#but these guys are fun I love their huge tails and heavy looking wings
fly-sky-high-rising · 5 months
I love dusthide's designs! Very different from the usual
Their genes don't click with my picky taste and those that do are tricky to get so... I have to figure it out
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egipci · 10 months
Bourbon Street Parade
They drove down to New Orleans looking to buy some hex bags from an old connection, but they were out of luck. A little girl, no older than eight years old, appeared in front of the door wearing green fairy wings, in her hand a magic wand with curly plastic ribbons coming out the end of it. She ran the ribbons through her fingers and looped them around and made a motion as if snipping them and craned her neck back and said Old Al was dead forever. Dad rubbed his eyes with the flat of his palm, his mouth down-turned, his jaw clenched. She stretched her arm out and pointed her wand towards the river. She said you better look for some other guy but watch out for all the phonies.
Thanks, Dean said, and held out his family-size bag of tootsie rolls. She shook her head. He wagged his eyebrows and rattled the bag like, you sure? This is the good stuff. Two for five at the gas station this morning but he was already down to a third of a bag and this made him feel very generous. Again she shook her head. He made a show of unwrapping a candy and throwing it into his mouth. She gave him a disgusted look and took off.
O-kay, he said. He scraped the taffy coating his teeth with a fingernail, struggled some to get out what was stuck between them while he thought carefully about touching Dad’s elbow or offering some other comfort. He swallowed, fake-chocolate taste thick at the back of his throat, and looked at his dad and Dad sighed and slapped his shoulder and said let’s go and started walking down Conti, leaving the car behind, always knowing what to do, walking fast like he did in huge strides that you had to jog a little to keep up with him for five, six blocks, past blow-up ghosts in front of homes covered in mesh cobwebs and kids inside them screaming, the street narrowing in, the sidewalks getting busier. Out of nowhere Dad crossed the street and there was a beep and Dean waved his hand at the guy behind the wheel and there were startled angry apologetic looks exchanged and Dean turned again looking for his father and caught sight of his turning left on Bourbon and called out after him and rounded the corner, his hand on his dead phone heavy and useless in his pocket, his eyes trained on Dad’s shoulders, so far behind him now and between them fat Batman in gray suit and hard plastic cowl, Michael Jackson who couldn’t moonwalk, Dolly Parton with foam tits and cowboy hat, chick waddling in mermaid tail, sexy nurse, squad of stormtroopers, preacher raging into a microphone, Ghostface, Black guy in a shoulder-length brown wig and beige-colored bathrobe, three little kids drumming on upside-down buckets, vampire with plastic fangs and red running down her chin and down her neck and her sternum artfully between her boobs, innumerable sweaty costumeless midwestern couples drinking liquor in plastic cups, murder victim with axe sticking out his head, scarecrow, Neo in leather duster, sorority girls in heels, fun-loving gay dudes, Pennywise and closely-related generic clown, a second and third Ghostface, beer sweetness in the air and gumbo and a big manly hand on his ass squeezing and Eagles cover band singing the full moon is calling the fever is high and the — corner of St. Ann where Dad turned right and disappeared into one of the courtyards or up into the rare green aurora flashing over the Mississippi a hundred yards away with its sewage smell, leaving Dean forever with his candy and choices to make like does he go back where he came from or does he walk miles up and down Decatur for the ghosts to watch and laugh from their balconies or does he ask for a phone to please call my dad and even worse than that the humiliation of asking where are you where should I meet you why would you leave like that should I go back to the car?
But then he heard the shouting. A large-sounding, murderous-sounding man was cursing insanely. His voice echoed and spilled out into the street. Dean pushed in a narrow metal gate that led into a poorly-lit path that led into a creole courtyard just as Dad turned the corner on his way out and said found you and just as Dad turned the corner Dean made some embarrassing girlish sound and threw himself back against the wall, gasping wildly, his heart rabbiting, hopped up on high-fructose corn syrup, threatening to bust out through his ribs. Pressed his hand to his chest to keep it in place. Whatever misery Dad saw on his face made him grin wide and sharp. Across from Dean he leaned against the wall. Only three feet between them now. But Dad tugged on his jacket, pulled him closer. Dean tripped over his feet, into Dad's chest, held on to Dad's arms for balance. Dad said, Here you go, laughing. He held a cloth pouch in his hand, tried to fit it in Dean’s right pocket but found it full of candy wrappers. He tsked as they fell soundlessly to the ground and said, gonna make yourself sick bud, slow and deep and pitying, teasing, hot in that eye-prickling way. He pulled Dean’s jacket open and left the pouch and its mysteries inside the inner pocket then his hand on Dean’s chest.
I was right behind you, Dean said, belly swirling with taffy and four whole months since he’d last had Dad’s hands on him.
I know, dude.
I found you.
I know, Dad said, huge careful hands cradling Dean’s skull. He said hey come here, and his hot open mouth was on Dean’s skin and his beard scratching and his teeth and he tilted Dean’s face up finally and then there was nothing for it. Dean closed his eyes.
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fl1nt-and-st33l · 4 years
Sleepy bois inc. monster Au character intros: Speed run addition
Ok I'm speedrunning some of the other MCYTs that are going to be in my AU. This probably isn't all of them but eh. Again don't be afraid to give ideas bc most of these i'm going to change at some point since im making these up on the spot.
 First let’s talk about sapnap baby 
He’s Dreams BFF 
They’ve know each other since they were around 5ish 
Sapnap helps Dream with his shapeshifting abilities 
Sappynappy travels with Dream whenever he can bc that’s how he gets money 
He can’t always travel since he promised his mom he’d finish school 
He has the ability to suppress someone's powers
He can suppress anyones powers no matter how strong they are or what species they are.
However depending on how strong someones powers are is how long he can keep them suppress
If someone's power is pretty much their entire being (Like dreams) He can only do it for a minute
He tries to practice when he can but its hard when there's not many people with powers and the people who have powers willingly let some guy suppress them.
Next we have gogy
Listen one day he found a dog and thought it was cool and next thing he knows the dog is making fun of him for being color blind
He honestly just wants to vibe
Gogy here is a dragon
He can go from a huge medieval dragon, to a half human half dragon with the tail, wings, and scales, then to normal human.
He travels with dreams pretty much all the time and when he's asked he'll take care of Dream's sister.
George loves collecting blue shiny things
He’s honestly there for a good time and a long time
Then we have our favorite muffinhead Badboyhalo 
Now Bad is a very interesting character
He is extremely kind, gentle and loving
But he has a past he's not so proud of
Mr. Halo here is a fallen angel
And a biblically accurate one too
He uses the dark, heavy hoodie and magic to cover up a LOT of eyes and his 2 sets of wings
He likes to travel the land collecting flowers and helping people where he can
He made a dumb, angerfilled mistake when he first fell and he regrets it emincilly so now he tried to help people instead of hurting them
Anyways he vibes with some cursed fellow and travels the land making deals and simply living his best life
He hopes to one day right all the wrongs he caused during his youth
Sometimes when he's bored and Skeppy is sleeping he makes statues of his friends, nice people he's met, or people he has wronged.
I deadass know nothing about skeppy so uh
He is the cursed fellow
In a few years he will turn fully into diamond and as far as he knows there's no way to reverse it
So he kinda does his best to ignore it
(It's not too hard to ignore since it only grows like a centimeter a year.)
His feet and hands are fully diamond but it doesn't restrict his movements surprisingly
He told BBH that he was cursed but he didn't tell him that once the Diamond fully currops him he’ll turn into a diamond statue of himself 
Otherwise no one knows he cursed since he always wears shoes and gloves.
 Bad PLEASE stop making statues of random people its weird
I've decided to update what he looks like 
He still always adapts at least one trait from a animal he controls for a long time
And It still disappears after a while
But instead of antennas he has horns 
They are very small and they hide in his hair so no one can really see them
They look like horns of a cow
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dontatmethanks · 5 years
Part of your world
A leviHan Fic (mermaid AU)
AN: Ah Finally, I give you chapter 4! Sorry it took so long 😭 please enjoy!💕
Chapter 4
Recruitment day came on Wednesday, and everyone was excited to meet kids. Hange and Petra had helped Nifa decorate the lobby in the main entrance in time for their welcome, complete with a sign that said ‘welcome recruits!” Nanaba put out name tag stickers and little goodie bags for the kids, eager to meet the new interns or servants as she liked to cal them under her breath. Much to Erwin’s displeasure.
Hange was in the middle of working Levi through his exercises. He was in the water, back against the rocks. He lifted his tail up above the water and held it there for a few seconds before dropping back down, exhaling profusely. He did this multiple times until Hange stopped him at the three minute mark. This exercise kept his tail flexible enough to make up for his missing tail fin.
“Good job, Levi.” Hange praises him and squats down next to him. He grimaces in pain slightly and sinks into the water, head tilting back and pants softly.
“Tomorrow we do weights.” She tells him and he groans and glares at her.
“Are you trying to kill me you shitty human?” He whines, eyebrows pinching, and she giggles.
“Nah just trying to help you get stronger.” Levi huffs, looking up at the parted clouds in the sky.
Hange takes a moment to examine him closer. She looks at his facial features as he stares up at the sky above him, his gaze has gone soft, almost unguarded. His steel eyes are half lidded, full fluttery lashes brush against his pale cheeks as he blinks. Thin eyebrows are relaxed, matching dark, silky looking hair flutters against his pointed ears. Hange blinks slowly, her eyes remain glued to him unable to look away.
‘He’s a very good looking specimen.’ She thinks.
What? Hange double takes.
Before Hange can even comprehend what just happened, Levi swivels his head to meet her gaze and she freezes, cheeks bursting into flames. Levi raises an eyebrow at her and opens his mouth to say something but is interrupted by her phone chiming from her bag. Hange praises the whatever power that was above the as she practically launches herself away from the mermyd and rummages in her bag.
It was Moblit who sent her a message that the recruits have arrived. She jumps in excitement, causing Levi to give her a weirded out look.
“Ah, Levi!” She yells at him, twirling around to look at him.
“What is it shitty glasses, you’re freaking me out.” He chides at her.
“We have some newcomers coming to the center, kids actually. They’re going to be volunteering here for the rest of the year.” She explains to him, her big smile never wavering.
Levi gives a her blank stare, not understanding a word that came out of her big mouth.
Hange scratches her head, “basically these kids are going to be helping us with our work. They learn about this place as they go, and we help them find opportunities for their future.”
Levi blinks, children? Human children? He internally shudders.
“As long as they don’t place their filthy hands on me or the water I don’t care.” He drawls in a monotone voice. Hange tilts her head at him curiously.
“It’s okay for them to meet you?” She asks him slowly. He nods, making her smile so bright it almost blinds the mer.
Hange leaves him to his own devices and heads to the main building in a frenzy. When she makes her way into the lobby Nanaba and Mike are already greeting the kids. Hange stops to take them in. There are seven of them, eyes wide as the juveniles look around the main lobby. Hange can feel their excitement raidiating off of them in waves.
Hange worms her way next to Nanaba near the front desk, Erwin is there too His voice booming as he introduces himself. When he catches sight of her he gestures for her to come foward, she happily obeys and walks infront of the young teens.
“This is Dr. Hange Zoë, She is the head of our research and rehabilitation department.” He tells them and Hange gives them a huge wave and her best grin.
“Hello everyone, I’m so glad you chose to volunteer with us, we’re going to have lots of fun and learn so many new things!” Hange’s energy is ecstatic.
“She will be showing you a tour first, please make sure to write your names on a name tag. We’ll have ID’s ready for you by next week”. Erwin finishes with a clap of his large hands. The kids all began to murmur in excitement with each other as Petra handed them each a blank name tag and a marker.
Once all the kids had their name tags, Hange raised her arm and pointed towards the elevator.
“Alright everyone! Single file into the elevator, the tour has commenced!” Hange, Nanaba and Mike showed them the their way around the main building before making their way to the medical wing.
“While you guys won’t be dealing with a lot of the patchwork, you will be assisting with things like helping to transport patients in and out of their enclosures when medical assistance is needed.” Hange explained to them, stopping near one of the medical rooms.
“Who knows? Maybe Dr.Petra will give you an opportunity to sit in as well.” Hange says, giving Nanaba a sly grin, who responds with an equally devious expression.
One of the teens raises their hand, it was a boy with straight blonde hair that almost reached his shoulders. He had bright, ocean blue eyes that shined curiously underneath his bangs.
“Yes? Er-” Hange craned her neck to read the name off of his name tag. “Armin!”
The boy smiled shyly and nodded before asking, “eh-um, I read on your website that you guys take in a broad range of species that are mostly aquatic and that you specialize in the more unique err-specimens.” The boy behind him groaned. His short hair had an ash blondish almost light brown color to it.
“Really Armin, you can’t even wait until after the tour for questions?”
The girl next to him socked him on his shoulder with her tiny fist. She too was blonde like Armin, hers was a little longer and tied in a loose ponytail over her shoulder. She was the smallest of the group but it seemed that she packed a punch. The boy rubbed his shoulder and was about to yell at her bofore the boy on the other side of the girl gave him a murderous glare. He had shaggy brown hair and piercing teal eyes.
“Shut up Jean.” The boy tells him and the the other boy-Jean-attempts to grab at the teal eyed boy. He stops in his tracks when he meets the steely glare of another girl who stood on the other side of the teal eyed boy.
“Touch Eren and you’re going to be single for the rest of the summer.” The girl’s voice almost sounded sinister. She was asian, with short dark hair that ended just below her ears. A long fringe fell over her face just between her grey colored eyes. “I wasn’t even gonna do anything Mikasa, gosh.” Jean said and crossed his arms in an angry pout.
Hange laughed, “It’s alright, I’ll answer any questions that you guys have throughout the tour.” She turns to Armin, who perks up instantly.
“You’re definitely right, we do specialize in the more special cases and species.” They’re moving towards the other side of the campus now, where the enclosures are.
“Most of our patients indeed are the usual specimens like dolphins seas turtles and sharks, ranging from the more endangered to the more common.” She stopped near the gate of the patient area, there was a large sign that read ‘Authorized personnel only’ in front of it.
As they made their way through the area the kids ogled at the various enclosures that they passed. Mike introduced them to Hans, a 50 year old Hawksbill sea turtle. He was brought to them two years ago with a missing flipper and a fractured shell. The teens were in awe when Nanaba introduced the to Winnie, a vampire squid aka Vampyroteuthis infernalis. Nanaba had found her when she was a little polyp in some sketchy ‘exotic’ pet store. She was in terrible condition, the owner kept her in a cramped tank that was never cleaned. So Nanaba bought her and brought her in and they’ve had her in their care ever since.
Hange then leads them to Sawney and Bean’s enclosure. The two reef sharks were very curious and immediately taken a liking to the new recruits. Hange was not surprised in the slightest, she let the kids feed them a couple of baby squids.
They stop at enclosure that was built underground, Hange turns towards the group of unsuspecting teenagers and grins.
“You guys are going to love the next few patients.”
Mike opens the heavy steel door of the enclosure’s entrance that leads to some stairs. Hange leads the group inside, the space is huge, the walls weren’t walls they were giant tanks that connected into one big watery enclosure above ground.
One of the teens presses her face against the side of the glass. It’s a girl with hair as brown as Hange’s that’s tied up into a high ponytail and long bangs that framed her face.
“There isn’t anything in here.” She says, eyes scanning through the deep blue water. Before anyone can retort, a large figure swims pass them. All the kids jump and gasp at the looming figure.
The creature was very large. The head resembled that of a horse, it’s tail was long and adorned with flowy skirt like fins. It had two front webbed ‘legs’ and a beautiful blue and green color pattern across its entire body. The group of kids were left with their mouths hanging open at the sight.
“Meet June, she is a Scottish water horse.” Said hange.
“Otherwise known as a Kelpie. She’s a total sweetheart, pretty old in age but loves to play fetch with pool toys.” Hange giggles as June swims closer to the group and snorts at them, creating little bubbles in the water. The kids became more enraptured with June, they all crowded near her as she curiously eyed them while swimming around in happy movements.
Hange explained to them that she was the subject of an illegal traveling circus, they had her as some kind of exhibit. When they were shut down she was brought here because she had spent her entire life in captivity and knew nothing about surviving alone in the wild. Kelpies usually stick with their mothers for a while before going off on their own, June never got to experience that.
“Hey, she kind of looks like Jean.” A boy with a buzz cut teased and everyone in their group except Jean burst out in a fit of giggles. Jean grabbed the boy and pressed his knuckles against his head.
“Say that shit agin Connie.”
He only laughed as Jean rubbed his knuckles against his head.
As the group made their way through the entire campus Hange would answer their questions with gusto. Sasha, the girl with the brown ponytail, asked about lunchtime and Hange told them that she had one more patient to introduce to them before lunch.
As they approach Levi’s enclosure Hange stops and turns to them.
“Our next stop is another special, have any of you heard of the ‘Homo Aquatis Melusine’?
The blonde haired girl perked up and shot her hand up. Hange took a peek at her name tag.
Historia’s cheeks colored a little before answering in a small voice, “you mean Mermaids?”
Hange nodded with a smile. “Ah yes indeed, mermaids, merfolk, water people, Triton’s children. We’ve created many names for them, yet we still have very little knowledge about them. Mermyds are extremely stubborn and highly unpredictable, so I ask you to please be mindful. This one has been through trauma and is making a difficult recovery. This is the first Mer to be in our facility so we are still learning the ropes around caring for him.”
The teens are practically vibrating with pent up curiosity, hange grinned a little.
“No way, you mean we’re actually going to be working with a Mermyd?” Eren practically yelled, Hange Cringed.
“Yes and no, he is a difficult case. I will have at least one of you assisting me once in a while so he won’t be too overwhelmed.” She responds
“I read that they can be dangerous.” Said Armin, Hannge looks at him curiously. While she was sure that Levi was definitely a force when he was in the wild, she wouldn’t say that he’s dangerous now that he’s in rehabilitation.
Hange hums, “Yes they are. Like any other wild creature, including us, they have the tendency to react violently when it comes to difficult situations.
She claps her hands together, “Now, I’m going to have you guys change into wetsuits, just as a precaution.”
As Nanaba and Mike hand out suits to the kids and direct them to the bathrooms, Hange makes her way into Levi’s enclosure.
She smiles when she notices that he is in his hammock reading-er- attempting to read one of the books she left him. The mer squints at the letters in front of him, small lips attempting to pronounce each word.
“The cat in the hat, that’s a classic.”
He looks up at her and squints.
“What do you want?”
Hange pouts at him, “I’m giving the new volunteers a tour, you’re up.”
Levi freezes, his usually guarded expression cracks a little. Hange puts up her hands.
“They’re not going to be in here, they’ll be up there.” Hange says to him while pointing at the observation deck above the water. He visibly relaxes. Hange bends down to examine his tail, carefully telling her fingers over the bandage.
“How’s it feel?” She asks him softly, looking up at him. Levi stares back at her, his tail twitches slightly under her touch but he does no pull away this time.
“It’s better, doesn’t hurt as much like before, but it’s uncomfortable to swim with.”
Hange hums and unconsciously strokes the scales of an uninjured area of his tail. Levi’s breath hitches slightly and he shivers making Hange snatch her hand back.
“I’m sorry did I hurt you?” She apologizes but Levi shakes his head, cheeks redden slightly. Hange let’s out a sigh of relief.
“Good, hehe” she stands and checks her watch, “Okay the kids should be finished changing by now.”
Levi buries his face back into his book. Hange scoffs and moves the book away from his face. He glares at her.
“Hey, don’t be a pouty fishy, human interaction will be good for you.”
The Mer rolls his eyes.
“Are a bunch of snotty human brats supposed to magically heal me?” He says before crossing his arms against his naked chest.
“No, but it will make it easier. They’re nice kids.”
Levi looks back her, she giving him a small sad smile. Her chocolate eyes gaze at him warmly and it stirs something up inside him . He feels hot all over again, he sighs.
“Alright, But if anyone one of them even sticks a finger inside the water I won’t hesitate to bite it off of them.”
Hange laughs one of her bubbly and breathy laughs that make her eyed crinkle behind her glasses and he shoulder shake.
And the Mermyd could only stare at the goofy four eyed human, as she continued to cause whatever was happening inside his chest to flutter rapidly against his will.
AN: Aaaaaand scene! Look at Levi blush hehehheee 😈 and yessss our fav teens have finally arrived! Let’s just hope Levi doesn’t chew any of their fingers off hehee.
Thanks for reading, see you in the next chap!😘
Part 5
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makeste · 5 years
Since you finished the A vs B arc, did you find any of the class B quirks that were introduced particularly cool/dumb (or just any thoughts about them in general you feel like sharing)?
here you go ladies and gents all 20 class 1-B quirks ranked from worst to best oh snap let’s do it
20. Toadette - “Mushroom” - no. just no. no one asked for this. I hate it please stop.
19. Rin - “Scales” - versatile but boring. definitely a useful hero skill for sure but not very cinematic.
18. Sen - “Gyrate” - honestly I was torn between rating this even lower because it makes no fucking sense, or rating it much higher because it makes no fucking sense lol. I don’t understand how this kid doesn’t have more broken bones than Deku.
17. Pony - “Horn Cannon” - this is basically a severely nerfed version of Mighty Wings. not too bad I guess and she utilizes it well enough but I was hoping for more after seeing all of the insane things her classmates are capable of.
16. Kamakiri - “Razor Sharp” - this one is cool but since we’d already seen this quirk in a previous arc (that mafia dude who fought Kirishima) there wasn’t really anything too novel about it.
15. Tetsutetsu - “Steel” - nothing against you Tetsu, you are an angel and you have an amazing quirk and were able to hold your own against the strongest fucking kid in the grade. it’s just that we’re already well-acquainted with your quirk and you suffer from Only Does One Thing syndrome which makes your fights a bit less interesting than some of these other fresh new quirks. you have staying power though.
14. Awase - “Weld” - look I fucking love Awase’s quirk, actually. and he was even able to take out Bakugou, albeit very briefly. and he also saved Momo’s life with said quirk and Bakugou’s as well and he’s amazing. the only reason he’s not up higher though is because he needs to have a lot of spare parts and shit on hand in order to really be combat-capable. but I still love him though.
13. Kendou - “Big Fist” - there isn’t really much to this quirk and it should probably be lower tbh but there’s just something about it that I fucking love lol. just seeing her slap the shit out of people with her giant fucking hands. and she’s also incredibly strong and this honestly isn’t a quirk to take lightly at all.
12. Tokage - “Lizard Tail Splitter” - this one is actually pretty damn good. it’s amazing for recon, but the fact that she has regenerative abilities is even more impressive. there are all kinds of ways to utilize this in a fight. I like it. it’s just unfortunately she was pitted against Bakugou’s unstoppable team of badasses lol.
11. Shishida - “Beast” - what really makes this quirk a gamechanger for me is the fact that he can adjust his size in a split-second. when he pulled that shit I was like “!!!!” and it makes him incredibly mobile and difficult to pin down in addition to being strong as hell.
and now we get to our top ten! god these are all fucking amazing quirks and it’s really hard to rank them honestly but here goes.
10. Bondo - “Cemedine” - this is like the ultimate capture quirk. the fact that he can adjust the speed at which it dries is even better and means it can be utilized for defense as well as offense. for a pro hero, it’s hard to beat a quirk like this which can quickly and effectively neutralize an opponent in a non-lethal manner.
9. Shiozaki - “Vine” - offensive and defensive, and also great for capturing opponents and even for limited recon. there’s a reason she made it so far into the tournament.
8. Kuroiro - “Black” - I love this quirk. it’s not super-powerful but it gives him a ton of versatility and makes him a god of stealth. and the quirk itself is extremely original. and he’s already gotten strong enough to control the objects he merges with, so with more practice who knows what he’ll be capable of.
7. Shouda - “Twin Impact” - so this quirk is incredibly powerful, and the thing about it is that the stronger your opponent is, the more powerful the quirk can potentially be. Shouda could potentially be capable of taking out Noumu-level opponents with more practice and very clever use. the only reason it’s not even higher up is because the quirk is limited to offense as far as I can see, so it lacks the versatility of some of the other quirks.
6. Honenuki - “Softening” - what’s really impressive about this one isn’t just the quirk itself, but how effectively Honenuki utilizes it. he’s become incredibly good at laying out traps and using it to neutralize opponents as strong as Iida and freaking Todoroki. he was practically a one-man army during his fight.
5. Manga - “Comic” - THIS QUIRK IS AMAZING. it’s so much fun to watch and it can do so many different things! I love it. with the right user this could be a godmode-level quirk.
4. Kodai - “Size” - this quirk is amazing and we only saw it utilized in a very limited way during her fight, but it has the potential to be incredibly versatile if she gets a bit more creative. the thing is that she’s able to alter the size of anything non-living to make it either bigger or smaller. so that means anything is a potential weapon, and the ability to shrink stuff means she could clear a path through a pile of rubble, bring a building down by shrinking one of its supports, easily carry supplies, etc. there are so many possibilities with this quirk and I’d like to see more of it.
3. Yanagi - “Poltergeist” - it’s a fucking telekinesis quirk. ‘nuff said, I think. even with her seemingly not being able to move living things (although is this confirmed?) and nerfed so that she can’t move objects over a certain weight, this is still insanely powerful. I had been waiting so long for a fucking TK quirk and I was not disappointed (well maybe a little disappointed, but only because we didn’t get to see it in action much).
2. Tsuburaba - “Solid Air” - listen this may well be in my top five quirks. this quirk kicks ass. you could build an entire videogame solely around this mechanic (there probably already is one tbh). he can create solid platforms to get around anywhere. he can create barriers for defense or offense. the offensive barriers are fucking soundproof and strong enough that they can’t be broken without the use of heavy tools or something equally strong. and he’s just going to keep on getting stronger, and as his lung capacity increases he’ll be able to increase the size of his barriers as well. Tsubu could be a main character if he wanted. I love this quirk and it’s amazing.
1. Monoma - “Copy” - last but not least, the most versatile quirk of them all! this is basically All for One Jr. it’s incredibly powerful, and the fact that he’s able to control the techniques near-perfectly mere seconds after copying them is a huge factor as well. but what really makes this a beast quirk is the potential for combining quirks. even though he can’t activate more than one at a time, the fact that he can keep one activated and then switch to another one means there are a ton of potential combinations he can try out. and I’m not clear on whether his limit is three quirks or four, but he’s definitely increased his time limit for sure, which means he’s able to operate on his own for longer periods of time. I doubt that many hero battles are going to last longer than ten minutes, so that effectively eliminates his most glaring weakness (the fact that he can’t operate alone and needs to have at least one partner/teammate around). plus I’m sure he could just borrow quirks from bystanders or even from his opponents themselves in a pinch. I really want to see more Monoma fights and combinations, tbh, because the sky is really the limit for him.
so those are my thoughts on the class 1-B quirks! basically with the exception of Toadette, they are all pretty damn great. with a little more experience most of these guys are going to be pretty hard to beat.
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fantasymouse · 5 years
Our Ordinary Life - 2
Word count: 6k
Tags: ot7 x reader | monster!au | fluff | mature themes
Summary:  When a hapless human named y/n is inducted as a “volunteer” into the government exchange program, her world is turned upside down. 
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The sun beamed brightly outside, clear skies and calm wind. It seemed to be a perfect day to do some laundry. After folding the damp clothes from the washing machine and putting it in a laundry basket, you headed upstairs and out to the balcony. Opening the glass door leading to the open space you saw Jungkook hanging clothes. A drying rack standing in the middle. The large naga hummed happily to himself as he easily hung up the soggy clothes from a green basket beside his black tail. “You’re in a good mood. What happened?” you curiously asked when you stood beside him, placing the blue basket on the ground. He turned to you with a dreamy smile “Oh, princess. You’re so shameless!” he exclaimed before hitting your shoulder playfully.
Unfortunately, he underestimated his strength and his playful nudge was more like a heavy hit on your shoulder blade. “Ow!” you whined while rubbing the now sore area. Of course, Jungkook didn’t notice your painful expression as he hugged the towel he was holding. A small blush covered his cheeks, the black scales on his jaw getting a pinkish tint. He sported a coy smile as he answered “of course I’m in a good mood. You were so sweet yesterday” he looked into the distance, remembering how you’d jumped in front of him and knocked out the man that had been incredibly rude to him.
“I won’t let anyone hurt Jungkook~” he giggled like a love-struck schoolgirl as he repeated what you had said to him last night. You glared at him mumbling “I don’t sound like that.” Jungkook ignored your statement and continued swaying back and forth on his tail. Happily dreaming of how cute you looked yesterday.  After hanging up the towel in hands, he slithered his way back inside. Before leaving the balcony he turned to look at you “if you’re ever in trouble, I’ll protect you” after promising this he went inside. You couldn’t help laughing at him, unable to look away from his retreating figure, you didn’t notice the looming shadow that suddenly emerged above you. Until that something grabbed you by the shoulders, you screamed in confusion when whatever had clutched you, lifted you from the balcony with ease. Hearing your scream, Jungkook quickly returned to the balcony “princess!” he shouted as he watched in shock at the creature that was clutching your shoulders. Brown feathers swirled through the wind as they fell from the winged beast.
A demihuman with talons for feet and wings instead of arms stood on the railing, his talons clutching your shoulders tightly. “Hey! Princess!” Jungkook called after you when the winged creature took off and flew away with your now unconscious body.
Slowly you opened your eyes, grunting in pain as a piercing headache made itself known. You found yourself hanging in a tall tree. You recognized the area as a park from your neighborhood. Your breath hitched as the creature that had kidnapped you, was hovering in front of you. His features were young and soft, leading you to believe that he was in his late teens or early twenties. He had big, russet-colored eyes. With ash brown, messy hair that gave you the strangest urge to run your fingers through his soft looking locks. He was wearing beige shorts and a black tank top. His arms were substituted with falcon-like wings, the wingspan reached approximately 4 meters, when he realized that you were staring at him, he asked: “are you awake?” Confused about the current situation, you couldn’t think to ask anything other than who he was. He smiled with childish innocence and answered “Jimin! I’m Jimin Park. Jimin the harpy.” Still puzzled you adjusted your grip on the branch holding you up as you asked “what? Jimin who?” he flew closer to you with a large smile, responding with what sounded like a question of his own “Harpy the Jimin. No, wait. Parky the Jimin? Jarmi?” His wing folded, a small bat-like digit on the ‘palm’ of his wing allowed him to scratch his chin, while he contemplated what his name was. “Jimi Jimin Jimin? Jimin Jinim Jim?” His mannerisms seemed so childlike you didn’t think he actually meant you any harm. Giving up on learning his name you said “anyway, where’s your host family? You’re not supposed to be alone” He flapped his large wings again and landed on a branch beside you. His talons dug into the wood as he gracefully balanced himself. Jimin smiled excitedly and exclaimed, “that’s why I brought you here!”
You stared, astounded, at him “you kidnapped me for that?” Jimin didn’t answer your question. His attention now on an ice cream truck parked nearby. Jimin's eyes lit up at the brightly colored truck, a small family standing to buy some of the frozen goods “huh? What’s that? Is it food?!” annoyed that he blatantly ignored you, you yelled, “listen to me!” Before you knew it, Jimin flew skyward and easily grabbed your shoulders again. He plucked you from the branch and placed you on the ground. After joining you on the ground, he linked his wing with your arm and dragged you towards the ice cream truck. Barely giving you enough time to catch your balance as you stumbled after him. Jimin managed to take three steps before he suddenly stopped. He turned to look at your linked arms and then at you with a blank stare. Jimin pulled his wing away from you “huh? Who are you?” shocked at what was happening you nearly collapsed. You realized just how much of a birdbrain this guy was.
You bought both of you ice cream and guided him to a bench. Hoping to get some information about his host family. Jimin held his vanilla ice cone with both of his wings since he didn’t have hands he struggled a little with holding on to it “I’m not allowed to go out until I memorize the Interspecies Ceremony” Jimin explained. “You mean ‘Interspecies Exchange Bill’” you corrected him. He offhandedly remarked “it’s too difficult for me to remember, though. So when the terminator wasn’t looking...” while he was playing around with the cone you half-heartedly corrected him again “you mean ‘coordinator’” he continued talking ignoring your remarks “I ran away!” Shocked at what you were hearing, you exclaimed, “that can’t be good!” Jimin offered you an untroubled smile, while gleefully reassuring “don’t worry! I’ve run away a few times, but I didn’t get in trouble” a frown appeared on his joyous face when he remembered something.
“But they said next time I ran away, they’d abort me. What does that mean?” struggling to keep up with his bad memory, you once again corrected him. “I think you mean they’d ‘deport’ you! You’re in huge trouble!” His face visibly paled as he repeated “trouble…” at that moment he dropped his ice cream. It almost seemed to fall in slow motion, before splashing across the ground in a cold puddle. He cried out “I hadn’t even had a single bite yet!” he sank to his knees while crying, “it’s so hard to hold!” With hands like that, it’s no wonder. You felt bad for him and looked at your own ice cream. Sighing, you offered it to him “do you want this, then?” his whining stopped immediately. Jimin turned towards you, an excited smile on his plump lips. “Okay. Thank you!” He put his mouth around the ice cream and started licking it. Unintentionally making loud slurping noises as he sucked on the icy treat. “Um, could you hold it yourself?” you suggested when you noticed how other people in the park stared at the scene. He looked up at you with big, innocent eyes, “I might drop it again” Jimin muttered, with the ice cream still in his mouth. It had started melting slightly and dribbled down his chin.
Jimin moaned happily as he continued eating the ice cream “it’s so good!” A small blush appeared on your cheeks when slowly, you realized that him, kneeling in front of you while moaning.... looked kinda like… “What are they doing?” someone whispered, but still loud enough for you to hear, everyone was looking at the scene unfolding surely thinking that you were participating in something less than innocent. “She’s a pervert,” someone else remarked. A mother even covered the eyes of her child as she chastised “don’t look” and sped away from the scene. Flustered, you quickly pulled the ice cream away from him “t-time’s up! No more ice cream!” in your haste to pull away from him, some of the ice cream splattered onto his cheeks and chin. Making him look wickedly sinful, as the white treat vaguely resembled something else. He whined “I’m all sticky” Jimin looked down at himself and coughed. Once again, your mind was thrown into panic. “You need to clean up! There’s a faucet over there!” you pointed towards your destination, turning back to make sure he had followed you. Your heart nearly stopped “what are you doing?!” you exclaimed, as he threw off all of his clothes and jumped into a nearby fountain. He looked at you over his shoulder and smiled like he wasn’t standing butt-naked in a public fountain. Casually he answered “bathing!”
Struggling to construct a proper sentence you stammered “n-no, I mean your clothes!” Jimin cheekily turned around and stretched his wings “don’t you know you’re supposed to bathe naked?” you were speechless as the birdbrain made fun of you. Your patience was running thin, “just get out of there!” you shouted, Jimin ignored you and tossed himself into the water, peacefully floating on the surface while happily exclaiming “this feels great! It’s so nice that you have baths in the city” multiple women around the park were staring, with burning faces at the handsome and very naked guy, minding his own business in the fountain. Not that you could blame them, he was undoubtedly attractive. You ground your teeth and growled “this guy is clueless about human society. Even as a bird, you can only be so airheaded!” you were starting to sweat, from the stress this guy was giving you. Suddenly, three sharp talons grabbed your shirt and pulled you into the fountain. Gleefully Jimin exclaimed “don’t just stand there! Play with me!” his foot remained on your shoulder, keeping you submerged. You managed to get your head above the shallow water, and yelled “stop! Keep me out of this!”
Suddenly, a familiar voice bellowed “I found you!” turning your head towards the sound, you saw Jungkook. Relieved to see him, you hollered “Jungkook! How did you know where I-” his expression made you tongue-tied. His mouth was fixed in a permanent snarl, showing his sharp fangs. His hands were clenched and shoulders stiff. His expression of someone who was out for blood “you bird brat! You kidnapped my princess, and now this?” He hissed angrily, Jungkook glared at your current position, between the legs of a very naked male. His tail coiled and started thrashing around with anger as he looked at you. Jungkook made his way to the fountain, roaring “I’m the only one who can steal my princess and elope with her!” you took notice of how he was standing slightly higher on his tail, appearing bigger. Although, this didn’t seem to frighten Jimin who stood his ground “What?! You wanna fight?!” they snarled ferociously at each other, neither noticing you being trapped between them “wait, what are you two-” You weren’t fast enough to defuse the situation and Jungkook struck first. His tail coiled around the naked torso of Jimin and threw him into the air. “You bird brat! I’ll make chicken soup out of you” Jungkook growled, while unintentionally squishing you beneath his tail. Jungkook was too preoccupied with Jimin to notice. “What did you say?! What was that about chicken!” Jimin swiped his large talons at Jungkook, ripping his shirt to pieces. Once again you were caught in the crossfire and got cut on the shoulder.
You stumbled back, grunting “you’re putting on quite a show, having a fight here…” They stopped their battle and you all turned to see how many people were staring at the spectacle you were causing. To your surprise, no one was paying any attention. Everyone stood huddled, with their backs turned to the fountain. “No one’s looking?” You directed your gaze to where the group of people was looking and saw a small girl, with wild, red curls. She was stuck in a tree. “Don’t move! Someone call the police!” a woman screamed, fearing that the girl would fall and get severely hurt. “Get a ladder truck!” a man yelled as they huddled closer around the tree in hopes of finding some way to get her down. The young girl had climbed up the tree to get her kite but had realized just how high up she was and became paralyzed with fear. She was crying for her mother while shakingly clinging to the branch supporting her weight. “She can’t get down?” Jimin and Jungkook immediately forgot about their fight and moved towards the child. “Put some clothes on!” you mumbled, making Jimin realize that he was still standing in his birthday suit. He quickly put his clothes on. “Is she okay?” you wondered out loud, while you looked at the small child. How did she even manage to get up that high?
Jimin turned to you with a determined smile.  “Don’t worry. Leave it to me! I’ll peck her until she falls” he stated and then took off, running and flapping his strong wings “don’t do that!” you yelled after him. Just as he jumped to take off the ground, he unimpressively fell flat on his face. Jimin looked at his soggy feathers and moaned “I can’t fly because my wings are wet…” Jungkook exclaimed with confidence “leave this to me! Nagas are good at climbing trees” he swiftly slithered towards the tree and wrapped his long, black tail around it, easily climbing it. Much like actual snakes climb. As Jungkook crawled towards the top he mumbled to himself “okay. I’ll save that girl and impress my princess” unexpectedly there were an incredible amount of leaves, completely obscuring his view. Where was the girl again? “Ouch! They’re sticking to me!” he complained when the branches cut his skin.
The young girl had closed her eyes, still whimpering for her mother. When she heard the rustling leaves in front of her, she opened her eyes. She screamed when glowing, amber eyes peered back at her from the foliage. Jungkook hissed “found you” unintentionally scaring the girl senseless. Causing her to lose her grip on the branch. Shocked that the girl fell, Jungkook thrust his tail forward but barely grazed her fingertips, as she fell out of his reach and closer to the pavement. Everyone around the tree gasped when the girl fell. Without thinking twice you jumped to catch the girl. You tried shielding her fall with your own body when suddenly you were enveloped by soft, mahogany feathers. “My wings are too heavy!” Jimin groaned as he protected both of you. He landed with a sharp grunt, successfully managing to secure the safety of you and the child from getting hurt. You sat up and stared down at Jimin as you straddled him. “you saved me?” He nodded in response, too winded to answer you. Gratefully, you praised “good job, Jimin. That was cool” his eyes lit up at your approval and a red tint dusted his cheeks. The mother came running to her child while thanking Jimin for catching her.
You moved to stand beside Jungkook who was pouting at not being recognized for his efforts “I tried, too...” he mumbled. You smiled sympathetically and brushed the leaves still stuck in his hair away. “It’s okay. I know.” A police officer came up behind you both, looking around puzzled. “Oh? I heard a child was stuck in a tree…” Jungkook scoffed “too late.” Jimin carefully walked up to your side, looking at the officer with a proud grin “This one got her down safely,” you said while patting Jimin’s back. “Really? Thanks for your help” the officer seemed surprised but was grateful nonetheless and saluted him. Jimin beamed at the praise and saluted the officer back “thank you!” The officer then looked at Jungkook and back to Jimin. “By the way, you’re non-human exchange students, right? Where are your host families?” they both turned to you, Jungkook responding “I have my princess…” before looking to Jimin. “Are you going to abort me now?” Jimin asked, looking perplexed. Quickly you corrected him “I told you, it’s ‘deport’! You’re going to be kicked out of the country” he turned pale and whimpered “what?!” Jimin clung to your arm as the officer suspiciously glanced between the three of you.
Seeing how scared Jimin was, it made your heart feel like stone. Without thinking of the consequences, you boldly stated “I’m his host family. They’re both staying with me” Jungkook was amazed by your kindness, he gazed at you with affection. “Okay then, let me see your papers, please” all three of you winced. Realizing that Jungkook’s papers were still at home and you didn’t actually have any for Jimin. The officer’s glare hardened considerably. He questioned your nervous reactions “are your papers….” the officer was interrupted by a familiar voice announcing “they’re right here.” Beside you stood Namjoon, with a small passport-like paper, with Jimin’s picture on it.
You all returned home, where you sat and admired Namjoon. “That was amazing. How did you get papers for him on such short notice?” he took a sip from the coffee you’d offered and smirked, replying “I already had them” followed by a wink. “huh, why?” you questioned while glancing to Jimin who was sitting on the armchair, carefully holding a cup of cocoa with his wings. Jungkook stood slightly behind him, chuckling at the harpy’s cuteness. Namjoon continued explaining “I couldn��t find anyone who’d host a repeat runaway. So on my way to force-” he awkwardly cleared his throat “I mean, ask you to take care of him, he ran away” your eyes widened when you connected the dots. “You’re the coordinator Jimin ran away from? Wait. You mean-” Namjoon turned to Jimin, completely ignoring you “so on that note, Jimin, this is your new home” Jimin excitedly leaned forward in his seat as he exclaimed “really?!” while Jungkook loudly exclaimed “what?!” in disbelief.
Namjoon turned to you, sending another wink while saying “y/n’s technically the master of this house, so make sure you listen to her” Jimin kicked his avian legs back and forth while promising to be good. Jungkook frowned at the new addition to the house. You stepped forward asking “wait. Can they both stay at the same time?” Namjoon shrugged. “Why not?” You sighed heavily and placed down your own coffee cup “Namjoon, you really are careless aren’t you.” he peered over the edge of his coffee mug, once again ignoring your comments, instead opting to address Jimin once more. “Jimin, don’t run away again” Jimin quickly shuffled towards you, embracing you with his large wings “it’s okay. I don’t understand complicated stuff, but I did learn one thing. I just need to stick with Master from now on, right? Take care of me, Master!” he was smiling so brightly his eyes had become crescents.
“Hey, Master, let’s take a bath! Let’s pick up where we left off! Come on, come on, come on!” Jungkook watched, still somewhat dumbfounded, while Jimin pulled you towards the bathroom “don’t pull, and actually…” you looked to Jungkook, silently searching for his permission. You didn’t want to hurt his feelings. His sour expression turned to a soft smile “why not? Princess, keep Jimin company” you mumbled okay, letting Jimin lead you towards the bath. Very surprised that he wasn’t making a big fuss out of it. Namjoon pushed his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose and said “Jungkook, you’re taking this surprisingly well. I thought you’d object.” Jungkook closed his eyes, ignoring the feeling of jealousy bubbling in his stomach. “I-It’s no big deal. I’m a little upset a nuisance has found its way into the love nest I share with my princess… But Jimin’s a child. Also, he’s a child. And most of all, he’s a child. An adult like me can handle him” Jungkook crossed his arms over his chest haughtily. Namjoon raised his hand to get Jungkook’s attention “oh, my. Jimin is older than you, actually.” this fact struck Jungkook like lightning, his cool and calm composure completely thrown out the window.
Namjoon dipped his head with a knowing smirk “harpies evolved to have smaller bodies so they could fly, so they’re often older than they look” Jungkook had stopped listening, he was already storming towards the bathroom. He kicked in the door, startling both you and Jimin as he practically roared “princess, never mind! I’ll keep him company!” After you had been kicked out of the bathroom and they were sitting in the bath. Jungkook was harshly scrubbing Jimin’s hair while snarling “listen. Princess is my princess. Lay a finger on her, and you’ll pay” Jimin glared at Jungkook responding “I don’t have fingers” making Jungkook growl “that’s not what I meant. If you do anything to my princess, you’ll pay.” Meanwhile, you were sitting completely stunned in the hallway as you considered if you could even survive to live with two demihumans.
Surprisingly, you woke up early. It was still relatively dark out and you took this moment to relish in the quiet and calm. Silently you made your way down the hall and peeked into the boys’ bedroom. Thankfully both guys were in deep slumber. their soft snores making you giggle as you looked at their position. Throughout the night, Jungkook had slithered his tail around Jimin’s body and was blissfully cuddling the other male. Jimin sported a somewhat pained expression when Jungkook cuddled closer. From past experience, you could empathize with the poor harpy, but then again you couldn’t deny being very thankful that Jungkook had found a new cuddle buddy to unconsciously strangle. It had been a few days since Jimin moved into your humble abode and you were very happy that both of them were getting along. Careful not to make any noise, you closed their door and headed to the kitchen. A heavy feeling of exhaustion hit you the second you opened the fridge. As you had suspected and feared, it was completely empty. If you thought feeding Jungkook before was troublesome, adding Jimin to the mix certainly didn’t help. You decided to get fully dressed and wrote a small note to the boys, explaining that you had gone to get groceries. You pinned it to the table, making sure they could find it and headed out.
By now the sun was up and the cold breeze combined with the morning sun was a pleasant feeling. Thankfully you didn’t live far from the store and was able to walk there within ten minutes. You noted that there stood a small sign, warning customers of frequent purse snatchings in the area. Too tired to pay it any mind you continued shopping. When you finished buying groceries, you stood with two completely filled bags and groaned “I can’t believe I’m going shopping first thing in the morning. Both Jungkook and Jimin eat a lot” you couldn’t help sighing loudly while you questioned if your budget could handle this for much longer. Your tired mind didn’t have time to register the thundering sound of hooves rushing towards you before it was too late. You just barely managed to turn your head in time to witness a massive body running straight toward you. The force was so powerful that you were propelled to the ground, your groceries flying all over the sidewalk as well. 
An unfamiliar voice spoke intensely “I can’t believe we actually met. It must be fate!” Fully awake at this point you stared in disbelief at the centaur towering above you. His lower horse body covered by a black stable sheet and his upper human torso wearing a plain, button-up shirt. His dark brown hair revealed large equine ears that stood attentively. “My name is Hoseok Jung. I’m a member of the dignified centaur race. Are you the one destined to become my master?” Once he finished his introduction, Hoseok finally noticed that you were sitting on the ground looking like your soul had left you.
“Hoseok? He’s allowed out on his own by a special exception. Centaurs have a tradition of finding their own masters.” Namjoon’s tired voice explained through the phone, “masters?” you questioned very confusedly about this entire situation. “It probably means his host family. While he’s here, his host family will be…” you couldn’t hear the last part of Namjoon’s sentence as he stopped talking to let out a loud yawn. “Namjoon?” you could faintly hear the rustling of his sheets as he most likely turned around on his bed. He exhaustedly mumbled “sorry, but today’s my day off. Could you take care of him? Goodnight” despite your quick refusal Namjoon ended the call. “He’s so careless.” Hoseok offered to help carry the bags which you gladly accepted. “Why are you running around this early, anyway? You could have caused a traffic accident! I nearly died” Hoseok stammered as he tried explaining himself, while also apologizing for running into you. Meanwhile, a woman walked past the two of you, hardly able to keep her eyes off the spectacle you and Hoseok were causing.
“Well, because…” Hoseok was interrupted when the woman screamed at a man driving on a red scooter, who grabbed her bag while yelling like a madman. “Move it, move it, move it!” he roared at you as he showed no sign of turning, Hoseok swiftly grabbed your elbow and shouted, “watch out!” Hoseok held you to him while he glared at the thief driving off. “Damn you. Committing crimes?” Hoseok growled, you feebly tried stepping away from Hoseok. He was hugging you so tightly that nearly couldn’t breathe. Startled at your close proximity he jumped away from you. A dark blush covered his cheeks and nose as he apologized. You glared at the scooter stating “that’s the guy who’s been snatching purses around here lately!” Hoseok’s face contorted into a similar scowl as your own. He pulled out a sword from the holster strapped to his waist. “What? As a proud member of the centaur race, I cannot ignore this. I swear on my blade that I will capture him!” After a second he put the sword back in its holster and grumbled “but according to the Interspecies Exchange Bill, I cannot touch him. That’s why I’ve been looking for a master to fight alongside me.” shocked that he even had a sword you wondered if he wasn’t already violating the Weapons Control Law? Hoseok suddenly grabbed your wrist, regaining your attention.
With a determined look in his eyes, Hoseok said “It can’t be helped, however. It matters not if you aren’t my master. Come with me.” He started pulling you, his long strides too quick for you to follow. “Okay, okay I get it! I’ll ride you” You managed to get your wrist free and went to jump onto his back, the second you touched his back, Hoseok yelped and kicked his hind leg out. Narrowly missing your head. You heaved in shock, astonished that Hoseok might actually have killed you just then. But, your fury of nearly dying dwindled once you saw his face. It was completely flushed as he wore a scandalized expression “what are you doing? I’m not a horse! If you’re not my master, then cease your rude behavior.” He scolded crossing his arms in disbelief as he took a step away from you. “How am I supposed to go with you, then?” You exclaimed.
Before you knew it. You were hanging off his side. Desperately hugging his waist while Hoseok sprinted at full speed to catch up with the thief. “Stop right there! Otherwise, you’ll taste the weight of your crimes on the edge of my blade!” Hoseok confidently shouted once he spotted the thief. A light blush persisted while he glanced down at you and grumbled “touch me inappropriately, and I’ll throw you off, got it?” his warning flew somewhat over your head since you were currently in a mild state of panic to not fall off. “Slow down!” you yelped in fear. Unfortunately, the thief only sped up on his motorcycle not giving a second glance back. “You won’t escape!” Hoseok yelled and started racing in full gallop. As you chased the thief down, he rounded a sharp corner, the thief managed to easily drift through it. You, on the other hand, was struggling like hell not to fall off of Hoseok, who showed no hint of slowing down either.
“I’m falling! I’m falling!” you screamed, terror fueling your limbs to move on their own in order to get a better grip on Hoseok’s body. “Stop flailing, you fool!” Hoseok yelled angrily. Ahead of you, the thief drove over a pile of water jugs causing them to fall directly towards you and Hoseok. With ease, he pulled out his sword and sliced through them. Unfortunately, this meant that the water absolutely drenched both of you. Your white t-shirt quickly became see-through, although you hardly had time to notice as you desperately tried to stay on Hoseok and not fly off. “Too easy. Is that the best you can do?” Hoseok yelled mockingly at the thief ahead. By this point, you had been jostled so much that you were practically sitting on Hoseok’s back. Of course, Hoseok noticed this as well, he also noticed the state of your now completely see-through shirt. Giving him a full view of your struggling bra, fighting with all it’s might, to keep your boobs in place as they bounced violently with every step Hoseok took. A heavy blush quickly flushed Hoseok’s face, trying to focus on running. They reached an intersection, the thief, without fear, drove across a small platform allowing him to jump the steel fence onto another road. “See you later, horse boy!” he hollered while cackling like a madman, he thought he was finally getting away from you both. “How insolent. Is that all you’ve got?” the harsh yet determined glare on Hoseok’s face gave away exactly what he intended to do. “Wait, you’re not gonna-”
Without warning, Hoseok turned to dodge cars and jumped with all his might. You screamed in terror when you both flew through the air. Hoseok landed right behind the thief, swiftly running up beside him, causing the thief to swerve. “You won’t escape” Hoseok growled, placing his sword by the thief’s throat. “Hey, you. I need you to-” Just as Hoseok was asking you to do something, you finally managed to get a good grip on him. You pressed your legs tightly to the rib cage of his horse body. Which effectively seated you on his back. “I thought I was going to die” you exhaled with panic still evident in your voice. The sensation of having someone ride on his back caused Hoseok to cry out. Mortified, Hoseok nearly screamed, “What do you think you’re doing, idiot?!” Hoseok suddenly started kicking with his hind legs, making you lose balance once again. “If you keep kicking, I’ll-” Your words cut off, as you clung to Hoseok, hugging his broad chest as tight as possible. Your boobs unintentionally rubbing against his back. Once Hoseok realized what that warm, soft feeling on his shoulder blades was, he outright moaned. “You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you? Damn you… Not only are you riding me, but now you’re doing something so shameful? You’ll pay for this later!” Once again you didn’t really pay any heed to his words, busy screaming your lungs out from nearly falling off of him again. As if it wasn’t enough, you accidentally ripped a few buttons off his shirt. Making you practically grope his, smooth chest. The thief thoroughly distracted by what was unfolding before him didn’t notice the large pile of boxes of paint and drove headfirst into them. The loud clatter of the metal cans snapping you out of your panicked state just long enough to notice that Hoseok was running full speed towards a large metal gate. “Hoseok, Watch out!” you screamed too late because he was completely frozen, in his flustered state. Unable to react in time.
When Hoseok crashed, he literally dented the entire gate. Making it warp to the shape of his large body. You, on the other hand, flew to the skies. Landing on a bunch of old cardboard boxes, that somewhat softened the blow. “Damn you… I’ll stain my blade with your blood” Hoseok threatened, but when he reached to grab his sword, he found nothing. Hoseok glared harshly, when the thief stood before him, clutching his sword. The thief was completely covered in various colors of paint. “D-Damn you, horse boy… I’ll slice you apart!” He screamed in blind fury while raising the sword, ready to strike down at Hoseok. Without hesitation, you ran to stand in front of Hoseok, your small body shielding him from any harm. The sword sliced through your shirt as if it was wet paper. And this was how you died…
“Or so I thought, but I’m fine. It’s a fake sword, huh?” you told Namjoon over the phone. You sat securely on the couch, at home, wrapped up in bandages. Even though the sword was fake, the blunt hit of it had bruised you. It also hurt, a lot. “He can’t walk around with a real one. Trying to catch that thief was a crazy thing to do.” Namjoon scolded you. “It’s not like I wanted to do it. Hoseok wanted to chase after the scooter, so…” Namjoon interrupted you, sounding uncharacteristically concerned. “Scooter? You didn’t ride him, did you? One of the centaur commandments is, only the one chosen as your lifelong master may ride you.” A heavy feeling of dread suddenly settled on your shoulders while the severity of your actions became clear. “From his perspective, it’s a lot like marriage. If you forced him to let you ride him, then… That would be like rape. AH! My pasta!” Namjoon ended the call. Your entire body was shaking with regret and shame, you turned your head to find Hoseok standing by the doorway. With so much force you nearly tumbled over, you slammed your knees to the floor and bowed your head as far as it could go. 
“I’m sorry, Hoseok! I had no idea it was so important! I didn’t mean any harm… Hoseok?” not hearing a response you carefully lifted your head. He was sitting right in front of you, and internally you questioned how he walked so silently. You expected fury, anger. What you didn’t expect, was the soft look of devotion. “Instead of Hoseok, I want you to call me Hobi. That’s what my close friends call me.” Extremely confused as to what was currently happening, you tilted your head to the side. “I’m the one to blame. I got you caught up in that fight with my selfish sense of justice. On top of that, I hurt you...” Not wanting to burden him any further, you reassured “no, it’s not like I tried to refuse. You don’t need to be so considerate.” Hoseok abruptly took your hand in his and placed it over his heart. “Nonsense! Can’t you feel how my heart is pounding? I can sense my destiny! You really were impressive back there… I truly have met the one destined to be my master.” Hoseok’s blush deepened considerably while he elaborated “since I arrived in this country… No, Since I was born, that was the first time anyone’s sacrificed themselves to protect me.”
With a renewed determination, Hoseok looked deep into your eyes and declared “therefore, I, Hoseok Jung, acknowledge you as my master and swear lifelong loyalty to you. Master, will you accept my loyalty?” by now, a warm blush had found its way onto your own cheeks, you stared at the centaur in front of you with wide eyes, hardly believing what you were hearing. “H-Hobi...” A loud bang to your side alerted you that you were no longer alone. Jimin and Jungkook had entered the living room. Jimin looked utterly confused, while Jungkook looked more than offended “Princess, did you get another boyfriend?” Jimin mimicked the angry tone except his mind was not on Hoseok “master, I’m hungry!” Hoseok flushed at being caught during such a vulnerable moment. But steadily returned Jungkook’s glare “Princess? Who are these guys? This is improper, Master!” Jungkook instantly dismissed Hoseok’s presence the second he noticed the bandages covering your shoulder and upper torso. “Princess, how did you hurt yourself?” Jungkook’s voice was etched with concern.
Jimin ran up and tugged on your arm “is dinner ready?” he whined cutely. Not wanting to be in the middle of a fight, you hastily served them all some food. At the dinner table, Hoseok was the first to speak “listen up. Now that I’m here, things will be different. My master comes first.” His voice was stern, as he glared daggers at the two other males. Jungkook responded with annoyance “I always put my princess first.” which Jimin hastily agreed on. Meanwhile, you were sulking in the kitchen, mentally crying out for help with the housework.
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ear · 6 years
PLEASE share your vld reboot ideas aja the show canon is garbage and your mind is so galaxy brain
OK OK ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!! alright so idk what kind of. earth landscape this reboot occurs in…. like yallve got this retro 80s/90s neon future verse going on but i didnt think my reboot version would fit into that so yall go wild with whatever hc for this earth reboot thing u want cuz im not creative and i didnt really think that far ahead
ALRIGHT here we go. this is so long i HAVE to put this under the cut but i hope yall enjoy the creations of my MIND……
- akeno “KEITH” shirogane: (age: 19) [gay] hes japanese/black/galran. hes still half galra in this reboot bc i fuck with that honestly but hes got more visible galran traits. his bottom canines are larger than usual and poke out from his bottom lip so he wears a mask to cover his mouth and his eyes r still purple but instead of his sclera being yellow(tinted), hes just like. got some odd golden flecks in his eyes. he normally wears a dirty mechanics jumpsuit with the top half tied around his waist and a black or white tank top underneath (hes still a high school flunk out so he works full time at a car repair shop so hes able to buy food and shit at LEAST + hes still got his motorcycle to keep in shape). his casual clothes r just regular grey sweats, hoodies, and adidas or whatever brand is closest in their future lol. hes blood related to shiro who ill get to in a second.. shiros blood related to him as his uncle (brother of keiths dad) ALSO his hair isnt long in this reboot, hes got a short messy head of hair that he mostly just pulls back into a TINY little pony tail on his forehead (like in the game show ep) so it doesnt get in his face while hes working. he also has goggles bc thats the one thing from yalls reboot ideas i actually like (endgame lion: he momentarily pilots black during shiros disappearance but his permanent and stationary lion is red)
- fal’allura “fala, ALLURA” naguna’ephy: [lesbian] (age: 21 or close to that in alien standards) shes altean on her fathers side and teem (what we’re gonna call nymas race) on her mothers side. she bares more altean features except her eyes are solid yellow and shes only got four fingers on each hand. instead of crescent shaped facial markings, she has painted on red and golden lines across her nose and her upper lip. her hair (very dark purple with silver highlights and literal glowing, twinkling stars) is VERY long, brushing the floor as she walks except and (now bear with me cuz this might be hard to explain) her hair, the farther down u look kind of fades away? like it becomes semi to absolute transparent… idk how else to explain it but i hope u understand…. she does wear a crown but its more like a headdress.. (imagine beyonces headdress).. she doesnt wear it often, usually only on diplomatic missions to greet other worldly rulers bc its heavy and it makes her neck hurt :/.. her dress! looks like this! but a little more spiffy .. u know.. her casual/training clothes are just…. idk imagine a royal looking sports bra and leggings?? i guess … ALSO ALSO ALSO she can still shape shift but instead of limiting her shifting to just the changing of skin tone and height, she can completely mimic different alien species but only humanoid races.. like she can have those indented looking knees and huge ass horns and all that but she cant like. turn into an earth lizard u know what im saying. also also also also she still speaks with an accent just… not a british one….(endgame lion: no lion. she keeps leading and piloting the castle ship until destruction, where she leads and pilots the atlas)
- alejandro “LANCE, ale” reyes-leon: (age: 19 ½) [bi] hes cuban/black/vietnamese. his dad is black and vietnamese and his mom is cuban! hes got longish afro textured hair he keeps back in a pony tail most of the time like this or a bun when training bc hes too lazy to put any actual effort into styling it. hes got a couple moles/freckles scattered across his face and hes got sectoral heterochromiaaround his left pupil so theres a little bit of blue in one of his other wise dark brown eyes (like this).. i havent really figured out what his clothing style is.. i thought about keeping his clothes close to vld canon like his jacket (bc that was a really good jacket) but im gonna go a little wild here so hold on. he wears one of those surfer type looking skin tight turtleneck shirts underneath his heavy bomber jacket.. he wears just regular ripped jeans and hightops like in canon…….. hmm……. he wears a pink bead necklace under his shirt that was made by his little cousin just a couple weeks before he was shot off into space and he hasnt taken it off since…………. he also has a tiny stick and poke tattoo on his ankle he did when he was thirteen bc he thought it would look cool but it turned out kinda lop sided so he never takes his socks off in embarrassment (endgame lion: blue to red (during keiths reign as black paladin) then to black when shiro leaves voltron to lead the atlas alongside allura)
- takashi “SHIRO” shirogane: (age: 31) [gay] hes japanese/black. hes keiths uncle and the only family keith really has .. his design doesnt really change much except hes got long hair (like kuron) but its pulled up into a messy bun or pony tail.. in MY canon hes still gay and married to adam (whos name isnt adam i just cant think of a new name for him yet) (and adam lives dont worry) and theyre working on adopting a daughter before shiro has to leave for kerberos. shiro usually dresses in work out outfits so like. gym shorts… tank tops.. leggings.. imagine those white blonde dudes who always wear a man bun and only eat vegan and drink chai from starbucks bc thats exactly how shiro acts but ONLY ironically ……… when shiros abducted on the galra freighter and forced to fight in the ring, his hair streaks white but instead of just a clean scar across his nose, he has multiple long scars scattered across his face from a one x one between his face and some debris thrown at him by a gladiator. his prosthetic looks and remains kinda the same i guess but this time its decked out with claws on the finger tips so it looks a little more galran yeah? (endgame lion: no endgame lion. he pilots the atlas alongside allura)
- francesca “frannie, frankie, PIDGE” eleonora: (age: 15) [trans girl lesbian] shes . just italian i guess. so anyway shes not gonna be an asshole bitch like canon pidge.. shes gonna be the caring sweet but KINDA mean little sister we always wished we had.. the little sister who would tell u, with all honesty, that ur winged eyeliner was smudged before u hit the town with the girls and made a fool of urself……. ANYWAY shes still gonna be the ‘hacker’/computer geek techno girl but not as much ykno? shes JUST a little girl so she just kinda does her own thing. i rlly like all the fanart i see of her wearing overalls and stuff SO thats her canon design…… she wears faded overall jeans over a short sleeved pale pink tshirt w a dog one it and scuffed up chucks. she wears glasses but instead of just taking them from matt she has an actual prescription and is basically blind without them. i literally cannot stress this enough but shes such a nice girl like the team pretty much adopted her as their little sister the moment they boarded the castle ship. idk what else to add on to her!!!! i literally did not put any thought into pidge at all! (endgame lion: permanently green)
- opetaia“HUNK” tuitama: (age: 19 ¾) [bi] hes samoan/black. hunk was adopted and has two moms and three other siblings, all of who are younger than him. im not sure about his fashion other than i KNOW deep down in my heart that he would wear cargo shorts…. i cant find it in me to get rid of his bandana thing so i let him keep it except he uses it to tie his hair up instead of using it as a head band thing….. HUNK in my au is more of a tech freak/engineer than pidge so he handles most of that stuff with the occasional help from pidge (like wiring… she has tiny fingers that can grab the wires easier) hunk probably wears the crocs/sandals with socks combo but just because he loves hearing lance bitch about it whnever he struts into a room. hunk also looks good in his vest so im gonna let him keep that but it looks more modified… like it has a bunch of pockets and stuff to keep bolts and nuts and other stuff he needs to work with.. thats also why he wears cargo shorts; just for the pockets.. (endgame lion: permanently yellow)
also ur probably wondering “if lance is in black and keith is in red and allura doesnt pilot a lion, THEN WHOS PILOTING BLUE????” …….. heh… peep this………..
- ADAM elsammak-althani(thank u mal @fuckvld for ur gorgeous arabic adam hcs..): (age: 32) [gay] i dont have much to say about him other than read mals hc lists and that ADAM LIVES IN MY REBOOT and he also joins the voltron team and pilots the blue lion (i FIRMLY hc that hes a very free/wild spirit and just loves to make jokes and is just.. a really fun guy to be around and obviously blue would open up to him in a SECOND. dont even @ me) (endgame lion: BLUE!)
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Interlude 1: New Heart
 I was drifting about in a dream, I think. There were a lot of explosions going on and people shooting at people and people getting shot.
I reached for the lightsaber I wasn't suppose to have before I felt fire blaze through my leg.
My eyes flew open.
        My body shot up from bed and I was already walking before my mind was totally comprehending that I was awake. I stopped in my path halfway to the door of my room and rubbed my eyes sleepily. Looking around, I noticed the small sunbeam from the hole in my roof as it brought in the sounds of wildlife. I began laughing to myself as I spun around in the warm and fast moving energy of the sun, my bare feet seemingly weightless on the cool stone floor. I don’t why I was laughing, it just felt good.
As for the usual start to my day, I felt something pull at my heartstrings, urging me towards the door of my room.
A smile stretched across my face.
“Hold on a second, at least let me put my clothes on. But thanks for the heads up, I’m glad we have work to do!” My voice spoke, erupting into the peaceful silence as I spoke to my guide.
I looked around my home of five years as I began to throw my clothes on and adjust my armor pieces. Finding this place after the crash hadn’t been easy. My guide’s home was so heavily hidden amongst the forest, the sprawling buildings looked more like a small mountain range covered in grasses and vines.
I had learned a long time ago, from the guide’s home, that it was actually called the Force. It was nice to be on a first name basis with it, but I had yet to be answered on my constant question to it which was ‘what kind of name is the Force? That sounds like a title?’ but we still had time to get to know each other better, after all, five years was nothing to an energy that has always and will always exist.
Slapping the buckles on my boots down, I rose from the floor and reached for my trench coat to start the day off right. Gripping the smooth fabric in my hands, I slipped the comfortable weight onto my shoulders. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding in and let my eyes close as I began to walk for the door to my room.
The darkness in my eyelids enveloped the room. Holding my hand out in front of me, I pushed at the Force as I began sensing the little obstacles scattered across the floor of my room. I began to place one foot in front of the other.
Pebble. Another pebble. Some other things- probably a crack, just don’t step there. I tried to identify the objects beyond my closed eyes when my hand came in contact with the smooth door.
I opened my eyes with a smile as I turned to look at how I did.
I knew just from living here long enough that the floor would always be covered in little pebbles and cracks and glass shards, but mixing them up on my floor in the dark every night before I went to bed made for a great sensing practice… I think.
Most of the little boxed up holograms here required students train with a master, and there weren’t too many solo practices I could learn without already being a full blown master, so I made up training exercises for myself.
Shaking myself from my thoughts, I reached for the panel to open the door.
Crouching down in front of it, I began vigorously pressing the button as fast as possible until I decided that it wasn’t working, as usual, and I would have to just pry the door open from the space between the two panels, also as usual.
It annoyed me on a regular basis but I refrained from complaining, after all, this temple was super old. But, it was the Force’s home, so I loved it.
The door finally squeaked open and I stepped out of my room and on the inner courtyard “balcony”. The cool morning sunlight shone down through my “skylight”. In reality, this place was in ruins. My balcony used to have another wall to it, with probably more rooms on the other side, but half of a hallway is probably better identified as a balcony than a hallway. My skylight, on the same note, was actually a huge hole in this wing of the temple’s ceiling that stretched all the way down to the ground floor. From what I can tell from the other “balconies” above and below me, whatever had shot, fallen, or blown through this place had gone through about seven floors and had nearly hollowed out the building. Pipes had blown and now the ground floor was littered with sparkling waterfalls and lively ponds, and with a completely abandoned temple all to yourself, I know for a fact that no one cares if you take a bath in those or just walk around naked in general, not as fun as it had sounded at first though.
Beginning my walk through the guide’s daily path, I smiled and simply enjoyed the small purple and white birds with their long trailing tails flitting around through the sunlight and diving down to the shadowed pools below to pick at the vines and grass holding nearly every part of the temple together by sheer will.
I smiled and laughed again. Skipping once into the air, I broke into a sprint down the half-hall. Feeling my heart beating in my chest, my coattails flying like wings behind me, and my brown hair going up in tangles with the little wind that had picked up through the hollow building, my mind began to race with the stream. I looked next to me in the empty space as I imagined creatures of every color and size racing along with me. Scales, tentacles, fur, all running and flying along with me to who-know-where the Force was guiding me today.
“Kar-ab!” I shouted in joy as I tumbled forward doing a somersault across the floor before springing to my feet pretending to extend my hand and send an enemy flying with the help of my guide.
My feet and hands began to imitate the motions of the Jedi I had watched on in the holograms.
Duck! Tumble! Punch! Jab!
“Force jump!” I yelled in excitement as I lept into the air.
Of course, I felt the Force surrounding me, but I didn’t jump any higher than usual. That had never worked before, but everyday was worth a shot! Every moment here was worth a shot.
My feet slowed to a jog.
I became aware of the trinkets lying heavy in my pocket. All six.
I sighed and closed my eyes.
When I opened them, there they were.
“Hey guys! How are you?” I spoke to my family.
“We’re fine as always Vis, where are you off to today?” Gu-el, a Twi’lek and the co-pilot/my honorary brother asked with a smile.
“Oh I’m not sure yet! I think my guide wants me to go reset one of my traps which might mean someone’s breaking in today but I’m still not sure.” I said with a smile.
“Well your instincts have never been wrong before so be sure of yourself!” Abedmalech, our captain spoke firmly.
“Ok, I will!”
I watched my mother step forward.
Her human face standing out among the rest of my family.
“How are you doing my dear?” She asked coming up and placing her hand on my almost human face.
I closed my eyes at her touch and smiled.
“I’m doing fine. I love it here, even though I don’t know where here is. But my guide loves it, so I love it!” I smiled up at her hanging my hand on her arm.
“Don’t you ever get lonely here all by yourself?” she asked with worry in her eyes.
“Oh course not! I have my guide, and the birds, and whatever I imagine to talk to! And you guys of course!”
“Oh my darling…” she bit her lip, “We love you so much.”
“I love you guys too.”
“Well we’re holding you up so we’ll let you be on your way then!” My mom said with a smile as she began backing up to the rest of the group.
“What are you talking about!? I ALWAYS have time for you guys! You don’t have to go yet!” I smile desperately as I began to walk towards them my hand out stretched.
But they were gone.
I lowered my hand and looked around the ruins of the temple.
I laughed a little under my breath, squeezing my eyes shut.
My imagination is always an amazing thing to keep around.
And as always, the Force pulled at me to keep going forward. I sighed and wiped my nose on my sleeve.
“Don’t worry guys… I’ll protect this place no matter what! I have a job to do!” I nearly screamed as I pulled myself out of it.
Lying around feeling sad never got me anywhere with my day and that always made my guide sad too. Jogging down the hallway, I made it to the end and turned to the sheer drop leading down to the ground floor. The old ladder that might’ve been apart of a service tunnel still clung to the wall. Reaching for it, my fingers clung to the rails as I made my way down step by step.
I had made it a game quite a while ago to move one level up once a month and make it an effort to sleep in every room in the temple. I mean, why not? Plus, I’ve made so many bunk beds at this point I don't feel even the slightest bit deprived.
I reached the bottom rungs as I felt a draft of cool forest air flowing in from outside. I let go of the rung and let myself fall the remaining inches down. For the moment I was airborne, I let my sense flare out as I sensed the stones and pebbles below. Maneuvering my legs I tried to land where the stones were not. My boot hit the floor and went sliding out from under me causing me to land on my butt. I looked across the cracked beige stone that made up the debilitated floor and saw the patch of moss my foot had slid on, completely smushed.
“Come on Vis, moss is alive that should’ve been easy.” I mumbled to myself as I wiggled up off the floor.
I looked across the lower level floor that seemed to stretch on endlessly, then to the gaping opening I assumed had once been a “grand entrance” of some kind, now vines had overtaken the opening and the sunlight streaming through was the temple’s only guests.
I closed my eyes.
I took a deep breath.
I raised my hand in front of me.
The force flowing through me began to wrap itself through my veins, flowing into my wrists, then my hand, and connected with the energy outside myself.
It jolted through my body.
The vibrating life moving through everyone, everything. The stones, the vines, the sunlight, the birds, their movement moved the air. Expending energy and gaining energy all at once. Nothing ever dying, just moving.
My breath was heavy as I stretched myself thin through the paths. The movements and possible outcomes of futures waiting for me to create. Things the Force wanted me to find or do that would benefit myself and its cause.
This was my purpose.
This was my strength.
I am a servant of the Force, the one protecting this temple and its knowledge, the one being protected by its master.
My eyes opened.
“Reset my traps then go to the library. Got it!”
I sprinted towards the right hand side of the temple to a small opening in the ground and jumped through to the dark passages below.
I laid my hand along the mossy wall and the veins of the temple began to glow. I ran along with them, as they vibrated and flowed with the blue light of a content and calm spirit.
Regarding my path for the day, I knew nothing was happening yet, but that didn't mean it wouldn’t. I was guessing more bandits were to be the culprit. Different groups had come snooping around in the past, what they were looking for I didn’t know, but I also didn’t care. This temple was for me and my guide.
I came to the crossroads of the passageways, without hesitation I went to the left, my legs telling me where to go. I saw up ahead one of the openings to the sky letting sunlight pour in. My guide pushing me forward I came to the opening and jumped to grab onto the edges of the dirt and grass making up the surface above. Wiggling my way out of the ground like a locust, I looked around for my boobie traps.
“Heh, boobie trap.” I laughed to myself as I walk carefully towards the net in the grass. It had been sprung, but no person was inside. “I wonder what walked across this thing…”
Shrugging, because I only had the nagging sense this was important but the feeling wasn’t screaming in my face, so I went about just trying to reset it without the sleeping darts nicking me in the process.
I went and climbed the tree I had attached it to. Every heart shaped leaf was tipped with the fainted purple and smelled like a million bottles of perfume. My nose always burned at the scent of them, so I can’t even imagine having allergies. Luckily for me the strong smell hid the equally powerful smell of the sleep poison loaded in the dart sticks glued to the trees to pierce the ones that got trapped in the net.
Shimmying along the huge branch, I go to the ropes wound up in the spring loaded gears and grabbed on. I slid off and the net came down with me, lowering me to the floor until I heard a satisfying click when the ropes were relocked into place. I looked up at the dart sticks hidden in the branches.
“Note to self: review hologram box on blow darts, those would be way better if you can figure them out.” With that I felt my path here clear, my mission was completed. Time for breakfast!
I skipped over to the opening in the grass and jumped through, back into the passage.
Walking this time, my eyes followed the beautiful blue veins that flowed through the entire temple from head to toe whenever I reached out with the Force to touch the inside of the walls, or laid my hand to the cracking stones like an old friend. I think the temple appreciated my friendly touch.
For the longest time I wondered where the veins came from and how they worked. And as always, my guide would take me by my hand and we would go explore the library for answers. Besides setting up traps and defending the temple from future intruders and practicing my connections, I read about everything there is to read about.
Holocrons, which I call hologram boxes or (hologram triangles if they were the angry ones), they held most of my answers but they didn’t have the same feel to them as scrolls. The scrolls were as old as dirt with more questions about the Force than answers, they almost fall apart in my hands, but they’re so beautiful. They don’t just give me answers, the give me questions to drift about in, and history in which to reenact and finish. They leave me with something to question and I think that’s way more important. If we didn’t question anything, then how would new information ever be made? How would new information ever be discovered if someone wasn’t brave enough to question the right things. They may sound stupid, maybe they sound crazy, but it might make someone think in a good way about the universe, then a story can begin and they can be guided too. If I can do that someday, just speak the truth and inspire someone to think, I think I might complete some kind of other purpose the Force wants for me, though who can tell really? We are all connected to so many threads.
I found myself having wandered to the passage hole beneath the library. I smiled and ran to the stairs this passage hole still clung onto. Emerging into the light, I spun about in place as I watched the transparent energy in between the air swirling about about before my eyes and clustered about the cases of holoboxes and holotriangles and scrolls.
“Show me the way.” I laughed to my guide and I quickly bent down to touched the floor with as much flare as possible.
The veins light up below my touch run along the floor moving up the the cases. The contents bursting to life with their own respective lighting and shifting colors.
I looked around as I dusted my hands off.
From what I learned about the veins from the corrupted holofiles I got my hands on and what I half theorized was that, they were built to respond to the touch of a force wielder. From what I could tell, they were made from the same sort of crystal material as the holocrons. When I had first gotten here, nothing glowed like this. I hadn’t really noticed with all the fear and anger churning me up, but things did glow, but in a different light. Mostly red, sometimes purple, sometimes yellow. It was like I was fueling the temple with one emotion and it was depicting every hue that I felt. It reminded me of the freckles on my face actually.
My mainly human appearance blocked up with the spinal ridges along my nose and forehead, and the color shifting freckles on my face.
The temple seemed to have the same blood running through its veins, but the veins, of course, only pump when they have a heart to fuel it.
I grabbed a hologram box and threw it to the Force.
My guide caught it and opened the box for me. As it opened, I walked along one of the veins and the box followed the path over to my table and chair. Hovering over the large metal table with its own glass center; it connected to the temple systems and showed me the individual files within the holocron. A Vahla woman appear from the box, she wore a simple smile on her face and her robe and garments underneath followed a similar pattern.
“Hello, I am Master Ghare and welcome to my lesson for alternatives to fighting and violence.”
The holocron woman continued on in the background with something about importance of composer and peace and all that good stuff while my eyes danced about busily through the uncorrupted files for anything on blow darts and non lethal poisons.
In the back on my mind, I heard the stone walls groan ever so slightly.
Without warning I felt power go out of me and run through one of the veins.
I gasped a little and turned around as the Force began to whisper to me.
The walls groaned and cracked as they split apart and opened up.
I felt my heart racing as I stared at the new opening in the library walls leading down to where it seemed even the veins couldn’t light up.
I felt fear claw at my spirit as the holocron fell silent.
The Force pushed me forward and for the first time in a long time, I refused to move.
“I think I might miss breakfast today.”
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idreamofasriel-blog · 7 years
Metal Slug Past Life Ch 9
It was a long trip from Head Quarters to the train station for Marco and Fio. Marco ordered Tarma to stay behind to keep watch over Kartu and Fio asked Eri to dig up more information on Kronos Corp and she obeyed. Marco pulled the Jeep up to the station and found the train covered in bullet holes, deep dents, charred marks, and smoke smoldering from some of the box cars. They both got out and Fio couldn't keep her eyes off of the damaged train and box cars. Ralf and Clark were already giving orders to have all supplies and ammunition removed and any fire put out. Fio happily greeted Leona and Clark with an energetic wave and the young woman waved back and greeted Fio. “So what happened here, Colonel?” Marco asked, eyeing the mess on the train and its box cars. “We got ambushed by The Rebels and it looked like they got help too once again.” Said Ralf, who was covered in bruises, cuts, and a swollen eye that's in need of an ice pack. “Morden got help again? Do you know who's helping him?” Marco asked Ralf. Ralf shook his head, “No but they were wearing animal masks over their faces and gave all of us a good beating.” Marco raises a brow. The memory of his dream came flooding into his mind of the animals he saw in his dream and the train they were chasing after. “Ralf, you better tell me the full story about these masked fighters and Morden getting help from them.” It was after their meeting with the PF Squad when General Heidern gave his orders to the Ikari Warriors to protect the newly found mechanical Drake they transfer from the Kalahari desert. After removing loads after loads of sand to bring the metal beast out of the ground, they transfer it with a flatbed truck and then carefully flew it all the way to where PF Squad's headquarters could be reached by train. Ralf saluted to the general and promises him a swift and successful job and left the briefing room with Clark, Leona, and Whip. So far, the trip has been rather quiet except for the rhythm of the train going over the tracks and the tranquil view of the desert. Clark looked out the box car's window and smiled a bit when he see a Roadrunner chasing after a snake to make into its today's meal. “You should get yourself a Roadrunner, Ralf. They sure love to eat snakes like spaghetti.” Clark joked and Ralf playfully rolled his eyes at him.  “More like a pet for Whip. Have you seen how fast those birds move when they grab one? They swing them around like they're made of rope. Makes you think if Whip was a Roadrunner in her previous life.” “Maybe I can train it to bring snakes back to you, Ralf since you're so fond of them.” Whip retorted back. Ralf shivered at the thought of a dopey looking bird running up to him with a snake, dead or alive, in its beak and offering it to him as food. Whip smirked, it was funny to her to see the man who harasses her with the nickname Whippy squirming at the thought of a bird feeding him a snake. Leona couldn't help but smile, watching and listening to two fully grown men and a teenage girl talking about a bird that lives in the desert and eats snakes for dinner. Her smile soon ended and a concern expression began and she got off the crate she was sitting on and look out the window. Seeing a Rebel Motorbike going at a fast pace to keep up. “Ralf, we're being chased!” The whole box car shook violently and they grabbed on to something to prevent themselves from falling. A Rebel Soldier shot a missile, leaving a massive hole big enough for the others to climb in and start shooting at them. They took cover and started shooting back at the Rebels. Clark punched a rebel in the face, instantly knocking the soldier out and more moved in to get a better shot at The Ikari Warriors. Ralf exchanged shots and they hear more of them on the roof of the boxcar and two heavy ones accompanying them. Leona cleared the area with her explosives earrings and they moved out while gunning down any rebels still coming in. Ralf swung the door open and a R-Shobu flew in to gun them down. They were quick to take cover and shot back at the pilot and it was Whip who took down the R-Shobu with a throw of a knife. It loses control and crashes into the desert, bursting into flames. “Nice throw, Whippy.” Ralf smiled at her and they quickly climbed onto the roof of the boxcar. They thought the heavy footsteps were coming from Allen O'Neil and his son but they were in for a surprise when they saw who was making those heavy footsteps. Standing before them was a huge muscular of a man. He wore a blue jean coat with the sleeves ripped off and he had a tattoo of a wild stallion bucking it's hind legs into the air, throwing the rider off of it on his arm and he wore a thick chain necklace with a silver horseshoe attached to them. He wore a hand carved and decoratively painted horse mask to conceal his identity and his black hair flowing wildly in the wind. He wore black fingerless gloves and he cracked his knuckles then moved his neck around to crack it too. “I was about to come down to see if you need any help getting your ass kicked,” He said, with malice grin appearing on his face. “Funny coming from a guy who mask should be a horse's ass.” Ralf replied and getting into a fighting stance. Climbing from the other side and taking one big leap to land on the box car's roof is another man but this one was wearing a dog mask and he was Ralf's size. His brown hair was a butch cut and he got claw and bite scars all over his arms and neck. He wore a spiked dog collar and a black shirt with a picture of the snarling heads of Cerberus breathing out fire. “Need any help, Bronco?” He said, staring at the Ikari Warriors face-to-face. “Just in time, Hellhound. I'm going to need some help taking these four down.” Hellhound scoffs, “No problem while Poe and Celestial take care of their special cargo before the boss gets here to claim it.” “Over our dead bodies!” Ralf shouted and charged at Bronco. Bronco's punch was like getting kicked in the face by a horse and Clark tackled the man as if he was a bag of flour. “Leona! Whip! Get to the flatbed while Ralf and I take on these goons!” Clark shouted and dodging Bronco's punch. Leona and Whip obeyed Clark and passed the men and climb off the roof of the boxcar while fighting off any Rebels who dares to attack them. It'll take more than a punch in the eye to stop Ralf Jones from fighting. He was back on his feet again and ready to fight against Hellhound. “Most men Bronco punched would have just given up and run away with their tail between their legs,” Hellhound laughed “But you, huh, I'm going to have so much fun mauling on you.” Ralf grinned at him, “Big words coming from a mongrel.” Hellhound loses his temper and charges at Ralf. Ralf moved to the side and he kept blocking punches that Hellhound threw at him. He even threw some of his own back at Hellhound. He did punch him in the jaw and Hellhound punched him back in the chest and the men kept blocking and dodging their moves with Hellhound giving Ralf a fiery uppercut that burned his chin. Ralf was not going to give up and land a blowing kick on Hellhound and he hopes that Whip and Leona could read the flat bed on time to stop Celestial and Poe. Clark, meanwhile, locked hands with Bronco in a struggling shoving match. Both men with sweat dripping down their faces and shirt stained with it. Neither of them wanting to be pushed back by the other and waiting for the other to slip up. “Not bad for a man who works out all day,” Bronco huffs and shakes the sweat off his face, “But are you strong enough to defeat a man with the strength of a herd of wild horses?” Clark smiled, “Yes. Let me show you.” Bronco's jaw dropped and felt Clark getting a good hold on him and grabbing him in an arm lock. Struggling to free himself, Clark slams him and himself through the roof and into the box car. Leona threw a Rebel against three of them and they toppled over and fell off the train while Whip reflecting their bullets right back with her weapon. The path is cleared and they made their way to the next box car and swung the door open. Looking around the quiet box car, Leona and Whip crept inside,  they made their way to the next door when a blade flew and stuck itself into the wall, nicking Leona's ear. Standing behind them with throwing knives ready in hand is an athletic woman, wearing a raven mask and black pants and hooded sweater with a white Celtic knotting of a Raven taking flight. She wore a silver dragon ring with its tail curled around her middle finger and silver feather earrings and chopped up blond hair. “So this is Poe,” said Whip, getting her whip ready to fight. “But where is this Celestial character those two meatheads were talking about?” Her question is answered when Celestial smashed the window in and swiped at Whip with his talon made gloves, only grazing her arm and a thin man with a Rooster mask slipped through the door. He has a red Mohawk and wore torn blue jean pants and black boots with talons crafted onto them. He has an orange bandanna tied around his neck and wore a leather vest with a patch of a Rooster with its wings spread out and talons slashing in the air. “Funny, I thought we were expecting some roosters to fight, not a couple of hens,” Celestial laughs, “Let's cut them up, Poe.” Poe took on Whip, leaving Celestial to fight against Leona in an arm-to-arm combat. Leona dodges and weaved away from Celestial's slashing talons and kicks and caught his wrist in time to punch him in the face and let out a small cry when she felt the other hand claw at her other arm. Grabbing that one too, she moved in for a headbutt, causing Celestial to stumble and making a move to rapidly land blows after blows on him before he regains his stance to fight back again. Poe kept throwing knives at Whip but she got the upper hand on her with her whip. Spinning it fast enough to create a barrier to keep the knives from touching and took a quick step to the side when Poe charges at her with a combat knife. Poe plunged the knife in the wall and freed it turn her attention toward Whip. She took her whip and transform it into a blade and the girls clashed against each other with their weapons. Pushing back against each other, locking into a fierce staredown before pushing each other back. Poe came back charging at her and only to make a cut on her uniform before getting kicked in the stomach, knocking some wind out of her. Back to Ralf and Clark, Bronco was getting up before Clark got him into a headlock but not for long after Bronco smacks the back of his head against Clark's face to free himself and giving Clark a broken bloody nose. The masked man let out an aggressive cry and slams his foot on the ground so hard that the impact rocked the entire box car, shaking everyone around him, and striking Clark with a massive shock wave. “Has anyone ever told you not to mess with a stallion when it kicks back?” Bronco cracks his knuckles and raises his fist to punch Clark. Clark caught it just in time swung the man over his shoulder and gave him a beating of a lifetime. Bronco's mask is half shattered but not his spirit. He landed a powerful right on Clark's back to make the man fall over. Bronco smirk, getting cocky now and thinking that he got the fight in the bag. He lands another kick but felt Clark's hands grabbing him by the ankle and with one amazing swing, Clark breaks him right through the Box car's door and watched the man wildly tumble and roll across the dusty dry ground, laying there as the train rapidly pulled away and all he can see is a fading figure slowly getting up. Hellhound and Ralf were a mess. Hellhound didn't care that his mask was dangling by one strap and his face can be seen. All he cared about right now is winning his fight against Ralf and his blood is boiling that he's not winning. “You have given me one Hell of a dog fight I got to give you that,” he said, spitting the blood out of his mouth. “Now it's time put this fight to sleep.” Ralf has a nasty black eye and blood coming out of his mouth and he wiped it away and charges at him. In unison, they landed one punch after another on each other fists and Hellhound swoops his leg to knock Ralf over. He grinned and slammed his elbow right into Ralf's stomach and returned the favor with his kick. They did feel the box car violently shook from Bronco's wrath and focused on not losing their balance and went back to fighting. “Time to put you back in the dog house!” Ralf took him by surprise and moved in with his lighting speed punching. Poor Hellhound never had a chance. He felt like a piece of meat being tenderized by an angry chef and felt every blow. He could no longer stand on his own and Ralf KO him right on the spot with an uppercut and watched him fly into the air and then crash back to earth through the hole that Clark made. Ralf jumped through the hole and found Clark inside, “Let's go help Leona and Whip.” “For two hens, I'm impressed by how well you two fight,” said Celestial, he moved in to keep fighting with Leona and his attacks kept getting dodge and know all too well that Leona is getting tired and he lands scratches on her. She is getting tired of this and summons a powerful aura from her hands and feet. “Time to clip this bird's wings.” she said and with one swift of her hand, Celestial's gloves became useless and the man stood in horror, watching the talons clinking across the floor, he's been unarmed and it's not looking good for him. Leona moves in for the finishing move and made a nasty cut across his chest and kick him hard enough that he flew across the room and hit his back against the wall. Celestial slid down, defeated. Whip was just wrapping up her fight against Poe and finished with the crack of her whip. They smiled and high five each other and turn their attention toward the door when Ralf and Clark came in, “I see you two don't be needing our help after all.” said Ralf, seeing Poe and Celestial knocked out. “We stopped them from reaching the cargo just in time.” said Leona and flinched from her pain. “We better get you to a medic right away.” said Ralf, checking Leona's injuries and Clark checks Whip's. Poe groaned and grabbed her throwing knife and aims for Leona's chest. Ralf notices this from the corner of his eye and shoves Leona to protect her. It happened so fast with Ikari Warriors. They thought at first that they were going to lose Ralf on their mission but they didn't predict what happened next. A stream of light zoomed by them in a blink of an eye and everything around them came to a stand still. Ralf and the rest can see and hear but their bodies were frozen in place and the throwing knife was an inch away from stabbing Ralf in the heart. The box car's door slid open and stepped inside was a young man wearing a goat mask. His hair is a mess even if it was in a ponytail. He wore a hooded cloak and ash gray tunic underneath it and leather boots. He carries a satchel swung on his shoulder and he walked by Ralf and stopped and turn his attention to him and the knife. Ralf couldn't defend himself and this was the perfect timing for the man to kill him. Instead, he reached out and removed the knife and stored it in his bag. “Poe, my grandfather said no killing anyone.” he scolds her and ordered the Rebels to remove Celestial and Poe to safety. He opened the door and step to the flatbed and close the door and lock it. Everything was quiet and they can hear the young man ordering the rebels to remove the chains and tarps of the Drake and ordered them to remove the chest plate to insert the heart he has in his satchel. It went quiet again and the whole train began to rumble and shake and they heard a loud thunderous roar and more violent shaking around the train. Booming footsteps faded away and the young man didn't come back inside. Time sped up for them again and the train is moving at fast speed again. Ralf kicked the door out and the Ikari Warriors to find the flatbed empty of their precious cargo. “What do we now?” Leona asked Ralf who was taking his anger out on the cut chains on the ground. “First thing first,” Ralf turned to them, “We're going to do damage control and report this to General Heidern and the PF Squad.” When the story ended, Marco's dream was no coincidence to him. It was no doubt in his mind that it was some kind foretelling of the train robbery and even if he was awake early to warn them of it, he'll look like a fool in front of everyone if they were to ask him where he got this vital information on this plan. “But the young man mentioned his grandfather who's the master plan behind this robbery. We better dig deeper into Morden's plan and see who behind the theft and the new weapon they gave him.” said Marco. Ralf nodded, “Meanwhile, the Ikari Warriors and I are getting to get medical help and see what we have to do next.” Marco and Ralf saluted to each other and departed. Marco tells Fio that it's time to go even though she was helping Clark and Leona with their injuries. “Don't worry about us, Fio. We'll be in good hands.” Clark smiled at her and she waved goodbye to them and ran toward the jeep. The ride was awfully quiet and Fio can see that Marco is deep in his thoughts. She can tell when Marco moves his lips but not open them. “Are you okay, Marco?” Fio asked him with concern in her voice. Not saying a word, Marco drove the jeep to the side of the road and placed it in park. The Jeep sat idle and Marco turned to Fio, “I don't know if anyone will believe me or see me as a madman, Fio but....Last night I dreamt about the train robbery.”
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egipci · 10 months
They drove down to New Orleans looking to buy some hex bags from an old connection, but they were out of luck. This was two years before the torrential rains fell and crushed the land, before all the levees broke and a bunch of homes washed away.
They stood in front of the shop and a little girl, no older than eight years old, appeared wearing green fairy wings and holding a magic wand with curly plastic ribbons trailing off it. She ran them through her fingers and twisted them and then made a motion as if cutting them with scissors, snip-snip. She craned her neck back to look at them and said Old Al was dead forever. Dad rubbed his eyes with the flat of his palm, his mouth downturned, his jaw clenched tight. She stretched her arm out and pointed her wand towards the river. She said you better look for some other guy but watch out for all the phonies.
Thanks, Dean said, and held out his family-size bag of tootsie rolls. She shook her head. He shook the bag so there was a rattling sound, like, you sure? This is the good stuff. They were two for five at the gas station this morning but he was already down to a third of a bag and this made him feel very generous. Again she shook her head. She gave him a disgusted look and took off.
O-kay, he said, mostly to himself. He unwrapped another piece of candy and threw it into his mouth and watched his dad. Carefully he thought about touching Dad’s elbow or offering some other comfort but instead scraped the taffy coating his teeth with a fingernail. He couldn’t reach what was stuck between them, the taste thick at the back of his throat.
Dad sighed and slapped his shoulder and said let’s go and started walking down Conti, leaving the car behind, always knowing what to do, walking fast like he did in huge strides that you had to jog a little to keep up with him for five, six blocks, past blow-up ghosts in front of homes covered in mesh cobwebs and kids inside them screaming, the street narrowing in, the sidewalks getting busier. Out of nowhere Dad crossed the street and there was a beep and Dean turned to wave his hand at the guy behind the wheel and gave him a startled angry apologetic look and turned again looking for his father and caught sight of his turning left on Bourbon and called out after him and rounded the corner, his hand on his dead phone heavy and useless in his pocket, his eyes trained on Dad’s shoulders, so far behind him now and between them fat Batman in gray suit and hard plastic cowl, Michael Jackson who couldn’t moonwalk, Dolly Parton with foam tits and cowboy hat, chick waddling in mermaid tail, sexy nurse, squad of stormtroopers, preacher raging into a microphone, Ghostface, Black guy in a shoulder-length brown wig and beige-colored bathrobe, three little kids drumming on up-turned buckets, vampire with plastic fangs and red running down her chin and down her neck and her sternum artfully between her boobs, innumerable sweaty costumeless midwestern couples drinking liquor in plastic cups, murder victim with axe sticking out his head, scarecrow, Neo in leather duster, sorority girls in heels, fun-loving gay dudes, Pennywise and closely-related generic clown, a second and third Ghostface, beer sweetness in the air and gumbo and a big manly hand on his ass squeezing and Eagles cover band singing the full moon is calling the fever is high and the—and the corner of St. Ann where Dad turned right and disappeared into one of the courtyards or up into the rare green aurora flashing over the Mississippi a hundred yards away with its sewage smell, leaving Dean forever with his candy and important choices to make like does he go back where he came from or walk miles up and down Decatur for the ghosts to watch and laugh from their balconies or ask for a phone to please call my dad and even worse than that the humiliation of asking where are you where should I meet you why would you leave like that should I go back to the car?
But then he heard the shouting. A large-sounding, murderous-sounding man was cursing insanely, voice echoing and spilling out into the street. Dean pushed in a narrow metal gate that led into a poorly-lit path just as Dad turned the corner on his way out and said here you are and just as Dad turned the corner Dean made a sound, no telling what kind, and found his back against the wall, his heart rabbiting, hopped up on high-fructose corn syrup, threatening to bust out through his ribs. He pressed his hand to his chest as if to keep it in place.
Whatever misery Dad saw on his face made him grin wide and sharp. Across from Dean he leaned against the wall and pulled him closer by the flap of his jacket. Dean tripped over his feet, held on to Dad’s arms for balance. Dad laughed low and said found you, mouth smearing against his cheek. He stuck his hand into the right pocket of Dean’s jacket, cloth pouch in hand, and found it full of candy wrappers. They fell out soundlessly to the ground. Dad tsked and said you’re gonna make yourself sick bud, low and pitying. He pulled Dean’s jacket open, left the bag inside the inner pocket then his hand on Dean’s chest.
I was right behind you, Dean said, belly swirling with taffy and four whole months since he’d last had Dad’s hands on him.
I know.
I found you.
Dad said, I know, hand around the back of Dean’s neck, the other under his jaw. He smiled, said hey come here, tilted Dean’s face up finally and then there was nothing for it. Dean closed his eyes.
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