#but there arent as many outfit conversions
riellegaming · 4 months
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pinup poses are fun but i was actually moreso checking how i liked this scar mod >_>
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moonxytcn · 5 months
Hellooooo should you mind taking a billie request? We attend the met galla but we arent famous. We watch billie on the red carpet and can't help but be star struck! She some how notices us and we start talking from there.
it all started at the Met Gala
Billie Eilish x fem!reader
summary – who would have thought that a photographer would catch the attention of a famous singer
warnings – fluffy
a/n – Heyy thanks for the request!! Guys, sometimes it can take me a little while to publish because I study in the morning and work in the afternoon, so the whole week I only have the evening free, so most of the time I leave it to write on Saturday or Sunday, so sorry if it takes me a while to respond to your request. 😅
English is not my first language so there may be some errors.
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This gif isn't mine, I found it on Pinterest 
The red carpet of the Met Gala was a sea of extravagant colors and endless flashes. Among the photographers eager to capture the most iconic moments of the night, you was there, trying to stand out amidst the crowd. And then, she appeared.
Billie Eilish gracefully glided down the red carpet, her outfit exuding a unique blend of elegance and eccentricity. Your camera couldn't resist her presence, and you found yourself focusing on her more than any other celebrity.
As you snapped photos, our gazes met for a brief moment. She smiled subtly, and your heart skipped a beat. You couldn't believe she had noticed you among so many other photographers.
Days after the Met Gala, as you reviewed your photos and daydreamed about that brief encounter, a notification flashed on your phone. It was a message from Billie Eilish. You felt your heart accelerate at the same moment and suddenly it seemed like there was no more blood being pumped through your body
"Hello! I saw your photos from the Met Gala and loved your work. Would you like to talk more about photography, if you're interested."
Your fingers trembled as you typed a response, trying to keep calm in the face of the unique opportunity that presented itself.
"Of course! I'm flattered by the compliment. I would love to talk about photography with you."
And so began our conversation, delving into topics that went beyond photography. You discovered shared interests, inside jokes, and a connection that seemed to transcend the glamorous world she lived in.
As your conversations deepened, you decided to meet in person. You opted for discreet encounters, away from the curious eyes of the media.
In cozy cafes and tranquil parks, you shared laughter and confidences. She was much more than the pop star the world saw; she was a genuine person, full of passion and vulnerability.
Each moment together was an escape from the constant pressure and scrutiny. And so, your relationship flourished, fueled by the intimacy and mutual support you found in each other.
While you kept your relationship a secret, the world began to notice the closeness between you. Rumors and speculations emerged on social media, but you chose not to comment.
Finally, at a public event, she took your hand and introduced you to the world as her girlfriend. The reaction was a mix of surprise and admiration, but nothing could shake the happiness you felt together.
And so, the unknown photographer and the pop star found love amidst the chaos of the world. Your story may have begun on the red carpet of the Met Gala, but its true brilliance was in every moment you shared together.
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peroxiddeprincess · 2 years
How The Call Of Duty : MWII Characters Would Act With a Bimbo Girlfriend (Fem!Reader)
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Characters included — Johnny “Soap” MacTavish, Simon “Ghost” Riley, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick, John Price, Phillip Graves, König
No descriptive NSFW — Just headcannons / imagines. NSFW implied for some characters.
Bimbo definition (in case you arent aware) — an attractive but unintelligent or frivolous young woman.
✭ Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
— Oh my god, would he be absolutely infatuated with you.
— You didn’t even have to do anything but stand there and he’d have hearts in his eyes.
— Maybe it was the outfits you wore, or the makeup you caked on your face, but nonetheless, everything you did was just so appealing to him.
— He’d always compliment your outfits, and he’d always notice the little things.
“Did you get new lipstick?” “Is that skirt new?”
— He made sure to take note of the things you wore aswell. Why? So he could buy you new stuff of course.
— He likes to do your makeup sometimes. Even if it looks like shit, you’ll wear it for the rest of the day anyway to let him know your appreciation.
— Colored hair isnt his thing, but you convinced him once to get blue hair with you. No regrets. You told him it made him sexier. Simon told him you two looked alike. Johnny felt weird about the way he worded that and didn’t talk to Simon for a few days after..
— You are his Facebook banner. Facebook because he’s such a dad, and you’re his banner because he likes showing you off to the 3 friends he has added. Gaz, Rudy, and Alejandro.
— As for the.. Slow part of being a bimbo, he’d have no problems attempting to explain or break down something you didnt quite understand.
— He isn’t the kind of guy to get frustrated when you dont understand something immediately either. He’ll try his best.
— You aren’t completely dumb though. You’ve taught him many things! And one of the most important things,
You taught him to love himself.
“Wow, babe. I love that outfit on you.” He sneaks behind you, making you jump. “Awe — Thank you, JoJo!” You clapped your hands together, the biggest smile on your face.
“I could compliment you for hours.” He says. “Could stare for hours.”
You spit your bubblegum out in the trashcan near you. “Go ahead.” You say, making his cheeks heat up.
He goes on and on with some of the weirdest — but cutest — compliments you’ve ever heard in your life. You didn’t even realize you were going to be late to your nail appointment.
No worries, though. You continued to let him compliment you. When he finally finished his rant, you smile big again.
“I wasn’t listening to a thing you were saying.” You giggle nervously. “Gimme more!” You beg. “You gonna listen this time?” He asks, smiling. “Probably not.” You admit.
“Oh, well. Thats okay. I’ve got many, many more things to say to you, love.” He continues on and on, knowing your attention span is short, but he doesn’t mind, not one bit.
What matters to him right now is that you’re so close, and he feels secure in your touch.
✭ Simon “Ghost” Riley
— He never usually thinks much about your appearance unless he catches someone eyeing you.
— “Wear whatever you want, i can fight.” Energy.
— Hes just gotten used to how you dress and present yourself. It’s not that he doesnt care, but he doesnt mind it anymore. You used to capture his attention with every move. You still do, but not because of your appearance, but because hes taken a liking (meaning, he somewhat tolerates you.) to you.
— He isnt one to feed into your presentation. He doesnt buy you clothes, but he’ll sometimes express his attraction to a certain outfit you’ve thrown together.
— Also, he gets very frustrated when you don’t understand what he’s trying to tell you. He won’t break it down for you, and wont apologize if he makes you cry out of frustration or pure sensitivity from how mad he gets.
— He isnt a yeller, but he makes it obvious that he cant keep the conversation going. He’ll ignore you and simply walk away.
— Not to mention, he doesn’t apologize. He’s never wrong in his mind. You’re just sensitive and take his words the wrong way.
— But anyway, of course he cares about you. He has a horrible way of showing it. He wouldnt be able to “love” you properly due the narcissistic way his mind works, but even then, he still wants to protect you somewhat.
— Also, he wont go out of his way to let anyone know you two are dating, either. You’ll have to spill the beans. He’ll just nod, and most likely walk away to avoid questions.
“What is that?” You ask, pointing to the big gun in his hand. “..A gun? Are you stupid, or something?”
You pouted at the mean words. “I know its a gun, what kind of gun? Why is it so big?”
He doesnt say anything, choosing to ignore you as he walks away. “Simonnn.” You call. Silence. Other than the heavy footsteps from his boots.
You sit there on the couch, blinking back tears to avoid your fake lashes from falling off and your mascara running down your cheeks.
Soon enough, he’s standing in front of you, holding out a pamphlet. You’re confused. “What?” You ask, looking up at him. “It’s a book.” He says, stating the obvious. “..About guns. The big ones.” He cringes saying it, feeling like a complete loser at how he needs to speak to you for you to understand.
His awkwardness quickly fades as you enthusiastically take the book from him, flipping through the pages. He sits down next to you and watches you analyze the page you were on.
“Ooh! Tell me more about this one.” He looks at you like you’re crazy, but gives in with a heavy huff and starts pointing out parts of the gun, explaining what they do and what they’re called.
You couldn’t focus on what he was saying, his deep voice thick and sultry in your ears.
“…Could you repeat that?” You ask, and his eyebrow cocks up. “What part?”
“…All of it.” You say nervously, avoiding eye contact. He sighs and gives in, repeating everything he just told you.
You weren’t focused this time either, but you felt like this was quality time, so you pretended to understand what he was saying.
You thought you had convinced him, but he knew you weren’t paying attention. He didn’t care much anymore, continuing to talk, not wanting to admit that maybe he didnt mind having you this close to him. Even if having to repeat himself alot was getting annoying.
✭ Alejandro Vargas
— He would absolutely love your style. Would eat it up every single time.
— Would show you off. Loves how you two are complete opposites. He’d brag about you to anyone willing to listen.
— When you two got the chance to be alone, he’d hold your waist and feel your body through the thin fabric.
— He was always very expressive about how much he adores the way you pamper yourself. You always giggle and tell him its just for him. He smiles.
— Once he almost broke a bone trying on a pair of your platforms. Never again.
— You also managed to get fake lashes and lipstick on him. You took so many pictures. He was very embarrassed.
— He understands that you need time to learn things. He gets frustrated of course, but we cant blame him, he’s only human.
— He tries to make you feel like the most brilliant person on earth, even if sometimes it’s a bit.. hard.
— Once you asked him, “Why do you wear so much gear?” And he replied, “Well, it’s important.” And tried to explain it to you. You couldn’t quite grasp the fact that he needed it, and kept telling him he should show off his body because he was sexy. He took the compliment ans dropped the conversation, you were too cute to argue with.
— You guys do have your arguments of course. He’s more patient than you’d think, though. He’ll give you space.
— After that, you two are all over eachother again. He loves you. Even if you don’t quite understand his job. or many things, for that matter.
“I tried to cook you something,” You started, “But it didn’t end very well.”
He pinched his nose at the foul smell of something burning. “I cleaned it up..” You smile awkwardly. “..For the most part.”
“For the most part?” He questions, walking into the kitchen. It became obvious what you meant. The bottom of the skillet had thick, black burnt material all over it. You tried to scrub it off but gave up. There was also some splatter on the stove.
He smiles a bit, looking back at you. “You know what?” He asks, and you hum. “I’ll clean this up.. You go do whatever else you need to do, as long as it doesnt involve household chores.” You frowned. “But.. I wanna help!”
He tried to get you to go elsewhere, but you werent budging. He sighs, accepting his fate…
He ended up letting you help. But he was standing so close you could hear his breathing, and his heart pumping, guiding you through how to properly scrub a burnt pan. You were focused on his hands the whole time.
✭ Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra
— He was very open about his attraction to you and your style. Not often open to others, but open to you for sure.
— He often made jokes, which sometimes you’d end up taking too serious, and he’d have to comfort you and reassure you that he didn’t mean it.
— He knew he didn’t mean it, but sometimes, you just didn’t quite understand…
— He’s always boasting about how beautiful you look to him when he comes home to you, or when you send him a picture of yourself.
— It became habit to show him your makeup and outfit everyday, and he’d devour you completely with his eyes.
— Sometimes, if you forget, you’ll stay up until 4 a.m. perfecting your appearance just to show him.
— Usually he’s concerned you’re up so late, but your pretty face is worth it.
— Your face is his lock screen. And wallpaper.. And everything else he could put your face on…
— He gets questions about you all the time but brushes it off. Nobody needs to know about you but him, after all.
— Occasionally, if he’s feeling talkative, he’ll talk about you and sometimes even show you off.
— Alejandro overheard a phone call between you two, and was very confused when he had to repeat himself, just word his sentences differently.
— He loves you dearly and doesnt mind explaining things to you. He likes listening to you talk, and he likes your face when a light bulb moment goes off in your head. He thinks it’s the cutest thing ever.
— Also, he’s a very attentive lover, and will make sure you’re safe and know what you’re doing. Definitely texts you every chance he gets when he knows you’re out.
He was driving, and Alejandro pointed out his lock screen as a notification came through.
“Who’s that?” He asks. Rudy hesitates. “..My girlfriend.”
Alejandro pretends to be stabbed in the chest. “My heart! For you have wounded me!”
Rudy chuckles nervously. Alejandro straightens up. “So.. Girlfriend, huh?” He asks. Rudy’s phone starts ringing.
Speak of the devil… He thinks. He picks up the phone, and your sweet voice comes through. “Hey babyyy!” He could tell you were smiling.
“What’s up?” He says, speaking quietly in the presence of Alejandro. “I sent you a picture of my new nails.. But i figured you were driving. Can you atleast look..?” He could tell your smile faded into a pout.
“Yeah, yeah. Okay.”
“Yay! Thank you! I love youu.” You say, before hanging up. He pulls up your messages, looking at the picture of your nails and sighing before typing, ‘Beautiful, just like you.’
“She’s got you wrapped around her finger, aye?”
Rudy quickly slams his phone down, looking through the windsheild.
✭ Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
— You are definitely his type. He can’t imagine himself with anyone else.
— He likes to pick you up and twirl you around, mostly because of the skirts you wear. You’ve told him it makes you feel like a ballerina.
— He definitely feeds into your perfume collection. You bring home a big bag of perfumes and body sprays and make him smell them and pick out his favorites.
— He’s also the guy to jokingly tell you to get his tip color on your nails because he saw someone else say it and thought it was the funniest thing ever, but then is surprised when you actually do it.
— It started with a, “Hey baby, like my nails?” And you gracefully wiggling your fingers in his face. Of course he says yes, but when it finally processes what exactly it’s depicting, his eyes are wide. He’s giddy.
— It’s definitely taken him time to adjust to your humor. You find some of the dumbest things funny. He doesnt quite understand, but when you laugh, he laughs aswell. You’re adorable, how could he not?
— He’s definitely very supportive of you dying your hair crazy colors. Sometimes you get bored and wanna put some pink in there! If you wear wig installs, he will buy them for you. He’s actually quite good at installing them aswell. 40 youtube tutorials later…
— If you have piercings, he’s totally into that too! He even encourages you to get new ones.
— He doesnt mind your processing speed or lack of basic knowledge either. He finds it enticing that he has to help you out. Maybe he just likes the excuse to spend more time with you.
You two were watching TV on the couch together, he was stuffing popcorn in his face and you were very interested in the dramatic romance going on in the film.
Suddenly, a kissing scene comes on. His first instinct is to cover your eyes, and you start laughing. “What was that for?” You ask through your giggles.
He starts to laugh with you. “Instincts kicked in. My bad, my bad. Continue on.”
He shovels the popcorn in his mouth again and you cant stop laughing at how stupid but funny the interaction was.
“What’s funny?” He asks, grin on his face as the grease from the popcorn surrounds his lips. “You. You’re funny.” He rolls his eyes at your response.
“Just continue watching those two tongue eachother and leave me be.” He says, crunching resuming. You laugh again, and he laughs with you so hard that popcorn almost came out of his nose. You shove him away when he chokes a bit, still laughing. “Ew! Stop laughing, you’re gonna barf!” He pushes you back against the couch and starts tickling your sides.
You kick at him, thrashing a bit at the sensation. Your laughter only grew. “Stop it, now i’m gonna barf!” You giggle.
“Didn’t wanna barf alone.” He says, placing a buttery kiss to your cheek. You wipe it off and wipe it on his face.
He doesnt even care, staring into your eyes with the biggest smile on his face.
✭ John Price
— Definitely an old soul. Wasn’t into the way you displayed your body, but he eased into it as he fell deep into loves trap.
— His more traditional ways slowly died down after dating you. He couldn’t help his past mindset, it’s just how he was raised.
— He’s definitely all about paying for your hair, nails, clothes, makeup, and anything else you want.
— He taught you how to cook. It was definitely tough, but he’s a decent cook and had no problem passing it down to you.
— Admittedly, however, he does get very, very frustrated with you.
— Sometimes he has to walk away to calm himself down after a particularly rough interaction. He’s talked to you about this, and you’ve gotten used to it. You don’t have many problems with it now. Just hurts your heart a bit.
— But-! He always makes sure to comfort you afterward. He’s reassuring, telling you he’s sorry and he just needed a moment. He also is sure to ask you if you’d like to continue the conversation or move on.
— Sometimes you say you’d like to continue so you could push his buttons a bit more, but only if you’re extra frustrated with him.
— He also loves when you explain stuff to him he doesn’t understand! Ramble about makeup and clothes for hours! He takes good mental notes.
— He definitely loves you. Alot. He even describes you as his soulmate to his peers. He always manages to push past the frustration, and continues loving you no matter what.
You were applying your lipstick, lips parted and face shoved in the mirror.
“Darlin’?” Your boyfriend says, coming up behind you and examining what you’re doing. You turn around, smile painting your face. “Ah! Hii!” You exclaim. He smiles.
“Whatcha’ doin’?” He questions, head cocking. “Just finishing up my makeup. You like?” You ask. He gives an affirming nod. “You look absolutely ravishing.” You blush at the compliment.
“What’s this do?” He asks, picking up your mascara. You beam. “Mascara! Makes my eyelashes long and full.” You bat your eyes up at him prettily.
Your reaction urkes him to press further. “Oh yeah? What’s this?” He picks up one of your favorite eyeshadow pallets.
“Eyeshadow.” Your eyes close, allowing him to examine the masterpiece that painted your eyes. “Very nice.. Whats this?” He picks up your concealer. “Concealer! Hides all my flaws.” You giggle.
He cocks his head. “Impossible.” “Hm?” He smiles. “You have no flaws. Nothing to cover.” You blush, looking away nervously before looking back up to him with a heartfelt smile. “I love you.” You muse. “I love you more.”
This quickly turned into a battle of who loves eachother more, but he ended up letting you win just to see you get really happy.
✭ Phillip Graves
— Is absolutely obsessed with you and the way you look. Always has something to say about it.
— This man can never shut up about you!! You’re too perfect. Unfortunately for the other fellas’, you’re all his, and he makes that point very clear.
— You once mentioned matching tattoos and he was beaming with excitement. Absolutely ecstatic. He said yes about a hundred times.
— He helps you with everything. Money? Clothes? Food? Makeup? Bills? All the above, baby.
— You’re so special to him. He feels like his job is to talke care of all of your needs and wants, no matter how outrageous. He doesn’t want you to lift a finger. No job for you! Live in your lush lavish provided by your dear boyfriend.
— Once you had him take a look at the Adam & Eve website, and he bought you everything you clicked on to look at, whether it was lingerie or a toy.
— Definitely one of the most surprising packages to show up on your doorstep. Did you put all of the lingerie on and take a mini photo shoot for him? Oh, without a doubt.
— He does tend to get frustrated with you sometimes, though. Your relationship is 99% happy stars and rainbows and kittens, but the remaining 1% is how crazy you drive him sometimes.
— You don’t get something? Okay, he’ll send you an article about it. Don’t wanna read all that? He’ll break it down. Don’t understand how to do something? No more questions asked, he’s already doing it for you.
— There have been a few times where he’s let a few dull insults slip past his lips during arguments, telling you he does everything because you can’t. Later though, he realizes that was definitely wrong to say and it’s his fault for doing everything for you. You’re just his spoiled princess.
— That’s how he wants it to be, though. You’ll be his pampered little lover for the rest of eternity. Whether you like it or not. He’s never letting you go.
You’re lugging a box full of new shoes and accessories into your house, when all of a sudden your boyfriend comes from behind you and lifts it without a struggle.
“Oh, thank you!” You bat your pretty eyes at him as he sets the box down. “Of course, pretty.” He walks over to you, engulfing you in a hug.
“You’re gonna mess up my makeupppp!” You protest. “Awe, i’m sorry baby.” He pulls away, giving a fake pout.
You hesitate. “..W-wait. Come back.” You say. “And why should i?” He interrogates. “Because you love me.”
He smiles, and you reciprocate. “Can’t argue with that, can i?” His arms make their way around your waist again. “What about your makeup, hmm? Wouldnt wanna mess all your hard work up.” He teases, hands resting on your hips.
“I’ll just fix it later. Hug me. Please?” You beg, and of course, he gives in. He squeezes you tight. “Don’t bother. I’ll just end up ruining it later too.” He says, and your eyes blow wide.
“Phillip Graves! Not until marriage!” You joke, laughing and pushing him away. He laughs aswell. “I mean, i can already consider you as my wife. Been together forever, and you aren’t going anywhere.” He promises. Your cheeks heat up. “..Yeah?” “Yeah, princess. Mine.”
He starts to place little teasing kisses on your neck, and you giggle.
✭ König
— You make him so nervous. Your appearance just adds to it.
— Truly believes he doesn’t deserve someone as beautiful as you. You’re also complete opposites. You’re very outgoing where he tends to be timid and shy.
— Very bad self esteem, but believes everyone seeing him with such a babe will make people think higher of him.
— Of course this isn’t the only reason he’s with you!! He really, really likes you. And he hopes you feel the same way, he’s quite the overthinker.
— You’re entire world may revolve around your appearance for the most part, but you’re very good at comforting him. He greatly appreciates it.
— When you two are alone, he eases up and starts to become quite the chatterbox. Complimenting you, holding you in his arms while chatting up a storm, telling you anything and everything on his mind.
— He expresses that you’re perfect in his eyes. He loves you, which also means he absolutely adores everything about you. If you’re insecure, he throws in more compliments on the specific thing you’re insecure about.
“You’re beautiful. All of you.” “I love the way your body looks in that outfit.. Frames your perfect figure so well.”
— Random thing he likes - he loves giving you piggyback rides. Seeing the world from is point of view is so flabbergasting to you, no matter what! You always point out how tall he is. Makes him blush everytime.
— He’s never gotten frustrated with you. He understands how it feels to be bullied for being slow or “stupid”. He’s sure to reassure you that you’re none of those things, and everyone learns stuff differently!
— He’s very excited everytime you ask him to help you. He’ll do whatever he can to the best of his ability! Always assures you that you can count on him.
— He loves everything about you. I’ve said this before, but he truly does. Everything. You’re perfect.
— Eventually the insecurities fade, and he opens up. He’s so happy around you. He loves you so, so much. He still refuses to believe you’re his.
It finally snowed! You were super excited. You threw on one of your boyfriends way too big sweaters and some thermal tights with a pretty little skirt and some boots and made your way outside.
König follows behind once he realizes where you’ve gone. He’s worried you might get cold, but you’re quick to tell him you feel fine!
You throw a snowball at him, and he picks you up, twirling you around. “Oh no you don’t.” He says, holding you close. You giggle and squirm. “Nooo! Let me throw snowballs at you!!” You smile.
“How about instead of being violent with me, we build a snowman together?” He suggests, and you nod enthusiastically. You both begin to build the snowman, and he runs inside to grab a carrot for the nose and some chocolate for the buttons and eyes. (He couldn’t find coal.)
You both quickly decorate your snowman, and then you lean against him in content. “I may not be the smartest sometimes, but i can build a damn good snowman.”
“Hey! You’re smart. Intelligent, even.” He argues, making you laugh. “Thank you, baby.” You beam. His face flushes deeper than it already was.
“I love you so much.” He instantly curls in on himself after saying that, but quickly looking down at you as you reciprocate. “I love you more.” He picks you up and carries you inside, hugging you for “extra warmth”
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C.C. - peroxiddeprincess 2022. NO REPOSTS. reblogs appreciated!
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sanajeh1909 · 1 year
The Spy and The Spouse
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Pairing : Chamber x F!Reader
Word Count : 5989
Warnings : Flirting, Romantic Tension, Spying/Action (only mentions of it, there is nothing much except the detailed description of whats happening), Jealousy, Unrequited Love (at the end on Chamber's part), Emotional Themes.
POV : 3rd Person
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
A/N : Sorry for my poor English, its not my native language. Chamber can be a bit OOC. Gif doesnt belong to me. Please do tell if there is any mistakes or off talks/writings on the scenario. There is so many expressions of the situation more than talks because i have no idea what to write as conversation, i have ran out of ideas. I had hard time writing this since i burnt my wrist accidentally now its hard to type without putting my wrist on the side of the keyboard. Yellow is for Chamber, Pink is for Reader, other colors are for side characters. I hope you enjoy it.
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The day of the mission comes. She wears black one shoulder long sleeve black dress with black suede wedge heels. Her glasses are same design as Chamber's, except hers was thin framed and had soft edges on rectangular shape. Her hair is braided on both sides to the back and the rest of her hair is combed to the back. This made their hairstyles match.
While she was getting ready, Chamber put on his suit, matching her outfit perfectly. Chamber had been very particular about his own attire. The suit itself was black in color, it was a modern fashion design. It was tailored to his body to look as sharp as a knife. A crisp white shirt underneath was accompanied by a black tie with little black details. His hair, per usual, was undercut slickback.
When she finished, he walked in looking sharp and composed. When he saw the finished look, he was surprised to see how well put together she looked. Almost to a T to how she looked. Almost.
He raised an eyebrow at her look and expression, as if he were about to laugh at how ridiculous he found her similar sense of fashion. Then, he just grinned devilishly. Arent we a slick couple?
He was very confident in his appearance, as he should. After all, he was going to be playing the smug, arrogant husband. She smirks at him and walks towards him confidently. Her back is straight and her chin is slightly up. We will crush them just with our presence, it seems.
He couldnt help but admire how well you took the role of the wife. His eyes traveled upwards from your heeled shoes to the matching dress to your hair to the glasses that only gave you a more charming aura. One of his hand on his pocket, he offers his other arm to her and a smug smile on his face. I couldnt have picked a better partner. We make quite a pair.
She smirks at him and takes his arm. They get in the car, Chamber holding her door for her before going to the drivers seat. With Chamber driving to the party in silence, they are preparing themselves for the mission mentally.
As they arrive, they walk to the party with their arms intertwined. The party is filled with businessmen, CEO's and their spouses in simple yet classy dresses.
The host gives them both an appraising look before looking at Chamber. That look was followed by a small nod. Well, look at this. If it isnt Mr. and Mrs. Fabron. It was an odd feeling to have someone refer to her as a married couple. It was weird to be called Mr. and Mrs. Fabron, but it had a quite weird feeling that made her wanted to be called like that.
The man gesturs towards the crowd of guests. It was a variety of different types of people. The only unifying factor was money.
The moment they stepped inside was the second that the mission and the married couple act started. They even made custom rings to play along. That costed the couple more than they expected, but it would worth if it meant for success.
Chamber walks alongside of her, enjoying how her arm fit so nicely with his. He couldnt help but look at all the men who kept glancing up at her admiringly as they walk. He couldnt blame them. Even before he was a "married man", she looked good enough to make heads turn. All she had to do was show up.
He smiles at her side. He is still the charming bastard for the night. He whispers in her ear. This is going to be fun.
She smirks at his words and whispers back. Show has just begun, darling. Just watch and see.
He chuckled a little, liking this side of her. In the middle of his mission, he was finding himself to enjoy just being beside her. Being in this role of a married couple was different, it felt more... wholesome. It was... nice.
He gives her a little squeeze of her hand. He looks around, analyzing the crowd, looking for certain people. Alright. Just follow my lead, alright?
She nods. After all, he was more experienced than her in this type of situations, so the both had agreed to follow his lead. They have praticed and spend more time to get used to each other, but now they needed to put them all on the act.
Chamber turns his head to face you. He straightens his suit, making sure everything was clean before facing the guests. She was starting to get some glances. Some from men, and some from women. Of course, everyone thought she were just a beautiful woman with a handsome husband. No one suspected them being an undercover agent. They had to have their guards up. Especially in this kind of party.
A small smile crossed his face. This was going to be fun. Alright. Act, beloved wife.
Of course, mon mari~. She wears her most charming and sweet smile as they get close to a poseur table. The guests greets us and we greet them back.
Chamber does his best to make sure his smile looked both charming and smug. With her beside him, the smug smile had a little more genuine edge to it. With the guests, he looked at her with pride, like seeing his trophy wife. You played the part so damn well, how could he not show some pride? ;)
She takes a deep inhale, enjoying the feeling of the atmosphere around them. No one could tell the twi were anything but an extremely loving, happily married couple. No one would suspect a thing until him and her make a move. This had to be a good plan. This has to go well.
She pulls a waiter towards their table. Chamber looks at her out of the corner of his eye. He was making sure she was acting her part. Do you want something to drink, darling? She asks as she glances at the waiter, then she smiles at Chamber.
Chamber couldnt stop lookin at her. Acting and pretending felt... good, with her. She acter her part, like a good "married couple", and made the act so believable he almost forgot the reason they were there. This moment, the most intimate part of it all, was so convincing it blurred a line in his mind that he didnt know was there.
Chamber looks at her and whispers, still smiling. Your choice.
She smiles at him warmly, not too excessive to pull the attention to me, not insincere to look cold towards him. Then, im ordering Bordeaux Blend for you and for me... You choose. She gives him a subtle smirk with her voice is velvet-like and lowered.
He couldnt help but smile. In this moment, she acted so well, he would honestly consider taking her out of this plan and just make her his wife. He spoke in with a deep, warm and velvety tone, trying to match her. With a certain confidence, he orders a glass of champagne for her. This would work. A toast in advance...
After short while, waiter comes with the orders and they get their beverages. He turns his gaze towards her. For a successful mission.
She smiles at him. No one heard his sentence, that was a good thing. For our success.
A successful mission... and a successful marriage. He said the last part with a grin. It was half out of instinct, the other half just for show. It was part of the act, a married couple that planned their future together. Yet it was odd to him that he wanted that future with her, someone that came into his life at a most unusual time.
The people on the other tables clinks their glasses almost at the same time with them, then they take small sip from the beverage. It was time to wait for the perfect moment to strike. Her eyes slowly returns to scan the crowd. A lot of suspicioous types there... A lot of interesting people...
Chamber leans back slightly, his eyes sweeping across the party as he thought. His eyes landed on a certain target at the right side of the room, clearly a high-ranking businessman that looked to be talking to a woman in a nice dress.
He leans closer to her, lowering his voice to a whisper. You see that man on the right with the gorgeous woman? His name is Laurent Danton. I know him from previous missions. That woman he is been talking to is Anette Chavois, the CEO's daughter. Our mark.
She looks at the targets without making it obvious, then speaks in a tone that matches his. Yeah, lets keep an eye on them and approach carefully.
He whispers into her ear. I have been keeping an eye on him tonight, and the target always moves between drinks. Its perfect for us to take advantage of this.
He pulls his head back to look at her. As soon as he leaves his current target, we should make our move. Do you agree?
Yes, on your lead. She whispers to him, then both takes long sip from their beverages.
He gives her an enthusiastic nod and looks at his watch, keeping on eye on Mr. Danton from the corner of his eye. He could see that the man was getting into particularly... interesting discussion with the woman he was with, his right arm slightly draped on her shoulder. It looked to be a private conversation.
Chamber checks his watch once more, and with a slight flick of his head he indicates that its time. The couple puts their empty glasses on the tray that was on waiters hand which was passing by, then they make their move. Now the show is about to begin.
Once Mr. Danton took a few steps away from his partner, Chamber immediately moved towards the two, with her on his arm. The man looks at them, surprised to see the handsome couple approaching him. He offered a warm smile to Chamber and shifts his gaze to the stunning woman on Chamber's arm, offers a handshake while addressing her...
Laurent Danton. Pleasure. And you are?
She gives a smile mixed with a smirk. she shakes Laurent Danton's hand eleganty. Y/N Fabron.
Its clear Danton likes the sound of her name, and she is pretty sure he just took a long look at her. Danton has eyes for women, that much is clear. Not just any women, though. Women that are just as gorgeous as her. She could tell by the way his eyes were fixated on her.
Chamber speaks before Laurent can come up with a flirtatious comment directed his wife. Vincent Fabron. He shakes Danton's hand, then moves his hand towards her in a welcoming gesture. My wife. She bows slightly as if she is proud to be Vincent's wife, still smiling at the businessman.
Laurent's eyebrows raise. He looks between the two of them, then he chuckles, clearly impressed. What a beautiful couple you make, to have such a stunning and gorgeous woman with you, Mr Fabron. And his eyes lingered back at her. If they werent pretending to be wife and husband, the man would obviously be flirting with her left and right.
Chamber didnt look away but his arm tightened on her hand, and his eyes narrowed in a focused manner. He didnt like these kinds of people in the slightest. After a few moments of silence, he speaks with a casual tone, like this was a random encounter. So, i understand you are friends with Anette Chavois? Thats an interesting woman, if i have ever met one. The tone wasnt quite hostile... but it wasnt friendly either.
He directly went to the topic. No games, no subtle meanings... She still keeps smiling and strokes his arm slightly to signal him if something goes wrong, she will back him up.
A quiet smile on Laurent's lips. He notices that stroke, no doubt. He knew it was meant for him to signal if something was wrong. But she looked absolutely charming, and the fact that she was touching him was just as effective. Even the woman he was with tilted her head, looking at her with admiration.
Laurent clears his throat, his smile growing wider by the second. Of course, we are good friends. Anette and me, we go way back.
Chamber looks over at her and gives her a smug smile, proud of how she was able to carry herself. He then looks back towards Laurent. You two must have a lot to talk about then. He makes a small pause. Or perhaps i can steal my wife for a moment?
She chuckles softly, it was fake but it made the mood that was getting heavy a little bit lighter. Mr. & Mrs. Fabron could see the man considering the decision. He clearly wanted to say yes, being a man of status and privilege... but the hesitation came from him wanting to keep Y/N close, too. An excuse to have her nearby just to look at.
Laurent chuckles. Just for a moment. He gestures towards his partner. Anette looks at her again, her eyes studying Y/N, perhaps a little too intently. Y/N knew that look. Anette was jealous. Of her.
Y/N smiles and they take some steps back, to have some privacy away from the crowd, including the businessman and CEO's daughter.
Chamber turns to face her, speaking quietly so only she can hear his words. His tone was soft and sweet... Are you okay, wife?
His arms wraps around her waist, his eyes closing in satisfaction. She was the only thing he could focus on, like a beautiful distraction that would lead to a dangerous spiral. He was just making sure her part was going well.
She reaches a hand to the side of his neck, gently caressing, her hand trails down to his shoulder sometimes and trails back to his neck. I am, except the hungry looks of Laurent. If we werent on a mission, i would have taken care of him. But i have to bear it now. She speaks in quiet tone, almost playfully and pouting, but he knew she was serious on her words. She was clearly irritated by the flirtation of Laurent, but she was heeping the pose for the sake of the mission and Chamber.
His eyes narrowed slightly in irritation, his grip on her waist tightening in an almost possessive fashion. He was still playing the role, but the words were genuine. He didn't like the way these rich, flirtatious people tried to get at her. He gives a warm, friendly smile, but his eyes were stern. One hand stayed on her waist, the other hand ran across her shoulder to her neck. His thumb caressed her cheek.
Husband mode activated. If he so much as touches you, wife, I'll make him regret it. Dont worry, beloved wife. I will take care of this situation.
Then Laurent spoke up again, a clear tone of sarcasm in his question. Tell me, Mrs. Fabron. He was being far flirtier than anyone should, and he knew it. He was clearly enjoying it.
Chamber had no problems ignoring Danton's presence when she decided to keep talking to the man. If anything, it got him more irritated the longer the conversation with him went on. Laurent was just enjoying the situation a little too much… in an inappropriate manner. Chamber let out a quiet sigh, trying to keep his smile as polite as possible.
Laurent noticed the sigh, and he spoke up while giving him a smug smile.
Laurent seemed almost as arrogant as Vincent thought he would be. It wasn't a good look for a man in his position. It was good that he was an arrogant man, though, because it was exactly what Vincent wanted. What he needed. He was going to let the man have his arrogance, in order to catch him off-guard.
Chamber looked at her softly, wanting to protect her from this person…
Excuse me, Mr. Danton? She asks without turning her body towards Laurent, one hand on Chambers shoulder and other hand is on his arm. Chamber's arms are wrapped around her waist again. She gives a gentle smile to Laurent to not cause a scene, but her body language shows how much she got uncomfortable with his behaviors.
Laurent immediately stops, his eyes shifting towards her. It took more than a second to break the smile he gave. He turned to her, a charming grin on his face. One that could not hide his intentions. I did say just a moment, didn't I? He looked as though he couldn't help it; in fact, he was simply unable to take his eyes off Y/N. He looked at her with such a predatory smile. He gave off a certain aura that he was sure Anette was enjoying. No, she wasnt. She looked at Y/N with that familiar jealousy.
Y/N chuckles softly and let go of Chamber's shoulder, but then she holds onto his arm with both hands. Of course, you did, Mr. Danton. We got carried away, apologies.
The more she tried to act the part with Laurent, Anette's gaze didn't waver. Anette would glare at Y/N, as if to express how irritated she was by the situation. Her partner looked at Mrs. Fabron, Y/N, still with that predatory gaze and sly smile. All he would need was a simple word, and he would drop Anette right away. Y/N could see the attraction to her in his gaze. Y/N could almost feel Anette's jealousy behind her. Anette needed to look good to her own partner, and Y/N was certainly ruining that.
Anette rolls her eyes, obviously knowing the intention of both parties. She can't believe she has to share a partner with Mrs. Fabron. Anette looked like she wants to make a scene to get Laurent's attention back to her. She's the type who's used to having the attention on her. Anette clearly needs a lot of it.
Chamber is still in character, so he keeps a smile on his face. However, his grip slowly gets tighter and tighter on his partner's waist. He was getting genuinely annoyed by this flirtatious bastard.
Y/N feels the tight grip on her waist and puts her hand over his gently, their rings on their fingers were touching each other. She gently stroke his hand to calm him down.
Her hand was exactly the kind of distraction he needed. For a second, his attention was back on her, and her only. He looked to her, her hand stroking his, and the anger on his face slowly disappearing as his grip on her relaxed. The warmth of her hand put a grin back on his face.
He suddenly had a mischievous idea. He leaned in closer, as if they had something between them. He kept his voice low and calm, letting his eyes rest on Anette. Let's cut to the chase, darling. You know that won't last.
Y/N smirks at him. She had a plan and they found their targets, why miss them when they can catch them? Why don't we all sit and talk a little bit? She suggests to Laurent. By we, she meant all four of them, but she is sure he will accept it.
Laurent's expression changed a little, from the predatory and charming smile, to an expression of confusion and intrigue. He was clearly trying to read both of them, searching for their intentions. He looks back at Anette. Anette was still looking at her with anger, clearly not happy with how her partner was acting. He turned back to Mrs. Fabron with a grin. The more, the merrier, darling. Have a seat. He gestures towards the empty chairs. The four of them was certainly drawing a lot of attention from other guests.
Y/N smiles and they all four walk to the empty table enough for 4 people. They sit down on the table. Chamber next to her, Anette across her, and Laurent next to Anette and across Chamber.
Chamber looks at the table. He cant help but notice how close Anette and Laurent are sitting. It wasnt a matter of space at the table, it was an act of affection. A clear display to the other guests, as if it hadnt been clear already, this was a couple. Anette placed her hand on Laurent's, resting on the table. She wore a ring on it. A gold wedding band. Fabron couple saw a small glimpse of it.
Y/N was holding Chamber's hand and gave slight squeeze on his hand, signaling the ring on Anette's finger. Chamber feels her squeeze his hand and he returns the squeeze to reply that he saw the ring too. His eyes were on Anette and Laurent's interaction. They were… comfortable together.
Y/N was wondering how much longer she'd have to sit here in the presence of these people. She had a job to do. That was the only problem. But at that moment, all she wanted was to have a moment for just the two of them, Chamber and her. All they needed to do was get close to the Anette and Laurent, and make the couple trust them enough to give some information. except that everything was nothing but just empty words.
She waited and watched. Laurent and Anette's hand kept touching… and touching. Y/N's eyes wandered to see Anettes's face. Anette was clearly enjoying this conversation. She also noticed the woman kept glancing at Y/N and Chamber out of the corner of her eyes. It was like Anette was jealous, but Y/N couldn't say why. Chamber squeezes her hand again. He was just checking in with her. His grip on her hand was getting tighter. A sign he was getting impatient.
She strokes his hand, then starts a conversation to talk. An easy and light conversation that won't bother anyone. After a good hour, They all laugh and chat. They did their job and got the information they needed. They could leave after not so long.
Chamber gave a casual and handsome smile towards Laurent and Anette. His grip on her hand was starting to hurt, but he didn't care. He was too intent on ending this conversation. He also noticed her hand stroke on his a second time. So, Anette didn't manage to be in a corner of his attention anymore. All he could think about, all he could focus on, were her hands on his, and the way she looked at him with those beautiful eyes. He was too caught in the moment, almost forgetting his job.
Y/N turns her head around to look whats happening around them. Clearly bored from the atmosphere and the conversation yet she had to play it off. Chamber looks around and sees that some partners were looking at them with awe and admiration, some women with jealousy, and Anette with… jealousy as well. From the way Anette kept looking at her, he was sure his hypothesis were correct. …This might work. He looked at her. I have a plan I think you'll like.
Y/N looks at him confused, but they were partners, even if it was just an act, she had to trust him. Especially when they were on a mission.
Chamber takes a couple steps back, pulling her with him. He moves slowly, seductively, and with grace. He took some steps back, putting some space between the table Anette and Laurent were sitting and him and his partner. He grabbed her by the waist, his arms slowly pulling her in. His eyes never left hers, the same captivating look from before, just a little more intimate.
He started dancing with her on the spot. The music was slow, the atmosphere was right, and the way they kept looking at each other… It was perfect. Y/N turns her head around to look whats happening around them. There was a light romantic melody on the background and some couples were dancing together. They can do a little show before they leave, maybe?
She smirks as she understood what he was planning. She puts her hand on his shoulder as they dance, they were close enough to whisper to each other. She whispers with a smirk. You really put on a show, Mr. Fabron. She teases him with the title. He really knew what he was doing.
He just pulls her closer to him with a smirk, his face looking even more smug than usual. At that moment, his eyes locked on Anette's for a moment. The predatory and arrogant look was still there, but it changed ever so slightly. He was observing Anette's behavior. His hand slowly slides up to the back of her neck. It was so warm, so soft. He leans in closer to her ear, whispering with confidence. Did you enjoy the show, darling?
She couldn't help but chuckle, but She tried her best to keep the smug smile on her face. The music was perfect for this kind of slow dance. It has so far worked, beloved Fabron. She looks around the room, seeing all the eyes on them, all the eyes on the two of them.
He pulls his head back. Just enough to see her face, and just enough for her to see that grin. He slowly drags his fingertips across her face, tracing her mouth and chin, still staring at her. The way she looked at him, the way her eyes locked on his. He couldn't look away. Your body is amazing. He whispers. His lips are very close to hers, but the man decided against the last step… yet he was inches away, his mouth at a perfect distance from hers.
The couple was dancing together. As much as Anette hated it, that much was obvious. But even while she looked at the two of them with jealousy, there was no denying it: they were quite the couple. Anette was clearly starting to question her relationship with Laurent after seeing the way he kept looking at Y/N.
Y/N smirks at him, she knew his intention and whispers. Oh, my husband wants kiss? She chuckles softly. I hope you still remember this all is just an act at the end of the mission. I hope your heart won't break after a pretentious kiss.
He couldn't help but chuckle at her teasing. She was too bold sometimes. Still, he couldn't resist. Still inches away from her lips, he leans closer, his eyes locked on hers. He whispered, loud enough for only her to hear. …I do get to kiss my beautiful wife, right? She chuckles silently. Then… their lips meets in a tender, gentle, slow kiss.
It was everything he expected it to be, and so much more. His eyes lit up when she kissed back, their lips touching for those precious, blissful moments. He pressed his lips against hers, matching the same gentle and slow pace. This kiss was tender and beautiful, an act of pure affection. Even if they had to lie, even if this moment was going to be just for a short instant, the two of them kissed, as passionately as any husband and wife would kiss. But they had a job to do.
Their lips part away after the short kiss. She speaks whispering and teasingly as they walk back to the table. Be grateful my lipstick doesn't come off.
Even though he knew he shouldn't, the grin on his face widened. Somehow the kiss made him feel more confident and smug than usual, and he was completely aware of it. I would have been happy to get it off your face anyway. I wouldn't mind the red lipstick on my face. He gave her a devilish look, enjoying the little fun he was having, if not enjoying the mission itself.
She rolls her eyes and chuckles. It was time to leave, since Anette and Laurent was ready to leave this "businessmen party".
Chamber glances at Laurent and Anette, whose eyes were still on the two of them. Their eyes seemed to give off a different kind of energy now, like the kind of people who just got to the end of the perfect date. Anette seemed more enamored than ever, but Laurent seemed… different. Almost as if he was jealous. Jealous of Chamber for being Y/N's husband. Chamber checks his watch. It was time for them to wrap things up.
Chamber turns and addresses the four of them. We have had a lovely night, wouldnt you agree, chérie?
She smiles at him gently. Thats right, it was a pleasant night, mon mari.
He turns his body ever so slightly towards her, keeping his eyes locked on her. He then raises a hand in the air. A small gesture of leaving the party.
Chamber's gaze suddenly turned towards Laurent, their eyes locked, like if they were trying to outstare eavh other. Laurent looked away first, almost reluctantly. He could barely hide his annoyance, like he had the worst case of jealousy.
Y/N could feel Anette squeeze Laurent's hand, and a soft kiss on his cheek. She whispered something into his ear, and Laurent let a smile creep onto his face as he nodded. He didn't look at Y/N anymore.
We should go. Chamber's smirk returned.
She bows slightly and they both turn towards the exit, arms intertwined. She whispers to him, clearly exhausted and frustrated from everything. Finally.
He gave her a charming smile. Their mission was successful, and she did a great job being his wife for that period of time. His eyes fell on her lips, as if there was something to say but he chose not to say it. He held on a little more strongly to her arm. He just enjoyed the intimacy of being with her, like the most devoted husbands might do.
I feel like we should celebrate our success somehow. He smirks, looking like he had a few ideas on his mind.
I want to celebrate it by taking my shoes off and jumping in my bed for a good night's sleep. She speaks clearly irritated by the party, act and Laurent's flirting.
He cant help but chuckle and look at her sideways, rolling his eyes. He smirks at her playfully, still clearly trying to look like the most loving husband. I think i have the perfect remedy for that... He leans in closer. In the meantime, can my wife walk next to me, arm in arm, with a smile in that gorgeous face of hers? He looks at you with more than just a hint of affection.
She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Chamber opens the door for her, she slumps on the passenger seat. He gets in driver's seat. Lets just end this mission. And since we are done with pretending to be a happy married couple... She takes the ring out of her finger and puts it on the cup holder of the car.
If his eyes could go any wider, they would. His smile disappeared from his face, and was replaced by confusion. His reaction wasnt due to pain or sadness, it was due to the sudden change in tone. His confident, happy-go-lucky expression turned into a look of surprise... followed by something.
She could feel that something in his eyes. It was like a tiny flicker, but she saw it. He couldnt help but look surprised... and disappointed. He turned his gaze away. ...Of course. He starts the car.
She stares at the road in silence whole time back to the quarters. All the act, all the pose of married couple ended. She had told him in the first place, after this ends, everything will be over. Now everything ended, and they were going back to how they were.
Chamber kept driving. The radio was off, the windows slightly open, with a beautiful night and a clear sky outside. The silence was awkward, to say the least. His eyes were focused on the road, while his hand gripped tightly to the steering wheel. His face was emotionless, while his eyes were filled with regret. In such an odd way, even though the act was a lie, he felt hurt. Because of his role, because of who the target was, and because of her.
As he parks his car on the parking lot of headquarters, she had fallen asleep on the passenger seat on their way back after all the tiredness of the mission washed over her.
He opened the door and saw her asleep. His eyes looked down at her, her face so peacefully serene as she slept. He gave a small smile. He was proud at how well she managed to act for most of the time. He wasn't proud of something else, though. He got the ring from cup holder and put it on his jacket's pocket.
He gently picked her up so that she wouldn't wake up. With his arm under her legs and the other supporting her back, he walked to her room to lay her down. The way he walked and his face said: "I just want to take care of you."
He placed her on the bed, her body looking like a sleeping angel. He then sat down on the edge of the bed, watching her sleep as he stroked her hair with extreme tenderness. His face was still expressionless, but his eyes gave the expression away. The look of... Love. He loved her. But that feeling would have to wait. He looked at the ring on the coffee table. He had to keep telling himself he had a job to do.
He placed her down carefully. He pulled the blanket up to my chin and he took off her shoes for her, placing them on the side of the bed. He then turns the light off, but he just stands there. Still no words, nor any hint of movement. He is just watching over her as she sleeps. Making sure she is comfortable. Making sure she is okay. Doing what a husband would do for their partner. It was an affectionate yet sad sight, if one could call it that. He had placed the ring she took off to the table on the bedside. She was still sleeping, her hair draped over the pillow, the blanket over her.
Chamber looks at her. He sees the beautiful and fragile features of her face, and the way she sleeps peacefully and serenely. He couldn't help but place a soft, tender kiss on her forehead. He lingered for a second, letting his lips linger, but he knew time was of the essence. He walked out, turning off the lights behind him, leaving her room pitch black.
On his way to his room, he turns towards her door once more. His chest filled with conflicted emotions, he turns away and enters his quarters, leaving her to rest. The mission was over, but his heart remained undecided.
He enters his own room. He sits down on his bed, looking at the bed beside his own. His face has an expression she've never seen, an expression that he had never expected. He was thinking about her. About the one woman who had the power to change his life. The one woman who made him feel both warm and cold. The one woman who made him feel so much affection and love at the same time. The one woman who could break his heart.
He throws himself on his bed to lay down. As if he was too annoyed with himself. Too much work, too much acting. His head spun with emotions. The mission was over. So why did his heart feel like a trainwreck?
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Sorry if this sucks with too much explanation and lacking conversation and mission scenes/action. I had hard time to write something good and it was hard to type with burnt wrist so it took longer than intended. I hope this meets with your expectations.
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radbeetle · 5 months
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working on more outfit conversions... getting out of the Brain SlogTM with what i thought would be an easy go but this one is old enough that it does the thing where it just alphas out chunks of outfits instead of deleting meshes so i am. deleting large unused chunks of mesh and let me tell you it is bringing the sizes of these mesh files down by over 50% in many cases.
nif files arent that big anyway but it does mean that the mod with both genders included from me may not actually be bigger in file size than the original lol
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megamind2010 · 8 months
standing outside your window knocking on the glass hard as fuck hand bleeding
3, 5, 12, 18, 19, 21, 33, 35 for my buddy nell bishop obvi
hello bitch (oc ask meme)
3. weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon? And here it becomes obvious that ive thought way more about nells personal life than their job as a superhero LMFAO i really like the weapon ideas shayan came up with… the ladybug shield and the little throwing stars (circles) i also think of her with some kind of derivative of the bb gun… something cute and nonlethal. most of her weaponry was developed with/by ted which explains a lot. similarly to ted she generally fights hand to hand but she probably has a few gadgets in her belt. maybe a ladybug taser
5. how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics? nell wears the same outfit to work every day (slacks, button down, sweatervest, tie, fingerless gloves, converse) because they found a comfortable outfit ten years ago. they tend to wear the same kind of thing casually as well… the gloves are a sensory thing so they tend to wear them pretty much whenever they arent asleep or showering lol but overall their entire wardrobe is extremely samey because i mean. He knows what he likes if it aint broke why fix it
12. how long have they been around? do you know their birthday? is their birthday the day you made them or another day? what do they think of celebrating birthdays? ……… I DONT REMEMBER? i think i came up with the first inklings pretty soon after colleen doran posted the original unused ladybug and blue beetle illustration which wassssssssss february 2023…? NOT EVEN A YEAR AGO? but i didnt start really developing them in earnest for a while after that I GENUINELY DONT KNOW i feel like theyve been around forever. if i made their birthday the day i "made" them it would have been too close to my birthday which felt weirdly indulgent so i made their canon birthday january 2nd :-) she doesnt tend to tell other people when her birthday is but isnt like Secretive about it, she just isnt a fan of huge displays
18. their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing? lying is fine if its for a reason or if its funny. in general her morals are in the service of preventing harm so stealing in the abstract is kind of neutral. not a fan of killing! you might ask then why she lives with casey, an attempted murderer. well you see 1. she didnt actually manage to do it 2. it was kind of funny
19. are they quick to anger? what sets them off? its very easy to annoy them step 1 be casey step 2 profit LMAO like with most of their emotions nell doesnt really externalise anger very obviously until it reaches a crisis point… many things that anger them! a big one is having her abilities/independence questioned… deliberately obnoxious behaviour… mouth sounds
21. their favorite place to be? he really does like his workplace… he likes being at home. being by himself in a dark quiet place is top tier
33. if applicable, how would your other characters describe them? i mean specifically the people around them. erm well not all of them are my characters but the people in her life casey: (under her breath) boring judgemental bitch (out loud) SAVE ME LADYBUG ted: she's a real bright spark :D booster: difficult to read michelle: really cool… but kind of frustrating at times! her dad: incredibly driven… just like his mother alex (middle brother): they work really hard even when people dont notice seb (youngest brother): SO COOL
35. do they ever return home? not very often. their family moved out of their childhood home after nell left so it's strange to go back to somewhere they didnt grow up
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omoi-no-hoka · 3 years
Hey! So my friend and i were having a conversation. And i wonder if you could answer a question of give me your thoughts on it? Would wearing a kimono to cosplay an anime character be cultural appropriation? And is it cultural appropriation to wear one just generally?
Thanks for your ask! Great question!
Full disclaimer: I'm just a white girl living in Japan. I'm not Japanese.
But here are my own personal experiences and what Japanese people have told me about their views on this subject.
1. I have worn kimono and yukata for fun. My host mom is one of the rare Japanese people that knows how to put on a kimono still, and she dresses me up in hers sometimes. We'll go for walks around town in them and it's great fun.
2. While out and about in kimono, many Japanese people stop us to talk to me. They are overwhelmingly positive about a foreigner wearing a kimono. The average Japanese person, in my experience, is elated that foreigners are taking interest in Japanese culture. I have never received a disparaging comment.
3. In Kyoto and other big tourist cities, there are a lot of kimono rental services. To the best of my knowledge, Japanese people do not look down on this. Again, they're really happy that strangers are taking interest in Japanese culture.
So what might upset a Japanese person about a foreigner wearing kimono?
Well, if you're cosplaying an anime character and that anime character wears a kimono, I personally don't think that falls under cultural appropriation. Again, I'm just a white girl, though. So if a Japanese person presents a different opinion, I will defer to it.
What I might consider cultural appropriation during cosplay is if, for example, you cosplay a character who wears a traditional kimono like Nezuko here:
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But instead, you change up her kimono to look something like, idk, this:
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DONT. DONT DO IT. JUST DONT. EVERYTHING possible is wrong about this. (Btw, this is what I got when I googled "kimono costume.") What is up with those sleeves? Why does the top look like a Chinese garment? THOSE SHOES ARENT JAPANESE EITHER. Your hips shouldn't be accentuated; your torso should be as straight as possible--that's why the obi and underlayers are thick.
This is a misrepresentation of the kimono, one of the symbols of Japanese culture that Japanese people hold highest. If you're going to wear a kimono, be respectful of the garment. Learn about the proper way to wear them. Do not rely solely on what anime characters wear. Research and wear it as it is intended.
Again, I am not Japanese so I am certainly not the most accredited source, but this is my opinion as someone who has lived in Japan for several years and greatly respects the culture.
EDIT: I made the mistake of looking at Google images for “kimono costume” and im so mad. Let me give you some quick “NEVER DO THIS EVER”s
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The right side is folded over the top in FUNERALS. Only the dead wear kimono with the right side over the top. 
Is this why this woman’s face is glistening and white? Is she trying to imitate a corpse? If so, good job, this is accurate
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This is called a “Classic Japan Kimono Costume” which 
This is so insulting I don’t even know where to begin. We’ve got the right over the left. This woman is dead. 
The shoulders should never be revealed.
If you wear this, I will show up at your door with a goddamn bamboo sword and beat you
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This one is called “Sexy Japan Costume.”
I’m fairly certain this was made by one of those people that think China and Japan are the same place. I... I don’t even know where to begin. 
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good, except for the fact that SHE IS DEAD
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I mean, damn, that’s a nice leg. But NO. The kimono is not meant to be a revealing outfit. This is insulting. and wtf is that tin foil obi.
Okay, sorry. I’m done triggering myself.
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strawberryjmilk · 3 years
Can you do a jisung imagine where the reader is like a yt gamer and uses a fake screen name to just play games and ends up meeting jisung and maybe like the first time they meet in person is when the reader is having like an anxiety attack or something. YOUR WRITING IS SO GOOD
this has taken way too long and probably isnt in the format you want it to be, or proper plot BUT! i have many. thoughts.
WARNING - depictions of claustrophobia and a panic attack!
picture this: you are a streamer who goes by the name of cherry
“no, not because i keep eating candy on stream! shut up, all of you.”
a faceless streamer - one who still gained the hearts of many people easily
cherry was everything you weren’t  - outspoken, outgoing, confident. everything you yearned for and ached to be
but y/n was your safety shell - the way you’d grown up and looked after yourself and talked yourself down from anxiety
your fans understood that, and allowed you the privacy and safety of shutting away as y/n when you needed to
‘breaks are allowed, cherry!’ ‘take a breather, bestie, we’ll be here.’
they were so understanding and warm - especially the one who called themselves ‘ji’
‘a nickname,’ they messaged you one day. ‘like yours, i guess. ji is who the public sees, sometimes.’
that made you feel better - you weren’t the only one who hid behind a name and facade 
anyways - the name cherry!
it was because, “everyone looks good in the color red. have you seen the kpop idols who wear it? they all look phenomenal!”
naturally, that had everyone in your chat section blabbering about kpop
you shouldn’t have said anything bestie-
“everyone is yelling at me to go watch- what’s that say? back door? that better not be slang for anything!”
“just by looking at the thumbnail, i know we’re going to be having a swell time, friends.”
‘who’s your favorite?’ “i haven’t even started the video-”
‘PLAY THE VIDEO BESTIE’ “okay, geez, why are you yelling?”
30 seconds into the music video, you paused it. you simply stared, before glancing at your chat with your hands folded in front of you
“i’ve made a grand mistake, friends.” you took a deep breath, looking at the music video again before shaking your head. “who is that? their name? age? zodiac sign? coffee order?”
thus began your stray kids journey - more specifically, your han jisung journey
‘hes so pretty’ you’d told ji. it wasnt unusual for you to talk to fans - cherry made friends with them easily. y/n, however, felt like you were crossing boundaries 
but, you never went further than a conversation or two
meeting up with anyone was out of the question
except for them - ji
they mentioned it constantly, meeting up. and you never said no
the option was always on the table
when you mentioned kpop, though, it took ji a while to respond
only then, too - even if you had a timezone issue, ji responded quickly
‘im going to meet them, one day’
‘ill see you then, cherry’
that day came sooner than you were comfortable with
you bit your lip, looking over the red sweater you’d pulled over your head. on brand, you were carrying a cherry-themed bag with you
stray kids were going to kcon - and so were you
you let out a breath at the crowd - for some reason, you weren’t expecting this many people to show up
another body bumped into you and that seemed to be your ending point - the one thing that sent you spiraling
hunched over with your hands on your knees, you couldn’t see or hear anything else
your breathing was heavy and faltering at the same time - heart stopping and speeding up with its own mind
“-okay?” someone was talking to you. you heaved in another breath, opening your eyes. you didn’t even know you closed them. “can you hear me?”
“i can see that.” they paused, and you could hear them conversing with someone else. “can i help you move to a wall? it’s away from the crowd.”
you nodded and suddenly you were stable, back against a wall that you slid down until your butt hit the floor
you let out a breath, “those suck.”
as soon as you opened your eyes, you snapped them shut again. “that’s embarrassing, please tell me im dreaming.”
“sorry, you’re not.” chan said - bang chan had moved you away from a crowd as you panicked
you let out a groan, sliding further down the wall
“don’t be embarrassed, please,” chan said. he sat beside you, eyes roaming around the crowd, “im just glad you’re okay now.”
“yeah, thanks for that.”
“oh, you’re okay!”
as if your life couldn’t get any worse, han jisung was stood in front of you now
he held a bottle of water out to you with a smile. “figured you needed this.”
“jisung’s the one who spotted you.”
“god, this is humiliating.”
that caused both boys to chuckle as you sipped at the water slowly
jisung was now sat to your left
and then he caught sight of your outfit - and your bag
but that wouldve been too coincidental, right?
“cherry?” it was a mumble, but you heard it
“yeah?” you weren’t supposed to answer 
jisungs eyes widened - “wait, really?”
“really what?”
his eyes narrowed now and you busied yourself by finishing off your water, looking anywhere but at him
your phone dinged - a perfect distraction
it was ji - ‘you arent very good at hiding your identity.’
that made you tilt your head
‘i mean, the cherry themed outfit really gives you away’
you gulped - ji was here? and could see you??
‘to your left, idiot’
you turned to see jisung pocket his phone, staring at you with a grin
“i wish this was a nightmare.”
“now thats just rude cherry.”
“whatever you say, ji.”
kcon was a lot more exhausting than you thought itd be
but you went home with a smile and a new contact in your phone
thank you for requesting! decided to try out a new way of writing - its a lot quicker so tell me how you like it! thank you for reading, ♡
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
How would skz as types of drivers for you? [Dón't think bad] -🐤🐾🐺
aight lego-
he's like,,, very confident behind the wheel
like he knows how to drive in a good pace whilst also being a respectful driver
omg always always always waves at old people to cross the road with a smile
always stops for everyone
the amount of wunderbaum in this mans car is phenomenal
why do i see him being annoyed at the prices of a car?
like the insurance and parking and the inspections
he acts like a dad of 4 whenever he has to like pack his car for a trip
he's a classy dilf basically
omg please why can i see him driving a volvo sooooo fucking clearly
yes daddy, run me over with your family car <33
this car EX-PEN-SIVE
he aint being caught dead in a cheap fucking honda
he isnt like agressive but definitely annoyed
he sighs loudly whenever someone cuts infront of him or just yells
every time one of the cats are every hurt or need to go to the vet he makes sure that they have like little seats and their leashes on even if they fucking hate it
no fucking plastic cat cages in his car
why does he swerve so fucking much? like alright,,, we see you but drive me and stop playing around
he doesnt drive an automatic because he cant drive a manual but because an automatic car is a lifestyle <33
he only drives white or black cars
also hates driving other peoples cars because they are "dirty"
as if he cleans his own car pfffft
why he so violent
just the actual manifestation of road rage
every time he drives its like you sit beside lucifers son-
just swearword after swearword
sir please stop honking
always has rolled down windows and like one arm resting on the door, one hand on the wheel yaknow ;))
and he wears like sunglasses too AHSHAHS PLEASE STOP PLAYING COOL MISTER
why does he have a old ass pet bottle with water in his trunk along with like silvertape?
does it like once in a blue moon
omg he definitely has like the black out window thingies on his car
i mean for reasons i dont need to mention~~
i just know that he has like a pink fur thingy on his wheel or like a shiny decal thingy-
checks himself out in the rearview mirror way too many times
might or might not be an actual danger in trafic since he will scroll on his phone or like fix his hair-
the best bops tho, hand him the aux cable he knows whats up
i just think that he has decals all over his fucking car and OH GOD you know those dice that can hang from the inner rearview mirror?? peak whore culture but i love it <33
he loves giving you rides, picks up all his friends
legit "get in, we're going shopping"
man why does he have so many coins in the cup holder along with empty energy drink cans?
ok we get it caffeine addict <33
honestly i dont know,,, he's easily scared and kinda skittish so i feel like that wouldnt translate into him being the best driver
but thats because he's actually scared LMAO
how the fuck did he pass his driving test??
"wait,,, i think i poured the windscreen washer fluid into the wrong pipe"
his fridge is just full of speeding tickets or tickets for like wrong parking
i will not be surprised if his car just gets towed one day
angrily talking and yelling over the phone about him forgetting to pay his ticket
that fucking GPS is his bestie
its impossible to count how many times he's gotten lost and been very late to an important thing
why does he suck at parking
always leaves his keycars on the table with a sly smirk just to flex what kind of car he's driving
omg the amount of like,,, stories and shit whenever he buys a car LMAO
why does he have every flavour gum in his car?
and please dont open the glove compartment,,,,its home for countless amounts of more gum
oh its adorable how he likes driving to the beach with his friends or like drive to get boba or smth
also just driving around with his partner during the late hours, seeing all the buildings and their lights
maybe or maybe not make out on the hood of his car idk
he has like a stuffed animal in his trunk or smth as a mascot or in the backseat
a very calm driver
being completely honest i think he prefers like,,, biking or walking
will start some conversation about how driving is bad for the environment and how he feels good about not contributing to that
good luck trying to find a place to charge it
it even smells good yall
like riding in his car is a fucking experience, 10/10 uber driver
he will like hand out the aux cord
he's just a simple soul when it comes to driving <33
mans just scared
lives with the scary thought that cars can explode because he saw it in a movie
he cannot drive with other people in the car
i just see the others pressuring him into driving whenever they are going on a trip and him just freaking out, dolphin scream behind the wheel
i mean his driving is,,, rather unstable but he's surprisingly good at locating places
he dreams of like being able to go on late night drives but he gets too scared because what if its too dark and he accidentally runs something over
nah thats actually his worth nightmare ; running over an animal
drive through king <33
he loves drive throughs LMAO BECAUSE ITS FOOD AND DUH he's worth it after almost risking his life on the road
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rottenhumangarbage · 2 years
i want to post on social media, feel confident, follow harmless trends and have fun. but im just /not enough/. ill make tiktoks "when my skin is clear" "when im skinny" "when the scars fade" "when my skin condition calms down" "when i can do nice makeup" "when i have fingernails which arent destroyed all the way down to the cuticles".
im insecure about every part of my body. my jaw. chest. stomach. shoulders. hips. skin. acne. scars. hair. slight eyebags but not in a hot way. the way my mouth moves when i talk, when i chew, when i breathe. my teeth. my fingernails. the way i can never put the right outfit together, that so many colours just dont suit me. how i want my bone structure to be more feminine - no - actually more masculine... no... more feminine... or more masculine, or more feminine or..?
it doesnt matter anyway. ill always be perceived the way i dont want to be. i can never hold a conversation. im unpopular. im disgusted about every single part of myself inside and out, every inch of my skin, every braincell that was just formed wrong.
i just want to be one of those pretty alt girls you see on tiktok, because no matter how many filters i put, i still look disgusting.
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ultrastellara · 4 years
hi i saw that you were taking requests if you aren’t anymore feel free to ignore this!! if you are then can i get a kirishima x bakugou’s sister how would bakugou react thanks and i hope you have a great day!! :)
sorry for my lateness but pls dont worry, i love getting requests! and enjoy the scenario that you wanted , lovely!
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kirishima x bakugou's sister reader
fluff , cuteness, & friends to lovers <3
the beginning
i think being bakugou's sister isnt that easy
bakugou wouldnt be the type of sibling to hand you the toy that you desperately wanted
he also seems the type to also make you jealous because of his grades or brag about how his quirk is way more awesome than yours
mistuki and masaru were grateful that they were able to have a daughter, so you were mostly the spoiled child out of the family
you werent snotty or arrogant because bakugou took over that job for you
between you and bakugou, you shared a two year difference
you were the kinder sibling, the one who would give the toy to bakugou
you were also the one who would give your money to bakugou if he forgot his lunch money
now when it he attended UA, you were attending middle school still
you acknowledged that bakugou was childhood friends with midoriya
you remembered all the play dates they had and the moments they shared over all might
you would always try to come into their conversations, trying to make friends with midoriya
midoriya wouldnt talk back much but when he tried to, bakugou would tell you to go away
bakugou really hated the fact that you would tried to be his friend
so he would purposely give excuses or things for you to do or go with
you didnt know he hated the idea with you hanging out with his own best friend
but he simply hated it, because he found you " annoying "
as bakugou attended UA, he would always or sometimes bring home his best friend kirishima
now let me tell you that, kirishima wasnt exactly like midoriya
kirishima would cut bakugou off if he tried telling you to go back to your room
but you just wanted to make friends that's all
kirishima wasnt the type to ignore what you wanted to say
he would actually listen to you and chat with you
" so are you also a fan of all might, kirishima ?" you asked
" hmm not really but crimson riot is my favorite hero!" he said cheerfully
bakugou would always leave the room whenever you two talked
the only time where you didnt talk to kirishima was when bakugou and him would have study sessions in his room
you would stop by once in a while to give them food or drinks
sometimes you'll chat with kirishima but very minimal
you respected him and he respected you too
on days where him and bakugou arent studying they're probably playing games
now during those times you would always stay in bakugou's room just to talk to kirishima about the things you learned in school that day
did bakugou get irritated? yeah
but he wouldnt bother you and kirishima, since he felt okay with you hanging out with his best friend
during their game sessions , you would always be next to kirishima watching him as he played the game
your eyes would be focused on the screen, however once in a while you would look at kirishima and admire his face
you thought no one in the room would notice this small habit
until you caught bakugou giving you a disgusted look
the look of ' stop looking at him you're being so fucking weird '
you would always give him back a happy smile to just piss bakugou off but you didnt stop this habit after that encounter
ever since that encounter of just looking at kirishima, you slowly started to want to see him everyday
it didnt scare or catch bakugou off guard because he only viewed you and kirishima as friends too
kirishima never saw you annoying or stupid like how bakugou did
" hey katsuki, is kirishima coming today?" you ask as you're standing near his doorway
" yeah, what about it dumbie?" he would annoyingly reply
" oh nothing just asking that's all " you would run off to your room and waited for kirishima
the middle
bakugou would be hella honest to kirishima about how you are as his sister
honestly kirishima did see you like the way bakugou did
annoying, clingy, and stupid
until the first day he was able to meet you and get to know you as bakugou's sister
boy was bakugou wrong about you
you werent all the things bakugou had told him, he found you fun and kind
you were fun to talk to about heroes you both admired
your kindness when you would always bring him and bakugou their snack and drinks
those traits of you really did catch him off guard
as he got to learn more about you, he found more things he slowly wished he could spend more time with
your beauty was one of them, you had a bright smile whenever you said hello to him
that cheerful laugh and your adorable blush whenever kirishima would compliment about the outfit you had that day
slowly as time passed, he was finding you more as a person than just the title ' bakugou's sister '
as it hit his third year at being UA, you started to attend UA like your brother
he would usually see you hanging out with your friends in the hallways
it was your first year at UA, you werent like the girl that kirishima knew years ago
you still had that smile and laugh but your personality had expanded beautifully
you would hang out with the bakusquad sometimes
you still had cling onto kirishima talking to him like you usually would
you and kirishima have grown closer and could be best friends too
bakugou didnt really care for you hanging out with kirishima since he realized that no matter what he could do you would always find your ways to the shark boy
your friends at UA were suspicious when you told them that you were friends with kirishima
countless times you would always drag your friend over to you while you would follow around your brother and kirishima
they would hear and see the conversations and many interactions that you and kirishima had
they did think that your bond with him was adorable since he was your upperclassman until later on in the year
they wanted to tell you what they had thought of you and him because let's be real, they were sorta tired of this obliviousness between you and kirishima
" you know y/n, you and kirishima seem pretty close to be best friends" your friend said
" yeah i mean i known him since i was in middle school" you stated
your friend gave you a curious look with a head tilt
" what i meant was that im started to think you might have feelings for him. i know you both dont flirt openly but just the way that he looks at you, it seems like hes giving you the look of ' hey youre cute and maybe you and i could be closer than before "they stated
now that changed your view of kirishima
let's just say your friend mightve been right about you and kirishima
the next following week, whenever you had seen him in the hallways or even just think of kirishima
your heart would always beat rapidly
your cheeks were usually flushed with pink and bits of red
you were always all over the place with the conversations you had with him
things were slowly changing of how you looked at him
you never thought of liking him because you didnt see him as a person for you to end up with
you had an ideal type but
i think your ideal type was the definition of kirishima written all over it
kirishima noticed your small changes in how you talked to him but he didn't think of your blushing too much
he understood that you were going through puberty so maybe it was just a normal thing for girls to do with guys
it wasnt until he heard your friend talking to you about kirishima
" im not sure, i feel like me liking or possibly liking kirishima... i think maybe it wont work out.." your voice was spoken softly
" maybe but you never know until you try. i get that he is a upperclassman and that many girls could be after him but he is your brother's best friend and your best friend too. if you really like him, i think you should go for it. unless hes taken but seeing the times hes been hanging out with you i doubt he has a partner" he heard them saying.
she likes me ? he thought to himself with red hues coming onto his cheeks
he felt bad for dropping in to hear your conversation about him but he couldnt help himself but think more of this
he knew that you were younger than him but he never saw you in a sisterly way
he always looked at you as a person or more specifically a woman
he didnt mind thinking of you liking him however the only part of him that got him wanting to stop having you on his mind was that
how would it work out ?
and how would bakugou react?
he really wanted to talk to you about it but seeing how uncertain you were about these feelings for him, he decided to try to get your attention and see that he too, had possible feelings for you
the pining
ever since he heard that conversation between you and your friend
he would subtlety leave you small hints
sometimes he would ask if he could take your backpack and hold it for you
during the study sessions between him and bakugou, whenever you would come into their dorm room ( with mr aizawa's permission ) he would ask if he could lean against your shoulder when he would get tired from the countless hours of studying
you would always say yes to his offers
you said yes to it because one, you were having crazy feelings for him but two, you thought it was really sweet of him to ask you for these things
you never had any other guy to ask you these offers, kirishima was the first one
as these small interactions started to happen, you caught yourself hearing a conversation between kirishima and bakugou
" you like my sister ?" bakugou asked.
" uhh...what made you think that?" kirishima nervously asked.
you were hiding from the corner away from the hallway where your brother and kirishima stood.
" oi, shitty hair its fucking obvious" he states.
" haha...how did you know ?" Kirishima nervously replied with a fear of look on his face.
" come on you and my sister, i see the way you look at her and the interactions you have with her. i mean im fine with you to date her but shitty hair, if you hurt her feelings or hurt her in anyway i will blast you " bakugou leans in closely to kirishima, giving him a glare.
" so uh most importantly you're okay with me wanting to date your sister ?"
" yeah as long you treat her right shitty hair"
after that conversation with bakugou and kirishima, your face was really red
the confession
kirishima's confession to you was simple
he wanted to tell you when you and him had some alone time away from anyone else
" hey can i talk to you, y/n?" kirishima asks you.
" sure kiri!" you reply back.
kirishima leads you to the hallways where nobody was seen. his face was slowly becoming dark red and he was fidgeting with his hands.
he was nervous. you started to get sorta suspicious of him acting like this but you couldnt jump to conclusions until you heard what he had to tell you.
" you know , im not sure if you know but i wanted to tell you that i think i been liking yo-"
" i know, kiri. " you truthfully told him.
" you know what?" he asks.
" i know you like me" you smiled at him with a chuckle, " it's cute but i accidentally heard you talking to katsuki about me. i apologize for walking in to hear that but-"
you were caught off guard because the next thing you saw that was coming at you. you felt a warm hug and kiss on your forehead by him. you didn't realize he was holding you this close and had kissed you on the forehead. however your cheeks were speaking what your mouth couldn't produce.
" no please y/n, im glad you found out by then. i actually had overheard a conversation between you and your friend about me" he was looking at you with his eyes focused on your eyes," it was cute. really really cute. but since we know how we feel about each other. ill wait for you after i graduate" he states.
your eyes soften as you heard the word 'wait'. you never had experience anything like this especially finding yourself waiting for your brother's best friend to date you after you graduate UA.
" you'll wait for me? are you sure about that, kiri?" you asked him, your hands were softly caressing his cheeks.
"of course. i mean i dont think i want to give myself away to anyone else but you, y/n" he give a reassuring smile before kissing your forehead again.
" let's wait for each other okay?" he hands his pinky finger for you. you take your pinky finger out, both creating a pinky promise.
the dating and reaction of bakugou
after you graduated and became a pro hero like kirishima and your brother, bakugou
you were happily dating the hardening hero, ejiro kirishima
you both had time for each other on the weekends
movie nights would happen, cuddling sessions and sometimes even cooking sessions too
your hands were always held against his and kissed by him too
you were there for him whenever he had insecurities of his quirk
and he was there for you to lean onto when you had moments of your own insecurities too
but you both balanced each other out
your first kiss with him was shared on your half way mark to your first anniversary of dating
then by the full year mark, you both had kissed so much
you often wore his clothes and shared the things you learned from your online classes
he shared his memories at work with his agency and
it felt like the memories you and him shared when you were in middle school
now bakugou, when he first saw you both together once as a couple
as a couple i said not as " friends "
let's say that he was utterly disgusted when he saw his best friend running over to you, kissing you on the forehead
"DISGUSTING! THATS SO FUCKING GROSS JESUS CHRIST !" he had to walk away from the both of you.
he was happy for you and happy for his best friend
but mostly for you, because
he was your older brother and you were his sister but
he didnt ever want to see you hurt from his best friend
sure he bullied you and was a little brat towards you but only he could make you try or feel hurt
if it was someone else like kirishima, he would be hella disappointed in him but also would feel shitty about himself
he doesn't like admiting he cares for you and wants to protect you
but if he can protect you from a far or tell you something to prevent you from getting hurt
that's all he cared for
because from the day he saw you looking at kirishima, he knew that you had to be with his best fiend than anyone else
besides he was ok with you being next to kirishima in the past
and now hes relieved that someday his best friend will be marrying his baby sister
that's all he could care for
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kuroosdumbslut · 4 years
Relationship HCs for more BNHA Bois
yall hve late night talks where you lay in bed and just quietly talk about your day or anything really
usually you both end up falling asleep facing each other and by morning, sero’s on his back while youre snuggled into his side, an arm thrown over his stomach with one of his arms thrown over your waist
its a game of rock paper scissors to see who will make breakfast (funfact, sero intentionally loses so he can be sweet and bring you breakfast🥺)
GAMING NIGHTS where you got the console all set up with snacks and drinks and maybe a pizza on the kitchen counter
for the single player games or when you dont really wanna play and just watch, you get to sit in his lap while he games
OH MY GOD IF HES ON CALL WITH THE BAKUSQUAD: seros chatting with the squad while youre watching him play, silently munching on some snacks, when sero says “hold on guys i gotta pause real quick” and then he asks you, whichout putting himself on mute, if he could get up to go to the bathroom. you say “of course” and move off his lap, only to heal Kaminari scream into his mic about how he wants a cute partner to game with while bakugous cussing his out telling him to shut up lmao
late night trips to the store when you both cant sleep
youre walking up and down the aisles with sero, stopping to look through the snacks and drinks section. while youve semi zoned out, he comes up behind you and holds you. you stay like that a moment before you both pick your snacks and maybe some other small things that you need to get anyways and go home
hes a very cuddly boy and he isnt afraid to lightly tease you a bit
i know this isnt original, but hes a dork and 1000% will want to recreate the spiderman kiss: hes taped upside down from the ceiling, dangling in front of you and you smile, coming up closer to him and pressing your lips to his. when you both pull back, hes red in the face, both from being upside down and from the kiss, and youre cheeks are a little pink, but you both have huge smiles on your faces.
bakusquad meets you pretty early on id say and immediately, they all were like: “sero i swear if you hurt them-” so needless to say you are now apart of the Squad™️ and they would all kill for you
when yall invite a couple or all of the squad over, the nights always end in hysterics: kaminari probably short circuited at one point, baku is being baku, kirishimas calming him down while having a laughing fit
its chaos but its so much fun
some days when sero comes home from work as a pro hero, hes exhausted and kind of down: when the door to your shared home shut, you were up and going to greet your man, but stopped short seeing him look so...frustrated and upset. you offered a silent invitation for a hug, to which he accepted, and while hugging, you pressed dozens of little kisses all over his face and once you finally settled your lips to his, he had a small smile on his lips
he probably proposes to you in a really sweet location, like at one of your very first date spots or at a date where you both still talk about how amazing that date was.
will introduce you to the squad immediately lmao
hes super sweet, he will get up early (hes used to it from baku dragging him out of bed to train) and make you breakfast, meal preps a lunch for the both of you, and starts to plan dinner when you get up from the lack of warmth he provides
hypes you tf up any time you try on new outfits, are trying to get some tedious project done, or if youre just feeling down
takes you on super fun and cute dates like: one of your first dates was going to the roller rink, and oh my god it was so fun! yall would win little tickets when they had games and if you needed a break from skating, you roll off with him to the snack bar area. you both got a thing of nachos and icees. you sat at one of the many tables and proceeded to eat, chatting and laughing over anything and everything. its still one of your favorite date memories
he games as well with the squad and he also lets you sit on his lap, but the difference is, he announces that youve made his lap your seat and for the squad to be “on their best behavior” to which bakugou immediately told him to stfu lmao
youve fallen asleep on him while he was gaming and when he notices that, he will quietly say that he has to get off and says good night to the squad. he will carry you into your shared bedroom and get you comfy in bed before going off to get dressed for bed himself. hes probably brushing his teeth when he feels you wrap your arms around his waist and bury your head in his back
hes so fucking weak for you 🥺
early morning yall have these little talks (if you arent too exhausted): the sun shines through the curtains and onto your faces, waking you both. “morning baby” kirishima says. you smile and give him a little peck. for a loment, you both stay silent, just gently caressing and cuddling each other before one of you starts the sleepy conversation of whats on the agenda for the day. as you both chat, the sleep slowly ebbing away, you lean in and give him a proper good morning kiss, laughing when he returned the affection by pressing hilariously sloppy kisses to your face and neck
there are times where his job really has him down. one of the sadder times he cane home was when he had lost a member of his team. he demanded his whole agency to take at least a week off to grieve and do what they have to. that day, he came in quiet as a mouse and the moment you saw him, you knew it wasnt a good day. as soon as you hugged him close, he started sobbing. yeah, hes a pro hero and yeah he has to deal with death a lot, but that doesnt make it easier to deal with. youre glad he took a week off and you all spent that week relaxing and, for him especially, just letting whatever emotion come over you happen.
after one of those tough days at work, he had come home both incredibly stressed out and grateful. on a mission, he had to call in backup from Bakugous agency and nearly escaped from, maybe not death, but a blow that could have landed him in the hospital for a pretty long time. he came home, minor cuts and brusies all over him, and while you were fretting over him and cleaning all the wounds, he proposed in near hysterics. he had genuinely feared for his life and if he was going to keep this job up, he wanted you as his forever partner
at any given time when you both have freetime, youre cuddling
one of you is making dinner? the other is behind them hugging and holding each other
bedtime? you fall asleep entangled
i feel like he would work for Aizawa for a while before he gets the urge to start his own agency, and when he does make his own agency, you help him celebrate it by getting his a kitten. he came home and one of the first things that greets him is this little tabby puffball waddling towards him. he’d look up at you and you smile. “congratulations on the new agency baby, and on the newest member of our little family”
he looked like he was gonna cry 🥺 hes so soft for you, he loves you so much
will invite both friends and mr.aizawa (and his fam) over for the mini celebration you put together. youre just so proud of him yknow?
date nights every saturday. if one if you gets called in to work, you push the time for your date back, only rescheduling if one of you got injured and had to go to the hospital or if it was a longer call
he proposes to you in a very relaxed and sweet manner: so yall are home and its one of those rare times where you both have the next week off together. he wakes up first and just looks at you while you snooze a little longer, and all he can think about is how absolutely adorable you are. the kitten is curled up at the foot of the bed, the sun is just atarting to come in, and when the sun illuminates you, he swears you are a real angel thats blessed him. when you wake up, the first thing you see if him looking at you like you’re the most beautiful person in the world. when you gave him a soft morning kiss, he finally snapped out of his trance and pulled you closer to him, pressing small kisses to your head before breathing out, in his sleep ridden voice, asking you to marry him.
the rest of that week was spent telling friends and family that you got engaged. he tells aizawa he got engaged and not 10 minutes later, a knock from your front door is heard. aizawa congratulates the both of you and hands the both of you a basket with wine and expensive looking chocolates. while aizawa didnt stay long, you could tell he was both happy and proud of and for the both of you 😭❤️
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celestianstars · 4 years
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eeeh so I imagine in that scenario that little!reader would wear this cute chiffon pink two pieces or sundress with butterflies! i love this style so much it makes me wish it was summer so much 💕💕💕
but basically you have been on your best behavior all week! taken great care of yourself and prioritized your health and found a balance with your work! 💗 been the pretty, well behaved, smart and sweet you stevie has loved since he first saw you and that deserves a reward! 💗
he takes you out on a shopping spree, wearing your cutest outfit and doing your hair all nice and cute getting you in a mood to get spoiled and be cute will doing so 💗💞 getting whatever catches your attention, your little designer bag swings side by side in your grasp you and your daddy keep a distance from the others to uphold the social distancing 💕
you get bags, shoes, outfits and your nails done but then you pass by a specific store that catches your eyes when you and stevie drive by the city in his sleek black car. 💗 the store has you screaming in joy and stevie almost crashes the car but you just respond with your giggles and tell him with a point to the build-a-bear store when he asked you what’s the matter 💖
so of course you larks the car and he takes you to the store, whatever you wanted you got. he was never going to deprive you from what your gianantic heart wanted and you’ve been begging him that you wanted a new stuffie so this was a fortunate upbringing 💓 going into the store he knew from the sight of the bears and other stuffed animals that you wouldnt be going home with just one stuffed animal.
not by the way your giving him those puppy eyes and that pretty pout that melts his heart 💞 so of course he lets you get as many stuffies you wanted, which lead to as many accessories, shoes and clothes for your precious stuffies 💘 your skirt//dresses helm is catching way too many eyes of the dads at the establishment and it takes as much willpower for Steven to snap back to not look at you that way.
for goodness sake they were undressing you with their eyes and your cute bum peaking out through the designer cloth and the view of your cleavage if you were to lean down would be present. 💘 it’s now that Steven begins to notice that the brushes of your ass against his thigh arent accidental and your hands playing with the belt straps of his trousers arent to keep yourself occupied. 💓 you’re purposely doing this as you innocently told the women what you wanted stitched on the heart of the penguin stuffie as what you wanted your stuffed pig to say 💘
Steven of course can’t do anything about it now but as the minutes went by it lead to him carrying the bags of stuffies to the Bentley. driving through the city with his hand at your thigh, gripping the flesh every now and then that would make you stutter or pause from your conversations with him as you two arrived at the lavish apartment complex 💓
no matter how many bags and trips he’s going to take to get your gifts to your separate room and your shared room with him he’s glad that your smiling that glorious shining smile 💖 it’s pure starlight but he has to teach you a few things from teasing him back at the shop 💓
taking the stuffies into your playroom to introduce them to your other stuffies your fortunately isn’t he same outfit you went in since you were out and daddy!stevie takes actions to stand besides you 💓 waiting to devour you as you slip deeper and deeper into your soft space, just inciting him with the devious vixen sparkle in your eyes.
begging him to make you regret pulling that stunt back at the stuffed animal shop 💗💫 ooh sorry if this is too long!!!
Those outfits are to dieeee for oh my goodness! Exactly the kind of style I want! And omg this was amazingggg and no not too long at all don’t worry! 💕🥰
Daddy!Stevie driving you around in his pretty Bentley getting anything and everything you desire? Pleaseee sign me up that sounds like heaven!
And that’s very much a mood, just teasing very subtly and acting all sweet and innocent while practically asking him to make you regret it with that doe look in your eyes 🥺😈
Your separate room for all your little stuff is very much filled after you and Steve get all the bags inside and you introduce your new stuffies and he lets you give him a little show of your designer outfits he got you and the cute shoes you got with them but soon enough he’s got his hands all over you, picking you up to bring you to your shared room bc you’ve been a tease for long enough today!
Besides he wants to reward you in a different way for being such a good girl all week, he’ll let your antics slide a little this time cause he knows you’re probably a bit pent up as well as he is and he just wants to keep that pretty smile on your pretty little face!
Omggg just thinking about him laying you down on your back and getting his mouth on you, kisses everywhere while you hang onto his biceps and wrap your legs around him and the world just vanishes around you cause all you can focus on his your daddy and the soft groans and honey like words he’s whispering against your skin
You just know you’re in for it when he brings up the fact that you were quite the little tease today and you try and hide your smile but can’t because of the knowing look in his eyes and the way his hands are gripping you 🥺
In loveeee with this and he lets you hold onto one of the new stuffies you got while he teases you right back ahh!
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bigbadwolf-16 · 4 years
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OKAY since this is ghost appreciation day i thought id talk about my guardians ghosts since theyre all extremely good and baby, starting with my absolute most darlingest baby girl
serenity, or little red hides-in-wolf’s-hood. she’s wolf-16′s ghost and very femme, very giggly, just kind of has that rambunctious and sassy girl next door personality. her voice is kind of tomboyish and scratchy, like a chronic vocal fry, and it shows a lot when she gets excited or upset. i guess kinda sorta like samantha from the movie her. she’s very sweet and has been the one thing keeping wolf on track and away from going rogue and just kind of abandoning being a guardian when he feels like he cant handle it anymore. even though he takes that duty seriously, it doesnt show until something’s really put the heat on him, and hes already a little wayward and easily distracted by dangerous adventures. she helps him focus, being pretty single-minded herself, and she always knows how to cheer him up when he gets into one of his cynical moods or the pressure of being a system-famous god-killer is a little too much.
(she also somehow manages to keep his mouth under control even though shes the last one to scold somebody for it)
she’s been by his side through six resets, and she has the protocol down to such a science they hardly skipped a beat on the last two, tho the 16th was especially difficult for them both since it immediately followed the lunar incident. her second shell was destroyed by wolf and it scared the hell out of everyone, of course. she doesn’t hold it against him, tho, and if anything its made her More Aware of when he starts showing signs of a potential reset. he’s kind of messy in all aspects, but especially wrt mental health bc he just does not know how self-care works. he has to go gO GO GO all the time and she’s the one who always knows when its time to slow down and just rest, so in many ways she’s kind of the perfect foil.
wolf has a hard time making friends, but he definitely considers serenity his best friend and he’d never say it out loud but she’s kind of his platonic soulmate. shes the one person he doesn’t (and can’t) really keep secrets from, and there’s definitely been a few times in the past she’s used her intimate knowledge for evil; she tried to set him up with cayde a few times, and she is definitely not shy about outing his little crushes on the people he meets which is embarrassing for wolf but a lot of fun for her. things got very interesting with lord shaxx after she told him about some of the raunchy things wolf has said about him.
fun facts: in all the time theyve been together, shes never actually gotten a red shell. wolf just came up with the bit because little red riding hood and the big bad wolf. shes very picky about them and they arent city-side often enough to really shop around. that being said, wolf does have a few shells stowed on his ship for her to go between at her whimsy and her favorites tend to be the wisteria orbit and stardevil. wolf keeps them for her to change “outfits” as she pleases but also because he’s worried, lowkey, about breaking her shell again somehow.
she really likes music and cant sit still when its playing. she and wolf will both bop around when theres a good jam going, and when hes having a tough time or nightmares, she likes to nestle into his hood or on his chest and sing for him. sometimes he sings with her.
when they were hunting uldren and his goons, serenity stuck by wolf completely and supported his revenge plot. it didnt really occur to her until later just how messy things were going to get, and seeing her guardian go all blood-thirsty out of grief made her more vigilant, especially once stasis came into play. exos and spoilers. if u kno u kno.
she keeps in touch with meeko and ekko, amelia-9 and atticus’s ghosts, and shes still friends with them even though meeko is a bit harder to keep a conversation with. she gets updates on their guardians so that she knows what to tell wolf if he prompts her for it, but she’s stopped trying to get the gang back together. talking to amelia and atticus kind of bums her out.
ive probably forgotten some lore, but if u wanna know more about her feel free to ask anything!
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safebubblebycyg · 4 years
pastel and the punk {a drarry highschool au}:
"hey gays" harry said casually, sitting down at the lunch table all of his friends were at. they always met in the cafeteria before school started so they could discuss who's house they were at after school and what diner to eat at. pansy rolled her eyes at him and waved as did the rest of his friends. around the table sat most of harry's friends: ron, hermione, ginny, luna, and pansy.
ron had on a simple white t-shirt with his signature leather jacket and ripped jeans and a beanie that covered some of his fiery red hair. hermiones outfit never altered and today was no different. she wore a cropped black sweater with a leather skirt and ripped leggings. ginny was leaned onto her girlfriend showing her all of the bracelets that covered her arms today. her fiery red hair showed that she was definitely rons sister. the girl wore a black hoodie and black jeans, but still wore white converse, she claimed it added "necessary contrast". luna, much like her girlfriend, also had multiple bracelets on her arms but also had a ring on almost every finger too. lunas blonde hair was tied into a messy bun and she had on a mint green tank top that said "lover girl". her black ripped jeans and black converse seemed to darken her look though. pansy had her signature black lipstick with a cropped dark green hoodie. she worn distressed black jeans and doc martins to tie it together. harry himself had on a gray t-shirt that said "gay and not okay" with a black denim jacket over it. he wore black ripped jeans and black on black converse.
his group liked black to say the least.
but the only person missing was blaise.
blaise had gone to pick up neville and his friends today. why, harry had no idea, but nonetheless it was a sweet gesture. harry groaned loudly and took rons phone and hermiones book.
"can i help you?" ron mumbled while reaching for his phone.
"you can tell me why the hell you all are so boring and look like someone pissed in your cheerios this morning" harry demanded, shoving rons phone into his pocket and hermiones book into his bag. he grabbed ginnys phone and the girl simply frowned.
"blaise isnt here. which means neville isnt here. which means we have no one to have light hearted conversation with. all we do is talk in fluent sarcasm and flirting" pansy spoke bluntly, shrugging after she stopped.
"and why exactly do we need light hearted conversation?" harry asked, annoyed.
"because if we let you talk itll sound like "oh, draco, my sweet precious dragon. how his grey eyes shine under the lighting of the sun and his porcelain skin is so warm and soft and how his platinum blonde locks curl so delicately. but we're just friends and i dont like him more than platonically, nooo" and everyone is sick of your swooning" ginny laughed. harrys face burned red and before he could retort, blaise arrived.
"are we making fun of harry??" he asked light-heartedly as he sat down and pulled neville into his lap who blushed. "i do love a good teasing sesh before class" he winked. blaise had on some clean white jeans and dark violet converse that matched the crop top he had on.
"blaise! stop being nasty!" draco gasped, sitting down in harrys lap, setting his bag on the floor. harry smiled and wrapped his arms around the blonde. "hi, harebare" he smiled, and spoke gently towards the raven haired. draco had on a soft, yellow sweater on and a flowy white skirt. he had a sunflower crown and yellow converse to match.
"hello, my dragon. have a good morning?" he spoke quietly, attempting to not let the group listen into his conversation with draco. his attempts failed as they all spoke in hushed whispers so they could eavesdrop onto the conversation.
"mhm, blaise payed for my morning hot chocolate and i managed to get in some studying for my chem test on the way here!" he giggled and took a sip of his drink, holding it out to harry who took a sip and smiled.
"you got caramel in it?" he laughed. draco always had quite the sweet tooth. draco blushed softly and nodded, sipping it again.
"MERLIN, DATE ALREADY" pansy shouted at the two. draco choked on his hot chocolate.
"pAnsy?!" draco squealed. the girl shrugged and dodged dracos slap with a laugh.
"as endearing as this is, can i have my phone back??" ron asked, "i was in the middle of a good game of flappy bird"
"HARRY!!" draco shouted across the hall, grabbing the attention of the emerald eyed boy. the lunch bell had just rung and harry was rather hangry but nonetheless he waited for the blonde. "sorry, mrs. sprout held our class back to clean up. can we sit outside today?" he scrambled out as he wrapped himself around harrys arm.
"of course, let's just grab everyone and then we can head out, yeah?" harry spoke, unconsciously pulling his arm closer to him to drag draco closer. the two walked to the cafeteria in comfortable silence and smiled upon seeing their friends at the door talking. "hey, outside today?" harry asked once they were within earshot. everyone nodded and headed outside to sit in the grass. harry sat down and patted his lap, inviting draco to sit, which he gladly took.
"draco? have you ever heard of a chair?? or the grass?? or any possible place to sit that isnt harrys lap?" blaise asked jokingly, his arm slung over nevilles shoulders. draco simply rolled his eyes.
"im not sitting on the ground in a skirt." he pouted.
"im sitting on the ground in a skirt" hermione retorted.
"well, you arent a pretty princess like me!" draco stated proudly. pansy wheezed.
"who gave you that idea?" the black haired girl seemed to be holding back a fit of laughter.
"harry." all hell broke loose.
"NO BLOODY WAY HARRY TOLD YOU THAT" ginny laughed out. hermione and pansy were rolling on the ground laughing, blaise was leaning on neville trying to catch his breathe in between laughs while the boy was giggling, and luna sat calmly a bright grin on her face as she watched her girlfriend smile and laugh.
"he did! and im quoting from chemistry today, "you know, you're the prettiest princess ive ever seen, dray. you've even got a crown! therefore, you've earned the prettiest princess title. princess dray"" draco beamed from harrys lap as the raven haired boy buried his head in his neck and sighed. once the group calmed down, pansy spoke.
"and this is why you two should date. it's like beauty and the beast!! i mean, according to harry you're already a princess. well, i suppose hes not quiet a beast..." pansy spoke thoughtfully with a light-hearted tone.
"pastel and the punk!" neville shouted proudly. everyone let put a soft laugh and nodded with approval.
"does that mean if you kiss him, he'll transform from a punk rock beast to a pastel prince??" ron piped in.
"guess, c'mon, stop writing a fairy tale about us" harry sighed.
"we'll stop shipping you two once you actually admit your undying love for each other" pansy laughed out, taking a bite of her sandwich.
"we dont have an undying love!"
"hi dray" harry spoke softly, wrapping his arms around dracos waist. draco turned away from his locker and wrapped his arms around the raven haired boys neck, burying his face into his chest. "what's got you all flustered now, hm?" harry's voice was gentle as he started to rub dracos back.
"i have something to ask you but im scared and blaise and neville said i should and that itd turn out fine but im still scared" draco stumbled out worriedly. harry paused for a second before carefully lifting dracos head up.
"well, how about you ask me on the way to the diner after school, my pretty prince? we can listen to taylor swift and have the windows rolled down if it makes you feel any better. i promise whatever you tell me wont change anything. now, c'mon, pansy will kill us if we're late" harry softly pulled away from the boy and adjusted his flower crown. draco smiled, less stressed about the whole ordeal and slung his bag over his shoulder. the two were about to walk away before they heard it.
"hey, malfoy! what's a freak like you doing with potter? trying to convert him, are you?" zacharias smith asked cockily, strutting up to the pair. harry whipped around, shoving draco behind his back. "oh, potter, please. you shouldn't be protecting the freak. hes just going to make you gay, like him. we dont need anymore freaks in the building. now move so i can beat the gay out of him- make him a little more normal" harry seemed to snap as he punched zacharias square in the jaw and right in the nose.
"another word out of you, smith, and you can bet every single ounce of money in your bank account that you will be expelled. i know too many people to let homophobic bitches like you go around picking on people weaker than them. now, scram! i dont want another peep from you unless it's an apology" and with that, harry took dracos hand and stormed off.
once they reached harrys car harry leaned against it and pulled draco to his chest, burying his nose into his hair.
"are you okay?" draco mumbled from his position tucked into harrys body. harry lazily nodded and sighed. he silently let go of the blonde and opened the passenger door of his mustang for him. draco got in silently and waited for harry to get in and start driving. once they were on the road, draco plugged his phone the aux, playing some taylor swift. he turned towards harry best he could in his seat and smiled nervously.
"im assuming the news cant be terrible if you're grinning, dray" harry laughed, keeping his focus on the road (be safe kiddos).
"okay well....i really, REALLY like you harry. like more than friends. way more than friends. like, i wanna kiss you so hard my lips are bright red, like you. like, i wanna cuddle you for a really long time and call you mine, like you..i promise it's okay if you dont feel the same! ive just been holding off telling you for a really long time bu-" harry cut draco off by placing a hand on his thigh, leaving the boy flustered.
"i like you a lot too, my dragon. id go as far to say i love you. so, so very much" harry smiled, pulling into the parking lot of the diner and smirking at draco. he leaned over and gave him a sweet kiss. "is this what they mean by opposites attract?"
"ugh, you're too cheesy"
"awe, you love me. be my boyfriend?"
"of course" draco beamed, kissing harry again. maybe pastel and the punk could work out after all.
all was well.
WOW okay this was kinda hard to write but whateva i kinda like it! and i really hope you did too!!
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quackmyback · 5 years
Heads or Tails : chapter one
Will Byers x Fem!OC
Hi friends, I don't think anyone actually read chapter zero, besides myself ofc, so I decided to post Chapter One today like I said I would :)
Mason pulled herself from a restless sleep, blinking away the gunk layered across her pupils and trying to swat away the sun streaming through the window. Slowly, she sat up and messed with the knots in her hair and she watched Max peacefully snore with her blanket half on her and half on the floor.
"Max," Mason called to her sister in hopes of waking her from her dreams. "Max. Dude!" Mason threw a stuffed animal -- a small, kind of deflated elephant her dad had got her years ago -- and nailed Max right in the nose.
"What the hell, Mase?"
"Get up, we have a one-way ticket to hell in about fifteen minutes." Mason threw her blankets off her legs and headed over to her and Max's shared wardrobe -- picking out a simple outfit that she hoped wouldnt get her taunted on her first day at school.
The twins juxtaposed each other:  while Max wore her hair down, Mason tied it up with braids and and excessive use of hair clips, while Max liked baggy jeans and larger hoodies -- Mason preferred oddly patterned skirts with white shirts and denim jackets. Both girls only owned one pair of shoes: Max's were a red pair of converse they had found super cheap at a thrift store while Mason's were a weird off brand of keds that were fully white.
Mason walked out of the room, back to the bathroom, and shouted back to her sister, "and you better hurry your ass up, because I am not biking to school!"
"Whatever, dork!" Max slammed the door to their shared bedroom.
• ○ •
hen Billy parked the car, Max and Mason exited. Mason gazed around to see everyone staring at her new step-brothers ass and, while delighted it wasn't at her, her lip curled in disgust. She sped walked to catch up to her sister, who was slowly skating towards the Middle School across the parking lot.
"This is gonna be a total nightmare," Max scoffed glaring at everyone around them who dared to take a glance towards the Mayfield twins.
"Maybe" -- Mason shrugged -- "maybe not."
The girls continued their slow, torturous walk to school -- stopping at the front desk so that Mason could ask for their schedules. Assuming that their classes would be the same, Mason felt misery when she realized she would have to part from Max for art.
Max sighed, "Well, at least you dont have Drama with Mrs. Cockwit."
The girls looked at each other before their faces broke into smiles, Mason examined their schedules side by side once again. "Science," she said. "We should probably hurry and go find-"
"-That wont be a problem, Miss Mayfield." The twins turned suddenly to find a burly man behind them, the principal they assumed. Now, they're own personal tour guide. "I will be leading you to your first class, please the bell will ring shortly, so follow me."
They did, reluctantly, follow him to a wooden door where they could faintly hear the teacher teaching his wisdom to a class full of kid more likely than not to drop out of three years. They walked in, quickly as to avoid as much attention as possible. Though when Mason had looked up when passing the teachers desk, she realized that wasn't going to be easy.
"Ah, these must be our new students!" Mason's attention snapped to the teacher, she had realized on her schedule his name was Mr.Clarke.
"Indeed it is," the principal who had herded the two into the classroom confirmed,"All yours."
Mason rushed to follow Max to the back, yet they were stopped about as fast as Max could rolled her eyes.
"All right, hold up." Mr. Clark held put his hand to stop the two and smiled. "You dont get away that easy."
Mason barely muttered under her breath, not even enough for it to really reach her own ears. "One could hope."
Mr. Clark continued his introduction, as if the two girls weren't capable of saying their own names. Mason was more than capable of having a panic attack discretely, surely she could say her name to a classroom full of people. Wait a minute.
"Come on up, dont be shy. Dustin, drum roll." A kid in the front, who wore a hat and a dinosaur hoodie, closed his notebook and drummed his fingers against it. "Class," Mr. Clark began," please welcome, all the way from sunny California, the latest passengers to join us on our curiosity voyage, Mason and Maxine."
Mason swallowed and shuffled awkwardly, "Uh, I'm actually Mason and that's-"
"Max. Not Maxine," Max interrupted her sister, eager to sit down and hide away from the vulturous stares of the class.
"Oh, well, I'm sorry. Um, all aboard, Max and Mason."
The twins hurried past him, finding empty seats in the near back of the class -- Mason scoring one near the window. She pulled her notebook from her backpack and pulled one of her many colorful pens from the side pockets -- the only happiness she ever was given was from those pens.
She sat there for a moment, staring at the blank page in front of her and barely hearing Mr. Clarke lecturing the class. Not surprisingly, she also barely notices Max's elbow slowly shoving Mason's notebook off the desk.
"Dude" -- Mason barely caught the book before it fell and furrowed her brows -- "what the hell?" She dropped her voice to a whisper in Hope's of not getting in trouble on her first day at school for Max's mischief.
"Those guys upfront keep staring at us," Max whispered through her hair. Mason's eyes flickered up and, lo and behold, the four boys were, indeed, staring at them. Well...
"They arent staring at us," Mason corrected, "they're staring at you. "
"How the hell should I know?" Max turned to face forward, playing with her hands after her sister said that. Mason sighed," Don't worry, I have an idea."
Max nodded, trusting her sister,"Okay."
With that, Mason grabbed the top of her blue pen with her teeth and popped it off. She wrote the first thing that came to mind in big letters.
• ○ •
Mason walked into the art room, it was lined with floor to ceiling windows and every wall was a different color. The room was fairly empty, Mason assumed it was because art was pushed onto students as much as sports or academics.
She sighed and took a seat by the window. Some one pulled the stool beside her out and sat down. Mason looked over to find one of the boys who were staring at her sister. He smiled, a small smile that didn't really reach his eyes. He looked like he had a lot on his mind, way too much to deal with for a small boy his age.
"Hi, uh, I'm Will."
Mason returned his smile, her hands were shaking; she buried them in the pockets of her jacket.
"I don't think I need to introduce myself." Mason looked down at the table, he had his sketchbook out and she didn't -- she anxious that she was supposed to already have it out. Did anyone else have it out? Her eyes danced around the room, avoiding Will's beautiful brown ones the whole time.
He noticed her behaviour, and it barely seemed unusual until he realized her leg was bouncing quickly and her bottom lip was pulled tight between her teeth. When she released it from its death grip, he could see the scabs forming across the sensitive skin.
"You'd be right," he laughed, hoping to calm her down,"Mason, yeah? That's a pretty cool name."
"It's a boy's name." Mason ducked down below the table to retrieve her sketchbook from her back pack.
"It can't be a boy's name." Mason looked at him for the first time since he sat down next to her. He smiled goofily, she saw that it reached his eyes this time. Her heart leaped. "How can it be a boy's name if it's your name?"
Mason's lips parted and her leg stopped bouncing for a second, but her hands had exited her pockets and were bending the bottom corner of her sketchbook. "Well, I think my parents wanted a boy."
"Well, I think my mom wanted a dog." He spun a lock of his hair around his finger, "She got the shedding and, I offered to play fetch with her, but she thought that was weird."
Will felt pride swell in his chest, a smile broke out across his face after a sweet snippet of laughter fell from her lips.
Mason let her laughter die into a small smile and she glanced at him, "Hey, I'll, uh, I'll show you mine if you show me yours?"
Will glanced down at his sketch book anxiously, "O-Okay."
They grinned, exchanging books and looking through the other's masterpieces. Each other, carefully calculating their looks at each other to see the other's reaction towards their pride and joy.
• ○ •
"He seemed nice," Mason defended her new friend, despite Max's efforts to deter her away from him.
"No way, he's one of the creeps who stared at us." Max slammed her hand down onto the button and violently yanked the joystick.
"They were staring at you, and maybe they arent creeps maybe they just are curious about the new kids and are too scared to approach."
Max quickly diverted her attention from Dig Dug to Mason and back to Dig Dug before she died. "If that were true, they would've been looking at you too." Mason sighed loudly, laying her head against the side of the machine. "Now, dude, you're really killing my Dig Dug vibe."
"Whatever," Mason shover herself off the machine and turned to her sister, "I'm gonna get a soda, you want anything?"
"Grape and a snickers."
"Got it."
Mason walked away, her hands in her pockets jingling she change, she rubbed her fingers over the rough circles repeatedly to assure herself she had enough to pay for everything.
"What can I get for you," The guy behind the register asked. Mason's eyes dashed across the menu even though she already knew what she wanted.
"Uh, yeah, can I get a strawberry and a grapefruit fanta plus two snickers." She looked down at her pocket to pull out the change. "Oh, uh, please.m," Mason quickly added.
"No problem."
While she waited, Mason leaned against the counter and faced towards where Max was standing at the Dig Dug machine working her magic. Then, her eyes fell on the two boys from their science class."
"Oh, you've got to be shitting me."
As if they sensed her looking at them, the glanced behind them and their eyes widened -- busted.
"Position has been comprised! Fall out!" The curly haired boy shouted, Mason watched as they ran out the door. She sighed, shaking her head and turned towards the counter where the guy had set down her order.
"Thank you." She handed him the money and retreated back to Max. She sighed as she handed max her snickers and held onto the soda for when she finished the game she was playing.
"What's got your panties in a knot?" Max barely glanced at her, taking a giant bite of her snickers.
"Fuckin' creeps." Mason cracked the top of her strawberry soda and took a gulp.
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