#but they fight in the honor of him which is why they dubbed him the blood god.
aphroditelovesu · 1 year
i was rereading ur yandere greek mythology posts and after reading the concept of the greek gods sharing the part with Artemis and Apollo part caught my eye again,
I'm curious on how that will play out. may I request yandere artemis and apollo sharing a darling? - 🌓 anon
❝ ☀️ — lady l: it took a while but it came out, didn't it? Dear readers, it may take some time, but your requests will be written! This request was based on this ask/concept and I liked how the headcanon turned out and I hope you like it too.
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, dub-con ('cause it's yandere content), jealousy, mention of murder and torture, polyamorous relationship.
❝🏹pairing: yandere!apollo x gn!reader x yandere!artemis.
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Apollo and Artemis are twin sibilings who are very different from each other. While Apollo had many lovers, Artemis preferred to live secluded in the forest with only her huntresses for company. Although close, the twins prefer to live their lives separately and this has always worked for both of them. Until they meet you. The gods don't often share their belongings, but the twins seem inclined to divide you between them. How lucky are you to have the attention of Artemis and Apollo, aren't you?
It was Apollo who met you first. You met during the festivities that honored him and he found himself drawn to you, leaning against a wall, silent and disinterestedly observing everyone around him. The god found himself looking at you intently and his gaze made you uncomfortable and you left your spot to leave. Something about that man's gaze made you nervous and you wanted to forget about it. Apollo, however, never forgot you.
When Artemis met you, you were already with Apollo. The god pursued you and basically made you his. The goddess of the hunt didn't think much of you at first, thinking that you would just be one of Apollo's lovers and that you would soon be out of his life. Which is obviously not what happened. As Artemis spent more time with you, the more she found herself enjoying your company and developed an obsession with you of her own. She found herself drawn to you like she had never been drawn to anyone and she wanted you. The fact that you belong to Apollo is not a problem for her.
Apollo didn't react well when he noticed his sister's interest in you. He was irritated, furious and full of jealousy. Why on earth was Artemis interested in you romantically? Of course, you were stunning but this... This was unacceptable, you belonged to Apollo and he wasn't willing to give you up. It didn't take long for him to get into a fight with his sister over you. You were his and he wouldn't let anyone take you from him.
The twin gods actually physically fought over you, pointing their bows and arrows at each other, they were ready to kill each other. They just didn't because you intervened. You tore them apart and tried to appease the angry gods who were looking at you with madness in their eyes. You took a deep breath and tried to work it out by talking to the them. Although he was reluctant, Apollo eventually agreed to share you with Artemis, even if he still didn't like the idea. But it could be worse, he supposed, better he shared his soulmate with his sister than some god he hated. Meanwhile, Artemis was delighted that she now had you, it wasn't just for her, but that could be fixed sometime, for the time being she was content to hold in her arms.
Your relationship was, to say the least, interesting. Both gods loved dragging you with them everywhere. Apollo was the most needy of your attention and the most demanding, he liked it when you lay on his lap and just watched him while he read poetry or sang hymns to you. He loves to run his fingers through all your soft hair, smell your perfume and spend hours kissing your soft lips. He wants as much physical contact as possible, to have your body pressed against his at all times. The hugs always took a long time to end and he could spend hours whispering promises of love to you. His love language is a lot of physical contact and gifts. Apollo is always giving you something, clothes, jewelry, books, whatever you want. He wants to be your favorite.
Artemis is the quietest in your relationship, she has always been more rational than her brother and fears making you uncomfortable with all of this. She used to lead a reclusive life in her forests, and while she greatly enjoyed the company of her hunters, she came to enjoy your company even more. Artemis loves to take you on her hunts, just the two of you alone, the two of you silently admiring the forest around you. She wants to teach you how to hunt, even if it's not something you're a fan of, she is the goddess of the hunt and would be more than happy to teach you. Artemis enjoys your company and often just watches you, looking at you in awe. Your time with her is precious and she is not that demanding of your attention. The goddess likes to pamper you more simply, with simpler gifts, but if you want expensive things, she will be happy to give you, but Artemis likes to present you with things she likes and thinks you will like. Her love language is coy glances that get bolder with touch.
There is no doubt that they are very jealous of each other, because they do, but Artemis hides it better than Apollo. When the three of you are together, the twins appear to be calm, but any discerning person will notice Artemis's clenched hands and Apollo's glare. The two will be throwing furious glares at each other, but will be silenced with a glare from you. They no longer fight, at least not in your presence, but the sibilings will band together when there is a threat to you. Maybe some other god (Zeus) is too interested in you and they can't have that. In the blink of an eye, Apollo will be glued to your hip and Artemis will be shooting hateful glares at anyone who looks at you the wrong way. They might fight, but you belonged to them and they will protect you fiercely.
Eventually the three of you will find an acceptable rhythm. Artemis and Apollo will stop trying to mentally kill each other and their attention and love will be on you at all times. The hugs and touches become a double dose, as Artemis hugs you possessively Apollo will be claiming your lips. You will always be in their midst, being the buffer for this relationship, the only person able to control the temper of the two gods.
Being in a relationship with them isn't the worst fate anyone could imagine. Apollo can be incredibly possessive and overwhelming, but he will learn to share you with his sister. Artemis is the more easy going of the twins, she is not as intense or possessive as her brother, but she is extremely resourceful and has a dangerous temper when provoked. You will learn to love it, to love them. The touches, the kisses, the hugs... It will all be part of a great future that the three of you will share. Trapped for eternity between Apollo and Artemis. This is your future. But don't worry, they'll do their best to make you happy with them, after all, you don't really have a choice.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 years
RoR characters falling in love or platonicly in love with Mitsuri!Reader or Rimuru!Reader who is also one of Humanity'a champion?
-Bouncing along the human side of the stadium, you were trying to find Brunnhilde to inquire when you are going to get to fight. When the valkyrie first approached you, her words and request had surprised you, but as a reincarnated being, originally a human, you could fight for humanity if you chose to.
-As a slime, pale F/C in color, you received a lot of looks, some where not sure what to make of you while others were confused on why you were there.
-You hide your power well, choosing to remain in your slime form while in Valhalla, unless if you were in your private room, then you took on a human form that looked like a younger teenager with F/C hair and eyes.
-You hear loud laughter coming from behind a massive Japanese style door, one that stretched high up to the ceiling and you were quick to raise a little slime arm and knock before pushing it open.
-Inside you saw a party going on, recognizing the last human fighter, Sasaki Kojiro, who had just beaten Poseidon, he looked to be the guest of honor around this party that looked to be nothing but sumo wrestlers!
-Raiden noticed you as you hopped in and he bent over a bit from where he was sitting on his rear, “Hmm~ what’s this?”
-You just beam up at him, sparkles around you, “I’m Y/N! I’m a cute little slime!” the women in the room were quick to start cooing on how cute you were while Raiden picked you up, being able to hold you in just one of his massive hands as he held you up to the light, “A slime?”
-Kojiro chuckled, enjoying another cup of sake, which was helping take the ache from his wounds away, “Oh-ho~ I know you, Brunnhilde-chan mentioned someone who was fighting on our side who was originally human, but no longer is one.”
-You beamed brightly, “That’s me! I was actually looking for Brunnhilde, I wanna fight soon!” Raiden and many of the other men in the room let out a near deafening cheer, hearing your fighting spirit before Raiden sat you down at an empty spot, more food being brought out for you, “Eat with us then! I sent someone to fetch that valkyrie to find out when I’ll fight, we can both ask her when we see her!”
-You weren’t known to turn down food, so you didn’t enjoying the delicious food provided to you, jumping on the plates and absorbing the food but not the dishware, which was shocking for everyone in the room before Kojiro spoke, “Oi Y/N-chan, can you taste food like we do?”
-You beamed again, “I can! I can also eat like a normal looking human too!” with this you transformed into your human form, wearing a black outfit, shorts with a tank top, unattached sleeves that went from your mid upper arm to your wrists, thigh high stockings, and black ankle boots and a flowing black scarf around your back.
-Your human form caused a lot of instant yelling, “You’re just a kid?! They want to make a child fight?! Where’s Brunnhilde?!” you were quick to calm them down, reminding them that you were reincarnated upon your death and when you were alive you were Y/A, plus five years that you’ve spent building your own little patch of paradise with other monster type beings such as yourself.
-This calmed them a bit and you went back to eating, quickly bringing smiles to everyone’s faces as you were so tiny but you were eating enough to challenge Raiden.
-You were quickly a favorite of the women, who all thought you looked adorable, finding yourself surrounded by them, but you were more focused on the food, but you answered their questions.
-Raiden, who enjoyed having someone to rival him, with eating at least, was quick to dub himself as your big brother, and that he would help look out for you and the other rikishi cheered loudly, calling themselves your big brothers or uncles while Kojiro laughed warmly, adopting you as your new grandfather.
-It was a bit sudden, but you couldn’t help but cheer alongside them before another round of food came out and the whole room cheered again, causing a ruckus.
-Brunnhilde entered, looking for you and the room lifted their cups in a toast to her, everyone cheering out her name which made a small smile appear on her lips before she entered, her eyes scanning everyone until she spotted you sitting with Kojiro.
-You beamed brightly at her when she spoke, “YN, it is your turn to fight. Are you ready?” You let out a loud ‘whoo-hoo’ transforming back into your slime form and leaping up at her. She wasn’t bothered, catching you easily before everyone told you to kick some ass and you agreed, wanting to come back and party some more with them.
-You were amazing in your fight, you bounced around in your slime form, toying with your opponent before you decided to get series, sending out razor sharp water blades, acid bullets, and took every blow your opponent gave to you before you leaped atop of them and enveloped their body, dissolving them.
-When you went backstage you took your human form and heard Raiden, “Y/N!! I knew you could do it!” you beamed, running to Raiden and allowing him to pick you up and spin you around as you celebrated your win before you headed back to his room as they had just ordered more food, including desserts to celebrate your victory which made you cheer again.
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guttergirlcore · 1 year
East Coast Baby II (JJ Maybank x reader)
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WARNINGS // NON-CON, DUB-CON, violence, possessive behavior, stalking, mentions of alcohol and drug use, jealousy, manipulation, toxicity, gaslighting, non-canon ages, pogue!reader, she/her reader, mentions of familial trauma, one bed trope, JJ watching reader as she sleeps, light somno at the end
Synopsis // Running from a trauma-addled past, you arrive in OBX to find some peace. Shortly after, a series of strange events ensue, drawing your circle smaller and smaller, eventually driving you into the arms of one JJ Maybank. What you hadn't realized, however, is how difficult it would be to escape the one person you never thought you'd have to run from.
divider by @firefly-graphics​
Word count: 2k
You slowly blinked your heavy lids until your vision cleared enough to make out the dark wood of a ceiling.
"Hey, hey, she's awake guys!" Kie called over to the boys and suddenly your line of sight was obstructed by four looming heads.
"Ugh, fucking Rafe," you groaned, reaching for the back of your head.
"Fucking Rafe is right. He totally could've given you a concussion. I mean, I wanted to take you to a hospital, but dumbasses one and two here insisted on bringing you here," Pope stood with his hands on his hips.
You sat up quickly and JJ's hands shot up to steady you.
"Woah, woah. Easy, okay? You took kind of a hard hit." JJ looked into your eyes with genuine concern before turning a pointed glare in Pope's direction.
"You want her going to the hospital and when they ask how she got the injury- to tell them she was out at a kegger with about a hundred other people and then tried to get in the middle of a fight until you, Mr. Smartass, decided to pop off a stolen gun? That's what you want her to say, Pope?"
"Yeah, dude, it's not like we were checking IDs, and I'm pretty sure there were like twenty different drugs going around the beach tonight." John B. told Pope, his arms crossed across his chest.
“Stolen gun?” You murmured drowsily.
“It’s a long story,” JJ said apologetically before turning back to Pope.
"Okay well, all I'm saying is this could be more serious than we think! Structural damage and all that bro! In this one show I saw on Forensic Files, this body showed up to the morgue completely fine, but they ran the autopsy and found out the dude hemorrhaged in the brain from a minor hit!" Pope threw his hands up in the air.
"Okay, you did not see that," Kie argued, rolling her eyes.
"Okay, enough! Christ. Y/n will be fine as soon as all of you get out and let her relax," JJ shouted over the bickering pair.
In a huff, Kie, Pope, and John B. headed out onto the screened-in porch, leaving you and JJ alone.
"Where am I right now?" You asked, looking around at the messy wooded cabin.
"John B's. Thought it best if we take you here to rest," JJ said, kneeling down in front of you. "Y/n, I am so, so sorry. I didn’t think you’d get in the middle of it."
“Well, I did,” you fix JJ with a stoney look. “You do know that Rafe was just trying to get under your skin, right?”
“Yeah, I figured. But still, I wasn’t gonna let him touch you,” JJ said, completely serious.
“Why? Why do you care? You just met me.”
“Do I really have to answer that?” JJ furrowed his blond brows. “Because I like you, y/n. Is that not obvious?”
You blinked your eyes rapidly. “I- I like you too JJ, but like I said, we just met. I hardly know anything about you and vice versa.” You looked down at your lap, twisting your rings around your fingers.
“Okay, well tell me something about you,” JJ smiled, bracing a closed fist just a few inches from your knee on the couch.
You hesitated. You weren’t used to people asking about you, and you weren’t even sure what to say. You weren’t sure if you wanted to say anything at all. 
JJ was cute and seemed sweet. His friends were nice and he did get into a fistfight to protect your honor or whatever, which was kind of sweet in a marginally deranged way- but opening up to new people didn’t come easily to you. Sometimes you thought it was better to stay closed off to avoid the hurt.
You shook your head and averted your gaze from JJ’s disappointed face.
“Okay, well I’ll tell you something about me,” he said. He rocked back on his heels, planting his butt on the floor at your feet, his elbows resting on his raised knees.
“Ahh- let’s see. Alright, my favorite movie is C.H.U.D., the only book I’ve ever read and liked was The Outsiders, and I’m one hell of a surfer.” JJ laughed, counting off on his ringed fingers. “My favorite color is green, I like Zach Bryan’s music, and honestly, I’m not as calm and collected as I’d like everyone to believe.”
You looked up at JJ’s last admission, meeting his gaze.
“Yeah, uh- so my mom split a long time ago. Or it feels that way anyway. My dad sucks, so there’s that. Sometimes I think he likes the bottle better than he does me. Actually, I don’t really think he likes me at all.”
“JJ, I-” You were at a loss for what to say. What could you say? Didn’t you know better than anyone that there was nothing you could say? Nothing could fix, or even alleviate, that type of pain. 
You gave up on words, instead reaching for JJ’s hand, rubbing your thumb over his bruising knuckles. JJ’s eyes softened at your gentleness. You nodded your head slowly, encouraging him to go on if he wanted.
“At least he isn’t around much, so I get to do what I want, which is better than Kie or Pope’s got it,” he chuckled dryly.
“Yeah, but you shouldn’t have to sacrifice a father for freedom. I’m sorry that that happened to you, JJ. It’s not right, and you don’t deserve it.” 
You gazed into his blue eyes sadly. Though he wouldn’t let it on, you could see the suffering lingering in the depths of his eyes. It was the same suffering you held in your own.
JJ held your hand tightly as if it were a life-raft he could pull himself onto to keep himself from drowning in the sea of pain.
You rubbed harshly at your misting eyes and chuckled. You told him your favorite movie, show, and book, that you liked to paint, what your favorite color was, and what kind of music you listened to. You told him about your aunt Laura, and how you hardly knew her, and yet she was the closest familial bond you had. JJ listened intently the whole time.
“And as for the other stuff- the darker stuff... I want to tell you, JJ, I do. But I just have a really hard time opening up like that, you know?” You told him.
He nodded his head slowly and gave his characteristic smirk. “That’s alright. I’ve got time.”
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After the two of you sat up talking on John B.’s couch for the rest of the night, JJ assured you that it would be okay if you crashed there.
“Really, I do it all the time y/n,” JJ laughed. “I’ll stay here with you.”
You sent Laura a text to let her know your plans and allowed JJ to take you to the spare room.
"I've got some extra clothes here if you wanna change," JJ pointed to the large wooden dresser.
You looked down at what you were wearing. It was still a bit damp and sandy from the beach, so you nodded your head in agreement.
JJ crossed the room and pulled out a cotton t-shirt from the drawer, placing it in your hands.
He stood there for a moment more with his hands in his pockets.
"Uh, JJ? Could you, you know...?" Motioning for him to give you some privacy.
"OH! Yeah, yeah, let me just-" JJ scurried to the door, pulling it closed with a quiet click behind him.
You pulled off your sandy top and bottoms, dropping them to the floor at your feet. Picking up JJ's shirt, you lifted it to your face.
The cotton was soft and worn and smelled like clean linens, surf wax, and the faint scent of sunscreen. The scent of JJ.
You slipped it over your body and called out to him.
He entered the room as you perched on the edge of the single bed.
"I can take the couch if you-" he started.
"No, no I don't want to take your bed from you! We can share it, it's plenty big enough for both of us," you smiled at him.
Secretly, you hoped he wouldn't refuse and you were pleased when he didn't.
You had fallen asleep hours ago as JJ sat up watching you peacefully doze next to him.
Despite his eyes burning painfully from lack of sleep, he couldn't bring himself to look away from you.
Here you were, so beautiful, so gentle, so trusting, and so thinly clothed.
JJ thought back to your conversation earlier on the couch. How kind you had been, even though you only met him yesterday. How you held his hand and comforted him, even though you had no obligation to. And now, how you laid here in his bed, in his clothes, mere inches from him.
Then, images of Rafe clouded his vision. Rafe's hand on your knee across the beach.
JJ hadn't meant to drift so far from you, but one of his friends called him and Pope over, and it was only a few yards. He figured you'd be okay for a few moments until he could return to your side.
But like he always seemed to do, Rafe appeared out of thin air, sticking his hands on things that didn't belong to him.
JJ shook his head. He had to remind himself you didn't belong to him either. At least not yet.
The [admittedly] very small rational part of him knew Rafe was just goading him on, but the rage was blinding and unexpected.
Who does Rafe think he is? He thinks he owns everything from Figure 8 to The Cut. And you. You're so pretty and defenseless. I need to protect you. I need Rafe to know you're mine.
JJ had crossed the few yards in a matter of seconds, his hands clamping down on Rafe's steam-pressed collared shirt. It was like he weighed nothing as JJ dragged him to the water, his inherited rage blooming in his chest. He stomped to the water's edge until it soaked through his boots, and then he just let himself go.
He threw punch after punch in Rafe's smug face. With each time his fist made contact, he was further gratified. That was until he saw you.
JJ hadn't even realized you'd followed him, but there you were, laying on your back in the sand, a light bruise already forming on your jaw. Rafe had hit you.
JJ wailed on him as hard as he could, pounding his fists into Rafe's chest as he spit blood back at him. It took Pope, John B., Topper, and Kelce to pull him off.
JJ found his anger returning to him and he braced a hand against his chest, pacing his breathing.
She's alright. She's alright. She's here, JJ reminded himself.
Sometimes his rage frightened him. It looked too much like his dad's. But he was better than him. What he did, he did for love. His dad just did it for fun, or whatever. That made him better, right?
JJ looked over at your sleeping form. Your back was turned to him and he watched as your side rose and fell with your breathing. He gazed over the curve of your ass and felt himself grow hard at the mere sight.
He couldn't have you tonight, he knew that. Still, he allowed himself to scoot slowly down the bed and closer to you.
When you hadn't moved, he pressed his body flush against yours, his face buried in your strawberry-scented hair, his hardening length fitted snugly against your ass.
He let out a soft groan at the contact. This would have to be enough for him for now.
The last thing he thought before he finally succumbed to sleep was
she will be mine.
~series masterlist~
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hyunnieshannie · 1 year
Youtiful Series: CHAN
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🖤: Chan x Reader | Youtiful Series 🖊️: 2,393 🚨: ANGST- SO MUCH ANGST - Fluffy af tho
You love your boyfriend, you really, really do. But sometimes it’s so fucking difficult to take care of him. You’ve been dating Chan for 5 years. Of course things were rocky at some points in your relationship but you both knew and hoped that you were endgame. Since you’ve been with Chan for so long, you’ve been dubbed the ‘Mom’ of the Stray Kids boys and you wore that title like a badge of honor. They listened to you more than Chan anyway. But as the group mom it meant that you were taking care of more people, which meant that your attention was stretched out amongst 8 boys. You didn’t really mind though, you saw the rest of the boys like they were your brothers anyway.
You weren’t really surprised when you’d go days without hearing from your boyfriend. When they had projects coming up, Chan always buried himself in his work - something you got used to very early on in the relationship. He works very hard and you love him for his work ethic although you wished he’d at least send you a text to let you know he was alive. But thankfully, one of the boys usually sent you a picture of their hyung working in the studio or sending you a text saying they were feeding him and taking good care of him. 
It was only after a week that you started to worry about him. He usually never went more than 3 days without responding to your texts. But this time was much different. He’d read your messages and never sent anything back. He’s never done that before. He always texts you right after he reads the message or calls you. He never leaves you on read. You pick up the phone and call him. The phone rings 10 times before he finally picks up.
“Hi Channie,” you sigh as you smile to yourself, finally happy you were able to speak to him. “I was thinking of coming by to bring you some dinner, is that alright?”
“Ah no, that’s ok. Jisung ordered food for us so it should be here shortly.” Chan said, you could tell that he was distracted by whatever project he was working on.
“Oh, ok. Are you doing ok? It’s been a while since I’ve heard from you..” you trail off, not wanting to accidentally start a fight.
“Oh sorry about that, just been busy. You know how it is.” He says plainly.
“Ok, well I won’t keep you. Have a nice dinner. I love you Channie.” You say with a forced smile on your face.
“Mmm you too baby.” He says before hanging up the phone. You can’t help but feel your heart sink a bit once you drop the phone to your lap. You shake your head and force a smile on your face.
“He’s just busy, that’s all. No need to worry, y/n. Everything’s gonna be fine.” You say to yourself, not sure why you need to convince yourself in the first place.
Another week goes by before you hear from Chan. You keep pushing your anxiety down. You know the boys are busy and you know Chan always puts every piece of himself into his work. But there’s this nagging feeling that’s gnawing at your heart that’s telling you that something’s wrong. You ignore it not wanting to worry the people around you, especially the boys.
“How’s Chan?” You ask Felix as you lay across his lap, playing this silly game he recommended. 
“Channie-hyung? He’s great actually, why do you ask?” Felix says as he taps on the controller staring hard at the television in front of the two of you.
“Just curious is all. He’s been in the studio a lot lately so it’s been hard to get a hold of him.” That statement had Felix pausing the game and looking down at you.
“Y/n, we finished recording everything 2 weeks ago…” Felix says as he watches your facial expression sour.
“Wh-what do you mean?” 
“We finished recording 2 weeks ago. Channie-hyung has been leaving the same time we have.” Felix says cautiously. “He left with us today too.”
You abruptly stand up, almost elbowing Felix in the face. “H-hey y/n where are you going?”
“To find my fucking boyfriend.” You seethe as you force your shoes back on and walk out the door slamming it behind you.
It takes you no time at all to reach your boyfriend's dorm, storming through the front lobby and stalking your way to his door. You let yourself in and let the door slam behind you. Changbin peaks around the corner wide eyed.
“Oh Jesus. Hey y/n. You scared the shit outta me. I thought you were a robber or something.” Changbin laughed, his eyes relaxing and a small smile gracing his lips. Only after seeing your expression did his sour as well. “Y/n what's wrong?” He asks as he quickly moves in front of you holding your shoulders gently.
“Where is he.” You demand quietly.
“Who? Where’s who?” Changbin asked, confused.
“My lying boyfriend. Where. Is. He.” You say as the anger begins to boil inside your being. Changbins face falls and he drops his hands from your shoulders.
“He’s in his room.” Changbin says blankly, moving out of your way as you breeze past him to your boyfriend's room.
You try to calm yourself before you confront him but the more you stand there the angrier you got so you quickly flung the door open and stepped inside. Chan was laying on his bed, his phone in his hand and his eyes wide as he took in your form. You didn’t let him get a word in before you started rambling.
“What the fuck is going on Chris? I have to learn from Felix that you guys have been done recording for the past 2 weeks which means you’ve been lying to me this whole fucking time?! What the fuck? Telling me you’ve been working late in the studio when in reality you’ve been going home at the same time as the rest of the boys! You’ve been avoiding the shit out of me and I’ve been trying my best to keep things together but I can’t handle this anymore. I’ve been worried sick at home, crying myself to sleep most nights because I don’t know what’s going on with you. With us. Instead of ignoring me and distancing yourself from me just tell me you don’t want to date me anymore.” You’re so frustrated you start spewing everything at him, angry tears falling down your cheeks. You don’t care how loud you’re being either, the rest of the boys can definitely hear every word you’re saying.
“Y/n, baby.” Chan says as he gets up to comfort you.
“Don’t ‘baby’ me, Chris.” You say as you push his hands away from you. “You don’t get to do that after ignoring me for weeks. Not answering my calls or my texts. You don’t get to bury this. Explain yourself. Now. Or I’m leaving.” You say as you cross your arms over your chest, locking eyes with him, tears still cascading down your cheeks.
Chan sighs and backs up to his bed and sits at the edge, placing his head in his hands, letting out a long sigh. He’s quiet for a long time and you take that as his answer. You turn to open the door when you hear him mutter something.
“What?” You ask as you turn back to him.
“I’m so sorry, y/n.” He looks up at you and his face is red, eyes watering and tears spilling down his cheeks. He stutters as he takes a breath in and out. “I’m so, so sorry, y/n.”
You’re not sure what to say. You want to ask what he’s sorry about but you can’t find the words, your breath caught behind the lump in your throat. You stay silent and hope that he explains further.
“I’m sorry, baby, I really am. I never…” a sob wracks its way through him, completely breaking down in front of you. You feel yourself flinch when the instinct to console him rushes through your body, but you remain still. Too scared that he might push you away if you get too close. “I’m.. I ne-… baby, I’m so sorry.” He says through broken breaths.
“Breathe, Chris.” You say as calmly as possible, a little bit of your anger slips through at the end however. He does as you say though and takes in slower breaths.
“I’m sor-“ 
“If you apologize one more time without giving me an explanation I’m leaving.” You say firmly, knowing full well that if you didn’t stop the ‘im sorry’ train, he’d continue down that track for hours.
“I… there were… rumors.” He says as he looks down towards the floor, wringing his hands together. “There were tweets and tiktoks being made about… me… and you… I didn’t know what to do. People saw us out a few months ago and threatened to leak the photos. Our faces weren't visible so the company decided not to respond. But when we didn’t respond, they posted them anyway. There’s been so much speculation and people have been saying such horrible things about what they’d do if I ever had a girlfriend. I was told to not say anything, not to address the rumors, to go on business as usual. But every time I went online that’s all I saw. And I panicked. I didn’t want them to find out about you because I didn’t want them to attack you. I wanted to keep you safe so I distanced myself. I didn’t know what else to do. It was the only way I could think of protecting you.”
You stand there processing his rambling. You’ve been so busy you haven't been online as much as you usually were. Chan keeps muttering ‘I’m sorry’s’ and ‘I didn’t know what to do’. You didn’t know he was having such a hard time and you wish he would’ve just told you instead of keeping it from you.
You slowly approach him and kneel in front of him, pulling his hands away from his face and holding them in your hands. 
“You should’ve told me.” You whisper to him.
“I couldn’t tell you. I didn’t want you to worry. I didn’t want you… no I couldn’t.” He says through shaking breaths. You squeeze his hands tighter in yours.
“But you pushed me away instead. Do you know how worried I was for you? I thought that you were pushing me away because you were getting bored of me, or because… you didn’t love me anymore.” You say the last part quietly, too scared to even voice that the thought had crossed your mind. Chan immediately breaks upon hearing it, falling to the floor in front of you and bringing you in for a tight hug.
“Fuck… I’m so sorry. Baby…” He tries as he sobs into your shoulder, tears falling down your own cheeks as you hug him back just as tight. You both hold each other in your arms, letting all the tears out. When you both stop crying and calm your breaths you both pull away but still keep your limbs tangled together.
“Baby… I-I’m so sorry.” Chan begins as he looks at you with such sad eyes. “I never meant to make you feel like I didn’t love you anymore. I didn’t think… I had no idea that pulling away from you would make you think that. I wasn’t thinking.” He lets out a shaky breath, squeezing your hands so tightly. “I love you so much, I- I would do anything for you.”
You smile sadly at him. You place one of your hands on his cheek, cradling his face in your palm. “You would?” 
“Of course.” 
“Then let me in.” You whisper, placing your other hand on his empty cheek. He nuzzles into your palm as you continue. “Don’t push me away. Tell me about all your worries, your struggles, your dreams, your desires. Let me in and I’ll do the same. I love you, Chan, I want to be able to take care of you.”
“B-but, I don’t want you to worry. I want to be strong for the both of us.”
“You don’t need to be strong, baby. I just want you to rely on me more. Please..” 
He looks at you and then down to the ground and back up at you. “Ok, but I want you to rely on me too.” 
You nod at his request and a small smile appears on his lips.
“I’m sorry baby, really, I am.” Chan says as he pulls you closer to him.
“No more apologies.” You whisper as you place a feather light kiss on his lips. You rest your forehead against his. “Can we snuggle? All these tears made me really tired..”
Chan chuckles and pulls you off the ground with him and directs you to lay down, not getting in the bed with you.
“Where are you going?” You ask, a little worried that he’s going to run away again.
“Just getting some water for us, I’ll be right back. Promise.” He gives you a small smile before quickly padding out of the room. You close your eyes and you can hear murmuring from the hallway, but you’re far too tired to eavesdrop on the conversation. A few moments later you feel the bed dip beside you and you open your eyes being met with Chan’s face mere inches from yours.
“Who was that?” You ask Chan sleepily as you pull him closer to you.
“Jisung. He heard us and was worried. I told him we were good.” He hums as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into his chest.
You both lay in silence, Chan rubbing small circles on your back. 
“You sleepy?” Chan asks as he pulls away to get a better look at your face.
You hum in response, opening your eyes to look at him. He chuckles and places a kiss on your forehead.
“Sleep, baby.” He places another kiss on your forehead. “I love you.” 
“Love you too, Channie.” You say slowly as you nuzzle your head into his chest, squeezing your arms around him, and drifting off to sleep.
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@chanlixiiee @amalieworldidk @jaebaebaegot7 @maeleelee @iadorethemskz @maenijw @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats @jinniespuppy @painstakingly-juno @lethallyprotected @elizalabs3 @jisungsbff01 @seungminslittlepup @lieghscloud @foxinnie8 @scarletbedlam @kpoppin-to-the-beat @stay-berry @bbymatz @kurxxmi Thank you for being on our permanent tag list <3
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charlotte-official · 1 year
9/19 Recap
Boob Shenanigans: Continued
With all the rage, the poll was finally finished after a grueling 24 hours. And the final results, quite unexpectedly, Former Acting Grand Sage Alhaitham won by a landslide
Alhaitham won with the grand total of 60% of all the votes in comparison to:
Blue Oni, Takuya’s mildly pitiful score of 4%.
And Arataki Itto, Leader of the Arataki Gang, who scored a mediocre 36%.
With the finality of the poll, the discussion comes to an end. Or does it?
No just kidding, following the official closing of the poll, no genshin-official accounts have mentioned it. (according to my sources.)
Fatui Hater and Fatui Harbinger Segment Fight Ferociously to Defend their Honor and Deny Marriage Claims!
 In response to September 18th’s article, Uta, the prior mentioned Fatui Harbinger segment was enraged with the assumption that he and Diluc Ragvindr, Owner of the Dawn Winery and crucial key player in Mondstadt’s Wine economy were flirting.
It didn’t end there though, in a chain of messages being delivered to the Steambird’s ask box, UTA frantically rushed to try and protect his dignity and refute the claims of being like an old married couple.
Quote 2: “... We WEREN'T flirting! I do not flirt with him! I don't like him so why would I flirt!! …”
Charlotte, Editor of the Steambird and runner of steambird tumblr then called him oblivious and told him that it was quite obviously flirting.
Quote 3: “It is not flirting!! We are not flirting! I am trying to annoy him damn it!! I am not that oblivious!! I'm pretty sure I can tell if it was flirting or not, and it very much was not! I do not like him enough to be flirty. I don't think he'd be pleased with that either. How is it even flirty?? I sincerely doubt it is!”
Editor Charlotte then told UTA that his remarks were quite suggestive and he was saying these things at evening, a relatively romantic time.
Quote 4: “Okay, it might have been suggestive. I can understand that part. But I doubt suggestive can count for flirting! And i chose that time because it seemed to annoy him!! Why else would I bring that up to an enemy? Because it probably threw him off guard! You wouldn't actually talk about kinks to someone who actively hates you! It is to annoy the hell out of the emo. I am NOT INTERESTED in him like that!!”
End quotes
Diluc Ragvindr, the other man in the situation, also had some.. Things to say.
In a flurry of messages delivered to the Steambird’s ask box, Editor Charlotte decided to not respond or feature these messages in the article because of how.. Vulgar and aggressive they were.
Young Shuumatshuban Ninja gets Stuck in Tree because of Evil Shrine Maiden
A Bitter Faruzan, elder in Haravatat, and Hat Guy of Vahumana then squabble afterward
Young Sayu, a ninja of the Shuumatshuban, finds herself stuck in a tree, hiding from a “wicked shrine maiden”- Kano Nana. 
Arataki Itto offers to catch the young girl, but she’s still intimidated.
Especially because Arataki Itto is how she describes, “A bumbling moron. But a pretty nice moron”
Faruzan, an elder in the Darshan of Haravatat, offers to help, offering to make a wind current so Sayu can fall safely. 
In thanks, Sayu quips that Hat Guy revoked certain piggyback privileges** and asks Faruzan why she and Hat Guy argue so often.
**Piggyback privileges, reference to a day or two ago when Vahumana’s Hat Guy told Sayu he’d be willing to carry someone on his back should it be necessary, but after Sayu told Arataki Itto that Hat Guy complimented his boobs, Hat Guy got a tad bit upset and decided to revoke his statement on being willing to carry someone on his back.
Which was dubbed “piggyback privileges”
Faruzan replies that it’s because Hat Guy(Whom she has dubbed “Hat Bastard”) is a “bitch”.
This ends in a small squabble between Faruzan and Hat Guy, despite it being very short lived compared to past vicious bouts between the two.
Reminder of the Day!
Today, Albedo, Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius seems to have been out of his game.
Tired, overworked, etc
So today’s reminder is for everyone to get enough sleep and take a break if you’ve been working very hard lately!! 
This applies for EVERYONE. (Genshin-official or not.)
Small tidbits!
Kaedehara Kazuha gets high on Naku Weed.. Again. 
Kaveh, Famous Architect, denies claims from Shikanoin Heizou. Again.
Missed Details from yesterday!!
Dottore’s clones release a petition to shut down the Akademiya.
It seems to be backfiring hideously. Especially with a lack of roughly 498 signatures.
That wasn’t worded with malice! Do not misinterpret that as hostility please! (- charlotte)
Fontanian Ghost who died over a century ago comes to mock Kaedehara Kazuha about killing his ancestor. 
Kaedehara Kazuha sobers up from his Naku Weed high and snaps back to reality to talk back. 
In the craze, another ghost joins the fray- Nameless Bard. and he SWEEPS the competition and knocks out Fontainian Ghost Guy, Escher.
Who, in which, is famous for being in the Mondstadt Revolution, but also for his sick comebacks.
This even caught the attention and amusement of Focalors/Furina, the Hydro Archon.
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wyvernwriterarchive · 4 months
I uhh...don't have much. To be honest, judging by the worst day of his life, on day two of this challenge, you can probably guess it wasn't great.
So I also decided to throw in stuff about his culture and stuff! Why not?
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Taurn's childhood was primarily spent being trained and educated in the ways of war and tactics by his father's word. While his mother and sister were often very kind and affectionate towards him no matter what, he failed to gain the warmth of his father unless he excelled. And when he failed, he met his wrath.
Taurn dedicated his life to becoming strong enough to do what he believed an emperor ought to do: protect and serve the people and defend them from anyone who dared to threaten them. The only problem is that he also felt he needed to do all of this himself.
Culture and Homeland
Taurn's country of Bovent is one in the rugged, warm mountains. It's entire culture is built around being strong, skilled, or knowledgeable enough to support the empire and fight in their honor. In a perfect world, anyone would be given the tools they needed to be able to achieve these goals, but...that's not the case. The strong hold most of the power, and they use that power to push down the weak. Fun times.
In addition to trying to conquer its neighbors in the past, it's also been seen using slaves or underpaid workers in order to mine a powerful metal they've dubbed "blacksteel" which makes up a majority of their weapons. This process is incredibly dangerous and cruel, and yet the nobles done often care. After all, it allows them to be stronger.
Taurn was surprisingly ignorant of how unfair the country was. He firmly believed the propaganda that everyone in life has the chance to show their might and be able to make their own path just like the people have been telling him.
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hrodvitnon · 7 months
(inspired by the calendar asks)
The gang's following through with a hilarious yet genius money-making idea from the minds of businesswoman Maia Simmon and the photographer Mason Weaver: slutty themed calendars. The titans were getting all dolled up for the shoot (by which I mean getting dressed in various degrees of slutty costumes). The theme? Historical. Honoring the congruent histories of Titans and humans. The titans were the main focus, obviously- but the Monarch staff would be accompanying them as either supporting or background actors. As of right now; only Ichi, San, and Ni were ready to go- dressed as what Maia dubbed the Gold Triumvirate. Each was wearing a Roman-themed outfit of flowing red capes, golden wreath crowns, shoulder togas that make zero attempt to hide their fantastic abs, the equivalent of a see-through red rag as a skirt (ones that would 1000% reveal everything underneath with just the right lighting), and sandals.
Ichi: This is fucking ridiculous.
Maia: Hm. Figured you'd like the crown.
Ichi: Crowns' not the fucking problem. It's everything else. Not even historically accurate! Who would wear these??
Ni: Oh, I dunno, maybe someone trying to get 5 champion gladiators to notice them at a function?
Ichi growls deeply at Ni. Ni's testing the movement afforded to him by the outfit while San's admiring his cape.
Ni: I gotta say, though, insane that people actually get paid for this. I mean, what? Pose in front of that device a few times and we make bank? Why didn't we do this sooner?
San: Cuz we never thought like that! Imagine all the cash we coulda been getting by tapping into human sexuality! Fuck it, screw money; imagine how much fun we'd have taking mates back then like we are now!
He accentuates by planting a kiss on Maia's cheek. Ichi visibly cringes and snorts in annoyance. Ni just chuckles.
Ni: Y'know, any other day I'd trash you for being a soft bitch for nuzzling up to a little fleshy toy like her- but the longer I spend down amongst humans, the more I actually find myself starting to agree a tad...
Maia: Uhh- is that a compliment?
Vivienne: Maybe, maybe not- but what it is is definitive proof that our coexistence campaign is working! Getting other humans on the coexistence/titanfucking train again is important- but it's gotta go both ways. Getting 2/3rds of Ghidorah on our side is huge for us!
Maia: You're correct. Now all that's left is the sour puss that's the last third.
Ichi: Y'know what, asswipes? F-
He stops himself when he feels his scales start to heat up a bit. He sits back down on a nearby chair and plants his chin in his palm.
Ichi: Ugh- nevermind.
The group doesn't really have the time to focus on the outburst as Rodan, Mothra, and the Skullcrawlers walk through the doors. Rodan's in feathery tribal wear that only seems to accentuate his musculature, the crawlers are all only wearing loincloths and elaborate necklaces, and Mothra's in a low-hanging kimono cut at the thigh and neck that makes basically everything very visible.
Vivienne: Holy mother of-
Rodan: Yeah hah hah~ do I look good or do I look good?
Vivienne instantly bum-rushes right past Rodan and to Mothra.
Mothra: Hey... Gosh this thing is so loose- do I look good?
Vivienne: You partially blinded me on your way in.
Mothra: That a good thing?
Vivienne: The gods made you to ruin me.
Mothra: Ok... probably a good thing given the drool.
Rodan: Awww- I look good too, right??
Ni's throws an arm around Rodan's head and holds him in a playful headlock.
Ni: Aww- of course you do, little bird! Ya look like you're just itching to have someone ravage you.
While Rodan fights back against Ni's play-fighting, the door swings open again and out comes Shimo and Kong. Kong's dressed in Iwi wear cut to accentuate his chest and leg muscles, and Shimo's wearing some very breezy armor and fur meant to make her look like a viking lost half her clothes.
Vivienne: I'm gonna have a heart attack before we're done here.
Maia, Andrews, Ilene, Ling, & Mason: Saaaaaaaaame.
Mothra: Hey, where's Goji? Wasn't he with-
Kong: He was- having some trouble with his outfit. There were a lot of strings to tie...
Maia: Ah- right. Probably shoulda thought that through-
Then, the door opens one last time as the large form of Godzilla steps out. Like Kong said, the entire outfit is very stringy. Like Ghidorah, he's got a crown- only his is decorated with myriad sea-stones (sadly fake, but still convincing). He's dressed in what historians assume the Kings of Atlantis would dress in, only lacking a top and barely any bottoms to speak of. An aqua cape drapes over his shoulders and his hair is in a ponytail behind his head. As soon as he walks in and sees everyone in their costumes- his eyes go wide. They dart from Viv to Mothra to Kong to Shimo to Ghidorah to Rodan to the Crawlers, on and on until he's blushing fiercely. Everyone looks at him and does the exact same.
Godzilla: Holy-
Vivienne: Fucking-
Godzilla: Shit.
Looks like Mason's gonna need to get the shooting completed soon before another Infant Island orgy ensues with so much concentrated Bi Panic in one location...
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 year
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The mood feels right, it's that time without light. Who's up for a lil late-night Togashiposting? Because there's one that has me thinking about a few concepts we've been on about. Which means we get to talk baby's first foxboy blorbo again. This was always one of my better posts that still generates interest today, but for the basic idea we talk a lot about the Akazaya as throwbacks and particularly Okiku's ties to Eiichiro Oda's own history on Rurouni Kenshin. There was another two-faced redhead in popular manga at the time, and we get Oda referencing the iconic clash with Game Master in interviews as a big moment he liked. But also just in One Piece canon it's interesting how Ryokugyu with a similar power intersects with Kiku's tale to bolster the connection. Likewise with the parallel story of the thieving fox spirit and how it intersects with Kiku's past.
For this part of our examination though, we're going to look through the lens of another meta concept we've been on about. Poking at the nature of "filler" and how much strict canon really matters? This is the finale of Kurama's last fight in the anime, something really glossed over in the manga as YuYu Hakusho tragically came to a close in the hurried Three Kings Saga. To me though, the anime at least salvages this arc into a worthy conclusion. I don't actually mind the idea of our quartet squaring off their personal arcs underneath the bigger show of the Makai Tournament. Kurama's fight with Shigure is so well done for that. One thing you have to give me, being filler or noncanonical is not an impediment to being an inspiration or an influence on someone else later.
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The whole fight is a great finale for Kurama & his demonic past. We meet him distanced from it, they're reconnected in the Dark Tournament, he embraces it to answer the call in Chapter Black...then here after reconciling it he rejects the old self. Importantly though, he only wins through taking advantage of seeds planted by his old self. I love the final line to Yomi about it "I never leave anything behind." That reconciliation of past and present for a brighter future is where I really see Kiku picking up this torch. Himura Kenshin has a lot of similarities in his arc, but Kurama's with themes of reincarnation and parent/child bonds feel like the ways this gentle redhead seeped in. Of course, Kiku is still her own take on the idea. The trans aspect and cloaking it in a lady caring about her reputation is an excellent evolution.
Can't ignore the antagonist here either, this is why I was thinking this part in particular after all. A surgeon with a samurai vibe, choosing an honorable death after defeat. The way Shigure shaped the tone of this climax for foxboy's saga was giving me some big feelings. I honestly haven't rewatched the Three Kings Arc in years. The montage of core scenes though, showing us how Kurama grew into someone so willing to choose this new life, it had a big one I didn't really think about in this context:
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How it all starts between he & Yusuke the MC. The story of the Forlorn Hope. That dub name is way cooler because the Funimation dub of the YuYu anime is a national treasure. But yeah...that's where this entire relationship started. It's an artifact that demands the user's life to grant a wish. An empty, unfulfilled Kurama was so casually willing to throw his life away to return a mother's love...without getting the point. Too busy turning over every possibility he hasn't realized how much he's grown. There's no way his mother would be happy with that trade because she doesn't see some legendary thieving fox demon...and if you told her she'd probably just say that explains a lot.
How does Yusuke solve it? Stepping in and sharing the burden. Very similar tone we'd see later with Usopp and the samurai. Even with the little dash of levity and that fine line between nobility and senseless self-sacrifice. Not to mention the big moment of Kiku's fall being Kin's final push to evolve and strike down Kanjuro. That's not unique to YYH but it's one of the biggest pillars of that series. But Bakura Town ends up being a lot like this in tone. The sumo match. Luffy jumps in because Kiku's putting her body on the line to amp up the crowd's panic. The two working together, Luffy stepping up and playing the hero for a moment, opens a new path. Just like the Forlorn Hope here and it letting them slide for being such good boys.
Then from there Kurama's story arc has the same structure we'll see out of Kiku later and Himura Kenshin around the same time. You've come so far by the time we meet you that we can do an arc about confronting that past. But that story can't end with going back to it, can it? No matter what it may mean, it's still so wild for me to see this connection over time. Kurama really was one of my first major anime characters I could latch onto and I've been a One Piece fan for so long. Just can't believe the cutesy waitress we met early Wano had all this in store.
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charmixpower · 2 years
That drawing of the specialist as faries, that had Sky and Helia with hearts and Timmy with electricity and Brandon with stars got me thinking
You know how in s6, Bloomix happens? Those drawing made me imagine the girls sharing their powers with their boyfriends to make them faries! Or witches, depending on their magical inclinations, and what I personally think is cooler XD
So Sky would get fire and dragon powers, Brandon stellar powers, Helia plant powers, Timmy electronic powers, Riven sound powers, and Nabu is already a fairy so he doesn't get any :)
Nabu is their chaperone. Magical tutor, if you will. Baby sitter so they don't blow themselves up one might say
(I know Helia already has magic but shhhh Helia and Flora are form different planets so it get to mix them >:D more fun like this)
I think it would be interesting if this mixed with their own natural magic from their planets. So Eraklyon has the core of gravity, Timmy's planet has the core of metal, Helia's planet has the core of law/order or something similar (Saladin canonically has justice powers so it has to be something that can produce a magic user of Justice), and Riven's planet....I haven't actually decided yet. I'll just do a couple for him then :) for variety
Fire + Gravity = Fairy of Plasma
Stars, which is essentially space fire, are made of plasma that's held together by gravity sooo it fits me thinks. I didn't want to make him the fairy of Stars XD
Dragon + Gravity = Fairy of Honor
A lot of Bloom's dragon powers are more....symbolic effects so I leaned into that. Valor with more gravity applied to the concept would be honor I think? Because valor is only having honor, courage, ect in battle, so if the term has more weight, you'd be like that all the time, therefore honor...be nice, I'm trying my best over here. It's all very symbolic, and I think it matches Sky's good boy enegry perfectly bc it would force him to act with in the confines he seems to always act within. I think his powers would be like summoning weapons to battle with, being able to send sword beams, the Sirenix punching and kicking, and more importantly being able to force people into fair fights by using his magic to make people honorable. I think it would be majorly dope
Sun + Gravity = Fairy of Blackholes
What do you get when you take a star and add a fuck ton of gravity?? You get blackholes! Damn Brandon, who said you got to be so powerful? Me, I did. He and Stella can have a little darkness and light thing going on, it's cute okay?? He'd also be able to teleport like Stella!! And there'd be some time manipulation powers there too!! Very powerful skill set
Moon + Gravity = Fairy of Orbits
I think this would be an actually really fucking dope power. It would be like free redirection of any attack. I don't think it would be possible to attack or defend directly, which is why it would be so cool to watch/write because you'd really have to think about it. Very dope, I love
Sun + Moon + Gravity = Fairy of Tides
Yeah the sun and the moons gravitational pull on earth really only seems to both do one thing, control the tides. Brandon has Aisha's Nick dub powers now lol
Nature + Justice = Witch of Comeuppance/Karma
This is just for if Helia inherented Saladin's magic, cuz Saladin is the only living and magical relative of Helia we see so I wanted to just entertain the idea, but this wouldn't be Helia's powers
I'm thinking his powers would work like Jinx form teen titans, basically instilling bad luck on people or pulling a sans during the Geno run (his magic only hurts as much as the person he's attacking has hurt others). His attacks would be pretty boring looking as they'd just look like pure magic but I imagine he mostly uses his powers to make people fall out of chairs, make vending machines give out multiple cans of soda, help cats get out of trees, banal luck based stuff
Nature + Law = Witch of Natural Laws
Wow that's such a basic name form the combination nooo T-T but Helia would have magic of Gravitation, Electromagnetism, Strong Interactions, and Weak Interactions. He wouldn't be able to control them. Like Samara is the fairy of Gravity and she can make gravity happen from anywhere, in any direction, however powerful she can manage. Helia can't do that, he can only strengthen and weaken already present gravitational forces. So he can pull someone to the ground, or make them float, but he can't pull them up essentially
I think Helia would have a lot of fun working with this. Helia up at 3:00 a.m. researching the four things he has power over to see if he can do any sick combos
Metal + Tecnomagic = Witch of Conductivity
Timmy just gets all the electrical parts of Tecna's powers but a little more niche. Not the one I would go with, but the first thing that came to mind
Metal + Tecnomagic = Witch of Electrical Currents
This is what would likely be his powers, this is dope and I imagine he knows a lot about this stuff so he'd very likely be able to pull off some dope ass spells based off of technical magic. Likely turns himself into a living taser. Buzz buzz bitch
When I imagine Riven with magic I usually imagine him being able to create giant cracks in walls, knocking down ceiling, and stuff like that so that's the direction imma take these in
Sound + Something Solid (like earth) = Fairy/Witch of Earthquakes
This is most similar to what I usually imagine his magic to be like so I'm very partial to it. Mostly because it's primarily environmental, and that opens up a lot of cool fight scenes that rely heavily on surrounding and incorporating them into the fight :)) just very cool stuff if your into fight choreography
Sound + Anything Abrupt or Sharp = Fairy of Shockwaves
This one is the one he's more likely to have because it can actually be used in a fight XD. Shock waves are faster than soundwaves, but are required to be abrupt, so you can't have continuous shock waves. Which I think is an interesting difference and limitation. There both a type of wave so I was worried about them being too different but this supplies a whole new set of tactics. Like shock waves also don't travel as far as sounds waves (i think). So shock waves are better for close range combat, while sound waves are more suited for support. Very fun all around
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galaxydynamite · 1 year
i think i’ll talk about madelon some since they’re definitely the most fleshed out of my self inserts that i actively use (sorry blake i havent been fixated on gx in a while)
i will preface this with a warning for mentions of child death/possible miscarriage implications.
its something thats part of their backstory but if i presented it as intended to be told ingame it would be very vague e.g. “i was supposed to have two siblings, but… their souls are among the cyela lights now. ignes fatui, your father called them.”
during most of their childhood and early adult years they lived with their family in a certain district of rebena te ra, what is now old town - this district was particularly vulnerable to flooding from heavy rainfall, as the architecture was in a constant state of disrepair (blame the hierophant for not sending in anyone to repair it! that’s part of why it’s so overrun by miasma and monsters, an npc mentions this at one point)
when madelon was around 11-12 (think yuri and chelinka’s age after the timeskip) they happened upon a journal written by their mother, which revealed that they were supposed to have two siblings before them, but they died during childbirth. to honor these siblings they never had, madelon made twin dolls and transferred a part of their soul into each of them, dubbing the boy calca and the girl brina (because i love my mythology gags i guess - ring of fates’ plot DOES heavily involve the moon as well)
shortly after rela cyel was established, madelon intented to move there in order to study magic, partially as a means of protecting calca and brina. since they weren’t born a crystal user, on their own they have only mastered blizzara and fira, as well as a shield spell and the simple cure and clear spells - although by pooling their magic with their respective doll (calca for ice and brina for fire) they are able to cast the level three spells, blizzaga and firaga. thunder spells are notably missing from madelon’s skillset due to a childhood fear of thunderstorms they never conquered.
as an aside, due to the ‘sharing’ of the soul, madelon is able to control the dolls as if puppeteering them, but if one of them is significantly damaged, madelon will share the pain, and vice versa. as a result, madelon is very evasive when fighting and uses magic instead of close combat. they can communicate via telepathy (which would bring some nice interactions with chelinka, since she also communicates telepathically with the party members.) so instead of 'using' calca and brina, they exist alongside madelon, almost like parts of them.
as for their role in the game’s story! madelon became acquaintances and then trusted friends of sir latov and lady aleria, as well as meeth and alhanalem (whom they are closest to because of my obvious bias LMAO.) they, too, helped in establishing the villa outside of rebena te ra, and live in a small house on their own, near the cliff so they can see lake cyela. madelon has helped take care of yuri and chelinka since they were born as well, and their previous experience in tailoring doll clothes means that they often provide the family with new outfits — they do get a bit upset when the party commissions armor from the town shops, but their skill doesn’t extend to any sort of protective gear or clothing, so “it can’t be helped”, as they would say. (meeth and al have unique ~sentence enhancers~ to their soeech so. ifigured i’d give madelon one!) madelon also often accompanies alhanalem when he gathers medicinal herbs, because some of the plants that grow in the usual locations can be refined for dyes or similar materials.
i’m actually thinking of changing the scene where cu chaspel appears and kills sir latov because frankly i found him a boring antagonist except for his redeeming trait being that he’s voiced by liam o’brien, which was cool as hell. in my hypothetical version of events, the lich masquerades as alhanalem like she typically does, but latov’s death takes on a much more dramatic turn considering that someone wearing the face of one of the family’s closest friends (and al is for all intents and purposes just as much of a part of the family as latov and aleria are) ends up being the one to kill him. i don’t know whether i’ll commit to this change or not (i’m planning another playthrough on the day of the game’s anniversary, and i did have an idea for a yuri and chelinka roleswap au) but regardless of the version of events, madelon is taken by blackguards from the temple who wanted to eliminate anyone associated with the events that took place at rela cyel and were there during tilika’s sacrifice, whether or not they personally witnessed it or not. they then end up in the cavern underneath rebena te ra, with the crystals subjecting them to visions of every possible past, present, and future.
this is where i don’t have a totally clear idea of development now. if i go with ny possible rewrite, aleria’s role will be shifted around a little bit, so i had the idea that the hierophant could have used madelon as some sort of proxy to view all possible fates — essentially, all of them would be at his fingertips instead of having to rely on an oracle
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drainbangle · 1 year
for the ot2 ask game: 3 and/or 9?
ot2 ask meme
sanini-panini: ignore my previous ask i just realized i didn’t give you a character to answer for 😭 for the ot2 ask game: 9 for temenos or throné
3.) Favorite single chapter?
Honestly? Osvald 4. More below the cut.
It has strong banter because it shows both how Osvald is growing closer to the team in terms of casual conversation (he opens up more when people ask about his interests and that's really sweet) and how he leans on then in times of conflict. 
'Harvey' between Osvald & Partitio is one of my favorites overall; as it showcases both Osvald and Partitio's characters well. I feel like it's often forgotten that Partitio is not a pacifist (like remember in CH1 where he really was gonna kill Giff) and showing how he's willing to help Osvald kill Harvey... A+.
It also has one of my favorite boss battles. Good emotional and horror buildup, and EXCELLENT voice acting on all sides. Also it really felt like I was fighting for my life during it, especially because I went to do it on-level for my replay.
And on the topic of voice acting, I love the scene where Elena reappears; specifically in the dub. Like the amount of hope in Osvald's voice fucking kills me because you know it's too good to be true.
When I say Osvald would be my fave if not for how much Temenos was made to get me, this is one major reason why. I love how it's used to change his priorities, not to mention the party interaction all throughout.
9.) Favorite build for Throné and/or Temenos?
I'll do both of these because I like building both these characters!
I actually don't use Throné as a DPS in lategame, that honor goes to thief Ochette as she can boost both her STR and SPD with Indomitable Beast. 
I instead tend to use Throné as a hardcore support character with her Latent, particularly during the Galdera fight. I run Apothecary Throné with the intention of spamming Dohter's and healing items -- particularly the Jams. Her Latent running out is a nonissue since the Jams and Lychees already it out. 
Dohter's is also surprisingly good with the Souls phase of the fight because it also applies to the Decaying Dragon's Essence, which subtracts 4 shields regardless of weakness. It makes that phase much easier to deal with, especially because I don't run magic DPS Osvald.
While Scholar Temenos is my old reliable (especially as a Galdera killer), I experimented a lot more in my protag Temenos run. The main builds I used for that one were actually Dancer Temenos as a tank and Warrior Temenos as a breaker; the latter specifically for the Vide fight.
With Dancer Temenos, I run him with the Forbidden Dagger and Blessing in Disguise. Because of the physical defense penalty on the dagger, BID turns it into a bonus instead. At one point, my Dancer Temenos has 520+ DEF / 790+ RES, and thanks to his healing skills and Mystical Staff, he never ran out of SP. It gets even more nutty with the Forbidden Staff equipped, since Temenos then starts dealing monstrous amounts of physical damage too.
Warrior Temenos is a bit of a weird one. While Temenos was absolutely my DPS for most of the game, with the Vide fight, I knew most of my damage would be through Thief Ochette spamming Aeber's and Armsmaster Hikari. However, one thing I knew I absolutely needed for the Vide fight was a way to reliably break his shields; specifically, a way that wasn't magical because I knew that one of Vide's limbs could reflect magic.
As you can see, Warrior Temenos saved the day because Agnea was down during the permadeath debuff and because I banned myself from looking up weaknesses. NTM he does insane magic nuke damage with Conjurer's runes + the Spear of Levin.
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duhragonball · 2 years
Dragon Ball GT 54
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✨GT Stands For Gravest Threat✨
So I kept thinking that things would pick up a bit once we got past the first four Shadow Dragons.  But no, I had completely forgotten that this episode features Goku’s mightest enemy: A slowly turning ventilation fan.
✨"Good" "Ideas", Poorly Executed✨
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Here’s the big idea for this episode.  This is Nuova Shenron, the Four-Star Dragon.   His gimmick is that he makes thing very hot. 
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And this is Eis Shenron, the Three-Star Dragon.  His gimmick is that he makes things very cold.
Now, you may want to sit down for this part, but here’s the neat little thing they worked into this.  So Nuova’s kind of honorable, as Shadow Dragons go. He takes out Pan early, but doesn’t harm her.  He just wants to knock her out so she won’t be in the way while he and Goku have a cool fight.  So Nuova’s not a total dick like the other Shadow Dragons. 
But Eis, on the other hand, is a total dick.  He takes out Giru and captures Pan even though she’s unconscious and no threat to anyone.  Wotta twist.
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Another “good” idea this show has is to start a romance subplot between Gil and Pan.  Ten episodes before it goes off the air.  Fuck GT forever.
✨Positivity Page✨
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I dunno, this episode is pretty terrible.  I suppose the one thing I like is how Pan tries to attack Nuova right off the bat.  It doesn’t work, but only because Nuova’s a more formidable opponent than the ones they’ve faced before.  If Pan and Goku had adopted this strategy before, they would have crushed the first four Dragons in a matter of seconds.  So for Pan to try it here, against the fifth Dragon, shows that at least one of them has managed to learn something over the last several episodes.  It’s too little, too late, but there you go.
Also, any episode where GT Pan gets knocked out early can’t be all bad, right?
✨Is This Episode Worse than "The Roaming Lake"?✨
Yes, this episode is the drizzling shits.  The Roaming Lake looks like a Miyazaki film festival compared to this nonsense.
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So it seems to start out okay, and I guess the setup is what stood out in my memory, which is why I forgot how bad this one was.  Nuova shows up and makes it plain that he wants an epic showdown with Goku.  No granddaughters, no goofy tricks, no bullshit of any kind.  They’re in another deserted city, and Nuova shoots a gargoyle off a building and says they’ll start fighting when it hits the ground, which is a really cool way to start this thing.
Then they zip around the battlefield really quickly, like they would do all the time in DBZ, so we’re off to a promising start.  And Nuova punches through a chunk of debris, because he can make his whole body insanely hot, and just melt through solid objects.  So he’s got an interesting power that should make this battle unusual. 
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But then things go very wrong, very quickly.  Goku can’t even touch Nuova because of the extreme heat of his body.  Nuova claims that he can briefly become as hot as the surface of the sun, which... how does Goku still have a hand, then? 
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From here, it just turns into this weird cat-and-mouse game, where Goku hides inside a casino resort and Nuova stalks him through the building.  Why is this happening?  Nuova could destroy the entire town if he wanted to, and Goku quickly determines that he’ll need to use ki blasts to fight him, so why is he sneaking around, using as little ki as possible?
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There’s a part where Goku runs up and down the stairwells trying to get away from Nuova, and Nuova keeps cutting him off, and just sort of standing there while Goku runs off in the opposite direction.  Why?  It doesn’t make any sense.  Why is Goku even trying to hide from this guy?  And why isn’t Nuova bothering to chase him?
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Eventually, Goku manages to get the drop on him and land some ki blasts, but they don’t seem to do much damage.  So I guess Goku was just trying to snipe Nuova from a distance, but he couldn’t get far enough away without getting spotted? 
As I recall, the dub kept emphasizing how weak Goku was in this episode, becase at the beginning he complains that he’s hungry.  The subbed version doesn’t do this.  I mean, he’s hungry either way, but the original script never follows up on this.  I think the dub only harped on it because they felt like they needed to do something to explain why Goku kept running away.
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So Goku uses the sewers to get the drop on Nuova, but then Nuova just follows him down there, and they go on a merry chase down there, as opposed to the merry chase they had in the hotel.  And then Goku runs out of places to hide because...
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This fan is special.  For one thing, it’s in a sewer, which is pretty dumb, since I’m fairly certain that there’s no point in providing ventilation down there.  It’s a common trope in fiction to depict sewers as these cool underground tunnels where you can have secret bases and secret passages and secret whatever else you want.  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles probably cemented the idea in pop culture, but I suspect it originates with the Morlocks from the X-Men comics.  In point of fact, the Morlocks lived in underground bomb shelters, not the sewers, but the two can get conflated pretty easily, and by the time Eastman and Laird made their parody of ninja and mutant comics with TMNT, it was set in these cavernous sewer tunnels that looked more like the halls of an old castle than a place designed to carry away human excrement. 
That’s where the sewer trope falls apart.  People see manholes an thing there’s a whole awesome world down there, but the reality is that you can’t just stroll through tunnels wading through six-inch-deep green water.  The tunnels are pipes, and the pipes are too small for a human to walk through, becuase they’re not for humans, they’re for poo water.   Even if you could walk through one of those things, the fumes would kill you long before you could get anywhere. 
And yet, this one in GT has a ventilation fan, as if someone designed this sewage system to make it more habitable for any superheroes who ended up down here.  I don’t know, maybe there’s a legitimate purpose for a thing like this, but I do find it pretty ridiculous. 
But what’s truly ridiculous is that Goku looks at this fan like it’s somehow blocking him from escaping the tunnels.  He’s like “Oh no!  A dead end!”  I’ve lost count of how many walls this guy has smashed through over the years.  He’s trained at 100 times normal gravity, and fought battles beyond comprehension, but this ventilation fan has him stymied.
It’s not even moving that fast.  I could make a gif and try to calculate its exact speed, but fuck that.  I’m not humoring this this bullshit anymore.  It’s not an adamantium fan reinforced with Norse magic.  It looks flimsy as hell.  Goku could just grab it with his hands and bend the blades around to jam the mechanism.  Hell, I think I could do that.
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Instead, he steels himself like he’s about to do something desperate, and he jumps through the space between the fan blades, like this is some incredible feat of daring.   Then Nuova finally walks up to the fan and just sort of stares at it like “Wow, I never expected him to do that.  What a guy.”
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Then Nuova just burns his way through to follow Goku to whatever reservoir this is.  See, this is GT Logic in it’s purest form.  Nuova is constantly using his super powers to brute force his way through all obstacles.  Goku has immense super powers of his own, but for some reason he refuses to use any of them.  And even though he’s acting weak and helpless, Nuova never turns up the pressure to capitalize on this.  This is a fight, and no one’s trying to win.  They’re just Doing Things for no obvious reason.
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So then Nuova generates some sort of lens to focus his power into lasers or something, and Goku scouts it and uses the Solar Flare to turn it against Nuova.  That’s kind of clever, except Goku could just shoot him with a Kamehameha to achieve the same result.  These guys keep fighting like they’ve been fighting for several episodes already, but it’s only the first round.  They don’t need to improvise, they’re fresh. 
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So finally, Nuova transforms.  He covered himself in some sort of film to contain his awesome heat powers, and now he’s removing it.  His face still looks dumb.
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And Goku turns Super Saiyan 4, claiming that the intense heat won’t bother him much while he’s in this form.  THEN WHY DIDN’T YOU USE IT BEFORE?!  FUCK!
Sometimes it feels like the people making this show had never even seen Dragon Ball Z, which is weird, because a lot of them had worked on DBZ before this.  It’s like they were making Z and just paid zero attention to how any of the fights worked.  It’s like they understood you needed to start off small and build up to the heavier offense later on, but why would Goku run around dodging heat rays for fifteen minutes when he could just turn into his ultimate form and fight on more even footing?  And why is Nuova toying with Goku like this?  He wants him dead, doesn’t he?  Or maybe he just wants to push Goku into using his full power, but then why doesn’t he get more aggressive and leave Goku with no other option? 
Once again, the answer is that if they do it this way, then they can make the Nuova Shenron fight last longer, with pads out the series.  And hoo-boy do they pad the crap out of this one...
✨The Blade Braxton Memorial Haiku*✨
Ventilation Fan
Its power is maximum
Its speed: minumum.
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dzmoot · 1 year
Razlaobo, a desolate, morbid world inhabited by the most despicable creatures the multiverse has ever seen. This world is the alternate universe version of Namasis, the Moon of Toons and like the Tuuns themselves, most of the inhabitants were created by a mad scientist. Dr. Nolan Voyd made a great and ghastly discovery after a trip to Guffman's Gutters one afternoon. It was a lively black goo, a gelatinous substance which wiggled and writhed and sprouted worm like tendrils.
Dr. Voyd took the black goo to his lab and began to vigorously study it, learning that it was a sentient residue which he speculated came from the demon Mitziwonker who had just recently arrived from a distant galaxy and started spreading his influence all over the planet. Voyd began applying the goo to several native animals and insects, transforming them into sentient abominations. He even used it to reanimate dead corpses! Shortly therefore, Dr. Voyd set out to make his most prized creations, the Darklies.
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He used a broken troll doll to create his first abomination, Astrid the Insidious, a foul breathed buffoonette who was in a perpetual state of tooth decay. Voyd had a fierce bond with Astrid and the two shared a passion for cyanide capsules and dynamite. Astrid was one of the many monsters whom the Socktompets Grinkin and Nogg encountered when they came to Machete Ridge.
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It was during the skirmish at the club when Astrid found out some horrifying news. Voyd, the person who gave her life had been killed in an accident at his lab. Astrid, insane as it was and hellbent on following in her master's footsteps took Voyd's corpse and what remained of the black goo and made a makeshift lab at a place called the Overlooking Earwig. She put some of the ooze on the corpse and a great mutation took place, transforming Voyd's remains into a new being entirely, Captain Lucifer Cavotie.
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The two became friends immediately and started making a name for themselves as Razlaobo's finest hellions and tormentors. Their lab expanded and they set out to create more creatures to join them in their tyrannical crusade. Some of Voyd's old personality manifested itself at the end of Cavotie's nose which Cavotie would come to dub "Little Biter" because the tiny head had teeth that were nearly as sharp as his own. The next Darkly to come to be was Sloansmith, created from the remains of an alien whom crash landed in a saucer near the lab and perished shortly after. Sloansmith had great trouble adapting to any atmosphere that wasn't his own so Cavotie had a special hose installed around his spinal cord allowing him to breathe and function normally. Still, his skin crumbled away, forcing him to have constant skin grafts applied to his bones.
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When a stray pig wandered it's way into the lab, it made contact with the goo and became enhanced with magical abilities, being able to conjure spells and hexes through his own breath! It was the birth of Ichabod Ratched, also known as the Swine Sorcerer!
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The last Darkly to enter the picture was once a black rabbit who had a fight with a robot cephalopod of some kind. When the fight was done, the two merged together and if that wasn't enough, they found themselves covered in some of the black goo which had once again started to materialize in the gutters. Thus, the entity Blasto joined the Darklies as their fifth and final member.
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The Darklies cleared a path of terror throughout Razlaobo, also coming to be known as the "Insisters" because they insisted everyone take part with them in their many crimes and horrendous acts like grand arson, spray painting, cutting people to ribbons and serving them on charcuterie boards and even boiling people in liquid sulfur. They received several awards for their misdoings and statues were erected in their honor in the village square. One day, the Swine Sorcerer accidentally sneezed a series of hexes on Sloansmith's old flying saucer, reactivating it and causing it to briefly hover in the air. It was then that the Darklies decided it was time to expand their evildoings to other planets beyond Razlaobo. Of course, we all know what happened then. The saucer they rode around in malfunctioned, sending them to Namasis while our beloved Tuuns were send to Razlaobo in the Nova Pearl. The Darklies immediately started terrorizing the Tuuns and were made out to be the actual Zappy, Igginsworth, Siobhan, Hampire and Kruonch. During their fight with the Confectoons, the Darklies realized for the first time, because of the black goo from which they were born from they could merge together and become one singular abomination and because most of them were dead already, this made it hard for anyone to kill them. Their molecular structures, try as you might to shatter them, always find their way back together again.
Which is why, after their defeat at the hands of Maaze, they were imprisoned in the Hitchcock Hillhouse under the watchful eye of Lizardton Longleggs and Zilch. Because the hose around his spine was damaged during their flight and couldn't be repaired, Sloansmith withered away and became a cackling sack of bones (as well as a hotel for lunar spiders).
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When the Mitziwonker was destroyed, so too was the black goo which he perpetuated and all creatures under his influence reverted back to their previous selves. Because the Darklies were in another dimension, the black goo still lingered within them, eating at their inners and making them purely, simply evil as each day passed. In spite of being turned to mush on several occasions by Zappy and the gang, these cretins always find a way to come back to life. Will they return this Halloween? Only time will tell.
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hhorakhty · 2 years
“We both want to help people. We can only help them from a position of strength. Sometimes strength is terrible” - Daenerys Targaryen
In Ancient Egyptian culture, Pharaohs were thought to be mortal Gods. Descended from the heavens and put on Earth to rule in the ways of Ma’at.
As the ancient stories go, Horus is the Pharaoh of the living, and once a Pharaoh passes then he would become Osiris in death. It would not be fair to say then, that Atem had obtained immense power that was able to summon three Egyptian Gods to use as he saw fit. In fact, it was prophesized within the manga/anime that such a person would exist. It just happened to be him.
Re dubbed Atem worthy of carrying his Ka into battle with the Winged Dragon of Re, as such, Re would later disappear from the pantheon by the Ptolemaic dynasties. It is unknown why the solar deity would leave his people and the throne of the gods. Heru (Horus) thought to be every living Pharaoh since antiquity, turned his back on its rulers during the 30th or 31st dynasties. His departure left his mother, Aset, in several centuries of grief. Finally, Amun whose cult persisted even during the Ptolemaic rule and perhaps even a little more after the fall of Cleopatra VII (the last Pharaoh), decided upon himself that he would hide from the world. Only telling his fellow Gods that he will return, just not how he had been, but something new.
The gods were left with hope in their hearts but the uncertainty of their very existence persisting came into question. Even the great chaotic serpent Apophis that rose to fight the solar deity Re each night, had disappeared yet its chaotic energies continued to threaten the balance they held so dear. Centuries passed. More gods faded with time as the people forgot about them. Even Aset, whose cult had persisted even during the time of early days Christianity disappeared. They continued to hold hope and perhaps, in a way, their waiting had been rewarded.
After the Ceremonial Duel, Atem returned to the Duat where he became a God. Though not above the very Gods within the Egyptian Pantheon, Atem accepted his new title with very little fuss as was expected for a pharaoh. Nonetheless, Atem did not know that he obtained more than just being a divine being, but the amalgamation of three Gods and a later one which had yet to reveal himself.
Atem has no idea that he is actually Re, Amun, and Heru put together. He also has no idea that he is Atum.
The Gods are aware that he is all three deities, but they are not aware that he is also Atum. A god prophesized to also end all creation and the Gods.
Atem does not go out of his way to be more than himself. This means that while he is aware of his status as a God, he does not abuse it or try to reveal it to others. He prefers to live as normally as he can.
He isn’t aware that Bakura is Apophis.
Multiple times the Gods refer to Bakura as a serpent, Atem writes this off as them just calling Bakura “As vile as a snake”. Or something similar.
He becomes aware of it the more he interacts with the other Gods and his own interactions with Bakura.
Because of the Gods he carries, Hathor has dubbed herself his ‘wife’ and makes it known to him immediately that she is his consort. In the beginning, Atem is very confused but is honored that she thinks of him as worthy of that title and that she is happy to help him in his quest, however, it becomes apparent that she believes fully in being his wife, which unsettles Atem.
Set is enamored with Atem, though there are multiple reasons for this. He wishes to return to the good graces of Re, a god that he served upon his boat against the chaos deity, Apophis. Set also wishes to have a proper fight with Atem, because of Heru. In myth, Heru and Set had multiple battles over a century and Set supposedly still has unfinished business with Heru.
The ‘Eyes of Re’ are several goddesses who are close to the deity Re. As such, they favor Atem and go out of their way to assist him, even though they do not agree with him wanting to help Bakura.
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gaycey-sketchit · 2 years
Hello and happy friday! Today I ask this: what’s your all time favorite pokemon episode(s)? Episodes you could watch- or have watched- time and time again, never getting old? And if you wish to talk about it, why is it your favorite?
Oh I love this question. There's a bunch of episodes I'm a really big fan of, off the top of my head I'll list some of my favorites!
EP063 The Battle of the Badge: This episode first aired before I was even born, I saw it for the first time as a kid, and I still haven't run out of things to say about it. It has Implications and I have written so much about that and its ramifications. Genuinely obsessed. Also it was my PalletShipper awakening.
EP110 The Stun Spore Detour: I love a good sickfic episode. This is a good sickfic episode. Like half the cast is incapacitated for the majority of the episode because Ash managed to knock himself and Tracey headfirst into a Vileplume and meanwhile, elsewhere, Jessie did similar, and I just think that's great. Misty is awesome in this one, the way she handles this whole situation--getting to show that she is strong and capable and also incredibly kind (and in the dub, James and Meowth are so grateful for her helping them help their sick friend that they refuse to fight out of gratitude). Also there is something so funny about Jessie going from waxing poetic about how beautiful things are fragile and she's actually dying to, as soon as she's recovered, throwing her snake through some sick children's wall. One time I watched this episode like three times in the span of a week.
HS15 Putting the Air Back in Aerodactyl: This episode is about three characters I love and love the dynamics between so much (the Oaks and Tracey) and it is so special to me. We get to see a very endearing side of Gary here--he's an insecure kid finding his footing on a new path and doing his best, and he wants to make his grandpa proud of him. Fortunately, Professor Oak already is proud of him and tells him as much in a scene that I have so many feelings about. This episode also features one of Tracey's greatest, wildest moments, grabbing onto a moving Aerodactyl. Literally what possessed him to do that.
HS16: Luvdisc is a Many Splendored Thing: Another episode I watched like three times in the span of a week once. It's cute! It's got good character interactions and very funny moments, and it's about Luvdisc which is a Pokemon I'm very soft for.
AG113 Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut: I like ContestShipping. I like when characters I like get knocked unconscious. I like Wynaut, though that's mostly because of this episode, which I was well and truly obsessed with as a teenager in my most hardcore ContestShipper days. I still think it's a great episode, I love May and Drew getting to be alone together bantering and bonding, and how you can pinpoint the literal exact moment Drew falls in love with May. Good stuff.
AG187 The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing: I am a big fan of rivalries in Pokemon. This is an episode all about how good rivals are for each other, with Ash and May both being at a low point and their respective rivals pulling them out of it. The Ash and Gary-May and Drew parallel is also made abundantly clear in this one in case anyone missed it. I joked once that considering that parallel, Drew having a canon crush on May means one-sided PalletShipping is canon by proxy.
DP053 Tears for Fears: I'm an abuse survivor who sees a lot of their past experiences reflected in Chimchar's arc, and this episode makes me cry cathartic tears. The way Chimchar keeps remembering its lonely and miserable past with Paul in contrast with Ash and company being so kind, and Chimchar expecting to be punished after losing to Piplup, only to be praised instead and be so overcome with emotion it breaks down in tears... that gets me every time.
Honorable mention goes to JN068 Advice to Goh, which first aired when I was having a bad time and cheered me up a lot. I also just think it's a delightful episode, with Ash and Gary falling so easily into friendship despite how long it's been since they last saw each other, and poor Goh (whom I also love) being a third wheel sulking in the background.
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give-grian-rights · 3 years
What if Grian had a temple made for him by the piglins? Just a worshipping place, that he helped build
maybe it was the original Bastion?
Watchers are, to the most level, supposed to be influential entities that help with updates and leading players. They also judge the worth and like to experiment and test the Players. And considering the fill in the role of the two creatures talking in the End Credits, we can suppose that they are also the creator of the universe.
So Grian being the watcher who helped design the bastion, and watch and interact with early Piglins to see how they developed and adapted makes the most sense for the au.
They became so used to him that they just sorta adapted him as a god. Something that none of the watchers, or himself, quite anticipated as there's never been quite an intelligent, aware mob introduced.
It was to late because they already started integrating the Piglins into new worlds, so that generation of Piglins started attempting to replicate the bastion design from Grian. They also built shrines in his honor.
Grian was just vibing with the new mobs, throwing them gold and building with neat blocks and accidentally watched as he became a religion .
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