the weariness of the past 24 hours weighing on him finally. They stayed like that most of the night, until Buck inevitably starfished on the bed and Tommy moved snuggly on his back.
Now the night was innocent enough, it was the morning that took them one step further in the physical aspect of their relationship. Tommy had wanted to go at Evan’s pace, not rushing him into this frankly new territory he was now in. He didn’t account for the speed at which Evan was willing to go. He found that out pretty quickly, gasping his orgasm into Evan’s mouth as they jerked each other off in the massive bed. 
From that moment on, everything kind of… snowballed. 
They were together pretty much every time their shifts synced up. Three days after Tommy had slept over for the first time, they had gone to Maddie and Chimney’s to welcome the latter back home from the hospital and settle him in his home for the next few weeks as he recovered. They had said their goodbyes early as Chim was too tired from the meds and Maddie had to put Jee to bed. Barely thirty seconds through the door of Tommy’s house, Buck already had a dick in his mouth for the first time. And once Evan discovered he was good at something, he just wanted to do it over and over and over again. 
One morning, after the whole Shannon-doppelganger-brownies debacle, Evan just walked out of Tommy’s shower and into his bedroom with intent and what seemed like frustration, demanding that Tommy finger him. 
“Something’s missing when I do it.” Evan rasped, straddling Tommy and fishing in his bedside drawer knowing he’d find a bottle of lube there. He hadn’t even dried off before and water fell everywhere on the sheets and on Tommy, but the older man didn’t care. 
“Your hands are so big.” Evan practically cried into his mouth as Tommy crooked a first finger inside of him. He was so pretty like this, all flushed and wanton and wet. Evan’s hair curled when it was wet, and Tommy liked it a lot. They ended up going up to three fingers, with Evan on his back begging and babbling. He came untouched.
Turns out Buck loved getting his ass played with. It wasn’t long before Tommy was fucking him in earnest. The first time they did, they couldn’t even make it to a bed.
“Fuck me here.” Evan had begged and commanded both at once, pressing his ass backwards into Tommy’s hard on. They had been sparring in Tommy’s garage, finally getting those Muay Thai lessons so enthusiastically promised. Sparring was a loose term in this case, as the actual sparring had only taken place for about ten minutes before it devolved into furious rutting and making out. 
“Uh– baby, lube.” Tommy was wrecked. Even with the younger man pinned under him he didn’t have the upper hand. Evan had his chest pressed into the mat for leverage, a hand grabbing behind him into Tommy’s hair. It made Tommy’s head spin.
“First aid kit on the tool bench, every good kit has some.” 
Buck had a point there, and indeed there was, Tommy remembered. A first responder was never off duty.
“Ahh–” Buck had just tugged harshly at Tommy’s hair while grinding up into him. “Condoms.”
“Do we need ‘em?” Evan had said practically on a whine. “We’ve swallowed each other’s cum enough already, I think one of us would’ve said something by now.”
Evan, enthusiastic in his newfound bisexuality, had gotten tested the day after their coffee date. Tommy, for his part, had a standing annual checkup which included STI testing. He hadn’t had any other partner between his last checkup and Evan.
“You sure?” Tommy checked in, he always checked in.
“Tommy, if you don’t fuck me into this mat right now I swear–” Buck was cut off by Tommy thrusting hard against his ass, grabbing his chin, and kissing the younger man filthily until Buck was a puddle under him.
“Hold tight.” Tommy pecked Evan’s temple where his birthmark was, and then he was gone. Seconds later, he returned with the lube which was not intended for sex, but would work just fine in a pinch. 
Evan had dragged his shorts and briefs down with both hands while his cheek pressed into the floor, fingers fumbling in his haste. A finger quickly gave way to two, then three, and it wasn’t long before Evan begged for the main event.
That first slow thrust felt like sliding home. Buck was drooling into the mat; the prep had been done well and there was no resistance at all. Tommy bottomed out and Evan was already rocking shallowly against the older man, using his forearms as leverage. It had helped somewhat that Evan was regularly taking fingers, Tommy was not small in any way.
They were not gentle, as Evan coaxed Tommy into going harder and harder until Buck came with a keen and a hand in his hair. Evan squeezed around Tommy’s cock, chanting for him to come in me, please Tommy. And so he did, with a drawn out grunt, punched out of his gut with monster-truck force as his vision blurred. When he came to a few seconds later, the Evan under him had drool on his chin, cum dripping out of his ass, and a deeply sated grin on his face. Brat.
Evan had turned on his back and dragged Tommy down for kisses. They must have stayed like that for at least twenty minutes, just lazing about in the afterglow. At one point, Buck’s stomach grumbled and Tommy proposed a shower and a bite which Buck agreed to easily, even if that meant breaking apart for the time it took them to get to the bathroom.
Tommy remembered fondly, thinking about all the times that came after that, and all of the places it happened too. Just this morning, before the medal ceremony, Evan had climbed on top of him and ridden him while Tommy was halfway into putting on his dress blues. 
“Tonight, medals stay on.” Evan had said breathlessly against Tommy’s mouth as he took him like a pro, completely naked against the older, much more clothed man.
Tommy smiled internally.
“I’m wearing a medal.”
Okay. The big sisters were going to need more than just jokes. Just went to show how well Evan was loved.
“We are taking it very slow.” Lie. “In fact, I’m letting him set the pace–” Tommy tried not to look smug as he could see Hen trying to fight off a grin. That part was very true, but not nearly as much as the next. “–and I’m just trying to keep up.” 
NP tags ~ @tizniz @hippolotamus
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elvensorceress · 5 months
not quite tuesday tidbit teases
it's probably tuesday somewhere and this just popped in my head and I wanted to share. what do you think? do we want more?
tagging if any of you want to share something 😘 @hippolotamus @eddiebabygirldiaz @messyhairdiaz @rainbow-nerdss @tizniz @spotsandsocks @daffi-990 @monsterrae1 @diazsdimples @watchyourbuck @wh0re-behavi0r @911onabc @chaosandwolves @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @rogerzsteven @epicbuddieficrecs @bekkachaos @fiona-fififi @wikiangela @exhuastedpigeon @the-likesofus @hoodie-buck @lover-of-mine @mikereads @jesuiscenseedormir @lemonzestywrites 💕
It’s just after midnight and Buck is going to bed. 
He’s been saying this for a couple hours but YouTube had too many AItA videos and Instagram had those gorgeously edited food recipe posts and he doesn’t even want to talk about the doomscrolling of TikTok. But he had a day off and it was supposed to be with Tommy so they could take the weekend and go somewhere fun and romantic, but then Tommy had to work. Buck could’ve gone in with the rest of A shift. But it was nice to have some alone time for himself so he took time for himself. 
His phone goes off with a call five seconds after he’s gotten into bed. It’s a number he doesn’t know. So he could ignore it. Or wait until they’ve left a message. But who would call at this hour for no reason? Or for scamming, telemarketing reasons? 
So Buck answers. 
“Buckley?” The man on the other end says. He sounds vaguely familiar but not enough that Buck came put a name or face with a voice. 
“Uh, yeah? Who is this?” 
“Mehta. Captain Mehta. Of the 133.”
“Oh, hey,” Buck says, automatically friendly and smiling. That makes sense now. “What’s up? Why the— why are you calling?” Why would he call in the middle of the night?
Why does anyone call in the middle of the night.
“Buckley,” he says and it sounds… it sounds… it sounds like…
They have him now. They’ll take care of him. Why don’t we get you cleaned up. He’s in good hands. They’ll rush him to surgery. You don’t have to worry. Let’s get you cleaned up. 
Lets get you cleaned up.
Buck can’t breathe. His whole body is cold. Frozen. 
He tries to get out of bed. He tries, but just slides to the floor beside it. He doesn’t make it any further.
“Buckley, there was a helicopter crash. Your team, our team we went to rescue the pilot. Your, uh, sorry, I don’t know what you call him, but your boyfriend? Life partner? He—”
Oh god. No. No, that’s not. That’s not happening. That is not what is happening right now. This can’t be a, Tommy is dead and I’m letting you know. It can’t be that. It’s not. They were going to—
They were supposed to have a romantic trip together. Wine tasting and some kind of museum Tommy thought Buck would love and maybe a visit to a hot springs up north and they were going to watch the sunset and the sunrise and—
And he can’t be dead. He can’t be.
“He’s alive,” Mehta says. “We’re at Cedars-Sinai. He’s alive, but. It doesn’t look good. He’s in the ICU now. He’s critical.”
Buck pushes himself up. Has to. He has to be there. 
He barely remembers to thank Mehta or even end the call before he switches off his phone and runs out the door. 
The drive is a blur. The drive is probably very illegal and he doesn’t know how he doesn’t crash, but he doesn’t have time to wait for an Uber or for anyone else. He runs as fast as possible to the ER lobby, and almost runs directly into Chimney. 
Not almost. Buck crashes into him and almost knocks them both to the floor but that almost actually is an almost because Chim somehow steadies them both. 
He’s pale. Shaken up. His eyes are red. He’s been crying. 
“Chim,” Buck says as broken as he feels. “Chim, where— where is he? What happened? How did this happen? Please tell me he’s okay. He can’t be dying, right? That can’t be happening?”
Chim opens his mouth and grips Buck’s arms tighter, still trying to steady him. “Buck, we— we don’t know yet. It was bad, but he’s tough. You know that. He could be fine.”
Buck lets out a broken whimper and backs away from him. “No. He is fine. He’s fine and this isn’t happening. I just— Chim, I just found him. I can’t lose him already.” 
There’s a flash of something on Chimney’s face but there’s movement around Buck, too. Other people. Bobby, he’s pretty sure. And Hen. They would be here. They would try to comfort him. But they don’t need to because it’s fine. Everything is fine and this isn’t happening. 
It can’t be happening. 
He can’t be dying.
There’s more movement and it’s all blurry, probably filtered through tears, but then everything stops. The world stops. 
Tommy is right in front of him. Whole, alive, real, a little rumpled and there are bloody scratches and bandages on his face and around his arm. But he’s here. He’s fine.
Buck slams into him, throws his arms around him, and sobs as he clutches him. 
“Baby,” Tommy says softly as he hugs Buck tightly, cradling him, comforting him, and Buck can breathe. He’s not frozen. Everything is okay. They were all wrong. Buck knew they were wrong. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” Tommy tells him and holds him tighter. 
Buck pulls back just to look at him. “No, it’s okay. You’re okay.” He takes a deep breath and smiles because Tommy is fine. He’s right here and everything is good. Buck touches Tommy’s battered face and caresses him gently. He’s bruised and also pale, and very soggy. It’s been stormy tonight. Another reason why Buck wasn’t all that eager to go out in it. “They told me—  fuck, they scared me. I thought— I thought I lost you. I was so scared. I don’t want to lose you. He told me—Mehta, Captain Mehta— he called and told me there was a helicopter crash and my boyfriend was in the ICU and he’s critical and it didn’t look good, and I can’t— god, I can’t. Tommy, I—”
Tommy’s face isn’t good. It’s pale. Bad. Not smiling. Not relieved. It falls and he can’t even hide the devastation on it. He looks like guilt and death, and his mouth moves but nothing comes out. “Evan,” he finally says, barely says. It’s too quiet, too broken. “Evan…”
No. No, Buck doesn’t like that. He doesn’t want to throw up right now. And he just might. His heart is rabbit speed lightning and his legs don’t exist anymore and there’s an awful blackhole of apocalyptic world-ending destruction swirling and growing in his stomach. 
Someone takes his arm. Someone needs his attention. He’s moved from Tommy’s arms because there is no safety or comfort anymore. There’s no relief. There’s no happily ever after, nothing will ever be okay. 
Buck knows why Mehta said what he said. He knows who isn’t here. He knows who would have come to him and immediately comforted him. 
He knows. 
He knows what this is now. It can’t be that. It can’t. Buck doesn’t know anything.
Hen tells him. She holds his arm and says calmly even if it’s broken. Everything is broken. They’re all broken. “Buck. It’s Eddie.”
No. No, it isn’t. It isn’t that either. Buck really can’t take that. It was bad enough, unimaginable enough the other way. It can’t be this. 
He’s already done this. They did this before. More than once. Forty plus feet of cruel earth and a whirling burst of metal and blood all over him. 
Eddie’s blood was all over him. 
“The helicopter went down and got stuck on the cliffs. He went in so he could pull Tommy out, and we got Tommy out,” Hen tells him, every word a knife stabbing through both of them. All of them. 
“He saved me,” Tommy says, quiet and full of regret. “He saved me and went down with it. They thought it was stable enough. It wasn’t. They got him out after. But…”
Buck collapses to his knees on the floor and holds his head in his own hands as if he can somehow hold himself together when there’s no holding himself together. 
It’s Eddie.
It’s Eddie it’s Eddie it’s Eddie. 
Buck shatters like flimsy glass and sobs in all the pieces that are ripped out of him. What about Chris? What about Abuela? What about Eddie’s parents and sisters and friends and everyone else who loves him?
What about Buck? They can’t be BuckandEddie without Eddie. 
“I need to see him,” Buck suddenly says to the closest person who will listen. “I need to be with him. Please. Please.”
There’s arguing that happens. Bobby yells at someone. Hen, Chim, and Tommy stay around him like a protective guard. Until someone finally agrees. He’s not in surgery, they can’t take him to surgery yet. He’s not stable enough. But he’s on a ventilator, life support. They warn him and Buck doesn’t care. He knows how bad these things can be. He’s lived through several. 
They give him five minutes. 
They’ll have to drag him out with an armed guard if they think Buck will agree to only that. But at least it’s something. 
It’s something. 
Eddie is mostly covered. Blankets, wires, tubes, IV lines, bandages. He’s paler than all of them. Slightly blue-purple, cyanotic. They tell him a few things but Buck can’t hear them. He just wants to be with Eddie. 
Buck sits beside him and rests a shaking hand over Eddie’s hand, under the blankets where it’s trying to be warm. Buck would give anything to keep him warm, and alive. 
Eddie needs to stay alive. He needs to. 
Buck rests his forehead on the side of the bed near their joined hands. He would say something if he had the capacity to form words and sentences. The only thing in his head right now is, don’t leave me, please don’t leave me.
And that’s probably all he can say. All that really matters. 
Don’t leave me, don’t leave me, please, don’t ever leave me.
(read now on AO3)
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epicbuddieficrecs · 2 months
Weekly Recap | July 29th-August 4th 2024
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Against my best intentions, I've been seduced by the dark side 🙈 (the infideleddie/buckfidelity trend).
i swear it will get easier by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (Post-S7, Chris&Buddie | 1,8K | General): “Chris texted me last night.” Tension slams into Eddie’s body. “Is he okay?” “He’s fine,” Buck says quickly. “There’s nothing wrong. He just—” he looks up, meets Eddie’s eyes. “He asked me how you’re doing.” Eddie’s face falls. “I’ve been texting,” he says, voice small. “Just—checking in, you know? Every day. But yesterday I thought—maybe I should give him some space—” he scrubs a hand across his face. “Did he think—” He doesn’t complete the sentence, but Buck fills in the blanks. Did he think I’d given up on him?
Jeep Talking by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Chim POV | 2K | Teen): A ride in the backseat of Buck's Jeep with Buck and Eddie in the front gives Chim new perspective on his brother-in-law's strange dynamic with his so-called "best friend.' And Chim is sick of them being so oblivious.
I'm falling apart (and all I want is to trust you) by diaz_evan (3x03: The Searchers | 2K | General): OR Eddie and Christopher's reactions to Buck collapsing in 3x03: The Searchers.
unless you're choosing me by bucksclipboard/ @excuseme-greentea (Post-S7, Misunderstandings | 4K | Teen): “Could you check that?”, Eddie called from the kitchen. He had insisted to make something for them tonight instead of ordering their usual pizza and ice cream dinner. “Sure”, Buck replied and snatched the phone off the coffee table. He knew the pass code – it was the day Eddie had started working at the 118. There was no new text, just a message from his phone provider, but an earlier conversation was still opened. Before Buck could place the phone back on the table, something caught his eye. Why was Eddie talking to Hen about him? or: buck reads a text he wasn’t supposed to read
can't ignore the crazy visions of me in la by wafflesofdoom/ @capseycartwright (Post-S7, Getting Together, Pride | 4K | General): Margarita-drunk Buck ruminates on how beautiful Eddie Diaz is while his best friend is dancing to Chappell Roan. That's what LA pride is for, right? - or, alternatively: Eddie spends his first pride as an out queer man in a gay club, and Buck is in love with him about it.
the one where buck finds out by weewooforever (Post-S7, Misunderstandings, Getting Together | 5K | Teen): “You’re — You’re over me?” Buck manages to choke out, looking towards Eddie with wide eyes. “When were you… “ He says, his voice barely above a whisper as he tries to make sense of this whole situation. “When were you under me?” or the one where buck listens to a voicemail that turns his whole life upside down.
nothing wrong with me loving you by cranberrymoons/ @cranberrymoons (Post-S7, Cheating, Sexting | 5K | Explicit): He’s not thinking about it. He’s not. He’s definitely not. Buck leaves for the night, gets in his car and drives away like everything’s normal – normal because it is, it literally is, it’s the most normal night in the world, and Eddie is the most normal he’s ever been, and then maybe an hour later, he gets a text. * buck and eddie watch red white and royal blue together; one thing leads to another (aka: the sexting fic) (Part 1 of 🔥buck and eddie's red hot infidelity summer)
i'll come to you and drop my bags (you'll help me unpack them) by farfromthstars/ @doeeyeseddie (Post-S7, Media fic | 5K | General): eddie has some important conversations via text over the course of the worst(?) summer of his life.
🔥Down to the Bones of Me by giselleslash/ @gigi-gigi (Post-S7, Road Trip | 5K | Teen): The morning after Christopher leaves Eddie gets in his truck and drives. Buck lets him go, and Eddie fights to come back for both of them.
Oopsie Daisy (Never Knew That Was Your Boo, Baby) by ameliahart (Post-S7, Cheating | 5K | Explicit): The first time it happens, it’s Tommy’s fault. Maybe that’s unfair, all things considered, but Eddie certainly isn’t going to blame Buck for it. And Eddie’s single, so it can’t be his fault. But Tommy sent Buck a dick pic while Buck was at Eddie’s house, so Eddie feels secure in blaming Tommy for everything that happened after. * Or, five times Buck cheats on Tommy with Eddie, and one time he doesn't.
I Always Wanted My Own Spark by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Future Fic | 5K | Teen): In 2040, during the midst of a family crisis, Christopher Diaz and his younger brother butt heads. (Part 5 of 🔥Anywhere I Want, Just Not Home)
it's a small crime (i got no excuse) by justhockey (Post-S7, Cheating | 6K | Mature): It’s a dangerous game they’re playing. Buck doesn’t care. He’d like to blame it on the alcohol running through his blood and loosening his inhibitions. On the rough shift, or the even rougher week he’s had. He’d like to blame it on Eddie, or Tommy, or anything at all that could absolve him of what he’s about to do. But the truth is, Buck just wants. He wants, and he wants, and he wants. So he takes.
hang me up on your bedroom wall by hrudayam/ @eddiegettingshot (Post-S7, PWP, Cheating, Breeding kink | 6K | Explicit): “You’re going to be a great father someday,” Eddie says eventually, because he’s worse than he used to be and Buck’s reverent eyes make him feel—they just make him feel. “Eddie, I—” “You are,” he repeats, firm. “Don’t you think I’d know better than anyone?”
drink up (you're wasted on me) by okanus/ @buddieism (7x06: There Goes The Groom, PWP, Cheating | 9K | Explicit): Or: Eddie and Buck hook up at the bachelor party. Difficulties ensue.
close ain't close enough (til we cross the line) by cranberrymoons/ @cranberrymoons (Post-S7, Cheating, Sexting | 10K | Explicit): Eddie thinks about it for a minute. He really does, because he’s more clear-headed now than he was last night, so he thinks better of it for maybe thirty seconds. Remembers the inarguable fact that Buck has a boyfriend and that Eddie is – well. Learning some things about himself, maybe, but is very specifically not Buck’s boyfriend, so. He shouldn’t. Right? Except. (Part 2 of 🔥buck and eddie's red hot infidelity summer)
all my little words by youbetsya/ @maddiebuckettebuckley (Post-S7, Epistolary | 11k | Teen): Eddie: Did you just send me an email? Buck: yeah lol. Eddie: Why… I dont think you’ve ever emailed me actual words before. Just stuff to print when your printer is broken Buck: did you read it? Eddie: Not yet. Too busy trying to figure out why the fuck you’re emailing me. Buck: just read it dude 🙄
🔥treat an opportunity like it's treating you by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon Divergent, Post-S2 | 12K | Teen): After losing his leg as a result of the fire engine bombing, Buck is presented with the opportunity to have a service dog donated to him.
🔥 Operation: Keep Eddie Diaz Busy and Annoyed by giselleslash/ @gigi-gigi (Post-S7, Getting Together | 15K | General): Or, the one where Buck forces Eddie to keep busy while Chris is gone, but ends up catching a bad case of The Feelings in the middle of Eddie learning to love pickling things to irritate Chim and charming old ladies through square dancing.
🔥I think if you're lucky by colonoscopys/ @colonoscopys (Prince Buck/Firefighter Eddie | 19K | Teen): Evan hits him with his car.
mask over my eyes and an arrow through the heart by youbetsya/ @maddiebuckettebuckley (Post-S7, Cheating | 35K | Explicit): “Look, you’re my family, a-and I want you guys to be on board with this.” Buck is tense, anxious. Eddie should really say something. Be supportive. “But it’s happening either way. So.” Bobby leans over to clap Buck on the shoulder, staring him straight in the eye as he does. “I am happy for you, Buck. As long as you’re sure.” Some of the tension falls away from Buck’s posture. He smiles. “I am. Sure. I’m super sure.” “Alright then.” Bobby pats Buck’s shoulder once more before he pulls away. “Congratulations, kid.” Buck visibly exhales in relief, which Eddie finds solace in despite the fact that he’s currently being stabbed with a thousand tiny knives. Or: Buck is getting married. He is.
drift past the flowers. by dylaesthetics (Post-S6, (Un)requited Love | 45K | Teen): OR Buck and Natalia get engaged, and Eddie flees the state about it. A petty email correspondence ensues.
Where there's smoke by rainbow_nerds/ @rainbow-nerdss (Multiverses | 4/31 | 5K | Teen): His eyelids are heavy. His lungs ache. The smoke is dense and thick, slowly suffocating him. Eddie feels himself drift as Buck’s voice penetrates the smoke, cuts through the fog in his brain. “Eddie, stay with me. Stay with me, Eds.” Eddie wants to stay. He wants to open his eyes and see Buck. He doesn’t want to leave. But he’s so tired, and sleep is calling him. Maybe it will be okay. Maybe his dreams will be sweet. Maybe there’ll be peace, there. And maybe, if he just rests for a little while, he’ll be able to find his way back.
E & E: A Buddie Drabble Collection by Tizniz (Prompt fic | 108/? | 24K | General): A collection of drabbles for Buck and Eddie.
Best Case Scenario by lesbianrobin/ @lesbianrobin (Podcast, Multimedia fic | 2/? | 4K | Teen): Buck and Eddie start a podcast. a multimedia epistolary fic
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by Daisies_and_Briar / @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon S1-S6, Divergent Post-S6 | 132/? | 419K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
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