#but they turn around and become big confident gays .2 seconds later
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shaunamilfman · 1 year ago
In which Y/N "It's not stalking if it's for true love" L/N gaslights, gatekeeps, and girlbosses her way into becoming Shauna Shipman's girlfriend.
A/N: There's like 2 OC's just because it wouldn't work if you knew the yj's but they have like no real importance.
"Shauna Shipman," he repeats. "You want to ask Shauna Shipman to go out with you?" he asks incredulously. 
"Yep. That's what I said," You confirm. 
Henry groans and buries his head in his hands. He looks up at you incredulously and says, "The Shauna Shipman that punched that baseball player so hard his feet left the ground?"
You pause for a second, considering, before saying "He probably deserved it." You shrug. "Besides, I'm not immune to big brown eyes. History of violence or not."
"Do we even know if she likes girls? Maybe she's straight." He pleads. 
"Have you seen how many flannels she owns? If she's straight it's cultural appropriation at this point." 
He sighs despondently and concedes the point. You grin happily and slide your notebook in front of him. You've watched Shauna for the last few months to an admittedly stalkerish level, but you swore it was for a good cause. Well, a good cause to you at least. You've created a foolproof 5 step plan to get Shauna to be your girlfriend. 
Step one: Infiltration
You were pretty confident on this step given that it was the easiest step of the plan by far. One thing that you know about Shauna, admittedly one thing that everyone knew about Shauna, was that she loved English. Not only did she like it, but she was really good at it. 
The plan? Talk to your English teacher about getting a tutor, and who else would she ask other than her best student. There is, however, one flaw in this plan: You were also good at English. 
Your teacher looks at you skeptically before asking, "Are you sure that you of all people need help on this section?" You look away from her to the floor, feigning embarrassment. Really, you were just trying to hide your guilty expression. 
You shift uncomfortably and say "Well… It's just that I have a lot going on at home right now, and I haven't really had time t-". Your teacher cuts you off by putting a hand on your shoulder and giving you an empathetic look. 
"Oh, of course y/n. I know that sometimes external factors play a big role in schoolwork. Everybody has trouble sometimes." She smiles at you comfortingly as you try not to die inside. She pauses consideringly, then says "I think I have just the student in mind. Let me talk to her and I'll get back to you."
You nod bravely and slip your backpack on. "Thank you, it really means a lot to me." Your teacher waves your thanks off as you turn and leave the room. 
You turn to look at Henry who's waiting outside the door for you. "Well?" He asks. You groan and bury your head in your hands. 
"God, she was so nice about it. I'm going to hell." You whine. He laughs boisterously and wraps his arm around your shoulder as he drags you down the hall. 
"If you were already going to hell for being gay, wouldn't it just cancel out?" He asks teasingly. 
You shoot him an amused grin. "Do you think it's like PEMDAS, Henry?" You ask teasingly. You're so caught up in your conversation that you don't even notice the brown eyes following you down the hallway, and out the front door. 
You even miss the jealous scoff, and the sound of a locker door slamming shut. 
Step Two: Establish a rapport
You’re packing your stuff up a few days later when your English teacher asks you to stay behind for a second. You can see Henry out of the corner of your eye mouth Good Luck, as he heads outside. You finish packing up your stuff and wait awkwardly by her desk until everyone else has left the room. Your teacher sends you a quick smile as she shuffles some papers on her desk before handing you a handwritten note.
You grab it and glance down at it and read, Shauna Shipman. Library during 4th period. You trace your thumb gently over the words for a moment. You reread it a couple times. Not to savor it, just because her handwriting is fucking awful. God, you think. She’s lucky she’s hot. And smart. And funny. and… 
You’re getting off track. “Shauna Shipman?” You ask, feigning confusion. “Does she have a free period during 4th as well?” Your teacher nods encouragingly.
“She’s my best student, besides you of course. It’s really lucky that you were both available at the same time.” She says. Yeah… Lucky. You smile and make your goodbyes before meeting Henry in the hallway. You hold the note lazily between two fingers and flash him a smirk. He laughs and shakes his head.
You leave lunch a few minutes early to beat Shauna there. As you look around the library you wonder if it would be too much if you picked her favorite table. Could you play it off as mere chance? You wonder. You hope that by picking it you’ll make her more comfortable. You hear an impatient sigh behind you. Shit, you’re still blocking the door. You decide to pick it anyway, and lay your things down on the table.
She walks in a few minutes later, just as the bell signaling the start of 4th period rings. She looks around unsurely for a second before she sees you. She blinks slightly when she sees the table you’ve picked, but seems to shake it off quickly enough. You shift in your seat and twirl your pencil a little anxiously. Maybe it was too much. She sits down across from you and sends you a tight smile.
“Y/N, right?” She asks, “I’m Shauna.” You smile playfully.
“You obviously knew me well enough to pick me out from across the room.” You say teasingly, “Now you want to ask my name?” She rolls her eyes, but the corners of her lips lift slightly.
“Jackie makes it a habit to know everyone in our year” She says, a little stiff. You nod, as if thinking carefully. 
“That’s the blonde girl, right?” You ask. Her eyes widened slightly. “Yeah,” Shauna nods, suddenly paying you more attention. 
“Well, that’s nice of her.” You say, and then gesture towards your notes. “Should we get started?”
Shauna’s been meeting you in the library twice a week for a month before you gather the courage to approach her outside of it.
You're walking out to your car with Henry trailing behind you when you see it. You stop in your tracks and Henry curses as he bumps into you. You turn to him and hold a finger over your lips before nodding your head to the side. He glances over and rolls his eyes. He throws his hands up defeatedly before walking off to lean against your car. 
There she was, Shauna Shipman all alone on a bench. You walk over to her but she doesn't seem to notice you as she writes furiously in her notebook. You make sure not to look at it before asking, "You journal?" 
She slams the journal shut instinctively before shooting you a startled look. Interesting. You think. You've never seen her this unsure. Her hair is messy and she's a little sweaty. She must've just gotten out of soccer practice. You try not to think of how she'd look sprinting across the field, lest you daydream the day away. 
"Uh… Yeah." She says sharply, talkative as always. You look down at your feet as if embarrassed. "Sorry, were you busy? I just wanted to talk to you about my English essay." You mumble, half turning to walk away. 
She softens considerably. "Wait" She says, "How'd it go?" You grin happily down at her as you shift your backpack off of one shoulder to rummage around inside. You pull out your crumpled paper and hand it to her proudly. 
She glances down at it, her face unreadable. "We didn't discuss this," Shauna says softly as her eyes move quickly across the page. "This is… Very in-depth Y/N."
You freeze and try not to noticeably panic. "I'm pretty good at making stuff up at the last minute," You admit with a touch of anxiety. You try to shrug it off but you can tell she doesn't completely believe you. 
"Anyways, I wanted to know if I could make it up to you somehow? Like buy you a coffee or something?" You ask hopefully. 
She gives you a long look before she seems to decide on an answer. Just as she opens her mouth you can hear the sound of a door opening and a bubbly laugh. Shauna immediately stands up and glances towards it. 
Of course, You think, Jackie Fucking Taylor. You try not to sigh audibly, but judging by the way the corners of Shauna's lips twitch in response you don't think you succeeded. Jackie Taylor was the one flaw of your plan. 
Jackie and Shauna had been Jackie-and-Shauna way before you ever had a crush on her, and you were never quite sure where they stood relationship wise. Sometimes they looked deeply in love, but female friendships are just like that sometimes, right? Right? 
You quickly tell Shauna goodbye and walk off before Jackie reaches you. Turning your back means that you miss the annoyed glance Shauna sends Jackie as Jackie completely fails at winking and rocks excitedly on her heels as she watches you walk away. 
Step 3: Meet outside of school
You're slowly putting your stuff in your locker a few days later when suddenly you get tapped on your shoulder. You're excited, but a little confused. Shauna's last class is on the other side of the building, she shouldn't have been able to get here this quickly. You were hoping to catch her though, it's why you were still here in the first place. 
You spin around with a grin on your face before it noticeably falls. "Oh." You say unenthusiastically, "Hey Alice." You've talked to Alice a few times before, though it's better to say Alice has talked to you. She smiles widely at you as she talks about something exciting that happened in her math class earlier. 
You nod along disinterestedly as you glance over her shoulder for Shauna. "So?" She asks, "What do you think?"
You startle noticeably. "Sorry, what?" You ask, looking directly at her for the first time in this conversation. Her face fell a little, but she continues "I asked if you wanted to go to the movies with me this weekend?" 
Your eyes widen slightly in surprise. Has she been flirting with you this entire time? 
"Uh no, sorry. I um… don't like movies." You lie, looking at your feet awkwardly. 
"You don't… like movies," She repeats slowly. "Right." She says stiffly, before turning and storming off. Atleast, she tries to storm off. You hear a loud thud and look up to see that she's hit the floor. 
"Whoops." Shauna says blankly. "Looks like you tripped." She smiles sarcastically, "Should probably be more careful."
"And you." Shauna says slowly, with a tight-lipped smile "You promised to buy me coffee."
"I did," You say weakly. "Do you think you should do it today?" She asks, tilting her head and feigning confusion. 
"Oh. Oh uh yeah absolutely. Do you want to go today? We could totally go today," You blurt out nervously. She nods and you reach down to pull out a piece of paper to write the address down. You notice that at some point Alice got up and walked away but you don't pay it any mind. 
You hand Shauna the address of the coffee shop. She looks down at it and back up at you in confusion. "Don't you always drive Jackie home?" You remind her. She hums in acknowledgement before turning and walking off towards Jackie. 
You close your eyes and rest your head against the locker. God she's intense.
She shows up about five minutes after you, looking a little sheepish. Her shoulders are tense and she's fiddling with the button on the sleeve of her flannel. She scans the tables before making a beeline towards you. 
She sits down across from you and shoots you a quick smile. "Sorry, about earlier," She says. You tilt your head curiously. 
"I think I was a little short with you, before. I'd just gotten a bad test back." She says, not looking you in the eye. You stare at her for a second, unconvinced. Was she jealous of Alice? You wonder. You grin suddenly at the thought. 
You wave off her apology. "Shame that Alice tripped though." You tease. 
"Yeah," She blushes, "A shame." She glances around uncomfortably. Her eyes light up suddenly. "Oh," She says, "There's a bookstore attached?" 
"I thought you might like it. I do owe you one, after all." You say, trying not to sound too pleased. She tries to look interested in the conversation but you just laugh it off. "Do you want to go look at the books first?" 
She blushes slightly at being caught and gives you a soft smile.
You trail a couple steps behind her as she walks around, comfortably watching her in silence. She finally decides on a book to buy and you gently take it from her hands as she walks up to the counter. “I’ve got it. Why don’t you go ahead and order a drink while I get this.” You say.
You pay for the book, but don’t immediately walk over to her. You stand behind a shelf, mostly hidden from her view. You watch her for as long as you can conceivably get away with. You’ve always enjoyed just seeing her go about her day. She shifts slightly in her seat and crosses one  leg over the other, looking over her shoulder to see where you went.
You wait till she turns back and join her at the table, glancing down at the book and laughing quietly. “I didn’t peg you as a Jane Austen fan.” You tease. “A big romantic then, Shauna?”
“Maybe a little.” She confesses, “You can’t deny Austen’s influence on modern literature though.”
“Absolutely,” You acknowledge, “You know, I’ve always been really interested in literature too.”
“Really?” She asks, looking at you curiously.
“Yeah, absolutely. I’ve always been pretty good at it.” You say with a grin.
“So good at it you needed a tutor?” She asks smugly, grinning back at you. She takes a sip from her drink while still maintaining playful eye contact with you.
“I’ve got a confession,” You say confidently. 
“A confession?” She asks, still smiling at you. 
“I didn’t really need a tutor that bad. Just fell behind a little,” You admit, “I really only needed the first session.” She laughs a bit but seems confused.
“I just… I wanted to see you again and I wasn’t sure if I could ask.” You say. Her eyes widen, but she seems pleased with your confession. She uncrosses her legs and leans forward toward you.
“Ask.” She says quietly, a teasing look on her face.
“Could I take you on a date, Shauna?” You ask.
“You could take me on a second date.” She says playfully, glancing around the room. “Seems like you already planned this place for me.” Your face lights up as you look at her and nod shyly.
“I did,” You admit. She looks quickly around the room before squeezing your hand affectionately. “I’m glad you did. I really enjoyed it,” She admits softly.
“So I’m guessing it went well?” Henry teases. You grin at him, but that’s not much of a surprise. You're still riding the high of your date with Shauna last night. “Not that I had any doubt it wouldn’t,” He admits. “That’s generally what happens when you watch someone around school for weeks.” You smile sardonically at him. He really didn’t know the half of it, if he thought you were only watching at school.
Step 4: The Date 
You exhale nervously and lay your head on top of the steering wheel. You tap your fingers on your thighs trying to get rid of your nervous energy. You were admittedly pretty surprised when Shauna told you to pick her up at her house. You knew that she usually got ready with Jackie, or rather that Jackie usually got her ready. You pull yourself together and out of the car in one fluid motion.
You raise your hand to knock on the door but it opens before your fist lands on it. “Hey,” Shauna says stiffly, still dressed in the outfit she wore to school that day. “Sorry, I’m running a little late. Do you want to come and wait in my room while I finish?” You nod unsurely, not sure why she suddenly seems so cold.
You sit down on her bed and fiddle with a string on your jeans nervously. You look around reverently at her room. It was so Shauna. “I really like your room. It really suits you.” You say. 
“Thanks. Not like you haven’t seen it before” She says seriously. You’ve seen it from the outside befor-. What? You glance up, startled. “What?” You ask, voice shaking.
She stalks closer to stand in front of you, fists tensed and face unreadable. “I heard you,” She says slowly, dangerously.
"Heard me?" You ask hesitantly. 
"Heard you talk about following me." She says, "I started thinking about things that you said. Things that I thought were just coincidences. They weren't though, were they?" 
"I… was just observing you."
"Observing me!" She yells incredulously. "You fucking followed me around for weeks," She says harshly, her gaze hard and intense. 
"I… I just wanted to impress you. I wanted you to like me." You defend weakly, blinking away tears. "I've had a crush on you since the 8th grade. I thought that if I knew everything you liked then…"
"Then what?" She asks sharply. 
"Then it wouldn't matter that I wasn't her." You say softly. 
"Her?" She asks.
"Jackie Taylor."  
"You think I like Jackie?"
"You don't?" You ask quietly. She scoffs and shakes her head. "Then I ruined it for nothing."
She worries her bottom lip between her teeth before saying softly, "I wouldn't say ruined." You glance up quickly, not sure if you heard her correctly. 
She sits down next to you on her bed and grabs one of your hands between hers. "I had a crush on you too, you know?" She says, then pauses. "Have," She admits, glancing away as if it pains her to say. 
She squeezes your hand again and continues. "You definitely didn't need some elaborate stalker plan to get me to date you. But… I can't say that I don't like it."
"Like it?" You ask. 
"I like the idea of you being so desperate to be with me that you'd follow me around. That you were watching me for months and I had no idea." She says, glancing at your lips. "It does something to me."
You shift unsurely towards her before asking "Can I k-". "Do it." She interrupts, before kissing you herself. 
You grin happily, turning to hide your face in her neck embarrassedly. "Now you're embarrassed?" She asks wryly. "Not when you were telling me t-." You slap your hand over your mouth to silence her. 
"Don't say it out loud," You whine. "The moments passed and we can never acknowledge it aloud ever again." She nods mockingly and licks your hand. You snatch your hand back disgustedly and shoot her a betrayed look. 
She laughs beautifully and pulls you closer against her. You nestle closer and slowly let yourself drift to sleep in her arms. 
You look down at your trusty notebook and toss it on your bed, smirking as you walk away. You've got a girlfriend waiting outside in the driveway. 
As you slam the door behind you the wind catches the pages of your notebook, blowing it open. Step Five, it read, Let Shauna find out.
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atlasshrugd · 4 years ago
Hi seeing as you seem to be the only sorta active britin blog I can find lol I wanted to ask you about some of your favourite moments for them, as I'm kinda new to the fandom whatevers around lol, and would like to hear peoples thoughts on them if you don't mind answering 😊
Hey there! Sorry I am answering so late, but WOW this is a big ask because there are SO many favorite moments.
So I have narrowed it down to my Top 5:
1. Prom (obviously)
Okay this is a no-brainer. This is literally the most romantic sequence in all of television history. I still have not found something more beautiful, moving, triumphant, loving, and groundbreaking than when Brian and Justin danced to 'Save the Last Dance for Me' at prom. Obviously barring the horrific events of what followed, this scene transcended all stereotypes and barriers and allowed us as the viewers to feel pure happiness and pride as queer people. I remember seeing it for the first time at 14 and feeling so unadulteratedly happy and validated. This was a scene of two gay people unapologetically showing the world that they did not give a shit what anyone thought of them. The only thing that mattered was this thing between them; this unspoken understanding, solace, love, and pride. I still moves me to this day whenever I watch it, no matter how many times I do.
And of course we must talk about the implications of Brian's character in this scene. Throughout season 1, he has been an emotionally stunted and cold individual who does not believe in love, relationships, or trying to make other people happy. Here, in the finale, we see Brian finally putting away all his ego bullshit ("I wouldn't be caught dead in a room full of 18 year olds"), and going out of his way to make someone he cares about happy. The fact that he even showed up at Justin's prom is a direct U-turn from the moral principles he has been reinforcing all season. And by dancing to a "ridiculously romantic" corny song, waltzing, and kissing Justin in front of everyone without giving a shit — that is pride. That is one of Brian's long-accustomed walls tumbling down.
"And don't forget whose taking you home and in whose arms you're gonna be..."
2. When they make love for the first time after the bashing
Now these scenes...how do I describe the sheer profundity? After Justin's bashing at prom, Brian is left in shambles. He blames himself for everything, and it is just further proof that Brian's love always causes further destruction. Justin has lost all memory of that night at prom, and this is one of the big tragedies. Justin had promised that he'd never forget it, and that it was the best night of his life. That proof of Brian's love that he had for so long been longing to experience — has disappeared as if it never happened. Now, Justin's confidence and surety of the world has been distorted. He is no longer sure of anything, including himself and Brian. He needs reassurance and things spelled out for him.
When Brian and Justin sleep together for the first time after the bashing, it is not like all the other times they had sex. This, in fact, is the first time they make love. Justin is telling Brian that he trusts him wholeheartedly, enough to allow him in his body again after his own agency had been ripped away from him. This is where Justin absolves Brian of his guilt. He takes the blood-stained scarf off his shoulders, lets it fall to the ground. He gives Brian the forgiveness that Brian cannot offer himself.
"Like the first time?" Brian asks, because it is the anniversary of their first meeting, but at the same time—it is nothing like the first time. Now, they are not strangers. They are more acquainted with each other than they have ever sought to be; know each other in such profound depths. They are forever linked by this thing they have both experienced, but it is not just that shared trauma. It is based off deep understanding and love. They have, somehow along the way, become more each other than themselves. They know that they have become irreplaceable and inseparable parts of each other. And Brian has been holding onto that guilt for so long that it has become rooted deeply within him. SO when Justin absolves him of it, Brian allows himself to truly feel for the first time since the bashing. He gives himself to Justin, in that moment, as Justin gives himself to Brian. It is a brilliant and tender scene of trust, devotion, acceptance, and absolution. Something they both needed to soothe their troubled souls, and a new basis for their relationship.
3. When Brian helps Justin walk down the street after the bashing
Again, this is Brian showing nurturing, care, patience, compassion, and selflessness to another person. Justin trusts him enough to rely on him, and Brian doesn't take this trust lightly. These are some of the sweetest scenes of the whole show, because this is when Brian is completely focused and devoted to Justin. He wants to help him, more than anything, to get better. And he accepts and takes up this role of carer, not because he has to, or because he is obligated or forced to. But because he will do anything to ensure that Justin will be okay, and that he gets the life he deserves.
Specifically, my favorite scene is when the song 'Grand pianos crash together, when my boy walks down the street...' is playing. Justin is walking through a crowd and Brian has his arms outstretched. When they come together, they hug deeply and easily. This scene is so simple and pure, so chaste, but it shows the true essence of their relationship, beyond all the facades and bells and whistles. At the heart of it, Brian and Justin care about each other more than they care about themselves. They have established a stable foundation of trust that they can rely on. And it also perfectly encapsulates just how far Brian has come once again. He is showing such selfless care and devotion to a boy in public daylight, kissing and hugging him and not wanting to let go of his hand. Season 1 Brian would have never even considered that. This just shows how much the events of the prom changed him, and shows how his desire for responsibility of another person has matured him. He had been forced to face his inner feelings, fears, and truths. Now, they are out in the open for the first time and Brian accepts this. This alone is a huge development.
Brian is also afraid to let go of Justin. When Justin says he can walk back himself and says 'Later,' Brian repeats it apprehensively as he holds Justin's hand until he can't anymore. Then, he watches Justin go, walking through the crowds. The look on his face is wistful, a little troubled. He hasn't wanted to face just how much he enjoys Justin's presence and how much happier and content he is when Justin is with him. He hasn't wanted to face just how afraid he is to lose Justin again. Their words of 'Later' are a direct mirror of their last words on prom night, just before Justin got bashed. Brian had watched Justin walk away, too. And a second later, he was gone.
4. Pride
This is probably one of my all-time favorite scenes in television ever. I have cried each time I've seen it. There is something so pure, essential, liberating, triumphant and tender about this scene, and the song that plays (Chiquitita by ABBA) certainly shows it. Firstly, Justin accepts Brian in his entirety and doesn't expect him to change. He knows how much Brian has been devoting to Justin in his recovery, and how strange that role is for Brian. Here, he tells Brian to 'go find a stud, ask him to dance,' — because he knows how much Brian has been sacrificing for him. This alone shows Justin's maturity and inner strength. He loves Brian, so he will not try to change him or shackle him. He wants Brian to be free to choose and live the way he wants, and that is what he fell in love with.
But when Justin shows this sacrifical and detached love for him, Brian realises that there is nothing he wants to do; no one he wants to be with more — than Justin. He is aware of the myriads of choices he has. But he chooses Justin. (Technically, for the first time, perhaps aside from prom. But even at prom, he had been running from something [turning 30]. Here, he chooses Justin without pressure for the first time.)
So, he follows him outside. He ask him "Hey, stud. Wanna dance?" Justin doesn't believe him at first, because he is not used to Brian choosing him by his own volition. He cannot imaging Brian passing up getting laid, especially after being celibate for the whole day. He also feels like a burden; like Justin's recovery has been inflicted on Brian, stopping him from living his life normally. Justin loves Brian enough to let him be free, but the biggest part? Brian loves Justin enough to choose him in that freedom.
So this marks another checkpoint in their relationship. Not only is there trust, understanding, and love — there is also desire. Sure, they have always desired each other. But this desire is not the physical kind or one born out of loneliness. This is desire for the other person as a whole. This is desiring another person's company because theirs is the only company you want. This is desiring to be with someone when there are so many other options. This is real desire — the kind that originates from the heart and not the flesh.
"I promise you won't forget this one." Brian is promising Justin that this dance will be theirs, just theirs. Not to stick it to anyone, to show anyone anything, to make some kind of point, or to make somebody happy. This dance is theirs, for the reason that Brian wants Justin to have this: this moment where Brian only wants Justin, where he dances with him simply because he wants to. And he wants Justin to have this memory, to overcome all the vague blurriness of their past. He wants this dance to be the one he remembers when he questions himself. And so they dance, and they sway, and they kiss, and they press their heads together, and the lights are bright and colored on Liberty Avenue, and everywhere people are free and joyful, and there is nothing to prove, no one to run from, nothing to hide. Their arms are wrapped around each other and the sound of 'You'll be dancing once again...and the pain will end...you will have no time for grieving...' tumbles through the air and all around them. 'But the sun is still in the sky and shining above you.' Now: there is nothing to be afraid of, and everyday life is full of reasons to be alive. To be proud.
5. Their reunification
This is one of their main checkpoints. This scene is the moment they finally become equals. Justin had left Brian for the reason that Brian could not give him what he needed to be happy, which was: reassurance. After the bashing, Justin lost all sense of who he was. There was a huge gap in his memory, therefore a huge part of himself he could not claim. He had lost partial use of his dominant hand which took away the only thing that gave him solace; his drawing ability. He was no longer sure of anything and needed things spelled out for him. He needed to talk about it. 
But Brian was not willing to do that, because he himself was struggling with trauma from the incident that he did not want to face. Where his love language is in acts of service (letting Justin live with him, paying for his tuition, helping him recover) — Justin needed to hear the words. He needed verbal affirmation to prove that he wasn't crazy and just projecting his feelings onto Brian. He could no longer trust his own perception and interpretation of things whereas in the past he could read Brian's mixed signals easily without needing confirmation. This is the part Brian failed to understand. He was not willing to concede his identified notions of 'relationships' and 'love' — no matter how far he came. He had not accepted that his feelings for Justin were love, and that scared him. So he refused to compromise with Justin, believing that his actions were enough when they weren't. But all Justin needed was to be heard, and for someone to love him enough to give hime what he needed sometimes (which was, verbal and emotional affirmation).
So their relationship ended, and Justin thought he could get what he needed from Ethan, which proved to be another big lie. So at the end, Justin still cannot trust his own perception, but — he finally knows what he wants.
He comes to the realization that while Brian could not give him the words, he gave him honesty. He learned from Ethan that words without action had no meaning. So he prioritized what mattered more to him: hearing that Brian loved him? Or, knowing that Brian loved him. So he chose honesty.
And this is when they could get back together without that imbalance and insecurity.
"And you are never to play violin music in my presence again." This single line is the only thing Brian needed to say to indicate to Justin that he was hurt by Justin leaving. Brian has been putting up a front of indifference for their entire break up, only indulging in pain management in private. Justin leaving him irrefutably hurt him more than he could have ever anticipated. But he did not show it.
So, Justin smiles — a little nod of awareness — because that is all Brian needed to say. And he says, "I promise."
"And it's time...that we...grow old and so some shit..." plays in the background (Lover's Spit) as they start to undress each other, because they are now on the same playing field. They have no illusions, misunderstandings, and misinterpretations anymore. They are starting anew; a little older and a little wiser than before. Brian knows how painful it is to lose Justin. Justin knows how skewed his perception had been, because he had been so caught up in his isolation that he could not see the truth of Brian's actions.
But they both know at least one thing: that life is better together than apart.
Tbh I could go ON and write a dissertation about each of these individual scenes, but I hope this made sense and gave a little more insight on these scenes and characters. Thank you for the great question!
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watermelonlovershigh · 4 years ago
Bisexual Harry (MILD SMUT w/ MOSTLY FLUFF)
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Harry told me early on into our relationship that he was bisexual. He was so nervous that I would leave him, but it just made me fall more in love with him. He told me late one night about 6 months into dating, on his couch. The second he told me, Harry broke down into real raw tears. The first time I'd seen Harry actually cry. Yeah I'd seen him cry during sappy movies but this was so much more than that. These tears had fear in them. Fear that I would leave him. They had vulnerability in them for being so open. But also a weight was lifted off his chest, just happy to tell me. I held Harry in my arms and cried with him, telling him how much I loved him and that this doesn't change anything. That I loved him just as much.
Only a few people in Harrys life knew he was bisexual. His close family. His close friends. That was it. If it got out in the media, the internet would have gone wild. Of course there were many rumors about his sexuality. Most of them being that he's gay. For the longest time he actually thought he might be gay. He had a lot of 'gay tendencies': painted nails, feminine clothes, pearl necklaces. But he also had very 'mainly tendencies' like watching football and drinking beer with the lads. Harry was just so conflicted all his life. Not knowing what he was. That's until the age of 18. One of his school friends came out as bisexual and that's when it clicked for him. He liked both male and females and he was okay with that. He excepted that part of him. He was more worried about what others would say or think. His family was very supportive. His friends were too. They never treated Harry differently knowing that they were straight and he was sexually attracted to them. Well not so much them specifically because they were more like brothers, but the male species as a whole.
Being in sexual relationships were on a new level of fear for Harry. Fear that when he was having sex with a guy, that the guy would try and convince him he's actually just gay. Or the fear that any women he had sex with would say he wasn't manly enough for them. Needless to say, Harry kept his sexuality a secret from most of his one night stands or short term relationships. He just didn't feel the need to tell them unless they asked specifically if he was bi or not.
Me and Harry meet at a local club in London a few years back. He was with his bandmates at the time. I was by myself because my boyfriend of 2 years just broke up with me. I was devastated and needed to escape reality. That meant drink until my body went numb. Unfortunately for me though, I wasn't that much of a drinker so my body rejected the alcohol pretty fast. I stumbled onto the London streets trying to get fresh air but ended up puking my guts out in a near by bin. Harry just so happened to be outside at that moment and saw the whole thing before his eyes. He rushed over to me and pulled my hair back to prevent more vomit from getting in it. Then he asked if I was alright and who I was with. I told him I came there alone so he insisted I come back to his place. Because my brain was fuzzy from the alcohol, I didn't hesitate one bit. Harry set up his guest room for me and helped me to bed that night. Something I'm forever grateful for. If it wasn't for him, I could've been kidnapped and raped by a stranger on the streets. When I woke up the next day, I realized who's house I was in. All of the music awards on the shelf in the room I stayed in gave it away. I was never a big fan of One Direction, no reason in particular, so I didn't act like a fangirl would have. Before I left his house, he gave me his number to call if I ever needed someone to talk to. Considering he was an international popstar and all, he sure was the most genuine person I'd ever meet. Taking care of a complete stranger and even giving them his phone number. I never thought I'd actually call him though. Or even see him again, but about a week later, I ran into him at a local coffee shop and we started talking form there. The rest was history.
We hung out all the time. He invited me to a few One Direction concerts. Even had sex a few times. Amazing sex I might add. It truly was great. Even though at the time, I had to remain secret from the public. More so said by Harry then his management. Mainly to keep me safe and out of the media knowing how private I liked to be. Three months of seeing each other and he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was thrilled. Then six months into our relationship, Harry realized how serious our relationship was becoming. That we both had strong feeling for each other. So that's when Harry decided to tell me he was bisexual. On his couch. Late one night. He wanted to get it out of the way so he didn't have to hide that part of himself with me. So he could be himself around me. If I excepted him that was and of course I did.
Approximately two years after dating, Harry purposed. He was basically shitting bricks the whole time, but he did it. I didn't hesitate one second before I said yes. We were in love. At this point, the media had found me and Harry out. Most of his fans adored me. Some said our relationship was fake. And others just flat out said I was keeping Harry closeted, not allowing him to be gay. But I knew the truth. I knew he was bisexual, not gay. I never doubted his sexuality one bit. Especially how he devoured my body when we made love. Any gay person would probably gag at the sight of a women's pussy. Not Harry. It was his favorite part of my body. A year after Harry filmed the movie Dunkirk (2017), we got married. It was a small wedding. Just close family and friends invited. It was perfect.
Now here we are in the current year of 2021 and we're still going strong. A few fights here and there, but because both Harry and I have too big of hearts, we always feel bad after fighting and immediately apologize to one another. The media had tried to split us up multiple times but it's never been successful. Our love for each other is too strong and everlasting.
Just because Harry is in a happy, loving heterosexual relationship, doesn't mean he feels completely secure about his sexuality all the time. In the beginning of our relationship, Harry tried to completely throw away any 'bisexual' tendencies he had even though he knew I supported him. For instance, there was many times Harry wanted to paint his nails but didn't. Or would refrain from gushing over sexy guys in movies we watched together. That's when I noticed he was becoming depressed. He stopped writing music. He would disengage in activities we tried to do together. Even pushed me away when I tried to have sex with him. I felt hopeless. Until one morning I asked him what was wrong, and he spilled everything. How he tries so hard to suppress the bisexual side of his character for me. For our relationship. Harry explained that he had the desire to paint his nails vibrant colors and wanted to wear feminine clothes sometimes. Something that was particularly hard for Harry to confess to me was how he even wanted to try anal. On me or me with a strap on fucking him. Right away I made us an appointment to get our nails done at a salon. Then I told him he could wear a trash bag and he'd still be the most beautiful mainly man I'd ever seen. Lastly, I grabbed my laptop and went online shopping for female strap ons, letting Harry pick the girth and size he wanted. Yes I was a little nervous to actually fuck him, but he assured me he would help me out every step of the way. As for anal on me, I mentioned how I would be nervous but how I also trusted him. Trusted him enough to penetrate me anally. That I knew he would be extra careful with me.
Needless to say, I made Harry more confident. Confident in his sexuality. I got him to come out as bisexual to the public. I let him explore his bisexuality in the bedroom. Though of course he still worshiped my pussy. We had weekly appointments to get our nails painted. Harry even wore a dress out to a date night one night. He was super scared and on edge the whole night but I kept whispering in his ear how I couldn't wait to rip that dress off of him and fuck him in the ass until he cried out of pleasure.
I honestly loved that Harry was bisexual. It was almost like a turn on for me. He was both a gym buff and my little princess. He had thick arm muscles and toned abs, as well as pink nails and pearl necklaces. Anytime he mentioned how hot a guy on tv was, we could gush over him together. Or how sensitive and vulnerable he was at times. A lot of guys hold in their emotions, thinking men can't express their feelings, but not Harry. If he felt the need to cry, he would. Right in front of me. It could be triggered by a sad movie or a animal abuse commercial. Also, on the rare occasions he asks for it, I would fuck him with the strap on in his mouth. Though a rubber penis didn't quite taste like the real thing, salty mixed with sweat, he loved to deepthroat it anyways. Watching him choke and gag around the fake penis made my pussy drip. We even bought a strap on dildo that had a vibrator on the back side of it. That way every time the fake cock would enter his mouth, the vibrator would stimulate me clit, giving me pleasure as well.
No matter how much the media tried to convince Harry he was in fact gay and didn't actually like women, he would ignore the rude comments and prove to me everyday that he in fact loved me. Me as a women. Loved my smile. Loved me eyes. Loved the way my boobs bounced while having sex. Often grabbing them in his hands and stimulating my nipples. Loved the way my tight pussy felt around his dick. Or the way my sweet juices tasted on his tongue when he ate me out. Yes he loved dick. Yes he loved balls. Yes he loved being railed to death from behind. But he also liked vagina and he loved boobs. Harry wanted to make love to me and get me pregnant. Watch my stomach grow. Be there to hold my hand when I deliver the baby. Help change diapers at 3 am when I'm to tired to do so. Teach our kids to love and respect everyone and be themselves. Be open to our kids about his sexuality. Give them knowledge on bisexuality and educate them on the matter. Instead of assuming they are straight by asking his future son if he has a girlfriend yet or asking his daughter if she has a boyfriend, Harry will ask if the have a partner or fancy anyone in particular. Love his children for who they are or who they want to become. Be a role model for them. And live happily ever after with me, his supportive wife, by his side.
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stoneswords · 4 years ago
I rewatched Cherry Magic over the last couple days as one does and thought it’d be fun to keep track of the dates/when things happen. For the most part it’s very easy as there are several very specific dates mentioned in the show.
You might notice several Saturdays where they’re at work-- this seems to be pretty standard in Japanese office culture, to work a couple Saturdays a month.
You also might notice a very major time jump that would have happened between Episodes 10 and 11-- I could write this off as a suspension of disbelief type thing, but since there are so many specific dates referenced in the show, and going off Adachi’s pain at keeping his secret from Kurosawa for so long in Ep 11 I think it might be accurate. Please let me know if I missed anything!! :)
Sometime in 2013 - Adachi and Kurosawa are both hired at Toyokawa. The dinner with President Matsuura happens and Kurosawa falls in love with the first person who's ever told him he's more than a pretty face.
Feb 14 2020 - Kurosawa gives Adachi some free chocolate he got off the street.
Oct 1 2020 - Urabe teases Adachi for never having had a girlfriend, tells him of the urban legend of becoming a 30 y/o virgin wizard.
Fri Oct 2 - Adachi's 30th birthday, he discovers his powers.
Fri Oct 9: this is the day the episode aired, and it also works with the timeline in later episodes - Adachi bumps into Kurosawa in the elevator and discovers his feelings. That night Kurosawa offers to help Adachi with his extra work, they're there so late Adachi misses the last train and Kurosawa insists Adachi stay over at his place. We get scarf wrapping, geeking out over manga, Kurosawa fantasising about Adachi in his jammies, neither of them can sleep.
Sat Oct 10 - Kurosawa makes them breakfast. At the office Kurosawa scolds Urabe for putting down Adachi's work. At the end of the day Kurosawa offers some files to help Adachi with the extra work Urabe gave him. Adachi chases after him and asks him out for dinner, but Rokkaku interrupts before they can go and tells them to come out drinking. We get Kurosawa lamenting over the lost date, Adachi helping out Rokkaku, The King's Game drama. Adachi goes to comfort Kurosawa and we have Kurosawa being sad and gay and Adachi assuring him he's just an anxious virgin and Rokkaku interrupts an almost kiss.
Oct 11-Oct 25 - Adachi avoids Kurosawa.
Mon Oct 26 - Urabe asks Adachi and Fujisaki to go buy desserts, they talk about love and life, and are harrassed on the way back to the office. Kurosawa comes to the rescue. Adachi discovers Fujisaki is the aroace queen of our dreams. Kurosawa patches up Adachi’s hand. Kurosawa has trouble with a big client and Adachi uses his power to help. Kurosawa thanks him and gives him a couple mochi cakes as thanks. Rokkaku invites Adachi for lunch, giving him a bunch of food and snacks in thanks for his help at drinks a couple weeks ago. As the two are leaving work that night they see a beautiful woman run up to Kurosawa and beg to stay the night with him. Adachi walks home in the rain and falls asleep in his wet clothes in a fit of despair.
Tue Oct 27 - Adachi is sick all day, and goes to leave work early. Kurosawa notices and insists on taking him home, and as they’re getting into a taxi the woman from the night before jumps in. She turns out to be Kurosawa’s sister and demands to stay over at Kurosawa’s again, making him go home with Adachi to care for him. Kurosawa spends the whole night nursing Adachi back to health.
Wed Oct 28: Kurosawa directly references the date, and it retroactively works for all the previous dates - Kurosawa makes Adachi porridge, and the “day one of our private sweet life!” fantasy. Rokkaku interrupts again, and asks to join Kurosawa and Adachi for the night. We get Kurosawa being adorably jealous, Adachi being a very sweet and supportive friend. Kurosawa thinks about how special Adachi is to him and wonders what he’s doing to himself and leaves in the middle of the night.
Thurs Oct 29 - Adachi is worried over Kurosawa leaving early and his distance throughout the day. As they leave the office Adachi awkwardly talks about how he’s never had anyone to take care of him other than family, and Kurosawa tells him he can’t stay with Adachi anymore. He confesses his feelings and claims the next time they see each other everything will be back to normal.
Fri Oct 30: When Adachi is confessing, he mentions “yesterday” so this does happen the next day - Kurosawa is away in Osaka for the day and reflects over his history with Adachi, and how he has to let go of his feelings. Adachi realizes how much he enjoys Kurosawa’s company and how he’s always thinking about him, and runs to meet Kurosawa on his way home. He confesses his feelings and they hug and we all cry, and as they walk home Adachi asks if he wants to go out to eat and Kurosawa teases him about going to his place.
Sat Oct 31 - Kurosawa bought a one-way ticket to flirt city this morning. He finds Adachi in the break room and asks him to spend the day together tomorrow.
Sun Nov 1 - Tsuge shows up at Adachi’s right before Kurosawa, and we have some prime clown to clown communication while Tsuge talks about how he agreed to go watch Minato dance. Kurosawa suggests they all go and we get: Tsuge being awkward around his crush, Kurosawa and Adachi giggling over Tsuge being awkward around his crush, a fight and Kurosawa blanking out for a solid four seconds over being called ossan. We get some more clown to clown communication, Adachi and Kurosawa walking home and having a very sweet conversation about taking things step by step, Tsuge catches Minato’s friend kissing him and runs away.
Tue Nov 10: Adachi refers to how they’ve been dating for 9 days - Kurosawa apparently stayed the night and they played video games together aww, they have a goofy morning together being in love. Urabe points out how happy Adachi is lately. Kurosawa and Adachi share onigiri for lunch and Rokkaku interrupts again. As they’re leaving the break room Kurosawa asks Adachi to have another go at their date this coming weekend and they see the poster for the design competition. Rokkaku later finds Adachi and angrily asks him to contact Tsuge. That night after work Adachi, Kurosawa, and Rokkaku meet Tsuge at a coffee shop and Rokkaku immediately starts a fight with Tsuge over his apparent homophobia, since he’s been avoiding Minato ever since he caught him kissing his ex. Tsuge assures them he has been avoiding Minato but not because he’s gay, and runs off to find Minato and they confess to each other, and later that evening have sex. As Kurosawa and Adachi walk home Kurosawa gives him the forms to sign up for the design competition, saying he’ll be rooting for him if he gives it a try. Adachi says Kurosawa has given him the confidence to try and they hug.
Wed Nov 11 - Rokkaku thanks Adachi for his help with Tsuge and Minato. Adachi hands in his application for the design competition.
Sometime in the next couple days - Adachi and Kurosawa go for coffee after work where Adachi apologizes for how much of his time the competition will take, and Kurosawa says their date can wait, but he’ll be expecting a reward later. Tsuge calls Adachi to gush over his relationship with Minato and tell Adachi not to be afraid of losing his magic, and Adachi starts to really think about being intimate with Kurosawa.
Sat Nov 14: Adachi mentions how there’s only three days until the deadline for his proposal. On the application form, it says the proposals are due by 5pm Nov 17th - Adachi shows his ideas to Fujisaki and Kurosawa, but Rokkaku calls it boring. Kurosawa tells him not to worry about it, that inspiration sometimes comes from nowhere.
Sun Nov 15 - Adachi and Kurosawa are hanging out at Adachi’s place, and they talk about the expectations of other people. Kurosawa suggests they get out to clear their heads and have a “practise date”. We get the sweetest montage of them having fun at Tokyo Dome, and then when Adachi gets sick Kurosawa privately worries about not being able to always keep Adachi happy. That night Adachi finishes his project proposal.
Mon Nov 16: Adachi refers to their date as “yesterday” - Adachi hands in his proposal, and asks Kurosawa to have another practice date with him that evening. He takes them to the bookstore and izakaya, and Adachi shows Kurosawa his proposal. They have a conversation about communication and how they should be able to relax around each other. As they are walking home Adachi accidentally responds to Kurosawa’s thoughts and thinks about how if Kurosawa knew they couldn’t be together in the same way anymore.
Sun Dec 13: This one is mostly speculation, but I feel it works as the conversation between Adachi and Tsuge is so fresh in his mind the next day, and Adachi also refers to Tsuge’s problems when they see each other on Christmas Eve - Tsuge and Adachi get lunch and Tsuge talks about his relationship troubles, and warns Adachi about not relying too much on his power.
Mon Dec 14: Kurosawa mentions how they have a week to prepare for Adachi’s presentation - Adachi has passed into the second phase of the design competition, and Kurosawa promises to spend all their time special training for his presentation. Adachi apologizes for how much of Kurosawa’s time he’s taking up, but Kurosawa assures him it will all be worth it to enjoy their “first Christmas together and the best date ever”.
Dec 16/17/18 - Montage of the two of them preparing for Adachi’s presentation. It’s also at some point during this week Kurosawa talks to Fujisaki about a restaurant for his date with Adachi.
Mon Dec 21 - Also known as Kurosawa and Adachi’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Kurosawa gives Adachi a bento reminding him to believe in himself, Adachi uses his power to connect with the planning and development committee and then feels guilty for cheating and then doesn’t pass anyway. Adachi tells Kurosawa about his powers and then admits he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to be in a relationship with him if he doesn’t have them, and they break up :(
Dec 22/23 - Kurosawa and Adachi are very sad and literally everybody knows. Urabe and Fujisaki both have conversations with Adachi about being happy/true to himself.
Thurs Dec 24 - Tsuge goes to see Adachi and tells him that he has to learn to communicate with the people he loves, even if it’s hard. Adachi races off to meet Kurosawa, they reconcile and hug and Kurosawa asks Adachi to be his office pal for life and fireworks go off and everyone’s cryin’.
Fri Dec 25 - First day of the rest of their private sweet life!!
Sometime over the next couple months - Rokkaku tries to suss out what Adachi and Kurosawa’s relationship and determines they’re just really good senpais to him... truly pure of heart, dumb of ass. Tsuge and Minato have a misunderstanding and then talk it out.
Feb 14 2021 - Kurosawa is in a jealous fit all day over himself, and then he and Adachi exchange true love chocolate <3
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tarontherocketman · 5 years ago
Mr Madden | Madderton Teacher AU | Chapter 3
It was Friday at last, the week was almost over, and the day started off the same as every other day this week did: 
“Mr Madden.”
“Mr Egerton.” The pair smirked at each other as Taron slipped through the partly open door of Rich’s classroom with a mug of coffee in each hand, setting one down on Rich’s desk on the mug coaster that he had brought in from home; a black round coaster with a big golden ‘R’ for Richard. Taron liked that Rich had brought in his own coaster to use, it was one of the many personal touches in his classroom, something Taron had never thought to do in his own.
“I love all your little bits of personal stuff around your desk,” he observed, looking around as he pulled up a chair, leaning over to see the computer screen and resting his chin on Rich’s shoulder. This was something that had become a daily happening out of the blue the morning after their drink at the bar. Neither of them really knew what it meant at this point, their friendship just escalated into a new comfort zone all of a sudden. However, they silently agreed not to overthink it yet, they were both just enjoying having a new best friend. 
“You should get some bits for your classroom, you don’t have anything personal in there,” Rich suggested.
“I know, never really thought about it, it’s just a workplace to me.”
“That’s the thing though, we spend so much of our time at work I like making it homely you know?” Rich pondered, looking around at his things trying to think of ideas for Taron’s classroom.
“You’re right Rich, well hey it’s the weekend tomorrow let's go shopping you can help me choose some stuff for my classroom!” Taron declared, to which Rich immediately nodded enthusiastically.
“You are so on! I love doing things like that,” Rich gushed. Taron raised an eyebrow, pulling his chin away from Rich’s shoulder to look at him.
“What? Shopping for homeware and office supplies? Jeez this is why you,” he put his index finger on Rich’s chest, “are older than me,” he teased, scampering up from his chair to run to the other side of the classroom before Rich could attempt to playfully whack him in the arm.
“Three years! Only three years!” Rich pouted, trying not to break into a smile.
“I was only two months away from being a 90s kid you know,” Taron declared proudly, straightening his tie with fake arrogance.
“So close, yet so far, you’re still an 80s kid pal,” Rich laughed, patting Taron’s seat to indicate him to come back. Taron scurried back and barely managed to sit down before Rich got that playful whack on Taron’s arm.
“THAT was for calling me old!” he huffed.
“Ow, calm down Grandpa!” Taron snickered.
“You little shit!” Rich cried before the pair burst into laughter, Taron habitually gripping on to Rich’s forearm as they laughed.
At this moment a tall, sour-faced looking woman walked past the door to the classroom, her hair tied in a neat bun and a school logo lanyard and staff badge round her neck. She peered through the window in the door, narrowing her eyes at the over friendly pair of male teachers. Rich noticed her in his peripheral vision and jerked away from Taron, mumbling a quiet ‘shit’.
“Rich? What’s wrong?” Taron asked, whipping his head around to see what Rich was looking at. “What was it?”
“Uh, Mrs Reynolds just saw us through the window…” Rich mumbled.
“It’s alright she won’t make a fuss of it, we weren’t doing anything, just a bit of fun. Right?” Taron asked nervously, reading Rich’s worried facial expression.
“T, she’s one of the Religious Studies teacher, her classroom his two doors down from here. I know RS teachers and religious people in general don’t all share the same opinion, but I’ve sat in the staff room with her and I happen know exactly what her thoughts on homosexuals are.”
“Ah,” Taron whispered, nodding slowly.
“Yep,” Rich said bluntly.
“Well, she doesn’t know either of us are gay, AND we weren’t even doing anything wrong, so she’s got nothing on us!” Taron assured his best friend, putting his hand on Rich’s leg who pushed his hand off harshly.
“Maybe not yet but she’ll be watching us now! I thought this was exactly what you didn’t want to happen here?” Rich snapped, making Taron flinch slightly from seeing a new emotion in Rich that he hadn’t yet been introduced to.
“I didn’t!” Taron defended, “but- but I suppose it feels different since I met you!”
“Well I’ve only been here a week Taron, and I really don’t want to fuck up another job thank you very much,” Rich hissed, turning back to his computer screen abruptly. 
“Another?” Taron asked quickly, now distracted from the original argument.
“Just…pretend I never said that,” Rich murmured, “I need to finish this presentation.” Taron opened and closed his mouth a few times, deciding whether or not to say anything that could potentially make things worse considering he had obviously just hit a nerve. He decided on just leaving it and walking out the classroom quietly. Rich stubbornly kept his gaze fixated on the computer until Taron had left the classroom, making sure he had definitely gone before putting his head in his hands and groaning to himself.
The day eventually drew to an end, consisting of some awkward glancing and looking away happening between Taron and Rich when they would inevitably pass each other in the hallway. They had both spent break times in their own classrooms to avoid conversation, not even 100% why they were mad at each other but sticking to it anyway.
“Alright guys I’ll see you next week,” Taron concluded, indicating to his class that they were free to go, which definitely made everyone very happy knowing that they were free for 2 whole days.
“Sir?” a small voice appeared behind Taron.
“Yes, Ella?” he asked, not turning around from his computer.
“You didn’t say have a good weekend, you always say have a good weekend, what’s wrong?” Ella quizzed, surprising Taron with her intuitiveness.
“Someone’s observant,” Taron mused as he swivelled his chair around to face the blonde-haired teenager. Ella just shrugged casually.
“I pick up on these things,” she smiled, her energy rubbing off on Taron, softening him a bit after a rough day. “What’s on your mind?”
“Oh, it’s nothing, just an argument with a friend,” Taron chuckled, almost laughing at his own stupidity in the whole situation, forgetting more and more as the day went on why he was even being so stubborn about talking to Rich.
“Mr Madden?” Ella asked nonchalantly. Taron blinked slowly.
“How’d you…?”
“I told you I pick up on things! I don’t have any friends so I have more time to watch what goes on around me,” Ella admitted, not sure whether to feel proud of her observation skills or embarrassed that she just flat out casually told her Drama teacher that she doesn’t have any friends.
“Hmm you’re even smarter than I thought you were,” Taron grinned, “but yes, Mr Madden.”
“Well, I dunno what you had an argument about but just talk to him about it, you’re gonna have to eventually, no point avoiding it for longer than needed,” Ella said, folding her arms, “trust me, I’ve been there,” she said sadly.
“Yeah, you’re right Ella, thanks.”
“I know,” she shrugged. “Anyway, I need to get the bus before it leaves, see you next week Sir.”
“Alright have a good weekend Ella,” Taron called as she began to speed walk out of the classroom.
“You too!” she called back as she disappeared down the tiny hall and out of the drama block door. Taron sat at his desk in bemusement that a 14 year old had given him better advice than he had given himself, deciding to hurriedly gather all of his stuff together and stride over to Rich’s classroom to talk to him, feeling a little nervous after an entire day of avoiding him. He approached the classroom gingerly, psyching himself up as he walked the hallway before taking a breath and swinging open the door.
“Rich I’m really sorry,” he whimpered, cringing at his own failure to maintain his composure.
“I- Taron!” Rich hissed quietly, nodding to the wide open doorway that Taron was stood in.
“Oh yeah, sorry,” Taron apologised quickly, hopping in the room and letting the door close behind him before starting again.
“I’m sorry I didn’t take things seriously earlier Rich, or, you know- just now,” he chuckled awkwardly.
“No I’m sorry, T, I really overreacted,” Rich said as he softened up.
“No you were right, we need to be more careful, which is why you’re going to come to my house later so we can spend quality time together without prying eyes!” Taron declared confidently.
“Am I now?” Rich asked with a smirk.
“Yep, 7pm, I’ll message you my address,” Taron stated.
“Sounds good to me,” Rich smiled as Taron turned on his heel and walked out of the classroom as confidently as he had walked in, not disappearing for even 10 seconds before poking his head back round through the still open door.
“Oh yeah and we’re going to order pizza, forgot that part of my speech,” Taron confessed, ruining the grand exit he had initially planned.
“Speech?” Rich laughed, “alright Obama. I’ll see you later,” he shook his head fondly at his best friend’s solid attempt at being charming.
Taron jumped up from the sofa excitedly upon hearing the knock on his apartment door, smoothing out his t-shirt even though it wasn’t actually creased and attempting to check his own breath by breathing into his hand and smelling it, realising it didn’t work and settling on just opening the door without fussing around any further.
“Hey Ri- oh,” he laughed nervously as the open door revealed his neighbour from across the hall.
“Hey Taron, uh, the delivery guy gave me your package to look after when you weren’t in earlier.”
“Ah lovely, thanks Jerry,” he took the package, closing the door with one last polite smile to his neighbour.
Typical, he thought to himself, that would only happen to him. Another knock on the door caused him to discard the package on the dining table before he could start opening it. He pulled the door open carefully, not wanting to get too excited this time.
“Oh good it’s you this time,” he smiled, opening the door fully to let his best friend in.
“You what?” Rich queried, looking puzzled at Taron having no previous context for why Taron would say that. 
“Never mind, come in!” he gestured to the sofa that wasn’t too far from the door, heading to the kitchen that was a part of the open plan floor.
“Can I get you a drink?” he offered politely, opening the cupboard to grab two glasses in advance. 
“Sure, what have you got?” Rich asked.
“Well good sir it depends whether you’re in the mood for something sophisticated like a scotch,” he began pompously, “or just…a glass of lemonade,” he finished casually.
“Taron,” Rich paused, “I’m Scottish, what do you think the answer is?”
“One scotch coming up,” Taron said assuredly as he poured the drink, Richard replied with a single, proud nod.
“Here,” Taron said, placing the drinks on the coffee table in front of them.
“Thanks,” Rich replied as he leaned over to grab the drink and take a sip. Taron slumped down next to him on the sofa and sighed a long sigh of relief that the week was over.
“Yeah, I’m glad it’s the weekend too,” Rich agreed, feeling Taron’s sigh as if it was his own.
“Yeah, been quite a week,” Taron noted.
“It has indeed.”
“How was your first week as a teacher then?” Taron asked.
“Better than I expected, I was worried that the students would all find my classes boring and I wouldn’t make any friends. Turns out they like me, they like my teaching, and I did make friends. In fact I made a best friend,” Rich said as he looked into Taron’s kind eyes.
“Aww, Rich! Well that’s good to hear.”
“How was your week?” Rich asked in return.
“Eh,” Taron shrugged, “just another week, nothing special happened really,” Taron pondered, looking forward because he knew if he made eye contact with Rich he would start laughing.
“Oi!” Rich laughed, folding his arms and looking away in a fake huff.
“Joking!” Taron chirped, turning back around and wrapping both arms round Rich, reaching around his shoulders. Rich reciprocated by placing his hands on Taron’s arms. Taron rested his head on Rich’s shoulder, who rested his head against Taron’s head, deciding this was how they would stay now for a bit. Rich habitually rubbed his right thumb on the bit of Taron’s arm that his right hand was placed on.
“Did you want to talk about earlier?” Taron asked cautiously.
“What? The argument, or why I fucked up my last job?” Rich mused.
“I was going to let you decide that.”
“Honestly I don’t really want to talk about either right now, let’s just enjoy the moment. I’ll tell you about the job another time though because I can tell you’re curious.”
“Yeah I am a bit,” Taron admitted, “wait, did you just call this a moment? Are we having a moment?” he teased.
“Mm maybe,” Rich breathed, lifting his head to look at Taron, who looked straight back into Rich’s bright blue eyes, scooting closer to him. Both of their breathing quickened in anticipation as Taron pulled his arms away and placed his hands on either side of Rich’s face, rubbing his thumbs over his cheek bones before pulling him in. He could smell the scotch on Rich’s breath as their lips brushed against each other for a moment before Rich got impatient and reached around the back of Taron’s neck, pulling him in so their lips meet properly. Taron moved his hands to wrap around Rich’s torso, working them up and down his back. The sunset made the last bit of sun for the day shine perfectly through the crack in the curtains, hitting them both perfectly as they shared this moment for a while longer.
“Wow,” Taron breathed heavily as he pulled away gently.
“Yeah,” Rich breathe-laughed. “I only met you a week ago,” he teased, imitating what Taron had said at the bar at the start of the week.
“And what an amazing week it’s been,” Taron imitated back, copying Rich’s response.
“Indeed it has! You hungry?”
“Oh god yes, pizza?” Taron said excitedly.
“Fuck yes.”
The weekend had passed by in what felt like an hour, and there they were again. Monday morning, the worst day of the week because everyone in the school- teachers and students alike- know it’s only the beginning of a potentially long, hard week. The day started the same as any other, which always consisted of:
“Mr Madden.”
“Mr Egerton.”
Followed by a coffee and catch up, except today it was in Taron’s classroom to admire the new bits and bobs Rich had helped him choose out on the weekend. There was a black mug coaster with a golden T on the desk to match Rich’s, one of those light-boxes that you can organise the letters on to write a message, which Rich had spelled out “Mr Egerton” on, there was a new 2020 desk calendar that Rich had convinced Taron to get done at a personalised calendar shop in the mall with one of his favourite plays on each month, a notebook with the letter ’T’ on the front, and a matching ’T’ pen pot too.
Rich journeyed to his classroom a few minutes before the bell was due to ring, at which point students began to file into Taron’s classroom, he wrote the date and learning objective on the board as the class took their time to settle, before sitting at his desk to call out the register, going name by name with a ‘here sir’ mumbled in reply after each name by the relevant student.
“Ella,” he called, getting no response. The entire atmosphere in the room changed, bringing a grossly enhanced meaning to ‘elephant in the room’.
“What?” Taron quizzed, looking around and his class, getting nothing back. 
“Guys?” he asked, starting to get antsy, “anyone?” 
“Didn’t you hear?” one of the girls in his class spoke up.
“Hear what?” Taron began to panic, thinking about how he was the first in the staff room when he got him and Rich’s coffee so he hadn’t actually seen any other teachers yet. No one in the class dared to speak a word, all looking down uncomfortably at their desks.
“Taron!” Rich burst in the room and exclaimed, but then coughing awkwardly and correcting himself to “Mr Egerton.”
“Um, Rich what’s going on?” Taron whispered so the students wouldn’t hear him, failing miserably considering you could hear a pin drop in the room at that moment, he ushered Rich out of the classroom and pulled the door shut behind them.
“I’m sorry I only just found out when I put the mugs back in the staff room just now I came straight back,” Rich said, out of breath from jogging back to Taron’s classroom, trying to make it before class started.
“What is it?!” Taron persisted, urging Rich to hurry up and spit it out.
“Ella overdosed last night.”
Taron’s eyes went wide, tears beginning to form that he tried to desperately blink away.
“-what?” he squeaked, his voice barely making a sound.
“She’s alive,” Rich assured, placing his hands on Taron’s shoulders.
“Is she going to be okay?” Taron whispered.
“I- I don’t know, T, we can only hope for now, I’m sorry,” he admitted, pulling Taron into a tight hug, letting the now silently sobbing man bury his face into his chest.
“I should have done more,” he mumbled into Rich’s shirt.
“Don’t say that-”
“No,” Taron cut Rich off, “this is the part of being a teacher I never wanted to experience, she trusted me and I didn’t do enough to protect her I should have looked more into it and talked to the head teacher or her parents or, I don’t know,” he rambled, “I spoke to her on Friday at the end of class and she could tell I was upset about our argument and cheered me up but I didn’t bother asking how she had been doing and-”
“T, you’re her teacher not her Dad, she’s not your responsibility,” Rich persuaded.
“She is when she’s at school Rich! Part of being a teacher is keeping them safe and I failed.”
“I know, I know,” Richard soothed “but she did this outside of school, at home, not at school, you can’t blame yourself for this, please stop blaming yourself,” Rich rubbed Taron’s back, trying to calm him down knowing that he has to go back in that classroom and teach sooner or later. He pulled away from Taron, drying his damp cheeks with his sleeves. “Look, go clean yourself up, I’ll watch your class for a minute I’ve got a free period ok?”
“Thanks, Rich,” Taron smiled weakly, patting Rich on the shoulder and walking off to the bathroom to clean up. Staring at himself in the mirror thinking about how after such a lovely weekend, this is how Monday morning starts. He knew for certain that it was going to be a long week ahead.
Ahhhh hi! I was SO nervous to post this but here it is, I decided I’d try out a few things in this chapter to see how you guys react to it which is why it’s quite long, just to make sure my writing is going in the right direction you know? Anyway if it’s more cute Madderton moments you’re waiting for I can tell you now that’s coming in the next chapter; now that I’ve done my drama/romance/angst experiment heh, so yeah I really hope you lot like it <3
Tag list: @taron-eggmcmuffin @coffeetalkbaby @nataschalenasblog 
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onlyssca · 5 years ago
Would you date me ? // byler fic
Summary:  Mike asked Will to be his fake boyfriend at a relative's wedding, so he could piss off his homophobic family. And if they're going to pretend to be boyfriends, might as well act like real ones right?
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22338424?show_comments=true&view_full_work=false#main 
“I’m gay”
Those 2 words sucked all the noise of the room, making it an agonizing silence longing between the two boys. It wasn’t the first time Will had said those words out loud but, this time he felt a lot more nervous. Probably because it was his opinion that he valued the most.
The first person he ever came out to was his mother. He and his mother were always really close. He knew she wouldn’t be mad but it stayed tough to admit. He then planed on coming out to his brother, Jonathan, but didn’t have to. Jonathan had made it pretty clear in the past that he was aware of his attraction to boys and was okay with it. Will knew he knew, and that was good enough.
He wanted so bad to tell his sister as well. They had grown really close and were almost inseparable. And this part of him he wasn’t sharing with her started to create a gap. El was somehow aware of it but also of the fact that Will wasn’t ready to explain why, and she respected that.  But it felt wrong to come out to her before him.
Him being Mike Wheeler, of course. His best friend. The person he told everything, maybe more than to his own mother. Mike, the one boy who was always by his side, the boy who stood up for him, the boy who was always there when Will needed comfort. Mike Wheeler, the boy who he was madly in love with.
So yes, coming out to Mike was difficult.
They stayed silent for a couple of second, Mike lying on his belly on Will’s bed, him sitting legs crossed a foot away from him; and right before Will started to regret his confession Mike spoke.
Will looked up to meet his eyes. Mike almost looked emotionless; like Will had just asked something as mundane as if he wanted mustard or ketchup on his hotdog. “You- you’re not mad?” Will stopped pulling the tiny part of skin near his fingertips.
“Mad? Will, why would I be mad?” Mike sat up, ruffling the paper sheets next to him. He gave Will a reassuring smile.
“I don’t know, some people would find me disgusting if they knew and I don’t know I-”
“Yeah, but I don’t. To me you’re still the same” He smiled and put his hand on his best friend’s. “It doesn’t matter who makes you feel fuzzy. Boys, girls who cares right?” Will wasn’t expecting that kind of reaction. He had hoped with all his heart that Mike would be accepting but his speech was weirdly open minded, too open minded.
“Are you…” He couldn’t be but Will had to be sure. “Into boys as well?” He finally found the courage to ask.
“Who me? No.” Mike said shaking his head. He didn’t sound offended. He even smiled. “Why? Are you interested?” Mike teased Will, oblivious that the answer was a big fat yes.
“N-no! It’s just you seem so chill about it, sorry”
“No it’s cool” He casually said.
“Cool” Will repeated.
“Anyway, what’d you got for question 5?” Mike simply went back to their homework as if that conversation meant nothing, or never even happened.
“Um, 25”
“Shit I got 56”
Years passed but Will’s crush didn’t, it was slowly turning into something more intense. Back in 10th grade, he tried dating a boy he met at the arcade to get over his best friend. It didn’t work. Will didn’t date anyone else after that. Mike on the other hand, had become quite the womanizer. Will couldn’t blame him; he went from a soft cute child to the hottest boy in the whole school.
So yes, Mike dated a lot. Always coming back to Will at the end of the day, saying that he’ll never find the one. Will’s heart sank when, one day, Mike mentioned that he’d need someone like Will. And of course both of them acted like Mike had never said that. It took a couple of other months for Will to inform the rest of the party that he liked boys. Everyone was accepting and supportive.
“Would you date me?” Mike asked out of the blue. Will who was inconveniently drinking at the same time choked a little on his drink.
“Excuse me?” Will managed to say after catching his breath. He placed his glass on the coffee table.
“I mean hypothetically would you?” Mike still had that serene expression when evoking that kind of subject, compared to Will whose head was always on the verge of exploding.
How was he supposed to answer that? Saying yes would mean hinting his attraction towards the boy, too close to the truth, saying yes meant danger. But saying no would mean lying and risking to hurt Mike’s feeling.
“I mean yeah” Will said after almost a minute of reflection which might have been worse than answering right away.
“Cool… because there’s this wedding I need to attend and I was hopping you’d be my date” Mike saw Will’s confused expression and clarified his proposition. “like pretend to be my boyfriend?” Will couldn’t believe what was happening. His heart was going full speed at this point.
“I mean yeah but wouldn’t it be easier to find a girl? Also more believable” Will tried to reason Mike but more importantly, himself.
“Well maybe I’m into boys as well as girls” Whatever was going on inside Will’s mind seconds ago got deleted by this one sentence. “I mean Johnny Depp’s pretty hot but so is Phoebe Cates, you know what I mean?”
“Not really but-”
“And I mean it’s not like I’ve never… you know” Will’s mind was a total blank at this point, still not processing the idea that Mike could like boys the same way he did.
“I really don’t” Will said.
“All I’m saying is that there is not much differences between kissing a boy and kissing a girl” Mike said and that was what broke the glass wall Wil was hiding behind. The wall that would hold the informations from going to Will’s brain. He stayed silent for a moment still in shock, but tried his best to keep a straight face.
“I guess, although there are differences” Will added.
“Oh yeah I know” Mike said, a little bit, too confidently. If Will was shocked before he now had lost the ability to function. Body frozen, his brain overheating as he tried to connect the dots. And the conclusion he came to kind of scared him for some reason.
“Wait, just so we’re clear. Are you telling me you’ve had sex with a boy?” Will didn’t know if he wanted the answer but his mouth was faster than his brain.
“Not all the way but, yeah pretty much I guess” Mike said nonchalantly. “So what do you say?” Mike changed the subject, looked at him right in the eyes.
“Sure,” Was all Will could say. “When is it?”
“Next week, 21st of July” Mike said.
“Okay, do I need to wear anything in particular?” Will had never been to a wedding.
“No, just a button up shirt I guess. You don’t have to go full tuxedo, unless you want to” Mike said.
Will went home that day looking for an appropriate outfit. He looked through his clothes but he found nothing he liked. He thought of asking his mother but went to look through Jonathan’s old clothes. He had left for college a couple of years ago but some of his stuff were still around.
“Hey buddy, what are you doing?” Will jumped not expecting anyone home. He turned around and saw his brother, leaning on the doorframe of the room.
“Jonathan! I didn’t know you were coming back for summer break!” Will said going for a hug.
“I told mom on the phone a couple of days ago. Didn’t she tell you?” He hugged his brother back.
“I guess not... El’s at Max’s but I can call if you w-”
“No no, don’t worry I’m staying so I’ll see her later”
“Okay” Will said enthusiastically. He had missed his brother.  Jonathan looked over Will’s shoulder and noticed the box of clothes on the floor.
“What’s all this?” He asked, his head nodding towards the box. Will turned around.
“Oh um, I’m looking for a button up shirt, a nice one” Will replied.
“Why? Do you have a date?” Jonathan smiled and lifting his eyebrows up. Will blushed.
“Oh no! Just going to a wedding” He explained, although his brother looked even more confused. “Mike asked me to be his date for one of his relative’s wedding” He quickly regretted his choice of words seeing the facial expression of his brother. “Don’t give me that look it’s, it’s not like that. He asked me to be his fake boyfriend.”
“Fake boyfriend? That’s pretty odd… why not just ask you to come as a friend?” Jonathan asked really confused. Will frowned. Somehow, in his state of ethereal panic when Mike asked him, he didn’t realize how weird it was.
“I-I don’t know…” Will looked down feeling like an idiot for still being in love with the same person for almost 10 years and them not reciprocating the feelings.
“I’m sorry” Jonathan put his hand on Will’s shoulder giving him a pitiful look. He knew. “Come on let’s find you the most stunning shirt we can!”
On the 21st the Wheelers came to pick up Will. Nancy couldn’t make it, which was why they only took one car. Mike got out of the car and walked to the Byers-Hoppers’ front door. Will opened the door to see Mike who was wearing black tuxedo pants, a light blue, almost white, shirt with a loosened navy tie. Will was wearing dark grey pants, his shirt was white with a red tie around the collar, and a dark grey vest matching his pants. He held his tuxedo jacket in his hands.
Will didn’t have time to greet Mike because as soon as the door was open and he was reachable, Mike slid his hand on Will’s wait bringing him closer. He leaned in and kissed Will right on the lips. Taken aback Will almost dropped his jacket on the floor. The kiss lasted about five seconds. Will couldn’t bring himself to close his eyes like Mike did.
“Why did you do that?” Will asked, eyes so wide.
“We’re supposed to pretend to be boyfriends, might as well act like real ones” Mike explained. “You look great by the way” Mike said before taking his hand and leading him to the car. Will forgot to thank him as worry started to take over his shock.
“What about your parents?” Will asked.
“They’re cool with it” He said climbing in the vehicle. Will following him and sat next to him as he greeted everyone.
“Hello kid” “Hi Will!” “Hello honey” All of the other Wheelers said at the same time. “Come on boys buckle up we’re a bit late” Karen said.
Will was a bit surprised by the fact that no one was bothered by the fact that Will was dating Mike. Mike explained, that he himself had thought his father would’ve been angrier about it but he simply didn’t care, totally unaware of the fact that his parents knew that if their son had to date a boy it would’ve been Will.
A moment after they had started driving Will felt Mike’s hand slid in his. He gazed at their hands then at Mike’s face. He was smiling at him. Will took a deep breath then relaxed into the touch and even leaned onto Mike’s arm. If he was going to pretend to be his boyfriend, he was going to enjoy every second of it because as soon as this day ends so does this.
They drove for about forty minute and finally arrived at the venue. The biggest area was outside where all the chairs and tables were, for the reception, as well as a dance floor with a faux ceiling of fairy lights. The place was huge and beautiful. Everything looked expensive and screamed ‘we have money’. Will knew the Wheelers were wealthier than his family but even the extended family was rich.
They entered the room where the ceremony would take place. Still holding hands Mike and Will followed Karen leading the way to the 5th row. They all sat down but Will felt nauseous all of a sudden. He felt stares on him and Mike and whispers here and there.
At first he thought that he was being paranoid, when they stood up for the bride’s entrance he met disgusted faces looking at them.
“Um... Mike?” Will tugged at his sleeve.
“Yeah?” Mike looked at Will giving him all his attention.
“Is your family homophobic?” Will asked the question that was bothering him as soon as he sat down on the white velvet chair.
“Uh yeah, some of them, why?” Mike said eyes wandering around the room.
“And you didn’t tell me?!” Will scream-whispered.
“Didn’t I mention it?”
“No you didn’t!!!” Mike didn’t understand why Will was so mad.
“Well, that’s kinda why I wanted you to come, so I could piss them off. My uncle’s a homophobic asshole so I thought I’d piss him off if I had a boyfriend.” Mike said calmly.
Will’s heart stopped. His shoulders dropped and he felt something in his stomach. His guts getting heavy. Was it the only reason? It would explain the ‘fake boyfriend’ thing… Will thought.
“Hey what’s going on?” Mike noticed Will’s sudden change of mood. He approached him, looking at his face closely trying to figure out the reason his best friend looked so down.
“Mike we could get hurt…” Will said and yes it wasn’t the main reason he felt sad but it was a big concern of his at this moment.
“Will look at me” Mike said lifting Will’s chin using his hand. “I will never let anything happen to you, you understand? Never” Mike said so seriously and with such sincerity in his voice. Will looked at him and saw the boy he fell in love with, and all his worry vanished.
“Okay” Will said nodding and smiling.
After the ceremony all the guests were invited to go eat the meal followed by the party that started right after the now married couple’s first dance together. The whispering and weird looks continued but Mike did everything he could to distract his boyfriend, and that meant kiss him by surprise, asking for, no, drag him to the dancefloor to swing to the music.
Will had seem to be distracted enough to forget all about it. Until one of Mike’s cousin, he assumed, went up to them.
“Hey Michael! I didn’t know you were a fairy?” He said supported by his friend’s laugh behind. Will let go of Mike and took a step away from him. Mike instantly put himself in front of Will, protecting him.
“Do you have a problem George?” Mike almost spat out.
“Yes actually. I don’t want faggots at brother’s wedding” He walked closer to them.
“Take that back!” Mike shouted over the music.
“No, you see I’m quite surprised. You don’t look queer” He said poking at Mike’s shoulder’s multiple times. Then pointed at Will. “Him on the oth-” Mike’s fist interrupting his cousin’s mouth.
It happened so fast that Will didn’t registered the action until he saw the man on the floor, lip bruised and already bleeding. He got back to his feet and punched back. Will was petrified and felt powerless. He watched the scene screaming in his head for them to stop.
His voice finally coming out when his eyes fell on Mike’s bleeding lips and red cheek. “Mike!” The fight didn’t go any further as people went to separate them. Will threw himself at Mike. He took his face between his hands.
“Are you okay?” He asked voice shaking, translating his worry.
“Sure! Never been better” Mike tried to lighten the situation with a joke that did not make Will laugh. Karen arrived near them and brought them in the kitchen of the venue to get some ice.
“Ouch” Mike winced as Will placed the ice patch against his cheek. Mike was sat on a counter, Will standing between his legs. They were no stranger to proximity and closeness, but this night, it became so natural for them, as if they were magnets.
“Sorry” Will said mimicking the boy’s facial expression.
“It’s okay” Mike said placing his hand on top of Will’s. They stared at each other’s eyes for god knows how long. They leaned a little eyes going down towards lips. Hearts racing but abruptly stopped when a member of the staff passed by, making Will drop his hand and them break eye contact. They waited to be alone again before they started speaking again.  “Please don’t say it” Mike said.
“Say what?” Will asked.
“I told you so” Mike replied
“I told you so” Will did it anyway. Mike gave him a small smile. “You didn’t have to do that you know…” Will softly said.
“Do what?” Mike asked confused.
“Getting beat up just to defend me” Will looked down.
“Hey no! I couldn’t stand there listening to that asshole say those things about you, about us.” Mike placed the ice patch next to him and took, between his hands, Will’s face, who winced a little because of Mike’s frozen hand. His burning cheeks helping the hand getting warmer.
“Don’t ever do that again. Promise me.” Will looked so serious.
“No I can’t promise that, I told you I wouldn’t let anything happen to you and I meant it! You’re so important to me okay!” His brain was so dazed from his swollen lips and bruised cheeks, pain radiating in his whole face, which was why he had let this information slipped out of his mouth. Even though they both knew it, hearing Mike say it out loud felt different.
“Mike you don’t understand, I got so scared when I saw him punch you I… please” Will’s eyes getting wet as his voice was shaky. Mike licked the blood on his lips, thinking.
“Promise.” Will held his pinky finger in front of them. Mike looked amused, it’s been so long since they pinky promised something. They used to do it all the time when they were kids. Mike locked their fingers together.
“I promise” His hand quickly moved to hold his entire hand instead of just his pinky. His other hand on the back of the smaller boy’s head, bringing it closer allowing Mike to kiss his forehead. He stayed like this for some time, Will felt his whole body melt. He wiped off the blood stain after his lips left Will’s skin.
He looked around them, checking if anybody could see them, and no, no one was looking. He looked up and saw a bloody smile.
“You can stop pretending, no one’s looking” He took a wet cloth and gently rubbed the blood off Mike’s lips, which was useless as it was still bleeding a little.
“I’m not pretending” Mike said, putting Will’s hair behind his ear. The light touch made Will so weak. His heart was pounding in his chest; it was almost painful. He couldn’t take it anymore.
“Please stop, I’m begging you” Will desperately said avoiding eye contact.
“Stop what?” Mike got worried for half a second.
“Making me feel like this” He said. What do you mean? Was what Will could read on Mike’s face when he finally decided to raise his head. “Like I have a chance, like you could actually love me back”
“Back?” It was Mike’s voice’s turn to shake.
“Yeah Mike. I’m in love with you, have been for years. I honestly don’t know how you never noticed because I’m so weak for you” Will admitted. He was expecting a shocked expression painted on Mike’s face but his eyes met the boy, beaming at him. Will’s eyes flutter out of confusion.
“Why are you smiling?” Will asked.
Will started to panic. Was Mike gonna laugh at his face because of how stupid he was to love someone who will never love him back? He regretted telling this, he regretted coming to the wedding, he regretted agreeing to all of this. He… He tasted blood on his lips.
In his panic state he didn’t notice Mike leaning in to kiss him. Will closed his eyes and they moved their lips together spreading the iron taste on Will’s tongue. Will wasn’t aware of it but his whole body was shaking lightly. The kiss was slightly painful for Mike who didn’t kiss him for too long. They parted but stayed close nonetheless.
“What was that for?” Will said finally coming back to reality.
“For loving me back” Mike said softly.
“B-back?” A glimmer of hope shined in Will’s eyes.
“Yeah I did actually notice you loved me. It just took me a long time to fall for you too, or rather realized I had already fallen” Mike took Will’s hands in his. Will felt like he was floating on a cloud, not even noticing when staff members passed by anymore.
“When did you realized that?” Will had a lot of questions but this one came out first.
“Last year” Mike said looking down. Will let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. A mix of anger, sadness, confusion but mostly frustration took over Will.
“So you knew I was in love with you for years, then realized you loved me back but did nothing for a whole year?” He exclaimed, raising his voice a little.
“Yeah but I actually thought your feelings were gone because you dated that boy and… there’s college approaching and I don’t know I-” Mike struggled to explain. Will listened and waited for Mike to be finished, then waited a little longer, installing a silence between them.
“Now what? What do we do?” Will asked rubbing his thumb on Mike’s knee.
“I don’t know…” He looked at Will whose eyes were stuck on his own thumb drawing circles on Mike’s pants. “What I do know is that I love you.”
“You do?” Will glanced up, finding Mike staring directly at him, smiling.
“Yes! Hell, Will, you’re the love of my life, always have been, always will be, even though the love wasn’t romantic at first it sure is now!” Mike said like it was the clearest thing in his life, because it was. The words made Will melt into Mike’s arms. They also felt like a breath of fresh hair, like Will had been waiting all his life to hear them, like he could finally breathe again.
His eyes sparkled. “So what do you say? You want to give this a shot?” Mike asked, looking at Will through his eyelashes.
“Yes!” Will almost didn’t let Mike finish his question. He crashed his lips against Mike’s, who winced and pulled back.
“Ouch” Mike went to touch his bleeding lip.
“Sorry” Will’s awkward smile grew wider when he felt Mike’s lips back on his own.
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kaspbrak-tozier-reddie · 5 years ago
Paparazzi - pt.1
Based on this request: AU 37 (Stenbrough with #3, #4 & #29
Pairings: Stenbrough (main), sides of Reddie and Benverly
Warnings: swearing,
It is 5 years since they all had graduated from college, now all at the ages of 27-28, Bill decided that they should all get back together and catch up. They all are still very close but haven’t hung out as a group in ages, Bill, still being the ringleader, decided he better step up and organise something.
That’s where they’re at now, all over at Bill’s house, his paycheck for his first book just came in and he indulged in a nice house. It isn’t big or expensive, it’s a good start off, he didn’t want to spend most of his money on a mansion or an overly expensive house. 
“So this has become a celebration?” Bill asks.
“You bet Big Bill, you’re practically famous now,” Richie exclaims popping open a bottle of champagne. 
The even takes a turn in a direction that Bill didn’t plan on and he didn’t mind. It’s a nice feeling celebrating with his ‘family’ since his actual family didn’t care about Bill’s choice of career.
“You deserve this, the stories you told us as kids were amazing!” Ben pipes up, “hurry up with that champagne Tozier.”
“Just be patient, geez you’re almost as bad as Mrs K!” Richie snaps.
“Beep beep Richard!” Eddie grumbles. Richie finally manages to pour everyone flute of the bubbly alcohol. 
“I’d like to propose a toast,” Stan announces. “I would like to congratulate William on his first success and put us all to shame. You have earnt this William, we are all proud of you, including Trashmouth. Congratulations Bill.” 
Stan raises his champagne flute and the others follow suit. “TO BILL.” They all yell together towards the author. Bill laughs and clinks his own flute against the others that are raised. 
Ever since Georgie had gotten cancer and had to have his arm amputated because of it, Bill was a second glance. He would certainly not call them bad parents, it’s just he wished that he could receive some the praise that Georgie does. Bill was more than often told by his mother, to become a lawyer or an accountant. When he tried that pathway, he wasn’t happy, but he still continued wanting to have something to fall back on if writing didn’t work out.
His friends all loved his stories, those he told at their monthly sleepovers or whenever they were down in the clubhouse. Everyone in the group knew that he was going to grow up and become the next Stephen King. 
“Richie, we get it you’re jealous,” Eddie says looking up at the tall brunette. “Let it go, babe.”
“Oh, no, don’t you start on that. I’m not jealous, I’m happy for Bill.” Richie replies to the smaller man on his lap. 
“Rich, you’re literally throwing out jealous vibes, don’t worry your time will come,” Bev says.
“Can’t you try SNL? They’re looking for both writers and comedians.” Bill suggests, Stan gives Bill a look. “Stan, he’s been wanting this forever and I don’t like the attention. It’s Richie’s thing.” Stan rolls his eyes, it used to drive everyone insane but they’ve all learnt to deal with it.
“Yeah true, I mean, a lot of people started off there,” Richie whispers. “Okay, let’s talk about something else.”
By the time everyone went to sleep, Bill is wide awake, his mind still processing the fact that what was meant to be a nice quiet evening, like it used to be, turned into a huge celebratory evening with takeout pizza and Chinese food. Bill started to clean the kitchen, quietly, when he hears soft footsteps coming towards him.
“What are you doing? It’s almost 2 am,” Stan whispers, coming into view.
“Can’t sleep so I decided to clean,” Bill replies tying up a garbage bag.
“Don’t pull an Eddie on me. Come to bed, we’ll all help clean in the morning.” 
Bill agrees and walks back to his makeshift bed on his living room floor. 
“If you really wanna be like Eddie, come cuddle with me,” Stan whispers, Bill chuckles and shakes his head. “Thank goodness.” It isn’t that he doesn’t want to, it’s just he has a huge crush on the light-brunette haired man. He looks over at Mike for a split second, he had told Mike ages ago about his feelings for a certain Jewish boy, if Bill got into Stan’s sleeping bag, Mike would lose it. Especially since Bill didn’t consult with him first. 
On the cot, beside Bill, Stan lays awake, facing the wall beside him, hitting himself, mentally, for offering to cuddle with Bill. Stan was hoping that Richie was awake but since Eddie was cuddling him, he’d say not. Richie knows about Stan’s massive crush on the man lying beside him, both were miserable one day in high school because of some event, Stan can’t remember if it was homecoming or prom. All he knew was that he had to buy a suit. 
Richie was the first to complain before Stan followed, completely unplanned but trusted Richie, not that he’d willingly admit that to anyone.
Richie had offered to drive Stanley to school on this one particular morning since Stan’s car was getting fixed and he really needed to tell Stan something. Richie was beyond nervous once Stan had gotten into the beaten up ute. Stan kicked away an old box of cigarettes and a shit ton of empty wrappers and energy drink cans so that he could place his bag at his feet.
“Okay, what is it Trashmouth?” Stan asked, taking a sip of his scolding hot coffee.
Richie sucked in a deep breath, “The guy I like is taking this bitch to prom, I found out she’s only going with him because of some dare. Because making fun of a gay kid is fun apparently.” The last sentence was laced with so much sarcasm, Stan could tell that Richie was beyond pissed. 
“Can’t you tell this guy?” Richie was about to speak, “wait, who is he?”
By this point, Stan didn’t care that Richie was going in the opposite direction to the school. He was thinking long and hard about what Richie was saying, the fact that Richie trusted him surprised him. Normally Richie would go to Bev to talk about this kind of stuff, over weed and beer.
“Richard, if you don’t tell him, he’d be hurt.”
“Stan, trust me when I say that I can’t.” Richie pulled over near the outskirts of town, nobody came all the way out here unless they were leaving or entering the town. “Look, I want to but I can’t.”
“Who is he? Do we know him?” Stan had a hunch and if he was right then every single member of the Losers Club knew the boy. Richie said nothing. “It’s Eddie?” Richie nodded, not having the courage to say anything else.
“He’ll understand Rich. He always trusts your judgement, in fact, the day he said yes, he ran around looking for you but you were so pissed off that she had asked him that you went to the Barrens.” 
Richie sighed, he didn’t want that morning to be about him complaining about some bitch and Eddie. He wanted to know if his hunch about Stan and Bill was true.“I’ll talk to him later, what about you Staniel?” 
“I like Bill.” Was all Stan could say, “the bloody bastard is going with that chick in History, you know the one he constantly talks to in the morning.”
The two laughed and continued to talk about their respective crushes but only one of them was going to make an effort and talk to his. Stan was thrilled that Richie felt comfortable enough to tell him something as deep as that. It was only Eddie, Bev and Stan that knew that Richie was gay. But they had been friends for ages, Stan too trusted Richie, though he’d never say that out loud, especially in front of the Losers. 
The advice that Richie had given Stan, that day, was helpful. Stan had taken three steps forward instead of three steps back when dealing with Bill. Bill was bi as was Stan and Richie would never want to get involved in other’s relationship unless he had a good reason. He never told Stan but Bill too confided in him, Richie knew Bill liked Stan but still asked the History girl to prom because he thought Stan would say ‘no’.
The following morning, the Losers had made their way to a cute diner near a cute little park. It’s quiet, only just now reaching 7am. “Out or in?” Bill asks the 6 others.
“Out,” Mike says. “It’s a beautiful day, why not take full advantage?”
“Mikey has a point,” Ben jokes, punching Mike’s arm lightly. 
“Table for 7 outside thanks,” Bill says to the waiter. They’re led to the side where there’s a long table with 8 seats. Bill sits at the head and the rest sit down where they see fit. But Stan plonked himself next to Bill and Richie.
“Remember what I told you all those years ago?” Richie whispers in Stan’s ear. 
“Yeah,” Stan whispers back. “What about it?”
“Do it, it’s subtle and I know for a fact that he’ll do it back.” Stan leans away from Richie, who smirks and nods.
He really doesn’t want to do it but he trusts Richie, secretly. Of all the times he had followed Richie’s advice, it actually worked. He wouldn’t say anything, careful to not inflate Richie’s already big ego. 
Stan reaches under the table and squeezes Bill’s thigh without looking up from the menu. He feels pressure around his knee and then the feeling of someone intertwining their fingers with his. Briefly looking up, he sees Bill smirking and he relaxes, both hands swinging comfortably down between them.
What Richie and Stan didn’t know was that there was paparazzi in the bushes, across the street. Nobody was sitting in the alleyway that the losers are at, giving the people with cameras a clear view of Bill’s hand entwined with Stan’s. 
“Would you like to order?” The waitress asks, Bill and Stan immediately pull their hands away. 
Once the waitress leaves, Richie gives Stan a nudge and motions back to Bill, Stan was about to initiate but Bill beat him to it, the feeling wasn’t like what he felt only moments before, this time he felt the electricity, a tingle like feeling, shoot up his arm. 
The tingling feeling leads to a kaleidoscope of butterflies swarming around in his stomach. He tries everything in his power to not blush, trying to think of anything but the cute man beside him. “So Michael, how’s the library?” Stan asks, trying to distract himself from the butterflies in his stomach.
“It’s interesting, it’s a great job but I obviously want to leave Derry and do something with my life.” The librarian says. 
“Well, you still have time. What about business? You’ve already got a career in it.” 
“Yeah, I’ve thought about it and I may go ahead and pursue so I can start my own.”
“Mike, you should work for me, I run my own clothing brand and it’s starting to lift off. I’ll need a second set of hands.” Beverly chimes in.
“Really?” Mike pipes up.
“Yeah, I could use your bookkeeping and organising skills. I reckon Stan may even teach you accounting shit.”
“Bev’s right, if you want I can help you.” Stan shudders as he feels a thumb roll over his knuckles. He had completely forgotten that his hand was tangled with Bill’s, it’s so surreal to him.
“For the love of God Bill, answer the bloody phone!” Richie yells in annoyance. Bill’s phone had been dinging and vibrating nonstop since they got back from breakfast.
“Oh shit!” Bill exclaims and drops his phone, the phone clattered in the tiles, cracking the screen. 
Ben’s the one that picks it up and sees the headline through the freshly cracked screen. 
Bill Denbrough Seen with Boyfriend and Friends
Ben immediately passes the phone back to Bill, shock on his face, he looks to Stan who is confused. “I didn’t know that you two are together,” Ben says.
“We aren’t,” Bill replies, Stan snatches the phone from Bill and looks at the article. As he scrolls, there were several photos of Bill and Stan holding hands, panic set in. 
“What?” Ben asks, “the photos clearly show ...”
Beverly was quick to take the phone from Stan, she looks through the photos and looks to the two men. There isn’t much to see, both are just friends. Only Richie and Mike know the truth though.
Mike looks over Bev’s shoulder and smirks at Richie, knowing full well that Richie had told Stan to make a move, as Mike had done the exact same with Bill. 
“I know what the photo shows but we act like Richie and Eddie ... before they started dating, in secret,” Bill explains. 
“So you two cuddle and hold hands, angrily flirt at each other privately?” Mike asks, he subtly smirks at Bill. 
“Yeah,” Stan replies. 
“Hey! I take offence to that Hanlon.” Richie exclaims.
“Cool it Trashmouth.” Bev retorts on behalf of Mike.
Bev passes the phone to Eddie who squeaks, he clamped a hand over his mouth in embarrassment. Needless to say, he was shocked, it wasn’t in Bill’s or Stan’s nature to keep something like this a secret.
“Richie, did you tip them off?” Stan demands.
“What?! Stanley, I would never, you know me. I may be an asshole but I’d never pull a stunt like that.” Richie replies, the shock in his voice alerts Stan. He knows that Richie wouldn’t try to pull a stunt like this but he had to make sure. 
“You’re right, fuck, I’m sorry.” As soon as the words fell out of Stan’s mouth, every single loser looked at him. “I may or may not trust Richie.”
“We could tease the media?” Bill suggests. “I mean, it would be a fun prank. Would teach them a lesson.”
“I don’t know,” Stan replies but Richie elbows him in the ribs. “On second thought, it would be fun.”
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dxscxndxnts · 6 years ago
I have this hc that when all the VKs get off the isle, Uma ends up rooming with Audrey and at first it’s horrible but soon they bond over their shared disdain for Mal and become thick as thieves!! Audrey teaches Uma that it’s okay to take care of yourself and relax, Uma teaches Audrey that she deserves so much better than Chad!!! Audrey defending the Sea Three to her prejudiced grandma and being in awe of the way Harry loves Uma (she stans them so hard). 1/2
Uma teaching Audrey self defense bc even though this is Auradon she’s still wary when Audrey’s cheer practices run late. Harry also defends Audrey to the max bc anyone who can make Uma laugh a little bit more is alright in his book! Gil thinks Audrey is too hard on herself and is always telling her how nice she looks or how well the dance she planned turned out and I just afahsjdbbs!!! Sorry about the word vomit I just loved this idea 2/2
I love everything that you have written here omg! I would love to dive further into her relationships with the Sea Three if you don’t mind ;)
Uma - When Audrey gets Uma as a new roommate, her first reaction is to storm into Fairy Godmother’s office and demand a change. When FG refuses, Audrey storms back into her room to find Uma lazily lounging in her bed. Audrey is furious that she gets stuck with the GIRL WHO ATTACKED COTILLION! and she’s visibly peeved about it. Uma’s not too happy about it either, so she suggests they get Ben. Audrey suddenly turns from firey to hesitant, and Uma takes notice. Her caring nature getting the better of her, Uma asks what’s wrong and Audrey explains the whole ‘arranged boyfriend that Mal stole’ deal. Uma is shocked by someone else hating Mal just as much as she does. Uma cheers Audrey up by saying “if it makes u feel any better, I did the same thing to Mal at Cotillion.” Audrey laughs, and it’s the beginning of a beautiful friendship. 
Harry - Audrey knows of Harry because Uma has almost no stories that don’t involve him, but Uma usually hangs out in his room since he rooms with Gil, so Audrey doesn’t meet Harry until about a week later when she’s tutoring math in the library. Now that she’s besties with Uma, she’s more inclined to help the VKs than some other student tutors. Now, Audrey’s been helping this funny-talking guy for like 30 minutes, and he just can’t seem to figure out basic math. In the middle of their study session, Uma waltzes up to them with a paper bag and sits on the edge of the table in front of the guy. Audrey is confused for like two seconds until Uma calls the guy by name and she realizes, “Oh so THIS is Harry.” Uma had just swung by to drop off Harry’s lunch, but they talked for a little while, and Audrey subtly watched them. The way their conversation seemed to flow seamlessly with pirate lingo and inside jokes-a-plenty, the way Harry was utterly captivated by her presence, and she definitely noticed when Uma pushed some of his hair back behind his ear right before she left (giving Audrey a quick farewell). After Harry watched Uma leave, Audrey quirked an eyebrow and asked, “So how long have you two been dating?”
“Oh, eh, we don’t, erm, we don’t date on the Isle. Uma and I are just friends,” Harry stutters out, and Audrey didn’t think he had it in him to stutter with how confidently he talked to Uma.
Audrey gives him a knowing nod and offers, “Look, if you get an A on your next math test, I’ll show you how to take your friend on a date.”
Harry gets a B, but Audrey was just trying to motivate him to pass, so she helps him. After he and Uma get together, Harry becomes like a big brother to Audrey in the sense that he will literally kill someone who hurts her (we love our extra boi). It’s just icing on the cake that Uma and Audrey are best friends.
Gil - Y’all know the Gay Best Friend trope, right? Well, I don’t mean to reduce Gil to being just the Gay Best Friend, but that’s the kind of relationship Audrey and Gil would have. Think Betty and Kevin before Riverdale went to shit. Besides being on the cheer squad together, they love talking gossip and boys and ‘dressing to impress.’ Audrey defends Gil against some of the homophobes at school and helps him with reading and such.
Basically, all of Sea Three loves Audrey for their own reasons and it’s a beautiful friendship all around.
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eliottdemaurys · 6 years ago
mercredi 10:40 - phase de latence clip analysis
Since I had so many thoughts about mercredi 10:40, I decided to make this analysis of the clip. Buckle up mecs, its gonna be a long ride. I’m putting this under the cut because this ended up being way longer than I originally planned
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So we start in the biology classroom where it looks like the class is working on an assignment where you can’t talk to the other students. It might be a test though (if french people could rb this and explain it that would be very much appreciated.) Imane seems like someone who cares a lot about academic honesty, but she cares even more about being a loyal friend. That’s why I was shocked, but not entirely surprised when she whispered an answer to Lucas for his assignment.
“You forgot the latency phase”
“The latency phase. When two chromosomes are forming”
Imane is someone who is reserved, but once she gets to know and trust someone, she will go above her personal beliefs. The same can go for when she defended Alexia during the Kiffance party when Chloé said a generalization about gay people. Homosexuality is against Imane’s religion, but that doesn’t stop her from defending Alexia. Imane is such a caring hufflepuff and anyone would be lucky to have a friend like her. 
Lucas gets the texts from Eliott
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When Lucas got the texts from Eliott, he seemed apprehensive, but he was still willing to turn his uncompleted assignment in to see him. Lucas was confused and probably hurt that Eliott didn’t text him since Saturday, but I truly believe that all it takes is for Lucas to see Eliott’s face for 2 seconds to stop being mad at him.
Eliott also brings out the spontaneous side in Lucas, whether it means leaving class early or ditching Chloé and Lucille on their “double date.” Eliott makes Lucas fearless. (I’ll come back to that later.)
“Minimalism, Imane. Minimalism.”
This quote makes me laugh every time. Lucas has a very witty personality that we see from time to time when he’s truly happy. Imane’s reaction to this made it even better.
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This smile!!!! I wish I could see Eliott smile like that forever!!!! Okay but seriously, Eliott was so happy at that moment before it all went to hell. He probably had a hard couple of days after he left Lucas’s apartment, but now that he seemed to be feeling better he couldn’t wait to see Lucas. There is so much hope and love in those eyes.
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This kiss was such a natural reaction for Eliott, but I don’t think he understood how monumental it would be to kiss Lucas at school. Lucas never told Eliott that he is closeted but after Eliott saw Lucas’s reaction, I’m sure he definitely knows now. This, my mecs, is the first part of this clip that hurts. And it gets worse.
“Doesn’t that make you happy?”
“Of course. I just don’t want you to be sad or feel like it’s my fault”
So much to unpack with these lines. “Doesn’t that make you happy?” Oh Eliott, of course it makes Lucas happy. Lucas’ reaction caused the doubt to start creeping in for a second, and I don’t blame him. I’m sure breaking up with Lucille was a terrifying moment for him. He lost his main safety net and jumped into this new and exciting relationship where there is still a chance of abandonment. Thankfully, Eliott’s doubt only lasted for a second when Lucas said “I don’t want you to be sad or to feel like it’s my fault.” Not only does Lucas want to be with him, but he cares so much about how Eliott feels. Lucas understood that Lucille was a big part of Eliott’s life, and he can’t help but feel guilty for breaking up their long term relationship.
“I'm not sad!”
Eliott is so happy here. Right away Lucas expressed genuine concern for Eliott’s feelings probably in a way Lucille never did. He also assured Eliott about how happy their relationship makes him. Lucas just wanted to be sure that Eliott feels the same way, especially after not hearing from him for days.
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This time it was Eliott’s turn to reassure Lucas. This forehead touch expressed more than words ever could in this situation. The true intimacy in this moment is so tangible. Not to mention the little nose rub thing Eliott always does with Lucas! They’re just so soft with each other I feel like my heart is going to melt.
Now for some more angst.
“My mother is crazy” “I don’t need crazy people in my life”
It physically pains my heart to type those words, let alone hear it being said from Lucas multiple times as a rewatch this clip. I’m sure once Lucas realizes that what he said was wrong he’ll spend his whole life proving to Eliott how wrong that statement is.
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This moment right here is the part where I start crying every time. Eliott is always so expressive through his eyes, and you can so clearly see the pain. His biggest fear about Lucas came true: he realized that Lucas won’t accept him for his mental illness. Of course this isn’t true, but after Lucas calls his mom with a mental illness crazy, there’s no reason for him to believe otherwise. Eliott decides at that moment to build a wall around himself, and that prompts him to make this insta post. The worst thing about this is that Lucas doesn’t know why Eliott starts to withdraw.
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Lucas becomes so brave around Eliott. Only two minutes before Lucas was scared to kiss Eliott in school, but in a matter of minutes, he was ready to kiss him without a second thought. Lucas was also so sure about telling his parents about Eliott. I’m so proud of him.
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Maybe that’s what makes Eliott’s rejection of the kiss even more painful. Lucas was so open around Eliott, so i’m sure Eliott walking away was a punch to the gut. The confusion Lucas must have felt was probably overwhelming.
What happens next?
Now Lucas has two choices: he can do what he has done before and shut down within himself, or he could open up to someone about this. I hope that he goes to Manon for help because she has always made it clear that he shouldn’t have to go through his struggles alone. It would also be nice for him to talk to Mika or Alexia, since they both seem to be very confident in their sexualities.
Please tell me if you would like me to write more clip analyses like these! I genuinely loved writing this even though I had to rewatch an incredibly painful clip over and over again.
I’m sure there’s so much I missed, so if you have any other thoughts on this clip please feel free to share!
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imaginemycroftholmes · 7 years ago
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“No one can know about her,” Moriarty fussed to his loyal sidekick Sebby, the Terror Tiger, looked unfazed by the declaration from his boss.
This wasn’t something new to him considering their gigs as superheroes for the greater part of London.
As Pyro Professor and Terror Tiger they constantly battled with the evil masterminds such as Ice Man, Purple Pirate or even worse, tango with their favorite henchman, Captain Action.
It was always a game of cat and mouse as the lone duo tried to rid the city of their influence and control while managing to evade arrest. A deed, most annoying slow considering Mycroft Holmes aka Ice Man had his hand in the pockets of every major business and authority.
To have their own sibling Eurus as their mole was a blessing the city couldn’t afford to lose as she had a watchful eye on both her brothers evil schemes. 
“Boss, if the Ice Man and Purple Pirate haven’t caught onto our real identities by now then I don’t think we have to worry about it,” Sebby rationalizes to Jim, “I mean they still won’t come to terms that the Holmes brothers are villains so why worry about us?”
“Because if they figure out who we are our families will be in danger,” Jim stresses, “They  could be used as bait or worse!”
 This isn’t the first time that Jim had gone off like this about his sister _____ after a difficult foiling of the dastardly duo but this is one of the few times it was too close for comfort.
However, being an orphan of war Sebastian can’t imagine what it feels like to lose someone but if its anything by the way Jim acts he know it can’t be good.
Not one of them could figure out why or how ______ kept ending up near their battles but it was starting  to put Jim on edge and when Jim is on edge then he’s crawling up his back with complaints that makes him want to claw off the backs of the infamous Holmes brothers just to make Jim stop crying.
And he just got his titanium claws resharpened just for the occasion. 
Watching and (tuning out) his boss’s ramblings about keeping his sister safe Sebastian turns his attention to the big screen showing off the city’s zones praying for a distraction when a cellphone rings.
“I’m holding out for a hero! I’m holding out for a hero until the morning's light..”
If it wasn’t for the fact that Jim was surrounded by some of his most dangerously sensitive bombs-the ones that only required just a light pressure to set off- Sebastian might have found it funny how he fumbled for his phone to answer it. 
With his cat-like reflexes he swooped in to drag the the nervous man from dropping his device on what would be an instant death for them both and answered the phone for him.
“Sebby,” comes an excited voice from the other line, “It’s great to hear you! How has the canning business going with you two lately?”
Sebastian winces both at the moniker that ____ picked up from her brother and the fact that she still believes that lie.
How anyone believes that lie is beyond him but then again, people still can’t believe that Sherlock Holmes is the Purple Pirate DESPITE WEARING THE SAME OUTFIT EACH TIME BUT ONLY PURPLE. THERE’S NO MASK TO OBSCURE HIS FACE OR HAIR BUT WHEN HE TRIES TO SHOW PEOPLE THAT THEY THINK HE’S “CRAZY”.
But thanks to his ever witty and not good with lies on the spot partner the first thing that came out of his mouth for their nightly activities is starting a canning business and they’re in a relationship.
Needless to say, this puts a damper on his dating life but for the life of him Sebastian doesn’t have the heart to cheat on Jim for fear of _____’s private version of “You hurt him and I’ll make sure you have a 4 year slow death in the backyard tool shed back in Sussex where no one can hear you scream.”
If ______ is anywhere near as bad as Moriarty Sebastian doesn’t want to be on her bad side. 
“Yeah, its going great _____,” Sebastian says convincingly while shooting a glare at Jim who is piteously trying to reach for his phone, “So what are you up to sunshine?”
“I’m so glad you asked,” she continues with enthusiasm, “You see, I met this guy...”
“You met a guy you say,” Sebastian parrots loudly knowing good and well that it would send her brother into a rage.
It really shouldn’t bring Sebastian as much joy as it does but Jim jumping desperately to retrieve his phone but it does and he continues to torment him.
“So what? you want me and Jim to meet him,” Sebastian carries on causally like Jim isn’t trying to scale him.
And failing.
“Yeah, actually. I’ve kinda been seeing him for over 2 months now and want him to get acquainted with you guys because I might be bringing him home for Christmas this year,” she states with more confidence than her brother wearing spandex tights.
“Ya know that’s a pretty big step in a relationship right?”
“I know,” _____ agrees, “But this guy is just so right for me that I don’t feel like its too big of  deal.”
  ‘Yeah I know,” Sebastian concedes, “But you know that your brother is going to have kittens right?”
“Well, that’s why I want you to come with. Nothing can settle someone down like their spouse am I right?”
“Speaking of which is my brother around?”
Looking around and finding that Jim had skunked off somewhere was alarming.The guy never gave up that easily which was why he was the Purple Pirate’s favorite target. 
“I think he may have ran to the loo-” Sebastian tries to say before an image of terror, Moriarty running full speed with one of his guns toward him with a battle cry of “GIVE ME MY PHONE” being heard throughout the hide out. 
“No, wait! ____, here he is,” Sebastian cries as he throws the device at Jim and runs for cover.
The phone is quickly caught by Jim who purrs his hellos to her and then promptly hangs up.
Sebastian doesn’t have to turn around from his hiding spot to know that its Moriarty standing behind him. His voice is dark and deadly as he leans closer.
“You tease me like that again when ______ is calling and I’ll clip those claws permanently.” 
“Yes boss,” Sebastian responds carefully knowing that when Jim is in one these moods that his life can very well be in forfeit because for all of Jim’s silliness he was a damn genius with an affinity for violence and murder. 
He could only shudder of what horrors Moriarty would unleash if he had not been on the side of angels.
“So, when are we meeting him?”
“Next Tuesday at 6″, Jim spats coldly, ‘And you had better not make us late.”
“You know that’s not my faul-” Sebastian says defensively until he sees the look of murder in his boss’s eyes. “I mean, sure boss,” he corrects himself, “are you going to use Eurus to spy on the bloke?”
“Of course I am! Why wouldn’t I want to know the scum who’s shacking up with my sister? I want to know who he is, what he does and what he shits to see if he’s good enough for her! I wanna maul the guy with all the dirt I have on him so he’ll fuck off and leave us alone.”
Poor guy Sebastian thinks as his boss stalks off to Skype Eurus he can’t be all bad if ____ likes him.
“Believe me the feeling is mutual.”
“Guys, can we settle down please! We’re in a public place!!”
“You gotta be kidding me.”
Here, sitting before him in the flesh in one of his bespoken suits, is the Ice Man at one of the nicer restaurants in London acting like he’s an honest to God good man beside Jim’s sister. 
Like the guy hadn’t tried to murder them last week for foiling their slave labor camps in India or tortured them on occasion.
And to make matters worse his hand is on _____’s thigh, oh my God Jim is going to murder him before the waiter even arrives.
________ has her hands up as is to stop her brother from launching himself over the table to fight and pronounces quickly, “I can explain!”
Well this would explain why Eurus couldn’t find information on him Sebby muses as the air becomes frigid. 
Crap, its one of Ice Man’s classic moves Sebastian thinks as other civilains begin to feel the icy sting.
“Explain what,” Jim spits out venomously, “that this monster brainwashed you into thinking that it loves you? That not even you can recognizes that he’s the Ice Man, the man responsible for the poverty and waste in our country? That he’s so evil that members of his own family are trying to end his tyranny?”
“Now you see here, you two-bit genius,” Mycroft interjects, “I may make up causes and strife for my own gain but my love for ______ is one of the few things from me that are true.”
“Bullshit! You’re just using her to get to me!”
“Why would he want you when you already have Sebby,” _____ cries.
“I’m not gay!”
Sebastian can already see their waiter in the distance looking far too nervous to approach the shouting match that was their table so he shooed him off with a “come back later.”
Realizing that this would not only lead to a needless blood bath but to unmasking their identities to the public Sebastian tries his attempt to at least save this meal.
Tapping his glass to get their collective attention Sebastian starts,” Shut the hell up, you guys are causing a scene.”
Pointing at Mycroft accusing Jim begins to mouth out, “But he started-”
“I don’t care who started this I told you to shut up!”
He looks around the table at the lot of them.
______ looking confused and hurt that anyone would accuse Mycroft of anything less than sainthood, Mycroft torn between tearing ____ away with him like the villain he is or staying to suss out any evil intent toward her and Jim seemingly five seconds from ignoring the command to maul the Ice Man outright.
Praying to whatever deity that cursed him into a situation like this Sebastian began. “Look, we can’t outright believe that Ice Ma-I mean, Mycroft has the best intentions toward you _______-”Only to be interrupted by Jim’s HA!
Giving Jim a glare Sebastian continues, “However, JIM, we also can’t lawfully say that Mycroft’s feelings aren’t true because we aren’t mind readers.”
“I bet I can find us one on Craigslist!”
“Jimmy shut the hell up,” ______ hisses before gesturing for Sebastian to carry on. “So, my proposal is that we, Jim and I, monitor you two just to make sure that you’re safe.”
“But I’m 32,” ______ complains, “I’m too old for a chaperone!”
“Listen, I’m doing what I can _____. It’s either this or Jim’s going to try and murder Mycroft when you’re not around. It’s a compromise.”
“As if he could after all this time,” Mycroft snidely remarks.
“Maybe I just didn’t have the right motivation,” Jim counters getting squared up.
“Promises, promises,” Mycroft teases as he gestures for a waiter,” Besides we both know who the better genius is.”
“Yeah, your little sister.”
The air was becoming increasingly frigid to the point where Sebby was sure that he would have to evacuate people from the premises until _____ leaned onto Mycroft’s shoulder, melting away the frost.
“Guys, guys! Let’s stop the banter and eat! I’ve been dying to try this menu for ages,” _______ says cuddling Mycroft’s chill into submission.
“Anything you wish ______,” Mycroft says fondly in a way that makes Jim’s skin crawl.
Later after the bill was (fought over) and paid for  _____ hung back with him while Mycroft and Jimmy went to “talk” about some ground rules in private.
 “Sebby, why do Mycroft and Jimmy hate each other,” she asked innocently, “I know they never went to school together and Mycroft rarely leaves his office so how would they know each other enough to despise one another?”
Cursing his boss and this ridiculousness of their town Sebastian states, “We’re rival canning companies.”
“Oh, well that makes sense.” 
Listen, I’m not the best at superhero/villain names so cut me some slack. 
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spaceorphan18 · 7 years ago
Glee’s Final Season [Part 2/4]
Dedicated to @ckerouac and everyone who gave me prompts.  This was getting long, so I decided to break it up into four parts - which I’ll post one every evening. :)
For context - This set of episodes takes place five years after the events of season six (effectively season 11??) and ends around the time that the real series finale ends.  It is mostly canon compliant – though I did take liberty with a few things, most notably, changing Sam and Mercedes’s story.  But for the most part, it should settle in nicely into regular canon – and its intent is that this is my own version of the final season of the show.
Also note: I’m not that great at picking out music for these episodes, so feel free to fill in those blanks yourselves ;)
Previously on Glee:
Part 1
Episode 11.7: Drinking the Kool Aid
Kurt, Blaine, Rachel and Santana decide to visit Quinn.  Kurt and Blaine are wanting to see if she’s still offering to donate eggs for their baby.  Santana and Rachel find it skeptical, but Kurt and Blaine recount how in college Quinn offered.  Rachel offers her own eggs, to which Santana makes a million jokes, but Kurt and Blaine are a little hesitant about that.  
Quinn has a nice place on Long Island.  When they meet her - she’s acting a little weird (which Santana points out right away).  Everything about the house is too neat and clean and quiet, and Quinn is acting like she’s forty-six, not twenty-six.  Quinn give a run down of her life - she’s a real estate agent with a good firm, still married to Puck, and living the life she always wanted.  Kurt and Blaine are ask about the egg donation - to which Quinn replies a little hastily yes, as long as she’s paid.  A middle-aged Hispanic woman comes in, and yells at Quinn about not keeping quiet.  Quinn waves her of as a cleaning lady, but the lady bites back that she is no cleaning lady, and Quinn better know her place.  
That’s when Santana tells her to spill it -- so Quinn does.  Quinn’s actually the older woman’s house cleaner, she’s allowed room and board if she keeps the place clean.  She and Puck have been divorced for a couple of years - after he took off on her.  Quinn wanted children, but Puck did not -- claiming he was going to end up like his dad.  She lost her job due to lay offs, and has been struggling ever since.  Kurt and Blaine apologize for coming - but Quinn says she’d still like to help if possible.  She still keeps in touch with Shelby (Rachel’s mom), and Beth is doing great.  Quinn says she knows that she’ll never be a real mother, but if she can help give the world children to caring parents, then it’s worth it.  Quinn officially agrees to donate eggs, and Kurt and Blaine say they’ll pay her.  
They, however, still need a surrogate.  Rachel offers again - but Santana claims that Rachel’s too selfish to do that.  Kurt and Blaine take her up on her offer.  
As a post-wedding present, Brittany gives Mercedes a voucher for a free yoga class recommended to her by her coworker Mary Hollaran. Brittany, Mercedes, and Tina go - only to find that everyone in the class is way too happy.  They find that the key to this happiness is some Stanley Kubric-esque mind control videos they are forced to watch before doing the yoga.  Brittany thinks there’s nothing wrong with this, but Mercedes and Tina decide that they’d rather not be apart of the strange cult-like yoga class.
And meanwhile, still, Artie and Sam get addicted to a virtual reality game all weekend, and don’t even notice that everyone’s been gone for two days.
Episode 11.8: Freak the Freak Out
Rachel tells Jesse about wanting to be a surrogate.  She thought he’d be upset -- but he’s fine with it.  The producers of her show, however, are less than enthused.  She just started her show, and now she’s going to have to leave it after a few months, breaking a contract.  Rachel tries to tell them that she can come back after she’s given birth, but they aren’t as open-minded about it.  Rachel then has doctor’s appointments - and when they start to tell her how her body is going to change, she begins to get cold feet about the whole thing.
Rachel then takes a trip with Blaine -- he and Kurt are redecorating and slowly looking at baby related things.  Blaine also takes a moment to tell her that he knows this is a big decision for her, not to rush - there are other options, and that they won’t feel bad if she decides to bow out.  Rachel tells him he’s going to make a wonderful dad.  Blaine then tells him, he’s a little nervous about it -- he thought he’d always be the one ready to go, but Kurt’s the one taking charge in everything, and he’s a little nervous, too.  Rachel tells him they’ll be nervous together - and says that she’s fully in.  
Mercedes confides in Kurt that her second album is doing extremely well -- so well that her label has asked if she wants to do a three month national tour.  She really does but she says she isn’t sure how Sam will take it - especially since he has a job that he can’t up and leave.  Kurt tells her that marriage is hard -- he definitely know, but to talk to Sam.  He’s sure he’ll be more open minded about it than she thinks.  Later - Mercedes does come clean to Sam, and he’s more than supportive, even if he’s being honest, and is a little scared as well.  Mercedes feels better about it, and decides to tell her producer that she’ll be going on tour.
Kitty’s in town and meets up with Artie, Tina, Santana and Brittany.  They all go out clubbing.  Tina gets super drunk and ends up making out with a girl - to which she freaks out about.  Santana and Brittany take her home, where Tina decides she needs to reevaluate her entire life.  Santana says she’s doesn’t have to -- because Tina is probably not gay (though Brittany is excited about the idea of another bi-corn), but experimenting, and there’s nothing wrong with that. 
Meanwhile, Artie and Kitty have a nice time where they catch up - and Artie learns that she’s married and has a kid.  Artie’s a little surprised by this, thinking he was gonna probably hook up with her that night, but Kitty says she just wanted to see how he was doing.  And while the encounter goes well, Kitty mentions that they’re fundamentally different in that she’s, deep down, someone who wants a more stable life, and Artie’s always going to be a player -- to which Artie feels like he needs to reevaluate his life’s choices.  
Episode 11.9: Dance, Dance Resolution
Blaine, Sam, Artie, and Tina take a trip down to Chicago to see Mike.  Mike’s doing choreography for a new ballet - and is excited for everyone to come see it.  While they’re there - they catch up with Mike -- Sam talks about how he’s going to cope with Mercedes leaving, Artie talks about trying to find inspiration for a new film idea he’s toying with, Blaine talks about the idea of becoming a father, and Tina laments that her life isn’t really going anywhere.   
Later, not able to sleep, Tina is up, and Mike joins her.  Tina puts forth that maybe they should hook but, but Mike doesn’t think that’s a good idea, to which Tina asks why not.  Mike, while he admits he’s single, doesn’t think that she should run back to him every time her life isn’t turning out the way she wants it to.  Tina knows he’s right, she’s just tired of being the one not going anywhere.  Mike opens up a little - stating that he isn’t sure what he’s doing either, but is just enjoying life as it comes.  And offers some advice to Tina - that instead of living in the future, she needs to live more in the present.  Tina thanks him - and says she does need to stop comparing herself to everyone else and focus on how awesome she is (to which Mike agrees - she is awesome.)
The next day, after the ballet -- Tina notices that there’s a ballerina who looks just like her.  When she goes to check it out a little more, she runs smack dab into an incredibly handsome guy, who introduces himself as Jon.  The two talk for a few moments, before Tina blurts out that she’d like to get some coffee.  Jon agrees to the date.
Meanwhile, Mercedes begins auditioning girls for backup dancers (with the help of Rachel and Brittany and Mercedes’s choreographer Lynn), things get out of control when one of the producers starts making choices that go against the what Mercedes wants.   
And after a few rejected auditions, Kurt decides he needs help with his dancing.  Since Santana is the only one available, she offers to give him some tips.  
Episode 11.10: The Greatest Adventure in the History of Basic Cable
Due to some major snafu somewhere, all the lights in New York City go out.  And these are the stories of those stuck in the blackout.  
Story 1: Tina and Brittany -- Brittany was coming to visit Tina at work, and because Tina’s TV station is right near where Brittany films her Youtube show.  Often times they head out to dinner together after work, and this being a Monday night, they were both headed to Rachel’s.  Except the lights go out - and everyone is advised to stay in the building.  Tina is freaking out - because she doesn’t like the dark, and because she’s missing Skying with her new long distance boyfriend Jon.  Brittany, however, thinks the whole thing is delightful - and gets the staff to engage in a game to pass the time -- one where they break into teams, and have to act out old sitcoms that people have to guess.  Tina is reluctant to get involved first, but when she finds she is super good at guessing old TV shows, she’s the most enthused person there.
Story 2: Rachel and Artie: Rachel and Artie are in Rachel’s apartment when the lights go out.  It’s a little awkward - then Artie suggests they light candles.  As they do so, Rachel kind of haphazardly talks about her show, but Artie is strangely quiet.  After settling in and sitting there quietly - Artie remarks that he and Rachel aren’t really friends.  Rachel says sure they are - and recounts the time they went off to find his laptop together.  Artie reminds her that it’s been five years since then, and says that she probably can’t even tell him his birthday.  It’s true but Rachel doesn’t remember most people’s birthdays.  Artie says that if they didn’t have mutual friends, then they would have never spoken past high school.  Rachel says that’s fair - but there’s no reason they can’t get to know each other better now.  
They decide to play a game of get-to-know-me.  Artie starts sometimes he wonders if he’s not good at being in relationships and confides that what Kitty told him when she was in town shook him a little.  Rachel admits that she often feels insecure, too, sometimes worries that she’ll wake up one day and still be that loser she was in high school.  Artie confides in her that he sometimes feels like that too - and how it’s weird that even being adults, there are parts of who you were in high school that haunt you.  After they’ve gotten into more conversation, Rachel tells him that she has a secret - and because Artie is there, and they’re now real friends, she’ll tell him first.   
Story 3: Blaine and Santana -- Blaine and Santana are coming home on the subway.  Santana is annoyed at Blaine because he might have had a client lined up for her (a coworker of his) but he backed out last minute - and Santana blames Blaine for it.  Blaine blames her bad attitude.  The two are argumentative as the blackout occurs.  
They’re stuck in the subway car with an elderly couple, who finds them a cute couple even when fighting.  Santana, finding it amusing, jumps on the lie, and claims that Blaine is her husband, to which Blaine rolls his eyes, but doesn’t refute.  The elderly couple says they might be able to help with their problems, and Blaine says he doesn’t think so.  They ask how they met, and Santana sarcastically recounts the time Blaine met her on a staircase and how he knew they were destined to fall in love.  Knowing that he’s being mocked, Blaine hits her right back, stating that they then they had a ton of meaningless sex because Santana doesn’t know how to deal with her feelings.  The elderly couple don’t seem to be discourage and continue to inquiry about their issues.  
Blaine says he does not understand why she’s so upset - and Santana says that she need to find work soon.  Blaine tells her that if she’d be a little more of a planner and less of a fly by the seat of her pants person, then maybe she’d be in a more secure position, to which Santana tells him he really needs to let loose every once in a while - and if he thinks he’s going to be a decent dad, he’s gonna have to learn to take whatever curveballs life throws at him.  
The elderly couple recount their own differences, and say that their marriage has worked because they learned how to complement and support each other.  Blaine relents first, and says he’ll still help her find a new client - and get organized.  Santana reluctantly gives in and tells him that while she still thinks he could relax a bit, he’ll still make a good dad.  The elderly couple tell them they know they’ll be together for a long time - to which Blaine and Santana have a good laugh, though don’t correct them.  
Story 4: Kurt and Sam -- Kurt and Sam are stuck in the elevator of Rachel’s building.  Kurt, who can’t believe he’s in this situation again, takes a seat and gets out a magazine from his bag.  Sam, however, is freaking out a little and tries to get out.  Kurt consoles him - telling him they’ll be fine.  Sam wants to know how he’s so sure all the air won’t leave or something.  Kurt tells him about what being locked in that elevator was like - and even though there’s no bathroom, it’s not such a bad experience.  
Sam asks Kurt to talk about that time -- that he’s only seen Blaine’s fictional version of it in script form, but he’s never heard them talk about the experience.  So Kurt recounts the story - about how Sue kidnapped them, but it wasn’t so bad.  Kurt discovered how deeply he loved Blaine that night -- and while he’s always known Blaine was the one he’d want to be with -- that night confirmed that they could survive anything together.  Sam thinks that’s sweet - but is still feeling edgy, and wishes Mercedes was there to calm him down.  Kurt asks what Mercedes would do to do that -- and Sam says that she sometimes sings to her.  So, Kurt sings him a song, and Sam relaxes.  
Story 5: Mercedes and Jesse --  Mercedes and Jesse were the ones getting the Monday night dinner, and were on their way back home when the lights went out.  Because they can’t take the subway, they decide to brave walking back home in complete darkness.  There are some strange things going on around them, noises they aren’t really sure of, but they decide to continue on.  Not all of the journey back is scary -- there’s a street performer playing a sax, which a group of people huddled around him, a bunch of local business offering walkers a safe place to go during the blackout, and - as Jesse points out -- for the first time ever, he can see the stars over New York, and it’s a beautiful sight.  They make it home alright, and even dinner hasn’t cooled off completely.  And Jesse and Mercedes look back and can always say they remember the day when the stars came out.  
The lights are eventually turned back on, and everyone makes it back to Rachel’s apartment just fine.  Tina and Brittany have a new game to play, Jesse and Mercedes talk about the stars, Blaine and Santana pretend their married (to the confusion of Kurt and Brittany) and Kurt talks about how he needs to avoid elevators from now on.  Rachel says she’s happy they’re all there - all of her friends (including Artie!) and reveals her news -- that she’s been to the doctor to confirm -- she’s pregnant!
Episode 11.11: None of Your Business
With the popularity of Jane Austen Sings! Rising, Rachel ends up in the tabloids more than usual.  There are numerous reports of her questionable behavior, along with accounts of her beginning to look fatigued and gaining weight.  Rachel mostly ignores them until one reporter starts to follower her around, and takes snapshots of her and Kurt coming out of a baby clothing store and publishes that she’s having an affair with Kurt - and that she’s pregnant.  She yells at the reporter, who followers her for more of a scoop, telling him that it’s none of his business what’s going on -- but that only fuels speculation.  
Santana nags at her that she should step in (again) and help clear her image.  Rachel thinks she can control it, until after a show one night, instead of fans, she’s bombarded with press.  Rachel hires Santana to clear things up.  Santana invites select press into Rachel’s home (even though Rachel isn’t thrilled about it) so they can do a piece on how loving she is -- and the gang goes overboard telling the press how wonderful she is.  Rachel also let’s lip that she is indeed pregnant, which is what everyone really wants to hear.
More speculation about the affair rumors circulate.  This time Kurt and Blaine step in to let Rachel know it’s okay to talk to the press about it (now that it’s been enough time).  The announcement that she’s carrying the baby for her friends wins her favor of the public - and sales pick up even more for Jane Austen Sings! Due to the fact that Rachel will only be with the role for a limited time.  Rachel even learns there’s Tony speculation - and gets excited.
Meanwhile, Blaine begins production on his musical Trapped in an Elevator: A Love Story.  It begins to take up a lot of his time, and he starts to notice that Kurt’s acting a little different -- he seems more distant and not as happy as usual.  Amid all the rumors swirling around Kurt and Rachel, Blaine thinks he should talk to Kurt about it - but Kurt tells him he’s fine.  
Elliott comes back into town, and Kurt and Elliott begin to spend more time together - lifting Kurt’s mood a bit.  Blaine doesn’t think much of it, until the same reporters thinking Kurt and Rachel were having an affair are now spotting Kurt and Elliott frequeting an old theater together.  Blaine, wanting the full story, confronts Kurt about it.  While Blaine doesn’t think Kurt’s cheating on him, he does think there’s something else going on - and Kurt admits there is.  
Kurt takes Blaine to the old theater -- it’s just the two of them, as the place has been run down for years.  Kurt admits that he’s been having a little bit of a hard time -- Blaine’s got his show, and he has his fashion line, and they both have a baby coming, but he misses performing.  So - he has been talking to Elliott about a particular opportunity.  He wants to renovate the old theater and make it their own.  Blaine, a little skeptical, says he isn’t sure they can afford a theater - but that’s when Kurt says they have a wealthy backer - April Rhodes.  She’s the one who owns the theater - and will basically pay them to open it and run it and produce shows to be in it.  Kurt says he knows it’s a little bit of a gamble, but it could mean a more secure life for them and their baby down the road.  But he won’t make any final plans unless Blaine’s completely on board.  Blaine says that he is most definitely on board, as it’s something that they can build together. 
[As the show ends, the two share a kiss on the empty stage - and Blaine jokingly asks if Kurt’s more open to sex on the stage now.]
Episode 11.12: Truth Be Told
On her webshow, Brittany reveals some personal truths about her and Santana’s life - including some things that Santana preferred to keep quiet - including the fact that she’s having trouble keeping work.  Santana and Brittany argue about it - and Brittany isn’t sure why Santana is so upset since she talks about all of it in the open, and all the time.  Santana explains that there’s a difference between personal discussions and public discussion - because Brittany doesn’t seem to know the difference.  Brittany tells Santana she shouldn’t be ashamed of who she is - or that sometimes she needs help.
Santana stays mad until she’s approached by a representative of a feminist group - a proactive group that lends itself to young girls in need -  who would like Santana to be an official spokesperson for the group.  They’re offering a lofty and secure job, to which Santana has a hard time saying no to.  Brittany is excited for her - but Santana tells her that while this whole thing worked in her favor, that she wants Brittany to promise that no more secrets be revealed on the show anymore - to which Brittany agrees.  Brittany then has Santana on the show to use it as a platform to talk about the new group she’s representing.  
Tina’s long distance boyfriend Jon comes to New York and has dinner with Artie and Artie’s new girlfriend Linda.  Everything is fine until afterwards when Artie confronts Tina that he doesn’t think Jon is a very good boyfriend because he seems more interested in his work than her, while Tina tells Artie that she thinks Linda is only interested in Artie’s work as a filmmaker because she’s an actress.  The two come to blows over it - and decide that they just need to spend more time away from each other.
The more Mercedes plans for her tour, the more Sam feels like he’s being left behind.  Sam feels guilty for wanting more attention - especially when this a big thing for her, but Mercedes says she understands - because they’ll be a part for months, and she admits to him that as much as she’s excited for the tour - she’s going to miss him incredibly.  Mercedes promises to make some Sam time each day before she leaves, and that no matter where she is, he’ll always be with her. 
Kurt, Blaine, Rachel, and Jesse play a couples game to see which couple knows each other better - and they all find out there are still some things about the other one that they never knew.  
Episode 11.13: Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin’ The Twist
Brittany is out Christmas shopping when she sees Vice President Sue Sylvester sneaking into a hotel with a man.  She goes home to tell Santana - who doesn’t believe her.  They stake out the hotel, and confirm it’s Sue - and Santana sees that the guy is a well known Democrat Senator.  Santana wants to spy on her to see if she can get any good blackmail going - when Rachel hears about the plan and wants in.  Santana does think she’s in any place to be stealthy, but Rachel insist that they go.  They manage to sneak into the hotel alright, but are eventually caught by secret service.  Sue, however, recognizes them hauls them into the the hotel room.  Sue wants to know what’s going on - and Brittany lets slip that they were planning to blackmail her.  Sue claims there’s nothing interesting going on other than she’s trying to work across the aisle to get legislation passed for people with disabilities.  Santana doesn’t necessarily believe that’s the full story - but they leave anyway.
Meanwhile, Tina confronts Artie to make a truce.  She tells him that she hates fighting with him, especially since he’s been avoiding her.  Artie reluctantly tells her that she was right - that his now ex-girlfriend Linda was using him to get in his newest film.  They begin to talk, and Tina admits, that while her long distance relationship is going fine, her life feels hollow without him in it.  Arite tells her that he’s missed her, too - and the two of them make up.  Artie then tells Tina about a film he’s writing.  The lead role was originally written for Mercedes, but since she’s leaving, Artie wondered if she would take it on.  Tina agrees.  
Blaine takes Kurt to their theater - where he’s says he’s giving Kurt his Christmas present early.  The stage is decorated with fake snow and a Christmas tree, and a picnic layed out for the two of them to enjoy.  Blaine says with all the change happening in their life, and because next year won’t be the same, he wanted to share a few special moments with Kurt just the two of them.  Kurt’s touched, and says while he’s happy where their life is headed - he wants to enjoy just he and Blaine a little while longer, too.  He joins Blaine on stage where the two of them quietly enjoy their meal, and their company.
Sam throws Mercedes a Christmas-slash-Tour-Kick-Off 60’s themed party - where everyone shows up to do a gift exchange, and where Mercedes goes around the room and tells everyone that she loves them and goodbye (for a short while).  Afterwards, Mercedes and Sam have their own special moment together.
On her way home, Santana spots Sue again at the hotel, and this time she notices Sue give the senator a quick kiss.  Santana’s quick to take a snapshot - happy to finally have some leverage with Sue - and knows some young girls who would benefit from having a generous benefactor such as Sue.  Santana wishes herself a Merry Christmas as the episode ends.
Part 3  Part 4  AO3 - FULL
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baz-you-numpty · 8 years ago
Giving In to Snow
Part 2 of my eighth year Aridante inspired fic, courtesy of @snowbazzled ‘s post here
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
26th February, Baz It's Wednesday afternoon, which means two hours of games. We're on the football unit at the moment, which is fine by me. I can play football. I do play football. I'm on the school team. Simon Snow can't play football. But he does. You have to. Six half terms, six sports. Hockey and rugby in winter, football and tennis in the spring term, and then track and cricket in summer. And it's the first half term of the spring term, so all the boys play football. That includes Simon. Simon Snow plays football like he does everything else: chaotically. He's playing skins today, although within five minutes his entire torso is covered in mud. A running mess of freckled limbs. Admittedly, he can kick a ball better than some, but Simon's run-and-see-what-happens approach is perhaps one better suited to rugby. 
I watch him closely throughout the game, catching his eye a couple of times when neither of us are near the ball. He raises his eyebrows each time as if trying to threaten me, but there's nothing in it, really. He does get one goal, which I try not to be impressed by. I score five. Snow bashes into me on the way into the showers.
"Fucking ruthless today," he says, breathing heavily. "Didn't feel like going easy in this game?"
I don't say anything while the air is filled with the clatter of twenty boys kicking their studs against the wall.
Once inside, I wait until I reach my peg before replying.
"No room for going easy in the National Champions' League."
He hits me around the head with his sweaty towel and I break into a smile. I desperately want to hit him back. Simon We play chess again tonight, even though it's a Wednesday. I'm actually getting pretty good. Well, relatively-speaking. I still haven't won a game yet, but at least he doesn't have to keep picking me up on what can go where. Tonight, not for the first time, Baz pulls out a bottle of some kind of spirit. The first time he did it, he poured us both a glass without saying anything and they sat there throughout the whole game untouched. Then, once he'd won, we drank them and went to bed. I'm not really sure why. It was only a small amount and it was sort of orangey coloured and sharp, and burned my throat on the way down. Tonight the liquid is clear and I'm pretty sure it's vodka. Alcohol is way out of my depth. All I've drunk before is a couple of ciders with Gareth and Rhys, and a glass of prosecco at Agatha's house last Christmas which I didn't even like. But I'm pretty sure this is vodka, and I have no idea what it's doing here or how Baz procured it. But I let him set out a couple of shot glasses on the edge of our levitating board. I don't say anything. We're playing on my bed tonight. Once everything is set up, Baz says to me, "Every time one of us gets in check, we have to take a shot."
"Then I'm going to end up way more drunk than you."
"So play better."
"You have more experience."
"With chess or drinking?"
"Where did you even get this?"
"Why do you want to know?"
"It's Wednesday."
"Do you want to play or not?" Baz is freshly showered. His hair is hanging in wet strands around his face. He's wearing silk pyjamas and the buttons are done up uncharacteristically sloppily. By that, I mean several remain undone. And he's sitting on my bed and trying to get me to take shots with him over a game of chess. My mind flicks back to him on the pitch; so focused, such precision. I can't imagine him in any state of intoxication. I lean back on my legs and think of meeting his eye across the football field. What was in that look? "Okay," I tell him, "you're on." Because he is intoxicating. Baz Simon does up his game. I can't tell whether it's because of the risk of vodka, or because he's just improving, but the first check doesn't come until eight minutes in, and, remarkably, it's me. I take my drink with no shame, tipping my glass to him before I down it. I don't even flinch. He was right about the experience. I've got three years alone in the catacombs over him. Simon's first check follows shortly, and much less subtly. I pour him a glass. I only give him half. I don't know if he's ever drunk before, other than the odd scotch I've given him in here once or twice, and I don't want to overwhelm him. He takes it from me confidently, and narrows his eyes at me as he puts the glass to his lips. They squint even more as he downs it, and a second later he's grimacing and making a ridiculous noise.
"God, that is disgusting!"
"You get used to it."
"People do this for fun?"
"It's actually largely sugar."
"No, sugar."
Then he looks at me like he's surprised I just made a joke. He probably is. I am, a little bit. Then he laughs, and it's a proper laugh, right from the stomach. His freckles all crinkle into each other, and I melt a little bit inside because I did that to him. We play properly for another ten minutes or so. Long enough that Simon is about to take his fourth shot, though I'm still on one. He's already looking pretty gone, and hasn't stop giggling since his third.  
"You take this one for me," he says, holding out his glass.
"Take it for you?" I smile because his cheeks are bright red. "That's not how it works. I got you in check."
He pouts and suddenly I'm on fire because wow.
"Don't you want to help a brother out?"
I laugh at him. "No."
He pouts again and holds out his shot glass. I half fill it again and he drinks it and hisses once more at the taste. "What do you get for check... check, check... check mate, Bazzy?"
He looks proud of himself for finally remembering the word, and fuck it, he just called me Bazzy. I take the bottle from him and take a long swig. Enough for three checks, at least. Simon watches me with big eyes.
"Bazzy," he says, as if only just realising. "Bazzy," and then he laughs. I feel the alcohol getting to my blood, feel myself become gradually less attached, reality slipping more and more by the second, and not in a bad way. "Si-mon." I say slowly. And then we both laugh. And Simon falls over onto his pillow so I fall down next to him but I'm still holding the vodka and Simon takes it from me and puts it on his bedside table. "Okay, enough of that," he says, suddenly sounding much more sober. "I've got another game."
"Is it a drinking game?"
"It's a getting-to-know-you game.
"We have to take it in turns to tell each other things the other doesn't know about us." Except he actually says "turk it in tanes" and only realises halfway through, so the whole sentence takes a while to come out.
"Okay," I agree, "but if the other person does already know, they get to take a shot."
"Okay," he grins. It doesn't take any convincing. "You first."
"I have a sister called Mordelia."
"That could've been two. One: I have a sister. Two: My sister is called Mordelia," he criticises.
"Whatever. Did you know that?"
"No," he says. "Although I think I did once." I look at him quizzically. "Shitty upbringing discussion," he offers, slurring slightly and waving a hand vaguely. "But I forgot it again. My turn. My favourite food is sour cherry scones."
I take a drink.
"How do you know that?"
"I've been sharing a dining hall with you for seven and a half years."
He grumbles and tucks himself into the pillow, pouting a bit more.
"I've never stayed at school for Christmas before this year."
He looks at me like I'm an idiot and pours himself a shot. Yeah, that was a really stupid thing to say. Of course he'd know that. We share a room.
"I didn't break up with Agatha, she broke up with me," he says.
I don't drink. I look at him to see if he's upset. He doesn't look it. He's smiling. "Isn't that great?" He says to me. "All that Chosen One bullshit and I still get dumped." He laughs, but it's almost a giggle.
"Are you okay?" I ask quietly.
"Yes," he answers. "It's sort of a relief, really. I'm still a disaster."
"Okay," I reply. "I've never had a date."
Simon takes another drink. It lasts a while.
"You can't know that," I protest.
He's a bit of a mess by now, and speaks slowly. "Yes. You're a git, Baz. It's obvious." I scowl, but I feel warm inside. Even if Simon called me a git. Even if he knows too much about me. My blood is warm and my cheeks are warm and I'm lying on Simon's bed which is warm and our arms are touching and his arm is warm warm warm. "I like being your friend." Simon says, and it takes me a moment to realise that it's his contribution to the game. I don't know whether the modest option is to drink or not here, but I'm way past caring, so I do, and then he takes it from me and drinks too, even though it's my turn. It's my turn. I face him. We're both on the pillow this time. Our noses are just a centimetre or two from touching. I can smell the vodka in his breath. It's my turn. "I'm gay," I tell him. I wait for him to take the bottle. I wait for him to get up and walk away. I wait for any kind of response. He just looks at me. Just my face, scans it quickly and then locks on my eyes. He quirks the corner of his mouth up into a smile. "Oh Bazzy," he breathes softly. "I know." 27th February, Simon The first time I wake up, I'm laying on top of my duvet and Baz is curled up next to me. He's facing me on my pillow. My mind feels distant and sort of not real, and all I want to do is hug him and laugh about it. But he's sleeping, so I don't. Instead, I tuck us both under the duvet and giggle quietly to myself. The second time I wake up, light is shining through the curtains and Baz is still in my bed. This time my arm was definitely across his chest, and our noses were almost definitely touching. But I don't have time to think about it, because I am about to be sick and I'm stumbling across the room to the toilet before I've even properly woken up. I must wake Baz on my way, because no sooner am I retching than he is crouched beside me at the toilet bowl rubbing his hand up and down my back. I lean into it slightly in between heaves. He hands me a damp cloth to wipe my mouth with, and then stands up. I want to pull him back down but I don't have the energy. I clutch the toilet bowl again and concentrate on not curling up, but just a moment later Baz is back. He's holding a glass of water and softly fingering the hair at the nape of my neck. It's soft and untouched and I keen into him, not thinking about anything at all. His voice brings me round. "Simon."
I blink slowly up at him.
"Simon, drink the water. We can clean you up in the morning but if you want to feel any better than this when you wake up, drink the water." I do, and he fills it up again. When he does so a third time I shake my head, but he holds it to my mouth until I drink it. I feel like he is a puppeteer and I am his puppet. I am malleable at his touch, at his disposal. After I finish, he drinks a glass himself. "Need a wee?"
I nod. I don't even wait for him to leave, but he turns around politely. When I've finished, he turns back. "Can you make it back to bed?"
I nod again, but don't move. He takes my arm and gently steers me in the right direction. I curl up onto it and hug the pillow, groaning quietly. "Do you need me to stay?" Baz asks, so quietly I almost miss it. I say nothing, but I look up and my eyes must be carrying their own message because he immediately tucks himself in quietly beside me. I fall asleep to him rubbing my back. The third time I wake up, Baz is gone. The clock reads 10:34am, and there is a sick bowl on the floor. On the desk is an empty bottle of Vodka. My head pounds, and I groan and roll over. On the bedside table is a glass of water and a packet of paracetamol. Baz's bed is made. 9th March, Simon "Si, can you grab me one too?" Penny calls. I'm heading up to the serving hatch in the dining hall to pick up some more scones. It's Sunday afternoon and we're in the middle of Watford's traditional afternoon tea, but we've already run out of scones. I return with a whole plate to add to our sandwich tier, and Penny grabs two before I can put it down. She holds one out to Agatha who shrugs and continues picking at the one already in front of her, so Pen keeps it. "So you and Baz still going strong then?" She asks through a mouthful.
"Going strong?"
"Going well," Agatha sighs, as if I'm being overly picky.
"Yeah, I guess," I reply vaguely.
"You spend a lot of time together."
"Do we?"
"Yes," Agatha answers. I finish buttering my scone and take a large bite. It takes a while to chew. "So?" I say eventually. "He's not that bad. Actually pretty funny, really."
"Well, I'm beginning to feel like a second choice!" Penny says indignantly.
I blink. Second choice? Why shouldn't I be spending some time with a new friend? Is she jealous? "It's actually nice to be spending some time with another guy for once." And I don't mean it to sound that bad, but as soon as it's out my mouth I regret it. Agatha looks totally pissed off and I don't blame her. I swallow, and wish it were possible to swallow what I just said. Penny is silent for a moment. But Penny is my oldest friend here, and she really understands me. "Okay," she says. "I get that." It sounds legitimate but she won't catch my eye. I grab her hand.
"Pen, I didn't mean it to come out like that. I'm not fed up of you. You know that. Well... I hope you know that, because I'm not. I just... me and Baz have spent nearly eight years hating each other when all this time I could have had a built-in best friend. No, not best friend-" I trail off, but Penny waves her hand.
"It's okay, Simon, we understand." I think she's speaking for her and Agatha, but Agatha doesn't look like she totally agrees. Penny carries on regardless. "You've got lots of catching up to do."
She smiles, and Agatha rolls her eyes but sort of smiles too. "I don't get you, Simon. You're weird as anything," she adds, but it sounds kind of affectionate.
Penelope's face goes deadly serious all of a sudden. "As long as you don't ditch us." It sounds like a real threat.
"Ditch you?!" I laugh. "He's a vampire, Pen. I can't afford to do that."
Baz I catch Simon on the way out of afternoon tea. He's sitting where he normally does, with Agatha and Penelope. He doesn't clap me on the back with a "Basiltonnnnn," or nod his head with a little salute, or any of the usual boyish greetings I could expect to receive when I see him around school. Instead he sort of looks at the table. I lean in a little. "Wanna head outside for chess?" I don't know what makes me say it. We haven't played chess since the night I got him drunk. We haven't actually spoken about it. I don't know if he even remembers it. He did have the whole of Thursday off school. "Outside?" He says. I look out the window. It looks cold (it is only March) but it's not raining, and there's a nice afternoon Spring sun. I shrug. Simon looks over to Penny. She rolls her eyes, and then Agatha leans over her and pushes him towards me. Simon raises his eyebrows, mouths a silent "Okay!" and follows me outside. Once we're alone, he's back to normal, jabbering about something or other he'd been going on about this morning. I nod along and watch the way the sun turns his curls golden. After a while, I stop walking. We're on the outskirts of the woods, out of view of the school, and there's a crumbling dry stone wall covered on one side in spongy green moss.
"This good?"
Simon nods. I sit down on an old stile, and Simon takes the dip in the wall. Then he cocks his head. "Where's the chessboard?"
"I.... didn't bring one."
He narrows his eyes as if he's thinking about something.
"I was going to," I tell him truthfully. "If you wanted to play, I was going to run upstairs and get it. But then... I..."
"...didn't." He finishes for me, and laughs.
"Yeah," I laugh, too. "Basically."
"Okay," Simon says and laughs again. "Okay." We're quiet for a few minutes. I don't know what to say to him. Eventually, I speak. It's not elegant, or thought out. It's not even what I came here to do, though it probably looks that way from Simon's perspective.  "I'm sorry about last time."
He cocks his head again and it looks like a lost puppy. He squints slightly through the sun. For a while, I don't even think he's going to reply.
"Why are you sorry?"
"You were sick." That's not why I'm sorry. I am sorry that happened, but it's not why I'm sorry. I want to tell him I'm sorry for thinking anything could come of it. I'm sorry for trying to get him drunk so he'd lose all his inhibitions. Even if that's not what I was trying to do.
"Yeah," he tells me. "I was."
"Sorry," I say again, and look up at him.
"It's okay. It happens to the best of us," and he gives me a fucking cheeky smile.
I stretch my leg out and kick his foot. "That's a shit way to say sorry."
"Yeah." He looks up at me again and in the light of the setting sun his whole face is a burning gold.  "Maybe you should stop trying to apologise." I watch his lips. "If you're so bad..."
He licks them, like he doesn't know what to say next, what to do. I know what I want to do next. I want to push him off that wall into the field behind, I want to pin him to the ground with my knees and sit on his chest. And then I want to kiss him until the sun has set and risen and set again. Simon shivers slightly, and I realise he's not wearing a coat. I take mine off and hold it out to him, but he shakes his head.
"Want to head back?" I ask.
He pulls his lips in tight. "Not really?" He says it tentatively, like a question. "But... I suppose we should."
"Yeah." I say, not moving.
"Yeah," he echoes, and catches my eye. "Yeah." 27th March, Baz Simon and I have played chess every night this week. The Easter holidays start after school tomorrow, and so I think, without actually having discussed it, we're both trying to cram as much in as possible before our two weeks without seeing each other. I've also spent most of my week trying to come up with a way of getting Simon's phone number without scaring him off. (I mean, we're not allowed phones at Watford but he must have one. This is the twenty first century). I just don't want to reach fifth period tomorrow and depart with an empty "keep in touch, yeah?" that signifies the exact opposite. And I know it's only two weeks, but still, that's two weeks. "Check," Simon says, breaking my thought process. Our games have been pretty silent recently. Maybe it's concentration. Simon has improved massively since February. I frown at the board and take my turn. Another nine minutes of silence, broken eventually by my own, "Check." The game is over a few minutes later. I win. I put the board away. That's it. Our last chess game for two weeks. Simon says nothing. "'S'up, Snow?" He sighs, and stares at the ceiling from his bed. Then he shakes his head slowly. I let it slide and try not to think that it's my fault (because it probably isn't) while I get ready for bed. Once the lights are off, I hear Simon roll over. "You know ages ago when you said you felt uneasy?"
"After I got back from football and you asked me?"
"Yeah," I nod, and it rustles on my pillow.
"Yeah what?" I ask him.
"I don't know." There's a pause. "You said you feel like you're not being you."
"No," I say, but in a way that suggests I'm agreeing with him.
"Well, how do you know who 'you' is?" And I think it's rhetorical, but I reply anyway.
"I think you just have to try stuff out and see." So what's your phone number? I don't add. But the he asks me. "Do you have a phone, Baz?" And I'm so taken aback I don't answer him, and he says my name again. "Yes," I say. "And yes." "Gimme your number in the morning, yeah?" "Yeah," I say. "Okay." Okay. Once I hear his breathing settling, I head out to the catacombs to feed. Empty handed. It's been ages since I last took a bottle with me. When I return though, Simon is tossing and turning in his sheets and mumbling to himself. I stay as quiet as possible so as not to wake him, although once I'm in bed I'm almost tempted to rouse him on purpose. He's writhing around not as if he's in pain, but sort of hurt and confused, and keeps sighing heavily. "'M a bastard," he mumbles through sleep-heavy lips, and thumps his pillow semi-aggressively. I want to run over to him and tuck his little fists away where they won't do any harm. I want to stroke his hair until he sleeps soundly. I want to climb into his bed and tell him that he's not a bastard, he's perfect. But I don't. Instead, I get out of bed and open the window.
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artificialqueens · 8 years ago
A Cat's Intuition (Shalaska) 2/4 - Lunaska
A/N: So, here she is.This fic, like most things I write, is a slow-burn, so be patient with me. The waiter/bartender as described in this chapter is probably ridiculously inaccurate, but it’s how I need it to be. This chapter was fun to write and I hope you like it as much as I do. Please leave me some feedback!
Aaron’s ears were red.
And his neck.
And his face.
And probably everything else too.
In his haste to get rid of the small colony of underwear that had settled on his living room rug, he had made some poor decisions.
First of all, walmart shopping bags are good for many things: acting as small trash can liners, handy helpers when you have to pick up the shit your neighbor’s dog keeps leaving on your lawn, and the classic “i’m staying at a friend’s house and don’t want my dirty clothes to touch the rest of my clothes.”
One of the things walmart shopping bags were not known for is their stealth.
Being mildly transparent, flimsy, and noisy, they are not the best at keeping secrets.
Another important thing to take into account is that when you want to keep the contents of your grocery bags hidden, you should probably tie them shut.
Needless to say, Aaron’s decision making skills were proving subpar.
But, his lack of knowledge in the art of the covert didn’t stop there.
On his way to drop his bag of underwear off in the big trash in the parking lot, he made a crucial error: being a distracted son a bitch.
Aaron wasn’t sure the quarter he bent over to pick up was worth the embarrassment of having his bag full of underwear spill out all over the concrete.
Underwear that wasn’t even his.
To top all it off, it was in front of the new guy who lived right next door.
As he stared at the brunette sitting on the ground in front of him, he tried to think of any possible excuse he could use to justify what was happening.
He didn’t want to be the neighborhood weirdo.
“I’m really sorry, I was just, uhm, doing some spr-”
“Is that my fucking underwear?” The other man interrupted. Though, he didn’t seem as angry as he did shocked and confused.
Aaron tried to swallow the huge lump that had just formed in his throat, but it wasn’t going down.
He decided to stop trying.
Choking sounded pretty good right now.
Justin was just trying to have a normal fucking day.
Instead, he was standing across from his new neighbor, who seemed to have a penchant for stranger’s undergarments. The man was sitting on the concrete with his scruffy blond hair in his hands. The bag that once contained the underwear was gone with the breeze, leaving only its previous contents to color the sidewalk.
Fucking walmart bags.
He really didn’t have enough time to process the scene before him. Even if he did have all the time in the world, he certainly didn’t have the patience to deal with whatever this shit show was going to entail.
The blond was now rubbing at his eyes, albeit a little too harshly.
It’s really a shame that all the cute ones at this apartment complex are absolute psychos.
But he had to admit that he would pick Brian, “Do you want to come over and watch Contact with me and my cat Trixie?” McCook over the weirdo stealing his underwear.
But, back to the situation at hand.
“All I want to know is if that’s my underwear?” Justin said, gesturing to the messy pile decorating the sidewalk. “And if it is mine, why do you have it?”
The blond looked up at Justin, looking absolutely hopeless.
“Uh…I don’t know.”
Justin walked over to the undergarments in question and knelt to get a closer look. It took him less than ten seconds to know that this was his missing underwear.
He looked up at the blond who was currently running his hands through his hair, pulling at the ends like he wanted to rip them out of his scalp.
He was starting to feel rather bad for embarrassing the guy. I mean, we all have our kinks, right?
He quickly looked away from the other man. He couldn’t show sympathy for someone who was actively stealing his underwear, doing God-knows-what with it, and then throwing it away.
“Look,” Justin said pointing his finger at the other man, “I don’t care what you get off to but just don’t take my shit anymore, okay?”
The blond nodded.
The guy was pretty cute, especially looking all guilty.
He steals underwear, Justin.
He pushed off the ground with a groan and a final mildly angry look at the thief, then stalked off towards his car. With one last look over his shoulder, he yelled
“and I want my socks back too!”
Aaron couldn’t find any damn socks.
He’d spent both of his days off cleaning his entire house and looking everywhere for them and found nothing but $3.78 in change and an old beanie that Cerrone had clearly taken his claws to.
He was already pissed that he didn’t get a chance to explain himself and now the other man was going to think he was still stealing from him. He was hoping he’d find the socks along with the answer to why he was mysteriously receiving all of his neighbor’s underwear, and maybe a couple thousand dollars.
But, no dice.
Oh well.
He couldn’t afford to dwell on his odd relationship with his neighbor, or his lack of spending money.
He was scheduled to work tonight and he really needed to make some good tips or his car was gonna have to run on imagination instead of fuel. So, as he walked into his uncle’s dusty bar and grill that evening, he tried to gather some energy. The dark blue walls of the poorly lit restaurant were slowly becoming comforting, almost homey. Waiting tables wasn’t glamorous, but it kept Cerrone’s food bowl full and Aaron’s fridge stocked with PBR.
Sparing a final grateful thought towards whoever created his drink of choice, he tied his apron and got started.
A few hours in, Aaron felt right in his element as he settled into a practiced rhythm. With the kind of grace that can only be learned over time, he juggled his tables, feeling confident in the service he was providing. He had waited tables since he was sixteen, bouncing from restaurant to restaurant learning new things every time. And now at twenty four, he felt that he could do this job in his sleep and still make more money than his co-workers.
Extra napkins for table five.
Table eight needs refills.
He was about to go get one of his tables their check when he was flagged down by a customer who wanted a drink from the bar. He quickly made his way to the bar area, grumbling under his breath. The way this restaurant handled it’s drinks for tables was inconvenient, and that’s being generous. The waiters had to go all the way to the bar and order the drinks themselves.
As he grumpily made his way to the bar for the first time that evening, he took in the unfamiliar figure of the man behind the counter, who currently had his back to Aaron. They had hired a new bartender who he had yet to meet, but word around the kitchen was that he was funny. And something else his coworkers had mentioned? Was it ambidextrous?
Whatever it was, he just hoped it helped him make good drinks.
He leaned against the bar and patted the counter yelling a quick, “Hey, can I get a Long Island for my table, please?”
Aaron felt a little rude yelling at the back of the new guy’s head, but he didn’t have much of a choice.
As he waited for the bartender to acknowledge him, he took notice of all the people sitting at the bar. Most of them looking towards the new guy with amused expressions, others closer to him were laughing. He must be as funny as everyone said.
Putting a couple of drinks in front of his small audience, he grabbed a cocktail shaker from behind the counter and turned towards Aaron with a wide smile that melted as soon as the two made eye contact.
When Aaron met his eyes he wanted to evaporate on the spot. If he had a drink, he’d have done a spit take. And if he’d had more money to his name and a more conveniently placed exit door, he would’ve booked it out of the restaurant so fast, he would’ve broken the speed limit.
It was his neighbor.
You know, the one who thinks he’s a panty thief?
The one who probably thinks that Aaron has some sort of shrine dedicated to his briefs? The brunette probably assumed that Aaron had some sort of weird underwear fetish.
Aaron had always been both gay and weird, but he’d never been an underwear thief.
At this point, he chalked most of his problems up to bad karma, or maybe he’d accidentally been rude to a witch one day and now she was ruining his life. Either way, the amount of bad luck he was experiencing was ridiculous.
Aaron’s neighbor, whose name tag read “Justin,” was staring at him in shock. The shaker in his hands had stopped moving and the brunette stood stiff as a board in front of him.  The atmosphere had gone from lighthearted to tense in a matter of seconds and Aaron had no clue how to fix it.
So, he just looked back at the other man, waiting for him to to say something.
But, the seconds passed, feeling like hours, and he knew he had to get back to his tables or his wallet would suffer. He took a quick, shaky breath and looked the other man in the eyes.
“So, uh, my name is Aaron,” He gestured to the name tag pinned onto his uniformed chest.
“It’s nice to, um, see you. So, yeah, a Long Island Ice Tea for table fifteen, please.” With that, he mustered up an unconvincing smile, turned on his heel and went back to his table. When he came back for the drink, his bartending neighbor was at the other end of the counter again with his back turned towards him. He quickly grabbed it off the counter and walked away with a sigh of relief.
Luckily, the rest of his shift was uneventful. He only had to make a couple more trips to the bar that night and all of them were less awkward than the first, and for that he was thankful.
As he rolled silverware with a couple of his co-workers later that night, he thought back on his previous encounter with Justin. Both times Aaron had been mostly silent, not even bothering to clear his name or give the other man an explanation. Everything had happened so suddenly and unexpectedly that all Aaron could do was just stand there.
He didn’t want to have an awkward relationship with someone he would obviously be seeing a lot of, so it was in his best interest to try to clear things up, and maybe even be friends with Justin.
He was determined to make things right.
Or at least make himself look less creepy.
His thoughts of redemption stayed on his mind till he clocked out that night. During the drive home, he considered what he would say and even planned a couple comebacks just in case an argument broke out, but the moment he turned the street corner that led to his apartment, all he could think of was getting home.
He sighed as he pulled into the familiar parking lot of his apartment complex.
It had been a long ass day.
All he wanted was to get home, take a shower, and watch a movie on his couch with Cerrone on his lap. He turned off his car almost giddy at the thought of having a relaxing night in.
But, the possibility of that scenario fizzled out as he got out of his car and saw Justin pull into the parking lot.
He knew that he would never get another opportunity to talk to him at work. He had already spent hours thinking about what to say and there was no time like the present, right?
Aaron pushed his door open and pulled himself out of his beat up toyota. He walked closer to where Justin was parking his car, hoping to catch him as he got out.
Justin got out of his car ungracefully and slammed the door behind him. Obviously not expecting aaron to be standing a couple feet from him in the middle of a dark parking lot.
Okay, not his best idea.
“Were you waiting for me here?” Justin said with wide eyes and a shaky voice. He had a hand over his heart and was obviously trying to catch his breath.
Aaron once again realized that this probably wasn’t the best scenario to try to convince someone that you aren’t insane or trying to stalk, kidnap, or murder them.
“Uhm, no. I just saw you pull in and i’ve been meaning to talk to you for a while,” he said, nervously combing through his hair with his fingers, “ So, I thought now would be a good time.”
Justin visibly relaxed a little, but still seemed nervous.
“I already said we’re cool, dude.” Justin said, “We all have weird kinks. I just can’t afford to keep losing shit; I’m sure Brian two doors down has some great pieces for your collection, though.”
Aaron sighed nervously, “No, let me explain. I didn’t take your underwear. It just…” he started pulling at his hair again, “Kind of appeared in my living room.”
“Oh, I see. It appeared in your living room?” said Justin, clearly unconvinced.
“Yes. I don’t know how it got there.” Aaron knew it was a terrible argument from the second it left his mouth, but it was the only one he had to work with.
“Have you considered magic? Maybe David Blaine is playing a very long, overly involved magic trick on you,” Justin said, bitingly sarcastic. “And maybe I’mDavid Blaine, after all! I’m in a mask filming this whole thing just to embarrass you, right?”
Justin took a deep, exasperated breath, clearly about to continue his list of impossible scenarios, but Aaron quickly put his hands up in surrender.
“I know it doesn’t sound very-” Aaron stopped suddenly, almost positive that he heard… meowing?
“Cerrone?” he called into the darkness of the empty parking lot.
Justin was obviously confused, but also looked around trying to find whatever the blond was searching for. Suddenly Aaron’s cat sauntered out from behind Justin’s car, going straight towards his favorite person.
“What are you doing outside?” asked Aaron as he gathered the kitty in his arms, “how did you even get out?”
He rubbed his cat between the ears and Cerrone purred. They were both wrapped up in their little love fest until a cough from Justin’s direction brought Aaron back to the situation at hand.
“Oh, sorry!” he looked down at the cat in his arms, “do you maybe want to talk about this at my place? I really need to get him inside.”
While he really did need to get Cerrone back home, he was also hoping that maybe showing Justin how normal his apartment was would help strengthen his argument. And after being at work for so long his feet were fucking killing him and he really wanted to sit down.
Justin shoved his hands into his jacket pockets, obviously apprehensive.
Aaron tried to muster a friendly smile, but quickly realized it probably just came off weird, so he slowly let his lips drop into their normal position.
Justin seemed to think it over for a few more seconds. With hands still in his pockets he kicked at some nonexistent rocks at his feet before uttering a quiet, “Okay.”
Okay, this was progress.
Aaron nodded, grinning excitedly before leading the way towards his apartment. The whole walk was awkward and as he struggled to unlock his front door with one arm, as the other was holding Cerrone, he could see the hesitance on Justin’s face.
As the key turned and he pushed the door open, he only hoped for one thing
Please don’t let there be a huge pile of this guy’s underwear sitting in my living room floor.
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ruffoverthinksthings · 8 years ago
Can you do malvie for the ship meme?
1.Whois the most affectionate?:
Shewas trained by her mother to shower her “future prince” with asmuch love and affection as she possibly could before starving himshortly after, so the flame of his passion wouldn’t go out, his eyewould never stray, and he wouldn’t consider something soscandalous, hurtful—and most importantly, jeopardizing to EvilQueen’s desired standard of living—as divorcing Evie, or runningaway with “some harlot” and taking all of the money andreputation with him.
Ona darker note, Mal has been reluctant to show affection to prettymuch anyone as Maleficent has been keen in her attempts to drill andbeat all the love and kindness out of her. She got better with datingBen and hanging out with their friends, but it’s hard to undosixteen years of brutally efficient conditioning.
2.Bigspoon/Little spoon?:
Malis the big spoon, Evie is the little spoon, always.
Regardlessof whether or not you subscribe to Mal getting moreFaerie/Dragon-like now that she’s getting a regular doses of magicto her system (and proper nutrition beside), Mal is incrediblyprotective of her girlfriend, and Evie is more than happy to beprotected, cuddled, and loved in such an obvious way.
3.Mostcommon argument?:
WhatMal is wearing, especially to public events in their adulthood. Mal’smost common complaint is “But you picked this out for me!” iscountered with “I have a better idea!”
4.Favoritenon-sexual activity?:
Casuallymaking up insults and comebacks for the people that still haven’tgotten used to VKs being productive, accepted, and contributingmembers of society. Sometimes, they do them with their friends,during playful teasing or the odd occasion where they wish to cutdown the others ego.
5.Whois most likely to carry the other?:
Eviewill carry Mal if it’s a matter of life and death, butotherwise, Evie is more than content to be the princess being carriedoff by her lover—she may have been wearing high-heeled boots sinceshe could walk, but she still isn’t immune to the pain of wearingthem for too long.
6.Whatis their favorite feature of their partner’s?:
Mal’seyes are Evie’s favourite. Aside from the striking emerald colour,she enjoys how they light up when she’s happy, excited, or angry,and how you can tell she is not someone to be messed with from a lookalone.
Evie’sskin is Mal’s favourite. Because Evie was the only one with anyreliable access to both proper and homemade cosmetics and body careproducts, she was one of the few VK girls with almost flawless skin;she’s long been jealous of Evie for having such soft, warm, andnon-scarred and bruised skin, and now she realizes that jealousy wasfrom not being the one caressing that.
7.What’sthe first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings forthe other?:
Eviesuddenly gets suspiciously reluctant to help pick outfits out for Maland especially witness her changing clothes, because now she realizeswhy she’s so incredibly, casually touchy-feely with her, and it’snot just because the concept of personal space is pretty non-existentin the Isle.
Malgets incredibly avoidant with everything involving Evie, andfiguratively and literally runs away from her such as sleeping overfor weeks at a time with anyone who will let her in their room,trying to find some way to not be partnered with her on schoolprojects, and finding increasingly flimsy reasons to not hang outwith Evie aside from “I’m avoiding you because I’ve realizedI’m gay for you, and I don’t want to accidentally blurt thatout.”
8.Nicknames?& if so, how did they originate?:
Asidefrom “M” and “E,” there’s “Princess” for both of them,“Blue” for Evie, and “Sparky” for Mal. The last one is Mal’shabit of lighting up dark rooms and candles using her magic as amatter of convenience and flair.
9.Whoworries the most?:
Shehas just started admitting to herself that she cares deeply aboutthese people and that she doesn’t see them as mere tools, and tosee or to think that something bad will happen to them sends her in atizzy. It doesn’t help that she’s slowly revitalizing heratrophied sense of Fairy Empathy, and she’s feeling intenseemotions after 16 years of pushing them down.
10.Whoremembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?:
Shehas a better memory than Evie; not as infallible as Jane’s orJordan’s, but still impressive. This is both because she ishalf-Fae and because she has had to remember a lot of details andinformation for her evil schemes, both for lack of reliable writingimplements on the Isle, and to keep people from finding out thedetails and turning it against her.
12.Whoinitiates kisses?:
Malloves them, and can’t get enough, but since Evie keeps making herstop functioning for minutes to hours after some particularly intensekisses, she knows better than to give in to temptation most days. Shedoesn’t stop Evie if she initiates, however, because now it’sEvie’s fault that she couldn’t do the thing she needed to do.
13.Whoreaches for the other’s hand first?:
Again,Mal was taught and habituated to avoid all form of physical affectionand feelings for other people, to maintain the objective distancefrom people so you can use them as you should: tools.
14.Whokisses the hardest?:
It’spart of the Evil Queen’s chief strategy—push and pull, “leavehim drowning in your love one day, leave him high and dry the next,never let him rest.”
15.Whowakes up first?:
Evierequires her beauty sleep, and Mal is used to waking up early to keepfrom being victimized and have a headstart on all her mischief and“the good stuff” before someone else takes it.
16.Whowants to stay in bed just a little longer?:
Evie.Again with the beauty sleep, and later on, so she can cuddle with herown personal tiny space heater some more.
17.Whosays I love you first?:
Mal,surprisingly enough.
Eviehas only ever learned to say “I love you” as a means tomanipulate her exes and people to get them to do what she wants;she’s never really understood or considered ever meaning that shedoes in fact love that person.
Andbefore you ask, Mal blurted out those three magical words after Eviefinally confronted her, and demanded that she tell her just whyexactly she’s suddenly avoiding her all the time.
18.Wholeaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does itusually say?):
“Thesecret ingredient is love, and also (list of exotic ingredients orflairs in her cooking here).”
19.Whotells their family/friends about their relationship first?:
Mal,largely because it’s easy to tell that to a lizard who’s onlycapable of communicating through a very basic text-to-speech consolewith an intentionally limited number of buttons and sentences you canmake out of them.
Itwas also easier for her, “Because I had already made myself a giantdisappointment to her once, what’s a second time?”
20.Whatdo their family/friends think of their relationship?:
Maleficentseems even more disappointed and disgusted with Mal than usual, it’shard to tell when she can’t really make facial expressions, and hasto communicate via pressing buttons with her tiny lizard claws.
EvilQueen is disappointed. “This wasn’t the royalty I wished you tomarry, Evie.” She’s even more disappointed when she learns thatMal is going into a career as an artist–”At least be an artDEALER!”–that they live in a very modest apartment, and Evie isactively GIVING away her wealth and talent on a regular basis withoutexpecting something in return or “taking advantage of” (abusing)the goodwill she’s earning with the people.
21.Whois more likely to start dancing with the other?:
She’salways the first one on the dance floor, looking for someone that cankeep up with her, and even though Mal still can’t hope to hell withmatching her style, she’s perfectly content to be the incrediblystupid-looking human pole that Evie is dancing around.
22.Whocooks more/who is better at cooking?:
Asidefrom the facts that Mal has never cooked for herself or done much ofanything entirely by herself except evil plots, and Evie has beentrained in how to cook and has an instinctive understanding of mixingand combinations because of her lineage, Evie just likes doing allthe “wife stuff” while Mal would rather distance herself from it.
23.Whocomes up with cheesy pick up lines?:
Eviehas long developed a distaste for them ever since she starteddissecting how incredibly sexist, raunchy, and outright disgustingthey can be, while Jay has forever ruined that for Mal.
24.Whowhispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear duringinappropriate times?:
Yetagain, another technique from the Evil Queen–”Always keep him onhis toes, promise reward, but only ever give it when he’s justabout to give up.”
25.Whoneeds more assurance?:
Self-confidenceissues, and a demanding, horrifically abusive mother with impossiblyhigh standards, ahoy!
26.Whatwould be their theme song?:
“Seventeen”from “Heathers: The Musical.”
Thesetwo have been stripped of their childhoods and forced to become grownup well before they should be, and while there’s no reclaimingtheir innocence or going back to the time before they realized theentire world was out to get them and that life just isn’t fair,they can act their age and do normal, everyday things like regularteenagers, or later, adults.
27.Whowould sing to their child back to sleep?:
She’sthe one who’s most protective and concerned over their futurechildren, unless it’s Dizzy—she’s Evie’s sole domain.
28.Whatdo they do when they’re away from each other?:
Malworks on her art or explores the big wide world to get inspiration,Evie socializes and reminds herself what it’s like to hang out withsomeone who isn’t her girlfriend, and of course, run her business.
29.oneheadcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart:
Asmentioned, Mal’s avoiding Evie at all costs once she realizes thatshe’s in love with her, which is coincidentally the reason why Evierealized she was in love with her back—having your female bestfriend suddenly completely avoid you like you’re the Crimson Curse,spending lots of lonely nights laying in bed, and being prone torumination and overly meticulous examination does that.
Evielikely falls into a depression, finding herself unable to work,socialize, or do all the things she could, experiencing what it’slike to legitimately be heartbroken—made worse by the fact thatthey never really were a “thing” to begin with.
30.oneheadcanon about this OTP that mends it:
Fedup, depressed, and possibly just a little bit concerned at thethoughts she was having after she sharpens her new pair of shears andrealizes they could cut pretty much anything just like that, even byaccident, Evie finally decides to stop “lamenting her faith” likea “lady should,” breaks out of the tower prison their room hasbecome, and goes on to find Mal, corner her, and demand that she tellher just why it is that their friendship has suddenly gone to shit.
“Thisis bullshit, Mal! We’ve been friends for years! Did all ofthat mean nothing to you?” Evie starts tearing up, and thistime, she’s not feigning it for sympathy. “Did I ever meananything to you…?”
Mal’sface contorts in pain. “Yes, but–!”
“Butwhat, huh?!” Evie snaps. “What is it, Mal?! Tell me, evenif it’s the last thing you’ll ever say to me!”
“Ilove you!” Mal screams.
Evieblinks. “What…?”
Mallooks like a sheep just realizing that a dragon’s open jaws areright above it. There’s a reflexive part of that wants to makesomething up and avoid this whole business, before she finally admitsto herself that all this evading has done nothing but worsen theproblem, and that she’s done withrunning.
“Ilove you,” Mal says, quieter and slower. “I love you as way morethan my best friend, and that freaks me the fuck out, becauseI know that if we get together, it’s probably going to be all aboutthe sex and pissing off our moms and ironically making the guys wantyou more, just like it was on the Isle, and I don’t want thatanymore!
“… Now…now, I want to actually get serious with you… like date youexclusively, hold your hand and kiss you even if no one can see us,fuck for more reasons than we’re bored and have nothing better todo… maybe even get married and try and start a family, settle downtogether and all that domestic crap…”
Eviestares at Mal, her cheeks wet with fresh tears.
Malsighs, turns around, and hangs her head. “I’m sorry…” shesays, her hands balling into her fists, her nose getting stuffy withsnot, her own eyes getting blurry and hot with tears. “I’m sorryI’m such a huge fuck-up who can do anything but ruineverything…”
Sheprepares to bolt again, no destination except anywhere away fromhere, before Evie grabs her shoulder and spins her around.
Malgets ready to snap, figuratively or literally breathe fire on Evie,before she feels her smash her lips on hers, and suddenly Mal’seyes go wide as her body turns to gelatin. Evie grabs the sides ofher head to keep her from falling away, before she pulls back.
“Ilove you too, Mal,” Evie says, her bloodshot eyes shining, her lipscurled into a smile.
Malblinks. “Wait, what?”
“Ilove you too, Mal,” Evie says. “I realized that some time afteryou started sleeping over all the time. And for your information, Ialso don’t want to do what we did on the Isle, and I also want tosee if we can make a future here… together.”
Malstares at Evie, her mouth falling open in surprise, before she findsherself grinning. “Man… we fucking suck at this ‘romance’business…”
Eviechuckles. “We’re VK, Mal—it’s kind of our thing.”
Malfinds her footing again, wraps her arms around Evie, and the two ofthem kiss once more.
Meanwhile,on the sidelines, all of their friends and several other Auradon Prepstudents gush over them, take pictures, or talk quietly amongthemselves, asking “Should we… should we leave? Or do we justtell them to go find a room…?”
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shepardlives · 8 years ago
I don’t know how to title my fics but I keep trying: a memoir
(This fic contains trans gabe)
Marigold Fields
If there was anything to be said about Gabriel Reyes, it was that he was a stubborn son of a bitch. 
Even as a kid, he knew something was… off. He hated when people would coo over how “Marigold had such pretty daughters, Gabriella is the prettiest one of all”, he hated when he was scolded about not playing too rough with the boys at school, or when a teacher walked in on him cutting off his black curls (”Ay, my girl.” His mother would sigh, running her hand through his long black hair. “You get your pretty curls from your mama.”) 
It was obvious when he saw the words on a forum, brooding in his room after avoiding worried, motherly glances all night. Transsexual. FTM.
He spent a while looking in the mirror that night, turning slightly to examine the body that was starting to curve, to “bloom” to use his mother’s term. He hated every second.
He smooths his hands over his wide hips, then looks at himself in the mirror, eyes trailing over his close cut, choppy hair. The broad nose he had refused to be ashamed of, his bright brown eyes.
“I’m a boy.” He whispers, and he says it again, louder. “I am a boy.”
The words melt like honey on his tongue, and he smiles for the first time in a week.
The next weeks aren’t exactly easy: he has no idea how he’s going to tell his mother, and the stories he reads for support aren’t comforting. There is hope there, true, but he knows hope is fleeting. 
He’s seen his father walk out his front door too many times to really think otherwise. 
The idea of his mother rejecting him makes his throat close up, and he thinks of a thousand different reasons to stay quiet. He’s always been interested in the military as a secondary career, he could transition there and tell her when he’s far away. Or he could leave LA, move somewhere remote and never speak to her about it. That could work.
As it turns out, he still isn’t good at keeping a secret from her, even at 16.
“Mama, I’m a boy.” 
He blurts it out over dinner, and his family stares at him in surprise, Mama and his four sisters looking at him like he suddenly flipped the table. Gabe swallows, hoping the floor will just swallow him now to take those 5 pairs of eyes off of him. 
“I-I know you think I’m a girl. But I’m a boy. Ive always been a boy. And I wanna be called Gabe now.” He wants to laugh at how assertive he sounds, as if he’s actually confident. As if he planned this and doesn’t actually want to die right this second. 
His mother looks at him, blinks once, twice, then a slow, gentle smile spreads over her face.
“You should’ve told me sooner, mijo.” She says, as gentle as ever. “Now I have to fix your birthday cake.” It comes out scolding, but her eyes are warm with love.
“Does that mean you can beat up the boy in my grade now?” Ale asks, stirring her pasta. “I mean, I know he’s not tougher than my big brother. And he’s not hitting a girl, so….”
Rosa, the youngest, gasps in delight. “Gabi can come to my brother-sister activity now!” She crows, clapping her hands
He has to duck his head then, hiding his face. The room is dusty all of a sudden, and he can’t help the tears welling up in his eyes.
His mother works harder to buy him a surprise birthday present, a binder to replace the sports bras he’s been aggressively wearing. Ale brings him boxers, and Rosa, Sage, and Carmellia spend the days fixing their drawings to include their big brother.
Unfortunately, a single mother with 5 school age children doesn’t exactly make enough to pay for a transition. Even with the wide availability, its not exactly cheap  for people like Gabe. Even if his mother could pay, Gabe feels too guilty to ask: his sisters need the money more than he does. He’s okay with baggy clothes and a binder, slugging anybody who made a grab for him, a beanie on his head to hide his curls.
And it goes like this for years, until an opportunity shows up on his front door.
“Gabriel’s test scores are impeccable.” The man is wearing a military suit, bald with a polite smile but hard eyes. It’s setting Gabriel’s teeth on edge, and he can’t help but glare.
“He’d join an elite core: one that is working to end the omnic menace.” The man goes on. “And he’d get a nice pension to use how he pleases.”
That makes Gabe perk up, sitting up in his chair. “… One question.” He speaks for the first time, his worried mother looking at him in surprise. “What’s the policy on medical transition.”
The man looks at him, measuring him with his eyes. “We will pay your full medical bill for any and all transition you go through with us.” He says smoothly. “We take care of our soldiers.”
And that’s all it takes.
There are tears, of course. His mother doesn’t want him to go, is afraid of losing her baby boy. But Gabriel soothes her, like he always does, and he’s off to boot camp 2 months later.
They train him up, give him drugs that make his head spin, but it works. Nobody jumps more than him when he speaks and his voice cracks, getting deep and rough in a matter of weeks. He still has shades of curves around his waist and hips, but a steady work out routine has him in shape in no time, admiring his manly figure with a smile he hasn’t worn since he first realized who he was. 
Things were going well, until Jack Fucking Morrison showed up.
He’s shaving when he hears a knock on the door (he nicks himself: it’s still a new experience), the door opening when he calls out a greeting. He’s looking in the mirror when the door opens, and he nearly drops his razor when he sees the other man.
Jack Morrison was a 5′ 10″ ball of sunshine, smiling at his 5′ 9″ self like they were old friends. He was nervous, though: he can tell by the strain at the corner of his blue, blue eyes, and the clutch of his hand on the door. 
He’s got freckles dotting full cheeks. Fucking freckles.
He isn’t ashamed of his body, but suddenly he wishes his shirt was closer, if only to hide the scars under his pecs. 
“Hello captain” Jack smiles at him, stepping in and saluting to the senior officer. “John Morrison reporting.You can call me Jack. It looks like we’re going to be roommates. Kind of weird, but…”
Gabe realizes he’s been staring like an asshole, and he quickly coughs, pulling on his beanie to make himself feel better. “Yeah. Uh. Cool.” He hums, trying to act like he’s suddenly very aware he’s gay. “Right. At ease.”
Jack relaxes, and its only then Gabe notices Jack is staring right back at him. The other man blushes when Gabe catches his eye, looking away. He sets his bag down, fumbling in it to give him something to do.
“I’ll just, uh… I’ll just get unpacked.” Jack glances at him to receive his nod of assent, then darts into the spare room, shutting the door quickly.
Gabe immediately ducks his head, burying his burning face in his arms. He had successfully managed to avoid becoming involved with anyone on base, not wanting to go through explanations time and time again. He liked his work, he was good at it, and he didn’t want any distractions to stop him from getting shit done. Distractions were just problems that hadn’t formed yet.
And Jack Morrison? He was shaping up to be a big fuckin’ problem.
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talktowendysblog-blog · 6 years ago
Things You Didn’t Know About Wendy’s
1. The originator of Wendy's was companions with Colonel Harlon Sanders
Dave Thomas was working in the inexpensive food industry at the time of only 12 years. He worked at an eatery in Fort Wayne, Indiana as the head culinary specialist of the foundation that was called Hobby House. The café was before long bought by KFC and changed over into a Kentucky Fried Chicken establishment by Colonel Harlan Sanders actually. It was as of now that Dave Thomas and Sanders met and they moved toward becoming companions in the mid-1960s.
2. The KFC proprietor confided in Thomas to turn his business around
Here's another fun truth that we wager the greater part of you didn't know about. Harlan Sanders had such a great amount of confidence in Dave Thomas that he requested that he help him in pivoting four of the chicken establishments in Columbus, Ohio which were on the very edge of disappointment. The organizations were neglecting to flourish and in the wake of getting to be familiar with Thomas and his capacity to run an eatery, Sanders accepted that on the off chance that anybody could spare the four coming up short KFC areas, it would be him. His impulses demonstrated to be right in light of the fact that, inside only a couple of years, Thomas who was conceded establishment rights and offers in the four bombing eateries had the option to sell them all back to Sanders at an astounding cost of over $1.5 million.
3. Thomas opened Wendy's with cash produced using KFC
When you think about the conditions, it was extremely Thomas' association with KFC that gave him the assets that he expected to open up the new eatery that he named Wendy's. He named the new foundation after his little girl, Melinda Lou. Her moniker was Wenda and this is the place he inferred the name that is comparatively known as Wendy's. He established the main Wendy's eatery in 1969.
4. Wendy's is the third biggest burger chain in the country
Wendy's has turned out to be one of the best inexpensive food chains in the whole United States. It comes in third just behind it's two biggest rivals. McDonald's holds the position of number one and Burger King comes in runner up. It would be intense for Wendy's to make up for lost time with these two or even to outperform them since it involves a far off third spot, yet the chain is doing fine and dandy.
5. Wendy's is universal in its extension
What number of you realized that Wendy's isn't only an American cheap food chain? This is one more truth about Wendys that a ton of its dedicated clients don't know about, except for the individuals who make regular visits to Canada, that is. Wendy's had 500 areas all through the United States and Canada by 1976. They've kept on developing and venture into Canada just as all through numerous different nations all through the world. They currently claim and work in excess of 6,650 cafés all through different pieces of the world.
6. The Wendy's originator designed KFC's mark basin of chicken
Here's another fun certainty that a great many people don't think about. It was Dave Thomas that created the Kentucky Fried Chicken establishment's acclaimed Bucket of Chicken. He concocted the thought when he was working intimately with Colonel Harlan Sanders to help in making the KFC chain increasingly productive. This is a menu thing that has turned into a mark of the cheap food chicken brand and we've even been favored to see ads with the Colonel himself advancing the chicken pail alongside a snappy signature melody with verses that stated, "get a container of chicken, finger-lickin' great, have a barrel of fun." They owe this ground-breaking deals trick all to Dave Thomas.
7. Wendy's was propelled by a Michigan burger joint
Dave Thomas got the thought for Wendy's from a set up burger joint in Kalamazoo, Michigan where he had spent his initial adolescence. It was known as Kewpee Burger. Kewpee Burger initially opened its entryways in 1923 and had an exceptionally interesting style of cheeseburgers. They were antiquated however as opposed to serving them in the customary round configuration, the burgers were square molded. We see that Thomas conveyed forward this custom with Wendy's burgers.
8. Wendy's doesn't have a mark burger
This is one refinement about Wendy's that separates them from Burger King and McDonald's. They don't have a mark burger fundamentally. McD's has the Big Mac and Burger King ha the Whopper however there isn't one demonstrated from Wendy's. They keep it basic and offer burgers in a decision of two patty estimates that incorporates the single and the lesser size.
9. Wendy's terminated their 84-year old on-screen character
What number of you recall the well known TV ads from the 1980s? They're the ones that contained the unbelievable expression, "Where's the meat." The business was a striking move that separate them with an expression that would stick in the psyches of everybody that heard it and it was exceptionally successful in picking up consideration and winding up very outstanding in pop culture. Wendy's really terminated the 84-year old Clara Peller who was the entertainer with the renowned blunt voice that requested to know where the hamburger was. They did as such after she featured in a Prego spaghetti sauce business in which she announced that she had "at last found the hamburger." We can't generally censure them for it on the grounds that the new plug genuinely undermined their popular promoting effort by hinting that the meat wasn't generally found at Wendy's yet rather in the Prego sauce.
10. Dave Thomas showed up in more than 800 Wendy's ads
Presently, this is a touch of random data that we're sure that not very numerous Wendys fans know about. Dave Thomas made his acquiescence and retirement from Wendy's legitimate in 1982. It wasn't even an entire three years after the fact than the executives accountable for Wendy's figured out how to persuade him out of retirement after the Where's the Beef" crusade was finished. They convinced him to return in 1985 and Dave started making visits to a few of the establishments as the official essence of the organization and their official representative in 1989. He made a high number of TV advertisements and all through his vocation at Wendy's and even past, Dave Thomas has showed up in more than 800 ads for the establishment.
11. Wendy's utilized to publicize on the Ellen Show however halted
Something intriguing and sudden occurred with Wendy's enterprise in 1997. They had recently publicized Wendy's on the Ellen Show, however they pulled the majority of their promoting with her when she exposed the unadulterated truth broadcasting live. This was a move that wasn't normal, and it brought about some negative ramifications for the inexpensive food chain. Due to their activities, the gay and lesbian network required a blacklist of their eateries.
12. Wendy's is the pioneer of the Dollar Menu
Presently here is a reality we found that was a surprising bit of information to us all. This time we just assumed that it was McDonald's who spearheaded the Dollar Menu that offered incredible deals on mainstream inexpensive food things. We couldn't have been progressively mixed up. It was really Wendy's who advanced the principal Dollar Menu of arrangements. They considered it their worth menu and it propelled in October of 1989. Wendy's offered a set cost of 99 pennies for chose things while Burger King offered their 99 penny menu in 1998 and McDonald's didn't participate in the worth menu technique until some other time in 2002. They were trailed by Taco Bell's worth menu in 2014.
13. They cut back the parts in 2007
Here is a little-well established certainty about Wendy's that most fans really won't appreciate. Preceding 2007, the Junior Patties gauged a strong two ounces. In 2007, Wendy's settled on the choice to curtail the weight to 1.78 ounces. They didn't do anything to the Single patties which have constantly kept up a weight of four ounces. They cut back on the Junior patties trying to set aside cash when the expenses of sustenance went up, however this was certifiably not a splendid proceed onward their part.
14. Wendy's closed down its unique area
It's difficult to accept, however the first Wendy's and the principal café that was opened was shut down in 2007. The area of the eatery was in Columbus, Ohio. After it had been doing business for a long time, it shut down. The structure was changed over into a Catholic Foundation for the city subsequent to experiencing a $1.7 million redesign.
15. Wendy's has opened labs in Dublin, Ohio
The "Labs to Fuel Future Technology Innovation" is one of Wendy's later endeavors. The 90-degree labs are intended to help make a communitarian situation for the workers of the organization to get together and investigate better approaches to utilize innovation to accomplishes Wendy's key business activities. It's only one of the manners in which that the organization is attempting to incorporate computerized innovation into the client involvement with Wendy's.
16. Wendy's is taking part in a brand change
You are probably going to see a ton of changes in your nearby Wendy's areas soon. They are changing their image and his methods refreshing their nearby eateries by fusing a structure that is totally new highlighting differed seating choices a chimney, relax seats, corners, advanced menu sheets, a self-administration booth, WiFi, level screen TVs and the sky is the limit from there. It's an energizing recommendation for Wendy's devotees.
17. Moving Hamburgers were highlighted on the main Wendy's ads
What number of you recollect the absolute first Wendy's TV ads that broadcast? The greater part of us don't, yet once upon a time, Wendy's paid for a 30-second spot reporting in real time that highlighted an accumulation of three of Wendy's popular burgers, including the triple, the twofold and the single in liveliness, hitting the dance floor with Wendy while singing one of their own wildernesses. The advertisements were communicated in Ohio locally just, so on the off chance that you didn't live there, you have a decent reason for not recalling the business.
18. Wendy's still uses its unique trademark
Do you recall the absolute first motto that Wendy's utilized when it begun promoting? To revive your memory, it was "Quality is our formula." They've kept the renowned saying on their logo this time. T
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