#but there is very little Charlie Slimecicle content
lowkeyrobin · 6 months
Charlie Slimecicle x Reader
But its like streaming together for the first time and its just really sweet while he teaches you to play Minecraft:)
yesyeysysysyyseyyseseysyes this is actually my first time writing for him other than that one sorry boys preference 😭🙏 ; I had no idea how to get from point a to point b so I'm so sorry lmao
SLIMECICLE ; minecraft tutorial
summary ; charlie teaches you how to play minecraft on stream
warnings ; language
genre ; fluff
word count ; 758
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You met Charlie in your freshman year of high school, and finally, by your senior year, you were dating. Now, at twenty-five, you were happy with your lives and peacefully living. He was a full-time content creator, and you were working at a department store, just a job to pay for classes to get the degree you were hoping to get.
You'd appeared in a stream or video here and there. You were relatively camera shy and didn't like disturbing your boyfriend while he was working, so you didn't show your face to his fans very much other than Instagram posts.
But, he'd gotten the genius idea to invite you on his stream and teach you how to play Minecraft. You knew stuff here and there about the game, but not a lot. All you really knew was blocks and the insane amount of friends he had, and eggs.
You sit down in a chair next to him, picking at your fingers as he begins the stream, giving you a warm welcome for chat. You give the camera a wave, looking to Charlie as he explains why you're here and what you'll be doing.
"Okay, so WASD is to move, mouse is to look around"
"Okay" You nod, using the mouse to look around, seeing you'd spawned in a dark oak biome. "Oooo, I like this place. Wait, this is one of those biomes you were playing in VR with Traves and Schlatt"
He nods and chuckles, "Yeah, yeah. Hold down the left mouse button to break blocks and get some wood."
You nod, doing as he says, gathering the dark oak wood. "I'm guessing walking, talking egg children are QSMP only" You joke, taking notice of the lack of eggs.
"Honestly, there is two types of eggs but they don't walk or talk, if that's any better?"
"Chicken eggs and the Ender Dragon's egg"
You progress through the game a bit, getting better as you play.
You're now wielded with iron tools, golden boots from a nether portal ruin, and an iron helmet. Charlie speaks about the nether, which got you in a bit of a panic since, yes, you wanted to try and beat the game, but you didn't want to die and lose all your items, either. You definitely weren't loaded enough to go try and get a bunch of blaze rods and trade for ender pearls, so you decided to explore the massive caves to try and find diamonds and more iron, for now.
Charlie watches you, proudly. He shows you all the tips and tricks and teaches you what items do, how they work, and how to craft them.
"Oh, get out! Get out! That's a warden cave, out! Go! Go, go!" He exclaims, eyes widening.
"What?" You ask, quickly backing up as you look at the torch light illuminating the dark blue blocks. You hear a rustling sound in the headphones and quickly panic, running back where you came from.
"Wardens are so OP, dude, you'll get demolished. The abandoned cities have awesome gear and loot, though"
"Then let's go get it!"
"The wardens, Y/n"
You slowly look between him and the screen, and quickly type a little /gamemode peaceful in chat, switching the game mode.
"Y/n!" He giggles, "I thought you didn't wanna cheat"
"Well, I want rare shit. Thank your chat, dude." You shrug with a smile, heading back down towards the abandoned city.
You end up finding nearly a stack of diamonds down there, plus a bunch of enchanting books and music discs. Charlie was hyping you up the whole time and deflecting the fact you were in peaceful, using the responses of "they're scaring the wardens away" and "the wardens are there, they're just hiding" for the bit.
"Okay, I think I got everything"
"Oh, you don't leave"
"You never leave.. you never leave once you enter" He begins to do the dark and scary voice while he quickly types in the /gamemode hard into chat, summoning a few wardens around you.
You yelp and quickly sprint away, taking a solid five hearts of damage from one hit. You're unable to turn the game back to peaceful as you try your best to run away. You attempt to build straight up but are hit again, killing you.
All your items burst out of your inventory as you stare at the 'You died!' screen, jaw hanging agape. You slowly turn your head towards the brunette next to you as chat explodes with comments.
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Why Charlie Slimecicle for QSMP president:
1. He is a very dedicated man
Ex: Did a whole court case to get back his daughter from the dead, went into exile and built a shrine to bring back Tilín (or Juanaflippa), edited and recorded a whole cover about how much he loves his daughter
2. He is a great person
Charlie had a very troubled past, with an abusive father who killed his seven siblings. He did not know how to be the best spouse or parent, but he still loved Juanaflippa so fiercely. He literally killed for her, performed/wrote multiple songs for her, exploded places for her. He cares for all the eggs.
3. Gegg
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Gegg says vote for Slimecicle
Not to mention, since Charlie signed off on his most recent stream, there has been no signs of Gegg. An egg going missing is extremely worrying, and if Charlie returns, it would make sense that everyone’s favorite egg with soft spots would return as well.
4. Juanaflippa
Juanaflippa was Charlie’s egg daughter, who unfortunately lived the shortest life of all eggs on the server. She died once to neglect, and twice to misclicks. Not to mention, she is owed at least one life by Little J/Angel Rubius. If we make Charlie the president, we can return a little girl who did not deserve her fate to the land of the living.
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6. silly funky guy
Charlie is arguably one of the funniest people on the server. No matter who he is speaking with, or what language barriers there are, he finds a way to make it entertaining for the other content creators, and everyone watching. If Charlie was elected as president, he would have to come back to the server, bringing light back to everyone.
7. ElMariana
Mariana is Charlie’s wife: the man who he was partnered up with to care for an egg. A duo known as the Misclick Duo, they are extremely entertaining for everyone. Along with this, all fans of these two spending time together has been in a drought. Not only this, but both streamers have mentioned that they like hanging out in the game. If Charlie is elected as the president, these two will be online again, making the server even more fruity- they are the ORIGINAL gay QSMP sex duo.
8. The French & The Brazilians
They have only heard stories of Charlie Slimecicle, of El Backflipo. The man who destroyed for his daughter, the man who brings smiles to all faces. If Charlie is made president, they will be able to meet him. This will not only create more content for Charlie, but all your favorite Portugese and French-speaking streamers may gain even more love.
For all these reasons, and many more which have probably left my feeble brain, for El Backflipo's greatness is too much for my mind to comprehend, Charlie Slimecicle should be elected as president of the QSMP.
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olivexii · 9 months
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⚠️ - 100 days
Charlie Slimecicle x f!reader
Chapter 2
Tw: Violence, gore, language
Based on the film by Slimecicle
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The journey back to Charlie’s base was long and strenuous. You had gotten lost, Charlie leading you the wrong way multiple times, as well as it being dark.
Many zombies swarmed around the both of you as you hid up in the trees, trying to stay out of reach.
“Why do I hear them everywhere now?” Charlie sighed as he leaned over the edge of a branch.
“Charlie don’t lean that far over you’re going to fall…” You reached for him and grabbed the back of his shirt just in case.
“I’ll be fine. I’m more worried about how we’re going to get back without being eaten alive. Oh no, there’s a bunch over there too.” He pointed in the distance towards the direction of the base.
“It’s alright,” I re-assured him, “I’m sure there’ll be an opening at some point, then we can make a run for it.”
“Oh man, it’s only the start of the night as well. We might be here for hours!”
“Can you calm down for 5 minutes and help me look for an opening please?” Unlike him you didn’t loose hope.
“Alright, alright, little miss hopeful.” He mumbled the last part with an attitude.
You chose to ignore it and look around through the leaves for a gap in the swarm of zombies.
Eventually a cow walked past close to the tree you were both sitting on, temporarily distracting the zombies so they swarmed to only one side of the tree.
“Okay okay, now’s the time. Jump onto that shorter tree then we can make a run for it up that hill.” He moved without thinking and immediately jumped to the smaller tree.
You followed behind him quickly, stumbling when you landed.
“Be careful,” Charlie said as he wrapped a hand around your arm, holding you steady “won’t be very nice of you fall to the ground and I have to watch you being eaten.”
“Wouldn’t be very nice for me either.” You replied quickly.
Charlie then jumped onto the raised ground, the zombies still distracted by the cow.
“C’mon, I’ll catch you again.” He joked and you rolled your eyes, getting ready to jump.
This time you didn’t stumble, and landed on the ground steadily.
“Right let’s go before they follow us.” Charlie turned around and began walking up the hill, away from the city and towards his base, with you trailing behind.
When you were a few minutes from his base the grumbles of zombies grew louder, causing panic in him and you.
You both began walking faster, constantly checking your surroundings with weapons drawn at your sides.
“Go go go,” Charlie said quickly as he opened the wooden door to his base, rushing in with you behind him.
“And in.” He sighed in relief as he slammed the door behind you.
His base was entirely made out of wood, lit up with a few torches and a ladder leading up in the middle.
“There’s one bed on the second floor. We can take turns sleeping and keeping watch.” He told you as he emptied the contents of his backpack into a chest.
“Great, I’ll take the first watch then.” You stated.
“No, no. I’m taking the first one,” he turns around to face you, “firstly, you need the rest and secondly I’m not even tired. And don’t even try and protest.”
“Okay fine, but if you try anything while I’m sleeping, or if you kill me, then I will kill you.” You glared at him, still not fully trusting him.
“H-how can you kill me if you’re dead?” He let out a short laugh and shook his head. “Anyway, just go up the ladder and have a snooze, I’ll wake you up in an hour or so.”
He turned back around and put food into the furnace to cook.
You began climbing the ladder up to the second floor, there was less candles up there and only a singular white bed.
“Wow, how homely.” You jokingly whispered as you placed your back pack down beside the bed, sitting down on it.
You placed the knife underneath the pillow, just in case, and took off your jacket to make yourself more comfortable.
As you lay down, the crackling sound of the furnace below became white noise, along with Charlie’s quiet foot steps.
Your hand was placed on the knife underneath the pillow, making you feel more re-assured as you drifted off to sleep.
You woke up to Charlie shaking your shoulder softly.
“Y/N?” he whispered, as if he was scared to wake you up.
You grumbled in reply and looked up to the taller man with your hand shielding the top of your eyes, quickly grabbing and stuffing the knife from under the pillow into your trouser pocket when he wasn’t looking.
“I let you sleep for a bit longer than an hour, you looked comfortable. But not i’m getting really tired and I don’t think I’ll be able to stay awake any longer.” He said drowsily.
“Yeah, okay. Just give me a minute to wake up.” You yawned in reply, his hand still on your shoulder.
As soon as you sat up on the bed he sat down next to you, eyes half lidded.
You turned your head to look at him and made eye contact.
“I didn’t… thank you properly before, Charlie. When you saved my life in the city. “
“Oh uhm, you don’t need to say thank you. I think it’s nice to have the company. And you being alive of course.” He stumbled over his words in tiredness.
“Yeah, but I want to say thank you,” you placed your hand over his resting one on the bed. “I probably would’ve starved to death or would have been eaten if it wasn’t for you.”
He brought his hand not resting underneath yours up to his face, pushing his glasses up his nose.
“Good thing I was there then.” He chuckled and tilted his head to the right, still making eye contact with you.
“You need to sleep, I’ll take watch.” You broke the long eye contact with him and stared down at your hands.
“Thank you, I’m so tired.” He said while going to lay on his side, you now sitting at the end of the bed.
He soon fell asleep and you climbed back down the ladder into the well lit floor.
The mumbles of zombies were distant, meaning you had nothing to worry about at the moment. But you still looked out the windows every now and again cautiously, knife in hand, as Charlie’s soft snores and breathing could be heard from upstairs.
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A/N: sorry if this is short but it’s 2am 😔😔
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moonfruito · 1 year
Hey! I want to start jrwi, but idk where to begin. Any advice?
:D !!! oh the IMMENSE joy i felt receiving this ask !! i am about to ramble a little a lot - if anything does not make sense then feel free to ask more questions :))
the main campaign of just roll with it is riptide, a pirate campaign dmed by grizzly set in the world of mana, where the planet is nearly all water save for some scattered islands. the characters are gillion tidestrider, a triton paladin/sorcerer played by charlie slimecicle, chip, a human rogue played by bizly and jay ferin, a human ranger played by condifiction. there's a playlist with all the episodes on so it's pretty simple :)
i have found that my irl friends who have never watched dnd podcasts before have struggled to get past the first arc, around the ep11-14 mark, but i see from a peek at your bio that you're a critical role fan so you'll probably have no issue :) the earlier episodes are slower to start but they're still great! the quality does improve a lot as time goes, naturally.
there's also two prequel episodes for riptide which you don't need to watch, but they're worth noting if you want to go back to them after you catch up like i did, or you could watch them before if you want a bit of extra lore context.
that's probably all the information you need to get started, but i am going to give you some more information about the patreon campaigns as well - you don't have to pay attention to all this if you want to just keep it simple! i just feel like giving a full beginner's guide for no reason lmao
for all three of the campaigns i'm about to talk about, it is $5 a month - obviously not asking you to just jump right in and give them money but i do very highly recommend it if you find you enjoy this podcast!! it's a fairly low cost for a lot of great quality content.
prime defenders is the main patreon campaign, and it's a mutants and masterminds superhero campaign dmed by bizly. the characters are teenaged boys with superpowers, enlisted to help defend the world of prime. charlie plays william wisp, who has ghost powers, grizzly plays dakota cole, who has super strength and does martial arts, and condi plays vyncent sol, who's from another world and has people living inside his brain? i don't really know how to explain that one uhhh the first five episodes are available for free - won't link each because it'll clog up the post but here's the first one. decent place to start if you're considering getting the patreon, although similarly to riptide the beginning episodes are a little slower as they start around the same time.
this one i'd personally recommend watching after you finish the other campaigns, simply because it's the longest of the patreon campaigns, but it is very great! <33 it also has two prequel episodes which are for free - similarly not required watching but good fun nonetheless!
apotheosis is a fifteen episode-long mini-campaign where the players go around and kill all the gods, dmed by condi. peter sqloint is a human possessed by an archangel played by charlie, rumi is a changeling bard/warlock who is chasing visions played by grizzly and thanatos is a very intense and murderous war forged played by bizly. first episode is available for free, and it is essentially the compiled session zeroes of their individual characters.
this campaign is, in my personal opinion, the best place to start for patreon because of the shorter length and how easy and quick it is to get into. if this was not a patreon campaign i would recommend this as the best place to start jrwi, honestly, because the shorter length means everything's more packed in and faster-paced and it helps you get into the swing of things and get the satisfaction of watching through all of it, while also showcasing the potential of the episodes to come later in the longer campaigns.
blood in the bayou is a four episode-long call of cthulhu campaign set in galloway, louisiana in the 1980s, dmed by charlie, where three old friends reunite and discover their hometown's local horrors. kian stone, a big city rockstar, is played grizzly, timothy rand, a stoner still living with his parents, is played by bizly, and rolan deep, a lawyer, is played by condi. it is audio-only and has higher quality sound design and an original soundtrack. pretty different for the other campaigns but so well-made. good place to start with patreon as well! the first episode is available for free too <3
and that's all for the recent stuff! there were a couple other campaigns from years back that never got finished and never will get finished and some scattered oneshots but i hope that was all helpful in some way!! i hope you have a great time watching jrwi and that you'll fall in love with this podcast like i and many other people have! <33 really happy to see you interested - lot of love has been put into this show and each of the campaigns really are so good :) again, if you have any more questions then go ahead and ask!! i'm always happy to help :D
also if anyone wants to rb this for other potential jrwi watchers then feel free to ?? idk if anyone was considering that but y'know the recent influx of qsmp charlie fans might have some takers and the jrwi propaganda machine never stops
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MAC I HAVE A QUESTION. VERY IMPORTANT. what on EARTH is the suckening. i have seen posts on ur blog with blood and such tagged jrwi suckening and i am so so intrigued i love blood and gore and fucked up homoeroticism <3 pls pls pls tell me what the suckening is i am on my knees begging rn
oh dude holy fucking shit . so. u know i have been posting about jrwi it has been my main thing since like november. well. in case u do not know. its a dnd podcast run by charlie slimecicle, grizzlyplays, condifiction and bizly. their main campaign is called Riptide and its the one with the fish guy and all the pirates. WELL. they have a patreon and on their patreon they sometimes do mini campaigns! let me preface this by saying i have never even REMOTELY had an interest in paying for ANYTHING on patreon only because i fuckinf hate subscription payments and also im usually hesitant about paying money for fandom things especially in the content creator sphere etc etc you know how it is . HOWEVER. god their pther campaigns are so fucking worth it dude. the long running secondary main campaign thats been going along around the same time as riptide is called Prime Defenders and its a superhero themed one! i am just at the beginning of season 2 rn its so good william wisp my absolute beloved. (something else rlly cool is that they rotate being the dm for each of the campaigns and i think that makes each of them really fresh and unique bc everyone has a different dm style and a different way of telling a story. god i fucking love dnd and collaborative storytellint its incredible)
ANYWAY IM GRTTING SIDETRACKED. so during hiatuses from riptide and pd they sometimes run limited campaigns that only go for a handful of epsiodes. one of this is. regrettably. called the Suckening. its run using the vampires: masquerade ttrpg setup and ruleset which is. obviously. centered around vampires. CHARLIE SLIMECICLE is the dm and i fucking love it because god that man has a mind for horror. (he also ran blood in the bayou which was a 4-epispde mini campaign using call of cthulu and ive listened to it like 3 times now bc its got nasty bug body horror in it hooooly shit its so good) ANYWAY. um . its not *as* homoerotic as the fanart makes it out to be. just a warning. but there is a scene where two homies drink each others blood (one is a human one is a vampire. theres this think in the masquerade called blood bonding and its like. if you get a human to drink your blood on three separate occasions they become your servant basically. really homoerotic stuff in theory) and when the vampire is scolded for it he goes "well he already loves me. hes my boy" and they generally have that dynamic going on. fizzfangs i lvoe you.
ANYWAY UHHHHH. the first ... four? five? episodes are up for free on YouTube and theyve got a fun little visual novel style to them with the official character art :] heres a link 2 the first ep!!
the rest (there are 8 episodes as of rn!) are totally on patreon but if u end up listening and liking them enough to want the rest hit me up because ive got those download links i can share with u bc ur my beloved mutual and i love sharing things with my friends so they dont have to pay for them <3
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kitsu-katsu · 1 year
Hello there, I have a possibly long question. I have never been apart of the dsmp or the mcyt or anything but have been vaguely aware of the whole server and such bc of tumblr. I thought I saw recently they stopped streaming? But today it's trending again so I'm assuming there's a new season with the qsmp? I've been thinking about starting to watch but I have no idea where to start or what to do for mini history lessons or anything.
If willing, could you explain the difference or have any yt videos so I can learn some backstory or anything. I wanna join but it seems overwhelming yk?
Thank you so much!
Oh for sure!
This is gonna be a long one, bear with me
So, first you must know that DSMP and QSMP are two different SMPs, so two completely different servers, they're not actually connected through lore, so you don't need to know anything about DSMP to start QSMP, you'll only miss some very minor references to the DSMP story, but that's done and the characters are completely different from the ones in the QSMP. Think less of a second season to a same story or even something in the same franchise and more a new series where part of the cast used to act for another series together before and sometimes they'll throw in some cheeky refences
Some terms you need to know first:
cc!Name = content creator Name (so like, the irl person, not the character)
c!Name = character name (the roleplay character, not the irl person, coined by the DSMP and thus used mostly for DSMP characters specifically)
q!Name = qsmp c!Name (to be more specific about the server)
k!Name = karmaland c!Name (Karmaland is a very famous spanish speaking server with a bunch of season in which Quackity played in season 5, some of the spanish speakers come from there and Quackity's possible romantic tension with Luzu also comes from there)
The QSMP is Quackity's server, where the main thing is that Quackity as a mexican bilingual guy who for the longest time streamed in english and this past years started streaming in spanish and growing a new spanish community, joins both of his communities, bringing spanish speaking and english speaking streamers together
They all have their own perspectives you can choose to follow and the server is less than a month old, so you're in high time to cath up! Wilbur for example has only 3 streams up to now as he went away for 28 days
The main story is that all the streamers were brought into Quesadilla island on strange trains, none of them knowing why. Once there, they had to solve some puzzles to give the island electric power again. Once done, they were alerted of a button placed high up on a wall separating the island in two, with half of them on one side and half on the other. They were told by a duck who manages the island that they should never press the button
So they press the button and the wall explodes. At this point they're told they can now never leave, so they better make themselves comfortable
A bit later, the duck tells them a massive dragon used to inhabit the island, but due to their noisiness, it flew away leaving behind eggs. So everyone on the island adopted them from an adoption center the duck set up, in pairs chosen randomly with tickets where the only rule was that every spanish speaker was to be paired with an english speaker and vice versa
So they all have kids to take care of until the dragon comes back now, under the threat of each egg having 2 lives, where everyone has tondo daily challenges and tasks to keep them alive, being told that uf the egg dies they'll be punished once the dragon comes back
There's a lot of lore with the eggs in the little time they've been present. The most famous ones are probably Juanaflippa (Charlie Slimecicle and Mariana's trans daugher, who was accidentally killed by Mariana, brought back to life after a trial with Charlie ready to kill the whole server for her, and accidentally getting killed by Mariana again), Tilín (Quackity's enby kid, his other parent was a mystery between Wilbur and Luzu, the two ones not present for the event and constantly away, with Quackity outright declaring Wilbur to be his absent partner now that he came back but Luzu having later on pulled the ticket to Tilín's egg. Tilín died to an accident by Slime's hand. Quackity blames himself a but and wants revenge, he is grieving and suffering and is unloading it onto Wilbur, trying to get him to help in killing the culprit for his kid's death, with Wilbur accepting not knowing it's Charlie, whom he considers his best friend) and more recently, Tallulah (a secret egg Wilbur found on the attic of the adoption center just yesterday, who looks exactly like him and is now his daughter. Quackity, grieving and feeling like Wilbur is mocking him by having a daughter when he wasn't there when Tilín was, almost killed her as soon as Wilbur left, but decided not to at the last second, becoming emotional)
Here are links to the general QSMP wiki and the members list, from here you can see each character's individual story, get links to their channels and more (and if anything, getting their names from here facilitates a google search):
I'll give you a very quick (it's a two year thing, this is still long as hell, sorry) rundown of the very basics of the DSMP story that could be referenced (specifically by Wilbur and Quackity):
(I'll add some useful links at the end)
In the DSMP everyone has 3 canon lives.
Wilbur made a nation with his little brother figure Tommy, it was called L'manburg and they had to fight a war for its independence. After some treason and losses (everyone lost one life against an ex trusted comrade, Eret, brunging all of L'manburg down to 2 lives), they eventually win it (with Tommy down to 1 life) and Wilbur becomes president because nobody opposed it. Later on, Wilbur tries to make a show election to make his power seem more legitimate and get his people to listen to him, this comes back to bite him in the ass however, when newcomer Quackity says he's gonna run before they can close the ballot, so now there's 2 opposing parties. As the elections approach, Wilbur and Tommy get a drunk old guy called Schlatt whom they knew as an endorsement for their party, but Schlatt says "fuck you actually, I'm announcing I'm gonna run too", so now there's 4 parties (Wilbur's son, Fundy, announces he'll run too, but that doesn't get too far). Wilbur proposes to Quackity to make a coalition only in case Schlatt wins, so they'd join their votes only if Schlatt overtook them, and Quackity, left with a clear disadvantage in that scenario, decides to do a coalition with Schlatt, where joining votes, Schlatt would be president, with Quackity as his vice. Schlatt and Quackity (Schlatt 2020 + SWAG 2020) win against Wilbur and Tommy (POG 2020), and Schlatt exiles them, killing Wilbur as they ran away (leaving Wilbur with 1 life)
(suicide tw for the next part)
Now exiled, Wilbur and Tommy make a home in a ravine called Pogtopia, with Wilbur's paranoia, trauma and self hatred growing by the hour. Lots of stuff happens, Wilbur becomes very suicidal, there's new people, there's treason, Quackity, abused by Schlatt as his now husband, takes one of his lives and joins Pogtopia. Wilbur is now convinced he is the bad guy, the one responsible for everything bad happening and that the only way to make things right is to kill both himself and his creation. He wants to blow up L'manburg and he's not planning to come out of it alive. Everyone else doesn't pay enough attention to notice how awful he's doing so they don't quite see this coming even though they stopped him in a few if his attempts on his own life
Technoblade joins them not long after they're exiled, a good friend of Wilbur's father and an amazing warrior on their side. Technoblade bends against pressure and kills an ally during a festival made to mock them
The final war of Pogtopia vs Manburg happens, Schlatt dies of a hear attack, shocked, Wilbur is declared president, who declares Tommy president in his place, who declares their friend Tubbo presiden in his place. Wilbur disappears saying he'll come back in a bit. He'w going to the button room connected to the TNT he planted under L'manburg
Phil, Wilbur's father, comes, trying to talk to him, asking if he's sure of what he's doing. Wilbur, overcome by sadness, blows up L'manburg and asks for Phil to kill him. Phil stabs him with a fire aspect sword, killing him
(end of suicide tw)
Technoblade unleashes withers, opposing the mere idea of government and betraying the Pogtopians, making the explosion damage even worse
Now without Wilbur, L'manburg rebuilds, with a vital missing piece. Ghostbur, Wilbur's ghost appears and reveals a LOT about just how traumatized, anxious, depressed and paranoid Wilbur was from the beginning, crying on his pillow every night as president. Lots of stuff happens, Tubbo is trying to deal with the pressure of being president while the people who tried to squash their nation from the very beginning (mainly Dream) are trying to manipulate him and drive him into a corner. He exiles Tommy. Tommy gains a fuck ton of trauma and almost tries to commit suicide after a while, deciding not to at the last second
Quackity meanwhile, now as part of the cabinet, wants to take revenge against Techno. He goes to hunt him down, taking him to be executed. Techno saves himself with a totem and has a confrontation with Quackity, where he win by, in his own words, putting a pickaxe through Quackity's teeth. Now Quackity has a massive scar in his face and a blind eye
L'manburg is later destroyed by Phil, Techno and Dream, betraying everyone again and leaving them all hurting and homeless. Ghostbur considers being revived as he believes himself to be useless, as Wilbur was good at rallying people (yes, this is an extension of Wilbur's suicidal ideation). The attempts at revival don't quite work
Quackity makes his own nation surrounding the idea of a casino, Las Nevadas, he's rich and powerful and finally the president
Wilbur gets revived after an incident where trying to kill dream, Tommy gets Ghostbur killed with Dream's revivebook (long story, just accept that that exists)
Quackity meets a slime pretending to be a person and starts to teach him about the world. He calls him Charlie. Charlie ends up making him reflect and teaching him about the futility of the cycle of revenge
Quackity loses Charlie to this very cycle, getting him killed by Purpuled for something Quackity did
Wilbur, fucked up mental health wise as ever and lacking purpose, goes into Las Nevadas, trying to join but getting denied for being "too volatile"
Wilbur decides to set up a rival burger business just outside the Las Nevadas borders out of pettiness, and Quackity, exactly as petty as him, runs with it and spites him even more
Their whole thing at this point is very gay. They flirted since the start of this whole story, but by this point Wilbur's slipping about Quackity being hot, he says he doesn't quite have a crush "yet" definitely. Quackity's staring at him through his windows while he twirls poker chips around his fingers, admitting to himself that he's excited about whatever bullshit Wilbur will try to make up to annoy him this week, preparing himself for Wilbur to enter his office with fully served glasses and a cool pose that leaves Wilbur momentarily speechless. It's gay as hell
Quackity offers Wilbur to be his vice. Wilbur sees it as insulting and refuses. Wilbur attempts to verbally stomp Quackity but gets verbally smited himself
Wilbur decides to kill Quackity's old horse as a symbol of Quackity forgetting his roots. This goes horribly wrong and they both accidentally kill Ranboo, a friend and Wilbur's now coworker
Wilbur blames himself and goes on an apology tour, trying to say his goodbyes for the last time
After apologizing to Tommy, wilbur "goes to Utah, where he comes from" (this can be interpreted in two ways: as him literally going to Utah and getting away, or as a metaphor for death, indicating Wilbur probably took his own life again, as he said in his mind the perfect afterlife was a desert and showed himself to still be very suicidal during all of this. This is referenced cheekily in QSMP with cc!Wilbur saying "Minecraft Uath doesn't exist and is definitely not a metaphor for death /s")
Quackity, having lost Charlie, goes on about it in a very normal way and makes an army of slimes, trained to be exactly like Charlie. Purpuled and Punz (two bounty hunters) get what remais of Slime and prepare him to go against Quackity. There's a fight, Charlie takes Quackity's second life
Now defeated, Quackity rescinds the cycle of revenge, apologizing as well, leaving even a letter at the place where Wilbur was last seen and one st Techno's house, and he finally opens his casino
This is where their particular stories end. Everything after doesn't matter, believe me
Here's the wiki in case you wanna see a more in depth thing of this hot mess, a link to a youtube channel called bluberry TV that has edited down into episode formal ALL of season one (from the beginning up to Wilbur's death) and a bit of season two with most important bits all in and a combination of all perspectives, a link to SAD-ist, a youtuber who did some of the most famous DSMP animatics at different points in the story, helping it get catapulted into popularity, and a link to a few more notable animatic youtubers:
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sparxwrites · 2 years
I saw somebody mention the Slimecicle Cinematic Universe in an ask a couple days ago and I’m just so personally upset at how relatively niche the Schlatt/Slimecicle ship is and how annoyingly ooc a lot of the existing content is when their dynamic in the videos is so fascinating! I mean, Charlie spends most of the natural disasters video going along with Schlatt’s torment of them, then at the end just casually strips Schlatt of his powers! Schlatt ascends from the volcano and decides the best way to take his anger out on Charlie is a fistfight in the dirt! And that’s not even talking about the 100 days video, where Schlatt’s whole goal was to tempt or frighten Charlie into eating a golden apple - was I really the only person who came away from that video wanting a fic of Charlie getting railed by a character implied to be God, the devil, or both? grumble grumble grumble
I’ve never actually written smut before, but these two have come the closest in making me want to try my hand, because holy hell is there just a lot of potential and very little content.
Also feel free to just ignore this ramble, and I hope you’re having a good day! I’ve been tearing through your dsmp fics lately and your Schlatt characterisation is living rent-free in my head, what a delightfully fucked-up arsehole. (and sorry if the spacing in this ask is weird, I wrote it on mobile and the tumblr app is doing some very bewildering things…)
ngl i found the natural disasters vid borderline-unwatchable bc of the absolutely chaotic editing, BUT... that hundred days episode......... that was a fucking cinematic masterpiece and i might be a little bit in love.
for sure there is a weird like. schlatt as a cruel god-figure and charlie as a worshipper only reluctantly / as someone who refuses to worship him, and that interacts just so well with my general love of weird religious bullshit. charlie who's lived a hundred different lives, and been tormented by this strange man who never says he's a god but is clearly a god (seems to have resolved to make charlie's life a living hell) in all of them. damn. i would actually love to see some weird "devil went down to georgia" bullshit with those two in a fic. hhhh.
but aaaa thank you so much!! glad you like them. schlatt is my favourite lil blorbo. he's so insane and fucked up and mentall yunwell and abusive and i love him <3
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ideally-idyllic · 8 months
☆•°About me°•☆
Hiii, my name is Idyllic, my pronouns are he/him xe/xem and I'm gay and trans (ftm)! Here's some stuff about me!! :D
Music (fav bands/artists are Los Campesinos!, Djo, Insane Clown Posse, Tom Lehrer, Melanie Martinez, Korn, Limp Bizkit, and Crywank | I also play a lot of instruments, too, but I mainly play acoustic guitar)
Reading (Some fav books are Solitare by Alice Oseman, The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty, The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton, Zombie Makeout Club: Death Wish by Peter Richardson, and Pet Sematary by Stephen King)
Playing video games (Fav video games are Dialtown, Jazzpunk, FAITH: The Unholy Trinity, Melatonin, Lavalamp, Sally Face, and American Truck Simulator)
Watching movies (Some fav movies are the John Wick movies, When the Wind Blows, the Scream movies, The Truman Show, Spree, The Outsiders, The Hitcher, Kiminonawa/Your Name. , Everything, Everywhere, All At Once, and Misery)
Watching tv shows (some fav tv shows are Rick and Morty, South Park, Moral Orel, The Twilight Zone, Smiling Friends, and Hazbin Hotel)
Watching YouTube (Fav content creators are JSchlatt, Charlie Slimecicle, Ted Nivison, Kurzgesagt, Wendigoon, Sam and Colby, Jake Webber, Johnnie Guilbert, BigTugg, and Moist Cr1tikal)
Collecting things (I collect creepy-ass porcelain dolls, quarters, pennies, posters, and chunks of concrete)
Dark science (ex: odd deaths, nuclear weaponry/radiation poising, the anatomy of certain deaths [yk those videos titled: the anatomy of electrocution, ya those], stuff abt the universe that could give people an existential crisis [I don't get existential crises so I watch a SHIT TON of stuff like that] and the effects of strong/deadly drugs)
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Dni/probs getting blocked:
Homophobes/transphobes/racists/ableists...basically all of that kind of stuff
in general shitty people, just don't be a dick
If you don't have any posts or interactions, I will probably block you thinking your a bot
NO SEXUAL CONTENT I am uncomfortable with sexual content and I am a minor, so please, none of that (Jokes are fine, but do not make them/direct them towards me)
Don't ask me about very personal things (such as where I go to school, my age, my real name, my house, my phone number, my discord, etc) You might not get blocked for this, but you won't get the answers and I will be uncomfortable
If you are an anti of anyone I am a fan of, please either don't interact or just don't bring up that person (basically, don't make me sad plz)
If your a supporter of anyone I'm an anti of (ex: Dream and Wilbur soot)
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Other socials!
My Unvale acc (Unvale.io is a website to make and log your OCs n' stuff):
Plz don't judge me, I'm just a little nerdy gay boy!! (╥﹏╥)
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ambroise-framboise · 3 years
*Closes Twitch after Quackity’s Las Nevadas final stream* *Cracks fingers* *Open google docs* FANFIC TIME
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heartkarl · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if I could request a platonic Charlie slimecicle and male!reader? just the two being really good friends but they haven't seen each other irl in a while, so they meet up at the ghost hunting vlog  (the "I bought the most haunted place on earth" vlog and the behind the scenes vlog) and there's a boopers scene or two where it shows them hugging cuz they miss each other
and then the two just fucking around making cum jokes along with the rest of the gang
I hope that made sense lol
also could I be ♠️ anon? If your taking anons
༊*·˚⤻ 𝐛𝒂𝐝 𝐛𝒐𝐲, !slimecicle ‧₊˚ :
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₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝒙MALE!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 // 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢!!
Charlie and the boys’ get their spook on.
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝒊𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 // 𝗦𝗢𝗡𝗚𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗞!!
Bad Boy by Bbno$, :) listen along!!
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝒆𝐱𝐭𝐫𝒂 // 𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗞𝗬𝗢𝗨<3
Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you enjoy :3!! AND OFC YOU CAN BE ♠️ ANIN!!
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As a resident lover of all things paranormal, when Charlie had initially invited you to tag along with the rest of his Ghost Hunting crusade, you were exhilarated. Not only because you’d have a first hand experience at hunting - and let’s be honest playfully taunting - some of the restless spirits that resided within the haunted asylum. Not to mention you’d be spending a few days with your beloved boy Charlie, who you hadn’t got to see in person since the beginning of the pandemic prior.
So, of course by the time you’d gotten off your flight, roughly around midnight, a hilarious sense of delirium had set in within him and Bizly - setting up for some suspiciously funny jokes to be told. And what was considerably even funnier, was that your fourth member of the off brand Ghost Busters’, Condi, was stuck at an airport, nearly four painstaking hours away.
But was that going to stop you from getting your spook on? Fuck no. So, you piled your two very tired best friends into your Sedan, and headed in the direction of Dulles airport in order to save Condi.
And as it neared 2am, it was clear Charlie’s delirium was starting to hit a peak. Bizly had tapped out at 1:30 after you’d played the same rap song on loop for the tenth time, engraving both the song and the ghastly image of you poorly doing a TikTok dance into poor Bizl’s brain.
But Charlie had no intention of falling asleep any time soon, instead choosing to pester you as you tried focusing on driving. And of course, his main method of annoyance was playing the funny ‘Among Us Drip’ karaoke song on repeat and obnoxiously singing it until he got you to laugh at least a dozen times.
In addition to that, came more cringey jokes. “Y/n you’re looking pretty,” he paused for comedic effect, waiting for your attention to be on him. “Pretty S U S!” You rolled your eyes playfully, as laughter naturally rolled off your lips. “I swear to god. You’re such a dork.” And after laughing your ass off with Charlie for the remainder of the ride, you’d finally arrived at the spot Condi was.
You and Charlie switched out with Condi and Bizly, retreating to the back seat where you prayed you’d get at least an hour of sleep. And of course, smooth man Charlie couldn’t help but sneak a little hand holding into the equation as the two of you drifted off to sleep.
And the next day was just as chaotic as the prior day, until the four of you finally had arrived at the asylum. And after a few hours of goofing around, including you and Charlie scaring the ever living hell out of the poor DoorDash driver, you finally entered the asylum where you’d be staying till dawn the next morning. Were you about to piss your pants from fright? Absolutely. But still, you were keeping your head held high - for content's sake of course.
Charlie had declared himself the ‘Bad Boy’ and was set on protecting you from the perils that lurked within the shadows of the asylum. And no matter how many times you tried to pick a right with the ghosts, Charlie was there to stop you.
You’d practically scream, “CMON GHOSTS I'M NOT SCARED OF SOMETHING I CAN'T SEE!” And Charlie would chime in with, “Yeah ghost, ‘magine being TRANSLUCENT! Ha!” The two of you burst into a fit of laughter, one that was so loud it could be heard in the other adjacent rooms by both Condi and Biz. Bizly, being the Chad swagmeister he is, sarcastically responded with: “No offense but I don’t think the ghost is afraid of two bozos dancing around in the dark.”
“Bizly I hope you get possessed.” Was your only response, as Charlie dragged you down the hallway towards the next corridor. And the cycle repeated, threaten the ghosts with some elaborately made out scheme, have something very coincidental go bump in the night, causing you and Charlie to scream and run away in the other direction. Eventually, you’d become very tired, and the only thing you were interested in possessing was a bed.
Charlie was equally as tired, sitting beside you on a makeshift cot he’d made specifically for you to lie on. You were hesitant to lie on it of course, but after Charlie had crawled on it and invited you to lie down beside him it seemed all the more inviting. The other members of the dork squad were nowhere to be seen or heard, which meant you and Charlie were finally alone.
Even if you were completely out of it from lack of sleep, you still found the perfect way to tell Charlie how you’d been feeling ever since the first time you’d met him nearly two years ago. And through the immense darkness that filled the room, Charlie still managed to find your hand and lace his fingers with yours.
“Y’know Charlie, as stupid as this might sound, I’m really glad we got stuck alone. I’ve really missed you.” He replied in duality, reciprocating the feeling. “Yeah dude I get it, I’ve missed the shit out of you. And if I had to be stuck in a terrifying haunted asylum, I wouldn’t wanna be stuck with anyone else.”
You sat in silence for a few more minutes, feeling as if everything that needed to be said already had, simply enjoying each other’s company. That was until, the resident nerds came bursting into the room with cameras and lightsabers in hand, challenging the two of you to duel. Bizly screamed, throwing the light saber across the room. “Well, shit! Now we’re gonna have to cut they’re cutesy shit out!”
It was truly jokes on him though, you’d both finally gotten what you wanted.
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ted-nivisimp · 3 years
intro post
i would do like a little about me section but i actually love being anonymous. feel free to call me any iteration of my username, ted, niv, nivisimp, i dont care. and just a slight disclaimer, my username is in fact a joke please don’t kill me my go
my interests that i’ll post about on this blog include ted nivison, jschlatt, charlie slimecicle, chuckle sandwich, slimecicle cinematic universe, just roll with it, epicsmp, and anything else related to these 3 clowns
i post shitty content all the time and generally enjoy being a clown on tungle.com. feel free to send me asks or messages or whatever anytime, i am more then happy to procrastinate my schoolwork even more
this is not my main account so i gotta send those asks on anon and i cant reply to shit, rip
i also run a discord server centered around chuckle sandwich, feel free to stop by
@dailytednivison is the sideblog for this sideblog, where i post a picture of ted every day, but its actually twice a day bc the queue wont work. its really quality content you should totally check it out yep
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#nivisimp talks - just me talking about shit not chuckle sammy related #nivisimp answers - me answering asks #nivisimp doodles - any shitty lil drawings i make. i am not an artist in the slightest but i do occasionally try #audio listeners love queue to death - queue tag  #sammytale - my shitty fuckin undertale au. talk to me about it i dare you
#nivisimp talks jrwi - tag for posting or rbing just roll with it content
#void anon - a tag for answering asks from void anon, you are very cool #connor the beloved - a tag for answering asks from my platonic husband connor 
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theyre-just-blocks · 3 years
I have never been that excited for a lore stream and man, did it deliver. Quackity never fails with these lore streams and this one was probably my favorite one so far.
My thoughts (and spoilers) under the cut!
First off, a HUGE thank you to Quackity for pulling this off. You can tell he spends a lot of time working on these streams so that they go well, and I'm very grateful for that. Not only that though, but he's giving us Slimecicile and Purpled lore as well as Foolish backstory.
The cut scenes, as always, were so cinematic and just,, crazy to think that this is fucking Minecraft. Like you have these sick ass scene shots and it's a fucking block game. I love that so much.
I also loved this stream because Sam was in it but yet there was no actual Sam angst. He was just there for conversations with Quackity and I enjoyed that because I love their dynamic.
Their conversation in the restaurant was so nice and funny (at first). It was like the Sam and Quackity content I was asking for and I finally got it. I'm totally not biased or anything,, totally-
God that jab/joke about hiring Quackity's ex fiances and George just,, oh man. I was waiting for a jab back from Quackity about Ponk but then I realized that Ponk and Sam are probably the only ones who know about what happened (other than Niki and Foolish, sorta). Any time someone mentioned Kinoko Kingdom I just went, "Oof.."
FOOLISH BACKSTORY!! I saw heist and I got so excited because I love heists and it just made me so happy. Connections back to the Town that Went Mad perhaps?? Maybe??
Also Sam not wanting to recruit Foolish bit was great because it could be three different things. One, he actually doesn't trust him because he saw what he could do that one time with the Eggpire and the lighting. Two, he knows what they're doing is dangerous and he wants to protect him. Or three, he just doesn't want him around because he's jealous since Ponk left him.
SLIMECICILE!!! When I first saw the teaser post and Charlie's reply I was so happy. Charlie Slimecicle is fucking awesome and him being a part of the lore (as like canonically an evolved mob) is so fucking cool to me and I can't wait to see more of him.
Also Quackity with the Electra made my winged!Quackity loving self just grin so fucking wide,, but what the FUCK was he doing with that TNT?? Like,, what was the point??
PURPLED!! We finally get to see him have some lore and I'm just really happy about it. He did a great job and I can't wait to see what's planned with his character. Although now all 4 minors have been manipulated- oh well-
FUNDY!!! I was very happy to see Fundy as well but oh my god that entire sequence just gave me chills. The entire time in Fundy's POV I was waiting for some kind of jumpscare or something. Everything was a little too calm for my liking and it freaked me out. Then the end?? Oh my god, the end was so good.
That being said, the production! Something that made me weirdly happy was the use of the mics. So like when Quackity and Sam were talking together while on Purpled's UFO, Sam's voice sounded like it was coming out of a walkie-talkie. Or when Quackity went into the decaying tower and his voice echoed. That was so fucking cool and a nice little addiction to the immersive experience and I loved it a lot.
BUT OH MY GOD C!QUACKITY. I don't know if I'm an apologist but oh man, do I love his character. An enthusiast for sure, but an apologist? I'm not too sure.
The whole "You'll never amount to anything so might as well join me?" tactic??? Man, projecting much?? /j /lh
c!Quackity is such an interesting character and I'm so invested into his lore,, like ever since the whole Butcher Army thing, his character has just been my favorite.
FINALLY SEEING LAS NEVADAS!! Man, I've been waiting for fucking months to see this place and oooh boy! Granted it's not finished and we didn't see the insides of the casino, what they have so far just looks fucking amazing.
The music!! The music was so good and I was just having so much fun with this stream. I had the biggest fucking smile like the entire time, I was flapping my hands and arms, I was just so fucking happy.
Prison/Las Nevadas Arcs my beloveds. They're so fucking great.
I probably have more thoughts that aren't coming to mind, but just know that this was such a banger stream
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tedricknivison · 3 years
Characters- Charlie
Oh bro
I love him
As always he is simply the Sweetest man
He’s a football player
(I have no clue how football works at all so bear with me here, and feel free to correct me at any point lol)
He’s like number 15? He started in 8th grade outside of his middle school and got real good real fast
Charlie is just generally really good at sports though- he did competitive swim for a bit in elementary school, he tried out competitive rock climbing in middle school, and he did every one of the seasonal sports his middle school offered
He just. Really likes sports lol
He’s a quarterback and therefore plays uh offense (I did have to ask my football friend for clarification here lmao)
Charlie hurts himself at least one game each season (sprained ankle, broken leg, broken arm, etc.. He broke a tooth once too it was intense)
He also goes all out for the “dress for success” thing his team does every game day he’s so cute omgs
(Schlatt loves it a lot he’s weak for business man!Charlie lmao)
His older brother (I’m naming him Benjamin/Ben) got diagnosed with autism when he was really young and they decided to get Charlie screened and tested too once they read that it was often heredity
Charlie ended up being allistic but he does have ADHD so they made necessary adjustments
And the Slimecicle household is one of the most neurodivergent-friendly ones there is lmao
That’s why they had him in any sport he expressed interest in actually lol
Charlie and Ben have very opposite sensory issues so that did lead to some conflict, but overall they’re really close
Charlie’s dad either works at one of those jobs where the company flies him out for like a week or two at a time and then he’s home most weekends OR your average 9-5
Charlie’s mom runs a bakery lmao bet you weren’t expecting that (/j /ref)
Generally though they’re well-off and can afford to pay for their children’s schooling
(Charlie’s brother is in college for most of his high school career)
Which means that when Charlie’s family starts like “funding”? Schlatt, the plan is for him to sleep in Ben’s room
He ends up sleeping in Charlie’s room almost every night lmao
(Unless one of them is sick, in which case Mrs. Slimecicle makes them sleep in separate rooms)
Yea it’s super sweet and cute and I love his family
(Also they live in a two story house it’s not super relevant but it’s important to me!!!)
Uh that’s about it for his family rn?
Charlie and Grace met in kindergarten!!!!
The song “We’re Going To Be Friends” by The White Stripes?
Them <3
He loves it when she sings
It makes him so happy and the first time they sang together (for fun, probably in 1st grade or something) he was super happy stimming it was so cute
Aahahhsgj I just love them
[Ship Content- No Smut]
Everyone thought they were dating since like. Idk forever?
But they actually got together near the end of 6th grade
There was an “end-of-year” school dance
And Grace went and asked Charlie like “her do you want to go to the dance with me?”
And he was like “ahaha wdym we always go together with our little group”
(He wanted her to mean as a couple and that’s what he thought she meant, but he wanted to make sure he was reading it correctly lol)
Grace like grabbed his face and went “no like together-together”
And Charlie went *smushed* “oh yesh actually I’d rweally like that”
And then they both went and freaked out over that separately lmao it was really sweet
He immediately told Schlatt and bro they like happy-cried about it together
Anyways they’ve been together ever since
Of course they’ve had their spats and stuff but it usually gets resolved very quickly because otherwise they get sad about it
And then in like 9th grade Grace tells Charlie that she’s polyam and panromantic and asexual (woah I accidentally projected my 6th grade self there-)
And Charlie doesn’t know what any of that means so he Heavily Researches it and asks A Lot of clarifying questions
It’s really sweet she really appreciates it
And for some reason the definition/experience of polyamory really sticks with him but he’s not gonna think about it too much rn he’s too busy-
And Grace gets a girlfriend from theater and Charlie loves her sm (/p)
(Idk who Grace’s gf could be though so like suggestions? I’ll take ‘em)
Grace keeps encouraging Charlie to explore his own sexuality and -amory style (?) as much as he wants to
So eventually he does, he goes back to the polyamory thing
But there aren’t any other girls he likes?
So he tells Grace, he’s like “I really identify with polyamory but uh I don’t like any other girls” and she responds with “what about boys?” and oh
He hadn’t thought of that
So there’s a new layer to unpack now
And unpack it he does
He remembers seeing this one thing- demisexual? Demiromantic?- when he was researching asexuality
And goes back there, thinking more about that plus the polyamory plus the possible boy(s)?
Ah yea there it is there’s the realization ahaha
Yup. Schlatt. That’s it.
So he tells Grace and bro they are so excited together
Cue lots of talking about crushes while simultaneously on a romantic date together
(Honestly goals though but /p)
So he just kind of keeps living with it and pining and being oblivious to any sort of insight into Schlatt’s crush lmao
Silly silly man
He doesn’t particularly try to get over it or anything because like it really doesn’t feel that much different from before? So he’s just here vibing
He does come out to the rest of his friend group too, as polyam and demiomnisexual
(Grace is a big fan of smaller, lesser known labels and loves sharing them with Charlie, it’s a special interest of hers and he loves hearing about it)
That’s about when The Bro Duet with Schlatt happens
And then Ted
That’s the fastest he’s gotten a crush on someone but it’s also the fastest he’s become friends with someone
(And to be fair it took him a year and a half, so we’re in 10th grade now)
So he goes and tells Grace again and they’re being Gay together while simultaneously being Straight together at the same time again XD
Uh yea there really aren’t any other major developments until the Confession lol
[End of Ship Content]
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 4 years
smptwt as of 04/07/2020
Right. You asked for it, so you shall recieve. Below the cut is probably one of the most thought-out, in-depth, hopefully unbiased (but probably not) and above all helpful accounts of what the fuck is happening in the smplive and lunch club fandoms right now. I will be covering everything I can- but in the case that I’ve forgotten something, please let me know so I can have a crack at making an update.
Before the cut, I’d just like to link my first three posts about this same topic, covering my thoughts and the events of the last couple of months of drama. It feels so strange that I’ve made so many of these, but as long as they help people, I’ll keep making them.
Part 1: https://crunchy-corvid.tumblr.com/post/619547090403622912/the-cscoopsmptwt-drama
Part 2: https://crunchy-corvid.tumblr.com/post/619746266158661633/more-on-smptwt-long-post
Part 3: https://crunchy-corvid.tumblr.com/post/619886809143476225/smptwt-part-3-030620
I’d like to preface this with a huge thank you to everyone who helped me collect and compile information for this post- and those who helped censor twitter handles and edit screenshots. Without you, this post would have never been made. 
Thank you to everyone on the Cancelled Heaven discord server:  https://discord.gg/emrh2u
Now, onto the thing.
So we’ll start at the beginning with the easiest ‘drama’ (I hate calling it that) to cover. Charlie (slimecicle) tweeted on his second account and it caused a little upset. It’s not much but it feeds into a greater conversation that I think is relevant here: 
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We’ll start with Charlie’s original point, then move on to the reply. Obviously, this post was poorly timed, because everyone thought it was about the Cooper (cscoop) drama, when in reality it was just a general comment. I saw a lot of replies along the lines of ‘it’s okay you can @ cscoop’ and similar things. If you’ve read my previous posts you’ll know how I feel about the Cooper situation, but regardless, there are a few reasons why this is a Bad Take/poor interpretation of what Charlie said.
Charlie and Cooper are friends. They haven’t fallen out as far as we know. Charlie is left-wing, and definately doesn’t seem like the kind of person to be friends with someone who is racist/transphobic/sexist etc. So why would he be talking about Cooper in this post? 
Also, Charlie is clearly talking about people who still say slurs, not people who have said slurs in the past. This is how I read it, a jab at streamers and gamers who use ‘dark humour’ to justifty their actions. A lot of people seemed to relate this to Cooper, despite him never trying to justify his use of slurs. The people who did try to justify his actions this way were fans, not the man himself. So again, this post doesn’t relate to Cooper.
On to the reply, which sparks a different conversation all together. While I see where the commenter is coming from, and agree with them to an extent, Charlie is allowed to have his own opinion on the matter. And he is right. Using insulting language against heterosexual people does create a larger divide and doesn’t get anyone on our ‘side’. It just makes us look immature and causes a lot of straight cis people to assume that we hate them. 
On the other hand, I do think that saying things like ‘disgusting hets’ can be a funny joke if you are saying it to your friends who don’t have any issue with it. You probably shouldn’t get into the habit of saying things like that though, just in case you actually hurt someone with your words. Both sides of the argument have pros and cons, so anyone angry at Charlie for his opinion really have no reason to be.
Charlie’s reponse to this comment was reasonable, responsible, and mature, and he is clearly showing that he understands the concerns of his audience. This is all I’ll say about Charlie in this post. Honestly, he’s generally unproblematic and ‘safe’ to keep watching, if you enjoy a very drama-free environment. Have fun!
Now I’ll move on to Ted. He’s made some great points recently about cancel culture which I strongly agree with. Here’s his first tweets:
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I don’t have much to add here, this is perfectly valid in my opinion- though I feel like sometimes you can tell a lot about a person by the people they follow. For example, if someone follows Trump, Ben Shapiro, and a bunch of right-wing youtubers, they probably agree with a lot of the things they say. But I think the point Ted is trying to make is that he shouldn’t be harassed about drama his friends fall into. If he isn’t involved, leave him out of it. 
Next we’ll take a look at his tweets on stans, probably sparked by the drama with Carson, which I will be talking about later. 
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Again, I have no issue with what Ted is saying here. His idea is a good one, and a fun way to distinguish casual fans from people who create art, content, and (appropriate) fanfiction for the ‘flandom’! 
Basically, how I see it, is that a ‘fan’ is a casual viewer who doesn’t really get involved in the flandom, maybe posting about smplive and/or lunch club occasionally, but not being too involved. A ‘flan’ is someone who interracts a lot, creates art and fiction that respects boundaries, and posts more about the boys than a casual fan does. A ‘stan’ is a stalker-fan, creepy and obsessive, too invested, maybe creates art and fiction that crosses boundaries, and obsessively posts about the boys.
I think this new terminology is really cool and Ted is smart for coming up with it (also, probably hungry when coming up with it too). I think that the term ‘stan’ should be thrown out and used to describe the ‘bad’ side of fandoms. There is a risk that people will hide behind the term ‘flan’ to disguise the fact that they are a stan, but this is still a good step foward. 
But you’re not here to listen to me ramble about Ted or Charlie. You’re here for Carson. So let’s get on with it.
Carson made a series of tweets talking about stans, much like Ted did later. He seemed tired of stans harassing him about his friends, a sentiment shared by Ted (who faced very minimal backlash over his tweets). Here’s what he said:
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Which is something I fully agree with. For big content creators like Carson and his friends, stan culture is absolutely insane. Recently they’ve been trying to ‘catch out’ many people who are part of smplive and/or lunch club, most obviously with Cooper and Schlatt but I’ve seen the others getting ‘called out’ too. Carson’s anti-stan stance is well-known in the flandom (yes I am using that word get used to it) so these tweets didn’t surprise me. 
For some reason stans seem to think that if one creator is okay with their behaviour, every other creator is too. This is not the case. Carson was within his full right to say these things about stans.
Obviously the replies got out of hand. People became horribly angry very quickly, and clearly Carson had already had enough because pretty soon he started blocking stan accounts- which only made them more mad.
Of course, there were supporters and anti-stan comments out there too, such as this fun exchange:
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But a whole lot of people got angry. Carson was trending for a while, too, after he started blocking stans. Unfortunately some people did get wrongfully blocked, which sucks, sure, but use of an alt account or logging off of twitter can solve that problem (this can also be said for stan accounts. Carson didn’t stop any of them from viewing his content, just blocked them so that he didn’t have to see their tweets).
Carson did this for his own mental health. After a long conversation with older people who have been in fandoms for decades, I can tell you that being at the top is always hell. New threads created about you every day, friends you can’t trust, and people giving you shit for things other people said. I can’t imagine how someone as popular as Carson has dealt with this for so long.
People who were blocked started to claim that they were having panic attacks, that they hyperfixate so they can’t help being obsessive, and that Carson doesn’t care about mental health for these reasons. They said some pretty toxic and manipulative things and a lot of people clearly didn’t know what they were talking about:
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First of all, these comments on the Katerino and Fitz situation are honestly disgusting. These people are only proving Carson’s point that stans will be super supportive one second and turn around to hate you the next. To bring up something like this, something completely unrelated and highly personal- knowing Carson will see- is disgraceful. To speculate about a relationship that Carson has explicitly stated he doesn’t want people to speculate about just to try and make a point? Horrible.
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A lot of stans seem to have this ‘we made you famous so we dictate how you feel’ mentality, which I hate. Exactly as the reply says, they sound like toxic parents with these words. To think you deserve ‘respect’ from someone after accusing their friends of horrible things and harassing them to the point that they block you is so manipulative and quite frankly cruel.
Again, Carson has the right to block anyone he wants. Creators are not your friends, they are entertainment. If you are making them upset and harassing them, you shouldn’t get mad when they block you. 
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Listen. It can be tough, finding out that someone you look up to has blocked you. Yes, I’m sure people had a not-so-nice time with their mental health when it happened to them. But in most cases, they were blocked for a reason. Some people were even literally asking to get blocked and then got mad when they did. But again, no one has been barred from viewing Carson’s content. He simply blocked people who he didn’t want to see in his comments section.
You have freedom of speech, but you don’t have freedom from consequence. If you say something that hurts someone else, you’re not always going to be free from their judgement. 
Carson has been very open about his own struggles with depression and imposter syndrome recently, and people are viewing his actions as... hypocritical? This is flawed logic. Carson blocked stans because they were bad for his mental health, the fact that some claim to have had ‘panic attacks’ as a result is not on him. He has the autonomy to block who he wants to block. 
Wilbur Soot made some comments about the situation, which can be found in this video from 7 minutes 30 seconds in, and goes until 10 minutes and 11 seconds in:
What Wilbur says here is completely understandable. He doesn’t have a problem with stans, but doesn’t speak for anyone but himself. Just because one person is okay with something doesn’t mean someone else is, too. 
Also, a lot of people think that it’s okay to hate on someone like Carson or Schlatt, then turn around and stan Wilbur, which is kind of fucked up, because they’re friends in real life. How would you feel if someone was super nice to you, then turned around and harassed your friends?
A lot of people claimed to have ‘hyperfixations’ on Carson or lunch club, which they used as an excuse to be obsessive and creepy. This is bullshit, but someone else explained it a lot better than I could:
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And I absolutely agree with this. You cannot use neurodivergence to explain away your creepiness. That’s just offensive to people who do hyperfixate, and leads to even more problems and misunderstandings.
Carson did a stream much later where he talked about all of these things, and boy did that go well (not). Here is a clip of him talking about hyperfixations:
Now, here’s where my support for Carson falters. He should have done more research on what hyperfixations really are before he said things about them. He hurt some people with what he said, and just saying he’s uneducated on the topic isn’t really an excuse.
HOWEVER. Carson was given very little time to research (about 24 hours between his original tweets and his stream) and, more importantly, it is very obvious that the use of the term ‘hyperfixation’ has been warped and manipulated by stans who are misusing the term to excuse their behaviour. Carson probably saw stans using it and assumed it was something synonomous with ‘obsessions’.
What he said was poorly worded, but the point he was making is the same as the (much more researched and informative) tweet above. Anyone getting mad that he is somehow ‘invalidating mental health or autism’ with his comments clearly don’t understand the point he was trying to make in the first place.
And here’s a clip of Connor talking about it, too, as well as defending Carson’s right to block people as he wishes:
What he said here is completely valid, a little poorly worded in the same way as Carson’s statement, but overall something I stand behind.
Some people are claiming that Carson is being manipulative or ‘gaslighting’ fans and stans:
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Carson is not against fans who create cool stuff for him and his friends. He is against the people who harass him, accuse his friends of horrible things, and try to look for every little thing they’ve said and done wrong. This is what he said, and people got mad at him for it, and so he blocked them. That is it. There is no gaslighting. There is no manipulation. I’ve seen much more manipulative things coming from the stans’ side of things.
Now we move on to Noah’s reply to Carson’s tweet. Which, yes, caused a whole new can of worms to be opened.
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Now, for those like me who have trouble figuring out Noah’s way of speaking, let me translate: ‘stans are insecure people who start to feel entitled because they’ve started to view a streamer they like as a friend/someone who shares their pain.’ 
For those of you who don’t know, this is what ‘don’t negotiate with terrorists’ means:
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However, almost predictably, stans saw the word ‘terrorist’ and lost their goddamn minds. That, coupled with the complicated phrasing of Noah’s words, caused a lot of stans to freak out.
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This conversation is full of Bad Takes, but my main issue is that they are trying to diagnose Noah with an actual mental illness. That is not only offensive to people who have that illness (especially calling him ‘insane’ in the same sentence, as well as implying that having said illness makes you a bad person) but is also highly hypocritical since so many stans claimed to all be neurodivergent themselves. 
Also, 90% of his fans aren’t stans. They’re mostly fans or flans. You are a loud minority. You aren’t as powerful as you think you are. Noah even started to retweet hate comments, that’s how few shits he gave. He also shows that he is concerned about people making things up about him, which is understandable.
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Plus he outright said that stans are not fans of him, which in most cases, they’re not. Noah’s content isn’t as widely watched as some of his friends’ stuff, and a lot of stans don’t watch his streams.
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But anyway, here’s one good take I saw floating around:
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After this, before his stream, Carson deleted his original tweets and spent some time with his family, which was a sensible and mature thing to do at this point. 
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During Carson’s stream, someone notified him that his ‘fans’ had started to doxx stans. Here is his reaction:
A lot of people got mad that he didn’t do more to stop the doxxings, but I want to raise the question: what was he supposed to do? He can’t control his ‘fans’ (another breed of stans who don’t call themselves stans were doing the doxxings, to be honest) and he said not to do it. He was streaming, he didn’t know how serious it was or even if it was true, at that moment, what was he supposed to do?
It did get serious. People I know were doxxed. Anyone posting anything (positive or negative) about lunch club, smplive, and Carson were in danger. It was not fake like some people claimed. The twt handles in this post are blurred out because of the doxxing threats. I am making this post at my own risk, but I do feel that tumblr is safer than twitter at the moment.
This being said, it is in no way Carson’s fault how out of hand this has become. He has been against doxxing in the past and his sentiments haven’t changed. He has said more about the doxxings in replies to tweets such as this one:
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Also, here’s what the mods on Carson’s discord server had to say about the situation. They’ve clearly talked about this with Carson, and are strongly against anyone who is doxxing these people (especially since a lot of the people being doxxed are minors).
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A similar sentiment was shared on Ted’s discord server:
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Here is what ItsAsaii had to say:
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So that’s basically where everything stands right now. If you want an even fuller update on everything, check out Carson’s stream ‘afternoon fellas and fellettes’ where he talks about everything.
Here’s the last tweets I have from Carson regarding the whole situation:
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And I agree fully with what he has said. And again, Carson doesn’t owe stans anything. Just like what was said here, he had subs and fans before he had stans, they did not ‘make’ him, and they cannot control him.
This is all I have to say, for now. If I have missed anything or you’d like me to cover anything else, please let me know. If I have hugely missed the mark and said something super wrong/offensive, let me know. If you’d like me to talk about a streamer or youtuber not related to lunch club, throw me a DM or an ask and I’ll try to compile some things, even if I don’t watch their content or know who they are.
If you’d like up-to-date information about drama in smptwt, streamers, and youtubers, join the Cancelled Heaven discord server- which I linked at the start of the post. 
I thank you all for reading, and suggest that you reblog this so that as many people as possible can see it. If you want to risk it, go ahead and link this post in a tweet or something, but please do be careful. 
For some ‘extra reading’ (watching) I highly recommend Contrapoints’ video on cancel culture: https://youtu.be/OjMPJVmXxV8
And Philosophy Tube’s video on artists and fandoms, there’s some really insightful things about parasocial relationships: https://youtu.be/3IG0Y63LkDM
Lots of love, and have a great day <3
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Introduction: My art tag as the artist of this blog’s content is TotsN’uggs. You can call me Nuggs (he/him). But you can call me whatever I don’t care. I have two other blogs too, TotsFunkyGroovyNuggets is my main blog where I post my own personal projects and a bunch of stupid shit I think of. Totsandnuggsrebloggs is where I reblog shit.
What the hell is the point? I made this blog for posting Chuckle Sandwich™ related content every new episode or whenever I want. (Blog rating is like PG 13. There content really isn’t that bad, well except sometimes) I made a separate blog for this because I knew that it would be a lot of art since there are gonna be a lot of episodes of the Chuckle Sandwich™ podcast to come. Also I would like to state for legal reasons that I understand that the Chuckle Sandwich™ name belongs to the makers of the Chuckle Sandwich™ podcast (Ted Nivision, Charlie Slimecicle, and Jschlatt, found on YouTube, Apple podcasts, and Spotify). if the owners were to ever ask that I change the name of this blog or take it down completely I would do so.
Do I take requests/asks? Yeah, why not, I mean what is the worst that could happen-
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I pick and choose what I please for all of this stuff, so don’t have a tantrum if your ask or request is declined or you become blocked. You have the power to not be a douche my dude.
Btw I very well know that this podcast can crumble at any minute knowing that we have little to no knowledge of who these people are or what they have done. I am just going along for the ride and waiting for the rise and fall of more of my favorite YouTubers.
I’m abandoning ship with this blog cause school is waaaayyyy more work than I thought and uploading this much content was too big of a bite to chew from the chuckle sandwich so ima just leave this blog here so that if people want to look at the wasteland of art. Idk, I have another blog if your interested cause I’m not totally dead. Just motional-wise I’m dead. But yeah, bye. I’m probably never coming back to look at this blog, goodbye :))))
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