#but there's the other part of me that watched spn when i was in middle school with my mom
kdaught · 4 months
Hope you don't mind me randomly dropping into your asks but since you asked me in the tags if I've started watching Supernatural I decided to send you an update on my spn (and wincest/destiel) journey.
I've now (re)watched s1 and started s2, and some of the thougs I had when I last watched it have returned to me. I started watching it 9 years ago (quit in the beginning/middle of s8) bc I thought Destiel would be like Johnlock which I loved, but I was disappointed bc I felt that the fandom had hugely overhyped how big Castiel was as a character. I even found an old tweet of mine saying that while I do somewhat ship Destiel it's the most overrated ship I know of. I also remember feeling weirdly like the canon WANTED me to ship wincest which I, still 17 and Pure in my Moral Fandom Opinions did not want to do. I also found a tweet from me saying that Wincest is a ship I'd never ship. Anyway.
My current diagnosis is: yeah the canon does want me to ship it. I don't know what to make of it. I keep comparing it to Defan which is so interesting bc I feel like (headcanonically) Defan wants each other despite being brothers, and the brothers part just adds a level of twistedness. Wincest on the other hand wants each other BECAUSE they're brothers. Their dynamic is like, Incestuous with a capital I. And more emotionally so, like levels and levels of weirdness that is so even without being sexual, but I do think the sexual level is easy to add. But so far I'm very interested in their dynamic but I don't Ship it, more like. Observe whatever is going on. It feels too weird to read fanfics or anything about so far bc as I said, it's so deeply incestuous. Not to say I wont, but for now those are my thoughts on it.
Also I've been an outside observer of the spn fandom for years now, and I don't want to pick sides with Destiel vs Wincest, just observing the fandom is funny enough. But tbh I'm afraid sooner or later I'll get sucked into it bc supernatural fandom seems like. The hellpit of tumblr. Pun intended and all the love to the spn fans who continue keeping me entertained.
omg hi friend! So happy you decided to send me an ask and I'm glad you're enjoying yourself with spn so far!
LOL, the part about spn wanting you to ship wincest is so funny to me. Eric Kripke, the creator of season 1-5 (and cowriter of some episodes after that as far as I'm aware) once said: "Turns out I have a thematic which is tight relationships between friends/brothers with unstated homoerotic subtexts." in reference to spn, so yeah. There's that, haha.
I can definitely see the defan comparison! I think both can be equally fucked up at times but with wincest it's.... definitely more emotional. Also fun that you picked up on the emotional incestous undertones with wincest, haha. We a two whole set of tags for that:
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I love this fandom so much, hah. Let yourself be dragged into the pit, ezra, we have so much content!
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kickingitwithkirk · 11 months
Restless Man
Summary: Beau Arlen finds himself in the middle of a case with more twists than a country road.
Pairing: Beau Arlen x Reina Cetanwakuwa-Stanley
Word Count: 417
Warnings: cursing, show level violence, derogatory remarks (some in native languages)
Square Filled: @jacklesversebingo -"Well, that went great."
A/N: The inklings for this started the first time I heard Jensen singing Restless Man. This work is partially from historical information and canon elements from the Big Sky series.
*Set after the series finally 3:13 That Old Feeling.
A/N II: All Native American words/sentences in this part are Cheyenne or Lakota resourced from freelang.net and glosbe.com *some algorithmically generated on these sites.
*Translation:  vé'ho'e-White people/member of Caucasian race
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Beau Arlen steps out of Dewell & Hoyt Investigation Agency into the bright morning sunshine that’s deceptively masking the crisp nip in the morning air signifying winter isn't far off.
Slipping on his sunglasses, he gazes across the street scrutinizing a group gathered outside a lawyer's office. Judging by their attire, they’re from the country club set except for one hidden under a Stetson and duster. 
The now permanent sheriff of Lewis and Clark County hears the door open as Denise Brisbane, the agency’s indispensable assistant and his incorrigible flirt, comes out. “Ohh, that can’t be good.”
 “Who’s the bigmouth?”
“Holland Stanley.”
“As in running for state senator Holland Stanley?”
“The same. Along with being involved in other various enterprises. Looks like the Stanley patriarchs' will reading isn’t going over well.” They continued watching when Holland noticed them redirecting his ire, “What the fuck you gawking at? Goddamn noisy vé'ho'e!” The accompanying rude gesture was the last straw for Arlen.
He starts off the curb when Denise makes a squeaky noise and grabs his arm, “Best not to have a public confrontation. You don’t want the Stanleys as enemies, trust me.” She glances back across the street and the Stetson-wearer nods at her in acknowledgment. 
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“Thanks for the update, Pop’s,” Arlen hung up with an amused chuckle, “so someone called in about Holland raising holy hell over someone named Rain or…what’s with the faces ladies?”
“No faces here,” Denise says with a fake, innocent expression. She glances at her boss, Cassie Dewell, for backup and sees it's not happening. “Okay, there might be something.”
“What might be something?” 
They all turn to see Jenny Hoyt, Cassie’s business partner and Arlen's undersheriff, come in noticing everyone acting off and calls them on it. “Okay, what’s going on?” Cassie decides to take one for the team, “Denise thinks she saw Reina Stanley outside the lawyers across the street.” She watched her partner's composer shift coolly asking, “You sure it’s her?”
“I know it’s been like a decade since anyone has seen her but,“ Denise stopped when Hoyt did that thing with her mouth when irritated. Before Arlen could ask what the deal was his phone went off. “There was a bank robbery in Jefferson City…” Hoyt doesn’t wait for him to finish and turning on her stacked bootheels storms out yelling, “I’m driving!” 
“Ladies,” Arlen says hastily exiting and when they hear Hoyt’s Bronco peel out Denise says, “Well, that went great,” to which Cassie just shakes her head.
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva  @lassie-bird @nancymcl  @spnbaby-67  @leigh70
Dean/Jensen:  @thoughts-and-funnies  @stoneyggirl2  @akshi8278  @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl
*tags open if interested
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watchingspnagain · 8 months
Rewatching It’s a Terrible Life
Welcome to “Sam and Dean are Just Steps on the Bossman’s Ladder: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s4e17: It’s a Terrible Life
Dean Smith works a middle-management white-collar job at Sandover Bridge and Iron, and Sam Wesson is a grunt in the IT department there. Sam thinks something about this life is wrong, and when he runs into Dean he could swear they’ve met before. But Dean brushes him off until employees start dying real weird in the company. When Dean witnesses an IT tech stab himself in the throat during a panic attack over filling out a form incorrectly, he accepts that Sam might be on to something. The two work together to research the company and the deaths, eventually realizing the ghost of the company’s founder is compelling workers to kill themselves if they don’t give Sandover their all. Smith and Wesson dispatch the ghost (after finding some helpful tips online from the Ghostfacers), and eventually Dean’s boss reveals that he is actually Zachariah, an angel who arranged this little interlude for Dean to help him remember that he is and always will be a hunter at heart. Dean doesn’t take kindly to this interference from the angels and promises that one day he’ll stab Zachariah in his face.
Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
Lor: bounces I love this one
it is a good one
he looks so ridiculous in that shirt and tie
and I love that this show is like "ep 16: torture, hero almost killed by a demon who tortured him in hell for 30 years. ep 17: alternate universe shenanigans"
mmm. someone should maybe take him out of them
they like to mess with us
simmer down
omg this guy plays such a hilarious weirdo on Psych
omg Dean Smith. you do not need to lose any weight. eat a cookie
kill a ghost
LOL Sam's face
even Dean Smith makes "no homo" jokes when no one else brought that up pets him go to therapy, baby
it’s crazy to me that Sam is uncomfortable in this fake life but Dean suspects nothing
yeah it is WEIRD
but it fits with his "I can fit in anywhere thing"
hm. I wonder if it’s more “I’m so unhappy in the life my daddy forced me into” thing
oh definitely
my god he FITS in that shirt
he should really stop being work buddies with this asshole
(omg I am seriously wearing almost EXACTLY that other dude’s outfit right now)
poor Sam doesn't fit in his cubicle
graphic t with ratty flannel over
it is the BEST outfit
oh Sammy, sweets, I’ll nap with you
simmer down
I love how he does NOT fit into that cubicle
Dean’s profile. just DAMN, son
they made him extra pretty this ep and I love that they bothered
he cleans up super nice
Dean, you know you have some vampire romance novels under your perfectly made bed
“you overshare”
the tiny montages of the workplace mundanities
“I hope they spank me” this boy is naughty
look, we've all been where he is. no evil ghost needed
omg Dean's pretty pretty face. his LIPS
omg Sam and Dean are both researching it and asking the same questions on their own. i love it
“did you shave?!”
"the dash-Rs"
“hey, guy”
omg his back in those suspenders
omg EW
i always forget this one has some serious ew horror moments
poor Dean so shook
but not as shook as a normal person, which is kind of awesome
the way his voice kinda fails on "neck"
I love the way he just totally took charge with Ian (even though it didn't work)
why did he bring his bag?
security laptop. it makes him feel safe
emotional support laptop
"no that would be nuts" HAAAAAHHAHAHAHA poking fun at their own show history
"some skills I happen to have"
okay settle down, Taken
I admire from afar
Dean’s arms in that shirt
“right?!” BOYS
"I am dying to check this out." "Right?" YES
SNORK! Look, I’m always like this. It’s weirder when you do it
Fair enough
your desire to trot at any given moment is, like, lukewarm
at best
which is, of course, completely cool - PUN INTENDED - I’m just saying that when you bump it up to hot-trotting, it’s just different
I get it
whereas my trotting enthusiasm always runs at toasty, minimum
except for the GIANT BOWL OF APPLES
eat a food, Dean, I beg you
LOL toasty trots
(also, their NAMES)
your daddy raised you better'n that
did he, though?
I think you mean Bobby raised him better
(YES I am kissing whoever decided to give them OTHER gun names platonically on the head)
Bobby is his dad in the universe, that's what I meant
"instructional videos"
I forgot they were in here!
THIS IS LIKE THE BEST JOKE that they learn how from them who they hate who learned it from them
I LOVE IT kicks feet in glee
nrrrrrf Dean's dumb buttondown tucked into his dumb dress slacks
“yeah now sucks"
his portfolio is in the sewer. poor rich baby
"useless douchebags the Winchesters"
"possibly all states"
and Dean's face at the idea of digging up bodies
omg Dean hiding
oh man another super gross bit coming
“…what?” SAM
poor Bean
poor sammy
"take the stairs"
aw Dean's little swallow
"I have no idea"
oh boys
hey! stop throwing my Dean around into things!
ooo the teamwork
I love that Sam immediately clocks that the way to help Dean is not to help him but to dispatch the ghost
so smart
“that was amazing!”
pets him
“how would we live?”
"you don't wanna go fighting ghosts without any health insurance" I LOVE HIM
I LOVE that Sam instinctively knows who he is
And his family is Bobby, Ellen, and Jo
well, Bobby at least
“you don’t know me, pal” ooof
"you should go" sigh
he BENT the poker MY GOD
Dean, hold out for your own angel
"my GOD am I hungry"
trots in with a bag of cheeseburgers and fries and pie
"gross. no thank you"
“gross” HAHAHAHA
lololol Dean
ass clowns in monkey suits
how did they not realize how he would respond to this?
his idiolect! I cannot
Cas coulda told them. No way they ran this by him
daddy issues
he’s not wrong there
"I will stab you in your face" AND HE DOES
his face journey after "fornicate with women" is something else
look, Dean, I'm here to tell you you can hunt and still have the lattes
and fuck all of them for doing all this to Sammy too but not bothering to explain
like Sam goes from "my brother is beat to hell in a hospital bed" to being mind fucked and then no one bothers to tell him what's up
so mean. he needs comforting.
I think we've talked before about how if they'd given Dean a life HE MIGHT ACTUALLY HAVE HAD, like running his own auto shop, restoring cars, with either Cassie or Cas, he would have STAYED THERE FOREVER
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munsons-maiden · 1 year
I totally agree with you, and I was talking about streaming culture like a week ago and how it essentially devalues the product itself and the creators, actors, and workers.
For instance, with stranger things, I remember everyone being PISSED it was going to be separated into 2 separate parts. I, on the other hand, was happy because it reminded me of when I would watch older shows. Keep in mind I'm 23, but I remember the excitement of waiting for my weekly shows to come on in middle and hs.
Another point is that it helps give the show a proper program cycle. For instance, I highly doubt the whole kate bush thing/ stranger things summer would've lasted as long as it did, if the entire season aired in March.
I personally hope that netflix does a special send-off/ marketing for the final season, like a weekly release and a 10 to 20 minute bts of the filming for that episode. It would be such a shame to have it be released in 1 go, and have that be it for the series. I know half of the fandom hates the weekly staggered releases or even the 2 part releases, but I LOVE THEM.
Pls ignore the horrific typos I left 😭🤝
I fully agree. I'm 26 but I remember seasons like SPN and TVD lasting for weeks and MONTHS and weekly episodes would leave so much more room for theories and speculation and creating art at slower paces without this pressure of "I need to get this done because in a few weeks nobody's going to want to read it anymore". Weekly episode releases allow for so much more fandom fun and celebration of the new content which, in my opinion, is also more appreciation for the people creating these stories.
I hope Netflix has learned from the success of dropping ST4 in two volumes and I hope streaming will find its way back to weekly releases (as soon as networks start treating their writers and actors with the respect they deserve)
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 06x14 Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
“It’s going to either move its eyes or whole head.” 🎶in the butt🎶
“It’s going to microwave his brain from all the way across the room or something” “The fuck” “THE FUCK” “That guy had some high blood pressure. That was some serious blood splatter” “like I got fucked in the nostril” “Stop lying” “I’m fine” “Soulless dick bag era” “Play montage music. Stare at computer screen” “This aint gonna go well” So I fell asleep watching this episode with my hands on the keyboard so we are starting again tonight
“Way to fkn trip dude. Right when it matters” “I mean if you’re going to get stabbed with a pipe, you gotta see the blood coming out of the pipe. A missed opportunity” “then again, we’re all just mannequin parts anyway” “That was funny” “I don’t know what we’re looking at” “Don’t write that down.” “Prop shop. I suppose this is an easy set for them” “Something about humming and molesting dummies something something” “Is the next one a sex doll? That would be funny” “Because it’s an object. Wait.” “There he goes acting with his eyes again” Paused to read the web page
“They misspelled Prices” “The US Federal Reserve went bankrupt That’s funny” “Also I’m assuming they’re researching people in the town. If that’s the case, here it says the weather is rainy and going to storm. Lets make sure that happens” “Paused to read the Missing Girl article on TV” “Her routine route” “She was on her routine route on her way home when she saw the rotorooter rooting around in the rummage store” “You can file this stuff under stuff that could be written under ChatGPT instead of an intern” “They bothered to actually write this out. That’s actually impressive. All that effort for 5 seconds” “Duck face” “Maybe don’t ignore that shit, Dean” “He’s trying to dodge the kid, seriously?” “You could do a whole genre of niche fan fiction that they paint this Rose person in. You read all the onscreen shit and make a story about her” “Oh, I’m sure she did” “She was wearing red. Imagine that” “That was quite the jaw slap. Watch him move his whole head. He quit then Spouse wiggles like Sam did” “You’re nowhere near a factory. You’re in the middle of suburbia” “This guy seems familiar” “There was a sign I couldn’t read” “Fkn finger the shit out of that doorbell” “I thought they were still together?” “the guy is Yo Mama” “Nerd” “Get pegged” “In a barn” “On a rusty nail” “Bro. I gotta hide these drugs” “Oh shit I think the condom exploded. Fuck man” I have no idea
“He’s going to be like yeah sure, but I guess Sam did interview this guy” “How does that not hurt? That’s the best superpower a ghost could have. Be the best doctor in the world and never feel that” “Surgeon not doctor I guess” “That’s just fkn cruel man” “Thats locker room talk bro” “Oh yeah you all deserve to die” “I mean they have it coming” “Had to dump her. Couldn’t make it look like suicide or whatever” “It’s on me bro” “I’m not saying you deserve to die but…” “Just let him die” Laughed 
“The fkn nod. That entire scene was a whole conversation with himself” “and it made sense” “Isn’t that basically the same speech he gave Sam a long time ago?” Look at spouse picking up parallels
“The guitar is back” “Get murdered bitch” “Now I’m confused” “What the fuck did I just see?” “Isn’t the thing that was doing the murdering…? I don’t understand” “I should totally make this my voicemail “this is my other other other cell you know what to do” “she is a very small person” “She’s holding the cursed object?” “Her underwear, obviously” “Kidney / underwear. Same difference” “What are you going to do? Burn her at the stake or what” “She’s fkn gone. Pay attention” “Just outrun it? YOu’re not going to dodge the side or anything?” “Man they don’t build them like they used to. Not a fkn scratch” “Oh that was easy” “Don’t have to worry about getting the kidney out if you just kill her.” “Soulless Sam - he would have just killed the girl” “Just pour some beer on it . It’ll be fine” “Need a new headliner bro.” “Engine liner thing. I think it’s called a headliner” “The hood liner.” “Just keep kissing ass. It’s only your brother so it’s weird” “Keep our heads down. Keep swinging our dicks” “I think Sam nods too much to allow me to trust him. Like he’s trying to convince you he’s a good person”
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incarnateirony · 2 years
I've been generally... impressed with growth I've seen in the base line of the SPN fandom's dialogue, despite my complaints at certain groups and flares.
When I first hopped off the fence I had watched SPN fandom on for years, even THAT was many years ago.
Back then, this fandom denied a great many things. They refused some things you might laugh at now. The global decline of ratings, for example. Jared stans denied that loudly when they tried to blame Misha for "low ratings", but the second their show crash they tried to use it (incorrectly in a nonapplicable way). Scripts I leaked. Endings I uh. Specced. Maybe even again got mocked for speccing by would be ITKers like Pat, until Dabb confirmed it.
Like. My life is a cycle of posting things and some asshole arguing with me and brushing the results under the rug but
Fandom mostly--MOSTLY--seems to get it. Discourse is opening about corporate structures and trades and potential influences. People are sending good asks, and one not driven purely by a single ship, though sometimes how that ship interplays with this grander media universe.
Which was always kinda the whole point.
I think Tess said it best. (For those that don't know, she was a professional reviewer assigned an episode 300 review so power watched the show for research for the article while livetweeting)
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...and it's true.
And I look to the current crowds.
From Amazon, an inbound flow of mature viewership simply discussing the canon that is, laughing off the anti takes this fandom let itself get sucked into for years. They're used to adult storytelling. Whats's canon is canon. Not what personally fulfills our representational wants is canon. Just like. What's canon is canon. Many things it is, but queerbait it isn't.
SPN and CW fandom arguments exist in a bubble, often with young audiences convinced of what "queerbait" means divorced from actual academia, and even more criminal older people with their own agendas, sometimes even dog whistles, sending them out and blinding them so deeply that a clutch of largely 20 year old women feel entitled to even harass, attack, or wish failure on middle aged queer men for not writing middle aged queer men the way 20 year old women wanted, and didn't fight "hard enough" for them, the 20 year old women scream as they crack the whip at creators in shit situations.
But then to act SO GODDAMN SMUG because all your twitter friends believe the same thing with equally shallow effort, convincing yourselves it's progressive, and just LECTURING people looking up from like. Their actual LGBTQ histories, discussions, communities, going "genuinely, what the fuck is wrong with you, shut up"
But I think this flare of QUEERBAIT is a sort of culture shock response. These people are VERY CONFUSED. SPN fandom has let these poor definitions, poor applications, and absolutely terrible academic or historic lgbtq media knowledge be normalized in a sort of "all opinions about how media should work are equal", and it's not. Because like [gestures at my wall trying to keep people from getting lost in the WBD merger]
They want to put that point back in. SPN's audience is suddenly maturing, and being TREATED by this new Amazon audience LIKE The Boys or Mad Men in discussion. And soon, eventually, HBO too.
It seems to be MOSTLY, but not exclusively, younger people, that deeply crave a simple point or objective to fight towards, something you can take a hammer to or throw a molotov through a window and fix, and I'm sorry, part of growing up in the LGBTQ community is realizing it's never, ever that simple, and figuring out sometimes abstract or bizarre compensation methods to fight against our marginalized status without stepping on each other's feet.
So let's make sure we're not cracking the whip on people for, say, performing their own representation demographic well for us while snapped in shackles with a shock collar. Jesus christ.
And yeah, if you missed it, another Queerbait Scholar came out. Trotted out the normal fandom talking points. Tried to declare about degrees and education, pasted a citation
...gave away they've never done research in their life, as the academic paper they cited was a small piece that mapped out argued definitions and, ultimately, disassembled her argument piece by piece about the damages that come with bad faith readings like hers, with a fairly strong conclusion that in no upside down world could be conveyed as even lightly compatible with her point. Like literally, it's very clear she googled keywords trying to force a biased result, read a google truncation, and hit Ctrl+F without reading any surrounding content, because it was like a dissertation DESIGNED to end her.
And we've let this kind of bullshit drive us a while.
I'm glad. I'm glad a lot of people have turned around, but I'm also quite sad that there's others just seeming to double down and increase their violence against LGBTQ content and creators to compensate, screaming "I'M FIGHTING FOR YOU" while mentally pummeling the fuck out of those creators for trying.
I can't emphasize this enough. For all the pomp of her, the people she was trying to downtalk at in huge Dunning-Kruger in a neon lit exhibit display--everyone else read what she cited. She didn't, as was evident by her citing it.
The labor of YOUR ignorance already isn't OURS to deal with to begin with, but to attach that to INTENTIONAL ignorance, the REFUSAL to listen even when redirected to READ ONES OWN CITATION as actually being COUNTER to your argument--that's BEYOND the pall. That's not even just like, anti-intellectual. It's just being a dishonest piece of shit trying to pitch your personal wants beyond active warriors IN the community. Jesus what the fuck? If your best attempted google fu of no doubt suggestive string words only found a paper telling you that you're wrong, maybe you should listen to the elders that have been telling you to STOP ATTACKING QUEER CREATORS STUCK IN LIMITED SITUATIONS FOR YEARS. But of course, they double down instead, because that avoids having to face the impact of their PAST behavior then. (Or maybe it's just addiction to those sweet, sweet likes and trying to grab them before the claim's popularity goes entirely extinct.)
There's a desire for simplicity, but it's not there guys. Let me emphasize. Almost any single scholarly piece on this that ISN'T a self published piece of nonsense someone points at their own work on? Is gonna say the same thing. The same thing has been said for decades. Berens argued the same in 2003. This isn't new. Yall backwards
Whatever this impregnable wall of bitterness impervious to realities from public common knowledge to their own citations is, it's not progress. It looks alien from the outside, even in actual academic LGBTQ media discussions. You normalized it in a bubble.
The fight for progress is hard and complex and probably kind of disorienting and scary when you're new. There's oppression from above and limitations from within and DECADES of complicated discourse of where moral responsibility lies in support of the content despite shortcomings
None of this, I mean absolutely NONE OF THIS is new. It's a highly explored, delicate and nuanced conversation held for decades--less with changed popular opinion, and more with importance of new scopes like the internet or social media.
But somehow we have one cluster of like a dozen people in each CW teen scifish fandom that absolutely trained themselves into believing their unbridled unforgiving scorched earth bitter hell is "THE" LGBTQ way. Rather than one the community has called destructive or limiting to us in some form, for decades.
You don't get to redefine things and change how it works when you don't even UNDERSTAND how it works. You definitely don't get to pretend it's all the other decades more immersed activists in and WELL BEYOND SPN FANDOM that have it fucked up and YOU TEN are the right ones. Jesus
I'm tired of these perpetual aggressions against queer content and creators from SUPPOSED supporters that are VERY SRS ABOUT REP but can't even read the ABSTRACT or scroll to the CONCLUSION before deciding to cite a piece from a google truncation.
I'm genuinely starting to think there's some terfy ass radfem dogwhistling going on consciously from that corner at this point. There's a level of shamelessness that, even when confronted with their own source telling them they were wrong, they double down.
Because if a bunch of 20 year old women decide to tell a bunch of 40 year old queer men how to write 40 year old queer men to the point of encouraging SPITE AND HARASSMENT, that's it. You're not fighting for the 40 year old queer men. Stop pretending you are. If you wanna say you hate gay men or got issues with them then like, get out and go until you take care of that shit. Because this is looking like a very gay creative room, and we don't need bad faith actors tearing them apart pretending it's as an Ally.
If your wish ultimately boils down to wishing failures on a predominantly LGBTQ creative team, I don't care what you gift wrap it in, it's still shit. You're not an ally or friend in this fight.
Can't believe this fandom hears shit like "real activism takes education and nuanced engagement, not quick responses and hammers, not all moments are portland riots resisting the cops, we wouldn't be here that way; use words correctly, so we can actually address the issues we're facing, actually identifying queerbait, or other issues in the system, because if we know what the problems are each to their own we can start addressing them--to support creatives while fighting back against abusive corporations without hurting those creatives. We can't if we just throw 'everything I don't like or wasn't enough for me' in the same fucking bin. And nobody can even pretend the demand for the right to do so services any action. Their intent isn't action. It's noise.'" and pretends these are irrational or unfair statements.
They're ripping apart the people actually taking action.
For the last SEVERAL years whatever Supernatural fandom has had hasn't even remotely looked like real world activism in representation expansion discussions. It looks like a bunch of people who grew up trained in a normalized thunderdome of bad fandom talking points they don't know better than which have moved the entire fucking talking centers off into another fucking solar system from most of the world. It's bloodsport posing as activism, addiction to conflict rather than discussion of advancement, progress, tactics, or celebrating the content they DO manage to make in a warped system.
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aoitrinity · 4 years
Why Do I Have to Feel Like a Fucking Conspiracy Theorist -- OR -- How I Find a Semblance of Peace on Sunday Night
I’m also going to start this out with a GIANT DISCLAIMER.
I am about to theorize about what may have happened to the SPN finale. I have absolutely no insider knowledge. I am merely speculating here based on the panels and a bunch of Twitter and Tumblr posts that I have been reading over the last few days. If you are not in a good place to read such things, TURN BACK PLEASE. Go take care of yourself and your mental health. You and your feelings are valid and deserve to be handled gently right now.
Additionally, if you are here to give me shit for being unhappy with the ending, please walk away as well. I am here to reach out and share my feelings with people who might be struggling to make sense of something that upset some of us in very deep-seated ways. I am not here to bother you or critique you or tell you that you’re lesser because you liked the ending. If you felt it was good, then go enjoy it.
Long-ass post beneath the cut, everyone.
Alrighty folks...I debated whether or not to do this because I have been spiraling down the hell that is the SPN finale since Thursday. The travesty of what happened to our show--to this beloved show that seemed to have been so perfectly and precisely written for at least four years that it had basically already paved its own tarmac on which to land its plane and we all thought we knew exactly what we were going to get. And then we didn’t. We had a nigh Cas-less and entirely Eileen-less ending. We had no goodbye between Cas and Jack. We had Dean dying young after finally finding his freedom, only to ascend to heaven with no one but Bobby. We had the weird, weird, weird incest-y death scene. We had the bridge crane shot thing because...sure. You do you, Robert Singer.
It was so terrible, so truly awful, and I couldn’t seem to square any of it with anything we had known going in. I tossed and turned and cried and didn’t eat or sleep all weekend. I spent hours just reloading tumblr and twitter, going to the Misha panel, reading and reading and listening and trying to figure out what the fucking hell is going on because I needed to know exactly where to direct my anger. And after a fuckton of talking with @winchester-reload, I think we have at least a very plausible theory about what happened here--I’m laying it out below as much for my own peace of mind as anything else, because otherwise all of these thoughts are going to continue to spin around in my head for weeks and I won’t be able to do jack shit.
Now to start off, unfortunately I do think Dean was slated to die from the beginning of this season. I don’t know WHY they thought that was the best way to go, and I wish they had listened to Jensen on this one. Part of me wonders if it was an order from on high based on the discussion between Becky and Chuck earlier this season--the writers knew it wasn’t a great choice, but they were trying to signal to us that we should feel free to write our own endings to the story because they’d be better (I can wax poetic on the signs of why many of the writers probably wanted Dean to live, but that’s another post). I’m not defending that choice by any means, just laying it out there that I think they didn’t necessarily all want to kill Dean like they did.
However, what I THINK I can explain now is what happened with Misha and why we got so jerked around with Cas’s story. Consider what we know (I can’t immediately source all of it, but I did my best):
At the end of episode 15x19, Lucifer has been returned to the Empty after being killed AGAIN. He talks with Cas. Maybe harasses him a bit about Dean, idk. But then...Jack shows up. New God Jack. And he picks up Cas and pulls him out of the Empty, leaving Lucifer behind, because seriously. Fuck that guy (also leaving behind his abusive father is character growth for Jack, so yay for that).
-Misha was contracted to film 15 episodes this season. He was only in 14.
-Misha told Michael Sheen he had to go back to film 1.5 episodes after the shutdown in March. (Starts at 6:13)
-Misha was in Vancouver during filming of the finale.
-Mark P said at Darklight Con that the last scene he filmed was with Alex and Misha (and Mark P was only in episode 19).
-Misha implied that he was present for various filming moments, including Dean’s death (start at 35:15), and said that it felt like a “mini-reunion.”
-Various sources have mentioned that Jimmy Novak was supposed to be in the finale.
-After episode 18, Stands tweeted a fan who was angered and hurt by Cas's death that they could talk about the “bury the gays” issue after the finale aired.
-In episode 19 we know there were takes of the parking lot scene where the only thing fans observing could hear was Dean yelling “CAS” at Chuck (fuck I can’t find this one right now, but it’s definitely out there)
-Also in episode 19, we had a very strange, awkward montage at the end of the episode.
-In episode 20, we know there were a FUCKTON of missing scenes
-We also had no opening montage, but three other separate montages.
-Carry on My Wayward Son was played TWICE, back-to-back at the end of the episode.
-Episode 20 was shorter than normal and had surprisingly little dialogue. The pacing was VERY strange.
-The cast and crew has been almost completely silent about the finale since it came out. When they have spoken, it has been with an awkward excuse of “Uh...COVID?”
-Samantha Ferris has specifically noted that, despite the Harvelle’s being back in play and a big heaven reunion having been planned pre-COVID, neither she nor Chad Lindberg received any such invitation to return.
-Cas and Dean POP Funko figures were pictured together in a replica of Harvelle’s in 15x04.
NOW with all of this in mind (and I’m probably missing some stuff too because there is so much--feel free to add on to that list), please bear with me because here is what I think we were SUPPOSED to get POST-COVID (after it was determined that the reunion couldn’t happen because of the virus):
In episode 20, we start with our NORMAL OPENING MONTAGE, like always. It traces everything that happened during the season. We are reminded of Cas. The confession. Rowena. Eileen. Jack. Billie, God, the Empty, all of it. 
Things then follow along in the episode where they did up until Dean dies and wakes up in heaven. After his conversation with Bobby, he drives off to find Cas (who, in the script, was listed as “Jimmy Novak” in order to protect against script leaks--who wouldn’t want to do their best to avoid spoilers about the finale with the wrapping of a fifteen-year show?). He does indeed find Cas. We get Dean’s end of the confession. Hell, maybe we even get a kiss. And then Dean sets up his new heaven home in the recreated Harvelle’s. Maybe Cas even fucking moves in. 
Years pass. We get Sam having his life on Earth (still can’t explain why they cut Eileen and couldn’t even have Sam signing vaguely to the blurry brunette in the background; if anyone wants to take that on, go for it). Eventually, Cas tells Dean that it’s almost Sam’s time. Dean takes Baby and goes to meet Sam at the bridge. The cover of Carry on My Wayward Son plays during this much shorter sequence. End of episode.
But that’s not what we got. Instead, much of what I just wrote about was excised from the episode. The remnants were stitched together after shooting had been wrapped. Filler was added in the form of montages and long, unnecessary extra shots to get the episode to something approaching a reasonable length. 
But why? Why would they spend all that time and money and quarantining on Misha, only to almost completely cut him out of the finale? I struggled with why the fuck the CW would want this mammoth show to go down as the greatest queerbait in TV history when they had the chance to do something truly beautiful and monumental with it? It couldn’t just be sheer homophobia, right? Well, I think that factored into it, my friends, but here is where my head is at right now.
It was about cold, hard cash.
Now I could be wrong, but this is what I’m thinking at the moment: Supernatural is going off of the air. Supernatural, the CW’s cash cow for fifteen years. Sure there is still money to be made on blu-rays and merchandise and cons...but they need people watching their shows. They need that sweet advertising revenue. And you know what show they have about to premiere? A show that could, potentially, bring with it a chunk of that SPN revenue?
And if any of you know anything about the original Walker Texas Ranger, you know that the show was predominantly a show about a very heterosexual white man being very excessively heterosexual. And for SOME REASON over the years, many of the execs at the CW still seem to think that this show, Supernatural, is really attractive to a lot of middle-American white men...whom they desperately want to watch this new show with this guy from Supernatural that they already know.
Now here’s where COVID fucked us. I think Destiel was greenlit by TPTB, at least in SOME form, before COVID. But then the pandemic happened, and they panicked. They got the cut of the last two episodes and watched them in their original, probably queer form. And then, the execs at CW looked at the economy. They looked at their cash cow, about to make its journey to the great beyond. And they looked at this new little calf Walker that they were so desperately worried about. And they made a choice.
They decided that it would be too risky to take the step with Destiel. They were worried about frightening off their ever-so-valuable hetero male demographic with the possibility that a traditionally masculine man in his 40s could be in love with another man in an overt way. It was homophobia mixed with greed, spun up by fear for their revenues because of COVID.
So they called in Singer, possibly Dabb, although I wouldn’t be surprised if they went straight to Singer. They told them that Destiel had to go: executive orders. And the only way to make it go in a way that removed any trace of what had been there was to rewrite what happened to Cas and cut him out from the last two episodes entirely. It was too late to reshoot anything. They had to just cut and stitch and fill with bullshit montages. 
They removed the scene at the end of 19, probably because Cas and Lucifer discussed Dean. All that was left of Misha there was his voice on that fake phone call. They may have cut other things too, but I would bet my life that they cut a scene from the end of the episode and replaced it with that very strange montage. Then they moved onto 20. They cut out every scene with Cas. And left in only two platonic mentions of him, neither made by Dean. They tried to imply that Cas might show up in Dean’s heaven at some point, but that was as far as the editors could go in the time they had. They filled in with montages, awkwardly long shots, anything they could do to fill all of those missing scenes.
And they even had to take the opening montage, because literally everything in it pointed to Cas being there at the end of it all. They wouldn’t be able to leave out his scenes, they were too critical to the season. They couldn’t cut his confession without raising eyebrows. So they cut the whole thing and moved “Carry On My Wayward Son” to one of the newly-added driving montages at the end. Which is why we awkwardly had both songs play back-to-back--again, such a strange choice unless they were out of options and couldn’t exactly buy rights to a new track or compose anything else.
And so we were left with the shadow of the finale that we deserved, that Cas and Dean deserved. We were left without resolution or happiness or words. Bobo told us the most important thing about happiness is just “saying it” and our characters were silenced without anyone ever knowing the truth.
I think the writers might have known and been given the new party line that “Misha never filmed, he couldn’t, sorry, it was COVID, no one’s fault!” But I don’t think most of the cast even knew it had happened until they watched the finale on Thursday with us (though they might have been confused why the bit from 15x19 was sliced, they could reasonably have assumed it was a time thing and also BL episodes don’t make sense anyway). Why do I say that?
Well, first of all, Misha started sending out a bunch of excited texts to fans with some old BTS pictures about an hour before the show started airing on EST. He also wanted his children to see the episode, his YOUNG children. Why would he show them such a traumatic episode if their Dad wasn’t in it? What if it was because he wanted them to witness what was going to be a monumental moment in queer television history that their DAD got to be a part of? And then that was all dashed.
Which is why I think the cast and crew went almost completely radio silent the next day. I don’t think they knew. And based on how they have been acting on social media since then, I think many of them are absolutely furious, but they have been silenced because of NDAs, because they want to find work again in a cutthroat industry, because they don’t want to bring down the hellfire of Warner Brothers Entertainment upon themselves. So the most we have gotten is a little acknowledgement from the MERCHANDISING COMPANY trying to validate our pain (god bless Shirts, she is a LIFESAVER) and a response to my salty tweet about keeping good stuff in the closet from Adam Williams (the VFX coordinator) that seemed to acknowledge the validity of my complaint.
Then there was a scramble behind the scenes, I would bet my life. Talking points were fed to the boys who had panels today, to CE, to all the cast and crew:
Toe the party line. Misha never filmed. This was always about COVID. Do not mention Destiel. Do not mention Dean’s feelings for Cas. Do not promote the Castiel Project or anything that validates the idea that this was anything less than a superb ending.
And that is why we have heard so little from the cast on this front, and what we have heard has been muddled and contradictory. That is why the writers are saying nothing. That is why we have been left adrift.
Now before I close this out, I do want to say that I really, genuinely do not think this was on the writers at all. I feel like they tried to give us the best ending that they could, in a writers room that we know is notorious for splitting along party lines about the overall story (BL and Singer, who have always been about the brothers and their man-pain vs. Dabb and the rest who always seemed to want more for them and for Cas). I think they did everything in their power to at least end with Dean and Cas happy together. If they could give us nothing else, they wanted to give us that. And then the network took it from them. From us. From everyone.
For the sake of fucking money. 
And the WORST PART OF IT ALL, for me, is that in the wake of this disaster, the fans have been left to try and figure out what happened. We have had to wade through a mire of conflicting information in the midst of all of our collective anger and grief over this garbage ending of a show many of us have loved and even relied on for YEARS, all the while wondering if we’re just fucking crazy, if we have all fallen collectively into the hole of conspiracy theories. That hurts ESPECIALLY badly because we have taken so many hits over the years from other groups on social media saying we were crazy for seeing things that weren’t there (especially Destiel), for writing meta and analyzing tropes and believing the evidence of our eyes and ears. The network has made us relive that entire nightmare WHILE processing our grief for a show we wanted so badly to celebrate and which instead we now have to mourn.
So again guys, I cannot prove that this is exactly what happened at all; this is simply my idea of what may have happened. But right now, it’s the most sense I can make from this mess, and to be honest, the act of typing it out has helped me enormously in my processing of it all. I feel like I can see more clearly, like I know where to target my outrage and where to direct empathy. I feel like just fucking maybe, I might be able to do my job tomorrow without bursting into tears at random moments. 
I really hope that this post has helped some of you to, in some small way, process this too. We get through this the way that Misha told us at his panel this morning, the way the writers have told us to do all season long...we throw out the story God gave us and we make it better. We write our characters the happy endings they deserve. 
We save them.
One last thing--if you have not already, please consider channeling your rage into a donation to one of the five causes our fandom has put together to pay tribute to our beloved show and to mourn the ending it should have had:
-The Castiel Project
-Dean Winchester is Love
-Sam Winchester Project
-The National Association of the Deaf
-The Jack Kline Project
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diminuel · 3 years
Today I’m thinking about the Supernatural ending again because I will never not think about it. (Cursed. We’re all cursed.)
I still cannot comprehend how we got the finale we got and I have issues with it on multiple levels. What I’ve seen often as an explanation why the finale was such a mess and a narrative break from all that the show had been doing before that is that there was network interference (some people are mean enough to suggest that you must be an idiot if you don’t realize that it was so fucked up because the network meddled. Which is definitely not the way to convince others to subscribe to your interpretation...... but that’s just background noise.) They also say that the messed up finale was full of hints that Dabb wanted to do something else and what he ended up putting into the last episode was a subtextual fuck you to the network.
Now, I like speculation (if it’s not delivered in a ridiculously condescending way) and I like various interpretations. But to be honest, Mr. Dabb has made some comments during his showrunner career which have rang the “oh no” bells in my head. But let’s ignore that for the time being.
Let’s assume that the network interfered with Dabb’s creative vision and that the finale was a “fuck you” to the network... Doesn’t that seem like an overblown author ego to you too...? Why would you intentionally write a ridiculous episode just to show your displeasure? Don’t the fans deserve better? Shouldn’t the finale have been for us, the viewers? Shouldn’t they have put in all the effort they could despite the circumstances to make something satisfying? Instead of it being a big middle finger parading as a worthy finale of a 15 year old show?
I don’t know. I’m struggling with this and would welcome input.
As an aside, I sometimes think that there are very few (male) authors creating or wrapping up series at the moment that I actually trust. Because sometimes it doesn’t seem to be about delivering the best story or the best entertaining that will please the fans. No, it just has to be shocking! Killing off my main character when he was finally going to be able to live his life freely? The whole “yeah, you can fight all those battles and win, and still die a random, senseless death. Shit happens, real life is tragic~!” mood that goes along with the finale just rubs me the wrong way. That’s the kind of stuff I did to my characters as an edgy teenager. And there have been a lot of people who cited that real life was unfair and to watch something for children if you expect happy endings to those who were upsets because SPN seemed to promise them one thing (a hopeful ending) and then did something else entirely. I feel it’s not the hopeful viewer’s fault that the show totally missed tonally preparing for what was to come. (I’d argue they did the opposite. I feel like the marketing beforehand had a different tone. So maybe Dabb and co really fundamentally misunderstand how the story they’re telling is received by the audience, maybe they too are still edgy teenagers in their writers’ hearts and think that tragedy especially if it’s random and pointless must be superior to basically anything happy and hopeful........)
Anyway. This is the conclusion of my midnight ramblings about the Supernatural finale that I still haven’t digested (though I’ve only seen it once - and I was looking away for parts of it - so at least the mental cinema isn’t replaying it all the time.)
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watchingspnagain · 1 year
Rewatching It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
Welcome to “‘You don’t take a joint from a guy name Don’: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
 Up today, s4e7: It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
   The boys investigate a couple of mysterious deaths in a small town around Halloween. Turns out it's a couple of witches trying to raise a demon named Samhain. Cas finds himself caught in the middle between another angel who wants to wipe the town off the map, and Dean, who intends to kill the witches and save the town.”
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
  [and we begin:]
god how did they not just jump each other right there
“you should show me some respect” TELL ME THAT’S NOT DOM TALK
 oh ewewew I remember this part EWEWEW
gets behind the couch
oh god nopenopenope the shot from inside his mouth NOPE
"the candy was never in the oven" and his face
 watch your tone Mrs Wallace
 the “it’s fucking WITCHES” look HAHAHA
I love when the boys communicate without talking like that
"it's Halloween, man"
I love how grossed out he is by witches
oh man this is awful too I forgot how much awful there is in this one
 also she did NOT get the apple that quickly
 “I would never”
okay who wrote this one? Dean would actually never
 he really wouldn’t but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to be ogled by hot teen girls
oh sure that, but that little "yeah I would grin" after he says it bugs me
Sam Winchester, I love you, but if you don't stop saying SAM HAIN, I swear
that’s very true
 now you know how I feel when they ‘speak’ Latin
 oh Dean honey
pops up out of the backseat with a bottle of Pepto
oh Dean
you imagine yourself as a hot cheerleader all you like, hon
 he would come back as a hot cheerleader? yeah he would
omg Dean, his scared little freckle face
“yeah, we get it, Don"
I was gonna say, Dean, you DID have candy
“luck’s not our style” OH DEAN
back off the fatshaming, DEAN
 Sam is fangirling HAHAHA
we will have a talk with that boy
hahahahaha Sam, never meet your heroes
 he’s lowkey making fun of the boys
Cas, come here, baby, I just want to talk
I will accept that
 takes a bow
he's a sous chef, Dean
well done
oooo lookit Cas getting all up in Dean's face and making him bluescreen
that's a tautology, Cas
omg did Cas just bring John into it?!
 Dirty. Pool.
yeah, just bros
do not use John as an example Cas you know better
when Cas's boyfriend wants to try, he gets to try, URIEL
I was gonna say, Sam, they are righteous
oh Sammy. meeting an angel jumpstarts Dean's faith and wrecks Sam's
I love that there's markers in there too
ooo Cas doesn't like it when you talk about HUMANITY that way
oooo what are your true orders
stop making our boys hurt
 smarty Sammy
oh Dean does NOT like getting smeared with blood
 he really doesn’t
he likes things tidy, our Dean
 he does
dude, you're in DON, don't throw stones
oh Dean
it WORKED, calm down
this town of 1000 people sure has all the stuff
 “I mean, Don?” Ha! The kids don’t like calling him Don, either
 aw, poor stoner dude
mmm I love how he takes charge of a situation
ooo Sammy being badass
"that's it. I'm torching everybody"
Oh, Sam
 don’t poop your pants, Bean
HAHAHAHA I was thinking that but was refraining from mentioning
oh the look on Dean's face
 I’m here to say the things others won't
that's his baby brother who DOES NOT LISTEN
 It’s not Mr. Hain, Sammy
we know that Dean is in love with Cas bc Sam is clearly not in love with Uriel
 YUP. Angelic shit-stirrer
 Cas looks SO GOOD here
"it was a witch, not the Tet Offensive"
oh god, Dean likes war movies
his little holey knees
 (I’m not watching them with him)
a select few, maybe, but NOT about Vietnam
and he was PRAYING for Dean to do the human thing
flaps and bounces
 ooof that last scene
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Behind the Curtains (Draco Malfoy)
Summary: You can't sleep so you decide to take a short walk around the castle. However, you are met with the one and only Draco Malfoy... and potentionally Umbridge.
Warning: make out session hehe
Author's Note: I'm sorry I haven't been active here much, I've just been super busy with school and other stuff, so please bear with me. Requests are open anyway ♡
Taglist: @alienoresimagines @95swifi @lunalovecroft @sarcasticallywitty15 @abrunettefangirlnerd @justmesadgirl @weasleyh0e @spn-marvel-nerd @meteora-fc @amourtentiaa @freds-slut @riddikulus--remus @the-fan-18 @whoahersheybars
~ taglist link in my bio, as well as to my masterlist and prompt list ♡ ~
Sleep had been avoiding you for the past 3 hours as you tossed in your bed again and again. You eventually opened your eyes, giving up all your hopes to fall asleep, and quietly slipped from your warm sheets. Your eyes wandered to Hermione, who was peacefully lying on the other side of the room, you smiled to yourself and left the dorm.
The cold stone floor was sending chills through you whole body and you wrapped your arms around your body to keep yourself a tad bit warm. You looked down at your bare feet and silently cursed under your breath. I should’ve thought this through.
The Fat Lady frowned at you that you woke her up in the middle of the night as you left the Gryffindor common room, and you whispered a quick apology.
You didn’t waste your time looking left or right, at this point you didn’t really care any more if you get more detention, the scar on your hand itching slightly. Umbridge was surely in her pink fluffy bed, thinking about another restrictions for the Hogwarts students to follow.
You chuckled to yourself at the thought, turning right. You didn’t have a planned destination to reach, you just mindlessly wandered around the castle, watching the dark shadows dance on the floor. You shivered again and your feet started to feel a bit numb.
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” a sly voice echoed through the deserted corridor, making you froze on your spot abruptly. You slowly turned around on your heel to face Draco Malfoy. A cocky grin was gracing his pale face, his arms folded on his chest as he eyed you from head to toe. You couldn’t help it but roll your eyes at his smug behaviour, taking a slight step back.
“I could ask the same question, Malfoy,” you smiled innocently, hoping to distract him a little to be able to run back to your common room.
“Not so quickly, Y/L/N,” he sniggered as he looked through your thoughts easily, taking a few steps towards you.
Another plan was slowly forming inside your head. You knew very well that negotiating with Slytherins, especially Draco, wasn't the best way to get yourself out of trouble, but nothing else came to your mind at the moment. “How abou-”
Your voice ceased immediately. Someone was coming your way and by the sound of the clapping noise on the stone floor, it couldn’t be anyone else but Dolores Umbridge. Or Filch in high heels. Either option didn’t look promising to you.
But Draco was quick to act, apparently he’d done this before. He seized your arm and pulled you behind one of the curtains that were decorating the wall.
His whole body was pressed against your own, his suprisingly warm hand was covering your mouth as he stared into your eyes. “Do not move.” his lips moved but no sound came out. You nodded slightly and Draco removed his hand slowly.
Judging by the approaching noise, Umbridge just turned around in your corridor.
Draco must have sensed your nervosity (that wasn’t definitely caused by some toad in pink now) and grabbed both of your hands and placed them on his chest. A smug smirk appeared on his lips as he lowered his head a little. Only few inches were between the two of you and you found yourself closing your eyes and leaning in. His scent was intoxicating, as well as his hot touch. Your mind was screaming, your body slightly shaking, and you suddenly felt all dizzy and light-headed.
Umbridge was now only a couple of meters away and still coming closer.
“You make a sound and we’re both doomed.” Draco whispered into your ear, his lips brushed against your skin so lightly, like a wind caresses leaves and grass.
And then, when you were almost 100% positive that Umbridge was just passing the two of you, Draco pressed a wet kiss on your neck, sucking slightly at the sensitive skin. Your breath hitched in your throat and it took all your strenght not to let out a satisfactory moan. Your head was spinning as he kept on kissing your neck, making sure to mark his teritorry, which he would’t admit out loud in a million years.
You swallowed slowly, tilting your head a little to provide him with a better access and you felt how he smiled against your skin.
If someone asked you in the moment, who on earth is Umbridge, you wouldn’t be able to give the correct answer. Hell, you didn’t even remember your own name when Draco’s lips were now pressed against your jawline, his one hand wrapped around your waist and the other one gripping your hip tightly.
When you thought you couldn’t be quiet for any other second, Draco Malfoy kissed you properly on your mouth, supressing your moan. You had no idea how long you were glued to each other, it could be seconds as well as years, his skilled hands were roaming all over your body, trying to imprint you into his mind.
To your own displeasure, you had to pull away. This was not you, randomly making out in the middle of the night with the most popular Slytherin guy. Draco leaned closer one more and pressed a last soft kiss on your lips, then stepping away completely.
Both of your chests were raising rapidly and even though he was now standing almost a meter from you, you could still feel his hand holding you closer to him, his soft hair and most precisely his devil lips.
“What the hell was that?” you managed to get out of you, still whispering.
“What?” he raised his eyebrows as he tugged his hands into his pockets.
“Snogging me.”
After a few seconds of complete silence Draco spoke up again. “Don't flatter yourself, Y/L/N, it’s not like I fancy or something.”
You laughed sarcastically, “Oh, please! I could feel your hard-on.”
“Yeah?” he raised his voice slightly, stepping closer again, “well… you didn’t exactly struggle, did you, Y/L/N?”
You glared at him, not answering. His typical smirk was once again gracing his face and you couldn’t think of anything but how much you’d love to kiss it away.
“Next night, same time?” his voice filled your ears again and you met his grey eyes.
You nodded and with fireworks in your stomach (that Fred and George Weasley would be proud to produce) you parted your ways.
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guess who’s back, back again
it’s time to talk about the place Dean and Sam visit in 14x20: Moriah.  Yes, the -
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Mirror Universe.
A very specific title for a company that creates facial recognition software.  
[My deepest gratitude to @goth-dean​​ for quickly spitting out these screen caps for me.  Also - 
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say THAT, bestie.]
Hop on this cursed ride, after the cut!
I hope we are all now at the point where we are aware that SPN uses narrative mirrors regularly as part of its story telling structure.  Just in case we aren’t aware of this, we do quickly get a bit right when Sam and Dean arrive at the Mirror Universe, when a man on a scooter appears and we get the following script -
DEAN: Nerds.
SAM: Takes one to know one.
DEAN: What?
SAM: You. Come on, man. You're always calling me a geek, but you know every word to every Led Zeppelin song -- backwards and forwards -- you can discuss in detail every major rock drummer between '67 and '84, and... you watch "Jeopardy!" every night.
DEAN: Okay. All right, yeah.
***thus further hammering in the point that this episode is absolutely using narrative mirrors.
But who are the mirrors?  To find out, we have to go back to a scene from 14x19: Jack in the Box.
Cas arrives with the following news:
CASTIEL Sam. Dean. There's news. Dumah was manipulating Jack into doing those things. She told him it would please you.
***manipulation is an important theme to remember.
Dean does not care.  He is still grieving and angry about Mary’s death.
***this is also an important theme to remember.
Dean reveals to Cas that they locked Jack in the Ma’lak box.  He notes that Jack even agreed to it.
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(and he is.  the entire plot line in the first part of this episode is about manipulating Jack to say yes and get in the box).  
Now, please jump ahead with me to this specific scene in 14x20 where Chuck tells Dean, Sam, and Cas one of them has to shoot Jack with his stupid little gun.
Cas wants Chuck to restore Jack’s soul.  Chuck says he can’t, then he adds this (glancing btw specifically towards Dean).
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***What Jack did = Mary’s death.
Cas keeps arguing but Dean is resigned - 
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[sorry for that atrocity spelling]
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Since when is there no other way?  This is manipulation.  Chuck is manipulating Dean.  Just like Dumah, and then Dean - in turn, manipulated Jack. 
Jack is a Dean mirror in 14x20.
Don’t believe me?  Have this BONUS:
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So now that we have established this, let’s go back to the first part of 14x20 where we have the following chaos in the spn writer’s room Mirror Universe workspace because no one can lie.
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Please look at what they specifically named the news anchor in this scene.
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Why Jack?  Can’t be because he is a Dean mirror amirite? Can’t be.
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Also, they specifically add this. He’s always loved her.
Who at this point has said I love you to Dean (even if indirectly), but hasn’t heard it back?  
12x12: Stuck In The Middle With You
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Who would want to hear the I’ve always loved you?
Just to hammer in this point the scene cuts to -
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This is what Dean should have said to Cas in season 15.  I am once again asking why they did this.  Why bring this dialogue into an episode about mirrors and narrative parallels, an episode where the characters cannot lie.  Why do this?  Why name the anchor Jack?  Why Mirror Universe?  
I posit to you it’s EITHER
1) because the original intention was for this to be mirrored narratively in the finale
2) someone wanted it in the finale but knew that wouldn’t happen so they put it in here to show what could have been.   
Dabb wrote this btw he wrote this in here.  Dabb I am once again asking for a minute of your time.
“You’re reaching though,” (Jim Gaffigan voice).  SPN doesn’t parallel dialogue THIS blatantly.  
12x12 again:
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[source] Does it?
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You and me both, D.W.
***if we consider that Chuck also represents the irl network, and Chuck is manipulating here, it’s even worse isn’t it...
Anyway, that’s what I’ll be thinking about the rest of the day.  Grab a tin hat and come join me.
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I humbly accept.
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cathrrrine · 3 years
The Devil's In The Details
Originally from my AO3
SPN X MCU - Steve Rogers x Winchester!Reader
Chapter 2 - Juice Box
“We’re here for Y/N Winchester.” Sam called out to the strange voice that filled the room. The very same voice had greeted them the moment they stepped into the lobby.
“Do you have an appointment?”
“Appointment? Who the hell does she think she is? Some kind of celebrity?” Dean complained, a scowl starting to grow on his face.
“Come on Dean, chill.” Sam tried to keep his brother calm. “She’s an Avenger now. Say what you want, but she is important.”
The Winchesters couldn’t help but be awed by the magnificent structure and interior of the building when they first walked in. The Stark Tower would be the last place they’d ever go to on any other day. But this wasn’t any other day.
“No, we do not have an appointment. But could we set one up right now?” Sam once again talked to the air. He kind of made out that he was talking to an A.I, the too-formal voice bordering on robotic giving it away.
“I’m sorry, but there is no Y/N Winchester here.”
“What? Sammy, you said she lived in this stupid tower?”
“I thought she did. Maybe she moved?”
“Are you looking for Y/N L/N?” The voice replied.
“L/N?” Dean made a face at his brother. “Who the hell is that?”
“I think she changed her last name.” Sam gulped, trying to hide the hurt on his face. Dean went silent. They were both thinking the same thing. If she erased Winchester from her name, there’d be no way in hell she’d be happy to see them at all.
“Yeah, we’re looking for her.” Sam gulped nervously.
“Please place your hands on the glass.” The voice instructed.
“What glass?” Dean questioned, and immediately a couple of square glass boxes glowed in front of them. When they looked closer, they saw the shape of a hand etched onto it’s surface.
“It’s a scanner.”
They did as they were told, placing their right hands on the glass. It glowed yellow a few seconds after.
“Miss L/N is on the sixth floor.”
As soon as the elevator doors closed, Sam and Dean shifted uncomfortably. They were both nervous to see their sister again, after all these years.
“It’s too late to turn back now. We have to tell her what we need to.” The older of the Winchesters sighed, knowing full well what thoughts were swimming in Sam’s mind. He knew because he shared those thoughts too.
When the doors opened, they were hit with the reality of the moment. As soon as they saw their sister, their minds went blank. She was dressed in a leather jumpsuit, and next to her was a familiar blond man carrying a little boy who had fallen asleep.
After what seemed like forever, she finally broke the silence. “Sam. Dean.” Y/N acknowledged them, breathless.
They stepped out of the elevator, worry evident on their faces. You haven’t seen your brothers in years, so long that they’ve become nothing but a distant memory to you.
“Y/N, we need to talk to you.” Sam, your younger brother, stepped forward. You were frozen in shock. The last time you saw them, you had been disowned. That was almost seven years ago.
“What do you want?” You said, with no hint of joy in your voice. Steve could tell how confused and angry you were, noticing the tremor in your voice that only he could point out. He saw the way your nostrils were flaring despite your efforts to hide it. He would’ve walked away had he been anybody else, but he knew you needed him by your side right now. More than ever.
“We need to tell you something.” Sam insisted. “It’s important, I promise.”
You supposed he was telling the truth. There’d be no other reason for them to come here and meet you face to face. They hadn’t contacted you in a long time. You couldn’t think of a reason why they’d be here in the first place.
“Then tell me.”
“I think you might wanna sit down for this.”
Sam was doing all the talking. All the while, Dean just stood there, looking at anywhere else besides you. All these years and he still hasn’t forgiven me? You thought.
“Babe.” Steve’s voice alerted you. You had almost forgotten he was there, and you were grateful he didn’t leave. “Come on, let’s go to the living room.”
He grabbed your hand, tilting his head in the direction of the couches. You took a moment, eyeing the living room as a thousand thoughts bounced around your head. I could say no. I could walk away and leave them just like they did with me.
“Y/N.” Steve grabbed your chin gently, turning your head to face them. “You should go.”
You nodded slowly. He was right, and you hated that he was. But no man knew you better than he did, and he knew you’d regret it if you pushed your brothers away now. “You should go too, he should be tucked in bed.”
“You sure?” He raised an eyebrow skeptically. In all honesty, you wanted him to be with you. But this was something you needed to handle on your own, whether you liked it or not. Plus, you couldn’t risk your baby boy waking up in the middle of a heated conversation.
“Yeah.” You planted a kiss on James cheek before pecking Steve on the lips. “Go.”
He squeezed your hand before letting go and walking to the elevator. You watched as the doors closed, knowing that once they did, you’d have to face the two men standing in front of you.
Your brothers didn’t miss the exchange between you and Steve, and they couldn’t help but wonder who they were to you. But there was no room for any other questions, their minds focused on one thing only; telling you the news.
“Let’s go.”
You lead them to the living room, making a beeline for your favourite couch. You sat on it cross-legged, grabbing the fluffy pillow next to you and putting it on top of your legs. You held your hands together, waiting for them to start the conversation.
“We came here to tell you something important.” Sam began, clearing his throat nervously.
“Yeah, I know. What is it?”
“It’s not exactly...good news so much as it is bad news.”
You nodded curtly, trying to look like you were listening, but you were distracted by Dean. He had made the decision to not sit down and instead he paced around the room, looking at all the objects rather than making eye contact with you. Your eyes followed him, and it wasn’t long before Sam noticed and did the same too.
“So, what? You still won’t look at me after all these years?” Venom dripped from your tone, laced with hurt and anger that you no longer wanted to hide from them.
Dean stopped ‘studying’ the piece of decoration that he held in his hands, trying to think of a response. “I’m not the one who changed my last name.”
You narrowed your eyes, “You told me I wasn’t a part of the family anymore. I thought, might as well.”
“Well, how nice of you, Miss L/N. ” He said the name menacingly.
You stood up, fuming with anger. “Seven years, Dean. Seven. That’s how long it’s been.”
“Look who kept count.”
“Oh, fuck off. If you’re gonna be an asshole why don’t you see yourself out?”
“Guys!” The tallest of them three yelled, joining them in standing up. “Can’t we just...talk?!” He was desperate for a civil conversation, especially since what he was about to tell his sister was important.
You chewed the inside of your cheek, breathing heavily as you tried to keep your cool. You were far more mature now than you were back then, and you knew arguing wasn’t the best way to handle this as much as you wanted to.
“Look, Y/N. A lot of shit has went down since you left- we left you.” Sam corrected himself. You noticed his change of words, and you felt a wave of emotions wash over you. “And I know, you don’t want anything to do with us anymore.”
You felt a pang in your chest. You recognised the pain, it was the same pain that almost destroyed you when your brothers left you. It wasn’t true, what Sam said. There was a part of you that missed them deeply. They were family after all.
“But what I’m about to tell you is...it’s...” he struggled to find the words. Dean took a deep breath before cutting him short.
“Mom’s alive, Y/N.”
You weren’t sure you heard him right, blinking hard a few times just to make sure you weren’t out of it. “Come again?”
“Mom is alive. Our mother, Mary Winchester, is alive.”
The room started to spin. You weren’t sure how to feel. “H-how?”
“It’s a real long story. The short and sweet version is, God’s sister brought her back.” Dean answered.
“God has a sister?” You didn’t really care if he did. But the woman who gave birth to you, the woman who you’ve longed to meet your whole life...was alive. Your mother’s death had basically been the reason why the Winchester’s were hunters. And so much has happened since then.
When your father died, you spent months feeling guilty at the fact that you never got to truly, truly know the man. You had believed you were unfortunate enough to be someone who never really knew their parents. But now...you couldn’t believe that you had a chance to do just that.
“That is definitely not the short and sweet version, Dean.” Sam scolded his brother. Then he looked your way, starting to get worried when you didn’t speak for a good minute. “Y/N?”
“Mom...Mom’s alive.” You whispered to yourself. “Where is she now?”
“In our bunker.”
Sam and Dean glanced at each other, wondering if they should lay out the whole seven years of their lives for it to make sense to Y/N. “Yeah, we have a bunker now.”
“In Kansas?” You took a wild guess.
“Right up in Lawrence.”
Your brain was buzzing with a thousand questions that you couldn’t bring yourself to ask just yet. The main question was...would they willingly let you back in their lives? Would they let you talk to your now-alive mom?
“Y/N,” Sam took a step towards you. “We could take you to her if you want to. That’s what we came here for. We knew you’d want to meet-“
Sam was cut off for the second time that day, but this time it wasn’t so harsh. And it didn’t come from an adult man.
“Hey, sorry, honey.” Steve came in carrying the (Y/HC) boy who was crying uncontrollably. “He had a nightmare. I tried to calm him down, but he wouldn’t stop crying. He wanted you.”
James often had nightmares recently, and you were the only one that could soothe him. All thoughts of the previous conversation disappeared as your focus shifted to your motherly duties. “Oh, no. Come here baby boy. Momma’s here.”
As you reached for your wailing son, your brothers’ eyes went wide. When the looked at each other, they had the same expression; confusion and guilt. The fact that they had a nephew that they didn’t know about this whole time made the regret of not ever contacting you in the span of seven years stronger. Guilt churned in their stomachs.
Steve had went to the kitchen to fetch his son a juice box, but when he came back he had a couple of beers in his hands, along with the juice. He handed the beers to the two shocked men wordlessly, and they accepted it graciously.
James was now sniffling as you rubbed his back soothingly, planting kisses to his head now and then. Steve jabbed the straw through the juice box before giving it to you.
“You want some juice, baby?” You gently put the juice box in his hands. With a pout he nodded, putting the straw to his lips and drinking quietly. “Shh, now. Everything’s gonna be alright.”
After a while, his breathing returned back to normal. It was only then you remembered your brothers were watching the whole thing. You looked up to them, seeing the confused expression on their faces as they sipped their beers.
“Where’d you get those?” You whispered to Steve, nodding slightly towards the beers in their hands.
“Fridge. I think it’s Tony’s.”
You gave him a small smile, “Are you trying to win their approval? You know you don’t need it, right?”
“I’m just trying to be a good...host.”
“Of what? This isn’t a party, Rogers.” You almost laughed.
“Who’s that?” The small, sleepy voice interrupted your conversation. James pointed his tiny finger toward Sam and Dean, who sat up straighter when they saw the little boy look at them.
You opened your mouth, but no sound came out. You weren’t sure who to introduce them as. You didn’t even know if they wanted to be anyone to your son. Steve’s eyes met yours, and he raised an eyebrow as if to say ‘Want me to handle it?’. You chewed your lip nervously, hoping your son would just forget the question.
But luck wasn’t on your side today. “Mommy, who’s that?” He grabbed your shirt.
“Um...” you sighed. In that moment, your eyes met Sam’s. His eyebrows were furrowed, an expression you recognised as his stressed-out look from growing up with him.
“We’re your...uncles.”
You released a breath you didn’t realise you were holding. Part of you was thankful that he replied, but part of you was upset because it would be cruel to tell a three-year-old boy that and then leave forever.
“Uncle?” James tilted his head, putting his pointing finger down. Whenever he said ‘uncle’, it sounded like ‘un-caw-l’. It was the cutest thing ever. Usually it would bring a smile to your face, but now all it did was worry you.
“Daddy.” He turned to Steve.
“Yeah, bud?”
”Can I have some of uncle’s drink?”
Steve stifled a laugh, “No, baby. I think you should stick to your juice box.”
You looked at Sam, eyebrows raised. He shrugged, a small smile growing on his face.
Boy, were you in for a life-changing ride.
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houseofglass · 3 years
Hmmm, this spn prequel seems to have ruffled a lot of different feathers. My dash has provided me with Jared hate, Jensen hate, confused tinhats, and even a splash of Cockles/Destiel opinions.
Here’s my take. Spoiler alert: unpopular opinions ahead. I’m not linking anything because I’m in the middle of an unprecedented heatwave and I don’t feel like finding all the sources. Do your own research. Or not. Whatever. I just want to get this all out as coherently as possible. Here we go:
From the beginning, Jensen has been a professional. He didn’t let the drama on Dark Angel get to him and he’s said that he actively avoided having that same drama on the set of spn. He’s known as One-Take-Ackles because he brings his A-game every time.
Jared liked to mess around on set. Take after take after take after take. There was reddit post about how the crew would be working 13 (?) hours to get everything set up and still had six hours of teardown to do and then bam! actors messing about and making the day longer. Like, just say your lines dude. Anyway. Jared liked wresting, getting others to break, and pranking. I think he even pranked Misha by ruining his car more than once. Not cool, IMO.
J2 had a massive fight on set in season two. I recall it being about Jared egging Jensen on to fight but Jensen just stared him down until Jared left the set. They made up and agreed to never do that again as it promotes a bad workplace. Keep your shit contained, kind of thing.
But Jared didn’t, not really. One incident in particular is the wrestling with Osric Chau. Osric is a trained fighter and Jared was apparently going to slam him into the concrete. I repeat, into concrete. Osric dislocated Jared’s shoulder as a result. Jared still didn’t back off and Osric dislocated it again, this time Jared needed surgery and rehab. The wrestling finally stopped.
In all of this, J2 became good friends. I, personally, believe they started messing around sexually right after they auditioned for the parts and then got serious early on. They lived together, and Jared had his first breakdown immediately before announcing his engagement to Gen.
J2 are a good match. Jensen grounds Jared and Jared helps Jensen to be more outgoing while ‘on’ outside the set. Jensen seemed reserved and shy before Jared and was more confident and comfortable with Jared by his side. Jared can spin almost out of control and Jensen helps keep his feet on the ground. They also have an energy that’s been described as lightning in a bottle.
Fast forward a whole bunch of years. They’re still on the same show but have other interests. Each of them ensures that the other has the spotlight in turn. When one has a project, the other is quiet on social media so the focus won’t be taken away. They tell each other everything, as evidenced early on when PR and managers tried to play one off the other. They simply didn’t allow that to happen. Nope. Instead, they stepped back so one could shine. Jared opens a bar and Jensen is supportive. Jensen opens a brewery and Jared is supportive.
During all of this, they still perform at cons for fans. For a while, near the end of spn, I noticed Jensen seemed to be drunk/drinking often. He had a flask while getting a tattoo, he was spotted with fans while drunk and kissed one, the Bad Idea Instagram post. This isn’t unusual. He’s an adult. He can drink. I just thought it odd that I was noticing it more and asked myself, was he always a frequent drinker and he just stopped hiding it or is it a result of the rise of cell phones and constant casual photos?
But then Jared was arrested. He was drunk. Not tipsy or having a good time. Drunk. He assaulted an employee. A lot of people said he was just a big puppy and he didn’t mean anything by it, but that didn’t sit well with me. By this point I’d heard too many stories about Jared being a bit of an asshole. Also, I don’t think Jared has depression. I think he has bipolar disorder. He’s had too many incidences of mania for me to believe it’s just depression. He feels emotions deeply, that’s obvious to me, but he also has emotional swings that remind me of my own bipolar disorder. Am I self-inserting? Maybe. But I know the signs and I see them in Jared. BTW, depression meds can bring on mania if you have bd. You need a different cocktail for bd, and you shouldn’t drink while on them.
By the time J2 announced the end of spn, Walker was already in the works. I knew something was up when I saw Jensen advertising himself at every opportunity. The whole King Bacchus thing and him showing up at after parties/events that are designed for networking kinda cemented this for me. I figured he was parading around looking for work and wondered why Jared wasn’t doing the same. Then Walker was announced.
Now, I admit, my timeline there might be a bit off. Maybe Walker was announced before Jensen was King, but my brain is melting and I can’t remember. Either way, I did note that Jared had plans for post-spn when Jensen didn’t.
The wives started getting involved. Gen is on Walker and Danneel is part of Chaos Productions. Me, being the tinhat that I am, thought this was to ensure the wives have an income and are tied to their husbands. From a non-tinhat pov, I can see their involvement as a natural, nepotism thing that happens.
Jared is doing well on Walker, or so I’ve heard. I haven’t watched the show. Jensen got a role on The Boys and is filming now. Cool. Cool cool cool. Both have acting gigs.
Then Jensen announced, on social media, right before the Walker finale, that there’ll be a spn prequel that’ll be narrated by Dean.
Right. Before. Walker. Let that sink in. All these years, J2 have always stepped aside for one another to ensure they have the spotlight in turn. But now Jensen is hogging it? Jensen is taking the focus off Walker and putting it on himself? Not cool man, not cool.
Also, there was no mention of Sam in the prequel. No mention of the other half of spn. Jared has said, publicly, that he’d drop anything to work on spn stuff, so he’s available. So why wasn’t he ‘in the know’ about this? How could Jensen have slipped this past him?
Jared was seen in Colorado during Jensen’s birthday, just before Jensen went to Toronto. So they’ve seen each other. Even if, in the minuscule possibility, that Jared didn’t see Jensen that weekend, they’ve admitted to talking to each other a lot. So why didn’t Jensen, at any point, tell Jared about this prequel?
Then Robbie Thompson tweeted. Jared was hurt even more. Apparently, I heard through this blue hellsite, that Jared wanted RT to write for Walker, but RT refused. Why? Who knows.
Let’s go back in time, shall we?
Jared messed around on set. Jensen didn’t. I can believe that some crew members/writers/producers/directors would have hated working with Jared. Yes, I said that. Not everyone likes a goofball or prankster. Some people think those people are bullies in disguise.
Maybe, just maybe, the lines were drawn when spn ended. Some people supported Jared, others Jensen.
Before anyone yells at me too loudly, answer me this: how did Jensen - and everyone involved in the prequel including Kripke - keep this from Jared? Didn’t anyone at any point ask how Jared felt about it? Or if Jared was available? Or if Jared would have input? “He’s too busy on Walker” doesn’t cut it as an answer to me. Spn was about two brothers, always two brothers, and now a prequel will only feature one brother?
So I came to the conclusion that the industry deliberately took sides in this whole thing. Nobody told Jared because they didn’t want to work with him again. He has his own show, he’s busy, - these are easy ways of handwaving him out of the equation.
Bottom line, finally, is that Jensen stepped in some shit when he didn’t tell his co-star, his partner, his friend, about a prequel to the show they worked on for fifteen years.
Will I ever know all the details of why Jensen would do this? Nope. I’m not in the industry.
I still believe J2 were/are in a relationship and their wives are beards. I believe they have a wonderful friendship and were as close as two people can be. I don’t want to think that relationship is over. I don’t want to believe they’ve gone separate ways. But man oh man, Jensen fucked up big time here.
I can’t wait for a tell-all book thirty years from now.
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hxlyhead-harpies · 4 years
Tendency to Lead Some People On (S.B.)
Requested: Yes
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Allusions to sex and abuse
Title from: Dive by Ed Sheeran
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The thing about falling in love was that it was never quite like how people described it. The act was nothing like the plays or the books said, and it was certainly nothing like the songs. It didn’t feel like flying or a freefall, it felt like jumping off the highest spire of the castle. There was nothing freeing about it either; your heart was suddenly caged in your ribs, longing to beat for someone who could never know. There was nothing beautiful or sweet about the act of falling in love with the one person you couldn’t have. 
Sirius black walked around the castle with a feigned arrogance only a few could see through. Every step of his was reckless and unplanned, a storm raging through the stone corridors. His childhood had left him hurt and broken, but also wild and untempered. In an effort to disguise the fact that he always felt too much or too little, he became cavalier and at times, pompous. 
Those who had the privilege of knowing Sirius Black through more than shouts in the hallways and pranks in the Great Hall knew that there was more to him.
He was incredibly insecure, needing constant reassurance that he was enough. He lived each moment of his life, waiting for someone to leave him. He flinched when voices were raised and when someone moved too suddenly and he woke up from nightmares drenched in sweat. He was incredibly loyal, almost to a fault, and had tender eyes that could read his friends perfectly.
You had the pleasure of knowing the complexities of Sirius Black, having met your first year on the train. You were privy to his deepest thoughts and feelings and stroked your hands through his long locks when he got letters from home. With his head in your lap and his hand clutching your thigh as if you might disappear if he let go, he would whisper to you. 
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
His whispers always sent a warm feeling through your chest. The act of feeling needed always made you feel light and fuzzy and made your cheeks flush. But your body would become cold again soon.
“You’re my best friend,” he’d murmur soon after. He didn’t need you the way you needed him and he didn’t love you the way that you loved him. But you’d still sit with him until he fell asleep.
Sirius walked through the halls every day with a new bird or beau on his arm. He loved the attention, something he lacked severely growing up, and letting go of his inhibitions. For Sirius, hookups were fun, feelingless, and a way to forget who he was for a while. It may have been an unhealthy coping mechanism, but that didn’t stop him from coming back to his dorm in the middle of the night after crawling out of another stranger’s room.
Every hand wrapped around his bicep felt like a punch to your gut and every flirty smile he sent to others made your head hurt. His romantic advances were never aimed at you. For you, he reserved brotherly shoulder pats and mussing up your hair. 
You were sitting by the black lake, Sirius once again in your arms. He was crying, his tears darkening your jumper. He clutched the fabric between his fingers as his body wracked with sobs. You silently rubbed his back and waited for the crying to subside so that you could talk. He always needed a good cry before he could divulge his reasons for such despair. 
Eventually, his body stilled and he let out a sniffle. His hold on your sweater loosened and he moved into a sitting position. He faced you but still looked down, fiddling with the grass at his knees. You grabbed his hand. 
“Sirius,” you whispered, “are you ready to talk?” He sighed. 
“I’m off the tapestry,” he said quietly. You blinked, furrowing your eyebrows.
“What do you mean?” you asked.
“They burned me off of the family tapestry. I’m no longer a Black,” he explained, his voice wavering. 
“Oh, Sirius,” you breathed. 
“It’s fine. I didn’t want to be part of that bigoted lot anyways,” he muttered darkly, pulling his hand from yours. 
“Hey,” you said, making another grab for his hand. “You’re allowed to be sad. As terrible as they are, they still raised you. It can’t be easy letting go of that. Personally, I’m glad you’re not a Black anymore; it’ll be harder for them to hurt you now. But I understand if you feel at least a little bit sad.” He allowed you to hold his hand as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. 
“They said that I’m a disgrace. That I’m nobody,” he said, his voice breaking. You sucked in a sharp breath and squeezed his fingers. 
“That couldn’t be farther from the truth,” you said. He looked up at you with his doleful puppy eyes, tears brimming at the edges. Your heart practically shattered at the sight. 
“You’re brave and you’re kind. You’re fighting on the right side of the war and you’re a better person than your parents could ever be. They think you’re a disgrace because you didn’t conform to their narrow-minded plan for you. That’s why you’re in Gryffindor, Sirius. So you can be better than who they wanted you to be. So you can be who you want to be,” you said firmly, trying to make him believe you. 
Sirius gave you an indecipherable look. “I’m not as good as you think I am,” he muttered. 
“Yes you are!” you pleaded, “I wish you could see how amazing you are.” You tentatively reached up to touch his face and wiped his tears. Surprisingly, he leaned into your touch. It was more intimate than any other touch between the two of you had ever been before. 
“You’re perfect,” you whispered under your breath, hoping that somehow you’d get through to him. He reached up to his face and placed his hand over yours. 
“I don’t deserve you,” he said quietly. You smiled but internally braced yourself for the words that always broke your heart. But instead, Sirius mumbled a quiet “I love you”.
You jerked your hand away, your eyes widening in shock. You stared at him, searching his face for any sign that it was a cruel joke. With your heart pounding against your rib you scooted away, your hand coming to cover your mouth. Sirius raked a hand through his hair and groaned. 
“I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have said that! We can pretend this never happened, I swear,” he said. He moved his arm as is to reach for your hand but stopped himself. You remained silent and unmoving. 
“Yell, scream, cry, please, just say something, anything,” he begged. You moved your mouth to speak but no words came out. You thought back to every person you caught him kissing in empty classrooms. If he loved you as he said, why had he chased so many others? Just this morning he had snogged a girl behind a pillar. How was what he said possibly true? 
“Why are you lying to me?” you whispered finally. He closed his eyes tightly. 
“I’m not lying to you, I promise,” he sighed. You scoffed and rolled your eyes. 
“How do I know I’m not just another one of your conquests?” you asked harshly. He shook his head wildly. 
“You’re not! You’re so much more than that for me. You always have been,” he replied. You shook your head and looked away. 
“I have watched you chase after every person in Hogwarts except for me. I have watched you kiss girls you barely know and flirt with any boy who indicates that he might be into you. For years I have sat by and watched you flirt your way through the entire school. How the hell am I supposed to know that I’m any different?” Sirius’s face crumpled at your words. 
“I didn’t know how to tell you! I always thought that you’d hate me and leave! I never imagined that you’d feel the same. Everyone else was just distractions! Distractions from you!” he was practically yelling now, begging you to believe him. You looked down at your hands. 
“You really hurt me, Sirius,” you said, “But you want to know the worst part? Even after all of that, I’m still in love with you.” Sirius let out a breath, a smile slowly filling his face. 
“You love me?” he asked, as always, needing reassurance. You met his grey eyes. 
“How could I not?” you replied. Sirius tackled you in a hug, pressing you close against him. One of his hands was against your lower back, the other cradling the back of your head. 
You could feel his heart beating against his ribcage in the same fashion as yours, your hearts finally only beating for each other.
@durmstrange​ @theweasleysredhair​ @spn-marvel-nerd​ @gloryekaterina​ @bellaacunaa​ @mytreec​ @levylovegood​ @inglourious-imagines​ @whatwoulddracodo​ @pattinsons-films​ @birdie-writes​ @gcdric​
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watchingspnagain · 3 years
Rewatching Croatoan
Welcome to “Ventilation Plugs Hurt More: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
 Up today, s2e9: Croatoan
  Sam has a vision of Dean killing, execution style, a man who swears he's not infected with something, but what that something is isn't clear in the vision. So the boys take off to see what's up and land themselves in the middle of a small town just starting to turn on each other where the word CROATOAN has been carved into a light pole. They hole up with a few people in a doctor's office, and a few hard choices have to be faced. They eventually discover that it's some sort of demon-based infection that seems to run its course and then vanish. Dean feels like they've lost a big battle somehow and they both have to face up to what's going on with Sam and what John told Dean just before he left for Hell.
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
[and we begin:]
im supposed to be paying attention to something other than Dean's unbuttoned Henley, right?
 “ventilated” nice, Dean
and Sam says plugged
those are... opposites. and yet
I love English. it's so dumb
 it IS so dumb
Dean's musterious second necklace peeks out
 very musty
you HUSH
not my fault my thumbs are thick and Dutch
“that’s schoolhouse rock”
it's cute how Dean pretends he doesn't know things so Sammy can explain it
 you’re adorable
this is probably fine
look. I realize bad shit is about to go down, but. I would live in that house
 It’s a cool house but I bet there are snakes nearby
MACE. Ruined
 sorry. that’s the FIRST thought I have about any possible dwelling
there's no snakes in oregon
 that sounds suspiciously like a lie
I would never
 Suspicious Dean is suspicious
he is
 Dean didn’t hesitate to put ventilation plugs in that dude
that is hotter than it should be given... the corpse
suprasternal notch nnngggg
he so rarely shows it off
 this woman looks so familiar
"we'll get back to you on that" terrifying and deeply competent
she DOES
AS IF any American town would quarantine because of a virus
 the new least believable thing about SPN right there
“I don’t swing that way” Oh Dean
"you are a handsome devil, but I don't swing that way" Classic Dean bringing up the thing he means to hide
mmm i love when we can hear Baby running like that
 HAHAHA the yelling back and forth
omg this exchange
"you gotta neigbor named Mr Rogers?" "not anymore" haaaaaahahahahahaha
 holding the gun under his arm WHY IS THAT SO HOT
I HATE guns
oooof Dean. people do not hug him enough
ugh the people just standing out there in the dark SO CREEPY
 “Awkward” HAHAHAHA
"too late for that"
Dean looking to Sam for the decision on the untying
 oh Sam
 “nobody’s shooting my brother"
 that’s 87% of the show right there
Dean just outyelled a marine. that's impressive
 well, he WAS emotionally abused by a marine as a kid, so…
the way his voice changes on "no"
Sammy's tearfulness I cannot
 I’m getting FUCK 369 vibes
"who says I want to?" I CANNOT
"so you're just gonna give up? you're gonna lay down in die?" FUCK 327 SIDEWAYS AND BACKWARDS
(and Dean can only admit to Sam how tired he is when he thinks they're both gonna die)
oh I FORGOT about this little bit here at the end
 aaaand the black guy doesn’t survive the episode
almost but no dice
so do we assume he goes back and kills the doc?
 I guess?
otherwise there is indeed something left behind
mmm I love that shirt on Sammy
 Sam knows that Dean wouldn’t want a break unless something awful is coming
and he wouldn't want to take a break for HIMSELF
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mattholicguilt · 3 years
cats in the cradle by Duck_Life
Fandoms: Supernatural [Gen, No Archive Warnings Apply] Words: 1,745
Tags: Claire Novak & Patience Turner, Cats, Psychic Abilities, Grandparents & Grandchildren, Friendship, Found Family, claire novak will see a stray animal and be like, is anyone gonna project onto this, and not wait for an answer
Summary: Claire helps Patience hone her abilities. Patience helps Claire track down a cat.
Written for SPN Women Week Day 1. Prompt: "skills"
Bub is missing again.
“Bub” is the name of a mean stray cat missing a chunk from his ear. Claire’s been leaving cat food out for the ugly old thing for weeks now, and whenever he doesn’t come running she panics.
So, for the third time, Patience finds herself enlisted in the search for a cat that Claire doesn’t even technically own. “If it’s gonna bother you this much every time,” Patience says, “why don’t you just take it in? You know, get him his shots, a collar, a microchip.”
Claire makes a face at her before turning back to look at the road. She’s been driving around the neighborhood slowly, scoping out every shrub and checking under every parked car. “Bub doesn’t want to be chained down,” she explains. “He’s a free spirit.”
Alright, well, Patience is too tired to unpack that right now. She lets it lie and looks out the passenger’s side window, alert for any signs of movement. “Maybe he was never a stray at all,” she tries, “and his owner finally tracked him down and brought him home.”
“Do you know that?” Claire asks.
Claire’s always asking if Patience knows things— what happened on Jody’s date last weekend, what Dean’s middle name is, whether or not Alex is the one who ate the last ice cream sandwich in the freezer. Patience keeps trying to explain that she can only see the future. “Psychic” might be a misnomer— her abilities are precognitive, not telepathic.
She basically gets previews, little spoilers about what’s to come. And though she’s been working at it, she can’t seem to get her psychic abilities to do the kind of reading and divination her grandma could do. She gets glimpses with no context, no backstory.
Missouri Moseley could walk into a room and feel every ounce of heartbreak, grief, hope and faith in the people standing there. Patience can barely pick up on it when Alex and Claire are pissed at each other.
Still, Claire brings her along whenever the cat goes missing. Seems to think her ESP can home in on missing animals. Patience keeps telling her otherwise, and yet here she is, once again. That’s the trouble with having no social life and no better plans.
Maybe she should join a book club.
Claire rounds the corner, eyes darting around for any sight of the mangy cat. The first time Bub vanished from Claire’s sight, all the neighbors seemed intent to help. They explained they hadn’t seen the cat, but hoped Claire would find him soon and offered baked goods and platitudes in the meantime.
But these things have an expiration date. You can only lose the cat so many times before the routine gets old and the neighbors lose interest.
“My educated guess ?” Patience sighs. “The cat’ll come back when it gets hungry. Just like before.”
Claire makes a tch sound and mouths “educated guess” under her breath. Apparently, because Patience is psychic she’s supposed to be omniscient. “So which is it?” Claire says. “Is he back with his ‘real’ owners or is he going to come home when he gets hungry?”
“Don’t be a jerk,” Patience says. “I’m here, aren’t I? I’m helping you.”
“... Yeah. You are,” Claire says, ducking her head. “Sorry.” Her eyes scan the road ahead, looking for the telltale streak of a cat darting out from under a parked car or vanishing around a tree trunk. Still nothing. “Hey, Patience the Pet Psychic,” Claire says. “You should write that down, that’d be a great children’s book.”
“Very funny,” Patience says, rolling her eyes. She’s silent for a few moments and then says, “Cla-aire the Monster Slayer.”
“That doesn’t really rhyme.”
“Sure it does.”
When the sky darkens and the streetlights flick on, Claire drives them back to the house, Bub-less and dejected. “I’m sure he’s fine,” Patience tries.
Claire bunches her shoulders, the collar of her leather jacket looking like a cat’s raised hackles. Maybe, Patience thinks, that’s the connection— Claire in many ways resembles an angry cat. She and Bub might be kindred spirits.
“I’m just tired,” Claire says, yanking the keys out of the ignition. “We’ll try again tomorrow.”
Patience considers pointing out that Claire could at least ask instead of just assuming , considers reminding Claire that she has her own life outside of playing “pet psychic.”
But she doesn’t actually have anything to do tomorrow. Or the rest of the week. And as futile as it feels riding around looking for a runaway cat, it is something to do. And it makes Claire feel better.
And… straining her psychic muscles to pick up on any trace of the old tomcat is at least better than doing nothing and letting her abilities degrade. Over the last year, she’s been trying to find ways to train her brain, shape her psychic visions into something useful.
Jody’s supportive, but she, like most people, doesn’t know anything about being psychic. Kaia’s got a fraught relationship with her own special skills and usually chooses not to talk to Patience about seeing the future, and Alex is so entrenched in nursing and hunting that the few “normal” moments she gets at home are devoted to unwinding and relaxing.
Which makes Claire Patience’s most ardent supporter in developing her psychic abilities. A very grouchy, blonde and mostly clueless Yoda. What she lacks in background knowledge she makes up for in persistence.
“Hey, Patience, guess which hand?” Claire will ask, holding the last fortune cookie behind her back. “Hey, Patience, what number am I thinking of?” Claire will ask, perched on the arm of the couch. “Hey, Patience, heads or tails?” Claire will ask, flipping a coin to catch it in midair.
That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of it works— Patience can’t predict things at will. Her psychic visions operate on a schedule of their own, with no concern for Patience’s own convenience or comfort. One minute, she’s watching shitty reality TV while Alex nods off on her shoulder. The next, she’s watching Jody narrowly avoid being bitten by a vampire.
It’s a lot different from just guessing a coin toss. Still. Patience can’t help but think that her grandma would’ve passed all of Claire’s little tests with flying colors.
That night, Patience doesn’t dream about anything— at least, not anything useful. She has an anxiety dream about being lost in Aldi, roaming the aisles with increasing frustration. But nothing about the future. Nothing about Bub the cat.
She’s pouring herself a bowl of cereal when Claire stomps inside, the porch door swinging shut behind her. “Still gone,” she says darkly, grabbing the cereal box and her own bowl. “Food hasn’t been touched.”
“Claire,” Patience says, “why don’t we just go to the SPCA? You can get yourself a cat that’s not, you know—”
“What? Not damaged? Not a lost cause? Not hard to love?”
Whoa, Patience wants to say. ���A cat that’s not missing ,” she finishes. “We can get him his shots and a collar and everything.”
“I don’t— I don’t just want some random cat,” Claire says. “I want to find Bub. I want… I want to find him and bring him home. I have to bring him home.”
“I know,” Patience says, and just like that she does . She does know.
She knows everything, feels everything, the aching loss in Claire’s bones that’s both recent and so, so old. Memories of Claire hitchhiking and stealing and conning her way through the country, desperately chasing a mother who was desperately chasing a dead man. Jimmy Novak’s voice in her head, his face seen through Claire’s eyes, Please, Castiel, take me. Just take me. Again, his forehead pressed to hers, Take care of your mom, okay, bub?
Patience looks at Claire. Sees her, in a way she hasn’t been able to see anyone before. “Bub… ‘bub’ is what your dad used to call you.”
Claire squints at her. “Uh. Yeah,” she says. “Wait, I didn’t… I didn’t tell you that.”
“No,” Patience breathes, meeting her eyes across the kitchen, “you didn’t.”
Slowly, a grin spreads across Claire’s face. “Holy shit , Patience, you just… ? You just did that. You, like, read me.”
“I, uh, I didn’t know. That I could do that,” Patience says, caught between marveling at this new development and feeling self-conscious at intruding on Claire’s emotions and her past.
Claire doesn’t seem put off at all. She’s actually bouncing with excitement. “We gotta test this out. Oh my God. It’s like a whole new Pokemon evolution for you.”
“It’s not really. Like that. In any way.”
But Claire is already humming the Pokemon theme song. She grabs her car keys. “Alright, well, let’s go look for that cat. I’ve got a good feeling about today.”
“I read you, Claire, that doesn’t mean I can read the cat,” Patience reminds her.
“Yeah, yeah, but you can still help me look,” Claire says. “I don’t need your third eye, just the two on your face.”
“That’s… yeah, fine,” Patience acquiesces. To be honest, she’s buzzing with the knowledge of what she can do with her powers. If Claire’s happy to be her test subject, she’ll spend all day with the girl. “Just let me grab a coffee.”
“Ooh, me too. Wait!” She wiggles her fingers toward Patience. “Do you Know how I like my coffee?”
“Half-and-half. And enough sugar to kill you,” Patience reels off. “But that’s not because I’m psychic. I’ve just seen you fix yourself coffee before.”
“Y’know, I think the line between ‘psychic’ and ‘observant’ is thinner than you might think.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Patience says, and then pretends to stumble backward toward the table, overacting the part. “Oh, oh, I’m having a vision… I see you … making coffee for us…”
Claire rolls her eyes, but she dutifully sets her keys down and busies herself with getting the travel mugs out. “That’s not gonna work for everything, you know.”
“Aaah I see you bringing Jody’s suit to the dry cleaners next week. I also see you driving me to the science museum.”
Patience smiles at her. It’s nice to have someone else get excited about her powers. It’s nice to be allowed to be excited about this, to learn a new skill and have it mean something good to someone besides herself. She doesn’t feel like a freak or a failure. She just feels… like a psychic.
She feels like her grandma would be proud.
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