#but this was fun to have her admit that she has a damsel in distress complex
detectivelokis · 1 year
❓️ + Charlie: why are you even considering Leon 😭
“Well, I have been told I have bad taste in men.”
*Charlie looks away for a moment, biting back a smile*
“No, but the truth is, I wouldn’t have made it out of Raccoon City if it weren’t for him. My whole team left me behind to die! I was injured! I know that’s not a good reason to date someone and I have been made fully aware that he isn’t my type, but the heart wants what it wants. And it wants someone that sees who you really are and still thinks that you’re worth saving in the end.”
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caplanbuckybarnes · 6 months
Caplan's Disney Celebration
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You don’t have to follow me, but its definitely encouraged!
PLEASE use a summary!!
If the fic is more the 300 words, use a keep reading feature!!!
Tag the challenge as #
There’s no limit how many prompts you can chose!
Tag my url & the challenge name in the a/n’s note before the fic along with the hashtag please!
No due dates 
Any character you’d like to write for!
once a fic has been given to me, they will be placed in a masterlist
If i do not respond to your fic within 24 hours of posting, PLEASE message me a link!!
Dialogue Prompts
"Take it with you so you'll always have a way to look back ... and remember me."
 "Have you ever seen something so wonderful in your entire life?"
“How did you survive being locked up in a castle for all this time?”
“What do you mean, you’re the lost princess?”
"Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten"
“It’s called a cruel irony, like my dependence on you.”
“I warn you child. If I lose my temper, you lose your head. Understand?!”
“Perhaps you shouldn’t turn your back on me.” 
 “A true loves kiss. If only there was someone out there who loved you.” 
"Today is a good day to try"
"Love is putting someone else’s needs before yours"
"If you ain’t scared, you ain’t alive"
"Any day spent with you is my favorite day. So, today is my new favorite day"
"He fell into despair, and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a beast?"
“You really shouldn’t come back here, you know. It’s not safe.”
“I told you to stay away from this wing!”
“He was this close—just staring at me.”
“Do you trust me?”
“(And) You will always be in my heart.”
“I especially love his smile.”
“New and a bit alarming.”
“Now kiss her.”
“How can I prove myself if no one will give me a chance?”
“People around here think I’m crazy, but I don’t care.”
“I’m a damsel. I’m in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day.”
“Guys….I want a castle.”
“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothin’ at all.”
“When I look at you, I can feel it. I look at you, and I’m home.”
“Put that thing back where it came from or so help me.”
“There’s no one I’d rather be than me.”
“It was worth it…if you learned something from it.”
“You deliberately disobeyed me.”
“I’m surrounded by idiots.”
“How could you do that to me?”
Song Lyric prompts
“And I’ve got friends on the other side.” - Dr. Facilier, “Friends on the Other Side”, 
“But you’ll be rewarded when at last I am given my dues. And injustice deliciously squared! Be prepared.”
“I admit that in the past I’ve been a nasty. They weren’t kidding when they called me, well, a witch.”
“If she doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will.”
“I’ve reached the top and had to stop and that’s what botherin’ me.”
“Ain't got time for messing around”
“People down here think I'm crazy”
“I put a spell on you, and now you’re mine.
“Don’t forget it, you’ll regret it.”
“Every hour we spent together Lives within my heart”
“Never thought she'd look my way And she smiled at me and held me”
“I was the master of my fate.”
“I learned the truth too late.”
“I let her steal into my melancholy heart.”
“I'm where I'm meant to be”
“He has never been one of us.”
“Now I know she’ll never leave me.” 
“I should thank you...but it’d be more fun to kill you.”
“This crown gives me a feeling of power!”
“It’s not my fault, I’m not to blame”
“He asked for trouble the moment he came”
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solazu1 · 5 months
i can tell the sibling thing is gonna snap me in half. the saddest ever. im gonna assume some things are the same from the original series but not all. like the idea of alex as season 2's damsel in distress is so funny. tim sharing jay's "we have to find her" sentiment abt alex ohhhhggh. overall the idea that tim is the one who STARTS unaffected by the operator + had an average life before like mh jay is making me crazy.
Hoohooheehee yeah that’s the stuff from my swap Au that gets me pacing. Also yeah,, yeahhh the sibling thing has me in shambles when I think about it, oh and fun fact about Jessica for this Au is that before she moved to live with Brian and Alex and was being afflicted by the operator while shooting wooden beetles she actually did try to get some help but everyone dismissed her claims and called her insane. She first tried to go to the police because like,, big tall slender man is stalking her assuringly and what not but she was dismissed again and again, and then the tried to seek psychological help and almost got admitted into a psychiatric hospital, not fun! She stopped trying to reach out for help after that and a big breaking point for her mentally was when the operator had actually attacked her sooo ya :3
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annabannnananana · 5 months
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ vi x skinny!reader & vi x buff!reader ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
hcs for vi x fem!reader - skinny!reader & buff!reader
word count: idk man i’m not counting all that
tw: none, unless you get triggered by mentions of skinny!reader being skinny/ thin/ underweight/ etc or of vi groping/stroking buff!reader’s muscles ig
a/n: i have…. absolutely no idea how this came to me. but it did. so. enjoy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ vi x skinny!reader ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
• vi is very protective of you since she’s worried you’ll get hurt esp in a fight cus you’re so thin
• you always reassure her that you know how to handle yourself and she doesn’t need to worry
• but she still worries ofc - she really wants you to be safe
• she works out with you all the time to make sure you’re doing the right exercises to maintain muscle strength, even if you don’t build a lot of visible muscle
• she loves hugging you bcus you’re so easy to wrap her arms around <3
• and she loves picking you up and swinging you around like vander always used to do to her when she was little!
• she likes laying on your chest, like while you’re cuddling or watching something or eating together or really doing anything, cus your defined ribs (still significantly softened by your flesh & muscle ofc, but pretty bony) feel kinda like the thin beds she and powder used to sleep on when they were kids
• constantly checking on you to make sure you’re eating enough and that you feel good and that you’re not hurt
• ofc she’d do this with her partner no matter what but she esp checks up on you all the time cus you’re skinny/underweight
• it’s not an extremely important issue to her since you’re very healthy and fit, just a bit thin/underweight, but vi does still make sure you’re ok at all times - she just doesn’t what to make you feel like she’s constantly worried about you when you can take care of yourself or that she has to worry about you just cus you’re a bit skinny (even tho it is nice being babied by her sometimes)
• vi also doesn’t want you to feel like a baby just cus you’re a little thin, she tries not to talk to you like you’re a child, tries not to hover over you or treat you like a kid that can’t handle themself
• but she does try to be gentle when she talks to you and is always asking you if you need anything, if she can do anything for you, if you’ve eaten today, etc
• it’s funny cus to you she’s sweet and kind and caring and gentle - 4 words most people who know vi would never associate with her
• “hey muffin! how you doing? need anything? no? alright, just wanted to let ya know i love you and i’m here for you. hey, have you eaten today? no??? do you want me to make you something? yea, i’ll go make you some toast, anything for you, muffin. love ya!”
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ vi x buff!reader ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
• she loves your muscles
• always gripping and stroking and touching them whenever she can
• not without consent, until you’ve been dating awhile and you’ve established she can touch your muscles whenever she wants
• vi is pretty buff herself, so to her it’s like a competition to see who can get buffer - you vs her
• she loves showing you off to everyone like “hey guys look at my buff gf isn’t she so cool”
• and then she’ll always be like “but i’m buffer ofc right guys” and you usually end up having to give her a brutal noogie
• loves smacking your ass all the time bcus like the rest of you it is also very buff and “muscley” as vi likes to say
• she’ll just be walking around the house if you’re standing, maybe you’re cooking or something, she’ll just walk up and slap your ass
• she thinks it’s the most hilarious thing in the world
• she loves working out with you and doing strength competitions (e.g. arm wrestles, how many push ups can you do in 1 min, how many pull ups can you do on a gymnast bar before you give out, etc) bc it’s a lot more fun for her with someone as buff (if not more, which she’d never admit that you’re buffer) as her
• sometimes when you two are bored you’ll pretend to be damsels in distress and act out romantic plays where the super buff hero saves the damsel in distress from danger and then the damsel’s all “my hero!” and they kiss and get married and that’s the happily ever after (aka where you and vi ran out of ideas to keep the plot going)
• sometimes you two just carry each other around the house just for the fun of it, and to prove that one of you can carry the other and hop on one leg up the stairs while balancing a stack of plates on their leg
• vi usually tricks you into doing this, purely for her amusement, and you can usually tell when she’s tricking you (into anything, not just carrying her) but you go with it anyway cus it’s fun and you love to see her smile <3
• “hey guys, have you met my girlfriend? no? oh well, her name’s y/n, she’s super buff as you can see. but i’m buffer of course right? hey - muffin - ow! quit it! hahaha! y/n! stop!” **
** end was vi getting noogied by y/n lol
please tell me if there’s anything you think should be removed or changed! i love feedback!
thanks for reading, please like & reblog if you enjoyed <3
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planet-crait · 13 days
Okay so I admit after finishing my review of episode one I immediately went to episode two and uh died laughing when Jorgan crashed into Hazels room to call out Cosmo and Wanda choosing their own Godkid while being retired. It’s like the writers knew I’d ask about that. I did wait cuz I wanted to give it a second watch before I posted the review and I’m glad I did.
I did immediately notice as well episode two clocks in at just 11 minutes while episode one was 20. I’m curious if the episode lengths continue to jump around like this or if the season will continue with 11 minute episodes instead. Intro is still a banger lolz I need a longer version stat.
But focusing on the begining of the episode I really think it’s cute Hazels wish was about having just playtime with someone. Being the new kid with no one to play with…sucks so it’s not too crazy for me to see Hazel wishing to play games with Cosmo and Wanda. And yes, Cosmo rocks the princess dress he makes a very pretty princess and I think if he and Buzz Lightyear met they would swap tips of making believable damsels in distress.
On a second re watch I have to wonder why the 100th wish had to be a special request “fun” wish I’m a little confused about that. Can she not make a wish like this normally? I don’t see why not. It’s just playtime you know? Either way cute scene I love seeing Hazel as a knight it’s adorable and I love it.
Now a couple of immediate questions is one: how has Hazel already made a hundred wishes? Time probably has passed but that would be a big time skip unless she makes a lot of small wishes which again, in the original we had a whole episode dedicated to it being bad to run your fairies ragged with too many wishes. So having her established has making so many is a little wild to me. I’m not sure why they’re making sure we know she’s making so many wishes I’m a little confused about this aspect right now.
This also raises the next question of how Hazel has made so many wishes before Jorgan shows up and makes a fuss. Like I’m glad this issue is being addressed but noting it’s her hundredth wish makes the timeline well. Confusing.
Hazel so cheerfully making a comment about the destroyed roof is kind of adorable and funny all at once. Jorgan demanding Hazel to make more frivolous wishes (I call them frivolous because clearly she had no need to make a wish in that moment) feels…out of character for what we’d been told previously. It’s so bizarre Jorgan is so obsessed with having Hazel make a bunch of wishes when multiple times Timmy was scolded for making too many wishes, meanwhile as the episode goes on, Hazel being unable to make enough wishes lands Cosmo and Wanda into trouble.
Another cute moment with Hazel when she comments about loving the DMV or her asking about wishing school are both just cute moments. I know I keep bringing it up but I’m loving what they’re doing with Hazel and how well they’re establishing her character. She is definitely a massive strong point so far in these two episodes and for me a likeable main character can really save a show even if the story isn’t as tight as he could be.
Back to the story. The tests really seems to be testing Hazels ability to wish and not Cosmo and Wanda’s ability to grant wishes which again, seems to be defeating the point and Jorgans issue? Like they grant Hazels wishes as soon as she makes them and how she makes them which is how their magic always operated previously. Fairies are supposed to grant wishes as the child makes them, they’re not supposed to just do whatever, or at least they weren’t supposed to before. It’s a change I’m not a fan of myself. I liked the idea they’re supposed to be a support system for their godkids and make things easier, not just a machine to spit out stuff for them. I know I keep bringing up the original but when something is a sequel to something I feel like discussing how it matches the continuity of the original piece is important and stuff like this stands out lore to me when, as I said, Timmy got into trouble a lot because he was accused of over wishing a lot while Hazel is running into not wishing well enough.
Anyways, Cosmo and Wanda fail, and Cookie is made Hazels new Godparent because she gives children what they want, all the while ignoring Hazel who is trying to say what she wants and is promptly ignored. She was clearly asking for a bike and Cookie gives her a car, but somehow this is seen as a good wish?Strange choice, not a fan. I do love though how quickly Hazel figures out to get Cookie to have a uh “wish fart” to call back Jorgan and then, following what Jorgan said about kids getting what they want, wishing for Cosmo and Wanda as her fairies. I suppose the scene couldn’t happen without the Wanda and Cosmo getting replaced stuff, but I can’t help but wonder if they had a bit more time they could have worked it better. 11 minutes is tough to get a large story into, though I will be the first to admit I much prefer a show with a breakneck speed then one that just crawls at a snails pace *cough*rw/by*cough* in the end it’s very much a pick your poison situation, I don’t want to blame the studio to much for this crunch feeling since it sounds like they had a very limited budget but just something I want to bring up. While I think it could have been done better, again Hazel really saves the scene by being fun and creative. I’m really enjoying her character and I admit she’s a favorite of characters from new shows I’ve been watching recently. She’s fun and cute and I really like that.
Episode two for me wasn’t as strong as episode one in terms of writing, but Hazels character continues to be well written which helps a lot. I also noticed the bike in the intro was brought in for episode two so I wonder if or when a fish boy will come into play. I’m excited to see what episode 3 gives us.
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marvelita85 · 2 years
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Family dinner upon your arrival to kingslanding, definitely didnt feel like home anymore after 6 years all looked different
You sat in front of your uncle Daemon and sister Rhaenyra and your cousin Baela and nephew Luke, you saw like your half brothers entered the room and sat on the other side of the table, no one talk your eyes and Daemon's talk without speaking, he trained you to be a warrior, those dresses and playing to be a princess was so boring for you, you've always seek adventure and freedom, going to Dragonstone and live with your sister let you have it
- I've heard you got a training session this morning
- yes, it was quite fun... - you had a half smile and you looked to your left where your half brother Aemond was sitting with a stern look
- did you win?
- what kind of pupil you think you had all these years uncle, of course I did - you gave a full smile as your nephews laugh lightining the mood a little
Everything changed when your father entered the room his speech touch all of you and even your dispute with Alicent and her children everyone loved the king very much, you looked at your sister who stand and made a toast for the queen, you didnt feel much for Alicent but rejection and desdein as well as Aegon the oldest of her children, you couldnt say the same for the rest but you knew they've been friends when younger
After Alicent declared her feelings and showed moved by Rhaenyra's words dinners mood appered to be lighter, soft music was playing, you enjoyed the food and wine talking with your cousins and your uncle but there was a feeling and a stare that was bearing a hole in your skull, when you turn your sight you've heard what your brother said to your cousin Baela beside you and Jace stand furious and Aemond stand too, you did the same and Jace calmed knowing your chalenged to your brother spoke volumes Jace cleared his throat
- to Prince Aegon and... prince Aemond, we have not seen eachother in years, I have fond memories of our share youth and as men, I hope we may yet be friends and allies.
- to you and your family's good health dear brothers - you add to Jace speech and he nod at you sitting down
- to you as well - Aegon said unconfortable in his seat, as Aemond sat again you only sit when he sat back, you smile at your sister, she knew of your relaitionship with your brothers used to be closer than hers because of your close age but she didnt know what moves you now when you saw your younger brother who was the closer to you growing up
Aemond didnt want to admit it but he felt so much admiration and atraction for his sister, he never felt very atracted to women knowing very well he frightened most of them, he concentrated in being the best fighter but seeing his older sister fighting him and win woke something inside his body he'd never thought before, desire... maybe love she was not a damsel in distress, she was a trained warrior and a fearsome opponent, she has never wanted to be married to anyone but he started to think he was a Targaryen like her he was worth of his sister and there in silence sitting watching her enjoy her dinner and before his speech made their nephews fight his brother and himself, Aemond wanted his sister to be his complerly
You grabed Aegon from his collar when he pushed Luke to the table
- sit down...- you said firmly when Jace advanced to Aemond and Daemon stoped them with just a look, Rhaenyra sent them all to their rooms and Aemond left aswell, you exchaged a look with your uncle and followed the "kids" as you called them, them being younger than you
- you have grown sister...
- Aemond... lurking in the shadows I see... who doesnt know you would say you grab your mother's clubfoot clown following her around tendencies all the time
- you are very observing despite being here less than a day
- I am and I have a sharp eye for bullshit, like yours...
- you blame me, they are the ones who took my eye
- and you have to acuse them of being bastards all the time like even if they were is their fault
- is not... but for my eye they are, and I will have my revenge, you wont be there to protect them all the time
- you want to bet... you keep away from my family Aemond of I'm going to buried your face in dragon's shit and make you eat it
- your fire is tauning sister and i have to confess is calling me all the time - Aemond tried to get closer but you didnt reject his aproached you accept his hands on your waist, your faces inches apart, he was slyest taller than you but you had a confidence that made you stand tall
- be carefull little brother, I might have liked you in the past and even now i can see you have become a very handsome young man but if you threten Jace and Luke is personal and I promise I will put you in your place - your lips almost touching his but Aemond didnt realise your daga in your hand pointing at his throat, he swallow and you smiled removing the knife starting to walk away
- wait... if I lose my thirst of revenge agaisnt my nephews will you let me seek for your favors sister
- i thought your mother wanted to keep you open for alliances
- what better alliance than with the sister of the future queen...- you never thought about marriage and you had talked to your sister about the topic getting frustrated everytime
" you have to marry with someone you can handle, maybe younger than you, a 2nd son of some other house..." Daemon speaking high valyrian in her ear, Aemond was a posible example of what Daemon talked while training back in Dragonstone
- Tomorrow Im going back to Dragonstone if you feel beave enough you can fly with me on Vaghar - Aemond smirk apeared in his face
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The next day you saw how the ship started its trip to Dragonstone, on the back of your dragon to fly enjoying the win in your face, a roar made you opened your eyes watching Vaghar beside Shadow, you smile and pat the side of your dragon as you had the same mind or she could read your mind, she went faster almost daring Vaghar to follow her, Shadow was faster and more agile than the older dragon she didnt want to play chase this time she felt content to reconect with that part of her family she've always loved so much and just started to realise of that love
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prettymeredith · 2 years
Daphne & Velma
👻 Jeepers! Vs. Jinkes! 😱
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A fun restrospect to determine once and for all who is the sexiest between these two iconic monster-hunting mystery solvers. Or not... Lets try and find out.
Now what is it that could be better than a Scooby Snack?
Well, two Scooby Snacks of course! This dynamic duo has stood up to the test of time and remain to be relevant today. It's only natural that these two characters have captured our imaginations in a more adult manner.
Like most things in life, we cant always have both. When you break things down and are forced to choose, there can only be one; Peanutbutter or chocolate, Pepsi or Coke, Daphne or Velma. However, how can we ultimetly choose?
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In order to make an informed decision, we must first break down each character, and examine their traits without showing personal preference.
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Daphne Anne Blake
Rich, popular, red head, fashionista, there is so much to love about this character. Not to mention that she is the classic Damsel in Distress.
This quality trait of hers has sparked countless scenarios of being bound & gagged while under distress at the hands of some sinister people.
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As juicy as it is to see such a babe all bound and helpless, you have to admit that she really is the most useless team member. Not to mention that shes also a bit of a ditz.
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Come on Daph, Fred isn't always going to save you. Perhaps if you were under more distress in these situations you would learn a lesson? Maybe. Probably not.
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Better? Better.
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Velma Von Dinkenstien
This bright, lovable bookworm has proved herself time and time again that she is not only a smartie-pants, but a bonafied cutie.
Sharp, witty, and sweet, she is everyone's favorite nerdy girl. Now if only she could stop losing those damned glasses!
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Seriously Velma, they're 4 inches away from you and you're as helpless as a newborn kitten. If its anyone that should be the damsel, it should be you.
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It seems like others agree as well. Afe you trying to hide how ticklish you are under that big, loose sweater Velma?
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You can really see those curves when the ropes are pulled taught in the right places. Try and think your way out of this one, brainiac.
So, Who is the Better Choice?
Rich Ditz? Or Blind Bookworm? Foxy Redhead, Curvy Cutie. The draw backs match the positive almost equally, it's possibly why they both match each other so well. Therefore, the answer is... a draw?
No, unacceptable there has to be a clear winner. Perhaps if we review both aesthetics just one more time....
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HHHhhhhnnnnnggg. I mean, Zoinks!
Decisions, Decisions
It's time to put it up to a vote. Comment, like, or reblog to let us know if you a Disciple of Daphne, or a Velma Vindicator.
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👆🏻 It's Velma, its clearly Velma. 👆🏻
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twothpaste · 1 year
So 👏 pls share your thoughts on Paula and any has you have for her (especially with her family. I’m all for that angst. Especially with how you portrayed her parents)
I love Paula to bits and pieces. After all I've done to develop her, she's probably become my favorite EarthBound party member. Which feels weird to say, 'cause most of the stuff I associate with Paula I made up from almost scratch. The game only provides a handful of tiny character details to extrapolate from, and boy do I strive to get maximum mileage outta them. But reluctant as I am to warp canon characters into OCs, I do reckon that's kinda the point with EarthBound. Itoi wanted to keep the party members vague enough that players could picture their real friends in their places, or dream up their own versions of 'em based on impressions alone. So, alright, Shigesato, sir. I've got yer small town damsel in distress right here.
My Paula's the literary nerd to Jeff's science nerd. Rockin' local accolades and the second highest IQ stat in the party, only makes sense she'd be good in school. Havin' her be clever and bookish is a fun contrast to Ness too, who I imagine is a lovably ditzy C-student. Made her an American literature enthusiast, since EarthBound's all about those anachronistic americana vibes. Made her obsessed with chess, since playing Paula at her best involves a lot of strategic micromanagement on the player's part. Her ruthless glass cannon gameplay, utilizing her unique psychic skills, implies a great confidence in her own talents - but also a secret brittle side. She's delightfully witty and self-assured on the surface, desperately insecure underneath. Anxious to admit how badly she needs supportive friends to help prop her up, 'til she comes to love and trust Ness n' the gang.
It hit me like a truck, right about here, when I realized how easily all of this could stem from her growing up with an overbearing mother.
I initially didn't get much of a read on Mrs. Jones in the game dialogue itself - aside from her bein' kinda rude to Ness once or twice. I've seen several fics & fanart intepretations of Paula having a troubled relationship with her folks (this fic's one of my very favorites!). Love how this kinda thing really gets to the heart of EarthBound's gloomier themes - kids uncovering dark undersides to things that're seemingly benign, and often close to home. I imagine Paula's mom as the kinda parent who's awfully affectionate and supportive at first glance - and genuinely thinks she's doing everything right! But she's actually deeply possessive, in a covert sorta way. She hinges her own self-worth on her daughter's reputation, lives vicariously through Paula's success, needs to prove her merit by bragging about her perfect little angel's straight A's. Hopes to compensate for her own failures and broken dreams (read: law school) by ensuring Paula has a prosperous future (read: rich lawyer) in her stead. Doesn't help that Mrs. Jones is just as relentless as her daughter, and refuses to admit fault for years and years.
Kid Paula, an only child, used to be real close with her mom. Wanted to be just like her, wished for nothing more than to impress her. Only to grow up and realize she's unwittingly inherited all her baggage. She gives herself no leeway for failure, feels as if she's gotta do everything on her own, craves praise but can hardly stomach it. Even the snarky banter I love to cram her dialogue with probably comes from her mother. Paula wears her intellect as a badge of honor 'cause it's one of the few things that earned her mom's favor. Pursues success 'cause she doesn't know any alternative. Holds herself to impossible standards, 'cause she associates mediocrity with unbearable shame.
But like. Like!!! The best thing about Paula isn't that she's smart or talented or an ultra-powerful psychic!! It's that she's a selfless person with a great big heart!! She's the one who prays for everyone's safety, and in so doing defeats the fucking embodiment of all things evil! She's beloved by the preschoolers she cares for! I imagine she helped ease Ness n' Jeff n' Poo through so many homesick meltdowns!! Her sharp attention to detail and experience with kids makes her really adept at noticing others' feelings, and patiently tending to them. Given that her mom's a wreck, she probably gets it from her dad. I think it's funny if he's kind of a pathetic pushover wifeguy, lettin' Mrs. Jones walk all over him n' Paula both. But my headcanon's that starting a preschool was his idea. He's a kind, gentle soul, who does a lot more listening than judging. Someone Paula can go to - though she absolutely loathes to burden him. Ness n' pals help to bring out this softer side of her, and remind her what a great person she really is.
There's a long, grueling period through her teens and early 20's where my Paula notices herself looking and sounding more and more like her mom, and it drives her to tears on regular occasions. Growing more resentful and rebellious. Threatening cut-offs she'll never go through with, doin' things just to spite her. But ultimately, I do imagine there's a prospective future where she gets to reconcile with Mrs. Jones. Probably with dad's help. And lots of words of encouragement from little ol' Ness.
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justanisabelakinnie · 11 months
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I hate this fucking picture so much you guys have no idea. It completely misses the point of each of these princesses' movies. Ik we've all seen this shitty image before, but I'd still like to deconstruct each of these messages one-by-one:
Let's start with Snow White: "At first it may seem terrible, being so beautiful that other women get jealous enough to try and kill you. But don't worry, once your beauty attracts a man, he'll protect you." Totally fucking wrong. While I do concede that Snow White gets almost killed by the Evil Queen for being more beautiful than her, and how this can send a sexist message about women's motivations and relationships with each other, Snow White was far from relying on a prince to "protect" her. Sure, she sang about wanting her prince to come, but she spent a large portion of the movie living with the seven dwarves and cooking and cleaning with them. She showed a lot of inner strength for a fourteen-year-old girl who was hiding for her life because of a vindictive and jealous queen. She was strong-willed, kind, compassionate, charismatic, and found the beauty and joy in the simple things in life. And once again, she sings about wanting her prince to come, but what's the matter with that? In my mind, this is a sign not of her passive domesticity or sign as a damsel in distress, but a display of her unwavering optimism and bravery, her ability to see the silver lining in a situation and look forward to a more hopeful future, a better tomorrow, is what makes her a strong female character in my eyes.
Next, Cinderella: "If you're beautiful enough, you may be able to escape your terrible living conditions by getting a wealthy man to fall for you." Not at all what fucking happened. Cinderella didn't escape her abusive household just by batting her eyes at the prince. She got out because of the help of her fairy godmother, and because of her strong will and ability to stay pure and kind even with all the horrible stuff that she went through at the hands of her evil stepfamily. Cinderella's movie does NOT teach that a princess' only worth is the ability to look pretty and snag a man. It teaches the importance of kindness and perserverance, and, similar to Snow White, of being optimistic and looking forward to a better life than the one you have, not letting the horrible circumstances you are under get you down. I'm getting really tired of people acting like Cinderella's message is only to be a dutiful housewife and scrub floors until a man saves you from your dreadful existence, when it is quite literally the opposite.
Sleeping Beauty: "Pretty girls don't even need to be alive to get some hot princely action." is such a disturbing way to look at the movie and also such a narrow thing to focus on. While, yes, I can understand being disturbed by her being kissed while she was asleep, true love's kiss is a trope that has been around since the invention of fairytales, it's not meant to justify sexual assault, it's meant to be a show of...well, true love. And while I don't blame anyone for being uncomfortable with it, it is still leagues better than what happened in Sun, Moon, and Talia, the original version of this fairytale. Seriously, go look up what happened there, if you don't know already. Traumatized much? I will admit though that it can be frustrating to not see Aurora do much but snooze throughout her movie, but she still shows way more personality than just being a slumbering damsel in distress; she is shown to be sweet, idealistic, humble, kindhearted, a little bit mischievous, and also somewhat sheltered and mistrusting of strangers. Plus, Enchanted Tales gives her more of a fun-loving, dorky, and silly personality, and sure, a lot of people shit on this portrayal(as seen here), but we should all be glad that they gave Aurora more of a personality than just being the perfect, swan-like, graceful princess that she was often seen as prior. I mean, it makes more sense that she would act like this, as she's not quite used to being a princess yet.
Belle: "Appearances don't matter, what counts is what's in your heart. Unless you're the girl." Oh really? Then clearly we weren't watching the same movie. Belle has never been reduced to just her appearance. She has been shown from the onset to be a smart, independent, bookish, dreamy, and adventurous young woman. While it's true that the other townspeople say she is the most beautiful girl in their village, they also spend a lot of time gossiping about how weird and strange she is for liking to read, which was seen as rather unbecoming of a woman in that time period. The only one who objectifies her and reduces her to just a pretty face is Gaston. He only "loves" Belle and wants to marry her because she is the most beautiful girl in town, and the only one "as beautiful as him". He's beautiful, she's beautiful, therefore they are a match, and for no other reason. Belle was never reduced to just her appearance, and in fact it was quite the opposite, with Belle's kind and compassionate heart being what wins over the Beast and breaks the spell. Or are you just mad that she wasn't the one who became a big, ugly beast? Which, btw, is also ignoring the point and themes of the movie?
Ariel(holy shit this is my LEAST favorite one): "It's okay to abandon your family, drastically change your body, and give up your strongest trait in order to get your man. Once he sees your pretty face, only a witch's spell could draw his eyes away from you." I am so sick of saying and repeating this, but Ariel did not give up her voice and seek humanity only to chase a man. I AM SO SICK AND FUCKING TIRED OF PEOPLE CONTINUOUSLY PARROTING THIS LIE!!!! Ariel has always been shown to have a keen interest in human life and becoming a human herself even before she met Eric. Or did we all just sleep on "Part of Your World"? Hmmmm??? And furthermore, Ariel did not get Eric just by having a pretty face. Sure, she didn't have a voice, but they became lovers because of their similar tastes, Ariel's thirst for adventure, her dorky and curious personality, and ability to be friends with everyone she meets. She was not just a boy-crazy ditz who only cared about snagging a bite of that man-candy, and I am going to start biting and maiming the next person who dares slander my girl Ariel with this fabrication of an event that didn't actually happen.
And finally, Jasmine: "As a woman, your political worth is reduced to your marriageability." I...I just...*sigh* You really didn't pay much attention to the movie itself, did you? Jasmine's entire plot was that she didn't want to be reduced to a bargaining chip, with no power or worth of her own other than being the wife of a Sultan. She wanted to marry for love, to be more than just a prize to be won. And in the end, she gets that through marriage with a man whom she actually loves, Aladdin. She is not reduced to her marriageability, because in the end, she actually gets a CHOICE on who she marries. She gets some free will and is able to make her own decisions. She becomes more than a prize to be won, and only gets with a man because she wants to, not because it's been decided for her. She gets her happy ending because she FIGHTS for it, not because it's all she's worth. For Pete's sake.
Another thing about these shitty complaints that they ALL have in common is that they reduce all of the princesses down to their physical attributes. As if the movie is sending the message that your beauty is all that matters when you're a Disney Princess. Which is NOT FUCKING TRUE. While, yes, all of these princesses are beautiful, and their beauty is a large part of their character, it is not the only part of their character, it is not even the biggest part of their character, and none of these women are reduced to being just pretty objects for a man to win. They all have personalities and goals and messages to send that are about more than their appearances, or that even critique the idea that their beauty and status as princesses are all there is to them. They are not just bubbleheaded bimbos who wait around for man all day and look cute. They are SO MUCH MORE than that, and quite frankly, the fact that you are cherrypicking details from the movies to show that their looks are all that matter in their storylines shows that, in truth, YOU are the one boiling these women down to nothing but being beautiful. Not the movie. But YOU. YOU are to blame. I won't say that these movies are above criticism, but also have some self-awareness and critical thinking skills, and quit projecting your own misogyny onto these Disney Princesses, who are all remarkable heroines/characters in their own right.
I can't stand it when people slander the Disney Princesses in such shallow and misogynistic ways, and will defend them until the end of time.
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rawwkfingers · 10 months
The Green Death
Wow. Just, wow. What an amazing serial
Not going to lie, while I did enjoy the entire story, up until the very end scene I wasn't going to place it above Silurians or Mutants for me but Jo's departure was so well done that I really think it elevated the entire serial to stand with my favorites from the era, and Classic as a whole
A huge part of why her departure was so good (the first one in Classic Who to actually make me tear up) is that the entire serial *felt* like a goodbye story for her. Like a lot of past companions, her romance with Jones did come from nowhere, but unlike past departure stories the chemistry between the two actors felt genuine (they were engaged in real life) and her leaving had been set up before she ever met him, not just in this story but throughout the whole season. Even if I hadn't known before watching that this was her final story, I would have known right from the start of this serial. So, when Jo and Jones (lol) announce their engagement and the Doctor quietly leaves her behind to live her life without him, it's a truly heartbreaking moment but also feels like a natural end to their journey together
In a way, Jo's character growth makes me feel bad for Carole Ann Ford because Jo was everything Susan could have been (if the whole alien princess stuff was off the table.) She began her arc as the damsel in distress who rarely contributed, but over the course of the series she became more and more independent, resourceful, and active in the story and I really grew to love her as a character. So when this story began with Jo refusing to go on a trip with the Doctor because there was a climate protest she felt was more important, it was a believable change in her
Which, yes, like all the best Pertwee era stories this serial was also extremely political. And while there were some elements of the political storyline that I thought could have been improved on (I think BOSS would have been a more intimidating villain and compelling allegory without the mind control stuff or the random human emotions thrown in) you can't really fault the story when what saves the day is a mushroom protein replacement. One little thing that I particularly liked was the way that the main danger was unintentional, but avoidable had Global Chemicals been willing to not seek out profits above all else
I hate to say this, but throughout the serial I was comparing it a lot to Series 11 and its abject failures when compared to this one serial, specifically Arachnids and Kerblam. Those two stories deal with similar issues that Green Death does, pollution and corporate greed specifically. But where the Series 11 stories only barely touch their topics on a surface level (and ultimately comes out in favor of corporate greed in arguably the most out-of-character episode the Doctor has ever had,) Green Death really shows its viewers the impact these issues have.
This was definitely one of the stronger seasons, but I still gotta rank the episodes haha
The Green Death. Just, what a powerful story. Political in the ways Doctor Who does best but with more character work than I've seen in Classic Who ever before
Frontier in Space. A really great political thriller with the Master working as an agent for the Daleks to start an intergalactic war, what's not to love
The Three Doctors. I love the fanservice and the world mythos building, but I do have to admit the actual plot is fairly basic
Planet of the Daleks. I actually quite liked the story of this serial, but its politics weren't great and also it having a romance subplot for Jo just doesnt make sense considering how her story ends
Carnival of Monsters. While a fun idea with some really wacky character designs, the story itself just wasn't strong
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toloveawarlord · 10 months
You mentioned an OC in one of your tags. Aika. That's so fun! Can you tell about them??
Hi!! Oh my gosh yes I can give some information on my baby girl Aika!!
The Timeline that I am currently working on is the Bonten Timeline - however I do have plans to also explore final timeline Aika and Ran (which may have some alterations due to the new extended chapter of the final chapter that is floating around) -
Aika Oshiro is her full name and she has a younger brother who is 9 years younger than her and her father is the warden as a Juvenile Reform Center.
She is paired with Ran - and they met when they were 17 and Ran and Rindou were remanded to the Juvie that her father is the warden of. It's the only reform center left around Roppongi that would take the Haitani Brothers due to their reputation and time spent in other detention centers.
Ran approached first - interested in Aika, but she was in a relationship at the time and didn't respond much to his invitation of friendship. He decided the day that they met that he was going to break them up and have Aika - even albiet for a short time, just because he liked the challenge.
That was for the best as Aika's ex was taking advantage of her. And even before Aika broke up with him, she was falling for Ran - because he was everything that she wanted - strong, protective, sweet, and of course, he's ridiculously handsome.
Aika is the kind of girl who falls in love hard and fast - and is completely loyal and devoted to the right boy (aka Ran).
Aika is a bit of a yandere when it comes to Ran - not full on yandere as she isn't prone to violence herself - but she will provoke a situation to have Ran resort to violence to protect her. She adores watching Ran fight, especially when its over her. She quite often will antagonize others to their faces, but when Ran shows up, she goes full on damsel in distress - teary eyed and acting weak.
Rindou really dislikes her at first - mostly because all the girls Ran "dates" never last for more than few months, but also because Aika is overly "big sister" energy with him. Aika adores Rindou because she thinks he is cute when he gets embarrassed about her doting.
Also, her father hates Ran with a passion because he is a violent deliquent - but over time he does learn to tolerate and be cordial with Ran - because Aika rarely visited due to his constant complaining about Ran, to the point that she didn't invite him to their wedding. After he missed out on that big event of his only daughter, he began to understand how much Aika truly loved Ran and that Ran was devoted to Aika as well. Aika also made it clear that he would not be involved with his grandchildren if he was going to be disrespectful and talk bad about Ran to them. So he changed his attitude - even if he still hates that Ran is a criminal.
As for Aika's little brother - when he and Ran meet for the first time, her brother is about 10 years old and acts disinterested anytime Ran is around, however, he actually thinks Ran is really cool but won't admit it.
Some NSFW things about Aika - The two are both 18 by the time he gets of Juvie
that one post that I reblogged that had the "sweet relationship" "hardcore sex" and then the girl going "why not both" - pretty much sums up her preferences.
Aika isn't sexually experienced when she meets Ran - admitting to her ex having her give him oral but she was still a virgin. So Ran is basically her first everything.
They don't dive headfirst into bdsm or anything - but over the course of their relationship, they do develop a dom/sub relationship that can occasionally spill over into master/slave play when they both agree to it.
One hard no for Aika has always been anything in front of Rindou - she is more than willing to put on a show for anyone else - but not if Rindou is in the room or could see. Ran couldn't really care either way - but he respects her wishes without complaint.
Honestly Aika and Ran are one of, if not my favorite TR pairing that I have. She was my first TR OC and is one that I have pages of information about and timeline for them. I want to actually write their story some day soon because I have so many ideas and scenarios in my head about them.
Thank you so much for asking!! I love to talk about my babies!
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deadrlngers · 11 months
8, 11 for general and 12 for story specific for Violante!
companion!tav ask game.
thank you so much for the ask!! sorry it took me so long to answer <3
8. What do they say when the Player Character asks them to stay in camp? How about when the Player Character asks them to come adventuring again?
ohh something petty for sure, like "as you wish, i will wait for the moment you'll come crawling back to me begging for my help". when asked to come adventuring back then she would offer a long nod, almost like she's bowing her head and go "my blades are at your service"
11. Are there any moments in the game that trigger unique dialogue for your character? (Like Gale’s anecdote about the barfight after you save the goblin prisoner)
hmm let's see...if you talk to Alfira and help her with the song Violante would then reveal that someone once wrote a song about her, she'd hum the tune and recall a few words with outmost respect. she genuinely admires and cherishes the arts so she considers that a great honour. also she'd comment on visiting a place like the devil's fee in the past and if she's in the party when meeting Harleep she'd reveal that she did meet with an incubus before and comments the encounter with "it had a..somewhat different end in my case" if you either kill them or give in, leaving an aura of mistery around what really happened with the incubus and why she even met one
12. Is it possible for your Tav to be kidnapped and replaced by Orin? How is Orin's deception revealed? How do they react to the PC rescuing them in the Temple of Bhaal?
Violante can be kidnapped (because i believe every companion should be possible to take away, ESPECIALLY a RO companion..the drama of it all..) and later, if freed, would be SO angry at herself for allowing that to happen. The Reveal scene would be something like Orin pointing a blade to her own neck, threatening to slit her throat because "the world has no use for me, i'm nothing more than an empty vessel for higher powers to play with" and most of all "no one will ever love me, choose to stay by my side willingly". it's completely out of character for Violante to show her weakness just like that, she's very collected and cold on the outside and while Orin's words reflect Vio's thoughts, she would never admit them out loud. Orin is making fun of her here, playing with the very much present suicidal thoughts of Violante too. If Vio hears of Orin's little play she'd be not only upset but embarassed to have the whole camp see her like that..even if it wasn't really her.
When rescued Violante will voice her displeasure, she considers the kidnapping like a failure, it stings her pride, but she would thank the PC for coming to her aid...in her own way -- "I'm not a damsel in distress that needs saving...But you came, and I thank you for that. I expected to be left here." (<said with a little grin to hide how she's a bit emotional and surprised)
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s2ep10 gorizilla
this episode was just like. so bad.
the akumatized object
hawkmoth suspecting adrien might be chat noir
hawkmoth being a villain before the butterfly miraculous was created
emilie agreste
adrien being chased by fans
i'm going out of order bc i want to address the ones that won't take paragraphs, but what a strange set-up to have adrien suddenly become popular and well-known as if he isn't the son of one of paris' most prestigious and well-known fashion designers. like adrien has already modeled for the agreste fashion line??? okay i know that if i saw a model, i wouldn't even know except maybe thinking they'd have the looks for a model, so that's fair. but, again, it just seems weird given that marinette was able to google him on the first day of school and finds tons of photos of him. it just reasonably means that if someone were looking up gabriel, they'd stumble across his son, right?
anyway, not a huge sin. just felt really strange, given the previous set-up with adrien.
okay, going off-track here but i will say i do like that adrien was the damsel in distress this time. esp since they were referencing godzilla in this episode. that was a nice change of pace. but again, the only praise i'll give it.
can they stop referencing popular movies tho? this one wasn't as bad as the sapotis one, though. bc at least this one doesn't butcher someone's cultural folklore and mythology.
edit: i take that last paragraph back bc i just realized it's not godzilla they're referencing, it's king kong! i just thought godzilla bc of the name similarities (and how the west has done all this king kong vs gozilla bullshit). and while i guess it's clever to name him gorizilla bc he's called the gorilla by adrien, i think it's,,,insensitive, to be generous, for the creator to co-opt the name from godzilla here. bc 1) the gorilla turning into a giant gorilla has nothing to do with godzilla except for his size and, as referenced by the show itself, has more to do with king kong, but 2) it's frustrating to see the west completely miss the point of the creation of godzilla bc from my understanding, it was a direct response to the fear from radiation poisoning and effects felt after the u.s. bombed hiroshima and nagasaki in wwii. it's not malicious, but it's certainly ignorant racism.
they really couldn't think of a fun or clever pun for this one that has more to do with king kong?? not to mention, not all of their akuma names are clever or puns, so it's not a crime for them to just. not do a clever name here. in fact, it would be the exact opposite had they decided to try and reference king kong a bit better. bc what they did end up doing feels like it should be a hate crime tbh. anyway, back to the regularly scheduled post.
how did wayhem know that gorizilla was tracking adrien by scent?? when and how did he figure that out? like on one hand, i will admit, that's a clever way to resolve the issue with adrien being chat noir, but it's also weird that wayhem just knows how gorizilla works when we didn't even see how he figured it out or his thought process. it just comes out of the blue and it would've been really nice for them to spend a second longer letting us in on the secret.
the odd choice to keep concealing emilie's face was also very strange bc. we've already. seen her face??? in the first season??? so why make it mysterious mystery now?? what i really want to know is if they go into anything about who she was and what she did before she died or whatever happened to her in the remaining 3 seasons (goddd there are still 3 seasons and they didn't even get to any major arcs in them??) like right now, she's just a pretty lamp. a pretty, fridged lamp.
once again, another point in the "they created hawkmoth before the butterfly miraculous." i just realized this now, but the kwamis tell you what to say to transform. and the fact that gabriel has to say "dark wings, rise" to transform tells me he was the villain first. bc what kind of superhero would say "dark wings?" yknow?
i think this was the episode that convinced me that he like, actually cared about his son. the va for hawkmoth is very good. but i do wonder why then, when in the s3 time-travel episode they have gabriel body his son into the effiel tower after they infiltrate his underground shrine?
well, anyway. i'm glad i didn't totally make up the fact that gabriel actually loves his son in some capacity.
what i wanted to say here mostly tho was i think it's very funny how easily these characters take what they see at face value. i mean, obviously they have vested interest in doing so but it is just very funny to me. bc ladybug and chat noir no longer believe gabriel could be hawkmoth bc he was akumatized, and gabrial no long believes adrien is chat noir bc they were allegedly in the same place at the same time.
that just reminded me, jumping around here, the fact that they took a lot of short-cuts in this episode. in more ways than one. like the fact that in volpina we see ladybug extremely concerned about adrien and almost unwilling to leave him alone. but here, she just drops the concern completely and takes chat noir's word for it, even tho last time she didn't? it's just not internally consistent and that felt extremely off to me.
there was another short-cut i wanted to mention but i forgot what it was. it had something to do with character models bc i was going to use the fact that one of the little girl character models in this ep was clearly just manon with the colors changed as evidence that they take short-cuts. and there's nothing wrong with that, i understand that animation is time-consuming and hard. esp on a tight schedule, i had just wanted to point it out that it hurt its own narrative. like i'm not blaming the animation team, i just think it detracts from the show. i'm all for giving animation teams way more time to do their jobs, so we actually have something nice to look at. i don't mind waiting longer. but ceos sure do.
finally, i think the akumatized object was really badly done. how did ladybug figure out that that's what the object was when 1) it's so small compared to gorizilla and 2) it was hidden in his pockets? it's not implied that she saw adrien drop his lucky charm that she'd given him, so how could she have known? not to mention, to assume the gorilla picked it up is a huge logical leap. how could she have been so sure that the gorilla picked it up and not one of the fans/mob? esp since they would presume it belonged to adrien? how could she have been so sure it didn't fall onto the tracks, shoved by one of the fans' feet? there just a huge plot hole that i have to jump here that i can't.
i'm also a big annoyed that the object has more significance to adrien than the gorilla. like up to this point, the object is always something that the person holds dear to them in some capacity. but marinette's charm bracelet she gave to adrien? it doesn't really fit with the pattern they've been showing us for a season and a half.
also also, something i had wanted to mention in the last episode too, the fact that they don't communicate and somehow intuit or infer what the other wants is very, very annoying. like i get they're trying to fit everything into 25 minutes and i've complained about things being too fast, but that's not really an excuse when spongebob was able to fit two whole narrative arcs into a 30 min show, 15 mins for each. and none of them ever felt rushed or incomplete.
anyway, what i'm trying to say here, is that whenever ladybug has a plan, she rarely, if ever, explains it to chat noir. nor did she explain it to rena rouge in the last episode. they just suddenly knew, and that's bad writing. it also teaches kids that they shouldn't communicate when communication is actually incredibly important. no one can read minds, sometimes you have to use your words to get meaning across. but this show is really dead set on trying to convince kids that telekinesis is a thing, i guess.
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pink-pages · 9 months
Shadow of the Fox
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This book has been on my to-read list for about a century and a half and I finally got around to reading it. BOY, AM I GLAD I DID!!!! I'm going to try to make this review as spoiler free as possible, but seeing as I have specific opinions on the ending, that may be a bit difficult. I'm just going to issue a spoiler warning for the entire review.
One of the things I absolutely loved about Shadow of the Fox was Kagawa's writing. Her descriptions, particularly the descriptions of the settings were so fucking fantastic that if I closed my eyes, I probably would've been able to trick myself into thinking I was in Iwagoto. Her descriptions of people were also brilliant, I just had a hard time imagining the clothes. I don't know much about what kimonos and other traditional Japanese clothing look like so I just kept imagining Yumeko in a hanbok (which is Korean and therefore from the wrong culture entirely).
The pacing of the book was also pretty nice. It started out with a bang, like, first chapter and there's already an army of demons. That was pretty nice because it really hooked me in and kept my attention through the next few chapters of exposition (you know, the part where the author sets up the plot and introduces the characters which is kinda necessary but also not terribly exciting). Then when the whole adventure started, it was pretty much one thing after another. It was a good mix of epic action scenes and scenes centered around dialogue.
Yumeko: I FUCKING LOVED Yumeko. Some of my favorite quotes in the entire book (I prefer funny quotes to profound ones) were made possible because Yumeko did not understand sarcasm. One of the things that I loved the most about Yumeko is that she didn't fall into the damsel in distress category (which would've been easy considering her lack of experience of life outside the temple) but she also didn't fall into the inexplicably a warrior category (you know, put the girl with absolutely no training against an enemy and suddenly she's got a black belt in Capoeira). She was able to hold her own and even save Kage Tatsumi (the infamous demonslayer) on occasion and she did that through things she had already mastered (her illusion magic, for example).
Kage Tatsumi: Ok, so, I must admit, I wasn't as fond of Tatsumi as literally everyone else who read this book but that's not because he's badly written or anything, it's because I rarely love the dark-past emotionally-constipated mysterious-badboy type characters. I did love his levels of badassery though. I guess I just wish we could've seen more personality although I suppose the whole point of his character is that he's not SUPPOSED to have a personality.
Okame: He was definitely the character I had the most fun reading about by far. Okame was hands down the funniest and I think he added a lightheartedness to the squad that was severely needed. I also always appreciate an archer. Personally, I think archery is cooler than swordplay. I also think his character as compared to Tatsumi brings up some interesting points. He's constantly talking about being an honorless Ronin as opposed to Tatsumi who is a Samurai and abides by the code of bushido but that begs the question of what honor really is.
Taiyo Daisuke: My favorite character!!! I swear, Kagawa created this man specifically to make me fall in love. I mean, a young nobleman (who's actually noble and not an asshole) with pretty features and long silver hair. Yes, please. Aside from the fact that he's totally my newest book boyfriend, I also think that Daisuke is the purest character in a way. He's the only character who's not either keeping secrets/decieving/misleading the other characters (Yumeko and Tatsumi) or in possession of questionable morals (Okame). Of course, that also makes me a bit anxious because he seems to0 good to be true
Reika: She may have come in a little close to the end, but I still consider her to be pretty important. Reika is another one of my favorite characters. She's a shrine maiden, not a warrior, so she's probably not embarking on many dangerous missions. Still, she does not hesitate to do extremely dangerous things to protect the shrine. Reika is the character I respect the most.
Lady Satomi: The big bad. I didn't have any huge opinions on Satomi and interestingly enough, I hated her more for abusing her waitstaff than for, you know, sending an army of demons to steal a magic scroll and attempting to kill the main characters multiple times. She was a worthy villain but there was nothing about her that really stood out to me
I said at the beginning of this review that I have opinions on the ending. I really loved that Tatsumi gets possessed by Hakaimono at the end because I was dreading the moment Tatsumi uncovered Yumeko's lies and carries through his orders to kill her but with Hakaimono possessing Tatsumi, that heartbreaking moment never actually happened. Yeah, I know that also means that one of the most dangerous demons Jigoku has to offer is now running around the mortal realm in the body of an elite warrior, but at least Yumeko and Tatsumi don't hate each other.
I do have a bone to pick with the epilogue, though. I feel like Lady Satomi's death should have been more dramatic. She does all this crazy evil badass magicy stuff but in the end, she's just stabbed in her bed chambers?! It's just a bit underwhelming. At the same time, though, I understand why Kagawa had her killed that way. She was too powerful to fight head on, so having a character sneak in and assassinate her was probably the best way to ensure that she died.
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booksandwords · 1 year
Search and Rescue by Lucy Felthouse
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Series: The Dreadnoughts #1   Read time: 2 Days Rating: 3/5 Stars
The Quote: There came shrugs, nods, and murmurs which seemed to imply everyone was doing just fine. Either that, or there was too much testosterone floating around the room for them to dare admit the truth. They might have been close for years, but what were the chances of one of them coming out and expressing discomfort, concern, or even fear? — Kim Medhurst
Let's start by saying this is a reverse harem series and Search and Rescue does end on a cliff-hanger. For a reader to get the most out of reading this a reader needs to one, like reverse harem (including the involvement of identical twins) and two be willing to willing to commit to a trilogy to get answers. In that The Dreadnoughts is in a similar vein to The Four Horsemen (first book Legacy). I enjoyed L.J. Swallow's series even if it did go on a bit longer than it possibly should have because it did have a (mostly) functioning plot. I think Lucy Felthouse's series has the same promise. If what we were given in this first entry was a fair representation. I'm rating this 3.5 because there was a story the four men got, Kim's backstory about how she got to the island they find her on, that we don't. That frustrated me enough to drop the rating.
Our leading lady Kim Medhurst has four men. Jason Chastain, Aidan Smith and twins Taylor and Joshua Greig. Kim and all four men are ex-British Military. Ladies first since this is a reverse harem, this is about her, she drives the story and she sets the rules (mostly). Kim Medhurst is a strongly independent, former member of military intelligence, she is not a damsel in distress by any means. The only reason she needed Chastain and his crew to help her was due to a natural disaster, even then it was her intelligence that set up their meeting, a series of fail-safes in place in case something went wrong. One of the quotes I really liked from her is "That and the fact she’d known he wouldn’t be able to resist the mission she’d offered him. She’d dangled precisely the right type of carrot for this particular donkey, and he’d bitten into it eagerly.", this in relation to offering Chastain a mission that was a mystery and payment of a blinding amount of money. Kim is physically capable yes, but she really is intelligent with strengths in computer and scientific research. Post military life Kim has gone into research for green energy. Taylor calls her "a woman of substantial means" which isn't wrong. We don't know how much she is funding all her own research through an unexpected inheritance, the reader is never told whom it came from just that she wants to use it for the good of the world and she isn't used to having it.
Jason Chastain known primarily as Chastain is the leader of the four for this specific mission after leaving the military he is the one who has been restless, going into bodyguarding but dissatisfied with that. His personality is gruff and sometimes a bit standoffish, only the three men closest to him can understand what he is truly thinking. Aidan Smith known primarily as Smith is a doctor, it's implied that is what he was while on duty and that is what he is now. He is the one who has the best chance of getting Chastain to open up. His personality is logical, calm and patient. I will talk about Taylor and Joshua Greig, collectively known as Jota, together because they are nearly always together despite their differences. Joshua and Taylor are identical twins, Scottish and with red hair. Kim makes a Weasly twins joke at one point something neither of them takes offence to and Taylor truly enjoys. In personality, Jota are quite different. Taylor is the lover of fictional worlds “Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, superheroes, and fairy tales? I’m beginning to wonder whether you spend any time in the real world at all, Taylor,” (Kim). He is not fantastical by any means but certainly more mischievous and fun-loving, it is him who names the material Kim was looking for in a very sci-fi way. In contrast, Joshua is more reticent and calm, he feels like he grounds Taylor at least a little. He is sold but would move the world to keep people safe. Jota live at and own the Greig & Greig Outdoor Pursuits Centre in the Scottish Highlands. They compliment each other so well and are quite distinctive in their voices and behaviour.
The plot is fairly simple Chastain and his men go to an island off the coast of Scotland to find a package, Kim and her precious research. Things go wrong, they get blasted by energy from the material Kim is researching and somehow all get superpowers. All of them deal with these powers in different ways, Taylor loves them and wholeheartedly embraces them. Kim is being followed by someone, someone who likely wishes her harm, leading her to stay with Jota at their remote Highlands property. Of note are the writing style and language. The narration is two chapters each rolling through the cast. Each of the characters has a slightly different voice and a different perspective on the events making the rolling narration a great choice. The voices are of particular importance while Kim, Chastain and Smith are from London (or at least live in London now and are linguistically written as Londoners) Jota are Scottish and still live there. The narration section and their quotes are written in a Scottish dialect. For example “That’s gonna make ‘em mad,” Joshua said, the first thing he’d uttered in ages. Deep frown lines marred his forehead and between his eyebrows. “There’s no way they’re just going tae sit back and let ye carry on wi’ this project unmolested. They’ve obviously got a vested interest, though we dinnae ken their intentions yet. Dinnae get me wrong, lass, I ken ye’re an incredibly capable woman, with a very useful new skill under ye belt, but they’ll ken something isnae right before long, and it might just spur them on tae do something rash. Act first, ask questions later. That could be very dangerous indeed.”. It can be quite difficult to read, especially if you've never read Scottish dialect before. I really would not recommend this to anyone who is not fully confident with English. Lucy Felthouse chooses not to give the reader any translation of what Jota say and I respect that, most of it is understandable enough in context. The choice to add this Scottish dialect is a brilliant one though. I've never read it and it is perfect for a way to differentiate this trilogy from others.
The superpowers they all get are well suited to their personalities. Kim is willing to do all this effort and research for the good of humanity and but wants absolutely no recognition for it, she certainly doesn't want to be famous for her discoveries. She can become invisible. Chastain's I find harder to interpret he has the ability to phase through objects. I can see something here about him being a ghost, get in and get out not leaving a trace. Smith acknowledges at one point that "helping people was hardwired into him" think about how invisibility aid in that. He can help people with much less risk to himself. Taylor has always been a whirlwind. (Joshua), his enthusiasm is contagious he is the one with a quick sense of humour. He now has super speed in contrast Joshua has super strength. Joshua is the one with the clear and present need to defend and protect. I just feel it suits him. Kim has a theory which is tied to body types 
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kiss-my-freckle · 1 year
Damon’s love for strong women...
He had sex with Lexi, who’s around 350 years old.  “I'm older and that means stronger.” He had sex with Sage, who’s 900 years old.  “I'm 900 years old, Damon. You're not capable of ending me.” He had sex with Rebekah, who’s over 1000 years old.  “There's never a fair fight between us, Damon. Remember that.” He had sex with Rose, who’s 560 years old.  “I'm older than you and stronger. Don't get on my bad side.”
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He had sex with Katherine, who’s over 500 years old.  “Kiss me. Or kill me. Which will it be, Damon?" He’s in heaven when Elena handles him in 4x5.  “For someone who doesn't want to be like me, you sure are good at it.” He’s impressed with Anna, despite not trusting her.  “Damn. You're strong for a little thing.” He enjoys a good one with Caroline in 3x4.  “Bummer. I love a good girl fight.” Another bit, this one is from 4x16.  “I admit, under any other circumstances, this would be a major turn-on.”
Again, his other comments. 
“That was the moment I realized you were the perfect girl for me because you were just as crazy as I was.”
“I like a woman who knows what she wants.”
“Liz, I'm impressed. You're all strong and sheriff-y.”
“She’s bossy. I like her.”
“Great gal. Whoo. She's got spunk.”
“Ooh. She's got spunk, huh?”
“And how can you be so brave and stupid to call a vampire arrogant and glib?”
Or comments other characters make... like Elena. 
“Then how should I be? Should I go back to being the scared little girl who couldn't admit what she wants? Is that how you'd prefer me to go back to being, or--”
Refer back to his comment to Andie. 
“I like a woman who knows what she wants.”
Damon isn’t a hero, so he prefers an equal to a damsel. That’s why he talks up Bennett witches. He loves himself a good witch. 
“I thought you'd have learned your lesson by now, messing with a Bennett witch.”
“You've been so many things, Bonnie. A witch, a human, a ghost, a corpse. An anchor to the afterlife, and now, the woman who's gonna kill me. And every time, you come back stronger. Do you know how incredible that is, Bonnie? Do you know how much I envy you? Hell, some days I can't even handle just being myself.”
One of the reasons he gives Andie more control than he gave Caroline. 
“Andie wants me to pick her up.”
Andie wants Damon to pick her up, he leaves to pick her up. 
“Damon, hurry.”
Elena has Damon running to the church with her dress. 
"My corset strings seem to be knotted. I wonder if you can undo them.” Of course Damon will help Miss Katherine.
“I'll do whatever it is you need me to do, Elena.”
In 1x11, Elena is the damsel on defense. 
“You were there in the road, all damsel-in-distress-like.”
Damon flips her to offense in 1x12, and she builds ever since 
“Then we go get him tonight. You up for it?”
Damon loves a fighter. 
“I fought back tonight. It felt good.”
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He’s always getting his shirt torn off. 
“What's so special about this Bella girl? Edward's so whipped.” 
Damon would rather be had than to have. That’s why you also get this...
“Have fun with the Mystic queen, I know I did.”
Soon as Elena flips her switch, she gets her own cheerleader.
Did you compel him? How about violence? Did you threaten him? Would you at least tell me you used torture?
Damon loves a bad bitch. 
“You've got to admit, even for me, it's a little kinky.”
At first, he gets off on Rebekah torturing him.
“Who's next? One hundred dollars to any man who can beat me.”
He’s most certainly attracted to Sage when he sees her in the ring, and loves the pain Isobel is capable of causing him. 
“I'm sorry, Elena. This time I'm not gonna make it so easy for you. This time you'll have to figure it out for yourself.”
That’s why he leaves the ball in Elena’s court. She has to be willing to face her fear. 
“You want to cure her because she's a vampire and she's not cut out to be? Or you can't love her if she is one?”
Don’t underestimate Damon's girlfriend. 
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