#but they cannot see him. he is two sauce tall
subsequentibis · 1 year
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still thinking about chibi robo solid
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ataraxiaspainting · 2 months
Heaven Can Wait.
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Yan (College AU) Juno x GN Reader.
Warnings: Yandere themes, stalking, manipulation, descriptions of violence, implications of dub-con sex (not with the reader), Chrollo is the worst, and unhealthy relationships.
Word Count: 1k.
Can be considered to be an honorary part of Hier Encore. (Or as a standalone for a soft yandere hot woman)
You could have chosen a better place to eat. Everything was less than half the usual price compared to the more expensive places, yes. But the customer service was ghastly though, the food was near inedible, and everything smelled of cigarettes. Cracked white bowls and filthy cups littered every table, including the one you two are sitting at.
Well, Juno thought, at least I can smoke here.
That would ruin the mood though, perhaps. She wants you to only have the best opinion of her after all. She wants it so bad that she has dressed up to the nines for a simple late-night fast-food run. Like a single cloud hovering in a bright blue sky, she stands out like a sore thumb.
It’s half past midnight now, much later than she usually stays up on her days off. Not that she had many off days, to begin with. It’s a prison of her design honestly; always wanting to know more and do more sometimes gets her nowhere.
But most of the time it gets her somewhere.
It was easy enough to befriend you, having moments not too intimate but not too distant either.
Yes. Yes… you remind her of him, in some ways.
You tell her sweet words and your touch is as soft as the pillows she sleeps on. Those were not the only traits Sebaste had Juno sees in you, though.
You’re not the most aloof person she knows, that easily goes to Camus, but you still don’t know how to control your facial expressions much. You like the beach, but not necessarily like the ocean’s water. 
“How can you just eat all of that?”
You point. Juno looks down at the many empty plates on her side of the table, all piled high on one another and all having a thin layer of red sauce inside them. There must have been at least five, she thinks. She was too zoned out to feel the spice of the food most likely. 
Your bowl, on the other hand, was more than half full. Your side of the table was also covered in little splotches of hot sauce, while hers remained mostly clean. You were avoiding the vegetables maybe, or maybe you didn’t have as high of a spice tolerance as she did. Juno is undecided on which one would be more likely.
…Has… she really eaten this many bowls while her imagination roamed free?
She has dealt with far worse pain. Though around forests in the middle of the night only to be threatened with a taser was on the much lower end of the spectrum of unfortunate situations she has been in, the spiciness was somehow even lower. The device was set to the lowest setting, but her skin still felt like it was about to jump out of her body and run away. Being held with an ax right below her neck while another hand held her up by her hair was another one only slightly above the last two. She only had a slight cut just above her collarbone when the grip loosened and she was able to leave.
But she cannot tell you all of that; she wouldn’t want you in more danger than she has already made you be in.
“I’ve simply dealt with far worse… ‘dishes’, [First].”
You look confused at her answer but decide not to pry – another trait she loves about you, your ability to not invade others’ privacy – and decide to instead delve into the now cold cup of admittedly diluted green tea you ordered mere minutes ago.
When Juno locks the door behind her, she notices the tall lamp by her desk is on. It’s no mere coincidence, she knows it, but somewhere deep down she hopes that tonight it will be. Hell has to take a break sometimes, right? 
Juno has to remind herself that though the demons may have today to do whatever they please, Lucifer himself does no such thing. He enjoys making life for others unbearable – he lives for it.
She can’t make out Chrollo’s face because of the book he covers over it.
“The Collector, huh?” Juno sets her purse on the coat rack along with her cardigan. Her high heels come off soon after, though they do make a blunt thump when she puts them by her dorm’s entrance. Chrollo just turns a page, almost as if he is ignoring you entirely, almost as if this is his home and not yours. “I recommended that one to you, did I not? I thought that perhaps you could metamorphose into a better person if you see the damage you could potentially do to your crush.”
Her teeth push against each other as she says the last word.
“Is that how my lovely girlfriend greets me after cheating on me in the middle of the night?” He looks down at his watch – one of the many he wears on the regular, though she can swear that this one was the most expensive from the little diamonds around the outer rim of the clock. “At such a cheap place too.”
“A crush is all I am.”
“Are you now?”
Chrollo doesn’t even look at you as he stands up, the book still covering his face as he steps towards you. His posture is upright like it normally is, but his suit is without a tie and the button-up is a third way undone. He must have been in quite a rush to break in here – she hopes he did.
“Then what are they to you, huh? A crush as well?”
She shakes her head, and somehow he sees it because he nods in response.
“Then what are they?”
“Something you are not.”
“Are they really, Juno?”
Slowly but surely the book falls to Chrollo’s side – a blood-red curtain that does nearly nothing to hide the scene about to be revealed to the audience. The actors are not there and neither are the special effects done by the stagehands, but the props stay where they were placed.
It’s horrifying.
She struggles to come up with a coherent answer to the question despite her expecting it. It is like Chrollo used his damn book without even opening it – her painted lips feel dry and her freshly washed hair feels like it is about to fall off from stress. It is like a diabolical curse has been put over her like she will become a haggard old woman with a humpback in mere seconds. If that did happen, Chrollo would have her beg for months on end until he is satisfied.
She doesn’t want that.
She doesn’t want that any more than she wants you to get hurt because of her.
She doesn’t want you to see her hideous real face, nevertheless Chrollo’s.
You’ll stay with her, won’t you? You’ll stay until her flesh rots and your flesh rots and Chrollo’s flesh rots. If you allow her, she won’t let go of you even when she is long dead. Her pretty nails will dig into your skin and refuse to leave. You’ll stay – because you are all she has left in this cold, uncaring world. 
“Don’t hurt them.” Her fingertips hold onto her skirt like they are flies and it is a spider’s web.
He points – a clear order, a clear demand.
“Get on the bed then, dearest.”
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seth-burroughs · 11 months
yakou for the ask meme? (i also hate what the fandom has done to him so i trust your rc opinions. keep up the good work)
Thank you anon I'll do my best🙏
favorite thing about them
How he's a fucking loser but pulled off the most elaborate murder plan just to get revenge for his Dead Wife and stabbed Dr. Huesca not once but like three times and was fine with dying afterwards if it meant that bitch is gonna die too. And now he's stuck with him in the restricted area for an indefinite period. Oh well
Not my actual favourite thing about him (because I cannot choose man) but I really wanted to point it out because I don't see enough people talk about the sheer BLOODLUST that guy had in chapter 4 like holy shit good for him I think he should be allowed to kill murder & destroy whoever he wants
least favorite thing about them
Nothing comes to mind, I'd say he got underutilized but that's the case with most of the characters here tbh (mdarc feels kinda rushed 😔😔) and Yakou is not THAT bad compared to the peacekeepers it's like. It's fine!
favorite line
Can't really pick, probably the chat Yuma had with him in the prologue, but there are a lot
Him and the NDA, but especially Yuma his best pal buddy bro ziomek morda mordeczka Yuma who never remembers to get the fucking groceries.
none tbh
Uhhhhhhhh yakou/seth, yakou/yomi. honestly i'm not big on any Yakou ships can't imagine him in a healthy romantic relationship (viviakou toxic sludge is fine though)
random headcanon
Makes the best fucking spaghetti sauce you ever ate in your entire life. But he puts like an entire garlic in it and you can choke to death on the smell. Also he's a trans man. Usually I don't really hc male characters as trans men etc (rather I go the other way, like a canonically female character being a trans man, non-binary et cetera) but both he and Vivia fit the vibes so! Let's goooooo.
unpopular opinion
I HATE HATE HATE the common fandom hc of Yakou being a father figure to Yuma or the whole NDA or to any character. The vibes aren't aligning on that one, he's their extremely tired boss/acquaintance/pal/best pal that lets them do terrible things to his budget if they torment him hard enough. And also because I constantly see Yuma getting treated like a 12 year old, no guys he doesn't need an adult male role model and father figure, he needs his 6ft tall 1000+ years old death god gf back from the book and to explore his much more attractive rich and successfull perfect homunculus clone's body that'll fix him I believe.
Also: I'm all for NDA found family (even if we didn't get much of them from the actual game...) but please stop making them like. a nuclear mom dad and their beautiful two children family it doesn't have to conform to any rigid roles pleaseee sometimes you're found family and fuck each other it's FINE jeuss. I was about to say something but I'm having a real one right now qhat what I forgot what I typed I suggest you forget too.
Anyway him and Yuma play minecraft together they pull of the most complicated redstone mechanisms and once every few days his house gets burned down by Desuhiko who logs into Yuma's computer while he isn't looking. He always leaves behind a very visible trail of cheeto dust on the keyboard however Yuma would never snitch on the boy that makes him warrior cats pride pfps free of charge so he just tells Yakou it's a hacker
song i associate with them
Generic old songs on the radio. I don't have any
favorite picture of them
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thebard490 · 1 year
Paladins Chapter 5: A Going Away Party
Too weary to travel any more, the paladins decided to stay the night after committing the remains of the halflings to the river. They simply burned the gnoll corpses. Not even Kazador wanted to loot those. As the party began to bed down, Peregrin seemed unusually focused on his food preparation, and asked Kazador to drag over the remnants of the feasting table.
“Alright laddie baut why are ye so big on the food. It was a good day of slaying but nae great battle, just takin care o’ some animals.”
“It’s not about that. It’s for a going away party.”
“What? Yer nae going to leave us after today are ye?” Kazador said shocked.
“No, I’m not going anywhere. It’s part of my people’s tradition that when one of us dies, the rest of their kin hold a feast to say goodbye. I don’t think I can make jerky and hardtack that much of a feast, but I owe it to them to try.”
“As amusing as that might be to watch my dear, I think I can handle the food tonight.” The party turned as a new voice speaks from behind them to see a halfling woman with golden hair leaning on a quarterstaff, standing before a burrow that most certainly wasn’t there a moment ago. “It’s only right that heroes see a reward.”
The party was intensely suspicious, but every instinct seemed to say that she heard no ill intent. She seemed downright matronly, and she looked kindly at Peregrin. “Come now. I know things are not always as they seem, but you know me Peregrin. Not all that is gold glitters, nor are all who wander lost. That which is good does not wither, and spring cannot die to the frost.”
Peregrin’s eyes widened, and a small grin spread across his face. “The altar catching that strike wasn’t just luck was it?”
”Very few things are ever just luck my dear.” The halfling woman replied, twinkles in her eye and a knowing smile on her face. “Thank you for the help with that creature as well Ms. Zarathustra.” Senket became very still, as the rest of the party wondered at her name.
”Come come, the food is getting cold and the night is getting dark. Tis not wise to linger in grim places such as this in the dark.” She invited as she went and opened the door to the burrow. Golden light billowed into the late twilight, and the black vines could not retreat quickly enough, burning away before it.
After some hesitation, the party entered, and were greeted with a heavenly aroma and warmth. Their weariness and wounds seemed to slip away as a divine serenity washed over them. Before them lay a long table with seats for each one, a feast for all upon it. Silver carp and braised trout on a bed of greens, roasted pork tenderloin in mushroom sauce. Steaming bowls of thick potato and leek soup, freshly baked loaves of bread with a golden brown crackling crust, mugs of dark ale foaming, silver wines in tall glasses, strawberry cordials, honey cakes, candied chestnuts, and in the center a platter of strange dark meat which only Senket seemed to recognize.
The Paladins took their seats, but Jort stood hesitant, before Peregrin invited him to sit opposite him in the last remaining chair. Their host raised her glass solemnly. “For those of you who have passed away, we raise these drinks in your memory, we break this bread in celebration of your rest in the golden fields, and we delight in this feast, answering mourning with joy, and departure with the promise that all shall be made new.”
The party dug in, Senket piling her plate high with the strange dark meat. Julian took pause and asked, “What is that?”
”Stegosaurus.” Senket practically moaned as she attacked the meal with the ferocity of a nesting dragoness.
Kazador drank from his mug and his eyes went wide. “Jofur’ Beard! This is Boltman’s Brew!” He said as he poured everyone else some. “”Vintage two thirty-nine if I’m nae mistaken. Ye must try this! Jofur smite me if I let this masterpiece go unappreciated!”
Yndri took hers and passed him a glass of the pale wine in return. “Fine, but you try that and see how you make proper alcohol.” She drank and her eyes practically bulged out of her head. The beer was heavy and bittersweet, smooth as slate washed by rains, strong as single malt whiskey, with hints of old oak and dark chocolate. “Ye gods, no wonder you dwarves are so doughty, it’s like you managed to brew the mountains into a drink!”
“Aye lassie let’s see what ye pansy elves think true alcohol I-“ he stood as he drank the pale wine. It was bright as a blue star on his tongue, a strong berry wine clear and strong as a clarion call, sweet and sour with blackberry. It was like drinking a cool spring evening, an icy fire that chilled the veins and brightened the mind. “By the stars and stones! It’s light as air but burns in yer belly an’ veins better than whiskey! Did ye brew this with grapes er starlight?”
Laughter and feasting proceeded for the next two hours until they lay satisfied, full, and in the case of Kazador and Yndri, exceedingly drunk. Those two laid back in their chairs, singing songs that seemed to flow from dwarvish to elvish to common to draconic to something else entirely with no real rhyme or reason. Senket lay in her chair in what was best described as a food coma, dreaming of dinosaur barbecue. Julian polished off another loaf of bread, smiling for once and very happy to have his helmet off. Jort was busy devouring the candied chestnuts and attempting to store as many as possible on his person.
Peregrin sipped his cordial thoughtfully. “Thank you for all this, and for everything else Queen Est-“
The halfling woman shushed him before he can finish that name. “Give credit where it’s due, I’m just a helper same as you. Just one who’s been around the bend.”
”Ah. Well then, thank her for me when you see her next.” Peregrin said sheepishly.
The halfling woman smiled at him and looked around at the rest. “Heroes never come in anything but motley crews. Fate is a funny mistress, even if she’s cruel too often.” She remarked and looked at him. “You’ll have all at once easier than the rest and harder than them all put together, but it had to be this way I suppose.”
Peregrin opened his mouth to ask a question, and then shuts it “If you could tell me you probably would have already.”
“That’s the problem with foresight, you can’t very well tell anyone anything clearly without making a mess of it all, but you’ve got to tell them the riddles and the hints so that they’ll go where they need to. Such a headache, especially when you have to tell it in a way that they’ll try to stop it and bring it about in the process. Nasty business, made me glad I’m dead and don’t have to bother with it except once every few centuries.”
“So, you’re a ghost?”
“In a manner of speaking. Things are thin here, the walls between all worlds are paper, easily broken, but still bearing a load. Easily pierced, but never without consequence. So I’m a bit more than a ghost and a bit less than living for the night. Speaking of which you should get some sleep, you’ve a long road ahead, though help should be arriving shortly.” Peregrin shrugged and just accepted it, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.
He was awoken by a rough tongue licking his face and opened his eyes to see a particularly large golden retriever with a saddle on its back looking down at him expectantly. It barked happily, tail wagging furiously, the sound rousing the others. They were outside on the green, with no sign of the strange woman or her burrow. They were full, well rested, and best of all, not hungover.
As they took stock of their surroundings, they found each one of them had been gifted with a small bag. To their delight they each found something already there. Kazador found five bottles of Boltman’s Special. Yndri found a set of arrows entirely made of silver. Senket found more coffee and a set of three scrolls, and Peregrin found only a small bag of dust, that gleamed like burnished brass in the shadows of the bag. An attached note read “for when the day is darkest”
Julian puzzled over his gift. It was clearly instructions for a spell, but he had no idea what exactly it did. Naturally, he did what any amateur wizard did and cast it to find out. He pointed his finger away from the rest of the party, expecting perhaps some manner of blazing blast, or the conjuration of some powerful arcane ally. What he got was a loaf of bread, which fell out of the sky and onto the ground. He picked it up, turned it over, and took an experimental bite. Not only was the bread real, but it was also delicious. He immediately took out a small spellbook and transcribed the spell into it, declaring it to be named “Unlimited Bread Works”.
Kazador looked up from his gift and suddenly saw a scaled creature, built like a horse but standing on its hind legs. The thing had a flat head, and a mouth a bit like a horses, and a bit like a ducks. It had a moderately fat body, ridged back, and powerful looking tail. The entire thing was covered in mottled brown and dark green scales, making it look somewhat like the bottom of a pond. “What in the nine hells is that?”
”Mine.” Senket said with a grin as she walked over and patted her iguanodon on the flank. It turned to nuzzle her affectionately, the connection immediately formed. “Arvidor. Your name is Arvidor.”
”Sen, we need to have a talk if you’re going to be summoning devils.” Yndri said politely when she was interrupted by the sound of hooves. A magnificent elk cantered up to her. The great beast more the size of a moose, with proud horns and a fine coat the color of fallen leaves. Its eyes were bright with keen intellect, and about it a fey aura hung, potent with magic and the smell of harvest season. “Well then, a pleasure to meet you Pan.” She greeted the great stag. “It seems we’ve been granted quite the boon. Though I still have no idea what that creature of yours is.”
“An iguanadon. They’re extinct everywhere but Muab. Personally I would have preferred an allosaur, but ah well.” Julian noted. His own steed soon approached out of the shadows, stepping from them as if it were formed entirely of them. It was a magnificent black charger, with neither marking nor blemish, save for mane and tail red as fire. It strode like a thing out of a faerie tale, already barded for war, but with no bit in its bridle. It was the steed of a worthy knight, but its eyes were fell and terrible, glimmering with cruel intellect and hidden fires. Even the paladins, mighty as they were, gazed warily upon the proud stallion, as it bowed its head to Julian. The Nephilim smiled, and patted his horse, running his hands over its hot mane. “Ah, and now you are come to me. You are Bucephalus. Together we will stand astride the world.”
“Well, that’s certainly something.” Peregrin mentioned as he watched the horse that was almost certainly not a horse. The giant golden retriever licked his face. “Agh, yep, Zeke is exactly your name.” He joked and began to pet the oversized dog. “Though yours is certainly well suited for you Jules. I wonder where Kaz’s is. It’s going to have to be quite the steed to carry him.” As if to answer, there then came a snuffling, snorting sound coming from the brush.
”What is that?” Yndri asked concernedly.
”War pig.” Kazador said nonchalantly.
”War pig? Wouldn’t that be a bit short for you?”
Kazador barked a command in dwarven, and a titanic boar hog grumbled out of the brush and plopped down for him to get on. The creature was utterly massive, closer in size to a bison or perhaps a small elephant rather than a pig. It was undoubtedly fat, but carried twice as much muscle, a powerful creature that was undoubtedly the slowest of the steeds, but clearly dwarfed them (no pun intended) in brute force and raw mass. It was a creature built for battle, and covered in the scars of battles hard won. Its tusks were ivory-bright, its bristled fur black over dark flesh. His eyes were bright with wintry magic, its breath too cold for a creature its size. It was girded in silvery metal that had no iron, to ward it from the armor of its master, for fey was its nature and cold iron its bane. It had come out of long winter and many nights, old, wise, and onery.
”War pig. Sized for me. Jort, you’re with Julian.” Kazador said matter of factly. Jort stared dumbfounded at the gigantic pig for a moment, then nodded and mounted up.
”Well then. I think we are far overdue at a certain captain’s court.” Julian said as he turned his charger back towards the main road. “Onwards! To Bloodstone Abbey!”
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nyangnyang | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: You, Min Yoongi's wife, adopt a cat without telling your husband. Nyan.
warnings: nothing really, just a casual mention of sucking dick; wholesome suga-sweet domestic fluff ew what came over me, sheesh
“What is that?”
You didn’t even look up from your chopping. “That is a cat, Yoongi. I’m sure you’ve seen one.”
“Yes, but why is it in our home?”
You paused, wondering if that was too many green onions. Too little, you decided, and continued cutting some more. “I brought her here.” Yes, with the eggs, and possibly some ham. Add rice and it would be excellent. Should you add some spice? You didn’t want to ruin the colors though. Colorful food was nutritional food, after all. Perhaps a spicy sauce on the side.
“Well, of course, I took her to the vet first before we came home.”
This was new. Two voices calling for your attention instead of one. Both with relatively the same tone. Not urgent, but not pleased with your partial attention either. You cracked three eggs and set the shells aside so you could rinse them later and put them in the compost. “Hm?” Best have a fourth. Yoongi needed to eat more.
“You cannot just bring home an animal.”
You looked up, finally.
Black wavy hair framing dark brows, pointed eyes, and the ghost of a frown on the incredibly handsome face of Min Yoongi. Hands in his pockets, wearing a loose white t-shirt that hung off his tall but slender frame and flowy black pants that dragged on the clean white-tile floor, covering most of his feet. Beside him, a medium-sized, very fluffy white cat sat patiently, bushy tail thumping against the ground.
Both curiously and deceitfully youthful faces.
You looked from the cat to your husband. Picked up the chopsticks and casually began beating the eggs, responding very calmly.
“Why not? I brought you home.”
There was a moment of silence.
“Anyway,” Yoongi suddenly said after the mute appreciation for you taking the chance that he had walked right into but also simultaneously refusing to acknowledge it to give you that particular satisfaction. His calm, borderline bored tone still hadn’t changed. “I thought we were going to pick out a cat together?”
“We were,” you continued, fluffing up the eggs lightly as you turned on the gas stove. “However, I passed by the pet store and she was looking at me in the same way you look at me, so I was convinced to stop by and at least have a look.” Too easy, some might call you, and you would respond with, no, intuition. You hovered your hand above the pan and hummed. Not quite hot enough. You reached over to the sink and dipped your fingertip under the water for a millisecond, flicking the droplet onto the pan. Ah, see, no sound yet. “She’s about a year old, and the worker said no one was adopting her because everyone wanted kittens. You said you always wanted a white cat, and I always wanted a cat in general. I think she’s a perfect fit. Very lazy. Sleeps a lot.”
The water droplet popped and you added the lightest dallop of oil, spreading it out with a twist of your other wrist that was holding the pan handle.
The cat seemed to agree.
“She seems rather noisy.”
“She’s noisy because her father is supposed to name her.”
You snuck a glance and Yoongi’s eyebrows had shot up.
“F… Father?” He stared down at the cat. As if on cue, the furry feline looked up curiously, bright blue eyes to dark brown.
“She is our child now.”
“Nyan.” The cat agreed for sure this time.
You added the eggs and tilted the pan letting them spread out as the oil simmered. Waited for the eggs to cook slightly so they held their shape, and then sprinkled the diced ham and green onions in, sneaking a glance at Yoongi, who was now crouched down to view the white cat at a more reasonable level. You folded the eggs lightly and kept them from browning, earning a pale-yellow color with an airy texture. A little white pepper. No need to add salt – the ham and fresh onions would provide the additional flavor.
You saw Yoongi hold out his hand.
The cat sniffed it.
Then rubbed her face against his knuckle.
You spied Yoongi's smile as you took the eggs off the heat and herded them into the glass container for his lunch tomorrow. You set a little aside for your own. Now, rice and the sauce. Maybe a side dish? The pickled radishes and kimchi, perhaps.
You nearly dropped the pan. Wasn’t he going to name the white cat Sugar? At least, he said that when you were discussing it ages ago. Although, Nyangnyang was very cute, considering how vocal the cat seemed to be around her dad. Probably because she knew he was the more lenient parent. Clever girl.
“Murr,” was the cat’s reply, rubbing away with a loud purr.
“Heh, you’re noisy, aren’t you?”
“She’s still young,” you chuckled, rinsing off the pan. “One year old is barely an adult for cats.”
“Just like us, eh?”
You looked up, straining your neck. “This cat tree is nearly two meters.”
“Nyangnyang loves it already. Look, she’s getting ready to nap.”
The white fluff was willingly settling on the top floor of her new princess tower.
“Where are we going to put it?”
“I thought you had been watching interior decorating on YouTube? I’m sure you can figure it out.”
“What about one for our bedroom?” you asked, reaching up so Nyangnyang could lean over the carpeted edge and pepper your fingertips with nose kisses. It was a habit of hers that you had learned these past few weeks. That and her endless obsession with fresh laundry. Especially your husband’s clean underwear. She loved to roll on them and get her white fur all over the black.
You would call her a nuisance but someone this cute couldn’t be a nuisance.
Yoongi placed his hand on your head and messed with your hair.
“Nah, she likes sleeping with you more. That’s a waste of money.”
“She takes up the whole bed.”
“Ah, that’s how kids are, I guess.”
Nyangnyang purred.
“Weird, she’s not saying much when you’re petting her.”
The cat turned her head and looked straight at Yoongi, striking blue with an indifferent expression.
“She knows she can get something good if she keeps yelling at you.”
“Hah… Come down then. I’ll get a treat.”
Instantly, Nyangnyang popped up and limbered down the humongous cat tree the second she saw Yoongi turn and head to the kitchen.
“You’re too easy.”
“She deserves a treat for letting me know my purchase was worth it.”
You would have said she needed time to adjust. You listened to Nyangnyang’s insistent meows and Yoongi opened the cabinet and selected some freeze-dried chicken. He looked annoyed as he fished out a few pieces – too many, you thought fondly – and shushed her lightly as he placed them in his palm so Nyangnyang could eat out of his hand.
The next seconds were silent except for the pleased satisfaction of chomping down some treats.
Yoongi looked up, sensing you watching him.
“I thought you said those were too expensive?”
He frowned, looking at the package as if he had just seen them. “She likes them.”
“She likes any treat.”
“She should eat healthy ones.”
Mhm. “I guess we’re cat people now,” you commented as Yoongi frowned at the furry peanut gallery and shook out one last treat for said peanut gallery.
“We were always cat people. That’s why we got married.”
You both liked to say you got married for any other reason other than I love you, which was the actual reason. There was no reason not to have some fun before you die, after all. “I thought it was because you got mad when you see me, and even madder when you don’t.”
“Either way I’m suffering,” Yoongi agreed. “Might as well get my dick sucked.”
You laughed as Nyangnyang trotted past, satisfied with the number of treats.
“Speaking of, my evening could use some dick sucking.”
Yoongi cocked an eyebrow, trying to hide his smirk. “You’re in luck.”
“Not in front of the child.”
“She’s on top of her princess tower; she won’t be looking.”
That was how you knew Yoongi was your match. He called the massive cat tree a princess tower even though you hadn’t mentioned thinking it. Some called that telepathy. You would call it perfection.
“I thought about calling it a princess tree just now.”
“And that’s why I’m your husband. Now stop sticking out that tongue and use it on me.”
shower, m pheromones, m
drabbles masterpost | masterpost
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mysticalrambling · 2 years
Kitchen Disasters (H.S)
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The following fan fiction is based on this idea. I hope you like it because I definitely had fun writing this.
My Main Masterlist is here.
Harry Styles Masterlist is here.
Summary: Harry’s attempt at making Mother’s Day lunch.
Warnings: mentions of food and swearing.
What is he thinking? He can’t cook to save his life. Sure, he knew how to bake when he was a mere sixteen year old but now he simply can’t. Admittedly, you are the cook in this relationship.
‘Come on, man, you’ve got this. Get it together.’
With the mantra repeating in his mind, he gets to work. Thank god, you weren’t awake to see the disaster that was about to ensue. You would’ve had his head served on the platter instead of the steak.
Harry wasn’t here for mother’s day because he had to fly out to Italy for some dress rehearsals with Allesandro and Harry Lambert for his upcoming public appearances. You wanted to go with him but having a six month old toddler and a four your old pre schooler wasn’t exactly an ideal traveling situation. Handing Harry the children the moment he came back, you trotted off to your bedroom for some much needed sleep. If you knew having two kids would’ve been this stressful, you wouldn’t have allowed Harry within a six mile radius of you. Oh, who were you kidding, its Harry Styles. No one can resist that narcissist’s charm.
“Where’s the bloody pan? Y’shouldn’t have bought a damn mansion. Who needs one anyway?” Clattering of the silver is possibly echoing throughout the kitchen but he cannot bring himself to care. Harry’s main concern is finding the right utensils for his venture. You were going to get a steak, no matter what. You deserved a nice lunch for taking care of your children alone when it was both of yours’ responsibility.
The cabinets are thoughtfully organized because let’s admit it, you are a bit of a control freak. Rummaging through them really makes a mess but he is nothing if not a man on a mission. Once he finds the right cabinet, he jumps, forgetting he is six feet tall in all the excitement.
‘Ow! (Y/N) always told y’to close the cabinets. Y’should listen to her but please god, don’t let her notice this bruise. She’ll be t’smug.’
Taking out the frosted meat from the freezer, he dumps it right into the frying pan. The meat is already defrosting a little bit so he figures it shouldn’t be a problem.
‘Hmm, should I use the sauce pan instead, don’t want the oil t’spill.’
The transfer proves a little difficult when the steaks keep slipping out of the tongs and onto the marble tops.
‘These bloody steaks need a spankin’, I swear.’
The olive oil is thankfully right besides the stove so he didn’t have to go on another wild hunt. After spraying a generous amount into the sauce pan, he has one more task to achieve: turning the stove on.
Tick, tick
Tick, tick
Tick, tick
“Daddy, y’need to use the gun.”
“Huh, wha’?” There at the entryway, stands your mini replica with a slight frown on her face. The folded arms, the foot tapping, and the glare hauntingly reminds Harry of his wife. Maybe it would’ve been better if you had busted him. Atlas was a stickler for rules and cleanliness even at the mere age of four which is not exactly an ideal thing for the beloved rockstar. You aren’t the only woman that bosses him around the house. From the moment Atlas learnt to walk, she was already organizing her stuffed animals and having proper tea parties with her parents. She wasn’t the one to mess around with and now, right in this moment, she is definitely pissed off at the sight of the messy kitchen with the open cabinets and the cutlery haphazardly thrown on the floor.
“Y’gotta light it up, daddy.”
“But it’s electrical, pet.”
“Mummy lights it up w’this.” Handing him a gas lighter, she stares him right in the eyes with an annoyed glare.
“Th- Thank y’darling. Guess it’s not electrical, then.” He knew he wasn’t helping his case but he was breaking under her intense gaze. In the trials of parenthood, he has found nothing to be scarier than the glare of his four year old .
“Daddy, Arty threw her binky at me and woke m’up.”
Sighing, he turns the stove on and starts taking milk out of the refrigerator. He just knows that Artemis is going to be in one of her moods and that the nap hasn’t worked. Now, he has two cranky babies instead of one. Just great.
“Y’want a pouch, baby?”
The chubby finger came onto her chin because this was such a big decision. Well, it was a big decision for a four year old. “Applesauce, please.”
“Thank yeh for using your manners, darling.”
Atlas moves towards the living room with the pouch tucked between her puffy lips. Walking towards Atlas’s room, he was glad that he had put pillows around the bed for both of them because Artemis was rolling towards the corner. She has been mobile from the past one month and it has been one hell of an experience. Every single day, she tries to find new ways to escape her crib and injure herself in the process.
“Come on, li’l monkey. I bet you’re hungry.”
“Dadda! Dadda!” The feeling that comes with this one word has never gotten old and for this, Harry has only one person to thank: you.
“Yeah, ‘m your daddy. Come on, let’s get y’fed up.” Softly gazing at her as she peacefully sucks on her bottle, Harry thinks back to the first time he met you. A journalist running into him during the Grammy Awards. Harry has never been glad that his thousand dollar suit was ruined because he met you through that incident. You are still as feisty and ferocious as you were back then. Really keeping the relationship alive.
Seeing his little creation flapping her feet around and fervently sucking on the bottle, he starts his one sided conversation.
“It’s just tha’ yummy, li’l monkey.”
“I understand, I’ve tasted it as well.”
“Your mummy’s amazin’, isn’t she?”
“Love m’three girls so much.”
Time flies by when he is with her because she is a perfect mixture of both you and him. This little girl came into the world very early and there was a heavy chance that she might not have survived. However, she fought her way through this world and here she is, safe in his arms. To imagine a life without one of his girls is more painful than a knife stabbing at his heart.
“Daddy, somethin’ is burning.”
“What are y’talking about?”
“The smell, daddy.” Sometimes it really felt like she was the parent in this dynamic.
“Oh shit!”
“No cursing, daddy!” Correction: she is the parent in this relationship.
“Sorry, pet. Let’s go downstairs and see if mama’s lunch is alrigh’.”
Harry should be thankful that Atlas is listening to him today because she does not move from her seat while he tends to the charred meat. Artemis keeps looking at her father with curious eyes as he runs around the kitchen to find a cloth. He doesn’t want the fire alarm to go off and wake you up.
“Daddy, whatcha lookin’ for?”
“A cloth, baby.”
“For t’alarm.”
“Y’can open the window.” Halting in his steps, he does not acknowledge her statement and just goes to open the window above the sink. No need to give her the satisfaction.
’This meat can be salvaged. She’d just ‘ave to chew a li’l bit more.’
Next come the mashed potatoes because no one likes to serve steak without them. The only problem is that he didn’t know where the potato peeler is so he has to use the knife. Towards the end, there are not many potatoes left to boil. But they have to do because he is running out of time. Soon, the potatoes are boiled and Harry gets to working on them.
‘The potatoes shouldn’t be stained. Did (Y/N) use water in the mashed potatoes? I think she did. They’ll be t’dry without it.’
A whole stick of butter is thrown into the pot along with five tea spoons of salt. The pepper, on the other hand, is a totally different case. The container does not budge and he knows his trainer would have his ass if he could see the struggle right now.
The cap twists unexpectedly and the powder directly flies into his eyes. “My eyes! Oh, m’eyes!”
Running to the sink, he tries to open the faucet but he can’t open his eyes to see a damn thing. After several tries, the water starts coming but it doesn’t really help matters.
“Daddy, I don’t think y’should cook.”
“Thanks, pet.” He knows that a four year old doesn’t understand sarcasm but he can’t help himself.
When it doesn’t seem like his eyes will melt, he goes towards the stove and slowly starts working on the mashed potatoes. Safe to say, he is afraid of another disaster.
Hot potato, hot potato
Hot potato, hot potato
Hot potato, hot potato
Potato, potato, potato
“That’s our song, daddy!”
“Oh, that’s where I heard it.”
“Daddy, dance?” A small tradition between the duo is to dance on the Wiggles’ song. It has been there since she took her first steps and Harry silently hopes that it will never go away.
“Always, baby.”
Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti
Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti
Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti
spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti
Spinning around the kitchen, he can’t help but look at his daughter with utter love and devotion. She is his second love after you and she made him a father. The feeling of holding a bundled up baby for the first time was an experience he still cannot put into words.
Whooo, wiggy wiggy wiggy
Whooo, wiggy wiggy wiggy
“Arty, y’can do this with dadda until y’start walking. You better do, pet.”
“I don’t think she cares, daddy.” Again, she is right. Artemis appears to be more interested in fitting her whole fist in her mouth rather than looking at them.
When he is finally done with cooking, he doesn’t want to focus on the fact that the mashed potatoes are still looking a little slimy. He will just call them his special dish. Everyone has their own unique dish. Taking the tray in his hand, he walks upstairs with Atlas hot on his tail.
I'm on the roof
You're in your airplane seat
I was nose bleeding
Looking for life, out there
Reading your horoscope
You were just doing cocaine
In my kitchen, you never listen
I hope you're missing me by now
He has been singing his songs for a very long time in the house so Artemis isn’t even phased by it. The moment he opens the door, he sees you leaning on the headboard with your phone in your hand.
“I was about to come down-“ You were cut off by your husband’s singing and you weren’t going to complain. A free Harry Styles concert? Who would say no to that?
If I was a bluebird
I would fly to you
You'd be the spoon
Dip you in honey
So I could be sticking to you
The small shimmy that he does from your door to the bed tempts you to make a video of him. He looked so good in his simple grey joggers with tattoos on display and slightly tousled hair. An epitome of beauty, if someone asks you.
“Hi, baby. What’s all this?”
“Just to show a li’l appreciation for my baby mama.”
“H, what is this?” Looking at the tray, you can’t help but wonder if the food is actually edible.
“This is food tha’ I prepared with m’sweat and blood.”
“Thank you, baby but this doesn’t exactly look edible.”
“Y’have to try it.”
When Atlas comes sits beside you, you realise that your other daughter isn’t anywhere to be seen.
“Harry, where’s Arty?”
A realisation dawns upon him and he exclaims sheepishly, “Oh, that’s wha’ I was forgetting. Be back in a jiff.”
“Till then I’m going to try this out.” A sense of dread fills your stomach as soon as you cut into the steak. It didn’t look well done but you thought that it’ll be okay as you liked it medium-rare anyways.
“This is definitely raw.” Spitting the meat out in to the napkin, you tried to wash the taste down with water.
“Here’s the bub.” Artemis didn’t look up as she was too invested in biting onto his shoulder with the single new tooth that had made its appearance known a few days back. Excitement seeping through his voice, he asked “How’s t’steak?”
“Are you trying to give me salmonella?”
“Darlin’, isn’t that a fish?”
“Harry, it’s a disease.”
“Please never help our kids with homework.”
Dramatically, he places his hand on his chest in mock offence. Although, he isn’t ashamed to admit that you are the smart one out of you two.
“Try out t’mashed potatoes. They are m’own recipe.”
Looking at him with a silent wonderment, you voiced out your question, “Isn’t there just one recipe for mashed potatoes?”
“Oh hush.” Taking the spoon from your hand, he feeds you a mouthful.
“Harry, it’s too salty!”
Cutting him off, she put the tray aside, she pulls him closer, “Don’t fret about the food. Thank you so much for doing this, baby. I love you.”
“I love you too. Let’s go out today and m’mum can take the bubs today.”
“Then maybe when we come home, you can show me your real appreciation.”
“Y’got yourself a deal.”
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
A/N: So I have been working on this for a couple of days and @peculiarpenman and @pettinesspersonified have been helping me with it. A big thank you to both of them because they are the ones who do most of the work. I have been currently obsessed with Harry’s album so I added one of my favorite songs into this piece. Hope you guys love it!! Do let me know. Love y’all!!
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
Third Wheeling
CEO!Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Strangers to Lovers!AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut
Chapter 10.
Warnings (Updating Still): Smut, Cheating, Unexpected Pregnancy, Unfaithful, Emotional Damage, Love,
Warnings In This Chapter: Heart To Heart, Fluff, Infidelity, Sera Is A Cunt, Triggering Moments (I.E): Hearing Infidelity, Making Light Of Other's Trauma, Mentions of Cigarette Burns, General Rudeness
A/N: This chapter is early because I’m hungover. Always a shoutout to @ppersonna, @xjoonchildx, @ladyartemesia​. Enjoy! 
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The smell of blooming flowers is something you never thought you'd become fond of. It's never been something that you've even considered. But you find yourself so often these days finding small delights in simplistic things.
Sitting in front of the large fountain that has been hidden behind clean cut hedges and tall rose bushes, you let the gentle breeze wash over you.
You can hear Baeksoo quietly speaking to the plants as she waters them. It's calming in fact, to hear her speak words of praise.
You've thought long and hard about this evening. Which is astounding since it's just dinner. But, you don't know simple things about Yoongi.
You think to ask Maya but you want to do this by yourself.
"I thought I'd find you here," the voice draws your attention and suddenly you're misty eyed.
Just the way she walks and the tilt of her gorgeous face is enough to make you weep.
"Leena!" you cry out.
Jumping up from the bench, your arms spread wide as you feel relief flood over you.
"Hey, Miss Thing!" she cheers, pulling you into her arms.
You begin to feel as if you could breathe again.
"You look so great! I missed you so much!" she whines loudly, squeezing you tightly to her slim body.
"What're you doing here?!" you ask, pulling away to look at her pretty face.
She grabs your wrist, tugging you over to the bench you were just sitting on.
"Taehyung needed to bring Yoongi some documents for a mall or something before we're off to France, so I made sure I was able to come and see you."
You watch as she demurely crosses her legs and you make a mental note of it. She went to many etiquette classes when she was younger and you’ve always admired how graceful she is. It’s the way she moves so effortlessly and with such confidence. You’ve always wished to be like her.
The floral fragrance seems to enrapture you once more as you sit together. Flipping her hair over her shoulder, your best friend makes it a point to continue to hold you.
“How is he treating you? I swear to God, if you tell me that you’re being treated like the help I’m going to fucking flip.” your best friend asks.
You sigh gently, looking up at the clear cerulean sky.
“He’s treating me normally, I guess. One minute he’s so cold with me and the next he’s just being so sweet. I don’t know what the fuck to feel. Last night, we went at it and he came to apologize to me.” you reply as the breeze blows through your hair.
“Excuse me? Min Yoongi apologized to you?” she sounds dumbfounded and all you can do is nod in agreement.
“Oh my God, he’s so fucking whipped! That’s amazing.” you snort at her excitement, rolling your eyes before looking back over to her.
“I think he’s just being civil. We’ll see, we’re having dinner tonight.” your confession hits her like a stack of bricks and she squeals loudly, gripping your hands tightly.
“I’m gonna drop dead on this expensive gravel beneath my feet. YOU and YOONGI are having dinner tonight?! Like, eating in the presence of one another civilly?!” her blue contacted eyes go wide and her mouth drops open while you nod.
“Yeah. I’m cooking dinner,” you say, confusion enrapturing your tone.
She guffaws loudly, her head lolling back as she gasps for breath. “You’re so insane! This is amazing! He totally fucking likes you!”
“Well… I don’t know about that but-” your voice is cut off by hers.
“Shush! Silence! I’ve said what I’ve said! And it’s the law!” she cries out, pressing her perfectly manicured finger to your lips.
“Sexy girl! Let’s go!” you hear Taehyung scream.
Leena turns her head to the voice before pouting. “You better call me with all the details of your date. I want to know how he looks at you, how he eats his food with you around, how he fucking sneezes. I want the whole laundry list of things that happen tonight!”
You giggle at her enthusiasm before nodding. “Yes ma’am. A laundry list of all the things Min Yoongi does to make me mad.”
She rolls her eyes before kissing your cheek happily.
“Love you, Miss Thing!”
“Love you, too!”
Standing tall, she fixes her long dress. She looks around the garden impressed before folding her arms.
“I’m really happy for you, by the way. I think things are really going to work out here.” she calls to you, starting to walk away.
“Bye Yoongi!” she yells up to the house and your eyes follow hers.
He stands on his large balcony, a cup of coffee in hand staring at you. He bows his head to her, a smirk present on his lips before looking back at you.
“Little dove, good morning.” you hear him say as he retreats back into his room.
How long was he standing there? How much had he heard?
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Listening to Frederic drone on about food is something you don’t think you could ever get tired of. He makes the French cook stereotype feel so alive. You’ve been in the kitchen plenty of times, have gone through the cabinets many, many times throughout the nights when staff and the chef were sleeping. But, to hear him feeling the need to explain it all to you as you both take small steps around the gigantic kitchen is humorous and you let him do his thing.
“Now this, this is a sieve. You can strain things through it,” Frederic says, picking up the large strainer.
You hum playfully as you lean down on the island counter.
“I have made my own food before y’know,” you quip to him as he unbuttons his chef’s jacket.
He tuts his tongue as he brushes some hair back behind your ear. “Ah oui, bien sûr Madame. I know, I just want to make sure you know where everything is.”
You smile at his kindness, it must be difficult to relinquish your kitchen to others especially after being in charge for so long.
“I promise I won’t make anything dirty and I promise, cross my heart, that I will take good care of your kitchen,” you swear to him as he throws his chef’s jacket over his shoulder.
He presses both of his hands to either side of your face, wiggling them slightly with a smile.
“Merci, Madame. You are in every word parfaite. I cannot be happier to make you food in this home,” he whispers as you tilt your head with a giggle.
“Go have a good day off, have fun,” you insist as he drifts his hand over the marble countertop, as if he’s finding it hard to say goodbye.
“Oui, bien entendu. I’ll have a drink in your honor, Madame,” he says with a sigh.
You give him a wink as he exits the kitchen and you watch him slowly leave to the maid’s quarter. Your lips sputter as you look around the large, empty kitchen before sighing.
“Okay, let’s do this.”
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He should be working. He opened up his computer, he grabbed all the necessary documents from both Taehyung and his office but he just can’t seem to focus.
Yoongi can smell the aroma of food coming from the kitchen and it makes him curious. What are you making? How do you even know what he likes? Do you even know how to cook?
He wants to know more about you, or try to learn more anyway.
Recalling just this morning, he can hear you so clearly -- “He’s treating me normally, I guess. One minute he’s so cold with me and the next he’s just being so sweet. I don’t know what the fuck to feel. Last night, we went at it and he came to apologize to me.”
You think he’s cold and you’re absolutely right. He always has been and it’s gotten worse these last couple of years.
He doesn’t know who he even is anymore. At least he doesn’t think he does.
Then you mentioned that he came to apologize. It must have meant a lot to you. It was weird for him to feel that aching in his chest, to feel like he fucked up. Even in the past when he’s done and said horrible things -- he never had such an ache.
Something about you just… sends him reeling.
Then he remembers what Leena said, “You better call me with all the details of your date.”
Was this a date? He didn’t even think of it in that way. It’s just two people eating… right?
Just a man and the… mother… of… his… child.
“I need whisky,” he mumbles to himself, standing up.
He hasn’t been on a date in God knows how long. He hasn’t spoken to a woman, truly spoken to one, in what feels like a millennia.
Picking up the empty bottle of whisky from the small bar caddy, he curses to himself.
He decides it’s in his best interest to go all the way to the kitchen to get a bottle. Even though his bedroom is just a floor down.
But, it certainly isn’t because you’re in the kitchen cooking. No. Not at all.
As he gets closer to the kitchen, he can smell different types of herbs and delicious meats cooking. He can smell raw peppers and onions and it makes his mouth water.
Yoongi watches you from afar for a minute, just standing on the last step of the stairwell. You’re humming, the song is sweet and calm. You have on a cute apron around your waist, with small smears of what seem to be a sauce of some kind on it.
He can feel his heart lightening at the simple sight of you. You look so… beautiful. So fucking domestic. And, he feels like he doesn’t even need the alcohol anymore because just watching you makes him drunk.
How bizarre.
“What’re we doing?” Maya whispers from next to the stairwell.
Yoongi practically jumps out of his skin at the sight of her, pressing his hand to his heart.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he whispers fiercely, trying to calm his erratic heartbeat.
He hears the older woman giggle and he rolls his eyes at her giddiness.
“I’m just getting whisky,” he mumbles aloud, still trying to keep quiet in case it would disturb you.
“Oh. I see. I can get it for you, Sir.” she replies and he grabs her wrist gently as she tries to walk away.
“No, no! I got it. It’s okay. I was just…” he can’t even complete his sentence.
What was he doing? Checking you out? He was just watching you, feeling so serene.
“You were being sweet, like I raised you. You were entranced by her.” Maya says.
He grimaces at her. “No! I was just… waiting to see if she burned down the kitchen or not.”
Maya giggles to herself before bowing her head. “Of course, Sir. I see that now.”
He rolls his eyes as she takes off to the maid’s quarter.
He watches you wave to Maya with a shy smile on your face.
“Goddammit,” he mutters, combing his fingers through his hair.
He takes small steps, trying his hardest not to disturb you as he walks by the long bar.
“Oh, hey Yoongi!”
Your voice is so sweet. Especially when you say his name.
“Smells good,” he calls to you, walking through the small hallway before appearing in the kitchen.
“Thanks! I hope you like it,” you reply happily as you stir something in the pot.
As he takes in your face, he snorts gently at a small stain by your cheek.
“I think you’re a messy cook,” he teases, walking towards you.
“Huh?” you ask confused.
Stepping in front of you, he taps his index finger to the underside of your chin.
“Look at me,” he instructs.
As you look up at him, he can feel himself falling into your eyes. You’re so doe-like and precious even when you don’t know it. It’s kind of miraculous.
Wiping his thumb over your cheek, he snorts gently. Your breath hitches in your throat as he strokes his thumb over you.
“What’re you making for dinner?” he asks, trying to distract himself from how soft your skin is.
“Well, I made a lot of things.” you reply, pulling your face away from him to look down at the pot.
He hums inquisitively, grabbing a glass off of a rack and pulling out the whisky.
“Do tell, little dove. You’re making me hungry,” he jeers, pouring himself a large portion of the alcohol.
“Well for the appetizer, I made brussel sprouts with parmesan and bacon and a small salad. For the soup, I made a soybean sprout soup. And, the main course is veal with lemon butter sauce and glazed carrots.” you tell him proudly.
He begins to smirk at how pleased you are with yourself.
“Sounds good, I’m excited,” he replies, lifting his glass.
You giggle gently, turning off the burner underneath the pot.
Leaning down on the marble island across from him, you rub your hands together.
“I hope you like it,” you whisper.
You sound shy now and it peeks his interest. You’re like a frail flower. It’s so difficult to get a read on you or put you in a category. But, maybe that’s how it should be. You shouldn’t just be one specific way, you should be well rounded. And he thinks you’ve got that.
“I’m sure I will. Although, didn’t I put in the contract that you shouldn’t be eating so much?”
Finally for once it doesn’t come out as gruff and angry, it was meant to be a joke. Luckily for him, it came out that way.
You find yourself smiling, almost having the urge to stick your tongue out at him playfully.
“I haven’t been able to cook in a long time, this feels nice. Eating a lot once in a while isn’t so bad,” you counter good-naturedly.
He raises his glass at your words. “Touche. Little dove, touche.”
You lean your head on your shoulder, your fingers skimming over each other as you look down at the marble beneath you. For once, the silence isn’t awkward or uncomfortable. It’s pleasant.
“Was it nice to see Leena this morning?” he knows the answer, but he wants to see you smile wider.
And so you do. Brimming from ear to ear, you nod.
“So nice! I’m so happy that I got to see her,” you admit, looking up at him.
“Well, she can come over whenever she wants. It’s in the contract,” he suggests.
“I didn’t know if I wanted her to come over yet, y’know. With Sera around and stuff…” your answer falls flat as Yoongi chuckles across from you.
“That’d be like putting two piranhas in a tank and seeing who wins,” he chuckles.
You snort gently, pointing at him. “Exactly.”
He watches you fix things up around the kitchen, cleaning as you go.
And finally he speaks after some time. “What can I do to help?”
Humming you shrug with a smirk. "I got it. Why don't you go relax for a while?" you suggest.
As you go to lift the pot, Yoongi whistles loudly as if to tell you to stop.
"I read that pregnant women shouldn't be lifting anything heavy. Don't even think about it. I got it," he insists, waving his hand for you to move.
"You read something?" your voice is wrapped with humor as you move over.
"Very funny, little dove. Go set up the table," he instructs with an ever present smirk on his face.
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Yoongi leans back in his seat, his stomach was full of delicious food by now but he can't stop picking at his plate. A true testament to how great of a cook you are.
"Damn." he whispers, wiping his mouth with his napkin.
You smirk across the table, your arms folding with pride.
"Good?" you ask softly, grabbing your drink.
"Very good. I'm impressed," he says as he slings his arm over the top of his chair.
You giggle gently, your head lolling back to look at the clear night sky.
"Who taught you how to cook?" he asks, watching as you count the stars.
So here it is. Will he be as truthful as you? Will he talk to you?
"My parents. My dad always liked cooking more than my mother. She was sick a lot when I was young. Always in the hospital. So my dad got comfort from making her food and I used to take it to her," you answer, looking back down at him.
Yoongi nods gently, it's starting to click in his mind. "That's why you hate hospitals?"
"That's why I hate hospitals. There was a time when she was admitted for a bad stomach ache and she got worse in the hospital because the bedding and the nurses weren't clean." you reply breathlessly.
The father of your child cringes at the thought, taking a sip of his whisky.
Yoongi takes a deep, slow breath. He stares at your face and the task at hand is daunting. If people didn't already know him, he didn't open up. But, he should open up to you.
Or he thinks so anyway. You're having his child, you should know about him. And maybe if he speaks his history then it will break the cycle. Then he won't turn into his parents, he won't have a fucked up kid like himself.
"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," you say quickly.
You can see him wrought with nervousness. Just the prospect of letting things out must terrify him.
"No, I should talk about them. If not with you then surely a therapist," he jokes out of worry.
But, then he looks at your face. He feels that sense of dizzying calm once more. Like everything is going to be okay.
He chugs the rest of his whisky, his mouth watering and grimacing.
"No, I don't know how to cook. I'm not even sure my parents know how to cook-" he lets out a breath, letting the warm fire of the alcohol in his belly keep him going, "-they never took care of me. I was born and they were relieved to have a boy so they didn't have to try again."
You hum sadly at his words, tucking your legs beneath you as he runs his hand over his face.
"Maya has always taken care of me. She's always loved and cared for me. She's my mother by all accounts, if I'm being honest. My father was a very big disciplinarian… if that's what you want to call it. Most people would say abusive," he says, pouring himself another glass of whisky.
"Kneeling on rice, getting hit with sharp objects, burning cigarettes out. Things like that," he waves off the notion with his hand, shivering while even speaking the words.
Your heart breaks for him, thinking of how painful that must have been when he was a child.
"I haven't seen my parents in… four years now, since I got married. I hate them." he spits at the ground beneath his feet.
You can see the emotional turmoil he's reliving. You can't imagine how difficult that is.
"I'm sorry," you whisper and he shakes his head fiercely.
Picking up his fork, he taps it gently to the fine china as he thinks.
"So I grew up hating authority because of them and the teachers at Sairmount. They always said I should be doing better because of my position and what I would grow into. I hated that. Even when I tried my best I received no praise, and if I made one mistake it was like the end of the world. So I ended up just kind of… becoming a shell."
You nod to his words, your index finger swirling around the rim of your glass.
"What else, little dove?" he asks softly.
As he tilts his head, you take in his handsome features. He's just a product of his environment. You wonder what he would be like if he could thrive.
"I heard that you go to BDSM clubs and stuff, is that because you feel the need to put people in pain like you were when you were younger?" you ask, trying to be considerate of his feelings.
He takes a sharp breath through his teeth almost as if you've burned him.
"Jesus. You might as well be my therapist," he mumbles, running his hand over his face.
But, he doesn't feel awkward talking to you. He likes this. He appreciates how you listen. How your eyes stay soft and you don't judge him.
"When I was younger -- I was probably sixteen when I developed a taste for it. I was getting angry and violent. I was breaking shit and I needed to funnel that into something. So I started going to a club and learned how to be a dom. It was about the comfort of being in charge. I would have a sub and tell them to jump. They would say how high. I thrived off of being in charge. Thrived off people doing my bidding sexually. It just felt right for me to tell someone what to do and have them want to do it for me. I was in charge, people listened to me, I didn't have to do things others wanted. People did what I wanted them to do. I've toned it down since then."
"You were pretty dominating with me," you offer softly.
He chuckles at how innocent you look, his index finger swiping slowly over his lower lip. "That's because you're so sweet. I wanted to wreck you."
With a gentle giggle, you put your elbow on the table before resting your head on your hand.
"You kind of did," you reply, putting your hand on your stomach.
His eyes follow your hand and he begins to smirk above his glass.
"Clearly," he whispers, his eyes slowly drifting up your body to your swollen tits.
He licks his lips slowly, his teeth tugging at his bottom lip gently.
He never understood the attraction to pregnant women like his friend Jimin. The younger man was obsessed with the notion of it and Yoongi couldn't possibly begin to grasp it. But now, with you sitting here before him, he might be beginning to understand.
Averting his eyes from you, he tries to keep his rampant thoughts at bay.
"What else do you want to know, little dove?" he asks, trying to distract himself.
Your cheeks puff out as you think, your fingers combing through your hair gently.
"Sera? What's with her. If you hate her so much why did you get married to her?" you whisper.
Well, that's something to kill the sexual mood he was starting to feel.
He spits on the ground at the simple name of her. He stares far off into the distance, his eyes lingering on a grove of trees Baeksoo has so kindly planted.
"Sera…" he mumbles, stretching out his legs.
You might as well know. You aren't going anywhere in his life.
"Jesus, I think about it everyday and it still makes me mad," he chuckles to himself, the sound bitter and full of resentment.
You watch his face contort in pain, just the simple memory making it hard to withstand.
Without a second thought you're moving your chair. The sound is loud as you move the heavy metal and he watches you with amused eyes. Finally, your seat is next to him and you huff out gently.
"What?" he asks gently as you plop back down.
You grab his hand, intertwining your fingers to bring him peace. His head lolls back against the chair, his eyes fluttering shut at the simple move. It's a simple thing to hold hands but it feels powerful when it's you.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," you say to him.
His thumb drifts over the back of your hand, his eyes opening to the numerous stars that hang brightly in the sky.
"Everyone knows I hate her but no one truly knows why. Maya, Joon, Hoseok, they know. Hell, Hoseok dives deep into her bitter cunt at night and he knows." he shakes his head gently, his eyes flitting from star to star.
You begin to bite your lip nervously as he squeezes your hand tighter.
"I didn't always hate her. I loved her once. I loved the prospect of her anyway," he breathes out, his hand gripping tighter at yours, "I was engaged at fourteen. It was mandatory, the leech's parents were friends with my parents. Their company was going down the drain, they almost had to declare bankruptcy. So this was the easiest thing for both parties. It's very normal in the high profile life to be engaged to someone else for money. It didn't bother me at all that I was engaged, so were the people around me. I thought I was going to have a life like Namjoon."
He snorts at the simple thought and mindlessly he tugs your hand with his over your stomach.
Just the thought of his baby inside of you brings him peace.
With a gentle sigh, he continues. "She didn't go to school with us and I had only seen her a few times at balls and galas. She was annoying back then and she was always brisk with people. But I liked that, I guess. Because I was the same way. I had a childish crush on her for so long and it kept growing as we got older."
He stops talking only to down another glass of whiskey. He closes his eyes as you run your hand comfortingly over his. "When I moved into this house, I had it renovated to please her. I did anything and everything to make her happy. And I was so… excited to have someone that was mine. Someone to spend the rest of my life with. I didn't want our marriage to be like my parents. And, now it's worse."
You find how sad he is depressing. Frowning, you click your teeth softly.
"I'm so sorry," you whisper.
Shaking his head, Yoongi looks at you. He gives you a sad smile. It's heart wrenching to look at his handsome face so distraught.
Even if he can be an asshole sometimes, you can understand him better now. That's all you wanted. You just wanted to be able to connect the dots.
"It was the night of our wedding, that's when I became aware of how awful of a person Sera is." he says, staring off into the distance.
He couldn't understand why she wanted to get married on New Years. It's freezing cold but if it makes her happy then he should do it. It'll be his duty as a husband anyhow.
"Come!" Taehyung whines to him as he sits in the booth.
"I'm not having sex with a woman the day before I'm getting married. That'd be such a dickish thing to do," he counters as Taehyung wraps his arms around the stripper beside him.
"You've been celibate for a year or some shit. You abstaining for the Lord or for the sake of your new bride is not going to make you a born again virgin, okay?" the younger man asks with a laugh, running his hand over the stripper's pert backside.
Rolling his eyes, the Kisung CEO takes a sip from his drink.
"It's not about being a born again virgin, you moron. It's about fidelity. It's about trust. She and I agreed that we would just be for each other." Yoongi barks out gruffly.
Taehyung grimaces at the simple thought. "Fine. Well whatever pact you have with your blushing new bride is depressing me. I'm going to get my dick wet with… Luna. That's your name, right?" the hotel CEO asks the woman on his arm.
She giggles loudly, the sound frightening and way too forced. "Laura, silly!"
"Yeah. That. Bye Hyung. Try to cheer the fuck up or something." Tae calls, picking the stripper up with his strong arms before swinging her over his shoulder.
Yoongi snorts loudly, his eyes flitting from here to there in the large strip club. This wasn't for him anymore. He would be married now. To a woman all his.
He's been living in this fantasy. Waking up on weekend mornings next to his wife, eating breakfast together. Having a few kids. Being able to enjoy each other's company.
He loves the idea of that. He's gone through so much terrible pain in his lifetime. Maybe, fate is telling him he deserves a reward now.
Standing up, he finishes the rest of his drink. He tosses a few hundred bucks onto the table before heading out.
He knows it's not customary to see his bride the night before the wedding but, maybe he can just have a talk with her. He's dying to see her.
For once, Yoongi let someone else take the penthouse besides him. Sera should be fully comfortable before her big day.
They bought out the whole hotel. She wanted to be married in Italy on New Years. She wanted diamonds dripping from the fucking ceiling and she would have it. She would have it all.
The walk from the strip club to the hotel wasn't far. Yoongi can see the lights on in the penthouse and his heart begins to hammer in delight at the thought of seeing her.
She's so fucking beautiful. Albeit, she can be a little irritating at times but who isn't? She's almost godly in his eyes.
He's been waiting for this day since he was fourteen. He can remember when Namjoon got engaged. How fucking against it he was.
Joon always wanted to do things his way. He wanted to pick who he was with, he wanted to be happy on his own. He despised Yoona for years before their big day a year ago. Then he found out how similar they are. He fell in love with everything she's in love with.
Yoongi hopes it'll be the same.
The ride up the elevator to the penthouse is quiet. Gentle muzak plays that seems to lull him into a false sense of security.
Sera might be really big on traditions. She might have him sit in the living room for them just to talk but that's okay too. Whatever she wants.
The elevator opens silently and Yoongi fixes his blazer in the hallway mirror. He smiles to himself softly, looking like nothing can bring him down from this cloud.
Until he hears it. Until he hears the gentle groaning of a man in his sexual pleasure.
"Oh fuck, Sera. Do it again, you filthy slut." he hears and his world comes crashing down around him.
"Yeah, fuck. You like that? Your cock is so much bigger than Yoongi's. I want you to come play with me during the week while he's at work," she sounds breathless.
The CEO's eyes flutter shut and he grips onto the table before him to keep him steady.
"Yeah. I'd bet you'd fucking like that. I bet you love the idea of me fucking your little cunt while your husband is away at work. Let me cum in your pussy before the cuck gets home. You'll let him in this pussy with my cum inside of you," the voice is that of Sera's driver. The one man Yoongi never even gave any thought to.
His hand feels for the wall. His legs are shaking by now and he slowly slides down the gold wall, pressing his hand over his mouth.
"Cum on my cock, you fucking slut."
The sound of her orgasming will never leave his brain. He can hear how pleased she is.
Yoongi in his past has had sex with others too. But, they promised to be faithful to one another. He believed her.
He can feel his eyes welling up with tears as he squeezes them shut tighter.
He thought fate was giving him a helping hand. He was going to be happy! What has he done so wrong in his life for misery to consistently stay?!
Heavy breathing is heard throughout the silent penthouse.
"Why did you promise that stupid fuck you would be only for him?" Jungmo, the driver, asks breathlessly.
Sera giggles, a sound once so adorable it brought Yoongi to his knees.
"Because I want his fucking money. There's no prenup if he thinks I'm all for him. He genuinely thinks that I love him. He thinks I care about whatever the fuck has happened in his miserable past. Do you know that he told me that his dad used to burn cigarettes out on his skin? I was supposed to feel sorry for him." Jungmo and Sera laugh along with one another.
Yoongi's mouth opens at the sheer atrocity he's listening to. She's so fucking cruel. How did he never see this? How could he have this happen to him?
"You were supposed to feel sorry for that billionaire while you're only sitting barely comfortable at seven million!?"
"I know, right?! The fucking nerve! Like, he doesn't even understand that my life has been so much worse! I had to almost go fucking bankrupt! Who gives a fuck about your sad past? What about me?"
The CEO tugs at the blazer fabric situated above his heart. He clamps his hand tighter over his mouth to stifle the sob raring to break free from his throat.
"I can't wait to take all his fucking money and leave him with only his sad little memories."
Crawling over to the elevator, he pushes the button softly. Praying to God that it doesn't make any noise when it opens.
She's such a cruel bitch. So fucking vile.
He stands up on shaky legs as the door opens without a sound. Pushing the button for the floor below him, he waits until the door closes.
He waits until he is safe in his room.
He wails loudly, falling onto the carpeted flooring of the hotel room. He gasps for air, hands digging and pulling at his hair.
He cries for an hour, maybe more. Time seemingly stops in his distraught state.
When he calms himself down, he pulls out his phone. He crawls over to the bar caddy, wiping viciously at the tears he's spilled for the woman upstairs.
Yoongi doesn't even grab a glass, he just pulls the bottle of whisky down to the floor.
Sitting back against the long bar of the room, he dials the only number he can right now.
The sound of the phone ringing is so loud, it makes him want to weep all over again.
"Yoongi? It's two in the morning, what the fuck?" Namjoon calls blearily, through the phone.
"Joon… Please come to my room." his voice cracks and breaks as he picks up the bottle of whisky.
"Jesus, are you okay?" his best friend asks quickly.
"I need… I need a prenup. Please. Come." Yoongi begs, lifting the bottle to his lips.
"I'm coming! Hold on!" Joon calls to him before the line goes dead.
He gulps down the whisky at a ferocious speed, the liquor swirling and settling in his guts. The fire flaming and goading him on to no avail.
"YOU FUCKING WHORE!" he screams at the top of his lungs.
Yoongi launches the bottle across the room, burying his face into his knees as the sound of glass echoes all around him.
"Oh Yoongi. I'm so sorry," you whisper, clutching tighter to his hand.
Yoongi finds himself laughing at the memory now. He was so blind back then. So lovestruck.
"Nothing that isn't fixed now, little dove. Now we're both trapped in this marriage." his voice is devoid of emotion as he picks up the liquor bottle.
You can see how hurt he is even now. How reliving the memory is something akin to death to him.
You lean in towards his body. You press your lips to his cheek and he grabs you tighter at the feeling.
"Maybe that's why I liked you in the club? Because you seemed so completely opposite of the whore that lives in my house," he says finally as you pull away.
He turns his face to you, your lips just mere inches apart.
Yoongi lifts his hand, placing it gently on your cheek.
"You're a good girl, Y/N. You're so kind and sweet. Fucking understanding. You're going to be a great mother. I'm so sorry that you have to deal with me. Deal with an asshole every day. It isn't fair to you," he whispers, his thumb grazing over the apple of your cheek.
His hand is so warm against your skin, so soft. He's being so gentle.
"You're not an asshole. Not truly." you reply softly.
With a snort, he rolls his eyes. "See. You're almost too kind."
You giggle as his hand drifts down the column of your neck, his thumb rubbing over your jawline.
"I'm serious. You can be an asshole, for sure. But it's because of all the terrible things that have happened to you. If you were happy, really and truly happy. You might flourish. You might be able to find yourself again." you reply.
It comes out as a suggestion but it's really a wish. No one should ever be put through what he has had happen to him.
He tilts his head unsurely, pulling away from you.
"You're going to be a great dad. I won't let you be anything but a good dad to your child. No one is perfect, Yoongi. We can do this together." you say, earnestly.
The word makes his heart rate pick up speed.
You're pretty perfect in his eyes.
He can tell as you sit with one another, how heavy your eyelids are getting.
"You're tired," he observes.
"No, I'm okay!" you reply quickly to him.
He clicks his teeth, eyes narrowing at you. "We're going to be truthful with each other from here on in. Are you tired?"
With a hesitant hum, you nod. "A little. The baby makes me tired a lot these days."
"Okay." Yoongi whispers finitely.
Standing up, he moved your chair for you. With a simple grunt, he picks you up in his arms bridal style.
"I can walk!" you whine, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"So can I." he jeers cutely.
Wading with sure steps through the house, you find how easy it is for him to look down at you. His eyes are soft when they look upon you now. Like telling you about his life has taken a huge weight off of his shoulders.
He kicks open your bedroom door with a smirk.
"There would have been a time I would have died to bring you up here to ravage you," he says, goodnaturedly.
"You still can." you sing softly as he lays you down on your bed.
"We'll see, hmm?" he whispers as he lifts the covers for you.
"Stay," you mumble, arranging the pillows to your liking.
"You want me to sleep with you?!" Yoongi feels frightened at the notion.
"Yeah… just stay. Don't leave me," you whisper as you close your eyes.
He hesitantly walks around to the other side of the bed. He fumbles with his pants and his shirt almost embarrassingly so.
Yoongi hasn't laid with anyone in years. He hasn't thought about doing so in ages.
"Did you leave?" your voice is just above a whisper.
He watches you for a second, how pretty and serene you look with your hair splayed over the pillow.
"No, little dove. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere," he replies, laying down beside you.
Swallowing thickly, he gets comfortable under the same covers as you.
This is bizarre.
Tiredly, you pull his hand. His eyes go wide as you situate it over your stomach.
"It's not a big deal, Yoongi. Just sleep." You mumble as you turn onto your back.
He can feel the tiny bump developing under his hand.
It is a big deal.
To him.
He brushes some hair out of your face gently.
Maybe Sera wasn't his start to a new life. Maybe it's you.
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Next Chapter ---->
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Third wheeling Taglist -  @wickizer, @imluckybitches, @slothykreuger, @claireelise19, @ggukkieland, @rspbrryy, @iv-bts, @bambuzlee, @chanelbts, @mxxngxdss, @bluewhale52, @milesjeon11, @diamonddia-mond, @vinylphwoar, @yxnxxli, @hubbytaehyung, @140503at-dawn, @bts-7beauts, @jadeblackwoll, @sunshiine-hobii, @creatorspalace, @eclectically-esoteric, @nikkiordonez12, @kaitswrld, @skamlover200, @sevgilove98, @kooeuphoria, @jikooksgirl19, @hobbledehoy26, @singular-itae, @dchimminie, @lowlifeoeuvre, @sugaslittlekookies, @bloopbloopb, @pjmcth, @softysuho, @codeinbelle, @jaiuneamesolitaiire, @betysotelo18, @jeonmisha, @iwanttohitmyself, @ayyyocee, @neverthefirstchoice, @itsbangtanoclock, @little7bitchh, @veryuniquenamegoeshere, @deathkat657, @firstlovesuga-93, @namjoonia, @paperpurple, @muzikabijou, @liebeoppa, @veronawrites, @kleff03, @ruinsofangels, @brightwingr5, @leekanchol, @rkivemagic, @ithinkileftmycoatoutside, @melaninkpops, @y00ngisbabygirl, @ungodlyjoon, @prochnost513, @dunixxd, @athenakyle, @igotnotype, @chxmachxps, @tinymintyoongi, @vangameren-blog, @alpaca1612, @ohcarolinamin, @thegreatestsushi, @jooniebuggy, @eltrain80, @btsmylife21, @deeepvibes, @httpminyg, @deliciouslydisturbed365, @rkchmestizangmaldita, @jimin-chu, @pimpnameyannie, @preciouschimine, @daughterofthequeen, @monetsberet, @vanillamyg, @aamxxrii, @kooafraid, @ladykadyrova, @singjisu, @yazanii, @moonlitmyg, @justzeera, @absolutefantrash​, @whocaresarchives, @loosewindmill
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perriewinklenerdie · 3 years
Out of reach (Ethan x MC)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Claire Herondale
Word count: 1,4 k
Summary: Ethan likes to tease Claire for her height. Claire patiently waits for it to bite him in the ass. or: Two moments when they needed each other for their height.
Warnings: None
A/N: Got inspired by one of the MO chapters and also by my own adventures as a creature with the height of 160 cm. Fluffy chaos ensued.
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The intense smell of her cooking was wafting through their apartment, filling the space gently. Claire’s spent the past three hours preparing their dinner, reading an article as she waited for the sauce to reduce and gain flavor.
Her phone lit up with a notification – a text from her husband, announcing that he was going to be home within the next ten minutes and asking if anything needed to be picked up by him. She responded, requesting a bottle of good wine.
‘Good? You insult me.’ he responded, and she could practically hear him laughing.
‘Do your worst, Dr. Ramsey’ she shot back, putting the phone down, satisfied.
And so, ten minutes later, she was preparing to finish up their food. The last thing she needed was a box of pasta, which usually sat on the middle shelf in their pantry. But that day, it sat on the highest shelf, right below the ceiling and she remembered that it was Ethan that put away their groceries the night before. Her stool, that was there exactly for situations like these, was mysteriously gone, and no chair could get her high enough.
Luckily for her, the door just opened, and she could hear Ethan’s footsteps. His briefcase hit the ground and the next thing she could hear was his voice.
“Honey, I’m home!”
“In the pantry!” she shouted back, staring at the box of pasta with wild determination. That’s how Ethan found her, an endearing smile pulling on the corners of his lips when he saw his wife.
“What did the box do to you?” he asked, wrapping his arms around her to pull her to his side. His lips pressed against her forehead in a greeting, a low hum ringing through his entire body.
“You placed it on the highest shelf and my stool is nowhere to be found. Can you get it for me, please?” Claire explained, looking up at him with a hopeful gaze. Ethan laughed, brushing his nose against hers softly.
“My tiny wife.” He muttered, pecking her lips once before reaching for the box – demonstrating his height smugly. She scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
“My gigantic husband thinks he’s being smart, huh? Just wait until you need more legroom on our next flight, and you have to deal with your long legs.”
“That’s why we pay for first class, honey. So I don’t have to worry about legroom. And besides.” He wrapped his arm around her again, leaning down to throw her over his shoulder. “You being so tiny makes it incredibly easy for me to do this anytime I want.” Claire shrieked, laughing happily as he walked them both out to the kitchen. “Now, what do you say we finish our dinner?”
“The wine cannot be wasted.” She agreed, shaking her head at his antics.
The sun shone brightly, warming his back, covered with a black t-shirt. His muscles tensed and relaxed while he adjusted the position the wooden planks, eyes roaming their backyard to figure out where he left the hammer.
Usually, Ethan would call someone in to fix the issue – three of the planks of their patio broke and made it a safety hazard to walk around. They hosted a party two days ago and Bryce got a little too excited while carrying a bottle of tequila. As he was walking from the house, he jumped, presenting the bottle. That’s when the wood gave out under him and it broke, along with the bottle of alcohol that hit the ground soon after.
But he couldn’t call anyone in. It was a Sunday, a day so hot that no sane person wanted to be anywhere near the outside atmosphere. In the past, maybe he would have waited. Ethan was no carpenter, and neither was he a fixer upper. But his little daughter – two-year-old Katherine – loved to walk, especially outside, and no temperature, hot or cold, could stop her. Needless to say, all Ethan could imagine was his child, hurting herself on the broken wood and nails sticking up from the surface.
So there he was, working for the past two hours to fix what’s been broken. He was convinced that he left the hammer right by his side. But it was nowhere to be found, so he decided to push down his frustration – he hated not knowing how to excel at things – and search for it again.
He found it, right below the patio – and right out of his reach. He tried, really tried, to reach it, multiple times, but his arms weren’t long enough and his body was too big to fit underneath the wood.
There was, however, a person at the house that just might fit into the tight space.
“Honey, can you come here for a second?” he called out, knowing that she was sitting in the living room, watching him from time to time. A moment later, his wife appeared in the doorway, a soft smile on her lips.
“Are you hanging in there?” Claire asked softly, leaning against the doorframe. Ethan breathed out, sitting back on his legs.
“It’s a bit more challenging than I thought it would be, but I’m getting there.”
“You do know that we can just keep Kat away from here for a day, right? She’ll be fine.” She reasoned, walking up to him so she could sit at the edge of the patio – the untouched part. His hand landed on her thigh, squeezing it gently.
“Our daughter loves to play outside, I’m not going to limit her just because the patio is broken.” Ethan responded, determinedly, locking his eyes with hers. She melted a bit, seeing all the love this once cold man had for his family.
“You called for me, I assume you had a reason.”
“Yes.” He pointed towards the space beneath the wooden planks. “Can you see that hammer?”
She leaned down, squinting her eyes. Nodding, she straightened her back, sitting again. “How did it even get there?”
“That’s a brilliant question that I do not have the answer to. But that’s not why I called you here.” He took her hand. “Since I’m too tall, I can’t fit in there to reach it. You, my dear, on the other hand, might be able to reach it.”
Claire stared at him for a moment, not believing that the moment was finally here. After years of him teasing her for her height, the time has come for the roles to be reversed. “Let me get this straight. You want me to fit into this tiny, tiny gap beneath our patio because you lost your hammer?”
“Yes, pretty much.”
“But we have another hammer in the garage! I can even go and bring it to you!” she argued, pointing with her arm towards the second building on their property. Ethan shook his head.
“And leave this one in there? That’s not how either of us do things and you know it.”
She gathered his face into her hands, smiling sweetly. Their lips met in a slow kiss, and he was beginning to think that she agreed, when Claire leaned back, a tiny smirk on her face when she spoke up.
“I’m very sorry, baby, I don’t think it’s gonna happen. Your wife may be small, but she also has awful claustrophobia. Unless you want to deal with a panic attack, I don’t think that’s worth it.” his head fell onto her shoulder with a resigned groan. She brushed his hair back. “You can fish it out with a broom. I’ll get it for you.”
And then she was gone. Ethan considered the frustration he felt arising in his chest, but then resigned to laughing. Of course, she was claustrophobic. He remembered, very clearly, their trip to Egypt and how she refused to go into the tombs of the pharaoh.
She brought him the broom and offered to occupy their daughter while he finished his task. He agreed, thanking her quietly, then tried to do as she told him – the broom almost got stuck in there too, but he managed, at last.
Another two hours later, he was finished, and their daughter ran onto the patio with a happy laugh. He embraced his wife, both of them smiling as they watched Kat play.
Ethan the giraffe doesn’t get the short people struggles - something Claire doesn’t shy away from reminding him. At least she can wear heels or climb that man like a tree
Thank you so much for reading, see you soon!
Perrie <3
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kaquyas · 3 years
Izuna 😌👉🏻👈🏻
from this ask meme
favorite thing about them
has consumption (in my heart). im struggling to actually think of something here that isn't just my cobbled together headcanons which im saving for later. i think he looks like a squeaky toy as a kid
least favorite thing about them
lack of true canon characterization makes it impossible for me, incredibly indecisive, to come up with a solid idea of who i think he is 😔 also more of a gripe with kishimoto, but the fact that his personality is listed as "harmonious/peace-loving" in the databook with NO evidence/proof of that. give us madara's pov on izuna the people MUST see izuna characterization that actually fits this NOW
favorite line
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im dry heaving he's just a little kid who thinks his big brother is the strongest guy on earth....also this isnt my favorite picture of him but top contender for SURE he looks like he's the size of two sauces he looks three apples tall he's 60 seconds long. thats not a child thats a squeaky toy
hikaku! i think they should be besties and i also have a lot of hcs about hikaku also going slightly insane after izuna dies but not being able to go madara self destructive insane because madara already did that, so instead he needs to just repress everything. but hikaku thoughts are for another time </3
hashirama. because im insane <3 also mito i think it's fun :)
m 🤢 madara 🤮 other than that i genuinely can be convinced of almost anything
wait actually also touka kind of in most circumstances. i think it's fun when people do it well but it's mostly just izuna shoved in with the spare person to give him something to do/have him flail like an idiot. which is old and boring!
random headcanon
he's much more charismatic than madara. he and madara were kind of co-clan heads, if only because izuna was so much better at raising moral than madara. he was the one directly talking to people and rousing the troops, and that's why people started defecting after he died. also i think he's a glassblower because i want him to have hobbies :)
unpopular opinion
i cannot stand the headcanon that tobirama was stronger than him and was holding back when they were fighting it is SO annoying. i think they were evenly matched until tobirama developed the hiraishin. also this goes for background characters in general, but for the most part i loooove seeing other people's characterizations of him! i think it's cool to see how people interpret a bare handful of moments and turn it into a full living breathing guy
song i associate with them
short king anthem
wolf count by the mountain goats
seek the manor grounds anew too dark to find the path sleep on the road and dream the only dream worth dreaming -- the thronging plain the bloodbath soon it'll be my time to go i know
favorite picture of them
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i love a man who coughs up blood!
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fireheartfaery · 3 years
moonthalar headcanons
day 4: headcanons
of course I couldn't participate in a crackship week and not do one of my absolute fave cracks. when I first came up with the idea for these chaos beans all those many moons ago I didn't expect it to divulge into any direction past a quick discussion and some light hearted consideration. but after the valentine's day challenge I had this year (and the first moonthalar fic I ever wrote) they've been one of my bigger and most favored crackships. this is also very much due to Cass' encouragement and enthusiasm over them. anyway please enjoy <3
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They braid each other's hair. Like often super often. It's therapeutic for both of them. And it calms Hunt down. Fenrys is more sensitive on his head so he doesn't let many people touch it. But he will curl up next to Hunt and guaranteed five seconds later fingers will be carding and twisting and plating.
They have matching tattooes. Two links from a chain, with one of the links breaking open. It means all sorts of things for them. The first being that they did and can break free from whatever shackles them.
They both adore sweatpants. But if they need to dress to the occasion holy shit do they go for it.
Fave times of day are 12-3am and Sunday mornings. They love the quiet. It's like they're in a bubble floating above the earth, untouched by the chaos of their realities
Fenrys can bake anything and Hunt takes full advantage of this.
Neither of them can cook for shit though. But Hunt is still better than Fenrys. There's been one too many pasta-sauce-on-the-ceiling-stains to let Fen in the kitchen by himself.
Hunt loves eating pancakes right off the pan. Fenrys will be whipping them up in the morning and Hunt is sitting there being fed as the spatula lifts it up.
They're so fucking indulgent of each other. Fenrys says he wants a specific type of shower gel and Hunt is purchasing fifty bottles of the stuff three seconds later.
Hunt wants dessert at the restaurant even though both of them know he's never gonna eat more than one bite and Fenrys orders the entire dessert menu and feeds him whatever he wants.
They just cannot deny each other. They've been denied everything from happiness to freedom to simple choice for so long.
It's not really about extremes. It's about knowing where they fall.
They're the tall couple :/ you know the ones that tower over literally everyone and it's actually just disrespectful you feel like you're talking to the clouds. But still Fenrys is the shorter one by nothing more than a hairs breadth and a tiny rise on the toes but still! Hunt lordes his extra millimeters over his boyfriend like a trophy.
It also makes getting top shelf stuff an absolute spectacle.
Hunt is always pressing himself up behind Fenrys whispering in his ear, "can't reach baby?" "Want me to get that my love?""Here let me help you mi corazoñ""you sure you're okay sweetheart?"
Speaking of, they use a frankly disturbing amount of petnames. Hunt speaks three languages and he knows like ten endearments in each of them. Fenrys positively melts at all of them.
His faves to call Hunt though is "baby" or "mi cielo". Just something about the way Hunt goes mindless when he hears it.
Hunt is scarrryyyyy organized. Like plans for everything he could possibly plan for organized. Like has different colours for different events on the calendar organized. Like needs three to five business days to change his schedule organized.
Fenrys on the other hand will wake up and decide he wants to go river rafting in the afternoon.
It's actually hilarious to their friends to see them argue about it. Hunt says he has three different things to do in the day and they all have to be done by 5pm and Fenrys says "I'm coming to pick you up at 1 for lunch I will drag you out of that building if I have to."
Smut headcanons cause why not:
Hunt fucking loves dirty talk. And Fenrys is very very good at it.
They're both switches but Hunt prefers to bottom and Fenrys doesn't have a problem with topping.
But when Hunt tops hollyyy fuck Fenrys honestly believes he could go blind his eyes roll so far back in his head
Also Fenrys has an oral kink
And Hunt has a degradation kink
They keep a list of kinks they've always wanted to try, things they've never wanted to try, and things they're hesitant to try but may at some point given the right space, thought, and time.
They've had a disgusting amount of semi public sex. Neither of them knew they were voyeuristic or exhibitionists until that very first time in Fenrys office.
Their hard limit is nothing out in the open. It's more the idea of getting caught than the actual getting caught part that turns them on.
When they first started dating they used to fuck like they hated each other but now they fuck like it's their sole purpose to ascend to new plains of existence
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rotomgender-moved · 3 years
Under the cut is the first part/chapter of it
Title: Runs in our Family
Word Count: roughly 1.5-2k I'd say
TWs: Near panic attacks, mild dehumanization of self, general ask to tag
Part One
The constant click of timers and bubbling of boiling water is what grounded them, eyes flickering about the room to watch over everything he had to. The rhythmic sound of a knife cutting through vegetables was like music to his ears, a hum rumbling through their chest added to the harmony of the kitchen. It made him feel in control, because he was. Guided merely by his memory of the recipe. Even then, he can tweek and test and try new things. It allowed them to have control over its life. It allowed it  to feel safe, even when working with fire and knives and pots and pans searing red with heat.
"N, my golden friend," His Zoroark companion began from their resting position. "The noodles, you need to put them in the water." N froze for a moment, startled by the sudden reminder.
"Ah! Yes, you're right. What could I do without you, Illusion." It chuckled as its own forgetfulness, scooping the fresh noodles in careful hands and putting them into the water carefully. Setting the egg timer for a minute and a half before continuing the final preparations on the vegetables. Picking them in his hands and putting them into the sauce in a few scoops. 
"You are becoming a good chef, my golden friend, but you mustn't lose yourself in your head while working with fire."
"Yes, Illusion, I am very aware. I'm working on it, I promise."
"I pray to Arceus you learn before you lose a paw."
"Hand, before I lose a hand."
"You get the picture."
Truly, N thought as he nodded to Zoroark. What could I do without you.
N let out a breath of air, turning off the fire in the stone as the timer goes off. Waiting quietly for the sauce to finish cooking. Reminding himself to take a few tablespoons of sugar and sprinkle it into the sauce, making it just that much sweeter. Waiting just for a few more moments, they have to. Reward cannot be reaped without patience, he thought, he must have patience.
To fill his time, he spread his hands up in the air in a Y shape, spinning around and humming. Fully content before he felt a sharp pain in his hand, followed by the loud BANG of the hanging pans hitting each other. N flinched, covering his ears and letting out a whine. A shiver rocked his body, but just before they could feel any tears begin to brim. A hand was placed onto his back, or a paw, moreso.
"It is alright," The voice of his pokemon cooed. "It is only cooking utensils, nothing more. Now, why don't you plate your dinner and watch some of your shows?" 
They continued to nod a little, thanking the illusionist with a scratch on the chin. Which, from the aura of joy it received from Zoroark, was greatly appreciated. N turned on their heel and scooped the noodles onto a plate he already had set aside before pouring a ladle or two of sauce onto it. N had promised Mallow a few days before that he would save some extra sauce for her to use in one of her dishes. Whatever concoction she may come up with, and however much it made the trio of chefs-turned-gym-leaders angry, he was excited to see it. 
As he settled down at his little table in his little kitchen, he smiled a tad. It had taken well a while for him to grow accustomed, or even willing, to live in a home. His first actions at coming to this strange new region had been to find an escape in the woods with his pokemon companions and live off nature for a month and a half. Which apparently, from what they deciphered from the angry ranting of a disgruntled Hugh and the chaotic explanation of a worried Alder. Had left his fellow Unovans with a wild goose chase to find him, having only been discovered by an odd group of children with accents he didn't quite recognize mistaking him for a new wild pokemon, thusly getting hit with a thunder wave that left him in the Pokemon Centers human unit for a little longer then N would prefer to admit.
Once they had been captured and as Nate and Rosa dubbed it, "Secured, Contained and Protected", they were subjected to an explanation that pulling an out-of-pocket disappearing act after the multiple both he, Hilbert and Hilda pulled off, wasn't the best idea. Which he understood! But it wasn't out-of-pocket. They should have expected it to run off into the woods and allowed it to. Or at least explained to those paralysis-happy children to watch out for an uncanny woodland dweller with a Zororak.
Even then, once they were captured, it was surely difficult for them to adjust. They were a pokemon, weren't they? A beast, that's what he'd always been told. No human would be able to speak with creatures that aren't fellow humans. But isn't it the same with Pokemon? So are these pokemon more human than beast, or is he more beast than human? Was it the years of isolation that made it hard to settle in an actual home all by itself, or was it the longing to run free with beasts like him?
N didn't like sitting in that question, so as it always did, it shoved it back into a deep corner of their mind and locked it in a little box with all those other heavy questions. All of the concerns and the old ideologies he forcibly shoves away and represses. It was all he could do, if he wasn't a beast or human. Then who could he be helped by?
Well, it didn't matter. It hadn't even noticed it had finished its plate of early dinner during his lamenting. Having been lazily twirling the fork in nothing for a good few moments to minutes. 
"N, my golden child," Zororak began. "Why don't you tuck me away and go speak to other people. You haven't left this little ranch-house in a few days; it will do you some good." They commented, nudging N's back. The soft clacks of things such as potions, a tube for those "PokeBlocks" that a pair of twins had been gifting to everyone on the island, and pokeballs.
"That… Does sound like a good idea." N agreed quietly, fully coming out of their thoughts. "Yeah." They got up off their seat and washed the plate and other utensils he had used swiftly, before shrugging their jacket back on and stringing their hair into a ponytatail once more. If Zororak thought it was a good idea, then N might as well be convinced. This pokemon had single-paw-dedly helped raise him from infancy to now. Always having found its way back to him. N thought of it as a mother and as they say. Mother knows best.
As he exited his home and was met by warm sunshine, he suddenly remembered why they had been so intrigued by the woods and all its inhabitants for oh-so-long. Or well, the week they had been there before they were hospitalized by four sneaky, pokemon hunting children. They couldn't be mad, though. They were apparently uncanny looking, Hilbert having described him as "a bit to long and a little too fluffy, with speech so fast he might as well just be making noises."  
But N didn't mind, it simply thought itself as far more built for the wild than the others. But… Thinking about it, that could be the reason why everyone though that of him. As N walked, staring down at the grass in thought. He felt his shoulder bump someone running by.
"Watch it, tall-ass!" A quite foulmouthed voice sounded, making N's eyes flicker to the redhead who was already making a getaway.
"Language!" They simply called back, rolling their eyes, hearing a distant "shut up!" as they made distance with the redhead. "Rude child." He decided, looking up to glance around the circle of homes that they had all settled in during this odd meet up. In a region that nobody seemed to have heard of, at that. It felt weird, it was weird. Why did any of them trust it?
Well, it should speak for itself. It went along, even if dragged on by his group of siblings-by-spirit. Chattering away that if they were all going, he was coming along. That they had already packed everything for him, and that if he refused they'd just sleep powder him and take him along anyway-
Why did I not run off? They thought, realizing the slight horror of that situation. Those kids were needlessly pushy in trying to get N to talk to new people. Dragging him about the cruiser they were in with all the other guests. Introducing him to some of the other kids that Nate and Hugh had already dragged into their mischief.
What were those kids names? Barry and Sapphire, he believes. Sapphire was that young lady who's brother had given him the tube of pokemon candies, if he remembers. Barry was a talkative young boy who seemed to immediately jump ship to play along with Nate and Hugh's pranks. He also remembers a handful of other faces, a married couple he vaugly remembers seeing on a few news casts back in Unova, Red and Green were their names. Along with another lady he didn't recognize, who took quickly to chatting along with Hilbert and Hilda. Rosa had been coaxing a green haired boy out of his shell with who he thinks was Sapphire's brother. 
He remembers a few other faces. A circle of kids all taking part in pokemon trading under Lance's watch. Bianca and Cheren, listening to a young boy, chitter away about his brother. Two boys nearly tearing at eachother, and not in a pokemon battle, while their supposed companions either encouraged it or tried to seperate them. One of them was that redhead who had swore at them, he thinks. 
But most importantly, he met Mallow and Guzma on that ship. The only two he confidently remembers the names and faces of. Mallow was a sweet woman, a trial captain. She had seen his shivery, nervous nature and pulled him aside from the crowd. He had listened to her talk about cooking and asked a few questions himself. Which is where that interest began. Guzma was… well he can only say he was Guzma. Rough around the edges yet smooth in the soul type, who had introduced him to N's first new species of pokemon in a while. A very, very polite and well mannered Gollisapod. He could sense even before listening to the pokemon that it was well cared for. 
It further made their heart pull, obviously the pokemon was battle-scarred. One or two chips on its shell that were healing overtime. But still so… Happy. Pokemon Battles weren't that bad, he knew that. But the confirmation that it was all okay was still nice.
"Hey, you!" A voice snapped him from his thoughts, making him turn. "Yeah, you! Take a few steps back. You almost walked yourself off a cliff." 
"Oh- why thank you! I didn't even notice."
"Obviously you didn't," He snorted a little. "You're that N guy that Rosa was telling me about! I'm Ruby, I was out trying to see some new pokemon. But all I caught was you almost about to take a trip off a cliff." Ruby rolled his eyes.
"Well, I was lost in thought. Thank you again for catching me, Ruby. Though I'm sure I would've survived a fall into some sand." N shrugged, examining Ruby as the boy nodded over his shoulder.
"Well… Maybe as a thank you, you could come to the community house where all of us trainers are. Rosa said you had some pretty cool Pokemon that you never let anyone touch the PokeBalls of. It's gotten the group talking." Ruby smiled, eyes crinkling. N paused in thought, feeling the pokeball in his hand he recognized as Zororaks. It wanted them to talk to other people… So they might as well. Even if the idea of presenting their pokemon to people they didn't know made their stomach twist. 
"... Okay, alright. I will. Lead the way, Ruby."
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mummybear · 4 years
Dinner With Friends
This Is Day 10 Of Roleplay May
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Words: 3034
Warnings: Smut, Teasing, Jealous Damon, Biting, Damon Drinking Blood, Secret Relationship. Think That’s It.
Characters: Damon Salvatore, Reader, Stefan Salvatore, Bonnie Bennett, Caroline Forbes, Alaric Saltzman, Lexi and Tyler Lockwood
Pairing: Damon Salvatore x Reader
Summary: When Caroline and Stefan decide to throw a getting to know you party for the reader, she and Damon are forced to cooperate. But with their secret relationship going on in the back ground, will Damon be able to keep his jealous tendencies at bay, will the two of them be able to stop their wandering hands.
A/N: This is also for my girl @lettersofwrittencollective‘s and her 1000 Followers challenge. Congratulations my girl! So very well deserved, I hope you enjoy it! Love you Nat! <3 My prompt was ‘We have to be quiet’
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Staying with the Salvatore’s was interesting to say the least. Nothing was ever boring, witches, vampires and werewolves were the most sane things in Mystic falls, especially these days. Tonight wasn’t likely to be any different, Caroline had decided to throw a party to introduce you to everyone, with Stefan’s help. No matter how much you and Damon had refused to be involved, here you were helping Caroline and Bonnie set the table while the boys cooked up a storm in the kitchen.
As annoying as it was to have your plans disrupted, Caroline and Bonnie were really sweet and they’d been nothing but nice to you since the day you’d met them. As far as you knew you were only waiting on three other people to arrive. Tyler Lockwood who was a werewolf as it turned out, Alaric who was human and Damon’s best friend. Then there was Lexi, Stefan’s best friend who had helped him through some of his hardest times, she was a vampire.
You were feeling a little overwhelmed with the prospect of meeting all of these new people. Placing the last fork on the table, you watch Stefan walk into the dining room and wrap his arms around Caroline and the girls fall into an easy conversation with him, giving you the perfect escape route. You slip out of the room immediately bumping into a solid chest, you look up finding those gorgeous blue eyes looking down at you.
Grabbing your hand he pulls you into the kitchen.
“Well, fancy bumping into you,” he smirks down at you, licking those lips that you dream about.
You drag him into the pantry and close the door behind you.
“This is a stupid idea Damon! I cannot do this!” you confess frustration clearly thick in your voice.
“Again with this princess, I’ve already told you. Yes, it’s stupid and I want nothing more than to drag you up those stairs and fuck you good and hard,” he bites his lip as you press up against him, placing a firm hand on your hip. “But, since things are already in motion, we just need to put up with it, until later. Or until I get bored.” he reasons running his fingers through your hair giving an experimental tug when he leans in closer.
“Damon, come on don’t talk like that, you know what it does to me,” you pout his lips drag across your jaw, until they’re pressed against your ear, teeth dragging over your earlobe. 
“Wait until dinner if you think i’m being unfair now. Maybe I should have a bite” he says as his tongue licks along the thick vein pulsing in your neck. When you moan quietly his blunt human teeth drag over the spot that he knows makes your knees week.
“I hate you” you grumble as Damon moves his face to look at you with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah? You hate this?” he asks hotly against your lips as he pushes one of his thick thighs between your legs, the hand on your hip helps you to roll your hips down into the muscle.
“Quit lying to me princess, we both know just how much you fucking love me and how good I make you feel,” his cocky voice only turns you on even more and God doesn’t he know it.
“Then take me upstairs then you cocky bastard, fuck me and quit being a tease,” 
“Oh that’s just adorable. You know I love being a tease, you can wait until I’m ready little one. Now, get out of here before I take you over that table in front of everyone.” he smirks, pecking your lips, chuckling when you growl at him.
Opening the door he gently pushes you out of the pantry, walking closely behind you. You jump as Stefan walks back into the kitchen and Damon’s back presses against you.
“What’re you two up to in here?” he asks confused looking between you and his brother.
“Well little brother, Y/N here was just telling me how bad she wants to get me on my own” Damon smirks at you as he walks past to stir the sauce.
The blush is flaming in your cheeks as Stefan laughs, “Ignore him Y/N, he doesn’t understand that some girls will just never be interested in him. The girls were looking for you by the way,”
Thanking Stefan you leave quickly, ignoring the conversation that starts between the brothers. You make sure to shoot Damon a glare as you walk back into the dining room, where you find everyone already sitting at the table. All the newcomers included. 
Caroline is on you as soon as she spots you, wrapping her arm around you she leads you over to a chair between a tall dark and handsome looking guy and Bonnie. You take your seat as the boys walk in with the food, “Dinner is served,” Stefan announced proudly.
The dinner moves along quickly, laughter and conversation flowing. However you’re completely distracted by the blue eyed vampire glaring at you from across the table, which pauses your conversation with Tyler. Who had just asked you something perfectly innocent, though by the look on Damon’s face he may as well have groped you under the table.
“You okay?” the young werewolf asks with a kind smile, resting his hand on your arm.
If looks could kill the man beside you would be dead. The trouble was with you and Damon was that this was half of the fun of your relationship, he was by far one of the most jealous men you’d ever met. You loved winding him up because an angry Damon was a rough and sexy sight to behold, not that it was hard to achieve. 
Crossing your legs beneath the table you turn towards Tyler with a smile, “Yeah, I’m okay. I guess I was just a little nervous about tonight. But I have a feeling things are about to turn around.”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” Tyler asks leaning in closer. However, just like you’d expected before he gets a little too close. A large hand lands on Tyler’s shoulder, roughly pulling him and his chair back from the table. 
“You’re moving. Now” Damon growls as Tyler stands ready to argue, Damon takes his chair and slams it down beside you making you jump a little. You look up at him biting back your smile, watching as he takes the seat and pushes the plate forward.
“O-kay” Caroline says loudly, as Tyler takes the chair by Stefan with a little persuasion. 
You can feel Damon’s glare burning into the side of your head as Alaric slides him a bourbon across the table. “I’m Alaric by the way, you can call me Ric,” the older man smiles, shaking your hand. To your surprise Damon doesn’t even twitch beside you, clearly this was a man he trusted, definitely more than Tyler.
“Nice to meet you finally, Ric. I’ve heard a lot about you,” you smile genuinely pleased to meet the hunter. 
Things calm down from there as dessert is served, but right as you take your first bite Damon’s hand lands on your thigh and squeezes. Glancing his way you narrow your eyes at him, he just smiles and nods at something Alaric asks, but you’re far too distracted to pay attention to what they’re saying. 
Still gripping tightly Damon’s hand drags up your thigh and slips beneath your skirt. Your hands are white knuckling the table as he pulls your legs apart and hooks one over his knee. Noticing that everyone is preoccupied in conversation Damon leans in close, pressing his lips so close to your ear they’re almost touching.
“If he ever touches you again, I’ll rip his fucking head off. I don’t care that you wanna keep us a secret for now. Nobody touches what’s mine, not in front of everyone else and especially not some mangy mutt.” 
You turn to look at him with a smile, licking your lips, your hand drops to his lap as you lean in closer pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. 
“You know I’m not interested in anyone else. So, how about you let me prove it to you again?” your question seems to peak his interest and that irresistible smirk is back.
You watch his eyes flick around the room making sure the coast is still clear, before focusing back on you again. Dragging his teeth over his bottom lip he glances down at yours.
“Mmmm, okay. I’m listening baby girl,” 
Cupping the bulge in his pants you turn back to your drink and take a sip, hearing Damon groan beside you when his fingers move a little higher, brushing against your completely bare center.
“See I told you I listen.” you smile against your glass before placing it back on the table.
“Fuck, no panties all for me princess?” he breathes out, pausing to wink at Ric when he sees him looking. 
“Clearly you don’t listen to me though, Salvatore. He knows doesn’t he?” your irritated voice questions and is promptly answered by a shrug and those icy blue eyes glance back into yours.
“How about I make it up to you?” he smirks wiggling those eyebrows at you.
Rolling your eyes at him you sigh. “You’re such a smart ass. Leave it five minutes and then follow my lead.” you tell him quietly, purposely knocking your drink over and soaking yourself. Pulling your leg back from Damon’s you awkwardly stumble backwards out of the chair. 
“Oh dammit! I’m so sorry guys, just excuse me for a minute. I should really get this cleaned up,” you rush to explain, practically running from the room before anyone can speak to you. Rushing over to the large staircase you run up to your bedroom and close the door behind you. 
Stripping yourself from your soaked clothes, you climb onto your bed naked and lay in the middle, with your back resting against the headboard. You can’t help but think maybe it wouldn’t be a bad thing if people started finding out about the two of you being together, it had been a while now. Besides, whatever you decided Ric seemed like a nice guy and you know Damon will keep respecting your wishes the way he’d proved to you the last few months. Even when things had become more series between the two of you, he’d respected your wishes at every turn. 
It’s maybe two minutes before your bedroom door opens and Damon steps inside, closing it quietly behind him. Taking long strides towards you, his piercing gaze never leaving your naked body. You bite back your smile watching Damon’s shirt drop to the floor, quickly followed by his shoes and ass hugging jeans. He vamp speeds towards you and pins you beneath him, wrists trapped under his big hands.
“You look good enough to fucking eat baby girl.” He mumbles into your neck, licking along the pulsing vein under your skin as his hands roam your body, your head drops back into the pillows and a gasp leaves your lips when he bites down on the muscle between your neck and shoulder. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” you moan out as he sucks a nipple between his lips and drags his teeth over the hardened bud. You can feel the thick length of his hardness pressing into your thigh, as he rocks his hips into you.
“Yeah, probably. But we both know I’ll make you feel good baby girl.” 
Damon pushes a hand between your legs and you can’t help the loud moan that leaves your lips. The man above you chuckles, pulling back slightly so he can meet your eyes. A large hand quickly clamps over your mouth as he presses two fingers inside you, a cry of his name is muffled against his hand. “Don’t forget princess. We have to be quiet, unless you want everyone down there knowing about the big bad vampire who’s about to ruin you? Again.” he smirks as his hand leaves your mouth, fingertips trailing down your body, over your stomach where he presses down as your hips arch into his hand and his tongue flicks over your clit.
Your fingers tangle in his thick black locks as he curls his fingers inside you, slowly stroking against the spot inside you that makes your entire body shiver. A needy whimper leaves your lips when he bites your inner thigh with his human teeth. 
“Always with the teasing, Damon. You owe me,” you remind him as those blue eyes flick back to yours.
“I fully intend to pay princess” he winks, sealing his lips around your throbbing clit, as his fingers speed up, curling just right with every movement. You’re biting into one of your hands before you know it, the fire licking at every nerve ending as you try to quieten your screams. 
“Damon, I can’t. Please” you beg behind your hand.
Damon moans into you when your pussy clamps down around his fingers, then he adds a third finger and with a flick of his wrist your entire body arches into his hand. 
“That’s my girl” Damon chuckles as your pussy flutters and clamps uncontrollably around his fingers, his tongue swirls around your clit and his fingers keep moving, helping you through your orgasm until you’re pushing at his head with your hands, too sensitive for anymore.
He crawls back up your body, cocky smirk still intact as he licks his fingers clean. You wrap your arms around his neck as soon as he’s close enough, you kiss him. Tasting yourself on his tongue you pull his thick bottom lip between your teeth, making him groan into your mouth.
“Fuck, I love you. So damn sexy,” he growls as you flip him onto his back in a practised movement. 
The rules were the rules in your relationship, Damon knew every time he messed up and you told him he owed you, he really owed you and he did exactly as you asked and exactly as he was told.
Sitting up on your knees you grip his length in your hand, until it’s pressed against your opening. “I love you too baby.” you purr finally lowering yourself down all the way onto his hard waiting cock.
Damon’s hands go straight to your hips, not guiding your movements simply holding onto you tightly. His grip was bruising when you started to move, leaning forward your hands landed on his chest, nails biting at the soft skin as you grind down into him like your life depended on it. His hands move to roughly grip your ass when you start to rise and fall on the thick length inside you, the slap he delivers to your ass only spurs you on.
You pull at his shoulders so he’s sitting with you in his lap, “Fuck princess, you want it bad tonight huh?” Damon grunts as your nails drag down his back hard enough to draw blood, the slap of your skin echoing around the room as you speed up your movements with his help. 
“Don’t care anymore. I need it, need you,” you moan loudly as he starts to meet your thrusts with sharp hard movements of his hips as you keep him pulled close. Your teeth drag over his earlobe before you whisper in his ear. “Do it, I know you want to” 
Damon’s grip on you tightens, his breath hot against your neck. You can even feel the scrape of his fangs against your skin, causing a shiver to run through your body, “you know what your blood does to me princess, they’re gonna know if i do. You taste like the most incredible bourbon ever made” he moans breathlessly, feeling your walls clamping down around him all over again.
“You mean you’re gonna be blood drunk off your ass? I don’t care what they think anymore, let them know I’m all yours baby” You whimper feeling one of his fangs slice through your skin, the drag of his cool tongue lapping up the falling droplet makes you whine. “Do it” you demand your voice wrecked as you do your best to hold back your orgasm, “You know the rules Damon” 
Your reminder does just as you’d planned snapping the only string of self control the vampire beneath you had left. A low growl leaves his throat when he finally sinks his fangs into the pulsing vein in your neck, you let out a pleasured scream, finally getting what you’d been waiting for all week. The band in your stomach snaps immediately, dragging you back over that edge like only he seems able to do. 
You’re barely coming down from your earth shattering orgasm when Damon finally gives into his own needs, moaning as your blood fills his mouth and his orgasm hits him hard. 
His smooth tongue is soothing over the mark he’s left behind when your hips finally still and your chest is heaving against his. He drops onto his back with you still on top of him, leaning on your forearms on his chest you look down into his gorgeous blue eyes, which are still lidded as he licks his lips. He goes to bite into his wrist but you stop him, “Leave it, I want it there” you smile as he tucks the hair behind your ear which has fallen in your face.
“What have you done to me princess?” he smiles back, that genuine smile that not many people get to see. 
“Nothing you don’t deserve” you reply honestly, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.
“Well keep it up Missy and there’s a round two up for grabs” those wiggling eyebrows of his only make you giggle.
“Oh keep talking Mr Salvatore, I hear that shower calling your name” he reaches for you as you climb off the bed and head towards the on suite.
“You better run then” he grins, vamping off, you squeal as his arms wrap around your waist and he throws you over his shoulder and smacks your ass. “Don’t wanna keep the shower waiting do we baby” 
Tags:  @chewie-redbird @julzdec​ @stiles-o-dylan24​ @mogaruke​ @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone​ @dylanholyhellobrien​ @desireepow-1986​ @emichelle​ @lilulo-12​ @22sarah08​ @deanwanddamons​ @simsadventures​  @charmed-asylum​ @nicole-lynne​ @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog​ @defenderrosetyler​ @emilyshurley​ @emoryhemsworth​ @foxyjwls007​ @mylovelydame21​ @sunshineandwings86 @captain-shannon-becker​ @heimdoodle​ @plushpyrate​ @winchester-wifey​ @negans-lucille-tblr​ @fandomfic-galore​
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unmanageable-day · 4 years
By your side | 09 (end)
MASTERLIST // previous chapter: 08
Summary.  For the introvert Song Yeoreum, having an extrovert boyfriend like Johnny Seo was something she never imagined before. Fortunately it turned out pretty good, and the relationship between Yeoreum and Johnny lasted for 4 years. Unfortunately, it reached a point when Johnny started to think everything felt different, that Yeoreum probably has changed.
a/n: after months of having no inspiration for this, I’ve finally come back :") unfortunately i have to make this chapter the last one because i currently have no idea how to go on with the plot, and i mayhaps lost my notes on this story too :") therefore, if anyone used to read this fic, i'm sorry for the abrupt ending. nonetheless i hope you enjoy reading this!
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One week had passed, and Johnny was still able to calm himself. She needs time and I will give as much as she needs, he told himself on repeat. In no time, one week had changed into one month. His patience hadn't betrayed him, yet he was getting more anxious. Isn't a month too long? Anything can happen within the past 30 days. By anything he meant the possibility of Jaehyun and you. What stressed him even more was none of his friends now told him about any recent updates about you. The universe worked its magic by never putting you and Johnny in a same project anymore. If anything, your schedule and his never matched that these days he couldn't even see you in the office. Lately Ten and Doyoung was getting closer with Jaehyun as well, but they won't spill anything whenever he tried to seek information about you and Jaehyun.
Johnny started to lose his sanity when it was almost three months without you making any contact with him. He tried to ask you out twice, which successfully getting turned down because you always said to have other stuff to do. Everyday his thumbs had to resist not to text you although all he wanted just to ask casually how you're doing. He already expected you to come up with short answers and wrap up the conversation immediately. But it would be still better than being like this.
One day he happened to see you working overtime. The best idea he had was to wait for you and take you home. Except, Jaehyun seemed to think exactly the same thing and he had made his moves. There he was, sitting beside you, unboxing some food and drinks from a paper bag. Johnny was contemplating whether he would join the two of you or not. With an endless train of thoughts messing with his head and his feelings, approaching you did not seem to be a good idea.
They're friends, John. They are friends. Jung Jaehyun is not more than a friend, just like Jungkook. Jung Jaehyun must be only friends. Johnny won't get tired saying this to himself.
Jung Jaehyun has to be friends.
But it wasn't Johnny if he didn't find himself eventually losing it. So one day, without thinking much further, he decided to confront Jaehyun. When he arrived in front of the broadcasting room where Jaehyun was still on air, that was when his brain started to work.
A sigh escaped Johnny's lips. He felt exhausted even before he did anything. What am I doing here?
As he was about to leave, Jaehyun roughly opened the door, making Johnny startled.
"Jaehyun." The taller managed to be as firm and stand tall. He cannot lose like this.
"What are you doing here?"
Although with puzzled face, Johnny maintained his intense eye contact towards Jaehyun. Usually Jaehyun would feel intimidated, but not today. He managed to be calm and asked Johnny to talk in a cafe nearby. He already knew where this conversation would go, and the last thing he wanted was to be watched by the other staff.
Jaehyun spent the first 10 minutes being silent. His hot americano on the table remained full and now it was warm. "I'm gonna be straightforward. I hope you'd understand."
"If it's about Yeoreum—"
"It is." Johnny quickly cut him out. "I'm trying to work things out between us. But with you in the picture..." he shook his head slowly, his eyes looking for sympathy as he continued, "Please, don't take her away from me."
"Wait, I'm in the picture?" Jaehyun repeated his words in disbelief, before screaming internally, 'You are in the picture when she and I are trying to get somewhere to figure things out. Now I am in the picture?'
Johmmy was surprised to see how Jaehyun got worked up a little bit. "Jaehyun, please.."
"Nobody is taking her away from you. If she's thinking what you're thinking, wouldn't she find her way to go back to be by your side?"
"I know I did wrong.."
"I don't want to say this, but admit it, Johnny. She’s not going back," Jaehyun almost raised his voice. On a daily basis, he was never one to speak with high tone, nor with intense emotion.
Johnny can't go on with his words. He was devastated and there was nothing Jaehyun could do to console him. Suddenly Jaehyun got up to pick up a phone call.
"Oh, Yeoreum?" Eyeing Johnny, he talked quite loudly, making sure that Johnny was aware of how things got more seriously between you and him. "Okay, I'll go there. Wait for me."
"Jaehyun, please, I'm begging you," Johnny continued as the younger hung up his call. "Yeoreum just needs more time. I know we can go through this. We can work this out.."
"Johnny, you need help. You're drunk too, I can smell alcohol from your breath."
Johnny wouldn't admit it that he did had a few glasses of liquor although it was not even 9 PM. He spent a little bit too much of time crying over his own acts at a bar. There were a lot of things going on his mind. You, Jaehyun, you and Jaehyun, and the relationship between you and him. Piles of work were not even included yet.
Jaehyun sighed. "I'll tell Doyoung to send somebody to pick you up."
"Please don't." Scolds and nags from either Doyoung or Taeyong was the last thing he would want to hear these days.
"Johnny, you can't drive under influence like this."
"Why would you care?"
"I don't, but Yeoreum? Maybe she still do care about you, Johnny. I just thought, if anything happens—please don't get me wrong, I just don't want Yeoreum to worry too much about you."
Driving without destination had been Johnny’s new routine for the past week. He left work earlier, making Doyoung wonder what he did after work. He rarely attended party, making Taeyong amused that he could survive without parties. He barely hung out with Mark, so the younger boy had to play with Lee Donghyuck and his same-age friends instead. He drove mindlessly and the next place he parked was your apartment. Then he found himself standing in front of your door, drowning in his own thoughts. The next second, the door was swung open, you being surprised with Johnny’s presence.
"I love you," was the first thing he said. Not even a ‘hello’, or a ‘how are you?’.
You looked unfazed. "Johnny, you're drunk."
"I'm not. Why would I drunk confess to you?" He let out a breathy laugh, not because something is funny. "I did drink, but only a little. You know I could handle alcohol pretty well."
"Johnny, I'll call a taxi for you, okay?"
"Why can't you let me talk?"
"What do you want to talk about?"
"Us." Johnny bent down, resting his forehead against your shoulder. His arms slowly approached your waist, asking for a hug. But your hands stopped them, tightly gripping his wrists on your sides. He lifted his upper body, his eyes finding yours with confusion.
"Johnny, I told you, don't wait for me."
"What if I am?"
"What if I'm not coming back to you?"
"That's just a 'what if'," he denied.
"Things are not the same between us anymore, Johnny. You have to let go."
‘Things are not the same between us anymore.’ Isn’t that my words when we broke up? Does it hurt this much when I said that?
"Are you with Jaehyun now?"
Squinting your eyes, you almost answer him with a raised tone, "Wha—"
Two guys loudly making a fake cough distracted you and Johnny who immediately turned to see who they were. Standing a few steps away from you and him were Jungkook and Jaehyun with their judging expression.
"Yeoreum, I've bought the soy sauce and sesame oil. Can you please assist Jaehyun cooking? He insists and he won't let me order take-out and I'm starving to death," Jungkook calmly said, once a while glancing and making eye contact to Johnny.
You were hesitating to move from your standing spot. If it wasn't for Jungkook pushing you back in to your apartment, you would have been frozen there and probably still engaged in that never-ending talk with your ex.
Johnny silently watched your back walking away with Jaehyun by your side, disappointment was evident in his face.
"Hyung, please, if you truly love her, let her go," Jungkook said before smoothly signaling gestures to go away to the older guy.
Sure, you did like Johnny. Who wouldn't? He was a good company, he laughed a lot—basically a happy virus, he took a good care of you and other people. But that's it. You never fought? Obviously, since you tended to keep it all to yourself. But this doesn't mean Johnny is a bad guy. He is always kind-hearted and gentle. But again, that's it. You simply accepted him because of that.
At the end of the day, it finally came to your senses. After the break up, it took you months later to realize that you did not like Johnny that way. You felt lighter without him. Still, probably due to all those parties. After all, it was the Johnny Suh. Being his girlfriend was definitely something. While with Jaehyun, everything went in a relatively slow pace. No rushing. And you were just being you, no need to try hard to be as 'superior' as the other. This just made you guilty and regret that you accepted him in the first place.
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shiberpostshere · 4 years
The Kiss Thief - Park Seonghwa Social Media AU
20. Chapter Sixteen: Happy Realisation✨ (Meant as a sarcastic remark to the Reader, wishing her Happy Realisation like Happy Birthday)
Previous Part✨      Next Part✨
Masterlist of the AU✨
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Word Count: 2.2K (😳)
The Special Weekly Segment, Weekly Flower Delivery had thoroughly infiltrated your mind with admiration of love and swooning until you remembered that you decided to justify your feelings about Seonghwa, with Seonghwa by talking to Seonghwa.
Oh, Park Seonghwa.
What are you going to say? For starters, you had few options you considered:
1) 'Hey! Crazy story. Remember when I liked you in high school but I think it was childish, so I'd like to know what are your present thoughts about it?'
Fairly normal but quite formal.
2) 'Hello there kind sir. Would you like discussing our past embarassing affairs, mostly the mortifying felony committed by me over a glass of liquor?'
It feels like you're asking for great lord's hand in marriage, one who owns expansive estates in the 1740s.
3) 'Hey, Seonghwa, so you know how we've been spending some time together and I have been thinking about us, together, as in a dating, you know what I mean?'
'You know what I mean?' What are you about to do? Transcend into a rap battle?
At the end, you considered it's best to say what feels appropriate at the given situation.
Hopefully, it's appropriate.
The Dazzling Night group is buzzing excitement of accomplishment after the special segment.
The atmosphere shifting from a rather intimate confession to a declaration of never fading love has successfully set a mood for the team to celebrate the well executed show with chicken and beer by the riverside at midnight.
Yeosang and Mingi leave before the rest and decide to get the food on the way to arrange a seating area for comfortable dinner.
The remaining ride in Seonghwa's car after he frantically arrived at the studio looking fresh and clean.
After a short ten minute ride, you breathe in the gusts of winds, carrying a gentle scent of the river.
The location is a little crowded for the night but might disperse as the clock ticks by.
It isn't difficult to spot the waving figures of Yeosang and Mingi in a quiet corner, keeping a safe distance from other groups for private, mostly chaotic conversations of the group.
Jongho collapses on the mattress within a second of spotting it.
"This is the life of a successful segment planner." He states with a deep inhale.
"Okay bragger, save this for later. I'm hungry." Mingi pushes the boy out of the mattress, rolling him onto the grass but Jongho has no plans of sitting straight.
Yeosang twists open a bottle with fizzle. "We need to make a toast."
The rest of you begin arranging your dinner in front of the widespread, breathtaking view of the river and the brightly lit bridge.
Seonghwa and you begin unpacking the boxes of variety of chicken while Hongjoong pours out drinks for everyone.
"A toast? Why? Are we already done with Dazzling Night for this semester?" Hongjoong comments without looking up.
Yeosang gives him a look. "C'mon, read the mood." He falls back beside Mingi. "Seonghwa loves giving speeches anyway. We love a sentimental mood setter."
You nudge the mentioned boy. "Oh? Then I'm looking forward to it too!"
He plops down and rolls his eyes. "For once can you guys stop ganging up on me?"
Your best friend props up his body lazily, supporting his weight on his arms. "Make a toast, make a toast, make a toast."
You snicker and shake your head at the lack of enthusiasm. "Wow, you surely want him to make a toast."
Hongjoong offers you a small cup of beer. "Okay then, would you like to make a toast instead?"
Taken aback, you study the amount of twinkling eyes settled on you. "Oh, hell no." You thrust the cup at the suggested person.
Seonghwa looks at you with dramatic betrayal written all over his features. "My knight in--" His eyes study your frame, "My knight in jeans and flannel, I thought you'd surely save me."
The entire group bursts out in laughter.
Placing a hand on your hip, you gulp down the contents of the small cup. "Why did the ganging up shift from him" You jab a thumb at innocent looking Seonghwa, "To me?"
Jongho simply shrugs. There's an evident satisfaction displayed in his slackened movements.
You feel comfortable as well.
You're used to, no, you are loving the playful bantering but god forbid, you'll never admit this out loud, especially in front of the teasing devil himself.
"Alright, alright" Seonghwa refills your empty cup and lifts up his big one. "Here's a toast to not even a week into Dazzling Night yet to the most talented group of people making everyone's night, especially each other's by working together and supporting each other. How's that for a sentimental toast?"
All of you raise your plastic cups in unison with a gentle 'cheers' and down the booze in one shot.
Mingi wipes his non existent tears. "Fantastic. I'd like to thank my mother, my father and mostly importantly the baby account I followed on instagram two weeks ago which gives me joy---"
He is unable to finish his speech of 'gratitude' as Yeosang shoves him away with a quick push, making the tall boy almost land sideways on top of sauce pouches.
Throughout dinner, you simply cannot stop smiling or almost rolling over the grass.
It is truly a wild dinner.
One moment Hongjoong slaps away Yeosang's hand from stealing his well deserved chicken wing and another Jongho suddenly belts out a song to honour the evening, earning loud claps from the people seated nearby.
The conversations begin with Seonghwa and Hongjoong reminiscing their first meeting together, makes it's way through the emotional valley but eventually returns to the clowning station.
Time passes by quickly as you munch over different kinds of delicious chickens melting on your tongue with new flavours everytime you grab one from a different box.
Yeosang takes all the credit for the ten out of ten dinner and all the guys agree with the chicken maniac, as addressed by his friends.
As the night gets darker, people start disappearing slowly and you begin to notice the questionable amount of empty beer bottles lying around.
"I think I'm drunk." Hongjoong presses his temple with a wince.
Yeosang grabs the elder's arm and leans into his shoulder with a pout. "Yeosang wants to eat more chicken."
Jongho breaks into a fit of coughs while Mingi throws back his head, booming with laughter.
"Did he just refer to himself in third person?" Eyes wide, you turn to Seonghwa for an answer.
"Yeosang transforms into a cute little kid when he's drunk, he has a low alcohol tolerance." His cheeks are slightly tinted with the pink colour. You don't know if you should be trusting his tolerance either.
"Oh my god, I should totally make a video." Mingi pulls out his phone but Jongho is quick enough to snatch it.
"You don't want to see tomorrow's sunrise?"
Out of everyone, maybe even you, Jongho appears the most sober, as if he hasn't drank at all.
Hongjoong's hand gently pats the drunk one's back. "C'mon, it's getting late, let's go to the restroom and sober up so we can leave."
Jongho leaves his place with a sigh. "I'm going with those three, I think they need some supervision."
Seonghwa places down his refilled cup. "Good idea. I'll stay back with (y/n) and clean up."
You nod. It is indeed getting late.
The three drunk ones trudge towards the washrooms with a normal walking Jongho following behind.
"Let's clean this up, shall we?" You eye the mess scattered around.
As you try to lift your body with much difficulty, a hand wraps around your wrist and pulls you down causing you to yelp.
"But you wanted to talk." You breath hitches for a moment as he turns sideways to place his forehead on your shoulder.
Oh, how you had hoped for him to magically forget about it.
You lift up his head with the support of one finger. "Are you sure you aren't drunk?"
His hands pat his cheeks a few times. "Definitely not drunk." He inches a little closer. "So, tell me."
A chuckle leaves your lips at his attempts to appear sober. "Oh, well, I don't know how to bring this up and I'd rather talk if you will remember this tomorrow as much as I want you to forget."
His shoulders slump. "Oh, (Y/N), is this about our cute little history that you find embarassing."
"What? How did you know that? Wait, who told you---" You blabber out surprised and to deepen the surprise he places a finger on your lips.
"Hey, hey, calm down." His eyes land on the finger and he quickly retrieves it. He clears his throat. "I mean, it is a little obvious. I think it is obvious to everyone but you."
Your cheeks heat up a little at his statement. "Obvious? Okay, since it is that obvious. Yes, yes I am a little embarassed, maybe more than a little embarassed."
Seonghwa tilts his head to the side, an intense look in his eyes. "That's not what I meant (Y/N) but tell me what are you embarassed about?"
Gathering your legs closer to your chest, you place your chin in between the knees. "Well, you know" You let your words trail but draw in a deep breath. "I was fifteen and what happened was silly and ever since we started hanging out together, I feel really comfortable with you and you're really nice. Oh my god, I'm getting nowhere with this." Your feet begin moving in a continous motion.
Seonghwa fixes his posture and sits up straight. "(Y/N)?"
"Yeah?" You look up.
"I liked fifteen year old you. A girl who liked me, often encouraged me even though she didn't understand 11th grade struggles but it's not something that I look back at and make fun of but it's a fond memory that there was a cute girl who liked me back when I was young and too tense for a 17 year old boy." His precise answer tugs a string of your heart.
"Yeah, you were too tense for a 17 year old boy. Remember how you often lectured me like you understand all concepts of the world at such an young age." You comment with an playful smile.
A picture of a young Seonghwa passionately explaining time management like a professor pops up in your mind with a young you listening as if he's reciting a romantic poem. Oh, how smitten you were.
Funnily enough, you still are.
Seonghwa pushes his fingers through his hair with a shy smile, eyes focused on the night sky. "Oh my god. I can't believe you remember that."
You bump your shoulder with his. "How can I forget, you were adorable."
A stange energy is brewing within you. This comfort is unmatched.
He turns to you, fingers suddenly grab your cheeks. "Don't get cheeky with me now." He says in an extremely soft voice.
"Hey, this is not fair. What are you doing?" You get a hold on both of his hand to remove them but fail.
He pulls them a little before letting them go, you rub the sore spots. "You're as much as a troublemaker as you were back then, you just hide it now. Don't you?"
Maybe it's the courage supplied by the little alcohol in your system or maybe it's just him, you grab his face with your hands.
His eyes widen at your actions. "What are you doing?"
You gently bump your forehead onto his. "I'm trying to be bold and knocking some sense into you."
The shocked expression subdues into a serious one. One you hadn't expected to see. "I wouldn't suggest that. What if I really end up forgetting what you're about to do next?"
As soon as he speaks those words, you let go of his face and create a safe distance between you two. "What do you mean? I wasn't going to do anything but bump my forehead with yours! What are you thinking!"
He begins stuffing the empty chicken boxes into each other pretending as if you weren't just inches apart a second ago.
"What if I end up bumping my forehead even harder than you did?" He asks with the most false concern present on his face.
You grab the nearest bottle cap and aim it right at his forehead but he's too quick to catch it. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry."
"YOU stop being cheeky, can't you tell I was trying to flirt with you!" You let both of your hands rest on your hips.
His mouth forms an "O". "I mean, I should definitely do that, I have the right to. It's not like you know that I've been flirting with you all this time."
You freeze for a moment, eyes blinking twice. "You've been flirting with me?"
He throws up his hands in an exasperated gesture.
"Wait, you've been flirting with me? You weren't just having fun making me suffer by being extremely kind and nice yet teasing and--" The long list of conversations run in your mind and then it pings. "Oh."
Seonghwa begins clapping. "Thank you so much for finally noticing."
Your fall down on the support of your knees.
"Oh my god, Park Seonghwa has been flirting with me all this time"
You realise you've said it out loud and wish to sink further into your hands.
"Yes, I have been." His fingers gently ruffle your hair. "Now, clean this up before Jongho comes back and grumbles about it."
You slowly lift up your head and look at him casually collecting the mess, unphased.
"You're not going to let this one die. Are you?" Hesitant, you await an answer.
He chuckles. "Of course not."
"Fantastic." You stand up, unable to shake off the realisation.
Pairing: College Student! Seonghwa x College Student! Female Reader
Genre: Fluff, A teeny tiny bit of smut with a pinch of angst
Synopsis: High school crushes are often silly and forgotten. However, you cannot forget the one senior, you "borrowed" once a kiss from. Years have passed and it's a memory you laugh at but what will happen if you're to encounter the same senior in a much different setting and situation? Especially during your first year of college.
A/N: This user is about to lose her sanity because Tumblr does not save her drafts and likes messing with her already remaining braincells. (I edited this once, I'll edit it again tomorrow)
BUT! THOUGHTS? what do we think after reading this chapter?
After writing this I low-key wanna start a written fic he-he.
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! 💫
@enigmaticsal @stardusthyuck @preets-kpop-world @missiopk @rae-woo @sanisms @retrofuture-ism @jiyeons-closet @hongjoongsnoona @seong-hwa1998 @veeeenus4 @mochibabycakes @vhschs @kokoboxp @choisaniskillingme @vantclavs @f-iyan @staywritten @cobbiebaexqueen @uppiespuppy @mingiflower
🌸Unable to tag: @mingiibabieee @dreamie-deonghwa
Do not repost, modify or claim the writing or images.
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alia-turin · 3 years
@amina-celestial first of all my sincere apologies you asked for kinlky Avallac’h fic, but my writing went places. Like literary I have no idea what happened there. I started writing and things were not just happening the kinky way. 
But you will get a cute Avallac’h discovering Earth and trying pasta for first time. 
I fail, I’m sorry. 
Title: My Dream Pairing: Avallac’h/Reader Summary: Avallac’his on the run from the Wild Hunt and finds himself in modern day earth. He is saved and nursed by the reader.
Avallac’h opened multiple portals until he finally was sure no one could find him. He was bleeding, he was exhausted, he had no idea how much longer he could take it. Maybe Caranthir could not sniff him so far out.
Wherever he was, it was winter, as his brain was so foggy he was concerned that the White Frost was here but it seemed just as normal winter and he was obviously still alive. There were bright lights everywhere and he had no idea where he was going. He fell in the snow and the world went into darkness.
He woke up in a strange room that made even less sense to him but it won't be the first time he finds himself in a new and unknown place while travelling between worlds. The bed was a bed, walls, dresser...there was a weird thing that was omitting light, it was not a candle or if it was it was the strangest he had seen. He tried to get up but he felt dizzy and gave up. He could feel something around his leg and when he looked it was a tight bandage. So someone had taken care of him and judging by the fact that he was alive and not in chains it was not Aen Elle.
The door in front of him opened and a human woman walked in.
“You are awake!” she exclaimed. “I’m sorry I took the liberty of undressing you but you were almost frozen in the snow and bleeding. I thought hypothermia might have set in.”
Avallac’h just stared at the human, dressed in the weirdest clothes he had seen. Some sort of a top and blue pants that did not look like any fabric he had seen. Did he hit his head so hard that he was hallucinating or that was just some new curse Eredin and Caranthir had come up with.
“Where am I?” he finally decided to ask.
“In my house?” the human responded innocently.
“I mean what realm…” he tried to get up again but it was way too difficult, he must have hit his head somewhere.
“Earth? Solar System?” she looked very confused and neither of that really was helping him either. “Look, I have a million questions for you, but I need to go to work, so if I leave you here, please promise not to leave with the silverware.”
Avallac’h just blinked, not even having an answer. The human walked out of the room, then he heard another door being closed and from what he could tell, locked.
He relaxed again on the bed and fell asleep.
Avallac’h woke up later, it was still a day so he must have been out just a couple of hours.
This time he managed to get out of bed, the world around him was spinning but at least he could walk. The bedroom he was in was small but cozy, certainly not a castle so he was probably in a common house. He walked out of there, the next room was what he would describe as a common room, it had table chairs on one end and some sort of lower seats on the other, across them a table and some strange flat black thing on it. This was indeed a world he had never seen before. He went to the kitchen and started exploring, the thought of food made him sick, but he knew he needed to eat. He was trying to figure out where food was stored when he heard the lock and then the front door opened. The human walked in, carrying bags and kicked the door closed as her hands were busy.
“You look good!” she said as she placed the bags on the high counter surrounding the kitchen. Avallac’h felt enchanted. This human talked to him as if they had been old friends but she was also different from the other humans he had seen. Not just the way she dressed, just...different somehow. If his head did not hurt as much as it did he could probably figure it out.
“Did you bandage me?” he asked, tilting his head curiously.
“I found you in front of the building in the snow, you were unconscious and there was a lot of blood. I was about to call ambulance when…” she smiled shily and touched her ear. It took Avallac’h a moment to understand the jest. Right she noticed he was not human. “Then I wasn’t sure what to do so I just dragged you here.” she opened the bags and started emptying them in a tall cupboard that emitted coldness. Avallac’h just straed at in in fascination, that was interesting magical trick.
“You should probably sit.” she pointed at the table and chairs. “I will fix dinner.”
Avallac’h did as he was told, mostly because standing was becoming an issue. He watched the human with great curiosity as she prepared food. Everything was so...new and fascinating.
“So...do you want to tell me what happened to you?” she asked as she put some long brown sticks in a pot of boiling water.
“I guess the best way to describe is I was fighting someone whose abilities proved to be beyond mine, I tried to escape and opened a portal to another world, but that someone has someone else in his service who is very good at travelling between realms and they were able to chase me for very long time, when I managed to lose them I continued travelling from realm to realm, until I had no more strength.” he felt good that she looked at him as confused as he was about this world. It made him feel better that he was not the only one lacking understanding.
“What exactly are you?” she asked after a very long silence just looking at him, probably evaluating if he was crazy.
“Aen Elle.” she looked even more confused. “From my experience most other realms call us elves.”
“Like Legolas?” she pulled the pot of water away and placed a pan on the stove, pouring something red inside.
“I’m not sure who or what Legolas is…” Avallac’h gave her a friendly smile.
“He is a book character, he is an elf, and then they made a movie about the book…” she stopped as she saw his confused look, he understood the word book and that was about it. “He has pointy ears so I guess you are like Legolas.” She grabbed a couple of plates and started putting food on them, moments later she joined him at the table leaving a portion in front of him. The food was...strange. The long brown sticks have turned into long soft white sticks, he would say they looked like worms but he had never seen aperizing worms so that was a bad comparison. There was some red sauce on top with various things in it that he could identify as vegetables and meat.
“You don’t like pasta?” she asked, a bit concerned. “I can fix you something else?”
“I’m afraid I had never had pasta in my life.” he grabbed the fork and tried to poke at the dish the way you would poke a pork chop, but nothing really happened. “How do you…”
“Here watch.” She grabbed her fork and started spinning it, the long things curled around the fork and then she ate it. Avallac’h was impressed. He repeated the motion and although it wasn’t as easy as she made it look like he succeeded to deliver food to his mouth.
“It’s delicious!” he had never tasted anything like that before. It was strange but amazing.
“So...why is this guy and his minion chasing you?” Avallac’h almost choked when she called Caranthir minion. He was starting to like her more and more.
“He is the king where I come from. He killed the previous king and I discovered that. That and a few hundred years of generally not liking each other.” he tried to offer a charming smile although given how battered he was he doubted that had the effect he was hoping for.
“Can he come here?” she looked a bit concerned and that pained Avallac’h. Obviously he had just met her, but she was someone who helped him, a creature she barely understood.
“Theoretically he can.” he decided that lying won’t help anyone. “His minion can probably track me if he feels motivated. However that is a big if, chasing me is a bit of an..entertainment for both of them. They know I pose danger to them, but if I’m in some realm they cannot easily find it becomes too much effort for little reward and they have other issues on their hand.” he hoped that sounded reassuring, in fact he had no idea how much Eredin wanted him now. Surely the king had other things to worry about.
“Well I’m sure they will find it hard to find my apartment.” she said with a smile.
The rest of dinner moved to more pleasant topics. He learned that she worked in the local hospital, which explained why she was able to take such good care of him. She lived alone, which he had guessed by the size and items in this apartment. She cleaned up the table after dinner and even asked to help but she refused so he spent the time just observing her. He had learned a lot of things about humans through the years, he had met so many of them in so many different worlds and they still could surprise him and fascinate him.
Once she was done cleaning she invited him on the lower soft seats where he sat a bit stiff. She turned on the black box and pictures appeared. Avallac’h was fascinated. There were people in the box doing...all sorts of things.
“Wait, I can show you Legolas.” she said and used some weird device to change the images. Soon he could see a human dressed like an elf, he was certain that was human because it didn’t have the elf eyes, or face, but had slightly pointy ears. “That’s what we typically imagine as elves.”
He was educated that it was a movie, it was like a book but people acted it, so more like a play, but recorded in some way he didn’t truly understand so others can watch it. It was a good story, filled with creatures he understood and the bad guys certainly could be the Wild Hunt.
Two weeks had passed since you found the strange elf at the entrance of your building. He had been badly injured and bleeding, you honestly thought he won’t make it through the night. But he had and since then he had been in your home. You didn’t mind the company and you found it entertaining teaching him stuff about your world as he had called it.
But there was more to it...you had found him attractive. It was a really strange thing to give her technically different species, but...he was kind and once he started understanding this world he was great to just talk with about...anything really.
You arrived home from work to see him in the kitchen, cooking. That was something new.
“I’m trying to make pasta.” he announced as he heard you walk in. You saw the spaghetti already out of the water already. It’s not how you have done it, but you kept your thoughts to yourself.
You moved next to him and watched as he was stirring the sauce.
“Here try.” he pulled the wooden spoon out of the pan and pushed it close to your lips. You could feel it is hot, you blew some air on it, your eyes fixed on the elves and then you tasted the spoon. He didn’t move. You didn’t move. The spoon was there on the tip of your lips, he was just staring at you and well so did you.
“It’s really good.” days could have passed you wouldn’t have noticed. “Yeah. Good.” You had to step away as it was too hot in this kitchen. You grabbed some silverware and placed it on the table. You went back to the kitchen and grabbed plates, leaving it next to the pasta pot, trying to keep a bit of distance...what did just happen?
He joined you at the table where you were awfully quiet. Food was good, spaghetti probably needed another minute or two, but the sauce was really good and that was helping.
“You are very silent.” he noted. “That is not typical.”
You weren’t sure if that was a question or observation. Also, did you just imagine things? He just stared at you in that longing way that made your whole body just...relax and tense at the same time.
“Just a long day.” you smiled not sure how you would explain things. Like...I like you? Do you like me? The two of you continued dinner in silence, he gave you a couple of curious looks you pretended you didn’t see and you stared at him when you thought he did not see.
Once you were done with your plate you picked up and walked in the kitchen, your thoughts running back to that moment with the spoon. You were making up by now, you were putting too much in a moment when someone was asking you to taste food. A bit annoyed at yourself you placed the plate in the sink and turned around, bumping into Avallac’h who was standing there behind you, you never heard him follow you.
“What’s going on?” he asked and you did your best to avoid his eyes, which wasn’t difficult give he was much taller than you.
“Just a long day.” you had to get away from this situation, that was the logical thing to do, but you enjoyed being close to him, so close…
“Look at me.” he placed his finger under your chin and made you look him in the eyes. “I might not be familiar with humans here but I know a thing or two about your kind. What is going on?”
What was going on was that two weeks ago you helped a stranger and you felt very attracted to him. What was going on was that it all felt so wrong, but also so good.
“Okay then.” He said after no response followed as you were too busy fighting with your feelings. “I will take a wild guess here.” he leaned forward and his lips touched yours. Your heart sank, or it was about to fly away, you were not sure which but what you knew for sure was that you liked it. You wanted it and you needed it.
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klixxy · 4 years
KageHina HCs because I said so:
Hinata started a growth spurt halfway through their second year of high school and got extremely excited because: !!! finally!!! i can kiss my dumb boyfriend without having to drag him down by his collar!!!
but then Kageyama hit a growth spurt only weeks after. Hinata got so mad that he didn’t talk to him for a week. 
(Kageyama still teases him about that years and years down the line, all the way until they’re old and gray and not quite as tall anymore.)
Kageyama thinks Hinata’s nose is adorable. it’s tiny and squishy and Kageyama always bobs it. like... always. Hinata pretends he doesn’t like it but he thinks it’s cute.
Hinata really, really likes playing with Kageyama’s hair. he’s also kind of jealous??? because damn. his boyfriend doesn’t do anything to his hair but it’s always so goddamned silky. he’s jealous but at the same time: !!! silky!!! hair!!! beautiful!!! boyfriend!!!
Hinata always goes out of his way to compliment Kageyama, because he gets all blushy and angry and cute. Kageyama hates it. he’s not cute, dammit!
“... dumbass.” 
(he likes it when Hinata makes those weird sound affects of his. at first he doesn’t understand a single thing he’s saying but eventually Hinata will say something that doesn’t make sense at all and everybody will be like: ??? what??? but meanwhile Kageyama will be next to him like: yeah, dumbass, i thought so too.)
nicknames. so many nicknames. including, but not limited to: dumbass, idiot, beanpole, shrimpy, my decoy, my setter, king, queen, and my ace.
sometimes when it’s raining they’ll just be outside dancing in the rain. they can’t dance for shit, and Hinata definitely has two left feet, but they dance nevertheless. their volleyball trainer hates them for it.
Kageyama cuts and files Hinata’s nails for him.
they move in together after Hinata comes back from Brazil. their friends are astonished that their house hasn’t imploded yet.
they have a cat. they have many cats. and they give them the dumbest names in the world. literally. one is named volleyball.
Hinata cannot cook. the one time he tries, he burns the pan, somehow manages to get tomato sauce on the ceiling, stains literally every single surface in the kitchen, and almost burns down the entire apartment. Kageyama refuses to let him anywhere near the kitchen after that, because at least he can cook without destroying all of the cutlery.
Hinata can bake though. he’s a hella good baker. Kageyama will never admit it, but he is absolutely addicted to Hinata’s milk chocolate chip cookies.
Kageyama is a clean freak. Hinata is decidedly... not. every few days Kageyama just rapidly rage-cleans the entire house until everything is sparkly clean and organized, but in a few days everything will be messy again.
unsurprisingly, Hinata is a cuddler. surprisingly, Kageyama is an even larger cuddler than him. 
Kageyama is... very oblivious. extremely oblivious. most of the time, he doesn’t even realize he should be jealous, so surprisingly, with his much higher eq, Hinata is the one that gets jealous. who can blame him though? Kageyama is Very Pretty (tm), Very Oblivious (tm), and needs to be protected at all costs.
... that isn’t to say that Kageyama doesn’t do the same. he can and will fight you for his tiny, ridiculously muscled volleyball boyfriend.
Hinata loves Kageyama’s eyes. actually they both love each other’s eyes. by love i mean love. they just love each other’s eyes.
Kageyama can’t swim. Hinata teaches him, only to get distracted by his boyfriend’s abs, biceps, and calves.
when Hinata’s anxieties will rise up again, Kageyama will stroke his hair and his back and sing him to sleep. Hinata never says anything about it, since he knows that Kageyama is a little embarrassed by it, but secretly he really likes Kageyama’s rough singing voice. he really appreciates his boyfriend doing that for him, and hopes that Kageyama knows that. (he does.)
every year on the day of Kazuyo’s death, Kageyama will wake up and feel like a husk of himself. Hinata will hold him and hold him tight until Kageyama can bear to breathe and face the world again.
the Hinata’s meet Kageyama for the first time in their first year of high school, because they were practicing at home in the dark, and it started to rain, and somehow, they had drifted towards the mountain in their volleyball practice. they take one look at his oddly endearing surly mood and his barely there wobbly smiles and decide to adopt him. Natsu practically adopts him as her new older brother in the first hour. Kageyama is overwhelmed because ‘oh no there are more overly excited orange-haired Hinatas’.
Hinata gets Kageyama a stuffed milk carton on their first birthday together. Kageyama tells him it’s dumb but he carries it carefully, almost as if he think it will break in his fingers. Hinata sees the thinly hidden smile on his lips and calls it a success.
almost 70% of the time their dates will turn into impromptu volleyball practices.
Kageyama buys Hinata a lot of sunflowers. he just can’t help it. every time he sees one he can’t help but think of his sunshine boyfriend and great, now he just has to buy it.
they’re so in love it actually physically pains everybody in the vicinity. they’re domestic with three c’s.
they’ve just won the gold in the olympics. their teammates are sobbing, the lights are blinding, and Kageyama looks so beautiful standing there, black hair glimmering gold, blue eyes stark against the background, his lips pulled into a wild smile. he’s sweaty and panting, but he is the most beautiful thing Hinata has ever seen. 
“we did it,” Kageyama says to him. “we’re invincible.”
then and there, Hinata thinks: this is the man i want to spend the rest of my life with. 
veins trembling with adrenaline, palm still stinging from that last spike, Hinata Shouyou leans in close until he is hopelessly intertwined with the love of his life. “marry me.” he says, quiet, two words meant for two ears alone. 
“...what?” Kageyama Tobio says, voice incredulous, arms shaking where they hold him close. Hinata doesn’t have a ring. He doesn’t have a fancy, candle-lit dinner or a bouquet of roses. 
“marry me.” he says again, voice stronger, looking up with blazing eyes.
“wh-wha- you-” he splutters, quickly turning bright red beneath the lights of the stadium. Hinata laughs.
“that’s not a no.” he teases.
(Kageyama says yes, later, in the private comfort of their home, gold medals gleaming on their shelves. they don’t have a ring, yet. that’s okay. they’ve got each other.)
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