#but to be so real just about everyone on yj is trans
mamawasatesttube · 4 months
cissie: oh, and by the way. ive been thinking about telling you guys, and i mean maybe you already know, heck, i don't really care that much, but anyways. i'm not cis. i'm trans.
kon: oh! that's cool, yeah-- wait. does that mean you want us to call you transsie now instead...?
kon, earnest puppy dog head tilt: ?
transsie: actually you know what yeah that would be really funny. especially if you do it in front of rob, okay?
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
where's the rant ???
Alright so rant time: people constantly argue that making a character a transwoman is the same as making them a ciswoman and frankly that’s wrong. I’m sorry but it is. As a small disclaimer: I’m nonbinary and I am in school getting a sociology degree. I will be using sex to refer to biology and gender to refer to otherwise.
Using Tim Drake as an example: the stories you tell with a transgirl or a cisgirl version are incredibly different from each other. Because men and women are socialized drastically different from one another. While the character of Tim Drake (fierce, loyal, hard working, generous, and wanting to do so much good) wouldn’t change so much else about Tim would in either option.
With a transgirl Tim Drake, you have how society would react to her and coming out. I’d also argue that she wouldn’t come out until her teen years because of Jack. No one can tell me that this man would be okay with his kid being a transgirl. You just can’t tell me that. Janet is a toss up because of the limited information we have on her as a character. She however did neglect her kid, and in general I think that as new or old money, whichever you want to use, she would have problems with image, considering that a trans child could go bad for the PR. But even ignoring the parents, a transgirl!Tim would have a totally different story. I expect her story woudl go much like canon for a while until she is able to articulate that she is a girl. Then I expect backlash from people, one of them being Stephanie.
I’m probably in the minority when it comes to my thoughts that Steph is a straight woman who would react to her partner coming out as a woman badly because ‘what does that say about ME?!’ I won’t go into my issues with Steph. Others have done it way better but I do think that she and Tim both messed up their relationship even if frankly most of the blame is on Steph’s feet. BUT ANYWAYS: Tim coming out would cause issues there. A harsh reaction is never great for a baby trans kid and I can see Tim retreating as Steph goes off to complain to someone like Babs. Who I then think would be upset with Steph for outing Tim. Baba then acts as a pillar for Tim who slowly can come out on her own terms. Bruce and Dick I don’t think would have an issue and Jason? Let’s be real: Jason wouldn’t give a fuck in the sense it’s “okay wait, girl? Okay… I’ll still beat the shit out of you”.
The media would pitch a fit and I think that YJ would become closer over this, but I also think that there will be backlash from other members of the cape community. There just isn’t a way there wouldn’t be because while sure a lot are accepting you can’t tell me everyone is. Also the rouges. Unless Bruce asks Tim to pretend to be a guy still which… OUCH. I feel that is on brand and also something Tim would struggle so much with but want to obey while everyone is yelling at Bruce.
Then a transitioning Tim when her father wakes up probably wouldn’t go back to him because I doubt his reaction is a good one, and so she stays with Bruce. Probably becoming adopted. She and Cass would bond and I can see Tim developing further and becoming more confident as time goes on. She is less confident as Robin as she is not allowed to be herself.
The Damian and I’m torn. On one hand: I kind of like the idea that the League are all assholes but they also are chill with queer people cause Ra’s is creepy with canon Tim. In the other this is something he can attack Tim over and I doubt he’d give up the chance the little psycho.
So… Damian would be a thorn but I think that Dick steps in way more here because ‘baby assassin trying to kill Tim since he doesn’t know better’ is very different then ‘a transphobic kid being a shit to Tim’. Sad but true.
Tim’s story drastically changes by being a transgirl and it’s one that is VASTLY different then being a ciswoman because Tim still was socialized as a boy from birth. There is still a level of privilege she got from birth that a ciswoman doesn’t. People would react to her being trans in multiple ways such as denial or disgust.
But a cisgirl!Tim? Well…
People expect different things from the sexes. Women are supposed to be soft, gentle, not to loud and are supposed to be kind. Boys get to be demanding and loud and smart and rough.
Tim as a girl would have Jack and Janet reacting differently. It’s a personal headcanon for me that Jack imposes a lot of his traits onto Tim as a boy because ‘it’s my son and he is thus like me’. A girl though he’d expect to be a ‘cute and soft girl who is there for me to pull out of the closest’ because frankly the guy who willing marries someone not even a decade older then his kid who uses to be his physical therapist is a LOSER who would. Janet is again a toss up but I feel she’d have more of an impact for this Tim as being a woman in buisness or archeology is a field she had to climb and claw her way through. Things she would then pass on to her daughter.
Women are expected to be feminine and gentle. I’m actually fond of a girly fem!Tim compared to others, but I think it’s more of a punk girly then not. Janet totally would have weaponized her femininity in a way Tim tries to mimic. Dresses, soft smiles, doe eyes but a sharp mind about to rip you apart. Her interests in photography would be dismissed as ‘artsy girl’ and she’d be put into ballet or gymnastics with some comments over martial arts.
Women will have people talk about them if they do anything out of the ordinary. They aren’t supposed to ride skateboards or things because that’s what boys are expected to do. They aren’t supposed to like climbing things or other shit.
Tim as someone born a girl, and as either new money or old money, would be expected to have certain traits a boy is allowed to not have. So without a doubt she had etiquette lessons and dance lessons and anything else her mother might have decided were useful because Jack wouldn’t have noticed anything. Even if it’s cause Janet got mocked by people for not knowing I can’t see Tim not having these lessons.
Tim who has a great mask and who keeps her lives seperate this would have her high society mask, her vigilante mask, her public self and her real self because girls are still expected to act a certain way in public. Any interest that deviates form what society expects is brushed off as ‘she’s trying to be unique’ or ‘tomboy’ or ‘fitting in with the boys’.
We finally get to Robin now because Tim is still Tim and I don’t doubt she would do the same thing, fight to become Robin, but with this comes it’s own problems. Threats of sexual assault, comments about being a girl, crude comments about opening her legs or how she fights: all of these would follow her. We can go: some rouges are nice all we want but not all of them are.
Then we have Stephanie and that relationship is already drastically changed because Stephanie again is straight, and I think that Tim would be able to connect to Steph much better as a girl. I still think it wouldn’t be the healthiest of friendships because of everything but I also think that Tim being a girl while having hard lines is very different from a boy with boundaries because Steph knows as a girl what it’s like to have boundaries. She would feel bad for breaking them compared to ‘Tim is upset I found out his identity boohoo why is he upset with me?’.
We have Dick to and I’m going to be real honest: I think Dick is sexist enough to make assumptions of Tim. He doesn’t have issues with women but in general he’s a bit of a douche bag (sleeping with Babs while inviting her to his wedding with Kori anyone?) that he would put some expectations on this Tim related to being a girl. Of course Tim tosses those out of the water and I think he’d adapt but still: Dick is just… I think he’s the guy who puts a lot of stock into blood relations more then we know (ala Damian) and that he’s got a few assumptions about the Robin title along with thoughts on girls.
Bruce is… I think his expectations would be similar to canon with an emphasis on her being a girl. He knows competent women but in his world most of the female heroes are super powered or criminals, with Barbara being a shining example of a non-powered hero who got hurt. He’s going to compare it. I think it would either be worse then canon or he’s going to shove her off on female heroes more because he isn’t sure how to handle her.
Barbara as well I think is closer then canon to Tim being a girl and sort of the Batfam early compared to Stephanie. I actually think Babs would be a lot more posessive of Tim because of this, but this miiiight just be me. I know Tim and Cass would be incredibly close as well much like canon.
Jason and Damian though? Okay so I’ll be blunt: Jason is the kind of guy who is a feminist and supports woman’s rights but has a few issues with women he’s never been able to articulate. Society would press on him women are supposed to be fantastic mothers who put their families first and then he gets Sheila and Catherine. And while Catherine may have loved him society says she’s a terrible mother. Then we have Talia and no matter what the ‘sleeping together’ thing is fucked up. It just IS. So Jason has issues. However I think said issues being thrown into his face would make him stop short. Yet his reaction to a girl taking the mantle is one that would be… tricky as hell.
Damian? Damian is sexist and could go one of four ways: a) canon, b) WORSE then canon, c) dismissive and arrogant assuming she is just there to be trained and would be shoved out of the role as soon as he’s there no need to fight which turns into canon reaction when she isn’t or d) an assumption she’s there as a bride for someone. Because frankly it is something I can see him assuming. Bruce training a girl much like how Dick/Jason was trained so eventually they would marry to be solid heirs. The LoA is messed up and Talia might be a woman but she was raised there so there’s probably a ‘exception to the rule’ mentality with her. And I can see Damian either then: deciding he would be Tim’s groom as the true heir to the Bat or he would go: well time to marry her off now.
Either works. He’d still be violent and cruel towards her but that’s just Damian in general until he mellows out.
I think losing Robin in this world would be much more of a blow for Tim because of the sexism she’s faced. Being the lesser Robin for being a girl, how people reacted to her being feminine, seeing how Dick so easily tosses her aside for a male child. How people probably would go: yes! A good Robin finally! Or how his more violent reaction probably gets praised over her. Mixed in with the dismissal of Bruce being alive which feels worse as women are always getting dismissed by people and Tim lashes out harder then in canon.
We then come back to Babs because there’s only two ways she can react: canon or she goes ‘I’ll listen for real as I know the guys suck at listening to the girls’ and making her decisions that way. (And let’s be real Babs would know. Give me more female solidarity in comics and not the weird catty crap we get otherwise)
We then have canon happen with Ra’s being just as creepy mixed with a lot more sexism on her world tour.
One thing I do think would happen like canon is Tim realizing she’s bisexual when Fem!Bernard comes along and gets her thinking about it because girls are allowed to be touchy with each other so her not knowing is twice as likely.
These stories are VASTLY different from one another and the assumption that they wouldn’t be is insulting. Yes, transwomen are women but there’s still a huge difference in a story about either of them. Both these stories have very different thoughts and reactions from characters.
Just pretending that they’re one in the same is wrong. And pretending there’s a moral high ground when you claim they are is just being a dick.
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thotpuppy · 9 months
WIP Tag Game!
tagged by @dear-massacre ! AND @whimsicalmeerkat! WHIL i was writing my post lolol
This is sorta smth i track regularly? but i have it all sorted by word count akdgjkajdg it's part of my progress tracker server w some friends. Adding words is the easiest way to track 'working on a project' so that's what i do! I also have a (separate) doc in my drive folder that tracks just, general prompts, so when i have ideas i slap them in there.
Current (Teen Wolf) WIPs:
TriReign: Shepherd, Lamb, Wolf: small outline, chapters 1-4 complete, 5 wip - 16,575 - Sterek, Medieval Fantasy, Arranged Marriage, Omegaverse, Political Drama, Sex and Politics, Duty and Honor and Subterfuge, etc. my current current current WIP. Baseball AU: Collab? outline - 331. MOSTLY this is just. a Roster and some thoughts about a general plot concept. I want to illustrate this but i can't do a comic. It's also a Sterek concept. FratBoi Stiles x RA!Derek: 52 - this is just straight up a PWP with the prompt borrowed from a TWT moot that ive been meaning to work on for ages and just haven't yet. Higher Education 2: 2,821 Sciles, trans!Stiles, post-canon college AU. Also PWP, but also my gross unhygenic sloppy AU kinda. it's just. its grossnasty wet n sloppy porn. i wanted to finish this and then write a Third part for Sciles week this year and i didn't. whoops There's a Werewolf Tradition for That: 72 - Sterek didn't know they were dating AU. Alive!Hales but Werewolves are still a secret. Stiles and Derek are good friends and roommates, they're both idiots pining for each other, and out of the blue Derek's Mom sends them a formal invitation to celebrate their engagement. Stiles doesn't even know Derek's a werewolf. total ROMCOM, kinda inspired by My Big Fat Greek Wedding, but only in Vibes. Lone Wolf Wild West AU: Chapters 1, 2 posted, not outline - 3,670. Sterek, Lone Ranger!Derek, son of the sheriff Stiles. Mystery, adventure, romance. I miss cowboy...
Somewhere in here I will also put my Collabang fic and any other events i sign up for, because I'm gonna have to pause my major WIPs to work on them lol
1920's Mafia AU: Outline only - 1313 - Stiles is a city detective, the sheriff is the Police Commissioner, this takes place in Los Angeles. There are tunnels running all through the city, albeit underneath (real). There's been an uptick in gang activity lately. Stiles secretly 'runs' by which i mean, owns and protect, but isn't involved in Actually Running, an underground speakeasy in the heart of the city. He doesn't let any gangs runs their trouble on his turf. Until one day, a Hale is shot by an Argent right outside his doors. Sterek SuperBat ComicCon MeetCute: WIP One Shot - 1,049 Inspired by MultiE's art. nerd x nerd solidarity Sciles Ancient Greece AU: 192 - this is a friggin poem and is probably gonna stay a poem. New! Sex For Work: Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 - 23,228. Part 5? Sterek BDSM CEO x Personal Assistant AU. Originally intended to be kinky prompt fill series but Caught Plot. I meant to rewrite it last month to convert it into a standalone story, but uhhhh didn't. I DID do reformatting though. I just need to get writing on it again, but i tend to be kinda singleminded.
Other Fandom WIPs:
Big Blue Boyscout: 47 - Superman x Nightwing, xenophilia fic. "He's Big and Blue in more ways than one..." Bruce Wayne Visits Smallville: 685 - I got distracted while bingeing smallville for the first time and haven't gone back, but this was just supposed to be a one shot but my outline grew legs DP/YJ Crossover: 220 - this is more of a concept than a real specific fic, but i REALLY like comparing danny phantom to specifically the young justice animated series, and i wanted to try and come up with a cohesive clone comparison plot, rather than just making it a lil joke. Maybe it'll be Danny x Conner because himbo tee shirt conner is my baby boy baby boy Not So Blushing, Not So Virgin: 40 - SuperBat role reversal where everyone expects clark to be this sweet inexperienced things and then he absolutely blows bruce's back out.
Hiatus Projects:
Universal Law of Gravitation: Chapter 1 WIP, significant outline - 3,080 - Sterek Lifetime fic. I wrote out this huge long super comprehensive timeline and got super caught up in it. It's supposed to be about how, despite their best efforts, Stiles and Derek just can't stay apart, so there are a ton of messy breakups and fights in between. I just never put together an actual proper Plot, so when i started writing it, i got SUPER bored. It has a playlist! and i made a bunch of pseudo-science chapter titles hehe A Fever You Can't Sweat Out: Chapter 1 posted, Chapter 2 WIP, significant outline - 9,911 - Sterek, Marrish, Scallison, post-canon AU, surprise mpreg! Similarly to ULG, i wrote out a huge big timeline and outline and got super nitty gritty into the details, but literally Chapter One i went Off Track and it just killed my motivation. It's HUGELY ensemble, and i picked out jobs and hobbies for like 12 people to all live in a big ol estate together. It also suffered from "world building but no plot", but i DID try to make a plot, it just. wasn't good haha. The entire concept is, Lydia gets pregnant which makes Allison baby crazy so she gets pregnant and Stiles wants a baby so, so bad, but he's dating dating/married to Derek and therefore would have to adopt or something, but he wants it so bad he magics himself up a contraception.
Derek is moody, Stiles teases him about the fact he like, never smiles. Kisses him on a whim to get a rise out of him. And then proceeds to have a existential crisis after because "oh shit did he just kiss DEREK".
Werewolf!Stiles’ Pavlovian Pleasure Response to Scott’s Click (iykwim)
Stiles x Jeep crack smut oneshot
Post Nogi stiles is having trouble feeling like himself again. he feels a sharp disconnect with his Self that he didn't used to have, like he's lost touch with his humanity. He needs someone to remind him how it feels to be human.
unspecified/platonic - In this kind of weather, it makes more sense to stay inside. Or rather, stay inside somewhere else. Stiles sets up shop in a bookstore's cafe to while away the time warm espresso, a good book, and his own company. Until Someone/Something Else comes knocking.
Supernatural Boarding school (circa 2005-2009 role-play forum vibes)
Bastard Prince Jackson and Freedom Fighter Stiles (see doc)
Stiles’ mythology professor bites off more than either can chew - The Great Beacon Hills Custody Battle
“Teenage Dirtbag” Loser!Stiles Sterek fic
all of my prompts literally only exist in a single document where i put Ideas i like adkgjakjg everything in wips has a dedicated doc, but most of them dont have much written yet.
There's also 1 absent prompt here that im now saving for the collabang so ive omitted it from my counts because its technically a wordcount of 0 until i get to start working w my artist (:
no pressure tags! @renmackree @lavender-lotion @like-lazarus @geekmom13 @endwersed
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misspickman · 7 months
moss might i please have some trans tim headcanons. or trans kon if you’re feeling it.
Hii blink thank you blink i always have those<3
Kon is nonbinary and transfem to me and i do have a more specific way this happens in mind which is he starts questioning his gender after already figuring out hes not straight, and this is a few years down the line post sb 2011, so hes getting comfortable living on the farm and having a group of friends there, being a part of the kent family (hes never had a family before!!) and its because of that new personal comfort and safety that he can think more about himself as a person and not just. An icon with a role.
I read his tt03 era as his big Repression Period (along with cassie) where he figures he has to be a Normal Real Boy so he ditches the 90s superboy charm for a more traditionally masculine look, which maybe works for his secret identity but isnt what he actually enjoys. So later he starts growing out his hair and tiptoes around more flashy costumes which are daunting now, because kon has a lot of hate for his younger self for being foolish and a try hard, and this all reminds him of himself back then.
Its a slow process but he will get there eventually and i think living with ma helps a lot. Being away from the public eye and with someone who wouldn't judge him for not wanting to look as masculine would do kon wonders. Also he hangs out a lot with the yj girls, and i imagine cissie would eventually she starts putting makeup on him for funsies (and bc cassie doesnt let her) which kon has many feelings about. No worries! Anita braids his hair like she did cissies so many times and kon goes haha does this mean im one of the girls now as a joke and then has many feelings about that too bc what if he Wants to be one of the girls? Uh oh
I have less of a specific timeline for tim so some scattered ones are:
It would take her a long time to make peace with being trans and to come out, bc imo tim would not be a fan of the Coming Out Process. Would hate to do it. Would only do it once its the last feasible option bc shes sick of lying (again) and being seen so wrongly by everyone. I think she just writes cassie a note or something like it would be funny.
Jack having been so obsessed with tim being his perfect masculine son would make all of this especially hard but also make certain stuff make more sense in retrospect. Its impossible to think about tim being queer in any way without thinking back on jacks behavior.
Theres a v sweet image in my head of helena braiding tims hair bc once she lets it grow out tim does not know what to do with it and helena has to do something about that (set in a future where helena knows tims identity. The cowl doesn't really show hair. But boy it must be sweaty gross in there).
While i think kon would be big into makeup and all sorts of fun clothes and shoes i dont imagine tim being That much into it, is not as much of a makeup girlie, loves a nice dress but mostly for occasions and such.
One of the reasons why itd take her so long to figure herself out is she mostly didnt get body dysphoria until she thought of the possibility of Not Being A Man and then started noticing little things that bothered her, bc tim would be very aware of which traditional standards for being a woman she is not fulfilling. Very aware of and held back by the Issue Of Bodies And How They Are Perceived, as you do.
The initial realization would probably be something sudden that she refuses to think about for a while bc tim v much lives by that post thats like i may be trans but i have a job so idc about that rn. Its in the back of her mind and she is Not examining it when there are bad guys to punch out there.
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19940124 · 4 years
[210228] Instagram Q&A
YJ: How do I make that thing where you can receive questions and answer them...?
Fan: Are you exercising at home often these days?
YJ: I put my mask on and go to the gym these days
Fan: I miss Kim Hwan hehe 💓
YJ: I also miss Hwanie 😭
Fan: Are you singing the song in the movie yourself? 
YJ: Hm.. I guess I’m ~?
Fan: I left the company after hearing bad words at my first job place and now I feel like it's all my fault ㅠㅠ How can I handle it?😭😭
YJ: Oh, it's hard. When I first went to the recording studio, I was scolded and my self-esteem dropped. I felt like the world was over. I still remember having a hard time. It’s impossible to do well from the beginning. If you admit what you have to admit while learning, you will be able to do it. You may not be able to do it from the beginning and you may get scolded but take it for granted and do what you have to do one by one! You don't have to think about it too deeply! Good luck!
Fan: Hyung I ordered burger king  
YJ: Good good lets do chest exercise tomorrow!!
Fan: I just came home after my part time job and I keep thinking and can’t decide if I should eat spicy chicken or not
YJ: Eat eat!!
Fan: Aren’t B.A.P coming back? ㅠㅠ
YJ: 2 members from B.A.P are serving in the army now, don’t you think it’s gonna be a bit hard to have a comeback at least till their discharge..?
Fan: I gained weight please recommend me some exercise ㅜㅜ
YJ: Starving - for loosing weight and diet - for aerobic exercise!
Fan: What you do when you feel lethargic?
YJ: I do small thing one by one. Then I'm trying to keep that feeling of achievement alive!
Fan: To be honest.. you know that when you are on the stage your profile looks really cool? I’m going crazy because of it ㅠㅠ
YJ: It looks more cool in real life..
Fan: If you could drink only one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Coffee vs Beer
YJ: Coffee
Fan: I’m sorry for asking this question a person who is focused on exercising.. but did you try puradak chicken with green chili pepper? I tried it today it’s very tasty
YJ: Oo I was thinking of trying it today
Fan: I enjoyed watching Mr.Queen ㅠㅠ I met you through this drama and I’m very glad about it..!
YJ: Nice to meet you ☺️
Fan: I’m going to take job interview tomorrow but I’m very nervous. What if I won’t be able to reply on the question because I’ll be too nervous. Give an advice to the person who makes her first step towards the society ❣️
YJ: Prepare well and if it won’t work then just accept it with the mind “I’ll go to another place”. Instead of trying to be the best try to do it with ease
Fan: What’s your favourite snack choice when you are carving fish cake soup while drinking soju & beer
YJ: It depends/different hehe
Fan: Who is your favourite actress?
YJ: Shin Hyesun noona ☺️
Fan: Before.. living doing my best was something natural to me but after it became hard and I changed my pace it’s hard to get back to the previous pace.. I’m so hopeless.. have you ever felt like that too?
YJ: The level of “doing their best” is different for everyone. Probably you feel like you can’t reach your friend’s level (compare yourself to others). Don’t be too hard on yourself and try to look at yourself with a more comfortable mind. You might already live doing your best, just you couldn’t realize it yet.
Fan: What’s the most hard part about exercising?
YJ: Trying to force myself to move and go to the gym before starting exercise
YJ: Hng... I’m going crazy... my heart fluttered because of his words about special mission... 😭
*** probably talking about Mr.Queen (not sure) ?
Fan: What’s your favourite type of exercise? I like back exercise
YJ: I also like back exercise the most hehe
Fan: Oppa be honest.. you are a fairy not a human, right? (comment)
YJ: Oh I like that kind of comments ☺️
YJ: You are a boy who have a crush, right..? Woah.. you must be so excited  ☺️ Aja-Aja (Fighting)!!!
*** he probably wanted to reply on someone’s question but uploaded the answer without it
YJ: It’s all for today, I should sleep now, goodnight!
Trans cr: YJAYNEWS // Take out with full credit
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cassie-babyz · 7 years
[190909 TRANS] Joongdong BLUE Fansign Fanaccount Compilation
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Q. Youngjae-ya! When is your solo coming out!!! I’m waitingㅠㅠ YJ: Hmm.. In a little while?
(cr: bapel94)
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YG: Age is just a number Our hearts are still as we were
(cr: bapel94 | via: 百度B.A.P吧)
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Q. Daehyun-ah. You’re doing really well on your musicalㅠ. I welcome that eagerness with open arms!!! Do you perhaps have something else that you want to challenge? I’m curious >_< DH: I still want to do more!
(cr: bapel94)
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Q. Himchan oppa♡ Please tell me your thoughts and why you opened and closed “Honeymoon”. I’m curious >_< HC: Suddenly, during recording 
(cr: bapel94)
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Q. Jongup-ah. You had solo activities didn’t you. You were totally cool, but do you have any plans for another solo activity?? If you don’t then please a hint for your plans...♡ JU: Nothing
(cr: bapel94)
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Jongup What is your favourite song from all of BAP’s songs? JU: One Shot
(cr: him0601ya)
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Zelo Please tell me the minam [T/N: Handsome man] ranking within BAP ZL: 1st Daehyun 2nd Youngjae 3rd Himchan 4th Yongguk 5th Jongup 6th Junhong
When OP exclaimed at him putting himself last, he just quietly nodded his head.
(cr: him0601ya)
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ZELO What song is the funnest to sing at concerts?  ZL: Honeymoon 
 (cr: him0601ya)
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Please write something that’ll make my heart throb!!!! HC: I don’t like you
After seeing his answer: Fan: ???? HC: Hehe, bad boy style hehe Fan: Ahh.. ...
(cr: be_dot0127)
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The reason for buying your scooter is?? (P.S. What is scooter to Bang Yongguk?) YG: Go outdoors Bang Yongguk
Fan: Do you still ride your scooter? YG: Yes!! Fan: Is it fun?? YG: Lately it’s what’s pleasurable in my life.. *makes a satisfied face*
(cr: be_dot0127 | via: 百度B.A.P吧)
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Where do you hide your real wings? (Anticipating a sweet answer >▽<) ZL: They haven’t grown yet kekeke
(cr: Moonbreeze0206 | via: 百度B.A.P吧)
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I’ve been a fan since BAP debuted and I promise that I’ll support BAP till the end. I live overseas and it’s a little difficult, so please say something to me~ JU: That’s so cool Let’s be happy together!
(cr: coordi_noona)
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I’ve been a fan since BAP debuted and I promise that I’ll support BAP till the end. I live overseas and it’s a little difficult, so please say something to me~ ZL:  I love you♡ [T/N: I can’t for my life read what he wrote in the first line - the last two characters may be the fan’s name, ‘sica’ of ‘Jessica’, but I’m not sure]
Would you perhaps participate in Show Me The Money?  Which team do you like? ZL: Dynamic Duo ♡
(cr: coordi_noona) 
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I’ve been a fan since BAP debuted and I promise that I’ll support BAP till the end. I live overseas and it’s a little difficult, so please say something to me~ DH: Thank you! ㅠㅠ
Out of the families on Game of Thrones, which is your favourite? DH: ❌ Stark ◻️ Lannister ◻️ Targeryen
(cr: coordi_noona)
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I’ve been a fan since BAP debuted and I promise that I’ll support BAP till the end. I live overseas and it’s a little difficult, so please say something to me~ HC: Je t’aime❤ Thank you!
(cr: coordi_noona)
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I’ve been a fan since BAP debuted and I promise that I’ll support BAP till the end. I live overseas and it’s a little difficult, so please say something to me~ YG: Accept my energy!
I want to travel in Europe, but other than France and of your favourite which you’ve been to, which country should I visit?  YG: TORINO
(cr: coordi_noona | via: 百度B.A.P吧)
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I’ve been a fan since BAP debuted and I promise that I’ll support BAP till the end. I live overseas and it’s a little difficult, so please say something to me~ YJ: You came from France to Korea just to see us, thank you!!!  Let’s meet again!
(cr: coordi_noona)
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To. Yongguk oppa Oppa, I really love you, but how about you? YG: I love Boyoung (fan) too
Yongguk smiled after reading the question and immediately wrote down his answer fluidly.
(cr: BAP_S2_YOUNG)
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OP wanted to give the throat lozenge to Daehyun that Jun.k recommended when he did his musical, but since food gifts are prohibited, she decided to just show him which it was to recommend it to him. When he saw it, he got excited and exclaimed that “Ahh! I always eat that when I go to Japan!!”, and added “it’s mine😤” before putting it in his pocket. 
(cr: 1004__1015)
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OP asked Himchan for Junhong’s secret on her post-it and their conversation went: HC: Junhong’s secret? Fan: Yes HC: He’s a fool Fan: Fool? HC: Yes, an idiot
(cr: 1004__1015)
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To. Yongguk Oppa I’m a new employee 5 days into the job, a word of strength from oppa please! YG: Endure it for a month
(cr: LipToLip_628)
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To. Jonguppie Jonguppie, you’re perfect in your dance, singing and looks, but what do I need to become a perfect person like you?♡ JU: Thoughts
(cr: LipToLip_628)
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Fan: I got many Jongup photocards this time round and I was really happy and liked it!! This is all because of the charm you drew last time!!! JU: Huh? That charm was actually effective.... Congratulations!
(cr: LipToLip_628)
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Fan: Oppa is the handsomest out of everyone I’ve seen YJ: Yah! Honestly, that’s a lie 
(cr: LipToLip_628) 
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Can you recommend a hair colour for me?♡ Please come to China! :) JU: Brown
Jongup smiled after OP told him she had shake shack yesterday, and he stared at her for a long time before writing an answer down. 
(cr: jam0127)
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If you were to be back in the dorms again like before, who would you want your roommate to be? ZL: Yonggukie hyung ♡
(cr: BabyShrimp_)
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Which member is the scariest? Why? DH: No one!
(cr: BabyShrimp_)
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What’s Jonguppie to Himchan oppa? HC: Love-hate
(cr: BabyShrimp_)
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What will you do if a member uploads another post of you drunk on Instagram? JU: I’ll strike out at everyone
(cr: BabyShrimp_ | via:  百度B.A.P吧)
Translations: cassie_babyz
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meditativeyoga · 7 years
Tough Questions Answered: Is Everyone But White Privileged Males in Danger?
For the inaugural article in our brand-new Hard Questions Addressed collection, we asked a couple of idea leaders in the yoga neighborhood to weigh in on white male privilege in honor of International Female's Day.
On Wednesday, March 8th, Global Women's Day, the coordinators of the Women's March are prompting females to take part in A Day Without a Female to identify the value that ladies of all histories, races, ethnic backgrounds, faiths, immigration standings, as well as sex-related identities add to our socioeconomic system. They are encouraging women to take the time off from paid as well as unsettled labor, avoid searching for eventually (with exemptions for little, females- and also minority-owned companies), and/or put on red to show economic uniformity as well as prove a point concerning sex justice.
' On International Women's Day, March 8th, women as well as our allies will certainly act with each other for equity, justice as well as the civils rights of ladies and all gender-oppressed individuals, through a one-day presentation of economic uniformity,' the coordinators say on their web site. 'In the exact same spirit of love and also liberation that motivated the Female's March, we collaborate in making March 8th A Day Without a Lady, recognizing the massive value that females of all histories add to our socioeconomic system-- while getting lower earnings as well as experiencing greater inequities, susceptability to discrimination, unwanted sexual advances, and job insecurity. We recognize that trans and gender-nonconforming people deal with heightened degrees of discrimination, social injustice, and also political targeting. We think in gender justice.'
Russell Simmons, yogi, hip hop pioneer, entrepreneur, as well as chairman of the Foundation for Ethnic Recognizing, elevated a similar point last month when he was advertising his 'Today, I Am A Muslim Too Rally' to oppose Head of state Trump's travel ban. In a press release concerning the occasion, he stated: "Everybody other than white fortunate males are in instant danger. African-Americans, ladies, Latinos, Asians, as well as LGBTQ are all in jeopardy, yet there is no liberty in that privileged status either because the spirit of the oppressor is suppressed too.'
Simmons' words are a lot more effective a few weeks later, since Trump has signed a new executive order momentarily barring individuals from 6 predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States and also rolled back protections for transgender pupils. Simmons is likewise supporting A Day Without a Woman by offering free of charge yoga courses and design bar therapies at his West Hollywood yoga exercise workshop, Tantris, on Wednesday, March 8th.
For the inaugural blog post in our brand-new Hard Questions Addressed collection ( as well as in honor of International Female's Day/A Day Without a Female), we asked a few idea leaders in the yoga and reflection community if they agree with Simmons' statement, as well as what yogis can do to do something about it, on or off the mat.
Q: Is everyone except white blessed men in prompt danger?
Kerri Kelly, owner as well as president of CTZNWELL
A: Is it real that white males are the most fortunate segment of our populace? Absolutely. White males have actually gained from this country's legacy of manifest destiny, racism and free enterprise business economics greater than anybody else. However, I assume a more crucial quote from Simmons is, 'As a yogi, I feel and think all Americans need to really feel personally threatened by Trump's selections to target Muslims. Targeting any kind of one of us remains in reality targeting everyone.' It affirms our connection and the idea that none of us are well unless everybody are well. Simmons is motivating us to ask more challenging concerns about who we remain in connection to one an additional - like, 'Just how do I gain from the system as a result of my specific brand of benefit' as well as 'Exactly how does my opportunity create an illusion of immunity or safety that keeps me disengaged?' Simmons' quote is not authorization to play the target, it's an invitation to examine your benefit and reach deal with behalf of the whole.
The reality is, everybody is at danger. This management is endangering our economic climate, our world, as well as our mankind. Nobody obtains off scot-free. However (and this is a huge nevertheless), some are definitely a lot more in jeopardy than others-- one of the most vulnerable, being people of shade, immigrants, Muslims, women seeking reproductive liberty, trans and also gender-nonconforming people, and people with disabilities. It's important to understand that we experience various degrees of benefit (or do not have thereof).
What you can do:
This is a time to practice uniformity. Uniformity is not just exactly what we do, yet who we are. It understands that love is justice. It verifies that our liberation is bound which no one is free unless everybody is totally free. It demands that we reveal up, speak up, and also defend justice, equal rights, and freedom. It urges us to aim for connections as well as communities that have the tendency to the health of every person. And also it knows that wellness is only possible with the complete involvement and also awareness of every one of its parts.
Nicki Doane, co-owner, Maya Yoga exercise in Maui
A: Russell Simmons' statement (and rally) concerning the prompt threat and threat that impacts almost white privileged men in America was enthusiastic, heartfelt, and within his First Modification civil liberties as an American to do so. Whether I concur with it or otherwise will certainly confirm to be seen as the future is unraveling in the present moment all around us. The 2nd half of his declaration-- that the spirit of the oppressor is suppressed as well-- rings much more real for me in relation to yoga exercise method, due to the fact that I do believe that our activities and our ideas as well as words can develop our own prison. Flexibility is a state of mind, when one is oppressing an additional, they could never ever truly be free. Yoga is the ceasing of the agitations and also the calming of the fluctuations of the mind, and when one is restricting an additional's flexibility and also triggering agitation to one more, the power is unclear and also the oppressor suffers as well, whether they accept it or reside in denial.
What you can do:
Practice resistance. The way to alter people's minds and also hearts is with living examples. We can not anticipate kids that mature revealed to hatred and also intolerance to be anything but impacted. This opening of American's hearts as well as minds need to be done on a grassroots level, someone each time. If we are teaching tolerance in our yoga classes, after that we need to be tolerant in our day-to-days live, or at the minimum, attempt to do our ideal everyday to be kinder, extra tolerant, as well as much more caring. If we do not begin with our own self, then we could not anticipate anyone else to transform either.
Sharon Salzberg, meditation teacher
A: I expanded up with my grandparents, who were immigrants from Poland. Every now and then in my childhood, a remote relative would appear and stick with us for some time, somebody that seemed various, or off, or perhaps haunted or episodically quite insane. My grandmother would certainly murmur that person's background in the Holocaust, typically something like, 'As a child, she concealed under the bed and also enjoyed the soldiers kill her parents.' Or, 'she remained in the wardrobe as they took her parents away.' The singular brave tale of my childhood had to do with the King of Denmark ( though I recognize currently it could not be historically precise, but it formed my suggestion of one of the most worthy method to live). The story states that when Jews were purchased to put on yellow celebrities, the King himself wore a yellow celebrity, and so masses of people followed his instance, and the order was void. In a time when whole lots of people are stated to be the 'other' as well as are under danger, that story about the King of Denmark is something all of us have to believe about.
What you can do:
Look around your area, read regional news, and also see if there is a team of individuals who appear particularly susceptible today. Beginning by providing them lovingkindness. This practice will certainly advise you to include as opposed to exclude them, to identify that they want to be delighted and safe and secure equally as all of us do. See if there is an action you could take to even more proactively reveal that care. Also if it seems sort of small as well as insufficient to address all troubles, it helps establish an authentic connection.
YJ visitors, just what do you believe? Is everyone except white fortunate males in immediate risk? Tell us on Facebook or Instagram @yogajournal with hashtag #yjtoughquestions.
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cassie-babyz · 7 years
[170910 TRANS] Jamsil BLUE Fansign Fanaccount Compilation
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Oppa, between 1 billion dollars or a physique that doesn’t gain weight no matter what you eat, what would you choose? The reason? To be honest you look really good even without dieting!♡ HC: 1 billion dollars.
OP said Himchan answered ‘1 billion dollars’ out loud before even finishing reading the question. 
(cr: iAecok)
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Jongup-ah. What would you do if the hamburger you’re eating was taken by Himchan oppa? Please draw it~  JU: (see pic)
(cr: iAecok)
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I’m curious about the state of mind of Daehyun oppa who’s always thankful is in when you’re singing. How would you like your singing to reach everyone? DH: There’s nothing special I just keep doing it without giving up
(cr: cosmicdream_)
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The concept this time is refreshing isn’t it! From the leader’s perspective, which member suits the refreshing concept the most? Please write the reason too!!  YG: Daehyun, Youngjae Because they’re handsome
(cr: cosmicdream_ | via: 百度B.A.P吧)
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Yongguk oppa Something that you want to fulfill this year! Please tell me one. You’ve worked hard today as well, I love you lots♡ YG: To travel a lot
When OP asked him where he wanted to go to, Yongguk said there’s no set place and it’s spontaneous travelling where he’ll go “ah, I want to go there!”. 
(cr: 419planet)
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Jongup oppa What do you think the mental ages of the members are? You’ve worked hard today as well, I love you lots♡-♡ JU: Yongguk: 50     Himchan: 50 Daehyun: 50     Youngjae: 50 Jongup: 24       Junhong: 23
(cr: 419planet)
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“Yongguk oppa said he’ll release his self-composition in Winter”
(cr: 419planet)
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“Also, Youngjae oppa said he was working on composing his self-composition”
(cr: 419planet)
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YJ: I’ll continue being an idol. 
(cr: JUST_YOO126 | via:  百度B.A.P吧)
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Youngjae What is your favourite song from all of BAP’s songs?  YJ: Warrior.
(cr: him0601ya)
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Yongguk What is your favourite song from all of BAP’s songs?  YG: FERMATA
(cr: him0601ya)
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Jongup Please tell me the minam [T/N: Handsome man] ranking within BAP JU: 1st Jongup 2nd   “ 3rd    “ 4th    “ 5th    “ 6th    “
After Jongup finished answering, he held out his hand with his thumb up proudly. 
(cr: him0601ya) 
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TO Jongup You sing so well!! I particularly love your high notes!! Please tell me what you like about Japanese babyz!! JU: Everything
(cr: BAPmayu)
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TO Youngjae Please tell me what you like about Japanese babyz. YJ: Everyone’s really kind
(cr: BAPmayu)
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Yongguk Oppa♥ (love&&respect) I’ll be an office worker again from the 18thㅠㅠ Some words to give me strength please YG: Word hard Erim-ah :)
(cr: bapel94)
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What does Jonguppie think the ‘charming’ ranking in B.A.P is? JU: Yongguk (     )       Himchan (     ) Daehyun (     )      Youngjae (     ) Jongup (  1  )        Zelo (     )
(cr: bapel94)
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I definitely want to see Junhongie on the runway for once, but how about you...?! (You look good even just standing)♥ ZL: Sometime definitely!!
(cr: bapel94)
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Himchan oppa♥ It’s good that I got to see oppa this week, but my body is in pain Some words to give me energy please.. HC: Don’t be in painㅠㅠ I’ll be in pain tooㅠㅠ
(cr: bapel94)
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What do you think the key thing to watch out for in Napoleon? DH: Me... hehe
(cr: _YJx2)
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Which member do you think will get married first? The reason?  YJ: Hmm.... Daehyunnie?. I dunno....
(cr: Patricia96)
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Which member do you think will get married first? The reason? JU: Daehyunnie hyung Quick decision-making power
(cr: Patricia96)
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What would you do if your daughter in the future only achieved 30 marks (out of 100) in their maths exam?   YJ: It’s fine as long you you graduate from elementary school maths.
(cr: -DearJAE-)
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If you were to go on a date with me for the whole day, what sort of date would it be like? JU: Eat good food the whole day 
(cr: ball仙女ball)
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Some words for me who has given up on real life. DH: I am real life♡
(cr: like_a_star_628)
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What’s the latest present that you’ve given to Himchan oppa? JU: I have no recollection 
(cr: like_a_star_628) 
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Q. Where does Youngjae oppa bring his blankets up to when sleeping at home? YJ: (see pic)
(cr: hyeonstock)
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What is it you're doing when you're the happiest? HC: When I meet the fans 
(cr: bap6_c)
Translation: cassie_babyz
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cassie-babyz · 7 years
[TRANS] Hanryu Pia (May 2017) - B.A.P
“B.A.P as 6. I’m happy to be able to be on stage with all the members”
With leader Bang Yongguk coming back after his break due to his illness, B.A.P are finally making a comeback as 6 in Japan with “WAKE ME UP”. Starting with music programs in Korea first, they are currently in the middle of a world tour, how will things be for the “complete B.A.P” who have awoken after a long time?
The keywords for the new song are self-awareness, revolution and enlightenment. 
B.A.P have finally woken up as a complete body. Accomplishing a complete revival, “WAKE ME UP” which is to be released on 4/25 is a B.A.P-like song. Last year, after ending their hiatus period of around one and a half years, they have since made a comeback with “SKYDIVE” and had leader Bang Yongguk going on a break due to his illness. This spring, they will be promoting as 6 long awaited by the fans, and the members too seem to have a feel for what they’re going to do.  YG: I’m happy about being able to promote together after a long time. Standing on stage is our true selves so being able to stand there as 6 makes me happy.  DH: The 6 of us are gathered now, so I think we’re able to stand on stage more confidently that we have before. With the fans too, we are able to stand with our heads tall to interact with them.  YJ: Personally, the promotions we did for this album including the music program performances were satisfying overall. The fans were happy too and welcomed us so we were glad as well. I think we’ll be able to show a matured side even in the Japanese version.  JU: It came to me again how B.A.P really is about being as 6, and that that form is the best.  DH: For the Japanese version, I’d like people to focus on the MV in particular! I think the dance scenes that weren’t included in the Korean version is the highlight.  HC: We did filmed just before the Korean comeback. We were pushed for time with preparations and although we didn’t have much time to practise the dance for the performances, we danced it many times whilst filming the Japanese MV so we were able to memorise it perfectly, which makes it one of the episodes about the filming for this single (laughs). 
With a smooth and sharp sound, “WAKE ME UP” provides an encouraging push with lyrics that contain the message to overcome doubts and worries whilst experiencing them. Bang Yongguk and Zelo participated in the lyrics for the Korean version.  YG: I incorporated many messages towards society. Usually, I already tend to write lyrics that appeal my doubts and thoughts about the society. The lyrics this time have that same nuance as well.  ZL: Self-awareness, revolution and enlightenment are the keywords. Whilst thinking about the lyrics which will be our base, I thought about how we are during performances as 6 and wrote the lyrics. I debuted at a young age so I wanted to show my growth from promoting as B.A.P to the fans, and on the contrary, to incorporate societal messages that I couldn’t experience, I referred to many things. 
Starting with producing for the album that Bang Yongguk spent his efforts on and a world tour that began in March revealing solo stages with self-composed songs, their talents as artists are high, and with their cool figures, the gap that comes through with their playful selves are what draws fans in.  DH: We wanted to show our individual charms as well for this tour so we prepared solo stages. The song that I sung was created with a composer friend of mine and I wrote it with him whilst discussing what a couple would feel if they were in this sort of a situation. I tend to receive a lot of inspiration from movies when I’m working. I like love stories, so I watch romance movies often and incorporate the feelings I felt into the lyrics and melodies.  ZL: In my case, rather than doing something to write a song, I’m the type to make memos of what I feel in everyday life and gain hints from reading over them. More than the written contents, I think it may be more about making memos to note down the memory of how I felt in that moment of writing.  HC: For the Seoul concert, we prepared water guns to play with the fans, but on the contrary we spotted fans who brought water guns. It’s fun to communicate like that, and I’m always ready to accept (your counterattacks)! (laughs)  JU: After having the corner where we chose a someone to come on stage, I was more conscious about communicating with fans. I’m a little worried if I escorted them properly though...... (shy). It’s become a fun memory.  YG: Not only with this tour, we want to continue challenging new things and give fans a fun time through our concerts. 
With a Korean comeback, a world tour, and furthermore, a Japanese comeback, the members are going through a busy spring. If you had a long break, what would you do? DH: I’ve planned about this for a long time, but I definitely want to go on a holiday with the 6 of us! ZL: A holiday where we can enjoy each and every moment will be nice......🎵 YJ: Riding the banana boat in Okinawa comes to mind doesn’t it (laughs)  HC: When we went to Okinawa together, we just played to our hearts content (laughs). For that, the expenses piled up too, so I’d like to go somewhere that we can still have fun whilst not spending too much money. 
Finally, we asked them about their goals for this year. DH: I want to go and meet more BABYz♡ ZL: I want to continue practising without stopping so that I can bring a good influence to the group as a B.A.P member! YG: We’re planning for a new album after the tour. We’ll show you good performances as B.A.P so please look anticipate it!
Tell us more! B.A.P
Q1. Relating to “WAKE ME UP”... What do you do first when you wake up? ZL: I brush my teeth, look at [myself in] the mirror and check my condition for that day. (DH: No, you eat) JU: I‘ll think “another 5 minutes......!”, and go back to sleep.  YG: I stop the alarm and check the time.  HC: I check my phone and see that no one hasn’t contacted me today either... and so I confirm as much and start my day. (ALL: Aren’t you lonely?!) DH: I sing everyday, so I check my throat’s condition and do vocal exercises. I’m an artist after all! (ALL: (grinning)) YJ: I’ll end the morning call from my manager. He’ll still call even if I tell him that “I’m awake” so I ignore it (laughs). 
Q2. Relating to the lyrics for the coupling song “I GUESS I NEED U” - “Until the morning... I want to hug you right now” - what type of females draws your heart in and makes you want to hug them subconsciously?! ZL: A female with a cute smile and is more charming as you know more about her...? I don’t know (shy). Someone who “I want to instinctively hug!”. JU: A female who can naturally show that she is true to her own feelings and is charming in her unadorned self.  YG: Considering both their personality and appearance, I think a feminine person is attractive.  HC: Since I’m a talkative person, someone cheerful who talks even more than me draws me in. I want to listen to what she has to say as well.  DH: A cute female who’s not too skinny and has a younger-sister-like familiarity.  YJ: A female who can be a good influence to me and someone who I think I can learn from by being together is attractive to me. I’m not picky about looks. 
Q3. Relating to the lyrics “paradise for just the two of us”... What place (paradise) and member do you want to go with? ZL: I want to go back to the times when Yongguk and I promoted as BANG&ZELO. It’s a precious time that whilst training, I learnt just how difficult it was to debut.  JU: With Zelo to Itaewon. I want to go and eat hamburgers! We weren’t able to go out freely before debut, so that was our only respite. It’s a precious memory so it seems like it’d be fun if we went now! YG: We’ve been to Okinawa in the past before as 6, but if there was a chance, I’d like to go to Mexico’s Cancun with all 6 members. Since Himchan recommended it saying it was fun.  HC: To Spain’s Ibiza where they say there are festivals 24 hours a day for all 365 days, I want to go with Jongup to have a refresher! DH: I’ll go to a marine corps camp with Himchan and be trained by a scary instructor. He has no choice to object! (laughs) (HC: I can train myself so don’t worry!)  YJ: The dorm is my paradise. If I were to go then I guess it’d be with Jongup who I live with (laughs). I want to order chicken and eat it. 
Q4. Like the coupling song “BE HAPPY”, what moments do you feel unconditionally happy in? ZL: When I see results in my practise!  JU: The time when I’m watching anime and manga till late at night and fully enjoying that world. Lately I’ve been into “CLAYMORE”.  YG: When I’m composing. I’m obsessed with Japanese whisky lately so maybe I’ll write a song with that as the theme (laughs).  HC: When I can roll around in bed.  DH: The free time after schedules are finished for the day 🎵 YJ: When I’m performing as B.A.P!
We asked them to write messages that will get BABYz excited!  WAKE BABY UP! from B.A.P  YJ: Everyone! It’s Youngjae. I miss you! I love you always! DH: Everyone! I love you♡  YG: FREE. LOVE. REAL. ILL  ZL: R LA VIEW  HC: Everyone, I’m by your side♡ JU: I’m coming to meet you now. I love you. 
Source: UPPERMOST_文钟业阿噗站 Translation: cassie_babyz
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cassie-babyz · 8 years
[TRANS] haru*hana (vol. 40) - B.A.P - Part 1
Click HERE for Part 2
Looking back on last year where they tried out new challenges as well
B.A.P has released their 6th single in Japan. They’ll be holding their “B.A.P 2nd Japan Tour: Be. Act. Play” around Tokyo, Nagoya & Osaka from January 25.
ー Please tell us about the highlight for the recorded songs this time. HC: The title track “FLY HIGH” is bright and refreshing, and personally it’s a song that I really like. I thought that this song will definitely be loved by the Japanese fans, so I pushed strongly for it amongst the many demo tracks and said “I definitely want it to be this song!”. YJ: I also like “FLY HIGH” the best out of the songs we recorded this time. I think the melody’s very B.A.P-like and I like that you feel so forward-looking when you listen to it. DH: Our youngest, Zelo, was in charge of the choreography for it. He worked really hard on it so please check out the dance as well! ZL: For the choreography this time round, we did various moves like starting off with line formations in the intro and first half, and then gathering everyone together tightly just before the rap starts. I included easy-to-follow moves in the chorus and I think the parts around there are the highlights. JU: In contrast to “FLY HIGH”, “FIRE FLAME” has a slightly different feel to the songs we’ve done till now and utilises trending sounds. I’d like you to experience B.A.P’s new charisma with sophisticated vocals. DH: That’s right. I think that instead of boasting a powerful aura, its appeal lies in it’s calmness and maturity.
ー “WITH YOU” was originally a Korean song, but now it’s been recorded as a Japanese version for the first time. HC: I think the Japanese fans are familiar with this song already, but it’s our “fan song”. There are parts where we sing it with the fans during concerts, and it’s a very special piece to us too. DH: Everyone sings it along with us in Japan too, and the best thing was the great response from the fans. Thus, we included “WITH YOU” in this single as well. We’d sung it in Korean till now, but now we can sing it together in Japanese so I’ll be glad if they’re happy about that.
ー There are various scenes in the “FLY HIGH” MV, like tunnels, rooftops and private jets; how was the filming? DH: We filmed for the first time in a tunnel! It was really new and fun. For the rooftop scenes, we saw beautiful scenery from the rooftop so it felt good. YJ: Me too! The first thing we filmed were the rooftop scenes and the breeze was felt nice. DH: There was food and drinks on the table for the party scene, but since they were all props, we didn’t eat much and only pretended to eat. The champagne and wine weren’t real either, it was juice (laughs).
ー During the release of your single in Japan, you were promoting in Korea with “SKYDIVE”, how was that? YJ: To be honest, it was very tough (laughs). Both of the new songs were important, so we wanted to finish them perfectly, but there just wasn’t enough time... We did our best in preparations, but since the deadlines and schedules were already set, we did our very best within those parameters. The members worked hard on both the Japanese and Korean tracks, so please give them a listen.
ー I heard that you visited Hawaii for the reality show “One Fine Day in Hawaii” last year. HC: I have no comment for this. I felt like I ended up with a sorta gagman role and I’m sad... (laughs). I’m just joking, everyday was dynamic and it was fun. We went surfing too. ZL: There were really so many fun things, but there were some that were cut from broadcast so it’s a bit of a shame (laughs). It’s a fact that the whole trip had to be shortened [for broadcast] though I guess. Anyway, we had so much fun without rest that our bodies burned out by the end (laughs). JU: We went on cruises and such, and I think it’d be fun if I go with my family one day!
ー Yongguk is resting right now, but how is it promoting with 5 of you? HC: Everyone has a sense of responsibility and are working hard as if we’re rookies. Rather than saying it’s hard to be the leader, compared to when Yongguk is leading the team, it’s just different when I’m leading them.... JU: Himchan hyung, don’t be so vague and answer the question properly~ (laughs). The atmosphere when Yongguk hyung is leading is different to when Himchan hyung is leading. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just simply different.
ー Please tell us your thoughts on the tour starting at the end of January around Tokyo, Nagoya & Osaka. DH: We prepared a concert that we’re very confident about this time. I want to have a stage that we can enjoy with everyone, and show songs that everyone will love. I think we can meet many Japanese fans this year so I’m looking forward to it! YJ: We’ve toured in many countries, but we’ve only done a national tour in Japan. So every time we get to tour around Japan, with many people coming to see us, I feel very grateful. I’ll work hard to match our BABYz expectations for this tour too!
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Start of 2017, Year of the Rooster, Special Project Please draw a Rooster!!
Since 2017 is the year of the Rooster, we asked the artists that appeared in our magazine for this issue to draw a rooster! 
B.A.P Goal for 2017 ZL: I want it to be a busy year. I’ll go and see everyone too! JU: For more fans to listen to our music YJ: To spend a happy year without injuries nor sickness DH: I’ll work hard to strengthen our foothold in Japan! HC: I want to work hard so that B.A.P can develop more!
Source: MusicChacoBABY & bangkoyoup97 Translation: cassie_babyz
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