#but this one especially
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demi-god77 · 2 months ago
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mizgnomer · 1 year ago
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Fourteenth Doctor promo photo from the upcoming Wild Blue Yonder episode
...for Tennant Tuesday (or whatever day this post finds you)
Special thanks to [ The Black Archive ]
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vibingncrying · 3 months ago
He's so fine
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Panel used:
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Why did I change the mouth? Ask the me of yesterday, idk
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katewritesss · 1 year ago
Uh-oh, I'm falling in love again (realisation)
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Oh no, I'm falling in love again (fear)
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Oh, I'm falling in love (acceptance)
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gay-otlc · 1 month ago
I grew up without a roadmap to myself. Nobody taught me how to be a butch; I didn't even hear the word until I was twenty years old. I first became something I had no name for in solitude and only later discovered the word for what I was, and realized there were others like me. So now I am writing myself down, sketching directions so that I can be found, or followed. If the word for you is butch, then remember this word. It will be used against you. If you the word for you is butch, remember your history is one of strength and survival, and it is largely silent. Do not hide this word under your tongue. Do not whisper it or sweep it under the basement stairs. Let it fill up your chest and widen your shoulders. Wear it like a sleeve tattoo, like a medal of valor. Learn for recognize other butches for what they really are: your people. Your brothers or your sisters. Both are just words that mean family.
"A Butch Roadmap" by Ivan E. Coyote, from Persistence: All Ways Butch and Femme
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secret-sageent · 3 months ago
The Stand by Mother Mother is Harry du Bois send post
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mostly-imagines · 4 months ago
"There’s a beat as you both freeze upon the implication, the unsettling realization dropping in on you. You barely have a moment to process it before Jason’s pushing up from the couch and heading towards the bathroom.
“Close the window,” he grumbles."
Jason, nooo🥹🥹. The fact that he's already up and moving, knowing what this means and who's at fault? My heart hurts for him and we're only 2 paragraphs in.
"You watch him, waiting for a reaction. You don’t mean to, but you know you’re looking at him like he’s a loaded spring. You try not to, you know how much he hates how his family does that to him, but fuck, it’s hard not to worry about him.
When Joker incidents have come up, they’ve usually been something you’re able to ignore or even get ahead of and drive out of the city. But this is raucous and chaotic, clearly enough to shut down the city from the inside. Besides, Jason would be booking it out of here if he thought there was any chance of a clean getaway in this."
I feel like I've mentioned this 100 and one times but I have to keep saying it because its so true, the way you set scenes is so incredibly done, I love the way you do it. A huge part of your writing is 'show, don't tell' and it always works so well. Especially when you then follow it on with...
"While you know Jason’s family cares about him, of course they do, but you’ve noticed they sometimes put Gotham’s needs first and his second."
You know who your audience is, so it would be easy to simply say that he has rocky relationship with his family and move on, but taking the extra time to paint the background and establish the characters is a trait that's super consistent in your writing and it does wonders in elevating it. You always know just how to take a scene and make it that much better, it's a skill on its own that you use in just the right way.
"And even for someone who hasn’t been through what Jason has, the ringing repetitions of laughter are maddening. You wonder if this is what the Joker hears in his head. You wonder if this is what Jason heard."
Just take my heart and stomp on it, why don't you. I love absolutely everything about this paragraph, but the last line alone is such a punch-in-the-gut sentence all I can do is applaud, honestly.
"He thumps his head against the drywall again, hands clenching at his sides. It takes one more forceful thud for you to move over to him, cradling your hand to the side of his head, holding him still. He lets you, though he still doesn’t open his eyes."
Morgan what am I even supposed to say to this? This is 100% one of those times where you know exactly what your strengths are as a writer and you play into them perfectly. You manage to take something as simple as a character thumping their head and write it so strikingly beautiful that it becomes hauntingly sad. It is just so so amazing on so many levels. Again, nothing but applause.
"You turn to him in time to catch him pulling his shirt up harshly, movements jerked and impatient.
You place a gentle hand on his forearm, “Hey.”
He pauses his actions, eyes on the floor.
You don’t say anything else, but he understands your objection regardless. You remove your touch and he peels his shirt off slower, kinder to himself."
How do you manage to capture and write something so grand as love in such a small and silent gesture? The gentleness, the simple "Hey.", the pause, and the kindness that follows? It's like you manage to capture everything and write it into something so much more compact, but you say everything in the few words that you do use, really delivering what's needed to your audience.
"It’s not until you trace down his wrist that you realize his head is angled down. You don’t need to be standing in front of him to know that his focus is zeroed in on his scar and you’re not sure how long it's been that way. Too long, in any case."
I really love the way you brought attention to the scar here. It's not the first thing you wrote about and it's not the last, but you still let it have an impact in your story. I think it would be easy to take the scar and make it the elephant in the room, but the way you've written it definitely gives it a much more realistic perspective, if that makes sense?
"He does turn to you, slowly, but he doesn’t look up.
He says your name painfully, like he’s begging you to stop. You’ll give him partial reprieve, taking his hands in yours and kissing his scarred knuckles. It’s his instinct to push affection away, you know that, but you also know that he needs it. That’s why he doesn’t stop you now—he knows he needs it—it’s just a lot for him all at once, emotionally. Which is why he gives no warning before he picks you up by your thighs and pulls you close."
The scar is one of, if not the biggest, reminders of what has happened to Jason, of everything he's been through and the single most defining moment in his life and yet, he looks up. Despite everything that's happened to him, he's still here so the scar can't be everything then. You've taken this moment in his life and you've written about it in a way that shows the reader its significance, but also shown that while it's still in his life and does affect him, it's not everything. Jason is still there.
"He can’t always look after himself the way he should—he disregards his own needs and has trouble even thinking of what could help him. You’ve developed a mind for it though—for him—and you know that being exposed and vulnerable like this isn’t going to help him calm down. He prefers being covered up when he’s stressed, it gives him more security, you think."
Have I mentioned how you write relationships too? I think it's easy to fall into the trap of labeling two characters a couple and moving on, but it's so clear that you put so much depth and work into really fleshing out your characters, understanding who they are, and then using what you've learnt to allow your audience to let them get to know them as well.
We don't just learn about the characters you write from their own thoughts, or through the voice of a narrator. We learn about your characters from the way you write about the people that love them, the relationships that they have, and how others respond to them. You have this great ability at being able to take a concept and really bring it to life with your descriptions, your settings, the actions involved and so much more. You not only manage to put words on a screen, but you take countless time, effort, and energy to really bring it all together to tell such amazing stories that really bring it all together in the most amazing ways. You are such an incredible author.
"There’s a harsh spike in the hysterics outside, mixed with what sounds like screams, and it has Jason flinching hard. You think you can see tears welled in his eyes as he fumbles to get the headphones in his ears. He takes the phone from you and picks the first song he sees and turns the volume up, up, up."
Aaaaaaaand we're back to stomping on hearts. But seriously, I genuinly can't comment on how well written this is. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it is all so incredibly written and I really do hope you take the time to really see that. Every miniscule detail you write is always so unique and critical to the final big picture, I have no idea how you do it and I can only continue to read in awe as you do.
"He falls asleep before the problem outside gets wrapped up, and you turn down the music. Not all the way, just enough that he can rest in peace."
This is how you write love. No more, no less, just the little gestures that all add up to this monumental feeling that you've captured so incredibly well here. No notes or comments from me, just a complete fascination with your writing and constant ability to elevate something that was already spectacular to the next level.
"Nightwing gives you a silent, if not awkward, wave and scans over Jason. Even in the dark can see the worry in his eyes. He looks back up at you and throws up a questioning thumbs up with a tilt of his head.
You nod and he nods back slowly as he takes one more look at his brother before hopping out the window.
You peer down at Jason and brush his curls back gently. His hold on you tightens just a bit as he turns in his sleep."
I feel like this sounds dramatic, but I hand on heart cannot express all of the emotions your writing is able to make me feel. You deserve all the praise and more, Morgan. All the words. All the compliments. Just everything. If I could write like you I would literally never shut up about it so I hope you don't either. Thank you for choosing to share your work with us, I can't imagine the time and effort you put into it all so I'm hoping that at least this way, I can show how much it is appreciated.
i think im in love with you
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goldenstorm0 · 4 months ago
I'm looking at fountain pens for shits and giggles, and I found this pen that is Out Of Budget, but like...
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You could stab someone with this pen, it wants you to stab someone, I think Yor Forger would appreciate it simply because it is so stabby. You do not use ink with it, you use blood. And I love her for that
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somesmartsmarties · 1 year ago
MCD fans, how the hell does Zane’s mask work please this is a cry for help PLEASE
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3leafstem · 10 months ago
Peace and War
Day Seven of 100 Days of Deathduo; dressed in the outfits of the Gods of Peace and War from my own story Peacemaker
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amadwinter · 11 months ago
WIP Wednesday - with love and unerring devotion
I was going to post more of my drawings, but I think I need a little confidence boost with my writing since I haven't even written as much this calendar year as I wrote in January 2023.
Most of you probably haven't read with love and unerring devotion, but I added 600 words to it last week after nothing for 5 months so yay. It features Vader as a god, and Obi-Wan as his devotee, and it isn't very long but it holds a special place in my heart because I got to do a bunch of worldbuilding, my most beloved activity.
The end of his novitiate is upon him, and Obi-Wan is ready to take his vows of priesthood. But his god has a higher calling in store for him.
Obi-Wan was going to meet their lord. He would set eyes upon him for the first time, and be accepted for what he was. No one would question him then, not once Lord Vader himself had graced Obi-Wan with his presence, and left his mark on Obi-Wan’s clean skin.
What this mark was, if it would hurt or if it was only temporary, he had not been told. He had been told very few things about what to expect, but that was purposeful. It was harder to lie, to claim you had seen a god when you knew not what he looked like until you stood before him.
For all the uncertainties, Obi-Wan was not worried. He had his faith, and that was enough.
Yet as he walked the stone halls of Castle Vader in solitude to the altar where the ceremony would take place, Obi-Wan’s thoughts were not on his lord. His mind strayed from Vader and turned to the one other being he had thought of so much.
Obi-Wan had thought of the man often over the years. Anakin had invaded his dreams many times over, though Obi-Wan knew it wasn’t really him. He didn’t know who or what Anakin was, if he really was a man at all or something else entirely, but in each of those frequent dreams, they weren’t together in their meadow, and they never talked. Many other things instead, none of which he would ever breathe a word of to another soul.
Yet real or not, the memory of those dreams made Obi-Wan smile, even now, as walked to his unknown destined. He hoped to be visited again soon, perhaps for real this time, with all the warmth and light he brought. But not this night. On this night, he would not dream. On this night, Anakin would not come.
On this night, he would meet Vader and no other. What need would he have for dreams when his lord god stood before him in the flesh and marked him for all the world to see?
Would Anakin be proud of him now?
A shiver ran down Obi-Wan’s spine. He must clear his thoughts of all else but Lord Vader. He must appear meek and humble and utterly devoted, and no true devotee would have their mind wander in the presence of their god.
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hadesoftheladies · 11 months ago
the united states of america is actually the biggest cancer of the modern world. it is literally the biggest reason we are accelerating into the new dark ages as a planet.
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realbigpodcastslut · 6 months ago
Being a patreon subscriber is fantastic until you have to wait *another* week.
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razberrypuck · 2 years ago
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stewykablooey · 2 years ago
two birds - regina spektor is The kenstewy song btw
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