drainbangle · 1 year
for the ot2 ask game: 3 and/or 9?
ot2 ask meme
sanini-panini: ignore my previous ask i just realized i didn’t give you a character to answer for 😭 for the ot2 ask game: 9 for temenos or throné
3.) Favorite single chapter?
Honestly? Osvald 4. More below the cut.
It has strong banter because it shows both how Osvald is growing closer to the team in terms of casual conversation (he opens up more when people ask about his interests and that's really sweet) and how he leans on then in times of conflict. 
'Harvey' between Osvald & Partitio is one of my favorites overall; as it showcases both Osvald and Partitio's characters well. I feel like it's often forgotten that Partitio is not a pacifist (like remember in CH1 where he really was gonna kill Giff) and showing how he's willing to help Osvald kill Harvey... A+.
It also has one of my favorite boss battles. Good emotional and horror buildup, and EXCELLENT voice acting on all sides. Also it really felt like I was fighting for my life during it, especially because I went to do it on-level for my replay.
And on the topic of voice acting, I love the scene where Elena reappears; specifically in the dub. Like the amount of hope in Osvald's voice fucking kills me because you know it's too good to be true.
When I say Osvald would be my fave if not for how much Temenos was made to get me, this is one major reason why. I love how it's used to change his priorities, not to mention the party interaction all throughout.
9.) Favorite build for Throné and/or Temenos?
I'll do both of these because I like building both these characters!
I actually don't use Throné as a DPS in lategame, that honor goes to thief Ochette as she can boost both her STR and SPD with Indomitable Beast. 
I instead tend to use Throné as a hardcore support character with her Latent, particularly during the Galdera fight. I run Apothecary Throné with the intention of spamming Dohter's and healing items -- particularly the Jams. Her Latent running out is a nonissue since the Jams and Lychees already it out. 
Dohter's is also surprisingly good with the Souls phase of the fight because it also applies to the Decaying Dragon's Essence, which subtracts 4 shields regardless of weakness. It makes that phase much easier to deal with, especially because I don't run magic DPS Osvald.
While Scholar Temenos is my old reliable (especially as a Galdera killer), I experimented a lot more in my protag Temenos run. The main builds I used for that one were actually Dancer Temenos as a tank and Warrior Temenos as a breaker; the latter specifically for the Vide fight.
With Dancer Temenos, I run him with the Forbidden Dagger and Blessing in Disguise. Because of the physical defense penalty on the dagger, BID turns it into a bonus instead. At one point, my Dancer Temenos has 520+ DEF / 790+ RES, and thanks to his healing skills and Mystical Staff, he never ran out of SP. It gets even more nutty with the Forbidden Staff equipped, since Temenos then starts dealing monstrous amounts of physical damage too.
Warrior Temenos is a bit of a weird one. While Temenos was absolutely my DPS for most of the game, with the Vide fight, I knew most of my damage would be through Thief Ochette spamming Aeber's and Armsmaster Hikari. However, one thing I knew I absolutely needed for the Vide fight was a way to reliably break his shields; specifically, a way that wasn't magical because I knew that one of Vide's limbs could reflect magic.
As you can see, Warrior Temenos saved the day because Agnea was down during the permadeath debuff and because I banned myself from looking up weaknesses. NTM he does insane magic nuke damage with Conjurer's runes + the Spear of Levin.
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simikae · 1 year
i fear i am too late for the three hour car ride but 🍏🥒 about whoever you want for that oc ask game?
HIHI ty for the ask!! i’ll answer with my buddy thani :D ALSO DW YOU’RE JUST IN TIME FOR THE THREE MONTH BEING AT HOME (*this joke is funnier in my head
🍏 - How do they differ from the norm and how are they punished for it?
MMM i think understanding the hellworld that is bringing someone back to life long past the time that the gods collect their souls is definitely a Source of Debate. makes them seem more jaded on a surface level but it comes from a place of knowing that you also will have to work through your grief regardless. so NATURALLY the dm punished me in the form of a lich archnemesis
🥒 - How innocent are they (unaware to the bad happenings around them)?
this is a funny question because obviously they are 100% aware of the moral dilemmas that are occurring with magic ethics in this camp but their annoying living-in-a-convent ass had no idea what was going on politically at first. they also kind of don’t care LOL like Um wow so you’re saying there’s some kind of… royal family… that sounds crazy… (looks off to the side)….. Anyway,
ask meme here!
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dracotheocracy · 1 year
i don’t actually know the names of any of your ocs but i’d love to know about your little guys… so for that oc ask game maybe pick whoever you wanna talk about for 🌋 (volcano) and/or 🙈 (see no evil)?
thank you for the ask!! o7 i think i'll talk about more than one annnd i'll link to their art if i've posted it online <- churns out a lot more art than he posts on tumblr
VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
erebos - it's impossible to tell when he's angry unless he's downright furious because he's very good at camouflaging it under 60 layers of reservation and cordiality. even at his angriest it looks more like a simmer- the equivalent of an explosion for erebos is a rude/sour comment that immediately poisons the vibe, but if it gets to that point it means there has been a severe and continuous lapse in judgement on someone else's part because he's quick to annoy but slow to anger and slower to enrage
avarice (the one with the red hair) - she has a pretty short temper with some things and an infinite well of patience with other things. with the things that piss her off instantly she's more than happy to make her frustration known, it's not an earth-shattering explosion but she'll be very clearly upset with the catalyst of her anger for half an hour or so and if that's a person and they can't handle her grievances with grace she'll get even more upset (for what it's worth, other peoples' tempers are one of those things she has an infinite well of patience for, she gets more upset because it's something she can take just fine)
SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
grayson - you could not waterboard this guy into naming a single one of his hobbies. he very much doesn't want people knowing he has a life outside of piloting a big murder robot which is sad for him because honestly the big murder robot is the least endearing thing about him as a person
nestor - he is in fact a goofy, self-assured, somewhat irresponsible guy who sees the world for what it could be as opposed to what it is, but there's a darker edge to it that he'll go out of his way to conceal. he turns into a ruthless pragmatist when a situation pushes enough of the wrong buttons and is willing to commit atrocities to create a world that lives up to his expectations. if his ambitions come at the price of honesty he's ok with that but that's not really good PR is it
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sunshades · 1 year
🍌🍆honey for that oc ask post perhaps?
[oc asks] + 🍯
OMG 😳 these are powerful let's see
🍌 Have parts of your OC been lost to time (in-universe)? What do they wish they could lose from themselves?
hilariously enough like. everything, most of her memories ended up getting locked out as a trauma response (yay for survivor's guilt!) and she's just starting to get some back veeery slowly. i joked before that even her stats and skills are... more fitting for a warlock than a druid, some kind of muscle memory of being a craftier, a bit more shadowy person. NOW we're about to have a time reset thing happening in the campaign and for once she'll actually be the one remembering some stuff while the others will forget, but all in all even with how bad some memories she got back are u__u.. i don't think she'd give em up now
🍆 How are they used by others? How easily are they tricked into things?
well she's <:3c she's actually pretty perceptive but. isn't really the kind to assume the worst in people, and she likes helping whenever possible. would probably fall for a tumblr scam if left unchecked in a modern au). but on the other hand she's also the type that Hates being tricked so afterwards she'd send her psionic warriors (followers to her potionmaking blog) after the scammer. this would happen several times a year.
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themazine · 2 months
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🤎 Announcing our final contributor list for Serenity, an Outer God Family Zine!
@umbrvx | @cactus-juiceee | @celshii | @ch01 | @melanchoise | @localapparently | @apolocelot | @miilkcandies | GrassJelly | @hehearse | @luckykoifishing | MacaroniJail | Pisceshi | Sabimilia | @solcarow | Tange | Yuki | @lazyleafeon
@evelinadodge | @rroechan | Cres | @starspaces | ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ | LostKimin | Kago | @spect-ion
@inuhodo | @catboysooyoung | @lizhly-writes | @morning-moonstruck | @demonlikejudgeoffire | @dreadark | Sash | @directorofthefalselastact
Evie | @xpickl | @sanini-panini
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beeinatuxedo · 8 months
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Misu soup
Misu soup drank
sanini the panini
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orv-lovezine · 9 months
Dear readers,
Please enjoy a listen to @sanini-panini's contribution: a song following Yoo Joonghyuk and Anna Croft through their many rounds together.
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sanini-panini · 1 year
hiii so i did an art trade with @drainbangle where i wrote a pair of songs for one of his ocs! the first is a character theme (found here) and the second is a battle theme (found here, also embedded below). it was super fun to try and mimic the octopath ost style while still trying to capture agani's vibe, and i'm proud of how both tracks turned out!
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nepenthean-sleep · 1 year
Last Line Meme
tagged by @nooomagnus! thank you!
rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
“Eloise, calm down,” said Natalia, voice as weary as her eyes.
surprise its something from one of my original works. also this is a lot so i will just tag a few people: @sunshades @youthofpandas @sanini-panini and uhhhhhhhh i can't remember who else writes and also hasn't been tagged already so! feel free to do this too if you want to :)
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onshrike · 2 years
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commission for @sanini-panini of their OC Mateen!
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twigwing · 2 years
wip word search tag game
tagged by @catboysooyoung! kya
Rules: search for the words given by whomever tagged you within your wip(s) and post them for us to see! Then tag as many people as you want and give them five words to find in their works.
i have very few wips and they're all orv except for one oc work but i can actually do one of these for once so why not \o/
tagged words: lost, finger, tear, reap, cost
“You didn’t speed to get here, did you?” “That doesn’t matter! Is Kim Dokja still awake?” “Yes. Seolhwa-ssi is still checking over him.”  Han Sooyoung lets out a noise at her response, a mix of exhaustion, relief, and annoyance. She wobbles over to the couch stationed outside his room and flops down.  Yoo Sangah follows and leans against the armrest. “Have you eaten, Sooyoung-ssi?” “Ngh. Nah, I was at work. Kinda lost track of time.”  Yoo Sangah clicks her tongue and walks over to a group of vending machines in the hallway, returning a moment later with a bottle of water and a protein bar. She brandishes the items in Han Sooyoung’s face.  “Here, go on.” Han Sooyoung scrunches her nose and rolls her eyes, but takes them anyway.
“When did you leave?”  He turns his head to the other side of the room, holding a hand up towards the strange clear wall that’s letting light but not air inside. “Some five-hundred years ago, maybe.” His eyes go half-lidded. “My memory is vast, but not exact.”  Resonance’s eyebrows lift in surprise. They’re silent for a moment, before speaking hesitantly, their brows downturning again. “...Why did you leave?”  He hums. “This, that, the other thing.” His fingers twitch against the sunlight. “An Aperture’s duties will always fall elsewhere.”
augh. same wip as for lost. i truly don't have any other document with this word in it...? and this is so old now... the writing is really clunky lol
So he’s fine, really. He has experienced the end of the world, faced insurmountable odds head-on, experienced death and death and re-death, and so he knows that this moment is nothing to cry about.  “…Ahjussi?”  He realizes Shin Yoosung’s hand is gently wiping away his tears, and Lee Gilyoung has buried his head into his chest.  Really, this… Kim Dokja swallows and clears his throat properly this time, giving his kids a weak smile. “I don’t know what came over me.” He lifts a heavy hand to thread through Lee Gilyoung’s hair and the other to squeeze Shin Yoosung’s hand. “I’m fine now, so don’t worry... about me.”
nothing for this one unless you wanna count outlines in which case
hsy has to reap what she’s sown or else jhw will laugh at her forever
nothing for this one
i don't continue game chains cause i never remember anyone's @ and also just don't rly like tagging ppl LOL but if anyone hasn't done it yet and wants to consider yourself tagged. uhh. here words: promise, texture, throat, hear, able
edit: oh actually i suppose i could tag @sanini-panini @drainbangle @papal-babygirl. hi if you want to
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simikae · 2 years
for that artist ask meme, 11 (do you listen to anything while drawing) and 19 (favorite inanimate objects to draw)
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what?
i listen to random video docus while i draw, but revently i’ve been putting on some old twitch vods since they also run pretty long. dougdoug’s stuff is usually entertaining enough but um yes there is the occasional jerma also. Sorry. </3
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)?
AHRRMM drawing trees is always fun to me i like how you can be a little messy with it. also i MUST give a shoutout to cool hats of course B)
ANYWAY TY FOR THE ASK SAJANI :3 for anyone else inchrested, the ask meme can be found here
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karaischosenhistory · 2 years
Today, we’re talking about the web-serial worm. 
The web-serial influenced the concept of power manifestation, since they were considered to be representative of “their trauma, their desires, or their personalities.” The Ennead already had their powers, so the author chose to throw this painful concept onto the giftees instead. 
The author listed the giftees (edited for clarity/summarization). I put them below the cut in case you don’t want pain. 
Lian’s creator: zy (tumblr here)
Joshua’s creator: Earthytruce
Peter’s creator: may (ao3 here)
Morgan’s creator: hi :) (other blog @tenuntilfightcall)
Juli/Karyme/Rae/Dani are the author’s creation: @sanini-panini
Morgan (Jinal, weather control): at its core? control issues. she has never been allowed to control any moment of her “miserable life, so to be able to control something as monumental as weather?” taking back control, not just of her life but of the world around her, makes the horrors of the life she’s already lived a thing of the past and opens possibilities of the future.  (the author pointed out that mind control, while a possibility, isn’t a priority for Morgan. she has never cared about others, just the “circumstances that seem insurmountable”. 
Peter (Haku, item summoning and telekinesis): he is a very practical person. if something doesn’t have a purpose, he’s unlikely to use it BUT if something needs to happen in the moment, his power lets him evolve to meet that need in the moment. his telekinesis isn’t active control, but combined with his blunt nature, he nudges people into the direction they need to be (not necessarily for his own gain) (the author elaborated telekinesis doesn’t change a person’s motivations, just direction).
Juli (Minerva, fire control): double layered here. part of it is wanting to be flashy/showy but at its core it’s also about creation. making something new and rebuilding what was there. this both parallels and contradicts Minerva’s own story- Juli works to create something new and the beginning of Minerva’s story is based in burning something down. the flashy/show part of their personalities is perfectly in line. you can also make the argument that after Minerva used her power to destroy, she realized how much she could create with her ability and tried to move in that direction instead. 
Lian (Ven, sound manipulation): Lian is difficult because most of the powers listed here have to do with trauma, and they have none. however, my argument is that Lian tells someone what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. they can manipulate sound as part of giving truths, even when they’re unwanted, forcing Lian to consider saying what they need to hear and adapting to what they need to be. their backstory as a musician factors into their patron (Ven) in the way music can influence someone’s emotional state. 
Joshua (Kai, super speed and wings): we could talk about this forever, but Joshua’s speed allows him to protect those he cares about (Joel, primarily) and his wings give him the ability to run, but he chooses not to use that ability. (Author edit: His wings are about freedom. What’s more freeing than learning to fly?). Make of that what you will. also it ties into Kai’s whole air control thing nicely. 
Mateen doesn’t actually have a giftee. There are multiple reasons for this. One, given the nature of xis own power, the possibilities for the wrong power to end up on the wrong person were endless; essentially, Mateen was trying to prevent another xim during xis Joker arc. Two, xe refused to force someone else to have powers, the same way xe and the rest of the Ennead were forced into it. Three, author convenience. 
Rae (Ridwan, object switching/location): xyr desire to switch places with other people, both to escape xyr situation and walk in another person’s shoes. this ties heavily into their activist work in an effort to understand and help others out of whatever situation they’ve come up against. this can be tied into Ridwan, both in their activist work, and in Ridwan’s power to manipulate light- the ability to make someone see something other than what is already there. 
Karyme (Silpa, clairovoyance): she is always wanting to know more about anything she can. her power giving her the truths of each situation lets her record history in a detailed, accurate way. 
Dani (Felix, shielding): his power of shielding comes from the desire to shield others from pain in a way he was never shielded from his parents.
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sunshades · 1 year
🪤(mouse trap) and🌙 (moon) for fanejoy perhaps...
[oc asks] + 🦢
OMG. these are so good.
🪤 what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
her brother... kind of. they kind of take turns being The More Impulsive One, but i think she's been getting better at telling him if something is a BAD plan and it'll just get them killed. by herself though... she might actually not be brave enough to just march into things alone. but deeeeep down she does have some kind of motivation to protect people. maybe she's gonna need some kind of danger+epiphany situation to really realize that.
🌙 what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
she has something very abstract in "curing my brother's curse one day" but the truth is neither of them have any leads nor honestly the capacities to carry on an actual research on it- olau and i wrote em with an elric brothers kind of deal ADSBHJFDG there's... maybe something that could be their philosopher's stone (finding their mother again, since she'd know at least the nature of this curse) but it's never really felt like a solid possibility. beside that... very little wishes in her life. she's very much just let the tides carry her this far, which her deity's starting to look down upon... miss weirdgirl needs to snap out of it, because the one thing i thought of writing this was "she'd DEFINITELY try to pull the alphonse "i'll just stay locked here forever but my brother can be okay again" thing" which is NOT a good place to be 🤨🤨🤨🤨‼‼‼💥💥💥💥
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themazine · 10 days
🤎A preview of @apolocelot and @sanini-panini's collaboration!
Look forward to Serenity's release on September 30th!
The video contains a crop of artwork by Duck as well as a sample of Sajani's song, "Looking At The Horizon". The art depicts the character Lee Jihye rising out of a cloud against a deep blue sky.
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themazine · 1 year
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⚓️ We're delighted to announce our contributor lineup!
A plain-text version of our contributor lineup can be found here.
Tags below the cut ⬇️
⛵️ @/SonaSquared (Twitter); Lead mod ⛵️ @twigwing; Zine and Graphics mod ⛵️ @/leeseolhwas (Twitter); Zine and Scheduling mod ⛵️ @sanini-panini; Zine and Discord mod ⛵️ @starspaces; Graphics Assistance
⛵️@/featherxs (Twitter) ⛵️@luxaofhesperides ⛵️@catboysooyoung ⛵️@demonlikejudgeoffire ⛵️@/PavePavement (Twitter) ⛵️@/ineedacatchyna1 (Twitter) ⛵️@1-976 ⛵️@stuffandsundry ⛵️@/vapolunes (Twitter)
⛵️ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ ⛵️@celshii ⛵️@/cfeather8 (Twitter) ⛵️@inuhodo ⛵️@/molarzz (Twitter) ⛵️@doksangs ⛵️@timestables ⛵️@nemomosso ⛵️@/Tangerinemesss (Twitter) ⛵️@theamazincactus ⛵️@/Tutuna_01 (Twitter) ⛵️@lazyleafeon
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