#but this has nothing to do w/ either of those ehehehe
mochinomnoms · 10 days
Shut UUPPP now I need a little scenario with PTM jade and the reader where they're actually in a very risky place while they're doing the Ole tango lol.... In the very back of the library or in the damn janitor closet even, courtesy of yuu's knowledge during their short occupation as a janitor ehehehe
so like i just got super tempted and gave in cause i love the idea of ptm jade and yuu exploiting the fuck out of their telepathy to get 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 cause i was gonna save this as a fuller bit in the future cause im weak
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Being a telepath has its benefits, especially in these little escapades of yours. You'd have never thought Jade of all people would be so insatiable (a trait more suited for Floyd as most would agree), but you also never thought he'd be so enamored by you, so he was just full of surprises.
Though perhaps you should take just a teeny, tiny, itty-bitty bit of responsibility. Just this once, you decided to be impulsive and bring Jade with you to a corner of the library to fulfill one of his many fantasies he'd dreamt up before you two got together.
And, well, you wanted to fluster Jade like he did to you much too often. Though that definitely wasn't the feeling running through either of your veins at the moment.
“Aah, pearl—”
Besides, Jade made the loveliest of gasps, sounds in general really, when you got him like this.
“Seven help me—oooh~ Just like that, so good, my sweet pearl~”
As soft as those sounds were, if someone were to listen closely, they could make out very soft, quiet breaths and slurping sounds.
Now where are the rest of those students? I want to close up and go home!
Which was not ideal, especially regarding the librarian with an especially acute sense of hearing.
An icy cold shock ran through your body, making you bolt straight up, though you hand a very obvious 'mess' on your lips.
“Oh shit! What time is it?” You tried scrambling up, only to be met with Jade's hand grabbing the back of your neck to pull you into a hot, wet lip lock, sharp teeth just scraping your tongue.
Just for a moment, you melted into the kiss in bliss, a loud, wanton moan leaving you.
Hmmp? Did I hear something?
“W-wait, Jade!” In an urgent, but panicked tone, you whispered. “Professor Murine! He's coming!”
You think you felt Jade huff against your lips, but he calmed your growing anxiety as he cleaned up his appearance, watching as you did the same.
Neither of you really undressed as much as you did just expose bare skin for the other's access, so it was rather quick. Shuffling from your spots on the floor and back up to your seats, your knees feeling particularly sore, the two of you did your best to make it look like you'd been studying all this time.
You did anyway, Jade seemed that he still needed to get out a bit more energy. As the footsteps grew louder, let out a surprise squeak at Jade, grabbing your chin to pull you in for a kiss.
The sound of the door opening was nothing to Jade licking the corner of your lips before deepening the kiss. The salty taste from the white beads made you hot as you both heard the door open.
“Why I—” Murine cringed and sputtered. “You—you—you two! Don't you have better places to do this? We're closing, get out!”
Jade let out an 'embarrassed' chuckle as he helped clean up the mess of notebooks and pens.
“Of course, my apologies. We will be out shortly.”
Murine scoffed as he turned around to finish patrolling the library for any further stragglers, leaving you two alone once again.
Quickly heading for the exit, you felt Jade move a hand to curl on your hip and pull you in close, letting him lean down to whisper in your ear.
“We should indeed head to somewhere much more suited for our needs. Perhaps in the privacy of my room?”
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jujywrites · 6 years
Thanks to the Sigmund Corp Discord gang for this scribble! Sometime in the distant past WaluEpsi wanted a fic where Eva has to stay over at Neil’s house and ends up in his clothes. Voila, I finally wrote a thing. set during training/college/??? days idfk
I just wanted pointless fluff but I had to add a tiny plot. W H Y
(now with Eva’s POV!)
Distant thumping filtered into Neil’s headphones. Some part of his brain registered the noise wasn’t part of the soundtrack, but it wasn’t urgent– he was two photon bombs away from beating this boss, and he’d already died five times, and it wasn’t gonna be six.
The thumps grew louder. Like door knocks? It was a freaking typhoon outside, who would be at his door in this….
“Oh, shit,” he muttered, realizing, then, “Son of a bitch!” as the momentary lapse proved fatal to his avatar. He flung the controller onto the couch and hurried over to the door.
“Eva,” he said as he opened it, “what the hell–”
Her hand was raised mid-knock, and she looked like a drowned cat except three times as pissed. She said something as she sloshed past him but the words were lost in a monstrous gust of wind.
“What?” he said, half-shouting as he struggled with the door. Finally slamming it shut, he turned around only to crack his elbow on the doorknob when Eva let loose.
“I’ve had it up to here with those sadists at the academy!” She gestured wildly while she spoke, flinging water all over the carpet. “Heaven forbid you get one minuscule insignificant detail wrong in front of Peterson, we all know that, but I swear he has it out for me, Neil. Every chance he gets he’s the one that observes me and I thought I’d learned not to let it get to me but he brought a pack of his favorite bozos to the class today and he, he,” a breath, “he destroyed me. If I were a lesser person I’d have done something to put me on janitor duty for a week. No, a month.” She made a noise somewhere between a screech and a groan, shoving her hands into her hair. “Fuck. I hate him, I hate all of them. Damn it, I’m never gonna graduate because of them! I’m good at this, I want to be an agent!”
“You’re not good,” Neil interjected, meeting her sharp shocked gaze straight on. He’d eased toward her while she ranted and now stood an arm’s length away. “You’re the best. I guarantee Peterson and his cronies are terrified of you, and it doesn’t help that he’s a jerkwad of the highest order on top of that.”
“I don’t know how to win against him.” Her voice had shrunk, same as her posture. Head bowed, her face was hidden under the waterfall of hair. “This is all I know how to do now. If, if I don’t get my certification…”
While she’d vented, part of him was worrying over what exactly he could say that might help. But the way she stood there, looking so small, made him talk without thinking. “You keep going back. Keep doing everything you know how to do. Spend more time with Roxie.” That got a snort. “Don’t give up. That’s how you win. There’s only so long Peterson can hold out against your awesomeness. And don’t forget you’ve got allies over there.” Somewhat surprised by his own speech, he hid it by crossing his arms and regarding her narrow-eyed. “But… I know you already know all that.You don’t need me of all people giving you a pep-talk, right?”
“No. I don’t need it.” She stood straighter now, and had shoved some hair out of her face. A smile reached one corner of her mouth. “It’s still nice to hear y– someone else say it.“
Mission accomplished. “Glad to help.”
“Ah, jeez, I’m getting your carpet all soggy…” She stepped back, loosing a few more droplets.
“Never mind that,” he said with a handwave, walking past her. He turned when she just stood there. “Come on, let’s concentrate on you not turning into an Evasicle.”
“What? Oh–” Laughter burst from her, bending her double for a moment (he staunchly ignored his stomach somersaulting) before she followed.
“Bathroom’s here.” He waved at the door. “Hop in the shower, warm up, everything’s there you might need except a hair dryer, sorry. I’m gonna go grab you something to wear. Just leave all your clothes outside the door and I’ll hide out in the living room.”
She blinked at him, rubbing her arms absently. “Neil, you don’t– I can just towel off– I mean it’s nice of you but–”
“No buts,” he said over his shoulder as he started down the hall. “I think your lips are turning blue.”
He was rummaging through his closet when his neurotic side realized how she could have taken that. Grabbing the first shirt he spotted (something black) to go with the sweatpants he’d retrieved, he scurried back to her hoping she hadn’t–
“You been staring at my mouth, Neil?” She was smirking and shivering at the same time so it wasn’t as effective as it might have been, and yet.
“Please,” he scoffed while his mind yelled obscenities at him. “I could tell from 10 feet away.” He pushed the clothes at her. “You might need to roll up the pant cuffs, but they should fit. My room’s down that way if they don’t, take whatever you want, now go shower before you freeze any more.”
He spun around toward the living room, but managed to raise a hand in response to her soft, “Thanks.”
Somehow, cold had settled over him too. He took a detour to the kitchen and stared confusedly at the cabinets before the brilliant idea to make hot chocolate occurred to him. Does she like marshmallows…?
He was ensconced on the couch with two mugs of cocoa on the side table next to him, controller in hand, when Eva showed up again. He heard her before he saw her.
“I’m only going to say this once, so pay attention.”
Pausing the game, he gave her a glance and did a subtle (he hoped) double-take.
She hadn’t needed to roll up the cuffs, she was barefoot, a towel encircled her head… and she was wearing his Single/Taken/Anime t-shirt.
His brain was stuck somewhere between mortification and adoration and 100% confounded by the latter.
A slow grin stretched on her face. “I approve of your sartorial taste, Watts.”
“I, uh. Thought I got a different shirt,” he mumbled, scratching at his neck.
She quirked an eyebrow and walked over. “You mean you didn’t do this on purpose? Huh,” she said with a sigh as she flopped onto the couch next to him. “I’m almost disappointed.”
Strangely, having her near him was making it easier to think of words, not harder. Then again, talking was much better than imagining what scents would end up on that towel, or realizing that she probably wasn’t wearing underweokay OKAY
He dropped the controller with a groan, shoving his hands through his hair. “You already know I’m a nerd and I wasn’t planning for you to find out how much of a nerd I actually am.” He was absolutely not whining.
“Eh. I’d say you’re a moderate nerd. I mean, it’s not like you’ve kept up on all this season’s anime, or put volume release dates on your calendar, or anything like that.”
He turned, staring, hands retreating from his hair. She was smirking again, head cocked, even though she stretched her arms casually behind her. “You’ve miraculously discovered my secret,” she said, swinging one arm back around to make a sideways victory sign and sticking her tongue out for a moment.
“Oh my god, you’ve been holding out on me!” he yelped, pointing an accusing finger. “Where the hell were you when last week’s episode of Shadow Junction came out?”
“You’re joking, right? I was screaming at my laptop for twenty minutes.”
“Exactly! What the shit was that??? When Polygon of all people found the–”
“Aegis Stone! And then installed it! Without letting the Order know about it!”
“I felt so–”
“Betrayed,” they said at once.
“And now you’re telling me,” Neil said, flinging himself into the couch corner, “we could have been commiserating about it but you were hiding in the Boring People Closet. I’m shocked! Amazed. Taken aback.” He grabbed a cocoa mug and drank from it grumpily. “Hope you like marshmallows because this one’s mine now.”
And found himself uncomfortably close to choking when she crawled across him to snatch the other mug. She snapped back to her spot without noticing his momentary distress.
“You should’ve told me that right away,” she said, and slurped noisily.
“Ugh, you’re an animal.”
“It’s the proper way to gather the ‘mallows first, you uncultured swine.”
“I’m uncultured because I like my chocolate pure. That makes total sense.”
"What was that about the Boring People Closet?”
“Shut up and drink your cocoa, nerd.” But he couldn’t help grinning. Just for a second.
He set the mug down and went back to gaming. It didn’t take long, though, for his mind to start wandering. Why did he feel so… jumpy, when he snuck glances at her? No, not jumpy. Giddy. Like rainbows and sparkles should be floating around him. It wasn’t that big of a deal, she was wearing his crappy loungewear. But still. Eva in his clothes, and he felt warm? and cuddly about it?? What the f–
“Hey, there’s a kickass weapon in this area. See that crack in the mountainside?”
“Uh, yeah,” and he glanced at her to see her intent on the screen and his stomach was doing stupid things again, “but it’s just a cave. Already been there.”
“I can show you!”
He bit back a laugh at her poorly restrained grabby hands. “Sure. knock yourself out.” He handed her the controller and sat back. “How do you know about this anyway?” he asked, as she spun through his inventory and pulled out a silver hammer. “You play?”
She shook her head. “Watched Let’s Plays. Haven’t gotten into this one yet but I like the previous one…” She swung the hammer at a corner of the cave wall. “It blends in really well. You gotta mess with your brightness settings to find it but– ta-da!” A few cracks later and a treasure chest was revealed. She gave the controller back with a smug smile.“You’re welcome.”
“Holy cannoli, what a beauty,” he said, staring wide-eyed at the flaming sword the chest granted. “You’ve really been holding out on me, Rosy.”
He faked almost falling off the couch when she shoved his shoulder.
“Call me that again and you can forget about binging Kaleidoscope Morning together,” she said, sipping primly from her mug.
He nearly dropped the controller. “Wh– you– that’s available?”
“Legal and free,” she drawled. “I’ll have to train you in my ways, grasshopper.”
"Is platonic marriage a thing because I will totally marry you for that.”
She snorted, jabbed a thumb at the tee shirt. “How soon you forget.”
“Touché,” he said, mentally facepalming.
“Anyway, thanks for this.” She bumped his cheek with her mug. “And, you know, the rest of it. Putting up with my angsting, et cetera.”
“What are friends for?” But he paused, and looked at her, and smiled at the cliche. “Besides, I’d have been a total douchenugget to turn you away.”
She chuckled. “I know. Still, thanks.”
Her side hug was too brief to give him a heart attack, but his face still heated. And yet… She tucked her legs up underneath her, and he settled cross-legged in his corner, and listened to her tips… He felt so comfortable it was almost unbearable.
Thunder crashed outside. He saw her flinch in his peripheral vision as he shivered inexplicably. Still, he felt warm from the inside out. And some silly distant part of his brain decided that, if pressed to describe his perfect evening… Well, this was pretty damn close.
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mxthtea · 3 years
Is it okay to ask for a hanahaki disease type fic or hc between yae miko x male reader. Whichever fic or hc is good.
Thank you & have a great day stay safe everyone
ehehehe (if you want an alt ending just ask, gonna take a bit though so please be patient with that. and if you have any questions i'll answer them too ehehe)
req rules/info
yae miko x male!reader warnings: blood, coughing and vomiting (it's all flowers + blood), hanahaki au, major character death (reader), use of y/n, written before yae's release, grammar + spelling mistakes, lowercase writing, tell me if i forgot any description:you love yae even if she couldn't love you back. the flowers tied in your throat and lungs that covering your bathroom was all you needed to confirm it. word count: 702
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guuji yae was a lady of mysteries. despite what you might've known, or not known, you had still fallen for her. you had taken a job at the yae publishing house, where she seemed to act significantly different from being the guuji. her hair was stunning to you, the eye catching pink color was something you loved. her eyes were so beautiful to you too, you loved the purple color of them. you loved everything about yae. she was a lady of mysteries, but also the lady you had fallen for.
you love yae even if she couldn't love you back. the flowers tied in your throat and lungs that covered your bathroom was all you needed to confirm it.
more harsh coughs erupted from your throat as you bent over the toilet. it hurt. it hurt it hurt it hurt. it hurt so much. more sakura blooms fell from your mouth with blood mixed into it. you wanted to claw at your throat it hurt. the pain felt unbearable. even breathing felt like a chore as you clung to your knees and vomited out more petals.
as your breathing started to calm down, you sat back against the wall. it still hurt but at least you could breathe now. the pain felt insufferable. why did you endure it? why did you put yourself through this pain? was it for yae?
you shook your head absentmindedly as you stood up. the blood and petals scattered around your bathroom was an eyesore. you'd at least have to clean it before going to bed, even if it was a little bit early.
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you had tried to sleep that night, keyword is tried. until you were rudely awakened feeling like something was gnawing at your throat.
"not - not now…" you hissed.
despite the reluctancy to stand, you moved from your bed and ran to your bathroom. bending down once again as you continued to cough up those fresh petals and blood. your lungs felt like they were burning, your throat felt horrible. it hurt so much. you felt like you were dying.
were you?
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aratani had noticed your disappearance a while ago. it had been two days since you checked into work. where were you? she'd have to tell yae about it today. speaking of which, she'd be coming in today as well.
"is y/n not here today?" the familiar voice of the founder rang out.
aratani looked from the books she had gazed into to her boss, "ah - yes. no one has been him around in the past two days. he hasn't come to work and he hasn't been around the city either… we're starting to get worried."
"i see… and he didn't say anything about it?"
"nothing, he just disappeared one day. since you two talk often, i assumed you'd go check up on him after hearing about his well- slight disappearance."
"ah well, i have not been to his house often but i do know where it is. i'll go see him," yae said her goodbye's saying she'd be back right after.
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the walk to your home was calming, despite the slightest bit of anxiety yae had over you. had you gotten sick? gotten into a fight? or worse, did the shogun capture you?
the door came into her sight as she opened it with a spare key. you kept a key under one of your plants in the front yard, a story you told yae the first time she went here. she remembers your nervous laugh as you told her about getting locked out of your own house thrice already. the door creaked over and it immediately hit her. was that the smell of blood?
it was faint, but it was there. yae's breathing picked up as she walked straight to your room. the smell got even more unbearable. what happened to you?
her search ended as she opened the door of your bathroom. dear god… the blood. the petals scattered across the floor. you were slumped on the wall, yae walked to you slowly and placed her hand against your pulse.
"he's… gone," yae muttered.
why did you leave her?
she was just starting to love you.
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Hi there! How are you, writing raven? I have a request: how about an imagine with the Octavinelle trio with MC who fainted (overworking for school and Crowley's requests, stress from all the overblot incidents...)? I hope it's not bothering you, since you wrote something similar for A-Deuce... Good luck with all your future requests!
Hello, Anon. Thank you for the well wishes.
Because this imagine request is very similar to one that I have already written, I’m going to frame this piece in a slightly different light.
Please enjoy.
***Warning: major spoilers for chapter 4 of the main story campaign.***
Imagine this...
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There is a knock at his office door.
“Come in,” Crowley calls.
The door slams open with a resounding thud, shaking the entire room.
“E-Eeep!” Crowley leaps up from his seat, his feathers ruffled. He sighs when he gets a clear view of his guests. “Oh. It’s just you hooliga--er, I mean. You three, from Octavinelle.”
“Good evening, headmaster. I trust you are well?” The leader of the trio, Azul, offers a warm smile. Behind him, the Leeches exchange knowing grins.
But Crowley is not fooled. Why, he has already been duped before by those very same smiles...! The old crow has since wised up--or, at the very least, he hopes he has since wised up.
“Truthfully, I would be better if you hadn’t made your entrance with such a racket,” Crowley grumbles. “What do you need at this hour, Ashengrotto-kun?”
Azul feigns shock, his mouth hanging slightly ajar. He brings a hand to his heart. “Why, headmaster! We’ve simply dropped by to ask a favor of you--since you are so very, very kind, after all!”
“I am so very, very kind,” Crowley insists under his breath. “If you must make a demand, make it quick. I have important matters to attend to!”
“Of course. I do apologize if our intrusion has caused you any distress. As a businessman, I know how just how difficult it can be to focus on making a transaction if one feels less than stellar.”
He nods at the Leeches.
“Jade. Floyd. Help our dear old headmaster feel more...comfortable.”
“As you wish.”
The brothers descend, slinking to either side of Crowley’s desk--trapping him between them. Floyd leans down and smiles. Jade, on the other hand, is as rigid as a statue.
“W-What is the meaning of this?!” Crowley demands.
Azul ignores him, instead pulling up a chair and planting himself down across from Crowley. He crosses his legs, laces his fingers, and leans forward.
“Let’s talk.”
“Whatever it is you’re after...you will not get it from me!” Crowley sputters. “You...You cannot hope to bully your way into obtaining what you so selfishly desire!”
“Ah, but you see, there is nothing selfish about my desire at all--we simply wish for the Ramshackle dorm’s prefect to be given a vacation. That is a reasonable request, yes?”
“And why would strong-arming me do to help your case?!”
“Why, headmaster...I believe it was you that neglected to answer Yuu-san’s distress call from Scarabia.” Azul purrs, his words laced with honeyed poison. “You allowed one of your students to be kidnapped and held hostage--and yet another Overblot incident to occur, all while you were off gallivanting on the beaches. That’s not very responsible of you, now is it?”
Crowley pales.
“You hold the highest authority at this school. It is easily within your power to give Yuu-san a well-deserved break.” Azul pushes his glasses up. “Especially considering all the trouble they have gone through to support the school. Including Jamil-san, this would make it the fourth...no, the fifth Overblot incident they have had to resolve, on top of maintaining their grades and whatever other odd jobs you unload onto them.”
“W-Well...that is their job as--”
“Oi,” Floyd pipes up, slamming a hand on Crowley’s desk. He peers into the headmaster’s eyes and gives a toothy grin. “No talking when Azul’s makin’ his demands~”
“Floyd, you’re being rude,” Jade sighs. “You must be more gentle, like so.” He puts a hand on Crowley’s shoulder and squeezes with such force that the headmaster winces. “Please, do listen carefully to our dear Azul.”
“Y-Yes! I am listening! O-Ohohoho...I am such a good listener!”
“As expected of the esteemed headmaster of Night Raven College,” Azul coos. “Now then...as you can imagine, Yuu-san has been very overworked as of late. Keeping up with their duties has take quite a toll on them--so much so that they collapsed in the Mostro Lounge. You are fortunate that we were there to ensure they were taken to safety and well taken care of.”
“Ehehehe~ I carried Koebi-chan all the way home!” Floyd adds. “And Jade made some of that leaf water stuff for them!”
“It is called tea, Floyd.”
“Eeeeeh? But it’s basically leaf water, right?”
“As I was saying,” Azul interjects, “we three have made quite the concerted effort to look after the wellbeing of your precious handyman. I believe you should, at the very least, reward us by fulfilling our wish: granting Yuu-san time off. You can do that for us, yes?”
His words are not a suggestion; they are an order.
“How much time are you requesting?” Crowley asks slowly. “While I understand that Yuu-san may need a break, there are many important tasks that--”
“You can perform those yourself.” Azul states plainly. “Give Yuu-san as much time as they need to relax.”
“That’s absurd! I...I do not need to stand by and take this!”
“Headmaster, perhaps you did not hear me the first time,” Azul warns, his eyes flashing dangerously. “You had better do as we say, or...” he gestures to Jade.
The eel fishes a phone out of his pocket. With the press of a button, a video begins blasting.
“...Evil Scheme Unfolding in a Certain Magic Academy will be handed over to the press,” Azul declares smugly. “It has only been broadcasted to a handful of students so far...so I’m sure that the press will have a field day with the stories.”
Crowley’s eyes boggle, nearly popping out of his skull. “You...You would not dare...!!”
“Imagine what would happen! Your reputation--as well as that of the college--will be unsalvageable.” Azul sighs dramatically, putting the back of his hand on his forehead. “The Al-Asim family will pull all their funding and donations! Royal Sword Academy will laugh at you...!”
“Okay, okay! You’ve made your point, loud and clear!” Crowley cries, throwing his hands up. “You...You boys win...! Yuu-san is free from their duties indefinitely--just do not share that video with the media!”
“I’m glad that you’re finally starting to see things our way.” Azul stands up from his seat and adjusts his jacket. “It was a pleasure doing business with you.”
“Just...Just get out of my office already!”
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ask-zadr · 5 years
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Dib: SO THE BABY REVEAL WITH MY FAMILY IS FINALLY HERE! Zim: i don’t know why it TOOK SO LONG! Dib: eheheh.... yeah..... well - zim, gaz, dad and GIR are going to answer a handful of questions from you guys under the cut! It’s quite a long chat, so everything under the cut!
( special thanks to @ohgod-she-draws for the banner & @cephalonghost for playing zim and membrane! )
Dib: okay everyone! we're going to get right into this. there's a reason zim and i have you gathered.
Gaz: ...this better be important. I was in the middle of my game.
Zim: It is VEEEERRRRYYY Important! Much more important than your lil combat simulations!
Membrane: Son, I really have to get back to the lab within the next hour. Could we maybe—
Dib: dad, DAD trust me. it's important. ok zim.. do you want to say it or do you want me to?
Membrane: What could possibly be—
Membrane: ... Uuuuh...
Gaz: ...wait.... wait what? you have to be kidding me.
Dib: --nope! and.. and dad he means that we're having a baby. zim is pregnant.
Zim: The only “kidding” here is the one that’ll be born from my spooch!
Membrane: I... What...? When did this happen? Is this a natural—He looks as if he’s... Is this why you finally proposed to him...?
Gaz: gross.
Dib: haha... no. we've actually been trying for a baby. buuut... uh. i've had some people send in questions for all of us to answer about zim getting pregnant!
Membrane: Questions? From who? And just how long--
Zim: Two weeks!
Membrane: ... I am very confused right now...
Gaz: dib is doing some dumb blog thing. i don't know.
Dib: ...LET'S GET INTO IT! ahahahah..
Gaz, what are you up to now? What do you do as a career? Have a SO like your brother? Excited to be an aunt?
Gaz: wow, one for me. i work as one of my dad's high security guards and yes, I have a boyfriend. as far as being excited to be an aunt... I guess so. so long as I don't have to clean up after dibs messes.
Membrane: Two weeks... How is that scientifically possible?
Dib: we found out two weeks ago. we've been trying for awhile NEXT QUESTION!
Gir!!! Are you excited about becoming a big brother? / Having a special, little mini-master around? 
Dib: i like to take it as a good sign! gir knew before us.
Zim: Hmph, of COURSE GIR would know sooner than your silly pregnancy stick things. He is FAR superior technology than they are! 
Membrane: Many babies...?
Dib: i think he's talking about zims want for more after this. 
Gaz: you both need to see how you'll be after the first before even considering another. 
Dib: right. uhm. next question.
How are you guys gunna explan the pregnancy science?
Membrane: Yes, I am rather curious about that myself. Research has proven it possible for anyone to carry a child through artificial implantation. And that would explain why it's developing so-- 
Zim: Nonsense! We just did the sex until ZiM's superior body finally accepted the Dib's human-ness. 
Membrane: I...
Dib: i think i know why you're confused. i'm not going to get too into it but uh, zim was technically born female but he's genderfluid. so we had a baby the natural way! 
Gaz: let's not get into what you two had to do to make  a baby... eugh. 
Careful, Dib. If you get a dad bod, you might end up in the same mess your father is in with the fandom.
Dib: i don't understand what this means...
Gaz: oh god....
Zim: Silence, GIR! 
Membrane: I am also very confused by that statement...
Dib: care to tell us the mess you are in, father 
Gaz: dib, shut up.
Membrane: No, really! I don't understand what they're referring to. Do they mean how I was voted "Sexiest Scientist of the Year"? That nonsense?
dib: ok ew... nevermind...
Congrats on the engagement! how exciting! sorry if this has been asked before but have you guys thought about potential baby names?
Dib: thank you! we have several names in mind. zim came up with them -
Zim: YES! I have come up with only the most AMAZING of names for them! Kip, Lika, and Dewi if they are "male" and Zal for any little girl smeetling.
Membrane: You certainly have quite a few picked out.
Zim: Of course. I intend to birth a whole ARMY of smeets! 
Membrane: Oh--Uh...
Dib: --zim is only joking!!! he's just very excited about having kids! 
Gaz: I like the name Dewi the most out of those... they're not too bad.
Wait a darn minute.. So who'e much more older, Dib or Gaz? I'm very confused because keeps playing tricks on me! ( Ť^Ť ) Also can i have a hug from the membrane sibs?
Dib: i'm older. gaz isn't even 21 yet. and of course you can have a hug! 
Gaz: i'll pass.
Do Irkens nest? Is Zim compiling all of the pillows and blankets in the house to prepare for the Smeets?
Zim: Only the most softest and comfortablest pillows and Mattresses! I have constructed the GREATEST nest to ever have nested! Any smeet of mine deserves only THE BEST!
Membrane: What is an "Irken"? And nesting? I've never known expecting human mothers to create-- 
Dib: zim is an alien 
Gaz: just get on with the next QUESTION.
Watch out, either GIR will become hyperprotective of the new sibling or he'll be extremely jealous, and that's not a nice thing to deal with (i've been the jealous toddler)
Dib: GIR is very protective. I have cuts and scratches all over my hand whenever he protects zim's belly. zim just seems to think it's funny. 
Gaz: you just let him maul you? actually... that is pretty funny.
Membrane: Dib, it's rude to call an expecting mother an alien. Though it is good to see that the little robot child has adapted well to all this. Not sure about the biting though... 
Zim: Heheheh~
Dib: .....next.
What if the smeet doesn’t have a binary gender tho?
Dib: we'd... well they're going to get a name either way. it wouldn't change who they are.
Zim: Eh, gender-schmender. 
Membrane: Gender scientifically has nothing to do with the biological sex of the child.
Congrats on becoming a grandfather, Professor Membrane!! Will you be going by "grandpa", "granddad", or "pop pop"?
Membrane: Ahaha. Well, not quite a grandfather yet...  But, I believe that would essentially be up for the children themselves to choose what they call me. Though I am fairly partial to the classic “grandpa” title. Or “Abuelo”.
Gaz: oh god, dad. you're old! it just really hit me!
Dib: hehehehe. yes he really is!!!!
Membrane: Come now, I'm not THAT old.
Zim: I've seen older.
aAAAA this is all happening so fast for you guys oh my god- is everyone excited or maybe even scared about it? I would be honestly
Gaz: im scared for how they're going to handle the baby. 
Dib: i'm pretty confident! i've been mentally preparing! 
Membrane: It is a rather taxing job. 
Zim: Pssh, as if it would be that hard!
Gaz: this is why i'm concerned.
So what does Dibs family think of the whole "having a smeet" thing
Membrane: Well... I certainly wish I had been told sooner about such a momentous decision.
Gaz: I am just shocked. Neither of them seem like they’d be fit to be parents... but if they’re sure... I’m behind them.
Zim: Hah! That's where your wrong, Dib-sister! There is no one is a BETTER FIT for parenting than the likes of ZiM!
Membrane: My, your little partner is quite enthusiastic about this, isn't he?
Dib: what can I say!? Zim is ready for a family. I am too. a little bit.
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 5X4 The End
oh this is gonna be FUN!
oo nice fade in
"god's plan for you" oh heh
he was confused
Cas on the phone is so funny to me
thIS IS THE "voice says I'm almost out of minutes"
"i'll just-" *awkwardly looks at hung up phone* "wait here then"
hello mr messenger of god
oh huh it IS actually Sam
ope Dean's just Numb
Dean calling out the revenge is a nice touch tbh
"I think the way we(I) was raised made us weaker" IS SO MUCH! it'S! SO MUCH
"always used against us" aaosfhdsf'
I wish someone could analyze this without the...thing happening
BOY he's numb and tired
oho and he wakes up in a decrepit bed
o huh Chuck's in this one
good horror imagery with the lil girl
ah you can notice the legs
shit they REALLY set it up
god I love this needle drop
ah the radio! interesting
ah Zachariah!
"no more sports"
hits different now
oh THAT's why the kid looked so disoriented
Dean getting pissed at the Angel Powers is so fun
ah GOD not bobby
hunter journal!! hunter! journal!
ooo he found the car and it's totaled
that's how you know shit went down
you can Kinda tell there are effects
he looks SO DONE
green vs blue feels important idk
what does the target demo think of this, what do they
"Sam didn't make it" LIE
ope they got Super Separated
Trauma huh I never thought he'd say it
"you don't trust yourself" "no" heh
he's the leader, he's not used to it oop
boy you can tell the Drugs
the one finger thingggg
he'S SO LooSe AHH
"It's a pretty messed up situation" THAT DELIVERY KILLED ME
...is..he pitching his voice dOWN?
boy hE IS C O LD
is there something in..the whiskey
"I'm gonna kill the devil" ok cool?
Cas is enjoying this AHAH
fEarLeSs lEadEr
"oh so we're torturing again" is a nice line
Was...other Dean jealous of past Dean or betrayed or
it...second in command
they just..banter?
"I want you to see something" is a lot like what Zach said
"say yes" ope
the angels aren't listening
"never actually thought I'd lose" o w
the like..deep meaningful looks at each other are SO IMPORTANT
"hoard toilet paper like gold" AHHHHH
you want some? pfft
aw Dean..tries
so..so..how did cas..how..did he know if not looking at the soul
ah so he's just...given up entirely
he's so clearly not happy about it either
he sacrifices people, right?
Ah he knows when he lies
he's more self aware than he thinks
"i've seen them in the mirror" O P E
lights out Dean
I DO like the white suit tho
what is lucifer's angle here?
of course he has daddy issues OF COURSE
cast me out despite my care...feels important
the "why blame me" is like..present in both lucifer and this but WILDLY different damn
"i get what the other angels see in you" ?
it's also GREAT to see Dean not like...shuttering when there's emotion
like he's crying and scowling! good!
"always end up here" "you're wrong" "see you in five years" OW
Look Dean's A low trust person, I know it's the framing, but I see it, yk?
ah the reunion
how ... much time has passed
"i'm whatever I need to be" bro
and then Dean never told Anyone
his lesson learned is stay with his brother and forgive
"we keep each other human"
"thank you" Dean's the father/authority/mother figure
"we make our own future"
1. needledrop. I'm just cataloguing all of these. This wasn't a particularly poignant or Sticking one, but I rly did like the "Vibe" it got. Like doesn't stick with you, but jettisons you into the story, good, we like that.
I do think a good needle drop should be more invisible unless it explicitly needs to be visible, and Renegade was SUPER jarring, while all of these work even if you don't know the context of the song.
2. disaster. Listen. Watching this and also the other deserted town plot line after the panorama's been hitting is like. It feels more correct? It feels super close to home and plausible. Like the toilet paper thing? I know that was memed, but I also think actual thought was put into the world building of the disaster.
hell maybe that's why I cried
3. Cas... he is human, right? how did..he tell it was Dean? He WAS LOOKING DOWN
I swear everytime I go "nah it can't be That blatant" it just pulls out all the stops
other than that, the "I'm fine but clearly not" thing he had going on...he picked that up from Dean, right? Also the juxtaposition of this vs the previous episode is so important I feel? like it's not actually him, it's as far from him as you can get
also he was Dean's second in command? like Very Clearly his second in command, clearly liked making fun of him? what the FUCK were we supposed to read into that? gotta go read all of DTA now jESUS
also Disgruntled Castiel and "We had an Appointment" Castiel? top tier, I LOVE THIS FUNKY LIL ANGEL! AND I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC! IT'S SO GOOD!
4. Dean. ok I'm in no way qualified to talk of all of these or be coherent but I've got
When confronted with someone who knows him, Dean tends to put on FAR less of a mask, and he knows his own tells better than the person he projects should(this was a common trend, he knows what he projects and knows himself in order to unknow himself)
he lies to himself in the mirror(as in, implied he practices his lies in a mirror) but his Lies SUCK, as I've said before, so what's the lie(it's gotta be his persona, it has to be, his entire persona is a performance, that's why he keeps getting caught, rig-)
(also cuz he hasn't been socialized like...at all, but that's something else)
I don't know if it's he prides himself on it, but compassion and helping people is clearly his Top Priority(After Sam cuz of the trauma ofc). Past Dean is genuine, caring, even if he tries not to be, and the fact that Future Dean ended up so cold is probably the most jarring part out of all of it(Dean put Cas above the other girl he slept with..on purpose, right? did he figure out that him and Dean of the future are [redacted]? like WHAT WAS THA-)
The angels liking him..I think again, it's because of the sincerity he tries to pretend he doesn't have? The righteousness that Isn't Cool? that's my theory. Like he Is what he's said to be, but he tries to hide it so ends up not doing it(why Cas gets pissed)
Dean has Deep Seated Trust Issues, because as someone with those, it's very clear, I don't make the rules. he basically doesn't trust the angels on Principle and Vibe alone I think (as he should they're shady as FUCK)
5. Sam+Dean. ok one, that thing about the beginning where "I think the way we were raised made us weaker." BOY that one hit. like It's something both of them have to grapple with and I'm SO pissed we didn't get there
Dean confronted by Sam possessed by Lucifer, saying there has to be another way where Sam ends up dead is also important. Like I think letting Sam go probably would be something he needs to do, but being forced into it, he Repels it, yk?
tbh that entire "see you in five years" scene broke me, I have to go lie in a corner
5. something about belief? ok so Chuck is not to be read as God yet, I don't think(It was cas but Sexual Tension so) but the only angels left that didn't Peace Out are Cas(who fell for Dean "humanity" ) and Lucifer, who according to this lore, fell because he opposed it. The fallen, "bad" angels. I wonder where Anna would be in this scale actually. God is still not present, the angels...forsook this world? but why would they care? I don't know man. That sense of abandonment, dread, and "there's nothing left" (cas in particular) felt important and indicative of Trauma, but I can't pinpoint which one
oh boy
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adeslowmoqueen · 7 years
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<(~_oO°~VvUu*_//❤️\\-  S E R V A M P   A N I M E - //❤️\\_*uUvV~°Oo_~)> do you all remember that day, that day we've all been waiting for... ! waiting for a masterpiece to become an Anime ~~! 5. July ! WAITING FOR THE SERVAMP ANIME FOR YEARS ! 
god aka StrikeTanaka said: ''let there be the 5. July 2016 '' ~~~>// and then the ultimate Servamp Hype began \(*w*)/ !! \\<~~~ WUUUUUUUUUUUUUH ! :M what a great day to be alive, now it's the 5th of July, the very first anniversary for our beloved vampire series ❤️ (9 *w*)9 !!  S E R V A M P heeppiiiii basdeeeey Savanpu Animeee ~ :> ! höhö ~ It really has been an entire year, goddammit, time runs fast as always ;w;) It feels like as if it has been released a few months ago, ahah.. :'D but still, good times, VERY GOOD TIMES...! I know some of you weren't there when the ServampAnime-Countdown started, but it is a fact that every ServampFan was hyped af and a lot of us even didn't do homework or something >v>)b Those last days before the release were intense with creating a lof of countdown-fanarts and screaming all day long. DO IT FOR SERVAMP -! And then when the Anime was actually released we cried happy tears, didn't sleep and probably watched the first episode like 6 times xD ahh jeeeez, VEEERYYY GOOODDDD TIIMEEEESSSS like, it was truly beautiful, almost everyone had holidays so it'll be pure heaven to watch the series >w>)9 ! srsly, couldn't have been a better time ~ At that point tuesday was the official Servamp day ! :D nothing was more in important in life, IT JUST WASN'T. And after having watched every single episode we fans talked about it, spammed pics all over our other acc's, etc ~ For example my weekly SakuyaSpam on Instagram!  I simply posted almost every screenshot of Sakkun possible and wrote a bunch of texts down below =w=)❤️ ( especially enjoyable per episode 3 & 4..!! AHH YISSS ). It was just incredibly amazing to see all those characters in actual bright colors, moving and speaking with those ikemen-voices! dayum all those seiyuus ~ everyone did a great job \\\v\\\) ! SAKUYA'SVOICELIKEGODDAMMITYUTOEARGASM24/7. sadly there wasn't the AliceinArc or the very first Servamp rendez-vous in the restaurant, but ey, it was still enjoyable, ne ? \( >v>)/ Even my father said he didn't really understand what's up in the Anime but he was truly impressed by those character designs/animations ! The alternative ending that people chose for the Anime wasn't bad either, I liked that past of Tsubaki and how everything escalated right at the worldtree tower =v=)b Of course the ending will be faaaaar more different ! so excited what will happen ~~ letthesufferingcome.. ! So if fans are sort of confused about nearly everything, WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO READ THE MANGA ~~~ P L E A S E ~~~ ;///;)9 !! the Manga is so much SO MUUUCHH deeper and exciting, just DO ITTTT :M !! D O   I T
alright, that having said it is still to say that the 5th of July is a very special day >w>)9 ! one of the best days in my entire life, ahah <3 mychildshallbeborntherehuehuehue hope you had a lot of fun exisiting on that day too :>! If you entered later in the fandom, then IMAGINE THE LEVEL OF INSANITY WHAT HAPPENED BACK THEN òwó) !! great times ~ gonna read my entire SakuyaSpam when I'm going to bed owo And also remember, thanks to the Anime people got to meet new people an make friends ! It's always great to meet new lovely people ~~ so THX A LOT SERVAMP-ANIME once again ( /*/////*)/!! words cannot even describe how great Servamp is, srsly - AHEM now my drawing, have some Kuro with Kuro and Kuro ! Kuro carrying Kuro reaching for Kuro, bathing in Kuro's kuro-ness and Kuro almost touching Kuro's necklace. Kuro. can you feel his pain? ~  eheheh ~~~ ! last year I drew a Chibi Version of Kuro and his inner self with some water, and now the 'upgraded' version xD // I'll also post a Speedpaint of it on my yt channel! ( if everything goes right ) gotta post it a few days later :D ! // ~ HOPE U LIKE IT \( >w>)/ !!
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two-in-one-skele · 7 years
Heeeeey, another drabble! Basically, I thought about how would Gill react to Yumi not only dating, but also another version of one of his past self. So it made get some inspiration to write this drabble over here about Gill still trying to get over his past with Yumi, despite forgiving her about it.
Anyway, enjoy!
Gill was starting to get worried.
He had been waiting for almost 15 minutes now and Yumi still wasn’t in sight. He had waited in front of her downstairs door, just in case she had something to do that took longer than expected. He even teleported inside, to make sure she just didn’t here him buzzing on the doorbell. But, no matter how much he called for her, she did not answer. He also tried calling her, but it never answered. He even texted her every five minutes, but she still wouldn’t answer and it was not marked as “Read”. Where was she!? He was starting to get impatient.
He tried texting her one more time, if she did not answer he will have to start looking for her. Thankfully, not to long after, she finally texted him back.
[ TXT ]: Sorry Gill! I was with a friend! I’m on my way, I’ll be there in about five minutes. I’m really sorry!
At least she was okay, that’s was what he was worried about the most, after all. She probably didn’t pay attention to the time. He couldn’t really blame her, it was very normal. Even he does that with Rony, sometimes.
Either way, he waited for about seven minutes instead of five. But, it was fine, he didn’t expect her to arrive exactly five minutes either. Despite being impatient, he managed to put it aside and wait. He could see her in the distance, running towards his direction, looking out of breath. When she finally reached him, she was panting heavily.
*You okay? You didn’t have to run like that. “I-I’m… fine… thanks. I just… didn’t want to…” she tried to talk, despite panting. *Okay, okay, just breathe. You don’t need to worry about that. It’s fine. He reassures her, so she could catch her breath. “O-okay…”
She took a moment to catch her breath. He wondered if she ran from all the way from her friend to here, but be didn’t want to ask, he might scold her for it. Thankfully, though, she did not, however, the bus stop was pretty far away from her house and because she missed the bus she did run from the stop to her house. After finally starting to breathe normally, she speaks up again.
“A-anyway, sorry I’m late! I-I kinda… didn’t pay attention to the time… s-sorry.” she apologized again, quickly searching for her keys. *It’s fine, Yumi. I’m not angry, am I? he asked rhetorically. “N-no, but…”
There was a pause. If he had eyebrows one would be raised curiously. Yumi was acting a little strange, she seemed nervous, more so than usual. Not to mention shyer. He thought of jokingly asking if she suddenly fell for him, today, but that would be a bit inappropriate. Besides, he knows very well that’s not the case. He hesitates to ask as he watched her finally finding her keys and unlocking her door.
*Did somethin’ happen, Yumi? You look a bit flustered. he chuckles. “W-what!? N-no, nothing happened!” she nervously denies.
An obvious lie, no one would’ve believed it with a reaction like that. He suspects that it might have something to do with the friend she was with earlier. He doesn’t think anything bad happened, but he was curious. Who wouldn’t be? However, before he could even ask her, he was caught off by her.
“C-come on! We can talk inside!” she pushes him to go upstairs, shouting. *Okay, okay! You don’t need to push me. he chuckles.
Despite not looking at her, he could hear her sigh behind him. Now, he’s seriously getting really curious. 
They talked for a while, about nothing and everything. How they were doing in life, things that happened when they were away from each other and what friends they made along the way. Of course, the conversation had to derive to talking about Rony. They were mutual friends and Yumi became friends with her after her horrid accident that caused her to lose one of her ribs. That particular topic was skimmed over quickly, as they both felt nothing but disgust and wrath for the being that did this. They didn’t want to bring the mood down. But Gill didn’t want it to go on about his stupid crush for her either!
*Come on! cAN WE NOT TALK ABOUT REALLY EMBARRASSIN’ SHIT! “Aheheehehahah! But, it’s fun, though! You’re all blue!” she giggles. *HHHHH! You did on purpose didn’t you? “Yep! But, seriously, though, tell me when! And how! And why!”  *Nooo… he whines. “Yeeeees!” she laughs. *Hhhhhhh… fine, but… to be honest, I’m not sure when or how… for the why well… hhhhhh. he was too embarrassed to finish.
There was a pause. He couldn’t look at her when he was talking but, he took a glace at her when he paused and regretted it immediately. She had an enthusiastic smile, excitement and loud curiosity was oosing out of her face. That child-like excitement, it’s been a long time since he hasn’t seen that. He had to hold back a smile, however, his even deeper flush could not be avoided. She, of course, noticed his reaction but, not for the right reasons. She thought he was just being a huge dork because his obvious crush.
*… W-Why do you even want to know, anyway? he asks, before saying what she wanted to hear. “Because! It’s-… I-I um…”
There was a brief pause, as she shyly scratches the back of her head, realizing what she was about to say kinda sounded embarrassing. However, the hesitation didn’t last long and she gave him a warm smile.
“I-I’m just… really happy that you found someone else. That you got over me… and forgave me too.”
Why did it hurt when she said that? He felt like his soul was twisting a bit.
“I-I was… I was scared that… t-that I-I ruined… e-everything for you. Because I did something so… h-hurful… e-even if I d-didn’t mean to… I-I’m sorry…”
She started sniffling a little, tears started to swell up and fall. It broke his soul to see her like this, still regretful for what she did, despite them having a long talk about it and him completely getting over it. He wanted to reach out to her.
*… Yumi- “I-I’m fine, I’m fine. S-sorry…” she apologizes again, wiping her tears. *No, don’t be. Listen, it’s fine, okay? You don’t need to worry about that anymore. Besides, I’ve done way more stupider shit than you to Rony and I still don’t understand how she still puts up with me. he chuckles.
She chuckles a bit too. However, he thought she was laughing at his semi-joke, when, in reality, it was because “If only he knew”.
*Tell you what… I’ll answer all of your questions, if you tell me what happened with that “friend” of yours. he grins. “W-what??” she almost shouted, bursting red.
He laughed, with only that reaction, he could definitely confirm that her “friend” was indeed the cause of her being strangely flustered, earlier.
*So…? Is that a deal? he grins. “… W-why… why are y-you so suddenly interested in my love-life a-anyway?” *So, you’re datin’? he leans in, his grin wider.
Her eyes widened out of shock and her expression immediately turned into regret. She was even redder than before, covering her mouth. Her and her big mouth. Stupid, stupid! At, this point she didn’t have any choice but to reveal everything.
“W-Well, a-actually, we haven’t exactly dated yet… w-we just confessed… t-today.” she explained. *… Ooh. That explains a lot. “Y-yeah…” *So… what’s he like? he asks, genuinely curious. “U-um… w-well…”
She briefly explain, with a lot of hesitation, how much of a dork Swap was. He was a huge nerd, overall sweet guy and pretty cute too, being so short kind of boosts this fact. Howerver, she knew he could be pretty sarcastic, overconfident and sassy, at times. He has a lot of issues and things he regrets doing too but, above it all, he tries his best to improve. That’s what she loves the most about him.
“Aaah! I-I r-really ranted to much! S-sorry! That w-was really e-embarrassing…” she hid her face with her hand, completely red. *Eheheh, that’s fine. Why did it hurt so much? It didn’t help that this all seemed somehow familiar, like he knew someone or… something similar to how she described him. However, he managed to hide his emotions with a smile.
*But… this kinda sounds familiar. “It does? Maybe you-”
Oh, fuck. She just remembered. This was why she didn’t want to talk about it in the first place! Swap is-… he’s-
“Shit… I-I just remembered… p-please don’t be mad, o-okay?” *…? Why would I be mad? he tilts his head. “B-Because I-… S-Swap, he’s-…” *He’s…? “…”
This was only making him worry even more. At first, he thought maybe she was overreacting but, now he thought that maybe he might actually get mad. He didn’t want to push her for an answer, however, as she seemed to already be gathering her courage to do so.
“He’s… f-from an a-alternate universe… h-he’s a Sans… I-I’m sorry.”
Upon hearing those words, it echoed endlessly in his mind, causing him to feel nautiously dizzy. It was both our of anger and the actual side effect it caused every time someone would utter either or “their” names. Sure, he didn’t sound like the Sans “they” knew, not Gaster or even just G, himself, but… He couldn’t help but feel almost… betrayed or replaced. Seeing that he looked very out of it, she tried to reach out for him.
“G, a-are you-” *Don’t touch me!
He got up from the sofa, both avoiding and pushing her hand away.
He wanted to leave. Before he lashed out, before he lost his composure. Despite feeling almost enraged and hurt, he didn’t want to do the same thing he did with Rony.
He wanted to leave. He started heading for the door, she didn’t even stop him, she didn’t even say anything. However, he could hear her trying not to make a sound, as she started to cry silently. She knew it would’ve hurt him, she deserved this, didn’t she? She was a horrible friend, always ruining things between them, wasn’t she? However, a sniffle and a sob escaped her mouth. He stopped his tracks, halfway opening the door.
*… I don’t hate you, okay? I just… I need some time to think... I’m sorry.
He closed the door behind him, teleporting back to his apparment. He wasn’t going to do anything for the rest of the day. Maybe tomorrow too, depending on how he feels by then. Why couldn’t he just have normal friendships with no drama?
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