A Familiar Face
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7000goldfishinaspacesuit · 5 years ago
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7000goldfishinaspacesuit · 7 years ago
this is a real deleted scene from revenge of the sith
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7000goldfishinaspacesuit · 7 years ago
Looking for a random cause of death for a character? Click here.
Looking for a random city? Click here.
Looking for a random city that people have actually heard of? Click here.
Need a random surname for a character? Click here. (They also give prevalence by race, which is very helpful.)
Helpful writing tips for my friends.
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7000goldfishinaspacesuit · 7 years ago
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7000goldfishinaspacesuit · 7 years ago
I worked with toddlers and pre schoolers for three years. Sometimes I accidentally slip and tell a friend to say bye to an inanimate object (“say bye bus!”) & occasionally they unthinkingly just do it.
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7000goldfishinaspacesuit · 7 years ago
im going to make an oc based on this video
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7000goldfishinaspacesuit · 7 years ago
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7000goldfishinaspacesuit · 7 years ago
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You know that feeling of when you see an image from YEARS ago and it causes some old unused part of your brain to light up like a Christmas tree
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7000goldfishinaspacesuit · 7 years ago
when you see a wolf and also you’re an early human in the paleolithic era
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7000goldfishinaspacesuit · 7 years ago
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7000goldfishinaspacesuit · 7 years ago
bye i love this
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7000goldfishinaspacesuit · 7 years ago
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When your sharp-shin forgets how to sharp-shin.
My cool friend bands raptors. 
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7000goldfishinaspacesuit · 7 years ago
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Concepts for new Eeveelutions
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7000goldfishinaspacesuit · 7 years ago
So my mom likes to dictate her texts instead of typing them.
The thing is, my mom swears a lot, and she’s often at home with my impressionable little brothers. So she programmed her phone to type “bitch” whenever she said “B” and “f**k” whenever she said “F.” For a while, we all thought this was a pretty clever idea. Yesterday, she sent me a picture of my brother sitting in his car seat and crying. The caption was, “he got stung by a bumblebitch!!! ”
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7000goldfishinaspacesuit · 7 years ago
Dear Signs, It’s Okay
Dear Aries,
You are a fireball of energy, blazing through life. You want to savor it’s rawness and be strong in all your might, and you are strong. But it’s okay to cry, and let the softer parts of yourself show- even for a moment- even if it’s just to yourself. Because deep down, through all that strength and valor, you still have the innocence of a child. Not everyone will understand what it’s like to be so authentic in the core, and that’s okay. You are you, in all of your wholeness and that should be shameless. Your childlike innocence doesn’t take away your strength, it gives you an impenetrable shield.
Dear Taurus,
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you love the person staring back at you, Do they fit the definition of what you find as beautiful? Look deeper, past the skin, past the tangible, and feel- do they feel Beautiful- If not, why not? If the answer has anything to do with other people, listen close. Beauty is subjective but you embody it, you are Earth in her purity, natural and cunning. It’s okay if you don’t always see, but always try to feel it. People don’t always understand the beautiful things in life and that’s okay, as long as you are aware of it yourself- you are akin to a flower blooming. No matter the petals, you are aromatic, intoxicating. Not everyone stops to smell the flowers, but take this as a reminder you always should.
Dear Gemini,
You are a whirlwind of everything around you, and it’s quite remarkable. No one can pin you down, as you can hardly grasp yourself. You are a curiosity, as no one understands you, some days you don’t understand yourself. That’s okay, life is about perpetual learning, and not just about knowing. Knowledge may bring comfort, but it doesn’t secure it. You are a tornado, and it’s natural not everyone can keep up, and that’s okay. You are light-hearted being, with light that needs to dance and smile. Don’t let anyone take your smile away, and or erase the many facets of who you are. With so many faces, you aren’t fake, you’re just multi-dimensional.
Dear Cancer,
You are sensitive and passionate, with a hard shell protecting everything you love. Life comes to you in phases, and you follow your passions wherever they may lead you. You shine brightly in the dark, when all is still. You are a contradiction, like most wonderful things- hard on the outside with a softness inside, both nurturing but harsh. It’s okay to be all of these things, and it’s okay to trade them out through time. You are the moon, and the moon is constantly reinventing herself.
Dear Leo,
You love fearlessly and boldly, and not everyone can handle that. Some are blinded, some are envious, but that’s okay, as long as it doesn’t dull who you are. You shine for those around you, because you love them and you need to know they love you too. It’s okay to love like you do, it’s okay to shine as bright as you do. You have a childlike adoration, and attention serves as validation. Praise strokes the fire in your heart, just remember not everyone has learned about love in it’s pure form. Love them as you would any other stranger, because they need it just as much, but don’t let it drain you. It’s okay to love the world, just know when to it’s time to move on, and be someone else’s sunshine.
Dear Virgo,
You are the oil in the gears that make the world run smoothly. You are anxious, making double sure you’re perfecting your part in the world. It’s natural to want to feel appreciated, as you do so much for others. You might not always do the glamorous things, or be in the center, but you always are doing something. It’s okay to want to be thanked, it’s okay to want to be adored- because you deserve it. Just know, you have to appreciate yourself before anyone else does. Some people don’t see all of what you do, and you can’t change that. You can change who you service, and you can change how you percieve yourself. Always remember to adore yourself, and give yourself credit for everything you do. Without you, this world would be chaos, so remember you are important.
Dear Libra,
Who are you ? I’m sure you ask yourself this quite a lot, and it’s okay if the answer changes daily. It’s okay if the answer changes, because whether you believe it of not, there is no definite answer. People around you may seem solid in who they are, but their not, and that’s okay too. You are not less than them, and you a more than just a reflection, even if that’s others see you. Your identity is fluid, and it changes based upon the people- and that’s why being alone sometimes can be so scary. You are left unarmed as to who you are, with only the scraps of thoughts to keep you together. And sometimes those thoughts aren’t so pretty, and that’s okay, because you’re also more than what ugly thoughts have to offer. You are beautiful, in and of yourself, you are an egnima.
Dear Scorpio,
You are a curious being plopped in a curious world. There is so much mystery, so much hidden depth. Of course you want to explore it all, to you, there is no such thing as an unanswerable question, and every wonder has a right to be answered. This frightens the world at large, because the world isn’t always ready for the truth you bring. It’s okay that you wonder those questions, no matter how dark or taboo. This isn’t a fault with you, because the world is heavy in denial. This is your virtue, because you walk the path so many are hesitate to glance down. Always ask, always discover, always seek, just remember security isn’t always found in the answers. Sometimes the answers break the security you thought you had, and this begs more questions. It’s okay to vulnarable, it’s okay to be exposed sometimes, especially to those who mutually love you, as you love them. Perhaps it’s this way, you’ll find the answer you’re looking for through yourself? But that’s just another question you’re going to have to answer- and it’s okay if there’s more after that.
Dear Sagittarius,
The world is an adventure, and an experience to indulge in. You are a wildfire, untamed and wild, It’s okay to wander. Beings like you aren’t meant to be caged, you are meant to drift and discover, to teach all those who listen. It’s okay to want to befriend the world, just remember not everything is friendly. You know this, but you’re brave and luck always seems to be on your side. It’s okay to believe in luck, always count your stars while you can. If by some stroke of chance you loose them, know that you can always find them again, or better, create your own lucky stars.
Dear Capricorn,
The world is dark, it is hollow, but you fill a much needed crack within it. You are the cement that holds the foundation for many different people, and that’s why the world feels so heavy. It’s okay to feel brittle after holding so much weight for so long. It’s okay to feel exhausted, because this world is mericiless and you brave it well. Your ambitions is what carries you and the ones you love. Just remember, you are also human, and not a machine, even if others don’t see it that way. Remember that, it’s okay to rest, and that you can always carry on in the morning.
Dear Aquarius,
When people imagine colors that don’t exist, they think of you. You function on a plane that many people never ventured on, because so many people are afraid of what they don’t know. You embody what people are afraid of, not because you’re scary, but because you’re different. Different- that’s an adjective that’s used so much in reference to you, it’s practically a synonym to your name. You are just you though, and that’s the magic of it. It’s okay if people don’t understand you’re unique sense of self, it’s okay if they don’t understand your compassion for the world. Its okay if some nights are lonely because you feel misunderstood, some things aren’t meant to be understood by everyone. You aren’t alone for this, you are united because of it. It’s through your eccentricity that will bond you with the few people that truly understand.
Dear Pisces,
The world consumes you, as you unknowingly consume it. You a radar of sensitivity, picking on the undercurrents that most people don’t notice. Some days it feels like your drowning in those waves, and no one understands. They don’t, and that’s okay. They don’t understand you, because often times, they are half blind to the world around them. You hold unimaginable depth, and some people don’t know how to handle that. You are a sponge, soaking up the world’s vibrations and empathy. This may seem like a curse, but it’s a blessing to see the world so vibrantly. This world consumes you, but that’s okay, because you also have the power to capture it.
*check sun & moon*
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7000goldfishinaspacesuit · 7 years ago
Tips to learn a new language
The 75 most common words make up 40% of occurrences The 200 most common words make up 50% of occurrences The 524 most common words make up 60% of occurrences The 1257 most common words make up 70% of occurrences The 2925 most common words make up 80% of occurrences The 7444 most common words make up 90% of occurrences The 13374 most common words make up 95% of occurrences The 25508 most common words make up 99% of occurrences
(Sources: 5 Steps to Speak a New Language by Hung Quang Pham)
This article has an excellent summary on how to rapidly learn a new language within 90 days.
We can begin with studying the first 600 words. Of course chucking is an effective way to memorize words readily. Here’s a list to translate into the language you desire to learn that I grabbed from here! :)
EXPRESSIONS OF POLITENESS (about 50 expressions)      
‘Yes’ and ‘no’: yes, no, absolutely, no way, exactly.    
Question words: when? where? how? how much? how many? why? what? who? which? whose?    
Apologizing: excuse me, sorry to interrupt, well now, I’m afraid so, I’m afraid not.    
Meeting and parting: good morning, good afternoon, good evening, hello, goodbye, cheers, see you later, pleased to meet you, nice to have met.    
Interjections: please, thank you, don’t mention it, sorry, it’ll be done, I agree, congratulations, thank heavens, nonsense.    
NOUNS (about 120 words)
Time: morning, afternoon, evening, night; Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday; spring, summer, autumn, winter; time, occasion, minute, half-hour, hour, day, week, month, year.    
People: family, relative, mother, father, son, daughter, sister, brother, husband, wife; colleague, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend; people, person, human being, man, woman, lady, gentleman, boy, girl, child.    
Objects: address, bag, book, car, clothes, key, letter (=to post), light (=lamp), money, name, newspaper, pen, pencil, picture, suitcase, thing, ticket.    
Places: place, world, country, town, street, road, school, shop, house, apartment, room, ground; Britain, name of the foreign country, British town-names, foreign town-names.    
Abstract: accident, beginning, change, color, damage, fun, half, help, joke, journey, language, English, name of the foreign language, letter (of alphabet), life, love, mistake, news, page, pain, part, question, reason, sort, surprise, way (=method), weather, work.    
Other: hand, foot, head, eye, mouth, voice; the left, the right; the top, the bottom, the side; air, water, sun, bread, food, paper, noise.    
PREPOSITIONS (about 40 words)    
General: of, to, at, for, from, in, on.    
Logical: about, according-to, except, like, against, with, without, by, despite, instead of.    
Space: into, out of, outside, towards, away from, behind, in front of, beside, next to, between, above, on top of, below, under, underneath, near to, a long way from, through.    
Time: after, ago, before, during, since, until.    
DETERMINERS (about 80 words)  
Articles and numbers: a, the; nos. 0–20; nos. 30–100; nos. 200–1000; last, next, 1st–12th.    
Demonstrative: this, that.    
Possessive: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.    
Quantifiers: all, some, no, any, many, much, more, less, a few, several, whole, a little, a lot of.    
Comparators: both, neither, each, every, other, another, same, different, such.    
ADJECTIVES (about 80 words)    
Color: black, blue, green, red, white, yellow.    
Evaluative: bad, good, terrible; important, urgent, necessary; possible, impossible; right, wrong, true.    
General: big, little, small, heavy; high, low; hot, cold, warm; easy, difficult; cheap, expensive; clean, dirty; beautiful, funny (=comical), funny (=odd), usual, common (=shared), nice, pretty, wonderful; boring, interesting, dangerous, safe; short, tall, long; new, old; calm, clear, dry; fast, slow; finished, free, full, light (=not dark), open, quiet, ready, strong.    
Personal: afraid, alone, angry, certain, cheerful, dead, famous, glad, happy, ill, kind, married, pleased, sorry, stupid, surprised, tired, well, worried, young.    
VERBS (about 100 words)    
arrive, ask, be, be able to, become, begin, believe, borrow, bring, buy, can, change, check, collect, come, continue, cry, do, drop, eat, fall, feel, find, finish, forget, give, going to, have, have to, hear, help, hold, hope, hurt (oneself), hurt (someone else), keep, know, laugh, learn, leave, lend, let (=allow), lie down, like, listen, live (=be alive), live (=reside), look (at), look for, lose, love, make, may (=permission), may (=possibility), mean, meet, must, need, obtain, open, ought to, pay, play, put, read, remember, say, see, sell, send, should, show, shut, sing, sleep, speak, stand, stay, stop, suggest, take, talk, teach, think, travel, try, understand, use, used to, wait for, walk, want, watch, will, work (=operate), work (=toil), worry, would, write.    
PRONOUNS (about 40 words)
Personal: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, one; myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.    
Possessive: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs.    
Demonstrative: this, that.    
Universal: everyone, everybody, everything, each, both, all, one, another.    
Indefinite: someone, somebody, something, some, a few, a little, more, less; anyone, anybody, anything, any, either, much, many.    
Negative: no-one, nobody, nothing, none, neither.    
ADVERBS (about 60 words)
Place: here, there, above, over, below, in front, behind, nearby, a long way away, inside, outside, to the right, to the left, somewhere, anywhere, everywhere, nowhere, home, upstairs, downstairs.    
Time: now, soon, immediately, quickly, finally, again, once, for a long time, today, generally, sometimes, always, often, before, after, early, late, never, not yet, still, already, then (=at that time), then (=next), yesterday, tomorrow, tonight.    
Quantifiers: a little, about (=approximately), almost, at least, completely, very, enough, exactly, just, not, too much, more, less.    
Manner: also, especially, gradually, of course, only, otherwise, perhaps, probably, quite, so, then (=therefore), too (=also), unfortunately, very much, well.    
CONJUNCTIONS (about 30 words)
Coordinating: and, but, or; as, than, like.    
Time & Place: when, while, before, after, since (=time), until; where.    
Manner & Logic: how, why, because, since (=because), although, if; what, who, whom, whose, which, that.   
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7000goldfishinaspacesuit · 7 years ago
So this has been stuck in my head ever since I heard it three days ago.
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