#but they're TERRIBLE at planning lmfao
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sondersil · 2 years ago
every time i've managed to forget about my upcoming birthday this past week, my phone has unceremoniously reminded me of it.
i don't know who invented this feature ("oh bug! it's your birthday soon!"), but it wasn't there last year and i hate it.
#personal#i am very flippety floppedy about that day#some years i'm like 'yeah ok! lets do sth'#and this year is just one of those where i want to forget about it#i'm at the point where i honestly hope that everyone forgets it this year because i'm just not in the mood to turn 25#i also just don't want to deal with the disappointment that comes from knowing that unless i'm the one planning it#nothing is going to happen. that's my role in the friendgroup. i get people's asses up to plan the birthday parties for the other folks#even then half of them can't be fucking bothered to even look at what we've planned and put forth minimal effort#honestly the past year was just very disheartening#we celebrated everyone's birthday but i was just sad at how little of a shit everyone else gave when it cames to celebrating anyone else#idk IDK why it bothers me so much#i just really love celebrating the people that i love#i realize i'm just adverse to it because i've had many negative experiences with it in the past and such#now it's just something i try to avoid#hightlights from last year though.. surprise bday for Danielsan#that boy was SHOCKED it was so sweet. we had so many people over and i loved seeing him so happy with everyone who showed up#and a 'kid' themed birthday at the behest of and for Kenny (it was awesome- i planned a whole scavenger hunt)#the others were more subdued and just having a nice homely brunch at our place but we always made sure to celebrate#i love these people a lot and they make me feel fuzzy inside#but they're TERRIBLE at planning lmfao
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sparklingpax · 2 years ago
the way omni productions was like “ah yes, and here we’ve got the fearsome...” 
*checks smudged notes* 
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lynn-tged-posting · 19 days ago
tged webtoon ep 179 spoilers and thoughts that are like okay i can see where this is going and more below the cut
i'll get the first thought out of the way rn. i think i do see what they were trying to do now! this ep feels better than the last one!! i'll talk more about that below
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he looks like the
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the panels in this ep genuinely are really great they're not terribly over the top besides a few and i think thats a good balance,,, i especially like the focus on the chief's reaction to all the changes that are going on in his life now that they have the choice of an alternative method (well,,, choice is said loosely LMFAO)
coming from last episode of lloyd going "oh yeah i love peace im a pacifist :)" to telling the demon kids "hey sometimes. theres people u need to beat up a bit. and people u need to beat up a LOT" and IT MAKES ME SMILE THAT THE KIDS TOOK THAT TO HEART HAHAHA
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powerful ass kids. lloyd is teaching the younger generation to Take No Shit and i really like that,,, esp considering all the shit suho had to take in korea asldkjflajskdf
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obsessed w the composition of this panel. its nothing like new or clever per se i just really like how it looks , the light that pulls down from lloyd, to javier, to demon guy (I DONT KNOW IF HE HAS A NAME) i just,,, really like. they look like thugs. like bosses u have to fight in a row. ITS FUNNY I LIKE IT. this sequence as a whole was really fun,,,
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like seriously he looks like a fucking car salesman. he's basically selling this whole financing thing he's got planned w the venetos,,,
like when he did the money exchange for goods thing i was like oh,,, he's scheming something with like finances and banking or something like that isn't he,,,,,,, salesman looking ass
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genuinely his poses in this ep are so stupid funny i love them sm . recently we've been seeing a lot of his face being Totally Evil Exaggeration or Seriously Going Through It but these goofy ass salesman poses and expressions are SOMETHING ELSE HAHA GOOD CHANGE OF PACE
and it's not like he's forcing their hand he's just stopping their usual avenues, bc he juuust so happens to be working in the area now for magentano,,,, honestly i think he would have put the chief into a corner at some point eventually, but it also seems like lloyd's efforts had also affected other aspects of the chief's life, like his relationship w his family and the other veneto hunters,,, which may have put the chief in the corner early,,, a matter of time, i suppose,,,?
like the chief had a lot of very like remorseful / realization type expressions in this ep, i really liked this one in particular,
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and (okay i guess we're diving into the main thoughts now) i think now that i have the context of this ep for the previous week's ep, it kind of paints a picture of what exactly it was the adaptation team was going for. the venetos are prideful and rooted in inconvenient traditional ways, and lloyd's plan is a type of interference that twists that pride one way or another (though i dont think the chief feeling remorse after seeing his wife and child finally being okay with him was a part of lloyds plans LOL)
it,,, makes sense! and while yes it's due to lloyd's interference, it also feels like the chief is making a decision himself here, (in,,, in a way?) (not sure how to explain what i mean by that) like the chief absolutely sees how bad things had gotten under his original policies and outlook, and then saw the immediate change from just... changing the way they acquire goods. i really liked watching that happen, and it helps characterize him as someone who is so incredibly stubborn but really wants the best for his people, and the best he had known at that point was what they had done all this time.
this does makes me wish that ep 178 was handled with a lot more tact and awareness of what they are setting up for. i think if ep 178 had a similar tone as ep 179, it would have been received a bit better, maybe,,, of course i wouldn't know for sure, and i'm not sure how i'd rewrite it myself, but i think 179 handles the line between moments of thought and moments of gags a lot better than 178 (if that makes any sense). because of this, the chief in 179 feels different than the chief in 178,,, i would feel better about 179 showing his redemption process if 178 had been handled with just a bit more care. i don't think we needed to see a man bully/verbally abuse his family to show that the venetos are traditional in a detrimental way,,, while also nearly presenting everyone as a gag at that? man idk,,,
i'm not entirely sure still, maybe i'm just being sensitive or something, but regardless (and again), 179 feels a lot better than 178 so i'm really hoping this arc finishes strong,,,
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ohhhh the signing,,, it's binding~ you're stuck now!! HAHA
like wow. lloyd u r about to toss these people into the throes of capitalism . good job, i think,,,??? honestly it makes sense that lloyd would know how this works or how to do this considering all the financial trouble he faced in korea
NO WONDER HE LOOKED LIKE A SALESMAN IN ALL THESE PANELS TOO. HE'S A BANKER GUY IN THIS EP LAKDJFLSKJDFH god i hate him /aff wonder what his next step in the plan is,,, cause. how will this possibly get the venetos to do the job of keeping charge of the mountain railroad stuff??? like will they be more inclined to work to like pay off the bank stuff? <- does not know how banks and loans work
that's all for now,,, i am excited and hoping the next ep will keep going back up!!!
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mayapapaya33 · 1 month ago
Damn, Vordo (And I assume Ethedok) have been trapped in Predathos' stomach being slowly digested for millennia or even eons? And Bells Hells wanted to risk condemning the rest of the Gods to this fate? Cuz reasons? What the fuck guys?!
(Not to mention this does count as attempted Genocide, the Gods are a species, they (were) ?Born? ?Created? ?Always Existed? ?Sprung into being? like this, so it is a bit discriminatory to be like; No! Bad! Kill them all! Just putting that out there...)
Yes, they are more powerful than mortals. Someone is always going to be more powerful than you, it's unfair, that's life. With all the Gods gone, someone will still be more powerful than you. OR you'll be more powerful than them. Something WILL fill the power vacuum and to pretend it won't is foolish. (Everything will be sunshine and roses comparatively until the eldritch abominations from the astral plane or wherever find Exandria and decide to make a new home with all the tasty snacks on it now that BH has (potentially) driven away the planet's most powerful defenders). And let's be real, the power structure set up Exandria has (had?) going with the Divine Gate and divine and arcane magic is about as good as it's ever going to get with a species and power difference that vast imho.
This hatred of the Gods I've seen both in the campaign and from some fans is the exact same sort of hatred Lex Luther has for Superman if we're being real. He hates Superman because he's stronger and faster and could do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted and almost no one could stop him. And I get that feeling, it's understandable. No one likes feeling small or powerless. But Superman doesn't WANT to do any of that, and it's not his fault he has superpowers.
The light of our yellow sun grants Superman's powers, like the collision with Reality granted the God's domains of power to them. And the only times there is terrible damage and trauma and strife is when Luthor picks a fight and then there are city blocks leveled. Meanwhile Superman is like, hey, would you please chill, I really don't want to be a dictator or anything I swear, I just want to rescue kittens from trees and stop bank robbers and prevent the occasional alien invasion. The only difference as far as I can tell, is that Superman is the main character of his story, and The Exandrian Pantheon aren't the main characters of this one.
And before anyone says anything, Yes, the Calamity was the Gods fighting each other, but I just want to remind everyone once again, that mortals are the ones that kicked that event off in style. The Betrayer Gods were in jail, they were dealt with. Vespin Chloras and The Ring of Brass majorly fucked the world over. (The Ring of Brass also helped save the world, but they helped almost destroy it first so it kind of evens out a bit I guess lol. Is that how that math works? That doesn't feel right.)
As for everyone chanting that the Primes should have just killed the Betrayers... for starters, are you also this pro death penalty in real life? I highly doubt it just based on CR's core demographics lmfao. And second, they already explained that there were some threats in the universe that required the combined might of all of them to face. And I am NOT convinced that they only meant Predathos. That is one hell of a gamble to assume that! (Not to mention they're family and the sole survivors of a terrible cataclysm and refugees in a strange land and they love/hate each other).
Long spiel short, yikes! BH might be the bad guys. Uh Oh!
(I know they were talking about controlling it, but like, how? And to do what? Chase the Gods away? And for how long? Forever? Seems like a somewhat ill-conceived plan lol).
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qoldenskies · 4 months ago
Just read your canary continuity and holy shit was I not prepared. I actually had to step away and calm myself down from the brink of having a panic attack MULTIPLE times while reading it (that's not necessarily a bad thing, btw, it's just that hyperempathy towards a character that I admire got hands).
It's just....the slow escalation. The way you legitimately can't tell that something's wrong at first because yeah, sometimes brothers are kind of dickish to each other, it happens, no biggie, and then it starts getting into "wait, why are they being a bunch of ableist fucks all of a sudden", and then it gets into true psychological horror territory. The way the curse takes any frustration that they might have had about Donnie's behavior- maybe not even directed at him, but maybe frustration about "god, I wish I could make things easier for my autistic brother, it sucks that he has to go through this"- and twisting it entirely on its head to make them mad at HIM for showing those traits. The way it takes their existing personality traits and twists them into something more dark and sinister- like yes, this is making me realize Leo could genuinely be a terrifying villain if he had less of a strict moral code, because he gets people. He knows what makes them tick, and he knows how to potentially wear people down until they finally snap if he ever wanted to, and seeing the curse take that part of him and use it.....it was chilling, to say the least.
Not to mention that a part of them is never really going to be fully recovered from this. The trust that Donnie has had broken is probably going to take years to build back up, and they're probably going to feel like they have to walk on eggshells around him for a long ass time. Especially Leo, god. To know that you did that to your twin, the person who's supposed to be like another extension of you, to know that you broke their trust in you and their love so thoroughly that you might never get that bond back.....no wonder he's so desperate to try and fix things, and behaving irrationally because of it.
This is super long, but I just want to say that this is an amazing fic that you've written, and....if it's not too much to ask, can you give reassurance that things will at least go back to some semblance of normalcy at the end of all this? Like, they won't be permanently broken and their relationships will heal as much as they possibly can? I can tolerate as much hurt as you please as long as it has a happy ending [pleading emoji] (Also I have a theory that Donnie is suffering from nosebleeds either because of the massive amount of head trauma that he probably got in that last fight OR because severing his ninpo or w/e is doing fucky wucky things to his immune system and I am AFRAID)
i can guarantee a happy ending, yes!!! i do plan on writing an epilogue oneshot that takes place ten months after CW ends (and CW will end on a happier, hopeful note!), which will show the kind of normalcy they settled into after everything settles down!! they'll get there, its just going to be a . MESS first lmfao
and ohhh yeah writing leo has also helped me discovered how terrible he has the potential to be,,, even recovering and guilty he weaponizes these skills against them (when he lashes out at raph in ch5 and calls back to the family meeting is a very good example), its a side of leo i really like exploring!! he's so tactical in his manipulation and in canon that's usually used in harmless, funny ways, but it takes a NASTY twist here as the curse takes advantage of it. and its especially painful using it on donnie, who is the least perceptive and the most likely to fall for it :( he kind of slayed in caged lungs though he was so delightfully awful
anywhizzles EATING THIS ASK IN MY MOUTH IT IS ALL HIGH PRAISE!!! hope youre doing well!! <3333
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bastardtrait · 5 months ago
Legacy superlatives tag game
hello babes I found this really old tag game that was being passed around simblr like almost 10 years ago and I thought it was funky and fun. I brought it back for the legacy girls. I'm tagging some folks who've got a few generations under their belt, so: @beebeesiims @simsandgiggles @natolesims @bearphase @akitasimblr but if you see this n u wanna participate please feel free to!! <3 I will be answering for Nova and Lucky bc they're both done as of October 2024.
Favourite heirs
Nova: HONESTLY I think my 9th generation heiress has officially dethroned Musica from gen. 2, like I genuinely feel like I went out with a bang.
Lucky: I love Iain from gen. 5 okay he's been through a lot. I put old boy through a victorian death trap of a story and he still made it out flaws and all.
more below...
Favourite spouses
Nova: this is really hard but I think it's Neveah from gen. 6 by @lizillasimming. I had genuinely so much fun with her and she even got her own solo adventure like hello? mother
Lucky: OOHHH this is really hard but I love Chen Ruiyang from gen. 4 mainly because he had the most fleshed out story between Magnolia and his generation and also bc he's hot like. yes daddy.
Favourite spares
Nova: hmm I guess I'll hand it to Crow from gen. 3 bc he appeared as a side character in the Luckys too! but then again Soma from gen. 8 is about to be in another save, so it's up in the air.
Lucky: Sara from gen. 3 thank u bye! actually, I loved Ibrahim too; gen 3 kids were just built different
Favorite side characters, if you do story-oriented saves (skip if not)
Nova: ok this save was really inconsistent with story lmfao but I'll hand it to ... idk Lim Shiyeon from gen. 3? she was not a good person but she gave us Delilah at least so.
Lucky: of COURSE it's miss Khadijah Daniel from gen. 3! she ran Finn's office like a naval commander. but I also have to give an honourable mention to Jiang Yuqi from gen. 4 because she's mother.
Mishaps during your legacy
Nova: let's discuss Salem from gen. 7 dying in a glitched out fire that the firefighters refused to save him from!!! damn!!! that shit pissed me off so bad bro
Lucky: umm it's obviously Shaw from gen. 7 fucking DYING BEFORE HIS GENERATION COULD EVEN START OMFGG.....like are u kidding me dawg!!! i had PLANS FOR U!!!!!
fuck man, 7th generations of my legacies are bad omens...
Largest number of children
Nova: oh let's talk about how Jericho and Day-Day from gen. 1 had four kids: TWO sets of twins in a row?!! i actually quit this save for the first time because of that AJDSIOFDSKF
Lucky: Franklin and Bayram from gen. 2 had three, and that's not even counting all their dependent animals. six chickens, two cows, and a llama! and one Sister Elisabeth.
Any surprises
Nova: that I even FINISHED THIS SAVE AT ALL. lmfao. I abandoned it like 3 times dude! but I'm nothing if not stubborn. and also that I ended up really loving my final 9th generation. I can't wait to post that one.
Lucky: that I pulled out all the stops for the story portion of gen. 6? tbh that was the most story for TS4 i'd ever worked on, and it was hard, I won't lie. but rewarding. and I'm terribly satisfied with the results.
Favorite family pet why this is question so low smh.
Nova: aw now come on, it has to be my baby Tango from gen. 4. a little stray that went up to Delilah to ask for a home...and she took him in...I love u Tango...
Lucky: now can this go to anybody but Cake Boss from gen. 4? the immortal dog so iconic she also appeared in TWO Nova generations? like hello?
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lookinthymirror · 1 month ago
some highlights because i can't stop laughing:
spanish podemos party leader ione belarra asked the government to prevent the israeli team maccabi tel aviv and sports fans from entering madrid, spanish media El Pais reported on monday.
the excuse was "we do not want the fans to glorify genocide" said by organization Secretary pablo fernández in a press conference, El Pais quoted.
HUH?????? yes sports fans are violent and terrible but singling out jewish sports fans (and btw anti zionists won't give up this stupid idea that only jews support israeli teams because they are dedicated to pretending only jews can be israelis) and saying THEY ENJOY AND PROMOTE GENOCIDE IS FUCKING INSANE. israelis are not monsters whose sole purpose in life is to run around trying to get genocides to happen everywhere wtf. i'm not going to be gaslit by idiots who keep chanting "all sports fans are bad" because i wasn't aware jewish sports fans were *uniquely terrible* and therefore deserved every bit of antisemitism.
i'm a woman who can't stand sports sometimes because of sports fans and even i can see through this BS.
belarra basically supports BDS because the article states "she wants nothing to do with a country that commits genocide". GIRL YOU ARE FROM SPAIN?! europeans trying to put all the attention on Israel to hide/ignore their dirty laundry will never not be funny lmfao. I WILL NOT BE LECTURED BY EUROPEANS ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS!
directly from the article: "she also claimed that her request was based on past violent attacks at sports games where israeli teams were present, such as the pogrom that took place in amsterdam in november of last year." GIRL???? what is this rewriting of history. you'd think the pogrom happened where israelis were the ones doing the hunting when *some* were racist which led to a jew hunt on the local jews and the jews visiting. no way she just said that israelis cause violence wherever they go and then pointed at a freaking pogrom.
jews: get attacked on the basis that they are jewish and experience a fucking pogrom in november of 2024.
the world: hmm but what were you wearing? btw you were just asking for it.
lastly: "in order to ensure respect for human rights and avoid incidents, we request that, in the exercise of their respective powers, they adopt appropriate security measures to prevent the entry into the country of entities and persons who support and provide cover for genocide and to cease any relationship with those who perpetrate it,” she wrote, according to El Pais. thank you to fucking spain for finally caring about human rights.
when intersectionality is bastardized and takes a dark turn: "in december, belarra accused israel of committing genocide in syria" lmfao syria?! girl what
“israel is taking advantage of the instability in syria to advance its colonial and genocidal plan, bombing several areas, including damascus,” belarra wrote on social media. the buzzwords 😭
“virtually no western media outlets are reporting on it. international inaction in the face of genocide endangers humanity as a whole,” she continued.
what social media brainrot does to you. no, actually this is how stupid antisemitism makes you. there will always be an endless amount of conflicts but i'm sure the jewish one will definitely kill everyone and the planet and make humanity extinct (sarcasm).
edit: she served as the leader of the ministry of social affairs in spain. why are these types the ones to be EXTRA antisemitic???? like these types (also like gender studies/women's studies students) are supposed to be kinder to us and more understanding because they're supposed to care about human beings but whatever. i guess we are not people!
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ckret2 · 1 year ago
Me: Oh, Ford, apparently doesn't want anything bad happen to Bill! He didn't try to erase his mind with memory gun, he didn't try to keep him sedated, he didn't try to put that mind control tie on him!
*After seeing the description of the next chapter*
Me: Well... Ford still hasn't done anything bad to Bill.
I mean, all of those have an explanation.
He didn't try to erase his mind with a memory gun because the memory gun was broken at the end of the show. There is no memory gun. And it's caused so much trouble that asking Fiddleford to make a new one is unthinkable.
He didn't try to sedate him because in chapter six (yes it came up!!) Bill said if they try to keep him in an artificial coma, he might know a magical way to kill himself in his sleep, and Ford doesn't wanna call his bluff; plus, how hard it would be to keep someone perpetually sedated for weeks on end.
And he didn't try the mind control ties because I didn't consider them important enough to address lmfao but the problem is obvious: who the hell is gonna wear the other tie and dedicate themself to piloting Bill 24/7? Are they gonna control him in shifts? Even if so, that's hours on end piloting his body. You slip up for a SECOND and you've got a homicidal triangle desperate to do ANYTHING to escape. That's a terrible plan.
The reason the Pines haven't done anything bad to Bill (I mean, worse than locking him up amongst his enemies and forcing him to ask permission to EAT) is because anything more would be senselessly cruel and/or risk Bill doing something even worse in retaliation. They CAN'T do anything bad to him... until they have a way to incinerate him that also incinerates the soul inside him.
I think the fact that this is a redemption arc fic—which means EVENTUALLY the Pines need to no longer want him dead—leads people to think that on some secret level they ALREADY don't want Bill dead. Particularly in Ford's case, folks assume that beneath all the hostility, he still likes Bill.
So lemme state for the record: right now, Ford's obsessed with Bill, but he doesn't like him. Ford frequently thinks back on when he used to like Bill, but he doesn't like him now. He honestly does despise Bill. Reminders of why he used to like Bill just make him resent him more. Ford's positive feelings for Bill aren't buried; they're dead. They don't need to be dug up; they need to be resurrected.
Sure, necromancy WILL be happening. But right now? I promise you, Ford wants incredibly bad things to happen to Bill. The only thing holding him back is the safety of the universe.
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nobodies-png · 1 year ago
hi! can i request some yandere xigbar hcs? especially if he managed to start dating his darling without giving away his real feelings?
sure thingy! i thought i'd had a couple of yandere xigbar posts out there but turns out they're all in drafts lmfao...
as usual, warning for yandere themes!
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Considering Xigbar as a whole, he's absolutely one of the most dangerous types of yandere - acting and playing out various roles has become second nature to him due to his overall goals, to the point where he can easily slip into any convenient persona when needed. He knows how to talk his way into and out of anything, and he knows you like the back of his hand.
If you happen to notice something slightly off about him, it's only because he allowed you to, allowing a small glimpse into what lurks underneath. Enough to make you feel bad or guilty, all to "correct" your behaviour and actions - because you're a good person. You would never want to make your loved ones miserable or angry, would you?
But! That doesn't happen often, if at all! Because Xigbar knows that it's better to keep you happy and content. The more attached you get to his silly antics and teasing, his aura of mystery and so on, the better it will be for him on the long run. He loves playing all these mind games, fueling the illusion of equality in this relationship.
In your eyes, all this initial flirting and courtship is a fun game of push and pull, you're both figuring each other's quirks and all - but it's all carefully planned and played out. I'd say he's similar to Axel in this way, always making you come back - either because of that sense of mystery or security that only he can offer. He doesn't isolate you from the others, he just makes sure to be the one you always want to come back to at the end of the day.
If he wanted to, he could spend this current lifetime (and the next one, and the next one, and the one after that - it's silly to think he'd let you go that easily) pretending to be in a completely normal, wholesome and fun relationship with you! And you wouldn't know any better! Whereas some other characters like Saix and Vexen tend to have very scary and drastic changes in personality whenever they feel like they're losing control over your love, thoughts and actions, Xigbar knows how to subtly steer you into the right direction. He'd call it fate, the way you two end up together amidst all this chaos and drama - you two were just meant to be! - but there was no other way it could've ended.
Still, as fun as it might be to keep you in the dark forever, blissfully ignorant, Xigbar is curious and loves to fuck around and find out - when the routine becomes too boring for him, you can expect him to start ignoring you, giving you the cold shoulder. He grows distant and muted, out of the blue, leaving you wondering if you've done something to upset him, or if he's bottling something up. Seeing you so concerned, trailing after him like a lost puppy and finding ways to make up and talk things through, cheer him up, or give him his space - he eats that shit up. Getting reactions out of people is always a treat, so getting to see all these new sides of you is even better.
There is a very, very small chance that he comes clean about everything - and it's not during some heated fight or done on purpose to scare you into staying. Generally, Xigbar is pretty confident and careful - you leaving him is not a possibility, because he's worked very hard in the shadows to ensure that you love him, not as much as he loves you, of course, but close enough. Generally, he likes to make you feel special, like you were the one to crack the mystery of the millennium and figure out his secrets. But one thing Xigbar always neglects is that small, terrible thought that you don't know him at all - because he doesn't know himself.
This stems from centuries of changing identities and bodies, leftover issues that he outlived lifetimes ago, now rearing their ugly little heads whenever he shares a quiet moment with you. When both of you sit, comfortably nestled into each other. Or when he rests his head on your lap, your hand on his hair while you pay attention to something else. Xigbar wonders if you would've loved him at his most vulnerable, back when he was just Luxu. And because Xigbar can't help but stir the pot, there's a small chance that he confesses to everything he's done to make you love him, curious about your reaction.
He's not scared of the possibility of you hating him, he's just curious, staring at you with slightly wide, golden eyes. Like he just confessed to eating the last sea salt ice-cream in the fridge that you bought specifically for yourself. He won't be mad if you start fearing and pushing him away. And he won't start celebrating or acting smug if you, somehow, accept all the horrible things he's confessing to, that you still love him regardless of it all. It's unnerving, a perfect display of what centuries of loss have done to him. The closest one can get to see what remains of Luxu under all these layers. You have to understand that Xigbar has cheated death, the one universal truth in this world and all others, he manipulates space because the concept of permanence is a joke to him - so he can just make you love him again, in this life or the next one.
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year ago
hello! i love your writing and your goap x captive reader is god-tier, i felt SO seen when you mentioned how much you love the trope of groveling man begging for forgiveness (especially when the Big Wrong of having kidnapped you is still hanging in the air i love tension and problems!!!)
out of interest in taking that to the max, what would happen if reader’s captivity ended up taking away something no promises from the boys could make up for/restore? like in the earlier days after a few months the reader somehow figures out her mom had passed from an aggressive cancer and that being locked down/cut off from her loved ones for her “adjustment period” had robbed her of the ability to be there for her/something else equally unbrushoffable even to them.
i haven’t been eating this good in yeeeeeeeeeeears thank you for your service! - 🫡
i read literally anything people say has a grovel. could be 500+ pages and i will read for that scene. they're soooo fucking good. have read so many bad books because of this but also a few reallyyyy good ones so who am i to complain? i am, however, terrible at writing them lmfao so forgive me
im not gonna use the mom example because honestly, now sure you could come back from that? im like super close with my mom and i would never be able to get past that, and reader isn't me but i just don't think i could figure out how to write that - sorry!! but if they made you cut contact with your friends and you then missed a wedding/birth, or missed an event you'd been really excited for, i could see that being something they'd have to do some groveling for!
the thing with these two is that they will take absolutely any opportunity you present to legitimize your relationship in your mind. any argument that's not centered around your captivity is something they're going to solve without punishments and without further bringing up your captivity, yk?
this argument is kind of centered around being kidnapped - you missed x because you were kidnapped - but like... for my sake let's pretend you've reached the stage of totally ignoring the fact that you're being held against your will and have started pretending you're just in a really fucking odd relationship. so when you complain about having to miss the event because "they made you" instead of "they kept you locked to a bolt in the floor" they're like... fantastic opportunity
a lot of the ways they usually make you feel better aren't really things you like - or at least aren't things you'll admit you like. so when they grovel for this it's groveling. doing things you love, gifts you like for you - not lingerie to wear for them or toys to use with them - that they know you want, taking you out somewhere to try and make up for it, fuck they might even start planning a trip to somewhere they know you want to go (with meticulous planning to keep you from getting away too, of course)
johnny's groveling would be just an overload of affection. he'll apologize over and over and over again even if he doesn't mean it, kneels in front of you and rests his chin on your stomach to stare up at you with those big puppy dog eyes :( literally begs for your forgiveness. hate him
simon is a little more subtle about it. he won't apologize because he doesn't feel bad, but he will shower you with gifts. drops things in your lap or in front of you at random intervals of the day, sometimes grunts "you still angry?" right after. if the answer is yes, he'll just keeps getting you more things
the sex is extremely good during this little period. you have more orgasms than you thought possible lol
eventually you get over it, and you're certain they've learned their lesson for this type of thing <3
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gyrovagi · 4 months ago
4 15 and 42? for dak-wai orrr all of your rooks :3c
ty!! (from this post)
4. Which faction did they join, and why? How long has it been?
before meeting varric, dak-wai had been a grey warden for a little over 4 years. they'd been living/having an existential crisis in a village in the anderfels for two years prior, struggling to find a reason to stay alive and unable to shake the feeling that their attempts to do anything other than Kill Things were just clumsy play-acting. it wasn't particularly surprising that they caught the attention of patrolling grey wardens while helping repel a darkspawn raid. they gladly joined the order to try and find a purpose in protection, thinking of themself now as a shield instead of a weapon, which definitely is 100% healthy and solved all their problems forever
ha-neul had a long-standing interest in magic since he was young, having a lot of exposure to magic/interaction with mages as the younger child of a noble caste family with long-standing trade ties to minrathous. he led a very privileged life and was fascinated by this part of the world that he could as a Rule Of Nature never have access to. despite his family's discouragement, this naturally branched out into an interest in elven history and ruins. which then led him to running away from home and, for most of his 20s, nearly getting killed trying to explore arlathan forest. the nascent veil jumpers were the only organization interested in these expeditions, and by far the best way to ensure you didn't get killed by traps or demons in the process, so his joining up was motivated by self-preservation as much as anything. his real philosophical alignment with the faction is... questionable, but he's found friends among its people.
orpheus and yazmin did not really have a choice in the matter lmfao, orpheus was found by skeletons as an infant, yaz was orphaned by trevelyan machinations and then bought by the crows as a child. orpheus has never really analyzed all that, he thinks he leads a charmed life. yaz thinks her life in the crows is better than many worse alternatives and she's fucking good at it. she knows it's not the life her mother would have wanted for her, but well, mom's dead. her desires can't change anything now.
15. What’s the first thing people notice when Rook enters a room?
dak-wai is 7 ft tall, taking the broken horns into account, and goes everywhere in warden uniform, so honestly. what Don't people notice. their lack of reaction to the attention might actually be what stands out - they stand with a soldier's posture, and never acknowledge looks or whispers, just moving with purpose.
yaz shouldn't be noticed entering a room unless she wants to be - but someone paying attention would notice her habit of quickly assessing entries and exits and positioning herself with her back to a wall and clear lines of sight.
ha-neul enters every room like he assumes he's welcomed, with a friendly smile that could almost make you overlook the very visible scars. orpheus has terrible posture and gravitates towards any objects that look shiny or interesting
42. Something Rook regrets:
as a rule, ha-neul doesn't see the point of regret 🤷‍♂️.
orpheus is my only rook who regrets his Faction Background Incident - life in the mourn watch is the only life he's ever known, the order and its ideals mean a lot to him, and the idea that he Beefed It enough to get technically unofficial disapproval is really troubling to him. he's 20.
dak-wai would have a hard time finding something specific to regret. they wish the period of their life between ages 17-21 hadn't happened, but that's not really something they had control over, and they try to keep moving forward and avoid dwelling on it. during the events of the game, they regret what happened at weisshaupt, and they're probably going to spend years wondering if there was any way it could've been prevented. if they could've gotten through to the first warden earlier, if there was a better plan. no logic is going to get through the sheer depth of grief wrapped up there
yazmin... owain found out about her existence and reached out about 4 years ago. despite her better judgment, she agreed to meet him. it took about two minutes for her to yell at him and storm out. he sent another letter afterwards saying that if she ever did want to speak with him he'd always be willing. she doesn't know what she should have done instead, but she gets so fucking mad both at him and herself every time she remembers it
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dainobones · 5 months ago
Red at Dainisa High School is such a fun idea! What would everybody's dainisa powers be?
thanks for the validation of my terrible niche time consuming idea lmfao
honestly i'm not sure!!!! dainisa can use magic in a variety of ways if they know how to channel it, but most of them don't ever learn to do that bcuz of [gestures at the whole broken diaspora community deliberately deprived of their cultural heritage and knowledge. thing.] so usually when i think about dainisa-in-pokemon, i think it'd be fun for them and their pokemon to kinda bounce powers off each other? like a dainisa may have an innate fire magic ability but through their bond with their greninja they can use water magic. and vice versa. and i think that'd make team rocket's exploitation of pokemon all the worse -- it's meant to be this loving friendship bond and here's giovanni being like "mewtwo and i hate each other so much it gives me telekinesis"
all that to say i'm not set on all these ideas but my initial thoughts are like. informed by x-men and elves (which is what dainisa basically are) and vibes. here's some concepts for some characters:
red = the sun. but he's gotta grow into all that power. he'd start off just being able to talk to pokemon, maybe some healing, but he'd be really bad at a lot of the sensory stuff nova was really good at (i.e. he can't sense magic that well). silent trilogy was a lot of 'seeing the sun through distortion' so it'd be good to write the opposite of that.
gold = venus guided. i think i want him to be kinda like an airbender, that seems like it'd have a lot of dynamic fun things that go well with his whole billiards playing sk8r boi schtick
black = mercury guided. i kinda like the idea of him having fire & electric magic, cos both are things you can easily lose control over and be very anxious about, and also cos well. Reshiram and Zekrom.
N = jupiter guided. he'd have empathy and some precognition. he's peak 'being able to sense someone's emotions doesn't mean you understand them'.
green = mars guided. i want the oaks to be known for nature / plant magic (hence. name.), and i think i want it to be like. green's dad is jyju (translation: elf royalty) but prof oak's renounced the whole system of rule, what will green do??? in which case i wonder if making green a technopath who has little exposure to technology would be something.
blue = everyone's like "??? a siren???" and no she's just manipulating you. i think teleporting would be good but it may make her too OP, crow hotfire was super nerfed by those bitch angels. maybe she's just got magical pickpocketing. is that something? i think i'm running out of somethings.
silver = ice magic. it's no deeper than that. do not ask any questions. leave him alone.
ash ketchum = super strength. and aura powers. it's canon. like i'd plan for every single episode of the anime (95% of which i havent seen) to be canon stuff that happened to ash like 10 years ago. he's red's super cool cousin who red wants to be just like.
steven stone = uh..... rocks. he has a son named jon, he's pretty whiny.
and of course giovanni = the moon. he has no innate magic of his own, and his body can store magic but can't produce it. he can only use magic if he steals it from others, only it doesn't work very well or last for long -- unless he steals it from the sun...........
i have a bunch of other small stuff in mind too, like. i LOVE Kieran and Carmine, what if they're half-dainisa half-human and Carmine has some cool magic but Kiki got none??? can i make Kiki's breakdown worse???? or what if Bede is also an empath and N meets him and is like "wow this guy sucks so bad it's making me realise things about myself". or Gladion being able to control shadows with his twisted emo mind.
there's a thing in transformers lore that starscream has what basically amounts to a "mutated soul" and therefore cannot die. there are no other documented cases of mutated souls it's just a starscream thing. i want that for volo. people think he can't die bcuz he messed with giratina and time and arceus or w/e but no his soul was just made wrong and now nobody, not even god, can destroy it.
thanks for indulging me through all this rambling anon i have no idea if i will ever write this but it's fun to think about!!!!
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feuqueerfire · 2 months ago
Perfect 10 Liners Ep 1 - 8 Live Blogging
I... am about to do something silly and stupid when I'm very busy but it also kind of feels like it's been a while since I've watched a show at a very inopportune time so uhhh maybe it's like going back to my roots and my university days lol
Saw @/absolutebl's This Week In BL for Dec 14 and I've been out of the BL look for a couple months, so decided to look through it and "I did really enjoy the twist that the uke character (who is not in love) was more into having sex than seme character (who is in love). That was fun. And quite modern." caught my eye like oh? That's fun. And then ended up looking through a few edits on Tiktok and it seems so fun?
So I don't know how I feel about starting an ongoing show when I already have Spare Me Your Mercy going + this one is sooo long and will go on till like April next year + this one is far from one of my anticipated shows, I didn't even plan on watching it at all (the plot/actors didn't interest me from the mock trailer). So... why am I suddenly itching to watch it right now? Makes no damn sense. I'll give it a try and if I like it, I'll binge 8 eps for the ForceBook arc (bro I don't even feel any affection for this ship but maybe this will change it) and then binge the next 8 eps next year etc. or maybe I'll be like wtf and DNF it. we'll see.
I watched the trailer + saw some teasers, so I know the general idea of what'll happen in the 7 released episodes
Ep 1 (Dec 14)
so silly, a stark contrast to Spare Me Your Mercy
lmfao actually laughing at Arm's spit-take at Arc and Arm's startled reaction at that + as Arc's trying to find the cute boy page's admin
why did he fall of the stage?! lmfao
A humourous start, I liked it more than I expected considering my lack of interest in the plot and actors and ships.
Also I'm into Arc's whole douchebag schtick while trying to get closer to Arm lol It can be something quite offputting with certain scripts/acting choices but it's just funny so far
Ep 2 (Dec 15)
No like why am I not annoyed by Arc forcing Arm to just sit there and watch him play football lmao it's not quite one of my niche fave tropes of "making the other run errands for you" but is kind of in that same track I guess
"I'm single" "Then hurry up and find someone" "I'm hurrying"
What was in the bag that Arc got Arm? Medicine or what?
girl wtf is this car thing and Book's acting was so bizarre there
lol this single instance will change Arc's hotheaded issues?
Arc unable to make eye contact and saying sorry to Arm is delicious though
the rest of the reaction is a bit intense lol
Ep 3 (Dec 15)
In a wild turn of fate, I like Arc/Arm, am okay with Pun and Jet, and am kinda turned off by the other couples and how they're acting
Did Wine make a reference asking the other guy if he's able to read minds? like their cherry magic roles reference?
ah, their dynamic took a pretty big turn huh
glad they're back to being antagonizing
So is not getting the gear just like a silly funny thing? SOTUS made it seem like life-or-death or something idk
lol Arm on the end on the phone with Arc and Sand on the other end of the bed on the phone with his guy while Po in the middle
ah, Arc gave Arm his own pin
the prolonged eye contact is a bit... okay... let's go back to being antagonizing and bothering each other
This show is fun when it isn't trying to be serious I think...
Ep 4 (Dec 15)
It's funny how Arm literally can't look away from shirtless Arc
cryinggggg at Sand just throwing his sandwich and being like "I'm hungry too ^.^" lmfao
Pun is such a terrible mentor lmfao forgets everything. it's got that Arc seems to take on the job for Arm lol
I haven't mentioned Gawin yet because I don't even know how to feel about him, it feels like if he's going to be in a show he should somehow have... a bigger role. like why is he like not a secondary character but barely even a tertiary character. Also didn't even know I had gained affection for him like this? Maybe because of Be My Favourite but I didn't realize because I haven't thought about that show or that ship much at all?
Awkward kiss, rip
The Po playing football subplot was funny lol
Ep 5 (Dec 15)
Damn, Arc lowkey laying down his heart
Ah, Arm has an ex and he's maybe not over him/over the breakup and vowed to never love again
Tay Tawan!!!!
Oh, Arm's ex was a girl oops I fully thought it was guy, possible played by Sea based one a tiktok but wasn't sure about that
okay, cute enough i think even though i'm not like Into It
Ep 6 (Dec 15)
got the ick from Arc telling Arm to not be easy lmfao. although interestingly usually men will have participate in the sex and call the other person easy as if they didn't also do it but at least Arc indeed didn't do it
it's only a few eps left of their arc, otherwise i would've expected a scene where either Arc wants the bracelet back or Arm gives it back
cryingggg at this scene of them trying to hide the fact that they're at Bang On and attempting to trick Arc that Arm's in his room while Arc's literally at their car. I saw a tiktok of this last night before starting the show and was dying then too
"Are you falling for me at all yet. Fall for me soon" is cute
I do like a little puppy jealousy like this
Sea cameo starting from the end
Just 2 more episodes
Ep 7 (Dec 16)
no i get Arc being like “even now Im not more special than anyone else?” bc damn wdym i’m just your peer mentor and you’re not gonna cheer for anybody in particular
okay feeling admittance finally ig
Ep 8 (Dec 16)
This crying in the rain scene… better suited to a different series and perhaps different actors
rak?? love?
Alright lol Cute enough but forgettable but it kinda makes me more fond of ForceBook than I used to be and my ick of Force lessened. So that's good. Don't think I'll be watching the next 16 episodes tbh
Rating: 5.5/10 (for the first 8 eps/first arc)
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ichorai · 1 year ago
Im watching succession rn and reading hell yeah simultaneously and YOOOOO the way its my lifeline rn, like fr fr. Its so so good!! Im currently in the third season and after i finish an episode i come back to tumblr to read the part of hell yeah from the ep 😭💕 i do have to confess that i mayyy or may not have read beyond the ep im currently in BUT idc bc it was so worth it !! Kept wondering as well, while i was reading, what wouldve happened if roman chose to fire the reader instead of “breaking up”?? How do you think the reader would have reacted?? I couldnt stop thinking if that possibility bc i love angst lmfao
ANYWAY !! Thank you so much for sharing the story with us!! Its absolutely amazing and your writing is so so good <3
omg thanks so much for reading dude :( makes me so happy that you guys are enjoying the series !!
as for an au where roman fires reader, she'd definitely not take him seriously at first. maybe laugh and tell roman to stop joking around but then does a double take when she realizes he's being forreal </3 roman also tries to alleviate the guilt he feels by repeatedly saying it was logan's decision, not his (don't blame the messenger and whatnot) but reader would be v hurt nonetheless. he'd start spouting out bs like, "i'm doing you a fucking favor, it's for the best, i'm putting the company's interests first, etc." from then, reader would grow furious and tells roman that if he fires her then whatever it was that they had between them would be over. roman, being roman, tells her they never stood a chance in the first place (he doesn't actually believe this, he's just swept up in the argument).
everyone's surprised / shocked when they hear she's been sacked, as she's so close to the family without acc being on the board and also has such a vital role keeping the company afloat. waystar itself would have a terrible adjusting period bcs they really underestimated just how much reader did for them (esp the small things that accumulated in her absence).
she leaves the company upset and bitter at first, but eventually realizes that she can finally live her own life and do what she wants to do without the constraints of the company / the roy family / her own absent parents. reporters are still constantly swarming her, asking her what happened, why she got fired, if she has any plans on going back, etc.
as for her relationship with roman, i can see them reconciliating eventually after a month or two because roman misses her like air and he fucking hates being in his dog cage the company without her there. would spam text her a million times one random day until she finally responds and would demand that she come to a fancy restaurant (he'll pay ofc, he's assumed she's gone totally broke now that she's not working w him), and they meet again and things just fall into place with the two of them :( reader is still pretty angry and hasn't forgiven roman yet, but she's missed him a lot too and couldn't ever permanently estrange herself from roman. as for the other siblings, reader wouldn't really keep in contact with shiv and kendall without roman in the equation, but she still gets check-up texts from connor, which she would briefly but fondly respond to </3
in this au, reader & roman wouldn't romantically get together probably until after the events of season four. they're terribly tragic soulmates in every universe i'm afraid !!
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lichfucker · 1 year ago
Hello please take this as an excuse to go off about cat mom bc I am Intrigued by Wander now 👀
sldjkfslkdfc thank you for enabling me iz 🥰🥰
wandering eye is a mountain lion tabaxi scout rogue and her stats are terrible but she's SO fast. I made her as my backup character for ingot after the very first session of reforged bc jd had been talking about what a shame it was that none of us were playing rogues lmfao. in like session six or something the party ran into wander while out traveling, and jd played her as an npc, and I've been sitting on the fact that that was me the whole time for the past four years.
wander grew up in an insular tabaxi community in the mountains that devoutly worshipped eyhemet, the g-d of the sun and fate and harmony (a cat lying in the sun is a holy experience). one morning when she was seven years old, the wind blew just right, and she locked eyes with a girl named sunrise over ashen peaks (ash for short, a snow leopard), and they both knew. fate had struck. they were destined for each other. they got married in their late teens, and ash became a cleric.
the continent where reforged takes place has a mountain range splitting it down the middle, and the two nations on either side of the mountains have been at war for the past fifty years, with the entire mountain range being disputed territory or active war zones or otherwise difficult to cross. one day when wander and ash were in their early twenties, a goblin refugee stumbled into town, seeking help to pass through the mountains. wander and ash volunteered-- wander being fast and quiet and knowing the land better than anyone, and ash being strong and protective and having healing magic made them the perfect pair for the job. so they did it. and they kept doing it. they built their lives around smuggling people across the border in both directions.
eventually ash got into a bit of strife with her g-d and they broke their faith. they met suri (one of the campaign's major npcs), a follower of the secret g-d of thieves, the unnamed thirteenth. suri told them she was planning to start a thieves' guild in the capital city and asked them to join, so they did. they found their new home in the city, and their new home in the unnamed thirteenth.
wander and ash kept doing their transport work, constantly traveling. when they were in town, they'd be surrogate moms to all the ruffians joining the guild, but they were usually gone, especially as the war continued. one day they were sneaking a prisoner out of the capital, but he changed his mind about the destination halfway through the trip, which ultimately led to them getting caught. wander was quick enough to break away from the cops, but ash... wasn't. ash was imprisoned in a magical tower designed to make people forget about their loved ones inside. soon enough the details of their existence just fade from your memory.
by the current point in the campaign, they're in their mid-40s and ash has been locked up for about five years. most people by now have forgotten all about ash. but not wander. nobody knows why. maybe it's a gift from the unnamed thirteenth. maybe it's a gift from eyhemet. maybe it's something stranger than that. but wander remembers. she dresses for stealth and concealment, but she always leaves her wedding band visible. she talks in the plural-- always saying "we," "us," and "our" instead of "I," "me," and "my"-- as a constant reminder that there should be someone beside her. she has extremely high dex and charisma but all the rest of her stats are garbage because those are all ash's skills and wander is incomplete without her.
wander has the keen mind feat and burns all written correspondence as soon as she's read it. all written correspondence she sends includes instructions to burn it, too. do not keep traceable evidence of her existence, and do not ever use her name. if anyone asks, her name is sight unseen, and her wife is named mist on the horizon. (for security, she doesn't use anyone else's name, either-- she refers to everyone by coded monikers and nicknames and epithets.) the government made sunrise over ashen peaks a ghost; wandering eye has become a shadow in kind.
basically, wander is an excuse for me to cry every time I listen to skeleton key by dessa.
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bcolfanfic · 6 months ago
“when all the stuff happens with jj (crosby’s oldest) and meadow gets pregnant curt handles all that (very) badly at first”
this feels in character with what you’ve said about curt and cros not getting along but 👀👀 i want more how does he react
badly. lmao.
but yeah i've kicked around a few versions of it w/ rachel and i think my favorite is him not even knowing they're involved till everything is hitting the fan. didn't tell her dads she was seeing him bc she knew they'd lose it (not just curt re: him being a crosby, him and croz aren't actually in a terrible place with each other atp. though it all more or less goes back to square one for a while during. she's around 22 and jj is 29, so there's the age gap too). and didn't really think it would end up being serious anyways. but they likeeee each other a lot, and by the time she gets knocked up it's starting to get more serious. (funny side bar- in a rare moment of kindness towards meadow before they really start to become friends, josie covers for them to sneak off during a big ol wyoming get together with everyone. *that's* when she gets pregnant, which josie never lets go lmfao.)
i think i've posted before about rebecca or jeanie coming to jj's apartment and seeing meadow so at bare minimum *they* knew there was something going on there. but they "oh, dear me" smile and nodded and kept their mouths shut bc they also knew it would be a Mess.
thennn she gets pregnant and whoops now everyone has to know /: she tells jj when they're parked somewhere in his car, he kinda has a panic attack and then drives them both back to his parent's house because they'll know what to do. already knows curt is gonna kill him and wants mommy lmfao. *jj*. you big baby. (he grows up eventually, don't worry).
but they go back there and meadow tells jeanie who sits down realllly hard upon the news drop. gets croz from doing yard work, he sees how panicked all of them look and is like ??? is something wrong ?? and poor meadow just bursts into tears. bless her heart. she is curt made over and has categorically been quite a bit of trouble throughout her life, but she's a good girl at heart.
after a lot of "well, um" handwringing jean eventually says she'll tell curt and ken they need to come down to the house because they all need to talk about something. bry of course bc that's her fuckin. twin sister knows what she's been seeing jj and looks sooo guility when curt and ken are halfway out the door and tell her the crosby's are being weird saying meadow's at their house and that they need to talk about something. very awkwardly says she's gonna go with them and curt is like ??? do you know something we don't ?? and she's like uh (: no (: just worried about meadow 's all (:. texts her when they're in the car and has to clamp her hand over his mouth when meadow texts her back and clarifies what's going on.**
curt, as you can expect, lossessss it. is very very quiet for a moment just looking between meadow and jj with ken's hand on his shoulder. then he ends up snapping at bry first bc he realizes she knew they were seeing each other- asks if she knew her sister was pregnant and she's like no ?!?!?!. meadow gets upset and tells him to leave bry alone, and that's when he really snaps at her.
gets upset telling her he trusted her more than anything, she's always been such a smart girl what the /fuck/ got into your head you still have a few months until you're done with college you had /plans/. he's yelling at this point, croz tells him he needs to calm down because the shouting isn't doing shit and then he turns that pissed off-ness on jj and croz. says a lot of really mean shit about how croz failed as a parent- he's just like you, just as fucking embarrassing. gets really cruel to jj too and him and croz almost get physical over it bc croz is obviously defensive of his son. (at least until curt leaves, he lays into jj hard after he's gone. is embarrassed alongside just being really disappointed in him, and it takes some time and tears for their relationship to come back from that)
curt regrets this *a lot* down the line when that baby is his entire world plus some, but to begin with he's very much of the opinion that it would be for the better for meadow if she got an abortion. knows rationally he can't make her do anything, but is out his mind angry at jj, doesn't want meadow with him, and thinks a baby would just derail her life in a way he really doesn't want for her. at his core all of his upset is coming from not wanting his kid to struggle in life, and his heart is in the right place- even the intent/impact of his thought process doesn't line up.
but that suggestion makes meadow upset because she doesn't want to do that and feels like her dad is never gonna forgive her if he doesn't </3. (which is what her and josie get closer over, bc josie gets wind of that and is deeply pissed off that curt is making her feel that way).
he eventually lays off that particular topic and things get less rocky with time. but it's hard and tense for a while. ken isn't exactly thrilled about it all either either, but him and curt also have somewhat of a rough patch in everything bc he's the main voice telling curt he's being way too hard on meadow. lots of little squabbles about it all, and lots of ken trying to get it in his head that if he keeps it up he's going to drive their daughter away for good.
this is getting 80000 words too long, but tldr fast forward meadow ends up having quite a lot of complications w/ her pregnancy and has her baby really early. the baby makes it, but to begin with its touch and go for both the baby and meadow. it's a hard road, and that's what really shakes curt out of the stupor he'd spent all that time in. and what makes him (very very slowly) come around to jj because he sees how much he cares for meadow and their baby when things are as difficult as they are.
**meadow little miss live texter. sends the big 2nd gen groupchat a crying selfie from the bathroom mid everyone yelling in the living room and that's how they all find out. little punks all immediately tell their parents too lmfao. ken does find a little funny when he figures out *that* is why him and curt both started getting a bunch of calls/texts from everyone. bc meadow is a little ridiculous and their kids are narcs <3
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