#but they won’t thank goodness
loveofastarvingdog · 2 years
i think if i ever got married to someone i wouldn’t even worry about “falling” out of love with them. as long as it doesn’t turn into resentment or anything like that, i am perfectly fine being married to someone who i love as a best friend even without the romance <3
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seryotonin · 27 days
He just needs a better outfit
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katballesteros · 7 months
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Commissioned by @inusmasha for @mustardyellowsunshine
Enjoy, Robin! :)
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rennyrose · 6 months
my dude, I've been following you just a little past when you introduced Bruce to us (Still SO chuffed that you decided to call him Bruce!!) and I wanna say. It's been incredible watching your art evolve over the years. It's also awesome seeing you handle characters (your own OCs or otherwise!) and bring them to life. Every time I see you on the dash I'm hit with some super deep-chest, warm-drink-feeling nostalgia, like "ough, look at renny's art and all the expression that's been fit into there!!" that makes me pause for a minute. It's always really nice to see, and I figured I'd tell you instead of sitting on it for an eternity, ha.
Been sitting on this non’ for a short minute trying to come up with something to describe how this makes me feel but unfortunately I don’t really have the words aside from ‘thank you’
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sherbetyy · 9 months
I’M HOSTING A DHMIS REANIMATION COLLAB FOR THE JOBS SONG!!! (for the late anniversary.. yuay!!)
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each animator will be assigned to a job of their choice to animate!! (unless you’d like to work 2 jobs..)
HERE ARE THE JOBS!! (‘HELP WANTED’ means the part is available and ‘POSITION FILLED’ means it’s taken. if there’s a name beside it it means it’s finished)
1: school (POSITION FILLED) astronomalyy
2: office job (POSITION FILLED)
3: football (HELP WANTED)
4: judge (POSITION FILLED) pizza-feverdream
5: doctor (POSITION FILLED) billypeacockart
6: lumberjack (POSITION FILLED)
7: crypto bro.. (POSITION FILLED) solchle
8: sitting on a chair! (POSITION FILLED)
9: army (POSITION FILLED) transredguy
10: ice cream truck (POSITION FILLED) sn33zy
11: barber (POSITION FILLED) dhmis-autsim
12: fishing (POSITION FILLED) yippeepy
13: astronaut (POSITION FILLED) fluffybirdcentral
14: petersons (POSITION FILLED) totally average kid
15: mailman (POSITION FILLED) retrocandyfloss
16: artist (POSITION FILLED)red-string-and-patches
17: toolmaker (POSITION FILLED)
18: therapist (POSITION FILLED) cosmicxd
(if you’d like to quit your job please dm me!)
here is a video so you know where your part stops and ends!!
and here’s the discord for you guys to discuss it!! i will not be there unfortunately, but the co-director mtsodie will :o]
-keep it SFW obvs..
- don’t make your animation just one frame/a still image.
-don’t directly trace anything
-please don’t ask for a job if you aren’t actually going to participate !!
-AS A NOTE.. the slide transition at the end of your animation to the next will be up to you to animate! :o]
-please don’t use stuff like gacha club/life for your part
-make sure your animation is as long as your clip!!
ONCE YOU’VE FINISHED YOUR ANIMATION EMAIL IT TO [email protected] !! (please ignore the name of my old weird ass email ..) i’m not very good at this sort of thing, so i’d appreciate as much support and reblogs as i can get for this!!
and by all means …. GET CREATIVE‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 108
So this time it wasn’t Danny’s fault, or even Boxy’s fault! And it wasn’t like Pandora’s box was open for more than a split second! But uh, still. This could be a bit of a problem, what with how it’s affected um, well, everyone. Living and ghosts. 
At least it’s not dangerous! Really, how bad can people getting animal aspects be? Well, besides the embarrassment. 
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
“You have to keep stirring until it’s thin, like soup.”
Steve had said this four times.
Eddie wanted a divorce.
They weren’t legally married, but he’d like to find a way to end it before it began.
“I’ve been stirring it for six minutes. It’s not getting thinner.”
“That’s impossible. Let me try.”
Steve was the chef. Eddie knew it, Steve knew it, everyone knew it. He was good at cooking. Not just following recipes, but actually throwing together ingredients from scratch and making something not only edible, but delicious.
But Steve was going away for a week with Robin. Something about a long overdue road trip that they were supposed to take before she went to college.
Eddie had every intention of just living off of takeout and the sympathy of Joyce and Claudia while he was gone, but Steve insisted that he had to know how to at least make a few things.
Steve seemed to think he could make a glaze for the baked chicken currently in the oven. The same baked chicken he’d almost burned because he thought he could put it in on broil instead of baked. He was really THAT hopeless.
But Steve was determined and when Steve was like this, he had no choice but to go along with it.
Steve was stirring, frown becoming more prominent the longer he tried.
“Something isn’t right. Did you put the lemon juice in?”
“You watched me put it in.”
“And the jelly was completely cooked down before you turned down the heat?”
“You’re sure?”
“Steve.” Eddie placed his hands on Steve’s shoulders from behind him, shaking him slightly. “I can just eat pizza. Or sandwiches. Cereal. Joyce is having me over for spaghetti one night, I’m sure there will be leftovers. I won’t starve.”
“But you need to know how to take care of yourself!”
Warning sirens were going off in Eddie’s head. He’d been alone for a couple of days before and everything was fine. He’d made some macaroni, ate his weight in toast, it was great. He survived.
He even ate an apple!
So he could do it if he had to.
“What’s going on in that head, big boy?”
“Nothing. It’s just that Wayne didn’t have time to show you this stuff and you need to know.”
“I can make it a week, Stevie.”
“What if you have to make it longer?”
“Are you planning on running away? Going into hiding?”
He could tell Steve was rolling his eyes without even seeing his face.
“No. But what if I’m not always around?”
Eddie’s gut clenched. Steve must be sick. Or maybe he has a feeling that somehow the Upside Down is open and ready to ruin their lives again.
“Why wouldn’t you be?”
“I mean anything can happen. What if we get in an accident and I don’t make it?”
“Woah.” Eddie turned Steve around and held onto his hips, fingers probably leaving bruises on his skin. “Where is this coming from?”
Steve shrugged and looked down at the floor.
“Robin has anxiety about it doesn’t she?”
Steve nodded.
Robin didn’t intentionally shove her anxieties onto Steve, and she didn’t realize he felt them so strongly when she did. She was a worrier, always thinking about the worst case scenario and then somehow making it worse in her mind.
Eddie didn’t really let it bother him until it affected Steve.
“Sweetheart, nothings gonna happen. You’ve changed the oil and checked the tires. You’ve packed every possible thing you could need in any emergency. You have a cup of change for pay phones if you need to use them. You’ve got every stop picked out and we’ll know where you are the whole time.”
“But none of that helps if I’m in an accident.”
“No. You’re right. It doesn’t. But what are the odds of that happening really?”
Steve was silent.
Eddie cupped his face between his palms, leaning forward to kiss him gently.
“It’s okay to be nervous, Stevie. But you don’t have to worry about that. I can take care of myself without having to know how to make a glaze for a baked chicken. Do you really think I’m gonna waste an hour of my evening making this decadent dinner for myself? Or do you think I’ll make a sandwich and eat a bag of chips while I read a book?”
“I know.”
“I know you know. So let’s just trash the glaze, dip the chicken in some ketchup, and fuck around until we fall asleep. I’m gonna miss you for a whole week.”
Eddie’s hands slid around him to cup Steve’s ass and give it a squeeze. Steve smirked up at him as he let himself fall into Eddie.
“We could just go right to dessert?”
“Are you the dessert or am I?”
“I’m the cake and you’re the ice cream.”
“We better hurry then before the ice cream melts.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Steve laughed as Eddie pulled him from the kitchen to the stairs.
“I’m hungry, let’s go!”
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shibaraki · 1 year
don’t worry dabi can’t die it is about to be pride month
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il-predestinato · 3 months
That’s some fucking embarrassing planning from clown team in FP3. Your good long run pace means nothing if you can’t figure out quali. Go check how many drivers won from outside the front row at Suzuka in the last 2 decades. For fuck’s sake. If you’re this unserious now, you’ll still be an unserious embarrassment even if/when you have a car capable of challenging for a title. You gotta sort out this basic shit like being able to read a clock and run adequate quali sims. Hope some dumb luck strikes the more talented car in quali because the team has certainly done fuck all to prepare for it.
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me: okay, this chapter is going to be a manageable length for once
also me:
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ohitslen · 1 year
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Part two of the thing and uuh also final one
Of this interaction. Because this is far from all I can give, my brain almost imploded from all the ideas
#after some very heated talks between the two brothers Vash said he would leave the house for a good time#suggesting they both needed time apart and Vash needed to learn how to live without Kni#very reluctantly Kni agreed (even if he didn’t V would have done it anyways) with the single condition of letting him know the general#details about his livings. the adress. who he was living with if he decided to room with someone and at least their phone number in case#of an emergency. Vash agreed to this and put the limit there bc Kni wanted to know more but he said no I won’t tell you about their life tf#WW who is comfortable living at the orphanage doesn’t find convenient commuting for over 2 hours everyday to get there#so he is looking for a place to stay. Vash mentioned wanting to share a rental home w someone to split the spendings#and so the stars aligned and they were already planning their moving four days after meeting each other#because that’s Vashwood for you#imagine the delight of being either WW or Kni and finding out about each other thanks to Vash again#neither of them want to tell Vash about what they think of each ither. Kni to keep some sort of face and ‘peace’ with his brother#and WW doesn’t want to leave a bad impression saying he was the cause that the brother of the guy he was planning to live with couldn’t see#with his right eye for a whole week. so they hate their guts and Vash doesn’t know the why though he can grasp a general idea.#but he always hits bullseye making both WW and Kni glance at each other silently with their eyes saying#“DID YOU TELL HIM?’’ ‘’DID-YOU-TELL HIM??’’#trigun#vash the stampede#nicholas d wolfwood#trigun stampede#vashwood#trigun fanart#vash#wolfwood#nicholas trigun#nai saverem#millions knives#Trigun Uni! AU#lenssi draws
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dreagine · 2 years
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Honestly doesn’t even feel like it’s been 7 years!
Happy birthday undertale🎉
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h-didanart · 6 days
Good to bad au
When moon is nice
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Yes moon remakes virus :3
Virus… VIRUS!!!!
YEEEEEEEEEEAHHHHH!!!! LETS GO! The Ruins are together again!!!! YES! Reunion!
Moon! Moon (or is this Nexus cuz Good to Bad?)! Thank you so much!
They’re back to life, they’re back
Perfect, good, very very perfect! Very good
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sotangledupinit · 8 months
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i’m obsessed your honor
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biigsaad · 3 months
All relationships have one law: Never make your partner feel alone, especially when you are there.
Loneliness is not the absence of people, but the absence of connection. Relationships are not just about being together, but being there for each other, even when you are physically apart. It means being present, listening, and being supportive. It means making your partner feel loved, valued, and appreciated.
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the opposite parallels between percy and jason in tlh and son make me wonder if rick is TRYING to kill me
-jason wakes up with 3 people ready to protect him and be his friend, percy wakes up immediately having to defend himself from wolves and monsters
-jason was escorted to camp safely, percy had to fight for his LIFE to get to camp jupiter with no guidance
-jason was immediately welcomed to camp, being given a place to stay and a tour to meet everyone, percy was ostracised and demeaned, being left to the least respected cabin
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