#but there's basically only one camera angle here and it's always on his face
ducks-love-peas · 1 year
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Aziraphale in the pub | [Crowley]
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loveundrwrld · 6 months
omg hiiiii i love ur writing smm <33 could i ask for a scenario of tanner x male reader where reader was super shy when he was bullied but years later tanner finds out he's somehow become a badass gang leader who wouldn't hesitate to beat his ex-bully up... i wonder what tanner's reaction would be to that hehe
also can i be 💖 anon? once again thank u <33
how sweet of you to say, thank you!! and to both your questions- yes, you may :) 💖 anon you shall be!
i will say, in his intro, seeing his darling act so reclusive and anxious after high school was what triggered him to rethink his actions- he wouldn't be quite as submissive towards him at first with his darling if he didn't go through that revelation. so tanner is a bit bitchy here since the "why is y/n acting like that"-> "oh no i've hurt him bad haven't i"-> "i'm in LOVE with him" process hasn't happened here.
thus, tanner is still in denial here :p and not as patient with his darling as he typically is
yandere ex-bully x gang leader male reader
(cws: violence (not against reader), organized crime, bullying, yandere is victim blaming, stalking)
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tanner thought about you more often than he would ever care to admit. the shy, nervous boy he met in school who would cower from him like a scared puppy. something about you just made his hackles rise- he felt strange every time he'd seen you mumble and blush around him.
the strange feeling was annoyance, surely. you had been asking for attention, looking and acting the way that you did. you were always so shy and deferential around other people, always going along with being the butt of the joke. it was only natural that you were picked on a little.
but he'd matured since high school. he knew that bothering people and playing pranks on them was immature, no matter if you were basically asking for it. and if he'd seen you now he's sure you two would be polite and civil. you'd simply laugh and agree with him that he was a dick, and then you two could be best friends.
... or something. it wasn't like he thought about what meeting you again would be like.
and it was normal for people that went to the same high school to want to be curious about what their fellow past classmates had been up to, so he'd done some simple digging on you out of curiousity. nothing out of the ordinary. but you'd seem to have gone completely off the map, he'd not been able to find anything about you.
he was agitated that he couldn't learn more. he was worried for your safety, was all. i mean, you never posted anything online. for all he knew you could be dying or something. it was natural that he'd feel anxious right now.
but, he simply had to give up. he'd been trying to approach it from different angles, but he'd accepted that he'd reached a dead end.
except... until now. he was idly slouched over on the couch in front of his television, the news on as background noise. then, he perked up when he saw a familiar face come up on the screen.
it was your face that was glaring into the camera with a look of pure hatred, one that you certainly didn't have when he knew you.
good lord, what the hell happened to you?
"suspected gang activity in eastcliff- residents beware," the graphic read at the bottom of the screen.
he rushed to his laptop, wanting to check the arrest records for your shared state. he hadn't even considered this when he was looking up where you had been, it would have never have occurred to him that you would have gotten yourself in that much trouble.
and once the full report had loaded up? yes, it seemed that you actually were a criminal. you were arrested on a few charges but they got mysteriously dropped due to "unforeseen circumstances."
you hadn't been convicted of any felony charges yet, but he could tell that you were indeed involved in organized crime... somehow. and quite awfully high up in it, if you had corrupt police officers helping you escape any justice at all. it would have seemed like a laughable idea to him before, but he couldn't argue with what was right in front of him.
tanner scrunched his face up, his mind feeling blank from shock. how could this have happened? how could someone like you end up with such an... exciting life? how could you have turned out even more dangerous than him? his mouth felt dry, as a sense of bitterness seeped into him.
he didn't even know how to see what you were up to, to see why you turned out the way you did. surely you must have been forced into it. you couldn't have changed so much so fast otherwise. you were just a puppet with a nice face for the real people on top, obviously.
he felt a bit of bitter agitation, and tapped his leg as he thought. he couldn't live his whole life in mystery. he needed to know more about you.
there was one thing he could try...
it seems that his gambit to getting information about you had got your attention.
though, nothing could have prepared him from seeing you in front of him. you glared at him fiercely, your face so close to his that he felt your hot breath on his skin.
the eyes that used to be wide and quivering when you were younger were now narrowed and sharp. all he could see was the ice cold rage on your face. it was disorienting, to you someone shift into such a completely different person that you were nearly unrecognizable.
from a little puppy of a boy... to a fearsome wolf.
"of all the things you could do, tanner, you called my mother? don't you dare fuck with her," you growled at him, tugging hard at his shirt.
since when did you get balls? he felt that bubbling uneasy feeling he used to get whenever you were around him... only this time, it was stronger. he didn't like how this new you was effecting him.
you seemed much more dangerous than he was... and he didn't like it. wasn't it him who used to intimidate you? whatever happened to that?
he tried to laugh back at you, trying to stuff away any strange urges his brain was throwing at him.
"oh, come on- y/n, fuck with her? you're acting like i was trying to hurt her or something. i just called her. listen i know i was kind of a dick but really, you're making me out as the bad guy here and-"
you clocked him, hard on his temple. tanner stopped rambling and let out a small groan, the sharp throbbing pain causing him to fall down to one knee.
he opened his mouth to talk, but before he could say anything, you were already leaning down in his face.
"i don't want to hear from you ever again, you piece of shit. don't call or talk to me or my mother if you want all of your limbs intact. you may not know this, but i'm a big deal around here now. do not fuck with me," you say, your voice thick with anger.
for some reason... it felt like sparks and butterflies were running through him. something snapped inside his brain, connecting things. it occurred to him sudden why he had always felt so strange about you, why he was so obsessed with you.
you were hot. and this new you? strangely, he didn't dislike it at all.
"... got it," he said, breathily.
though, he didn't intend on keeping his promise.
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pippin-katz · 1 year
Okay I noticed something during the Red Room scene after watching RWRB for the "who knows how many"-th time.
When they hit the wall, Alex puts his right hand on it:
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But then they cut and it’s not there anymore:
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Now, I’m not pointing this out as an "oh look an editing error" or anything because that’s something that happens in pretty much every movie ever made. Somebody’s hand or leg is in one position, they cut to another angle, and it’s in a slightly different position. It’s what happens when you’re editing together several different takes of the same scene.
Hell, quick and fun tangent, feel free to skip ahead to where the text changes back to the normal color, but there’s a sequence in Clue, the movie, where Wadsworth, the butler, is retelling the events of the evening in very specific detail and reenacting it. This is a fantastic example of a moment where a very attentive viewer can see into the behind the scenes, and remember that when filming movies, they always do multiple takes of a scene, even if nothing went wrong; there’s only very unique circumstances where they film a scene and the entirety of the very first take is used.
Earlier, Mrs. Peacock freaks out because they think there might have been poison in the drink, and Mr. Green slaps her in the throat to stop her from screaming:
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GIF from here.
After he hits her, he says this:
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GIF from here.
When Wadsworth reenacts it later, he says the same line:
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GIF from here.
Notice that he’s accurately in character as Mr. Green, but he makes the gesture to push his “glasses” back up, which Mr. Green didn’t do. Tim Curry went through great lengths for this very long sequence to get all the little details right. The only reason he would do that would be if he did push his glasses up, but it was in a different take. That take wasn’t used in the final cut of film, but they had to have filmed a version of the scene where Mr. Green pushed his glasses back up, and Tim Curry copied it because he wouldn’t have been able to predict which version of the scene they would use, and that’s a specific detail he wouldn’t want to miss if they used that take.
In the easiest and perfect scenario, they pick the best take of each shot and splice them together, but sometimes they use multiple takes of one of the shots and use different pieces of them. Maybe the delivery of one line was better in one take, but another line was better in the other. If there's going to be a cut between those lines, they can cut out the line delivery they liked the best and splice into whatever take they're using the most of.
This is common knowledge, but I'm covering it just in case someone is completely unfamiliar with how films are made.
When the camera angle changes during a sequence, it doesn’t mean that they filmed up until that point, stopped and repositioned the cameras and the actors, and then continued. They set up a camera for one of the shots, they run through the scene start-to-finish, and once they have several good takes to choose from, they move the camera position to the next angle, and shoot the scene start-to-finish again. Sometimes they can knock out more than one angle at once if the cameras won’t get each other in the shot.
For example, scenes like Alex and Henry talking on the couch, in the cafe, on the phone on the bed, basically almost any scene where they’re looking directly at each other, has to be shot from at least two angles separately, at least if they want to show us both of their faces throughout the scene. If they filmed both of them at once, you would see the other camera in the background behind the actors.
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In the case of the kissing in the Red Room, there's three cuts, until the end when Amy walks in. I'm talking specifically about from Alex grabbing him up to the shot right before Amy walks in.
So starting there, we have the first shot:
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Then the first cut:
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Then the second cut:
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Then the third cut:
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Then Amy walks in:
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Now, cameras do move and/or zoom during most shots, even if it's a barely noticeable. For example, there is no cut while Alex crosses the room; the camera moves with him. It also rotates/pans a bit once they start backing towards the wall to keep that shot connected up until the first cut.
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Based on the angle, the framing, and their positions, I'm pretty sure these two are from the same shot/camera position, possibly the same take, with the close-up spliced in:
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Even if they aren't from the same take, I'm fairly sure, like I said before, that they ran through the scene start-to-finish with this camera blocking, and that these are both from that blocking, even if the second one seems slightly different. It's really hard to be 100% sure, but when I watch them side-by-side, their positions seem to line up. If you map out their starting point and ending point, and the gap of time where the close-up is, it feels like enough time and movement for them to get from A to B in one shot had the camera not cut.
But the camera does cut, which leads me back to here:
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The camera angle alone is a big indicator that they cut together multiple takes. I can't be positive, but I'm pretty sure that they couldn't have filmed this angle at the same time as the main shot.
I think about these sorts of things while watching movies; it's something I can't turn off in my brain. I'm hyperaware of the cinematography. I notice it, and thoughts/questions just bounce around in the back of my head.
Like if I was watching this for the first time, excluding all the internal screaming that would've been occurring, I would have probably thought: "Oh hey, that was a big camera change! They probably filmed this separately!"
But it's so brief and subconscious that I would've had the thought without those words actually forming in my head, does that make sense? It's like there's a little version of me chilling in my brain with a clipboard that writes interesting things down while the rest of me is screaming. He's just chilling, taking notes, and I can feel when he writes something down, even if I can't process it in the moment. Does that make any sense?? Whatever, it doesn't actually matter lmfao
What I'm saying is, while the camera change suggests the use of multiple takes being edited together, Alex's hand on the wall 100% confirms it, since it's not in the same position when they cut between the angles.
Which FINALLY brings me to my POINT!
Everything I went over essentially just proves that this shot:
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-is from it's own, separate take than the other shots.
And as I explained, they typically run a scene start-to-finish several times from each angle, which is why there's this variation. With choreography like this that's meant to be spontaneous and aggressive is impossible to perfectly recreate each time. It happens too fast, and their characters are so wrapped up in the moment that they're just grabbing and touching each other however they can, so there is going to be variation between the takes in what they do with their hands or exactly how they kiss.
It is very possible that there's a version/take of this sequence of events from the other angle where Alex's hand is on the wall, and he is half pinning Henry against the wall for this interaction.
His hand is in the classic "hands on either side of their partner's head while kissing against a wall" position that basically traps them against the wall and the person they're with.
So there's possibly a version of this shot:
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-with Alex's hand pinning Henry against the fucking wall, before he lifts him onto the table.
And I want to fucking see it.
Update: If you enjoyed this essay & would like to support me, you can give me a tip on my Ko-Fi! ☺️
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maliciousblog · 6 months
NCT 127 as your saesangs
Taeyong ( The collector) ♥️
He would own every single album, photocard, merch both official and non, he would also have purchased any item you had a collab with, your group once had a collab with Pepsi he bought out the entire stock , of a store just so he could get the limited edition photocard that came with it.
He would also probably buy any item related to you or any item you used. The lip balm you used he would have a box of it, the book you recommended he would have read it twice, the perfume you used he would use to, the tissues you used in a vlive he would have, he would buy the same phone case as you too.
The man would basically have a shrine dedicated to you.
He would also manage to get into every single fansign.
He would also probably run an update account.
Taeil ( the cover) 🧡
Taeil wouldn't let his obsessive behavior show he would be mature and would be a loyal fan since day 1.
But in his mind he would imagine what it would be like to have a family with you.
He would also cover your songs and you had in fact noticed him quite a few times and you were quite impressed with his vocals and soon you found yourself answering his dms and slowly falling for him.
He had planned for this to happened in his mind this was what was best for you and you believed it too because to you he was a sweet caring man who loved you very much. What you didn't notice was how you slowly drifted away from everyone in your life and now it was just him and you and in all honesty you couldn't care less.
Jhonny (The Youtuber)💛
He was a youtuber with quite a big following he would mostly film vlogs and do reaction videos.
Whenever he did a reaction video to one of your groups it was quite obvious who his favorite was.
Given the fact that he has a lot of subscribers and that he was also a know fan of your group your company thought it would be a good idea for your group to collaborate with him.
Your group agreed and you both shot a collab , but jhonny wanted you to shine the most so when he filmed the other members he made sure to use bad lighting and angles to make sure you stood out the most.
He would also secretly let the cameras roll when you thought they were off, he would also have a camera in your changing room, which he would later use to black mail you.
Yuta ( The artist)💚
He would run an art page but most of the drawings were of you. It slowly started to become a fan art page of you. At first it was innocent and harmless, just a couple of normal  painting of you with cat ears or you as a Disney princess. He would always tag you and on a few occasions you had even liked and ever reshared a couple of paintings.
But soon as his obsession grew the nature of his paintings slowly started to change at first it was just slightly weird like paintings of you in handcuffs or with a blindfold, or ones with you with a little blood here and there. You brushed it off as most people make edits like this but soon they started to become more disturbing he started to draw paintings of you in a cage, you gagged and tied up, you in lewd positions. And various other sick fantasies he had.
Doyoung (The anti fan)🩵
He acted like he wasn't a fan, infact he acted like he hated you. He would always put you down. He would leave hate comments on your fan cafes even on your vlives.
One day you actually read out a hate comment he left he saw your face drop as you read it.
His heart went giddy with excitement you had noticed him, you were affected by him, he couldn't be happier. He continued to do it cause he enjoyed seeing you react he loved getting your attention even if it meant this is what he had to do in order to get it.
Would buy information from other saesangs and use it against you to get you to do whatever he wanted you to do.
Jaehyun ( entitled)💝
To him you were only meant to be his. You didn't have to do anything for anyone but him.
Your attention should be on him at all times these other people didn't deserve to get your attention.
At concerts he wanted you to only focus on him if he would notice you give attention to anyone else he would send you death glares.
You were once performing at one of your concerts and decided to go up to his section and you accepted a rose a male fan had given you when you turned your head you made eye contact with jaehyun and he shot you a look at that moment the were so terrified by the anger in his eyes you dropped the rose unconsciously and froze but soon one of your members dragged you to the center of the stage because it was time for the ending stage.
Jungwoo (lovesick)💖
A lovesick puppy. He would always have notifications on and would drop everything when you went live. You were his number 1 priority everything else came second even himself. He would be obsessed with you and would be in love with everything and anything you did. To him you were a godess.
He was so cute and cheering for you at your concert you shot him a wink and a flying kiss he nearly had a nose bleed.
To you he seemed like a harmless cute fan boy.
After your concert you were the last one out to get out off the venue but what you didn't know was that the paparazzi where waiting outside and began to mob you and you frantically searched for your manager who was waiting for you in the car. You saw a black car pull up and you got into it thinking that it was your manager as soon as you got out you noticed that the man driving didn't quite look like your manager before you could say anything you felt your vision black out.
Mark (Boy next door)💓
He was cute and charming and had managed to wrap your members around his little finger with his cute charm.
He would often show up at events which was normal and you would smile and wave at him like you would at any fan.
Soon he started to show up at private schedule's and on the sets of mvs or ads
shooting you thought this was a little weird cause no one was supposed to know about these schedules when you talked about this to your members they brushed it off by saying that it was probably the companies fault so you let it slide.
But soon you started to see him at places more often you saw him at the hair salon, you saw him when you took your dog for a walk, when you went shopping, he always kept his distance.
You were out with your friends at a cafe he was seated a couple of tables behind you when the waiter came with your drinks and started to flirt with you. You swore you could practically feel mark burn you with his glare.
Haechan ( quick wit)💕
He would always manage to catch your attention whether if it was by doing something cute or by passing a witty comment.
Soon things started to get out of control he always had to have your attention.
He would spam your lives, get into multiple fansign.
He managed to get your number and would relentlessly call and text you.
He would show up at your dorm.
You tried your best to ignore him until one day you saw a notification on your phone it was a picture of your room, then another picture of your mom on her way to get groceries, an other one of your little brother on his way to school, a text showed up.
"Reply if you don't want them to get hurt".
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captain-mj · 2 years
Part 3 of pornstar Koenig. You know what we discussed and I am holding your ribs hostage
I'm going to start only answering asks that threaten my bones because this is so funny
Also, if its italicized, its in a language only one of them can understand, thought I'd make this easier on myself
Horangi had a few kinks that were a bit more... out there. He didn't want to talk about them openly, still having that shame about those topics.
So the fact that König couldn't understand him was just a bonus for him because he could speak in Korean and he wouldn't know. He was fairly certain König was doing this as well since he always got shy when Horangi asked for him to translate what he had said.
They were trying something new today and it made Horangi's insides both tense with anxiety and hot with how attractive it was.
König had a camera on him. After some discussion, it was mostly on his back and not his face. He could stomach those scars just a little easier than the one's on his face.
"I just don't understand why you want to record me."
"You wanted me to treat you like I did them, yes?" König had basically purred at him and Horangi had gotten flustered and agreed.
Horangi's hands were tied behind his back as König fucked him hard. Horangi begged for mercy and König, who had no clue what he was saying, took that as a plea for harder. It was perfect.
König kissed along his neck and rutted into him. His hands held him down easily so the binds were basically useless, mostly just keep him from scratching at König. Apparently he had "left marks" that "didn't heal for a week", whatever that means.
"I love you so much, little tiger." König purred to him before sinking his teeth in his shoulder. He held him closer, rolling his hips just right to make Horangi's leg shake.
"Please, you're so big." Horangi pled against him, arching his back so he could take him deeper. "You're breaking me in half."
"Want to tell you how beautiful I find you." König kissed him hard, almost smashing their teeth together. He yanked him up so he was basically in his lap and fucked up into him as hard as he could, growling along his throat.
Tears started running down Horangi's face and he wasn't playing it up for the camera. Pleasure was sparking up his spine with every move of the man underneath him and he could feel himself getting close. König stopped right as he was about to come, giving him a second to breath and come down. Horangi whimpered.
"You dick."
"It's called edging. Do you want to end the show so soon?"
It only occurred to Horangi now that the position change may have put his face in camera but when he looked, he realized König must've thought of that. It was angled to only view his chest and it made him melt a tiny bit that König thought of that.
König kissed along his jaw. "My love, I'd spoil you if you let me."
Horangi shivered, flushing a little. König's hands ran along his thighs as he thrust back up into him. It was maddening. He started to get close again and König paused.
Horangi shook. "You're being so rough with me, please." König caught the word please and fucked him harder, exactly what Horangi wanted. His legs started to shake and he whimpered a little. "My darling, please, mercy."
König growled and didn't stop this time, coming in him and letting Horangi finally finish. Horangi shivered against him and melted.
"We should upload it."
König flushed. "What??"
"We should post it! Is your account still up?" Horangi smiled at him.
"Yes..." König smiled. "Maybe we could..." He ended up posting it later after cleaning Horangi up. Horangi let König spoil him, purring at the feeling.
The next day, König hummed. "We have more views than I was expecting."
Horangi jumped up immediately to look. "Any comments?"
"Just a few. Mostly in Korean. Can you translate?"
"Uh... Let me see here." Horangi took it from and started to read them. "Several about how hot you are. How hot I am. Some about how they want to fuck us, let's see... Oh, dirty talk. Someone is basically roleplaying."
König translated the German ones for him, all similar.
And then.
The bane of Horangi's existence.
Monolingual people.
"Can someone translate what they're saying?"
"Oh! Yeah, so the Korean is saying 'its too big' and begging for mercy. No clue on the German."
"The German is mostly just saying he loves him. How beautiful he is. I thought this was sweet. Is that really what he's saying?"
A few more Koreans and Germans started to talk, translating everything.
"I don't think they talked much about what the video was supposed to be."
Horangi stayed in blissful denial while his eyes slowly scanned over everything. Anger flashed in his chest for only a second before he looked at König, who looked very flustered and slightly upset. He then hit bargaining.
"Was I hurting you?"
"No! No! Look... I like... roleplaying... And I didn't know how to bring that up. And I promise to never do that again but."
König was staring at him.
"You said you loved me?"
König looked terrified. "I... Um... I love you. This isn't... how I wanted you to first hear it from me. But... Yes. I love you. I usually tell you."
"Why in German?"
"I was too nervous to say it in a language we both understand."
"I love you too big guy." Horangi blushed. "And you're perfect in bed, don't worry. I didn't think about this when I said we should post it... I always assumed you were dirty talking me..."
"I didn't either." König pulled him a little closer. "Do you want to roleplay more?"
"Get the camera."
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yanderecrazysie · 9 months
Hi! I was wondering could you make a Yandere! Oikawa x Reader? but in FNAF AU :))
where the Reader would be the new night guard at Freddy Fazbear and she accidentally found a broken animatronic that were actually filled with Oikawa's ghost. (basically Oikawa is William Afton or smth)
*sorry for my bad English, english isn't my first language :(*
The FNAF movie was freaking amazing- my husband watched it twice. I hope this turned out okay, I struggled to find a way to make this work. Some things might be off, since I don’t know everything about the games.
This turned out really long, so I had to rush the end a little.
Title: To Spring a Trap
Pairings: Oikawa Tooru x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, FNAF AU, implied murder, swearing, Oikawa is literally William Afton
Summary: Your new job at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza attracts someone’s attention.
Part 2: here
spring a trap
capture someone or something (such as an animal or criminal) with a trap
The pay is awful and the hours are downright terrible, but it’s your only option in such a competitive job market.
You had never pictured yourself as a security guard and, if it weren’t for the hiring manager’s insistence that nothing ever happens at night, you wouldn’t have taken the job. 
“It’s just that teenagers could break in if we leave the place empty,” the manager had explained, “No one’s ever tried to break in when we have a security guard on duty.”
The pizzeria used to be a broken-down mess, until the new owners got ahold of it and reopened it to the public. You had heard all sorts of rumors about why it closed down, but the main theory was that there had been murders many years ago (long before you were born) and the place had shut down because of the tragedy.
You couldn’t tell that the pizzeria had ever been a rotting, crumbling mess. You had taken your niece and nephew to visit several times and the place was always alive with bright colors and noise. The rainbow ball pit was your niece’s favorite and your nephew loved the arcade games. The three of you would eat pizza and watch the four animatronics on their respective stages, singing along to the music blasting from the speakers. Chica the chicken with her “Let’s Eat” bib, Bonnie the bunny with his electric guitar, Foxy the pirate fox (your nephew’s absolute favorite) peeking out from behind his curtains, and, of course, center-stage, Freddy Fazbear with his microphone held up to his smiling mouth.
It was a charming place that you found amusing enough to not check out completely while watching your nephew and niece. Kids sure loved it- there always seemed to be at least one kid celebrating their birthday each time you visited. 
It was completely different at night.
The pizzeria was eerily silent, devoid of laughing children, music, and arcade noises. The stage lights were off, casting unnerving shadows across the animatronics’ faces. Everything felt wrong about this place and you’re not sure you can ever see it the same way. You rubbed the goosebumps on your arms, willing your chills to go away.
An arcade machine turned on suddenly, a whirl of colored lights and loud music, and you jumped about a foot in the air. It turned off again and, clutching your chest, you made your way to the security office.
It’s a cramped room, with only enough room for a chair to pull out between the wall and the desk. TV screens showed the different camera angles from both outside and inside the restaurant. You looked closely at the outdoor cameras, pleased to see no movement on any of them. Taking a seat on the plastic white chair, you pulled yourself up to the desk. It’s a little too tall compared to the chair, and the desk came up nearly to your shoulders because of it.
By 4 am, your eyes were growing heavy. You’re bored out of your mind, even though you know that an uneventful night is a good one. It’s all you could do to keep awake. 
To keep from falling asleep, you decided to stretch your legs. The silent pizzeria was as creepy as it was before, and you found yourself gravitating to the show button, hesitantly pressing it. The stage sprang to life, a song from the ‘80s playing through the speakers. The animatronics swivel around, back and forth, Freddy’s microphone raised as though he’s the singer of the old song.
You amused yourself by watching the animatronics move around on the stage, wishing you knew the lyrics to the song, so you could sing along. Despite your nerves, a warm smile spread across your face. 
It wasn’t long before your attention drifted and you decided to explore. The kitchen was all shiny metal, with one counter clearly having missed cleaning time, bits of sticky dough dried on the silver surface. The next room you checked was a storage closet and you left that one quickly, unable to stand the extra animatronic heads with their empty, eyeless stare.
The last door you got to was locked. You grabbed your skeleton key and turned it in the lock. There’s a click, indicating it had unlocked, but the door remained stuck. Your brow furrowed and you pushed it harder. Before long, you were putting your shoulder into it. You can’t explain why, but you’ were drawn to this room. You needed to see what’s inside.
The door finally opened and you stumbled inside. It’s dark inside and you immediately searched for a light switch. The lone light bulb hanging from the ceiling clicked on, and you found what appears to be another closet. The room was empty, except for one thing.
It’s either an animatronic or one of the old springlock suits. You could barely tell it’s a rabbit in its ripped, rotten form. The fur was matted and off-color, with spots that looked suspiciously like blood around the ribs.
Suddenly, you sensed a presence. As if someone had just walked into the room. You whirled around, but you saw no one, the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end. 
“Hey, cutie!” A playful, masculine voice sounds somewhere near your left ear. You scream- you’re not ready to face vandals or thieves on your first day on the job!
But there’s no one on your left either. 
As soon as you began to think you imagined the voice, it talked to you again, “It’s been a long time since someone came into my room. Who are you?”
Your heart threatens to pound right out of your chest, “Y-you first!”
The voice laughed. It’s a handsome, sweet laugh that sets you at ease. There’s no malice in it.
“My name is Oikawa Tooru, I guess you could say I’m a ghost.”
You had always believed in ghosts, so this wasn’t too much of a shock to you, but it was still frightening to face one in real life. “Can you show yourself?”
“Anything for you, cutie.” Oikawa chuckled. Slowly, a pearly white figure comes into view, standing in front of the broken rabbit suit. He had naturally windswept hair and a sweet, welcoming smile. “Now, your name?”
You tell him your name and he purrs, “A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”
Heat blossomed in your cheeks and you hoped your embarrassment doesn’t show. He’s charming through and through, but there’s something to him you can’t explain. He seemed lonely, as though he’s been without human interaction for so long.
Your watch beeped, signaling the end of your shift. You jolted a little, brought out of your reverie. “I- I have to go,” you explained, pointing at your watch awkwardly.
“I understand,” Oikawa smiled sadly, “But you’ll visit me tomorrow, won’t you?”
“Of course!” You found yourself saying immediately, and you meant the words. You’d never met a ghost before, especially not one that was such a handsome, charming man. It was embarrassing to admit, but you were quickly developing a crush on this ghost you’d just met, and you scolded yourself for your thoughts.
That crush only grew over the next month or so. You continually visited the storage room with the off-yellow rabbit and Oikawa’s spirit. The two of you talked for hours, and you felt guilty for barely checking the cameras or patrolling.
Maybe that’s the reason your curiosity got the better of you. You decide to look up Oikawa’s name, to see how he died and who he was in life. One quick Google search brought up way more results than you could have ever imagined.
Owner Oikawa Tooru apologizes to families of missing children. 
Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza shut down by owner Oikawa Tooru.
But worst of all: Oikawa Tooru, owner of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, murder suspect of four missing children. 
There were tears in your eyes when you confronted him the next night, “Did you kill those children? Tell me the truth!”
Oikawa’s pearly white face twists in thought, clearly trying to find an answer that you’ll accept. You had already made up your mind, though, and you find yourself yelling at him.
“How could you? You killed four innocent children! And then you apologize to their families for them going missing? They never even got bodies to bury!”
Oikawa let out a little laugh at that, “Yes, that’s one of my more ingenious ideas. No one would think to look where I hid them.”
To hear him confirm it sent a dagger through your heart. Disgusted, you spit out, “I’m glad you’re dead, you evil bastard.”
Oikawa merely smiled back at you, “Careful what you say, cutie.”
You flung the door open, prepared to leave and lock him up for eternity in the damned closet where he belonged, the closet you should have never forced open in the first place. 
You stop dead when you find all four animatronics blocking your path. “What the hell?”
Chica’s arms shot out and grabbed your waist tightly. You let out a scream and tried to squirm out of her grasp, but she easily lifted you into the air.
Oikawa chuckled from behind you and you craned your head to look at him. He gives you a little shrug and malicious grin, “Sorry, cutie, but I got attached to you. Can’t have you leaving quite yet.”
“What are you going to do?” You gasped, kicking out at Chica as she began to carry you away.
“Don’t worry, (Y/n), it’ll be over soon. Death doesn’t hurt much.”
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canirove · 1 year
Best friends… forever? | Chapter 29
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“Mila, remember to be nice.”
“I always am nice.”
“Of course you are, love” Rúben chuckles.
“Love? That’s new.”
“Don’t you like it? I can call you meu amor or something like that” he says, hugging her by the waist.
“Nah, I like love and the way you say it” she replies, putting her arms around his neck.
“Can I keep calling you that, then?” Rúben asks.
“You can… love” Mila says before kissing him.
“Hello, Sasha. May I come in? Thank you.”
“I didn’t say if you could come in or not” Sasha says when Mila walks past her.
“Sorry” she replies, sitting down on the sofa. This was it. She was going to face Sasha, and get all the truth out of her.
“What do you want?”
“To have a chat with my neighbour. From wag to wag. Come, sit next to me.”
“A chat about what?” Sasha asks, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Just… things. Come, sit down. I won’t bite” Mila smiles.
“Ok, fine” Sasha says, sitting as far away from her as she can.
“What a lovely day we’ve had today, uh? Training was so nice…”
“Mila, what do you want?”
“Ok, fine. Straight to the poting” she sighs. “I know it was you.”
“That it was me what?”
“Oh, c´mon, Sasha. You are a clever girl, you know what I am talking about.”
“I do not, no.”
“I know you are the one behind the articles that had been written about me and Rúben on The Sun.”
“What?” she says with a nervous laugh. “Did you hit your head in training today or something?”
“Sasha, it’s over. I know it was you. I just want to know why.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about.”
“Then let me explain it to you. Rúben and I have been living in Manchester for a few years now, and we had never been papped, no one is interested on us. When we went out with you and Jack, it was the first time a tabloid paid attention to us. We thought it was just a coincidence, that they were there for you, but then the article was all about us, and that was… weird. Then, of course, we have the video of us kissing at the Etihad. We were alone and somewhere where only staff members were allowed, yet we still got caught.”
“Maybe someone from the staff needed some extra money” Sasha shrugs.
“Yeah, maybe… But then we have Ibiza. That morning, we saw you and Jack, and in the afternoon, we got papped.”
“Because they followed you after being with us.”
“It’s a possibility… But I don’t think so. I think it was you, and here is why. On the photos from the day we all went out for dinner, you were almost posing for the camera, it was as if you knew where it was. Then the video. We didn’t cross paths with anyone but you, and what a coincidence that when we saw you, you had just dropped your phone to the floor and the video was taken from the same angle from where you were standing.”
“Just a coincidence” Sasha shrugs again, her cheeks starting to look very red.
“Nah, it wasn’t a coincidence. And what happened in Ibiza, wasn’t one either. When we talked with you and Jack, you basically interrogated Rúben about what we were going to do that day, asking where we were going and when. And then, the same photographer who got you and Jack that morning, was the one that got us. I checked the names.”
“Again, just coincidences.”
“Sasha…” Mila sighs. “We can do this the easy way, or we can sue The Sun, get lawyers involved, and risk having them post about it because the girlfriend of a City player selling the personal life of one of his teammates to the press, is very juicy. So you decide what to do.”
“I… I…” she says, nervously playing with her hands.
“I honestly just want to know why you would expose our relationship like this, Sasha. What have we done to you? I get it if you don’t like me, but Rúben? He is like a huge puppy!”
“I did it because I’m jealous, ok? Jealous of what you have with Rúben” she says, getting up from her seat. “And I don’t know, I thought that by exposing you, you would feel miserable and…”
“And like you.”
“I’m not miserable!”
“Aren’t you? Your boyfriend is constantly cheating on you, getting drunk, embarrassing himself and you too in front of everyone…”
“Don’t insult Jack like that!”
“It know it hurts, but I’m just saying the truth, Sasha. And you know it better than anyone.”
“I…” she says, sitting down again and trying very hard not to cry.
“You need to break up with him.”
“What? No! I can’t!”
“Why not? You are clearly unhappy, this is hurting you.”
“But we’ve been together since forever. What will our families say?”
“If your family truly cares about you, they will understand. This is your relationship, not theirs. And you must do what is best for you.”
“I can’t do it, Mila.”
“Yes, you can” she says, moving to sit next to her, grabbing her hand. “Sasha, you are an amazing woman. Beautiful, intelligent, strong, with your own money and career. You don’t need someone like Jack by your side, someone who is constantly treating you like shit and embarrassing you in front of everyone. You deserve better. So much better.”
“What about him? What if this hurts him and his career?”
“Then he will be getting what he deserves after hurting you so many times before. It’s time you put yourself first.”
“I don’t deserve this.”
“Being treated like shit? I agree.
“No, I mean… Your kindness. I’ve always been a bit of a bitch to you, Mila.”
“You have, yes” she laughs. “But even if this sounds like the corniest and cheesiest thing in the world... women support other women.”
“That’s very cheesy, yes” Sasha laughs. “But thank you. And I’m sorry. I didn’t want to ruin your relationship when it finally starts.”
“Oh, so you also are on the finally boat, uh?”
“I mean… It was there. You two were the only ones not seeing it.”
“It was all me, to be honest” Mila chuckles. “But I’ve opened my eyes, and I’m not closing them ever again.”
“Good. Because he seriously is amazing. Not just on the outside, on the inside too”
“He is, yes. And I’m sure you’ll find your own Rúben one day too.”
“Is it too much to ask for a hug?”
“Of course not. Come here” Mila says, opening her arms.
“Who is knocking at our door this late in the night?” Rúben groans.
“Someone rude.”
“Urgh, and again. They won’t leave until we open the door.”
“Then go check who it is.”
“Yes, you. What if it is a thief? You are the one with the big and strong arms, you can defend yourself.”
“Mila, thieves don’t knock on your door” he chuckles.
“Just go. I’m starting to forget what I was dreaming about.”
“Was it about me?”
“Go open the door and I’ll tell you later.”
“Fine” Rúben says, rolling his eyes and leaving the bed.
“I’m coming, there is no need to keep banging on the door like that!”
“Mate, finally” Jack says when Rúben opens the door. “Did I catch you shagging Mila?”
“What?” he replies, too tired to be annoyed by what Jack just said.
“I don’t know, you are on your underwear.”
“I sleep like this. But Jack, what do you want? I’s 1 a.m. and we have training tomorrow.”
“Sasha just broke up with me. For real this time. And she kicked me out.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Can I stay here for the night, mate? I don’t know where to go and…”
“Mila won’t like it, I’m sorry.”
“Why not?”
“Go to a hotel, Jack” Rúben says, starting to close the door.
“Good night, Jack.”
“Who was it?” Mila asks when Rúben gets back in bed next to her.
“Jack. Sasha kicked him out” he says while hugging her.
“You don’t feel sorry for him, do you?”
“Not a tiny bit. He got what he deserves.”
“You wicked woman…”
“You said that as if you didn’t love it” Mila says, turning to look at him.
“I love all of you. Wickedness included.”
“So cheesy.”
“So cheesy” Rúben repeats, making fun of her. “Are you gonna tell me now what you were dreaming about?”
“I forgot. Good night, Rúben” Mila says, wrapping her leg and her arm around him and giving him one of her koala hugs before closing her eyes.
“Good night, love” he chuckles, kissing her head and hugging her back.
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shubaka · 1 year
And the KinnPorsche rewatch continues...
First we have the side story.
Oh my god. I forgot about Tankhun's fake tears. Bless this over-dramatic idiot <3
Oh, Vegas, your flirting is really a sight to behold. By someone. Not named Porsche. Or Kinn. In fact, Kinn can't even bring himself to open his eyes and look. :')
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THE WAY PORSCHE CLUTCHES KINN'S HAND! <3 This is so cute *sobs*
And now Episode 7!
Ahhh, I really enjoy the set for this casino.
OH THE GRENADE. It always cracks me up how they left that one dancer with the grenade at the end.
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RIP, my dear, I hope you made it out of this mess unharmed :')
Okay, I don't know if I'm just tired, but the way Vegas pops up on screen in his bloody raincoat made me laugh. :')
Ooooooh, okay. Right after Vegas says you can eat whenever you want the camera pans to Pete, who nods (albeit with a bit of attitude). I see, I see, I see. 👀👀👀
I know it's a lot for Porsche to take in, but I wonder if he ever clocks that Macau is wearing the same school uniform as Porchay? alskdjflakwj :')
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How to get a Porsche: 1) get a motorbike 2) psspsspsspss
Macau is so easy with his physical interaction with Porsche. Like, he feels comfortable enough to pat Porsche on the arm during this apology even though they barely know each other and had a pretty shitty introduction to each other... It's interesting, especially since Macau seemed pretty isolated from the rest of the minor family during the dinner. Whether it's because of how he sees Vegas and Porsche interacting, or if Vegas told him something.... that's for the fanfics I guess :')
Chay: "I'm sorry I lied" Also Chay: *immediately lies again*
OHMYGOD I THINK BARCODE IS ALREADY TALLER THAN JEFF HERE??? I noticed the camera angle looked a little tilted and
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DID THEY TILT THE CAMERA ANGLE SLIGHTLY TO MAKE KIM LOOK SLIGHTLY TALLER IF YOU SQUINT? ADSLFKAJW;KGJLKA someone please tell me i'm just being delulu i can't take this asldkfjawka sorry i'm gonna be thinking about this for the next 12 business days i'amfkwje;lgakjga
ANYWAY now that I sort of recovered from *gestures upwards* that let me get back to my apple thoughts real quick.
So back in episode 2 I basically assigned the green apple as Kinn and the red apple as Porsche. And of course in this episode Korn was cutting up the red apple (Porsche) as he talked about how cutting apples for his wife essentially weakened and, in his mind, rendered his favourite knife useless. And he tells Kinn to find his hold self.
But then he gives the red apple to Kinn! *cue flashback montage of Korn insisting that Porsche is hired to work for Kinn* And Kinn eats the red apple! *clue flashback montage of Kinn eating Porsche uh romantically*
And now we have Kinn telling Tay that he doesn't want to find the old him. He's all about them red apples now. No more green apples.
And look, this post by @technicallyverycowboy about how the green light bleeds away during the bathroom scene.
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hii would like tender relationship headcanons for heartslabyul with a giggly and sociable mc with golden curls, yeah mc look something like goldilocks from the farytale /ᐠ. .ᐟ\ฅ♡⸝⸝ that's all <3 thanks yuu and have a good day ^^ *hug*
Making it Just Right
Genre: Fluff
Contains: Heartslabyul boys
CW: none
Word Count: 602 (without A/N)
Riddle Rosehearts:
-Riddle would greatly enjoy spending time with a goldilocks MC, at first he'd be drawn to the need of perfection, watching as you'd run around trying to make things 'just right' as you'd say.
-Dating Riddle would be filled with events such as unbirthdays and attending his equestrian club meets, he'd definitely love having you around the dorm as his significant other but doesn't like how little rules you follow do to your goldilocks nature.
-Seeing you interact with others is always a joy as well, specifically with his dormmates, trying to help out and gossip as much as you can, always seeming to have made a new friend every time you visit.
-Yep, this relationship is just right.
Cater Diamond:
-Dating Cater is a match made in heaven with your bubbly personality and his influencer type status on magicam. You'd always have the most perfect couple pictures posted, whether it's small snippets of your dates or just you two laying about enjoying each others company.
-Cater would love spending all the time he can with you, always relying on your key eye of perfection when it comes to camera angles and lighting for new pictures.
-Just as sociable as you, so I can assure you, you'd be great friends with the light music club, the four of you sitting around the room after a practice gossiping about latest trends and school news.
-This relationship isn't too low or too high, it's perfect.
Ace Trappola:
-Oh where to start...
-The fact that you, a goldilocks personality, can even put up with the ever chaotic soul and spirit that is Ace is a blessing in it of itself. You're Riddle's favorite of all of Heartslabyul's significant others, obviously not counting his own.
-Whenever you're around, Ace clearly tries to impress you, which results in him losing his head. Though you're influence is definitely starting to rub off on our chaotic neutral boy here. With you adding an input in most situations, public or private, Ace starts to actually think through what he does or plans on doing.
-Despite constantly wanting to impress, he doesn't want to see you hurt because of his antics, most of what he does is only done if it means you're safe and ok.
-His love for you is beyond just right, and it makes your heart flutter every time.
Deuce Spade:
-Basically Ace 2.0 but with more braincells. This means he has two more braincells. Because Deuce follows in almost everything Ace does, it results in you sometimes getting stuck in the middle. Even if Deuce tries to keep you away, because of your sociable personality, it causes slight airheaded traits and moments.
-With the want to keep you safe and to be a son that his mother could be proud of, Deuce will do his best to make you happy, sometimes at the risk of facing Riddle's wrath.
-You want to come to an unbirthday with him? He's unknowingly annoying the dormhead for permission. You want him to sleepover and spend the whole night cuddling? He's sneaking out of the dorm to keep you warm in the bitter ramshackle hovel.
-Spending time in public with you is amusing, seeing you chattering about with almost every student is adorable, he loves seeing your eyes glittering and the bounce in your stance as you ramble. He does get jealous if your attention is on another for a while but can you blame him? You're just too cute when happy.
-While under his protection and in his loving arms, you'll be just right in this new world.
Authors Note: Thank you for the request! As stated previously I won't be writing for specific characters due to not knowing enough about them, one of these characters is Trey Clover, I apologize if you were looking forward to his but I currently don't have too much knowledge about him.
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kate-komics · 2 years
I think your art style is so cool. Do you think you can share your art process sometime?
Okay, I’m gonna do my best to share my ‘process’ even though I don’t even know what it is 😅 bare with me here!
Rather than give you a step by step (because the steps are never the same for me) I’ll show you one of my speed draws and try to hit a few points about what I consider/ think about while I’m drawing. This will only be for drawing human figures, just FYI.
I’ll use my lil Steddie sketch I did recently since it’s freshest in my mind and I think I did a good job with the posing.
Here’s the video!
Now let's see if I can articulate my thoughts.
I would also like to note that there was no reference for this drawing. This was only a warm up drawing that I developed a little to much because I was having a good time making it
Things I consider when drawing people:
Gesture drawing/ Pose: Make a loose gesture drawing first so you can get a feel for where you wanna go then build off that. Where is the weight of the body leaning? What direction are they facing? As you can see when I first start I keep it all fairly loose until I really figure out wear the body is leaning. Once I have they're torso/ centerline figured out the limbs follow. As you can see I was having a tough time figuring out what position for for Eddie's legs looked the most natural/ interesting. Which brings me to my next point!
Keep your first sketches loose, and don't be afraid to test things as you go. As you can see in the video I basically start from scribbles and build off of that. Adjust shoulders, move limbs around, tilt heads, whatever you think would look best. All in all I probably redrew the figures 2 or 3 times before I started on line art.
Shapes! Once I have the pose and sketch to my liking I build off the gesture by making shapes and angles a little sharper. This is, of course, specific to my personal preference in style but I think just slightly exaggerating the shape of a muscle or the point of a feature really takes a drawing to a new level in terms of style. I believe Ethan Becker (highly recommend his tutorials) has a good youtube video about how an elongated triangle shape is a fun dynamic shape to use in cartooning. I just make things a little pointer than they are. That's all.
Line weight! Building off of how I illustrate shapes, I use line weight to exaggerate it even further and also literally show the weight of the figure. Parts of the body that have weight on them or are foreshortened towards the camera get at thicker outline to exaggerate them. (Though sometimes I don't always do this) Parts that are soft outlines (Facial features and clothing details) get thinner lines or a small series of cross hatching lines. It's all about what you choose to put emphasis on. I also like to use exaggerated lines for clothing wrinkles to add to the gesture. Most of my specific art style is in how I do my line work. I use inking brushes with a dramatic taper to get the shapes I do. I highly recommend getting a traditional art inking brush and practicing on paper just to see the cool shapes you can get.
And finally, black space/ shading. I do have rather dramatic shading being that it's just part of my line art. Honestly, it's often rather unrealistic but really what's the point of drawing if you can't make things look really cool and dramatic? When laying out what the black space will be I suppose I think of how it'll frame the figure and what's really important. For example, Steve's back leg its all blacked out behind his front leg because it's not an important part of his pose and I wanted to use it show the surface he's sitting on without actually drawing it. Draw less details to show the details somewhere else, ya know? Use filled in shadows to frame other parts and put more emphasis on details. Admittedly, it does take some practice to get good at inking this way.
Little drawing rules for humans I don't even think about anymore but use all the time
Shoulders and hips always tilt opposite each other. It's what keeps the body balanced.
The main parts of the human body that show expression are the eye's and the hands. Also emotion in the eye's is like 80% in eyebrows.
It's okay to rework something that doesn't look right at any stage in the drawing.
Most average sized humans are 7 heads high and their shoulders. 2-3 heads across (Think this is in every 'how to draw' book ever)
The blank space of a pose is just as important and interesting as the filled space.
Okay! I think that's all I got. I'm not much of a teacher but I hope this was at least interesting and HOPEFULLY mildly helpful.
Thanks for the ask!
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tabletofruination · 4 months
Expedition Log: Day One at Casseroya Lake
((small ooc note: i unfortunately only have violet for the moment because i am poor and also just have no way of getting scarlet for funsies. so please ignore any inconsistencies in appearance, i tried to make her look canon as possible with what i had <3 thanks in advance!!))
[pt. 1 (you are here), pt. 2]
[initial recording time: 2:59pm]
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"Ugh, should I really be recording in this rain? Green's taking a brief nap, yeah, but ugh. If I don't do it now, I'm totally gonna forget..."
Despite the concern on her face, though, she seems more than apt to get her pep up and repositions the camera and makes a cheerful little gesture.
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"...Screw it, we'll do it live! Hi everyone, it's Juli!"
Juliana talks easily, despite what seems to be a small rasp in her throat--one could likely excuse it at maybe a bit of sickness taking her, but still being able to speak on despite it. It at least shows the girl is determined, if little else, as she gestures with her hand out to the area.
"Green's taking a little nap while I go exploring outside a bit! Never really been fond of the rain, that one. But I'm over by the watchtower of Casseroya Lake, and the view is just plain stunning! Here, get a good look!"
Juliana seems to reposition the camera, the view going outward as one can hear the girl's energetic steps as she focuses on a few different views from the lake.
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"Ehe! The sky's so clear, but it's still raining Fidough and Glameow--but look at that pretty sunlight! Isn't it just gorgeous?"
Juliana's laughter, her vibrance and enthusiasm, it's all very clear in how she animatedly talks about her surroundings--about some of the Pokemon she's seen so far, about how Darling has been able to go for a nice swim and enjoy herself while Guidance keeps a watch--it's a tangent that gets Juliana to laugh a bit, before she seemingly stops herself short.
"--But right, right! This is, uh, supposed to be about my notes for the expedition, right? Right. I'll see if I can edit this out once I do my presentation, but...I don't know, it always makes me super happy to be able to talk about my Pokemon, you know?"
One can hear shuffling as the camera view shifts down a little bit, as if Juliana is taking a seat upon the rainsoaked ground a bit.
"But let's get started with our observations! And, oh, a little bit of history about this place. That's important too, right?"
"So! This place is Casseroya Lake, basically a beautiful haven for water Pokemon to thrive, and home to at least a few of Paldea's great wonders! On one side, you've got the Colonnade Hollow--a place where Dragon and Fighting types tend to come and raise their young before moving to other places, and a pretty common place to find Noibat, if you're looking for them! The dark cave kinda tends to evoke their old home in...Kalos, right? I think that's where they're from originally, at least."
"Then you've got the Gracia Stones, which are probably some of the nicest rock formations you'll find off of the coast of Paldea! I admit, their history isn't something I've learned about yet, but if I had to make a guess...it must've been the den of a great Water type Pokemon, waaay long ago!"
"And then there's Casseroya Falls! It's the connecting point between Glaseado Mountain--" Juliana turns her camera back towards the lake, angling it so a faint view of the mountain can be seen. "--And the lake itself! Water melting down from the mountain comes and graces the lake, welling in it, and connecting all life within it...heehee! Isn't that super cool? It just means that each and every one of us, we're all connected in some way or another--from the water that comes down the mountain, from the lake, and into the faucets of our homes, we are connected in all things. Or...something like that!"
Juliana seems to giggle a bit, brightly as she focuses the shot on the lake again and seems to sigh as the rain continues. If she minds, it doesn't seem obvious in her (admittedly still a little raspy) voice.
"If you can believe it, there used to be a giant, Titanic Pokemon that roamed these parts. The Elusive, False Dragon Titan...which in truth, was actually two Pokemon working in tandem with one another!"
"You see, about a year and a half ago, I was helping a friend of mine with his own research, see--his name's Arven, he makes the best food you could ever ask for! No joke, I'm pretty sure this guy could put any and all of Paldea's sandwich shops out of business if he opened one up. But I shouldn't get carried away! But we wound up finding and fighting this Titan, see? And at first, it was this big, huge Dondozo that had seemed to eat a Tatsugiri! And like, what on earth, right?! Poor little guy was just living his life."
"But you see--the Tatsugiri, it was actually like, waaay smarter than it looked. It was actually controlling the Dondozo from inside of it's mouth, and it wound up fighting us too after we managed to defeat it's big shield! It was the weirdest thing ever! But we managed to find this really special herb in a cave, and--"
"Juliana. Are you going to sit here and talk all day?"
Juliana's phone seems to immediately drop into the wet grass as she startles, but it's...strange, almost. The voice in question that speaks up--it's decidedly older in nature, though it's gender isn't exactly easy to determine. But more odd is the seeming...closeness of the voice. And it's qualities, too--it doesn't exactly feel like a voice that has suddenly come up beside someone, startling them while they're talking.
It seems to almost...reverb, in a way that one can't quite place their finger on. It feels there, yet not. Human, but with just enough weirdness to make one question it. It's strange, but the camera's gone dark as Juliana dropped it, and she seems to chuckle no worse for wear.
"Green, come on! You can't go scaring a girl like that when she's in the middle of a story!"
"I am well aware. I simply think there are better uses of your time than simply nattering into a camera about ancient history; writing is a far better medium for such things, no?"
"I mean, I guess..." Juliana seems slightly dejected, though she seems to laugh afterward. "But you lose all of the enthusiasm with writing, you know?"
"Mmm. I do suppose that is a fair point; I acquiesce." Green seems to chuckle, the sound very light and with a quality that seems mature in nature. Like a good hearted, gentle chuckle. "But we should begin our journey to the other side of the lake, if we wish to make it by nightfall."
"Yeah?" Juliana can be heard shifting a bit in the wet grass, seeming to ponder that. "Did you or Guidance find something?"
"I can sense something in the distance. I am not...entirely certain of what the energy is, but it feels real. I believe we may be onto something, if my hunch is correct."
"Wait, for real?! Why didn't you say so sooner?!" Juliana seems to jump up, her voice becoming more distant as she gets off the ground. "Come on, lets get going! If we have Buddy ferry us across, we should be able to get there before night time, right?"
...Oddly enough, Green's voice seems a touch more distant too. Odd, given that there seem to have been no other steps heard...? "That is exactly what I was thinking. We should make haste, then. I imagine the rain will let up in due time as well, and as long as Buddy stays on task, we should be able to make it swiftly."
"Let's get going, then! Oh, I just can't wait...!"
"Ah, Miss Juliana--do not forget your phone! You will need that, won't you?"
"Oh, shoot, right! Hang on a second--"
Juliana seems to pick up the Rotomphone again, the camera a touch blurry from the rainsoaked grass it laid in, but no worse for wear otherwise. There's a brief bit of darkness as she seems to wipe down the camera, starting to walk back while cheerfully signing off.
"Alright, that's going to end the first part of this! But I'll keep all of you posted on what we're able to find next! Bye-bye~!"
The camera ends on an odd shot of the ground--one which had been seen earlier, if only from a distance. Very little seems to be different about it from a glance, but...
Odd. Were there always those little buds growing on the ground? If you blink you'll miss them, but hm. How strange.
Either way, the video ends off here.
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osp-originals · 1 year
Stunt Gone Wrong
TW: concussion, emeto
Vio was slightly worried by Ethan and Jessica’s poor stunt-tackling form, but the two didn’t seem to share Vio’s concern.
“We’ll be fine,” Ethan insisted.
“If you say so,” they finally gave up.
“Alright, ready for take two?” Tomas asked.
“I was born ready!” said Ethan enthusiastically.
“Yeah, me too!” Jessica giggled.
Ethan’s arm was already bruised from the last take, but he didn’t care.
This shot is going to be so good!
“Camera?” said Tomas.
“Speed,” said Raj, who was laying on the floor to get the perfect low angle for the shot.
“Speed,” Min responded.
“Slate,” Tomas said, holding out the slate in front of the camera. “Scene two, shot one, take two, marker.”
“And, action,” he directed.
Jessica started running at Ethan and Ethan started running away from her, toward the camera. She jumped on him as if tacking him without actually pushing him. He fell down in what was supposed to be a controlled manner. He wasn’t expecting the camera to be right where his head was supposed to land.
“Ow!” Ethan yelped.
He held the side of his head that hit the camera and his face contorted with pain.
“Oh my- I’m so sorry!” Jessica apologized as she climbed off of him. “Are you okay?”
Raj stayed frozen in wide-eyes shock. Vio immediately came running over.
“Babe, are you okay?” asked Vio.
“Oww,” he groaned and rolled over onto his front.
“Let me see it,” Vio ordered.
They pulled his hand away from his head and pushed his hair aside to look for where he hit his head.
“Well, it’s not bleeding,” they said, “as far as I can tell with all this hair.”
“Oh,” Raj sighed.
“What?” asked Vio.
“I thought I heard his head crack, but it was the camera lens,” he explained.
“Oh no, the lens is broken?” Ethan asked, finally opening his eyes to look at it.
“Okay, he’s fine,” Tomas said with a laugh.
“I don’t know about that,” Vio hesitated.
“No, I’m fine,” Ethan assured them. “Just a bit… I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?” they questioned. “That sounds concerning.”
“No, it’s nothing,” he insisted.
It was not nothing. The room seemed to be spinning, but he couldn’t think of the word to describe that feeling, so he just gave up.
“Alright, fine. You should at least take a break, though,” they advised him.
“Yeah, definitely,” he agreed.
“We can just film the scene four while we’re waiting,” Tomas suggested.
Ethan walked himself to the lounge room. He felt like he was on a tiny boat at sea, but no one said anything about him stumbling or walking weirdly, even Vio.
I must be imagining it.
He was glad the lights were already dim. The bright lights down the hall were starting to hurt to look at. He plunked himself down on the couch.
This is a nice couch.
He had never been in the engineering lounge before. In fact, he had only been in the engineering building once before this shoot.
His thoughts about the engineering building were soon derailed by him noticing an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. He knew the feeling well; it was a sort of latent queasiness. He also knew that if it progressed to full-on nausea, he would probably lose his lunch.
I don’t know where the bathrooms are around here. I guess I can use that trash can in the hall if I have to. I was careful about what I ate today. I wonder why my stomach is upset?
He decided not to think about it too much. Thinking about it always made it worse. Over the course of a couple of minutes, the headache that he didn’t realize he had got worse and he grew tired. He lied down on the couch.
I wonder if I can sleep this off.
His stomach seemed to object to that idea. After a few more minutes, the trademark feeling of nausea developed.
He listened to the others filming and considered his options. They were around the corner in the hallway, basically on the other side of the wall that the couch was up against.
If I use that trash can, they’ll probably see me. Hmm… I don’t really have another choice though, do I?
He didn’t have much time to think about it either. Saliva started to pool in his mouth, and he knew that meant he had about ten seconds. He sat up on the couch. Right away, he noticed that his balance was even worse than it was before.
Oh, this is going to be… difficult.
He wobbled the moment he stood up. His eyes locked onto the bin.
Come on, it’s not that far.
He staggered forward, using various things for support when he could. He made it to the trash can and grabbed both sides of it.
Yes, alright, now just brace yourself…
“HuUEk—” he gagged dryly before he had time to process who said his name. Drool dripped from his lips.
“Oh my goodness, babe, are you okay?” Vio asked.
His body’s answer to that was apparently to send up a mouthful of vomit. His stomach started to hurt and he instinctively put his arm around it.
“Oh, babe…” Vio said.
Their voice had such a sympathetic tone to it. They placed their hand on his back and gently rubbed it. It was embarrassing for them to do this in front of other people, but still almost as comforting as it usually was.
His stomach cramped again and he hurled up a spoonful of thick sick.
Why do the tiny amounts always have to hurt the most?
He spat out the excessive saliva and caught his breath.
“Do you think it’s something you ate?” Vio asked quietly so the others wouldn’t hear.
Ethan shook his head. “Not that I can think of.”
“Hold on,” Vio said, seemingly realizing something. “Does your head still hurt?”
He nodded.
“You might have a concussion.”
The fact he had hit his head had somehow slipped his mind.
“That would make sense,” he agreed.
“Can I see your eyes?”
He looked up at them, squinting at the bright lights.
“Open them a little more,” they requested.
He did as they asked. The light made his headache grow exponentially. After less than a second, he retched up a puny dribble into the trash can again.
“Aw, babe, I’m sorry,” they apologized. “Your pupils are huge, though. We should definitely go to the health center.”
“Okay,” he mumbled.
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part 2 of my villain x hero enemies(?) to lovers fake(?) dating mess
(part 1 here)
Phase 1: Scheming
"Now we can't just jump into this whole thing right away, we need to make it believable by dropping hints that this has been going on for at least three months now." I fall into the familiar rhythm explaining a plan, not bothering to look at Dawnstar who follows behind me. "We'll start with a fake digital trail, planting forum threads speculating about unusual behavior from each of us."
I stop in front of an innocuous dark wooden door. It's set into the wall in such a way that it's almost always covered by a shadow, making it blend into the background and not even register in most people's minds as they walk past.
"We'll also need to stage a few photos, taken with a low quality phone camera from a distance of course. Maybe one or two better quality ones mimicking interactions we've had in the past, but from a new angle to create a more… suggestive air to the situation." As I speak I place my hand on the door, allowing the hidden biometric scanners to verify my identity.
"Ok, cool, so like a reverse of that time you basically did an online carpet bombing of a guy's reputation to ruin his company. Why are you feeling up that door- oh." I looked back to get a view of his flabbergasted expression when the door slid open to reveal a long slanted hallway, lit only from a dim path of circular lights set into the titanium alloy flooring. I grabbed his hand as I stepped inside and placed it next to mine on another invisible scanner, this one set into the wall painted with black 3.0.
"Don't mind the pinch, it needs a blood sample to register you so the security measures don't activate when you try to walk through. And yes, I will be using many of the same techniques as when I dragged the bald nitwit's public image through the mud and fed its carcase to the internet trolls."
Releasing his hand once the lights flashed blue in confirmation I made my way down the hall, undaunted by the dozens of lethal security measures built into the walls, floor, and ceiling.
"The big difference here is that I actually had something real to work with then - he really did cheat on his wife, and it was disgustingly easy to get video evidence of him with those very expensive sex workers. Those testimonies they gave were real too, but the leaked emails were all me."
As I reached the end of the hallway and opened the final door, the lights in my subterranean sanctuary slowly faded on. Dawnstar seemed puzzled as he looked around the room. "This is… weirdly cozy for a villainous lair? Like, it feels like you pulled this place out of a dark academia/cottage-core tumblr blog run by a fifteen year old who wishes they lived in a ghibli movie." Even as he tried to reconcile the space with the aggressively professional and lavish presentation of my public office, he wandered towards one of the overstuffed chairs next to the fireplace.
I made my way to the small coatroom by the entrance, keeping the door open as I talked. "I like to be comfortable when I'm scheming. My professional style is intimidating classy, but classy isn't always comfortable or conducive to brainstorming." I made quick work of changing my outfit to a dressing gown as he busied himself with the wall to wall bookshelves.
I relished the look on his face when he turned around and saw me, the eggshell while of the gown contrasting nicely with my dark skin. His reactions are always so amusing. "Here, I feel chafed just looking at you in that outfit." I shove a soft cotton poet shirt and set of lounge pants into his arms before passing through an archway between the books into my kitchen. "Go change into that while I make some tea. I hope you didn't have any plans for the next day or so, we're going to be here a while."
As he finally tore his flustered gaze away from me and went into the coatroom I head him muttering viscously under his breath in Tagalog. The game had barely begun and I was already having so much fun.
By the time he had changed the tea was steeped, and I was laid out on a plush fainting couch in front of a large mirror in a rococo gilt frame. I gestured towards the coffee table and padded rocking chair I'd brought over from another corner of the room. "Take a seat, let's talk timelines." He settled into the chair and started on demolishing the plate of cookies I served with the tea, clearly still off balance and needing the familiar comfort of sweets.
I took out an electronic-ink tablet and with a few taps the mirror flickered to life, presenting us with a view of my grand planning dashboard. "Hmph," Dawnstar grunted and swallowed a mouth full of cranberry-oatmeal cookie, "A magic mirror. Very evil queen of you. Do you have like, a potion lab down here?"
"I keep toxins in the labs up in the R&D wing. The mirror was inspired by the one in snow white actually, I always thought the queen was stupid to use it for finding threats to her position of Most Beutiful and wanted to do it better." I pushed a large ceramic mug of tea towards him. "Here, it's oolong."
"We have two months until Dazzeler and The Crystal Dragonfly have their public reception." An image of the two's save the date card went up on the screen. It's incredible that they managed to tastefully combine the aesthetics of glam rock and wuxia, I need to look into who their event planner is.
"Your Ex has a press pass to the event since he works for Aurora Chronicle, which means that Morning Lodestar, Paragon Herald, Epoch Chronicles, and Society Gazette will be there too." The logos of each newspaper and head-shots of their respective crews for the event went up on the screen.
"Our goal is maximum impact. We don't want to just drop the bomb out of nowhere, we need to build the tension first." My expression at this point may have been slightly manic, judging from the concerned eyebrow raise from over the rim of his mug. Some people never took part in theater when they were children, and it shows.
"You want to break the internet don't you?" I sent him an indulgent smile. "Oh Lovely," he choked on his tea at the endearment, "you're thinking too small. Of course we're going to break the internet, if twitter doesn't crash I'm losing my touch. I'm aiming for the history books here."
"Hurk- Ok. Ok ok, cool cool cool we're doing pet names now." He shimmied in place a little as he took a series of deep breaths. Interesting reaction, I would be using that one again.
He stared at me in thought for a moment, looking for all the world like a disgruntled chipmunk before smiling and nodding his head. "Ok then Dearheart, so we stage a months long secret love affair using your super scary tech and blow the minds of everyone who's ever heard of us. I'm guessing we need to do some acting between now and the wedding?"
Scatterbrain he may sometimes be, but the man can catch on quick. My face broke out into a gleeful grin that I had been told made me look like a slasher movie villain. "We're going to have a very loud, very public fight. Clear your schedule, I'm going to put you through an acting bootcamp. We're going to run lines and blocking for this until you can do it in your sleep."
All the world's a stage, and I am a meticulous director.
To be continued…
(part 3 here)
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p0ssywhippedcream · 2 years
Oh, ticket time? How about a fluffy little story about L. He's feeling frustrated that the fellow detective he likes rarely looks his way. And then one day, he manages to see HER face when she looks away (maybe he reviewed surveillance footage or she turned to face a reflective surface like a window or mirror) and discovers all this time, she's been hiding her blushing face from him (cuz she likes him too)
This ask was a little difficult to write because I couldn’t really imagine exactly what scenario would allow this to happen but with a little tweaking, I think I figured out a way to write this. Let me know what you think, lovebug!
A/n = alias name
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I imagine that L and you are on a call like you usually are when solving a case together. He has his screen showing his alias and you have yours. Sometimes though, when showing physical evidence only one of you has, you turn on the video camera feature.
L of course, scoots away from the camera and will dangle whatever needs to be shown with a finger and thumb in front of the screen. You do the same but holding the object like a regular person.
This time, your background is different then your usual work space. Today you’re in a hotel room, showing off a piece of burnt paper to your fellow detective as he comes to endless conclusions.
You haven’t yet realized that from the angle your laptop sits at, your face is shown in the reflection of the fridge. Your beautiful, beautiful face that only L knows belongs to the infamous A/n.
You look exactly how L would imagine you and yet completely different. You have that same fire in your eyes, of desire for justice and balance that he knew you would have but the color is much more vibrant than he pictured. Your hair is fuller, your smile more joyful and your entire demeanor is much more bouncy and energetic.
Besides all that wonderful news about you being stunning and also very positive and full of life, this also means L can figure out whether or not he actually has a influence on you.
He finishes his rambling with a “I will check out the father of Wallace, he seems to know more than he lets on.” and you nod.
Dropping the paper, L hears you move to pick up the snack you’d been eating this meeting and resume chewing. If there’s one thing you have in common, it’s constant eating.
“How did your date go with the Australian woman last week?” He asks casually and you made a funny noise. If he didn’t see your eyes bulge, L would think you were choking.
You chuckle around your food and swallow, “Horribly. Turns out some people believe that the Earth is not only flat, but donut-shaped. She insisted I must not know basic science because obviously the Earth is shaped like a donut, are you stupid?” Your voice went higher pitched at the end as you mocked the woman and you giggled at your impressive impression of nails on a chalkboard.
L laughed lightly along with you. At least his love life was so bare he wouldn’t have to deal with that. Instead he decided to be heavily in love with the one friend his age he’s ever had.
“Right. How could you be so dumb, A/n. Don’t you see the giant sprinkles in the sky at night?”
You laugh so hard you almost fall over but instead run directly into the counter your computer is balanced on and push it into the sink. Doing damage control and pulling it out with a yogurt spoon stuck to the bottom, L sees one of your eyes peek into frame for a second only to disappear quickly.
You set the computer back down at it’s original angle except here, L can see your reflection even better.
“You know, if you simply went out with smarter people, you wouldn’t have this problem. Take me, at least I know that the world is a cube.”
Usually, this is the part where you say something snarky and shut him down like always and L wonders why you’re so damn hard to flirt with. Today however, when L sees your cheeks blossom red in the silver reflection, a seed of hope does the same in his stomach.
“Ah yes, but if I “went out” with you, it would be considered staying in. Get it? Cause you never leave the house?” You laughed heartily at your own joke and L charitably gave you a chuckle for good measure.
He could take the lame digs at his habits now, better than he used to. At least now he knows he’s got some sort of shot with you, even if it’s a shot in the reflective silver light of hotel refrigerators.
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thinlinez · 2 years
Josie, my darling! I'm here to ask about that porn magazine fic of yours in the WIP title Game. Can you tell me something about it? Maybe share a small snippet? 😏🥰
My love T, I have actually written A LOT of this fic back back way back in time, it is so old and dusty. I had always wanted to post it but I couldn't come up with a good ending for it... It is basically about Lou being a porn magazine star and H discovering this secret! I can give you the snip ;) I hope it is interesting... I dont think I will ever post it, since it is omega Lou... Here goes: It is LONG and EXPLICIT hahahaha (It isn't a small snippet since I think this will be the only snippet I will ever share of this work)
“What’s this?” His moment of confusion cleared as soon as he saw the magazine name and the close-up cover of an omega who had smeared mascara and glitter around her eyes. Her head was tilted ridiculously to the side to showcase the purpling bite mark adorning her porcelain skin. Her eyes were hazy and clouded over like she was under a spell. Harry wrinkled his nose at the magazine as Gemma rolled her eyes.
“It’ll help you through your rut.” She said exasperatedly. Harry’s face colored at the comment.
“I’m not some thirsty fourty year old man who jacks off to naked omegas.” He hissed, pushing away the atrocious reading material.
He hated degrading magazines like these. The ones that portrayed omegas in a sexual light. It’s already the twenty first century, people need to wake the fuck up...
“Reading this magazine doesn’t imply that you’re a degrading arsehole, H. It just helps you. Being an alpha isn’t a chore, it’s what you are. So just accept it and if this helps then better use it wisely.” Gemma shrugged, flicking him on the forehead as Harry hissed at the sudden pain. He pouted a little at his alpha sister.
“Whatever you say, I’m not gonna read it. Ever.”
“Sure, H. Sure.” Gemma laughed as she ruffled his hair and helped him lug his heavy duffel bag into the back of his beat up secondhand car.
Now, as he looked down at the magazine, at the shiny cover that announced its name, My Omega, in cursive, the pent up frustration inside of him started to bubble to the surface. He nearly tore the cover off as he grabbed it and began to flip through it. Maybe jacking off right now would soothe him. Thank god he hadn’t hit the freeway yet.
His eyes scanned through the pages. Omegas clad in an assortment of tight clothes and mostly, nothing at all, peered seductively up at him through their eyelashes. There were hardly any words in the magazine. He rolled his eyes at a picture of an omega boy sitting cross legged on a toilet seat of what looked like a dirty pub loo. His clothes were torn and he was holding his finger up to his glossy lips, grinning devilishly at the camera with bite marks littering his chest. Harry has got to admit, most of the setting were too cliche even though the lighting, camera angles and models in the photo were well positioned. There was some aesthetics to these erotic photos, Harry had to begrudgingly admit.
He was half in mind to toss the magazine away and was already thinking about texting Niall to hook him up with an omega friend for next week when the next photo made his hand come to a complete standstill.
The double spread photo was taken in the backseat of a car, a vintage one by the looks of it. Most likely a Cadillac with its easily recognizable white creamy leather seat.
A naked omega was lounging on the seat with his head resting against the window and his body draped on the entire back seat. There were what looked like sunflower and daisy petals strewn on the seat and spread all over the floor. A few petals were tucked into the omega’s caramel brown hair.
The omega had his head tipped back so that the fine line of his throat was exposed, vein standing out and bondmark spot out for the world to ravish. His stretch of golden skin made Harry’s mouth go oddly dry. The boy’s eyes were closed, long lashes brushing the pads of his cheeks and his mouth was slightly ajar, thin pink lips curled up into a small faint smile that seemed to hold the world’s secrets on the slope of its cupid bow. The smile ignited the corners of the omega’s eyes and Harry could see the tiniest traces of crinkles around them. One of the omega’s arms was trailing onto the floor, fingertips brushing the carpeted floor while the other was gripping the headrest of the seat above so that his veins stood out, a sharp contrast to his other limp arm. One knee was bent while the other was relaxed so that the small pink cock with its tip smeared with precome could be visible between his strong thighs.
Harry swallowed as his eyes followed the muscles of the omega’s thighs and saw the glinting line of slick running down them. The leather beneath the omega’s arse was coated with slick, some dripping onto the floor of the car. Like a small cascading waterfall.
The omega’s pose hid his oozing hole from sight and Harry almost whined from how badly he wanted to see it. He could almost imagine the fluttering pink rim as it clenched desperately on thin air.
He nearly ripped a hole through the page with how fast he turned it. He breathed out a sigh of relief when the same omega appeared, on the next page, in the exact same pose except he was staring directly at the camera and his piercing gaze seemed to penetrate Harry’s soul. It sent a shiver through him. The color of his eyes matched that of a stormy ocean, with waves of emotions flickering in those two blue gems. His mouth was pulled down into a frown, a slightly crease sinking in between his eyebrows like he was aiming an accusing look at the audience for disturbing his nap, or maybe his self-pleasuring.
His fringe was swept to the side and some of it hung into his eyes. His toes were curled and his skin shining with slick and sweat. Harry could only stare at the ruined leather seat as he felt himself growing harder in his jeans.
A feeling tugged at his gut. There was something familiar about this beautiful omega. But he couldn’t, for the life of him, figure out what it was that he was feeling. All he knew was that he wished he could push the omega hard into the leather seat, get his hands all over the sun kissed skin and fuck the omega until the boy cries his name.
“What the fuck...” He groaned, hand flying up to palm over his hard length. He wasn’t one to do this. No, what the fuck was he doing? He thought wildly to himself as he unbuttoned his jeans with a snap. He hissed as he closed his palm around his hard cock, feeling the undeniable swelling of his knot as he jerked himself off a few times.
“No...” He grunted, as if he was lecturing himself, but he continued to stroke and stare into the omega’s baby blues. He gritted his teeth as he palmed at his slit, pinching the tip of his cock teasingly and banged his head painfully on the car seat behind him. He came, letting out a reluctant groan of pleasure into his fist and doubled over, panting from the shock of his sudden orgasm. He was careful to push the magazine off his lap so that his come wouldn’t stain it.
“Shit...” There was no afterglow to his orgasm, hell no. What hit him was the fact that he had just done it. Just jacked off to a porn magazine. His face burned with shame as he quickly straightened up and buckled his seat belt. He took a deep breath before pulling the car back into gear, trying and failing to ignore the stickiness in his jeans and the magazine staring innocently up at him on the car floor.
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not-bcring · 2 years
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It had been a hard hit, one that had the usual powerhouse of a player crumpling to the ice with his shout of pain clearly heard across the ice, every player sliding to a stop at the unfamiliar sound. He was called Moose for a reason, the winger able to take a hit and give one in return without so much of a blink, able to play through the pain no matter what was thrown at him. He had taken pucks to the mouth, had players land on him, been flipped fully off his feet only to get back up and keep playing, but this? This was bad.
One thing most everyone knew about Nicky is that he didn't swear, and when he did, it was never anything that would be considered overly vulger. He had grown up around cameras, people watching his every move on the ice, it was bad PR to swear, not that he felt a need to anyways, but he always tried to keep it clean. So when he was checked into the boards, his leg twisting at an odd angle that had him unable to even stand, writhing there on the ice with unmistakable pain on his face as his voice bounced across the stadium? It had the entire game at a standstill, just over one word.
It was enough to call an all stop, players from both teams surrounding him, trying to check his wellbeing, trying to help as he was stretchered off the ice. Even through his pain, vison a blinding white as he was hauled off the ice, Nick managed to grip a fist in the front of his coaches shirt, wrenching him downwards to nearly pull him onto the stretcher alongside him. "Tell Kichiro I'm alright." Even with his leg undoubtedly broken, they were still the first thing on his mind... //we both know kichiro dont believe him lmao
-  ✩   「 @from-across-the-stars 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」   Kichiro never knew much about hockey until they met Nick. Honestly? They still doubt they know much about it… Far too swept up in the high-energy excitement of the game, rules are lost on them in the thrill of simply being there. Getting to watch these men duke it out in a gladiator-esque game of will and strength. That’s how Kichiro likes to think of it. Perhaps that’s overdramatic; a romanticization of a game they can’t be bothered to study when not watching their crush best friend skating on the ice, but it works for them. So, why change it? Despite their limited knowledge— they can tell when someone scores, and that seems to be the basics of any game —it’s crystal clear when things have gone wrong during a game. It happens. Often.
But this? This isn’t the usual wrong… This is WRONG.
Immediately standing when Nick hits the boards, before the curse can even echo— as if instincts had taken over —Kichiro is hurriedly making their way past seats. Hasty apologies quickly break into irritated snaps to ‘ watch it ’ after they’ve tripped a few times over uncaring feet refusing to scoot out of the way, politeness merely a formality that was unconcernedly cast aside when not returned. Frankly they’d force their way through a tightly-packed crowd if need be to get to Nick, only the fact that everyone else was sitting keeping them from getting unceremoniously shoved aside. In the grand scheme of things, everyone here matters very little. Practically walking dust in the swirling mass of an uncaring universe. 
In the grand scheme of Kichiro’s life? These people matter even LESS than that… Heart pounding painfully, they force themselves to watch their breathing, gaze riveted intently on the stretcher as it takes Nick away, and not on their own frantic footwork. Determined to see where it goes, Kichiro loses their balance, haphazardly fumbling to the ground with a hissed,  ❝  Shit.  ❞  Much like Nick, they aren’t usually one to curse. Especially not for things like this, having grown rather numbed to incidences both big and small. But in their frazzled state— Nick had looked like he was in immense pain; a sort of pain that Kichiro never wanted to see on his face —it’s the first and only thing out of their mouth.
Picking themself off the ground, Kichiro scrambles to their feet, clumsily wiping blood from their split lip as they look around for the stretcher. It had only been out of sight for a moment, but in the chaos, that was enough. No matter. Kichiro saw the general direction it was going and they’ve watched enough games to have a good enough guess of where severely injured players would get hauled off to. Without any regard to whether they are even ALLOWED this close, they shove themself towards where they need to be, bristling when a coach steps into their path. Panic Aggravation practically making them tremble, Kichiro glares up at the man with the intensity of someone willing to get into ANY amount of trouble... 
❝  I need to see Nicky. Now.  ❞     「 ☆ 」 
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